#been thinking about my 4 because of Side Order and it's actually so perfect to me
tisorridalamor · 3 months
Btw. My 4 is an idiot who thinks she's hot stuff but really she's got mid skills and she tries too hard to be cool. She's overconfident and will make promises she's not always able to keep. Marie is strict on 4 because of that (which has actually helped 4 improve a ton) but secretly Marie has a soft spot for her cause 4 reminds her of Callie when she was young <3
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jocelynscrazyideas · 30 days
Coffee Breath | Quinn Hughes x Fem Reader
Summary: Quinn and Y/N go to Starbucks and Target after Team practice, and they prep for the Hughes Brawl that is being played in 4 hours.
Warnings: language, and only one kiss (it’s a peck)
A:N- I hate this sm but I needed to post smth 🫶
All i know is that you talk to much
You’ve got those big blue eyes
Drive me crazy, make me fantasize
‘Bout you baby
After team practice before the next game, Quinn and I leave the rink and we pick up some coffee. Quinn is wearing a letter this year on his jersey so, he has to take his body seriously now. All he does is workout. I’ve been dragging him to get coffee with me, just like it was in the past.
“You wnat your Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai?” Quinn says as he looks into my eyes. All I see is his light blue eyes, almost as if they were grey.
I look to his right eye, and to his left, then down to his lips, I love him. He sees my trick, and he grabs my thigh, as he moves his fingers into my warm special place.
He’s such a cunt.
“Yeah, the chai is perfect. And could I get a Gouda sandwich- the one I like.” I say as we pull into the Starbucks drive through. He turns his head as he pulls his blue hood off his head.
Said you can’t trust me
I said it’s fine.
I’m wearing the perfect outfit. Black leggings, pink sports bra, and of course Quinn’s hoodie. My shoes, are also his, they’re wayy too big, but they’re just crocs. Quinn, in the drivers seat wearing a blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and his grey slides. We’re matching. I love him.
“Mobile order for Maya Ray.” Quinn says as he looks at me with a smirk. Maya- which isn’t my name, and Ray- is also not my name nor his name. We use fake names, out of our safety, and for fun. He pulls up to the second window and he grabs the Iced Chai and swings his arm to me, and he also grabs the sandwich I asked him to get me.
“Don’t get crumbs in my car. I’ll kill you.” Quinn snaps out at me.
What an actual cunt.
“Cuntasaurus.” I say underneath my breath. I grab the drink and the sandwich and place the chai into my lap. I unwrapped my sandwich and started to bite in.
“Do you have change?” Quinn asks. Weird. He payed online, he doesn’t need more money- unless he’s going to leave a tip. Then I thought that he could already leave a tip online.
“Why.” I say in response, only after I remembered to answer his question. I was lost into thought that I literally forgot to respond.
“So I can leave a tip, I forgot to tip online.” sure. I think to myself, I know he’s lying, he’s a freaking millionaire, he should have at least $10 freaking dollars on him.
“Yep.” I say and grab my phone case. I pull the $20 out and hand it to the lady, only because I know if I gifted it to Quinn, that money wouldn’t make it to the tip jar.
“I could have done that.” Quinn says snapping at me… again.
“Well obviously not.” I say as I open the middle console that splits our seats apart. I pull out $100 dollars and shove it in his face.
a side eye is all I get in response from him.
“Shocker. You know where my money is.” Quinn says after we turn into the parking lot of a target about 10 minutes later.
he’s literally the sassiest man I’ve ever fucking met. He’s… so, teenage boy. Literal brain rot. We need to pick up some groceries so I made a list of things that I needed. Of course I made a list of things that again only I need.
“So, why did you need to stop at Target?” Quinn says as he finds the farthest fucking parking spot there is. God, he better carry me back out here. I look into his blue eyes again, he literally drives me crazy, I can smell his cologne, and that makes me insane.
He smells like flowers, but in a masculine way. It’s hard to describe, he’s just so beautiful. It’s just a normal day for us, but it’s THE Hughes brawl. New Jersey Devils vs Canucks in Vancouver.
I’m excited, but no matter what I’m going to be proud, I’ve known Luke for the longest of times, and even before I met Luke and Wuinn I was friends with Jack.
“You coming?” Quinn says as he opens my door and grabs my left ass cheek. Let’s just say his love language is physical touch, he’s really touchy, clingy and childish, but so am I.
“Yep. Also Quinner-” I say before he freaking cuts me off.
“I know. you always make your own list. Never something that I would need, it’s always oh, what do I need? And oh, I ran out on shampoo, better get ME some.” Quinn says as he mocks me. He’s such an ass. But an ass taht I love.
Again as he swipes his right arm under my butt, he grabs my back with his left arm, and he tips over to the left as he swoops me into his arms and over his shoulder. Quinn pulls my leggings over my red lacy thong that I’m wearing under.
“I hate when you do that.” Quinn states as he closes my door and locks the car. He grabs my hand and we walk to the the doors of the store.
“Do what?” I say in actual confusion.
“You tease me, then you follow up with that with oh, I’m too tired and sorry I’m not in the mood.”
Quinn seems really upset, which is why I love to do it. I pull my hoodie down over my butt and I get an cloud of Quinn. I love him. I really do.
I’m hit with this wave of horny desperation.
“Hey, give me a kiss. Please!!” I say as I stop him and we stand in the middle of the parking lot. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. I look deep into his eyes in pleading guilt.
“I know what you’re doing.” He says, he’s convinced that I’ll do the thing.
“Omg, just kiss me.” I say. But he won’t. So I grab his hand, and pull him back to the car, and I grab his keys form his pocket and unlock the doors.
“Please. Quinn I’m ready. Right now.” And I pull him into the backseat.
I pull at his silver chain that I bought him, its charm is a heart, and the back of the heart is a photo of us. When we were like 16.
“Please. Don’t. Not right now.” Quinn says as he pushes up agisnt me. I feel him getting hard. There’s truly a tent being built in his sweatpants.
“We have like 4 hours until the next game. We have time.” I say as I look into his neck ready to make a move. I can feel his pulse penetrating from his artery.
“No.” Quinn’s consistent with his answer. And I respect it. So I climb into the passenger seat and I forget about the target trip in general. And he climbs back into the drivers seat as well. And he pulls my cheek towards him. And he leans in for a kiss.
Taste like coffee.
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Loved By Seven | Chapter 3
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Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Human!Reader, Peacock!Seokjin, Serpent!Yoongi, Hawk!Hoseok, White Tiger!Namjoon, Merman!Jimin, Leopard!Taehyung, Wolf!Jungkook
Summary: Hiking was just an activity to get you out of the apartment, the last thing you imagined was ending in a whole different world by touching a jewel. That not being enough you end up meeting seven hybrids, and they all claim you shared the Connection with each of them making you their partner for life
Notes: Hi! I swear I didn't dissappear it's just that adut life is really complicated and I kinda forgot my inspiration for this series, but after reading the first two chapters I knew I wanted to write again so here I am. I already have the script for the fourth chapter, that actually was going to be in the third but I just wrote a lot for this one so it had to be passed to the next chapter. For those who are still here thank you so much. Likes, reblogs, comments are always appreciated. English is not my first language so pardon me if anything is misspelled or grammatically incorrect. Also the main idea came from a webtoon but I can’t remember it’s name. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Support me?
While you and Jiwoo are in dreamland Taehyung decides to order a pizza since his pantry is basically empty, which upsets him because he can't take care of you as a good partner would I have to buy groceries first thing in the morning. During the waiting time for the delivery he just watches you sleep, even if he thinks it's creepy, in his eyes you're so perfect and he's so happy he finally found you that he doesn't care, as long as you don't know of course; after 35 minutes the pizza arrives with an ecstatic Taehyung giving a very good tip.
Walking toward his bedroom, the leopard finally wakes you up after having an internal battle about letting you sleep or feeding you. You start to feel light touches on your face, not knowing what they were but liking the warmth they provide, you get closer to the source; awakening more you realize those touches are little kisses on your cheeks, and never been woken up like that you open your eyes a little bit, only to find a boxy smile, brown eyes, dirty blonde hair and a pair of animal ears with yellow spots surrounded by black on top of the head. A little bit surprised, but not scared, you fully open your eyes because of the closeness between you two. "What happened?" Your voice comes out a little bit groggy, something Taehyung finds cute "nothing happened, I just decided to order pizza and it just got here" he says turning towards the bedside table to hand you a plate with pizza on it "Thanks Taehyung" you say staring deeply at the pizza, it surprises you that in this world there is something called pizza and it's really similar too, which only adds more questions about this place and the similarities it has with your own world. However your train of thought stops when your stomach makes a very loud rumble "I'm really hungry, sorry" you say sheepishly looking at the plate but definitely not at Taehyung "It's okay, you've had a long day Beautiful" he says adding the pet name just because he loves this flustered side of you, apparently your stomach was so loud Jiwoo says "Hey N/N, did you buy pizza for yourself again?" And wakes up completely to recognize her surroundings "Oh it's Taehyung" she says looking for her piece of pizza but can't find it "Mmm...Taehyung, did you only bring pizza for F/N" she asks unbelievably "No?...I mean of course not, yours is down the hall" the leopard nervously responds looking everywhere but Jiwoo "I'll bring it immediately" he answers walking out of the room to bring her a slice.
While you were sleeping and then enjoying an awesome pizza someone was climbing up the same mountain you climbed down that day, just with a very different purpose...a more evil one. When they got to the cave they immediately noticed something different...like something is missing, walking inside faster they find that the precious gem, the most powerful thing there is in this world, is not where it's supposed to be. "Damn it" they scream angrily "Who the hell took my precious gem".
After enjoying a very delicious pizza, OMG is possible that the pizza here is better than the one home you couldn't help but think while drinking the soda Taehyung, who left to wash the dishes, brought for you. Feeling really tired from the bizarre and eventful day you ask Jiwoo "Hey, where is all of our stuff…and isn't this room really big for a guest room?" with a smile Jiwoo tells "This is not a guest room, I'm pretty sure it's his room" "What? So when we came in he deliberately put me inside his room?" you ask with surprise and eyes wide open "Yep, I'm guessing he wanted to be with you, but I don't think in a sexy way…yet" "Jiwoo!...don't say that" you whisper-yell afraid Taehyung might hear the nonsense she just said, at this point you feel blushing so much in just a day is going to affect your health "Oh, and I took everything out of the backpacks and accommodated in the bathroom or that drawer I found empty, well a lot of drawers are empty like he's expecting someone to fill them one day" Jiwoo says the last while wiggling her eyebrows at you and the only thing you do is throw the nearest pillow you could find at her, landing on her face. Taehyung couldn't help but smile while listening to the conversation you two were having, it's not his fault his animal ears are very sensitive and have better hearing, and in all honesty Jiwoo wasn't wrong; when he was looking for a place to live he knew he had to have a big space for when his partner moved in which included leaving empty drawers where they could leave their stuff without problem. "No, but for real N/N I think he wanted to stay here with you because after putting you down on the bed he walked out and I think I heard my name, maybe leading me to a guest room, but there was no way I was going to leave you alone with a man we barely know" "Thanks Ji" you throw her a grateful smile, Taehyung hears this and his smile turns into a sad frown Does she not want me? He couldn't help but think No, no…maybe she just wants to feel comfortable with someone she knows…yes, yes that's it…I just have to win her trust and we're gonna become closer…and-and then we can sleep together and I can get to know her and she can get to know me all these thoughts transform that frown into a big smile again.
Knocking on the his room's door, Taehyung finds you trying to get up "Hey hey Beautiful, what are you doing? You heard Nia, you can't put pressure on your ankle" he rushes to your side and grabs your head and stomach to put you back on the bed "Mmm Taehyung? I need to change myself into my pj's" you show him what's in your hands, a pair of pants and shirt, and a tiny smile I think he really cares about me "Oh, uh sure-sure" he takes a step back and touches his neck in embarrassment "Pretty smart huh? N/N is very through, we had a lot of important stuff in our backpacks, who knew they could become handy" Jiwoo says stepping out of the bathroom, Wow…she even knows how to take care of others, my Beautiful is so smart and cute and likes to take care of others it's the only thing the leopard can think after hearing that "So, do you need help to get to the bathroom?" he asks already putting his hands under your neck and knees "Oh no there's no nee…" you start but Jiwoo interrupts "Don't worry big guy, I can help her just fine…you should go and sleep too, today has been a very long day and you should take rest" the smirk she's wearing grows wider when Taehyung unconsciously pouts "Taehyung? Ji is right, you must be exhausted too…you know carrying me today, dealing with us and everything" you smile at him in appreciation and a little embarrassed after saying the carrying part "It's okay I don't mind taking care of you, it's a great honor…but I guess you're right I am a little tired so I'm going to grab my PJ's and head for the guest room" So this IS his room you and Jiwoo think, he walks towards the walk-in closet and exist with clothes in his hand, however before leaving the room he approaches the side of the bed you're in and crouches down next to you "Goodnight Beautiful" he closes the distance between you two and you're thinking OMG he's going to kiss me on the lips he deviates and kisses your forehead, and you feel how that kiss is way more romantic than anything else he could've done. The leopard separates from you seeing how you have your eyes closed and very red cheeks. Opening your eyes you see the biggest boxy smile yet, knowing you now have him in your mind he stands up and exists saying "Goodnight" to Jiwoo, she just waves her hand back at him.
Replaying what just happened in your head you're unknowingly touching your forehead, Jiwoo snaps her fingers in front of you to take you out of your daze "N/N...N/N hey hey!" "Huh? Jiwoo did that just happened? Did he really kissed me?" still with your hand up your head you ask with big sparkling eyes "N/N" she sighs "He just kissed your forehead…let's get you up and into the bathroom so you can change" nodding at Jiwoo's words you grab her shoulder and support your arm on the bed and take a boost to get up without putting your bad foot on the floor. With Jiwoo's help you hop to the bathroom floor "I can take it from here Ji" "Are you sure" "Yeah, I need to do certain things here by myself and when I get out you can help me hop back to the bed" "Okay, be careful" you nod and close the door, turning around you hop towards the toilet and relieve yourself after all that happened today you really needed to go, thinking it would be best to change your clothes while sitting you do it successfully; getting up from the toilet you hop until you're in front of the sink and proceed to wash your teeth with your toothbrush Ji had left ready for you, watching your face on the mirror you see how sweety and dirty your face is I need to wash my face with that in mind you start looking through Taehyung's stuff until you find a face soap and moisturizer Taehyung I'm sorry for going through your stuff but I really need to at least wash my face…I miss my skincare products you sigh and open the faucet to splash water on your face and with a little of the liquid soap you make foam and wash your face, you spend a minute getting rid of all the dirt and sweat from the day and open the faucet again to wash all the soap from your face and then take a bit of moisturizer to apply it to your face. In another room a happy leopard is thinking  I hope my Beautiful is using my products, I know Jiwoo said they brought certain necessities but not everything can fit into those backpacks. Once done you open the door and Jiwoo gets up from the bed and walks towards you, offering you her shoulder you grab it and start hopping towards your side of the bed, laying down Jiwoo puts your foot on top of a pillow and walks for the wall turning off the light and goes back to her side to lay down "Goodnight Ji" "Goodnight N/N"; after hearing you Taehyung also goes to sleep knowing you're now resting, in his house, under his protection.
On your second day you and Jiwoo wake up next to each other under the sunlight entering through the curtain but also because of the ruckus you're hearing outside the room. "What the hell is that guy doing so early in the morning" Jiwoo says covering her face with her arm to prevent the sunlight hitting her eyes "I don't know maybe we should go and see" once you say that Jiwoo gets up and goes to your side to help you up and walk/hop to the bathroom to wash your teeth. Once that is done you go towards the sound and find Taehyung murmuring "Damn it, I hope she didn't wake up by that pan falling" "I guess that's an understatement, by the way you did wake us up" Jiwoo enters with you to the kitchen, and the boy turns around surprised with big wide eyes "I-I didn't hear you getting up, I'm sorry…Did I wake you up?" saying the last with a sad pout on his face Why is he so cute? Shouldn't he be intimidating being a leopard and all? You couldn't help but think watching his face and sitting in a stool in front of him (separated by the aisle of course) . "Ummm…yes" you say with a nervous smile "But don't worry, I mean after all we are your guests…What time is it?" you say confused "It's 7:30…I wanted to leave you breakfast before leaving for work, but I woke up late since my phone died and everything went downhill from there" "Wait, phone?" Jiwoo asks surpirsed, and Taehyung only shows her an actual cellphone just like the ones you have in your world but it looks way more advanced "Mmm…have you never seen a phone before?" Taehyung asks Where are they from? Because everyone has phone, don't they? "We know what a phone is, I guess we just didn't think you would have too" You answer him "Why wouldn't I have one?" While saying this Jiwoo exists the kitchen and comes back with your phones "Ours don't work here" she shows him Wow these ones are kinda old no wonder they don't work Taehyung thinks but doesn't say anything.
Interrupting his examination on your phones, his own chimes with a new message from his manager Hey Taehyung we are all ready for the shoot, where are you? "Damn it" He murmurs "Do you have to go?" He nods sadly at your words "It's okay we can cook it's no problem, we are already imposing so much to expect you to cook as well" and he grimaces because there's not much to cook with "It's just that there is not much to cook with…I'm sorry, I'm such a bad partner" he ducks his head with his animal ears also down in embarrassment and sadness "I swear I can take good care of you…it's just yesterday was grocery shopping day but I found you and your ankle was hurt and-and…" he's just rambling and talking so fast you interrupt him by calling his name "Hey, hey Taehyung? Taehyung?" he raises his head to look at you, and you notice his eyes with unshed tears and still animal ears down just like a kitty I have to say something to calm him, something that can work, that way he can go to work otherwise I'm afraid he's going to stay here and without a job…whatever his job is "It's okay…not having groceries doesn't mean you're a bad partner…uh…this is a way for me to show you I can be a good partner as well don't you think? I mean proving to you that I can cook…and you're a-a good partner because you took really good care of me yesterday" you smile at him Is she accepting me? Is she falling for him already? There were two kind of thoughts after your words. With a boxy smile and no more tears in his eyes he says "Okay, I'll leave now" "Okay, have a great day at work" you wave while he picks up his phone and keys, once he's at the door Jiwoo talks "Wait Taehyung, what day it is?" "Well, yesterday was the last day of the weekend, today is Alday the first day of the week" with a confused stare he answers What a strange question "Okay, thank you, have a nice day" "Bye Beautiful" he opens the door and turns to you "Please eat" "Bye Taehyung" you say in a soft tone and very bright cheeks, and he closes the door once he got that cute reaction out of you.
"Well we're definitely not in Bastion" Jiwoo says once the leopard is out of the apartment "So are we really considering the possibility of teletransportation" you say observing her walking towards the other side of the aisle facing you "I don't think is a possibility anymore N/N, I mean unless we are having the same lucid dream we're actually talking with people who have animal traits, animal parts and can transform into animals" "Also, it's a world so similar yet advanced than ours" you add "Wait, I'm hungry. Let's make something before we continue this" Jiwoo laughs "Please don't change…ever" you throw her a smile at her words.
Wow he was not lying when he said there was no groceries you smile a little remembering his sad face and I'm not lying about how I almost coo when his animal ears got down just like a kitty…he's definitely making me feel things…but I have to pull myself together I just met him and we're from very different worlds you sigh at that last thought while hopping and looking through the refrigerator and the pantries "Sooooo I can make us meat with tomatoes and onion sauce, hard eggs and milk, is that okay with you?" you turn to look at her "Yes, but you shouldn't be standing up you're gonna make your ankle hurt" Jiwoo says worriedly "First, I'm not supporting my ankle" you show your bandaged ankle at her "and second, you can't cook even if it's to save your life so this has to be on me…hey were are the tuppers from the night at the mountain?" you start cooking the eggs and the meat "Heeey, it's not my fault I'm not particularly skilled at cooking and I took them out yesterday and put them at the dishwasher I guess he washed them" "Oh okay" a small smile passed through your lips while you chop the tomatoes and onions for the sauce "N/N what was that about being a good partner for him by cooking" you turn at her words and watching everything was cooking well, you walk to the aisle and sit to rest your ankle "Well…I mean you saw his face, he was so sad because of groceries and I knew he wasn't going to take any answer so I said something I knew would work…besides he had to go to work" you defend yourself "So you believe him? The whole partner Connection thing?" "I don't know Ji, we are in a different world like you said and it is known that some animals partner for life so what if here it's something like that" "Wait are you saying you are accepting him?" she raises her eyebrows in a sexy joking manner, you stand up when the meat starts to sizzle "I don't know…I do feel something when he looks at me and when he calls me beautiful" you say the last word lower and with your heart racing just by thinking of the he says the word, with so much emotion and tenderness "OMG I can't believe it took for us to be in a whole different world for you to be interested in someone" Jiwoo's tone is like she's offended, and yeah, once you turn to see her face there is an offended expression on it "But who knows if it lasts, maybe is a malfunction because how can we be together when we are from so far away" "I think…maybe…this is the reason we came here" you look at her with thoughtful expression "I mean when you two are looking at each other it's like I'm not even here…and I'm pretty sure you forget about your best friend at those moments" and you can't believe she's pouting "I-I-I do not!" "I can't blame you, he's really cute and hot" she smiles and winks at you, feeling your whole body palpitating at how fast and loud your heart is moving inside you, and knowing the best thing to do to avoid her is turning around, turning off the stove and plating the breakfast. Jiwoo stands up to take the plates and puts them on the aisle, you hop and sit on the stool and start eating with her doing the same in front of you with a teasing smile.
Chapter 4
Taglist: @lovely247 @apathina @kalala22 @singukieee @tinyoonsblog @arantxaglz @btsiguess-kpop @lachimolala22019 @goldeneclipsedragon @sophiaj650 @sukunasstomachtongue @djodjom1 @uarmyhore @to-see-without-eyyes @chatsgotmytongue @kyuupidwrites if you don't want to be on this taglist anymore let me know :), and if you want to be just leave a comment saying so :)
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myteavsricochet · 2 months
Latest firstprince fanfics read: Part 4
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(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
all i need (is on the other side of the door)
alex's neighbour plays the piano late at night when he's studying, and he hates it. when he meets his neighbour henry, he starts to form a crush on the hot british neighbour with a cute tax attorney beagle.
little does he know that henry's the one playing the piano.
I remember the time I knew what happiness was (Let the memory live again)
Alex undergoes medical treatment for depression, and comes out with some memories missing.
Henry helps him through it, and some memories are brought to light.
the tragic flaw is that they hide the truth (that you're enough, you're enough)
Alex has been staring.
For weeks now, actually.
Henry had originally chalked it up to Alex being, well, Alex. But lately, Henry can’t help but take it in as more than just his boyfriend's usual oddness.
Or: After gaining some weight, Henry feels self conscious. Alex however, loves his tummy.
Barracuda Is Down
“Barracuda is down, repeat, Barracuda is down-"
An attempt on the lives of the Claremont-Diaz's leads to a horrifying experience for Henry Fox, who was just trying to settle into new life with Alex in their New York City home. The two stand a test of true love-- if they can come out of the worst of their worst together.
Trigger Warning for Gun Violence
turn the desert to glass (you would be the one)
Henry and Alex's domestic bliss has lead to some changes in Henry's body. Henry doesn't really mind being a little chubby, but he wonders if Alex does. Alex, it turns out, does not. Not one bit. He does not mind one bit, and he is more than eager to prove it.
drowning man
Alex didn't know how he did it. How he did seventeen years of school, and extracurriculars, worked on his mother's, Rafael Luna's, and his father's campaigns, and was a good son/brother at the same time. He truly doesn't know how he did it.
He doesn't know how to recreate it.
He's starting law school this fall. He moved to New York and he's going to law school to become a lawyer and help people, then run for Congress.
you taste like home
“I lied to you,” he says.
He doesn’t clarify. He doesn’t have to.
Alex toys with his fingers. Quiet settles over them, offset by the pattering rain.
“I know.”
Or, the rizcriz prompt where Alex and Henry are roommates and Henry lies when Alex confesses his feelings in order to protect their dynamic.
we’d still worship this love (even if it’s a false god)
Alex and Henry are sleeping together because it's convenient, alright? They hate each other; it's supposed to be causal. So, why does Alex feel his heart break when he realises he's not the only one Henry is sleeping with?
It's Called Tact, Fuck-Rag!
Texas had been an odd choice, some might say. Henry thinks it's perfect. College is a time to go crazy, after all.
A Scream AU
Dallas, Texas
I thought I knew hopelessness. I thought I'd learned its specific dread years ago.
There's an assassination attempt on Ellen, Henry is caught up in the damage. Alex is... coping about as well as you would expect.
The sunshine lighting up my darkest days
Henry has a dark day and his daughter sits and reads to him.
Dancing, Drinking, Delighting in You
"Dance with me?" Alex asks, holding out a large hand to Henry. His palm is up, ready to take Henry's in it.
That very palm is one that Henry is oh-so familiar with. It's the palm that finds itself on the dip of Henry's hip when they lean closer together, the palm that cups Henry's cheek when they kiss. It's the palm that places itself on his chest as it pushes him down until the breath is knocked out of him, half by the impact of his back on the bed and half by the feeling of Alex's lips that often find his own not a minute later. He's traced the ridges of that palm, the slopes of its dips and curves, and drawn on the lines that June swears reveal Alex's nature. It's the palm that holds Henry's own, the one he kisses as Alex spoons him, the one that holds Henry's heart.
It's just his hand, but there isn't any universe in which Henry wouldn't take it.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Love, Henry has found, is at its strongest on a mundane Thursday night.
he feels like home
“Alex,” Henry sounded surprised to see him. He locked the door behind himself before dropping his things near Alex’s bag and hurrying toward him. Alex stood to meet him in the middle, Henry’s arms coming up around his shoulders while his own wound around Henry’s waist. Finally, despite being surrounded by all things Henry since he got home, everything clicked into place. Alex’s heart swelled as he breathed in the smell of real-life Henry and not just the products he used; this was home: clean linens and fresh-cut grass, with the new addition of cinnamon that clung to him, too, now that he spent so much time in Alex’s orbit. The realization made him dizzy.
or, alex gets a random night off; domesticity ensues
prove me wrong
Alex has texted.
Open the door. The first reads.
I’m not ready to go. The second says.
He stares down at the texts, then looks up at the door, and back down to the texts. You have a plane to catch, he replies.
I’ll figure that out later. Let me in. Comes the reply.
And Henry. Is feeling fragile and a little torn open and wanting and so he does the exact opposite of what he should do—he should tell Alex to go home because this was only a night, and they have to go back to their respective roles and expectations. They can’t just tell the rest of the world to fuck off while they get lost in each others skin.
or, Paris is more than a single night
come and get me
The email arrives 8 days after Henry left the lake house. He contemplates deleting it without reading, but it sits in his Alex inbox, where there are over seventy emails favourited, and somehow it feels wrong and weirdly impersonal.
As if leaving without a note were any different.
He stares at the from line with an aching longing that seeps into his veins. It settles on his heart like a tangible thing; something warranted and cruel that casts shackles around the aorta and locks them tight so that he might never love again.
or, alex sends an email instead of flying to KP.
Be Worthy Love, and Love Will Come
"For Christmas this year, all I would like is a best friend who doesn’t mind too much that I’m a prince. Most of my classmates poke fun because of who I am, or treat me like I’m too special to be their friend. I want a best friend who knows me as much as my family does and still likes me. I know that you can’t wrap a best friend up in a box and put it under the tree, but you’re magic so you know the best way to bring one."
(Movieverse canon divergence; Prince Henry, age 8, writes to Father Christmas wishing for a best friend. A few weeks later, he finds one.)
your needs, my needs
”Love,” he soothes, reaching out his hand to gently place it on Alex’s cheek and shuffles closer to the bed. ”Are you okay?”
Alex doesn’t answer his question and the silence tells Henry everything he needs to know. ”You’re home,” he says instead after a while, his voice rough and barely above a whisper.
Alex struggles with exam season and Henry helps him through it.
Fierce winds of love
Standing inside the lake, bleeding through his heart from a Henry shaped hole, Alex didn’t know. He didn’t know how to breathe, how to live or even how to exist without Henry.
If he managed to get himsef out of the lake, somehow made his legs work and enter his room, would he find Henry there, or would he be gone with the wind.
But if he just stayed there frozen, not finding the room empty, it would mean Henry never left, right? Never there but never not there either.
Biology 101 for babies
“There's a boy,” Arthur says seriously, still holding a bright red crayon tightly in his fist. “At nurs... nurs'ry. He's new an' he's brown.”
Henry, still twisting round to give Arthur his attention, blinks a couple of times, then very carefully takes his hands out of the washing up bowl and pulls off his gloves. “I see. What's his name?”
"Alright. And why is it unusual that he is, as you say, brown?”
Arthur frowns. “Nobody else is brown.”
Henry realises with dawning horror and amusement that he is about to have one of the weirdest conversations of his entire life. “Arthur, my little love – you're brown.”
whatever you need
Alex’s jaw aches. He’s buried in a mountain of coursework preparing for the final that’s going to make or break any potential future career in law he has, his vision is blurry, and his fucking jaw aches. No amount of stretching it out or massaging at its hinges is helping, and it’s all he can focus on. Not the merits of a case from the 1980’s that set legal precedent, not the infuriating blinking of the cursor on his screen, only the insistent ache in his jaw.
He’s going to scream.
He opens his mouth to do just that, to vent all the frustration of it all out in an agonized groan, when he hears his bedroom door open and the silky sweet voice of his boyfriend saying, “Love, I made you dinner.”
pillow prince
So Henry lays on his side in bed, fidgeting with the unused pillow next to his head. No matter how hard he tries to force the thoughts of Alex out of his mind, they’re stuck. He thinks about the way Alex shook his hand upon arrival. Strong and firm with arms that nearly winded him upon sight. His unenthusiastic smile was still so bright and filled Henry’s stomach with butterflies. He was able to cope with that, he thinks. Then came the glasses.
Usually, Henry isn’t this quick to crumble. He’s always good at appearances and keeping everything together. He’s capable of restraining any unwelcome emotions. Or at least he was. Now he’s struggling to not rut against his mattress all over the passing thoughts of Alex.
or alex walks in on henry humping a pillow and wants to watch and help
Someone special
"That was Shaan," Henry explains as Alex snuggles closer to him, pressing his nose to his neck. "The blizzard hit early, apparently. Too risky to fly."
"So Christmas here?" Alex says in that sleepy drawl of his that Henry will never get tired of. "Fuckin' sweet."
in paper rings; in picture frames
“Your love for me,” Henry says, “and your devotion to our marriage, are here.”
He presses his own hand, and Alex’s where he’s still holding it, to the center of Alex’s warm chest, applies gentle pressure until he can feel the beat of Alex’s heart beneath the skin and muscle and bone that make up the framework of his favorite person in the universe.
“Not in a piece of metal, Alex, no matter how sentimental it may be,” Henry says softly. “Just here.”
or; Alex loses his wedding ring, and Henry is very understanding about it
Say don't go (I would stay forever if you say)
“Henry, there is something wrong. I’m June, by the way. I run this place, and this is Nora. Uhm. You see, one of our employees forgot to remove the date from the website."
"You've got to be kidding me."
"I’m really sorry," June says, trying not to cringe.
"Please don’t expect me to go find a place tonight in this rain." Henry is angry, but he still keeps his composure.
"No. No, we have a place."
“We have?" Nora asks, as clueless as Henry is.
Henry books a hotel online only to find out that the said hotel accepted it in error, and now he has to crash the hotel owner’s brother’s room because he has no place to go.
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connan-l · 2 months
Now that Season 7's first trailer is out, it slightly validated some of my theories about which chapters is going to be adapted — so I decided to make a prediction of what Seasons 7 & 8 could looks like (I mean, we still don't have any confirmation for Season 8, but there's no way we don't get it, right?) I'm probably going to be very wrong but it was fun to try and think about!
I'm going to make the assumption that we'll get 13 episode instead of 11 because of something fun I found out: so far there's been 74 episodes of NatsuYuu (OVAs notwithstanding), which means that if we add two seasons of 13 episodes we'll reach the 100 :) So I hope we actually do get 13 episodes this time (I've also seen some people wondering if we'll exceptionnally get a 22 or 26 episodes season because of the 15th/20th years anniversary, which could be fun but I doubt they'll do that sadly).
Season 7:
Episode 1: Chapter 84 (Mini-Nyanko) Episode 2: Chapter 80 (Yorishima intro) Episode 3: Chapter 77 (Hakozaki 2) Episode 4: Chapter 83 (Kitamoto bookstore) Episode 5: Special 17/84.5 (Teen Matonato 2) Episode 6: Chapters 95 & 96 (Isamu arc) Episode 7: Chapter 81 (Flower bed) Episode 8: Chapters 92-94 (Miharu arc) Episode 9: Chapters 92-94 (Miharu arc) Episode 10: Chapter 87 (Nishimura) Episode 11: Special 8/31.5 (Chobi special) Episode 12: Chapters 88 & 89 (Souko arc) Episode 13: Chapters 88 & 89 (Souko arc)
Season 8:
Episode 1: Chapter 71 (Ake & Shiro) Episode 2: Special 14/67.5 (Birds & Reiko) Episode 3: Chapters 106 & 107 (Yorishima arc 2) Episode 4: Chapters 90 & 91 (Tenjou-san/painting arc) Episode 5: Special 19/89.5 (Matoba station) Episode 6: Chapters 85 & 86 (Tanatsutaki inn arc) Episode 7: Chapters 85 & 86 (Tanatsutaki inn arc) Episode 8: Chapter 99 (Origami) Episode 9: Chapter 108 (Chobi) Episode 10: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 11: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 12: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 13: Chapter 105 (Post-Homura)
For Season 7: I know some people wish the season could start with the exorcist chapters, but I think it makes more sense we begin with a ‘normal’ slice-of-life Natsuyuu episode rather than the more heavy stuff. It’s been seven years, after all; they need to reestablish the series’ characters and world properly, and I think chapter 84 with the clay mini-nyanko is th best one for that. I mean, in this chapter we have: Natsume returning a name, mentions of Reiko & the book, cameos of Tanuma and the Fujiwaras (the anime could probably briefly add Kitanishi, Taki & Sasada too), and a bittersweet story about a yokai Natsume befriends — so I think it’s perfect for a new start to a new season. Then it makes sense to follow this up with the exorcist stuffs in episodes 2 & 3. I'm hesitating which one would go first though; if we follow the manga chronologically then it would be the Hakozaki one, but I think they'll likely choose to reintroduce Natori first... I do believe it's important to introduce Yorishima early on too so that they can later adapt the second Yorishima arc in Season 8, to really establishes him as this new important recurrent character. (Though I wonder if 2 exorcist episodes side-by-side would be too much, so maybe they'll adapt Yorishima intro for ep2, then have another slice-of-life episode, then have the Hakozaki chapter.... who knows)
After that I’m no sure on the order, but there must also be the Taki brother arc for a Taki-focused episode, then the Kitamoto & Nishimura chapters. I think it’d makes sense to adapt both of the Kitanishi chapters in season 7 so that then in season 8 they could adapt the Tenjou-san/painting arc in order to make it feel balanced (or they could do the reverse and adapt Tenjou-san arc before in season 7, but I think it's better if it comes after). And then have the flower bed chapter as another slice-of-life episode (which I think is important to have before the Souko arc thematically). Not gonna lie it really frustrates me that they decided to adapt the Tanuma & Misuzu chapters in a movie, because now Tanuma doesn’t have his own arc like Taki has :( At least he still appears more than her in other arcs, but they’re not focused on him so it’s not the same.
So the Chobi special from Volume 8 might seems weird to be in season 7, and admittedly I doubt it'll ever be adapted (maybe in an OAV?? But who knows) - but I thought about it because of Chapter 108 which is also centered on Chobi. Having the Chobi special before Chapter 108 seemed logical to me, though there's more chance we'll get another special like Special 14 or 18. (UNLESS they manage to adapt the Chobi special with Chapter 108 in a single episode... I dunno).
And there's no way they don't adapt the second teen Natori special, which has to be before Miharu arc. I think the Miharu arc will happens either in the middle or towards the end of the season, but I believe having Souko's arc as the final would be pretty emotionally impactful, with ideally 2 episodes. It’s the origin of the Book of Friends after all, so it’s important to really highlight it (though I doubt they'll do that unfortunately, I think they'll likely try to cram everything into a single episode as usual with the 2 chapters arcs -_-).
For Season 8: I think it makes sense to start with slice-of-life chapters with this season too, but admittedly I wasn't really sure which one. The Ake & Shiro or the origami chapters seems the more likely. Then there's still Special 14, which could also make a fun slife-of-life episode.
The Tenjou-san/painting arc and then the Noren inn arc in this season was more fitting than the last in order to balance the focus on Natsume's school friends - and like I said earlier, even though chronologically it happens later in the manga I think they will adapt the second Yorishima arc as well here. I think it’d make sense they decide to adapt the special with Matoba here too (It could be in Season 7 I suppose? But then it would a wayyy too exorcist-focused season).
What I’m the most confident in is that they’ll decide to end Season 8 with the Homura arc, and that it’ll take 3 episodes. This is such a long, important arc, and if they don’t mess it up it would make an amazing final; especially if after that we don’t get another new season until at least a few years.
(Hopefully we won’t have to wait 6 years for Season 9 afterwards… There was 2 years between Season 2 and Season 3, and then 4 years between Season 4 and Season 5, so if Season 8 is released in 2025 then I hope we’ll get Season 9 in like. 2028-2029. please.)
Anyway, just for fun I tried to imagine what a Season 9 could look like too:
Season 9:
Episode 1: Chapters 109 & 110 (Kaka arc) Episode 2: Chapters 117 & 118 (Occult salon arc) Episode 3: Chapter 112 (Taki Matoba tea party) Episode 4: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 5: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 6: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 7: Chapter 111 (Tanatsukitanishi beach) Episode 8: Chapter 120 (Hakozaki 3) Episode 9: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 10: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 11: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 12: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 13: Chapters 127 (Homura cats returns)
This would make for a super plot-heavy season, but well all the recent arcs ARE very plot-focused lol. I initially thought that maybe the Portrait of a Girl arc could make it more to a potential Season 10 while the younger cousin arc could the final for Season 9, but ending the season on such a personal, Natori-focused arc like that would be a bit... strange. So! If we have Portrait of a Girl as a final, I think it makes sense for the occult salon arc to be at the very start of the season to introduce Shinobu and Clara (I vaguely thought it would be fun if they introduced them in Season 8, but the idea of a whole season where we start with the looming threat of Matoba's mysterious sister only to have her identity revealed at the very end is really cool too). I think the beach chapter too could be nice after the Natori arc as a sort of break before we got back into the heavy plot stuff with the 3rd Hakozaki chapter. I gave Portrait of a Girl 4 episodes here because I think it's what it wolud need to be properly adapted (it IS the longest arc to date after all, with 6 chapters!) but because of that I had to scrap the Hinoe chapter (which could then be adapted into Season 10). However I think it's more likely they adapt it into a three-episodes arc sadly (same thing with the Younger Cousin arc, they'll probably cram it into 2 episodes rather than three...)
And here it is haha. Can't wait to see how completely false my predictions will be lol.
Following this, the still unadapted chapters would include: Chapter 119 (Hinoe/Natsume crossdressing), Chapter 128 (current arc) that would fit into Season 10, then Special 18 (Nyanko meets little boy), Special 20 (movie special), Special 21 (little traveling yokai), Special 22 (Ribbon Nyanko & Mana Kitamoto), all of which could either fit in Season 10 or in an OAV.
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upontherisers · 11 days
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a/n: ik i'm behind on prompts but i'm in AU hell. in my brain, there lives a summer camp. chaos ensues. huge shout out to @shoshiwrites and @loveduringthewar for listening to my rambling for the past few days.
“Welcome back to a beautiful evening at PNC Park. It’s the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, two strikes, one out, the Yankees lead the Pirates 8-4—scratch that—” It’s more exciting to pitch from behind. “Tie game. Egan winds up—”
“Stop talking to yourself,” Brady yells.
No one lets him have any fun around here. He waves his co-counselor off and winds up again, sending a two-seam into Connor’s catcher’s mitt with a satisfying thwack. Diego, the batter, sighs, takes his helmet off defeatedly, and shuffles back to the home dugout. The kid stood no chance, especially not this far back in the batting order.
“Sorry, bud,” Bucky calls. That’s a lie; he’s about to pitch his first no hitter of the summer and he’s carrying his cabin, which has put up an abysmal performance through these first seven innings. Serves them right for naming themselves The Brady Bunch instead of naming themselves after him.
“They named themselves after you last year.”
“You mean the Tampa Slay Buckyneers?”
They’re back-to-back camp champs; they better play like it. This the only pre-season game before the cabin tournament and Bucky needs to put up some serious numbers or he risks losing his stars being poached for the intramural tournament at the end of the summer. Nevaeh Hale in UC09 just started playing national travel ball and there’s no way in hell he’s letting an arm like that end up on Kidd’s team or even worse, with one of the new counselors. Official practices are strictly against camp rules but if The Brady Bunch’s nightly tribal council just happened to coincidentally be on the baseball diamond tonight, he wouldn't complain. He has the speech from Remember the Titans down pat and he’s not afraid to use it. We will be perfect in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile.
His co-counselor will put up a fight, but he doesn’t understand the game like Bucky does. Brady’s a swimmer and swimming isn’t a sport, it’s a survival skill.
Bucky kicks at the dirt and pops his gum as Connor throws the ball back. The kid’s playing well today. His request to play catcher instead of his usual center field had taken Bucky by surprise, but he’s holding his own. It’s not as big of a test as Bucky would like it to be and he’s not sold on it being a permanent change. They need Connor’s height—and more importantly, his speed—in the outfield, especially in their first game against Buck and Benny’s Boyz 2 Men 2 Fast 2 Furious.
“It’s a bad name.”
“It’s a great name.”
“You’re only saying that because it’s Buck’s team.”
B2M2F2F’s (say that five times fast) Chayse Merriweather had shot up three inches since last summer and his counselors are being tight-lipped about how his swing is looking, but Bucky has no doubt that he’s going to have to send his boys deep and have his pitchers prepped to walk him if push comes to shove. The more he thinks about it, the more he makes up his mind. Sorry to Connor, but Xander is a decent enough catcher and since counselors aren’t allowed to play in the actual tournament, Buck needs as much height as he can get in the outfield. 
But, on the other hand, Jacob F. is pretty tall and he could—
The dinner bell sounds across camp and two benches of teenage boys jolt upright in sudden, rabid interest. 
“Final at bat?” Cros calls from his dugout. 
Bucky defers to Brady, who gives him a solemn nod, and he shrugs at the home side. “Sure.”
He scans the field behind him. The outfield’s getting bored: Maxwell and Aiden have been shouting song requests to Dellie and Ken in the booth and doing TikTok dances since the game started, Nolan’s pulled so close to Dominic that there’re practically two third basemen, and even if he started making subs, the dugout’s too busy doing bottle flips to know where they’re at in the game. He loaded the bases to give them some defensive practice, maybe field some ground balls while keeping an eye on their man, start getting into a passing rhythm for double plays, but apparently it’s much more interesting to do a bad line dance to Beyoncé. 
He yells to his boys to get back to their spots and is immediately waved off. Nol and Dom don’t even acknowledge him, which hurts a little. The dinner bell broke the remaining shreds of their attempt at concentrating, and he wouldn’t regain control until after they ate.
Sometimes, he feels like he’s the only one around here who gives a shit about baseball.
The Riveters’ fastest runner, Jordan, is on second and wouldn’t steal with Davonte at shortstop. Bucky doesn’t have the rest of the batting order memorized yet, but based on their last few hitters, the other team’s scraping the bottom of the barrel. He’ll lay down a few heaters, make sure the kid doesn’t feel too bad about it (2-0’s an honorable loss), and make sure his boys don’t kill each other getting in the dinner line. He’s not going to save their season from the mound and besides, it’s taco night. He’d develop their roster over a plate of delicious, greasy ground beef and use Brady as an entirely unresponsive sounding board.
It takes awhile for a batter to step up to the plate and if they’re the ones who want one more swing, they shouldn’t waste his time. It’s getting chilly as the sun goes down and the mosquitos’ll be out soon, and he much rather deal with the 15-year-old boy’s tirade against bug spray in the privacy of his bunk. He gets some plate-to-mound reps in with Connor before standing up and setting his hands on his hips. “What’s taking so long?”
“Sorry, sorry,” Cros says, flipping through papers on a clipboard, “hitter change.” Are they fucking printing out their batting orders now? Since when? No offense to the other bunk, but they’re much more… feelings based than Bucky and Brady’s. Cros emphasizes enjoyment over wins, which is fine, he supposes, but there’s a reason they haven’t made the playoffs in the five years Bucky’s been at camp. And now they’re printing out their batting order, like that’s gonna help.
Maybe Jean took Harry to a game, opened his eyes to the joys of the spirit of competition, made him see that there’s as much confidence building in holding yourself to a standard as there is in “having fun.” Maybe this’ll be a year when more than two cabins are putting in effort.
After a few moments, someone finally steps out, bat in hand. It’s Rosie, much to Bucky’s surprise. He doesn’t know much about Cros’ new co-counselor, but he knows he’s full of surprises. 
It had been a shock when Bubbles announced to the counselors’ group chat that he wouldn’t be returning this summer, passing up eight weeks in the mountains for a “once-in-a-lifetime” Master’s exchange program in Paris. Bucky didn’t understand; you have to pay to go to Paris, they pay you to be at camp.
And Cros put on a brave face during returning counselors’ orientation, pretending that he wasn’t shitting himself about doing his first summer ever without his partner in crime, nodding nervously at Chick’s assurances that they found him a good co-counselor. Everyone was surprised when Rosie showed up the next week. It’s not like they were expecting anything in particular, but they weren’t expecting someone so… so perfectly suited to the environment, frankly. A law student, the newest Head of Academics for the kids who take summer classes, and vouched for by Izzy in the front office. 
Bucky held the man at arm’s length for a few days due to being unimpressed by his “I don’t really follow the Yankees” answer when Bucky tried to connect over Rosie being from Brooklyn.
“There’s more than one professional sports team in New York,” Gale says, taking his seat next to Bucky for a fire safety orientation they’ve seen too many times. 
“Yeah? Name one.”
“Or,” says Mahalia as she leans forward and sticks her head between the boys’, “get this: some people don’t root for their hometown teams. Some people get so infatuated by a group of uniforms hundreds of miles away that they betray the land that raised them.”
“You know what?” Bucky snaps, turning around.
Chick clears his throat from the front of the room and gives a warning, arched brow. Bucky flips Mahalia off over his shoulder.
Even thinking about her partially ruins the respect he’s built for Rosie.
It took a week or so for him to realize that it’s not an act, that the new counselor is as genuine as he presents himself to be—patient, smart, gives good advice but isn’t parental about it. Instead of the usual mess of interbunk seating at dinner on the first night of camp, the majority of Rosie’s campers opt to sit with him at the cabin table rather than catching up with all their friends, full of questions and listening intently as he introduces himself. Their team name is in the intramural Google spreadsheet by Day 3. Rosie’s Riveters. It’s rare that a bunk names themselves after a counselor even once in the ten summers they’re together, let alone a new guy coming in seven years late.
He’s a good fit for UC17. Cros’ group has always been on the quieter side, tending to stick with each other and spend a quiet night playing board games in the bunk rather than trying to wreck as much shop as they can before curfew. A gentle but strong spirit who stays calm under pressure (look, Harry’s trying but he’s not there yet), a natural leader, and a complete lack of FOMO makes Rosie the perfect guy to keep his boys in a low pressure environment.
He’s the darling of the front office, the clear favorite of the kitchen staff, and one of the only counselors allowed within the sacred walls of the nurses’ cabin. Bucky’s never been on the nurses’ porch let alone inside the bunk, and he's known all of those girls for years.
“Maybe that’s why they don’t want you in their personal living quarters.”
Whatever, Mahalia. He’s grown up a lot since starting at Lake Harding, okay?
So it surprises him as Rosie walks to home plate with confidence, taking a couple of half-swings before digging a heel in the box and hiking the bat up. He looks ready.
Bucky’s impressed, but not deterred. “I don’t go easy on counselors,” he says.
“That’s fair,” Rosie shrugs with a gentle smile.
Alright, well. The Brady Bunch still wants to get to dinner and a few of them have homework to do before tribal council and lights out.
“Bottom of the ninth,” he whispers as he winds up, savoring the familiar drag of clay under his shoe, “bases loaded, two outs, Yankees lead 2-0.”
The ball slams into Connor’s glove, a high and tight four-seam, without so much as a twitch from the batter.
With no refs, Bucky has to call his own games. “Strike one.”
Rosie nods at the ground with a contemplative pout before preparing again. If it’s going to be this easy, Bucky might as well change things up a bit. The wind is blowing south east, toward home plate, and if he can sink his change up just right…
He winds up, aims, and fires, and the most beautiful noise he’s ever heard—the expressive, roaring, galant crack of ball meeting bat—thunders across the field. It takes him a second to track the ball against the darkening sky, and up it goes, higher and higher over the short chain link fence at the end of the outfield.
Rosie takes a few stumbling steps toward first with the practiced momentum of a man who’s gone yard many times in his life but just wants to be polite about when he starts running, and lets the bat fall to the dirt as he starts a light jog. It’s silent except for the evening birdsong when the ball finally disappears into the first few feet of forest, and then the home dugout erupts. The Riveters pour out onto the field like they just won the World Series, hats and mitts flying into the air, whooping and jumping on each other. 
Bucky is dumbstruck. He’s never been grand slammed, not once in five years and a week of pitching, but as Rosie is rounding the bases, he finds Cros’ gloating, smug ass smile still in his dugout and furrows his brows. What the fuck, bro?
“Brooklyn College, Division II Men’s Baseball National Champs,” Cros shouts over the victory cries of his boys, “2020 through 2023.”
“Where the hell is Brooklyn College anyway?” Bucky asks later as he’s pulling his tray through the taco bar, replaying the sound of Rosie’s homer over in his head.
“Brooklyn,” Brady says with a laugh.
They take their seats at their table where Connor and Davonte, the traitors, are animatedly regaling two UC05 girls with the story of The Miracle on the Diamond.
“You think he’d coach?”
Brady drops his fork into his plate with a scowl. “I’m your assistant coach.”
“Well, you weren’t much help today.”
“How was I supposed to know the guy’s a national champi—”
“Heard you boys got your asses kicked by a lawyer,” Mahalia says, plopping down on Bucky’s left. 
Brady returns to his dinner in silence and Bucky gathers up a taco in his hand. “People lose sometimes.”
“I don’t,” Mahalia says innocently, stabbing the greens in her neatly arranged taco salad. What the hell is wrong with her? “I stood on business today. Parenthesis-Withdrew-parenthesis in italics didn’t know what hit ‘em.”
Ah, yes, (Withdrew), Ev and Dougie’s latest scheme to trick opposing teams into not showing up to their matches, automatically forfeiting and giving them the win. The worst part is, Mahalia did stand on business. Getting pinched on the last possible pitch hurt like a bitch, but not as bad as whatever the UC08 girls did to their opponents on the volleyball court. The shell-shocked faces of (Withdrew)’s valiant soldiers told Bucky everything he needed to know about their game when the Bunch got back to the boy’s side of Upper Camp.
Mahalia bumps his shoulder with hers, causing half his taco to spill all over his plate. “It’s funny,” she starts, “Nevaeh plays so well. I can’t believe she hasn’t tried volleyball before.”
He already doesn't like where this is going.
“She had a lot of fun out there. She might pick volleyball over baseball when intramurals start.”
She's poaching his fucking players. Bucky’s vision goes red and he’s about to get up and leave (he learned last year that he and Mahalia are not allowed to get into screaming matches in the dining hall) when she reaches over and nabs his cookie off his plate before standing and sweeping over to her own table. He’s too stunned to speak or to look away, even as she turns over her shoulder and bites down on the treat with a coy smile.
He’s going to kill her. 
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comparing Brother Bear with TBT since their Both movies about Brotherhood and also Brother Bear just Randomly popped into my head again today.
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I've loved Brother Bear for years I think its a very underrated Disney movie with nice songs cute characters and a cute story.
and I randomly started thinking about it earlier and then started comparing it to TBT since their both strongly focused on Brotherhood.
and I realised that for some reason Brother Bear doesn't bother me as much as TBT does even tho it technically has many of the same faults.
it Rushes over the interesting character Drama and it Rushes a conclusion to said Drama between the Brothers at the end.
like the scene in the main film of Kenai confessing to Koda is still fairly sad but its massively undercut by having the song play over it.
the deleted version of that scene where the song doesn't play and we get to hear the full version of Kenai's confession and Koda's reaction is available on youtube and its way more heart-breaking imo.
which I guess is why they didn't go with that version since it would have maybe been a bit too much for young kids.
but the movie also employs the gimmick of having the brothers come back together in the end to fight off a life threatening enemy and all is seemingly forgiven between them straight away afterwards.
I guess one reason why BB doesn't bother me as much as TBT is that Kenai actually grows throughout the film despite wronging Koda in a massive way.
and Koda forgiving him too quickly in the ending is not as bothersome because we didn't see Kenai mistreat him the entire film up until the point he found out.
and he didn't then proceed to hurt him again in arguably just as bad a way as he did before like Bro zone did.
instead Kenai did grow in the film and he and Koda already had a healthy relationship prior to the reveal and later confession.
plus what they had throughout the film was genuine sibling banter it wasn't one sided like Bro zone's interactions were with Branch where it was basically just them treating him like a kid and not taking his Valid feelings seriously.
and when Kenai confesses to Koda he's a lot more openly remorseful and tries to go after him to make things right Bro zone just get a brief 4 second shot of them feeling bad and then the movie moves on.
not to mention the climax of BB involves Kenai making a sacrifice for Koda first off he puts his own life in danger in order to save him from his Brother Denahi. and at the very end he makes a big sacrifice ( staying as a Bear so he can stay with him even tho it means leaving behind his human life and not being able to openly communicate with his family )
which somewhat works as an act of love and redemption whereas the climax of TBT involves Bro zone being forced to work together in order to save their own lives as well as the life of the Bro who none of them wronged all that much tbh.
it doesn't really work as a first step towards them redeeming themselves and fixing their family because its kinda selfish and it didn't involve them really making any sort of personal sacrifice or even that much effort.
ya know its funny I just thought I'd make this post as a Random little thought since that's all this was I didn't actually expect to talk in depth and compare the movies stories this much lol.
I just started typing and got carried away 😂😂😂😂😂😂
anyway in short I love Brother Bear its a very adorable film and while its far from perfect in how it handles its story its flaws don't stop me from enjoying it.
since it still handled the more important parts of the story well enough.
unlike with Trolls 3 best thing I can say about it is that the movie version of "" Better Place "" is a legit great little song and frankly its too good for this film.
the story didn't earn such an emotional music piece in my opinion.
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bloodybreakupscene · 2 years
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vance hopper x reader
-> you and vance finally hang out and your relationship starts to blossom!!
-> thanks for sm appreciation on the first part!! it was my first fanfic and everyone was super nice ab it tysm 😞🙏 ALSO, i don't know where vance lives so bare with me and pretend he lives in a cul-de-sac (idk directions that well either IM SO SORRY ILL DO BETTER NEXT FIC I PROMISE) 😞🤘
-> taglist; @dracosbloodychicken
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vance liked you, a lot more than he's willing to admit to anyone, even himself. he occasionally glanced at you while playing the pinball machine he loved so much. sometimes you'd make eye contact and he'd look back at the game instantly. not even watching the ball inside of the game but away, elsewhere so he couldn't look back at you. god emotions were horrible; he thought. he repeatedly pressed the buttons on the side of the machine until you spoke.
"want to go get shakes later?" you asked, fiddling with the bracelets on your arm a little.
"i guess, i'm not doing anything else." he responded, although his tone was mellow and annoyed, he really did want to hang out with you. he just didn't want to show it, his vulnerability that is.
"alright then, i'll meet you here again at like 4:30, my mom needs me to help with dinner."
he nodded his head and you left the building, leaving only the memory of you standing next to him. he rolled his eyes, making a weak attempt and pretending to not care. he hated that every time you left he felt so happy and grossly obsessed with every interaction you've had with each other, whether it be something simple or complex conversations about whatever. he cared so much it was so annoying to him.
while overthinking he missed the button and the shiny grey ball placed in the machine fell back into the hole. he punched the side of the machine, causing the few people in the store to jump at the sudden noise. with no money left he had no choice but to leave. he walked home all pissed until he saw the front of your home, where you were doing yard work (thanks to your mom).
he's been to your house a few times, although most of the time you two just lounged in your living room watching shitty movies he'd complain about later. however, despite this he still came over every saturday when your parents weren't home to watch them with you.
"vance!! hello—!?" you waved, snapping him out of his daydreams.
he scoffed as he walked across the street towards the gray fence that separated your home and the empty sidewalk. he leaned up against the rusty metal and watched as you finished raking the leaves out front. you both talked again, vance seemed more relaxed however. he didn’t really have a reason to be mad out here, well not anymore at least.
“mm’ anyway it’s almost 4:30, let’s go.” he started walking away despite you yelling at him to wait. he stopped near a corner and waited for you to catch up. you stood by his side as you both were on the way to the local diner. the diner wasn't perfect, but at least they had good shakes.
you got a booth and you both sat and talked while waiting for the server. discussing topics like school, homework, weather, and anything and everything that came to mind. you smiled and vance almost reciprocated it, almost. the waiter came over and handed you both what you ordered, a strawberry milkshake for you, and a vanilla one for vance, because he's basic like that. well, that's what you called him, he could careless.
"but how are your grades doing? i think you ditched the last two days right?"
"i was sick."
"oh, like, for real?"
"yes." he blankly stared at you, his eyebrow raised slightly. based on his expression alone you can tell he thought you were an idiot. you laughed, hard, harder than you probably should've. his expression itself was hilarious but the fact that vance actually gets sick sent you over the edge.
"what are you laughing at?? what's so funny??" he asked, demanding an answer from you. his face blushed red as he looked away from you, but his angered expression slowly diminished as he watched you slowly calm down from your laughing/coughing fit. he glanced at you as your arm held your stomach, still coughing a bit in your hand.
"uhm— ahem, okay. uh, how's your shake?"
"is that all you have to ask after almost dying? i was about to bury your ass in the back of the restaurant."
"if i did die would you come to my funeral?"
"no." he threw a five dollar bill on the table. "let's go, m' tired of this place."
"already? we were there for like ten minutes." you joked, walking with him out of the door, the bells atop the door ringing as you both walked out.
"ten minutes too long." he groaned, shaking his head to get his hair out of his face. "i can't fucking stand being in one place too long."
"you don't seem to mind standing in front a machine for over three hours."
"it's different, idiot."
"sure." you said, as you guys went towards, presumably, vance's home, it went quiet. not the awkward kind of quiet like the first time you met but the content kind of quiet, the enjoying each other's presence kind of quiet. vance noticed you eyeing his hand every three seconds, he would've scoffed if he wasn't endlessly in love with you.
besides, there wasn't anyone around so. . . before you rounded another block towards the cul-de-sac, he grabbed your hand and enveloped your fingers together. five minutes passed and you followed him into his house. this is probably the second time you've been here, might as well be the first because the first time you came you waited outside.
"well, i'm gonna get going now. um, i'll see you tomorrow." you waved, finally letting go as his hand as you walked out the front door.
"oh, yeah, okay, bye. cya' tomorrow i guess." he responded, watching you close the front door. his heart was pounding in his chest, vance almost panicked because he thought he was having a heart attack, but it was just stupid emotions. maybe it wasn't so bad, he didn't mind having emotions at that moment, especially if they were for you.
"so, you gonna tell me who that is?"
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confessionsofamasc · 19 days
Or perhaps my refusal to be pinned down by any logic that even so much as smells a little too definitive is a process that I undertake in order to keep myself erect. It is hard not to feel like a heel when your identity is throwing wrenches into all of your well meaning peer’s personal theories of their own suffering, but that my existence could be taken so personally is always suspect. I recognize now that I have never undertaken thinking as a means of narrowing down my experience into a streamlined morally correct and direct absorption of exact reality as a means of keeping myself afloat emotionally unless I was very unwell and handling it badly. I have come to understand that simplification, while useful and even necessary, can be cruel. One cannot see all the details at once, but what one chooses to filter out is always an interesting question.
It has not surprised me that there seems to be a correlation between my disinterest in caring about what others would like me to think at the expense of what I actually think and the improved quality of my relationships.
What kept me in that boring and unerotic space was coercion. Some of it was petty, some of it was not. Most of it was tied up with an autotheorization of someone’s personal trauma dictating that their emotional and erotic needs were so maligned as to need outside protection or to warrant punishment if something made the wound throb. This is understandable, of course it was, that was the rub. Everyone does what they can to feel safe. Sometimes these things are selfish, abusive, cruel. The prevalence of sexual assault in that space was unsettling and one could never be sure of how sexual violence was conceptualized there, it was a kind of free floating idea that could contaminate anyone, a crossed boundary could be leveraged by as an assault, or a confirmation that a partner was lacking in purity and goodness in a fundamental way and therefore open to ostracization, insults, or other punishments (no matter if this boundary was ever communicated) and so many sexual encounters was fraught because of it.
Instead of gut feelings and subjective reporting, events were measured by relative abjection. Victim and abuser were a hard binary, but seemingly any detail could be cast in either light. Who seemed the most abject as filtered through the understandings of which kind of human experience was objectively worse became a factor. Subjectivity of course was rendered impossible when any grievances had to be hashed out through dogpiling and blacklisting to secure the emotional safety for the person feeling victimized, and I suppose that outcome always felt more secure if the reasoning for the punishment was so morally pure, so perfect as to be an open and shut case in the court of community policing. There could have been no subjective reporting because everyone was constantly running these calculations as to who deserved what care, what attention, all abstractly decided according to a vague ruleset. The flip side is who should be "holding space", who is presumed to have the most space to hold. What this led to was being made to regulate someone else's difficult emotions out of guilt, which is not the same as holding space. It felt like a violation. All of this I understand as a means of filtering misery in a place where everyone is miserable, but that does not make it less cruel. There are better options, ones that don't rely on coercion and the abuse of any person's emotional capacities. The term I used again and again to talk about a particularly abusive relationship was "an emotional dumpster", like a cum dumpster, but for all of my girlfriend's most traumatic memories that I had to then internalize as my own in order to make sure to never upset her. We never had sex.
I look back on the time I spent in that space after having allowed myself to trust my own feelings again and I remember the sinking feelings I got even now, they were always present, only I was not allowed to take them seriously out of fear that my actions would be twisted into something definitively evil. Maybe I was just not caring enough, selfish, maybe I did not know what difficulty was, maybe I thought I was the center of universe, maybe I was weak, maybe I should've been braver for everyone else's sake. I am a man after all. I was told I could not trust those gut feelings because they betrayed some kind of hidden and unconscious bias or flaw that needed to be “checked”, and these morally mandated mental exercises served to dissociate me from what was happening right in front of me. This left my memory fuzzy as well, so I was never sure what was happening. I spent so much time doing this that this process has long since become rote, a constant and inevitable burden that I still feel anytime I interact with a person, or when a person interacts with me. 
I recognize now that this prioritization of “logic” (however prescribed and flawed) over any individual's intuition or feelings is a method of control I was already well aware of, one I had adapted to as something I necessarily had to believe in so that I could protect myself from harm. That harm was real, learning those "logical" rules did keep me safe. It no longer serves me now, keeps me in a state of terror and self-consciousness.
It is part of the same control over me that led me to believe that I could not express any feelings if I wanted to be taken seriously and not labeled crazy and hysterical, something that I knew was linked with my ability to have autonomy, which I would do anything for at the expense of myself. It also denoted that emotional intelligence and regulation were my domain, but solely for the benefit of others or a collective, and never for the benefit of myself and my own self knowledge. To do that was to be a selfish bitch. Actually, it was never presented as a form of knowledge, it was always taken for granted. It was a pernicious double bind. I lost sight of myself, I was no one except for what I could do for others. This misogynistic conditioning was so ingrained at such a young age that I am still blindsided by it. 
The idea that one cannot have an instinctual sense of what is right or wrong for them lost its sting once I began to secretly question it, read and write about it. But the ingrained sense of terror I felt while doing it made this arduous, draining. Often it still is.
It was difficult to shake the sense of total inferiority that was fed to me. Often it went along with the use of words I did not understand and references I was not familiar with, but I was pressed to accept the highly subjective and particularly motivated presentations of them as objective and true. These ideas became so interlinked with fear and uncertainty that I grew afraid of the broad concepts themselves and was hesitant to explore them for fear of confirming that I was, in fact, an idiot if I could not read them “correctly”, and that if I let this stupidity slip I would be hurt. I could not let it be known that I had read them differently and thought that I had the personal authority to come to my own conclusions.
I was afraid of the sinking suspicion that if I did read and explore these loaded ideas I would have to face the fact that these people, who were in fact most of my community and all of my friends, were full of shit, were petty and reductive and often selfish, which would have been fine if there was not this system of control serving to benefit whoever could game it. Probably this was not a conscious game, but one of survival within the system. I already understood that if I came to disagree I might lose. That ended up being the case. I turned out alright.
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andreal831 · 27 days
I know you have pretty much the entire story outlined for TGW so I’m not sure if you even gave much thought to this, but even if you didn’t, it’s still fun to think about ‘what ifs.’
I’m gonna split the questions up into multiple lines so it’s easier to read. It’s also been a couple months since I read this part of the story, but I was thinking about it earlier and with the new chapter posted I feel like picking your brain a little. So fair warning, some details might be off.
When Hayley offered to erase her memories of Elijah, was there any moment where you thought about actually having Hayley go through with it/Jackson not stop Klaus?
What would you have had Elijah’s reaction been like of finding out her memories of him were gone?
Would Hayley still interact with the other Mikaelsons as much?
Do you think Hayley would have fallen for him all over again had he’d actually gone back to New Orleans for good?
Would Hayley’s actions of been any different to the point Jackson knows she’s significantly different? Would he have felt guilt?
Would Klaus of been able to sit around and watch Elijah hurt, knowing he has the power to give Hayley her memories back? Or would he give her memories back even with Elijah telling him not to?
Would there be any situation that Hayley gained her memories back even without Klaus telling her to remember?
Would Hayley have kept on the bracelet that Elijah gave her?
Some other things that have absolutely no correlation with anything above.
I assumed you wouldn’t kill off cami just because of things you’ve said in other posts, but I wasn’t really sure of how just because of familial ties being required for the bind. The way you did it was absolutely perfect, but why doesn’t Cami also have to be at least part wolf for the unification to work? Given the information from Hayley and Jackson’s wedding, I thought both people had to be apart of the same pack. Im definitely just forgetting something.
Given you’re already planning a sequel(s), I’m assuming Elijah and Cami will both be fine eventually. If you don’t put it in the main story, can you please write an outtake of everyone throwing a huge party for cami and Klaus?
Are you planning the sequel to follow the basis of season 4 (moreso the hollow)? Or are you going a different route entirely?
Last question, wow this was a lot. Since you unified Klaus and cami, if Hayley and Elijah ever get married, will they also do the unification ceremony? It’ll make them stronger, so I don’t see why not.
I probably should’ve split this into two different asks, but honestly, I’m too lazy to do that now lmao.
This will have many spoilers for The Great War. If you are not fully caught up until today's new chapter, go catch up first!
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Hi! Firsts, thank you for reading! I'm glad you are enjoying it.
I do tend to think about 'what ifs' a lot with this story. I've had most of it worked out in my head for so long and for the most part when I write, it goes in that direction, however sometimes side stories do sneak up on me and I have to figure out how to write them in or if I even need to include them. That's kind of what happened with the chapter where Hayley offers to compel away her feelings for Elijah.
This was always going to be a haylijah endgame and I didn't want to kill Jackson so I needed them to end someway and I wanted it to be on Jackson's terms. I always felt like Jackson's character was used as a place holder in the show rather than a character (which is why I never really liked the character), so I wanted to give him his own autonomy outside of just being an obstacle. I also hated how in the show Hayley doesn't have a backbone when it comes to Jackson. She never sets boundaries or stands up for how she is feeling. She essentially gives up her power over the pack and becomes his figurehead queen rather than the Hayley we know and love.
So in order to improve all of that, Hayley had to learn to stand up for herself and Jackson had to learn how to communicate. Meaning we needed an event that would push both of them out of the passive comfort they had fallen into after the unification ceremony. Jackson is angry about how Hayley feels about Elijah and Hayley had repeatedly told Jackson that she couldn't help how she felt in the show and then it dawned on me that, in this world, she can. We saw Elena do it with Damon. This led me down a completely different path than I had originally thought because I asked myself all of the questions you asked. I ended up not going down that path cause we were already 28 chapters in and it would have taken up so much time to get us there and back.
I also just don't think Jackson would ever actually let Hayley go through it. Say what you will about Jackson, I know I do, but he did love Hayley. He didn't always understand her but he wouldn't want her to love him simply because she forgot about Elijah. He wanted her to love him and move on from Elijah herself. And when he realized she never was going to, he decided he needed to move on.
All of that to say, I did debate going down that road but I thought it would be out of character for Jackson and any of the Mikaelsons. I never liked how quickly Rebekah and Klaus got onboard with the unification ceremony and throwing a whole wedding in their home and Klaus inviting Elijah to it like he didn't realize just how painful that would be. But none of the Mikaelsons would ever help Hayley erase Elijah.
Now if she somehow convinced someone to do it, no one would want to tell Elijah. Klaus would likely tell Astra who would then have to tell Elijah. And part of Elijah would be relieved. At this point, Elijah is holding onto his part of the white oak stake in case he needs to take dramatic measures to save his family. Part of him would be relieved that there would be one less person to mourn him. But the other part of him would be devastated. He never anticipated being with Hayley any time soon, but, as Jackson stated, he did hope that they would have their chance eventually.
Elijah wouldn't have gone back to New Orleans because Hayley wasn't what was keeping him away. And he would need even more time away because seeing Hayley look at him without the affection he was used to would break him in ways he hadn't felt since Celeste's death. He would try to get back with Astra to help ease the pain which would only make her angry because she knows exactly what he was doing. It would be a mess.
In New Orleans, Hayley would still interact with the Mikaelsons. Her relationships with each family member existed outside of her feelings for Elijah. However, she likely would feel more pulled to the pack. I think Jackson would end up even more annoyed because Hayley wouldn't just be completely in love with him. I do think Hayley loved him but was no in love with him. Simply erasing her feelings for Elijah wouldn't make her be in love with him. I never felt like Jackson did much to "woo" Hayley. Like at least flirt with your wife if you want her to fall in love with you. He went from accepting that they were just marrying for political reasons to being upset that she wasn't treating it like a marriage. So they still had their own things they would have to work through even if we removed her feelings for Elijah. But I definitely think he would have felt guilty. He would have made her remove such a large part of herself after she already had sacrificed so much for her daughter and their pack.
If Elijah did come back in town, he wouldn't try to win her back. He would check in to make sure she was happy. But they would definitely have to interact at some point. They are still family. Hayley would remember Elijah, just not her feelings. But unlike with Damon and Elena, Elijah hadn't done anything to hurt her so she wouldn't hate him. He would just be a distant family member that she doesn't have any feelings for, one way or another. But like Season 5 showed us, the feelings wouldn't stay gone for long. Haylijah developed feelings for each other very quickly and when they met up in France, it just showed that it would happen no matter what situation they were in.
Elijah would of course tell Klaus not to give her her emotions back because that's what she wanted, but Klaus would argue it's not what she wanted, it's what Jackson wanted and he doesn't care about what Jackson wants. Klaus would 1000% force them back on her once Elijah was back. Or even before that if he felt like Hayley was making decisions based on her feelings for Jackson. I could see him using it to try and manipulate them.
I would love to say Hayley would gain her memories back just for seeing Elijah or some other romantic thing. But that's not how compulsion works. Klaus would have to undo it.
Hayley would keep the bracelet on and she wouldn't be sure exactly why, but it would feel important that she did. She would still remember it was from Elijah and the letter he wrote, she just wouldn't have the emotions connected to it. But she knew that Elijah would keep her safe and that would feel important to her.
I'm so terrible at trying to scare you all because I make it so obvious what parts of the show I can't stand and must change, like Cami's death.
I had to think long and hard about how they would save her. I wanted her to be in the Chambre, but like you said it required a familial tie and unfortunately, Cami is a bit short on family. But the Mikaelsons are her family. So I just needed to make it a reality. I debated a regular marriage but felt like that wouldn't be enough for familial magic, she needed to share blood, or in this case a heart. This is where I'm deviating slightly from the lore. The lore requires it to be alphas from different packs. And Klaus isn't in any pack so logically he can just be the alpha of his own pack. Now it working on a non-vampire is completely in my head and since it's a fictional magical world I can bend things to my will. I try to stay within the rules of the world (more than the writers do sometimes), but this one I can see working. We don't know much about the wolves spreading out, but we know the ceremony was used because packs developed different powers. To me, it would make sense that in the early days, the packs would unite with different supernatural creatures and that's how the packs developed different powers. How else did they become so different when they all derived from the same original pack?
Spoilers for the next story: We will get some marital party(ies). We have not seen the last of Klamille. I just couldn't do that.
TGW is ending in August 2014 and I will not be doing a long time jump like the show did. I hated that so much. They made a whole show about a magical baby and just skipped over the majority of her life. We will have a little bit of a time jump so we will be somewhere in 2015. More spoilers, we will see some crossover from TVD if that gives you any hints of what the story will be about. Also the name of the next story is "I Know Places." All of my story titles are based on Taylor Swift songs (I did that so long ago and have committed to it).
I haven't thought about a unification ceremony between Hayley and Elijah because I need to think through what that would mean to the pack and Jackson. It would give Hayley a boost, but would it sever any ties between Hayley and Jackson as co-alphas? To me, them no longer being married didn't do anything since the magic was already in place, but if Hayley then ties herself to another as an alpha in her own right, it feels like it would get messy with her ties to her pack since she is not an alpha by herself. If that makes sense?
I know this is long but let me know if I didn't answer anything or if you have more questions!
Thank you so much for reading my story! I truly appreciate it and love talking about it.
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
Henry and one-way mirrors
(not really a theory or anything here, just some observations that perhaps a larger brained Henry theorist would care to chew on)
so I was thinking how gates sorta work like holes that are mirrors.
take Chrissy's gate: the UD kids and the RU kids both go to Eddie's trailer and look through the gate in the ceiling, and they see each other in the same room they themselves are in, just the other dimension's version of it.
(there aren't matching shots in one scene which is annoying but just to illustrate like you didn't already know:)
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neither group is seeing the sky above the trailer, as they would be if that gate was a hole that worked how holes usually work.
if you go to the spot in either dimension where that hole would lead if it worked how holes work, it's not there.
when Eddie and Dustin go up to the roof to play Master of Puppets, we see the place where Chrissy's gate would come out, and there's nothing.
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so gates are mirror-holes that can only be seen from one side of that surface but not the other. it's not a perfect analogy, but this makes me think of a one-way mirror.
which has been on my mind because baby El throws Henry through a one-way mirror where the first gate opens.
they could've had Henry get zapped against any of the walls of the rainbow room, in fact it would've been easier to film that I'm sure, but instead they went to the trouble of hurling his ass through a one-way mirror into an observation room, and set design isn't random and meaningless.
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so I thought some more about one way mirrors. how do they work?
it's a sheet of sorta reflective glass, and to make it do the thing, one room has to be light and the other dark. in the brightly lit room, the subject will see their own reflection. but from the dark room, the observer will see straight through to the subject.
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dark vs light is way too broad a theme on ST to begin listing examples, not that I need to, but this made me want to dig around with a focus on mirrors and light/dark mentions as it could maybe be applied to the mirror idea.
some observations in no particular order:
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nodding. okay. Henry as the dark observer
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of course, hiding in the light means focusing on happy memories and love and yatta yatta which is the way to defeat darkness which is what Henry uses to prey on people.
but in keeping with the mirror thing, does Max "hiding in the light" actually benefit her? because the brighter you are, in this analogy, the more clearly observable you are to the dark viewer.
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just saying, this plan ultimately didn't work for her and he literally could not have emphasized the "I see you" thing more
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Henry fed El this plan, I'm not sure whether he specified what to tell the orderly or if she came up with that on her own because of her recent concussion, but I lean towards Henry. the plan leads the two of them down to the lab's boiler room or whatever, the only dark place we've ever seen in the building.
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I've lost track of whether light is good or bad in this post
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idek what this is but intensely bright light emanates from Henry's body and disintegrates him into dark ash or whatever. also you can see the shards around El reflecting the observation room, because it's now the brighter one.
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it's another one-way mirror that baby El throws Two against, cracking it all foreshadowingly.
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and another one-way mirror that we observe El through as she's questioned by Lenora police.
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have to go to season 1 for a clear view of a lab mirror as far as I can remember. Brenner watches El's experiments through one-way mirrors from observation rooms, although with lighting that allows them both to see each other.
one-way mirrors are so heavily featured in 4 when both of the likeliest viewers (Brenner and Henry) are usually in the room with the kids. who's watching 👀
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Joyce and jancy detained in what I would swear is the same room but it's not. this isn't the point of this post but why. the mirror is narrower. did they scrap and then 99.9% recreate the same set? Nancy chooses to say "hey asshole" to the camera instead of the mirror, which I trust she's aware of.
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Nancy why did you say this in the same episode where Henry talks about mirrors
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oh btw, if the lighting is equalish on both sides of a one-way mirror, it just becomes a window, and both people see each other.
Victor saw himself, but Virginia saw Henry.
my melatonin is kicking in so somebody take this from here
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ryanscabinlife · 11 months
I can't believe it's been a month since I posted the May garden update. A lot of things has happened. Loads of wins and also plenty of failures. I guess I'll start with the progress of the ones I featured last month.
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The hardneck garlic that overwintered are just about ready to be harvested. According to online sources, garlics can be harvested about a month after the scapes emerges. I was delighted to see the scapes as I was taking pics this morning. Can't wait to collect and make something out of them.
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Oh tomatoes. I talked about how our weather has been awful many of times on this blog. After the dry May, they started showing some damaged on their leaves, and since they barely saw the sun this month, they did not grow very much. I panicked so I bought 30 more roma seedlings and 6 more cherry tomatoes. After a few days of sun, all of them are bouncing back to life and looking very healthy. Now I'm stuck with 60 romas and 12 cherries. Not the worst problem to have, really. All corners of the garden have tomatoes planted in them.
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The beds where the trellis is sitting is now filled with plants. All of the beans and peas are looking great. The snow peas are about 4 ft tall and there's plenty of beans on the ground. The luffa that I was so excited about, none of them showed up. I bought a packet of 10 seeds for a whopping $4.99 and only 1 germinated. I'm currently babying it and waiting for the perfect time to transplant it. The cucumber is the other one I'm totally having hard time with. So far I've already used up the whole packet, and so far I have seen none. I planted the last 6 seeds yesterday but I'm not holding my breath. We have a neighbour (I'm using the word neighbour very loosely here, they're about 5km from us) who have a small road-side stand and in the summer they sell cucumbers. I think I'm just gonna have to rely on them for cucumbers.
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The potatoes (all 30ft row) are doing extremely well. Some of them suffered from light frost and their early leaves died but they all bounced back. I think next year, I'll plant them even earlier.
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It looks like the apple or crabapple (I still don't know) tree had a couple of successful pollinations. I think the reason for the lack of blooms is because the tree has been neglected and unkept for a long time. I've already been researching and watching a ton of videos on how to properly prune apple trees so I can prune it next spring in hopes that it will put out more blooms next year.
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The border is looking a bit sad. Something to be expected on the first year due to the fact that most of the plants I have in it are perennials. I think they'll live though, I can only hope that they come out stronger next year. Looking closely, the wildflowers that I broadcasted are out. I see hundreds of them. I've added two smaller beds, I'm hoping to fill them up with the annual seedlings I'm currently growing. No progress at all on the potted garden in the background.
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The brassicas are my favourites but also the main cause of my headaches. Thank god I have seeded a good amount of extras because these bitches have plethora of enemies! The first to attack was slugs. They destroyed a handful of seedlings (100% my fault coz I decided to plant them too young). I battled this with non-stop weeding and slug hunting. So far it's been working, I just go in early in the morning, remove all of the slugs and the weeds they hide into. Then the rabbits. I did not plan to build a fence this year but after the rabbit attack that ate almost half of the original plants, I decided to build a fence around the garden. Again, so far it's working. Then just when they start actually growing, the damn flea beetles happened. Yesterday, I ordered some food grade diatomaceous earth. I'm aware that it will kill all of the insects it will come across with whether they're good or bad but I guess I'll just have to be careful not to put it on any of the flowering crops so it doesn't kill the pollinators. Next year, to avoid using such measure, I plan to install netting on all of the leafy veggies. I don't wanna do that now because it will just trap in the ones I already have in.
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Speaking of flea beetles and brassicas, these godforsaken creatures killed all of the arugulas and boy choy I planted at the end of April. I then replanted them a couple of weeks ago and lo and behold, all of them are damaged again. I'm leaving them on the bed for now to hopefully serve as food for the pests and in hopes that I'll be able to trap and kill them once the diatomaceous earth arrives. I'll try to grow them again in the fall when the temperature starts going down with netting. But for now, I planted some of my extra tomatoes to keep this spot occupied.
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To my surprise, the asparagus are doing exceedingly well. Can't wait for 2025 when I can finally harvest some.
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I have 3 tomatillos that survived and they're doing well. They're planted with the original cherry tomatoes and celery.
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3 weeks ago, I though these celery plants were dead, but they managed to come back.
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Peanut, another big failure. I planted a whole row of peanuts parallel to the row of potatoes. 30 ft of it and roughly 40 seeds, 3 germinated, 2 out of those 3 got devoured by slugs. So now I have ONE peanut plant. I scattered few sage and pepper seeds in the area as replacement. Let's see what happens.
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After the small radish harvest yesterday, these is what's left. I'm gonna give them a week or so until I pull them all out. In preparation for their departure, I have okras and eggplants growing in between rows. I've already replanted the okra and eggplants a couple of times because slugs and birds keep on eating them. To avoid that, I just covered them with recycled plastic cups as protection for now.
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On the same bed as the radish, okra, and eggplants are the softneck garlic. It's more or less an experiment. I was just curious if they actually produce garlic bulbs at the end of growing season. The garlic cloves I used are from Costco. They're not looking too bad.
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Next bed over (where I have the failed arugula and bokchoy) are onions. I bought a pack of a hundred bulbs and shoved all of them in this bed. They just started emerging.
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Next bed after that (my biggest one) are corn, zucchini, and butternut squash. The corns are doing alright. I dealt with poor germination with both of the squashes and when they show up, birds eats them. Nothing much I could do other than keep replanting seeds and protecting the seedlings with plastic cups. Looks like the ones I have at the moment are gonna make it.
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Next bed after that are carrots. I planted these back in April, and this is what they look like now. They sure to take their sweet time to germinate.
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zeltqz · 2 years
ran haitani has a reputation to uphold. yet it all comes crumbling down when his newest target has no interest in playing his little game. he’s now determined to add your heart to his collection — he is down to do anything.
pairings: ran haitani x f!reader
word count: 4.7k
notes: P.S this is the final chapter by the way. it's also the so called happy ending.
series masterlist
"Stressful day?" The bartender asks the moment she sees you slip through those doors. You nod and take a seat in front of her, watching her do her job. This is your favourite club to go to. It's near your house and the workers are so friendly. Emi recommended it to you when she started working here 2 years ago. She left the job though because she got hired somewhere else in a corporation.
You still attend here though, whenever you're feeling sad, mad, stressed or just bored.
"I got fired." You sigh. "It's so stupid. Guess why?"
"Why?" She asks as she mixes your drink together. You didn't even have to give her your order. She knew it off by heart, it was pratically muscle memory already.
"My boss— well ex boss, told me that I didn't live up to the company's expectations. Which is total bullshit. He’s just mad that I didn’t want to sleep with him.”
"Well, you should've let him hit." She laughs and hands you your drink.
"No. Ew." You grab a straw and stuff it inside your drink and begin taking small sips from it. Not wanting to get too drunk so fast.
"Are you still hung up over that dude, from college. You told me about him, few months back but I forgot his name. Beings with an R...."
"No." You say quickly. It's true, you're not. You moved on. Ran was a douche, his friends were also douches. You knew better than to fall for his tricks again. "I don't care about that pig."
"Ran! That was his name." She begins laughing and you scowl at her. "Okay, stop staring at me like that. I just have 1 question."
"If it's about him then no."
"It's not."
You take a moment then allow her to proceed with her question. "When was the last hookup you had?" You choke on your drink, lips pulling the straw from your mouth as you start coughing.
"What sort of question is that?"
She shrugs. "Just wanna test something."
Once you're done with your coughing fit, you take a moment to actually remember the last time you had sex. It's been a while. "I... can't remember."
"So you are still hung up on him!" She cheers and you shake your head.
"No! I am not. I just have better things to do." You say half heartedly. The real reason was because..... it felt horrible. You had around maybe 3-4 hookups over the last 5 years and each one felt bad.
When you consulted in Kaash for advice, she told you that men just sucked at sex and only fucked for their own benefit. Which wasn't a total lie. But then over time, as the sex got progressively worse, you assumed that you were the problem.
So you just stopped having it overall. It had been a couple years since you actually had sex after your realisation, but you weren't even complaining.
"Better things to do like what? You're currently jobless. You should just find some rich dude and use him for his money." She insists and first you think it through, then realise that will never happen to you.
"This isn't a movie. C'mon."
She shrugs. "Well, I'm saying there's a few good looking people in this club. You should find one."
You turn around, eyeing the men inside the club. There was some good looking people. Some looked a bit too old for your taste, some looked too young for your tastes. Some looked perfect, but they already had women by their side.
You shake your head and turn back to your drink. "I'll go home lonely tonight. It's fine."
She pouts at your words, only wanting the best for you. But decides to drop it anyway. She turns around to grab some wipes and wipe the surface down. The club doors open and a group of men walk inside. You don't look, but you can hear the bunch of women screaming for the nameless men.
You roll your eyes and place your elbow on the table, chin in palm as you twirl your straw around in your drink. You were so bored. You didn't feel like going home either.
The screams are getting even louder and it's starting to irritate you. Even though you're half way across the club from the entrance, you can see a group 6 men and a crowd of women surrounding them. You can't see them well but you just shrug it off, turning back to your drink ready to ignore.
The bartender looks over at the door, smiling to herself. "Oh, they're back tonight."
You look up from your drink. "Who is?"
"Those men. I don't know them personally but I they come in like once every few weeks. You see the pink haired guy?" She leans in closer to your ear as she points at the dude. You can't see his face because his back is towards you, all you can see is pink hair. Your mind flashes back to college, Haruchiyo's face pops up in your head. Not since then have you ever met someone with pink hair just roaming around.
"The pink dude comes in and orders like 4 strippers at once. It's crazy. He has his own section over there." You follow her finger as she points upstairs, the third floor. People like you were only allowed on the first floor, because it's what you could afford.
If you had connections, or it was your birthday, they allowed you to use the second floor, which was more spacious. The third floor, you heard was only for super important people. That or they were just rich enough to use it.
"Wow. Third floor? Must be loaded." You say, eyes trailing back to the pink haired.
"Yeah, I know right? He mistaken me for a stripper like 2 times. It was embarassing but he paid me for it. He's oddly sweet."
"Huh." Your gaze travels to the rest of the group. They all look rich and expensive. From what you can see of them at least. Their backs were still facing you.
"One of them is coming here, I'll be right back." She says and heads over to the other end of the counter. "Sir, I'll send a waitress over to the third floor for you."
The man nods his head and turns around. The two of you make vague eye contact before you quickly look away, back to your straw. From what you could see from the 0.01 second eye contact, the man was hot. He had short purple hair with black streaks and a few black peircings in his ear.
You try to focus on sipping your drink, but fail when you can feel his gaze on you. How long is this guy going to stare at me.... You think, feeling very awkward as if your every move is being examined thoroughly.
The stool next to you gets pulled open, the loud scrape from the floor makes your skin itch. He plops himself down next to you, chin in his palm as he examines your face.
You blink a couple seconds, then pull the straw from your lips. "Can I help you, Sir?"
"You look... familiar. It's weird." He says, voice deep and low as his eyes narrow while scanning your face.
"I have never seen you before in my life." You say, not even lying. You genuinely have no clue who this gentleman is. And he's apparently loaded since he's allowed in the 3rd floor. You've never met any rich people before in your life so.
The second Ran made eye contact with you, something inside him told him to approach you. He's not even sure himself, but he always listens to that voice inside him. Just as soon as he was about to get up and leave you alone, the bartender calls out your name.
"Y/N, I'm back, sorry to keep you waiting."
"It's alright." You face away from the rich man and back to her, giving her a sincere smile.
Ran's eyes widened. But he didn't show it of course. He was a master at hiding his emotions. He hasn't seen you in a good 7 years before he dropped out of school mid year along with Rindou and Sanzu.
What on earth were you doing in a club? It blows his mind. The Y/N from years ago wouldn't even step foot in a place like this unless your friends forced you too. Ran looks around, but there's no sign of your friends anywhere. So, you willingly came here? He thinks.
"Oh, Sir. You're allowed on the third floor now. It's open." The bartender said to Ran. You turned back to face him, remembering he was still there. Ran makes eye contact with you, smiling at the way your eyes dart around to look anywhere but in his eyes. You were still the same old cute Y/N from years ago deep down.
"Alright." Ran says, not standing up from the chair though. You look at him confused. You were the only person sitting here aside from him. Was he here for you?
"She said your floor was ready." You repeat, just in case he missed her words.
"I'm aware. I want to stay here. Get to know you." Ran shifts closer and you blink for a couple seconds.
"Okay... what do you want to know?"
"How old are you?" 25. Ran thinks.
"I'm 25. You?"
I knew it. He's smirking to himself. You seriously can't tell who he is? Is it the hair? He thinks he sounds the exact same, sure his looks has changed a bit, but so has yours, yet he was able to deduce you so quickly. Either you were just stupid or the alcohol you were having was getting to you.
You nod. "Cool." Then take another sip of your straw. This is so awkward you think. You still suck at making conversation, despite all these years.
"You single?" He asks, testing the waters.
You eye him skepitcally, "What's it to you?" You have no clue what this mans intentions are, but it can't be good. Because one, he's hot. Probably full of himself. Two, he's rich. Probably looking for a sugar baby or something. Your mind fills with all these dramatic conclusions.
"Cause you're too pretty to be sitting here alone. You get stood up or what?"
You look back at your glass, for some reason, you just can't maintain eye contact with this guy. Shaking your head as a response. "No, I didn't get stood up. I am single."
Good. Ran watches as you finish your drink, hands rubbing against your eyes, then checking your watch. "Are you leaving?" Ran asks, placing a hand on your wrist to stop you from going.
"Yeah, it's like 11."
"So?" Ran gestures for the bartender to make you another drink but you shake your head.
"No. It's fine. I don't want to drink anymore. I have to drive home."
"Then water." Ran suggests and when he sees the undecided look on your face, he gently pushes you back down to your seat. "Please? I want to get to know you."
You raise your brow, then finally cave in. "You're paying though."
"It's water." Ran laughs, "of course I'll pay."
"So you just wanted to flex on me?" You say, hand grabbing the water that was placed down in front of you.
"There's a lot I want to do on you."
You inhale sharply, watching how his eyes travel up and down your body, then back to your face as if he wasn't shamelessly checking you out in public. It's been so long since you did anything explicit with anybody, that your body immediately reacted to his words. Thighs rubbing together to try and reduce the ache in your legs.
Ran noticed and places his big hand on the skin of your thigh. You stop your movements, looking down at the hand on your thigh. "Sir?-"
"Hm?" Ran tilts his head, fingers sliding down, spreading your thighs apart. "What's wrong doll?"
You make eye contact with the bartender who winks at you and then tilts her head over to the bathroom. You knew what she's insinuating. Fuck it. You'll never see this man again in your life.
You slide off your stool and walk over between his legs, placing your hands on his shoulders. Ran's eyes go wide for a second, not expecting you to be the one to initiate anything. "Do you want to go somewhere to be alone?" You ask, pressing your thumbs into his shirt, rubbing circles as you stare into his eyes.
"Fuck, yeah. Let's go." Ran says, standing up tall. Your hands drop from his shoulders and admire how tall he actually is. His hands slip into yours and squeezes lightly to snap you out of your momentarily gaze.
You follow him up the stairs leading to the third floor, then into one of the bathrooms. The moment you get inside, Ran pushes you agaisnt the sink, hands trailing down your skin. "H-hurry up." You say, wanting to get over this fast. It's not like sex felt good for you anyway.
"I want to take my time." Ran says, lifting your dress up and over, exposing your bare ass. Ran grips it with his hand, squeezing the flesh hard enough to make you wince.
"I don't have all day." You say, trying to sound a bit annoyed but your voice comes out whiny as you make eye contact in the bathroom mirror. Ran grip on your hip tightens and he leans forward, his chest touching your back and his erection rubbing hard against your ass.
"You don't have all day? You got someone waiting for you?" He asks, voice hot in your ear making you flinch a little bit. Ran's grip tightens even more, enough to leave red marks on your skin as he waits for you to answer the question.
You shake your head, looking straight down, not able to look up and make eye contact with this man. Why was it so hard? You wince when he grabs a bundle of your hair, pulling your head back so he can see your face fully. "Use your words."
"No, I don't have anyone waiting for me." You say softly, staring into his purple eyes. That should have been the dead giveaway for you. Sober you would have instantly recogonised him just from the eyes alone. It's not everyday you meet someone with eyes like his. But sadly, sober you was long gone and would return hours later. You just knew you found his man smoking hot, and your body needed him.
Ran leans down and kisses your forehead. An oddly sweet gesture for a simple hookup, you think. But don't decline it either way. He places his hand on your back and bends you over the sink, hooking a finger underneath your panties and pulling down. You watch from the mirror as he starts to unzip his pants and pulls his cock out.
You can barely see it at first, because of the angle you're bent over at. But the second he starts to push inside you, you can feel every inch of him. Making you cry out and grab onto the edge of the sink for some sort of leverage. It was slippery, but you managed to grip tight enough. "Oh-oh my god." You moan out when he places both of your hands on your hips, holding you in place as he begins to thrust inside you.
"F-fuck you're still so tight." Ran moans slightly, sweat already forming on his forehead as he fucks you. Once again, his words should have been the dead give away for you, but you're not focusing on anything he's saying. In fact, it's hard to focus on anything with his size splitting you open.
You're mumbling something as your body gets pushed forward with every thrust he's giving you. Your teeth closing in on your bottom lip as he drags you by the hair, pulling you up to his chest. Your walls clench around him seeing the sight of the two of your in the mirror. Ran dips his head down to your neck, littering your skin with kisses and bites to prove he's yours even after all this time.
He knows he has no right. None whatsoever. He's the one that stopped talking to you. He's the one that left out of nowhere, leaving you with no explanation. But he just can't help himself. He's going to make it up to you. But he had to get a feel of you first. "How's that feel? Hm?" He whispers in your ear, fingers slipping between your legs and rubs your clit with his index and middle finger. "Ever been fucked this good before?"
You shake your head, "No, ne-never." It wasn't a lie either. Probably the first time in years where a man actually considered your pleasure as well as his own. Your mind does flashback to your first time with the man that shall not be named. But you didn't want to bring that up right now -- feeling it's not really appropriate.
Ran stills for a moment to pull out. A noise is disapproval slips from your lips as he pulls out. The next thing you know, you're being spun around to face the beautiful man. His hands slip beneath your ass and lifts you up onto the sink.
You raise your brow at the new position, watching him grab just above your ankle and spread your left leg further away from your right. You have to place your hands behind you for balance. Ran holds the base of his cock before re-inserting himself inside you.
Balancing yourself on one hand this time, you use the other to pull him closer by his shoulders. His hips snapped into yours, leaving absolutely 0 space between the two of you. The position had him filling deeper inside you, noises you didn't even know you could make escaped you as he pressed his forehead against yours, looking down to where the two of you are connected. "Shit." He cusses when he feels your nails dig past the fabric of his shirt and into his skin, leaving cresent shaped marks as you felt your orgasm approaching.
"Oh, my god-- sh-shit fuck fuck, yes, please don't stop, I'm so close. Please, please please-" You begged and begged and begged, chanting please as you felt yourself reaching your limit. One more brutal snap of his hips hit directly against your spot, causing you to lose balance. The hand that was holding you up instantly flew to the man's neck, pulling yourself up now using his upper body for balance.
Your hips twitched and convulsed, body feeling as if you had just gotten several electric shocks as you creamed on his length, whispering curse words into his ear as you rode out your orgasm. "Fuck." The man breathes out against the skin of your neck, feeling your walls milk his cock, he cums inside you. His teeth sinking into your skin as he bucks his hips a couple times, just to make sure his cum is deep inside of you.
Your fingers start to play with the strands of his hair near the back of his head as he recovers from his own orgasm. The feeling of his cum soaking your walls made your heart flutter for some odd reason. Then coming to realisation that this is a stranger. A complete and total stranger.
When the so-called stranger finally does pull away, his cock had already softened inside you. He tucks himself back into his pants all the while making eye contact with you. Your eyes are droopy and there's sweat formed on your forehead. "Come here." Ran says, tugging your legs down from the sink top so he could stand between them. He presses a series of kisses on your lips before gripping onto your cheeks, squishing them in his hands. "Still so cute."
You're too exhausted to push him away, so you just allow him to fondle your face. Hands raising weakly to push him away, but fail when he grabs onto both of your wrists and places them back down to your lap.
"How was it?" Ran asks after a short moment. He already knows your answer, but in order for his ego to reach his peak -- the words have to come out of your mouth.
"Amazing." Your hand wipes away the line of sweat from your forehead.
"Are you drunk?" He asks, geniunely wondering if you're not in the right state of mind to recognise who he is, or if you know but you just don't care. Or if you're just stupid and can't recognise him.
You shake your head. "No, but I am sleepy."
Ran nods his head. So you're stupid. "You don't remember me. Y/N."
The way he says your name makes you blink for a moment, the sleep taking over until-- wait, he just said your name. You look up at him, any signs of sleep now long gone as you stare into his eyes. Those fucking eyes. It hits you now.
He simply laughs, head dropping down as the realisation hits you so fucking late. "Took you long enough."
"Wh-what-wh- how?" You stammer on your words. So many questions forming in your mind, but yet you can't form a simple sentence.
"I was shocked at first, cause the Y/N I know doesn't go partying for one. And she would never hook up with a random dude she just met." Ran's hands find themselves on your hips, keeping you locked on the sink before you could run off. Not like you could anyways with that ache between your legs.
"I don't hook up with random guys." You admit, then wondering why the fuck you just hooked up with Ran before even knowing he was Ran.
"Your body couldn't resist me." That fuckin' grin is back on his face. One that has your blood boiling. "It's okay though," he leans down to your ear, "I couldn't resist you too." He admits then places kisses along your earlobe, making your body shudder. The kisses then travel downwards to your jawline, his lips passionately making out with your skin.
You want to yank him off. Scream at him for everything he did to you. This is the man that just took your v-card, then leaves with no explaination. You should be mad. But you find yourself closing your eyes, lips parted as he marks you. Fingers tugging at his hair to bring him even closer to you.
It's not him. You think. It's the way he makes you feel.
If that's what helps you sleep at night.
"Ran- stop." You finally say the words and he turns his head to look at you. His eyes scanning your face for any sort of discomfort. "We shouldn't be doing this."
"Says who?" Ran has his nose against yours, tilting his head to the side so he could slot his lips right against yours. But before he could, you raise your hand, using it as a barrier between the both of you.
"You really hurt me Ran." Your voice cracks and you immediately look down, not wanting him to see you cry. You thought you had gotten over him. You had well convinced yourself you had. But him right now, giving you the same attention and kisses he did back then, it's like all those memories came flooding back. And it was too much for you to handle.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am." Ran says, lifting your hand up to his lips, pressing kisses along your skin to soothe you. It works, but not enough for you to forgive him. "I-- I was stupid back then. Still am now, but--" Ran pauses, not sure how to explain his dumb actions. "I wasn't using you. The feelings I felt.. they were real. Too real. And I just got scared. I don't like being attached to people that aren't family. I didn't want to lose you, so I pushed you away before you could push me away. It's selfish I know. But-"
You look up when you see him lace your fingers together with his own. His large, longer fingers wrapping around your smaller ones. "I'll do anything to make it up to you. Anything Y/N. I mean it."
"I'll think about it." You say. You think it's the perfect answer. It's not a solid yes I forgive you. But it's not a solid no I hate you. Truth to be told, you didn't know what you felt right now. You had every right to hate him and be angry at him. Yet you just couldn't hate him.
Yes you were still angry. But hate? You couldn't. Ever.
Ran pulls his phone out from his pocket, and you watch him unlock it. You can't tell what he's doing exactly, but from the reflection in his eyes, he's swiping to what seems like messages.
He hands the phone to you, and the phone is on a fresh contact. "I didn't know if you switched your number. Please?" You assume he's asking you to please put your number in.
You look up, seeing all signs of playfulness wiped clean from his face. He was being 100% serious now. You hold his phone in your hand and start to input your number. Ran smiles as he sees you co-operating and not screaming at him to leave your life again. This is showing him that you're willing to restart. He knows it will take time, but he doesn't care. He wants to make up the 7 years.
He's going to make up for those 7 years.
You swipe from the contacts, heading to messages to send yourself a text. But you also use this oppurtunity to look at his recent messages. For no reason. Just nosiness. You think. Definetly not because you want to check he hasn't been texting other girls.
Ran can see what you're doing, but stays silent to allow you the satisfication of thinking you're slick with your actions. After a while of scrolling, a slight giggle leaves his mouth. "There's no other girls Y/N."
You swipe off of messages app and close his phone. "I don't know what you're talking about." You play dumb, already embarassed that he caught you trying to be nosy.
"Yeah? So you weren't just looking through my phone just now?" Ran asks, gently taking his phone back and placing it back into his pocket. You shake your head, then slide off the sink. Knees wobbling almost immediately but you catch yourself before you could further embarrass yourself.
You start to redress yourself in the mirror. Adjusting your dress from it's hiked position back to normal. Leaning in closer to the mirror to examine all the marks he left on your skin. Ran wraps his arms around your sides, bending down so he could rest his chin on your shoulder. "Let me take you out. On a date. Wherever you want. As long as it's not a library or something."
"Hey! I'm not some geek." You frown and Ran laughs, tilting his head so his cheek rests on your shoulder. You also turn your head slightly to make eye contact.
"You used to be. It's cute though." Ran says, a genuine smile has graced his features. One that you've only seen a few times before. You turn back to the mirror, unable to look in the eyes of such sincerity. You make eye contact with him through the mirror, thankful that his big grip on your body was keeping you upright because you're for sure you would have fainted by now.
"Is that a yes?" Ran asks again, making sure he has your date secured in his books so he can clear out his entire schedule just to make time for you.
"I'll think about it."
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If you and wanna forgive Ran it’s up to youuu
@imjustaweirdnerd @crybabylisa @gulfkfl @haitaaniran @lonnie19 @angelmitsuri @makotowife @heizis @thesadvampire @91sfuyu @dreamyscenarios @dilf-city  @fuschiguro @shostr @simplyrosesxr @barilnisanzu @debbienirn @nnyarlaa @ohkazu @sexybaeshin @theseductiveempress @hana-patata @cherrysimps @zand3rrr @akii-kaze @notgoldentoshi @gumiwaka @moonmikasuki @gajeelstan @pinksilk @abby9922 @mitts2002 @moldy-mushrooms @pinkfishgardenoperator @ilsatambe-blog @talasleeping @megumiyyy @yeehawnana  @kinkyato  @xxserenitysnow666xx @naisenpai @denkis-slut @ihateuguys  @shuujin @otakuprincess   @haitanifxn @savantsoulfinder @chiiiiiiiiis @sanzu-phoria @kasanodamarryme
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thelocalmuffin · 6 months
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Hello everyone! I wanted to share my accomplishments in 2023 before the year ends with a little bit of self reflection notes. You can enjoy everything in the read below.
Some fandoms highlighted include DGS, nintendo, and pokemon.
First off, this year has been hard for me. It's been a lot of self reflection and figuring my goals out after some became unattainable.
With that being said, I did accomplish a lot this year. I published my first recipe in a zine, finishing my first zine, improved my writing a lot, and picked up drawing once again. I also was able to get some actual help with some issues I have struggled with for years.
I want thank you all for your support. It means a lot that you enjoyed my artworks, writing, and ambition. Now here are my highlights for each month.
January: Foxtrot - An Asoryuu kitsune AU. One of the stories I took in when I was at my lowest last year and sparked a lot of my interest to keep writing. Plus Kitsune Kazuma.
February: Encore - A hassius story about motivation and being patient about the creation process. Though this was more or less my thoughts on this topic in general, this story literally inspired me to take my own advice and pick up drawing again.
March: The Memories that Lie - This was one I actually finished, but am glad I did. It's an asoryuu vampire story I was actually planning on scrapping, but ended up finishing anyway out of sheer stubbornness. To finish it, it took me completely restarting five chapters, but it came out a lot better than the original draft had mapped out.
April: This is when I took my hiatus and started to draw again in my free time. I was worn out, stressed, and collapsing under the pressure. This was my first piece that I posted.
May: Was a huge month for me. I launched the @blossominglovezine that you can enjoy here and published my first recipe in The Grand Adventure to Make the Perfect Cake for the @tgaacspringzine
June: I made my first icon! I was really busy this month planning for the trip of my dreams and doing some irl side work that ended up being permanent employment.
July: So I went to Las Vegas for a foodie tour. When I had a moment, I decided to draw the lovely Unicorn Goddess outfit.
August: This is when I did the Timmverse art study. This month was more of finishing up some logistics of zine work and getting a story out in the wild.
September: Goes to the Princess Peach Showtime piece I did! This piece really cemented my current style. And yes, I keep calling it Princess Peach Spotlight. Also wanted to mention I helped successfully launch the @dgscrimezine
October: Goes to my OC piece. CW for blood, but this piece was made for Halloween and the shading was really on point. I love this design for this OC.
November: I'm going with the fact I completed a ship week, asoryuu week. I got everything done at a reasonable time and was able to create so many fun pieces. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I had to skip day 6 because I ended up having an emergency. I also started pre-orders for my first for purchase zine, @desire-asoryuu-zine. This is still in pre-orders, so I wasn't sure if I was going to add it, but this is a big accomplishment for me.
December: I actually haven't been able to do much this month due to the holidays and getting distracted by Pokemon DLC, but I did draw this super cute Yuma!
Other highlights do include being accepted to multiple zine projects as a mod and contributor, which has been very exciting for me. You can check out that list here.
This upcoming year, I'll be helping with more projects and the @aawlwminibang events! I really want to do a personal project that I've been building up my skills for before pursuing, but now I think I'll be able to handle it. I won't announce it yet since it's still very much in development, but I hope I can in 2024.
Thank you all for your support this year. It has meant a ton.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Five Times You Flirted With Wrecker, And The Time He Flirted Back - Ch 3
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< Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 >
Author's Note: The fluff is getting more intense.
Summary: Of course out of all the clones in the galaxy to fall head over heels in love with, you pick the one that just thinks you're doing a flip.
Relationships: Wrecker/Fem!Reader
Story-wide Warnings: Eventual NSFW, Fluff, Shy!Reader, Friends to lovers, Awkward flirting, Pining, one instance of a drunk clone being a little pushy but nothing extreme, Reader is too shy and Wrecker is too oblivious, Reader is vaguely one or twice described as being ‘nerdy’ but no details, Size difference, Vaginal sex, Unprotected sex,
Word count: 2258
Ao3 Link
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Despite the cloud obscured sun shining down brightly on everything it touches, the air is still brisk; Smelling like the fumes from speeders and fresh rain on the concrete. It had rained earlier in the day and it'll probably once again soon, but you're both currently enjoying the moment in-between the downpours.
It's not as if you mind the rain all that much, though you'd prefer to be inside in order to properly enjoy it, when it does inevitably return. Perhaps with a blanket and a warm drink, and something nice to read. No matter how much one likes the rain, very few people actually enjoy being in said foul weather- and becoming a slopping wet mess in the process.
“Oh yeah,” Wrecker speaks up as he walks along side you, gesturing a hand outward. He has to walk at a slower pace in order to stay at the same speed, as his significant height makes it harder to keep up with his stride.
“Tech wanted to thank ya for getting all this stuff for him.” Shrugging it off, you keep walking ahead. Part of you wishes you’d worn something a bit thicker, as the cold wind pierces through the fabric of your top.
You’d just wanted to look a little nicer, that’s all. No reason in particular...
“Nah, tell him not to worry about it. He fixed my datapad, so I owe him one.”
You’d at first wondered why he wouldn’t want to get it himself, but you figured it was more than likely because he’s trying to micromanage multiple projects at once. Even more than usual.
It was also the perfect excuse to spend some alone time with Wrecker. Who’d offered to come with oddly fast, once you said yes to going scavenging around for parts.
‘Sweet! We’ll go tomorrow. It’s a date!’
You wish you would’ve worded it differently at the time, but it got what you wanted, in the end.
And plenty of it to; As you’ve been to multiple shops all across the district, and have yet to find what you’re both looking for. This has to be the fourth one now, walking inside and getting instantly overwhelmed by the intense heat for barely working technology and other such things, producing a fair bit of smog and dust. There’s a rusty droid doing something towards the side, though it’s body is blocking whatever it is.
The owner hears the electronic ring of the doorbell that signals your entrance and comes from the back, thankfully not taking any significant notice of the odd duo standing in front of him. His brow raises a little, but nothing explicit is said.
Unlike the second shop you had visited, who was quite overt about not being a fan of clones.
More than a few things were said that made you want to pick a fight, but Wrecker had borderline hauled you out by the armpits before you had a chance to throw a punch. You’d since calmed down, but you also still felt a little upset that Wrecker didn’t seem bothered. Though Wrecker doesn’t easily get bothered, he always takes things in stride.
“Lookin’ for something?” The shop owner has a rag in his hands, though he isn’t currently using it. Wrecker lets you do the talking, watching as you pull out your datapad and show a schematic that Tech had given you. It’s not the first time you’ve done this song and dance, so you have it down to a bit of a science.
“Do you have one of these?” He gives it a quick look over and hums.
“I think I got a spare one in the back, yeah. Not in the best shape, though.” Both you and Wrecker look at each other and let out a sigh of relief, putting the datapad away.
“Thank the gods; We’ve been all around the district looking.” Raising his eyebrows at you, the shopkeeper tries to wipe some oil from his hand but only really serves to smudge it more. “Not surprised; Most people just scrap that stuff for metal.” He pauses for a moment, looking you up and down. “What’s a lady like you doing lookin’ around for junk like that?” You roll your eyes.
“It’s for a friend.”
Looking up towards Wrecker the shopkeeper noticeably changes his tune, and wanders towards the back to get the piece. Though when you look up at Wrecker, he’s looking down on you like he did nothing at all.
Hearing some rustling around you wait for him to return, only to come back with quite a large container which holds the object of Tech’s- current- desire.
“I take 90 for it, since I want it out of the shop.” Wrecker’s eyebrows noticeably raise, watching you divvy out the credits. He leans in closer and attempts to whisper, but fails to do so quietly.
“Uh, he ain’t got those kinda creds…” You continue doing so, paying and grabbing the box to hold against your chest.
“Like I said, I owe him one. And if he insists, tell him I got an old speeder bike he can fix.” The idea of a speeder bike perks Wrecker up, but you change the subject before he has the chance to probe you on it. “Lets go get this stuff back to the ship so Tech can use it for, whatever he’s gonna use it for.”
You didn’t ask for those details; You had only cared about the ‘time alone with Wrecker’ details.
Leaving the shop, you hear the sky begin to rumble with discontent not too far away, but ignore it for the time being. The walk back to the public landing pad that they’re using so Tech can obtain his by GAR standards ‘illicit’ goods is quite far, but hopefully you’ll be able to beat any rain before it comes.
“Here, let me carry it.”
Wrecker attempts to grasp the top of the box and take it from you, but you step away from him before he has a chance to get a hold.
“It’s fine I got it,” You say, pouting at him. His hands are still outreached, as if waiting. “I can carry a little box, Wreck.” He puts his hands down and drops it, but still keeps glancing over at you as if checking for if you’re struggling. It’s cute that he cares, but you can do a few things for yourself.
Part of you is getting a little hungry and considering getting something to eat, but before you can comment on it, you feel something hit your nose. Adjusting your hold on the box you reach up with one hand and feel it; The droplet of water sticking to your finger. Another hits your face and Wrecker notices you looking up, and reaches out his hand to feel the air. He feels a few droplets land on his glove, and turns to you.
“I thought you said the rain wasn’t gonna happen till we were done?”
You look up at the sky, and instantly blink as more hit your face and slide down your cheeks.
“I said I think, not that I knew!” More and more hit droplets hit your face, now starting to slowly puddle on the ground. Since your hands are currently filled with a box stuffed with junk, you don’t have much protection when the rain starts quickly coming down, as it progresses from a little sprinkle to an entire downpour.
“Oh good-” Your neck shrinks into your shoulders, feeling the cold water begin to penetrate your clothes and quickly wanting to shiver. “Save the electronics!” Even if the container they’re in has a lid, you’re still attempting to keep the sudden amount of water hitting it from somehow slipping inside.
Wrecker in all of his quick thinking pulls off his chestplate, and attempts to use it as an umbrella for you. It works in theory, though he’s just a little bit too late on the draw. He’d left his backpack back on the Marauder, which was the only reason he could take it off to begin with.
“Wrecker! This is ridiculous!” He holds it over your head, laughing hard enough that you can feel it in your chest. You’re giggling as well, enough so that your cheeks hurt.
“Well you’re dry, aren’t you?” He tilts it back enough that he can see your head again, and notices he was too late to the draw and that you’re already slopping wet.
He can barely get out a single word, trying not to laugh at the way your hair is being weighed down by so much rainwater.
He resigns the effort, and puts the chestplate back on. The both of you are completely soaked to the bone within moments, but it affects Wrecker less visually than it does you. His armor is streaked with raindrops and his bodyglove underneath is noticeably darker, meanwhile your clothes are completely sticking to your entire body.
Daring to be a bit playful Wrecker stomps in a puddle beside you and sends the water smacking into your calf, and making you yell at the sudden slap of cold water.
“Wrecker!!!” You quickly kick some back in his direction, but he dodges most of it.
“Hah! Nice try!” He kicks more water in your direction, until you end up in a part of the street with more people, and have to stop playing around.
You soon after try and find some sort of cover from the rain underneath the awnings of some shops as you walk, though most of it is just an effort not to stay soaked, as preventing it has already long since passed. But feeling the way your top is beginning to stick on your back and rise upward, you finally shift the box in the direction of Wrecker.
“Can you hold this? I need to fix my top…” He quickly takes it from you, holding it under one arm with ease while his other hand wipes the water from his face. And quickly pulling down your top before anyone notices, you also attempt to wring out the front of it. When you glance up at Wrecker while doing so he’s quite overly turned away, trying to be polite. It’s cute, that he seems almost shy.
“I am freezing, we couldn’t have picked a worse time to get rained on.” You try to hold back a shiver, but you can see the outline of the Marauder at the end of the landing pad. It’ll be warmer in there, or at least dry.
“Eh, it could’ve been worse right?” Ever the source of positivity, you can’t help but smile; But Wrecker can’t help but laugh at the sight of streaks of water rolling down your face, as it continues to rain down. He does loose that smile a bit suddenly however, and is replaced by an expression you can’t figure out.
Before you can figure it out, the two of you are let inside the Marauder, and it isn’t long after that your current state is noticed.
“You two look like you had fun.” Hunter watches the two of you enter the Marauder, shaking off like wet massiffs.
��The weather is awful out there, started pouring down the second we started heading back.” Wrecker goes to dump the box off on Tech’s workbench, while you stay with Hunter. You make on overarching gesture to yourself.
“Mind if I use your refresher to wring out my clothes?” He laughs, noticing the way you’re still dripping water on the floor.
“Go right ahead. Ship’s yours.”
Thanking him, you walk past and step into their, abit tiny, refresher, closing the door and wiping some of the water off of your face. You do what you can to get the water out of your hair, also wringing out your socks so you aren’t standing in puddles.
Lastly you decide to wring out your shirt really quick, attempting to do one piece at a time before resigning to just take it completely off.
It’ll only a few minutes, and hopefully it’ll keep you from freezing with how soaked it is. Your bra is as well, though you can’t really think of an easy way to wring the water out of it without ruining it in some way. You have the whole thing almost done, wrapping it in as tight of a spiral as you can over the drain and squeezing. The water pours from it like a fountain, and you lean forward to try and twirl it tighter and get even more out.
But when you suddenly hear the door open you turn, almost jumping as Wrecker suddenly is in view in the doorway. You must’ve forgotten to lock it.
Wrecker completely freezes, only able to let out a gormless ‘uhhh’ as you try to cover your chest. When he stumbles out an awkward and barely audible apology, you quickly shake it off.
Perhaps a little too much.
“Oh no, it’s fine-” You almost choke on air. “I-Imean don’t worry about!”
You want to turn into mush right then and there because of how that sounded, before just quickly closing the door on him to finish up and pull your shirt back on.
When you open the door again Wrecker is noticeably gone; However Crosshair is leaning against the wall close by. His face is absolutely coated with amusement, and he’s grinning almost as wide as you’ve ever seen him.
“It’s fine? Really?”
You purse your lips tight, taking a deep breath.
“Shut up, Crosshair.”
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oc-poll-tournament · 5 months
OC Poll Tournament Round 1 Poll 4
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Propaganda below the cut:
Valerio Álvarez (he/him) @lieutenant-amuel: “Off-screen”: Valerio is a fandom OC. He lives somewhere in the 19th century in a fictional kingdom inspired by several Latin American countries. In my story where he’s one of the main characters he’s 35-42 years old.
About the character: Valerio is a history school teacher. The reason he’s decided to become a teacher is his wish to inspire other people, guide them, and help them fulfill their full potential. He’s kind, outgoing, warm, and very good at understanding other people’s emotions which makes him empathetic, open-minded, and compassionate. He’s extremely people-oriented and always makes sure to get to know everyone in every company he joins.
And why history? It was his favourite subject when he was a student and later on it became the main target of his study since history made him think and analyze a lot about the current regime of his kingdom.
As a young man, Valerio travelled a lot around the world, and one of the purposes of his adventures was not only seek out new experiences but also to discover and learn something new. He was curious and adventurous to the point of being a thrill-seeker (cliff jumping was one of his favourite activities). Despite being possibly the craziest among his friends Valerio had always been a shoulder they could rely on and a wise guide who could give them advice and comfort them when needed.
Besides he’s very responsible, has great strategical skills as he’s an amazing chess player and is also very good at planning. All of these qualities he’s kept to his current age.
At first glance he might seem way too perfect, right? Unless you learn about his past. It’s veiled in mystery, and to put it literally he wears gloves in order to cover his burn scars he’s got after surviving a fire.
Nobody in Valerio’s new surrounding knows that he was born in the military family. He’s a son of the reputable Royal Guard and always strived to do everything to make him proud even if he didn’t fit into the military environment and never thought being a guard was his true destiny.
He had a very strong bond with his mother and after her death he could finally realize how power-hungry and violent his father actually was.
He wanted to leave the guard but couldn’t due to his father’s high position and after graduating from the military school, he stayed there as a teacher, assisting his mentor who had a very big (and positive) impact on him when he was a student.
Eventually Valerio left the guard. But certainly not the way he wanted. He was driven away with shame. After becoming a fire victim he committed a crime the weight of guilt of which cannot release him from its grip even nowadays.
Valerio doesn’t want anyone to find out any details of his past, and whenever someone gets close enough to expose it, his dark side comes out. He tends to run away from his problems instead of dealing with them, he’s indecisive, aggressive, and prideful as he never listens to other people’s advice and thinks he knows better what do to. The fact he’s good at reading people helps him to inspire them but it also helps him to play with their feelings to direct them against themselves - he’s manipulative.
Anyway, to not make him sound like a redeemable monster, Valerio is also scared of being a burden which makes him keep his feelings to himself to the point of exhaustion because he doesn’t want to bother anyone with his problems and also because he’s deeply attached to people.
He had a close relationship with his late mother and late wife yet he never showed to anyone how much he grieved after their death. When he lost them, those periods of his life were the most directionless to him because he didn’t know what to do and who he was without them.
Will Valerio ever accept his past and stop running from it? Well, this is what his journey is about so he have yet to find out!
The main ideas I want to convey through his character:
A character with the dark past who tries to stay positive and kind to others.
A character stuck in his past but from a bit different perspective: he’s not captured by the thoughts about his past - he ignores his past and runs away from his fears which doesn’t allow him to accept it, move forward, and be himself.
A character who strives to help others yet is damaged himself.
I have a lot to say about him but I’ll stop here so I won’t reveal everything in one post. He’s my favourite among my OCs (and I have many), and as I developed him, he’s got to be very important to me on a personal level too so I’ll be very happy if anyone finds him interesting 🖤
Viper (she/her) @maple-writes: Loyal and devoted Viper is a member of a small band of mercenaries led by Winter, her definitely not girlfriend (neither have admitted it to the other) called the Aristata. Within the Aristata she is in charge of their horses, training, upkeep, and anything else that comes up, and she loves them all. Unable to speak around those she doesn’t know and trust, she can only manage a whisper with those she is able to talk to. She comes off as a stoic, strong silent type to those around her or in front of anyone watching her while she is actually very anxious around those she doesn’t know and prefers to have a friend she can lean on in social situations. Viper is observant, and smarter than she thinks she is but will swallow what she knows and any feelings of unease in favour of what Winter wants done and will protect her no matter what.
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