#had to go walk to where my sister left the car at like 6 this morning bc she thought it was gonna get towed which sucked
milkweedman · 2 years
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Little bit of spinning this morning. No idea how this is gonna end up looking... also not sure what i'll ply it with.
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shoveitevil · 2 months
god. why does no one care about me in this damned house
#two days of hanging out with childhood friends having the best fun I’ve had all holidays just to be ruined by my brother#my god#firstly you have a complete fucking meltdown right before we’re supposed to leave despite you having a full 6 hours to prepare while im#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up#then you make us call you because you were feeling left out despite you specifically saying you didn’t want to hang out with these people#then the next day you agree to go and immediately start insulting me for laughs and then hitting me with hard plastic when I respond#you continue to do things to the rest of us and then complain when we do the same#eventually going to mum and conveniently ignoring any part where he hit me#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out#then I get home after a 40 min drive of josh crying over some unexplained problem with all the “stress” on his face leaving immediately#my mum asks me why I wasn’t feeling the best and I explain all the shit that josh did to me#and then she has the nerve to stay “why have you stayed so mad about this” as if josh doesn’t constantly pull this shit#apparently she thought all the times we didn’t fight were just normal?? as if I don’t have to constantly walk on eggshells around josh#and I had to explain how I constantly had to comprise for him and how I just for once wanted to have fun with my friends#and even then we constantly invited him to play with us#and then refused to#the two hour later I decide for once in my life to be vulnerable with my dad and get on the verge of tears explaining how I’m treated by jo#and how despite doing the actual limit to what I can mentally handle to appease josh he still treats me like dogshit#and he decides to make this about him and his brother and how their relationship worked#and then told me basically that my brother will never leave my life and I have to stay with him forever#I love my mother#My father and my brother not so much#but when it’s not about josh getting a pinprick and having to cancel a 2 week holiday#it’s about mum and dad and how they are going through a rough patch and constantly have to let us know#the only time it feels like I’m paid any attention to at all is when I’m with my sisters or I get a grade back#ughhhhhhhhhhhh#vent
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
SECRETS part 4 - LN
content warnings: fluff, angst, drama (the whole shabang).
ur girl is going back to working full time tomorrow so if we have slow updates blame my place of work. also, im still recovering from the 4am wakeup and lando p3
part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3 -> part 4 -> part 5 -> part 6 -> part 7!
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“max pick up the damn phone,” y/n said, taking great strides across the paddock towards the car park. once again, the phone call had gone to voicemail. she clicked his contact details, ringing him again. only this time, it didn’t even ring. the phone went straight to voicemail. and to add to the matter, max’s car had disappeared from the car park.
y/n sat on the empty floor of the empty parking spot her brothers car had been in, opening up her phone to check the time and send a message to max, she probably should’ve waited for the mix of fear and anger to fade, but here she was, tapping aggressively at the screen of her phone.
if you think you can ignore me forever, you’ve got another thing coming
dont think you can jump to conclusions and throw a childlike strop about this.
but of course, the messages stayed on delivered for hours. it was at least 2 hours before lando’s caller id popped up on her phone, still with no word from max.
“hey, where did you go? mum said something about you walking off,” lando asked her the moment she answered the call.
“currently? i’m sat on the floor of the car park. where are you - ill walk over now,” she said bluntly. he stayed on the line until she entered the mclaren unit.
“y/n? what do you mean max has left?” panic rising in his voice as she walked up to him, his hands coming to rest on her waist.
“i mean he’s left. gone. driven off,” she said with a shrug, “he won’t answer my calls, hasn’t read my texts, he’s just gone.”
“he might be at the hotel? we’ll drive over in a bit and see?”
“i don’t think we should do anything, i think we might have done enough damage for one day.”
“y/n your brother has just driven off. you should at least try and check if he’s at the hotel.”
“fine, but i’m going alone.”
“let me try and talk to him first, you never know something might’ve happened with P?” lando said, still stroking her hips softly, desperately trying to think of any reason that his best friend had up and left.
4 unanswered calls later, and lando and y/n found themselves sat on the sofa in his driving room again, her head laying on her lap as he stroked her hair, trying to resolve the anxiety.
“i don’t care what he thinks, y/n. i feel so strongly about you and i think i have for years.”
“i think i have too. but i hate the thought of people disliking me, let alone my own brother.”
“i know, angel. he’ll come around soon, i promise.”
“that man held a grudge against me for years when i accidentally scraped the side of his kart when i was 12,” she said, laughing sadly at the memory of their parents having to sit them down in the living room and make them apologise to each other. the moment was quickly interrupted by her phone ringing, max’s caller id popping up on the screen.
“no. don’t talk to me. you two have lied to my face for years about this. lando promised me he would never even think about you in that way. and you, i don’t know what ive done to you for you to go behind my back and fuck my best friend but it’s not on.”
“max i-” lando tried to reason with him.
“oh, of course he’s there. just waiting for the moment i left to start fucking my sister, didn’t you?”
“it’s not like that, max.”
“no? then what is it like? ‘cos from where im standing it’s pretty clear he’s been waiting years to take advantage of my little sister,” he argued down the phone, venom rolling off his tongue.
“take advantage of me?” she scoffed, moving to sit up and hold the phone next to her mouth, “who the fuck do you think you are to talk to or about me in that way? who gave you the audacity to believe you have any control over who i choose to date? you couldn’t care less about protecting me, you only care about protecting yourself," she said, her voice raising and her finger moving to point as if he were stood in front of her.
“he’s not right for you.”
“that’s your opinion max. if you can’t trust me, or lando for that matter, then why should i bother giving you a moment more to talk down to me?”
lando sat silently next to her, playing with his own fingers. this was not his fight to fight right now. he’d speak to max privately later, right now, he knew y/n needed to stand up for herself, and god was she smashing it.
“why can’t you just listen to me?” max sighed, defeated, “i know what’s good for yo-”
“go fuck yourself,” she said, hanging up the call, and dropping her phone on the floor besides her. lando’s arms move to behind her waist, pulling her back to rest into him on the sofa. the room fell into silence.
“im sorry,” she mumbled.
“don’t be sorry. this is on him, and me. i should’ve told him the truth the first time round. hell, i should’ve told you the truth earlier.”
“i’ve ruined your big day, lan. p2 - you should be celebrating, not arguing with your best friend.”
“im with you - that’s celebration enough,” he said, happy to see her smile for the first time in hours. she moved to lay her head back down on lando’s lap, this time looking up at him. a knock on the door brought the two of them back to reality, and cisca walked in, adam trailing slightly behind.
y/n contemplated moving, jumping away from the boy who was currently running his hands through her hair, but it had only been 4 hours of hiding whatever was going on between the two of them and she was already bored of keeping up the pretence.
“y/n, love, did you find max?” cisca asked, eyes softening at the scene unfolding in front of her. had she secretly wished for this for years? maybe.
“yea, he um, he went home.”
“he’s not happy about this, is he?” adam said, pointing between the two of you, yet even he couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“not happy, fuming, absolutely raging - i guess you could say that,” she replied, laughing slightly to ease any tensions.
“he’ll come around lovely, he can’t stay mad at you. you’re his sister after all.”
“i love that you think so highly of my brother, cisca. he will go to the grave holding this grudge if he can.”
“ill talk to him later ang- y/n,” lando said, correcting himself quickly, not comfortable enough yet to be overly affectionate in front of his parents.
“good luck with that,” y/n joked, patting him on the arm sadly.
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later that evening, y/n found herself sat on the floor of lando’s hotel rifling through her bag to find her pyjamas. earlier, her and lando had driven to her hotel room, to find that max had packed his stuff and left as expected. she didn’t want to be alone, and lando didn’t want to leave her alone. her phone began to ring, and she answered it praying it wasn’t max.
“y/n the videos of you are going feral on twitter right now,” her best friend, caitlin, shouted down the phone the moment she picked up.
“stop it - what are people saying?”
“erm, some people think it’s cute?” he friend responded, voice laced in slight worry.
“…and the rest of them think im a slut?” y/n added, but her friend only responded with a hum.
“what’s max said?”
“from what i remember, he drove off leaving me stranded at the track and then rang me to say i was making a mistake, i was a liar and he never wanted to speak to me or lando ever again.”
“taking it well then,” the girl responded, y/n could hear her eyes rolling. at that moment, lando emerged from the bathroom, with just a towel hanging around his waist. any words y/n intended to say got stuck in her throat. he took strides towards her, noticing she was on the phone and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, before moving to his own suitcase to find a change of clothes.
“y/n…are you in lando’s room right now?”
“maybe?” y/n responded in a guilty tone, quieter than she had before, glad lando couldn’t hear the girl on the other side of the phone. however, he seemed to clock on to the question from the small grin on her face.
“girl why did you answer the phone? go spend time with your new controversial boyfriend.”
“he’s not my b- you know what, i’m gonna go.”
“dont do anything i wouldn’t do, stay safe!” her friend added cheerily, laughing as she ended the call. cheery was the furthest emotion from what y/n felt at this moment in time.
once y/n was in her pyjamas, she moved her way back into the room, lando was sat up in bed, his back resting on the headboard, phone in hand. he looked up as she walked in, patting the spot next to him for her to join. her face fell into a look that screamed apprehension.
“y/n nothing bad will happen if you get into this bed and cuddle with me.”
“something bad already happened,” she said, climbing under the duvet next to him nonetheless. his hand reached behind her waist pulling her into his chest, her head coming to rest on him.
“im happy this happened, but im not happy about every thing that’s happening as a result," she told him, her eyes blinking slowly as the exhaustion from todays drama caught up with her.
“i know baby,” he responded, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “get some sleep. we’ll sort this out tomorrow, i promise.”
★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶
tag list: @harrysdimple05 @scopeiguess @hiireadstuff @landosgirlxoxo @natt9598 @phantomxoxo @val-writes @secretgal66 @ririyulife @littlehoneyfreak @leclercdream @mehrmonga @eviethetheatrefreak @thatoneembarrasingmoment @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @formula1mount @lottef1 @rayna-s @5starl1ght @cthgee
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w2soneshots · 1 month
Brother’s best mate -W2S
Words: 0.8k+
Warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol consumption.
In which you and harry meet through your brother ethan. After a night spent with the side girls you crawl into bed with your favourite guernsey boy.
a/n: I haven’t written anything like this in ages!🤭 hope you enjoy🔥🫶🏼
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 301,583 others
y/username: spending time with my favourite people💞 (even if it's on a golf course😒😂)
Tagged: @faithloisak @behzingagram @wroetoshaw
faithloisak: aw I love you
-> y/username: ❤️🫶
y/nfanpage21: she's so 🌼🧺☕️🧘‍♀️🥐 coded
user19470245: omg they went to golf together😭
user83271430: the pic of ethan and faith is adorable
Last year I moved to London to be closer to Ethan when Faith fell pregnant, to help her and to spend more time with the both of them. I also bought an apartment so I'm just a 20 minute drive from them. I finally met the sidemen at the gender reveal. I'd never actually been introduced to them before, which was weird because they are basically the reason Ethan has a career and they helped him so much a few years ago when he was in a really dark place. Me and Harry didn't immediately hit it off, don't get me wrong I thought he was attractive but he's also very awkward and was wary that I'm his best mates sister.
After almost five months of being friends with the group, going to little parties or just hanging out with them me and Harry kissed. I knew it was bound to happen since we had both quickly developed a large crush on each other but after it had happened we'd decided not to tell anyone (especially Ethan) before we knew we were actually good together. It took just one month before we were officially dating and decided it was the time to tell everyone. Of course we told Ethan first, he was shocked but (to our surprise) happy that his best mate and sister were dating. Everyone else was so excited.
We've now been together for 6 months and only told the fans recently. Today I'm going to dinner with: Talia, Faith and Freya for Talia's birthday. Harry had a more sidemen shoot today so wouldn't get home until six. I had a shower, dried and styled my hair, applied some makeup then chose an outfit. I was on my way out just as Harry arrived back. "Wow," He glanced down at my outfit before returning his attention to my face "you look beautiful." I smiled "thank you Haz, I'll be home by ten." "You better be, I can't wait to rip those clothes off."
I arrived outside of the restaurant, thanked the uber driver then spotted Talia getting out of another car. I quickly walked towards her "happy birthday!" We excitedly hugged each other. "Thank you! Freya's already inside." She beamed. "Ok. I think Faith's running a little bit late, let's just go inside." I replied. We headed into the fancy restaurant and were taken to our table where Freya already sat. When she spotted us she immediately leapt from her seat. She said happy birthday to Talia then we all sat down. Faith arrived a few minutes later and we ordered our drinks.
After eating our starters, mains and desserts me Freya and Faith split the bill (not before trying to convince Talia to let us treat her for her birthday). Thankfully I had only had two drinks so I was just a little tipsy. We left then ordered a taxi. Freya was dropped off first then Talia and I was third. I said goodbye to Faith then hopped out.
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Liked by miniminter and 480,231 others
y/username: my girl @taliamar 's birthday dinner with @freyanightingale and @faithloisak 🤍💫
taliamar: I had the best night ily😘
-> y/username: ily
freyanightingale: 💓💓
y/nfanpage21: omg you look stunning!!
user91037494: I love that the side girls are actually friends irl it's so cute
When I got up to mine and Harry's apartment I unlocked the door, opened it, kicked my shoes off and dropped my bag. "Haz?!" I shouted through the apartment. I walked through into the bedroom, Harry sat waiting patiently for me "Hey." My mouth curved into a smile "hi." I jumped onto the bed next to him. "Have fun?" He asked. "Mhm" I hummed.
I turned to him and pecked his lips. The kiss deepened, he grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me onto his lap. I reached my hands down to the belt wrapped around my waist, I pulled it off and threw it to the floor. I moved Harry's hands from the back of my thighs to my ass. He groaned into the kiss then rushed to pull the zipper down on my dress, then he pulled it off and over my head, leaving me in just my matching black lace bra and underwear set. Harry broke the kiss to look down at me "you're so fucking beautiful." He rasped. I pulled his shirt over his head, followed by his pyjama pants. While Harry unclipped my bra, allowing the straps to fall from my shoulders.
Within just a few minutes we were both completely naked. Harry flipped me onto my back. I whimpered as I rubbed my thighs together, desperate for any sort of friction. "Harry, please." I cried out. "What do you want baby? Use your words." "I need you to fuck me."
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Found You- Part 2
Summary: Nearly 10 years ago, you left home after a bad incident with your parents, Rick and Lori Grimes. In that time, you married a redneck down south and started a family. But it all came crashing down when the dead started to walk.
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: language, blood, brief attempted SA (nothing happens)
A/N- Back with a part 2!! Thank you to my lovely follower who commissioned this fanfic and wanted a part 2. I really hope she likes this, and I hope you all enjoy it as well. ❤️
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*6 Months Later*
The prison had fallen. Your home, your safe haven, your everything was ripped away from you within an hour.
The Governor and his soldiers arrived thirsty for revenge with a tank, which ploughed through the fences and blasted holes into the walls of your home. The prison didn't stand a chance.
You managed to escape with Rick, Carl and your youngest son Dean. But you had no idea where the others were or more importantly were Daryl, Merle and Ricky were and it was killing you.
Michonne had showed up at some point joining the four of you in your journey to some community called Terminus. There were signs placed around the area everywhere with directions on how to get there, so you hoped that Daryl and Merle would be there, and you prayed to anyone who was listening that little Ricky was with them.
"We're close. Just got to make it through another day." Rick suddenly said, breaking the silence as you sat around the campfire on the side of the road.
Carl and Dean were asleep in the abandoned car you had come across on the road. It was a good place to camp for the night, the kids safe inside the vehicle where no walkers would be able to get to them.
"If folks there are taking people in, they have to be strong. They have to have a system." He continued to say.
"I wonder if the whole thing's legit." Michonne responded while you sat there silently and stared at the flames of the campfire.
Michonne and your father continued to talk about Terminus, but you were barely listening too busy thinking about the day the prison had fallen, the day that you last saw your husband and eldest son.
"On the bus. Go!" Maggie's voice shouted across the courtyard.
You looked up from where you were taking cover behind a turned over table, Daryl and Merle right beside you, breathing heavily and reloading their assault rifles.
Maggie and a few others were ushering some of the kids into the bus, getting ready to evacuate if it came down to it, but you could only see Ricky amongst the kids, no sign of Dean anywhere.
"Cover me. I'm going to make sure the kids are on the bus." You shouted above the gunfire.
Daryl and Merle both nodded before they stood up and started returning fire at the Governors men. You didn't waste any time before you took off sprinting across the courtyard, jumping over the bodies of the fallen and around the debris the tank had caused.
Maggie was rushing out the bus as you reached it, her eyes wide and panicked as she scanned the area behind you like she was looking for something.
"Have you seen Beth?"
You shook your head, "no. Is Dean in-"
You didn't get a chance to finish that sentence before she was sprinting off in the opposite direction shouting her sisters name desperately. You stepped into the bus, your eyes raking over the kids and elderly on the seats before you spotted Ricky standing on one of the seats and looking out the window anxiously.
"Ricky, baby." You sighed, rushing down the aisle before he turned around and threw himself into your arms. You hugged your boy back tightly before you pulled away and grabbed his shoulders, holding him in front of you. "Where's your brother? Where's Dean?"
Ricky’s face paled and he glanced over his shoulder at the brick walls of the prison and your stomach dropped. Dean was still inside?
"I-I didn't want to leave without him. But the adults told us to go, and I couldn't find Dean and-and. I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry." Ricky whimpered, his eyes now swimming with tears.
"No, no, it's okay. It's not your fault. Hey, look at me, baby, it's not your fault." You insisted, cupping his face with your hand as the tears started to fall and you wiped them away with your thumb. "I need you to be brave for me, okay? I need you to wait here and I will go and get your brother."
Ricky nodded, biting his trembling bottom lip in effort not to cry before you leant forward and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"I will be right back."
You spared one last glance at your son before you ran back out the bus and sprinted towards the main door of the prison.
"Dean!" You shouted, rushing inside and searching high and low for him. "Dean, where are you?!"
You checked the cafeteria first, then the shower block, but Dean was nowhere to be seen.
The cellblock was next. He wasn't in the cell that he shared with Ricky. He wasn’t in yours and Daryl's cell either and that was when you really started to panic. You began to check every single cell, throwing back all the blankets and sheets trying to find him.
"Dean! Where are you?" You shouted desperately.
You spun around so fast, nearly giving yourself whiplash in the process before you spotted your son peeking out from the door to the cell at the far end of the room. Merle's cell. Of course, he was hiding in there.
"Dean!" You rushed over and dropped to your knees in front of him, cupping his face with your hands and searching his body for any injuries, but he seemed to be fine. "Thank God. C'mon, we need to go."
You scooped Dean up in your arms and rushed back outside to put him in the bus with the other kids, but the bus was gone. It wasn't parked in the courtyard anymore. It was gone, which meant Ricky was also gone.
"No, no, no, no, no. No!" You screamed, shaking your head in denial.
This couldn't be happening. No. This couldn't be fucking happening. Your boys were gone.
"W-what's happenin'?" Dean whimpered, getting upset that you were upset.
"It-it's okay. Everything's okay." You reassured, despite the fact that your eyes were filled with tears, and it most definitely wasn't okay.
You frantically looked around taking in the carnage and destruction left over from the fight, but there was no more fighting. The gunshots had seized, and the army tank was quite literally on fire. You couldn't see any people, yours nor the Governor, but there were walkers. Lots of walkers.
The gunfire and explosions having drawn them in from the woods. Everyone must have already evacuated, there were too many walkers to fight, and the prison was destroyed. They had all left.
"Y/N!" Carls voice suddenly shouted.
You looked to your left to find him struggling to hold Rick who was leaning heavily against him.
You sprinted over to them, shifting Dean onto your right hip before hooking your father’s other arm around your shoulder, helping take the weight from Carl. Ricks face was busted up, bloodied and bruised, the Governor having done serious damage. You hoped he had killed that son of a bitch, but you didn't ask, you had bigger things to worry about.
"Did you see where the bus went?" You quickly questioned, looking between them.
"No, was Judith on the bus?" Carl asked, grunting as the two of you helped Rick across the courtyard.
Shit. Judith wasn't on the bus, and you didn't see her in the prison either. Where the hell was she?
"I didn't see her. Where's Daryl and Merle?" You asked, but Carl shrugged his shoulders.
Maybe they had gotten on the bus before it left?
"We-we need to get out of here." Rick stuttered, his voice sounding as pained as he probably felt right now.
You nodded in agreement, the three of you picking up the pace and heading for the gap in the fence towards the woods, but out of nowhere, Rick suddenly stopped walking and was staring at something on the ground in the distance.
"What are..." Your voice died in your throat when you saw what it was.
Judith’s baby basket.
It was sitting on the ground in the middle of the courtyard, but it wasn't exactly empty. It was full of blood. Fresh blood. Oh, dear God.
You felt like you were going to be sick as tears burned in your eyes, but you couldn't look away from it no matter how badly you tried.
Judith was dead. Your baby sister was dead.
Your father and brother were both crying. Your arm tightened around Ricks waist as he leant more into your side while he sobbed. It was a different kind of pain hearing your fathers cry like that. He was always the strong one, the one that never broke, but seeing him like this broke your heart and you couldn't stop yourself from crying either.
"Hey, Y/N? Y/N?" Rick's voice called out, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You blinked, bringing yourself back to the present as you looked over at your father who was eyeing you worriedly.
"Sorry, what?" You asked.
"We're going to find the others. You know that, right? Ricky too. They're probably already at Terminus right now waiting for us."
You appreciated his words and knew he was only trying to reassure you, but you also knew that wasn't guaranteed. The others might not be at Terminus and if they weren't, then what? How were you ever meant to find Daryl? Or what if Daryl and Merle were at Terminus but Ricky wasn't with them?
"Hey." Rick said gently, leaning over and grabbing your shoulder. "It's going to be okay."
You took in a deep shaky breath and nodded while fighting back the tears you could feel starting to rise at your fathers' words. It was something so simple, the reassurance and kindness of a father, but it was something that you had spent years without. You had missed it. You had missed him so much.
"Dad... what if they're not there?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Don't. Don't think like that."
"If there is one thing I know about those Dixon brothers, it's that they always find a way to come back. They're kinda like a cockroach if you think about it. No matter how hard you try to kill them, they just keep coming back." Rick explained with a soft chuckle causing you to smile.
"Especially Merle. He's the slipperiest cockroach of them all. Getting shot by the Governor didn't stop him from coming back." Michonne added.
That was true. They always did find a way back. Even when Merle went after the Governor all those months ago and Daryl tracked him down by himself, they both came back. Merle was bleeding from a gunshot wound, but he still made it back. They both did.
"Oh, dearie me." A males voice suddenly said.
That voice was close. Really fucking close.
You jumped to your feet in an instant, pulling out your handgun and rushing to the car where Dean and Carl were, to protect them from whoever had snuck up on you guys. However, you only reached the hood of the car before a man suddenly stepped out from the shadows and blocked your path.
You quickly pointed your gun at him, but he didn't seem threatened in the slightest. Instead, he started to grin from ear to ear, showing off his crooked yellow teeth under the moonlight.
"You screwed up, asshole. You hear me? You screwed up." The same voice from earlier said.
You spared a quick glance over your shoulder and your stomach dropped when you realised how many of them there were. You were outnumbered, and out gunned.
A man wearing what looked to be a biker denim vest was leaning beside Rick. He had a handgun pressed to your father’s temple while one man stood behind Michonne, a gun to her head and two others stood across the campfire, some kind of assault rifles in their hands and aimed at the three of you.
You quickly turned back to the big man in front of you, his sickening grin still as wide and as disturbing as before.
"Today is a day of reckoning, sir. Restitution. A balancing of the whole damn universe." The man who you figured was the leader continued to say.
"Everyone drop your guns, or I shoot your buddy between the eyes." You threatened, finger resting on the trigger as you took a step to the side so you could see everyone else as well as keeping your sights on the big man.
The leader glanced over at you in clear amusement before he looked back down at your father.
"You might wanna tell your girl over there to lower her gun."
Rick didn't dare move his head, not when the tip of a barrel was still pressed against his temple, but his wide panicked eyes shifted over to you.
You yanked your hunting knife from the sheath on your belt and swapped hands with your gun. Within a blink of an eye, the blade of your knife was pressed to the big man’s neck and your handgun was in your non-dominant hand and aimed at their leader.
"You might wanna lower yours first." You shot back.
The man laughed, but it wasn't a normal laugh, it was forced, it was angry, and you didn't like it.
"We have you five to one."
You tilted your head, "I like those odds."
The man seemed taken back by your words, but before he could say or do anything, a voice you feared that you'd never hear again suddenly cut through the still night air.
Daryl Dixon suddenly stepped out from the woods across the road, his crossbow hanging loosely in his hand by his side. He wasn't looking at this 'Joe' though, his eyes were glued to yours and yours only.
Those ocean blues were torn between relief and panic before he looked over at Rick, eyeing the gun to his head cautiously.
"Hold up. Just hold up." Daryl continued to say.
"This is the guy that killed Lou, so we got nothing to talk about." One of the guys across the campfire suddenly said.
"The thing about nowadays is we got nothing but time. Say your piece, Daryl." The leader -Joe- instructed.
"These people, you're gonna let 'em go. These are good people."
"Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that. I'll, of course, have to speak for him and all 'cause your friend here strangled him in a bathroom." Joe responded.
Oh, crap.
Rick had told you about that, but you didn't think the guy’s group would track you down.
"You want blood, I get it." Daryl said, dropping his crossbow before holding his arms out to the side. "Take it from me, man. Come on."
What the hell was he doing? Was he trying to get himself killed?
"This man killed our friend. You say he's good people. See, now that right there is a lie. It's a lie!"
Suddenly one of the men turned on Daryl and slammed the butt of his rifle into your husband’s stomach. Daryl doubled over with a grunt of pain before the other man joined in and they both started to punch him.
"Teach him, fellas. Teach him all the way." Joe encouraged.
"No!" You screamed, shifting the sights of your gun at the two men attacking Daryl.
You were so focused on those other men, you had momentarily forgotten about the big man beside you. The blade of your hunting knife had shifted away from his neck, and he used your distraction to his advantage.
Within a blink of an eye, the big man yanked the knife from your grasp before grabbing you by your wild hair and throwing you backwards. There was nothing you could do to stop yourself from hitting the bitumen, hard. The gun tumbled from your hand as you landed on your side, skidding across the road from the sheer force of the throw.
Road rash covered your left arm. Your skin broken and bleeding, but you couldn't feel it. You weren't sure if you could feel it even if you wanted to because you were zeroed in on one thing, and one thing only, the big man who was now opening the car door to get to Dean and Carl.
"No!" You screamed, springing to your feet and slamming the man into the car door, effectively shutting it in the process.
You could hear Dean crying from inside the vehicle and you spared a quick glance through the window to find Carl holding your son trying to comfort him.
"Fucking bitch." The man hissed, his head apparently heaving hit the roof of the car from your shove as he turned to face you, his nose now heavily bleeding.
Oh, he was angry.
There was nothing you could do to stop the hand that came your way. He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and swung you around before pinning you against the hood of the car.
You grunted at the hard impact and tried to thrash out of his grip, but he had stepped up against you, his body pinning you down against the hood, making it impossible to move.
"You leave her be!" Rick furiously shouted in the background somewhere, but there was nothing he could do.
The other two men were still beating Daryl over the other side of the car. You couldn't see him from where you were, but you could hear the punches and grunts. They were going to beat him to death.
You tried to kick the man out from behind you, you tried to throw your elbow back to hit him, but he had you pinned down well. You weren't getting out of this.
"Listen, it was me. It was just me!" Rick continued to shout.
"See, that's right. That's not some damn lie." Joe responded. "Look, we can settle this. We're reasonable men. First, we're gonna beat Daryl to death. Then we'll have your two girls. Then the boys. Then I'm gonna shoot you and then we'll be square."
Nope. That is not going to happen.
You thrashed against the hood of the car, trying again to get free and although it was pointless, you kept trying.
"Stop your squirming." He laughed from behind you, his hand reaching up and starting to lift your shirt.
"Get the fuck off me!" You yelled, but that only made the man laugh even more.
Suddenly, a gunshot fired nearby, halting the man's hand on your shirt instantly. Dread filled your stomach as you tilted your head to the side in fear, expecting the worst.
Joe took a stumbling step away from Rick, holding his bloodied nose, and it wasn't hard to figure out that your father must have headbutted him. Rick quickly got to his feet and punched Joe, but Joe punched him back just as hard, sending your father to the ground in one hit.
"I got him." Joe declared, reassuring his men before he kicked Rick in the stomach. "Oh, it's gonna be so much worse now. Come on, get up!"
The hood of the car suddenly shifted under you, and you looked up to find Daryl now being pinned against it on the other side, the men still punching him repeatedly.
"No! Stop!" You screamed, watching helplessly as he got beat.
"Get away from her before I-" Rick started to shout before Joe cut him off.
"What the hell are you gonna do now, sport?"
You yanked and thrashed in the man’s grip as you looked back over at your father to find Joe now practically hugging Rick to his chest, pinning him down. You, Daryl and Rick now all pinned down while Michonne sat with a gun trained to her head.
This was it.
This was how it ended.
Then, Rick suddenly bit down into Joe's throat causing the man to cry out in pain before Rick pulled his head back, taking out a chunk of flesh from Joe's neck. Blood sprayed everywhere from the literal hole in his neck before his body dropped to the ground.
Rick spat the mouthful out, blood dripping down his mouth, staining his beard and the once white woollen collar of his jacket a bright crimson red.
The man behind you had stopped, clearly having watched the whole thing happen too. Your father stood there for a moment, staring down at Joe's body, clearly shocked with what he had just done.
Michonne and Daryl were quick to use the bad guy’s distraction to their advantage, taking them down easily. The man holding you suddenly dug his fingers into the back of your dirty blonde hair and yanked you off the hood of the car before holding you in front of him, pressing the blade of your own hunting to knife to your throat.
Great, he was using your own knife against you.
Michonne quickly pointed her gun at him, but the guy was using you as a human shield. She was a good shot, but you did not trust her enough to take this kind of shot.
"Let her go." She ordered, glaring at the man behind you.
His grip only tightened on you, the knife digging into your neck a little harder causing you to wince.
"He's mine." Rick growled.
Your father suddenly marched straight past Michonne and the man behind you gasped in fear, his body now trembling as he stared at Ricks animalistic rageful eyes.
Suddenly, the man let go of you, pushing you back into the car as he took a few shaky steps backwards as if to surrender before Rick speared his knife straight into his neck.
You quickly stepped in front of the car door window, blocking Dean and Carl's view of your father. You found yourself unable to look away as Rick yanked the knife out before slicing it through his neck once again, blood gushing out the wounds like a waterfall.
"Y/N? Sweetheart, shit, are you okay? Sweetheart, are you okay?" Daryl's voice suddenly questioned before he appeared in front of you, snapping your attention away from your father.
Daryl's face was a mess with reddening bruises and blood, but he didn't seem phased by his own injuries. He was too busy scanning your body up and down, searching you for injuries. His eyes hovered over your left arm which you hadn't even looked yet, but you knew it wasn't bad.
You could still hear Rick stabbing the man behind Daryl. The sound of the blade slicing through flesh and blood irreplaceable in the now silent night. He just kept stabbing, and stabbing, and stabbing the man, but you didn't try to stop him. He needed to unleash his anger somehow, so you let him go.
Daryl's blue eyes met yours with a questioning look, and you realised that all this time, you hadn't said anything or answered his questions. You had been too caught up in your own head to notice.
"I-I'm okay." You stuttered, still a little shaken after everything that just happened. "Are you okay?"
He nodded, but you knew that was bullshit. By tomorrow morning his face was going to be covered in bruises, but you knew Daryl was no stranger to that.
Rick eventually stood up and dropped the blood laced knife to the ground before he glanced over at you, and you met your fathers gaze over Daryl's shoulder.
His eyes had a faraway look about them, like he wasn't entirely there after what he had just did, but there was a flash of concern amongst the rage brewing inside of him.
"I'm good. Dad, I swear. I'm okay." You reassured, knowing that was what he was worried about.
Rick hesitated for a second, like he wasn't sure if he should believe you or not before he glanced at Daryl and seemed to realise that you were in capable hands before he simply nodded and turned away, walking off into the woods.
"Wait-" You quickly said, side stepping around Daryl to go after him before Michonne grabbed your shoulder.
"Let him go. He needs to cool down. He'll be back."
You wanted to disagree with that. Not liking the thought of him being out there alone in the dark after all of this, but you knew Michonne was right, your father wouldn't have walked off if he didn't need the space, you had to respect that.
Michonne gave you a small reassuring smile before she walked over to the car and opened the door. Carl was quick to climb out, and instantly hugged the other woman. Michonne seemed taken back by the sudden display of affection, but she quickly hugged him nonetheless.
Little Dean fearfully stuck his head out the car door and you quickly dropped to your knees in front of him, taking in his tear-streaked face and terrified eyes.
God, you hoped he hadn't seen all of that.
"Holy shit, Dean!" Daryl gasped, shock and utter relief filling his voice.
Deans scared eyes suddenly lit up hearing his father's voice and his head snapped up in Daryl's direction, those little almond shaped hazel eyes widening into saucers.
Your heart melted watching Dean climb out the car and practically throw himself into Daryl's arms who had only just crouched down before having to catch the five-year-old.
"H-how? I... I thought he was on the bus?" Daryl whispered, tilting his head up to you in shock, his eyes shimmering with tears before he looked back down at the boy in his arms. "I thought you were on the bus. 'N when I checked the bus and ya weren't there, I thought..."
He thought Dean was dead.
Daryl thought his son was dead. These past two weeks he had thought little Merle Dean was dead, but he wasn't He was right here, and you felt yourself tearing up just watching him hold his son.
"Wait." You suddenly said, realisation hitting you like a truck. "You checked the bus? Was Ricky still-"
Daryl smiled through his tears before he stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, cutting your sentence off.
You frowned in confusion and opened your mouth to ask what the fuck that was, but then you heard it.
"Mummy! Mummy!"
Your heart just about stopped at the familiar voice before you spun around to find Ricky running out from behind a tree across the road.
"Oh my God." You gasped, sprinting the remaining distance to your son before you bent down and lifted him up into your arms, hugging him tightly.
"Daddy told me to hide in the trees and to not come out until he whistled. I did it." Ricky said proudly, his little arms wrapped tightly around your neck.
"You did, baby. You did so good." You sobbed, unable to hold your tears back as you held him. "I missed you. I missed you so much."
"Ricky!" Dean suddenly squealed.
Hearing his little brothers voice had Ricky snapping into action. He let go of your neck and began to wriggle in your arms, wanting to be put down. The last thing you wanted to do was let go of him, but you forced yourself to do it as you gently lowered your eldest son to the ground.
The second his shoes hit the ground, he took off sprinting to the car where Daryl was still crouched, holding Dean, but he quickly released the other boy, and you watched through silent tears as the brothers reunited and entangled themselves together in a big hug.
Daryl got to his feet and walked back over to you, not saying a word before he snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. His warm, gentle hands were comforting, they were safe, and you allowed yourself to be manhandled before you leant your head against his shoulder.
Silent tears were still trickling down your face, your eyes glued to your sons who were hugging one another before you wrapped your arms around Daryl's stomach and hugged him too.
"We're okay, sweetheart. We're all okay." Daryl whispered, kissing the top of your head. "I love ya."
You awoke the following morning inside the safety of the car. Carl and Michonne were both passed out in the front seats while Ricky and Dean were curled up on the backseat, their heads resting in your lap.
"We should save it to drink." You heard your father say from somewhere outside the car.
"You can't see yourself, Y/N and the kids can." Came Daryl's reply.
You glanced out through the window of the car to find Rick sitting down against the front wheel of the car, using Daryl's red rag to wipe the dried blood from his face before Daryl sat down beside him.
You turned your attention back to the two boys in your lap, drowning out Daryl and Ricks conversation about Beth, who, by the sound of it, didn't make it.
Ricky began to stir a little in his sleep before his bright blue eyes fluttered open and he smiled sleepily at you.
"Hi, baby." You whispered, resting your hand on the side of his face and brushing his cheek with your thumb gently. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to go."
Ricky nodded ever so slightly before his eyes slipped shut again and he rolled over, shifting closer to his brother who was still out like a log.
"I knew they were bad, but they had a code. It was simple. Stupid, but it was something. It was enough." Daryl continued to say quietly from outside.
"And you were alone." Rick reminded him.
Carefully, you shifted your sons heads out of your lap before quietly opening your car door, not wanting to wake them or Michonne and Carl who seemed to be making the most of this rare sleep-in opportunity.
"They said they were lookin' for some guy. Last night they said they spotted him. I was hangin' back. I was gonna leave... but, I thought I heard Y/N shout. That's when I saw it was you guys. Right when ya saw me. I didn't know what they could do."
Daryl's voice was heavy with shame, the same way his guilt was weighing down upon his shoulders. He blamed himself for what happened. He felt responsible for it all.
"It's not on you, Daryl." Rick insisted, but Daryl refused to look at him. "Hey. It's not on you. You being back with us here, now, that's everything. You're my brother."
You quietly closed the car door behind yourself, successfully getting out without waking anyone before you walked around the vehicle to find the two of them still sitting against the front wheel and looking out at the woods ahead. Their poker faces were terrible, you could see the emotion washing over the two of them from that conversation, but neither of them wanted to show it.
"I think you mean, son-in-law." You piped up, trying to lighten the mood.
"Jesus." Rick exhaled with a chuckle as he tilted his head up towards you. "We were having a moment here."
"By sitting side-by-side and staring straight ahead? What a touching moment." You teased causing Daryl to snort softly in amusement. "You guys okay though?" You asked seriously.
They both gave you a small nod, although you suspected that neither of them would admit if they weren't okay, so it was a stupid question really.
You sat down beside Daryl, leaning your back against the frame of the car before reaching over and grabbing his hand, lacing your fingers together before shifting your hands into your lap.
Daryl didn't say anything, he simply let you hold his hand in silence as the three of you sat there together.
"Merle?" You asked quietly, almost afraid of the answer.
Daryl shrugged, "went to get Ricky out the bus. By the time I came back, he was gone. Haven't seen him since."
Daryl's head quickly turned to you, and you could practically see the light bulb shining brightly above his head at the sudden thought or idea he had just gotten.
He glanced over at Rick almost cautiously, but your father was too busy staring down at his blood-stained hands to notice the look. Daryl quickly turned back to you before mouthing the words, 'Judith?' and your heart shattered.
You bit your lip and silently shook your head, willing the tears you could feel coming to stay back as Daryl’s expression dropped. His own heart shattering, but he didn't say anything. He didn't react loudly, seeming to realise that it would be bad to bring that topic up in front of Rick.
"Merle is probably at Terminus." You suddenly said, wanting to change the topic to something positive.
"He will be, and we should get a move on if we wanna make it before sundown." Rick pointed out, and the two of you nodded in agreement.
Later that day, the group of you were walking straight into Terminus after hiding a duffle bag of weapons in the woods for backup. You wandered straight through the back gate without being stopped and entered some kind of old building where a group of people were seated at tables and seemed to be drawing up maps.
"Hello." Rick called out, announcing your presence.
Everyone in the room froze at the unexpected voice before a man sighed and dropped his paint brush onto the table.
"Well, I bet Albert is on perimeter watch. You here to rob us?"
"No. We wanted to see you before you saw us."
"Usually we do this where the tracks meet." The man continued to say, stepping out from around the table to walk over to you. "Welcome to Terminus. I'm Gareth."
You stood back in silence letting your father do all the talking with Gareth and before you knew it, a man named Alex was giving you all a guided tour around the community.
It wasn't until you got outside to what seemed to be an outdoor cafeteria type area, where someone was cooking a barbeque that it all came crashing down.
Michonne, Alex and the woman behind the barbeque were talking while you scanned your surroundings and the people in the area before your eyes landed on a man wearing prison armour.
Where the hell did he get that from?
You kept looking around, noting all the fresh gardens and tables set up under large umbrellas where a few people were sitting and eating. But then you saw something that you'd never misplace.
Daryl's poncho.
A woman sitting at one of those tables was wearing his poncho. It was his. You knew it was his because it had that little hole by the bottom left where Ricky had burnt it while playing with Uncle Merle's lighter without permission.
How the fuck did this random person get Daryl’s poncho? How did that other guy have prison riot armour?
Alarm bells were starting to go off in your head. All of this was just one giant red flag, and you couldn't ignore it.
You adjusted your hold on Dean who was resting on your hip before you took a step forward until you were between Daryl and Rick, both of them looking around the area on high alert.
"Not to alarm anyone, but that guy is in prison armour and that chick is wearing your poncho. How?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Both Daryl and Rick suddenly turned tense in realisation, their heads snapping in those people’s direction.
Okay, good. So, you weren’t just being paranoid. It isn't just a coincidence.
Rick suddenly marched forward just as Alex went to hand Michonne a plate of grilled meat. Your father smacked the food out Alex's hand and grabbed the man, wrapping his arm around Alex's neck and holding his back against his chest with a gun to the side of his head.
In an instant, you drew your handgun from the holster on your hip, aiming at other people in the area who had already raised their own weapons at the group of you.
"Ricky, behind me. Now." You ordered, not taking your eyes off the armed people in front of you.
You felt Ricky grab onto the back of your pants, hiding behind your legs before you glanced over at Daryl to find him with his crossbow raised, Michonne and Carl also following suit with their guns.
"Where the hell did you get this watch?" Rick questioned, and you only just realised that he pulled out a silver pocket watch from Alex's pocket which you assumed belonged to someone at the prison.
"You want answers? You want anything else? You get them when you put down the gun." Alex responded.
"I see your man on the roof with a sniper rifle. How good's his aim?"
You quickly glanced over at the roof to find that there was in fact a man on the roof with a scoped rifle. Shit. How did you not notice him earlier?
You quickly shifted your sights onto the man on the roof, trusting Daryl, Michonne and Carl to have the others under control. Your fingers rested against the trigger as you aimed at him with one hand, the other firmly holding Dean to your side.
"Where did you get the watch?" Rick repeated sternly.
Alex began yelling at the sniper to lower the weapon and not do anything. To your surprise the man listened and lowered the sniper, but you kept your handgun aimed in his direction not taking any chances.
"I got it off a dead one. I didn't think he'd need it." Alex tried to say, his shaky hands raised in surrender, but Rick didn't remove the gun from the side of his head.
"What about the riot gear? The poncho?" You questioned, not bothering to look at the man as you spoke, keeping your sights on the sniper.
"Got the riot gear off a dead cop." Gareth's voice suddenly answered. You quickly spun around with your gun raised to find the other man standing directly behind you. "Found the poncho on a clothesline."
"Bullshit. That is my husband's poncho. Try again."
Gareth eyed you cautiously, staring down the barrel of your gun before he glanced over at Rick, dismissing you completely.
"What's there left to say? You don't trust us anymore." Gareth simply responded before turning his attention over to your father. "Rick, what do you want?"
You kept your gun trained on Gareth while Rick spoke with him before Gareth suddenly raised his hand to signal someone and Rick fired his gun without warning.
It all happened so quickly.
Dean and Ricky both screamed in fright, and you looked over at your father realising that he had just killed Alex. A second later, gunfire erupted, and you quickly turned around to shoot Gareth, but the man had vanished.
You turned your body to the side, trying to shield Dean in your arms and Ricky hiding behind your body as you returned fire at the other people. Daryl suddenly picked up Ricky in his arms before you all took off running away from the gunfire.
Dean was whimpering in your arms, his body trembling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You wanted to comfort him, to reassure him that everything would be okay, but with the bullets raining down on you, now was not the time for that.
After a few seconds of running, it became apparent that those people weren't shooting to kill you, they were shooting by your feet. They were shooting at the ground trying to herd you in whatever direction they wanted you to go in.
Oh, that couldn't be good.
"They want us to go this way. They're shooting at our feet!" You shouted above the gunfire.
"We don't have a choice, keep running!" Rick shouted back.
As suspected, they herded you guys like damn sheep in a pen and before you knew it, you were trapped out in the open between a tall, barbed wire fence and a large warehouse building, nothing but an old train cart to your left.
"Drop your weapons! Now!" Gareth shouted.
You looked up to find him now standing on the roof of the warehouse, another man beside him with an assault rifle aimed at you all.
Damnit, how the hell is this guy everywhere?
"Now!" He repeated when none of you moved.
You glanced around trying to find a way out, but you were trapped between the fence and warehouse that was lined with men with guns aimed at you all. There was nowhere to go.
Daryl looked over at you, his bruised but fearful eyes locking with yours before he dropped his crossbow to the ground and lowered Ricky down beside him. Rick looked between you all, his mind working overtime trying to think of a way out of this, but you knew there wasn't one.
Slowly, you lowered your handgun to the ground before putting Dean down as well, wanting your hands to be free in case you had to fight.
The second Dean was on the ground, Ricky rushed over before Daryl could stop him and he quickly grabbed his brother protectively and pulled him behind you, both of them grabbing onto the back of your pants for safety.
Rick, Michonne and Carl all lowered their weapons as well, none of them looking happy about it.
"Ringleader, go to your left. The train car, go." Gareth suddenly instructed.
There was a train cart on your left with the letter 'A' spray painted on the side. He wanted Rick to go inside there? Great, perfect. This was not going to end well.
"You do what we say, the boy goes with you. Anything else, he dies, and you end up in there anyway." Gareth further explained, noticing your fathers hesitation.
Rick glanced over at you and Carl for a brief moment, giving you both a small nod before he began to walk towards the train cart.
"Now the archer."
Like Rick, Daryl hesitated. He didn't want to leave you and the boys out here when there were several men on roofs with guns aimed directly at you. You gave him a small nod of encouragement, despite not wanting him to leave you either. But you also knew that if you pissed off Gareth and didn't do as he said, it wouldn’t end well.
Daryl sighed, but started to follow Rick.
"Now the samurai." Gareth instructed a few seconds later. Michonne glared up at him but obeyed. "Stand at the door, ringleader, archer, samurai, in that order."
"My kids!" Rick shouted, not taking his eyes off you and Carl as Daryl and Michonne lined up behind him in front of the door to the train cart.
Gareth looked back down at you and although it was hard to see his face from all the way up on the roof of the warehouse, you could see that he was grinning.
"I am not going anywhere without these boys." You stated sternly, your hands behind your back, holding onto your sons as you glanced over at Carl who took a few steps closer to you, his brown eyes filled with terror.
"Relax, mama bear. You and the three boys can go."
Carl quickly grabbed Ricky’s hand while you picked up Dean and you hurriedly walked in the direction of the train cart.
"Ringleader, open the door and go in." Gareth shouted from the roof.
"I'll go in with them." Rick shouted back, not taking his eyes off you and Carl as you walked over to them.
"Don't make us kill the girl now."
Ricks face twisted in anger. He glanced at the door to the train cart before glancing back at you, not wanting to go inside when you and Carl weren't there yet, but seemed to realise he didn't have a choice.
You watched as Rick climbed up the steps before he pulled open the door to the train cart before stepping inside, Daryl and Michonne following before you and Carl reached the steps.
"Go." You said, nodding at Carl to go inside first.
He nodded, his hand still holding Ricky’s as he slowly walked up the steps with his nephew and stepped inside before you followed. Daryl instantly stepped in front of you, his hand cupping the side of your face before he looked down at Dean in your arms when suddenly the door behind you slammed shut.
It was dark inside. The only light was streaming in through the small gaps in the door barely lighting up the cart. You could see Daryl in front of you though, his eyes never leaving yours, like he had been afraid that he would never see you again after getting momentarily separated.
"It's okay." You whispered, grabbing his hand with your free one before glancing over at Ricky who was still clutching Carl’s hand tightly.
"Rick?" A voice suddenly questioned.
Wait. That voice... you knew that voice.
You turned around and had to do a double take when a couple figures stepped out from the shadows at the far end of the train cart and your jaw dropped when you realised who they were.
Glenn and Maggie.
Holy shit, they were alive.
"You're here." Rick responded, sounding as shocked as you were.
A few other people suddenly emerged from the darkness, two familiar faces, Sasha and Bob, but the other men and women were strangers, although Maggie and Glenn didn't seem worried about them.
"They're our friends. They helped save us." Maggie explained, like she could somehow read your mind.
"Yeah." Daryl nodded, his hand still holding yours. "Now they're friends of ours."
"For however long that'll be." The big redhaired man muttered, shaking his head before he turned away.
"No." Rick stated, shaking his head causing the man to turn back towards him. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."
Your father walked over to the door, peaking through the small gap as the redhaired man stepped forward, "find out what?"
“They're screwing with the wrong people."
Nobody slept a wink that night, minus Ricky and Dean. Those little boys could sleep anywhere if they wanted to. The rest of you stayed up talking, Daryl telling Maggie about Beth, Glenn introducing you to Tara, Rosita, Abraham and Eugene.
They seemed like decent people, Eugene was a little strange, but was nice enough and Maggie and Glenn vouched for them, so that was all you cared about.
The group of you made weapons out of anything that you could. Gareth had apparently stripped the others of all their weapons, but you still had your hunting knife on your belt and pocketknife. The knives were used to carve wood out from the side of the cart, shaving off the tips and making them into weapons.
Carl helped as well, but also sat in the corner with Ricky and Dean, keeping your boy’s company and trying to distract them from how scary this whole thing must be for them.
"Alright, got four of 'em pricks comin' our way." Daryl announced from where he was keeping watch through the gap in the door.
"Ricky, Dean, you two stay right there, okay? Don't move." You instructed, looking over at your boys who were still sitting in the corner.
They both nodded, but Ricky must have sensed the urgency in your voice because he reached over and grabbed his little brother’s hand to make sure Dean didn't try and move.
You turned back to Daryl who had stepped away from the door, and you handed him your hunting knife. He took it with a nod of appreciation before you pulled out your pocketknife, flicking the blade out with your thumb.
"Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." Rick instructed.
"Put your backs to the walls on either end of the car, now!" A male’s voice shouted from outside.
None of you listened. You all huddled around the door with your weapons raised ready to attack the second that door got pulled open. But then a hatch suddenly opened in the roof, daylight streaming down at you all.
You squinted at the bright light, unable to see what was up there before something suddenly fell through the hole and clanged onto the ground. You looked down in confusion and your stomach dropped when you saw the silver device by your feet.
Oh, fuck.
"Move!" Abraham's voice boomed through the cart.
Daryl grabbed your arm, yanking you away from the canister before shielding your body with his just as it exploded with a loud bang.
The force of the explosion sent you and Daryl to the ground. Your body crashed into the hard floor. In the back of your mind, you acknowledged that the explosive had been some kind of stun or gas grenade and nothing lethal, but that little piece of information was useless right now as you laid on the ground quite literally stunned and ears ringing loudly.
You blinked, trying to get your head straight as you glanced around, the entire cart filled with white smoke as you cough and spluttered. Your vision was blurry, but you could see Daryl lying on the ground beside you, not fairing much better.
Your body wouldn’t cooperate as you tried to move, your limps feeling numb as you tilted your head to the side and allowed yourself to relax slightly when you spotted your sons across the cart. Ricky was covering Deans body with his own, shielding his little brother from the explosion.
Suddenly, the door to the cart slid open, and you watched helplessly as a group of men marched inside and started to drag some of you out.
"Daddy!" Dean cried, peeking out from behind Ricky to see his father being hauled away by the men in riot armour.
"No!" You yelled, staggering up onto shaky feet and reaching for Daryl who seemed to be unconscious in the man’s arms. "Let him go!"
You rushed forward, your head spinning and ears still ringing from the explosion, but then something hard slammed into the side of your head and the last thing you heard was Rick screaming, "don't touch her!" before everything turned black.
"My dad's gonna be back. They all are."
That was the first thing you registered when you started to wake up. The second being what sounded like screams and gunfire in the distance.
What the hell was going on?
"They are. And we need to get ready to fight when they do." A different voice said. A voice you knew.
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open to find that you were laying on the floor of the train cart with two sets of familiar eyes looking down at you in worry.
"Mummy! You're awake!" Dean said happily, plonking himself down on top of you in a hug.
You grunted at the sudden impact before Ricky hugged you as well and you laid there for a moment and wrapped your arms around your sons holding them against your chest.
They were okay. Your boys were okay.
Maggie suddenly stepped into your line of sight, hovering above you almost worriedly.
"What happened?" You asked, your voice coming out weaker than you expected before you cleared your throat and tried again. "What happened?"
"They took Glenn, Rick, Daryl and Bob. But there was an explosion not long ago and now it sounds like a war outside. We're not sure what's going on. Can you stand?"
Ricky must have been listening because he suddenly let you go before he grabbed his brother and pulled him off you, giving you room to sit up as you looked around. The others were all sitting and standing around, everyone's eyes on you.
You could hear the sound of walkers above the rapid gunfire, their distinct growls and snarls coming from outside the train cart.
Maggie held her hand out and helped you to your feet before Carl walked over and handed your pocketknife back to you which he must have found on the ground.
"Thanks." You said, taking the knife before suddenly the door to the train cart opened and Rick stood in the doorway.
"Come on! Fight to the fence!" He shouted, briefly looking at you all before he turned and began shooting walkers with what appeared to be an AK-47 in his hands.
Where the hell did he get that from?
Everyone hurried out through the open door before you could even move, but Daryl pushed past them and stepped inside the cart, his wide panicked eyes frantically searching the small space before he saw you standing beside the kids.
"You good?" He quickly asked, rushing forward and grabbing the side of your face, gently tilting your head to the side to look at the bruise on your forehead from the hit that knocked you out.
You grabbed his hand and lowered it from your face, "I'm good. Let's get out of here."
Daryl nodded, before he picked up Dean in his arms and you grabbed Ricky’s hand with your free one and you rushed out the train cart where the others were fighting the herd of walkers.
Shit, there were a lot of them.
"Y/N!" Rick's voice suddenly shouted.
You looked up and only just had enough time to catch the assault rifle he tossed your way.
"You hold onto the back of my shirt, and you don't let go, understand?" You instructed, looking down at Ricky who frantically nodded, grabbing the bottom of your shirt in a vice like grip.
Daryl was taking out walkers with a metal pipe in one hand while holding Dean to his chest with the other and you quickly raised your rifle and began shooting at the walkers, taking them out one by one.
"This way! C'mon!" Your fathers voice shouted.
The group of you ploughed your way through the herd of the dead, clearing a path until you reached the tall, barred wire fence that lined the community. Abraham and Rosita found an old blanket and threw it over the top of the fence to cover the sharp barbs.
Everyone began throwing themselves over the tall fence with Abraham’s help.
"You keep shooting, I'll get Ricky over the fence." Michonne instructed.
You glanced over your shoulder and nodded at your son to go with Michonne who quickly picked him up and rushed over to the fence where Daryl was lifting Dean over to someone on the other side.
Satisfied that your boys were in safe hands, you turned around to find a group of men appearing up on the rooftops of the warehouse, giving you deja vu.
"Y/N!" Your father shouted for backup, raising his rifle towards the men.
"I see them." You responded, wedging the butt of the rifle into your shoulder before you looked through the scope.
The crosshairs were moving all over the place as you tried to hold the gun still, but your hands were shaking too much, so you just squeezed the trigger and shot in their general direction. It seemed to work though because after a few seconds, they were all dead.
You and Rick turned your sights onto the walkers that were getting closer and closer, their rotten bodies stumbling through the courtyard towards you all.
You began to shoot at them too, trying to buy the others time to get over the fence before your gun suddenly clicked, the bullets no longer firing.
"I'm out of ammo!" You called out, dropping the rifle and drawing your pocketknife back out.
"Get over the fence, I'll cover you!" Rick shouted, stepping in front of you protectively while he kept shooting at the walkers.
You hurried back over to the fence just as Abraham helped the last person over and you glanced over your shoulder, "Dad, c'mon!"
Abraham helped you over the fence, making quick work of it before you landed on the other side where the others were all waiting. Rick landed beside you a moment later, stumbling a little failing to get his footing before you grabbed the collar of his jacket and steadied him.
"Thanks." He sighed, breathlessly, resting his hand over yours just as Abraham hauled himself over the fence too.
You glanced over to find Daryl holding Dean while Ricky stood beside him, holding his free hand before you glanced around at the others, relieved that everyone was okay.
Daryl led you all through the woods, tracking your old footprints from yesterday before he found where Rick had buried the bag of weapons. While your father dug up the bag, he argued with Abraham and the others about what to do next, but their arguing came to a quick stop when footsteps approached you all from behind.
You turned around quickly and reached for your knife, but froze when you saw that it was Carol.
Holy shit, she was alive.
Daryl was the first to react, putting his son down before rushing over and hugging her. You let out a small chuckle of disbelief, unable to believe she was alive as you walked over to her.
"I'm so glad you're okay." You said.
"I'm glad you guys are okay." She replied, looking between you and Daryl with a big smile before she glanced at someone over your shoulder.
"Did you do that?"
You turned around at your father’s voice to find him motioning back in the direction of Terminus and suddenly it all made sense. The explosion that Maggie told you about, that was Carol.
Carol nodded before Rick pulled her into a hug and you smiled watching the two of them reunite.
"She had a little help!"
Merle Dixon suddenly emerged from the woods, and you found yourself paralysed to the spot in pure disbelief. He was alive. Holy shit, he was alive and him and Carol had just saved your lives.
"Uncle Merle!" Ricky and Dean both squealed.
Your kids seemed to process this information quicker than anyone else because within a flash, they were sprinting over to their uncle. Merle grinned, kneeling down with his arms out just as your sons threw themselves into his embrace causing Merle to chuckle.
"Have you two grown since I last saw ya? Look how big you are! You're gonna be out huntin' with me in no time." Merle exclaimed, hugging his nephews tightly before he tilted his head up towards you and Daryl, and a relieved smile spread across his face.
"Jesus, man. I thought you were dead." Daryl muttered, trying not to show how much he really cared, but you could hear the emotion in his voice.
Merle just grinned, letting go of his nephews before he stood up and took a few steps towards his brother. The two of them stared at each other for a moment before Merle shook his head and pulled Daryl into a tight hug.
"Ain't nothin' can kill me, little brother." Merle reassured, patting Daryl's back before he glanced over at you. "Y/N, get your freckled face over here 'n give ya brother-in-law a hug."
You rolled your eyes at his choice of words, but walked over anyway just as Merle lifted one of his arms off Daryl and pulled you into the family hug. You closed your eyes and hugged the two of them, allowing yourself a moment to let your guard down as you stood in the safety of their arms.
"Dixon, is that you?" Abraham suddenly called out.
Wait, what?
You and Daryl pulled away from Merle in confusion to find Merle looking just as confused as he looked in the direction of the voice to find Abraham slowly walking towards him.
"Ford?" Merle questioned in shock.
A giant smile broke out across the redhead’s face, and if you weren't mistaken, that was the first time you had ever seen the man smile.
"Son of a dick, it's really you." Abraham exclaimed, holding his hand out.
Merle grinned, taking Abraham’s hand before they pulled each other into a quick hug-pat thing that guys seemed to always do.
"Wait, you two know each other?" You asked, looking between them in confusion.
The two of them pulled apart and Merle nodded, "we sure do. I know him from my army days."
"Bro, you got kicked out the army." Daryl pointed out causing Merle to glare at him, but there was no real heat behind it.
"We were in Basic together." Abraham supplied, still smiling brightly. "Man, remember all the shit we used to get up to?"
Merle grinned, "remember that night when we-"
"Whoa, is this story PG rated?" You quickly asked, glancing over at Ricky and Dean who were looking up at Abraham and Merle like they were the most fascinating people on this planet.
"None of Abrahams army stories are PG rated." Rosita spoke up, shooting the redhead a smirk. "We should probably get going. I don't wanna be near that place when those walkers get out."
Yeah, she had a fair point.
"You have to come with me." Carol quickly said, pointily looking at Rick as she spoke before she suddenly turned around and began walking off through the woods.
"She's right. C'mon, Officer Friendly, you're gonna love this." Merle announced, turning and following Carol.
You glanced over at your father in confusion who met your gaze with equal amounts of confusion, but you just shrugged your shoulders before the group of you all followed the two of them through the woods.
Eventually you reached a small dirt road which you then followed, neither Carol nor Merle elaborating any further about where you were going, until you spotted an old wooden cabin in the distance. The door to the cabin opened a moment later and your jaw dropped when Tyreese stepped out with baby Judith in his arms.
Rick made a sort of strangled gasping sound in the back of his throat beside you before he quickly pulled his rifle off his shoulders, holding it out in your general direction. He couldn't speak, but you didn't need him to as you took his gun before he sprinted down the dirt road.
Carl ran after your father and tears started to blur your vision as you watched Tyreese hand over your baby sister to them before Sasha jogged over engulfing her brother into a tight hug.
The rest of you all slowly walked over to them. Merle was holding both Dean and Ricky in his arms while he chatted away with Abraham. Your sons refusing to leave their uncles side, but Merle didn't seem to mind.
Daryl slung his arm over your shoulder, and you rested your head against his chest and wiped the tears from your eyes as Rick handed Judith to Carl.
"Thank you." Your father said, turning to Tyreese.
"Don't thank me, man. Dixon was the one that saved her back at the prison."
Everyone's head snapped in Merle’s direction who was too busy talking with Abraham to hear what was going on, but he noticed the sudden attention because he stopped whatever he was saying and looked around at everyone in confusion.
"You saved Judith." Rick stated, like he couldn't quite believe it was true.
"Yeah, I did," Merle nodded seriously, glancing over at the baby girl in Carls arms before he chuckled. "And you lot doubted my baby-sitting ability."
You rolled your eyes, "that is because you keep teaching my sons bad language. We don't want Judith’s first word to be asshole."
"Well, someone's gotta be the fun uncle. It sure as shit ain't gonna be Mr. Goodie Two-shoes over there." Merle responded pointing at Glenn. "No offence, man."
Glenn laughed softly, "no, that's fair."
"I think I like Glenn better. He hasn't taught those boys anything bad." You pointed out, giving Glenn a small appreciative nod.
"Wait, wait, what about that day Glenn gave Ricky the lighter?" Maggie suddenly reminded.
"I swear, I didn't think he'd try and set that poncho on fire." Glenn said defensively.
"That was you?" You gasped, looking over at Glenn who had the decency to look guilty. "I've been blaming Merle for the past two months."
Daryl snorted softly from beside you, "to be fair, it is usually always Merle who does stupid shit."
"I am standing right here." Merle exclaimed, pretending to take offence to the whole conversation causing you all to start laughing.
"Hold on, I'm confused." Rosita suddenly said, looking between your family. "Rick is your father, but he is also Carl and that baby’s father, and Daryl is your husband, and those boys are you sons?"
You chuckled softly, "yeah, pretty much."
"Oh, okay. That makes total sense." Tara nodded sarcastically.
"It's okay, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and I've known them for a while now." Michonne piped up causing you all to start laughing again.
"We need to go." Rick announced once the laughing had stopped.
You looked over at your father to find him staring at the smoke in the distance. The community of Terminus still burning from the explosion Carol and Merle had caused.
"Yeah, but where?" Daryl asked, his arm still over your shoulder.
"Somewhere far away from there."
Next Chapter
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luvrrgirl444 · 2 months
chapter 2: number 6
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it was now saturday, and you, your best friend, genesis and your parents were almost at the football stadium. the game started at 2 pm, and the titans stadium was about 3 hours from your neighborhood, so you guys had left the house at 10:30 am. you and gen had slept for a while, and then woke up and did your makeup in the car.
your older brother, kade, was a freshman in university. he was a star player in high school, and had been scouted by one of the top university football teams in the country, the trost titans. he was a quarterback, and had been playing football since you were little kids.
the drive was long. after hours, your mom finally arrived and parked the car in the stadium’s parking lot. “finally.” you sighed, making genesis giggle and nod her head. “are you girls ready?” your mother asked. “yes,” you both answered and finally left the car seats and stretched.
you four soon made your way to the stadium’s entrance. the stadium was packed with people. most were clad in red or black, making it known that they were rooting for the titans. there were others wearing yellow, representing the marley commanders.
“i’m excited!” your mother exclaimed, to which your dad agreed. “we haven’t seen kade play since high school.”
“dad, you’re acting as if he was in high school 10 years ago.” he rolled his eyes. sassy. “it felt like it.” he then took out his phone to call kade, to let him know that you guys had arrived to the stadium.
a few minutes later, your brother ran over and hugged everyone, including genesis. you and genesis had been attached to the hip since you met in first grade. genesis was considered apart of the l/n family, and kade viewed her as an annoying younger sister, just like you.
“hey man, you ready?” your dad questioned, patting his son’s back. he smiled. “game starts in 15 minutes, i gotta be.” your mother held his face in her hands and smiled. “my baby, you’re gonna do great!” she exclaimed, confident that her son was gonna succeed. “thank you, ma.”
“yo, kd, coach called you!” one of his teammates shouted. “ight! i’m coming!” he responded. he looked at his family and grinned. “imma make ya’ll proud!” he said, giving you, mom and genesis a kiss on the cheek, and one last hug to dad, before he left. “okay! let’s go find our seats!”
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the game had been going on for a while, and it was now the ending of the fourth quarter. the titans had 17 points, while the commanders had 7. they were leading by 10. the titans, and kade were doing amazing, but the job was not done. there was still 6 minutes left in the game.
your brother, along with another guy, number 6, on the titans had scored 12 of those 17 points, getting two touchdowns together. they were clearly a dynamic duo, and were doing extremely well together, along with the rest of the team.
“kade and that number 6 are amazing together.” your dad said, and your mom nodded.
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the game had ended, and kade and number 6 had scored another touchdown. the final score was 24-7. kade had kept his promise, his performance making your parents, along with you proud. you and your family had gone down near the field to congratulate him on his win. he was doing an interview before he spotted you guys, smiled and made his way over.
“you did amazing out there!” your mom told him, and kissed him on the cheek. your dad nodded along, “we’re so proud of you, kay.” he ruffled his curls. he then opened his arms for you and genesis and asked, “what about ya’ll? where’s my congratulations?” you both rolled your eyes but gave him a hug and congratulated him. “you were actually insane out there!” genesis said.
kade looked back to his teammates and their families and beckoned one of them over. “yo, jay! come here!” it was number 6. as he walked over without his helmet on, you and genesis looked at each other. he was fine. he had fluffy brown hair, which was a little damp from the sweat that had accumulated during the game. his eyes were brown, with smudged eye black underneath and a sharp jawline.
“mom, dad, this is jean,” kade ruffled his hair, and jean smacked his hand. “he’s my number one receiver, and my roommate.” jean smiled at your parents. “nice to meet you, your son has gotta be the best quarterback i’ve ever played with.”
your parents grinned. “jean, you were incredible!” your mom complemented, which made the brunette smile, displaying his pearly white teeth. “thank you, mrs. l/n!” he continued talking to your parents, before kade brought him over to you and gen, who were whispering about him.
“genesis. y/n. this is jean, my teammate.” kade introduced. “jean. these are my sisters.” jean made eye contact with you and grinned. his smile was gorgeous. you almost folded right there and then.
“hey, jean. congrats on the win! you guys were great out there!” you smiled back at him. “thank you, y/n.” he winked. genesis nudged you with her elbow and mouthed ‘oh my god’.
“so you guys gonna celebrate the big win?” your best friend asked. jean nodded. “yeah. one of our buddies is having a party later.” he gestured to one of his teammates. “my guy eren throws the best parties, i swear.”
“yo, you two should come!”
“hell yeah!” genesis exclaimed, the same time as kade said “hell nah.”
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- the longest chapter i’ve ever written oml
- they met!!
- kade & jean being an iconic wr and qb duo >>>
taglist! <3 @alittleilliterate @invisible-mori
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AITA for giving away my sisters fish?
This is a dumb and very long story (i could probably shorten it somehow but I don't know how) and I know the title makes me look bad.
Ok so, one evening my mom and my little sister(let's call her Jess) brought home a container of four fish that mum said she saw a guy selling on the road for about 2 dollars (I'm not american so I just calculated and it comes out to around 2 dollars)
This was during the end of year break when Jess was home (usually we all go to boarding school) None of us had ever had pet fish before and we didn't know what kind of fish they were, they looked different from each other and their size difference was pretty big too(the largest was about the size of three nail clippers stacked on top of each other and the smallest was about the size of 1/2 of a car key). So we weren't sure of the species of any and bought the most nondescript pack of fish food we could find, they ate it so we thought things were ok.
About 1 month into the break though (the end of year break where I am is 2 months), 1 of the fish died for reasons we still don't know (we changed the water every 3 days) and two weeks later a second one just disappeared, it wasn't in the bowl, and no one knew what happened. So by the time school started there were 2 fish left (Jess was sad but we also have dogs so she wasn't too sad)
All of us go to different boarding schools but ive been going to a day-school this past year because I'm scheduled for a surgery, so when everyone went back it was just me with the fish.
My elder sister (let's call her Kat) came home from university for a while and she thought the fish were cool so she asked my mom if she could tell her where she got them so she could get some for her dorm. My mom told her she just got them from some guy on the road who didn't have a stall and probably wouldn't be there if she drove to the place she found him. So she went back to uni without any fish
Flash forward, 4 weeks into the term, my mom comes to get me from school and she says was passing the area she saw the guy and he was there with another container of fish this time with about 10 fish also of various muddy and sandy colours, about length of the diameter of a soda-bottle cap (my mom said they also cost her about 2 dollars). I said we could split the fish in half, keep 6 and give Kat 6 for her dorm.
So I'm sitting in the car, holding the container of fish my laps and my mom suddenly stops the car because a person walking on the sidewalks falls into the trenches on the sides of the road. The person is ok but the car stops so suddenly and I'm not holding the container securely so it falls from my laps.
The container has a lid so the car is ok but the guy added some small rocks and a fake plant to the container so they kind of bury the some of fish and 6 of them die. I look on like an idiot while mom tries to settle the rocks but another fish is buried when the rocks are settled.
By the time we get home and transfer all the living fish into the bowl we already have, we have 5 fish in total. We move them to a new, slightly bigger bowl and feed them but by the next morning when I'm going to school i see 3 fish left.
When I get home, I tell my mom that maybe we aren't ready for fish and we should give them to Kat whose dorm may be less of a safety hazard (during the end of year break we used to play with the fish a lot, trying to touch their tails etc so we're definitely the reason the first batch died anyway. We're also 8 kids and there are kids older and younger than me so it would be hard to stop EVERYONE from being rough with the fish). I also had exams coming up and I was starting to put of changing the water and cleaning bowl until i saw algae growing on sides.
Kat has a roommate who thinks the fish are cool too so incase one of them forgets maintaining the fish the other can do it. (I also kind of secretly hoped the all fish would just die a week or two into being with them so it wouldn't bother them anymore I feel bad about it)
Anyway, 3 weeks later when Kat came home she took the fish with her. It's around the middle of the first term so it was Visitation Day at Jess's school yesterday (I think the name is self explanatory) and the first thing she asked about was the fish. I didn't know what to say so I told her the truth and she was so SAD!!(I mean obviously she'd be sad but visitation day is supposed to be a good day) because we named the fish and everything(the first batch, not the second) . I tried to tell her how Kat and her roommate were nice and would give the new fish good name but she said that was dumb I knew that was dumb and I wish had just lied about the whole thing and asked my mom to buy new fish but I feel like Jess would know so said nothing else
My mom kind of cheered her up by saying that during the holidays they could go get a good tank and actual goldfish from a better place but she was mad at me because I suggested that the fish be given to Kat and I feel like she's right because it would be stupid to ask Kat to bring the fish wish her the next time she came home.
All my other siblings not just Jess also got attached to the fish so I'll just be breaking the news to everyone for the next three weeks (because all schools where I am schedule visitation day in the same month) and just generally ruining the mood.
What are these acronyms?
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lovesodakid · 2 months
sworn to secrecy 6
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chris x fem!reader
1 2 3 4 5
summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate sees..in which. he does not approve of whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: underage drinking/drunkness. should be all!!
the ride back to the triplets house seems blurry and hazy as the alcohol continues to consume my senses. the dimly lit streetlights and florescent headlights being the only illumination of the dark night.
“hey, you okay?” nick asks from above me. im laying on my side, head on his lap in the backseat.
“mhm.” i grumble, attempting to sit up.
i rub my head with my right hand, as my left is holding my limp body up.
“hey kid,” chris begins as he turns around in the passenger seat. “maybe slow down on the drinks next time, yeah?”
i let a small laugh escape my lips as i sit up more in the seat. my back now against the back of it.
“are we almost there?” i question. referring to the triplets house, obviously.
“yeah. just ten more minutes.” matt answers, keeping his eyes trained on the empty road ahead of us.
i nod my head in response. memories from the night flooding my brain.
the sound of chris’s fist smacking against christian’s face before he falls to the ground. i wince at the memory.
a year ago, you couldn’t have paid me enough to even take a sip of alcohol. now? i just got completely wasted at my first party. i don’t know what switch has flipped in me lately, but something has definitely changed a lot.
“okay we’re here.” matt says as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
i nod again, unbuckling my own as i open the car door. i plant my feet on the graveled surface of the driveway, i take about two steps before i’m already wobbling. struggling to keep my balance.
“hey-here.” chris says quietly as i feel a warmness coating the exposed part of my waist due to black, slightly cropped shirt covering the top half of my body.
“you got her?” i hear nick question chris as we make our way up the steps of the patio, towards the front door.
“yeah.” he replies, keeping a tight grasp on me to keep me held up and walking.
“here i’ll get the door.” i hear matt rush in front of us, the sound of a lock unlocking filling the silence.
once the door squeaks open, a finger making itself over my lips in a “shush” position. i turn around to face chris behind me, assuming it’s him since the warmth of his left hand has left my waist.
“shh. you gotta be quiet okay? mom and dad are asleep.” he speaks softly, removing his finger from my mouth to grab onto my left shoulder.
i nod my head up and down, matt holding the door open for us to walk in. nick walking behind us, just incase i fall backwards.
my feet slowly approach the threshold of the door, making my way through it. the smell of the house filling my nostrils. the smell i’ve grown fond of. the smell i’ve considered home. the smell i wish my own house smelled of. family dinners every night, family game nights, and grill outs during the summer. my house was nothing like that. instead, it was filled with lingering aroma of alcohol and cigarettes. the alcohol from my dad, cigarettes from my mom. a house filled with pain and suffering. a house where family dinners didn’t exist, just the occasional times where we’d sit together and eat on the couch in silence as a random show took over the tv screen. which only happened once, maybe twice a year at most if i was lucky.
i look down, watching every step i take, making sure i don’t trip over anything as im already struggling to keep myself up and walking.
we all slowly but surely make our way up the squeaky brown staircase. chris keeping a tight grip on me. matt walking in front of us, nick walking behind us.
“okay, i’m going to bed. goodnight guys.” matt says quietly as he makes his way to his bedroom. leaving small creaks throughout the floorboard in his path.
“hey y/n/n, you coming to my room?” nick questions, placing his hand on my shoulder.
i nod as chris slowly loosens his grip on me, allowing nick to take hold to walk me to his room.
“okay, i’m going to bed. let me know if you need anything.” he explains as he begins his way to his room.
“okay, c’mon.” nick slowly walks me to his bedroom. the door making a slight screech sound as it opens.
once we both enter his room, i make my way to his bed, flopping myself down on my back as i stare up at the white, blank ceiling.
“you want some clothes to change into to sleep in?” nick inquires as he starts making his way towards his closet, sliding open the mirrored door.
“mhm.” i hum. wanting to just be comfortable, and out of the clothes that are currently coating my limp self.
“okay, here.” he hands me a set of grey sweatpants, and a random white hoodie he must’ve had for years, small stains here and there. “i’m gonna go brush my teeth while you get dressed.”
he heads to the bathroom, shutting his door behind him. i sit myself up, cursing myself for drinking so much alcohol in the first place. especially for the years i told myself i would never drink.
once i’m finally able to stand up without face planting, i remove the clothes i was wearing to put on the clothes nick lended me. the cotton hoodie and sweatpants immediately comforting my body. the warmness soothing the places that were once freezing.
i throw my clothes somewhere onto nick’s floor before climbing into his bed, pulling the comforter all the way up to my chin. the mattress sinking in, molding the place where my body lays.
my eyes already being extremely heavy, flutter closed as the paralyzing slumber takes over my body.
i blink my eyes multiple times to open them from their sleepy state. i sit up, the comforter of nicks bed slightly falling off the top half of my body, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
i place my feet on the cold flooring, as i stand up to make my way out of his bedroom. turning around to make sure he’s still asleep before turning the knob of his door. creating the small sound of metal rubbing against each other.
i make my way out of his room, only to be met with someone sitting at the island table, scrolling through their phone. sounds coming quietly from the speaker of it as he scrolls through various videos.
i walk around a little more to see the face of who it is. once i’m where i can see his face, he’s already spotted me.
“hey! how you feeling?” he interrogates quietly as he sits his phone face down on the table. ending with a small *thump* sound.
“um-i feel okay.” i answer, shrugging my shoulders. “what time is it?”
he picks his phone back up, reading the time back to me.
“5:03 A.M.” he reads, setting his phone back down.
“oh.” i say, walking towards the fridge to grab any kind of liquid after i noticed how painfully dry my throat had been.
silence fills the air as i open the refrigerator door, grabbing a plastic water bottle. i shut the door as i turn my back to it, facing chris once again.
i twist the plastic lid as it makes a small “pop” sound. taking a quick swig of the drink before placing it down on the marble design of the island.
“so, how was your first party experience?” he asks, staring right dead at me with a sly grin.
“um,” i begin. “it was okay. other than the fact i want to puke right now. and the fact you beat some dudes face in.” i laugh.
he shakes his head side to side before speaking. “well, the dude deserved it.” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
i nod my head in agreement, crossing my arms.
“why did you do it?” i question him.
his face slightly faltering before he begins speaking.
“i just had my reasons.”
i push my lips into a straight line, raising my eyebrows as i nod.
“you should be getting back to bed. you’re gonna have a nasty hang over. so you should probably get some sleep.” he explains, standing up from his stool.
“goodnight chris.” i tell him, making my way back into nicks room.
“goodnight y/n.” he speaks softly, eyes scanning over my face before walking away with a small rub on my shoulder.
i walk back into nicks room, shutting the door behind me. i stride towards his bed. once i sit down, i get into a position i think is comfortable enough to sleep in, allowing the sleep to take over my body once again.
a/n: sorry this part took so long to get out !! i was dealing with some minor personal things. i also apologize if this is a little more on the boring side. and for the fact its short!!!!
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melanieph321 · 7 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Brotherly Love Part 5/6
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Summary - The sequel to The Houseguest where Ruben and Reader have been dating long distance for a year. The two of them finally plans to spend a holiday together, but to Readers suprise and disappointment, Ruben brings her brother Bernardo with them.
Ruben was giving you the cold shoulder after your argument the other day. The worst part about that is now Bernardo really had him all to himself. You felt like the silly little sister, having a crush on her brother's best friend. And yes, of course you still had feelings for Ruben. To you he was the love of your life. Perhaps that's what disappointed you the most, the fact that Ruben didn't fight for your love.
"Y/N can I talk to you for a minute?" Thomas asked, urging you to take a walk with him in the backyard.
"What's up?"
Believe it or not, it was the first time Thomas had adressed you by name during your entire stay at the villa. For the most part he had been avoiding eye contact with you and acted quite anxiously whenever you were around you. Which was odd because despite how strange it was that your sister was dating your first love, you had zero problems with it. Their feelings for each seemed real which was a miracle in itself considering how cazy Anita was.
"I wanted to ask you somthing?" Thomas said as the two of you paced in the backyard, away from the villa.
"Ask me what?"
"Well...usually I'm meant to go to your parents for this question but to me your opinion matters too."
"Okay... my opinion of what? Why are you being weird Thomas?"
"I'm not being weird I'm just nervous."
You chuckled. "Nervous about what?"
He took a deep breath.
You frowned, realizing what a train wreck he actually was. "It's okay Thomas, you can tell me." You reassured.
He nodded. "I want to ask your sister to merry me, but I won't ask her unless it's okay with you."
You froze, stupefied by the question. Such a big question.
"Thomas I....I don't think...."
"You don't have to give me an answer right now. I'm not planning on doing it until we get back home. But I want you to at least think about it. And perhaps not tell Bernardo about it."
"Tell Bernardo about what?"
Just then he wandered into the backyard, Bernardo, with grocery bags in his hands. You could see Ruben by the car, unloading more bags.
"Tell me what Thomas?" He said, putting down the groceries. He had overhead your conversation or at least the last part of it.
"I....I was talking to your sister."
"Yeah, I know. But you said my name didn't you?"
"I did but...."
"What we were talking about is none of your business Bernardo." You defended.
It was true,  Bernardo was terrible at keeping secrets. You understood why Thomas wanted to keep his plans to propose to Anita exclusively between the two of you.
"But if he told you he could tell me, no?" Bernardo argued,  like the child he was. Needless to say his behavior often rubbed off on you too.
"What he said has nothing to do with you."
"Great, so why does it matter if he tells me or not?"
"Yes, because...it's none of your business period."
"What's going on?"
You drew back a little as Ruben came into the backyard. Thomas noticed this and shot you a blank stare.
"It's Y/N." Bernardo blamed. "She and Thomas are keeping secrets, saying it's none of our business."
"Oh." Ruben's faltered gaze shifted between you and Thomas.
"It's not like that. We were just talking." You said.
"About what?"
You rolled your eyes. "Don't start Bernardo."
"Women." He sighed and left with the groceries towards the house. Ruben lingered a bit longer, appearing to want to say somthing to you. He hesitated though, following Bernardo into the house.
"Are you two good?" Thomas asked.
"No. No we are not."
Your mood was gloomy for the rest of that day. Seeing Thomas and Anita during dinner didn't help. They were laughing and making jokes. Under the table their hands were intertwined and their feet nudging. A couple in love.
"Y/N, pass me the salt honey."
"Huh?" Your attention was brought back to the table. Your parents were looking at you expectantly.
"Is everything alright?" Your mom asked.
"Um...yeah, sure." You passed your dad the salt. He took it skeptically.
"You don't seem fine."
A hand was brought to your temple. You groaned. "I'm fine mom. I assure you that I don't have a fever."
"What is it then, you've been quiet all night."
Everyone's attention was brought to you. You glanced up to see Ruben looking at you with furrowed brows.
"I see." Your mother mumbled. "Well your brother and Ruben will be back for the next holiday. In the mean time I'm sure you and Ruben can arrange to see each during the weekends. It's not that far for you to drive down from university to Lisabon, right honey?"
You took a bite of your food. Your parents were the only once oblivious to your current relationship status with Ruben. Everyone else seemed to have picked up that there was trouble in paradise.
"When are you leaving son?" Your dad asked Bernardo.
"Tomorrow?" You exclaimed, spitting a few food crumbs onto the table. "But that so soon."
"Well we have to get back to training."
"We?" Anita chuckled.
"Okay, Ruben has to get back to training. I have to get back to...you know." He mumbled.
You shot a glance towards Ruben. He kept his eyes on his plate. A part of you thought there would be more time, more time to make things right between you.
"Y/N, wait!"
It was after dinner. You were on your way back to the pool house when Ruben came running.
"Are you okay?"
"No, I'm not okay." You frowned. "Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?"
"I wanted to tell you, but then our fight happned and..."
You shook your head. It was pathetic, you were already crying. "Will I see you again?"
Ruben stepped up to you. "Of course. You can visit me whenever. My home is your home Y/N." His hands rubbed your arms, shielding you from the nights cold. So much a simply touch could do. You were ready to throw yourself back into his arms. There was only one question.
"Where is Bernardo staying during his suspension from the team?"
"Y/N." Ruben sighed. This practically answered your question. "You know he's staying with me as long as he needs to."
You nodded. "Then I guess there's no room for me."
You wiggled out of his grip and continued towards the pool house.
"Maybe you should stay with Thomas!" Ruben shouted. "Since the two of you seem so close to each other again."
"What did you say?"
You paused and turned back around.
Ruben stood by what he said, his arms crossed before him.
You approached him with angry steps. "You don't know the first thing about..."
"Enlighten me then."
You snorted.
"Bernardo told me that he overheard the two of you talking. What does Thomas want huh? Does he want you back, is that it?"
You shook your head, a smirk on your face. "I can't believe you're dumb enough to trust anything Bernardo says."
"Oh, so I'm the dumb one? At least I don't go kite surfing when a splash of water makes me seasick."
You slapped him. It was an unexpected reaction from you but your hand left your side and swiped across his face. Ruben took it well though. He might have seen it coming. The silence that followed was one of the most painful moments you've ever experienced.
"Y/N I..."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "Please don't speak."
"Y/N, I'm sorry I..."
"Ruben please." You cried. "Don't ever speak to me again."
You left him standing there whilst you ran back into the house. You ran upstairs not caring who you woke up. You knocked on the bathroom door knowing she'd be in there going through her many nightly routines. The door opened. She looked back at you with a startled expression. Nevertheless, seeing your tears, Anita knew not to ask too many questions. She pulled you into her embrace, letting you cry in her arms. It was one of those rare but universal moments between siblings. When all you needed to do was be there for one another. And right now all you needed was your big sister.
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visualtaehyun · 6 months
Had some more notes while watching the rest of ep. 5 so this is an attempt to put them into one halfway coherent post before ep. 6 airs tomorrow and my brain will inevitably have moved on djshdsjh
This is gonna be highlighting word choice as well as a bit of meta. I'll be color-coding words referring to Day and Mork like this again for ease of understanding.
Disclaimer: not a native speaker, still learning 🙏
Day and August
The word choice in Thai is just as intentionally ambiguous as the subs make it out to be. Both Day and August use the word คู่ /khuu/ a lot which can be used for anything that comes in pairs, is matched against each other, is equal/even etc. After observing the two of them the entire episode, Mork very fittingly remarks that if Day wasn't talking about Badminton, he'd think Day was talking about his ex.
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- คู่ของผมเอง /khuu kaawng pom eng/ -> Day doesn't even feel the need to specify what kind of partner, the subs added the word 'badminton' - เขาขายเป็นคู่ /khao khaai bpen khuu/ - นี่กูเป็นพาร์ทเนอมึงนะเว้ย /nee guu bpen partner mueng na woei/
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- มึงไปหาคู่ใหม่เหอะ /mueng bpai haa khuu mai huh/ -> หาคู่ /haa khuu/ = find a partner - กูก็ไม่ได้อยากจะคู่ใครหรอก ถ้าไม่ใช่มึงน่ะ /guu gaaw mai dai yaak ja khuu khrai raawk, taa mai chai mueng na/ = I don't wanna pair with anyone if it's not you.
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ทุกวันเนี้ย เวลาเล่นยังคิดถึงมึงอยู่เลย /thook wan niia, weh laa len yang khit thueng mueng yuu loei/ -> คิดถึง /khit thueng/ literally means 'to think about/of' in a yearning kind of way so it's often translated as 'to miss sb./sth.'
August holds Day's hand and asks Mork (??!) for permission and then Mork's face after letting go of Day's hand and walking behind them hoo boy
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An observation: With August it's monochromes, just as the headbands he got for the both of them are black and white. With Mork it's blue and orange and pink and just- vivid colors! I love that Day is caught between them in terms of feelings but also in terms of colors and clothing and framing while Mork is caught in the middle in this shot here, observing, relegated to the background, an outsider. P'Aof is so 😩👌
Cars & Care
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Mork is thinking about his sister's car and how he feels responsible for taking care of it now because it's all he has left of her after he couldn't take care of her. Meanwhile, Day is remembering the fight he had with his brother in this same car and how it doesn't matter if he's taking care of the car if he doesn't really care for his own brother. I'm certain both their perspectives here are gonna come to a head once Night and the mom show up again or once Mork fully opens up about Rung.
Mork with Day
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เราก็ว่างอยู่อะ /rao gaaw waang yuu a/ -> another instance of 2nd person pronoun เรา
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He calls Day คุณหนู /khun noo/ (=young master) and uses polite male ending particle ครับ /khrap/ in both these instances. The first use of ครับ /khrap/ here is more teasing and sarcastic, the latter is just one of many instances during their practice date where it makes him sound sweet, the way you might use it with a partner.
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subbed as baby is the word ที่รัก /thee rak/ = literally beloved, a term of endearment like darling, honey, sweetheart - layin' it on thick to tease and flirt lol
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When Mork holds Day's hand under the menu, he calls him เธอ /ter/ - an informal 2nd person pronoun that's used a lot in songs, poetry, literature etc. and so it has a bit of a romance trope connotation. Outside of that, it's also used between female friends and by teachers to refer to students, for example.
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พี่ว่าถ้าเดย์ผ่านด่านบอสเป็นสเต็กแล้วเนี่ย พี่ว่าเนี้ย หวานเจี๊ยบ /phi waa taa Day phaan daan boss bpen steak laao niia, phi waa niia waan jiiap/ = I think if you made it past the boss level that is steak then this is a piece of cake.
That's not a literal translation but I had to because I can't believe they didn't seize the chance to substitute a slang expression/meme with a pun at least lol - หวานเจี๊ยบ /waan jiiap/ basically means very sweet but หวาน /waan/ can also mean easy.
Mork the sunflower
Mork asks why Day likes sunflowers (him) when there are so many pretty flowers out there (better men) - Day says it's the flower's (Mork's) refusal of darkness, instead always turning its face (Mork's!) to look at the sun. 🥺 Mork is that positivity for Day!!
When Mork offers to buy the sunflower for him, Day declines - he can't see it so he thinks he can't appreciate it (MORK) the way it (M O R K) deserves (Day: น่าจะมีความสุขกว่า /naa ja mee khwaam sook gwaa/ = It'd be happier). About liking August he also said- I should've told him sooner so I'd still get the chance to see his face.
I can't wait for how ep. 6 is gonna unfold, this show has me insane 🫠
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Taking It All In (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Part V
A/N: This is more than likely the last part of this unexpected series. I might be down to do one-shots about the series or something, but otherwise, I consider this series to be completed. I thank everyone who has requested something for this series and who has been reading them! I appreciate every single one of you! Requests are still open if you want to request something Pedro related! Thank you! <3
Word Count: 6, 196
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of guns, shooting, blood, and kidnapping.
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Sometimes life puts you in situations and you’ll wonder what decisions you made that got you there. How did you get to a certain point in life where you wondered if you would make it out alive. Where was the turning point? 
“Can we talk?” You looked around, most of the kids had left already. There were only a few stragglers, probably waiting for their parents to pick them up or even taking their time walking home. “It’ll be quick,” she cautiously said. 
There were multiple decisions for you to make in front of you. You just didn’t know which one to take. Would you listen to your naive little heart and listen to your mother? Or would you listen to your brain, the one that held all the trauma stored in a little box, and walk away unscathed. “You shouldn’t be here,” you muttered. You looked up at her, her eyes pleading for you to listen to your heart. “How did you even find out where I go to school?” 
“I have my ways,” she hesitated. It made you feel uneasy, there weren’t many people who knew where you attended school and it was for good reason. 
You began to walk around her, “I don’t want to talk to you,” you stated. She grabbed your arm, causing you to withdraw it quickly from her grasp. “Don’t touch me,” you hissed. 
“Let’s just take a drive,” she suggested, glancing down to her jacket pocket where one of her hands was. You followed her gaze, noticing an object being pointed directly at you. “Please, just get in the car,” she gestured towards her car. Decisions, you could run. This was school grounds, she’d be stupid to do anything on school grounds, but was she that stupid? Or, you could get in the car. Your naive little heart no longer wanted to hear her out, it was terrified of the outcomes. “I just want to prove that I can be a good mother, Y/N. Just let me prove that to you.” 
You didn’t know if there could be any evidence that she was a good mother, not to you especially, maybe to her other kids. For you, she wasn’t a mother at all. Yeah, maybe to your siblings she was the best mother out there, but did she really have to prove that to you? You noticed the Principal walking out of the main building, he looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back, your mother was quick to notice the interaction, “Get in the car,” she hissed. 
You gave her a nod, following her to the car. You opened the passenger door, giving your Principal a quick glance. He knew only a certain few came to pick you up from school and he knew your father informed the office if someone other than him or his sister was going to pick you up. So, he was curious when he saw someone he didn’t recognize picking you up.
“This is a perfect day,” your mother began as she began to drive away from the school. “Sasha and Nathan are at a friend's for a play date, but Jack is picking them up in about an hour.” She smiled as she gave you a quick glance, “Oh come on, it’ll be fine!” 
“I don’t know how comfort-” 
“No,” she said sternly, “I’m going to prove to you I am a good mother.” 
You could hear the engine roar as she got onto the highway, you couldn’t help but glance at the speedometer. She was already going eighty on the highway and climbing. “C-can you slow down?” you asked. 
“I’m a good mother,” she whispered to herself. 
90 miles per hour. Swerving to avoid hitting cars. 
You could’ve run to your principal and could’ve taken the risk of her shooting the gun. You didn’t know how big of a risk it was, but you would have been safe right now. 
95 miles per hour. 
“Please, slow down,” you said a little louder. Hoping she could hear the desperation in your voice, the way it shook with fear. You felt the car begin to slow down, letting out a relieved breath, unclenching your fists that were held tightly on your lap. 
She got off the highway, she hasn’t said anything in the past few minutes. “Where are you taking me?” you asked as you looked at the unfamiliar streets you had passed. 
“Home,” she whispered. 
You gave her a confused look, “I-I don— my house isn’t in this direction.” 
“I know,” she muttered. 
You looked forward, watching as an unfamiliar neighborhood came into view. She wasn’t taking you to your home, she was taking you to hers.
Today was one of the days Pedro wished there were two of him. One to run his errands and the other to just go do whatever Pedro does whenever he isn’t running errands. Luckily for him, Oscar was in town and he was able to join Pedro in his day of unfortunate events. 
“Again, Thanks,” Pedro began as Oscar helped him put together a new bookcase in the living room. They had tools all laid out on the floor, pieces of wood scattered around them. It was like they were two kids playing with Legos but with Ikea bookcase parts. 
“Like I said, it’s not a problem. Plus, it gives us a chance to talk.” Oscar cleared his throat before he continued, “How’s Y/N and the whole thing with her mom?” 
Pedro shrugged, “I don’t know, after the quince I spoke to Y/N. She was pretty hurt, I mean, why wouldn’t she be? Her mother left again. They were supposed to meet during the weekend but I pulled some strings and canceled the meetup. I’m just trying my best right now.” Oscar nodded, “I mean, there’s no parenting guide on what to do when your daughter's mother leaves in the middle of the quince.” 
Oscar chuckled, “No, but you could write one,” he suggested. A knock on the door interrupted their conversation, “expecting someone?” Oscar asked. 
Pedro shook his head, “Probably the Amazon delivery driver,” he got up from his place on the floor. “I swear, this girl sometimes orders things online and thinks I don’t notice bu-” He stopped midsentence as he opened the door, half expecting a man with a blue vest on the other side, but was surprised when he saw a man dressed in a nice suit. “Oh! Sorry, I thought you were the Amazon delivery driver,” Pedro apologized. 
“Pedro?” The man asked. 
“Uh, yeah?” Pedro gave the man a confused look, “I’m sorry, who are you?” 
“My name is Jack, I’m Gabriela’s husband.” 
To say Pedro was shocked was an understatement. He was shocked, confused, and a bit angry. “W-what are you doing here? How do you even-” 
“Look I’ll answer all those questions, but I need your help.” 
“My help?” 
Oscar walked over to the door, “everything okay?” 
Pedro shook his head, “you need to leave, Jack.” 
“No, you don’t understand,” Jack said desperately, “You and Y/N are in danger.” Pedro gave Jack a nod to continue, “Gabriela she’s off her meds and this morning we got into a big argument. It’s a whole story.” 
“Y/N doesn’t get home until an hour from now, I got time,” Pedro stated, opening the door for Jack. 
Jack walked in, “Gabriela wasn’t supposed to go to Y/N’s quince, as a matter of fact, I had no idea she had been in contact with Y/N the past few months.” Pedro led him into the living room, Jack sat down on the couch as Pedro and Oscar sat across him. 
“What do you mean?” Pedro asked. 
“Gabriela and I separated a few months ago,” Jack began. “I had noticed she was beginning to spiral and she had been neglecting her medication and the kids. So, I did what I thought was right, I took the kids to my mom's and had Gabriela sent to an institution where she could get help. The next thing I know, I hear she was out of the institution, but when I came to check on her, everything was fine. But I should’ve known better, she was just putting on a show.” Jack sighed, “Slowly I let her see the kids, that’s when she ran into Y/N. We live in Near Soho, Gabriela purposely brought the kids here in hopes of running into Y/N. That day I found out, I took the kids and left to my moms in anger.” 
“Wait,” Pedro was trying to put the pieces together, “She purposely did it?” Jack nodded, “Are you even running for governor?” 
“I was, until I found out about Y/N and I knew Gabriela having a secret like that, probably wouldn’t go that great with the election. I think it’s what made Gabriela spiral, she felt this need to fix everything. I partially blame myself, I was kind of hard on her about it.” 
Pedro was in disbelief, he was sickened at the idea of Gabriela purposely planting herself in places so that she could find you. “Why are you here, again?” Oscar asked. 
“As I had said before, Gabriela and I had an argument this morning. I had found out about her visitations and the quince, I was so angry and she was so desperate to make things right. During the argument, I found out that she hadn’t been taking her medication. I left to get some air and when I came back she was gone.” Pedro and Oscar looked at Jack confused, they still didn’t understand why he was there. “I then began to pack the rest of my stuff, I decided I was done with Gabriela, but in the midst of my packing, I realized that my gun was no longer in its safe. All that was in there was a note.” Jack uncrumbled a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, handing it to Pedro. 
“I’m going to make things right,” Pedro read. He looked back up at Jack, “Do you think she’s going to?” 
“I don’t know,” Jack responded. “I hope not, I can’t seem to find her anywhere and I was hoping you could help me?” 
Pedro looked at Oscar then back over at Jack, “Alright.” 
After another minute in the car, she pulled up to one of the townhomes. Parking on the side of the street, she quickly got off, walking over to the passenger side to open the door for you. She gave you a huge grin as she led you up the small steps, “Welcome home,” she said as she opened the door to the townhome. 
You shook your head, “I-I should um, I should get home,” you shakingly said. 
Her smile quickly vanished, “Get inside, Y/N.” One of her hands went directly to her jacket pocket. You knew what she was indicating, you took in a deep breath as you stepped inside the home. It was nice and felt welcoming even under the circumstances. 
There was a hallway that led to different rooms and portraits hung throughout the walls of the hallway. Photos of the family. Some of these photos you had seen on her social media, from the time you had just found her. Some you had never seen. The ones you have never seen, your mother looked nothing like she did on her social media. She looked different. Depressed. Herself. 
She looked like herself. 
Like her true self. 
It was apparent in the photos that she didn’t want to be there, you could see it in her eyes that she wasn’t happy. You knew that look, mostly because you carried that look from time to time. 
“That was taken shortly after Sasha was born,” your mother said as you looked at a portrait of the family. In the photo, your mother carried a small infant, who you assumed to be Sasha as a baby. 
“You look so sad,” you whispered. 
“I wasn’t,” she snapped. She cleared her throat, “Come on,” she said as she took hold of your arm and led you into the living room. “Sit,” she demanded as she gestured towards the couch, you hesitated, wondering if sitting was the right thing to do. It gave you less of an advantage to run if you were sitting, “Sit!” she yelled. You quickly sat down, fear had taken over your body. It controlled your every move like a puppeteer. 
You heard your phone vibrating in your pocket, you took it out, making eye contact with your mother as your phone continued to vibrate in your hands. “It’s my dad,” you stated. “I should’ve been home by now.” 
She took the gun out from her jacket pocket, pointing it towards you, “Answer it,” she demanded. “No funny business.” 
You felt a chill run down your spine, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you answered the call. “Yeah?” 
“Mija! Thank god you answered! We went to your school, but you’re not here!” he began to say, you could hear the sense of relief in his voice.
“It’s early release, I forgot to tell you that we got out an hour early,” you stated. 
“Look, I need you to get home as soon as possible, okay? Your mother… she’s uh… She’s going through some mental breakdown,” you looked over at your mother, she still had the gun pointed toward you. 
“Yeah, I won’t be home for another hour, I need you to lock the door and-” 
“Yeah, enchiladas sound nice for dinner,” you interrupted. 
“Mija, what are you talking about?” 
“I don’t know, Dad, maybe some rice?” You let out a forced chuckle, hoping your father would catch on. 
Pedro, on the other hand, stopped in his tracks, “Mija, are you safe?” 
“No, you know how I hate Bell peppers.” Bell peppers. There it was. Your code word. Once you and your dad had placed back when you were little, one you never thought you would have to use, but here you were. 
Pedro looked over at Jack, his heart had dropped. “Bell peppers,” he muttered, grabbing Jack’s attention. “Y/N, I need you to try to tell me where you are.” 
You closed your eyes, letting out a sigh, “I don’t know.” you looked over at your mother, who had begun making her way towards the window, the gun still pointed at you. She was out of earshot range, though, “it’s not my home,” you whispered.
Your mother quickly turned around, “get off the phone right now,” she demanded. 
You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes, you couldn’t just hang up, “Papi, te amo,” you said desperate to make sure your dad knew you loved him. 
Pedro felt the anger build up inside him, “No, Y/N. Don’t say that, I’m going to find you okay?” 
“Off the phone now!” your mother yelled. She grabbed the phone and hung up the call for you. 
Pedro heard your mother's voice, he knew you were with her. He knew you weren’t safe. 
“What happened?” Jack asked. 
“Gabriela has her,” Pedro clutched his phone in his hands.  
“Did she say where she was?” Jack was just as desperate as Pedro was to find them. He knew Gabriela had reached her breaking point and was afraid to find out what she was capable of. 
“It wasn’t her home,” he muttered. “That’s what she said.” But what could it mean? The only place that you wouldn’t consider home, there were many places that you wouldn’t consider home. But no, that’s not it. It had to be a place where it should be your home, but wasn’t. Pedro looked up at Jack, “Where did you say you lived again?” 
“Near Soho…” Jack realized what Pedro was trying to get at, “Shit!” 
They ran towards Jack’s car, wasting no time getting in, “How long would it take for us to get there?” 
“If I break all the laws? About fifteen minutes.” 
“It’s a good thing you’re a politician,” Pedro commented. 
Your mother fumed as she lowered the gun, “Alright, it’s okay,” she repeated to herself, “this can all be fixed.” You watched as she began to pace, “I just need you to hear me out, okay?” She pointed the gun toward you again, “Can you do that?” 
“I feel like I have no choice at the moment,” you spat. 
She rolled her eyes, “Enlighten me for a moment.” 
“You’re acting insane—” 
“I’m not insane!” She yelled, “Don’t act like you are not like me because I know you’re just like me. Hell, you’re the spitting image of me. Mentally and physically.” 
You shook your head, getting up from the couch, “I’m nothing like you.” 
“Sit down,” she commanded. 
You shook your head again, “I don’t want to sit down.” 
“No, you’re gonna sit down and you’re going to listen to me!” This was a side neither you nor your father knew about. A side she never showed him. Was it a breaking point for her? Seeing you again? How happy you were without her? Tears began to well up in her eyes, “I never wanted to leave you–” 
“But you did,” you stated. 
“I had to,” She hissed. 
You shook your head, “you didn’t. You left because you wanted to. Staying was always an option for you too.” 
“No! Staying meant I wouldn’t be able to breathe!” 
“Then why did you stay for them!? Why not for me? Was I not worth it?” 
Your mother held her head with her hands, “No, no, no,” she began to mutter, “I’m a good mother!” 
“I’m not saying you’re not,” you began. 
“Yes, you are!” She pointed the gun back at you, “You don’t know me!” 
“You’re right, I don’t.” You held your hands up, “I’m everything you are, just a different version.” 
“You don’t know what I’ve been through.” You shook your head. Your instincts were to tell you to just agree with her, get her to calm down. Maybe, somehow, you could talk her out of this. “I went through hell and then I had you and I couldn’t be happy! I thought maybe having you could give me some sort of happiness.” Tears welled up in her eyes, “And seeing Pedro so happy, I couldn’t tear that from him! But now, now we can build a home together,” she smiled. 
You glanced at the clock that was hung on the wall, it had only been ten minutes since the phone call. Although, it felt like longer. You had hoped that your dad understood what you were trying to say, you hoped that help was on the way, “I-I have a home.” 
“No!” She groaned, “I can build you a better home! Here, with your siblings, where you belong!” She said hopefully, waving the gun around her and gesturing towards the home she had built for herself. “This is where you belong,” she muttered, “Why can’t you see that?” 
“I-I can.” 
“You’re just saying what I want to hear.” 
You shook your head, “N-No, I can see us here. Me with my siblings,” her eyes lit up. “Don’t you see it, Mom?” Tears in your eyes, your voice shook. “I-I can.” 
She nodded, “I see it, baby.” 
“B-But I have to go home first.” 
Her smile vanished and you could see the darkness begin to fill her eyes, “No.” 
“Please,” you cried. 
You both flinched when you heard loud banging coming from the door, “Gabriela!” You heard a voice yell. 
Your mother took a couple steps closer to you, the gun still pointed at you. 
On the other side of the door, Jack was on the phone with the police as he banged on the door. “Fuck this!” Pedro yelled as he motioned for Jack to step back. 
“Pedro, we should wait for the police.” 
“I’m not fucking waiting! That’s my daughter in there!” He lifted his leg, putting all his weight onto the door causing it to fall to the ground. Pedro ran into the apartment with Jack not too far behind. He stopped in his tracks when he made it to the living room. 
“One step closer and I’ll pull the trigger,” Gabriela threatened. She was only a few feet away from you, the gun aimed in your direction. 
Pedro lifted his hands, hoping to reveal to Gabriela that he meant no harm. Because he didn’t, all he wanted was for his daughter to be safe, “Gabriela, please,” he said softly, lifting his foot slightly. 
Gabriela cocked the gun, “I swear to god I’ll do it!” 
“Papi, please,” you looked at your father with wide pleading eyes.  
Pedro’s eyes never left you. “Shit,” Jack muttered as he saw the situation in front of him. “Gabriela, what are you doing?” 
“I’m trying to make things right!” She yelled, “Why can’t anyone see that?!” 
Jack let out a deep breath, “Gabriela, you need to let Y/N go, okay?” 
She shook her head vigorously, “No, I can make things right.” 
Jack shook his head, “You can’t, Gabriela. The police are on their way, there’s no making this right anymore.” 
Tears began to well up in Gabriela’s eyes, “I can make this right.” 
Sirens could be heard from the distance, Pedro still had his eyes on you. Every atom in your body wanted to run towards him, but you knew it wouldn’t be the right decision. Yet, all the decisions you made today led you to this moment. 
“There be here any moment, Gabriela, let’s just make it easier for them. Let’s put the gun down, alright?” Jack suggested as he took a step forward. 
Gabriela moved her finger to the trigger, “Jack, please, she’ll shoot if you take a step closer,” Pedro stated. 
Jack let out a sigh, “Gabby, shooting her isn’t going to fix this!” 
“Shut up!” She yelled. 
There were voices coming from the hallway, “Gabby,” Jack pleaded. 
Before anyone knew it, police officers ran into the living room. 
“Put the gun down!” One of the officers yelled as he pointed his gun at her. 
“Don’t shoot! We got civilians!” Another yelled.  
A few more officers began walking into the living room. Gabriela looks over at you, she was trapped, you could see the panic in her eyes, “I’m sorry,” she whispers. 
“Gabriela, No!” Pedro yelled. Gabriela pulled the trigger before one of the officers pushed her to the ground. At the sound of the gunshot, you ducked to the ground. 
“She’s down!” one of the officers yelled. 
Pedro ran over to your side, pulling you into his arms, “you’re okay,” he breathed. 
Adrenaline rushed over you, as your vision began to blur. You could feel warmness soaking through your shirt, you looked up at your dad who was looking into your eyes. Your hand felt around the area, and you looked down to see the blood soaking through your shirt. 
Pedro followed your gaze, his heart instantly dropping at the sight of the redness oozing through your shirt, “No, no, no, no!” He began to apply pressure to the wound. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay!” 
The adrenaline was slowly leaving you and you began to feel the pain of the bullet burning and piercing through your skin. You let out a loud whimper as your dad put more pressure on the wound, “I need some help!” Pedro called out. Officers began to put in a call for an ambulance as they surrounded the father and daughter. Pedro, in anger, turned to face Gabriela, “Why would you do this!?” He yelled. 
“I-I’m sorry,” Gabriela’s eyes never left the ground, she was handcuffed and dragged away from the scene. 
“Dad,” you called out in fear, “it hurts.” Tears pool in your eyes, as you struggle to catch your breath. 
“Breathe, Mija,” Pedro choked out, he was trying his best to be brave in front of you, but in all honestly he was terrified. “It’s gonna be okay.” Every word he had said was muffled as if you were in another room. “Look at me, Y/N!” Your eyes were darting from one spot to the other, “Baby, I need you to look at me, it’s gonna be okay.” You tried your hardest to focus on your dad's voice, on his face, on all the details, but it was becoming difficult by the second. The pain in your chest was becoming a distant ache as if it were an old wound. 
Your breaths were short and shallow, “No, no, no!” Pedro cried, “Stay with me!” He placed his free hand on your cheek, watching as your eyes struggled to stay open. “Quedate conmigo!” he placed his forehead against yours, “Quedate conmigo,” he cried. (stay with me) 
One of the officers knelt down beside Pedro, “Get that EMT in here now!” he yelled as he gently took you from your fathers' arms. He laid you on the ground and began checking for a pulse. Pedro continued to hold pressure on your wound. 
“Please, she’s all I have,” He pleaded with the officer. A second later a paramedic came running in with a stretcher. Pedro didn’t have a chance to breathe before they took you from him. He watched as they quickly began assessing you as they took you back to the ambulance. He made sure to be in there with you, even if they had suggested it wasn’t the best idea. He didn’t care, he wanted to be with you. He needed to. He held your hand, as they worked on you on the ride to the hospital. 
When he arrived at the hospital he wasn’t allowed past certain doors, meaning that he had to wait in the lobby with his blood-stained shirt. Pedro knew he would have to call someone sooner or later and he felt that it wasn’t the right time to be alone. 
He dialed the first number he could think of, he listened as the phone rang for a few seconds, “Pedro?” Pedro let out a small sob, “Pedro, Que te pasa?” his sister asked.
“I need you here, Javiera.” 
“Where are you?” His sister didn’t ask any other questions as soon as he said his location. She was there within minutes and she was by her brothers' side making sure he had a shoulder to lean on as they waited for the doctors to come out. 
“Get some rest, Pedro,” Javiera softly said. 
He could feel his eyes growing heavy. “Yeah, we’ll wake you if anything happens,” Oscar chimed in. He had arrived not too long after Javiera. It had now been four hours since they took you in and there was still no news. Pedro felt hopeful, that maybe if they were taking long it meant that everything was going well. 
He shook his head, “I need to stay up,” he muttered as he gently slapped himself, but he was exhausted. He always thought it was funny how crying made him so tired. How one could just tire themself out by just being so emotional. But keeping his eyes open was becoming a losing battle. 
“Papi,” Pedro heard a small voice, he groaned in his sleep as he turned his body around. A small giggle erupted, “Papi!” 
He groaned once again, he knew that voice. “Que queres, Muñeca?” (what do you want?) 
“Tengo hambre,” you sighed as you lay on top of your father. His eyes slowly opened with the weight of his small five-year-old daughter on top of him.  (I’m hungry) 
“Tienes hambre? Y? Por que es mi problema?” (You’re hungry? And? Why is that my problem) You erupted in a giggle again, Pedro couldn’t maintain the straight face any longer. 
“Papi!” you pleaded. 
“Y/n!” He pleaded. 
“Tienes que dar me de comer!” (you have to give me food) 
Pedro sighed, “Okay, Princessa! Pero! Primero, vamos a?” (But, first, we’re going to?) You shrugged, “Vamos a dar la princessa… cosquillas!” (We’re going to tickle the princess) His hands went directly under your arms,\ and you erupted in a fit of laughter as he wouldn’t stop. 
“Papi, ya no!” 
He stopped, “Okay, okay, vamos a comer.” (let’s go eat)
You jumped off your dad, quickly jumping off the bed. “Quiero huevos con hamon y tocino!” (I want eggs with ham and bacon). 
“Ah, quieres un omelette?” You nodded your head vigorously as you both made your way into the kitchen. “Looks like Oscar left for the day,” Pedro muttered under his breath as he opened the fridge. He let out a deep breath as he took in the view of the almost empty fridge. There was enough food for him to cook one omelet and only one. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you nudge your way under your dads to look into the fridge. In your eyes, you didn’t understand why your father seemed so sad when he looked in the fridge, you didn’t understand that a fridge was not supposed to be this empty. But Pedro wasn’t going to tell you that. 
He wanted to contain whatever happiness he could in you. He wanted you to have a childhood that didn’t involve you worrying over things you didn’t have to worry about. Things you shouldn’t worry about. 
“Nothing,” he grinned from ear to ear, “Let’s make that omelet!” Throughout the past few years, Pedro had become really good at making omelets. It was only because it was you almost always requested and he appreciated it because it was some of the cheaper ingredients he was able to get. Other than boxed mac and cheese and packets of maruchan. He was feeding you college dorm meals but you were enjoying every last one of them. 
Pedro placed the plate in front of you as he sat down beside you, “Gracias!” you beamed as you dug your fork into the omelet and took a bite. You dug your fork in again, but this time you offered the bite to your dad who gladly accepted. 
He felt his stomach silently growl with that one bite of the omelet. Oh, how he wished for another bite, just one more and he would be satisfied. That’s all he needed to get through the day, one more bite, and maybe he could make it until lunch when he could go get groceries. 
“Papi,” your voice interrupting his thoughts, “Por que no estas comiendo?” (Why aren’t you eating?) 
“Porque las princesas come primero” (Because the princesses eat first). 
“El Rey no come con la princesa?” (The king doesn’t eat with the princess?) 
Pedro chuckled, kissing the top of your head, “No, the king eats later when he makes sure that the princess has everything she needs before he decides to take anything, y sabes por que?” You shook your head, “Porque quieren tanto a la princesa. Y sabes quien es la princesa?” (Because they love that Princess that much, and you know who is the princess?) You pointed towards yourself, “Si! Tu eres la princesa!” (Yes, you are the princess) He planted a kiss on your cheek, “Now eat!” 
You giggled as you took another bite of your omelet, it was torture for Pedro, but if you had asked him if he would relive this moment he’d say yes in a heartbeat.
Pedro woke up with a jolt, for a second he had forgotten that he was in the hospital. Forgotten all the events that took place and for a second, he was in his happy place. Now the second was gone and all he could do was search for that feeling he got when he was in that place. 
“Pedro, the doctors will be out in a bit,” Oscar stated. 
Pedro sat up in his chair, “How long was I out?” 
“About an hour,” Javiera stated. 
Seconds later, two doctors wearing blue scrubs walked into the lobby. Pedro stood up, “please,” he muttered to himself. 
“Family of Y/N Pascal?” Pedro nodded. “She stable for now,” Pedro let out a relieved breath, “but the bullet barely missed her heart. It was touch and go there for a while.” The doctor took in a deep breath, “It’ll be a long journey or recovery, but she’ll be okay.” 
Pedro felt the tears well up in his eyes, “Thank you,” he sobbed. 
The doctor smiled, “She’s being taken to post-surgery, you can see her if you’d like.” 
“Thank you,” Javiera said as she shook the doctor's hands. 
“I have to see her,” Pedro stated. 
“Do you want one of us to go with you?” Oscar asked. 
He shook his head, “I just need to see her.” They gave him a nod, “I’ll call you guys up-”
“Don’t worry about us, Pedro. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready,” Oscar stated. 
He thanked them before walking over to the elevator. Pedro had to ask a couple nurses to help him find his way around the hospital, it took him about fifteen minutes but eventually, he found his way to your room. He took in a deep breath before entering, he was scared of what he would see, but he was also anxious to see you. 
He opened the door, letting out a deep breath as he took in the image of you laying in the bed. Wires hung from all over, a tube in your nose to help you breathe, and IVs in multiple places. He hated seeing you this way, hated how you were in this condition. Hated how he couldn’t have kept you safe. 
Walking over to your bedside, he pulled up a chair that was nearby. He sat down and took hold of your hand, “I’m sorry,” he choked out. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep you safe,” he placed a small kiss on your hand. 
What he didn’t know was that you heard him and if you could have responded, you would’ve told him that it wasn’t his fault. That no matter how hard he tried, he could never fully keep you safe, that sometimes life is dangerous, even if you think you’re making the right decisions. 
Pedro sat by your bedside, waiting for you to wake up. He watched as nurses walked in and out of the room to check on your vitals. They reminded him that it could be anywhere from a few hours to even weeks, it all depended on your body. It didn’t matter to him, he would wait until the end of time for you to wake up. 
Within a few hours though, you had slowly begun to wake up. Your chest felt sore as you slowly moved around in the bed. You groaned at the feeling, “Easy,” you heard your dad say. 
“Thirsty,” your voice was barely a whisper, hoarse and scratchy. Like when you unexpectedly slept for twenty-four hours during summer break after pulling an all-nighter. Your tongue felt thick in your mouth, and your eyes fluttered open. They took a few seconds to adjust to the bright lights above you. 
You saw your dad walk over to you with a cup of water and a straw. He held the cup for you with one hand and the straw with the other. He set it down on the bedside table once you were done, “You okay?” You shrugged, “Do you remember what happened?” 
You nodded, “The movies make it seem like getting shot was like stepping on a leggo.” 
Your dad couldn’t help but chuckle, “You have no idea how happy I am right now.” You gave him a smile, “I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“Yeah, you do.” 
He shook his head, “I don’t and it scares me. I don’t ever want to lose my blessing.” 
You grabbed his hand, “You won’t.” He smiled and placed a kiss on the back of your hand, “You know, it wasn’t your fault right?” 
He sighed, “We don’t have to talk about this.” 
“But it wasn’t,” you stated. “You can’t always keep me safe and you need to know that shit happens.” 
“Looks who is giving who advice.” 
“Dad,” you said sternly. “It wasn’t your fault.” Tears began to well up in his eyes, Pedro felt like he needed to hear it from someone else. To hear that the events were not his fault. 
To hear that he had done his best because he had. He broke down the door when who knows what could have happened if he hadn’t. 
“Te amo,” he whispered as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. Throughout the years you both survived multiple things. Your father helped you through your depression and your self-harm, you are each other's rocks. He made sure you had a roof over your head and food in your stomach, no matter the situation. There were good and bad times, but he always made sure to keep you oblivious to the bad because no matter how hard it got for him he wasn’t going to let it ruin your childhood. You thanked him for that because you knew he loved you that much. 
He noticed how quiet you had gotten, staring at the wall in front of you, “Everything okay?” He asked.
You sighed, “Yeah, just… Just taking it all in.” 
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213 @boiohboii @drowning-in-paragraphs @stoneredsworld @xmurph7
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someforzari · 5 months
Omg something abt watching this edit made me think of brothers bsf niki and I'm abt to explode
A/N: no smut obv, just fluff, reader is Jake's sister, Jake is aware of Niki's feelings, niki is a flirt, Niki is in love, set in UK (for some reason), kind of short (like reader).
Let me know if I should make part 2.
Female reader!!
(Actual fic + video under cut)
Niki was your brothers best friend. He was also your neighbour of 6 yrs, upon moving to this neighbourhood, Jake and him quickly became friends and you often saw him at your house or at his if Jake brought you along.
On one of your days off from work and school, he came over with 2 boxes of pizza because Jake had invited him over for video games and a movie. You opened the door because Jake was too busy tackling Sunghoon who beat him in Mario kart for the 5th time. Niki couldn't help but spark an interest in you since the first time he met u. Dare I say, he liked you.
"Hi Niki" You greeted.
"Hey _____, how are u pretty?" He said looking down at you.
Your heart flips at the nickname, it wasn't unusual for Niki to give you nicknames but all of them were jokes and silly names (eg: shorty, armrest, gnome, Santa's elf etc)
"I-" You were abruptly cut off by Jake pushing past you to hug the taller boy and welcoming him in, grabbing the pizza from him.
You and Jake were very close, thats why he always protected you and indulged your reckless behaviour. Jake loved you more than anything and knowing Niki, he knew the younger boy wouldnt treat you badly, ever.
Jake knew Niki's feelings for you and he didn't disapprove of the idea of you two dating.
Rolling your eyes, you locked the door and went into the living room where Jake and all of his friends played games and drank soda. As you normally do, you grabbed a slice of pizza and a can of coke and left for your room.
Niki was staring at you as u walked away, smirking to himself.
A few hours passed and you quickly got bored of your room, of course, you decided to go annoy your brother.
Walking into the living room and winking at Sunghoon to signal your plan, he quickly moved over to the single lounge chair leaving space for you to sit between Niki and Jake.
Jake caught on and asked Sunghoon why he moved.
"It's more comfortable here plus your massive arm isn't digging into my stomach when I get close to winning" Sunghoon joked.
Jake chuckled not minding that you sat between him and Niki as it was normal for when you got bored. Niki, however, gulped loudly when he saw how close in proximity you were to him.
You watched the boys play and laughed at some of their jokes but evidently got bored again only this time, you had jake to annoy. You waited until he was close to winning when you reached over your legs to the coffee table, pretending to get your coke and pushed into him gently when going backwards. Not too hard but hard enough to knock his hand out of place, both Niki and Sunghoon getting to the finish line before him.
"_____!!" He shouted right as Sunghoon started dancing in victory and Niki laughed clapping his hands.
"Sorry!" You weren't sorry. "I was getting the can but you were too close to me so I nudged into you!"
"Cmon Jake don't be a sore loser" Sunghoon said sitting down and patting niki on the back as a well done.
Jake grumbled under his breath and started the next game. Video games weren't really your thing so you went into the kitchen for a snack since they ate all the food already. Noticing the fridge and cupboards were empty, you went to ask Jake for money to go do some food shopping.
"Jake, can I have like 20 bucks" without even asking you what you needed he just threw a £20 note at you. "Thanks"
Niki couldn't help but smile when you guys made eye contact and you shyyed away.
You left the house locking the door and finding your car in the driveway.
(Back in the house)
Jake waited until he could hear your car engine start to speak up.
"So, Niki, what happened to that girl you were dating? Jenny was it? Janice?" He said curious to know more qbout the boy's love life..
"She broke up with me a few months ago because her parents didn't approve."
Jake just hummed, nodding at his response.
It got quiet for a moment until Sunghoon spoke up.
"Niki do you think you will start dating again anytime soon?"
"I've thought about that and I think I won't jump to the first girl who asks me out, this time, I'll wait for the right girl."
Sunghoon nodded "Do you have anyone in mind?"
"Yeah, but you guys aren't ready for it."
"Oh come on, tell-"
The sounds of the door opening and closing interrupted sunghoon as you entered and waved the packet of crisps in the air. All 3 men began cheering as you threw it at Jake and it hit him straight in the head causing you and the 2 older boys to laugh as Jake held his head in his hands. You ran to your room as Jake ran after you. Holding the door and locking it in Jake's face. He was banging on it and yelling at you to open it. Eventually, he stopped and went back to the living room. Although, he wasn't going to give up that easily. He sent Niki to talk to you and get you to open the door, Niki obviously didn't decline because it was alone time with you.
"_____? It's me Niki. Open the door I'm not gonna let Jake in."
"You promise?" You asked making his heart swell with adoration.
"Yes I promise."
Unlocking the door and creaking it open slightly just to peak out and make eye contact with Niki. He smiled warmly and you opened the door enough for him to walk in, eyeing the hallway cautiously. Making him laugh and pull you into the room, fully locking the door.
He felt a surge of confidence from being alone in a room with you and as you turned around he crept behind you and pinned you against the door.
"Nik-!" You yelled and he hurried to cover your mouth for fear of Jake thinking you were in danger and breaking the door down.
"I'll move my hand, but don't shout, please"
After calming down, you nodded quickly and he moved his hand slowly resting it on your shoulder. He sighed thankful that you didn't shout, and grabbed your waist, hugging you.
"What are u doing?" You whisper-yelled into his bicep.
"I don't know, but if you want me to stop, just say so."
After getting no response, he scoffed lightly and pulled away to look at you. The look in your eye made a light pink hue fall on his cheeks as he smiled.
"Yeah?" You answered softly.
"Can I kiss you?" He was desperate to, but he wanted to make sure he could.
Instead of answering him, you wrapped ur hands around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. It happened too quick for Niki, as he felt his face grow hot and his hands exploring your small back, kissing you deeply.
Oh, how badly you've wanted to kiss him since year 8 (9th grade) but never wanting to break the bond you and him had. You could kiss him forever but the sound of Jake laughing loudly from the living room startled you, causing you to break away from Niki and open the door quietly. Gesturing him to the kitchen where you both waited for something to happen, the sound of Jake's voice broke the silence.
"_____? You okay, it's been a while."
"Yeah, I'm alright." You answered back.
You and Niki crept to the doorway, Niki hiding behind the wall, reassuring you that Jake couldn't see him. Jake and Sunghoon walked over to see you by urself.
"She's okay dude" Sunghoon said annoyed.
Jake sighed lightly. "I know, had to make sure though."
You smiled softly at them and look in Niki's direction, only to see him smirking at you and lifting his eyebrow at you.
Video here
(Credits to aesphae on tiktok)
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader.
Warnings:18+ MDNI. Mention of Pregnancy. Angsty. Mention of Miscarriage. Alcohol. Raunchy jokes.
Word count: 4.7k
Tumblr media
6 Months Later:
Getting your luggage at baggage claim in the sea of people at this busy airport, you make your way outside. The freezing cold winter weather smacks you in the face waking you up and sending shivers down your body. You had just flown into Cincinnati from Providence for the holidays. After what happened 6 months ago you got your shit together as quick as you could, stayed at your parents for a few weeks before you left to Providence and left your old life behind. You never found out who set fire to your apartment because the apartments surveillance system wasn't functioning properly and you also never found out who was behind the hit and run but you wanted to move on from that and you did, focusing on your new life in Rhode Island. Things had been going really well for, you loved your new Job, loved the new city and have met some pretty cool and nice people along the way.
You wait for a bit outside in the freezing cold weather, the crazy traffic and honking overstimulating you a bit but you finally spot the familiar car. "Hey bitch!!" Peyton yells and honks not caring about being annoying to those around you as he pulls up with Sasha riding shotgun. They both hop out of the car and hug you tight. "Oh I've missed you so much!!" Sasha says. "Me too bitch! Spending thanksgiving alone this year fucking sucked, I missed out wine and Chinese take out." Peyton says. "I missed you guys too and I told your ass I'd send you a ticket to come to me for that weekend!" You say to Peyton as you guys hop into the warm car, Peyton taking your luggage and putting it in the trunk. "Here, we got you some hot cocoa!" Sasha says passing it to you in the back. "You guys are the best, thanks." You smile taking a sip of the delicious chocolate and milk. "So, how was the plane ride?" Peyton asks as he gets us out of the crazy airport. "It was fine, lots of crying kids on board but thankfully I had my headphones." You nod.
"I hope your mom and dad aren't too upset you didn't go with them to Paris and decided to spend the holidays with us." Sasha says sipping on her own hot beverage. "Nah, my sister and her little family went, so they're enjoying that and have forgotten all about me by now." You shake your head. Your parents were yet another trip for the holidays, this time they invited you but you really didn't feel like traveling far for the holidays and skipped out on it, plus you were spending a lot of money on your new place. "Are you hungry? There's this new Mexican place in downtown where that Thai place was." Peyton asks. "I'm so down for some food, I haven't ate anything since last night." You agree. You guys talk about what you had been up to the last few days and end up at the Mexican restaurant sooner than you'd thought you'd be, which you knew was courtesy of Peyton's speeding. Walking into the restaurant it wasn't too busy, few people every other table. 
After you guys get seated and given menu's Sasha speaks up. "So...meet anyone new?" She wiggles her eyebrows at you. "No, you know I told you I don't want to date anyone for a while." You sigh. "Okay well maybe not date but have you hooked up with anyone? What are the guys like over there?" Peyton grins. "I haven't hooked up with anyone but I have gone to a few gay bars over there and the guys are cute! You're going to have a great time when you go." You smile nodding. "You're hanging out with other gays out there!? Oh, I should of let your ass walk here, how dare you replace me." Peyton scoffs making you and Sasha laugh.
"What about you guys? Anyone you guys are hiding from me?" You ask looking at your two best friends, Peyton shaking is head no. "I've been out with this guy a few times from work...his name is Jason." Sasha smiles. "Oh yeah you mentioned him to me a couple weeks ago, you guys hooked up yet?" You ask and she blushes. "Yeahhhh!" You and Peyton laugh making her blush even more. "Okay... okay! Hush there's people around!" Sasha says getting embarrassed. You guys enjoy your dinner and then head over to their apartment. Sasha and Peyton had moved in together since the whole weird note situation and my place getting burned down. They thought it would be safer for the both of them since they both lived alone. The place was super cute, spacious and just outside of the downtown area with good security.
"So, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Sasha asks Peyton and I after we all shower and change into our pajamas. "Wellll, I kind of promised Tee and Ja'Marr I'd hang out with them before they leave for the holidays." You bite your lip. "Wait...you still talk to them?!" Peyton asks as he makes us some drinks from the bar they had near a window. "Yeah...they text me all the time before games and keep tabs on me. We have a group chat & they are always asking when I'm coming to a home game so I thought we can go to one tomorrow if that's okay with you guys."  You say, your friends looking at you weird.
"You're not scared that they're telling Joe about what you're up to and how you're doing?" Peyton asks. "I don't... really care, What are they gonna tell him? That I'm doing good and I'm happy?" You shrug. "What about running into him tomorrow or having to see him?" Sasha asks. "I watch him every week on my tv and I have no issue ignoring him if I have too." You shrug. "Does he know his friends and teammates still talk to you?" Peyton asks. "Probably, Tee posted us on his story, it was a picture from when we volunteered last year, I don't really think they care much for Joe's opinion on this. After I basically told Joe to get out my life...the guys reached out and we had drinks one night before I left Ohio and they heard my point of view of things. They supported my decision, they knew Joe and I weren't compatible no matter how much we all wanted . " You shake you head taking the drink Peyton was making for you out of his hands.
"Do you... like either of them or something? Did you hook up with his teammates?" Sasha asks and you snort rolling your eyes. " Oh bitch, please tell me you did!" Peyton grins. "No! First off, one of them literally dated Mariana... no fucking thanks. Second, I am never ever getting involved with another professional athlete much less another football player that still plays with Joe and are really good friends with him. That's weird." You shake your head. "I mean, you could do the funniest thing ever and hook up with his teammates and kick Joe while he's been down, you know I like supporting women's rights but I also loveeeee supporting women's wrongs." Peyton smirks making Sasha laugh and you roll your eyes at him.
"Like I said, I'm not putting myself through that shit again. Once is enough." You shake your head taking a sip of the drink. "Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer but I'm pretty intrigued to know." Sasha speaks up and you nod. "Do you miss Joe at all?" Sasha asks and Peyton rolls his eyes as her question. "Oh girl c'mon on, let's not ruin Y/N's night here." Peyton scoffs. "What?! It's a valid question! She almost had a baby with the guy! ad everything happened so quick!" Sasha defends herself making you laugh as you sit on their couch.
"I'll be honest, even though he did bring unnecessary drama in my life for a while and things were never perfect between, he was still a very comforting person for me so I miss that, I think that's why I stuck it out so long with him, things felt at ease when  was around him...and maybe I miss the sex." You bite your lip making your friends chuckle. "That makes me sad that you guys ended the way you did and felt like this about him." Sasha pouts. "It is what it is, I'm sure he's moved on plenty since us." You shrug. "I heard he was dating a swimsuit model now, seems like he can't fathom being alone." Sasha snorts. "Can straight men ever?" Peyton laughs. "Good luck to her." You breathe shaking your head. You guys talk a bit more and enjoy your drinks while watching a Christmas movie before you all go to bed, you sleeping in their guest bedroom which was super cute and cozy.
In the morning Peyton made you guys a delicious breakfast with French toast, eggs & bacon and you texted the group chat with the guys letting them know you were in town and if it was possible to get three tickets for tonight's game. Tee almost immediately texting back that he would get back to you as as he could about them.
"I say we go ice skating tomorrow." Sasha says as we sit around enjoying our breakfast. "I'm not that type of gay." Peyton says making you and Sasha laugh. "Oh come on! It'll be fun, maybe you can fall into the arms of a big strong guy." Sasha wiggles her eyebrows. "Girl, I'm 6 foot 5, I am the strong the guy?!" Peyton shakes his head making us laugh. We finish our food and as Sasha and I cleaned up since Peyton made breakfast, your phone dings. Drying your hands quickly on a towel nearby, you pick up the phone and see it was the guys, they had gotten tickets for you and your friends for tonight's game.
"The guys got the tickets." You say to your friends as you respond to the guys and thanking them for pulling some strings so last minute. "You know its supposed to be cold as shit tonight right guys?" Peyton says. "That's why whiskey exists!" You smile and he rolls his eyes. "Hey, you don't have to come if you don't want grandpa." Sasha says to Peyton. "Oh, I'm going!  You bitches aren't leaving me behind." Peyton says leaving us in the kitchen in the sassiest manner making you laugh. "You need to have your revenge dress moment tonight." Sasha says to you as you start the dish washer. "What are you talking about?" You chuckle looking at her weird. "In case you run into Joe! Which I'm sure might happen, you need to look good to see what he could of had if he wasn't such a dumbass ad respected you." Sasha nods. "Girl, it's going to be like 15 degree's tonight. I'm gonna be warm, I really don't care about making Joe feel some type of way." You shake your head. "Ugh, have some fun will you!" Sasha scoffs making you laugh.
It was afternoon now and you guys had just finished getting ready for the game. As always, you just wore whatever you wanted not really caring too much about team colors. You just wore mostly black layers, cozy boots and some thermal blue jeans wanting to stay as warm as you could tonight. "The uber is here!" Sasha says walking into the living room from her room. We all head out into the cold air and make our way to the car the SUV that was waiting for us. "Do you know who they're playing today?" Sasha asks me as we ride in the back of the car. "Not a damn clue." You shake your head. "Go sports!" Peyton says making you guys laugh. You guys make it to the stadium, happy that you guys left when you did because the place was super packed with people making it hard to find your seats after you got through security.
"I'm getting us drinks!" Peyton says to Sasha and I. You guys not and Peyton leaves to the concession stand which wasn't that far away. "This is exciting!" Sasha smiles. "Last time I was here, it was with Mariana and then Joe and I had fight in the locker room." You snort shaking your head. "Crazy how time flies." Sasha shakes her head. Soon Peyton returns with some strong drinks for everyone and you take a picture of you three posting it on your story. After a bit, the game eventually starts and pretty much you three just cheer when everyone else cheered. It was a bit a weird for you to see Joe playing on the field right now, you guys hadn't talked since the day at the hospital when you lost the baby. 
You remember going out for those drinks with Ja'Marr and Tee and them trying to convince you to at least talk to Joe but you knew if you did in that moment, you probably wouldn't have left to Rhode Island and be where you are now. Part of you felt guilty for a bit after that, but it was really the only way for you to get out of every situation that had you unhappy plus, getting threatening notes and your apartment set on fire just wasn't something you wanted to stick around and play with to just attempt to be with Joe.
"I really... don't understand this fucking game, I'mmmm getting us more drinks." Peyton says making you laugh. "Get me vodka this time please!" Sasha says to him before he leaves us. "I don't know much about football but it seems like no one is having a good time out there, people keep getting hurt and they look so cold." Sasha says. "We are so undeserving of these tickets." You laugh shaking your head. All of a sudden you guys then spot Tee and Ja'Marr getting into it with some players of the opposing team on the field after a dirty hit on the field.
"What the hell is going on out there?" Peyton asks handing us drinks. " The other team is playing dirty and the guys aren't having it." You shrug. Taking a sip of the new drink, the game continues until half time. "We should get sushi after this!" Peyton says over the loud music that was playing, Sasha and I nodding in agreement.
You guys talk amongst yourselves and take plenty of pictures during halftime and before you knew it the guys were back on the field. They were pretty much neck in neck with the other team so this game could really still go either way. You spot Joe running on the field getting into position and instead of throwing the ball to one of his teammates he makes a run for it with the ball. "He's really... not that fast. Reminds me the rat from Ice Age with the acorn" Peyton says making your snort. "That's a squirrel not a rat!" You laugh as Joe runs with the ball almost making it to the end zone but out of no where this huge player from the other team tackles him, hard. The hit looked painful and it wasn't long before everyone spotted Joe holding his elbow in pain. "Oh fuck." You stand up feeling your heart sinking in your chest. "That doesn't look good." Sasha shakes her head standing next to you. "Are you fucking kidding me?! That was a baby hit!" You hear some guy behind you angrily yell to which you rolled your eyes at, as did many other fans around him.
Soon you heard the sea of people becoming disappointed and worried over Joe, the medics soon were on the field checking him out and every time they attempted to move his arm Joe would immediately wince in pain. "Oh baby... he's out. There's no way he's gonna keep playing." Peyton shakes his head. They get Joe up from the ground and he walks towards the tunnel looking extremely upset and in pain. The crowd cheers for him but even behind the cheers you could tell they were as upset as he was.
The energy in the stadium after that had did a complete 180. Luckily Joe's injury didn't cost them the game but people were still sad over what happened. As we were leaving two security guards approach us and you already knew the drill. " Y/N Y/L/N?" One of them asks me, Peyton already looking at them weird and getting defensive. "Yeah, let me guess. I gotta follow you." You raise an eyebrow at the man and he nods. "C'mon guys." You tell Sasha and Peyton who look at you weird. "It's the guys sending for us, we're not in trouble." You tell them and they nod still suspicious of this but still following you guys to the golf carts.
"This makes me feel like Beyoncé when she's backstage." Sasha says making you and Peyton look at each other and start laughing. "Humble yourself honey." Peyton snorts, Sasha flicking him off. You guys get taken the room you haven't seen since you had basically hated Joes guts. You all thank the guys and they let you know the drill with snacks and drinks. There was a few women in there probably waiting on their husband or boyfriend but you guys find a spot somewhere and sit down. "This is pretty cool." Sasha looks around. "They said anything was for grabs right?" Peyton says eyeing the snacks. "Go crazy." You chuckle as he gets up and heads over to the snack table.
"You think Joe is okay?" Sasha asks you. "Probably not." You shake your head. After a little while you hear two familiar voices call your name. Smiling you get up from your seat turning around seeing Tee and Ja'Marr. "Hey guys!!" You smile at them giving them each a hug. Sasha and Peyton greet them as well and you guys sit down at an empty table. "So how have you guys been?" Ja'Marr asks us. "Pretty good... Thanks for the tickets, that was quite the game." Sasha smiles. "No problem and yeah, this one's a tough one. Critical timing too since the play offs start very soon." Tee shakes his head. "At least you guys won though! Something good came out of it." You smile trying to lighten their mood. "Yeah but Joes out the rest of the season, he tore his UCL so if we were to make it to the Super Bowl... he can't even play. That's gonna fuck us up so much." Ja'Marr shakes his head. You couldn't help but to feel horrible for everyone especially Joe.
You all catch up for a bit, them asking you a billion questions about Rhode Island and asking if you'd ever return here to Ohio. Ja'Marr had asked you about Mariana, specifically if you've heard anything from her and you'd tell him no which was the truth. You didn't know exactly why he was asking but you didn't really want to ask. That was his business and you weren't getting into anything that had to do with her ever again. "I need to pee." Sasha says to you, Peyton nodding in agreement. "Bathrooms are over there to your right." Tee points. They thank him and they walk off leaving just you, Ja'Marr and Tee.
"So... have you talked to Joe at all?" Ja'Marr asks, both men looking at you for an answer. "No, I debated on reaching out a few times but I heard he was dating someone and I'm not getting into that type of drama again like that. Hell no." You shake your head. The guys look at each other for a moment and then bust out laughing which had you confused. "Dating who?! Dudes only focus has been football and stalking you on social media all these months." Tee laughs. "It was all over social media that he was dating some model & why or how would he be stalking my social media?" You ask confused since it was private. "That was just a stupid rumor started by some dumb gossip website and we've caught him on your Instagram a bunch of times. I think he has a fake profile which we've told him how weird that shit was by the way and his excuse was that he just wanted to make sure you were happy and safe." Ja'Marr shakes his head rolling his eyes.
"Did he leave already?" You ask. "Nah, he's in a medical room dealing with his emotions and shit. He doesn't wanna see anyone, he's going through it." Tee shakes his head with a disappointed look on his face. "Although... maybe he wouldn't mind seeing you." Ja'Marr smirks and your eyes open wide. "Hell no, no way." You shake your head. "No way what?" Sasha asks coming back to us, Peyton following her. "They want me to go talk to Joe." You shake your head. "Oh?" Peyton looks at you and you shake your head no. "He's down this hall to your left. C'mon guys, let's get some snacks and talk about how much Rhode Island sucks." Tee says to your friends and you scoff. "What? Guys! No—assholes." You mutter annoyed at them as they all ignore you and leave you standing out in the hall like an idiot.
Sighing you make your way to the door where Joe was behind, taking a deep breath before knocking and opening the door. Immediately you heard his voice. "Get out." He says in a very monotone way. You peek your head in and see he was laying down on a stretcher facing up in a dimly lit room with his good arm draped over his face. "I guess I deserve that attitude." You nod closing the door behind you. Your stomach flip flopping from nervousness. Joe freezes and peeks under his arm towards you.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Joe asks slowly sitting up. His injured arm in a sling. "I'm in town for the holidays and the guys gave me tickets to the game tonight." You awkwardly say stuffing you hands in your back pockets. He looked like he had been crying. "Of course they did." Joe scoffs. "I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now or ever but I just wanted to check up on you." You bite your lip awkwardly. "Yeah right, like you give a shit about what happens to me." He scoffs, it sucked hearing those words come from his mouth but you couldn't blame him, you weren't the nicest to him the last time you saw him. Plus, he was upset cause of his injury which is understandable.
 "I know I shouldn't have bothered you but I just wanted to apologize on how I left things... and your injury tonight...but I'll uh, leave you be." You nod reaching for the door again awkwardly. "Wait!" You hear Joe say before you could even touch the door. "I...shouldn't have snapped at you like that, I'm sorry. I'm...I'm not even mad at you." He shakes his head as he sits looking down at his dangling feet. He was still in half of his uniform and even though he was a grown ass man well over 6 foot, he looked so small to you in this moment. "You don't have to lie, I know the way I handled things was beyond fucked up." You sigh leaning against the door. "Honestly, you had every right. I was being a stupid jackass, my parents knocked some sense into me after I came clean with everything. You put up with too much shit with me and I was worried too much about myself and not enough about you. I'm surprised you didn't come fined me and ran me over with your car" Joe admits. "Well...to be fair I didn't have one at the time so, maybe that worked in your favor." You tease making him chuckle. 
"Maybe it was just a classic case of right people, wrong time." You shrug. "You really think we could of been right for each other if things weren't so fucked up around us and I wouldn't have fucked up most of it?" Joe asks. "I'd like to think so, we pretty much ignored every red flag between and around us Joe... I think that ultimately fucked everything up because we choose to ignore and ignore." You say, Joe nodding. "How's Rhode Island?" Joe asks and you snort. "You should know...the guys told me about your Instagram stalking." You tease seeing Joe's freeze and his face turn a light shade of pink. "Fucking assholes." Joe mutters shaking his head making you chuckle. "I didn't mean to be weird, I just still feel paranoid about your safety with everything that happened. M=Ja'marr thinks Mariana was behind everything, he found some weird folder with information about us two...I think she was going to try and blackmail us if news hit about the affair she was having on Ja'Marr. She's disappeared. We think she left Ohio." Joe fills you in and you scoff. "That fucking crazy bitch." You shake your head. 
"Things are pretty good, I like the city, co workers are pretty cool." You nod changing the subject. "I'm really happy to hear that." Joe says giving you a small smile. Before you could reply there was a knock on the door followed by the voice of a man you didn't recognize. "Burrow, your parents are looking for you dude, pack it up, get some rest." The guy says. "I should... get back to everyone, I'm sure they're hungry and waiting on me." You say to Joe and he nods looking sad. "I'm really sorry I couldn't be the man you deserved Y/N, I kill myself over it everyday." Joe says somberly. "People aren't perfect Joe, don't beat yourself up over it, but I really do hope you recover as quickly and good as possible. I would tell you to not be too hard on yourself while you recover but I might as well talk to a brick wall for that." You joke making Joe chuckle. "Take care of yourself and you should come to more games, helps motivate the guys." Joe says glossy eyes which almost triggered your own emotions that you were pushing down. " I will take it under consideration, take care of yourself." You smile at him before leaving the room and letting out a deep breath trying to control your emotions before you meet everyone up again. 
A month later:
The holidays came and went. You spent time with your best friends and you were now back in Rhode Island in your home. Winter had officially struck the north east as it was snowing today. Cuddled up on your couch with the fire place on and a glass of wine in your hand you were on facetime with your friends. "So, when are you coming back?" Peyton asks you. "Uh! no Sir, it's time you guys come to me. We can do something this summer...I just finished the guest bedrooms and we can hit all the bars out here, maybe even drive to Boston for a weekend." You suggest. "I'm down for some Boston cheeks." Peyton smirks making Sasha roll her eyes and you laugh. "Did you spend the homegoods gift card we got you for Christmas?" Sasha asks changing the subject. "I did! I got stuff for the guest bathroom and a few holiday clearance stuff for next Christmas." You nod. You talk more with your friends about what you guys had planned for the next few weeks until your doorbell rang. It was 7PM on a snowy Friday night and you weren't expecting anyone over. "Uh oh booty call! We'll let you go so you can have your fun." Peyton winks. "It's probably my neighbors stupid doordash again, she keeps putting my door number for some reason, but I'll talk to you guys later." You sigh getting up. You hang up your phone tossing it on the couch and setting down your wine glass on your side table. You go to your door opening just a bit expecting some poor delivery driver in this snow but you almost choke on your own spit when you saw who it was. "Wh-what are you doing here?" You stand there frozen in place. 
"I'm... done ignoring." Joe responds. 
A/N: I know I said this last chapter was coming Sunday but I couldn't wait that long lol Ohio Is For Lovers has officially wrapped up and I just want to thank you guys sosososososo much for reading and supporting this series. I haven't written a series in years and the love and support you guys have shown me has meant soooo much! If you haven't checked it out already I have been working on a new Joe Burrow series called Cherry Waves, so check that out if you'd like and if it's not for you I plan on doing a small holiday series in November. Thanks again for the support 🖤🖤🖤
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oscurascout · 2 months
Y/N As A Doorman
From That's Not My Neighbor game
Note - I don't know if there will be any romantic relationship, I really don't want to but maybe I'll change my mind, also you'll notice that I have favorites.
Part 1 (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10)
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While I was driving towards the "Jermaine Middleton Apartments," the place where I would be working as a doorman, it all started an hour ago while I was scrolling through social media. My mother had called me and told me about a friend of hers who was currently searching for a doorman for her apartment. I obviously accepted the job since I had been searching for an easy job, but now that I thought about it, I probably should've considered it a bit more.
I arrived at the location and saw a woman in her mid-30s outside. She looked at my car and walked towards it. I got out and greeted her. She was delighted that I accepted the job and quickly put me to work without explaining anything, writing a contract, or providing any details. She just showed me the office, put on a recording, mentioned my pay would be at the end of every week, and then left.
"What the heck?" I thought as I watched the documentary and realized I was going to have to figure out who was and who wasn't human. "Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into!?" I hadn't thought that being a doorman meant having to identify doppelgangers. "Well, these people might as well say goodbye to their lives because I'm a failure at this type of thing," I thought as I looked around. "No, Y/N, don't think like that. You have a duty now, and that is to protect these people," I thought with determination.
The metal shield then rose up, and I saw a person in a protective yellow suit. They greeted me, provided a bit more information on what I had to do, and then left. "Wow, do they seriously expect anyone to be able to save a whole apartment with just this info?" I thought as I got my area organized, I saw the list of people that were expected to come in. "Okay, I can do this," I thought as I saw someone walk to the front window.
It was a very pretty woman. "Wow, look at how pretty she is. Wait, isn't she one of the twin models that always appear in famous magazines that my friend never fails to mention? Wait, these two also show up in annoying YouTube ads" I thought as I looked at her closely and confirmed that she was one of the twin models. "From how she is wearing an orange dress and round earrings, I think she is Selenne," I thought as I was about to confirm my suspicions, but her annoyed face made me stoped.
Selenne - *annoyed* "Are you going to check my papers or what? You know my time is precious, and right now I need to quickly return to my complex to change, so hurry up."
"Mmm, so it was true about celebrities having a bad attitude," I thought as I started to check her papers. Since I was new to the whole thing, it took me some time, which only made her more annoyed.
Selenne - *tapping her foot* "Ugh, can you hurry up? I'm going to be late, and it'll be your fault."
"If you don't shut up, then I'll take longer," I said as I looked at the ID number.
Selenne - *gasp* "Do you know who I am!?"
"Yeah, a pompous brat who doesn't know how to shut up or prepare on time. Now, zip it, or else I'm going to take longer," I said, already annoyed.
She looked at me angrily, but I couldn't care less. I then confirmed she was the real one, although I had already confirmed that a few minutes ago. I just wanted to annoy her since she was rude. I let her in, and after she left, her twin came. She gave me her papers and started to tap her finger on her arm but didn't say anything. "She probably heard me and her sister arguing," I thought as I looked over her papers. Once I made sure she was the real one, I let her in, and she also gave me one last annoyed glanced.
"Mmm, if I can annoy those famous twins, then maybe this job won't be so bad," I smiled at that thought. I then heard the door to the office open. I looked and saw it was my mom's friend, a.k.a. the landlord. She looked at me and smiled.
Mary - "Please excuse those two; they both have a very strong temper."
"Oh, don't worry; so do I," I said as I smiled at her.
Mary - *smiles* "Well, I just came in to mention a few things that I realized I failed to mention. You won't exactly get a lunch break; you can eat any time, but not like a normal employee. Since you are the only doorman this apartment has, you can't take breaks. Well, you can, but you have to stay in the office at all times in case someone comes. You can walk around, decorate the office however you like, and *takes out a key* you can also use the kitchen that's behind the door with flower decorations, don't worry it has enough food for a week."
I looked at her with an 'Are you serious?' face. "Anything else?" I said with sarcasm.
Mary - "Oh yes, thanks for asking. You will also work from 6 to either 10 or 11 pm, but no pass those hours, oh but don't worry the pay is good. Well, that's all. Goodbye, dear. Remember to work hard and not let those monsters in."
After she finished saying that, she turned around and walked away, leaving me with my 'Are you serious?' face all alone in the office. "I might let those monsters kill me," I said as I only stared at the office exit door.
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This is how I imagine the office would be
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Late-night talks & murder she wrote
Sam Carpenter X Male Reader
Request: Sam Carpenter x male!reader where y/n is the son of John Wick. The story takes place after John Wick Chapter 4 and before Scream 6. After his father's death y/n felt lost as the one person that truly knew him is gone. Y/n felt depressed as he doesn't know what to do, he then received the dog his father had and a letter (similar to Helen giving him Daisy to give him peace), he goes to John and Helen's grave every day.
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You went to the cemetery with your dog. You sighed and you stare at your parents’ tombstone and you wipe the tear away. Your father left you a letter but you never opened it, you hesitate to open it. The dog was a gift from your dad, it's a small puppy pit bull. You start to walk away and your dog Rex starts to follow you.
“We have a long day, Rex,” You said.
You get in the car with your dog, then start to drive away.
You are moving to a new building, and you grabbed the last boxes and walked inside. She holds the elevator door for you.
“Are you coming up?” She asked.
“Yeah, thanks. Come on, Rex” You said.
Rex runs inside and you stand next to her and someone else.
“New to the building?” She asked.
“Yeah. My name is Y/n” You said.
“My name is Sam and this is my sister Tara. Cute dog” Sam said.
Rex starts to smell her sneakers then Tara bends down to pet Rex. Now, Rex is licking her hand.
“Looks like we live on the same floor,” Sam said.
“Yeah. Thank you. Rex let's go” You said.
You three get out of the elevator. Sam watched you open your door and then you go inside.
“Are you checking him out?” Tara asked.
“No, I'm not checking him out” Sam lied.
“You were checking him out. He hasn't been here for a week” Tara teased.
“Shut up,” Sam said.
They go inside the apartment. You start to unbox everything and Rex is playing with his chew toys. You start to put some stuff away and you decorate the kitchen and your bedroom.
The past few days, you kept to yourself. You would only say hi to Sam and Tara, then go to your apartment. Sam did notice that you don't talk a lot to other neighbors. But she started to become suspicious of you and she told Tara about it.
“He acts suspicious?” Tara asked.
“Yeah. Last night, I saw him get in a black Suv and the windows were tinted. Who gets in a car like that” Sam said.
“He didn't do anything wrong. I don't think he is suspicious just because he got in a black car. It's hard for you to trust anyone because of what happened with Richie” Tara said.
“I know. Wish I never meet Richie” Sam sighed.
“Let's have a game night. We haven't had one in a long time” Tara smiled.
“Tell them to come over and bring snacks,” Sam said.
Tara starts to text her friends and they agreed to come to her place. Tara and Sam went out earlier to buy something before the others arrived. You came back home with a huge bag of puppy food, and you left the door open. Rex is happy that you are back, and he runs toward you. You went to the kitchen to put the food away, but the door is open, and Rex managed to get out of the apartment.
“Sam isn't that Y/n’s dog?” Tara asked.
Rex ran towards and jump on its two legs on Sam and she bends down to pick him up. She starts to pet him while he licks her face.
“Who's dog is that?” Chad asked.
“His name is Rex and he is the neighbor’s dog. Hey handsome” Sam smiled.
Sam and Tara came back with their friends Chad, Mindy and Ethan, and Quinn. Ethan was going to pet Rex, but he starts to growl at him and Quinn. At your apartment, you put the food down for Rex.
“Rex; dinner time” You yelled.
You wait but he never showed up. You start searching for Rex in the apartment but you don't find him.
Rex did try to bite Quinn but Sam pulls him away.
“Stupid dog” Quinn mumbled.
You walked out of your apartment, you see Rex in Sam’s arms. You noticed him growling at Ethan and Quinn, then you whistled, and he stopped growling.
“You found him,” You said.
“He wanted to say hi to his girlfriend” Tara teased.
You grabbed Rex and you pet his head. Tara introduced you to her friends and you only said hi.
“Thank you,” You said.
“You're welcome. Y/n, do you want to join us for game night?” Sam asked.
“No. I have to go out later. Bye” You said.
They watched you walk away, then they followed Tara into her apartment. A few minutes later, Sam and Tara looked out the window and watched you get into a black car.
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
You haven't been back to the cemetery in a while. And you hesitate to open the letter that your dad gave you. You stare at the letter but that's it, you miss your parents a lot. And you don't go out or talk to anyone else, you mostly keep to yourself. Rex keeps you company but you would rather stay home with him.
Since Sam broke up with Richie, he has been harassing her. He started to come by and wait outside of the building and Sam is starting to feel helpless. She called the cops but they can't do anything unless he did something.
Sam is walking home and he saw her
“Hey Sam” Richie smiled.
Sam starts to walk quicker and he did the same.
“Fuck off!” Sam yelled.
You are walking Rex and you see a guy drag her into the alley. You start to run and Rex runs faster towards Sam. He has a knife pressing her throat hard
“This is your fault, Sam. You are making me do this. You are so damn stubborn!” Richie yelled.
Rex bites his leg and he starts to scream. You grabbed his wrist and then flipped him to the ground.
“Come near her again, I will break every bone in your body” You angrily said.
You twisted his wrist in half and he starts to scream in pain. Sam is in shock at what you did then you went up to her.
“Are you okay?” You asked.
“Thanks to you,” Sam said.
“Rex let's go,” You said.
Rex starts to follow you and Sam back to the building.
“Who was that?” You asked.
“My ex-boyfriend,” Sam said.
“He looks like a baby,” You said.
“It's complicated…” Sam said.
“You could stay at my place,” You said.
“I don't want to involve you in my problems, Y/n,” Sam said.
“I can defend myself. I don't want to force you if you don't want to” You said.
Sam went to her apartment and you weren't going to force her. You go back to your place and you look out the window for a few minutes.
“Good boy,” You said to Rex.
The next night… Sam knocked on your door and you opened it.
“Is he back?” You asked.
“Sorry about yesterday that I was weird. But Y/n thank you for saving me… but I don't want to be alone” Sam said.
“Come in,” You said.
She walked in and Rex runs toward her barking.
“He really likes you a lot. I saw never saw him act like that toward someone else” You said.
“He is very cute” Sam smiled.
She bends down to pet him. You start to cook dinner for her and she watches you prepare everything.
“Wow, you cut that like a chef,” Sam said.
“I’m not a chef but I picked up a few tips on YouTube,” You said.
“Your girlfriend must be happy that you can cook,” Sam said.
“I don't have a girlfriend and I have been single for a while. I have a complicated past” You said.
“Me too. I was betrayed by someone who I thought cared about me” Sam said.
You put the food and the drinks on the table.
“Do you want me to beat him up again?” You asked.
You give Rex his food and he starts to eat.
“I don't want you to get hurt. The food smells good” Sam said.
“Hope you will enjoy it,” You said.
Rex finished his food. He runs towards Sam and stands on his two legs, he begs for her food.
“Don’t spoil him. Rex, you had your dinner already” You said.
Sam couldn't help to smile. You went to the kitchen to get something, then Sam gave him a piece of chicken and he starts to eat it.
“The food is good, Y/n. I didn't trust you at first, because of what I had been through with my ex-boyfriend. It's hard for me to trust people and I don't want you to take it the wrong way” Sam said.
“I get it. Trusting people is not always easy then we end up trusting the wrong people. People are complicated” You said.
Now, Sam starts to tell you about Ghostface and more. You didn't judge her and she was surprised by that.
“Sam, I'm an assassin,” You said.
She laughed and you didn't laugh. You eat your food again and you aren't bothered that she laughed.
“Wait, are you serious?” Sam asked.
“Yes,” You said.
Sam is speechless but she didn't leave.
“I won't tell anyone,” Sam said.
After dinner, you and Sam watch tv on the couch. She falls asleep on your shoulder, then you carry her to the bed and gently lay her down. You lie next to her then she snuggled next to you.
You and Sam start to see each other more. Rex loves her and always runs towards her. Sam, feels more comfortable opening up to you. Sam is in your apartment and she noticed the picture on the wall.
“Are they your parents?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. But they passed away. I used to visit their tombstone but I stopped going” You said.
“My dad is dead. Since then I had a crappy life. Y/n, if you want to go to the cemetery then I will go with you” Sam said.
“Thank you. My dad left me a letter but I never opened it” You said.
“I think you should try,” Sam said.
You showed her the letter then she sits next to you. You did hesitate to open the letter but you did it. You start to read it then tears go down your cheek, and Sam starts to rub your back. She doesn't say anything for now and you start to cry more. Then she hugged you and you have your face on her shoulder.
“Let it out, Y/n” Sam whispered
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
You and Sam have been dating and taking it slow. But she has been staying at your place a lot more. You don't mind when she stays over and Rex loves it. You are walking to your apartment then someone dragged you into the staircase, and you were going to fight but it's Sam.
“Sam! I was about to hit you. Don't scare me like that” You said.
“I wanted to suspire that's all” Sam smiled.
“Surprise me with-”
You didn't ask your question because she kissed you on the lips. You are against the brick wall and you are kissing her back. Sam is smiling at you and she caresses your cheek then you kiss her back.
Later, Sam goes to your place. You are teaching how to cut like a chef and how to grill a kitchen. She is enjoying the moment you teaching her how to cook.
You took Sam to the gym, while Tara is with Rex. You start to put the hand tape on her hands then you put the boxing gloves on her hands.
“Okay, I want you to hit the mat hard as you can,” You said.
“Y/n, I'm not a fighter like you,” Sam said.
“I know. But I'm teaching you how to fight so you can kick ghost face ass” You said
“Good point,” Sam said
She starts to punch and you tell her what not to do. Then she starts to punch harder and she is getting better.
“Wow you are good at this,” You said.
“Yeah, built-up anger,” Sam said.
You keep training Sam for a while. You start to move faster and she tries to catch up. You keep encouraging her to keep going and she feels good about herself. After a while of training, you and Sam go home.
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
Ghostface broke into Sam’s apartment and starts to attack her and Tara. They start to fight back, but you are at your place, and you hear loud noises. You leave your apartment and follow the noise to Sam’s apartment. The door is locked but you kicked the door open.
Sam is on the floor and Ghostface tries to stab her. You run toward Ghostface and kicked it in the ribs. Then you helped Sam get up but Ghostface was going to stab you.
“Behind you!” Sam yelled.
You turned around, grabbed Ghostface's wrist, and made them drop the knife. You punched Ghostface in the face then grabbed them by the neck and slam them against the wall hard. Tara and Sam are in shock by your skills and how well you defend yourself. Then you punched Ghostface in the stomach then slammed Ghostface through the closet door and it broke in half.
The cops started to arrive.
“I can't be here,” You said.
“Run. The roof door is open” Sam said.
Ghostface struggled to get up. Sam grabbed the knife then you take out your hidden blade, then you and Sam stabbed Ghostface in the chest. Sam pushes the knife deeper into the chest. You take out your knife then run out the door fast and head to the roof.
Sam is that happy Ghostface is gone. Tara and Sam fell asleep at your place. But Tara woke up first, she went toward the living room. She takes out her phone and took a picture of Sam sleeping on top of you and Rex sleeping by your legs. Tara is going to tease Sam about this non-stop, she can't stop smiling. Tara goes back to the room and Sam starts to wake up, then Rex wakes up.
“Babe, wake up” Sam mumbles.
“Looks like, we fell asleep on the couch,” Sam said.
Sam gets up from you then you sit up and start to stretch. Sam pat Rex’s head. Last night, you and Sam were watching a movie and then fell asleep.
Later, you and take them out to a restaurant. Sam encouraged you to go to the cemetery. Tara is in the back seat with Rex
“You can do this, Y/n” Sam said.
“We will be here waiting for you. You should let it out” Tara said.
“I will go with you. Tara, wait here” Sam said.
You and Sam get out of the car. You and Sam hold hands while walking. You stand in front of the tombstones
“They are my parents, John and Helen. Mom, dad this is Sam my girlfriend” You said.
“Thanks for sharing this with me” Sam said.
“Means a lot that you are here” You said.
Sam gives you a peck on the lips.
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xojennyboo · 7 months
A/N: Here’s a little something I wrote out of the blue. Thank you always for reading my stuff. Please like, comment, reblog, and send in suggestions! Happy reading.
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Church can be the most beautiful and holiest place on earth, or it can be the most sinful place on earth. I’ve grown up in the church, both my parents being religious but unfortunately, with both of my parents being the priests of the town church, means more responsibilities for me. According to my mother, I have to be an "example" to the girls growing up with the church. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy doing my participation at the church. I enjoy planning weekly activities for the children. Although these are great things, the church doesn’t define me. I have fun with people who I’ve grown up with all of my life. We go out and party, some do drugs and drink. I think I can say that I have managed to balance the church life and my personal life.
For the past month, there has been talk about the Styles family coming back into town. I remember that they left after high school graduation, along with their son Harry. Harry was always getting into trouble, always skipping Sunday service and partying. Harry and I had our history. In school, he would always flirt with me. It was very surprising that he had the balls to flirt with the priests’ daughter. One thing led to another and soon we had created a beautiful relationship kept from the eyes of others. We had a secret hiding spot in the woods and that’s where I had lost my virginity to him.That was another bad thing on the list of being the priests’ daughter, only daughter. The boys in school were always afraid to talk to me or flirt with me. This caused me to be some sort of a loner, besides my best friend Alice. She has always been there for me and understood my bittersweet relationship with the church. Her parents are very close to my parents, kind of like best friends you can say. Alice and I grew up together and went to school together. She’s basically the sister I never had. Now we’re both 26 and dedicate most of our time to the church.
Today is Sunday, which means an early morning and an overall busy day. I got up and took a shower, getting up at 6:30am in order to take my time to get ready. For my outfit I decided on wearing a black skirt that went down a little below my knees and flowed nicely. The skirt had a flower pattern all around it, the flowers a beige color. I decided on wearing a long sleeve beige shirt to compliment the flowers on the skirt. After I finished doing my hair and makeup, I look at the time, 9 am. Church doesn’t start for another hour, but you still had to get ready for today’s service. I put on my beige heels and made my way towards the kitchen. I was expecting to see my parents down here, but they probably already made their way to the church. Weird. I grabbed my purse and went to my car. The church was only a 10-minute drive from our house. Once I arrived at church, I saw two cars in the lot, one being my parent’s. The other I did not recognize. I parked my car and made my way into the church. The church is huge, beautiful in every square inch. My favorite part was the stained glass adorning the building. I made my way down the aisle, seeing my mom and dad talking to a couple and a third gentleman. As I got closer to them, my heels making an echo sound as I walked, I recognized the couple. I stopped in my tracks as everyone stopped their conversation and looked at me. The Styles family.
“Good morning sweetheart. Sorry that we didn’t wake you, we had special guests to attend and welcome back”, my mother said motioning back to the familiar family in front of me. Harry’s mother spoke first. "Y/n look at you so grown up! Gosh you look more and more like your mother each day!”, she says pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, glad that the rumors were true. Mr. Styles also greets me and pulls me into hug. “And you remember our son Harry, right?”, he asks. “'Yeah, I do”, I say giving Harry a wave instead of a hug. I couldn’t’t help but feel my heart rate speed up as I look at him. He looked completely different but the similar at the same time. He literally took my breath away at how handsome he got. He was taller than I remember, he had built muscles, grew facial hair, and his curly hair wasn’t as curly as before, more like a natural wave to it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him as they all mingled with one another. Thankfully he was paying more attention to my parents than at me. You slowly walked away and made your way to the back of the church and into your office. You loved the fact that you didn’t have to share one with your parents. You placed your bag on your desk and turned your computer on looking through the schedule for the day. You really didn’t have a lot planned for yourself just a little coloring activity with the kids.
Since the kids who attended the church were majority minors, your job was to keep them busy and entertained while the parents listened to the sermon. Sometimes Alice would help you with the kids but unfortunately, she is out of town with her parents this week. There was a slight knock on the door interrupting your train of thoughts. “Come in’, you say, and the door opens revealing Harry on the other side. “hey”, he says, coming in and closing the door behind him. Act normal y/n you cannot react to him. “Hey”, you say back giving him a smile.”I apologize for not saying anything earlier, I didn’t know what to say considering all the time that has gone by,”he says. “It’s alright. I felt the same way,” you say to him, silence overtaking the room. “You look great y/n “, he says. You smiled shyly, your cheeks turning pink at his compliment. “Thank you. You look great as well Harry”, you say, turning your attention back to the computer screen that was in front of you. “I see you still react the same way towards me y/n” he says, his voice lower causing your legs to squeeze together. You heard him chuckle beneath his breath before making his way towards you standing right behind you. “What are you working on”, he asks looking at the computer screen. “My schedule", you whispered, not liking the effect that he continues to have on you after all these years. "Coloring with the kids?” he says. I just nod not trusting my voice at the moment. “Mind if I help?” he asks you. “You’re attending todays service?" you turn around in your chair facing him, closer than what you would like. He gives you a smirk right before placing both of his hands on either side of your chair and leaning down closer to your face. He’s now face to face with you, eyes looking into yours and then down to your lips. Your chest rising and falling at a quicker pace than you would like, your breathing picking up at the close proximity.
“Hmmm?” he hums as he closes his eyes and inhales, taking in the aroma of your floral perfume. He smirks before opening his eyes. “Y-yes”, you whisper to him. He smiles, looking at your lips one last time, before pulling away completely and making his way to the other side of your desk. As if on cue, the door to your office opens, your parents coming in. “Honey, service will begin soon. Ready to take the kids to the other room?”, my father asks. “Yeah, actually Harry is going to help me today since Alice isn’t here", I say to my father. "Perfect. Make sure you make Harry feel welcomed especially since his family will be part of the church.”he says. “Of course, don’t worry about it”. I say smiling and getting up from my desk. I adjust my skirt and start making my way to the alter. Harry is right behind me, his footsteps echoing along with my heels. “All you have to do is greet the parents as they come to the front and take the kids, forming a line next to you”. I say to Harry who is listening attentively to my instructions. That’s exactly what we did. Soon we had two lines of children, a total of 20 kids. We made our way to the back of the church and into the cafeteria area since it was the only room in the church that can fit these many kids. “Good morning kids! How’s everyone doing today?" I say to the kids. The kids all together say good morning to me. “We have A special guest today who will be helping me with you little angels. Please welcome Harry Styles “, I say to the kids. Harry says hi to them waving. An explosion of greetings filled the room causing Harry to smile. “We're going to take it easy today. We’re going to start by coloring in your workbooks and then make our way to eating some snacks. Sounds okay?”. I ask the children. They say yes and I tell Harry to help me hand out the workbooks to each child along with the crayons. Once the children are talking and occupying themselves, me and Harry sit towards the back of the cafeteria, allowing the kids to have their space.
“You’re great with them. It looks like they truly trust and love you”, Harry says fiddling with the thick rings adorning his fingers. His demeanors different than what it was in the office. “I love keeping them company. I’ve seen many children grow up in front of my eyes. I want them to feel safe around me. I want them to trust me with whatever they may need. Especially when it comes to them wanting to talk to someone", you say, watching the kids color in their books. “How long have you been doing this for?”, he asks. “For about 5 years now. I enjoy it really. Gives me a small hope that I may have some positive impact on these kids.” I stayed quiet for a bit until I start laughing at some of the kids who start arguing. These kids were good kids and they always had small banter here and there, but nothing ever too serious. Once an hour had passed it was time for snack time handing out the snacks to the kids. Once they ate their snacks, Harry and I took them to the playground that was at the back of the church outside. It’s a beautiful day out today. I watch the kids interact with one another as I make my way to the swings. Harry just follows. I sit on the swing and soon I feel Harry behind me, my hands on each of the chains besides me. I feel the swing move as Harry slightly pushes me. “Harry, what are you trying to do?”, I ask him, stopping the movements of the swing. He sighs, not saying anything as he sits next to me on the empty swing. I roll my eyes, frustrated by his lack of words, before getting up and strolling along the playground watching that the kids were being careful. After half an hour not saying anything to one another, we gathered the kids to go back inside. The sermon should he over by now. We both take the kids back to the main room, taking each kid to their parents.
Everyone leaves, giving me the chance to escape. I grabbed my belongings and made my way to the car, driving to the nearby coffee shop. I haven’t eaten breakfast, and I was starving. I ordered a muffin and a white chocolate mocha latte. I loved coming to this café, since it always gave me a feeling that I was at home. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened today in your office. The feeling he gave you felt exactly like how it was in high school. It infuriated me that he was still able to make you feel that way. I had a crush on him back then, but I always thought that it was because he was the only one giving me attention. What game is he trying to play? Why did you feel the way you did? Why did you want his lips to press to yours? I finished my breakfast and made my way back home. My mom and dad weren’t there yet assuming that they were still at the church. I went to my room and started planning next week's schedule. After, I did my bible study since I didn’t attend the sermon. Once I was finished, I looked at the clock to see that it was already dinner time. Your parents still weren’t home. You texted your mother asking where they were. According to her, they were spending time with the Styles and were going to have dinner. Great, another lonely night. I got off my bed and made my way to the living room, turning on the TV to watch Netflix.
I was halfway done with the episode when the doorbell rang. Who could it be at this hour? I opened the door to see Harry standing there with a box of pizza in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “Care to have dinner with an old friend?" he asks. “Depends, are you planning on acting childish and continue not to talk to me?”, I ask. “I won’t be children, I promise", he says. I open the door and allow him to come in. “Looks exactly the same since the last time I saw it “, he states looking around the house. “Yeah, nothings really changed", I say, taking out plates for us to eat. He opens the box of pizza, and he gives me a slice before placing one on his plate. He then opens up the bottle of wine and pours some in the glasses that he pulled out from the cabinets. We eat in silence for a bit, my favorite show playing in the background. “Feels like old times yeah?” he says. I just nod my head, my mouth full of pizza. Once we were done eating, we made our way to the living room and watched TV. It was nice but I still couldn’t stop thinking about our encounter in my office. “I apologize for my behavior earlier today. I was out of line. I just... Seeing you again bought so many memories from how we were before I left”, he says, looking straight at the TV. “I don’t even know if you have a boyfriend or not and I just acted on impulse,” he says. “No boyfriend that you have to worry about”, I tell him. The mood in the room slowly takes a huge turn after my confession. It’s the same feeling like in the office. There was built up tension. We continue to stay silent, but this time it was a comfortable silence.
Harry stayed with me until my parents came home. It was very nice to catch up with him after all of these years. He attended university and graduated with a degree in English. Most of the time he dedicated time to his family and tried to change for them and for himself. He mentioned that he had gotten into trouble after moving which made him want to change. He said that he turned to church for guidance but that he wasn’t super religious like our parents. He was glad to be back in his hometown. I was super happy for him. The next couple of months were a blur with the holidays coming up. Me and Harry became super close, as friends, and we were having the best time planning holiday activities for the kids. Everything was running smoothly. I was currently in my office putting our plans in my calendar in my computer. “Hey y/n, the shipment for the holiday decorations is here. Where do you want me to put them?”, Harry asked carrying two big boxes in his arms. "Cafeteria please”, I instruct. Soon he came back into my office. Today, it was just us two in here, both of our parents going out to dinner. “So, what do you have planned for the evening?", he asks me as he sits in front of my desk. “I’m not sure. Probably just grab some takeout and go home. What about you?” I ask him, focusing my attention on him now. “Have dinner with me tonight", he says to me catching me completely off guard. “Once you’re finished, we can go. Just let me know”, he gets up from the chair and leaved my office. Why does he always do that?! He always says some demanding or cheeky comment, leaving me speechless and flustered. I take deep breaths and gather my thoughts and emotions before grabbing my belongings and exiting the door. I walk towards the alter where I see Harry knelt down finishing his prayer. I don’t know why but seeing him do that does something to me. Makes me think about very sinful thoughts here at church! I cleared my throat once he was done praying, his attention now focused on me. “Ready to go?”, he asks me. “Yes”, I say. “Alright let’s go”, he grabs my hand causing a spark run throughout my whole body. We walk hand in hand out of the church and into his car. “Where are we going?”, I ask looking out the window at the scenery. “You’ll see when we get there”, he says. The rest of the car ride was silent. Soon, I started recognizing the scenery in front of me. Are we headed to where I think we’re headed?
I start noticing the familiar trail leading to the woods, coming closer to the cabin. Our cabin from years ago. When we were in high school, Harry and I would come here after school almost every day. There, he would he completely different than how he acted around school. He was the bad boy in high school, but here, he would act like he has been acting now. Vulnerable. My heart rate started to increase as I saw the cabin fixed up, nothing to how it looked years ago. Harry parked the car and came around to open the car door for me. I was too stunned to speak. All I did was walk around the cabin, inspecting it to make sure it was the same one. “It didn’t look like this before”, I say walking back towards him, a smile plastered on his face. “Do you like it?”, he asks. “I love it, did you fix it?”, I ask him in disbelief, his answer just a small nod. “When did you do this? How?”, I had so many questions. “This is the first thing I wanted to do when I came back. This was our happy place when we were younger. When I visited it the first morning here, I was devastated when I saw that it was going into ruin. So, I looked for people who could do the work and we fixed it up. Although I did add extra things that weren’t there before”. He explains. He walks to the front door and motions for me to go in and I do just that. Inside, there was a small kitchen area, dining area, and a bed by the window. It wasn’t a huge cabin, but it was spacious. “I can’t believe you did all of this”, I tell him looking around. “Maybe we can continue to use it again like we did before. Create our happy place again”, he says coming closer to me. We're standing face to face now, his hands on my waist. “Do you remember the night we spent here?”, he asks me. How could I forget. I lost my virginity to him here. I was scared that night. I had told my parents that I was staying over at Alice’s house but instead me and Harry met up here. He had gotten us takeout, and we talked for hours and before you know it, one thing led to another, and we slept together. Although we were young, I knew that I wanted him to take it.
“When I left, I feared you would forget everything we did. That you would be mad at me for leaving and would regret everything", he confessed. “I would never regret what we did Harry. I understood why you needed to leave. What truly hurt more was the fact that you didn’t attempt to contact me at all”, I say, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. “I know Y/N, but I needed to get my, shit together. I needed to change for you”, he says to me. “Why for me?”, I ask, the tears falling from my my eyes and down my face. “You know why”, he says before leaning down and attaching his lips to mine. His hands are holding my face, his fingers wiping away my tears as his lips are dancing with mine. Without breaking our kiss, he grabs my purse and places it on the table by us. His hands are placed on my back, pulling me closer to him. My hands are around his neck playing with his chocolate curls. Memories from that night replaying in my head as the kiss intensifies. Harry walks backwards as he sits on the bed, bringing me with him as I straddle his waist. He positions himself leaning against the wall by the window. He breaks the kiss and reaches towards the switch by his head. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusing. He flicks the light switch and soon the cabin is lit up by small fairy lights. I gasp as I look outside noticing that the trees surrounding the cabin are also lit up all around in white lights. "Harry!", I say in excitement. All he does is let out a chuckle as he brings his lips against mine again. This time the kiss is more intense. We're pulling each other closer, our want for one another consuming us. “Do you trust me?”, he says against my lips.” Always”, I answer against his lips. He removed my cardigan slowly, my arms exposed. He kisses up my arm and removes my shirt. He admired my breasts as he starts placing kisses on my neck and chest. I grab the hem of his shirt and removed it exposing his upper body that is now filled with many tattoos. I gasp, my hands reaching down to the butterfly tattoo on his abdomen. “Do you like them?” he asks looking at my movements and reaction intensely. “Yeah”, I whispered to him, placing small kisses on his exposed chest. He smirks and pushes me down to the mattress, positioning himself on top of me, continuing his assault on my neck and chest. “You don’t even want to know the many nights that I have thought about having you like this”, he whispers in my ear, my fingers exploring his bare back. His fingers make their way to my back and unclasps my bra, revealing my breasts. He lets out a small groan admiring my naked upper body before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. My body instantly reacts to every move he makes, his soft lips around my nipple causing a whine to come out of my lips. His hand reaches over to my skirt lifting it up before he places his fingers on my closed pussy. I moan as his fingers start rubbing small circles on my clit. His fingers moving up and down my slit his fingers circling around my wet hole, causing my back to arch. His tongue flicking my nipple at same pace as his fingers rub me.
I couldn’t help but moan his name at the pleasure he was giving me. He removes his mouth from my nipple, before taking his fingers into his mouth, tasting my wetness. He lets out a low moan causing you to let out a small moan as well. "Delicious", he says as he unzips your skirt and removed it, taking your panties off as well. Without being told, he removes the rest of his clothing as well. My eyes are now distracted on his penis, his size definitely bigger than before. You heard Harry chuckle as he placed his head between your legs. “Enjoying the view?”, he asks. Before I could answer Harry attaches his mouth onto your wet pussy, my back arching at the feeling of his tongue flicking on your clit at a fast pace. He changed from flicking to sucking on your clit, your body always giving him the reaction that he wanted. The noice of his mouth devouring you filled the cabin walls, your moans coming out in soft whimpers. Your hips soon started moving against his lips, Harry moving his head in the same direction as your hips, allowing you to ride his face this way. You felt your orgasm approaching, your small whimpers becoming needy moans for release. Harry wrapped his arms under your pelvis and held your hips down as his tongue licked you completely. His tongue gathering your wetness to cover his tongue. Before you know it, you were moaning Harry's name repeatedly as your legs trembled around his head, your orgasm taking over your body as Harry continued to lick you clean.
Once you relaxed from your orgasm, Harry positioned himself at your entrance.”before I do this, I have to ask a question,” he says. You motioned for him to continue." Have you slept with anyone else? Don’t get offended, I just want to know so I know how I can be with you.”, his question catching you off guard. It wasn’t the fact that you didn’t want to sleep with someone else. You just didn’t like the idea of sleeping with random people. The boys in school were too scared to talk to you and if they did, they didn’t make you comfortable. “No”, you shyly respond. “You’re kidding right?”, he asks making his reaction towards your answer nerve-racking. “no one else has touched you besides me?”, he asks in disbelief. You simply nodded. “Jesus Christ woman. You’re driving me crazy. This might hurt a bit then”, he warns you before slowly entering you. The intrusion causing a stinging sensation for a few. Both of you moaned against each other's lips as Harry held still enjoying the light grip your pussy had on his dick. Once the stinging sensation disappeared, you told Harry to move. He slowly thrusted out and then in, your eyes rolling back at the pleasure you were receiving. Your nails dug onto his back as his thrusts started to pick up at a faster pace. His hands were wrapped around your thighs, his head in the crook of your neck as his thrust were getting deeper into you. The noise of slapping skin mixed with both of your moans caused you to feel wanted and worshipped. Harry’s moans against your ear caused tingles around your body, your second orgasm soon approaching. The bed squeaked to the movements of Harry’s thrusts. His thrusts were so deep that you thought you can feel him in your stomach. “Oh my God you feel amazing my love”, he pants against your skin. His words causing you to pant louder, your moans coming out as your orgasm was starting to take over your body. “That’s it baby, come for me,” he moans out as he attaches his lips to yours, feeling his sweaty skin against yours. Both of your moans spilled out against each other’s lips as your orgasms overtook your bodies. His hands held yours tightly as he rode out both of your highs. At this point both of you were breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. This was definitely more intense than the last time. You felt Harry's weight on you as he slid out of you. Thank goodness for birth control. You wrapped your arms around him, your fingers playing with his hair.
In this very moment you were the happiest you’ve ever been. You didn’t want this moment to end, and you wanted to stay here with Harry forever. You felt Harry shift, completely coming off of you, lying next to you. “That was amazing”, he says laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh as well. I lay my head on his chest, my right leg over his his arm on the bottom of my back. I could near his heartbeat slowly coming down, but speed back up once I start tracing his tattoos. “I really like your tattoos H”, you say to him as you trace the butterfly tattoo again. “And I really like you”, harry whispers to you as his heartbeat increased as well. A smile spread across your face. “I like you too”, you say leaning up to kiss him. “You want to see where this goes?”, he asks motioning to both of you. “I would love to”, you say as you straddle his lips and kiss him again. "Perfect. Then I can guess I can call you, my girlfriend?” he says. “Your guess is correct...boyfriend", you smile against his lips. You couldn’t wait to see where this would lead. You were nervous and scared. One thing that you were sure of is that your feelings for Harry were strong and you felt completely safe with him and that you were ready for all the new adventures to come.
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