#cad talks about fanfic
cadmusfly · 3 months
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for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
“I knew him first,” Junot said into his cup. “He was- he was my friend first, but you’ve gone and stolen him-“ “Friendship isn’t fucking… It’s not an object, you idiot. It’s an emotion or something. It’s like, I dunno, air!” Lannes gestured around at the aforementioned air. “I breathe air and that doesn’t take away your air, Jeunot.”
have some bonus sentences from the Napoleon-Senpai fic! yes there is a reference here. Also Lannes is making a bad pun on Junot's name.
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Headcanons for @chantillymoon
This was really fun to do! I am currently up to episode 261 of One Piece (Water 7) so please keep that in mind while reading. Because I haven't officially met Brook yet, all of my headcanons are based on what I've read in fanfics and a bit of research so hopefully I'm not too far off.
Platonic headcanons on the rest of the Straw Hat crew can be found here!
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Brook and Usopp x gn! Reader (separate and platonic)
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I see Brook as someone who’s always got a song stuck in his head. And he’s going to make it everyone’s problem. But is it really a problem when he actually has the voice for it? Yes. Yes, it is. Especially when you’re listening to him humming the same part of that one song for the tenth time that day.
At the same time, he’s great to have around if you’ve got a song stuck in your head. Brook knows so many songs that you’d be hard pressed finding one he couldn’t sing for you. And if he doesn’t know the song, he’s pretty good at picking up tunes quickly.
Have sore muscles? Those bony fingers are great for digging into twisted muscles and sore spots. Brook may have gone through a lot because of his Devil Fruit but he’s glad he can do something with it to help his friends.
He’s got a surprisingly good eye for fashion…if he had eyes! In all seriousness, please take him with you next time you need to go shopping for clothes. Between him and Nami, you’ll get back to the ship with a whole new wardrobe full of amazing clothes that suit you perfectly.
Whether you’re quiet or talkative, Brook loves just being in your presence. If you’re on the quiet side, he likes the tranquillity of sitting in companionable silence with someone. And if you’re talkative, he enjoys listening to everything you have to say.
Similarly, Brook’s great to talk to if you want to get anything off your chest. He’s a good listener and won’t spread around anything you’ve told him unless he thinks it could harm the crew (even then, he’d most likely keep it secret for a while). He also gives really good advice.
Brook missed out on a lot during his time in the Florian Triangle so he enjoys having a younger friend to help bring him up to speed. That being said, he’s an absolute menace with the way he mixes slag from his era with modern day sayings. Think something along the lines of “oh, they know their onions, they're no noob” and "ok you cad, time to catch these hands".
If you want to learn how to play an instrument or sing, Brook is more than happy to help. He’s had decades of practice and, even though he’s a bit rusty at explaining things to others, he’s patient and dedicated to teaching you.
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Everyone has that one artist friend. And Usopp definitely falls into that category. He’s constantly got a sketchbook with him and will draw anything and everything. If you’re also into art, you’ll definitely bond over that.
Will absolutely hid behind you in battle. Whether you’re taller than him or not, he feels comfortable enough around you to chose you as his hiding spot.
Makes up stories about your bravado and wild adventures as well. While the other straw hats might react badly to Usopp telling stories about them, even if they are meant to improve their reputation, he hopes you will react differently.
In the same manner, Usopp would love to practice his pre-battle speeches with you and get some feedback. He’s a theatre kid at heart but he needs someone he trusts to work on his lines with. As one of his closest friends (and someone hopefully less judgmental than Nami), you fit that description.
He is also the perfect person to tell you stories about the other straw hats, especially if you joined later. He’s an entertainer and, even if he exaggerates his role in events, you’re able to piece together their adventures to date.
Much like Brook, Usopp has a good eye for fashion, but more from the perspective of figuring out what colours and patterns go together. If you’re struggling to put together an outfit, he’s more than happy to give you his two cents worth.
Gossip buddies! If you like gossip or have a way of knowing things about people, you, Usopp, and Nami are the designated “gossip squad” of the straw hats. Usopp is always a good source of information, even if he tends to embellish sometimes.
If you have long hair and don’t feel like tying it up, Usopp should be your first port of call. Sure, Sanji’s amazing with styling hair but he’s usually busy in the kitchen and Nami and Robin usually wear theirs down. Usopp has the free time and skills to help you out. Fair warning though, he may get carried away by his creative tendencies.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem. Reader
Summary : You and Aemond have gotten married, and are off for your wedding night. How will it go for you both?
Themes : Soft | Slow burn | Smut
Warnings : Aegon trying to be a loathsome cad | Height difference | Kissing | Foreplay | Oral (f. receiving)| Dirty talk | First time |  Penetrative sex |
Word count : 5.4k  words
Minors DNI | 18+
Kēlītsos - Kitten
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This is the final one-shot of three separate fanfics, this time featuring Aemond. I’ve changed several things, and I hope you all enjoy it. 
Want to be tagged? Want to know the reader request rules? Read all here
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All eyes were on you and your husband, some staring so intently you could feel holes being burnt into your back.
The prince, on the other hand, seemed to pay the gawking no mind. He kept one arm firmly around your waist, holding you as close to him as possible as the two of you made your way around the floor, your right hand snug in his left. And so small, compared to his. The prince was so tall, towering over you, your head not even reaching his chin. He had barely uttered a sentence the entire time, save for the vows he said in front of the High Septon.
And you had been warned about it. Aemond was a private man they said, given to few words. You were warned of other things too, that the prince preferred books and swordplay and solitude to anything else. You even experienced some of it, the silence, the guarded looks, the respectful distance. You sighed, determined to make the best of your circumstances.
“Are you alright?” He asked suddenly. “Is something troubling you?”
You had caught the king leering, his eyes half-filled with anger, his fingers white at the joints, and stiffened. “Nothing, husband,” you swallowed, hoping not to offend by complaining about his brother. For good and for ill, Aegon was kin, after all. “I’m fine.”
“Please do not lie to me,” Aemond whispered as his gaze skimmed over the floor, looking for the source of your sudden discomfort. When he caught Aegon staring, in front of his own wife no less, he ground his teeth. Aegon was never one for subtlety, he thought with disgust. “And do not fear my brother. Aegon is coming nowhere near you.”
How was that even going to be possible tonight? “But the bedding ceremony…” You had heard of this strange Westerosi custom and dreaded it. The thought of that lecherous king coming anywhere near you made you dread it even more. 
“I did away with it, made it clear that I won’t subject you to such a humiliation. And as my mother would tell you, I did it in the least polite way imaginable.” Aemond leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. “Why do you think the king looks like he’d swallowed a live toad?”
His confession made you gasp, then giggle. “You threatened the king?” you tsked and whispered. “Very bad form, husband.”
Aemond’s eye twinkled, a rare thing with him. “You’re wrong, wife. I didn’t threaten the king. I just… educated him on all the things that could go wrong as he went about his day.”  
That was the end to further talking as others joined the dancing. The two of you continued to sway to the music, wrapped in a bubble of blissful silence. Aemond’s thoughts circled to what was to happen later when the two of you retired for the night.
He kept thinking of that night over a decade ago when Aegon thought it fit to take, no, drag him over to the pleasure house. The woman in question was skilled and showed him many things, but Aemond never truly cared for it and just wanted the night to end. He never went back, only ever kept one bedmate and no more. He turned to you, doubt plaguing him, worrying him. He prayed to all the gods who would listen that he didn’t ruin tonight. For now, though, he would content himself with running a thumb over your fingers, rubbing his hand over your back as the two of you danced. He swallowed when you leaned into him, his heartbeat roaring in his ears when you tucked your head under his chin.
You took a steadying breath when you felt his thumb rubbing over yours. Aemond was called a monster by many, ruthless and vengeful, yet here he was, being gentle with you, putting an end to something you knew you weren’t going to look forward to. But did that mean he’d be considerate in other ways as well? You heard the stories, of how some husbands took their pleasures without care or consideration, like the king, but would Aemond be like them? Or would he be different?
“What are you thinking about, wife?”
You look up at him, stunned by him talking again. “I,” you licked your lips nervously, heat blooming in your cheeks when his gaze drifted to your mouth. A thousand excuses flashed before your eyes. “I was thinking about…” do not lie to me, he’d insisted. You sighed, deciding to be truthful. “tonight. A-after the feast, I mean.”
Aemond focused on your lips, and how they moved with each word. “I was thinking about it also,” he somehow managed, his gaze moving up quickly. “But there’s no need for you to worry.” His gaze slowly drifted to your lips again, his mind haunted with visions of your mouth opening under his. “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
"I will hold you to that," you mumbled tartly, your hands flying to your mouth when you realized what you said. "Forgive me, husband, my tongue got the better of me, and--"
Aemond took your hands back into his as a new dance started. "Please don't fear me," He pleaded softly. "Many people already fear me, my wife shouldn't be one of them."
The prince is bound to have some goodness in him, you were reminded of your mother's words, the ones she told you when your parents first talked to you about the engagement. Try to see it.
Stopping the bedding ceremony, asking you not to fear him, promising to be gentle with you. Were those glimmers of the goodness you were asked to seek?
A hand gliding over your back startled you and made your head reel. A sound blew out on your next breath, soft and dreamy, something between a whimper and a soft sigh. Aemond melted when he heard that dreamy sigh. He wanted the feast to end and for everyone to leave. Between you arriving in Kings Landing and everything turning into a flurry of wedding preparations and heavily chaperoned outings, he didn't have a chance to truly be alone with you, and he was counting the minutes to do so.
There were speeches.
Followed by the finest Arbor wines.
Followed by more speeches. One such was a particularly long and boring lecture from the High Septon. Several guests came close to nodding off. When your eyes grew heavy, your head started to droop, and you muttered quietly, "Now I know why people call him warm milk." You could have sworn Aemond chuckled under his breath.
“That’s probably the kindest thing people have called him,” he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear, making you smile. 
Finally, it was over, much to everyone’s visible relief. 
Then, a large, elaborately decorated cake had to be wheeled into the feasting hall. You take in the sight of the cake as it is brought over slowly, inch by inch, trying to figure out how much such a confection would have cost. Clearly, the royal family had spared no expense for the ceremony and the feast. "To remind everyone who is in charge," you had heard one guest mumbling to another. "Especially those who supported the blacks."
The hint seemed to have been well received, judging by some of the looks in the crowd.
You went forward with Aemond to cut the cake. Again, you had to place your hand in his, as he held out his sword. Dark Sister, the one he won after slaying Daemon Targaryen, in a battle that nearly cost him his life and the life of his dragon, Vhagar. The sword was light, clearly made for a woman. Ripples in the blade seemed to gleam and then grow darker as if they were absorbing the surrounding light. There was magic here, and the blood of countless souls. You shivered. "Don’t be afraid," Aemond whispered. "It’s just a sword."
You wanted to roll your eyes. Just a sword, he says. Right.
The blade came down, and the cake was cut. Aemond’s hand seemed to warm over yours, keeping your grip steady as steel bit into soft cake. You would have relished eating as much cake as you wanted but you couldn't do it. The cake meant the feast was about to end, and the two of you would depart for your wedding night. Still, you made yourself eat a slice as all eyes were on you. Aemond toyed with his, moving pieces about with his fork, his eyes darting around the hall. He seemed to be as nervous as you.
Aemond looked around, waiting for the cake to be served and for the feast to end. He caught you eating, daintily gliding your lips over the pads of your fingers, picking up cake crumbs and bits of icing. Seven help him, but the very sight of you doing it made him dizzy, made him crave your lips on his. When the Master of Ceremonies signaled an end to the festivities, Aemond was the first to stand up. 
"Come, wife. It is time," said Aemond, as he helped you out of your chair. You take his hand, your palm going cold and clammy out of nervousness. There was a reassuring squeeze as if telling you everything was going to be well. When you turned to him, you could have sworn Aemond winked. 
The king stood up with the rest, abruptly left his table, and made his way toward you both. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Otto Hightower quickly jumping out of his chair and making his way over. 
"Brother," Aegon smiled brightly for everyone's benefit, but you weren't fooled. You could still see anger in his eyes. He wasn’t pleased with being denied, that was obvious. "Congratulations again on your nuptials."
Aemond put himself in front of you, trying to block Aegon’s view. His sword arm inched towards the hilt of Dark Sister. "Thank you, brother." He forced himself to respond, his words dripping with ice. "For your wishes."
Aegon, now resorting to a leer that made you shrink back, did not attempt to leave. "I hope you’ll be staying here, in the Red Keep?"
"No." That was one thing that pleased Aemond, saying no to Aegon. "On the morrow, I’ll be taking my bride with me to Driftmark."
The seat of the now-extinct House Velaryon. Aemond had been given lordship over it after the war. Having repelled Myrish and Tyroshi attempts to overtake the island, he’d proven himself worthy of the title.
"You're taking y/n and leaving?" Aegon hissed indignantly. "What the fuck for?"
First the leering, now this. "Why does that concern you, your grace?" Angered by his brother’s lack of respect towards their sister and you, Aemond took a step forward, forcing Aegon back away. The king wilted when the white-hot need to murder burned in his brother's eye. You rushed to Aemond's side, wondering if it was wise to intervene and potentially create a scene.
In the end, Otto saved you from making that choice by quickly coming between the two brothers. "It doesn’t grandson," he smiled grandly, desperate blue eyes resting on his second grandson. "His grace is merely being curious, that is all."
“Curious, mmm. Interesting choice of words though, don’t you agree...” Aemond turned to his grandfather, trailing off when Otto looked at him as if begging him to stand down. Everyone was watching, Aegon especially, and with scheming eyes. Not wanting to leave you exposed or vulnerable, Aemond ground his jaw and composed himself. By tomorrow the two of you would be on Vhagar’s back, flying to your new home. Aegon would never come to Driftmark for he loathed life on the island, and Aemond had little interest in life at court. "Of course, grandfather," he said. "We will bid you both goodnight."
As you walked away you caught snippets of Otto Hightower giving a quiet but sharp dressing down to the king. “So the rumours are true?” Unable to help yourself, you asked when the others were well out of hearing. “Your grandfather is the only person who could truly control your brother?”
Aemond just sighed in defeat. So much for their efforts in concealing the miseries of his immediate family. “I’m afraid so,” he said, as he escorted you from one corridor to another, up stairways, and through different rooms. There was no point in hiding such things from you. You were his wife now and bound to hear more as time went on.
The very notion filled you with dread. “Then what happens, husband, when Lord Hightower dies?”
Aemond had considered the possibility of the realm falling into chaos once his grandfather has passed on and he had no interest of sticking around and cleaning more of Aegon’s messes. Within a week of your arrival in Kings Landing Aemond started making plans, to take you with him to your own country the moment Otto Hightower’s body was put into the ground. “Let’s just hope the king follows him not long after.”
Aemond’s chambers were airy, with balconies that opened to the sea. The air here smelled subtly of salt. 
You walked out and looked out into the night. Under the light of a full moon, you could see a large hump on the adjoining strip of the beach. There was a low, deep, rumble, the hump went up and down as if it were breathing. "Vhagar," Aemond said, almost startling you. "She finds it harder to wake up now."
You could hear it, the faint tinge of sadness in his voice. Vhagar came into life when he was older than the others, a dragon only a few had been able to claim. Vhagar was far too old now, too slow, her fighting days well and truly behind her.
"Fighting Caraxes weakened her, left her with wounds that never truly healed,” Aemond looked on fondly at the beast that had carried him throughout the war. "The Maesters are giving her three more years. Five, if we’re lucky."
"Just three years?" The last living connection to the conqueror and his sisters, the last true war dragon, snuffed out in three years. "And will she be strong enough to take us to Driftmark?"
"We have to use her. Otherwise, the old lady will never let me hear the end of it if I leave her here and she has to follow me to Driftmark." Not wanting to think about Vhagar’s demise, Aemond went back inside and got a fire going to steady his jangled nerves. "But enough of that. Why don’t you come inside, mmm?"
There were butterflies in your belly when Aemond took off his boots and removed his rings. You gulped and went in, walking towards the four-poster bed, your hands working on the clasps of your dress. You felt his eye on you, watching your every move. Aemond could tell you were nervous by your fingers struggling with the clasps, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He came over, his hands gently pulling yours away. "Let me," he said. 
You stand still, your cheeks burning, as your dress loosens around your body. "You’re still frightened," Aemond murmured. "Why?"
You had been trembling despite your efforts to calm your nerves. "I—I’ve never been with anyone before and…"
"No handsome stableboy stealing your kisses? No," He cut you off and ground his teeth, as a sharp pang of jealousy stabbed him in the gut. "Dashing sellsword winning your favours?"
How it pleased you so, seeing him worked up like this. You felt tempted to say yes, just to see what his reaction would be like, but you stuck to the truth instead. "No." 
"But you’re Myrish," said Aemond, as he undid the last of the clasps. His hands then moved up to slip the dress down your arms. Goosebumps spread over your skin when his hands glided down your exposed flesh. "I thought your people were – freer – so to speak, with their affections."
"Not all of us, no." You stepped out of the dress that had now pooled around your ankles, your body only covered in a thin silk shift. "And I have heard of your," you remained motionless once more, this time as large hands reached back to undo the braids and coils in your hair. "Reputation."
Aemond arched a brow, his violet eye glinting in the moonlight. “My reputation, wife?” His eye gleamed as a braid came loose, and there was a soft ping, of a clip hitting the ground. "And what kind of reputation is that, mmm?"
"That you’re a kinslayer." More braids and coils came undone, allowing your hair to flow freely around you. "That you’ve done terrible things during the war."
Aemond let his fingers curl around your hair. How many nights had he lain awake, dreaming of all the times he could run his fingers run through your hair. "The gossips are right, wife. I am a kinslayer, a murderer.” He turned around, so you could undo the single braid in his hair. Having to stand on the tips of your toes wasn’t easy, but you did it. Aemond closed his eye when your palms glided over his shoulders. He swallowed, counting the minutes till he could feel your hands all over his body. "I've killed more people than I could care to count during the war. Cursed by the gods, that’s what I am. I’m vengeful, always carrying a grudge, always wanting to settle debts against those who wronged me."
You trembled when he turned to you again. "But I could be just your monster," he whispered as he took off his coat, and his tunic, leaving his chest bare. "If you let me."
The large pink scar that covered most of his torso was hard to miss. A burn no doubt, a parting gift from Caraxes and the Rogue Knight. Temptation came over you. You let your hand glide up his chest, your heart thrilling when Aemond whispered don’t stop under his breath. "Just my monster?" You asked, your cheeks flushing again when Aemond removed his belt and threw it to the ground. 
"Not just your monster." He shook his head, curling a finger under your chin, tilting it up. Aemond, thinking it best not to remove his eye patch on the first night, dithered on what to do next. Should he lean in and kiss you? Should he scoop you up and carry you to bed? Or perhaps he should loosen his tongue and tell you all the things he had wanted to say since he first saw you. "I wish to be so much more to you."
"Oh?" You grew nervous when he turned you around and moved your hair to one side, so he could undo the lacings on the back of your shift. "L-like what, husband?"
“I wish to be so good to you.” You calling him husband, how Aemond enjoyed hearing it. "I could be your shelter from the storm." Aemond pulled out the last of the laces and slipped a shoulder strap down your arm. His arms hooked around your waist, and hands callused by years of fighting and dragon-riding rested over your tummy. "To be the sworn shield that strikes down all who try to hurt you." 
It felt like your bones turned to water when Aemond pressed his face against the nape of your neck, brushing his nose over your skin. He worked on the other shoulder strap, gradually loosening your shift until it slid down to your waist. “I want to be your island of peace,” Aemond mumbled as you stood perfectly still, your nervousness slowly crumbling to dust when soft kisses pressed against your skin, warming it wherever they landed. “Even when the rest of the world is falling apart.”
 “W-what else?” you hummed when his fingers curled over your belly. You couldn’t see it, the flash of need in his eye when he held you flush against him. You could only feel him, how his body trembled with every breath he took, how warm his skin felt against yours. How good would it feel to surrender to him, you thought, as you closed your eyes and tilted your head to the side. "Tell me more. Please."
Aemond’s tongue loosened even more and he didn't care. If he couldn't confess to his wife then what was the point of being married? “I want to love you. To worship you.” Your eyes flew wide open at the revelation. Everything he just told you was a revelation, but this both shocked and pleased you. “I want you to come to me,” Aemond whispered, his hot breath against your ear sending tingles up your spine. “With everything. Your dreams. And your fears. And your lusts.”
You collapsed into him when he cupped your breasts, his fingers gently playing with soft buds that puckered under his touch. His name rolled off your tongue in a gasp.
Oh, that was all he ever wanted to hear that night and every night after that. His name, rolling past your lips.
Aemond kept touching you, letting his hands glide all over your stomach, the cleft between your breasts, your arms, before moving to your breasts again in slow, teasing caresses. Heat pooled in your core, warmth spread all over your skin as those large hands caressed and squeezed, as his lips latched onto the crook of your neck, gently sucking at the soft flesh.
Feeling you go lax in his arms, your body open to all that he was doing, proved too sinful and enticing for Aemond and he gave in, his hands pulling down on your shift, yanking it past your waist until it fell to the ground, gathering around your ankles in a puddle of fabric. You were so small next to him, he could picture himself carrying you to bed and easily tossing you around as he had his way with you, but not yet. Not until you were comfortable with him and trusted him completely. “I am yours, kēlītsos,” he crooned against your neck, your trembles intoxicating his senses like a heady drug. “All that I have, and all that I am, is yours.”
With that, he whipped you around and dragged you in for a kiss. Your head reeled, your lips yielding to his, soft purrs rising from the back of your throat when his tongue slipped past your parted lips, eager to savour the warmth of your mouth. “As I’m yours,” you heard yourself murmur between kisses. “Now and always, husband.”
Aemond groaned into his kiss. He could already feel it, the arousal in his loins, his body overcome with the need to take all you were willing to give him. When your arms wrapped around his waist he walked you backward, not stopping until you were right up against the bed. “Get in bed,” He cooed, his hands going to work on lace cords. “And lie back.”
You moved up to the pillows, your eyes never leaving his. Aemond peeled off his breeches, a smile tugging at his lips when you blushed furiously and looked away. “Look at me, kēlītsos,” Aemond said gently, as he made his way to you.
Your lessons in High Valyrian had been so few, your grasp of the language so weak. You knew only the basics, Kēlītsos being one of them. Kitten, it meant. “Why do you call me that?” You croaked when he hovered over you, his thighs pushing yours apart as he settled between your legs. “Kēlītsos?”
“Because I want to,” Aemond let his hand glide up your calf, along the inside of your thigh, his breath shuddering as his palm skimmed over soft, supple skin. He knew your body was soft, he felt it while dancing, but he didn’t think it would be this soft. "Does it displease you?” Fear overtook him. Had he made a mistake by calling you that? “I- I could say something else if you like.”
And there had been your family, warning you not to anger him tonight. Oh, if you could only tell them, how their fears were unfounded. “I- I don’t mind,” you trembled when his fingers, callused and hardened after years of fighting, drifted up your belly. “Really.”
 Aemond smiled, really smiled, his entire face lighting up with pleasure. “Good. Then that is what I’ll call you then. But when we’re alone, yes?”
“Yes...” the rest of your answer was cut off when his lips found yours, slow, drugging kisses that robbed you of the very air that you breathed. Your fingers found their way to his hair, to soft locks that seemed to slip through like water. His lips were so soft, his tongue wet and warm as it traced over your lips, his teeth sharp as they gently grazed your lips, leaving them bruised and puffy and you aching when he pulled away. Wet kisses skimmed over your chin and glided over your throat. When you groaned and arched your back he grew bolder, his lips moving lower, leaving a wet trail over your ribcage, your belly, moving along your hips, the insides of your thighs. “A-ae-mond,” you groaned, your fingers scrabbling for purchase against the sheets when his mouth moved to your center, his tongue flicking gently on your wet slit.
The prince moaned when your legs moved over to his shoulders, when your hands got all bunched up in his hair. He massaged your thighs as his tongue pressed deeper into your throbbing pussy, delighting in your babbling, your desperate pleas. An arm moved over to your abdomen and pinned you down even as he pressed his mouth even deeper into your cunt, savouring the very essence that was you. When you bucked your hips he growled and rubbed his thumb over your clit, whimpering, "Let go for me. Please let go for me."
Everything about him shocked you, from his tenderness out there in the hall, to his fire in here, in bed. You felt foolish for being afraid of him, for thinking he'd treat you the way he treated many others. Aemond had been wanting you to trust him, to share pleasure with him, and you could see yourself being genuinely happy with him. All sense of timidness deserted you and the air was thickly peppered with, “more aemond… right there aemond… harder aemond… aemond please.”
"Fuck," Aemond growled when you bucked into him again, when your legs clamped down over his shoulders as if not wanting him to move. He grabbed onto your thighs, discretely looking over at you. Seeing you arching your back, your eyes fluttering with each spasm that rippled over you, shook him. Never had he felt such hunger for a single person, not even with Alys, and Alys was the closest he had come to care for someone. This was different. No, he decided. This wasn't just different, it was so much more, something much stronger, the kind only poets wrote about. He mumbled in High Valyrian, words he'd never dreamt of saying to anyone. When you were safely situated in Driftmark, he'd tell you what they meant. 
Aemond then felt it, the slow coiling of your muscles, the growing trembles in your thighs. You were close, so close. 
No, he thought. Not tonight. Tonight he wanted you to first cum on his cock.
“Not this way, Kēlītsos.” Aemond pulled away and cleaned his lips with the edge of the sheet. He kissed his way back up to you, groaning when your legs slid open and rested against his thighs. He kissed you, his lips gently pulling at yours, purring when you sucked on his tongue. His hands held your hips steady as he drove into your center, his cock slowly stretched your slick walls. 
It hurt. You were prepared for it, but it still hurt. Aemond did his best to distract you, kissing you senseless, not giving a single word of complaint when your nails dug into his shoulders as he sank his full length into your aching cunt. The moan that followed when he claimed your maidenhead was deep and throaty. You felt wave upon wave of pleasure, and not just by your velvety walls clenching around his throbbing cock. You were now his wife in every way.
Kisses drifted over your eyelids as he hovered over you, giving you time to adjust to his presence inside you. “Are you comfortable, Kēlītsos?” Aemond brushed back your hair, his gaze filled with concern. “Do you want me to go on?”
You managed an eager nod,  ignoring the pain, the discomfort. “Yes.” You hooked your legs around his waist, savouring how full you felt with his cock inside you. “I’m ready for this.”
There was the barest hint of a smile. You closed your eyes and jolted when he moved, his thrust sending shockwaves and dragging out sharps gasps out of your mouth. As he began to rock back and forth, the pain slowly gave way, discomfort slowly gave way, pleasure slowly replaced all else, and all you could manage was to moan and mewl his name.
Aemond helped you up and had you straddling his lap as he pressed himself flush against you. This was so much better for you. Your hands reached out, touching, caressing, trying to match what Aemond was doing to you. Feeling your naked flesh against his, your nails raking down his back, your palms gliding over his scar, overwhelmed him. “You like this, don’t you, Kēlītsos?” He rasped into your ear. “Riding the dragon?”
Something about the way he said it aroused you greatly, made you crave to hear more. “Y-yes. I d-do.”
He chuckled breathily as he settled into a pace and rhythm you both liked. When Aemond was not telling you of the things he wanted to do to you, he was kissing you. And when he was not kissing you he let a hand glide over your body, grabbing onto your breasts, thighs, and ass, leaving bruises in its wake. You could only cling to him as he brought you closer, your walls pulsing all too intensely around his cock. “D-don’t s-stop,” you plead even as you arched into him. “P-please… p-please d-don’t stop.”
Aemond pushed you back into bed and quickly propped himself on his hands, slamming his hips, grinding them against the insides of your thighs, the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the air. You managed to hold onto enough focus, your hips driving back to meet his thrusts, your feet scrabbling for purchase against his back. Your hips kept driving back, not stopping, and your muscles coiled tight like they were about to snap. You push back one last time, and those coiled muscles shattered, the world skidding to an immediate halt as your orgasm ripped through you.
 Aemond felt it, heard it. Your body trembling violently under his, his name blowing past your lips in a half-moan, half-cry. He was far from done and growled, “Hold on Kēlītsos, hold on.” He thrust harder and faster, as his body plunged hard and plunged deep, barely holding on for a few more seconds. When he came it was with a deep, final thrust and an even deeper, satisfying grunt. He kept still while his seed continued to spill into your womb.
You swallowed as your heartbeat slowed and the world slowly started to come into focus. You hear the curtains rustling with the night breeze and the popping and cracking of firewood in the hearth. You felt Aemond moving, his weight shifting as he slowly collapsed next to you. He was exhausted, his chest heaving, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He reached over, pulling you to him, his hands brushing off the beads of sweat that had started to form over your skin. Exhausted but replete, you make yourself comfortable in the crook of his arm. “This night went better than I dreamed, husband.”
Incredibly relieved that he hadn’t ruined this night for you, that he hadn’t messed up the start of his marriage, Aemond cupped your cheek, his thumb grazing your jawbone. His kisses were now soft, and tender. “Anything for you, Kēlītsos.” 
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sinisterexaggerator · 11 months
Can you please write more Hondo?
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Finish what you start
Hondo Ohnaka x Fem! Reader
Summary: Hondo Ohnaka catches you pleasuring yourself in his absence.
Word count: 3k+
Warnings: Masturbation, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pining, blowjobs.
Notes: I wrote a fanfic like this for Shriv Suurgav and decided I wanted to try the same scenario for Hondo. Cad Bane may be next! Let's make it a series! ;D Shoutout to @allsystemsblue and @downrightembarassing for cheering me on and letting me bounce ideas off them - we all agree Hondo smells fabulous and practices good hygiene.
*This will probably be the last time I can post a fic before moving, but I have another Hondo one shot in the works - stay tuned! ;D
P.S.: I POSTED THIS FROM BATUU (Yes, I waited. I’m literally in line for Smuggler’s Run this very minute and they are talking about Hondo on the comm. 😭😭)
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For once, you were bored. Florrum was all fun and games until the ringmaster of this circus abandoned his big top - Hondo Ohnaka had left you stranded by your lonesome in his lair with some dozen Weequay whose names you could not recall. You wandered its dingy corridors, dined on its sumptuous and delicious foods, drank of its rare and expensive beverages, and even sampled the more local fare – the green ooze known as “pirate’s brew” was an acquired taste and your palate preferred lush, full-bodied wine. Luckily for you, there was plenty to go around and then some, yet Ohnaka’s men did not seem all too pleased that you were there.
However, this did not bother you, going so far as to stick your tongue out in disrespect to one burly pirate who would not stop giving you the stink-eye. You were immune, as Hondo had long ago instructed them to give you anything your heart desired, one additional rule being that no harm should come to you as long as you resided within these halls.
Still, that did not mean it was their job to entertain you – that was Hondo’s area of expertise – and currently your jester king had decided it was best to leave you in the dark on his present whereabouts.
No doubt his exploits were dangerous and full of thrills. You were a mite jealous, wondering if one day he might take you along, or, if  on another day he might simply tire of you. He was a fickle lord, and you were his lady  - at least for now, and you were well aware your good fortune might come to a hasty end.
But, in that moment, you found yourself to be missing him. Hondo had been gone two days already and no other being on this dust ball of a planet wanted to give you the time of day.
After imbibing more than your fair share of drink for the evening, you retreated to your quarters – Hondo’s quarters – desiring nothing more than to be held tightly in his arms. You sighed deeply, knowing that you were not to get your way.
As your inebriation caught up to you, you sashayed forward, though the scourge of the galaxy was not here to watch you sway your hips. You fell face first onto the bed for the sake of playing into your own imaginary holodrama; you guessed you must appear to his crew like a forsaken hound waiting for its master to return.
Oh, but that is when you caught his scent, the Weequay’s sweet-smelling pheromones mingling with his cologne. The man was a fop for lack of a better word, his personal hygiene at the top of his priorities list. You were thankful for it; he smelled like dreams made of candy, dark undertones of something more sultry and seductive comingling together with sugar and spice, though you could never put your finger on what exactly it was he liked to wear.
You took a deep inhalation, burying your nose in the blankets and sheets beneath you as you let a dejected noise escape, wishing so badly that it was his crimson coat beneath your groping hands and not his ornate coverlet. Still, even in his absence, his heavenly aroma had roused within you a sleeping giant, one that demanded to be attended to – a sudden, all-encompassing lust that you were afraid would not be quieted lest you do something to ward it off.
But you could not pry yourself free of your plush prison, doomed by the provocative fragrance that had already flooded your nostrils. You flipped your body over to stare at the ceiling, all thoughts replaced by your truant pirate king. His toothy golden smile, the butter smooth intonations of his voice – it was the auditory equivalent of velvet, those sweet nothings he whispered in your ear enough to set your loins on fire.
Just thinking about it had already prompted your body to react as if preparing itself for the man’s admittance. You groaned at your desperation for him, somewhere between annoyed at yourself and in dire need of his patented affections. Instead, you took to hiking up your skirt, your own fingers sliding beneath the hem of your panties -  you were honestly surprised with how wet you already were.
You cursed his name as your writhed gently atop his luxurious bed, not bothering to even lock the door, though you were sure no one would dare disturb you - not that they cared to, anyway; you were positive the rest of Hondo’s men preferred it when you kept to yourself.
You gently massaged your clit, taking your time with yourself, mind focused on the idea of Hondo mounting you, his cock so unbelievably flawless you wished he was there to ram it inside you. He would do anything you asked; he would give it to you any way you might be keen to try, for Ohnaka was not one to skimp on lovemaking as he liked to call it.
You giggled to yourself before it turned into a moan; you were so entranced with your daydreaming that you did not hear the door slide open or the act of your beloved sitting himself down in a chair that was located just adjacent to the bed. Had you noticed, you would have seen the grin etched onto his striated face, Hondo settling in by way of a leg tossed casually over one of the chair’s two arms.
With eyes closed, you bit into your lip, turning your head in your self-sought pleasure to make yourself more comfortable. As you opened them once more you gasped, though you made no other sudden movements, having been caught red-handed by the scoundrel as he carefully scrutinized you with slanted, stormy greys.
“Please, continue,” he stated nonchalantly, though his mood was difficult to determine by his tone.
With your mouth open in shock, you simply stared at him; that was his cue to lean ever so slightly forward, Hondo’s eyes gleaming from beneath rectangular cuts of transparisteel as the grin he wore coiled into something a tad more lascivious.
“What are you tinking about?” he questioned, quickly followed by another query. “Es et me?” Then, he answered himself on the next beat, even as you continued to gaze straight through his goggles into slatey irises. “Of course et es.”
You moved to rise, barely lifting your neck before Hondo interjected a command: “Ap-ap-ap! Stay right dere, my dear. You must finish what you started.”
You gave him your best pout, but he was not convinced to interfere, motioning with a dismissive wave of one hand for you to proceed with touching yourself as he stayed seated before you. Observing that you chose to remain immobile, he had an idea.
“Let me add some reality tu dis fantasy of yours,” he quipped, rising to turn on some music that he favored.
The man began to dance, removing his signature coat one sleeve at a time for it to be tossed haphazardly onto the back of his chair. It was obvious he was making a show of it, putting no real effort into the act of being seductive, though his hands traveled the expanse of his own torso, waist, and hips before he sillily flipped his braids over the edges of his shoulders.
You couldn’t help but to laugh as you kept laying there, Hondo halting his performance abruptly to press a hand to the center of his chest. He scoffed, asking you something in a tone indicative of offense, yet you were sure he was only kidding: “You dare laugh at me? Am I not sexy tu you?”
Your giggling paused, Hondo walking away from you and back toward the seat he had vacated earlier. “Den you entertain me,” he said with finality.
Your lips trembled; he was always so hard to read, the pirate’s true nature still a mystery to you. Presently, you kept your gaze trained on the man as you cried a pathetic sound of longing. He was not impressed, that one leg kicking itself back up as he idly stroked the frills along his jowls.
“Come, my love,” he encouraged you with a sudden change in his disposition, his somewhat confusing demeanor melting away as it was replaced with something softer and more genteel. “Touch yourself for Hondo.”
That was all it took, at once your body’s arousal rekindling as you began to fondle the little nub between your legs.
“Yes, yes, just like dat, little one,” he complimented, his words urging you to refocus your attention.
He watched you for a time, Hondo’s own carnality easily being activated by the study of just how you chose to caress your little cluster of nerve-endings; they were housed between flower petals of flesh and blood, the pirate beginning to feel a twitch down below his beltline.
“Now, imagine my fingers gently exploring de curve of your waist, de … soft tissue of your breasts, hm? Maybe my tongue would like tu explore as well, ah?” he crooned, his voice low and licentious.
The pirate was deliberately working you, even as his own hand came to rest against the outside of his trousers. His cock jumped at the first sign of acknowledgement, as if just as greedy as the minx upon his bed to be stroked and coddled, which was not out of the realm of possibility.
You quivered on his lavish sheets, the fodder with which he was feeding your depravity effortlessly invading your mind’s eye. How you wished he would just shut up and actually touch you, yet you stopped yourself from voicing your sentiments out loud.
“Maybe et would like tu work at suckling dose exquisite tits,” he mused. “Or perhaps et would like tu very, very slowly invade your mouth for a most warm and wet kiss.” He punctuated the last word of his sentence just so, his statement having a questioning lilt, as if he were also curious what he might do should he allow himself access to your pleasing form.
“Hm, yes-” he started, his tone turning a shade darker, “-et might swirl and flitter with yours, plunging far, far down your throat, so deep dat you will never forget de feeling.”
His teasing sent shivers up your arms and down your legs, radiating outward from your core as you wriggled like a pinned insect among folds of deluxe bedding, your body aching for release.
You were so lost in his dirty talk that you failed to notice Hondo unbuckling his belt; it was emblazed with the symbol of his gang, though for now it lay slack to either side as he carefully unbuttoned his trousers to remove his cock from its cloth imprisonment.
“Ah, but remember, I will not be satisfied with just. one. taste,” Hondo reminded you, his long, ring-bedecked fingers beginning to caress the length of his prick as he settled more snugly in his seat.
“I would trade en lips above for lips below,” he whispered throatily, his words a deep rumbling in his chest. The pirate began seeking his own high, eyelids drifting to half-mast as he leisurely thumbed the head of his hardened cock.
Your teeth returned to tug at plump flesh as you ever so slightly quickened your pace, the increasing friction of your fingertips gliding vertically over your throbbing bud causing you to expel a pitiful mewl. You looked over to your king, at once whining your disapproval – you wanted to be the one handling his cock.
Still, the sight only aroused you further, but not as much as the next few utterances that passed beyond the witty thief’s gilded teeth.
“My tongue tracing de folds of your cunt - and ah - you are already so wet, aren’t you?” he asked, though he had not expected any sort of answer from you.
You gave him one anyway, breathing out an airy “yes” which he ignored, but a discerning eye could see the hint of a smirk smugly twitching at the corner of his thin-lipped mouth.
“Et sweeps across your slit, delving inside you. Maybe et tickles, but ah, et feels so good.” He placed his hand more succinctly around his girth, beginning to pump himself by way of an enclosed fist, Hondo deciding to take part in this daydream to the fullest extent.
“Mm, but I pay de most attention tu de little button dat resides at de tippy-tip-top. Dat es your favorite part,” he mused, the visual aid of him eating you out causing you to whine in yearning as you fretted all by your lonesome on his bed.
“I would flick-flick-flick your clit with de utmost precision and care,” he assured you, “lapping up every. bit. of pleasure you so graciously proffer me.” He hummed to himself for a moment, relishing the perfect speed at which he had taken to addressing his own needs.
“Den I would suck et between my lips, continuing tu dine on you as if you were a delicious meal I must consume. And my dear, you are,” he confirmed, as if there had ever been any doubt.
You moaned again as you were close to the brink, your constant rubbing in addition to Hondo’s narration of your masturbation session nearly having worked its magic. You kept your gaze trained on the man and his decidedly pretty dick, pining for it to be snug within your walls. It was as if the scoundrel read your mind, picking up his tale where your imagination had left off.
“Now dat you are so very ready for me, darling, I would take de plunge. Oh, and you take et, so, so well. Every inch es so satisfying, hm?” He subsequently snickered, peering at you from across the way with drowsy eyes.
“Your desire for me es practically palpable, little bird,” he announced despite it being obvious, yet your thoughts did not wander far from the imagery he had placed inside your head even as he playfully derided you.
Hondo picked up his tempo, palming the full breadth of his cock as he envisioned himself steeping his stout prick in and out of you, your depths warm and slippery with your excess.
You had sulkily frowned in agreement, your breath quickening as you approached the edge of your orgasm. Nearly there, your hips gently bucked beneath the soft fabric of your dress, your heart anxious for the pirate to stop narrating and start fucking you until you couldn’t walk straight.
Instead, you were left to your own devices, Hondo apparently close as well as his storytelling capabilities were dwindling, though he still had sense and wits enough about him to weave the next bit of his risqué yarn.
“So slow at first, just a steady en and out, like de ebb and flow of an ocean on some distant, watery planet.” 
“Mmn, mhmm,” was all you had the capacity to say in return.
“I hit all de right angles, for I always do. And you know dis,” he confirmed. “Back and forth, deeper and longer strokes, all de while my deft fingers massage your pretty pearl.”
He beamed at you, his smile brighter than the highly charged particles dispelled at lightspeed off the backs of ion engines, though you were only half cognizant by now of your surroundings.
“And den,” he added simply, “you will cum for me.”
The low notes spoken in that deep baritone, the glint in his glacial grey eyes behind his ever present goggles – you unraveled at the seams as Hondo praised your obedience to his surprisingly well-timed command.
“What a good girl you are,” he concluded.
Delectable mewls escaped your lips in intervals, the air stored inside your lungs expelled in spurts along with them; your hips gyrated gingerly in place of their own volition as you rode the wave of pleasure to its end.
Hondo all the while studied you as he unabashedly continued to guide himself toward the finish line, using the beautiful visual before him to assist him in this process. Then, the Weequay hummed once more; it was a little melody you did not recognize and meant for no one but himself.
You relaxed for all but ten seconds, feeling your own body lose its tension as the breathing of your lover increased its rapidity and fervor; he was about to climax — you refused to let him, not without your aid — you would be damned if you didn’t have your way.
He had his, after all.
You sat up straight, gathering the edges of your skirt so as not to trip as you launched yourself theatrically forward. You tumbled purposefully onto your knees, though making an effort not to bruise yourself, the pirate’s askant eyes expanding before instantaneously contracting. Gold teeth were exposed as he eagerly watched you collect his cock, his upper lip curling outward to add a smidge of something villainous to his expression.
Oh, but it quickly faded from his handsome face as you imbibed his member to the base of its shaft, your tongue running semicircles around raised ribs before you puckered your cheeks to suck greedily to your heart’s content. You sighed languorously at the feeling of it brushing against the back of your throat, murmuring a happy sound as you knew he would not last long.
Hondo’s breath hitched in his lungs before he lifted one hand to fiddle with your hair, mind clouded with buzzing thoughts as he tried to get a handle on his speech.
“So eager,” he muttered, tenderly tracing the curve of your cheek with the back of his index finger. Thick quadriceps tightened, overall the Weequay’s muscles clenching before your mouth finally received the prize it sought.
Hondo’s body slowly unwound itself, decompressing with every pump of semen that shot to the back of your throat, lithe digits remaining to lovingly pet your locks as he gazed down into your eyes — you were staring up at him as you guzzled every last drop he had to give, your muscles working overtime to usher his ejaculate down into your belly for safekeeping.
“And so very thirsty,” he purred, dick still sporadically lurching as you drained him dry. He was not one to tap out, but you were capable of detecting when the man was spent. You skimmed the head of his cock with your tongue for good measure, licking up any that had managed to dribble down.
“You. are. magnificent,” Hondo extolled, failing at first to regain his equilibrium. However, he was not exactly in a hurry, more than willing to sit here a while longer than anticipated.
“You left me,” you puled, kissing the mushroom tip of his alien phallus before you laid it to rest against his spreadeagled thighs. You kissed those, too, fingers traveling over what felt like solid rock, pouting as the pirate gently lifted up both your hands to cradle between his own.
“And for good reason!” Hondo declared with renewed vigor, planting his lips against the center of your palm. Then, he released you, moving to adjust his genitals and to refasten his pants.
“Come, let me tell you a story over a proper drink-” he chuckled, “-see if we can curtail dat insatiable thirst of yours, my dear.”
You accepted his invitation, more than thrilled to keep him company, and, if you played your cards right, you were sure you could convince him for another round – drinks or otherwise.
Reblogs / comments / likes appreciated!
Hondo masterlist
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patchworkpiratebear · 9 months
My first ever try at writing fanfic! A micro script for a silly scene (set in season 1 or 2? I'm not even sure!)
(The crew are on shore leave, hanging around in a comfy pub. Stede & his new pal Sam Bellamy are sitting close together on a small sofa, chatting animatedly and laughing. Ed enters the room.)
Ed: "Eh? What the fuck, Stede?! You could have let me down gently, if you're not interested!"
Stede: "If I'm not interested in what?"
Ed: "Interested in me, you dick! Could have fucking said something."
Stede: "Of course I'm interested in you, Edward! You're the MOST interesting person I've ever met!"
Ed: "Well, uh... yeah, thanks, mate. But that's not what I meant! I thought you were INTERESTED, like... in us maybe being... sort of... together...?"
Stede: "Whatever do you mean, Edward? We ARE together!"
Ed: "What, you're with this guy? That was bloody fast, you only met him today!"
Stede: "What? No, dear, I'm with you!"
Sam: "Uh... Stede? If you two are an exclusive couple, why have you been flirting with me all evening?"
Ed: "We're a couple?!"
Stede: "I was flirting?!"
Sam: "Ok, sounds like you guys need to have a bit of a chat... I'll leave you to it..."
Ed: "Stede? ARE we a couple?"
Stede: "Yes? I mean, I hope so! I mean, I thought so? Do you... would you like to be?"
Ed: "YES! Fucking hell man, this is brilliant! So... when do you think we got together? You never mentioned it, you absolute nut."
Stede: "Why would I mention it? I thought you knew, I thought it was your idea! Two weeks ago, Edward, don't you remember? You gave me those lovely flowers! And you said such sweet things..."
Ed (fondly): "Yeah, I was totally flirting with you, ya lunatic... didn't realise you thought we'd got beyond that point. No objections though!"
Stede: "Sam, I really am terribly sorry! I didn't realise my conversation had implied romantic overtones. So impolite of me to proposition you like that, you must think me a dreadful cad."
Sam: "It's fine, man, I really didn't mind. Like, at all. Ok... night night chaps. Good luck..."
Stede: "Oh, um... in that case, thank you? So, I should apologise that I was not in fact 'making a pass' at you?"
Sam: "All good. I'll just... Yeah, bye."
Lucius & Pete, from across the room: "Hi, handsome, care to join us?"
Stede: "Well, Edward, sounds like we have plenty to talk about! Come up to my room to discuss this in private?"
(They go up to Stede's room.)
Stede: "Bit cosier in here, yes?"
Ed smouldering-bedroom-eyes Teach, looking Stede up & down: "Yeah, this is great."
Stede completely-oblivious Bonnet: "Wonderful! Now, we really must decide what date to count as the anniversary of us getting together. What with me thinking it was a couple of weeks ago, and you thinking it's today. We could maybe just compromise and celebrate both?"
Ed: "Sure thing, mate. Both sounds good. Wait... you actually literally meant you wanted to talk in private, didn't you?"
Stede: "Well, yes, I thought it would be easier? We can go back downstairs if you prefer though?"
Ed: "Nah, this is fine. So... you want to discuss our anniversaries...?"
Stede: "Indeed! Do you think three per year is too many?"
Ed: "What? Why three?"
Stede: "For when we make it official, I mean. Won't be any room for uncertainty on the exact date of that, I wouldn't think! So, we'll have three anniversaries each year. Is that too greedy?"
Ed: "Stede, my love. My total fucking lunatic. We can have an anniversary every bloody week if you want! Every day even!"
Stede: "Oooh, every week sounds good! Daily might be a bit excessive I suppose..."
Ed: "So... if I wait a week before snogging your face off, does that work well as another anniversary...?"
Stede: "Oh. Oh dear. No, that won't do at all."
Ed: "It won't?"
Stede: "I really don't think we need to wait that long, do we? Maybe today could be a sort of..."
(Both): "...multi-purpose anniversary?"
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
saw people doing this your fave blogs thing and i would NEVER pass up the chance to rave about my moots and other people. so even tho i never got the secret anon, here's my favourite blogs ever !
@eightieslesbian MADDY ! we just followed each other today but i've seen her gifsets on my dash for AGES now and she's soooooo talented n sweet n just AWESOME ! she couldn't have been kinder tbh. her coloring and eye for details is awesome!!! just... amazing person overall <3
@parkitaco amazing fics, amazing posts and an even more amazing sense of humor! just. how can you NOT LIKE parker??? very very very sweet and supportive of everyone, bet she smells like vanilla and coffee like a fanfic and just STUNNINGLY TALENTED go support her! (also they called me friend-shaped so. i might be biased)
@pleaseh00kupme cas cads cars casserole dy is THE PERSON to go to for chaos and love and a shitton of FUN <33 they have gotten out of the byler fixation a lil bit, but they have AMAZING wen/clair posts and funny shitposts and dy is just an overall AMAZING person! def worth a follow imho <3
@astrobei SUNI ! suni is quite possibly the light of my life, we haven't talked much but just seeing her on my dash and reading her fics is <3333 very very talented writer very very cool person very very lovely personality all-rounder tbh The person ever ! def follow spreads tons of positivity and she's very supportive <33
@andiwriteordie what can i even say about andi ! andi is just *chef's kiss* one of the greatest people on here, she writes SO FAST and so WELL! also very very fun and sweet n kind and supportive just an awesome person best ever !
@aceoflanterns THE fic writer tbh . has amazing amazing grasp on characters and NEVER writes an ooc fic ever i promise. very vibey n fun tbh, posts snippets sometimes and i Die. he is sooooo mwah mwah mwah mwah i loveeeeee ace SO MUCH. the only person who's allowed to write in second person (aside from richard siken) EVER .
@forever-augustine GOD. rosie is just SO SWEET. and reblogs the BEST STUFF EVER your dash will be blessed with their posts im telling u. very very aesthetic blog! also a swiftie so if ur into that n byler, she's your girl! when she makes posts its like heaven has smiled down upon us. truly a blessing to this world! she's The Best Beta Reader ngl ! acts very sweet n innocent but this girlie's mind. she is so CHAOTIC N LOVELY ! if u ever want the best beta reader ever, they're your gal <3
@wiseatom thea thea thea THEA ! we haven't talked much but since we're already besties in ur head ig it doesn't matter. SUCH CUTEEEE FICS ! one of the sweetest and most talented people on here ngl. has contributed SO MUCH to the byler fandom, one of the people who I KNOW would give the best hugs <3
@disco-phrog SWEETEST, KINDEST, BEST PERSON ON EARTH EVER OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY ! posts the CUTEST fanart, best takes ever, sweetest person EVER ACTUALLY ! if u want a forever friend who's ur best hype person they're the person to go to ! phrog is just. just. i can't even express how much i love them. <333
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cordycepsfem · 10 months
Pageboy Readthrough, Part Seven
the entire thing was awful from start to finish
we learned nothing about Canada
but that's not why it was awful
it was awful because EP details several instances of sexual assault, homophobia, and rape
she says briefly that she felt like a weight was lifted when she came out
but it didn't last very long
your reviewer stopped because Chapter Nine opened with sex and she just couldn't take it
Chapter Nine
as previously stated this chapter dumps us immediately into sex
and your reviewer immediately has some questions
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okay, so, first - both "my dick" and "my pussy" = got it, sure, whatever
"queerer than ever" when just performing lesbianism = sure, whatever you need to call it, EP
"magnets sucking"?? is this meant to be sexy? has EP ever stuck two magnets together? did they make a sucking sound to her? does she think "magnetism" and "magnets" are correlated? what the fuck is this meant to express?
in conclusion:
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and also, I know I said would take up a sword and go off to fight whoever EP told me to, based on her backstory, but now I think she owes me like $50 (CAD is fine) for having to read that and parse it with my own eyes and my own brain
remember, throw "cis white gay" in front of anything and it's cool to denigrate whatever comes after
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EP, who do you think built the bars? Why do you think they're all gay bars? Maybe it's because of the gay community there... c'mon, I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt, but... you have to work for it
I am now running a tab a la "Cinema Sins":
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also, nobody likes a bragger, EP. I like to write, then eat, then sleep too, but you don't see me bragging about it. It's just... Thursday.
also I'm dying to know who this "Madisyn" individual is because I am dying to know what she was writing at the same time EP was banging (no pun intended) this out. I'm crossing my fingers for fanfic because I would be roundly disappointed with something like "tracking genetic diseases in Victorian England"
EP continues to make friends and influence people:
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yes that was a bad joke for me to make on a post about the f-slur and yes I do feel bad for her for this entire scenario but I feel I am owed some levity considering that I just had to consider EP "getting hard" on sweatpants
FSlur Man chases EP to a convenience store
it forces EP to remember a similar time she was homophobically attacked
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okay, so, let's talk about this
I want to believe EP 100% on all of this because a) I know how shit the world is and b) I exist as a lesbian in it
but "This is why I need a gun"? are we sure? this smacks of "look at my attacker's right wing politics" to me and I feel so badly that it does but I am, as previously stated, a very specific type of asshole (one who is incredibly jaded, apparently)
I have never been to West Hollywood and I have no idea what kind of mentally ill people live there, so obviously my own sense of "is this true or not?" is fallible
either way, gay-bashing and threatening gay and lesbian individuals is wrong and I feel like that should be stated in case someone reads this and thinks I'm doubting her or I'm somehow on the side of the attacker(?). yes, I know how weird that sounds, but the internet's a weird place.
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your reviewer is sighing because I just don't know what to say about this anymore
being attacked is awful and wrong and should not happen
why are these things not reported to the police? why did these men's faces not end up on Twitter, with cries to find them and get them fired, as is asked of so many of us when we see racists or similar bad actors in the wild?
yeah yeah, I know, believe women and don't question why they did what they did, but I know in my heart that if something like this happened to me I would be filming. I would call the police.
also the third season of Umbrella Academy sucked and I'm putting that half on the shoulders spoilers of EP for wanting Vanya to transition (which was fucking unnecessary because trans actors go on and on about not always needing to play trans characters and offensive because we finally had a lesbian on a show! who wasn't killed!) and half on the shoulders of the show who not only bought into her transitioning her character with absolutely no evidence leading up to it ever, which is shit writing, but also because all they did was run around and yell each other's names and then kill off a bunch of characters we didn't even know for just... funsies, I guess
anyway it was shit and the fourth season better have some big balls to fix all of it or I am going to roundly and aggressively review it
ah, hell, I'm going to do that anyway
where were we?
ah, yes, the "we live in a society" portion of the evening
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I want to say a lot of things here but all of them are bitchy and I'm trying to let that not be me
I feel as though many people do not see trans men as "real" men because they are not male, and the correlation is not between "anger" and "masculinity," it is between "anger" and males
it is not females who commit the vast majority of violent crimes and express anger so openly in our society with such ease, it's males
it has nothing to do with whether or not those men are masculine or feminine
or whether or not those men identify as men or not
there are plenty of trans women who are violent as fuck
and in fact many of them seem to be making it "their thing"
so long story short:
Get fucking angry, EP. Be angry about what's happened to you, because a lot has happened to you to be angry about. Fight the fuck back in whatever way feels best for you to do so.
As someone who also has a lot to be angry about from childhood, my teenage years, and then in my twenties, as I dealt first with bullies and mean girls and aggressive boys and just absolute assholes, as well as the Catholic Church, but then moved onto being treated poorly by the medical establishment as I tried to navigate being chronically ill in a world not built for it at a time that I was not prepared to fight for my life... I have found ways to let the anger out. It still sits in my chest and it builds and it squashes into a tiny origami box behind my sternum.
I let it out when I refuse to let anyone define me.
I let it out when I go to therapy.
I let it out when I decide what I like, what I want to do, where I want to be, who I want to be.
I let it out when I make decisions about what my life will look like in the future.
I let it out when I am joyful. The people who tried to break me and ruin me didn't, and I am still alive to be incredibly happy.
I let it out when I am around other women. When I am around my sisters. We are still here.
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Find your sword, EP. You've got a bunch of us behind you.
(Also you owe me approximately $64.80 CAD for this chapter. I take Venmo.)
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001: Critical Role, specifically Campaign 1, if you haven't seen cr1 then 2 and/or 3
002: Beau/Jester
003: Ashton Greymoore
(hey I just realized I did that in campaign order)
This got long, so if anyone doesn't want to read it all, but if you want to join in the fun with an ask, here's a link to the list. I'm going to put this under the cut, too, because like I said. It got long.
001 | Critical Role Campaign 1
Favorite character: Dude, I always say Keyleth as like, a gut reaction. But when I talk about this campaign, I never shut up about Scanlan.
Least Favorite character: Sorry everyone, but Percy. (Fun fact, I was worried I didn't vibe with Tal, because I also didn't like Molly, but then he came in with Cad and I loved him, so fears averted.)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Vaxleth, Grogleth, Pikelan, Vex x Zahra, Vexleth
Character I find most attractive: Vex'ahlia. Obviously.
Character I would marry: Pike
Character I would be best friends with: Keyleth
a random thought: This has been talked about lately, but I think people are really missing out when they skip the Kraghammer arc.
An unpopular opinion: Taliesin said less people should like Percy because he's such an asshole and I agree with him. (Listen, I think Percy is ultimately interesting as a character, he just isn't the kind of asshole I vibe with.)
My Canon OTP: Vaxleth
My Non-canon OTP: Grogleth
Most Badass Character: Keyleth
Most Epic Villain: I want to say the Briarwoods, because I love them, but I'll be honest and say Raishan.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Again, I'm sorry, but Perc'ahlia.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I don't think this question can apply, because it's an actual play show, therefore no writers. It would be funnier if I named someone.
Favourite Friendship: Too many??? I guess I'll pick Grog and Keyleth though, since I should probably pick one.
Character I most identify with: Keyleth
Character I wish I could be: Pike
002 | Beau / Jester
When I started shipping them: I actually never did. This is one of those pairings that fanon/fandom kind of ruined for me before I could get into it.
My thoughts: I like the concept of them, but again, like I said above. A lot of louder fandom opinions about them turned me off to them.
What makes me happy about them: I love how much they love each other and support each other. Roommates era is top notch. Their hug after the first dragon fight was very good.
What makes me sad about them: Tbh the (mostly) unrequited feelings in this pairing was very good and very angsty and it was sad.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't read a ton of CR fic, but in general, I will say that fic that continues to infantilize Jester is an instant close.
Things I look for in fanfic: n/a
My wishlist: In general, and I'm talking canon, I know they talk all the time because Jester has sending, so I feel pretty good about that. My hope is that they get to retire near each other one day. And I know they still go on adventures together once in a while.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I'm very happy with their canon pairings.
My happily ever after for them: As a ship? It's hard for me to picture a happily ever after better than what they got. BUT. I think that I could see them both as pirates on Fjord's ship. I know Jester would be all about helping Beau root out corruption, but she's too much of a wanderer and loves the ocean too much to keep herself inland for too long.
003 | Ashton Greymoore
How I feel about this character: Great! I think they're very cool and I'm really enjoying the slow reveal of their past and how tied into history it seems to be.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Fearne, Laudna. Tbh I could be swayed to anyone for them right now.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Imogen, FCG
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think I have any unpopular opinions right now.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: God, I want all their backstory. I want ALL THE NOTES. Mostly, I want to know what the little dunamis pocket is inside their head. I don't know what else to call it, but that seems right for now.
Favorite friendship for this character: FCG
My crossover ship: Honestly, not romantic, but I think Ashton and Grog would have so much fun fucking shit up together.
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mspareader · 2 years
I never do these but my fiancee @littleyarngoblin tagged me so actually im legally obligated to now :P
10 People You Want to Know Better
Relationship status: See above lmao. Going on 6 years together!! At this point the engagement is a formality though, we already call each other *borat voice* my wife all the time
Favorite colors: Green! All of them are good but if you wanna get specific I love a bright chartreuse and a deep dark bluey forest green. I also love eye bleeding neon colors and light blues and bright reds for sketching in, and you can never go wrong with navy blue. This is a terrible question to ask a designer.
Favorite foods: Oranges/orange juice (I get called the citrus goblin by most of my social circle) and also my dad’s steak/lamb chops and ALSO so much garlic :)
Song stuck in my head: Lately it’s been Mirror by Porter Robinson. Literally phenomenal musician if u havent heard of him (and also Madeon) go check them both out lol
Last thing you googled: “bluey homestuck” (we were talking about pop culture references in the show dont @ me)
Time: not enough of it
Dream trip: Oh god I have too many of these... I can narrow it down to 2 though - hiking in the fjords in Scandinavia, and doing a cultural and design history tour of Japan (with my wife of course)
Last thing you read: If we’re being technical its the description for the plan of a museum exhibit. If we’re being normal its some 😳 fanfic.
Last book you enjoyed reading: The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - oh my god what an experience! even if you don’t like budding teen romance, space operas, or epistolary narration, the graphic design and multi-media presentation of this series alone makes it worth reading. I am passionate about this. I made a powerpoint about it. (Please talk to me about it.)
Favorite thing to cook/bake: I absolutely destroy at making gluten free brownies :P
Favorite craft to do in your free time: leatherworking and miniature painting! (also a light smattering of CAD for 3D printing lol)
Opinion on circuses: Not big on them. The performers are very talented but the animal abuse and working conditions and overall history aren’t it man. If u wanna watch some acrobats go to cirque du soleil its so much better I promise.
Most niche dislike: When people take bites out of kitkats without breaking them first, kaelyn. :P
Do you have a sense of direction?: If I’ve been somewhere twice, I can navigate there myself the third time without help (yes)
tagging: @2bagelsinatrenchcoat @mantiscandy @sheep-socks @avangion and @hotdogmchiggin. Have fun!
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cursedchildofchaos · 1 year
19??? Anon, you little shit! Okay, fine lol. Not giving context either besides that some of these are from fanfics and some original stuff
Schmidt just went full Winston and got
Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Dr. Felix. 
(through gritted teeth) 
Oh, it's last names now? Fine, but I'm not helping, Dr. Roberts. Use the damn machine yourself!
Talk or I'll bite you! I'll bite your whole family! I'll even bite your grandma!
And that's why you shouldn't trust strangers that offer you candy, kids. Never know when one might turn out to be a vengeful witch.
It's called a chemical reaction, you fudging sucker!
So, what brings you to Hell?
Oh, my ex told me she would see me here.
If our dumbass friend is doing something dumbass, we are doing that dumbass thing, too, because we are dumbasses.
A BANK OFFICIAL, standing in front of Dedire, pulls his collar as he eyes the porcelain dolls about the room. They seem like each one is staring into his soul.
There’s a cat waiting to pounce when we stop dancing. You see, I’m allergic to cats, or cads, whatever you call ’em.
Snape thought briefly that he might be dead and this was his own personal Hell even though he sort of enjoyed seeing Petunia cry. The situation was all too laughable and miserable at the same time...Maybe the Catholics were right about Purgatory being real?
Haru: Tohru, tell your bf to accept this secret passionate love for Yuki and join the new Yuki Fan Club.
Kyo: I said replace me with her, dammit! Not add her and not get rid of me!
Tohru: Kyo, please, honey, just accept your secret passionate love for Yuki. Also, thanks for adding me guys! Kyo has been complaining about this group chat for over an hour, and I wanted in so bad, but didn’t want to just invite myself.
Virgil ripped his arm out of Remus' grasp.
"Scaring people is my thing, Snidely Whiplash," Virgil retorted.
MC: Loser
Dan: Yeah, what about it?
MC: Oh, um, I didn’t mean it
Dan: Ah, well, I did
MC: Stop, you’re making me feel bad for you
Dan: Good
Wait...I forgot I'm the author of this fanfic. I can just go inside his head. Let's do that (not literally, though, I get a little woozy when it comes to organs).
Today really was a Happy Birthday, wasn't it? Molly thought to herself while jamming to music in her car. I can't wait to get home and tell Toby all about it.
"Another time, I forced everyone to listen to Kidz Bop instead of original songs, claiming they were more Good Place friendly as you do. Another time I said the only people who make it to Heaven are the ones that love the movie Citizen Kane and refuse to watch anything else, so we kept watching it repeatedly as you do. Another time, I forced you to retake French, which I know you hated in high school, cuz I had Janet put a French filter on Chidi's voice...as you do," he rambled off.
"You know adding 'as you do' doesn't make it better...especially as NO ONE DOES THOSE THINGS," Eleanor said, now standing, and looking at Michael accusingly.
His eyes began to water. He slid off the chair next to her. He pulled her into an embrace. She stiffened as he buried his face in her hair that hung near her neck and over her shoulder. His tears were hot as they soaked her sleeve and hair.
Jane attempts to put her hands on her hips, but there isn't room. Instead, she sticks them in her armpits.
"But I-I," Meg stuttered. "NO BUTS! I want you to think about how disrespectful you've been while were gone," Juliet retorted. Olka belly laughed and whispered, "Butts!" Astrid kicked her sister in the shin.
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blairsanne · 2 years
The plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about?
Critical Role C2 fanfic I'll never write:
Thought up mid-C2 where the M9 end up in a small kingdom/city that's cut off from most of the world, because people keep entering the city and never leaving, so people think it's cursed.
They go into the city and a couple of the party members immediately fall under the magic that makes most people completely loyal to the king.
They find out that the princess has been kidnapped, king is looking for anyone willing to help. They offer their aid.
They leave the city and go to the place where the princess is being held hostage, they free her, and she helps them kill the people responsible; turns out she's a cleric tied to Catha (one of the moons). Her abilities change somewhat depending on the moon phase.
She questions their reasons for helping her, find out that at least some of them are 'loyal to the king.'
On their way back to the city, she trails behind a bit to talk to Caddy, uses a spell to immobilize him as she tries to flee before the party can catch her.
Party succeeds at cornering her, and unwilling to seriously injure any of them, she basically gives up when she realizes they're not going to give up.
Naturally the party is confused by her behaviour, so she eventually confesses that she had discovered the weird thing going on in town and that her father was behind it; originally she actually ran away, but the criminals who found her on the road saw the opportunity to demand ransom.
The M9 decide to go fight the king and free the city.
Long story short, they succeed, the older brother of the princess (the prince) takes the throne. He insists that the M9 stay a few days as it's almost time for a ritual that the princess is slated to do to on the full moon to become the 'avatar of Catha' as part of her devotion.
They stay, but during the ritual, piece together that the prince/new king is under some kind of illusion, and not the same race as the princess, very sus.
The new king makes a move to attack the princess and they get into combat.
During combat, princess dies when using her abilities to take damage in order to protect Nott from taking a fatal blow.
Her death seems to trigger something, the final piece of the ritual, and she becomes the avatar of Catha as Catha revives her.
New king is stoked because his whole plan was to take her power.
Luckily the party eventually defeats him, everything is revealed that actually the old king wasn't even evil, he was just being controlled by the fake prince, etc. This had been going on decades, and the princess had no idea he wasn't her brother, etc.
Princess now becomes queen, she is distraught about how they killed her father when he was a victim as well. Cad suggests they speak with dead and dead king assures princess he's not upset with her etc.
Caleb visits her that night, they have a heart to heart about how she doesn't want to be in the city anymore, doesn't feel like she should be in charge, etc.
Next day she sets up a council to take over being in charge and basically peaces out to join the M9.
Other plots included her developing romantic feelings for Caleb and them getting into a big fight when she calls him out on wanting to use time magic to save his parents with no regard to how that would undo everything else the M9 had accomplished, etc. That culminated in them actually carrying out a plan similar to what Caleb canonically considered.
Scrapped project because Shadowgast is perfect, no need for fix it fic for C2, Caleb and the time travel dilemma getting a perfect wrap canonically, etc.
I know I've never posted fanfic for CritRole before so this may be like "WTF are you talking about" to everyone who follows me haha.
Thanks for the ask!!
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cadmusfly · 2 months
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
“I’m not expecting my old job back,” Lameth said, his smile wry. “I gambled on a chess game and lost against the queen.”
He was leaning against the wall with his usual calculated insouciance, and while he still cut a fine figure in the dark uniform accented by reds, it fit him far less well than the cheerful colours that he used to wear and that Saint-Chamans was wearing now.
Banana boys snippet that’s probably set in dragon AU, referencing Lameth getting disgraced due to joking too hard about Queen Caroline, Saint-Chamans proceeds to go “you don’t bet on chess” and then Lameth goes “you can bet on anything if you try hard enough”
Thank you for the ask!
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screechfoxes · 2 years
S & T for the fanfic ask meme
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
i said this in an earlier reply for this ask meme, but tropey vampire fics are my weakness. i love vampires and all the baggage they come with
but i guess that’s not a fandom trope, huh?
oh, i know! in-universe academia. or, i guess, in-universe epistolary largely from an outsider POV, more properly? although i’m much warier about social media fics. TMA fandom has some great bureaucracy epistolary fics, and The Untamed fandom has a few really brilliant “the present’s perspective on the events of The Untamed” fics, plus a fic where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are academics studying cultivation in an academic sense.
actually, let’s even broaden that to outsider POV in general, although that’s more of a temptation than something i 100% can’t resist.
(my favourite parts about the sequel duology to the matthew swift books are the moments when you get to see the man/angels him/theirself in the flesh from the POV of someone else. matthew is the character(s) of all time)
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
i think i’ve talked before about how i generally can’t abide with modern/mundane AUs? there are exceptions, definitely, but to steal a quote from cad, i need the original story to be “metaphorically present” within the AU
(my favourite example, which is a very literal take on the original story being metaphorically present, is a LARP AU for The Untamed called Mud and Canvas. it does some really interesting things with how it transfers characters and relationships and points of conflict into a modern-AU-with-LARP. the academics AU i mentioned in the above answer also qualifies.)
but as a general rule, i don’t read many mundane AUs. no shame on anyone who does, but they tend to strip away the parts of canon i care about
i also just plain don’t read those texting/chatroom AUs that always seem to have a million kudos. crackfics in general aren’t often my thing, but those especially. i just have bad associations with them, to be honest.
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monako-jinn-stories · 3 years
Echo X Fem!Reader FanFic
A Returning Echo ~ Before the Citadel
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Thirteen
Before I start, I want to say a MASSIVE thank you and I love you to @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s, thank you so much for helping me clear up this chapter and making me not hate it!! Honestly, my blog is becoming a Moony fanpage, which is NOT a bad thing. I don’t think I can say enough about how amazing you are. Everyone go check out Moony’s works
A little while later, Echo and Hex agreed that it was time to take the party boys home.
“Alright, Echo. Since it was your decision to come here, you get to take Sans and I’ll take Steele,” Hex said while they walked over, going to interrupt the others’ vigorous dancing.
“Bed time!” Hex yelled as they reached them.
“Awww, but we’re having fun!” Steele whined.
“Yeah! And Toast just got here!” Sans added.
“Sorry, boys. You’re drunk enough that I can see you stumbling from across the bar. Let’s go,” Hex replied while slinging Steele’s arm over his shoulder. Echo did the same with Sans before they exited, yelling a farewell to Toast who had found Soup and was now doing shots with him.
“Karking hells, it’s too quiet out here,” Sans mumbled as they walked down the late night Coruscanti streets.
“You’re going to want silence when you wake up tomorrow morning,” Echo laughed. Sans rolled his eyes before he shot up straighter.
“We never got your civvie clothes!” He said, turning to widen his intoxicated eyes at Echo.
“We never got to see what Mrs. Orno made,” Steele added sadly, tears brimming his eyes.
“Oh, don’t you go and start crying now!” Hex said while swiftly changing direction. “We can still get them, she’s bound to still be up.”
“Yayyyy!” Steele said while trying to squirm away from Hex, who allowed him to do so only to watch Steele stumble and fall.
“Learn your lesson?” Hex asked as he helped his brother up.
“Okay, now let’s go. I don’t want to be out too much longer.”
The group made their way back to Aleiah’s shop, stopping every so often when one of the drunks decided to look at something “pretty.” When they approached her shop, the lights were in fact still on, and looking in the window, they could see her sitting at a table. It appeared as though she was talking to someone, as she suddenly laughed at something unseen.
“Mrs. Orno!” Sans said as he drunkenly pulled out of Echo’s grasp and pushed open the door.
“Kriffing hells, Sans,” Echo said as he rushed over to catch him before he fell.
“Well, looks like you had yourself a fun night.” A familiar voice flooded Echo’s ears and caused him to lose focus on Sans, effectively dropping him on the ground.
“Y/n,” he said, a grin coming to his face.
You licked your lips and bit down a grin, nodding to Sans on the floor.
“I’d appreciate if you didn’t drop my Commander,” you joked.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” he said, bending to pick him up.
“Weeeeee,” Sans said, rolling away from him across the floor. You only giggled as Echo gave you an annoyed look.
“Go on, you dropped him, you pick him up.”
“Only for you, darling,” he said while rolling his eyes and going to try and grab Sans again. Of course, he rolled away again, making Echo curse and start to chase him around. Echo finally had enough and jumped on him to keep him from moving.
“You’re…getting…up!” He said while trying to pick up a squirming Sans. He almost had him until Sans wiggled again and broke free, crashing back to the floor. Your innocent giggles filled Echo’s ears as you came up behind him.
“I guess I’ll take pity on you,” you said as you used the force to pick Sans up and place him on a chair. “Stay. And sit still.”
“Yes, sir!” Sans said, giving you a sloppy salute.
“What are you doing here this late?” Hex asked as you walked back over to the table.
“Oh, I just got done helping out that friend you saw me with, and decided I’d pay Aleiah a visit.”
“Echo said he was a bounty hunter. Cad Bane?”
You nodded, watching as Hex’s eyes narrowed slightly.
“What exactly were you helping someone like that with?” You pressed your lips together before biting your cheek.
“A job…”
“Y/n, do you mean to tell us that you were helping him with a bounty?”
“Okay, to be fair, it was another criminal that the Senate wanted anyway,” you said defensively.
“Yeah, and I bet the Senate didn’t get them. You let him take the bounty.”
“I’m not arguing with you about this right now. We can discuss it later.”
“Look, I honestly don’t care what you did with the bounty. I just want you to be safe. We all do,” Hex said while meeting your gaze.
“I know, but I can take care of myself. I’ve helped him before, and I owed him one.”
“Oh, how about you hush it already. Y/n helped out a bounty hunter, and the job is done. You can’t change what has happened, so just move on,” Aleiah interrupted while grabbing a pile of clothes. “Let’s let y/n and Echo try on the outfits I made for them.”
“Wait, I didn’t ask you to make me anything,” you said confusedly.
“I know, but I had an idea while making Echo’s clothes, so I went ahead and made this for you.” She handed you your own bundle before pushing you towards one of the changing rooms. “Now, I know you don’t like dresses all that much, but I think these boys deserve to see you in one. Especially that ARC-Trooper of yours.”
“He’s not my ARC-Trooper,” you replied as a blush came to your face. Despite your words, you couldn’t help the small smile that came to your lips when she called him yours.
“Hmm, not yet, maybe. But he will be.” You rolled your eyes playfully and closed the door to the changing room before Aleiah shoved Echo into his own.
You looked in the mirror and gasped when you saw the dress on you. It went down to about mid thigh, it was form fitting, and clung to you in the best way possible. It made your body look absolutely amazing, and you took a second to love your natural shape, another reminder that all bodies are beautiful. The color was the same shade as your lightsaber blade, matching the markings on your troopers’ armor. You bit your lip as you admired yourself before going to head out the door.
When they saw you, Sans and Steele seemed like they had completely sobered up.
“Mesh’la,” Sans mumbled, taking you in.
“Wow,” Steele added.
“You look beautiful, y/n,” Hex said before his eyes landed behind you. He nodded at you, motioning to turn around. When you did, you saw an awestruck Echo taking you in. He was in a smart but casual blue top, the color the same as his armor markings. It had a button down chest and cuffed sleeves that went down to his elbows. His pants were a pure white, tight in the right areas, and his shoes were a nice dark grey that complimented his whole look.
“Y-you look…wow…I-I mean you’re always gorgeous, b-but…” his eyes finally met yours and a blush fell onto both of you.
“And you…” you said, looking him up and down again. “I don’t think I’ve seen a better civvie outfit than that before.”
“Nonsense, have you seen yourself in that dress?”
“Oh, it gets better,” Aleiah said while walking over to you. “It’s reversible. You can chose the color you want depending on who you’re going to be with.” You furrow your brows before walking back inside the changing room and flipping it around. You cover your mouth in another gasp as you see the same blue of Echo’s shirt. When you stepped back out, Echo’s jaw nearly hit the floor.
“I take it you like it?” You teased as he stood silently admiring you. All he could do was nod in response as the ability to form words was lost to him.
“You like this side better?”
Echo shook his head to bring himself out of his daze before he responded.
“As much as I love seeing you match me and wear my colors, I also adore you in the colors of your own battalion, because it’s a reminder that you’re an amazing and strong leader.” His praises made your cheeks flush again as you looked back at your clones.
“Amazing,” Steele said.
“Stunning like always,” Hex added.
“The hottest General in the GAR-no, wait, in the galaxy,” Sans finished.
“Thank you so much, Aleiah,” you said while hugging her. “How much do I owe you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, sweetie,” she said while waving away your hand of credits. “But, you boys still owe me.”
“Awww, but I thought we were your favorites?” Steele said as he slumped in his seat.
“You are, but that doesn’t mean I work for free. Just the usual fee.”
Hex reached into his pocket and gave Aleiah her credits before helping Steele stand up.
“Well, it was lovely seeing you again, but we have to get these boys back to the barracks to sleep off their night,” Hex said. Aleiah nodded, following everyone to the door. You hugged her one last time, slipping come credits into her pocket as you didn’t want to take the dress for free.
“Your ass look amazing in those pants, Echo! Let me know how everyone likes your outfits!” She called as you all walked away.
You giggled beside Echo as his face flushed at the older lady’s comment.
“You know, she’s not wrong,” you said, taking a glance for yourself.
“I guess Jesse’ll be jealous then,” he joked in response.
“I’m kind of jealous myself.”
“Please, I should be jealous of you,” he said before realizing what he said. “N-not that I…err, look,” he added quickly, causing you to giggle.
“Hmmm, I mean I wouldn’t mind if you did…” you teased. He scratched the back of his neck, flustered after your words.
As you walked through the streets back to the temple, Echo slung his arm around your waist, giving you a sheepish grin as he looked down at you. You smiled back and put an arm around his waist, leaning into his shoulder. You felt the same familiar contentment coming from him, and you basked in the feeling of it. You both kept an eye on Sans who insisted he could walk on his own. He wasn’t completely wrong, but he didn’t look graceful as he made his way.
Once back at the temple, Hex led Sans and Steele over to a four-person speeder to take everyone back to the barracks as Echo walked you to the elevator.
“I really hope you enjoyed your day with them,” you spoke once out of their earshot.
“Don’t worry, darling. I had an amazing day with your boys. Although, next time we go to 79’s, you’re coming with us,” he said as he grinned cheekily at you.
“Why, so you can see me get wasted?” You laughed.
“Exactly. And I need a partner to dance with.”
He looked at you as you reached the elevator. You wrapped him in a hug which he immediately returned.
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered in your ear, the sound sending shivers down your spine. You pulled back and kissed his cheek, letting your fingers drag over his chest as you walked away, calling “Goodnight, Echo,” behind you as you left him there, mystified by your beauty.
“Hurry up, lover boy!” Hex called as he started the speeder. Echo quickly walked back over and got in, the feeling of your soft lips pressing to his cheek stuck in his mind. He could only imagine how they might feel against his own.
In a few minutes, Hex pulled into the hanger at the barracks. Echo waved goodnight to the three troopers of the 17th before he made his way to his quarters. When he walked in, he spotted something on his bunk. It was a datapad with a file pulled up. He picked it up and read the title: “How to Please a Woman: A Step by Step Guide by Your Favorite and Most Handsome Vod, CT-5555, Fives.”
“What the karking hells is this, Fives?!” Echo said as he stormed into the room his brother was in.
“Wha- ow!” Fives rubbed his head. Echo had thrown the datapad at him when he found him, anger seeping from him. “I was just trying to help! It’s a joke!”
“Really? Because I don’t think this is funny, Fives. What if someone else would have seen this?”
“Oh, please. Jesse and Hardcase would never believe that you needed to know how to do that.”
“Wha-that’s not the point, Fives.”
“Okay, okay, calm down. I’m sorry, is that what you wanted to hear?” Echo huffed in response and folded his arms over his chest.
“…did you read it?”
“You responded a little quick there,” Fives countered smugly.
“I didn’t read it, and even if I did, I would never tell you,” Echo said defensively.
“You know, I can check and see how many times it’s been read. And I know for a fact, there were only two reads from when I proofread it,” Fives said while grabbing the datapad.
“You’re lying.”
“No I’m not.”
There was a moment of silence as Echo glared at Fives, who just looked back with a smirk.
“Give me that!” Echo said as he suddenly ran over and began fighting with Fives over the datapad.
“Ha! You don’t want me to have it because it will show that you read it!”
“No, I want it so I can get rid of it!” They wrestled on the floor for a few minutes before breaking apart, out of breath as they had been fighting hard for it. Echo sat back and held it victoriously as Fives just laid on the floor, his hand on his chest.
“Alright, fine. You can have it,” he breathed as his chest started to slow as he caught his breath. “But that was a masterpiece. True art shouldn’t be destroyed.”
“True art my ass,” Echo said.
“Speaking of your ass, where did you get that outfit, because your ass looks better than Jesse’s.”
“This civvie shop down on the streets. I’ll take you sometime.”
“Better let Jesse come as well so he can get a pair. He’d go absolutely crazy if anyone’s ass looked better than his. The ladies did vote him to have the best ass.”
“He doesn’t need any more of an excuse to flaunt it,” Echo countered. He got up, holding a hand out to grab Fives. They walked back to their bunks, Echo changing into his sleep clothes before crawling into his bunk and pulling Marvin out from the spot he hid him in. He made a mental note to somehow sneak Marvin back to you soon, imagining your cheerful face when you saw the stuffed porg. Unfortunately, Echo didn’t get a chance for the next standard week.
He was sent off on a mission with the 501st while you stayed back on Coruscant. While he was off in battle, you were stuck organizing the details of the event.
It was to be held in eight standard days, and the announcement would be in three. That would give everyone five standard days, or a standard week, to prepare outfits and plans. It wasn’t a lot of time, but it was what the council had allowed. You worked tirelessly with Padmé to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible, which wasn’t smooth at all.
“Padmé!” You yelled, running into the room with a datapad in hand. It had been two days since the announcement which meant you had today, plus two more full days, to finish up preparations.
“Yes, y/n?” She asked, turning to face you.
“Where is the delivery with the decorations?!” You asked frantically.
“What do you mean? They were dropped off at the hanger earlier today.”
“No, they weren’t.”
“B-but…I-I got a message!” She said, suddenly looking down at her own datapad, scroll through messages. “See?” She held the datapad out to you, and you looked at the screen. It read; “UNREAD: New Message: From, CORU-SHIP regarding your package…”
“You didn’t even open it!” You accused.
“Well, it said it was about the package, so why would I need to open it?”
“BECAUSE IT DOESN’T SAY DELIVERY MESSAGE!” You yelled, opening it and shoving it back into her hands after you read it. You kneeled down and screamed into your hands as Padmé read the message you had handed her.
“We regret to inform you that CORU-SHIP is facing delays, and your delivery will not arrive on time. We will do our best to get it to you as soon as possible. Thanks for shipping with CORU-SHIP.”
“Kriffing hells,” Padmé mumbled, looking down at you as you were bent over. “Y/n?” She said hesitantly. You lifted your head and she flinched as your expression tore through her. You stood slowly, and turned to silently leave the room.
“Do you think she’s upset?” Padmé asked one of the hired party helpers.
“I think it’s best she’s left alone for now,” they responded before going back to work.
“I hear the event set up is going well,” a slightly teasing voice says at it approaches you.
“Watch it. You may be my former master, but don’t think that I’d hesitate to use the skills you taught me against you,” you respond as you come out of meditation. Codo just chuckled at your words before sitting next to you.
“You didn’t have nearly enough time for this, my child. I’m sure with what little time you were given, this will be the best that it can be.”
“But nothing is going right,” you grumbled, falling back and stretching your legs out. “This is why I always let Ahnimaka do this kind of stuff. I hate it.”
“Well, you were the one who wanted to do it.”
“No, I didn’t. Anakin just made me do it. He didn’t even ask me first,” you countered.
“If you really didn’t want to do it, you would have told him no,” he said.
You scoffed, saying “Have you ever tried telling Anakin ‘no’? It’s like talking to a duracrete wall. The man doesn’t listen.” Codo chuckled again, laying a gentle hand on your forehead. You felt the peace he was trying to send you. He wanted to clear your mind, and you reluctantly let him.
“There, my padawan. Let yourself think clearly.” You laid there for a few more minutes before you sat up.
“I have to get back, but thank you, master.” You offered him a smile before standing and leaving the room, a much calmer mind to go back to planning with.
“Oh, thank the Maker,” Padmé said as you walked back in. “The catering company just commed and said that they mixed up the dates and that they won’t be able to provide food for us.” You closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, before looking at Padmé. Your left eye twitched as you plastered a smile on your face, fighting internally with the anger that wanted to boil over. You would only allow yourself one breakdown a day, and you already had it.
“Senator Amidala,” you spoke quietly, keeping the anger from seeping into your tone, “if you could please refrain from telling me any more bad news today, the effort would be greatly appreciated.”
“I-but…y/n!” You held up your hand and shook your head.
“Everything alright, ladies?” Anakin said, walking into the room.
“Good, your back. Your event is falling apart,” Padmé said, turning to her husband.
“Falling apart? How? I have the best people on it.”
“The decorations delivery was delayed and the catering company mixed up the dates. None of the planning is going right, and y/n…well…look at her.” Anakin took in your appearance before he hesitantly reached out in the force. He jerked back slightly, feeling the absolute anger that was emitting from you.
“I’m going to go take another break,” you said quietly. You then turned and walked out of the room, ignoring Padmé as she yelled, “you just took one!”, deciding to spend a little more time calming down before you got back to work.
You let out another deep sigh as you wandered down the halls of the temple. You saw several faces pass by, none quite registering in your mind until a particular one popped up. You recognized his cheeky grin right away, and your mood was immediately brightened. You decided, however, to be a little funny with him.
“Marvin!” You said excitedly as Echo approached with him. You ran over and pulled him from Echo’s hold, squeezing him to your chest.
“And here I thought you might be excited to see me, too,” Echo joked while watching you.
“Who are you again? Ello? Elmo?” You said, setting the stuffed porg down and going into the classic Obi Wan thinking pose.
“I’m gonna elbow you,” he said while he reached for you. You giggled and tried to squirm away, but he was quick and caught you. He held you for a second before you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his neck.
“I’m glad you’re back safe,” you mumbled.
“I’m glad to be back with you, darling.” You smiled into him at the nickname he so fondly used.
“How was your mission?” You asked, pulling out of the embrace, grabbing Marvin before turning to walk with Echo down the halls.
“It wasn’t anything very exciting. A few clankers here and there, not too much action.”
“Well, maybe next time it’ll be more fun,” you joked.
“Yeah, but fun usually means dangerous.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
You talked casually for a while as you wandered around, no real destination in mind. At one point, you noticed him start to become slightly nervous. His confident demeanor seemed to falter, and you wondered what caused it.
“Are you alright, Echo?” You asked, noticing how his responses had become shorter and seemed more distracted.
“Huh? Oh, yeah…” he said, a small blush coming to his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck. “I uh…I was wanting to ask you something.” You kept a straight face as you internally screamed, hoping he was going to ask you what you wanted.
“W-would you…uh…like to go-um, go to the event with me?” Your heart slightly dropped because it wasn’t what you had hoped for, and then it dropped again as you realized what you had to tell him.
“I’d love to, Echo,” you said and you watched his eyes light up, which made this more difficult for you, “but I can’t…” You watched his eyes fall and you bit your lip, feeling bad for rejecting him.
“But don’t worry! It’s not because I don’t want to,” you explained quickly, “I already agreed to go with Shaak Ti and Aayla.”
“Oh,” he said the light slightly coming back to his eyes. “So you’re not going with Sans?”
“Sans?” You questioned, “you think I’d say yes to Sans?”
“I-I don’t know…” he said, slight embarrassment coming to his face.
“Echo…” you said, reaching up to make him face you, “you need to stop worrying about Sans.”
“I know, it’s just hard when he’s so charming and always flirting with you-“
“Yes, but do you know who I flirt with?” He finally met your gaze, looking into your eyes as you held his cheek. “I flirt with you, because I like you, Echo.” He just stared back at you in wonder, not knowing what to say.
Before he knew what he was doing, he was grabbing the sides of your face and bent down to press his forehead to yours in a keldabe kiss.
“I like you too, darling,” he muttered, shifting his head so that your noses brushed against each other. Your breath caught in your throat, the proximity to him almost overwhelming for your senses. Your rapid heart rate made you feel like you were getting drunk on him.
“Okay, y/n, you’ve had your cool down, it’s time to- Maker, seriously guys! I swear I’m not doing this on purpose!” You had been moving to press your lips to Echo’s and hadn’t been able to make the connection as Anakin interrupted, again.
“You know what? How about you guys just get it over with and have a little kiss right now and then I can stop feeling bad when I interrupt?” Anakin said.
“No, the moment’s been ruined by you, like always,” you replied, the last part being said extra dryly.
“It’s just a kiss.”
“With all due respect, General Skywalker,” Echo said, “it’s more than just a kiss to me. And I think it’s more than just a kiss to y/n as well.” You nodded in agreement, folding your arms as you watched Anakin let out a dramatic sigh.
“Whatever,” he said. “I still need you to come back with me. Padmé needs your help, there’s still a lot to do.”
“Fine,” you said, looking back to Echo. “Here, could you take Marvin to my quarters?”
“I’d love to, but I don’t want to just leave him outside your door.”
“I can just tell you my code. It’s 8-2-4-6.”
“8-2-4-6?” He checked. You nodded in confirmation and grinned at him.
“Oh, and feel free to stay for a while, I won’t mind. Just don’t eat all my ebruah,” you teased.
“Wait, you have ebruah?”
“Don’t you dare eat it all, Echo.” He merely grinned at you before pulling you into a quick hug, kissing the top of your head. You moved and kissed his cheek before he walked away, taking Marvin to your room for you.
“You finally ready?” Anakin asked as you walked over to him.
“Hey, I don’t complain when you and Padmé take forever.” He opened his mouth, but never got a chance to defend himself, as your comm interrupted the conversation.
“Y/n, you’re needed in the hanger immediately,” Hex’s voice sounded through.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah-well, as alright as it can be in war. We’re being sent out, so we need you with us.”
“Wait, sent out? But the event is in three days!”
“Sorry, y/n, but we can’t disobey orders.” You groaned as you looked to Anakin who just gave you a shrug.
“I’ll tell Padmé, I guess,” he said while you sulked to the hanger.
“Where are we going this time?” You groaned as you met up with Sans, Hex, and Steele.
“Kaller,” Hex responded. “It seems as though the seppies are trying to take control there. We’re being sent to try and stop them from achieving their goal.”
“Perfect, just what I wanted to do,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
“Oh, if you’re going to be in a bad mood, just stay here and let me lead the men,” Sans said as you boarded the venator.
“I thought you were the brat tamer?” You shot back.
“You’re off limits, can’t tame you.”
“But you still flirt with me.”
“Well, of course. I can’t stop everything I do because you like another man. I’m still in love with you, my General,” he said while grabbing your hand and kissing the top of it.
“Let’s just stay focused this time,” you said while walking to the bridge.
“Ready to leave when you are, General,” the admiral stated. You nodded and told him to go ahead and take off. You knew you would have to clear your mind and focus on the mission if you were to be successful. You couldn’t allow yourself to focus on everything going on back at the temple.
The Republic was relying on you and your battalion to keep Kaller from Separatist control, and you knew if you failed, the other Jedi, such as Luminara and Krell, would certainly blame it on lack of focus. You wouldn’t fail, you rarely did. This would just be another easy skirmish, then you’d head home and prepare for the event. That’s what you had told yourself before the battle began.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Boom. A loud cannon blast landed just to the side of where you and some of your troops were huddled. Your group had been separated from the main battle, trying to scout for better ground when you accidentally stumbled upon a base that just happened to have a cannon.
“Y/n! Where are you? Did you find the better ground?” Sans yelled over the comm.
“Kind of in a situation right now! I’ll get back to you on that!” You shouted back.
“With all due respect, y/n, how are we exactly going to get out of this alive?” One of your men questioned.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” you mumbled. The trooper who had questioned you stood up to fire a few shots at the approaching droids before quickly getting back under the cover. You peered out cautiously behind your makeshift barricade to assess the situation. There weren’t too many droids that you would have a problem taking them out, but the cannon kept you hesitant to move.
“We could just make a run for it,” another trooper suggested.
“Yes, but the cannon…” you trailed off.
“Alright, you know what? Look at me, y/n,” the first clone said. You turned to watch as he took his helmet off, an intense gaze meeting your own. “We need to move. We’re needed back with the others, and we can’t stay here forever. Yes, there is a cannon, but you need to stop worrying about that. We need to act now. If we run out there now, some of us aren’t going to make it, and you need to accept that.” You knew he was right, you just didn’t want to accept it.
“General Jinn,” he said firmly, “we care about you too. And we know how hard you take our losses. But this is our only option.” You nod, taking a deep breath before looking at the rest of your men. They all had removed their helmets, and gave you knowing looks.
“Thank you, all of you. For fighting bravely and serving by my side. It’s been an honor to be your general. I love every single one of you, and to those who don’t make it, I hope you’re able to find peace, because it’s what you deserve. You’ve earned it, and so much more.” You gave them all a sad smile, which they returned while repeating the “I love you all” and “it’s been an honor.” They put their helmets on and you nodded, running out from behind the cover. You ignited your lightsaber and ran towards the droids. You deflected blaster shots left and right as you went, taking out the droids you could.
“That’s it, y/n!” You heard one of them yell. You glanced back to see who it was, and a shot of pain ran through you as he dropped to the ground, a blaster shot hitting his chest. You resisted the urge to run to him, knowing you didn’t have time. You pushed forwards, following your men who had run passed you.
Another cannon shot landed and shook the ground below you.
“We need to take out the cannon, y/n!” One of them yelled. You didn’t bother looking to see who it was, you just changed course and ran towards the cannon. You jumped up onto one of the legs and began to cut through the durasteel with your lightsaber. The machine started to turn as you did, and you cursed as you struggled to keep cutting. It fell forward when you successfully severed the leg from the rest of the cannon. The droid inside let out a confused remark before you sliced it in half with your saber. You then jumped off to continue your path back to the others, catching up with your men who had gotten ahead of you.
“Good job, y/n,” one said as you caught up.
“Thanks,” you responded before he let out a harsh grunt and fell to the ground. You barely had enough time to look back and see the blaster shot in his back before you had to change course again. You followed as your men ran through the trees, cutting a direct course back to the main battle.
“Y/n!” Hex yelled as you appeared. “It seems like their forces are beginning to falter. I think they might be retreating soon.”
“Okay, as long as we make it out alive, I’ll be happy,” you replied before leaving his side. After a bit more fighting, Hex’s prediction came through. The droids began to fall back, leaving you and your men to gather themselves.
“Separatists haven’t made any attempt to leave the planet yet, but they aren’t showing any signs of planning on attacking again anytime soon,” Steele informed you as you met up with him, Sans, and Hex.
“Good. Maybe we’ll be able to rest up before their next attack,” you replied.
“Actually, we’ve been requested to head back to Coruscant. Windu is being sent here with fresh troopers to relieve us,” Hex spoke.
“Really? How come?”
“Not quite sure, but I’m not complaining. This planet is a little cold for my liking.”
“Yeah, and plus now you don’t have to worry about missing the event,” Sans added. During the two days that you had been here and fighting, you completely forgot all about the troubles back on Coruscant.
“Let’s just hope everything managed to come together,” you said as you headed towards the makeshift camp your men had begun setting up. As you waited for Mace to arrive, you helped your men bury their fallen brothers and collect their helmets. 57 men this time. Not quite half a squadron, but enough to make a small dent in your numbers. To you, losing one man was already one too many, let alone losing 57.
This was too many.
Tag list, let me know if you want added!
@imabeautifulbutterfly @lightning-wolffe @namesmox @maulscrosshair @tacticalsparkles @milppa @dwarfplanet69 @ilikemymendarkandfictional @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @megafrost4 @darkangel4121
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Spoilers for a fic I will write eventually?
Do not read if you do not like made-up, author-indulgent backstories for characters who exist in the GFFA. This one is almost hard to post because it's kind of personal. Like, a story so plot driven that I am nervous people will hate my interpretation and my ships. Oh well, I guess, it's happening.
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A discussion in the Duros hoes chat, and then between me and @allsystemsblue, got me thinking about what is Cad Bane's real name? It sure as hell ain't Cad Bane. A lot of the fandom seems to agree on that. "Cad" and "bane" are both words in the dictionary that can be defined.
Cad: a man who behaves dishonorably, especially toward a woman. / scoundrel / rogue / rascal.
Bane: a cause of great distress or annoyance. / scourge / ruin / death.
We shall come back to this.
I have a scene mapped out for Stars Above in which I want Cad to run into his sister. I have a plan for his backstory that does not include this particular fanfic, but another, a series I am working on that will be entitled "Annuals of an Outlaw," and is essentially a collection of works I have outlined that will contain my version of Cad Bane's "story" from his beginnings on Duro in the Descent Ghetto, to after the Clone Wars and beyond.
Yes, it will have smut. And angst. Lots and lots of angst. Many character will appear, including Jango, Hondo, Aurra, Bossk, Embo, Zam, Dengar, Todo 360, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and even Boba at some point. Oh, and let us not forget Shriv Suurgav. :)
Yes, Shriv.
You cannot stop me. Don't even try. This is my magnum opus, and by God it will make sense narratively. Just you wait. Or don't. I don't care. I am still going to write this thing if it's the last thing I ever do.
First of all, I enjoy playing around with Star Wars name generators. That is how I came up with the name of my OC, Zulara. I started sifting through them, piecing last names together with other first names, and voilà, a new name appeared to me that caught my attention.
Originally, I was looking for Durese words that maybe meant something in relation to his occupation or personality, but none of them called out. It appears others had that same idea in the past, so it makes sense to go with something new.
Anyway, my name for Cad Bane is Lumoon Troks.
Here are the outpouring of thoughts I had on the matter before I could stop myself. I came up with this over the last hour or two, and I am digging it so far. Who knows, maybe I will change my mind. It's helping me to fill in a lot of gaps, anyway, that I had in the plot, and I am happy about that.
So, I am giving Bane siblings. Two much older sisters, two brothers who are 1-2 years apart, and a younger sister who is four or five at the time Lumoon finally leaves home.
His siblings call him Lu, or Moon for short. When they want to be annoying, they call him Moody Moon, or "Lemon" because of his sour outlook ( lemons are "canon" in SW, I checked).
To sum things up briefly, Bane's mother was a kindhearted woman and his father was a gruff workaholic. They both were employed in the factories and rarely had time to spend with their family, but had too many mouths to feed.
Cad gets into trouble quite often. He runs wild in the streets from a young age. Maybe he hooks up with the wrong crowd. Nothing too menacing; some petty theft, vandalism, etc, etc.
His father's angry about it. He refuses to take on work in the factories with him. He wants more for himself. He's not about that grind day in, day out life. Things get so toxic between them that he leaves to make his own way, stops coming home, worries his mother sick, and his little sister to boot.
So much so, his little sister ( talking maybe preschool / kindergartener age ) decides she has to "bring Moon home" and takes it upon herself to find him. She loves her big brother and sorely misses him.
This does not end well. At all. The worst possible scenario unfolds. The first of many tragedies in Cad Bane's life. It deeply affects him. He tries to go to his mother; she isn't the same Duros any longer. She coldshoulders him, ignores him, and she suffers from a broken heart.
Cad blames himself. "She went out to find you and never came home." This time, he really does leave and never returns. I am sure there is a final fight between him and his father that maybe seals the deal. He takes up random jobs, anything that pays, from sex work, to being hired muscle, to thieving, to murder, you name it, as long as the pay is good and it keeps his mind off his own problems.
He learns skills along the way, and he also learns from his mistakes. Things start being a little too easy. He's tired of being bossed around. He wants to be his own boss. So, that's exactly what he becomes.
He decides to try his hand at bounty hunting. He begins to make a name for himself, except, he hasn't. He needs a new one, something intimidating, striking, and rememberable. Plus, he doesn't want his birthname floating around; that makes him vulnerable, as well as the rest of his surviving kin.
Bane's mother, in the early days of his youth, used to scold him for misbehaving. She called him the equivalent of a cad in Durese, and it translated that way from basic, something along the lines of "Lumoon! Quit being such a cad, you naughty boy!"
It means something to him. He feels it embodies what he has become. It is also a tribute to his mother as well as a punishment; something he has to live with and that he brought upon himself.
The next thing you know, one of his many enemies makes a snarky comment, saying to him, "you are the bane of my existence," or simply, "you are a bane!" From there, his new name takes shape in his mind. He thinks if you put two and two together, it sounds kind of nice. It sticks. He starts to introduce himself like that, when before he had only referred to himself as Cad.
Another misfortune befalls him, which I mentioned I wanted him to run into his sister. This would happen off-world somewhere, years later, and during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She would say something to the likes of: "Mom died. She never gave up on you. She waited for you to come home, everyday. I didn't have the heart to tell her I had seen your wanted posters."
It tears him apart for awhile. His second great tragedy. Never getting to reconcile with the Duros who raised him and whom he loved. He harbors this for the rest of his life.
Of course, running in the streets, he learns not to trust people. He's jaded. He gets fucked over a time or two, badly, and by people he thinks he can trust. He develops a shell; a way of looking at the world that allows him to keep his guard up for his own protection.
In that same vein, I believe Bane can love and that he can love hard given the right circumstances. One of the many reasons he's kept from saying it, is because every person he has ever cared about has either turned on him or dies. The galaxy is a harsh mistress. He's afraid of a repeat scenario; he doesn't let himself get close. He tells himself he's better off alone, doesn't need anybody; he prefers to run without a pack.
That is, until he meets Jango.
And, that, my friends, is a whole other story, but I want to add that Cad Bane has bad dreams. Nightmares, even. Visions. Terrible things happen, old memories replay, he is haunted by his past. The sister he couldn't save; the mother he thought had stopped loving him; the father he was never good enough to please.
Hondo compares himself to a sun, and Bane is the moon. This would fuck with him psychologically, and cause him to react unexpectantly should the nickname stick - one that is reminiscent of his childhood. It is Hondo Ohnaka in my story that saves Bane from himself after Fett meets his untimely end.
Jango, Hondo, and Shriv may call him moody from time-to-time, or grumpy, but that also does not sit well, either, considering his past.
Once Jango dies, and once he fails at training Boba, Cad is even more a wreck than before. In my story, he also does not get to reconcile with his old partner and mentor after their falling out. He drinks himself stupid in the presence of Boba to the point the boy gets fed-up and they have their duel.
Bane, in my mind, can't accept Boba as Fett's son; he is a clone; he could never accept the clone contract from the get go - it put a rift in their relationship. This adds more fuel to the "look out for yourself" fire that is his quote in the Book of Boba Fett.
Sorry this got so long-winded, but, I had to get that out as it came to me. Now, to actually write the story all these ideas are for!
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Fuck it. Today I get to be self-indulgent and tell you about the entire Fjorester Hallmark Christmas Fanfic that is way too long for me to write these days but I have entirely laid down in my head so instead I’m going to write about it as a bulletpoint fic.... sort of... you’ll get the grasp. Just strap along for the ride. 
(This is obvious and shamelessly based on Tis The Damn Season by Taylor Swift, you can fight me. I said it was self-indulgent)
Okay, so first of all, the group are all friends and knew each other all through college, right? 
Jester studied psychology (she’s an emotional healer, you know?) and especialices in art therapy. 
Fjord did a marine biology major with an acting minor, because deep down he’s a theater nerd but doesn’t dare admit it because he needs to want a “real” career, you know? Also, he paid for his studies with a full swimming team scholarship. 
I legit don’t know what everyone else studied —this is the kinda stuff I would figure out while actually writing the fic— so you get to fill those blanks! 
ANYWAY, basically during college Jester had this art teacher, Artagan, who she became weirdly friendly with (you sometimes become friends with your college teachers, they aren’t even that much older than you and half the time are just as tired)
So this art teacher is delighted by her, right? Keeps telling her how talented an artist she is and how she should definitely come with him to LA after this year is over. He’ll get her into a gallery! She’ll be famous and amazing! 
So Jester goes. And her heart aches. And maybe leaving her mama is so damn hard. And maybe, maybe, she doesn’t want to say goodbye to Fjord but she’s been in love with him for so so so long and he never seemed to see her in that way, so she can’t put her life on pause for him. She can’t. Even if the night before she leaves it looks like he’s trying to tell her something, to half confess something that he never quite does say out loud and her heart falls and she leaves. 
ANYWAY here is where our story begins. 
Jester comes back for christmas after six months away and she is EXCITED to be home! 
(maybe a little too much, maybe things aren’t going as great in LA as she expected) (and mayyyybe she’s a little nervous to see a certain someone but it’s ok)
Fjord picks her up at the airport. He knows her mama doesn’t like going out much and he really, really, really insists that it’s no big deal. His car is old and shitty and there was an incident once that made Jester start calling it “The Ball Eater” to Fjord’s endless dismay (and bemusement). 
Anyway the ride home is light hearted, they make small talk and laugh about old times and Jester talks so much about how amazing everything in LA is but Fjord can’t shake the feeling that something about her, despite her smile, seems sad. 
He also can’t help the desire to hold her hand, or kiss her, or at the very least confess how uselessly in love he’s been with her for years, but she’s only here for like four days because she needs to go back to LA for her big New Years gallery show that Artagan put together and he can’t ask much from her without getting in the way of her dreams, so he doesn’t. 
So they get home and Marion is as delightful as ever and Jester finds out that Fjord has been helping her fix some things around the house (oh so you’re a very handy man, Fjord! *wiggles eyebrows*) and he’s been buying her groceries because he knows Jester used to do it because Marion is always so busy performing at the Chateau (and doing other things for her fancier clients, but Fjord would rather not bring that subject up too often) and he just thought it would be important for someone to look after her from time to time. 
Jester has to choke back tears because she is so moved that he is so wonderful with her mama even when she’s gone. Her heart flutters and it’s terrifying. 
So Fjord leaves and Jester and her mama spend the whole afternoon together, catching up and baking cupcakes and watching christmas movies until Marion has to go to work.
Meanwhile, Fjord is trying to figure out what to do with himself and with Jester —nothing, he decides, he shouldn’t really say anything— and keeps pacing around his apartment to the endless bemusement of his roomate. 
Caduceus was MEANT to go home for the holidays, but there was some kind of change of plans with his family at the last minute (or so he says, he hasn’t been very forthcoming about it and Fjord suspects they might have had an argument or something or maybe Cad just decided not to go home, but how is he supposed to know? He never knew the first thing about families) so now Caduceus is here and for the first time in his life Fjord is not spending Christmas alone. 
Caduceus suggests honesty is the best course of action, that he should just tell Jester how he feels. Yeah. Right. 
Jester gets together with the rest of her friends “The Nein” they call each other, though they have never been nine, just to mess with people who keep asking and getting weirder and weirder answers. They get some drinks. 
While Fjord is away getting drinks, Beau mentions what a shitty year she’s had and Jester’s brow furrows and Beau says it was just a lot of shit, you know? Vandran just up and leaving town, handing in his thesis (though his tutor, Mrs. Melora was delightful and supportive). She doesn’t mention how depressed Fjord was over Jester leaving, though, but she does say that the cherry on top was his fucking ex showing up again. 
“Avantika came back?!”
Jester’s chest twists with the painful memory of jealousy and anger and worry over how unhealthy the whole thing was and how sick and sleepless and exhausted and sad Fjord seemed though the entire relationship before he finally gathered the courage to break things up. 
Veth knows that, so she brushes it off with a quick “it’s fine, he told her to go fuck herself” and Jester feels maybe a little better —even though she totally has no right because she and Fjord aren’t a thing and he can do whatever he wants ok? she totally doesn’t care, totally. 
Still, maybe, on the way back home she asks if he’s okay and she’s so worried and hesitant and Fjord just melts and assures her he’s alright, that he already knew when Avantika came back that she was not what he wanted, that he deserved more... that he wanted more... and he’s so earnest and breathless that Jester thinks he might really be in love with someone else, then... it doesn’t occur to her that all he can think about is kissing her in that moment, parked outside her mama’s house. 
The porch’s front light turns on, the moment passes, they say goodbye. 
Fjord comes over on the 24th to hang out. Apparently, Caduceus is a little bit more homesick than he is willing to admit and decided to unload all of his Cain Instincts on Fjord. Jester is delighted by the idea of Cad secretly being a prankster, but she lets Fjord hide out with her and her mama as they decorate the house (Marion didn’t have time to before between shifts) and make cookies and watch movies. 
And it’s so easy, so sweet and comfortable, that Jester can’t help but feel like this is what life is meant to be, she can’t help but fantasize about what things could have been like... 
Fjord finally asks what’s wrong. She tries to dodge the question first, assuring him she’s alright, but Fjord has known Jester long enough to figure out that something is weighing on her and he insists that she can tell him anything. 
Jester finally breaks and admits LA isn’t everything she dreamed. It’s pretty great, sure, and she got a job as an art therapist in a nearby clinic and the gallery is going to be great and fun but she feels so lonely, she’s tried to make new friends but everyone is too busy or stuck on their own road to success to really get to know them, she misses the Nein, she misses her mama, she misses her home and Fjord. Besides, Artagan has been so busy with planing the gallery (and all of the other cool artists he has been collecting to showcase there and she didn’t know about before) and he’s just not as focused on being her artistic mentor has before. It’s just a lot. 
And Fjord listens and nods and assures her that she’s brilliant and amazing and she will be alright, but she can always come back home if she wants (god, he wishes she would return). 
instead, Jester says he should come to LA because they used to talk about this, about both going there and trying their luck as artists. “You are such an amazing actor, Fjord!” She insists but Fjord is too anxious. Dreams don’t pay the bills. He can’t just drop everything just to follow a dream... just to follow her. 
It gets quiet after that. 
On the way out, Marion overhears that Fjord is planing to spend christmas alone with Cad on their apartment and insists they should come over for diner instead. 
Jester is delighted! It’s usually just her and her mama (who usually has to leave early because she works christmas night at the hotel) but now Cad and Fjord can come too! And the others should too! Beau and Yasha are here alone too and Veth can bring Yeza and Luke and Caleb will definitely want to spend it here instead of the library right?
So the Nein end up all invited to Jester’s christmas party. 
Which, of course, means they HAVE to do a secret santa. 
Jester gets Caleb, so she enlists Veth and Beau to go shopping for his gift to make it extra especial. 
While they are out doing chores, Caleb texts Jester and asks if he could talk to her later that afternoon. She wonders out loud why that would be and Veth blurts out: “he’s probably finally gonna tell you he’s in love with you” 
And Jester would brush it off with a flirty joke if it wasn’t by the way Beau slaps the back of Veth’s head and tells her “you said you wouldn’t tell on him!” 
So Jester is shocked and confused and thrown off balance because she never even considered Caleb like that. Does Caleb like her? Is he in love with her? Is she supposed to know that? To like him back? Oh no, he’s going to tell her this afternoon isn’t he? 
And she has to give him a christmas gift for the secret santa!
Caos and overthinking ensue and finally Jester buys Caleb a big thick book he’d been eyeing for a while but that he’d deemed too expensive to get and a very long scarf with lots of tiny cats and there’s nothing romantic about it but she’s still worried about it. 
So, either way, Caleb and Jester meet up for a late coffee (Caleb is basically immune to caffeine at this point so it’s fine and Jester only drinks hot coco so it’s alright). 
And Jester jumps the gun, she goes on and on and on about how she had no idea and she’s so sorry and she’s not sure about how to feel with this but she doesn’t want to hurt Caleb because he’s such a good friend and she really does care about him a lot but-
Caleb cuts her off with a laugh. He already knew she’s not in love with him, which is why he never brought the subject up. He’s fine, he’s moved on. 
Actually, he wanted to talk with her because he is seeing someone else (ESSEK) and he wanted to know if it would be alright to bring him over for christmas tomorrow. He thinks he’s ready to introduce them to his friends and a party seems like a good idea. 
Jester is delighted again and assures him he totally can come and not to worry about the extra space or work or food because Caduceus and Fjord promised to come help her prepare everything for the party. 
She grabs his hands and assures him with a bright smile that she’s incredibly happy for him and hopes this is the good kinda love that makes him feel warm and fuzzy and smile. And Caleb blushes and nods and mumbles that maybe it is. 
CUT TO: Fjord is totally accidentally watching this from outside the coffeeshop because he was out buying gifts too (for his secret friend, Beau, a dope set of weights... and for Jester, a tiny unicorn that he just saw and had to get for her because he knew it would make her so happy). 
Either way, as you can imagine, what Fjord sees is easily misunderstood. 
Cue: heartbreak. 
Which gets us to christmas morning filled with excitement and presents and hugs. 
Fjord and Caduceus come over to help the Lavorre women cook (Fjord feels a little responsible over turning their little yearly diner into a fully blown party because he mentioned they were spending it alone at home). 
And Fjord is sad. He isn’t angry, or rude, or jealous... okay, maybe a little jealous, but mostly he’s just heart-broken and Jester can tell something is off, but Fjord makes an effort to smile and pretend like everything is fine and –wow, whoever he is in love with (that person he said he now new he wanted) might have broken his heart and Jester is so confused and at a lost. 
Anyway, it’s Caduceus who finally has enough of the mopping around and pulls Fjord aside to figure out what’s wrong and Fjord just blurts everything out: Jester and the feelings and the almost kiss in his car and the hanging out and the stupid little unicorn he has back at home and now doesn’t dare give her and Jester holding Caleb’s hands and how stupid he feels and how he had no right to feel that way anyway...
Cad lets him ramble and in the end just sighs and puts a hand on his shoulder and says: you should give her the gift. Did you get it so she would love you? Did you get it to get something in return? 
No, Fjord says, he just wanted to make her happy. 
Well, it will still make her happy, right? Isn’t that what you want?
And Fjord nods despite the hurt and Cad thinks he is so clever because of course he knows that Jester is in love with Fjord and that Caleb has moved on but he figures his roommate needs to figure it out himself this time. 
And so, the party comes. 
They do the secret santa early, because everyone is too chaotic and excited to wait to figure out what gifts they will get and they all want their friends to see the awesome gifts they got them already. 
Fjord nearly bites through his cheek while he sees Jester give Caleb her secret santa gift. 
Yasha gives Jester a beautiful dress, dark but artistic, that everyone insists she must try on and model for them at once because the world really hates Fjord and wants to make him blush and squirm as much as possible over the girl of his dreams. 
Caduceus gets Fjord an amazing movie collection with all the western classics he loves and it’s probably one of the nicest gifts he’s ever gotten. 
The tiny unicorn weights like a fucking ton inside Fjord’s pocket through most of the night. He convinces himself that he can’t give it to Jester, it would be overstepping. If she loves someone else, he needs to respect that. 
And then Essek shows up, and Fjord understands many things at once, and he’s so stupid he wants to laugh and hit himself at the same time. 
And yeah, just because Jester isn’t in love with someone else it doesn’t mean that she will like him now... of course not... but he feels a little bit less like a terrible friend and person for wanting her to. 
He pulls her out to the porch with some dumb excuse and after a lot of awkward small talk he finally brings out the tiny unicorn. 
Jester is delighted. What? Why? When? And Fjord just tells her the truth, that he saw it and thought of her and how happy it would make her and he had to... 
So Jester kisses his cheek and he blushes furiously and just as the moment is about to die down Veth shouts from inside that someone hid a lot of mistletoe around the house and that she is not kissing any of her friends thank you very much. 
So the two of them look up just in time to see GUESS WHAT hanging over their heads. Because of course. 
Blushing. Awkwardness. I mean, we don’t have to if you don’t- I mean if you- I mean I do- Do you? Yeah. Wait. Really? I mean, do you want to? Y-yes! 
They kiss. 
And it’s quick and shy and not really a big romantic kiss, barely a peck between two friends terrified of fucking everything up. 
The night goes on and neither of them can stop thinking about it... but other than that, it’s just a fun party. 
Fjord doesn’t sleep much, he’s up early and pacing around the house until he decides he needs to try that again. Just once more. One more kiss. And maybe then... and, yes, she will leave, but maybe one more kiss wouldn’t be so terrible before that?
So Fjord runs. He runs over to her home, heart in his throat. 
He knocks on the door, rushed and breathless... and finds Marion looking sad. 
Jester got a call that very morning saying Artagan needed her ASAP back in LA because the gallery is apparently a mess and he needs her help to organize the big night. 
Fjord does his best to cheer Marion up but he also knows, he knows, how upset Jester must have been to lose the last few days home. 
Meanwhile, Jester is doing her best to help Artagan (after finding out her mentor might be an amazingly talented artist but a terrible event organizer) and basically runs herself thin, going crazy and barely sleeping for a couple days. 
Two days before the big exhibit everything is still a mess and it’s too much for her to handle alone... and then the Nein arrive. 
What are you doing here? What is going on? How are you here? 
And they just shrug and smile and say they missed her and ‘hey, do you need a little help with that?’ and before she knows it everyone is helping her up and putting together everything that’d been falling apart. 
Beau basically intimidates the catering service into actually delivering on time by reviewing their contract and finding how much money they could lose if they don’t. Yasha, turns out, has a fantastic eye for art and helps pick where and how each piece should be hanged. Veth goes nuts with the decoration, making it way fancier than anyone expected this little art show to be —she demands black tie for everyone who is coming, too. Caleb and Essek result amazing with lights and music and manage got connect the whole audio system by some sort of magical miracle because it hasn’t worked properly since the 8s. Caduceus and Fjord offer to serve drinks when the barman calls in sick. 
In the end, after a few hectic days, it all works out. 
Jester finds out from Beau that Fjord basically knocked on their doors as soon as he found out she had to come back and talked everyone into coming and drove all the way here in his cheap shitty Ball Eater car (it broke down halfway through and Fjord and Caleb had to fix it themselves which is also why it took them two whole days to get to LA). 
The night of the gallery everything is perfect and beautiful and Jester could cry because she has the best friends in the world —but, really, she could cry because she’s missed them so much and having them here with her has made LA seem like a true city of stars again. 
And so, she takes a moment in between smiling and shaking hands and posing for pictures with Artagan (who is sort of taking all the credit for their work but it’s alright because he’s already hooked her and two others up with a bunch of interested agents and it seems like he really just wants to help this small artists have their big break) and Jester steps outside to take some air. 
Fjord follows. 
And she starts to thank him, earnestly, for all his help and support and she has no idea how she could’ve done any of this without them —without him. She can’t believe he followed her all the way here (as if Fjord has done anything else since the day they met on their college’s induction day... he always follows her)
Fjord, a little coyly, says that he could pay her back by lending him a couch while he looks for a place... and that’s how Jester finds out Fjord’s moving to the city to try and pursue acting. 
“Job hunting wasn’t going too well either, so I figured I might as well give my dreams a chance... I would also really like to be closer to you,” he admits, in a moment of boldness. 
And Jester understands. Finally. She sees what she was too afraid of admitting to herself out of fear of heartbreak and disappointment. 
“I can lend you a couch,” she smiles, playfully, “but it will cost you... a movie, maybe diner later” 
And his eyes sparkle as he steps closer and says, “I think I can manage that” and he asks if he can kiss her, following a hunch, and she nods. 
Just as everyone shouts HAPPY NEW YEAR inside the building. 
ok that’s all, i cannot bring myself to actually write this multichapter, but I hope anyone who is still here after ALL THAT enjoyed the ride. 
Happy holidays!! 
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