#but the tumblr girlies understand me like no one else
cheekblush · 6 months
I've read your tags on a few posts, and I just wanted to say, you're not alone, you are doing your best, and I am so proud of you for keeping on trying despite the hard circumstances. I see you trying. Trying is the working hard part. I know jobs sucks painfully sometimes, but no matter what, you find something to keep going for.
It really is the little things in life that bring pleasure. I am proud of you for even going back to school. I believe in you. And just like a mentality of 'work hard at your job till you retire' is spread, so is a 'never give up, and if you do, you're a quitter, and a quitter is a failure' mentality. I just wanted to say it is absolutely okay to know when to give up sometimes. You are not your mistakes when you were/are mentally ill. You are loved, supported and going through a tough time right now and need all the love and support you can get, and I wanted to remind you to give yourself the same amount of grace, love, affection and support too.
tumblr seems pretty adamant about not letting me reply to you (probably bc my reply is waaaaaay too long 🫣) so the only way i could make it work is by taking screenshots. i apologize in advance for the huge wall of text, the small font and the overall incoherence. and i deeply, deeply thank you for your kind words. take care and stay safe 🩷
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arisuworld · 9 months
1. Strong language (i swear a lot), sarcasm ahead, tough love typa shit. This is meant to be helpful and reassuring but I'm not going to treat y'all like you're made of sugar and talk like I'm from 50 years ago. Deal with it or not.
2. English is not my first language. So, there can be many grammatical mistakes.
So, lately I see a lot of people questioning law of assumption and void like "is this even real?" "I saw this post on reddit and they say manifestation is not real" "void isn't real, it never worked for me"
well guys, rather than sending hundreds asks to bloggers, just try to manifest once in your life? It's not like you're doing this for someone else. You're doing this for YOU, for YOUR OWN SELF. THEN WHY THE PROCRASTINATION?
Secondly, use your own fcking mind okay? Why do you even listen to people who are judgemental and just always shittin around? Do what benefits you!! If reddit doesn't benefit you then delete it.
Thirdly, VOID IS REAL!! 100% tested and proven by hundreds and thousands people but you still chose to believe one of those who don't believe in void. Great, right? Also, just because you failed to enter void once or twice doesn't declares that 'void isn't real'. It's okay to doubt after a failure, it's human nature but get your shit together alright? Get right back on track because IF YOU WON'T, THEN WHO WILL DO IT FOR YOU? Only you can change your life girlie!!
Now, look this is on you. If you want to have your dream life, you can have it right now but you choose to waste your time reading anonymous's success stories rather than making your own. Why don't you take it upon yourself? AND JUST DO IT? WHY NOT? IF THEY CAN THEN WHY CAN'T YOU? WHAT'S STOPPING YOU? The method is not the problem, swallowing or staying still is not the problem. It's you!! If only you could have some faith in yourself, then you would be living your dream life rather than crying over your shitty life right now. Believe me or not, but only you can change your life. ONLY YOU! No one will do it for you, not even your favourite goddess blogger. (Also, they have their own personal life so please stop spamming asks and disturbing them with your stupid annoying questions which has been already answered millions times. Yes, they've been answered millions times!!!)
All you have to do is change your mindset , affirm and get that dream life. THEN WHAT'S STOPPING YOU FOR FCKS SAKE? YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT MUCH? IT'S JUST SO EASY. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO OVER COMPLICATE IT? Manifesting is just like breathing = Natural, easy and effortless. But you still choose to over complicate it and then be like "Why it's not working, pls help" Listen gurl, the bloggers don't know what is going through your head 24/7, only you do. Only you can point out your own mistakes and work on your self concept.
I mean I get it, really. Your whole life, you've been told that ONLY hard work can make you achieve great things but suddenly you get to know that you're the god of the reality and that you can get THAT BIG ASS MANSION, MERCEDES AND KIM TAEHYUNG IN YOUR ARMS JUST BY AFFIRMING. Yes it's hard to believe sometimes but shouldn't you be happy? That all you have to do is sit back and relax. Shouldn't you be happy that you don't have to work 24/7 to earn good money? SHOULDN'T YOU BE HAPPY THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS JUST CHILL?? Yes, you should be but you silly goose choose to procrastinate.
"The cost of procrastination is THE LIFE YOU COULD'VE LIVED" (LET THAT SINK IN)
So what are you even waiting for? You already know how void and law of assumption works then why are you lurking on Tumblr 24/7? Why don't you take a break and show up on Tumblr with your own success story? Just go and get THAT LIFE BABY. TRUST ME IT'S SO EASY. Once you get it, you'll understand how stupid you were to procrastinate.
So the conclusion is, chill and relax babe and get that dream life. It's just so easy. You don't need to stress over it. It's just so fun and effortless. You can have a great journey ahead but only if you put some efforts in. i Hope to see y'all spamming some good ass success stories, alright? Good luck y'all <3
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doubleca5t · 2 years
Bored tumblr radfem here to take the bait- What kind of gender feelings were you having? Magical ineffable girly feelings about wanting to wear spinny dresses and play with dolls? You know what gender feelings I was having as a young woman- Feeling afraid of the men sexually assaulting me. Wanting to be seen as a whole human being with interests and ambitions. Alienation as a gnc lesbian which made me want to chop my tits off. Those are the gender feelings I had. Very curious to hear about yours
Ok to answer your question, the gender feelings I was getting from since I was a little kid were along the lines of:
"I wish I could have been born a girl, I don't really like being a boy that much"
"women's clothes are so much better than than men's clothes, I wish I was a girl so I could wear them"
"My female friends kind of act like I'm 'one of the girls' but my male friends never treat me like I'm 'one of the guys'. I like this arrangement. I don't want to fit in with the boys."
"I wish my face was more androgynous and I wasn't as tall, that way I could dress up as a girl and everyone would be totally convinced"
"I can't stand romance stories. Unless it's a romance between two girls. Those rule. Really wish there were more of them 😔"
"I love women but I don't really relate to how cishet men talk about women. For some reason I *really* relate to how lesbians and bisexual women talk about women though."
I think you get the idea.
With that out of the way, there's kind of a second question underlying your initial question which is "what the fuck do you think is so fun about being a woman? being a woman is fucking terrible." And I think that question is worth answering as well since it's probably something a lot of people are legitimately curious about.
The short answer is that, in my experience, "womanhood" as a concept is broad and varried enough that different people are going to get different things out of it, and while all women are oppressed and traumatized by patriarchy, the way they process that trauma is VERY far from uniform.
I know lots of cis women who've been through similar things to what this anon has described, but they haven't come out of it with nearly the same perspective. They recognize that just because *they* can never be comfortable with the role that society prescribed to them, that doesn't mean that no one else can or should be comfortable with that role. They recognize that you can take joy in the aesthetics and performance of a lot of things that are stereotypically feminine while still asserting your value as a person and refusing to put up with patriarchal bullshit. And perhaps most importantly, they recognize that the notion that someone can choose their gender is not contradictory to the idea that people should not be forced into a rigidly defined gender role. There are a lot of trans men who want to look like femboys or dress like flamboyant glam-rockers. There are a lot of trans women who don't give a shit about fashion or makeup and just want to be comfortable, or aspire to look like a capital d Dyke.
And like.... Idk isn't there something freeing about that? The idea that you can be whatever gender you want in whatever way you want, patriarchy be damned. That seems like the kind of world I want to live in.
So yeah anon, I understand why you view womanhood the way you do. For someone with your experiences, it makes a lot of sense. But I don't think your perspective has to be mutually exclusive to mine. I want to live in a world where women aren't forced to present a certain way from birth, don't live in constant fear of abuse and assault by men, and aren't belittled and marginalized at every turn. I just happen to also think that the idea of biologically determined gender is just as much bullshit as the idea of systemically enforced gender roles.
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prettymindset111 · 10 months
you are not the problem
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hear me out , you are not the reason you’re not entering the void , manifesting your dream life , getting any desire etc .
We should not focus why we are not receiving but instead becoming Aware of Being of the Version of Yourself that has received.
read that again .
now tell me if you understood be often blame ourselves for not manifesting your dream life’s because ofc , our lifes our on the line , time exists & we want it now ! don’t we ? but we are not the problem we are NEVER the problem . it’s not this human, limited ever changing human 3D self .
it’s the SELF where everything starts and ends . you may ask “ well sophie what is SELF ? “ for that I would like to explain a few concepts .
you see awarness / imagination / consciousness is the only reality this 3D is a mirror always reflecting this & to change your reflection ( in a mirror ) would you try to manipulate the mirror or change your clothes or whatever you need to change or go to the mirror and try to do something to put on the clothes you want ? so how do you change the reflection ? SELF . this SELF can be changed through the medium of feeling ( no NOT EMOTIONS ) . to get a better understanding of feeling I would like you to a little meditation
here’s the meditation . please do it and come back to truly understand this law .
you might of felt this power within yourself and feeling what you truly want to feel for once . it must’ve gave you relief , acceptance or even a clearer mind it could be anything it’s different for everyone .
what you did right here feeling what you truly want to feel ( your desire ) you gave it to your inner man .
who is the inner man you ask ? the inner man is YOU the man in the limitless imagination . what the inner man is the outer man IS . as within, so without
you see most of the time we are fooling our inner man into being this outer man of senses we tell him we are this which is all on you this inner man is the one who embodies SELF .
so anytime we find ourselves desiring IT IS NEVER our outer man who desires it is always the inner man . and it is our duty to make our inner man live in fulfillment after we find this law .
when I said time doesn’t exist that’s because only NOW exists in imagination . NOW . what are you presently identifying being in your imagination ?
“ When Neville says "Leave the world just as it is and change self. No one to change but self," he means the self that is within, the only self there is. Why leave the world alone? Because it is only an expression of "SELF!" Why does he say to change that and that alone? Because "SELF MUST BE EXPRESSED," that is the Law. You don't have to doubt "is my imaginal act going to come to pass?" Who is doubting? "SELF!" Who is worrying? "SELF!" What gets expressed? "SELF!" YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST THAT SELF WILL BE EXPRESSED! “ edward art series , part 4 : inner self must be exalted .
I would love for you guys to read edward art series which can give you the most clear explanation of the law I SWEAR you will not need anything else . it’s barely a half hour read .
understanding SELF is very important when it comes to the law .
like said the outer world only expresses SELF & it is very important to truly understand the law before you try anything or you will be stuck in an endless cycle of trying .
ik ik ik its very hard to not skim through posts & actually read a book that will help you manifest literally all of your desires I UNDERSTAND YOUR LAZINESS . but seriously ? think of your dream YOUR DREAM . it will NOT be a dream anymore if you read a damn book that’s literally so short .
keep reminding yourself of your dream , that’s what got me our of this cycle . I really wanted this thing so bad but I WAS SO LAZY but was it this or not having the success that I deserved ?
for some of my void girlies on tumblr who have been trying so hard to enter the void for maybe even years I wanna tell you tumblr will never help you yk why ? until I actually read neville’s books I saw what the I AM state was about it was connecting with your true SELF , consciousness . it’s in almost all of his books . that info THAT INFO is a million dollars not these impulsive tumblr posts . I swear TO GOD ( TT ) that you need this more than anyone . you deserve this life that you want AND I SWEAR you gonna be the one to get it . this LAW will not fail you . but you need to understand the LAW before you apply it ? because what LAW are you exactly following that u put ur trust in ? it’s not the law of void there is so much behind it & i’m not asking you to read all of nevilles lectures and books just a few books or even 1 or just even edward arts series because even a little will free you .
I wanna end on a good note by just saying every blogger here doesn’t have it all figured out so don’t idolize anyone but take what resonates with you . this human life is a gift from yourself and you have to treasure it . it doesn’t matter how bad your circumstances are this LAW is here for you but this life is also a gift please do what you have to do to get by . get your life together PLEASE work on your SELFS ( 3D ) do you see yourself rn ? you need everything this body this life is what’s gonna get you up from rockbottom start with what you have now improve yourself without the law but also you can follow the LAW it’s a two way path . maybe this life is completely different from the life you desire , that’s okay still spread love and take care of yourself and your life , still be responsible for yourself and your life ( all when it comes to the 3D ) the LAW is A LAW it’s always gonna be here . i’m sorry if this was harsh I just want you to manage this life as well as well as manifest your dream life <3 don’t neglect your 3D it’s a GIFT FROM GOD ( imagination )
you deserve the world honey and we will get it < 3
© prettymindset111
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dreameroftheblue · 5 months
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Hold my head inside your hands I need someone who understands I need someone, someone who hears For you, I've waited all these years For you I'd wait 'til kingdom come Until my day, my day is done And say you'll come and set me free Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me
holy hell I think it's done? I don't normally do much fanart but my brother and I wanted to understand why all the tumblr girlies are so obsessed with these day old men so we binged this show which immediately grabbed me by the throat and hurled me into the gay old men fervor and wouldn't let me do anything else until I finished some kind of tribute ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
few more process shots+thoughts beneath the cut ♥
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okay so I know you have to be kinda careful about making someone's face all black... but I usually dislike clearly human halves on most monster designs, and red wouldn't work either, so I just kind of tried to lighten it closer to the orangey scales on his snake face and hope it worked out?
you can see the other design ideas I had for naga!crowley in the thumbnail sketch but it diverged enough that actually I'm gonna probably just keep that as a separate design for perhaps a future character, like a tiefling/salamander npc for the next campaign perhaps 🤔
this one took a lot longer than usual due to trying to actually somewhat accurately capture an existing person's face, trying to put more effort into detailing the scales, and a style of hair I don't draw as often haha. wahoo @ being able to rather fittingly apply my monsterpeople habits to some fanart for once :)
I immediately threw together a playlist for them that I keep listening to on repeat and "til kingdom come" is the last song on there, which has been giving me blorbo heart hurty for over a decade now
genuinely felt a tangible kind of relief like 'ahhhh...' when I finished the lines cause this art was all-consuming til I let it out 8') I really really wanna keep drawing these two but feel like a week or two is all I can reasonably take away from commissions at the moment... but if I can power through another real quick maybe I'll allow myself some smorching doodles heehee
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. holiday season is near, whats Christmas without a little drama to stir and a new boo for the mistletoe?
─── ☆ notes. i realized that i missed 3 uploads because none of them queued i'm SICK this tumblr update is tearing me apart and y'all didn't even tell me .
─── ☆ length. 1.6K (16 mins) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. holiday season drama, christmas theme, established relationship, angsty, age gap, asshole boyfriend Gojo, eat the rich, cheating, daddy's money!, sorry gojo girlies, not beta'd put me on the naughty list | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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You were convinced that along with old age came a sour attitude towards the holidays. Sure, Gojo was twice your age and around the same age as your own father, considering the fact that Gojo was the top-paid employee in your father's company. 
When you first started to get comfortable with the fact that you were in a committed relationship with the man, you only wanted him to be your designated booty call.
just someone that you needed to warm up your bed whenever you got a little bored.
He'd slipped through the cracks of your commitment issues, crawling through the shit that you'd put him through just to finally tie you down and agree to the title of his girlfriend. 
But the moment that you two started to spend more time together, it was obvious that you two were two different people going through completely different paths in life.
It was a struggle trying to include each other in the daily routines that the both of you had already settled into, one that would always be the strain that ignited the flame for the main topic for the arguments that you two had. 
As the month crept to an end and it was your first holiday that you two were spending together, you were starting to notice how much of an absolute grinch your grown-ass boyfriend was.
"I don’t understand why I have to dress like we’re going to a fucking gala." Gojo complained for the fourth time, fidgeting with his dark green tie around his neck. The beep of his Mercedes was heard as he locked it.
You hadn't understood why he was complaining so much. The ivy green of his velvet suit not only fitted against his pale complexion, but it matched perfectly with the dark shade of wine red you wore to fit the Christmas theme.
"Stop being such a brat, I never knew you'd passed up the free opportunity to pass on unnecessarily expensive wine and old people talking about their slot shares and other boring shit." You hissed out into the cold air, hugging your jacket closer to your chest for warmth.
The night was young, the sky a darker purple as the moon rose just above in the sky, and down from the clouds fell small specs of white crystals laying against the ground, leaving a small blanket of white on the streets and anything else that it could mark. 
You would have thought it was a scene from a movie if it hadn't been for the hot-headed being erasing all recollections of Christmas joy you had left in your soul. 
"Last I checked, that boring shit is the reason you could even afford to wear that godawful set." Your outfit wasn’t awful: nothing about the dazzling diamond necklace that decorated your collarbone or the white crystals that hung from your ears was anything close to being considered ugly.
"I swear it's like you don't even try to look even close to modest." It just wasn't the dress that Gojo had laid out for you to wear. 
Another reason that you two were arguing would be his completely unbearable, controlling personality, wanting to dress you up and down as if you were his personal Barbie doll.
"Last I checked, my father pays your bills, honey," you scoffed, ignoring his invitation to hold his arm and stomping forward to the door. 
As with the doorman who greeted you by name, your annoyance morphed into a split second of kindness. Not missing the sly smile placed on his lips as he checked you out.
He wasn't bad looking—a tall man with a wide stature and a dark gaze—and if you hadn't had the throne by your side—aka Gojo—you might have given him another look. 
It seemed like Gojo didn't miss that look of reconsideration in your eye, ignoring the man's greeting and barreling through the door with a scuff.
"So now you're going to throw a tantrum tonight, how fucking mature of you," he scoffed, grabbing you by the elbow and bringing you to a halt. 
You stumbled a bit from the force but were used to Gojo's strength enough to stabilize yourself in your heels.
You didn't bother making the confrontation look anything but aggressive, you hoped that someone would get the completely wrong idea just by looking at you glaring up at him. 
Fortunately for Gojo, your father seemed to appear out of thin air, as he looked as graceful and rich as ever.
A man out of a bougie magazine always seemed too dressed to impress.
You were convinced he did it just to remind the other people around him that they could never dream to even make as much money as he would spend in a day.
"Ah, there you are, sweetheart. I was waiting to see when you and Gojo would arrive."
Your father was a stony man, practically always in business mode, ready to give just about anyone that would lend him an ear a nice long ramble about how important it is to stay ahead in life, to never let your self-worth droop, and to especially never let anyone walk all over you, which you found pretty ironic given the type of guy you were dating.
Gojo's expression had changed completely, plastering on that annoying chirper smile as if he wasn't already red in the face and ready to blow up at you.
You two should have gotten Grammy awards for how quickly you could change from the appearance of completely hating each other to looking like the world's star couple as you yanked your elbow from his grasp instead of tucking your arm into his. 
"Hope you found the place quite already. If I knew it was bound to snow this much, I would have moved the date back a bit." You detested small talk, even despised it. 
No matter the person or situation, you could hide the way your smile twitched, your eyes already scanning for an escape. The last thing you wanted to do at a party was talk about the fucking weather.
"Yeah, it was a pretty long drive with the traffic and all, I’m gonna go find the restrooms to freshen up a bit." The excuse was enough for your father to allow you to part ways, slipping away from the conversation with a small hug before your heels directed you straight to the open bar. 
Drinking was a pretty good distraction, especially when you were passed a new glass at the wave of a hand. You had almost felt shame at the side glances the bartender would give you with every shot.
 "Boy trouble?" Anyone but the doorman with the alluring eyes and Chester smile was expected to be sitting next to you. 
Your eyes instantly flickered to the scar that traced just over his lips. He seemed to get a lot of attention from the scar, his tongue swiping over the front of his smile to his cheek once he had noticed your eyes on his mouth.
You weren't sloppy drunk; if anything, you were a bit tipsy, as your party phase definitely raised your alcohol tolerance. "Sorry, what?" you stuttered a bit over your syllables, lashes fluttering as you genuinely tried to recognize the question he asked.
Toji didn't seem phased at all, only biting back a chuckle as he leaned against the bar counter, rotating his entire position on the stool to face you completely.
An extremely attractive gesture of interest that you had checked off on the list of things that he’s done that you found completely hot.
Another thing was the way his head nodded in the direction of Gojo, yet his eyes still stayed on you as if a split second of looking away would miss some little detail about you. "What do you think they're talking about?"
The question had brought a smile to your face, and you were giggling into your drink as you tipped back the glass. "I bet stocks and boring shit." Your thoughts returned to the earlier argument. "A bunch of stuck-up assholes parading around my dad just for a raise." You sighed. 
"I don't blame them, shit might go over there myself if it meant a few months off rent." You felt his hand rest against your thigh, his palm warm to the touch despite standing outside in the snow.
You wondered how he had managed to radiate so much heat from his body, almost like a personal heater, resisting the urge to lean into his chest and nuzzle your face into his chest.
With a glance, you noticed how black seemed to be his color—dark slacks and a button-up shirt that hugged his muscles just the right amount. 
Not enough to tear around the seams, but enough to show that he had definitely bought in a bigger size but had gotten shrunken as he got bigger, or maybe he just didn't know how to wash his clothes.
Either way, you weren't complaining much as he seemed to soak up all the attention you gave him. "You're pretty handsy for a guy I just met."
"And you're just pretty." He had seemed to be leaning in more and more, wanting to get as close to you as he possibly could.
Wanting to know how far he could push you before you would pull away, and maybe it was the alcohol talking or the fact that your asshole boyfriend was just a few feet away, glaring at you from across the room, but something inside of you just seemed to erupt.
“Wanna get out of here?”
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leclerced · 4 months
I can see Charles dating someone just for the sake of dating. Like he doesn’t really see a future with this person but he also doesn’t tell that to her. Then there’s a question about their plans from someone and he just shrugs it off with sth about himself but he doesn’t include his girlfriend in his plans. She thinks about it but doesn’t do anything because maybe he misunderstood it besides they’ve been dating only for half a year or sth like that. After another few months he falls for her hard without even realising and then I can see a whole misunderstanding about his intentions because she thinks he’s just playing with her and it hits him he loves her. After that a hell lot of grovelling cause my boy is fighting for his life there
okay i saw this yesterday and started replying and tumblr app crashed. this is too relatable to me but i am charles. picturing like a high maintenance rich girlie who knows what she wants ok. i love this and just brain rotted 1.5k about it so im adding a read more. this is a mess sorryyy
i can see him dating someone for the convenience of it. it started off really casual, hookups every now and again when he was in town. then the question he always hates hearing, the dreaded what are we? comes and he uses the same recycled answer, what do you want us to be? and then runs with whatever they say. he likes her company, he'd consider her a good friend, but he understands why she wants more than just texts when he's in town asking if she's free.
six months after that conversation, near the end of the season, he gets asked about the plans for the upcoming break and the next season. next season is definitely the priority right now. i'd like to be fighting for the championship again next year. they ask about break again and if he has plans with his girlfriend, the one who has been attending every race as of late, and he says yeah i'm sure we'll find something to do... haven't made any plans yet. i know i'll be at the factory a lot, like i said, next season is the priority, so we'll have to work around my schedule. charles doesn't realize how selfish he sounds, next season is the priority, so we'll need to work around my schedule, how disinvested in his relationship he sounds. every other racer with a partner has been talking about romantic getaways to aspen or bali, and charles sounds like he's forgotten he's spending his first christmas with his girlfriend.
she realizes though, she hears the disinterest in his voice when he talks about not working, and the way he gets excited talking about the next season. she had been excited for the break and getting to spend time with him, she wanted to go spend christmas with his family or stay at his place and have their own private celebration. she has tricked herself into thinking they'd be laid up in bed for days on end, not her sitting around while he works. she kind of backs off, she'd planned on staying with him for the last few races but after hearing the way he waves off the idea of spending time with her, she decides she'll give him the space he so clearly desires to work.
when they're in vegas, two races left to go, carlos asks him what he's getting her for christmas, and it dawns on him he hasn't thought about it. he says he's still thinking, doesn't know how much money he can spend on her, he doesn't want to over do it. it sounds like a romantic answer, like he wants to buy her a diamond ring, but he's worried he'll scare her off. the reality is, he's bought presents for everyone else in his life and somehow forgotten her.
the realization that he loves her comes when he's out shopping for her gift and nothing is right. he's thinking he doesn't know what she likes because everything he looks at, he imagines her opening the wrapping paper and being disappointed. the chanel bags he got past girlfriends wouldn't do because she loves exclusivity. she loves going with him all over the world and shopping while he works, going to lavish antique stores and buying vintage clothes and jewelry for exuberant prices. she had contacts all over the world looking for antiques she has her eye on, vintage fashion or rare scandinavian furniture made by someone with a name he can't pronounce or spell. almost everything she owns is one of a kind, or vintage fashion that she paid hundreds or thousands of dollars for. he passively thinks that's why he loves her, then stumbles back over that thought and realizes that he knows her much better than he thought, and that's why none of the gifts were good enough.
he tries buying her clothes from a designer he likes, then remembers she wears archival pieces. he goes for blankets, all women love blankets, and remembers she only likes real wool blankets (she carries one with her when she travels, because hotel blankets will not do) and the store he's shopping at doesn't carry them. she likes a very specific set of body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion that all smell like mint and eucalyptus, and a signature perfume. he doesn't know the name of either. he knows what they smell like, like it's the laundry detergent he grew up with. he could recognize it anywhere, but he doesn't fancy walking up and down aisles opening bottles to smell them when it's probably a hidden luxury brand that is only sold in a single store in a different country, knowing her.
he doesn't remember her favorite song or artist, so he doesn't even think about getting a signed album or anything like he's done for other people. he knows she has an affinity for chopin and loves it when charles plays piano for him, but he doesn't know what he could gift her based on that knowledge. he tries buying her art from a gallery, but none if it seems to suit her. he knows she loves basquiat and has a painting over her bed, professionally mounted so it can't fall off when he rocks the bed into the wall. the art he peruses doesn't compare. he wanders into numerous antique shops, hoping to find some old furniture from one of the designers she admires, but he doesn't know how to spot the rarities like she does. he'd probably buy her an ikea dining table thinking it's hans olsen.
the realization that nothing is good enough for her because he loves her is confusing for him. he realizes he hadn't put enough thought into past gifts. he knows his friends and family well enough that he bought them thoughtful gifts without thinking. he would just see things and know they would love them. but with his new girlfriend, he spent the entire relationship not realizing how much he cared about her. any past girlfriend he just gifted expensive purses, jewelry, shoes. he wants to get her something that shows how much he loves her, in the same way he was looking for his mother's gift all year until he finally something he knows she would cherish for the rest of her life.
he ends up buying a painting he thinks is perfect, until he presents the canvas to her. he wanted to have it hung and surprise her with it, but she'd probably want to pick where it hangs so he hides it in her apartment until christmas day, and kind of pretends not to have gotten her anything. there's a single present under their tree, one from her to him. she tries not to think about it, in the days leading up to christmas, when she sees the blank space under the tree and wonders if she shouldn't have gotten him anything. then christmas morning they're lounging on the couch and she tries to sound casual when she asks if he wants to open his present, and he says he wants to give her hers first. he disappears into one of the spare rooms and returns with a frame facing him. he tells her to close her eyes and then open them a moment later.
he immediately thinks he did something wrong because she cries, and he's oh so carefully setting the artwork down and rushing to her, kneeling in front of her and asking if she's okay as she cries into her hands. she's still thinking about how he brushed off their relationship and said the season was the priority, then he buys her the painting that got her into art? it wasn't anything special he thought, he just reached out to a private art dealer one night and asked if they had anything similar to pieces he knew she owned. it was coincidental that it was a piece she'd been looking for since she started collecting art. he had a name that people knew, and money that people wanted, so when he made an offer, they were happy to make a deal with the ferrari driver.
i don't wanna get angsty but she tells him how she feels, how he's been dismissive, says his words from months ago back to him and says she doesn't get why he would get her a gift like that if she isn't a priority. she tells him the gift is too much if all he wants is something casual, she can't accept it if it doesn't mean anything to him because it means everything to her. and charles is like, kind of relieved, because he thought she hated it and he can totally deal with her loving it too much. he quickly assures her it means as much to him, apologizes for not being enough for her, for not realizing how much he cared about her and for not showing it the way he should have. he was so caught up in winning that he didn't realize that he had someone to come home to that made him feel better than crossing the finish line.
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30-3am · 8 months
So I have this idea that’s been making me rabid - anyways.
Also barefoot is just really doing it for me, it’s so hard to find good quality fanfic around and this acc just HITS. (I binge read all of it in like three days) also I love the slow burn UGJGHGHGHFJJFDJDJ. I wish I had friends who related to all of this fr like I’m 19 and none of my friends have ever in their life been obsessed with a celebrity or even read Wattpad. Like - to see a 20 year old girly on here serving entertainment like this is just refreshing
This girl trying to save some money so she can travel and upgrade her life a little. She’s a student and just feels deflated with her life, like it’s not going to plan or not how she imagined it would be when she was a child. She works in this gas station or little corner shop, and she works alone a lot of the time. She’s a lonely gal. And one solemn Sunday morning, no one has been in much. Like two people. She brings a book with her always to read in the lulls when she’s done everything else and there’s no customers and during the lull she gets engrossed in her book. She’s so engaged with it, she doesn’t notice the bell chiming and someone entering. It’s JAYMZ and he says “Must be one hell of a book” and she immediately slams it shut and gets all kinds of flustered. She barely even looks at him and just starts ringing him up while apologising with hot cheeks and an embarrassed smile she’s suppressing. He’s smiling at the whole altercation and reads her name badge aloud to himself and she finally looks to him with a smile, but nearly passes out when she sees it’s a dilf in the wild, and she also kinda knows who she is but doesn’t say anything.
They make small talk and he’s really friendly to talk to and he eventually leaves and she’s like 🧍🏻‍♀️ I feel… woozy . But it becomes a regular thing for him to come in and for her to serve him. He becomes the highlight of her shifts and looks forward to seeing him as much as she looks forward to the shift ending, and they get to know each other a bit. When she’s on a more busy shift, the other girl she works with will notice them smiling loads and talking while he holds up the queue talking to her.
He cares about her future and on slower shifts stays a little longer to understand more of her life. She asks him about his and he’s a lot more… reserved about it and only drops small details here and there, but yeah. On her birthday he gives her money and she’s like 👁️👁️ no way, and he insists and leaves before she can give it back.
Her coworkers find the situation kinda amusing and tease her about it, and when she’s in the back, they tell her if he’s came in. When he sees her working, he’ll wait for her to serve him.
Then, he randomly falls off the face of the earth, stops coming in and she feels quite saddened by it, depressed even. The mundanity of her existence is brought to her attention again and she’s forced to adapt to it. She doesn’t realise that he’s gone off on tour and never got a chance to really say anything. BUT, post arrives to the shop and her manager hands a letter to her and inside he’s left a brief note like:
(I’m really not very good at imaging how he would actually say this) “Hey ~~, it’s James here. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to say a goodbye to you before disappearing off on tour, but I hope you can get off work and come see us play at (wherever). Call me: ********** to work out flights.”
Then there would be a ticket to his concert with it and she would be STUNNED. Girly of course calls when she gets home, even though it’s late, and he answers. UGH I think I’m losing my mind.
okay first of all, thank you so much!! i'm so glad you're enjoying barefoot. and i get you. i don't have any friends who understand what it's like to be so obsessed with a celebrity. that's why i'm on tumblr so much!!
you're so real for picturing this era tho.
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i love him with this haircut and the moustache and his TUMMY. ugh i love his tummy so much.
anyways, i love this idea so so much. like this guy leaning over the counter and beaming at her while she talks and even though her job doesn't require tips, he still gives her money for her "great customer service". and everything he says and does is so subtly flirtatious and he definitely notices when she can't keep eye contact long enough, when she gets all flustered when he says something a little suggestive.
he loves getting her flustered and makes it his sole mission to hear her giggling and see her trying to compose herself as she gets hot all over.
and he's devasted when he has to go on tour and doesn't get the chance to say goodbye because he really likes this girl. so he sends her the letter and when she calls his heart genuinely fucking skips because he's so excited to hear her again. they talk for hours, catching up on life and there's this slight undertone to the conversation that something is gonna happen between them.
tbh they have phone sex before she goes to the concert 🤗
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gowithinbitch · 2 months
girlie I am in need of help and I hope I dont sound desperate because I kind of am. I'll just put it out there with extreme honesty. Please,please listen because I'm kind of getting what you and everyone else here on tumblr point to but my mind is all scrambled.
I came from the reality shifting and law of assumption/manifestation community. Nondualism made more sense to me so I've been reading and reading posts everywhere on Tumblr and Reddit but at some point everything started to stop making sense.
To put it simply,I am in my last year of high school. And I have this big exam in July that I have to prepare for...but I want a different life. Away from all this chaos happening here. I want to live in a different reality (other country,no exam,more money,significant other) because I know I can't keep living like this. I've been this way for around 4 months now,without studying because 'maybe tomorrow I'll get what I want,so why even study'. Now I know I am just THAT and that everything is me and that this life that I am talking about is illusiory,as is the one I am wanting to live instead,but I genuinely dont know what to do. I am exhausted and sad and miserable and maybe yeah,I am aware of being the girl who is exhausted and miserable but how do I stop it?
I mean,I just got my results to a mock exam just now and I got 26/100. I'm spiraling. I'm feeling insane for doing this and I dont even know how to tell my parents. I have no idea what to do because I want to live that life so badly and I know I can but what do I do now?Do I postpone it?Do I start studying?Is anything even real? I know that everything is an illusion,from this 'waking' life,to my dreams,to what I 'imagine',but I feel as if everything is flying by me. Tomorrow I have a driving exam and I feel myself going crazy,it's pathetic truly. At this point I feel the need to give up,but then I think 'what if it does work out?' and it's like a cycle. Clash,study,get a bit of hope,and then it repeats. I don't want to make it seem like I am venting,I truly hope it doesn't seem like that,but I am really in need of help. If you read up until here,thank you. Thank you🙏
Eeek that's a long text !!!
Oh my god, baby, darling, honey, you're litteraly me. I know by heart what you are going through.
I have been here okay so heres what i did:
- at some point i was really overconsumming and spiralling like crazy i think i was actually getting physicaly sick
- put it got calmer and calmer, as i did what : WENT WITHIN
- i'm sure you know everything you really need to know so now, when you feel lost or anxious, have a talk with yourself. Answer your questions
- now i can also do that (i am you so that works too): now i see the shifting influence here. "The 'i don't need to that because i'll wake up in my desired life whatever' i know it even better than my own name. Stop that. Study okay. Study. I know it's hard. I know you're tired. But study. Look for tips online to study better. Maybe find a teacher to help. Talk about that with your parents. But as long as you're spiraling like and it affects you that much, keep studying
- so you can be in a better state to understand that you're desired life, you're already living it. You already ARE it. I don't want it to sound as affirming or persisting because 🤮 but really remind yourself of that. Because it is the truth. Have you seen my tree post ? You think you're stuck as branch n°1 and want to be branch n°2 but you're the whole tree. You just have to choose (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU SEE BECAUSE SENSES ARE IRRELEVANT) which branch is the one you're of
Now good luck my baby, you're already there ! You've already done everything you needed to do which is reminding yourself of your true nature 🩶🩶🩶
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eff-plays · 8 months
I’m trying to figure out why it irks me so much to see Astarion with soooo many female Tavs. Art and fics of Astarion with women dominate the Astarion tag and I just wish there was more male content. Maybe it’s because I feel protective over Astarion and his queerness and worry that these writers/artists are erasing that side of Astarion.
Tumblr is a female-dominated website, and RPG fandoms in particular will reflect that with the type of OCs people make. It is what it is :/
It is also not really my place to make any such judgments as a nonbinary straighty. All I can say is, I find it a bit boring to see him with so many, like, just straight up reglier Lavellans lmao. But blue. They're blue Lavellans now. Solavellan did a number on the RPG girlies on this site. Derogatory btw. (I know I said good vibes only but I meant that only for BG3. I am an eternal Dragon Age hater.)
It's just a bit bland, that's all I can say with any sort of authority (aka personal opinion). But a lot of really popular fanart seems to have masc Tavs? I have personally seen plenty of Astarion/M!Tavs, as well. But mostly because Astarion with a female Tav usually means hot elves/drow and my eyes roll back into my head when I see those and my brain blocks them out. And I don't read Astarion x f!Reader type stuff either.
Astarion is pansexual, however, so him being with women is just as valid as him being with men (or nonbinary people, we exist also). Individual writers erasing the fact that he has canonically been with men is one thing, but I don't think just him being with women is the same as erasing that? And you can't really know which writer is and isn't erasing his queerness unless you read all of their content. But again, not my place, just something I've seen people say.
However, I do understand the frustration, where it might feel like erasure just from the sheer amount of one type of content specifically overshadowing everything else.
All in all, it's complicated, and I don't think it's my place to make any sort of judgment on this. Aside from "Hmm. Boring." Which might not be what you want, and I'm sorry for that.
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cartoonrival · 10 days
3 15 16 22 smirks
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok if im being honest im STILL thinking about ytp/exploding hotdogs inthe micrwave-amy. NO SHE WOULD FUCKING NOTTTTT you guys just think that any girl liking traditionally feminine things automatically = no personality so the only way you can wrap your head around "fixing her" is making her less "girly". im still going to war over what ppl are doing to amy. literally no one on the planet understands amy like i do and shes not even one of my faves. i dont even enjoy understanding her like she's my own daughter i do it like its an obligation like im legally required. i also recently learned that "does naruto having blonde hair and blue eyes mean he's white-coded" is legitimate discourse and i fr think you all need serious help
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
ok this is my biggest hater opinion and i KNOWWWW its like unnecessarily pissy so i havent said antyhing abt it until now but i think you might understand me. I DONT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE GIVE SHADOW SOME LITTLE THING TO TAKE CARE OF. I DONT LIKE HIS CHAO AND I DONT LIKE [expunged for my and others' safety] AND I DONT LIKE WHEN PEOPLE JUST GIVE HIM CATS. HE CANT TAKE CARE OF LITTLE CREATURES HE DOESNT CARE TO DO THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO HE JUST DOES NOT HAVE THE CARETAKERS SOUL LIKE HES NOT DOING THAT. HES NOT DOING THAT. BUT PPL DRAW IT ALLLLL THE TIMEE.......... IS THERE NO OTHER WAY WE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE THEN GIVING HIM SOME LITTLE CREATURE. HES NOT DOING THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!! its so stupid bc its not even like ooc NECESSARILY i mean his chao exists in at least some canons and theres nothing really saying it COULDNT happen and its such a harmless thing to be a hater about BUT I HATE ITTTTTT also when ppl make the hedgehogs wag their tails BE SO SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
literally every ship with amy. i think you guys just are desperate to ship her w someone. AROACE AMY SWEEP. ASK ME ABOUT MY AROACE AMY AGENDA!!! also i know youve talked about this 1 million times but i cannot fucking stand how the greater fandom talks about scourge bc none of them even KNOW HIM AT ALL and miss literally EVERYTHING that makes his character interesting and fun bc you didnt even READ ARCHIE you just decided to take this one dude out and sand him of everything of note so you can make him a sad little meow meow ToT SONIC HAS PLENTY OF SAD LITTLE MEOW MEOWS CANT A GUY JTSU SUCK??? CANT HE JUST BE A TERRIBLE LOSER? COME ONNNNNNN but ofc you wouldnt understand bc you didnt even READ ARCHIEEEEEE.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
JULIE SU. JULIE SU. JULIE SU ALWAYS. theres literally so much that could be said and expanded upon w her family and background and not even in the way that canon didnt give her anything at all and you gotta diy everything, shes SUCH A FUN CHARACTER shes so funny and such a jerk and everyone writes her off as "girl knuckles" so fast that they wont even LOOK at how much unique personality she has and how UNIQUE her relationship w knuckles is LIKE.... ken penders actually gave js a fun and unique and dope personality, the FANS are the ones writing her off as girl knuckles. ummmmm its not looking good for you people! and theres the assumption ig that all the romances in archie just suck bc theres sort of a lot of them, obviously i dont like every one COUGHken and sallyCOUGH but like ToT KNUXSU IS SO SO SO GOOD.... THE WAY THEY TALK TO EACH OTHER IS SO GOOD like you guys wipe every characters personality to put them in a ship, then talk about knuxsu as if thats the issue with it and why you dont like it, but. ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT. AND IF IT WAS SHOULDNT YOU LIKE THAT SORT OF SLOPim sounding like lorillee rn. QPR KNUXSU AGENDA WILL NEVER DIE
and in the same vein as js, lien da also. ppl just in passing say that either shes hot or shes ugly and no one talks about that creepy as fuck issue where eggman surgically put her back together. that issue was so fucking dope. shes so awesome. i love you lien da you are terrible and i love you.
obviously literally just all of archie. nobody talks about archie. i fucking love archie but everyones too scared. i wish i could make that au
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saintsenara · 7 months
Hi, for the choose violence ask game 🔥🔥🔥, I'd like to hear your opinions on 10, 13, 16 and 22 (if some don't inspire you, you can skip them ^^)
Btw, I discovered your blog around a week ago and let me tell you, I think I binged all of your one-shots and commented on practically all of them, + I passed way too much time on your Tumblr blog/AO3 account, something I didn't do in YEARS, so thx for making me go back to my fanfiction obsessed phase xD
thank you very much, anon - this is absolutely lovely!
[choose violence ask game here]
10. what is the worst part of fanon?
‘the class system is good, actually.’
as someone who is also annoying, vaguely sinister, and spends a remarkable amount of time with the dead (because i’m a doctor, rather than a serial killer, i promise), i am one of lord voldemort’s ride-or-die girlies. what i am not a ride-or-die girly for is the tiresome pro-aristocracy fanon which infects so many death-eater-centric fics.
the sacred twenty eight is not real (it’s a pisstake of things like debrett’s), lucius malfoy doesn’t have a seat on the wizengamot, when sirius says his parents thought being a black made them ‘practically royal’ it is with utter disdain and not a statement of fact, aristocrats are not better or more special than people who are not aristocrats, just as purebloods are not better or more special than people who are half-blood or muggleborn.
class is the central theme of the harry potter series, absolutely - just as it is the central theme of pretty much everything in britain - but that doesn’t mean that glorifying it is good or enjoyable or a way of sticking it to jkr. if you meet real-life aristocrats, they’re almost exclusively all cringe. don’t give them a veneer of being sexy and fun that they don’t deserve.
13. who gets the worst blorbofication?
regulus black.
someone with a scrapbook about terrorist activities is not a sweet little baby.
16. what is a trope, characterisation, headcanon etc. that you can’t understand why people like?
ron being written as dumb or abusive.
ron is incredible and i love him. he’s emotionally mature, kind, obviously a wife-guy, clever, a big-picture thinker etc., and i hate when he gets turned into a violent boor just for being a dick about viktor krum (he was acting up because he’s bi and he fancied krum, for one; hermione is just as bad about how ron acts around fleur and lavender, for two).
i especially hate it when he gets turned into a violent boor to enable hermione to run off with either severus snape or draco malfoy. two men whom i always associate with the phrase ‘not prone to jealousy’...
22: what is your favourite part of canon, which everyone else ignores?
that they’re wearing pointy hats on nearly all occasions.
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mentallystable982 · 19 days
I don't know. I'm strugglin to keep goin n all-- I feel like stuff would just be easier if I didn't have this identity at all and I don't know if transitioning would ever be worth it. I understand how much being comfortable should help but the risk is so high and the shit I'm already getting is only going to get worse--- I'm barely even out, I just get shit for being a feminine "guy" on it's own- The people I have come out to seem to have forgotten or don't care, and the ones who do are counties or continents away.
I feel really alone. being around other trans people helps and me bein on tumblr recently is part of that-- but even then I just cant shake this feeling that the majority of everyone will never believe or understand me just existing-- I don't even know if I want this enough, I can handle feeling a bit envious or uncomfortable I guess- especially when the alternative means getting shoved outta jobs, social circles, and always just being off and weird and embarrassing I just don't know or understand what I'm doing and where I am rn in life there are just so many other things that are more important and it's all getting in the way of eachother--- I just don't know what to do. Coming out is a whole new thing too--- Especially with my parents, I have a sister who came out as trans last year and shit has just been awful with everythin to do with her and I just don't wanna lose the relationships I have with my parents and siblings like she did. The awkwardness and weirdness and the way you can see nobody else sees it in her-- I just can't deal with that. I don't wanna be a disappointment or an embarrassment and I know I will be to them. I really really love my parents and this might be character assassination but I just know how they get with all this stuff. I feel like I'm behind or an outcast or failure in like everything and people are assuring me that I'm doing well and I don't feel it at all. I'm just scared and I don't know what to do. I'm sorry I vented so much here, I really really didn't mean to.. please don't respond to this unless you really really want to- I just wanted to get this out somewhere-- thank you so much for offering this holyshit
Ok well I am responding cos I do rly rly want to and ur amazing <333
And don’t be sry at allll it’s what the blog is for girly 😊
I mean u dont have to know ur gender or anything at all now I mean there’s still lots of time, and feelings change and that’s fine but if like u’ve felt a way for like a while then it’s prob true, and u prob shouldn’t js bury it cos u could ‘deal with it’ cos then it could grow and js get worse and Yh. I rly get like pple not caring or rly believing u :( cos ‘u haven’t acted this way before’ that’s what I was told atleast. It’s horrible Ik but I mean if they act that easy they probably aren’t amazing pple anyway.
And ofc darling there is absolutely no pressure to know where u r in life like I defo don’t and maybe taking things one step at a time might help? Like starting with the things most important to u.
And I mean also in the wise words of aled last u don’t owe it to pple to come out to them, and if ur parents rly love you the worse that might happen is they don’t believe u at first but u can prove it to them if ur certain like that’s how u feel when u transition
And I mean Yh I defo know what being scared and not knowing what to do feels like hehe, js I think try and find the things that make u happy and focus on doing those things more than the things that ur a ‘failure’ in which im sure isn’t true cos ur amazing, and ik this’ll be js another reassurance u won’t believe but I do so, ur not an outcast here ur accepted and loved and like there r so many pple who would support u no matter how u feel abt urslef or gender (me included obvi :) )
Anywya sry if this didn’t rly help but um Yh I rly hope it did and rly sry if like u didn’t even want this reply at all and dww it didn’t like annoy me at all I’m glad u could get it out :)) <333
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Tg boys reactions to an artist s/o?
TG Boys w an Artist GF HCS
Hi Love,
Lol, I realized now that you said reaction when I made hcs. I guess I got really excited. Anyways I hope you like it.
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
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He likes watching you make things with your hands and he likes to join you.
Even if he doesn’t have a clue of what he’s doing.
He really likes it when you make mugs so that you two can use them for coffee.
You once made him a really nice-looking one for his birthday so he really cherishes it.
Ken also likes the doodles you paint on them since they look so pleasing.
You also probably like making aesthetic and minimalist vases which he likes to put on the coffee table you both have or somewhere on a counter of your apartment.
If people come over and like the vase, he will be excited to tell them that his girlfriend made them.
Ken even likes it when you sculpt random things too.
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Omg he’s thrilled to see your work every single time as a cake decorator.
Like he brags about your work all the time.
At first you did it for fun but he advertised you so much that you got a job for it.
He looks forward to parties and birthdays because he gets to see your work.
He sometimes will just watch you pipe and he’s just an awe like a child.
Would never critique bc he doesn’t know how to do anything he just praises your work.
When it’s his birthday you have to go all out mostly cause he just likes seeing your creativity.
He finds it interesting.
And he likes seeing you in an apron, he literally bought you a custom one that says “I love Hide.”
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Thinks it's cool, mostly cause he can. drink coffee and actually appreciate the work more.
He also likes it because it's something you do.
Let me be clear if his sister was a barista he could give less of a fuck.
It also causes you to put a lot of time into it.
And he likes it if you make a personalized design for him.
He's not a huge fan of the heart doodles that much.
Cause he thinks they're "girly".
So he prefers designs like the realistic cat.
In general, if his girl is an artist he's not that big on it because he literally cannot do any form of art whatsoever.
So he barely gets the point and only admires you bc he's obsessed with you and no one else.
seriously he has a one-tracked one and is very picky.
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Like Ayato he doesn't really understand art nor can he do it.
But unlike him, he will admire the works of others since it's something he can't do.
Even if he wouldn't admit it.
Though if there's one thing you both know he likes your photographs.
I mean you even take pictures of the two of you or just him and it looks great!
You pin them in the room and he thinks all your photos look perfect even if you don't think so.
One of your favorite things is to take pictures of him, like the left photo, rather than taking pictures of yourself.
Because of your photography skills and influence, he kinda learns a little bit about lighting and angles and how to use a camera.
Since he cares about you a lot tho, he would probably buy you one of those expensive cameras that you've always talked about.
Even if you do things with film he's interested and willing to see your works.
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Ohhh two artists, the studio isn't big enough for the both of you.
Well, that is when Uta gets competitive anyways.
It's not always, but sometimes he wants to challenge you about art.
"Let's see who's better at tattoo art." He'd say.
"Uh, no fair. That's your thing, Uta." You'd point out.
"That's the point, babe or should I say, amateur." He'd smirk making your mouth agape.
"Hey!" You'd exclaim.
"What's the matter? You gonna lose?" He'd tease.
You'd grow competitive yourself after here this, "Oh you're so going down, loser!" You'd giggle before getting the materials for the task.
It's always such a battle to win, it's mostly cause he's good but also fast. He is probably much faster than you because he does it as a job.
"Hah! Done before you in record time." He'd smirk, rubbing it in your face while you looked at him with your arms crossed. Completely annoyed by him.
Sighing you'd ask, "Okay, what do I have to do?"
He'd look at you with a playful smirk, "Ohhh can you guess?"
You'd look at him biting your lip before saying, "It's that three-letter word isn't it?"
He'd laugh, "You're good at being the loser in this game, you know?"
You'd playfully hit him, "Shut up!"
In general, though, he likes your art work.
But he has a habit of kissing you when you're trying to paint so you sometimes mess up.
Or rather you can't finish the piece because he's keeping you busy with other activities.
But you're the same with when he's working so it's fair.
You've learned to pull him away from work since he does it to you.
You two have paint fights.
Also, he likes seeing you pin up the art bc its an excuse for him to look at your butt.
Gosh, I need more of an exclusive ask for hcs with him just to write more about an artist gf. So I'm cutting it here lol.
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Music and dance, sort of both tbh.
Or either one.
But he'd probably like a girl who is a ballet dancer since they are graceful.
Believe it or not, he likes watching the plays, and if you were in one he'd definitely want to see it.
He also likes to help you stretch or watch you stretch.
Idk why but I get the feeling that he likes to help you put your ballet shoes on.
If you can play the piano he really likes it and could listen to the tunes you create all day long.
I also feel like he might have some experience with it so if he wants to teach you a piece he can put his hand over yours.
Rule number one about Furuta, you can never stop him from being sensual, even if you're hobbies. He always turns it into something unexpected.
Like it can't ever not be suggestive with him.
Even if he claims he's "helping".
Takizawa (ghoul):
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He doesn't get involved in your work he just likes seeing the progress and finished product.
Though he can be bothersome with the shoulder kisses sometimes.
Your paintings are usually about both of you and he really likes them.
You spend a lot of time on them and so afterwords he likes to frame it even if you tell him the piece isn't that good.
If you ask for advice he gives some but mostly he's usually just derailing you.
When it comes to picking flowers he gets more involved.
Though still, he likes when you do it because its a hobby of yours.
The habit really started when he bought a vase that you really like for your place with him.
Though he's not a very colorful person he likes seeing light up the place.
The only thing sei will do for sure is take care of the flowers when you're busy.
He may not share the same feelings with you about your hobbies but enjoys making you happy.
I mean you're all he has so you're the most important person to him.
And all he wants is for you to be happy.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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texasbama · 21 days
Hiya I know you're a safe space and I need to get this out, so sorry in advance 🙃.
I see how amazing canon bi buck is for the queer community and I don't mind how it happened in canon. But while I should be happy, I actually kind of feel like I'm mourning? I'm so attached to eddie, maybe unhealthily so, and the ensemble found family dynamic is what first brought me to the show. For a while it's been a struggle having the fandom basically shove buck into every spec or storyline and act like he is a perfect angel and the centre of the universe. But there was always the eddiezers and it was more balanced. But now literally EVERYBODY is all about buck and tommy. It feels like the rest of the show doesn't even exist. I know its only been a couple of days but going on social media now just makes me anxious and idk why really. I'm worried about future eddie storylines, I'm desperate for marisol to disappear, but the vibe is that now buck is bi nothing else matters, we've won apparently, who even cares about eddie or the other characters because buck kissed a man.
Also I'm sex-repulsed ace and people saying how if you don't like it you're a purist and an evangelical and homophobic and biphobic actually makes me feel like shit. I never really understood wanting two characters to have sex 'because why not', because I don't understand why anyone wants to ever lol. I can only read buddie smut in very specific scenarios and most of the time i skip even that. And the rhetoric in a lot of tumblr space recently makes me feel like a bad person for not being all for it 100%. I don't think I've explained myself well here but I tried. You don't have to reply or post this either, I just wanted to reach out to someone in fandom who won't jump down my throat for it 😅. 911 is kind of a hyperfixation of mine so even though I'm trying to stay away as much as possible so as to not make myself more upset but I have no idea what to do with myself otherwise 🫠. Thanks for reading and sorry for unloading on you
Please don’t apologize, im happy you felt like I was a safe space. Im gonna break this into two parts and I hope I can articulate myself correctly lol
1) the first few days after an episode, any episode but especially one like this, isn’t indicative of fandom as a whole. Emotions are heightened due to what happened in the episode. Everyone is screaming about something and it’s in your face ya know? This week something HUGE happened, so yes people are talking about it. It was to be expected. We must make space for people to be happy about it. It’s a beautiful thing and queer joy MUST be celebrated.
This show (for the most part) has done a beautiful job of giving each character their time to shine(some more so than others but thats a conversation for a different day). Coming off 7x04, yes the headline is Bi Buck. And it will continue to be for a while, but it’s important to remember that YOU curate your fandom experience. I don’t blame you at all for what you’re feeling, ESPECIALLY as an Eddie girlie(gn), like I get it! Trust me! I’ve had to carefully maneuver through some emotions this week myself. I’m human! But filtering and being able to step away is everything.
Being excited about the storyline and also hoping and wanting more from other storylines are two things that can be true at the same time. It’s not one or the other. Remember that.
2) im going to say this and just know the caps is because I am just passionate. I promise you, its yelling at you with love okay?
I know it is easier said than done, but don’t you EVER allow ANYONE on this fucking hellsite make you feel less than or that your asexuality is anything but 100% valid. YOU are valid, you hear me?
Okay. I had to make sure to say that first. Whew. Now. As for the fandom piece of it all, we have to remember that there levels to it. You are allowed to feel the way you feel about sex, BUT it’s also important to remember that sex positivity (and those who express it) is also a good and valid. If you feel like there are blogs that talk down to you, imply that YOU are homophobic or biphobic simply because YOU are not doing cartwheels about different sex acts, then block. Unfollow. Do whatever you need to. Those people are scum.
Listen to me *pulls you close*, this is always a safe space. You are a valid, your existence and experiences are valid. And anyone who makes you question that can fuck right off. And lastly, HAPPY ASEXUALITY DAY TO YOU SPECIFICALLY! MUAH! 💜🤍🩶🖤
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halfmoth-halfman · 11 months
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may i interest you in some fic recs????😉
y'all know the drill, we got a rec list for fics i read, liked, and were written in the month of may!! there were so many that i actually had to split this into two posts cause tumblr has a link limit LOL
if you wanna see more more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all on my recs blog, here!! please note the navi page is still under construction!!
and of course, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!! 💜
may fic recs pt. 2
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Alex Keller
sfw headcanons - @deadbranch
✧ super solid characterization for alex, like you took how i imagine alex to be and explained it in the perfect way. like this line alone "Bearing his thoughtful & intentional demeanor in mind, he is sometimes reticent as he considers how to respond." what is it like to be able to understand a character so well, and be able to so beautifully explain them??
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Anakin Skywalker
redshift - @chaoskrakenuwu
✧ how dare you pull me back into my star wars hyperfixation, and even more so how dare you make me feel things for anakin goddamn skywalker 😭 even though i knew what was going to happen, you still have me tearing up every time i read about anakin and his big feelings
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Arthur Morgan
until the last falling star || blood upon the snow - @lunallaa
✧ i always love me a good arthur morgan fic and this was absolutely fantastic!! i cannot wait to see where this goes, i know it's going to be amazing because you're characterization of arthur (and the rest of the gang) is *chef's kiss*
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
i fully blame @uselsshuman & @lunallaa for introducing me to tg:m and giving me brainrot and also cannot thank them enough!!
right now - @uselsshuman
✧ i'm such a sucker for characters holding in their feelings until a life or death situation when they finally confess, and you wrote it so great. i was giggling, and twirling my hair and cheering along with the rest of the squad at the end!!
i wanna hold you - @uselsshuman
✧ love me a good panic attack/comfort fic and this scratched that itch so unbelievably well!! it felt v close to my own experience with panic attacks and really hit home for me. very easily one of my fav new comfort fics!!
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Carlos Oliveira
untitled - @cowboybxtch
✧ yeah i've been stunned to silence with this one absolutely no words just
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David "Hesh" Walker
crimson fangs sing me lullabies - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ it's the way that i dropped everything to consume all 18k words of this fic like my entire life depended on it!! i've been turned into a hesh girlie, i am obsessed, taken over by the absolute perfection of this fic
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
darlin' loves only a game - @uselsshuman
✧ i need more "teaching someone how to play pool" fics in my life, esp ones like this!! the teasing, the hands on the hips, the flirty touching i need all of it. such a cute, fun fic emma i love it
would that i - @uselsshuman
✧ "The small tabby cat that had been your kitchen companion—affectionately named Sock for his one white paw." forget everything else, Sock is my new favorite character. this is a Sock stan account now. for real tho, i love the way you write jake and make him the perfect amount of tease and gentleman!!
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Javy "Coyote" Machado
worry, my love - @uselsshuman
✧ ahh the source of my tg:m hyperfixation, i was so excited when you posted this and read it about 87 times and i'll probably read it 87 more time tbh. i love javy and the way you write him (and him using the word skedaddle LOL)
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John "Soap" MacTavish
right person - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ how dare you. really, who gave you the right to do this to me? why must you hurt me in this way? why must you write so beautifully and so captivatingly that i literally could not put this down despite the ever growing pit in my stomach? you've ripped out my heart and crushed it to tiny pieces and all i can say is thank you and how dare you
cleaned up - @bloodyknucklesforme
✧ this was so cute, and omg i adore nina. she's so funny, and their banter and her little quips are adorable. “Next time have Kyle spray you down before you get back." adksadlj i love her.
memories are fresh - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ it's not a fic rec list if i don't include a piece from jo that completely breaks my heart and then puts it all back together again with such beautiful words and sweet moments. idk how you manage to work my emotions so well, i'm in complete awe of your ability and talents.
infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) - @yeyinde
✧ hello?? reincarnation!au??? soulmates??? not even a paragraph in and i'm completely bewitched by this fic. i can't be expected to be normal after this, this fic has re-shaped the way i feel and think and read.
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