#c: jedi knight
salome-c · 1 year
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He goes around collecting titles.
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ladydancing · 3 months
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Since Darth Vader and the Empire are hunting surviving Jedi, my Jedi OC Rania needed to have a more smuggler look to her. @jun-c did this amazing outfit for her.
Name: Rania Chera
Species: Pantoran
Gender: Female
Trade: Former Jedi / Smuggler
Age: 23
Alignment: Jedi / Anti-Empire
Weapons: Lightsaber, DL-22 Blaster
Abilities: Force Sensitive, Pilot
Wanted by the Empire for treason as a Jedi
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sunderedazem · 1 year
(not) Six Sentence (definitely not) Sunday!
Thank you for the tags @swtorpadawan and @magicallulu7!
WIP: Crescent Moon Rising, Chapter 3
Orgus. He sighed heavily, but- his master was right. He needed patience. He couldn’t rush ahead out of guilt, or frustration, or even blind compassion. For even if his skills were sharp and his connection to the Force strong beyond many of his peers and seniors, he was still learning to know himself. And the more he tried to rush, the less quickly he’d learn, and the longer it would take for him to be able to truly help the people of the galaxy.
There was a sudden puff of his master’s amusement through the echoes of their developing bond, like the gentle wind tangling his white fringe into a blizzardy mess on his head - and it curled fondly about him, prickling with the finest hints of exasperation. Corrain blinked owlishly into the roaring flames, nonplussed by the response- and then startled in surprise when Ranna’s hand landed solidly on his shoulder, her expression wobbling with concern.
Tagging: @fenrisprime2003 @ipreferfiction @sith-shenanigans @fireolin @voiceofthetraveler @starwers @plotbunny-bundle @borealtwilight @darthcatboy and anyone else who sees this and wants to do a (not) Six Sentence (not) Sunday!
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magicrobins · 2 years
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greyias · 2 years
FIC: Chance Encounters - Chapter 11
Title: Chance Encounters Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight (pre-relationship) Rating: T Genre: Canon Divergent AU. Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Even the smallest change can have large, unseen ripple effects. When Theron Shan books a voyage on the Esseles, he has no idea how a chance encounter with a Jedi Knight will change the course of his life. A canon divergent alternate universe examining what happens when Theron and the Hero of Tython meet much, much sooner. Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Crossposted to AO3 | Chapter 12
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As the shuttle streaked back towards the Esseles, Theron made a beeline for the emergency medkit in the back. The kit was smaller than he’d expected. Just one good-sized case containing the bare essentials for treating the most common injuries a shipboard crew was likely to incur during its run, and wasn’t really meant to treat any major injuries. But it would have to do.
He set it down on the bench next to Grey. She cracked open an eye and arched one blonde brow ever so slightly.
“Hey,” he said by way of greeting.
“Hello?” She opened the other eye, and now both brows were scrunching together in bemusement. “What have you there?”
“Something for your arm, if you’ll let me.”
There was a moment of hesitation, and for a moment, he thought she might continue the stoic Jedi act from the way her lips pressed together, but finally, she let a long breath out and dipped her head in acknowledgment. He opened the medkit and removed several kolto patches, bandages, and some large scissors.
“Sorry about this,” he said as he took the scissors to the ruined sleeve of her undershirt.
“Do not concern yourself,” she said with an attempt at levity. “I think it is beyond repair at this point.”
“We could get you a cool patch to cover the hole,” he said. “Something snazzy and eye-catching.”
“Is that not more your style?”
She snorted softly at her own joke, but it turned into a hiss as he cut away the cloth and it tugged at some fibers stuck in the wound. At both her wince and a closer inspection of the injury, a lance of guilt stabbed through him as surely as Vokk would have had she not taken the brunt of it. Even though the blow had only been glancing, the wound left behind was not.
The edges of it were charred, and what wasn’t blackened was a deep, angry red of broken blood vessels and torn skin. The kolto patches he gently pressed into place were a far cry from enough. This would need to be properly derided, cleaned, and tended to by an actual doctor.
“Sorry again.” His words came out quieter this time as he gently applied pressure to the patch so it would adhere.
She flinched as the cool sensation of kolto contacted the inflamed skin, but the hiss that had escaped her lips eased into a long sigh as the kolto took effect almost instantaneously, easing the pain.
“Thank you.” It was said quietly, but with a feeling of genuine relief.
“I should be the one thanking you.” He kept his gaze firmly fixed on what he was doing, refusing to meet her eyes as he set about wrapping her arm with a bandage. “This is the absolute least I should do.”
“You do not owe me anything.”
“You’re wrong there.” The firmness in his voice was a counterpoint to the gentleness of his hands as he carefully secured the bandage. “I owe you my life.”
“And an apology,” he finished, sitting back and finally looking up from his handiwork to meet her gaze so she could read the sincerity in his expression. “We got off on the wrong foot, and that is entirely my fault.”
“It is okay—”
“No, it’s not,” he said. “I was an absolute ass to you right from the start.”
“Not an absolute one,” she said.
The snort of amusement he let out was a little rueful. “Still, I’d like to start over.”
At that, she tilted her head to the side in that quizzical manner of hers, lips quivering as if she was unsure this was a situation to smile. He held out his hand, and after a beat, she hesitantly reached out with her good one and took it into her own.
“My name is Theron.” He gave her hand a firm shake, not dropping her gaze as he added. “Theron Shan.”
The moment his last name left his lips, he could see a look of recognition light up her face as every odd detail she’d noticed over the course of the day suddenly clicked into place. Her mouth parted in an o-shape as those wide blue eyes took in every detail of his face anew, and he presumed, compared it to her mental image of Satele.
For a moment, she it looked like she would almost say something, her mouth opening to form a word. Then it closed almost with a click, throwing a significant lance in Asara’s direction in the cockpit. She let out a quiet breath, as if to expel the temptation to speak her revelation aloud, before giving their joined hands a firm squeeze of acknowledgment.
“It is a pleasure to meet you again, Agent Shan.”
The way she emphasized his title, rather than his last name, was not lost on him. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a faint smile as he inclined his head in response. “Likewise.”
Moments ticked past, silence settling around them as they stayed like that. She didn’t pull her hand away, and seemed almost content to leave it in this clasped state as she looked at him like she was truly seeing him for the first time. He couldn’t help but feel a faint, unfamiliar prickling of embarrassment under the soft, open expression, heat rushing to the tips of his ears.
He gently extricated his hand when he realized that he’d been holding on longer than was strictly necessary for the action and made to pack away the medkit as a cover. A gentle hand on his arm stopped him, and he looked up to see Grey still giving him that odd, soft, yet understanding expression that seemed to cut through every single wall he’d been erecting for the past ten years.
“May I return the favor?” she asked quietly.
It took him a second to realize she was referring to the cut on his temple that was still bleeding sluggishly. “Oh, yeah... I guess.”
The smile she flashed him seemed a little more hesitant than her previous ones, although he didn’t quite understand why. He watched as she struggled with opening a sterile wipe and almost reached out to help, but her stubborn determination won out and she got it open. He couldn’t help the wince as she gently dabbed at the cut.
She flashed him an apologetic glance, and he shook his head lightly at her in response, which hindered more than helped her efforts to clean up his injury.
“Please hold still,” she breathed, but there was no real admonishment in her voice.
“Sorry,” he said. “I guess I’m used to doing it on my own.”
Her lip protruded a little at that statement, and a wistful melancholy seemed to fill her expression before she quickly redirected her attention and reached for a kolto patch. Instead of letting her struggle with it on her own, he opened it up, and offered it out to her. That unfathomable sadness faded back to the softness from before as she accepted the patch and gently placed it onto the cut.
“I appreciate your trust,” she said quietly. “And now is not the right time. I understand that. But, if at some point in the future we happen to meet again, and you wish to discuss it further… it sounds like you have an interesting story to tell.”
He was saved from having to come up with a response to that as the shuttle coasted into the hangar bay of the Esseles. The craft set down with a shuddering thump, and Asara was already on the move, racing down the ramp as it was still lowering and shouting for the bridge be informed to take off immediately.
Theron used the bulkhead to pull himself to his feet just as the larger ship’s engines hummed to life. The decking lurched beneath his feet as they took off, causing him to take a step back and steady himself with a hand against the bulkhead before extending a hand out to Grey. She hesitated for only a moment before she took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. 
“You ready to take a long, well-deserved walk to the medbay?”
She shook her head. “I will join you shortly. I have unfinished business with the ambassador and First Officer Haken.”
Theron blew out a breath and had to tamp down on the urge to shake the stubborn woman back off her feet. “You don’t think that can wait until your arm doesn’t fall off?”
“You did a wonderful job with your first aid.” The seriousness faded from her expression as she flashed him a pale imitation of that bright (and he now suspected secretly sarcastic) smile of hers. “So I think I have a few minutes before I spontaneously lose any appendages.”
He got the distinct impression that she was patronizing him. Theron didn’t bother to hide his annoyance as he followed her down the ramp where two astromechs were waiting. Teeseven let out a harsh series of beeps as soon as he took in the state of his Jedi. As soon as Theron stepped up next to her, the little astromech whirled on him and began lecturing him extensively in binary.
“Hey now.” Theron had to raise his voice to be heard over the droid’s fussing. “Things just got a little complicated near the end. No need for the lecture!”
“Teeseven might be a little overprotective,” Grey gave the astromech an affectionate pat with her good hand, “but he means well.”
Theron turned to give M-6 a look, who just gave him a cheerful beep in greeting. “Your concern is touching.”
M-6 swiveled his head and let out a loud, unimpressed whistle to show that the spy still had all of his limbs attached, and that he’d come back bloodied and bruised was par for the course. Grey’s eyes almost sparkled with amusement at the droid’s deadpan assessment, and Theron felt a rush of heat creep up his neck.
“That’s not true,” he insisted with a glare at the droid. “My missions always end flawlessly and without incident.”
M-6 let out a sharp series of beeps that sounded suspiciously like tittering. Great. Now he was being laughed at by an astromech.
Grey’s arched brow and amused pursed lips spoke louder than any words could have, and Theron silently harrumphed to himself. He gave M-6’s domed head a flick and the little astromech let out a loud warble, as if offended by the gesture. Grey shook her head at the antics and turned her attention back to the matter at hand.
“Ambassador, I would like a word,”as she lightly ran to catch up with the other woman boarding the turbolift. While jogging, she had to hold her injured arm close to her chest to keep from jostling it too much. 
Teeseven let out a displeased toot at her lack of concern for her injury. Theron just heaved an exasperated sigh as he made his way to join them, with the two astromechs loyally following in his footsteps. The ambassador shot the group a surprised look as they all crowded around her in the turbolift.
“Looks like the Turbolift Gang is back together again,” he said sarcastically.
“Not exactly a memory I would find myself nostalgic for, nor so soon,” Asara remarked dryly, before turning her attention to Grey. “What is it you’d like to speak to me about in such a hurry? Shouldn’t you be heading to the medical bay?”
“That was my question,” Theron said sourly.
Grey ignored him and turned her full attention to Asara. “Ambassador, there is not an easy way to say this, but before we left, First Officer Haken attempted to bribe the two of us to leave you behind with the Imperials.”
The color drained from Asara’s face. Her jaw clenched and unclenched rapidly. “What? You must be joking.”
“I am afraid I am not.”
“That spineless little—” She cut herself off with a sharp movement, as if censoring her language was a long ingrained habit. “And after everything I did to save this ship!” 
“I mean, you did attempt to flush several members of his crew into the vacuum of space,” Theron pointed out. “I think he might hold a grudge.”
Grey shot him a look that clearly told him he wasn’t helping. “We appreciate all of your assistance in this endeavor, Ambassador.”
“I’m going to assume that you decided against taking Haken up on his little offer,” she said.
“Of course not!” Grey sounded almost as offended at the idea as she had when Haken had first suggested it. Almost. “We would never leave you behind.”
Asara slid a look in Theron’s direction, and he blew out another breath. “Don’t give me that look. I didn’t agree to it either! I mean, that’s almost as bad as suggesting venting someone into the cold vacuum of space.”
“And clearly you’re not going to let me forget that.” Asara let out a long-suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, as if warding off a headache. 
A sharp elbow jammed into in his side, and Theron slid a look over at the injured Jedi who was giving him a peevish look. He shrugged his shoulders as if to say “what”, which just elicited an exasperated sigh. 
“Regardless,” Grey continued, as if the silent sidebar hadn’t just happened, “I felt it was appropriate that you knew the full facts of the situation.”
“Thank you for your honesty,” Asara said after a long moment, weighing her words. “And for not leaving me behind. I know you didn’t ask for any of this.”
“We were only doing what was right,” Grey said, eyes briefly flicking in Theron’s direction, as if she wasn’t sure she should speak for both of them, especially after the last time this subject had come up within this exact turbolift.
She was still trying to hide the fact that she was bracing her injured arm despite her dogged determination to see this situation to the end, and a small, bitter voice in Theron’s head insisted that he was still right. One day the galaxy would eat her kind, bleeding heart whole and spit out a hollow husk.
Instead of cold certainty settling into his stomach at the thought, it felt like something icy and heavy settling over his heart instead. He didn’t want to win this stupid argument, he realized. He still wasn’t sure that hopeful optimism of hers was the truth, but maybe that wasn’t the point. It wasn’t the galaxy, the Force, or anything intangible that had saved his life. That had all been her.
“You don’t get very far in this galaxy by only looking out for yourself.” Ostensibly, those words should have been for Asara, but Theron was looking at Grey the entire time.
Her uncertain expression softened, eyes brightening and nose crinkling in that almost endearing manner as she struggled to keep her reaction tamped down. It was hard to tell if the flop in his stomach was because of the lift gliding to a stop, or something else entirely. The doors whooshed open to reveal the bridge, and Theron quickly stepped out first, straightening his stained and stinking jacket as a momentary distraction to gather himself.
The massive viewport that covered the entire front of the bridge showed the blue and white streaking of stars of hyperspace. The sight relieved him and eased some of the weight he’d been carrying since the first explosion had buffeted the ship so many hours ago. While all safety was relative, they were out of the immediate danger.
Grey and the two astromechs were quick to join him, but Asara hesitated, lingering behind at the lift. When she made no move to join them, the rest of their group crossed the expanse of the bridge to join Haken near the helm. As they walked, the rest of the bridge crew snapped to attention at the little procession. As someone used to lurking out of sight, having every eye on him was a vaguely unnerving.
A brush of a hand against his arm, so quick it would have gone unnoticed even with the sudden scrutiny they were under, had him glance at the woman at his side. She offered him an understanding smile before she strode ahead into the room, her posture shifting with the movement. Shoulders rolled back, spine straightened, and her stride lengthened seemed to gather the attention of everyone in the room and away from him.
And he couldn’t blame a single one of them for not being able to take their eyes off her. And this time, it seemed she’d employed it solely for his benefit. Just another thing he was grateful for.
“It’s good to see that you made it back,” Haken said at their approach, “although you look much worse for wear. You look like you should be seeing a medic.”
“So I have heard,” Grey said dryly. “Many times.”
Theron covered his mouth, able to stifle a laugh at the very last moment. Maybe it was just the exhaustion catching up to him, but the irritation breaking through that serene Jedi act of hers would never not be funny. 
“Still, we all owe you our lives,” Haken said. “On behalf of the passengers and crew of the Republic transport Esseles, thank you. Both of you.”
“It was an honor to help and protect you all,” Grey said with a slight bow.
Theron couldn’t help the small shake of his head. Some things would never change. “It was better than sitting around waiting to be incinerated.”
As she came up from her bow, she shot Theron a sidelong look of good-natured exasperation, and he returned it with a quirk of his lips.
While none of them had known each other longer than a handful of hours, they had at least reached a state in which Haken could politely ignore their antics and forge on. “Everyone on the ship took up a collection—just a small measure of our gratitude.”
“Please, keep your credits. I’m sure everyone needs them much more.” Grey quickly and almost automatically waved him away in a gesture that was very reminiscent of a scene that Theron had seen played out in dozens of variations in his own youth.
“How about you pick up the dry cleaning tab?” Theron said, indicating their stinking and battle singed attire. “We’ll call it even.”
“That seems like a fair compromise,” Haken agreed.
“I agree.” Asara strode almost too casually over to their group. “Heroes like you are scarce—and the Republic needs as many as they can get.”
Haken’s eyes widened at the sight of her and he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. “Ambassador Asara, it’s... a relief to see you also made it back safely.”
“Is it?” She folded her arms and pierced him with a withering stare. “I imagine it comes as quite a surprise for you to see me at all.”
“I don’t,” he stuttered in a voice that cracked like a teenager. “I really don’t know what you mean by that. Of course, I’m glad to see you. Why wouldn’t it?”
Eyes wider than a Sullustan, he turned to look to Grey and Theron for help. Theron just crossed his arms in a mirror image to the ambassador, while the Grey dipped her head in acknowledgment.
“I felt it was only appropriate to inform the ambassador about the discussion we had before our departure.”
“Really, Haken, attempting to bribe a Jedi? To leave me on the Grand Moff’s ship?”
“I would never—she must have misunderstood me!”
“Oh no,” Theron put in, “you were pretty clear.”
“Don’t worry, Haken,” Asara said icily. “I’ll be discussing this matter with my friends on Coruscant.”
Haken stiffened. “Then maybe I’ll make a report of my own—maybe your friends would find your actions down in Engineering interesting as well!”
Asara’s eyes narrowed and Haken’s jaw set stubbornly as the tension in the room built. Grey took a step forward, using her good arm to separate the two. All eyes once again turned to her, and she lifted her chin, expression firm.
“I understand that today was a very trying situation for us all,” she said with a deceptive calm.” However, I would like to point out that both of you were short-sighted, but fear dictated your actions — not malice.”
Asara snorted an angry breath as Haken crossed his arms stubbornly and they both met each other’s gaze, neither one softening.
“Forgive me for being blunt, but both of your missteps were rooted in the same desire,” Grey continued. “Self preservation via unwilling sacrifice of others.”
They both shifted uneasily, the hardness in their stances wavering as the words sunk in.
“Every life—and every person on board is important. The only reason we survived today is not the heroism of two individuals in your midst, but through the cooperation and self-sacrifice of many brave souls. Some of whom we could not even bring back with us for a proper burial.”
Grey’s voice was strong and steady, and reached every corner of the bridge with ease. Her words seemed to finally penetrate the stubborn shells of the two rivals, the scorn draining from their faces.
“We cannot afford to let fear divide us,” Grey finished, “especially not when that is exactly what the Empire wants to sow.”
The sharp edges of Haken And Asara’s stubborn pride and indignant anger melted into something softer and more humble. Haken gave Asara a node of respect. After a few moments, she returned it with a tight-lipped smile. Though they were unlikely to become friends, for now, at least, there was a truce.
“I’ve had enough fighting for today,” Haken said after a moment’s reflection. “And we still have a way to go before we reach Coruscant.”
“I agree,” Asara said, nodding her agreement before turning back to them. “But Kilran’s a very proud man. He will not forget that you both humiliated him.”
“I suppose we should probably keep on our guard,” Grey said, but glanced at Theron.
“Being a little paranoid comes with the job.” He gave a half shrug. “What’s one more angry Imperial to add to that list?”
Grey shook her head, though the corners of her mouth quirked up into a ghost of a smile.
“Now,” Theron said, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could use a trip to the medical bay. Maybe they can also reattach this stubborn Jedi’s arm after it falls off.”
Said Jedi fixed him with an unimpressed look. Theron quirked a brow in challenge, Teeseven whistled in agreement, and even M-6 gave a chirp of assent. She glanced between them all and sighed.
“I can see that I am outnumbered.”
“That’s the spirit,” Theron said cheerfully, and ushered her off the bridge with a hand on her good shoulder.
Next Chapter
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qvnthesia · 15 days
Another You (.02)
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an anakin skywalker/jedi consular!reader fic set during the clone wars
the pitch: best friends with anakin since he had joined the jedi order, you hadn’t expected to catch feelings for him, not that hard, at least. his intentions were clear — his heart already enraptured by the nubian senator, leaving you to ruminate about the prospect of letting go of not just him, but maybe everything. until another anakin shows up, and your — your universe’s anakin starts behaving strangely.
A/N: happy birthday, @kaizsche! i hope you enjoy this update!! a note to all readers — there’s no y/n here, the reader’s nickname for the fic is sky. happy reading!
part two— you're not helping.
word count: 7,042
part one | two (here) | ....
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Simply put, Aayla Secura was enjoying this. Restraining herself with absolute failure from bursting into fits of laughter, Aayla watched as even the most experienced of Jedi masters drop their caf or just stare with their jaws dropped, t h u n d e r s t r u c k, at Anakin and his double — the long-haired Anakin — walking side-by-side with Master Kenobi being the only one who separated Anakin from thoroughly sizing up his copy, who simply viewed his new-found sights with a twinkling gaze and an even more unbothered attitude.
“Is it just me—” Aayla leans next to your figure, her eyes fixated on the live footage from the Jedi Temple’s security feed. “—or is our new guest having a wind machine around him? Because you humans could take some hair care tips from him.”
You scowl, elbows propped up on the desk, as you watch the footage behind your intertwined fingers held together as tightly as your frown.
“Relax, Sky,” Aayla props an elbow on your stiff shoulder, “He gives off a good vibe. And plus, he’s definitely more attractive than—”
The agile Twi’lek proves herself as one of the best the Jedi Order has to offer as she flicks on the live footage faster than your attempts to take it away from her.
“Mon amie, this is literally out of a holo drama!” she giggles, switching off the footage under your sharp gaze. “It’s a sign from the Force itself to take your leap and get your man, or in this case, one version of the man!”
“Aayla, he belongs to another universe—”
“And you’re saying you haven’t been attracted to him?”
You freeze, and Aayla smiles.
Twi’leks weren’t humans, but were sure as hell kriffing good with their senses, so Aayla knew you were lying, and how much she was going to enjoy the day ahead.
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Maker, why did I go for this job?
You silenced your mind — there’s a member of the kriffing Jedi Council in the same room as you and you’d feel much more comfortable knowing Master Kenobi had a visual on his enemies rather than the six hundred scenarios of you and Anakin in your mind.
Instead, you focused on your datapad, tapping on six different squares as Anakin answered your questions.
“—Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. Commanding officer of the Five Hundred and First Legion—”
“Currently on leave,” Master Kenobi remarked, stroking his beard.
“Yeah, but still, Obi-Wan, come on—”
“You’re really Anakin?”
You perked up at Ahsoka’s voice, who munched on a ronto wrap while perched on one of the desks.
“Yes,” the long-haired Anakin hummed. You’ve lost count at how many times Ahsoka has asked the question, and you’re pretty sure Master Kenobi, Rex and Cody have the same question swimming their head since yesterday. It’s only the constant patience that has persevered through the Order’s new guest that sets a guilty fire ablaze within your body — and it’s definitely from the way his voice never even fluctuates, just stays the smooth baritone, lower than the usual. It’s the same tone that your Anakin’s voice always has when he woke up to you working again late in the night, or he just strolled into your quarters wearing nothing but shorts and pressed himself against your back, his toned frame somehow slotting perfectly against your edges.
“But…” she tilted her head, her lekku twitching. “You look so mature.”
“Snips!” barked Anakin, shooting a sharp scowl toward Master Kenobi’s hacking laughter. Ahsoka shrugged, stuffing herself with more of her ronto wrap. Anakin’s long-haired copy softly pressed his twitching lips together. He caught your lingering gaze, and spread his lips into a smile, one that crinkled the edges of his twinkling eyes.
“How long is this going to take again?”
You snapped to a stiff, attentive posture as Anakin cleared his throat.
Master Kenobi sighed again. “Anakin, you must be patient—”
“—farmboy here smells like weed—”
“He’s not wrong.”
Anakin and Master Kenobi’s bickering ceases.
“What do you mean?”
He turns to you, and you internally slap yourself for suddenly becoming his center of attention. Not such a bad idea, but then—
“Are you…” Master Kenobi finds his voice again, bringing you back to the room again. “Are you not a Jedi, Anakin?”
There’s a slight crack in Master Kenobi’s voice, one that propels Ahsoka to stand next to him. The long-haired Anakin surveys the both of them, eyes softly squinted deep in thought, possibly pondering on how to break this brand new piece of information to a suddenly very fragile-looking old man and a dispirited young teenager.
The long-haired Anakin exhales. “I’m Anakin Skywalker, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. I left the Jedi Order after I turned nineteen, and I’m a farmer—well, part-time mechanic, on Naboo.”
Your eyes widen, exchanging a surprised glance with Aayla.
“Master Kenobi, are you sure none of us are high?”
“Padawan,” chastised the Jedi, his shock secured tightly behind his shields. “I apologise, Anakin—I mean—”
“It’s alright, Obi-Wan.”
The long-haired Anakin waved his hands, and Obi-Wan visibly stiffens at the use of his name by a version of Anakin he should know but he doesn’t.
“You did train me, but I…” he scratched the back of his head, showing all teeth with a gentle, sheepish smile. “Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
You swore he looked at you; you were always looking at Anakin for some maker-forsaken reason or the other.
“And the war?”
Anakin turns to Cody and Rex, their military etiquette all thrown out the window.
“What war?”
The floor practically shifts with a lurch from the Force.
“You… you don’t have a war? The Clone Wars?”
He turns to you, and the world melts away as you look up at him, datapad clutched to your chest as a shield from him and from your simmering desperation.
The long-haired Anakin — you should definitely give him a name aside from his long hair — has a piercing gaze, one your Anakin looked at you everytime you looked up at him, your chin pressed to his chest, his arms around your waist as his nose crinkled with every laugh shared between you two about the stupidity of the Separtists’ battle droids.
“From all that I’ve been privy to," he swallows, his sharp apple jutting out even more prominently that it did. “The galaxy isn’t having the, uh, Clone Wars. We do have clones, but they work with the Jedi and provide humanitarian aid.”
“Captain Rex and Commander Cody work under Obi-Wan, who took on a young Togruta as his new padawan after I left,” he turns once again to Ahsoka, smiling. “I’m not General Skywalker, I’m just… Anakin.”
You blink, unable to process him. A part of you pushes that there’s a complete liar standing before you, a shapeshifter sent here to trick the Republic and distract the Consular who’s coincidentally working to counter their latest planet-killing superweapon. But the Anakin before you is as real as yours. He’s had a different life that you can’t help but wonder if you’re there—
“Hypothetically speaking—” coughs Rex. “Can I sign up for multiversal travel?”
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“I don’t like this.”
“More than sand?”
Anakin rolls his eyes at Padmé, who gives him a laugh as she continues to type her latest proposal behind her desk.
His lithe legs propped upon the corner of her desk, Anakin crosses his arms together, replaying the exact moment where he felt your Force signature spring alive when his double looked at you.
He’d never elicited a similar reaction from you when he was there. All those moments holding you close, regaling you in his tales until you succumbed to sleep, feeling your heart against his and wishing it were just like this for eternity. It was torture having to stay away from you, to be called time and again to this siege and that battle when all he wanted was to wake up next to you and live the life that other people did when they loved each other in a way he had loved you since the two of you were sixteen.
He even felt embarrassed to voice this in front of the Chancellor, who had suspiciously kept on pestering him to great lengths to enquire about the reason for his distraction. Clearly, he’d been sloppy — even Obi-Wan had managed to pick up his emotions in the heat of the battle. He’d decided to stay away from the Temple, show his ‘interest’ in politics so that such a slip wouldn’t occur again though, that your position as a Jedi wouldn’t be compromised by his misery. Though, he thinks to himself, the emergence of his double from another dimension spelled trouble for him in both Basic and Huttese.
Damn father, he grumbled to himself.
“If you keep having that stupid, angry look on your face, I’m afraid Sabé would be more than happy to throw you out of my office.”
Anakin sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just—” he stood up from his seat, pacing. “She likes him more! That peaceful, farming version of me over… me.”
Padmé turned her attention away from the blue screen, sincere pity softly twisting her lips.
“And you’re here, out of all places.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m just saying,” she shrugged, her smile growing wider. “It’s a sign.”
Anakin hesitated, his stomach roiling with anxiety.
“Are you sure I should—?”
“If you don’t, I will.”
Anakin laughs. Hope blooming bright in his chest, he gives his childhood friend a grateful nod, and races out of the office.
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Having receiving enough complaints about ‘seeing double’ of a certain Anakin Skywalker, Master Yoda explicitly commanded you to serve as the long-haired Anakin’s tour guide for the day, remarking a day away from the Temple ought to make him comfortable in his new universe — and reduce Master Windu’s migraines. Since you concomittantly had to visit the Senate Archives for business, you decided your new guest would accompany you to the prompt excursion to the laughing stock that was the Galaxy’s governing body.
Both of you had been loaned a speeder by the Jedi Council, to which the long-haired Anakin simply pointed a slender finger to a sleek, open-roofed speeder glinting under the spotlight of Coruscant’s artificial weather.
"That looks better, wouldn’t you think?” he grinned.
Maker, let the Force lend its might to you today to calm your fluttering heart. He wasn’t just glowing with happiness, you knew very well he was playing with you, and you’d be a fool to deny it wasn’t a good look on him.
So, with a begrudging sigh, you agreed, and headed straight for Dex’s Diner — an establishment he seemed quite familiar with.
“Ani!” Dex roared proudly, sweeping you and him in a hug before you even had a chance to look around for empty seats. “Look at how you’ve grown,” he said appraisingly as he drew back, “And what’s with the hair, eh? All dressed up for a date?”
“This—no—” you fervently shook your head, cheeks ablaze. “No, this isn’t a date—”
You glared pointedly at the long-haired Anakin — Ani — who softly cocked his brow. He seemed to decide with himself for a moment, and then spread his lips in a cocksure grin, the exact same your Anakin had in those holo-videos labelled ‘Hero with No Fear’ racking up views all over the galaxy.
“Last time I remember—”
He snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you next to his toned frame.
“—I did get a yes.”
“That was fun.”
Your disagreements lose to the quick beat of your heart, and you stab the scoopful of ice cream in your hands as you walk through the senate hallways. Leaving aside the fact that the trip to the archives was a monumental failure as you’d expected, you’d come as close as falling to the dark side to melt into a pool of a miserable puddle of your love and embarrassment.
“You’ll figure it out.”
You look up at him, realising the two of you have come to a stop in the middle of your footsteps.
“Whatever the enemy is planning, I’m sure you’ll foil their plans. I know it.”
He smiles, licking the ice cream off the corner of his lips and jutting the spoon in the air as if it were his lightsaber.
The confidence in his voice makes you wonder if he knew you. Not you, but a version of you in his universe.
What were you to this version of Anakin? Were you what Anakin was in your universe? The ‘Heroine with No Fear,’ or ‘The Jedi with No Fear,’ even if there was no war in his galaxy. Were you an acclaimed Jedi or a nobody from the backwater planet you belonged to?
Were you even someone he liked? With the manner you currently struggled to contain the depth of admiration you harboured for your Anakin, being lovers seemed out of the question. Were you at least his friend? Or, you gulped to yourself as your heart sunk low, were you dead?
“Consular Jedi.”
Your voice perked up at the entourage making way towards you, led by—
“Chancellor Palpatine!”
You offered the old man a short bow, which he returned to you with an amicable smile. His eyes roved over—
“Anakin, my dear boy,” his visage extended over to Ani; he let out a chuckle. “I must have caught you by surprise, son.”
You looked over to Ani, who had dropped his ice cream and the little wooden spoon on the floor, the hem of the Chancellor’s robes trailing with tiny chocolate chips.
He looked like a deer caught in the spotlight, except only a fool would describe him as a prey. No, he looked like the commander that Anakin always had been — alert, sharp, observant, and most of all, protective of his loved ones and his duty.
“Are you alright, my boy?”
The Chancellor’s eyes darted between the two of you, and you cleared your throat, wrapping your arm around Ani’s right one, shielding it entirely by your billowing robes.
“We were just coming back from the archives, Chancellor,” you cleared your throat. Feeling Ani tighten his grip around your arm, you continued. “Anakin thought to offer an extra set of hands in my search for a solution to the Separatists’ rumoured advantage.”
“Ah, of course,” the man nodded, interwining his bony fingers one over the other hand. “I must not hinder you, I suppose—Anakin, my boy, do come for a visit, will you? You seem to be avoiding me, though I now understand why.”
He shot a fatherly wink at Ani, who only seemed to stiffen even further, his arms balling into tight, iron-rod fists.
“Of course,” Ani found his voice, steel replacing his usual gentleness. “It was lovely meeting you but I’m afraid we must be on our way—”
Before you could even hear the old man’s professional toodle-oo, Ani simply tugged you by your arm and walked past the entourage, his long strides taking you to the far end of the Senate’s circular hallways within a blink of your eye. Reaching a destination guarateeing privacy, he looked around.
“Anakin, what—WHOA!”
You let out a grunt as your back slammed against the durasteel walls. He looks down at you, an apology flashing in his eyes, but the steel in his voice stops your protests.
“What the kark is that man doing here?”
Your eyebrows shoot up into your forehead, “What?”
You look at him through the Force; his sun is now an eclipse, shadowed by the foreboding storm and thunder.
“Anakin,” you gulp softly, gathering your courage, “He’s the Supreme Chancellor, what—what are you—”
You pause, your mind backpedalling to the events in your office.
“Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
He shifts in his feet just as your eyes widen.
His arms wrap around your trembling figure, but you never leave his gaze.
“Sky, listen to me, it’s okay—”
“Why…” you cut in, failing to sound calm. “Why did you leave the Order?”
“Because I fulfilled my destiny.”
The storm within him dissolves with a wave of the seas within him. Your glare demands answers; his chest puts strain on the fibres of his beige shirt as he exhales sharply.
"I discovered the Sith that had been plaguing the Jedi and the Republic. It was…”
He lets out a bitter chuckle, the corners of his lips downturned.
“It was so ingenious, the way he had been doing it. Getting close to me ever since I was a child, preying on my fears, my insecurities. Deluding me into thinking I was going to be alone forever simply because I was different than the others, that I was born of no father and only a loving mother, that I was a child of the Force itself and as such, the Jedi viewed me as a threat.”
“But what he hadn’t seen coming, what even I hadn’t expected to gain was that I began to have people on my side. People who trained me and taught me that the Dark is never the option to take, because it takes and it takes from you and leaves you wanting more, it leaves you empty, as a shell of who you were. It leaves you alone and no one to go to. And I had people… people who pulled me back—”
He meets your gaze, blown open and vulnerable.
“—people who made me see reason, that my mind was being tipped in a direction that was not of my own making, but of the Sith who I had allowed to poison my mind since I was a child. Sky…”
He intakes a sharp breath.
“I am the Chosen One just as your Anakin is. And I did it. I fulfilled my destiny and stopped the return of the Sith.”
Ani holds your hands, pressing your palm to his chest. A tremor passes through your body, and he steadies your figure, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Please, you must believe me. I can sense you care deeply for my variant in this universe, and he is in grave danger, Sky.”
Your mind flashes back to one of Master Yoda’s classes, where he had droned in his wise way how the Force made itself known to warn its believers that life itself was in grave danger; it was a warning, a shadow, an event, something or the other that shook the defenders into of their senses and prompted them to act for the betterment of the survival of the Galaxy — and for your own good.
You had felt the Force the first time when Master Windu had arrived to your village years ago, offering his hand to enter the world of the Jedi. The Force had given a warm nudge for you to take his hand and take the chance; you had taken it.
You had felt the Force the second time when you met Anakin Skywalker, nine years old, young and shy, and terribly homesick for the embrace of his mother’s arms. The Force had giggled, and you had decided, fate or not, that you would bring a smile to his forlorn face.
You had felt the Force the third time when you were on Geonosis, standing the arena with your master, saber ignited as Anakin let out a joyous cheer, joining you back-to-back as you both tore through droid after droid in the relentless carnage. The Force, triumphant, had melded the two of you as one machine, as one competently-built Corellian freighter tearing apart the enemy.
The present moment is when you feel the Force again, screaming. You see death and blood, corpses of younglings and clone soldiers strewn on the floors of the Jedi Temple. But Anakin’s there, and you see hope, you see a future with laughing children and the galaxy, alive than you’ve ever felt it to be.
The Force holds its breath, and despite what the Jedi Code said, you’ve never chosen to ignore life.
You steel yourself and look up at him, determined.
“I believe you.”
His gaze widens, and the temperature around you shoots up, charged.
But it isn’t coming from the Anakin front of you, rather from a few feet away from the both of you.
You meet the dark look on your Anakin’s face, his armor glinting in the pale, sterile Coruscanti sunlight.
You haven’t even blinked, but he’s next to you in mere six steps, Ani’s hurling toward the ground, and you’re in Anakin’s arms, warm, cold, safe and scared.
He looks down at you, and he melts.
“It’s okay, he wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
You turn to Ani, who’s now on his feet, his stance as same as your Anakin.
“We need to leave,” he states to his armoured copy, stark.
“He’s right,” you turn back to Anakin, “We’re in danger, Anakin, the Chancellor is the Sith—”
He recoils, looking back and forth between him and you.
“Sky, he’s messing with you, don’t listen to him—”
“Are you serious?” scoffs Ani, balling his hands into tight fists.
“You’re the one to talk—”
The sky suddenly turns dark, lights blinking awake in the buildings outside. Clouds fog the tallest skyscrapers, crackling with blue lightning.
The floor beneath you trembles, and you look at the end of the hallway.
There’s a man in a dark robe that you could’ve mistaken for a statue. But his eyes are a burning yellow that remind you of the flames of your Master’s funeral pyre.
The hooded figure bristles, and you can feel��his sickly smile on your skin, feel the two Anakins next to you tense as the cold finally settles on their shoulders.
The name shouldn’t click in your head, but it does.
Silence rings in your ears.
“On three,” whispers Ani.
His fingers grasp yours and, from the corner of your eyes, Anakin holds your left hand as delicate his shock and anger can allow his metal arm to be.
“One, two—”
You take toward the window. 
The air r i p s with a violent blue and purple, and glass tears at your clothes as the air whips at your face and you freefall against the cold steel and stabbing rain.
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to be continued...
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cross-posted on AO3
part one | two (here) | ....
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bensoloslover · 3 months
Stolen Moment
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Kylo Ren x Fem! Reader.
Word Count: 1,771.
Warning: Suggested Nuidty, Mild Kidnappings, Nothing Crazy.
*Reader and Kylo have a establsihed realtionship. Reader is kidnapepd and has a small meeting with an old friend.
“Ky” Her voice felt shy as she spoke, which was contrasting to the normally warm and easy going personality she carried that he loved so much.
“Yes, (Y/N/N)?” She was laid on his chest, (Y/H/C) down for once and body nearly bare against his. They spent many nights like this. Ever since their days learning under his uncle, how he hated that many for everything, but her. He would thank him for the chance of meeting her.
“Does something feel…” the pause had the hair on his arms sticking up. “Out of place to you? Like something is going to happen? Something almost strange feeling?” She looked up at him now, eyes showing a fear he wished she didn't have to endure.
(Y/N) was force sensitive, in her own way. She had a harder time connecting with the physical side of things, but her connection to the force itself? He envied it. It spoke to her in ways that sounded almost surreal, even to a powerful force user like himself. Where he could bend the force to his will, move through peoples mind, bend will. She could get into the soul of the universe, tell stories of things that haven't even happened yet. Understand the world in a way one could only dream.
“I can have the Knights stand guard of you tomorrow, and you may even shadow me throughout the day if you’d like?” They had been at war with the rebellion for sometime now. He knew she had no interest in the fight, she’d made that very clear, but he knew she'd feel safer by his side as he went about his day then to be apart with these feelings.
“I don't know yet if it's that serious, I can't really get a grasp on what is going to happen. Just. Something.” She laid back down to his chest.
“Well maybe some sleep will clear your vision, after you meditate tomorrow morning come find me and we can spend the morning tomorrow. I only have a few meetings before training.” She hummed her reply, he knew she was in agreement, she came to find him almost every morning once she'd gotten through her routines.
“Goodnight my love.” Her voice was more velvety now, he knew she'd sleep soon, and he'd have the knights guard her till she woke.
When Kylo woke up his morning went as usual. Tuck (Y/N) back to bed, shower and change into his usual attire, meditate for a few minutes in his study, head to the bridge to meet Hux and start his day. Nothing seemed off yet. Rebels were still out of their reach currently, so nothing but trying to track them down was really important at the moment. Rey and his mother had been blocking any trace of them from him for weeks now.
They're here. They're on the ship, Ky.
He heard it loud and clear, his body running frigid at the panic in her tone. He could always feel her, she was like a constant warm aura around him, no matter the distance, and suddenly everything had run cold.
“Man the ships, all gun up. The rebels are on the ship.” He heard Hux start shouting commands as stormtroopers left and right started marching in groups around the ship in an instant. He ran down the halls as he made his way back to their living quarters. How they had even gotten on the ship he couldn't phantom.
Kylo Help. The Jedi. She’s here.
For the second time that day dread filled his core. Not her. Not now..
I’m on my way (Y/N)
His footsteps sped up, he was running now, sliding through turns and ripping the doors open with the force as he attempted to reach their quarters. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He got on the elevator to their floor, pacing the small room when it happened.
He felt nothing. For the first time since the first movements they met, he felt nothing of her presence. The elevator started to creak and groan as the force around him began to swell with his anger.
As the doors exploded open he ran down the hall. The knights he left to protect her laid on the ground, leading up to the room. He blew the doors straight through to the back wall tearing off his helmet as he looked for the worst imaginable. Their bed was made. A still hot cup of tea sat by her meditation seat in their living room. The breakfast cart still set up neatly by the dining room table, untouched.
But (Y/N)? Nowhere to be found. He ripped through every room twice. Then he broke. He felt his anger explode through the room. Felt the ship tremble as he screamed and slammed his helmet into every thing within arms reach.
They’d taken the one person on the ship he would break without, and they knew it.
(Y/N) remembered waking in a cold sweat. She remembered trying to get her morning started as normal.She remembered the fighting outside that broke her from her meditation. The rebels burst into her room. Her fear as she begged Kylo for help, though for the first time she couldn't feel if he was answering her or not. The silence. Cold.
Now she was here, wherever that was exactly. She couldn't feel Kylo. She couldn't remember how she had ended up. There was nothing in the room around her and there was no way she could escape the ropes bounding her to the chair she was in.
“You’ve grown into a marvelous young woman, (Y/N).” Chills ran up her neck. She could pick that voice in a chorus of millions.
“Mrs. Solo.” She felt it now, the force moving back through her. Her mother in law’s presence. Leia had always been warm, her aura like a blanket to whoever could feel it. She was strong, and easy to be around. She emerged from the shadows, pulling a chair with her to sit across from (Y/N).
“Oh no, we never married.” Her chuckle reminded her of her years at the Jedi Temple, she could never dislike Leia, no matter how much Kylo resented his mother, she was always a kind soul. “I'm still Organa, or Skywalker if you please, darling. Only Ben carries Han’s name.”
“Ben goes by Kylo Ren now.” Leia rolled her eyes at the announcement. As if she had just been told her son just broke another plate.
“Ah yes, Kylo Ren. I find it funny he chose a name that rhymes with Ben. Since he clearly hated the name so much.” She sipped on a cup of warm tea while speaking. “How is he?”
Her question was genuine, (Y/N) could feel it. She could feel him again, suddenly. Hot. Red hot with anger. Then he was gone, as quick as he was there. Cold again. She knew it had something to do with Leia and Rey, her lack of his connection with him. They were good at blocking him out, keeping their rebels safe at all cost.
“He’s quite angry right now.” She felt the ropes drop from her arms. The force.
“You just gave him my location, you do know that.” (Y/N) rolled her shoulders back. Neck cracking from the uncomfortable position she had been held in.
“I'd rather him come get you. You're more of a hazard to keep around, he’d mount every one of my soldiers head’s on his saber before he let a single hair on your head be harmed.” Leia chuckled. She knew her son had fancied (Y/N) since the day she dropped him off with Luke. She was beautiful. “I told them not to take you originally. These youths are far too ambitious though, not listening to their elders.”
“Am I a mother in law yet, or has he not made you empress of the new empire yet?” This time it was (Y/N)’s turn to laugh, she looked at the black kyber crystal on her ring finger.
“Engaged, not yet married. Said he'd like to have squashed out your rebales before we sat down to plan our future.” She held up her hand to show her the ring, Leia taking it into her own.
“What a beautiful kyber crystal, he must have looked far and wide for such a rare color.” She turned her hand to watch it sparkle.
“General Leia” a voice spoke up from behind the two. A man with curly brown hair and a warm complexion walked into (Y/N)’s eyeline. He was nervous, she could feel it. He looked at her then back to Leia, a allure of confidence she knew he didn't possess in his voice. “Everyone is either up in the air ready to go or on their way. Just us left.”
“I'll be ready in one moment Poe, let me have one more moment with my daughter.” (Y/N)’s heart warmed at the title. She knew Leia didn't agree with Kylo’s ambitions, neither did she honestly, but she knew she'd never be anywhere but his side.
“Tell my son I love him for me. No matter what.” Leia squeezed her hand. “It's time for us to leave before Kylo shish kebabs us. There's tea and some crackers on the table for you dear. I know you'll feel him as soon as we leave so no need to give you a eta I'm sure.”
“Thank you, please be safe.” (Y/N) leaned over and hugged her, taking in the warmth of her hold. She felt like Ben in a way, like mother like son she supposed.
“You too dear.” With that Leia walked out. (Y/N) felt no need to follow her. She heard her spacecraft leave the atmosphere as she sat and took in her empty surroundings. Standing up she walked to the table and took a bite of one of the sweet crackers Leia had left her. Taking her tea out the door.
She felt him then. He filled back into the coldness she felt all morning. Their connection was unblocked. She could tell he was close. She could feel the force around her again.
(Y/N) ? Can you hear me? Are you okay? You're calm. Are the rebels gone?
Yes love, I’m fine.
I’m on my way. I saw your location for a moment. Enough time to find you.
I know. I’m waiting.
She took a sip of her tea and chuckled, banthas milk and some sugar, just like how Ben likes it.
Just some Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo brain rot I've been thinking about.
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awsok · 7 months
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baylan skoll — (former) jedi knight
revenge of the sith by matthew stover / ahsoka 'far far away' / star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith / what will happen by leila chatti / ahsoka 'toil and trouble' / grief lessons: four plays by euripedes by anne carson / in the dream house by carmen maria machado / ahsoka 'far far away' / waiting by marya hornbacher / ahsoka 'far far away' / the wolves pursuing sól and máni by j. c. dollman / revenge of the sith by matthew stover / ivan the terrible and his son by ilya repin / ahsoka 'far far away' / devotion by the staves / lauren bowman / ahsoka 'dreams and madness' / giovanni's room by james baldwin / ahsoka 'dreams and madness'
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phoeebsbuffay · 6 months
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Imagine when everyone ignores Anakin Skywalker's growing darkness...but you. What are you going to do?
Warnings: angst, drama, explicit smut.
Warnings 2: *long post*; unburnt Vader.
Strong recommendations: “Say Don’t Go”, Taylor Swift.
No minors
You are getting ready for your next mission when you hear steps. You know whose steps are, not entirely surprised when detecting the darkness they echo.
You quickly leave aside your preparations to meet him, but there is no need: he comes after you. Anakin opens the door abruptly and this is the moment where one faces the other.
“Master Y/N Y/LN”, he addresses you cooly.
The sound of his voice breaks your heart; a curious contrast to his eyes, whose new color could flare you in burning hell. You feel tears choking your throat, never reaching your eyes, though.
“There is no need to use formalities, Anakin. Is this what we are now? Strangers to each other?”
“I am a tragedy roll”, he speaks angrily. “This is the moment we must say goodbye to each other.”
“Am I a waste of memory?”, you burst out. “A song of goodbye to be sang in your head?”
Although he is expecting a reaction of you, such words are not what his mind had played before. It is strange to see in you the mirror of his angst.
“What other alternative is there? The Jedis are corrupted!”, Anakin yells and the quarters you are at seem to shake. But you remain there, still. “They brought me to decay!”
“That's not the truth! You brought this to yourself, although fairly so!”, you speak anxiously, going towards him. “Forget about everything. Forget about them. This isn’t about the Jedis or the Siths. It’s about who are you becoming, Ani.”
There are tears in his eyes, but also the depth of darkness that drags you into it, like the gravity of Tartarus. A call you cannot refuse.
Yet, you feel strangely in peace when being pulled into it.
“You don’t understand.”
“I do”, you speak softly. “I don’t judge you whatsoever. I am not asking you to choose. I am, however, trying to wake you up from this illusion. There is darkness in me as there is in you. But we can be at peace with it.”
“You sound convicted”, he whispers, eyeing down to his hands, holding the saber still.
“Your lack of conviction is disturbing, dear Ani”, you side smirk at him.
He raises his eyes to meet yours. Silence hangs in between you two. What’s to happen then?
A few years ago.
When you first meet him, he is the General Skywalker everyone talks about, known for his blows, his sagacity, ferocity in battlefield, but also for his sharp wit and tongue that may displease some people—not that he cares about it.
There is also a rumor that this handsome General is romantically linked to Senator Padmé, but you don’t care about rumors. You are hardly interested in this kind of gossip.
What you want is to prove your worth to your Master before you rise to become a proper Jedi. You are given a mission, delegated under the command of the said general.
“So here you are”, he greets you with a smug on his face. But you don’t find him arrogant as some had warned you about, rather you are amused by his cockiness. “Y/N Y/LN, aspiring to be a Knight Jedi. Am I correct?”
“Aye”, you respond confidently. “My trials are expected to occur towards the end of this year, however, as I’ve been developing well, my Master is giving me a chance to be trained under your guidance.”
Anakin folds his arms, analyzing you. There is something about you that reminds him of himself—he is precociously aimed to be a Master, whereas you are almost the same level of Ahsoka, his Padawan. However, you strike him something far different than Ahsoka.
A strange feeling seems to placate his heart. Anakin reads your anxiety, however, and says:
“Very well. But before we set on mission, I want to see how good you are, Y/LN.”
You side smirk at him.
“You won’t be disappointed, General Skywalker.”
He raises his eyebrows, but you spot a shadowy smile forming on his lips: you know you had surprised him, something few could do.
Anakin is indeed surprised by you. When you first train together, your discipline and strength out-stand his judgement. You could be his equal, your master had ensured that.
“Well, looks like you are quite gifted, Jedi. Why haven’t I heard of you before goes beyond my understanding.”
“I wasn’t ready to make my name yet”, you shrug your shoulder.
He cannot help a laughter. Disdain rolls out of his tongue when he says:
“So is this what’s it about? Making your name?”
“No”, you disguise well the anxiety of being misinterpreted. “It’s more than that. But if I want to become a Jedi I must be useful, be known.”
“This is not about you, Y/LN. Being a Jedi is much more than making yourself a name. It’s about others, making peace before all”, he explains.
“Why fighting to make peace then? If one does not rise, one cannot be useful.”
Ah, Anakin thinks, here it is. Her wit is as sharp as Ahsoka’s if not more because of her age. He chuckles.
“These are good questions to be asked. How observing.”
“It’s not that difficult to perceive, but to be perceived”, you tell him as you straighten yourself, keeping your saber once the training ends.
“What’s to be perceived? To be seen? Why does it matter to have your name written down in dusty old pages?”, Anakin teases you, for he wishes to hear more of you.
You turn at him. Your eyes meet in one significant gaze, and even though you are aware he’s trying to read your intentions, you block him. Another smirk comes to your lips when seeing frustration in his tempest blue eyes.
“Call it insecurity if you like. I call it making my journey. Not for others, but for being Jedi. You say being a Jedi is for others, which I agree. But it all starts with a personal journey. If I don’t make my name, General, I cannot give it to others. I cannot create my strength, my purpose dies in ink.”
“It makes sense”, remarks Anakin, musing how much of what you say is something that he once thought too. “Just be mindful of your duties.”
“As always, Master.”
As you leave, however, his eyes are glued on you. What mystery is the aura you have, or would be the innocent beauty that has captivated him, mixed with this atypical force you bear?
Fighting under General Skywalker’s orders is more than one could normally take. He is demanding, he might sound cold to others, he is intense. Every inch the fruit of Kenobi, as you heard once.
But you manage to keep up. You fight as hard as him, you follow his steps in silence, somehow you want to be like him…or even overcome him. The fierceness in him defies you.
And he sees it.
“Don’t climb too fast”, he advises you once. “Otherwise the fall will be too hard.”
Your pride is knocked down, but reason admits it to be necessary. Why pressing for an inexistent rivalry?
“Learn from the best and the best you will be”, he smiles at you.
It’s a good time to learn and you do your best to follow his footsteps. Until things start to get out of control.
The first signs are seen when Master Windu arrogantly dismisses General Skywalker’s attempts to be acknowledged as Jedi Master, or his contributions to the Jedi Order. More than once you come to find Anakin struggling not to speak some dirty truths to the other male’s face.
And it starts not to become rare his impulsiveness. Which leads him to a state of rage that once had you internally scared.
You have just landed from a difficult mission, starting to collect your new scars, when you find him fuming.
“…that son of a whore!”
Your eyes go wide. Luckily for you, he doesn’t see you. Anakin has in mind that apparently a third person such as Senator Clovis, whose allegiance to the Republic has been very dubious, has more than good intentions to Padmé. His care for the lady in question has been misinterpreted as being excess of jealousy which led them to a fight and a subsequent break up.
He’s been so caught up with this wave of rage and frustration about how nothing he does is enough that he barely sees you—believing to be by himself, Anakin thinks to be safe to release this rage.
But when he spots a delicated figure standing before him, he has the decency to blush.
“Ah, Y/LN. It’s you.”
Why does it flinch to hear him address you as such? But you dismiss your sentiments by putting a face.
“Excuse me, General Skywalker. Rex sent me here to deliver you this hologram. He asked me to do so before I join his squad.”
Anakin raises his eyes to study you carefully. Though pleased to see you are well versed in mind studies, he wishes he could know more of you. Leaving these anxieties aside, he says:
“Join his squad? Why? You are my best…” Anakin realizes he doesn’t have exactly a good word to qualify your position. “Well, my best comrade.” He pulls a grimace at such thought.
You giggle. As you place a curl behind your ear, suddenly Anakin realizes you are…a very good looking woman.
“We ought to depart soon, Sir. Please excuse my forwardness in coming in such a bad day.”
Funny it is, Anakin thinks, how he had only eyes for Padmé. But what intrigues him is: how come so suddenly does he notice your unique beauty? Your y/c eyes display goodness, but also locked doors: which only frustrates him.
Anakin sighs, trying to focus at the present moment.
“There is nothing to be excused for. Come, let me be a better host and offer you something to drink or eat. Unless you are in a hurry?”
Suddenly shy, you say:
“No, sir. I am departing in two days, although I am considering leaving earlier with the men.”
Anakin casts you a meaningful glance, one of the kind you cannot precise it.
“Why leaving earlier? Is it something from the Council?”
You notice his subtle despise to it, but make no mention of it.
“No. Nothing about it. I just have a hutch about the Ventress, is all.”
Anakin instantly turns at you.
“Are you out of your mind, Y/N? You cannot go after her! You are not even a Jedi yet!”
“Well, thank you for reminding me of it, Master”, you retort, hurt. “But I do believe I am as capable as you in going after her.”
Once sitting at the couch of his quarters and with drinks in your hands, Anakin softens.
“Apologies, Y/N. I did not mean to say these things. You are the best Padawan I’ve seen so far, but you are young, though, and the Ventress is dangerous and experienced. She proved tough even to Obi-Wan.”
You tilt your head to your right and, to Anakin’s dismay, there is a spark of amusement behind your y/c eyes.
“Young, so you claim. But we are not that different. I am merely a few years younger than you, General. Two, if I am correct.”
“Of all the things I said this is what concerns you the most?”, he exclaims, slightly annoyed.
“Yes, it it’s”, you snap back.
“Don’t you be snippy at me, Y/N.”
The only reason you don’t grow any bolder is that you see something behind those piercing blue eyes that gets you alarmed. You are not entirely imprudent, however, so you choose silence as your weapon.
“As you wish, General.”
To his perplexity, you walk away. But what’s worse is that he feels hurt at you doing so. A part of him seems to whisper: will the people that come to my life ever stay?
An unspoken thought that for some strange reason seems to reach you. You don’t look back, but you wish things were different. Yet, looking forward tomorrow, you decide to play things from another perspective.
There is little need to wait, though, for as you start to get to your ship, he is right after you.
“Y/N, wait.”
Your heart races when he addresses you. Instantly you turn to meet him, seeing something different in his eyes that shakes you internally.
“I didn’t mean to be rude at you. There’s been too much going on”, Anakin says softly.
“It’s all good”, you offer him a faint smile, bearing compassion in your features. “I know you are going through hard times, Master. You can confide in me.”
He hesitates. You wait. Anakin feels the weight of your gentle gaze on him, but he cannot hold it.
“I… I appreciate it, Y/LN”, he raises his eyes and for a moment when his blue irises linger in yours, your mental shield is threatened. “Truthfully.”
“Is there anything I can do to help you?”
Anakin studies you for a moment. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes from it. When it appears he’s going to say anything at all, the hologram calls.
It’s Obi-Wan.
“Looks like we are parting ways”, you say, not covering your disappointment.
“For now, Y/LN”, mumbles Anakin. “For now”.
And so he watches you go. Bitterly so.
You prepare to venture after Ventress when Anakin finds you. Today, he’s wearing much darker, somber robes, a contrast to your light vine ones. Despite the differences making your eyebrows frown, you are surprised about his presence.
“Y/LN. Rex informed me of your whereabouts. Stubborn, aren’t we?”, he disapproves your decision, arms folded as he watches you with deep concern in his eyes.
“You may call me Y/N by now, Master”, you give him a smile, much to his dismay. The kind of smile that breaks his barriers, that pulls him to the unknown. “You don’t have to worry about me. The time spent with you prepared me for this.”
“You don’t know what you are saying…” Anakin barely breathes out and you notice the pain in his eyes. “Don’t go, Y/N. I ask you this.”
There is so much to be said, all of which he reads like a torrent of unspoken words that fall over his head like a waterfall. The silence still hangs between you two, momentarily so, painfully so.
“You don’t have to prove your worth”, he whispers, thinking somehow this council to be of the kind he should follow. “Y/N…”
“I swear I’ll make you proud”, you insist, unwilling to be drowned in a puddle of anxiety. “Trust in me, will you?”
Anakin hesitates. You are much his counterpart, the mirror of his best side… somehow you perceive what’s not being said. It’s when you see through him, and this makes you hesitate.
“Anakin”, you call him. “We could go together.”
He is surprised at this sudden request. You clearly haven’t expected this either, but as you realize what you said, your smile grows bigger in your lips.
“We could, couldn’t we?”
That is when your bond deepens. But that is also your first attempt to rescue him from himself…
In the midst of the chase, you two end up in planet Y/C, known for the worst temperes, although it’s unlike that volcano planet you loath. There, to your consternation, the chase is delayed by a very bad sand storm.
“The best we can do is use it in our favor”, so tells you Anakin.
“And how’s that?”, you ask, not in the best of your mood.
As he flies to a safe spot, he ensures the environment hides the ship.
“She must be here somewhere. Sometimes we ought to be patient, Padawan.” Anakin side smirks at you.
“Says the one who is not really the most patient man”, you remark with a disapproving head shake.
“Never claimed to be such”, Anakin smiles wide. “We can rest for a moment. If you feel like sleeping. This ship is slightly more spacious than the one I usually pilot. Feel free to have some rest.”
“I appreciate it, but I’m too restless, I’m afraid.”
For a moment, neither you nor Anakin speak. It’s when you are moved by a curiosity that the Jedi already foresees it.
“Say it”, he grumbles under his breath. “Say what you want to say.”
“What? I didn’t say anything at all.”
He folds his arms and gives you a knowing glance. When seeing you blush, Anakin realizes he likes the view.
“I… To be frank, I am worried about you.”
“Yeah? I appreciate your concern, Y/Nickname”, Anakin is pleased when you smile almost unconsciously as he comes up with a nickname that shows how closer you two have become. “But this is war.”
“We cannot let our personal grievances lead the path to madness. It’s unwise”, you realize that your eyes cannot divert from his.
He sighs.
“It’s a weight you don’t understand. You should enjoy your life, Y/Nickname. Do your best, build your convictions and live for them.”
“I do”, you say firmly. “You are part of them. Ever since our paths crossed…”
“Don’t”, Anakin knows he’s being rude by cutting you, but it’s clear an emotional response. “I’ve been there before, it didn’t end well.”
“Allow me to give you hope”, you know you should not insist, but your tongue runs loose. Anakin avoids your gaze, but he cannot flee from you. “Don’t let what we have fade away. I am not her. But this doesn’t have to be what once was.”
He slowly turns his head at you, aware of your silent riot, sensing the pulse of your heart, the urge behind your eyes.
“This path… You don’t want to take, Y/N”, yet he is irresistibly drawn to you.
“Don’t go”, the words are whispered without the consent of your conscience.
What happens next is unpredictably out of control. His lips suddenly collide against yours, his hands cup your face, your body leans against his, your hands are all over him.
In the middle of storm, where nature cries out intensively against the presence of intruders in her domines, you and Anakin are found collapsing in each other.
“Y/Nickname… You shouldn’t make me want you”, Anakin growls under his breath.
He rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed. You smile, gently playing with his curls.
“There are many things I shouldn’t want either, but here I am with you.”
Anakin chuckles under his breath.
“You are unbelievable…”
Locking hands with him, you let yourself slide into his lap. You feel his admiring gaze linger over your feature, and you do the same, fearful somehow of losing him.
“Fear leads to anger…”, Anakin whispers when detecting your thoughts, his lips brushing against yours as his hands hold you tight. You can feel his body reacting to your slight moves over his manhood, but you don’t do nothing yet.
“We should not form any romantic attachments”, you whisper back with a naughty smile on your lips, leaning to bite down his bottom lip.
Anakin groans at your provocation, about to let that beast within take the reins of the situation… That is, until the hologram buzzes.
It’s Obi-Wan Kenobi.
• Hours before the tragedy.
Had you not gotten yourself wounded in the process, perhaps things would’ve been different. The possibility never ceases to torment you. There had been other factors, you were more than aware, but you still feel guilty about it.
Specially when you see him so distressed. And seemingly avoiding you.
“General, may I have a word with you?”, you finally manage to have a moment alone with him.
Anakin, lost in deep contemplations, already his aura fuming darkness, stops abruptly. Noticing you, he looks distant to you—unreachable even, much to your consternation.
When inferring the pain that never reached your tongue, Anakin softens. Nonetheless, he remains at what he judges to be a safe distance for you.
“Y/N, the Chancellor waits for me.”
“It won’t take a minute”, you insist.
Already seeing behind your eyes the urge in your heart, the Jedi is baffled by how every piece of you mirrors himself. A comfort, but also an aching for which there is no healing.
No, he cannot prove you like this.
Yet, before he knows, your tongue breaks loose.
“I love you. Don’t…go.”
When he reacts in bewilderment, your heart falls. You struggle to remain calm, but a wave is about to crush you.
Anakin wants to scream “I love you too”. He wishes to hold you in his arms, to kiss you fervently, to make love with you all night.
He wants to say “I love you too”.
He wants to make you his wife.
But… he won’t.
• The Order 66.
You stare through the window. From the emptiest quarters, silence embraces your pain, providing you some new odd sort of home.
Your reason so far holds the reins of the disruption that attacks your heart like a fever, the symptom of a diseases against which your body struggles.
Night rises and so comes the darkness. Memories are the worst type of phantom one must deal with. How can you exorcise it? How, when he walked away, leaving you bleeding, abandoned to hopelessness?
It’s been days since he parted, taking some piece of you. Numbed by it, you occupied yourself enough to avoid such thoughts.
You decide to leave your quarters. The corridors scream silently at you.
“I have a bad feeling about this”, you whisper.
Accused by inner demons for feeding illusions to your hungry heart, you shake them off as you grip tight your saber and step through the poorly illuminated room.
You hear the sound of blasters. You prepare to join a fight that transmits the sound of defeat.
“Why’d you have to twist the knife? Well, now I am prepared to hold it against me”, you think bitterly aloud.
It’s when a tear rolls down. Not much later, General Skywalker meets you. However, he is not the same Jedi you once knew…
• The Rise of the Dark Side •
“You are in suffering”, Lord Vader muses.
There is so much to be said, but none leaves your mind.
“Put an end to it”, it’s all you can say. “Do it and we’ll both be at peace with it.”
“Never took you for drama”, he retorts, but you swear there is some amusement behind his yellow eyes.
“Judge what you must.” And then of course, it comes the inevitable burst. “Why did you make me want to you? Why did you have to leave me behind like that?”
Looking disconcerted at you, it’s the first time you make him speechless.
“Y/N”, he slowly steps forward.
“I was yours!”, you don’t realize the burst takes all of you. “But you were never mine! Never…”
“Repressing your sentiments like that only leads to the inevitable path you are now”, Vader moves subtly to where you are. “Come with me, Y/N. Together, we can rule the galaxy together.”
“I’ve never cared about power”, you snort in between sobs.
He is silent, but his moves speak louder than any words. This Sith Lord holds you against him, though from behind he rests his hands around your waist.
Breathing your perfume, he knows there is no need to fight anymore. Your pain is now his.
“Don’t go”, Vader begs softly. “Say you are coming, Y/N.”
You slowly turn at him. His darkness tempts you, you are so tired of hurting… he cups your face with both his hands, resting his forehead against yours.
“I was always yours”, so he says. “I am not going anywhere. Not anymore.”
“You better don’t.”
This Sith Lord smiles. Your loyalty to him, whoever he is now, remains unchanged.
“I love you”.
Saying so, he doesn’t wait for your response. And just like that, in that forgotten quarters, Vader wants to compensate for the time wasted.
He pursuits your lips, now holding you as if he fears you’d change your mind, prompted to resist him—like others did. But you are too tired to fight anyway, and your heart has always been his.
You kiss him back, diving in deep waters. Your tongue dances perfectly with his, and there is strangely a balance with you two. As his arms involve you in a tender embrace, your hands climb from his chest to his face, moving to his hair, where your fingers are wrapped around his curls.
“I want you so bad”, Vader groans under his breath, his own hands famine for your body; quickly finding ways to unlace your robes. “How could you possible nurture the idea I was hers? Fuck her. I’m yours.”
You throw your head to the side, under his control completely.
“You never assured me otherwise”, you respond him in between soft whimpers as his tongue is now dancing circles in your neck. “Holy Maker!”
“Yes? Give in to me, my darling”, Vader moans softly, leading the way to bed and there lying you down.
On your elbows, you are urged to help toss him away his clothes. World outside might be plunged in darkness, but yours is burning wild on fire.
“I might do that”, you don’t protest, eyes devouring his well built muscles as your hands move from his curls to his neck, caressing his warm skin.
You would gladly go down below, but he prevents you doing so:
“Let me see if you will”, he whispers against your ear.
That way, his lips start tracing lines of kisses around your skin, slowly and teasingly. Vader smirks when hearing you soft whimpers. Very gently, indeed, he parts your legs, making sure he’s domineering you in every possible way.
Looking down at you, he sees lust gleaming behind your y/c eyes as he teases his manhood now exposed, touching lightly as it rises erect—and a smirk is fully displayed on his lips at seeing your body reacting: your nipples going hard, you trying to hold back your squirm…
“Do you like what you see, Y/N?”
“Yes, Master”, you moan. “Must you torture me thus?”
Lord Vader chuckles, pleased at your words. He leans softly against you, teasing the entrance of your feminine part with the tip of his manhood all the whilst his hands begin to play with your nipples.
He enjoys, more than he cares to admit, the lullaby he makes you sing. Vader watches as every unspoken word creates unspeakable images that he captures thanks to the use of Force. And he is sure ready to make them real.
Not long after that, as his lips reach each nipple of yours, taking quite a while at your chest, Lord Vader’s hand skillfully finds the way to you. Just like what you want him to.
By complying to your secretive desires, you are brought to such an exquisite sensation of bliss. Lord Vader makes sure to watch as you come undone—and there is no need to use the Force to ensure it happens.
Your screams are barely louder when they are shut by your lover’s lips. As he slaps your bum after you come undone—respectfully so—, Vader crawls over you and…
You finally…
Have him.
“Oh Lord”, you whimper.
“Is this what you want me to do with you, my lady Sith?”, Vader growls at your hear, pleased to see how aroused you are.
“Y-Yes”, part of you doesn’t acknowledge the meaning behind his words, but the other part—perhaps a whole part, in truth—shines like a midnight sun in its glory. “Fuck, yes!”
Locking bodies with you, one moves with the other in perfect synchrony until both parts come undone.
“I love you”, and this you know is the true essence of the man you’ve come to known.
Enjoying his firm, possessive embrace, you look up at him and smile.
“I love you too.”
When seeing an unposed question behind his yellow eyes, you cup his face, peppering it with gentle kisses and saying:
“Whatever your soul is made of, mine is the same. We are not agony, perhaps not even hope, but something greater.” You lean on your elbow, eyeing him worth the purest devotion he’d ever seen. “I love you.”
Seeing you fall asleep on his chest, whilst messing with your hair, Lord Vader silently contemplates the weight of your words. He doesn’t need any Jedi, nor Sith, but you and you alone.
Having tasted the power provided by the dark side, how strange it is to be tempted by the light when he’s with you.
So the Sith Lord joins you in his sleep, peaceful for the first time in years.
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sailorkamino · 1 year
you can sit with us
wildflower masterlist
relationships: twi'lek!jedi!reader x bad batch, background reader x plo koon & 104th battalion [gn, can be platonic or romantic]
summary: you're knight aola, a jedi with an abnormally strong connection to the living force and commander of the 104th. a reassigment leads you to kamino where you meet some equally unique (and chaotic) men, clone force 99.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: no use of y/n (reader will be called commander aola or smth flower related), proective!wolffe, shinies are in love with you, one mention of slavery, set 1 yr into clone wars so no echo yet
ryl translations: aola - flower
mando'a translations: Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod - you want to speak up, bro?
gif found on pinterest! credits to owner
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When Yoda suggests getting your own special forces unit after your knighting you know you had to meet them before making any decisions.
You decide to go to Kamino rather than have them come to Coruscant, that way you can train together. Besides, you like to visit Kamino between assignments when you have time. Shaak says it’s good for the clones’ morale… mainly because they start showing off as soon as you enter the room. Plus the employees are on their best behavior when they have an audience.
That’s how you find yourself a few days later in a large mess hall. You can feel hundreds of brown eyes on you as you hold your tray. Beside you Wolffe glares at as many of them as possible. Your co-commander had brought you to the ocean planet to meet your new squad and ship, he only needed to drop you off but he seemed determined to stay as long as possible.
You assume it has to do with the young shinie’s who keep ogling you. A few have already approached you in the hallways on the way here but Wolffe took it upon himself to scare them away.
It's not hard to spot clone force 99 amongst the sea of identical haircuts. Like all vode they're completley unique in the force: from deep browns, to vibrant pinks, to dusty yellows, to blood reds. Oddly enough no one else is sitting with them. You lean towards Wolffe's ear as you get closer to the table. “Play nice.”
“I’m always nice.”
You hold back a snort at his deadpan tone. You pull your lips into a polite smile as you come to a stop. “Is this seat taken?”
Instead of a verbal response the four clones gawk at you. The pricking of jealous stares from all around the mess hall make your lekku twitch but you don’t let any discomfort show on your face. You once again remind yourself these men have very limited experience with nat borns.
“Yeah, of course, general!” The big one answers. He hastily makes room on the bench, almost shoving his grey haired brother to the floor in the process.
You hold back a laugh as you sit beside him yet the new title rings in yours ears. You never wanted to be a solider in the first place and now you're a general? You do your best to release your feelings to the force before introducing yourself.
Wolffe still hasn’t spoken. You subtly kick his boot under the table. “Commander Wolffe. He/him."
“You want to sit with us?” The goggled one asks with a cocked head, reminding you of a curious purgil. Ah, he must be Tech. “I do,” you respond confidently. Although you’re a bit confused they don’t know who you are, weren’t they briefed on their new officer? They probably weren’t shown a holo of you though. Well, this should be fun.
Your response seems to break the long haired clone out of his stupor. “I’m Sergeant Hunter. This is Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech. We're all he/him."
You note it will be easy to remember who specializes in what. You can sense the batch glancing at Wolffe’s cybernetic eye and you know he can too. They haven’t been deployed yet so it’s most likely the worst injury they’ve ever seen. Without looking up from his food the commander simply says: “lightsaber.”
The clones around you not so subtly glance to the two sabers at your waist. You slap his armored shoulder indignantly. “You can’t just say lightsaber, it looks like I did it!” You look at the curious shinies around you, tilting your head in Wolffe’s direction, “that would be courtesy of Dooku’s apprentice, Ventrass. But I think it just adds to his roguishly handsome vibe.”
Wolffe scowls but his cheeks flush at the compliment. You were there for every step of his recovery and since then you had taken it upon yourself to be his personal hype man. Plus seeing the stiff commander flustered is just too entertaining to pass up.
“Is their name really Ventrass?” Tech asks curiously.
“No, it’s Ventress, but she’s a real ass. Hence the name.”
You look down at your tray as they process the new info. “Ugh, this food should be considered a war crime. Remind me to never complain about the temple’s cafeteria again.” Wolffe doesn’t react, long used to your non sequiturs. The other clones share bewildered looks.
"As soon as I take you boys off world I’m getting you real food.” You add for good measure. Now you can literally feel the confusion radiating off of them.
"What do you mean 'off world’?” Hunter asks.
You look at him curiously. Okay maybe they don’t know they’re getting a new officer at all. “Wait, you guys haven’t talked to master Ti yet?”
“No, we haven’t.”
“Oh, well that explains your confusion. We’re gonna be working together.”
Hunter and Tech’s eyes widen comically. Crosshair squints suspiciously. Wrecker chokes on his mystery meat. You pat his large back to help it pass, wordlessly handing him some juice. “Sorry boys, it was kind of a last minute assignment but I was hoping you’ve been briefed.”
A stunned silence follows that quickly becomes awkward. You clasp your hands in front of you, “well that’s alright! After you eat we can run a sim together!”
Your comm pings. You've never been so greatful for a distracion because clone force 99 is still gawking at you. Then you see the sender and any gratitude drains from your body. You roll your eyes without realizing it (a habit you picked up from your co-commander.)
"How do I diplomatically tell Tuan We to kriff off?” You ask said clone.
Wolffe's lips twitch up, which is his version of laughing. “Negotians are your department, sir.”
“You don’t like ‘em either?” Wrecker asks, wonder in his voice.
You lean towards him with a conspiratorial whisper. “Jedi aren’t supposed to be vengeful but between us I’m about one interaction away from drop kicking the prime minister.” Pride feels your chest at the shocked laughs you recieve. Even Crosshair and Wolffe are unable to hide their amusement.
Another alert from your comm has you prepared to cut it in half with one of your saber's but then you see the sender: Master Shaak Ti! You have always been quite close to the togruta who brought you to the jedi order (and subsequently saved you from a life of slavery.) You haven’t got to see her in person in forever. She must’ve been pretty busy lately if she wasn’t able to brief your new unit on your arrival.
You look at the table of clones with a cocky grin. “Hey, have you boys ever seen a lightsaber duel?”
You pointedly ignore Wolffe’s eye roll. You’re convinced his cybernetic eye is gonna get stuck in that position one day.
Shaak Ti happens to be a master of makashi, aka the form both Dooku and Ventress prefer. That’s why neither of you are trying to end the duel by winning. It’s more of a studying opportunity. Especially considering you have a nasty habit of pissing off sith. To be fair what was Master Plo expecting when he asked Obi-Wan to teach you about negotiation?
You flip to avoid a graceful lunge from the general. Her violet eyes shine with pride. “Your ataru has greatly improved, young one.”
The slightly breathless praise has you grinning, feeling like an eager youngling again. You skillfully dodge her green blade, “am I tiring you out, master?”
She tries to appear disapproving but you can feel her amusement. “A jedi should be humble.”
You beam at her through the clash of your sabers. “I’ll have you know humility is one of my best traits.”
A beeping goes off from Tech’s datapad, alerting the end of your allotted sparring time. You come to a halt. The adrenaline of a good duel leaves you both glowing softly in the force.
“Woah! That was awesome!”
The bellowing voice makes you grin. “Thank you, Wrecker."
You power down one of your lightsabers, clipping it back to your hip. You extend your now free hand as you call your water bottle into it. Shaak Ti bows, bidding goodbyes to you and the clones before making her leave.
“What is ataru?” Tech asks, fingers stilled above his datapad screen.
You take a few gulps before answering. “Form four of lightsaber combat. It’s known as the aggressive form but really it’s more acrobatic than anything.”
Wolffe mumbles something along the lines of ‘show off.’ You aren’t surprised. He’s never been a fan of ataru. He thinks all the flips are impractical. “Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod?” You tease. Your eyes flick to the bad batch, noting their confusion in the force. “Do you speak Mando’a?” You ask and immediately regret it. You didn’t mean to put them on the spot.
“Some. Tech knows the most,” Hunter answers gruffly. His tone makes you think there’s a deeper meaning to them not knowing the language. You and Wolffe share a curious look but neither of you say anything. “Well I just told him to speak up,” you translate a bit awkwardly. You don't want them to feel excluded.
“How many lightsaber forms are there?” Tech suddenly asks.
You shoot the genius a thankful look for breaking the tension. “Seven. I can show you if you’re interested?”
“That would be fascinating!”
You’re starting to really like Tech’s enthusiasm. You glance at his brothers. They don’t necessarily feel bored but they aren’t as excited as Tech. “You boys don’t have to stay for this if you don’t want to.”
“Are you gonna do more tricks?” Wrecker asks. You can’t help but chuckle. Despite his size he reminds you of the younglings back at the temple. You miss them.
“I am.”
“Then I’ll stay!”
Crosshair tries to seem uninterested. “I don’t have any other plans,” he simpers. You can tell bonding with this vod won’t be easy but you’ve always liked a challenge. You look at Hunter expectantly since he has yet to speak up. “Sounds interesting," he shrugs.
“Great. Tech, you can record this if you like.” He flashes a small, grateful smile as he clicks away on his pad. You leave your shoto by your waist, igniting your regular saber as you fall into a familiar stance. “The first form is the most basic, shii-cho…”
As you move through katas you know you’ve found your answer for Master Yoda.
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sticks-and-souls · 1 year
I genuinely do not understand the dismissal of the Plaizir-15 storyline as “bad writing” when every single aspect of it was intentional absurdity designed to be comedy for us because we know we’re watching star wars.
If the too-happy jingle as bo katan lost control of her ship didn’t make you feel like you were entering a weird star wars dystopia, then Dark™ C-3PO and R2-D2 greeting them should have made you realize that it was deliberate. I commented to my partner that the Star Trek vibe was making it feel so weird well before we got to Christopher Lloyd wearing a fucking Star Trek uniform.
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The fact that every single human character was an outrageous cameo was on purpose—probably to take their behavior from being interpreted as cheesy (not ideal), and into the territory of being absurdist. On top of being silly characters, (which we experience through Bo Katan’s spot-on “is this really happening”performance), there’s an extra joke for us that our main characters aren’t in on, which is that it’s freaking Jack Black and Lizzo. The director is winking at us. This is absurd!
Same thing when grogu got “knighted”. A silly, cute moment, that we once again experience through Bo’s barely held in smile. But the background music was the same music as the season 2 finale when he went to be a Jedi knight with Luke Skywalker. That was an extra joke just for us! It was hilarious!
Because our main characters experienced the ridiculousness of what was happening to them in a way that was true to their characters and there was a plausible plot reason for them to go along with it (i.e., complete quest in order to go see the other mandalorians), then it was still reasonable to transition back to the main season arc by the end of the episode.
I guess my point is that, just because it may not have been your brand of humor or you didn’t catch some of them, doesn’t make it bad storytelling or sloppy writing. It was deliberate and we still got to see our main characters work as a team in ways we haven’t seen before in a fun romp of an episode.
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gabbasposts · 7 months
>Luke Finding out you’re still alive and well, years later after he left Tatooine<
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker x fem Reader
Warnings: Angst, mild arguments, tragic past, reader has a sister who this is kind of centered around, but don’t worry, it isn’t an OC 💀 she can be whoever you want lol
(Not my gif)
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A/n: this is a bit OoC, and maybe a little self indulgent. Reader has a sister who I don’t give a name because idk 💀 same with the parents. When I write for reader I don’t like using Y/n because I feel like Y/n in my mind after years of reading fanfics is their own individual character which is weird because technically they aren’t…
👁️👄👁️ at all… but yeah… anyways, if you like it, thanks!
He didn’t know what to think as you both stared at one another, in shock and mild dismay… mostly on your part.
It had been… well, for the better part of a few years since you had last seen one another.
He had left Tatooine before the news had reached you that the empire had raided his home and slaughtered both his uncle and aunt.
You remembered how you had rushed to his home immediately, asking anyone you knew Luke typically communicated with where he had gone and if he was hurt…
Your first regret… because what followed after multiple lonely nights of crying, and regretting the argument you had both gotten in which so happened to be the last time you saw him, you received news over the radio transmitter that none other than Luke Skywalker, had been awarded a medal for blowing up the Empire’s Death Star.
Of course, you had been thrilled then… relief had flooded your senses immediately once it became obvious that he hadn’t died with his uncle and aunt, despite the report only stating it was just the two of them who’s bodies had been found outside of the home… no one else’s.
Of course that didn’t mean you hadn’t mourned for the their losses just as you had for Luke before finding out he was alright… safe, and alive…
You blinked, turning your head as you adverted your gaze from him… you felt more than exposed right now. One he was standing in your home, your new home at that, which was the last place you’d ever want to see him again in… You hadn’t wanted to see him again, to be honest but it seemed your sister who stood starring at you with a wary, yet confident look in her eye, had other ideas.
You had already had a conversation about this… that you would not interfere in any decision that you two’s “parents” had made for her.
You were an adult now, and lived fairly close to them. Therefore you no longer had to abide by their rules… but because she was still young, and by law under their wing, you really didn’t have any say in the matter she kept trying to drag you in.
Which is why, even though your gaze wasn’t harsh as you stared back at her, you couldn’t help but to feel annoyed by her utter disregard for bringing not only a Jedi into your home when she knew your opinions on them, but one you had intimately known prior to you both coming to Naboo after the events that had taken place during your relationship with him… of course then, she had only been a baby.
Unaware of you two’s relationship, nor the fact she had met him before, shortly after she was born… so you couldn’t truly bring yourself to be angered by her look of both refusal to allow you to sit on the sidelines, as well as confusion for your obvious annoyance towards none other than Luke Skywalker, the hero and Jedi Knight who helped end the reign of the Empire. The same empire who killed your actual parents…
However… you could be mad that she brought someone, who she assumed would be a stranger to you, no matter the weight of his name… into your home.
You watched as she frowned, her eyes glancing to Luke’s for a moment before coming back to look at you, now shrinking inward a bit under your obvious stony gaze on her. She knew you hated having visitors…
She cleared her throat, seemingly get ready to address the situation but before she could even get a word out, his voice came through in a steady tone. “It’s alright… can I speak with your sister for a moment while you wait outside with the others?”
While his tone didn’t seem to be deterred by your blatant rudeness, that didn’t stop you from turning to shoot him a warning look. You already didn’t want to see him at all, a fact you were sure he was well aware of.
“No. I’m not her guardian by law, I’m her sister. She can choose to do whatever she pleases, but because she isn’t my responsibility I can’t sign for that.”
You turned away, moving towards your kitchen area as your sister began to follow you, letting out an exasperated sigh as you walked towards the tea kettle which had began to whistle… your heart racing but not with unease or happiness. It was anger…
Anger you had thought you had buried after years of both therapy and trying to shove all your old feelings inside so that you could focus on moving on with your life, and leaving that painful chapter behind, had just been re-ignited.
“But… please, don’t be like this! I know your worried I’m going to get hurt and all, but I’ll be fine! This is Luke-” your sister tried to reason with you, but you interrupted her, a slight venom dripping from your tone at his name was suddenly used aloud.
You heard it all the time wether you wanted to or not… you had thought you would be able to not have the walls of your home, your new home you had worked hard to get, tainted with the sound of it.
“I know who is.” You bit out, turning to glance at your sister who’s eyes only narrowed at the sudden bite in your tone. Luke winced internally, his jaw clenching slightly as his gaze fell to the ground for a moment… it wasn’t that he felt uncomfortable by your reaction, but more so the fact that he knew why you were having this reaction… after all, he was the reason.
“But at the end of the day, I can’t give permission when you aren’t my legal responsibility.” You stated, turning your attention back in front of you, as opened one of your cabinets to pull out a mug. Your sister was only a baby when things had transpired between you and Luke, and as for the parents, they were in actuality, your grandparents.
You simply referred to them as your parents due to the fact the kids you had finished primary school with, had been wicked enough to try and poke fun at the fact that you and your sister were basically orphans… and you didn’t want your sister who was far more sensitive to you, to have to fall victim to that as well when she started.
So you told her to refer to them as that when speaking outside of their home you had grown up in… it was sad that you had to even consider that, but children sadly could be cruel.
Your parents died when the empire invaded Tatooine looking for those who were alive, and had possibly known Luke in person… the same Luke who stood in front of you now. Only he was no longer the slightly light blonde he had been all those years ago, and his demeanor… it was still the same, but he didn’t have the familiar air of need in it.
Any other time, if you were being as stubborn as you were now, even prior to you two’s friendship becoming something more, he’d be hounding you down, questioning why you were being this way, and not hearing anyone out. It seemed he had become more patient… no doubt the Jedi training.
You had fled with her… your sister, in your hands the moment your father got word that they were approaching… you didn’t even get to hug your mother who had been screaming at you to run as the travel crafts approached…
“I know that!” Your thoughts were broken by your sister and you turned to look at her, your gaze turning bitter at your sudden recollection of the now painful memories.
“But mom and dad aren’t going to let me go because they don’t think I should. They think I should stay here with you guys, and considering you had to basically beg them to let you go to university, I think they’d be more inclined to listening to you about this! Please, I want you to help us convince them.” She stated, walking beside you in an attempt to face you, but you kept your eyes on the cup in front of you.
The thing is, you didn’t convince them… after multiple arguments and them repeatedly saying no, you left to attend much to their annoyance. But they weren’t angry enough to not allow you to communicate with your sister, and come visit on vacations.
“Please, I’m not doing this. If you want to go, then go. Besides, don’t the Jedi take force sensitive children anyway?” There was a sudden shift in energy in the room.
It wasn’t a heavy one in the sense you suddenly felt like you were in danger, but it was one that made you feel like what you had said had been wrong which you couldn’t pinpoint why considering, it was a known fact.
“No. That was the old way, we don’t work like that anymore. I dont work like that.” Luke’s voice cut in, a frown on his face as he took a step forward towards the kitchens entryway. “The new Jedi order I’m creating isn’t one that takes or separates children from their homes, and families. I only take in those under my wing, and mentorship if they reach out through the force first, which is what your sister did.”
You didn’t know why, but his sudden defensive response was almost nostalgic. He wasn’t a confrontational person, however, he was someone who always tried to call out things he didn’t agree with no matter if it would escalate.
You simply chuckled, nodding a bit before your lips pursed as stared at him. Surprisingly, the twitch in his brow that usually followed when he felt like he wasn’t being taken seriously never came... “Well then, if that’s the case she wants to go. So take her.”
“No!” Your sisters voice cried out in alarm as she rushed in front of you. For a moment, your cocky steel faced facade slipped from your face as you took in her sudden watery gaze.
“Please, help me… I don’t want them to hate me! They didn’t talk about you for months after you left, even after they let you go and I didn’t hear from you for long after. I thought I’d never see you again, and I don’t want them or you to hate me…”
Her voice quivered as she looked up at you, and immediately, your instincts took over as you moved to place your hands on her shoulders in an attempt to calm her sudden shaking.
While you we’re confident she knew you meant it out of wanting her to do what she pleased, you couldn’t help but to feel a little upset with yourself, having upset her… and it had came from a place of wanting to elicit some emotion from him nonetheless.
You wanted him to react in anger so that you could bring up the fact your parents died trying to protect you and your sister… they died lying about not having a clue who Luke was despite the fact you had brought him to your home as much as you could when he had been free from chores, due to both your parents liking and accepting him enough to let you go out with him… you felt like through your actions of being with him, and loving him, you had damned your family… and you hadn’t even received an apology, or any sort of sympathy from him. Not for killing your parents of course… you knew he had no part in that, but it was the fact that the empire had been on the haunt for him since his feat having to do with the death star, and you were positive your parents hadn’t been the only one to die in the hands of the empire for merely knowing Luke at one point before he left…
And even now, as he adverted his gaze, you knew he knew…
“Hey now… stop that. I would never hate you for wanting to choose what you want to do in your life. I love you, and you know that.” You said, your tone softened naturally due to her frantic emotional response. You tilted her chin to look at you gently, not wanting her to recoil from you in anger and hoping she understood your words as you kneeled down to her level.
“Listen, if you feel me coming with you to tell mom and dad your leaving to become a Jedi is the right decision… I’ll do it.” Her eyes widened slightly before returning to that familiar frown you had grown accustomed to seeing… she was just as miserable living with your grandparents here on Naboo as you had been when you had lived under their roof.
And even though you were basically offering to help her despite not wanting to… you knew she didn’t want you to just do so because it’s what she wanted. She wanted you to genuinely think it a good idea, letting her go this. To support her as she always did you.
And again, even if you didn’t want to, because that meant you’d have to stand in front both her, and him as a shield to protect them from your grandparents possible wrath having to both see him, as well as give up another grandchild to let them lead their lives… you’d do anything for her.
“But…” your shoulders squared as you mentally formulated as best as you could, how to tell her you truly thought it’d be a bad idea trying to bring Luke with her, without specifically telling her she shouldn’t...
“I can tell you now, mom and dad aren’t going to say yes. Because despite telling you they gave me their blessing, they didn’t say yes to me. I left. Because I knew if I didn’t, I would be stuck living the same life you’re trying to escape now.” You frowned, hating to admit you did leave her even though it was in hopes of coming back with a career so that you could hopefully move her in with you… and while you did have it now, it seemed it was too late… she had already found a path she wanted to walk down.
She shook her head gently, her eyes still on you. “You really think they could forgive me for doing this? That I’ll be able to visit one day once my training is over, and they’ll be alright with the fact I just up and left?”
“Yes.” You steeled your voice, wanting to know you were being serious.
“I do. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it’ll be immediate. Which is why I hope that this path you me choosing will pay off… because if it doesn’t, and you return without anything, they won’t let you live it down.” You were starting to hate how much you were recalling bitter memories now… when you had first visited them a few months after leaving for vacations, they repeatedly kept pointing out the fact you had no career, or solid work experience. As if a few months would’ve been enough to establish that…
“At least if you get the Jedi title you want so badly, they’ll be forced to keep quiet and admit they were wrong. But this has to be something you’re confident about.”
Luke nodded, agreeing with you as your sister turned to look at him. “Your sisters right. It’s important you’re confident that this is what you want… while I won’t ever deny you passage to leave if you ever would like to return home and stop your Jedi training, it’s best your sure you won’t have doubts in the future.”
You couldn’t help but to nod in agreement, even if felt uneasy with his words. If his new order truly was one that was different from the old, that meant his promise of allowing her to return safe and sound, was true… she knew Luke wouldn’t kill her if she decided to abandon his order, but the Jedi of the old would’ve thought otherwise… there weren’t many known Jedi who had been able to leave peacefully and tell the tale.
And if they were, they were most likely still in hiding despite the original order now lying doormat.
Your right hand moved to rest on the left side of her face, thumbing away the tears that were escaping before your other hand followed pursuit on her right… she wasn’t that old, yet she still had the same baby face you knew Luke recognized. And yet it seemed he wasn’t willing to tell her they had met before, just as much as you weren’t ready...
Timidly, she nodded. Her eyes moved to look down at the necklace hanging around your neck, a copy of the one that hung around her own.
While it was still evident that she was a worried, she physically calmed a bit at your touch. Something you felt happy about considering despite you two’s grandparents taking you under their wing, they very much like your parents, were traditional people. And emotional responses like hers were usually met with threats to either give them more to cry about, or to fix their faces and suck it up.
Another reason she had left her grandparents home, and sometimes felt a bit bitter about her parents despite missing them badly…
Ignoring the presence that stood across from them, watching the scene unfold, you looked down at your lap, your mind seemingly growing more tired by this interaction… “Listen. Go with Luke if your sure this is what you want to do… I’ll talk to mom and dad. They’re not going to listen, but I can assure you they won’t hate you.”
With a heavy sigh, your eyes met hers again, and you couldn’t help but to smile sadly at her. Part of you wanted to tell her no…
To stay with you, due to the fact that you were the only immediate family she had. Not to mention, she was so… young, innocent, and sometimes gullible.
And her overwhelming kindness was definitely an aspect she had adopted from you guy’s mother, whilst you seemed to have inherited your pessimistic and hardened personality from your father.
“Are you sure?” She frowned more, her eyes searching yours and even though you didn’t carry the force like she did, you could sense the sudden anxiousness rising from her. “I’m positive. They’ll riot the moment they see you walk in with him, and you know how they are… leave it to me.”
It was weird… when you had been apart, you had never been one to suddenly develop immediate anxiety, even when what happened between you and Luke, who still stood with his own expression of worry on his face, had transpired… of course you had been naturally worried for the only man you at the time, foolishly declared you loved… but you didn’t count that. He wasn’t family. Not anymore.
Yet, when you had been at your university, you’d sometimes get these sudden anxious feelings that would cause you to squirm in your skin… sometimes in the literal since that you’d shudder, or your breathing would become a bit ragged.
Almost immediately your thoughts would rush to your sister, and you wasted no time leaving either mid-lecture, or hangout with friends, to race back to your dormitory and call her… and sure enough, she’d either be just as anxious or upset about something.
Maybe it had to do with her seeking you out through the force when she developed these feelings. Maybe it was simply because you were sisters… either ways, it was like you could sense her emotions no matter where you were, or how close you two were to one another. And the aspect of her ever feeling nervous or upset while you most likely wouldn’t be able to go directly to her was a thought that filled you with dread… but you didn’t want to be another version of your grandparents.
And you did have confidence she’d become an amazing Jedi. After all, she was more experienced with the force than you
“What if they don’t… what if they don’t forgive me?” Her voice was a bit more steady, but still held that hint of anxiety she typically carried with her. You smiled sadly, before smirking and shaking your head. “Then you have me. And that’s all that matters, right?”
Her face slowly shifted from that sad worrisome gaze, to a small smile as she nodded steadily her eyes still glued to yours. “Yeah…”
You smiled leaning in to kiss her forehead before standing, straightening your posture as your face steeled itself to face Luke who had watched the display, a small smile of his own having overcame him even though your face had shifted to one of indifference as you looked at him. “I can tell you right now, you walk into our parents home and try to convince them, you might not walk out…Therefore, I’ll allow you train her.”
He stood still for a moment, his gaze on yours. That familiar softness emitting from them that years ago, you would’ve blushed at and wanted to push yourself into his embrace like the silly little teen girl you had been…
But your eyes… you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him with that same softness, and familiarity that would’ve been easy to stomach his sudden re-appearance back in your life… you had hated him for so long after you had left Tatooine… you hated him for never sending you a letter or messaging you to tell you he was alright… You hated him for never reaching out when your parents had been slaughtered by the empire, it didn’t matter that he had help put an end to... You hated yourself for giving yourself to him fully before he had left Tatooine, wanting and assuming that you’d be together through thick and thin afterwards, and most importantly, even if he had been in the right during you two’s argument… an argument that had started on your accord due to you thinking you were so in love with him, that maybe he’d consider marrying you and having a family instead, when you knew he wasn’t in a rush to do that and he wanted to do things before settling down… you had hated him for it…
He looked down, his hands behind his back as he began to approach the two of you. He reached out, resting a gentle hand on your sisters shoulder, and smiling at her as she did him at the sudden contact… you don’t know why, but your stomach twisted at her expression.
Maybe it was because she didn’t know it was because of him knowing their family so intimately, it was the reason that had gotten their parents killed… maybe it was because it was like looking into a mirror, and immediately making out the obvious blind trust and admiration that her sister held in her eyes for the man, that was now a galaxy renowned hero, and being reminded that she had once gazed up at him with the same adoration, trust, and love for him, at one point in their lives... Regardless, it made her suddenly want to yank her sister back, but she calmed herself, her harsh gaze turning to look back at him.
His smile fell into a steady expression as he regarded her. No doubt sensing her emotions for him now through the force. “I swear on my life, I’ll protect her and guide her in the path of light. I won’t ever put her, nor any of the children under my wing in immediate harms way. I can promise you that.”
“You better.” You replied. The sudden bite in her tone returning. “I’ll kill you if so much of a hair is harmed on her.” The sudden harshness in your tone didn’t go unnoticed by your sister, as her sudden frantic voice broke through, calling your name.
Your threat didn’t deter him however. He only nodded, a smile appearing on his face once more as he gazed at you again with that familiar smile you felt yourself beginning to hate even though, the tiniest part of you missed it…
“I promise. No harm will come her way.” You nodded, letting out a small sigh as you turned to look back at your sister. Your eyes naturally softening as you gazed down at her slight horrified gaze on you due to your hostility which was unknown to her… you had always attempted to shield her away whenever you were beginning to grow upset, not wanting to display that image of you to her no matter what the situation was.
But with him suddenly coming back… it’s like you couldn’t possess yourself to have an ounce of self control over your emotions.
“If anything happens, call me. I’ll be there in light speed before you can blink. And if anything happens, regarding him, give him hell.” You watched as she groaned, turning to look at Luke, muttering a small apology for your behavior but he only smiled telling her it was alright…
You two had hugged each other once more… you possibly doing so a little more tightly than anticipated but she didn’t comment on it.
When you had separated, you smiled kissing her forehead once more, before you two spoke your goodbyes and promises of meeting once again, before she joined Luke at the door.
“I love you, and I’ll call you everyday after training.” She promised, before exiting from the door after you had nodded.
Luke followed behind her, and while you weren’t happy to see her leave, you felt a small sense of relief watching him follow after her. Not just for the fact he was leaving your house, but… you trusted him oddly enough to hold his promise…
He stopped just before exiting fully, turning to spare you a glance, a sad expression appearing on his face as you two stared at one another for a moment in silence…
“… I can’t change the past. But… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… I hope you can believe me.” He didn’t wait for your reply, a part of him not wanting to wait and see your reaction as he quickly exited your home, closing the door behind him.
You had been doing so well… so well, before he came back.
With the door closing behind him, your face finally fell, and you walked over to your couch, sitting down quickly before your legs could give out as you began to sob.
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falling-heights · 11 months
May I ask for yandere luke skywalker hcs? I really loved your mandalorian post!!!
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H o w   s l o w   l i f e   s e e m s   t o   m e, 
h o w   v i o l e n t   t h e   h o p e   o f   
l o v e   c a n   b e.
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Jedi require balance. Both a light and a dark side to keep the universe still. 
However, there are of course, times when Jedi lose their way. 
Perhaps, this was destined. The same sort of fate that had once affected his father. Perhaps not, after all, his choices are all his own. But, regardless, the sole force keeping the seams of the universe intact are beginning to fray. Those who feared his father don’t understand that he is no better, and undeniably worse. 
Why should you even try to run? All he ever wants is for you to be at his side, to be a guiding hand for you. And you should at least understand by now, that escaping a Jedi can only be in your dreams.
Its said the life of a Jedi requires little distraction. He didn't care. How could he think of you as such? You were always such a precious little gift. Your spirit gave him hope. Hope that perhaps his efforts for good truly meant something.
He finds your little spree to be the effects of your peers. They must be influencing you away from good, perhaps using you as ransom against him. He's made too many enemies for your sake. But its little to fret for. No matter where they hide you in the universe, he can find you. His bond to you is stronger than they can even imagine. Your soul is tethered to his, forever. So long as you still breath, he can feel you.
My dear, this will all be over soon. Your knight will be there to take your hand, and lead you to the light once more. All he asks is patience. And to not resist when he rights the wrongs his enemies have done for keeping you from him. Wait for him, darling.
And he'll give you the universe.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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Crescent Moon Rising
CH 2 - The Twi'lek Settlement
Master Orgus had chosen him. One of the few survivors of the Sacking of Coruscant and a Jedi Master on the Council had chosen him as a Padawan. And not only that, but he was the first Padawan since Coruscant that Master Orgus had taken on.
He was still reeling, just a bit, his stomach twisting in knots even as he stared down at the light armor and loose robes he’d pulled from the trunk Master Orgus had directed him to in his rooms at the Temple. Gear up, his new master had said, focused primarily on the discussion regarding the Twi’lek pilgrim settlement. Gear up - you’ll find some things that might fit you in the grey trunk in my office. And so he’d left the Council chamber and darted off through the high halls of the Jedi Temple until he’d reached the simple back hallways where the residential section was located, carpet and stone muffling his footfalls. There, he’d found Master Orgus’s rooms - little more than an office, small living and kitchen space, and a bedroom, and the grey trunk that had been mentioned, tucked into a back corner of the office next to a shelf of several tattered-looking artifacts and a few small holocrons. And he’d done as he’d been told, opening the trunk carefully and peering inside to find what he now held in his hands.
A set of Padawan robes. He’d guessed, but even so it was still a little surreal to see in front of him, and not in a dream.
Read the rest at the link below~!
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magicrobins · 2 years
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himboskywalker · 6 months
I adore how you write anakin and Obi-Wans character, how do you do it? I would love to start writing but I have a hard time getting in a character, so I would love to hear how you do it. 🤗
Thank you so much! I feel like I have a harder time getting Obi-Wan's characterization right, so I'm always highly honored when anyone thinks I do lol I'm going to give you both some general writing advice and then a personalized approach for how I tackle characterization!
To start,good characterization sits on the foundation of each of your characters needs a motivation. Everyone that has ever existed in the whole world had wanted something, no matter how big or how small. Your character can be solely driven to survive the apocalypse because he wants a twinkie, or they can just want to get home to their cat, or it can be something deeper like wanting to belong or wanting to be loved or wanting power. But it is the human condition to want, and you cannot have a well written character if they don't want something. So let's narrow this down to Anakin and Obi-Wan, what do they want, and how does this want motivate and inform how they act, aka what are they going to do to get what they want?
What does Obi-Wan's canon character want? He wants to serve the Jedi, he wants to protect people, he wants peace, he wants to also serve and protect the galaxy. He also wants Anakin's friendship, and to be a good mentor, and that he could have saved his master. He wants quiet and probably a good cup of tea.
What does canon Anakin want? He wants to protect the people he loves to the marrow of his bones. He wants to protect and keep them so close he is terrified more than anything of losing them. Anakin wants the power and strength to protect his loved ones no matter the cost. He wants the exhilarating strength of being a Jedi and a general, but he also wants to be able to have conflicts of interest outside of his duty to the Jedi. He also wants, not just to be good at what he does, but the best.
They both want to protect, but this mutual want is driven by differing motivators. Obi-Wan's by selflessness, Anakin's by covetous fear. They are foils, two sides of the same coin. Obi-Wan wants to do his best, Anakin wants to be the best.
Storytelling is a journey of plot and development, but good characterization is also creating a person who goes on a journey, either externally or internally. Your character needs reasons for the way they think and act, and you show this either directly, by telling your audience, or indirectly through the character's thoughts, mannerisms and dialogue. And always remember, characters need agency. Your character wants something, and they should take actions in accordance to their motivations, and those actions drive the story. This is what is called a dynamic character.
We'll take Obi-Wan and Anakin out of their canon story and focus on a vague obikin oneshot, as I follow pretty much the same formula for every one I write. We know who Obi-Wan and Anakin are and their character drivers, but we'll also add in romantic want. Anakin wants to be a Jedi Knight and a General, he wants to fight and to protect those he cares about. He also wants Obi-Wan desperately, but he's more afraid of loss than he is motivated by romance. At least that's how I usually write him. Or we write the oneshot from Obi-Wan's pov. Obi-Wan wants to serve the Jedi and the GAR and the galaxy, and he wants the war to end, and maybe he deep down wants Anakin romantically. But Obi-Wan's sense of duty and morality trumps his longing, or at least that's how I write him. So we introduce a catalyst to override these foundational pillars to their characterizations. It can be reactional to each other's actions or words, or it can be due to their environment.
Another key to characterization is allowing your characters to change, just as real people do. Obi-Wan and Anakin change through the canon story arc of Star Wars. And in your story they will change too. Perhaps Anakin comes very close to dying and Obi-Wan is there, this would change Obi-Wan, how does that affect him emotionally, how would this inform his decisions, his perspective of the world, and his actions? Maybe on a mission Obi-Wan does his usual flirtatious shtick, does this change Anakin's internal balance of fear versus want? How would this inform his internal resolve, his perspective of others and himself, how would this motivate his actions?
I also recommend going to the drawing board and looking at the archetypes Obi-Wan and Anakin represent. What do they represent and how does this mold who they are? Obi-Wan is the older, wiser, steadier mentor. Anakin is the younger, tempestuous, rasher student. What do they thrive doing, what do they like, what do they not like? What aggravates them, what brings them joy? Humans are made of a trillion little pieces all jumbled together and your characters are too.
Obi-Wan is his wants and motivations, but he is also the way he speaks, the way he moves, the things he engages with and likes and the things he avoids and hates. Anakin is his wants and fears, but he too is the way he talks and carries himself and his interests and what he gravitates to and what he instinctively shirks. I recommend watching the prequels and literally writing down observations of their characters in real time. Notice how Ewan strokes his beard or the wonky way he smiles, notice how Hayden talks and that bashful way he holds his head.
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