#hand painted model trains
beatsforbrothels · 3 months
Unsung - The Unmasking
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allcirclesvanish · 3 months
artists curating the details of ai assisted rendering are definitely still making conscious choices about their own art...? like how is that even an argument lol. do people who think like this have any such arguments about blending brushes? or photographs? every day i see people making the same arguments about what constitutes "real" art and every day i swear they are inching closer to outright saying that real art can't be created using computers at all. it's silly.
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She’s done! Cerebella is ready to run. Orange paint with minty green lining made it pop out. Now the collection is Peacock, Filia, and Cerebella. Let’s see the collection grow. 
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rileyslibrary · 11 months
pretty pretty please 🩶
imagine ghost is forced to speak at a school’s career fair because he’s out on medical, and reader gets sent with him to chaperone. (i.e. make sure he doesn’t scare any kids to 💀. and also maybe to feed him some slightly manipulative praises so he stays in a good mood lmao)
You’re both standing in the principal’s office. The school was kind enough to offer you a private room since kids are a little rowdy today, and Ghost isn’t very fond of tiny hands tagging at his uniform and asking him “how many people he has killed”.
You’re holding two balaclavas; one is black, while the other is a deep shade of army green.
“It’s either this one or that one.” You say while raising both to his eye level.
He pushes your hands down and points to his skull mask. “No.” He states. “I’ll stick with the one I’m wearing.”
You frustratedly shake the balaclavas to your sides. “Come on, Lieutenant,” you plead, “you’ll scare the kids.”
“Have you seen kids these days?” he asks, raising his hands. “These fuckers are not afraid of anything!”
“Oh god,” You wince and toss the balaclavas on the principal’s desk. You shake your index finger at his face like a teacher disciplining a misbehaving student. “Don’t you dare to swear in front of them!”
“Have you heard, kids—”
“—these days.” You cut him off with a flick of the wrist. “Yes, but there’s no need to reinforce bad behaviour.”
He lets out a long exhale and places his hands on his waist. He begins pacing around the principal’s office, swearing under his breath. You’re trying to figure out whether he needs to let it all out before his big speech or if he’s cursing the moment he has agreed to do this.
He pauses in front of a painting hanging next to a window overlooking the school’s playground. He slouches and places one hand on his lower back, rubbing his injury.
You approach him from behind and gently grasp his forearm.
“Hey,” you whisper, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he replies sternly. “Never mind.”
“Are you in pain? Please talk to me.”
“I’m not in pain!” He protests. “In fact, I wasn’t in pain to begin with, when the medics decided that I was,” he makes air quotes with his fingers, “temporarily unfit for duty.”
You place a palm on his lower back and begin rubbing it. He relaxes at your touch and puts one hand on the wall to support his weight.
“You talk about not reinforcing bad behaviour,” he murmurs, “but I’m not the best role model either.”
“Bullshit!” You scowl.
“Seriously,” he insists, “I highly doubt I’d be here talking to kids about their future if I hadn’t been injured.”
He’s correct, but he doesn’t need to know that, especially now, as you wait to enter a classroom full of kids. Any other team member would be far more qualified for this role. Gaz is such a cool guy that most kids would deem him a god. Price feels like the father you wish you had when he talks, and Soap can adapt to anyone he speaks to. Even you would be a better fit for this year’s career fair. But, Ghost? No, not at all.
“Come on, Simon,” you say as you continue rubbing his back. “It’s less about ‘being a role model’ and more about relating to them.”
“How am I supposed to relate to them?” He wonders, “My childhood was nothing like theirs.”
“How do you know?”
He looks at you and motions towards the window. “Look at them,” he says, “they’re full of life.”
“Not all of them are like that, Ghost; some are putting on a show.” You explain, and he turns to look at you again. “They look all jolly, but they might struggle at home or school. Worse, they can’t admit what’s happening behind closed doors because they’re either ordered to remain silent or not understand it themselves.”
He huffs and shakes his head. “Now I can relate to that.” He murmurs.
“See? You need to spot these kids and indirectly talk to them.”
“Spot?” He asks. “How do I spot them?”
“You mean to tell me you’re trained to spot targets from miles away but can’t see when a child suffers in silence?” You ask back. “Plus, it takes one to know one.”
He nods. “And what should I communicate to these kids?” He asks. “How do I help them?”
“By showing them that there’s something better waiting for them out there.”
“Don’t be naive, Y/N. How is what we do better than what they’re going through right now?”
“It’s not about the military, Simon.” You elaborate. “It’s about giving them another chance. They deserve to know there are options other than turning into their drug-addicted mother or alcoholic father.” You lean forward so he can meet your gaze. “Someone gave you a second chance, right?”
He closes his eyes and ponders your words. You tilt your head at him, trying to predict what he’ll say next so you can respond quickly.
But he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he straightens up and takes a deep breath. “You know,” he begins, “I gave one of those speeches to a school a few years ago.”
“Oh!” You cheer and pat him on the back twice. “Did you, now?”
“Lysychansk, Ukraine.” He recalls, “I was being held hostage with a bunch of kids.”
“Tell me more about it,” you say, sitting on the principal’s desk and playing with a pink highlighter. He begins narrating his story, and you can tell he’s becoming more confident as he realises he’s spoken to children before, albeit in a very different context, but who cares? What matters is that he is becoming more at ease with his “previous experience.”
You, in turn, try to give him your full attention, but now that his doubts have subsided, your primary concern is that mask of his. He needs to take it off.
“See? You’re far more experienced than any of us!” you shout. “And in that setting? My god! None of us would have been able to do such a thing!”
He chuckles and looks proudly out the window at the children playing in the school’s playground. He seems to be looking forward to it now.
“Hey, um, sir?”
He shifts his focus to you.
“Your mask, sir; It’s dirty,” you say as you point to his cheek.
He puts his hands on his mask. “Where?” He yells.
“It’s right….” You get up from the desk and take a step closer to him, inspecting his mask. You raise the marker and draw a bright pink line across his cheek, “...there.”
He immediately places his hand on his cheek, looks at the highlighter in your hand, and then back at you.
“You... motherfucker...” he murmurs.
You move away from him and stand behind the desk.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t let you go out with that mask on; the parents will be furious.” You point to the balaclavas on the principal’s desk. “You do, however, have two other options! Take your pick, and I’ll see you in class in 5 minutes!” And with that, you rush out of the principal’s office and into the school’s corridor.
You enter the classroom and greet the kids with a smile, trying to hide your nervousness. Walking towards the back where the parents are seated, your mind starts racing; Is he trying to choose a mask, or is he cleaning up your mess? What if he’s so furious that he doesn’t show up, leaving you to give the speech? Worse, what if he enters the classroom and takes his anger out on you?
But, the door opens, and Ghost walks in. Your eyes widen, and your jaw drops. He’s not wearing any mask. Not the black one, not the green one, not the skull—with the pink streak—mask on. Nothing.
You observe him moving around; despite his lack of disguise, he maintains his composure. He greets everyone in the room, smiles, waves back at the kids and stands next to the teacher. You let out a relieved exhale through pierced lips. This is going well, thank god.
As the teacher introduces Ghost to the class, you turn to give him a thumbs up, and his eyes lock with yours. There’s a faint smirk playing on his lips, and your heart skips a beat as he silently mouths something in your direction: “You’ll pay for this.”
A/N: YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS, ANON! I was forcing myself to take a break from writing, only to be slapped by an inspiration wave. Hope you liked it, though; I had fun making it.
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frogchiro · 8 months
I hope I’m not bothering you with my ancient greek mythology stuff my little brain is going into overdrive👉👈
Just…sculptor/painter reader using the gladiators as her nude model…running your hands over their muscles and gushing how strong they are and how amazing your latest piece is going to come out!
You don’t even notice they’re getting hard as you run your fingers over their adonis belt commenting how they’re your new muse for your art
I almost (s)creamed the moment I saw this ask nonnie dear you're a genius ;;
Also I feel the need to mention this; please do keep in mind that this is only my silly au and most probably will have historical inaccuracies so if you're a true history/ancient greece/roman enjoyer, please go mild on me ;;
But back to the drill...You are so right??? Like...I imagine that reader would be a young, aspiring artist with a knack for painting. Maybe she doesn't come from a wealthy family so any true school for it is out of the question, your own parents only came along when you started selling your painting and doing commissions for nobles and it actually started to bring in money. Your road to success is still long but you're managing! Plus you're 'stupidly determined like your father' as your mother says so you try to stay positive!
The one problem you had was something you believed many artists suffered from; inspiration and models. Specifically human models. The human body and physique fascinated you from an early age, the moving muscles, facial expressions to different stimuli and so much more but...the problem were the models, or rather the lack thereof.
You could probably hire someone but the money spend on that would be way too much for your limited budget so the next best thing was the coliseum! It was a blessing in poor disguise, the gladiators trained there almost daily and luckily the head keeper of the arena begrudingly let you stay there and practice in exchange for a satchel of money but to be honest...the practice wasn't the only thing you longed for when visiting the coliseum almost daily, it was the gladiators.
They were huge, burly men in their prime, all of them looking like they were born with a sword or spear in hand and to grow up to become warrior and you'd be lying if you said that warmth didn't spread through your body and centered in your lower belly whenever these big, loud and boisterous men didn't call out for you and purred in dripping, low voices how pent up they are and what they wouldn't give for a pretty soft thing like you :((
The worst (or best) part was when you were practicing nude drawings which were equally fascinating and hard to draw, especially with all these men being so...shameless with it. You loved the human body, all artists do but still you were a young lady and watching all the gladiators walking around the barracks all naked and proud was...an experience to say the least and brought a pang of warmth between your thighs, especially when they were so happy to parade themselves like proud stallions in front of you :((
Strong, toned bodies glistening with sweat and water, their hardening cocks proudly on show whenever you run your soft hands over their toned torsos to study the way muscles move and twitch whenever you run your fingers over a sensitive spot, the most reactive being two of the many foreign gladiators, Johnny or like he insisted to be called 'Soap' and Kyle or 'Gaz', like he wants to be called.
These two are always purring low withing their chests to you as you look all over them, their backs, chests, stomachs, making you promise to do a special commission only for them but you're just nodding dumbly because you're too transfixed on the god-like bodies to draw :(
Another gladiator you're very fond of is a huge, blonde foreigner named Simon, or 'Ghost'. A formidable warrior, a veteran for sure, it looked like Ares himself send this one here to grace the people with a demigod of war. He was always incredibly patient with you, letting you roam your hands over his body and all the numerous scars decorating his skin. Once you saw Simon up close you immediately realized why people called him a demigod-he was beautiful. A strong and powerful man in his prime, his muscles jumping and twitching beneath his thick skin and a layer of fat, power and virility was literally radiating off of this man, and you insistently tried not to look at the long and thick cock hanging between his legs, twitching and pulsating with arousal whenever you marveled over his body and your fingers ran over his adonis belt <3
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atyourmerci · 2 months
Softdom!abby X plus sized insecure reader ♡
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Abby painting all the things she loves about your body
CW: smut, MDNI, softdom!abby, sub!reader, plussized!reader, reader is anxious, me making up shit ab artistry, face sitting, fingering, mult orgasms
♡ ♡
In your sun kissed painting room, abby lies against your velvet couch, her blonde hair glowing against her pale flesh. She often modeled for all of your class assignments so she was used to her spotlight.
She loved watching you at work, so concentrated as you perfected your craft. She would do anything for you, she just wanted to help her beautiful girl.
As your eyes are trained on the majority of a blank canvas you zone in on creating your base, knowing your girlfriend would stay still so you can get your perfect shot.
“Why don’t you ever let me pain you?” Is heard from behind the white canvas propped up on your easel.
It caught you so off guard your head peaks around the board to look at your girlfriend. hmmm? Comes out as an honest confusion.
She giggles to herself at how locked in you truly were, “why don’t I ever paint you?” She reiterates.
You giggle back at her question, “because you can’t paint for shit,” you toy with her playfully.
“And what if I wanted to try huh, maybe I’m not using the right medium perhaps,” she comes back with a sophisticated air to her tone.
“Yeah yeah okay, just sit and look pretty,” you say getting back to your work when you hear a rustling, seeing her get up from the couch to approach you, “don’t move! That was a perfect-,” before you could finish her hands are wrapped around your stomach as she kisses the side of your face.
You can’t seem to protest with the naked woman behind you, touches of her sun soaked skin drenching you. You lean into it, letting her do as she pleased.
“I want to paint you,” she says in between peppering kisses down your neck. You giggle at her insistence, “baby I think we’ve been over th-,”
“No, no I want you paint on you,” she whispers into your ear as her hand cups your jaw gently.
“N-now? Right now?” You turn to face her, she had to be joking, right? Abby watches you with doe eyes, nodding back at you.
“But it’s bright in here,” you say averting your glance, the pit in your stomach growing with anxiety of the thought. Your nervous tick of flexing your fingers beginning, and abby notices.
Taking your palms into her own and rubbing circles with her thumbs on top of your hands in order to soothe you.
“I know. I want to admire every part of you. I want you to see what I see baby. Is that okay?”
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A white tapestry lies beneath your barren body, stripped of all the confines and masks you build up to protect perception.
There’s no real reason to hide from abby. She adored every inch of you. Every marking on your body was akin to threads of gold to her.
Now tracing them with your paintbrushes, creating flowers from the stretch marks on your stomach, one of the biggest insecurities you had.
You once tried to hide them, turning around to change, avoiding mirrors that may give away your secrets. She’d trace them in the safety in the darkness, admiring your body for taking care of you, protecting you when she couldn’t.
As she aimlessly paints away at your flesh she admires her artwork, not the paint itself, but her own human body sculpted for her eyes. She rambles on about how you represent the body of a Greek goddess, full and radiant.
Her light touches, soft words, and longing glances sending you into the deepest form of arousal you’d ever known.
To be loved is to be seen
Beginning to form dainty flowers amongst the stretch marks in your inner thighs you couldn’t take it anymore, breath getting heavier, her mouth beginning to gape at your dripping arousal…so close to her touch.
“Please sit on my face,” she sounded depraved, as if she’d die without it.
“B-but the paint,” you breathe out, not giving a shit, but knowing there would be a mess.
“I don’t fucking care, please baby,” she pleas, gripping into the flesh of your thighs.
You’d never done this, allowed yourself that vulnerability. You’d berate your thoughts, always worrying you’d be too heavy. What if she thought you were too much, too heavy for her? Would it change her mind about you?
She guides you above your mouth, paint smearing across her cheeks. You begin at a hover, attempting to make yourself lighter, more palatable.
“Baby all of you, please I need you,” you hear from her, tugging on your thighs to sit comfortably on top of her.
A sigh of relief floods you, releasing the tension and submitting to her completely.
If she could have eaten you whole, she would have. Sloppily licking down your cunt, pressing down your thighs to get as close as she could.
She made you whine and shake till your tired limbs gave out, falling down onto her, letting your body rest completely. Planting kisses on your forehead while she runs her fingertips through your hair.
“Let me do the work this time, just lay there and look pretty,” she says gazing down at you with a grin, knowing she’s stealing your line.
Your body sprawled out on the cloth, completely revealed to her open-mouthed gaze, sun kissing your sweaty flesh.
Driving her fingers into you she can’t help but stare at your pretty mess, paint covered, soaking cunt all of her. “Look so fucking pretty like this,” she coos, sending your head back in pleasure.
The feeling of full liberation, complete autonomy over your body, at the hands of her.
‘mine mine my girl my fucking pretty girl’ she can’t stop herself from babbling, watching as her piece of art comes to life.
Even after you finish from her fingers she can’t stop looking, obsessed, utterly enthralled at the thought of getting the honor of fucking a goddess.
Dried paint chips away at your bodies as the sun goes down. Bare bodies lying there for hours. Maybe you’d never leave this moment.
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
can i request headcanons of what the monster trio+Usopp and Law think of Goth reader who wears all black, has tattoos and piercings, and loves horror ?? and who would like goths the most?? and idk how but could u mix a little nsfw with this if possible?? thank u!!
Yes, sure thing, here we go with some headcanons ! I didn't add nsfw for Luffy because I do not write smut for him. But for the others, there's a bit of nsfw at the end. Hope it meets your expectations, thank you for requesting :D
☆Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp & Law with a goth s/o
CW : g/n reader, MDNI, both sfw and nsfw, mention of alcohol for Zoro, mention of bullets for law, mention of blood and murder still for law (he’s talking about a horror movie)
WC : 2,4K
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Luffy's open-mindedness and curiosity would lead him to ask many questions about your style. He finds it cool.
"When did you discover this lifestyle?", "What's the meaning of your tattoo?", "What's your fav piercing?"
At random times, he would touch your tattoos and then, questions time again, "Is it really in your skin? Can you take showers with them, it doesn't fade? Oh wait, look, I can slide my finger into your earring gauge. All those piercings, woh, you must have a lot of holes."
He's so innocent, help.
Of course, he would love to try some goth clothes or to wear make-up just like you. Good luck, he's an incompetent model. Always fidgeting. He is unable to remain still. He would be quite annoying. You would clearly have a lot of struggles to draw a beautiful eyeliner on his over-smiling face. 
And you know, those scenes where he's imitating Sanji or Chopper? He would imitate you. Not to make fun of you, just because Luffy loves that kind of imitation.
He believes that his full black outfit and stunning eye-liner make him look really cool. He would be so proud to show the good job you made on him to everyone. 
Even while sleeping, he would keep his make-up on. He doesn't know that make-up needs to be removed. 
If you want to watch a horror movie, he may freak out because it was really scary or he may laugh heartily because it was quite funny. Especially in a slasher movie. He thinks that the characters' terrible decisions are amusing. "That was hilarious!"
He would love to trace your tattoos with his fingers. Luffy is fond of physical touch with his loved ones, so yes, his hands would be glued to your tattoos all the time. 
"Hey, Y/N, I have an idea for your next tattoo!" While showing you a really ugly drawing. This guy can't even draw a proper circle so a full tattoo… 
He wants to see it on your body now, so good luck.
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CW : slight roux sex, oral sex (Zoro receiving), slight dacryphilia
Zoro is so oblivious and stoic that he doesn't care much about anything. He's not into fashion or trends; the only thing he's truly interested in is saké and training. He would not really care about what you're wearing, like he doesn't even know it's called gothic. For him, it's just black clothes, make up, tattoos and piercings. It's fine as long as you enjoy your outfit.
"Ugh, it's called goth… I thought it was just black clothes…" 
However, if someone dares to make a mean comment about your style, he would be pissed off. Zoro craves honor and respect, so he would get really angry. No one can make fun of his s/o. 
"Ain't no fucking way" if you want to put make-up on his face. Paint his nails black is the only thing you can do. 
I believe he would be fond of your piercings. He has some earrings himself, and he thinks they're cool. He would offer you some jewels sometime. "I thought it would look cool on you." Although his appearance is stoic, he has a genuine desire to please you.
And if you two are watching a horror movie together… honestly he would just fall asleep. Saw? Sleeping. Conjuring? Sleeping. Alien? Sleeping. The silence of the lambs? S.l.e.e.p.i.n.g. You just can't freak out Zoro. But he would enjoy having a peaceful moment with you. 
Zoro would be thrilled if you got a tattoo on your back. What a beautiful sight when he takes you roughly from behind: he can watch his cock sliding in and out of you, your ass, and your back tattoo. He would retrace your tattoo with his hands and bite or lick it. All. The. Time. 
Another thing he would enjoy? Your tongue piercing. "That's it, put this piercing into good use" while you're literally gagging on his cock slamming deep down your throat. The way you piercing rolls along his length or on his tip would elicit deep, low grunts from Zoro. Your watery eyes, faded eyeliner, and black drops running down your cheek would be a major turn-on for him.  "Fuck, you look so pretty with your make-up all messed up."
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CW : oral sex (reader receiving), penetrative sex (no mention of genital for the reader), for the last paragraph, the reader is wearing a skirt + fishnet tights, but no pronoun used 
Sanji would love your style. He likes fashion and well-dressed people. He thinks that black outfits combined with beautiful smoky eyes and some piercings is an amazing style. 
But well, it's Sanji, so even if you were wearing a paper towel outfit, he would still think you're the most beautiful person in the whole universe. 
He would be a fantastic help with your makeup. Are you in need of flawless eyeliner? Just leave it to him. Same with the lipstick or even nail polish. He is a divine being with hands and he probably learned a few things during the time skip. 
He would have a great time watching scary movies with you. Because it means spending time with his s/o. He would prepare some healthy snacks for the both of you. But on the flip side, he's not a big fan of violence, so he would take this opportunity to get closer to you. "Oh, so scary!" Before holding you firmly. And no letting you go before the end of the movie.
Sanji would be more than happy to help you choose new clothes, make-up, or jewelry. He has really good taste. And he would try some outfits himself just to please you. 
"Y/N, try this one" while showing you a shirt with a big low-cut neckline. Just because he likes to watch your chest. 
If you have a tattoo on your chest, prepare yourself because Sanji's hands would be glued on it. It's too beautiful to resist, he can't help it.
Whenever you get a new tattoo, he will certainly aid you in applying the cream. He's more than happy to lend a hand if it involves touching you.
When you're watching a movie, Sanji would enjoy the "chill" time more than the "movie" time. He would begin to retrace all of your tattoos while the movie is still running before going down on you. "Let's see if you can scream more than those guys on screen."
The way you look at him with those beautiful made-up eyes while he's thrusting into you? Intoxicating. The passion, the eyeliner, the make-up…. If you begin to kiss his neck, smearing your lipstick on his skin, his cock would be throbbing within you. It's too much for him to handle.
If you're into wearing skirts and fishnet tights, Sanji would definitely nosebleed. He would just pin you against the wall or sit you on the table, hike up your skirt, and slowly sink his length into you, moaning close to your ear.
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CW: slight fingering (reader receiving), slight cum play
At the start, he would be impressed by you. Once Usopp gets accustomed to your style, he would absolutely love it.
Your aesthetic, particularly your tattoos and jewels, would be a great source of inspiration for him. Since he is a god of his hands, he would create some outfits and jewels for you. 
To surprise you, he would work really hard on a beautiful tattoo. Unlike Luffy, he is skilled at drawing. He also knows your tastes, so honestly, the final piece would be mesmerizing. Usopp would be very proud if you tattooed his drawing on your skin. 
"R-really, you… you tattooed my drawing on your skin?" With a flustered expression and his heart pounding. 
Even though Usopp doesn't share the same musical/cinematographic tastes, he would try to learn more about your likes. Despite his dislike for scary movies. Our poor Usopp would be so freaked out, especially with the jump scares. At the conclusion of the movie, he would become clingy and even fearful of sleeping alone in the dark. 
He's a dreamer and a good storyteller, so seeing your outfits would help him with his inspiration. He loves to imagine stories and would end up daydreaming about you wearing specific outfits in specific situations. Occasionally, he would draw you. 
Perhaps he could make a weapon that is based on your favorite music or movie. He's so creative. 
He's a coward so piercings/tattoos are not for him, but he would help you take care of yours. And he's really conscientious about it. 
The same applies to your hairstyle or make-up, Usopp knows how to cut hair and he's good with make-up because he's an artist. Please let him do your make-up and hair. He's fond of those moments of intimacy. 
"Hey y/n… so I have an idea… you know… your outfit is quite… pretty. I'd love to draw you… but you know, like… a spicy drawing… I mean, an artistic one… you see?" he would babble so much. Poor Usopp is so embarrassed. But he can't help it, you're really inspiring his creative soul. And as you accept being drawn in some suggestive positions, Usopp would try his best to keep both hands on his pencil and hide how turned on he is. But his hard cock pressing against his pants is unavoidable. Please, have mercy.
Another fantasy of his? Painting of your naked body. The sight of your bare body is breathtaking. Usopp would have a lovely and sweet time painting your curves. The softness of his touch and all his mesmerizing comments about how amazing you are, are quite adorable. His hands would be heavenly soft and he would have a glimmer of pride in his eyes because he's truly doing a great job. "Y/N… I need you so bad…" while watching at your exposed bare bottom. With your consent, sure, he would slide two fingers into you, moaning through gritted teeth. He would slide his hard cock between your ass cheeks until he cum. His seed would be on your back, thighs, almost everywhere. "Now, what a beautiful painting."
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CW : slight dirty talk, slight teasing, slight nipple play, slight choking 
Law being... Law, he would not be very vocal about his thoughts. Like, you want to wear black clothes? Okay. A lot of piercings? Okay. You like horror movies? Fine. He has too much on his plate to care about that type of thing.
But he would be really curious about your tattoos. At first, he would stay silent because he is aloof. After some time, he would be happy to learn more about the meanings of your tattoos, if they have one. And if not, just how did you get the idea. There's a chance he'll talk about his own tattoos. 
Law finds it difficult to communicate, so having something in common with him would make it easier. He is interested in discussing art with you, or even getting a tattoo with you. Law would love this date idea.
As a skilled doctor, he would be extremely attentive to the healing process. "Y/N-ya, don't forget your cream." all the day. He would leave a note if he's not around.
Putting make-up on his face is not an option. "I don't need make-up anyway, I already have dark circles under my eyes." He's not wrong in fact
Law would probably be uneasy with certain horror movies. Particularly if it can trigger his past trauma. If the plot is about sickness or people taking a bullet, he's not willing to watch it and even mad if you try to force him to. 
If it's a random slasher or something paranormal, it’s okay. And he knows a number of movies. However, he would be extremely irritating. Like, pointing out all the incoherences and the jump cuts. Again, he's a doctor, so whenever there's a gore scene, he can't help but comment on it. "Ugh, it's so ridiculous, it doesn't look like this. You know that Y/N-ya, right? In fact, when people are killed like this, the organs are damaged... first, the..." Prepare yourself for a complete explanation during the movie. "The blood is unrealistic and the costumes are cheap, it's awful."
He's such a nerd. 
Law probably shares your musical tastes, so perhaps he could create a playlist for you. Without any word, just like "Hey, listen to this Y/N-ya" before returning to his office. 
Piercings? Big yes. Nipple piercing? Total heaven. For hours, Law would suck and bite your nipples. Or pinch them. It's so intoxicating for him. "Your nipples are so damn hard, you like when I play with them?" 
Law would be delighted to use a mirror when he plows into you from behind, as he loves your tattoos. The nice jiggle on your ass, all your tattoos wet with sweat, how you squirm and the expression of pure bliss on your face… "You're so beautiful when I'm fucking you" If you're wearing that kind of tight chain necklace, he would brutally pull on, enjoying how you're gagging. And as he buries your head against the pillow, he would love to watch the faded makeup on your face and the marks on the pillow. "You look cute when you bite the pillow." He would say, slapping your ass before continue to fuck you senseless. 
And Law, as the teaser he is, would just love running his fingers along your tattooed skin for hours. Making you tremble with anticipation and desire. He would trace each line and curve from your neck to your ankles, avoiding all your sensitive areas. "You're already so turned on… for absolutely nothing. You need me so badly, y/n-ya? " 
He loves your tattoos and he knows you love his. So while he fucks you, his tattooed fingers would be wrapped around your neck. "My fingers are quite a beautiful collar for you, don't you think? " With his favorite teasing grin. It's written " death " on them for a good reason, because you're here to discover what "a little death" means.
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marlynnofmany · 27 days
Paws in a Circle
There’s a poster I saw once, back on Earth, that had a silhouette of a bear with deer antlers, and it was labeled “Beer.” I had forgotten about it completely until I met our newest client, who by that logic was definitely a beer.
I’d already done my part of the interaction by carrying out one of the heavier boxes, so while the captain went over the delivery fees with her, I was free to stare politely and decide which other Earth animals she resembled. (Fur coloring more like a red fox, and semi-upright posture that was less bear and more extinct giant ground sloth.)
I was so focused on watching the client handle the datapad with her giant paws that I completely missed it when the hovercar behind her sprung a fuel leak.
Paint saw it, though. “Oh! Your car!” she yelped, pointing. “I’ll get Mimi!” She was off in a flash of orange scales, back into the ship in search of our mechanic.
The client growled a swear word that didn’t translate, shoved the datapad back at Captain Sunlight, then galloped over to her car. While I expected her to throw open the hood in search of the part that was leaking, she instead made a beeline for the back seat.
When she threw open that door, I saw why.
“Kids! Out of the car! It’s not safe!”
A half dozen bundles of spotted yellow fur tumbled out, making distressed noises that didn’t need translating. They had tiny little antler buds and very big eyes.
Captain Sunlight was busy talking to someone through her communicator, probably Mimi. I stood there uselessly by the packages. What did I know about fuel leaks? Nothing helpful. I knew the puddle was growing by the second, and was probably flammable, but that was about it. And this backwater spaceport barely had an information booth, much less a local response team.
The client ushered her cubs over to where we stood just as Mimi and Paint returned. Blip and Blop followed with a big toolbox carried between them. Mimi was already taking charge and waving tentacles about, talking to the captain about the lack of reliable repair shops this far in the boonies, telling Blip and Blop how best to use their muscles in opening up the engine, and reassuring the customer that this was fine, actually, that model hovercar had a known issue with the fuel lines.
When the client dithered over minding her cubs and being present for the repairs, Captain Sunlight pointed a scaly yellow hand at me. “Our human can keep your little ones entertained. Bring them over here.”
“Uh,” I said.
Captain Sunlight looked up at me, still talking to the client. “She has extensive experience in tending to small furry creatures.”
I wanted to say that veterinarian training and childcare were two very different things, but I wasn’t about to make the captain look bad. And knowing Mimi, this would be quick.
The client said, “Thank you. Kids, you need to stay over here, okay? Next to these boxes, but don’t touch. Listen to the tall one. I’ll be right there helping fix the car.”
The tiny-voiced replies were recognizable words in the most common trade language, though their pronunciation made me clock them at around three or four years old in human years. They were very cute.
And they were suddenly my responsibility, all looking up at me like spotted teddy bears while the rest of the adults fretted about the car.
The questions were immediate.
“What are you?”
“Where’s your fur?”
“Did you lose it because you ate the wrong thing? Mommy says we have to eat our vi’mins so our fur doesn’t fall out.”
“Is this instead of fur?”
I freed the tiny paws tugging at my pants. “I’m not supposed to have fur. I’m a human. And yes, I wear clothes to keep me warm instead.”
“It looks funny.”
“Do you have to brush it?”
“Do you know any games?”
I brightened at that. “Games! Sure, I know some games.” I wracked my brain for something that would keep them entertained without causing new problems. “What kind of games do you like to play?”
They all answered at once in an avalanche of words, bouncing around in excitement, with a couple grabbing each other’s fur to keep from falling over. I couldn’t make out a thing they were saying. But I had the beginning of an idea.
“Do you like dancing in a circle?” I asked.
They had no idea what I was talking about, and possibly no understanding of basic shapes yet. Three of them spun in place while the others waved their arms.
“First you stand in a circle, like this,” I said, sketching out the shape in midair. “Here. You stand here, then you there…” With some gentle nudging — they were so soft — I soon had them arranged in something like a circle. “Now hold hands with the person next to you.”
I was a little concerned that their paws weren’t suited to this, since they had long blunt claws already and didn’t look very dexterous, but they managed. With lots of giggling and hopping in place.
“Now everybody step to the side, in this direction.” I ushered them into a clockwise rotation, nice and slow (and giggling), with no risk of any little fluffy heads bonking onto the spaceship landing pad. It took them a second, then they got the rhythm without tripping over their own feet.
Then they unanimously spun faster, hopping and laughing with squeals and barks that were probably making more than one adult turn to stare. I don’t know; I kept my eyes on the littles. My arms were out and ready in case somebody stumbled and brought the whole circle crashing down.
But no one did. The half dozen youngsters wheeled and spun, bouncing with glee and showing no sign of stopping.
“That’s new,” rumbled a voice behind me. I tried not to flinch when I looked up at the mama bear. Beer. Whatever. She asked, “Is that an activity from your planet?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Pretty basic, and it seemed good for kids.”
The antlered head nodded. “Looks like valuable practice at coordination, as well as teamwork. There are a few adults I know who could benefit from that.”
Images flashed through my head of huge antlered bear aliens doing ring-around-the-rosie as a corporate teambuilding exercise. And professional athletes trying to improve their footwork. “Yeah, they probably could. And it’s a fun bit of community bonding time.”
Mama Bear nodded. “Okay children, the car is fixed,” she announced. “Time to go home.”
The cubs made the exact same disappointed noises as human kids. Even when their mother waded in and picked them up one by one to urge them towards the car, they didn’t want to stop playing. They grabbed hands in pairs and spun off that way, even faster than before. I did have to catch one fuzzy little teddy toddler, who just laughed about it and hopped around some more.
Peripheral vision told me the rest of the crew was helping move the packages into the hovercar’s storage space and mop up the last of the fuel. Overheard conversation told me that the good captain had tactfully gotten us a bonus payment for the mechanical assistance. I couldn’t tell if childcare was part of that, and I didn’t ask. I just focused on herding the excitable youngsters back to their car, where thankfully they all knew how to get into the safety harnesses without help.
Mama Bear closed the door. “Thank you for everything,” she said, directing that at me as well as Captain Sunlight. “I will recommend your services highly to anyone who asks. And we will probably need more deliveries soon, once we get the new house set up, so perhaps we will see you again!”
Captain Sunlight nodded. “Perhaps so. It was a pleasure doing business with you.”
I waved goodbye to the kids, who had found the button to open the window and were just as excitable as ever. “See you later! Maybe next time I can teach you the Hokey Pokey. That’s big on my planet.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
a/n: before i go to sleep, it's drabble time!
"So..." You drawl, leaning back in your seat with a lazy grin. The city's local hero, Spiderman, dangles upside down in your trap.
He struggles to get free from the tightly bound ropes, almost tugging off his mask in the process.
"I have to admit, I love the new suit." You comment, grabbing a pencil and doing a quick sketch.
"What do you want from me?"
You pause, looking up from your sketchbook. "You sound pretty young to be a hero." You purse your lips, trying to guess his age.
"W-what? No, I don't." His voice turns gruff, and you chuckle from how obvious he was forcing it to be.
"I don't really want much. Just to draw you is all." You hum, flipping a page and letting pencil meet paper.
You don't respond, eyes trained on sketching the dimensions of his midnight black suit. "I like the spray paint."
"Thanks," He's surprised by your comment, hands still furiously working to free himself. "Aren't you a villain?" He questions, unable to hold back his curiosity. You weren't really doing anything to him either, not like the muggers or robbers that roam the streets at night.
You were just... drawing him.
"I just thought the suit was cool." You respond simply with a shrug, looking straight at the white material on his mask that hides his eyes.
He flinches, surprised by the sudden eye contact. "And you trapped me because...?"
"I wanted to draw it."
"You could've just asked."
"I tried. You weren't really paying attention. "
Now that you mentioned it, the hero does vaguely remember, just passing by you as another face in the crowd.
"Oh. My bad."
The corner of your lips tug upwards into a slight smile. At least he has the common decency to admit it.
"Could you untie me though? It's getting a little uncomfortable." He voices out, fingers still trying to wriggle free.
"Sure, but I'll need something in exchange."
He sighs. Of course you did. People always wanted something from him as Spiderman, be it a photo or even to just gain clout.
"What is it?" He's wary now.
You grin, hands closing the sketchbook with a loud snap as you place your pencil down on your desk.
"That's easy," You walk towards him with ease, eyes filled with certainty. You're inches away from his upside down figure, leaning in slightly until your lips are next to where his ear would be under the mask.
"Be my model, Miles Morales."
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verysium · 8 months
ACT 1, SCENE 2: blue lock headcanons
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nagi found out amazon product testers were a real thing, and he had never been more happy in his entire life. if he wasn't training to become a professional football player, that would have been his dream job.
sae became a victim of the cat distribution system the moment he moved to spain. he left his window open once, and he came back to a whole secret society of strays on his fire escape.
aryu used to watch his mother do her makeup in the bathroom every morning. after she left for work, he would use her hair curlers and nail polish to bedazzle himself. if you ever ask him to do your makeup, he would tilt your chin up with one hand and ever so gently swipe on your lipstick for you.
kaiser is a whore for attention, even if it is bad attention. if you're not listening to him during dinner, he would most definitely steal the food right off your plate whilst maintaining eye contact. gives you the most shit-eating grin once you catch him.
rin genuinely cannot function around the female species. sometimes his aunties make small talk during family gatherings, and he just sits awkwardly with his baby cousin in his arms. the baby almost always cries.
sae still uses his ipod from 2005. he doesn't have any interest in music, so he mostly uses it as a white noise filler during long flights. if you send him a song recommendation though, he will listen to it.
rin kept a diary as a teenager with some of the entries completely filled with angsty scribblings about sae. he definitely had an entire section somewhere dedicated to death and existentialism. the second half of his journal is reserved solely for you though. he sometimes doodles flowers in the margins.
raichi is chronically online. he would be the type to have an entire four-page argument with a stranger in the youtube comment section. sometimes you have to remind him that the outside world actually exists, and he needs to go outside and touch grass.
sae is secretly intrigued by artists. like how can you just transfer an image from your head onto paper? is it some sort of magic? he cannot wrap his mind around anything that isn't concrete and tangible. he sometimes walks through the streets of madrid just to spy on the old people painting the sea. if you made a drawing of him, he would internally malfunction.
isagi used to help his mother with knitting and sewing. he even learned how to crochet one summer but forgot all about it once he got into football. would not complain if you asked him to do laundry or iron clothes. he is (most of the time) very sweet and kind.
bachira does not have a sleep schedule. what is sleep? he only knows 24/7 hyperactivity and the demons under his bed. would wake you up at the crack of dawn just to go hang out in some random abandoned parking lot.
sae has to physically restrain himself whenever he does shoots for brand endorsements. he would definitely tell the truth if the product was low-quality while literally being on set for its commercial. this man does not lie. cannot model for the life of him. he lost his ability to smile a long time ago, and he feels viscerally ill every time a camera is shoved into his face. if you're there to accompany him though, he will straighten up and at least attempt to look enthusiastic.
rin is terrible at any sort of class that involves creative writing. however, he does enjoy reading haikus. it's the only form of poetry he can understand. definitely sends you one when he misses you.
reo is clueless whenever you tell him that you feel ugly in your outfit. like where is the ugliness? all he sees is the most stunning person in the world. definitely recommend taking him shopping. he would go into the fitting rooms with you and give you the most encouraging confidence boost you have ever felt.
sae has the strongest enamel in existence because he bites his popsicles right off the stick. rin tried to do that once and ended up getting brain freeze.
yukimiya is the type to go from 0 to 100 in less than a millisecond. if anyone says anything remotely negative about you, he will definitely make sure they do not live to see the light of day. he does all this with the most charming smile on his face too.
shidou has no table manners. he would be the messiest eater in existence. if the dining hall looks like a velociraptor just barraged through, you know shidou was there. he only uses a napkin because you told him to.
rin wears chelsea boots and women's clothing. he has a collection of trench coats in his closet, and they're one of the only things he's incredibly proud of. at least he beats sae when it comes to fashion sense.
ness would pack you lunch every day without you even asking for it. he also uses those glittery animal toothpicks and cuts your apples into hearts. his paper notes are little menacing though. usually it has your name written a thousand times in blood red ink.
sae would let you braid flowers into his hair, but he would wrinkle his nose in embarrassment if you ever took a picture of it. he tries to act nonchalant when you gush about how pretty he is because in his mind he looks incredibly stupid. will keep that photo by his bedside and look at it when he's lonely though.
isagi is incredibly clumsy. sometimes he will act like an egomaniac before falling right on his face. the world has an interesting way of humbling him. he does keep his mood swings in check when you're around though. your presence gives his mind inner peace.
otoya has color-coded folders for every girl he has dated. he keeps their names, likes, dislikes, and contacts all separately filed so he doesn't confuse them. however, on your night out, he got so caught up in talking to you, he forgot to even update your file. the date ended with him smiling like a damn fool. you're always the exception.
aiku is the type to just be casual about everything. he just got into a car accident while on call with you? that's okay because he got to hear your pretty voice on facetime. he took a tidal wave straight to the face while ogling you at the beach? that's no problem because he got a sneak-peek at your cute little bathing suit. this man literally has no sense of self-preservation when it comes to you.
bachira was the kid who tried to mix up weird concoctions at the school lunch table. now it translates into drinking both an energy drink and americano at once. you had to pull him away from the soda fountain because he kept trying to add every single drink combination possible into his red solo cup.
sae would blatantly stare at your ass and then tell you it was for research purposes. if you press further, he will pull up the statistics showing how buttock size correlates with athletic ability.
rin is obsessed with tea only because he saw his brother drink it at family dinners. he always sat up straight on the zabuton and sipped the bitter leaf juice as a way to impress the grown-ups. unfortunately for him, he developed a caffeine addiction in his late teens.
niko would be the tech-savvy person in your relationship. he doesn't believe in traditional flowers, so he codes you an entire HTML webpage with roses on the user interface. he also wholeheartedly believes that virtual pets are real pets.
shidou is an adrenaline junkie. he has six piercings, two of which are helix. he also snowboards during the winter and speeds on the highway for fun. (don't be like shidou, kids.)
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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fortheb0ys · 8 days
I wanna dress Will Graham up all nice and pretty just to mess him all up again :3
BROOO YOU GOT ME THINKING!! Give me like two sentences and I could go on and on if I'm feeling it. So I offer you my ramblings🤲
Does anyone remember that one Criminal Minds episode where this lady collects human dolls?!?
Well, make that into male reader insert <(´・ω・`<)
CW Sorry, i realized I don't put these often : reader is a serial killer and will is profiling him, reader views people as objects, reader can't tell what's real and will uses that to his advantage, will refers to himself as a 'sex doll', murder (not too descriptive), reader loses his virginity, sex, stalking, kidnapping, obsessive behavior NOT PROOFREAD ENDING IS RUSHED!
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You watched Will from a distance, become fascinated by Will's beauty. His curly hair, his facial structure, his build, his everything.
He haunted you. You saw him everywhere you went.
Will was different from the rest. A body of pure perfection. The others ones in your collection were unamusing, marred in compaison to him.
Once you've had gotten your hands on him, your collection fell neglected. Left on the shelf to collect dust. Disposed of them when they broke.
Will was your prized doll like one of those vintage Christmas Barbies.
Once you've finally gotten your hands on him you noted he wasn't in perfect condition. It was quite clear under closer eyes, a few nicks and scratches. You'd treat him better than anyone else would. You wanted to keep him from farther damage.
At first, Will was a bit hard to play with. His face model was always in a scowl. Brows knitted in anger.
You thought about redoing his face, scraping off the base and painting a new one. Thoughts about the last time you've done it deterred your decision. Their faces had always came out disfigured, never getting quite right.
His hard shell didn't deter your love for him. You treated him gently, bought things for him, making small conversations at your little tea parties. His anger was met with your kindness.
It took a while till Will's shell chipped away. His scowl disappeared, replaced with a friendly smile. Happiness to see you home from you doll hunting.
Soon he became the best doll you've owned. A pleasure to have company with.
His voice box sounded much different from the others. The other doll yelled crude obscenities. Of course, their angry words didn't last long as taking out their boxes quieted them down.
Will was kinder. He was more willing to carry a conversation. He'd let you play with him without protest. Let you play with him, brush his hair, change his clothes. The others were hard to move, their sticky joints refusing to move.
Of course, the hunt for new dolls didn't stop. Once Will met these new friends, he became cold. Back to the old Will.
Will never liked play to nice. Mean and unpleasant words were barked at the others. They broke quicker than anticipated. You'd find Will covered in red, broken dolls at his feet.
He'd plea that he was special. That you couldn't have any other dolls. He was the only one that's supposed to be in your collection. Red, teary eyes begging to be the only doll in your collection.
You pulled him into close embrace, feeling his pounding heartbeat against your chest. Whispered promises as he cried at your every word.
Your precious Will, beautiful yet so broken. You plege devotion solely to him.
Since than you only cared for Will. Every moment was spent with him.
He seemed to enjoy playtime as well. He'd sit quiet and pretty as you changed him. His hands always posed between his legs. His joints bent seamlessly as he shifted in his sit.
One day while picking his clothes for the day, Will made mention that he had working parts down...there. That they'd the react when played with.
He said he was a 'sex doll', that only he's the only one.
He guided you as you were inexperienced. Spoke you through each step. Your fingers nervously stretching him. Your eyes trained on Will's face, looking for any sort of discomfort.
Fingers still he's face contorts. You weren't sure if it was discomfort or pleasure. You weren't going to risk breaking your precious doll by testing which one.
Your hand begins withdrawaling from between him. Before you could do or say anything farther, Will's hand shoots forward to grasp your wrist.
"Don't fucking stop." Will growls as his grip tightly.
His eyes darken, a glint of something beneath them. Like there was a secret to be shared behind blown out pupils. It seems almost sinister.
Your heart skips a beat and your mouth goes dry and all you could do was give him a small nod. Sex brought out this side of an otherwise gentle Will. One you were not willing to challenge.
Once Will felt like he was fully prepped and ready, he made you withdrawal your soaked fingers. With shaking hands gripping your cock, guiding it to his ready hole. A hiss sounding from Will almost made you stop but you wouldn't dare to do that again.
It felt so fucking good. Stinking in inch by inch. His hole stretching to fit your cock. His insides warm and wet. Pleasure consuming your entire being.
Did all dolls feel like this? Why haven't you tried this before?
Once Will completely bottomed out, he gave you a slight squeeze. You had to hold yourself back, nearly cumming after only just a moment.
Your eyes shut tight as your head falls against Will's chest, trying to focus on breathing. Shaking breaths timed with Will's heartbeat.
A sharp kick to your side, a signal that Will wants you to move. Eyes snap open to look deep into Will's. That look still present, now even darker.
"Take it nice and slow." Will spoke sweetly behind a kind smile. He's gentle once again. Will's changes in mood were slightly off putting.
You began to move at a slow pace, sloppy as you tested the water. Thrusts were shallow and somber. Will's hand grip at your hips and begin guiding your movements.
"Follow my lead." He locked eyes while you felt the need to look away.
His hands push you forward establishing a rythm. Pushing in deep to hit something the made Will gasp and pulling out till your tip was the only thing in him.
You tried focusing on keeping the order as you roll your hips into him but everything felt so good your mind went numb. Will's grunts turned into moans as you kept nailing the spot in him that made him sing.
You push your entire weight onto, trying to reach deeper and deeper. Confidence is now yours when Will clenches around you. The heat is suffocating, sweat pools down your back.
One of his hands leaves your hips, guiding yours onto his weaping cock. Your fingers tightens around it, jerking it in rythm with your thrusts. White drips for his tip on his stomach. He's as close as you.
Your thrusts finally lose pace and your thrusts become shallow once again as you feel like the end is near. Will pulls you in a kiss, swallowing your little sounds, cumming together. White paints your bodies.
You pant as you collapse on top of Will. Your eyes fall heavy as you focus on catching your breath.
"Will you stay with me forever, doll?" You plead once the room had fell silent.
"Till time separates us."
You pull Will close, your head against his neck. In that moment he felt real, almost human. Like his heart beat just as yours. Like flesh and bone.
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beatsforbrothels · 2 months
Unsung - Divisions of Time
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lovinpelova · 5 months
try it out | j. fleming
summary; if jessie likes your hobbies, you should like hers.
🎵 jackie and wilson - hozier
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since you were a little kid you've loved lego, it's just common for children to adore it and want as much as possible until they reach a certain age and decide to throw it out instead of letting it grow dusty on their shelves. you were the opposite to other kids, keeping up with the so-called obsession and spending a fair amount of money on it, hating the idea of making new things yourself and opting to stay with the sets lego would release often. your favourite type of lego set to build was the cars, they were just so cute and didn't take up too much of your day, giving you something to focus on and use to calm down in your free time.
jessie loved your adoration of lego. she found it adorable how you'd get excited when you saw a new set you wanted and bought it almost immediately after a moment of contemplation about the price, the canadian knowing you'd always end up getting it anyways. she'd bought you a new lego set for christmas, a massive white porsche 911 that clearly wouldn't have been cheap due to the size, you complained about the inevitable price but she waved you off with the claim of your smile being worth much more when you saw it and thanked her.
now you were finally getting around to building it and would need help no matter how much you hated to admit it. the bigger sets always got the best of you and you'd either do it wrong or be unable to find a piece you needed, so jessie decided to help out. it was going well so far, sitting comfortably on the living room floor as she'd help you put pieces in place and hand you the odd one you were struggling to find, other than that she would sit and watch in awe as you concentrated more than she'd ever seen- even in training you'd never been this focused.
"since i'm helping you with your hobby, would you wanna try one of mine when we've finished this?"
you looked up momentarily to figure out what she meant before going back to pushing the lego pieces together, finally understanding jessie's question.
"as long as it's not hockey or photography, you know how i am with those two."
"don't worry babe, it's neither of them. i was thinking maybe you'd wanna try painting for the first time?"
jessie handed you a lego piece you were struggling to find for the next step, yourself smiling in thanks and leaning over to kiss her cheek softly as you took it out of her hand.
"yeah, why not? i am pretty bad at painting though, just to warn you."
"you're only bad at painting if you're not fully focused. you'll have me to help out too!"
after another couple hours of piecing together your new lego set you'd finally finished it, looking down in pride alongside jessie as you high-fived to celebrate finally being able to get rid of the hip cramp from how you were sat.
"okay, you go find a place for that whilst i get the stuff for painting yeah?"
"okay baby."
you smiled in response before setting off upstairs and finding your lego shelf, having to move a few things about before you could fit the massive model. looking at it in pride one last time, you set off downstairs to find jessie laying out paints and brushes alongside two canvases next to each other, the canadian opting to sit across from you rather than next to you so you wouldn't get paint on each other.
"oh this is gonna be fun!"
you stated excitedly as jessie grinned at your enthusiasm for her hobby, glad you share an aptitude in exploring each others interests. you sat down across from jessie and picked up a pencil like she did, noticing the small smile she wore once she realised you were copying her in fear of doing anything wrong.
"what are we painting then?"
your question sent jessie deep into thought for a moment as she looked around the room for ideas.
"oh! i've got it. how about we paint what we think the other would be if we were animals but don't tell each other? you know, like a guessing game."
"that's such a cute idea! i'm not sure how i'm gonna draw my animal though."
"just google a picture, you'll be fine baby."
you grabbed your phone and googled 'moose' to remember what they even look like, realising you'd gotten yourself into trouble choosing this animal but it was too late now. you stood your canvas up on the small easel jessie had brought over for you just like she did with her own, making sure she couldn't see when you drew the first couple lines and it immediately went wrong. deciding to commit and feeling it might get better as you draw more, you continued the outline of your moose and it gradually got better, it wasn't the best but it was certainly a lot easier to make out than when you first started a couple minutes ago.
once you'd finished with your outline you grew weary of the painting part, knowing you'd have to get it over and done with otherwise you'd be drawing instead. you grabbed the colours you needed and set them out on a small palette, getting to work on painting the moose and being surprised by how easy it was, deciding to even paint in the background as one that looks like the boreal forest in canada whenever it snowed. jessie was finishing up her painting by now and seemed very proud of it just the same as you, adding a couple finishing touches and putting down her paintbrush a couple minutes before yourself.
"you ready?"
she asked as you stood up in front of your canvases, nodding your head in response. eager to show your work and getting a nod from jessie once she saw your excitement, you turned around your easel and watched her jaw drop in amazement.
"oh my god, baby that's the most beautiful painting i've ever seen. and you think i'm a moose! god i love you so much, you're so good at this!"
"it's mediocre, jess- and of course i think you're a moose! they're all you ever talk about. i need to see what animal i am though, the suspense is killing me."
jessie snapped out of her amazement and grinned down at her painting for a moment before spinning the easel around, showing you a stunning painting of an elephant in the african outback, a beautiful sunset along the background.
"before you take it wrong, i chose an elephant because you're so gentle and caring. you know how nice they can be."
jessie shyly explained as you grinned in appreciation, admiring the painting for a couple more moments before stepping forwards and pulling her into a soft kiss.
"it's almost as beautiful as you jess."
"alright playboy, stop trying to flatter me just so you can get my art for free."
"oh i had to pay hm?"
you teased, jessie nodding her head in response as you smiled at each other and turned towards your paintings.
"of course, artwork like that doesn't come for free. i reckon around three hundred quid."
"i'm selling mine for that amount too, maybe we can swap and call it even?"
"good idea, i want your signature too though."
you quickly grabbed a pencil and signed your painting in a blank area, jessie doing the same with hers as you swapped paintings and shook each others hands.
"pleasure doing business with you."
"but of course."
the brunette laughed with you and leaned forward for a soft kiss, both of you pulling away not long after to clear up all the paints and brushes before looking around the house for a perfect spot. you eventually found one right above your shared bed, the moose being hung up above jessie's side and elephant hung up above yours, like a little inside joke.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
"For Your Eyes Only..."
OM! Characters x GN! Nude Model MC
Taglist: @my-perfect-machine @aijlin @cakelqt @rxflen @shortstoriesbyher @obeymediasimp @alice4wonderland2812 @addictedtomammon01 @19ar-a @bloop-bloop @hroinasa @twistedfantoobey @crystalclearskull @candygrim @rokosbasalisk @itsmeninerz @pura-stella-ardenti
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"Please make sure you're comfortable, MC. You'll have to stay like that for a couple of hours." The professor urged.
"Oh I'm fine no worries." You assured him and went back to posing. You repositioned the flower crown and struck your pose again.
"HEY WHO EVEN ALLOWED YA TO MAKE MC THE MODEL AND HOW DARE-" Mammon was already out of his seat, about to yell from the top of his lungs. Lucifer clamped a hand over his mouth and sat him back down again.
Diavolo entered the classroom a few seconds later, doing his weekly rounds. "Ah good morning, all! How is everyone doing today-" He simply froze in place looking at you.
"You should have a seat if you plan to stay for a while, Young Master." Barbatos fetched another chair for him. Lucifer gritted his teeth in embarrassment, while Mammon groaned at the addition of yet another person.
"Simeon are you alright? You seem feverish." Solomon side-eyed the angel, before turning his eager gaze back at you.
Simeon simply smiled his signature smile. "You don't look too good yourself, Solomon. As for me, well we have a beautiful subject today and I'm just trying to do them justice."
You chuckled at the different reactions of your demons, angel and sorcerer.
Lucifer shifted uncomfortably in his seat for the next hours. Constantly having to fix his pants as they seemed to grow tighter at the crotch.
This is professional.
He gripped the brush tight, his strokes fast and rigid. He was trying not to get affected. But the way your eyes were trained on him - he's sure you're doing it on purpose. It's not just a pose, is it? He groaned quietly as his hands itched to grab you by that beautiful waist of yours and start pounding into you.
He shoots you a poisonous smile every five minutes. A warning. What did you expect, trying to provoke the Avatar of Pride? He's going to have a long word with you in his office as he strips you down and fucks you in that very same pose. Honestly he's even tempted to record you screaming from pleasure and letting the whole room hear that too.
Mammon had to have several people bind his legs to his seat, and his mouth shut to keep from screaming. With a raging red face, he wasn't very subtle about his displeasure at this.
What the hell do ya think you're doing, human?
As if his brothers didn't pester you too enough. Did you really have to rope in the entirety of the fucking school? He's your first man. He's the only one you need to show. He's the only who should see. He wanted to use magic to blind everyone else in the room. And erase everyone's memories.
Oi...oi, stop that. Don't look at him like this. How the fuck are you so bold? Why the fuck are you so hot? You're killing him with this. He wants this face under him. He wants every inch of that skin under his touch. And if he loses his shit after you both are home, well he isn't responsible. He needs to mark you all over - to make sure everyone knows who you really belong to.
Leviathan didn't think he was awake. Or even alive. With a rather insistent stream of blood pouring out of his nose, there were crumpled up tissues scattered near his seat.
I'm surely dead right? And this is my last fever dream?
At night in his room, he'd have many more of them, drenched with his cum instead. How can he help it when you're staring so readily at him? He wants to pull out his dick and pump himself off, everyone but you is blurry. Heck he'd already started stroking himself as discreetly possible.
He lets out a yelp towards the end of his finished painting. Now there's two of you. He covers his face behind his hands, whining and kicking his legs at this hard ordeal. And the huge tent in his sweat pants isn't very subtle. The way you're looking at him right now...will you help him if he asks nicely?
Satan, the most sophisticated by far. You'd think he'd be composed. But no, he'd already broken a good few brushes, snapping them in half trying to calm the fuck down. There was something so sublime about you that was making his body combust with desire.
Don't... lose... composure.
Perhaps it was the feline charm in your pose? The way your hips curled upward and elbows touched the mat. The way you tilted your head to the side feigning innocence, your eyes big and curious. Fuck, you look like you're begging to be ravaged without mercy.
His painting is not nearly close to his usual talents and he has only you to blame. And you will compensate accordingly, he will make sure of it. Don't be too suprised when he promises to take you to the older archives in the library only to fuck you against the bookshelves for hours and hours.
Asmodeus is far over the moon. His excitement is far from discreet. In fact he's eager to join you up there. There's only one thing that can enhance your already gorgeous form - his form draped over you.
Oh MC, what I'd do to see you like this everyday.
He calls the professor and suggests his idea and who can say no to Asmo with his charming eyes? He joins you up on stage, making a show of stripping before his bare body touches yours. The entire room gasps. When you seem bewildered, he says noone has even started painting yet, so no harm done.
And now that your posing together, he doesn't hold back. Seating you down on his lap with his hands positioned in the right places and his lips pressed against your shoulder. His body felt so lewd and hot aginst yours, he might as well be fucking you. Now it's your turn to hide your arousal.
Beelzebub blushes and looks away, trying to protect your dignity from his eager eyes. It wasn't until his twin made him understand what you were doing. Knowing about your role, he looks at you with utmost concentration.
Must make MC look beautiful.
He's trying. He really is. But there is something burning deep inside him and he can't quite come to terms with it. He struggles with his growing hardness as he tries to concentrate on you drawing you.
He suddenly remembered something. It was just the top of your hand, he kissed it before a ball dance. Your skin was so fragrant, so smooth, so delectable. Does the rest of you taste the same? He's planning to ask you right after this. Maybe, just maybe you'll let him have a taste.
Belphegor smirks already planning the perfect punishment in his head. You're being a brat, he simply has to train you, in his own bratty way. He tries to hide the pink in his cheeks as he keeps painting.
Making me go through all this... you'll pay MC.
Damnit he was planning to sleep through this class. How can he possibly do that now? He can't even close his eyes to your sight. He even has to wipe the drool from corner of his mouth every few minutes. All of this because of you.
Did you forget he can slip in and out of your dreams? Do you not know what you've just unleashed on yourself? As you smile at him cheekily, he imagines turning you into a whimpering mess, begging you to stop teasing him as he buries himself deep inside you and refuses to move.
Solomon meets your unmoving gaze with equal intensity. You're teasing him. What a disobedient apprentice you are. Looks like he'll need to give you a few extra lessons. He's already planning exactly what to do with you. Right here. Right now.
Two can play at this game, my love.
Though he would prefer to blind everyone in the room, watching how they lusted over you gave him a sick sense of pride. Everyone wants you, but only he can have you. He paints nonchalantly, licking his lips once a while. He can barely contain his excitement.
He quietly mutters a spell on the paper. You suddenly jolt, feeling something touch you on your cheeks and chest. You understood what was going on the moment you saw Solomon smirking. With every brushstroke, you felt his touch on you. And he was determined to finish the painting as slow as possible.
Simeon was clearly having a harder time compared to everyone else. Gripping his thigh with one hand, trying to steady his other, trembling hand to paint. And you smiling and biting your lip playfully was NOT helping.
Why must you be so tempting, MC?
He struggled to smile back at you, heat rushing to his cheeks and ears. Every part of you he painted, he fixated on it for a good fifteen minutes. He stared longingly at your hands, wondering how they would feel against his skin, holding him down there.
He shook his head aggressively, trying to keep these constant intrusive thoughts away. Why was he being so perverted? He'd even modelled for you before, granted he wasn't naked, but still. This is the same thing. Atleast that's what he told himself, right before asking you to come model for him alone at home, because he couldn't finish the painting in class.
Diavolo wasn't even supposed to be here. He didn't even have an easel or a canvas. He came here to observe all the students and leave. Yet now he sat, shamelessly staring at you. He tried to look as serious as possible, even glancing around at others to make it believable. But it all went downhill when you spotted him and shot him a smile.
I never realised just how beautiful humans could be...
He smiled back at you, quietly mouthing questions, to which you either nodded or shook your head slightly. 'You've done this sort of thing before? Are you comfortable? I think you'd look better with a royal crown, can I get you one? Haven't you been at it for a while? Would you like to take a break? Would you like to come to the castle for dinner tonight?'
For a while it felt like there was only the two of you in the room. There was so much he didn't know about you. He was overjoyed when you said yes to dinner. He wanted to continue this conversation in his bedroom. With you, bare bodied and posed exactly like this, and with him much closer to you. Close enough to engulf you in his arms, close enough to feel every soft inch of you.
Barbatos blushed deeply. The professor asked you to choose a prop and you chose a teacup. The same teacup the demon butler had gotten for you. You pretended to sip from it while smiling at him. He felt like in some subtle way, he'd been chosen.
Is this a test of self-control, MC? Because I'm afraid I might fail.
How much longer could he possibly hold in these growing urges he had for you. The more he met you, the more he wanted to sit down and talk. The more you casually touched his arm or leaned into him while laughing, the more he wanted to hold you close. And the more you tempted him, the more he wanted to fuck you.
He invited you for tea after school, thinking simple conversation could satiate his growing desires. But the moment he poured you tea and you sipped from the cup, his mind was filled with overwhelming lust again. And then next thing you know he was kissing you roughly in his quarters, while his hands almost tore your uniform off you.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Tarot Cards as Professions
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Major Arcanas:
The Fool: Work with abroad, connections with imports, language teacher, multinationals, entrepreneur, intern, college student, art major.
The Magician: Entrepreneur, job that needs skill with the hands (acupuncture, hairdresser, artisan), actor, salesperson, influencer.
The High Priestess: Education, especially children, nutrition, psychology, cook, housewife, food engineering, toy factory, fortuneteller, spiritual advisor, librarian.
The Empress: Management, business administration, foreign trade, secretariat, translation, decoration, stay-at-home mom, model, cook, farmer.
The Emperor: Business administration, work related to areas of technological innovation, the military or sportsmen, CEO, tycoon.
The Hierophant: Philanthropic areas, ONGs, religious work, social work, diplomacy, and a degree, journalism, writer, editor, priest, spiritual guru, politician.
The Lovers: Sales area in any sector, tourism, theater, advertising, the arts in general, porn star, stripper, masseuse.
The Chariot: Activities related to transport, cars, the latest technology, chauffeur, mechanic, athlete.
Strength: Aesthetics, physical education and various body therapies, medicine, zoologist.
The Hermit: Teacher, writer, doctor, antique dealer, restorer, librarian, gardener.
Wheel of Fortune: Financial market, exchange offices, casinos, lottery houses, stock exchanges, and areas related to public relations, hospitality, game show host.
Justice: Public jobs, won through competitions, politics, police, with government positions, in the diplomatic area, law, insurance company worker.
The Hanged Man: Nurse, auditor, inspector, porter, secretariat, general assistants, yoga instructor, prison guard, philanthropist.
Death: Doctor, farmer, geologist, business administrator, gardener, accountant, assassin, death row executioner, surgeon.
Temperance: Working with liquids in general or with what is transported in liquid form such as alcoholic beverages, medicines, juices. chemist, chef, food critic, regional or even international traffic.
The Devil: Does not limit the individual to a professional wing, so he can also go to extremes for the desire he has, such as landlord, drug lord, sex trafficker.
The Tower: Social assistance, humanitarian aid, medicine, firefighter, police officer, construction worker.
The Star: Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, cinema, makeup artist, dressmaker, beautician, agent, promoter, sound artist, astronomer, harpist, dealer, meteorologist.
The Moon: Oceanographers, sailors, fishermen, owners of bars and restaurants or nightclubs, artists in general, medium, hypnotist, psychiatrist.
The Sun: Motivational speaker, entertainer, comedian, social relationships, work with the public, artist in general, member of society.
Judgment: Work done at home, connection with the law, lawyer, judge, work with disabled or people excluded from society, social assistance, board member, executive producer, director.
The World: Pharmacist, massage therapist, scientist, teacher, community leader, religious leader or priest, fashion designer, makeup artist, interior decorator.
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Creative industries such as advertising, marketing, and graphic design.
Entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Athletics, sports coaching, or physical training.
Outdoor jobs like park ranger or tour guide.
Event planning or organizing.
Firefighters or rescue workers.
Ace of Wands: Entrepreneur, startup founder, motivational speaker, fitness coach, personal trainer.
Two of Wands: Business strategist, project manager, travel agent, international consultant, import/export specialist.
Three of Wands: Sales representative, marketing manager, e-commerce entrepreneur, market researcher, international trade coordinator.
Four of Wands: Event planner, wedding coordinator, party organizer, festival manager, hospitality industry professional.
Five of Wands: Conflict resolution specialist, mediator, lawyer, debate coach, competitive sports coach.
Six of Wands: Public relations manager, spokesperson, social media influencer, motivational speaker, winning athlete.
Seven of Wands: Defense attorney, human rights activist, political campaigner, advocate, civil liberties lawyer.
Eight of Wands: Courier, delivery driver, airline pilot, travel blogger, expedition guide.
Nine of Wands: Security guard, bodyguard, soldier, endurance athlete, self-defense instructor.
Ten of Wands: Overworked entrepreneur, project manager, event organizer, professional organizer, heavy equipment operator.
Page of Wands: Assistant in a creative field, aspiring artist, intern in a startup, social media coordinator, apprentice.
Knight of Wands: Travel journalist, adventure tour guide, professional athlete, race car driver, stunt performer.
Queen of Wands: CEO, business owner, charismatic leader, life coach, influential speaker.
King of Wands: Executive manager, entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, director of a creative agency.
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Counseling, therapy, or social work.
Hospitality industry, including restaurant management and bartending.
Wedding planner or event coordinator.
Artistic fields like poetry, writing, or acting.
Healing professions such as nursing or holistic therapy.
Psychologist or counselor specializing in emotions and relationships.
Ace of Cups: Therapist, counselor, social worker, holistic healer, emotional support specialist.
Two of Cups: Marriage counselor, matchmaker, relationship coach, wedding planner, love psychic.
Three of Cups: Event organizer, party planner, celebratory event coordinator, community organizer.
Four of Cups: Meditation teacher, mindfulness coach, spiritual counselor, psychologist, therapist.
Five of Cups: Grief counselor, trauma therapist, hospice worker, emotional healing practitioner, bereavement support.
Six of Cups: Child psychologist, teacher, daycare worker, children's book author, pediatric nurse.
Seven of Cups: Creative writer, fantasy novelist, imaginative artist, dream analyst, visionary.
Eight of Cups: Travel blogger, adventure seeker, spiritual pilgrim, explorer, wanderlust photographer.
Nine of Cups: Life coach, happiness consultant, gratitude coach, self-help author, wellness retreat organizer.
Ten of Cups: Family therapist, marriage and family counselor, foster care advocate, wedding planner, family mediator.
Page of Cups: Creative writer, artist in training, intuitive healer, aspiring therapist, dream interpreter.
Knight of Cups: Actor, romantic poet, musician, art therapist, love and relationship coach.
Queen of Cups: Psychic reader, intuitive healer, counselor, compassionate caregiver, therapist.
King of Cups: Therapist, counselor, intuitive mentor, emotional intelligence trainer, psychologist.
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Legal professions like lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers.
Journalists, reporters, or investigators.
IT specialists, computer programmers, or hackers.
Teachers or professors specializing in critical thinking or philosophy.
Military or defense-related careers.
Strategic planners or analysts.
Ace of Swords: Lawyer, judge, legal consultant, investigative journalist, strategic planner.
Two of Swords: Mediator, conflict resolution specialist, negotiator, diplomat, relationship counselor.
Three of Swords: Divorce lawyer, grief counselor, trauma therapist, emotional healer, heart surgeon.
Four of Swords: Rest and relaxation specialist, meditation teacher, spiritual retreat organizer, yoga instructor.
Five of Swords: Military strategist, competitive sports coach, lawyer specializing in litigation, debate coach.
Six of Swords: Travel agent, relocation consultant, therapist specializing in transitions, boat captain.
Seven of Swords: Private investigator, spy, intelligence analyst, cybersecurity expert, undercover agent.
Eight of Swords: Social justice lawyer, human rights advocate, disability rights activist, therapist specializing in limiting beliefs.
Nine of Swords: Insomnia specialist, anxiety therapist, nightmare counselor, sleep coach, mental health counselor.
Ten of Swords: Surgeon, coroner, forensic scientist, mortician, grief counselor.
Page of Swords: Researcher, journalist, fact-checker, apprentice in a legal field, investigative reporter.
Knight of Swords: Military officer, police officer, attorney, competitive fencer, conflict resolution specialist.
Queen of Swords: Judge, lawyer, critic, journalist, literary agent.
King of Swords: Judge, attorney, CEO, strategist, military general.
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Financial advisors or investment bankers.
Real estate agents or property developers.
Agriculture, farming, or gardening.
Architects, builders, or construction workers.
Conservationists or environmentalists.
Accountants or bookkeepers.
Ace of Pentacles: Financial advisor, investment banker, wealth manager, entrepreneur, luxury goods retailer.
Two of Pentacles: Financial analyst, accountant, bookkeeper, event planner, stock trader.
Three of Pentacles: Architect, contractor, project manager, teamwork facilitator, craftsman.
Four of Pentacles: Wealth manager, investor, financial planner, asset protection specialist, treasurer.
Five of Pentacles: Social worker, philanthropist, charity organizer, financial counselor, volunteer.
Six of Pentacles: Philanthropist, humanitarian worker, non-profit manager, social worker, charitable fundraiser.
Seven of Pentacles: Gardener, farmer, agricultural consultant, sustainability expert, botanist.
Eight of Pentacles: Craftsperson, artisan, apprentice, skilled tradesperson, technical trainer.
Nine of Pentacles: Luxury brand manager, independent business owner, successful entrepreneur, vineyard owner, art collector.
Ten of Pentacles: Real estate developer, property investor, family business owner, generational wealth manager, financial advisor.
Page of Pentacles: Intern, student, apprentice in a practical field, aspiring entrepreneur, entry-level employee.
Knight of Pentacles: Accountant, financial planner, farmer, skilled tradesperson, meticulous worker.
Queen of Pentacles: CEO, business owner, property developer, hospitality industry entrepreneur, financial advisor.
King of Pentacles: CEO, business mogul, successful investor, high-level executive, financial consultant.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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839 notes · View notes
aomimiusa-bear · 10 months
strike a pose - jeon wonwoo
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This is a work of fiction. Mature content ahead.
wc: 3.4k
The rough scratch of pencil gliding over scrapbook paper brought you solace in the chaos of life. The movements of your wrist have grown your ideas to places beyond your wildest imaginations. It was your reminder of why you were in this profession in the first place.
Your parents had always reprimanded your younger self for doodling on every free space available which painted you as the victim for the colorful streaks of crayon that danced the walls of your childhood home.
One of your parents never failed to bring up their favorite story of you at the semi annual family dinners you attend. 
“I remember her wailing until she had no tears left to cry. It broke my heart to scrub her drawings off of the walls, but the landlord was not having it.” 
Every retelling about your humble beginnings never failed to push a couple stray tears out of your eyes.
Pursuing your passion challenges your physical and mental capabilities. Continuing with art in university was like toying with a double edged sword; for once you were delighted at the thought of attending classes, but the viscous environment during your internships caused you to turn your back on art for a brief moment in time.
Nonetheless, the trials and tribulations of university led you to where you are today. The studio was furnished with blinding lights and eye-catching backdrops. The scent of hairspray lingered in the air as it is seemingly sprayed every couple seconds. 
You shouldn’t be this nervous; it was just another photo shoot showcasing your newest creations. Honestly, you weren’t nervous at all until your assistant was, figuratively speaking, bouncing off the walls as they were delivering important news regarding the shoot. 
“I had no idea he would agree so easily. I wouldn’t have stressed for days, weeks even if the negotiation was this simple.” Your assistant rambled. “The one and only, Jeon Wonwoo, agreed to be the leading model for your newest line!” followed by an earth-shattering squeal.
The oxygen supplying your lungs had magically disappeared in that very moment. You must have done the greatest act of kindness in your past life to receive this kind of opportunity.
Jeon Wonwoo is the top male model in the industry; his lean physique and fierce gaze was highly critiqued in every magazine column dedicated to the alluring man. To top it all off, Wonwoo was given an innumerable amount of praise for his seemingly contradicting persona behind the camera. 
You recalled the countless interviews of Wonwoo’s diligent care towards all the staff members regardless of titles. You also, not that you were intentionally looking for more information on the man, know that he held a soft spot for any type of cat. How fucking adorable. 
Wonwoo was paralyzingly attractive and his charming personality was sufficient to captivate even the most hateful people in this world. 
Mindless drawings of multiple pieces of clothing occupied your downtime. The shoot was not scheduled to start until later, but you wanted to settle into the ambiance of it all to fully immerse yourself in your work. It was like a pre-shoot ritual for you.
Whenever you wanted to let your mind wander, you’d pick up the ratty sketchbook you had received for christmas one year. The ideas stuffed into said sketchbook were not worthy of being turned into reality, but you loved the brief moment of complete creative freedom.
The familiar scrape of your pencil on paper casted a hypnotic response on your hand. You were just doodling free from the confines of profit and pressure. 
“That is absolutely beautiful.”
You whipped your head around at the sound of a deep and melodic voice. His eyes were trained on the worn out page of your sketchbook. You were speechless. Jeon Wonwoo wasn’t just a passing topic of many promiscuous conversations with coworkers. He was here. Right behind you. And he had complimented your work. 
“Thank you. Kind words like yours inspire me to stay in this business.” 
It was an automatic response whenever someone complimented your work after countless interviews, although your response had been more timid than anticipated. 
A searing blush already crept up your neck, and soon to invade the tips of your ears. You turned back around in your chair effectively facing away from where he was positioned.
You had found relief from the busy outside in an empty dressing room, and you were in a comfortable position in one of the vanity set ups. 
He wasn’t clueless. Wonwoo thoroughly enjoyed how flustered you became in his presence. Wonwoo also didn’t miss how you were deliberately checking him out in the reflection of you both. He looked good in your clothes.
Suddenly, you found yourself enclosed in a pair of biceps. You stared into the mirror to meet Wonwoo’s eyes as well. 
“Thank you for this opportunity to work with you. It is my greatest privilege to showcase your newest clothing line.” His head dipped lower to level with your own. Without breaking eye contact through the mirror Wonwoo added, 
“See you out there sweetheart. I look forward to working with you.”
The shutter of the camera was another sound you learned to appreciate over time. Usually, the photographer would barrel directions towards the model, but not Wonwoo. He was confident in his abilities, and that energy was carried on to everyone in the room.
His movements were fluid and natural; he was posing just enough to display the clothes but still highlight his abilities. 
It was as if he was born for the camera.
To say you were mesmerized by him was an understatement. You were bewitched by the man known as Jeon Wonwoo. 
You lost count of the stolen glances you shared with Wonwoo. Every time your eyes hovered on him for a split second too long he would immediately sense it, and subsequently meet your own gaze. 
His eyes devoured you. As if Wonwoo was attending an art exhibit and was bidding to take you home. 
“The female model just called in saying she can’t make it.” Your assistant was out of breath trying to deliver the news as soon as possible. These situations happen more often than not, but what got your palms sweaty was the absence of a standby model. 
A wave of deja vu crashed over you. This has happened only one other time. You had to step in, but in this case you were modeling with the most attractive man you had laid your eyes on. There were no other options. 
There was only one outfit you envisioned that required the female model to pose with Wonwoo. 
Red chiffon draped your figure, and the cowl neckline only did so much to cover your chest. The rounded swells of your breasts peaked out from the top, sides and down the plunging neckline. A small bunch of ruffles placed on your right arm lightly resembled a flower as the trim ran down the side and flowed past your ankle; the free moving trim was a contradiction to the form fitting body of the dress. 
You loved this design on paper, and it only excited you to bring it to life.
A team of staff members scrambled to get yourself ready for the shoot. The angular placement of the deep brown eyeshadow pointed your eyes towards the temples of your face. A subtle peach lip topped off the look.
You were ready for the camera.
Upon walking out of the dressing room, you noticed that Wonwoo had changed into an all black outfit. The shirt was slightly see-through and equally as plunging as your own ensemble. 
The concept for these photos were to showcase the sultry red dress hence Wonwoo’s monochromatic garments. Most of the poses consisted of you in front of Wonwoo with his hands on your waist while your head was on his shoulders.
Mundane is what you would describe the poses you were put into with Wonwoo. Up until the last pose.
“Wonwoo, I’m going to need you to take off your shirt bud.” The photographer instructs. Instinctively, Wonwoo began to unbutton his top. Tantalizingly slow. He also made direct eye contact with you. 
A chair was placed in the middle of the white backdrop. 
“Wonwoo, please take a seat while I direct our leading lady for our final pose.”
Your leg closest to the camera was bent on top of his while the other was firmly planted on the ground. Wonwoo’s hand grasped your waist, but his arm laid relaxed on the mound of your ass.
He was instructed to lean into your chest; right where the tip of the plunge was located. You snaked your arm around the nape of his neck to complete the final look.
A thunderous round of applause commenced after the final shutter of the camera. You and Wonwoo had made your way to the monitor storing all of the taken photos.
You had to admit, you and Wonwoo looked damn good together.
“Maybe you should switch professions so that I can see you more often. I would love to share the camera with you.” Wonwoo had said this low enough for only your ears to hear.
His broad figure disappeared after nearly sending you into hysteria. Wonwoo probably headed out to change out of the one article of clothing that he was wearing by the end of the shoot.
He probably had to attend scheduled obligations after the shoot. You were slightly upset that you may never see the gorgeous man ever again.
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After Wonwoo had scurried off, you took it upon yourself to finish all of the administrative work left for you to complete. Being involved in the shoot pushed back all of your priorities, so you needed to catch up ASAP. 
You had been so busy that you were still in the red dress.
At this eerily late hour, everyone had already gone home, and it was your job to close up the studio; the owner had slipped the keys into your palms after you explained the long night ahead. 
Your personal belongings were tucked away in the same vacant dressing room you were in prior to the beginning of the shoot. The clack of your heels echoed on the linoleum floor as you made your way into the room.
You twisted the door open just to reveal Wonwoo sitting on a chair just scrolling on his phone. He was in his attire from earlier; shirtless with a pair of slacks. His head looked up to meet yours. You blinked once. Twice. Three times before you broke the silence.
“What are you still doing here?”
“Waiting for you of course.” He replied. The beat of your heart sped up ten fold.
Your legs had a mind of its own, because you started walking where Wonwoo sat. He held out his hand for you to take. As soon as your hand was in his, Wonwoo yanked you onto his lap.
His chest felt firm pressed against the side of your arm. The inviting warmth radiating from his body was intoxicating. 
Your hands were kept folded together on your lap. The dress rode up your thighs just a bit higher, but still covered enough to be decent. His hand rested on the side of your thighs playing with the hem of the dress while the other was placed underneath your chin. 
“You were spectacular out there. Your confidence and grace was admirable; you deserve to be a role model to people everywhere.” His praises never ended.
“Thank you Wonwoo.” Sincerity laced your voice. “I see now why you are constantly booked for shoots.” You chuckled softly.
“I owe that all to you. You were ravishing out there.” You were speechless. And Wonwoo was the reason. Again.
“I’d love to work with you in the future if you are available.” 
“Only if you’d have me.” Wonwoo’s smile was so bright that his eyes folded into cute crescent moons. 
“It would be an honor.” You replied in a funny British accent. Even his laughs were perfect.
The laughter died down into a comfortable silence. You couldn’t focus with Wonwoo so close.
Wonwoo’s thumb toyed with your bottom lip. His warmth was a feeling you could get used to. You didn’t stop him nor did you want him to stop. Ever. 
“Tell me I’m not imagining things darling. Tell me you want this as much as I do.”
You gave him a weak nod. Your brain was filled with nothing but him.
“Words sweetheart. I need words.” He softly chastised. 
“Take me Wonwoo. I’m all yours.” The desperation in your voice would have made you cringe on a regular day, but something about Wonwoo made it so easy.
That was all he needed. Wonwoo moved his hand from your ass to the back of your neck to press his lips to yours.
Something about the kiss lit your whole body on fire. It felt so right.
The slight nip of Wonwoo’s teeth on your bottom lip emits a small gasp from you. That allowed Wonwoo to slip his tongue in to dance with yours. The sounds coming from the both of you could rival PornHub’s most popular video. 
Wonwoo disconnected his lips from yours. “Spread your legs. Let me see your pussy babe.”
You shifted your body so that your back was pressed against his chest. Your head slumped against his while each of your legs fell on either side of his left thigh.
The end of the dress gathered on the tops of your thighs until Wonwoo pushed the bunched up fabric to sit around your waist. 
Staring back at him was the image of your flimsy thong. The crotch area was covered by a thin layer of mesh with some sort of floral detailing.
You couldn’t recollect the specific attributes of your underwear because Wonwoo was slicing your pussy in half with the help of your thong. He tugged the skinny damp fabric upwards as it nestled itself in between your swollen pussy lips. 
“You are the most breathtaking sight. Right? You’ll take everything I give you because you're my good girl.” 
Any response you wanted to give him was lost in your never ending moans. Wonwoo released the tension on your underwear only to tease his index finger along your soaking slit.
“Fuck Wonwoo, that feels so good.” That was the first coherent thought you were able to voice. Wonwoo settled on playing with your clit stimulating the bundle of nerves.
“You’re so wet sweetheart. Were you this wet during the shoot too? Walking around with slick thighs and your cunt crying to be fucked?”
His words were too much to handle. Wonwoo’s finger circled your hole.
“Won–” you choke back a moan. “Wonwoo I need you now. No more teasing.” You mewl.
“I haven’t even stretched you out yet. Do you want this fat cock now? Are you that much of a greedy whore?” You desperately nodded.
Wonwoo removed his hand from your throbbing core, and you flinched at the contact of the frigid air.
You immediately stood up in between his legs. Wonwoo zipped down his slacks to reveal his hardened cock covered by the fabric of his underwear.
As for the dress, you slipped the straps off of your shoulders freeing your tits before completely stripping from the dress. Your nipples stood erect from your growing sexual desire.
Wonwoo grabbed you again and positioned your body to be kneeling in front of him. The gleam in his eye signaled you to pull the waistband of his underwear down until they bundled around his ankles.
“C’mon baby, you know what to do. You’re smart. I haven’t had the chance to fuck you dumb yet.”
His cock was red and pulsating. The bulbous tip was leaking beads of precum. Starting from the base, you licked the length of his cock all the way to the tip.
 You circled your tongue on his slit to collect the leaking cum.
You collected a wad of saliva at the edge of your mouth before you spat it onto his penis. You lowered your head to completely take him in your mouth. 
You were bobbing your head up and down and sucking him in. Whatever you couldn’t reach your hands were taking care of it. 
He felt hot and heavy in your mouth, and you swore that your arousal was about to drip onto the floor. 
“Shit. You’re a piece of art. The prettiest fuckin’ thing to ever grace this Earth.” 
You glanced at Wonwoo through your eyelashes. His head was thrown back in pleasure, and that only motivated you to continue with what you were doing.
His hands found their way to the back of your head creating a makeshift ponytail.
He pushed your head down far enough where your nose met his pelvis. You gagged around him before he released you.
A string of saliva connected your bottom lip to his cock. 
“C’mere baby.” 
He placed you across his lap again. His hot mouth was sucking a deep bruise that would be a pain to cover in the morning. Wonwoo’s hands trailed down your leg and removed the uncomfortable heels on your feet.
You couldn’t have been more relieved. 
Now, it was your turn to whisper lowly into his ear, “Let me ride your dick Won. I want to be good to you.”
You maneuvered yourself in order to straddle his hips. Wonwoo took this opportunity to tease your entrance with his tip. 
“Stop teasing.” You were growing impatient after all of the foreplay.
Wonwoo harshly grabbed your neck. He pressed the sides just enough to feel a lightheaded buzz course through your head. 
“Ask politely.” His grip tightened in the slightest. “I didn’t know you were a brat. I thought you wanted to be good for me.” It felt like he was scolding you.
“Give me your manners before I make you beg like the dirty fucking slut you are.”
God, you were so wet that it was starting to hurt having nothing to fill you up.
“Wonwoo please fuck me. I need you fill me with your cock and fuck me like the whore I am.”
“Are you asking?” He raised his eyebrow. 
“No, I'm begging.”
The vulgar exchange of words was enough for him to slam your hips down and take him all the way. The mouthwatering stretch of his cock felt heavenly. 
“This pussy was made for me. No one else could take this tight and dirty little hole like I can.”
You rhythmically moved your hips up and down while pausing every couple seconds to grind down on his dick. You felt every ridge and vein protruding from his cock. 
Your eyes were clouded from lust
“You feel so good baby. Wrapped so well around my fat cock. Do you like it that much? Hmm?”
“Yes, yes Wonwoo love your cock. S’good.” You were panting like you had won a marathon. Your activities could possibly be considered one.
You knew you were clenching hard around Wonwoo, and he knew by looking at the drag of your pussy lips every time you’d lift yourself up. 
“You’re so tight, baby. My good girl is doing so well for me.”
The familiar coil in your abdomen was about to snap. Wonwoo’s words only pushed you closer to release.
“Cum for me sweetheart. I’ll cum for you, fill you up to the brim darling, if you cum for me.”
That was enough to send you over the edge. Pleasure came crashing down on you. Wonwoo roughly thrusted upwards, and the stuttering of his hips let you know that he came too. 
You looked down at where you and Wonwoo were connected and saw a white ring of your mixed arousal around the base of his cock. You were certain that the sticky mess had spread onto your inner thighs as well. 
Suddenly, Wonwoo placed you on the desk of the vanity. You jumped at the contact of your bare ass against the cold surface.
He pulled up the pooled clothing pieces at his ankles so that he was wearing them again 
You felt exposed. You were still completely naked. Wonwoo had been gazing at you longingly before speaking. “Let me clean you up at my place. It’s not far from here.”
“Is this a trick to get me to go home with you Mr. Jeon?” It was your turn to raise your eyebrow. 
“Did it work?”
“Yes Wonwoo, I’d love nothing more than to go home with you.”
Wonwoo handed you his extra sweatshirt and pants. You quickly got dressed, and soon enough you were out the door with your hand in his. 
Hi everyone! I am so grateful for the support on my past two works. Feel free to leave any comments in my asks or on my posts! 
I hope you enjoyed this fic as well. 
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