#captain of the guards robin hood
bones4thecats · 8 months
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Candy Candido (1913 - 1999)
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enigma-im · 9 months
Changes (Turn and Face the Stranger)
Rating: Mature Relationship: Orc X Female!Human Warning: Strong Language, Near death, Robin Hood rip-off
Word Count: 3,821
Captured by a very handsome Orc, Alice has to convince him of her cause before her day to hang. Can she swing this big oof to her side before it's too late?
"commander Irek Fells," he greets with the deepest voice I ever heard," Is this Alice Belmond?" I stare up at the large man, seeing him tower over everyone with his broad chest, thick arms, and great stature. His face seems to be stuck in a permeant scowl like he never smiled a day in his life. A deep scar splits the right side of his face over his eye down to his jaw. His tusks are banded with gold at the base. He is a terrifying man, and the effect he has on all the guards around is evident.
"Y-yes," the captain clears his throat," Yes. Alice Belmond the woman who has successfully robbed three of our deliveries to the capital. Each guarded with our toughest men but she bested 'em on every turn."
While the captain boasted my efforts I watch as the orc's jaw ticks as he grinds his teeth, his brow furrowed into his eyes. Even in a casual conversation such as this he looks pissed as hell. The others standing behind seemed to be rattling in their boots. Which is understandable, this behemoth of a man could take on all of them with his hands behind his back. Crush their skulls with just his thighs.
As I gawk at him he catches my eye. He sneers before crouching down to my level-which is a feat in itself- and gets into my face.
"You have committed crimes against the king and the capital, what do you say in your defense, human?"
I stare into his eyes with my own open wide and my mouth slightly parted. This close I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks. I can see the puckered scar over his eye. My heart beats wildly in my chest; my palms are sweaty, shoulders stiff, and butterflies in my stomach. I feel words escape me, falling off the tip of my tongue. I have to say something, so I spew out the first thing I can.
"fuck, you're hot."
Well, that was an awful thing to say.
Captured, thrown into the carriage like a dog. I guess big scary commander Fells doesn't like compliments. It's not my fault really, I have that rare condition called 'no filter from brain to mouth'. It's truly fatal, with no cure in sight. It's really his fault for being so damn sexy in front of me, with my condition I was doomed from the start.
I huff, blowing the hair out of my face. I wince as the carriage rocks a bit too hard on a rock, my hands tugging on the chains. They couldn't at least invest in some leather to wrap around these things? The person who made these never had to be in them I guess.
I sit up to look out the window, watching as we pass the gates into the castle. I roll my eyes at the grand façade that is the royal guards. A bunch of goody-goodies, never had to work more than lifting a sword in their life. Which is why it was so easy to rob them blind. Well, not this time I suppose, but I blame the commander. He isn't like the rest of them, first off being an orc. Sure there are a few amongst the soldiers that aren't afflicted with the human genome, but he is almost a whole different game altogether. For starters being so damn gorgeous. I snort before falling back on my ass to await the dribble that will be the next few hours.
"Where is the rest of your group," an angry human demands for the umpteenth time. I wiggle back and forth on my chair, checking out the rest of the room with way more interest than I give this conversation.
"Pass," I tease, rocking back on two legs of the chair. The man growls, like some sort of caveman. These guys can't even bother with a please or thank you. So rude.
"Do you even understand what kind of trouble you are in," the guy tries to bait," You are in the middle of being sentenced. The death penalty has been out on you for going on a year. You are just rat food waiting to happen, so just spill it and maybe we will make it quick."
I snort, "Fat chance."
He punches the table, storming off like a child. The door slams behind him and I'm left to my own devices once more. I'm not too worried about these losers. In a week, my group would have made a plan and be in the middle of busting me out of this 2-star hotel. I bounce on the two legs, glancing around without a care. There is nothing these guys can do to shake me.
The door is swung open again, I turn to greet the poor fool who is tasked with me.
"Alice Belmond," Commander Fells greets. I'm caught off guard for the second time today as I fall onto my back. The chair had slipped out from beneath me as I push against the table too hard. Irek huffs as I groan in pain.
"I swear I'm more graceful than this," I grumble as I try to wiggle myself forward.
"I'm sure," he answers as he grabs the back of my chair and lifts me up. I catch a whiff of his earthy scent, good god what this man could do to me.
I'm righted and only mildly embarrassed. Commander Fells sits across from me, his rough hands sitting clasped on top of the table. Those are working hands, not like the last guy who was here. Such prissy little mama's boy hands.
"Where is your group hiding," he cuts to the chase.
"Damn, no foreplay? I knew something had to be wrong with you," I tease. His jaw clenches minutely
"Where is your cargo kept," he asks.
"At your mom's house, I haven't seen her in a while. Does she miss me," I prod. He takes a breath before continuing,
"Who is giving you information on our routes," he doesn't move a tick this time. I want to copy his posture, all straight and no bullshit. If only my hands were free, perhaps a bargaining chip?
"Release my hands and I'll tell you," I offer with a playful grin.
"Alright," he answers as he stands. I'm startled, staring up at him skeptically. This is some sort of trick, I'm sure of it. Maybe some good cop, bad cop shenanigans. He pulls a set of keys from his belt, holding my chains to unlock them. The cuffs fall with a loud bang to the dirt floor. I slowly bring my arms forward, watching him closely as he sits across from me.
He cocks a brow, "Think you can fight me to the door?". I'm almost caught off guard by the joke, I can't even bother to fight back the smile. He won't even offer one in return though. He is back in his original position, all business and no bullshit.
"Dekon Woodsmith," I offer in good faith. I couldn't give a damn who they find to be the dirty rat of the kingdom, I have at least 5 more. The king isn't well-liked and most people are more than eager to join a cause that can help their families that are hurt most by it. Besides, Dekon has his own informants to help him in case of this exact situation. I just got to give him some extra sweets as an apology.
"Where is your team," he asks next. I huff at the lack of reaction to my answer. Just straight business.
I lean forward on my hands, "Are you always business, you ever had a vacation?"
"Where is your group hiding," he asks instead. I roll my eyes and lean back into my chair.
"A nice spa day would do you some good. I'm sure there is some big muscle lady who can work those knots out in no time," I tease.
"Why have you betrayed your kingdom," he asks next. I chuckle at such a ridiculous question. Who is this guy?
I cross my arms, "my kingdom? What a ridiculous thing! This isn't MY kingdom, he isn't my king. What a load of shit."
"Watch your tone," he threatens," you must be loyal to our king."
"Loyal, to him? What another crock of shit," I turn and spit," That man is but a rich child given the powers of a god. What has he done for me? For his people? I spent all last week helping HIS people and I don't get any respect. Perhaps if I sit around doing fuck all I too can get a line of men ready to do my dirty work. Get bent."
I can't even bother to look at him for such a dumb demand. Loyal to the king, what a fuckin tool. Ireks tries to get more but understands the conversation is over as I stonewall him. He leaves the room shortly, and another guard funnels in to chain me up and escort me out.
As I pass by the Commander I give a snide comment," Perhaps your loyalties blind you for only a fool would worship a selfish creature like him."
-- I toss a ball I found at the wall for the millionth time. Perhaps I should have made our check-in dates sooner than a week. I'm so bored here! I need some excitement, some drama. Maybe a little bit of that hunky commander. Just to see, I don't need him to speak. When he talks it's all ruined…well, almost.
The rubber ball hits the stone wall. Thunk, thunk, thunk. Dear god end this suffering!
The rusted-over door at the end of the hall screeched open. Good god, they need some maintenance in here. 1/10 stars for this abode. Steps echo down until it stops at my gate. I turn to the side to get a proper look at my guest.
"Commander Irek Fells," I forgo catching the ball for raising my arms in the air," Welcome to my humble home away from home!"
"I have questions for you," he grumbles, clearly not entertained by my antics. I sit up in my bed, resting my forearms on my knees.
"Only if I can ask you a few questions," I shoot back. He rolls his eyes, turning to pace the space in front of my prison.
With a wave of his hand, he answers, "As you wish."
"No shit," I asked genuinely surprised," Oh man, um… Do you have a girlfriend?"
He tosses a look at me, an interesting smirk just peaking at the ends of his lips. "Pass," he answers," Where are you from?"
I mope for a moment, resting my chin in my palm. "No fun, I didn't know we could just veto questions."
He shrugs, "You started it."
"alright wise guy, I'm Exeter. A little fishing town by Paddlefoot," I answer.
"I know of it, you're pretty far from home then."
"There is this amazing thing called 'carriages', they can take you from one place to another," I poke back.
He shakes his head, "What started you on this line of thievery if you are from a fishing town, not a family trade I hope?"
"Uh-uh, it's my turn, big guy," I wag my finger at him," What do you do for fun?"
"Whittling. My question is the same, what started you on this line of thievery?"
Whittling, how cute.
"I knew a guy who knew a guy who was screwed over by a king. What do you whittle?"
"Animals, fish mostly. How was the man 'screwed over'?"
"Good old fashion taxes and beatings," I give a solute in mock respect," Why did you join the royal guard?"
"Had to. What do you do with the stolen goods?"
I smirk at the question," Donations", I wait for his reply to that.
He is just as confused as I hoped he would be," Donations?"
" To the screwed-over friends I make," I cock my head to the side, eagerly awaiting his retort.
"People screwed over by the king," he asks, finally stopping his pacing.
He rolls his eyes," filthy little gutter rats. The king has nothing to do with your screwed-up little lives."
"says the orc living in wealth," I snort. His jaw ticks again, that wonderful bit of anger. "You are looking a little peeved there big guy. It does nothing good for your beautiful complexation. Try smiling a bit more."
He throws a snarl at me before walking out. I jump up to the bars, calling down to him as I reach an arm out, "Hey, it's my turn!"
The door slams with a wack and a screech. I drop my arm with a fake pout, " I guess not."
-- Today's the day I get out. There isn't much I can do with all this pent-up energy, just eager to get out of this stuffy place. The few times I've been thrown in here have been 'swell' but I can admit I will miss my little talks with Commander Sexy. Such a waste to have such a beautiful specimen wasted in this place. I was hoping to pick at his resolve and tie him to my cause but he is just damn stubborn. No matter, I'm sure our paths will cross again someday.
I bounce that damned ball against the wall again, waiting for my cue. Sunset becomes dark, and dark becomes way too late. I sit up in bed looking around. Maybe I'm too early? I stand up and look out the poor excuse of a window for any sign of my gang.
"Where are those idiots," I mumble to myself. My investigation is cut short by the damn squeaky door opening. I quickly lay back down, bouncing the ball as I await my favorite person. Even if it's a bad time, I'm always glad to catch those jeweled tusks.
I hear a group of people and the ringing of chains hitting the rocks on the ground. A cacophony of insults and cursing as a large group is tossed into a cage. I jump up, running for the bars to check what is going on. Before I can get a good look Commander Ireks blocks my view.
"Good evening," He greets with a triumphant grin. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. For the first time since I've been here, I'm actually worried.
"You son of a bitch," I reach out to grab his shirt. He backs away with a chuckle.
"What? No handsome today," he teases. I don't like this look for him.
"I'm not finding you that appealing at the moment," I swing for another go at his shirt.
He laughs," Caught your escape plan, a bunch of bumbling idiots if you ask me."
"fuck you," I snarl," they are MY bumbling idiots!"
Irek's smile is so wide as he begins to walk away. I'm sure he feels like a million bucks right now, that won't do one bit.
"You know he is killing families," I shout," killing them on the streets like dogs!"
He pauses, glancing over his shoulder.
"He doesn't give a damn about his people if they can't fund his damn parties. How often do you hear noises from his room? A maid or two going missing, huh? Put it together you damn orc! He isn't worth this bloodshed," I nearly plead with him to pay attention. To actually get this through his head.
He grinds his teeth, glaring at me. I challenge him back, chin raised and ready for a fight. He doesn't give me the satisfaction, turning and walking away.
"That's right you run you coward," I bark out. My gang follows suit, yelling profanities and insults.
That son of a bitch
-- Today is the day. Not like before, today is the day I get sentenced. I can already feel the noose on my neck like an accursed necklace. When the guards come to grab me I can only put on a brave face. I'm paraded past my group still in their cell. They all try to reach out, shouting words of comfort to me.
The light is blinding as I'm in the summer heat. A group of wealthy aristocrats surround me as I'm marched to the platform ahead. Insults, curses, and even fruit are thrown at me. I just stand tall and walk ahead.
I slowly walk up the steps, meeting Commander Irek Fells with a stare that could kill a lesser man. He meets me with indifference. That bastard.
The hooded man guides me ahead, the noose hanging in front of me like death herself. I let out a shaky breath. It draped over my neck and I realize how utterly fucked I am. I have no tricks, no illusions, no one to save my hide. I look up at the king sitting up on his balcony like some sort of false god. I'm screwed.
Commander Ireks steps in front of me to give me my final words. I beat him to it with a snarl.
"Betray your people, to save your king. Little ass backward if you ask me," I spit. He says nothing as he steps beside me and turns to his king who begins to address his people.
The king rambles on about what a great job HE did, not his guards. The crowd eats it up like starving animals. I barely notice my hand being nudged as I try to block out these childish ramblings. I look down and see Ireks poking my hand with a wooden item. I grab it, him stepping a little ahead to block my hand. I start down at a weird angle to a whittled fish. It's cute, even painted like a salmon. Confused I look up to Commander Ireks who is still listening to the king, a small snarl trying to be hidden but his nose still curls.
Huh? Oh. OH!
A rush of hope and adrenaline fuels my blood. I dare say I'm giddy. That big lug, I definitely never doubted him. Nope, not one bit… ok maybe I tossed him aside in my mind like week-old fish. I mean, who could see this coming? Sure as hell not me. Don't get me wrong, I'm persuasive but he is stubborn.
I fight back the smile and admiration daring to cross my face. I sure hope he has a dynamite plan because I'm neck-deep in 'super fucked' right now. I have to look down as to not give anything away. I'm going to live! If it doesn't go well though, I will most certainly die. What a day to be alive.
The king finishes his speech with a roar of applause. I bite my cheek as tension consumes me. Handsome better be on my side or this fish is a cruel last moments gift. I hear the crowd go quiet as all attention is now on the gallows, the executioner making final adjustments. My heart is beating out my chest as I see him close the gap to the lever. Oh heaven, where art thou?
Ireks makes his way to the front of the gallows, ready to address the crowd. He unsheathes his sword and points it to the sky. The crowd murmurs with excitement. He lowers his sword to point at the king, a display the king meets with a confused distasteful look.
"A false god, a spoiled child," Ireks shouts to the king," You have shown your true colors behind your fancy doors"
The king stands," I don't find this charming, Ireks."
Ireks continues," You have lied to us all, flaunted your wealth as if you are untouchable."
The king points to the executioner," Begin the execution and guards, cease this Orc." I panic as the executioner lunges for the lever, it cracking slightly at the weight. He tries to pull it be it wedged just below the deck. The guards don't dare move.
"You may ask, what is a peasant to a king," Ireks says," but I say what's a king to a mob?"
The executioner clears the blockage and pulls the lever with a snarl toward me. My feet give way to the collapsing floor, weightless as I wait for the tight restriction of the rope. With a quick flourish, Ireks cuts the rope as my feet go past the wood support. I can barely scream as I fall past the floor and onto a less-than-comfy hay-covered carriage.
All hell breaks loose as I'm jerked around an open carriage being pulled by two horses. I can barely sit upright as we torpedo through town. I hear people shouting and screaming, clangs of metal as guards fight. I just get onto my belly as we pass out the gates. I look ahead to my saviors, a well-armored orc and one of my bumbling idiots.
"Trevor," I shout in glee. He turns and gives me a solute before focusing back on his task. I give a hearty laugh as I roll back onto my back.
The cart shakes as new weight is added to the back, I quickly look to my feet at the new guest. Ireks, pants as he settles into the back. His armor is in shambles, some parts missing and others greatly dented. He cradles his arm as he watches the kingdom get farther and farther away.
"You beautiful son of a bitch," I exclaim as I sit up. He turns to me with a tired grin.
"I've been called better things," he jokes. He slides over and helps remove the bindings and noose. I can't stop myself from jumping on him and kissing that big dumb face. He startles at the assault, wincing as I crush his wounded arm to his chest. Though he still finds the strength to hold me even closer and enjoy himself for what seems like the first time in his life.
"I believe you are the person I need to thank for saving my life," I rest my forehead against his. The eventful day takes its toll on us both as we finally take a breath.
"You have no idea how both difficult and easy it was to start a riot like that," He closes his eyes," I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. For right now, I earned a much-needed rest."
"That you did," I say as I guide him down to my lap. He rests his head on my thighs, being lulled by the rocking of the carriage. I lean against the wall and find myself just watching the sun over the field.
"I hope you know that there is no getting away from me now," I tease as I flick his ear. He grunts, cozying up to my stomach.
"so be it," He grumbles back. I smile and watch the passing landscape.
Hello! It's been a while. This story is for reaching 2k followers! that's amazing, especially since I haven't written anything since 2021. I'm not back, this is just a Thank You story. Sorry, I couldn't get an NSFW one. Work has been ongoing. Either way, hope you enjoyed it!
Check out my Archive | Masterlist | Main Blog| Ko-Fi
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houseofmouselove100 · 6 months
Disney Villains "It's Our House Now" Music Video
The song of villains in movie mickey mouse house of villains
The villains took over the house of mouse and locked the heroes, princesses, allies and ect in the kitchen
In the song lacking in villains
Shere khan from the jungle book
Lady tremaine from cinderella
Evil queen from snow white
Scar from lion king
Madame medusa, Mr snoops brutus and Nero from rescuers 1
Percival mcleach and janna from rescuers 2
Claude rollo from the hunchback of notre dame
Aunt Sara from lady and tramp
Ratigan from dectetive mouse
Commander lyle tiberius and helga sinclair
Shan yu from mulan
Governor's ratclife from pocahontas
Sheriff of nottingham, captain crocodiles, rhino guards and sir hiss from robin hood
Bill sykes with roscoe and desoto from Oliver and company
Yzma from emperor new grove
Coachman, honest john and gideon from pinocchio
Lefou from beauty and the beast
Brer bear and borrar fox from song of the sour
King leonidas from bedknobs and broomsticks
More ghost from haunted mansion
Claytoj from tarzan
Its good and awesome song 3 days left until Halloween
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violetlunette · 1 month
Ideas for Villainous Characters for your Yuusona / Ocs in Twisted Wonderland
To help fanfic writers and artists, I thought I’d make a list of characters/items that creators could use to make their own twst characters. Feel encouraged to add if you have any ideas as well! The bigger the list, the better!
These are all things that present a challenge to the heroes in the Disney films or are connected to an antagonistic force, such as the poison apple being connected to the Evil Queen, or are just shown in a wicked light, such as the vultures from the same movie who just follow the queen looking devious.
Below are things that feature from some of the other animated movies that aren't featured in the main story line. (Not all the movies but I'll get to them.)
Live action, games, and etc. will get their own list eventually.
Peter Pan:
*Captain Hook
*Any of the other Pirates
*Tik-Tok the Crocodile (debatable)
*The Mermaids (They literally said their intentions were to DROWN Wendy when they first meet her. I'm counting them)
*Tinkerbell (Debatable, but considering she tricked her friends into trying to murder a child, then betrayed her friends to vicious pirates with the only price being not to harm PETER, I’m counting her here. And--even though she “redeems” herself and is labeled a “hero”--she’s primarily an antagonistic force towards Wendy throughout the movie.)
The Indians (Again, debatable, but they were going to kill a bunch of kids)
The Jungle Book:
*Shere Khan
*King Louie (debatable)
*Louie’s monkeys
Sword in the Stone:
*Mad Madam Mim
*The pike fish
*The hawk
*The wolf
*The Key Tremaine uses to lock Cinderella away
*The clock which awoke Cinderella from her dreams and ticked down to end the spell
*The Coachman
*Lampwick (debatable)
*Monstro (Note: This is the name of Azul’s lounge)
*Pleasure Island itself (Note: stated to be a location in the Playful Land Event. However, I argue this as that was NOT Pleasure Island. Pleasure Island was a place that tempted you to be your worst and then cursed you for it. Playful Land just had you drop your guard and use rules against you. It’s basically just a Disney remake.)
The Black Cauldron:
*The Horned King
*The Black Cauldron
*The Wyrms
*The Witches
*Goblin Dude
*The skeleton warriors
Robin Hood:
*Prince John
*The Sheriff of Nottingham
Beauty & The Beast:
*The Enchantress (debatable)
*The Asylum Doctor
*The Wolves
*The Rose that counts down how long The Beast has to fall in love (Debatable)
*Shaun Yu
*The Falcon
*The Huns
*The Avalanche (debatable)
Pocahontas (no connection to history, please):
*The “drums” of war
*The settlers (debatable in the film)
*Kokocum (debatable)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
*The Flames from Hellfire
*The Robed Figures
*Clopin and the Romani People (debatable. They did try to hang the heroes, after all.)
Nightmare Before Christmas:
*Oogie Boogie
*Jack Skellinton (Debatable)
*The Trick or Treaters
*The Doctor
*The creepy doll
*Snake that ate the Christmas Tree
*Oogie’s bugs
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
Disney Crocodile Appreciation
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We got Tick-Tock (Peter Pan), Captain Crocodile (Robin Hood), Brutus and Nero (The Rescuers), Makuu, Kiburi, Nduli, Tamka, Neema [canonically unnamed], Pua, and Hodari (All from the Lion Guard)
Hodari’s there cuz honorary crocodiles count
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
TMNT 2012 as Disney Movies (Cast List)
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I love Disney and I love TMNT 2012, so enjoy my HC for who I would cast in a couple of my favorite Disney movies.
Beauty & The Beast
Belle: April
The Beast/Prince Adam: Donnie
Gaston: Casey
Lumiere: Raph
Cogsworth: Leo
Mrs Potts: Karai
Chip: Mikey
Lefou: Timothy
Maurice: Kirby
Fifi The Feather Duster: Mona Lisa
The Wardrobe: Alopex
The Bimbettes (Claudette, Laurette, & Paulette): Renet, Shinigami, Rook
Note: Instead of turning into objects and furniture, the people of the castle turned into mutants. Also Karai isn’t Mikey’s mom but instead they have big sister little brother dynamic.
The Little Mermaid
Ariel: April
Prince Eric: Leo
Sebastian: Raph
Flounder: Donnie
Ursula: Kitsune (My OC)
Venessa: Karai
Scuttle: Mikey
King Triton: Splinter
Grimsby: Kirby
The Chef: Pizza Face or Belly Bomb
Note: Raph, Donnie and Mikey would play the role of the characters they were given BUT they would be sea turtles instead of a fish and crab
Hercules: Raph
Meg: Mona Lisa
Phil: Slash
Pegasus: Chompy
Hades: Lord Dregg
The Muses: April, Karai, Shinigami, Renet & Alopex
Pain & Panic: Bebop & Rocksteady
Zeus: Splinter
Hera: Tang Shen
Hercules’ Adopted Parents: Usagi & Akemi
Note: Adding more characters, Leo is Apollo, Donnie is Hephaestus and Mikey is Hermes. They are the ones who tell Raph/Hercules about who he is and how to become a true hero because they wanna reunite with their long lost brother, cause these 3 Greek Gods are actually brothers of Hercules so it makes sense.
(Along with a few characters from the series)
Rapunzel: Karai
Eugene/Flynn Rider: Shinigami
Mother Gothel: Shredder
Maximus: Alopex
Pascal: Chompy
The King & Queen: Splinter & Tang Shen
Captain of the Guards: Tiger Claw
The Stabbington Brothers: Rahzar & Fishface
Hook Thug: Raph
The Thug Who wants to find love: Donnie
Drunk Thug: Mikey
Unicorn collecting Thug: Leatherhead
Mime Thug: Timothy
Cassandra: Leo
Varian: Renet
(Including cast for the 2nd and 3rd movie)
Aladdin: Raph
Jasmine: Mona Lisa
Genie: Mikey
Jafar: Newtralizer
Iago: Kraang Sub Prime
Sultan: Sal Commander
Abu: Chompy
Rajah: One of the ice dragons
Razoul: Tiger Claw
Razoul’s Gaurds: The Foot Clan
Abis Mal: Baxter Stockman
Cassim: Splinter
Saluk: Armaggon
The Oracle: Renet
The 40 Theives: Other (non Foot Clan) villians like the Purple Dragons, Lord Dregg, Bellybomb, Snakeweed, Spiderbytez, etc
Robin Hood
Robin Hood: Raph
Little John: Slash
Maid Marian: Mona Lisa
Friar Tuck: Mikey
Prince John: Newtralizer
The Sherif of Nottingham : Tiger Claw
Lady Kluck: Alopex
Sir Hiss: Baxter Stockman
Alan-a-dale: Donnie
Skippy: Kintaro
Trigger & Nutsy: Bebop & Rocksteady
King Richard: Sal Commander
Snow White
Snow White: Raph
Queen Grimhilde: Tiger Claw
Grumpy: Karai
Dopey: Mondo Gecko
Doc: Slash
Happy: Pigeon Pete
Bashful: Leatherhead
Sneezy: Rockwell
Sleepy: Muckman
Prince Florian: Mona Lisa
The Huntsman: Alopex
The Magic Mirror: Fugitoid
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins: April
Bert: Leo
Jane: Irrilia (OC belongs to @myrling-art )
Micheal: Thalos (OC belongs to @bludinkdragonz )
Mr Banks: Raph
Mrs Banks: Mona Lisa
Uncle Albert: Mikey
Ellen: Renet
Mrs Brill: Alopex
The Constable: Sal Commander
The Bird Woman: Shinigami
Katie Nanna: Utrom Queen
Admiral Boom: Slash
Mr. Binnacle: Leatherhead
Note: When they go to the cartoon world, have the cartoon characters be the 87 characters.
(Including cast for 2nd movie)
Cinderella: Donnie
Lady Tremaine: Splinter
Anastasia: Raph
Drizella: Leo
Fairy God Mother: Mikey
Prince Charming: April
Jaq: Slash
Gus: Leatherhead
Grand Duke: Kurtzman
The King: Kirby
Prudence: Rockwell
The Baker: Mona Lisa
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Quasimodo: Mikey
Frollo: Tiger Claw
Esmeralda: Mona Lisa
Phoebus: Raph
Hugo: Mondo Gecko
Victor: Leatherhead
Laverne: Rockwell
Clopin: Donnie
The Archdeacon: Leo
The 2 Gaurds: Bebop & Rocksteady
Madellaine: Renet
Sarousch: Xever
Mirabel: April
Abuela Alma: Splinter
Isabela: Leo
Dolores: Karai
Luisa: Slash
Bruno: Donnie
Julieta: Mikey
Agustin: Renet
Pepa: Raph
Felix: Mona Lisa
Camilo: Casey
Antonio: Frida (My OC)
Mariano: Shinigami
Mariano’s Mom: Kitsune (My OC)
Note: The Hamato family are all related but not that same way the Madrigals are. Ex: Raph, Mikey and Donnie are NOT triplets, them and Leo are all still brothers. Some family dynamics/plots remain the same such as Leo being engaged to Shini, but Karai is in love with Shinigami.
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aquaburst3 · 8 months
Since I'm bored and want to do a writing exercise for my own fic series, here are how I would sort other Disney villains into Twst dorms/houses. (As a side note, this will be only based on the character's personalities, not what fantasy species they are. This will exclude Marvel, Star Wars and The Muppets.)
Captain Hook
Cass (from Tangled the Series)
Roz (Monsters:Inc)
Lord Cutler Beckett (Pirates of the Caribbean)
John Clayton (from Tarzan)
Sabor (the leopard from Tarzan)
Sab Than (from John Carter/Princess of Mars)
Shan Yu (from Mulan)
Percival C. McLeach (from The Rescuers Down Under)
Janja (from The Lion Guard)
Mor'du (from Brave)
Helga Sinclair (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Stabbington Brothers
Prince John (Robin Hood)
Sir Hiss (Robin Hood)
Stitch (he'd be a human in this instance)
Tamatoa (from Moana)
Nathaniel (from Enchanted)
Pleakley (he'll be human)
Madam Medusa (The Rescuers)
Henry J. Waternoose III (Monsters: Inc)
Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Bill Sykes (Oliver and Company)
Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Bellweather (that sheep from Zootopia)
Si & Am (the cats from Lady & the Tramp)
Shere Khan
Akela (wolf leader from The Jungle Book)
Namaari (from Raya & the Last Dragon)
Matai Shang (from John Carter/ Princess of Mars)
Mozenrath (from Aladdin the Animated Series)
Ushari (from The Lion Guard)
Professor Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Robin Hood
Nick Wilde
Victor and Carla (Elena of Avalor)
Mother Gothel
Narissa (from Enchanted)
Edgar (from the Aristocats, but more so his original counterpart who resembles Pro-Hans)
Esteban (Elena of Avalor)
Syndrome (from The Incredibles)
Hamsterville (from Lilo & Stitch the Series)
Jumba (he'd be human)
Artemis Fowl (if he was written like his book counterpart)
Yokai (from Big Hero Six)
Randall (from Monsters Inc)
Varian (from Tangled the Series)
Zerg (from Toy Story)
Madame Mim (from The Sword & the Stone)
Horned King (from The Black Cauldron)
The Dark Dragon (American Dragon: Jack Long)
The White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia)
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x13 Witch Hunt
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 844
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
Regina was no stranger to grief–after all, she’d lost both of her parents as well as her first love–but nothing could have prepared her for the overwhelming, all consuming, oppressive grief of losing a child.  Granted, Henry wasn’t dead.  He was hopefully living a full and happy life with Emma in New York, and that was certainly some comfort, but still the grief of knowing there was no way of ever seeing him again was so crushing she felt like she could barely breathe.
It was the main reason she’d come back to her castle.  She just wanted it all to end, and she knew exactly how to do that.  Putting herself under a sleeping curse might be extreme, but hey.  It was better than living out the next forty or fifty years with this overwhelming sadness.
“Make yourself useful,” she tossed over her shoulder to the man who had followed her like a stray puppy, or perhaps a guard dog.
Regina’s broken heart swooped at the remembrance of discovering Robin Hood following her.  What was wrong with her?  Why did she have this strong, overwhelming reaction to him everytime he showed up?  Yes, he was handsome, but she’d had dealings with plenty of handsome men through the years.  What was it about this bandit that affected her so?  She didn’t need this distraction.
And so, she’d resorted to her default when she felt flat footed–sarcasm and snark.
She did her best to ignore him as she went about gathering the supplies she needed for the curse.
She should have known he would make that impossible.
“What is that?” he asked, suspiciously eyeing the bottles she’d amassed.
“Nothing that concerns you,” she said dismissively.
He pulled an arrow at her, actually pulled an arrow. “I won’t ask you again. What is that?”
Regina’s anger flared–anger at him, anger at herself, anger at Pan, anger at the witch who’d stolen her castle, anger at the whole damn world and everyone in it.  She raised her hand and choked him.  “How dare you threaten me in my own castle!”
He struggled against her hold, but the defiance never left his eyes.  “Even if you choke the life out of me,” he gasped, “this arrow will still leave my bow, and trust me, I never miss.  Now what manner of dark potion are you making?”
In an instant the anger drained from her, leaving nothing but the emptiness–and something feeling almost like shame.  Why did it bother her so much that this man jumped to the worst conclusions about her motives?
It was something that didn’t bear contemplation.  She was so tired, so heartsick, she just wanted it to be over.  She let him go.  “A sleeping curse.”
“The kind you used on Snow White?” he asked.
“That spell came from Maleficent,” she answered, mixing ingredients. “I finally learned how to make one of my own.”
“A spell?  This is why you wanted to come to the castle?” he asked.  “That was your plan? To use it on the witch?”
“The witch?” Regina asked in surprise.  Truthfully, the idea had never occurred to her.  “I don’t care about her.”
“Then who do you plan to use it on?”
Regina stopped for a second, letting the pain, the heartbreak, wash over her once again.  She closed her eyes for a moment, wishing things were different, wishing, in a rare moment of brutal self reflection, that she’d been different.  “Don’t worry.  No one you’ll miss.  No one anyone will miss.”
“This is about your son, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice tender, understanding.  “I can’t let you do this.”
And she couldn’t let him stop her.  With a lazy wave of her hand, she stuck his feet to the floor.  “Then it’s a good thing you don’t have a say in the matter.”
He tried to dissuade her, speaking of his own heartbreak, his own guilt at his wife’s death.  He spoke to her of second chances and new reasons to care about life.
For a moment, a single moment, she almost wavered.  Her traitorous heart leapt at the hope, the possibilities his words brought to her.  What if…what if he was right?  What if there was still a possibility of a…if not strictly happy, at least content…life for her?
But as soon as the hope sprung up, it dissipated.  It was too late for her.  Too late for hope.  Hope was for the heroes, for those who still had their loved ones at their side.  Her hope was gone, and she was never getting it back.
“This isn’t an end,” she said finally. “It’s an eternal middle.  This curse can be broken by the only true love in my life and the only reason I would even want to wake–my son.”
“Regina, listen to me!  This is a mistake!” He tried one last time.
“Don’t worry,” she said, resisting the allure of his voice, “I’ll keep my word.  I’ll lower the protection spell so that Snow and Charming can be victorious, but then, then I go to sleep.”
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thehyperrequiem · 6 months
Almond Hood (Robin Hood Parody) Cast
“The story of the legendary British outlaw portrayed with the characters as cartoon creatures.”
Clover Cookie (Cookie Run) as Alan-a-Dale
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) as Robin Hood
Latte Cookie (Cookie Run) as Maid Marian
Big Band (Skullgirls) as Little John
Bismuth (Steven Universe) as Lady Kluck
Treasure Knight (Shovel Knight) as Sheriff of Nottingham
Goldarmors (Shovel Knight) as The Wolf Archers
King Dedede (Kirby) as Prince John
Escargoon (Kirby) as Sir Hiss
Avocado Cookie and Baguette Cookie (Cookie Run) as Little John and Robin Hood (Fortune Teller Disguises)
Waddle Dees (Kirby) as The Rhino Guards
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run) as Friar Tuck
Salt Cookie (Cookie Run) as Otto
Ribbon (Kirby) as Skippy
Okchun Cookie (Cookie Run) as Mother Rabbit
Ginseng Cookie (Cookie Run) as Robin Hood (Old Man Disguise)
Apple Cookie, Pudding Cookie, and Custard Cookie III (Cookie Run) as Sis Rabbit, Tagalong Rabbit, and Toby Turtle
Bruno (Jjba) as The Stork
Avdol (Jjba) as Sir Reginald
Jasper (Steven Universe) as Captain Crocodile
Various Characters as The Villagers
Schwarzwalder (Cookie Run) as The Executioner
Licorice Cookie and Poison Mushroom Cookie (Cookie Run) as Nutsy and Trigger
The Noise and Noisette (Pizza Tower) as Sexton Mouse and Lil Sis Mouse
Golden Cheese Cookie (Cookie Run) as King Richard
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
pirate captain steve au
steve runs away from home at 17. he comes from a wealthy family where he was constantly ridiculed and verbally abused by his father while his mother never even acknowledged him. eventually he decided ‘fuck it’ and got on the first ship leaving
after a few months of pointless wandering, he is found by hopper, a renowned pirate captain, who takes him in and offers him a place on his crew. steve agrees and steadily works his way up the ranks until he’s the first mate at age 20. a few years later hop retires and passes the title of captain onto steve (age 23)
when steve becomes captain, the Party, erica, robin, nancy, jonathan and argyle are the crew
steve is the best with a sword, nancy is the best with a gun, robin excels with explosives, el is a nereid (sea nymph) and max is the best with knives (though lucas has the best aim with throwing knives). robin is the quartermaster, erica is the navigator, nancy is the bosun, argyle is the cook, jonathan is the carpenter, will is the sailmaker, lucas is the medic, max is the gunner, dustin is the chief engineer and mike is the helmsman
steve is known as ‘the dread captain king steve’ (which is actually just an inside joke among the crew that was overheard by pillaged naval officers, who started calling him that and the name stuck. steve hates it)
steve and the crew are more of a robin hood type situation, all steal from the rich and give to the poor but they keep some for themselves as well. they also go after guards (and other people in similar positions) who are abusing their power to harass/steal from/attack civilians. pretty much whenever they find trouble they help out, and people sometimes go to them to ask for their assistance (they’re often paid in food or supplies rather than money but they don’t mind)
eddie is a thief who escapes from royal guards and stows away on the first ship he sees, which happens to be the S.S. Hawkins, aka steve’s ship. the crew finds eddie and shenanigans ensue
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startrekplotnthemes · 7 months
Season 4 Episode 20 Qpid
Preparing to make a speech for archaeologists Picard runs into two familiar faces, Vash the rogue archaeologist he met in Captain's Holiday and Q. Both people and events end up intermingling as Vash becomes cross with Picard for not telling the rest of the crew about her. Meanwhile Q observes the strife between Picard and Vash, in his own tricksy way he decides to "help" Picard. In the middle of his speech Picard transports Picard and the regular cast of the Enterprise to the time and setting of England where he has cast Picard as Robin Hood. In order to incentivize the two he has placed Vash as Maid Marian.
The script does not play out as intended when Vash decides to not be the damsel in distress, agreeing to marry Sir Guy of Gisbourne. A frustrated Picard sneaks into the castle yet Vash becomes frustrated with his poor planning attracting the attention of the guards. Q, occupying the role of the Sheriff of Nottingham gets Vash put on the chopping block as well accusing her of being a traitor. On the day of the execution the crew of the Enterprise playing the role of the Merry Men successfully interrupt the execution allowing a scuffle to break out where Picard slays Sir Guy and rescues Vash with a kiss. Impressed with her guile and cleverness Q decides afterwards to take Vash wherever she wishes to go, much to the consternation of Picard.
While not fully implied it is interesting to read Q's interest in Picard as an intellectual crush if not outright fascination. Taking this interpretation it was fun seeing the dynamic of Q observing Picard struggle with his love life and offer to spice things up in his own way. Q acts as a menace deciding to set up an entire set placing the crew in actual danger instead of using his powers in some other impossible means. The ending with Q deciding to depart with Vash reads as an attempt to instigate Picard. They are both people (or entities) that evoke passions be it romance with Vash, or anger with Q and it was a delight watching those forces in Picard's life intermingle.
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
Always Had, Always Will
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x avenger! reader
Summary: He was supposed to be a hero, so why couldn't he save you out of all the countless people he saved?
Warning: signs of depression, bombing, weapon usage, death
Steve didn't pay attention, too busy punching the bag in front of him.
"Steve." the voice, now louder.
It was Sam, trying to bring back his friend to reality.
Sam knew it was a lost cause. When Steve had his mind on something, he wouldn't break his focus until he succeeded.
But, Steve's goal was to make his fists bleed.
"I know you're hurting, we all are. We haven't even seen you for the past week and we're worried." Sam said.
Steve didn't respond, as the only sound was made was him throwing jabs at the bag in front of him.
"I understand that you don't want to go tomorrow, but you'll regret not showing up." Sam said gently before he left the training room.
Steve continued what he was doing until the bag flew across the room, spilling contents of sand that Steve punched a whole from.
He catches his breath as beads of sweat dropped down to his body.
He was tired. But he refused to rest, he didn't deserve it.
Not when he was supposed to save you.
His mind betrayed him, repeating the last memories that will haunt him forever.
Most of the Avengers were on the quinjet, getting ready for another mission.
"So, what's the damage Cap?" You ask him as you were all landing.
Cap smirks at you as he puts on his gloves.
"HYDRA agents are surrounding the base. Most likely that they're guarding something big. Our job is to take out any threat, no matter the cost."
"Goody... just another boring day for Earth's Mightiest Heroes," Tony said before he suited up.
Everyone started making small talk before landing, but Steve pulls you over in the corner.
"I don't like how we don't know what's in there," Steve said, truthfully.
Dating for the past year, you knew your boyfriend in and out. Captain America is always known to be sure of himself, but often it was Steve who had the faltered faith.
"Hey, we're going to be fine. This isn't your first threat, so don't worry too much." You said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
Steve smiles at you, taking your hand and kissing it.
"If all goes well, I'll take you out for dancing," he smirks.
"I like the sound of that." You replied before you two got ready.
Steve woke up in a sweat, catching his breath. He looks over to the clock on his nightstand, reading 3:08 A.M. Knowing he couldn't go back to sleep, he got out of his bed and took a cold shower. After he was done, he made himself a light breakfast and a strong coffee. As he sat at his kitchen table, he looks at the empty chair that was beside him.
His heart ached as your seat was collecting dust already. It's only been a few days.
"Look out!" Natasha screamed as you ducked as she shot the HYDRA agent. You got up and turned around."
"Thanks." You huffed.
"Don't sweat it." She smiled as you two ran towards the main threat.
You and Nat were the best of friends, whether it was dagger throwing to watching crappy reality TV. When you entered the avengers, she welcomed you with open arms. She even played cupid for you and Steve as he was too shy to ask you out.
"Less talking, more fighting." Clint jested as he shot his arrow.
"Someone's in a cranky mood, Robin Hood." You replied.
"Had to leave my daughter's game early cause of this. Let's hope that this threat is life-threatening," he said as he joined you guys.
Once you all took out the rest of the guards, you searched for the headquarters to find out what is the threat. Luckily, you found the database and started hacking.
"K, guys. Let's figure out what they're cooking." You said in your com.
"Why don't you hurry up because I think Hulk is getting hangry." Tony said out loud.
"Me too, I think shwarma is in order." Clint said.
"Let's not celebrate too quickly. Still gotta know what's ahead of us." Cap said, throwing his shield in midair to take out a scout.
"You're right, Cap. Let's figure out what's going on before-" An alarm rang around you, with screens glowing red as doors slammed shut within milliseconds.
You tried running to the nearest exit but it was too late. Nat was on the opposite side, screaming for your name.
"What's that blaring?" Tony demanded.
"Something was triggered when I was hacking the system. I think this was a setup, we were all supposed to be trapped in here." you said realizing there's a countdown, trying to pry the door with a tool you found.
Nat tried opening the doors too, but it was no used.
"Maybe Hulk can bust you out." Nat screamed.
"No, he can't," Clint said as he was right next to her, examining the seal.
"If anyone tries to tear down these walls, it'll trigger the bomb and all of us will..." Clint doesn't finish his sentence.
"I can't get in the mainframe. It can't be messed with. Any override will do damage." Tony said. "Nat, you need to go evacuate the others." You begged.
"I'm not leaving without you." she gritted.
Clint tried to take Nat off the door but she tried fighting him. But she knew it was useless. You could hear sniffling in the back of the door, as you tried your best not to be heard crying on the com.
"Please, Nat... if one of us should go out, it's me."
She doesn't say anything, not yet.
"Why you gotta be so stubborn?" she asks.
You laugh bitterly as you place your back on the door
"I'm just born like that."
Steve hears a knock on the door. Getting off his seat on the couch, he walks toward the door. He opens it up and sees Bruce and Nat, who looks like she's been crying all morning.
"Thought you didn't walk over alone." Bruce said.
Steve gives a small smile and grabs his jacket nearby.
They make their way as Nat was holding onto Steve. Compared to him, she hasn't been dealing with things well. Bruce has been trying to help but he too was blaming himself.
Everyone was because they couldn't do anything.
Steve heard blaring from the base. He saw Clint and Natasha running towards him.
Clint gave a look at Steve, and passes him as Nat couldn't make eyecontact with anyone.
The rest of the avengers go to the quinjet, getting ready to fly out before the base explodes.
"Tony, I need you to direct me to the private line." Steve asked.
"Please, Tony."
Tony's heart breaks, because Steve never pleaded before. Stark gave the private line to Steve as he spoke.
"Doll?" Steve says.
"Hi." You said, tears welling up.
"I guess we're not dancing tonight." You muttered, biting your lip as all you could hear was the countdown for one minute.
"Don't- don't say that," Steve replied, shaking his head.
You take a deep breath and shut your eyes, feeling the sting of tears roll down your face.
"You, know... I wished we had more time. Would have loved you stepping on my feet."
Steve wipes away his tears as he gave a short laugh.
"and you would have sung the lyrics to every song that played." he chuckled.
You grabbed your shirt in a fist across your heart.
"You always had my heart, Rogers. Always had, always will."
Steve couldn't muster out the words he wanted to say. All he could do was hear you grunt suddenly by an impact.
Then in a quick second, your com goes silent.
He stares through the window as the explosion took the base down under, creating a shallow dome that spreaded miles.
Steve collapses on his knees, as his ears shut off the horrible sound the explosion made.
He still hears that over and over again, not the explosion but the last words you said to him.
He didn't realize that Tony was trying to get his attention.
"Steve, it's time." Tony murmured.
Steve stood up, and slowly made his way to the front. He looks at his team and the people you knew. Then he looks down, at an empty coffin that was to be buried.
An empty coffin.
They couldn't find your body and someone decided that you should still have a proper burial.
What was he supposed to say?
You died when he was supposed to?
All your friends stood by before the enetiable?
But he had to stop thinking that way.
"I know what you're thinking. All eyes are on me and you're seeking some hope. I had to be strong for today, but I can't fool you. I've been hurting real bad the past few days.
This job that we do requires sacrifice. And we've seen so many women, men, and heroes give up their lives to save others. My doll did just that. She was hero, a great one at that.
Even if she was out of uniform, she gave that same courageousness everywhere she went. That's why I loved her because she was selfless to give others the fighting chance to live.
All of us are blaming ourselves for that day. We could have not followed that tip, we should have been with her, we-" Steve chokes up.
"She wouldn't allow us to wallow in our pain. She want us to fight as much as we can to protect the ones we love. As hard as it seems, we have to move forward, for her."
Steve concludes as he makes his way back to his seat, as they give a final goodbye before your burial.
After everyone parted ways, Steve was the last one there. It began to sprinkle as the sky turned gray. He began to cry, as his sobs matched the volume of the pouring rain.
"I was supposed to protect you." he utterd out, too succumbed in his grieving.
He then doesn't feel the rain on him, looking up to see Bucky with an umbrella over him.
Bucky didn't say anything, only placing a hand on his shoulder.
Steve holds onto his friend as he cries more. A moment passes and Steve lets go of his friend and look at your final resting place. The two make their way out until the rest of the Avengers wait for Steve under their respected umbrellas. They all head back to the Avengers Tower, trying to make sense of what just happened.
They didn't lose a hero, but their friend.
But for Steve? He lost his hope.
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dhampiravidi · 4 months
platonic connections wishlist (long)
Jayn: Gotham-based vigilantes especially Nightwing, the Gotham City Sirens*, the Justice League* (DC Comics); Simon Bassett* (Bridgerton); James Valdez* (Queen of the South-US); Alina Starkov, Nina Zenik*, Jesper Fahey, Inej Ghafa (The Grishaverse).
Naela: Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, (ASOIAF/GOT); Chaotic Good & Lawful Evil characters (D&D)
Achilles: gods from Hellenic myth*, Arthurian knights* (Mythology); Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Captain Price, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, König (Call of Duty); Astarion or any D&D characters (D&D); Gambit*, Mystique, Wolverine*, Storm, any Avengers (Marvel)
Jasmine: Iron Man, Loki*, Wolverine, Brunhilde (Marvel); Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane*, the half-fey Blackthorns, Kieran Kingson (Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Skadi: Brunhilde, Black Widow, Spider-Man*, Winter Soldier* (Marvel); Simon "Ghost" Riley*, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Farah Karim (Call of Duty); Karlach (D&D)
Oraia: Emma Frost, Loki, Iron Man, She-Hulk, X-Men in general* (Marvel); Philippe (Versailles), anyone (The Old Guard), Jack Sparrow* (POTC); most characters (Shadowhunter Chronicles); werewolves, vampires, fey (urban fantasy); Artemis*, Hestia, Bast*, Isis/Aset, sea nymphs, heroes (Mythology)
Hestia: Cyclops, Iceman, Jean Grey, Storm, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Venom (Marvel); young!Coriolanus Snow, Katniss Everdeen, Gale Hawthorne (The Hunger Games)
Rose: Zatanna, Constantine, Dr. Fate, Raven (DC Comics)
Aurelia: The Marauders--especially Sirius & Remus!, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, prominent Order members and/or Death Eaters, any cool people from the Marauders/Golden Trio eras (Harry Potter)
Rela: Din Djarin*, Grogu, Obi-Wan (Star Wars)
Zehara: Sokka, Suki*, Korra, Tenzin (Avatar: TLA & LOK)
Eugenia: Bonnie Bennett (Vampire Diaries); Hellenic deities (Mythology); werewolves, vampires, fey (urban fantasy); Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Fantomex: ngl he'll flirt even if it's just platonic but Storm, Wolverine, Monet St. Croix (Marvel)
Renée: Gambit, Mystique, Fantomex, Storm, Quicksilver, Wolverine, Daken, Loki, basically anybody who's had dubious morals from time to time (Marvel); Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Superwoman (DC Comics)
Shayera: DCAU!Wally, Wonder Woman, Black Canary (DC Comics)
Mu Lan: Simon Bassett (Bridgerton); any people who are unfazed by Strong Independent Women 😁 especially those from eras other than the modern one...
Lady Gotham: Gotham vigilantes especially Batman, Red Hood (or Robin!Jason), Nightwing, Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)...also magic users like Swamp Thing, Constantine, Zatanna, The Spectre, Etrigan (DC Comics); wouldn't mind crossovers like something with Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Loki (Marvel)
-- an asterisk means "zomg I've been wanting this forever!" --
thanks for reading!
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13, 15, 20
13. An NPC you would cherish with love and care?
To the surprise of no one: Martin, he deserves so much more. And you can tell he isn't happy being treated as emperor. He seems trapped at Cloud Ruler and in his role, I want to give him a hug, make him some tea, and help him sneak out to Bruma sometimes.
Also I feel so bad for Baurus, he feels guilty for what happened to the last emperor, is determined to not let it happen again and I know what's coming. 😭 And he seems so sweet, he deserves better.
Also Garrus Darelliun, he's the best guard captain in the game, putting people above the law and his own pride, and he's treated the worst. He's stuck guarding the throne room for 15 hours straight, he doesn't even have a lunch break. Am I supposed to assume he eats while guarding or isn't eating? (Time for a Robin Hood HoK to kidnap him every chance she gets)
15. Favorite divine?
Probably Stendarr, I like the idea of a god of mercy.
And if your infamy is higher than your fame and you try to pray at their shrines the other gods say how they don't like you or how you break their laws and his says that the poor suffer because of your crimes, it sends a better message.
20. Favorite count/countess?
I don't know that much about most of them but Janus Hassildor seems cool, I like his aesthetic. I snuck through the castle just to see if I could (turns out I can!) and he has a secret throne room in a dark hall lined with firepits, this guy is so dramatic. XD
Also I love to hate on Andel Indarys, he makes a good target for my Robin Hood HoK, partially because of what I said about Garrus.
Thanks for the ask! ^_^
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves
Chapter 5: A New Dawn
On Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 Posted also: on ff.net and AO3 Words: 1,981 Rated: M (in general) Genre: Romance & Adventure Setting: Robin Hood!AU, in a fictional land that is neither England nor Japan, but rather an odd fusion of both (ish)
Oops, I did it again.... it's been 2 years since my last updaaate~~ oh baby baby...
To all who remember this ol' thing, enjoy! ❤
The coming of dawn broke a wave of mixed relief and nervousness over Nottingham village. The red star was gone; the sky was clear and blue once more, and yet its passing took a toll on the people’s fears. 
“Nothing has happened…. yet. Yet. The gods are testing us,” they murmured to one another, making pious signs and hurrying about their day’s activities, nearly every one of them acting like certain doom lingered over their shoulders. 
Whispers wondered what terrible omen would strike their home. Some claimed a drought or famine was fast approaching, others cried of a plague. Some pondered humane disasters, such as a crippling new tax by their Sheriff, or a war in a distant land calling for the blood of their men. A select few were convinced it was the end times, but most chose to brush that aside (even if the thought sent a chill down their spines). 
A few dared to believe that perhaps nothing would come of the red star. Or perhaps, the gods struck elsewhere, but spared their humble village. Most reacted with incredulity at such naivety. 
“Red as blood and wide as the sea,” those skeptics whispered amongst themselves, shivering at the memory. “We dare not hope for anything less than a flood or fire. If we prepare for the worst, the gods might treat us kindly thereafter.” 
And though the fear and apprehension lingered in everyone’s hearts, still, the folks of Nottingham continued on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. For that’s what humans do best: they carry on. 
Sheriff Naraku, or Lord Naraku, as he preferred to be called by his vassals, cared not for stars of any color. He was a learned man, in spite of appearances, and knew that it was only a comet passing overhead, nothing more. But he also knew of the power of ignorance and fear. 
He sat languidly in his office, dictating a report to a twitchy scribe, when a sharp rap sounded on the door before opening. 
Wolf demons were excellent tools in warfare. Loyal to a fault, and always obeying their leaders without question, their teamwork was unparalleled, and their fighting methods were swift and concise. But they were also annoyingly obsessed with protecting their own kind above all else. Thus, Naraku struck a deal with a leader of a wolf demon clan decades ago: they and their kin shall work for him as his loyal guards, and in turn, their families will be completely exempt from the brutal, increasingly relentless taxes and have full protection. They do not live luxuriously, of course, but instead healthily, safely, and comfortably, but all of it came at an unspoken cost: 
The moment a single member of the clan betrayed Naraku, Sheriff of Nottingham, Lord of Nottingham Castle, every single wolf, man, woman, and cub, would be brutally slaughtered. 
Few of the wolf demons actually knew this, even if some had surmised it over the years. But the knowledge was passed down from leader to leader, as a warning: protect the clan. Do not betray them. Do your job, no matter how unpleasant, no matter how despised. 
And thus it was Kouga, Captain of the Guard, who entered the scene, shouldering the burden of his forebears. He did not consider it a burden, but rather his duty, thinking of his mate, Ayame, and his soon-to-be litter of cubs due any day now. 
He wore the armor of his late father, chainmail with a brown breastplate featuring an emblem of two silver wolves howling at the moon. At his hip rested a thin sword and a dagger, rarely removed from his side, a steady reminder of his role. 
He bowed courteously before his blackmailer and employer, then stood at attention. “My lord called for me?” 
“Ah, yes. Captain Kouga. I have a job for you.” 
It was a mark of his character that Kouga did not betray the shiver of disgust that slid down his back from Naraku’s slippery tone. His face and voice remained as impassive as ever. A perfect soldier. He remained silent, waiting for orders. 
“You may leave us, scribe,” Naraku said quietly. The frightened man jumped, upsetting his inkwell. He mumbled several hurried apologies, but fled the office, knowing it was better to follow direct orders than to clean up his mess. 
Naraku sighed. “Humans are such clumsy creatures. I’ll have to call up a maid later.” He leaned back in his chair, making no effort to stop the black ink oozing down the side of his desk, creating a dark puddle on the floor. The dripping slowed eventually, each plop onto the stained floor becoming uncannily unpleasant to the eye and ear, almost resembling the consistency of blood. 
Kouga said nothing. It was not his job to offer suggestions. Naraku smiled, his eyes cold and dark, boring into Kouga’s brilliant blue eyes. Kouga suppressed another shiver. 
“Have you ever heard of the Prince of Thieves?” The question came without preamble, and startled Kouga; he almost slipped his composure. 
“I have heard rumors, my lord.” Kouga sounded indifferent, but his curiosity was piqued. He had grown up on tales of the mysterious brigand. “Some say he’s a ghost or an ancient legend.” 
“He is neither. He is very much alive, although in recent memory, he has managed to remain elusive from the commoners’ knowledge, even if some of the elders vaguely recall his true identity.” Naraku scoffed. “The so-called Prince resides in Sherwood Forest and has been a thorn in my side for fifty odd years.” 
Kouga said nothing. He fully expected his orders to gather several of his men and comb the Forest until they find and arrest the mysterious Prince of Thieves. 
Instead, his lord said something entirely different. 
“The time has come to collect another tax.” 
Kouga blinked. It was the only physical sign he had given of his discomfit. “My lord?” 
“Yes…” Naraku dragged out the word, as if savoring a delicious treat. His voice was barely a whisper, but of course, that did not matter to a wolf demon. “I find myself…. sorely lacking in funds at the moment. We shall announce that the Prince of Thieves has ‘demanded payment’ and it is simply, ah, too much of a burden for Nottingham Castle to carry out alone. We need all of Nottingham’s help, from the merchants to the blacksmiths to the farmers.” 
“It must be a king’s ransom,” Kouga said without thinking, inwardly kicking himself. 
But Naraku only laughed quietly. “A king’s ransom, you say? Excellent idea, Captain.” 
A tiny part of Kouga’s conscience squirmed, but he promptly squished it. “How shall I announce it, my lord?” 
“Tell your men that for every barrel of wheat they collect, every gold coin they wring from the grubby hands of merchants and tradesmen, is all for the sake of appeasing one very dangerous man: Inuyasha, the Prince of Thieves.” 
“So. So.” 
Kagome squirmed uncomfortably. “My dearest Yuka--”
“Oh no, you will not try to butter me up, my lady! You will explain to me in no uncertain terms exactly why you were not snug as a bug in bed a few minutes ago when I came to help you get ready for the day, and instead were… were… locked in a passionate embrace with a strange man!” 
Yuka’s cheeks were so pink and round with all her huffing and puffing that in any other situation, Kagome would have burst out laughing. But she knew all too well what this looked like. What it was. 
Behind her, Inuyasha seemed equally torn between the comedy of the scene and the utterly real consequences of what they had just committed. He cleared his throat nervously, stepping down into the room and bowing before Yuka, who looked rather like she was considering screaming for the guards. 
“Miss Yuka, pray, do not blame your lady and mistress for committing such folly. I take full responsibility for her ladyship’s actions, for if I had not been there, she never would have let temptation seduce her so thoroughly. Strike me, if you wish.” And thus, Inuyasha offered his cheek, leaning down, his eyes closed in anticipation, but otherwise serene in his acceptance. 
Yuka was taken aback by this sudden gesture of contrition. She blinked, glancing back and forth between her lady (who looked just as shocked) and the stranger now ready to receive his due chastising. 
“I-- you--- ahem,” she cleared her throat. “Since it is forbidden of me to strike my lady and mistress, you shall take her place, master thief.” 
SMACK! Yuka’s hand rang loud and clear against Inuyasha’s flesh, knocking the very wind out of him. He stumbled backwards, crash landing against a magnificent tall vase and shattering it all over the cobbled floor. 
All three stood stunned silent for a moment. Then, Kagome burst out laughing. “Well, now! I hope you’re well and satisfied, Yuka! Never have I seen a slap performed so spectacularly!” Inuyasha joined in her mirth, grinning sheepishly as he rubbed his sore spot and straightened up. 
Yuka blushed, but still looked rather pleased with herself even as she pretended to sniff with dignity. “I never liked that repulsive thing. It is far too dull-looking to be proper furnishings for a lady’s bedchamber,” she said with a disdainful look at the shattered remains of the vase. “I suppose I’ll have to call up a servant to dispose of it. 
“And as for you,” she shot at Inuyasha, who instinctively jumped back, his back colliding with the wall, “you may have charmed me into being merciful this time, but I shall be chaperoning Lady Kagome from now on. No exceptions,” she added, putting her hand up to stop Kagome’s protest. “I made a vow to your good mother, my lady, that I would keep an eye on you while visiting Nottingham until she is well enough to come visit, and I will be generous enough to not report this… this excursion to her, but I will not fail in my role again.” 
Kagome bit her lip. She knew Yuka was in the right, and that this was far too fair a trade in exchange for her scandalous actions. She nodded reluctantly, but didn’t miss the wink Inuyasha sent her way in her peripheral vision. 
Blushing, Kagome pretended to straighten out her dress, while Yuka continued her tut-tutting. 
The sun, glaring brighter than ever without the red star’s obstruction, nearly blinded the traveling friar and his companion as they climbed up the hill overlooking Nottingham Village and Sherwood Forest. 
The friar was surprisingly young and slim for a man of the cloth, with sleek black hair not betraying a single strand of gray, tied back in a small ponytail. His eyes were dark brown, alert and sparking with wit, but highlighted by deep dark circles, betraying his fitful nights. 
His companion was a beautiful woman with long black hair and violet eyes, deep and mournful, but shining with affection whenever they looked upon the friar. But what stood out the most was her extended stomach, heavy with child. 
On their backs, they each carried a sleeping toddler, twin girls. Perched on the pregnant woman’s shoulder was a small, black and yellow twin-tailed cat, who every so often nuzzled her neck affectionately and encouragingly. 
“Only one more mile to go, my love, before we reach Sherwood Forest,” the friar called over his shoulder. 
“I am glad to hear it,” the woman said in reply, sounding steady but strained with exhaustion. “But Miroku, why did we travel so far just to meet ‘an old friend’ of yours?” 
Friar Miroku gave a wry smile. He turned his gaze towards the village, nestled on the edge of the forest its inhabitants feared so much. 
“Let’s just say there’s no better place to hide than in Sherwood Forest, home to the Prince of Thieves.”
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crocs-and-gators · 1 year
Got all contestants down. I'll try to make the official bracket tomorrow! If you make any propaganda for you favorite croc or gator remember to tag it as #crocsandgators
Everyone in the contest is below the cut
Montgomery Gator (FNAF SB)
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)
Krusha (Donkey Kong)
General Klump (Donkey Kong)
Alphonso (Animal Crossing)
Captain Jack (The Simpsons)
Crocodile (Sing)
Aligator (Uncle Grandpa)
Drago (Animal Crossing)
Gayle (Animal Crossing)
Tersh (Babar and the Adventures of Badou)
Gator Brothers (Tom and Jerry)
Spinocrocodile (Genshin Impact)
Leviamon (Digimon)
Vector (Sonic)
Skullcruncher (Transformers)
Croc (Croc Gobbos)
Gator Guy (Omori)
Leatherhead (TMNT 2012)
Alligator Loki (MCU)
Sly The Crocodile (The Muppets)
Bratty (Undertale)
Crafty Croc (Coco Pops)
Ben Ali Gator (Fantasia)
Albert Gator (Florida Gators)
Sandile Line (Pokemon)
Fuecoco line (Pokemon)
Cranky (Where's My Water)
Roger (The Penguin's of Madagascar)
Louis (The Princess and The Frog)
Killer Croc (DC)
Totodile line (Pokemon)
Charlotte (JJBA)
Fang (Miraculous Ladybug)
Dilash (Babar and the Adventures of Badou)
Arlo (Arlo The Alligator Boy)
Aldo (Sitting Ducks)
Bananawani (One Piece)
Big Challenges (Sanrio)
Crocodile (Worldbox)
Swampy (Where's My Water?)
Tick Tock Croc (Peter Pan)
Leatherhead (TMNT 2003)
Pat (Later Alligator)
Giant Alligator (Resident Evil 2)
Archie the Crocodile (The Koala Brothers)
Happy (Hey Dugee)
Wally Gator (Hannah Barbara)
Derick (Secret Life of Pets)
Makuu (The Lion Guard)
Pua (The Lion Guard)
Nduli (The Lion Guard)
Captain Crocodile (Robin Hood)
Crocodile (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
Christopher Crocodile (Christopher Crocodile)
Kevin The Crocodile (64 Zoo Lane)
Crocodile Ambassador (All Hail King Julian)
Bog (The Outback/Koala Kid)
Crocodylus (Babar and the Adventures of Badou)
Lyle Crocodile (Lyle, Lyle Crocodile)
Mrs Crocodile (Peppa Pig)
Al The Alligator (Can you teach My Alligator Some Manners)
Terence (Rubbadubbers)
Gummy the Alligator (MLP)
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