#golden naga prince
fleeting-sanity · 4 months
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Saxan in Coral Island.
Happy New Year to you. My lazy son as NPC and LI. I think this took about a month to make. 70% of that time is taken by the wedding outfit alone. Commentary on each outfits and his personality backstory under Read More if you're interested :)
Your local veterinarian. He was a bratty and wild child, something his parents tried to coach him out of. Instead, he developed into a lazy and apathetic young man, and eventually his parents learned to accept the person he is. However, he sensed that he's the black sheep or "failure" compared to his successful big twin sisters, irregardless of how baseless it is. Cares for animals, not so much for humans. His character arc can go two ways depending on what you chose during the dialogues. His birthday is on 28th Spring.
He's my Star Wars OC actually. He's a Zakuulan Prince, so I incorporated that aspect into his merfolk form. If you don't see him around town, he might be underwater!
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His spring outfit is based on the doodle I have of him from an ask lol. I kinda like the color cyan on him!
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I forgot that Scott has a similar hibiscus shirt so I figured it was too late to modify it... Oh well.
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Not much to say other than I kinda have a hard time deciding what he should wear for autumn.
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He looks super snug. I really gotta learn how to draw coats to make them convicingly thick idk. He lowkey dislikes winter.
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I kinda debated on if I should put body hair on him but I decided not to seeing almost every male NPC has them. I think. Yes, it's the ace flag colors.
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If you marry him he'll appear in Aesan Gede, the South Sumatran (Palembang) traditional wedding attire. I can't really have his hair free because it'll get stuck on all the golden bits but I kinda am not feeling the bun either so back ponytail it is. Debated whether I should draw the Sundanese one (am half-Sundanese) because it's easier but South Sumatra has been under-represented in Indonesian media so my Srivijayan pride kicked in. Also tumblr keeps killing the transparency for some reason >;[
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Does he look Prince-ly enough here? He's based on the barracuda fish. Considered making him a naga like the rest of the in-game merfolk royal family but I've actually drawn him as a merman before so I want to keep him as a... fish. blublubblub.
I'm currently playing his twin sisters and I'm having a hard time choosing the LIs for them helpppp
And no, sadly I'm not a backer on Kickstarter (source: golongan miskin) this is just art.
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happypopcornprincess · 3 months
Tangled Fates (Part Two)
Part One
What happened after Sapuna left for Garud Lok, and how Wansarut faces a challenge to decide her future.
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GIF by @25shadesoffebruary || Original Post by creator is here
a/n - Thank you to literally everyone who showed so much support on my previous fic! I really had the time of my life writing for The Sign series as it just keeps on getting interesting with the release of new episodes! can't wait for those saturdays dude! till then... do give this a read and let me know how it was! Thanks a lot <3
Also major shoutout to @ayansbff for suggesting the song for this fic! [Galliyan by Ankit Tiwari]
The Sign series spoilers ahead!
Having craned her neck for so long, Wansarut tilted her head to get some relief. In response, Wanwisa pulled her hair into an angle. Again.
“Phi Saoo! ” she cried, looking at Wanwisa through the mirror. “Stay still just a bit longer!” Wanwisa let out a laugh while braiding her hair.
Prince Chalothorn was expected to visit their family that evening, and all responsibilities for making Wansarut presentable had fallen on her elder sister. This included preparing Wansarut for the occasion. Although she knew the prince favored her family as members of the Naga court, Wansarut had no romantic interest in him. To her, he was more like an older brother.
“Where is your mind wandering off to?” Wanwisa inquired.
Days had passed since Wansarut last encountered the Garuda. Her thoughts occasionally drifted back to their last conversation, especially how she had revealed her name without thinking. She had been in such a hurry to escape from him that she hadn't even bothered to ask for his name in return.
“Nowhere. Just… thinking,” Wansarut replied.
“About…” Wanwisa sang, “The Prince?”
Wansarut shot her a glare with a frown. “No.”
Wanwisa sighed, combing her hair. “I can't fathom why you're so determined not to like him. He's the prince of our kingdom, fighting for our clan. He's always been good to our family. Imagine how incredible it would be for you to marry him – you'd be a princess, our future queen!”
“I've always seen him as a brother, Phi Saoo. If you're so fond of him, why don't you marry him?” Wansarut blurted out before she could restrain herself.
Wanwisa's hands paused, and she gently caressed Wansarut's hair with a sad smile. “He doesn't like me, Nong Saoo. He likes you.” She placed the now complete braid on Wansarut's shoulder and hugged her from behind. “You'll make a fine princess, Nong Saoo.”
Without offering further explanation, she left the chamber. Wansarut watched her vanish behind the entrance curtains, a thought appearing inside her mind: does Wanwisa has feelings for Prince Chalothorn. If she did, wouldn't she have confided in her?
---/---/--- Sapuna settled on the windowsill of his house, gazing at the floating mountains of Garuda Lok, absent-mindedly toying with his golden flute – a gift from his sister.
His mind replayed every word spoken to Lord Aruna. After urgently requesting a meeting upon his return, the fact that he emerged unharmed from the human world granted him the audience.
He had practically begged the sun god to suggest a truce with the Naga prince. Despite encountering resistance from those present, Lord Aruna dismissed him, promising to consider the suggestion. Excused from the battlefront for the time being, Sapuna was sent back home.
Thoughts of Wansarut only added to his turmoil, her image recurring in his mind. He felt a tugging sensation in his chest at the memory of his savior – her almond eyes, pointed nose, and the crease of her eyebrows beneath her hair haunted his dreams each night. Despite his grandmother's attempts to appease him with sweets, he longed for the sweet wild mangoes of the human world.
Sapuna noticed an object hurtling towards him at tremendous speed. He catched it effortlessly, and discovered it was a message from Lord Aruna. He read its contents, and standing standing abruptly; transformed into his Garuda form, soaring off to the human world. Despite Wansarut's reluctance to have him there, he now had a valid reason to visit her.
Because the letter in his hand read:
Neither side wants the blood of their clan to spill for nothing, and our aim is to attain peace given the animosity between our clans. I have proposed a truce to the Naga kingdom. And if they answer, you will be accompanying me to meet Prince Chalothorn along with my court.
I trust you, Sapuna. Don’t make me regret this.
Beneath the sheltering branches of an ancient banyan tree, Wansarut perched on a swing, trying to make sense of the events from the previous evening at her home.
Prince Chalothorn had engaged in conversation with her family while she and her sister eavesdropped from behind the curtains of the halls, accompanied by the servants. Just as she prepared to meet him with Wanwisa, a royal guard rushed in, whispering something urgent to the prince.
The prince's face swiftly transformed from a benevolent smile to a furious scowl. He rose abruptly, apologized to the elders citing an emergency on the front lines, and departed without meeting her. The rapid shift in his demeanor left her unsettled, prompting her to slip away while her family debated the reason behind his sudden departure. Uninterested from the start, she wanted no involvement in the drama.
Swinging back and forth, Wansarut felt a forceful gust propel her forward. She glanced around to witness the forest settling into an unusual calm, as if a presence had touched down amidst the canopy. Descending from the swing, she observed a figure emerging from the woods, recognizing the silver breastplate of the Garuda as he approached.
"Swadee kha, Wansarut," he greeted, joining his hands.
She whispered inquisitively, "What are you doing here?" scanning their surroundings for any witnesses.
The Garuda responded with wide-eyed innocence, "Why are you whispering?"
"Your entrance was not exactly subtle, Khun," she signed.
Amused, the Garuda burst into laughter. The resonant sound stirred something within her, it felt like a warm embrace. She couldn't help but be captivated by the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
Sapuna felt an ice-cold grip on his arm, and Wansarut tugged him towards the expansive Banyan Tree grove. He followed, too shy to meet her gaze, opting instead to focus on the ground. With every step, her emerald-gold anklets gleamed against her fair skin, and the hem of her garments brushed the ground in front of him.
Wansarut halted and turned to face him. Reluctantly, he lifted his head to meet her gaze. As she parted her lips to speak, he stopped her, saying, "I have news regarding your request."
Sapuna proceeded to share everything, from his visit to Lord Aruna to his journey to this place. Wansarut's face brightened with each word, as if she had realized something crucial and couldn't wait to express it.
"Prince Chalothorn visited my family last evening and left abruptly without explanation, citing an emergency. He didn't seem very pleased about it, maybe this was the news." she said, tilting her head.
Sapuna attentively absorbed her words and, driven by curiosity, inquired, "Why was Prince Chalothorn at your house?"
Wansarut glanced at him, her shoulders slumping. "My family has been members of the royal court for centuries, and he has asked for my hand in marriage."
"Oh," was all Sapuna could manage to say.
While he had suspected her high social status based on her jewelry and attire, he shouldn't have been so surprised that she was engaged, especially to Prince Chalothorn.
"I haven't given him an answer yet. I was supposed to yesterday, but..." She trailed off.
"You would have said yes?" he asked.
Wansarut gazed at him with a pained expression. He could decipher from her look alone that she harbored no interest in the proposed union.
It felt inherently wrong. She, with her purity and kindness, seemed incompatible with someone like Chalothorn. The Naga prince held nothing but bitterness in his heart, responsible for the ongoing conflict between their clans.
"I have to go," Sapuna said, distancing himself from her. "I hope you make the right choice."
"Khàapkhun Kha... Khun," she replied, bowing her head.
Sapuna chuckled at her formality. "Please, Wansarut, I should be the one thanking you. And you can call me by my name; no need to be so formal." Wansarut remained silent, directing her gaze to her feet and fidgeting with her hands. He realized the reason. "You don't know my name," he sighed.
"Sapuna. My name is Sapuna-Naparuj," he said, smiling at how Wansarut snapped her head to look him in the eyes, clearly surprised.
"Sapuna." she repeated.
He swore no one had ever uttered his name quite like that. His heart raced, warmth spreading across his face, and he took a step backward, still looking her in the eyes until the pounding in his chest became too much.
Turning away, Sapuna unfurled his wings and soared toward Garuda Lok, a smile playing on his lips as he stole glances at the fascinated Wansarut with his infinite vision.
Bonus Scene
"Come on, man," Phaya pleaded with the lunch guy to give him an extra slice of mango.
"I told you I can't give you extra. Two slices for everyone," the server stared him down, not a hint of emotion in his eyes.
Phaya looked at the tray overflowing with fresh mango slices, his mouth watering at the mere scent of the ripe yellow fruit.
"Phaya, move," Khem urged him from behind. Giving Khem a look, Phaya moved to the end of the line. Finding an empty table at the hall's far end, he sat down eyeing the tray of food before him, with food portions standardized for trainees following a specific diet plan.
Phaya ate his lunch, attempting to chew the sticky rice while reminiscing about how every year, a friend of his grandma who owns a farm would send crates of fresh mangoes. Him and his sister would always quarrel for the juiciest ones. If he managed to snag one, he would tease her by eating it in the messiest way possible.
Maybe this is karma for teasing Nee when we were young.
Deciding to save the mango for last, he focused on the chicken curry instead, grateful it tasted better than the vegetarian stew served the day before.
Tharn, Khem, Yai, and Thongthai approached his table, sitting down with their lunch trays. Phaya smiled at them and continued eating, while Yai and Tharn shared stories of a festival in their hometown.
As Phaya scooped up the last bite of rice, he saw Khem reach out to his tray and offer him his share of mango slices. Phaya stared at him in awe, then noticed Thongthai, Yai, and Tharn doing the same.
At a loss for words, he looked around at his friends, all of whom had smiles on their faces.
"Aww, Phaya, stop looking at us like that!" Yai jabbed him in the ribs. "It looks like you're about to cry."
"I love you guys," Phaya said wholeheartedly and dove into the pile of mango slices on his tray.
Busy enjoying his favorite treat, he missed what Yai was about to say. "Ay Phaya, it was Tharn who... Ouch!" Yai winced.
Phaya looked at Yai in confusion. "What?" he asked.
Tharn spoke up while gathering his now empty tray. "Nothing. He was rambling about something. We're gonna go, we... have to practice... questions! For the pre exam." He tilted his head at his friends, and they all got up and left, one after another.
Phaya tried to recall what Yai was saying but stopped when he felt all eyes on his tray. He quickly finished the fruits and made a hasty exit before someone could tip off the trainers.
Back in their dorm hall, Yai yelled at Tharn, "Hey, Tharn! Did you have to kick my feet that hard?" rubbing his toes that were now red, while Tharn furrowed his brows, searching for balm to soothe his friend.
"Khao thot, Yai, I just don't want him to find out it was me," Tharn apologized earnestly, extending his hands to Yai.
A hoot echoed from Thongthai and Khem's bunk, and Tharn rolled his eyes as they approached Yai giggling like children, bearing an ice pack.
Khem playfully poked Tharn in the ribs. "Tharn, you look so cute trying to impress your crush..."
"...making such a big sacrifice of your share of mango slices and threatening your friends to do the same!" Thongthai teased him, dramatically fanning himself, extracting laughter from Yai.
"Okay, okay, just don't tell Phaya. Please," Tharn laughed along, taking a seat opposite Yai's bed.
Khem inquired taking a seat beside Yai, "By the way, how did you know he likes mangoes?"
Tharn tilted his head, genuinely puzzled about how he knew Phaya liked mangoes. "I don't know. I just assumed, I guess."
Khem and Thongthai nodded, and Yai interjected, "Are we all going to talk about Phaya? Can't you see I'm injured?" He tried his best to give them puppy eyes.
"Oh, Yai! You're such a drama queen!" Khem laughed as he pressed the ice pack onto his feet.
More fics? reblog this with what tropes you want for Sapuna and Wansarut!
Sapuna - Phaya's name in past life as a Garuda
Wansarut - Tharn's name in past life as a Nagini
Naga - A creature from Hindu and Thai mythology who has magical powers and can shapeshift into a Serpant
Nagini - Females of Naga clan.
Garuda Lok - The realm of Lord Garuda
Naga Lok - Realm of the Nagas
Phi Saoo - older sister in thai
nong saoo - younger sister in thai
Khapyn kha - Thank you in thai
Khao Thot - Sorry in thai
Taglist (i tagged everyone who replied and reblogged part one pls dm if you want to be added/removed to this taglist)
@tuturuue | @asiandramas-takeover | @iggiogyfy9yf9 | @alienbi | @chaos0pikachu | @findthebluesky | @starryalpacasstuff | @elmindredaniq | @maxescheibechlinichacheli | @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas | @kurosawascrowsfeet | @blneobin | @25shadesoffebruary | @blue-grama
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ariellewm · 7 months
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Prince Czar Agskaga: Hypnosis Headcanon
Authors Note:
!! Warning !! If you are uncomfortable with Naga's, snakes, hypnosis, coiling, etc this may not be for you.
My Naga character is also consensual when it comes to using his ability. I figured I would try out showcasing what his hypnosis is like as I've never written anything like this out before.
Prince Czar Agskaga profile can be found HERE for a more descriptive idea of what he looks like.
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Czar is the kind of Naga that does not overwhelm those he puts under his hypnotic gaze. He is consensual on the matter in helping others with sleeping, stress, anxiety, etc. He isn't like the other Naga's/Nagi's that possess the person as Czar is uncomfortable doing such a thing.
He likes to get to know the female sapien (human) he finds he fancies. Czar will bring them his special Amber Lily tea, serve them like the gentleman (or gentle serpent) he is.
He'll give you nicknames, ones that will keep you blushing. Dear, darling, sweet thing, angel, precious, vixen, princess (even if they aren't one), etc. Czar amuses himself by your cute expressions as he teases you by those names.
He understands there are some that are uneasy about their kind. He'll try his best to make them comfortable around him.
And he can definitely tell when someone is in distress or exhausted. Dark circles under their eyes, unbalanced stance, the dizziness. He'll call you out (not in a rude way of course).
"My dear, you look ssso tired. Have you been getting enough sssleep?"
That deep, sultry voice of his along with his charms can easily get to you. The topic in helping you bring solace to your troubles with the power of a Naga's hypnosis comes up. He'll ask, consensually, if you're willing to try it to help you relax and give you the rest you need.
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If you aren't afraid of his black and red, golden saddle pattern coils, he will definitely use them. Naga's have heavy coils, therefore, he tries to limit how much of his body to put on you.
He'll start from the bottom. Sliding over your legs, gently coiling around the calves, thighs, hips and waist. Your arms are free, but he'll ask if you want to be completely coiled. If so, the arms are tucked in, his tail gliding over your chest and shoulders. The end of his tail will either rest loosely around the neck or perhaps pet/brush your hair back.
The coolness of his scales relaxes the body, tingling your stiff muscles. He doesn't like coiling too tightly. Just lightly squeezing and releasing, enabling you to still breathe properly.
Sometimes the Naga Prince will massage their shoulders, neck, and especially the temples. It's the easiest way to get anyone to deeply relax. He'll chuckle at your dazed expression as he massages your temples and cheeks.
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His eyes will slowly become aglow as he continues to coil you. You look deeply into his lovely crimson, ruby like eyes. You see fire. A gentle roaring fire dances before you...
"That'sss it...look deeper into the fire. Relaxxx, let your mind become blank." He purrs, brushing a strain of your hair behind your ear.
Shyly you attempt to turn away to only have him bring your attention back to his gaze. "My dear, don't look away from me now *chuckles with a hiss*."
Czar will continue to massage that stiff shoulder of yours, rub your temples in pleasant soothing circles. He'll softly squeeze you, bringing his hands (or the tip of his tail) to lift that sweet chin of yours, preventing you from looking away.
He'll tease you with words, hissing into your ears. "Awww, how adorable. Wasss that a yawn just now? *Chuckle* Sssuch lovely eyesss you have."
Your mind will start to become blank. Your body is more relaxed than it's ever been. You can't look away from the dancing glowing fire before you. A satisfying sigh escapes as you melt into his comforting coils of his.
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He won't leave you alone once you're completely under the hypnosis. Oh no he absolutely would hate that. Leaving such a beautiful angel in the coils of a Naga dazed and alone...no that won't do.
Czar will tell you stories, stories of old and myth. He has much knowledge about Zarth and his ancestors he'll gladly tell. Perhaps Czar will continue with his studies about The Crystals of Peace or read a book. Looking over the Naga will check on you, squeeze you in a tender manner while you remain hypnotized and comfortable.
At random times Czar will ask his relaxed angel a favor. Maybe he'll make you grab a book he's been seeking from the grand library, bring him sweets (he did this quite a bit as a teen back at the Amber Palace), or bring forth a person of interest.
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If he is helping someone fall asleep, his hypnosis will go even deeper.
His glowing eyes dance even more. Czar will soothe you, shush you if you try to speak. "No more talk, darling. Only ressst." His cool tail brushes over your dazed face. Teasing words from that deep voice of his. Sometimes he'll even hum you a song, bringing you ever so deeper into slumber.
"Ssso soft and warm under my coilsss. *Chuckles* Oh? *Hiss* Do I see a blusssh forming? Perhapsss I ssshould kisssss it better, my dear?"
Czar will kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your brow (never on the lips) to bring you deeper and deeper.
Your eyes will begin to have a very hard time staying open. His rubbing on those temples of yours, that deep echoey tone in his voice that seemed to surround you.
"Sssleep, my dear. You dessserve thisss ressst. Sssleep, and dream. Sssleep, and ressst. I ssshall wake you in a while."
Your fluttering eyes shut at the sound of his gentle words. Deep sleep taking over you. Sleeping in tranquility and comfort of the Naga Prince.
And again he won't leave you alone as you slumber. Most likely Czar will take a nap next to you as well or perhaps continue reading his books.
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You'll either find yourself back in your quarters or loosely coiled by the Naga Prince. Refreshed, you feel like you can take on the day with the amount of good sleep you've gotten from His Illustrious Eminence.
Czar asks if you've gotten enough sleep or how you are feeling. Czar, being the teasing snake he is, will stop you from leaving...coiling your ankle before letting you go. Or perhaps you'd like to go through the process all over again, which he wouldn't mind (if he didn't have royal duties to perform or study).
Artwork of Czar Agskaga done by @wyyvernn
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mcytrecursive · 3 months
Nomination Overview - Crack Fic
Oh boy do we have some bangers in this category. Not as many fics here, but every one a gem. I'll give you a hint: we've got mangoball.
Title: And why are you British now?  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48950557/chapters/123691441#workskin Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: ace_of_arthropods Relationships: Grian & goodtimeswithscar, Jimmy solidarity & zedaph, rendog & bigb, Joehills & Martyn  Characters: Jimmy solidarity, Joe hills, grian, goodtimeswithscar, zedaph, Martyn inthelittlewood Length of the work: 11,506 words (incomplete fic) Genre: Crack Fic, Fluff Type: Fic Summary: “Wait a second...” Grian suddenly had an idea of what might have happened. He hastily dug through his horribly unorganized inventory for something with a mirrored surface. He eventually found a hand mirror with golden decorations, which he'd never seen before, and looked into it. A scarred face with dark green eyes looked back at him. “Oh no,” Grian said, in Scar's voice. (After double life, everyone returns to their home servers... or rather, their soulmate's home server, in their soulmate's body. Shenanigans ensue.)
Title: Sapnap's Naga Harem Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49846090 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: ollie_oxen_free Relationships: Sapnap/Philza, Sapnap/Technoblade, Punz/Sapnap, Quackity/Sapnap, Dream/Sapnap, Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Awesamdude/Sapnap, Sapnap/Foolish, Sapnap/Schlatt, Sapnap/Wilbur Soot Characters: Sapnap, Dream XD, Dream, Philza, Technoblade, Quackity, Punz Length of the work: 27,870 words (incomplete fic) Genre: AU, Crack Fic, Fluff, Fantasy AU, Humour, Romance, Smut Type: Fic Summary: Fresh out of school with a Masters in Magical Zoology, Sapnap is hired by a mysterious billionaire he knows only as XD to become one of the main caretakers of a new section of his magical menagerie. He's not sure what he's expecting, but ten fucking naga— rare, dangerous, mysterious— were not on the fucking list.
Title: A Jackerella Story Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38446057/chapters/96084898 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: wetchickenbreast Relationships: Georgenotfound/Jack Manifold Characters: Jack Manifold, GeorgeNotFound, TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, BadBoyHalo, Tubbo, Ranboo Length of the work: 6,328 words (incomplete fic) Genre: AU, Crack Fic, Drama, Fantasy AU, Humour Type: Fic Summary: Jackerella's life fucking sucks. Her goddamn parents died (how inconsiderate) and now she is stuck living as an indentured servant for her evil stepfamily. Her younger stepsister bites people (he won't stop no matter how many doctors they bring him to) and his older stepsister is a megabitch (also a homewrecker). His only friends are talking rats, so Jack is pretty much waiting on a miracle to get out of this mess... and that miracle comes in the form of a charming prince, some glass shoes, and a demon from hell (and the demon has MASSIVE tits).
Title: pov: me when i fucking Get You Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45823945 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: doingthewritethings Relationships: Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Quackity & Slimecicle Characters: Quackity, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Slimecicle, Eret Length of the work: 3,450 words Genre: AU, Crack Fic, Family, Friendship, High School AU, Humour, Modern AU, Chatfic Type: Fic Summary: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] what would you do if hypothetically speaking. there was this guy. and he was horrible and awful and his hair was so fluffy like sooo fluffy like imagine putting a mop on his head. like a big old mop. or a dog. but instead of being a wet dog he smelled like cinnamon and was probably really good to pet. ohhhh my god. or, the one where Wilbur thinks they're dating, Quackity thinks they're enemies, and Eret thinks she would really, really, really like to get things done in her student council meetings.
Title: Cheater, Cheater (Mangoball) Link: https://glittering.world/mangoball/classic Fandom: Video Blogging RPF Author: mangobaii Relationships: Dream/George, Corpse Husband/Wilbur Characters: Dream, George, Corpse Husband, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Wilbur, BadBoyHalo Length of the work: 20k-ish? Depends on how you count usernames and such Genre: Crack Fic, Humour, Epistolary, Mangoball Type: Fic Summary: DNF social media epistolary fiction. George gets cheated on by Sapnap with Dream; love blooms, among other things.
See something you want to offer or request in the exchange? Horrified that a classic of the genre isn't represented yet (to be fair, maybe we didn't get permission). Join our discord and sign up today!
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djeterg19 · 4 months
Moving onto chapter 12 where we leave the safety of what's aired...and things get VERY interesting. Also this chapter is about twice as long as previous ones were, so this is part one of two.
We are thousands of years in the past in a sense forest. It's full of flowers and trees and monkeys and birds. Phaya can hear a stream and he looks down to see schools of fish in the crystal clear water. Vanvisa calls to him and takes him to a gorgeous waterfall. Phaya says he didn't know a place like this existed in Thailand. Vanvisa tells him it doesn't anymore. It's been lost to time. Phaya says that's sad.
She tells him to dive into the water and he's surprised he doesn't get wet. She explains he's just his soul and not his physical body and he won't get wet. She tells him to follow and not get distracted.
She takes him to a gate to the Naga clan. Explains that they have many gates and any water source allows them to travel through it. He asks where they are going and Vanvisa explains she taking him to her home. They enter the Underwater World and he describes it as a village and castle but underwater with fish.
Phaya gets startled when a Naga swims towards him and Vanvisa says that Garuda aren't usually afraid of Naga. She asks why he's so frightened that the color leaves his face. She takes him where they can walk instead of swimming with the Naga. He's relieved as they make his heart quiver with fear. He runs to catch up with Vanvisa and asks her what she meant by calling him Garuda. Apparently he's a prince. He's shocked and says she must be joking.
She is NOT joking at all. She asks again why he's frightened of Nagas. He explains when he was younger that a golden figure with red eyes tried to drown him and asks if she is familiar.
Vanvisa asks if he met the creature just once. Phaya explains the dreams and how he was forced to watch a fight between Garuda and Naga. He was forced to die over and over for interfering. Vanvisa says they will go to the beginning to see why they fought. Phaya asks who the Naga that keeps visiting him is. Vanvisa says he's the one she mentioned before and that she is surprised that he's been bothering Phaya in his dreams.
Phaya wants to know why he keeps messing with his dreams. She explains Phaya took his precious thing. Phaya doesn't know what the precious thing is or why he's being tormented about it when he doesn't know what it is much less have it.
They stop at a small wooden house and...there's a beautiful woman there that looks exactly like Tharn. They watch as the woman runs off and leaves. Vanvisa asks if Phaya really thought that Tharn saving him from drowning was a coincidence. Phaya thinks of course not because Tharn can see signs. Vanvisa shakes her head and thinks it'll be useless to give Phaya more clues. He'll have to see for himself.
She says she will take Phaya to let him know "him". She takes him to a castle decorated in gold lotus flowers. She explains this is the home of aristocrats and the prince's castle.
They are interrupted by the sound of firm footsteps. They both whirl around to see a large man wearing gold accessories with red jewels. He sat on a bench also embellished in gold and red jewels. The man is a carbon copy of Dr. Chalotorn. Vanvisa's eyes darken and says he's Master Chalotorn, King Kasemsin Naga's son. Phaya mentions he looks like someone he knows who is Tharn's personal doctor. Vanvisa clinches her jaw and asks if Phaya really thinks he's a doctor.
Phaya is shocked. Vanvisa says he traveled to the mortal world through his own will. He was paroled a hundred years ago and is determined to bring his sister's (????) soul back according to the commitment she made to him. Which she didn't make he just attached the words himself and refuses to let go of it. Phaya realizes that Chalotorn is the one from his dreams which Vanvisa confirms. He goes to find the memory angry that he believes Chalotorn's lies that Tharn told him about it.
The lady that looks like Tharn shows up and sits next to Chalotorn. He asks if she's happy and she says she's sad and he knows why. He tells her she's young and has time to find a better man than him. She says he doesn't love her and he confirms he doesn't love her like that but cherishes her companionship. She's not thrilled to have been promoted from maid of honor to companion. He tells her she should be honored as not anyone can be his companion. She asks what being his companion means and basically she can never leave his side and must obey him.
The scene fades to a different one of the lady reading to Chalotorn. Vanvisa explains this is her sister Vassarat. Phaya says she looks like Tharn and Vanvisa asks what he thinks and he thinks yes this is Tharn. She confirms it and explains Vassarat was Chalotorn's companion. She felt unrequited love for him. Vanvisa says she was a minion who followed without question with naivety and fidelity. That she did everything with goodwill even though she was taken advantage of by Chalotorn.
Phaya asks why Chalotorn did return her feelings and it's because he already had a fiancee. One that he had Vassarat spy on and follow to find out her likes and dislikes. Vanvisa says she spied out of loyalty and almost couldn't survive Phaya's claws.
Phaya can't ask for more info as they are suddenly back in the forest and Vassarat is running in terror from something. Trees are about to be blown over when a giant bird with the body of a human appears. It swoops down and captures Vassarat in its claws and flies off with her. She's dropped mercilessly on the rocks by the waterfall from earlier. She calls him a wicked Garuda and he transforms into a man in red who looks exactly like Phaya.
The Garuda tells the Naga to mind her nasty mouth and she tries to get to the water to escape. He grabs her and pulls her towards him when they are interrupted. It's a woman that looks exactly like his ex that just visited him at the station.
Ok things get a bit confusing here? The woman is Chalotorn's fiancee but she's meeting with the person who is now his brother in the past. That's why Vassarat is spying on them. Vassarat is threatening to expose them to Chalotorn. Phaya doesn't understand why he doesn't recognize his brother so Vanvisa explains they have different mothers. The ex's new boyfriend is also there and Vanvisa explains Chalotorn isn't the only one who escaped to the mortal world. But she doesn't know their karma so she doesn't know their fates like she does her sister and Phaya. Phaya caused all of this because he is in love with the ex? Even now? Basically Vassarat caught them cheating, went to report it to Chalotorn, was stopped by the Garuda, but the fiancee begged for her to be saved. Vassarat went to tell Chalotorn everything but was forbidden from entering because he was uh otherwise occupied WITH VANVISA! Vassarat wasn't mad? She's nicer than me that's for sure.
Oh good Lord...so Vassarat told her sister everything and Vanvisa convinced her not to say anything because she thought it would be to her advantage if her rival had her own lover. Vassarat goes back to the fiancee who is crying thinking she's been outed to Chalotorn. Vassarat assures her that she didn't tell but the fiancee can tell she's torn by keeping the secret. The fiancee refuses to let Vassarat go back to Chalotorn so takes her to her rendezvous with the brother. Vassarat and Phaya's former self become friends after several visits by bonding over their unrequited love.
Oh lordy. I'm going to need to make some kind of chart to keep track because now the brother has a fiancee who's in love with Phaya. There's like 7 or 8 people involved and none of them are in love with who they are supposed to be. And I need a break so I'll be back in a bit.
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fantasyinvader · 10 months
So if each one of the heroes is associated with one of the animals that represent the three poisons/flames, Edelgard with all of them, and each House is tied to one of the animals that adorn Buddha’s empty throne, what happens if we put them together.
Dimitri’s is obvious. The boar represents ignorance or delusion, while the lion represents either Buddha, his royal heritage or the lion’s roar the strength of his teachings. Dimitri needs to learn from Byleth, specifically that he needs to live for himself, rather than his delusion that he needs to live for the dead. Boom, simple. Lions are also presented as protectors of Buddhist temples in pairs just like how Dimitri and Byleth oversee Fodlan together; the former as king, the latter as archbishop. Even Dimitri looking out for the commoners ties to the lion symbolism, owing to Buddha trying to save people from their suffering.
Likewise, Claude is both serpent and deer. The deer often represent the act of receiving Buddha’s teachings, while the serpent represents hatred or aversion. Again, this is represented through Claude’s class of being a wyvern lord, a lesser dragon. I think you could argue that Claude is somewhere between snake and dragon, that he could go either way. Verdant Wind sees him giving up his aversion to the Church and becomes more open to the idea of gods, ending up as Rhea’s successor. He succeeds the dragon, while in Golden Windfire he ends up inadvertently giving TWSITD, the snakes, exactly they want.
With the Eagle’s path, it’s paired with the garuda. Garuda are enemies of the naga, snake-people, while the eagle is supposed to represent unhealthy attachment. It’s telling Byleth to break up with Edelgard, that she’s toxic and clouds his judgement, in order to fight the snakes. Byleth ends up as ruler of Fodlan, which is also tied with the garuda defeating the naga symbolizing the spread of Buddha’s teachings throughout Asia
However, Edelgard’s path is supposed to be the animal path. It’s characterized by all three flames/poisons. It is called out as such in the Japanese text. If Byleth, through their connection to Edelgard, refuses to do so and changes the story (as the game puts it), they end up killing the dragon instead. The snakes got what they wanted, which results in Byleth losing their Nirvana class as Sothis is implied to be so heartbroken by what you did she left her attachment to you behind and left.
In hindsight, the contents of each route come across as rather predictable if you get the symbolism. Granted, part of this was always hidden at the beginning. We didn’t really learn about the snakes until Part 2, they were just a bunch of Hot Topic rejects that worked with Edelgard before that. We don’t learn about the Boar Prince until we speak to Felix and don't see it until the end of White Clouds, and Claude doesn’t promote until after the timeskip.
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Other than anything from the surface, have their been any ocean-based threats to Atlantis, or Namor specifically?
Oh boy, this is like gonna be a rough quick history, and I def rec at least reading marvel wiki if you want more details but in short, yes. There have been many undersea threats to Atlantis and Namor.
1. The most well-known is Lemuria. There have been many Ages, or times during which different factions had control of Lemuria. Deviant Lemuria, Naga & The Serpent Crown, Empress Llyra of Lemuria, etc. Lemuria is based in the Pacific Ocean while Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean. While Namor clashed with Lemuria many times over the years, it is Empress Llyra who is Namor's greatest enemy. The Lemurians usually had green skin while the Atlanteans had blue skin. Many Lemurians worshipped the Evil Elder God, Set.
2. Attuma the Barbarian & his Horde. Attuma often challenges Namor or attempts to take over the throne of Atlantis because he feels Namornis unfit to rule as a "half breed" and only Attuma should rule.
3. Warlord Krang. Once trusted Warlord and advisor, Krang often tried to take over the throne of Atlantis because he thought a half breed prince such as Namor didn't deserve to rule. In the past few decades Krang had a heel turn and is back as a advisor and Warlord to Atlantis, but he can and will eventually betray Namor again.
4. Suma-Ket & Artys-Gran, and the Unforgiven Dead. Suma-Ket was the Witch-King of Atlantis. He took over rule for a time pretending to be a holy figure, prophets and prophecies, but in reality he worshipped Demonic Elder Gods and he and his wife, Artys-Gran would have blood sacrifices, usually from Atlantean children. Also Artys-Gran was a body snatcher, she could take over other people's bodies and have them trapped in her dead decaying form.
5. Sirenas, relatively new to the scene but with a long history of spilled blood between these merpeople and the Atlanteans.
6. The Black Tide, once a group of warrior women who vowed to protect Atlantis, the people, and the seas, a dark magic corrupted them and they became evil incarnate. They murdered nearly all the Chasm People and turned their attention to Atlantis before being imprisoned but currently they are free to wreck havoc.
7. Merrano, the U-Man. Atlantean Nazi who hates Namor and sided with the Nazis during WWll.
8. Prince Byrrah, Namor's cousin, step son to Emperor Tha-Korr, and all around terrible royal trash. He tormented Namor as they grew up, often teasing or bullying him, and is basically the "Golden Child" to Namor's "Red Headed Step Child" trope. He urged Tha-Korr to use Namor's strength by sending him to the surface world to wage war. He often tries to take the throne even though he had claim to it, Namor is the first in line as heir. Undermining Namor and turning the Atlantean people against Namor were his tricks to get Namor exiled or kicked off the throne. He's like very wiley and most of this is Court Drama, but it's a threat from within. Currently he's dead because his royal blood was used to free Suma-Ket from his otherworldy prison.
Those are the major recurring or significant threats to Namor & Atlantis, but there's other evil one off or returning villains, and monsters.
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Ideas Ideas Ideas
Y'all ready for some shenanigans? Well I have a doc that just lists all my Steddie fic ideas. Here is a list of the Titles, not including any context or descriptions. These will all eventually be written and posted on AO3
You're a monster (so am I)
Into the Upside Down
The Pirate and The Prince
Witcher au
Eddie is 010
Everyone is a secret monster
Lake Creature!Eddie
Assassin x Assassin au
Chubby Steve fluff fic
Vamp!Eddie x Monster Hunter!Steve
Demo-bat!Eddie (monstrous)
Demon lord!Eddie x Knight!Steve]
Dragon Shifter!Eddie
Were-demo beast!Steve
Sacrifice!Steve x God!Eddie
Everyone's an animal
Golden Compass au
Bat Boys
Prince!Steve x Guard!Eddie
Spiderman!Steve x Venom!Eddie
I don't care if these ideas are unoriginal or if anyone reading wants to use one of these ideas! They give me joy so I shall write them. Also yes I'm aware almost all of these are aus and a ton of them involve Eddie being anything other than human. shhhhhhhh
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guppyscolita · 5 months
kinda unrelated ask but what other fandoms are you in?? (<- this meaning which other characters you tf and rotate in your head)
Currently I'm very deep into Mortal Kombat and I'd say is the main fandom I'm in atm. Before MK I was into Jojos bizarre adventure, I'm still there but not as much as before. But I'll take this ask as an opportunity to put a list of all the characters (that I remember) I've used in TF art at some point in my life haha, see bellow the cut if youre interested, its going to be long:
In this list I'm only counting CANON Characters that I, by my own decision, not by commissions, have used them to make TF art. The default creature is werewolf, if I've turned the character into another thing I'll specify it:
Sans (undertale) (weregaster-blaster, which is one skelleton creature)
Papyrus (undertale)( weregaster-blaster)
Frisk (undertale)
Byakuya Kuchiki (bleach)
Gin Ichimaru (bleach) (I turned him into a Kitsune, also turned into a naga)
Kaien (bleach) (I turned him into a werecat)
Renji Abarai (bleach) (I turned him into a weretiger)
Alexander Anderson (Helsing)
Lord Viren (the dragon Prince)
Toki Wartooth(metalocalypse)
Skwisgaar skwigelf (metalocalypse)
Reigen Ataraka (mp100)
Teruki Hanazawa (mp100)
Shimasaki (mp100)
Touchiro Suzuki (mp100) (I turned him into a weretiger)
Garou (one punch man)
zombieman (one punch man)(I turned him into a weird horse monster thing)
Guild (a fortnite skin... Yeah)
Cuddle King (another fortnite skin)
Sig (fortnite skin) (werefrog, werecougar)
Scout (from TF2)
Soldier (from TF2) (I also turned him into a werebear)
Usami (Golden Kamuy) (werewolf and I also turned him into a werebunny at least 3 times)
Tsukishima (Golden Kamuy) (werebunny)
Ogata (Golden Kamuy) ( I turned him into a lynx)
Nikaidou Kouhei (golden kamuy)
Kadokura (golden kamuy)
Jean-Pierre Polnareff (jjba stardust crusaders) (weredog, specifically a poodle)
Enrico Pucci (jjba stone ocean)
Weather Report (jjba stone ocean) (werewolf and minotaur)
Jotaro Kujo (jjba stone ocean) (werebunny)
Donatello Versace (jjba stone ocean) (werecougar)
Josuke Higashikata (jjba diamond is unbreakable) (werebunny and a Quaxly)
Okuyasu Nijimura (jjba diamond is unbreakable) (arcanine)
Rohan Kishibe (jjba diamond is inbreakable)
Kira Yoshikage (jjba diamond is unbreakable) (werewolf and weredog, specifically a golden retriever)
Smoke/ Tomas Vrbada (Mortal Kombat 9/ MK1) (werewolf and Dragon, he actually was the first character I ever turned into something, back in 2011 when mk9 launched)
Reiko (MK1) (werewolf and Minotaur)
Rain (MK1) (seamonster)
Havik (Mortal Kombat midway era/MK1) (werewolf, demon, werebunny, Dragon and Charactertf into another MK character: Hotaru)
Hotaru (Mortal Kombat Midway era) (werewolf and charactertf into another MK character: Midway Havik)
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recomendandburn · 8 months
Adressing the removal of Cocooned by GamerBearMira from my recommendations
The following types of ficts will never EVER appear in this blog as i don't agree with the writers attitudes and/or opinions, just flat out don't enjoy the tropes/ships used in them or (in the case of number 36) left the fadom for good and refuse to dip my toes into it again for reasons i will not elaborate on:
Ficts containing Severus Snape bashing or just writen by someone who hates him.
2. Fics containing Sirius Black bashing or just writen by someone who hates him (though i may make an exception for a particular Prince Chaser fic)
3. Fics containing Remus Lupin bashing or just writen by someone who hates him
4. magical Dudley Dursley and/or magical Petunia Dursley fics
5. Albus Dumbledore centric fics
6. Ron Weasley centric fics
7. Peter Pettigrew centric fics
8. Petunia Dursley centric fics
9. Reader insert fics
10. Fics were Regulus Black is in a monogamous relationship with a girl or a woman or in a polyamourus relationship where they don't just share the other man
11. Fics where Albus Dumbledore is shipped with anyone besides Grindelwald
12. Fics that have Romione as its main or sole ship
13. Fics That contain spanking
14. Fics that contain piss or belly kink
15. Fics where sentient animal characters from Disney get turned into humans just so that the author can make human ocs to be their kids
16. Fics were Rubeus Hagrid is shipped with anyone besides Madame Maxine
17. Rubeus Hagrid centric fics
18. desi, Black or Indian Potter Family, Harry Potter and/or James Potter (sorry but i headcanon James and by proxy Harry as being half Japanese from Euphemia's side so i can't picture either of them as having dark skin)
19. Black Hermione granger ( i can agree with her being mixed race due to her parents' ancestry but i personally don't think either her or her either parents as being black themselves)
20. Mal Bertha bashing fics or fics wrote by someone who hates her
21. Fics containing monogamus Jaylos as its main or sole ship (sorry but a spanish fic ruined them for me)
22. Fics containing monogamous Benlos as its main or sole ship
23. Alma Madrigal centric fics
24. Fics under the tag Extremely underage and/or shotacon
25. Fics where Petunia is shipped with anyone from Lily Evans Potter's imediate social cicle (ie Severus Snape or any of the marauders) or with anyone born during the golden trio era
26. Fics with Julieta Madrigal/Agustín Madrigal as it's main or sole ship
27. Fics where Antonio Madrigal is shipped with Pumped Up Juancho or anyone older than him
28. Fics containing parent/incest being shown in a positive light
29. Fics where Harry Potter is a Elf or a naga
30. Fics centered on non pagan religions of any kind, have those religions as vital plot points or reference the holy texts of those religions
31. Fics with Bad Spelling and/or grammar
32. Fics where cisgender male characters are feminized forcebly or not
33. Fics with monogamous Bal as its main or sole ship
34. Fics with Devie as its main or sole ship
35. Fics about or featuring Bellamione as an endgame ship
36. Fics from the Total Drama and/or Total Dramarama fandoms
37. Fics about or featuring Ronarry
38. Fics about or featuring Harmony
39. Fics about or featuring Neville Longbottom /Harry Potter
40. Fics about or featuring Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy
41. Fics about or featuring Draco Malfoy/Lord Voldemort as an endgame ship
42. Fics about or featuring Gruvia as its endgame ship
43. Fics about or featuring monogamus Style as it's endgame ship
44. Wendy Testaburguer centric fics
45. Fics where Wendy Testaburguer is shipped with anyone besides Bebe
46. Fics where the relationship between Max and David (from camp camp) is more than platonic
47. Fics where the relationship between Minerva McGonagall and any of her students is more than platonic
48. Fics where Alastor Moody is shipped with anyone (though i will make an exception for a particular Jamione fic)
49. Fics where Amelia Bones is shipped with any canonically established character besides Minerva.
50. Fics where Kingsley Shacklebolt is shipped with any canonically established character
51. Fics where Dobby is shipped with any human character
52. Fics about or featuring creatures, cargo or animals being shipped with any human characters
53. Fics about or featuring Harry Potter being paired with either Susan or Amelia Bones
54. Fics about or featuring not one-sided Colin Creevey/Harry Potter
55. Bella Swan centric fics
56. Philosophy centric fics
57. Juvia lockser centric fics
58. Molly Weasley centric fics
59. Fics were Peter Pettigrew is shipped with Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barty crouch Jr, Severus Snape or any of the people the rat animagus canonically betrayed.
60. Fics about or featuring Klaine as its endgame ship
61. Fics about or featuring Druna (sorry but even if i was a fan, AVPS would have ruined them for me)
62. Fics where Amelia Bonee is paired with any of The Marauders or Severus Snape
63. Fics about or featuring Drinny.
64. Fics where Sirius Black identifies as Genderfluid or in any way partially with female oriented genders (i'm sorry but he is one of those characters that i picture as either identifying themselves as 100% female or not female at all. No in between)
65. Ficts were every single character is Aroace or the author just plans for everyone to die single (look, its fine if you want your fict to no be centered on the romance but at least add in some mention of romance for God's sake. Don't be like corncarrotpineappletuna who oh so desperately NEEDS you to remember that at least in their fics, NOT A SIGLE NEXT GEN CHARACTER WILL BE BORN cause they made it a point to sigle handedly destroy every single canonically established couple without presenting us with new ones. Cause their ficts are NOT ROMANCE Centric)
66.Fics writen by Antis
... And if you go to my other blog (@sendandburn) and check the list of Encanto Antis to block/follow you'll see that GamerBearMira appears on it so their fics will NEVER under any circumstances be recommended by me ever again.
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ror-witch · 2 years
Here you are, a fresh off the press, unedited, unproofread disaster of a ficlet (that's honestly something a rewrite of something else I've written I am now realizing) and its going to stay that way, since it was only meant a warmup to get me ready to finally finish my next chapter. Enjoy, I guess. Vaguely inspired by neurotic nagas Phobos' fashion line, which was great art, as always, but did leaving me thinking, "that does not look like something poor Phobos would want to wear."
Phobos resisted the urge to fiddle with the last golden button that held together the shimmering teal fabric of his surcoat at his throat. It itched terribly but he did not dare to wrinkle the garment for some relief with parents watching him so closely. Today was not the day for ruffling their feathers as he often preferred to do. His mother would have him thrown from the ramparts if he tried that today. Still, he winced and huffed under his breath as the servants that surrounded him finished roughly pulling his hair into a carefully braided style in an attempt to make it look far shorter than it really was without actually cutting it. He’d not budged on that demand, even as his mother’s perfect face had turned red and the air around her cracked from her poorly contained fury with him. (Long hair had only just come into fashion and was something of a faux pas and his mother was a stancher traditionalist then even the oldest members of her court ) That was of little matter to him. Nothing short of her ordering the servants to hold him down and cut his hair would have sufficed in that matter, and even she was not that cruel. And so for once, they’d come to a compromise that pleased them both.  
There were a few more overbearing moments of adjustments; fingers digging into his hair and hands repositioning his vestments this way and that as if they were dressing up a doll or primping an animal for a show. Phobos supposed in some ways both were true. And with a final pull of his coat, the servants hurriedly scuttled out of the way to allow both his parents and himself to scrutinize their work. 
Phobos barely recognized himself. Positioned between his parent’s whom he, for once, matched perfectly. His hair appeared almost cropped due to their careful and intricate handiwork, they’d washed away the black kohl he amused himself by painting upon his face almost every day (partly because his mother hated it so, and partly because he simply enjoyed the way it looked) and he wore the traditional colors of his family’s coat of arms, one’s he’d forsaken for offensive black and coal since his mother’s rejection of his magical powers (and himself by default), even at the most important of affairs. Until today, that is. Swathed in deep teal and white and shimmering gold, all bright, noble colors. And on top of that, the outfit was tailored so he appeared broader than he was, like a swordsman, not a mage. He looked, he supposed, as an Escanor Prince should. The sight sent up such a virtent taste of bile from his stomach it took everything he possessed to not gag on it. Was this what he was meant to do for the rest of his life, play dress up to suit someone else’s whims? Powerless to control even the smallest parts of his own destiny? 
Meanwhile, unaware of his son’s internal distress, his father, who was easily pleased and more of decoration at his mothers arm that any real authority, quickly announced, 
“You look very handsome, son.” His tone was assuring, as if all those in attendance needed to be convinced of that fact. His father had never called him that before, never made anything more than a few lighthearted jabs at his ‘effeminate’ appearance that he constantly assured Phobos he should not truly take to heart. And Phobos did not, though not out of any easy-going nature, but because he knew who his true judge was, just as she was now. He’d done everything she’d asked (demanded) of him (for once) and with minimal complaints no less, so he was curious where she would inevitably find fault with him. 
Jade green eyes, the same as his own, scanned him intently for imperfections. His back instinctively stiffened under her inspection, waiting for her critique. She studied him for quite some time, long enough the servants began to fidget and his father’s fingers twisted together nervously. Phobos just stood perfectly still, daring her to find fault with him when she had all but dressed him herself. Somehow, he was certain she still would. After all, just his mere existence was an offense to her. Finally, his mother quickly reached out and brushed at a speck of dust that didn’t exist on his shoulder and told him, 
“Yes, you look presentable.” 
Phobos blinked in disbelief, his heart twisting so in such violent and unexpected excitement his stomach actually lurched in response. That was high praise from his mother. She’d found nothing to criticize. He’d actually met her expectations for once. Phobos had long ago given up any expectation of pleasing her, and to do so now, at an event where her expectations were nothing short of perfection was astonishing. Even if it was all pre-planned by her.
“I do wish you would’ve cut your hair though.”
Ah. There it was, he wasn’t surprised she’d not let that go. Still, that was far less than she usually said. 
“Are you ready?” she then asked. 
He wanted to say no, that he would never be ready for tonight and would love nothing more than to avoid it entirely. That under all his vitriol, he was terrified of what would become of him after tonight. But it didn’t matter, he could have gotten down on his knees, tears in his eyes and his mother would still not have shown him any mercy. So, instead, he nodded briskly and took one last look at the Escanor Prince in the mirror he did not know, and descended the staircase after his parents. 
“Isn’t this an exciting day?” his father asked, making it only five steps before finding the need to fill the silence that naturally came to both mother and son. Phobos fought down the urge to deadpan ‘no’ to his face and mother seemed to be fighting her own internal battle as well. Her chest puffed out in a deep breath, and eyes narrowed darkly.
“It’s an important day,” she corrected briskly.  
And that it was. 
It was (almost) seventeen years to the day of his birth. Typically, Phobos’ birthday was not traditionally celebrated. The date aligned with one of the major harvest festivals, and thus Phobos was usually an afterthought. Though, for once, he really did prefer it that way. Royal birthdays were a public event, a day to be put on display for both peasants and nobles for their enjoyment rather than his own and always ended with a ball. Phobos hated balls. But, with the Harvest festival and its many complicated rituals occupying most of her attention, Weira had allowed him to do as he wished and circumvented the usual pomp and instead allowed him to wallow in his chamber. Alone. Which was just how he preferred it. His parents were too busy to force him to do anything, and old superstitions forbade him from making the same appearances as his mother and the other ladies and so he had no public duties either. It was really quite a pleasant day. 
Until this year, of course.
This was the year he could officially start courting and accepting engagements, an…exciting time for all young nobles. An event that was marked with a grand ball to kick off all the hustling that would come after as his admirers vyed for his attention (and throne!) Though of course, the event, despite possibly deciding the future of the monarchy, because it involved him, hadn’t been important enough to steal any attention from the harvest festival, and thus had been held the day after. Phobos had his share of scandals already, from his magic to his already widely noted…distintrest in female companionship to his (as his mother called it) ‘sour and entirely unhelpful attitude’. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t quite the prize for an ambitious girl. An Escanor Prince on his own was still quite a catch, though more in the sense that they’d bought a particularly expensive and sought after decoration, but one with no sister? No heir to the throne? Why, if the poor Queen Weira never produced an heir before her death, his wife would be lucky enough to be the Queen Consort, a placeholder title of course, at least until their daughter came of age and into magic of her own. It was higher than most noble girls could ever hope to dream, and yet, to all eyes, it seemed like the most likely scenario. Weira wasn’t getting any younger, and Phobos still had no siblings. The fruit was ripe for picking, so to speak. However, sour and unpleasant that fruit was. 
The thought made Phobos burn with rage. To be completely tossed aside like that, when he was the one whom Weira had given birth to first, the one who had inherited all her magical skills. He could do everything she could do, and he was not even tapped into the Heart. If he was…he would be stronger than even her. The greatest Monarch Meridian head ever known, well studied and with the power of the entire world at his hands; not bound by the ridiculous rules that had held back his fore mothers. But no one cared about that, because he’d been born with the wrong genitals. 
So, instead he was trudging down the stairs, almost to the landing, to the misery that awaited the rest of his life. He’d put it off for as long as he could, refusing to attend the usual mixers where young nobles wet their feet in the art of courting and scoped out potential suitors. Quite literally jinxing the official sit-downs his mother had arranged for him over the years of his adolescence, hoping a one on one venture would suit him better than the loud and lively balls the other nobles preferred. But there was no putting it off anywhere, an unmarried prince was a disgrace and a disgrace was…
A firm grasp on his arm yanked him from his thoughts. Phobos looked at his mother in shock. She’d not hurt him even though her grip was firm and unrelenting. No, the shock had come from the fact that he could not remember the last time his mother had given more than the briefest of touches. 
“Your Majesty?” He questioned. The expression on her face was one he’d never seen before. Stern yes, but also gravely concerned. Like she actually cared. 
That shook him more than even her touch. 
“Phobos, there will be no magic tonight, do you understand? This night is going to determine your entire future. It was difficult enough to convince the Ladies that are here that rumors of your…conjuring tricks are tremendously overblown. There will not be so much as a spark in your eye tonight, is that clear?” Phobos said nothing, not trusting his barbed tongue to refrain, and simply nodded. Then her gaze softened further still. “We don’t have time for any more games, Phobos. We all have our duties, and this is yours. You are not a child anymore, and it’s time to take your place in the family…otherwise.” Weira trailed off, her voice losing the unwavering quality he always knew it to have. 
Phobos knew what otherwise meant. Both mother and son were acutely aware that the future of their family was only a few years away from resting on his shoulders entirely. And though the thought of the Great Escanor dynasty collapsing because his mother refused to acknowledge him as her rightful heir was not an entirely unpleasant thought to Phobos, he knew the consequences that would come with it. The Heart of Meridian in limbo. Total and outright warfare. Nothing short of his mother directly naming him her heir and giving him the Heart would prevent that. And he was fairly certain his mother would rather see her precious world plunged into chaos then break the rules of said world. That was the rigid and unyielding nature of Queen Weira. It was why at thirty-nine years old she was still trying to produce her heir, even after miscarriage after miscarriage, including the last stillbirth which had nearly killed her too, rather than accepting the inevitable and her own failure with it. She would let it all fall to ruin and decay before she admitted defeat. 
So, really, his sudden compliance was more a matter of self preservation than a strike of responsibility. Though Phobos was still not entirely sure this was a life worth living. Could he fit himself into this false skin for the rest of his life? Pretend to be the very thing he’d despised all his life? Watching as others took what he wanted more than anything in the world? He didn’t know. 
His mother’s hand cupped his face gently, and Phobos simply stood there in stunned horror. 
“And, Phobos, you really do look handsome.”
She said it like she could hardly believe it herself, and Phobos had never hated her more. 
The night had gone perfectly. 
Not a single thing had gone wrong. He’d not so much as sneered during the whole event, though great personal effort on his behalf. He’d danced with an endless stream of high-born girls his mother had hand selected for him, giving them all equal reign over his time, until the Queen had given him a polite nudge to pay attention to one girl in particular, Lady Orlena. She was the highest ranking (or would be anyway) of the girls there, and her mother was already a counselor to his own. She was a loud, spoiled thing, as he supposed they all were really, and was evidently who his mother favored to be his wife. Because of that, Phobos had humored her, listening to every inane, worthless word that seemed to spill from her never ceasing mouth like a flood. Danced along to every song she desired, even when the music and spinning had started to give him a migraine. She could not see why his mother favored her for a potential replacement. She possessed no magical skill and was not particularly clever by his measure. Why would she want her instead of him? 
He’d sat through an endless affair of gift giving, which would have been the least offensive part of the event, had it not been blatantly that it was a self gratuitous display on behalf of the givers themselves and not a single person knew the first thing about him. He’d been given an array of fine weapons he would never use, a trio of spotted hunting dogs (Phobos was fond of most animals but found dogs far too loud and energetic), three horses (he really disliked horses), and finally from Lady Orlena’s family a gorgeous set of armor, engraved with gold and silver. Even Phobos, who had no interest in such things, was taken aback by it. It was better even than his father’s, perhaps even better than Escanor’s himself. Still, they were not gifts one who knew even the least bit about him would give. Though, to his great surprise, his mother of all people had gifted him with a polished crystal chess set. A far less impressive gift than from the nobles, but the only one he could see himself ever actually using. He wondered if old age was making her soft. 
And, most importantly, there was no magic. He’d not spoken of it (however boring and tedious he found their endless conversations about court affairs) and he’d not done it (he’d not even stopped a wine glass from a tispy uncle from spilling upon him.) He’d played his role perfectly, for the first time in his life. 
Even his mother had even said so. 
She’d caught him after the ball, as he was trudging after the servants carrying all the gifts that could be stored in his chambers there. She’d smiled at him. And Phobos didn’t know whether to be frightened or amazed. He’d committed the last time she’d smiled at him to memory, when he’d begged her with silly, childish words to make the glowing lights he loved so much for him again. The next day he’d made them for her, and the smiles had stopped. 
“You did well tonight, Phobos. For the first time, in a long time, I saw who you were meant to be.” She’d stopped short of saying she was proud, but her praise had taken the breath from his all the same; for multiple reasons. Could she not see how miserable he’d been? How out of place and wrong this all was for him? He wasn’t meant for this. Not when he could call the power of storms from the sky and create spells of his own making that were beyond all others. 
But instead of raging at her, as he might have done in the past, he merely tipped his head and told her “thank you, Your Majesty,” and walked away. 
Thankfully, the rain whose dark clouds that hung over the entire evening, had waited until Phobos and his many gifts were safely back in his chamber. The servants had wanted to stay and attend to him, but he’d dismissed them, not wanting to be bothered any longer. He collapsed on his bed, as the rain started, not bothering to take off his formal clothes or take down his hair, and for lack of a more elegant term, simply moped. 
Had he not always wanted his mother’s praise? He chastised himself. And had he not finally got it? Should that have pleased him? But another part of him whispered bitterly, 
“I wanted praise for who I really am, not who she wants me to be.” 
But that would never happen. He was never going to be allowed to be himself. Not without plunging his world into chaos and endangering his own life. The sheer unfairness of it made him want to scream, and he kicked at his pillows like a child throwing a tantrum. All his gifts and innate talents and all those years he’d spent honing that talent into perfection and it was not enough for her, she only wanted him to wield a sword and father children and ride into battle, like every other boy in Meridian. Why could she not see how special he was? Why did she resent giving birth to such power and skill? Why wasn’t he good enough for her? 
A roll of thunder sounded ominously in the distance, and the wind was starting to pick up, sending sheets of rain into his room, promising that the mere shower was soon going to turn into a full fledged storm. Lazily, he moved to shutter the windows with his magic as he always did, but his mother’s words echoed in his head. If he was to get through the next part of his life, he supposed he should not let his magic come so easily to him. And though the thought burned at his heart, Phobos pulled his weary, aching bones up from the bed and shuffled to the windows and slammed them closed. 
But the window did not shut. 
With a cold, curious dread, Phobos followed the line of the window up to the top, where a single great claw, rain water dripping from its razor sharp edge was wedged. He startled, his blood turning to ice in his veins and muscles loosening to the point he feared his legs would give way under him. But the terror was short lived, instantaneous really, for he knew exactly to whom that claw belonged to. 
He’d only seen that beastly form a handful of times since he restored it to its owner roughly six months ago, but it was a hard thing to forget. 
Two huge serpentine eyes reflected the meager light of his chamber eerily, as they stared down at him. “Forgive me, Your Highness, I did not mean to startle you. May I come in?”
Phobos huffed. In all the hustle and bustle of the last two weeks, he and Cedric had not seen each other--both tending to their respective duties to prepare for both the harvest feast and his ball. He’d missed company that did not judge his every move. And though his mood was foul and he preferred solitude when his most intense waves of melancholy struck him, Cedric was the exception to the rule. He gestured for the snake to come in.
Phobos was not usually one to school Cedric on caution, but, “Do you think it wise to be scaling the walls in that form?”
The shifter did not respond at first, too busy trying to twist himself though the windows without catching on the showy, bright red ornamentation at his shoulders he’d recently sprouted. It took a few moments after he’d done that for Cedric to coil the rest of his bulk safely into his chamber. Phobos could not help that shiver of…whatever it was that crept up his spine as he took in the sight of the great beast contently curling itself up in front of fire, like he was nothing more than an exceedingly large and scaly cat. Cedric then carefully shook the rain from his scales, bowed, as well as such a creature could, and said.
“Perhaps it would be, were not all her Majesty’s guards not preoccupied with getting drunk guests back to their carriages or drunk themselves. Besides, it’s far too dark out there to see me even if they were looking.” 
Phobos arched an eyebrow. “And how long have you been lurking out there, exactly?”
“Oh, long enough. I thought it would be after dawn before they finally managed to bring up your lovely new armory. I wonder, do they expect you to use them all at the same time or…?”
Phobos scoffed, and gazed over at the mountain of carefully placed shining steel. “I imagine half the mines in Meridian are empty after tonight.” 
He turned back to look at the shifter, and was caught off guard by his slit eyes staring owlishly at him. His eyes must have finally adjusted to the light, and caught a proper glimpse of him. How strange he must live to Cedric, who’d never once seen him like this. “What is it?”
Cedric cocked his head to the side, appraising him, and took a moment to carefully gather his words. “You look…”
Phobos huffed again, irritation prickling at his skin like biting insects. “Yes I know, very handsome. I’ve been informed all night.” Every one of his suitors had informed him of that as well. It irked him so because, despite all his vanity, he knew he really was striking, and yet, such compliments were few and far between until tonight. Truly, he could only be recognized when he conformed to their narrow views. 
“Of course, you always look handsome, your Highness” The shifter clarified. The way Cedric said it was not the way anyone else had that night.Respectful, yes, but also, cold in the way Cedric often was. Not unkind, like his mother, but…precise--like he'd given the answer to an equation he thought was simple. As if it were just another fact. Black and White, unchangeable. “You just seem…discomfortable.”
It took a bit to hold himself together. His magic snapped in the air, and breathing hitched painfully in his throat. That his parents and everyone else who’d known him all his life could not notice what had taken Cedric all of a minute. No…they’d noticed. They just didn’t care. 
“I am uncomfortable.” he finally managed to spit, and Cedric, as always, knew it was not him he was spitting at. 
“Would you like me to take your hair down, Your Highness?” he asked instead of pushing the issue. 
Phobos simply nodded, unsure of what else to say, and sat morsly in front of his vanity. 
A flash of near blinding white light filled the room, and Cedric the Beast disappeared and reappeared as Cedric the boy. Well, boy was probably the wrong word to associate with Cedric as of late. The shifter had always been so much shorter and slighter than Phobos, he’d originally assumed he was a few years his elder. But not long after what Phobos had finally wrangled out of the shifter what was his eighteenth birthday, both Cedric’s true form and human body had hit a rapid fire growth spurt that had put Phobos’ nose level with his human chin and had made both of his bodies lose the last gangles of youth. It was as if he’d hit puberty at eighteen instead of thirteen. Actually, considering the new red ornamentation Cedric was still trying to navigate around, that might not have been too far off base. He was hardly the little skittish boy he’d first met anymore. 
Phobos wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that. 
He’d always found Cedric pleasant to look at, he supposed, but more like a delicate flower in his mother’s garden, not his style, but charming in its way nonetheless. However, these days, Cedric looked far more like, well…what he really was. Tall and muscular and sharply featured, a striking serpent rather than subtle bloom.  It was harder than ever to look at him and stop his mind from wandering to less than platonic places. 
But the same relentless drive and desire that marked all other aspects of his life had not carried over into his personal relationships. People, he’d regretfully discovered over the course of his life, were not objects. They could not simply be possessed the way one could a plant; they were messy and complicated and never reacted the way you anticipated. To say nothing of potentially ruining the one uncomplicated and fulfilling relationship he’d ever found with another being. It was simply too great of a risk for an unknown reward. Though, that hadn’t stopped his mind from exploring thoughts it shouldn’t have been. They’d always just been flights of passing fancy with his other interests, but Cedric hadn’t left him so easily. It was harder when he truly enjoyed everything about the shifter, from his looks to how he always seemed to understand him as no one else could.
Such as it was then, as he wordlessly removed the mess the other servants had made of his hair. The shifter allowed him a long time of restful silence, as he pulled pin after pin out of Phobos’ hair and untangled braids and knots, Phobos’ bristling every time Cedric’s icy fingers brushed the back of his neck. Cedric still had flour on his rolled up sleeves, he noticed, as he watched the shifters reflection idly. Usually the shifter primarily worked in the library as one of the few servants that could actually read, but he supposed for two feasts in two days all loose hands were needed for prep. 
His hair was almost free when the silence that was always so palatable to him was suddenly as heavy as an anvil on his chest. 
“She wants me to marry this idiot of a girl—thinks that’s the only thing I’m good for.” 
Cedric looked up from his brushing with cautious, but genuinely sorrowful eyes. 
“I’m sorry, your Highness. I’m sorry that you’re in this position, and that she’s never even given you a chance to prove otherwise.” 
“But why? How have I ever wronged her? Except for not being born a girl, I suppose,” he snarled hatefully. 
“I don’t know, Your Highness.” 
Phobos didn’t bother continuing, neither he nor Cedric nor the universe at large had any answers to his mother’s behavior, and there was nothing anyone could do to change it. And he’d wallowed in enough misery tonight. 
Cedric finished, moving in front of him to gently twist his forelocks back into their customary plaits. Phobos tried not to look at him, unused to Cedric being so close, but failed miserably. 
“There, much better.” 
“Well, am I still handsome?” Phobos drawled, trying to distract himself from the rapid beating of his heart. 
Cedric gave him a wry smile and pulled back, “Of course, your Highness.” 
It really shouldn’t have meant so much to hear a mere servant say that. Cedric was not important in the grand scheme of things, his opinion did not really matter. And yet it did. Phobos waited for the moment to sour with awkwardness, but it never did. Instead, after a brief glance at him, Cedric startled like he’d remembered something.  
“Oh, I have something for you, Your Highness.” 
Phobos instantly perked up. 
“Have you finished translating tenebrae aeternae for me?” 
Cedric faltered ever so slightly. “Oh, no, well not exactly. But I think, well I hope, that  you'll like it anyway.” 
Cedric hurriedly left to go to his bed and lifted the mattress up, pulling out a large, leather bound book from under it. Phobos supplied him with empty books for their translations, but apparently he’d not used this one for that purpose. Phobos was instantly curious about his contents but not quite as curious as when it had arrived in its hiding spot. 
“And how long has that been there?” He questioned, 
“Ah, just since this morning, I snuck it in here while the other servants were changing your sheets at breakfast, I knew it was going to rain this evening and didn’t want to risk it getting wet.” 
Phobos felt the space between his eyes furrow; both surprised and a little impressed Cedric felt bold enough to violate his privacy like that. 
“Do you often sneak into my chamber without my knowledge?” 
Cedric smirked. “Only today, your Highness.”
Phobos raised an eyebrow, and Cedric’s confidence faltered and he fell back into his old mannerisms. His voice no longer contained even the slightest bit of any emotion, as if he’d pulled away from himself entirely. “It was the only opportune time, and I swear, your Highness, I did not touch anything else. I—“
Phobos held up his hand, “Enough. It’s alright. Just let me see it.” A gnawing, ragged feeling of guilt chewed at him, as Cedric handed him the book and then retreated, shoulders slumped and eyes downcast. He’d not meant to frighten Cedric, though, in fairness, he was a private person, and even the servants going about their regular jobs had always felt a bit intrusive to him, to say nothing of one depositing gifts to be retrieved later without his knowledge. But to chastise Cedric for such an intrusion would be the ruin of the years of progress it had taken for the shifter to trust him in the first place, so he let the matter drop. And if anything, beneath the violation, he felt a strange prickle of pride for such boldness, such as climbing up the castle walls and hiding things in his own room had only come about after Cedric’s true form had been restored and he’d been responsible for that. 
Phobos opened the book, and was immediately greeted by the orderly and refined pattern of Cedric’s handwriting. So, it was a translation, but there was no title page or any other identifiable traits. With narrowed eyes he read the first line, and immediately knew what it was. His spell.  The one he’d made himself to break the Tallis Charm that stopped shapeshifting. Each step and preparation was written down in painstaking detail and though Cedric was not particularly artistically inclined, he had produced some very intricate geometrical shapes in the empty spaces around his elegant handwriting reminiscence of the runes the spell required. 
Stunned, Phobos flicked through the rest of the book. All the pages after were of the same nature, either spells he’d made himself or spells he’d tweaked or rewritten entirely and approved in process. Had Cedric kept track of all them throughout the two years they’d been studying together? He’d never written them down himself, too excited with the thrill of the moment of casting to care about such unimportant details. There was page after page of them, all written with the same care and detail as the first and adored with the same tedious fractal patterns. 
And then suddenly about 3/4 of the way through the book, it ended. Phobos raised an eyebrow at the empty pages and Cedric quickly explained. 
“It’s for the spells you create next.” 
Phobos looked back down at his book, unsure of what to say, unsure of to even call the feeling bubbling uncomfortably in his stomach. Here he was surrounded by untold riches, weapons forged by the finest blacksmiths in all in Meridian, and it was a silly book that had elicited such a reaction. That a little servant, a beast as everyone else called him, was the only one to see his worth. To find his talents worthy of recognition and recording, rather than hiding them away.
“I…” he broke off suddenly and cleared his throat. Cedric just smiled, tender and soft enough it made his stomach churn further, and just as he could feel his defensive nature rearing, ready to cut through the uncomfortable moment with a biting jab, if only to put himself back on familiar ground, Cedric, always one step ahead of him, smirked wickedly. He backtracked back to the mattress and pulled out something else from there as well. The little packrat.
“I also have this.” 
Phobos recognized the dark colored bottle as liquor not wine, but was unsure of what it was exactly. His mother had only recently allowed him sipping wine at their dinners together, and he’d never had anything stronger. He eyed the bottle warily. 
“Is this what servants do after feasts?” Phobos asked condescendingly. 
“This is what everyone does after feasts, your Highness” Cedric replied smugly, not the least bit perturbed by his attitude. “If it helps, I stole it from your mother’s personal stash.” 
Phobos returned the smirk. 
It did indeed help. 
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ariellewm · 5 months
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🐍Prince Czar Agskaga's Holiday Story🎄
What to learn more about Czar? Link Here!
Summary: It's the night before the big day and you've returned to your guest room chamber. The place is decorated top to bottom, the fire is going. Only thing missing now was Prince Czar, the Naga Prince of the Central Isles.
Where is he and what does he have planned for you on this fine evening?
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You’ve arrived back in your guestroom chamber after the Amber Palace’s festivities. Oh, how you’ve wished you never returned to your room. As a visiting royal from the mainland Glarium, you’ve never expected the hospitality the Naga royal provided. Why, even your parents were impressed! It was your first time visiting the Central Isles and to the palace.
As tradition amongst the royals of Zarth, a royal head would be picked to host the joyous of holidays. There were many counts of the Agskaga’s hosting at their lovely grandiose palace, which was decorated top to bottom. Garland and wreaths filled with amber lilies and poinsettias. Crystalized lights wrapped around the evergreen trees would turn the trees aglow. There had to be several of them lined up along the hallways and a larger one in the marble ballroom.
You remembered the children huddled around the gigantic tree, waiting for the prince himself. As soon as everyone was present, the Naga Prince would give his speech before passing out the gifts. The wrapped presents would be passed out by not only his servants but also the royal himself. Children were first, then their parents afterwards. They were ecstatic about what Prince Czar had gifted them. One little sapien girl had gotten herself a set of hand-carved wooden dragons. A Naga boy was gifted onyx armor by Czar himself, and the boy immediately placed the stylized serpent helmet on and played knight throughout the entire evening.
Then it was the parents, including yours! Your lovely mother got a box filled with rare amber lily tea for when she gets stressed either with her royal duties or with your father. Father was gifted a new falcon to send messages to and from other royals after one had died of old age. Why, it even looked like the same one but younger. Others were given finely fabricated clothing designed by several of the female Nagi’s residing in the Amber Palace, amber lilies for use as medicine or in the form of tea, and many other presents. You couldn’t remember what most of them got, but you remembered the smiles on their faces afterwards.
The only other person who didn’t receive a gift, however, was you! You questioned yourself, wondering if perhaps Czar had forgotten about you.
On your way back to your room after a night of fun, a Naga maiden delivered you a letter. She slithered away before you could ask whom the letter was from.
Opening the old parchment envelope, you were greeted by the prince’s fine ink handwriting:
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When you opened the door to make your way back into your room, it had been decorated. The same evergreen garlands you saw throughout the entire palace were snaked around the columns. In the living space, there was even a tree, almost as large as the one in the ballroom. It was bedecked with several crystalized orbs and ruby ribbons. Perched upon the tree was a southern golden dragon topper with feathered wings spread wide. The only light within the chamber was the very faint glow from the fireplace.
Smiling, you looked at how lovely your room had transformed. Back home in Glarium, no one had ever thought to decorate someone’s living space. You then head into the separate room to change into your more comfortable clothing. The room was slightly cold, so you decided to wear the warmest, softest clothing you could wear. You wanted to be cozy after all.
You made your way back to the living room. Suddenly, you sense that you aren’t alone in the room now. From behind, you could hear something slithering around, along with a soft hissing noise.
“Good evening, princessss.”
Turning around you exclaimed, “Czar!”
He greeted you with that charming smile of his, along with his crimson eyes. Czar was quite the sneaky, silent Naga. He always managed to catch you off guard or startle you.
“You can’t scare me like that!” You lightly punch him on his tan, faded black arm, also laughing along with him. “You know I get scared easily.”
“I’m sssorry darling, it wasss too tempting for me to do.” He chuckled.
“This room is lovely! How did you do all this?” You asked as your eyes wondered at all the festive décor.
Slithering around you, his black and red faded golden saddled pattern scales shone. “I had my servantsss decorate the room earlier. Sssince this is your first time here, I wanted to make sure you were comfortable and treated asss such.” Czar took notice of the dimly lit fireplace.
He lifted his left arm, and a flame erupted from within his palm. It struck the wood, the fire roaring once more. Czar sighed afterward, looking within his left palm.
“Oh, Czar you shouldn’t use up your fire majic too much.” You knew such power from his embedded oval jewel within in his hand would weaken if overused.
The Naga examined his palm before turning his attention back to you, “I’ll be fine. Besidesss, I haven’t usssed my majic in a while. Onccce I get plenty of ressst though, the cryssstal will be restored.” Lazily, he settled near the fireplace, his coils shifting for you to join him. He patted his hand upon the cushion that lied beside him, “Pleassse, join me dear. Let ussss enjoy the ressst of the evening by the fire.”
Both of you would exchange gifts while sipping on amber lily tea and sweets by the fire. First was Czar, as he handed you a long thin golden box. Opening it up, from within was a stunning teal silver necklace paired with pearl earrings.
“Allow me, princessss.” He hissed gently in your ear. You turned to allow him to place the necklace on you. He fastened the silver string from behind, his hands delicately brushing your shoulders before pulling away. Turning back around, Czar complimented you on how lovely the heart-shaped teal pendant looked on you. It sparkled just like starlight. A slight blush formed, and shyly, you turned your head away. You then felt something cool touch underneath your chin, the tip of his tail turning your head back at the handsome naga,
“You mentioned you had sssomething for me, dear?”
Oh, how could you forget? Of course! You reached over toward the tree on your knees, where the larger wrapped present was. Czar’s eyes grew curious; just what exactly did you get for him?
“Go on, open it!” You smiled, knowing very that he’d enjoy the gift.
Czar wasted no time digging in. He ripped up the green wrapping paper, using his tail to push away the torn paper. There was a neatly folded onyx, maroon printed blanket. It was soft, made from the finest cotton and had leaf designs on either side. He raised the blanket up, taking in the designs dragging one of his hands across the material.
He mumbled to himself, “It’sss beautiful.”
Suddenly, the naga felt a source of heat coming from it. Czar’s eyes brightened with surprise toward you and back at the blanket.
“It’s enchanted to keep you warm during cold nights. I thought that perhaps you’d like it since you get cold easily.”
“Do I like it?” Czar draped the blanket upon his coiled form. He deeply inhaled before exhaling with a hiss, “I love it! It’sss so niccce and warm. Thisss is what I needed.”
Of all the blankets he has in his possession, your blanket would be cherished most of all. Now that it was colder, he’d be using it every night before bed. He also wanted you to join him underneath the blanket and share in the warmth. You leaned up against him, resting your head on his chest. Czar’s long, serpentine body curled around you while he wrapped you in the blanket. It was indeed cozy, warmer than any hot chocolate could provide.
Your body began to relax, and your eyes were having a hard time keeping themselves open.
Noticing you drifting off, a mischievous idea came to Czar’s mind.
“Princesss, are you ssstill awake?” You awaken to see that at the tip of his tail, a spring of mistletoe hung above. Blushing, you knew the gesture. He laughed, “Don’t be ssshy…come clossser.” His coils around you pushed you up against him even more. You allowed him to kiss you, but he only kissed your reddening cheeks.
You and Czar would spend the rest of the late evening keeping each other company.
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Artwork of Czar by @wyyvernn
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harrelltut · 1 year
Oh Schwarz LUCIFERIAN LAW'D of Holy ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince MICHAEL... who Eternally [ME] RESURRECTED Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince SATAN DEEP IN:side ANU GOLDEN Interdimensional 9 [i9] Ether SKY KINGDOM… JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS [JW] ME [GOD]… as Eye [G.E. = JESÚS] Immaculately MATERIALIZE [I’M] on Earth... since Eye ILLUMINATED MURDUK’s [I’M] Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] Interstellar [MI = MIYKA’EL] 9 Ether BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERSHIP [PM = PTOLEMY] PLANET NIBIRU… 900 MILLION AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2023 [VII] Year Tribulation America
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SATAN ILLUMINATED... but you woke
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you read 48 laws of power right??? 
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jabbers-wild-world · 2 years
;; Gonna just make a note here of things I need to write up stuff for.
Hunter’s Verses
The Right Hand Soldier (Golden Guard, pre/early canon verse)
The Beast Beneath His Command (Cursed AU)
A Whole New World (Human AU, Luz’s ‘friend’/classmate from school)
What a Wretched Future (Fugitive criminal future verse)
The Wildest Witch (Raised by Eda AU)
A Lone Wolf in the Night (Werewolf AU)
The Prince of the Pride (Animal verse)
His Rightful Place (Future verse, Hunter becomes Emperor)
Shining Scales of Glittering Gold (Dragon/Spyro verse)
The Young Guardian Bear (Banjo-Kazooie verse)
A Wizard in the Making (Hogwarts verse)
If Only I Could Touch the Sky (Harpy verse)
The Clouds Call to Me (Winged verse)
Caged Little Bird (Slave verse)
Far More Than What He Seems (Titan verse)
Singing Songs of the Deep (Siren verse)
The Patient Serpent Strikes Truest (Naga verse)
Probably more to add later. I’ll think on it.
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thecandywrites · 21 days
Monster March 2024 Masterlist
Monster March 2024 is here baby! It is inspired of course by the amazing @borealwrites and their Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
However, because the I started working on some of these prompts well before the list was released- And because prompt lists change from year to year, I have some stories that aren't a "perfect" fit for the prompt. But are usually prompt adjascent. A lot of them are continuences from the 2023 stories, and in that case there will be links to the previous parts of these stories. However, a fair amount are new stories just for this year. Enjoy.
Monster March 2024
Day 1- Robot/Android/Cyborg/Automaton- In a Flash New!
Day 2- Dragon (born)- Dragon Heart Festival Part 1, Part 2! Continued!
Day 3- Extra-Dimenstional Being- Glass Cannon Part 1- . New!
Day 4- Humanoid Animal- Rakshasa- What to Bring to A Table Part 1, Making Two Tables into One Part 2, Part 3. Continued!
Day 5-Taurs - The Velvet Spa - New!
Day 6- Doppleganger/ Adjacent - Spring Fling Part 1, New!
Day 7- Succubus/Incubus/Concubus- The Lotus House Part 1, Part 2 Continued!
Day 8- Licht/Frankenstien's Monster- Paper Dolls-New!
Day 9- Pixie/Fairy- Part 1, Part 2- Continued!
Day 10- Fae- Coronation Day- The Lion and The Lamb- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 11- Angel- Adjacent- Angelicos Fortunadas New!
Day 12- Naga/Lamia- Adjacent - A Prince Charming for Princess- New!
Day 13- Vampire- Adjacent- The Golden Path- New!
Day 14- Minotaur- River and Rane New!
Day 15- Slimeperson/Symbiote- Rhovall and Evabeth New!
Day 16- Djinn/Elemental- Gemling- New!
Day 17- Ghost/Spirit- Talisman Continued!
Day 18- Merperson- Selkie and Onikuma New!
Day 19- Demon- Adjacent- Speed Demon - New!
Day 20- Alien- Jika- Hazi and Klip- Part 1, Part2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, New!
Day 21- Shapeshifter- A Mother's Touch- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Continued!
Day 22- Alrune- Adjacent- Fairy Wings For An Imperial Prince New!
Day 23- Werewolf- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Kabluey! Continued!
Day 24- Satyr- Morning, Dove New!
Day 25- Harpy- Adjacent- Moonlight Moura, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Refurbished.
Day 26- Drider- Drider Silk Brocade Part 1, Drider Silk Velvet Part 2- Continued!
Day 27- Giant- Hemi and Pix Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 28- Cryptid- OkCryptid- New!
Day 29- Sphinx- Adjacent- Blue Lotus
Day 30- Forest Spirit- My Star of Purple- New!
Day 31- Free Day- The Hunt New!
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Family Reunion Redux
As always Kane belongs to @whumpsday, the guest appearances are also from them.
Kane was covered in sweat and old, rotted blood.
He was having the time of his life.
The humans and Tau were staying back on the ridge, providing cover fire. Their Lazbolts lighting up the night. In front of them the Jeweled Guard formed a defensive circle, killing any zoms that strayed too close. Before them the Aeldari lept and danced. Severing limbs and heads while safely tucked in their strange armor.
Kane was even further out by choice, dashing to and fro, swinging Ice Embrace back and forth like a bat. Heads and clawing bodies knocked aside like air.
Carving a wide, jagged swath through the horde.
His heart pounded. His head light with endorphins. A broad smile split his face.
"Who-hooooh!" Kane shrilly whooped, pivoting on one foot to start cleaving through zombies on his right.
"Careful there alnaaji, the sun will rise in an hour."
Kane had taken several strides by that point and stopped with a curse. He could already see the pitch black sky start to lighten.
Joan was right, time to go home.
Zombies seized at his ankles and arms. Kane made short work of them, kicking and absentmindedly swinging Ice Embrace, though the mace wasn't necessary aside from an extension of himself.
He started running straight back to the circle of protection. Let Joan know he's ready to go and-
A dizzying flash swallowed the ground he was standing on. Kane instinctively dropped to his knees. One hand clutching his nose as his eyes and mouth locked shut. The other protecting the back of his neck.
As soon as his knees hit- not dirt. Thick plush carpet-He heard a cruel mocking laugh that sent chills and revulsion down his spine. It reminded him, horribly, of Anton.
Kane opened his eyes. He was in a massive pavilion. The main color was purple with silver- real silver- accents and accessories that occupied the tent fabric and carpets. Flanking him on either side were painters, sculptors, dancers, and every one of them made him feel sick to look at.
It was too beautiful, and too hideous, to look at.
As if on cue Discordantly beautiful music started blaring outside. Notes too loud, too shrill, too random, that nonetheless wove themselves into intricate melodies.
Fo-oo-RRR TheEM-por-EER!
Great. Just great.
"Well well, Kane De Ssssssssa-"
Before he could finish that sentence, Kane stood up and spun around to face the Primarch. Shoving his hands in his pockets the way Joan taught him and the way she herself acted before a threat.
"Fulgrim! You look... Like your pictures."
A snarl marred the Deamon prince's beautiful features.
Somewhere in the realm of eleven feet tall, the six armed Naga was a purple mass of coils, lounging on a throne made entirely of silver stitched pillows with a golden frame. Deamons of every gender presentation were either sitting amongst or offering trays of food and wine to their master.
For the moment, they were ignored. The large hot hot pink eyes zeroed in on Kane for his arrogance as the white haired serpent rose from his cushions.
"I had, heard, of Joansssss, reputation." Fulgrim, well, hissed. "I had hoped, you being noble born, would provide better company." He closed his eyes and let his shoulders fall as he sighed in mock disappointment. Kane gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. The barb stung. Even months away from his old, stagnant life. "A sssshame," Fulgrim continued, waving his upper left arm in Kane's general direction. "I sssssuppose we sssshould get on with the sssshow."
Kane kicked up Ice Embrace and seized it in both hands. He doubted these demons would kill him but-
"What the- oh God."
"What the absolute fuck is going on?!"
You absolute bastard!Kane turned to face his Mother and Father, who were respectively staring at him and Fulgrim, instead of the dancers currently cutting themselves with knives.
It made a large part of him want wilt in shame.
Kane forced himself to take a deep breath.
"Mother," He nodded to each of them in turn. "Father."
"Kane... what are you wearing?" His mother stepped up and picked at the shirt and overalls he had put on just for this occasion. "How did you-" She flicked off some of the blood that stained her fingers. Clearly squeamish.
"Zombie killing," Kane was surprised at the cheerfulness in his voice. His gaze locking on his father as he took in their horrific surroundings, more specifically staring up at Fulgrim.
"Who are you?" Aldrich De Sang asked.
"Zomb-?" His mother replied with a furrowed brow. Kane turned from her to watch Fulgrim. He was the real threat now.
The Primarchs smile was sickly sweet. "None of your Conssssern-"
Kane rolled his eyes. "Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emporer's children, you can hear his legion caterwauling outside,"
"Ah, that's what that noise is," His Mother physically winced at a particular note.
Fulgrim shot him a glare. As did his own Father.
Kane did his best to ignore that.
"Specifically he's a Deamon prince, Demons being the- yeah." He faltered. Joan had to have realized he had gone missing by now right?
Suddenly a crushing grip seized him and dragged him forward in the air. Right before Fulgrims massive snarling face.
"Why, musssst none of you cooperate?!" The Primarch snapped. The air around Kane threatening to crush his ribcage. "Firsssst you now your father... I'm starting to lose my patiensssse."
One clawed hand plucked the voxbead from Kane's ear. Then Kane was flying through the air- out through the flaps of the pavilion- and onto the ground. Kane rolled a few times before shoving himself up to his feet. Breathing hard, bumped, bruised, and scratched.
But standing.
He'd pissed off Fulgrim. He really should be dead.
Kane glanced behind him. Sun was coming up. Noise Marines holding off the zombies.
And Fulgrims tent stood directly between him and Joan.
Kane dusted himself off a bit and started to circle around the tent as his mother rushed out of it.
"Kane! What- what is going on? Are you okay?"
She pulled up along side him and started worrying over him.
There was... that. At least.
"Mom I'm fine,"Kane allowed her to worry, even as she started wiping Zombie goop off his already healing arm with her handkerchief. "That could have gone a lot worse believe me. Is Father staying in there?"
"Yes he's-" Her brow creased again. It was unusual for her. "Trying to talk to that thing, I think."
Kane grimaced. Fulgrim had looked right past Aldrich. Aldrich de Sang! As though he weren't worth noticing! One of the wealthy elite and most powerful vampire in centuries!
Had been overlooked in favor of his own persuasionless Seventh son.
"Yeah, he's already been dismissed. I don't think that will go well."
"Kane!" His mother chastised. "Your Father is a De Sang-"
"And Fulgrim doesn't care!" Kane replied. "Father isn't even a planetary governor and therefore both of you are beneath his notice."
"And you are? Look at you you're covered in-
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