#bean made the big guy i just colored him
nguyenfinity · 11 months
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Some Beauty and the Beast AU Rinniki!! Actual AU courtesy of noya and beast design courtesy of @posebean
I just like drawing fancy outfits--
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barefoot-joker · 4 months
Snake in the Garden~Yandere! Lucifer X Reader
Hey, guys! I hope you all are well! Today I bring you a Yandere! Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) story. I do apologize if he's OOC, I tried to make him a bit suave. I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 2105
Warnings: Snakes, Kidnapping, Swearing
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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I hummed as I slipped on my straw hat and sandals. Today was gardening day and I was very excited to be outside. My garden was my passion. It was something to look forward to each day after work. It was especially nice in the eighty degree weather we were having, cool breezes making it bearable to be outside. 
Grabbing my metal bucket with my shears, trowel, and gloves, I made my way out the back door of my house. My neighbor Terry was sitting on his porch rocking in his chair, basking in the sunshine. When he saw me he waved. “Yello, Y/n! Enjoying the day?”
“Of course! How about you Mr. Johnson?”
“Oh you know, just taking a sunbath while the wife is out grocery shopping. If you catch my drift.”
“Well have fun, little lady!”
“Will do, thank you!”
I gave a simple wave and headed towards my small garden. It wasn’t the most spectacular thing, only having five or six rows of vegetables, but I was so proud of my little paradise. I set my bucket down and walked down the row of beans, inspecting each one. My humming continued as I began picking and gently setting the vegetables in my pail. As I was working I heard something hissing. Confused, I looked around and didn’t see anything. I turned back to my work. It was silent for a moment until the hissing continued. I glanced around when suddenly my eyes caught sight of something white in the bushes. I stood up and walked over, pushing the foliage to the side. I gasped when I saw a white snake, its pale pink underbelly had a large gash. I slowly reached down and stroked its back. The snake turned its head, the red eyes staring me down. “Hey there, little fellow. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt ya.”
As I continued to stroke its back, the snake must have understood my message. “Let’s get you patched up, little guy.”
I gently grabbed a hold and made sure to cradle him close. Walking back inside, I set him in my kitchen sink and went to grab supplies. I made my way to the bathroom where I grabbed some gauze and disinfectant from a cupboard. I then returned back to the kitchen. I lifted my scaly friend to flip him over and started to rub some disinfectant on his gash. I grabbed some paper towel and dabbed it dry. “Almost done, little fellow.”
Ripping off some gauze, I carefully wrapped it around the wound. Tying it off, I sealed it with a kiss from the fingertips. “And, all done! Not my best work, but it’ll do.”
The snake’s tongue flicked out in appreciation. “You know what? I think I’ll name you Red. You know, after your very beautiful red eyes!”
The white snake hissed and slithered closer to the edge of the sink. I picked him up and cuddled him close as we walked back outside. When we made it to my garden I gently let him down before I went back to work. Red stayed the whole time I was outside, slithering alongside me. When it was my time to head inside, I said my goodbyes and watched him slither back into the bushes.
After my run in with Red I would see him every time I entered my garden. I would lay out some greenery for him to eat and some water to drink all the time. He would even wrap himself around my arms as I worked. One day as I was preparing my small table, Red came out of the bushes as per usual. He slithered up my leg and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Red, that tickles! Stop! I have to get this ready!”
He just stayed there. “You silly boy.”
I caressed the top of his head and set up my nice (favorite color) tablecloth. Just as I was placing two mugs down, I heard a male voice call my name. Red slid off my leg and curled down by the table leg. I turned to see my boyfriend s/o standing at my back door. “S/o!”
I ran at him and gave a big hug. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Me too. We’ve been planning this little lunch date for a while.”
I led him over to the table and we sat. “I made us some tea. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, honey. You know I’m down to try anything.”
We both took a sip from our cups. “So, how has your garden been going?”
“Pretty well actually. All of my vegetables have been thriving, which is nice. I even met a new friend!”
“A new friend? Well I’d love to meet them.”
“Hold on one second.”
I leaned under the table and gently picked up my snake buddy. “This is Red. Isn’t he gorgeous? I’ve never seen a snake with a pink underbelly before.”
“Me neither. Can I see him?”
“Of course!”
I started to hand him over when suddenly Red struck forward and sunk his fangs into S/o’s hand. “Ow! God dammit that hurt!”
I set him down and gently took my boyfriend’s hand. “Are you alright?”
“No, your fucking snake bit me!”
I sucked on my teeth. “It does look bad. Here, let’s take you to the clinic.”
We stood up and walked to my car. I had him sit in the passenger seat while I drove.
Hours later I had dropped off S/o at his apartment. We had gotten him some antibiotics and luckily Red wasn’t poisonous. Thank god. I sighed as I slipped off my shoes and walked into my living room. I was looking at the floor when suddenly I let out a gasp. Standing staring at some of the photos on my wall was a short man, his back towards me. From what I could see he wore a big white hat, white and red jacket, white puffy pants and tall black boots. At the sound of me entering, the man turned and I couldn’t help but let out another gasp. The stranger had white skin, short blonde hair and red circles on his cheeks. His red eyes were quite striking as they seemed to stare into my soul. “Ah Y/n, you’re back! Jolly good.”
“W-who are you?”
A black cane with an apple on top magically appeared and the man gave a theatrical bow. “How rude of me. My name is Lucifer dear, but you’re probably more familiar with calling me Red.”
“R-red? But you’re a person and he was a snake…wait a minute. Lucifer? As in the Devil?”
He let out a dark chuckle and I stepped back upon seeing the two rows of sharp teeth. “Exactly!”
I gulped and ran off, trying to head for my front door. I screamed when he appeared in front of me, but this time dressed in green. I bolted towards my back door but he reappeared, this time in red. A few more Lucifers in different colored clothes surrounded me, parting to let the original through. “Look Mr. Satan sir, I didn’t summon you, nobody sacrificed me, nothing like that! Why don’t you just return to Hell and forget this ever happened!”
His cane came up under my chin and lifted my head to look into his eyes. “And forget the lovely lady that helped me? Not a chance! I was lucky I stumbled upon you that day. You see, I had gotten into a fight with a contractor and he got quite a few hits in. I got away with a stomach wound and that’s when I slithered into your life. You patched me up and made me whole!”
His face got closer to mine as he told his tale, our noses almost touching. “You’re so intoxicating, dear. Just like the apple I offered to Eve.”
My breath hitched as his lips got close. “Okay, I helped you. Now why can’t you just go away?”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Why not? Please, leave me alone.”
A few tears collected in the corners of my eyes and he was quick to wipe them away. “I’ll explain in due time. But I’ve wasted enough time. We need to get going.”
“Yes! You’re coming to Hell with me!”
My eyes widened and I attempted to flee. His arm wrapped around my waist and with the other he waved his cane in the air. Golden dust began to accumulate on the floor, swooshing around and around until a portal formed. The arm around my waist forced me to walk with him. He threw his cane into the air and like magic it disappeared. “Now this may cause a slight headache but I’ll be sure to tend to it when we arrive.”
“No please-”
“In we go!”
He forced us to jump forward and I let out a shriek. I tightly closed my eyes and my stomach lifted into my throat as we fell. This feeling stayed until I landed on something soft. My body was tense as I slowly opened my eyes. It seemed we had landed in a foyer of sorts. The large marble fireplace had a roaring blaze going and from what I could see out the large Victorian windows it was night outside. The dark red clouds swirled like my nerves as I watched Lucifer fluff his jacket. He turned to me and smiled. “I apologize if I frightened you, my dear. It wasn’t my intention. I know first time portal jumping can be quite tedious.”
He adjusted his hat before sitting next to me on the deep red velvet chaise lounge. “Now then I know you skipped lunch since you took your little boy toy to the hospital, so how about some dinner? I can cook a mean steak!”
The situation was starting to be too much to handle and I couldn’t help the sobs that wracked my body. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. Shh, shh. There, there.”
Lucifer wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I could feel his claws combing my hair. “It’s alright, little apple. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
He just made me cry harder. “I just want to go home!”
“This is your home now. I know it’ll take some getting used to, but I promise if you give Hell a chance you’ll forget all about silly Earth and that wretched boyfriend of yours.”
His claws dug in a bit when he brought up S/o. It made me shudder. “But he doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here for you and that’s most important.”
He pulled away slightly to wipe at my eyes, his touch gentle compared to before. “You know what will cheer you up? A nice cup of spiced hot cocoa! I’ll be right back.”
He stood and made his way towards the white door. Before leaving he gave me a smile. “Don’t go anywhere.”
The door shut softly. As soon as he was gone I quickly looked around trying to find an exit. I spotted a door opposite me. I ran to it, threw it open, and rushed out of the room. My legs carried me far as I dashed through the spiraling halls, rushing down a grand staircase, and arriving at what I assumed was the front door. I yanked them open and before I could step out an angry hiss made me pause. Two large golden snakes sat on the doorstep and stared me down harshly. I slammed the door shut and urged myself to breathe slower. “I see you’ve met David and Goliath.”
My head shot up to see Lucifer standing there without his jacket, a faint smirk on his lips. “Why the heck do you have giant snakes on your property?!”
“To protect us. Being the rulers of Hell comes with a target on your back.”
“What do you mean rulers?”
“I brought you here for a reason, Y/n, silly goose!” 
He began walking towards me. “I intend to court you and make you my Queen. I’ve been alone for seven years. My wife and I split and my daughter and I don’t have the best relationship. However, I intend to rectify that, my sweet apple. You and I are going to be together forever.”
He stopped in front of me and held my face in his hands, thumbs gently rubbing my cheekbones. My heart sank as I realized I wasn’t getting out of this any time soon and the look of adoration in Lucifer’s eyes made that fact.
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therealloopylupin2099 · 4 months
Rp facts :D ( it’s so long )
so wanna share some lore with you guys about the big guy spider ^^
Spider: Miguel’s wild,instinct driven side of his brain that comes out. Tell tale signs that it’s him is the retinas changing black and red.Originally they were pure white when he first woke up from the machine that spliced them together in the machine. The spider that was spliced into him, was an experimental one that had a few other spiders in its dna. Wolf spider,jumping spider, and another spider (I already forgot the other one lol). One of the spiders were female.. which means he’s 1/5 female XD!
Originally, they couldn’t talk. like AT ALL! the first word they spoke before Miguel “woke up” was AAAAAROOOOOONN” (comic lore ovo). It was found out that it comes out when Miguel is stressed,hurt,overwhelmed, or upset. (Fun)
It learned speech by listening to everyone around it. The way it talks, it has a speech impediment. The S and Ts are snake sounding or hiss like. Which is the contrast how Miguel talks. When the serum doesn’t work right (it gets blown through very quickly if it’s angered too much), it gets a little.. quirky ( rip Bowe’s jewls). And speech becomes harder for them before they just make spider noises like they originally did or tapping in spider. But when that happens he just shortens everyone’s names to nicknames to make it easier. (Furry spider >:3) the nicknames are either what it sees,touches,or color. Like Lyla. She’s orange lady. myla is purple guy.
It likes building nests. It’s for resting or protecting himself or others (vi and others he said he was sorry-)
collecting things is another instinct that it has,where it stores objects (or people) in webs and guards it.
The spider purr.. it’s more like vibrations but think of it as a cat
The beans.. he has beans because yes.
Its fears are about the same as Miguel’s but its true fear: Cicadas. ( COUGH BOWE COUGH)
It CANT WORK TECHNOLOGY! like it’s the embodiment of “WAIT SPONGEBOB WERE NOT CAVEMEN! WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY! * smashes computer with rock* it didn’t work”
But it figured out how to mimic Miguel in that aspect. It just taps things to the equivalent of button mashing to work stuff and hopes and prays it works. If not,it just throws it.
and just like Miguel. It hates loud noises. No they aren’t a venom varient (although their dna was scanned to make Spider side( more comic lore woo!)
It HATES needles. Alchamax also. And it’s very light sensitive and sound sensitive, so loud sounds for them and Miguel are a NO (no there not a venom but carnage made sound hell)
Rats. He really likes rats. They were his friends in captivity, and they trust them. But sometimes they wind up eating them if they’re mean (ah nature).. don’t be surprised if Miguel gifts you a rat or names them,that’s just how spider is
Now for a really cute nicknames he gave Gabe that might never be used because nobody wanted them to reunite (granted I originally planned on him dying but now i want him and Miggy back together) : Gab Gab and the other nickname: Goggles
And funny thing: the red dot 🔴 chasing was him because it looked like a smaller bug (cat code)
and the kneading.. spiders knead (I think)
Now the question: if there are things invading the body ( carnage,venom,sickness,ect) what happens? Well if the invasive things in the body are alive, then spider either “hides” away and the “personality” takes over,or he winds up bonding with them. Poor Miguel though..
Now if it’s sickness. They do what Miguel does: ignore it until it can’t be ignored.
that’s all for now on spider.. sorry it’s its long lol
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tangledinink · 1 year
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Chapter Seven of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is out! Just normal teenage boys doing normal teenage things. :) Read it on ao3 or below the cut.
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It had been three days now since they last saw their dad.
On the first night, over and over, everyone kept saying, ‘I’m sure he’ll be home any minute. He’s more than capable of defending himself. He wouldn’t just disappear. Any second now,’ and the only reason that Mikey had been able to get himself to sleep that night was because he thought that maybe when he woke up again, Dad would be back. He wanted to just skip forward to the good part. But then when he woke up, the good part wasn’t there.
The following morning, Mrs. O’Neil was in the kitchen making breakfast, with the blankets all folded up neat on the couch as if she hadn’t slept there that night. April helped set the table, as if this were normal, as if she hadn’t slept on a bean bag in the Lair, as if they were meant to be here and it made sense for them to be carefully preparing for a big pancake breakfast instead of wolfing down bagels and granola bars in a chaotic frenzy, attempting to make it out the door on time.
It wasn’t like Mikey didn’t appreciate it. He did. It was nice, the gentle looks, the backrubs, the hugs… But it felt weird. Alien, almost. And yet, even with things being so starkly different, even with the five of them staying home from school, staying home from activities, in this absolute jarring contrast to their normal routine, at the same time, there were still these moments that felt so… untouched. Leo and April made bad puns when the opportunity arose like they always did. Raph physically picked up and moved them when they were in his way or getting on his nerves, like usual. Donnie took the time to check up on all of his houseplants, watering anyone who needed it. Some memes were sent to the group chat. Leo and Raph got in a fight over the last raspberry popsicle in the freezer. 
There were moments where Mikey could almost look around and pretend like everything was normal. Dad just wasn’t home right now, and that was all. There were all these beats and steps that just weren’t colored by this horrible thing at all, in this weird way that Mikey wasn’t expecting.
But just on the surface level.
Because no. Dad isn’t just out getting groceries or meeting with an agent or picking up takeout. Dad isn’t here. And they don’t know where he is. 
They had already discovered, on that very first night, that Dad’s cell phone was left in his bedroom. They had obviously all tried texting and calling him about eighty times each, with no response, and eventually found the phone, plugged into its charger on his nightstand. They tried guessing the passcode, but none of them knew it, so they had all looked at Donnie. They said that they would figure it out and pocketed the device. And aside from coming down to care for their plants and grab some banana pancakes, they hadn’t been down from their room since.
They spent most of the first day making calls. They contacted everyone that they could think of. Dad’s agent, his lawyers, any friends or acquaintances he knew. They called each and every one of his dojo locations. Anyone whose number they could find who they had ever known to speak with Dad, they contacted, asking them if they had seen him, heard from him, had anyone idea who the masked guy could be? And over and over they heard, no, sorry. We haven’t seen him. We haven’t heard from him. We don’t know anything about this stranger. We’ll keep an eye out and let you know right away if anything changes. Dead end. Dead end. Dead end.
They texted people, they sent emails, they combed the internet for anything that might be helpful, but they didn’t find anything. The whole group, Mrs. O’Neil and even Donnie included (Mrs. O’Neil, I mean, Carol, made them come. Mikey thought that it was probably because they were nervous about anyone being alone after… you know,) took multiple walks around the neighborhood, the neighborhood next over, and the neighborhood next over to that, looking for any sign of their father.
On the second day, Mikey made posters, and they started hanging those up when they did their walks. Word was starting to spread, and Mikey kept getting texts on his phone-- friends from school, friends from dance, friends from sports, friends of friends… At first, Mikey would reply to all of them. Would say, oh, thank you so much for reaching out, we really appreciate it, please, if you see him at all, let us know… But that rapidly became exhausting. After the first ten, Mikey took to just copy-and-pasting the same message asking them to look, along with an image of the poster he had made. And even just that was exhausting. What was he supposed to say? ‘Everything is horrible and I have no idea how I’m feeling right now, I’m just overwhelmed and terrified-- thanks tho, melting face emoji?’
Donnie got into Dad’s phone but didn’t find anything useful. They sent out emails and texts to every contact he had saved, even though they didn’t recognize half of them, and posted on every social media that he had. All four of them posted on their social media, too. Mikey made a TikTok video reaching out to 350k of his followers. He kept all his notifications on, hoping and waiting that someone would message him telling him that they had seen him and he was okay… but it didn’t come. There was a flood of empathetic comments, of thoughts and prayers, of heart emojis. But nothing that would help them. He and his brothers posted on every Lou Jitsu fan forum that they could find, but they got much of the same there, too.
And now it had been three days. Three days was a long, long time. Ever since that first night, Mikey couldn’t really sleep. He knew his siblings couldn’t, either, and he anxiously fussed over them whenever he could, trying to encourage them to get some rest. Especially Leo. He hardly ever slept even on a good day-- now he kind of just seemed more and more like a wreck as time passed. All of them did. 
It was on the third day that Mrs. O'Neil got a phone call. Well-- she had been on the phone on-and-off ever since she got here that first night, making calls and taking them, even more than they had. But this phone call, in particular, went a little like this:
"Yes, this is she,"
"No, I'm sorry,"
"Yes, I'm absolutely certain. No. No, we're not accepting any interview requests right now. I'm not sure you do understand. With all due respect, I'm not putting any of these kids on TV right now. Yes, I'm quite sure."
"You have a great day, too. Goodbye."
Mikey knew that all four of his siblings were listening, but Leo was the first one to speak once Carol hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" 
"A reporter," Carol sighed in response. They had barely exchanged five words and she already seemed exhausted with this conversation.
"What did they want?"
Carol pursed her lips. "They were asking about doing a live interview or bringing you guys on their talk show. I told them we weren't interested."
"Why would you tell them that?"
"Because we're not."
"Uhm. Maybe you're not," Leo corrected, his brows furrowing. "Why the hell can't I do an interview? I can do interviews! I've done interviews before! I'm great at interviews."
"It's not a good idea, Leo," Carol said, putting her phone down, turning her attention back to her laptop in front of her, beginning to type again. Oof. That was gonna piss Leo off.
"Why not?!" Leo demanded, growing pissed off. "I've done interviews before! I've done live shows! I could totally handle this! Besides, we're trying to get the word out to as many people as possible. What if someone saw the interview and knew where Dad was? This could help!"
"This isn't up for debate, Leo. I'm not putting any of you kids on a talk show right now."
"Why is it your decision!? I'm the one who would be on the show! Why don't I get to decide?"
"Because I'm the adult," Carol was just a step away from snapping, but her voice was hard, definitive. "I just said this isn't up for debate. I'm sorry, but it's off the table. It's not a good idea."
Mikey looked nervously at his brother, wondering if he should say something. Raph looked like he was about to, but Leo huffed, rolling his eyes and getting to his feet. "Fine," he hissed in reply, promptly moving to the front door and beginning to put on his shoes.
 "Where are you going?" Carol questioned, frowning a bit.
"I'm sick of sitting around here not doing anything! It's driving me crazy. We have gymnastics practice right now. I'm going to gymnastics. Mikey, are you coming?"
Mikey jumped when eyes shifted to him, floundering for a second. If he was being totally honest, he wasn't exactly in a gymnastics mood, but... he knew that Mrs. O'Neil wasn't gonna let Leo go by himself. And there was no way he was gonna convince Donnie to even leave his room, let alone go to gymnastics practice. Maybe... it would be good? Get his mind off of things?
"Yeah. Uh. I'll come. Let me grab my stuff. Hang on," he said, jumping to his feet and scampering off to grab their gymnastics bags-- packed and ready to go in the hallway, like they always were, like they didn't know anything was wrong. 
"Leo, I don't know if this is--"
"I'm not going alone, Mikey is with me. There's gonna be adults there. We'll get a taxi cab home when it gets dark. I'm not gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs anymore. I'm gonna go insane." Leo spoke over her, and Mikey thought privately to himself that that was rather ballsy. Leo must really be upset because usually none of them would dare interrupt Mrs. O'Neil. He hurried to get his shoes on, hoping that they could escape before things got too heated. Sorry April, sorry Raph. 
"Ready, Mikey?"
"Yeah… yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." 
April was trying really hard to be patient with her brothers right now, 'cause she knew that they were having a hard time. I mean, if either of her parents went missing, she'd probably be behaving less than her best, too. Raph was clingier than ever, and April had had to talk him off the metaphorical ledge about five times now, Donnie had turned into a total hermit, even by Donnie standards, Leo was honestly being kind of a brat, and Mikey was...
Ugh. God. Mikey. He was such a sweetheart. He was killing himself, April could tell. Even more than she was killing herself right now. She would have to corner him later. Right after she cornered Leo.
And kicked his ass.
Look, she got where he was coming from, but did he really need to tick her mom off like that!? And then leave her to deal with it?! She knew her mom was mostly just worried, (and, okay, maybe also kind of peeved, but April could only kind of blame her,) but that didn't make it any more pleasant. And once she managed to settle her down, she had to deal with Raph, too. 
 If her mom was freaked out, then Raph was about ready to lose his mind. April half thought he was gonna take off after Leo and Mikey on foot any second now. April sank into the couch next to him, bodily draping herself over his lap to make sure he didn't go anywhere.
"Hey Big Guy," she said, blinking up at him, forcing a half-hearted smile. "How you holding up?"
"Me?" Raph said, just barely glancing down at her before his eyes snapped away again, anxious and flighty. "I'm fine. Raph's fine. How are you holding up?"
God, they were all so predictable. April privately thought that self-sacrifice must be a Hamato tradition. It was simply a question of which one of them could outdo the rest.
"You're a bad liar. You're as bad as Mikey. As bad as Donnie."
"What?!" Raph squawked in protest. "I am not as bad as Donnie! No one's as bad as Donnie!"
"Okay, well, maybe not that bad," April relented. "Leo and Mikey are gonna be fine. They're taking the subway in broad daylight. They're only gonna be, like, ten minutes away. They both had their phones and they already said they'll take a taxi cab home. It's okay."
"I know," Raph said, wrinkling up his nose. "It's just-- I mean. What if somethin' bad happens to 'em? And I'm not there to help?" 
"You know it's not your fault, right?"
There was a telling silence.
"Raph. It's not your job to protect your Dad from creepy stalker fans. And you couldn't have done anything."
"I know," Raph relented, frowning a little. And it wasn't that April didn't believe him, but... There was a difference between knowing and knowing. April knew that perfectly well. Raph might be the biggest brother, but she was the biggest sister, and... okay, she wasn't gonna sit here and delude herself into thinking that she could have physically stopped that guy if she had just moved a little faster. She wasn't a martial arts champion like the rest of them, (even if she did have a mean left hook and an even meaner softball swing.) But she hated... watching them fall apart. She hated watching all of them shrivel up under the stress. She hated that she couldn't fix this for them... Or at least make it a little easier.
And she was worried too. Mr. Hamato might not be her dad, exactly, but... this was her family, too. She had known Yoshi since she was five! She used to spend every afternoon after school at their house, and they would spend the weekends at hers. She couldn't even count how many slumber parties and sleepovers they had had over the years. Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey were like her brothers, and Yoshi was, like... her weird uncle or something.
She really hoped he was okay. And that he'd be back soon.
"Nothing bad is gonna happen. They'll go to gymnastics, they'll blow off some steam, they'll come home, and maybe Leo will be less of a headache for the rest of the evening." She said with a sigh. "Maybe he's got a point! You guys aren't used to being cooped up for so long."
"I guess," Raph said, seeming unconvinced, though he leaned back a little into the cushions, slumping a bit. April would take even the littlest victory. 
"You could probably use a distraction too."
"Sooo... You could paint my nails for me? I'll paint yours back." She offered, raising a brow. He had to take the bait here. This always worked. The boys loved getting their nails painted. Especially Raph, since he was so bad at doing his own. He was okay if he was working on someone else, but if it was a solo project, that right hand just never quite turned out right.
It took a moment, and for a moment April thought he might actually turn her down, but eventually, he sighed and relented. "Okay, fine," he agreed. "But Raph gets to pick the colors this time."
Thank god for small miracles. He could pick whatever color he wanted.
Mikey had never noticed how loud the gym was before.
Usually, it didn't bother him. But today? It was just... so much noise. Every thump of a landed flip echoing through the padded floor, reverberating, every shout, every stomp, every clap of chalk on hands... It seemed to travel right through his bones.
He was waiting for it to wear off. 
Their instructor had seemed... surprised to see them, especially since they had gotten there a half-hour late, but hadn't protested or turned them away, much to Mikey's relief. Well, initially it had been relief, but now he wasn't so sure. Usually, he adored gymnastics. It was easily one of his favorite hobbies, (tied between ballet, painting, cooking, yoga, hip-hop, and skateboarding,) but there was something... off today. Every movement seemed just a beat behind reality, as if he himself were lagging somehow, like the connection was slow. His head felt fuzzy.
Every second they were here felt so odd. Everyone was just... working. Doing gymnastics. Practicing back-flips and floor routines. Mikey wanted to scream at everyone. How could they all just act like this when their dad was missing? How could they pretend like things were okay and just keep moving through life? Every person they passed on the walk here, every passenger on the subway, the receptionist at the front desk, he wanted to grab them by the front of their shirts and wail to them and explain everything. 
How could people just live? How could so many people just not know that their dad was gone and might not ever come back?
Mikey had been working on his high bar routine for almost forty minutes now, and he still wasn't getting it right. Usually, this was easy. It wasn't even that hard of a routine, not compared to some of the other things he had done before. But every single time he made another go at it, he missed a beat or moved the wrong way, his brain blanking out on the next step, and he'd have to start over again, gritting his teeth and telling himself he'd get it right this time. The chalk on his hands itched. He was forming a blister. Blisters had never bothered him before.
His coach was being so patient. So sweet, repeatedly telling him it was okay, he could just try again, but it wasn't okay. He wanted to yell at her, too, that they both knew he could do better than this. But he didn't. He just thanked her and nodded his head and kept going.
Leo was over at the vault. He could see him from here. From what he could see, he was doing fine. He wasn't missing any turns or freezing up or losing his balance. He was doing great. His routine looked perfect. Why was he doing so perfect? What was wrong with him? If the problem wasn't Dad, if it wasn't affecting Leo, then it had to be--
Mikey's hand missed the bar. He never missed the bar. He didn't swing far enough and his hand didn't make contact. 
He missed. He fell.
He never fell.
It didn't hurt. They had all this matting for a reason-- for exactly this reason, in fact. There wasn't even any heavy thud of contact, no wind got knocked out of him, he just flopped sadly down on his back on the padding, bouncing a tiny bit, staring up at the bars above him.
He fell down. He never fell down. He missed. He never missed the bars. 
He knew he needed to get up. He should try again. If he didn't move, people would worry, or think he was hurt or something. But every time he told himself to sit up, his body didn't quite listen. 
After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, his older brother's face came into view. He had been expecting a coach. He wasn't sure if Leo was better or worse.
"Well that wasn't very razzmatazz," Leo remarked with a grin, leaning over and offering a hand to the other. "Here, c'mon. I'll help you up."
Mikey sniffled a tiny bit. His body didn't listen when he told it to grab Leo's hand, either.
"I wanna go home," he finally got his mouth to move.
"What?" Leo immediately protested. "Oh, come on, little brother, we just got here. We've still got two hours left of gym time! You love gymnastics. You're not gonna let one little fall get to you, are ya?"
"I wanna go home," Mikey repeated, because he didn't know what else to say. His voice sounded horrible. What was the matter with him? This wasn’t even what he wanted to be saying. He didn't want to talk to Leo like this. He did love gymnastics. This wasn't him! He didn't act this way. Why was he acting this way? He blinked rapidly, hoping that it would help somehow.
He didn't want to look at Leo anymore, so he didn't. But he heard him sigh. He felt the gym mat shift as Leo slowly moved to lay down next to him, until both of them were staring up at the ceiling like silly little animals stuck on their backs, unable to flip back over.
I dunno, like beetles or something.
"We can go home if you want to, Mikey," Leo said, and Mikey hiccuped softly, wrinkling up his nose.
"Sorry," he bit out. "... We c-can stay if you want. I can stay."
"Nah. It's fine. We should go home," Leo repeated, finding Mikey’s hand and squeezing it shortly. "Sorry. For dragging you out."
Mikey shook his head, sniffling a bit. Ugh, crying on your back sucked. His nose was all full of gunk. 
"I like gymnastics," he said weakly, and Leo laughed.
"Yeah, I know. That's 'cause you're really good at it."
Mikey nodded kind of numbly, crossing his arms over his chest, clinging to himself slightly. 
"Everyone is acting like nothing's wrong," Mikey whispered.
"Yeah," Leo sighed through his nose. "It's weird, right? I keep seeing people on the street and being like... Oh my god. They don't even know. They have no idea. And, like, I don't even know what's going on with them, either. Like. You know that lady we sat next to on the subway? I kept thinking, I dunno, maybe her dad went missing once, too, and we don't even know. How much shit do we just not know?"
"Leo, what if he doesn't come back?"
It wasn't like Leo was bad at hugs. It's just that he wasn't as good at hugs as everyone else. There was a very clear ranking, and yes, Mikey did keep track, like a reasonable person. At the very top of the ranking, obviously, was Raph. Raph gave the best hugs-- He scooped you up and swung you around and you got all squished and squeezed in the best way possible. Absolutely top-tier. Second best hugs were Dad, because, well, they were Dad Hugs. Dad Hugs had a special quality to them. He really didn't think he had to explain himself any further. Next up was Donnie, not necessarily because Donnie was good at hugging or anything, but just because he was so rarely down for hugs that every time he got one it was special. It felt like he was winning something-- especially since he got Donnie hugs more than anyone else in the family. April hugs were next, because while she gave really good hugs, and she always let him cling to her for as long as he wanted, her glasses could be a bit pokey at times. And then Leo brought in the rear-- not because he was bad at them, but just because the competition was so stiff.
But this was a really, really good hug. Two really's.
The absolute second Leo had him wrapped up in his arms, Mikey just dissolved into sobs, before he even had a proper chance to try not to. He was just so tired of feeling scared like this. If Dad wasn't going to come back, could they just know already?! He hated waiting. He hated not knowing! He just wanted to tear the band-aid off so that he could mourn and then get better. This was worse than their Dad being dead, he thought to himself. He almost wished that he was just dead, and that this could at least be over. Wasn't that horrible...? How could he feel that way?
 He was pretty sure Leo was crying, too, but he couldn't really tell for sure. He was clinging way too tight to see anything. 
"It'll be alright, Mikey." Leo's voice was muffled, but he could hear him all the same. "We'll be okay. Dad would never stay away from us on purpose. We'll figure it out."
They had been getting a lot of takeout since Dad went missing. No one really felt like cooking-- not even Mikey, and Leo couldn't even blame him. He wouldn't wanna cook, either. He barely even wanted to eat. And there was pizza in front of him. That was a big deal.
 This was their third Jupiter Jim movie marathon night in a row, but Leo wasn't the least bit excited. He was trying hard to pretend like he cared about which title they put on, to keep up with all the running jokes they had, to pay attention, but his heart wasn't in it. No one else's was, either, he knew. They hadn't even been able to convince Donnie to come out of his room and join them since the first night, much to his frustration.
 It was all just distraction. They were just smoke-screening themselves to pretend like everything wasn't awful, and frankly, Leo wasn't even sure who it was benefitting anymore. Clearly not Mikey. He had gotten it back together by the time they started heading home from gymnastics and had made Leo swear to secrecy, insisting that he 'didn't wanna worry anyone.' Leo had told him that that was stupid, that everyone was already worrying anyway, and pretending like he was fine wasn't gonna make a difference, but if he was being honest, he and the rest of the family rarely won any arguments against Mikey, so... 'keep it between them' it was. 
It was stupid. He wasn't fooling anyone. None of them were. 
And yet here he was, playing pretend right along with them anyway. He was such an idiot. 
As was rapidly becoming routine, they all stayed up long enough to watch three Jupiter Jim movies while eating whatever dinner had been ordered that night before everyone headed off to bed, saying keywords and phrases like 'I dunno about you guys, but I’m exhausted' and 'it’s getting pretty late,' etc etc, even though Leo was pretty sure no one was sleeping. He certainly wasn't. And he was really trying. He swore he was, but... 
Even under the best of circumstances, sleeping was hard. He had never understood how Dad or Mikey could just fall asleep the way they did, laying their heads down on their pillows and almost instantly drifting off. Sleeping involved so much work, so much effort, that sometimes it just felt easier to call the night a wash, take the all-nighter and go from there. Yes, he had tried meditating. Yes, he had tried Melatonin. He had tried sleep podcasts, white noise machines, drugs, music-- he swore he had tried it all! And none of it fixed the problem. Some of it helped, sure, but nothing consistently guaranteed him a full night's rest. Every night it was just a roll of the dice; a total blind bag. Some nights, he would sleep, and some nights, he wouldn't. It was anyone's guess.
Including his.
He wouldn't have put money on going to sleep that night. But he did.
He had no idea what made him realize that he was dreaming, but at some point, he did. He couldn't even tell you what had been happening before that point, because now, he didn't remember. Had he been outside? It had been cold. It had been dark, and there was water nearby, but he didn't think he had been outside. Somewhere else, but... He wasn't sure where.
But now, he was in their house. Right in their living room. Leo frowned a bit, looking around slowly. It was odd for their house to be this quiet. 
He paused, looking at the family pictures hanging on the walls in abundance. Someone had written something on them in black marker, but he couldn't read it. It was in plain English, but he had no idea what it said. He leaned in a bit closer, narrowing his eyes, trying to translate, when a cry ripped his attention away.
He knew that voice. Eyes widening, Leo whipped around to face his father-- on the ground not more than five feet away, pinned beneath some hulking stranger with jagged horns erupting from their head, their eyes glowing white and their jaws dripping with foamy blood.
"Dad?! Hang on!" He tried to jump forward, to reach out for him, but his legs wouldn't move. Why wouldn't his legs move?! His dad was right there-- right there in front of him! He could help him! He could save him, so why wasn't anything working?!
"Blue!" The same howl tore through his mind, and Leo hissed, clapping his hands over his ears as if that would help. He didn't want to watch. He didn't want to watch this creature kill his father-- he couldn't do it. 
This is a dream, he reminded himself. You're dreaming. If you don’t want to watch, then you have to wake up. Wake up. Wake up now!
He could see it-- almost feel it-- his own body laid out on his bed back in the waking world, curled up on his stomach, his cheek to his pillow. He knew exactly where he was. He could see his room. He knew he was dreaming, so why couldn't he wake up? He couldn't get his body to move at all, repeatedly trying to sit up, to open his eyes, to jolt a limb to the side to no avail. The pitch of the screams shifted higher.
"Come on! Wake up already! I know you can hear me!" He cried, gritting his teeth. He knocked his fists angrily against the side of his head. "Move. We have to move!" He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek, tasting blood, and he wasn't sure if that was his dream self or his actual self. How was he supposed to tell the difference? "Move!"
Leo startled awake, his head jerking upwards and his limbs splaying outward in surprise. The entire house was quiet. Right... because it's the middle of the night. Because he was dreaming.
He had just been dreaming, and now he was awake. It was fine. He was fine.
Slowly, he sat up, running his hands through his hair with a sigh, rolling his head a few times to try to work the stiffness of his neck. He reached for his phone, knowing it would be plugged in on his nightstand, except... It wasn't there. 
 Leo frowned a little bit, wrinkling up his brows. His phone wasn't there. In fact, his nightstand wasn't there either. His bed wasn't even there, he realized with a start. He wasn't in his own room. He was on the floor-- the floor of-- somewhere else in the house, he guessed. How the hell did he get here? Had he sleepwalked? That was new.
 He noted, vaguely, that whatever room he was in wasn't nearly as dark as he would have expected. There was this warm golden-orange glow blanketing the room like a nightlight, and Leo thought vaguely that someone must have accidentally left a desk lamp on or something, turning to take a look.
He had not been expecting to see his youngest brother floating half a foot above his own bed. Nor for him to be glowing.
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the-hidden-posts-gt · 1 month
Borrower short story based on a dream I had where the Giant and Tiny switch bodies (Part 1?)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (in progress)
Sunshine/Sunny (yeah that’s their name, it was sunny the day they were born and their mom was just like, “yeah, that makes sense, definitely!” 😅) is 5”/~13cm, average height by borrower standards. They have brown hair, with a tiny -not so tiny- patch, bleached slightly lighter than the rest of their hair (Gideon is messy with his hair dye/bleach, and somehow it always gets everywhere. Sunny was not spared.) They have hazel colored eyes, thick brown eyebrows, crooked nose, and an ovular face.
Gideon/G/Giddy(when Sunny wants to mess with him) is a 5’10”, kind of a lanky guy, with purple hair (he dyed it), and thin blonde/light-brown eyebrows. He doesn’t look well rest, ever. He has green-blue eyes, his nose is surprisingly button-shaped, (Idk why, but that’s the description that made itself available in my head) and his face is kinda diamond shaped. (Not sure if that is handsome, but he is supposed to be kind of handsome, just underslept.)
When I opened my eyes, he wasn’t there. The dizziness had subsided, but where was he?! I needed to find him. He was too big to just vanish. He was human after all. I heard my pulse roar in my ears. Why is it so loud? My breaths were shallow, but also too much.
I heard a door open and close and I saw Gideon’s roommate. He could help. Fighting my instincts, I stood up from the couch. Why are my limbs so bulky? As he walked into the kitchenette I rushed over to him. My legs felt weighted and slow, and yet I surged forward.
“Where’s Gideon?!” My instincts urged me once more to hide from this Bean, but I needed Gideon. I needed to find him! I need to know he’s alright! Gideon had said his roommate was kind. I just hope Gideon was right.
“Dude,” the roommate smiled, far too nonchalant for an emergency. “How high are you right now?”
I blinked, taken aback. This was not the reaction I was expecting. What does that even mean? My surprise taking over instead of the panic, and I was able to really tale in my surroundings.
I am taller than him. I am taller than G’s roommate. I looked around, the room was smaller, everything was smaller than I remembered it. It was honestly claustrophobic, like the walls had squeezed in on me. Everything was … my size, I guess.
My eyes found their way back to my hands, only to realize, these aren’t my hands.
The roommate just smiled, taking a step towards me and patting my (is it mine?) elbow. “Oh yeah, you have fun with that,” he said as he guided me back to the couch where I’d been sitting. I let myself be lead, now staring at the arms attached to me, they were familiar, just … not mine.
As I was sitting down, the couch squeaked, no shrieked. I felt my pulse quicken, as the body’s instincts took over, and I was suddenly standing back up faster than I thought possible. I know that sound? No. This body knew that sound.
“You good, man?”
I didn’t respond. I just slowly picked up the pillow I’d almost crushed. I peered down at the couch, careful not to let the roommate see what I suspected was there, but that didn’t prepare me for seeing my own face staring back at me.
Light blinded me, as the entire space shook, I had been unceremoniously tossed into a dark and stuffy prison, where there was a bunch of panicked mumbling, and then something had just attempted to crush me. Now there’s an earthquake. Great!🙄 I attempted to steady myself against the wall behind me, as I held up my hand trying to block out the light and possibly understand why my world was suddenly shaken.
Instead of usable answers, I saw a shock of purple hair, before realizing I was staring at a giant version of my face. It stared down at me with eyebrows raised high. I didn’t even know they could reach that part of my forehead.
There was no respite from the chaos, however, as I was hastily snatched up into giant hands. I rapidly went from free, to shooting into the air clasped surprisingly gently within giant hands the size of me, to between two cupped hands, like I’d been caught by a kid who wanted to show a critter to their friends.
“Ugh.” My stomach was not a fan of all this jostling.
“Sorry!” My voice whispered down at me, before we slowed down enough for me to get my barrings. This must be what Sunny feels like all the time. My heart stopped, before speeding up again, to twice the speed. Where is Sunny?! If When I get out of this, I need to find them. I just need to survive whatever giant me is up to.
Part 2
That’s it for now. I like these two enough that I’ll probably end up writing about them a lot, so idk stay tuned? 🤷
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Ep. 13 "Into the Breach" Review
This was another fantastic episode that packs so much into its 25 minute runtime. Seriously, the finale better be like an hour. I feel like there's so much we have to address, yet so little time. My faith in you doesn't waver Jennifer; you've guided us through thick and thin. I will say that Rampart is surprisingly a really fun character to revisit and I enjoy watching him interact with the Batch. This man doesn't learn, but he's funny now so I give him kudos for entertainment purposes. I loved the dark atmosphere as the finale draws nearer and near. This is the end of the Bad Batch. We know it and they know it.
As usual, spoilers below:
MAMA ECHO RETURNS!!! After so long, he graces us with his appearance and he serves. I loved everything from his action sequences to his sass. Watching him sneak around the Imperial ship, rolling off of crates and working his magic was awesome to watch. That's why he's the Arc Trooper. And boy was he funny too. If it were possible, Rampart would've definitely be set on fire. Between being told he was being demoted to being denied the title of "sir," Rampart was demolished by Echo. It's just so good to see Echo again. I love him so much for his kind heart, quips, and awesome action sequences. The writers delivered!
Rampart, Rampart, Rampart... what will we do with you? He certainly hasn't changed and probably never will. But honestly, I kinda hope he doesn't. Sometimes, people are just aholes who do the right things for the wrong reasons. Rampart provides an interesting moral perspective. And he's still hot. Seeing him cleaned up in the uniform didn't help either. I'm a simple woman guys. He's also hilarious and I love it. Rampart's ego is so big that he unintentionally comes across as whiny and comical. Going forward, I seriously wonder what they'll do with him because he's going to Tantiss. Will he get dropped off? Sell the Batch out? Die in the battle that is to come? Next week will tell. I'm glad he was brought back though. He did his job as a villain well. Now, we get to see him in different situations and it's fun.
Omega, my sweet bean, hang in there. This episode does so well in establishing just how much she's grown over the past few seasons. Omega's always been resourceful and clever. Seeing her scheme to escape the Vault was exciting. You can also see the influence her brothers, particularly Hunter, have had on her. Omega's become more confident and mature. She's a leader in every sense of the word. The other kids look to her for guidance as she plans an escape. I also want to give the other kids a huge hug; I can't imagine what it must be like for them. It's one of the darkest things we've ever seen in Star Wars. Also, Emerie and Scalder rivalry definitely is gonna end with Emerie's true motivations being discovered. Scalder's not gonna let her allow Omega to slip away.
And seeing the boys strip their armor of all their color... that was legitimately heartbreaking to watch. I see it as a symbol of finality. There is no going back once they get to Tantiss. Hunter's "negative" just cements that. The last 5 minutes of the episode were so tense as the boys hitched a ride. As a my discord friend put it, "all roads lead to Tantiss."
There were a lot of smaller moments I enjoyed too. Wrecker was pretty funny this episode. Crosshair and Hunter voicing their trust in Echo was sweet. It furthers just how much the Batch truly trust and know each other. It's that implicit trust that makes me love their dynamic so much.
Anyways, that's all for now. We're truly in the endgame guys. After so long, we've finally made it to Tantiss. All that's left is to get Omega, the children, and escape which is so much easier said than done. I'm so scared yet excited for what's to come. See y'all next week!
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cinemautism · 10 months
Who do I think would be the favorite vocaloid of each community character because mixing special interests with hyperfixations is funny: part one
Jeff Winger - Hatsune Miku
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Funniest shit I've ever said in my life
Anyways!! he would lie and say he thinks vocaloid is stupid
But he's actually a big Hatsune Miku fan
He would admire all the fame that she has and how versatile she is, and he would think that she is iconic (she is)
Favorite song? for some reason I think it would be Rolling Girl (by: wowaka - R.I.P)
Abed would be playing the song because he's a vocaloid fan and Britta would be like "Jeff ARE YOU CRYING??" and he would be like "😭😭😭😭 no"
Abed Nadir - Kobayashi Matcha
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He would be a VOCALOID nerd so he would be a fan of a really unknown vocaloid
He likes Matcha because of her colors and sweet voice!
Also he would relate with her ("Matcha is described as being a bit of an introvert who is cool, calm, and collected. She hides her emotions and is quite blunt as her words are sharp and hurtful. In her spare time, she likes making fanzines/dōjinshi")
He has official merch, you can't change my mind
He went to an official show and a nico nico fes
His favorite song... I don't fucking know why but I think it would be Lower One's Eyes (by: lanndo)
Troy Barnes - Vflower / Masaoka Azuki
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He would like Vflower because most of her songs are rap
Also he wouldn't know she's a girl 😭
"Oh my god I love Vflower he's so good and-" "... she" "huh" "SHE is so good" "... VFLOWER IS A GIRL??? ABED WHAT"
Also, he would be a Masaoka Azuki fan because she's Matcha's bestie and because she's kinda like him ("Azuki is described as being cheerful and positive unlike Matcha. She's very open towards her feelings and tends to act first and think later (...) she is awfully forgetful but eccentric person and somewhat impatient. She is also affectionate, effusive, and "clingy", often showing exaggerated displays of affection.")
He would find amazing that her name is a bean and he would understand her fear of kites
His favorite song would be "VIVA HAPPY!" (by: Mitchie M) but he acts like is "Egoist" (by: Oonuma Paseri) because he thinks it's cooler (everybody knows he's a Mitchie M fan but yeah Troy whatever!!)
Britta Perry - Megurine Luka
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Doesn't know a lot about vocaloid but she likes it enough to be here
It's like when you show vocaloid to your mom and she is like "awww they're pretty ☺️" but instead of your mom is a bisexual pathetic millennial
"You guys don't get it, she's A GIRLBOSS and SHE'S PRETTY"
She would be angry everytime she finds a sad break-up song by Luka ("WHY WOULD SOMEONE BREAK UP WITH HER ????")
She would name one of her cats after her (as she totally should)
Her favorite songs is "LUKA LUKA NIGHT FEVER" (by: samfree - R.I.P) because she can dance with it
extra: if she was a vocaloid nerd, she would like teto because you don't have to pay for her
Annie Edison - GUMI
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Thinks that the concept of vocaloids are amazing and cute
Loves GUMI and cried with her songs (especially the ones made by Circus-p)
She loves those "X vocaloid character singing X Taylor Swift song" videos
She acts like she is normal about vocaloid (she isn't)
Lesbian Gumi believer
Her favorite songs are Just Be Friends (by: Dixie Flatline) and Gimme x Gimme (by: Hachiouji-p and Giga-p) (but she would never say it outloud)
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(grace coming out of the void tag)
He mixes Eddie a passable gin and tonic, adding a little squeeze of lime and a couple cucumber slices, while Jeff heads back out to the party. 
“So, you and Helen…?” Steve asks. He thinks he sounds totally normal. Casual, even.
Eddie laughs, then stops abruptly. “Oh, shit. You’re serious? I’m gay, dude.” 
“I—huh. I really thought you knew.” Eddie looks thoughtful. He’s frowning a little. “Guess this puts a few things into context. Gonna be honest, I’m surprised you missed it. Hell, I’m surprised Robs didn’t spill the beans one way or another. Love her to death, but our girl’s not the greatest with keeping a lid on things.”
Steve feels a wash of heat in his face, and he’s not even really sure why. “I mean…it’s not like I didn’t guess you were, y’know, something. I thought—bisexual, maybe?” 
It’s not totally true, but it’s not totally false, either. Steve hadn’t gotten so far as putting any specific words around what he thought Eddie might be or what Eddie might like, he’d just wondered in a formless sort of way. 
“Nah,” says Eddie. “I mean, never say never, but. Historically, no.” 
Steve lets the word historically roll around in his jaw, in his back teeth. He feels okay about it, he decides. He knows it’s not—Steve had a serious long-term girlfriend less than a month ago. He’s just always been the jealous type, even when he knows it’s not right or fair. He’s working on it. 
Steve gets these stories in his head, is the problem. He gets to thinking like everything’s going to work out because it has to; like all the pain and bullshit will all make sense someday and be worth it. 
It’s kid stuff, thinking that way. Sometimes things just hurt, and there’s no point to it. Sometimes pain’s just pain, and Steve Harrington is single at Christmas again, dying slow in a one-horse town. 
“Hey, this G&T’s pretty good,” says Eddie. He grins all bright and boyish, looking nineteen again for a second. “Thanks, man.” He tips his glass towards Steve in a little salute, then saunters out of the kitchen.
Once, Steve had asked his mom: why didn’t you guys ever move out of Hawkins?
I don’t know, Steven, she’d said. Well, your dad’s job was here. We thought it was a nice safe town for you to grow up in. Don’t you like Hawkins? 
Steve had shrugged and said sure and that had been the end of it. He does like Hawkins. He likes seeing familiar faces around, though it seems like there’s fewer of those every year. He likes how safe it feels, because he’s made it that way. He’s bled for Hawkins. Feels like that’s some kind of bond he can’t break. Sometimes at night when he can’t sleep, he grabs his old nail bat and goes to stand out in the woods, breathing hard, waiting for something anything anything to come at him. 
Nothing ever has, not since 1986. It makes him feel a little crazy to remember that the time when he fought monsters and Russians was only about three years all told. It had felt like forever at the time. He really had thought that that was going to be his life, his real life. Everything else—school, work, girls—had felt like stuff he’d been doing in his downtime between the real stuff: hauling around ungrateful brats and beating the shit out of the forces of evil like something out of Saturday morning cartoons. 
But it’s been six years of downtime, and lately he’s been wondering if that’s just how life goes. Vivid and wild at the start, but then the colors fade. 
Last year, he’d gone to Christmas at Laura’s parents’ house. It had been a big house that looked almost exactly like the one he’d grown up in, with twinkling white lights outside; inside was a big tree by a crackling fireplace. There’d been an Irish Setter named Dooley who was pretty great. All the ornaments had matched. He’d had two glasses of white wine and went home by nine to have perfectly good sex with Laura and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. 
He’d woken up at two in the morning for no reason. He couldn’t grab his bat and go into the woods because Laura had been right there sleeping next to him, so he’d just stared up at the ceiling not thinking about anything as his heart beat faster and faster for a very long time. He’d known then that he had to break up with Laura, even though they’d only been going out for a couple months, but he kept putting it off because it just hadn’t seemed worth it to end things. There hadn’t seemed to be any point.
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Jealousy Complicates Love - Fakiru oneshot
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Fakir and Ahiru were in the middle of one of their usual fights. They were fighting over the best way to protect Mytho, Fakir shutting down every idea Ahiru shot his way. 
“You idiot. That would never work!” Fakir said, crossing his arms.
“Y-You don’t know that! It could work! And it’s better than anything you’re doing!”
He advanced into her, causing her to back away toward the doorway. 
“You’re just being foolish, as usual!” He exclaimed. 
“But Fakir-!”
“No!” He said, turning his head away. “Just keep collecting the heart shards and leave everything else to me.”
He cut her off by slamming the door. 
“Ughh!!” She stomped her feet in frustration. 
Fakir is such a jerk! He never listens to my ideas! 
She kicked a rock at the closed door and huffed. “Fine! I don’t need his help anyway!” She turned and stormed off toward the dance studio. 
As she entered, Pike and Lilie ran over. 
“Oh, Ahiru!” Lilie exclaimed with a big smile. “You seem so upset! Could it be perhaps you were coldly rejected by Fakir?”
“What-?” Ahiru says, confused. 
“Oh, stop Lilie! We don’t want to rub salt in the wound!” Pike cut in. 
“Guys! Seriously! That’s not what happened! I don’t like Fakir!”
“Yes, yes!” Lilie said, getting teary eyed. “You don’t need him, Ahiru!”
“Ugh, no! I never liked him! He’s too gloomy and he’s a total jerk who refuses to ever admit when he’s in the wrong!”
“But that bad boy aesthetic only adds to his appeal,” Pike said with a dreamy sigh. 
“I don’t know what you can find attractive about him,” Ahiru grumbled. 
“Mysterious bad boy,” Lilie said with a giddy smile. 
“Ugh… grosssssssss…” Ahiru said, sticking out her tongue. 
Mr. Cat clapped his paws together. “Ok, girls! Today we are conjoining with the boy class! Each of you will partner with a boy from there! Now, there is an uneven amount of boys and girls, meaning one of you girls… WILL HAVE TO MARRY ME-“
“Actually there’s more boys than girls,” Pike said quickly. 
“Oh…” Mr. Cat said, looking down before yowling in frustration. “Yes, well.. HMPH!” 
The boys began to file into the room. 
Ahiru looked over at Mytho and perked up. But he didn’t even glance at her and instead immediately went to Rue, the two grasping hands. 
“Aww..” Ahiru murmured sadly, looking down. 
Her and Fakir made eye contact but they both immediately turned away from each other with a huff. 
No way am I partnering with him! Ahiru thought.
One of the boys approached her. He had bean sprout colored hair and dark brown eyes. 
“Hello. Um.. can I partner with you?” He asked. He shot a nervous look at Mr. Cat. “I really don’t want to have to dance with Mr. Cat..”
“Oh, ya..” Ahiru said before chuckling. “I get it. I’m Ahiru!”
“Shinme!” He said, shaking her hand. 
Ahiru laughed. “And I thought my name was silly!”
“Ya, my friends call me that because of my hair color,” he said, laughing with her. 
The two chatted for a while before Ahiru glanced over at Fakir, a dark smile spreading across her face when she sees he had to partner with Mr. Cat. 
Haha! No one wants to partner with him! Serves that jerk right!
Fakir looked over at her and she quickly looked away, embarrassed at getting caught staring. 
The practice went on. Like Ahiru, Shinme was also the worst dancer in his class. So the two managed to laugh together at their mistakes and as practice ended, the two highfived. 
A group of kids giggled from afar. “Ahiru and Shinme are both screwups. Practically perfect for each other!” said one of the girls. 
“Aww! They’d actually be cute!” exclaimed Lilie.
Fakir looked up and faced toward Ahiru and Shinme across the room, his eyes narrowed. 
“This was fun, Shinme!” Ahiru said with a bright smile. 
“Ya! It was good to meet you, Ahiru! We should hang out someti-“
A dark shadow loomed over Ahiru that seemed to frighten Shinme, because he quickly quieted. 
Ahiru, confused, turned around to see who it was. 
“Oh,” she grumbled. “Fakir.”
“We need to talk..” he said to her before casting a glare to Shinme, who promptly bolted away. 
Ahiru puffed out her cheek and pouted. “Fakir.. what do you want?”
He looked around and gestured for her to follow him. 
She hesitated before sighing and went after him as they left the building and went outside near the edge of the forest.
“What do you want, Fakir?” she said, sniffing and attempting to remain aloof in the same vain as Fakir. 
“Ugh, look.. I’m sorry, ok!”
She blinked in surprise, freezing for a moment. “Oh.. wasn’t expecting that.”
He grumbled, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. “Look, I know you’re just trying to help. And we need to find a.. common ground..”
Ahiru felt like she entered the Twilight Zone. Fakir was offering to actually work with her?
“Ya..” she said quietly, taking a step forward with a determined expression. “Ya! Common ground! We can’t do this without each other!”
He blushed slightly at her closeness and took a step back with a scowl. “Yes, well.. glad to know we have reached an understanding. We can figure out what we can do about Mytho’s heart tomorrow..”
“Ok.. sounds good!”
Before Fakir had a chance to walk off, Ahiru called out, “Wait!”
“Ugh. What is it now?”
“What.. changed your heart?”
“What gave you a change of heart? Usually you’re stubborn to the end. What made you decide to apologize?”
His eyes widened and he quickly averted his gaze, tapping his foot. 
“It’s.. I just merely realized arguing will get us no where!”
“Uh huh…”
“Don’t give me that look, girl! Just be grateful for the apology and move on!”
With that, he quickly stormed away. 
He was embarrassed. 
Embarrassed by the crimson blush overtaking his face. 
Embarrassed by the pounding in his heart.
Embarrassed by his jealousy of that sprout boy. The way he got along with that wretched girl. The way everyone said they could be cute together….
Fakir never felt this way when it came to Ahiru and Mytho. Because he knew they could never be. That it was impossible. But.. Ahiru and this boy..
His heart lynched and he stopped walking, leaning against a nearby wall. 
No… I need to stop thinking like this. Ahiru and me.. our chances are just as low as her and Mytho. I am a knight destined to die. She is a princess destined to become light. I must cease these foolish thoughts..
He stood up straight and took a deep breath. 
It’s not like there was ever even a chance that it could be possible. I am a knight. I must fight and protect.. this foolish ‘romance’ is just a distraction..
He looked over and saw a duck quickly waddling into the forest in a panic. He knew immediately it was Ahiru, something must’ve startled her. He considered following her, but then remembered he’d have to see her naked, so he decided against it. 
She.. is just a distraction..
Divider by @cafekitsune
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eggcompany · 3 months
A lovely man
Tauriel said SHE wanted to paint Kili nude. She never mentioned six other she elves. Or that it would end in a heart stopping orgasm. Kili is just such a good boy, he deserves a reward.
(No actual sex only fingering.)
“Tauriel! You didn’t say other girls were gonna be here! I can’t let them see-“ Kili said as he slammed the door shut behind him. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and a hoodie… he didn’t even want them to see him in THAT!
Tauriel had asked him to come by the drawing studio and model for her. He’s done it before when she needed a visual for something, the motion in clothing AKA. Kili twirling in a floofy skirt for two hours, or the way a hand looks holding an apple or other fruits and items. But never had she ever asked to draw him in the studio. Sure he’d seen the sketch she’d done of him she’d based off an old photo but she’d never drawn him like this. 
Sure he trusts the elf with his entire life. Trusts her with his emotions and physical needs and all his deep dark secrets. 
However he doesn’t trust the six other she-elves sitting around with their charcoal and brushes and paint and their stupidly intricate carved easels. 
“Sweetheart, they want to draw you so much! We’re working on the movement and direction of body hair. You’ve got a nice hairy face and your chest and your legs. You’re just the perfect subject, my fuzzy little dumpling. It’ll be okay.”  Tauriel tried to persuade. 
She’d shared all the sketches in her sketch book of the dwarf to her friends and they thought he was amazing. Beautiful, they called him, and they were curious to see a dwarf in the buff. She’d shown them the sketches she’d done of him working and coming back from the jewelry shop and of  course the sketches she’d done of him pleasuring himself. She had a wonderful memory and got to see him do each motion nearly everyday, they were rather wonderful drawings. 
They already knew what they were going to be painting. 
Kili was blushing darker than cherries. 
“But I don’t want the pretty girls to see my… my stuff.” Kili whispered and flashed his eyes back to the solid door. He didn’t want someone to walk in and see him. See his parts. 
He’d met some of Tauriel’s friends before. They were nice and tall and really really pretty to him. All milky soft skin and quick wit and charm. He likes the elf girls, who could blame him?
“Your stuff?” Tauriel asked, acting dumbly, she tilted her head and batted her eyelashes. Acting dumb always made Kili realize when he was being illogical. Having to explain why usually got her, her way. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! What if they laugh?” Kili said self consciously and wrapped an arm around himself to cover his chest. It took so long to even let Tauriel see him shirtless...
Tauriel shrugged, nudging Kili to stand in the hallway. She pulled the door open and stood between the room and Kili. 
“Hey guys, will you laugh at Kili’s genitals or breasts?” Tauriel asked loudly, the question almost echoed down the thankfully empty hallway. Kili looked shocked for a second before turning red from his forehead to his collarbones. 
“Um no” “Nope!” “Never!” They answered scatteredly. Their sing-song voices sounded so sincere, so true and caring just as Tauriel always sounded when she spoke to him. He couldn’t help but let his heart melt a bit, agreement already glazing over his tongue. 
“See they won’t. Now up on the table, my sweet little bean sprout!” Tauriel said as she walked into the windowless room. The walls were solid and a dark brown color, the ceiling had bright lights and each girl had a lamp clipped to her esel. Tauriel motioned toward the table covered with a white sheet in the middle of the room. 
Kili glared at the table for a long minute before staring at his lover intently. He knew that she would never put him in a situation that was dangerous or that would embarrass him or put him between a rock and the closet doors. 
“You owe me big time.” Kili said and put on his best angry face. He swallowed thickly before walking to the middle of the room. His hoodie hung down past the edge of his boxer shorts, giving a small sense of security. ‘ Nude painting’ She had said. Nude… Kili felt his nerves scratch at his throat. 
The girls smiled kindly and waved at him. Tauriel sat down at her spot and watched him. Something dominant and fiery and loving flashes in her eyes. The way the emeralds she stored away in her eyes caught the bright lights of the studio made Kili feel something safe and warm deep in his stomach. It was okay. Tauriel was here and all these girls, these girls are his friends. They know him, they know Tauriel, they wanted to see him, to appreciate him. 
Kili turned toward the wall and pulled off his hoodie and breathed. He took big deep breaths, in through his nose and out through his mouth. He looked down at himself. 
Sure he didn’t have big breasts, they looked more like fat on his pecs but his nipples were big and they jiggled and he didn't like it but he swallowed and turned around, keeping his eyes down. It was hard to look at so many perfect people, as he thought almost all elves he’s ever seen are perfectly perfect, when his most embarrassing part was exposed. He was just about to hop up on the table when Tauriel spoke and walked toward him. 
She walked elegantly over to him and leaned her hip on the tabletop a few feet from him. She thought he looked too cute for his own good. All blush pink and fluffed up like a surprised kitten. 
“Shuck trou too honey. I’ll help you get in the right position.” She said like it was nothing. Her voice was calm and quiet, soothing the nervous itch that was crawling around his throat. 
Kili cleared his throat. And nodded. This… wasn’t photography. They… weren’t there to see him as a toy or something that is disposable. They all know how much Tauriel loves him and how protective and… possessive she is of him. 
Kili put his hands on the waist of his boxers, took a deep breath and pushed them over his hips and let them fall to the floor. 
They were seeing him bare. 
Bare feet, bare chest, bare groin. 
He felt the cold air hit his soft tender flesh that mounded between his thick hairy thighs and he shivered. 
Kili felt dazed until a feather light hand touched his lower back. 
He knew it immediately. 
Tauriel his rock, his anchor, his safest place. 
“Up now Kili and I’ll position you. I’ll make sure to give a good reward, my dumpling boy.” Tauriel teased as she patted Kili’s stomach. He’d been gradually putting on pounds over the past few years since he started dating Tauriel and being engaged to her. 
It made him smile and relax. The anxiety flowing away from him. She always said he looked so cute, so soft and wonderful. 
Kili put his back to the table and lifted his butt up to sit on the edge. He felt very self conscious at that moment. He felt his butt squish against the hard surface. He heard whispering and instantly thoughts of ‘ Am I too fat? Are they laughing at me? Do they think I’m ugly? Are they talking about my freckles? Do they think I’m too dense? Am I too hairy? Do I look gross? ’ flowed into his mind like a tidal wave. 
But as soon as Tauriel’s hand covered his shoulder, he let out a breath and relaxed. He rolled his shoulder under her warm hand and she rubbed and massaged gently. 
“Okay now we agreed on like number six right? Was it six or two?” Tauriel asked the others. She looked at the chart they had made of ten different positions. 
Two was laying on his back with his arms stretched above his head with his knees bent and feet flat on the floor with his legs spread wide. Six was laying on his side with his head resting on his fist with one leg straight and the other bent up. 
Both were very embarrassing but Kili had a feeling there would be no rest from the embarrassment. 
“Two. Since it’s easier to hold and he hasn’t posed for long periods yet.” One of the girls said as they all got ready. Tauriel nodded and waited for Kili to scoot to the center of the table. She shoved and pulled at his thigh and ankle as he maneuvered to sit long ways on the oblong table.  
“On your back, feet flat, arms up.” Tauriel said and Kili tried to do what he was told. Tauriel's hands guided him into position. His arms were laying flat on the table above his head, slightly bent, and his feet were flat and spread wide and his knees were up in the air. He felt a bit strange having his breasts balanced on his chest just out in the open. 
“This is embarrassing.” Kili mumbled and looked away from the girls now studying him. Their eyes danced and flashed around his body, head to toe. Tauriel hummed and sat down after patting his hip. 
“I’ll let you sit in my lap and eat ice cream while I do budgeting all next week.” Tauriel said. 
Kili felt a spark in his chest. That was the best. Sitting in Tauriel's lap when she works is always good. She always lets him sit on her strap while she works from home. And ice cream??? Hell yes . 
“Deal. I’m just gonna pretend I have clothes on and no ones looking at me.” Kili said and closed his eyes. 
He was almost dozing when he started hearing the chit chat. 
“Does he comb only his face? His chest hair looks so… tamed.” A deeper voice said in a quiet whisper. 
“That’s just how it all lies.” Tauriel said back with a pitch of pride to her explanation. 
“The textures are so different from place to place.” One said and Kili thought she sat toward the center. Near his ribcage. 
“See, it's like radial.”An elf sitting on the end near his feet said. 
“I think it’s more random.” The girl next to her countered. 
“Oh no, there on his genitals, it’s radial.” Said the first girl. 
“I don’t see it” said the second in confusion and intrigue. 
“Do you mind if I get a closer look? I want to explain.” The first asked. She didn’t direct it toward Kili, who still had his eyes closed. 
“No go ahead.” Tauriel answered. 
It made Kili blush and take a quick breath in. They spoke about him as if he was a marble statue. Her marble statue. 
“No but, look, see right there, oh come on. Right here, see it moves out here but down here. Like a radial pattern ya know.” A girl’s voice rang out closer and closer with each word. Soon there was shifting air between his spread thighs. 
“Ohhh yeah, I see that. And it gets thicker toward the centers. Like the armpit and the mouth.” Said the girl who was still at her easel. 
“It’s corser too. Thicker hairs.” He heard and felt a breath on his knee. 
Kili opens his eyes to see one of the darker haired elves standing between his knees pointing at his vagina with the end of her pencil. He stared at her for a moment before she looked up and smiled at him, before looking back down in concentration. 
“It is similar to how it’s thicker around his mouth. But that’s not radial this is.” She said before walking back to her seat. Kili was blushing heavily then and was very aware of how cold his skin was down there and how exposed he felt. But when he saw Tauriel’s soft smirk he relaxed again. It’s okay . 
Eventually he got drowsy again and let his eyes close again. 
He only woke up when his stomach growled. The girls giggled at that. 
“Tauriel, I'm hungry.” He whined out and pouted dramatically, well as dramatically as he could without moving. 
“Do you want me to feed you a few nutter butters?” The redhead asked and looked at the snacks that piled on the extra desk. Kili was fond of peanut butter. Well he was fond of licking and sucking it off her strap, on special occasions. 
“… yes.” He said as his mind went to the same place. His cheeks pinked back up and he wanted to close his knees. 
Tauriel fed him a few before he sighed and closed his eyes again. She dusted the crumbs from his stubble and booped his nose before sitting back down. 
“Taurielllll I’m bored~” Kili whined and flexed his toes and hands. He’d napped for nearly half an hour, he’d been laying here for who knows how long!
“Here. Put in my headphones. What do you wanna, don’t move, what do you wanna listen too?” Tauriel said as she pulled out her wireless earbuds and put them in Kili’s ears. He blew out a breath as she recovered his ears with his fluffy clean hair.
“Ugh just out in some music. I'm ‘bout ready to fall asleep again anyway.” Kili mumbled and yawned largely. A few girls giggled at him and he closed his eyes. 
“Okay darling, take a nice nap.” Tauriel whispered and bent down to press a small, quick kiss to his forehead. That of course incited a few little ‘aw’s. 
Tauriel soon placed a thin slip of fabric over his eyes, it was her scarf, when Kili complained the lights were too bright. 
“Uh ah oh t-Tauriel? Is everyone gone? Oh oh was I good? Was I a good boy? Is this my reward? Oh I like when you touch my legs!” Kili panted and whimpered, questioning as Tauriel ran her thin hands up and down his inner thighs. She scratched lightly, saying yes darling you were good without breathing a word to him. 
Her hands felt so warm and soft and lovely against his sensitive skin. She loved to pet and tease his thick strong hairy legs. His legs jiggled and shook as his hole clenched over and over again. There was a warm flood stirring deep in his gut, slowly dampening his most inner flesh, his labia turning a lovely darker shade and plumping up. 
Kili wiggled and bucked as she continued to rub her hands around his hips and thighs. He had slept a bit heavily and her hands made his brain feel all jelly and stress free. The calm instrumental music was still playing in his ears. 
Tauriel was smiling widely as she ran her pointer finger nails down the crease of his thigh slowly. Kili gasped and moaned. A shiver crept down his body and a shine of his slick peaked from his exposed hole. His tender flesh growing beautiful, rosy and damp. 
“See he’s so vocal and watch how his hips lift.” One of the girls said with an aw to her voice. She thought Kili looked so cute. 
Kili grabbed onto his own hair, Tauriel never let him touch himself when she decided to tease him. 
“Ohhhh! Pet me pet me pet me!” Kili cried as Tauriel ran a single finger over one side of his labia. His hole visibly throbbed and opened greedily, trying to pull something in, trying to pull her in deep. 
“Aw he’s trying to get closer but also get away.” Another girl said as she watched the small man whimper and push his hips toward his love. 
“Tauriel! Tauriel! Please please please! Touch my insides! Touch me inside!” Kili begged. His brain was so fogged. 
He wasn’t anywhere, there was nothing happening around him, there was only Tauriel. The song flowing in his head was focused and had low bass, the thin light green cloth of her scarf around his eyes let in light and shadows but he couldn’t make out her shape. His heart thrummed quickly in his chest and his palms felt sweaty and when Tauriel simply placed her hand over, covering his pussy completely from prying eyes, Kili felt a gush of his own slick dribbled down between his hot folds. 
“Tauriel, please hold me.” Kili whimpered quietly and sincerely. He reached out his arms, toward where he could feel the heat rolling off her body. 
Tauriel smiled and sat down, criss-cross, on the table and pulled Kili so he was kneeling over her lap. The scarf fell from his eyes but as he blinked away the spots he was only met with the wall. 
He nuzzled into her chest and collarbones. The smell of her skin, lightly spattered with fumes of charcoal and paint, calmed him and made him bring his hands to sit clasped together on the small of her back. 
Tauriel petted down from the back of his head down to his bottom. She squeezed the tender soft cheeks for a moment before moving her hands to rest on his hips. 
The comments coasted around her. “Aw, so obedient.”, “What a polite little thing!”, “So how it’s dripping down from him…” , “Look how perky his nipples are! Tauriel aren’t you going to give him some attention?” , “Does he always ask like that?”. 
“Yes, he’s always my sweet, obedient, little dumpling boy. He’ll get what he needs soon enough. I think he’s too wired up for much, sorry girls.” Tauriel responds as she runs her hands up and down his thighs a few times. 
“Please? Please Tauriel! It feels so heavy inside. You said I would get a reward, I wanna cum please.” Kili whimpered and begged out. He wiggled and gyrated his hips down when Tauriel placed her open palm across his vulva. 
She used one hand to guide his to her hips, and the other to press on his mound. 
He held on as tight as he could onto her green painter's apron, knuckles turning white as he let out little huffs and “ah”s and quiet moans. 
She moved so two of her fingers rubbed around his entrance. The wetness coated her fingertips and he relaxed onto her. All his weight rested on her chest. 
He rather enjoyed this position. He liked the way her breasts squished onto his collarbones. Her neck was right there for him to kiss and mouth at gently, which he did lazily. The way she slowly breached him on her fingers was all too familiar, and all too wonderful. 
“Please, please, please, please just touch me. Rub it, please rub it!” Kili cried out as Tauriel crooked her fingers, rubbing at Kili’s small G-spot. She could do this blindfolded, she knew his body better than anyone else. She knew what he wanted. 
Tauriel moved her hand from where it was rubbing between his shoulder blades down to his front. She used her thumb to pull up the small hood that covered his hard little ‘prick’. 
Kili let out a loud moan and rutted his hips forward and Tauriel giggled. 
“He likes this part. Watch, it won’t take him anything till he starts shaking. He’ll shake,” Tauriel said, a smile wide on her face as she gently rubbed around Kili’s hard red clit. 
Kili of course screamed and clung impossibly closer to his love’s body. His thighs started to shake and he ground down on the fingers that were easily sliding in and out of his shallow little hole. 
Tauriel rubbed a little fast on his prick before kissing the top of his head. That was all Kili needed. 
“Oh? Usually it takes him at least three fingers to cum but he’s already clenching down.” Tauriel said in amusement. They must be itching at a new kink. 
Kili was crying big wet tears down his face onto Tauriel’s dress and skin as she rubbed quickly at his prick and stimulated that special place in his hole. 
“Please, please, please, please-” Kili begged feverishly and rutted and wiggled. He never knew how to handle himself when Tauriel fingered him. He shook and thrashed and in an instant his orgasm was hitting him. 
Kili let out a deep howl and shook. Every muscle was pulled like a bowstring in his body as thick cum washed down Tauriel’s hand. 
As the shaking lessened and the death grip on her fingers loosened she slipped them out and rubbed his hip with her more dry hand. 
Unknown to him, Tauriel showed off her drenched fingers to the group. Soon a moist towel was handed to her. One girl came and took his headphones out and another girl picked up his discarded clothing and set it on the table edge for him. 
Kili laid like a puddle of puddy against Tauriel's chest as she wiped him down. Nothing mattered, nothing was real. 
“So precious my little dumpling, you were so precious. You should see our works when you decide to come back to earth.” Tauriel whispered to him. Everyone else picked up their supplies, leaving their works on their easels to dry. They soon all left, leaving Kili panting and nearly asleep. 
“Do ‘still get ice cream?” Kili said as he peeled his head away from the soft skin of Tauriel’s collar bones. 
“Yes my dove, you get all the rewards.” She told him, a goofy smile splashing onto his face. 
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therummesoccupied · 4 months
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
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Figured since folks seemed to enjoy my StH #68 post so much, I should share my thoughts on Fang's first issue as well.
It'll be a shorter one, since I really don't have as much to say about it.
To put it short... I liked it! I really love Ian Flynn writing these Classic stories. It seems that when IDW Sonic began, Ian Flynn really squeezed himself into the niche of Plot Guy. Even after Evan Stanley took over as Head Writer, it seemed like Ian would jump back in for the big, heavy, climactic events like Issue #50. It's a really nice change of pace to see him writing these more light-hearted, lower-stakes stories, they give him a great opportunity to display the fantastic understanding of the series' character dynamics that made him a prominent figure in the series.
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One particular bit of character work I'm fond of here: Sonic being just a little bit of a jerk!
I'm not the first to bring this up, but nowadays, Sonic has lost a bit of that edge that made him special in the early days. Not Edge in the same sense of, like, Shadow, but the stuff that made Sonic the inventor of the Mascot With Attitude. Nowadays, he's just kind of a smart-talking hero a lot of the time, so I really love stuff like the OK KO crossover taking the opportunity to dial that 90s Attitude up to 11.
Bean gets some solid gags here, too. This was the issue that made me realize how heavily his character writing is inspired by Classic Daffy Duck.
Mauro Fonseca is also doing a fantastic job with art. Their art has been catching my attention lately, they're really good at keeping things on model, but squash-and-stretching those models when needed. I think they're a perfect fit for a Classic miniseries.
The story follows Fang the Hunter, one of the series minor antagonists, and his colleagues Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear, as they hunt a mysterious eighth Chaos Emerald.
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Right away, it seems to me that this is a reference to Sonic Championship (formerly Sonic the Fighters), Bean and Bark's introductory game, which featured eight Emeralds. This left the game in something of a weird position, because Bean and Bark reappearing in later material made Championship canon, but ever since Sonic Adventure, the series' lore has always made it clear that there are only seven Chaos Emeralds. This is a neat little way of addressing that inconsistency!
The comic's setup takes an opportunity smooth over a few other cracks as well.
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In early Sonic games, lore concerning the Chaos Emeralds was kind of all over the place. Some stuff made it seem like each of the different islands the games took place on had their own set of Chaos Emeralds, some had Emeralds with different colors than others, it was clear that they didn't really think to lock down the Chaos Emerald lore until later down the line.
Here, that's attributed to the legendary status of the Chaos Emeralds and their mythological nature.
To me, this is the job of these comics. Telling stories set in the world of the games provides a perfect opportunity to expand upon that world and tell us how the bits of worldbuilding we get in the games all fit together. I will always love when they use the comics to dig into a game concept and give us a better understanding of how it fits in the games' world.
Once again, I'm a big fan of the environments here. The Classic stories always lean into the fantastical element to their settings, with Seasons of Chaos having a full-blown Zone lineup! What we get here is nothing out of the ordinary in that regard, but it's still nice to see the characters run around areas that actually look like places from the games!
That's about all I got! It sets up a sort of B-Plot mystery early on and I was kind of intrigued about where it was gonna go, but the later issue covers have already spoiled it for me so...
I'm excited for more, I really like having a story that centers around a plucky little group of rogues instead of Sonic and his Assigned Pal For This Arc. It's a pretty good start, but nothing enormous and status quo shifting. You know, a Classic Story! It's fun and I'm having fun with it!
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hello, Gen! Tis just I, randomly suggesting: Percy has a youtube channel where he bakes. He just wants to BAKE and share recipes with people but somehow? he accidentally?? makes people fall for him?? so he got egg on his shirt ONCE and took it off on screen? could he PREDICT that people would thirst after him because of that??? no? how?
Percy didn't expect this.
He didn't even expect to be a YouTuber, to be internet famous - but to have fans? To have simps? That was something he never expected even in his wildest dreams.
He just wanted to share his experimentations, his recipes, his love for baking with the citizens of YouTube, and maybe to get by. But...
Oh, gods.
Looking at the video Annabeth sent him, he could do nothing but watch, and blush as a freaking hot Italian guy with the cutest curls started to gush about him.
A whole video of Nico di Angelo drinking wine and talking about - among other things - that one time Percy took off his shirt because he got dirty, titling the video Five Signs That You Are A Simp.
It was embarrassing.
It was kind of awesome.
It had never been in Percy's life plan to become internet famous. Growing up, YouTubers and Influencers weren't a thing, and even when he got older, he never thought about becoming one, especially since until university, the only time he could use the internet was in the school's library.
As a child, he wanted to be an archeologist, a horse rider, an Olympic swimmer, mostly generic dreams. Over the years, he found a calling in marine biology - something he found himself pursing even when most of his teachers didn't think he had what it took to study further.
He still got his scholarship, but with saying goodbye to his mother, his life in New York, he had to say hello to his new life - his new life as a broke college student.
During his freshman year, Percy was rooming with a guy called Grover. It didn't take an hour after their first meeting to become best friends, and they stuck together over their time at college, thick as thieves, close as soulmates.
The second year, they rented an apartment together, and it was a bumpy ride to say the least.
"We have to be frugal," Grover had said. "Bye-bye, organic coffee beans," he cried as he looked over their budget.
"Mm," Percy agreed, inwardly wincing at the numbers. It wasn't like he had grew up wealthy, Smelly Gabe made sure there wasn't much money for anything but gambling and alcohol, but life as a college student, even for one with scholarship, wasn't cheap. Even without organic coffee beans.
The YouTube channel was a joke at first. Percy was working at a bakery, always complaining about not being able to experiment and use copious amounts of blue food coloring, so Grover dared him to make something edible out of five specific ingredients (plus the blue food color).
He did it.
It became a big success in their friend group.
And that dare was the start of their channel, Bluekery, where Percy had to make different desserts out of five random - chosen by Grover - ingredients people could find in their kitchen, saying that they had to capitalize Percy's talent. For the greater good.
Their first videos were embarrassing and very, very rudimentary. But they were quick learners, and as their technique for better, their channel started to grow.
It became an internet sensation when, to celebrating their silver plaque, they revealed Percy's face.
It broke the internet when Percy accidentally took off his shirt in front of the camera, forgetting that it was a live video. Three months after the incident, and people still posted and commented about his abs, and "baby seal eyes".
"Buongiorno, ragazzi. Mi chiamo Nico, and this is the channel, where I drink wine, teach you Italian while talking about things I'm interested in."
The video started innocently enough. The guy with deep brown, enchanting eyes and lovely voice started to explain some terms in Italian, how simping worked and that contrary to popular belief, while the term is new, the situation it covers is not a modern phenomenon.
And then came the wine.
Dark, deep purple drink swirling around in a wine glass.
"Scusami, Italia, but I have to cheat on you. I got this delicious Port wine from one of my friends, and it would be a shame not to taste it. Or, you know, drink the whole bottle of it."
Taking a sip of it, eyes closed, he let out a soft moan and Percy had a ridiculous thought about whether he looked like this when he pleasured himself.
"Mm, delicious. Like Perseus Jackson without clothes."
It was fortunate that Percy wasn't eating or drinking anything, because he would have spit it out. Now he understood why Annabeth sent the video to him with an angel emoji.
And that comment was just the beginning of Percy's doom. The hot Italian with the sharpest cheekbones started to explain the five sings of simping - with himself simping for Percy as a prime example.
There was only one thing Percy could do.
It's not simping if it's not one-sided ;)
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spookyceph · 9 months
Salt, Sugar, Heat Ch. 3: Clock Out
Read on Ao3
Oh, hey, Bakery AU. We thought you were dead.
Summary: Tenko has a great night and an awful morning.
Content Advisory: Food/eating mentions, anxious social situations, abusive parent/family patterns, despair spiral
Peeking through the gap between the production room doors, Tenko watched Touya grab an empty rack and disappear into the walk-in fridge.
“He’s getting the stuff you’re going to bake ready,” Toga said over his shoulder, making him jump. “There’s a certain number of each type of bagel you guys need, though don’t ask me what they are.”
Gaze straying back to the walk-in door, Tenko bit his lip. He hadn’t said a single word to Touya yet but could already sense the baker detested him. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck working with someone who thought he was worthless—he got enough of that at home. But he also needed this job. Wanted it kind of, actually. Slipping his hands into his hoodie’s pockets, Tenko pushed past the doors and headed for the walk-in.
The cold punched the breath from his chest the moment he stepped inside. Touya, on the other hand, moved like he didn’t even notice. As Tenko shivered, he watched pale curlicues of steam spiral up from the baker’s scarred arms.
“You looking for something or what?”
Tenko shrugged off Touya’s snide tone and pretended he wasn’t shivering like a small dog. “I want to learn how to do what you’re doing.”
Looking over his shoulder, the baker pinned him with his stare. “What for?”
“Uh, because I’m…because I work here now? I mean, I have, I need to, um…” Crap, those eyes were burning a pair of holes all the way down to his soul. “It’s my job and I want to do good? Also, you know, have some money?”
Touya continued his basilisk glare for another few seconds. Then, with a huff, he jerked his head. “Fine. Get over here then.”
Squeezing past the empty rack in the way, Tenko joined him on the other side. The baker wasted no time in throwing back one of the covers on the full racks and pointing.
“Berry bagels. Grab a board and transfer it.”
While he did as he was told, Tenko memorized the specks of purple and red in the dough.
“Red bean bagel. Two boards.”
The color made that one pretty self-explanatory. But the next, the rye, was strange, full of little seeds that smelled like licorice.
“Four of the green onion,” Touya said, shoving more boards at him. “It’s one of our best sellers.”
Not surprising—they smelled amazing. Same with the cinnamon raisin and tomato basil.
Once the flavors were sorted, the baker had him jump straight into gathering boards of plain dough. In all, they had about two and a half racks ready to go. Tenko barely had time to notice he was no longer cold before Touya shoved past him and out of the walk-in cooler.
“Come on, mophead,” he called over his shoulder. “Try to keep up.”
Tenko frowned. Better than some of the things he’d been called back in school, but still not his favorite. Then again, what could be expected from someone who’d given himself a nickname like Dabi? Dutifully, he trotted back out to the main room.
He found Touya busy at the big stainless kettle beside the oven. Tenko stopped in his tracks as a huge plume of flame, the same blue as the baker’s eyes, streamed out from his scarred hands to splash across the metal. The heat sucked the oxygen from the space, and Tenko stumbled back with a gasp. More open uses of a quirk. One every bit as dangerous as his too. Who were these people?
Not even looking his way, Touya snapped still sparking fingers. “Go get that rack of flavors, mophead. Oven and kettle should be ready.”
Instead of pointing out they should’ve just brought it with them, Tenko bit the insides of his cheeks and did as he was told. It was fine. Not like it was a long walk or anything. Anyway, wasn’t doing menial chores part of being the new guy? Earning his dues?
Attention never straying from the oven and the long sink in front of it, Touya pointed to the left end. “That’s your side. Baker over there is responsible for stopping and starting platforms, seeding the boards, and washing them off between sets. You don’t have to memorize everything in one day, but pay attention to my directions. And you better not slow me down. Got it?”
Fear gnawed holes through his stomach like a worm munching through an apple. “Got it.”
Then…then Tenko didn’t have a chance to be anxious. Touya began rattling off orders in a practiced monotone that revealed how often he’d repeated them. All while stirring bagels in the boiling kettle before fishing them out with the metal basket on a long handle. The steaming dough burned Tenko’s fingertips while he did his best to sort them on the long, narrow bagel boards. By some miracle he managed not to disintegrate any. The boards either while picking up two at a time to slide onto the first platform.
As bad as arranging bagels fresh from the kettle could be, reaching into the oven and flipping the boards over by hand was worse.
But Tenko grit his teeth and did his best to copy everything Touya did. To follow commands. If he missed shoveling a few finished bagels into the waiting baskets while wielding the giant peel, or fumbled with the boards, the lead baker said nothing. He relentlessly moved on to the next task, not caring whether Tenko had to rush to catch up.
Then…then it was over. They transferred the last round of baked bagels into the baskets. Touya leaned his peel against the wall, letting out a long breath but otherwise no more disheveled than when they’d started. Tenko took stock of himself. Aches in muscles he hadn’t even known existed. Exposed fingertips red and stinging. Hoodie soaked with sweat and spray from washing down the boards with the hose. Coated in sesame and poppy seed shrapnel. Wheezing like a dying horse.
“So. Ready to quit and find an easier job?”
He resisted the urge to apologize and promise to do better next time when he noticed Touya scrutinizing him. His voice didn’t have the energy to quiver as he replied, “I think I’ll stick around actually, thanks.”
“Wanna know what I think?”
Tenko met that bright blue stare until one corner of the baker’s mouth lifted a fraction.
“Well. I guess you’re not the worst I’ve ever had. Go take a break, mophead. Try a bagel. They’re best when they just came from the oven.”
Hands in pockets, Touya headed out the back door. Toga beamed at Tenko from around the corner and awarded him a double thumbs-up.
He drifted through a dreamy fog for the remainder of the shift. Helped stock bagels in the cases at the front of the store. Cleaned up the carnage of crumbs and seeds scattered around the oven and prep areas. Toga skipped up to him bearing a large paper bag as he tossed his filthy apron into a hamper inside the supply closet.
“Tenko-kun! Here, here! I packed a few goodies for you.”
His euphoric bubble burst. “I don’t have any money yet.”
“Silly! Kurogiri doesn’t mind if we take some extras home.”
Caught between the unease of angering his new boss and offending his new coworker, Tenko accepted the bag. If it turned out to be a problem, maybe Kurogiri would take it from his paycheck after he explained instead of firing him.
The bell over the front door jingled as he finished clocking out at the register. Tenko looked up to see the barista from the other day strolling in. Iguchi. His eyebrow ridges shot up when he spotted Tenko.
“Oh, hey! Looks like you survived. Congrats. How’d you like it—aside from having to work with Dabi, I mean.”
“It was…physical. And fast. I’ll get used to it, though.” He had to, or else.
“Cool. Don’t let that stuck-up rich boy intimidate you either. He’s all talk.”
Touya…rich? With those thrift store rags he wore? “Uh, sure. I’ll do my best.”
Clutching his bag of goodies, Tenko scooched around the counter and was headed for the door when Iguchi blurted, “Nice hoodie.”
He skidded to a stop. “Huh?”
The barista returned a stare just as wide as his, scales across his face looking like they’d turned a much lighter green. Almost yellow. “Er, I was just, I saw the logo on your hoodie. That’s all.”
Tenko glanced down at the name of an MMORPG he’d logged probably thousands of hours on during high school. “Do you play?”
“Who, me? Sometimes. I mean, like, once in awhile.” Iguchi waved his hand and looked away, the tips of some scales verging on reddish-orange. “Anyway, don’t let me keep you from going home and getting some rest. See you tomorrow.”
Halfway through the bus ride home, Tenko wondered if he should’ve asked to exchange usernames.
The sight of his father seated at the head of the table for breakfast snuffed out the last embers of warmth in Tenko’s heart. He grit his teeth and kept walking as softly, as silently as possible, eyes on the hall and the refuge of his room. The crinkle of a newspaper being folded down let him know he’d failed his stealth check. As usual.
“Don’t tell me you showed up to your first day wearing that.”
He hated the way all the muscles across his shoulders and back knotted up. Like it wasn’t enough his father controlled his life, but his body had to obey to top everything off. “Good morning to you too, Dad.”
“Don’t take that tone with me.”
“Ko,” his mom cut in. “He just came home. Let him sit down at least.”
Her comment didn’t earn so much as a glance. “You can’t just show up looking put together for an interview, then go back to being a slob once you’re hired. You need to look presentable every single day.”
Don’t yell. He’d only use it as an excuse to act even more high and mighty. Tenko crumpled the top of the bag with eight fingers. “My boss told me to dress comfortable because I’d be moving around a lot and I might get dirty. So that’s what I did.”
His father’s eyes fell to the object in his deathgrip. Widened. “Where are your gloves?”
Tenko’s spine turned into a column of ice. “I…my pocket. On the bus, I took them off. They were wet and—”
“Are you trying to get locked up in a cell? Do you have any idea what that would do to our family’s reputation? To my position at the company? Not to mention you’d never be anything higher than a janitor with a quirk violation on your record!”
And on it went. Wave after wave of Tenko’s faults, failings, and lack of a future crashed over him. The occasional protest from his mom or grandparents were too weak, too few and far between to save him. He slipped under. Went down, down, down into the cold, crushing darkness. Only once his father had run out of accusations and turned to bicker with his mother about spoiling him did Tenko slip away.
He went not to his room but the water closet. With shaking hands, he opened the paper bag no one had bothered to ask him about. Pulled out one of the bagels he’d helped make. The oven had turned it a beautiful, deep golden brown. Glossy and smooth too, like it had been polished.
Tenko dug all five fingers into it. Savored the way it squished for an instant before crumbling. Drying up and running down his hand in little streams of dust. He did the same with the next, enjoying how the raisins in it burst into puffs of ash. The cherry glazed donut (such pretty eyes, though) made him pause a second. But only for a second.
He wiped everything down and flushed the evidence away. Washed his hands. Went to bed with an empty hole where his stomach and heart used to be.
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Hi! Mag I request a C!Wilbur x Half Blaze reader? Like they can’t touch water, snow, is from the nether, etc
So like a Blazeborn reader! Awesome dynamic with the opposites attract thing (yknow Phantombur can't touch sunlight and he's dead which means cold so-) yeah you get what I mean!
I didn't really know if you meant Phantombur specifically as one of the C!Wilbur's or just C!Wilbur from the Dream SMP so I did what was easiest to think of and that was a weird combo of the two Bursonas. Hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: C!Wilbur x Blazeborn!Reader
AU: Dream SMP & Origins SMP crossover (??)
It wasnt exactly easy being a being such as yourself in a world full of Normals and Humans. Your brother from the Origins dimension, Jack, had fucked you over and sent you to another Nether on accident so now you were stuck in this one without a clear way home.
Which sucked because you had a date with Phantombur that night. If one could call it that. The Phantom man of the world had invited you to go monster hunting with him, but him being the sly tongued man he was made it sound like an occasion to look forward too.
Now you were trapped in the new Nether with no way out. Your chatter didn't work here and you sure as Hell didn't speak Blaze in this dimension. They all made guttural groans instead of throaty ones like your dimensions so getting directions from your kind was pointless. And they were very rude as well.
Piglins weren't much help either so wither skeletons were your last option.
Yeah those guys went extinct a while ago due to a mass hunting apparently. The piglins told you that.
"Does anyone know how to get OUT of here?!" You asked in what rough piglin you knew. They eyed you curiously. The embers embedded in your skin flared with sparks as no one answered you. The gold of your eyes burned and you huffed out a puff of smoke from your lips.
"When I get back home I will murder you Jack I swear." You growled in your native tongue and stormed off into a crimson forest. The warmth of your home, albeit not your dimensions, welcomed you even if you were not its own. Your hissing and blazeish curses grew few as you wandered on. Hoping for a portal. Ruined or working it didn't matter. You had a diamond pick axe so nothing should be too big a problem.
A snap of a twig split your senses into fight or flight. Blazeborns didn't fly. Ever.
"Who's there?!" You called out and pulled your ax from your inventory.
"Easy now don't kill me!" A man stepped out. A tall one with a white flash in his hair.
"Wilbur?" You recognized the man you had meant to be hunting with tonight.
"Sorry, you know me?" This world's Wilbur looked confused. Different. He wasnt pale cold grey in complexion but a sandy beige. His hair wasn't the color of the night sea but really like the cocoa beans that grew in the jungles of the Overworld. And his eyes...your Wilbur's eyes were an emerald green that pulsed and smiled with each sly comment. This Wilbur's eyes burned like dying coals of Hell's fires. Red overlaying a dark brown like freshly filled soil.
"No, not you. It's a little complicated. Name's Y/N Blazeborn. I'm not from here you could say." You smiled and outstretched a smoldering hand. The embers flickered under your skin as Wilbur accepted the handshake. A flush ran up his face as your eyes met.
"Right well, you already know my name so why don't we get out of here before the Piglins come back for my head?" Wilbur suggested and only then did you notice his attire. What kind of mortal fool didn't come into the Nether without gold armor.
"Right here we are!" Wilbur gestured to the landscape that filtered into your vision. A crowded place of buildings and words written in the sky.
"This is the community portal of the Greater Dream SMP. Dream runs this entire server but a King named George runs the country. I once tried to establish my own country called L'manberg. Ended up blowing it up myself in the end but I've made my peace with that." Wilbur continued on in his explanation of his past and you couldn't help but listen.
This Wilbur was so much more interesting than Phantombur. Perhaps you were only thinking that because this Wilbur was new. This Wilbur was excited to show you things. He wasn't sly or manipulative like the son of the great Crowfather. This Wilbur was...different. A good different.
"Anyways yeah I've kind of just over shared my entire existence to a beautiful person such as yourself so I think I deserve maybe a little explanation as to what the actual fuck you are." Wilbur's face turned bright red and his tongue twisted over his breath causing him to cough.
"Well-" You were about to speak and then thunder rolled above. "Ah!" You yelped and ran for the nearest treeline. Wilbur didn't follow you but saw how you cowered as the rain came down.
"We you alright?" He asked and held out his hand to the rain as the droplets coated his clothes.
"I am now. In Hydrophobic. Rain hurts me." You explained and flinched as a water droplet dripped from a leaf onto your skin causing a hiss and small piece of steam to come off your skin.
"Really? I was like that for a while but it didn't really hurt. It more so just sort of melted my skin." Wilbur ducked under the tree with you and watched the rain fall from under the branches.
"What do you mean you WERE like this?" You questioned.
"Oh I died and came back as a Ghost. He was a real pain in my ass just saying. Sweet fellow apparently though. People called him Ghostbur and they call me Revivbur." Wilbur explained.
"Neat." You uttered. "The Wilbur of my world is dead but he's not allergic to rain. He is to sunlight though. Man lights up like a torch at the smallest ray." You chuckled remembering the time Phantombur accidentally caught himself on fire. You had laughed as he dove for the lake which only resulted in water being splashed on you.
"So you really can't touch the rain? Or water at all?" Wilbur asked after a moment of silence.
"Yeah sucks I know." You sighed and sat down in the grass, watching as the near by blades blackened from your heat.
"What're you supposed to be?" Wilbur sat beside you.
"I'm half blaze. My brother Jack is one too. He sent me here on accident." You huffed and lit a small twig on fire with the embers along your fingers. The wood smoldered before fuzzing out to dark embers.
"That's hot." You heard Wilbur utter out and followed by several coughs. "I-I mean your fingers. They're hot that they can light a twig on fire!" He rushed to explain and you let out a laugh.
"You're a funny man Revivbur." You snickered and watched the rain pitter down from under the tree.
"You think so?" Revivbur smiled and rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Much funnier than my version of you. Phantombur is a bit of a prick most of the time." You sighed remembering the emerald eyes of the potions master.
"I'm a prick in your world?" Wilbur seemed a little confused.
"A charming one at that too." You leaned your chin on your palm before smiling half-heartedly at the man beside you. "Are you charming, Wilbur?" you asked.
"Let me take you on a date and you can tell me." Wilbur offered and you chuckled.
"Alright fine. I've got a feeling I'm gonna be here a while." You huffed and leaned back on your hands causing another patch of grass to burn under the embers.
"Wonderful." Wilbur smirked at you and sparks flew off your embers.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
spoiler for my stories
There's something weird with Blood. Was what others think while stopping the midget from commiting another war crime out in the open. That being said they look at the bloody blood who's pointing hallow in gun point while the other held him up from the hoodie.
"deadbeat let go of me." - smoll Blood. Acting very threatening and scary but failed as he is a cutie. "I'm sorry blood but I'm not going to let you murder or at least try to do so my master." Hallow apologize as he look at the victim of the smoll blood in the floor.
The moment Bee let go of the little gremlin, he went running away and went to target certain type of people in the pink kkoma. At most he is out to kill that are alternative au of alkaloids members.
"ah..." Hallow looks worried and held the gremlin by the two hands but the little guy start to swing back and forth before it gets a momentom and was about to kick hallow in the face when his grabbed by shadow hands and was taken back to familiar hold of a thief.
"how weak will you be to be under the command of the enemy?" The smoll bean commented with narrowed eyes of disappointment.
"Enemies are meant to be eliminated. It is the rule of this world." He point his little finger at the doctor who stood up from the pool of blood he was in before. But blood takes out a star blade and ninja throw it in the back of the head of the doctor which made a fountain of blood splat out.
"don't be like that." Bee pokes the little mischievous pinky nose when the said gremlin smack his finger away. "I'm not a kid!" Said the smoll bean. "I'm an aduwlt... Aduwlt... Adult!" With redden cheeks from embarrassment and anger as he cannot say his word properly for a moment.
"ahaha. How cute." Hallow chuckle as the doctor pulled him to the right when the little gremlin have fired another shoot and was aiming for the head. "A child with no order, even that gott awful incarnate from your place is better mindset than you are." Doctor pointed out eyeing the little midget.
"Don't say bad words to him." Bee give him a look as he cover the ears of the little one. "It's fine for him to go crazy in this world. Let him be and do what he want. Omae made this world so something like death will not occurs." The fae added as he try to stop the little gremlin going to his pockets to find something, bee already know what the little lad is looking for which is the candies from omae. His stocks is getting lesser each day than it should been when the little spider is slurping it like NN would.
"here." Bee sigh as he give the candy to the pink spider who eats it and stare at him in silence. "You most be up to no... Gwood. Gowd. Good." The little one face become grumpy when he cannot say the proper word again but continue on. "You thief. I will be big and steal your treasure! Like you did to mine >;((" he added acting so threatening (not really) bee just laugh and stared at the doctor whos looking at him. "Hallow I don't want you to be stupid to do the same thing as that mobster did." He instructed after a while. "Huh?" The undead wonders what his creator mean by that. "It's..." Doctor was about to say something when his phone wrong and he look at it. "Oh it's cap." He said before he went away to answer it.
Hallow look at bee and the little spider. "I wish that person said something before hand. At least I could say goodbye and thank you." He mumble as he reach to pat the little gremlin head who give a stern look at hallow and the look of disappointment. "What do you mean?" Bee ask him in curious.
"... I can see the sands that composes each one of us. Each one of us have different type and colors. I see that you have different one mix with you and the sands of blood is not the same as before. His sands have begone to circulate around you like a guardian or was he mix with you?" He wonder about it. He wonder why blood suddenly decided to do something like that. But his master said it was the prize he gotten a key to the conclusion to the ending he wish the world of his have. And something out of his own selfish selfless wish.
"...so you know." The fae mode drops as he stared at the twist au Kohaku in his arms. Who give him a disgusted look in return while taking out another candy from bee front pocket. Bee just chuckle hopelessly as he look at him. He knows the one in his arms is not the one he know.
"hmm." Hallow nodded his head. "Oh I think I understand what master meant by earlier." He thought about it. The color of bee. Would it be more beautiful if it gain more sand. What would he evolve and what will he become? It would something he wonder if he can see it one day.
"what's that supposed to mean?" Bee ask but the other just smiled. "Maybe one day you'll found out for yourself. It be a surprise for sure." The undead added through a mysterious grin.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I would love to see Stede’s son and Eddy meeting
( I have saved this ask since May, so if you have any question about what happened to your old asks, know that I hoard them like a dragon and who knows when the shiny coin will once more catch my eye?.This one takes place only a few weeks after The Kid is Alright)
“Eddy!” Alma practically fell out of the car window waving at her as the car pulled up. 
“Hi!” Eddy laughed, getting up from the stoop. Work had kept them here while Stede went to pick up the kids. 
Alma was out of the car as soon as it was parked, all miniature docs and swinging braid. Four weeks hadn’t changed her much, so Eddy let her start rambling about the drive as their eyes slid to the car. 
The boy got out slowly. He was small, but Eddy had no idea how big a seven year old was supposed to be. His hair was the same color as Stede’s, but had no wave, just falling loose and straight about his face. There was a book in one of his hands, clutched hard. His t-shirt had some superhero or another on it and his shorts were baggy over stick-figure legs with knobbly knees. One of his shoelaces was untied. 
“Eddy!” Alma said suddenly. “You haven’t met Charlie.” 
“I haven’t,” she agreed. “Want to introduce me?” 
“Yeah!” She charged to the sidewalk, and grabbed Charlie’s hand, tugging him up the steps. “This is Eddy! Eddy, this is Charlie!” 
Shaking hands had worked out with Alma, but Charlie was practically hiding behind his sister, shoulders rounded and eyes on his shoes. Wrong tactic here for sure.
“It’s nice to meet you, Charlie,” she said instead.
“Nice to meet you too,” the boy said practically under his breath. 
Alma fidgeted, then announced, “I’ll get our bags!” And dashed back to the car where Stede was opening the trunk to fish out their things. 
“Was the car ride okay?” Eddy asked, a little at a loss. 
“Uh huh.” Charlie said to his feet. “Alma says you live here now.” 
“I do. I promise I won’t change whatever routine you guys have when you’re here though.” 
“We don’t have one. It’s kind of different every time.” 
“Yeah? What do you like to do?” 
Charlie shrugged and Alma reappeared with the bags, Stede on her heels. 
“Hello, honey,” Stede leaned over Alma’s head to give Eddy a kiss. “I see you’ve met Charlie.” 
“I have,” they agreed. 
“Let’s get everyone settled inside and talk about dinner.” 
Two cots squeezed into the space was frankly ludicrous, but they’d managed. Charlie’s cot had train themed sheets.  The kid set down his bag by the bed, unzipped and pulled out a battered old stuffed animal, laying in on the pillow. Then looked...lost. Alma was already chatting with Stede about dinner options. 
“Hey, introduce me,” Eddy asked, pointing to the plushie. 
“Um, his name is Paw. He’s a lion, but he’s black and white,” Charlie smoothed a hand down over the ratty mane. “Dad got him for me when I was a baby.” 
“Yeah? I like that. A black and white lion. Very unique.” 
“Charlie, do you want a hamburger?” Stede asked. “The place two blocks over has a few vegetarian options.” 
“Yes, please,” Charlie reached up and shoved his hair back out of his eyes. 
It was the first time Eddy got a full on view of his face and it made her heart clench. Alma had elements of Stede in her face, but Charlie had nearly all of it. 
“Do they have black bean burgers or veggie burgers?” Alma asked. “I don’t like the bean ones.” 
“We can pull up the menu,” Stede was already on his phone checking. 
On the way to the restaurant Alma was doing her picture taking thing and Charlie followed after her, looking in the store windows to see what had caught her interest. 
“I thought we could talk over some options of activities over dinner,” Stede caught up Eddy’s hand. “What do you think?” 
“Good idea,” she squeezed his hand lightly.
Dinner was lively. Charlie seemed to perk up once food was on offer and participated in the ideas for the week conversation. He was going through a space phase though not nearly with the same intensity as Alma’s Egypt phase.  
“What else aside from the planetarium?” Stede encouraged him. 
“I like the playground by the house. It’s got a good shaky bridge,” Charlie shoved a fry in his mouth. 
“Chew with your mouth closed,” Stede advised. “We can do that.” 
And Charlie genuinely did seem pleased with those things. He liked the planetarium and didn’t ask for anything from the gift shop until Stede encouraged him to choose something. The playground turned out to be something that could occupy him for an hour or more, as he was happily carried along by whatever group of kids arrived and departed, merging with them like they were old friends. 
At night, Charlie went to sleep a full hour before Alma, offering only cursory protests before passing out. He had none of her wandering tendencies, but did wake up obscenely early. Instead of watching scary movies, he seemed to just use that morning time to make himself a bowl of cereal and read.
“You don’t want to watch anything when you wake up?” Stede checked. “We have headphones if you want.” 
“No, thanks.” 
When both the kids were finally asleep on the fourth night, Eddy remarked, 
“You know I thought it was the oldest kids who were all responsible and well-behaved. Not that Alma’s not, but...” 
“He was a quiet baby too,” Stede sighed. “I don’t know. I think he’s just...not himself when he’s here really. Mary says he can be very high energy and giggly at home still, but I never see it.” 
“Yeah?” Eddy frowned. “Well...maybe if you really do get more time with them, that’ll help. Six to seven...that’s a long year.” 
“I do remember time seeming to stretch forever. It must feel very strange to wash up here once a year. Mary's been very reasonable about all of it, so hopefully it'll work out.” 
The next day, they decided to divide and conquer so Stede could get some one-on-one time with both kids. Eddy and Alma spent the morning watching movies together in the same room for once, happily tearing terrible CGI to shreds. 
“Who’s ready for high tea?” Stede asked as he returned with Charlie from the park and judging by the size of the bag, fruitful trip to the bookstore. 
“I am!” Alma bounced up and raced to get her shoes. “Finger sandwiches!” 
“Guaranteed,” Stede laughed.  
And in too few minutes, they were gone, leaving Eddy and Charlie to look at each other across the span of the room. 
“Are you hungry?” They asked. “Pizza, maybe?” 
“Okay,” Charlie said warily, but followed them out. 
Eddy ordered their slices to go, so they could eat them outside on a bench. Charlie seemed to prefer being outside. 
“What do you want to do this afternoon?” She asked, then held her breath hoping he would answer with something more than his listless ‘I dunno’ which had greeted them more than once. 
“I wish I had my Lego set,” he mumbled. “I was halfway through when we had to leave and it was really cool.” 
“Lego like...plastic bricks?” They had a dim memory of such a thing, a loose bin of it that they could stack into tiny walls on the floor and then clear away back into a box under their bed.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I have a lot at home. My favorite is this carousel that Pop helped me make, it goes around if you turn a crank.” 
“How do you know how to put it together?” 
“It comes with instructions that are pictures,” he explained. “No words.” 
“Let’s get a set then and you can teach me how it’s done.” 
“Really?” He had pizza sauce on his nose. On instinct, she waded up a napkin, reached out and wiped it off. He sat still for it, just wrinkling his nose a little. “You’d let me show you?” 
“Sure. You’re the expert.” 
The thought seemed to energize him and when they were done eating, he dashed out ahead of her on the sidewalk, but before she could get concerned about that, he circled back, then dashed off again. He was like a yo-yo all the way to the store.  
There were a dizzying amount of sets. 
“How big are we going?” Eddy asked. 
“Uh,” Charlie frowned. “I mean I usually get small ones so they don’t take up too much room.” 
“That’s what storage is for,” Eddy said dismissively in a way she would come to regret in a few years, but for now was blithely unaware. “Dream big.” 
They got a massive space station that cost an obscene amount of money, but Eddy was charmed by the bubbly dome and Charlie seemed equally enthused, so away they went. 
They set up at the coffee table, Eddy sitting on the couch, Charlie on the floor. The bags came out numbered and there was, as promised, a booklet with precise directions. 
Charlie opened the first bag, tucked the others back in the box and started piecing things together. Eddy could already see it would be a nightmare to individually hunt out every little stray piece and started sorting them. 
It was calming, actually, to piece it out that way. Without much discussion, they lapsed into an easy silence. Charlie did the bigger pieces and left Eddy to do the fiddly bits, passing each other things as needed. She had assumed that Charlie was less intense than Alma, maybe by nature, but in this, he was just as intently focused, if quiet. 
Eventually, Alma and Stede came back, bringing with them extra pastries and stories. 
Eddy, who loved the chaos and noise that Stede brought into her life, actually mourned the broken silence a little. It had been nice to sit in that ocean of calm, snapping bricks together. 
When Eddy said good night to Charlie, hours later, he smiled tentatively at her and asked, “Can we finish it tomorrow?”
“Absolutely we can.” 
Many years later, Eddy sat down at a kitchen table in Mary and Doug’s house with a man that could easily look her in the eye, and these days did, very readily. 
“What’s in the bag?” Charlie asked her, vibrating at the same frequency he had as an excited child. 
“I got to the store before we got here.”
“No...you didn’t,” his smile split his face wide. 
“You know I did.” 
The box was enormous as she drew it out, an enormous replica of the ISS. 
“There’s no way we can finish that today,” Charlie smoothed a hand over the box. “I cannot believe you got this.” 
“How could I resist?” 
They started the set the same way they always did, Charlie diving in and Eddy sorting to keep up. Time slipped by them and eventually Felix wandered in, settling his hands on Charlie’s shoulders. 
“Sorry,” Charlie wrinkled his nose as he looked up. “I sort of abandoned you.” 
“Yeah, I’m getting eaten alive by your parents' incredibly pleasant and interesting friends,” Felix laughed and leaned down to kiss that nose. “What’re you guys making?” 
“Space stuff,” Charlie grinned. “Wanna help?” 
“Nope, just came by to say hi. Maybe sit for a bit. Bring you both some snacks and drinks as needed.” 
Felix didn’t interrupt or rupture their silence. Just sat down and watched as they continued their build. Eventually Alma drifted in too, looking a little lost. She sat down beside Eddy, who stole the cup out of her hand and took a sip. 
“Ugh, what is that?” She handed it back to Alma. 
“Licorice,” Eddy made a ‘blech’ face. 
“Ask first then,” Alma elbowed them. “Are you guys doing lego instead of hanging out?” 
“We are hanging out,” Charlie contradicted. “Our way.” 
“Yeah,” Eddy nodded, chest warmed by that. And the liquor. “Our way.”
“....can I help?” Alma set down her drink. 
Eddy looked to Charlie, who just smiled easily and nodded, “Yeah. Eddy can show you how we need everything sorted.” 
So it was four instead of two, and together they made the structure rise, building beauty in the silence.
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