#but im not teaching summer school this year so i will have all the time to write come june and july
mixtapedoh · 29 days
there's no fight or flight response more visceral and intense than when you open your email
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exactoknife · 1 year
its just like. if your child is actively struggling to read at a kindergarten level when they're supposed to be moving on to second grade... WHAT is so wrong with you that you do not want them to receive tutoring to help them get better. at fucking. READING
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viperrot · 11 months
⇁slasher season | leon kennedy | pt. 1
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re4 remake ghostface!leon kennedy x fem!reader NSFW 18+
a few days have passed since you gave leon permission to be a lil creeper. the stage is set, and you thought you were ready, but you couldn’t have been more wrong.
series content warnings: porn with little plot, cnc/dubcon, depictions of chase, stalking, knifeplay, size difference, and possibly more to be added
content contains: stalking, verbal and physical threats (threatens to unalive you), knifeplay, oral (fem-receiving), p in v, cnc, leon is trying to be mean, size difference, voyeurism, masturabation, degradation (use of “slut” and “bitch”), cervix kissing, unprotected sex, implied aftercare
not proofread i am going beddie bye time
song rec: “voulez-vous” by johnny goth
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You always felt a sense of shame when you tell your classmates that you don’t work often. At minimum, you work twelves hours a week, and it isn’t for college but more for yourself. It was hard to admit you hail from a well-off family, your rich aunties and uncles all pitching in for your college funding and your quaint apartment, so you never talked about your riches with your friends no matter how close, not wanting to make them feel less-than in anyway.
Time and time again, you’ve offered Leon help with his tuition and summer-class prices, and he always denied it, saying something gruff and mildly misogynistic like, “I don’t need a lady’s money” with a dumb expression. Instead of arguing, you put your extra coffee-shop money into food, clothes, and other gifts for your dear boyfriend, who works far more than you do.
And work means he’s not always around.
In the summer, he’s kicking around in a pool with a handful of little ones, teaching them how to swim “like a better Michael Phelps” as he’d stay at the pool for nearly twelve hours a day. When pool season is over, he's working at the bakery near downtown part-time or focusing on school. Despite the busy schedule year-round, Leon always found time for you, never passing an opportunity to snuggle in the nearly eight months of you dating.
You lazed away on your bed, the summer heat missing as a result of your precious air-con working its ass off in this weather. The bedroom was lit only by the afternoon sun which sparkled in from your balcony a few feet away from your queen-sized bed. You watched the clothes you hung up to dry sway in the gentle breeze as you laid on your side, hands tucked beneath your head as you dozed off.
Rrrrring! Rrrrring!
The sound of your phone going off catches you off guard, the call practically vibrating your entire bed. You sigh heavily and snatch the device from the cotton abyss of your duvet, the screen's brightness slightly stinging your corneas as you squint at it confused.
"Unknown Caller?" You mumble, trying to think of anyone that could be calling you at this time. "Maybe its something about college..." You swipe the screen to the right with your thumb, sitting up and bringing the phone to your ear.
"Hello?" You greet questioningly, eyebrows furrowing together as your free hand comes down to fiddle with the hem of your oversized jumper.
"Hello?" A man's voice responds, deep with a slight rasp. Your confusion worsens.
"Can I help you...?"
"Who is this?"
"(Y/n) (L/n)," you respond curtly. "What do you need?"
"I don't know," they reply. Your lips tug into a slight frown.
"I think you have the wrong number, then. Have a good day!" With a feigned happiness, you quickly ended the phone call and slumped back down into your bed, the springs creaking as your weight pressed into the plush mattress. Your eyes begin to droop once more, breathing slow as you succumb to sleep.
Until the phone rings again.
You grunt and claw around for your cellular device once more, checking the screen to see it was from the same unknown caller. Your eyebrows knit together. Who is this?
“Hang up one more time, and I’ll fuckin’ slit your throat,” the mysterious man threatens, his words voiced through gritted teeth and a clenched throat. At that moment, everything clicks.
It’s Leon, your sweet and harmless boyfriend. Leon Scott Kennedy, a man who’s like a giant puppy, is threatening to kill you.
Your mouth grows dry as you ponder on what to say, eyes wide as your hand grips the phone to your ear tightly.
“I-I’m sorry…” You stammer, somehow terrified despite knowing exactly who was on the other end of the line.
“Aww, it’s okay, sweetheart…” you can hear the slight apologetic tone through Leon’s voice changer, and it makes your heart flutter ever so slightly. Even so, he continues this cruel act of his. “I’ll spare you—for now, at least. How about you tell me a little about yourself, hm?” His honeyed voice made your thighs clench together.
“W-what do you… want to know…?” You swallow dryly, tongue pushing out to lick your chapped lips. You hear Leon hum in thought, and you can’t help but imagine him tapping his index finger against his chin.
“Mmm… you gotta boyfriend?” He coos.
“Y-yeah. He’s uhm… very sweet,” you respond shakily, breath hitching in your throat. “I-I’m waiting for him to come home n-n-now, actually!” you hear Leon chuckle at this.
“Really now? Is he making you wait long?” you notice a bit of background noise come through as he speaks, like foliage rustling in the wind. You make a noise signifying your agreement.
“A little, yeah… he works a lot, but I try not to make a big deal out of it,” you clear your throat.
“He leaves a pretty thing like you alone? How cruel,” the “stranger” notes, a teasing tone dripping from his tongue. “A girl with a body like that, I’d do anything in my power to be with you all the time, sweetheart,” your heart beats against your ribcage as you try to figure out what to say.
“How do you know what I look like?!” you sputter out, hoping he can’t somehow hear your blush through the phone. Leon lets out a soft snicker.
“You tend to leave your curtains drawn, bug,” you nearly laugh at his small slip-up, and you’re sure that he realized it too. Even then, you fake your distress, jumping out of your bed in a flurry to stumble into the living room of your quaint apartment. It was true—your curtains were pulled back to let in the golden light of the setting sun, blinds drawn up completely. You fumble with the strings and fabric, nearly falling as you shoo away the natural light from your home.
“You creep! I’ll call the cops-“
“And what? You think they’ll find me?”
“Th-they’ll keep watch of my neighbourhood, an-and-“
“Well, let’s hope they can keep watch of your actual apartment, cuz I’m already here, sweetheart,” Leon’s smirk is evident in his voice, and before you can say anything in rebuttal, you hear a door slide open with a heavy thud coming from your room. Your heart skips a beat as you stumble backwards slightly, nearly dropping your phone in the process.
“Th-this isn’t fucking funny!” You yelp, oddly afraid.
“‘Not funny’? Baby, I never said this was a comedy show,” he chuckles. “You gunna call the cops now? They won’t get here on time, and you know that,” you supposed he could hear you fumbling with your phone, getting ready to dial the police department. Shakily, you begin to bound towards your bedroom, pushing the door open with your hip seeing as it was slightly open. The door to the balcony was wide open, the breeze that dried your hung clothes blowing in gently and causing your curtains to billow in the wind. Apart from the soft drawl of the summer currents, the room was deathly silently. You stood in front of your bed, legs threatening to give out beneath you as your eyes scanned every corner of your room.
“I-I’m not afraid of you!” you call out, phone about to break under the force of your grip.
“Not afraid, huh? We’ll see about that,” the line cuts, and you realize the call has ended. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and yet you’re completely unaware of the presence behind you. Suddenly, a hand presses against your mouth to muffle you as the other wraps under your arm to detain you, a sharp edge pressing into your throat which bobbed in discomfort. Your yelp is bitten back as you teeth at the leather against your lips, trying to bite the hand that kept your pressed against the strangers body. Your eyes as wide as dimes, you decide not to struggle against your attacker, fearing that the blade will slit your throat as he has promised only a few minutes ago.
“You seem pretty scared now, bunny,” he whispers, a shiver running down your spine as a result. His voice is muffled by something, and you realize he’s wearing a flimsy white mask of the iconic Ghostface. “You should be more aware of your surroundings, baby. Otherwise, you’ll find big scary men like me sneakin’ around,” the man digs the blade a little deeper, and you’re thankful that the knife is a bit dull—had it been a sharper blade, you would be bleeding by now.
“You’re shaking, sweetheart… calm down for me. I don’t wanna- ruin this pretty little body of yours,” you can tell he nearly breaks character, his softer side trying to fight for control, but he continues his aggressive front. Your body is practically pudding in his muscular arms, knees nearly giving out beneath you. Your cries are stifled by his gloved fingers as he begins to drag the Buck 120 knife down the length of your neck and against your collarbones. Your attacker pays no mind to the weak punches you throw against his side, barely faltering at the contact and simply holds you tighter against his toned chest.
“So fuckin’ pretty, bunny,” he whispers, admiring the glint of his weapon against your skin. “All for me, too~ You know how crazy it drives me seeing you change in front of that damn balcony door? Sometimes I think you’re begging for me to see this slutty body all the time,” the vulgar languages catches you by surprise, but it quickly leaves when you feel the knife catch between a button of your Leon’s shirt. It tugs upward and snags the thread, popping open the shirt one button at a time, exposing your breasts and baby blue panties to him. He lets out a low laugh, vibrating from his chest.
“My favourite colour, too? Baby, were you expecting me?” His hand drops from your mouth, allowing you to breathe evenly. His free hand immediately finds your breast and gives it a tight squeeze, pinching the perky little bud harshly. “Of course whores like you would welcome a guy like me, hm? You like this, sweetheart?”
“Y-you’re sick…!” you cry, moaning slightly at the pain he inflicted onto your sensitive chest. You feel the blunt end of the knife’s handle push just above your v-line, harsh and brutal as it digs into your body.
“Don’t fuckin’ act innocent with me,” the masked man hisses. “I know exactly what girls like you want—you put up this sweet act around your friends at school so they don’t know you like getting fucked like a toy.”
“Th-that isn’t tru-“ before you finish your sentence, he slams your body into the bed, front pressed into the plush duvet. He leaves his knife laying next to you, taking one hand to keep both of yours behind your back while his other reaches down to paw at the gusset of your underwear.
“‘Not true’? Then explain why it’s practically dripping down here,” the slick gathers on the black leather of his gloves, and you whine as his fingers press against your clothed slit. “Admit it—tell me you love to be used like a little fleshlight,” his voice is rough beneath his mask, and you try to look at him over your shoulder as you struggle against his tight grip. You take note of his outfit consisting of black cargos, an ebony, long-sleeved compression shirt, his leather gloves, and the mask. Its inky black eyes stared back at you as you wiggled beneath him.
“I-I’m not…! I don’t like being-“ you gasp when you feel a sudden intrusion, rendering you speechless. Slick, leathered fingers force their way between your folds and into your hole, scissoring slightly in attempt to stretch you open. He hisses at the feeling of your walls squeezing against his middle and ring finger.
“Christ—Bunny, does your boyfriend not fuck you hard enough? I swear-“ his breathing grows heavy as he thrusts his fingers in and out of your cunt. “You’re tighter than a virgin-“ your thighs clench against his hand as you babble for him to stop.
“P-please… st-stop touching mme,” you hiccup, trying your best to hate the fluttering feeling he was giving you. The man’s fingers curl against your inner walls, pressing deeper and harder into your most pleasurable spots.
“Aww, you want me to stop? But why? You look like you’re having so much fun, baby~” His grip around your wrists grow tighter as he begins to thrust his fingers a little faster. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you moan at the pleasure. The knot in your stomach begins to tighten you grow closer to your release, the wet sound of your arousal echoing through your room. Just as you feel as though you’ll explode, the man pulls his fingers out completely, leaving you breathless.
“N-no, please!” you cry, squirming beneath him. He makes no sound, instead releasing your arms and flipping you to lay on your back. You watch him get on his knees before grabbing the discarded blade next to you, making quick work of your delicate pair of lace panties. The fabrics tears as he pulls the knife through it, throwing the bits of it to the floor as well as his blade before pulling up his mask. It drops to the ground, too, laying next to the tattered blue fabric before he looks up at you between your legs. Your boyfriend’s attacker’s hands grip the fat of your thighs tight as he gives you a coy smirk.
“What was that, bunny? ‘Yes, please’? Well, don’t mind if I do,” Leon licks his slightly chapped lips before dipping his head down, blonde hair shielding his eyes as his tongue presses against your sensitive clit. Your fingers tangle into his thin tresses of hair, eyes rolling back as you feel his tongue bully itself into your pussy. Leon grunts when your thighs squeeze his head, only urging him to tongue-fuck you deeper.
“St-stop it-“
“You keep telling me to stop, yet you keep pressing your pussy into my mouth like you’re forcing me to eat it,” he says, mumbling onto your cunt casually. “I should punish you for lying to me, but I’m feeling generous tonight. Just take this like a good little bitch and we won’t have any problems.”
Leon continues his work on you, his skilled tongue having its way inside of your tight little hole as his thumb presses against your clit. You beg for him to stop, trying to push his head out from between your thighs, but he makes no effort of moving, continuing his assault on your poor pussy. He devoured you like it was his first meal in weeks, drinking up every drop of your slick like he wouldn’t eat ever again. You grew embarrassed at the sound of your moans mixing with the wet squelches of your juices. Leon could only laugh as he takes quick peeks at your dazed expression, lapping up at the arousal that practically leaked out of your body. Before you could cum, he pulls back, forcing himself out from between your thighs.
“How ‘bout we get to the good part,” the blonde smirks, picking up his Buck 120 before standing at his full height. You watch him unbuckle his belt, the gentle clanging of metal reaching your ears as he then reaches to unzip his cargo pants. Your body stiffens as you take in the sight of his bulge, threatening to burst from the confines of his black cotton briefs.
“N-no way—you c-cant-!”
“Can’t what? I can’t fuck you?” his brow quirks up.
“M-my boyfriend’ll-“ He rolls his blue eyes, annoyed at the mentioning of himself your partner.
“Fine, we’ll play it your way, bunny,” he shakes his head, picking up one of your legs with his free hand. “Don’t squirm, got it? You may be acting like a bitch right now, but I really don’t wanna nick you, sweetheart,” he grunts, setting your knee over his shoulder. You lay there, wondering what he’s planning, and your eyes widen when you see him hold the knife by its blade, the shiny silver in the palm of his gloved hand as he positions the hilt just before the entrance of your cunt.
“W-wait- don’t-“ Leon pays no mind to your pleas, pressing the blunt handle into your pussy. You clench and cry out, the cold material surprising you as well as the sudden stretch. He clicks his tongue is disproval as you whimper beneath him, thrusting the handle in and out of you.
“You’re so fuckin’ worried about your boyfriend, sweetheart. Why can’t you just admit he can’t fuck you right?” Leon fakes his concern. “You know you love this—You just don’t wanna admit that your stalker’s foreplay is better than your own boyfriend’s dick.”
“S-s’not true! Nngh, it’s nn-not truue~!” you claw at the hand that was squeezing your thigh, silently begging for Leon to stop. Even then, your body betrayed you. Your cunt spasmed around the smooth handle, giving Leon a bit of a struggle as he continued to thrust the weapon in and out of you.
“What a fuckin’ slut…” he smirks. “You keep saying you don’t want this, but your pussy is so goddamn wet,” he pulls the handle out of you, and you cry, babbling for him to put it back in. He only chuckles lowly before taking his cock out of the confines of his underwear. It springs out at a nice six inches, thick and cut with a vein trailing up the side. The Buck 120 is left to be forgotten once more.
“You’re taking this—whether you like it or not,” Leon takes your other leg and throws it over his free shoulder before dragging the head of his cock against your wet slit. Your hands pathetically reach for him.
“P-please…” you hiccup. Leon hums, a teasing expression painting his face.
“What’s that, bunny? Oh, you wanna be fucked like a bitch in heat? Well, if you insist…” with a sudden force, he shoves himself into you with one smooth thrust, splitting you open with ease. You cry out, the back of your head craning into the mattress as you begged for your stalker to pull out.
“O-out~! P-please, nno more~!” you sob, tears flowing from your eyes as he pulls out enough to just leave the tip in. With a grunt, his hips slam back into yours, the full length of him back inside of your tight cunt. Leon lets out a slight moan as he begins to jackhammer himself into you, seemingly not having a care in the world for your comfort as he grips onto your hips and folds you in half onto the bed.
“So tight, baby- fuck! This pussy was made for me,” Leon’s eyes squeeze shut as he fucks into you, relishing in the feeling of your cunt squeezing around his thick cock. “You love this, I fuckin’ know you do. You love being my free-use slut, bunny—tell me you love it when I fuck you like my personal- toy!” he chokes on his words, clearly lost in the pleasure.
“L-love it so much~! M-mmore, more pl-plleaase~” you babble, fingers threading into the man’s hair. Your noses graze each as he bucks up further into you.
“Drives me fuckin’ crazy watching you from your damn balcony, sweetheart,” Leon pants, beginning to break his persona. “Watching you hump your pillows, moaning my name—I couldn’t keep waiting. I was pl-planning- f-fuck, you’re so tight, baby-! Trying to…! To creep on you for a week, b-but you’re just so gorgeous…!” His hands grip harder on your hips, bruising them as he pounds his cock harder and harder into your abused cunt.
“You looked so desperate trying to fuck that stupid pillow of yours—I can’t tell you how much I wanted to just jump into your room and take you then and there, bunny,” his breath tickles against your lips as he speaks, and you can only moan and squirm in response, barely able to form words with how good he made you felt. Your fingers weakly tug at the base of his hair as his hips roll into you, and you swear you can feel the head of his cock trying to push past your poor cervix.
“L-Leon-!” You cry, your legs applying pressure to either side of his head as you feel the knot in the pit of your belly begin to unravel. Leon’s grip on your sides becomes rougher, bruises blossoming in deep purples and reds against your skinz
“Cum for me, bunny—please…!” your lover drops the harsh act, fully embracing his typical nature of sweet boyfriend despite his white-knuckled grip on you. A near-scream erupts from your throat as you finally release, your cunt spasming around Leon’s cock. With gritted teeth, he pulls out and releases onto your stomach, the sticky substance staining the wrinkled white button-up and the soft skin of your belly.
Heavy, hot pants filled the room as you and Leon took a moment to pull yourselves together, his lips pressing soft kisses onto your calves and ankle as he gently leaned back to remove you from your folded state.
“You alright, bug? I-“ he gulps, catching his breath. “I didn’t get too rough, did I?” the worry is apparent in Leon’s voice as his gentle blue orbs gaze into yours. You feel his hands gently caress the bruises he left on your skin.
“M’okay, Lee,” you assure him, chest heaving up and down. You watch his eyes trail down to admire the mess he made on your stomach.
“You look good like this,” the blonde comments, picking up a little glob of his seed between gloved fingers. “We should do this more often, bunny,” he teases, pulling away from you and allowing your legs to fall limp. You were about to protest until Leon moved to pick you up bridal style, carrying you towards the bathroom that was just outside in the hall.
“Let’s get cleaned up, though. I’ve got a feeling you’re ready for a good sleep and some cuddling, yeah?” Leon coos, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You can only hum in agreement, nuzzling your face into his neck as he carries you to the tub.
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hi. lol. idk how i’m still alive. i’m being worked to the bone. i hope everyone is well.
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saturnxgojo · 4 months
trios dont work. // satosugu x reader (business AU) (FULL WORK)
✦ Pairing: satoru gojo x suguru geto x afab!reader (she/her)
✦ Summary: trios dont work, and nine years later consequences hit
✦ Warnings: alcoholism, mention of death (mamagumi), passing out due to alcohol consumption, abandonment, clubs, petnames (sweetheart, doll, pretty girl, whatnot), dunno what else lmk
✦ A/n: im still sick, im still hurt, i dont appreciate hurtful things being said to me in my asks, but here you go, if its all a bit vague; im sick.
✦ Wordcount: 7272
✦ ATTENTION!!! do not copy. translate, remake my work, i do not give you permission to so dont do it. also GIF not mine, credits to the creator.
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nine years. It had been nine years. 
The first year felt unrealistic. It was strange. going from being side by side with each other almost 24/7 to no contact at all. [Name] didn’t know what she did wrong, just that one day Satoru and Suguru decided they didn’t want her in their life anymore.
She remembered everything of their last day together, every once in a while it would suddenly pop back up into her head, but in that first year, it replayed again and again; every day.
“Suguru!” [Name] had called out to one of the two teenage boys as she caught up to them “hi!” 
Suguru flung his arm around the girl's shoulders, pulling her into his side as she greeted Satoru. 
“Where have you been, doll? We were looking for you.” 
[Name] laughed as she grabbed their hands and pulled them along. “Shoko and I accidentally forgot to sleep, so when I did fall asleep around ten I was doomed to wake up late.” 
The two boys looked at each other and smiled, the little ball of sunshine walking in front still pulling them along. 
“So four hours of sleep and already this energetic? you still gotta teach me that trick.” Satoru commented as he looked at her, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. She replied with a ‘real magicians don’t explain their best tricks’ 
After they walked for a while, they finally reached the top of a mountain, looking down on the city below. 
The beginning of summer break celebration was going on, kids from their private school and from public schools in the city came together to celebrate. Many people crowded the streets, there was music, and they could see everything perfectly. 
“look who knows the best spots once again”
They had spent the entire afternoon on the top of that mountain since classes were canceled due to the celebration, their fellow students were down there, having fun.
But as they were probably dancing and partying; Satoru took on the challenge to chase [Name] around the hill, she yelped and ran behind the other boy, clutching to the back of his shirt for protection as she heard the two boys negotiate. 
“Don’t you dare Suguru,” she warned, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. He placed one of his hands on hers and suddenly pulled her to the front. “Not you too please! ah!” she yelped, but the next moment she was giggling, she could never stand a chance against their tickle war. Ever since they found out she was very ticklish a few years ago it had become a thing for them to annoy her with. Whenever it was if she were sad, annoyed, angry, or if they felt like it, the boys would look at each other and [Name] would run instantly if she saw. (Which she most of the time didn’t and fell into their grasp giggling.)
Later at night they went back to the school, they had watched the sun set, then the fireworks, and then [name] and Satoru listened and looked in awe as Suguru pointed out constellations in the night sky. It was perfect.
At some point her eyes fell and she slept. The black haired boy looked down at her sleeping on Satoru's shoulder before giving a sad smile. 
“She will never forgive us.”
“But at least we'll protect her.” 
The next morning when [name] woke up in the room she shared with Shoko there was a little note on her nightstand.
‘you’re gonna be okay’ in Satoru’s messy and rushed handwriting. She got dressed and ran out of her room, looking for her best friends. what did Satoru mean with that she was gonna be okay?
She looked all over the grounds, the dining hall, library, common rooms, classrooms, the fields and gardens. Eventually she decided to also check their dorm. Girls and boys weren’t originally allowed in each other's dorm rooms, but since everyone was packing their stuff for summer the teachers didn’t care. So she followed the familiar path towards the boys their shared room. The posters were gone from their door, but they probably took those down first she thought. [name] knocked on the door, no reaction. She opened the door to find it completely empty except for the furniture that belonged to the school. 
Graduation was next week, why were they moved out already? For the last few years they always did that together. Where were they? As she turned around and bumped into Nanami, he looked just as confused as he took in the empty room. 
He looked at her, his mouth opening but no sound coming out. She knew what he was gonna ask, “They’re putting their stuff into the car or?”
She showed him the note in her hand and Nanami just got more question marks behind his eyes.
For a week she wondered where they were, she held hope they’d come knocking on her temporary apartment building her parents owned as she waited in the city for graduation. However; no knock came, no call, no letter or note, nothing. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru disappeared from the radar.
When graduation rolled around word went round that Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru would not be attending. They had waited for this moment for she didn’t know how long. Plans were made to go out with their other friends after, they had plans for the future! But now, instead of her two best friends cheering on her louder than anyone else as she held her valedictorian speech, her other friends cheered double as hard. They knew she’d been struggling this week. Shoko had crashed at her temporary apartment since she didn’t want to deal with her parents. Nanami also came by daily, and if they hadn’t been there, no one would’ve known what would’ve happened to [name].
The second year was still unbearable. [Name] worked a lot, saving money, attending college, going out with her friends on the weekends. She often found herself looking to her sides, expecting to see one of her two former best friends walking there. She always looked for them in crowds, she looked everywhere, but they were nowhere to be found. 
In the third year [name] finally figured out her future. She was in her third year but decided to drop out. She saved a lot of money, and she was relatively well off so she bought a building in the busy city and within six months the place opened to a magnificent night club and partially a cafe two times a week. It took a lot of promotion, and a lot of patience until the place blew up. 
In just the first year that it opened, she gained so much she paid off the entire loan of the building. It hit off with people her age, and at just nineteen [name] was going to become one of the youngest millionaires of her time, she just didn’t know it yet.
Her friends loved the place too, and they were immensely proud of [name] after what she had gone through a few years prior. She proved to the world that the only person she truly needed was herself and that she could do whatever she wanted to.
The second year after opening the fourth without Gojo and Geto [name] opened a second location of her club across the world in Los Angeles. 
And now nine years later, and six locations in Tokyo, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, NYC, Paris and London [Name] had in fact become the fastest growing self made millionaire at her age. She lived in Beverly Hills, had her own place designed and built and she was living the life. 
Now; in her bathroom it was still a calm Saturday night but she knew that in an hour she would be in her own club, observing the people as she sipped on her drink. Saturdays were the busiest; first day of the weekend but that also meant a lot of money. 
“Scarlett?” [name] called out to her assistant who walked towards the entrance of the bathroom. “Take two weeks off, alright? Paid vacation of course, take your wife anywhere you want, put it on my bill. It’s summer and you haven’t been on a break since last year. It’s not up for debate.” She was fixing the last strands of her hair before turning towards the woman in her doorframe who looked a bit ill at her words. “Now, how do I look?” she gave Scarlett a smile. 
“As beautiful as always. And… Are you sure you’ll be fine? I mean… Two weeks is a lot.” Scarlett loved her job, not because it paid well, or because her boss was very generous. She loved her job because her boss felt more like a close friend rather than a boss. 
“You’re right, make it three weeks. You deserve it, you and your wife both. I’ll be fine, I know how to start a washer and dryer, I know how to do the dishes. What else would I need? Now, have fun on your vacation, you better send me pics, and have fun! I gotta get going now though cause I'm already late.”
Scarlett still looked a bit sick as she bid farewell to her boss, but at least she could finally take a break, which she was too shy to admit she actually needed.
[Name] walked through the front door of the club, she didn’t pick favorites is what she told others, but the location here in LA and the one in Paris were definitely her favorites of the six she owned. The music was beaming, lights flashing and the scent of alcohol and sweat hung in the air. Security guards nodded at her in a silent greeting as she made her way to her office, one of them trailing her for her own protection. Tonight was going to be a good night, she thought as she poured herself a drink, quickly drowning it before taking a glance at the paperwork that had been assembled on her desk during the last few days. She’d take it home when she left tonight. The security guard opened the door again and waited for her to lock it, after she gave him the signal he didn’t have to trail her tonight.
She walked past the VIP area, making some small conversations with people she’d seen before. There were new faces too, there always were. All different types of ‘em too. It was a safe space as well as a club. She stopped at Toji’s table, how he and her met was a long story. Everyone at [Name] her boarding school knew of the Zen’in family and their generations at the school, same as the Gojo family, as well as her own. She’d seen him here at the club one day a few years ago, standing at the bar and damn he looked familiar she had thought. It soon clicked in her head and she walked up to him. 
“Zen’in?” she had called as she stood behind him.
“Fushiguro now actually, took my wife's last name.” he said as he turned around, looking at the young woman in front of him. “Wait,” he had studied her face, until his eyes landed on the obvious giveaway of her family “[last name]?”. She nodded and smiled in response to his guess. “Never thought I’d see one of you all the way out here.” 
“Well, someone has to be the millionaire of the family.” Toji’s eyes widened as he asked for more details, giving an impressed grin when he found out she was the owner. 
“You got it good, girl. I wouldn’t have suspected you to be the type.” 
“Hello again, it’s been a while.” She sat down on the couch next to him, observing the people as they danced to the music. There were some empty glasses in front of him but Toji seemed rather sober.
“[Last name], you look good tonight.” he gave her a grin, it had been a few years since his wife died, the first few years were a mess for him, he was in here every night drinking away his grief. But over the years he had come to accept her passing and actually started taking care of his son again. Now he came every weekend, mostly just Saturdays since that's when his son was at his friends’ or godfathers house. “Thank you,” she smiled at him, smoothing out the satin dress on her body. “How’s Megs?” She hadn’t seen either of them ‘cause they’d been residing in Japan for a while. Toji smiled at the mention of his son. It took him too long to realize that the little boy was his light in life, his wife lived on in him and oh he was amazing. 
“He’s fine, great actually. He graduated from Jujutsu High a few weeks ago…” as Toji said that an old but familliar scent hit [name] her nostrils and she immediately turned her head around but didn’t find what she smelled. “It was amazing to see him receive his diploma. To be really honest, a few years ago I thought I’d never be back at that place again after I graduated years and years ago myself.” 
“He’s so grown up already, I can remember when you told me he just started.” [Name] turned her head back towards her friend with a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. “And to be fair, I don’t think I’ll ever return to Jujutsu High again, no matter the reason.” there was a reason- there were simply too many memories there that she had tried her hardest to forget. Those memories being the ones she just smelled.
The mixed scent of sweet floral yet strong cologne and a really overwhelming smell of pine and vanilla still hung faintly in the air.
It can’t be, she thought. Her mind was just playing tricks on her because Toji had her remember things she didn’t want to. There’s no way. 
Yet when she bid farewell to Toji and walked towards the bar she smelled it again. The bartenders didn’t look up when she walked behind the bar and poured herself a drink, yet she overheard their conversations. 
“That man's eyes… wow! I’ve never seen anyone with eyes that bright!”
It’s not him. They’re not here.
“But the other one! His shoulders… my god.”
[Name] walked away before she’d drive herself insane over this. There was no way they were here. If they were, she would’ve spotted them already. Even though a decade can change a lot about a person; Gojo’s bright blue eyes and bright hair and Geto’s long dark hair and muscled figure always stood out, especially when together.
She wasn’t even sure if they’d regcronise her. She cut her hair, the final stages of puberty hit her later so she got some more curves and flesh, her style had changed and so had her personality. Though deep down she knew that if she’d ever see those two boys again, she’d turn back into her old bubbly self if it took too long. She always had a soft spot for them, no matter what happened or how much she denied it, they would always be a part of her past. Toji had also once told her she walked around like she owned the place, to which she replied that she did. He’d given her credit for the remark and she’d told him to put things on her tab that night.
With a racing heart she went back to observing the crowds. Walking alongside tables, along the dancefloor, everywhere. 
Theres no way these two fucks still wear the same cologne after years.
She sipped her drink, it burned in her throat, but it wasn't unpleasant. She walked towards the staircase for staff and security. All the way up it overlooked the layout of the building and she could spot things easier. 
I’m going to drive myself insane by looking for people that aren’t-
Her train of thoughts stopped when she saw a mob of bright white hair, she stared at it for ten seconds before looking at the person's face and she felt her head get light, looking besides him she saw a familiar black haired man.
She turned around, not being able to look anymore. The top of the stairs wasn't lit, so the chance they would’ve seen her was slim, very slim. [Name] sunk to the ground and drowned her drink in one go, this time the burn lasted longer and she closed her eyes. A few years ago she had promised herself that if she’d ever find them in her club- her property, she’d get them kicked out. Yet now that she found them, that seemed impossible. She couldn’t just walk up to them and tell them to get out of here. 
Why not?
Why not? There was no reason as to why not. As she said, it was her property, she could do whatever she wanted and before she realized it herself she was already making her way to the table they were sitting at. 
The music seemed to dim, the world became clearer yet also blurrier as she stood in front of them. 
“Get the fuck out of my place.” she said, there was anger and aggression in her voice as she looked at them. “Now.” 
Gojo and Geto both looked up at the person speaking to them. Geto had to do a double take as he took in the woman before him, but Gojo’s heart and smile dropped instantly.
“Get out. You’ll be okay.” her own eyes met Gojo’s blue ones, sending back his own words he left on that note nine years ago.
[Name] raised her eyebrows in amusement as she looked at the two men infront of her. They changed so much, yet nothing at all. She’d wait sixty seconds before she would raise her hand and look to the side to call security. 
“[N-name]? What are you doing here?” Gojo stuttered. 
“Running my club, what about you?” she smiled sarcastically before glaring at him. “Leave. You two wanted me out of your life, now I want you two out of mine. Leave and never show your face here, or at any of my locations, ever again. You have one minute before I call security.”
Geto stared at her with wide eyes, the woman in front of him was not the one they left behind nine years ago. There was no sign of silly jokes and giggles, lit up eyes and playful eyerolls. 
This woman was cold. That was the only word that came to Geto’s mind. There was no love in her eyes anymore, her spark wasn't the same. And the worst part of it was that Gojo and he were probably the reason for it.
“Ha! Look who it is, man I didn’t expect you here. Isn’t Megs at your place?” Toji suddenly appeared out of nowhere and his words made [name] even more lightheaded. He wrapped his arm around her waist briefly, a small sign of affection and recognition as they exchanged glances. “You know them?” she asked Toji who enthusiastically replied.
“Yeah! Blue eyes is Megumi’s godfather. But I was just gonna head back out, got an emergency meeting first thing tomorrow. See ya [name], take care of yourself, alright?” he waved goodbye to Gojo and Geto and walked out. 
Great. Fucking great.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 
Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking-
“Follow me, no questions and you'll walk out of here unharmed.” she spoke in a cold tone before turning around and making her way to her office. 
What the fuck was happening. Who had cursed this upon her?
She unlocked the door to her office and walked in, pouring herself another drink as the two men came in. “Sit down.”
They did as she said and sat down in the chairs facing the desk. Gojo sneaked a look at one of the papers on her desk. It showed the gain of the last month. That was more than his and Geto’s company made… in three months…
He quickly sat back when she turned around and sat in the desk chair with her drink in hand. It was a fancy black one, CEO’s would have it- he had one alike.
“I thought you didn’t drink.” Gojo said, trying to make small talk.
“I thought I would have a nice future with my best friends nine years ago.” She took a sip of her drink, looking at both of them before speaking again. “Explain. You have ten minutes, and I am solely doing this for the sake of Toji and Megs cause I will not have them know we are on bad terms.”
They stared at her. Nine years ago she would have blushed and tried to hide away or scolded them to stop, but now she stared back, no trace of blushing on her cheeks.
“Get to it. We’re adults now, we both have running businesses. So let's get over it.”
Geto sighed, this was more complicated than the situation nine years ago was. Or maybe explaining it nine years ago would’ve been easier, [name] was easier then. Not in a bad way, she changed, they all did, but Geto had the feeling that she would’ve understood it better back then rather than now. Both Gojo and Geto felt the anger radiating off her, she looked like she could in fact kill both of them right now.
“We got mixed up with the wrong people in our last year.” Gojo suddenly said and she huffed in annoyance but kept quiet. “You know we were already making plans for our business back then, we tried to make some ties here and there and a particular branch of people scammed us. That’s how we met Toji too, he was mixed up with the same people. They had known I came from money and so they stalked us around, even at school. Pretty soon they found how close we were with you and before we knew it they had entire records open on you. Where you lived, who your parents are, all that type of things! They found your birth certificate! With that came that they found out you came from money too- old money. So they started with threatening to keep us hostage ‘till you paid them a fine, knowing you would. 
After we complied and gave them some money they continued with the blackmail. They came to us with pictures of you asleep, during class, free time, of your apartment in the city. They said they’d kidnap you, said what they’d do to you if we wouldn’t give them more money once our business grew. They knew it would grow because of my father, so we had to cut ties with you to protect you. On the last night-”
“Enough.” She took a long sip of her drink and threw her head back. “You know how much this sounds like bullshit? Protect me or they’d kidnap me and torture me unless-literally speaking-you payed them a fuck ton of money. You could’ve fucking told me? You could’ve waited ‘till after graduation? Yet you decided not to knowing I would be a fucking wreck for years upon years. And then suddenly, after almost a decade you show up in my club acting like a bunch of fucking pussies. The boys I knew wouldn’t pull shit like that! They’d fight cause they’re rich private school jackasses who wouldn’t back out of a fight, nor abandon their best friend simply because some fuckers threatened to hurt her! This could’ve easily been fucking figured out because for fucks sake Gojo! You! You are the heir to one of the oldest bloodlines in country, and so am I so I personally do not see where the fucking problem lies in that it could not have been resolved! And you- no. Don’t you both see the logic in this?” she took a deep breath and looked them both in the eye “I am drunk alright but even I can see this is bullshit.”
She threw her head back again and took a deep breath and exhaled it.
“You don’t know how scared we were to lose you to them, [name]!” Geto looked at her, but she was looking at the boring white ceiling. “Yeah, well. You lost me because of your fears of losing me.” 
Silence hung in the air for a minute or so as she let those words sink in.
Don't do it. Do not do it. It doesn't matter how close you used to be with them. It doesn’t matter that they took your v-
“Okay here's the deal. It's friday, or well saturday by now probably. Tuesday this place is a cafe, like it is two times a week. You both come here at ten AM, and well talk then, cause again I am fucking drunk.” rolling her head back and looking at them she sighed “Now get out.” 
Gojo and Geto gave each other a look, then looked back at [Name]. She looked back, even though her eyes were a bit bloodshot and teary, her gaze was filled with anything but care and love. Geto took a deep breath before standing up. “Will you get home safely?” He asked and she could see there was genuine concern in his eyes as he frowned a little.
“I’ll call my assistant to come and get me.” She rolled her eyes and gave them another look that told them to get out.
Only [Name] forgot that she had sent Scarlett on vacation, so when she dialed her number it went straight to voicemail. She walked out of the club with the stack of paperwork from earlier in her hands and called an uber. The driver said he was near and there within a minute, so when eventually a black car stopped in front of her she got in. Vaguely she heard him ask for her destination and she gave her address. 
Tonight hadn’t gone as planned, at all. She had expected a calm evening but it was anything but. [Name] had always thought she was over it, over them, or at least for the biggest part. There were always small reminders of them in everything she did or had. But she really thought she’d be able to kick them out, out of her club and out of her life just like they’d done to her. Their explanation–it made sense but it didn’t. Sure she knew they were busy setting up their business, she knew they were making connections. But stalking? The threats? It seemed unreal, yet it was known that around that time there was a peak of criminal groups disguising as business people in Japan. 
[Name] searched for her wallet and pulled out three bills of twenty when the car stopped in front of the gate to her home. 
“Keep the change.” she said and stumbled out, typing in the code of the gate and walking in. She stood still for a moment, looking up at the sky before collapsing on the grass. LA didn’t give the best view of the stars, yet she stared at them anyways, the moonlight shining down on her. It didn’t take long before her eyes closed and she fell asleep under the stars.
Satoru and Suguru watched the woman collapse on the grass and they jumped out of the car. How she hadn’t noticed it wasn’t her UBER, they didn’t know. The gate closed just before the two men could reach it.
Satoru slammed on the gate, while the other used his brain and looked at the numbers. Three of them were slightly stained with a black substance–probably mascara that [name] had rubbed onto her hand when she rubbed her eyes.
Suddenly Suguru saw it, those three numbers were the first three numbers of his birthday.
“Over us, my ass.” he said as he typed in his birthday on the keypad. 
The other looked over at him and stared as the gate opened. “How’d you do that?” “It was my birthday.” they were both a bit dumbfounded by it, but neither of them would be lying if they denied her birthday was also still their phone password. 
Once the gate was open enough they ran through it. The once nicely stacked papers were now sprawled around her as her chest slowly rose up and down. Suguru rushed towards the papers, those were finance and he knew she’d be pissed if they flew away. Satoru ran to get the woman off the grass, he mentioned for Suguru to grab her purse and fish out her keys as he carried her to the front door. 
“Fucking hell sweetheart, you never fail to get us concerned do you?” Satoru held her tightly as Suguru opened the door with the sixth key he tried. They stared in awe as the lights turned on. Yeah, this is definitely a [Name] house. “Couch?” 
“She never liked sleeping on couches, let’s just find her room.”
The two men wandered around the massive house, looking inside every room in the hopes it was her personal bedroom. They stumbled across her office, multiple empty bedrooms–and bathrooms, tons of dead ends, and lots and lots of paintings. But finally when they took one corner it became clear this was where [name] spent most of her time. They opened the biggest door and it revealed a bedroom, adorned with adorable furniture and picture frames, and of course more art. This was definitely her room. 
Suguru looked at pictures of a teen [name] with Shoko, next to it stood a picture of Nanami–which didn’t seem to be a very old picture. He saw lots of familiar faces. Even some of Megumi and his friends. In the meantime Satoru had carried her to her bed and laid her down.
“We either wake her up and get yelled at, or we leave her like this and she’ll wake up feeling terrible.” Satoru turned on the light on the nightstand and looked at his best friend. 
To be completely honest–they hadn’t known they were in her club tonight. They both knew she owned a chain of clubs, just like how she probably knew about their business. Their surprise to see her had been much alike to [name] except for the hatred. Both of them had said it. That she’d hate them once they left, and she did, they saw the anger this evening. Though it was a surprise she didn’t turn violent, not that [name] was aggressive or anything, but what would any sane person do when they’d see the person who made their life miserable by leaving her alone? 
It was probably Toji’s appearance who stopped her from doing that. 
“Or we do our best to make her comfortable cause she ain’t gonna be sleeping well in that. If she wakes up we accept the result. If she doesn’t; we leave as quietly as possible and see her tuesday.” Geto proposed and already turned to what he assumed was a walk in closet. 
He blindly grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from a random drawer and walked back out. As the two stood beside the bed looking at the sleeping woman another wave of realization hit them but it soon faded away and they got to action. Sure it was a bit weird they were changing their former best friend's clothes while she was sleeping, but they’d rather have her comfortable rather than ripping an expensive looking dress.
You just do this because you want to make up for the time you lost with her.
It wasn’t the first time they had changed her clothes, saw her naked or passed out. Yet it was a very different situation now. Nine years had passed. 
It took them a while, and some whispered curses and confusion of the dress [Name] was wearing later, they stood back and watched as she lay there, sleeping. Satoru had gone to get a clean glass of water for on her bedside while Suguru tucked her into bed. 
“You’d definitely have our heads if you knew we were here…” he spoke as he gently lifted her head to get the hair out of her neck. That’s when he realized she also still had make-up on, best leave that for her to do when she wakes up, Suguru thought.
“Scarlett? Scar don’t forget…” Suguru froze as he watched [Name] stir in her sleep. He carefully reached out and placed a hand on her head.
“Go back to sleep, pretty girl.” He closed his eyes, the sound of her voice hadn’t changed, though when they talked earlier it was rougher, there was hatred in her voice. Now her voice was soft and calm, like it had been all those years ago.
They’d spent summers at each other's houses, mostly Satoru’s or [Name]’s, and every morning the boys would hear that soft, whiney, sleepy voice and they’d just melt. Surrender whatever and tickle and smother the girl in hugs and kisses. 
Some outsiders called them ‘like siblings’ , some said the three could argue like a married bunch, others said they were invisibly bonded, like a string always connecting them wherever they went, always coming back to each other.
Suguru kneeled beside the bed, looking around the room. Though [Name] may be in her late twenties, the way she decorated her room was still the same as in her high school days. Picture frames with pictures of friends everywhere, posters of shows, bands, movies on the walls. Plants here and there, a pile of laundry on the floor along with some dishes. 
Her bedside table adorned a book, a cute lamp Satoru turned on earlier, some flowers, another picture frame with a picture of her with some friends… No, not just some friends. 
It was [Name], with Satoru and himself.
Suguru swallowed, he remembered the day that picture was taken all too well. It had been their last first day at Jujutsu High, also known as their first day of senior year. God, they were all young then, Suguru thought. Young and clueless. No idea what was bound to happen not many months later. 
Originally the picture was just meant to be of [Name], but the two boys had decided to photobomb, so it was [Name] cutely standing in front of the camera, and then two teenage boys coming up behind her with weird faces. The girl absolutely adored the photo, it had been on her night stand ever since she got the photos back on paper.
Suguru cast his eyes down to the floor before the door opened and Satoru came in, nearly on his tippy toes to try and make as little sound as possible. “Got the water, let’s… what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, let’s get out of here before we wake her up.”
When [Name] woke up the next morning she had zero recollection of what happened after she exited the UBER. To her surprise, she was no longer in her dress, wearing clothes she hadn’t seen in years, ones she tucked away after high school ended and never looked back on. 
She noted the freshwater and aspirins on her bedside table. Her dress from the night prior neatly folded and put on her vanity stool. 
Odd. She thought as she got up out of bed. She also found her phone on her bedside table, plugged into the charger, on do not disturb. Very odd. 
She opened up her phone, seeing hundreds of messages from Scarlett, and as she opened them the woman herself called. 
“[Name]? Thank god, are you alright? What were they doing carrying you?” Scarlett immediately bombarded her with questions, and [Name] could not phantom what she was talking about at all. 
As Scarlett continued talking [Name] walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror just as Scarlett spoke words she did not want to hear at all.
“What were the owners of S&S Industries doing inside of your house?”
Tuesday rolled around in a haze. The weekend was a blur, [Name] was not prepared for the day to come. This was the exact reason she always had Scarlett make her appointments. 
She arrived at the location an hour early, making sure everything looked better than good. It had to be. Her staff had welcomed her with a warm welcome, big smiles and kind words, as always. She told them an important meeting of sorts would be taking place around ten and to be polite, solely to tell them again how important it was. 
Out of pure coincidence, Megumi and his friends showed up ten minutes before ten, distracting [Name] from the nerves that were eating away at her. She was sitting down in a booth in the center of the cafe, Nobara and Megumi sitting next to her as Yuji ordered him and his two friends breakfast. It was always nice to have the kids come by, have breakfast with them, today was just really unfortunate. 
“You kids will have to pick another table to eat at, yes? I have a meeting here in a bit.” She looked at Megumi, noting how much he looked like his father. Her phone chimed, and the time told her it was a mere five more minutes before she had to face them–sober.
“Business meeting? More locations? Important? Collabs?” Nobara looked at her with big eyes, [Name] adored the younger girl, she reminded her of her younger self a lot, and she guessed Nobara saw her as a big sister, always clinging to her side when the two saw each other. 
“Not quite, just… some people from high school, but you have to promise me not to give any weird looks when you see them, okay?” 
She looked at them again, their confused looks bringing a nervous smile on [Name] her face as she shooed them away when the door opened. 
“Tell your dad I said hi.” she messed up his hair before walking towards the two men in the entrance.
Enough hours were spent trying to come up with what to say at this exact moment, she had so many options, yet none came to mind as she looked up at them. 
[Name] looked up at the two men and swallowed, her head felt light as she offered a small smile–already regretting everything.
“Hi, welcome.” she dipped her head out of respect before turning around and mentioning for them to follow her. She spared the kids a look, and as expected they were staring at the trio with big confused eyes. Oh how much they looked like Gojo, Geto and herself when they were younger, and she could only hope they wouldn’t meet the same fate.
Once they were seated in the booth a waiter came by and took their orders, which were still the exact same as a decade ago. 
“It’s a nice place you build here.” Geto was the first to speak up. 
Hesitantly [Name] looked up at him and smiled, “Paris is even better, bought this old place, renovated it completely but kept the old looks on the inside. It took a while but it’s perfect…” She again looked at the kids, Nobara was already looking at her and offered her a thumbs up. “So, Megs godfather huh?” Gojo met her eyes over his sunglasses he still wore, guilt was evident in them.
He nodded softly, “Yeah… Saved Toji from one of the gangs we got mixed up with, he made me his godfather about a year later. What about you and Toji?” 
“Me and Toji? In what way?” She raised her eyebrows, knowing fully well what he meant. “Toji is a family associate, loyal customer, and a great friend. Nothing more. A bit too old for me.”
Silence fell over them again until their drinks arrived. The air was tense, guilt and regret hung in the air as well as sadness and anger. It wouldn’t take much for [Name] to burst out in tears. For the first time in years she was at arms length of her best friends, she looked at them and savored the moment even though they hurt her so badly.
Gojo still stirred sugar through his coffee as he sat in the middle seat, stealing Geto’s small cookie when he wasn't looking. His hair still messy but not messy messy, his undercut now much more noticeable than when they were teens and still those cursed sunglasses that hid his mesmerizing blue eyes.
Grew up to meet the Disney prince standards. [Name] thought.
Geto… His hair was longer, half put up, half falling down his back. He put on more muscle, a small smile still always present on his face, soft and caring eyes staring back at her as she took him in.
Oh fuck. 
“You’re staring, doll.” 
She flushed, blood rushing to her cheeks as she got caught. She swallowed, saying the first best thing that came to mind.
“It was a real asshole move, you know. Nine years ago. It really fuckin’ hurt and it could’ve been atleast brought to me in a slightly better way.”
You didn’t have to cut me off completely out of nowhere. Was what she meant to say, but she knew the boys got the message already as they dipped their heads. 
“It took me four years to stop looking to my sides for either of you, I couldn’t sleep in my family home anymore cause every meter of the premises reminded me of you. I never stopped looking for you in crowds, I never stopped smelling ghosts your scents wherever I went. I never had the nerve to throw out pictures of you, of us. I never changed my phone password, I- I never got over it, over you two.” 
[Name] had tears in the corners of her eyes as she grabbed her tea to calm herself. Every inch of her just needed to tell them everything. How she felt, how it hurt. Everything.
Her lips quivered when a hand took her mug out of her hands and arms wrapped around her. The smell of a strong cologne filled her senses and that was all it took for the tears to fall. She was pulled closer until she could feel the material of his sweater on her cheek. Suguru Geto was hugging her for the first time in nine years. A feeling she never thought she’d feel again as she held onto him for dear life. 
Somewhere in her mind [Name] remembered what she thought not too long ago. If I stay around them for too long I'll go back to my old self in no time. 
“Easy, doll, we’re not going anywhere... Not again.” Suguru whispered softly rubbing soothing circles on her back as he held her close. “It’s okay, shh.” 
He slowly rocked them back and forth, locking eyes with Satoru who was having a hard time holding his emotions in check. Gojo also didn’t dare spare the kids not too far away a look, not knowing how’d they react to the scene in front of them.
Carefully Satoru sat up and reached out to [Name], her head still half shielded away by one of Suguru’s hands. When their eyes locked she broke free from the other man and embraced him.
“Always stealing the ladies away from me,”
“Yeah, well, I think there's no more need for other ladies now that we have the best one of all back.”
at long last.
now working on: sukuna x reader NSFW wink wink
taglisttt: @reine-son @lolzghost @ijwsbdinp @mythicallovex @krokietino @written-in-white
197 notes · View notes
atinylittlepain · 1 year
hello bestie im back here again with a joel idea <33
ur smut is so fucking good but im in need of some nice fluff rn because I love the last of us but god that show is hard to watch i get so emotional its hard to keep watching sometimes
but for a fluff idea where the reader, joel, and ellie settle down in jackson and Joel begins to realize that he's happy again and he becomes unsure because he feels guilty about sarah but it ends happily bc its what all of them deserve
my darling, my comrade, thank you for bringing this idea to me. i hope i did it justice <3
Tumblr media
gif by @maygrant
Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
Stuck between the despair of the past and fear for the future, Joel struggles to accept the goodness he's found in the present.
warnings | 18+ angst, living with grief, lovely sweetness
“I still can’t believe that. All that time in FEDRA school and they never taught you how to swim?” Ellie huffs at that, stomping a little further ahead of Joel as she mutters.
“It’s not like we had a fucking pool to do laps in, old man. Give me a break.” He breathes out a laugh, glancing away from the kid and toward his woman as she falls into step beside him.
“No time like the present, kid. Gonna have you swimming like a pro by the end of the day.” He can’t help but smile at her words, and in anticipation of the spectacle that watching her teach Ellie how to swim is going to be. They had lucked out, all three of them having this perfect summer day off from class and shifts in town, and had packed up their day in rucksacks to hike out to the nearby lake with the promise that Ellie would finally learn how to swim.
Life has been– he won’t think the word good, not wanting to jinx anything– but maybe normal? They’ve been living in Jackson for a few months now, and he never thought he’d get used to things like running water and home cooked food ever again, but it seems like he has. Ellie goes to classes while they pick up shifts wherever they’re needed, and at the end of the day, they all come… home. He supposes it is home now, and that makes him nervous as hell. He knows better than most that the minute you get used to something in this world, it tends to disappear on you, and maybe that’s what has been making him hold his woman -  the same woman he crawled across the country with - a little closer when they go to sleep each night in their nice, comfortable bed. 
His thoughts have been swirling between these fears for the future, and a deep despair for the past. If he stays surface level, he usually concludes that he doesn’t deserve any of this, any of the smiles, the easing laughs with Ellie, the sweet press of his woman’s palm along his shoulders letting him know she’s still there. Not after everything he did to get by before. But if he needles past the last twenty years, he hits something that stings even more when he remembers that any happiness he gets, Sarah will always be gone. 
He’s starting to be pulled under by his mind as they continue hiking, but she keeps him buoyed with the way she tangles her fingers with his, offering him a smile as they near the lake. They all shrug off their packs in the grass, she and Ellie already toeing off their shoes. When he sits down with a groan, leaning back on his hands, she gives him a questioning look.
“You’re not coming in?” He squints up at her, the mid-day sun a halo around her head.
“Someone oughta keep lookout. You two go on.” Her mouth twists up, but she drops it with a shrug, pulling off her t-shirt to reveal the faded swimsuit she had managed to trade for along with Ellie’s. The kid is standing with her hands on her hips, looking out at the lake like she’s surveying a new planet. She sidles up alongside Ellie, slinging her arm over the girl’s shoulder and murmuring something about “proving the old man wrong” that makes her laugh, the worry scrunching up her face quick to relieve itself. Joel doesn’t even have time to be annoyed at what she called him, times like these making him quick to thaw, when the kid actually gets to be a kid. 
As she is in most things, Ellie is a quick learner, after some initial trepidation, and soon Joel’s watching the two of them dip and swerve through the water, the picture of grace in the clear summer heat. He smiles to himself, remembering how Sarah learned how to swim. Tommy bribed her into the rec center pool with the promise of a strawberry milkshake, and by the end of the day, Joel had to bribe her out of the pool with the promise of fries to go with said milkshake. The pain is quick to settle in at the memory. He finds himself bringing a palm to his chest, trying to rub out the ache even though he knows it won’t ever go away.
His attention is pulled away by Ellie hauling herself out of the lake, bending over and shaking her dripping hair out before plopping down next to him to rummage through her pack. He glances down at his jeans, now darkened by spots of water from her aggressive shake-off, before turning and quirking his brow at her. Already scarfing down her sandwich, she shrugs, mumbling through a mouthful.
“What? I’m fucking starving, man.” He shakes his head, trying to look annoyed, but failing miserably with the smile he can’t fight off.
“Language, kid. And you’re gonna have to wait a while after eating that if you wanna get back in.” Her brow furrows at that.
“Because– because you– look, that’s just the rule, ok? S’what they always said– gotta wait a while after you eat if you wanna swim.” 
“Who’s they?” That makes him huff.
“I don’t know, alright? Christ, do whatever you want.” He knows it’s too harsh, but he’s having a hard time staying in the present when the past is hanging so heavy over him. He sighs, resting his arms over his knees and leaning forward, his gaze unfocusing into the grass.
“Hmm?” He keeps his gaze hung low, just tilting his head slightly toward Ellie to let her know he is listening.
“Are you ok?” The question catches him entirely off guard, his head whipping around to look at her, his eyes squinted. 
“I’m fine.” Ellie mirrors his own expression, eyes squinting, mouth in a close line as she nods.
“You deserve to be ok, y’know? I believe that.” She just keeps surprising him, and he coughs hard, trying to clear the tightness in his throat before he responds.
“I know, kid. Thank you– I’ll be ok.” She nods again, seeming to accept his answer as she looks back out at the lake. His eyes follow, seeing his woman, floating on her back with a serene look on her face, her arms lightly swaying in the water. He knows Ellie had slipped and called her mom the other day. Maybe it wasn’t a slip at all. 
“Well, if I can’t get back in right now, one of us might as well. Go on, old man. I’ll keep lookout.” He grumbles at the nickname that both of them seem to have settled on for him, but the heat has gotten to him just enough that he listens to her, getting up and shrugging out of his unlaced boots, his t-shirt and jeans quick to follow.
“Jesus, my eyes!” He huffs as Ellie cackles to herself, but is a little too focused on the look his woman is giving him from the middle of the lake to pay much mind to her jabs. 
The water is cool, a relief to every aching joint in his body as he wades in. He can’t remember the last time he did something like this. She meets him in the middle of the lake, an easy smile on her lips as she winds her arms around the back of his neck.
“Hey, handsome.” Even after all this time, he’s still prone to blushing when she talks like that, all syrup and sweetness. He scoffs to hide the creeping heat, his one hand coming to skate up and down her back. She tilts her head, seeming to search his face as she murmurs lowly.
“You’ve been scowling all day. Gonna tell me what’s going on?” She can read him like a book, always could, and it drives him insane most of the time.
“M’fine.” By the look on her face, he knows she isn’t going to accept that answer. He sighs.
“I just– this doesn’t feel real. Like– it’s too good to be true, don’t you think?” Her brow furrows at his words.
“I think it’s good for sure. But I can understand what you mean– waiting for the other shoe to drop, right?” He nods, both of them swaying lightly in the ebb of the water.
“It’s that– but I can’t stop thinking about– about–” His words fizzle out in his throat as he catches sight of something, a flickering of movement hovering just above the water. 
Wings. The smallest splotches of colors blinking like eyes. A butterfly. The only thing that runs through his mind is a name. Her name. His Sarah.
Suddenly, a breathy laugh is rolling out of him.
“What? What is it? Is this– are you having a stroke?” The ridiculousness of the genuine worry across her face just makes him laugh more, his hands finding purchase on her waist and pulling her closer. 
“Joel, this isn’t funny. What’s–” He cuts her off with a smacking kiss, her face stunned when he pulls away.
“I’m fine, darlin. I’m gonna be fine.” He glances one more time at the butterfly, alighted on the surface of the lake for a second before it flutters away. But he knows she hasn’t really left him. Wherever he goes, he knows he has her with him.
He kisses his woman again, this time to the much-vocalized chagrin of Ellie on the water’s edge.
“Gross! You guys are scarring me for life here!” She pulls away from him with a laugh, hollering at Ellie to mind her own business before fixing her attention back on him with a grin.
“Good?” He nods.
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sounds-void-fishy · 3 months
ik i said i was gonna sleep but then fanfic and my cat nemesis screaming. anyways thinking about how ever since i was a teen ive not wanted to have kids but wanted to foster teens cause id be too scared to fuck a kid up but my set of skills has always been on track to being that of someone good at fostering teens.
and like. idk being maggot granddyke has rlly scratched that itch? especially with the idea of maggot summer camp? i am so so so full of care. being able to teach and help and support. this is all stuff i always wanted to do. this is what i was trying to do school to. and im so grateful that i get to.
i think a lot about this elderly dyke when i worked at an old folks home who toasted me when i told her how honoured i was.
i think about the kids at my high school who tomorrow afternoon are having a st patricks day party with my mom because she is one of the adult supervision and how i started that pride club nine years ago and how having a legacy at 24 is beautiful and terrifying
i think about my roommates when i moved into my current place who were like seven and ten years older than me and declared themselves my parents, at a time when i was freshly out of inpatient and floating at best
i think about the actor at sleep no more, and me crying from the beauty of the connection of queerness
i think about a friend of mine who was a youth leader at my congregation when i was in high school who i thought was nonbinary when i first met them. they didnt realise until quite a bit later. they are one of my dearest friends now
i think about the only time i went to summer camp, a week of leadership camp. it was the first place nobody knew my birth name. where i used just they/them pronouns. it was the first place i learned of the beauty of physical platonic intimacy, where we would all cuddle, or be close while playing cards or reading my immortal
i think of all of us holding hands across the years and the time and the space. in my heart and my mind there is a hangmans tree, from peter pan. the inside is all hollow and infinitely large and there is space for all those i love.
in my soul we are at summer camp and i am yearning so deeply for that to be real in whatever way i can make it
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brandogenius · 4 months
hiii angel im loving it your writing !! could you write julien x reader where reader has a pretty normal life (maybe even a school teacher) and they just met through one of the boys (maybe phoebe or lucy’s childhood best friend)?
thank u so much 🥺
hi lovely! thank you so much! this is such a cute request of course!
- HC Julien x childhood friend reader
Tumblr media
- you are a middle school teacher. you teach music and english
- growing up one of your childhood best friend was lucy. the two of you were neighbours who used to play together throughout all the summer.
- the two of you were like a duo. as you both grew up, going through middle school to highschool to college both of you stayed in contact.
- watching lucy blow up and get recognised was something you deeply admired. you couldn’t help but feel so proud for her.
- you were boygenius’s first fan. been there from the beginning. lucy would invite you to go on tour with her but unfortunately would have to decline. you had college and exams to do.
- a couple of years later you got your degree and are a full time school teacher. you moved from your hometown to LA for more opportunities.
- you and lucy still are in touch to this day! meeting up whenever both of you have two free schedules that day. but it was different this time
- lucy was coming to visit but also bringing the boys with her. dare you say it was a bit nerve racking
- you haven’t met any phoebe or julien yet, only heard so much about them from what lucy would share on your nightly gossip calls.
- lucy arriving to your house with the boys behind her
- julien was the first to shake your hand. big grin over her face with a slight blush. phoebe nudging jbs side with a smirk
- obviously lucy has talked about you to the boys. showing photos of you on your instagram or photos you both took together.
- you caught juliens eye. the way you smile in the photos or the dresses you wear had her flustered
- she was so excited to meet you today. contemplating whether or not it’s a good idea to bring flowers
- “dude no, wait- listen! flowers? that’s a good welcoming gift no? or is it too romantic- i’m trying for be nice! i don’t want her to think i’m trying to hit on her”
- the four of you end up chatting all night long. playing games and talking about music
- julien really liked your house- it sounds random but the vibe just feels like you
- there’s framed artwork on the walls, a book shelf in the corner filled with books julien knew. some she recognised that lucy bought. flowers in various vases and plants around the house old acoustic guitar propped up against the wall. it screamed you
- you had almost an aura around yourself. one that shined like when you walk in the room the atmosphere changes quickly, positivity and happiness radiating. it made julien relax in your presence
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
mini update yay-
so lets see, ill start off apologizing for being dead- exam season is around the corner and the only good thing about that will be that i will no longer have to teach or design papers- so i can probably draw a bit again, hopefully at least- so i WILL get back to the requests yall have sent me i promise uwu💕
tho bad news comes in the form of my school principles and viceprinciples bullying me because im a newbie, saying im not good at my job and putting their shortcomings as my fault because who wouldnt like to blame someone else for something they werent able to do- and i feel like the abuse im taking in this toxic environment is convincing me slowly to quit my job and start risking less stable jobs even if it means being my daddies little house girl again for a while. 🙄 at the very least even if im leaching off my parents i still actually HAVE somewhat decent parents and thats not something alot of people could say and im greatful for that.
the audacity was well shown when the principle went on the teachers meeting and was like "some of the teachers here who i will not name dont know how to do their job-" and then told me that i only got my job cuz my dad is rich [which yeah sure my daddy studied 4 years of uni and then credited me sure mmhmm makes sense.] and honestly i feel like im surrounded by 50 year old toddlers-
overall, learning to adult is difficult and im glad some people are helping me figure out how to put together a resume and apply for jobs and all that.... but i guess the next bad news comes in the form of us leaving for russia. i dont hate seeing other countries but having my life uprooted immediately after work ends and summer starts and selling off the car and putting stuff in boxes and yeeting ourselves via plane to live somewhere else for the next 4 years in pure isolation is not something my mental health is gonna be haha about. esp since im gonna have to talk to my therapist and doctor to give me enough meds for me to be able to search for another doctor while im there to give me similar treatment. ughhhhhhh.
overall i feel like i have reached a lovely level of ✨️no longer giving a shit about existance✨️ and thanks to some friends i was convinced juuuuust enough to reconsider ending myself :) in my defense, google was getting annoying for only bringing up hotlines =_=
my eyes cant see well anymore due to constant crying and emotional numbness has taken over me, so i apologize if i may seem out of it or a lil blunt at times when im talking lol i no longer have the energy to PRETEND and hold a mask to seem SOCIALLY appropriate and in this last month of school im gonna be making it everyone elses problem at school.
but other than that im looking forward for school ending so i could just sleep for a while without waking up BEFORE my alarms at 5am.
ok lets see what else uhh... my bday is on 19th and i pray to lord nobody makes a surprise party for me here, the anxiety of being in crowds is already kicking me in the ass im not ready to pretend to have a social battery ugh.
okay thats it mostly, i think.
i actually made this update MINI get it? :D
...ill show myself out...
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brother-emperors · 7 months
dude. friend. im obsessed with your art, i wish i could eat it and learn the secret behind the amazing noses you draw and those crisp lines...... but im also obsessed by the fact you love roman/italian history and literature so much?? i studied them for most of my school years (500 years ago) and i wasnt the best student but im loving to get back to it/learn more through your comics and your works!!!!
waaaaay back when I was in high school, I took a class because I heard that a teacher covered Dante’s Divine Comedy and it sounded like a good time, but it ended up being like. revelatory in some kind of way. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to her for encouraging my interest in the text beyond the classroom (from letting me look at her teaching notes to recommending a translation with the Italian alongside English), and also to my home room teacher that year who saw me reading it and told me that the ideal way to experience Dante is to be in Florence in the summer, or to listen to an audiobook in Italian while reading along lmao
also I was in high school while the Desmond era of Assassins Creed games came out and a lot of us were insufferable about analyzing history to try and figure out what the next game’s plot would be, it was a deeply fun time! all of this combined into a creative intersection with history (as much history as bunch of 16 yr olds with access to a public library can do) and I have been living in that kind of creative space ever since
bc all of this overlapped at once and I think the end result is that I just. really love history and storytelling at a very loud frequency. I tried to be normal about Crassus and that lasted less than a week lmaooo I have put that man in a narrative blender and he is never getting out
so! all of that is to say that I am forever delighted if I am able to pass along any amount of this enthusiasm for history forward to someone else the way those two teachers did for me
(also thank you, I love drawing noses so much, the secret is that I spend a lot of time drawing profiles in my sketchbooks because I like the shapes. just pages of noses)
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
March 3, 2024
It's so weird to already know what instrument I'm going to learn next (and also to have purposefully selected a time to learn it). Like, I didn't know I was going to want to teach myself the saxophone in high school, it just kind of happened (though these days I do lowkey wish I had gone for alto rather than tenor (will not make the same mistake with the bass, will prob go for a short scale)). Same with the uke--I was just bored one summer. But knowing that the bass is coming up (but that I'll be waiting over a year for it still (not a bad thing, as I'll be able to use this summer to learn more about my community at large)) makes me a bit antsy to just start playing. I'll be listening to music and will have to make a mental note of a cool baseline I'd like to learn (the "Life Will Change" bridge !!!!!!!!! (though I'll prob have to learn something like "Mask" from P5 before that if I want to play while singing (supposedly notoriously difficult on bass which is lovely)--slower, more repetitive)) but like, that's over a year away. I mean the wait gives me time to save and plan, sure, but I also just want to play something sometimes.
Speaking of planning, when I get to that fateful day next May of picking a bass (not sure if I want to go the cheap route and grab something used online or the Main Character route and have some hot guy in a guitar shop help me pick one out based on his expertise and then offer to give me lessons and then we fall in love (can you tell that Hadestown has pushed the dial right back over to R??) (though the guitar shop plan makes more sense for my first one (of one? of many? who knows) since I don't know any bassists and I don't know what I'm doing (yet))), I'm also going to have to decide whether I want to go for lessons. Honestly? I'm considering it. I know my whole deal is like "hur hur hur im a self taught multi-instrumentalist" (!!!! I'm a multi-instrumentalist !!!!!) but also if I can't find good videos on/am unsure about technique, might as well talk to a professional.
God I'm so excited to learn that instrument. Can you tell?
Speaking of saving, one thing about my savings goals notion page is that I wish it was more.. dynamic. In that, sometimes I save extra towards a goal one month, and it'd be nice if the suggested monthly savings amount went down to reflect the new minimum needed to reach that goal by the desired date. Or alternatively, change the end date based on the amount saved if the minimum payment stayed the same. I don't know how to code either of those, but they'd be a nice touch.
Though, kind of on a similar note, saving so aggressively in January and February has meant that, after typical spending habits, I've been left with basically nothing at the end of the month lol. Everything else taken into account, I've got ~$200 for random discretionary purchases monthly. That's been perfectly fine (aka just enough) but it also feels a little tight? Idk. I suppose I can rationalize it by the fact that it will keep me from overspending and will allow me to reach other goals quicker but it still feels like I'm livin paycheck to paycheck hehe. But this will only last as long as my ultra-aggressive saving strats do, so for about another year, then I start letting up (if all goes to plan).
Also, went ahead and did the per-day calculations because I've always heard that it's cheaper to make your own food than to buy it, and I am actually saving so much by making my own meals every day*. Like, so much. Now, at my uni, getting breakfast or lunch a la carte isn't terribly expensive, but it certainly can and likely would add up.
*Granted, I do benefit from the occasional free lunch or dinner.
Can you tell I'm rationalizing anxiety with over-strategizing? I truly do not make enough money to be so focused (rationalization: start good habits early). The moneydiaries subreddit has fried my brain I think.
Thinking about putting on some fake tattoos at the end of spring break. Partly because they make me immensely, unreasonably happy, partly because I'm curious if anyone would ask about them hehe. The last time I did a full sleeve and met up with some friends (years ago) they were a lil shook.
Today I'm thankful for.. a lazy weekend. And nighttime rain storms.
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jack-kellys · 1 year
omg omg javid (im gunning for hurt davey (typical) but either is fine)
"Don't look at them, look at me."
“How long did you think you could hide that?”
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
give me a prompt and i'll write something!!
hiya jac <3 this is a bit long winded but I got there
Davey had gone back to school. And that was fine.
Jack felt that ‘fine’ was a good word for it. He sold on the weekends still, and so did Les sometimes. Jack would see them after school during the week to catch up, bring them to the lodge or around the city to see their other friends, since Jack certainly wasn’t Davey’s only friend and neither was he Les’s sole role model (for better or for worse). The best and worst trips were to Brooklyn, when they’d get to spend all that time walking and talking and laughing, absorbed in each other, only for Spot to just as easily enrapture both Jacobs brothers the moment she came into view on the other side of the bridge. Jack was shiny and flimsy compared to the layers of rock the two had to dig through to learn new things about Spot, he knew that, so he’d add his two cents and wait around for the walk back to Manhattan.
When they did go over to Spot’s, she’d give Jack this look. She’d tilt her head, narrow her eyes, asking something that Jack couldn’t decode. Race would do it too, which was mildly infuriating, but when Crutchie ever did it, it made Jack feel like a fool, like he was missing something that everyone else knew.
And Davey would simply be continuing on with whatever he was talking about, never commenting or noticing.
It was Sunday, and Davey would be back at school tomorrow. 
“It’s strange when I talk about working in class,” Davey was saying. Jack had convinced him to grab dinner with him, and then convinced him to let Jack walk him home. “They, uh.. well, they admire it, with a kind of distance.”
“That good or bad?” Jack frowned. “A step up or down from how it’d been?”
Davey shrugged, hazel gaze set ahead of them and shaded by the sun at their backs.
“Straddling some kind of middle,” was his answer. “It’s nicer that people know my name, you know, but it ain’t as nice when I don’t feel like a student to them.”
Jack must’ve been wearing some kind of confused pout, since Davey only rolled his eyes and continued with a small smile. 
“It’s- they don’t think I should be there,” he murmured. “Like they think that since I ‘got work over the summer’, I should only be workin’ now. Not really a kid to them, I’m this employed worker doin’ jobs on the weekends.”
“Ain’t that the better thing to be?” Jack asked. Davey scoffed. “No, really, ain’t it? More independent, more- more like you make your own decisions. You don’t gotta work on the weekends, you just wanna, for your family. That’s better than doing nothing.”
“Not to your average schooled seventeen year old,” Davey chuckled. “Kids either look up to it and isolate me as- as an adult, kind of, or look down on it and think I should be removed.”
Jack’s eyebrows furrowed. Davey was busying himself every single day of the week, doing homework and teaching through Hebrew lessons to Les and selling tons more papers than he used to. He was taking care of his family, doing all he could for them while still finding time for his friends. And Davey was still smart and on top of it despite it all. Maybe picking one of the two, working or schooling, would make Davey’s life easier, but Davey didn’t want that, he was dedicated to everything he loved. In Jack’s mind, a kid would have to be some kind of idiot not to admire the hell out of David Jacobs. Jack admired him, he had since- for…a while now, he supposed. 
“Well,” Jack muttered, instead of all that was going through his head, “that’s real stupid of ‘em, man.”
Davey laughed, nose crinkling, and Jack’s insides felt as if they were tinged with rose. 
“Yeah, the day I say that out loud is the day I skip class,” Davey said, “forcibly.”
“Oh, you can take ‘em,” Jack brushed off, nudging his friend’s shoulder with his own. “Buncha schoolboys? Davey.”
“For your information, I am a schoolboy,” Davey shrugged matter-of-factly. “And if I do, as you’re saying, ‘take them���, that’s another way for me to skip class forcibly. Education like this in Manhattan’s too new, I mean- if they think a kid’s a source of trouble, they’re out. Plenty’ll want to take my place.”
“Then maybe you can point ‘em out to me and I can…meet them?” Jack smiled.
“No, Jack.” Davey shook his head, glancing over at him with an amused glimmer to his gaze. “I’m quite alright, thank you.”
“Have it your way.”
They nearly stumbled upon Davey’s neighborhood, Jack so wrapped up in conversation he’d hardly noticed they had to split off. He leaned back against the wall of the building. 
“Sure we can’t hang a little longer?” Jack tried, grinning. “Ain’t like you’re gonna miss a meal or anything, we can just walk around the block…”
Davey’s raised eyebrows stopped him from continuing, letting out a small chuckle instead. 
“Right,” Jack sighed. Davey was rather strict about his personal curfew, less out of fear and more in the name of dedication. “When’ll I see you next, you got- you got anything goin’ on after classes in a couple days?”
“Couple days sounds good, Jackie,” Davey hummed. Perfect.
“You gonna miss me?” Jack teased. 
And Davey fixed him with this look. 
The taller boy tilted his head, narrowed his shimmery gaze, and smiled like the sun.
“I’ll miss you, Jackie,” he said. “See you then.”
‘Then’ felt like an annoyingly long time to Jack, which was new. Initially when Davey first went back to school, it was seamless– Jack hung out more with his own boys, began prep for the fall temperatures, started up on drafting cartoons based on the political jokes he was sent. Sometimes Katherine would come by and they’d come up with their own based on her wider knowledge of that world. Enough weeks of it went by, though, and Jack found himself wanting to talk to someone who wasn’t there, stifling certain jokes or conversations for days before bursting it all out at Davey. It was a relief when Davey did the same, and they’d be in their own world for a few sacred hours.
These days, the hours in between felt stretched, Jack felt stretched, and the only solution to put him back together was getting his time with Davey. 
This was perhaps the one time he wished ‘then’ hadn’t been sooner than they’d planned. 
Jack had made every effort to sell all his papers before three in the afternoon, since school let out around 2:15. Sometimes he caught Davey leaving the building, and he was able to walk him home. He hung by the school, gaze busy with scanning for cops or friends or staring adults. His heart started to sink as the school seemed to empty out, though- he probably missed him, or maybe he’d left through a different door. 
Wasn’t like Jack had anything to do until the evening edition came out. 
Carefully, he strolled around the corner, biting his lip and for once trying to make himself look a bit smaller. He wasn’t as comfortable in this part of this neighborhood; didn’t feel like his turf, his home. His palms were itching with the feeling of it, but his turn to head back was halted with a sound he knew much too well. 
A pained grunt followed what had to be a fist to the face, and against his better judgment, Jack swiftly followed it.
Two boys crowded Jack’s friend, whose nose was bleeding and one of his eyes half shut, and who was not fighting back. The boys booked it around the school when they saw Jack, and he immediately sprang into action to pursue them. No one was going to smack Davey around and just get away with it.
“Jack. Don’t.”
Jack’s footsteps faltered, stopping and kneeling in front of Davey, who’d sunk to the ground.
“Hey, it’s okay, Dee, I’ll be right back,” Jack said quickly, about to stand. A hand fisting into his collar tugged him back.
“Don’t look at them,” Davey urged softly, and Jack’s eyes found his, “just at me. Just stay with me, Jack.”
“But Davey, they can’t just-”
“They didn’t. I let them,” Davey said. It only made Jack’s blood burn hotter.
“Why?” he demanded. “Davey, you don’t let people do that to you, I know you don’t.”
Davey wiped under his nose, frowning. Without a thought, Jack removed his kerchief from around his neck, handing it to the other to clean himself off.
“I didn’t want to 'forcibly skip class',” he said, giving Jack a hollow half-smile before wiping blood from his lip. “I knew those boys. Their word matters more than mine, and if I fought back…” Davey shook his head, watching his feet with his gaze set in stone. “School’s important to me, Jack. I ain’t gonna do anything to compromise my chances here, if I can help it.”
Jack’s eyebrows raised, lips parting slightly. Impressed, as usual, but this surpassed the normal level of admiration- he wasn’t sure what to call it.
“Wow,” was all he could say, laughing slightly. “You got a backbone of steel, Jacobs. Christ.” 
Davey laughed too, curling in on himself a bit as he hunched with a cough, and Jack found his hands hovering above Davey’s shoulders. Twitching slightly as he wracked his brain for the appropriate method of comfort.
His brain didn’t move fast enough, and now Davey was looking at him. 
Head tilted, eyes narrowed- narrowed as they could be without closing. Gaze amused. God dammit.
“What?” Jack huffed out. “I’m so damn sick of that look, Dee, I get it from everyone, like I’m the butt of some joke.”
Davey laughed again. Maybe he was. 
“Jackie, isn’t it obvious?”
He felt his face heat up, because no, clearly, it wasn’t.
“I don’t like when you make me feel stupid, Dave,” Jack mumbled. “Just get to it, will you?”
Davey’s eyes scanned their surroundings, and Jack lifted his own gaze to follow it before he was tugged forward and into Davey’s lips. 
Jack’s eyes closed, and he saw every instance he’d received some look from his friends. 
Maybe he had been listening too intently in Brooklyn, enraptured with Davey’s words, his voice, his mouth, which had made Spot stare at him. Maybe he’d laughed too hard at one of Davey’s comebacks during a game of cards, and Racer had given him a sly smirk for that. And maybe talking to Crutchie about Davey was more at length than he’d thought, since C had always given him that damned smug look once Jack was done…gushing, probably. 
Oh, Christ. It was obvious, wasn’t it. 
Jack pulled back slowly, hand finding Davey’s vest as he opened his eyes again. Davey was smiling, eyes narrowed, and Jack smiled too. 
“You like me too, right?” Jack teased, and finally, it was Davey’s turn to blush. 
“Let’s just get to the lodge,” he said instead, pushing himself up with Jack’s help. Davey leaned into him, and Jack shifted his arm comfortably around Davey’s waist as they started their way back. He glanced down at Jack’s hand before their gazes met. 
They shared a look, and smiled. 
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
okay i’m working on med school apps and im gonna have to talk about my thesis but now i cannot think about it without the intense rage of a thousand burning suns bc cryotome so. feel free to ignore this ask but i figured you’d get it and anyone else who would has heard this story before. but basically last year this girl who was hired by the lab for her “expertise with the cryotome” was supposed to teach me to use it because i needed to slice the Very Important Mouse Brains for staining for my thesis research. and it’s really really important that we do it correctly so there’s no trial and error to finding the angle etc. because the end process of the imaging is basically reconstructing the whole brain to create an activation map and A Lot of resources were used to do this experiment and all that jazz. but basically i was on a really tight timeline and she just kept fucking up to the point where i, a person who had NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE, could tell she was missing steps. and basically she destroyed all of the brains i was supposed to use AND she was so callous about it while we were trying to talk to our PI about potential solutions and she literally said “i could come in to help you (FIX THIS PROBLEM I CREATED) … but i don’t want to” and anyway i don’t work there anymore but i heard this summer that she literally neglected to take care of the new mouse colony for a new wave of experiments and instead of firing her they just moved her to admin in human research??? im not one to pray on the downfall of others but i need her to get fired so bad. she didn’t care about her job even one bit and it makes me So Insane. she also got so mad when i wouldn’t try her cocktail at the christmas party (i don’t drink alcohol) and it was so uncomfy. in front of our BOSS. anyway there was more cryostat drama with a phd candidate later too but im calm now so here’s my roommate and her cat if you read this far — sorry about that
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YOU ARE SO FUCKING REAL holy shit i would be so mad!!!!! what the hell!!!!! im kind of speechless i cant believe no one fired her after she destroyed the first one. oh my GOD. woe and frostbitten fingers upon her!!!!!!!! jesus. my cryotome woes are entirely related to the fact that i had so many mouse kidneys to slice that i spent like... weeks doing Nothing but using the cryotome every time i came in to work. which was agonizing but nowhere near this level of infuriating oh my god.... you are so strong for not committing a murder.
also that pic is sooo cute. he stand like a people!!!! kity!!!!
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lamestteenagegirlever · 6 months
i am so unbelievably blessed to feel my emotions in an overwhelmingly strong way because it means that even when i hit the rare occasion where the bad things devastate me, i still get to experience the majority of the time where every little thing fills me with joy!
i get to feel incredibly warm in my chest when a baby i dont know reaches for me or when a random dog sniffs my hand and decides they like me! i get to be joyful when i swear out half my body heat in the hot summer and when its so cold i cant feel my nose but i can see my breath in the cold winter because its proof that im alive! even when i am devastated by the bad, i can realize the beauty in it because everything in the history of the universe led to this moment so it cannot be a mistake! it occurred to teach me a lesson that will inevitably guide me along my path to be the best possible version of myself! i feel tender love and empathy when i see photos of my cringy middle school self rather than embarrassment or hatred because shes so precious and she has no idea how incredibly bright and wonderful her future is, but i do! i get to bawl my eyes out in a couple hours because my puppy is coming home from her overnight stay after surgery and i can already picture how excited shell be to see us and i miss her so much and shes gonna be so damn cute with the super tiny cone around her neck! i get to prepare myself for a new year where absolutely everything is going to change and even though im absolutely crushed that i will have to leave so much behind, im even more excited that i get to meet new people and experience new things and make new mistakes and learn from them! I get to love everything and everyone with every molecule in my body! i get to see all the good in the world! i get to see the good in myself! even with the hurt they bring sometimes, i wouldnt trade my intense emotions for anything! yay!!!
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
fang do you ever get overwhelmed by the future? what are some ways you deal with anxieties surrounding like job prospects or school-wise? i think you're very rational and would love to hear your perspective on any tools you use!
ahh idk if im the right person to ask this since a lot of my beliefs come from my circumstances. pre-emptively i have a family that will always house me and feed me. thats the culture.
but ill tell you my philosophy. i do get anxiety about the future sometimes and about how im not moving fast enough or something else along those lines!! pretty often actually.
either way im young. ill bet you are too. all the happiest people i know are twice my age. my life is just starting for me. i have no intention of feeling like im running out of time when im not
because i went thru a lot i know life isn’t about endurance. its about sustainability. its easy to get wrapped up in the idea of creating a perfect future and being valuable. but suffering catches up with you. right now - i could go and push myself to the very limits to accomplish something. but it wouldn’t matter because its not a life i could sustain.
i know my own limits hella well so i say work with yourself for a life you can tolerate. a life you can live for a long time. im applying for jobs but i haven’t received any offers so im finding other ways of making money (babysitting, tutoring etc). i help my parents with as much as i can. my sleep schedule is fucked so im spending my summer trying to fix it. im building my credit score (its good rn!!) im teaching myself math and java again so i can transfer in a year. these are not things i pour myself into. its just shit i do to work at it slowly
im never gonna be a person who can go at a hundred miles an hour. never. ive tried and ive failed. i got my steady twenty five. but its better to go steadily and slowly and always keep going then to go 100 and stop dead in your tracks. its better to persistently do the bare minimum than regress after running so far. its better to take one class and apply to one job and read one lesson everyday than to push it so far you stop or not try at all.
for me the only thing ive ever learned is the universe pays its dues so im not worried about the future. it doesn’t matter what it looks like to anyone but me. did you do just one thing that will make tomorrow better? then thats enough. you did great.
do what you’re capable of not what you think you should be capable of. as long as you are doing that much i really think things will work out. and if they dont and if you fuck up - learn and try it a different way. just keep doing it. little by little
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meditativedeer · 1 year
incredibly personal and specific reasons to stay alive (extensive)
exactly 25 days until my last exam. the feeling of walking out of school for the last time and feeling that chapter close with a satisfying thunk.
MUNA concert (30th aug). Jo and Naomi in the flesh? Need I say more?
all the pets I am going to love that haven't even been born yet
coffee in my favourite mug
getting to know someone and you realise you have the same niche interests and you feel so very understood
Barbie movie and Yorgos Lanthimos directing My Year of Rest and Relaxation. And Asteroid City. Going to sob so hard in the cinema.
sex (with girls)
finishing my first screenplay
swimming in open bodies of water
all the cool jobs im going to work with so many cool people
there's a song out there that is my absolute favourite but I haven't heard it yet. probably haven't even heard of my favourite artist yet.
so many books to read
sitting in the back garden with the dinner I just made for myself
all the parties I'm going to host/ attend
one day I'm going to go to India and live in an ashram for a month to get a yoga teaching certificate. I think that's a pretty good reason to stay alive
I haven't owned my own apartment yet
I want a cat
haven't tried orange wine yet
all the camping trips not yet taken
haven't finished the l word yet
becoming friends with someone who you really really really wanted to be friends with
I need to try every cocktail ever - so many of the classics I haven't had; margarita, martini, Manhattan, negroni...
need to see Thailand, Greece, Germany
so many languages to learn
need to knit a jumper
sunny evenings spent on the porch with mum and a bottle white wine
looking into someones eyes and realising you're made of the same stuff
I need to see the 1975 in concert again before I die. I also need to see Clairo and king princess
haven't had nearly enough haircuts. need a girl mullet
I don't yet own one of those nice patterned Patagonia fleeces
meeting my sisters kids.
going to my sisters wedding.
so many trinkets to buy
that feeling when you get home after a shift you didn't think would ever end and realising that you're much more resilient than you thought you were.
the 3 seconds before you kiss someone for the first time
realising that you fell in love with someone so gradually and sneakily that you were barely aware of it. very pure
when something so good and so unexpected happens and you literally have to jump around to celebrate.
forest walks with my dog
going out for breakfast
dresses and daffodils and lambs in spring and salads and trees and driving in summer and reading and hot coffee and Harry Potter in autumn and jumpers and fuzzy socks and candles in winter
hot baths
freezing cold showers after a run
when someone wants to tell you all about themselves and they talk and talk and talk and you could just listen to them forever because they're so cool
falling in love and having the other person love me just as much
buying flowers
ageing. Im actually excited to go grey.
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lilacargent · 6 months
A whole different thing today
I made a backstory for a character in dnd… which im unlikely to use any time soon. So im going to put it here for peoples enjoyment and possibly inspiration.
WARNING: this is a backstory, so there is no resolution yet. This is supposed to happen in the game.
Should people like it enough i might write more of the story
Once upon a time
Adelaide (41) and her two sons, James (19) and Thomas (16)
Her husband died when Thomas was 5 from medical issues.
In the years that followed city life got too expensive and her boys were troublemakers to deal with the grief.
So they moved into a cottage outside of a small town about 4 and a half away from the city when she was 33.
She grew flowers, herbs and vegetables to make money for them and get them to go to school.
Many years go by and James leaves to get trained as a city guard when he turns 17, writing letters to the cottage every month.
Thomas helps his mother in the garden a lot but is unsure what he wants to do when he grows up.
About three months after James left on a summer evening (at three in the morning) a man bangs on their door stumbling in badly wounded
Adelaide takes him in and gets him back to strength, Eduard says he was attacked by bandits on the road in the forest but unable to save his belongings.
In the months that follow he sticks around, growing fond of Thomas and slowly teaching him magic, helping the young boy discover that magic is something he is talented at.
Adelaide lets him stay because she knows Thomas will appreciate a male figure and Eduard seems kind.
A year later he is still there, helping them and Adelaide helping him, caring for him, in turn. With his magic he saved their growth in the dry summer and kept them warm in the winter.
Occasionally he leaves for a few days here and there and he invites some friends to the tavern in town but makes sure they are respectful to her and Thomas.
He is almost with them for two years when James sends a letter that he finished the first part of his training and he is coming home for a week to celebrate and see them.
Now at this point Adelaide dares to admit to herself she likes Eduard and that he likes her.
Planning to confess to him if the meeting with James goes well.
The day James is set to arrive Adelaide goes to the town with her wares and to ride the last bit home with James,
Leaving Thomas to train with Eduard.
In a happy mood they ride the cart home and Adelaide tells him all that didn’t fit in the letters and so does he in turn, talking about this band of mercenaries lead by a strong mage that has been making the city unsafe.
Telling him to go inside, she will put the cart and horse away.
The screaming starts when she closes the small stable doors
Running into the house her heart breaks. Eduard has a finger pointed at Thomas who is standing in front of his brother as a shield.
The devastated look on Eduards face tells her he didn’t mean to hurt Thomas,
But there he is grey stone climbing up his arms as he screams in pain unable to move.
Sprinting to her youngest son Adelaide screams ‘MAKE IT STOP PLEASE WHAT ARE YOU DOING.’
James ducks around his sibling and mother sword already in hand. Swiping at the now scarily tall man.
“You shouldn’t have attacked me young man, we could have worked this out. Now look what you did” parrying without effort they start fighting in earnest.
Unable to intervene Adelaide jumps towards the fire and grabs the firepoker “stop what is going on?!”
She throws herself between them but gets a slash on her back from James, that enrages Eduard.
Without the time to blink James gets stabbed in the stomach. As he falls Adelaide catches his head “nononoNONONO how is this happening?” Gasping for air with blood running out of his mouth he says “mercenary mage” and it is the last he says.
Brandishing her poker as a weapon she gets up adrenaline giving her the power to keep going “fix this” putting his hands up he steps back “i ca-“ jabbing at him she screams “FIX MY CHILDREN”
He looks crestfallen and starts moving his hand but instead of healing magic a green and yellow door appears behind him, he puts out a hand “come with me i can get help for Thomas”
Understanding dawns on Adelaide, he didn’t care about James.
Hell he didn't care that he murdered people.
He only cared about Thomas because he saw opportunity in his burgeoning talent.
"You killed them, YOU KILLED MY CHILDREN EDUARD" she lunges for him, her fire poker catching on his cape as he stepped through the portal.
Without outlet she rages through the house destroying every reminder of Eduard.
Burying her oldest son alone
And hanging flowers on her stone child.
Leaving for the city to tell of what had happened
Instead of the help she was expecting she was incarcerated for aiding and abetting a dangerous criminal.
Now enraged she broke out and started training to get her own revenge,
Aware that the mercenary group had spread over the whole continent she got ready to purge it all.
I personally have this in mind for a barbarian or vengeance paladin.
If this character were to be played i would tell the dm that it is likely Thomas would be de-stoned by Eduard’s associates and then told his mother was killed by James, changing the grave to make it look like that. Possibly even some modify memory sprinkled in.
Now i hope people like this silly idea, feel free to add or use.
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