#because he’s vegetarian
whump-it-like-its-hot · 6 months
You rolled number…2, so, drumroll,
Knut Bjerke
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Oh, where do I even start about him. Technically, he isn’t even alive at the current point in time. However, I will make exceptions to this rule :)
Knut is Agender and doesn’t really mind any pronouns, but usually sticks to He for the sake of simplicity. He’s Ace and also autistic, so basically a Triple A Battery <3
They were Loki’s partner when they were still alive, before they got murdered in cold blood. (Rumors say the incident involved a chicken nugget…)
Knut was most recently training to become a paramedic. He genuinely believes that there’s something good in every person, and does his best to bring that out. However, he also tends to be kind of a doormat. Other than that…he’s extremely allergic to walnuts. And he knows danish and british sign language. In whump, he usually plays a caretaker role, or rarely a whumpee.
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scholliski · 3 months
my favourite hobby is reminding people that andrews canonical subway order is jalapeños with lettuce and literally nothing else
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
My dad and I had a really productive conversation about identity and labels and I thought sharing it here would be helpful...
The thing about identities isn't necessarily to tell everybody everything about who you are. It is to communicate what you think is important to share. For instance, I don't think it's important to identify as a vegetarian or any label like that, so I don't apply them to myself, even if the labels apply to what I practice. However, I claim manhood because I value it. I decided that I wanted to communicate my personhood and identity with that label. Take what you like, and leave the rest behind.
You don't need to feel as though you have to have a label for everything if you don't want. You can have a couple labels, you can have a million. It's all about what you decide to share about your personhood. The labels are for you to communicate and relate not only to society, but to yourself.
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thelastbraincell · 14 days
The best part of inheritance is when Arya tells Eragon that maybe, if he tried hard enough, she could love him in 50 years
And she was being dead serious
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
The other day I had this huge breakdown about not eating/throwing away food saying "Sanji would hate me for this" and my friend told me "No, Sanji would understand you're going through something right now and would help you because he respects people's decisions on what they eat" and I think that has changed my life forever
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moved-point · 1 year
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I drew this a week ago while i was sick with the flu hhuhhh.. Anyways, some extra piece of trivia is that the blanket, pillow, and shirt N is wearing is all Uzi's because disassembly drones have no need for such luxuries. The Tessa blubbering he's doing is mostly because he's delirious due to the lack of oil and thinks he's still in the mansion, working as her sort-of caretaker. I dunno man I really like the idea that a tiny robot is a caretaker for a human only a foot taller than it. Maybe I'll add some additional drawings to this because honestly I've just been itching to post something, anything
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dollypopup · 25 days
like. . .are any other Polin fans out there that do not give a singular flying fuck about Debling? we should form a club lol because from the very bottom of my heart and with my whole chest: I could not care less about him. Not sorry, I'm tuning into S3 for Pen and Colin and Pen and Colin alone
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tswwwit · 8 months
Quick question. What would happen if someone came up on one of dipper's old graves and decided to resurrect him during one of his reincarnations? Would his soul leave the current vessel and get sucked back into the old one, or would his corpse just be filled with a whole lotta nothing?
That's an excellent question!
My first impulse is to say that resurrecting Dipper's old body wouldn't have an effect. Whoever did it would end up with a zombie, or the shell of a body with nothing in it.
My second impulse is: What if Dipper did get sucked out of his current body, and popped right back into his old one? Now you've got one very confused Dipper, and one extremely distressed demon who just saw the love of his life get his soul sucked out, going limp and dead right in front of his eye!
Overall, I guess it depends on exactly what kind of resurrection was pulled off. A body alone type thing will get you no brain or soul to go with it, but if it specifically targeted the soul itself? Then you better have enough oomph behind it to yank it out of someone who's currently alive.
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foursaints · 3 months
One Rosier twin hates boiled eggs with a passion and refuses to eat them even if it means starving. The other eats like four everyday as snacks. Thoughts? (I know this is random lol)
YES yes yes.. i see them both as incredibly picky eaters. evan is probably the hard boiled egg enjoyer because they are so neatly compact and disposable and texturally uniform (<- guy who has never cared about Flavor in his life; only Texture; he would eat grey nutritional goo for every meal if he could)
to me when the rosier twins grow up they both become equally picky vegetarian erewhon health food type people. every morning pandora makes two giant thermoses of hippie antioxidant root tea with bee pollen & collagen supplement & mandrake powder and gives the other to evan
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spirkme915 · 10 months
I made the decision to be extra-judicious on deciding what constituted a spoiler for the new season of Strange New Worlds and I'm sticking with that.
But I have thoughts and I’ve spent way too much time thinking about them for a season and a half and I can’t hold them in anymore. So here you go.
Definite spoilers for episode 5 and everything before it under the cut. TL;DR at the very bottom of this way too long post.
Episode 5 was an absolute banger of an episode in terms of Hollywood entertainment value. But, and this is a big BUT, what the actual hell are the writers doing?
The Christine/Spock/T’Pring love triangle is tarnishing the gift that was given to Trek fans when Strange New Worlds was announced and it's becoming way too obvious not to comment on.
It’s maddening that they’ve decided to take a thirty second scene of a one-sided crush from the original series (Chapel confessing her love for Spock in The Naked Time) and turned it into a two-sided love affair that's part of a love triangle. It is, quite literally, derailing what is otherwise an incredible show.
I hear you asking… Seriously? Aren’t you being extreme? How could a consensual affair do that? Or.... You're a Spirk blog. Aren't you biased? Oh boy, I wish it were that simple. This is coming from a literal lifelong Trek fan who had Trouble with Tribbles memorized before I had an inkling what romance even was, and who - fortunately - was taught by my Trekkie father what made good writing.
The love triangle is not good Trek or good writing.
For reasons that likely have to do with Spock being arguably the most well known character in Star Trek canon (pop culture wise), the writers have chosen to focus on him. And what kind of storyline can they give us since Spock goes through a massive, decades long character arc in the original series and movies? (Spoiler alert, I answer that at the end and it's not a love triangle.)
For reasons that likely have to do with Peck’s appearance and natural charisma, they’ve decided to give Spock love interests - not just one but two.
Let’s ignore that Spock doesn’t show interest in either Christine or T’Pring in the original series. Really, that’s the least of the problems and easily explained away.
Where the problems arise are two fold - Spock’s emotional journey and the minimization of two strong female characters to love interests.
Spock’s emotional journey - As great as parts of this episode were (looking at you, Amanda), what it achieved was Spock coming to terms with his human side in a way that the Spock we know from the original series hasn’t accepted. It takes original series Spock until The Motion Picture (perhaps not until after The Voyage Home), to be comfortable in being both human and Vulcan. So the ground Spock gained in this episode? Strange New Worlds, if it continues as part of the prime timeline, can only result in character regression for Spock. As a fan of Spock in all iterations, that regression will be a heartbreaking and horrible way to end a hopeful show.
Christine and T’Pring as love interests - Dear god, can these women exist without being defined by a man please? It’s 2023. This shouldn’t be something female characters have to ask for. Sure, there was more about Christine in this episode, but her arc still revolved around Spock. And not only that, but we got the Korby name drop in this episode (her future fiancé). I'd love to think that this isn't headed in a direction where Christine will hook up with Spock then he’ll pull away and she jumps ship to Korby only to be defined again by a man. But for fuck's sake, this last season and a half hasn't given me much hope. Jess Bush is amazing as Christine. Is it too much to let Christine be her own woman? And T’Pring? I adore T'Pring way more in Strange New Worlds than I expected to. So, please, help a Vulcan woman out. T’Pring is already relegated to nothing in the narrative after Amok Time.  If there’s going to be an insistence on bringing her into the story can she please not be defined by Spock then Stonn? I'm BEGGING the Strange New Worlds writers - let these characters and actors shine as fully realized women.
But the larger problem is that this single decision for a love triangle has not only fated these three characters to regression and minimization - IT'S DIMMING THE POSSIBILITIES FOR EVERYONE.
When Strange New Worlds was announced, there were so many possibilities. A whole new part of canon to be explored and expanded. NEW CHARACTERS, NEW PLACES, NEW MORAL QUANDARIES, NEW EXPLORATIONS.
But we only get 10 episodes a season, right? Not the 26ish we got with the original series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. (Discovery, I'm looking at you and weeping too.)
So, why are the writers insisting on episodes focusing on an unnecessary love triangle when they could be doing this:
Uhura - Hello? SHE'S RIGHT THERE AND CELIA IS INCREDIBLE. The original series is notorious for brushing Uhura under the rug and other people can speak way more intelligently on Uhura meta than I can. But, I mean, she didn't even have a canon first name until 2009. So. Yeah. Good news, Strange New Worlds can change all of that. Build her history, show us her successes, her fears, her failings, glimpses into her past. Give her a chance to have a dalliance with the "alien of the week." Uhura is a beloved character for so so so many wonderful reasons. Give us the stories about her that deepen that love.
Erica - Oh, Erica. My beloved Erica. Paramount PR keeps saying that last week's episode was "Erica's Big Moment" and if it truly was her biggest moment of the season, then I weep for her and Melissa Navia. All we learned in that episode was that she's Erica Ortegas and she flies the ship (and, well, that Navia has a depth in her they haven't let her show with Erica so far). Erica does pilot and flies really goddamn well, but we already knew that. What about her time in the Klingon War? What about her family? Her friends off the ship? What was it that either made her determined to become the best pilot or that happened in her past that inspired her to become that pilot? How does she feel about being on the Enterprise? How does she feel about soup or carpet or art? There's nothing, literally NOTHING, in future canon about her and right now her Memory Alpha entries for her life before Strange New Worlds is seven sentences. SEVEN SENTENCES. All of this for a fan favorite character. *sigh*
Sam - The potential for this character is limitless and all we've really gotten is him touching something he shouldn't have, being xenophobic to Spock, and that he doesn't pick up his dirty dishes. Seriously? We know more about Jim Kirk in Strange New Worlds and he's not even on the Enterprise or in the same timeline! When we rewatch Operation Annihilate, give us a reason to mourn with Jim. Make that episode a billion times worse because Sam is a character that we know and care about outside of being Jim's brother.
Pike - Okay, so admittedly, Pike is probably the most fleshed out character besides Spock in canon and they're not shying away from the future he knows is coming. That's been handled really well. And they've also done a great job of showing how much Pike cares. But, what makes Pike one of the "great captains" and how has his past turned him into who he is today (the canon pieces with his father have so much possibility) and what is he doing behind the scenes to fight for his crew and his ship? I feel like we got more of the "great captain" in Discovery than we've gotten in Strange New Worlds. And, dear god again with the "romance," can his love interest get a canon first name please? Hard to buy he loves her when he calls her Captain Batel even in his personal log.
Una - She was pretty much a canonical blank slate going into Strange New Worlds and they've done some incredible episodes with her, but I'd love to see her actually be the XO? Making that a question because she absolutely is, but we have yet to really see that in practice. The relationship between Pike and Una deserves so so much more screen time. Let them be captain and first officer. Explore Pike mentoring her, and give way more of her mentoring crew. Let her be more than Illyrian. What are the unique challenges she faces as the highest ranked woman and non-Human on the ship? Is she a fighter or a negotiator or some secret third thing? Does she have an intricate knowledge of some space anomaly or ship function that no one else on board does? What are her future goals and plans? I'm rambling now, but the point is that she's a character who disappears from canon after Strange New Worlds and she's the goddamn FIRST OFFICER OF THE ENTERPRISE. Let her be that until she isn't anymore.
La’An and M'Benga - Honestly, I'm not going to put much here for La'An because out of all the "new" characters in Strange New Worlds, La'An has been fleshed out the most. And, out of all the "barely exists in canon" characters, M'Benga is the same. But I'm listing them because they make my point. La'An and M'Benga are good examples of what happens when the writers focus on characters who either don't exist in canon or barely exist there. We know pieces of their backstory and their motivations. We know what keeps them up at night. Both actors have given performances that tie the audience to their characters emotionally. And yet, there's seasons worth of more material for both of them.
So. To come back to my original point - why are the writers focusing on a love triangle that tramples on canon and minimizes female characters when they are wealthy af with primo characters?
I mean, there are so many other ways they could have gone with Christine (making her bisexuality more than a one-off line, having her struggle with what happened on the Farragut, exploring her role during the Klingon War, family, friends, facing moral quandaries in her research...), and Spock (his relationship with Sarek, Vulcan rituals and practices we've never seen ((double parentheses here to emphasize that to us, as viewers, Vulcan *is* a strange new world and there's still a hell of a lot of Vulcan stuff that's veiled in mystery)), and MICHAEL ((remember Michael, his sister, who got a one line mention in the first episode then nothing?? Yeah, that Michael)), Spock's grief over losing Hemmer and Michael so closely together, etc...). Poor T'Pring is pretty much relegated to love interest and plot device at this point unfortunately. Instead of the love triangle route, they could've cut the sex scenes and made her a cool, calculating advisor to Spock and the Angel/Sybok plotline could've still happened. But alas, was not meant to be.
I've written a lot of words and taken up way too much of my day with this, but I seriously couldn't hold it in any longer. Look, I love Strange New Worlds, but I also seriously grieve for the show that it could've been and I seriously hope it will become that show in future seasons.
Strange New Worlds is gorgeous, the sets and special effects are A+, the actors are all pretty too and know how to command a scene. There's a lot to work with. But let's not forget that the original series was put together with styrofoam, glitter, and a prayer and it birthed this 60 year franchise. What kept people coming back to Trek were the relationships and a found family working together to explore, not a forced love triangle.
The insistence on the Christine/Spock/T'Pring love triangle is dooming all of their characters to massive character regression and minimization *and* cheating us out of learning about and loving the characters who are practically unknown in canon.
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tinknevertalks · 2 months
Teslen and Veterinarian AU (with single parent trope please!). :)
Nikola and Ashley both eyed the carrot with trepidation: Nikola because Helen knew his aversion to blood since his vampiric rebirth yet still tried to hide it in his food; Ashley because her mother was giving food to this guy like he belonged there and nah, that was not happening on her watch - Magnus women didn't need anyone else.
Helen rolled her eyes; sitting down, she said, "Really, you two, would I waste decent carrots by doctoring them?" They were part way through dinner when she added, "It's all in the gravy."
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thegroundhogdidit · 8 days
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deva-arts · 12 days
Is Nate technically a carnivore since he has fangs?
While this would have worked for other variant species, Nathaniel doesn't abide by the rules of nature in any respect, especially as an atypical-form shifter.
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His body has a predisposition towards humanoid forms, so it's safe to assume he'd have the same overall conditions that a human would- omnivorous. He's made a nutritional plan for himself that incorporates more veggies and less saturated fats. Ew! boring!
(Can you tell I love talking about Variant physiology)
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aboutiroh · 12 days
Avatar vs vampires
*mid battle*
Katara: you want to drink my blood? How about I give you a taste of your own?!
Toph: nice one, sugar queen.
Sokka, sitting cross-legged across the room with some parchment on his lap: actually, that makes no sense. You see, they-
*Katara piercing eyes activated*
Sokka: oh, they’re doomed.
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hippo-pot · 4 months
Do y'all know about Benjamin Lay? love this guy. I'm like 10 pages into his biography and already can't summarize him without doing him justice. i'll repeat the opening anecdote tho.
You're at a big Quaker meeting in New Jersey in 1738. This is a religion that has declared its dedication to peace, and has renounced weapons.
At these meetings, everyone can talk as the spirit moves them. It moves a 4-foot-tall man with a big white beard and kyphosis. His topic is the evils of slavery. A lot of people start looking uncomfortable, as you might upon being told you're committing the world's greatest sin.
After telling you all that God will "shed the blood of those persons who enslave their fellow creatures," he throws off his greatcoat, revealing a military uniform, a sword, and a book. He lifts the book in the air and stabs it. Something that looks a lot like blood pours out. He makes sure it splatters some of the uncomfortable people. Women are swooning. He is bodily removed from the premises
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lavleyart · 2 years
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"Come to me, Ravenheart. Messenger of Evil!"
I was inspired by the Xandria song "Messenger of Evil" and at the same time I was watching the Witcher series and I can't stop analyzing the lightning while I try to watch said series. So I just tossed the lightning I witnessed in the scenes into a Vaati picture.
That one took hella long and is kinda special to me so every interaction means a lot 🥺💜
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