#canary!akaashi !!
hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Seventeen
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x Fem!Reader
previous | next | black canary
Y/N'S P.O.V.
The next morning you wake up before Atsumu. You find enough time to make yourself a cup of tea and deal with your headache before he emerges from his spot on the couch. You hand him the same medicine you used when you first woke and he sits down quietly on the island stool furthest from you.
"Are you feeling okay?" you ask him. "I'm sorry for passing out on you last night. I don't even remember getting into bed."
Atsumu's body freezes just as his cup of tea is about to hit his lips. "No, that's alright," he says plainly before continuing his movement once more.
"Okay, well, you still didn't answer. Are you feeling alright? You're acting a bit odd," you tell him as you get up from your seat and approach him. You place the backside of your hand on his forehead which makes him flinch hard and spill the rest of his hot tea straight into his lap. 
He hisses at the sensation of his leg burning as he stands up and backs away from you. "Fuck!" he shouts. "Goddammit!"
You watch as he runs off to the bathroom to deal with the situation. Not long later you hear the shower water running. However, he never left the room so you know he didn't bring in a spare change of clothes.
Only trying to help, you grab a matching set of sweatshirt and sweatpants from his room and knock on the bathroom door.
"Yeah?" he calls from inside the shower. "I'm fine, Y/N, I promise! You don't have to worry about it!"
"I know that but you don't have any extra clothes. Can I bring something in for you?"
Atsumu's quiet for a second as though he's scolding himself for being so thoughtless. "That'd be great, thank you," he finally replies. "You can come in."
When you step into the bathroom, you place the clothes down on the sink. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you should say something before you finally leave. However, you decide against it and wait for him to come back out.
While you wait, you clean up the kitchen from breakfast and get yourself ready for the day. A  few minutes after you finish and find a seat on the couch, Atsumu sits down beside you.
"Sorry about that," he says as his arm coincidently brushes up against yours as he takes the spot on your right. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to talk to Bokuto today. I know you had a good day with Daichi but you didn't make much cash. I think working with Bokuto might give you an advantage in that department. What do you think?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Atsumu. Where can we meet him?" you ask.
"It's still early so he's probably still at the casino. I'll text him and ask him to wait for us," he replies.
A few minutes later, Bokuto replies saying he's at the casino and that he'll wait to talk to the two of you before heading out to work. When you get the news, you and Atsumu file into his car and drive off to the casino. Sure enough, in Bokuto's office, there he is waiting for you with a big smile on his face.
"Hey, you two! How's it going?"
Atsumu sighs as he closes the door and you explain your whole situation. Bokuto nods as though he both understands and is confused at the same time. However, in the end, he does agree to help you out.
"So you want to work with me today, huh? I can show you a thing or two," he grins. He then stands up from his seat and walks over to a small locker in the corner of the room. He riffles through an unorganized mess, looking for something and muttering curses under his breath.
At the same time, Akaashi steps into the room. "Bokuto!" he calls out, causing Bokuto to jump and create an even bigger mess in the locker with paper and dark clothes spilling out from all sides.
"Hey there Akaashi," Atsumu waves. "What's the rush?"
"I'm not in a rush," he replies, looking confused. "I was just wondering where Bokuto was. We've got to head out. Security guards are changing in about eighteen minutes!"
"I don't mean to interrupt," you interrupt, "but what is it exactly that we're doing?"
"Hm? You're joining us today, Y/N?" Akaashi asks you.
"Yeah, I, uh, thought it would be good to see what everybody's up to. Yesterday I helped out Daichi and before that I was working with Atsumu," you smile, hiding your true intent.
"Yup," says Bokuto as he tosses and kicks everything back into the cramped locker. "Here, Y/N, I was looking for these," he tells you as he holds up a black ski mask and black duffle bag just like the one you used to put the organs in with Atsumu.
"So we're robbing something then?" you realize. "What is it? A bank?"
"Close," he smiles as he hands you the mask and the duffle bag. "We're going to a jewelry store. You can keep whatever you can grab. Ready?"
"As I'll ever be," you reply as you turn to Atsumu. "See you later."
"I'll be here," he smiles back.
After you say your quick goodbye to Atsumu, you're whisked out of the room by Akaashi and stuffed into the back of a black Cadillac Escalade. Akaashi zooms off with Bokuto at his side. In the back, you sit squeezed between Sarukui and Konoha. 
Exactly twelve minutes later you arrive outside of the jewelry store. Akaashi pulls the car over to the side of the road and puts his hazard lights on. He then looks down at his watch. "It's five twenty-eight. Guards are changing in two minutes."
The five of you peer into the store. You watch for about ten seconds until you see the guard start to move from his post near the front of his store.
"Now, now! Let's go!" Bokuto shouts as he unbuckles his seat. 
Your group minus Akaashi, who is your getaway driver, climbs out of the car and walks towards the store. The moment the guard is out of sight, Bokuto slams his huge body into the front door and pulls out a pistol shouting, "Hands up! Don't move!"
It all seems like a blur as you rush around and grab the biggest items you can find... the most valuable ones, too. Right when it is precisely 5:30, Bokuto calls the group to back away with what they have and make it back to the car.
"What now?" you ask, out of breath as Akaashi drives off.
"Well isn't it obvious?" Bokuto grins. "We go to the next jewelry store."
"The next? But why now?"
"Because all the cops will be too busy going to the place we were just at. They won't even think about going to another at the same time," he tells you.
"But if you always do that won't the cops try to get one step ahead of you?" you then ask.
"We never hit the same spot," Konoha explains. "Typically we don't even stay in Tokyo. Cops never expect more than what they hear over the phone from the employees who could care less, you know?"
You nod and continue on with your day of stealing and collecting. Once it gets dark, you head to a pawn shop with the rest of the group. You can hardly contain your excitement when you're told you've racked up nine hundred thirty-four million yen! 
Once you get back to the casino, you thank Bokuto for allowing you to tag along with him.
"Any time," he replies. "It was nice having you around."
"Thanks, I think I'll take you up on that offer," you smile. "Have a good night!"
"You too," he waves as he walks off.
You smile to yourself as you spin around on your heels and walk off to find Atsumu. About a minute later you find him exchanging chips for money from Yamaguchi at the front desk. You run right up to him with a big grin on your face.
"Oh! Y/N, you're back! Finally," he teases. "How'd it go?"
"Great!" you beam as you throw your arms around him. "I got almost one billion yen!"
"Holy shit, that's amazing!" he replies, matching your energy perfectly. "Come on, let's go home. I'm gonna make dinner tonight. What do you feel like having?"
"Hmm, how about onigiri?" you ask him.
Atsumu pauses for a moment as you pull away from the hug. It takes you a second to realize why he looks so tense, but it then hits you that onigiri was Osamu's favorite food.
"Or we can have-"
"No, it's fine. Come on, let's head out. I don't know about you but I'm starving."
The car ride home is quiet, but you manage by keeping small, short conversations about your day until he parks the car in the driveway. And that is when your night takes a turn...
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petboymart · 2 years
Please I beg…….canary Akaashi? Or catboy aran ??????
tell me your favorite underrated petboy!!!
bestie. your. MIND.
we don’t have enough bird petboys on this blog!!!! imagine being all snuggled up in their wings when they’re in human form and falling asleep to their coos 🥺
i think akaashi would be a crested canary or a scott’s fancy canary, they’re just so beautiful and it fits him 🥺 on an unrelated note, if you need a good laugh look up pictures of a gloster canary
and KITTY!ARAN!!! we don’t talk about him very much but i am abso-fucking-lutely on that train
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augustinewrites · 2 years
Bokuto exposing Kuroo by telling you how much he pined after you before the two of you started dating (RIP 🦉)
words cannot describe how much i love this thank you 😘
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kuroo doesn’t regret a lot of things. really, he doesn’t. he’s always been confident in the choices he’s made.
“and when you started dating lev, oh man, he was devastated!” bokuto recounts dramatically, voice much too loud for the quaint coffee shop you’d agreed to meet up at.
kuroo doesn’t regret a lot of things, but agreeing to meet up with bokuto and his loud mouth is one of them.
bokuto, who is capable of keeping a secret for approximately five minutes before telling akaashi. or anyone who will listen.
bokuto, who has the hair of an owl but the memory of an elephant, apparently. he’s ‘spilling the tea,’ as the kids say, about how embarassingly long kuroo’s pined after you.
“devastated, huh?” you laugh, nudging him with your elbow. “i was right— high school you was just as edgy as your hairstyle.”
“he’s exaggerating,” kuroo lies with a roll of his eyes. “kenma, a little help here?”
his best friend doesn’t skip a beat, hardly glancing up from his iced coffee as he says, “not an exaggeration. you whined like a baby for two weeks straight. you couldn’t hit any of my sets, you kept glaring at lev, and you couldn’t even do your chem homework.”
you lift a hand to cover your amused smile as kuroo’s left eye twitches at this betrayal.
“yeah, he seriously had the fattest crush on you back in the day!” bokuto continues, happy to have some backup. “you should have seen the way he’d stare at you during training camp! it was like a cat watching a canary.”
“so you were staring at me!” you gasp, swatting his arm. “you always said you weren’t!”
“i was gazing, not staring,” he scoffs, blood rushing to his cheeks. “there’s a difference.”
“it’s still weird,” you tease.
“it’s not weird! it’s romantic,” he insists. so what if he’s gazed a little too long? it wasn’t his fault you were so damn pretty.
especially when you smile the way you are now. a little bashful and shy, but still bright and beautiful. of course he was devastated when you started dating lev.
you laugh at him now along with the traitors he calls friends, but you take his hand under the table, squeezing tightly.
and this is all that matters, isn’t it? that after years of pining for you from afar and even watching you date someone else, you still ended up with him. almost six years after you’d met him at a nekoma vc practice and he’d become obsessed with you forever.
so he squeezes back. three times to be exact, enough to communicate i and love and you while bokuto and kenma recall every embarrassing experience of his from high school.
kuroo doesn’t regret a lot of things, and waiting this long for you definitely isn’t one of them.
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atsuminthe · 3 years
I'm up in the middle of the night thinking of thirsts and now I wanna make it your problem too 😤 Also the below is VERY NSFW cause I'm a FUCKING degenerate.
I've been brainstorming about things to write for Kinktober after I finish my current WIP (it's a JJK fic if you're interested 👀) and I really want to do something with exhibitionism and/or voyeurism and I can't get the thought of one of the HQ accidentally catching Reader masturbating. (I'll be using female pronouns for Reader)
Well, it starts off accidental. Like, let's say you two are mutual friends and mesh within the same friend group (I'm think Iwa for this one because of course, I love him, but it could be anyone!) and for the most part it's been pretty platonic. He has a small crush on you that you're unaware of but it's nothing too major and he thinks it'll pass, even if the others occasionally tease him about it.
And I like to imagine the lot of you plus some other friends - like a big, diverse group - decide to take a short vacation and pool some money together to rent a place since it'll be cheaper than booking a hotel stay. And let's be generous and assume you get your own room 😌 Yeah we're rich. Anyway-
Like in the middle of the night, maybe he has to use the bathroom or grab a drink but he hears something that almost sounds like a groan come from your room? His tired brain doesn't register that he should mind his own business but instead thinks you're in pain and he wants to make sure you're okay. The door is already ajar and when he goes to knock the door nudges open a bit and he sees you in the middle of the bed and he kinda just stares.
Cause you're in the middle of the queen-sized bed with one leg up in the air while you're thrusting a dildo in and out of your cunt at quick, steady speed. Thank god you don't see - or notice, you seem pretty distracted - him otherwise he might combust.
And immediately he wants to back away and pretend like he never saw anything, maybe rub one out real quick, and try to look you in the eye tomorrow.
But at the same time, like...you sounds so wet. He can hear the wet sounds of you fucking yourself from where he is and the soft moans and whimpers coming from your lips, and oh god you're talking dirty to yourself ("Please, Daddy," and "Gimme it," and "Keep going,") and to him that's so fucking hot.
So he just...watches. He licks his lips because the idea of you even bringing that with you spurs so many ideas in his mind and shakes what he thought he knew about you to his core. It wasn't like he didn't think you had sex or desires or anything like that but you seemed so...balanced? Put together? You had a good head on your shoulders and were an absolute sweetheart - it's what he likes most about you - and while it wasn't like he's never thought of you sexually before, but you seemed like the kind of person that's pretty vanilla in bed. He can see that he's mistaken.
He hears you twitch and moan and he feels like an awful pervert when he can feel how painfully hard he is when you cum, how messy and wet you sound as you bury your face in the covers to muffle yourself, and he stops to gather himself so he can creep back to bed without drawing attention to himself and jerk off.
And he...almost does. He's a couple of steps away while you're gathering yourself when he hears you whimper again. And shortly afterwards, a faint buzzing.
He stops. You're...going again? Really? Already? But he's already about to leave...this is an invasion of your privacy and he's a pervert and he should feel horrible for this but-
He stays behind to watch, this time with his cock out.
And the day afterwards he feels like the scum of the earth when he sees you so bright and cheery when you tell everyone you slept like a baby - and he thinks 'Yeah, after masturbating three times in a row-'
He tries to be normal throughout the day when one of your friends tells you about how stressed she's been and how she doesn't understand how well you're able to handle it and to share your secret. He sinks down in his chair and he tries not to get hard while you give some general advice, but then throw in, "Although sometimes I need...alternative methods to relax, y'know?"
And then you sharply call his name. And when he looks at you his blood goes cold. Because normally you're sweet, kind and generous and give whatever advice you can, so why are you looking at him like the cat that ate the canary-
"You'd know all about that, though, right? How do you relieve stress?"
You're smirk is sly - when did you look so predatory? - and he can't breathe because oh.
You knew.
(Also if this is too much for a thirst I totally apologize! I don't want to make you uncomfortable! 😫)
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HOLY SHIT LILY THIS WAS GORGEOUS i loved every second of it. this was all just chef’s kiss mhm mhm now i’ll think about this all day <3
this is definitely akaashi, MEIAN, bokuto, the miya twins, tbh i can see sakusa here too, hoshiumi, THE SEIJOH FOUR (yes all of them) and kuroo
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imgonnapanic · 3 years
Third gym squad with a theater kid s/o:
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Kuroo Tetsurou
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Tbh, he knew what he was signing up for when he started dating you.
He’s just not used to it, because he doesn’t have many extroverted friends who aren’t annoying pieces of-
I can envision you both going on the hub to watch pirated musicals. Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, you name it.
He loooves your singing voice, even if it’s your nervous purposely bad one.
You love the musicals that include allll the good stuff (trauma, death, tragedy, etc.)
Or the iconic ones. You can’t forget about those.
So you’re less-than-thrilled when your school chooses “Honk! The Musical” for this years play.
It’s a spin off of the ugly duckling that no one has heard of.
And when you come up to Kuroo sulking about this boring play you’re emotionally obliged to do, he can’t help but laugh a little.
But his laughter stops when he sees your eyes down at your shoes.
And then he shuts the fuck up because you’re actually upset.
After assuring that you will still be Broadway material even if you’re dressed up as a goose, you feel a little better.
In the two weeks leading up to auditions, Kuroo is starting to get caught humming “A Poultry Tale” at practice.
I mean, his Spotify feed went from Kendrick Lamar to Legally Blonde within one month of dating you, so cut the guy a break.
The day of auditions, you’re a bundle of nerves as you go over the dumb song again and again.
And Kuroo is like “calm down babe you’re gonna do great.”
That sure did a ton.
“Shut up Heather”
“Sorry Heather”
He’s also a bundle of nerves at practice, though. He just couldn’t let you see it.
By now, all of the Nekoma team knows you’re auditioning today, and the minute he walks in he just holds up a hand.
“They’re auditioning as we speak”
He’s not surprised when you get the lead.
He looks like the cat who ate the canary he’s a little amused when he figures out the lead is named “Ugly” but by now he has learned to keep it on the inside.
Your schedule is now jam packed, but that’s okay, because Nationals are also coming up for Kuroo and needs to put in some extra hours at the gym anyways.
You better believe two months later Kuroo is making his entire team buy a ticket.
Kuroo didn’t even get to see you on opening night because of dress rehearsals, but that’s okay.
He cleared his entire schedule that day and now has time to wallow in his own excitement and buy you some flowers.
He’s there with the squad team at 6PM sharp, dressed up, and trying to keep his dignity.
When you first walk on stage, the team snickers a little bit at your costume, but Kuroo was completely enraptured by your singing voice, your blocking, your makeup, everything.
This was much better than the demo CD that they had given you.
Afterwards, he gives you your flowers and is glued to your side for the rest of the night, babbling about how proud he was of you, and how talented you are, Nekoma team be damned.
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Tsukishima Kei
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Tsukki-poo already had a soft spot for the arts before he met you.
Not that he would tell anyone, ever.
When you started dating him though, it gave him an excuse to share his favorite soundtracks.
“you can hit that note, you know.”
*cue the arguing about how you aren’t Barbara Streisand*
When you two are walking through the hallway with him and you see the poster reading “Auditions for Karasuno High School’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ are open!” You start freaking out.
You love that movie! And Kei tolerates it!
Kei honestly thought you would be Ariel/Prince Eric when he first heard you singing “Part of Your World”
Like, you have the voice of a fucking lark. The directors have to be batshit crazy not to cast you.
In his humble opinion.
So he’s a bit taken aback when you get the role of Flounder, but he’s very proud anyways. Especially after you explain that there’s musical numbers that you’re in that aren’t in the movie.
He just hates your director for no reason now.
Practicing your lines with him in your free time becomes almost inevitable because you both have nothing else better to do.
And he can see how into it you are.
And let me just say that you are killing it.
Seriously. You have no problem getting into character, and Kei doesn’t say this much but-
It’s fucking adorable, okay? He has little goth moths in his stomach.
And he can’t wait to see the show, because then he can show you off.
That doesn’t mean he likes the other first years prying at your progress.
Hinata’s incessant questioning about theater anatomy and the memorization of your lines gets really annoying.
Even for someone with a normal temper like you-
“Yes it’s called the right wing. NOT wing spiker. Yes they’re off book. Now will you shut your trap already?”
Dress Rehearsals come, and you’re spinning around his room, face morphing from complete concentration to happy, go-lucky Flounder.
You, Kei, and Yamaguchi (your little third wheel-) all know the soundtrack pretty much up and down, left and right, backwards and inside out.
He still shivers remembering the time you just walked into his house not registering that Flounder’s makeup looks kind of scary up close-
All of his pride was sacrificed that day. All of it.
On the morning of opening night, Kei was walking you to the school, pretending to be bitchy about it being on a Saturday.
“C’mon, what am I supposed to do all day?”
As luck would have it, he’s stuck sitting next to one Hinata Shoyo. Lovely.
So he sat down next to him, and ignored him the whole show. I mean, it worked, he shut up after thirty seconds.
After the show, Kei has to wait a bit for you to take your makeup off, but when you come running out, he can’t hold back a tiny grin.
“That was good. I’m proud of you.”
And then he took you to dinner because singing makes a bad bleep hungry 😌
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Bokuto Kotarou
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Listen, you’re loud, Bokuto’s loud-
So basically you two are on a mission to not annoy Akaashi for as long as you can before inevitably getting yelled at for your affection and love and shit.
Now, both of you would love for this to be possible.
But the Frozen soundtrack makes it too difficult.
Especially when you can edit the lyrics just to piss off Konoha.
“Turn away and slAm the door *on Konoha”
“The wind is howling like the storm inside *of Konoha”
The possibilities are endless, really.
The game changer is when you two are belting out the song where Elsa and Anna are arguing.
And you accidentally hit the “I-i-I CANNNNT”
Akaashi is like for the love of GOD just audition for the play.
He quickly realizes that his suggestion was not a good idea.
Since guess what the musical is.
You’re auditioning as a joke, okay? You love Frozen, but this is a Fukurōdani Academy level play.
You didn’t expect to land the role of Olaf.
Your director sat you down and bluntly told you that he thought that you had the charisma and energy to be Olaf, but he knew that you were auditioning for a joke.
He needed you to be committed.
And hell yeah, you were gonna be committed.
At first, Bokuto was super proud of you! His s/o as a lead role? So impressive!
You even taught Bokuto your choreography for “In Summer”
He only retained half of it, but eh.
He’s a volleyball player. He tried.
As rehearsal times became longer and longer, Bokuto was a little upset at himself because he didn’t realize how committed you were until it hit him in the face.
Akaashi is there to get him out of his funk when you aren’t, though.
“They feel the same way when you need to be in the gym longer. It’s just a part of having a passion. Just utilize your time with them wisely.”
This bitch knows full well Bokuto doesn’t do ‘wise’ though, so he also sets to him a little more.
Dress rehearsals start, and Bokuto is always waiting for you to come out of the auditorium to ride the bus home.
You’re just bubbling over with stories about the magic of being on stage.
The lights, the microphones, the costumes, just talking about it makes you nostalgic already.
On opening night, Bokuto and Akaashi are there in the front row, going through the program.
“There’s y/n!!!!”
And you can’t see him because of the blinding spotlight, but you can hear Bokuto cheering for you after you finish “In Summer”
Afterwards he gives you a big hug, and you guys go home and watch Frozen.
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Akaashi Keiji
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When you start dating Akaashi in your second year at Fukurōdani, you’ve been on stage for the last ten years of your life.
Singing, acting, dancing, you love it all.
You’re even considering making it your career.
Akaashi doesn’t know much about theater at all, but he makes sure to do his research since it’s such a big part of your life.
The company you take acting classes with is having their winter show soon, and you couldn’t be happier when you figure out it’s ‘Into the Woods.’
Akaashi makes the mistake of asking the plot of the story.
“So basically there are these two infertile bakers with dead parents and there’s this witch that’s old and wrinkly and she comes to their house because fifty years ago the bakers dad stole her veggies and took the magic beans that made her look old and wrinkly-“
(A/n: this isn’t even half the plot)
He decides he’ll figure it out when he sees the play.
Akaashi knows that it’s a difficult one, though.
Sondheim doesn’t fuck around.
So you shouldn’t be beating yourself up about cracking on some of the high notes and screaming into your pillow.
He feels like an idiot every time you ask him to give you constructive criticism.
He doesn’t know what to say. “That was good” is obviously not what you want to hear.
When the date of your audition rolls around, he has early morning practice.
So he sends you a text saying how far you’ve come already and he’ll be proud even if you end up being a tree and break a leg (he’s very proud of that part. Theater lingo with Akaashi 101)
He’s very pleased to hear through your extremely fast and animated chattering that you killed it.
You were going to be Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
He’s still not sure how that correlates with infertile bakers, but he’ll go with it.
You also have a notoriously hard solo, “Giants in the sky.”
Akaashi is very impressed.
All you two do is practice that song, until Akaashi is half sure he could sing the song if he really gave an effort.
(He tries seriously one time. He can’t sing. To save his life. Sorry Keiji and RIP y/n’s ears.)
“Maybe you’re just not a soprano?”
“I’ll leave the limelight to you.”
Rehearsals always leave you drained. There are so many dance numbers in the play that you have to go over.
And songs, oh god, the songs are pieces of work.
But you wouldn’t trade it for the world, so Keiji stays close, and is endlessly supportive.
You sent him a picture of your Jack costume, and Keiji is like that is kind of adorable ngl-
He walks into the auditorium you’re performing in, and even he’s nervous to be in there. It’s huge.
But when you walk on the stage, and start belting, all the breath leaves his lungs.
Oh. Ohhhhhhh. He understands the plot now.
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krtetsu · 2 years
im barking howling lamenting at my boygirlfriend malewife kuroo tetsurou's new official art. his eyes are a new shade of a different color than the other three he has had. im crying and sobbing and throwing up bc his waist is so small and his silly little suit is so well fitted and cute it makes me want to gag. the suit is stripped and the baby blue shirt thats a bit too big is stripped too he is so dumb. strips on strips dont go well together. he has the same design of shoes he had when he was 17 and playing against his future boyfriends in summer camp, but now they're pretty and new and barely have any tear or dirt in them because he is working goddamn it & just because he can use sneakers while working doesnt mean he can slack off. he has an apple watch the filthy little capitalist fucker and while im willing to bet that its just for work it doesnt make him any less obnoxious and he wouldn't even try to be modest, i bet he checks it sooo much, the damn fuck, the damp stray cat who got the canary. he is pale too which makes me sad in the type of way that makes me want to rant about the fact that he isn't a pro so i wont focus on that today. he is so pretty. his hair is shorter so he can see now, its tamer too and it makes me laugh bc im like 80% sure that he used to straighten it in hs which is just sooo hilarious to me like hysterically so. it'd fit him, it'd fit the year, it'd fit who he pretend he was back then and oop im going into melancholic rant mode again, better bring it back to something we can all agree with, whoever you ship him with, but this is specially about bokuto and akaashi and tsukki, they would grab his tiny little waist with such tenderness and love it'd break your heart. bokuto would squeeze, akaashi would reach to touch his own fingers and tsukki would linger, he always lingers. anyway. he is a whore too
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srhlsx · 4 years
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Rewritten & Reposted March 24, 2021
MASTER | Ch. 16 | CHAPTER 17 | Ch. 18
Not long after both yours and Bokuto’s teams both qualified for the Spring Nationals Tournament, another habit had been formed.
On non-school nights, Bokuto would come over to have dinner and hang out with you and your siblings. He still made a point to meet up with you after practices and walk you home during the week when he could, and there had even been a time or two when you skipped out on your free period and met up for an extended lunch - he claimed he had a free period too, but you weren’t too sure about the honesty in that. 
“Are you sure you have a free period right now?” 
You looked up from where your hand was entwined with Bokuto’s to see a devious look in his eyes as he led you around the streets of Tokyo. It was right before the lunch rush so the streets weren’t as busy as they could be, still the noise left you having to speak a little louder to be heard.
“I feel like if I text Akaashi right now-”
“No!” He interrupted, stopping in his tracks and grabbing your face in his hands. “Don’t do that, he’ll be so mad.”
“I knew you were lying!” You laughed, grabbing his wrists and pulling them away from your face, giving him a teasing glare. “You cannot be just skipping your classes!”
“Listen, I couldn’t pass it up when you said you wanted to meet up for lunch.” Bokuto tried to reason with you. “So really, it’s your fault.” 
You attempted to give him your harshest look and turned to walk away from him, but that didn’t last long as he easily caught you. Grabbing onto your waist and pushing you up against a wall outside of a random storefront, you squinted up into Bokuto’s eyes in an attempt to be mad at him. It didn’t work.
“Don’t be like that,” He laughed, burying his face in your neck and tickling you with his breath. When your arms remained limp at your side in defiance, he decided to take drastic measures to get on your good graces again.
You felt a light peppering of kisses on your neck, making you start to squirm, but you held out - you weren’t going to lose this battle. You turned your head away, knowing he’d try to kiss you eventually but you weren’t going to let him woo you so easily. He continued to pester your sensitive skin, eventually you felt him press against a particularly ticklish spot and…
You broke.
Laughing, you grabbed his face and pushed him off you, realizing that you actually were in the middle of the streets of Tokyo still and should probably behave. He looked into your eyes with a flush on his cheeks, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. You shook your head and leaned into him.
No labels had been put on anything, and you never brought it up, but during those moments that he pressed his lips against yours (and those moments were often now) you knew what you meant to him and what he meant to you. You were with him and he was with you, through everything that life as a teenager had decided to throw at you.
Bokuto was like a breath of fresh air in a time when you thought you were drowning and barely clinging to life. He came swooping in, all finesse and flair, grabbing a hold of your heart and refusing to let go or even loosen his grip for a moment lest you completely slip away from him. He had saved you from an impending spiral you hadn’t even known you were falling into until he plucked you up and stood you on your own two feet. 
Were you in love with him? Definitely.
Was he in love with you? Most certainly.
That Friday night was no different. Bokuto had stopped by a restaurant on his way over, a bag of takeout food in his hands as Yua greeted him at the door and Eiji set the table. You smiled over your shoulder into the kiss he subtly placed on the side of your mouth, keeping it PG for your younger siblings who had more than once caught the two of you hotly pressed against the kitchen counter after you thought they’d gone to the other room. 
You were reaching up into the cabinet to grab a few glasses as you felt Bokuto’s strong, muscled body pressing just slightly into you from behind. He had a way of making it look like an accident, but the way his hands lingered at your hips told you it was anything but. You were thankful in that moment that you weren’t facing him, sure that the heat you felt rising up your neck was showing.
“Hi,” He mumbled into your neck, making you squirm just slightly. You pushed back against him, making him grunt deeply and take a step back, you smiled a little wicked grin at him from over your shoulder.
Down the hall, you heard the distant sound of a door opening and closing. Surprised, you looked to Bokuto with your brows scrunched together as you gently moved him aside and walked towards the hallway leading to the front door. An excited scream rang out, and a moment later a grunt and a laugh you recognized but hadn’t heard in quite some time.
Your dad came around the corner to the kitchen, holding Yua on his hip as she talked his ear off. He smiled tiredly, but nodded along anyways. He stopped when he finally saw you standing there, Bokuto behind you with a mild look of fright on his face and eyes bugging out of his head. That was your dad and here he was, just a moment ago, pressing himself up against you like some pervert.
“Uh, hi… dad.” You said, almost sounding like you were asking a question. “You’re… home?”
You weren’t afraid of your dad seeing Bokuto over at your home, caring about something like that ended a long time ago when he stopped coming home at normal hours. However, you could feel the tension coming off Bokuto standing behind you as he subtly tried to step away from you and create some respectful distance.
“Got off early for a change,” He had the audacity to laugh about it, as if you hadn’t been begging for such an action for months. You noticed the way his eyes wrinkled more than they used to, the beard he was sporting was speckled with a light dusting of gray, but his voice was still the same deep tone you always knew. 
“Uh, we were just setting up dinner.” You mumbled. “This is Bokuto.”
You looked behind you and awkwardly jabbed a thumb back towards where Bokuto was standing, not sure exactly how else to introduce him beyond his name. You looked to Bokuto for a little bit of help in this situation and he picked up on it easily. He stepped forward, hand already extended towards your dad.
“Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Please,” He responded, giving Bokuto a good shake as he kept holding your sister, telling him to call him by his name.
“Eiji, why don’t you grab another setting?” You called out.
“No, no,” Your dad waved you off, setting your sister down and watching as she scurried off to the other room. He looked up at you and Bokuto and smiled as he leaned against the counter. “It’s still pretty early. Why don’t you kids head out for the night? Do whatever you do these days on Fridays, head to an arcade or something?”
“You are wildly embarrassing, dad.” You shook your head.
“Well, whatever is cool to do these days, go do it.” He straightened up and gave you a more serious look. “Really, (y/n), I owe you… I can- should be their dad.”
You nodded silently, showing him where the takeout food was warming up in the oven, being sure to describe in explicit detail how Yua specifically liked to eat her food,  then giving Bokuto’s wrist a little squeeze as you passed him and went to go grab a few of your things from your bedroom. You weren’t entirely sure leaving him alone with your dad was the best idea, but you changed clothes quickly and were back in the kitchen in time to see your dad laughing at something Boluto must’ve said. 
“This is terrifying,” You mumbled, clearly uncomfortable with the instant familiarity they seemed to have. Your dad chuckled as he reached out to shake Bokuto’s hand once more after you grabbed him to drag him away.
Your walk was silent for the first few blocks of your journey, you weren’t even sure where you were going. You slowed down and let Bokuto catch up to you and slip his hand into yours, making you sigh. “Sorry if that was uncomfortable for you,” He said.
“It’s fine,” You half lied, he knew. “Just wasn’t expecting it. Acting like he’s this cool parent who lets his daughter run off and do whatever on a Friday night. I mean, he doesn’t even know you? Don’t parents normally interrogate boyfriends?”
“Well, maybe he’s trying?” Bokuto said, tugging on your hand to lead you in a new direction. You followed along without question, hugging yourself a little closer to his warmth. “He looks pretty young, definitely a lot cooler than my old man.”
“Yeah, my parents had me when they were barely twenty,” You mumbled. “And he was cool before everything happened, it’s just that after being completely absent from things and all that we went through-”
“(y/n), I know I don’t have any clue as to what it was like for you,” Bokuto stopped and tugged you back as you took a few steps forward. “But maybe give the guy a chance? He’s trying now.”
“I guess,” You mumbled. You could’ve been mad at Bokuto for taking your dad’s side after he knew how hard it had been for you, but you knew he was really just trying to be helpful so you didn’t snap. “I hate that you’re being reasonable right now.”
You actually felt a lot less mad than you thought you would be at your dad for just showing up. The more you thought about it, actually, the more the anger and embarrassment disappeared. Damn you Bokuto and the effect you have…
Bokuto smiled, twirling you around in the glow of the neon lights from the stores around you, making you laugh. “Comeone, let’s have fun - just you and your boyfriend.” He sang the words in an obnoxious tone.
“That-That just slipped out.” You immediately turned away from him, horrified he caught your word vomit and trying to get out of his grasp. You were sure the heat crawling across your cheeks was visible, but if it was Bokuto made no mention.
“I’m glad,” He beamed at you, a bright smile making his eyes close in delight. “I’ve thought of you as my girlfriend for a while I just… forgot.”
“Forgot?” Your eyebrow jumped up in question.
“To ask,” He shrugged like it was nothing, pulling you along to continue your journey. “Anyways, now we can have a proper night together!”
“What can I expect?” You asked as you looked up at him with a wild excitement in your eyes. You could feel the thundering of his heartbeat against your own as he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed.
“Let’s see what Kuroo’s up to.” He said, pulling out his phone and quickly dialing the number of his sideways smiling friend.
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cloud-anime · 2 years
:*:・。,☆゚’・:*:・。, haikyuu ,。・:*:・゚’☆,。・:*:
ukai keishin ☁︎ sawamura daichi ☁︎ sugawara koshi ☁︎ azumane asahi ☁︎ nishinoya yuu ☁︎ tanaka ryunosuke ☁︎ kageyama tobio ☁︎ hinata shoyo ☁︎ tsukishima kei ☁︎ yamaguchi tadashi ☁︎ kuroo tetsuro ☁︎ kozume kenma ☁︎ haiba lev ☁︎ oikawa tooru ☁︎ matsukawa isseu ☁︎ iwaizumi hajime ☁︎ bokuto koutarou ☁︎ akaashi keiji ☁︎ ushijima wakatoshi ☁︎ semi eita ☁︎ tendo satori ☁︎ terushima yuuji ☁︎ sakusa kiyoomi ☁︎ kita shinsuke ☁︎ ojiro aran ☁︎ miya atsumu ☁︎ miya osamu ☁︎ suna rintaro ☁︎ meian shugo ☁︎ inunaki shion ☁︎ tomas adriah
:*:・。,☆゚’・:*:・。, hunter x hunter ,。・:*:・゚’☆,。・:*:
gon freecss ☁︎ killua zoldyck ☁︎ leorio paradinight ☁︎ kurapika ☁︎ hisoka morow ☁︎ illumi zoldyck ☁︎ chrollo lucilfer ☁︎ feitan portor ☁︎ shizuku murasaki ☁︎ canary
:*:・。,☆゚’・:*:・。, jujutsu kaisen ,。・:*:・゚’☆,。・:*:
itadori yuuji ☁︎ fushiguro megumi ☁︎ kugisaki nobara ☁︎ zenin maki ☁︎ panda ☁︎ inumaki toge ☁︎ okkotsu yuuta ☁︎ todo aoi ☁︎ zenin mai ☁︎ kamo noritoshi ☁︎ muta kokichi / mechamaru ☁︎ nishimiya momo ☁︎ miwa kasumi ☁︎ gojo satoru ☁︎ geto suguru ☁︎ ieiri shoko ☁︎ nanami kento ☁︎ haibara yu ☁︎ iori utahime ☁︎ mei mei ☁︎ tsukumo yuki ☁︎ ino takuma ☁︎ zenin naoya ☁︎ yaga masamichi ☁︎ gakuganji yoshinobu ☁︎ ryomen sukuna ☁︎ choso ☁︎ mahito ☁︎ orimoto rika ☁︎ fushiguro toji ☁︎ fushiguro tsumiki ☁︎ amanai riko ☁︎ nanako and mimiko
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petboymart · 2 years
in light of me realizing we don’t have any bird!boy content on this blog here is a list of bird boys! -eden<3
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rufous-legged owl!akaashi
horned owl!bokuto
american goldfinch!koganegawa
snowy owl!aone
golden eagle!ushijima
gloster canary!goshiki (look it up. i beg you)
indian golden oriole!terushima
yellow warbler!komori
brown owl!meian
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plz send in any comments you have, i’m desperately trying to get out of my writers block and trying to find inspiration because anytime i try to write a request it comes out flat and i’m losing it bro
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90stimkon · 6 years
words of treason
Rating: All Length: 1,220 Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji (bokuaka)
Summary: It’s the end of the world as Bokuto knows it (and he feels fine).
Notes: I HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THIS OTHER THAN I LOVE MPREG BYE at first this was an au based on bumped but then it evolved into its own thing i hate myself 
my fic | buy me a coffee | commission me
Koutarou doesn’t believe it even when his manager calls him via holo to tell him the good news. As a 78.3kg carrier, it’s not like he expected many options, especially good ones. Koutarou figured he’d serve his dues as part of the draft and then try for children of his own once he’d fulfilled his quota, but he hadn’t figured a gorgeous fertilizer as part of the deal. “He wants to bump with me?”
“He was adamant about it, in fact! -- His own words!” Tetsurou says with a wave of his hand. “His name is Akaashi Keiji, and he would be honored to bump with you -- also his words.”
Tetsurou’s grinning like the cat that caught the canary, and the truth isn’t too far from it, in this case. For once Koutarou is glad that Tetsurou is a family friend, it’s only through his connections that Koutarou can ensure a match.
Speaking of which, Koutarou can’t stop looking at the hologram file Tetsurou sent. It’s a standard file of his potential fertilizer recorded for a few moments, simply introducing himself and smiling. To Koutarou, he looks like an angel. “I still can’t believe he would want to.”
“Well believe it,” Tetsurou’s voice cackles, “because you meet with him tomorrow!”
Koutarou is glad they’re no longer in a time where they carry cellphones to call each other, or else he would have dropped his phone and broken it for sure. “What!?”
It’s so soon.
Knowing Tetsurou, he probably held back the information that Akaashi proposed to bump with him, and for that Koutarou is grateful. He only learned the news two hours ago, and already he’s running up and down his halls, telling his mother of the proposal for the fifth time (though she acts as excited as though it’s the first) and turning his closet inside out in an effort to find something that will make him appear both presentable and fertile tomorrow. Tetsurou’s already messaged him the details, and Koutarou can’t focus on anything else.
“Just look at him!” Koutarou says for the sixth time, bringing up the hologram screen with the brief recording. “A-ga-shee.”
“He certainly has some good genes. And a good health history,” his mom says approvingly, though her smile is thin and nervous.
“Chew with your mouth shut and don’t slouch. You want to show them your good teeth but not the family’s bad back,” his mother reminds, dusting Koutarou’s presentation clothes. He opted for something classic and traditional, even though he feels a bit silly. Koutarou hasn’t worn clothes like these since his fertility ceremony when he began bleeding at age eight, but it feels special to wear them again.
Plus, they make him look pretty fertile already, if he’s honest, and that’s never a bad thing considering that only 15% of matches -- even good matches -- result in a conception. A side effect to the nuclear warfare in World War III was the inevitable sterility, and even more surprising was the fertility that began in men’s bodies and the ability to impregnate for women. Some called it a sin against nature, but most just called it “reality” nowadays. Koutarou doesn’t really care; he doesn’t know any other world than the one he lives in now, and he’s had enough dreams that result in sticky thighs and crusting stains to know what he wants.
So he knows it’s an honor to look fertile and all but… “I look fat.”
Koutarou tugs at the loose robes and his mom slaps his hands away. “You look fertile. Now stand up straight and don’t forget what I told you about telling them about your brothers and sisters. You have to remind them how strong your genetics are, not your size. You’ll want to look smaller, and--”
“Yeah, yeah,” Koutarou yawns, already tuning his mom out. He just wants to meet Akaashi and those gorgeous, lost-in-them green eyes already.
“I-I’m sorry, he really is more presentable,” Koutarou’s mom assures for the fifth time when Koutarou slouches at the table. He burped this time and patted his chest to show how good he’d be at burping babies, but the action made his mom’s face turn white, and the Akaashi clan hadn’t reacted in the least. “Really, you should see him--”
“No,” Akaashi’s mother says, beginning to smile softly, “he’s perfect. We confirm the match, should you accept it.”
“I accept!” Koutarou blurts out, slamming his hands on the table and leaning over to shout it before his mom gets the chance. Akaashi, stone cold up until this point, cracks, revealing a small smile in that stoic gaze. Koutarou’s cheeks go red and his stomach twists with such heat that he could almost believe that smile impregnated him already.
“So…we’re going to bump,” Koutarou says, a few moments later. Once he’d accepted the match, their mothers had ushered them out so that they could talk logistics, and now he’s walking along the trail of bamboo bridges over a koi pond. In history books, this kind of pond teems with hundreds of goldfish, but the one Koutarou walks over only has three fish in it. The fish trail behind the couple, fat enough to prove that they expect to be fed.
Akaashi stops and bends down, staring at the fish more intently than he’d stared at Koutarou. In fact he hadn’t looked at Koutarou since he’d accepted the match, which now has Koutarou’s stomach doing more flips, and this time not in the good way. “Do you think it’s right that they make us do this?”
Koutarou thinks about it for exactly half a second before shrugging. “I mean, we have to in order to keep the human race going, right? And I want a baby, so it makes sense, at least for me.”
“Yes,” Akaashi says vaguely, still staring at the fish. “But we don’t get to keep our firstborn.”
“Well… I guess not.” Koutarou frowns and crouches down beside Akaashi. He doesn’t understand why he’s asking these questions. “Are you unhappy about the match now? Is it… Am I too big?”
Koutarou blushes despite himself; he knows his qualities and he’s not ashamed of them, even if they aren’t the most desirable. Akaashi though, simply smiles at his question, and Koutarou watches Akaashi’s reflection in the water avert his gaze, blushing just as much. “I don’t find that an undesirable quality in you.”
Koutarou squares his jaw. He’s relieved that Akaashi feels that way, but it doesn’t settle the worry from Akaashi’s questions still. He dips a finger into the water and laughs as the fish’s mouths tickle his fingertip when they bite at it. “Then what is it?”
“You and I will make beautiful children.” Koutarou nods, expecting more, but it never comes. He watches Akaashi’s reflection and then looks up at him, but Akaashi’s gaze looks distant, even though it’s trained on the fish. Koutarou opens his mouth, but before any words come out, Akaashi adds his finger besides Koutarou’s, and admits in a whisper, “I don’t want to give up any of our children.”
It’s treason, the words Akaashi is saying.
Koutarou lets them die out quietly, as slowly, gently, and as long as it takes for the ripples in the water to die out as well. And then he adds, “I don’t want to, either.”
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ezzydean · 7 years
The library’s pretty empty save for you and me and OH that couple making out loudly in the shelves somewhere AsaTanaMakkiAka :)
because of course none of us can do the usual 3/5 day (aka we can’t pick a ship) we have AsaTanaMakkiAka to celebrate today
The first few shaky breaths and badly hushed protestations barely even register which, in Ryuu’s mind, just goes to show how badly he needs to focus on passing the test he’s trying to study for.  From his spot across the small table Hanamaki glances up from his own homework and gives the corner of the library they’re tucked away in a suspicious look.  They almost always pick this particular table because it’s tucked away from the rest of the library and no one ever seems to need to reference any of the books in these shelves which is excellent since they both need as little distraction as possible.  Which is why they can’t study in either of their dorm rooms since their roommates are both infinitely distracting in their own ways.
A series of shuffling noises and muffled groans make Ryuu look up from his notes and make a face at Hanamaki.  Hanamaki shrugs and rolls his eyes.
“Probably just some dumb kids making out.”  Hanamaki reaches over and taps Ryuu’s notes.  “Focus.”
So he does.
Until the sound of a handful of books sliding off the floor and thumping to the ground catches his attention and he jerks in his chair.  They both wait a few moments to see if anyone is going to come out from the nearby shelves or come up from the more populated areas to scold whoever is making the noises.  Nothing happens except another barely muffled groan and Ryuu huffs in frustration.
Now normally he would be all for letting his fellow students get in some probably needed making out and possible ass grabbing.  But he actually really needed to study today and he was trying really hard and if he didn’t pass this test he was going cry.  Big gross crocodile tears of frustration and shame.  So he would really appreciate the quiet atmosphere this corner of the library was supposed to be giving him.
Hanamaki apparently agrees because he is barely a step behind Ryuu as he pushes away from the table and stalks over to the nearby shelves to locate the source of the noises.
He expects to see two people making out, apparently oblivious to the fact that they are in a library and people are nearby.  He doesn’t expect to know either of the people or, in fact, both of them.
“Akaashi?” he asks his roommate incredulously.  “A-Asahi?” he stutters as he watches Hanamaki’s roommate pull away from Akaashi and lean on the opposite bookshelf sheepishly.
Of all the people he knew that he might have expected to be making out in the library Asahi and Akaashi were not on the list.  Even if they had been he definitely wouldn’t have expected to see Asahi being the one pinning Akaashi to the bookshelf.
“He started it,” Asahi whispers, petulant even with his face seemingly on fire with mortification at being caught.  Though Ryuu isn’t sure if it’s just at being caught or if it’s because he got caught by someone he knows.
“You weren’t protesting anything,” Akaashi states.  His face is flushed too but to Ryuu it looks more like satisfaction than anything else.  Like the cat with the cream or canary or however that particular saying went.
“Hard to protest with your tongue in my mouth and your hands down my sweatpants,” Asahi states back and if Ryuu’s head hadn’t already been spinning seeing Asahi being all sassy and mouthy to someone would have done it.
“You know,” Hanamaki finally says and Ryuu startles; in his stupor at the sight in front of him, he had forgotten that Hanamaki was right behind him.  “We come to the library to get away from the distractions of our roommates.”
Akaashi studies Hanamaki over Ryuu’s shoulders, gaze heavy, and then flicks his eyes onto Ryuu.
“Oh I know.”
Asahi whines.  “Akaashi is that why you insisted on doing this here?  Cause of your silly crush?”
“You agreed cause of your silly crush.”
“Tanaka,” Hanamaki whispers and Ryuu shudders at the sudden closeness.  “I have a feeling we’re not going to get much studying done here tonight.”  Ryuu nods distractedly as he watches Asahi and Akaashi bickering quietly.  “I’m pretty sure that’s Asahi’s key ring on the floor on that jacket.  You nab it, I’ll get our stuff from the table, we book it back to his and my room, and pretend to study there.”
Ryuu turns his head, nose brushing Hanamaki’s cheek as he does, and grins.
“Let’s do it.”
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z5xlV7
by aizawa_zawa
KuroTsuki Week / Day 3: Notice Me
Kenma convinces Kuroo to finally talk to Tsukishima.
Words: 964, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of KuroTsuki Week
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Additional Tags: KuroTsuki Week, Day 3: Notice Me, Short One Shot, Aged-Up Character(s), Alternate Universe - College/University, Funny, falling, Cafetería, Cute, friends - Freeform, Lunch, rated t since there's a curse word
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z5xlV7
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ao3feed-kurotsuki · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z5xlV7
by aizawa_zawa
KuroTsuki Week / Day 3: Notice Me
Kenma convinces Kuroo to finally talk to Tsukishima.
Words: 964, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of KuroTsuki Week
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Additional Tags: KuroTsuki Week, Day 3: Notice Me, Short One Shot, Aged-Up Character(s), Alternate Universe - College/University, Funny, falling, Cafetería, Cute, friends - Freeform, Lunch, rated t since there's a curse word
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z5xlV7
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