#get him off my eyes for a year he is 31 years old and he spends every night partying/in a pub
izacore · 1 year
I'm sorry, I'm just tired of having to read for 1000th time how all Louis does is chain smoking and drinking alcohol and acting like I'm supposed to find it cool/edgy/relatable or that these are normal habits excused by being British or whatever. At some point it 1) becomes caricatural 2) makes me start to think that he needs actual help and therapy to find different vices.
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toji-girl · 3 months
31 & 37 for that smut prompt thing, but with Midoriya. You know that broccoli headed little angel is nothing but a savage in the the sheets
SJKns YES!! I love him so much! I will always think of Izuku the sweet-faced man who is so good to you, but in the bedroom? I feel like he can be such a dom or sub, whatever you want that man will be! this is not my best work djn - prompts
tags: 18+ only content - mdni + fem reader + Izuku got dusted with sex pollen + overstimulation + kitchen sex + creampie + all characters are over the age of 21
Monday started off like most days.
You woke up before your husband to pack Izuku some lunch for his shift, then you bid him goodbye with a hug and kiss that he always treasured and asked for more because he never knows if he's making it back home to you or not, so he's extra with his affection.
However, it wasn't a normal day though, during your self-care routine your phone vibrated on the bathroom counter, it was your husband.
He never called during the day unless it was super important, but if you ever rang him then he'd answer, Izuku prefers to send a quick text to tell you he was thinking about you, but this? This is new.
Jabbing the screen you answered it and wiped off your cream face mask. "Hey babe, you okay?" You asked leaning into the mirror.
On the other side of the phone you could hear him breathing raggedly, your name rolled off his tongue hoarse and thick.
"Is the front door unlocked?" Izuku asked ignoring your question.
After you wiped your face off you made your way to the front door making sure it was unlocked for him before going to the kitchen in need of something to drink. "It is yes, what's the matter Izuku?"
Instead of getting an answer he hung up on you which only made you more confused, then a few moments later you heard the front door.
Heavy footsteps sounded throughout the house that came closer to you. "Izuku?" You called out a little worried and confused about why your husband was acting like this until he finally showed himself.
He stood tall and strong like a willow tree leaning against the doorframe breathing raggedly as he stared at you, his chest rising fast as he closed the distance between the both of you.
His fingers curled into the fabric of your dress as he buried his nose into the crook of your neck as got you naked, his lips following no pattern as he peppered you with wet kisses while groping your ass.
"Babe? What is going on?" You asked with a slight gasp as he kneeled in front of you to tug your panties down. With your hands on his shoulders, he looked up at you with pink cheeks and wild eyes.
Izuku leaned in to inhale the musky scent of your pussy on bare display for him, his tongue lolled out to taste you as his hands stayed glued to your ass. "Villian." He muttered giving you half an answer.
With his mouth suctioned to your cunt there was no way you wanted it now anyway as you leaned against the counter to stay upright as you spread your legs hoisting one up over his shoulder as your fingers threaded through dark and green hair tugging slightly with a moan.
His tongue stroked over your clit over and over again bringing forth a type of pleasure that made you dizzy with it, all you could do was focus on the pressure he was using to bring you to climax.
As you stared down at him he looked like a feral man when he pulled away to lick his lips cleaning up your slick with a soft growl as he stood to his full height to rip his uniform off quickly. "Deku!"
Usually, when you used that name he would look at you like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar but this time he ignored you as he shredded the material until he stood stark naked in front of you.
Scars that looked like lightning were scattered along his body from years of training, now at twenty-eight years old he only gained more from his time in UA. Your eyes widened at his erection that stood up.
"It's so big. How the hell are we gonna make that thing fit?"
His cock was bigger and thicker, curving a little to make sure it hit the perfect spot to have you creaming, the head was swollen and dripped with thick pre-cum, something you'd never seen before.
Izuku wrapped his fingers around the base and jerked himself off as he turned you around making sure you braced yourself before he pressed the tip against your fluttering hole. "A little bit of patience."
With the sex pollen that was dusted over him and the group he was in, it seemed that Izuku got the worst of it and he didn't have time to shower like everyone else did, and right now he didn't have any patience, his mind was swimming with one thing only: you.
He rested his hands on your hips once he pushed inside while leaning forward to nuzzle his head against your shoulder as he thrust all the way in. "Feels so good, gonna drown myself inside your pussy."
His voice came out gravelly as he rutted against you like a virgin not really thinking about anything else but the way your warm silken walls hugged him tight made his stomach ripple with pleasure.
You spread your legs wider for him feeling him go even deeper if that was possible making you gasp and push against him grinding down on him fucking yourself now as he transferred the pollen to you.
The both of you fucked each other like wild animals snarling and mating, his fingers curled into your dress again ripping the fabric until it hung around your frame in shreds with missing chunks.
Izuku pounded you from behind his hips were sure to bruise your ass and you both were going to be sore tomorrow as he hunched over you more kissing and biting at your neck and panting your name.
You lost count of how many times you came coating his dick in w a white creamy essence that he begged you to suck clean then he'd eat his loads of cum from your gaping cunt until you were empty.
It was only right that he filled you up again.
"I'm not done with you. Get back here." Izuku growled pushing himself back inside you to rid of that pollen that made his blood boil when you attempted to pull away for a moment.
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lovingmattysposts · 3 months
You don't know me 31
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P1 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P32
pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: suggestive (barley), family drama
I swallowed. I stared at the door as my heart raced back and forth. This was scarier than the first time I came here. I shrugged the bag over my shoulder.
I had no where else to go.
If he didn't let me stay here, I would have to sleep on the street. What if everything was fake and I just imagined it? What if he was ready to be a father, but me showing up with all my shit in the middle of the night would just freak him out?
Hi Dad, I know we just met last week but...can I stay here until further notice?
I didn't know how Nate was going to react. He already felt like I was intruding and now I was physically intruding. I whined as I looked down at my feet, fear and doubt creeping in.
"Don't freak out, Don't freak out. You're fine" I breathed.
If Chris was here I would have just stayed at his house until I worked up the courage to make this step. But Chris wasn't here. He was flying back tomorrow...hopefully. I didn't know. I still haven't heard from him.
More doubt creeped in.
I pulled out my phone from my pocket.
To Chris: 9:35am
Did you sleep okay?
To: Chris 3:09pm
I hope your day’s going good. How is everything with your parents?
To Chris: 7:08pm
I love you
I swallowed turning my phone off and shoving it into my pocket. He's busy. He hasn't been home in almost three years. You're overthinking. He still loves you.
I shook the thoughts out of my mind. One problem at a time Y/n. I shurgged the bag again to keep it from falling. The bag was getting heavy. I had to make a decision soon. Either knock on the door, or sleep on the park bench.
I let out a breath as I walked up to the front door. It was late. Past 12. I didn't know what time James went to bed. Hell, I barely knew anything about him.
I closed my eyes as I raised my fist, knocking. I shifted back on my feet. I looked around, my heart beating out of my chest. I just stood there as the silence came.
"Come on, please" I whispered to myself as I knocked again harder. I tapped my foot against the mat as I waited some more. I almost gave up before I heard a lock turn. I snapped my head up as the door opened.
Please don't be Nate. Please don't be Nate.
I let go of a breath when I saw James.
His eyes full of shock when they landed on me. It looked like I had woken him up, from his sleepy state. The last person he excepted to knock on his door right now was probably me.
"I heard you like the stars" I forced as smile but the tears welded in my eyes as I spoke. His face softened as he saw me start to cry.
"Sweetheart" He breathed opening the door all the way before I pushed forwards dropping my bag and running into his arms in full on sobs.
The light flicked on and I looked around. I spun as I looked around. Smaller than my old room, but still perfect all the same. James set down my bag with a thud.
"Is this all you brought?" He asked glancing down at the bag. I left in a rush, I didn't grab anything that didn't have meaning to me in the moment. My hair supplies, shampoo, skincare, and most of my shoes left behind.
I wrapped my arms around myself. "Yeah I--I guess I should have grabbed more stuff" I whispered, suddenly feeling guilty because everything I didn't have, I would have to borrow from him. He wasn't necessarily swimming in money like Scott.
He shook his head. "We'll get you what you need" He nodded. I looked up at him and shook my head. "It's okay. I can...manage" I mumbled. He smiled and tilted his head.
"Do you want to use Nate's three in one shampoo?" He asked smiling. My eyes widened. I think my hair would curl up and fall off. He let out a chuckle once he saw my reaction.
I sighed as I sat down on the bed. The exhaustion of the day washing over me. James stepped towards me before sitting down next to me.
"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked softly. I took in a breath as I forced myself to spill everything that happpend a few hours ago at the dinner table. Once I was done, I felt even more humiliated than I did in the moment.
James pressed his closed hands to his face as we sat there.
"I know it's a lot and if you aren't prepared to take me in---I can totally understand that. I can get a hotel, I have some of my trust fund I can tap into--"
"No, you're staying here" He shook his head glancing at me. "I just--" He shook his head. "Clara must be..." He took in a breath. "A completely different person now" He said looking down at his shoes.
I just watched him. I almost saw the heartbreak in his eyes. The last hope gone of any good that might have been left in my mother. It broke my heart.
"I guess she was never the same without you" I mumbled. I didn't know if it was the right thing to say, but I just said it anyway. He didn't react to my statement as he stood off the bed. I just watched him.
"I bought a three bedroom house for a reason" He stated looking down at me with a small smile. I let the corners of my mouth curl up. "Do you want to stay with me....like full time?" He asked hesitantly. I blinked at him.
I nodded with a small smile. I really didn't have another option, but that didn't matter. My heart grew as I felt the warmth of this home. It felt like a home. Something I never felt before.
"You can pick out some stuff online that you want in your room. I know it's bland right now. I'm sure there's some stuff you would like to hang up" He glanced around.
I shook my head. "I just want the stars from my bag" I motioned. He glanced down at the bag before looking up at me.
"But a few poster and maybe some flowers wouldn't hurt?” I said glancing around. “Nothing super expensive I promise" I shook my head. He smiled and shook his head.
"Go to bed" He chuckled shaking his head. I smiled before kicking off my shoes. He turned and made his way towards the door.
"Dad?" I breathed. He froze for a second, from the obvious unuse of the nickname, but turned and looked at me. "What about Nate? Is he gonna be angry?" I whispered. He blinked at me before he shook his head.
"Let me worry about Nate. I'm not leaving you out on the street because Nate's mad" He smiled shaking his head. I smiled before nodding as he exited the room.
"She doesn't have anywhere else to stay?"
I froze at the stop of the staircase, as my hand gripped the railing.
"Nate, she's your sister. She's staying with us. End of discussion" James snapped. I stepped down, the creaking from the step stopping the voices. I peeked my head into view and they were both looking at me.
"Good morning" James smiled brightly. I smiled softly before looking over to Nate. He rolled his eyes before looking back down at the plate in front of him. I swallowed as I hesitantly walked over to them.
"You're all prettied up, where are you off to?" James said noticing my outfit and makeup and the fact that it was only 8am. I cracked my knuckles as I stood there.
"Uhm" I cleared my throat. "The airport, Chris is suppose to fly in today" I nodded. Nate looked up at me. James raised his eyebrows. "Suppose to?" He asked. I nodded.
"His flight’s suppose to. I just don't know if he'll be on it" I felt the clench in my chest. I looked down at my feet as the nerves crept in. "He hasn't talked to me since he left" I whispered, not even knowing if they could hear me. If I'm being honest it was embarrassing to admit.
"Has he called you Nate?" James asked looking down at him. Nate looked up before he shook his head. I nodded. Okay, that made me feel a little bit better.
"I'm going with Dan to the airport, and he's about to be here...So, I'll leave you guys be" I nodded at them as I walked towards the front door still hearing the pounding in my ears from my heart racing.
Dan was waiting in the car as my eyes scanned everyone that exited the terminal. I tapped my foot against the ground. "Come on Chris" I whispered to myself, earning some concerned glancing from those rolling past me with suitcases.
I gave them a nervous smile when we made awkward eye contact. I swallowed as I moved my vision around people.
Please have gotten on the plane.
I took in a breath and looked down at my feet. If he didn't get on the plane, Y/n you have to be okay. You will have to be okay. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I snapped my head back up, searching the crowd.
I looked down at my phone. No new messages sent or recieved since Friday. I sighed and shoved my phone into my pocket as the people thinned. There weren't that many exiting anymore.
If he doesn't show. You have to be okay.
I glanced up before seeing a boy with light brown hair round the corner. My heard dropped before his head turned to me and I saw his icey blue eyes. I felt myself jerk forward but I froze myself.
Don't act too excited to see him. Don't be that girlfriend. Don't sway his decision.
I swallowed and gave him a small smile befroe planting my feet. He stood there and just looked at me for a second before smiling and walking slowly over to me. I felt my heart beat against my chest with every step he took.
My mind screaming. He's here. He's here. He's here. He came back.
He paused right in front of me.
"How was the flight?" I whispered. He dropped his bag next to him before bending down and picking me up off the ground and wrapping his arms around my back, pressing his face into my neck.
"I missed you" He breathed, leaving my other question unanswered as I hovered off the ground from his embrace. I melted against him as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged me.
"I missed you" I breathed. He held me for a few more seconds before placing me back on the ground and pressed his hands to my face. I smiled up at him.
"Are you okay?" I whispered. He smiled before nodding and pressed his lips to mine. "I'm okay" He whispered against my lips making my cheeks pink.
"Okay" I mumbled back with a smile. He pulled back before leaning down and picking up his bag and grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers.
"You missed a lot" I mumbled looking in front of me as I drug him towards the exit. He glanced down at me. "I was gone for 2 and a half days. How much could I have possibly missed?" He chuckled. I glanced up at him and he stared down at me.
"You have no idea"
"James" Chris nodded at my father. James narrowed his eyes at him. Chris looked from me to him. "What are your intentions with my daughter?" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Dad" My eyes went wide. Chris chuckled next to me and looked up at James. "James, you've known me since I was 16" Chris smiled. James looked unimpressed.
"It's Mr. Doe to you" He said. Chris rolled his eyes as he reached down and pulled me into him. "Oh, alright" He chuckled, his arms snaking around my waist. I smiled as I laid my head against his chest, taking in his scent that I missed so much.
Chris's embrace hasn't left me since he saw me in the airport. At least one ounce of his skin had to be touching mine, and if it wasn't he fixed it immediately.
I haven't had the chance to ask him what went down in Boston yet. He hasn't said anything, and If i'm honest? I'm scared to provoke him on it. I don't know if I even want to know.
James glanced down to his arm around me before looking back up at Chris.
"I don't like you"
"James, you love me"
He glanced between us.
"Then I don't like this" He motioned between us. I chuckled pressing my face into Chris's chest.
"Now you know how I feel" Nate mumbled from the kitchen table. Chris's eyes glanced over to him before I felt his embrace leave mine.
I accepted it, even though selfishly, I wanted to pull his arm back and whine like a child. But, I held my composure.
I missed my boyfriend. I hadn't seen him in days.
Nate's eyes followed Chris's until he was standing next to him.
"Get up" Chris stated down at him. Nate glared at him. "What?" He mumbled. Chris smiled and pulled out his keys. "Get up, and give me a hug" Chris chuckled. Nate's face twisted.
"We don't hug" Nate shook his head. Chris reached down before pulling him out of his seat and pulling him into a hug. Nate struggled before accepting it and softly patting Chris's back.
I looked up at my dad before smiling.
"I'm wondering who's really dating Chris sometimes" I whispered, making James chuckle. Nate heard us before pushing off Chris and shaking his head.
"Alright, we're gonna head out" Chris stated looking at me and James. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where are we going?" I asked. Chris smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"Not you, Me and Nate. We're going to the rink" Chris smiled down at me. Nate's eyebrows furrowed. "What?" Nate asked. Chris turned and jinggled his keys.
"You coming or not?" Chris asked. Nate froze for a second before he smiled. "Y-Yeah let me just get my sticks" He smiled before pushing off the table and walking towards the stairs. I smiled as I finally saw Nate in a happy mood as he walked up the steps.
I looked up at Chris raising my eyebrows before he rolled his eyes and leaned down, pressing his lips to my ear.
"Give me a few hours and I promise you won't be able to get rid of me even if you tried" He whispered. I felt a blush come across my face and I smiled up at him nodding.
I trusted him. He needed to sort things out with Nate, first and foremost. I got that.
I looked up at my dad who was still glaring at Chris.
"James! My man, do we have to do this whole I'm-dating-your-daughter-thing now? Or can we go back to I-drink-beer on-your-back-porch-bros kinda dynamic?" He smiled placing his hand on my dad's shoulder.
"You do what?"
"I'm ready!" Nate announced from the top steps. I muffled a laugh as he raced down the steps like a kid on Christmas. Chris leaned off James and walked towards the door.
"I'll be over later my love" He kissed my cheek. I smiled and waved him off.
"No you won't" James glared at him as Chris smiled and winked at him and Nate and him made his way to the front door. I let out a breath as the door closed.
"Are you on birth control?"
My eyes widened as I looked back to my dad. "What?" I breathed my face turning red as he looked down at me. He let out a breath and closed his eyes as he walked off.
"I don't like this. I do not like this" He mumbled as he walked down the hall.
A few hours later, Nate and Chris came back. Sweaty.
I tried not to drool too hard over it in front of Nate because I don't want him to be any more uncomfortable than he already is from the fact that I'm dating his best friend.
"Hi" Chris smiled as he opened the door, freshly showered. "Hi" I smiled as he walked out of bathroom and down to where I was standing in the hallway.
He reached down before grabbing my hips and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled as I kissed him back passionatly.
"Can I not be safe in my own house anymore?" Nate's voice rang as he stepped out of his room. We broke apart and turned to look at Nate from the sound of his voice.
I chuckled as Chris bent down, wrapping his arms around me and burring his face into my neck, smiling.
"Have you met my friend Sydney? She's newly single" I sang looking at Nate. He rolled his eyes. "I have and she's exactly like you, i'm not interested." He growled.
Chris lifted his head. "You only said that because she's taller than you" Chris chuckled. Nate glared at him. "I'll tell her you said she's hot" I smiled at Nate.
"No! Don't" Nate snapped. I raised my eyebrows and looked up at Chris. Chris smiled. "Someone's got a crush" Chris mumbled.
"No I don't! You guys are ugh-" He stopped off and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door. Chris and I laughed before he let go of me and dragged me into my room.
I smiled as he closed the door. I reached up, running my hands through his hair. "You smell good" I whispered. He smiled. "Yeah?" He whispered. I nodded as I leaned up and pressed my lips to his softly.
The door swung open.
I pulled away and stepped back from Chris.
"This door stays open when he's here" My dad stared back at me. My eyes widened and I nodded as he opened the door slightly. He narrowed his eyes at Chris.
"Aw come on James. You don't trust me?" Chris smiled. James glared at him. "I trust you as much as I trusted myself at your age. The door stays open" James let go of the handle and stepped back. Chris rolled his eyes.
"We'll just have to start going to my house" Chris whispered.
"I heard that" James's voice rang through the hallway. My eyes widened and I hit Chris's chest.
"Chris. You can't make him hate me" I mumbled. Chris rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand pulling me over to my bed.
"He can't hate you, you're his daughter" He chuckled as we both fell against the bed. I sighed. "Well, don't make him hate you" I stated. Chris rolled his eyes.
"He couldn't hate me if he tried" He smiled confidently. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Plus Nate brings girls over here all the time, he never makes him leave the door open" Chris shook his head.
"I'm his daughter, it's different"
"It's still sex"
"I don't---" I cringed. "I don't want to imagine my brother having sex, please stop" I shook my head. He smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him.
"I really missed you" He whispered staring down at me. I smiled and leaned my head against the pillow.
Did I want to ask about what happened in Boston? I think he could see the discomfort on my face, because he sighed.
"I'm sorry I ignored you when I was in Boston. I just-" He shook his head. I squeezed his hand. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Chris. I understand" I whispered. He shook his head.
"You deserve an explaination" He stated. I swallowed and nodded. He laid down looking up at my ceiling and smiled, lifting his arm.
"You brought the stars" He pointed out. I smiled down at him.
"It was the first thing I grabbed"
He turned his head and looked at me.
God, we had a lot to talk about.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
The thing about drinking at 31 years old is that it's different from drinking at 18 years old– or 21 years old, or even 25 years old. Each shot, each drink, is one sip away from a terrible night’s sleep and an equally terrible morning.
Eddie Munson’s figured this out. Steve Harrington though? Steve Harrington has not. 
That’s how Eddie finds himself corralling his husband onto the couch after stumbling into the house, the front door slamming loud enough to jolt their cat out of her otherwise peaceful slumber. She glares for a moment before stretching her paws and curling back into a neat little ball. 
“Okay, okay, okay,” Steve repeats, an immediate tell that he’s definitely not making it any further than the couch anyways. “I’m good, I’m fine, this– this is a nice couch.” He punctuates his thought by slapping the cushion and laughing. 
Eddie shakes his head and grins. “Yep, it sure is. You picked it out, remember?” 
Steve gasps and laughs some more, falling back into the corner of the sectional. “I don’t but it’s comfy so if I did, I did a good fucking job.”
He watches with fond comfortability as Steve squirms around on the couch and lays back, arms over his head and dopey laugh still on his lips. It takes a lot of willpower and frankly, respect, not to climb on top of this giggly, flushed, disheveled man he loves so goddamn much and kiss him until he’s flushed for other reasons, but he digs deep and focuses on doing the next best thing: taking care of him. Eddie’s a little worse for the wear in his own right but a sliver of his iron constitution remains from his wild youth and he hangs on by a thread. 
Eddie gets Steve situated into a comfortable position, his back against one side of the cushions and his head propped up on a few pillows to make sure he doesn’t end up with his face smushed into the corner somehow. 
“I’m good, I’m fine– hey, hey, what are you doing?” Steve slurs and Eddie looks up from his position at the end of the couch, his fingers moving quickly as he unties Steve’s sneakers. 
“Taking your shoes off? You can’t sleep in your jeans, Stevie. You’ll thank me tomorrow.” 
Steve hums from somewhere high in his throat but doesn’t say anything else Eddie moves to unhook his belt. 
“Stop–stop it, hey, I’m married!” Steve smacks Eddie’s hand and Eddie barely suppresses a cackle. “You’re hot and all but I’m married and my husband’s hotter than you anyways.” 
With that, Eddie can’t stop himself. Warmth spreads through his chest as he laughs, from his heart all the way down to the tingling in his toes. Even drunk, even with his eyes closed, Steve would still choose him without a thought and sure, after all these years, it shouldn’t come as a surprise but it does. Because Steve is Steve, and Eddie is Eddie, and Eddie still hasn’t figured out what huge karmic debt he must’ve paid for them to have become SteveAndEddie.
He stares at Steve who’s nearly asleep but feebly muttering words like “hot,” and “perfect,” and “lucky.” 
“Hey, hey, Stevie, open your eyes for a second?” Eddie brushes the hair back from his forehead, gently shifting it away from his bloodshot, glossy eyes. He’s beautiful, even like this, what the fuck?
“Oh,” Steve’s eyebrow unfurrow and the right side of his mouth turns up into a small grin. “It’s you. Hi, Ed.” 
“Hi, Steve.” Eddie chuckles and kisses his forehead. “Gonna get your jeans off so you can sleep, okay?” 
“Mhm, yeah, that’s– thanks.” 
Eddie coaxes them off, tossing them onto a chair where they’ll remain until the next morning, and sets a glass of water down on the coffee table for when Steve inevitably wakes up with cottonmouth. One more soft kiss and an even softer blanket later, Steve is out and Eddie tip toes up the stairs to bed. 
The next morning, Eddie wakes to see Steve next to him. At some point, he must’ve woken up and gotten himself to bed which gives Eddie the opportunity to stare uninterrupted in the silence of their bedroom. It stands in stark contrast to the boisterous night before– the loud music and jumping bodies and Chrissy popping a bottle of champagne in celebration of Robin saying yes, as if there’d ever been a doubt. 
Steve’s on his back, the sun just starting to intrude on their tranquility. He takes in Steve’s features, the same ones he’s memorized time and time again but that never fail to stun him just the same. The moles, the freckles, the scars that make him ache and feel thankful simultaneously. The strong line of his jaw, the eyelashes that flutter as he sleeps, that one tendril of hair that insists on curling until Steve forces it into place. Eddie’s seen a lot of the world now, having traveled a bit with his band, and there’s nothing that compares to the man sleeping next to him. 
Even if he’s snoring. 
When Steve does eventually wake up, trudging downstairs with one eye open and asking why Long Island Iced Tea’s even exist, Eddie’s ready with the necessities– a black iced coffee, two sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches delivered to their doorstep, and a Gatorade for himself. 
“You’re the fucking best, you know that?” Steve smiles through the pounding headache as he sips his coffee and tears into the sandwich. 
“Eh, I try,” Eddie grins with a mouthful of egg and leans over to bump their shoulders together. 
Comfortable quiet drapes over them like the blanket from last night still over the back of the couch, and like the jeans hanging off the recliner– little reminders of the night before and of the domesticity of the life they’ve built together. 
Once Steve finishes his sandwich, their cat, Florence, hops up on the table and starts batting at the rolled up wrappers. 
“Think she wants to play,” Steve grumbles, sliding off the couch and laying on the carpet. “Listen, Florence, you know I love you but kid, I cannot play right now. I’m barely alive.” 
Eddie doubles over and nearly spits Gatorade all over the coffee table. Even their terrible, hungover, washed up mornings aren't all that bad.
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takavasen · 3 months
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
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Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
809 notes
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
31 notes
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
43 notes
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
98 notes
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
3 notes
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
754 notes
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
1,642 notes
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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joeys-babe · 4 months
Joey B Imagines: New Year’s Day*
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Summary: After a day of misfortune, Joe wants more than just a kiss to ring in the new year…
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Just the Two of Us
December 31, 2023
(y/n’s pov)
I should've known the night would go the way it did.
It seemed like today, the universe was just not on my side. Earlier, when I was getting ready, the zipper broke on my new dress so I had to wear an old one. My curling iron quit working. I lost one of my earrings that Joe had bought me for Christmas.
The worst part was when Joe and I finally arrived at the New Year’s party at Sam’s house. Joe had just grabbed us both a drink from the makeshift bar Sam had set up in his kitchen. When he handed me my drink, I spilled it all down my cream-colored dress.
“It’s fine, baby.” - Joe
We were currently in the guest bathroom; I told Joe he didn't have to come with me, but he knew that was me asking him to follow me to the bathroom.
“No, it's not! There's wine all down my white dress!” - you
“Hey, calm down.” - Joe
His soft voice, which would usually calm me down, was only pissing me off more.
“Joe, just stop talking! You aren't helping.” - you
“Okay then. What can I do to help?” - Joe
“Go away.” - you
“Honey…” - Joe
I shot him a look that had him dropping his head and exiting the room.
Fuck, this is only making things worse. Sure my day isn't going the greatest but why'd I have to project that onto Joe?
The thoughts of everything that had gone wrong today mixed with the picture of Joe’s sad expression after I told him to leave, and before I knew it, tears were flowing out of my eyes.
Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the bathroom door. I didn't answer because you'd be able to hear the fact I was crying in my voice.
I stupidly left the door unlocked, so when the door handle turned, I panicked.
My shoulders dropped in relief when Joe walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
Watching his eyes scan my tear-stained cheeks, Joe’s gaze softened, and he rushed to pull me into his arms.
“Hey, hey, it's okay.” - Joe
I buried my face in his neck as Joe ran a big hand over my back, the other holding the back of my head.
“What’s wrong, baby? Just the dress, or is something else going on?” - Joe
“Today's not been a good day.” - you croaked
“I'm sorry… anything I can do?” - Joe
“Just be here.” - you
I cuddled myself into him more, internally laughing at myself for contradicting my statement just ten minutes ago.
“Jess let me borrow a dress from her closet. I grabbed one that I thought you would like and be comfortable in.” - Joe
Jess, Sam’s girlfriend, was a saint for that. I'll have to bake her some cookies as a thank you.
“Thank you.” - you
His sweet gesture somehow only made me cry harder, and regret for how I acted toward him earlier flooded my head.
“Why are you crying harder?” - Joe
“Because I was mean to you earlier.” - you
Joe’s laugh moved his chest, causing my head to shake with it.
“It's okay. I promise. I didn't take it to heart because I knew you were just not having a good day.” - Joe
“Good.” - you sniffled
“I love you.” - Joe
He pressed a big but gentle kiss to my hair, and I felt a smile spread on my lips.
“I love you too.” - you
We stayed intertwined for a few moments before Joe eventually pulled away.
His hands stayed on my waist, and in one swift motion, he sat me on top of the counter.
“Want me to fix your makeup a little?” - Joe
“Please?” - you
Joe rummaged through the cabinets till he found something that looked like it could take mascara stains off. It ended up being a makeup remover, thank god.
With my guidance, Joe got my makeup to look like it somewhat did before. While doing so, Joe whispered sweet nothings that had me forgetting all about today’s misfortune.
All that mattered was our moment together in our friend's bathroom. My time with this man.
I pulled out my phone from my dress pocket to change into the one in Joe’s hand and saw the time in the process.
“It's 11:45!” - you
“Gotta hurry then.” - Joe winked
After playfully shoving his chest, I bunched up the fabric of my dress and pulled it over my head.
Joe silently licked his lips before his mouth dropped open, his eyes never once leaving my body.
I was kinda confused as to why he was reacting in such a way when I got a glance of myself in the mirror.
My lace black bra matching the tiger-striped thong made from the same material. Joe had put it in the bottom of my Chrismas stocking, but I hadn't worn it yet.
“Holy fuck.” - Joe groaned
Maybe I should tease him?
“Shit, I got wine on my bra too…” - you
I unclipped the garment and pulled it off my arms, revealing my bare chest.
“Baby, stop teasing.” - Joe
His voice had dropped down an octave, gaining a whiney tone in the process.
“I'm not trying to do shit, Burrow. Control yourself.” - you
I scrubbed the bra and dress vigorously, Joe clearly ogling my bouncing breasts.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Joe reach down to his crotch to rearrange his forming erection.
“y/n…” - Joe
“What?” - you
I looked at him through the mirror to see his pouty lips and tented jeans.
“Make it quick, I wanna see the ball.” - you
Joe lept forward and grabbed my waist, pulling me into his arms and carrying me into the guest bedroom.
He laid me down on the bed and ran over to the door to lock it before returning.
My first orgasm came fast and hard, Joe using his talented mouth and fingers to quickly bring me to release as breathy moans of his name left my lips.
“God, I need inside you.” - Joe
The digital clock on the nightstand read 12:50.
“Make it quick, Joseph Lee. I don't wanna miss the ball.” - you
Joe stood up and pulled his shirt over his head before shoving his sweatpants and undies down to mid-thigh.
“I'll show you two balls.” - Joe
His attempt at “sexy talk” had me busting out laughing.
“Stop! I'm trying to be sexy here!” - Joe
“Boy, you don't have to try. Just get on top of me.” - you
Joe did as I said and crawled on top of me, his big body equal parts hot and overwhelming.
“You want me?” - Joe
He grabbed his erection and ran his tip through my slick folds. Joe’s eyes were blown wide with lust, his deep voice intoxicating.
“Fuck yes.” - you
With that confirmation, Joe slammed his entire length inside. Both of us moaned as my walls clamped down on his lengthy member.
“You're soaked. So fucking tight.” - Joe
“You can move.” - you breathed out
Joe nodded and immediately set a fast pace. His only thought in mind was my pleasure.
“Feel good?” - Joe
“Joe!” - you moaned
“Mm? Does it? You like it?” - Joe
Moan after moan left my lips, Joe wasn't slowing down either, and his tip was abusing my cervix.
“Yes!” - you
Joe looked down and watched his thick cock move in and out of my heat, feeling himself get closer to release.
Wrapping my legs around Joe’s waist to allow him to get deeper, his eyes met mine, and a shiver went down my spine at the look in them.
“Wish I could stay inside you forever.” - Joe
His dirty praise had me inadvertently arching up into his chest, Joe didn't mind though, he thought the opposite.
“Fucking love you.” - Joe
I got too distracted by the sound of our friends downstairs to return the sentiment. Seems like we were getting closer to the new year.
Joe noticed my attention falling somewhere else and a weird feeling fell over him. Is she not enjoying this?
“Why are you listening to them?” - Joe panted
“I- dunno.” - you
“Listen to us, baby. Fuck, you can hear how wet you are.” - Joe moaned
His statement elicited a moan out of me that I swore came from my toes.
“Joey, fuck.” - you
If it was even possible, Joe moved his mouth closer to my ear, whispering anything he could think of that would drive me wild.
“Listen to my cock move inside you, y/n.” - Joe
“I'm- gonna… cum!” - you
“Atta girl, pay attention to me.” - Joe
My walls were repeatedly squeezing Joe’s cock, each time drawing a small moan from his lips.
“Feels so good.” - Joe groaned
I let out a borderline scream when Joe began sucking on the sweet spot on my neck while rubbing my clit with his thumb.
The sounds of skin slapping skin, along with the wet sounds of Joe moving in and out, seemed to be magnified ever since his statements.
After one specifically hard thrust from Joe, I came around him. I was practically seeing stars as he continued thrusting inside of me.
“Want me to pull out? Easier to clean up.” - Joe
He had to really focus to grit those words out, and I could tell.
“God no. I wanna feel you.” - you
Running my hands up the muscular surface of his back, I laced my fingers into Joe’s hair as he moaned into my mouth.
“Shit… I can't- fuck!” - Joe
Feeling his rush to get as deep as he could had my walls fluttering around Joe’s cock, still not through my orgasm.
Joe continued thrusting as his face contorted from pure pleasure, his climax coming almost as hard as mine did.
“Fuck!” - Joe
With a loud grunt, Joe toppled over on top of me.
Both of our chests heaved, and the only audible sounds were the ones of the ceiling fan and our mutual heavy breaths.
After a minute or so, Joe gently pulled out and flopped over onto his back next to me.
Our fingers intertwined, and we both had deliriously blissed-out smiles on our faces as we stared up at the ceiling.
When we heard the noise downstairs, Joe and I moved our heads to face each other.
“5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Happy New Year!!!”
Slowly leaning in, Joe softly kissed my lips as his hand that wasn't holding mine rubbed my naked back.
The kiss lasted a few sweet seconds before we pulled away.
“Happy New Year, baby.” - Joe whispered
“Happy New Year, Joey.” - you
Joe pulled me against his chest, our cheeks pressed together as I ran my fingers through his hair.
“I love you.” - Joe
“I love you too.” - you
A content sigh graced my lips when Joe gently squeezed me.
“No one else I'd rather start ‘24 with. Being your boyfriend is the best privilege, and I'm so thankful to have you.” - Joe
My heart swelled at his confession, but before I could reciprocate something startled the both of us.
“Everything okay?! You guys have been in there forever! Missed the ball and everything!” - Sam
“Yeah! We're uh- getting the stain out of her dress!” - Joe
“Oh okay! Let me in so I can show you where the stain remover is!” - Sam
Joe and I frantically looked at each other before looking down at my bare breasts and his uncovered cock.
“Give us a second!” - Joe
Authors note: those mullet pics gave me motivation for this
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 - 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
genre: angst, smut, romance, slow burn, mutual pining, secret relationship
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
additional notes: Joel is 36 and since I saw Tommy's age nowhere, I decided to give them a five-year age gap which will make Tommy 31 in this story. Reader is in her late twenties.
word count: 1.2k
chapter summary: Joel gets a new neighbor.
warnings: none for now!
a/n: thank you to my dearest @pedrito-friskito for editing and allowing me to scream at her over this as always, love you to the moon and back ❤️❤️❤️
chapter one
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Joel sits with Tommy on the porch, surrounded by the brilliant warmth of the sun. The sky is a canvas of blue, with a few fluffy clouds lazily drifting by. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle breeze feels soft and tender over his sunburnt skin. A car passes by their house and comes to a stop at the next. Sarah is at school, and for the first time in weeks, Joel feels that he can fully relax. He’s speaking to Tommy, but as always, his brother only half-listens, nodding absently as his gaze remains fixed on the woman emerging from the vehicle.
Joel observes the woman stepping out of the car. She looks young, likely closer in age to Tommy than to himself. She carries a box with her as she makes her way into her new home. Her expression is in complete contrast with the bright sunshine and blooming flowers. He knows why. Losing a family member is never easy.
"We should go say hi," Tommy suggests, pulling Joel out of his contemplations. "And maybe help her with the rest of her stuff."
Joel raises an eyebrow, running his tongue over the roof of his mouth before speaking. "You do know how she got the house, right? Her grandpa died. Not exactly a happy occasion."
"Maybe they despised each other—" Tommy counters, but his sentence is cut short as Joel smacks him on the back of the head. The younger brother rubs at the throbbing pain, shooting a glare at Joel, who remains unfazed.
Joel’s eyes drop to the green grass, observing each and every green blade, “The old man talked about her all the time. I doubt there was nothin’ but love going on between them. Have some respect will ya,” 
“I feel like that’s all the more reason to go help,” 
Joel releases a heavy sigh, loathing the fact that his brother is correct. Without a word, he rises from his seat, the short wooden stairs groaning beneath him as he descends. Tommy is quick to follow, a little too enthusiastically, Joel observes.
Joel approaches the door and gives a short, booming knock. He takes a step back when the door opens, the woman looks at the two men with a confused expression, her eyebrow raised in question.
“May I help you?” she asks, eyes flitting between the two. 
Tommy takes the lead, which surprises no one. 
"Hi there, we're your neighbors," Tommy says, his eyes briefly scanning the inside of the house. "Thought we might offer some help?"
"Oh," the woman gasps, realization hitting. She quickly extends a hand, a nervous chuckle falling from her chapped lips. She introduces herself, squeezing Tommy's hand first, then Joel's.
Joel notices the way her gaze seems to see right through him, which makes him feel at unease. He clears his throat and points at Tommy, "He actually doesn't live next door, I'm your real neighbor, me and my daughter Sarah," he says, his hand still cradling hers. "Nice to meet you,"
Tommy shoots Joel an exaggerated look of offense, which he ignores but she laughs at. "It's nice to meet you too," she says, her laughter circling them both.
 It’s a pleasant sound, one that leaves both men speechless. 
“I’m actually done with all the boxes,” she says with a hint of pride. “But I would love to have you and your family over.” she addresses this part to Joel, then she adds as an afterthought; “After I get everything sorted, that is,”  
Joel opens his mouth to answer but Tommy beats him to it, “You got it, sweetheart. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to knock on our door,” 
“My door,” Joel grumbles, his eyes digging holes into Tommy’s skull. 
Luckily his new neighbor doesn’t hear him. The only evidence that the words actually left his mouth is provided by the sharp elbow Tommy digs into his stomach. 
He winces in pain, hand shooting to his stomach with a cough caught in his throat. Joel doesn’t know how to react when she reaches over and places a soft hand on his shoulder, his pulse skyrockets, crimson red peppering all over his skin. 
“Are you alright?” she asks. “Do you need me to get you a glass of water?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about him,” Tommy says. “He’ll be fine.” 
When Joel manages to catch his breath, her hand is still on his shoulder. His body reacts impulsively, taking her hand and holding it between his fingers. Blood tingles under his fingernails. He doesn’t know why, but in that moment she reminds him of stained glass; beautiful, mesmerizing, delicate. 
What the hell is going on with him? 
“I’m fine, don't worry,” he croaks, letting go of her hand. She seems just as flabbergasted as him. “Well then, we’ll be off.” 
Tommy chirps next to him, his voice like nails on a chalkboard, “Are you sure you don’t want that water, Joel?” 
“I’m sure,” he answers, his brows furrowing. “Let’s not trouble our new neighbor any longer,” 
If Tommy wants to object, he doesn’t. Just as they’re about to leave, her voice calls out to him. He turns, and the world around him shifts into slow motion. Your eyes are glossed over, not looking at him but down to the pavement underneath. He cocks an eyebrow. 
“Did you know my grandfather?” she asks, stunning him further. Joel finds the strength to nod but his mouth is drained of all moisture. “If—If you don’t mind, could you tell me about him sometime? What his life was like living here. I…I hadn’t spoken to him for a while. I didn’t even notice a month had passed since…” 
Her voice breaks and trails off. Joel’s heart beats slow and steady. He looks at her with a sympathetic smile and when he turns to Tommy he sees that his brother is looking at her the same way. Grief is a cruel teacher, they both know.
“Of course,” Joel replies and your face lights up.
With that the brothers walk away from the house. The brief exchange replays in Joel’s mind in a constant loop, lingering on the memory of her smile and the tears that threatened to fall. 
“She’s quite somethin’ isn’t she?”
Wide-eyed, Joel turns to Tommy. His stomach drops when he sees that same love-struck expression he’s seen his baby brother make since they were youngins. He sharply sucks his bottom lip through his teeth and bites it, he’s feeling anxious all of a sudden. The clear oxygen around him feels polluted, somehow.
“I said, she’s quite somethin’, isn’t she?” Tommy repeats, agitated. “You never listen to me do you? Anyway, you think she’d say yes if I asked her out?” 
“I don’t see why not,” Joel answers with a forced shrug. “Y’re not a complete eyesore which is a plus,” 
“Yeah?” Tommy grins, throwing his arm over Joel’s shoulder. “I think I will.” 
Joel doesn’t have anything to say to that. He allows Tommy to drag him back to their home, the subject has already changed to something mundane. 
But his mind is left at her porch. Wondering when their next conversation will be. 
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delopsia · 6 months
Ok so I’m assuming Rhett is 30 ish because Lewis is 30 (almost 31 in like a month) but like Rhett with reader who is younger than him by a good number of years (reader being 23 at youngest probably) what’s the relationship like? Was he super reluctant at first because of the gap? How do we meet him? How does the family feel? What if he’s her first “real” boyfriend? How would he react to reader asking him to take their v card?
When I tell you that this has been stuck in my head since you sent me this, oh my GOD. I've been meaning to write this concept with Rhett and Bobby for over a year and keep forgetting to 🤤 I got a little carried away. Hope y'all don't mind 🤍
Canonically, Rhett is twenty-four, but I think we as a collective have chosen to ignore that 💃 here's my proof post on that, if you're curious 💕 TLDR: Rhett was born June 12th, 1996, and OR S1 takes place in November 2020
For the sake of this post, I'll just leave it and say he's noticeably older than the reader ✨ I don't want to set a specific age for him and accidentally exclude someone :(
I like to view an older version of Rhett as someone who's still into the rodeos; he's gotten up there in the bull riding ranks, and though he's a year or two away from aging out of it, he's still up there kicking ass when you first encounter him. It's your first time coming to this rodeo, and you're not sure what to think when you see him leaned up against the fence in that quiet, rugged glory so many cowboys seem to carry. Older than the rest of the riders, so jaded by buckle bunnies that he hardly notices the ones trying to get his attention.
The first time you walk past him, he lifts the corner of his lip and nods his head toward you as if to say hello. Some simple little thing that gets you smiling, hoping to high heaven that your friends don't notice the sudden weakness in your knees. Three Sundays in a row, you go to the rodeo with your friends, and three Sundays in a row, you walk past him on your way to the food trucks. Three Sundays in a row, he smiles and nods his head at you.
You think he's just being nice.
Rhett just thinks you're hot.
But he's too tired of entertaining relationships with folks who only want him for what lurks beneath his championship buckle and to tell all their friends they fucked a real cowboy. It was fun when he was younger, but after a while, like most things, it gets old.
So when he sees you at the bar after a rodeo one night, he doesn't think too much about it. Sneaks a few glances at you out the corner of his eye, sure, quietly wondering how pretty his name would sound coming out of your mouth, but that's it.
Until some hotshot decides that he's going to give you hell while your friends are in the bathroom. And Rhett's within the perfect earshot to get rightfully pissed off. He's not particularly one to get into someone else's business, but he's also not too fond of this whole "badger someone 'till they give what you want" technique the younger boys have been employing recently.
"'s this guy botherin' ya?" He asks, in that gravelly voice, his elbow propping against the bar, speaking to you but his eyes never once leaving the steer wrestler giving you trouble. He's got a history with this kid; this isn't their first confrontation.
Of course, you don't know that when the younger man goes nose-to-nose with Rhett. But oh, if it doesn't make you the slightest bit dizzy when Rhett's jaw hardens at your meek 'yes.'
He only means to scare the guy off and go back to watching his buddy eat shit at the pool table, but your friends are taking forever to come back, and he's found himself offering to sit with you until they do. You're asking his name, and he's ashamed to admit that his heart jumps at the sound of his name on your tongue.
You don't seem to care all that much about the age difference, and Rhett's got no reason to be concerned; your age doesn't end in 'teen,' and you can legally drink, but he's found himself a touch hesitant to flirt with you. Isn't all that fond of breaking his heart over another sweetheart who stumbled into Wabang.
But you just keep running into each other. You're in line with him at a food truck; he sees you at a rodeo bonfire and chats you up until your friends are begging to head home. He's given you his number, and he's catching himself looking for you at the end of his rides.
And then he's busting his left shoulder after a ride, and somehow, he's found himself outside of the ambulance, being backed up against a wall as you kiss him hard on the mouth. It's the first kiss he's had in years, and your hands on his big chest are the sweetest thing he's ever felt. It's everything, and it takes every ounce of his will to draw your hand off of his belt buckle.
"Y' don't wanna do that," his whispered warning drips off his tongue like honey, and oh do you want a taste, "'m 'fraid if I let ya have me, I might follow ya 'round for the rest of my life."
He really doesn't know what to do when you smile and ask, "But what if that's what I want?"
How he survived that, he doesn't know. But a kiss-filled conversation ends in him agreeing to take you on a real, proper date. He takes you to Odessa's diner for lunch, pulls your chair out for you, and never lets you touch a door, and he gets along with you so well. It helps a lot that he's been on a funky little life path that has given him many of the same experiences as you. There's an age gap, sure, but his stage of life isn't too different from your own. Especially because he was a bit of a late bloomer with this whole 'adult' thing. The perks of being emotionally stunted by Royal...
Rhett doesn't differ that much if he's your first boyfriend; he's sickeningly sweet, regardless. No amount of experience or inexperience will stop him from going all out on you; if there's one thing his momma did, it was raise him right. You might as well be royalty. That being said, he's happy to take the lead (or give it up) depending on your experience level.
The relationship isn't all that different from how it would be if he was your age. There are some generational references that take time to understand, and Rhett's age shows the most when you try teaching him to use Instagram, but that's a given. He's a little bit smug when you're with him in public, especially at rodeos. He knows he's struck gold, and he intends to show you off as much as you're comfortable with. Protective, too. Those bull riders know better than to linger and try their luck with you. More times than you can count, you've overheard the whispered warning, "That one's Rhett's."
Rolls his eyes when you (affectionately) call him old man...
To be fair, Rhett does try to wait until a few weeks into your relationship to start getting intimate; he wants to take things slow with you, but then you're cupping him through his jeans, and he's breathless as you massage him through the fabric. And when you sit in his lap, wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, and grind your ass down into him? He's a goner.
If you're a virgin, then he's extra careful with you. Takes some more time to draw your clothes off, slow as he kisses down your belly until he can run his tongue up your sweet little pussy. But he's obscene about it, regardless. Groaning around your clit, letting you yank on his hair all you need. Frustrates you to no end because you're trying so hard to get him to fuck you, and all he wants to do is eat you out. Four times. Four times, you rile him up, and the most progress you make is getting his jeans off. He doesn't mean to upset you, he's just a whore for giving oral.
Until that one time at the bar when you hauled him into a bathroom stall, dropped to your knees, and wrapped your mouth around him before he could get under your skin.
That got him. You couldn't take all of him, gagging every time his plush tip hit the back of your throat, but his knees were shaking. Moans muffled by the palm of his hand. Trying his best to pull you off when he came and damn near hit the floor when you instead chose to swallow him down.
Again, if you're a virgin, then there isn't a huge difference in how he treats you when he takes your virginity. Not out of impatience or anything of the sort, but it's your first time together. He's going to treat you like a virgin regardless. Overusing the lube as he introduces you to a thick, calloused finger, watching your reaction for the slightest hint of pain. "'s this hurt? No? You sure?"
Annoyingly pushes the tip of his cock against you, then lets it slide through your folds, obsessed with the sight of it. But just as you're going to complain, he finally nudges inside, and it silences you completely.
If there is one thing about Rhett Abbott, it's that he's huge in more ways than one. Splitting you open in all the right ways, big hands stroking up and down your skin, whispering the filthiest things into your ears. "Think 'm almost too big for your lil pussy, angel." "Shhh, we'll make it fit. Jus' relax 'round me." "'s that feel good, sweetheart? Y' like bein' stretched 'round my cock like that?"
He ruins you either way. You never pegged yourself to be this insatiable, riding him in his truck, fucking him outside the bar, in bathroom stalls, cheap hotel rooms, bending over the hood of his truck while he had a flat tire. It's not your fault; Rhett's just that damn good, and he's somehow able to match you entirely. Rolls his eyes a little, sure, but he's just doing that to annoy you. "This old man fucks you that good, hm? Cute little pussy ain't satisfied 'till I pump it nice 'n full of my cum?"
Sometimes, he tells you he's too tired for sex and then turns around and pounces on you because he heard you whimper once and had a second burst of energy.
Which...is how your relationship gets found out. He's left a mark on your collar, and at some point, you bend down to pick up a fork you dropped, and it gets noticed. So you either got in a fight with a vacuum cleaner and lost, or you have a little someone.
The worst part is telling everyone how old he is. Rhett's got this funny charm where he looks younger than he actually is, and it nearly makes someone choke at the dinner table. And Rhett's not the best with people, but he's quick to make a good impression. He's like a fine wine; he's gotten better as he's aged.
You'll likely never meet Rhett's family, and if you do, it's a handful of times for no longer than two hours. After Rhett moved out, there's been tension every time he sees his folks. He was supposed to stay and spend his life helping the ranch, to honor his family loyalties, not run off and find love in someone else. Cecelia's sweet, doesn't say anything about the age gap, so long as you're both happy. Royal...you don't know what he said, but you had to grab Rhett by the belt to reign him in.
All that being said, Rhett's a sweetheart to you, regardless of your age gap. There are some differences that wouldn't be there if he was your age, but he's keen to work on those things together. Rhett doesn't fall in love often, but when he does, he falls hard, and he's going to give you the world. Even if you do call him old man every now and then.
Like I said...I got carried away
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proxima-writes · 6 months
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title: a very furby christmas
pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x female reader
rating: t
word count: 3.6k
joel miller masterlist | all masterlists
it’s christmas eve 1998 and joel miller thinks everything is perfect.
well, until his brother admits he didn’t get sarah the one present she wanted - the furby. now, joel has to go out on christmas eve to find the year’s hottest toy that’s been sold out for months.
turns out, you’re on the same mission. and you’ve both found the last furby in town.
author’s note:
this is just a silly lil feel good holiday fic that’s been plaguing my brain. if you are too young to have experience the furby craze, i implore you to look it up. however, if you do remember, i hope this gives you a happy dose of nostalgia. gingerbread dividers by @saradika-graphics
pre-outbreak, no use of y/n, holiday/christmas fic, the last toy trope, no smut, age gap - not explicitly specified but joel is 31 and reader is mid-20s, the great miller gingerbread construction competition, operation get sarah miller a furby, some kissing.
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“Dad! Wake up!” Sarah shouts, bursting into Joel’s room. She leaps onto the bed, bouncing on her knees and jostling him around on the mattress as he groans.
“Sarah, baby, it’s too damn early,” he says, pulling the quilt over his head. “Go back to sleep.”
“But it’s Christmas Eve!” The bouncing stops as she lays beside him, tugging the quilt down. “It’s time to make cinnamon rolls. And we gotta make cookies for Santa.”
Joel blinks, his daughter’s face coming into focus, bright brown eyes and a gap toothed smile filling his vision. Her hair is a wild mess from sleep and her unicorn pajama shirt is stained with toothpaste. At eight years old, she’s starting to lean out, her cheeks no longer as round and her limbs at that stage of awkward adolescent lankiness. He wants to sleep, wants a few more hours of rest after a jam packed holiday season of repairs and deadlines and supply issues, but looking at her smiling face and remembering that she’s getting older…
Well, that gets him moving.
“Alright. Let’s get downstairs and make Santa the best cookies he’s ever had.”
She squeals, scrambling off the bed and racing out of the room, light footsteps descending the stairs as he rubs the sleep from his eyes and gets up to find a t-shirt in the pile of laundry he’s neglected to put away, opting to dig through its wrinkled contents for what he needs each day instead.
He makes his way downstairs and to find his daughter rummaging through the fridge and pulling out eggs and milk for their customary Christmas Eve cinnamon rolls and the jangle of keys in the doorknob lets him know that Tommy has arrived.
“Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, Millers!” His younger brother announces. “Sarah! It don’t smell like cinnamon in here!”
“Dad woke up late,” she shouts back. Tommy grins at Joel as he passes, slapping a hand on his shoulder.
“‘Course he did,” he says with a wink. Joel rolls his eyes as he gets the electric mixer from the top cabinet for Sarah and preheats the oven for her.
“Y’know, Santa can take all those presents he’s got ready for you and leave them at other houses for nicer kids,” he says. Sarah’s eyes go wide.
“He wouldn’t!” She yelps. “I’ve been good all year!”
“Don’t listen to your daddy, sweetheart. He’s just bein’ a sensitive Sally,” Tommy says. She breathes a sigh of relief, her attention returning to her task of cracking eggs.
“I just really hope Santa brings me a Furby,” she says wistfully. “I want one of ‘em so bad. Chrissy got one when they came out in October and they’re so cool!”
“I’m sure Santa will come through,” Joel says, catching Tommy’s eye and winking. Tommy’s brows pinch together as he mouths, “What?”
Joel widens his eyes at him, a look that screams, “What do you mean, what?!”
Tommy continues to look confused and Joel squeezes his eyes shut, turning back to his daughter to help her with rolling out the dough she’s mixed up. She continues to chat about her excitement for tomorrow, especially because her big sister has agreed to stop by in the morning.
“You didn’t forget that she’s coming, right?” Sarah asks.
“‘Course not, sweetie,” Joel replies distractedly. The hours Joel works aren’t always conducive to a prompt after school pick up, so most days Sarah spends time with a volunteer from the Empowered Girls program that she calls her “big sister”. He always forgets her name, but he knows she’s a student working on her master’s degree in elementary education at University of Texas. Did he forget she was coming? Yeah, maybe, but he’s got bigger problems right now.
Like the fact that Tommy is acting like he has no clue he was supposed to get Sarah that damn Furby for Christmas.
Once the cinnamon rolls are in the oven and Sarah returns to her room to get dressed for the day, Joel smacks Tommy on the back of the head.
“Ow! The fuck?” He asks, rubbing the sore spot. “What was that for?”
“Tell me you didn’t forget that perfect little girl’s goddamn talkin’ demon toy or I’ll do it again,” Joel warns, already raising his hand. Tommy scrambles from his seat, hands held up defensively as he backs himself up against the counter to get away from his brother’s assault.
“You didn’t tell me to get one!” He insists. Joel stares at him incredulously.
“I sure as hell did! I gave you fifty bucks three weeks ago and asked you to get one because I’d be workin’ OT until Christmas Eve and it would be too late by then!”
“I thought the fifty was for me. Like an early gift or somethin’.”
Joel closes his eyes and attempts to take a deep breath. When he opens his eyes, he feels no more calm as he looks at his brother.
“Great. Now I’m gonna have to go to the goddamn toy store on Christmas Eve to find one of these things.”
“I’ll go for you,” Tommy offers. Joel hits him with a look.
“No. I ain’t makin’ that mistake again. You’re stayin’ here with Sarah and I’ll go get the Furball.”
“It’s Furby,” Tommy corrects. Joel reaches out and smacks his head again before he can protect himself.
Sarah returns to the kitchen, dressed in her Rudolph t-shirt and jeans and smiling brightly as she says, “I’m ready to make cookies!”
Joel smiles apologetically. “Bad news, sweetheart. I gotta run down to a job site and check in on somethin’. Looks like a plumbin’ emergency.”
“On Christmas Eve?” She asks, smile dropping from her face. “But we have to make the cookies!”
“I know, I know, but Uncle Tommy will stay and help you. Ain’t that right, Tommy?”
“Yep. And we’ll make cookies better than any your daddy has ever made, too.”
Joel’s teeth grind together at the dig but he keeps smiling at his daughter. “Right. See? I shouldn’t be gone too long.”
“I guess,” she says forlornly. Her arms wrap around Joel’s legs and squeeze tightly. Joel smooths a hand over her wild hair, glaring at Tommy.
“Sorry, sweetie. But the sooner I head out, the sooner I can get back, okay?”
“Okay,” she mumbles against his thigh. “I’ll make sure Uncle Tommy doesn’t eat all the dough before we bake it.
“That’s my girl,” Joel says.
You knew you shouldn’t have waited this long to go shopping for your little sister’s Christmas gift, but you’d picked up extra shifts at your part time job since you weren’t flying home for the holiday break and time just slipped away from you. Now you’re entering your fourth store on a desperate hunt for the one toy she hasn’t stopped talking about since it came out in October.
“It’s called a Furby and the more you talk to it, the more it learns,” she told you, showing you the fluffy toy in a catalog one day. “Isn’t it so cute?!”
“It’s…something,” you replied, staring at its dead eyes. “And that’s what you want for Christmas?”
“Yeah, I don’t know if Santa will bring it for me. I told dad about it, but he’s been really busy with work and I don’t know if he remembered to tell Santa.”
You wander around the store, looking for the garish pink and blue sign that lorded over the toy display. You finally spot it, crossing your fingers as you quickly approach what looks like a mostly barren shelf. There’s something on the bottom row, but your experience in other stores has showed you that often people abandon their unwanted items in the Furby display, leading to false hope.
“Please, please, please,” You mumble, moving quickly now. You’re trying not to break into a run in the middle of the store but after so many disappointments, you can’t be blamed for your steps turning into a light jog.
A pair of unseeing mechanical blue eyes stare back at you from the bottom shelf as you get closer. Pristine white fur, pointed ears, and a little yellow beak encased in plastic.
The last Furby.
You’re so close to success you can taste it.
You reach for the toy, ready to scoop it into your arms and take a victory march to the lone cashier left working, when a tan hand emerges from your left, landing on the box just as you touch it.
“‘Scuse me,” a deep voice says, southern drawl blanketing the words. You look up, gaze meeting the warm brown eyes of a handsome man, tall and broad with messy dark curls. He smiles, all smooth charm as he says, “I’m goin’ to need this toy.”
You stand firm. “I think I was here first, sir.”
The charming smile drops. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Look, I need this toy for my daughter. I’ve been lookin’ for one all over town.”
You place your free hand on your hip. “I need it for my little sister and I’ve also been all over town today. If you needed it so bad, why didn’t you get it sooner?”
“Pot, meet kettle,” he replies. You roll your eyes. “Come on, please? Ain’t there somethin’ else your little sister is dyin’ to have?”
“She’s talked about this toy for months,” you tell him. “And she’s worried Santa isn’t going to bring it, so I wanted to make sure I got her one.”
He smiles softly. “Sounds like my daughter. She handed me no less than five letters to Santa to mail off askin’ for one.”
“So why didn’t you get one before tonight?” You ask curiously.
“My dumbass brother,” he says. “I‘ve been workin’ overtime for the last few months, so I told him to go out and get one. He didn’t listen.”
“That sucks.”
“What about you? What made you wait so long?”
It should probably feel weird, having a full conversation with a stranger while you’re in a stand off over a Furby, but the man’s smile has your stomach twisting, wanting to know more about him and oddly thrilled that he wants to know more about you, too.
“I picked up a lot of extra shifts since I’m on break. I go to UT,” you tell him. “Time just got away from me.”
“Yeah, I’m familiar with the feelin’.”
A crackle sounds over the store speakers, a bored voice announcing, “Attention Toys R’ Us shoppers. The store will be closing in five minutes. Please make your way to the front of the store to complete your purchases.”
The man’s expression grows panicked. You sigh, taking your hand from the box.
“Get it for your daughter,” you tell him. “Keep that Santa magic going for a bit longer.”
“Are you sure?” He asks. “What’ll you get for your sister?”
You look around the store, spotting a sporting gear display. You take off in its direction.
“I’ll figure something out!”
“It’s a Furby!” Sarah shouts, shaking the box in her excitement. “Look, dad! Santa got me a Furby!”
“Is that so?” Joel says, sipping from his mug of coffee with a splash of Bailey’s, his own personal Christmas tradition. “See? I told ya I sent out all those letters you wrote.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She chants, running around the family room in her red plaid pajamas. Tommy, still barely awake, nods as Sarah shows him the list of features on the back.
It’s close to 9 a.m. but the Miller brothers had a late night of wrapping presents and drinking whiskey in order to have the tidy pile of brightly colored boxes ready beneath the tree for Sarah in the morning. Joel had also gotten her a new journal and a pack of Jelly pens, a few bottles of nail polish, and two new Beanie Babies for her collection. Tommy had sprung for a set of shin guards for when she starts soccer in March, something she was excited for ever since the girl she’d been paired with in her big sister after school program had played with her a few times.
It’s not much, but it’s what he could manage. Sarah is happy, her eyes lighting up with each gift she unwraps, and that’s all that matters to Joel.
A knock sounds at the door and Sarah races down the hall, Joel trailing after her trying to remind her not to open the door to strangers. The young girl doesn’t listen, instead throwing open the door and launching herself into the arms of someone surprisingly familiar.
You look up, eyes going wide in surprise he’s sure mirrors his own. Sarah drags you in by the hand, excitedly introducing you, giving Joel a name for the pretty face he’d been thinking about all last night.
“Hi, I’m Joel,” he says, holding a hand out to you. You slip your palm against his, warm and smooth, shaking his hand. The smile on your face is mischievous, the secret the two of you share dancing in your eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Joel,” you tell him. “Hope I’m not too early, Sarah said you open presents around eight and to come after that.”
“No, no, ‘course it ain’t too early,” he assures you. He realizes he’s still holding your hand, even as silence settles between you. With a laugh, he draws back, running his hand through his hair nervously. “You want coffee?”
Joel leads you to the kitchen where Tommy is pulling a fresh tray of cinnamon rolls from the oven under Sarah’s careful supervision. He whacks her hand with a dish towel when she tries to reach for the steaming hot dessert and she pouts pitifully. She spots the gift bag in your hand and her eyes light up.
“Is that a present for me?” She asks.
“Sarah Elizabeth Miller,” Joel chastises. You laugh, handing the bag over to her. She rips the tissue paper from the top, reaching in for her gift with a wide smile.
“A soccer ball!” She exclaims. “Dad, you can help me practice in the backyard now!”
You share a look with Joel, one where his gaze is filled with gratitude and yours reflects understanding. The moment is made brief by Sarah trying to bounce the ball on her knee, knocking it onto a counter and subsequently being told to go put it away for now.
You introduce yourself to Tommy while Joel pulls you a mug of coffee. Sarah brings her now unboxed Furby into the kitchen, setting it in a place of honor on the dining table.
“Dad, can you put batteries in Snowball?” Sarah asks. She turns to you. “That’s his name.”
“Oh. Hello, Snowball,” you say, voice serious as you regard the toy. Joel laughs while he digs around the junk drawer for the rogue batteries that hide beneath bills and takeout menus.
As breakfast is served and toys are turned on, conversation flows between everyone easily. It’s a wonder, Joel thinks. You fit right in with his little family, like you were meant to be there all along. Maybe it’s the Bailey’s in his coffee, or maybe it’s the spirit of Christmas, but he can’t help the warmth in his chest as he watches you help Sarah with the Furby that started it all.
You’ve been at the Miller house since early that morning, through all three meals of the day, many rounds of coffee, a screening of Home Alone and A Christmas Story, and painting your nails with Sarah. Not once does anyone make you feel like you’ve overstayed your welcome. In fact, as the day wears on, you can’t help but think that Joel, like you, doesn’t want the day to end. You keep catching his eye and the crooked smile he gives you leaves you feeling giddy.
After dinner, Joel and Tommy start gathering what looks like cookie decorating supplies. Sarah sighs and you turn to her with concern.
“It’s time for the gingerbread competition,” she says, more solemn than an eight year old ought to be. Joel leaves the room and returns with a caulking gun.
“Why does he have that?” You ask, watching as he loads a saran wrapped bag of icing into the chamber.
“They take this…very seriously.”
Tommy and Joel set up decorating stations on either end of the dining table, shooing you out of your seat. Sarah grabs a cookie from a platter on the counter and settles onto a barstool while you stand by, confused and maybe a little scared.
“Are you ready?” Sarah asks. Both men nod. “Start your construction!”
Joel and Tommy rip into the cardboard gingerbread house kits, determination in every move. Joel uses the caulking gun to lay a foundation for the floor of his house, followed by the sides and the roof in quick succession. While Joel is going for a well built structure, Tommy takes a more avant garde approach, using a combination of licorice and frosting to hold his house together.
“Are they always like this?” You ask, fascinated as you watch them.
“Sometimes they’re worse.”
Tommy chucks a peppermint at Joel’s head, the candy bouncing off his forehead and landing on his gingerbread shingles. He counters with a gumdrop that manages to hit Tommy square in the eye, angry curses falling from the younger Miller brother’s lips as he tries to recover and continue the construction of his mid-century cookie home.
“Quit fightin’ dirty,” Joel says when Tommy whines about him being unfair. “I‘ll only fight dirtier.”
You know that the words aren’t meant to be suggestive but you can feel your cheeks go warm nonetheless. The Furby in Sarah’s arms coos, a string of indecipherable words coming from its little yellow beak.
“What did it say?” You ask.
“I’m not sure. It’s still speaking Furbish,” she says.
“It said,” Joel chimes in, setting down his frosting gun, “that I’m the gingerbread construction champ.”
Joel’s little gingerbread house looks like it’s straight from a magazine. Perfectly built, structurally sound, and classically decorated with candy and sugar. You and Sarah both applaud as Tommy groans. His little house lists to the side and a glob of icing drips to the table.
“Don’t worry, Uncle Tommy,” Sarah says to her dejected uncle, patting him on the shoulder. “There’s always next year.”
“Alright, it’s time to start closin’ up shop. To bed with you,” Joel announces, steering Sarah for the stairs.
“Can’t I stay up later?” She complains. The Furby echoes her tone convincingly.
“I already fell for that last night. You’re not gettin’ away with it twice. Bed, and brush your teeth,” he replies, kissing her on the head. “Tell everyone goodnight.”
She hugs you and Tommy before heading upstairs, the Furby chirping as she goes. Tommy punches Joel lightly on the shoulder.
“You know I let you win, right?” He asks. Joel scoffs.
“The proof is in the cookie,” he says.
Tommy rolls his eyes. “Whatever, man. I’m headin’ home,” he says, hugging his brother. To your surprise, his arms wrap around you in a quick squeeze as well. “It was nice to meet you. Don’t be a stranger,” he tells you with a wink.
When the front door clicks shut, it’s just you and Joel in the kitchen. You’re inexplicably nervous now, despite spending the whole day with the man, and you busy yourself by loading the dishwasher with mugs stained by hot chocolate and coffee.
“You don’t have to do that,” Joel says, gently grasping your wrist. He removes the mug from your hand and sets it on the counter. He pulls you close, your chest brushing his as you take in a surprised breath. “This okay?”
“Yeah,” you murmur. Up close, you can see the stubble that’s grown along his jaw, the slight creases in the corners of his eyes, and that his nose is just the slightest bit crooked. A heavy palm rests on your lower back, the heat of him palpable even through your t-shirt.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, voice dropped low in the quiet room.
You nod, unable to form words, but that’s okay. His hand cups your cheek and his lips press to yours and your eyes flutter shut, a sigh escaping you as you lean into him. It’s soft at first, experimental. A tentative exploration of a broken boundary.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding tight as he parts your lips and his tongue tangles with yours. He tastes like sugar - peppermints and hot chocolate and cookies that he’s eaten throughout the day sweetening his kiss. When he pulls back for a breath, he dips his forehead against yours, smoothing his thumb across your cheek.
“Been wantin’ to do that all day,” he tells you. He kisses you once, twice, and is about to go in for a third when a voice from upstairs interrupts him.
“Dad?” Sarah calls. Joel steps back from you, leaning past the kitchen doorway to yell back a, “Yeah?”
“Snowball won’t stop talking,” she replies. Footsteps sound on the stairs and Joel breaks away from you as Sarah enters the kitchen, Furby in hand.
“Take the batteries out,” Joel suggests.
“I did.”
She turns the toy over, showing the empty battery compartment. Joel rubs the back of his neck as he thinks.
“Tell you what,” he says, holding his hands out for the toy, “Why don’t we stick it in the hall closet for the night?”
“Won’t he be scared?”
“It’s…it’s a toy, baby.” You stifle a laugh as he shoves the talking Furby beneath some towels in the linen closet and shuts the door. “There, now you can both get some sleep. You can play with Snowball again in the mornin’.”
Sarah yawns, nodding. Joel kisses her head before urging her back to bed. When he returns, his shoulders shake with silent laughter.
“What a weird toy,” you tell him, eyeing the closet suspiciously.
“Yeah, but it’s what got us here,” he says, pulling you into his arms once more.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
can't help but miss you
Tom Kaulitz x Y/n Y/l/n
anonymous- I have a request, obvi you don’t have to do! Maybe like a 2023 smut with Tom Kaulitz( him and Heidi are dating not engaged) Reader and Tom had a thing/dating when he was younger/ aka when he had the dreads and they reunite at a party and the reader is like so pretty like model type and she’s like maybe a little younger than Tom and when they meet each others eyes Tom can’t seem to stop looking at her and like Heidi asks him what’s wrong but he just shrugs it off and later on when Heidi went to go get a drink or something the reader walks up to him and they end up going to the restroom and the smut happens… and then Heidi runs into him after but reader alr left and shit. ALSO I LOVE YOUR STORIES OFC YOU DONT HAVE TO ANSWER THIS REQUEST
No I absolutely love this- the worst thing fucking happened I deleted the wrong concept (baso I had two of these like a story set out and a write up and I deleted the write up x_x) but I re-wrote it and hopefully its better than the OG one ❤️
people under 16+ please don't interact, if you do it's not my problem you've been warned!
  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
warnings- cheating, toxic relationship, fingering, sex, ownership, hair pulling, swearing, rough/smut into fluff, drugs are mentioned
words- 4k
(oh this is your outfit btw just without the gloves- black n white dress)
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The music was blaring as I walked into my old friend Gustav's 35th birthday party, I wasn't expecting a blow out like this but I mean when I herd Bill was in charge it didn't fully surprise me, I looked around and everyone was dressed in black and white as we were told on the invitations. I turned to Beth my sister who'd been invited too and she was already laughing and smiling with some women, I carried on through the venue telling her I'd catch up with her later on
I saw some people I recognised but I'm nearly 15 years older now, freshly 31 years old, I turned around a corner and saw the smiling faces of three of my old best friends "Holy shit! Y/n oh my god!" Bill ran over pulling me into a hug- his hugs I've missed for years "you look amazing!" he let go and I gave him a spin
"you two! look at this outfit- Bill you never dress badly I swear to god" he giggled grabbing my hand and pulling me to the group
"look who it is" Georg smiled pulling me into a hug and I held him back "its been so long!"
"I know, ten years... shit thirteen I think since we last saw each other" I shook my head in disbelief at how the time has flown by, when we all last knew each other Tokio Hotel was going on their biggest tour and I was just getting big in the modelling world- now I'm one of the top models and they still do crazy big tours around the world "Gustav! happy birthday!" I called seeing him come to me and hugging me like the other two
"hey- I didn't even know you were coming! thank you by the way" he smiled- he looked different- they all did but none bad "how's life?"
"pretty good, Beth moved in with me not long ago, mom and dad are doing well and jobs just keeping me busy, how about you I herd you had a baby! what the fuck" a smile creeped onto his face as he pulled out his phone showing me all the pictures of the small girl and how she's already so grown up "god she's beautiful"
"just like her mom" he chirped pulling a women forward "Linda this is Y/n, childhood friend" a brown haired women stepped forward giving me a smile- she was beautiful. Our conversation continued till I felt a tap at my shoulder and I I saw him for the first time since we'd split back in 2010, his hair wasn't in long black braids, clothes not baggy and lip piercing still there no- his hair was brown and blonde waved and around his head, in black slacks and matching button, lip pricing gone "holy shit! hey!" Tom's arms closed around me giving me a huge hug, tighter than the rest
"Hi, fuck it's been so long!" he hummed into my hair pulling away but his hands still holding my arms "you look amazing!" I smiled hearing his voice again
"you too! the hair is new" he nodded playing with the ends like a kid "my god I can't believe I haven't seen you guys since I was like 19, its crazy" everyone said a string of 'yeah' and 'fuck its been long' but were interrupted by a voice that called Tom away, I looked to see a tall blonde women who I immediately recognised, Heidi Klum
"oh Y/n this is my girlfriend- Heidi this is-" the women stepped forward and grinned
"Y/n Y/l/n right? I saw you in vogue, you looked gorge in that red lace" I nodded feeling flattered a model like her had seen me but then it clicked GIRLFRIEND?- I would never have expected it
"lovely to meet you- I've seen some of your shoots and you're beautiful, especially " she blushed grabbing my hand. we kept talking till my sister came over and pulled me to go get drinks and I waved to the group
My jaw could've fallen off when I saw her, she was even more pretty then before and I didn't even know that was possible, her hair looked perfect around her face, longer than before, make up made her look sexier than I could even imagine, her eyes were lighter than the smokey eyes she'd do daily, and the dress- god how it went around her thighs and fit her curves perfectly
I couldn't help but feel my heart skip when I looked over at her, I had to stop, I have Heidi but... but I couldn't.
the night went on but I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n- every memory of her, remembering those feelings that were flooding back from 13 years ago- the time I made the worst mistake
"are you fucking serious? what are you talking about?" Y/n spoke staring at her boyfriend who was leaning on the kitchen counter staring at the girl, eyes had dark circles around them, lips looked dry
"we should break up-" Toms voice was strong but he was falling apart inside, hearing those words come from his mouth felt like stabs to his heart
"Tom what the fuck!" the girls voice got louder and she slammed her bags into the floor, Y/n had just got off work and was more then excited to get home- it was Friday meaning date night but came home to see loads beer bottles thrown in the bin on the drive and cigaret boxes hiding between them "what happened within the 6 hours I was gone. you.. you were saying how much you loved me this morning and kissing me and now- now you want to break up?" her voice cracked even mentioning breaking up, she loved him more than life its self and had for the last 3 years they'd been dating, he helped her buy her first house, spent Christmas and birthdays together- why did he want to end it? is all she could think of
"well I was wrong and- I didn't mean any of that shit, I don't fucking love you... I haven't for years" his voice slurred. Y/n thought she'd faint, years?
"you're drunk- ah don't even deny it I saw the bottles Tom" he rolled his eyes walking to the door where she was stood and went to open it "what are you doing?" her voice quivered "Tom what are you doing... Tom please what are you doing!" she started to yell as he just stood over her looking to the door "TOM PLEASE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" she broke down grabbing his shirt and trying to pull him to look down "TOM! TOM LOOK AT ME! FUCK SAKE JUST LOOK AT ME TOM!" she screamed and the boy looked down seeing her, mascara running down her face, eyes full of tears and screams leaving her mouth but his mind was a blur with the mix of alcohol, tobacco, weed and the pure sadness he felt, he felt he was slipping from reality
"Y/n let go-" he spoke calmly "you need to let go of me" his voice began to shake as he tried to pry the girl off him
"NO! NO WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT DID I DO TOM PLEASE FUCKING TELL ME, DON'T JUST LEAVE!" Y/n poked her finger into his chest and again he just walked back into the kitchen and to the fridge pulling another beer out "stop drinking- just tell me!" she stormed to the kitchen and snatched the bottle from his hand
"you did nothing Y/n-" the girl argued back but he soon cut her off "Y/N I FUCKING CHEATED OKAY- I CHEATED ON YOU" he caught himself of guard screaming at her pointing his finger in her face and slamming his first onto the table, she cowered down but soon her eyes narrowed
"YOU FUCKING CHEATED!" with the bottle in hand the girl threw it toward the boy missing his face by inches she watched it smash onto the wall and explode "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME? WAS I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? DID I NOT GIVE YOU ENOUGH?"
"YOU WERE ENOUGH GOD DAMN IT YOU'RE EVERYTHING TO ME Y/N- I FUCKING LOVE YOU, I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT OKAY!" the boy shouted back but Y/n wasn't having it she started finding anything she could and throwing it at him, oranges, keys, glasses, soap bottles you name it, she threw it
"YOU PEICE OF SHIT DON'T TELL ME YOU LOVE ME! YOU WOULDN'T CHEAT IF YOU LOVED ME AND YOU JUST FUCKING SAID YOU HAVEN'T LOVED ME IN YEARS" her heart began to shatter at the sight of him to the point she had to hold on to the counter- the same counter they'd make dinner together on and celebrate birthdays drink together, he'd sometimes lift her onto it and they kiss for hours on end, Tom walked over to the girl grabbing her hand she wanted to let go but she couldn't not with the way her head was, the world was spinning and she felt she'd fall any second
"I'm sorry- Y/n I'm sorry I don't know why I did it please I- I can't even look at myself without feeling like I've destroyed the one thing I love so much- I still love you Y/n, I never for a second of any year stopped, I don't know why I said what I said, I never stopped loving you but I can't be with you- not after what I've done" tears fell from the couples eyes as they stood there
"you have fucked me over Tom- I fucking loved you, I'd do anything for you and I get this? you said you'd marry me, we'd have a family, grow old, watch life become better together ; why did you ruin this?" her hands pounded on his chest with every word "you have ruined me- everything was going so well and I want you to know what ever happens next- is your fault" her words stung like hell, he could only stare and regret everything he ever did with that women.. why did he let his old ways get in the way "fuck you Tom- get the fuck out of my house- I never wanna see you ever fucking again, come get your shit tomorrow when I'm not here and I don't want to hear from you again" and with that the two never spoke again, never saw each other again and the feelings just faded with the years
-end of flashback-
now I'm standing here watching her dance around to her old favourite songs and sing like she always did around the house- god I missed her so much. I still felt a pain when I saw her, when we broke up I saw her in magazines, tv, posters, everywhere and would need to smoke straight after and drink something strong to try pull my mind from her- Y/n Y/ln
"hun whats wrong are you okay?" Heidi tapped me, pulling me from my thoughts
"huh- oh yeah I'm good just looking for Georg" I lied seeing her nod and she quickly said she was going to the bar with some friends and walked away, my eyes drifted back to Y/n, laughing with people we knew back in the days but soon I realised she wasn't looking at them- she was looking at-at me. she waved of the group and came to me with the same grin I remember being in love with
"hey! are you alright you seem a bit- gone" I rolled my eyes seeing the girl laugh "or was my dancing just that amazing?"
"oh of course" I chuckled seeing her start dancing again "wow you could be a professional" she stopped taking a sip of her drink and placing the empty cup on the side "I can't believe its been thirteen years" I sighed seeing her nod
"yeah- last time I saw you was erm.. when we broke up" a awkward laugh escaped her lips "fun times"
"yeah- I wanna apologise for it- I... the way I did it was stupid I was drinking and smoking because I thought it would make it easier but fuck it only made things so much worse and- and I'm sorry Y/n" the girl looked to me, her doe eyes softening and a smile spreading back along her red lips
"thank you...you know for the next two years after we broke up I sometimes wondered if you'd come home or just come see me you know- In a way I'm glad you didn't but god I missed you" I felt my heart swell- I did Dave past her house arguing with myself just to go knock the door, or call her and say I needed her... but I could never bring myself to do it
"I wanted to but I didn't want a orange pelted at me" I played she giggled again hitting my arm "see you can't stop hitting me!"
"shut up Thomas" hearing my nickname nearly knocked me out "god I haven't said that in a while"
"...I fucking missed you" I caught myself of guard, her y/c/e shot into my gaze and I felt my breath hitch, but I wasn't some dumb teen anymore I wanted to tell her everything"I- I miss everything about us- the dates, your voice, the long nights we'd be up talking, making dinner, singing songs, dance at parties, hold each other, spend holidays together- fuck I miss our..." I halted deciding if it was right to say, Y/n gave me a small nod and with a single breath it came out "I miss our sex- nobody is as good or understands me the way you did and it sounds crazy but fuck its true- I miss you Y/n- I regret everything" her eyes seemed glassy but everything I said was true
"I- I miss it all too, no one is like you- nobody treats me like you did, I- I miss you fucking every day I try to ignore it but 15 years I still think about you, I'm happy we moved on but I want you back... as stupid as that sounds" it was like the world only had us in it- my mind could only focus on her I wanted to kiss her- god kissing Y/N was like a dream come true for me. Every time we locked lips, my heart would flutter and my stomach would get butterflies. I loved the way her soft lips felt against mine and the way she'd close her eyes and melt into me, like nothing else mattered in the world. I could spend hours just kissing her and never get tired of it. It felt like a beautiful escape from the real world, where all that mattered was us and the moment we shared. Even when we had to part ways, the memory of our kisses would linger in my mind and make me smile.
in a fast move I caught her lips in mine, hands wrapping around her waist it was like I was 16 all over again, Y/n wrapped up in my arms and kissing her any chance I got, for a moment she was hesitant but I felt her mold to me, her hand tangled in my hair- I'd never felt her grip there but it felt so right. Thankfully we were in the corner of the room and as the night got later the only lights that were on were the ones on the dance floor so we weren't in view of anyone unless they really looked, my lips moved from her lips to her neck- I nipped just below her jaw, I remembered everything about her body, every dip, curve, spot. A sweet moan filled my ear making me only hungrier for her "fuck- Tom people might see us, be careful" hearing my name fall from her lips took me back. I felt the girl pull back and look down, my eyes followed her
"shit- I..I'm sorry" I saw the tent formed in my slacks brushing against her thigh, my eyes met with hers again a smirk forming on her lips. Without any more words we slid away into one of the many bathrooms in the building through the corridor and down the stairs "god I've fucking missed you baby-" she smiled pulling my face to her, foreheads hitting, she pressed one last kiss to my lips and sat on the bathroom counter, shoving all the soaps and towels to the floor.
It had been 15 years since I last touched her let alone had sex with Y/n. I was nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. I was worried whether I would be able to please her, whether I would be able to pleasure her, whether I would be able to make her feel the same way I had made her feel all those years ago when I could make her the most beautiful mess in the matter of minuets. I was scared of disappointing Y/n, of not being able to give her the same pleasure I had given her before. But despite all these fears, I was eager to be with Y/n once again, to experience the same feeling that we had experienced so long ago. I was ready to explore a new kind of connection with her, to explore the depths of our newly rediscovered lust. I was ready to fuck Y/n and have the pleasure that I had been missing for so long.
my hands wondered up her thighs onto the hem of the dress "can I?" she nodded lifting herself slightly so I could get the dress over her ass, I pulled it up revealing a small lacy black thong "fuck-" I groaned feeling my self wanting to rip it off her, she lifted her arms allowing me to get the dress fully off and I watched as her tits fell free , they were still my favourite eye candy all these years on "god I've missed those" I lunged forward taking her one boob into my mouth, swirling her nipple with my tongue hearing her soft noises escape her lips, her hands tangled themselves into my hair as she pulled me closer
"Tom- please i.. I need more" I pulled away looking to her face flushed red, I let my hands fall to her hips and play with the thong strap "please" she whined grabbing my hands and putting it to her heat, there was a small patch in the fabric- she was already soaking
"god still so needy hm?" she nodded "so wet for me-" my words came out in a almost moan and I watched her trying to roll her hips on my hand, I pulled away and shoved her hands back, I leaned down grabbing her legs and pulling her closer to me, my chin resting on her bare stomach "want me to take these off?" she hummed getting closer to me, I pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh and grabbed both sides of the cotton ripping them apart
"TOM!" she yelled eyes widening at her panties in two "I-"
"its fine baby, I'll clean you up well so you wont need these, can be our little secret" her face went red again telling me I did a good job as I stuffed the fabric into my pocket "now- let me see that pretty little pussy" her legs parted and she was leaking already- she was beautiful, I let my ring finger slide through her folds hearing small whimpers string from her mouth "good girl, you like me touching you?"
"yes Tom- fuck I've missed this please- please I need more, don't tease pl-please" I laughed at her words pressing a small kiss to her head before letting my finger dip into her heat "SHIT-"
"shush- don't want people hearing you up stairs" she covered her mouth with her free hand and closed her eyes- I could've came at the sight but I knew I had to wait, I brought another finger into her feeling her tighten around me "good girl- you want more don't you?" she nodded opening her eyes that were already tearing up
"I need- I need you.." hearing her voice so quiet was music to my ears, she was so god damn hot "ple-" I sped up my pace adding a third didget and a cry spilled from her "I..I'm gonna- TOM!" I ripped my fingers out and let my mouth do the finishing part- tasting her for the first time in so long I hummed at the flavour "shit shit shit" she came, hands tightening around my shoulders
"you taste even sweeter doll" I grinned coming back up with my chin slick with her "think you can take more?" her mouth opened sucking for air "mh?" my hand cupped her jaw, thumb soothing her lips, I pulled away and brought the fingers that had once been in her, with no hesitation she took them into her mouth, cleaning her of me with a purr
"yes- I can please" with that I hand my hand back and unbuckled my belt, letting my slacks fall to the floor followed by my boxer, Y/n came closer unbuttoning my shirt reviling my chest, I pressed one last hungry kiss to her lips before lining myself up with her heat
"tell me when to stop-" she nodded her head and gently I pushed into her- the feeling taking me back, so warm and she fit so perfectly around me "ugh- fuck you never changed" a dopey smile appeared on her lips
"okay- you can move" she propped her self up on her hands, my hands holding her hips, I pulled out agonisingly slow "Tom please- don't tease me, not after this long" she breathed, eyes staring into mine. I snapped my hips out and back into the warmth quickly "SHIT" she screamed
"good girl- take it Y/n, I know you can doll come on" I spoke between thrusts, I grabbed her legs throwing them over my shoulders going deeper into her, a high moan flooded the bathroom as I pressed against her g-spot
"fuck right there babe- right there" hearing my old pet name sent me into overdrive, I pulled her off the counter and pressed her against the granite, ass slapping again my hips and I slammed myself into her, I watched her face in the mirror- tears of pleasure forming in her y/c/e's, mouth wide open "Oh my god- I forgot how big you- you are" a proud grin plastered my face
"look at yourself baby- watch how good I fuck you" her eyes opened wider as she looked at her self "look at you angel taking me so well ,cock feels so good in you Y/n" I whined pushing myself as deep as I could
I let go of her hip where my hand perfectly fit and twisted her hair into a makeshift pony-tail, pulling her head back, my lips in the shell of her ear "look so pretty like this baby- god I missed you" I pressed kisses to her hair line still watching her in the mirror, tits bouncing at ever push "so perfect for me... this pussy is all mine- nobody will ever fuck you better than me huh?"
"no- shit no, this pussy is yours Tom- all yours" I felt my cock twitch and my legs go weak "fuck... Tommy I'm so close" I let her hair go, pulling out and twisting her around so I could see her face, she grabbed my cock lining it back up and I sunk back in
"cum for me babe- fuck, just like tha-" before I could finish my sentence I felt her tighten around me, squeezing me In all the right places, her eyes squeezed shut and a sob good enough to be a porn star erupted from her throat and soon I felt myself cum into her, pumping her full, our liquids running down my cock and on her thighs
"fuck yes- feels so.. good" her voice was a whisper as she clung onto my shoulders "good-so good" I could tell her mind was blank, as we both came down from our high I stared to her face, eyes closed as she caught her breath- I missed her, not just because of the sex but being able to walk up and wrap my arms around her, talk to her on the phone the whole night on tour, give her gifts and spoil her, be there when she cried
"I love you" I spoke pressing a kiss to her cheek "I love you so much- I miss you Y/n" her eyes opened, head nodding at all my words
"i... I know Tom but- we can't, you- you know that, you have Heidi now- I'm just a memory; but I love you- and I want you to know that" she panted catching her breath, her hand cupped my jaw as she pressed a small kiss to my lips, where her favourite piercing was
"i... I don't want you to be a memory Y/n-" she wrapped her arms around me and I couldn't help but hold her again tears pricking my eyes "I don't want to lose you again"
"it's over Tom- but I'll always be here, I'll always love you but we can't be together" I nodded my head, peppering her face with kisses and finally to her lips; it wasn't hungry this time- passionate, longing and meaningful, painfully as I knew this was the last time
after we cleaned up and hugged one last time we made our ways out, going our separate ways once again- I knew she'd be going home- back to the house where I ruined everything.
I went over to the bar ordering a shot of vodka and taking it quickly, I felt arms tangle around me and rush of hope filled me "y/-"
"darling where have you been?" Heidi kissed my cheek raking her hands through my hair
"just in the bathroom" i spoke seeing her nod her head- only if she knew
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
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estrellami-1 · 7 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32
He catches Eddie’s eye. Eddie shakes his head slowly, and Steve understands his meaning: don’t make it obvious.
Steve gives him a short nod, then his attention is arrested by Tommy, who’s storming up to him. “Harrington.”
Tommy’s eyes narrow. “He turn you fag or something?”
Steve laughs, loud and bold, and claps Tommy on the shoulder. “You’re funny,” he says, then quieter, “especially for how many times I’ve caught you staring at me.” He steps back and grins at Tommy, who’s white and rapidly turning red. “I never-”
“Oh, that’s right,” Steve says amiably. “It was Nathan, wasn’t it? Who you couldn’t keep your eyes off of. Does Carol know?”
Tommy comes at him swinging, and Steve barely dodges in time. “Yeesh, touchy. Guess it must be true, then. Y’know, you could talk to her about it. She might be down.”
Tommy swings again, and this time his knuckles catch Steve’s bottom lip. “Dammit,” he sighs, wincing when he tastes blood. “I was doing so good, too.” He moves to the side just as Tommy rushes him again, nudging him just the slightest bit to let his momentum carry him forward and onto his knees. He mentally thanks Nancy and physics homework, which isn’t really a sentence he ever thought he’d say.
“Okay, okay, break it up,” the gym teacher says, pulling Tommy up and glaring at both of them. “Do I want to know what’s going on?”
Their gym teacher, Mr. Craigs, is a forty-something-year-old veteran with the look in his eye to prove it. Anyone with a brain was at least a little bit scared of him.
“No, sir,” Steve says politely. “Sorry for causing a disturbance.”
He can feel Tommy seething with anger beside him. Mr. Craigs turns his gaze on Tommy, and Steve’s a little surprised he doesn’t start vibrating. “No. Sorry, sir,” Tommy grits out.
“Lets keep it that way,” Mr. Craigs orders, and both boys nod. “And Harrington, go wash that blood off.”
Steve wipes his lip. “Sorry, sir,” he says, and turns to do just that.
Somehow Eddie’s made it back to the locker rooms already, because he had time to find a rag and wet it before Steve walks in. He hands it over and stares as Steve dabs at his lip. “You’re kind of an idiot,” he says finally.
Steve snorts. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
Eddie sighs. “You’re also really brave. I don’t know that I’d have the guts to drop my friends like that.”
“The difference between us is your friends are good people,” Steve says, moving the rag and staring at himself in the mirror, replacing it when more blood seeps out. “My friends are dicks.”
Eddie just smiles at him. “Not anymore.”
Steve grins back, even though it stings. “Not anymore.”
“Still bleeding?” Eddie asks, inclining his head towards Steve’s lip. “You feeling dizzy at all? Maybe I should escort you to the nurse.”
Steve grins as Eddie does. “I think you might be right,” he says. “How many fingers’re you holding up, six?”
“Doesn’t sound right,” Eddie says seriously. “Might need to get you checked out.”
“Probably so,” Steve agrees. “Might need you to walk me back to class after.”
Eddie put a hand to his chest. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything differently!”
They collapse in giggles, Steve quickly sobering with a hiss when it re-opens the wound. “Dammit,” he mutters.
Eddie looks around then quietly asks, “Need me to kiss it better?”
Steve inhales sharply, studying Eddie for a second. “I think so,” he whispers. “Might be the only thing that helps it now.”
Eddie smiles nervously and steps forward. “We’ll have to be quick,” he says apologetically. “No one should come in, but…”
“We never know,” Steve agrees. “I know.”
“Okay then,” Eddie says, and steps forward, placing a few soft fingers on Steve’s cheek, tilting his head down just a bit until their lips brush, once, twice, three times until Steve’s had enough and puts a gentle hand on the back of Eddie’s neck, exerting just enough pressure to pull him in the rest of the way.
Immediately his eyes slide shut and he tilts his head to slot their lips together perfectly.
And it really is perfect, he thinks, as he tilts his head the other way, smiling when Eddie moves to follow him.
He pulls back with a gasp and grins when Eddie’s eyes flutter open. “You’re dangerous,” he murmurs, loving the smirk that curves Eddie’s lips up.
“Me?” Eddie asks. “I think you’re describing yourself.”
Steve suddenly giggles. “We’re doing a terrible job of waiting.”
Instead of laughing along, Eddie’s expression shutters. “Sorry,” he murmurs, tilting his head down and taking a step back. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Hey, no,” Steve says, reaching out and brushing Eddie’s arm with his fingers. “I wanted that, okay? I could’ve said no and you would’ve respected it. I’m not upset about it at all. I, uh, actually wish we weren’t somewhere as public as we are.” He blushes at the admission and Eddie’s raised brow in response.
“Yeah? You gonna take me home? Show me the full Harrington experience?”
“Shit, man,” Steve laughs, “what experience, I’ve never been with a guy before.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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ihearthes · 1 year
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Title: Hole in One
Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (1st person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 3100
The sky is the bluest it’s been in months, and I hear birds singing from the trees surrounding the private course. My clubs have been unused for far too long, and I cannot wait to feel the grass beneath my feet. Spying my grandparents talking to a young man who I assume is the club’s pro, I make my way in their direction, eager to get onto the green. The giddy skip in my step is undeniably partly due to the excitement of playing the game again, but mostly because I’ve not seen my jetsetter grandparents since Christmas. 
“Grammy! Gramps!” I call, my hand waving as they turn towards me. Wrapping my grandmother in a hug, I put out my hand for a high five with my grandfather. Gleefully, he obliges. 
“So glad you could join us!” Grammy whoops. “Let me look at you.” Taking my hands, she steps back to survey me in that way that must be a full chapter in the Grandparent Training Manual. “Looking sexy as hell,” she laughs, her greeting likely not in that same manual. “Twirl for us.” She makes that motion with her finger, and I oblige.
As I spin around, my skort not moving in any way that would make a twirl necessary, my grandfather applauds as if I were a five year old at her first ballet recital. 
“Two of the biggest dorks I know,” I giggle. “I’m so happy to see you!” Excitedly, I pull them in for a group hug, wondering why the golf pro hasn’t excused himself yet. So when I step back, I pointedly look in his direction. 
And promptly freeze. 
Fuck. Nope. Not the golf pro. Nor the course manager. Not anyone who works at the place. 
“Hi. I’m Harry.” He leans forward to shake my hand, his left leg raising behind him as a counterbalance to his inclining body. “You must be Birdy.” 
Horrified, I grasp his warm hand, my eyes roaming over his face with that stupid hair clip firmly holding back his bangs and his green eyes examining me, a smile on his face as his dimple deepens. Flustered, I don’t give him my birth name. “A nickname, of course,” I remark inanely. 
“I’m just hoping it doesn’t bode ill for my game today.” His gray pants are matched with a dark blue pullover sweater, a white turtleneck underneath. 
How my mouth continues to work is beyond me, but I throw my head back and laugh loudly. Probably too loudly as I’m feeling a mixture of terror and arousal, and the laughter is decidedly nervous. “I’ve never been a threat to anyone on the golf course,” I comment.
“With grandparents as young as yours, I expected someone younger.” Harry thinks he’s being coy, but my grandmother responds honestly. 
“We’re ancient, Harry, and our Birdie is 31 now. And not getting any younger.” Pointedly, she looks at me as though I had offended her in some way. 
“We’re up,” Gramps points, and we haul our clubs to the first tee. 
“What’s your handicap?” Harry asks as Gramps swings a few times for practice. 
“23,” I announce proudly, on the low end of average. “You?”
“14,” he brags, adding a wink for good measure, an indication that he is aware of his boast. Not that I can complain since I’ve also gloated about my below-average number. He’s too handsome and charming for my comfort, and I engage my attention on my clubs, polishing my driver before withdrawing it from my bag. 
Amiable enough, Harry diverts his focus onto my grandmother, and I’m grateful for the respite to catch my breath. 
“You must go first, Vivienne.”
I want to interrupt and tell him we always go with the oldest first, which is my gramps, but my grandmother has already fallen for Harry’s charm, and she giggles like a schoolgirl as she makes her way to the tee. 
After my grandfather and I have each teed off, Harry prepares for his turn. In those tight golf trousers, his arse is as well defined as the ostentatious naked statue in the fountain at the entrance to the golf club. I find myself unable to stop staring as he bends down to place his tee, and his form when he swings is a thing of beauty. No wonder he has a low handicap. Why couldn’t he be a failure at just one thing in his life? And why couldn’t it be golf? 
Noting where his ball lands, Harry removes his sunnies from the vee of his sweater and slides them over his eyes, shielding his expression. With a nod at the three of us, he twists his body, ready to move on. 
“Shall we?” Gramps gestures, and I hoist my clubs onto my shoulder again, setting off behind the elderly couple who head for a single golf cart. “Sorry, Birdy.” He casually throws over his shoulder as we approach the small vehicle. “We got the last cart. You and Harry will have to walk. But don’t worry. Your grandmother and I will do our best not to burn rubber.” 
If I didn’t know better, I’d wonder if my grandparents were trying to play matchmakers. But they wouldn’t have any idea who Harry is. Although maybe it doesn’t matter to them. Perhaps my grandparents just want to pair me up with any Tom, Dick, or ….Harry.
“Mhm. See that you don’t get a speeding ticket, Gramps!” I yell as they take off, leaving Harry and I trailing behind. 
“You seem like a chip off the old block,” Harry jokes as we hike towards the hole. “Get it? Cause a chip is a golf shot.” 
“Oh, I understood the joke, but it was bad,” I groan. “No ifs, ands, or putts about it.” 
His eyes widen. “I see. It’s like that, is it?”
We both giggle, and when he shoves my shoulder at my next golf pun, I wonder if he’s flirting with me. As if Harry Styles needed to flirt with anyone. 
It’s on the fourth fairway that my Gramps gets involved with a joke of his own. “Hey, Harry?”
“Yes, sir?” The polite reply comes as I’m replacing my divot. 
“Why do the golf pros tell you to keep your head down during golf lessons?” 
“I don’t know, Rufus.” Harry withdraws his 3-wood and addresses the ball, shaking his hips in such a way that if my grandparents weren’t around, I’d probably faint. “Why?”
“So you can’t see them laughing.” Gramps guffaws, and Harry shakes his head, the corners of his mouth tilted up as he takes a deep breath and launches his ball closer to the green. 
My grandparents always make me laugh, but today they seem in finer form than usual, as they joke with Harry, my grandmother clearly vamping. Before today, I’ve never wondered if my grandfather was anything other than straight, but the way he touches Harry at every opportunity makes the wheels in my head churn. 
On the 8th hole, Grammy takes a mulligan after her ball sails into the water hazard, just short of making it across. She sighs, pulling another ball from her bag and muttering goodnaturedly to Harry. “Golf balls are just like eggs. They’re white, round, and you need another dozen every week.” 
Harry slaps his knee as he giggles at her pathetic joke. I can almost convince myself that he’s having the time of his life playing golf with these 78-year-olds. He gives every appearance of enjoying the late afternoon game. No wonder no one has anything unkind to say about him. Well, no one he’s met anyway. 
As we walk to the 9th hole, I decide to dive in and bravely ask the question that’s been on my mind for the last two and a half hours. “Why did you join us today?” 
Startled, he twists his head to look at me. “You had three. I was a late single player. The pro added me to your party. Simple.” 
“Okay.” I draw the word out, wondering if I should ask the follow-up question, and when he continues glancing at me curiously, I go for it. “But why do you have a free day today? And why didn’t you bring someone with you?” 
He turns his head away from me, but I still see that left dimple deepen as he shrugs. “I decided on a whim that I wanted to golf in this perfect weather, and my manager was busy preparing for tomorrow night’s show.” Turning around, he walks backwards so he can face me. “But I never thought I’d meet such a fun –” his eyes never leave mine, “and sexy companion.” 
I can feel the red creeping up from my toes through my body to flush my face. How does he do it? Flirting so openly without being gross? If anyone else had delivered that line, I would have gagged. Instead, I pretend that his comment has had no effect on me – like I’m not going to need dry panties before dinner with my grandparents.
“Harry!” My grandfather yells from where he and my grammy have stopped at my ball. “You better watch where you’re going! Sometimes people don’t replace their divots.” 
The musician nods to me courteously as though he hadn’t just made my heart flutter. Turning to face forward, he continues on the pathway where we finish the 9th hole. 
“Birdie,” Grammy stoutly announces to me as she climbs back into the cart. “Your grandfather and I are tired. We’re going to head to the clubhouse and have a drink, but you and Harry should play the back nine.” With that, my grandparents wave to us as their cart drives off towards the start. 
That was unexpected. 
This is unexpected. 
Harry has put his hands in his pockets, rocking on his heels. “Well?” He watches me carefully, and I know the decision to continue is mine. 
“I doubt I’ll get to play with someone like you again, so we might as well continue.” 
“Someone like me? A celebrity?” Seeming genuinely confused, he removes his sunnies and scratches his head near that damn hair clip. 
“A duffer,” I tease.
“If that’s the case, it’s because your beauty has distracted me from my game today.” His eyes twinkle when he makes the comment, and that’s the moment I know the flirting is on in earnest. 
When we reach the 12th green, I can’t stand being so close to him without letting him know I am up for more. As he squares up for his putt, but before he pulls the club back to take the shot, I whisper loud enough for his ears only, “If you miss this putt, I’ll let you kiss me.” He doesn’t hesitate, taking the shot that rolls right at my feet where I’m holding the flag. And yet somehow the ball doesn’t go in. 
“Does that deal count if I accidentally missed?” 
Biting my lip, I tilt my head and observe him. “Hmmm…I’m not sure. It’s kind of offensive that you wouldn’t want to miss it on purpose. I mean, here I am, perfectly kissable. I’m going to say no. It doesn’t count.” 
Stalking towards me, he picks up his golf ball and tosses it to the edge of the green. “How about now?” His voice is a growl, and he’s standing close enough for me to feel the heat emanating from his body. 
Fuck. He’s so hot. Beyond sexy. 
I glance around the course quickly to see if anyone is nearby. Spotting no one, I tilt my head up to him. Harry grabs my chin with two fingers, staring into my eyes before he brushes his lips over mine. The moan that emits from my throat is heartfelt and demands more from him, but he steps back, his hand dropping to his side. 
Hooded eyes rake over me, and he smirks. “You’ve never met a golfer with a more delicate stroke than me.” 
“Promises, promises,” I tut, holding out the flag for him to take so I can putt. 
A few holes later, and all pretense has dropped as Harry rests his hands on my hips while I’m lining up my shot. “Are you sure you know how to hold a shaft correctly?” His voice in my ear is so gravelly that I want to drop onto my knees right there on the fairway and show him exactly how skilled I am at handling a shaft.
“Be careful there, Harry,” I murmur, “You’re like a water hazard. You’ve got me soaking wet.” 
“Fuck.” Stepping back from me, he shakes his head. “How many holes?” 
“Three,” I comment, and my eyes bat of their own accord, I swear! 
“Jesus!” He runs his hand over his face. “You’re like a fairway: short, well-groomed, and a pleasure to hit on.” 
“Are you saying you’d like to improve our stroke game together?” 
“I’m saying that I’m not going to make it back to the clubhouse at this rate.”
“Well…” I approach him, again searching the nearby greens for golfers, “...my golf coach says I have a firm grip. Do you want to see if it’s true?” 
“Birdy…” His voice is strangled as I ease my hand over the front of his trousers, feeling his length where it’s tucked safely high and to the left. The air exits his lungs at a faster velocity than a golf swing. “Get your clubs,” he commands, roughly replacing the putter he’d withdrawn and grabbing my hand. 
Yanking me behind him, Harry leads the way towards the parking lot where he uses an electronic key to open the vehicle and throw in his clubs before grabbing my golf bag and more gently placing it on top of his so that the two golf bags look to be spooning. 
“Get in,” he insists, and I don’t hesitate to scurry to the passenger side. 
“Where are we going?” I ask, my hands in my lap after I’ve buckled the seatbelt. The quivering in the lower part of my body will only be appeased in one way.
“Shit. I’ve no idea,” he sighs, not putting the car in drive. “My hotel is too far.” 
“Switch places with me,” I suggest, knowing exactly where we can go. 
With a single nod, the two of us climb from the vehicle and pass each other silently and aggressively on our way to opposite sides. Buckled in, I back the car from the lot and drive the two miles to my grandparents’ house. 
“I cannot believe I’m doing this,” I state. “Open the garage before the neighbors spot us.” I share the code, and Harry follows my directions. Without drawing too much attention, we’ve sequestered ourselves in the garage, with Harry waiting impatiently for me to get out of the car. 
The moment I step from the driver’s side onto the pavement of my grandparents’ garage, Harry approaches me, his hands cupping my face as he devours my lips. I do not hesitate, opening to him as my fingers fumble for the bottom of that fucking blue sweater I’ve been jealous of all afternoon because it gets to hug his curves. As I draw the sweater up, he releases my face to raise his arms over his head, and I don’t hesitate, repeating the gesture with his white turtleneck. 
As soon as his skin is free from the clothing, his mouth crashes back onto mine as his long lush fingers make short work of my white polo. He’s backed me almost to the stairs that lead to the house, and he wraps an arm around my nearly naked back just as I’m about to topple over onto them. 
“Where?” His breath is scented with the mint from his gum, and I feel the waft of it across my cheek. 
My brain scrambles. My grandparents’ house. Quickly I discard the master bedroom and the sofa in the living room. Grasping his hand, I haul us both to the only room that makes sense. Stopping to frantically kiss this amazing man, I reach behind me to unhook my bra, his fingers brushing over my boobs as soon as they are bare. 
When I open the door to our destination, Harry pauses, his eyes widening as he takes in the golf trophies, photos of my grandparents with famous golfers on the paneled walls, and the putting green. Shaking his head, he laughs, and the crinkles at his eyes make my panties even wetter. 
“I like my men like a sand trap: dirty, challenging, and unpredictable.” Although I’ve attempted to make the joke with a straight face, I fail miserably as I dissolve into giggles. 
With a face palm, Harry laughs too, glancing at the putting green. “No way am I fucking on that fake turf. One of us would end up with scraped knees, and I don’t know if I would prefer it be you or me.” 
“No question there,” I purr as I drop to my knees in front of him and reach for the button and zipper on his trousers. “I’ve been drooling for this shaft all afternoon.” 
“Well, I am known for my lengthy club.” The smirk on his face drops away as I free his cock and give it a few strokes before sliding my lips over the end and applying light pressure. Pushing his pants and underpants down his thighs, I reach for his balls. “Oh, fuck,” he sucks in air. “I had planned to wash my balls after the game today, but you’re welcome to….ahhhhhh.” The way the sound escapes his mouth when I do as he suggests and lave his balls with my tongue has me hotter than a July game at a Miami course. 
Returning to his cock, I slide his length as far as my throat will allow, practically unhinging my jaw as I take him in. Closing my lips, I use suction until he grabs my head, pulling my hair to remove me from my current activity. 
When I look up at him, I can see the scar under his chin as he’s staring at the ceiling. He takes a deep breath, and I cannot resist scraping my teeth lightly to see his reaction. It’s instant, as his jaw drops and his eyes connect with mine. Just as I get to the end of his cock again, I make a humming sound, knowing he can feel the vibration on this sensitive body part. 
“Birdy…” he gasps. “I need…” 
Releasing him with a popping sound, I sit back on my knees and grin, rather proud of my ability to reduce this cheeky flirt to two-word sentences. 
“What?” I demand. 
“I need to feel your fringe. Taste it even.” 
Closing my eyes, I shake my head as though I’m disappointed with his golf pun, but it honestly gives a zing to my private parts. 
“Fair enough,” I comment, using my current location to remove his shoes and the rest of his clothing so that he stands before me, naked but for his socks. 
“Shouldn’t that be ‘fairway’ enough?” He giggles, his shaft pointing straight at me. 
I groan. “Oh, man. If I weren’t so hot for you, your bad jokes might just turn me off.” 
“Good,” he smiles, and the dimple deepens until I’m confident I could fit a thousand golf balls, each with their own 381 dimples, inside it. That many dimples all in the same space would be overwhelming. “Now let’s put my wood in your golf bag, shall we?” He holds his hand down to me, and I grasp it so that he can pull me upwards, our tongues tangling like a dust devil. 
Fingers fumbling with the buttons on my skort, Harry moves his lips to my neck. “Why ‘Birdy’?” 
“Seriously?” I scoff. “You want to talk about my nickname now?” 
His luxurious fingers shove my panties and my skort down to my ankles, ignoring my shoes completely as he encourages me to kick off the offending clothing. “Yes please.” 
Nude, I plant my hands on my hips, glaring at him from where he’s squatting on the floor after removing my outfit. “My grandfather scored a birdie every time he took me out with him on the golf course when I was a baby.” 
“Oh,” he pouts. 
“Not as sexy as you thought it might be?” 
“As a story, you really should work on it.” 
“I promise I’ll spice up the story with the next single that joins our foursome,” I simper. A look crosses his face that could be construed as jealousy if one were so inclined. Which I’m not. Because he’s just an afternoon fuck. 
As I start to step past him to the leather sofa, he grabs my thighs and buries his face in my crotch, sniffing deeply. Flabbergasted, I pause, my balance off. 
“Widen your stance,” Harry demands, and when I follow his direction, he uses both hands to part the petals at my entrance. Just before his tongue dives in, he blows a puff of air, and I shiver at the sexiness of the move. 
“Fuck, Harry,” I grab for his shoulder so I don’t sink to the floor. Between his tongue and his teeth, I nearly tip over the abyss, but when he uses both hands, inserting one finger in each of my body’s lower entrances, I come, screaming his name as I yank his hair, accidentally dislodging that damn hair clip which skitters across the wood floor. My orgasm continues as Harry rises, one finger still teasing my clit. 
“You were right,” he whispers to me as I gaze at his glistening face, “three holes left. Now taken care of.” Capturing my lips, he delves inside my mouth, his tongue and finger below taking turns, setting a rhythm that would do well in one of his songs. 
Fuck. I’m weak. 
When my body stops shivering, I use both hands to shove him onto the sofa where he lands with both feet out and his driver in the air. 
“Birth control?” he asks. 
“Taken care of,” I grin. “IUD. But if you want double protection or you don’t trust me…” I gesture towards the rest of the house, trying to figure out where a condom might be hidden in my grandparents’ house. 
“I trust you. No one with that nickname and those grandparents could lie about something like that.” 
With a grin, I concede his point. Besides, my grandparents would flip their lids if I got pregnant without a commitment. 
Slowly, as if I’m lining up a putt, I slide onto him. 
“Mmmmm…that’s a hole to be respected,” Harry murmurs as I descend, and I would laugh if not for the fact that I’m gearing up for my second orgasm. 
“Are you up for some stroke play?” I query as I settle completely on him, my insides stretched but happy. 
“Stroke that stroke, babe.” 
With the steady beat of that Billie Squier oldie in my head, I follow his instructions, lifting myself off his shaft before plunging back down as hard as I can. Just when I’m getting closer, panting as I look to the skies, Harry taps my butt cheek. “Turn around here, love.” 
Settling on the sofa with my rear in the air, I am startled when Harry’s finger circles my asshole, and I wonder if I’m in for a different experience than I had originally expected. He’s too big for my back door without a lot of preparation, and it’s clear he knows it as he settles on wedging a finger there while his cock invades my vagina. Between his cock and his inserted finger, I’m so close to exploding that I slam my body backwards into his until he finally removes the finger, grabs my hips, and pounds into me. 
“Drive into me, Harry!” I scream, recognizing the golf pun after it’s already left my mouth. Biting my lip, I reach in front and play with my clit just as Harry shoots his load into me, and I writhe with my second orgasm, his name on my lips as he falls onto my back. 
Seconds, minutes, decades later, Harry disengages from me. 
“That was pleasant,” he smiles, and I wonder if this is it. He’ll leave me here, his cum dripping from me onto the furniture in my granddad’s golf room. “We should probably get dressed and get back to the course. Otherwise, they’ll send out a search party. If we get back quickly, they’ll think we just took our time on the 18th.” 
Agreeably, I laugh. “I can see it now.” Imitating my grandma, “‘But our baby girl is out there with a handsome stranger! They must be exhausted after 18 holes!’” 
Together, we dissolve into giggles at the innuendo as we sort through the discarded clothing and dress ourselves, making our way back to the garage as we locate our shirts. 
“You better drive us back. I’m likely to get lost in your tall bush.” 
“Oh, please,” I roll my eyes. “My grass is perfectly trimmed for the game.” 
“Mhm,” he smirks, “Who’s your caddy?” 
We pull into the parking lot, laughing at our ridiculous puns. Removing our golf bags from the trunk, we make our way into the clubhouse where we quickly locate and join my grandparents. 
“How were the last few holes?” Gramps asks. 
“Pretty good,” Harry grins, glancing over at me. “I got both a Birdy and a hole in one.” 
I want to laugh at his comment, but any suggestion that we did anything other than play golf would get me in trouble, so I simply smile, nod, and announce, “It was quite the round. The best I’ve had in a long time, by par.” 
When everyone at the table howls with mirth, I feel Harry’s hand on my knee as my grandfather speaks up with, “Harry? I think you might be missing a number on your scorecard.” When he winks and gestures towards me, I groan, but my latest lover takes advantage of the moment, holding out his scorecard to me. 
“If you wouldn’t mind…I might need another hole in one the next time I come to town.” 
Reblogs are love. Thank you.
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invis-o-william · 16 days
Day 6: Immortal AU
Danny leaned back in the grass, the wind brushing his white gravity defying hair back away from his forehead, and sighed. Amity Park had changed a lot over the years. What had once been a fair sized growing metropolis was now a sprawling city blending urban technological feats of science with older infrastructure that had been in place for over a hundred years.
One thing that hadn’t changed too much though, was its main cemetery. Others had cropped up on the outskirts of the booming city, but this one, the original burial ground, stayed intact even though no new burials had occurred there in decades.
“Sorry for not visiting sooner,” Danny said, “the Realms have kept me on my toes lately. Clocky has had it with the Observants and is trying to get rid of them as a whole. Good riddance I say.”
He chuckled at the last sentence. “I know you were never a fan of how much they interfered when I first took the throne, so I figured you’d be happy to hear that at least.”
Danny’s eyes followed a pair of children nearby happily playing on the sidewalk with gliders that seemed so similar to the Red Huntress’. Danny frowned. So much had changed over the years, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t keep up anymore.
“I had something I wanted to tell you about too..” He trailed off and turned to look at the headstone next to him. While it was old, as was every grave in this section, this one had been well cared for. Cleared of creeping plant life and with any and all dirt meticulously brushed off. The inscription read:
Dr. Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton
B. March 31, 1988 D. May 6, 2070
Beloved Mother, Sister, and Professor
“I decided to stay in the Infinite Realms full time now. With my duties as King, and the whole new zone developing there I just don’t have the time to patrol Amity Park anymore. Not that there’s a need to anymore.” He sighed the last words. It was true, after a few decades of kingship, Danny had figured out how to balance the limits that ghosts could venture to the mortal plane and the damage they could cause there.
His role on Earth as Phantom had long been redundant now, and there was no one here for him anymore. All his friends had long since died, as were even Jazz’s grandchildren. On Earth, Danny felt truly and utterly alone.
“Of course I’m going to still come and visit you guys,” Danny said, “other than that though, I think that’s it. People around here are starting to think I’m a fairy tale anyway.” He didn’t think he would ever stop visiting the resting places of his family, his friends. They had meant too much to him not to, and he never wanted to forget them, never wanted to forget who he was.
Danny stood from the grave he had been sitting in front of, glancing at its inscription. It was worn and harder to make out than Jazz’s, but it still clearly read;
Daniel “Danny” Fenton
B. February 12, 1989 D. July 17, 2031
Gone too Soon
Danny still smirked at the irony of it. A grave for a halfa that would never truly die. He had stayed physically stuck in his thirties for centuries now, and wasn’t sure that would ever change. Looking back to his sister’s headstone, he knelt down and placed a rose encapsulated in ghostly blue ice at its base.
“Happy death-day Jazz.” he said with a smile, “I’ll come visit you soon.” With that he turned and with a wave of his hand opened a portal to the Infinite Realms. A familiar woman with a mop of long white hair peeked out of it.
“Thanks for the privacy Dani. Do you want to go see Sam and Tucker now?” he asked his clone. She grinned with enthusiasm before jumping out of the portal to join her “older brother”. Once the portal was closed, they both changed from ghost to human and set off down the rows of graves to visit their departed friends.
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elceeu2morrow · 7 months
'Louis Tomlinson has proven he's not just an ex-boyband star, he's a rocker'
Some know him as 'that guy from One Direction', others, including myself know him as arguably one of South Yorkshire's finest exports but Louis Tomlinson is only getting better, writes Daniel Bird
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Image: Mirrorpix/Daniel Bird
Daniel Bird Assistant Showbiz Editor 17:31, 12 Nov 2023
Louis Tomlinson may only have two solo albums but he's proving to be one of the artists people should keep an eye on.
Having burst onto the music scene in 2010 as one-fifth of One Direction – a band created by Nicole Scherzinger on The X Factor after all five members were rejected, he's proven he's not just an ex-boyband singer. While singers from bands tend to keep a low profile and venture into other industries after a split, Louis is on a one-way ticket to becoming a mega-star in his own right.
Known for never losing his Doncaster accent and humour, the 31-year-old is currently embarking on his Faith In The Future World Tour, performing to thousands of die-hard fans every night – which he deserves credit for.
Although he may have come from one of the biggest bands of all time, the cheeky chap isn't afraid of getting up close and personal with fans – much to the dismay of his security who leap into action when he jumps off stage and runs to the barricade to see fans. In recent weeks, Louis has seen his expensive vests ripped off him, with fans even going as far as tickling him.
This, however, hasn't stopped him from putting on an incredible show. Despite only releasing two studio albums as a soloist (his second topping the Official UK Charts), he's pushing himself to the limits and playing arenas across the world. Most recently, he performed to around 21,000 fans at Manchester's AO Arena on November 11.
Walking onto the stage may be daunting for some, but Tomlinson showed no signs of fear as he opened with The Greatest – ironically, perhaps the greatest opening track. Throughout the night, he performed hits including Kill My Mind but also paying tribute to his One Direction days, belting out Drag Me Down and Where Do Broken Hearts Go. But since his pop days, Tomlinson has edged towards a more EDM and synth sound before finding his comfort in rockier tracks. He'd previously stated he'd taken inspiration from the likes of Sam Fender, Amy Winehouse, Arctic Monkeys and Manchester legends, Oasis.
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Image: Mirrorpix/Daniel Bird
Nowadays, fans can expect the odd pop hit but also enjoy punk rock as well as indie pop and soft rock.
However, despite being in the business for almost 14 years, Louis remained grounded and acknowledged that Manchester was the start of his career. Between songs, he recalled his first audition for The X Factor in front of Simon Cowell, Scherzinger and Louis Walsh, being in the city. He told fans: "This is where I did my very first audition, so to be back here on my own it definitely feels full circle and I couldn't have done that without you.
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aestheticaltcow · 30 days
Carmy isn't getting a redemption arch after this one.
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Carmy set his phone down on the office desk when Natalie had let herself in. She shot him ‘the look,’ the one she’d always give him when she knew he was doing something embarrassing. “Anything you want to share with me, Carmy?” she half-joked as she pulled up a chair next to him. Carmy shook his head as he leaned back in his chair. “Okay… so, going through Mikey’s finances proved a couple of things. Aside from owning Uncle Jimmy a lot of money, he was also about 30k in personal debt.” Natalie began to explain as she reached for her computer bag; she paused when Carmy’s phone vibrated loudly against the desk. “You need to get that?” she asked, gesturing toward the phone. Carmy shook his head and sat forward on his chair, “Carmen. You can speak, right?” she was annoyed by his sudden mutism. 
Carmy laughed, “Sorry. Just got some stuff on my mind.” he grabbed his phone from the table to see another notification from his newly reactivated Hinge profile. He wasn’t confident when it came to women, but the sudden attention he’d been getting didn’t hurt his ego. Natalie noticed the subtle upward twitch of his lips and shook her head. He was a 31-year-old bachelor with an up-and-coming restaurant, while she still saw Carmy as her annoying little brother most of the time; she’d be lying if she said he wasn’t handsome. She noticed the subtle glances women would give him when the two of them went out together. Natalie rolled her eyes as Carmy slipped his phone into his back pocket, “Okay, so 30k in personal debt? What do we do?” Carmy questioned, trying to keep his mind on work.
By the end of the night, Carmy was exhausted. Not only was running the restaurant proving to be more difficult than he’d originally thought, Mikey was still fucking him over from beyond the grave, and he needed to let off some steam before he blew up. When your account popped up on his ‘Likes You,’ he messaged you immediately and hoped you’d be down to hang out tonight. 
You excitedly walked up the stairs leading to Carmy’s apartment door after the week you’d had; his offer to come ‘hang out’ was just what you needed. There was a familiarity to his face, a warmth you couldn’t place, but the reality was you didn’t care that much. You waited a brief moment between knocking on his door and him opening it. You blushed, realizing he was a lot cuter in person. “Hey.” you smiled as you felt him look you up and down.
“Hey yourself.” he grinned as he moved aside to let you into his modest apartment. The first thing you noticed was piles of cookbooks and the distinct smell of stale cigarette smoke. You turned on your heel to face Carmy and confidently stepped toward him. Carmy smirked and reached out to grab your hips, “I’d ask if you want a tour, but this is pretty much it.” he chuckled as he ducked his head down into the crook of your neck. He softly nipped at the sensitive skin, and you giggled before bringing up how he could show you his bedroom. A groan escaped his mouth as you pushed him off of you. He leaned back and hungrily stared at your body before softly shaking his head. Carmy dropped his hands before grabbing one of yours. He gently pulled you toward a closed door you assumed to be his bedroom. 
As you crossed the threshold, your lips were on his, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Carmy mumbled something against your mouth as his hands fumbled around your torso. He stumbled backward to his bed, pulling you as he tripped over a pair of jeans he’d left on the floor. 
“Fuck.” Carmy breathed as you began trailing kisses down his jaw toward his ear. You giggled at the reaction you were able to draw from him. As you ran a hand down his chest, you felt his hands grasp at your ass. He squeezed you through the sweatpants you’d worn, eliciting a soft moan from you. “Take this off,” you whispered into Carmy’s ear as you fisted the soft material covering his chest. Carmy nodded and followed your command. 
“I showed you mine. You show me yours.” Carmy said as he flipped the two of you over, wedging himself between your legs. You felt his growing length against your clothed core as you reached for the bottom of your tank top. Carmy marveled over your bare breasts before returning to kiss your lips. You clawed at his bare back as one of his large, calloused hands over your newly exposed skin. A whimper escaped your lips as Carmy rolled your nipple between his fingers. Carmy took the opportunity and gently pushed his tongue into your mouth. 
Your hands found the button of Carmy’s jeans and quickly tried to undo it. Ending the kiss, Carmy chuckled as his hand abandoned your breast as he sat back up on his knees to pull his pants and boxers down just enough to release his cock from the denim prison he’d been in. You felt a blush develop on your cheeks as you looked at his penis, “Can I suck you off?” 
Carmy met your question with a chuckle, “Later. I need to fuck you already, sweetheart.” He shifted on his bed and stood up. As he loomed over your body, he pulled you by the hips, so your legs now dangled off of the mattress. Carmy pulled your sweatpants down in a swift movement as you giggled and squeezed your breasts. Carmy pushed your panties to the side and ran a finger up through your folds before landing on your clit. The sudden pressure on the bud of nerve endings made you whine softly, “Fuck me, Carmen!”
Carmy groaned as he rubbed small circles against your clit. You whined as Carmy leaned to the side to open his side table drawer. He pushed the drawer's contents around until his eye caught the reflective foil square he desperately wanted. You watched through squinted eyes as Carmy opened the condom and attempted to roll the lubricated latex down his leaking length. 
You gasped as Carmy started pushing his length into you. “Fuck- you feel so fuckin’ good.” he groaned as he bottomed out inside of you. As he pulled out, you reached your arms up to him; Carmy chuckled and leaned down to press his lips to yours as he began thrusting his hips at a steady pace enjoying the feeling of your pussy clench around him.
Your lips had melted together as Carmy’s thrusts got sloppier; you reached down to rub your clit. He moaned into your mouth as his motions stopped. The two of you were still for a few moments before he pulled his softening cock out of you. You stared up at the ceiling while he disposed of the condom, “You didn’t- did you?” he awkwardly asked. You propped yourself up on your elbows, “I didn’t… Can you pass me my pants?”
Carmy’s lips formed a tight grin, and he obliged the request. You took the pants from him and slipped them on before grabbing your discarded T-shirt. “Hey—uh, I’m sorry.” Carmy awkwardly apologized, and you shrugged in response. 
“Happens to the best of us, Carmen.”
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heeseung-min · 8 months
Yandere Jungwon mafia liking yn but yn already likes sunoo and vice versa. So sunoo and yn get in a realtionship but jungwon hates it and wants yn to himself. Can you make a one-shot about this?
Sorry for the late reply😓😓 Hope you enjoy this😄, in this story i make all of them are in same year which means all of them are 23 years old.
"Finish them. Make sure to kill them slowly cause I want him to feel the suffering."
Jungwon glared to the pathetic man where his face already ruined with punches and kicks that he got from Jungwon and his men. He hates when people couldn't fulfill their promise. This man can be an example for that. Jungwon already gave him few months to pay him back but instead when he stalked this man, he found out this man just using his money for gambling and even borrowing more when he lost.
"I gave that already many times, Junghoon. But your disgusting ass can't even do something good to earn the money to pay me back."
Junghoon hold Jungwon's legs to beg again. Quickly, Jungwon kicked the man until his face fell down to the floor. Jungwon groaned when he saw some blood on his outfit.
Jungwon stepped real hard on the man's face and kicked it for the last time. He clenched his jaw while watching his men started to torture Junghoon. He closed his eyes in satisfaction when he heard the scream. He went out from the place and let his men finished their task.
While he was driving, he thought about getting new suit since the one he was wearing right now already got dirty. He stopped at the shop he always goes to buy new suit. When he went inside, the manager there already knew what is he looking for.
While the workers were showing some suits with different design, another worker made a trouble by spilling a drink that was made for Jungwon. He rolled his eyes at the clumsiness while the manager seems to be embarrassed.
"Y/n!!! What do you think you were doing?!!"
"I'm- I am sorry I accidentally slipped."
Y/n apologized to her manager and turned to Jungwon to apologize to him too. Jungwon was strucked by her appearance and went speechless for few seconds before he came back to realization.
"Forgive us. Mr. Jungwon. Y/n is new here so she's still clumsy. I will teach her lesson."
Jungwon looked at you who only stared down to the floor with guilty expression. He wanted you to pay attention on him.
"It's okay. It's not like she spilled that on me. Stand up, y/n. No need to bow down. You should give her another outfit too since the drink also spilled on her. I will pay for it."
"No sir- I mean, there's no need for that. I'm good"
"I didn't give you option. So, just take it."
Since that day, Jungwon will come to the shop every week just to see you although he's not really interested to get new clothes. He's a bit frustrated when other staffs and not you serve him. So, he requested at your manager for you to serve him alone.
"What style you prefer, Mr. Jungwon?"
"Just call me Jungwon. No need to be so formal."
"Umm, okay Jungwon."
Jungwon smiled at your shyness. He wonder how would you be when he make you fluster. He went closer to you suddenly and put his hand on your waist.
"Umm, what are you doing?"
"Stay still, doll. There's a bug on your hair."
Your eyes widened at his statement which made him wanted to laugh at how gullible you were. There was nothing on your hair. He did that just wanted to feel closer to you.
"Is it gone?"
One day, he went again to the store to see you but became disappointed when the manager informed him you were having off day today. He let the other staffs served him while thinking about you. Oh, how boring he is without your existence here.
"Do you see Y/n's boyfriend?"
"What? I didn't know she has boyfriend."
"It's the barista nearby our shop!!!"
"My my I guess they are really a good match."
"Y/n, we are so sorry for your lost."
You nodded at what your coworkers said. It's been two weeks since your boyfriend's death. You felt useless when the doctor told you the cause of death was suicide. You took few days off since you can't focus without thinking about Sunoo.
Now, you were on the beach enjoying the scenery and breeze. There was not much people so it feels okay to sit there alone while looking at the water and the sky.
"Even though you are sad, you should at least take care of yourself."
You immediately turned to the very familiar sound. Jungwon stood beside you with some foods on his hands. He then sat beside you and put one of the meals he bought on your hands. It's a new style you see from Jungwon. Usually, you just see him in suit but this time he was wearing white shirt and short pants which is comfortable to be at the beach.
"What are you doing here?"
"Why? I can't come to the beach because I'm rich now?"
"Erghh, I didn't mean that."
Jungwon sighed when he saw you back to you sad mood. He decided to put your head on his shoulder.
"Just cry, y/n. No one is here so you can cry as much as you want. I won't judge you, just do it."
Jungwon smiled when he heard you cried. He finally got rid of that bastard aka Sunoo, your boyfriend. Now, he can finally make you his. As long no one disturb both of you, he will make sure no one can even get closer to you.
Ayo, I hope you guys like this. The ending feels rushed ...im so sorry
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita
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