#god i miss my ipod
kezcore · 1 year
i hate to break it to you, millennials, but gen z does, in fact, know what dvds and cds are. we grew up with them. we grew up with a lot of stuff y'all obsess over, actually. not my fault all the tech companies collectively decided to get rid of dvd players
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
I guess I'm now Old Enough™ to not know that some things aren't common knowledge, because reading wikitubia is a wild experience.
"Jacksfilms' real name is actually 'John'!" yup, for sure. he talked about it all the time in his live chat wednesdays, back when his chest hair was shaved in the shape of the batman logo, and he still lived in DC. it was just...a thing people knew about him.
"Tom Scott once revealed in a video that his full first name is 'Thomas'!" uhh what?? I mean he may have said it in a video, but I'm pretty sure it was "revealed" by the fact that his website used to be thomasscott.net??
it's just a bizarre experience to see people have limited knowledge about things that I thought everybody knew
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tethered-heartstrings · 6 months
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? Weird Questions for Writers
I have been told it is a red flag and that i am very strange for writing in complete silence. no music, background noise, nothing. I struggle focusing otherwise. I have occasionally put on white noise but only to drown out other sounds, it is not my preference. just me, the tippy tap of my fingers on my keyboard, and occasionally a little mrrp or meow from my cat if she is in the room with me. I used to not think it was weird but the more people that tell me it is the more i am inclined to also find it strange lol
maybe that i keep my writing documents (often porn lol) on the same computer/screen as my school work, but my documents are well organized
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bugieeeee · 2 months
Oh my God a horse is not a home
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ameagrice · 5 months
chapter twenty-nine | little talks
percy jackson x fem reader
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“Help me,” you whispered, so lowly you worried it was too low for Travis to hear a thing you said. “I can’t stay here.”
The wind howled wherever he was outside of camp, and car horns blared in the background. Outside of your bedroom, your dad raged in the hallway, steadily making his way to your room. One by one, thick bangs indicated new holes in walls. Rachel was screaming, too, but not in anger—she was pleading with him to stop, as the baby screamed like he never had before.
That had set him off—Finney’s screaming in the night. Maybe it was a nightmare, or maybe he was in pain. Nothing changed. And you had no control over it.
“How far even is Sydney from here?” Travis asked desperately, exhaling slowly. “Like, a day’s flight?”
There was the issue of getting out. Getting here had been easy—your dad’s money; your dad asking for a do-over; your dad’s want. How was it possible to leave now, with ten dollars to your name, Finney in pain, and Rachel alone with him? How would you make it back to the States without his money? Which, he would without a doubt, notice missing.
“You’ve gotta help me,” you whispered helplessly into Rachel’s stolen phone, watching the sea from your bedroom window. It calmly lapped the shore.
Nothing but Travis, poor Travis, and his helpless breathing on the other end of the line.
“I’ll see you soon, Travis,” you uttered softly, taking the phone away from your ear, ending the call with a press of a button, before smashing it over, and over, against the corner of your drawer.
You’d find a way to pay Rachel back for breaking her phone.
As you threw things into a backpack—leggings, toothbrush, favourite plushie and iPod—you muttered aloud to whatever Gods you could think of.
Hermes, for safety, the patron of travellers.
Ares, for the strength your anger gave you, and bravery you needed, hands shaking.
And your mother, to save your life. To watch over you.
They were so into their arguing, nobody noticed you slip out of your bedroom and racing down the stairs, raincoat on, and sneakers messily laced. Every sense in your body screamed run! and your eyes drifted over a hole in the wall with no photograph to cover it just yet. Your bones physically ached to take Finney in your arms and hush him to sleep, to save his poor throat from the soreness that would come from all his terror.
Maybe Rachel would see sense.
Unbelievable to yourself, Ares was the god you prayed to, not stopping at the bottom of the stairs, heading straight for the front door.
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Annabeth’s house was the exact image of happy, and well-lived in. A little kid’s winter coat lay on the floor, and the whole house smelled of cookies. The coffee table in the living room was stacked high with books of all kinds, from wars to fairy tales, the wood stained with what must have been years of being used.
Her dad, for all the bad that Annabeth had said about him, seemed lovely. He seemingly wasn’t fussed about the children’s clothes on the sofa, or the gaggle of random teens in his house…the kind of parent you wished for.
You sighed, eyeing the home. Annabeth didn’t know how good she had it.
Photographs lined up along the walls, and stood in pretty framed on the windowsill. You were sure, almost certain, that if you moved aside the frames on the walls, there would be no holes underneath them, plaster torn through from anger, covered up in odd places with different-sized frames.
Your fingers itched just to see.
There were Lego robots on the stairs, when you turned around to admire the house, and a cat stretched out in a patch of dying sunlight at the bottom of the staircase. Jazz music floated throughout from the kitchen.
You were so jealous, you could have strangled Annabeth for giving this up.
“Dad!” A little boy screamed. You jumped easily. “He’s taking apart my robots!”
“Bobby,” Mr. Chase called absently, “stop doing that.”
“I’m Bobby!” The boy protested. “He’s Matthew!”
“Matthew, don’t take apart your brother’s robots!”
Annabeth’s dad turned to you, looking you over properly. He hadn’t so much as really looked at anyone since inviting you in. “Let’s go upstairs and talk in my study…”
You knew what it was the second that he paused.
“Are you…?” He blinked, wide-eyed. “Do you know my Annabeth?”
The eyes. Always the eyes.
And, Gods, would anyone talk about you like that? Earnestly, and wholeheartedly? Not as a possession to be moved around at will, as you’d experienced, but somebody who was wanted, and very clearly, loved. To belong to somebody with care.
Annabeth was due a lecture. You decided that firmly.
You shifted on your hip, hands in pockets. “She’s my sister.”
He ah’d silently, and then waved his hand briefly to you. “I figured. The—”
“Eyes?” You finished at the same time, and heat spread across your cheeks. “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Your gaze fell behind Annabeth’s dad, to a pretty Asian woman standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was taller than you, shorter than Mr. Chase, and her hair—god, you would have died for hair like that—was glossy-looking and tinted red, and she held a pair of kids’ shoes in her hand.
“Who are our guests?” She asked.
“Oh, uh…this is…”
He stared at your group blankly.
“Frederick!” She chided. “You forgot to ask them their names?”
You introduced yourselves a little uneasily, but Mrs. Chase seemed nice. Especially when she offered cookies.
“Dear, they came about Annabeth.”
You weren’t sure what you expected from her reaction-wise, but a simple concerned look wasn’t enough for you. “Alright. Go on up to the study and I’ll bring you some food up.” She smiled. “Nice meeting you, Percy. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
It was as if the blood in your body halted, and a strange feeling overcame you. Without really meaning to, you were sure you pulled a face. Thalia, beside you, snickered quietly.
The ‘study’ wasn’t what you’d expected at all, certainly not for a grown man with children. Then again, perhaps he’d built this just for them. The thought made you feel warm inside, and oddly, spiteful; planes you recognised from history movies dangled on clear string from the ceiling, circling over a home-made demonstration of a fort, all cliffs and grass and the sense of death.
A war, Frederick Chase had built in his home.
You didn’t care much for whatever they talked about behind you; Zoe muttering something about enemy lines, Percy’s butting in, and Mr. Chase’s answering patiently. Instead, your interest piqued at a globe sitting on a tabletop to the side of the room, surrounded by well-loved books, slightly dusty and sitting askew atop of one another. You reached your hand out, and gently pushed the globe around, spinning it idly. Your eyes wandered.
A ratty, once-adored stuffed animal, now vaguely resembling an elephant, sat alone in a corner made by books, staring up at you. Was this Annabeth’s? Had she at one point abandoned this little guy in search of peace the way you had recently done to Finney?
It hurt so bad to think about, that it didn’t bear thinking about at all.
Either way, your heart clenched for your family.
The afternoon light was quickly changing, darkening, and you found the strength to speak up and bring to attention the problems that needed solving—ones that you were not at all prepared to take on any time soon alone. Your mind, for all people praised children of Athena, was not well-equipped for these situations. You weren’t smart enough, you felt.
And it was proving itself to be the case, too.
Just luck something in you persuaded. It’s all just bad luck.
You allowed Percy and Thalia to explain everything to Annabeth’s father, who, after paying great attention to even the side-tracking Percy inevitably talked, collapsed into an old armchair beside the desk you perched on the edge of. He laced his hands, looking worn and stressed.
“My poor brave Annabeth,” he said, quietly.
The cookie in your hand crunched and crumbled all over the desk, and pure bitterness scraped your insides.
“Sir,” Zoe brought you out of your thoughts. “We need transportation to Mount Tamalpais. And we need it immediately.”
He nodded. Mr. Chase blinked at his coffee table, absent in thought. “I’ll take you. Hmm…it would be faster to fly in my Camel. But it only seats two…”
Your mind snapped to attention. “Wait, you have an actual Sopwith Camel just chilling around?”
Mr. Chase nodded as though it was normal as anything. “Down at Chrissy Field. That’s the reason I moved here. My sponsor is a private collector with some of the world’s finest World War I relics in the world. He let me restore the Sopwith Camel—”
“Sir,” Thalia cut in, “a car would be just great. And it might be better if we went without you. It’s too dangerous.”
Mr. Chase visibly deflated in his armchair, frowning uncomfortably. “Now wait a minute, young lady. Annabeth is my daughter. Dangerous or not, I can’t just—”
“Snacks!” Mrs. Chase announced, bustling into the room with a tray of goods.
“I can drive, sir,” said Zoe. “I’m not as young as I look. I promise not to destroy your car.”
Mrs. Chase knit her eyebrows. “What’s this about?”
“Annabeth is in danger,” said Mr. Chase. “On Mount Tam. I would take them…but apparently it’s no place for mortals.”
To your surprise, Mrs. Chase nodded, not questioning it. Maybe she was used to this stuff by now. “They’d better get going then.”
“Right!” He jumped up, and started patting his pockets. “I…need to just get my keys…”
His wife sighed. “Honestly, Frederick, you’d lose your head if it wasn’t constantly in your hat.” Relatable. “They’re downstairs, on the peg by the door.”
Zoe grabbed a sandwich, and you stuffed a couple of cookies in your backpack, uncaring for the crumbs. “Thank you both. We should go. Now.”
Everyone headed for the stairs, Mr. Chase first—he walked quickly with urgency in his steps, and you wandered, would anyone ever act this way for you? Travis, maybe, at some point, if the time ever called for it. He’d shown that he cared. Or at least, you thought he did. Percy, too, who pulled you back-to-back with him earlier, protecting one another.
“Percy!” Mrs. Chase called. You waited at Mr. Chase’s side, at the front door, hands in your pockets. “Tell Annabeth…tell her, she still has a home here, will you? Remind her of that.”
For a second, you closed your eyes, and let yourself be lost in imagination. The sound of happy children playing, standing beside a father who cared, who was light with warmth and love. The feeling of pure safety in the home.
For a second, you let yourself feel this.
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After the car blew up, and you spent a good few minutes with Percy picking car pieces out of your hair and skin, you had thought perhaps nothing else could go wrong.
But this was a quest you were supposed to be a part of, so of course something else did go wrong.
“Silence, fool!” Zoe hissed, pulling Percy and big mouth down behind a rock. “Do you want to wake Ladon?”
“You mean we’re here?” You asked. This was it? The road was shrouded with thick fog, ahead of you, the mountain was even darker.
“Very close,” she said. “Follow me.”
Fog drifted across the road, and shivers crawled up your back. Zoe stepped out into it and disappeared completely.
“Focus on her,” said Thalia. “The Mist is really strong here. Just step into the fog and focus on Zoe.”
Apprehension became you, but you did as she said. Zoe was nowhere to be seen at first, but the more you concentrated on finding her, the dog cleared, and the road became dirt, and the dirt lead to the mountain. And then there was Zoe and Thalia, and Percy just behind you.
Your breath was stolen pretty quickly. The grass was thicker, the sunset a bloody slash across the sky, hues of peach and amber colliding. The summit of the mountain was closer, now, swirling with dark clouds and power above. There was only one path right in front of you, leaden with beautiful flowers and trees, pink blossoms and bright purples you couldn’t name. It lead to a darker forest of shadows and flowers that glowed.
You weren’t sure how you knew, but…
“The garden of twilight,” you muttered. Zoe’s head snapped to you.
The grass shimmered with silvery, dewy light, the flowers such brilliant colours they flowed and lit the darkness around you. Black, polished marble steps danced around a five-storey tall golden apple tree, literal golden apples, glimmering and glowing amongst the rich green leaves.
“Hera’s apples of immortality,” Thalia said lowly. “A wedding gift from Zeus.”
You were tempted to step right up and grab one, except you found the danger quickly.
The dragon, curled around the tree. The dragon, bigger than you could have ever imagined one, and with more heads than it was possible to count. He appeared to be sleeping.
Something in the darkness caught your attention. The shadows began to move, an eerie singing beginning. You clutched your dagger harder.
Four figures appeared, girls in white greek chitons. They were beautiful, and, with a shiver, you noticed they resembled Zoe Nightshade. Or, rather, she resembled them.
“Sisters,” Zoe said with a small sigh.
“We do not see any sister,” one of the girls said coldly. “We see three half-bloods and a Hunter. All of whom will soon die.”
“Don’t worry about being pessimistic,” you muttered. Percy elbowed you, firmly.
“You’ve got it wrong,” he stepped forward. “Nobody is going to die.”
But…you had that feeling again. The one before Bianca. And you couldn’t tell if it was anxiety or foreshadowing. Whichever it was, it made you feel sick, nonetheless, and helpless.
“Perseus Jackson,” one of them said.
“Yes, I do not see how he is a threat.”
“Who said I’m a threat?”
The first girl glanced behind her, toward the top of the mountain. “They are unhappy that this one has not yet killed thee,” she pointed to Thalia. “They fear thee.”
“Tempting, sometimes,” Thalia said. “But no, thanks. He’s my friend.”
“There are no friends here, Daughter of Zeus. Only enemies. Turn back.”
“Not without Annabeth,” she moved forward.
“And Artemis. We must approach the mountain.”
“You know he will kill thee. You are no match for him.” One of the girls scoffed.
“Artemis must be freed. Let us pass.”
“You have no rights here anymore.” Harsh. “We have only to raise our voices and Ladon will wake.”
“He will not harm me,” Zoe shook her head gently.
“No? And what about thy so-called friends?”
Then, Zoe did the last thing you wished she would. She clapped her hands, and yelled. “Ladon! Wake!”
The dragon’s eyes snapped open instantly. He glittered like a mountain of coins, just as everything in your body shivered.
Your heart took cover.
Zoe’s sisters scattered. One of the girls was furious. “Are you mad?!”
“You never had any courage, sister. That is thy problem.”
You’d never seen Zoe so forward, and confident. Confidence outside of your comfort zone was different. But you knew to be confident and strong against your family was a different kind.
Ladon was awake, now, a hundred heads hissing and swirling. You wanted to back up, and leave this place. Zoe, standing ahead of you all, looked up at him with nothing but surety. Thalia had shifted, and Percy was still as anything beside you, the two of you looking with your heads tipped back.
Your lungs chose the awfully wrong time to deflate. Because in the light of the glowing flowers, and the danger on the breeze, Percy’s eyes were bright green, his tan skin aglowing, and his dark hair looked glossier than ever. The perfect edge to his nose, shining ever so slightly. His mouth was slightly agape in—shock? Confusion? Horror?
The most heavenly boy to exist.
“Let’s go,” you decided, the first to make a move.
“Ladon is trained to protect the tree,” Zoe said, moving forward toward the dragon. She raised her arms out to him as if she were welcoming a best friend home, not a killing machine. “Skirt around the edges of the garden. I am a bigger threat. Go up toward the mountain. As long as I’m here, he should ignore thee.”
“Should?” Percy snapped. “Not exactly reassuring.”
Your body turned cold. “No. Come on. Let’s all just run for it. Nobody gets left behind.”
Thalia looked at you and nodded. “Zoe. Let’s go.”
“It is the only way. Even the four of us together cannot fight him.”
Ladon opened his mouths. The sound of a hundred heads hissing at once sent a shiver down your back, and that was before his breath hit your nose. The smell was like acid. It made your eyes burn, your skin crawl, and your hair stand on end. Combine all that with spearmint, and you were good to remember it for life.
Thalia and Percy had already left your side, skirting around the edge of the garden as Zoe had told them to. But something didn’t feel right about that, to you.
You crept up beside Zoe. Very firmly, you said, “I’ll stay with you. We ain’t leaving anybody.”
She looked horrified, and it was such an un-Zoe-like expression that it instantly freaked you out. “No—go, now.”
“No! You don’t leave friends behind!” You fought, gripping your dagger for dear life. An awful, awful feeling had taken over your body.
She pressed her mouth together unhappily, but some other look drew over her face, and she nodded once, determinedly.
She walked toward the dragon, voice calm. “It’s me, Ladon. I’m home.”
As long as I’m here, he should ignore thee, she had said. You waited for her to get closer to him before you shifted into gear, too. The aim being to draw attention away from Thalia and Percy. When they were past, you’d try to make your way up the mountain, and hope that Zoe going last would mean the dragon would let you mostly pass before you had to fight for your lives.
The eldest of Zoe’s sisters’ voice flowed in the air as they left. “Fool.”
“I used to feed thee by hand,” Zoe continued in a soothing voice. “Do you remember?”
There were many words you could think of to describe Zoe Nightshade in that moment and what had come before, but only one came to mind, full force—Brave.
She kept talking, and the heads switched their attention between you and her. Trying to keep it all solely off of Zoe, you watched it carefully, walking backward up the mountain, unable to watch your footing. Zoe caught on to what you were doing, and began to move, too.
For whatever reason, the air shifted.
The dragon lunged.
Two thousand years of training kept Zoe alive. She jumped over one set of heads snarling and snapping at her and tumbled under another set, springing to her feet. You ran together, at pace, at the same footsteps, toward the others. Your heart pumped furiously, pushing you onward, getting ready.
Percy had drawn his sword, but Zoe panted. “No! Run!” She screamed.
Something tensed inside of you. You looked to Zoe at your side, and your eyes widened, horrified. “Move!” Your hand reached out…
Too slow.
The dragon snapped at her side, and she yelped, crying out. Her footing slipped, but you didn’t hesitate to snatch her by the arm, holding her up. She didn’t stop, despite the obvious pain she must have been in.
You ran up the mountain, Thalia and Percy not too far behind. The dragon hissed and stomped, but as Zoe had said, he was trained to protect the tree. So he moved no further, no longer persuing you.
A song was in the air. Of sadness, of death.
At the top of mountain were ruins, blocks of black granite and marble as big as houses. Broken columns. Statues of bronze that looked as though they’d been half melted.
“The ruins of Mount Othrys,” Thalia whispered in awe.
“Yes,” Zoe said. “It was not here before. This is bad.” You watched for any aspect of pain, heart pounding.
“What’s Mount Othrys?” Percy asked.
“The mountain fortress of the Titans,” Zoe said. “In the first war, Olympus and Othrys were the two rival capitals of the world. Othrys was—” She winced and held her side.
“You’re hurt,” you said. “Let me see.”
“No! I’m not. It’s fine. I was saying, in the first war, Othrys was blasted to pieces.”
“But…how is it here?”
Thalia looked around cautiously as you picked your way through rubble and dirt, blocks of marble and broken archways.
“It moves in the same way that Olympus moves, right?”
Thalia blinked. “Right. It always exists on the edges of civilisation. But the fact that it is here, on this mountain, is not good.”
“This is Altas’s mountain,” said Zoe. “This is where he holds—” she froze. Her voice was ragged with despair. “Where he held up the world.”
You had reached the summit. A few yards ahead, grey clouds swirled in a heavy vortex, making a funnel cloud that almost touched the mountaintop, but instead rested on the shoulders of a twelve-year-old girl with auburn hair and a tattered silvery dress: Artemis, her legs bound to the rock with celestial bronze chains.
Zoe gasped and rushed forward. “My lady!”
Artemis shook her head as best she could, shaking. “No! It is a trap! You must go now!” Her voice was strained, and she looked to be in so much pain, that your soul cried out to help. She was covered in sweat, and visibly struggling.
Zoe was crying. Despite what Artemis said, she ran forward and dropped to her knees before her, tugging at the chains.
A booming voice spoke from behind you. “Ah, how touching.”
Everyone turned. Zoe sniffled, shifting on her knee to look as well. There the General stood in a brown suit. At his side was Luke Castellan, worn and weary-faced, alongside over a good hundred dracaenae bearing a golden sarcophagus. You didn’t need anyone to explain. You knew who that was for.
A head of dirty hair caught your eye. She was small next to Luke and the monsters, with a gag in her mouth and her hands bound. Luke held the tip of a knife against her throat. Her eyes were wide with pleading, and glassy. Annabeth. Your sister.
She met your gaze. And sent you only one message.
“Luke,” Thalia snarled. “Let her go.”
Luke’s smile was weak, so weak, and pale. “That is the General’s decision, Thalia. But it’s good to see you again.”
Thalia spat at him.
Observant, as you always were, you paid attention to many things all at once; Percy’s awestruck eyes on your sister; Thalia’s pure disgust; Annabeth’s pain; Zoe Nightshade falling to rest from her knees; Artemis’s silver eyes drifting between every member present.
The General chuckled. “So much for old friends. And you, Zoe. How is my little traitor? I will enjoy killing you.”
“Do not respond,” Artemis groaned. “Do not challenge him, Zoe.”
It clicked instantly.
“Wait a second.” As it did for Percy, too. “You’re Atlas?”
The General’s eyes laid lazily on him. “So, even the stupidest of heroes can finally figure something out. Yes, I am Atlas, the General of the Titans and the terror of the Gods. Congratulations.” He drawled. “I will kill you presently, as soon as I have dealt with this wretched girl.”
“You’re not going to hurt Zoe,” said Percy. “I won’t let you.”
“You have no right to interfere, little hero. This is a family matter.”
“A family matter?”
“Yes,” Zoe said bleakly. “Atlas is my father.”
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Pain. That’s all it is.
Y/N understands girls watching out for girls, and friends looking after friends. Nobody gets left behind.
songs I listened to writing this chapter:
— little talks, of mice and men
— riptide, vax
— dog days are over, Florence
all on the capsize playlist! :)
Taglist: @bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @charlesswife @jessiegerl @crackerphobic20 @jessiegerl @mata0-0mata @jccc1000 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @nothankyou138 @i-love-books-and-the-bible
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
cowboy!reader likes pop music I've decided. he also drives a truck that looks like it's a fossil yet runs perfectly fine. he knows about horses and will try to talk about old wild west movies whenever. definitely loved woody from toy story as a kid. 1000% baby talks dogs. goes to pride parades in full colorful cowboy outfit. can do bird calls back. stress eats sunflower seeds instead of smoking. the list of ideas goes on really
- 🦦
More (Not) Allergies
Okay, so I've only focused on the pop music for this one. Also it directly follows from 'Alergies (Not Really)' (which wasn't titled earlier but it was the one with Mia in). But I do have them all noted down (I'm working on the sunflower seeds on at the moment).
EDIT: Sunflower seeds one is now done and available here
Warnings: minor sad reader
Word count: 621
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23
"Hey, where's your cattleman?" Spencer asked as you sat down in your usual seat. 
"I er, I need to find a new one."
"Did you lose it? We've probably got time to find it before we take off-" Spencer said, already starting to stand up.
"Nah, I didn't lose it. I gave it to Mia," You said. "I'll go lookin' for a new one tomorrow,"
"Isn't that your favourite one?" JJ asked, turning to you.
"Yes ma'am," You answered, 
“Wait, is this the one you wouldn’t let any of us try on?” Derek asked, looking up from his ipod.
“That would be the one,” You said with a small nod.
“Oh man, you must be getting withdrawal,”
“A little,” You joked. "She's a special kid. Plus, I think she might’ve tried to steal it off me anyway. Y’know she called me old? Three times? Imma spring chicken,"
"I don't know about that," Emily teased, "You're nearly thirty,"
"'Scuse me ma'am, Imma spring chicken."
When the conversation dialled down, you sighed slightly, sliding your hands into your pocket out of boredom. You furrowed your eyebrows when your fingers brushed against a small chain. You gently removed it from your pocket.
"Where'd you get that chain?" You asked, seeing Mia fiddle with it, running her fingers along the links. 
She shrugged, "I found it on the floor a few years ago," 
"'s pretty," You commented, she looked at you in disbelief. "What?"
"I wore it once, it turned my skin green," 
"Maybe you're just a zombie." You said with a shrug
"Rich coming from you old man."
"Hey, you okay?" You look up at JJ in confusion and she motioned to your eyes, red and brimmed with tears.
"Oh, yeah," You clear your throat wiping your eyes slightly, "Allergies."
She has a knowing look on her face, but goes along with it. "Allergies are the worst,"
"Tell me about it." You muttered. 
"But," She whispered, despite the team chatting amongst themselves, "If you are… upset or concerned about anything, I'm always here if you want to talk about it." 
You pause for a moment, brushing your thumb against the chain as you frowned. "I-" You paused, "I dunno," You stuff the chain into your pocket as you looked at JJ, giving her a small smile. "'M fine," You gave her a nod, "Just missing ma cattleman, is all," 
"Uh-huh," JJ said with a raised eyebrow before she gave you a small smile, dropping the subject (not wanting to push you). "Alright, well, I believe we are all going for drinks, you should join us."
You look unsure for a moment before nodding, "A'right," You said, "Just don't tell my Mama I'm getting drunk,"
“Ooo cowboy’s finally gonna get drunk?” Derek asked with a grin, “How about you sing some good ol’ country music for us?”
“It’s gonna take a lotta shots to get to that point,” 
“Well, we have tomorrow off,” Rossi smirked. 
God damnit. 
“Y’all do know I don’t just listen to country, right?”
“Yeah, okay,” Emily grinned, “What else do you listen to?”
“I started listenin’ to er, what’s her name?... Arianna Grande, she’s a’right,” You said with a nod, furrowing your eyebrows as the team all let out a laugh (minus Spencer, who was just a bit confused). “What?”
“You listen to Arianna Grande?”
“She’s good!” You argue, “N’ she hits the whistle tones well. I listen to Dua Lipa ‘n’ Selena Gomez sometimes too,”
“Oh my god…”
“You have the music taste of a teenage girl!” Derek snorted loudly.
“JJ, defend me here,” You said, turning to JJ.
“Sorry cowboy,” She teased, “They’re right…” You groaned, letting your head fall to the back of your seat. 
“God damnit.”
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cartoon-cass · 1 month
Comprehensive breakdown of MURDER DRONES - Episode 7: Mass Destruction
I saw a breakdown of this episode on youtube and it was just clearly rushed so I want to do this episode justice so here's my comprehensive breakdown.
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New intro, look at them! They look so happy, that is not the case in the episode, to say the least. With how much rubber hosing this animation has I would not be surprised if this was done by Kevin Temmer Tunes with what he learned from amazing digital circus Edit: N was animated by Micah Preciado and Uzi by Zachary Preciado
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Bad day to accidentally grab the wrong uniform, I do wonder where the actual Dr.Chambers was in all this. Wonder if it would have made a difference... probably not.
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Not actually important but having the shadows of the claws that aren't actually there be the thing to interact with the world is fucking cool as hell. This whole scene is a cool twist on an exorcism with robots and science.
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Like look at this, it's a pentagram magnet, a normal pentagram from my basic pop culture understanding it's meant to not only summon a demon but also keep them from leaving the circle. A strong magnet is so smart for this case as it's used to keep Nori in place, I mean it doesn't end up working in the end but it's the thought that counts.
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It took my second watch of this episode to realize why the lights got turned on, it revealed the tentacles and claws but it's sun light, the same stuff that burns the Disassembly Drones and Uzi. It even has the same effect as in the end of Episode 4
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Can I just say how extra it is making the USB a crucifix, I love it. Also I just notice that on the end of the crucifix the detailing is actually in the shape of a USB symbol, the details in this show is amazing, you can see all the love that went in to it.
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This is probably the most terrifying way to hold these robots. I couldn't blame any of the robots for wanting to kill the human good god. Also Yeva playing Tetris, the game has a lot of ties to Russia so wonder if she spoke Russian too, she doesn't speak in this episode and not sure if we'll get more flashback with her so not sure if we will ever find out.
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Not sure why Mitchell stop Yeva from entering the church but I like to think he thought Yeva was like a kid, look at him holding her hand in the scene before, and was trying to keep her save and knew something was off. That being said I'd love to hear what you think is his reasoning, sound off in the comments/reblogs.
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Pulling back we can see Nori, specifically her core, looking at a crucifix comparing it to the USB crucifix in the video to see if it's the one with the patch, it's not, so she goes out for the hunt to see if she can find it.
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Like daughter, like mother, honestly cool little details that lets us know what kind of character Nori is with the very little time we have with her. Drawing made presumably by her of herself as a human cat girl, twice, motor oil cans everywhere, a fricking ninja star, nightcore music, a anime statue that might be a reference to something but I have no clue, also magnets which have been used in the passed like drugs so that's um... something.
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was originally just going to point out the funny little animation errors in this scene, as the paper goes through the Ipod and the crinkled paper is mirrored but then I wanted to check what was on the paper and...
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It's a missing poster of all things? it uses the exact posters used in episode 3 it's probably just reusing assets but I thought it was a cool thing to point out.
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Uzi bleeds blood in these scenes and it's not necessarily mentioned out loud, clearly something AS related, but there might be more to it, or it just looks cool.
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This man is in some serious denial, but credit where credit is due, when "Tessa" tells N to stop he turns around, and when Uzi apologized for not being able to help he immediately apologized for Snapping at her. Also look at Tessa's little pointing, thought it was funny.
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N: "We're not going to hurt you."
I can't blame Uzi for taking this the wrong way, he's clearly telling Tessa off but all Uzi hears is "hurt you", hence why she only parrots that part.
Thad: "Aaand you won't tell me why we're wandering around 'cause...?" Lizzy: "I'm a good friend, and secrets are blackmail. And it's not about football." Thad: "Okay. Does your secret friend want to know about football, or...?"
Anyone else wondering who Lizzy's good friend is? The only 2 characters we know are good friends with Lizzy are Doll and V. It's possible that through everything Doll sent a text to Lizzy asking her to do something but I feel like V just makes more sense. This does assume V made her way away from the sentinels, if I had to guess she's just a core at the moment which might be why she couldn't do it herself, no wings nor weapons as a core, also makes the blackmail line make more sense.
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N: "I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this."
Baby girl NO! no you don't, your too hard on your self
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That scream. That cut. *chef's kiss* perfect.
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This scene just shows us why Uzi went towards the church. Also note when she's the most stressed her eye turns yellow so it does seem stress is the deciding factor whether she can be possessed.
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V/AS: You know, you're one of the main reasons... [voice glitching] ...I wanted your team to retain your personalities.
This quote I think has some interesting implications, I mean it obviously confirms that the DD squad was influence by AS but it might also be why it keeps a bit of the personality of which ever host it's using.
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This scene holy shit, the music, the lighting, the sound design and animation, that's how you do horror! You don't even need detailed gore, in fact most of it is just off screen. like look at the DD's off in the distance one catches the pilot of the helicopter mid air then they fight over it like hungry animals.
Ok so I hit the image limit and it's almost 1 in the morning so I'm gonna go to bed and continue this tomorrow
~to be continued~
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logbush · 11 months
Yay a Glee (Quinn) writer! lol I miss her! Can I request reader lending her sweater to Quinn, when Quinn is home, she realizes she still has r’s sweater and she find r’s iPod. Out of curiosity, Quinn looks through it and finds a playlist titled with her name, friends to lovers please! :)
Lost Something?
1,035 words
quinn fabray x reader
a/n: this was hard to write for some reason lol. keep sending your requests, im working on them right now and they should be out sometime soon!!
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if someone would’ve told you that you would’ve fallen for your best friend quinn fabray, you would’ve laughed in their face. but here you were, sitting across from her at breadstix trying hard not to lean over and kiss her. she was wearing a red sundress, matching her red headband, and jeans. a look that made your knees weak. you, however, had decided to dress down for the occasion, a hoodie and sweats, you didnt expect her to dress up so you didnt.
she looked at you and laughed softly “whats going through your mind, y/l/n,” she said softly before taking a bite of her food. you shook your head “no nothing, dont worry” you replied before pushing your plate away, something you did whenever you were done with your food. “you’re already done? i just started!” she joked, trying to finish her food faster. “hey, we dont have to finish at the same time” she laughed softly before copying you and pushing her plate away towards you after she finished.
the waitress brought the check by, you and quinn looked at each other. you both wanted to pay but you didnt want to fight about it so you just let her. she smiled as she reached for the check and put her card in it. you sat back and looked at her with a smile. “you let me pay?” she questioned. “i didnt want to fight about it” you answered. she shook her head “we wouldn’t have fought, i would’ve just made us get my way” she smiled while you laughed, “sounds like a fight to me” the waitress brought back quinn’s card. the blonde said a quick ‘thank you’ to her before the two of you got up and started to leave.
it was cold outside, ohio in december isn’t exactly the warmest. you looked at the cheerleader next to you, watching as she was shivering. you quickly took your hoodie off before handing it to her “put it on” you instructed as you walked with her to your car. she looked at you, without your hoodie you were left in just a t-shirt. she shook her head “i dont want you to freeze” she wrapped her arms around her body, trying to conserve warmth, “i’m not going to freeze, q, you might though” quinn scoffed jokingly before taking the hoodie from your hands and slipping it on, the smell of you wafting through her senses.
quinn wouldn’t never admit this to anyone, but she was starting to catch feelings for you as well. you did the sweetest things try to make her happy, like giving her your hoodie whenever she was cold or making her her favorite pastry whenever she was sad. you remembered the small things and she loved that about you.
you dropped quinn off at her house about a half an hour ago. she had been sitting on her bed in your hoodie all that time. she turned on her side and put her hands in the pocket. the blonde felt something touch her hand. curious, she pulled it out of the pocket and looked at it. your ipod. god, you must’ve been dying without this. you can barely go five minutes without music.
quinn got curious about what you had been listening to all these years so she decided to go through it. show tunes, neil diamond, john denver, billy joel, simon and garfunkel. all people she was expecting, you weren’t very new with your tastes. she kept going through it before landing on a playlist. this playlist intrigued the blonde, as it was titled ‘quinn <3’.
the cheerleader smiled at the sight before quickly clicking on it before she could think. make you feel my love, lucky, something, but one song stood out to her, you belong with me by taylor swift. the only song from this playlist she actually knew and knew the meaning of.
quinn sat stunned, the thought of you actually liking her back made her crazy. she couldn’t wait til tomorrow to find out, she needed to know now. the blonde raced downstairs and outside to her car. she got in and drove to your house, breaking numerous speeding and stopping laws.
once the blonde got to your house she knocked on the door until someone answered. just to her luck, you were the one who answered. “whats up quinn? why are you knocking so much?” quinn looked up at you, looking at you dressed in sweats and a tank top. she gently bit her lower lip before holding up your ipod, “lost something?” she said with a smirk. you smiled brightly before yanking your ipod from her hands “oh my god i thought this was gone forever! was it in my hoodie?” you questioned while bringing her inside and up to your room. quinn nodded and sat on your bed “it was, you know, there was a certain little playlist that caught my eye”
your eyes went wide and you looked down, trying to avoid any and all eye contact “i dont know what you’re talking about” you mumbled. quinn smiled and looked at you, she didnt need your confirmation, your reaction made her know you liked her. you felt the warmth of her hand on your back rubbing soft circles “hey its okay, can you look at me for a minute?” she questioned. you looked at her, scared for whats going to happen. the blonde used her hand to cup your cheek, gently rubbing the apple of it. “you like me right?” she asked. you closed your eyes in fear, you didnt want to lose her. you just nodded in response, your eyes still closed.
quinn sighed and looked at you, she knew you weren’t going to open your eyes so instead of trying to talk to you, she just placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “i like you too” she said softly. you opened your eyes slowly, making eye contact with her before kissing her again. she smiled and kissed back before laying down on her back, inviting you to lay on her. you laid your head on her chest.
“so are you gonna send me that playlist, love?”
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thewriterg · 7 months
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐥
pairing(s); miles morales x gn!reader, can be read as civilian earth 42 miles or 1610 miles
summary; When you entered your second home the last thing you expected to do it to share a vinyl with a less fortunate boy —flufftober day;6–
word count; 1.1k+
warning(s); strangers to friends to whatever your head comes up with, useless backstory, fluff, and language
playlist; dark red by steve lacey
A/n:—GIFs; @mo0nfairy & @merakyn— when I say… I barely, BARELY was able to finish this
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The aura of your sacred space called out your name as you stepped from of the train out into the subway the cool air more intense underground before you made you way up the stairs up into the streets of manhattan after two hour with a delayed ride you were on you way to your escape earbuds plugged into your ear an umbrella in your hold as it drizzled the sky cloudy and the streets cold You felt your feet your take you the old rundown beat path before you were at the place where you could spend hours on end
The record shop
You swung the door open the familiar bell greeting a shoegaze playlist calmly spilling through the overhead speakers the bass going ideal with the weather outside and the festive mood as the days progressed deeper into October when the blazing hot heat was in its ending days until the year prior and cool winds took over over for the rest of time being
“Hey stranger” The familiar mellow voice called out to you as you turned your gaze to look at one of your second self Xavier who worked in the shop along with the store owner Alphfred an older man who originally bought the space with his wife whom he ran the establishment with the place was huge in the 90s and early 2000s selling select music equipment, records, and CDs but like every business it had a dry patch and almost closed down around the 2010s when ipods became popular but like everything, they begin to make a come back and business slowly picked up
This time around the only missing part was Lillith, Alphfred's wife who passed a year prior from breast cancer with the man not getting any younger than he was currently was he reluctantly had to hire help which in conclusion got you Xavier his lanky yet slouched figure standing before you blue eyes steering through the smoky black and gray eyeshadow around them, a black beanie over his blonde neck length hair
“It's been two weeks, please tell me you saved me one” You playfully rolled your eyes before wrapping your arms around the boy a pout in you voice that he could picture without having to look at you
“Yea which is like two life times for you, and you know I did even if you don't deserve it” You pulled away with a small squeal and a few jumps in you spot and now it was his turn to roll his eyes before going behind the register counter unlocking a cabinet grabbing the record putting it behind his back as he approached you again before bringing it in your line of sight
“Oh my god I could kiss you” You whispered while letting out a breath approaching the limited addition Steve Lacey record that you’d been waiting on forever there was only a hundred made and yet you had it in your possession you let your hands pick it up from Xaviers hold missing the sarcastic mumble that fell from his lips
“Please save me the romantics”
“Where's the old man?” You called out to the blonde not taking your eyes off the music containing disk who went to go take a seat behind the counter who hummed before responding untangling the wires of his headphones carefully
“Went out, not gonna be back until around six” You unintentionally mimicked his response calling back with a hum deciding you would wait until then since it was already almost three you made your way to your favorite spot of the shop the dark rocking chair in the corner you controlled the sound of the speakers on the wall next to it after carefully unwrapping the vinyl and putting it on the platter turning the headshell to sit on the disk before amping up the volume letting the tune take over the store and you swore you could've heard Xavier mumble about how tedious it was to watch
Sitting down on the “old hunk as wood” as Alphred called it yet you noticed how he never through it out you took out a book you were reading from the tote bag slung over your shoulder starting from where you last left off letting the atmosphere push through your nerve of senses clouding them all together
When you heard the bell ring throughout the store you expected to see Alphred to walk through the door not the soaked, lean, afro latino boy you currently were viewing who you could tell was a bit of a way from home not as if you weren't yourself assuming it was just another cute customer you mentally let Xavier handle it before going back to your book not getting very far before you were interrupted
“Excuse me, do you have any more Limited Lacey records left?” Your attention averted from you page to chocolate eyed boy who seemingly pleaded with you to agree with as he nodded towards the record player the vinyl spinning around the beginning of dark red playing through the speaker and you looked at him with sympathy before responding
“I know how it feels, im sorry” And you truly did even if it sounded dramatic there truly was a gut wrenching feeling when you were just a split second too late or when the person in front of you just got the last one just for it to end up in a thrift store a few months later it had happened to you more than once
“I take it you're not from here?” You questioned gently trying to uplift the visibly down boy you gaze averting to Xavier for a split second who was smirking at you like the cheshire cat before you turning back to soft going boy
“Yeah came here for a convention with a few friends from Brooklyn, record slipped my mind” He sighed visibly defeated and before you could think of the words they were already spewing from your mouth
“You could borrow mine sometime” You offered and mentally cursed yourself while watching the brunette eyes light up like a kid on Christmas
“You would do that? I could pay you!” He questioned hope prominent in voice as you nodded finally standing up from your chair noticing how Xavier was now nowhere to be found as your eyes scanned through the store
“You wouldn't need to do that, don't kick a man when he's down and that sort of thing” You reassured a close mouth smile thrown his way as you took a few steps past him your shoes placing on the floor
“I-Im Miles by the way” The brown haired boy called out ad you turned to face him as he forced his mouth from going agape as he stared raking his eyes over your features
“Nice to meet you Miles”
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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sissylittlefeather · 5 months
How the Web Was Woven: Chapter 2
A/N: Time for the second chapter in this time-traveling/soulmate AU! This is a reader insert Elvis x fem!reader. I had an absolute blast writing this chapter. I really hope y'all enjoy it!
PS- thanks, as always, to my besties @ccab and @elvisfatass for listening to me scream about this series and helping me when I ask!
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI! Drinking alcohol, lots of kissing, cussing, erections, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie... I think that's all.
Word count: ~5.5k
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Maybe he'll just stay with you forever.
When you get back to the dorm, Elvis is all in a tizzy over your music. He wants to hear more, so you give him your iPod.
"What is this?"
"It's music. Here." You put the headphones over his ears and push play.
"Your records must be tiny!" He hollers over the sound of the music and you laugh.
"No records. The music is digital."
"Oh man. How do I explain this? Just trust me. All the music is saved inside this thing."
"How many songs are in it?"
"It holds, like, thousands, but I think I have around 500. I don't buy as much music as I should." His mouth drops open and he looks down at the iPod.
"Can I take this back with me?"
"Absolutely not. But you're welcome to use it while you're here." He has another wave of hoping he never leaves.
"I love this." You can't help but smile at how excited he is.
"Okay, I need to get ready. I'm going to a friend's house for a game night tonight. Do you want to come with me?" He can't hear you over the music pumping through the headphones. You tap on his shoulder and he uncovers his ear.
"Do you want to come with me to a friend's house for game night?"
"Oh, sure. I don't want to stay here by myself." Truthfully, he doesn't want to spend a minute away from you.
He goes back to listening to his music while you get ready. Watching you fix your hair and do your makeup is endearing to him. You realize he's staring as you swipe on your black eyeliner pencil.
"Nothing. You're just real pretty." You feel your cheeks get hot.
"Thanks." You smile nervously. They definitely didn't exaggerate about how charming he is. Still, his presence is comforting for some reason and you'll miss him when you finally figure out how to get him home. That'll be your project tomorrow, though. Tonight's challenge will be introducing him to your friends without him finding out too much about himself.
When you're ready, you look over him to make sure he's not going to stand out too much. You get to his hair and frown.
"We need to do something about your hair."
"I can tell you right now what we're going to do. Nothing. My hair is fine." He moves his hands to his head protectively. He used half of your can of hairspray this morning fixing it. He's not going to let you touch it now.
"Okay, but no one does their hair like that anymore. You need to make it do this." You gesture to a poster on your wall of Joe Jonas with his hair in his face.
"No. Not happening." You laugh and reach up to tousle his hair and he grabs your wrists, laughing with you and hollering, "NO!"
He wrestles your hands back behind your back and pins you up against him. When he looks down at you, breathing heavily, you both stop laughing. The air between you is electric and he starts to lean in. His lips are almost to yours when there's a knock on your door.
"Y/n! Are you ready?" Katie busts through the door and Elvis lets go of you quickly. "Oh, God, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were still here."
"Yeah, he's gonna be here for a bit. Is that okay?" You look at her with an awkward smile.
"Fine by me, as long as you two aren't too loud. These walls are thin, you know." You and Elvis both blush and she laughs. "We better go. I need to stop by the liquor store on our way there."
You nod. Luckily, Katie is 21, so you never have to worry about how to find alcohol for your parties. She walks out of your room and you look back at Elvis.
"I don't really drink." He shrugs.
"I know. It's okay. I hope you don't mind if I do."
"No it's- wait, how do you know?" You smile awkwardly again.
"I might've understated how much of a fan my grandma was. I know... things... about you."
"Like what else?!"
"Don't worry about it." You try to ignore your almost-encyclopedic knowledge of him.
"Come on, lovebirds! Let's go!" Katie hollers from the living room. Elvis takes your hand and you head out there to her. He's nervous, both to meet your friends and because you seem to know more about him than he does.
"Guys, this is John. We met in Tupelo. He's staying here with me for a while. Be nice, please." You say sternly as you look around the room at your friends. They introduce themselves and shake his hand. Your friend Ashley doesn't waste any time noticing his appearance.
"You look just like Elvis. Man, y/n, you have a type, don't you?" You laugh awkwardly.
"Yeah, John is a big fan of Elvis too. Hence the hairstyle." Elvis soaks in how commonplace it is for these people to talk about him. How do they all seem to know him?
You quickly change the subject before someone says something about him that he doesn't need to hear.
"So, games? I need a drink." You walk to the kitchen with Elvis in tow to fix yourself a beverage. He watches as you look through the liquor bottles.
"What are you looking for?"
"I'll know it when I- ah ha!" You settle on a bottle of Malibu coconut rum. Then, you open the fridge and pull out a bottle of pineapple juice and mix them together in a Solo cup. You take a sip and revel in the sweetness and he just watches you curiously.
"Can I try that?"
"Thought you didn't drink?"
"It's 2007. I think I can live a little." You hand him the cup and he takes a gulp and then looks at you wide-eyed. "That tastes like dessert!"
"You like it?"
"Yes. This one is mine." You laugh and make yourself another drink. This could get interesting.
Katie calls to you from the living room that it's time to start the first game. The evening passes and you play through a board game and a round of charades. He has you make him two more drinks and you notice his laugh gets louder and he touches you more. He's not drunk, but he's certainly feeling a little relaxed. You're not complaining, though, because you've had the same number of drinks and he is looking more and more irresistible.
You settle in to be a team for a trivia game and he wraps his arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek. You giggle a little and lay your head against him. Katie watches the two of you and smiles. She knows how you've been alone for a long time. It's nice for her to see you happy, even with this stranger you picked up mysteriously in Tupelo.
"Oh, this seems unfair. It's a pop culture card." Your friend Brandon holds up a card with questions to ask the two of you. "Topic is Elvis Presley." Elvis whips his head toward you and laughs. He can't believe he's a whole card in this game. You don't think much of it when Brandon reads the first question.
"What year did Elvis buy Graceland?" Elvis sits up and hollers.
"1957!" Then, it hits you that there might be something on that card that he shouldn't know. Suddenly, you dive across the table and grab the card from Brandon, sending game pieces flying, before he can read the next question.
"Hey! What the hell?" Brandon yells.
"It's uh, an unfair advantage. Just pick another card."
"Seriously? Come on, y/n."
"Pick another card. Please." Elvis looks at you strangely and tries to take the card from you. You shake your head and put it in your pocket. The game continues and you try not the think about the fact that he almost had to answer a question about the year he died.
At the end of the trivia game, you decide it's time to head home. It's after midnight and you're not sure Elvis should have another drink. Katie agrees since she has to drive home. As you're walking to the car, Elvis wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses your cheek again.
"That was fun. 2007 is fun." He whispers in your ear. He's obviously a little drunk, but so are you, so you don't argue. Instead, you turn to face him and throw your arms around his neck, stumbling backwards.
"We have a good time." When you get to the car, he presses you up against it with his body and looks down into your face. He leans down and presses his lips to yours gently. It feels like someone has lit your insides on fire in the best way possible.
"Get in the car, lovebirds." Katie yells at you from the driver's seat. He backs off of you and opens the door for you to slide into the back seat together. It doesn't take long for him to pull you into him and kiss you again. This time, it's an open-mouth kiss and his tongue dips in to move against yours. You begin to make out pretty heavily, his hands moving over your body.
"Hey! No sex in my backseat!" You hear Katie holler from the front. You both start to laugh and he kisses down your neck, muttering.
"No promises." Luckily, it's a short drive back to the dorm, so he doesn't get much further, but the elevator ride is not very much fun for Katie. Finally, you're back to your room and you stumble in laughing and kissing in turns.
"Elvis, wait." He pulls back and looks at you with his heavily-lidded bedroom eyes.
"Yes, honey?"
"Nothing, I just... I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He sits on the side of your bed and watches you walk away.
In the bathroom, you go and then stare at yourself in the mirror. You have an opportunity here to live a dream you've had since you were old enough to know what sex is. But it feels wrong to do it like this, with both of you drunk. You steel yourself for how you're going to tell him no and then open the door.
It turns out you don't have to worry about it, though, because he's fallen fast asleep on your bed, fully clothed. You sigh and then go to take his shoes and his belt off. You change into pajamas and climb into the bed next to him, taking a minute to just look at him. He really is as beautiful as you thought he would be. Pictures didn't do him justice. You reach out and run your fingertip across his brow and down his nose. This is a miracle.
Just then, he rolls over and puts his arms around you, pulling you in close to him. He kisses your forehead and whispers.
"G'night, honey."
You settle in for another night in his arms. Tomorrow you need to try to find a way to get him home, but tonight, he's yours.
When you wake up in the morning, Elvis groans and pulls you in close to him.
"Good morning." You say quietly. He groans again and you realize he must be feeling his drinks from last night. You go to roll out of bed and he grabs you and holds you tighter.
"No, don't leave." He whines.
"I'm going to get you some water. It'll make you feel better; I promise." He nods and lets you go.
When you come back with the water, he's sitting up on the side of the bed with his head in his hands.
"Thank you." He takes the water and gulps it down.
"You'll feel better after some food. Take a shower and let's go get breakfast." He agrees and makes his way to the bathroom. You have a half-second fantasy of asking if you can get in with him, but you shake your head and get rid of that thought. You need to focus on trying to find a way to get him home.
After eating breakfast, you both feel a lot better. You start to brainstorm ideas for what to do.
"What if we go back to where you showed up?"
"That's an idea." He looks down at his hands. He doesn't want to tell you that he'd rather stay, at least for a little while longer.
"Okay, well, let's try that today. You'll need to put your suit from the concert back on. You can't wear these clothes in 1957." He nods and you notice how quiet he is.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I just... I'm not sure I'm ready to go back."
"Elvis, you have to. You don't have a choice." He nods again and looks up at you, reaching across the table to put his hand on yours. He rubs small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
"Do I have to go today?" The way he feels about you makes him never want to go.
"We don't know how long we might have to get you back. We need to try."
"Okay." He gives you a sad smile, pats your hand, and stands up, stretching and yawning. You make your way back to the dorm for him to change before you head to Tupelo.
When you get to the fairgrounds, you go back to where you were when he ran into you, or at least to the best of your memory.
"Now what?" He looks at you anxiously.
"I don't know. I've never done this before. You're the one who time-traveled. What did you do?"
"All I did was come down the stairs of the stage and try to find a place backstage to... well... I was backstage."
"Okay, but was there anything different about this show that hadn't happened before?" He blushes and thinks about the massive erection he had when he came off the stage. Surely that's not related.
"Not really, no."
"Nothing at all?" He looks at you exasperated. You have to remember.
"There was one thing. You really don't know what I'm talking about? Please don't make me say it."
"Oh! Oh my God. Yes. I remember." You laugh out loud and he rolls his eyes.
"I don't think that has anything to do with the time travel." He mutters.
"We don't know that. What if it does?"
"That makes no damn sense, y/n." He puts his hands on his hips.
"Okay, but we need to try to perfectly replicate the circumstances. So, y'know, get after it." You gesture to his crotch and try really hard not to laugh as he stares at you.
"I can't just make it happen!" His face is bright pink and you're about to die from suppressing laughter. You stand and stare at each other for a bit, not sure what to do next.
"You could help me." He gets a devilish look in his eyes and you shake your head frantically.
"Noooooo, that's, I can't..."
"You had no problem last night getting me there." Now it's your turn to blush.
"It's true! This is your idea!"
"Okay? Never mind. You're right. This has nothing to do with the time travel."
"Now, we don't know that. We have to perfectly replicate the circumstances. That's what you said." He takes several steps towards you and you feel the energy build between you. You look up at him as he gets closer and puts his hands on your hips. "We have to try."
He leans down and kisses you gently a few times before the passion takes over and you throw your arms around his neck and slide your tongue into his mouth. Before you know it, you're both locked in a tight embrace, kissing deeply with your bodies pressed together. After a few minutes you pull back, breathing heavily.
"Is it working?" He shifts his hips and presses his erection into you.
"What do you think?" He kisses you again with a new desperation. There's a big part of him that starts to get worried that this will work. It definitely feels like you're on the right track, even if neither of you can explain it.
But other than a slight electricity and buzzing sound, nothing happens.
You get to the point where if you keep kissing, he's going to lay you down on the ground and have his way with you right there, and he almost does, but another group of tourists comes into view.
"Shit." He hisses and fixes his dick so that it's up under his belt again. You breathe deeply and smooth your hair.
"Let's go. This isn't working." He says a silent prayer of thanks and nods. You head for your car before the group of tourists can spot him and ask to take pictures or something, assuming he's the most effective tribute artist of all time.
In the car, he looks over at you from the passenger seat and smiles.
"So now what are we doing?"
"I have no idea. I'm supposed to go out with my friends tonight. I'm not sure you should come."
"Why not? I promise I won't get drunk again."
"No, that's not it. I just... we're going to a club. I don't think it's going to be your scene."
"What kind of club?" A nightclub doesn't sound so bad to him.
"A hip-hop club."
"Hip what?" You roll your eyes and laugh. Sometimes he sounds like your grandpa.
You rifle through the cds on your visor and pull one down that's labeled "rap mix" with some doodles drawn on it in sharpie. When the bass beat hits, he looks at you with his eyes wide.
"Is this-"
"Music made by Black people, mostly." You cut him off before he can say something indicative of the time he came from.
"And you listen to it?"
"Oh yeah. We don't really... separate... like it used to be. Things have changed quite a bit..." His eyes light up.
"I wondered, since your friends were... not all white..." You forgot that it might've been a little shocking to him to see how diverse your group of friends was last night. Still, he seemed to take it in stride.
"Anyway, we're going to a place where they play this kind of music and people dance."
"I like to dance."
"This is gonna be dancing like you've never seen before."
"Everything here is like nothing I've ever seen before."
"You promise you won't get all weird and judgy?" He puts his hand on his heart.
"I promise. How bad can it be?" You think to yourself that it might actually be better if he has a few drinks first and then put the car in drive.
A couple of girls come over to get ready with you and Katie and pre-party before the club. They fawn over how cute "John" is and mix up some Malibu and pineapple. He looks at you sheepishly.
"Can I have one? I won't have as many as last night."
"I'm not your mother. Have as many as you want." You laugh. He grabs a cup and takes a sip, smiling. He stays in the living room on the couch marveling at how many channels are on your tv while you go in the bedroom with the girls to get dressed.
"Y/n, he is SO CUTE. He looks super familiar, though. How did you meet him?" Your friend Nicole remarks.
"It's because he looks like Elvis Presley." Ashley chimes in with her observation from last night.
"Yeah, I guess he kinda does in the right light. I met him when I went to Tupelo." You try to downplay how much he looks like Elvis because he is Elvis. Now it's Katie's turn to jump in.
"I'd love to hear the story of how you met. Because you were only in Tupelo for a few hours. And somehow you came back with this perfect guy."
"Oh, well, I went to the fairgrounds and we just sorta bumped into each other." You leave out the time-traveling bit.
"Shit, maybe I need to go wandering around Tupelo too." Nicole laughs and you pull an outfit out of your closet. You squeeze into the hot pink bodycon dress and slide the black vest over it, fastening the single button up under your boobs. You finish teasing your hair and put on a pink headband with a tiny bow. Your eyeliner is perfect and you're excited for Elvis to see you so dressed up. Once everyone is ready two drinks later, you make your way into the living room to grab Elvis and head to the club.
When he sees you, his mouth literally drops open. Up until now, you've had on jeans and a t-shirt or pajamas. This outfit shows off all of your assets and he's in awe. The other girls notice the way he looks at you and start to giggle. He sets his drink on the coffee table and walks directly to you, never taking his eyes off of you.
"This outfit is... wow." You look around at the other girls just standing and watching.
"Thanks. What?" He shakes his head a little.
"Nothing, you're just gorgeous, honey, that's all." You have the thought that you should just take him into your bedroom and let everyone else go to the club without you, but Katie speaks and shatters your daydream.
"Okay, lovebirds. Let's go. The club is waiting."
When you get to the club, there's a line outside but you can hear the thumping bass beat from where you stand. It's September, so the evening is chilly and you shiver in your sleeveless dress. Elvis doesn't think twice before wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm. You meet up with some of your guy friends and make it inside fairly quickly. You let your friends walk a few paces in front of you so that Elvis's reaction will go unnoticed. Once you get to a place where you can see the dance floor, you're glad you gave him some space.
"Holy shit." He looks around with his eyes damn near popping out of his head.
"Okay, you promised. No judgy bullshit." He turns and looks at you.
"This is amazing."
"Wait, really? I figured you'd get all shy and weird because, well, sex." He gives you a disapproving look.
"I've had sex before."
"Well, I know that, but still. I also know how and where and when you grew up."
"Looks like I finally know more about me than you do. Do you dance?" You're pleasantly surprised by his reaction.
"I do. I actually love to dance."
"Well, then, let's go." He grabs your hand and makes a beeline for the dance floor. Once you're out there, you turn to him.
"Are you ready for this?"
"Hell yeah." You turn around again and put your ass on him and begin to grind. He laughs out loud and puts his hands on your hips. It doesn't take him long to figure out how to move with you. This shouldn't shock you as much as it does, considering all the stage performances you've seen of his. You knew he could move his hips. The song ends and you face him, ready for him to say he's had enough, but the next song is one of your favorites. You put your hands on his shoulders and body roll into him.
"Yes, honey, I like this." He leans down and whispers in your ear as you continue to move together. You spend the next three hours either on the dance floor or taking short breaks at the table with your friends before he inevitably grabs your hand and drags you out to dance again.
By the time you leave, you're both so drenched in sweat that his shirt is soaked through and your hair is wild. On the way home, you sit in the way back seat of your friend's suburban and he wastes no time in wrapping himself around you and kissing you. Your friends laugh as you make out like teenagers and Katie hollers.
"Yeah, they do that."
Back at the dorm, you barely notice your friends as they continue the party in the living room and you tumble into your room with Elvis. You can still hear the bass beat from the music in the living room, so you push him into a sitting position on the side of your bed.
You turn away from him, putting both hands on his knees, and grind your ass against him. Then, you bend over in front of him and touch your toes, slipping your shoes off. He reaches out and puts both hands on your ass cheeks and grunts.
"Mmm, don't stop."
You turn to face him and unbutton your vest, sliding it off and throwing it to the side. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in your cleavage, pressing his lips to the soft skin of your breasts. You unbutton his shirt and pull it off of his shoulders. Then, you pull your dress up and climb onto his lap, straddling him. You continue to grind against him to the beat from the living room, feeling his hard cock pressing against you as you do. He slides both hands up your thighs underneath your dress.
"Can I?" He looks up at you desperately and you nod. He tugs on the hem of your dress and pulls it up over your head and off. As he looks at you sitting on him in nothing but your bra and panties, he whispers.
"Wow." You lean in and kiss him deeply, skin pressed against his. He leans back until you're laying on top of him in the bed and then rolls over so that he's on top. He leaves a trail of soft kisses down your chest and reaches behind your back to try to undo your bra, but is completely confused by how different the clasp is from what he's seen before.
"What the hell is this?" You sit up and unhook it easily. He shrugs. "Okay, I'll figure that out later."
You laugh and he removes your bra, tossing it to the side. He goes back to kissing your chest, paying special attention to your nipples. You arch your back with the sensation of his warm mouth on you. He kisses down to your hip and then slips your panties down to your ankles and off. Going back to your center, he slides one finger into you and presses it in and out.
"You want me, baby?" He asks, voice dripping with lust.
"Use your mouth first." You respond breathlessly. He freezes and then sits up, looking at you.
"Oh, honey, I'm sorry, I-I-I've never..." He stutters nervously.
"Shit, I'm sorry, never mind. I forget how young you are."
"Now, wait a minute. I'm older than you." You don't know how to explain to him that you forget he isn't who he will become yet.
"It's okay. Just keep going."
"Tell me how to do it." You sit up on your elbows.
"It's really okay. You don't have to."
"I want to. Tell me what to do." A thought comes to you. Are you really the woman that teaches Elvis Presley this skill?
"Okay, well, just put your tongue here and move it around like this." You put your finger on your clit and rub it in circles and over the top, pleasuring yourself. You moan softly at the feeling and he nods and leans down, pressing his mouth to you. He starts to move his tongue and you moan a little louder. You feel him smile and he starts to get a little more bold with his movements. He slides his finger back inside you and continues licking your clit. He sucks on it lightly and then goes back to moving his tongue on you. It doesn't take long for him to figure out how to read your body for signs he's on the right track and you feel the coil of your orgasm tighten.
"Oh, fuck, Elvis!" You cry out as the coil snaps and you feel the waves of pleasure crash into you from every angle. He laughs as you come hard on his hand, feeling your walls pulse around his finger.
"Ha! That's never happened before. That was... wow." He looks at you with sparkly eyes and you breathe heavily through the high of your climax.
You sit up and push his pants down his legs and off, letting his cock bounce free. You stroke him for a bit and he leans his head back with his eyes closed and mouth open slightly.
"You want to fuck me, Elvis?"
"God, yes, y/n, that's all I want." You pull his hips down to yours and line him up with your entrance. He pushes into you slowly and rests his forehead on your shoulder until he's filling you fully. "Mmm, goddamn." His voice is husky and deep.
You moan softly as he begins to pump in and out of you with more speed. His hips slam against yours to the rhythm of the music still coming from the living room. You fuck like this for a while with him on top of you, but eventually you push him onto his back and climb on top of him, sinking down onto his cock.
"Fuck, yes, Elvis." You start to grind your hips against him, pushing him deeper and deeper and he groans.
"'M gonna come, baby. You feel so damn good." You nod and keep going and he pops his eyes open. "Do I-"
"I'm on birth control."
"I'll explain later just don't stop!" He pulls you down to his chest and fucks into you from underneath until he can't stand it anymore.
"Fuck, yes!" He shudders and pumps into you weakly a couple more times. You lay on his chest for a bit trying to catch your breath. Then, you slide off of him and settle in the crook of his arm. He turns toward you and kisses you fully on the mouth. "That was incredible! I've never done it like that before!" You giggle at his enthusiasm.
"Like what? With the girl on top?"
"Yes and without pulling out."
"Oh. Yeah it's a miracle of the modern age."
"Well, I love it. Goddamn, I'm in love with you now." He laughs and kisses you again. You're not sure he's kidding, even though he laughs.
That's when you hear it. The buzzing sound gets louder and louder and you notice that there's a spot next to your bed where the air looks wavy.
"Elvis, look!" He sits up and looks where you're pointing.
"What is that?"
"I think it's how you get home!" His face falls and his heart drops. He wasn't kidding about being in love with you. He can't go now, not after what you just did together. "Get dressed! You have to go!"
"No, I don't want to."
"Elvis, you have to. You can't stay here forever. You have to be... you." You jump out of bed and gather his suit. "Come on!"
He gets out of bed reluctantly and gets dressed, looking at the mysterious portal with disdain. You throw on your robe and sit on the side of the bed. Once he's fully dressed, he pulls you into him and kisses your cheek.
"I'm not ready to leave you." All of a sudden, tears gather in your eyes and a lump forms in your throat.
"I know. But you have to." He pulls back and looks you in the eyes.
"I wasn't kidding about loving you. Come with me!"
"I can't! Elvis, please just go. This isn't going to get any easier." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He grabs your face and kisses you one last time.
"I'll never forget you, honey." He caresses your cheek and then turns away, walking through the wavy air. He disappears and there's small pop as the portal goes away too.
You sit on the side of your bed and cry, tears falling into your lap as your shoulders shake.
You love him even more than you did before. Now he's real and you'll never forget the days when he was yours.
A year later, you go to Graceland for the anniversary of Elvis's death. You never stopped looking for him after he left, but you're starting to lose hope that you'll ever see him again. You do an evening tour and somehow manage to find yourself alone in a corner of the house. You break down crying, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. You miss him with every fiber of your being.
And then you hear it. The buzzing sound. And the air gets wavy in front of you. Could it be? It has to be. You jump up and walk slowly towards the portal, your heart beating wildly in your chest...
Chapter 3 coming soon!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @ashtag6887 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @that-hotdog
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1971, Vol. 1
A Mixtape
A History Lesson of sorts, Babies.
Composed of actual 45s I bought as a kid during '71, snap, crackle, pop and all. Recorded onto a Maxell C-60 low-bias cassette as a mix some time back in the '90s, the order much like it might have been back in '71 on any AM Rock Radio Station worth its salt, or on a hypothetical "American Top 40" episode.
Transferred from cassette to SSD sometime last year ('23). The old Nakamichi cassette deck don't miss a beat! Tape's in excellent shape, as well. No deterioration in 30 years. Currently listening to it via AM Broadcast, on a Zenith Transistor Radio, as The Gods Intended.
It's being played on a 5th Gen iPod (with the audiophile processor), the little hard drive of which I replaced with an SD card holder and a 256GB SD Card. It's playing over an AM Transmitter I soldered together from a kit about 10 years ago that's been essentially running 24/7 ever since I plugged it in first time.
Sonically, AM had this sort of expansiveness to it, like an automatic-level control with a degree of reverb, of sorts, that had this particular sound that lent itself really well to being listened to on the typical car radio, and on portable radios. The 45rpm "single mix" was always recorded "hotter" than the album track, so it was extra "in your face". That, combined with that reverb/compression inherent in AM was, and still is, Powerful.
It is essentially a Temporal Portal back in time, this experience of hearing them now, just as I heard them back than, on an AM Radio, that imperfect medium that seemed so perfect for this music...it is like being time-machined back.
Blogging about it to finally get the tracklist written down, since in my iTunes it's just 'Side 1 and Side 2' of the cassette xfer. lulz. Figured y'all would enjoy the selections. I'll have to dig through my tapes for Vol. 2 and the rest.
Side 1
1. I Feel The Earth Move (Carole King)
2. Another Day (Paul McCartney)
3. Maggie May (Rod Stewart)
4. Chicago (Graham Nash)
5. What Is Life (George Harrison)
6. Lucky Man (Emerson, Lake and Palmer)
7. Groove Me (King Floyd)
8. Sunshine (Jonathan Edwards)
9. Signs (Five Man Electrical Band)
10. 25 or 6 to 4 (Chicago WHEN THEY USETA ROCK!)
11. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (The New Seekers) (Yes, the Coke commercial song) (goddammit, we were so naive and innocent...why am I cryin'?)
12. Ooh, Child (The Five Stairsteps) (There, there, it's gonna be OK, baby...)
13. Where You Lead (Barbra Streisand)
14. Temptation Eyes (The Grass Roots)
Side 2
1. Day After Day (Badfinger)
2. Draggin' The Line (Tommy James)
3. I Hear You Knockin' (Dave Edmunds)
4. Nathan Jones (The Supremes) (Yeah, after Ross left, Mary and her two new Supremes came out swingin' with this killer song, cheesy phaser effect and bitchin' piano riffs included no extra charge!)
5. It Don't Come Easy (Ringo Starr)
6. Ain't No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
7. Beginnings (Chicago)
8. That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be (Carly Simon)
9. Friends (Elton John)
10. One Toke Over The Line (Brewer & Shipley)
11. Lookin' Out My Back Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
12. Me & Bobby McGee (Janis Joplin)
13. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Chicago) No, really, y'all, there was a time when CHICAGO DID NOT SUCK! REALLY!
14. Power To The People (John Lennon)
15. From The Beginning (Emerson, Lake and Palmer)
So that's Vol 1, and 1971 was an incredible-enough year that it took me at least 3 tapes to get all the killer 45s put on tape. I'll have to dig.
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shitpostingsystem · 4 months
bsd ramblings (season 5)
nikolai is my scrungo
bro can’t live without his electronics omg that chronically online mf
dazai <3
“yeah you helped out we don’t have time for all your gloating right now” AWWW THEYRE IN LOVE
“tttttttttttttterrorist!!!” bro stutters more than wattpad y/n
i love bsd’s intros omfg. the animation, the music, it’s amazing 
kunikida’s hands said “nuh uh”
bro has a massive hangover lmao
i love how the guys are fangirling
why is he a dilf
“no im not! i’m…young!” silly
atsushi has a fear of abandonment? mood 
dazai <33333333333333333
dazai our he/they king
“a new generation of double black” YES WKNEIDNEJDSSHBEHDBE
“you’re the trial for me” that’s what she (akutagawa) said 
oh they’re ok it’s fine. forgot we were going on anime rules
akutagawa has a lung disease?? damn. womp womp. L. roll better stats
i want to hug whoever made the season 5 intro. it’s my favorite 
istfg if akutagawa actually dies i’m killing myself
why is vampirism kinda hot (i’m a sex repulsed asexual) 
dazai you silly babygirl
i am a fyodor/dazai bestie truther 
nikolai is so fucking silly
“because i missed you, bestie!” how about boyfriend nikolai? 
bram basically adopting the kid is amazing and i love it 
“this is a fantastic opportunity, a true gift from heaven” dazai you absolute suicidal mood
“i’m sleepy. take me back” MOOD BRAMBRAM
the kid having trauma is a mood
brambram having an ipod is something i needed 
dazai/sigma besties
dazai dancing with his bestie is amazing 
kenji having anger issues but appearing chill is a whole mood 
imagine fighting a dude and passing out like bros
“you’re pretty sharp for a three year old” lmao dazai
is fyodor gonna die? dammit i liked that dude 
dazai being manipulative is so fun to see. i love seeing the burnt wet cat being toxic 
“do you want me to drown you in a bathtub?” “what’s a bathtub?” LMAO I LOVE THOSE TWO
damn childhood friends 
is dostoyevsky a christian????? nah i refuse 
dazai, sigma, dostoyevsky, and nikolai are besties and commit every crime ever (except for like. animal abuse and rape and the shit they wouldn’t do) 
brambram and the girl are so silly. i love them (i don’t ship them ofc don’t get the wrong idea, parent and kid silly) 
dostoyevsky said help me and went crazy 
split personality??? MOOD????
awww cmon i was hoping for did dostoyevsky 
O S A M U D A Z A I 
“who are you calling a dumbass??” CHUUYA KISS YOUR HUSBAND 
i love him <33333
nikolai just say you have a crush on fyodor 
nikolai and fyodor commit tax evasion together 
bro got fucking stabbed by a girlboss 
the grey haired motherfuckers are gay your honor
why the new villain kinda 😳😳
boyfies explained by my moot (@duckduckgoose-exe):
Okay here are the amazing ships as different types of boyfies
Chuuya and Dazai: ‘I hate you’ means ily boyfies
Atsushi and Akutagawa: boyfailure boyfies
Ranpo and Poe: autism boyfies
Jouno and Tecchou: ‘you fucking idiot’ boyfies
Nikolai and Fyodor: crazy but in the homoerotic way boyfies
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Tumblr media
C/W ::: In NO particular order ::: Soft, sweet. Kats and y/n missing each other. Turns to more than soft and sweet. Mild masturbation mentions, mutual masturbation -> F!orgasm, P->V, recording herself for Kats, a fun little set up that's been bubbling around in my mind for a couple of weeks now. They're happily ever after whatever.
WC ::: 2123
Proofread one or twice. Sorry if I missed anything horrific.
Katsuki was out of town on a week long mission. He had been gone for almost 4 days now and you missed him so much it hurt. He missed you, too. Your touch, your smile, and the sound of your voice. But what you sent him made him miss you even more.
He was just getting into his room for the day. You'd messaged him earlier that you were going to send him something. But you were going to wait until he was in for the night. You both knew he couldn't wait to watch it until he was in for the evening. So you told him to let you know when to send it (for real - not 'oh yeah, I'm totally in my room now, babe.').
"Hi Kats. I know you're not going to be home for 3 more days or so. But I miss you, baby. I miss you ... so, so much. So I thought that I could do a little something for you. Y'know, just in case you miss me, too. I hope y'like it. I hope you come home soon. I love you so much an' I miss you more, baby. Come back to me quick, Kats. I fucking love you so much, Dynamight."
You left the camera on top of the dresser as you went out of the shot to change into a set of bright orange lingerie. You remember him saying once how he loved the color against your skin.
You started to record the video in front of a mirror, so he could see your whole body moving beautifully to the music (to his favorite song). Your hips swayed to the beat, your ass jiggled with every movement, and your tits bounced deliciously.
Katsuki was already feeling himself getting flustered. He reached down and pushed the growing tent in his pants back as best he could, imagining it was your hand reaching to touch him as he watched you dance. You were so fucking hot to him, and he wanted nothing more than to be with you right now.
He was so pissed that he was the one who had to be sent on this stupid task. But it was all part of the job. Katsuki knew this. It still made him mad that he had to watch you through the screen of his phone (though he'd watch it on the tiny screen of an iPod if he had no other options).
He unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out, giving it a few strokes while he watched you dance for him. He imagined you on your knees in front of him, sucking and licking him as he ran his fingers through your hair and brushed your cheek with his fingertips.
You danced around in front of the camera some more and you continued talking to him.
"Do you remember the night we met? It was in July and god, it was so hot outside. We were out with our friends. You with yours and me with mine. And I saw you pouting in the corner. You looked like a kid who was just put in a time-out."
You laughed as you recalled the memory and then your smile dropped. You missed him so much right now. So much more than you have ever before when he's out on a job.
"Kats, I miss you so much. I don't know if I can wait for you to come home, baby." You shook yourself out and got back to swinging your hips around for him. "I have a confession to make, I watched you so closely that night. I needed to run into you. So I watched and waited for you to head to the bar and I walked up to stand next to you and said 'I'll have what he's having' and the bartender handed me an ice water."
He snorted out a laugh as the memory surfaced for him. "Tch, that dumbass gave you one of those stupid umbrellas and a mashed cherry 'n I sent that shit right back and told him to fix it." He stopped stroking himself at the thought of first meeting you. It made his heart ache, your absence was hitting him harder than it usually does this time around, too.
You continued, "Anyway, the crappy little umbrella and the cherry that looked like it'd been through a round or 2 with a blender. You had such a hissy fit about that for me. Oh man, and you were so pissed when I told you I didn't even like cherries." 
You stopped dancing and got right in the lens of the camera and just talked to him.
"When I finally convinced you that I didn’t give a shit about the stupid cherry, you loosened up a bit and started talking with me instead of just at me, hah! I knew right then, that night, I knew that I was going to fall for you. Did you know you were going to fall for me, too, Kats? What are you doing right now? Are you ... touching yourself? What are you thinking about?"
You backed away from the camera and he let out a low growl when he saw you'd taken your bra off.
"Call me, Kats. Call me right now, baby. Please ... I need to hear your voice."
You had been waiting for this. And the call you'd been hoping for finally, finally came. You smiled to yourself knowing that he was watching the little clip you'd sent him and that he was at the part where you told him to call you. You couldn't wait to talk to him.
"Hi." You said.
"I'm thinking about how you taste, babe. Your lips, your neck, your pussy."
You shivered at his words and you started to feel that familiar tingling sensation between your legs. "Kats, you know I can't help myself when you talk dirty like that."
"Yeah? You getting wet for me? Show me, baby."
You took your phone off speaker and put it up to your ear. "Hold on a sec, Kats. I just gotta get comfy."
You moved to the bed and pulled your panties off. "Okay, baby. I'm ready for you."
"Good, I'm so ready for you. I've been hard since I opened that video. You look so fucking hot. And then you told me to call you. Fuck, you're so sexy."
You could hear the sound of him stroking himself through the phone. It turned you on so much that you couldn't help but moan as your fingers slipped between your thighs.
"Wan' you so bad, Kats." You whined. "I miss your cock, baby. I miss your hands on me. I miss your lips on my skin. I miss the way you make me feel. I miss everything about you, Kats. Fuck, I'm so wet."
"Yeah? Tell me what you're doing, babe. Tell me how it feels."
"I'm rubbing my clit, Kats. It feels so good, baby." You moaned into the phone and you heard him moan back at you.
"You getting close, babe? You gonna cum for me? I wanna hear it, I want you to cum for me right now."
"I-I'm close, Kats. Oh fuck, I'm so close." A beeping in the background started and you groaned and told him to hold on a second, that you had something to take care of really quick. "Baby, don't move a muscle. Don't go anywhere, ok? I'll be right back."
He looked so sad as you put the phone down.
"Right ... back," you said.
He nodded.
His head shot up at the knock on his door. "NO, no thank you. I don't need towels or ... I don't need anything. BYE! Fuckin' read the sign on the door. Do not disturb. Fuck's sake."
Another knock. He was getting pissed. He pulled his pants up and dropped his phone on the bed, and then he went to the door and yanked it open.
"What the actual fuck is your problem?" He shouted. "Can't you see I'm ---" he stopped when he saw you standing there, holding your coat open, wearing the same lingerie you had on in the video.
A sly, shit-eating grin crept across his flushed face.
"I can ... you gonna invite me in so I can too?"
He grabbed your arm and yanked you inside, slamming the door behind you and pressing you roughly against it.
"Fuck, I missed you so much," he said as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your perfume.
"I missed you, too, Kats. So fucking much." You kissed him. You missed the way his lips felt against yours. You missed the way his tongue slipped between them and teased you.
Katsuki slid his hands down your back and cupped your ass, giving it a squeeze before lifting you up onto his waist.
"Wh-what are you doing here? How'd you know where - who did you -?"
"I'm here because I missed you. I talked to the agency and they told me. More specifically, your secretary. She told me what room she'd booked for you and booked one for me right across the hallway. She deserves a raise." You told him between kisses.
"Fuck, she's gettin' one. Paid vacations ... whatever she wants. C'mere, c'mere.” He carried you to the bed and laid you down, slotting himself between your legs. “You still wet for me, baby? Did you finish?"
"No, I didn't. I wasn’t going to without you." You started to pull your coat and lingerie off and he watched with his mouth open and his dick straining in his pants. "Get naked, Kats. I wanna see you, baby."
He stripped as quickly as he could, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor. He stepped towards you and you both reached for each other. Your hands found his cock and he moaned as you started to stroke him. His fingers found their way between your legs, and he started to rub your clit.
"Oh my god, Kats. I missed your hands so much. Don't stop."
"I won't, I promise. I won't stop until you cum, baby." He kept rubbing as he moved his mouth to your breasts, sucking and licking your nipples.
"Nghh, that feels so good, baby. I'm gonna cum for you. I'm gonna --" you arched your back and cried out as you came. Katsuki kept rubbing as you shook in his arms.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me. Fuck, I love you so much. You're so fucking hot, babe."
You smiled at him and then pushed him back onto the pillows.
"You didn't think we were done, did you? Not until you fuck me, Kats."
He grinned again as he lay back. "Then what are you waiting for? Get on me, baby."
You straddled his hips and eased down onto his cock.
"Fuck, Kats."
He hissed through his teeth as he watched himself disappear into your body. You swallowed him so completely.
"You feel so good, babe. I missed you. You missed me filling you up like this, huh? You missed my cock in you, baby?"
"Ohhh, I missed your cock so fucking much, Kats. I've been thinking about you fucking me every night since you left."
You started to move on him. Slowly at first, but then you picked up the pace. Katsuki held your hips as you bounced on his dick.
"That's it, baby. Just like that. Fuck me harder."
"Oh my god, Kats. You feel so good in me, baby. I missed you so much. I missed this, I missed us, I missed everything about you, Kats. I love you so fucking much."
You were starting to get close again and Katsuki could tell. He wrapped his arms around your back and pulled you down on him harder and faster.
"That's it, baby. Cum on m-… cum for me. Cum all over my cock. I'm so fucking close, too."
You cried out as you came for the second time, and Katsuki couldn't hold back anymore. He came inside of you, his cock pulsing as he emptied himself.
You collapsed on top of him, both of you panting and sweaty. Katsuki held you tight and kissed you all over your face.
"I missed you so much, Kats. So fucking much."
"I'm so glad you're here, baby." He smiled. "Me too. I love you."
You smiled back at him and kissed him. You both knew that you had the whole night to stay there, to be tangled up in each other. Tomorrow you had to head back home.
And you both intended to make the most of the time you had with the other until the sun came up.
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Taglist ::: @darkstarlight82 @millennialmagicalgirl @arlerts-angel @dreamcastgirl99
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I think about if I was vash travel buddy I would probably annoy him(or be entertaining) cause we just be walking In the desert and he’s like 🚶‍♂️and I’m like 💃 behind him cause I listening to 2000s pop music on an old iPhone that still miraculously works, just dancing to Beyoncé and one direction. Or tell him old mythological stories of gods and beasts and hero’s by the campfire. I probably be good entertainment for him.
A/N: Okay, I'm dying at this concept! I'm totally gonna make it a 160GB ipod Classic tho. It has a screen for video, and soooo much more space than a dinky old iPhone xD durable af too. I miss mine ;-; I'll probably increase the era of songs as well, because I'd be right there with you doing the same damn thing! 
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Lost Melodies
"Gonna make a move to a town that's right for me!" Vash watched you dance alongside him to the music playing through the headphones of your family's iPod, which had been passed down since before the space fahring age. You sang little "doots" to the electronic melody as the town you left behind disappeared from the horizon.
"Town to keep me movin' keep me groovin with some energy" the smile on Vash's face widened as you raised your hands up to chest height, "Well I talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it." You opened and closed your hands as if they were talking, "talk about, talk about, talk about mo-ooovin'!" You grooved, "Gotta move on!" You had shared this music with Vash before, as the two of you had taken turns listening to music on your iPod, and Vash's Walkman.
"A-Won't you take me to… FUNKY TOOOOOWN!" You belted out into the vastness of the desert. Vash loved it when you got lost in the music when your little group had to travel on foot through the desert. Granted, this caused you to drink more water than without the additional singing, but you had bought a second canteen so you had enough water to stay hydrated.
Wolfwood and Milly also found your little concerts entertaining, Meryl…. She had her limits. She was more interested in the Audiobooks of various Mythology the little iPod contained. Vash recalled a night where the five of you relaxed around a campfire, an Audio book of Norwegian Mythology playing through a speaker through the audio jack. It told stories of Gods that were long forgotten to Gunsmoke. 
"Fair enough,” said Thor. “What’s the price?” “Freya’s hand in marriage.” “He just wants her hand?” asked Thor hopefully. She had two hands, after all, and might be persuaded to give up one of them without too much of an argument. Tyr had, after all. “All of her,” said Loki. “He wants to marry her.” “Oh,” said Thor. “She won't like that."
They listened to the story of the fortification of Asgard. He remembered the look of horror on Wolfwood and Meryl's face when the origin of Slepnir was mentioned. He remembered the cackle that erupted from your lips, knowing another mind was ruined by the fact that The All Father, Odin, rode his own nephew into battle. 
"Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry…" he tuned in long enough to hear you'd changed songs, and he caught your glance towards him at the lyrics. The blush on your face made you stutter the next lyrics, but he smiled sweetly towards you. 
It was late In the evening when the two of you entered Warrens City. Vash needed another tune up from Mr. Marlon. Thankfully, your journey had been smooth sailing, and you two were soon cuddled up in their shared bed, sharing the earbuds as they watched a movie on the tiny screen.
"What do you have hidden in your pocket, Sophie?" The blonde man on the screen asked. The old woman, Sophie took a red piece of paper out of her pocket, and handed it to Howl. As the paper met with his fingertips, the paper caught fire, burning a carving into the table.
"Woah, scorch marks! Howl, can you read them?" Markle, the apprentice, asked.
"This is ancient sorcery." He mused while he caressed the table outside of the scorch marks.
"You who swallowed a falling star, O' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine. That can't be good for the table." He shook his head. 
"Ugh, this movie is so pretty." You mused, and you let your head rest on Vash's shoulder. 
"It really is. I wish we had more than just this movie from that animation studio." Vash leaned his head against yours, a sweet smile across his face.
One night after Vash had gotten his gun back, You, Vash and Frank went for a drink at the bar. Frank insisted on a single drink, and Vash of course went overboard. 
"Hey! Vash tells me you play the guitar. Why don't you play something for open mic night?" Frank gentured over to the little stage in the corner. An acoustic guitar sat in a stand, the bar's logo painted on the front.
After some thought, you agreed, and went over to the stage. You picked up the guitar, checking to see if it was tuned, and adjusting the microphone so you could be heard while sitting on a barstool. You strummed the guitar, as you sang the opening pitches before faking a throat clear,
"Hey baby won't you look my way? I can be your new addiction. Hey baby whatcha gotta say, all you're giving me is fiction." You sang, getting the attention of the bar,
"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time, but I find out that everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks." You glanced over to Vash who was already enamored by your performance, pausing mid-chat with the newly arrived insurance girls,
"it started with a whispeerrrrr, and that was when I kissed herrrrrr. And then she made my lips huuuurrt. I could hear the chit chaaaaaat. Take me to your love shaaaack. Mama's always gotta back traaaaack , when everybody talks baaack!" Your voice gave a lovely vibrato to every long note.
You concentrated on singing for Vash, something you always did when you got nervous about singing around other people. Once your brain believed it was just the two of you, you could sway to the beat, and really let loose on your vocals. You loved spreading the power of music to the people of Gunsmoke, since you held such a rare and precious outer of music long gone.
It often made you wonder about the songs that didn't make it into this device. What genre were they? What did they sound like? You guessed unless you got a time machine that you would never know. You were thankful for what you did have, because you didn't know how the people of Gunsmoke lived without it. 
Songs used:
Funky town- Lipps Inc.
Every time we touch- Cascada
Everybody talks- Neon Trees
Audio books: 
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Howl's Moving Castle
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eldritchsurveys · 26 days
Do you feel bored with your life? >> I do sometimes. It's a very samey and uneventful existence, which I don't always hate (and in some ways, it's necessary for me), but I have a strong desire for novelty that is very difficult to satisfy when I basically do the same shit every day and rarely leave the house to do anything that's not grocery shopping or otherwise a practical errand. Who's someone you miss that you haven't talked to in years? >> Steven from the Streetwork drop-in. :(
Do you miss anyone who was mean to you in the past? >> Sure, because nostalgia doesn't discriminate anywhere near as well as it should.
How do you feel right now? >> Bored -- not in the "I have nothing to do" way, in the "I don't want to do any of the limited amount of things I can do right now" way. Novelty-starved, understimulated. Do you have severe withdrawals from medications? .
What's the most weight you've ever gained from a medication? .
Do you have a doctor you can trust? >> I do not.
What's the stupidest decision you ever made? .
What's the best thing that ever happened to you? .
How old were you the first time you encountered God? >> I think I was in my mid-twenties by the time I started having divine dalliances.
Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? >> Not the one you're thinking of. And not nearly in the way you're thinking of it, either.
Have you ever had an encounter with the supernatural? >> Sure.
How many tattoos do you have, and what are they of? >> Three. The number XIX with a spider dangling from the "I", a Mannaz rune, and "scully, it's me" in typewriter font.
How do you get through hard times? >> By whatever means is available to me. It's not like I have much of a choice unless I'm going to commit suicide. So technically, whatever I do during a hard time is getting me through, even if it's just laying there and waiting for said hard times to pass.
What's the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced? >> Menstrual cramps.
What's the worst level of emotional pain you've ever experienced? >> I have very few experiences with extreme physical pain, hence my ability to choose one for the previous question. But I have way too many experiences with extreme emotional pain, so ranking is not possible here.
Have you ever been suicidal? >> Frequently.
Do you pray? If yes, to whom? >> I do not.
Do you ever feel lost and alone? >> Sure.
What was the last thing that made you angry? >> Whatever it was, I've forgotten it.
Have you ever been the victim of a crime? >> I was mugged for a shitty broken iPod Touch once. I'm assuming the muggers went home with their dubious spoils, while I went back to the shelter. That part is the real crime, in my opinion.
Is your life worse than you could have ever have imagined it to be? or is it better, or just what you expected? >> I had no expectations in the first place.
Are you married? >> I am.
Are you hurting in any way right now? >> I am not. Not consciously/actively, that is. What are you wearing? >> Old Navy joggers, undershirt, Duff's hoodie.
What was the last good book you read about? >> The last book I read was I Am An Executioner: Love Stories by Rajesh Parameswaran, and I loved it. It's a short-story collection of unconventional love stories, which already would have been my jam, but I also love stories that are distinctly from the author's cultural perspective.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? >> Harney & Sons' Black Cask Bourbon variety. It's a blend that most notably has lapsang souchong, my favourite.
Do you feel like youtube's gotten boring lately? >> Not at all. There are certainly a lot of videos in styles that don't interest me, about things that don't interest me. But there are also many videos that do interest me, and I know how to find them.
What would you change about your hair if you could? . Are you jealous of anyone? >> Sure, there are several pretty big things that a lot of people have and I don't. And plenty of little things, of course.
Do you have a secret? >> I don't think so.
If you could tell anyone a secret right now, who would it be? . Do you miss someone that you blew it with? >> I do, but I think "blowing it" with them was probably for the best anyway. Is there a guy (or girl) you wish you hadn't screwed things up with? >> This reads to me as the same as the last question.
What was the best date you've ever been on? .
What's the last great song you discovered? >> Well, the last song that I added to my Liked Songs was Che Sia Vita O Morte by Keygen Church.
Do you prefer color or black and white? >> I don't have a preference.
Do you own a thermometer? >> I do not.
Has facebook gotten boring lately? >> I never thought Facebook was interesting to begin with. More like a utility, to me, than a place to have fun.
Do you feel free to post how you feel on facebook? >> I don't post on Facebook.
Which stereotype do you fit the most? .
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? >> Popeye's.
What is the most beautiful landscape you have ever seen? .
What is one place you have always wanted to visit? .
What was your favorite vacation you went on as a child? .
Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? >> Jimmy Stewart, Matt Damon, David Duchovny. Celine Dion. What was the first CD you bought? .
How old are you? >> 36. What year were you born? >> I mean, do the math.
Did you go to prom? >> I did.
Are you jealous of people who are ten years younger? >> If there's one thing I'm never jealous of, it's people's ages.
If you could rewind time ten years, would you? >> Absolutely not. What do you miss the most about your past? >> I miss being less self-conscious. Less... aware. Of a lot of things.
What is the last song you played on repeat? .
Do you own a CD player? >> I do not.
What hard thing are you going through right now, if applicable? >> Oh, the usual... At what time of day do you usually feel the most energetic? >> It really just depends on how well I've slept, how regulated I am, etc. But assuming all those other pieces are in place, I generally feel the most energy in the midmorning hours.
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ya-pucking-nerd · 1 year
4 times you ruined his plans and 1 time he ruined yours - c.makar
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Hello lovelies! So sorry for the wait! Please enjoy <3333
taggin the moots: @2manytabsopen @jostystyles @typical-simplelove @youngbeezersmixtape @imagines-r-s @fallinallincurls @hockeylvr59
Small note: reader insert is female! 
Very big note: this fic contains mentions of pregnancy and surgery and motherhood
Calgary International. Not exactly how you planned to spend your Saturday, but you wanted to be back in Seattle to rest up before you started your job again. You were on your way back from the short 4-day holiday you managed to snag after Christmas and Boxing Day. You stayed with your brother, Michael, and his family of 7. It was nice, but 5 kids are so many kids.
You had gotten anxious about missing the flight, so you arrived at the airport 4 hours early and, fortunately, breezed through security. All that remained was waiting the 3 hours and 52 minutes until your flight officially left the gate. Well, at least you had a book and headphones. 
You sat near your gate, still nervous that you might lose track of time and miss the calling of your flight. But you set an alarm for 60 minutes before the flight would leave so that you would have plenty of time to await the calling of flight AIRCAN1442. So, for now, you set your phone aside and pull out your iPod Nano and headphones. Call it old-school, but that thing worked as well as the day you got it. Your current read is a book called It All Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. You loved it so much, that it was actually a re-read. And apparently, the guy who sat across from you did, too. You noticed him staring, and at first, you thought it was at your book, but the more you thought about it, maybe he was looking at you.
He was cute in a boyish way. Solidly built, but you could tell a lot of it was muscle. He wasn’t dressed like a snobby businessman, but rather a guy who wanted to be comfy on his flight to wherever he was headed, like you.
In a moment of boldness, you closed your book and said, “Where are you off to?” It was small talk, but hey, you still had 3 hours to kill. 
“Oh. Me?” He looked stunned that you even looked his way. “I’m headed back to work in Denver, Colorado.”
“Oh, that’s awesome! I work in the states, too. Seattle, Washington.”
“What do you do?” And for once, he seemed genuinely interested, unlike the men you had met at bars. 
“I’m a surgical OBGYN.” Now, that might have freaked him out a little. 
“Oh wow. Sorry, I’m a little squeamish about blood. But wow. I can’t even imagine. That must be exciting. I hardly remember when my mom was pregnant with my brother, but I just remember my dad said there was a lot of screaming. Do you get screamers all the time?” 
Ok. He was absolutely adorable. His cheeks were getting bright red as he asked, aside from the redness you already noticed. Doctor thing. 
“I don’t generally do normal births. More like C-sections and stuff. But, yea, there’s always screaming. Occupational hazard, I guess. I’m Y/N.” You reached your hand out. 
“Oh, shoot. I didn’t even ask your name. I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m Cale, like the vegetable, but with a C.” He shook your hand a little longer than most handshakes last. He was still smiling, though. 
You giggled a little. He probably got that all the time and had become accustomed to introducing himself that way. Further increasing his adorableness. 
You guys talked for about 2 hours until Cale checked his watch. “Shit! I missed my flight! Oh my god.”
“Oh my god! I am so sorry! I-“
“Nah,” he interrupted. “You know what. I think everything happens for a reason. I’m glad I met you. I would miss my flight all day to keep talking to you.” He was so sweet. “But I do need to rebook my flight,” he laughed. 
“And I do need one more thing.” You looked at him and nodded, silently asking him what that could be. “Your number?”
You had talked to Cale almost every day since you met him. It seemed the two of you would never get the chance to meet up in person. Until Cale texted you on Tuesday.
From: Cale like the vegetable but with a C
“Y/N! I have a game Thursday night in Seattle! There’s a morning skate, but my afternoon would be free. Wanna grab coffee somewhere? You know Seattle better than me :)”
The butterflies in your stomach were uncontainable at this point. You knew you liked him, but you just now realized how big of a crush you had on him. 
Frank, the best birthing coach on the floor, popped up in front of you with a smirk on his face. 
“Heyyyyy, Y/N.” Ok. He was up to something. 
 You put your phone down and took the bait. “What’s up, Frank?” 
“Who has you smiling at your phone? You haven’t smiled at your phone since Paul from oncology asked you out on a date. That was three years ago, honey. You, you are not subtle.” Caught red-handed. The worst part was that he was right. Super right. You haven’t been on a date for almost three years. You were a devoted doctor, always on-call. Sometimes it ruined your nights out with your coworkers, but half the time, they ended up running to the hospital with you. 
“Frank. I- No. It’s nothing.” 
Frank smirked before he grabbed your phone and started texting faster than any average human should be able to. It was no use trying to grab it back because Frank was the sneakiest and most agile person you’d ever seen. Frank could probably do more intense gymnastics than Simone Biles if it meant he would keep your phone. 
He comes back with your phone and a smirk on his face.
“First date secured, bitch.” And the smirk grows to a smile. “Thursday at 2 at Pike Place.” 
You groaned. “Frank! I’m on-call Thursday afternoon!”  
“Y/N, chill. Literally, nothing is going to happen. And if it does, I’ll hold them off. It’s just pregnant ladies.” He laughed it off as if giving birth was something you could just hold like your bladder. 
You glared at him but were secretly happy he took the initiative instead of you. You would have typed and deleted and re-typed for an hour before answering. 
Thursday morning came, and you woke up giddy. You Facetimed Frank to get his opinion on an outfit. He picked the grey sweater dress with a red flannel tied around the waist, calling it “the perfect winter outfit!” Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Spare scrubs in case you are called in? Unfortunately, check. 
Meanwhile, the boys were giving Cale a hard time in the hotel. He was dressed in his suit because after your date, he had to head straight back to the arena for the game. Nate was messing his hair up. JT hid one of his dress shoes. By the time he got out the door, he was more nervous than ever. He wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend. The boys teased him for his crush, but he knew how he felt. You were his dream girl. 
You decided to meet at Starbucks. Seattle, after all, was the home of the original Starbucks. When you got there, you found Cale sitting in a booth, looking incredibly good in his suit. You started to doubt your choice in outfit, but it was too late. He saw you. You straightened your dress out and walked over. He stood up, giving you a hug and handed you a latte. 
“Cale, you didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I wanted to. I guessed on the latte. I can get you another if you don’t like it.”
“No, it’s actually perfect.” So now the perfect guy already got your coffee order right. It was too good to be true, right?
Things were going so well. The conversation felt so natural, like you were already dating. You found out he was continuing some online classes while playing hockey, he was a type-a neat freak, and he called his mom at least once a week because he loved her. Each thing you learned about him made your crush on him grow.
About an hour and a half into the best first date of your life, your phone buzzed. Inwardly, you prayed that it was just Frank texting you about a funny hospital story. Unfortunately, it was a page. A mom with twins went into labor 6 weeks earlier than her due date. You groaned out loud. 
“I have to go. I’m so sorry. Oh, I knew this was going to happen. I’ve been paged to the hospital. A mom needs an emergency c-section. Cale, I’m so sorry.” 
“What? Y/N, go! Don’t apologize. I know your career can be a bit unpredictable. It’s no big deal. Go, save the day!” God, he was perfect. You thanked him profusely before rushing out. 
An hour later, you were stripping your gown and gloves. You scrubbed and changed before leaving the hospital. The paperwork could wait. You wanted to call Cale before his game to wish him good luck. You truly felt horrible. 
Instead, you found a text from Cale.
From: Cale like the vegetable but with a C
Hey, could I have your address? I don’t know how long surgery takes, but it’s probably tiring, and I don’t want you to forget to eat. Dinner’s on me, just need the address for UberEats.
The shock on your face was probably laughable. 
From: Y/N Y/L/N
How about I make you dinner? You can come over after your game and I can make up for running out on you? I promise I’m not tired.
From: Cale like the vegetable but with a C
Absolutely! What did you have in mind?
From: Y/N Y/L/N
Pancakes? Feeling some breakfast for dinner.
From: Cale like the vegetable but with a C
Perfect. I’ll see you around 10 :)
You texted him your address and you wished him good luck in his game. Then, you panic cleaned your apartment. It wasn’t extremely messy, but you were a little sloppy this morning when you were getting ready. 
At 10:15, you buzzed Cale in. The two of you shared blueberry pancakes and finished your date. 
“I’m sorry, again, for running out on our date. Totally bad first date.” 
He smiled and grabbed your hand. “Hey, I’m not mad. I swear. I think your job is so cool, and pregnant people going into labor is like the most unpredictable thing I can think of. Besides, I don’t think this date turned out so bad.” His stomach did a cartwheel when you squeezed his hand back. 
You smiled back, loving the way he was rubbing your palm. It gave you butterflies. 
“Hey, can I ask you something? I was going to ask you at Starbucks, but I think now is better.” Cale asked. You nodded. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Cale was the most incredible guy on Earth. You had been dating for one year and a month when he finally asked if you would consider moving in with him. His cheeks turned red when he asked you. He said, “I know you love your job, and I would never ask you to quit it. More like a transfer?” about 5 times. He even told you he asked Nate’s girlfriend, Alyssa, about openings at the hospital. For you, the choice was obvious. You had been thinking about making the transfer when you hit your first anniversary. But watching him sweat because he didn’t want you to feel that he thought you should give up your amazing career was probably one of the sweetest things you had ever witnessed him do.  
Your transition from Seattle to Denver was smooth as silk. Maybe because Cale organized the whole thing. He was there to help you pack, and he was there to greet the moving trucks when they arrived in Denver. Slowly but surely, your belongings began to infiltrate his house. The spare bedroom became your storage until the two of you sat down to figure out all the things you could give away. Your seasonal throw pillows decorated his couch, and the smell of your perfume lingered on Cale’s bedsheets. 
Cale played the best he ever had the day you finally came to see a home game in person. And it didn’t go unnoticed. The girls you sat with giggled all 4 times Cale assisted a goal and skated over to your section with a toothy grin and a point into the crowd. You assumed the boys were chirping him, too. And when he was named “first star,” he could hear your cheers from the other side of the arena. 
One night, you found yourself at a Denver Nuggets game with Cale. He invited you after JT bailed on him. At first, you were hesitant because he told you he got good seats. The word “good” seats usually imply expensive seats, and you weren’t used to people spending that type of money on you. You offered to pay him back for your ticket, which he refused. See, Cale was raised right. His mom taught him that he should always pay for his date, no matter how big or small that date should be.
Cale did invite JT first, but he was relieved when JT said no. He had been feeling like this for a while but wasn’t sure if the time was right. Cale was ready to tell you he was in love with you. He knew how big the words were. And yes, maybe it was a little soon, but they say when you know, you know. 
You started walking towards the “General Admissions” entrance, when Cale grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the “LEXUS CLUB” entrance. The two of you walked down one of the many staircases of Ball Arena, Cale making small talk. Then, you noticed just how many stairs down you were walking. When you finally got to the bottom of the stairs and through the door, you realized just how good the good tickets were. They were courtside seats. 
“Relax, Y/N.” Cale grabbed your waist, leading you to your seats. They were in the middle of Ball Arena. You stared at Cale in amazement. How could someone so be so amazing? 
The game was exciting. You and Cale each got food and some beer. Despite not knowing much about basketball or its players, you were having a good time, until the free throw competition. During a commercial break, people were coming down the stands for the free throw competition. The people were doing pretty good, until a basketball bounced off the rim. You saw the basketball coming towards you at a very fast speed. You completely acknowledged that. Did you move out of the way? Did you use your hand to block your face? Absolutely not.
The ball hit you square on the head. In an instant, Cale was on the floor with you. When did you get on the floor? He was saying your name, but it sounded muted almost. The jumbotron camera man was on your right, pointing his camera at you and Cale. Your vision was a little blurry, but you focused hard enough to see yourself on the jumbotron. It was a sight to see. 
Cale was tugging on your arm to help you up. Your balance was definitely off. You must have said that out loud, because Cale said, “Alright. Let’s get you to the hospital. I think you might have a concussion. It’ll be okay, baby. I’m right here.” 
You didn’t know it, but Cale was a little disappointed that the night hadn’t gone how he’d planned. He wanted you to enjoy the game, and then he wanted to tell you he loved you. This was not in the plans. 
He turned down the lights so you wouldn’t get a headache. You wanted nothing more to sleep on the way to the emergency room, but Cale wouldn’t let you. What if the ball had hit something that made your brain bleed? No, Cale couldn’t take the risk. He turned on soft music in the car to keep you awake and kept talking about anything he could think of to keep you awake. 
He pulled up to the valet, despite your insistence that you could be alone for a few minutes while he found a parking spot, but he was stubborn. “I am not leaving you, Y/N. I don’t want you to fall over or something.” If you weren’t so dizzy, you would have found it sweet. 
As embarrassing as it was, having your accident go viral on Twitter helped you in the emergency room.
“Hey! It’s Y/N from OB! She just got hit in the head! Let’s get her in!” you heard an intern shout. 
You were seen fairly quickly and diagnosed with a mild concussion. No work for a week, stay off screens as much as possible, and definitely no more courtside Nuggets games. 
Cale stayed by your side the whole time. He was dozing off holding your hand waiting for the discharge papers. He was doing that thing where he rubs the palm of your hand with his thumb that gave you butterflies. You leaned down to kiss his forehead to thank him for staying with you.
“Love you, babe,” he whispered. You did a double-take. His adorable cheeks flared red. “I- uh- well. Yeah, I love you, Y/N. I was meaning to tell you after the game. I wanted it to be special. I’m sorry it wasn’t more romantic. I wanted there to be roses and champagne.” 
“Cale. I love you, too. This is perfect. I’m sorry for ruining your plans.” You giggled. “We can have a re-do sometime. Just not courtside.” You kissed his forehead and then his lips. You really loved this boy. 
Generally, you would consider yourself pretty fearless. You worked in surgery with screaming parents for God’s sake. You loved going on adventures, especially hiking through Colorado. But, this test on the counter was scaring the shit out of you.
You didn’t tell Cale. You didn’t want to freak him out in case you were overreacting. You and Cale were certainly not trying, but you had to admit, you would be a little sad if the test came out negative. Already spiraling before you knew the results, you began to think about Cale as the father to your child. You thought he would make the most amazing girl dad. But on the other hand, Cale teaching his little baby boy how to hold a hockey stick would be so sweet.  
The timer on your phone went off. This was the moment of truth. 
It’s positive. Now would probably be the time to tell Cale. With shaking hands, you texted Cale, asking when he’d be home from practice. 
From: Cale <3
Actually, you got me at the perfect time. Practice just ended and no film. Great day! How do you feel about Indian food? 
The thought of Indian food made your stomach grumble. In your haste to take the pregnancy test, you forgot to eat lunch. You requested butter chicken and garlic naan.
Cale came back to your shared home with your order and an extra mango lassi. He didn’t even know you were pregnant yet, but he was already doing the most.
“Cale, I wanted to ask you something.” You were so nervous.
“What’s up?”  
“I’ve just been thinking about it recently. How do you… how do you feel about kids?” You weren’t ready to ask him about the kid growing in your uterus. You decided to start off your questions in general statements.
“Oh, I love kids. Why do you ask?”
“Well, Cale, I mean, like, your own kids. How do you feel about having your own kids?”  
“Kids someday would be nice.” He smiled. He began thinking about his own little boy. Your stomach dropped. He said “someday.” And no, he didn’t know that his kid was sitting in your uterus. How could he have? But his reaction just made you nervous. “Why do you ask, Y/N?” 
“Just thinking about it. I work with babies all day, you know?” You felt a bit bad about lying to him, but it wasn’t really a lie, right? You were thinking about it recently, and you did work with babies all day. 
Cale knew after that response that something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. He thought he did well with the Indian food, but he knew you well enough that you would have told him upfront if you didn’t want the Indian food. The problem was something deeper than Indian food.
You helped him clean up the food and told him you were going to take a nap and asked if he wanted to come with. Cale happily accepted.  You climbed on top of the bed instead of snuggling under your mountain of blankets, and he knew something was really wrong. You loved your blankets. Even in the summer, you turned the AC down so you could still use your mountain of blankets. 
“Y/N, please. What’s wrong? You’re making me worried.” He climbed on the bed with you, and tucked you in a blanket, hoping it would give you the comfort he couldn’t.
“I don’t know how to say it, Cale. I don’t want you to be upset.” He was holding both your hands, fighting a few tears. He thought this was the “breakup talk.” He didn’t want to cry, but he could hardly imagine himself not being with you. He wanted to fight for you with everything he had.
“Cale, honey, why are you crying? I haven’t even told you yet.” He looked at you in shock. This wasn’t the breakup talk? What else could it be? “Cale. I’m pregnant. I took a test. It’s in the bathroom. I didn’t know how you would react. I’m so sorry.” All the words fell out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. 
Cale felt his entire world freeze. Almost instantly, he pictured the little boy from earlier in the afternoon. He pictured teaching him hockey and how to be a gentleman. Dressing him up with little bowties. Giving him a mohawk when his hair is wet. And above all else, he pictured doing all those things with you. 
“Oh, Y/N! This is fantastic news! What do you mean you didn’t know how I would react. Oh God, I am … I don’t even know the words. But, no, I would never be mad. Oh!” He bent down so his face was in front of your stomach. He put his hand on your stomach, and he swore he fell more in love than he even knew was possible.  
“Do you know the gender?” His eyes were so hopeful. He wanted a boy so badly.
“No, I just found out. We’ll know around the fourth month.” 
He paused for a moment. “Can I tell the boys?” 
“Yes.” You rolled your eyes, playfully. He eagerly whipped out his phone, typing fast. You knew the boys wouldn’t be able to hide it from their girlfriends/wives, so you grabbed your phone waiting for the avalanche of texts you would receive. 
The first trimester went well, considering the way the first trimester went for other women. You went through bouts of morning sickness and moodiness, but Cale took it in stride. Each time you were bent over the toilet, he was there holding your hair back. When you told the nurses on your floor, they were all so excited for you. They threw you a small party in the break room. They decorated onesies with glitter glue and markers. They told every single patient of yours, too. Every room you entered, you were greeted with “congratulations” from patients about ten minutes from having their own babies. Their excitement made you even more excited for your little bundle of joy. You were barely showing, but you wore slightly tighter clothing just to highlight your stomach.
The second trimester was about to begin, and you and Cale were sitting together in your office, waiting for your appointment. Today was the day you were going to get an envelope so you could find out the gender. You knew Cale would be happy if it was a girl, but you also knew he deeply wanted a boy. He talked constantly about a little baby boy. He even bought little baby hockey gear and skates.
Amanda, your doctor and colleague, came into the room. She explained everything she was going to do, then laughed because she realized you knew it already. Then, the dreaded question. “Would you like to know the gender?”
“Actually, could you just put the results in an envelope? We’re going to give it to a friend. We’re doing one of those gender reveal parties.”  
“Oh! That’s so exciting! Will do. But for now, I see ten fingers, ten toes, and a healthy heartbeat. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?” You and Cale both nodded, and you teared up a little bit when you heard the heartbeat. Sometimes, you forgot that you were growing a literal, living tiny human. It was difficult to conceptualize.
At the end of the appointment, Amanda gave you a sealed envelope, and you rushed over to Alyssa Mackinnon’s house to give her the gender of baby Makar. When you told her a few weeks ago that you wanted to have a gender reveal party, she squealed and asked if she could plan it. You agreed, and then fawned over party themes and ideas for the actual reveal.   
The party day came. You wore a pink dress. Cale wore a blue polo and khakis. When you got to Alyssa and Nate’s house, the whole team, your friends from work, Cale’s parents and brother, your parents, and your brother and his family were there. All the people that were important in your life were here to see whether baby Makar was a girl or boy. 
Alyssa had a few small party games going on along with a blackboard for people to tally their guesses on your baby’s gender. The men took turns racing to put diapers on footballs, while the women wrapped around your stomach with ribbons to measure how round your belly was. Then, Alyssa announced to the guests that it was time to step outside. When you stepped outside, you saw a goal post with a white balloon hanging from the top post. And you got so excited. 
You knew what was about to happen. Cale was going to shoot a puck at the balloon, and you were going to know the gender. Cale grabbed the stick from Alyssa and took aim. 
DING. Hit the post. POP. The balloon bled pink confetti. A GIRL! You squealed with joy, running over to Cale, giving him just enough time to drop the hockey stick and catch you in his arms. You started to cry tears of joy. Cale was crying, too. But soon, your overactive overthinking kicked in. How did Cale really feel? You were forced to push down the anxiety as your families and friends swarmed you and Cale with congratulations. 
The guests slowly made their way back inside Alyssa and Nate’s house to head out. You wanted to stay until the end to help her clean up and to thank her for all the hard work she put in for your gender reveal. You were packing paper plates into a garbage bag when you heard a loud gasp behind you.
“Y/N! Give me that! You are pregnant! Sit down! Kick your feet up! Don’t you dare touch another paper plate!” Alyssa cried. She pointed at your stomach and then to the couch. You handed her the bag and sat down on her couch. She gave you the “I’m watching you” stare before resuming what you had started. A minute later, Cale appeared. He sat down next to you, and you knew this was your chance to talk to him.
“Cale, how are you feeling? I know you wanted a-”
“Y/N. I’m happy. We both knew I wanted a boy, but I’m not upset. I swear. I just wanted our baby to be healthy. Her happiness is my top priority, not her gender.” You could have sworn your heart grew three sizes. You may have ruined his plan to be a boy-dad, but you always had a feeling he was a girl-dad anyway. 
The next four months passed without a hitch. The OBGYN floor had a field day with your baby shower. Mel Landeskog planned a separate shower, and with permission from the hospital, she brought the party to your break room. You thought you received a lot of gifts at the gender reveal, but now that everyone knew it was a girl, You and Cale swore you had enough baby clothing that you thought you never would need to do laundry because of how much they got for her. You had enough diaper boxes that they stacked from floor to ceiling in the nursery you and Cale had set up.  
At this point, you due date was 15 days away. Your belly was swollen to triple the size it used to be. Your feet hurt if you stood for longer than 20 minutes. You told Cale you just wanted the baby out. He would laugh at you and then take your feet and give them a massage. You really had the best boyfriend in the world. 
Truth be told, Cale was more prepared for a baby than you were. He had two go-bags packed – one for you two and one for the baby. You were extremely calm for that aspect of the actual birthing process. You also knew Cale wasn’t happy about you working, but you insisted on working until the minute your water broke. Your rationale was that you would already be at the hospital, and then as a bonus for your patients, you would be able to give them the care they needed. You just knew that the floor would take care of you. You knew each of the charge nurses. You knew how well they took care of their patients. They already told you that you would be their VIP patient. 
Today was relatively slow for you. You had no scheduled C-sections, you were only on-call for obstetric exams and emergencies that entered the ER. All of a sudden, you got a frantic call from Steph, the charge nurse in the ER. She was freaking out, as the entire ER staff did when a pregnant lady came in.
You went down and examined the woman and asked the nurses to admit her into the birthing wing when suddenly, you heard screaming. You rushed back over. She needed a C-section. You knew you weren’t supposed to, but you took an oath, and you had to save this woman and her baby’s life. You yelled at any nurse nearby to clear an ER for you and rushed up to scrub. 
You were gowned and gloved, finally. Mid-way through the C-section, you felt a pinching in your own stomach. You figured your baby decided to kick. It was only when nurse Kimmy gasped, “Y/N! I think your water broke!”
You barely registered the shout, but then you felt a tightening in your own stomach. A contraction. The nurses were already calling Cale without you even needing to ask them. They knew you were determined to finish the surgery. You pushed through and helped your patient deliver her baby. You took off your surgical gown and the nurses immediately put you in a wheelchair.
“Marci! I can walk myself to the OB wing!” you protested. She just shook his head and kept pushing you. You met Cale in the waiting room. The nurses had prepped a birthing suite for you the minute they found out your water broke. Cale brought both your go-bags into the room and helped you into the bag.
“You really had to be in surgery when your water broke?” he joked. He kissed your forehead, and together you waited and waited for your baby girl to make her grand entrance.
Marci came in periodically to check on you. The whole floor came in to say congratulations and dropped off some food. Maybe it was the hormones, but their love surrounded you, and it made you feel really good about having a baby. 
Finally, six hours later, baby girl Makar made an appearance. You and Cale never picked out a name. You could never decide. He thought of a name that you liked, but then you thought of another name. You would try to convince him of the new name, but then he would think of another one. The two of you were stuck. And now she was here! 
But as soon as you looked at her face, you knew the name. You looked at Cale, and both said at the same time, “Lilly Grace Makar!” 
Your daughter, Lilly, was three, now. You and Cale were holding off on this for a long time, but you decided that the summertime would be the perfect time to go to Disney World in Florida. She loved watching Mickey Mouse in the mornings before daycare. Even though you both knew she wouldn’t remember the trip, you just wanted to take her for your own personal fun. 
At least, that’s what you told Cale. Secretly, though, you had other motives. Cale and you still weren’t married. Not even engaged. Obviously, the two of you were bound to each other forever. Cale was yours and you were Cale’s. But you just wanted the title of wife. It had been over six years since you went on that first date. You thought that was a reasonable amount of time to get engaged and married. And for goodness sake, you had a kid together and you hinted about wanting more for the past few months. 
So, that was where you hatched your plan. On a day off from work, you took Lilly to the mall. You told Cale she needed some new summer outfits because she grew out of the clothes she had in the spring. But you also made a quick pitstop at the jewelry store. You stole Cale’s Stanley Cup ring, too, so that you could get an accurate measurement. At the jewelry store, you picked out a solid silver band. Nothing extravagant, but enough for the occasion. At the end of the day, it was about your love for one another, not the extravagance of the ring. You were going to ask Cale to marry you at Disney World.
That same week, Cale entered the guest locker room in New Jersey, and pulled Gabe and Nate aside. He had a very important question. 
“Hey. So, how did you guys ask Mel and Alyssa to marry you? I think Y/N’s been dropping a lot of hints lately. I mean I know it’s just a title, because we’re both there, but I’m pretty sure it’s something she wants. I think I’m overthinking it.”
The two men laughed, remembering the times when they felt the same way. They each launched into their stories of asking their girlfriends to marry them. Gabe’s was intimate in Sweden. Nate’s was slightly public, in front of their families on the beach in Cole Harbour. 
They gave Cale a lot of ideas. He already knew the ring he was going to get you. He even knew he wanted to include Lilly in the proposal. He just didn’t know how public you wanted it to be. He thought about proposing in secret, like in the hotel room, but that didn’t feel romantic enough. He thought about proposing during the fireworks at Magic Kingdom, but that felt too public. 
You, on the other hand, had an exact plan. You wanted to propose in front of the Magic Kingdom castle. You figured that a proposal to hockey’s best defenseman would garner media attention regardless of how private you tried to make it. You might as well get some good photos out of it. 
You secured the ring you got for Cale in your carry-on. You had to hide it strategically, knowing Cale probably forgot something and would need to borrow it from your stash. Cale secured the ring he got for you in his suitcase between his underwear. There was no way you’d go through his underwear. 
The flight was smooth, Lilly was content to watch Mickey Mouse on the plane’s television screen. Cale insisted on first class, knowing this was Lilly’s first big vacation. She didn’t seem to notice, falling asleep about two hours into the flight. 
Arriving at your hotel, you unpacked and got onto the monorail to take you to Animal Kingdom. Lilly loved everything about it. The next day at Epcot was so much fun. She wouldn’t remember it, but you and Cale took enough combined pictures that you would never forget. Hollywood Studios was your favorite. 
The fated day finally came for you. Magic Kingdom. You secured the ring in your baby-backpack. You boarded the monorail with Cale and Lilly, as if everything was normal. Every bone in your body was on fire. You were nervous, but you wanted to be married to Cale. It was the only thing in the world that made sense. He was your rock. He gave the best advice. He was an incredible father. And you just knew in your gut he would be the best husband (not that he already wasn’t performing husband duties).
As excited as you were about proposing to Cale, you also wanted to do it early in the day so that you could enjoy the day with your daughter and hopefully-fiancé. 
“What do you wanna do first babygirl?” you asked Lilly as you and Cale grabbed her hands. 
 “Umm… I wanna see the princesses!” she shouted. Perfect. This would be the most perfect opportunity to walk towards the Magic Castle. 
Upon arrival, you stopped and pulled Lilly over to the side. Swinging your backpack down, you grabbed your phone and the ring box. 
“Lilly! Cale! Smile!” She posed with Cale in front of the castle. Cale put her down while you put your phone back in your bag and turned around with the ring box open. 
His face was in shock, but all of a sudden, he started laughing and reached into his own bag. Suddenly, Cale was down on one knee with a ring box while you stood in front of him with a ring box. 
Your face was flushed. People was stopping to look at you. But all you could see was Cale. Your perfect, sweet, caring, thoughtful fiancé. 
You screamed yes before he could even get the question out. He laughed as he put the ring on your finger. 
“Cale, you didn’t answer my question.” 
“You didn’t ask one, love.”
“Will you marry me, Cale Douglas Makar?” 
“It would make me the happiest man in the world.” He kissed you sweetly, and you slipped the ring on your finger. The small crowd of people around you cheered for you. Cale picked Lilly up and you handed your phone to a nice-looking couple and asked them to take a picture. And it now served as your wallpaper.  
A/N: Yes. This entire fic was based off of this tweet. No, I will not be taking questions. LMAO
I hope y’all enjoyed!!
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