#ffh spoiler
crispydonuts · 1 month
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Alisa Montagova sketch that I’ve created like last 2 weeks ago
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riddles-n-games · 3 months
Did anyone reading TBH get instant flashbacks to Spider-Man: Far From Home at the mention of Prague in Jameson’s plot? Because I did. It’s so ironic how some of the events that happened are uncannily similar; something big happens at night, there ‘s some kind of fire, their injuries, a big revelation on something previously unknown (aka Mysterio and Alice Hawthorne), and they can’t tell their loved ones (subjective but okay) but they find out in the end anyways.
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yaboirezzy · 3 months
Saying goodbye to a friend isn't painless. Missing them hurts even harder
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"Everywhere I go the colors fade"
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themuskrater · 10 months
I'm tired of hearing the argument that MCU Spider-Man doesn't have consequences. It's a bad faith argument that ignores half the events of his story. I think a better take would be that not all of his decisions have immediate consequences, which I find more interesting because it leads Peter into a false sense of security in which he makes bigger mistakes with more immediate and disastrous consequences. Here's a perfect example: Peter is WAY too trusting around the Avengers with his secret identity
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Peter reveals his identity to the other heroes in Infinity War and Endgame almost immediately. And to his credit, these are good, trustworthy people. They all keep his secret. But this experience teaches Peter that he can trust other heroes, something that's going to backfire in a big way. When Peter meets Mysterio, pretending to be another hero, Peter trusts him with his secret identity
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Peter's past experiences inform his decision-making. But he doesn't know that Mysterio isn't who he says he his. And because of that, Mysterio ends up revealing Peter's secret identity to the entire world. Already, a massive consequence for Peter, which he was led into because of his experience meeting the Avengers. But that's not all. Peter still feels like he can trust other heroes, so instead of facing the consequences of his actions, he goes to Doctor Strange to fix it
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Strange does his best, but the spell is disrupted by Peter's desire to STILL let other people know his secret identity. The spell goes wrong and because of Peter's indecision, it leads to the death of his only remaining family and a threat to the entire multiverse. This is Peter's fault, these are the consequences of his mistakes and it happens because he learned the long lesson from revealing his identity to the Avengers. But it's not over yet
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Peter is forced to say goodbye to his best friend and his girlfriend before erasing the memory that he ever existed. It's the only way to fix the damage he's caused at this point. This is the sacrifice his actions have lead him to. He didn't just lose his Aunt May, in the end he lost everyone. All his friends and loved ones, his academic achievements, his home, his identity. And in the end, Peter is alone by himself in a run down, studio apartment. He's lost everything and everyone
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Not all of Peter's actions have consequences in the MCU. When Peter abandons his little mathletes club in Homecoming, he's embraced back with open arms. But those times he doesn't face consequences, teaches him the wrong lessons, which result in bigger consequences later when his decisions actually matter. Peter abandoned his team to do work as Spidey, and because he got away with it once, he thought he could do it again. But this time, when he abandons the team, he ends up placing his friends lives at risk at the Washington Monument, he's scolded by his friends from abandoning them, and has to face his punishment at school once they get back to New York
Peter faces plenty of consequences in these movie. And the few times that he doesn't face immediate ramifications is because it's setting up bigger stakes later down the line
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grimm-pitch-salisbury · 7 months
FFh spoiler kinda
Will I ever recover? 😔
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brightnote · 10 months
The Talos set Maria up to ice out Fury theory -- more unusual stuff surrounding Maria & some  Far From Home connections
Oh. No. Another one. I have gone off the rails. This is all I do now. Episode 1 & 2 spoilers below.
I have an extremely long break down post here about some things surrounding Maria and her unforgivable demise on Secret Invasion. I’ve thought of even more things as reviewed some stuff from Far From Home. This is another long one.  But so far my theory on Maria’s fate is that Talos has set up Maria, used her as pawn to lure Fury back and then ice Fury out of his network and allies. 
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Issues from Far From Home:
If you remember when Maria and Nick are the bar in Moscow in Secret Invasion Maria tells Nick that she contacted him at “Talos’s request” but if you recall from the end of Far from Home where Soren (RIP) has shape shifted  as Maria and Talos is covering for Nick on earth Talos calls Fury directly. (Link to the scene here). We don’t know if Maria knows that Soren was acting as her in Far From Home and we have no idea where Maria was at this time — but Nick knows Talos and Soren were standing in for him and Maria. 
 At the very end of the scene  TALOS CALLS FURY HIMSELF ON SPEED DIAL. So why would Talos need Maria to contact Nick for him at all?  Nick confirms this when he yells at Talos on the train.  "YOU KNEW HOW TO CONTACT ME MAN”   Maybe ignoring Maria was away to keep her away from the skrulls? (that didn’t work re skrull Ross) Is Talos now actually a villain who used Maria as a pawn (re chess scene where Maria moves the pawn first obviously intentional symbolism here) This never explains why Soren was acting as Maria with Talos standing in for Nick in Far From Home. (or real Maria was just working I guess) I don’t assume we will ever get a clarification on this from Marvel because Maria is stuck in that shitty position of only being someone useful for male story arcs, and then goes back to a no one who doesn’t exist outside of propping up men but it is a bummer if we don’t get this figured out. But if we look at some other things that happened in Secret Invasion episodes 1 & 2 so far theory leans toward Talos set used and then set up Maria. 
In my last ridiculously long spiraling out post about Maria’s time on Secret Invasion I mentioned that I think the totally idiotic way in which she and Fury fell into this trap might be a clue within itself.  As you can recall in Far From Home, Maria and Nick were also acting bizarrely stupid. I know by mid movie I was punching my best friend saying there was no way Nick and Maria would fall for “Mysterio”  In fact as the story started to play out Maria stans were quick to roll their eyes and recall that Maria held a very high position at Stark Industries for some time.  Until that end credit scene I was stunned at how stupid Marvel made Maria and Nick look (Nick much more so, but in the end it ended up being Talos and Soren which made more sense). If Fury is ‘always in’ then it seems like he would be above these bonehead moves like he would have been in Far From Home. But if he’s being lead astray by Talos that makes way more sense. If these bonehead moves are what kick him back into gear wouldn’t a real Maria be able to keep him in check unless she was also being played by Talos.  She’s bold enough or caring enough to tell Fury to step out of the game and take a break and let someone else handle it but then dumb enough to just follow him into it? He’s not ready but she goes for it with him? I don’t know. The one thing that was nice before we saw the reveal that Maria was Soren was that Skrull Maria in FFH did put Skrull Nick in check a few times. 
Ok! Well now let’s also look at a few MORE things from Secret Invasion: 
Skrull Ross running away with the plans he stole and then calling Maria for extraction likely means Skrull Ross was going to show Maria the plans he stole to try and get her to contact Fury. Likely this Talos’s plan all along.   Interestingly, from what we see after Skrull Ross is exposed Maria does little  not notify anyone after learning that she was interacting with Skrull Ross. Were Ross and Maria in Moscow together for something specific? Isn’t Ross supposed to be hiding? Is Maria actually working or off on her own...does she actually cut off communication from her team/crew because there is a Ross Skrull imposter and that’s why she goes with Talos to some safe  location that we do not know if it is hers or his?  Talos and Maria take the plans Skrull Ross had and then Maria contacts Nick with the encrypted message at least we assume it was her based on the Rhodey conversation with the President. —- We assume Maria is working in Moscow for unknown reasons and she blindly switches to helping Talos and Fury does this mean she stopped working on whatever she was doing and cut off communication? Kind of odd unless she was getting lead on by Talos?
This is totally nothing but in my very first Secret Invasion melt down post over Maria’s death I joked that the only thing we learned about Maria is that she doesn’t change her clothes because she’s wearing the same clothes the whole time. She actually has two sweatshirts at least, one is light gray/whiteish and she has blue jeans, a white undershirt, a blue v-neck, a light grey/white hoodie with a navy peacoat. Someone said Maria has a dark gray and then a light gray hoodie but i think one is light gray and the one at the bar seen is like a dark brown or even dark olive green color!! It’s really hard to tell in the lighting at the bar. But there is a lot of layering of blue and white which probably means something!  Her color scheme changes once she starts working with Nick and red is added when Maria gets the cut her nose from fighting G’iah. I thought there was no green on Maria HIll at all but maybe actually there is or it could be a dark gray. This is a tough one I think there is a dark gray sweatshirt and a light one and in this show wardrobe choices do matter. 
Maria’s encrypted message  she allegedly sends to Nick means that Maria did not want anyone in the government or any infiltrated skrull to see what she wrote to Nick showing that Nick returning from Saber was supposed to be on the down low or that Maria knows Skrulls have infiltrated high level positions or TALOS pretending to send the message as or through Maria knows other skrulls work in the government.
Maria contacts Fury and then picks him up alone and Fury and Maria return to the safe house. If Maria thinks her network is infiltrated by Skrulls and she’s acting in secret with Nick why would she return to a safe house that was set up earlier? I think this location has to be via Talos and not Maria but I don’t know and it does not mean Sonya is not involved with it, but if Sonya is involved with it spying on her there seems like a particularly bad move unless Talos and Sonya are acting in some kind of collab.
Nick goes for a walk at night in Moscow and we know now that Gravik is actually following him as a shapeshifter in a number of forms because we see Gravik shape shift into these same people at the bombing. This means Gravik knew Fury returned to earth when Fury had only been in contact with Maria and then Talos another strike against Talos. Either Gravik was tipped off by someone on Saber or Gravik had already been monitoring Maria and was still able to do so after Maria learned about Skrull Ross which means skrull Ross is likely a red herring and Talos is pulling the strings. 
We next have the bizarre and totally lopsided scene where Nick and Talos leave Maria in the car but If Maria was supposed to be on look out for them when they go after the art dealer why would Maria leave her spot and follow G’iah? The dark tunnel fight is apparently where we learn Hill might be the one not up for this fight since she can’t even stop a 5 foot lady from walking ..? Talos comes to help Maria up but she stops him and sends him after G’iah. Maria gets up on her own in a totally weird way, just saying!!  G’iah has a break down over seeing Talos for a few moments. When G’iah returns and talks to Gravik she tells him she saw someone and he asks if she could identify them G’iah says no but i thought she is referring to Talos to protect her dad and not mentioning her run in with Maria at all meaning they already know who she is and wouldn’t need to identify her and or that she wouldn’t need to identify Talos to Gravik? 
I think that above detail is important because the standard argument is that Gravik learned of Maria at the bar but as my extremely extremely long prior post Gravik may already be in the bar when Fury gets there. Nick comes in and he takes off his gloves and orders a drink. No one follows him inside.   If G’iah didn’t identify Hill to Gravik then he already had some clue in of her existence likely via Skrull Ross or Talos!   If Gravik wasn’t following Fury into the bar that means he followed Maria there or some how learned they were going there.  
As discussed in the last post this whole scene is totally unusual or intentionally different from the kind of scenes we see in Marvel between Maria and Nick. It’s here where Maria echoes Sonya and Talos (i don’t remember which order Maria is when she says this but she is not #1) which is either a clue something is up or Marvel just doing a thing like ‘women telling men to be careful’ I don’t think  Maria has to tell Nick to be careful but who knows. Also it’s odd to me that Maria would contact Nick, go pick him up, and then say ‘you know what, maybe just sit this one out pal and watch from the sidelines.” Maybe Talos put this idea in Maria’s head afterward?  Why contact Nick at all even if Talos asked her to, if she thinks Nick has changed from the blip wouldn’t she just tell Talos it’s a waste of time, and he hasn’t been responding, wouldn’t Maria ask him to contact Nick himself since he has a direct line that Nick apparently answers? Although I assume Maria doesn’t know this. As we’ve known her Hill is generally nothing but efficient, but ok sure, she calls him down here and then tells him take a break pal, you can’t do it.
Next right before Maria is killed-- in true Maria fashion she stops to help someone ‘find their footing’ which is when Gravik as Fury sees her and calls her over. This is the exact opposite of what happened when Maria and Talos were in the tunnel he tries to stop and help and she points Talos to G’iah.  Is this some kind of symbolism?  Talos is not killed by G’iah and later it seems like G’iah’s encounter with Maria is forgotten. Maria has a long history of refusing help from people. Helping other people including Nick is what gets her killed. 
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Does Nick use Maria’s name at all? I thought Gravik called out Hill but I saw a cap that says he called out Maria! I can’t rewatch that scene yet so idk.   I think he’s likely aware of her some other way that I assume won’t be fleshed out but I hope it is. When Maria is shot and confused Gravik notices Fury coming up behind her and he then flees. In the soul crushing moment in which Maria tells not asks Nick “it was you” in the chaos Nick says “not me”  but it is an interesting choice of words for both of them. Was this choice of words actually Maria giving a last warning to Nick if Maria thought Nick shot her why would she say anything like that at all or why didn’t she ask him why. Was it a fake out Maria trying to truly devastate Nick Fury down to the core?? No but i would kind of love that twist tbh.  Why wouldn’t Garvik just finish the job anyway so Fury couldn’t get a last chance to explain it wasn’t him. Ultimately, this is just another moment where a woman’s death is truly all about a man and not her own thing but ok. Maybe just maybe this is a coded warning. 
Nick and  Talos did blindly accept the intel from G’iah which is more support that Talos is actually a bad actor that set up Maria and got her killed We can also see in the pan out that when Maria dies her feet are pointing to the right which is where Fury was when he was talking to her as she died, I would think her feet would point the other direction if she thought Fury killed her just a thought! 
When we meet Maria’s mom,  her mom insists that Maria ‘would follow Fury to hell and back’ so telling Fury hey step out of this fight isn’t very Maria like unless that’s a line she was fed which i think it is. Additionally, when Fury doesn’t step out of the ring Maria still follows him to the bombing, which shows she was leaning toward and still loyal toward Fury. Also is ‘to hell and back’ some kind of resurrection clue or a red herring? The casting of Maria’s mom just to say this line is probably more than just nothing or just another woman yelling at Fury. In fact, actually spending the time to cast Maria’s mom to say this line might be a hint about a devil hiding in plain sight  like Talos. Remember Marvel treats Maria as a nothing character which is why we don’t get fill info about her like where she has been but then they use her death “to raise the stakes of the show” is she minor or not? (This is the problem I think so many of us have with this plot even though if Talos did set Maria up it is actually a good plot device but could we at least get to know her first geeze)
 Of course we don’t  know for sure that Rhodey did get Maria’s body back from Russia we just presume it from the scene. But Nick ‘left her body in Russia’ Fury is convinced I guess. Argument for Talos being the bad guy is that Talos is the one who pulls Nick away from Maria but I think Fury could have done more on this. Additionally if Talos is a bad actor leaving an American body in Russia to set off a fire storm would be great for Talos.
To be clear, I think Maria (true Maria) is dead but I think the story of how and why she is dead is more complicated than it seems or at least how it has been addressed in the online breakdowns. I don’t think it’s Nick being dumb I think it’s Talos leading Maria and Nick astray. But the Talos needing Maria to contact Nick for him part really got me and we will never know why Soren was covering for Maria or maybe Fury has always been in as he claims and just got Maria killed as collateral damage because he’s being a bad friend and maybe he licensed her identity out to Skrulls without her knowledge or permission?? Hmm. Overall, what I can get from this is Nick has been a truly, and I mean truly terrible friend to Maria in work, life, and even in death so far, which is a shame since their honest and supportive relationship was the best part of their dynamic. I think what feels like a bad friendship where he ignored Maria for years is lessoned if this is some kind of set up, Nick Fury is not careless and this was carelessness!! 
Additionally I am still holding out for Maria content somewhere in the MCU or in Secret Invasion as an interview Cobie did says she “had a lot of scenes at the same time as Don” so maybe we will have flashbacks coming. I also think Cobie is giving us secret messages like when she wore a neon green skirt for Secret Invasion press day and then a sheer black dress at the premiere. Recently in one interview I saw Cobie quotes as saying she “was told the skrulls would shoot Maria” years ago. I assume Marvel coached her on this choice of words because she didn’t say she was told the skrulls “kill Maria.” And as Cobie has said herself “her death feels real, it looked real to me but I don’t know.” In the same boat with all of us I guess. 
 Let me know what you think, sorry for yet another very very long read!  Please share/comment/reblog and tell me what you think! I am desperate for someone to talk about this with!
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seek--rest · 3 months
I read and loved When May Met Sally, and I adore May and Sally's friendship! How you treat Sally being jealous that May has Ben is amazing. But I'm curious about why you have Percy lying to his mom all the time even aside from Spider-Man stuff? In the books he was mostly honest to her about his demigod life. And about Frederick Chase, it's less about villainizing him than it is that Annabeth at 7 felt so unloved and a burden that she'd rather run away with no guaranteed food and shelter.
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The best part of being a brand new fan is that I have an entirely different perspective on the books/relationships. Case in point: views on parents in pjo and how it differs when you read these books with a fully cooked brain.
I could be off base, again I read these books a month ago and read the sections with Sally in them while writing When May Met Sally but… Percy doesn’t tell Sally shit lmao. He’ll tell her the details of a quest the few times he actually deigns to tell her anything (which is few and far between), but for the most part? Percy is very much in his own little world with the demigods, especially after the Lightning Thief. I specifically went back and made sure any scene where Sally is “part of the action” is almost word for word from the books. It’s one of (the many) pet peeves I have with the series that after that first book? Sally is basically a non-entity for Percy, given a boyfriend very early on and then very “have fun sweetie don’t die” when it comes to the shit Percy gets up to. It’s a kids book, parents have to be detached or otherwise occupied because of the function of the genre but it’s distracting for me because Percy grew up JUST with his mom who seemed to do damn near almost anything to protect him… only to be totally fine with and be very hands off about him fighting monsters every year for the next five years.
(It’s why she and May are such good parallels imo, since HOCO May vs FFH May are two different people as far as I’m concerned)
The one exception obviously is not telling Sally Peter’s secret but (spoilers for Chapter 8) even that is something Percy does eventually tell her which to me, seems perfectly aligned with his M.O. for everything else. He does things first, tells Sally last and while I can’t change canon, I can make it so that a fic in Sally’s POV does her more justice.
as far as Frederick, I’ll say it before and say it again: was Annabeth really unloved and a burden or was she just seven. There is nothing in the text that gives me the impression that Frederick made her feel those things vs Annabeth— whose fatal flaw is hubris— felt those things all on her own. Now Mrs. Chase is definitely quoted as implying/saying things to Annabeth but it’s telling to me that we don’t learn this until the sequel series.
Fanon is a hard thing to unlearn and everyone is allowed to have a different interpretation but from canon alone, I cannot say with any confidence that Frederick was this horrible dad that made Annabeth feel like shit OR that he didn’t do everything in his power to try and get her back after she left. If anything, canon directly contradicts this narrative that Frederick was relieved/glad that Annabeth was gone since at the end of the lightning thief, he was thrilled she was coming back home.
Again— I’m new here and read these books as a grown ass adult. I think that is a huge reason why I see things differently than a lot of others.
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
why's it so bad? strap in (and this is the short version, i'm probably missing a lot) -they treat their writers abysmally -they treat their actors who aren't their golden boy RDJ abysmally -they put the risk of "spoilers" above literally everything else -the script is never set, they majorly change/cut/rewrite/add to it constantly while filming based on the changing whims of the higherups, regardless of it makes sense or not -actors don't get some scenes until minutes before shooting (sebastian stan didn't know they were sending steve back in time until 40 minutes beforehand and brushed him off when he asked questions that would have been needed to inform his acting choices) -their secrecy around scripts is scientology level insanity -actors don't get to keep scripts or copy anything down or take pictures or notes -they have a short amount of time in a small room with someone intently watching them read it, before it's taken away (actors with LDs do not get extra time to read, according to anthony mackie who is dyslexic) -often times lines that aren't theirs are totally blacked out, even the lines of their scene partners -a lot of the time actors aren't acting off each other, they're alone in a greenscreen box with no clue of what the other performer would be saying or how they'd be responding -they admit they don't hire people who like/care about the source material and called it a "red flag" -they've admitted they don't care about superhero stories -movies like ffh and cw are simply trying to capitalize off of popular/better executed media and throwing out their original plans which narratively made sense -a lot of the higherups also admittedly hate the characters they're writing/story planning for (basically anyone who isn't tony stank) and hate that character's fans
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thejuliettecai · 10 months
thoughts on secret invasion (spoilers!)
just finished watching the first episode. I still think Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the best MCU show and was a lot clearer in its premise. Also, each of the seasons clearly connected in spite of having different plots, unlike the current MCU run. I get that Marvel is setting up for a lot of things, but I can't help but think that, like other reviewers of AOS, the AOS family is actually a family compared to the Avengers. Or maybe I cannot compare the two because AOS is "not canon anymore" (it is canon to me).
I wish the first episode gave more answers as to why Fury was in space and why Talos was in Spiderman FFH, but I guess that will come up later. Also, Maria Hill deserves better. I like the dynamic between Fury, Hill, and Talos. Unfortunately, my favorite part ended up being the soundtrack.
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olwrathie · 2 years
Far Cry 5 Themed Questions
Here is a list of Far Cry 5 themed questions! Feel free to use on your blog (all I ask is that you reblog this post), and don't hesitate to add your own questions (:
* mild spoilers for main campaign
Who is your favorite Seed? Why?
Who is your least favorite Seed? Why?
What is your favorite Cult Song?
Who is your favorite NPC?
What is your favorite region to complete? Your least favorite?
If given the chance, would you join Eden's Gate?
What is your opinion on Marshal Cameron Burke?
If you could, would you live in Hope County?
Have you ever done the secret ending?
When you first played the game, did you Resist or Walk Away? If you've replayed the game, what do you pick the same option?
Do you prefer Guns for Hire or Fangs for Hire? Who is your favorite GFH/FFH? Your least favorite?
Have you played the Joseph DLC from Far Cry 6? If so, what did you think about it?
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A thing i found weird is that Wanda didn't face any consequences for enslaving an entire town. But Peter who was ACCUSED of killing Mysterio faced consequences, like federal agents showed up to his house, they had to relocate, he and his friends got rejected from college. But Wanda just walked away and no one did a thing ( Cap also walked away from consequences but WandaVision and FFH and NWH take place around the same time) this just feels unfair and in the end NWH Peter lost everything and it feels unfair. Only Tony
(Have you seen MOM?)
Yes Peter has and it is really just crazy to me that Wanda hasn’t and no I haven’t but I seen so many spoilers it feels like I know everything about it.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald, Thursday, November 2
Willow: It didn't break! How come it didn't break? Xander: Which is another secret to conscientious egg care: pot of scalding water and about eight minutes. Willow: You boiled your young?
~~Bad Eggs~~
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This song gives me Snotlout and Hiccup Book 11 vibes
Sort of spoilers so
YouTube Link
Most of the verses would be Snotlout
The chorus would be Hiccup
And then the end with the repeating chorus would be both of them
Idk it just
Fits to me
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I didn’t watch Secret Invasion but after seeing the spoilers I feel like I’m officially done with the MCU. Anything post Phase 3.5 just does not resonate with me anymore. Literally after finishing GotG 3 I was like, “Great, now I’m finally done with catching up,” because most of the characters I love are either dead, retired, or assassinated beyond recognition. (Spoilers for SI below:)
Rhodey being a Skrull is just. No. I don’t care how “well” it could be executed, the concept of it alone is just TERRIBLE. You’re telling me that one of the last faces Tony Stark saw was a skrull’s??? You telling me Rhodey’s accomplishments as an Avenger and a character beyond Civil War were all fake??? Rhodey who has been a staple of the Iron Man series and the MCU since Phase 1???
Also Maria Hill dies just like that??? Do the writers hate iconic Phase 1 characters coz wtf. Hill and Fury haven’t always been the most fleshed out characters but they’re ICONIC as a duo. And one of them just dies??? In the first episode??? I’m just. So mad.
Honestly the whole “Fury and Hill were skrulls all along in FFH” thing already pissed me off quite a bit, because I was so happy that these classic characters got to shine a bit in a post-Infinity Saga movie, and you don’t get a lot of that!!! But nvm, it’s a fake!!! Okay!!!
Are there still characters I care about in the current MCU timeline? Yes. Do I want to see more of Thor, Loki, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker and the Guardians? Yes. I’m still holding out for Thor and Loki’s reunion and Peter getting MJ back but it’s so. Tiring. Having to see these characters’ journeys get ripped up and tossed in your face all the fucking time. And I’m not fucking getting Disney+ to watch the shows!!!
TLDR: fuck marvel lol
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parkerpeter24 · 11 months
huge spider verse 2 spoilers ↓
im in love with pavitra prabhakar hello pls 😭😭
okay so in the beginning i was like okay what is even happening and confused because i remember peter parker in gwen’s universe looking like peter b. parker. and i had to check in the first movie and yeah he was different in this one? 😳
but overall it was such a fun movie! i loved the whole thing with prowler omg (+ the prowler backtrack was one of my most favorite and kinda glad i got to hear that again aye) it was so good. also, why did i find earth 42 evil miles attractive i gotta get myself checked by a therapist 😀
i also heard this theory about earth 199999 being mcu earth because “dr strange and the little nerd” but then what was the 616 thing about because i mean guterman’s story in ffh was something that i didn’t believe honestly like because he wasn’t an official multiverse traveller or something so-? 😭
bros but what does it mean that every captain will die sgjkdgjk so if they resign they will not die? (idk im genuinely just curious 😭)
anyway. i loved the chase sequence but kinda missed peter porker in that sfhjkkyssf
also MAYDAY ISN'T SHE A CUTIE. the best spiderkid ever. already love her
i just can’t wait 🫷😔
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