#but at this point with Determination it’s interchangeable
thesharktanksdriver · 10 months
I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm absolutely in love with your determination posts! It's such a sad yet precious concept at it's core and the way you write it is so perfect!! If you're still looking for more characters, Enel/Eneru (I worry they would just try to jump once they learned they were in the sky with, to their knowledge, no way down lol), Blackbeard (would be interesting to see how they react to finding out about Thatch), Law (honestly, I just think they deserve some nice relaxing cuddles with Bepo at this point. Plus, it'd be heartbreaking if he found out they were friends with Corazon and they learn of his fate at the hands of Doffy. Them learning what Doffy has become also breaks my heart 😭), Brook (imagine his shock if he knew them back before his crew died and they then meet the Straw hats after he's joined them, poor man would probably cry so much over finding someone who is the same after having spent so many years alone), Doctor Hiriluk, Zeff, Bellamere, and the Revolutionary Army (especially with their experience as a slave to the Celestial Dragons) could all be interesting 😊 Could also be fun to do Mihawk (I'm just imagining him trying to figure out why this little kid randomly appeared his island as well as dealing with Shanks showing up unannounced to party. Poor man must be exhausted, especially when the kid has no sense of self preservation)
Thank you for all the recommendations for characters!!! Luckily Some of them you mentioned I have stuff planned for already (evil giggle)
Also I’m glad your loving the series it mean a lot considering I love one piece so far.
This is for everyone but please send in asks. I don’t care if it’s just reactions or theorizing but it makes me really happy and gives me feedback/motivation. Same goes for comments as well
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hero-israel · 2 months
Regarding this thread, in which I am blocked from responding:
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@trailofstardust the thread was specifically about Hebron and so was my response, particularly regarding the unrelenting cruelty of forbidding Jewish access to the Tomb of the Patriarchs for 700+ years.
"Something their grandparents did" - again concerning Hebron, yes. "Fearful that Israeli soldiers would exact retribution for the 1929 massacre of the city's Jewish community, Hebron's residents flew white sheets from their windows and rooftops."
But this did occur in other parts of Palestine too, precisely because death-level oppression of Jews had been so widely enjoyed. As Mahmoud Abbas said about himself and his parents in Safed: "People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising... This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
As for "groups being interchangeable": there certainly were multiple distinct groups oppressing and massacring Jews over the years, and you can check my tags for a lot of content specifically about Muslims or Christians or Ottomans or Arabs or Palestinians each. In the specific context of the ugliness and tensions in Israeli-occupied Hebron, the point is that all prior landlords were worse.
In the 21st century, "what your grandparents did" should not determine how people are treated. I want better conditions for Palestinians in Hebron and elsewhere, including their own contiguous state. But I will not sit quietly for an ahistorical litany of how bad things are in Hebron only NOW, after the Fire Nation attacked.
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hiiragi7 · 5 months
Endogenic Plurality, Disability, & Ableism
Note: For simplicity's sake, this post will be focused on endogenic plurals without a CDD, and uses endogenic interchangeably with "endogenic without a CDD" to be less wordy. Disability and disorder are also used somewhat interchangeably here.
I've been thinking more on the "do endogenic plurals experience ableism for being plural" debate, and something which I really would like to explore more in discussion is how plurality's proximity to disability impacts the ways in which endogenic plurals are treated.
While I see some fair points in each argument, statements such as "if you don't have a disorder, you do not face ableism" and "endogenic plurals only face misdirected ableism" are vastly oversimplifying the actual issues here to the point that they are actually misleading at best and harmfully incorrect at worst.
I have been reading Cripping Intersex lately and it has changed a lot of the ways in which I view disability politics. One thing that this book has made very clear: Saying "I do not have a disorder" does not prevent you from being subjected to discrimination based on an ableist system, and in fact rejecting the disability framework entirely not only does nothing to dismantle that ableism but even reinforces it.
This is not to say that endogenic plurals are "actually disabled/disordered", but rather that plurality as a whole has a proximity to disability in such a way that it is almost inherently subjected to ableism. There is absolutely a socially and medically enforced view of self which excludes any sort of overt plurality, especially in a Western colonialist context. Whether your plurality is actually disordered or not, that does not matter when you are working within a systemic framework which seeks to eliminate anything not defined as normal or acceptable. It doesn't even matter if your plurality is non-pathological; if it is not socially accepted as "normal", it is treated as disordered and to be fixed.
This sort of ableism is not only related to ableism more common to DID, but ableism as a whole. It is related to disability as a socially prescribed status through discrimination rather than black-and-white categories or objective truths regarding disorder and non-disorder. It is related to how saneism defines what is and is not normal and acceptable, rather than what psychology or the medical field defines as "actually" pathological and disordered (though it is important to acknowledge that these two systems heavily interact, as well, and that oppression impacts how the medical system defines pathology).
I reject that ableism towards endogenic plurals is simply "misdirected". To call it "misdirected ableism" is so often used to say that endogenic plurals are not the intended target, but I argue that they absolutely are included as intentional targets because plurality as a whole is a target, explicitly named or not. The determining factor for ableism is not whether someone is "really" disordered or not, but that they are treated as such due to societal standards regarding acceptable and unacceptable ways of being. When "unacceptable" is equated to "disordered" through a saneist lens, you are treated as such - and, you are, therefore, vulnerable to ableism.
I heavily agree with those who have so far spoken about how what people call pluralphobia is so often just ableism (though I also view it as often intersecting with anti-spiritual/religious views and racism), however I feel that we need to take this conversation even further to examine exactly how ableism works and who it affects. This post is also not meant to say "endos are oppressed for being plural", but rather that endos are oppressed through the same ableist systems that affect all plurals/people with CDDs and to expand on that to open conversation about it.
On a final note, I'd like to reflect on how rejection of disability has gone for various movements in the past and how that relates to the modern plural community and its approach to "plural acceptance".
As someone who was diagnosed with autism in the 2000s and saw a lot of push from autistics back then to de-medicalize autism to avoid further forced "normalizing treatment" like ABA, I can say that rejecting the framework of disability and ableism did not help us to dismantle systemic medical violence against autistic people and even isolated many severely disabled autistics who rely on medical interventions and support.
As an intersex person, I can say that the intersex community rejecting the framework of disability and ableism did not help us to end "normalizing treatments" against intersex people and even isolated many intersex people who do identify themselves as being disordered due to their intersex condition.
And as a person with DID, I have learned about how the empowered multiples movement had attempted to reject the framework of disorder and ableism to avoid medicalization and forced fusion, and how that did not help systems who did need medical intervention nor did it do anything to dismantle medical violence or stigma against multiples.
Any sort of wider "Plural Acceptance Movement" that comes into existence will fail if it is not also simultaneously and inherently a disability movement, and this is not just due to the existence of CDD systems. Seperation from disability does not exempt you from ableism or ableist frameworks and systemic oppression. CDD or not, we all as a community are impacted by ableism and cannot find any widespread acceptance while ignoring that. Plural acceptance is disability acceptance.
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willicewc · 1 year
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More gay battle cats >:)
I refuse to accept that Cinderheart became Lionblaze's mate because she was obviously Hollyleaf's girlfriend >:( so Lionblaze can have Mousewhisker instead !
I didn't read the books for a long while now, but from what I remember, Mousewhisker is a very bland character, being even less unique because he is a carbone copy of his slightly more interesting sister Hazeltail.
At this point, Warriors is kind of known for having a metric ton of useless, bland background characters with interchangeable personnalities. I know it's now necessary to have so many background characters to lower the inbreeding... but I feel like the Erins are really having a hard time creating any actual recurring background character with any kind of actual, active role.
At this point, most of the background characters' personalities are made out of headcanons from the fandom ??? :(
That is also why Brackenfur started being known as "patrol guy" and Mistystar was "the one cat who just won't die", because after their little arc (if they ever had one), they stopped being revelant and the Erins don't know what to do with them anymore :(
So I decided to try to make Mousewhisker a bit more "unique" ? Or at least, to make him a bit less forgettable ? His brother is Berrynose, the classic bully who kept going after the Three when they were kits / apprentices. I don't feel like Mousewhisker would ever have the backbone to confront his brother about that, but he would keep apologizing to everyone his brother may offend. Mousewhisker is just a nice, well-rounded little dude, he is really close to his mother Daisy, with way too much empathy for everyone else. His personnality would be very similar to that of his sister, caring and generally well-meaning. I feel like he would always be near the nursery to be with Daisy or entertain the kits. He might even be like Fernsong later and become a "queen" ? A "king" ? He would be such an icon.
Also, knowing that Fernsong is Lionblaze's canon son, if in this au Lionblaze and Mousewhisker ever manage to find some kittens somewhere and adopt them, Mousewhisker would for sure spend all of his time in the nursery with his kits, becoming the first "male queen", which would then prompt Fernsong to later do the same to help Ivypool, and hopefully more toms would do the same and father their kits properly (looking at you, Spiderleg)
Talking about Spiderleg, Mousewhisker clearly had a beef with Spiderleg (who was his mentor ??? I forgot about that ??? All the potential drama in this Clan !!!) because Spiderleg was awful with Daisy and their kits and Mousewhisker won't allow bad parenting in this Clan anymore. He would have been pushing Spiderleg to take care of his kits properly.
Also in the book if I remember well, there was this... Weird obsession with the fact that Hazelpaw, Mousepaw and Berrypaw were not clanborn, and everytime they were picked for something such as going to a gathering, the Three would immediately notice it. This is kind of weird, because it would imply that Thunderclan, despite being led by an ex-kittypet, would STILL be telling their kits that cats who are not clanborn don't belong here. The behavior the Three display when noting everytime that Mouse, Hazel and Berry are not clanborn is a learned behavior, which means that Thunderclan never actually improved and learned from Rusty becoming Firestar ??? This may again just be a neatpick from me but it's still a bit weird, knowing that the most anti-kittypet cats are now "reformed" and have improved (Longtail would be a good example)
In my au, Lionblaze is a reincarnation of Scourge, and as such, it is possible that Lionblaze would be more open minded about Daisy's kits not being clanborn. I feel like Scourge despized the Clans because they were something that he would have loved to be a part of : A community where he would be accepted and where he could belong. Somehow Lionblaze would know that bloodline isn't something that can determine if you belong somewhere. This is even more revelant because his grandfather is literaly an ex-kittypet
I don't know how Lionblaze would end up having his kits with this pairing yet, I thought about the two of them finding stray kittens abandonned by twolegs ? I really enjoy the trans Lionblaze headcanon, but I don't want Lionblaze to be trans JUST so he can have kits :( Being trans should be part of his childhood and the way he grows up, it is a journey of self-discovery, with his family accepting him (because of course Squirrelflight would accept her child whether they are a guy, a girl or non-binary!), and making Lionblaze trans just so he can have babies doesn't seem to be the greatest choice in my opinion ? :( Don't hesitate to tell me what you think is the best option, I am all out for more LGBTQ+ representation in Warriors ! :) Your feedbacks would be very appreciated, even more if you are trans yourself and can give me your advices ! :)
If I do make Lionblaze trans in this au, be ready to see a lot of trans Lionblaze drawings because I will need to flesh that out >:)
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Just binge watched the IWTV series and it gave me many thoughts. No pun intended when I say it made me very thirsty. So I wrote some prompts! Warning: Some of these contain spoilers for the AMC show! Most of these prompts are written with the AMC show in mind, but they can probably be used interchangeably for either the 1994 movie or the 2022 tv series. Whichever version is up to you. Please tag me if you’re inspired by or write any of these ideas. I’d love to read it! ❤️🩸
Content Warning: Almost all of these prompts contain dark themes! Including: Toxic behavior, unhealthy relationships, power imbalances, abuse, racism, murder, and incest. If Dark! Fics aren’t your thing or you can’t handle such themes, that’s okay. These prompts just may not be for you, so ignore them and kindly move on. If you don’t like, then don’t read. Please don’t act as morality police and harass me or others. Don’t start arguments in the comments. Thank you.
1. You meet Lestat and Louis at a ball celebrating your arranged engagement to an odious man you don't love. While taking turns dancing with them, you're rudely dragged away by your jealous and controlling fiancé. Seeing how innocent and miserable you are, they later kill your unwanted groom and take you from your home, eventually giving you the choice to live with them and have a better life as a vampire.
2. You were Lestat's lover and companion heart when he was human. You were forcibly separated when he was abducted and turned into a vampire by Magnus. He believes you later perished in the French Revolution, until he’s delightfully surprised when he finds you in New Orleans while living with Louis and Claudia. You don’t look a day older than when he saw you last, and he realizes you had faked your death over a century ago. As he watches you seduce and feed on a couple of unfortunate humans, he falls in love with you all over again. You’re even more beautiful as a vampire.
3. Lestat feeds on you and drains you of blood to the point of near death. He gives you a choice: Join him in eternal life as his new companion heart and lover, or don't. Help him adapt to the modern world, or he will leave you to die and move on to someone else.
4. Haunted Mansion-esque AU: When Lestat was human, he was deeply in love with you, a black or mixed woman, despite it being unconventional and illegal. You may have had many plans for the future, but your love was like playing a most dangerous game. It ended tragically with you killed and him kidnapped by Magnus and turned into a vampire. But what if you’re reincarnated looking exactly the same as you did before in the early 20th century. Lestat becomes obsessed with you at first sight, discreetly following you around or using his powers to hypnotize you to come to him.
He acts overprotective and possessive when he courts you. Even if you don’t remember him or your past life yet, he’s undeterred in his advances. He’s determined to keep you safe with him and not let such a cruel fate befall you again. If that means turning you into a vampire, so be it. You’re his forever and he’s yours. You may hate him at first, but you’ll thank him for the dark gift in the end. He has loved you in death as he did in life and whether your memories come back or not, he’s going to stay by your side. What if in this life, you’re Louis’s neighbor/friend and he loves you too? Maybe not romantically, but there are many forms of love.
5. You’re Lestat’s younger sister and the only other person he loves in his family apart from yours and his mother. He cherishes you so deeply that he often protected you from your abusive father and other brothers by taking countless beatings and starvations to spare you. While you were only a teenager, you’d tend to his wounds and bring him food and drink. He insisted you came with him and Nicolas to Paris, where he would look after you as your legal guardian until you could be free as an adult woman. But after he was turned into a vampire, he tried to stay away. For years, he kept his distance and watched over you from afar as you blossomed into womanhood, while using his inheritance to send money and lavish gifts so you could live comfortably. He still wanted to provide for you, give you everything he felt you deserved but couldn’t have while living in poverty.
Until something happened that made him hyperaware of your fragility in your mortal state. He realized he was too selfish and loved you too much to condemn you to permanent death. He couldn’t bear it if you were lost to him forever, so he snuck into your house and turned you into a vampire. You live together for many decades before you go off on your own to explore the world. But you still correspond and visit regularly. You’re surprised and delighted when you stop in and discover your brother has a lover and a…sister? Daughter? Are you an aunt now? You’re not really sure what the family dynamic is but you’re happy for him.
6. Crimson Peak/Flowers in the Attic-esque AU: You’re Lestat’s sister. You sought comfort and protection from your abusive father and other brothers through each other, and your unhealthy coping mechanisms spiraled into a toxic incestuous relationship. After taking countless beatings and starvations, you’d tend to Lestat’s wounds and he to yours. While locked away together, you’d silently admire your bodies and touch each other gently, mindful of your scars. Your curiosity gave way to darker thoughts, and neither of you could help the urges you began to feel. Lestat and you are so fucked up. You’re overly co-dependent on each other, you both can be manipulative to get what you want, etc. You and Lestat are aware you might love each other too much, since you’ve had ugly fights fueled by jealousy where you’ve threatened to kill the other.
“If I can’t have you, no one can!”
“Do it, coward. You won’t. You and I both know a life without me would be even more unbearable.”
But neither of you would ever actually go through with it. Despite your issues, you cared for each other and wanted to get into a better situation. Even after Lestat became a vampire and inherited endless wealth, he couldn’t let you go. So he snuck into your Paris bedroom and seduced you. Afterwards, he used his powers to render you immobile so he could kidnap you. He turned you into a vampire and your bond can never be severed now. You may have been livid with your brother for turning you, but even that argument ended with angry hate sex to blow off steam. It’s no different than the many times he killed or otherwise drove away all the men and women who vied to be your lover while you were both still human. You were angry with him then, and retaliated by doing the same with all his lovers. These kind of sibling spats are common. If there’s one thing you both hate, it’s competition.
But still you slept together and all was soon forgiven. As vampires your lovemaking can be bloody and violent but it hurts so good. You can’t hear each other’s thoughts, but are so in tune with one another that you still know exactly what the other is feeling. When everything is good, you either hold hands or embrace without needing to say anything. You have your own coffins, but often crawl into each other’s so you can cuddle within the enclosed shared space where you spend hours talking into the early morning before going to sleep. You’re addicted to each other’s company. To the outside mortal world you may act as husband and wife. This is your eternity. You both fear loneliness and abandonment more than anything in the world, so as long as you stay together, neither of you will be alone and you’ll both be fine.
7. You’re a whore and have threesomes with Lestat and Louis. Unlike Lily and the others, you’re a woman of many talents with a unique spirit, so Lestat and Louis want to keep you forever as theirs. What started out as purely transactional sex and pillow talk has become so much more. They’re addicted to you and each other. Being a human and having sex with two vampires is on another level you never knew existed. Levitating in the air while your body is sandwiched between the two handsome devils, Lestat feeding on you while Louis may refuse to at first before Lestat convinces him to do it. Un petite coup, they call it. The little drink. Not enough to kill you, but just enough to keep them fit. The feelings of intimacy it awakens in you is beyond words. And all your senses are only heightened once your lovers turn you into a vampire. While you have your own coffin, you sometimes share a special coffin that’s big and spacious enough to fit 3 people.
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8. You’re a human who willingly lets Louis feed on you in modern day. What Daniel doesn’t know is that you actually live in the house with him and Rashid. They take good care of you after the feedings and it’s like a poly relationship. Daniel doesn’t know how to respond as he watches Louis feed on you while you just nonchalantly talk to him like nothing is happening to you. He finds it so off putting how you hold eye contact with him.
Spoilers: Or you’re actually a vampire who pretends to be human by putting on a good show of acting faint and woozy after Louis feeds from you. You go by a fake name and wear contacts just like Armand. Louis and Armand are your lovers.
9. Phantom of the Opera-esque AU: You’re an opera singer or a First Chair in the orchestra and you’re elevated in Lestat’s eyes due to your immense musical talent. You’re one of the few human attachments Lestat keeps. He acts as your patron, providing you with money and lavish gifts. He visits you in your dressing room before and after performances, where you often get hot and steamy. He sometimes takes you back to his home where you sing and play piano (or another instrument) together. You may not know about his vampiric nature yet, but make no mistake: He will inevitably turn you one day.
10. In the books, Lestat mentions bedding a whole lot of women before he was turned so it’s possible he had children he never got to know. He finds out he had a secret accident baby over a hundred years ago when you, his daughter, show up at his and Louis’ home after tracking him down. Lestat being Lestat, he may not believe you at first, but you have substantial proof: A birth certificate, old belongings of his, miniatures of him and your mother, handwritten letters from the 18th century, etc. And then there’s your uncanny resemblance to him in both physical appearance and personality/mannerisms that even Louis points out. You’re not only a grown adult, but frozen in time. Maybe you had a family of your own before your vampire transformation, maybe not. But Lestat tracking down his descendants could make for an interesting story. Because he’s not your maker, you can hear each other’s thoughts. Lestat wants to know everything about you: Who your maker was, how you lived after parting ways with your maker, etc.
He doesn’t want secrets. In hypocritical fashion, he’ll probably keep secrets from you, but he doesn’t want you to keep secrets from him. You and your father are alike in so many ways, and sometimes that causes you two to butt heads and get into petty quarrels. It’s like an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. It’s like two walls trying to get the other to move. Whenever your father annoys you too much, you’ll block him out of your mind or he’ll do the same to you. From what your mother told you about him, you were expecting him to be a bratty and spoiled prince. She used to say you were his perfect copy and called you princess to annoy you. He does love you and you do love him, it’s just expressed and shown in very weird, unusual ways that don't make sense to anyone else. Your form of affection is unique to only you two.
11. You and Lestat are vampires in a complicated love-hate and co-dependent relationship. It can get very toxic and manipulative, especially since both of you are varieties of possessive and jealous or vain and narcissistic. Sometimes if either of you are bored, you do your best to goad each other into losing any sense of decorum or restraint. Like playing with each other’s emotions is a game. Your arrangement of, “You can fuck whoever you want as long as you come home to me.” quickly becomes “I thought we could have an orgy. You can fuck them and I can eat them.” Your sex life is full of depraved fantasies and decadence you indulge in. A hedonistic existence of drink, drugs, and parties. You’re both different flavors of fucked up, but you’re addicted to each other. You want him dead, you want him all to yourself. He wants you dead, he wants you all to himself. It’s far from healthy, but it’s all you know and neither of you care. You’ve let go of human attachments ages ago.
12. You’re a vampire who’s in a romantic/sexual relationship with Lestat and in his own twisted way, he actually cares about and loves you along with Louis. You were given the dark gift by your maker when you were a full grown adult, unlike Claudia. So you’re like an older sister or aunt to her. Claudia is envious of your mature body and asks you questions of the female sort that you do your best to answer, no matter how awkward they are. Some of the questions she has are similar to ones she writes in her diary. (If you know, you know.)
13. Ghost of Thornton Hall-esque AU: When Lestat was human, he was in love with you, a renowned singer. During a masquerade ball celebrating your birthday, a fire started that quickly spread out of control. You got trapped in the burning building and were killed. You’re the only person Lestat has cried rivulets of blood over in his vampire life. All Lestat has left of you is a necklace you always used to wear. That’s why he’s hesitant to turn Claudia after Louis saves her from the fire and tries to make excuses that she’s too charred and he doesn’t know where to bite. During the Mardi Gras ball, Lestat hears your voice whispering and singing sweetly to him. He may be losing his mind due to fasting, but he swears he can see you in the crowd, wearing the same blood red dress that you burned up in. Your black lace mask hides your eyes from him. He follows you, but keeps losing sight of you in the crowd when other men and women get in his way. It’s like trying to follow a ghost. Finally he catches up to you. When you turn around, you are indeed wearing the very same red dress you wore when you “died”. It’s now charred and black in some areas. He removes your mask and looks into your eyes - your vampire eyes.
14. You and Lestat go out to Lover’s Lane because it’s one of your favorite spots to hunt. The many lovey-dovey couples fueled by passion and sexual desire makes your meals that much more tasty. After you feed together, who could blame you if you also wanted to get romantic and passionate yourselves and make love outdoors or in the car of some victims before you disposed of the bodies? It’s practically like going out on a date anyway. Lestat and you go on date nights like this often. Your dates have also included going to the movies, sometimes watching vampire flicks to laugh at them and have a good time. Lestat uses his vampire powers to make an annoying movie goer who keeps shushing you start slapping himself repeatedly, just to entertain you and himself.
15. The relationship you have with Lestat is…complicated, to say the least. You’re human, but musically talented or have something else about you that makes him very possessive and obsessive over you. Maybe you remind him of his first love, Nicolas. He fears loneliness more than anything, so he tries to make you dependent on and love only him. He tries to isolate you and prove that he’s all you need. He can take care of you and give almost everything you desire. Toxic Lestat is so against you leaving because he doesn’t want to be alone. He lets you know of his plans to make you a vampire, whether you like it or not. It’s inevitable, he’s more than clear in no uncertain terms about that. But instead of rejoicing at his plans to give you this most precious and coveted dark gift, you tried to run away. He killed all the other passengers of the train you tried to stowaway on and blamed you for their deaths. You made him do this by acting out and being ungrateful, their blood is on your hands.
He used the conductor’s head as a macabre puppet to scare you before he coerced you into coming back home. You should be thankful he’s still respecting your compromise to stay human for a little longer after you pulled that stunt. You should show him some appreciation for all he’s doing for you, instead of acting like a spoiled and bratty princess. One time, you get into a nasty fight that ends with Lestat dragging your weak but still alive body outside, leaving a bloody trail. He then uses the Cloud Gift to fly high up into the sky while holding you in his arms. He tells you, “How I’ve waited. I have patiently waited in vain for you to love me as I love you.”
“Let go of me!”
“Anything for you,” he says as he strokes your cheek and wipes away your tears before letting you fall from the sky. As your heart pounds loudly in your ears and can be heard over the whistling wind, you thought surely you’d splatter on the ground below and be nothing but an unrecognizable mess of mangled flesh. But no. Lestat wouldn’t give you the mercy of permanent death. He only let you free fall for a few seconds before swooping down and catching you. As if to teach you a lesson and further prove his point that you need him. You need him to protect you from others and yourself. But who’s going to protect you from him, you think to yourself as you lose consciousness in his arms.
16. During the Mardi Gras Masquerade ball, Lestat had Tom appoint you, his vampire bride, as Queen while he was Raj. After fasting for three days before the ball, you play your part well. Both men and women try to crowd around you and vie for your attention, but you’re very particular about who you hand out boutonnières to. You can see Lestat surrounded by middle aged women he seduced but can’t remember from 10 years ago. They’re still fawning all over him. Ah, these must be the ladies from the Women’s Opera Society. They’ve gotten so old and wrinkly in such short time, poor dears. You use your hand fan to hide your smirk as you try not to laugh when you overhear their voices coated with sympathy. So they really believed him to be ill all those years? Just when he asks which of the ladies did he pull under the stairs during that dull lecture on Don Giovanni, you take that as your cue to pull him away. You can feel the ladies’ questioning and jealous gazes on you as you loop your arm through his and kiss his cheek then his lips.
You’re so radiant, all dressed in white and diamonds. But all the women’s eyes are drawn to the matching rings on your and Lestat’s fingers. You love putting on a good show. Even more so when you’re covered in blood during the after party when you and your vampire family start feeding on the selected victims from the ball. While you walk towards them in a straight line and assert your power, they run and scream in terror. In vain, they try to break down the locked doors and windows. It’s a massacre, a bloodbath, and one hell of a good time. (Whether you know of Claudia and Louis’ plan to kill Lestat or not is up to you.)
17. Vamps inspired AU: You’re a vampire who was turned against your will. During the 1970’s, you met and fell in love with Daniel, a fresh young journalist who was aspiring to achieve more as a writer. You were only together for a few short years before you left. As much as it pained you to do so, you knew you had to leave him before he noticed you weren’t aging and got suspicious. He could have a normal life and hopefully find another love. You loved him so much that you didn’t want to be selfish and condemn him to vampirism. So you parted ways both for his sake and to protect your secret, before he had his first interview with Louis.
Now it’s 2022 and Daniel is an old man. When he’s interviewing Louis again, he’s surprised to see you, seemingly either living with or working for the vampire, just like Rashid. When he questions you, you lie. You say you’re not his past love, but her daughter, and that your mother died. It isn’t until much later in the interview, after Rashid reveals his true identity as Armand that you also come clean. You tell Daniel that he was right about you, and that you’ll answer any questions he has. You spend a great deal of time catching up as you ask him about his life, family, career, etc. And he asks you about your own life, why did you leave, why didn’t you tell him or turn him, etc. (Maybe you’re Armand’s sister and over 500 years old so the sun has no effect on you either.)
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devine-fem · 1 month
As someone who likes Damijon as both platonic and romantic…I don’t understand the obsession of certain antis bring up whole age gap thing when it comes to Damian and Jon. It’s getting really old and pissing me off at this point.
I can’t recall a fandom I’ve been in where antis kept bringing up an age gap between two characters.
Idk if I’m talking out of my ass but it sounds like as if antis think the fandom puts Damijon in sexual situations 24/7 when that’s not the case.
Jfc no one is forcing you to ship them if you don’t (it’s not even canon!) but don’t go around accusing the fandom as p*d*s just to make a point. ( I know in fandoms there some weirdos too but it doesn’t make up a whole)
Let the Damijon fandom enjoy whatever crumbles they are getting right now…because it’s really just crumbles at this point.
If those antis also consist of those who are our rival ships (they know who they are) like yall are getting canon content rn from DC if you’re upset with the quality of it speak with your wallet idk…???
Sorry for the rant it’s just for the most part Damijon fandom has been pretty chill (excluding Twitter that’s another can of worms) and I hate the accusations parts of the fandom love to make.
Yeah… people don’t talk about how Jon had to be 11 to Damian’s 13 before he left for space because they only read super sons, they never really look at any other source or think about their ages as more than that because tom taylor said out his mouth that they were 3 years apart when dissing the ship BUT he admits himself to not know their exact ages and that it could be a 2 year age gap.
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So I just think of it as two years, and with two years I don’t really care because personally even in my youth I’ve been with people who are two years older with no issue because age alone doesn’t determine whether or not someone is taking advantage of you for obvious reasons. Age gaps are not tangible things, to some people what you consider weird is normal to someone else.
Then there’s the fact that neither Jon or Damian have birthdays. Damian was aged up for teen titans which people don’t seem to care about. Among other things like how Jon and Damian are the same age in most other universes… did you know that? Also, people like to say theres a maturity gap but forget that Damian was the immature one that picked fights. Plus, when characters grow up beside each other then it’s less ‘weird’ cause then they are expierencing similar traumas. It’s probably lots smaller then we think.
When I talk about them with a three year age gap then its probably platonic but sometimes romantic, two years then its sometimes platonic or romantic, one year, platonic or romantic and I stay between these because their age can slightly change their dynamic. It’s for fun, its exploring their platonic dynamic if it had elements of romance to it. Its interchangeable to me but for the most parts its two.
They are barbies that I play with at my own free will. They are not real people, they may imitate life but they do not infact replicate it.
So yeah… when they are young I only ever have really seen or interacted with media where J and D have not done more than maybe peck. Its just supposed to be cute and sweet.
Do people not understand the concept of the fact Jon and Damian should not be getting into a serious relationship while they are young or else it would go horribly wrong? Do they not understand that a lot of the ships appeal in the childhood friends TO lovers factor?
It kind of bothers me to be having to put the fact that I l hate Jonjay and like Daminika in my bio so people can get a feel for the type of person I am. And “rival” ships? there’s no rivalry, I don’t feel threatened by other peoples ships at all… especially if they’re canon… unless its like jonjay where the origin of the ship is inherently problematic, substanceless and built on character assassination… but we hate damijon and praise THAT? We say that damijon is worse than that? I’m sorry but jonjay to jon kent is jayroy to roy harper to me.
Twitter is very strange, very very strange people on that app to which this morning I had to uninstall because I KNEW that they would feel threatened by damijons today and hate profusely in response to it.
Although, you guys gotta put that age gap shit to bed…
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Dami look 14 here to you? If Damijons are the ones who don’t read comics then how do we know that they are well in their 20s and 30s here. They are both consenting adults in main continuity that can do as they please here. You simply cannot say anything. No arguement can be supported now because now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
There was no point in hate the age gap really in the first place since time was always gonna heal it anyway???
But part of me kind of understands hating it if you experience fandom through twitter which is not a fandom app at all. Damijon stans are annoying and gross on twitter, I get it but not everyone is inherently horrible for obvious reasons.
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taylor-titmouse · 10 months
I love your work so much! It is so hot and delightful at the same time. I have been inspired to try and make my own erotica. Though, I've hit a bit of a hiccup while writing...how do you describe genitalia in a way that is still titillating (no pun intended) but not too anatomical? Is there a smut thesaurus somewhere I can thumb through (no pun intended)? Or do you have just a handful of words that are your favorite (no pun intended)?
at one point somebody did a really in depth survey to determine what language for genitals people found the most palatable in prose and i wish i ever saw the results. you can go look that up if you like i'm in bed and can't be bothered
but to answer your question myself (and give purely my own opinion), it depends entirely on the tone and time period you're writing in. cock is timeless and always works. prick is good for anything pre 1930s, unless it's set in england in which case i believe it's always appropriate. dick wasn't in use for penis until after 1880 but even then i don't prefer it until at Least after 1950. erection is fine, if a bit cold, and should be used wisely. i think it's at its best when the clothes are still on and you're referring to a boner in the abstract (also don't use boner unless it's Very modern and irreverent). anything else like rod or piece or whatever depend on context. shaft is perfectly fine when you're literally describing the shaft but i wouldn't use it to refer to the whole thing. then you've got tip/head, always fine. and balls is balls. you don't need to get fancy with them.
as for vajeen: pussy and cunt are your main players, get used to them, they are your friends. pussy is slightly more modern and casual feeling. cunt will feel more historical and less cute, more serious. determine the tone of your scene and the type of person in your POV and choose accordingly--but it is okay to use them interchangeably depending on the rhythm of the sentence. otherwise you really don't need to get fancy with the language (unless the tone calls for it). clit is a clit, or a bud or a button or whatever else. preferably not clitoris, but again there's places it would be appropriate. labia can be called labia and i genuinely think it's fine, though i usually go for lips just because it's slightly nicer. and then you have entrance or hole which depend on the tone (i prefer entrance but if you're writing somebody being demeaned or humiliated, you would go for hole)
and asshole is asshole or just ass. there's not really much to be done about that one. arse if you're feeling british but i feel like it just clocks you as not being british to do that.
basically your take away should be that you need to think about the tone and context of what you're writing, AND whose pov you're writing in and what terms THEY might use, and choose according to that. if i were writing a free spirited woman in a science fiction she would probably use pussy, whereas most of the time while writing roger, a turn of the century trans man, i believe i mostly used cunt, because that felt more period appropriate (though i relaxed on that over time and included pussy). you can make most things work if they're in the right environment. except gash. nobody wants to read the word gash.
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peonycats · 3 months
Hey, so as a person who has in my unpublished works a story wherein APH Greenland is minorly featured, after I saw your post complaining about Greenland's current characterisation in fanworks, I realised that my story 100% fits all the things you were complaining about. And if it's not too much trouble how would you characterise Greenland in a way that is less problematic?
Or do you have any reccomendations for resources I can use to educate myself about Greenlandic culture?
So, I will preface this with the following:
However, in this post, I will primarily give some guidelines that are generally applicable to any nation personification of color that has experienced colonialism/imperialism by a Western nation and is still dealing with its legacy. Keep in mind that what you're asking for is a lot, however- we're touching on topics of national anthropomorphizations in political cartoons, the depiction of the colonized, particularly the indigenous, and the relationship between the colonized and the colonizer.
Don't make Greenland America and Canada's relative.
Don't make Greenland Denmark's kid, biological or otherwise.
Don't use sensitive contemporary issues in Greenland for fandom content.
Don't Make Greenland America and Canada's Relative
Every time I've seen this come up, this is usually justified one of two ways-
a) Greenland is related to America and Canada because the Vikings set up the first European settlements in continental North America, so they would be related via their Norse heritage. b) Greenland is related to America and Canada because America and Canada have a native parent, and Greenland is a sibling of that native parent.
To head things off- The first one is bad. See my next section for the issues of making Greenland a child of the Nordics/Nordic ancestors.
The second one almost always carries the implication of that the native parent of America and Canada is some kind of nebulous pan-American "APH Native America" personification; the issues with having the many indigenous peoples of the Americas as similar and interchangeable enough to warrant only one personification to represent them all are obvious, I should hope.
The slightly more plausible alternative is that America and Canada's native parent represents some Inuit group, and through that, Greenland is their sibling. Even if more plausible, we run into the same issue of turning a group into a monolith- there are many different Inuit groups, all with their own unique histories and cultures. Though Inuit groups may be more related than all Indigenous Americans to each other, they are still not a monolith, and determining their relationships to each other shouldn't be resolved with a blanket solution of "they're all related, nuff said."
If we want to dig into the weeds of historical accuracy, it makes no sense for America to have Inuit heritage, seeing as the United States began as the Thirteen Colonies in the Eastern Seaboard of the modern United States which doesn't overlap with the traditional lands of the Inuit. The Alaska Purchase was not made until 1867, hundreds of years after the establishment of the Thirteen Colonies.
I would also like to point out another issue I’ve seen with many “Auntie/Uncle Greenland depictions” in the fandom. Whenever you do see such depictions of Greenland in the fandom, almost never do we see the creator of such interpretations shedding light on any other indigenous characters (particularly ones not related to the USA and Canada). Therefore, such depictions are exceptionalizing and exalting an indigenous character above all other indigenous characters because they have more of a connection to major Western countries. 
Overall summary: The primary issue with making Greenland related to America and Canada is that Greenland is never allowed to exist outside of their links to these two. If you want to depict Greenland with respect, the most basic thing you can do is to not reduce Greenland into a tool for you to better characterize America and Canada and flesh out their background.
Don't make Greenland Denmark's Child, Biological or Otherwise
TW: racist caricatures of black, Latino, Native American, and Asian people
So first some quick historical background: Norse settlement of Greenland began around the 900s-1100s and died out sometime between 1450 and 1500 due to a variety of environmental and sociopolitical reasons. The surviving Norse settlers most likely either left or assimilated with the local Inuit populations, so there is some genetic legacy, but 85-90% of the population of Greenland today considers themselves Greenlandic Inuit.
For the following centuries, there were sporadic interactions between European whalers and the local Inuit. It was only until 1721 that another attempt at colonization was made, this time by the missionary Hans Egede, who founded a trading company and Lutheran mission near present day Nuuk, with the express permission of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway.
Greenland took on a special status in both Danish policy and imagination, a far-off land that was "vulnerable" to other nation's influences and in need of Danish protection. In line with that thinking, the Danish state held an exclusive monopoly on Greenland's resources and all trade with Greenlanders. It pressured Greenlandic Inuit to stay in their occupations of hunting and fishing so that Denmark could maintain access to resources Greenland provided, mainly animal products from local wildlife the Inuit hunted.
Additionally, the Danish also tightly regulated interactions between the Danish colonial population and the local Inuits. For a time, intermarriage was strictly controlled, limited to only Danish men and Greenlandic women of mixed descent and had to be approved by the colonial administration. When the US wanted to build military bases on Greenland for military purposes during WW2, a major concern of Greenlandic authorities was minimizing contact between the US soldiers and the local Inuits.
Of course, Greenland didn’t stay this way forever. Against Denmark’s wishes, Greenland did open up and become further integrated into the global economy and order of nations, and to this day a lot of Greenlanders have a Danish ancestor somewhere in their family tree.
However, to make Greenland (substantially) related to the Norse is to do a disservice to the hundreds of years of Greenlandic Inuit culture that already existed and then continued to thrive for hundreds of years in the absence of continued Nordic contact and influence. It implies that the ethnogenesis of the Greenlandic Inuit was kicked off by the Norse settlers, when in reality, the Greenlandic Inuit are largely descended from the native Thule people and later waves of migration of other Inuit people from modern day Nunavut and Nunavik. To make Greenland the child of Denmark is worse, and stands in stark contrast to the fact that compared to other nations and their settler colonies (think, England and America), Denmark heavily controlled Danish migration to Greenland and wanted to keep Greenland isolated and contained.
Now, moving past the issue of historical accuracy, there's been a long history in political cartoons starring national anthropomorphizations of allegorizing international relationships as familial relationships, or "mentor-mentee" relationships, especially when it comes to colonizer-colony relationships.
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REPORT FROM THE FILIPINES Send more soldiers -Otis Uncle Sam: Balm in Gilead! Well, thank heavens both my new daughters haven't got the same disposition.
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'School Begins', cartoon of Uncle Sam teaching a class in civilisation to pupils labelled 'Philippines', 'Hawaii', 'Porto Rico' and 'Cuba'
In these cartoons, the colonized is portrayed as child-like, infantile, in need of the US's benevolent guidance to be "civilized." After all, if the relationship between the colonizer and its colonial possessions was like that of a parent and their children (or a teacher and their students)- well, children need their parents, so therefore, the colonies need the colonizer and its guidance, right? By doing so, it portrays the relationship between the colonizer and its colonies as a necessary, benevolent one, one done for the benefit of the colony, and masks the inherently exploitative, unequal nature of colonialism. 
To make Denmark a parental influence on Greenland, then, is to replicate the same paternalistic attitude Denmark took to Greenland as a colonial possession in need of guidance and direction, and possibly whitewashing the toll Danish colonization has taken on Greenland. Even depictions of Denmark and Greenland that emphasize their “little brother/big brother” relationship are problematic, because they fall into the same colonial rhetoric of Greenland "needing" Denmark's civilizing guidance.
Moreover, sensitivity is another concern for depictions of Greenland. At the risk of speaking for groups I do not belong to, having a child Greenland be raised by Denmark and the other Nordics (esp if Greenland has a negative relationship w them) hews a little too closely to the real life kidnapping of Indigenous children from their families to be raised instead by white families, in an attempt to remove them from their heritage and culture. Unless you're actually Greenlandic Inuit or indigenous, I don't think this is your story to tell.
Don't Use Sensitive Contemporary Issues in Greenland for Fandom Content
Don't use sensitive contemporary issues for fandom content, especially as an outsider. Don't be like the person I saw making angst headcanons around Greenland's high suicide rate.
Recommended Reading
This video is a great introduction to Danish colonization of Greenland, and how I began my dive into Greenlandic history. Bear in mind that this is a 25 minute long video, so it's compressing a lot, but it's a jumping off point, not the end-all be all. Content warnings should be in the beginning of the video.
Phasing out the Colonial Status of Greenland by Erik Beukel
This is a report commissioned by the Danish government and Greenlandic Home Rule analyzing the period between 1945 and 1954, where Greenland's status was changed from that of a colony to an equal part of the Kingdom of Denmark. It's a series of political science essays looking at this period, but I found Chapter 2 the most useful, as it provides an overview of the relevant historical background factors in the relationship between Greenland and Denmark. Warning for some dated language (mostly because it uses Esk*mo at certain points) but otherwise there's not really any content warnings.
Worldviews of the Greenlanders: An Inuit Arctic Perspective by Brigitte Sonne
I haven't fully read this book so I can't totally vouch for this, but given the difficulty of accessing academic material of Greenland (especially as someone who doesn't speak or read Danish), this does fill in some much needed gaps in perspectives on Greenland. I realize the inherent problems of needing to read about Inuit perspectives in a book compiled by an outsider academic as well as the issues with the field of ethnography as a whole, but this may still be useful to some!
Articles I enjoyed that look at Greenlandic history and contemporary issues:
The Arctic Suicides: It's Not the Dark that Kills you
A Brief History of the Indignities Heaped Upon Greenland
How a failed social experiment in Denmark separated Inuit children from their families
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After some much needed time here are my Sampo Koski headcanons! There are a few people in the community I take heavy inspiration from like Feroluce and Sorrin so please go check them out. You'll definitely see where their work gave me much needed inspiration.
Word count: 1,102
Trigger warnings: weapons, murder and implied death
Fandom: Honkai star rail
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Primary headcanons
Sampo is an emulator, but not currently active in his role. He started as an actor that became director with his innate skills to work a crowd and more, it only was natural for him to step into the role as director while still partaking in the performance as a background character or side to keep the story moving flawlessly.
It's physically impossible to unmask Koski, Sparkle might be in possession of his original mask but he still has one. The mask Sparkle has is the one seen in her light cone ‘it's showtime’ mixed with the predominant mask in Aha’s artwork in the simulated universe with the gem. The mask he uses while she has his original is a half face mask that hides his eyes.
One of the odder effects from being an emulator, his eyes work oppositely. His eyes naturally have the appearance of being dilated while when they actually do they become more snake/cat like. A very long time ago this wasn't the case and his eyes worked how they should but this isn't isn't the case anymore with how long he's been an emulator.
The name Sampo Koski isn't his original name. The name was chosen for his performance on Jarilo-IV, his whole character at that. Though, one could say Sampo Koski is as much him as it isn't. Such facts are heavily true when the script for this performance was heavy up to him to build an believable character for.
The type of elation Sampo follows is more close to the original Aha used to be. elation comes in many forms, sometimes even extreme emotions that drive people to overjoyed almost manic laughter or overwhelming sorrow. Elation that's paraded by the tavern and the followers disgust Sampo to a degree. To him the Mourning Actors follow a more truthful yet sorrow filled path of Elation compared to Sparkle and the others.
The one oddity the Mourning Actors and Sampo share are extremes. While the Mourning Actors live in sorrow and anguish, Sampo in some situations feels extreme emotions that don't always outwardly show properly. True sorrow is shown by sobs broken by laughter he can't fully control while euphoric happiness can leave him laughing in such a way fitting of the Aeon he is an emulator of.
Having people willingly be friends with him outside of business or the work he does is something Sampo isn't used to. He's the background character, the comedic relief or one off side character. The idea of someone genuinely wanting to be friends with him, not including children, doesn't seem real to him. He isn't the likable character after all, none of his roles ever have been.
Aha is aware that Sampo follows both them and IX. The paths are similar in nature with both holding disregard to existence as a whole. If Aha didn't approve or find it entertaining Sampo would have exploded out of existence in a burst of confetti and the soft sound of bells ringing in the distance.
Koski has multiple safehouses across Jarilo-IV, from the underground, over world and outside the walls. His favorite and safest is deep into the blizzard outside the walls, far enough were determined Silvermane’s wouldn't go and away from the more aggressive fragmentum. At one point he had an apartment in the administrative district until it was burned down. It was the only place he actually paid legally while using his persona Brughel Poisson.
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Interchangeable headcanons
Route ≜ - Sampo is a creation of Aha’s. He appeared one day on an forgettable planet around the age of Thirteen to stir up trouble for shits and giggles at Aha’s direction. Overall his creation by Aha was for shits and giggles just to see what would happen.
Route ≗ - (While unlikely, this idea scratches my brain delightfully!) Sampo was a part of the Mourning Actors and broke away once they were looked upon by Aha to embrace the path while starting to follow IX. He was the director before becoming an actor in the tavern, he doesn't believe in the Elation the Tavern does due to its naturally harmful nature he can't bring himself to follow.
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The smoke bombs Sampo uses hold very little effect on himself. He would have to inhale more than what it takes to knock out ten people to pass out. The smoke bombs he uses are harmless in that regard, unless one has asthma the only danger is being knocked unconscious.
Sampo does have two different kinds of bombs, he very rarely brings out his truly dangerous ones that rather than showing a happy expression have a sorrow filled one. He would never use those against people, he much rather smooth talk his way out of things or disappear in a burst of smoke.
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Backstory mixed with open ended ideas
Sampo had found out about Aha’s origins through Aha themself. During his time as an active Emulator regardless of path he spoke with Aha on multiple occasions, primarily about scripts and similar subjects before it naturally came up in conversation. He was put at ease knowing the path he walks is true even with the push back and slight distrust from other followers of Aha.
In all of Sampo’s acts he won't kill. He's only done so once and was sick with himself afterwards even though it had been in self defense. He has no issue killing Fragmentium and similar things but another human isn't up for discussion, he rather take a beating if he can't escape in his usual methods. At worst he can use his power as emulator to push the act in his favor to avoid such things.
It takes a lot to make Sampo break character, very few have been able to genuinely upset Sampo enough to get a truly raw response. If one somehow does, Sampo has his ways to make the memory feel fake.
While most wouldn't know it, Sampo is genuinely a good cook be it sweets or savory meals he's good at cooking and enjoys getting to do it! He makes the Silvermane guards breakfast for a reason even if the guards don't know it's him.
Depending on the performance Sampo is taking part in the character he is acting as usually ends with them passing away. It's a peculiar way that helps him abandon his previous persona and personality. If he knows the persona will be useful later on he tends to simply vanish without any reason or make up an elaborate lie to make his disappearance believable until he steps back into the role.
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*men can be women
*mRNA gene therapy is a vaccine
*climate change is causing myocarditis
*inflation is transitory
*the laptop is russian disinfo
*twitter isn’t politicized and weaponized
*FTX isn’t a major story, money laundering through ukraine isn’t a major story
Just a handful of examples to illustrate how the intersectional conditioning program works and is employed.
First your student acolytes must accept a premise that’s seemingly unrelated to these matters of consequence that are of great importance to the power matrix.
This training regimen is gender ideology and it’s intersectional sisters in Western society.
If a person surrenders their ability to make observational determinations regarding sexual identity and the physical reality of biological dimorphism, that person will be mentally malleable in every other respect.
Once they become unmoored from principles and adopt dogmatic formulas in place of reason, dogmatic code becomes interchangeable and contradictions are no longer concerning. They’re expected.
Critical thought becomes uncomfortable and is surrendered to the “experts”. At this point an individual is finished and integrated into the matrix.
A year ago Azov were the fascist enemy.
Yesterday they were problematic.
Today the ADL announces they are not.
And so they aren’t.
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dizzyduck44 · 10 months
I find it interesting at the halfway point of the season that all the usual F1 outlets seem to have the same impression who the top 7 drivers are this season so far. And honestly I can’t argue with them.
1. Max - this is self explanatory, the car is a showcase of brilliance BUT in the hands of Max it’s nigh on unstoppable. He is driving brilliantly and the results reflect that.
2&3. Fernando and Lewis - these two seem to be interchangeable as who is doing better than the other. Again results speak for themselves, even when the car doesn’t suit them they still drag points out of it, showing every reason why they are multiple World Champions.
4. Lando - I can’t remember when he has been out the top 5 in these polls in recent years. Even when the car was a dog he would still drag the car into the points. McLaren got good and Lando showed what he can do, even when they stick the wrong downforce on it!
5,6&7. Charles, Oscar and Alex - again people vary on the order but no one can deny Charles is making the best out of frankly a dire situation. How he has scraped 2 poles and 3 podiums when the car and team are determined to work against tells you his class this year. Oscar has barely looked like a rookie all season, even when they were coming home 16th and 17th his times were competitive to Lando. We probably shouldn’t be shocked, but we were. Talking of shocked, Alex, the Phoenix rising from the ashes in all his glory. Im not gonna say he drags the Williams to places it shouldn’t be as that’s not fair to all the hard work the team do, but is there anyone who doesn’t believe he belongs in F1 now?
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exeggcute · 1 month
Can you please tell me what story points are I hear about them from tech dudes they sound so scary
oh yes lmao. let me answer this publicly so everyone can learn...
in software development there's a work allocation philosophy called agile that everyone either does or tries to do. some people just "do" agile and some people will tell you that agile is a vibe and you can only "do" subsets of it like scrum or kanban or whatever. many people use these terms interchangably and many places end up doing an unholy patchwork of various agile frameworks and hoping for the best.
(or they don't actually do agile at all but adopt agile tools and terminology anyway because that's the shit everyone knows how to use. Big Atlassian has us in their grip...)
in (some) agile work planning, each team divides their session into sprints, which is a fixed length of time for which you pre-determine what you'll be working on and any new tasks won't get picked up or really even looked at until the next sprints. from what I've seen these are usually two-ish weeks but can definitely be more or less. at the end of your sprint, you'll ideally be done with all of the work you were assigned and then get new things to work on for the next sprint.
each unit of work is broken into a story, which is supposed to be a whole anthropomorphized "user story" and not just a unit of work but I've never worked somewhere that adhered to this. sometimes people call them a ticket or an issue instead. it kinda depends on the tool you're using. right now we use a not-jira tool that calls them stories, so to us they're stories! but they're basically just bite-sized work assignments.
each story gets an estimate of how much effort you think it'll take to complete it. (not time, just effort. these are supposed to be different but no one has ever explained how in a way that's satisfied me.) those are your story points. so when you do your sprint planning every <x> weeks, you or your boss or your scrum master or whoever allocates work based on the point total of your stories. let's say that you're usually trying to hit 30-ish story points or so; you might pull in a 13, an 8, a 5, and four 1s for that sprint based on which stories are outstanding. but the next sprint might be two 8s, a 5, three 3s, and a 2.
also I love (and am mystified by??) how these tech dudes are apparently just coming to you to complain about their sprint planning all the time. but I understand. it's rough out here.
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holy christ. this fandom is fucking exhausting about mental health and mental illness and abuse. i dont want to directly engage with people saying this stuff because i am pretty sure they wont change their minds or really listen to me, but Ed can be mentally ill and abusive/toxic (<-those aren’t necessarily interchangable but I’m going to be using both in this case).
Ed’s actions can be a result of his trauma, he can hate that he does it, it can be within his own justification a result of previous threats or negativity from others, and they can still be not okay or justified.
The majority of people who have been abusive in my life have been struggling with something. Mental illness, addiction, trauma, all of the above. Trauma and trauma reactions can lead to further abusive behavior.
When you have personality disorders or mental health issues that come with extreme cognitive distortions (everyone has cognitive distortions, but mental illnesses and trauma tend to lead to more extreme examples or more cognitive distortions than you would have otherwise), it can lead to you continuing with dangerous/manipulative behavior in a more unaware manner. Many are aware it is manipulative, though. and I suppose that’s where the distinction can be made between whether or not this is a toxic or abusive relationship. One comes with more of an intent to control, the other is more about mutually lashing out/having disproportionate emotional reactions to situations.
This post, to me, isn’t about determining whether Ed was Abusive or Toxic, but moreso about conversations around abusive behavior. The way it has been described, Ed’s behavior towards Izzy in S2 has been deliberately controlling and manipulative, as Ed has been towards the entire crew in that season. Does it matter if he’s doing it because he is spiralling and wants to push everyone to their breaking point to kill himself vs just to be a dick? Yes, to a degree. It means he likely just needs help and is capable of changing. On the other hand, no. The behavior is terrible and not justifiable, and having mental illnesses that caused it doesn’t make it suddenly not his responsibility.
I guess I’m more annoyed at the overjustification and removing Ed from his own autonomy and responsibility for his behavior than anything. There can be reasons behind why someone does something, and those reasons can be very sympathetic and understandable and make a lot of sense, it just gets to a point where people seem to be using that to excuse the behavior and remove Ed’s agency in the harm he himself has caused deliberately (even if the intention wasn’t to make people miserable but to kill himself, the goal and method through which he did it was to cause emotional and physical damage and torture to ensure this would happen, with little to no care for the wellbeing of the others.)
If people are upset about Ed’s behavior and lack of actual personal accountability for what he’s done, that’s fine. The same way that it’s fine for people to be upset about the emotional harm Izzy has done to Ed.
I know a lot of posts are not super nuanced when it comes to Ed and abusive behavior, I’m not gonna say hes iredeemable, and in fact he’s already ahead of other people who display this behavior in that he realizes he needs to change and puts in an effort to do so. He’s still sympathetic to most folks, and I personally still love him.
I also acknowledge I, like everyone else, am not immune to personal biases and lack of insight and emotional reasoning. Many folks have been having trauma reactions based on the events in the show or have had their trauma triggered or have fallen back on (understandably) emotional responses that are due to trauma. Some people have been applying their personal experiences with people that behave similarly to characters on the show to their analysis and impressions of the characters. I’m not gonna say that’s morally good or bad. It just exists and is unavoidable when you have a ton of people with trauma discussing things. But it can skew perceptions, as trauma does. so it’s just something to be aware of, because it doesn’t feel like you’re being skewed it feels either like you’re being attacked or you are more aware of/closer to/have a better understanding of the emotions and responses of the characters you are projecting onto.
I dunno. maybe I’m full of shit! Who knows! I just wanted to ramble more about this stuff bc it’s very upsetting to me (<-could be a trauma response I am not adequately handling or aware of or acknowledging) to see the way ppl have been defensive of Ed via “he’s not doing it because he wants to do it/live like this, he’s traumatized, he’s mentally ill, and Izzy pushed him into it” because those can be explanations of his actions but not justifications of his actions.
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Tomb of Roman Doctor Buried With Medical Equipment Found in Hungary
The archaeologists of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Jász Museum and the Eötvös Loránd Research Network have unearthed a find unique on a European scale: the tomb of a Roman physician from the 1st century AD, along with his complete equipment, in the Jász region of Hungary, MTI reports.
In the first phase of the excavation near Jászberény in 2022, the objects discovered were from the Copper Age and the Avar period, and then the site was surveyed using a magnetometer, Tivadar Vida, director of the Institute of Archaeology at ELTE said at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday. Levente Samu, assistant research fellow at the institute, said that an earlier structure had also been found among the rows of tombs in the Avar cemetery, with several metal objects having been recovered from this relatively shallow grave.
The examination of the tools quickly revealed that this was a Roman burial complex, and the grave was that of a physician, whose equipment had been placed in two wooden boxes next to his feet. The tomb contained the remains of a man aged between 50 and 60 years, with no signs of trauma or disease. The grave was almost completely undisturbed, except for an animal disturbance which had moved one of the scalpels from the foot to the head. The tomb yielded pincers, needles, tweezers and high-end scalpels suitable for surgical operations, as well as remains of medicinal products.
The copper alloy scalpels were decorated with silver plating and fitted with interchangeable steel blades. A muller was placed at the knee of the deceased, which, judging by the abrasion marks, could have been used to mix herbs and other medicines. According to Levente Samu, these instruments represent the highest quality of the age and were suitable for use in complex medical procedures.
László Borhy, archaeologist and rector of ELTE, pointed out that such a complete medical kit is unrivaled both inside and outside the borders of what was the Roman Empire. According to radiocarbon dating, the tomb dates back to the 1st century AD, the period of the formation of the province of Pannonia. Ongoing genetic testing will hopefully shed light on the Roman doctor's origins.
Benedek Varga, Director of Semmelweis Museum of Medical History called the discovery of such an assemblage from the Barbaricum of the 1st century BC a world sensation. Only one similar medical kit from the period has ever been discovered: in Pompeii, which was one of the richest settlements in the empire.
Levente Samu said that in addition to genetic research, they also plan to carry out an isotopic analysis of the skeleton, which will help determine whether the doctor was of local origin.
András Gulyás, archaeologist and museologist at Jász Museum, pointed out that this period in Jászság may have been a transitional period between the Celtic and Roman Sarmatian populations. It is not clear from the current data whether the physician buried in the tomb was there to heal a local leader of high prestige or whether he was accompanying a military movement of the Roman legions.
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selvesdiscovery · 10 months
Pinned Post
This blog is dedicated to helping individual headmates in plural systems live their best, most authentic lives. Feel free to send an ask looking for advice or validation.
This blog is run by an adult osdd1 system who is very pro-endo, however fully educated on both sides of syscourse. Any answers or advice given will be fully unbiased and based in the most true information for your ask that we can determine/find. If you think that your& origin or functioning might be relevant to your answer, please do include that. If not, there's no pressure to disclose anything like that.
Despite what our bio says, hosts are also free to seek advice on their system or on their individual experience as well. Non-hosts are listed as our intended audience due to the fact that they're the most likely to struggle with self discovery and integrating themselves into their collective life, and that's what this blog is geared towards. If you're a system host and are struggling in a way you think we could help with, you are more than welcome to reach out.
Ask Rules
Ask for advice on
- disagreements
- social struggles
- coming out
- intrasystem struggles
- self definition/identity
- self acceptance
- sharing your& lives
- building yourselves the perfect plural life
- source related struggles
- seek reassurance, resources or advice on adverse plural experiences
- anything else related to the discovery and acceptance of yourselves
(all of the above does include situations that might tie back to trauma. those types of asks are completely okay. keep in mind though that we are NOT a professional.)
- ask about diagnoses
- ask me if you're plural
- start syscourse
- be weird towards us or anybody else
- ask about making/elaborating tulpas (we don't know anything about this topic)
Besides the obvious syscourse stance, this blog has no BYF/DNI. Anyone can interact.
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edit: personal boundaries and introduction below the cut
About Us
Mod Cyn - Host: 🔪 Alters: ☕🐟🎱🦀💥
@cynicalundead <- main
(We will tag our posts as "Mod Cyn [Emoji]" from this point forward)
• Currently the only mod until further notice.
• We use he/they/it pronouns, and we/us/I/me interchangeably.
• We are mixed origins, and identify with traumagenic, neurogenic, and adaptive as personal labels. We experienced early childhood trauma and dissociate alongside our plurality, so we identify with osdd1 to describe our experiences.
• Please use the terms plural, system, alters, pseudomemories, and you/you guys/y'all for us. Please do NOT use the terms parts, exomemories, or you& for us, when possible.
• We support all (safe and consensual) queer and otherwise good faith identities. This includes kins, IRLs, and mspec monos. These things are safe to talk and ask about on this blog.
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 7 months
[A mysterious video is uploaded on Blackthorn's account. No metadata exists to determine who, how, or why it was posted…]
A calm moonlight shines through the window. It shines on Den, Saffron, Fuchsia, and Cerulean, sleeping like a pile of kittens, barely distinguishable as separate beings.
A few minutes pass. Then a shadow dims the moonlight for a moment, and Den awakens. She gets up, careful not to wake the others, trying to give them just a little extra sleep. Eventually - gently, subconsciously - she starts to sing.
A second set of voices joins her for a duet - Saffron, Fuchsia, and Cerulean, the Pixies singing in harmony, simultaneously one voice yet three.
As they sing, it seems that the world has stopped around them. Not in the sense of a dark future, but in the sense of a moment of peace forever fixed in time.
A subtle glow surrounds each of the Pixies as the song continues, growing stronger, in the colour of their name. In the same time, Den seems to radiate a shadow - one of calm, as the empty night sky waiting to be filled with stars.
Before, as the song comes to its end, 'Arigato to...~' The glow blinds the camera with white for a moment, before it fades. The moon is shaded by clouds; the only light now comes from three floating wisps - one gold, one pink, one blue - and Den's red eyes shining in the darkness.
The wisps start to circle her. Faster, faster, spiralling inwards, until - a glow forms around her head. She closes her eyes, the glow fades into shadows.
The moonlight returns.
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Revealing Den---revealing Blackthorn. Clearly tired, clearly damaged - clearly whole, as much as she can be. She stumbles blearily over to the bed, collapsing onto it. The only sound, her steady heartbeat.
And a trio of familiar voices singing her to sleep.
//ooc under the cut
//picrew source
and that's the end of this... pseudo-arc? i'm not sure what to call it still, but. the intro post will be updated at... some point. not sure when. but it needs a pretty big go-over anyway, so.
so what happens now? technically, blackthorn refers to the four of them, whereas den refers to den herself. in their whole state though, the two are pretty much interchangeable - as such blackthorn is simultaneously one person and four. self-reference-wise - she'll mostly use i/me, though depending on the context may switch to we/us. likewise, referring to saffron/fuchsia/cerulean will use he/she/they respectively. any pronouns are okay for any of them, though, as ever - she'll particularly be aware of plural they as an option depending on context.
while i'm noting this as it's what i use currently and thus what blackthorn will eventually stick to - she's got to work out how to communicate with the pixies first..... so do i, for that matter. it'll be easier for her though. as a bonus, the pixies also get a headspace (which i don't think i have) so i can keep making picrews of them. the irl equivalents just roll around my brain like when you have pokemon-amie on the bottom screen and get on the bike. i mean what :v
i appreciate everyone who's interacted in any way - in terms of me working out stuff irl i consider it a success also. thank you. i want to special thanks to spritemod and indigomod - while i know it wasn't intended, the timing of the runaway arc and such (even though i blocked a lot of it) really helped me with some particular cases in a safe environment, which otherwise i might not have gotten for a while. so that's a bonus.
probably when i update the intro post i'll also make a list of links to all the big major writing of this semi-arc. that might take a bit but i hope to have it done by the end of the weekend.
as for now? blackthorn's just doing her thing. helping people out, posting memes and stupid jokes... just with a little more understanding of what's going on behind the mask. (and a clearly totally valid excuse of 'no i don't have a soft side. that's just fuchsia')
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