#guess I'll leave and move on ugh
pharawee · 1 year
A certain subreddit's hate boner for Big Dragon is honestly just getting ridiculous at this point
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letthebookbegin · 1 year
#nothing like being in varying states of pain for a few years - sometimes less#sometimes more but always there - and being too exhausted to go to a doctor about it bc everyone around you says you just need to do yoga &#the only way ur job will accommodate is by giving u the less staffed late shift so u can go in the morning and ur so exhausted youd rather#just deal eith the pain like u already have been doing for years#to moving to a job that actually allows u to leave early for medical reasons if you can get the essentials done#then phoning the gp with hope & motivation for the first time in a long time#and being told lol no appointments left until july#i had hope for once i really did 🥲 my friend is a pt & said i might have fibromyalgia and i really really dont want it to be that bc that#means i have a chronic illness with no cure but i looked it up and just. every single symptom was a check for me#and i started thinking if i do have it ill have it whether im diagnosed or not & if i dont then thats good to know too? & psyched myself up#for the phone call and. ugh it really hit me#she said to do their online service. tried and it said no appointments available. tried nhs online. it said make an appointment with ur gp#within the next few days 🥲 back to giving up and just bearing the pain and never mentioning it bc i'll just get told it's my own fault bc#i didnt go yoga ig#just needed to rant into the void for a bit sigh#time to go back into work i guess#*#UGH I JUST GOT MY PERIOD TOO#also like. this isn't to say i do have chronic pain it could be something easily solved#and id be delighted if it was#but i hate how the people around me trivialise it like. it's not normal to have intense pain and stiffness from sitting down/standing for#the duration of one train stop ok it's not. it's not normal to feel sharp jolts of pain through my body every time i cough or sneeze.#every part of my body aches! literally from my head to my toes! they dont do toe yoga!#okay enough back into the fray
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gamermattsgf · 2 months
“Cool spider…” // Tattoo artist Chris
Warnings: sextape / colleague relationship / favour for a favour trope / riding / petty Chris x reader / nose piercing!Chris / spanking kink / mommy kink / slight breeding kink / tattoo!Chris / praise kink / ownership kink / degradation kink / ‘good girl’ / creampie / unprotected sex / hair pulling / exhibitionist kink / scratch kink / tit play / overstimulation
Summary: you and Chris both work in a tattoo & piercing gallery, and your toxic ex just won’t leave you alone… so Chris decides to shut him up and put him in his place.
Author’s notes: I’m baaack. someone’s seriously got to stop me from making up fics on stuff that I’ve just randomly yapped about and blogged for fun. Me: posting about tattoos I’d think Chris would look good with. Also me: ‘-now hang on a sec that’s actually given me a great idea…’ *pulls out a notebook and starts vigorously writing shit down*.
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“Gotta know, I ate her, she's so sweet, now or later. I want that all the time, all the time I'll make you all mine” - Toes Down, Loukeman
. ♱ .
You sigh, checking your phone once again before flipping it back around to face the desk. You shake your head and put it into your hands to rub it slowly in exhaustion. This is the fifth time he’s texted you today and your patience with him was slowly thinning.
‘You good?’
Chris mumbles absentmindedly from his hunched over position at the counter. He has his shirt off - as he usually does - to keep himself cool as the ceiling fan whirls above your heads. You look at his back, and the way his light wash blue jeans wrap around his lean waist lowly.
His right arm moves languidly as he sketches out a stencil for one of his clients, the graphite of his lead pencil scratching against his favourite sketchbook soothingly in the otherwise quiet atmosphere of the tattoo parlour.
You admire the jet black ink adorning his torso, that stretches from the bottom of his spine to cover the expanse of his shoulder blades in jaggedly aggressive patterns, the back tattoo attractively sat over his otherwise soft skin.
The muscles wrapped around his shoulders move as he draws, and you can’t help but swallow thickly at the sight of them.
‘Yeah… I’m fine’
You reply, not at all convinced by your own weak attempt of trying to mask your obvious distaste for the sight of the messages on your Lock Screen whilst you shuffle about trying to clean a needle gun.
‘Oh really? Cos’ I’m hearin’ a great deal of sighing for your corner of the room and not alotta action…’
Chris sarcastically snorts back, his voice containing buckets of care masked within the joking manner. He doesn’t even bother turning his face, far too absorbed by the current drawing of a tiger he was doing on someone’s chest in a couple of weeks time whilst he expertly shaded in the small black stripes of its rippling body.
You pause for a minute, debating on whether or not you should actually tell Chris about what’s been going on. It’s your ex. And Chris doesn’t like him at all. So how is he going to react when you tell him he’s been quite literally harassing you for the past couple of weeks?
Not well is your guess…
Even though you two are co-workers, you share an extremely close relationship and tell each other practically everything, which sometimes readily blurs the lines between your strictly professional work ethics.
‘Ugh fine, it’s Max, he’s just sort of been bothering me lately…’
This catches Chris’ attention, and his head perks up. Craning his neck he looks back at you with narrowing eyes of suspicious icy blue.
From this angle over his shoulder you can see the gleam of his silver nose ring, and his torso twists just enough to reveal a new tattoo. One that you actually did on him yourself.
It was a delicate but bold patchwork tattoo of a large black widow spider, its long spindly legs stretching across the expanse of his ribs and looking like it was using them to scale up his chest. You struggle to hide a smile at being able to remember doing it on him so well.
You can easily recall the faint buzz of the needle gun and Chris’ soft occasional groans as you punched in the bulbous back of the widow’s body onto his skin that rose and fell to the rhythm of his exhales.
It must have been a sensitive part of Chris’ body because his breathing had been raggedy and his eyes had been squeezed shut for a majority of the tattoo. You had faintly mumbled ‘cool spider… you draw it yourself?’ To which he had responded with a grunt and an affectionate ‘duh’.
Whenever his eyes had opened to look at you they had been dilated heavily, with either pain or pleasure, you’re not quite sure.
He glares over at you and shakes his head. ‘Not this fucking idiot again… what’s he done this time?’.
Chris’ patience for Max has never been there, and he’s often one to be petty about every single move your ex boyfriend makes.
Chris has never liked him and so rejoiced when he heard from you that the break up had been messy on his side of the bargain.
Max was trouble, and so you had done the right thing when breaking things off with him. However, Max wasn’t one to easily let go, and he had been pestering you to take him back ever since.
‘Just being his normal asshole self I suppose’.
You’re deliberately vague with Chris, because you don’t want him to get all riled up like he usually does. He had given up his sketch now and had fully turned to lean his back and elbows onto the counter, knowing that you telling him this information was far more important than the task at hand.
His eyes then flick to the door of the studio, where the welcome sign hangs in the centre of the glass window pane. All around the door are frames of hundreds of different tattoos, all in the different styles of each of the employees that work here. No one else is working today though, it’s just Chris and yourself maning the store.
Chris is a primarily black work realist, and so his designs take up quite a lot of time, their lifelike splendour forking cash loads of money into his bank account whenever a piece is completed.
Multiple clients of his have been here for months as Chris prefers to take his artwork in sessions so the healing isn’t as tenuous.
Quite a few of his previous works have been photographed and framed about the waiting area, just to showcase his impressive ability.
Your area of speciality is more in line with fine line tattoos, you prefer delicacy over all else and likewise, some of your bigger works have been photographed and framed about the shop.
‘You got any more scheduled clients with appointments today?’ Chris spontaneously enquires, and you can tell simply by his face that he is pondering some form of idea within his head that makes you nervous. You hesitate with your response.
‘…Emm- no, I don’t think so?’.
Chris nods mischievously and smirks with his mouth open and his tongue pushing against the side of his teeth playfully.
‘I’m gonna need a little bit more of an explanation than just ‘he’s being an asshole’ then, cherry…’ Chris sing-songs as he pushes himself from off of his slouched position and starts to exit from behind the counter.
The nickname ‘Cherry’ had caught on fairly quickly between the two of you, because Chris had thought that you honestly looked way too sweet to be working in a downtown, grungy tattoo shop. After his first usage of the fond name it had just kind of stuck and now always sounded like molten amber honey dripping from his mouth.
He puts ‘he’s being an asshole’ in knowing quotation marks because he already knows how much of an asshole Max is. He’s experienced it before whenever your ex has decided to show up to your place of work and be a nuisance.
You’re pretty sure you almost had to hold Chris back from planting a right hook into his jaw one time because he had knocked over a bunch of new inks the store had just purchased for everyone’s clients.
Chris’ jaw had clenched immeasurably and you had quickly veered in front of him to plant your palms onto his collarbones after he had taken a large stride towards Max.
You had held him back gently, telling him to take several deep breaths and keep cool whilst you dealt with it.
Well… your version of dealing with it was calmly escorting him out of the shop and reassuring him that you’d see each other later before meekly returning back into the reception area to face a fuming Chris who immediately rolled his eyes and spat a quick ‘I’m gonna ban that bitch from coming in here next time he shows his ratty lookin’ face…’
You had simply sighed, shook your head, and tenderly patted him on the shoulder.
At the present, you squirm nervously when you see the way Chris walks right up to the door, before twisting the heavy duty lock on it and flipping the welcome sign to the side that displayed a big ‘closed’ on the front that was visible to passing strangers.
‘Chris it’s not that big of a deal honestly!’ You try and laugh it off as Chris spins back around. He then walks right up to you.
Grabbing one of the other chairs at the desk you were sitting at, he turns it around so that he can comfortably straddle it.
‘Uhh, well that’s where you’re wrong because it just so happens that my favourite girl’s ex is bothering her, and if she’s gotta problem with it… then so do I’ he sassily bites back, referring to you in the third person as he rests his taut forearms onto the spine of the chair, which gives himself something to lean on.
You have to ignore the way your stomach flips when he calls you his favourite girl, and you shyly flit your eyes to the floor whilst still fumbling around with the tattoo gun.
‘Well um… he just- he just keeps uhh’ you start, stuttering and having to sigh in utter frustration at not even being able to articulate your words properly.
Suddenly your eyes feel hot, and they sting a little. You are not going to cry in front of him. You panic when your voice wobbles and try to regain your composure as Chris looks at you with a worried expression.
‘Hey- hey… s’okay cherry, s’alright. Take your time, I’m here’.
Chris notices your flustered state and coos gentle reassurance at you whilst stretching one of his hands out to softly stroke the ball of your shoulder, right on the section of naked skin where the fabric of your top straps don’t quite reach.
You want to say that Chris is just being friendly, but somehow, the way he touches you tells a different story. It could have just been a harmless pat, but instead he had curled the knuckles of his hand and used them to soothingly skim up and down your skin, slowly, repetitively… almost sensually.
Chris liked any excuse to touch you. You were so soft and supple, a major contrast to his own skin. And he hated seeing a man like that crumple you up like a simple ball of paper and toss you into the trash.
You take one last stuttering breath before continuing.
Gazing at Chris’ soft smile and focusing on the calming gleam of his nose piercing, you find yourself relaxing once again as you take your time to look at each of his individual statement pieces whilst relaying your story.
His silver nose ring, his two lobe piercings that were decorated with spiked metal hoops, and his helix piercing, that came in the form of a small snake charm. It shone in the natural light of the room as it slithered up the expanse of his cartilage and provided a nice distraction for you.
‘I don’t know… h-he’s just saying these disgusting things about my body, and- and how I’m never going to find someone that will treat me better than him in bed. Just general filthy shit like that…’ you mumble, feeling absolutely humiliated and degraded at having to tell Chris about what Max has been saying to you as you sniffle and rub your nose.
As you explain yourself, the motion of Chris stroking your arm slows up significantly, and his little smile fades with every word you speak to him. His eyes narrow, something you noticed he does whenever he’s seething with rage.
‘Gimme your phone, I wanna see these texts’ Chris quips demandingly, using the hand that was once rubbing your skin to unfold itself and silently ask for your phone.
You sigh and hand it to him without much of a fight. You know that there’s no use in trying to argue with Chris when he gets like this. He’s driven, and once he has an idea there’s rarely anything you can do to deter him from it.
He unlocks your phone, already knowing your password, and starts to scroll through the endless shower of sexually abusive messages. You bite your lip as you look at him reading them over.
He sits on the backwards chair with his jean-clad thighs casually spread out, still one arm resting on top of the spine whilst the other one holds the phone and vigorously scrolls downwards.
You then flick your eyes to his face, and the way his rosy lips wet themselves as they quietly announce some of the words that he reads back to himself. The further down he goes the more furrowed his brows get.
Suddenly he shakes his head with an angry tick and slams your phone face down onto the table. You jump slightly at this, and blink at a Chris that had immediately shot to a stand.
‘That’s it, m’not dealing with this shit anymore. If he can’t leave you the fuck alone then I’ll make him.’
You look at him in confusion.
‘What’s that supposed to mean…?’ you shyly trail off but your question is shortly answered as soon as Chris bends down to level with you and seamlessly digs his palms into your thighs so that he can pluck you up from off of your chair.
You yelp a little in shock, your heartbeat thrumming against your ribcage before you quietly recover as Chris curls your legs around his hips. Upon touch, your hands instinctively fly to grip onto the back of his neck, his skin being warm and tepid.
The scruff of his long hair feels like satin tickling over your fingers and Chris groans in achievement as soon as he feels your thighs tense against his waist.
He’s been waiting for an excuse to do this.
‘Max is tellin’ you that you’re never gonna get a better fuck than him? Well I’m about to prove him wrong, s’that okay with you, cherry?’ Chris asks, not really expecting no for an answer as he starts to walk over the squeaking floorboards to the backrooms of the shop.
He knows exactly where he’s going and something deep within your core flutters at this assertive kind of attitude.
Chris has always been the extremely blunt and forward type of guy- if you looked pretty that day, he’d tell you, and make it obvious that he was attracted to you.
Today was no different, you could tell he had every intention of fucking you and making it extremely clear to Max just how good he was going to do it.
‘Y-yeah’ is just about all you can muster in your shaky state.
As you look down at Chris’ face, his chocolatey waves tussle in a rather wild-looking way whilst nestled about his pierced ears. Your fingers timidly skim about his neck, and one of them draws nervous patterns over the black bat tattoo situated behind his right ear that he had gotten for his brother a year ago.
‘That’s my girl’ he praises cockily as he barges through the beaded entrance way into one of the client operating rooms. There’s a black leather stretcher in the centre of the room and a stool sitting idle right beside it where the artist sits.
Chris goes straight for the client table though.
He smirks a toothy grin as he plops you down onto the spongy leather and you find it within yourself to crack an equally as excited smile. He nudges open your legs so that he can stand in between them and weighs his hands down onto your hips, pressing his thumbs into your bones and rubbing them fondly.
‘Did Max kiss you at all when you two fucked?’ He asks breathlessly with his cerulean eyes lilting down to your lips hungrily.
He’s itching to get all over you. He’s been dying to taste your tongue on his for ages and it just so happens that this posed as the perfect, sneaky way to do so.
‘Well, hm… not that much, but I guess a-’ you start to explain, but ‘not much’ is enough of a pathetic answer for Chris to fall forward and engulf your lips in between his before you can finish anyway.
Your little muffled whine of shock is swallowed by a Chris that attaches himself to your bottom lip quickly.
Winding one of his hands behind your back, he uses that - and the other one gripping your hip - to yank your body towards his. You two stay flushed together, and you can feel Chris’ throbbing prick against the seam of your pants already. He’s hard, and clearly pent up for you behind his low-waisted jeans.
‘That’s not good enough’ he mumbles, almost in a tongue-drunken stupor against your lips, criticising Max so that he can subtly defend his choice to kiss you.
Really, he had no need to, but fuck did he want to.
You don’t complain, in fact, you simply sigh at how close Chris is. You can feel his nose delicately skimming against your cheek the more he twists the side of his face to gain better access to you, and you can’t help but lust for the way his dewy lips wrap around your own.
The contrast between his cold fingertips brushing against your body and his hot tongue leeching out to slip into your open mouth makes you shiver.
‘N-no you’re completely right… that’s not good enough’ you coquettishly add on to the conversation you two have in between kisses. As you shit talk Max together, you only encourage Chris to take further jabs at him.
‘And what about these pretty little things here…? Did he touch these enough?’.
Chris’ nose trails down the line of your jaw to dip and run along the jugular vein of your neck whilst he pants desperately. He holds your sat figure into his standing leant one with one hand gripping your ass whilst the other one trails up to squeeze against one of your braless tits.
Wanting Chris to play with them, your blushing figure shakes its head and you swallow thickly. ‘No…’.
Chris hums a casual ‘huh’ in playfulness before the hand playing with it decides to slip itself under your shirt for better access. You heavily hiss and arch your back as soon as skin on skin contact is reached and Chris gingerly touches your peaked nipple.
‘You make me feel like such a pervert when you don’t wear a bra to shifts we do together because I stare at them all the time…’ Chris confesses as he gently kneads one of them within his big palm. Whilst he does this, his face buries itself into your neck to pepper sprinkles of sloppy kisses all over your skin.
‘What if I told you I do it on purpose… I like it when you look…’ you breathe with your head knocked back in pleasure. Chris stops his assault on your neck to gaze at you with raised eyebrows of shock.
‘Fuck. Max was an idiot for fumbling you…’
This makes both your heart flutter and your core drip. You like Chris’ praise a lot more than you like Max’s degradation, and make sure to let Chris know this by giving him another kiss.
‘S’mommy gonna let me suck on her tits?’ He ponders in a feigned babyish voice against your lips, the sweet lilt of his sensual tone almost making you melt into the client’s table.
Your needy reply of ‘yes’ is soon followed by an immediate response from Chris, who slowly reaches into his back pocket for his phone.
He slides it out and then presents it in front of your face with his brows raised.
‘And is mommy gonna let me film it so that I can send it to Max and let him see me having my treat?’.
Your eyes flick to the phone, then to Chris’ expectant face, absolutely drowning in lust at the thought of Chris wanting to film himself sucking on your tits. You nod without hesitation, and Chris smirks in victory.
He’s definitely using this to touch himself later.
Chris quickly fumbles around with his phone in excitement, scrubbing his home screen into his camera roll before he’s pressing the small red button to record himself propping it up onto the counter right next to where you were sitting.
You watch within a trance as Chris feeds his hands into the bottom of your top to sensually slide it right up your ribs. He then runs it over the top of your tits and leaves it to rest above them with a purr of ‘good girl’.
You feel your knees get physically weaker at the sight of Chris veering his face down into your tits, his mouth almost feathers against them as both of you look at the camera at the same time.
Chris has a little victorious smirk on his face, that he smugly flashes to his phone before turning back in and gently kissing your nipple.
He can’t stop his conniving smile as you seal your eyes shut and throw your head back, whimpering with your fingers combed into the back of his hair and tugging on it. Chris makes a show of poking out his tongue and licking you before he fully kisses one of your tits into his mouth to suck on it.
He moans a little starved whimper at the feeling of your soft flesh in his mouth whilst his tongue rolls and his teeth clamp down onto you.
His hands get grabby as you pant, listening to the way the microphone of the camera absorbs the sloppy sounds of him sucking on your skin whilst he kisses and licks wherever he can.
‘That feel good huh?’ Chris mumbles into you, and you whine in response with a stuttered ‘so- so good’. He nods cockily, eying the camera with your second tit already in between his teeth. ‘Yeah? This the best mouth you’ve ever had?’.
Struggling to fight off his smile at the comment he completely stole from Max, he knows it’ll make your ex’s blood boil, especially when you reply with an instantaneous shout of, ‘fuck- yes, I- I need more baby!’.
‘You want more?’ He drawls temptingly, pulling away from your chest that was now red and glistening, some sections littered with subtle teeth marks and some with purpling hickies.
‘I’ll give you more baby’ he laughs through his teeth before pressing his fingertips onto your core.
‘Hope you’re soaking for me, you’re gunna need it’ he quips before lightly trailing his hand up to the button of your zipper.
Your core clenches again when he pops it open, the insinuation that you need to be extra wet for him because of his size making you want to pass out in horniness.
He opens the front of your jeans before feeding his hands underneath your thighs so that he can pull you towards him and also force you onto your back to tug your jeans down.
After that, he watches the way you squirm when he sticks his fingers into the side of your sheer panties. In view of the camera, the pad of his thumb swipes up your slit as he checks your sensitivity himself.
‘Awe angel you are soaked… what a good girl for me’.
His sweet praise melts over you in the best way possible, and you can’t help but get shy and cover up your eyes to smile.
Sometimes you forget that the camera is there, but Chris never does, and he glances over at it constantly to smirk as if Max is already watching on the other end of the line before turning his attention back to admire you.
‘I’m gonna make that pretty pussy feel so fucking good momma’ Chris boldly states as he starts to fumble around with his chunky and glamorously rhinestoned belt buckle. The leather of it flaps and his buckle gives a metallic jingle whilst he undoes it, his hair falling in front of his eyes because of the downwards slant his head holds.
‘Please- I really need you’ you mumble breathlessly, spreading your legs even further in reaction to seeing the stretch of his cock against his white Calvin Klein boxers as soon as he lets his jeans drop to the floor with a heavy crumple.
From here you can see his thigh tattoo of a crooked spiders web, done in extremely fine ink, delicate but dark.
‘I know you need me baby I know- be patient alright?’ He shushes you with a reassuring coo, before sliding to the side of you and hopping up onto the table himself. He positions himself right in front of his still recording phone so that he can get the best angle for this.
‘Why don’t you go ahead an’ take off those panties for the camera sweet girl… do it for me?’.
Chris’ whiny sounding voice is just so sugary and compelling. You’re pretty sure you would do anything he asked if it really came to that extreme because along with his voice, his lips and eyes really did the trick for you.
Chris stutters a breath as soon as he pushes his hand down his boxers to take ahold of his hot, silky cock, it’s skin already wet with precome at just how divine you had sounded whilst he was attached to your tits.
He tightens his fist to squeeze himself and throbs in his hand, his mouth dropping open and his shoulders heaving as you slide off the table and strip from your clothes fully.
As soon as you’re done, you can feel your wetness trickling and sloshing about your folds, and so you squeeze your thighs together when looking at Chris for his next instruction.
Chris hungrily gazes down to your panties that lie in a messy heap on top of your jeans. ‘Gimme those?’ He commands and gestures for you to grab a hold of your panties and give them over to him, which you do obediently and without question.
Chris grasps ahold of them and balls them up into his fist before smirking at the camera once again. ‘These are mine now… so’s your pussy’.
You turn red at this low and beastly remark, trying hard not to pounce on top of Chris for saying it. He talks so smoothly. It’s as if every word his mouth forms puts you under a lemony haze of pleasure and you just can’t get enough of it.
You just don’t understand how he can keep this up when you yourself already look like a fucked-out hot mess.
‘I’m all yours Chris’
You practically flee into his awaiting arms, and he hoists your bare and pink centre over his lap.
Kissing your tits again, he grips onto your fleshy thighs and moans a whimper whilst side eyeing the camera in ultimate possessiveness, just to make a show of it being him who’s sucking your tits, and not Max.
He’s going to feel so smug and proud of himself as soon as he sends this his way.
‘Can I have your cock Chris, please?’ You beg, stroking his waves of hair once again to butter him up - not that you’d really need to work all that much to have his cock in the first place…
‘Of course you can Cherry, you’ve been so good for me’ Chris replies as his fingertips stroke against your stretch marks, before he leans in and whispers ‘help yourself…’.
You glance down to the tent in his boxers with your lip bitten and a giddy little smirk on your face. After Chris invites you, you waste no time in pulling his weeping cock from out of the restraints of his boxers.
The hip tattoo he has of a Cupid with angel wings, a halo and a winking face soon makes itself known to you after you tug his underwear down a little further. The ink of the little boy’s heart-encrusted bow and arrow cheekily point right to the base of Chris’ cock, and so you crack a smile, shaking your head fondly at Chris’ inappropriate but witty humour.
He’s thick and throbs in your hand, his tip sticky and slick as it pulses a light pink taffy colour whilst a thick blue vein pokes itself out from the side of his length to travel right down to his base. ‘Fuck’ you breathe. Chris looks at you cockily and is very much pleased with your wanton response.
‘Want you to sit on it till it hurts and you can’t no more precious girl’ he mumbles as he hitches your hips up into his hands and lifts you above him. You nod with a little ‘Uhuh’, your stomach flipping and oozing to feel the stretch of him. He’s bigger than Max, and the thought makes you careen in pleasure.
You almost forget that you two are both supposed to be at work, because all of this feels so private and intoxicating, and the implication of Chris making it into sex tape gives you life.
As soon as you’re placed on top of him, you hold his base so that you can sink down properly, and both of you choke out whines at how fucking amazing it feels.
‘Shit… still tight honey… has Max really been using you properly or is his cock just that small?’.
Chris can’t help it. He gets off on criticising your priggish ex boyfriend because he truly fucking hates his guts. And damn does it feel good to be fucking you with the intention of letting the man himself know through the recording of it.
‘Fuck, I feel so full’ you speak into the air.
You then have to bite your hand so that you don’t draw tears because of the burning stretch Chris gives you. It’s almost unbearably uncomfortable for the first minute of bottoming out.
But then it stops being uncomfortable and starts making you squirm again at needing some form of friction to move yourself.
So you do.
Lifting your hips slightly, you slip back downwards and grind forwards at the same time whilst Chris looks up at you with star-ridden irises. They twinkle in the light and he pants heavily after every time you move.
He soon starts to naturally move himself, needing to respond to you in some sort of way.
He loves watching your tits bounce whilst you rise and fall onto his cock, the sticky slickness of it slapping within his ears and making him want to come all over your insides already. You squeeze him so fucking well, and he equally stretches you out to the limit.
The rough skin of his prick steadily rubs against your walls and ignites an explosion of sensitivity within your centre whenever Chris pushes himself far enough to hit your g-spot. He’s so big he almost bulges from your stomach.
‘Who owns this pussy, who does it belong to?’ He barks as you squeeze your eyes closed and scrunch your nose up, having to slam your head onto his shoulder because of your overstimulation in pleasure.
You stutter out a quick ‘ugh- y-you’ as you feel Chris’ fingers grab onto your hips because of their slowing roll. He digs them into your skin and starts to move you himself at an even faster pace which makes you whine even louder.
‘Sorry… not quite sure Max heard you- can you say that again for me Cherry?’ Chris meanly rebutts and makes your cheeks flame red after he actually takes his palm and harshly swats it against the side of your thigh. You yelp at the brash cracking sound the sweaty skin-on-skin contact creates, but nevertheless still cry a humiliated ‘you!’.
Chris praises you immediately after with a soothing ‘that’s right… good girl’, before starting up his sly and conniving antics once again.
‘And whose name are you gonna be screaming from now on hmm?’.
Chris’ little taunting hum is fucking petty. But also, just what you need to finally cum.
‘Yours Chris! Fuck- all yours!!’.
You’re almost shouting as you arch your spine and throw your head back in ecstasy whilst your legs quiver and an almighty wave of euphoria rushes over your whole entire being.
‘Awe baby… cumming already? I was just getting started…’ Chris coos cockily as he lets go of one of your hips to soothingly stroke against your back with a pretty pout on his lips.
However that pout doesn’t stay for long because it struggles to fight the smirk that quickly overtakes his facial expression at the thought of how quickly he had made you cum.
He glances at the camera once more, to admire the position the both of you were in with dilated eyes, before focusing back onto you and speedily forcing your hips up and down a couple more times to finish himself off.
You squeak and claw at him in overstimulated pain, whining for him to slow down, but all he does is gently hush you in comfort. ‘I know shhh, I know. Wanna make sure I fill you up nice and good though baby’.
His voice is so gentle, and in lulls you into a drooling stupor with tears in your eyes as you claw at his tattooed back with your sharp nails. That’s going to leave heafty scratch marks.
Chris is tempted to wipe them away, but doesn’t have enough time before he’s groaning loudly and his tip is uncontrollable squirting out thick ropes of cum.
He bounces your hips a couple more times to get rid of as much as he possibly can. He wants to see it practically leaking from out of your abused hole. After he thinks you’ve milked him dry, he lets go of your bruised waist and you crumple back down into his embrace.
He rubs your back as you try to desperately regain your breath with your core raw, stinging and slimy with Chris’ cum.
‘There’s my good girl… taking all of me like that. Swear I’ll give you my babies next time you take me that well.’ He absentmindedly praises you for the last time, and you find it within yourself to laugh in disbelief, shaking your head before you slap his shoulder and lean upwards to look at him in the eyes once more.
‘Okay… you’ve proved your point. Now stop recording so I can kiss you a little more.’
Your thumbs stroke the bags underneath his eyes, and his smile is so sunny that you’re sure it could have opened up flowers on a dewy spring morning.
‘Yes ma’am…’
. ♱ .
Later that evening, Chris had sat alone in the tattoo parlour.
He had told you that you could go home early and that he’d sanitise the rooms and lock up as a special treat for you.
You had done as you were told and left a while ago, which left Chris to watch back the sex tape that you two had made earlier with a mean and satisfied smirk slapped over his lips.
He had rewatched it about 3 times, admiring the way both of you had moved with the volume all the way up to listen to your heavenly sounding whimpers. He had replayed his favourite bits a great deal and was fucking obsessed. He couldn’t help himself.
He had then exited the camera app and went straight into Instagram, searching up Max’s account profile to slide into his DMs.
With one final smirk, he had bitten his lip victoriously and selected the video of you and him together before attaching it and typing one final thing before clicking the send button and locking his phone.
Might wanna think next time you make bold allegations about how she’ll never find a better D x
. ♱ .
Author’s notes p.2: guys I’m actually so sorry for disappearing off the face of Tumblr for fuck knows how long without an explanation. Truthfully there isn’t really much of an explanation apart from the fact that I’ve simply been too busy to write (and have also had major writers block atm- hence me and @luv4kozume collab taking so long lol). BUT I’m back with something that has actually turned into one of my favourite pieces of writing on this blog, so I hope it’s been worth the wait!! I love all of you guys for asking where I’ve been and equally as much for missing me. I’ve missed writing for you guys so much and am absolutely obsessed with tattoo artist!Chris, also don’t worry you guys, you’ll get cherry popper 3 one of these days lmao… Anyways, until next time cherry pies!! 🍒
Taglist: @luverboychris @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @luv4kozume @stursweet @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @thesturniolos @sturniolosreads @vecnasnose0 @meanttomeet @ellie-luvsfics @matthemunch @mattsleftnipple03 @robins-scoop @asturniolos @imwetforyourmom @nicksmainbitch @sturnioloenthusiast @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @rootbeerworshiper @chr1sgirl4life @hrt-attack @gigisworldsstuff @stargirlsturniololover @imlidewwallyhittingdagwiddy @sturniololoverr @jahlisa22 @bernardsgf @luvasr @meg-sturniolo @blahbel668 @liz-stxrn @sturnreblog @ratatioulle @isabellehoran @1800chokedathoe @sturnsmadl @sturniolossmut @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattslolita @sturniolowhore @skadltmf @sturniolosstar @luvsturns @mattestrella @hearts4chriss @orangeypepsi
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solaireverie · 2 months
sv5 | that lavender haze
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summary: [ florist!sebastian vettel x f!driver!reader — social media au ] your florist husband spoils you with his creations
faceclaim: phoebe tonkin
author’s note: seb the love of my life <3
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liked by sebastianvettel, lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and 35,201,234 others
yourusername catching the waves 🏄🏻‍♀️
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sebastianvettel Ich liebe dich 🥰
↪ yourusername can't wait to be home with you again 💗
ausgp can we keep you down under please? 🦘
↪ f1mia back off 🦅🇺🇸
user mother AND mommy omg
mickschumacher can you teach me how to surf instead 🙏 lewishamilton doesn't understand that not everyone is naturally talented at everything
↪ lewishamilton i don't know what to tell you, mate 😂 keep calm and keep your balance, it's all chill
↪ mickschumacher easy for you to say 🙄 you're not the one drinking seawater every five minutes
yourusername has added to their story
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, charles_leclerc and 124,129 others
tagged: yourusername
sebastianvettel Welcome home yourusername ❤️ the flowers missed you and so did I 😉
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user i love how y/n's husband's instagram is basically just a fanpage for her 😂
↪ user nah you can't forget the flowers ‼️
↪ user seb loves two things in life and they're his flowers and his wife 😌
user i don't even go here but i'm all for the golden retriever and black cat vibes 🤭
mickschumacher seb i have a bee problem in my backyard...
↪ charles_leclerc you know you could just text him right 🙃
↪ mickschumacher he checks his phone once every three months if your name isn't y/n l/n-vettel 💀
↪ sebastianvettel and I'm not ashamed of it 😄 but what can I help you with?
↪ mickschumacher a colony of bees moved into my garden 😅 i don't mind them but is there anything i should watch out for?
↪ sebastianvettel As long as they're not being overly aggressive you shouldn't have any problems 👍 keep me updated though
↪ mickschumacher thanks seb you're a lifesaver 😊
yourusername thanks for the flowers schatz 😘
↪ user ugh they're so Parents 😭
liked by charles_leclerc
↪ user charles liked your comment 😂 i guess even the drivers agree
↪ landonorris you didn't hear it from me but seb and y/n are the unofficial official grid parents
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton, yourusername, and 23,109,234 others
tagged: sebastianvettel
mercedesamgf1 We have a special guest this weekend at the #JapaneseGP 🐝 sebastianvettel is here at Suzuka to promote biodiversity and build some bee hotels with the drivers 💪
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charles_leclerc Appreciated the art tips 😉
user this man 😭 "what do you think about this weekend's race?" "well obviously my wife is going to win everything"
↪ user as he should honestly
↪ user when you're in a "being a wife guy" competition and your opponent is sebastian vettel 💀
kevinmagnussen Thanks a lot Seb 😂 the kids want beehives now!
↪ sebastianvettel Glad to know that someone was listening when I was giving my talk about the role that bees play in our ecosystem 😔
↪ landonorris in my defence someone brought cookies and i was hungry...
↪ sebastianvettel you are 24 years old, Lando
↪ user why can i feel seb's disappointment through an instagram comment 😭
yourusername sometimes i wonder if he'd leave me for his bees 😂
↪ lewishamilton don't worry, you can crash on my couch if he does. roscoe needs a permanent babysitter
↪ yourusername two decades of friendship and that's all you see me as?
↪ lewishamilton let me by during the grand prix and i'll think about it
↪ yourusername mercedesamgf1 i'm telling toto
↪ sebastianvettel I would never leave you for bees, liebling. Clean energy, on the other hand...
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liked by sebastianvettel, lewishamilton, susie_wolff and 132,293,402 others
tagged: sebastianvettel
yourusername Happy anniversary, my love 💐 12 years and counting
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user the bouquet emoji because he's a florist omg 🥹
user my favorite thing ever is how 5-time wdc y/n l/n-vettel's husband is Just Some Guy who's completely smitten with his wife and makes her all the bouquets she could ever want 😭
↪ user they're like cottagecore addams 😩 i adore them so much
susie_wolff Congratulations and our best wishes!
↪ yourusername thank you ❤️😊 the same to you and toto!
sebastianvettel I'm the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you my wife and partner 💗 You're P1 forever, especially in my heart
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likes and reblogs are appreciated!
taglist: @scenesofobx @vellicora @boiohboii @julesbabey @flannelforthetoads @misartymis
1K notes · View notes
mj0702 · 4 months
The other Bronze – Pt.8
Okay... this is the last Barça part for now (hold your pitchforks - we will get back to Barcelona in the future)
I feel different about this chapter since there's less chaos and more feels but I still hope you like it❤️
I can't put into words how much I appreciate all your support especially @samkerrworshipper and @valewosomtb but also all you anons like my lunatic and gold star ❤️❤️ now go and enjoy 11k of Bronzeness
As soon as Keira and you entered her flat she retreated to the kitchen letting you standing in the hallway
“You need help Kei?” you asked knowing full well she'll decline since you got banned from kitchen duty after you nearly cut off your hand when you wanted to help her and Lucy one night (back in the day back in england) and the night ended in hospital
“You already know the answer to that, Bitsy... go shower...” you heard her yelling back as you heard pots clatter
“I showered at the Beach... with the sexy spaniard” you said now moved to stand in the kitchen entrance
“And then you went to have your little outbreak in the Sea... believe me... you'll want to shower or you'll wake up in the middle of the night itching and scratching your skin off... and I swear to god if you wake me up at 2AM because you decide it would be a good time to shower I'll have your head” the blonde englishwoman answered measuring some stuff for your requested Shepherds pie
“But I don't have my shower stuff here and yours is so... flowery” you whined
“Your choice Bitsy... but I really will have your head if you wake me up in the middle of the night...” Keira looked at you raising an eyebrow in challenge
“Ugh” you huffed pushing yourself of the doorframe as you dragged yourself towards her bathroom
“Good choice” you heard the blonde yelling after you and you could hear the smirk in her voice
“Good choice” you imitated her under your breath “I'm gonna smell like a fucking field of poppies”
After 20 Minutes you cracked opened the door of the bathroom a little bit to yell for Keira
“Keira???!!!” you yelled loudly so she would hear you in the kitchen
“What?” she yelled back and you could hear a nuance of annoyance in her voice
“I forgot clothes” you yelled as Keira stayed in the kitchen and you didn't want to leave the bathroom in your (her) towel
“Ugh kid... I still don't know how you survive without me constantly around” she said as she came out of the kitchen walking down the hall to get you some clothes
“I have a good system of supporting people around me... I refer to them as my cult” you said as she passed you “they make sure I don't die – they're too scared of you”
“I bet... let me guess... Mary, Millie, Rachel, Tooney and Russo?” Keira rolled her eyes knowing you have basically all her lionesses teammates wrapped around your pinkie and if you just look at them with HALF a puppy eye they all scramble to grant you every wish
“And Hempo and Meado and Scotto and Viv and Daan and Greensie and ChloChlo and Leila and Guerrero and Stina and Lia and Kimmi and...” you counted on your fingers smirking as Keira made her way back to you some shorts and a shirt in her hand
“God... you really always get whatever you want” she rolled her eyes but a smile tugged on her lips
“Not everything... otherwise you'd be a Bronze” you shrugged your shoulders as you took the pieces of clothing out of her hand and shut the door
“Don't do that Bitsy...” Keira sighed against the door “... it's not your fault”
“But it feels like it” you answered from inside the bathroom fighting with your balance as you tried to get into the shorts but struggled since you suddenly were overcome with a wave of dizziness
“It's not... stop telling yourself that... it just happened Bitsy...” Keira answered softly as she heard a crashing sound from the inside “You okay Bits?” she asked a little concerned
“All good” you said quickly picking yourself up from inside the shower you fell backwards into “Got stuck on the shorts”
“Dear jesus chirst kid.... I swear you're so clumsy at this point it's more luck than sanity that you're still alive...” the blonde huffed out
You tried to stand up again only to find the room spinning again so you decided to do something you hated doing
“Kei help please....” you said your voice low
Keira knew that when you actually asked for help it was a serious matter so she quickly pushed the door open to find you sitting in the shower back against the tiles
“What's wrong Bits?” she asked concerned crouching down in front of you
“Room's spinning” you mumbled
“You have a headache too?” the blonde asked already knowing what's wrong with you
“Little bit...” you answered honestly
“You have a sunstroke Bits...” Keira smiled lightly “Not used to the spanish sun...”
“Is not fun” you mumbled trying to contain the nausea
“Come on Bits...” the blonde huffed pulling you up into a standing position but keeping a good hold of you “... you gonna lay down on the couch and rest okay...” she said before leading you back into the livening room minus the shorts so you were just in your boxers and a sports bra
“My shorts” you whined
“First... these are MY shorts and secondly... you don't need shorts.. it's just me” Keira said softly before deposing you on the couch “Gonna bring you some water okay”
“Kei...” you whined “... I'm not feeling good”
“I know Bitsy... I know” the blonde sighed before getting you the promised water
“Why am I feeling sick?” you whined turning onto your side
“Sunstroke Bitsy... drink some water... it'll help I promise” Keira said lovingly as she stroke softly through your hair
You carefully took small sips of water as Keira decided to sit down by your head her hand never leaving your face. Softly stroking through your hair, over your forehead or caressing your cheek smiling softly as you continue to whine about how bad you felt
“Take a nap Bitsy.... that'll help too” the blonde englishwoman spoke lowly as she saw your eyes dropping
“You not mad anymore?” you asked half asleep
“I was never mad Bitsy... I was scared” Keira said softly “You mean the world to me, Bitsy and alone the thought of loosing you without being able to do anything scared me – really scared me”
“You mean the world to me too Kei... you're always there” you sighed as Keira started to lightly scratch your scalp
“I've seen you grow up Bits... you fought so many battles and still grew into an amazing person I can't nor do I want to imagen a world without you in it... you have so much more to explore and offer and seeing you out there... without anyone responsible near it squeezed all air out of my lungs Bits... you really can't do things like that” you heard the crack in her voice at the end and force your eyes open again.
Even with your blurred eyesight you could make out Keiras tears
“Kei...” you said lowly waiting for her to look at you “... nothing's gonna happen to me... the stupid always have the luck on their side... so I'm safe... won't leave you Kei... you're my sister too you know... and most of the time you're the better sister.. I love Luce really love her – but I love you just as much because I know you're always there for me... I promise I won't leave you Kei...”
“You can't promise something like this Bitsy... because if you ever break this promise I'm gonna break... not only are you like a sister to me, you are basically my child...” Keira said her voice heavy
“I never broke a promise with you” you said your voice insisted looking her straight in the eye “I never did and I never will...”
“I need you to PROMISE me to start thinking before you do things Bits...” the blonde said and you knew you would never EVER break that promise
“I promise...” you just answered and Keira could hear the honesty in your voice “But you need to promise to never leave me”
“I promise Bitsy... wherever I end up either in my career or afterwards... I'll be always there for you” Keira said softly
“Good... because let's be honest if I have to live of Luces cooking I'm gonna be gone pretty quickly because of food poisoning” you said as a matter of fact
“She got better... she doesn't burn the pasta anymore...” Keira smiled through her tears
“Kei... she was meant to BOIL the pasta... she's the only person I know who burns pasta in cooking water!!!! And she stuffed fish-fingers in a toaster and nearly burned our flat down!!” you exclaimed bewildered
“I know... she had some... questionable ideas” Keira tried to find the right words
“She has shit ideas when it comes to cooking,... I mean who thinks it's a good idea to serve RAW fish” you exclaimed loudly
“To her defence... sushi is raw fish” the blonde said
“WHEN IT'S FRESH IT IS.... this... thing was probably a week old... and on top of that she KNOWS I hate fish” you couldn't contain your outburst
“Fish is good...” Keira smiled knowing just how much you despise it
“Nope... nuh-uh.... it's disgusting... it normally looks at you when served...” you shook your head which reminded you immediately of your nausea again “Uh... wrong move” you mumbled
“Oh Bitsy...” the blonde sighed putting her hand against your forehead “You're burning up... I'll get you some paracetamol and then you'll have a nap... if you feel up to it later we can eat a little bit and then off to bed you scramble”
“Ugh please no paracetamol” you whined
“Ah yeah... I always forget that you always get sick from paracetamol... Aspirin it is then...” the blonde said pitiful as she softly stroke over your forehead experienced first hand before how bad a sunstroke feels
“Can I call G?” you whined miserable
“Of course Bitsy... why are you asking?” Keira asked confused
“Didn't know if you'd be a fan of me calling her... Lucy is not a fan” you mumbled your eyes already dropping again
“Lucy is very much a fan... but more and foremost she's your sister... she swore to protect you Bitsy” the blonde chuckled getting her phone from the side table dialling Georgias number
“Hey best friend... what gives me the unwanted pleasure of you calling me?” Georgias happy voice came out of the speaker and you could hear the smile in her voice
“You really milking that best friend card since Leah is out” Keira deadpanned but couldn't help but smile too
“I mean... I take what I can get...” the younger blonde said grinning “But seriously... what can I help you with”
“Not me.... but you could help your girlfriend out” Keira chuckled
“Ehrm... while you're there?” Georgia asked unsure and you could just picture how her cheeks flush and she rubbed the back of her neck
“Dear jesus... not like that” Kei exclaimed “What is wrong with you??”
“I haven't seen her in WEEKS, Kei... WEEKS...” the younger blonde insistent
“I don't CARE” Keira said back just as insistent
“G” you whispered exhausted
“Hey baby” immediately your girlfriends voice changed into a soft caring low tone
Keira left to finally get the shepherds pie into the oven but still was listening to your conversation with one and a half ear
“Not feeling good” you whispered
“What happened baby...” Georgia asked softly
“Parrently M not used to sun” you mumbled
“You're english... of course we're not used to sun...” your girlfriend chuckled lightly “... what you need from me baby?”
“Just talk... M sleepy” you mumbled your speaking slurred with sleep
“Usual topics?” Georgia double checked softly
“Mhm” you mumbled confirming
“Okay... sooooo... I kinda overslept this morning... but just like... 20 Minutes – still made it to training in time but I couldn't stop at that little bakery.. you know the one on the corner with the colourful dotty thingies on the windows... but I'll make sure to stop there tomorrow again...” Georgia began to lowly tell you about her day with all the little details as you slipped into a peaceful slumber
As your girlfriend heard your even breathing she stopped talking for a second before asking
“Yes?” the blonde answered
“She asleep?” Georgia asked already knowing the answer
“What do you really want to ask, G? What's on your mind?” Keira chuckled
“How mad is Lucy?” your girlfriend mumbled concerned
“Lucy isn't mad... she's protective... I can promise you deep down inside she's relieved it's you... you're a good person, G and Luce knows that... and I'm happy it's you – because let's be real for a second... any girl Bitsy would have brought home would run for the hills after a “talk” from Lucy Bronze – you can handle that just fine. So Lucy isn't mad... but you're dating her baby sister... she swore to protect her no matter what since the moment she found out y/n will be a girl... and she waited 16 years to give someone “The Talk”... so she'll act all overprotective and threatening and what not but in secret she's happy for the two of you... just let her waltz over you with her “If you're hurting her”-talk and smile politely” Keira said knowing G needs some reassurance right now “Just... don't kiss her in front of Lucy right away... baby sister and all that”
“No kissing got it” G repeated nodding her head – even if no one could see it
“I didn't said no kissing... I said no kissing in front of Luce” the blonde corrected her younger friend
“Isn't that the same thing?” Georgia asked confused
“Gosh G... get creative... didn't YOU tell me about 30 minutes ago you haven't seen your girl for weeks” Keira huffed out as she left the living room with her phone to check on the shepherds pie
“I mean... yeah... but that would involve a lot more than kissing” G answered and Keira could hear her embarrassment
“I love you G, I really do... but I won't cover for you or get Lucy of your backs.... just saying” the blonde said as she pulled dinner out of the oven
“Can we not... talk about that... maybe?” your girlfriend asked even more embarrassed
“We're grown ups, G... we can talk about sex” Keira rolled her eyes before speaking to herself “Do I wake you up Bitsy or not?”
“Why do you want to wake her up? I literally just put her to sleep” Georgia ignored the first part and just jumped on the you-waggon
“She should eat... but as you said... she just fell asleep...” Keira mumbled looking over to your sleeping form
“Wake her... I still got time so I can bore her to sleep again” G said happily
“How often do you talk anyway?” Keira asked finding it quiet endearing how your relationship blossomed and she was very grateful that she was one of the first (if not the first) to witness it
“You mean like now? Or texting?” your girlfriend asked
“Like now.... you immediately knew what she needed – it's cute” the blonde grinned
“Every Day... even when I have games we make time... if it's just five minutes” Georgia said and Keira could hear how important it was for the younger girl
“Didn't peck you as a routine girl, G” Keira teased her friend
“It's important to her....” your girlfriend answered and her voice showed nothing but love for you.
“God G... you sound like your neck deep in love” the blonde chuckled but was met with silence from the other end
“G??” Keira asked kinda bewildered
“Yeah... still there” the younger one mumbled ashamed
“Talk to me G” the blonde encouraged her
“I know it sounds stupid but... god Kei I do love her... I know we haven't dated for long but... I can see her as my forever... I know it's early to say something like that but it feels so different with her... good different...” Georgia tried to put her feelings into word
“Calm down G... it's okay.. it's just me... honestly... I can see it too – you shouldn't say anything like that to Luce tho... at least not for the next... 10.... no... 25 years” Keira said softly and tried to lighten the mood a little bit
“It just... it scares me a little bit I never felt like this about anyone” Georgia explained
“G... if you know, you know... and it's okay to get scared or overwhelmed... but you need to talk to someone – ideally with y/n but you can always talk to me too... keep communicating” the blonde said trying to calm her friend down
“I just never felt like this... like... she's my air you know... god I sound so cheesy... but when I look at her nothing else matters... when she smiles it's like getting hit with a truck and Kei.... when she laughs... it's the most beautiful sound in the world” your girlfriend said and Keira could just HEAR the love
“Tell her G... tell her that every day... because even if they always act so tough... both of them Bronzes need to hear things like that” Keira said softly
“How do you know?” Georgia asked confused
“And she's back” the blonde rolled her eyes “Why do all of you always forget that I dated a Bronze.... for YEARS”
“Ah yeah... you dated the other Bronze” your girlfriend laughed
“Technically I dated the one Bronze... you date the other Bronze” Keira said
Suddenly there was a crashing sound from the living room followed by a whined “Keira” and Keira groaned
“She fell of the couch again?” Georgia asked knowingly
“Yep.... catch you later G... I have to go aid your girlfriend” the blonde huffed
“Tell her I love her, yeah” your girlfriend said hopefully
“Will do... see you in a few days in Camp G... and G” Keira said
“You're good for her... Lucy will see this too... so don't let Luce push you around... stand up for your relationship” the blonde said and her voice had a loving tone
“Thanks Kei... I mean it” your girlfriend answered honesty
“KEIRAAAAA” you whined from the floor of the living room
“COMING... jesus...” the blonde yelled back “See you in a few day G...” she said before ending the call
“What happened there Bitsy, hm?” the blonde asked you as she knelt down beside you
“Fell off” you mumbled
“I see that” Keira chuckled “You want to go back to sleep or eat a little bit”
“Shepherds pie?” you asked your eyes shining hopefully
“Waiting in the Kitchen” the blonde smiled as she pulled you up by your good wrist “After that you go straight to bed, do you hear me?”
“Yeah mom” you mumbled and Keira noticed you're definitely still asleep
Keira basically had to feed you since you nearly face planted into your plate several times before she dragged you back to her guestroom. As usual you didn't want to sleep alone so you just started to whine until the blonde gave in once again leading you towards her bedroom. You were dead asleep the second your head hit the pillow so Keira just threw a blanket over you and went back to the living room after she cleaned the kitchen and started packing for her (hopefully) call-up to national camp. Just as Kei was halfway through her packing her phone rang and Lucys name showed up on the display
“What can I do for you ex?” she grinned into the phone as she locked her phone in between her ear and shoulder to have her hands free
“Hello to you too other mother of my princess... Bubs around?” Lucy shot back but Keira knew she wasn't serious
“OUR princess, ex...” the blonde corrected grinning “Nope... your sister is dead to the world in my bed”
“I KNEW there was something going on... G is just a cover, innit?” Lucy exclaimed and faked being shocked
“Oh no... you figured us out” Keira answered monotonous and pausing for a second before starting to chuckle “What you need from her? Not that I could get her up anyway but I'm sure she'll be up at some point in the night”
“I actually need YOU” Lucy mused and Keira heard the slight begging undertone
“Oh my Luce... I thought we were past the sex with the ex act... does Ona know what you're proposing right now?” the blonde just couldn't give up such an opportunity to tease her ex girlfriend
“Oh my god... no... not for that... that front is very well covered thank you very much...” your sister stuttered shocked which caused Keira to start laughing “I need you to bring y/n with you to training tomorrow...”
“That's a given” Keira rolled her eyes “You think I'm gonna leave her out of my sight after the stunt she pulled today?”
“... as fast asleep as possible” Lucy finished her sentences ignoring Keiras interruption
“She definitely outgrown the dino-harness...” the blonde said knowing exactly what Lucy was planning
“I... modified it?” your sister said slowly
“Modified it?” Keira asked confused
“The buckle just works like I belt... so I strapped a belt into the buckle so it would fit...” Lucy said reluctantly
“She will throw a whole ass tantrum you know that right... and you want me to get involved as well” the blonde said warningly
“I know... but come on Kei... she proved today that she actually is not grown up enough to be left to her own devices...” your sister huffed out
“Did it accrue to you that she actually IS grown up enough and she just lets her guard down around you because she knows you're the only person in the entire world that will always be in her corner no matter what... I mean... except for me” Keira said and she knew she hit a nerve when there was no come back from the other end of the line
“I was scared Kei” Lucy admitted her voice low
“I know... I was scared too Luce... but she's growing up... you have to let her make mistakes” the blonde sighed knowing it was so hard to let you off the (imaginary) leash
“I know... but let me have my moment tomorrow.. I'm taking the blame... tell her you didn't knew” Lucy begged a little bit
“If she doesn't talk to you for weeks don't come to me crying” Keira warned “You have a girlfriend for that now... not my problem anymore”
“Deal... but I promise I'll get in her good books at end of training again” your sister said and Kei could hear her grin
“Do I want to know?? I feel a headache forming” the blonde mumbled
“I'll let her drive my Cupra... we just need to wait long enough till the parking lot is empty” your sister said excited thinking she could fulfil a wish for you
“Oh Luce” Keira sighed
“I know... she's going to be so happy” Lucy could hardly contain her excitement
“Oh you have no idea” the blonde tried to warn her friend without saying too much
What Lucy of course didn't knew was that Jill (Scott), Millie and Rachel gifted you 10 driving lessons for your birthday – but not just driving lessons they were stunt driving lessons. Of course it was mostly courtesy of Jill who knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. So while your sister was under the dreamy impression that she would make you happy being the first one who's letting you drive (even if it was kinda illegal) you perfected the art of drifting, donuts and race gear shifting. And of course how to use the breaks – you weren't completely stupid. But it was the second best present this day. Jill even went so far in buying you race driver shoes – like formula one shoes.
“So you bring her in tomorrow?” Lucy asked hopefully
“Asleep as possible... I'll get her to Nuo around 8... you better be there and get her in that harness before she interacts with Mapí because that will kick-start her” Keira sighed again knowing tomorrow will be an absolute disaster.
“Thanks Kei” your sister said happily “I'll wait in front of the locker room for you”
“You owe me Luce...” the blonde replied
“What do you want?” Lucy asked interested
“I want to have Narla over Christmas” Keira said
“Hard bargain there, Walsh... but okay... but I get her new years” your sister huffed out
“Okay... 8 o'clock locker room.. if you're late I'll let Mapí talk to her” the blonde threatened playfully
“Aye woman...” Lucy answered and Keira could just picture how she put her hand up to a mock salute
“Hate you” the blonde grinned
“No you don't.... see you tomorrow Kiewa” your sister answered using a stupid nickname you once tried to get spread through national team
Keira just hung up continuing to pack some shirts before she called it a night too. She carefully entered her bedroom to find you still dead asleep but you moved to her side your nose pressed deep into her pillow
“Why can't you always be so sweet?” the blonde mumbled lowly a slight smile on her lips
As if you heard her you started to snore – very lightly which caused Keira to laugh quietly before laying down on your other side. Just like always you immediately noticed the “intruder” as you turned around still asleep as you cuddled up to Keiras side
“Bitsy come on.. wake up... we're leaving in five” Keira shook you awake next morning
“Nooooo...” you whined sleepily turning away from her “... five more minutes”
“We're leaving in five, Bitsy... come on... up and at em” the blonde didn't give up “Up... now... teeth, clothes, car” she said sternly
“Kei... nooooo” you whined trying to get away from her shaking
“Up NOW Bitsy” the blonde got even more firm – which she hated herself for
“Yeah okay... I'm up” you grumbled as you stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom
Exactly 5 minutes later you stood at the door where Keira was waiting for you impatiently. You had your shirt on backwards, Barcelona training kit shorts which were slightly too big for you and a England bucket hat on your head
“Is that my bucky?” the blonde asked confused
“Couldn't find anything else and I'm NOT sitting in the sun today... learned my lesson” you mumbled and Keira noticed how grumpy you were
“Come on Bitsy... I'll get you coffee at Camp Nuo” the blonde said hoping to get your spirits up just a little bit – at this point you'd probably rip Lucys throat apart with your teeth if she'd touch you and buckle you up in the harness. She decided to give Lucy a warning which your sister replied with a thumbs up
“Kay” you mumbled as you stumbled towards Keiras car
23 Minutes later you arrived at Camp Nuo and Keira manoeuvres you expertly through the long hallways
“Jesus... bet some people died in here trying to find a toilet” you grumbled as Keira pushed you around another corner which caused the blonde to chuckle behind you her hand never leaving the small of your back
“Not so bad once you figured it out... you were here before, you know.. you just were very VERY high... Alexia lost you twice – not that your sister knows but still... Capi needed to confine someone” Keira laughed
“I actually don't know... I was high... I know NOTHING from that day” you grumbled as you spotted your sister waiting in front of a door that looked just like the 500 doors you already passed.
“Bon dia Bubs” your sister smiled warmly
“Bon fuck yourself” you grumbled while you walked passed her thinking you need to keep going as Lucy grabbed your shirt to pull you back
“Locker room is this way” she said not letting you get to her nerves as you outright sweared at her.
Next thing you knew was that you were buckled up in something and as you looked down you spotted the familiar face of Bronzo the Bronto (courtesy of Dszenifer who thought it would be funny to name your dino-harness Bronzo). Before your brain could even recognise what just happened you heard Lucy victorious chuckle “Still got it”
“Wha... Wha... Wait what??” you stuttered as you tried to comprehend what just happened
“It's okay Bubs... just want you to be save” Lucy said lowly knowing this could go two ways. Either you accept it since you haven't even had coffee yet OR you could completely explode.
Your brain choose option two for you and you just started to sprint. Your sister didn't see that coming she was more prepared for you to attack her directly so you got a few meters between the two of you before Lucy grabbed the leash tightly in her hand trying to stop your running. What she also wasn't prepared for was the strength you could get out of your fury so Alexia was met with a angry faced running you as she rounded the corner as you basically dragged Lucy behind you who still tried to get you under control
“Bubs come on... calm down” your sister tried again “Bon dia Capi” she smile quickly at Alexia before she got dragged on
“I... don't even want to know” the blonde spaniard mumbled to herself as she continued her way to the locker room
“The Bronzes out there?” Keira asked as Alexia entered the changing room
“This way... Cariño seemed quite aggressive this morning” the blonde pointed to the right
“Yeah... Lucy jumped her with the dino-harness... did anyone had any blood on them?” Keira asked getting a little concerned when Alexia used “aggressive”
“Not that I saw... but the Cariño pulled Lucy around like she weight nothing...” the spaniard answered as she tied her cleats
“Yeah... y/n in a bad mood is someone you don't want to cross...” the blonde englishwoman said as she stood up from her cubical grabbing her water bottle
“And why exactly is Cariño pulling around Lucia?” Alexia now questioned as she copied Keira and grabbed her bottle as well when the two women make their way to the field
“You'll see” Keira grinned knowingly
“Bon dia” the two blonde smiled towards the media staff as they recorded the famous arriving of the players
“LEFT!!! TO THE LEFT!!!!” the whole team heard Lucys yelling and all heads turned towards the tunnel exit
“I'LL PRESENT YOU MY LEFT TO YOUR NOSE IN A SECOND!!!!! LET ME THE FUCK GO!!! THIS IS LITERALLY KIDNAPPING!!!” you shouted back and Keira heard that you were about to lose it
“HA!!!!!” Lucy exclaimed as she pulled you out after her “You admit you're a kid... so you get treated like one.... Bon dia” your sister smiled at the camera having the leash over her shoulder walking slightly hunched forward as you got pulled backwards.
“I swear to god Lucy... I rip you to pieces” you sneered as you passed the media staff
The whole team watched the interaction between the two of you and before you knew it you heard a loud laugh. Mapí just couldn't help herself as she saw you in the bright green dino-harness kicking and pouting like a three year old. You of course didn't think it was funny so you turned and sprinted past Lucy about to fight the tattooed spaniard as Lucy hauled you back
“Nooooo... we don't fight” your sister said sternly as she held the leash tightly digging her feet into the grass so you couldn't pull her along again
“She's laughing” you said accusing and even Lucy saw that your patience’s wearing thin
“Let her Bubs... come on... I even got you some coffee and ice cream” your sister tried to lure you away as Mapí stupidly opened her mouth
“You wearing a kiddie-leash” the spaniard laughed loudly as Ingrid stepped in looking at Lucy
“Where did you find that? That is a great idea!!” the Norwegian asked interested
“Bronzo? Bought it back in Lyon when missy here decided to go on a stroll while I was... occupied and I had to pick her up hours later at a police station” your sister grinned as she playfully tugged on the leash
“You weren’t “occupied” you were shoving your tongue down Keiras throat!!!” you exclaimed aggregated
“I think my life would benefit from something like this as well” Ingrid mused her eyes sparkling
“Why would we need something like this, mi amor?” Mapí now asked confused
Ingrid just raised an eyebrow expectantly at her girlfriend waiting for her to catch on – and finally she did
“NO.... I don’t need something like this... I’m no hija” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed annoyed looking at you pointingly as she referred to you as a child
“You sure sound like one at the moment...” the Norwegian grinned as Mapí pouted and crossed her arms over her chest before sticking out her tongue to you
You tried to get to her again as Alexia now stepped in and stopped you
“cálmate” the blonde spaniard said calmly and the usage of spanish got you out of your head
“Huh?” you asked as you looked at her confused
“cálmate” Alexia repeated softly
“Cellmate?” you asked even more confused “makes no sense dude”
“It means “Calm down” in spanish” the blonde answered her voice calm and low
“Ha... so calm mate is making sense” you said but weirdly you felt much more calm
“It kinda does, doesn't it” the Capitan still kept her voice calm as she grabbed your waist manoeuvring you to the side line without breaking eye contact as she feared you would jump on Mapí and kill her.
Everyone watched the interaction stunned as you just let Alexia carefully move you away from the team. Even Lucy and Keira couldn't believe it since it was normally a fight for hours till you calmed down.
“Shit Capi is good” Lucy mumbled loosening the leash so you wouldn't feel the pressure and would snap again
“Shut up before you shift her focus and we have another fight on our hands” Keira shushed her ex girlfriend warningly
Alexia manoeuvred you into a shady corner the leash now dragging behind you since Lucy had to let go of it to not disturb the little moment you have with her Capitan.
“Are you gonna be good and stay here or do I have to tie this leash to one of the posts?” Alexia asked you quietly but still firmly
“Not gonna run” you mumbled kinda ashamed and embarrassed being strapped into a kiddie-harness right in front of (yet again) world class players “So embarrassing”
“No need to be embarrassed Cariño... we just want you save” the blonde said quietly keeping this interaction as private as possible “And it makes Lucia feel so much better knowing you're save”
“She could just have...” you started but couldn't come up with a reasonable solution
“It's the best solution for now... and after training I'll let you chase Mapí for making fun of you, okay.. now please stay here – I give you the... depth of doubt and won't tie this leash up but if you disappoint me I won't hesitate to do so” Alexia said softly but it was a fair warning to you
“Benefit...” you mumbled not meeting her eyes “It's benefit of the doubt... but thank you”
“If you need something just yell or tell one of the staff members okay?” the blonde smiled warmly at you
“Is there coffee around?” you asked hopefully as the blonde started laughing signalling to one of the staff to come over. She quickly spoke to the young man in spanish and he jogged off back into the building
“Cortado is on the way” the Capitan winked “you remember “thank you” in spanish?”
“Moohtschas grazia or something like that” you said after a second of thinking and you could see Alexia visibly flinch at your butchering her mother tongue
“You have to speak softer, Cariño... spanish is a soft language – not harsh... try again... muchas gracias” the blonde encouraged you to try again
“That's what I said... Moohtschas grazias” you said confused
“You are to hard on the “s”... it's “s” like … sunshine... not “z” like... what's this white and black horse?” she tried to remember
“Zebra” you helped her out
“Sí... Zebra... again... muchas...” Alexia spoke slowly empathizing the “s”
“muchas” you tried to copy her pronunciation
“gracias” the blonde said slowly again
“gracias” you followed
“Bíen... muchas gracias” Alexia smiled proudly at you “Now be good and stay here” she said as she pressed a light kiss to your forehead and left you standing there rooted in place.
The only people who were allowed to give forehead kisses were Lucy, Keira, Sarina and Georgia. Alexia wasn't allowed and you were very careful when it came to physical contact. Keira of course kept an eye on you through warm ups and saw the interaction with Alexia. As soon as the blonde spaniard leant down to press a small kiss to your forehead Keira already moved towards you
“It's okay Bitsy... it's how the spanish are, okay... she doesn't mean any harm” Keira spoke calmly since she knew what physical contact – at least not predicted one – did to you.
“It's just the way they are around here, okay... they're very touchy feely... no need to freak out Bitsy okay” the blonde englishwoman kept talking until you looked at her
“She... she kissed me” you stuttered out
“I saw... but she doesn't mean any harm – it's really how they are here” Keira reassured you
“I... didn't like it... she didn't say anything beforehand” you said and the blonde could see how you were fighting an internal battle
“She doesn't know... no one knows you don't like contact like that” the blonde stayed calm through your conversation
“Why did she do that?” you asked confused
“She wanted to show you how good you did” Keira once again reassured you
“Ice cream would have done the job” you mumbled which caused the blonde to burst out laughing
“I know... but I can see some coffee coming this way... I bet it has your name on it” Keira smiled as she stroke through your hair and turned around to leave you to re-join training.
“muchas gracias” you said as the young man who grinned widely as he answered “De Nada”
You sat down on the ground sipping on your coffee watching the training going on as they switched from passing drills to 5 a side. You remembered these drills like the back of your hand and you already knew who would pass to whom and who would assist to who to get the ball into the back of the net. The drills they were playing were so predictable that you groaned internally. Just happens to not be internally – you groaned so loudly that even Jona turned around looking at you as if he tried to figure out if you're hurt again. He signalled Lucy and spoke to her quietly as her eyes snapped towards you before she came jogging over
“What's wrong Bubs... Jona said you might have hurt yourself he said you groaned quite loudly” your sister asked worried
“M not hurt... but this is so boring and your playing is so predictable...” you rolled your eyes
“What do you mean?” Lucy asked confused
“Okay wait...” you waited until the whistle blew again “Ingrid will pass it to Ona, Mapí tries to intercept but her footing is wrong so she won't get there in time. Ona will pass it as a high ball to that brown haired one who will TRY to get it down the middle with as a half-volley but Alexia stands to close so brown hair only gets the ball to bounce of Alexias hip... she will pass the ball to the right to flawless and flawless will cross it back into the middle to the blonde norwegian... who will make it look like she's going in for a header but she'll let the ball cross to the Jamaican spaniard who's already waiting at the back post... oh yeah... and Kei was open in the middle the whole time” you said and it happened exactly like you said just that you said it about 10 seconds before it all happened
“What the...” your sister listened to you as you predicted the whole tactic move before it even got played out now looking at you shocked
“Told you.. predictable” you shrugged your shoulders as Lucy waved Jona over to her speaking to him in spanish as now HIS eyes snapped towards you.
“Mind if we try something Bubs?” Lucy asked you smiling slightly
“I'm NOT trying your protein shakes again” you exclaimed
“No... I just want to show Jona something” she laughed as she nodded to her trainer.
Jona yelled something in spanish and the teams mixed up before he looked at you expectantly
“Tell me what's going to happen now, Bubs... I'll translate for him” Lucy encouraged you as you scanned the field and who the players were positioned
After a few minutes you looked at your sister “Team Yellow is going to score first... they have a technical midfield and even if Team Red has the better defence, they will concentrate on the forwards instead of the midfield and either Kei or tweedledee will score – team reds defence will probably only watch tweedledumb and Jamaican spaniard and forget about the technical finesse these two midfielders have... Alexia will realize it first but it will be to late” you shrugged your sister as she spoke lowly to her trainer who then turned around to blow the whistle.
Again you watched bored as the game rolled out just as you said – it was Keira who had the finishing touch on the ball to hit the back of the net. Jona turned around to you looking like he saw a ghost
“How did you know this?” Lucy asked you after Jona talked to her for a minute
“Predictable” you felt like a broken record “You guys focus too much on the forwards... you have an amazing midfield but you only go for the forwards... it’s a wonder you’re opponents haven’t figured it out already”
Lucy again translated what you said to her trainer who couldn't stop to look at you with a shocked face
“He wants you” your sister grinned
“Yeah no... I don't dingdongs... sorry” you waved off before yelling over to the field “Keira... rotate your hip more when you go for that high ball... and lock your ankle... you look like a fucking penguin trying to walk on ice”
“He wants you in his training staff you horny bitch” Lucy bit out
“Yeah... he can get in line” you mumbled watching Keira closely as she tried to follow through with what you just said
“What was that?” your sister asked confused
“KEIRA for god sakes... LOCK THIS BLOODY ANKLE... you locked it around my sisters waist enough times that I know you're able to do so!!!” you yelled again not happy with the outcome of your “pointers”
“Dear heavens” Lucy groaned as half the team looked at her while the other half looks at Keira “No more caffeine for you”
“It's not the caffeine that's the problem here...” you mumbled watching Keira step up to the ball again
“Then what is?” Lucy asked annoyed
“You REALLY want the answer to this question?” you raised an eyebrow at her
“On second thought...” your sister interrupted quickly
“Yep.. thought so...” you grinned fake “BETTER KEI!! Good job” you yelled out as the ball was nearly perfect
“Thanks Bitsy” the blonde yelled back smiling
“Always” you shouted before sitting down again
“What did you mean when you said Jona can get in line?” Lucy asked bringing the former topic back up
“You really think he's the first trainer that offered me a job??” you looked at her in disbelieve
“I... can't follow you” your sister said getting more and more confused
“The first one who offered was Sarina after the Euros... you think it was an accident to bring Tooney and Less in just after halftime? Second one was Alex Straus, third one was Emma, fourth one was Jonas, fifth was Gareth and on place no. 6 now the spanish guy... so yeah... he can get in line” you said seriously as you looked your sister straight in the eye
“I had no idea” Lucy said slowly compensating the information
“Yeah... it's not like I make a big deal out of it” you shrugged but Lucy knew you wanted to say something else
“You can always talk to me, Bubs” she said knowing you would need to hear it again and again and again
“Yeah... I know” you sighed
“Good... I'm going back to training okay... we have about 30 minutes left then we can go for ice cream...” she smiled softly at you before turning around leaving
“Hey Luce?” you shouted after her
“Can I have your phone please... mines dead again and I'm bored... you have games on your phone right?” you asked pouting a little for good measure
“Sure... pin is your birthday” your sister went over to her bag quickly and tossed you her phone
“Love you” you shouted after her.
Just as you wanted to start playing candy crush it started to ring. Caller was “Lionesses”. So you figured you could answer the phone.
“Lucy Bronzes phone... you're speaking with the better looking and younger version” you answered the call
There was a beat of silence before the other person started to speak
“Y/n??” you heard a confuses voice
“Hi Mama Rina” you said happily noticing Sarinas voice immediately
“I thought I called Lucy” the Dutch was majorly confused
“You did... I'm currently at the Camp Nope watching her train and I got bored so I got her phone to play candy crush” you explained as the smile never left your face.
“Oooooh okay... think she can make it to Camp next week?” Sarina asked and you could her smile through the phone
“Wait... I'll ask her...” you said before covering the phone with your hand “LUUUCCYYYY!!!! SARINA WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FREE NEXT WEEK FOR CAMP!!!” you yelled of the top of your lungs
“WHAT?” your sister asked confused
“NATIONALCAMP NEXT WEEK!! YES? NO?” you yelled again
“YES OF COURSE!!!” Lucy yelled already on her way over again
“She said yes... Keira is here too” you got back to the call
“Would you mind, Liefje?” Sarina asked you already pulling the phone away from her ear knowing you're going to start yelling in a second
“KEIRA??? NATIONALCAMP – YES OR NO?!” you yelled to the blonde englishwoman
“YES” Keira just yelled back not bothering asking why you asked her
“Kei said yes too...” you repeated the answer to the womans national coach
“Thank you, snoepje... I'll see you all in a week then” the Dutch smiled and ended the call
“Why are you on the phone with Sarina?” your sister asked
“She called...” you shrugged your shoulders “Flights will be send per email as usual”
“She called... okay...” Lucy said dumb folded and left again
Just as training was about to end and you roamed the side line a little bit – always under the watchful eye of Alexia, Lucy and Keira – Mapí tried to do a midfield shot on goal. Of course she booted the ball without any precision and the ball ended up in your direction
“Y/N!! WATCH OUT!” Keira yelled as she saw the ball rocketing towards you.
You lifted your head just in time to recognise the ball but you didn't have time to THINK what you would do. Your body reacted out of reflex and muscle memory. You stopped the ball perfectly with your chest before you volleyed it down the field with your right food and your precision was so on point that the ball came in perfect for Keira who stopped the ball with her foot mid air to turn with it and just tipped it into the open goal. Everyone on the pitch looked at you shocked and even you were shocked about what happened. Since you got your diagnosis with your third ACL you swore to yourself to never touch a ball again – and yet here you were assisting a “goal” for Keira and it was all Mapís fault. No one dared to move as they kept staring at you – and suddenly it clicked in your head. You looked at Lucy. You looked at Keira.
“Bubs no... it's okay... you're okay” Lucy tried to approach you slowly as she spoke softly seeing in your eyes exactly what your next move would be.
Oh how right she was – the second it really sunk in what just happened you bolted. You jumped over the barrier running as fast as you could. OF COURSE you forgot about the dino-harness. You just entered the tunnel as you got hauled backwards with such a force that you lost your footing and crashed into the ground. You just laid there as you tried to breath but your breathing became more hectic and rapid. Your sisters face appeared next to you only seconds later pulling you upon into a sitting position as she shuffled in behind you pressing your body back into hers as you tried to fight her grip
“It's okay Bubs... nothing happened... you're okay..” Lucy reassured you over and over again as you keep struggling in her arms trying to get free
“You need to breath for me Bubs... come one... deep breaths” your sister spoke softly ignoring the fact that you already hit her twice in the rips as she sat with you on the ground in the tunnel.
Suddenly Lucy heard fast approaching footsteps and the next second a panic stroked Mapí dropped to her knees in front of the two of you.
“Neña... Neña I'm so sorry... I didn't mean too... please” the spaniard begged you as she took your face in her hands seeing you so majorly distressed brought her to the verge of tears
You jerked back from her touch successfully head butting Lucy in the face who groaned painfully and felt hot liquid shooting out of her nose right into you hair as you kept your face away from Mapí. Your sister tightened the grip around you body basically switching to koala hug you from behind as tight as possible as you kept throwing your weight around
“Maps please... I know you're sorry and I know it wasn't on purpose but I need you to leave us alone right now” Lucy said through gritted teeth not because she was angry she just felt her strength leaving her arms and she knew the second she would let go you'd be gone and probably gone for days.
“I just want her to know how sorry I am... I really didn't mean to... Keira said I opened the box of Pandora” the tattooed spaniard said and Lucy heard the desperation in her voice
“I know Maps... I know it wasn’t intentional... and I promise you everything will be okay again – it's not the first time I'm going through this with her and she will calm down eventually... we just need space” your sister answered – even tho her voice got quite nasally – calmly to not set the spaniard off even more.
She could see how Mapí beat herself up but she was oh so thankful when she heard another pair of footsteps approaching and seconds later Mapí got hurled to her feet and dragged away by her girlfriend. As soon as the spaniard was gone from your vision you calmed down significantly reducing to a whimpering mess in your sisters arms
“I know Bubs... it's still too much for you and I know you need to work through it in your own time...” Lucy spoke quietly into your hair as she started to rock the both of you back and forth.
Lucy loosened her grip around you slightly to see your reaction but not too much if you'd try to bolt. Thankfully you exhausted yourself to the point where you just sack against her trying to find as much comfort in her touch as possible. You stayed like this for another 10 minutes with your sister mumbling sweet nothings into your hair before Lucy heard a low whistle coming from the tunnel entrance. As she looked up she saw Keira poking her head around the corner an eyebrow raised in question. The blonde knew from past experiences that you would get send right into another panic attack if there was anyone else except for Lucy around you. Lucy looked down on your hunched form back up at Kei and nodded. Keira approached the two of you carefully always ready to stop or even retreat if you showed any sign of discomfort
“That was a bad one” the blonde whispered as she slid down next to the two of you.
“I'm so thankful for that stupid leash... we wouldn't have found her for at least days Kei... if not weeks” Lucy whispered back as she adjusted your hold on you pulling you closer to her chest
“I know... but Mapí didn't mean too...” Keira said as she kept her voice low
“I know... I'm not blaming her or anyone... it was a stupid coincidence” your sister answered her eyes never leaving you
“She just broke down in the locker room... she's beating herself up really bad for that” the blonde whispered
“Ingrid with her?” Lucy asked alarmed not wanting Mapí to fall down into a mental hole as well – one mental breakdown was enough for one day.
“Course... Alexia as well... but she needs to hear it from y/n... it's funny isn't it? They know her for a few days but I bet my yearly salary that every single woman in that room would jump in front of a truck for her” Keira said and a low chuckle left her throat
“It's the Bronze charm... you fell for it too... twice actually” your sister smiled slightly
“You wish... you figured out already that G is a cover... you think I was after you?” the blonde teased back
“Keira Fae...” Lucy faked gasped shocked “... are you implying you were after my Sister the whole time?”
Keira just grinned enjoying the playful banter that just shows what good of a relationship Lucy and her were still having. A purely friendly relationship but still up for banter.
As you registered more of your surroundings you noticed that at one point Keira must have entered the scene and you blindly patted your hand towards her hoping she'd understood. And of course she did – she took your hand into hers without and comment making sure to keep a good hold of it.
“It's okay Bitsy... we're here” the blonde whispered calmly
You just sunk deeper into your sisters arms pressing your face into the crook of her neck feeling utterly exhausted
“You should get your nose checked out” Keira said referring to the dried blood on Lucys face
“Later... not important right now” your sister mumbled squeezing you tighter to her chest
“M sorry Luce” you mumbled against her neck
“S okay Bubs... you just got scared” Lucy mumbled back pressing a kiss to your forehead
“M sorry to Mapí too... probly scared her” you half-slurred as your body felt heavy your mind exhausted
“Don't worry about it... you can talk to her tomorrow on the phone, okay?” your sister reassured you softly
“Want to pologize n person” you said as your closed again
“Okay... but tomorrow... you okay moving to the locker room?” Lucy asked carefully
“Don't want to see anyone” you shook your head
“I'll clear it out” Keira said as she stood up “Give me five minutes”
After five minutes Keira came back around the corner nodding. Lucy tried to stand up but with you in her lap and sitting on the hard ground for nearly an hour she wasn't able too. Your hand clutched her shirt tightly fearing she would disappear once you'd let go
“Come here Bitsy... the old woman needs help to stand up” Keira said her voice teasing as she pulled you off your sister into her arms.
You were basically dead weight at this point only be held up by the blondes strength. As soon as Lucy stood up (with a loud groan) she lifted you bridal style and started to walk towards the locker room where Alexia waited outside the door. The blonde spaniards eyes grew wide in shock as she saw Lucys face but recovered quickly as she just opened the door to the mostly empty locker room in silence letting your sister carry you inside before closing the door behind you. Inside Ona waited with a water bottle offering it to you as Lucy placed you in a corner on the bench letting you lean against the cool wall.
“I'm just gonna jump the shower quickly Bubs, okay... is it okay if Ona has an eye on you or do you want her to leave” Lucy spoke softly knowing from past experience that you couldn't deal with loud noises in that state
“S okay...” you mumbled taking a small sip of the water
“Okay” your sister sighed relieved “I'll be back in a flash okay Bubs”
You just nodded sipping slowly on your water while Ona retreated to the other side of the room not wanting to invade your space or scare you. You were pretty impressed she knew what you needed – then again Keira probably gave her a run down. The all to familiar feeling of loneliness spread in your chest again and you just grunted hoping Ona would understand your silent request. She wasn't Keira so you had to make yourself known a second time – this time with a whine. Ona noticed you were slightly in distress but didn't knew how to react. Keira told her to be there but not too close. But after you whined out she kicked all plans out the window approaching you carefully sitting down two cubical away from you
“You need anything, Bebita?” the blonde freckled spaniard asked quietly
“Hug” you whined out
“Ven aquí entonces” Ona mumbled out and to both of your surprise you basically threw yourself into her arms.
That's how Lucy found you 10 Minutes later – you fast asleep in Onas arms who looked like she was hardly breathing not wanting to scare you.
“Welcome to the family” Lucy smiled as she passed you seeing how content you apparently felt in her girlfriends arms
“I didn't to anything I swear... she asked for a hug then threw herself at me and seconds later she was out like a light” the spaniard whispered her voice slightly panicked not wanting to set you off.
“Don't worry... she won't wake up...” Lucy waved off speaking normal volume “I know you didn't started it... but you have no idea what this means... you are basically now her sister too... she accepts no one other than Keira or me to touch her in that state... and here we are with her fast asleep in your arms... you made it Babe”
“Is this her way of telling me she's okay with me dating you?” Ona smiled
“It's more than that... she's telling you that she trusts you” your sister said as she put a new shirt on “You know if a physio is still around? Need my nose checked out – don't think it's broken but better save than sorry”
“Marc should still be around...” the spaniard answered “What's with her”
“Hope you're comfortable... I'll be back quickly” Lucy grinned widely before slipping out of the door before her girlfriend could protest
Outside she was met with Keira and Alexia both leaning against the opposite wall
“Wow... extra security detail... she's asleep – no need for bodyguards” your sister joked as she laid eyes on her two teammates
“How is she?” Keira asked cutting straight to the point
“Asleep... Ona seems to meet her standards when it comes to sleepability” Lucy smiled
“Good... keep me updated... and if you need anything” the blonde started already grabbing her things knowing there's nothing for her to do anymore
“I'll text you... thanks Kei... it really meant a lot... also means... thank you” your sister said honestly
“Always Luce... always... whatever you need... or whatever she needs” Keira smiled back warmly
“Kay... see you tomorrow Kei” Lucy hugged her ex girlfriend and pressed a soft kiss to her temple
“And what can I do for you Capi?” your sister asked expectantly after she turned around
“Let's take a walk?” the blonde spaniard asked
“I need to see Marc anyway...” Lucy shrugged her shoulders
“What happened?” Alexia asked straight away
“Panic attack” your sister answered as the two women walked down the hallway
“But why... nothing happened” the blonde asked confused
“For us it was nothing... for her it opened up old deep wounds” Lucy answered “I'm about 95% sure it was the first time she touched a ball in over three years. You see... you just went through an ACL tear and rehab yourself... you know what it takes and how it feels... now imagine being 13 and went through it twice already and you AGAIN tore your ACL... I still can remember the look she had on her face when I told her what the diagnosis was... she was just stoic... for weeks she didn't talk just basics... she hardly ate – just what Keira and I basically forced down her throat and there were a lot of panic attacks and nightmares... at some point she got better again – but she never worked it out... and I'm still waiting for the day when she finally breaks... that earlier was just a panic attack about touching a ball again”
Alexia listened carefully before looking at Lucy with a sorrow face
“No...” your sister immediately said sternly “We don't pity her of feel sorry for her... we're proud of her...”
“She didn't deserve that... that ball was PERFECT Lucia...” the blonde spaniard said and her voice was full of hurt
“I know... you haven't seen her play... how she ran circles around Jill Scott or Ellen White out dribbling them with such ease.. how she kicked a Gatorade bottle off the crossbar – from the other box just for fun... how she spend HOURS on the side line when I had training just playing keep ups... believe me Alexia when I say... I KNOW” Lucy answered and for a second Alexia saw just how hurt Lucy was for you “But she fought... three times she fought back... doc said she'd probably will have a limp all live – do you see her limping? No... because she fought... so no, we don't pity her... we're so SO proud of her”
“She is remarkable, just like her biggest Idol....” Alexia smiled but it had a sad nuance
“I wish I was half as Tough as she is” your sister smiled back understanding her Capitan immediately.
“Just keep being there for her Lucia... she doesn't need anything more from you...” the blonde squeezed Lucys shoulder lightly “And now get that nose checked... you looked... not very appealing”
“I looked like shit... but thanks Capi... see you tomorrow” your sister smiled as she went inside to the physio who told her a few proddings later that her nose was in fact fine
“Hey... I'm back” Lucy said lowly finding you and Ona in the same position she left you in
“Hola... you okay?” Ona asked smiling slightly as you drooled on her shirt your head laying on her shoulder
“Nothing broken... just bruised.... home?” your sister asked as she already packed up hers and Onas stuff
“You really want to move her? She's sleeping so peacefully” the blonde asked concerned looking down on you.
“You want to stay here all night?” Lucy asked back raising an eyebrow
“Let's get her home” Ona said after a second
“Yep thought so... You bags I her?” your sister asked smiling
“I bag and keys...” the blonde grinned “... you know since she's around I'm driving your car more than you do... I like it... she can stay” the blonde winked
“You wish...” Lucy huffed as she pulled you into her arms to carry you to the car “Let's go home Bubs” she whispered and smiled as you sighed out pressing your face against her neck.
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flowerygrdn · 7 months
chasin' you | z. maclaren
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pairing: zach maclaren x reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, and... wait what was it....oh, MORE FLUFF!!!
summary: zach seems to have taken an interest in y/n. she definitely does not believe he actually likes her. no matter how often she says "it's never gonna happen" he can't seem to give up. maybe he actually does mean what he says...
a/n: um...hi. i'm back from the dead...anyways let's get on with the story. luv ya!!!!
For the love of God, I just couldn't get rid of him! Why me? Out of every single girl in this university, he has to go for me?! This has to be a joke. This has to be a dare...or or a bet, yeah that's what this is. A bet. Probably by his soccer buddies.
There is just no way that Zach Maclaren keeps asking me out. This is the third time this week he's weaseled his way next to me during a lecture. His arm was around the back of my uncomfortable wooden chair and his knee kept bumping mine every so often. Fuck my life, people were also dead staring at us. The universe must hate my guts.
"So, maybe after this, I can take you to that coffee shop a few blocks away." He whispered in my ear. His nose kept brushing the side of my face and chills kept spreading throughout my body. God damn it, why is he doing this to me?
"Unlike you, I'm actually trying to learn. So get your arm off me and leave me alone!" I whisper shouted the last part at him. I also whacked his arm off of my shoulder. However, instead of getting offended, he took it as a challenge. The arm that was once wrapped around my chair moved to my lap. He leaned forward in the chair, acting like he was paying attention just so he could put his hand on the farthest part of my leg. He started rubbing circles with his thumb and I'd be lying if I said it didn't give me butterflies.
I try to the best of my abilities to pry his hand off but he would not let go.
"You know some people would consider this harassment," I whispered to him again.
"And yet, your muscles relaxed when I put my hand there." I could hear the smirk in his voice, he didn't even have to turn his head. My mind blanked for the last half of the lecture, it wasn't until Zach snapped me out of my trance that I realized it was time to leave.
"Hey, baby, time to go." He took my hand as if he were trying to help me up, but I yanked it out of his grasp.
"I can get up myself, thank you. And don't call me baby. I am not your baby!" I shove my finger in his face and start towards the door.
"No...but you could be," Unfortunately for me, he has longer legs, therefore he caught up with me really fast. His head met my shoulder and his hand went to my waist.
"God, do you ever take a vacation from being an annoying jackass?" I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulder to get him off.
"Nah, it's too fun. Hey, but maybe, you can take me out. I would be a lot less annoying if you'd shut me up. Preferably with a kiss." He spun me around, hands landing on my waist, and smirked as he leaned in just enough for me to feel his breath fan across my face. I raise my hands to his neck, which causes his smile to widen. I smile and act like I'm going to kiss him.
At the last second, I smack the side of his head and begin to walk away.
"Ow...so what, no goodbye kiss?" Once again I hear the smirk in his voice as I walk to my car.
Once again, I was just minding my business eating and drinking my coffee, when all of a sudden the chair beside me was pulled out and a familiar figure was seated next to me.
"Ugh, not today Maclaren. I need a break." I lay my book down and begin to rub my temples.
"Aww, why so stressed, baby? Need me to rub your shoulders? Or better yet how about an infamous "feel better kiss" He leans in and fully expects me to kiss him, however, I pick up my doughnut and shove it against his puckered lips.
"I'll pass, thank you." He grabs the doughnut and takes a bite out of it.
"You know, I guess I'll settle for your half-eaten doughnut." He says as he begins to devour the treat.
"You're crazy, you know that, right?" I say in utter shock that he won't give up.
"Crazy about you, baby." He smiles wiping his mouth.
"Damn and cheesy." I pick up my coffee and take a large sip of it before picking my book back up. I hear a metal chair drag against the ground and the next thing I know, Zach is breathing down my neck. He lays his head on my shoulder and picks my legs up to lay them across his lap. And fuck me, I don't stop him. "Why the hell didn't you stop him?" you may be asking, and to that I say...I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!!
"You're so pretty and you smell good. You're smart and caring. You love your friends and family unconditionally. You read Jane Austin over and over again. You're taking Criminal Justice because you believe the justice system is fucked up and you want to change that. You're probably the most perfect person I have ever met." Zach says each and every word into my neck as he rubs his thumb up and down my thigh. All the words in my book began to blur. It's funny because, at the time, I was reading "Emma" by Jane Austin.
He knew everything about me. He listed the reasons why he liked me. To top it off, he's holding me like I'm the most valuable thing in the world. Does Zach Maclaren like me? Like actually? No Bullshit?
"I like you, y/n. No bullshit." It's like he read my mind. I look at him and see the complete adoration in his eyes. He actually means it. He lifts his head and kisses my cheek before softly setting my legs down. He gets up and turns to me one last time.
"I want you to like me how I like you. I want you to see me how I see you. And if you don't, then I can live with that. As long as you tell me the God's honest truth." Then he's gone. The coffee shop doorbell rings and I just sit there. He wasn't joking, he actually meant every word he said.
Zach noticed things no other guy had. He sees me as more than a pretty face. God damn it the justice system is fucked up! Maybe I do like Zach Maclaren...
I stand by the locker room doors and wait for him. He told me to tell him the truth, so that's what I'm coming to do. Fuck man, it's too cold and I am too nervous to be standing here right now. Soon, I heard the door open. Zach came out with a few of his teammates. He spotted me and froze for a second.
"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later." He tells his friends and they run off. He stands in the same spot. The silence is so loud and I can't stand it.
"Hi," I said, full of nerves.
"Hi," The smile on his face was enough to make a girl melt.
"You did great, congrats on the win."
"Yep, thanks." I could tell he was waiting for me to say what I really wanted to say.
"That's all I needed to say...bye!" I went to run off but my wrist was caught by Zach.
"Nah uh uh, you could not pay me enough to believe you bought an eight-dollar ticket, sat through an hour-long game, stood by the locker room door for half an hour, and waited for me to come out just to tell me congrats." He could see straight through my bullshit and it was scary. He pulled me closer and let go of my wrist. His arm then snaked its way around my waist.
"Talk to me, baby." His words were like music to my ears. His voice was delicate and soft. I could just...well...you'll see.
"Um...so IcametotellyouthatIreallylikeyouandIwanttobewithyouandyoumakemereallyhappyandyeahthat'sall." My words were all jumbled and he looked so confused.
"Okay um...a little slower, please." He laughed and I took a deep breath before responding,
"I like you, Zach. And I want to be with yo-" Before I could get the last word out, he smashed his lips against mine. My hands went to his neck and his hand that was holding his soccer bag let go and went to my neck. The kiss was filled with so much adoration and passion. We only pulled apart when we had to breathe.
"I only needed to hear the first sentence." He smiled as he rubbed the side of my face.
"So...is that coffee shop offer still on the table? Baby" His smile widened and he looked up at the star-lit sky.
"Of course it is. Damn, all this chasin' you made me do, baby." With that, he connected our lips again.
a/n: hehe again, sorry for falling off the face of the earth. I'll try to be more active!
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haruchi-slit · 2 months
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synopsis: Geto Suguru is your college bully and to make things worst your boyfriend messed up so Suguru wants you.
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You were walking in the school hallways, minding your own busines, you stride to your locker- grabbing your books inside.
while grabbing your books you heard a voice from your side you almost yelped when you saw Geto towering you, "awh look at her, with her stupid, stupid glasses-" Suguru says while pressing his index finger to your forehead over and over again. you slapped his finger and hand away then gave him a frown "what do you want?"
you stared at him with fury in your eyes ready to pounce him down, but nevermind he's twice taller than you. Suguru's been making your life living hell since middle school and you'd like to punch him for that, does he have reasons?
he just wants to destroy your innocence, your purity and he loves it when your face turns into a huge frown, "tryna study again i see, four eyes?" "Fuck you!" you said and turned to him then slapped your locker's door on to his face "ouch-!" he reached his face with his hand to soothe the pain, "bet you'd like that yeah?" he says with a smug look, a blush rose from your cheeks as you're trying not to cringe at what he said, "ugh fuck yourself Suguru!" you said slamming your locker's door once again to his face "wha- fuck that hurts!" he screamed, you quickly shut your locker and walked away as fast a you can, Suguru tried to catch up but before he could catch up to you, you were already gone.
'fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck' you chanted inside your head as your blush across your cheeks worsen as you walked away, you went straight to the rooftop after seeing Geto, is no where to be found you tip-toed up stairs making sure no one's following you.
You opened your books and angel sat on the cloth you've brought, you spanned it on the rooftop's floor, you positioned near the railings cause you liked the view there and the air's refeshing too. you placed your glasses on top of your head and started reading your textbooks.
you should've enjoyed the silence while it lasted, cause suguru guessed that you'd be at the rooftop and he was right, you were so focused that you didn't felt suguru was behind you, he squated down to your level right next to your ear, "Found you." he whispered, which caused you to turn your head to your shoulder,
and fuck you almost kissed you backed away with wide eyes, you can feel you heart beat fast as you looked into his chocolate hazel eyes.
"S-Stop staring at me Suguru, Dumbass!" you said with mixed fury and nervousness, even though you backed away you two are still inches from each others mouth, Suguru raised his eyebrows "you're the one's staring honey" your move stiffined as he spoke in a low groan, you can't lie even though he made your life miserable, he's fucking hot (can't blame you girl) "Can you not!" you screamed putting your glasses back to the bridge of you nose, damn your eyes widen much more, you're fucked up and he likes it.
"Can you not" he mocks while moving his hand to mimic your mouth movements,
You stood up, backing away completely,
"Why are you like this Suguru! you've literally ruined my life since middle school what on earth do you what huh?" you'd snap, you just couldn't take it anymore you just want a peace and quiet study time but this man won't leave you alone! And for some shit he's been doing it for the last years! what on heaven, hell and earth does this guy wants?
"You really wanna know huh?" he groans slowly standing up, approaching your figure until you bumped on the sturdy concrete wall,
"You. I want you." he whispers narrowing his eyes up and down on your body "and I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine wether you like it. or not." your breathe hitched as your blush spreads across you cute face. you pushed him away and quickly grabbed your stuff that's laying on the floor before running downstairs, the man watched your worried look as he chuckled.
The next day...same as before study study study. you thought it'd be "just a normal day" but it was far from what you we're expecting.
"I want your petty little girlfriend, or you're fucked." Suguru says holding your boyfriend's bloody face, squishing his cheeks roughly, "you can't even treat her well." he adds, intensifing his grip on the boy's face
"so 'm taking her."
"Yes, yes she's yours! 'm sorry 'm sorry!" your boyfriend plead "I won't do it again just please-!" "Good boy haha" Suguru laughs with Satoru as he kicked your boyfriend to the ground,
"Text her to come to the rooftop after her last subject!" Suguru shouts as he walked away.
Meanwhile... you're attending your last subject for the day, suddenly, Ding. Ding. Ding.
you received a message from who? you asked your self, you took a peak on your phone.
Boyfie💝: where are you?!
Boyfie💝:are you in class?
Boyfie💝:if you are, come to the rooftop after that, please.
you bit the inside of your cheek as you put your phone down, confused. you tried to focus on what your professor was teaching and after your class you rushed to put your things away in your locker before going to your universities rooftop
you opened the door and it was practically empty. Just you, your boyfriend and Suguru Geto..you walked in very confused on why's Geto here, "Oh look she's here, tell her now" Suguru spoke as he playfully nudge your boyfriend's "I messed up, I'm sorry" your boyfriend says with his head down, you are very confused.
"what do you mean!" you asked, "He messed up and now you're paying for it." you heard Suguru talk, "WHAT?" "I said your boyfriend messed up so you're paying for his foolishness." repeats "Be my slave and your boyfriend's gonna be safe and sound" he adds
you gulped down so hard you swore it was like swallowing a damn rock, "Y/n please..." your boyfriend begs, "you have no choice" Suguru says with a smug smirk. Goodness.
"Fine, i'll be your slave!" he approached you and whispered, "cumslave." Suguru corrects, "WHAT! NO!" "Then I'm telling the principal to expell your boyfriend then" he backs out, before shruging his shoulders. you couldn't speak nor move you clenched you fist in to a ball then fixing your glasses.
Suguru pushed your boyfriend, "You're good now. Leave." Suguru says to your boyfriend, your boyfriend quickly stood up and ran away,
"did he said his breaking up with you?" he says infront of your sour face, that soon turned into a shocked figure, Suguru whips his phone out showing you a video, it was your boyfriend making out with some girl.
"He was using you" You almost cried but not now cause you're fucked! Suguru grabs the opportunity to grab you and lead you to the locker room. he closed the door behind as you sat down in the bench, your tears dropped down unconsciously as you clenched your thighs harshly that it turned to red.
"Are you seriously crying instead of taking revenge or something?"
Now here you are, denying at first then giving in later, your legs sparwled lustfully on air as Suguru flicked your sopped pussy with your ass stuffed with toys, fucking you so good in the Universities locker room, "S'guru s-too much-!" you moaned softly, as Suguru teased your clothed tits, he latched his mouth to your cunt making you arch your back in pleasure as you balled your hands with a fistful of his hair, he grinds the bridge of his nose to your puffy cunt making you insane, "too much, too much too-" you were cut off as the locker room's door swung open, Suguru swiftly grabbed you inside a empty locker.
fuckfuckfuckfuck! you'd chant in the back of your head as you're currently pressed to Suguru's chest, and his hard on, both of your breathing went uneven as the people that was in the locker room was half a meter away from the locker you and Suguru's in, your dripping cunt was exposed to thin air and Geto Suguru takes advantage of that to it's limits he glides his hand to your clitoris making you yelp suddenly, the people inside the locker room went SILENT, you quickly covered your mouth hoping they wouldn't find the two of you.
"Guys do you heard that?" the guy asked
"Yeah, but probably that's just the wind" the other guy said. "we probably should get going now." the girl said they all agreed as they walked to the exit.
after the people walked out, he lays you on the bench once again as he spreads you legs.
"soo wet, you're such a slut aren't you?" your breath went uneven, he unbuckled his slacks letting it hang around his waist revealing his angry pink tip, he teased your entrance flicking your clit using his cock before entering your cunt, your legs trembled.
"we almost got caught and your pussy drippin' wet?" he watches how his cock got easily devoured by your gummy walls
"fuck-! you're soo tight." he says trying to buck his hips on you, he stretched your leg to your shoulder so you can adjust and take his dick right "take it like a slut, fuck whore" he say before moving in a inhuman speed, he watched your boobs recoil up and down and it turns him on so much "fix your glasses so you can see how I can fuck you good" you obelige, you were surprised that your glasses stayed on even how fast Suguru thrusts. you were a moaning mess, you can feel him penetrating your womb over and over again, your climax was sooner than he expected, after you came he quickly followed. your cunt was stuffed with his thick ropes of cum, some of it was on your hair and abdomen, "fuck" he breathes heavily, catching his breath.
after coming down from your high he stood you up and helped you clean your mess,
"Slap your ex-boyfriend once you see him, I got your back." he says smiling softly.
a/n: so ha...ha...ha i hope this doesn't flops it has 1.7k words in it please dear lord.. anyways hope you enjoyed this...i was 2 days late but atleast! PLS DON'T FLOP! the fic's too long so I had to cut it out, and as far as i can remember i scrapped this fic more than 4 times I'm not exaggerating it
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atom-writings · 3 months
omgg i cant stop giggling n kicking my feet BUT can i request gn!reader 'accidentally' leaving a lipstick kiss mark on russia, america, canada, greece and japan before they leave for the day and the countries dont notice until either from a mirror or someone else points it out? AAOUGUGGH
hetalia russia, america, canada, greece, and japan when their s/os leave a kiss in lipstick
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1.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: hjey guys did you know being a costume director is time consuming? i did not. send help. also enjoythis idk
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It was never an easy affair to get Ivan out of the house. His clinginess combined with how admittedly boring his job was made it near impossible for him to leave without you forcing him to. Today was one of those days, and you were beginning to think you’d have to leave with him.
"But darling, can't you understand? It's so cold and miserable out there..." He whines as he holds you.
He's got you positioned so that you're standing between his legs while he sits on the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around you and his head resting against your chest. So... no escape available without coaxing.
"I know, I know, but you'll be late..."
"They will be ok without me, but I won't be ok without you!"
All you can do is sigh until you're suddenly struck with an idea. You can't go with him, but you can leave something with him. And looking down at his snow-white skin, you have just the idea.
"But you won't have to be without me, Vanya!" You chide, tilting his head up to look at you. His face lights up instantly.
"What do you mean?"
Instead of responding, you lean down and press a soft kiss against his forehead, leaving a pink imprint of your lips on his face.
"That one was magic, ok? It'll stay with you the whole day, so I'll always be with you!" It's childish, and you're struggling not to laugh, but his innocent expression tells you all you need to know. He'll finally let you go, none the wiser as to what you really meant.
"Ah- Mr. Braginsky..." Some random intern was forced to prompt later in the day, his tone fearful as to how Ivan would react.
"You... you have something on- on your face..."
"Huh?" He reaches up to wipe where the intern had gestured, but only smiles when he comes away with your favourite lipstick. He decides that whatever left can stay... it's just your magic, after all.
Alfred was a busy man for all the effort he expended to prevent that exact reality. He'd much rather spend all day playing video games at home with you, but duty calls. Though, now, was just glad that for once, you were busy as well.
“Hey, babe!” He greets you with a bright smile, resting his hand on your shoulder before moving to sit across from you. The meeting spot he had chosen was busy, but at least it wasn't far from either places you two needed to be.
“Were you waiting long?”
“No, not really,“ You respond with a sigh, twirling the straw in your drink.
”Well, that's good because uh- bad news, I won't be able to stay l-“
”Ugh! Seriously?“
He shrinks a little, fidgeting with his hair, ”Yeah, I know, but like- I can't reall-“
”Do they know you're a person? Like, a person who needs to live?“
“Technically, I'm not, babe,” He laughs, “But I appreciate how protective you are anyway.“
He continued to talk with you for a while, about your day, his day, a weird guy he saw on the street, about how you can't keep threatening his boss because he's the president- until after only a few moments, his phone rang.
He sucked in a quick breath and accepted it, only speaking for a second. Then, he got up with a dramatic groan.
“That's my cue. I guess I'll see you later, K?”
But he wasn't about to get away that easy. You shot up, grabbing onto his tie and pulling closer so you could kiss his cheek quickly.
“For good luck,” You assure, and he grins.
“What are you guys laughing about?” Alfred asks as soon as he goes back to work, looking nervously at the group of co-workers pointing at him.
“Got something on your face, man!”
Instantly, he realizes what happened and hurriedly wipes it off. His face is red with embarrassment, but he can't deny the butterflies in his stomach.
No matter how long you've been together, Matthew never stopped trying to be the picture-perfect boyfriend. At least, that's what you thought as he chose to show up with roses when he came to pick you up. It might've been a fancy event, but you're sure no one else would be doing that kind of thing. But who were you this kind of attention?
“Uhm- good evening, Y/N,” He stutters out as you let him come in for a moment.
“Awww, you shouldn't have!“ You take the roses from him and set them aside.
”It- It's nothing, really-“
”Most men wouldn't even think of that anymore...“ You assure him. He looks sheepish now as if he hadn't expected you to like your gift.
”Then- then, um- they should learn how to t-treat their partners...“
How cute. You walk over to him and stand on your toes to kiss his cheek, to which he immediately stiffens and blushes.
“Thank you, Matthew.”
“Ye-Yeah, uh-huh- yeah- y-you're welcome,” He mumbles, looking down in embarrassment. The colour gracing his cheeks almost perfectly matches the mark your lipstick left behind. You begin to say something about it, but before you can, he frantically cuts you off.
“So- we should get g-going right? Right, time to go...” He blurts out, taking your hand and almost dragging you out to the car.
Finally, once you two arrived at the event, you gathered the courage to tell him.
While you two walked, arm in arm, up to the main entrance, you suddenly blurted out, ”You have lipstick on your cheek!“
Except by that time, more than a couple of people had seen him. causing him to instantly freeze up.
The colour drained from his face, and he weakly whimpered out, ”Um, c-could you- uh- g-get it?“
You immediately obliged, cleaning off his cheek. He was embarrassed, but it was still on his mind all night.
“But do you have to?”
“I’m not getting out of this one, ok?”
“But I don’t want you to go…” His protests were typical, but that didn’t make them any less annoying. Although, it’s hard to resist him when he’s clinging to you like a lost puppy and he smells like he just finished cooking.
“It’ll only be a few hours, ok?” You sigh, finally finishing your makeup.
All he can do now is whine softly, which makes you realize there may be only one way to stop his desperate clinginess. You turn around in his arms, take his pleading face in your hands, and press frenzied kisses all over it. Instantly, his eyes light up and his lips form a dopish smile, and you know you’re free.
“Is that better?” You ask, and he nods. But before you let go, you have to admire how silly he looks with your lips painted all over his face.
By the time you return home, it’s already dark. The house is quiet, and when you check the time, you realize he would’ve fallen asleep hours ago. But considering how exhausted you are already, it’s nothing but a relief.
When you enter your shared bedroom, your thoughts are confirmed. He’s already passed out, his broad body splayed haphazardly over your blankets. At first, you don’t think anything of it. But when you turn on the light to get ready for bed, you notice the red stains still sitting on his cheeks.
Somehow, throughout the entire rest of the day, he never looked in the mirror long enough to notice the lipstick covering his face. Or, maybe he did, and just decided that your tokens of affection could stay.
Kiku was never late. Not even when tired, sick, or at war, was he late to anything. So, the one day that he allowed himself to relax with you, was naturally the first day in centuries that he hadn’t been an hour early. 
“It’s gonna be alright!” You call out from the bathroom while you do your makeup, and he doesn’t even waste the time to respond. Even from all the way across the house, you can hear him desperately throwing things together.
“It is not alright!”
“You’ll still be on time!” That doesn’t seem to convince him to calm down at all, as you can hear his panicked breaths growing louder as he makes his way over to the entry door.
“Wait, wait, hold on,” You insist, and he pauses for a moment. When you meet him at the door, he looks a mess. His hair was askew, his eyes wild with panic, and his tie nearly all the way to the side.
You sigh and begin tidying him up. He relaxes under your touch, you can tell even from under his layers of stoicism; although he can’t allow himself to bask in your attention for long.
“I must go-”
“I know, I know, just…” You pull him forward, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He blushes but doesn’t let that distract him. In a moment, he’s gone out the door.
After a frenzied drive into the city, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. 10 minutes early… not great, but enough. He looks in the mirror one last time, making sure he looks his best before he finally steps out into the public when he notices it. The print of your lipstick, still on his cheek.
His touch lingers on it for a moment, his breathing stilling, before he rubs it off. You’ll just have to replace it later, he tells himself before he finally steps out of the car.
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noforkingclue · 4 months
Bestie, I just saw the Calvin Klein ad for JAW, and he got me thirsty for some Carmy. I'm thinking childhood friend he was head over heels for before he left and never told them. friend comes to the Bear and something cute occurs?
idk bestie my brain just fried itself coming up with just that, message me if you want more info and I'll pull something out of my ass
Note: requests are currently close
Ugh, same! That ad was certainly something!
I hope you like the fic :)
Title: Reunion
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites. @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
It felt strange coming back to the restaurant after so many years staying away from it. You popped in occasionally after Mike’s suicide but it never really felt the same. You hadn’t really been a regular since Carmy left (not that he was ever in the restaurant that often) but now you had a reason to come back. You smiled as you walked through the doors and into the familiar restaurant, however you couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. You really shouldn’t have stayed away for so long.
“Oi, y/n, where the fuck have you been?”
The lunch rush had died down and you beamed at Richie who was behind the counter. He gave you an unimpressed look but you could see the amusement in his eyes.
“Missed me?” you asked teasingly
“Fuck no.”
“Then I guess I’m not welcome here.”
“You don’t get to leave this fucking quickly. Not after being away for so fucking long.”
Richie practically pushed you into a seat and you rolled your eyes teasingly. Maybe you shouldn’t have stayed away for so long. You looked over your shoulder as you heard the door slam open.
“What the fuck- y/n?”
Ah. And there was the reason why you decided to visit again. Carmy was staring at you wide eyed. You smiled softly and stood up.
“Heya Carm.”
“Y/n… you’re here… I thought…”
The colour started to rise to Carmy’s cheeks and you stood up and walked over to him. He seemed mildly startled and stumbled back.
“I’ve got to, y’know, go to the kitchen. Start cooking.”
Carmy practically ran into the kitchen and you couldn’t help but feel deflated. You had always been too afraid to tell him your feelings and when he went away you knew your chance had been lost. You had tried to move on (emphasis on tried) but seeing Carmy again ignited all your old feelings. You went back to your table and slumped into your seat. Well, that certainly cleared things up about Carmy’s feelings towards you.
What you didn’t know was that Carmy was having a similar dilemma in the back. Syd stood in front of the door to his office. She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows at him.
“What’s going on out there.” she said
“Didn’t look like nothing.”
“Cousin here was always fucking in love with y/n out there,” Richie said as he slung an arm over Carmy’s shoulders, “but he didn’t have the fucking balls to tell her before he left.”
“I wasn’t in love with her,” Carmy snapped, shrugging Richie’s arm off of him, “she was a friend.”
“But he always wanted it to be more.” said Richie
“No I fucking didn’t!”
“Well y/n certainly did,” Tina said from the kitchen, “you never noticed the looks she kept giving you.”
When nobody responded Tina looked up from her chopping. Richie was giving Carmy an amused and smug look while Syd looked intrigued, clearly wanting to hear more. The colour had drained from Carmy’s face and he was looking paler than usual.
“What?” Tina said, “It was fucking obvious.”
“I didn’t know.” said Carmy weakly
“‘Course you fucking didn’t.” Tina said rolling her eyes
“Then now’s your fucking chance,” said Richie, “to stop your fucking pining.”
“I don’t pine.” snapped Carmy
“Well maybe now would be a good time to-” started Syd
“I have work to do,” said Carmy, “we have the dinner rush- hey, what the fuck are you doing!”
Richie grabbed Carmy and practically pushed him out of the kitchen. You looked up when Carmy stumbled out. An awkward silence settled between you and you thought that Carmy was going to run away again. Instead he took a deep breath and went over to you and sat down opposite you. You smile gently at him but Carmy was looking down at the table.
“So,” you said, “long time no see.”
“I missed you.”
Carmy cut himself off, unable to tell you how he really felt. You pursed your lips but didn’t press the issue. You knew Carmy too well to push him too far.
“Not in the kitchen then?” you asked
“No I-”
Carmy ran a hand over his face. He couldn’t exactly tell you that he was forced out here. How he really wanted to be here with you but didn’t know if he could do it.
“To tell you the truth,” you said, “I’m glad you’re out here.”
“You are?”
“Yeah. I-”
This time it was you who cut off mid sentence. You tried to find the right words as Carmy looked up slowly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“I wanted to catch up.” you finished lamely, the courage you had originally felt disappearing
“Catch up?”
“Well, among other things.” you muttered, face hot
“Such as?”
“Oh you know.”
“Would you like to get dinner?”
You looked at Carmy wide eyed and even he seemed shocked at his outburst.
“Only if you want,” he said, retreating back into his shell slightly, “If not just forget I said anything.”
“Yes,” you said quickly, “Yes I do.”
It took Carmy a second to realise what you had said. In a flash he was on his feet and offering you his hand which, much to his surprise, you took.
“Shall we go somewhere else,” he said, “I don’t think we’ll get complete privacy here.”
You glanced over at the kitchen and immediately heard people running back into the kitchen. You heard the familiar yelling of Richie and smiled.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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ifangirlalot · 10 months
I'm back in my miles Fairchild supermency (idk if I spelled that wrong) Anyways can I request a miles Fairchild x reader smut whatever you want to do with it
˗ˏˋ 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ˎˊ˗ | starring miles fairchild
*~smut!*~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] oral (male receiving), hand play (male receiving), kinky thoughts (miles' pov)
[Name]'s POV
While Miles and I have been together for a while now, we've yet to do anything super serious. We've gotten about as close to fucking as you can get without actually getting undressed, though. See, the thing is, I'm a little intimidated by the idea of sex. I haven't ever done it before, but Miles told me that he's done it a handful of times. (He's never specified what "a handful of times" translates to with a concrete number, but taking a look at him tells me everything I need to know, really.) And while I'm not exactly thrilled about it, I can't really say I'm surprised.
The thing is, I wouldn't know how to please him. Not just with the main course, so to speak, but also in the way of appetizers. Reading smut isn't what I'd call a reliable teaching method. That's more or less just something to read when you're horny. So, I guess that's why I'm here now. In Miles' bedroom sitting in front of him, seeing him lean against the wall (because his bed is literally just a goddamn mattress for some fuckin' reason) and tastefully unhook the front button of his jeans and pulling down his fly, like he does this everyday.
Lessons start now.
Miles' POV
I don't outwardly express it, but the way [Name] is staring at my dick like it's some sort of predator she has to conquer is rather amusing to me. My pride is telling me it's because my dick is huge, but I think more likely than not it's just because she's never actually seen one up close before. I'll probably die telling myself the first one, though.
While seeing her nervous, almost terrifed face is fucking hilarious, it's not really getting me riled up. So, while she's having her quiet nervous breakdown, I let my eyes flicker to the opening in her shirt and thinking about pressing my palm against her tits. Maybe giving them a nice, hard squeeze, getting her to cry out if I'm lucky. That does the trick and pretty soon I'm at full mast and ready to get started with teaching her.
Oh what a fun little lesson this will prove to be for me.
After some quick debate, I decide maybe hand shit is where I should start. Save the best for last. "[Name], give me your hand." I urge, not waiting for her to comply and just picking it up myself. I pull it closer to my lap and wrap her tiny fingers around my shaft.
Immediately, she grips it and I have to surpress the urge to scream. Not in pleasure, but in pain. This shit fucking hurts.
"Ow- Hey, hey- Loosen it, loosen it.. that's it.. good girl.." I sigh in relief when she complies but keeps her hand in a loose circle around me. "Okay, we're gonna try jerking me off, alright?" I tell her when the breath finally reenters my system. Could have sworn my life just flashed before my eyes from that experience.
"Oh, that's easy. I read about that, I can do it!" [Name] exclaims, almost excited to try out her knowledge from books. I'm immediately cautious. From that first moment, I'm kinda scared she's gonna break my dick off. Don't think that would be good. I kinda need that.
Turns out I was right to be cautious. One second everything's fine, the next, I've died, and my dick feels like I'm fucking a succulent vacuum. And not in a good way. "Ouch-! Fuck- [Name]-! When I said 'Jerk it off' I didn't mean jerk it off my body!" This is not going at all like how I envisioned it in my head. Like at all. This lesson is so unsexy my boner keeps leaving. I have to keep giving it a couple pip-paps just to keep it up. Which in turn is making [Name] feel bad, which is also making my boner go down. Ugh, this is a nightmare.
Finally I sigh and gently move her hand. "Okay, darling. That's not working. So, instead you're going to use your mouth." When she starts moving down, I stop her by touching her shoulder. "Now before you go down and inevitably bite my cock off, listen carefully. Don't use your teeth, make sure they're just barely grazing me. And wrap one hand around the base and hold it steady. Move it in the opposite direction of your mouth so that it meets in the middle, got it?" She nods and moves down again. I hold my breath and lean back against the wall, eyes closed, half expecting to feel a sharp pain as her teeth sink into my length. But that doesn't happen. Instead, my senses are being sweetly invaded by euphoria. Her tongue is wet and warm around my dick, and her teeth are barely even noticeable. Her hand is moving the perfect speed to contrast her mouth and it feels like heaven. A wet, warm heaven. "Oh- fuuuuck-"
The sounds coming from me are foreign to me. But she's pulling them out of me faster than I can stop them. Normally I'd be embarrassed, but right now I don't have enough time to register anything that isn't pleasure. "Fuck, fuck, don't you stop-"
And then suddenly, she's doing shit that I didn't tell her about. Her mouth pulls off my cock with a soft pop and her tongue laps around me, licking, grazing, making me twitch and buck my hips. When her tongue presses against my bright red tip, my eyes roll back in their sockets and a loud groan resonates around the room. Whatever books she's been fucking reading are definitely my favorites now. Don't know who wrote them or what they're called, but goddamn do I love those books. Then, all too soon, I'm coming and it's over. It has been about two minutes. Fuck, I feel so pissed with myself. Two minutes? Fucking seriously, Miles?
I watch her, my cheeks flaming red, while she takes her time lapping up my mess like a dog under the dinner table. "So," she asks casually, licking her fingers. "When's lesson two?"
[A Note From Zee]
I'm genuinely so sorry this took so damn long- I got caught up in other things, but I hope it was at least passable.
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suction-cup-fan-man · 4 months
Getting Along?
--Charlie was left alone after Vaggie and everyone else beside Lucifer and Alastor left. She then heard a noise and started to investigate what it was... definitely wasn't what she was expecting.--
|Lees: Lucifer and Alastor||Lers: Lucifer and Alastor|
FT: Angel, Husk, Vaggie, Charlie, Nifty, The Eggies, & Sir Pentious
Ships known in this fic: Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie), (kinda) HuskerDust (Husk(er) x Angel Dust), & RadioApple (Platonic) (Alastor x Lucifer)
"Awh... are you *sure* you can handle them, Vaggie? They seem like a handful today..." Charlie spoke as she placed her hands on her girlfriends shoulders. "Don't worry, hun. I got thiissss-- NIFTY YOU PUT THAT DOWN--" Vaggie put her girlfriend to the side and snatched the knife outta Niftys hand. "Hey!!>:(" Nifty whined, jumping a little and raising her arms in an attempt to get her knife back. "I don't... trussssst her with a knifffffe..." Sir Pentious statted, backing up a little. "It's okay, boss! We'll protect you!" Frank said, jumping up and down. "You eggs couldn't do shit, even if your life depended on it." Said Husk, drinking his booze. "Now you take that back!!" Sir Pentious pointed his finger to the ceiling, hissing a little. "Ooooh! Is a fight gonna break down?~ *baby voice* Are you gonna win whiskers?~" Angel said, wrapping his arms around Husk until Husk pushed him off. "Go fuck yourself..." "Only if you WATCH me~" Angel smirked, winking at Husk, which he only got a flustered little grumble in response. "Disssssgusting!!" Sir Pentious covered his eyes and curled up his tail a bit. "That's it. Everyone outside NOW. And wait there." Vaggie instructed, throwing the knife behind her and pointing outside. The others shrugged and walked outside, leaving the couple alone.
"Ugh... they act like kids!" Vaggie said, turning around to meet with Charlie's eyes. "You'll get used to it..." Charlie smiled and kissed Vaggies cheek. "I guess... say, uh... where's Alastor and Lucifer?" Vaggie questioned, raising a brow. "They said they didn't wanna go, then Alastor pulled my dad somewhere. I-I'll find them soon enough! Probably in separate areas." Charlie said, smiling. "If you say so. I better get going. See ya." Vaggie gave her a goodbye kiss and walked out of the hotel.
"Welp... time to find--" Charlie got cut off by a shreik. She raised a brow and walked upstairs to the second floor where the library was. She walked over and took a peak inside. Man, has she never found anything cuter...
"AHAHAHAHAHALASTOHOHOR-- NAT THEHERE-- *squeal*" Lucifer squirmed in Alastors lap. "C'mon Luciferrrrr~ I promised if you'd be quiet I'd stoppppp~!" Alastor teased, spidering up Lucifers ribs. "YOHOHOHOHO'RE MAHAHAHAHAKING IT UNFAAAAHAHAHAHAIRRRR!" Lucifer whined in between his laughter. "Do you want me to switch spots?~" "YEHEHEHEHES!!" Once Lucifer said that, Alastor switched to Lucifer's stomach and sides, softly scratching at them. "Hohohoholy fuhuhuck!" Lucifer giggled, curling up a little. "You're the one who asked for this~" Alastor chuckled and lightly blew at Luci's neck. "I-I knohohow... hehehehehe!" Lucifer covered his face from blushing so much. "You know you enjoy it~" Alastor giggled a little and lightly circled around Lucifers belly button. "Nohoho teheheasing!" "No teasing? Yeah? And what of I don't? What're you gonna do about it?~" Alastor teased, lightly going up to the kings underarms. "Th-ThihihiHIS--!!" Lucifer then shot his arms up to Alastors armpits. Since the raido demon was caught off guard, he couldn't help but let giggles slip out. "H-Hehehehey! Th-Thahahahat was uncalled fohohohohor!! Nahahahaha!" Al curled his legs up a little, now just making Lucifer trapped on Al's lap. "Yeah? Was it uncalled for?~" Lucifer teased, moving up to lightly scratch behind the deers' ears. "Dohohont tehehease me-- AH-- YOU BIHIHITCH!" "Now that wasn't very nice!~" Lucifer chuckled and looked down, seeing Alastors' little tail wagging. "Awww! Do you wike it, buddyyy?~ Do you like my wittle twickles?~ Yeah?~" Lucifer teased in a baby voice, still scratching gently behind Al's ears. "FUHUHUCK!! L-LUHUHUHUCIF-- *raido static*" Alastors face flushed as he covered his eyes with his arm, which only made Lucifer giggle. "OHOHOHOHO-- I'LL GIHIHVE YOU SOMETHING TP GIHIHIGGLE ABOUT--" Alastor dug his thumbs into Lucifer's ribs making Lucifer SQUEAL, but that just made Lucifer go down to the raido demons sides. "AH FUHUHUCK-- YA BRHAHAHAT!!" Lucifer laughed, drilling and tickling Al's sides. "SAHAHAHAYS YOHOHOHOU--"
Charlie's eyes sparkled in joy. "Awh... they're getting along..." He mumbled to herself as she smiled. She decided to walk away from the scene, letting it play and die down. They'd be at it for a whole while anyway.
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elswifee · 10 months
Jealousy Jealousy
Warnings: violence, blood, drug!use, alcohol!use, future smut, flirty!ellie, dom!ellie, jealous!ellie, bsf!ellie, nerdy!reader, strong language, sub!reader, f!nger!ng (r!receiving), strap!usage (r!receivin), scissoring, angst.. I guess??
You stood there, frozen. Your heart was beating super fast, you felt like you were going to faint. You felt so happy to know that Elle felt the same way.
"You're bleeding," what the actual fuck is wrong with you, why would you say that. ELLIE JUST CONFESSED TO YOU AND YOU SAY THAT.
But ellie was bleeding. A cut on her cheek and on her lip. Ellie reaches up to touch it and pulls back to see blood. "Oh." Shit, you totally ruined the mood. "Let's go to my house. I'll help you clean it." You mutter. She nods, heading to the driver's side.
The ride to your house was quiet, intense, it made you anxious. You unlock the front door, heading upstairs, ellie behind you. You grab the first aid kit, "sit down, please," you whisper, she obeys, taking a seat on your bed, her legs spread. She looked sad which made you sad.
You kneel down on the floor, infront of her. Ellies mind goes blank, thinking about how good you look on your knees. Your breast made her swallow harshly. You get an alcohol pad, bringing it up to her cheek. "This is gonna burn a little, okay?" You warn. Lightly dabbing the pad on the cheek. She doesn't react, she just keeps staring at you.
You put some antibiotic on the cut, moving onto the lip. Ellies eyes are on you the whole time, watching your every move. Her breaths was hallow. You make eye contact with her, before glancing back down at her lip. To be honest, your intrusive thoughts are saying to kiss her. You made eye contact again before you lean in.
You hover over her lips, waiting for her to tell you to stop. When she doesn't, you take that as your hint. Locking your lips, ellie bites down on your lip, making you whimper, she takes this as her chance, sliding her tongue in your mouth.
God, you have waited so long for this. You pull away, a string of saliva leaving from your lips. You look up, ellie already staring at you, her eyes talk pure lust. She licks her lips. "I love you too," you breath. Ellie can't seem to breath. She feels so wierd, tingling sensation in her lower tummy.
She comes down so fast, devouring your lips. Teeth clashing, tongues intertwined. You feel so excited, your clit throbbing. She has never felt more happy, and horny. You can feel your panties wet. Ellie starts trailing her kissed down your jaw onto your neck. You let out a breathy moan. "say it again," ellie mumbles against your neck.
"I love you," you manage to say. You turn around, "unzip me please," ellie kisses your shoulder, so slowly it's painful. Her cold hands come up to your back, slowly dragging the zipper down. Pulling at the dress, your breasts sitting cozy on your bra, which she unclips with one hand . She licks the erect nipple pinching the other one. She pulls most of the flesh in her mouth, leaving hickeys around them. She releases you with a pop.
She lays you down, kissing the valley of your tits, down to your stomach. She glances up, searching for your eyes. "Can i?" You get wetter if that's even possible. God, you'd feel embarrassed if you had a lighter color of panties on, so glad she can't see the wet patch.
Ellie drags her teeth, hooking them around the waistband of your panties, bringing them down to your ankle. She grabs them, stuffing them in her back pocket. "Don't worry about it, doll," she answers your confused expression. She starts sucking on your inner thighs, leaving marks.
"Ellie, please," you beg.
"Please, what?" God, she is annoying. "Ellie please fuck me." Her clit throbs so hard it aches. Ellie starts unbottoning her shirt, leaving her in a black sports bra. She goes back down, pressing her thumb against your slit, up and down, smearing your juices. Not paying any attention to your clit.
"Ugh you're so annoying els," you whine.
"What was that, sweetheart?" She pinches your folds, a scream leaves your lips. Your back arches, wanting more. "I said you're so annoying?" You moan. Ellie hums, bringing her lips down, blowing on your pussy, the cool air making you shiver.
She latches her lips onto your clit, sucking hard. "Oh my God, yes, yes, please give me more," you beg. Ellie must be fantasizing, the scene unraveling infront of her looked so pornographic. Her cold finger rubbed outside your tight hole. She opens your fold, seeing you clench around nothing.
She places her tongue flat against it. Slowly shoving it into your hole. You start to shake, hands reaching down to pull ellies hair. "Yes, yes, yes, don't stop. Please don't stop, UGH!!" You chanted. You started feeling knots in your stomach. Ellie caught on, your were going to cum. She added a finger, her thumb on your clit, rubbing circles at an intense pace.
You felt overwhelmed, it was being to much. Ellies other hand came up, kneeding your breast. Pinching the nipple, your back arches. Your orgasm washing over you like a wave. You are breathing so heavy, you feel like you might pass out. You look up to see ellie licking her fingers clean.
"I'm not done with you just yet." Ellie starts unbuckeling her pants, dropping them. You could see her bulge, which made you nervous. "Do you always carry that around with you?" You ask, still recovering from your orgasm.
Ellie just smiles, removing her boxers. A purple dildo, with veins on it. You make eye contact with her. She comes up placing kisses up your stomach all the way to your lips. An open mouth kiss, her tongue slipping in you mouth, gliding against yours.
"You can take it."
She grabs your leg, throwing it over her shoulder. She rubs some of your cum on her dick. Aligning herself to your entrance. Slowly entering your tight hole. You gasp at the feeling, you feel so full. A breathy moan leaves your mouth.
When ellie sees you relax, she starts to pick up her pace little by little. Soon enough she pounding into you. Screams and moans leave your lips. God, ellie felt like she was gonna cum right then and there. The movement caused her clit to rub on the base of her strap. You cried out, your walls clenching around her cock.
Your second orgasm was so close. Ellie could tell yet again, your body was shaking so much. She pressed her cold hand on your lower stomach, putting some weight on it, she swears she can feel herself inside you.
The weight of her hand just makes you moan, a tear slipping from your eye. She's quick to swip it of, though. "Harder, herder ellie, please" you cried. Ellie obeys, thrusting in deeper, hitting your g spot. With a loud scream and a grunt form you and ellie, you both cum.
Your shaking and ellie is on top of you. A few breaths before she's up again. Taking off the strap, leaving her bare.
She removes her sprts bra, her perky breast, with erect nipples.
She grabs your leg, placing it over her shoulder again. She comes down onto your center, a gasp leaving both your mouths. She starts rubbing herself on you, your juices mixing together. The sound of wet skin on eachother made ellie wet.
She increased her pace. A moan leaves her mouth. She leans down placing kisses on your jaw and neck. You grab her head pulling it towards you, kissing her deeply. Moving your mouth to her jaw and neck sucking softly.
If she was gonna leave her marks all over your body, so were you.
You place a kiss under her ear making her moan. You pull her nipple in your mouth, bitting it softly, running your tongue over it afterwards. Ellie hissed, her tummy clenching.
She rubbed faster and harder on you. You both cry out. " at the same time, yeah?" Ellie gasps, You try to nod. A few thrust later and you swear you see stars, your legs trembling so badly, ellie let's out a throaty moan as her orgasam swallow her.
She places a kiss on your calf before getting off you. Her legs also slightly shaking. She walk to your bathroom, returning with 2 wet towels. Your laying on your back, still breathing heavily. Ellie opens your legs slowly, cleaning you up.
She grabs the other towel, wiping herself clean too. She hops in bed beside you, spooning you. She covers the both of you. "I love you, doll," she says softly, placing a kiss on your head. A smile forms on your face, "I love you," you state. She hugs you closer, both of you extremely tired.
You fall into a deep slumber, that night you dreamed with ellie. Ellie finally went to sleep a little after you. She was so happy to finally have you to herself.
A/N: alright my loves, this was the last part. OMG this was my first time writing smut so please I apologize if it wasn't the best. But I am actually happy how this little series came out.
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Alienation & Spite
Tumblr media
tuesday morning, 8:47 a.m.
characters: technoblade, dream word count: 1,541
I've been in this room before.
The last time, ages ago, it was brief. Techno had practically rushed me out after ringing the bell a few times. That felt like something that had to be done, some stupid ritual that you signed up for the moment you stepped into the cabin. He had come back, a little later, and made sure I wasn't watching as he opened the secret chest in the back of the room.
I knew where it was. I could go over right now and open the chest and take whatever the hell I wanted and Techno wouldn't stop me. It wasn't a secret anymore and that felt...
It felt shitty for no reason. Of course he didn't bother hiding those things anymore. I've been living in his house for months, what was there to hide? But fuck man. He could at least pretend things were normal.
Rolling over, I shoved one of the pillows into my face and resisted the urge to scream. If I did, Techno would hear. He would climb up the ladder and ask if everything was alright and I would lie. I should feel bad for lying; I know he's trying to help but I don't want help, I want to be left alone.
It's easier. No one gets that. No one understands that everything still hurts or that I feel wrong without a potion or that food makes me want to vomit or that I don't want to leave the cabin. I don't even want to leave the room.
Techno calls it wallowing. Maybe he's right. Maybe I don't care.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the sunlight reflecting off the bell and block of emerald. Something about that makes me angry. I've been angry a lot, I guess. It knots in my chest and I want to tear it out. I want to punch something. I want to punch myself. I settle for dragging my nails against my skin until its red and stings. It doesn't calm the anger that's making my eyes water. Without thinking, I throw the pillow across the room, at the bell.
It makes a low chiming sound and I groan.
As expected, a few moments later, Techno pokes his head up, arms resting on the floor. He's worried. I tug my sleeves down over my arms, hiding the scratches. Not that Techno would be mad. That's the problem. He'd understand. He'd say it's okay and it's not.
"Hey, Dream. You rang?"
It was funny and I have to fight the smile.
"No. That—That was an accident."
His eyes slide towards the bell and sees the pillow on the ground.
I don't say anything.
"How about you come downstairs, man? I'll make you some breakfast."
I still don't say anything. I stare at the ceiling.
"C'mon on man."
He talks so softly, the same way he does to his animals and it's another thing I want to be pissed about except I've heard him use the same tone with Phil, with Ranboo or Niki.
So stupid.
I want things to be normal but it is and I'm still mad.
"I'm not hungry," I lie. I'm starving. I want a potion.
"Alright." Techno reaches out and tugs the blanket up over me. He's stretching precariously. "How about we make a deal? I'll leave you alone for a bit but you've gotta promise to come down for dinner."
His words hang in the air a bit and I roll my eyes.
"Or what?"
Techno laughs.
"Or I'll carry your scrawny behind downstairs my dang self," he says.
I believe him.
"God. Fine, Techno."
He laughs again.
“See ya later, Dream.”
His head disappears back downstairs. Already I regret agreeing to his stupid deal. He won’t actually drag me downstairs if I change my mind, I know that. I roll over the other way, facing the ladder. On the bedside table is a bottle of water and Techno’s communicator. Mine is gone and has been since Sam took it. I reach over and grab Techno’s. It’s only 8:47 a.m. Dinner is a long way off.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I’m worried.
It’s kinda hard not to be worried when you have a man in your bedroom who’ll barely move and barely eat. I don’t mind. Well, I do, just not in the way Dream thinks I do. He thinks I want him out, gone out of my life. I had to fight against his idiotic plan to fake a parting of ways while we were in prison. The only thing I want is—
It’s lame, chat, I know.
I want him to be okay. The first few weeks, he hardly moved because he couldn’t. He wasn’t in any kind of shape. The thought of what happened to him in that cell after I left haunts me. How can you make up for that?
I pull the raw beef out of the ice chest. A good steak is a start. I wouldn’t have made something that required so much chewing a couple months ago but Dream’s jaw had healed. And I know he’s a steak man when he’s not relying on potions or golden apples. I’ve caught him sneaking both after days of refusing food.
Fighting the urge to keep walking over to stand at the bottom of the ladder is the hardest part. I want to go back up and check on him again. He had been quick at pulling his sleeves down but I saw the marks on his arms. If I had said something, it might have made him withdraw even more.
I’ll make him a cake.
I have no idea if he’ll eat it but he might. It’s something to occupy my time and something to do to show him I care. He knows, he’s gotta know by this point but sometimes he lays there like he doesn’t know anything anymore. I don’t blame him. He has that lost look in his eyes every so often and I know he’s pulling away because it’s easier.
I know, I’ve been there. This cabin was built to get away from everything. It took some time to realize I was being a fool. Dream will get there, I’ve got faith in him. He’s been through a lot and he still smiles sometimes.
I’m on autopilot baking. Niki’s recipe is well-worn by this point and I don’t need to have it sitting out but that’s habit, too. It’s a nice reminder. By the time the cake is in the oven, the sun is midpoint in the sky. The beef’s been marinating for awhile. I glance towards the living room and sigh.
Just a quick check, I won’t even go up the ladder.
Standing at the base, I can’t hear anything. That’s probably a good sign. Hopefully, he’s sleeping. Sleep hasn’t been easy for him which means it’s not been great for me, either, and I can sleep through a lot. Except the person next to me lashing out or screaming. It hurts. Not the times he’s hit me on accident but hearing a friend say ‘no’ and ‘please’ and ‘stop’ over and over.
I’ve gotta stop thinking about it. I know Dream’s picked up on my worry and I know sometimes it makes him feel weird. I get it, I do.
By the time the cake is cooled and has a nice layer of green frosting on it, the steaks are also done and the sun is lower in the sky. I pat my pockets, looking for my communicator to check the time, but I must’ve misplaced it again. I make another mental reminder to put a clock somewhere and head over to the ladder.
Dream is pretending to sleep, I can tell.
“Dinner time.”
He opens one eye. I smile. He opens the other and sighs as he props himself up.
“I’m—I’m not hungry.”
It’s the same thing as earlier and it’s still a lie, I know it. I raise an eyebrow and look at him silently. After a moment, a slight tinge of pink is on his cheeks.
Got ‘em.
“Ugh, fine,” he says as he swings his legs out of bed. “You’re so annoying.”
“I know, Dream, I know.” I slide down the ladder and wait for him. When he climbs down, I put my hand out, hovering near his back, just in case. “I’ve made you a real special dinner.”
“What? Why?”
I stop in front of the kitchen table. Some of the icing on the cake has melted a bit but the steaks look good. Dream is next to me. He looks confused. He looks sad. I put my arm around his shoulders. They still feel awfully boney.
“Because it’s your four month anniversary of stayin’ here, man. We’ve gotta celebrate.”
Dream’s voice rises in pitch.
I know that tone. He’s struggling not to smile and rolling his eyes. I nudge my nose against the side of his head and pull him a little closer. He doesn’t pull away.
“We’re celebratin’, Dream. I even made you a cake.”
“This is so stupid,” he says but he’s leaning against me and I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
“Let’s eat.”
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pinkroseblooms · 4 months
Could you do a Mataka x reader x slight creepy Shindo. The reader is Arajins sister that just got discharged from the hospital and is cleared to go to school. (They are part of the reason their family moved back) They’ve had a childhood crush on Mataka, but they met Shindo in a book store. He thinks winning Arajin is through his sister, or threaten them.
This got my brain buzzing with ideas! Here's the first part, I'll probably break it down to 3 parts total!
A Chance Meeting and a Declaration of Protection?!
Summary: You've come back to your old hometown for a fresh start and a shot at a normal life; too bad being reunited with your childhood crush and attracting the attention of an unhinged gang leader is proving a detriment to your health in more ways than one! wc: 2.3 A/N: This takes place in an AU without honki people/magic, and tw for future chapters for Shindo being a creep/yandere coded because...I mean come on. Makatara/f!Reader/Shindo (mostly one sided though)
“Come on, just a little more…”
Standing on your tiptoes, you stretch your arm as high as you can, but the novel atop the highest shelf is still out of reach.
“Ugh, I should have asked Macchan to come and help me.”
“My, my, what do we have here?”
You feel a presence behind you before you hear their voice; at first you had assumed Arajin had returned to the bookstore to walk you home. Your mother had made him your personal escort of sorts and your brother had obeyed, walking you to and from the few places you felt well enough to explore. 
After spending so much time in a hospital bed, being outside was almost overwhelming, but you also felt restless. When you found out your favorite bookstore was still open after all these years, you could have cried. Now as you stand on somewhat wobbly legs, vision a touch fuzzy, the last thing you need is stress. Where was Arajin? And who was this strange man smirking at you like you were some amusing joke?
“You must realize the owner has a ladder for this exact reason.” 
He taps the spine of the book, easily reaching over your head. “This book, you want it, yes?”
“Oh, yes.” You nod, somewhat hesitantly; your eyes scan the aisle, but it would seem there’s no one else around.  Briefly, your eyes linger on his braided hair and light eyes; he wasn’t wearing a school uniform, just a plain, gray sweatshirt and matching pants. You were certain he was around your age though. 
“What are you staring at?”
“Oh sorry, I was thinking, um, did you want the book?” You smile apologetically, hoping your embarrassment wasn’t obvious. “I didn’t mean to be in the way.”
“No, no, I was amused by you hopping like a bunny.”
Your smile falls. “Uh, I guess I’ll just go on and ask for assistance then-”
But the stranger takes the book, holds it up over your head with a sickly sweet smile.
“I wouldn’t leave a lady struggling. Here, take it.”
“Oh, thank you.”
But before you can take the book, he holds it up even higher. You frown, confused; is he just messing with you?
“I thought you were giving me the book?”
“Isn’t it a bit rude to ask for favors from a stranger?” He asks innocently. “My name is Shindo  Akutaro; might I ask for your name?”
“Tomoshibi.” You say curtly. “May I please have that book, Shindo-san?”
“I suppose.” 
The book is unceremoniously dropped and you fail to catch it; the novel lands on the hard tiled floor and you slowly kneel to pick it up. Bending and stooping too quickly makes you light headed and your limbs feel like noodles at the least bit of sudden motion. 
“You don’t need to kneel before me for such a small favor.” 
Shindo’s smile widens until you see his canines; he looks down at you over the rim of his glasses, eyes shining with an odd sort of glee, as though you’re doing something very silly and he has to hold back laughter. You straighten up, standing up too quickly; for a second, you teeter on unsteady feet and your hand grabs the shelf for support. 
“You look very pale; are you sick? In that case, maybe you ought to be home, not hopping around.”
“I spent enough time cooped up.” You rub your forehead gently with your fingers, holding the book to your chest. “I should be able to manage shopping for a book.”
It’s more than your desire to purchase a new novel though; this book store is a place of comfort. You used to spend hours either browsing the selection or sitting in the cafe area to read the newest addition to your collection. It wasn’t like you could run around with Arajin and Matakara, as badly as you wanted to. Even now, you’ve only just begun to feel what you assume for others is something like “normal”. 
“It’s not funny.”
Shindo blinks, looking vaguely perturbed as you stare up at him defiantly; suddenly, you feel very irritated. Whether it’s due to his prior teasing or your own frustration, you’re not sure. 
“Thanks, I suppose, for getting the book.” You say quietly. “But I don’t appreciate a perfect stranger laughing at me. I never asked to be sick and I didn’t ask for your help. Excuse me, but my brother will be here soon to take me home and I need to go buy this.”
With a slight nod, you scurry away to the register on the other side of the store; as he hands you the receipt and your new book, a soft chime signals someone has entered the store. You turn around, met with the sight of a disgruntled Arajin and-
“Macchan?” You almost drop your bag and wallet. “What are you doing here?”
“I bumped into Ara-chan, so I thought I’d tag along.” Matakara waves with a sunny smile. “You’re doing okay? You haven’t had to go back to the hospital or anything?”
“I told you she was fine.” Arajin walks over to you and takes your hand. “Come on, let’s get going,”
“You’re in a hurry for someone who was late to get me.”
“Mom asked me to pick up a few things for dinner.” Arajin explains with a sigh, leading you to the sliding doors, Matakara following behind dutifully. “I figured you’d want more time anyway; you could have called.”
“You could have called if you were going to be gone later.” You grumble, slipping your hand from his grasp. “Arajin, slow down, I can’t walk that fast.”
“Do you want me to take that?” Matakara comes to your side. “Here, let me carry your bag. You look kinda pale.”
“So I’ve heard.” You sigh; of course he had to come and see you winded from the most menial task. “Thanks Macchan, but I got it.”
“Come on, we need to get home.” Arajin gives Matakara a look. “Don’t you have to get going too?”
“I can stay.” Matakara turns to you. “You don’t mind, do you? I feel like we haven’t had a chance to catch up since you moved back. It’s been too long.”
“No kidding; honestly I almost didn’t recognize you when you came to visit.” You chuckle and pat the top of Matakara’s head. “I used to be taller than you.”
“Um, yeah.”
Matakara’s face flushes a bit; it’s nice to see he hasn’t changed too much from the bashful sweetheart you remember. Now, if only you had changed as much; you both envy and admire your old friend’s strong build. 
“Don’t strain yourself too much tomorrow.” Arajin looks over his shoulder at you; he’s still looking a bit grumpy, but his eyes soften as they meet yours. “My class is basically across the hall from you and the teacher’s already know what to expect.”
“I know, I’ll be okay!”
You sound more confident than you feel; from what Arajin has said about his time attending the academy, the place sounds less like an institution of education and more a playground for delinquents. Still, you have limited options and if you have to attend a school in the area, you feel better knowing at least two people already. 
“I’m in the same class as Ara-chan; you can come to me if there’s a problem. If you want to.” Matakara says with an oddly serious expression. “I’ll be there, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”
“I’m not worried.” You lie, your smile feeling like a mask stretched over your face. “Thank you, Macchan. I don’t want to bother you though, you and Arajin have your own lives. I’m sure I’ll be totally fine. I’m so pitiful, even bullies don’t want to bug me.”
“No you’re not.” Matakara frowns. “You’re not pitiful, you're strong. I always thought so. You should too.”
You’re not sure how to respond; Arajin makes a choking sound deep from his throat and puts his hands over his ears.
“Ugh, I can not listen to this! You two walk back together, I’m going on ahead.”
“Arajin!” You gap as your brother stalks off down the sidewalk without a glance back at you. “That little shit! He’s lucky I can’t chase him down. Ugh, sorry Macchan, he’s being such a brat.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“It is not.” You huff, crossing your arms, glaring at the dot that’s now Arajin’s head. “He’s been on edge ever since we came back. I get him being angry with me, but you haven’t done anything.”
“Why would Ara-chan be angry with you?”
“Not me exactly, just,” You unfold your arms and they hang at your sides. “A big reason we came back was for my treatment. Mom’s settled in fine but Arajin…it’s not my place to speak for him, but I know being here is frustrating.”
“But it’s not your fault you’re sick.”
“Still, I think…he’d never say so, but I think he resents me. Arajin always has to deal with mom putting me first because of my poor health.”
Arajin never says it, but you can tell he gets frustrated; he never asked for a sister who constantly needed to be minded and tended to. Even now as you’ve gotten older, he’s still being pushed into the role of caretaker. You don’t want him to feel like he’s responsible for how you do when you go back to attending in person classes. 
“He brings a lot of it on himself, but I know he worries about me. Anyway, I don’t want to burden him or you.” You muster up a genuine smile. “I’m going to take it one day at a time, but I can do this. I have to at least try; I can’t let it all be for nothing.”
“You,” Matakara pauses, gazing at you with wide eyes and parted lips. “You haven’t changed at all.”
You can’t help snort. “Seriously? I know I said I wanted to toughen up and all, but-”
“You’ve gotten even cooler.”
Maybe it’s a good thing Arajin decided to leave the two of you in the dust; if he saw the way Matakara was staring at you, you might have had Arajin ready to drag you away. Before you can say anything, Matakara gently takes the bag from your loosened grip.
“For the record, I never thought looking after you was a burden. I want you to ask me for help. Matakara confesses shyly. “I’m stronger now.”
“I noticed.” Your eyes flicker to his arms; his muscles are basically straining against the thin cotton of his worn t-shirt. “Are you sure? I really don’t have trouble carrying something that small.”
“I want to!” Matakara insists; he almost whines and your heart skips a beat as he pouts down at you. “I could even carry you if you needed me to.”
“Okay, okay, I got it.” At this point the thought of your crush carrying you around in his absurdly strong arms is making you so lightheaded, you might end up needing to be hauled home anyway. On the bright side, you doubt you’re looking pallid; heat radiates from your face as Matakara walks with you. He walks in time with your steps; if you asked, he would probably take your hand to lead you home.
“I bet you’re really popular.” You nudge his shoulder. “Arajin told me you’re like, a class leader or something?”
“He did?”
“Uh huh. But don’t tell him I told you.” You put a finger to your lips. “If you do, I’ll tell him about how you cried after stealing one of my horror novels.”
“I didn’t know it was a scary book! I thought it was about a magic doll.”
“To be fair, it was brought to life with occult magic. I still can’t believe you threw out my baby doll.”
“...I thought it would come to life and haunt you.”
“That’s right, I was so mad!” You recall with a giggle. “Do dolls still freak you out?”
“Aw,” You feel a bit guilty at the kicked puppy dog look on Matakara’s face. “I’m sorry for teasing you.”
Matakara remains silent for a few seconds and you feel anxious: was that too far? It had been a long time since the two of you were able to talk like this. Perhaps you were getting ahead of yourself, acting so familiar with him. 
“Matakara? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hassle you. I won’t actually tell Arajin about the doll thing.”
“It’s not that.” 
Matakara fidgets with the handle of the shopping bag; the sun is setting now. The soft golden light makes his eyes almost sparkle; as if getting enough oxygen wasn’t already a concern. Now you had to have your breath stolen by the warm gaze holding your attention captive. 
“It’s just…I don’t want you to think of me that way. I’m not that weak cry baby anymore.”
“I never thought you were.” You tell him earnestly. “I shouldn’t have teased you.”
“You really don’t get it.” Matakara’s voice lowers. “Even though you were so sick, you looked out for me. Now I want to do that for you. I want you to see me as someone strong you can depend on.”
“Macchan, you don’t have to look out for me: that’s not your responsibility.”
“Do I…look different to you?”
Matakara inches a bit closer, as if he's afraid to startle you, before taking yours hands in his own. You can feel callouses on his warm palms are warm; his cheeks are pink and his stare is hard with determination. Abruptly, you're reminded of that tenderhearted boy who would rush to your side every time you so much as hinted at being fatigued.
"Do you trust me?"
"O-of course." You study his urgent gaze warily. "I always have."
“I could-no. I will protect you. If anyone tries to bother you tomorrow, you come straight to me. I’ll deal with them. I'll be there; as long as you can trust in that, I can only get stronger." Matakara squeezes your hands gently. "Believe in me and I'll protect you with that strength."
You’re taken aback; you’ve never heard Matakara speak this way to you or at all. Not that you don’t appreciate it; on the contrary, your tummy is doing somersaults. With that said, you can’t help wondering: just how much did your friend change these past few years? And what exactly is he expecting he’ll need to protect you from? 
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megistusdiary · 2 years
mm titfuck with scaramouche? <33 he’s had a rough day, you’re willing to help him out! ^^
— 💌
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i might be the flattest person alive but i can appreciate a good titfuck 🙏
also i am so sorry for vanishing i have been so busy with school and home stuff, and i wanted to write over fall break, but i was with my bf basically every waking moment and had no time ;w;
anyways i just registered for spring semester and it is looking like an actual nightmare rn but i did it to myself to save gas money 👍
anyways... scaramouche is a harbinger in this fic and theres a shit ton of useless plot!
warnings: switch!scaramouche and switch!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
scara fucks your tits 🧚‍♀️, exhausted but bitchy scara, consent check, oil as lube, scara calls you 'good girl'
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scaramouche sighed, throwing his bag to the floor and dumping his hat onto the table.
the noise startled you from your accidental evening nap, jolting upwards to see scaramouche turning on the lights in your home.
his hair was slightly ruffled from where his hat rested atop his head, eyes half-lidded as he walked towards you.
"oh...i didn't realize you were there." was all he said as you rubbed your eyes, moving to stand up.
"i guess i fell asleep on the couch after i got home." you shrugged, folding up the blankets around you. "how was work?"
scaramouche once again sighed, sinking into the couch cushions, leaning back to let his head hang off the edge. "shitty."
"i'm sorry to hear that." you frowned as he swung his head in your direction, sighing yet again. "is there anything i can do to make you feel better?"
he let out a grunt, folding his arms over his chest. "unless you can make the rest of my...coworkers," his fingers coming up to act as quotation marks when he spoke, "get off my back, then no, i don't think so."
"what about some tea? i picked up your favorite on my way home." you offered, lips quirking up when he finally perked up a little. "stay here, i'll go heat some water up."
as you moved to stand, he grabbed your wrist, tugging at your arm. "what-"
"wait." scaramouche grumbled to himself, digging in his pocket with his free hand before pulling a bracelet out, holding it in his palm.
"ugh, don't even ask. it's for you, i would never wear something so ridiculous. as incessant as he is, pantalone has an eye for jewelry. he helped me pick it out."
"you didn't have to do that for me." your face felt warm as he gently turned your wrist to clasp the bracelet, letting you feel the cool metal against your skin.
his touch lingered for a moment, fingertips trailing across your palm before retreating. "can't you just thank me?" scaramouche asked, turning away to hide the slight blush covering his cheeks as you smiled.
you leaned down, gently pressing a kiss to his cheek, smiling against his skin. "thank you, it's very beautiful." you walked off towards the kitchen, feeling giddy as you pulled the kettle out to set it on the stove.
it was a gift from childe, another one of scaramouche's coworkers whom he detested for his overeager disposition.
you recounted him being a very sweet gentleman, presenting you with the kettle when you first visited snezhnaya. though, the kettle itself was from liyue, 'a gift from a friend to a friend,' as childe put it.
it was a beautiful gold shade with trees painted along the sides, and it shone in the light of the kitchen as it slowly started to boil.
you left the pot briefly to pick out a tea set to match the kettle, opting to choose scaramouche's favorite cups. he had said before he didn't care about such useless things, though you could see the little sparkle in his eyes whenever you brought out the hand-painted forest tea set.
once the water was ready, you took great care in steeping the tea leaves to the perfect color in scaramouche's cup. you added the perfect amount of sugar as well. despite his words of saying he preferred his tea bitter, you knew he really loved sweets secretly.
you carefully set everything on the tray, bringing it over to scaramouche who looked like he was deep in thought. "what are you thinking about?"
"hm? oh, work, it's nothing." he shrugged you off, moving to sit across from you at the table as you slid him his cup. "it smells good."
"i know, i checked every bag i could find. even though it's rare to come by here, i wanted to find the perfect one."
scaramouche hid his slight smile in his cup, shaking his head as he took small sips. "i'm surprised you even remembered i liked this specific brew. it's been a long time since we had tea in liyue."
"of course i remembered." you scoffed, looking over at him with a cheeky grin. "you bought the whole stock when you thought i wasn't looking."
scaramouche rolled his eyes, setting his cup down in favor of resting his chin on his hand. "maybe you're more perceptive than i thought."
"oh please, don't even. if you thought i was dumb, you wouldn't have spared me another glance." you stated, setting your own cup down as you clasped your hands in front of you. "maybe you're just surprised you're not as slick as you thought you were."
"you should watch your tongue." was all he said, narrowing his eyes.
"what are you gonna do? bite it off?"
"i bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" scaramouche watched you finally turn away, relishing in the delight of flustering you.
"what happened to being all tired from work?" you asked him, watching as he drummed his fingers along the edge of the table rhythmically.
"i'm not tired, just pissed off."
"well, why don't you let me make you feel better." you slowly leaned towards him, cupping his face with one of your hands.
his hand came up instinctively to cradle yours, meeting your gaze with his own intrigued one. "what exactly did you have in mind? it better be good."
you bit back your laughter, standing up and moving behind his chair. you leaned down, letting your chest press against his back as your breath ghosted over the shell of his ear. "why don't you let me surprise you, hm?" you smirked softly as he shivered, turning his head to grip your chin firmly.
"well, don't keep me waiting then." he pulled his chair out, allowing you to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom, forgetting the tea on the table as you pushed him to sit on the bed near the headboard.
you cafefully crawled into his lap, leaning up to kiss him before he stopped you with a single finger pressed to your lips. "what is it?" you asked, muffled by the digit.
"do you want to do this? if you're tired, it's fine. you don't have to, you know." that was his way of checking in on you, making sure you were okay.
"my surprise is all about you, don't worry." you smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of his finger. "you can repay me some other time." you grinned up at him cheekily as he grunted, moving his hand to let you kiss him properly.
as you pressed your lips to his, your hands traveled down to his waistband, playing with the ties as he inhaled sharply through his nose.
you carefully pulled the fabric down, feeling his happy trail against your hand as his cock sprung free against his stomach. you smiled as you moved down his body, pressing a small kiss to his tip and watching his dick twitch.
you scooted off the bed to grab the bottle of oil from the nightstand, pouring some onto your hand and rubbing it between your fingers before wrapping your hand around the base of his cock.
"fuck-" he sighed, letting his head lean back against the headboard as you played with him. you moved your hand up and down, twisting gently and running your thumb over the slit.
his eyes opened, narrowing at you when you pulled away. before he could object you moved his hands to the hem of your shirt. "help me get this off." you asked, feeling him slowly peel your shirt off. "the bra too."
he flung your shirt off to the side, reaching behind you and fumbling for the clasp of your bra, pulling it off of you and allowing it to fall to the floor. when he reached for your pants, you shook your head, sliding back down.
"i told you, this is a surprise for you." you moved to press his dick against your chest, rubbing against his dick as he watched with wide eyes.
"come on, don't tease me." he warned you, sounding ever-so-slightly breathless. you obliged, pressing his dick between your breasts as he sighed, feeling the tightness pressing around him.
you pushed your hands on the sides of your chest, pushing your breasts together and moving your body up and down. "does that feel good?" you smiled up at him as his thighs tensed, hands gripping the bedsheets.
"more, faster-" he whined at you, losing his composure. your body pressed into him more, leaning your weight onto his legs.
his hips moved on their own, hands coming to grip your shoulders and head as he fucked your tits at his own pace, moving you at his leisure. he grunted quietly, explicatives spilling from his lips as your chest became covered in oil and slick from his dick, coating your skin.
"good girl, good girl..." he sighed, moving his hips faster, feeling you press your breasts against him tighter until he let out a gasp, arching his back and coming hard.
his release shot up against your chin and neck, coating you in white as he slowly leaned back against the bed, hair stuck to his skin with sweat.
you pulled yourself up, laying on the bed with him for a moment before he wrinkled his nose, pulling your hand. "the bracelet has cum on it."
"it's from your own dick, and-"
"this is gross. we're showering."
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meatiey · 8 months
Kinktober day 2.
Mirror sex
Sub hyunjin x Dom male reader
Includes : edging, mirror sex
word count : 325
You've been edging hyunjin for a terrifyingly long time. Tears started to leave his closed eyes desperate for a release. Little whimpers escape hyunjins mouth as you slowly pump your hand around his cock faster. hips moving upward while twitching under your touch.
"P-please I jus- augh~", his eyes flicker open as your hand continues to move faster.
There's a mirror right in front of him yet he refuses to look at himself. Beads of sweat drop from his forehead while leaning against you. He could've sworn he was seeing stars at this point.
You speak shortly after—not slowing your hand wrapped around his member.
"Baby boy, look. Look how pretty you are." A smirk creeps on to your face.
Hyunjin still refuses. Covering his face with his hands.
"Hm…I was hoping to let you cum this time but I guess not…"
Once those words escape your mouth he immediately removes his hands and whines.
"Wha- n-no no no no no. P-please… m' sorry! I'll look! I will! Jus-just let me c-cum please!"
"Then look."
He lifts his head and looks at reflection with tears in his eyes. Whimpering under your touch as you continue to pump his cock faster.
Hyunjins voice raises. Whimpers and panting soon turns into loud moans and mewls.
"I'm so close!~ ugh don't stop!~ Oh my god!" He nearly screams while gripping onto you harshly.
Eyes roll back while he releases. Cum pathetically leaves his twitching cock as a loud mewl is heard from him.
He turns his body so you both are face to face. He sits on your lap making himself comfortable.
You look into his eyes, your own twilight with love and affection as you pull him closer. You smile as you speak. "I love you so much you know?"
He giggles a bit before responding.
"I know", stretching the last part of his sentence. "I love you too."
"C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up now."
This was so bad I'm sorry..
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