#he will be So Normal about his baby brother getting pregnant. Honest. :-)
a-bit-of-cest · 8 months
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In rewatching bits and pieces, I forgot Sabo was unhinged too. Much to think about.
(This is related to these sketches)
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
If you feel uncomfortable, you can delete this request!
Warning: non-con, toxic behavior, baby trapping?
Request here! for a modern dark!aegon, where the reader has been his friend for a long time and aegon has a horrible dependency on her, as well as an obsession and mostly never lets anyone near her, since he sees her as his, anyway, the reader one day tells him she is accepted for a scholarship in another country but he gets mad because she is going to leave him so he forces her to have sex with him and also hopes to get her pregnant so she will never leave him.
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you’re so cute nonnie!!!!! this is totally fine, I don’t normally write for non-con, but I’ll let this slide cause it’s kinda hot 🥵 I’m combining it with this ask, and leaning more towards a dub-con, manipulation tactic of dark!Aegon!!! hope you enjoy xx
quote in the link above is - "gentle, slow manipulation - "just a kiss" to "I'll only grind against you" to "only the tip, promise" to "just a little more" to "I won't cum inside" until you're a cum-filled wreck underneath them."
Dilemmas & Dreams.
PAIRING: Dark!Modern!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 4,179.
WARNINGS: swearing, angst, co-dependency, somnophilia, dub-con, slight mentions of non-con, mentions of pregnancy, time jumps.
A/N - so this took me forever cause it was a hard concept to plot. tried to make it more dub-con/non-con but still slightly consensual, just because I do not condone using violence for sex. but dark!Aeg is just my intrusive thots. I also did not include my taglists, just cause I did not want to trigger or force anyone to feel the need to read this, if it isn't your thing <3 no pressure. this is for a specific audience.
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It was an universal understanding that relationships could get complicated from time to time, to say at the very least... This did not cease with your unique relationship with Aegon.
With every fibre in your heart, you love him dearly, and that [if you were being honest], would never change. He generally was not the ideal type of man you'd pursue [as you had initially assumed] nor did you think it was even a realistic possibility to fall for his type. Likewise, you did no think of yourself as his particular type, although Aegon was less picky than you when it came to finding a mate. Yet he had this almost omnipotent-like power over you. Luring you farther and deep enough, he kept you eagerly lingering for more: for more of his touch, his scent, his love and affections. An urge you attempted countless of times to keep silenced and at bay, and yet you felt the constant, probing need to keep the man sated.
With many of your short, previous relationships, you'd never granted a man the opportunity to bear such a profound effect on you, nor did any of them truly possess the charisma Aegon had naturally wielded. It was all very consuming and perplexing, yet a part of you quite enjoyed the crisp attention Aegon showered you with in return for your loyalty and commitment to him. Your long-time warfare of constantly seeking approval and praise did not help the situation either, only exploiting your vulnerability more, as you vowed to refuse disappointing the man at all costs.
And from what you had learnt and could decipher about Aegon's history, he had never grown this infatuated with another before, let alone actually granted himself the opportunity to have a significant other. His previous flings had been fleeting and meaningless, only to glutton himself off of sex, inflating his subtle ego. However, you, you had caught him off-guard. A fellow colleague and long-time friend of Aemond's, you had met mutually. You knew of each other, though had never truly met, for Aemond was desperate to keep some distance between yourself and his elder brother. He had mentioned many things about Aegon, not all good, yet you knew better than to judge or presume. In theory, you were both quite the opposites, yet something about you, your innocence, warm demeanour drew him to you, like a moth to a flame. From the many family quarrels Aemond had disclosed to you, it seemed Aegon was problematic with some sort of self-conflict from within. He struggled with certain tendencies such as drinking, partying, avoiding responsibilities, yet nonetheless, he was still pretty decent and respectful towards you. Helplessly though, you felt an immense pity for him, even if Aemond argued against it, perhaps it was your nativity: regardless, the more Aegon latched himself closer towards you, the better he became. More present at home, the less he drank and spent his days hungover and pissed, the less hostile he was towards his family.
Although, he remained a pest towards his younger brothers, Aemond and Daeron, occasionally taunting them. Not to mention, he did go against Aemond's urges to leave you alone.
"Aeg, Y/N's off limits. I have never asked of anything from you, nor have I ever really expected anything from you, if I'm being honest. But, I digress, she is off limits. Understood?"
"Why, have you finally grown the balls to actually ask her out? Or you scared she'll actually say yes to the likes of me?"
"OFF LIMITS Aeg! I fucking mean it!"
"No, no- How about I date Y/N instead, and in return I leave you alone? See now that sounds like an even better deal to me, brother."
Not to mention, you were undeniably a sight for sore eyes, beautiful nonetheless, he was determined to have you. The thought that someone else could pluck you from him at any given second, not excluding his younger brother, began to stir something rageful inside of him. The more time he spent around you, the more possessive he could feel himself becoming. A side he did not fathom existed in him, yet you had so ignorantly ignited. Although, he relished in it. Eventually, and much to Aemond's reluctance he inserted himself into your conversations, making his presence known whenever you were around, or forcing his younger brother to exploit your whereabouts with threats only each brother knew about one another. Regardless, his tactics worked and eventually, you became his. His.
Since then all had been bliss, yet, now, you were struck with a dilemma...
"What do you mean you could be moving, Y/N? Is this a few weeks kinda thing or you're gone... For good?" Aegon raised, his voice growing audibly louder with such a ferocity, you'd never heard the likes of it before.
"W-Well it's a scholarship, Aeg. One that I honestly never even thought possible to get, I-I just applied off a whim. B-But now that they're offering it, maybe, just maybe, I was hoping you could support me."
The words fell shaky from your quivering lips; Aegon's face was struck with a blatant concoction of confusion, hurt and fury, like a wounded predator that had unforeseen a counter attack.
"Just answer me this, Y/N, how long exactly will you be gone for? How long are you planning to leave me?"
He took a great stride towards you, his hands reaching over, tightly gripping your forearms by the sides, as if in fear you might run at any minute. His voice although stern and unnerving, his lilac eyes glistened tearily.
"It-It's a funded Masters course, Aeg, just for two years I'll be studying abroad. B-But I'll plan to come back to see you whenever I can. Every holiday, every semester's break, you bet I'm coming back to you. A-And you could even come and see me, baby. You know, I-I would never leave you like that, Aeg, you know this, p-please-"
An eerie silence was all that you were met with, as Aegon's grip on you had loosened slowly. His face remained stoic, yet his teary eyes flickered, before he began to dauntingly nod his head, walking away from you towards the closed window of your apartment. You could hear sniffles, before he released a long, exhausted sigh as he looked onwards to the scenery outside.
"So this is how you disregard me, huh, Y/N? Is this how you see me, see us? Just something you can toss to the fucking side, once you find something a little more interesting to chase after?"
His harsh words stung like the venom of a viper. Now turned back towards you, his hardened gaze was chilling, almost even threatening. You felt somewhat fearful of Aegon at this very exact moment, although he would never hurt you, that you were certain of. He was often stubborn and hot-tempered though knew to control himself swiftly. Reassured by this, you simultaneously also felt the desperate urge to coddle and soothe his fears, vouching that you could nor would ever dispose of him like some piece of garbage.
"A-Aeg, never! That's not me, please! You are overthinking this, Aegon, you'-re-you're not thinking straight, my love. I-I know this can be overwhelming but t-try to understand me. Please-"
Taking a small step towards him, you came to a sudden halt, as he took a step back maintaining the distance between. His hand lifting mid way as if to signal you to stop, swatting you away.
"So now my feelings aren't valid? Fuck, Y/N... You really are starting to sound like a real, spoilt little bitch now. Just like the rest of them fucking sluts!"
Seating himself promptly down onto the bed, he ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair, his head facing towards the ground, as another defeated sigh escaped his lips once more. It was only when he resumed his sole attention back unto your frozen frame, did he stupidly realise that now he had really crossed the line.
"Get out," Your voice although quiet just above a whisper, was crisp.
"Y/N-Baby-I-I didn't mean that-"
"Out, Aegon!"
A tightness in your chest began to intensify, a hand falling over your left, clothed breast, as your breathing began to hasten into loud, hitched sobs. Your eyes darted mindlessly around the room, feeling as though the walls began to close in, a sense of claustrophobia that you'd never feared nor experienced before brewing. Your cheeks turning scarlet by the seconds, as your eyes began to fill with hot tears, streaking down your tender face. Cowering down your other free hand, was poorly attempting to grab at anything solid enough to keep you upright, although Aegon bounding over towards you, reached over, lending you a spare chair, guiding your shaking body over to sit, as he cowered down in front of you.
"Y/N, Y/N, my angel, baby please- I-I didn't mean that, I-I could never mean that. I'm just so-just so upset that you-you didn't tell me about this. You-You always tell me everything. What would I do without you, huh, my sweet girl?-"
Brushing a strand of your hair aside, his other free hand cupping your hot, blushed cheek, his thumb stroking away a freshly fallen tear.
"H-How could I live without you for two years, if I can't even bear an evening without you?"
And yet no response other than earning heart-aching sobs from your behalf. Seeing you in such a distraught, unconsolable state only in turn tormented Aegon, as the tears that he had once so proudly held back, now began to streak across his soft, handsome face.
"B-Baby, please. Please, say something. I-I'm so sorry, don't-don't hate me. I couldn't bear it-"
"Ugh- Just fuck off, Aegon!-" Wailing his arms off you, you shove him off, as you stand hastily, storming aside, creating that deliberate distance in between once again. Aegon slowly rises himself up, that familiar hurt look tinged across his disheartened face, he roughly wipes the tears off his eyes, leaving them puffy and red.
"Sorry? Sorry about what exactly, Aeg? Sorry, that you can't just be an adult for one second, and accept the fact that some of us have priorities in our lives other than being in a fucking relationship? To think that you could be mature about this, how foolish of me..."
"Y/N, I-"
"Don't, Aeg! Don't even bother explaining yourself... I think it's best that you just leave me to decide."
Brazenly interrupting him before he could utter another word, your hand meekly gestures towards the door to your apartment. You couldn't even find the stamina to look Aegon dead in the eyes, fearful that any tender look from his part, you'd crumble once more in a second.
Seeing how riled up and tense you were, Aegon reluctantly began to pace himself towards the door, taking his time before a firm hand reached, gripping the metal knob of the door. The door opening as he unlocked the entry, he came to a sudden stop, turning back momentarily staring at you, tempted to say something. However, just as his attention panned across to you, your focus from him shifted elsewhere, fleeting from a window to the floor, desperate not to look directly at him. Sensing your message, he remained quiet as he left the premises, firmly shutting the door behind.
As the pain-staking silence fell once more, the intensity of the situation felt magnitude that very second Aegon had left. Feeling weak in your knees, your walked back over towards your bed, laying yourself down, burying your tearful face into a pillow, as the sobs returned, only now muffled. Your mind was racing rapidly. Regardless of what had unfolded, you cared deeply for Aegon and knew that it wounded him immensely that you hadn't involved him in your decision, prior to making such a life-changing commitment. It was his life too, that you toyed with, and a deep, integral part of you felt somewhat guilty.
Although, the ugly side of Aegon had showed, and it scarred you bitterly. Would he act and lash out like this at every chance something major would come? Was it a flaw of his, that you were willing to accept and embrace? You had no certainty. The fleeting minutes became hours into the night, as you laid still in bed, empty of tears, eyes stinging, your pillow soaked and face flustered, before you'd gradually began to fall into a deep sleep. Exhausted by the day's mishaps, you were hopeful the new day would offer some consolation...
Whether you had been dreaming vividly enough to be stirred awake, you could not say. Although, Aegon was on your mind as you drifted off to sleep, remaining in your dreams and as you slightly woke, too tiresome to remember the details of the events in the long hours prior. You felt something heavy, yet awfully familiar, the musky scent, pressing against your body.
Followed by a soft "shush-ing", you instantly recognised the deep, low tone that belonged to your boyfriend's manly voice.
"It's just me, baby. Go back to sleep. I couldn't leave you all alone like this."
"Hmm, Aeg-" Was all that you could pathetically muster, before returning readjusting your head on the pillow. It wasn't uncommon for Aegon to find himself in your apartment after hours or even whilst you were still out during the day, for you did offer him keys, and came home to find him lounging around as if it was his own home. You trusted him enough to share a copy, and up until now, he had been loyal not to abuse his right, thus, this reoccurrence had never startled you.
"That's right, my sweet girl. It's just me... I'm going to fix everything, okay?"
Unlike how sinister and brooding his tone with you was just hours ago, you now felt comforted and safe, hearing that familiar, saintly tone of his. Like a lullaby it ushered you back to sleep, as you felt a small, wet kiss planted on your forehead, as he brushed the astray strands off your face, taking a few moments to gaze upon you lustfully, before stirring himself up.
Feeling the mattress beneath move, you sensed that he was now positioned on his knees, hovering above you, as each leg pinned to either sides of your upper thighs, faintly hearing a metal clanging, as he unbuckled his belt and zipper. You remained laying comfortably on your stomach, your back facing him, your face turned to the side against the plush pillow, he could see you just faintly nodding against his words in agreement. It earned a soft smile from Aegon, as he pulled his pants down enough, laying over you, as his bare, hard cock began to grind against the thin fabric of your dress, just between your ass cheeks. Just from the sheer action, you could feel some wetness stirring beneath, a visceral reaction Aegon found so easily he could induce from you.
"Only the tip, baby... I promise. I'm going to make it up to you, my sweet, sweet angel."
Sensually lifting your dress up, he lightly lifted you, turning you slightly to the side with one arm, just enough for him to pull your panties down: planting you back gently, as to not startle you completely awake.
"My good, good girl. Always doing so well for me, not like anyone else...I was such a dick to you, wasn't I, baby?"
Earning another simple nod, he resumed with grazing his cock over your sensitive skin, feeling its pulsating throbs against your cheeks.
"But my princess, did do something very naughty... Trying to leave me, without asking. Leaving me all alone, you know how upset that would make me, right baby?"
"But look at you begging for me...Now what makes you think you could leave me so easily, then? Precious girl, didn't think this through, did she?"
Gradually, his firm, thick cock slowly began to push itself deeper and deeper between your thighs, as one, strong arm stretched over your side to keep him steady, the other manoeuvred your legs, spreading them wide enough for him to position himself right between your centre.
"Don't worry, Princess. I'm here now, I'm going to help you make this decision, like a good boyfriend. Wouldn't want you to overthink anything, now let me take care of you... I promise I won't go in deeper, I won't cum inside."
Feeling your eyes naturally flutter from reality and dream, as you felt a lightening pain course through your body from the sensitive spot below. Aegon had forced himself in, your walls stretching as wide as possible to accomodate for his dense, throbbing mass, you could feel yourself tightly clenching over him, rewarded by deep, growling grunts and moans from him.
"Fuck, baby. Always know how fucking good to make me feel...Now why would you ruin it, and do something so stupid? Have I been so cruel, you wish to leave me?"
"N-No Aeg-" You'd managed to softly whimper, stirring even more awake, although eyes remained firmly shut, as you arched yourself in response to Aegon's slowly paced thrusts.
"Are you bored with Aeg, that you want to leave me?"
"Have I frightened you so, you wish to run away far from me?"
Within that split second he'd uttered those words, that familiar, daunting tone returned to him, and you felt your heart begin to beat feverishly.
"I-I love you Aeg."
Now his thrusts began to hasten in response to your words, his grunts primal and louder.
"Say it again, I'm struggling to believe you. You tried to deceive me today, angel. That was cruel of you...Say it again."
"I love you, Aegon."
This time more awake and conscious of what was going on, you were too deeply saturated in being sated by Aegon in the moment. You couldn't muster a single ounce of dignity nor sanity at this very moment to stop him in his tracks, knowing what he was capable of, he had all the power in his court.
"P-Pull out, Aeg-"
Your wetness now greatly coating his deep, hefty cock, feeling the mess beginning to ooze and seep from the edges of your entrance down your thighs. As he pulled out slightly and with his help, he turned you over, now both of you facing one another, although this time, managing to maintain complete and utter focus. Resuming to his sloppy, rough thrusts, you could feel the intensity of his cock, determined to push and shove himself as deep as possible, the tip of his cock just striking that sweet, sensitive spot of your cervix.
Aegon's face lowered down towards yours, as his ample, moist lips lingered over yours. Momentarily, just grazing above one another, before plummeting down on yours, as he noticed your lips beginning to stir to speak, desperate to shut you before you could ask once more. His tongue forced it way into yours, swirling and occupying your own: this unexplainable control that he had over you, now once more overtaking you. In the moments that Aegon had left, although maddened by his words, you had missed him. Could his brutal words bear truth, that two years without seeing him, would be impossible?
"Now, why would I do that? I promised you I would help, that's what I'm going to do. I'm doing this all for us."
His lips now trailing along your jawline down to the crook of your neck, where he knew you had a weak, sensitive spot that made you close to thoughtless. You could feel a upturn smirk strewed across his face, against your skin. Regardless, you could not surmise his intention, far too deep in devious, lustful thoughts, you needed Aegon to sate you completely.
Within a few more long, taunting minutes as Aegon edged you on, he could no longer contain himself. Feeling his warm, dense seed filling you up, it was a feeling unlike the many, intimate times before. You both were often proactive in protection, and yet tonight, although different, it was somewhat sublime.
"That's my good, perfect girl, that's it. Did so fucking well. I need you to stay put like this for me, okay?"
Regardless, that his fill had drenched you inside, Aegon remained buried deeply inside. Somehow, managing to turn you once more to the side, as he laid himself cosily behind you, thick, muscular arms holding you tenderly from behind, as his cock remained sorely stretching yet pleasantly coaxing you inside.
"Hush now baby, my good, sweet princess. How could I ever let you go so easily, huh? What kind of a man would I be to let his girl leave like that?-"
His hot, breathless words felt soothing as he whispered against your ears, his free hand atop, once more fixing the sweat-infused tangled strands away from your heated face. Leaving a few pecks of kisses against your dewy skin.
"Now promise to get some rest for me, angel. I need you strong for my little surprise."
Had you known what was to follow in the early months to come, the significance of Aegon's cryptic gesture following the sex that night. How his large, rough hand found it's way over to your lower abdomen, lightly caressing it in a circular motion, something he'd never normally done before, although not unquestionable at the time... Upon awaking early that morning, Aegon explained his surprise visit during the night, grieving over the sheer thought of losing you was enough to make the man cry once more, profusely apologising for the poisonous words he'd spat upon you. He refused to leave your side, and you knew you could not stop him. Nonetheless, he was well-intentioned, and you forgave him, allowing him to spend many more nights and days to come. Too preoccupied with the decision to be made, as Aegon kept pestering you for advice and discussion, you'd forgotten the whole notion of birth control, and only remembered a few days after. Regardless, the love making did not cease, as Aegon persuaded you that he wished to spend as many hours with you, "in case you decide to leave, I need to cherish every moment with you." Poetic of him, although, his agenda was far more conniving.
"Aeg- I'm, I'm pregnant."
The words were as sweet as honey to his sly ears: he did not lash out nor did he act upset nor surprised. In fact, unlike the momentous news you'd dropped before regarding the scholarship, this did not seem to phase him, not in the slightest.
You both rarely spoke of the thought of having children together, being both still quite young in age, and knowing that Aegon's youth was not one he favoured, regardless, he remained pleasantly optimistic upon hearing the news.
"Baby, this is good- This is wonderful."
"B-But what about the scholarship, what do I do?"
Cupping your tender, shocked face in his hands, his reassuring smile offered you some ease, though not enough. A child, an actual child. You hadn't really comprehended the notion of motherhood, nor did you completely go against it.
"Y/N, this-" One hand now stroking the same spot on your lower stomach, now a slight swell present, as he did those many nights ago. It all clicked now.
"This happened for a reason, you can't deny us this. Our own little baby, Y/N, we can have our own little family, sweetie. I promise I'll take care of us, all of us. You can't be stressing about some scholarship now..."
"But Aeg, I really did want it."
"So you-you want the scholarship, more than a family? More than making me happy or yourself? I thought you would be okay with this."
"I-Of course Aeg, I would love to have a family with you, only you now that I'm being honest. But I just always thought in due time, I-"
"Now's the time baby... This happened to us for a reason. Maybe the scholarship wasn't meant to be. Maybe something else will come along, they're always giving out scholarships, babe. If they offered it to you before, they'll offer it again. How could they deny you?"
His words sweet, and reaffirming. It was true, there were endless opportunities to apply for degrees and scholarships throughout the years. And it seemed Aegon, was extremely on board with the idea of becoming a father. Knowing how far he'd come from the rebellious boy he'd once been, stammering into the house late at night as Aemond and you remained studying endlessly, to the confident man he was now, was astounding. His dear mother, Alicent, even knew it, and thanked you deeply, for years she had been aimlessly trying to better her eldest.
"You are making all this possible for me, Y/N. Things I never dreamt to be or the person I'd become, you are the sole reason for my happiness. And now with this baby, I feel I could conquer the world."
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howdoesagrapewrites · 2 years
𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙣
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"That demon butler looks familiar"
A/N: Like I've said as grape anon, I have this headcanon that Sebastian Michaelis is MC's and Barbatos kid. So here's some family fluff <3 Also Sebastian isn't his real name, but for the sake of this, it is now
Barbatos x female!afab!reader (reader gets pregnant and is referred to as "mom")
>You didn't want to rush kids, after all, Barbatos work was absorbing, you were always aware and comfortable with it, but raising a half demon was a tough job to do without help
>However, because of his powers, Barbatos knew you were getting pregnant soon, so you talked about it in all seriousness, and to be honest, the most excited party was Diavolo
>Diavolo even started working harder so Barbatos could be there for you through your pregnancy
>While your husband was making sure the castle would be baby proof, the prince was buying cute little onesies
>The naming bit was... Complicated, As a human, you saw no problems with names like María, or Fyodor, also the demons assured you that they wouldn't take the meaning in consideration, but your life in the Devildom showed you God wasn't the nicest of guys, so naming your baby something like "gift from God"... kinda awkward
>"I like Gabri- shit, that's an angel"
>In the end, there was one name that caught your eye and Barbatos: Sebastian
>"Sebastian" meaning "revered and honorable", inspired by the city of Sebastia (now Divas)
>Even though Barbatos didn't want to use his powers to know the gender of the baby, there was something telling you it would be a boy
>When baby Sebastian finally arrived, you had never seen Barbatos look so joyous, he looked at you and the baby like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen (bc you are)
>He didn't want anyone seeing you two for the first hours after the birth, he just wanted to be with you like nothing else in the world mattered, like there was nothing outside of your room
>"Would you allow me keep you two all to myself just for now? I just need a moment with the most majestic beings in the all the three realms"
>He cries, doesn't let anyone else see it, but he cries. And still tears up a little when he remembers you two made a whole entire being just because you love each other. It's a lot, specially because he was never a child
>Of course he is a pro at children, he raised Diavolo. But sometimes he does feel like he can't be the best parent because of this
>And of course he wants to be the best parent, he has the best child and the best wife
>Sebastian always looked up to his father, but he was the role model, he's a total momma's boy
>Doesn't like when Barbatos does butlery things for you, he gets all pissy and says "I'm mommy's butler! You're dad!"
>Treats Diavolo like a sibling, but he acts like they're close in age
>Runs to his office with candy and tells him "shhh, don't be loud, or dad will get mad"
>Says he likes mommy better but literally squeals when he gets to "help" his dad do something
>Thanks to the constant exposure to Barbatos, he talks really formal, the kid's five and saying "Dad will be most displeased if he finds me eating these cookies" but kind of switches when he's near you or the brothers and a talks like a normal child
>It's not that he feels unrecognized by his father, but because of Barbato's nature, he's always trying to prove that he can do things (even small ones) by himself
>He's eight now! He's a big boy! He can tie his shoelaces!
>It's you that always thanked him saying "Thank you Sebastian, you're one hell of a butler" and he just... Kept that, forever
>Was literally born a perfectionist and will throw a tantrum if someone messes with his toys, only Barbatos can calm him when he's like that
>Out of everyone, his uncle Satan is his favorite, he's always borrowing books from him and Satan was the first one to show him the world of cat loving
>Likes Lucifer but thinks is funnier to mess with him rather than to spend time with him
>Ages very fast for demons, his parents know this but still it's really weird for most demons
>I headcanon that every demon has a particular sin (Barbatos being greed because of his lightstick) and he's a wrath demon
>His "true form" it's actually him using his powers to scare the shit out of Diavolo
>When he's working for Ciel, he still visits, but he tries to get his professional life absolutely distant from his personal life
>So he's much less perfect prim and proper in reality, that's just him being professional
>Talks shit about EVERYONE during the holidays in the devildom
>"I mean, how can you forget to prepare a bath?! That's servant 101! It's like these humans aren't good for anything!"
>"...Sorry mom, you and me both know I'm not referring to you"
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Hey! I saw your sans x pregnant reader post and I really loved it!!
I'm not sure if your requests are open or not but if they are,
What would some of the different Sans (es ) Do with a pregnant reader?
(like just enough to show the baby bump to not be mistaken as just gaining weight but like actually sticking out?)
Clarifications are Preg!Reader fell down the hope pregnant, and let's say for one reason or another, they get into a fight and get some scratches, but then an attack comes and is about to peirece the stomach but the sans (es) stops it, cuz they can sense a second soul in them?
I was hoping maybe the classic 3? (UTsans, UF sans and US sans)
Also sorry if this is all over the place, I have PDD which makes it harder for me to explain my ideas.
((Also if you DO decide to do this, will you tag me? The system hasn't been notifying me when requests or basically any motifs unless I'm mention/tagged, thank you!)
Have a great day/night/afternoon/etc!
I figured you meant that the skellies weren't the dads, but if you meant something else, just tell me! Sorry ^^' and sorry for the very long wait.
I, uh, had some problems and way too many lol.
Anyway! Made them longer to make up for it.
Sans: Look, normally Sans wouldn't do something to help a human. The only reason he helped Frisk out so much was because Toriel asked him to, and they still haven't even gotten them out! Haven't killed anyone either, so Sans was a bit confused. But this was new. A new human fell down, and she was a girl. She was older and so powerful, and the other monsters attacked her, but guess what? She didn't fight back! Like... at all! It was confusing to him, to be honest. She was so strong compared to them, so why wasn't she fighting back? Sans started to follow sneakily, wanting to see what she would do. She got hurt and had some nasty scratches; however, she hadn't tried to hurt or kill any monsters yet, which is nice. But then he noticed something during one of the fights that he hadn't noticed before. A smaller soul, a much smaller one, and still weak. She was pregnant, and... crap! He saw an attack coming for her stomach and before he could stop himself, he teleported in, grabbed her, and disappeared before the other monster could see him. He looks over his shoulder, then down and makes a small oh sound when he sees her staring at him. "Uh... ey, got a stare problem, buddy?" Heh, okay, this was... this was something.
Red: Of course he noticed the girl falling after Rosa! That hadn't happened before, so it caught his attention! Of course his main attention was Rosa, but he couldn't help checking up on the fallen human girl every so often. He noticed during those times that she, just like Rosa, wasn't hurting anyone or fighting back against any of the monsters. Ugh, damn it, he was hoping at least one of them would be bad... eh, whatever. Sometimes he liked poking fun at her for getting hurt, saying that it would be so much easier if she tried to kill them, but she never did. During one of the times he was watching her, he noticed something. Another small souling in her stomach, and he didn't think that she had eaten another human. Crap... He could ignore it. He SHOULD ignore it! Yeah, he didn't. He sent out a bone attack to distract the other monster and ran by, grabbing her hand and dragging her away fast. "Come on, get your stupid legs movin'!" Man, if he got caught, he would be dusted so fast. Majesty wouldn't care that she had a baby... why did he care? Maybe he could ask the lady at the door for some help. Probably could trick his brother into helping him out too.
Blueberry: When he first met the human that fell down, he got so excited! He knew the first one, then another fell? And this time it was a grown one. How exciting! Two humans at almost the same time. Stretch didn't seem as excited, but he didn't care. He greeted the human and helped her out with any of her wounds, then told her that he was going to have to take her to Lady later on. They got separated a few times, and one of the times they met back up, he noticed that she was getting attacked by another monster! He thought about helping, but figured that that would be bad to do! They were training, weren't they? Or... he sighs, shaking his head at the idea. Then he noticed something. During the fight, he saw another souling in her stomach! His eyesockets widened, and he ran forward, holding up his hand, "Stop the fight!" He lowered his hand to make a bone, which knocked her out of the way since the attack was aiming straight for her stomach. "You know the rules. No attacking a souling or anyone carrying one. If Lady found out, you would be charged!" he scolded the other monster, who seemed shocked. As did the human, who sneaked away while he was ranting.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Congratulation (Lucifer) you are the father!
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Note: I'm in such a baby fever mood (For fics that is) and figure making another one of these fic with Lucifer.
Warning: Choking, Mention of sex and Mention of abortion.
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Lucifer has this sinking feeling telling to see if you're okay. Then again he always has that feeling, before and after that fateful night. 
He knew being that drunk would lead him to taking you for that night, both of you were under the influence. But you both had this desire and you both acted upon it. He heard your words, but he felt wrong hearing when you’re not thinking clearly. So was he.
By the time morning arrived, he couldn’t face the truth that that was all booze and alcohol. So he did what he did. He left that morning and put that night in the past. As if it never happened, he tries to convince himself that what you and he did was just a one night stand and that there are no feelings involved.
Even though he went to believe there were, that all you and he exchanged were truth.
But he lied to himself and told himself that they were all sweet… Nothing.
For the two months he tried to act as if everything was normal, but to a typical routine.
And it seems his assumptions were correct, because these past two months you acted as if you didn’t sleep with him. 
He’ll be honest and hope that you did care and did your usual tactic and yell and scream at him that you left, that you want to assure him that night was real, those words and confession were real. He’ll gladly accept his fault by leaving that morning.
But that never came, but he still waited for you to burst into his room, curse at the top of your lungs at him for leaving. He’ll make it up to you. He promised that.
That morning, Mammon told him that you were sick by the way he saw your face when you ran out of the dining room during breakfast.
That news made Lucifer feel a twist in his stomach. He was about to go and check up on you when he got a text from Diavolo asking him to come to RAD early for an urgent task.
Lucifer pauses and hesitates for a good minute before deciding to go to RAD. His idea was that if he finishes his task and asks Diavolo if he can leave early to look after you then he’ll have the rest of the day with you.
As he heads over to RAD he sends you a quick text, telling you that he’ll come to your room and see if you're doing alright. Before putting his phone back and proceeding to the student council room and did his task.
It took him all morning, but he managed to finish everything he needed to do for the day.
He told Diavolo and the prince agreed and asked him to tell him to get well soon.
He quickly walked back to the house of lamentation, then all of sudden he felt his chest and heart tighten, as if his body was telling him to get home quickly.
His walking pace quickly shifts into running and he slams the front door open. “MC!!” He yells your name, and quickly makes his way through the halls and reaches your bedroom. He quickly grabbed and found your door unlocked. He has this sinking feeling as he turns the door knob and opens the door, and his eyes widen when he finds your room empty, bed is a mess and all your school things in your bed like pens and textbooks are litter on the floor. He looks around and spots the bathroom door is open with the light on. He slowly walks over and peeks through and immediately his blood runs cold when he spots three white sticks scattered on the floor, looking closer and knowing why he was feeling anxious all day, he subconsciously starting to smell something.
You were pregnant, and he was the father. The scene on these three white tests as your scene and his mix together as if it's a whole different scene altogether.
He has to know. He has to know where you are.  
All of the brothers took their sweet time getting back to the house after receiving an “Urgent” meeting, well that is what they can understand with how cryptid Lucifer text was.
Mammon, Satan and Belphie convince the others to arrive at the house late out of spite at Lucifer since they heard that he got to go home early that day.
Levi, Asmo and Beel were hesitant. But the other brothers bribe them into this plan.
However they all soon regret their action, when before they reach the driveway of the house. Lucifer stood on top of the roof, when he saw his brothers just arriving all he could see was red. He flew up and landed right in front of his brothers making a creator under his feet. In his demon form he quickly lunged at the brother in front of him which was Levi. He grabs his brother by the throat and hoists him up with his face filled with unbridled rage.
“WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN! WHEN I SAY IT WAS URGENT THAT YOU COME HOME. I. EXPECT. YOU. ALL. TO. COME. HOME.” He was seething as he tightened his grip on Levi's throat, choking his brother. He let off a deep and unsettling growl before he tossed Levi right at his brothers. Beel and Asmo quickly caught him. He coughs and rubs his neck.
“Oi! What’s that big deal!”
“Lucifer…” Belphie doesn’t know why but he gets that feeling that they made a terrible mistake. “Is it about…”
“MC left. And I have no idea where she is!” He clench his fists tight, digging his claws into his palms “I need to find her. It's too dangerous for her and the baby to be out in Devildom.”
All the brothers eyes widened and gasped as soon they heard Lucifer say Baby.
“Lucifer… Don’t tell me…” Satan’s hands started to tremble as he spoke.
“MC is…” Asmo’s face turned pale.
Lucifer looks at his brothers as a tear starts to fall from his eye. “Pregnant”
Seven months of searching and all dead ends. Lucifer was in a constant state of depression and anger. He didn’t have the strength to hide it. He has bags under his eyes, he seems paler than usual and his hair is disheveled.
All because he can barely sleep, staying up all night with a magic map right in front of him, just staring at it for hours to no end, trying to figure out where you could have disappeared to.
It took all his brothers to force him to go to bed, with Belphie staying in Lucifer’s room to make sure Lucifer sleeps every night. When he didn’t sleep. Belphie has no choice but to use most of his magic just to have a strong spell powerful enough to affect Lucifer.
Seven months since Lucifer or any of the brothers saw you. They miss you, they all do. Especially Lucifer. He regret not staying with that night or had to wait for two fucking months just to realize that he should’ve said something.
He would do anything to know if you are alright and if the child you're carrying is fine.
On what they assume was your ninth month of your pregnancy and your due date. Lucifer and the rest of the brothers are staying at the castle for that month.
Their plan is to use Lucifer’s connection to his child to find you both as soon they are born.
Diavolo was there to help him, with Barbatos’ power by his side. They can lend it to Lucifer to have the power to use the location spell and use Barbatos’ portal to quickly get to that location as soon Lucifer has the link to his child.
As soon as that month started. Every night after dinner Lucifer tried to use the spell, for next two weeks there weren’t any links. But he will try and try until he gets a connection to his infant.
Though, it didn’t escape their mind of a chance that you might not want the baby and decided to… get rid of it. 
That thought alone is torturing Lucifer to knowend. If you were willing to run away after finding out that you were pregnant, then there is a chance of you aborting the baby.
That night they were eating dinner. Mephistopheles came to the castle unannounced.
“Lord Diavolo. I have some news”
Diavolo wipe his mouth, “Go on”
“There was a disturbance at Hell’s Kitchen. All witness saw four witches at the scene when it happened-”
“That ain’t news, Mephisto!”
The noble shot Mammon glare before speaking again. “If you let me finish, you’ll know that the witches didn’t cause the disturbance.” He turned to Lucifer “The disturbance was caused by surge of powerful magic from a Half Breed hellspawn”
Lucifer looks at Mephisto in shock with his eyes wide open as he abruptly stands from his chair. “What!” That’s all Lucifer can say.
“Yes, it seems we seem to have found your offspring Lucifer.”
Note: Well, this was long overdo XD
I have an idea how this plot is going to go. But I want to know if you guys want Lucifer and MC's child to be a girl or boy?
And if they will have four wings like Lucifer or just two since their a half breed baby.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or rebloging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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4townie · 3 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 31 | part 32 | part 33 | part 34 | part 35 | part 36
“Hey, guys.” Carmelo greeted Jesse and Selina as they came in. “How’d it go?”
“Mommy! Daddy!” Marcel ran up to them.
“Hey there, little buddy.” Jesse picked him up, and Selina leaned over to give him a kiss.
“The checkup was good, they said everything looks normal.” Selina answered her father. “We did, however, get to know the sex of the baby.”
“Really?” Carmelo stood up excitedly. “What is it?”
“We’re—” Jesse got cut off when Marcel started pulling his hair. “Ugh, Squishy, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Honey, don’t you wanna know whether you’re getting a brother or a sister?” Selina got Marcel’s attention.
Marcel stared at her. “No.”
Jesse and Selina tensed up.
“Calm down, you two.” Carmelo chuckled. “He’s just a baby. He probably won’t really care until after the little one is born.” He shook his head. “Kids just don’t understand the excitement of a new life until they can play with it.”
“Well, we did have a plan to kinda throw him a little big brother party so he can—”
“I wasn’t asking you.” Carmelo cut Jesse off.
“Right.” Jesse nodded. “You’re right. My bad, sir.”
“Papi, you have to be nicer to my boyfriend.” Selina scolded her father. “I know you’re not fond of how we got here, but he’s the father of your grandchildren, like it or not.”
“Well I don’t like it. My little angel is barely 23 years old and pregnant with her second child.” Carmelo glared at Jesse.
Jesse laughed nervously. “Would you believe me if I told you I wanted more joy in the house…?”
“No. And quite frankly I’d be a little more joyful if you figured out how to use a condom.” Carmelo raised an eyebrow. “But I do adore having a sweet little boy to spend time with again. I haven’t had one of those in thirty years.”
“Yeah, well,” Selina shrugged, “you’re gonna have a sweet little girl to play with, too.” She put a hand on her belly. “We’re having a daughter.”
Carmelo’s eyes widened with excitement. “Really? My baby girl is having a baby girl?” Selina smiled and nodded, and her dad hugged her. “Oh sweetie, that’s wonderful news.”
“You’re gonna have a little sister, Squishy.” Jesse said to Marcel. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Marcel was focused on the toy in his hand before realizing Jesse even spoke to him. “I wanna go home.”
“Ugh,” Selina facepalmed, “this kid really just doesn’t care, does he?”
“Give it time, don’t worry.” Carmelo assured her. “He’ll adore his sister when he first lays eyes on her.” He turned to Jesse. “Well, I may not like what you did to my little girl, but I’m still happy for you both, I guess.” He mumbled the last bit. “You’re more devoted to your family than I honestly thought you’d be when Selina first told me about Marcel.”
“Uh, thanks…” Jesse’s eyes shifted as he tried to decide whether to be pleased or offended.
“Speaking of devotion…when will you be making an honest woman out of my daughter?”
“Uhhhh…” Jesse and Selina exchanged an awkward glance.
“We haven’t exactly talked about it yet.” Selina said. “I mean, we’re still pretty young.”
“You have two kids.” Carmelo narrowed his eyes. “You’ve already made a decision to grow up.”
“Well yeah, but my schedule’s pretty messy. The band’s already going on another tour in October and I’m sure we’ll be working a lot more next year.” Jesse’s eyes shifted uncomfortably. “Not really a whole lot of time for wedding planning.”
“The tour is all the more reason for you two to get married.” Carmelo insisted. “It’ll be a surefire way to keep your eyes from wandering while you’re away.”
“Please, Carmelo, give me some credit.” Jesse looked at Selina. “Only a fool would betray the perfect woman.”
“Awww, Jesse.” Selina smiled up at him.
“Good.” Carmelo nodded in approval. “At least you’re not completely stupid.”
Jesse froze. “C-Completely?”
“Babe.” Selina put a hand on his shoulder. “Two kids.”
“Oh right…”
Jesse and his in-laws😅 both Carmelo (FIL) and Daunte (BIL) want his head on a platter
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e4 recap: ken brings a strap-on to a gunfight
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^^ from my recap of season 4, episode 1
turns out succession really is channeling their inner CW teen show. translation:
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what gave it away? her face. oh, and she ordered a club soda with a closed top at the dive bar in episode two. don't think i didn't notice.
anyway, i know she's all poly representation and all, but let's be honest with ourselves: it's toms baby. she's planning her 20 week ultrasound, so i reckon.... italy?
kendall arrives at logan's makeshift wake/board meeting and overhears hugo in the lobby.
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now, if you overheard someone saying "you fucked me in the ass with a strap-on" on the phone, would you guess that someone was talking to their daughter?
only on succession.
i'm not going to use space showing you hugos face, so let me summarize: his daughter sold stocks right before the news of logan's death was made public. he tells kendall. kendall has leverage.
now, enough hugo.
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the girlies love marcia. lying about having intimate conversations with logan every night? we love that.
death truly does become her.
also, did anyone else pick up on the fact that cyd simply said "sorry babe" to kendall as he walked by?
supportive queen!
greg is also trying to be supportive and we collectively join in on the kids giving him serious side eye (or ignoring him altogether).
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much like the rest of the roy family, he is incapable of any type of normal hug.
the kids discuss marcia and kerry, and roman notes that he thinks kerry is "in marcias trunk. inside an anaconda. inside a sarcophagus." for a pre-grieved boy who doesn't want to make phone sex jokes about his late dad, he's still got it.
the suits are also there, gathering in the kitchen to look at the china.
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just two gal-pals backing each other in business and sitting on each other's faces
tom receives a proper whooping from karl and eats a seafood taco.
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i know i should aim higher in my important trade of recaps and give you more detail, but i can't. i shan't. it is what it is.
oh, but important: karl is in on a greek island with his brother-in-law.
and "your wife doesn't even like you" is a wonderful insult.
shiv gives us an accurate representation of what it is like to talk to a swede:
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for context, i'm norwegian. the banter is scandi culture.
saying "bad one" when your dad dies? also scandi culture.
willa is truly winning in this episode. she gets logan's apartment, a dig at marcia AND a moneymoon touring the midwest. cheese curds all the way.
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and they save a bunch on realtor fees, of course.
the gang finds a piece of paper.
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we are getting so much gerri/frank/karl content this season, i am chuffed! yes, sure, the sibling dynamic is interesting, but the gerkrank (?) vibes are strong!
they all make very funny jokes about throwing the piece of paper in the toilet. haha comedy gold.
kendall manages to make his brother and sister laugh for once in his life. all it took was for him to make a joke about their dad not being a pedo.
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i'm going to make obit decoding my new thing.
a summary of logan:
threw phones at staff
racist, again
relaxed about sexual assault
never payed a penny of tax
not a pedo
wouldn't even hug his grandkids
kendall's name is on the piece of paper. i reckon it's from around early season 1 times, maybe even before then.
it's not certain if the name has been underlined or crossed out. (but really, does logan strike you as the type of man who would underline anything?)
greg is also mentioned with a bunch of ????? and the big bozo deigns to suggest he might be logan's #2.
frank reacts appropriately:
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they keep putting roman and gerri in the same frame.
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AS IF i wouldn't notice. i see you, lorene. doing the lords work.
they rag on greg some more. it's a doodle, fuckface.
ken shares a moment with his #1 dad.
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frank: he was an old bastard and he loved you me: sobbing
ken realizing he wants back in? that's self-destruction, bby!
shiv continues to hit rock bottom....
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with a lil pregnancy hint and some narcisissm, framing it as if she's the only one who lost something she cared about.
but is she talking about logan? or tom? or none? or both?
i need a shiv redemption arc soon. it's beginning to feel so sexist, and not in a critique kind of way.
spooky embryo mencken is on his way to join the rest of the right wing crazies in logans eulogy.
if you are in need of motivation, work every day in your life to ensure a right wing guy will never feel inclined to do a speech at your funeral.
or, live a life that will make greg never want to talk to you. ever.
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we all know tom wishes he'd taken that route.
sandy is smiling at logan being dead. sandy is us<3
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why is this sex party so sad?
marcia sends kerry in a taxi to a subway so she can go home to her little apartment.
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last time we see her, or does she have an unborn baby up her sleeve?
<3 roman showing kerry kindness and then immediately shitting on tom's redemption tour <3
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wambsgans deserves to grovel.
stewy is a softie when it comes to ken.
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his pubes got a little singed last time, but they are in love.
willa is enjoying her new apartment, as she should.
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her mom is me at a buffet.
shiv gets shivved as her brothers decide to take on the role of CEO without her.
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redemption arc! redemption arc! redemption arc!
obligatory screengrab that is just in here because gerri looks cute:
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i couldn't even bother coming up with an excuse for this one.
chant with me: STE-WY! STE-WY! STE-WY!
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power move from a power bottom. jk he is obvi a top.
and with stewy in the room, the power dynamic shifts to favor the siblings.
gerri makes a very slight move, but backs up immediately.
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(don't think i don't notice that roman is still in this frame, guys. it's dark, but i notice.)
ken and his homey romey are the new interim CEOs. we all know what a thankful job that is...
shiv trips and falls and i want to kms.
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do i need to chant again?
please, for the love of god, give shiv a win. the baby is not a win.
hugo and karolina suggest to the newly appointed CEOs that they throw their dead dad under the bus. roman reacts the way an emotionally mature person would:
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utter distain.
ken, however, does not.
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this photo will be in his phone and in his subconscience forever. the question of whether his dad loved him or not anthropomorphized.
so he tells hugo to go ahead with the "shit on logan roy" communcation strategy.
it's what his father would do.
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he is pleased. and we, my girlies, are one step closer to kendall having a full godfather-like arc.
pretty sure i predicted that too, back in the day.
or is episode 4 too early to peak for our dear ken? time will tell.
next week: the gang travels to norway and i go absolutely bonkers.
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suckingsugu · 2 years
Texting the Obey Me! Brothers that your period is late
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avid lucifer hater right here so like I'm making him in my brutally honest opinion ( mwah )
Literally would ignore your texts for hours upon hours
He's a busy man, he doesn't have time to be checking his phone every 2 minutes
I'd say he checks it like 2 hours after you've sent that text and he goes crazy
Normally the way he texts is very put together and simple but whenever you tell him he ends up texting you like this;
etc, etc
Turns out, your period had shown up about an hour after you sent that text-
And right now you were napping in your room
To which you wake up to Lucifer opening your door asking if he can speak to you about your child.
Which you have to tell him you're not pregnant now
And he'll go back to his work.
Always on his phone
Gets the text IMMEDIATELY.
leaves his room and just busts in your room
I mean it's like he basically lives there already so why not just barge in the place?
You two freak out together 🫶🏽
He worries about how he's going to give Goldie less attention now that he's going to have a kid
You both calm him down and just start telling him how happy you are
You and Mammon both start making up some names for your possible child
Of course most of them are silly but you two enjoyed it nonetheless
You both take a nap, cuddling and now both of you thinking of your future
And unlike Lucifer, your period actually never does come
Well until like almost ten months later after you've had your adorable baby boy.
Another one who's always on his phone
But unlike Mammon, he ignores the text
For maybe 30 minutes until he gets through this whole manga series
Which doesn't take long
Immediately after he sees the text he freaks out
But instead of going to you, the lady who texted him
He goes to...
he texts the sorcerer freaking the fawk out
And the lovely sorcerer tells him these things you can get on akuzon called
✨ pregnancy tests ✨
He ordered like twelve of them and got them delivered straight to his room
He then rushed to your room and interrupted your show to make you pee on these twelve sticks
( they all came back negative btw )
the rest of the night you and levi cuddled and rewatch your favorite anime 🫶🏽
he's smart
He will text you back asking how long your period has been late for
And you'll tell him just a few days
but here's the issue,
Satan doesn't exactly know about female periods
So he just pulls something out of his ass
“ it has to be like months late for you to be pregnant ”
of course you believed your super smart and loving bf 🫶🏽
And then one month passed without a period
And then came the point whenever you were throwing up-
you took a pregnancy test and it came back a very strong positive
you immediately went crying to Satan, saying he lied to you!
and he made it up to you by taking you to cat cafes once every month until you gave birth to your beautiful daughter
genuinely does not care
contrary to what others think, I think asmo would know if you're pregnant
he's the avatar of lust
of course you two have done it, but he makes sure to use the best protection possible.
it was exam time so he was sure you were just stressed
which would cause your period to be late
so he comes over to your room
( arms full of facial care and nail polish)
and you two relax and ✨cleanse✨
and after you'd taken your last exam, guess who came?
miss period 🫶🏽
and asmo got to tell you
“ i told you so ~ ”
( i am a beel lover )
listen, biggest himbo energy right here
I don't think he'd be completely oblivious to the chances of getting pregnant
but i definitely think he'd be one of those people who think you can't get pregnant if you're standing up
( i'm so serious it's a thing )
and y'all have done it against the wall on multiple occasions
so when you text him, he thinks you're just being dramatic
until you're spamming his phone
“ beelzebub istg if you don't get the fuck over here I'm freaking tf out ”
and this big softie is immediately running to your room
1) because he's terrified of an angry you
2) he doesn't want you freaking out over him
you're contemplating your existence when he walks into your room
listen, you're still a teen, you were terrified of having a kid
so beel came and cuddled you and you two fell asleep in each other's arms
and five months later you're very pregnant and almost have the same appetite as beel
a complete nine months after , you were watching beel carry your twin boys with absolute love.
is sleeping
he always has his phone on do not disturb
so he sleeps for about 12 hours straight before picking up the phone to answer you
In his drowsy state he really didn't think about it
Then he woke up completely and his brain went into overdrive
he may or may not have cared a little too much if you were pregnant
he went to your room and cuddled you, almost about to fall back asleep before looking at you
“ y/n we haven't even slept together ”
because truthfully you two had it because you didn't think sex was necessary in your relationship so far
“ oh. ”
and then the next day your period showed up.
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My first obey me! Post and I'm literally in love with it, what?!
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koolcece22 · 2 months
You Will Never Be Good Enough
so this short story was a Christmas collab from my Discord buddy
summary:Miguel and new baby Gabriella mostly focusing on how he feels about fatherhood and how much he loves her but maybe also some Conchata angst
You will never be good enough
Miguel can’t believe it. He is a father now. It had been almost a year since He and Xina got back together trying to rekindle their love for each other. At the same time, balancing work and being Spider-man.  When Xina broke the news that she was pregnant, Miguel was shocked, Happy, scared, and nervous at the same time.
You’ll be like him
He always wanted a family of his own, but him being a half-spider and his family track record… He doesn’t know he can do it. He made sure that Xina was taken care of as the months went by and her belly got bigger. Both of them were scared that the ultrasound would show a baby with 8 arms or a spider chelicerae. 
You're a mistake 
When the baby was born it was the best day of Miguel and Xina’s lives. It was a baby girl that they decided to name Gabriella. It was tough for them at first, taking care of a baby wasn’t easy. So far Gabriella wasn’t showing any sign of the spider's powers thankfully. And to be honest, Miguel was really glad, wanting her to be a normal child and never have to deal with the Spider-man job. 
Why bother? you’re going to fail
Miguel made sure he did all the things that he wasn’t able to do when he was a child; Give her birthday parties. Take her to amusement parks. Read her bedtime story every night—everything he can while juggling with a job and being Spiderman.
Miguel tries his best for his daughter, but sometimes he doesn’t feel like he is. He’s afraid that something bad will happen. He is a Spider-Man, and nothing goes your way when you Spider-Man. He lost so many people that he cares about for being Spider-Man. Dana, his brother, and his…mother. 
You’ll never change
One few things Miguel regretted in life, was that he wasn’t on better terms with his mother before she died. He wanted her so badly, for her to love him, to see past that he wasn’t like him . He wasn’t Tylor Stone, he was Miguel O’Hara. Conchata’s son. But she never truly saw past that,  reminding herself and him every day. He remembers one bad night in particular, his thought-to-be-real dad George O’Hara. Made her so mad that she drank. then drunk she came into his room and talked to him. She thought he was asleep, but he wasn’t. 
“You were my biggest mistake. I hope you know that. That man used me and then threw me away. Only to leave me with you. Every time I look at you…all I see is him. Why did he curse me with you?”
Miguel never forgot that night. He truly never looked at his mother the same way. He tries to provide him with nothing like his father. He has a better job, has a wife, and treats his family ten times better than his dad ever could. But looking back at it, he was similar to Tyler as much as he hates to admit it. Like he cheated on Xina with Dana and the fact she took him back was a miracle. He became the CEO of Alchemax but changed their ways for the better. And now he has a child and he was going to protect Gabriella and his wife, Xina, with his life. He was never going to let anything happen to them. 
Gabriella was the next best thing that happened to him. She has reddish-brown eyes. Not too red so she can blend in well. He checks every day to see if she gains any of his powers. She watches her get bigger, play with her, feed her, and take her to places. 
You’ll never be good enough
“Do you think I’m a good father?” 
As she puts Gabriella to bed, Xina is taken aback by Miguel's words. She knows Miguel didn’t have a good family life, and that he’s trying everything in his power not to end up like his dads and mom. 
“Why would you say that?” 
“ I feel like everything I do isn’t enough. I failed so many times and I am afraid if I can’t do this-”
Xina hugs him, quieting the worries he has, knowing the inner turmoil he has.
“Miggy, I know you’re scared about being a father. And I know you're really scared of becoming like your parents. But…” Xina grabs him by the face to make Miguel look directly into his beautiful sunset-red eyes. They were different colors when they first met, but they were still the same eyes she had grown to love. But here was so much sadness and self-loathing in them too 
“You listen to me, you are not George. You are not Conchata. And you are not Tyler. You are Miguel, the man I fell in love with and the man who’s going to give our daughter the best life that either had.”  Xina then pulls him in to kiss and smile at him as she rubs his face. 
“We will give her the best life we can give her.”
Miguel holds her hand not wanting to let go of it. Xina was always the type to speak her mind and give him the words to do more. He smiles at her, and then both look at Gabrella’s room, seeing their daughter sleeping peacefully, wanting her to have the best life. 
Lyla popped up between them. 
“Hey boss, there's trouble in downtown. I think they can use Spider-man.” Lyla said with a smirk. Miguel sighed knowing his work as Spider-man had never been done. He turns on his outfit before his masked form, he kisses Xina then turns toward the window and jumps out to swing to the danger.
You’ll never be good enough! Don’t you understand?
“I might not be good enough, but I sure as hell I can shocking try. For her. For them.” 
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a teotfw imagine James x reader where you’re pregnant? Maybe after his dad dies or when he’s recovering on the hospital? Thanks!
James x Reader
CW: pregnancy, abortion possibility, stress
Just after James' dad died you began getting sick in the mornings and it was horrifically ironic how typical this was for your life
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
It was typical, fucking typical of your body to do this to you now of all days! James' dad was hardly dead a day before your body decided to give you those two taunting red lines on the stupid piss stick. You'd got the flu just before your GCSE exams started and then a few years later just before your A Levels you got tonsillitis. You were convinced at this point that your body was just the main saboteur in your life who always gave you some kind of issue that never quite fit with the circumstance you were in because it hated you.
Under normal circumstances you didn't know how James would react but under these circumstances? You didn't even think he'd want to keep it. Did you want to keep it? You weren't sure. Either way it had happened and you weren't going to tell him straight away because Jesus Christ it would be bad timing.
You'd only been dating for three years and how could either of you know if you wanted a little monster crawling out of your vagina when you were both only 20. James wasn't the type to lead and you most certainly were the leader out of the two of you, he would just go with whatever decision you made. On one hand that was brilliant, very supportive and progressive but you wanted his true opinion, you didn't want him to resent a child you had together if he wasn't ready. How the shit were you supposed to get out of this one? You decided to message Alyssa, her cynicism would be welcomed by you at this point.
You: I need your help with something...
Alyssa:oh god what's happened now?
You:I'm pretty sure I'm 🤰🏾
Alyssa: shit
Alyssa: have you taken a test?
You: yeah so I'm pretty certain
Alyssa: have you told James?
You: not yet
Alyssa: you need too Y/n, like you definitely need too
You: I know I do but it's just after his dad I don't know if it's the right time or if I should wait
Alyssa:god it's like my brother and sister having a baby together, the thought of you two having sex is just 🤢
You: alright Alyssa fgs, I don't know what to do or how long to wait to tell him
Alyssa:if I were you I'd tell him as soon as possible so he has time to like digest the information
You:I think I might give myself a few days, do a few more tests and then tell him so I'm sure and I'm not messing around with his head
Alyssa: yeah tbf doing a few more tests seems logical but you just need to calm down and let yourself process it too because it's a shit load of information to deal with
You: yeah thanks I needed someone to just talk straight with me because I don't know if I can even tell my parents
Alyssa: yeah I definitely wouldn't be telling mine ahah ☠️
You: alright, I'll let you know what I end up doing, talk to you soon xx
Alyssa: talk soon xx
You had to decide how to act around James when you left this bathroom and even that was daunting for you. The little two bedroom flat you and James lived in together didn't have to many places where you could be alone and think about everything. You flushed the toilet and hid the stick in your pocket, too worried to put it into the little bin in the bathroom.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you tried to breath in and out but you couldn't believe this had happened. The feeling of guilt was so deep in your stomach even though you knew it wasn't a case of fault you couldn't help but feel it was yours. James wouldn't choose to have a baby when his dad's body wasn't even cold and you didn't know if he would be honest about his feelings about the pregnancy.
You excited the bathroom anxiously and walked into the front room where James was watching some shit nonsense TV. He smiled at you as you entered and you put a fake smile on as you approached him and sat next to him.
"You alright? You were in there a while?" James asked as you shuffled down and leant your head on his lap.
"Yeah, stomachs just playing up," you said softly and James started to stroke your hair as a way to comfort you.
It made you want to cry how tender he was with you, he would never hurt you or want to hurt you and you couldn't understand why he cared about you so much. You were both so young but you were happy with one another and your very small peripheral of friends you had together. But James...he was your person, he understood you most of the time and always let you know that you could tell him anything. You'd never felt so much affection from someone and yet you were scared you might loose it even though he'd never given you reason to believe that.
"What do you want for dinner?" James asked, cutting through your self deprecating thoughts.
"Uh...not sure. Comfort food probably, I'm not feeling the best at the moment and I know you aren't either so maybe just some pizzas for us?" You asked and James smiled, leaning down and kissing you on the temple.
James could tell something was wrong but he didn't want to press you for answers until you wanted to tell him. Most of the time you'd come around sooner or later and open up to him and he usually didn't press you for answers because it made you close up more. But after his dad's death he'd realised he couldn't mince his words anymore, there wasn't any time to be secretive or wait for answers because we were all dying or just waiting for death. He knew sooner or later he needed to ask you what was wrong.
You brought the pizza delivery into the front room a few hours later and James smiled up at you as he took his boxes. Sitting down next to him you watched TV and just ate pizza without really using your brain, you needed that thought eating numbness that evening crap TV gave you. Any thoughts going through your brain were purely self deprecating and pathetic. Pregnancy or abortion weren't the end of your life but you couldn't help but feel that either decision would be the wrong one, you just wished it had never happened and you didn't have to go through this horrible process.
The following day you went to the doctor's for an emergency appointment because you felt like you were losing your mind and you were too scared to do another test at home.
"So your results are coming up positive for pregnancy," The doctor told you as she sat back down at her desk "Do you want any information on your options from here?"
"I mean, I think I know what they are. I'm just...I'm scared about what my boyfriend will say," your eyes started to water and you put your head in your hands "He's just lost his dad and I don't know when to tell him or when is the right time."
"Here, take some tissues," she offered you a box and you took a few "Well, you're only at around 2-3 weeks right now, then you have until 23 weeks to make a termination decision so you have time to come to terms with this. However I would make note of when it's around 20 weeks just incase you and your boyfriend need that time to have a conversation."
"That's true, I do have some time I just feel so guilty like I'm not being honest with him and I just don't know how to have this conversation because we're so young." You wiped your eyes and looked at the floor as your legs dangled off the side of the examination bed. You felt like a child swinging your legs, still mentally dealing with issues like you always had with avoidance.
"You know this is your decision, it's more of your own ethical decision to tell your boyfriend. Even though I would reccomend informing them, it doesn't mean it's required or anything like that." She told you with a supportive smile and you nodded.
"I think it's just the language I would use to tell him that I'm struggling with. Like I don't know if he would see it as a blessing or a mistake you know?" You rubbed your temples.
"Have you ever brought up the idea of children to him? Just trying to gauge his opinion of having a pregnancy." She asked and you shook your head.
"Oh god was I supposed too? Is that a normal conversation Jesus Christ we're so weird. I've never even considered it and I know that's stupid but I've always been on the pill and had no issues so I guess I didn't want to see it as a possibility." You put your head in your hands and groaned.
"You have a lot of options, I'm going to give you these leaflets about different options and if you read through these at the right time you can have the discussion with your partner." She handed over three leaflets.
You got into your car with your paperwork of the positive test and the leaflets and just cried, you sobbed for the life you had now taken from you and James because whatever you chose to do it would completely change everything. You had three options, three pathways that could change your life forever and you didn't know which was the right choice. How were you supposed to know what to do when this had never happened before and had never been on your radar like it was now?
The 'morning sickness' before had just been feeling nauseous but now you were actively bring sick basically every morning for weeks on end and there was no way to hide it. You just had to pretend you had some kind of flu or food poisoning everytime. Having to hide your cravings was getting mentally exhausting at around 6 weeks, you decided olives and strawberries were the ideal meal for you one night. James had looked at the food with a curious expression but didn't press you for any answers. You were getting worried he would never bring it up and that meant you'd actually have to say something to him.
One day at around 8 weeks you found yourself holding your stomach whilst watching television as James came in from work. Your front door opened into your front room and he immediately saw you cradling your stomach and the collection of weird foods out in front of you like pineapple and chili flakes. It made him anxious, even more than usual.
"Y/n, is there something you need to talk to me about?" James asked as he sat down next to you.
"What do you mean, lovely?" You asked innocently as your muscles tensed up.
"The being sick, the weird food you've been eating lately and holding your stomach I just..." He trailed off.
"What this?" You asked as you sat up gesturing to the pineapple "No, this is a Mexican food or treat or something, fruit or sweets with something spicy. It's totally normal but I think it reacted weirdly with my stomach which is why I'm holding it." You put on an anxious smile and James did an over dramatic breath out.
"Well that's good, I thought you were pregnant for a minute there ahah. That would be a nightmare. I mean, at some point yeah sure but we're not exactly ready for all that are we!" James exclaimed as he stood up and went into the kitchen.
"Yeah, that's true." You muttered as your eyes started to well up and you started to control your breathing.
Over the last few weeks despite the sickness and the pains you'd got quite at home with the idea of a baby in your lives. The idea seemed to work in your head but you couldn't tell if it was the hormones or your real opinions at this point. He said it would be a nightmare, why would he use such harsh language for something that could conceivably happen by accident?
You walked out of the front room into your bedroom and took the three leaflets out of your bag, taking them into the bathroom to read again. They were all purely informative without any kind of religious affiliation or anything like that but you couldn't ignore that it seemed you and your boyfriend's end goal for a pregnancy would be different. He seemed to want an abortion, it wasn't a fair judgment because he didn't know you were pregnant but what else were you supposed to think?
You began to silently cry gripping the leaflet for abortions tightly, there were 2 clinics near enough to you but you had to get picked up by someone and you weren't sure who too pick. Alyssa was probably your only choice but fuck, you were going to want to see James so badly. Could you really do this without telling him? Should you even bother telling him? Maybe it would be less bother for him if you just got rid of it. God...calling it 'IT' was a mindfuck. You'd got used to calling the little clump of cells Aubrey or Brie and you didn't know if you were ready to let go. It was pathetic really, were you really that scared to tell your boyfriend about something that was literally the size of a raspberry.
You: I really need to talk to you, like in person.
Alyssa: yeah sure, want me to come over?
You: nah I'll come over to yours
Alyssa: okay, head over whenever:)
You arrived at Alyssa's flat with eyes full of tears and she quickly let you inside and got you some tea after sitting you down on the sofa.
"What's going on, Y/n?" She asked.
"He doesn't want a baby," you started crying and Alyssa got you a tissue
"Fuck sake, what did he say?"
"He thought I was pregnant and I lied and said I wasn't and he acted like it was a relief, like he was happy about it. And now...I just think he'd want me to have an abortion but I don't know if I can." You held your hands over your face and cried.
"So you haven't technically told him?" Alyssa asked.
"He said it would be a nightmare just at the thought of it." You said softly and Alyssa swore under her breath.
"I'm going to kill him, like I'm actually going to stab his face. Why is he so dense?" She rolled her eyes and you laughed slightly.
"I have no idea but fuck, he was so relieved when I said I wasn't pregnant, Alyssa. How am I supposed to tell him now?" You asked.
"I don't think it's a case of how are you supposed to, I think if you love him you need to tell him. You don't know how he's going to react in the actual situation. James is a fucking idiot if our friendship has taught me anything he often says things without thinking about the ramifications." Alyssa sat down next to you and gripped your hand.
"Maybe you're right but I just don't know what to do." You leant on her shoulder and cried.
You were 15 weeks and you and James had never felt further apart. You hardly talked, you slept most of the day whilst he seemed to be taking more shifts at work. Nothing felt right and you just wanted to run away, not have to think about any of this stupid shit like having an out of body experience where you could escape. You had decided to book an appointment with the abortion clinic and tell Alyssa when you were already there to pick you up afterwards. In your mind it was the most logical way to resolve the issue that had been pulling you and James apart. Maybe a baby wasn't right at this point, maybe your little apple size clump of cells wasn't worth all this trouble.
Fuck it was stressful trying to make a decision that would impact the rest of your life but you couldn't cope with the fact that it was tearing your relationship apart.
James knew everything was wrong, he knew something bad happened because everything was different and you weren't communicating the same with him as you had before. He was finishing up for the day at work and grabbed some food for dinner before getting into his car and just leaning his head on the steering wheel in defeat. He loved you so unexplainably, so deeply that he would do anything for you but you had seemed so distant lately and that only meant one thing. You had grown tired of all his shit and you wanted out. James knew that it was only a matter of time before you left him. His phone ringing cut through his thoughts.
"Hello?" James answered.
"Get down to the fucking St Clems clinic you fucking idiot! She's going to get rid of it!" Alyssa yelled down the phone "I'm already on my way there but she needs you dumbfuck."
"What are you talking about?" James asked, perplexed.
"Your girlfriend is about to have an abortion because you said having a baby with her would be a nightmare, James. If you care at all about this stupid cell clump you need to get there right now!" Alyssa yelled and James could hear her yelling at the traffic as well. He wasn't quite at the point of acceptance, more guilt.
"How long has she been pregnant?" James asked as he started his car.
"Like 15 weeks or some shit. I don't know, she needs your support regardless of what she chooses to do. She needs you James!"
That was all James needed to speed over to the clinic where he already saw Alyssa's car parked off to the side. James didn't know what he wanted as he ran up the steps, he didn't know if he wanted a baby or an abortion either way he couldn't believe he had been so fucking dense and not believed his gut. He knew you'd been pregnant, he just didn't want to understand or try too. He was a coward.
"James?" He heard your voice as he came through the doors into the waiting room before walking over to you and enveloping you in a massive hug.
"I told you he would come," Alyssa said with a smile.
"Can we please talk about this? I know the situation I just want us too communicate." James asked and you nodded with tears in your eyes.
"I've missed you so much," you said softly as your eyes began to let tears loose.
"I've missed you too lovely."
"Let's go home now," you told James as you stood up and held his hand.
"Okay." James smiled down at you.
”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
AN: I'm a huge believer in the right to choose and if anything I'm a big abortion supporter. This story is more to understand how daunting the choices you make with pregnancy are when you're on your own.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Pregnant and emotional || Tom holland
Pairing: Husband/DadTom x pregnant reader
Unknown: Can you make one where Y/N is like 7months pregnant and is really emotional over something really silly or little things. Tom comes home and hears her crying then comforts her. And like during the day she gets emotional over everything as of her hormones being pregnant thanks :)
Me and Tom have been together for 5 years now and we have been married for over a year. After our wedding we planned that we would try for a baby. And now I'm 7months pregnant to a baby girl. When me and Tom found out I was pregnant we were so happy and so was his family. We're both 25 now, we're ready.
Being pregnant has been kind of hard for me. Luckily Tom has been with me every step of the way. I just worry that he will be at work filming when my water breaks. I don't want him to miss our baby girl being born.
His family are so excited for this baby, mostly his brothers. Harry always goes on about and I quote 'I will be the best uncle and always protect my niece she will love me the most!'. His family have been helping me through it all as well.
Right now I'm sitting on mine and Toms bed crying. To be honest I have no idea why, but I just came out of the shower and tried to brush my hair. Which was incredibly knotty.
"Fuck sakes Please just brush" I violently brush the big knot in my hair. I was sitting on the bed still in my towel. I was happy Tom wasn't here to see his wife crying because she couldn't brush her hair. He would think it's pathetic!
"Ugh forget it" I cry out, throwing the brush at the wall. I just sat there holding my towel to my body and sobbing.
Then my phone started ringing, I pick it up to see that Harry was calling me.
"Hello" I said trying not to sound sad. "Hey y/n you okay?" Harry asked obviously hearing my sniffles. "Y-yeah Im fine w-whats up?" I sniffed.
"TOM!" Harry shouted away from the phone.
"What!" I heard Tom shout back.
"Come here please! You told me call y/n but I think she's crying".
Tom was on set right now, that's why I didn't want to bother him. Luckily he is filming a movie in London, he decided it was best due to me being very pregnant. Normally he never has to come over to check me to see if Im okay, but he does it anyways.
Honestly all day I've been very emotional and it's probably all my hormones that's making me so emotional.
Tom took the phone off Harry. "Hey darling, are you okay? Is our baby girl alright!" I heard Toms worried voice.
"Y-yeah everything's fine. Harry is the one who called me" I sniffed, I am so bad at acting.
"Your crying I can tell. I know when your not okay y/n. I just wanna know Is the baby okay? Are you okay?"
"She's fine Tommy really. Go back on set"
"I'm coming home" he said.
I really didn’t want him to see me like this, "Nooo, Don't come here please" I begged now crying.
"Princess, If your upset I wanna make sure your okay. Your all I care about right now, okay. I'll be 15 minutes max. I Love you bye" He then put the phone down.
I just sat there crying more, thinking of how he's coming home because I'm being the baby. I didn't even realise that 15 minuets had passed so fast as I heard the door shut with footsteps. I was still sobbing into my hands, so I didn't even realise that Tom walked into the room.
"Princess what's wrong?" Tom sat next to me, moving my hands from my face so I can face him.
"Tom I told you go back on set" I look at him with a bit of a harsh tone, he didn’t mind though.
"Well I need to make sure both my baby girls are okay." He places his hand on my stomach that was covered by my towel. "You know you can tell me anything. Why you crying angel?" He wiped my tears.
"B-because this day is going so bad. First, I woke up a-and dropped my water all over me. Then I cried about that because I'm such a b-baby. Second thing i-is that in the shower I couldn't even wash my back properly. A-and now I can't brush my hair because of—of some stupid knot! that won't come out and now your here. Probably thinking why's my wife being a fucking baby because she can't do simple tasks. I just keep crying, I'm so emotional right now and your gonna just laugh" I ramble on full on sobbing.
"Hey, hey. Your not a baby for crying over certain things. And you should've called me If you was feeling very emotional today. I would never ever ever think that. I don't know what it's like being pregnant so I have no excuse to even laugh and I don't want to. Don't cry please. Because If your sad then our baby girl is and I will be" He kisses my forehead.
"I can't brush my hair" I cried into his chest.
"Here let me do it. Where's the brush?" I point to it on the floor by the wall. He then stand up, grabbing the brush from the floor,  standing above me. Tom brushed my hair carefully making sure he didn't hurt me. After he was done brushing my hair, he pulled out a pair of his joggers and a shirt for me to wear.
"Here put these on, I'm gonna set up a movie and i'll get you some snacks" He pecks my lips leaving the room.
I got my underwear on and then tried to pull the joggers up, however my bump was in the way so it didn't really help me.
"Tom?" I called, knowing he's the only one that can help me.
"Yes babe" He walked into the room seeing me with just my bra and panties on with the joggers half way up.
"Close your eyes!" I try hide my body but he doesn't listen, just walks over to me.
"Love, I've seen much more than this before. Do you want help beautiful?" he points to the joggers, I nod. Of course Tom has seen me fully naked before, I mean I am pregnant right now.
"I just feel ugly and fat" Shit, I didn't even mean to say that out loud.
Tom quickly pulled the joggers up then looked at me. "What! What did you just say" He looks at me, I just stay quiet. "You are the most sexiest, prettiest and most hottest girl i've ever known. Your pregnant not fat. Your so fucking stunning. Don't ever say that. Even the fans say you are beautiful ! Don't let anyone tell you different." he picks up my t-shirt and puts it over my head.
"I-I'm sorry" A tear fell down my cheek.
"n-no don't cry bubs or apologise. Just don't think about yourself that way, every inch of you is beautiful. I love you, okay"
"I love you too Tommy, so much. I'm so lucky to have you" I kissed him softly.
"I think I'm the one who's lucky Darling" he smiles into the kiss.
For the rest of the day we watch movies and Tom was there to comfort me. I love him so much and he's gonna be the best Dad ever. :)
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lorillee · 11 months
btw can you tell me about how that cat is an incel
AAAHGH i typed out this whole thing and then tumblr screwed it up and deleted everything. wailing and gnashing of teeth. but thats okay. ill explain it again. anyways to any of my 5 remaining warriors mutuals if you see this post and i got something wrong i apologize to be honest its been like a decade since ive read the books that encompass this whole mess. anyways. ive provided a helpful relationship map to give you some visualization and keep these people straight
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ok. so tldr. sort of. actually not really but whatever. so basically brambleclaw is a special prophecy boy who gets a dream from the dead ancestors being like "ok you need to go 🚶💼🚗 on this journey 😤💥😎 and do some stuff 😌✨🌠" and brambleclaw is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and goes on his journey to do some stuff. its not relevant to the love drama. squirrelflight invites herself along and they end up becoming friends and later start dating. at some point after this brambleclaw starts striking up a relationship with his half-brother and squirrelflight is Not A Fan partially because his half-brother is Kinda Shady and partially because shes suspicious because of his dad, who is also brambleclaw's dad, who really sucked as a person.
so squirrelflight tells brambleclaw that he needs to stop hanging out with his half-brother, and brambleclaw gets mad and accuses her of suspecting him purely based on their dad (and if she doesnt trust the half-brother because of his dad, what does that say about their relationship etc etc). so they get into a whole fight about it and its a drama and they break up. in the aftermath squirrelflight starts hanging out with ashfur who is Just Some Guy and they start dating. meanwhile leafpool gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "ok so get this 👀🤯💥 squirrelflight and brambleclaw 😳👫💖 are like . totally destined to be together forever 😌✨🌠" and leafpool is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and tells squirrelflight. squirrelflight is like omg for real???? and tells brambleclaw and they get back together. ashfur fades into irrelevancy.
shortly before this, however. leafpool breaks off her illegal relationship (illegal because 1) shes a priestess and cant get married or have kids and 2) because the guy shes dating is from a rival clan) but later finds out - oops ! - shes pregnant. unfortunately this is now. a problem. in the meanwhile squirrelflight gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "okkkkk so like 😳😭😔 sorry to break this to you but ummmm 🤯💀🧍‍♂️ youre infertile 😌✨🌠" leafpool asks squirrelflight to take her babies and pretend that they are hers and brambleclaws and squirrelflight is like "got it boss 🫡". so squirrelflight lies to 1) the clan 2) the babies and 3) brambleclaw that they are hers and brambleclaw's children. no way thisll go wrong right 😎👍
so things go normally for a few years and everything is fine. then one day theres a huge storm after a drought or something i think and the entire forest catches on fire. squirrelflight is trying to get the kids out (they are adults now) and its a problem but hey look! ashfurs here to help! oh- oh wait whats . whats he doing ummmm. so basically ashfur says something to the extent of "you ruined my life i hate you so much im going to kill your kids in front of you to make you understand how i felt every single day" completely unprompted and squirrelflight is like "um. uhhhh ok well have fun with that because theyre not even my kids 👍" <- clearly last ditch effort to get ashfur to leave and ashfur is like "wait what for real? um. well okay bye then" and leaves.
one of the kids who is a massive stickler for The Warrior Code has 57 moments in a row though because she has just been alerted to the fact that she is an Illegal Baby and Should Not Exist and murders ashfur to prevent him from revealing the truth about them but then ends up having a Mental Illness Moment and tells everybody about leafpools illegal relationship babies at the monthly gathering of all the clans and runs off into a cave and fakes her death kind of. its a whole thing
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Imagine: trying on a shirt that is too tight and getting stuck in it and Joel insists on helping you out of it
It was stupid, you knew it was stupid but walking inside a mall on full alert while your search party that involved joel, Elle, Tommy , Maria and you.
You have know Tommy, and Maria for a while you lived in the compound with them. Maria once upon a time was your brother girlfriend, back when planes were in the air. And wifi existed. Tommy introduced you to his brother and Elle. Not his daughter but basically is his daughter. In your former life you hated shopping, the mirrors in the change room that always made you look ten pounds heavier,the blinding light in the room the sales people who were cheerful and honestly other too honest with how you looked or faked liked whatever you tired on and always feelings rushed and pressured, the entire experience you loathed so much so that it was one you don’t miss. You don’t miss shopping.
Joel was in lead leading the party as you were in the back. Tommy stuck close to his pregnant wife while Elle was in the middle. It was Maria who suggested to go into a cloth store to gather some supplies. Which Joel instantly started to disagree but you backed up your friend.
H&M, a clothing store before the world ended you wouldn’t of bothered shopping at. You were to big, for their cloths. They did hav e “plus size” clothing but you never got to try them on, you heard mixed review and honestly you figured you had time to test them out. Eventually. Which never happened. The only plus side to the world ending was you lost weight. Which good for your health. But also you lost weight but starving, and rebuilding over and over again it wasn’t a health way to lose the weight. But now you could easily fit. without any hassle.
Going inside you searched some racks Not seeing much you would really enjoy. but then Maria came over with a black dress.
"what do you think about this/"
lookign at the black dress, it was a bodycon dress. which you never were a fan of. so you rolled your shoulders. "it looks great, but wouldn't that hurt the baby."
"For you!"
before you knew it. you were being shoved into a changing room, being told to try it on. Joel watched the entire scene. he thought it was stupid that you would Not only try on cloths. but a Black dress. in what possible function at the compound could you possibly need a dress? he was annoyed until he noticed your reaction. your horrifed and disgusted look on your face you were annoyed you were wasting time with this. you wanted to just grab cloths and go. but Maria had other plans. Tommy took elle to find cloths for her. as Joel waited near the changing rooms while Maria went to find more cloths.
joel could hear you grunting and cursing softly to yourself before calling out, 'Mar you there? I need help.'
"she's with Tommy and Elle.. what you need help with?" Joel's mind went to you simply wanting advice on the dress. he wasn't expecting you to pop your head out of the changing room to look at him, "is- ugh.. can you get her?"
"why what's wrong?"
you sighed heavily, the last thing you wanted to confess or Say out loud to Joel who you have found annoying and handsome since meeting him. that you were stuck in the dress. you couldn't get it off.
"I'm just- having a Dress problem. and need help.." Joel shifted his rife over his shoulder as he stepped over to you as he spoke, 'what is it? let me help."
you sighed nodding your head, 'Fine- the dress is stuck and I can't get it off." without hesitation. Joel pulled out his knife from his pocket. walking over to you, you turned your back you couldn't believe you had to call in for help which was embrassing enough but to have Joel swoop in and he's eyes looked darker then normal. he gripped your shoudler softly as he told you not to move as he sliced the dress from the zipper in a swift motion down to your hips. you gasped once feeling your chest wasn't compressed anymore.
"Better?" Joel asked low as you held the dress up covering your front, "yea.. tahnks Joel."
joel being a gentlemen ked out leaving you to cahnge as Tommy walked over with Maria as Tommy spoke, "you looked far to happy walking over to Y/n with a knife."
"she needed help- where is Elle?"
"Getting Y/N a dress to try on." she came back with a Red Dress it wasn't as tight as the last one but Joel couldn't help but picture you wearing it. you walked out moment slater back in your normal cloths. as you spoke, "lets go."
Elle handed you the dress as you checked the size. it was bigger then the last one as you spoke 'thanks Elle.. i'll try it on at home.'
"why not here so if it doesn't fit we can get a bigger size.'
you hated that logic as you cursed softly going back inside the change room. this time when you came out you spoke, 'okay is everyone happy? can i go back into my pants and boots?"
Maria didn't look at you. she looked at Joels' reaction. she watched as Joel. gulped. he held hsi breath watchin you do a quick spin before going back into the change room as she nudged Tommy's arm who looked down at his bride as she nudged her head to Joel as Tommy smiled brightly. "
"Y/N, you and joel will have to go out when we get back. a Dress like that deserves to be seen. and worn."
you came out a few moments later stuffing the dress into your bag, 'you asking Me out for Joel?"
Tommy just chuckled as Joel convinced everyone to move on. you walked to a jewerly store grabbing a gold chain as Joel looked at you stunned as you spoke, 'Shut up.'
later getting back to the compound you sat at the table eating and reading your new book you just got from the mall. when Joel sat down across from you. "Tommy's right.. that dress deserves to be seen."
"So your asking me out now? two Millers in one day. should be a world record." he chuckled as he spoke, "look i haven't done this in a while.. do you want to?'
smiling brightly you nodded your head happily agreeing for a date.
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🎊 swap with Mur?
Baby! >:3
Mur knew that his life wasn't really the best thing, but it also wasn't the worst! Sure, a lot of shitty stuff happened in his past, and now he didn't have his brother anymore, but he had a new family!
He had a person that he could protect, and a few people that cared about him. It was sweet! Great even. He loved his datemate too, they were pretty amazing. They loved to spend time with him, and to be honest, he needed that. He needed attention on him.
Lately, though, he noticed that something was wrong. He couldn't exactly place his finger on it, but something was going on… his body was working against him. His bones had been sore lately and he's been wanting to have some weird foods but also other foods that he used to have made him feel sick.
It felt strange.
That was until he found out what was going on. He was carrying a souling. He found out when he woke up one day and took off his shirt to change out of his pajamas. His ecto was summoned and there was a little soul floating in there.
He isn't proud of himself when he says that he screamed. Come on! Anyone would. How the hell would YOU react to finding out that you're pregnant and you had no idea that that could even happen?
Delusion was the one who came in, his staff out as if he was ready to attack a threat. Honestly? Amusing. Funny given the fact that Mur was supposed to be the bodyguard, you know?
"Mur? What are you screaming about?" He asks, so Mur looks over his shoulder at Delusion then down at himself, placing his hands over his ecto.
"Uh…" He starts, then shakes his head and pulls his sweater on. "Nothing saw a bug, sorry sir"
Delusion stares at him, he could feel the eyes on him, but then he lets out a soft hum "If you say so" and with that, Delusion left the room. They both knew that he didn't believe that, Mur didn't fear bugs. But Delusion wasn't gonna force him to tell him if he didn't want to say.
Over the next few weeks Mur has been trying to hide the fact that he had a souling, he didn't want the others to worry about him and it was his job to protect Delusion from everything. The only thing he's worried about is them finding out and getting mad at him.
And find out they did!
Mur had been doing some light training, just slashing at a dummy with his knife. He tosses them both up into the air, then caught them again stabbing them into the sides of the dummy and tugs them inwards seeing the stuffing fall out. He smiles at himself.
Y/n laughs, clapping their hands together, "Good job Mur, but hey, are you okay?" Delusion had been watching as well, sipping from his cup of tea and he nods to show that he agreed with Y/n's question.
"Of course I… I am why wouldn't I be?" he asks, panting softly. Fuck, he was so tired.
"You're much too tired. You don't normally get this tired already" Delusion says, looking at him with those eyes. They looked like they knew something that he didn't, but it always looked like that.
"Pssh what? No…" He looks off to the side, shifting where he was standing.
Y/n squints at him then they let out a sound and they raise their hand. He tenses up when he felt the check go throughout his body and he turns his head quickly to look at them, his sockets wide. He saw Y/n's eyes widen and they put their hand over their mouth. "Mur? You're pregnant?"
Delusion looks at them, then at him, looking shocked as well. Mur stares at them, silent and slowly moves his arm over his stomach. Well shit. He was hoping that they wouldn't find out for a while, at least he got to keep it a secret for this long. He sighs out slowly and nods to show that yeah, that was right. "Yeah I… I guess I am?" he laughs, "Surprise?"
Hopefully this is going to go well, we'll just have to wait and see!
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lovahopie · 1 year
Well I'm in Cars brainrot again. Now everyone gets to suffer with my ocs. These are the girls only. I got a lot. And yes they are all children of WGP racers. Sue me.
Alessa Shimada (Birth name Alessandra)
Age: 18
Birthday: January 16
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Italian
Appearance: Short wavy black hair, reddish brown eyes, tan skin
Height: 5'7
Mother: Elisa Shimada
Father: Francesco Bernoulli
Sibling(s): Valentino Shimada (older twin brother)
Friend(s): Sabrina Todoroki, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Abby McQueen, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Sabrina Todoroki
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Can be standoffish, considerate, bold, confident, creative, sarcastic, protective
Where they live: Osaka, Japan
Background: Being the product of a one night stand, Alessa had to grow up not really knowing who her father was. She grew up with her twin brother and mother in Osaka Japan . The only other family member that she has is her mother's adopted father, a old family friend to her mother's parents. Alessa grew up being very close to the Todoroki family. Shu Todoroki was a father figure for Alessa and her brother and Carla Todoroki was like a second mother. Alessa's best friend is Sabrina. The two are basically sisters. Alessa personally wants to hit Landon in the face with a frying pan.
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Sabrina Todoroki
Age: 18
Birthday: March 14
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese and Brazilian
Appearance: Long wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, dark tan skin
Height: 5'7
Mother: Carla Veloso (married surname Todoroki)
Father: Shu Todoroki
Sibling(s): Katashi Todoroki (older twin brother)
Friend(s): Alessa Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Valentino Shimada, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, eventually Landon McQueen
Crush or Partner: Valentino Shimada (crush)
Personality: Sarcastic, blunt, honest, loyal, standoffish, quiet, can act out going
Where they live: Osaka, Japan
Background: Being the daughter of two legendary race car drivers, Sabrina had to get used to the public at a very early age. Her parents tried to keep her and her brother out of the public eye so that they can have a normal childhood. Sabrina's fondest memories were dancing with her mom in their living room and reading with her father. She is now struggling with the fact that she likes Valentino more than a close friend.
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Daria Clutchgoneski
Age: 17
Birthday: June 27
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Nationality: New Rearendian
Ethnicity: New Rearendian and Hungarian
Appearance: Long curly red hair, light green eyes, pale skin, freckles
Height: 5'0
Mother: Catalina Clutchgoneski
Father: Razvan "Rip" Clutchgoneski
Sibling(s): Stefan (baby half brother)
Friend(s): Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Emmie Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Rolf Schnell, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Emmie Schnell
Crush or Partner: Nicolas Caroule (partner)
Personality: Meek, shy, empathetic, honest, friendly, optimistic, sensitive
Where they live: Wheeli, New Rearendia
Background: At the age of 5, Daria's mother passed away from bone cancer. Ever since then, it's been just her and her father. Daria's father was the kindest soul and extremely tuned to his emotions. Daria grew up into a beautiful and independent girl. But her relationship with her father started to turn a little sour when he started dating Crina. Crina was nice enough, but Daria's father began to spend a lot more time with her than with Daria. Now Crina is pregnant and Daria's father has all but forgotten about Daria. But Daria has her boyfriend Nicolas to take comfort in.
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Sarah Revington
Age: 18
Birthday: July 29
Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Grenadian, British and Haitian
Appearance: Black coily hair, brown eyes, dark espresso skin
Height: 5'5
Mother: Tamara Revington
Father: Lewis "Hamilton" Revington
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Jessica Gorvette, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, James Gearsley, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Jessica Gorvette
Crush or Partner: James Gearsley (crush)
Personality: Sweet, kind, soft spoken, the nice mom friend, humble, life of the party
Where they live: Liverpool, England
Background: If Daddy's girl was a person, it would be Sarah. Although, she isn't a brat. She just has a very close bond with her father. When she was a newborn, her father would parade her around as if she was the greatest thing on earth. Despite living in the UK, Sarah grew up around so much culture. Her favorite dishes were the Haitian dishes that her mother makes. Her parents pushed into her mind to be proud about her heritage and not let anyone put her down. She now has a huge crush on James.
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Emmie Schnell
Age: 18
Birthday: September 1st
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: German and Danish
Appearance: Shoulder length platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Height: 5'8
Mother: Zoey Schnell
Father: Sebastian "Max" Schnell
Sibling(s): Rolf Schnell (older brother)
Friend(s): Daria Clutchgoneski, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Rolf Schnell, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Daria Clutchgoneski
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Cautious, smart, quick on her feet, strong-willed, low trust in people, sarcastic, pessimistic
Where they live: Berlin, Germany
Background: Emmie grew up surrounded by love. She just happens to be too much like her father. Emmie used to be very close to her father. She could have definitely been described as a daddy's girl. When she was about 6, her father got into a horrible car crash during a race. She didn't know how to handle seeing her father in so much pain, especially when she hugged him and he winced in pain. She internalized her feelings and started to distance herself from her father. Now she does a lot of the tech and mechanical work for her father's race car. But she just can't bring herself to touch her father. Ironically, she is very close to her older brother Rolf. She finds Andrés very annoying.
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Jessica Gorvette
Age: 18
Birthday: November 7
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mainly of Scandinavian and Germanic descent
Appearance: Dyed platinum blonde hair, green eyes, light tan skin
Height: 5'5
Mother: Veronica Gorvette
Father: Jeff Gorvette
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Sarah Revington, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Rolf Schnell, Landon McQueen, Abby McQueen
Closest friend: Sarah Revington and Landon McQueen
Crush or Partner: Katashi Todoroki (crush)
Personality: Cocky, life of the party, adventurous, energetic, easy going, outgoing, thinks everyone is a friend
Where they live: San Francisco, California, USA
Background: Living most of her life in San Francisco, Jessica lived life to the fullest. Her favorite thing to do is surfing and hiking. From a young age, Jessica was taught to appreciate everything in life. She loves learning about different cultures. Her best friend is literally her golden retriever named Lucky. She has a major crush on Katashi
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Abby McQueen (Birth name Abigail)
Age: 13
Birthday: August 12
Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mainly of Irish and German descent
Appearance: Long light brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Height: 5'2
Mother: Sally McQueen
Father: Montgomery "Lightning" McQueen
Sibling(s): Landon McQueen (older brother), Blake McQueen (younger brother)
Friend(s): Ling Ge, Santiago Rojas, Alessa Shimada, Jessica Gorvette
Closest friend: Ling Ge
Crush or Partner: Does Jacob from Twilight count?
Personality: Blunt, caring, dramatic, sarcastic, going through the emo phase of life
Where they live: Radiator Springs, Arizona, USA
Background: Being the only daughter of a legendary race car driver, Abby got to be the spoiled princess. She isn't rude like her older brother is though. Her mom made sure that didn't happen again. But at the moment, she is going through what every 13 year old goes through: the emo phase. And yes, she reads the Twilight series unironically. She sees Alessa and Jessica as the older sisters that she never had.
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Ling Ge
Age: 14
Birthday: February 2
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Chinese and Cambodian
Appearance: Short back hair, brown eyes, light tan skin
Height: 5'3
Mother: Jorani Ge
Father: Long Ge
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Abby McQueen, Santiago Rojas
Closest friend: Abby McQueen
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Quite, a loner, cautious, shy, meek, can be sarcastic
Where they live: Guangzhou, China
Background: Ling's life was a bit rocky. She grew up in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with her mother. She didn't know who her father was for the longest time. It was only when her father found her. All of a sudden she is living in a strange city in a country that she hates. Cambodia was not the best country, but at least it wasn't China. Her mother loves being back with her father, but Ling wishes that she could go back home. This wasn't home to her. Because of all the changes, Ling has a rough relationship with her father. Ling met Abby and Santiago at a racing event that their fathers were participating in. Now the three are extremely close.
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Alma Rojas
Age: 7
Birthday: March 23
Zodiac sign: Aries
Nationality: Mexican
Ethnicity: Mexican and Guatemalan
Appearance: Long brown curly hair, brown hazel eyes, dark tan skin
Height: 3'9
Mother: Gabriela Rojas
Father: Memo Rojas Jr
Sibling(s): Santiago Rojas (older brother)
Friend(s): Macy Winterbumper, Yevgeny Petrov, Blake McQueen
Closest friend: Macy Winterbumper
Personality: Sassy, confident, bold, loud, the life of the party, energetic, adventurous, loves her family more than anything
Where they live: Mexico City, Mexico
Background: Alma is the youngest child of the Rojas family. Because of that, her family spoiled her as much as they could without making her a brat. She grew up in not only Mexican culture but also Guatemalan culture. She is one of those girls that isn't afraid to get dirty. She is also not afraid to wrestle with the boys in her family. Her older brother Santiago got a black eye from her a few times.
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Macy Winterbumper
Age: 7
Birthday: June 5
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Scandinavian descent and Australian
Appearance: Light blond hair, blue eyes, light tan skin
Height: 3'8
Mother: Charlotte Solomon-Winterbumper
Father: Harrison "Frosty" Winterbumper
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Alma Rojas, Blake McQueen, Yevgeny Petrov
Closest friend: Alma Rojas
Personality: Friendly, soft spoken, gentle, adventurous, curious, very well behaved, calculated
Where they live: Amarillo, Texas, USA
Background: Macy grew up in the Lone Star state of Texas. Her mother is a well known rodeo queen and barrel racer. Because of her mother's profession, Macy found herself surrounded by horses and the rodeo life. Macy has a horse of her own. An appaloosa named Pepper. Macy looks up to her mother a lot. But her father is a bit of a mystery to her. She rarely sees him because he lives and works in Australia. Macy wishes that she could have a closer relationship with her father, but she has no idea what the first thing of racing is. She likes horses and rodeos, not cars and racing. Her father tries, but he is rarely there and doesn't know much about either horses or rodeos. Macy is best friends with Alma because Macy's mother and Alma's mother were college roommates that still keep in touch.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: Highland Beast by Heather McCollum
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3.75/5. Releases 4/25/2023.
For when you're vibing with... hard on the outside, soft on the inside heroes, healer heroines, babies babies babies, and historical romance with a good dose of old school vibes.
Bas Sinclair, the youngest of the Sinclair brothers, was raised by his maddened father to be an embodiment of death--the literal Horseman of Death, in fact. As an adult, he abhors his role as the executioner of the land, but fulfills it anyway, living isolated and lonely. That is, until, he discovers a mysterious young woman named Shana in the woods, with a newborn baby that isn't hers...
I liked a lot about this one. I also had some issues. While I would say that I enjoyed it, and I'm totally gonna read the final book in the series, I wanted a little more for Bas.
Quick Takes:
--First off, I loved Bas. I'd been looking forward to his book through the first three installments of the series, and he didn't disappoint. He's huge and scary and trained to dispatch people easily... But he really just wants to plant bluebells and carve his little sculptures and tend to literally every animal that could come across his path. He's threatening and intimidating, but he's also a deeply awkward and shy precious angel who never did anything wrong, in his life ever. And I hated how he'd clearly been traumatized from literal birth... But I did also kind of deeply enjoy how that trauma manifested itself.
--The thing about this series is that you will not enjoy it if you don't enjoy... a bit of cheese. I say that affectionately; it's not a bad thing to me. It reads very old school. The heroes are hulking big men who almost pass out when their wives are in labor because they're too stressed. They throw around weird little jokes that sometimes make you go "a weird moment to make that comment, but okay". There's a big emphasis on FAMILY. The heroes recite apocalyptic Bible passages before killing people. Normal historical romance shit.... but maybe not so common today?
--I kind of love the unusual setting of late sixteenth century Scotland. It ain't medieval, it ain't Regency/Victorian. You get references to King James (who was, like, a supporting character in the third book). This book is more of a true insular Scottish romance, but the setting still feels very different in today's market.
--There is a lot of childbearing in this novel, and honestly, in the series in general. Shana is a midwife, and I do enjoy a midwife heroine. Two of the heroines of previous books are pregnant; one gives birth in this book, which gives you a lot of my series-favorite couple, Joshua and Kara (of Highland Warrior). There's discussion of birthing animals, and to be honest? The first book had a horse birth, the second book had a human birth, and the third involved a woman who'd just given birth (not the heroine). So maybe Heather just likes that, and that's okay. Normally I feel like that would annoy me, but for some reason the general vibe of this series make me... okay with it?
--What bothered me more was how Shana reacted to Bas. Her being scared of him in the beginning? Totally real and normal. Then they have this lovely romance, they have sex, there's a lot of emotional intimacy, and a Thing happens. And it's like... kind of obvious. Why it happens. And Shana is suddenly acting like this man she's fallen in love with could be a monster again? It just felt cheap and out of character, considering how common-sensical she'd been in the entire novel. To me, it read as a last minute attempt to inject drama. And I'm all about drama; but the drama has to make sense. A lot of the drama in this book did. That bit didn't.
The Sex Stuff:
There are a couple of sex scenes in this book, and they're good. Nothing crazy. I actually think that we could've gone further, as Bas, while not a virgin, is very inexperienced. I would've liked to see him try some other stuff. Also, to be fair to all the birthing scenes and pregnancies in this series--the Sinclair brothers NEVER pull out ever.
Mixed feelings, but I did enjoy it, and I really love Bas as a hero. Just keep all of this in mind if you decide to read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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