#he deserves to be a hater
thistlehalo · 27 days
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gorgug really entered his hater era in s3 (and i fuckin love it keep it coming gorgug)
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i will never understand how people have the heart to hate Jason even after they found out that his Ambrosia tastes like fucking sawdust. Ambrosia being tasty is like one single happy thing a demigod can have despite their tragic lives, because it reminds them of the home they once had, but lost. And Jason doesn't even have that, he doesn't even have a home to lose in the first place.
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deepthought-1 · 2 months
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Fave companion posting
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essektheylyss · 27 days
You know what's hilarious, if Ludinus was indeed a young man being traumatized by the end of the Calamity. Deirta Thelyss is almost certainly older than he is.
This is not relevant but I think Essek should bring this up, just to be a bitch about it.
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ashinaisshin · 7 months
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favorite bosses in SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE
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slythereen · 2 months
every time i think of the soft spot checo seems to have for charles it makes me think about that story about charles calling him after mexico 2021 to congratulate him and say how happy he was that checo had his parents there to celebrate with him and i experience immediate heartbreak all over again
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comradekatara · 3 months
zuko is so fucking funny at the boiling rock glaring at sokka with suki all pissed off like “what does SHE have that I DON’T!!!!” uhhh… i don’t know… maybe… an established rapport???? mutual affection??? the fact that they’ve never tried to kill each other??? just spitballing here…..
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hualianschild · 4 months
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 months
I hope dndads release a scam likely markatable plushie just so i can punch it or a dartboard with his face maybe
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d1sheclectic · 1 year
Why does everyone hate skrunkly holden caulfield all he’s just a silly who has sooo much unprocessed grief and talks about how much he loves his little sister and wonders where the hell the ducks go in winter🙁💔💔
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derangedbookworm · 1 month
"you can't defend regulus and not defend snape"
actually, yes, i can. watch me.
snape was a child abuser, who regularly insulted, embarrassed and physically injured his students on a daily basis. he only was part of the order bc he had an unhealthy obsession with his childhood bestfriend, who he called a slur on several occasions. who he, on top of trying to kill her husband, didn't care about her child or family until her life was in danger. he only became "good" when the woman who had rejected him several times might have been injured. he was such a terrible teacher and human being, that one of his student's BIGGEST FEAR was him. he was racist and a blood supremecist, even though he was a half a blood himself. he was not "morally gray", he was a horrible person.
regulus black was forced to become a death eater by his family, and in the end, betrayed voldemort and gave up his life to try to end the war. he loved his house elf, and did everything to make sure kreacher made it out alive. he was not an abuser, he was the abused.
so, yes, i can defend regulus and not defend snape.
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dracenavibes · 2 months
I see so many people saying that O!ciel works Sebastian too hard, but I am here like:
No that bitch better works, his price-performance-ratio is already a scam
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blueskingdom · 7 months
the parallel between the “driving into the sunset” racer getting the worst of luck and the “driving into the storm” racer getting the best opportunities
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roe-and-memory · 4 months
i know everyone already knows this but when u think about how harv treated lightning like. for a Long time. it somehow feels even worse.
like you have this kid, obviously eighteen, who’s entire personality has been shaped by the One person in the world who would prefer signing paperwork to actually spending time with him. he’s had mack, he could have taken after mack instead, but he chose harv because harv is “cooler”. harv pretends to be his friend, makes snide remarks about him, and just straight up ignores him 😭 and lightning always seems so excited to see harv too, whenever he hears him he sounds so delighted that the possibility of this person he looks up to might have actually shown up — but he hasnt. because harv lies. he’s quite literally the embodiment of docs line “depending on someone they cant count on”, lightning is depending on harv to show up and stay true to his promises, but harv literally could not care less about any of it 😭
and like its so SAD because harv not caring has projected that carelessness onto lightning, so when doc asks “when was the last time you cared about something except yourself” he has to realize that in a way, he doesnt actually care about harv either. as much as he wants to believe he DOES care, its almost like part of him knows the only real thing he wants from harv is approval. he knows that harvs opinion matters, even if lightning cant really bring himself to care about him as a person. he wants approval because as much as mack gives it to him, mack would ALWAYS give it to him, whereas harv tells him the “truth”, so if mack were to tell him he had a great race and harv was to say something that opposed that, like criticizing his driving or something, it would just end with a bunch of distrust and miscommunication.. augh
idk Idk just something about the fact that lightning would rather the hard truth over a lie, except you know full well that mack is never lying because he loves that kid like hes his little brother, but he just. Doesnt realize that people can have different opinions and still both be correct about something . i hate harv i fear.
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maskedchip · 4 months
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cringe lameass cool big bro
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roosterlasagne · 11 months
So you all know how done with people's shit Merlin is in s5. He's done with his nice persona and just outwardly shows his hatred towards Mordred.
I think it would be interesting if one day during s5, Merlin woke up one day and just snapped. He is done with everyone's shit. He turns BAMF as he was destined to be. Anytime something happens he just says fuck it and uses magic. An assassin? Boom, gone. A group of bandits? Not on Merlin's watch. A whole army? Hey, Arthur, look what I can do.
I just need some more BAMF Merlin who takes noone's bullshit. Especially not Gaius' or Kilgarrah's about keeping his magic hidden. He will use it whenever he wants dammit.
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