#for some reason I can really see the toby in this picture. maybe it’s the human arms
box-of-roses · 19 hours
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Characters: Tsukki, Kageyama, Hinata, Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Atsumu
Warnings: None that I can think of <3
Synopsis: What chapstick I think the different Haikyuu characters would use
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Probably not one to just have chapstick on him at all times so he steals yours
When you first notice he’s been stealing your chapstick you can’t help but smile
Everytime you kiss it tastes like strawberries now because he’s started carrying his own supply of chapstick so you kiss him more often (not that he would admit that)
“Kei, have you seen my chapstick?” You ask as you start looking around the room. You were sure you left it in here. Not on the table, not on the couch…where could it have gone?
“Yeah, I have it right here. You really need to be more careful where you leave your things dummy.” He rolls his eyes and holds out the chapstick to you. You notice a sheen across his lips though and smile a little. 
“Did you use my chapstick?” 
“And if I did? What are you gonna do about it?” You laugh a little and lean into his face. 
“My lips are a little chapped if you don’t mind.” With that you kiss him and while he’s still in shock take your chapstick back. “You know if you wanted to use it you could’ve just asked.”
Milk Tea
He unlike some others on this list would keep chapstick on him
You’re the one who steals his chapstick
He gets the same flavor every time and goes to one specific store because it’s the only one that carries that flavor
“Tobi, take me with you!” You cling to him. He rolls his eyes and shrugs a bit to get you up and walking by yourself. 
“Sure, you can come with me. Maybe you can get some of your own chapstick while you’re at it.” He teases and gives you a smile. You shove him playfully.
“Then where would be my reason to kiss you?”
“Maybe you can just kiss your boyfriend?” He raises an eyebrow at you and opens the door to the store for you. 
“Nah! It’s more fun this way.” 
He gets jealous when you do in fact find a chapstick and stop kissing him when your lips get chapped
He 100% hides the chapstick so you have to come to him again
Another one to steal your chapstick
It was a random one you had in your bag so you just gave it to him from your stash
Definitely only uses cake flavors now because it reminds him of you
Hinata looked around everywhere for the small tube of vanilla cake chapstick you had given him. He was upset that he couldn’t find it. Where was it? He looked everywhere before he gave up. He was sulking on the couch when you returned home. “Y/N, I’m sorry.” He sniffles.
You rush over to him and sit down in front of him. “Oh, Sho, what’s wrong?” You cup his face.
“I lost the chapstick you gave me.” You start laughing. 
“Is that it?” You smile and rummage through your bag before pulling out another chapstick. “I have more, you know.” You hand the chapstick to him. Birthday Cake. 
You noticed he liked the cake flavors so you kept a stash with you at all times incase he happened to lose another one
He found the chapstick he lost the next week, turns out he left it at practice
When you lose your chapstick though he’s there proudly offering the one you gave to him
Hot Coco
Got it on a whim
Now during Christmas time he stocks up because you told him you liked how his lips tasted once
This doesn’t mean he doesn’t like playing tricks on you though
Remember that trend where people were kissing their partners with lip plumper? Yeah he 100% did that to you
Makki smiled as his plan was coming together. You were going to come home any minute and he was the picture of a doting boyfriend. Sitting on the couch waiting patiently for you to return so you could give him a kiss. 
When you do finally walk through the door you smile and rush to your boyfriend. He’ll never get over how your face lights up when you see him. It’s probably one of his favorite things, that he can make you happy just by being there. You immediately go down to kiss him. After a few minutes though your lips start tingling. Your eyes narrow at him. “Makki. Did you put lip plumper on?”
“Are my kisses that electric to you honey?” He says with a shit eating grin on his face. Well, that answers that question. 
It’s okay though, you get back at him 
You two keep each other on your toes but there’s no denying that when you kiss him and taste hot coco you fall in love all over again
A traditional man
Not against changing flavors if you give it to him though
He always has one on him, a habit he picked up from Oikawa
Definitely teases you though when you first kissed him and recoiled because you weren’t expecting mint
You had finally worked up enough nerve to kiss Iwaizumi. You lean in slowly but once your lips touch you jump back. Your lips tingle and you’re not sure why. Iwaizumi starts laughing though. “My lips are so tingly!” You whisper-yell and put your hand over your mouth. It’s then that you notice the smell of mint. “Hajime! How could you,” you push him back a little. 
“Sorry my love! I didn’t know you would react like that!” This time though you’re prepared when he kisses you again. The tingling of the mint fades away quickly and it’s replaced by the warmth of his lips
As a result his kisses are cold and then warm
You learn to love the cold and find it refreshing, especially if he’s coming back from his morning run and you need a kiss to wake you up
Pair that with his mint toothpaste and you’ve got a recipe to wake you up and get ready for the day
Blueberry Poptart
He tries to find the weirdest flavors he can
He just also really likes the Blueberry Poptart flavor though so it’s the one he always comes back to
It’s a hard flavor to find but he thinks it’s worth it for the smile you make when you notice the flavor
Chapstick game with his collection
Mattsun thought with his collection of wacky flavors it would be fun to play the chapstick game. A good excuse to kiss you as much as he wanted to without any other reason. Of course you agreed so here the two of you were, sitting on your bed with chapstick splayed out on the blanket. 
“So, do you want to go first?” You ask as you look at all the options. Mattsun smiles and nods. 
“Yeah, sure. Close your eyes though. No cheating.” He could care less about if you cheated or not. He just wanted to kiss you for hours. Hence why he brought out his full collection of 60 different flavors. You were going to be here for a while.
It was the chapstick you were wearing on your first date when he kissed you (That’s why he comes back to it) 
You two also definitely play the chapstick game again whenever either of you want to kiss each other without a good reason
Another simple man
He just wants his lips to be hydrated
Enjoys your smile when you kiss him and realize it’s cherry though
There’s nothing sentimental about it you just like the taste of cherry chapstick
Your first kiss wasn’t anything spectacular. The both of you were nervous but weren’t sure why. The two of you had kissed other people before so why was it so nerve wracking this time? Sakusa is the one who gets his head together first and cups your face. He pulls down his mask and smiles softly at you. “Are you ready?”
You nod your head with a shaky smile. Both of you lean in and it’s a very nice kiss. It’s gentle and you’re not sure why you were so worried before. The both of you pull away with a smile. “That wasn’t so scary. We were just being silly. Also, the cherry is nice. I like it.” You say and lean back in for another. He lets out a small chuckle and leans back in too. 
Will only try a new chapstick if you’re the one wearing it
If he really wants to try it he’ll give you a quick kiss before standing back up and acting like nothing happened
Another weird chapstick connoisseur 
He just really likes Fanta so he keeps some on him wherever he goes
He has at least 6 of them at a time; One in his gym bag, school bag, pants pocket, jacket pocket, one at home on the counter, and one on the bedside table
Also on that enjoys the shocked look on your face
He had only just started carrying around chapstick after he learned your lips could get sunburnt. Needless to say when you kissed him goodbye that morning Fanta was certainly not what you were expecting to taste. He just stands there smirking as you lick your lips confused. “Is that…Fanta? Do you have Fanta chapstick?” 
“Guilty as charged.” He says and leans against the door frame. “Want another one?” You roll your eyes but pull him into another kiss. 
“Not what I was expecting but it’s not bad.” 
Switches it up with other soda flavors
Loves surprising you but that doesn’t mean you can’t surprise him too
You find a Pepper chapstick and rewrap it so it looks like the Fanta one
Payback for all the times he’s pranked you
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I hope you guys enjoyed! Once again an impulse post 💀 let me know if you want a part two with different characters!!! <3
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karenjacksons · 2 years
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Rene Naufahu and Barnie Duncan behind the scenes of SPD
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cherrymoonvol6 · 1 year
some thoughts on the owl house
disclaimer: during my watchtime, the following things happened:
i was drunk (not enough to not remember anything, but enough to maybe not remember everything correctly)
i was tired/sluggish
my internet sucked (so some episodes i had to watch through almost unbearable stuttering, and i skipped one altogether [the body swap one in S1])
but none of these things happened for ALL episodes, and the further i watched the more invested i was. also, this will cover every episode up to the latest one released (for the future). so here it is. Some Thoughts about the owl house incoming:
OVERALL: after going through the first few episodes, i somehow ended up getting reminded of undertale. but maybe not for the reasons you might think: yknow, two stories involving a human accidentally breaching into a world full of magic and fantastical creatures, with no easy way of getting out. but it wasn't for those structural reasons, and more like the fact that TOH seems to be a deconstruction of the tropes it's presenting, just like undertale deconstructs the usual RPG and plays with its tropes to tell its story.
i find this change refreshing because even if it's not a new idea, i like that the fish out of water has such high expectations for what she'll experience in this new world. and i was surprised when they kept that angle as the show went on: i was yet again reminded of toby fox when luz is presented as a writer (yknow, giving the protagonist a trait/skill of their creator, just like how kris plays the piano in deltarune). there are a lot of aspects about it that are very thought provoking and greatly enhance the experience.
another thing is that i was pleasantly surprised to see that not only the show was willing to put through its complicated world and make it central in the story, but also that almost every thing introduced in the show wound up being important and building the bigger picture. like, the last stretch of the second season was just crazy to watch, and i was amazed and so, so happy that the show took its time to get there in the end. i see the hype and i agree, basically.
that’s not to say i don’t have my issues with some things. what i don’t think i will be going over in the sections below i’ll say here: i think the show is decidedly unsubtle. not necessarily a bad thing, but it ruins the potential of certain moments. there’s stuff that i like, some examples being: the light glyph being integral to luz’s presence in the show (since luz means light in spanish); how amity has brown hair just like her dad yet is dyed green to match her mom’s; hunter’s name; the owl beast appearing in eda’s dreams; uhhhh that’s all i can name off the top of my head. i think in some cases the messages are delivered clumsily due to the lack of subtlety, but i also think the show gets better about that as it goes along - i consider it a S1 problem, mostly.
there’s also the elephant in the room about the show being shortened for reasons we don’t know about in the slightest. man, fuck disney lol. below, there’s a lot of places in which i would’ve wanted to say certain thing needed more time to develop or other things feel rushed/incompleted and i’ve omitted most of them because i understand this is a limitations the writers weren’t aware of and had to restructure the whole final season of the show into three 45 minute episodes. i therefore offer my sympathy and won’t criticize the show for that. i’m sure a lot of people have talked about those things (the break-neck pacing of some plot-lines and other stuff being introduced in a not-so-seamless way), so you won’t need me to repeat what you people already know.
even with all of those things in mind (and the criticisms that you’ll find in the rest of this post) i loved the owl house and i’m very happy i took my time to watch it. i’m not really the kind of person to watch movies and shows very candidly - in fact, the first time i decided i would watch TOH i was drunk and just forced myself into it. i am pleased to have done it because this is a great show and i wish i could’ve grown up watching something like this - esp considering the main character is a bisexual latina girl of color, just like me. i hope further shows in kid and tween channels follow this standard and all in all i love it enough to feel very invested in these characters and the major plot beats of the story.
LUZ: i really like luz!!! i just think hopeless optimistics that are actually hiding a lot of guilt and trauma are incredibly compelling characters and a lot is done with it in the show. i love her design and her quirks and how the show recognizes and uses them: one of my favorite moments in the show is that one part in escaping expulsion where amity asks the abomination butler who took her spot, and when the abomination turns around you can see the kitty face luz molded on him and that’s it. no need to say her name or anything, amity (and us, the viewers) immediately know it’s luz. gah! what a great moment.
i also love the way the show slowly reveals luz’s insecurities and hardships. she’s just so layered and you get to see every part. luz’s revelation in FTF is also something that resonates so intimately with my own problems and i get teary eyed just thinking about how well-setup that moment is and how it’s allowed such a big space in the episode. if you allow me to go on a little tangent, i find it fantastic how much they did with camila in such little time. it’s so great that we’re allowed to peak into her world and see how she never felt anything was wrong with luz, but instead of leaving it at that (she’s redeemed now you guys :D), they make camila recognize her mistake in such an honest and heartfelt way that directly impacts with luz’s narrative journey through all seasons in TOH. it treats both characters in such a humanly way… gah, it’s fantastic.
however, i'll say that my favorite dynamic in the show is probably luz and eda. i just love that since the very beginning they were both pushing at each other’s mindsets, and challenged each other in ways that allowed them to question their worldviews and change. there’s also the way eda ties into luz’s revelation that she just wants to be understood: i believe they both agreed to stay together because freaks stick together, making it so that eda and luz’s connection is so special because eda allows luz to feel understood. but yeah, i don’t wanna list examples because i feel like if i start i’ll never finish - source: trust me bro, yknow how it is. they’re fantastic characters already but they add so much to each other through their relationship.
EDA: honestly, there’s not really that much i can say about her. eda already ties in the fantasy trope deconstruction by being presented as this bad bitch channeling some manic pixie dream girl stuff - and just like luz, the show takes its time to deepen her character and make her a lot more complex. i don’t think it succeeds in every part (i go in more detail while talking about raine) but they get almost everything right and that’s enough for me. she’s at her best when she’s interacting with luz but also she has such great dynamics with every other character that pops up (although maybe i wasn’t the biggest fan of her interactions with lilith at the beginning, but it gets better and then it gets good).
HOOTY: i love him to death. what a little bastard. god won’t let him die.
KING: i am mixed on king, though considering everything i do have a positive stance on him. i don’t really like the trope of animal-type characters behaving like dogs [toothless from HTTYD the movie and the horse from disney’s rapunzel come to mind], and while king’s character gets more complex as the show progresses, that doesn’t really ever go away. the kid antics don’t help either. however, the S2 episode where king takes everyone to his “land” was an instant favorite - even midway through my first viewing, i knew i would love it. king’s tragic backstory def comes as a surprise and the show really capitalizes on that, and i love how plot relevant he becomes out of nowhere. i loved him in FTF and i’m very pleased with the direction his character took in S3.
AMITY: boy, does disney love their rich mean girls with overbearing parent(s). well i'm just not so invested, personally. i perked up for a bit in certain episodes, because it seemed like the show was bringing back its deconstruction of fantasy world tropes/characters when they equated hecate with amity. like, luz being motivated to befriend her because azura did so with the mean girl in her world? that's VERY interesting. and you don't know the squeal that i let out when luz starts crushing on amity, JUST because she pseudo-cosplays a powerful witch!!! and this sort of continues as luz builds an image of amity in her head that is not that accurate to her actual persona - and how that is presented as an obstacle for them getting together, culminating in the point where amity outright says that she’s not as cool as luz thinks. for a moment, i was enthralled waiting for the show to do anything with it. but sadly, after the initial hype, their relationship becomes a recycled jumble of miraculous ladybug-esque blushing interactions (and thank god it wasn't for THAT long), and then luz's secrets and amity's fear of not being good enough.
i guess my problem is that there's nothing that being together really adds to their characters, and their dynamic isn't that interesting otherwise. once amity rekindles her friendship with willow and enters luz's friend group, that's most of it resolved. the conflicts that arise in their relationship are way more personal and i believe they're dealt better with other characters (luz's guilt with eda, and amity's insecurities with alador and her sibs). i don't think their dynamic is bad per se (for example, i loved that they brought back amity's fear of rejection in the hooty episode, it's a really effective heart-wrenching moment), but maybe some conflict in their get-together through amity's mom could've been a good way of dealing with that problem in a way that doesn't feel that divorced from the main story (especially since amity’s mom has minimal screen time in the show) while also keeping their relationship plot-relevant. but honestly, i don't blame canon for not giving me a ship i can really enjoy. i'm extremely hard to please.
it also seems like the show kinda forgets about amity’s privileged status once she stops being a bully. in fact, it makes it seem like she’s actually just as powerless as the other kids in the main group, especially through odalia. i would’ve loved to see those aspects impact not only her presence in the group but her relationship with luz, too, because IMO it would never be anything other than interesting and it would add a lot to her character. however, i am led to think that this is less of an aspect that couldn’t fit in the story due time restraints and more of a thing that the writers genuinely think amity is in a good spot re: her character development, which is something i talk about more in the willow section. and speaking of willow...
WILLOW: i like good-natured characters who are good just for the sake of being good. therefore, i like willow, but i like her in the way that i think she’s a great addition to the cast and she has fun dynamics with both luz and gus. however, just on her own, willow is kinda meh.
i enjoyed the bullying (you know, as a narrative tool) for like four seconds when luz said [gasp] witch drama!!! and then never again. like, i don’t think whatever the show is trying to say with the “half-a-witch willow” is ever done good. and for how many jabs this show throws against harry potter, is astounding how similar the half-a-witch and muggle terms are. i would even say the half-a-witch thing is worse because i don’t even understand what “half-a-witch” is supposed to mean. the child of a witch and a demon? being less powerful than a “regular” witch? if the show ever explained it, it did it once and quick enough that it never stayed on my memory. moreover, if the half-a-witch thing is meant to point at willow being neurodivergent, then it makes the development of that plotpoint a lot clunkier.
the show then makes the argument that the “half-a-witch” claim is untrue because willow is actually a really powerful witch, and i am yet again reminded of hermione and how hp butchered the point of the “muggle” bullying. this is something that greatly infuriated me in the episode where willow is trying to prove to amity that she can take care of herself, because the problem isn’t that amity just needs to see how powerful willow is: the point is that anyone could be in willow’s place, and amity would be just as condescending. therefore, the solution isn’t to make amity realize that this particular person is strong enough to protect herself. it should be that amity shouldn’t be treating anyone like this in the first place! yet because willow = hermione, the argument is that willow shouldn’t be bullied/looked-down upon because she’s very strong, actually, just like hermione shouldn’t feel bad about being called a “muggle” because she’s smarter than some full-blood wizards (or whatever the term is). this misunderstanding of bullying is something that i hate because, as someone who was bullied in school, the knowledge that i was “superior” to those bullying me never made my situation better. however, that’s exactly how it happens for willow: boscha’s team bonds with her for being such a cool not-quidditch player (i’m sorry, i genuinely cannot remember the name of the sport lol), people in the school come around willow because suddenly they notice she’s Cool, and amity stops belittling her because willow is really cool, guys. you’ll notice i have a real grudge against the amity/willow plotline because it annoys me that the resolution is that amity will make an exception for one (1) person, when it should’ve been a moment of growth in the sense that she’s straying away from the way her mom raised her and actually seeing value in each person around her, instead of just considering willow part of the elite comparable to people like her (powerful witches).
[let me say, though, that i do like that willow’s self-confidence grows due to the influence of her friends, because that’s something they got right and it doesn’t feel right to not acknowledge it too.]
anyways, it’s a missed opportunity that not only would’ve been a great character moment for both girls, but also would’ve re-established amity and willow’s friendship in a genuine and pointed way. i’ve seen that a lot of people don’t think amity was truly redeemed for the years in which she bullied and belittled willow, but i do think that the moment where amity turns her back to boscha and joins willow’s non-quidditch team out of her own volition was a great narrative beat to determine that she was genuinely on her side, and to me, that was enough. however, it’s unrealistic to think that their dynamic would be smooth sailing from that point onwards, and i was pleased to see that the show recognized that and made it a plotline in a future episode. however, as i said, it was an instance where they correctly identified the problem, but the resolution was not good. okay, that’s enough of amity, going back to willow…
for how much criticism i have for the whole “half-a-witch” stuff, i think willow’s character gets so much more in FTF, and it’s one of the reasons why i think it’s such a great episode. i was so happy when they brought back the fact that willow’s emotional turmoil is tied very closely to her witch plant powers, since it served as a plot device to make luz and willow meet but was ignored for the rest of the show. i cannot even be too mad that it came so late because it was very well done IMO. i really love when media explores the stories of characters that are put into certain roles and aware of it: an immediate example is luz, actually, since she’s so aware that she’s the protagonist of the story (and again, it’s how the show pokes fun at or subverts some fantasy tropes), but skam españa season 2 does that with cris, making a point to give a full season to the character that is the “funny party girl” in her friend group (REALLY great season, please everyone go watch skam españa). in this case, willow is the mom friend that is crumbling under the pressure of being there for her friends while also dealing with her own trauma for her own situation. i also really like that is hunter who reaches out first, because it’s also a great character moment for him. this was a thing the show understood perfectly and developed beautifully in an episode filled with people coming to terms with their own mistakes, all while trying to be there for their loved ones (luz obviously, camila, willow and hunter as the main ones). it’s a shame that it comes so late in the show because that would’ve immensely helped in making me like willow’s character in the beginning and middle of the show. half-a-witch willow, more like half-a-character willow amirite [gets booed off the stage].
GUS: i think gus is a perfectly balanced character and i like him a lot. he’s just very endearing and charming, but also has some depth in him that make for very compelling scenes - the one where hunter and gus bond for the first time comes to mind. i also adore that the main trio (luz, willow and gus) are all witches who are constantly put in situations where they feel like they must prove themselves to everyone else, as well as that happening in completely different ways (luz dealing with a completely different set of magic logic since she can’t cast conventional wild magic; willow and her “half-a-witch” deal as well as her emotionally-triggered plant powers; and gus being a gifted kid living up to those standards at the same time that he deals with studying a type of magic that a lot of people find useless). it’s good for them to stick together because they can understand each other in a way the world may never be able to - and once again we’re back at luz’s FTF revelation being a main theme for a lot of the cast of characters in the show. tldr, gus Good - and even better when paired with other characters.
HUNTER: my first reaction to hunter's (real) introduction in the second season was "oh. he has a personality??" i wasn't yet aware if it was a negative or a positive thought, but it was certainly not what i was expecting. what i thought of it afterwards is that maybe this was the simpler way of setting hunter apart from all the other emperor's coven NPCs that had been introduced so far - in hindsight, that doesn’t even apply because none of the guards are shown as being a force to be reckoned with, and they’re the butt of the joke in multiple occasions. then, i realized that my puzzled reaction was because i was expecting the golden guard to be more like the winter soldier. honestly, i still can't decide if making him act like that in the beginning was the best idea. during the episode of his first official appearance (s2e2) he didn't feel like a threat at all. he just seemed a little incompetent and like he was just amused by the characters and didn't have real intentions to hurt them. i think stuff like darius' introduction works much better in that regard - we get to see how powerful and ruthless he can be, while also showing a lot of personality and being humorous. i'm just not sure what the goal was at the beginning, or that it was done all that well.
of course, because it all leads up to hunter joining the main group, it makes sense that the guy has to have a likable personality. but i have this feeling that the show is trying too hard to get the point across about hunter just being a kid, and so we get him being incompetent instead. IMO, the VA's performance and hunter's physical appearance work just fine (luz even says hunter looks like he could be a student at hexside, which i want to believe is a callback to that one scene in spiderman 2). like, i don't know. i like hunter as a character and he adds a lot to the cast, but i wish some things had been done a little better with him.
however, there are a lot of ways in which i think hunter is a fantastic character in a way that fits really well with the whole deconstruction stuff i talked about earlier. i adore that final frame in the hunting palismen episode, where hunter is looking out this tiny window in a huge tower, confined in a tiny space while his animal sidekick rests in his hands… like holy shit, hunter is literally paralleled to rapunzel, a damsel in distress if you will. i genuinely love those moments and i eat them up every single time lol. there’s other stuff like hunter flinching when belos leans in to flick his hair out of his face: it’s such an effective storytelling tool in a short gesture. like, their relationship is absolutely clear from that gesture alone: how dismissive belos is of hunter’s feelings and worries, how he won’t think twice about humiliating him like that, and how hunter genuinely fears belos - as well as hints that he might have been physically abused by his uncle at some point. in that same line of thought, i like how that is followed through in FTF (i have a real boner for this episode i know) because of course hunter doesn’t know how to deal with that sort of grief. everything that happened in thanks to them is so incredibly fucked up for him and he’s just stuck in the anger stage, unable to move forward because he doesn’t know how. he devolves into such a practical view of the issue (this is all belos’ fault → we must find him and kill him) and it makes so much sense once you think about all the times his feelings were dismissed by his only parental figure (it even happened during thanks to them when hunter keeps writing off his suspicions as “paranoia” and apologizes for it to luz). and like, ugh, the way it comes back around when he helps willow out of her own spiral of grief, in the same way he projected his feelings on both amity and gus in S2. i just love that he’s so determined to be there for other people and how those are the first instances in which he allows himself to open up to others: by helping his friends when he sees them struggling. it’s such an effective way to communicate how loving and compassionate hunter truly is. like, i love how genuinely pained he sounds when he tells willow to never call herself “half-a-witch” again, unable to even repeat the term to her face. he’s such a good boy. i am holding him gently in my hands.
speaking of willow... i’ll guess you’ll notice that in the willow section i didn’t mention at all the romantic nudges towards hunter, and it’s because of two reasons. 1) i will talk about that Here and 2) hunter does nothing for willow as a romantic partner.
so yeah, as you could tell, not the biggest fan of their romance. i am partial to hunter crushing on willow because i think it does something for hunter: it allows him to have teenager experiences that he’s missing out on as the golden guard, and it further humanizes him compared to belos. to me, the problem is that the moment hunter crushes on willow, their get-together in canon is inevitable because of fucking course lol. furthermore, willow is easily the person who hangs out with hunter the least, and while he gets to have very defined dynamics with luz, gus and even amity in that one episode, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t interact with willow in any meaningful way besides getting paired with her on fight scenes. in fact, the only point in which they have a meaningful connection is in FTF, literally the second to last episode of the show. and it baffles me that the moment is decidedly non-romantic/found-family esque with gus being included in the resolution (not even as a third wheel: he's integral to it), only for the show to be like “mwahaha! get baited idiot” and have willow blush at hunter for no absolutely fucking reason (and hunter’s reaction is also decidedly not romantic either: he breaks down crying at willow’s words, as a parallel to the aforementioned platonic resolution from earlier). see, for all the problems i have with lumity and raeda, they have chemistry and reasons to be into each other, but i cannot say any of that for huntlow.
this gets worse when i think about the roles of everyone in the main group, and how hunter and gus’ brotherly moments don’t feel forced despite gus being the only one who can fill the role of “young sibling” in the main group, whereas it’s so obvious that hunter is crushing on willow because everyone else is either taken or not age appropriate. and you know, that doesn’t have to be a problem, that’s my point. again, it baffles me that hunter and willow meet halfway through season 2b, yet after that episode they barely exchange lines (i am struggling to remember if they even talk to each other), and the only indication of the romantic endgame is that hunter keeps blushing at her while willow is extremely oblivious and seems to do things out of her own goals of being a good witch and person, and not because she wants to connect with hunter. thanks to them also makes a point of having drawn out moments building on hunter’s relationships with luz and gus, and like… why leave willow out of them when being together is a point in the near future? like, this relationship definitely feels the most carelessly put-together, as there is NO narrative justification at all of why willow would suddenly fall for hunter - again, from a character resolution focused on willow learning to be vulnerable in front of her friends.
to me, the easiest fix to all of this is to have hunter crush on luz instead. hold on, let me cook. that way, we still have the point of hunter experiencing teenager stuff like crushing on people, yet we make sure that it doesn’t happen because luz is already taken and so instead hunter will eventually get over his crush while still caring for luz as a friend, and we avoid a pointless love triangle too. that can also tie with the main plot as luz is a direct parallel to evelyn (as hunter’s first real connection to wild magic, like evelyn was for caleb), yet the show can subvert that trope expectation of hunter and luz becoming lovers by recognizing that they’re both teenagers and hunter gets to have a life outside a romantic connection, going back to TOH being a deconstruction of fantasy tropes, yadda yadda.
also! i was surprised to see so many people disliking the fact that flapjack dies. i’ll say i digress. flapjack’s life being in danger works as a way to up the stakes in the fight, and i also consider it a poignant nod to flapjack being a symbol of evelyn and caleb’s romance and his “betrayal” to phillip - that, with the added bonus that belos feasts on palismen, makes flapjack’s death almost inevitable. i don’t know how i feel about hunter acquiring flapjack’s powers, though. on one hand, i like that evelyn and caleb’s love is surviving through belos’ failed plan to take revenge on their actions inheriting the palisman’s power: the fact that it manifests physically is a huge fuck you to belos and important to the narrative. on the other hand, i liked that hunter joined the league of “powerless” witches along with eda, lilith and luz - and i thought that was the direction they were going with when hunter uses luz’s glyphs in the belos’ brain episode. the whole glyph stuff mixes well with the story of caleb and evelyn, too, because hunter gets access to a kind of magic that he can make use of (unlike regular wild magic), and i also like the fact that he’d be using the same kind of magic his uncle found about first and used for his evil deeds, this time in the hands of his grimwalker nephew who will use it for belos’ downfall. but i guess hunter can get back his super-speed/teleportation stuff since it’s already part of his fighting style, sigh.
BELOS: uhhh good antagonist. great character. love whoever his VA is. very compelling. great foil to both luz and hunter. “twist villain” done right. not a lot to say tbh tho.
LILITH: first of all, love her design - and love how she stops dyeing her hair during FTF and we can finally see her natural hair color: it's a more effective way to show how far she's grown while also not hammering that fact to the viewer over and over again (cough cough amity). however, she suffers from the same problems most of the coven antagonists do, which is that she's hardly presented as a fearful contender and they're the butt of many jokes. it's not as bad as hunter but it's not as great as darius: she's clearly a force to be reckoned with, but whereas darius becoming a key player in eda's team is something i genuinely didn't see coming, the fact that eda and lilith have this bickering dynamic since the very start made it hard for me to envision her being a real threat. i liked her inclusion in the s1 dynamic, and her sharing eda's curse it's an effective narrative beat to apologize for her misdeeds and genuinely stick to eda's side. likewise, i like that her decision actually has consequences: she can't use magic again, she experiences a lot of side effects, etc. i also really appreciate that she's the only character who genuinely likes hooty because same. her dynamic with hooty is very lovely and became one of my favorites in the show, to my own surprise. 
RAINE: personality wise raine reminded me a lot of willow, and i almost wanna say that their character was way more well-executed than willow’s. i’ve always been a sucker for characters who are naturally good and kind to others, without being twist-villains, and raine is no exception, but they’re also a key player in the plot near the end of S2 in a way willow really isn’t, besides just being luz’s friend.
honestly my biggest disappointment with raine is their relationship with eda. it has all the right ingredients: people who loved each other sincerely back in a simpler time, now finding each other again while they’re on opposite sides of the narrative conflict. as well as them being torn apart by their character flaws (in this case, the responsibility falls mostly on eda but still works). but man, the fact that they just meet again and they immediately fall back in this easy-going dynamic… what’s the point of all that backstory, then? it’s weird that raine seems to hold no grudges against eda for what she did all those years ago. it makes me wonder why they haven't interacted with each other at any other point, since they don’t really hold any animosity towards the other. i would’ve LOVED if they capitalized on their backstory to make them resentful to each other. off the top of my head: have eda resent raine for joining the coven and climbing to the top, maybe have her believe that they’re doing it just to spite her. or have raine be mad at eda for being so irresponsible and nonchalant about it, and show them being conflicted about their love for her and their duties while they work for the emperor. i also don’t like how the show just doesn't allow any kind of conflict to linger between them. like, there’s this part where raine finds out eda has a family, giving space to make them go through some feelings of betrayal and jealousy, or maybe mourn the life they could’ve had together, but it’s such a non-moment and nothing comes of it. i thought i would love their dynamic, but it’s pretty half-baked. still i like raine as a character. after hunter’s introduction not fulfilling my winter soldier expectations, i didn’t know if to give the brainwashed plotline to raine would work. i was pleasantly surprised when raine turns out to be faking their submissiveness, as it shows how smart and resourceful they are, and i like how that capitalizes off their non-threatening appearance.
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papyrusgayfont · 2 years
* it’s Deltarune’s 4th anniversary! I have nothing to offer except for this bad prediction for chapter 4 lol, this post will be kinda long but oh well
* ok so awhile ago I made a prediction about what chapter 4 could be about that’s all based around Sans saying we could maybe see his brother in 2 years, and just me believing that the next 3 chapters could come out next year
* so I was kind of imagining how chapter 4 would play out, since, if the status update image names are anything to go by, we’ll get to hang out in Hometown for a bit, probably for longer than we get to in chapters 1 and 2. However, I still feel like there’s gonna be some dark world stuff (aside from going to the castle town) in the chapter, so here’s my prediction:
* I’ve imagined the ending of chapter 3 to be that, once the fountain is sealed, Kris and Susie wake up before Toriel and Undyne do (or, in Undyne’s case, she’s just dead, but either way), and Kris collects everything that became a darkner and leaves with Susie to take them to the Castle Town, and that’s where chapter 3 ends.
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* chapter 4 would start with Susie saying that, after the night they went through, they should just get to hang out for a bit, take a (small) break from the dark world shit, and so they do, and there’s a number of things that you need to do, like go to the diner, check if Onionsan is back from their investigation, maybe go see Noelle, who knows. And after that’s all done, we go to the Castle Town to deliver everyone. We do whatever we can do there, go see Queen’s Room, so more challenges in the dojo, and we see the characters that were performing starting in the one gif start to set up their show, saying that we should come back later to hear them play, and so you leave
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* once you leave, the game will tell you to check your phone, and there’ll be a voice message from Sans. He would start the message in the same way he starts his phone calls in the neutral endings in Undertale, because funny reference, and he’ll tell Kris that they can finally hang out with his brother, and that Susie is also invited, because it would be great if his brother could make even more friends, and that they can come over to their house. Kris and Susie get to the house, they open the door, and oh hey it’s a dark world. And obviously they jump in, why wouldn’t they. And so we start exploring the new territory, and at however many minutes it is until Berdly’s dark world introduction in chapter 2, that’s when Papyrus enters. And then we eventually meet up with Sans later, who’s just become a hotdog salesman or smth idk.
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* all of the normal dark world shit happens, Sans’ pet rock is the secret boss, or the dinosaurs on the box of oatmeal with dinosaur eggs are the secret boss, who knows, maybe there could be something with the dog shrine, and then we wake up in Sans and Papyrus’ house.
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* what’s interesting is that there would more stuff in then house than the house in Undertale, but once Kris takes all the things that they need to take back to the castle town, the house would just be left with the things the Undertale house had. This could explain why their house is kinda empty and barren (barring their rooms, there’s barely anything in their house, nothing decorating their walls, they could just not be materialistic, but, who knows, I’m not Toby Fox lol)
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* so uh yeah we take everything back to the dark world, we get to listen to the performance from the status update, and once we get out of the dark world it’s raining, we see the get dancing to his heart’s content outside of the police station, you so see Onionsan, who’s back from their investigation about the song from the sea, and Kris and Susie decide to go check up on Toriel and see how she’s doing after all of the dark world stuff, and yeah that’s really all I’ve thought of lol. Perhaps at the end, after the credits, there could be a cutscene of Sans drawing the “don’t forget” picture in his workshop, and the reason he draws it is because he wants to remember the people who became Papyrus’s first friends? Or hell, maybe we see how Sans and Papyrus ended up in the Undertale world as the post credits scene who knows.
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* since none of this is actually gonna happen in the game (obviously), I’m just kind of setting myself up for disappointment lmao, but oh well lol, I have fun theorizing and predicting so who cares
* I think I just really wanna see Papyrus lol (and Mettaton, and Mad Mew Mew, and just a lot of the Undertale characters we haven’t seen in Deltarune yet lol)
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
Sometimes I see the theory that Dess was a human.
I... guess it’s not impossible? But we know so incredibly little about Dess that I’m really, really hesitant to say it’s very likely, either. The theory seems to be based entirely off of ‘Sans said ‘the antlered girl and her big sis!’ This implies the big sister may not have had antlers! Humans don’t have antlers! Maybe Dess is human!’ 
But... dogs, rabbits, bears, and cats don’t have antlers either. All of those kinds of monsters live in Snowdin. By this logic, maybe C Holiday and Dess Holiday were cat monsters, or dog monsters, or even squid monsters. It feels like claiming everything with four legs must be a chair, when tables exist. 
It also feels really, really weird for a hint about Dess being ‘human’... to come from Undertale. Y’know. The game where all monsters have a far more important and pressing reason to take notice of humans than in Deltarune. It could be that Toby was trying to avoid spoilers but... it begs some pretty major questions about ‘how the hell did the Holiday family manage to hide A HUMAN so completely for an indeterminate period of time’??? Or what happened to her soul if they didn’t manage it?? I feel like things between Rudy and Asgore would be a LOT more awkward than ‘wistful regrets and nostalgia’ if Dess were indeed a human. (Unless we’re using No Mercy to present Asgore as being completely clueless in this theory) 
It just seems really early to call it either way. 
...On a tangentially related note. It’s always interesting how fandom takes a bunch of really little clues about a character and extrapolates a more complete picture from it, which may or may not completely be accurate. Gaster being a skeleton and possibly the skelebros’ dad due to speaking in Wingdings and having some connections to Sans and Papyrus. Chara being portrayed as a vicious serial killer even before No Mercy, because that’s the only context in which we talk to them face to face. Sweet widdle angel Asriel who can do no wrong because he tried talking about Flowey as a different person from him. Dess being the cool and sporty tomboy type, because Noelle mentioned she hit Kris with a wiffle ball once. I wonder how accurate the fandom’s portrayal of Dess will really turn out to be? 
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Starring Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Karen Allen, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Ethann Isidore, Mads Mikkelsen, Shaunette Renée Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Olivier Richters, Mark Killeen, Martin McDougall, Alaa Safi, Francis Chapman, Alfonso Rosario Mandia, Chase Brown, Nasser Memarzia and Anna Francolini.
Screenplay by Jez Butterworth & John-Henry Butterworth and David Koepp and James Mangold.
Directed by James Mangold.
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. 154 minutes. Rated PG-13.
“It’s not the years, honey. It’s the mileage.”
A badly beaten-up Indiana Jones said that line to his love Marian Ravenwood on a steamer ship trying to escape the Nazis in the classic film Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first (and still by far the best) of the Indiana Jones adventures. Well, it’s been 42 years, four films and countless miles since then, and now for Indiana Jones it’s both the years and the mileage. After all Harrison Ford is 80 years old now. Can he still wear the fedora and the bullwhip and the mantle of action hero?
Particularly in the first film of the series which was not helmed by Steven Spielberg? (Spielberg and co-creator George Lucas are still on board as Executive Producers but had little to do with the actual filming of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.)
The answer to that question is – sort of. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is another one of the marginally good Indy sequels, holding a certain fun nostalgia before completely losing the plot with a ridiculous ending.
Dial of Destiny alternately feels like it’s trying too hard and yet not hard enough. It has a fascinating subtext – Indiana Jones reaching retirement age – that it touches upon but does not really explore in any depth. (Other than occasional jokes about aching bones, Indy still seems to be pretty functional as a superhero character.)
So, if you’re just going to glancingly look at the mortality of the character, is there any reason to bring him back 15 years after the last unsuccessful reboot Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? (Shia LeBeouf’s character from that film, Indy’s son who was teased as a new series hero before that film was a bit of a misfire – is explained away in this film pretty conclusively.)
Maybe not, but Harrison Ford still has a certain craggy charm in the character, and it’s always good to see him. And if Dial of Destiny is trying too hard – way too hard, honestly – to unsuccessfully recreate the magic of the first Raiders film, it still has enough fun (if slightly overcooked) action sequences and enough of a nostalgic rush to make it mostly worth seeing.
Not that you haven’t mostly seen it all before.
Now, this is not really Dial of Destiny’s fault, and yet it does show some of the lack of imagination going on here. By sheer coincidence, the night before I saw Dial of Destiny, I saw an advance screening of Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One and it turns out that three of the action sequences in Dial of Destiny were dead ringers for action sequences done in Dead Reckoning. For the record, these were a knife fight on top of a train, a car chase which includes both cars driving down long city staircases and another car chase in which the hero is stuck driving a beat-up older Citroen. And honestly, the sequences were managed better in Mission: Impossible.
Now, granted, none of those set pieces are all that unique in action films (although the specific quirk of both using a vintage Citroen as the car for a chase scene is kind of surprising), but is that ubiquity really a selling point for the movie?
Dial of Destiny mostly takes place in the late 1960s – with some flashbacks to WWII with Ford de-aged by CGI to play his younger self. (In general, the de-aging process is not quite as disorienting and unrealistic as it has been in previous attempts, but you can still see the CGI periodically, particularly in the action sequences.)
Also, unlike the previous films, the artifact which is being searched for is not a religious artifact, it is a scientific one – a mysterious dial created by ancient mathematician Archimedes which may be able to facilitate time travel.
Indy and his old ally Basil Shaw (Toby Jones) first ran across half of the dial (Archimedes apparently disassembled the device, realizing it was too dangerous for humanity) during WWII. Shaw spent the rest of his life obsessively searching for the other half.
Years later, long after Shaw’s death and Indy’s moving on, Shaw’s daughter Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) tracks down Indy in search of the dial. Indy agrees to help her for his friend’s sake, but it turns out that Helena is much more duplicitous than Indy imagined, and soon there are Nazis and government officials hot on their trail as they try to track down the artifact.
Thus begins the globe-trotting adventure which imitates and even ramps up the constant motion of the original without quite recapturing the magic. Also, is it my imagination, or is Indy a bit more gratuitously violent in this film? In Raiders he was resigned to violence only as a last resort…
Original film cast members Jonathan Rhys-Davies and Karen Allen (as Sallah and Marion) show up for brief, nostalgic cameos, although neither is given all that much to do. Still, it’s great to see them. And Allen does get a nice opportunity to do a rueful echo of the classic Raiders scene quoted at the top of this review.
There is no real reason for Dial of Destiny to exist, but for the most part it was fun to see Indiana Jones one last time.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: June 30, 2023.
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More scenarios/episodes using dumb tropes:
A festival, party, or holiday from Egyxos that Leo has to participate in because of his status.
Toby and Juliet are kidnaped and Leo goes actually nuts and even the Golden Army are scared of what big brother Leo is capable of doing.
For some reason, I want a story where a magic shenanigan happens and Kefer or the whole Golden Army become humans and lose their powers, so that means that Leo must help them and teach them that being human is not so bad.
A solo Kefer and Exaton adventure!!!!!
Apis reconstructs his labyrinth and makes it more dangerous >:)
Hyksos builds a robot similar to Shu using some old scrips from Ra. This one can go both good and wrong.
A solo Horus and Bastet ep where Horus learns more of the Twilight islands. Or maybe an ep that tells us who Horus's father is??
A Kiki, Toby, and Juliet ep????
Evil clones episode! Or shadow copycats maybe??
More Jackal shapeshifters appear!
I´ll be mad until they give me my Kefer and Leo brother bounding arc!!!!
But what do you think??
Yeah! They probably have big celebrations. For example, ancient Egyptians had Opet festival dedicated to Amon-Ra. And it was big, like really big. And very important. I imagine that people of Egyxos would have a festival dedicated to Ra and his sons (pretty similarly to Opet) but Exaton is not showing up for obvious reasons, so there's Leo instead of him.
Seeing how in one episode Leo sent Anubi in knock out after the jackal man dared to show up at his home, I think that's a very realistic outcome. Maybe when he becomes so enraged the brastet of Ra is sparkling with its huge amount of energy. Imagine Leo punching mummies, throwing them left and right while his friends are standing behind him like: 😰
I feel like some of them: Hyksos, Ramses and maybe Kha will be more optimistic about living on Earth for some time. Kefer and Neith may be constantly afraid for the safety of their city. And Horus... He's just himself. Remember how he didn't want to take Leo seriously and hating on humans, I don't think he changed his mind that much. I mean, he probably respects Leo, but still think the whole humanity is a weak civilization (Leo is an exception for him now, because he's the Last Pharaoh). So it would be fun to see all those different reactions mixed up.
I picture it like they get into some kind of hurricane or vortex that throws them somewhere in a deserts. And Kefer is confused by what happened at first, but he's happy he's not alone, he doesn't mind Exaton and sees the situation as an opportunity to spend some time with his big brother, maybe talk about their incomprehension. Exaton is just himself. He's angry, refuses to listen to his brother, leaves Kefer alone, gets in trouble, goes back. And then they're trying to find their homes.
One day Apis is like: "You know what's cooler than a dangerous maze? Even more dangerous maze!" Or he's just bored and got tired of an old planning that he already knows by heart. So he starts a new project, Kefer sends him some workers and Apis also asks some of his friends to help him. But them someone gets lost, someone is trapped, very dangerous creatures escape from their cages and then disaster fun begins.
Just imagine Ra seeing a copy of Shu and panicking (tho I think Hyksos would give a robot some design changes so they aren't that similar to confuse the viewers). I wonder how he would call them? Maybe Onuris/Anhur since he was like one of Shu variations in mythology. That would be symbolic. Need to think, I don't remember all Shu alternatives only that one.
We were ripped off the Twilight Isles. They mentioned a cool new location and never showed it. I always wanted to see who lives there except Bastet and her daughter. And, yeah, Horus should be in that episode. You know why. Also speaking about Horus' father. I have an idea about that (spoilers: it's not Osiride), but it's too big to type it out here, I'll made a separate ask for that.
Sounds like secondary episode arc. Like, you know, Egyxos episode always have showing Leo's normal life. But I'd want to see more of other characters having fun, maybe getting into some adventures while Leo's fighting in Egyxos. Tho I don't have anything in mind for a plot? Maybe the twins are lost? Or maybe combine it with an idea of Exaton kidnapping Leo's siblings?
Yeah, the mirror match! But who would cause such a trouble? I imagine that episode to be like those when Kefer and Exaton work together. So there might be a new or old character who's against both of the brothers. Or Exaton's evil plot fails and everything just turns against him.
Who I have in mind: Anput or Upuat/Wepwawet. Because they're pretty popular.
Considering that Leo never had an older brother and Kefer never had a younger one that would be wholesome to see. Exaton just stays behind, because he's a bastard man.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
What if caryl end up "kind of confirmed but open ended" like it happened in other shows before (wont say which because spoilers u never know who would want to catch up with some shows !)
Like no kiss, not even a declaration maybe, but something so big that makes it clear that "they re going there". No doubt about it really, and that way they could (kind of) please antis and shippers. Antis going "this is just in ur mind pfff" and us carylers going "but THIS scene means its happening, just not on screen" and maybe if we re lucky cast and crew would confirm it and back us up.
But this way amc and co wouldnt freak out antis with a kiss (lets be honest here they are way more antis now then back in s5 after the terminus hug for example - all "thanks" to bringing zeke and connie and leah to the picture... not counting Toby here cause he never mattered- and im sure they are aware of it) and they would give us something big enough so there would be no doubt anymore really.
I dont want that, but i can totally see it happening.
And then there would still be an endless debate for the next 20 years of "they re canon" "no they re not" in the fandom because that s how fandoms work 🙄
What do u think of this possibility? Would u ve ok with it?
Again, i dont want it, though it would still be better than nothing at all. But that would be so frustrating..
I would not be okay with anything open-ended. It's cheap for one thing and it's nonsensical to deny a significant number of fans what they've been waiting years for just to appease a much smaller number of people who for one reason or another can't handle seeing these two characters kiss. It's not better than nothing at all. It's not frustrating. It's infuriating. Hard pass. Absolutely not.
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SparkleHarts AU: Twilight/Steven/Sans/Husk (2022)
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivziepop & Spindelhorse
Credit for Deltarune & Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for MLP Franchise goes to the Creator: Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
SparkleHarts AU is My Crossover AU idea.
Husk being a part of the Reincarnation, is more Fanon and Not Really Canon.
the Twilight Sparkle in this is in fact Unicorn Twilight Sparkle, before she is replaced by a Clone of herself made by Princess Celestia after the whole finishing Star Swirls The Bearded’s Spell Incident.
the Alicorn wings she has, is Ethereal Wings, like how Sunny Starscout has Ethereal Horns and Wings but is still mostly a Earth Pony, but she could be considered a Earth-Alicorn, and Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle with Ethereal Wings can be considered a Unicorn-Alicorn...
or like Demi-Alicorns, that might work better.
anyway the idea is that when The Original Twilight Sparkle dies, because of the magic that was shot at her by the Elements Of Harmony, which normally that wouldn’t be their purpose, but something could of caused them to do so.
the Twilight Sparkle we see in that Afterlife looking dimension, is possibly a clone and the moving pictures of Twilight’s Memories, are all copies from the original before her death, and Princess Celestia was using these memories to place them into the clone.
and while she was making that clone into a Alicorn (and possibly using Grogar’s Bell to do so....)
the Original Twilight Sparkle ends up Transmigrating to another world and dimension, and ends up being reincarnated as Steven Quartz Universe.
 then one of the timeline versions, who would end up having a accident where their gem and human halves become separated for too long, and causing the human half to slowly die....
ends up becoming “reborn” as Sans The Skeleton, but half of Sans’s soul that makes up some half of his humanity, ends up going through a transmigration to another world, to the age before the internet and video games, as well as before the memes.....
and that half, becomes a Human who likes gambling and when he dies he becomes Husk....
like one half of the soul stays in Undertale, but the other half goes to Hazbin Hotel.....once again it is NOT canon, this is just a Fanon Crossover AU.
like the idea with Shoko --> Finn --> Onion --> Papyrus,
like Shoko and Finn are from Adventure Time, Onion is from Steven Universe (I wasn’t talking about the Onion The Octopus from Undertale/Deltarune.) and Papyrus is from Undertale.
it would be interesting if Papyrus’s past lives were Onion, and before that, he was Finn and before that, he was Shoko.
or like the idea about Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel, being the reincarnation of Mugman, which of course is Fanon only and is more like a Fanon Crossover that isn’t canon at all.
I did do a drawing about that idea, that has Mugman look into a mirror, and the mirror’s glass is all black, but you can still see the reflection on the other side.
but instead of his normal “Mugman” reflection, in it’s place is the image of Vaggie.
the mirror is suppose to show what you will look like in your next life when you reincarnate.
we know that King from The Owl House, is seen as the Reincarnation of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, and that is possibly canon.
there is a reason why Sans in this drawing, is The Lost Soul version.
like the idea being it is The Lost Soul Version, that ends up having half of his Soul ending up transmigrated and becoming reborn in another world as Husk.
if anyone told Husk he was a Unicorn in one of his past lives,
I would imagine he would say “The F*** I Was!” before going straight for the bottle and drinking it down.     
not sure if I will work much on SparkleHarts AU, but maybe I can try a short story and post it on here.
maybe where Pinkie Pie and Pearl come to the Hazbin Hotel Universe, and try to bring Steven/Twilight home, but Husk is only one half of them and I don’t think he would be all too happy or thrilled about going with them back to one of his old past lives homes.
there can be a differences between a cleaved soul and a fragment soul,
a cleaved soul is when a fully formed soul is cleaved into two or maybe more parts possibly, and they could be seen more like “Siblings” but they end up losing their original self.
a fragment soul is when a small piece fragments off of the Full Soul, and at times will merge with another fragment soul to make someone entirely new, but anyway the fragment soul would be like the soul-child of the full soul.
and it could take time for the fragment soul to “grow and mature” over it’s soul growth cycle, possibly longer if there are certain incidents that happens during when they end up dying too young in some of their past lives and causing soul trauma...that could be possible, maybe.
anyway in the Sparkleharts AU, Husk isn’t a fragment of Twilight Sparkle/Steven/Sans, in this Fanon AU, he is like a Half-Reincarnation because one of the timeline versions of Sans, who becomes The Lost Soul-Sans, ends up having his Soul Cleaved, and while one still stays in Undertale as Sans, the other ends  up transmigrating and gets reborn as a Human Baby in Hazbin Hotel Universe (which might be in he same place as Helluva Boss) and when that half-reborn self grows older and then dies, they become Husk.
if you think about it, why would Pearl try to bring back one of the halves of her son (by adoption, some fans can still consider her the true Mom even if she didn’t create him or his pink diamond gem.) when she still has the Gem Half of Steven, maybe she could just want her Steven to be fully himself again.
I mean it is just a theory that the Steven we see in Steven Universe Future, might really be just the Gem Half who had reformed to look like his original self,  before the accident happen where Steven’s gem was forced out of his body, but because his Gem half took too long to reform, because he wanted to make his body look more human and possibly has some form of DNA of Steven’s in the gem that could let him clone a organic body....
but yeah, if the gem half takes too long to reform and or the both halves aren’t rejoined right away, at some point the human half will slowly die.
and I believe the human half is Sans, because it makes sense that if Steven’s future self is Sans, it would be the human half, and if he doesn’t have his gem, it’s because they were accidentally separated and when Gem-Steven took too long to reform, it became too late for Human-Steven, who ended up dying and would later become Sans.
I think the Human-Half would still have some of their Gem Genetics, not just merged into their organic half, but also their very soul.
like it turning out that Steven’s Soul is a fusion of two fragment souls from his Mom and Dad, while Rose could of made a new pink diamond gem to place her son’s human/gem soul into....
the soul wouldn’t just stay in the newly created third pink diamond (I like to view Rose as not the original pink diamond, and being a creation of Pink Diamond I who was the one who hurt Pink-Pearl and Spinel.)
the soul inside of the newly created pink diamond, would split into twins,
one of the souls stayed in the gem and the other half went into the human half.
the reason why Steven and Rose have memories that belong the Original Pink Diamond, some of the memories that had to do with Pink-Pearl and Spinel that were copied into Rose/Pink II, were possibly blocked out by Pink I.
but when they were no longer blocked, and Rose had accessed to her Mother’s Memories of Pink-Pearl and Spinel, it was too late to try to go back for them because travel off of Earth wasn’t possible for her or the other Crystal Gems anymore, at least not until a few centuries later.
so yeah my Fan Headcanon is that the Original Pink Diamond, is the Mother of The Pink Diamond II who would later become Rose and also create the Rose Quartz (Steven’s Older Sisters/Siblings) and then would then much later create her son Steven.
so if this was true, that would mean that Pink Diamond I would be Pink Diamond III/Steven/Sans’s Grandmother.
Rose could of already known that she isn’t Pink I, and knows she is Pink III, and the some of the memories that didn’t come from her, were copies from Pink I, and some of those memories were then copied again when she had fragmented a part of herself and placed it into the third pink diamond that would become Steven Q. Universe.
Rose might be selfish, and she made mistakes that ended up hurting her love ones, but besides that bad side, she still has a good side that others can still love about her, that she still has a good ethereal heart.
Steven has a right to be mad at her and even have a right to be mad at Greg,
but even if he has a right to be disappointed in those two, he can possibly still love them, but not their selfish actions.
I still think it is possible Greg wasn’t seeing the full picture with his parents, and his parents could of did better themselves.
Greg’s Mom or Dad or Both, could of had really sensitive hearing, I know there is a name for it and I forgot what’s it called.
but it’s like when really loud sounds can be painful, the reason why Greg wasn’t allowed to have music, is because he kept turning the volume up too loud and it was harming one or both of his parents.
him having have curfew and chaperons, was possibly for his own safety because it was possibly, mostly dangerous back then and his parents wanted him to stay safe.
the needing to do that whole wrestling thing, was possibly their way to have Greg learn self defense, and the meatloaf was possibly for health reasons.
even if parents can make mistakes, like not explaining reasons why they do the things they do, like making us do things we don’t want to.
but Greg’s parents might not of been so bad, what made them bad was not explaining to Greg well enough on why they made such rules for him and made him do half the stuff he didn’t want to do.
Greg isn’t a perfect Dad either, for a few good reasons, because of certain things he has done in the past, like faking still being hurt, misusing that whistle when Steven is trying to help Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
not using the money he got from Marty, to send Steven to school or maybe give him a home school tutor, never taking him to the doctor.
I still don’t agree with him saying “Your A Gem” instead of “Your Half-Gem.”
just because he is part gem, doesn’t mean his human half doesn’t still need the proper treatment, being a type of offspring fusion, both halves would need equal care.
Doctor Maheswaran, has every right to be displeased with Greg, and if she had to, she could report him to Child Protective Services.
Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, even if they do mistakes at times, at least they are partly to thank for Steven becoming a Genius.
but because of most of the neglect for his human heritage, Steven didn’t even know what Grades were, when one of Connie’s friends asked what Grade he was in.
we can’t really fully blame Steven’s Gem-Family for this, and well we can still like the positive side of Greg, but hate the fact it took possibly most of us this long to figure out he has been Semi-Neglectful in his responsibilities as a Father to Steven.
not everyone has to agree with me on that, but it’s just how I started to see it.
at least Pearl tries to be a Mom figure to Steven, and she shares the Mom Duties with Garnet and Amethyst.
but Amethyst is more like a Big Sister who also takes the Role of a Mom Figure for a Younger Sibling, while not really being a Mom, but still acts like one at times when necessary.
I also like the idea that Kaio from OK KO Let’s Be Heroes, is in a VR Game, and Steven Universe is playing that game and lives his life as Kaio in that game world, and while a lot of time passes in that world, but on the outside in Mr. Smiley’s Arcade, Only a Hour or Two Hours have past.   
then once the game is beaten and the epilogue/time skip happens,
Steven takes off the helmet and is back in his own reality.
anyway the whole Sparkleharts Au might not become all that famous, and I’m fine with that.
the “Harts” is another way to spell “Hearts” and I like spelling it this way for the name for the AU.
once again Husk being like the Half-Reincarnation of Sans, and also having a past life as Steven and even Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle, is Noncanon and Fanon Only and it takes place in a Crossover AU called Sparkleharts.
the Crossover AU was born on September 2, 2022.
and I just posted this drawing on September 3, 2022 and wanted to posted it on the same day that I drew it, but couldn’t until the next day.
so anyway hope some like this AU idea, which once again is Fanon Only.
and Isn’t Canon at all to the Original Canon Timelines of MLPFIM, Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe and Undertale.
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TPS Part 13: Bienvenue Kwimpers
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"Ah got mah letter from Pop. Do we gotta bring anythang?"
"We're only going to be in France for a week, so I would bring about a week's worth of clothes and a toothbrush. My father would take care of paying for everything."
"So no passport?"
"No. Wizards don't have anything like that for international travel. The Ministry of Magic only requires identification for people who work at that building. My father has a specific card saying he's an ambassador merely for formality reasons. He's one of the most well known wizards in the UK."
Ah process it when Ah realize somethin.
"How come we got Christmas an Easter off but we don't got any type a church here?"
"It's quite simple really. Wizards simply don't celebrate those holidays for the same reason. For us it's meant to be a celebration of the changing of the seasons. It's only because my mother is Bulgarian that my family even knows who Jesus is."
"In Bulgaria, people are more religious. Even though Veela are not human, they still have to learn the basics of Christianity. That way they can blend in with humans."
Somethin jus ain't makin sense ta me.
"Ah thought ya said it'd be dangerous fer Veela ta be round humans?"
"Yes but there are always half blooded and human born wizards out there. It's meant to avoid common cultural differences even though it's the same country."
Ah shake mah head an go back ta mah Herbology book.
"What'd ya think our Herbology final's gonna be like? If we gotta match plant names ta pictures Ah can do that real easy."
"It's possible. I think we might need to perform the Severing Charm on a Spiky Bush."
"Oh yeah that'd make sense. Herbology's also bout carin fer these plants. We gotta use it ta trim the bush so it don't kill nobody wit its spikes."
Ah make sure ta write it down so Ah don't ferget ta practice that spell.
Time Skip
"Pop are ya sure Trevor's gonna be ok without me? Maybe he'd like goin ta France too."
"Trevor's gonna be fine son. We dunno how we's even gettin ta France. Might not be good ta bring a frog wit us. France sees frogs as good eatin."
Ah gasp.
"Yer so smart Pop! They'd eat Trevor up real quick wit how he's hoppin round so much."
"He's much safer wit yer cousins this way."
We get our suitcases out the cab an make our way ta the train station. Ah see a real tall guy in a suit lookin round when he sees us. He comes up ta us an shakes Pop's hand.
"Ah, Mr. Kwimper. Glad you can make it. I'm Henry Gryffindor."
"Nice ta meet ya. Ya know mah son Toby right?"
"Yes of course. Jacklin did tell me all about you and your son. Now don't you worry about transportation. I have it all taken care of. I hope my appearance isn't too strange."
"Nah yer good. Look like a regular businessman from London."
"Splendid. It has after all been a while since I last had to walk amongst humans. My wife brought Jacklin to the station at the beginning of the year."
He keeps talkin ta Pop as he leads us away from the train station. Ah see some carriage but no horsies.
"Now Toby you have the cloak I allowed Jacklin to give you, yes?"
"Yessir. Do ya need it fer somethin?"
"Indeed. I need to wear it so I can manage the thestrals without being seen."
Ah don't even wanna ask wha he said so Ah jus give it ta him.
"Thank you. Now if you and your father can step inside the carriage, I'll have us to Gryffindor Manor in no time."
"Ok sir."
Ah get in wit Pop as Jacklin's daddy puts on the invisibility cloak.
Time Skip
"Toby I'm so glad you can make it!"
Jacklin hugs me before Ah can even put mah suitcase down. She probly don't get friends over which Ah think's pretty sad if she's so excited ta see me.
"Jacklin do ya know how yer daddy got invisible horsies fer his carriage?"
"Come again?"
"Ya know invisible horsies. He flew us by carriage but Ah saw he ain't got horsies pullin 'em."
She makes that face Ah'm used ta seein by now. It means she's gonna tell me somethin Ah know's gonna be way too hard ta figure out.
"We use magical creatures that are only visible under certain conditions. Humans can't see them at all."
Ah see this tall blonde woman walk in an Ah can tell jus by lookin at 'er she's Jacklin's mom.
"You must be, Toby. My name is Olga. Jacklin told you I am from Bulgaria."
"Yeah. She did."
Her Veela magic's way more stronger than Jacklin's. Ah hope Pop don't have no trouble wit 'er.
"Come. I made food before trip."
Ah follow 'er an Jacklin ta this huge dinin room. Pop's speechless an Ah'm hungry.
"This is not fancy meal. I hope you like moussaka vith some kyufte."
Ah look at the table an see somethin that looks like lasagna an meatballs. Pop dunno a thang bout Bulgarian food but he sure looks excited as he sits down.
"Sounds good ta me Mrs. Gryffindor."
Ah sit down between 'em an Jacklin. Ah look at mah plate an Ah gotta ask Jacklin wha all this is.
"What're we eatin?"
"Moussaka is a dish that's very popular in Greece and other countries. In Bulgaria, they use potatoes instead of eggplant. It's very similar to the shepherd's pie you tried last month."
"Ok. Wha' bout these meatball lookin thin's?"
She looks at mah plate.
"They technically are meatballs, Toby. The main difference is that in Bulgaria you would grill these like you would a hamburger. They also have onions and soaked bread in them."
Ah nod an take a bite a the mouska. Jacklin's right an wrong bout it. Sure it's got the potatoes an meat like a shepherd's pie but it's still all stacked like a lasgana'd be stacked.
"Are you liking moussaka?"
Ah like up an see Jacklin's mom lookin at me an Pop.
"It's delicious, Mrs. Gryffindor. Specially this creamy stuff on top."
"I use yogurt for top layer."
Pop really loves it cause he's all smilin. Ah try one a the meatballs when she hands me this lil bowl a somethin.
"Put in podluchen. Is yogurt sauce."
Ah try it like she wants me ta. Ah'm realizin yogurt ain't jus meant ta Dannon. It can be used fer meaty thangs too.
"Tastes good thanks."
She smiles an Jacklin's dad calls 'er over an pulls out 'er chair so she can sit.
"Dear come over and sit down. You need to eat too before we leave for France."
"Thank you, lyubimi."
Ah jus assume it's some kinda Bulgarian petname an keep eatin mah food. The pot lucken sauce's startin ta grow on me. Ah like it.
Time Skip
"So uh... what exactly do ya do as an ambassador, Henry?"
Ah listen ta Pop talkin ta Jacklin's dad. Ah wonder if he really is some kinda wizard king.
"Why I represent the United Kingdom using the title my ancestor, Godric Gryffindor, created. It's a title that's existed longer than our Ministry of Magic. While I do work with them, I am not their boss nor employee. My position can never be taken away from me as it was made into a permanent law: All legal heirs of Godric Gryffindor shall have this ambassador's position. As the only founding family with a reliably traceable heir, my family is the only one to have such a position."
"Huh. Looks like mah son weren't exaggeratin when he said Jacklin was a wizard princess."
He chuckles a bit an Ah wonder why.
"I can definitely see why he would think of that. It is true that being a Gryffindor would be a similar experience to being part of a royal family. The only difference is that our word is not law. It never has been and it never will be. My family has strived to maintain international diplomacy and create a common ground. We do have our privileges I don't deny that, but we are by no means royalty."
Now Ah know where Jacklin gets her speech type a talkin from. Ah get he's tryna explain this big concept as much as he can but still. It's a lot ta think bout.
"So fer this trip ta France, why'd ya need me agin?"
"Ah yes. A squib is unable to see all countries Ministry of Magic buildings as well as any confidential building. As part of my annual trip to France, I was asked to be a part of their quality review inspection. I am to visit Paris to ensure France's security system against humans are up to international standards. It's not a common occurrence so I wouldn't need your help on a regular basis."
"Ah get it now. Yer auditin their internal controls."
Ah see Jacklin's dad's eyes light up like Pop understood wha he said. Pop's real smart like that. He ain't worked nowhere fancy but he jus has a good mind fer pickin things up.
"Now just to be sure, how exactly is Toby a pure blood? It's not that I doubt such a claim, I'm merely baffled at how the Kwimper clan disappeared from the magic world. Our archives show that the last Kwimper was recorded to the Ministry of Magic in 1910."
"Yeah Ah done a lil diggin mahself an found out it's cause we jus fled ta Ireland an not tol nobody. We did got a lotta squibs in the family but we also jus never went back ta Hogwarts. Our kin jus kept ta themselves till some a us went ta America. Mah wife, lord rest 'er soul tol me she can do magic. Ah tol 'er Ah know bout it, but can't do it. She tol me since Ah'm a Kwimper Ah oughta write ta the people in Britain an tell 'em bout Toby. Weren't till Ah got his letter Ah found out she was right bout 'em bein a wizard."
"I see, but how do you know with absolute certainty that your son is a pure blood? A long line of squibs would surely intermingle with a human even by accident."
Ah look at Pop an Ah wonder how he's got an answer fer it.
"Jus happened ta work out that way. Kwimper clan still liked keepin thangs ta themselves. Much rather'd use magic ta be farmers an fortune tellers. Now mah wife, her family done thangs different. Simply wouldn't let me live it down if Toby had magic an he ain't been taught right."
"Tell me Samson, was your late wife Native American by any chance?"
"Yeah mah wife was part a the Cherokee tribe that kept ta themselves up in the mountains. Even got Toby papers sayin he's part a the tribe too."
"My goodness! No wonder Toby is a wizard."
Ah look at Jacklin.
"Ah have no idea wha's happenin."
"Native Americans have the highest percentage of wizards out of any other race. It's almost impossible for someone to be an official member of a tribe and not be one. The Kwimper clan has a properly educated wizard after all these centuries because of your mother, Toby."
Ah dunno wha ta say. Ah almos wanna cry but Jacklin's mom comes out wit desserts.
"Yeah thanks."
Ah take a couple pieces an start stuffin mah face. Ah can't even remember if Jacklin tol me wha Ah'm eatin or not Ah jus gotta eat it. All jus too much ta handle.
"Son ya bes slow down wit yer eatin. Gonna be all sick iffin ya don't. Now Ah know this baklava's jus bout as good as it gets but ya gotta least save some fer me."
He pats mah back an Ah think Pop's tryna make a joke ta take mah mind off wantin ta cry. Ah think it worked cause now Ah wanna know wha makes it so special.
"Dear, why don't you tell our guests about your baklava recipe."
"Yes. In Bulgaria ve use volnuts and sugar syrup to make baklava. You like?"
"Oh yeah Olga. Goes real good wit this Boza."
Jacklin's mom smiles an that shows Pop's real smart at talkin ta people. Always seems ta know wha ta say ta make people feel good.
Time Skip
"Alright, everyone. Now that we all finished eating, I'll show you how we can all get to Paris. Follow me."
Ah get up an follow Jacklin's dad ta a fireplace.
"This fireplace is specifically designed to take me to any Ministry of Magic building in the world. Using Floo powder, I simply have to say Paris, France. Once I throw it into the fire, it would take me right to Paris practically in a blink of an eye. So long as you speak clearly and stand very still, you can't go wrong."
"Jacklin I trust you to take Toby and mummy on your own. Come with me Samson. I'll take you and your family's luggage straight away."
Ah watch Jacklin's dad take the powder an step inta the fireplace wit Pop. Pop's holdin our suitcases an looks a lil nervous at the fire.
"Paris, France."
Jacklin's dad throws it inta the fire an they jus disappear in a flash. Jacklin waits a couple seconds before she grabs the powder. Her mom steps in the fire.
"Alright, Toby. Just step into the fire and I'll send us all to Paris."
Ah step in the fire next ta 'er. Fire don't hurt so Ah feel good bout that. Ah grab onta Jacklin so Ah don't move.
"Paris, France."
Everythang jus goes black.
"Son? Son? Wake up son."
Ah think Ah fainted fer a second cause Ah wake up on the floor.
"Wha happened?"
"Oh dear. This is entirely my fault. I should have warned you that it's important to keep breathing. If you suddenly inhale, you could faint."
Ah look up at Jacklin's dad an he looks real concerned.
"Ah'm awright sir. Ah get real bad motion sickness. Ah sometimes get sick jus flyin on a broom."
"Are well enough to stand?"
"That's good to hear."
He helps me up. Ah look round room.
"Welcome to Paris, my friends. This is the French Ministry of Magic headquarters. Now I just have to meet with the minister before we can be on our way."
Ah see a kinda short man come in the room an looks right at Jacklin's dad.
"Monsieur Greefindor!"
"Ah Emile. Just in time. I'd like to introduce you to the Kwimpers. They're the family that's going to be helping me with the review process."
"Zat is good news."
He shakes Pop's hand then mine.
"I will be taking you to your 'otel room. You are guests and will be treated well. Come with me."
"Very well then. Olga, Jacklin, back to the fireplace. Samson, I'll be seeing you and Toby at the hotel when you arrive."
Ah watch Jacklin's dad grab the Floo powder.
"Hotel De Ginestou."
He throws it in the fire an they all disappear.
"Pop Ah'm glad Ah don't gotta use the fire agin."
"It's awright son. We might be usin a carriage ta get ta the hotel. Jus hand the nice man yer suitcase an we'll get goin."
Ah see a french man come up an Ah give 'em mah suitcase an another guy takes Pop's.
"Now come with me to the carriage. We will take you to the Hotel De Ginestou."
"Lead the way Emile."
We follow 'em downstairs ta the carriage an mah eyes get all big.
"Pop they got horsies! Can ya see 'em? They got these big wings an long blonde manes! They gotta be all girls."
"Yeah Ah see 'em son. French government's real trustin. Probly got spells keepin humans outta this part a the city. Horses probly hide their wings so we look like a regular carriage."
We get in the carriage an Ah realize somethin.
"How come wizards ain't got cars? Everythang looks like we're in the 1800s when people still used candles."
"Cause wizards don't want nothin ta do wit humans. They gotta hide from 'em so they ain't gonna be as up ta date wit technology. Ya tol me Jacklin's camera don't wanna work at Hogwarts cause all the magicin messes wit it. Probably the same thang fer cars an all kinds a fancy equipment."
"Does that mean Jacklin ain't gonna be able ta use 'er camera here?"
He pats mah shoulder while lookin straight. That tells me Pop's thinkin up somethin real smart.
"French government probly don't want humans takin pictures a their fancy wizardin buildins so 'er camera probly won't work. Gonna have ta get a regular camera fer that."
"Jacklin probly won't like that. She really wanted ta learn how ta use it right."
"Oh Ah'm sure it'll work wit all the human places like the Eiffel Tower. Can't have humans not bein able ta take pictures a thangs. France'll lose money from all the tourin if that happens."
"Yeah yer right Pop."
Time Skip
"Samson you say you need a different type of camera for our pictures?"
"Yeah Henry. Jacklin's camera don't work at Hogwarts so Ah don't think it'll work if we gotta be goin ta secret wizardin buildins."
"Ah yes. The magic interference. You bring up an excellent point. No matter. I will cover all expenses. Just tell me what you'll need."
Ah see Pop thinkin. Ah know camera's gotta have film but Ah don't think Jacklin's dad's gonna know how all that works.
"We have ta go ta the camera store. They still got 35 mm film ya need fer cameras. How many pictures do ya think we'll need cause that matters too?"
"I have a list of various locations."
He hands the list ta Pop an he counts 'em all.
"Yeah Ah think a couple rolls a film'll do. Just gotta know the words fer camera or photagphy store in this country an Ah can find it easily."
"Splendid, I can take you through the human side of Paris in the morning. For now, what do you think about dinner at the Cafe Abringer? No need for a carriage it's just a stone's throw away."
"Sounds good an all Henry but uh, what do they got ta eat? Toby can be a real picky eater at times."
Ah don't wanna admit it cause that'll ruin thangs but Pop's right. Ah hope that got somethin Ah'll like.
"No problem at all, Samson. They have the most delicious roast chicken that goes with any way to cook a potato you can possibly think of. It should suit Toby's taste quite well."
"Oh yeah Ah like roast chicken Pop. Jacklin's been tellin me all bout potatoes in France like the poms daphine."
Jacklin's dad chuckles.
"Well, Toby I certainly am glad to hear you've been learning about different types of food. Since France has strong ties to the UK you won't have to worry about not understanding the menu."
"Ok sir."
We start walkin ta the cafe an Ah talk wit Jacklin cause Ah think Ah said somethin wrong.
"What'd ya call those potatoes ya get here?"
"Pommes dauphine."
Ah look at 'er.
"Yeah. Ah ain't gonna be able ta remember that."
"That's alright, Toby. What's important is that you try to learn what it is that you'll be eating. That way you can't be caught off guard by something that's quite common."
"Is this somethin y'all do on a regular basis?"
"Of course. When you travel like my father, you have to learn about the culture of the country you're visiting."
Now everythang bout why Jacklin an 'er dad talk they way they do makes sense. Ambassador work's gotta be hard if ya gotta know a lot bout the people yer visitin. Ah jus hope the food's good where we're goin. Tha's all that matters ta me.
Time Skip
"So what'd everybody get?"
"Your Pop ordered a seafood stew, I ordered the beef, mother ordered the fish, and father got the duck meat pie with the roasted scallops."
Ah think bout that. Ah see this small roundish white thang that people eat.
"Oh yeah we got a lotta those in Florida. Ya get 'em all over the Gulf Coast. Ah only see the rich people get 'em though."
"That makes sense, Toby. In that case, I have to ask if you know what sole is?"
"Sole? Maybe if ya describe it Ah'll know. Ah ain't too good at memrizin fish like Ah am at snakes an plants."
"It's a flat fish with both eyes on the right side."
"Ohh. Closest thang Ah can think of's a hogchoker. A real small fish so Ah don't think people really eat those less they gotta."
"Well, what type of fish do you normally eat in Florida?"
Ah gotta think real hard cause Ah know it all depends on what part a Florida yer from. Shellfish ain't the same as regular fish ya catch wit a fishin pole so Ah can't answer wit somethin like shrimp or lil crabs.
"We usually eat catfish. All the rich people get stuff like snapper or tuna."
"I understand now. Different types of fish are available based on who can afford it."
The waiters come over wit our food an Ah'm tryna not drool on the table. Mah chicken looks good jus like Jacklin's dad said.
"Now let's tuck in everyone."
Ah wanna show Ah'm a big boy an start cuttin up mah own chicken. This a real fancy place so they brought me a whole roast chicken. Ah dunno if Ah'm gonna be able ta eat it all but Ah'm sure gonna try.
Time Skip
"Would anyone here be wanting dessert?"
"I think we should see your dessert menu. My daughter of course would like the mi-cuit au chocolat while my wife and I would like the creme brûlée."
"Excellent choices monsieur. I will bring the dessert menu."
Ah watch the waiter walk way. By now Jacklin's gotten used ta me askin bout thangs so Ah don't even gotta ask 'er.
"I usually get a mi-cuit au chocolat or a molten chocolate cake for dessert because it's small. A creme brûlée though is a custard topped with caramelized or burnt sugar."
"Ohhhh. Sounds real good."
Pop an Ah get the dessert menu. Ah look through it an Ah recognize one a the names.
"Hey Jacklin it's that opera cake ya talked bout a while back."
"Yes, but after such a heavy meal, I wouldn't recommend getting it. That is unless you want to get it so you can take it home with you."
"Hmmm. Ah'm gonna see what else they got first."
Ah read the names tryna figure out what they all are.
"Well Ah'm stuffed. Ah'll jus get the fruit salad an some coffee. Wha bout you son?"
Ah look at Pop wit a serious face.
"Pop why'd nobody tell me they got apple pie here? This some kinda secret everybody wanted ta keep from me?"
Everybody at the table starts laughin a lil an Ah don't think it's that funny. Pop oughta know Ah like apple pie.
"Toby this isn't exactly like the type of apple pie you get in the States."
"Then what is it? Apple pie's apple pie Jacklin."
"Yes it is caramelized apples with cinnamon but it also comes with a very specific type of ice cream made made with an apple brandy from Normandy called Calvados."
Ah give 'er a look as if ta ask how that's spose ta change thangs.
"Soooooo? If it's got apples an cinnamon in a pie crust, then it's an apple pie."
"You must take apple pie very seriously, Toby."
"Ah take all dessert serious Jacklin. Pop knows Ah love me some apple pie an nobody ever thought a tellin me they got it here."
Ah know Jacklin's a girl an don't get that ya don't mess wit a boy's love a desserts but she's gotta know Ah don't like all these complicated names. Ah look up at the waiter.
"Ah'm gettin the apple pie."
"Of course young man. If I can take your menu please."
"Yeah thanks."
Time Skip
Ah still dunno wha Jacklin was comin up wit by tryna tell me they ain't got apple pie here. Sure it don't taste like a McDonald's apple pie but Ah awready knew it ain't gonna be like that. France ain't gonna be cheap like that. They got fancy food so they're gonna make apple pie's taste fancy.
"Awright Toby. Time fer bed. We's gotta do a lotta explorin tamorrow fer Jacklin's daddy."
"Ok Pop. Night."
Ah get in bed an go ta sleep wonderin wha kinda adventure we're gonna be havin. At least Ah finished all mah homework so Ah don't gotta worry bout that till we get back ta Hogwarts.
AN: Lyubimi in this context means darling.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, @thetaoofzoe, and @elvispresley4life.
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I hear you. And I can sympathize. You want to make sure you’re getting it right, especially for me. *he leans closer and gives you a small kiss* I know there will be some other photographers there too. Maybe that can help you feel better? Knowing you won’t be the only one? *he smiles* Yeah, you can be sure I’ll be dancing. It reminds me of a time before we started dating, and you brought a poster about my dance moves. *he giggles* That poster really caught my eye. I couldn’t get you out of my mind after that. *he notices your smirk of course, and maybe was even watching for it* Of course not! The scarf is ready with the coat. Ok, well if you end up only photographing me, the other photographers can handle everyone else. *he agrees with the music in the car and hums along* *sometimes he glances at you, but he figures you’re thinking about the show and meeting everybody, so he gives you some space* Well, we’re going in a side door for a reason. Even if it is way too early anyway. *inside there’s a short hallway, and then security who smile and wave him and you past* They’re there to stop fans from sneaking around backstage. This way is the dressing rooms. You can drop your stuff in there. *he goes in the men’s dressing room and stores his bag, then comes back out to find you* I think everybody is gathering in the front for the sound check. *he holds your hand and goes down another hallway, where sounds and talking and laughing are beginning to be heard, and then comes out onto the stage and some of the guys and girls are there along with the crew* Hello, everybody! So excited for tonight! This is my girlfriend you’ve all heard so much about. She’s going to be one of our photographers tonight. *they start coming up to greet him and say hello to you* *he lets go of your hand to give out some hugs, but he stays close to you if you need his support* -Tobi
I'm sure I'll get it right once my mind will focus on the task at hand. *i smile at the kiss* Maybe. But they will be there only for a few songs while I'll be sticking for the whole concert. *i smile big* Oh yeah! I remember that, i was so excited and i knew you'll love the poster. Honestly, everyone loved the poster. *i giggle* I guess that explains a lot. *i poke him a bit* That's good, just reminding in case you forgot. I don't think that will happen but I'm sure I'm gonna take a lot of pictures of you. *yea, it's nice to have a little bit of silence before everything happens* I know. I'm just curious, that's all. I always feel weird going past the security but at least we all have our IDs so it's all good* Oh, please tell me that you have your own private dressing room. *i giggle. It's nice to hold his hand because I'm getting more anxious. Of course i blush when he announces me but smile. Everyone is super nice so soon my anxiety goes away. Of course everyone missed everyone because it's a first Avantasia concert in a while. Of course Eric as always makes everyone at ease with some of his jokes. Soon though the real sound check has to begin so i move somewhere where i can see everything but I'm not in a way*
0 notes
witchy-jadda · 3 years
rott spoilers ahead
so i’ve given myself some time to think about everything and try to process it all and here are some of my thoughts on trollhunters: rise of the titans...
- straight off the bat, i loved the intro. opening with blinky telling the story of what happened up until this point was incredible. i would have loved if they had circled back to this though (i saw someone else say it should have been him telling the story to jim and claire’s kids and i loved that idea!)
- i also liked that they didn’t waste time at the start, instead they just jumped right into the action which was fun.
- honestly, i thought jim’s plotline throughout the movie where he basically thought he was useless without the amulet was just really not fun to watch. i understand why it was there and it played into the climax but i really did not find it one bit necessary seeing as i felt that we have grown beyond that. i felt it was overused. we’ve been there before and jim is aware that he’s the trollhunter, amulet or not.
- douxie being so soft with nari was genuinely one of the most heartwarming parts of the movie. i feel that we were really robbed of so much potential with douxie in this movie though. we didn’t see nearly enough of him. it seemed that the writers were picking and choosing when to remember how powerful he is. switching with nari and connecting to her are two examples of when they actually used his power, but aside from that they just disregarded it a lot.
- and speaking of forgetting how powerful people are... i’m genuinely so hurt and let down over what they did to claire. do they not realise how powerful she is? did they just forget about her character arc? it sure felt like it. she got to use her powers a few times (connecting to nari, portalling the titan, etc) but mostly it felt like she was saying she was spent and therefore unable to do anything. she is so strong and so powerful, and that’s just so empowering - especially for young girls. and then it kinda felt to me that rott was reducing her to basically nothing more than jim’s love interest.
- okay another quick note, it kinda felt to me that krel’s potential was also pretty wasted? he barely did anything and i just think he deserved more too.
- ew okay i don’t even want to think about it but i know i can’t discuss rott without talking about the mpreg thing. seriously, what the fuck was that? at first, i thought it was going to be a joke. i thought aja and krel were gonna wind steve up and see how far they could go with making him think he was pregnant just for a little bit of comic relief. but then he was actually pregnant. and so i laughed, because even though it was dumb it was kind of funny. weird and unexpected, but kind of funny. but by the time the movie was over it just didn’t sit right with me. looking past the fact that it was just more of them making steve’s character into a joke, i couldn’t see the logic in giving so much time to that subplot when other characters (claire, douxie) and other relationships (claire and douxie’s friendship) were sidelined. maybe if he had gotten a whole season the mpreg thing could have been included as comic relief or whatever, but with such limited time i really don’t see the point of wasting so much time on something so pointless. 
- speaking of steve, i need to talk about creepslayerz... they really deserved more :( like i get that eli literally helped steve through child birth and then named one after him which was lowkey adorable but i loved their friendship so much and i was really hoping to see more of them. i was kind of hoping they’d get to do more as well. look i gave up on hopes of a romance long ago (even though i still really wished it would happen) but i hoped that at least we’d see some more of their friendship.
* by this point my brain has decided to forget absolutely every point i wanted to make... cue the brain fog (we don’t like her) and allow me to take a moment to read back and try to find my point again *
- i don’t think i can stress enough how much i loved the visuals in this movie. holy fucking shit it was just phenomenal. like wow. the art was absolutely fantastic and i’m really hoping for another the art of... book because i love the art of trollhunters and i feel that they could do with updating it to include the newer stuff. but yep, the animation quality was incredible and i don’t have a bad thing to say about it because just wow.
- speaking of art... a moment of appreciation for character designs. just wow wow wow. we love to see such intricately designed villains. we love to see growth in our other much loved characters. and the locations too? fantastic. beautiful. amazing. loved it.
- another moment of appreciation for jim. the hair. the scars. the injuries. the winter jacket. the fact that he looked a little older.... loved it. loved it, loved it, loved it. i cannot wait to spend hours pouring over reference pictures to draw them all.
- and claire... her armor being weathered and worn. her eyes!! her hair looked great as always. i just love her...
- nari nari nari... my goodness, her magic is so beautiful. i wish we got to see more.
- also, the jlaire moments were very cute. their kisses? so soft. they literally love each other so much. i adore them.
- what happened to the babies from the darklands btw? is not enrique just chilling in the lake’s house with a ton of babies? 
- barbara deserved better. i would have liked to see her and strickler happy.
- on that note, why the actual fuck did they think a few explosives would win against magic?? literal ancient magic and these dumbasses were like huh i guess we should blow it up. i’m sorry, what?? y’all are stupid.
* currently trying to think of every possible point that isn’t to do with the ending because i really don’t want to think about that yet *
- the whole thing with archie and charlemagne felt super unnecessary. like usually characters sacrifice themselves and it’s like sad and you can see the reasoning and stuff. but they literally could have gotten out. i really did not vibe with that. it felt like they just did that to leave douxie with no one.
- that trollmarket was beautiful though.
- speaking of trollmarket... they really restored the heartstone just like that? are you joking? i was not impressed at all. the heartstone was dead and gone, could not be destroyed. did they just forget that? half the shit in wizards wouldn’t have happened if the heartstone could have been restored. very pissed off by that. it was dead, that was it.
- okay back to jim... love that he pulled the sword from the stone. it was cute that it was a group effort, kinda would have preferred if it was just him but that’s just a me thing. and maybe me and my daylight tattoo are biased here, but excalibur is not half as pretty as daylight.
- not gonna lie, jim yelling come on trollhunters! kinda got me. i was very emotional watching this.
- i think the most in character jim moment of the whole movie was when he dropped excalibur, he didn’t have his armor, he was all alone and he decided to make a fist and fight the wizard/god with literally no weapon or means of defence. i don’t think y’all understand how much i love this dumb self sacrificing selfless boy. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, he is literally one of my most favourite characters of all time. i love him with all my heart.
- the armor!! wow wow wow. that was a fucking cool scene. beautiful.
- jim getting stabbed or whatever with that fucking spear thing nearly killed me.
- okay here goes... toby. my sweet toby. jim and toby’s friendship is one of my absolute favourites ever. my goodness. and toby getting in the van and going to save jim was incredible and such a toby thing to do. of course he would think of doing that.
- but like seriously... claire and douxie are so fucking powerful and they were both just like lol i guess we can’t do anything to help jim? i’m sorry what?? don’t tell me that claire wouldn’t go full on black and purple eyes and get herself up their to him. i just... i’m so bothered by the fact that they were sidelined y’all :|
- also, do not seriously try to tell me that aaarrrgghh!!! would let toby go on his own. he would have went with him. he would have followed him.
- literally as jim was falling the first thing that went through my mind was oh aaarrrgghh!!! is gonna run up and catch him.
- and while we’re on the topic of aaarrrgghh!!! why tf did they have such a build up that something was going to happen to either him or blinky for literally no reason? wtf
- aaarrrgghh!!! would not have let toby go alone!!! if he had been there, he would have protected toby, he would have saved him and none of that mess of an ending would have happened.
* ugh here’s the bit i was dreading... the ending *
- first off, i am choosing to ignore it.
- time stone? really? we’re... we’re gonna do this? literally one of the most original things i have ever watched is now - at the literal last possible minute - rip off another movie?? really?? whyyyy???
- i literally cannot express how much i hated it. it was so fucking unnecessary.
- he didn’t need to go back that far!!!
- i’m actually trying to block this out but i suppose i have to at least touch on it. jim would never ever put that burden on to toby. he just wouldn’t. before even looking at all of the other issues with toby getting the amulet, i need to say that. it just wouldn’t happen. he struggled so much with being the trollhunter, he wouldn’t put that on toby. 
- also toby literally never wanted to be the trollhunter?? he never wanted the amulet? he wanted to be a duke and have his war hammer and go on adventures with his best friend and his wingman and eat mexican food.
- okay so um i guess they all just forgot about unbecoming? cool cool cool.
- seriously though, was it not established many times that jim literally had to be trollhunter? and if he wasn’t it would be draal and everything would go to shit? did they just forget about that??
- having jim just decide to give toby the amulet literally takes away from the entire meaning behind jim getting the amulet and becoming the trollhunter. the amulet chose jim. merlin chose him. out of all of the creatures in the world, it had to be jim. he can’t just give that to toby!!
- and as much as i love toby, he would not last a day as trollhunter.
- and that’s not even beginning to mention all that jim erased by not becoming trollhunter. no father son relationship between him and blinky. they didn’t stop steve from picking on eli so no steve redemption and no creepslayerz. is he just going to allow enrique to be taken? toby will not have the same incentive to go into the darklands to save him if that’s the case. strickler will not show any sort of sentiment towards toby either. and then the big one...
- if jim isn’t trollhunter and the whole thing with enrique doesn’t happen then claire will never get her shadowstaff. let’s be real, strickler probably wouldn’t even need angor rot with toby as trollhunter. somehow i can’t see him making it that far...
- if claire doesn’t have her shadow staff then the whole thing with morgana won’t happen. she won’t destroy the shadow staff and then she will never develop her powers. would jim really rob her of that?
- okay i can’t do anymore, it’s too much for me now...
- i touched on this already in a separate post but i gotta say it again... i did not enjoy the destiny is a gift bit at the end. first of all, jim having toby find the amulet literally takes the meaning of that speech and his destiny away instanty. and second, i just could not stand hearing emile hirsch say the words that belonged to anton yelchin. it was just uncomfortable.
aaand i think i’m done. maybe i’ll have more later but i have a headache now from all of this.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH 1.
This is a reader insert I originally started posting on AO3. I’m cross posting here because I know some of the fandom still lives here.
Quick Disclaimer:
This is a fic I'm writing for my own comfort.
I was inspired by RaeBees (you can check out their works over on Quotev and AO3), and how they characterize the "proxies". Having always seen the characters different than most of the fandom I've interacted with I never really shared my thoughts until now. This work is only placed in the Creepypasta tag so it reaches its demographic. However, I am fully aware of the fact that no main character is considered a Pasta.
It may also appear to lean more Toby X Protag in the beginning but end goal is protag with all three, and Brian and Tim already in a relationship. How I picture it now is a slowburn but Toby and Protag will be in a friends with benefits relationship before either has any feelings, so I think that counts. Some may be confused by the asexual protag tag but it'll be explained in story, as an Ace myself I get frustrated with media that only show one version and say it goes for us all. That being said I don't represent the whole Ace community but I hope to provide a bit more representation for some others out there.
Protag will be depicted as agender, and will have a few tics that stem from their Autism. Again I don't speak for any others with Autism but I hope to provide some representation for those in similar positions.
Tags will be updated as the story progresses. Canon-Typical violence and mental health issues are to be expected if you feel uncomfortable with those aspects I advise you to not engage. This story will also have a lot of NSFW themes and scenes so I highly discourage anyone under the age of 18 from viewing this work. You will get warnings on chapters with NSFW and I will make it skippable as well.
I'm also very nitpicky and gave the main characters birthdays just because it irritates me when it gets mentioned once and you have to do the math or imagine your own conversation when a birthday was too close to a character's.
Tim January 1st, home state Alabama
Toby April 28th, home state Virginia (saw this years ago no clue if it's accurate)
Protag May 13th, home state Virginia
Brian May 23rd, home state Alabama
Connor the service dog July 18th, home state Kentucky
I've referred to Protag as Protag here but in story they're referred to as YN.
Everything felt impossibly dull; your senses, the dark room you're currently in, the noise coming from the fan just to the left of the bed on which you laid. Turning to the window beside your head you stare out into that weird midnight summer sky. More of a gray than a true dark blue night, cast in an orange glow that made the night seem closer to day than it truly was. While the time was just half past twelve, you felt it may have been more accurate to say it was closer to four in the morning.
You're exhausted but that true sort of exhaustion where whatever energy you have left buzzes all around. It consumes your entire being, dances between being deafeningly loud in your ears to giving you twitches in your legs. You'd laid down hours ago thinking you'd be tired enough to sleep once your tics started to spasm in closer intervals, but to no avail were you able to rest. That buzzing preventing you from dreamland. Maybe the hum of your body was right, you didn't really need to sleep, you just wanted it to feel normal.
Knowing the battle had already been lost you push yourself off the bed and grab a pair of shorts off the floor. Slipping them on you contemplate your options for the night. Going into town was out since it was Sunday...well Monday now, but there would be nothing but bars open and you were never one for drinking. And as fun as a drive sounds right now, you feel the buzzing in your bones grow stronger, you need to move. A late night hike should keep you occupied, with it being so quiet and the middle of the night you wouldn't even have to take your headphones to cancel out the sounds of other people, you aren't likely to run into many people tonight.
Deciding on a hike you grab a mask and car keys and make your way to your yellow Kia Soul. A going away present from your parents that they gave you the moment you got your driver's license after your 24th birthday. Having anxiety throughout your life you'd never been in the head space to start driving till later on, and while you still don't enjoy driving you are pretty good at it even with your “late” start. Surfing through radio stations as you let the car warm up you find your latest obsession, it's a conspiracy theory podcast that someone in Kepler managed to blast through the limited air ways of the town. Impressive considering Kepler was in a radio quiet zone and even cell phones couldn't work in the small town, luckily you lived just outside of the zone so you could send texts and call your parents every weekend.
It seemed today's episode was a rerun, Mothman: Murderer, Man, or Myth. It was actually one of your favorites, the paranormal stories tended to be more entertaining than hearing about how a man could murder sixteen people while working as a cop ruining evidence to lead the others off his trail. Humans could be more vial and cruel than any little gray alien from the future or tall Fresno Nightcrawler could ever be. And they weren't as entertaining to hear about, nor were their exploits as impressive. You could always see patterns, either connecting clues first or finding connections no one else saw, it was never hard to tell where a certain case would lead so you'd always end up disappointed in humanity when they overlooked such obvious clues. Though that often led you down a path of deep diving for information to see just how obvious it was, more often than not you'd find that the most logical conclusion was shady public officers. After investigating so many cold cases you're sure if you're ever in trouble you'll never involve the police, in the end they'd probably just ignore you and rule your case closed if anything ever did happen to you.
'I'd haunt them if they did.' You decide and you shift gears and begin driving to the Monongahela National Forest, as the timeline of Mothman sightings and events play out before for your ears.
Instead of going through town and possibly loosing the signal of the show, you drive on the old dirt road that runs along the very edge of the town, partially covered in trees. This over grown road is the main reason Kepler doesn't see many visitors, the second someone makes their way onto it coming off the interstate they floor it until they see civilization. Over the few months you've been here you've nearly been run right off the road by spooked tourists, trying to escape whatever ghouls their wild imaginations created. The only real thing on this road was a mini mart gas station, and even though it was shady as hell the cashier didn't bug you too much when you came in in the dead of night. Plus they had a cat, how could you not stop in and say hi to little ole Magnolia?
Speaking of which you should probably get a drink for your hike, you could already feel your throat drying out. Turning into the parking lot you're happy to see no other cars around, putting your face mask on you make your way inside. As usual the store is dead at this time, and Ronnie is manning the desk. What's unusual is the man also behind the counter, he has dark brown hair that he's tied into a small and low ponytail, thick sideburns frame his face. You immediately take note of the slight imperfections of his face, most would see the slit in his eyebrow as following the current trend or even just a genetic thing, but you can see the slightly off color of a healed scar that starts just above his eyebrow and ends mid eyelid, he has a few smaller discolorations on his crooked nose, you'd guess he's had it broken at least twice.
Briefly taking a glance to his brown eyes before looking away, today is not an eye contact day. Nodding in their directions, the best acknowledgment you can give right now, you make your way to the freezers. From the freezer section you can hear Ronnie “explain” you.
“That's YN, a regular mainly at night though. A bit skittish and rarely ever says more than 'thanks have a nice day'” Even though she's whispering you can hear everything. Including the high octave her voice takes to mimic you, it feels more like mocking.
If being mocked hadn't already put you on edge the eyes boring into you have. The eyes may not be roaming over your body but the icky crawling of your skin sure makes it feel that way. The feeling of being put under a microscope has always made you sick, the stares, the leers and sneers, and the judgment just makes you want to implode on the spot. Cease existence, be swallowed into the abyss. You're about to set yourself into an anxiety attack with all these thoughts.
'Mask, mask, mask' you repeat over and over in your head, it's the only thing you can focus on. You are wearing a mask, there is one thing they can't perceive, the face is the most important for humans to perceive, your mask protects you.
Without looking you pull a water bottle from the cooler. You don't think you like this brand but the sports mouth makes up for it, and you can't focus enough to grab another. As the imaginary spiders crawl their way under your skin and your breath hitches you make your way over to the counter head down, never looking up at the employees beyond the counter. Your vision is blurring in time with the beating of your heart, you can't tell if it's due to nerves or from being up for five days in a row.
“Hey YN, how're you?” Ronnie asks, her tone is different from the past times you've been in. It's higher and has a lilt in it that you'd expect from a teasing friend. But Ronnie isn't a friend and has never spoken to you like this, you hate it. You nod to politely move on with the process, between the crawling of your skin and the buzzing underneath it you feel sick. And you're now very aware of the existence of your eyelids, you try to focus on ignoring that awareness. You need to move.
“Hmm, that's good. Anyway this is Tim! He's just started so go easy on him.” you hear the sound of a hand hitting fabric and assume she's patted Tim's shoulder as she introduced Tim to you. Why was she doing this, what purpose could introducing you two have? You nod again, was anyone going to ring you out?
“Hi, this all?” a deep voice asked, it isn't extremely deep more of a standard baritone that has a slight raspy quality, probably a reformed smoker. You don't smell cigarettes currently so he could've quit after years. Unfortunately despite your efforts to stave them off your blinking tics emerge. Making it difficult to keep your eyes open for longer than a nano second.
Startled and ticcing you look up and catch his eyes, you see pity in them, before casting your glance back to the counter. You can never tell what's worse people seeing you as weird or seeing you as something needing to be fixed. Nodding again, Tim tells you the total; a dollar fifty eight, and you hand him two dollars from your wallet.
Tim doesn't ask if you want the receipt or a bag, he prints out the receipt and hands you your change. The change goes immediately into the cat food fund for Magnolia. She got diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago and having worked in shelters and pet stores you know just how expensive her prescription food is. After folding the receipt into your wallet, Tim gently slides the water bottle over to you.
“Have a good night.” he says it so low and gentle, as if he thinks you'll shatter in front of him. As kind as the gesture seems, you aren't that fragile...or maybe you are if you have to keep repeating 'mask' over and over in your head to ground yourself. With a final nod you turn and make your way to the door, and just as you open it you hear Ronnie call out.
“Awwww, c'mon YN at least say 'Hi' to Tim.” You really don't like how she squeaked out 'hi'.
Taking a deep breath you prepare yourself, you'll show them both you can do this simple task. Even if you can't stop blinking long enough to see straight. Once you've steadied yourself you turn and look at Tim. He's sending you a look that says 'You don't have to' all that's missing is a slow head shake to complete his unease with this “peer pressure”.
But you can do this you can say 'Hi, Tim.' Two words super simple, nothing complex like 'Hi, Tim, nice to meet you.' and so much better than the option of your next meeting saying 'Hi, Tim. Sorry for spazzing out the other night.'. Yup you can do this just breathe, you open your mouth and...and you've forgotten what to say. Looking like a deer in headlights, well at least the tics stopped, you say the first thing that pops in.
“Mask.” You've said it loud and clear both cashiers heard you.
Tim stares with wide eyes and you see Ronnie failing to hide her laughter. Out of all the ways this could've gone this was probably the best outcome for her. The blinking has started up again, this time growing more frequent. You can't even hold your eyes open, to the two cashiers it must look like you're in pain or crying. And while you want to die of embarrassment, crying is a bit of an extreme for you.
So with red face and the inability to see you leave through the door, and try to make your way back to your car. Once in you lock the doors, switch the car on, and rest your head on the steering wheel. Out of every way this stop could've gone, being perceived by a new comer and Ronnie was not what you expected. While this hadn't been the worst five minutes or so of your life, it definitely would be another thing keeping you up at night for the next twenty years.
Calming down in the cool quiet dark of your car your slowly brought back to the world by the beginning of a new episode. This one talking about the Tailypo legend. A favorite story of yours from when you were a kid living on the coast of Virginia. So with yet another deep breath and the wave of nostalgia, you pull out of the parking lot and slowly coast down the old dirt road. Heading yet again for the Monongahela forest.
It's nearly two in the morning when you roll up to see an RV parked by the forgotten entrance of the park. It isn't surprising at all to find an RV out here since the Monongahela Forest is one of the most beautiful parks you've ever been to. You also don't think anything of them being parked by this unused entrance because you use it all the time since finding it accidentally. Figuring they just wanted to camp and be left to their own devices rather than use the RV sites and be bothered with other campers here for the summer.
Climbing out of your car you notice the RV isn't new by any means but it isn't a total rust bucket either, looks like it's been passed around throughout the years. There isn't anything to suggest it's been here a while, nothing left set up outside, must have just gotten into town then. You do happen to notice dog tracks around the sandy dirt you've parked in, good to know they have a dog before you slammed your car door. Closing the door gently behind you so you don't startle a pup and wake up it's owner or owners, you make your way through the woods. No real direction in mind, with no real thought in your head. Just the thought of moving and to keep on moving.
You could walk the same path every time you came through and always find something different. In fact that's exactly what happens, you're almost positive that you've deepened the imprint of the path just from walking through several times a week. Following the same winding path you usually do, climbing over the fallen tree, and through a scattering of blueberry thicket's you find yourself on the edge of one of the forest's many streams. It's your favorite spot in the forest so far, and about as far as you've gotten considering these hikes of yours take place during the dead of night.
The wind picks up and sends a chill through you, taking that as a sign you slide down to sit by the stream. Vans placed to your side as you sink your feet into the cool water. It's peaceful out here, so cool, and quiet, save for the slight noises the stream makes, various bubbling and drips. You try to think on things like your recent move, your job, the embarrassing 'mask' incident, just life in general. But you can't seem to form a single thought, this happens a lot, you've recently been conscious of the fact that you've been running on auto pilot for the past two months, hell a lot longer than that. You think everyone must get like this from time to time, but you think you've always been this way. Keen to dissociating and slipping in and out of existence.
It's quite nice really, except for the times like right now where you'd love to figure out why the silence in your head is so painfully loud. The more you think on it the louder it gets and the stronger the buzzing under your skin feels. And right now the static in your mind has been getting louder and louder for the past few minutes. You feel your head jerk to the right of it's own accord, moving back in place it happens for a second time, and then a third, then jerks up, before jerking a forth time to the right effectively cracking you neck.
“There we go.” you mumble, you can relax a bit as the verbal tic indicates the end of this round of tics.
Sighing you look at the sky...that can't be right. The sky has been painted it's fresh baby blues for the day, but again that can't be right. You just got to the stream, that path is a thirty minute walk meaning it should be just about two thirty in the morning, but the sky suggests it's five or six at the latest. Reaching for your water bottle you find it empty next to you. You didn't fall asleep you know that much, perhaps you did dissociate tonight. Well this hike was disappointing if you knew you were going to dissociate you'd have saved yourself that embarrassment and stayed home. Maybe done some painting or tidied up.
Sighing you push yourself off the ground, collecting you vans you're about to put them on when you notice a figure off in the distance. You freeze out of shock and stare at the figure, it stares back. The figure is about ten yards away, god your near sighted ass should really remember to not leave your glasses in the car when hiking. The figure starts to make it's way to you and after a few steps you realize it hasn't moved from it's spot. Rolling your eyes you ignore the hallucination.
You'd really needed to get sleep last night, today is day six of no sleep and though you haven't had many episodes these past few days, you have a feeling they'll start to get more prominent today. Hopefully tonight you can manage to get some rest, the longer you go without sleep the more realistic the hallucinations become. But for today you're content with the knowledge that it's just shadow like beings that you'll be seeing.
After putting on your shoes you start the thirty minute hike back to your car. You're thankful for the weather in Kepler, nothing like back on the coast. Here you can go for a morning hike through the forest while a gentle breeze passes by and the sun starts to give the area a pleasant warmth. Back on the coast you couldn't run and grab the mail without getting drenched in moisture from either sweat, humidity, or a mixture of both.  The coast sucks, hell Virginia sucks altogether, you're glad to be in Kepler.
“I want to go home, home.” you say out of nowhere.
Before you reach the entrance you hear barking, oh the RV campers must be up. Should you be careful not to scare them, or just walk normally and say 'Good morning' in passing, maybe just nod your head in greeting. Oh and you've stopped just beside the entrance as you got lost in your rambling. You didn't mean to come to a stop here, and as you try to move you notice how silent it's gotten. Did the dog go inside, maybe they've already passed...no it's too quiet for that. No the silence is oppressive like the one you deal with nightly, there's a reason for the silence. The situation's making you feel uneasy, but that could be the sleep deprivation talking.
You're about to brush it off and move when you hear a whispered, “Seriously man, I don't think anyone's out there. Let's get inside.”
There's a noise of agreement before you hear shuffling. Oh no, you zoned out and now you look like a weirdo stalker. Just perfect, maybe if you wait around a little more you'll seem more normal or at least feel normal. Not knowing how long to wait you walk along the tree line for a bit, looking at the ground as you do making sure you won't step on any snakes. In you quest to not step on any snakes you spot something suspiciously off white. It seems purposefully buried under a dead blueberry bush and some fallen branches.
Having listened to too many true crime shows, you know better than to implicate yourself in a murder. Grabbing a stick off the ground you gently brush the foliage away from the supposed corpse. No way, you can't believe your luck, it's an actual fucking skull. An intact skull of a deer! That is so cool, you've only seen taxidermists on TikTok getting so lucky and finding these dudes. Since the jaw bone is connected by tissue it of course isn't with the skull but maybe it's close by? Clearly this got planted or hidden by someone, maybe they were planning on pranking a friend by 'uncovering' a skull later. Oh well, finders keepers and all that, you have way better plans for this guy, hopefully you can find that jaw bone.
You set off searching through the foliage and near by bushes with the branch while holding the skull in your other arm. After searching about three feet around and finding no more bones you decide that this is the only part of the deer's skeleton in this area. A little disappointed but still thrilled with your find, you decide it must be a good time to go back to your car.
Surely you won't look weird now. You a little forager with their treasure in hand. Looks like you'll be busy cleaning, then bleaching, and cleaning these bones today. Is that the order to treat found bones? You aren't sure but you can look into that later. Placing the skull in the trunk so it doesn't roll about and get damaged you make sure it's secure before closing the trunk and getting into your car and locking the doors.
Not once did you notice the pairs of eyes that had been watching you. One watching as you found the deer skull, and the other set seeing you place bones into your car. They kept watching as you fiddled with the radio while the car was starting up. They watched as you pulled out of the sandy dirt lot and drove back down the old road a little faster than before now that you could clearly see.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Could I have headcanons for Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke sharing a darling?
This was actually part of a post I made a while ago. It was about sharing a darling pairs in which I was personally interested. Also, since I did already a Sakura and Naruto post and a modern reader post, I tried to summon the backstory shorter up and layed my focus on the dynamic of the relationship.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy mindset, vicious behavior, harsh behavior, killing, manipulating, kidnapping
Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura sharing a darling
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🍜💙🌸I can see you as a fellow classmate back in the academy days with Naruto having already a huge crush on you back then and going on small little dates with you. When the teams were made, he was definitely upset that he wasn’t part of your team, jealous of the classmates who were. With Sakura you developed a good friendship during these days since Naruto brought you over as often as possible since he wanted to introduce you to his new friends. She was just thankful that Naruto had someone, he could always count on. Sasuke was most likely annoyed by you at first because that blonde over there never stopped talking about you. I feel like that if you would excel in a special area, ninjutsu for example or would be a good strategist, he might be impressed. But he would definitely need to spend a lot of time with you. You might have helped him with new techniques for which he acknowledged you.
🍜💙🌸You could say that this was somewhat the start of it all, Naruto and Sasuke both being in love with you. It made the relationship a bit more complicated to say the least, both often arguing when it came to you. A lot of snarky and mean comments from Sasuke, poking fun at Naruto and saying he wouldn’t be strong enough and Naruto throwing childish tantrums. Sakura, knowing that both of them liked you, was of course saddened due to her crush on Sasuke back then. But she also knew that you couldn’t do anything about it and felt almost sorry for you, these two were much to take after all.
🍜💙🌸It came to the final showdown between Sasuke and Naruto after he had decided to leave the village, wanting to get stronger and feeling hatred for Naruto because that guy had gotten so strong and monopolized your time. It led to a much more intense fight between those two, Sasuke more aggressive because of all the anger inside of him which led him to yelling at Naruto that one day he would get you and then you would be his. Naruto on the other hand got terrified when hearing this, not willing to let you anywhere near Orochimaru and Sasuke, who was clearly not thinking, which also led him to pushing harder.
🍜💙🌸He was scared when he had to leave you alone, but also knew that this was a necessary step to get stronger. He made Tsunade, Sakura, Kakashi and everyone of his friends promise that they would protect you. He knew Sasuke was lurking somewhere outside there, waiting for his chance.
🍜💙🌸It was during this time that Sakura fell for you, spending everyday with you that at one point Tsunade just decided to train both of you together since you were always there. She just realized that you had been there for her all the time, always supported her and acted as the shoulder to cry on when she had needed one. She felt conflicted about this, knowing that Naruto and you were an unofficial couple which led her to some mood swings. She was either on cloud nine or somewhere deep underground.
🍜💙🌸When Naruto came back, she informed him about what had happened. He was at first a bit more iffy about how to feel, but him and Sakura shared a great trust after all, leading to both of them agreeing to share whilst also wanting to safe their teammate. Sasuke on the other hand had spent years training with Orochimaru and that guy had somehow found out about his pupil’s little obsession with you, daring to sometimes ask him about you which led to Sasuke aggressively reacting. Even the thought of Orochimaru anywhere near you was disgusting.
🍜💙🌸After he went rogue, he had originally planned to take you after defeating Itachi. You could have been in the search troupe together with Naruto, Sakura and all the others. Tsunade and Kakashi were aware that Sasuke was after you, so they most likely either made you pair up with Naruto or Sakura at that time. If Sasuke found out or not depends on whether he sensed you or not. If he did, there’s a chance he really went after you, only to be interrupted by all the other people searching for him which was quite frustrating. You were so close and he still couldn’t grab you.
🍜💙🌸He didn’t know about Sakura yet, Tobi probably told him about it, using it as a manipulation to make him distrust the village even more and bring him to joining the Akatsuki. And that made Sasuke snap. As if it wouldn’t have been enough that this blonde moron had fallen for you, Sakura too?! Was that guy kidding him! And when he found out that those two were even sharing, he honestly was irritated. The concept of sharing the person you love wasn’t exactly well known to him.
🍜💙🌸It was most likely after the war that those three finally came to the terms of sharing with each other. Of course Sasuke needed a lot of time to get convinced. It was most likely Sakura and maybe even the darling who suggested it. Naruto wasn’t exactly all that happy with it. He was a jealous boy after all and he knew that Sasuke wasn’t exactly...the nicest person. He was dubious about this whole thing and the only reason why he was willing to give it a shot in the first place was because Sasuke was his friend. And as a worshipper he refused to let you get yelled at. And Sasuke was conflicted about this. Sharing really isn’t his strength and whilst he did saw them as his teammates again, he was still pretty selfish about you. He shouldn’t have to share you with someone else. But he knew too well that Sakura and Naruto wouldn’t let you go. Neither would he. He needed most likely help and comfort from the darling during this time so he would come to the terms of sharing.
🍜💙🌸It is truly a thing to witness in here. Because whilst Sakura and Naruto worked together so well because they share a lot of Yandere types and has the same point of view about how to treat and share you, not to mention the same trust, Sasuke isn’t like those two. He’s more of a bastard who can lash out easily when the wrong buttons are pushed and also yell at his darling for it.
🍜💙🌸It’s also worth mentioning that whilst Naruto and Sakura do see Sasuke as their friend and teammate and trust him, they always hoped for him to come back, when it comes to their darling, both of them are a bit more distrusting and more on edge. They know Sasuke’s mood swings and whilst he definitely is a bit more nicer to you, he can just as well spit out some hurtful words. And that’s definitely anything, but fine with Naruto and Sakura.
🍜💙🌸The dynamic between Naruto and Sasuke could be described as shaky. They are literally back to how they used to act to each other when they were younger. That means Sasuke mocking his friend whilst Naruto throws childish tantrums. But both of them changed after all so it can go from just acting like children and teasing and yelling at each other quickly to actually throwing hands over you. And in this case Sakura and the s/o will have to step in so they don’t try to kill each other again. And whilst Sakura definitely always tries to solve this peacefully, the moment she loses her temper too or notices that both of them scare you with their behavior, she definitely isn’t above punching them and yelling at them to stop their stupid behavior since they scare you with it.
🍜💙🌸The dynamic between Sakura and Sasuke might be a bit more awkward given the fact that Sakura used to have a crush on Sasuke and he knows that too. But at least those two are a bit more polite with each other, most likely because most of the times she knows not to push his buttons and tries in general to always talk with them if they have a problem with each other. If we go from cannon logic and assume that both of them should still develop romantic feelings for each other later on, this would of course change a few things. Sasuke would just have an easier time sharing with someone if he loved that person as well. It would still be pretty turbulent though.
🍜💙🌸Time has to be developed carefully because once again, the dynamic with Sakura and Naruto might be great, but Sasuke doesn’t add up to it. Sakura and Naruto are used to sharing their darling and definitely spend a lot of time with them together. Whilst Naruto does need a bit more time alone with their darling than Sakura does, they managed to schedule the time. But with Sasuke in the picture things changed quite a bit. Sasuke is more of a loner and since he’s possessive, he needs a lot more time with his darling in comparison to many others. Another thing is that he needs the calmness and Naruto and Sakura tend to be a bit too loud for his taste. Not only that, but all three of them together with their darling can lead to a quick argument between Naruto and Sasuke and that’s when it really gets noisy.
🍜Naruto would grow most likely more clingy due to constantly being teased and poked fun at by Sasuke. From the three he is definitely the one who would smother you more than Sasuke. He isn’t exactly happy with having to share with the black-haired boy since Sasuke goes sometimes a bit too harsh on you. There is also this old competition from his younger days between him and Sasuke which still influences the way those two act with each other. He’s also a bit more protective over you than he usually would be, not wanting you to endure any of Sasuke’s mood swings alone. If he should find out that you always get scared when him and Sasuke are in another shouting session which is about to reach it’s climax, he would feel totally horrible afterwards, apologizing whilst suffocating you in even more affection. He would try afterwards to prevent himself from getting angered too much by Sasuke for your sake which isn’t very easy.
💙Sasuke is somewhat the more unpleasant counterpart of Sakura and Naruto. He isn’t the nicest person and he knows that too. He tends to often get all pent-up due to constantly throwing fits with Naruto. It makes him a bit more trigger-happy and so it definitely happens once in a while that he has to let his frustrations out, sometimes even on you. He does feel bad afterwards since he understands that this isn’t completely your fault. It’s just hard for him to endure Sakura and Naruto, who are very overbearing to say the least. He needs time alone with you to connect properly and that is hard with the other two constantly around. He isn’t exactly all that willing to make things up with Naruto since he possesses a huge amount of Uchiha pride. Sakura would honestly have to drag him by the collar to apologize to you and to make both of them apologize to each other.
🌸Sakura is the voice of reasoning between those two. She’s honestly the only reason they didn’t lose their other arm as well. She’s more reasonable with everything and acts somewhat as a messenger between those two since their pride often keeps them from talking to each other like a grownup does. She often talks with both of them as polite as she can, figures out the problems and talks to the other one, listening to his problems and trying to make him help to understand the point of view from the other guy a bit better. She’ll also there to comfort you when you had to witness yet another fight between those two. Whilst she is someone who tries to solve things in a non-violent way, she tends to lose her temper too, grabbing both of them by their collars and shaking them whilst shouting at them to stop acting like complete idiots. Does anyone of those want to make you feel scared of them? Good grief.
🍜💙🌸This will never be a picture-perfect relationship, not with Sasuke in here. It will get overtime better though since Naruto and Sasuke will somewhat learn to co-exist next to each other and share with each other which will have you and Sakura let a sigh of relief out. The only thing they have to work on now is somehow helping Naruto and Sasuke to not get a bit too messy. Sakura is due to being a medic not that willing to kill unless something serious happened. Naruto possesses a few boundaries, but it is still too easy to set him off. And Sasuke definitely earns the first place. He’s paranoid, even more since he has to share his darling already and doesn’t want any other trailing after them.
🍜💙🌸It also makes him want to isolate his darling a bit more which is not okay with the other two. Sasuke isn’t really comfortable with with going outside with his darling, he is more on edge, especially when in public. He doesn’t have anything against a short walk outside in nature, but when he has to go under humans he tends to keep his darling closer to him. This isn’t that terrible of a case with Naruto and Sakura. They are just on the jealous side, but not that paranoid like Sasuke is. In short, there will always be things that will require long discussions and fights until for the time being a solution is found.
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I'm pretty sure James' moon tattoo is actually Toby Stephens’ real tattoo, so there's no actual canon background, besides coincidences :) But let’s ignore that because I have an headcanon about the tattoo!!!
So I’ve seen Thomas, James and Miranda described as the Sun, Moon and Stars, which makes PERFECT sense!!!
Thomas being the Sun is rather obvious - it fits him so well!!!
James being the Moon as the partner of the Sun, its other face - one and the other are always together. But the Moon is darker like James and his moods and his anger, and then Moon being the one responsible for the tides of course is another point on its connection with James - people (aka Silver) don't think he controls the seas for no reason!!!
Miranda as the Stars also makes a lot of sense!! The sun itself being a star, the Stars and the Sun being of the same cloth, and then the Stars come out with the Moon, they’re shown in that darkness as well, but they don’t overwhelm - their light (or you know their anger) always overshadowed by the Moon. Now with this in mind, James gets the Moon tattoo, because he knows Thomas is the Sun, that light that illuminates everyone and how people just have to look at him and can't look away (that was one of the first things Miranda spoke to him). James is Thomas' partner, his other face, the darkness. But also his lover - I know I’ve seen the idea of the Sun & Moon as a pair in myths before.
So with the tattoo done, probably after Gates and the rest crew made him do it - it's the way of piracy - he comes home, Miranda of course notices it and asks him what he did, and he tells her the truth, he tells her his reasons, probably cries of his love for Thomas. Jokingly Miranda asks him what does that make her, she doesn’t expect an answer, but without even thinking he says the Stars. He hadn't thought of it before, but it comes to him as she utters the question, because the Moon is never without the Stars, and he needs her; the Stars are also the ones who lead you home in the sea, she's the reason he comes home - besides even in London I think she was this strong force, that held them together, that looked after them.
After the next time at sea, James comes home to her and she got some stars tattooed on her body (not sure where - the arm doesn't really feel right...). He first yells of course - it’s then after all - about the risks of going to Nassau, how she could have gotten hurt, and he can't lose her, but she calms him down, after all it was already done. He probably cries as Miranda tells him she needed it, she wanted Thomas on her skin too. They hold each other that night, and for all the years to come, James loves tracing the Stars when they lie in bed together, just quietly seeing each Star on her skin.
Years later, after he and Thomas are reunited, Thomas asks him about the Moon tattoo - he tells him the story and the Stars on Miranda’s soft skin. Thomas insists that they find a place for him to get his tattoo, a Sun, he wants to close their trio.
Maybe in a modern AU, they can actually get the tattoos all together!!!! Imagine them in the tattoo parlor together, trying to picture which one would be more nervous (I did just read a fic that Thomas as a tattoo artist which was so good!!!)
Also my brain who loves the ot5, that includes these three plus Silver and Madi, wonders what tattoos they would get fitting themselves into this family as well!!!
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amindofstone · 3 years
when the heart speaks
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a/n: Watching Naruto I always had a huge interest in Hatake Kakashi's character and story. He is such an amazing creation. He´s simply a masterpiece! His story is such a sad story I couldn´t help bad feel bad. I felt horrible and the fact that he never showed any of that pain and sorrow broke my heart. This man needs to be loved! Anyways, since I never wrote anything with any character of Naruto, although I love this anime to damn much (like to the moon and back), I thought I should start doing that with Kakashi being my first try. If it ends up being good and if some people end up liking it, I might also write for Naruto next to One Piece. Other than that happy reading!
Genre: anime imagine? Naruto imagine?
Character(s): Hatake Kakashi x Nami (reader)
Spoilder(s):mainly Naruto Shippuden Spoilers like about: the fourth ninja war, Obito being Tobi, the fight against Tobi, Kakashi becoming the Hokage
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2605
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Kakashi´s train of thoughts. And just so you know the reader in here is just a supportive character while for Kakashi it´s the main character. (Does that even make sense?! Never mind. Hopefully you get what I mean. This was supposed to sound beautiful... but well... never mind)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @Nebula517 (Twitter) !!!
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A month flew by and the people of Konoha were living their lives as if nothing happened. They go to work, open their stores, spend time with their beloved ones and enjoy the gift called life.
A month passed since the fourth ninja war ended. The fourth war that cost so many lives. Lives of so many people that were dear to him. Lives of parents, friends, siblings, students and teachers. People he used to have around him. People he used to greet on a daily basis. People that used to greet him on a daily basis.
A month passed and Konoha is still busy trying to rebuild it´s broken homes and streets. A month passed and more parents let their children play outside. A month passed and slowly more people are seen happy and with smile upon their lips. Well, at least they tried to.
A lot of buildings, streets and homes were destroyed. People looked for shelter in the houses of their neighbors or tents the hokage provided. Some families were in a miserable state but still managed to smile and have a good time. No matter where one looked there were ninjas helping out here and there. Going from one mission to another to help rebuilding the village to its old beauty. The civilians suffered a lot but the shinobi were the ones that went through hell and back. One of those ninjas was the famous and well known jonin Hatake Kakashi.
He saw so many of his friends in pain. He saw people die and people scream in agony. He saw people stand back up after they saw their beloved ones die just to keep up with the fight in the name of peace. Peace, a word that described a world and a living of a existence that could only exist in a fantasy novel or a dream. It seems like Madara wasn´t wrong when he said that - The longer you live, the more you realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness. -
“Thank you so much for helping us out. We will soon be able to stay in our own home again.”, said a little boy to the quiet man. Kakashi squatted down so he could look the little guy into his eyes. Something his father did when he was a child himself. “There is no need to thank me. I´m glad I could help. Now go and help your mother carrying the groceries. I´m sure she needs your help.”, the little guy nodded and bowed as a farewell and made his way towards his mother who was on her way to go shopping. Kakashi had an eye on the child until he was next to his mother before he stood up again to get back on his way to his new destination. His destination a place he visited already three times just today. With his newly appearance it would be the fourth time but he didn´t mind at all because that was his job after all. This is what he got trained for and lived for. Right?
No matter where one looked of went in the village. There were ninjas everywhere. Going to on mission to another or fulfilling a mission at good as they could. Missions that were all about helping the civilians or helping rebuilding the villiage to its old beauty and peace.
With hands in his pockets he made his way back to the office of Lady Tsunade not caring at all if he came late. A trait he developed years ago. But he didn´t mind at all because he didn´t care what people thought of him and his bad habit. He didn´t care a bit. He didn´t and never will. He didn´t, right?
After a pleasant walk the young man knocked at the door of the hokages office right after a tired sigh left him. A soft come in could be heard before he stepped inside. “You wanted to talk?”, said the jonin and closed the door behind him. The blond woman nodded and leaned back in her chair. She was nervous and Kakashi could see that. She bit on her lower lip and sighed before she cleared her throat. “Kakashi. I know that the past circumstances left you in a state of confusion, sadness and pain. And I surely am sorry for everything that happened to you but I hope that you know that the life of a shinobi is exactly that. Saying this is actually absurd because it’s something you already know and can understand the best out of all the others. I am aware of you many losses and the pain you went through in the cause of your life for the sake of our village. You did a lot for Konoha but also the world. Me and every other person alive appreciate that and thank you for everything you have every done and will be doing in the future. You are indeed and great shinobi.”, visibly confused over the words of the woman in front of him his head slightly tilted. “Tsunade what are you implying on? I´m sure you didn´t call me over just to praise me so I´m honestly kind of confused.”, the Hokage smiled at him and nodded. “You´re right. I didn´t called you over just for the praise when I already know that you´re not the type of a person that likes being praised openly over his work and duties. To put it short I´d like you to know that I told the elders about my decision of retirement as the hokage. But next to that I also suggested you to be the next hokage.”
The man was surprised. How could someone like him become the hokge? “Who else is suggested beside me?”, wondered Kakashi although he knew who that might be. But he needed to hear it from her. “Naruto.”, hearing his name put a smile on his lips “I´m glad that he was suggested.”, but the mere thought of Naruto as the hokage sadden him for some reason. “I´m really glad that he was suggested but don´t you think that he is too young for that? I mean I´m not saying that he isn´t capable of taking the position, because he indeed is and always proved that. It´s just that he´s just 17 and should be allowed to live. He´s just a child on who´s fate was put a huge amount of burden.”, he added to emphasize his thoughts about her decision. “And this is why I want you to be hokage. You are the only one who is strong and intelligent enough to take this position and lead the villiag.”, a short chuckle could be heard from the man before he put both of his hands back into his pockets. “Intelligence? Really? Talking about intelligence I think Nara Shikamaru would be a better choice. Don´t you think?”, “And this is why I ordered him to be your chief aide and he agreed. So what do you think? If they choose you would you accept the position?”, with a hesitate nod he agreed and caused Tsunade to smile in relief. “Thank you. I´m sure you will do a great job.”
With slow steps he walked out of the office and the building when his attention was drawn to the now pinkish sky above him. The color of the sky that told him that another day of his life was slowly coming to an end made his heart ache. The thought of him being able to life when others who deserved it more couldn´t, always managed to get him fall back into the sadness that lay in his heart. Where do I go know? Right, I need to go to the grocery store. On his way to buy what he wrote down this morning he walked past a flower shop with his gaze falling on white roses. His eyes were fixed on the bouquet of flowers until the owner approached him and asked if she could help. He was quite and actually didn´t knew why he starred at them but he ended up buying them. With an empty head but a heavy heart he let his body lead him, not realizing that after a walk of 20 minutes he ended up standing in front of the grave of his friend. Obito. He didn´t knew what to do. He didn´t knew what neither to do nor to say, so he simply stood there waiting for his mind to make something up. But absolutely nothing happened until his heart spoke up. “I´ll be hokage Obito. This is what you wanted to be right? I remember hearing you say this over and over again every day. But never did Sensei Minato or Rin get sick of it. Honestly I also had cero problems hearing that. I can´t remember what I thought in those moments but one thing´s for sure. Sensei liked it and it always managed to make him smile.”
Kakashi sat down while carefully placing some of the flowers on his grave. “I used to come and see you not knowing that you were alive. I used to come and talk to you sometimes without knowing that you were alive and I could have been able to see and talk to you in person. But even if I knew that you were alive I don´t think I would have been able to face you. I messed up in so many aspects. I can´t help but see me as the reason on why it came to a war.”, while sitting in front of Obitos grave the jonins head hang low. He might be sitting just in front of a grave but somehow he does not have the courage to look up. He was ashamed. “I´m sorry for breaking the promise. I´m sorry for being a horrible friend to you Obito. I messed up miserably. Those minutes in front of you, with you were everything but pleasant since I had to fight what I called a friend all my life. But still I am happy that I could see you. I wish it would have been on different circumstances but life and fate always hated me so I´m not expecting anything else than pain.”, with every word leaving his lips slowly and bit by bit tears filled his eyes he did not allow to fall. “I´m sorry I couldn’t be the friend you or Rin deserved but I promise that I will be exactly that friend you wanted to the whole village. I will be leading the villiage with the love and attitude you had when we were one.”, with tears that threatened to fall he stood up again and cleared his throat. “Thank you for the live lesson Uchia Obito. I´ll never forget it.”
With the remaining white roses he made his way to Rins grave and placed it neatly on top of it. “Thank you for always trying to keep us together. Please make sure to take care of Obito. He deserves to be happy and loved. And… Rin… I´m sorry… I´m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I´m sorry.”, with heavy steps and an aching heart he walked down to another grave. A grave he once used to avoid but by now found peace in. “Seems like my legs lead me to you and the others like so many other days, father. I wonder when the time will come in which I won´t be approaching any of you with sorrow and sadness. Althought I wish this day to come soon I know that it will never happen.”
Kakashis vision was blurry. He wanted to cry but didn´t shed any tears. He stopped himself from doing so and tried his best to hold them back. With his last prayers he left the graveyard behind and took care of his groceries. He had no energy to cook but he also was not in the mood to go eat out and get confronted with any person. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to be left alone because he wanted to and not because he was used to the silence in his life. Again bit by bit sorrow took over his mind and heart. Again he was drowning in pain and memories. Again he was left alone with his never ending pain. A wave of darkness overcame him making him wonder how he ended up like that again. He didn´t greeted the employee at the store or waved back when someone called or greeted him. With a low hanging head he walked back home, while a comforting warm rain fell upon Konoha.
He was standing in front of his apartment he recently moved in. With one hand holding the bag with the groceries he took out his keys with the other one. A scattered mind and a broken soul accompanied him when he entered his apartment. “Kakashi? Are you alright? I was worried? Oh no you’re wet to the bone! Give me the bags and go change. You´ll get sick otherwise and we can´t have that.”
What was going on? He was confused and his mind went blank. A woman with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes came approaching him when reality hit him. “Kashi is everything fine? Did something happen?”, the woman placed the bags on the kitchen counter and looked at him out of worried eyes. She took of her black glasses and took the confused man’s hand to lead him to the bedroom. She let go of his hand again and went to close the window that let in the cold wind. She fixed the curtains and went back to face the silver haired man who still wasn´t moving an inch. She smiled upon his behavior and slowly took off his headband, his vest and his gloves. “It´s okay if you don´t wanna talk about please don´t forget that I am here when you need me. I won´t judge, just please talk to me whenever you fell like it. I love you after all.”
I love you, she said? I love you. How could I let the darkness take the lead again? How could I? “May I take of your mask?”, Kakashi nodded and still did not say a thing or moved. “Now please do the both of us the favor and take a shower. I´ll get you your clothes and make us some dinner. Alright?”
She smiled up at him and let go of him to do what she said when two strong arms held her back. “Huh?”, he pulled her against his chest only to take her face in hands and place a loving but rough kiss on her lips. A soft whine could be heard and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Tears he held back and tried to not let them show any of his feelings. But for how long was he supposed to do that? Nami broke the kiss. She was worried since her lover never behaved like that. “No, please. Don´t go, stay.”, his eyes were closed and his hands were shaking when he placed his lips upon hers again. She let him be and said nothing. Nami closed her eyes and placed her hands on his chest and allowed him to do what he pleased, not caring that his wet clothes might wet hers too. She let him do what he wanted as long as he was happy. As long as she could help him get rid of the sorrow and pain in him. As long as she had him by her side.
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