#cw angel mention
mipexch · 1 year
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heed heaven’s call, one way or another
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clowncarfullofrats · 2 months
Angels with golden top surgery scars.
Angels with struggles focusing, endlessly rambling and staring into the distance.
Angels with wild, righteous anger that sinks it's claws into them, and they embrace it with joy and glory.
Angels with intrusive thoughts of violence, sin, and cruelty, and are still loved and cared for.
Angels with mobility aids.
Angels with hearing aids.
Nonverbal angels.
Angels that are overstimulated easily.
Angels that get understimulated easily.
Black angels.
Asian angels.
White angels.
Angels of all races and skin tones and cultures.
Fat angels.
Skinny angels.
Angels who only speak in soft voices with delicate words.
Angels with rough voices who swear.
Angels who are religious/spiritual.
Angels who aren't.
Angels who look almost human, or even completely.
Angels who look like animals.
Angels who are completely incomprehensible.
Angels who are fallen.
Angels with body mods.
Angels who love, and lust.
Angels who don't, and only wish for friends or family.
Angels who simply wish for solitude.
Angels who don't love in a "human" way.
Angels with dirt under their fingernails.
Angels who struggle with caring for their human body.
Angels who despise having to care for their human body.
My fellow angels <2
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desultory-novice · 1 year
“Changing Times...”
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(I love all eras of Kirby, old and new. But the rush of tragic backstories must have been an adjustment for the animal friends.)
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lightasafeaver2 · 3 months
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(Reposting my old stuff since I got banned :/)
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supernova351 · 3 months
C/W for SA and spoilers for Trigun Maximum
I finally can verbalize my thoughts on why the Angel arm situation is so fucked up even if you don’t look at it through a lens of it being sexual assault. Knives completely disregards the autonomy of anyone hes In contact with. Even the dependent plants, who he sees as his sisters. But Vash-his own fucking brother who he claims to love- is not afforded any autonomy. Because when it comes down to it knives doesn’t care. The Angel arm incident is to directly show how powerless Vash is. That Vash isn’t even allowed control over his own powers, but Knives is. Knives violates Vash’s bodily autonomy and makes him go against his principles (which at the time are the only things he’s living for!!) as a show of power. A “look at this, your ideals mean nothing because you’re too weak to uphold them.”
I think this along with the very obvious metaphors for SA is what makes this scene so gut wrenching. It’s Vash trying to hang on to his personhood, and this is one of the very few times we see him do it. Vash barely ever actively fights to protect himself, he mainly just dodges and runs. Except for his fights with Knives and a couple of the Gung-ho-Guns. Vash is actively fighting and being overpowered and that’s why it’s so disturbing
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ao3cassandraic · 10 months
What does Aziraphale know, and when does he know it? Part 1
Prologue, for those who haven't seen it.
Zira's first encounter with the Metatron in the Final Fifteen Minutes is when the Metatron walks into the bookshop disguised as mild-mannered Derek Jacobi human and interrupts Michael, who is threatening Aziraphale with total obliteration. He insults the archangels, then calls on them to say who he is. Aziraphale at this point -- we get one reaction shot of him -- appears to be in wary wait-and-see (heh) mode.
(Not wholly relevant here, but -- the first to show recognition of the Metatron isn't Crowley or Aziraphale, it's Saraqael, and isn't that interesting. I definitely have a meta in pickle about Saraqael, Heaven's Only Competent Angel.)
The Metatron then asks whether Crowley knows him. Aziraphale finds this intriguing, turning to Crowley with interest. Crowley does the-thing-that's-all-over-the-show-where-he-and-Aziraphale-drop-one-another-clues; rather than say the Metatron's name, he mentions his appearance as "big floating giant head." That's enough for Aziraphale to clue in and spill the beans, with genuine shock that the other angels (except Saraqael, again) echo.
What Aziraphale now knows that he hadn't known:
The Metatron has a human corporation. (Yes, he may have been Enoch-human in the past, but that's not entirely show canon yet; before now, Watsonianly, we've only seen the Big Giant Disembodied Head.)
The Metatron insults archangels. Labor angle here, incidentally: this is a manager insulting his employees in front of their supervisees (Aziraphale, Muriel) and even outsiders (Crowley). Management 101: DO NOT DO THIS, IT IS BAD. Praise in public, critique in private and without insults.
The Metatron and Crowley know one another. (Zero details on when, how, or why.)
The Metatron then dismisses Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael back to Heaven, talking down to them like Mary Poppins to the von Trapp children (seriously, "spit spot"? also, nice s1 callback). He even covertly threatens them! Uriel asks whether they have done anything wrong -- getting caught doing something wrong is fatal to an angel's identity as angel, as Aziraphale's concerned face in a brief reaction shot shows he knows -- and the Metatron only says ominously that that "remains to be seen."
After ordering the archangels off again, he openly hurls an ableist slur at Muriel rather than use their name, while demanding that they stay because "I may need you." This is a hardcore, shocking Villain Moment, y'all. The Metatron is Having A Moment. Pulling back to a Doylist perspective -- Neil freakin' Gaiman isn't going to drop a slur lightly. He's just not. He did it with full intent, and that intent is "the fucking Metatron is ableist trash." Returning to the Watsonian viewpoint, however...
What Aziraphale now knows that he hadn't known:
The Metatron wears scorn like royal vestments. It's pretty basic to how he treats others. (Doylistly: this tracks with both s1 and what we see of him in the recorded meetings that Crowley, Muriel, and Saraqael view. "Oh, don't be so wet!" he snarls at Saraqael, just for starters.)
The Metatron can order archangels around like children, even threaten them with judgment and punishment, and get away with it.
The Metatron doesn't just punch sideways-ish at the archangels, which might be justifiable; the Metatron absolutely punches down with his scorn. And wow, does he ever not pull his punches.
The Metatron thinks he's entitled to use others to serve his own needs.
If Aziraphale hasn't figured out by now that the Metatron abuses his quite substantial and dangerous power, he's not the angel I think he is. (As for Crowley, he's been absolutely leveled -- look at him sprawled out all but flat on Aziraphale's desk chair! He's not really paying attention. Also, per e3 he kind of agrees with the Metatron about Muriel, though he never himself uses ableist language about them.)
The Metatron says "Right," and we see Aziraphale again. Is he happy? He is not. Body held tense and straight, arms at his sides (though he looks about to clasp his hands together in front, a worry sign), face even warier. Seems a reasonable reaction to what he's just seen!
"It's just you and me, Aziraphale, eh?" It's damned blessed bloody well not. Crowley's right there, Muriel's right there, and the Metatron just erased both from consideration. RUDE! "I think we need to have a bit of a chinwag, don't you?" Aziraphale in both words and body would very much rather not, and I can't blame him one bit.
The Metatron then forces a bribe on Aziraphale, in the form of The Coffee That Launched A Thousand Metas. Aziraphale isn't clear on what the Metatron wants of him at this point -- "shall I drink it?" There's a striking parallel here to Crowleian temptations via novel experiences that other meta-ists have pointed out; like those, Aziraphale's reaction is positive ("it's very nice") but unlike them, it's decidedly subdued, scaled way down -- Zira certainly doesn't guzzle the coffee the way he inhaled the ox-rib. The Metatron indicates that getting a positive reaction from Aziraphale is the point ("well, I should jolly well hope so!") and verbally forces Aziraphale out the door for a Crowley-less, Muriel-less discussion.
Aziraphale is... less than enthusiastic, turning toward Crowley -- possibly to accompany him, possibly for a lead on how to handle this. Crowley, still in a state of exhaustion and bogglement, misses the cue. Oh, Crowley. Gargantuan, awful mistake! Totally understandable, of course, but Aziraphale needs a rescue here badly and (for the first time ever?) Crowley doesn't provide one!
Aziraphale's walk toward the bookshop door is diffident, halting. He glances back at the Metatron and Crowley as he goes.
What Aziraphale knows at this point:
The Metatron wants something from him. Just him, not Crowley or Muriel.
Rather than straight-up asking, rather than ordering (as he could perfectly well do), the Metatron is loading the dice with a Crowleyesque bribe/temptation. This is a slight hint (which the Metatron will shortly confirm) that the Metatron knows some things about the Crowley-Aziraphale dynamic.
What Aziraphale likely wants to know at this point:
What the hell the heaven on earth does the Metatron want from him?
And why might he need Muriel?
And we are all Aziraphale -- we all want to know too!
This is more than long enough for a post, so let's post it. Next up: The Chinwag.
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//cw: sa discussion, hazbin discourse ooouuuughhhhhhhhhh i told myself I was gonna keep my mouth shut from now on on the hazbin discourse but it's getting worse and worse and some asshole keeps putting it on my twitter and my blood is boiling,,,
I. am. SO. TIRED. of the hazbin hatedom acting like all SA victims are a sex repulsed monolith. I'm so fucking tired of seeing people put victims who are sex repulsed up on a pedestal and acting like they're the only "Correct Victims who are coping in the Correct Way" because that's just flat out wrong and insensitive to every single SA victim who found a different way to deal with their pain. NOT. EVERYONE. COPES. THE. SAME. WAY. STOP USING PEOPLE WHO WERE UNCOMFORTABLE BY THE ANGEL DUST SCENE AS A "GOTCHA" MOMENT TOWARDS EVERYONE WHO RELATED TO IT BECAUSE IT REFLECTS THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. It's infuriating to see and I absolutely despise the mentality thats coming mainly from non-victims that SA victims HAVE to be this traumatized poor uwu sex repulsed little cinnamon roll who needs to be protected from dirty dirty NSFW at all costs or else they're coping incorrectly. There's even people going as far to tell SA VICTIMS THEY DESERVED IT because they related to the stupid ass angel dust song.
I say this as someone who IS sex repulsed but wants to reclaim as much as they can for myself. My abuser took that luxury away from me and I WANT IT BACK. I lost so many parts of myself to that asshole and I'm slowly reclaiming and rebuilding, and it's taken years. According to these dense mfers though it means I'm "coping incorrectly" and "speaking over real victims" when I point this out. Not wanting to watch the scene/episode or disliking the show because of it is 100% perfectly fine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling upset by it. but don't start acting like everyone who sees part of themselves in it is a bad person.
I never thought I'd be defending that shitty ass mess of a show, but jesus christ people. Y'all preach about listen to victims until a victim doesn't fit your ideal cookie cutter idea of one and it shows so hard.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
What theories do you have with season 2 or what do you think is going to happen hazbin hotel?
None of my theories are super fleshed out but I do have some concerning theories that I really hope do not happen, the biggest is how Vox’s character will be written.
Warning for stuff about Raphielle and their grossass fetishes
Judging by a “fan animatic” they did to that Valentino fansong, I’m worried their portrayal of Vox is going to bleed into the show, aka where he jerks off to Angel Dust being raped. Genuinely if they do this I don’t know what I’m going to do. Vivzie and Raph can’t seem to think of any other way to write a villain rather than make them a rapist or make the character have a rape fetish themself. It’s horrible and lazy writing. If you can’t write an interesting villain, you’re a bad writer. If you can’t keep your fetishes out of your shows, you’re a bad writer. If you can’t handle genuine criticism of your insanely offensive show and characters, you’re a bad writer.
I hardly believe I’ll canonise much of anything from S2 for my rewrite when it comes out. My version of Vox will not ever stoop to the level of whatever the fuck Vivzie does with him. Even the way I write Valentino isn’t absolutely trash. Yeah, he’s still horrid, but I’m not treating him like some silly background character with mildly scary scenes and shock value. Treat him with the severity he brings from the actions he does. End of story.
Somewhat aside from the Vee’s, I hope they do fun things with Sir Pentious. They set up that whole double agent thing for him just to drop it the same episode and yeah I guess to be like “but people can be redeemed guys.. 🥺” okay? Thats a real fuckin mundane thing to focus on for his redemption though? Talk about like. Actual bad shit. Like all the murder. Seems a bit more important? Anyway, I think having Pentious somehow be a double agent in Heaven and provide information to the cast down in hell would be cool. No idea how they’d do that but I’d the idea is fun.
I also have a suspicion that Angel might be the second person to be redeemed although I hope not. For as much “character development” as he’s gotten for some reason, it’s all been incredibly half-assed. He’s hardly fixed himself at all and all of his progress was offscreen. There’s no way he sang a song with Husk on the street and that just suddenly stopped his drug addiction. That’s not how addictions work. Trust me I fuckin wish I could’ve sang a song and been cured from that kinda shit but unfortunately it just is not like that.
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Photo I made to express my grievances.
Husk and Angel are also likely gonna date or whatever, personally I’m horrified if this is true because Vivzie is Vivzie and I don’t think she knows what slowburn actually means. I’d wait for like a third season before even starting that stuff but like I guess as long as it isn’t horrifically abusive??? Idk.
Dropped my wallet while writing this and im blaming it on the shows existence
Oh also I think Valentino might die, thats about it
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blinkpen · 6 months
i think it is important as a writer to have a sense of humility about your characters, no matter how cool you want them to come off as, and in fact, you should probably come up with at least one in-character way for how even the most dignified badass who couldn't give less of a fuck could possibly botch an interaction so badly they not only look like a fool, they feel like it too, the narrative framing agrees and that is The End of that instance burned into everyone's memories forever, it's not the end of the world, but there is no cushion At All and no undo button for it
on that note
demersa deathglare is not Immune to "you were told to Abort the bit and you took it as a challenge to Extend and Intensify the bit and now the camera finally moved" syndrome
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prince-liest · 3 months
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A snippet from chapter 3 of The Last Bus Stop in Hell, Now Boarding in conjunction with some thoughts on the subject, because I've gotten some comments to the tune of, "I can't believe Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer are just okay with this?!" most of which are p clearly just people being rightfully frustrated with the horrible situation but still prompted me to want to talk about how I see canon, since those thoughts are actually a direct echo of me rattling the bars of Angel's comments about getting fucking waterboarded at work like, "WHY IS NOBODY HELPING ANGEL DUST?!"
I was going to write this scene anyway, but I just wanted to be Very clear about where I stand on the subject of how much Angel Dust is telling people about his work life, vs the things he has been actively hiding from them, because this is the only way that canon makes sense to me.
I think there's a huge difference between Charlie seeing Val and Angel disappear into a room and Angel coming back with a bruise before yelling at her to get the fuck out like he's unholy levels of pissed off at her for setting the whole damn studio on fire and putting them all in danger, and Charlie understanding what Angel's work life is actually like, drugs and rape and abuse all included.
Given how she reacted to the bruise before Angel told her to piss off, I think there are several lines between What She Knows and the reality that would be skipped merrily the fuck over with regards to whether or not she'd continue listening to Angel telling her that he's got it under control, jesus fuck, please leave. In particular, I think it's worth noting that to get her out of the studio, he framed the situation as her making things worse, and I think she very much internalized it as "I fucked up, I literally set the building on fire, everything was fine before I got here, it was my fault, and Angel is angry at me," which is also why she was SO upset and sorry about everything that happened.
From her limited view of the situation, it looked like she caused a huge mess and Angel caught the fallout, not that Val's way of treating Angel is a regular occurence - and that's not even getting into the fact that she didn't even see what actually happens between the two of them behind closed doors.
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edwardallenpoe · 8 days
Um. Prepare yourself for the s&co episode. The representation (if you can even call it that) of DID is BAD. Once I realized that the person had DID I was pretty pissed to say the least. I emailed them like 4 paragraphs on how shitty that was. I feel like a Karen but it was honestly deserved. But if you’re upset by portrayals of people with DID I’d skip this one.
i opened my inbox this right after listening to it. Thank you for the heads up tho, but it is far too late.
I honestly feel a little sick. Not gonna lie.
"we now understand more about the human condition" I lost braincells, John. I think we actually DEVOLVED. We LOST knowledge of human existence with this one, chat. And then. Also. John defending Tory's. Ya this was a really fucking bad episode. Wow. It was so avoidable. That entire thing was so avoidable.
You are definitely not a Karen for emailing them, I'm low-key tempted to email them myself but I won't. I need to process that dumpster fire for a little longer. Wow.
It's like. I specifically remember Sherlock listing off DID on his disorder list in the first fucking episode. He has DID. Did Joel and co literally look up the index for the DMS-5 then put them in their notes app or something?????? Like were they just like "yeah anything and everything but PTSD for the plot mate" just for Sheelock to have smt to say?????? It's seems so impossible to me that they have such amazing rep for both PTSD and autism and such but DID was butchered that badly. Woooow. I can't even.
I love this show but that was. So bad. I rlly hope Joel says smt soon about this because woooow . That's all I can rlly say. Just wow.
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froggyphycosis · 5 days
Your Fratello Angel
Takes place Immediatly after episode four, after loser baby. Just a fic of Angel's thoughts as he walks home with Husk and as he talks to Charlie! Mainly fluffy! Or hurt/comfort depending on your view really!
(if u wanna keep this fic after I'm done I'd suggest reblogging because I might delete it after a day or so maybe a week unless it does really well)
1471 words
Content warning!
Swearing/strong language
Mentions of alcohol
Mentions of murder/wanting to kill Val
Mentions of sa/just the scene of Charlie and Val thouggh
Honestly it's not that bad if you watched the series you can read this it jsut sounds bad jsjsjsjs
Angel cackles and splays his hand out in front of him, like he was about to tell a grand story, something maybe daring and crazy, his face lighting up with a devilish grin. a good raw excitement that he hadn't felt with anyone but Cherri in a long time. It feels good and refreshing and he takes a moment to bask in it.
Before he's inevitably going to ruin it, because he's actually going to say something extremely silly and stupid, because that's what he does best. That's the realest he can get and that is what Husk asked for. It's the least Angel can do for him after tonight,so that's exactly what husk's gonna get.
"okay so i got in his limmo with these two catty chics- not that that's important though they both started smashin faces the second we got in the car- and Valentino was trying to count up these bills that he had been given after i did like some... Shark dude? I dunno he was probably important though!"
Angel had spent the last hour chatting with Husk and regaling him with stories of Valentino, in return Husk talked about his old Casino, time as an overlord and shitting on Alastor as is expected. But they are coming up to hotel gates now, and Angel desperately tries to push Charlie out of his mind
"and fun fact about 'ole Vally is that because he's a moth his eyes are geuninly a pice of SHIT-"
"he's such a bitch."
Angel is so surprised by Husks bluntness and the complete apathy in his voice and general lack of care that he bursts out laughing (how on earth could he think husk acts like that all the time when his true lack of care sounds like *that*) and Husk probably still high off of adrenaline after having been in a bar fight and shoot out in the last hour, can't help but laugh aswell. Angel is shocked to find out that when Husk laughs he snorts, which sends Him into another fit of giggles that makes him cry and stumble about so much he ends up in The hotel bushes.
"HAHAhahah hohoholy SHIT Hahaha c'mere cmon I need your help!!" he wipes away his tears and waves around his hand like a mad man as Husk hauls him out of the bush wiping away his own.
"sorry sorry okay continue! Continue! Please!"
"Ahahaha fuck I can't remember what I was saying now." Angel is smiling like a loon and he knows it but he he hasn't felt the high of friendship and understanding in someone new in what seems forever and he isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
"Try squeezing your hands."
"pfttt what?"
"Just do it its supposed to help you remeber things" Husk is grinning self consciously probably aware that he sounds insane right now
"oh! Oh! Never mind! I remember now!!"
"Oh yeah?"
They've finally gotten to the front door now and Angel completely ignores everything in lieu of looking at Husk. Drinking up this moment like it's champagne, trying to permanently burn this bubbly fruity feeling hinto his brain. Nothing else matters right now exept from Husk and him bitching about his boss.
And it's honestly what Angel considers a perfect moment.
"Yeah! Okay so I know I said he had bills but it was litterally like three it was like three dollars and he got so pissed at me for not telling him but i honestly just found it fucking hilarious that some guy paid him three dollars and he couldn't even tell as he was counting it- I think the shark guys got shot in the head for it though?"
"how long did it take him to realize??" Husk asks, using his whole body weight to push open the tall red oak doors and into the main room.
"he had like three bills. And it took him like thirty minutes to count it!! His eyes are so shit!!" Angel giggles and covers his face with all four hands, heaving out a long and tired but happy sigh as the warmth of the hotel finally knocks into him and settles into his bones, making him realize how tired he is.
However the quiet and warm moment does not last of course.
He doesn't even get a moment to to take in a second breathe before a very upset, very sorry princess, comes barralling into him with all the strength, the emotion and conviction of something 20x her size, and it momentarily knocks the breathe out of him.
Ah shit.... Time to face the music.
He cringes as her arms small and as squishy as they might be, attach themselves around his waist like iron bands, pressing all the multitude of bruises around his body. He wouldn't dare tell her to get off, or say she's hurting him though, because she needs it. She deserves every bit of kindness that a washed up whore like Angel can give her, he'd do it whatever it costs in a heartbeat too.
Everything that had happened that morning came rushing back to him and his left eye started to throb again like it remembered too.
Charlie is an emotional demon with Empathy for others that probably kills her, and Angel feels all the guilt of what she must have been feeling, left at home, forced to sit on it, thinking she had done something wrong like it was ever possible that she could do something to hurt someone. it was Val's fault. Not Charlie's and even he was smart enough to know that.
But then again Charlie probably wasn't smart enough to understand that, considering it was Angel that shouted at her.
He really hadn't meant what he'd said in a cruel way, but the panic of what Val was going to do to him when she left the building and he was alone in a room with him felt suffocating. That and the mix of disgust and anger that he had felt when Val wrapped his slivery disgusting fucking tongue across her arm and he had to watch as Charlie smiled through the discomfort had flared up something fierce and protective in Angels chest. Angel doesn't usually let himself revel in the thought of harming Val because it's all just a fantasy in the end, letting himself get too lost in those kinds of things would slowly kill him.
but in that moment he didn't even bother pretending even to himself that he didn't want to kill Valentino on the spot.
"I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY ANGEL. " she warbles and her face as she looks up at angel Crushkng his heart into powder "i PROMISE ILL NEVER CME TO YOUR WORK AGAIN I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORR-"
"Woah Charlie. " he put his hand on her head and as she looks into his eyes he's caught by surprise as the sudden flash of his sister when they were both twelve shoves itself to the front of his mind, when she would come running to him with tears in her eyes just like this, with the same long blonde hair and blue eyes as this, with a scraped knee and a plea for her Fratello Anthony to make it better.
And he always did.
"You don't need to apologise Charlie. It's okay, i forgive you." he strokes her hair softly running his fingers through her sleek blonde hair, the other wrapped around her waist and tries to look down at her with the most comforting and level gaze he can manage. It pays off when of course she beams back and the tears in her face come flooding back and she flings herself towards Vaggie wailing,"HE HE HE FORGAVE MEEEEE."
Vaggie the softy she 'secretly' is, (even though everyone already knows) smiles and scoops her girlfriend up in one go bridal style. She looks at Angel in a surprisingly thankful way? He expected to have a spear pointed at him, but she merely nods with a curt smile and starts to ascend the stairs up to their room.
Husk turns to look up at him, he smiles, sharp teeth all yellow from smoking and liquor. Angel swears he can see something like being pride etched into his face. He feels his smile return back full force and let's himself revel in it. The feeling of it, but for once, it doesn't feel red or smoky or suffocating or scary, it just feels warm and safe. Familiar. It's crooked and mishapened it's early mornings spent on self improvement even with the worst hangover ever, it's him trusting with letting fat nuggets around others, it's his care for the people around him, its the care he receives back.
It's family.
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
tbh the more setting details i notice the more i realize how the other Vees are signaled as complicit/participant in Angel's abuse.
It's not just Velvette's 'love potion' being used in an attempt to roofie him out in the world - it's a huge poster of her advertising the 'love potion' put up in Val's studio, notably paired with a Voxtech 'Trust Us' poster on another wall. When Vox is walking past posters in his first appearance, Angel Dust posters are noticeable, along with a Love Potion advertisement that features both Val and Velvette and a poster that just seems to be for the Vees in general. When Angel backs away from Val in his dressing room, a scene where he's been taken out of sight of Charlie and is alone with Val - up pops a Love Potion on his dressing table to one side of him, and a Voxtech camera trained on him on his other side. The other Vees are present, in spirit. When Vox and Val fuck off at the end of Poison (and there's YET MORE to be said about that moment) and Angel finally has his moment of genuine breakdown, there's a Voxtech camera in the foreground pointed at him. Even when he's 'off-camera' he's not safe from observation, and even when he and Val are 'alone', the other Vees are there.
also Velvette is wearing the same outfit she's wearing in the Love Potion poster as she is in the finale, I don't think that necessarily means anything but well. i noticed it
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pelman · 1 year
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boblically accurate angel
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lightasafeaver2 · 2 months
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artemishasthebluez · 3 months
i tthink angel dust should not have had a song to represent the SA/rape. it just makes it seem like it wasnt taken as serious as it shouldve been. maybe they shouldve done the song. yknow. after?
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