#but that's not a problem you cause by standing up for bi women
bi-sapphics · 1 year
I’m a lesbian and I really don’t care if bi people say dyke or not. I’m not trying to be all “not like other lesbians” but a bi woman is going to be called a dyke by a homophobe, a homophobe will not care if you correct them and go “um ACTUALLY im bisexual.” Also why would I go up to every sapphic using the word dyke and go “ARE YOU LESBIAN????” Idk I’m only like one lesbian out of a bajillion so maybe it doesn’t matter what I say
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aceing-on-the-cake · 3 months
Compulsory Heterosexuality Info Dump
So because a friend of mine didn't know what comp het was and their internet history is monitored by their parents so they can't just use google, I'm doing a very quick research dive and giving you guys the results in case there are others out there who are in the same situation. I'll also be tagging blogs bigger than me because again, there might be fellow queers out their who are in the same boat as my friend and I want them to have access to this information.
So what is compulsory heterosexuality (or comp het)?
Comp het is in essence the societal belief and enforcement of being straight.
What does this mean?
In basic form it means that the only options presented to everyone, from the moment of birth, is that of a cis, amatonormative, heterosexual lifestyle.
You are given two gender options, these gender options determine the two roles you're allowed to fulfill, husband and wife, and you are told that these two roles are what will make you happy and are what you are supposed to strive for.
Meaning society, if you are born AFAB, tells you you're going to one day get married, it's going to be a boy, and this is what will make you happy. Almost everything in life is then seen through this lens. How attractive your are, how you are supposed to talk, how you're supposed to behave, etc is all considered through the lens of if a man will be attracted to you.
On the flip side, if you are born AMAB society tells you there are roles you have to fulfill as well. You are told you will one day want a wife, that you have to be able to have a job to provide for her, that you have to behave in a certain emotional way to be strong for her, that if the things you like are too feminine well then you're gay or a girl which is a problem because at the end of the day you're supposed to want the girl-fiance-wife.
This literally just sounds like the patriarchy.
Yes, it does, because it's caused by it. Nowadays people commonly know about compulsory heterosexuality from the Lesbian Masterdoc, but the term actually originated by Adrienne Rich in 1980.
Adrienne Rich in her article Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence put forward three ideas, 1) that heterosexuality and lesbianism were institutions themselves/possible political ideologies, 2) that heterosexuality as a system if not constantly maintained and upheld would eventually crumble and 3) that heterosexuality as a system could be opted out of and actively fought against whether or not you were actually attracted to women/non-women.
This is very different from the way we currently think of and define those terms, I am aware of that, but her point does still stand to some degrees that comp het, cisnormativity and amatonormativity all crumble when we stop rigidly enforcing the structures that uphold them, i.e., the patriarchy, misogyny, classism, and racism.
Ok but like what does that actually look like?
It can look like a lot of things, for a lot of different people. In the Lesbian Masterdoc you see comp het presented from a straightforward lesbian lens (of a 19 year old figuring out and defining their own sexuality guys, I'm not gonna sit here and critique it and rip it to death, go do that somewhere else).
This is therefore presented through things like women/non-women who were raised/socialized as women possibly having crushes on men, but they're always unattainable in some way (celebrities, fictional, someone real but they wouldn't actually ever be able to truly be in a relationship with, etc). It might also show up for lesbians as liking the idea of a man but being uncomfortable when one actually wants to move forward in the process. Or even sometimes it might show up as sexual fantasies with men but they're faceless, they're more an idea, or you're actually viewing another woman sleeping with him.
This presentation of comp het has made a lot of bi/pan/mspec people uncomfortable because they feel they too have experiencing comp het and when reading the Lesbian Masterdoc it's presented as if experiencing this is a straight shot towards being a lesbian.
And they're right that comp het isn't experienced by just lesbians. For mspecs who present feminine/as women this could be in the feeling that they have to dress a certain way to be presentable, but presentable is based on appealing to men. This can mean something as simple as women are expected to wear makeup, always, regardless of if they're looking to seek men's attention or not, because that's the base standard.
For mspecs who present masculine this can look like the inability to express themselves in an overly emotional manner because that doesn't make them "strong" and if they're not "strong" then they won't attract women, and that's what they're supposed to be doing.
For mspecs in general that can look like their queer looking relationships to be seen as a phase even if their mspec-ness is respected because of course they're eventually going to get married to a man/woman.
This can affect polyamorous cishet people in that they're seen as doing heterosexuality wrong because you're supposed to have the one partner and the 2.5 kids.
This can affect aspecs because they're told they'll never truly feel fulfilled if they don't have that boyfriend/girlfriend/partner to love them in a way that's so special nothing else could match up.
This affects all of us guys is my point.
How is this helpful to me?
Well for sapphics and lesbians (or sapphics/mspecs confused on if they are actually lesbians) this can be a helpful concept to consider because it can help you determine what relationships you truly want to pursue, which is the main point I feel is to be gained from the Lesbian Masterdoc. As she's put it "it's way more important to ask yourself if you can be truthfully happy with a man than if you’re attracted to them"
So if you're a sapphic who experiences attraction to men but you honestly can't ever see yourself willingly entering into a relationship with them, consider the idea of comp het.
If you're Achillean the opposite of this can be true, if you've been attracted to women before but honestly can't ever see yourself willingly entering into a relationship with them, consider whether comp het is working on you.
For mspecs this can be a helpful term to throw over the table back at your parents when they ask when you're going to get a "real relationship".
This can be a helpful term to consider when asking "am I forcing myself to wear mascara because I feel this is the only way I look presentable or do I actually like mascara."
Or it can be a helpful concept to look back on when undermining our internalized ideals of misogyny, towards ourselves and others.
This is a helpful term to put in our tool boxes to talk about the harm the systems of patriarchy, classism, and racism impose upon us.
Comp het can help us to understand why so many people look down on polyamory as a legitimate way of life.
It can be a helpful term for aspecs who are trying to figure out if they really want to date/have sex, or if they just believe these are the only things that will make you happy.
In general
Compulsory heterosexuality is just another term to describe a system we are all intimately familiar with. But by giving us the words to describe our experiences, it gives us the power to communicate those experiences more effectively, and to possibly understand why we're experiencing them.
This is just a bare basic knowledge post.
Honestly if you have the ability to, as in your internet history is not monitored in the way my friend's is, I encourage you to go on the deep dive through the sources listed below. Many of them are honestly only 30 pages long, that's a relatively short read, and understanding queer theory like this not only helps you to understand your own identity, but the ways in which you are connected to the rest of the fellow queer community.
Lesbian Masterdoc
Queer Theory 101: Compulsory Heterosexuality
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
Normativities Defined
I'm tagging blogs bigger than me so that this has an easier time getting passed around as I mainly talk about aspec issues because I am aspec, but as stated above, I wanted to make sure that queer people who's internet histories are monitored and are only able to find information through tumblr safely could do so.
@our-queer-experience @our-sapphic-experience @our-lesbian-experience @our-aspec-experience @our-polyamorous-experience @our-pansexual-experience @our-unlabelled-experience @our-aroace-experience @our-mspec-experience @our-questioning-experience @our-bisexual-experience
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laismoura-art · 5 months
I wish to talk about a moment! This dialogue:
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Everybody I see talking about this moment only goes as far as saying, "Oh, Bi-Han is sexist >:O"
Which... he is. But more than that, he is:
He is not saying this because he has a problem with women being warriors per se. He is saying this because, unlike Kuai, Bi-Han still thinks the old Lin Kuei traditions are right and should be followed.
So if the old Lin Kuei says Female Lin Kuei are not allowed, then by all means, Female Lin Kuei are not allowed!
And do you know who else thinks the old traditions are right and should be followed?
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be led with iron fists.
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be merciless.
She thinks the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei should remain enemies (and also thinks genocide is justified)
She thinks power should be pursued no matter the cost (even if the cost is your free will or the lives of your fellow clansmen)
But like a child who claims their country was better under a dictatorship, Frost is forgetting one little detail:
She has NO IDEA what that time was actually like!
I mean, she wasn't there! She has no idea what the old Lin Kuei was like!
And by all means, she never WOULD!
Cause as Bi-Han nicely reminds her: The old Lin Kuei, the one he follows and she sooo would rather have, DOESN’T ALLOW FEMALE LIN KUEI!
For as much as she complains about Kuai and how much he disregards tradition, she forgets his disregard is PRECISELY what made her Lin Kuei to begin with!
I mean, if she would rather have him be traditional, he could just have told her to fuck off his temple when she came to him, right?
After all. She wants the traditions to be followed.
He could have beaten her up for being mouthy and questioning his decisions. After all, the Lin Kuei must obey without question.
He could have sent her to face Hanzo (and be killed in the process). After all, the Shirai Ryu must be enemies (heck, he could've even allowed Hanzo to kill her on that one meeting. She started the fight, so she finishes it. Isn't that tradition?)
Also, it's funny that she praises the Cyber Initiative, when it means she gets some cyber enhancers and gets to command an army. But I wonder if she would have liked the ACTUAL Cyber Initiative, the one in which she would be just like the mindless robots she controls.
I wonder if someone like Frost, someone so strongminded, would ACTUALLY stand what the old Lin Kuei was like.
Be silenced? Forced to submission? Used as bait? Cannon fodder? As a Puppet??
Do you think she would stand be through what KUAI has??
I don't think so!
And I think people spend so much time being angry at Kuai for being angry at her that they forget just how much he did for her till he decided he had enough!
Can you imagine how many times Frost called him weak for his decisions?
Heck! He was accepting of her. He was kind and caring of her. He encouraged her to value her humanity and free will. He put an end to a war so she and his other students wouldn't have to fight and possibly DIE in it!
And all that for what? To hear that he's WEAK???
Can you imagine how much that must've sting?? How much that must've crushed his heart??
His heart is not frozen as he claims. It's BROKEN!
And all that because some stupid teenager can't be bothered to learn some history or by all means LISTEN to what the man who gave her everything has to say!
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negrowhat · 2 months
15 Day BL Challenge 2K24
This is the last day of my challenge! I think I'm going to do a more inclusive one. I sort of excluded other QL's, GL's and women all together, which is TRASH of me to do. It wasn't really my intention, but I think I was just trying to release a more generic one to see how it was received by the community. So I will make a new, better one. Or should I just make one for GLs? IDK I'll work on a new one soon. It's here if you want to do it, but I get it if you wanna wait for the new one to come out.
Day 15: Top 5 Bestest Besties
The Boy Clique from History 3: Make Our Days Count. If you...disregard them bullying Xi Gu in the beginning...they're a great group of friends. They supported each other through everything. They apologized to Xi Gu and adopted him into their friend group when Hao Ting started dating him. They went and found yaoi novels to read so they could talk to Sun Bo Xiang properly when he started showing his interest in Lu Zhi Gang. And overall they just hyped each other up about every, single thing. I loved them.
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The Special Investigation Unit from The Sign the Series. Yai and Tharn of course, but the entire friend group. KhemThongthai and Yai had noooo problems going along with PhayaTharn's shenanigans and hijinks throughout the series. They did every thing they could to get the two together and they searched high and low with Phaya to find Tharn. They were there crying over Phaya with Tharn. They helped each other excel through training camp together. The 5 of them had a true brotherhood.
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The Squad from Together With Me. I will always love this solid group of friends. They had a family. They always banded together to protect whoever needed it. They took care of Pharm when it came to his icky relationship with the school doctor. Yiwa was KornKnock's biggest supporter. Korn wouldn't sleep until he found Yiwa after Knock's girlfriend tried to hire thugs to hurt her. And Yiwa and Fai worked hard to take down Knock's evil girlfriend. They even helped P'Phu defend his relationship with his...professor...
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Pearl and her Babes from The Gameboys Franchise. Gawd she was like their lil Fairy Bi-Mother. She worked hard to get CaiReel together and protect them from outside forces. She offered them so much sound advice and she was quick to apologize when she was wrong. She was always there for CaiReel, never judged them, and played an integral part in them meeting in real life. And they offered their advice, love, and support when she was looking for a girlfriend. And they were ALWAYS down to support whatever cause she was working to promote. Gav even did food delivery for Pearl's father.
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Saebit Boys HS Student Council from Light On Me. I still don't like ole girl on the end so this is really about Daon, Taekyung, Shinwoo, and Namgoong. Namgoong is an excellent friend through and through. He was all knowing and all seeing and he kept his friends in check and offered sound advice. I love that Daon and Shinwoo didn't let their crushes on Taekyung ruin their friendship. They both agreed to pursue Taekyung and didn't stand in each other's way. They let Taekyung decide and didn't try to persuade him by speaking badly about each other. They even traded advice. Just a healthy lil friendship group. AND I AM SO PROUD OF TAEKYUNG AND DAON FOR HOLDING OLE GIRL ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CRAP SHE PULLED.
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marcy-lan-starlight · 5 months
interesting dat the arguments against bi lesbians is just victim blaming an conservative talking points.
like da only two argumentsive ever seen are jus variations of;
“words have meaning!!! you cant use these two words because those are separate boxes and i dont like you not fitting into the boxes ive made!!!!” hmmmm, where hav i heard that before… oh ya! right wingers arguing against trans & enby ppl! words hav meaning yes, the meaning we give them, an for ur own identity is the meaning they hav to u, other ppl don get to tell u who u are. an u don get to tell other ppl what words describe them, an their meaning doesn apply to you. jus like “woman” can mean very diffren things to diff ppl who use that word, bi and lesbian an whatever othr word u want can mean whatever they mean to u, an only to u, because only u get to decide who u are. ud thimk we’d hav all figured dat out by now but no, apparently ppl still thimk they need to put evyone into neat little boxes with labes an checklists of features they hav to meet.
da other i seen is “bi lesbians are making straight men thimk its ok to hit on lesbians!!” first off, ur fumking stoopid if u thimk that. those straight guys don care about ur identity cuz they see you as a fleshlight, not a person. second, they’ve probably never even fumking heard about bi-lesbians, an if they hav they wernt paying attention, do u rly thimk the guy catcalling u is up to date on queer terminology??? ud be lucky to find one who knows that saphic is even a word. an lastly, why is straight guys hitting on lesbians the fault of othr lesbians an not the fault of the fumking straight guys??? those bi-lesbians usually dont wamnt those straight guys hitting on them either, most straight women dont wamnt those guys hitting on them. so why are u blaming the othr victims instead of the ppl actually causing the harm? u wana know the answer? cowardice. standing up to da cishet guys an making systemic change takes actual effort an time an courage, is much easier to just attack another minority an blame all ur problems on them, cuz thats easy an makes u feel like u did something, even if all u did wus harass another, much smaller, minority group.
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dropping the problems i had before just for the sake of my wellbeing , i’m KIND of looking forward for more BT firesand because oh my GOD i cant get enough of them , they have to be one of my favorite mlw relationships especially in warriors
BT Firesand coming up soon i promise <3333 it's cooking <333333
i promise nothing bad happens to them <3333
also VALID! please prioritize your mental health <3 i dont want you to be put off of Burning Thistles's just cause of my viewpoints or opinions. i try not to be Too Strong but sometimes i just get a bit "This is where I stand and why." im not trying to tell anyone theyre wrong or anything its just that the LGBTQ+ community is so vast and wide that there's different stances on things, and people disagree over certain aspects and... really it's hard to say where the "right" side is
because, i mean, people are still divided on whether its "bisexuals can ONLY like men and women!" or "bisexuals like at least two or more genders" (i support the second version more). its wild out here man
i once loved a (gay ship focused) fanfic a lot and interacted with the author's Tumblr a lot... until they said something strange, and i asked them if they supported demisexuals and they said "no, it's only hetero, homo, bi, or ace. everything else is just made up."
it completely ruined the entire fanfic for me, knowing that's what they thought of the identity I, at the time, identified with... so i stopped reading it and unfollowed them unfortunately, despite all the fun i'd had with them :(
i dont want that for you or anyone here so i hope we can all still get along <3 (but if there are lines I cross for you, remember your mental health above all. letting go of something you love can be hard, but you have to decide whether your okay with separating the author from the work)
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josiebelladonna · 6 months
do any of you rubes know how lonely it is.
coming back online in late 2018 right as everyone seemed to be in the midst of “20-gay-teen” and it was just thrown out into the open on pure presumption, and someone like me is totally lost and only just digging into what gets her going because she never had many chances growing up. 2018 became 2019, or “20-bi-teen”, and i join ao3 and begin sharing “have your cake and eat it” serially. a fic that plays on my main kink. i think it’s gonna be a hit with the kids because it’s kink, it’s a story… and it isn’t. i start to wonder why this is; is it the fact it’s het? the loving way lars is portrayed? the way it’s written? no one will tell me.
do any of you rubes know how lonely it is.
seeing someone like the green druidess, so proudly display herself for all the world to see and contort something as perfectly natural as sexuality into what she deemed her “raunchy side”, implying that it’s somehow dirty or disgusting… and talked down to me and also inadvertently called me a prude because of the way i display my sexuality, one of the first of the offenses she inflicted onto me, and people rally around her when i stand up for myself. yeah, feminism was taking steps backwards before it was deemed cool in 2023.
do any of you rubes know how lonely it is.
to indulge in kinktober for the second year only to have all of five people reading it, compared to the year before when it really started to seem like people were starting to take me seriously. oh, no, it doesn’t involve “you”, nor does it involve someone ~truly~ hot like james hetfield or peter steele. it can’t possibly be sexy. this person over here is 1000000x hotter!! make this person queen! yeah, only to have it go right to their head and then they act like all other people involved in kinktober are fools. the green druidess all over again: no plagiarism this time but the feelings are present again (feeling like an idiot, feeling humiliated, feeling used and useless…)
i’ve also wondered if the events on october 7 had something to do with it? knowing how everyone on here is so fucking pro-palestine handling the whole thing with about the same level of delicacy as a cannon ball to the face (and are committing and/or complicit in the same atrocities that you accuse israel of; big example being the absence of jewish art or photography—or any nuance for that matter—in the “levant” tag). i find a jewish man sexy, and oh, god forbid i ever do. deny your antisemitism all you want, gen z, but it’s there. deny your racism all you want, but it’s there. deny your sexism all you want, but it’s there.
moreover, your phony activist horse shit has carried over to the elder generations: you have someone like shirley manson, who’s doing the billie eilish thing and conflating her own bullshit (that should have been resolved a long time ago) with the world’s problems while talking out of both corners of the mouth; patti smith, who’s doing the pbs-at-this-time-of-year thing and guilt tripping people into likes; tobi vail, kathleen hanna, and the girls from sleater-kinney, all of whom are being huge bullies about everything now, no matter how pointless the cause is; annie lennox, who’s undoing everything she’s ever fought for; selena gomez, who’s like “i can’t stand seeing people get hurt, wahhhhh~!” i used to adore these women and i cannot believe that they’ve gone by way of gen z. feminism, particularly feminism known for being sex-positive, is a parody of itself now and while i’m not blaming anyone for it, i do feel that gen z and the current generation here on tumblr are accelerating it by declaring that some people are more equal than others, and this has spread out and contaminated everything. it started happening in 2014 with the mantras and beliefs on here going mainstream and it’s still happening, perhaps more so because there are a lot more people on here than back in 2014. it’s terrifying and sad to see your modern living feminist idols turn into fucking parrots, and what’s worse is i really don’t know if they’re doing it to stay relevant or not. the third wave of feminism spearheaded #metoo and sex-positivity: if you don’t value the lives you claim to value, how can i trust you from now on?
do any of you rubes know how lonely it is.
i’m a storyteller. i have about a million different kinks. i have specific tastes. i may write in a way that gets straight to the point but i’m obsessed with details. i identify as “she/her” but i’m not very feminine or girly—in fact, the way i do feminine is quite different with big bold flavors fused with classic and futuristic so it could also err on androgyny—which is apparently not okay. oh, yeah, it’s not “you got banged by them!!” nor does it involve something like breeding kink; if there’s something size kink or double penetration, i better be on my best behavior otherwise no one will approve. it’s certainly not the “plain jane meets boy, sexy times™️ ensue” slog fromthe green druidess. it’s not the ~sizzling~ (read: monotonous and boring) style of adam_is_arting, although my art is a different open letter altogether.
my sexuality isn’t allowed. i’m not allowed.
a generation of snide, smug, cocky, two-faced cunts who decree, “be yourself!” but the second someone like me comes along, you’re like, “oh. no. not okay.” and those of you who are like “but i’m not like that!” do you want an award? i could say, “you’ll learn with time” like i and so many of my peers have, but i don’t think you will. memes have eaten your brains only to puke them out onto a plate made of fortnite and tiktok for all the world to see. just complete mush that i don’t remember after the fact. archaeologists will uncover our history and ask what happened to humanity during this era all because it’s all online and the internet won’t last forever.
yeah, you guys totally call the shots. lol, yeah.
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"Harry’s conservative and Zionist politics get scrubbed away and no one talks about it. But get him impromptu, and he says some truly dumb, unfortunate shit. Zarries honestly think Zayn would tolerate this man? Especially with a daughter who has Palestinian ancestry? "
You said something so clever right there, i don't wanna get political i'm not palestinian i don't wanna speak over palestinian people but it's interesting to look at how his team and his fans, cause let's be honest it's both, work so hard into shutting down every person who tries to expose him for who he really is, they did the same with the black lives matter mess, and do the same everytime a discussion about him taking advantage of the lgbt community is brought in. I saw some fans claiming to be black,palestinian, part of the lgbt community defending him with their lives, the thing is even if they truly are part of these categories still doens't justify styles behaviour, one person can't speak for a whole community. Back when i still stupidly supported him as a queer person i felt hurt and offended by his way of dealing with queastions and using the lgbt community but i got treated poorly by his fans saying i was exagerating, i was playing the victim role but seeing one of my favs treat so badly a community i'm part of was disappointing, still i never told other lgbts fans how they should feel. It does seem tho, most of queer people who aren't his fans despise him and think of him as someone taking advantage of us and not as an ally or a part of the community, most palestinian who aren't his fans hate him. I used to hope he will get exposed for who he really is but i gave up on that it'll probably never happen and even if it does it will really change anything? His fans know of all of that and still decide to ignore and suppress everyone who tries to speak about it. At this point i only really want his fans to stop using other people to clean his image. Do zarries really think zayn likes styles? Yes cause they have to, cause if zayn who's half palestinian and who used his voice so many time about these issues loves styles that means he's a good person, he's not a zionist he's just a poor dude who got misunderstood, do larries,zarries,xarries ecc really think of styles as gay/bi? Yes, cause they have to, cause if he is/was in a relationship with one of these men he can't take advantege of a community since he's part of it.
They go as far as saying he's a feminist cause he posted a story about abortion (lmao) and how he truly is a good boyfriend and the women he dates are the problem after all he's one of taylor best exes cause why would he be bad if she still says hi to him during award shows? Everything is so fucking stupid honestly
Tbh i'm not even frustrated anymore at him for being undeserving of being a big name a lot of rich succesful people are just as shitty or even shittier than him and are thriving in life, that's the way it is. Even when it comes to his morals i'm convinced he has none, when you stand for nothing you fall for everything, that's why it's so easy for him to give up everything for money. I'm just still a little frustrated, at him for using minorities he's not part of to build his image and lift his career and at his fans for using other people who were betrayed and ostracized by him in order to clean his mess.
Said that i won't bother you anymore with this topic i really don't want to waste any of our time with that man and his fans. Thank you for listening
Harry’s fans are very good at ad hominem attacks of critics, a classic diversion tactic. They will tell actual transgender fans that they’re transphobic (!!) if they think Harry isn’t identifying as a transgender individual.
Narcissists diffuse criticism through diversion, dismissal, and denial. Harry’s fans use all of these tactics to take criticism away from him. Go to the big Larrie or Harrie blogs and you’ll see these tactics on every single answer defending Harry. “You’re listening to Rads.” “That never happened. I’m sure the critics have it wrong.” “It’s the people on his team.”
We end up with a mannequin who is perfect but all surface, no depth, and not human.
(Just a correction. Zayn’s father is Pakistani but born in the UK, not Palestinian.)
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 1 year
So, i’m a bi girl and I hate being the cliche of the sob story queer person who cries themself to sleep because they hate being queer, or rather the disruptions being queer causes in their life.
I constantly feel like i’ll need to choose between continuing my normal life and starting a new life in which I only hang out with queer people. Like once I come out on a larger scale someone will brand me like a cow and set me apart with the other queer people. Idk why but I can’t imagine my normal life coexisting with my queerness. I’m not entirely sure how most of my friends’ vision of me will change, even if I know they don’t have a problem with queer ppl in general and that I wouldn’t even be the first queer person they know. I have come out to a couple of them and they all reacted okay, only that my best friend thinks that i’m only attracted to women because I went out with a couple of guys and I didn’t find myself attracted to them in particular lol 😭
I think all of this terrifies me because I considered that regardless of my sexuality i’ll end up with a man in the end, because i’m very masc leaning and it’s also what will be easier for me, but I recently realised that I think I do want to have something with a woman at least once.
I’m very anxious regarding dating in general –even with men– because I find it hard to not think in the long-term even when I do want to be open to short-term relationships too. I logically know that not all relationships are started with marriage or living together in mind, but for some reason I find it hard not to think that way? So I feel like if I start dating a girl i’ll have to consider her a long term partner and i’m not comfortable with that but I do want to know what that’s like and i’m scared
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this, I had a tough week.
I would recommend that you try to open up to people that you trust about your fears. I understand that you are afraid of how they will look at you once they know you are bi but don't you want them to see who you truly are? Right now you are keeping a part of yourself in the dark. I don't think your friends will suddenly think you are a totally different person - they will just see something new to add to the image they have of you.
You should also check if there are any queer resource centers in your region that you can go to. Maybe even specifically for young people. It might help you to talk to fellow queer people about this with the benefit of them being strangers = nothing to lose.
There's one sentence in your message that I want to comment on in particular which is "this terrifies me because I considered that regardless of my sexuality i’ll end up with a man in the end" - internalised biphobia can be a bitch at making it seem like the end of the world if you "end up with a man" but I'd like you to remember that part of bisexuality usually is attraction to men. And attraction is supposed to feel good. Being in love is supposed to feel good. Sex is supposed to feel good. So ideally if you are with a man you will WANT to be with him. The thought of "ending up with a man" as if that's somehow a failure of your queer existence is internalised biphobia! You're not less bi or queer for being into men and for dating them.
That being said, it's fine if you also want to explore your sexuality with women. You're allowed to do that. Try not to worry about who you will "end up with" and focus on what you want to do right now. Even if you already know you favour a long-term relationship over short-term or one-night-stands, you can focus on getting to know people NOW and not about when to make wedding arrangements.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
4 & 9 for Thyjs, but also 11 for the 3 others ^^
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4. How do they act around a crush?
Nervous, a bit shy and denying his own feelings at first. As a true raised soldier, Thyjs didn't have discovered much of the love-life the casual guy probably does. He can't cope with these sudden feelings at first since he was taught to fight and not to love. Finding someone, marry and have a family was always present in his mind though but never important since he put all his passion into serving the military a.k.a. Militech and Benelux Union in the first place. So, having a crush on Ryder now is entirely new to him – especially crushing on a man* – and he tries to hide it by just acting like always: be reserved, showing coolness only, smile less. With Ryder around this doesn't function so easily anymore though. He feels more and more nervous and just hopes nobody will notice when heat is rising into his face (because Ryder said something nice to him). To Thyjs' luck his cheeks already have a natural light pink tint, caused by his albinism, so nobody would probably notice. He may want to escape some situations where he doesn't know how to act/behave but he's not the type to exactly run away from problems forever. At some point he'll get himself together and confront Ryder about his 'weird' and 'unexplainable' feelings for him (fyi: Ry is also literally pining a lot for Thyjs not daring to take action either until both of them eventually face it). *he finds out that he is gay very late. I thought about making him bi at first but he's not exactly the bi type so I go with the late gay discovery instead. He has had some flings with women before but it was just one-night-stands with no feelings – just vent offs.
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
Thyjs happens to answer a lot with "Ja meneer!"/"Yes sir!" due to his time in the military when someone of the team asks or commands him to do something specific. At first it's weird for everybody because he mostly say's it in his native language Dutch, but they get used to it. There's also moments of constantly returning Dutch words and phrases Thyjs uses automatically because it's daily life for him. Words like 'dag' (bye) or 'totziens' (see you later). 'Lekker' is also of constant use. He uses it not only for telling the food is 'delicious', no; one time Ryder asked him if he slept well and Thy's answer literally has been "Oh, ik heb lekker geslapen." (I slept well.). He frequently overuses some curse words as well. 'Godverdomme!' (goddamnit!) is his favorite. "Hou je bek!" (Shut your mouth!) is also very likely to roll from him lips when he gets angry. He's not the extreme kind of curser tho, so he doesn't wish anyone typhus, cancer and co., if you know what I mean. FYI: I don't speak any Dutch btw, so excuus if I did something wrong (please, correct me if you like to) – I just spent a bit time looking these things up (and it was fun). Maybe he will say more over time.
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11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
Black. There is no other option than that for Ryder. He's adamant about it anyway. Vijay thinks he would look suprisingly good in purple though.
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11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
Yellow. Vijay looks surprisingly good in yellow if he doesn't wear purple, pink and blue tones combined with black.
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11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
Vermillion Red. Like the Japanese torii at shrines. Get up the contrast and it's almost neon orange.
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joeyclaire · 2 years
reader inserts are fun to some people. they should be a under a read more so people who don't like them don't hav to deal with them, that's just respectful, but i wish this site wasn't so hell bent on mocking people for what they enjoy. also a lot of reader inserts are aimed at gay/bi/pan ppl. they're not only het :).
[Intro] May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please? Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? I repeat, will the real Slim Shady please stand up? We're gonna have a problem here…
[Verse 1] Y'all act like you never seen a white person before Jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door And started whoopin' her ass worse than before They first were divorced, throwin' her over furniture (Agh!) It's the return of the "Oh, wait, no way, you're kidding He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?" And Dr. Dre said… nothing, you idiots! Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement (Ha ha!) Feminist women love Eminem "Chicka, chicka, chicka, Slim Shady, I'm sick of him Look at him, walkin' around, grabbin' his you-know-what Flippin' the you-know-who," "Yeah, but he's so cute though" Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose But no worse than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms Sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose But can't, but it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose "My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips" And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss And that's the message that we deliver to little kids And expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is Of course, they're gonna know what intercourse is By the time they hit fourth grade They've got the Discovery Channel, don't they? We ain't nothin' but mammals—well, some of us, cannibals Who cut other people open like cantaloupes But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote Women, wave your pantyhose, sing the chorus, and it goes—
[Chorus] I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up? 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up?
[Verse 2] Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records (Nope) Well, I do, so fuck him and fuck you too! You think I give a damn about a GRAMMY? Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me "But Slim, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?" Why, so you guys could just lie to get me here? So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears? Shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first Little bitch put me on blast on MTV "Yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Kim, hee-hee" I should download her audio on MP3 And show the whole world how you gave Eminem VD (Agh!) I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups All you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you And there's a million of us just like me Who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me Who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me And just might be the next best thing, but not quite me
[Chorus] 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up? 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up?
[Verse 3] I'm like a head trip to listen to, 'cause I'm only givin' you Things you joke about with your friends inside your livin' room The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of y'all And I don't gotta be false or sugarcoat it at all I just get on the mic and spit it And whether you like to admit it, I just shit it Better than ninety percent of you rappers out can Then you wonder: "How can kids eat up these albums like Valiums?" It's funny, 'cause at the rate, I'm going, when I'm thirty I'll be the only person in the nursing home flirting Pinching nurse's asses when I'm jacking off with Jergens And I'm jerking, but this whole bag of Viagra isn't working In every single person there’s a Slim Shady lurking He could be working at Burger King, spittin' on your onion rings Or in the parking lot, circling, screaming, "I don't give a fuck!" With his windows down and his system up So will the real Shady please stand up And put one of those fingers on each hand up? And be proud to be outta your mind and outta control And one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?
[Chorus] I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up? 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up? 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up? 'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up Please stand up, please stand up?
[Outro] Ha ha, I guess there's a Slim Shady in all of us Fuck it, let's all stand up!
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cagenerals · 10 months
Love Letter To Myself by Anastasia
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Dear Anastasia,
Quite the name.
No one says it right and you don't care to ever correct them. You hate the name. It's complicated and the way it looks doesn’t match the way it sounds, but it's unique. There's not much meaning. I guess some uncle named Anthony died and your mom wanted a girl version of that. You never met him, but it seems like your family loved him. Hopefully they love you just as much, if not more.
Dad. You can't say he was a deadbeat because he was there… just not there. He has always been around but it's almost as if he was just a body. No emotion. No love. Only the bi-weekly forced company. But he was young when he had you and now he just works a lot.
Mom Grandma gave you everything your dad wasn't around for. Taught you how to bathe, taught you to not talk to strangers, taught you how to cook, the basics of course. 
You didn't learn what you really needed until your mom grew up. She taught you how to stand up for yourself and how to love. How to fight your own battles and how important school is.
School. It's been kicking your ass.
You've always been told that for the first 18 years of your life that's all that matters. Don't worry about anything but school. 
What about you?
You want to worry about yourself, but in the grand scheme of things there's no time for that. Genetics or whatever targeted you and caused all those mental illnesses. You have depression, anxiety, and bipolar dis— back to school. 
Burned out former gifted child. That's the best way to refer to it. For me, school was easy until it wasn't. 
Honor roll; I'm so proud. Honor roll; amazing. Honor roll; I love you. Honor roll; you’re the best.
Middle school was a long time ago, but I remember the love that came with being there. Everyone was always so proud of you. That's your favorite thing to hear. It inspires you to keep going because your hard work is recognized and appreciated, but it all stopped. No one is proud anymore.
The constant state of disappointment became your state of being. So, what does one do when they run out of external validation? You have to look for it within yourself. 
I’m not my own number one fan. I think that’s okay for now. As humans we all crave a bit of validation from those we care about, an “I’m proud of you” or a “nice job” could make or break a person if we’re being honest. 
The problem is that you only really have yourself at the end of the day. So, I know I don’t like you too much, but I hope one day I will. I just kind of have to stick around until that day comes.
It’s not only because I deserve it. I don’t think anyone deserves to be quite this upset with themselves. Regardless of what I believe right now, I know I'm no exception. 
It’s also out of spite. As a big “f*ck you” to all of the teachers who thought I was a lost cause. To all of the therapists who thought I wasn’t worth their time. To the “friends” who didn’t stick around long enough to see me succeed. I owe it to myself to be my best self, out of spite to the universe and everything it has put me through. 
I think you just kind of owe it to yourself to love yourself just as much as anyone else is capable of loving you. We’ll get there one day. Until then, I'll keep us alive, but you have to do the rest. Change for me, it’s the best way to grow.
Special note: This assignment was based off of Love Letter To Myself by Afghan feminist and human rights activist Noorjahan Akbar. Noorjahan has led protests for human rights across Afghanistan and launched the website called Free Women Writers.
All names and identities on CA GENERALS have been protected for privacy.
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vaspider · 3 years
'only tenet of TERFism is transmisogyny' EXCUSE ME NO ITS ALL TRANS PEOPLE. They don't want any trans person to exist. What the hell.
Some people just gotta center their own suffering always, even when they're hurting other people by doing so. I've seen this a lot in younger queer folx of all stripes, this need to be the one that hurts the most, you know?
There's a reason the phrase Oppression Olympics exists, and it's because it's a common behavior or phenomenon in oppressed communities. I see it in the disability community, too.
What I think is important to understand when we talk about how trans people suffer under transphobia is that different groups are targeted differently. I'm not the first person to say this, of course.
Now, like, this is very rough sketchy stuff, and each person's individual experiences will vary, but in my general experience, the rough breakdown of the way in which transphobia lands on trans people kind of breaks down like this:
Binary trans women tend to suffer under a lens of hypervisibility. Everything they do is seen, analyzed, and torn apart. Their struggles are generally the ones centered in the arguments of allies, "allies," and transphobes. Even when trans women are the focus of helpful attention, that hypervisibility can cause exhaustion, because they need to perform perform perform, and be perfect, all the time. It's hard for trans women to just be without feeling like they're on camera, all the time. A lot of the time, they are on camera, because trans women's bodily autonomy and right to privacy are just never respected by transphobes (and often by supposed "allies" who feel free to ask the most invasive questions and get upset when trans women won't answer them), and even if they're not literally on camera, they're supposed to perform as the best examples of transfemininity, because if they don't, then they become the next 'look at this bad trans, all trans are this bad trans' example that TERFs point at and use as a broad brush to paint all trans women. If they're not perfect all the time and have a day where they snap at someone while someone is recording, or make a mistake, or anything, it has a horrible tendency to go viral. You can think of at least three instances right now off the top of your head, right? Right.
Binary trans men tend to suffer from hyperinvisibility. This comes from inside and outside the community -- a lot of trans men talk about being told they can't lead in community because they've 'got male privilege,' that their struggles are discarded, that they're talked over and unable to discuss the things they face, which means they don't get the support they need. Now, there are TERFs and transphobes who absolutely do focus their attention on trans men to the exclusion of or to the deprioritization of the oppression of trans women -- that's where we get Tavistock and Irreversible Damage and Fourth Wave Now and all the other bullshit which focuses on the idea that trans men are "transing the gay away," specifically "transing our butch lesbians" and "stealing butches." But again, generally speaking, trans men face harmful levels of invisibility where trans women face harmful levels of visibility. That's why transmascs in general have issues like lack of understanding even by supposedly trans-competent doctors as to how HRT affects our bodies, why trans men (and transmascs in general) report things like transphobes attacking them with transmisogynistic comments and assuming that every trans person online is a trans woman, etc.
Non-binary (here used as an umbrella term for all identities outside of binary man/woman, to include agender, genderfluid, non-binary, and infinite other identities) AFAB people tend to suffer from a different, very specific form of hypervisibility, unless they start to appear too masculine, and then they slip into hyperinvisibility. This is where we get things like "women and non-binary people" that codes all non-binary people as "AFAB people I can sort of squint and view as women," and people who fall into this category tend to get a lot of attention, a lot of derision from all sides of the spectrum. This is the "blue-haired tenderqueer" sneering that we get from both within and without the queer community, where there's an assumption that these people are just cosplaying an identity, that they're not really trans, etc. Having been in the visibility category and slipped into the invisibility category within the last, oh, year or so, and having two binary trans women in my family to compare notes with, the experiences are unnervingly similar. The difference between the experience that those women have had and the experience that I have had is that according to transphobes, I'm a traitor to my womanhood and performing femininity wrong and taking on a fake identity to escape female oppression because I'm not strong enough to bear up under it, but too cowardly to become a trans man, or... something, whereas they're taking on a fake identity to sneak into women's spaces because they're perverts.
Non-binary (umbrella identity etc) AMAB people tend to suffer from their own very specific form of hyperinvisibility, unless they start to present "too feminine", and then they slip into the hypervisibility which affects binary trans women, but with a little different fuckery in which everyone just assumes they're a trans woman, and therefore they get misgendered by everyone across the spectrum of queer/non-queer/etc. Non-binary AMAB people are generally treated like they don't exist, and when they are spoken about, are often discussed in the context of 'they should just admit they're trans women or gay men,' or if they present 'too feminine,' are subjected to the same sort of horrific attention that trans women get.
Again, a lot of this is very simplistic, and doesn't add in a lot of other complicating factors like race, disability, class, etc. Trans men of color, for example, can run into a different sort of hypervisibility because as they move further through their transition, they begin to be seen in the world as a man of color. It's not really mine to speak on beyond that, but I don't want to neglect saying 'this is really really simplistic and there's more to it than that' over and over.
I really hate breaking it down this simply because it feels like creating another binary (our society does like a binary!) for non-binary people, but like, I can't really talk about my shared experiences with other trans people without putting some framework around it. Someday, I'll be able to do that without categories. Wouldn't that be awesome?
I think we do our entire community a huge disservice when we talk about transphobia as if it's a single snake trying to take bites out of only one part of the community, and not a many-headed hydra, able to attack us from multiple different directions. I also think that focusing on one form of oppression keeps us from forming meaningful solidary and coalitions; the more divided we are, the easier it is for the people who literally want us all to stop existing to pick us off one by one. We see this all across the queer community and it's only ramping up as the attacks on our community escalate from without; people tend to turn on the ones closest to them when they get really scared, and to blame the person standing next to them for the pain they're suffering. It's the "close enough to hit" phenomenon, and it's why we see ridiculous things like "bi women make cis men think that lesbians can be won over," rather than acknowledging that bi women aren't the ones causing that: cis men are the ones causing that. The bi women in that case are close enough to hit. Transmascs are close enough to hit. Trans women are close enough to blame for the problems of transmascs, which makes it possible for TERFs to lure transmascs in and attempt to detransition them, subjecting them to gaslighting and manipulation and then using them as sock puppets.
TERFs do focus a lot on transmisogyny. They focus a lot on transmisandry, too. Debating which one is more prevalent and 'worse' not only misses the point, because transmascs and transfems face very different and totally rotten attention from cis society as a whole, including cis queers. We need to like, not do that anymore: we need to give each other the space to talk about our unique circumstances, but we also need to work harder on looking at each other through a lens of solidarity and trying to see that our struggles are different but not unrelated, and that if we keep downing on each other like this, we're not going to get anywhere except in a much more difficult situation as the people who don't want any of us to exist keep picking us off.
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cazimagines · 3 years
...I didn't know if this would be something you would write, but it's pride and I was hoping you might write something where Laszlo learns that his fiancée or his wife is bi when she reveals she was previously involved with another woman, or she explains she's also attracted to women. If not it's okay too!! Thanks oh in advance if you do write it though!!! 🥺
Of course! I've daydreamed about this before, being bi myself, so I'll love to be able to write it up! Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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- You knew your husband was accepting of all sorts of people, it was in his nature and his profession to meet all sorts of people, of genders and sexualities. You knew deep down Laszlo would have no problem knowing you were attracted to women just as much as you were attracted to men. Yet you found yourself unable to tell the man, though you had been courting and now married for a year.
- It wasn't as if you were deliberately meaning to hide it from him, it's just you reached a point so far into the relationship that he would have questions about why you didn't tell him sooner and you weren't sure how you would answer that. You'd dated women in the past, your last relationship being with a nice looking woman, but her beauty made up for the manipulative personality she had. You should have seen it earlier but you were at least thankful you were able to escape her when you had the chance.
- You always feared a day where you might run into her again. For while New York was a large place, fate often had it you would run into someone you never wanted to, at the most inconvenient times. Such was life and such was how your life played out.
- You and Laszlo were attending a very important party, one that put the two of you in high regard and one you had to retain professionalism in order to gain a good reputation among the higher society. All things were going well until you turned around and your eyes landed upon her. She stood talking to some people, drink in hand, but as she left the gaze of someone upon her, she turned around and looked directly at you and a smirk appeared on her face.
- Though you turned from her to seek out Laszlo, she had already reached you before you had the chance for much else and so you were forced to put on a smile as you engaged in polite conversation. You couldn't help but admire how her beauty was still prevalent, even after all this time apart and you almost felt a pull to looks downwards but you kept your eyes steady, for her smirk was what grounded you, her smirk reminded you of the manipulative person she truly was,
- As she lamented about how much she missed seeing you, and now much she regretted losing contact with you. While you attempted to zone away from her incessant talking, you were pulled back with a jump when you suddenly felt her hand upon your arm. What could be taken as a friendly gesture from others but you knew that wasn't the intention.
- It wasn't too long after that when Laszlo finally appeared beside you, two drinks in his hand to offer you one. The woman's eyes widen in surprise, exclaiming she had no idea you were married, and while Laszlo shot you a quizzical look for not apparently informing this acquaintance of yours he politely introduced himself to her. The woman started ranting to him about how good friends the two of you were, how close you had been and how much she had adored you and was ashamed the two of you had fallen out of touch.
- This left Laszlo confused as to why you had never mentioned the woman before and so he reasonably assumed there was more to the story, something you couldn't; discuss though in present company. For the rest of the evening, she wouldn't leave you alone. Whenever Laszlo tried to be beside you, spent time alone with you, she would whisk you away from him, insisting you needed to meet someone. You truly tried to escape her tight grasp upon you, but she wouldn't relent, and there was nothing you could do without causing a scene.
- She pushed it too far however when blind man's buff was a party game people were eager to start. Though usually the man was blindfolded she insisted upon herself to be blinded and that she would case 'the men' you and Laszlo wanted no part in the game and choose to stand to the side but instantly she headed directly towards you. Each time you moved out of her way, she seemed to follow you. You audibly gasped when her outreached hand grazed against your chest, though you had made it plain to her that it was you she was chasing and not one of the men.
- Laszlo was instantly by your side, reprimanding the woman and he guided you out of the room, no longer caring you two were leaving the party early. He didn't want that woman around you anymore making you uncomfortable. He guided you into the calash and sat opposite you as you avoided his gaze.
- "You and this woman. It was more than friendship" he stated and you sighed knowing your avoidance had caught up with you. Finally, you'd have to admit your attraction to women to him and you suddenly felt very nervous for what he would say next as you nodded your head. "I have no problem about that, people should be allowed to be attracted to whoever they wanted to be. I do myself have occasionally felt a pull towards a person of my own sex. I'm only disappointed in myself that you didn't trust me enough to tell me this before"
- You glanced up surprised, into Laszlo earnest eyes because of his confession, and because of his disappointment. Quickly you shook your head and moved over to sit beside him, taking his hand in yours. "You have nothing to be disappointed with. Rather I'm not sure why I never told you before, perhaps it's because of that woman, she scared me from ever talking about such things. I'd worry she would come back and wreak havoc if I ever admitted to such things. But never was it for one second because I was afraid of you and your reaction Laszlo. I know you, and I know just how kind-hearted you are"
- He chuckles bashfully, "Such kind compliments" he'd whisper as he squeezes his hand in yours, and leant forward to press a kiss upon your lips. He was happy you finally had told him your truth and he would make sure, not only to ensure that woman would never come near you again but to love you for who you were.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Feeling tiredness creep in as I started writing it.
TAGS: @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird@shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @handmaiden-of-mischief @zemosimp420 @kadeuuijib @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @everythingbeginsineternity-blog @mywinterivy @bruhidaniel @the-webkinz-killer @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl @barnesxnobles @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit
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pokesplendor · 3 years
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carmela’s team from my pokemon shield playthrough! not as happy with this bunch... info beneath the cut!
Graves - Inteleon - she/he - lesbian White - cis woman - age 30
Graves came from a very unconventional background prior to entering into the League circuit. Having raised since she was young by Interpol for undercover operations, she was there and experienced things a child shouldn’t for the sake of ‘justice.’ Who’s justice is really to question in this situation, as she never had a say. It’s only once she reached legal age did she take a ‘vacation’ and decide to try the league. That’s where she re-encountered Ella, who she had met on the job in the Champion’s guard. She uses her combat skills she gained from her rigorous upbringing, which you’d think would cause her to dominate the field, but that isn’t the case. She’s actually fairly bad at it. 
She has a bit of a problem interacting with others. She was trained in how to act natural, friendly, and unassuming, but she doesn’t know how to not act. What’s Graves’ personality? Well, she’s a crybaby whenever she’s alone. Little things upset her, her anxiety ramps up her paranoia, and she keeps it all saved beneath the surface until she’s alone and then she cries. Other than crying in her off time, she’s a voracious reader, and particularly likes poetry.
If Graves could ever be honest with herself, she’d admit she’s fallen for Ella quite hard. That bright ball of sunshine brought a smile to her face in a way she hadn’t experienced before. But she wasn’t able to voice her feelings, and Ella is now sadly taken. She’s also a poor leader, along with a poor battler, and she doesn’t garner much respect from her team. She’s often spoken over by Crusher.
Crusher - Sirfetch’d - she/her - lesbian White - cis woman - age 34
Crusher likes to think she’s a gallant, chivalrous knight that leaves women quaking with soaked undies are her arrival and her deep, rusty voice sends shivers up their spine when she announces herself, and she’d like to think that everyone wants her around, but she’s wrong. She butted her way into Graves’ team, seeing its lack of, well, many things, leadership, power, attractiveness… They obviously would benefit from her accompaniment. She didn’t care what they had to say, she was going to be on their team and they were going to worship her for what she brings to the table. She’d like to think she’s wanted, but honestly, not very much so.
As if it wasn’t evidence enough, Crusher is extremely up her own ass, overconfident, and unfortunately, with enough power to back up her words. She’s a demon on the field, knocking enemies out with a single sweep sometimes. She works out on the regular, and doesn’t wear armor to show off her many (sexy) battle scars. Otherwise, she’s into collecting antique tea sets and little glass kittens to display back home. Her house is full of them.
Crusher likes to think (man she likes to think a lot of things) that everyone on the team is slightly in love with her, when she is tolerated at best. Goliath likes her, but Goliath likes everyone. He spots for her when they’re working out together, and she respects him for his strength. She’s especially hard on Thrasher and Maverick for not pulling their weight until they evolved, citing them as a weakness.
Goliath - Grimmsnarl - he/they - gay Japanese - nonbinary - age 21
Goliath hails from the Glimmwood Tangle, from quite a large and loving family, but he got it in his head that he had to see the world beyond the forest clearing, he wanted to see where all the people braving its endless maze to reach the gym were about, he wanted to know! A regular yearning princess wishing to see what’s beyond her tower she’s been trapped in. And this is the family business Matilda had to leave her swamp for, bringing his ass home. She got there a little too late, however, already picked up by Graves’ group and registered into gym fights. He couldn’t leave! He made a promise to help! And look at his cool new friends.
When not spent daydreaming about adventures he could be having, he likes to keep in shape. His family home requires constant upkeep, lest the magical wood overgrows anything manmade within a few days. He likes to read, despite struggling with it due to his dyslexia, and he hopes to write his own book one day about what he’s experienced, he wants to have an adventure worth filling a book with. He’s a very positive lad, a happy one, who tries to share the happiness with those around him.
Goliath is still young, but he’s pretty sure about who he is as a person, he knows where he stands on morals, and her own identity as well. He’s chivalrous and kind, always trying to get the team to work together and get along. It has varying results. Grievous loves to mother him, and he likes to think he’s pals with Graves. Despite being younger, he tries to protect Thrasher and Maverick.
Blitz - Centiscorch - she/her - queer White - cis woman - age 33
Blitz, like Graves, was raised by Interpol for infiltration and undercover work. Unlike Graves, however, while the Inteleon was sanded down to being a weak, anxiety-ridden mess, it only strengthened Blitz’ nerves of steel, causing her to become cold and calculating. She only joined the League circuit because she had a mandated vacation following losing her leg from the knee down, and she didn’t want to get rusty on her skills. Not to mention she saw Graves attempting to lead and failing at it and thought she’d stick around to demean her for her lack of anything worthy of use for Interpol’s workings.
She doesn’t have many hobbies, she likes working out, staying fit, and occasionally cooking some ultra healthy superfood, but it’s not like cooking is her passion. She doesn’t understand why people think you need to have a life outside of your work, she’s perfectly happy to just always be on the job and do as it demands. She smokes, but only the occasional cigarette so as to not negatively affect her health. She’s a woman of few loves, few words, and she thinks that’s just fine.
Blitz scoffs when the team tries to have any sort of ‘get to know each other’ exercise. It’s never in good faith, and just ends in disaster so she tries to avoid it. Grevious tries to mother her on occasion, for whatever reason, she never had a mother and she doesn’t want one, so she doesn’t understand why her face gets flushed and hands get sweaty when the dragon’s around.
Maverick - Corviknight - she/her - lesbian White - trans woman - age 32
Maverick is a failed knight from olden times; she was sealed in a tomb in the slumbering weld with her previous king as a way to protect him in the next life, only to be revived by Graves and Ella exploring the area. Being awoken in modern times, she had a lot to learn and get used to, part of it being her king is no more. The body is gone, and the tomb ransacked. She failed, and this weighs heavy on her shoulders through the journey. She agreed to follow Graves, sensing a nobility to her, Ella already having Thomasin by her side while Graves had no one. She is skilled in battle, if not unsure of herself due to her failings during both in the past, and while she was asleep.
She holds herself to high standards, almost impossible for her to meet, but no one else. She does not expect others to keep up her strict training regime, it is for her alone to shoulder the burden of being known as a failure. Despite that statement, Crusher constantly challenges her, and they’re often sparring with one another. In her off time, she enjoys weaving and is learning the modern trades of ‘sewing’ and ‘crochet.’ She enjoys making clothes for herself and others.
Her strict lifestyle doesn’t give her many moments to herself or to consider her feelings for others. She dedicates herself to a cause and thinks of little else. However she enjoys Grevious’ company. She does notice the occasional stares from others, such as Thomasin from Ella’s team, and she wonders what it could mean. Does she resent her for not joining Ella? It seemed only fair at the time.
Grevious - Dragapult - she/her - bi Vietnamese - trans woman - age 45
The ghost of a test pilot that went down during a new dirigible’s trial run over Galar. Her body was never found, believed to be incinerated by the blast, and her spirit has hung on to the area as she never got a proper burial. Graves, hearing her plight, followed her to her remains, giving her the burial she deserved. Freed from her prison, she was free to pass on, but she denied doing so, she had to repay Graves for her service. And so, she was conscripted to the gym challenge, one she had seen many travelers pass by speaking of such a thing and she was always curious just what exactly it was. She had heard things of course, but nothing is better than first hand experience.
Grievous is a very noble person, but not too stuffy either. She loves a good joke, she loves puns, and she loves giving people a good fright with her ghostly status. It’s all in good fun, she’d never do anything malicious or something that would genuinely harm others! She loves to fly, she had always loved to fly, and dying didn’t exactly rob her of that love. Now she can do it without a plane! She spent so long as spirit, she kind of forgot what having hobbies is like, and she’s trying new things!
She’s a very motherly person, and, being the oldest of the group, feels very maternal towards all the young little ones around her. She’s particularly concerned for Graves and Blitz upon hearing around their upbringing. That’s no way to treat a child! She does her best to tend to the others of the group. Though she would be lying if she didn’t say that Crusher pushed her buttons more than once.
Thrasher - Obstagoon - they/them - lesbian Black - transmasc nonbinary - age 24
Thrasher comes from a foster home full of wayward kids who grew up on the downward spiral of life, and they themselves weren’t an exception. Originally from Spikemuth, they never knew their parents and their foster home travels were rough. No one seemed to want to keep them, and at one point they got sick of it and ran away from home. They ran and ran and never looked back, and found a job working in the professor’s lab in Postwick. They didn’t ask them where they were from, nor tried to contact anyone else, so it was good for them. They met Graves early into their gym circuit and decided to join her to perform some field work for the professor.
They’re quite down on themselves, never feeling like they’ll accomplish anything of worth. They couldn’t be a good child, they’re not a good battler, it took them a while to come into their own, and Crusher needling them constantly didn’t help. In their spare time, they play guitar and sing covers of existing songs. They don’t have a knack for writing, just another thing they fail at. It’s been a tough life, and they stumble along the way constantly trying to get to a better tomorrow.
Thrasher is a shy sort when it comes to their feelings, they haven’t been engendered into showing their vulnerable side to others. And Graves’ group isn’t exactly what you’d call family. But it’s a nice change of pace and they almost feel… wanted. And Grevious is a nice addition to their life. To have such a motherly person doting on them is, well, a dream come true.
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unrestedjade · 3 years
Baseless Ferengi headcanons no one asked for and that get increasingly queer-navel-gazing and self indulgent because the horrible space goblins have consumed my brain:
- Mobile ears, because if hearing is so well developed and important to them they should be able to aim those big stupid radar dishes. Also because then they can emote with them and that's cute. THE AESTHETIC IS PARAMOUNT.
- Since they canonically sharpen their teeth with chew sticks and sharpeners, their teeth must grow continuously. So I submit: subcultures that let certain teeth grow out as a fashion/political statement. Ferengi punks and anarchists with 5" tusks. Ferengi with all their teeth filed flat (mom and dad HATE it).
- Corollary to the above, most of their teeth are crooked. At the least, they don't share our fetish for straight teeth. What if their teeth are deciduous, and there's no point in trying to force them into perfect alignment, since they'll just fall out and get replaced? So like, sharks but their teeth can also grow longer with no limit. WHAT HAST EVOLUTION WROUGHT ON FERENGINAR :V
- Parents nagging their kids to sharpen their teeth "or they'll grow up into your brain and you'll die :)"
- Personal space? Don't know her.
Okay I need a cut because there's too many now. WHOLE SOCIETY OF GAY HOMOPHOBIC UNCLES AND AUNTS GO I HAVE A PROBLEM
- I can't remember who on here put forth the idea of them having retractable claws but Yes. :3
- Pushing back against the worst canon episode a bit but: relative ear size being the only obvious sexually dimorphic trait, and even that having enough of a gray area that the only way to be 100% sure you're talking to a male or female Ferengi is if you do a blood test. Unless they're intersex! *shrug emoji*
- This is why they're so fanatical about gender conformity and their Victorian "separate spheres" attitude to men and women's roles. Capitalist patriarchy is fragile! And as artificial to Ferengi as it ever was to Humans! (self-indulgenceeeee about gender shiiiiit)
- You know how with domesticated rabbits, the rabbit getting groomed and paid attention to is the boss? Yeah. Go ahead and paint your bestie's nails, just don't be surprised if she cops a little bit of an attitude with you from then on.
- Their fight/flight/freeze/fawn instincts skew heavily toward the last three, and what a lot of other species read as annoying sucking up is the Ferengi in question feeling anxious and unsafe. Especially if they don't feel integrated into the group. Even being at the bottom of the pecking order is better than not being in the flock at all.
- If they DO opt for fight, it's ugly and typically their last resort. Bites or scratches will get infected without intervention-- microbes that their immune system can handle could cause big trouble for aliens. You might wanna check for full or partial teeth that break off and get lodged in the wound, too.
- Too many of these are tooth related but I don't care. :B More teeth stuff: you know what else has teeth that grow constantly? Puffer fish. Likewise, Ferengi can chew up mollusk shells as easy as potato chips, and they need the minerals for their teeth. (Imagine grandpa Sisko offering Nog a crayfish for the first time and watching as he just...pops the whole damn thing in his mouth and crunches away...)
- Their staple foods seem to be grubs and other arthropods, high in protein and fat. I've unilaterally decided their cuisine also involves a lot of edible fungi, ferns, plant shoots and seeds. Gotta get those vitamins. Overall flavor profile leaning toward umami, vegetal, and fresh herbs, and pretty mild (or "delicate" if you wanna be snooty about it, which a Ferengi probably would let's be real).
- Not much sugary food. I'm basing this solely on Quark's aversion to root beer as "cloying". Which could definitely just be his personal preference, but most of the people I hear hating on root beer cite the actual sassafras/sarsaparilla flavor (saying it tastes like medicine) not the sweetness. Nog might be the weirdo outlier for being able to enjoy it.
- Their home planet isn't bright and sunny, so their eyes are better at discerning shades of gray in low light conditions, with relatively weak color vision. Which could explain why they dress Like That.
- Conversely, human music has a reputation for stinking on ice because a lot of it is juuuuust lightly dissonant or out of tune because we can't pick up flaws that small. Ferengi can, and it drives them up the *wall*.
- Music? So many different kinds. Traditionally, maybe lots of percussion and winds, and water as a common component of many instruments to alter pitch or tone. Polyphony out the ass. Some of the modern stuff is an impenetrable wall of sound if you're not a species with a lot of brain real estate devoted to processing sounds. Pick out one melody to follow at a time.
- Yes, back to teeth again I'm sorry. It's a sickness. At some point in their history, pre-chewing food was just something you did for your baby or great grandma as a matter of necessity. Possibly your baby gets an important boost to their immune system and gut biome from your spit. At some point takes on a more formal intimacy aspect and gradually drifted from something all adults and older kids do to something only women do. Your husband and older kids have perfectly functional teeth, but you love them, right? =_= (Think old memes about husbands being useless in the kitchen if little wifey isn't there to cook, but even more ridiculous. Ishka was right about everything but especially this. Thank you for making your family chew their own food, Ishka. Not all heroes wear capes. Or anything!)
- How did they get started on the whole men: clothed vs women: unclothed nonsense? My equally stupid idea: men just get cold easier. Those huge ears dissipate a ton of body heat. Cue Ferengi cliches like "jeez, we could be standing on the surface of the sun and my husband would put on another layer." At some point, again, this got codified and pushed to ridiculous extremes in the name of controlling women and keeping everyone in their assigned box, to the point that women just have to shiver if they really are too cold and men have to pass out from heat stroke if the alternative is going shirtless, because That Would Be Inappropriate.
- Marriages default to five years, but they're also the only avenue for women to have their own household or any stability. Plus their religion places no emphasis on purity save for pure adherence to the free market and the RoA. So, curveball to the rest of their patriarchal bullshit: female virginity isn't a concern in the least. Bring it up and they'll rightly side-eye you.
- Family law is absolutely bonkers and lawyers that specialize in it make BANK. I feel like custody would default to the father usually but oh wait, the maternal grandfather has a legal stake in this, too, and your next father-in-law is asking HOW many kids are you dragging into my daughter's house, etc etc. Growing up with a full sibling is way rarer than growing up with half or stepsiblings, since it usually takes both men and women two or three tries to find someone they vibe with. (Not love, unless you're super cringe.)
- A misogynistic society is a homophobic society. Imo those flavors of shittiness just come in pairs. Homosexual behaviors are fine within certain parameters (aka "always have sex with the boss") but not on your own terms. To add spice, bisexuality is their most common mode (because I'm bi and these are my hcs for my fics I'm not writing, so there), but capitalism demands fresh grist for the mill so you better get het-married and pop out some kids you lowly peons. You have a choice so make the proper one. :)
- Corollary to the above, that doesn't keep all kinds of illicit "we're just friends with quid-pro-quo benefits for realsies" affairs of every stripe and every gender from going on everywhere. Many Ferengi have a lightbulb moment somewhere in early adulthood when they figure out their dad's business partner or the "auntie" who visited their mom every month had a little more going on.
- Plus there's way more gender non-conformity and varying degrees of trans-ing than the powers that be have a handle on. Pel isn't unique, even if most would have to somehow make it out into space to be able to thrive.
Damn a lot of these are just my personal bugbears plus THE GILDED AGE BUT WITH HAIRLESS SPACE RODENTS ain't they
- Women can't earn profit, okay. But lending or "lending" things to each other isn't commerce, riiiiiiight? To be assigned female is to master navigating a vast, dizzying barter/gift economy. Smart boys and men leverage this, too, and there are splinter sects that view this as the purest expression of the Great Material Continuum.
- Of course plenty of women make profit anyway, and just do their bast to dodge the FCA. The tough thing about insisting on using latinum as currency is that cash can be so hard to track, you know?
- Because of the RoA, guys are discouraged from doing favors or giving gifts without setting clear expectation of getting some return on investment. This can twist into an expression of friendship (and of course women do it too), and the ledger will keep cycling between debit and credit among friends for decades. A common mistake aliens make is to tell them recompense isn't needed without explaining why, or return their favor or present with something that zeroes out the debt. The Ferengi will assume you want to break off the friendship. (I cribbed this from dim memories of an African studies course I took in 2007 and whose textbook I know I still have but I can't frigging find it...)
- Flirting, they do a lot of it for a lot of reasons. Roddenberry made it clear that they're just straight up pretty horny, but there's no reason it can't pull double duty for building alliances with other people, smoothing over feuds or disagreements, or cementing friendships. Ferengi who are ace and/or sex-repulsed are possibly viewed similar to the way we'd view someone who's "not a hugger/not big on touching" and if they flirt just don't get offended if it doesn't go any further; aro Ferengi don't garner much comment aside from an occasional "wow how badass, never falling in love with anyone."
- where to even start on making sense of the Blessed Exchequer??? Like seriously, what is this literal prosperity gospel insanity, I need to force myself to re-read Rand and like, some Milton Friedman for this shit. Help.
- fuck I'm probably going to actually do that, RIP me...
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