#he's (supposedly) not the same perfect prince as before
fate-defiant · 1 year
it bugs me that it's never made quite clear if the whole raven blood schtick is Possession™ or more of a Jekyll-and-Hyde situation. I personally lean more towards the latter as it's more coherent, like, themes-wise.
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silence-burns · 5 months
The Death of Me //part 1
Fandom: Aquaman
Summary: (very small spoilers for the movie) Finding Orm on your doorstep was not something you expected. Having him move in was even worse. But the effect he still had on every part of your life would be the death of you.
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The sun was blinding, but unfortunately, not enough to make the man standing before you disappear.
“You're in surprisingly good shape for a dead person,” you said.
“And you look terrible for someone supposedly alive,” said Orm.
You shrugged and immediately regretted it. The tight bandages keeping your shoulder in place worked as a poor reminder it was out of commission for the next few weeks.
“How I've missed that princely charm. Piss me off some more and, half-dead or not, I'm gonna kick your ass back into that desert I got it from. It might be the last thing I do, but if I become a ghost, I'll brag about it for eternity.”
Your mood soured further with every minute you remained conscious. Surprises and resurrections, you could deal with, but your ability to be polite left long ago. There were a lot of impolite and certainly unprincely words bubbling in your chest, but they all disappeared when the most magical, impossible, and straight-out-of-fairy-tales thing happened.
Orm, of his own volition, smiled.
The sun was still doing its best to blind your already red and swollen eyes—it failed yet again. You examined the strange occurrence, with the furrowed brows and all the small wrinkles and tiny folds in the skin that usually accompanied a person’s smile looking perfectly normal on his face. It was a genuine smile. You could only blink at him for a moment
“I thought scowling was the only expression you had. Like a factory setting, you know.”
“I'm glad to hear you are as sharp as ever, despite your current shortcomings.”
“Excuse you, I'm in great shape.”
The man in front of you politely didn't argue. It was rather clear from his expression that he had some serious doubts about not only the state of your body, but also about your mental capacity of acknowledging said state, but he made the wise choice of keeping these thoughts to himself.
Wise was your middle name; therefore, you allowed the silence to confirm your words. At the same time, you shifted more of your weight against the doorframe, hoping your grimace came across as menacing rather than painful. Your leg needed a bit of rest, nothing serious. It totally wasn’t almost crushed to pieces a few weeks ago.
The smile on Orm’s face, an expression you could get used to seeing, started to shift into a look of concern as he watched your eyes. You looked away, afraid of how much he could see. Before you could react, he picked you up and carried you inside the house.
It was a pretty house, very spacious, just like old rich men tended to enjoy—which might explain why Batman bought it a long time ago as a safehouse far from any prying eyes, and why he allowed you to occasionally use it as such.
Yet, despite all the initial spaciousness, it was rather easy to clutter if the person living inside had a few cracked bones, general lack of energy to move, and never invited anyone around to see the mess.
Orm raised an eyebrow when he noticed a sofa dragged into the kitchen area and the amount of empty, crushed packaging laying around it. You hated how much could be expressed without saying a word.
“Put me down.”
Your words came out weaker than intended. Orm held you in a bridal carry which put immense pressure on your cracked ribs and sent flashes of pain every time you inhaled. But he was so warm and close that your anger sizzled and faded.
With your head on his shoulder, you had the perfect view of his perfect profile and the perfect frown deepening the wrinkles between his brows.
“So, this is how you live now?” was all he said, in a controlled tone.
“I know you're not deaf and heard me the first time. Put me down. Preferably on my beautiful and completely normal kitchen bed, thank you.”
You sighed with relief once he finally listened. Even though the pressure of his arms around you disappeared, somehow you still felt his warmth, as if it seeped into your battered, bruised flesh. You felt your face getting hot and decided against following that train of thought.
Your heart, for a reason you also chose to ignore, skipped a beat when Orm turned on his heel and walked back to the front door. It took him comparatively less time than when you had to drag your ass to open it a few minutes ago.
But rather than walking outside and disappearing from your life again, Orm only closed the door. And then turned the lock too.
“I don’t like where this is going,” you said, in vain hope that all of this was just a bad dream you'd soon wake up from.
“What a shame,” Orm said with no shame whatsoever in his voice.
“Why are you here? I might be a little late with that question, but I'd still love to know the answer.”
Orm took measured steps to the kitchen table, assessing the seat with the least amount of trash surrounding it, and sat down. He sat upright, posture uncompromised in the face of a backless stool, and folded his hands on the table. How he looked royal surrounded by trash and cold leftovers was beyond you.
“As you have witnessed, thanks to Arthur, after that final battle I got a way out of my old life. I enjoyed it for the most part, and even wandered the surface world for a while. And then I heard about your accident and came to settle my debts.”
“You don't have a debt to me.”
“When I was awaiting sentencing for my crimes, you were the one that took care of me. And not so long ago, you helped Artur break me out of that prison. That alone guarantees my utmost respect.”
“Your debt is paid, you owe me nothing.”
“That's not how it works.”
“I don't need a nurse, especially one who isn’t wearing a sexy costume.”
“I'm afraid that part is not negotiable.”
“Wait.” You squinted, doing your best to focus your thoughts despite a rising migraine. “This cottage is in the middle of nowhere, with the nearest town a few hours on foot and only if you already know the way. And the only people that knew I got… a little roughed up, were those in the Justice League. Did Artur give you a ride here because he felt guilty he didn’t stop that building in Venice from falling on me?”
“Every day I am thankful that I don't know the inner workings of my brother’s mind.”
“So he did.”
You let your head fall back onto the makeshift kitchen-bed. It was too much for you.
You grabbed the pills from your secret under-the-pillow stash of meds and swallowed some painkillers.
“I'm going to kill your brother.”
“May you have more luck than I did. Now, do you even own any clean clothes?”
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tachibubu · 2 years
Never Good Enough (2/3)
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∆ PAIRING ; Yandere!Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader/OC/Self-Insert x Slight!Jacaerys Velaryon
∆ SUMMARY ; Your wedding with your betrothed Jacaerys is nearing, while your secret pursuiter is growing ever more eager. Entering Kingslanding once again to prepare for your wedding and the succession of Driftmark, a supposedly family gathering became something much more than mingling.
∆ WARNINGS ; Incest obvs, spoilers of Episode 8, a bit actions of sexual sht? But did not continue, s3xu4l h4rassment, possessive sht obvs, no comfort, stalking, enemies to enemies, dont even fuckin do this in real life, just fuckin torture. Also OOC except for Jace cause I truly believe hes perfect i want to marry him. Also sorry Ewan if you're reading this.
It was a beautiful day. To clear your head before starting on your lesson plan and schedule for the day, you made the decision to compose an essay about the history of the current time. A letter from someone you knew too well was brought out by your sworn handmaiden after she had collected your daily mail.
To put it mildly, your daily life was comfortable, and you actually loved it that way. You spent the week studying with the maesters and (as proposed by your stepmother Rhaenyra, which you eagerly accepted) tutoring your brother-in-law Lucerys about economics, while on the weekends you became closer to your betrothed Jacaerys.
Lucerys and you had a lovely connection. Rhaenyra didn't trust the Maesters enough when he didn't enthusiastically express what he had learned, so you were his teacher for the remainder of your time as a fiancée. His ears perked up, and he nodded keenly to his mother when you said you could assist. 
Rhaena joined the class while you were educating Lucerys in order to support her fiancé, but after she saw how much she loved it, she began coming back frequently to take lessons from you. Baela would visit your small class when she crossed paths between you three, and you would gladly accept her insights on the topics.
Although you were disappointed in what happened to your one-eyed first crush, Jacaerys made up for it by showing up earlier than expected on your dates with multiple gifts and going on numerous dragon-riding escapades with his dragon throughout Driftmark. You’d admit it, you had fallen quite in love with the prince.
So you’d admit your shock when someone else hadn't moved on.
You asked the maid, "Who is it from?" without batting an eye, fearing that the note's sender and contents were the same person who had been constantly sending you letters ever since you left Kingslanding.
Your handmaiden Olea was hesitant to respond to your inquiry. Before responding, "It's from Prince Aemond Targaryen, my lady," she chewed her lower lip. 
You extended your hand as Olea placed the letter on it, and a sigh escaped your mouth. You scrunched your nose at the contents in disgust.
The letter stated, 'My beloved (Y/N), after several letters of my pursuing, you have yet to respond to any of my proceedings. I have received the news of the bethrotal of my dear nephew—I forgot his name, but I am sure you know it all too well. Was I divulging the news incorrectly? Was my hearing giving up on me as I was unable to comprehend the news easily? What I mean by this is that you are to be bethroted to my nephew. Is this genuine? I refuse to acknowledge it. You may be aware that rumors spread too quickly. My family, who are obviously too trusting these days, believed it immediately too. I also took note of the fact that your family will be coming within the next few weeks. I have to admit that I couldn't hold back my excitement. Earlier today, a servant told me that she had seen that I had been smiling while deep in thought. I made sure she wouldn't tell anyone the embarrassing news. I hope you experience today's enthusiasm in the same way that I do. See you soon, my dear bird. Signed, Aemond Targaryen.’
Yes, you tore that piece of paper.
Olea attempted to adhere the pieces of the letter together out of panic at your unexpected behavior, but you reprimanded her and instructed her to stop.
After a couple of nights, your family finished dining, and you made the decision to unwind by taking a stroll in the garden. The time until you leave for Kingslanding is rapidly approaching. You'll admit that you're a little nervous about going there, but tradition dictates that you should go there even if you are not specifically looking to meet someone there.
Truth be told, you were aware that Aemond would never forget you. You informed Jacaerys about the spies who had been dispatched to observe your everyday activities, and he took care of it. You were also aware of the several letters Aemond had sent to you that had gone unanswered, ranging from once a month to now every five days after the news of your betrothal. You wish to never come across his romantic delusions once again as they are both devastating and disturbing.
Perhaps it was God's gift, but Jacaerys seemed to have discovered you in the wide-open flower field. He accompanied you on your leisurely stroll as you shared your worries about the impending occasion. He made you a promise that he would always look out for you and do everything in his power to keep you safe as your husband. He then gave you a kiss on the forehead, and you two returned hand in hand back to your private quarters.
The time has come, and you and your step-sisters have arrived in a separate carriage. You didn't like the bumpy ride, so you nearly puked while Rhaena comforted you and Baela made fun of you.
You noticed that no one greeted your family and you when they announced your family's entering the castle. No green can be pin-pointed. Even though Aemond wasn't there to welcome you, you scowled at the lack of respect they displayed in public.
The elders stepped aside so that the younger ones could explore the castle. While Jacaerys and Lucerys extended their hands for you to join them, you declined and said that you'd prefer to be alone for the time being. Baela and Rhaena then took the children and introduced them to the new environment.
Your legs carry you to the library, where you run into Helaena Targaryen, your favorite from the Hightower family.
Before you and Aemond met, you were close friends with his sister. You were both interested in different types of literature; she was more interested in entomology, the study of insects, while you were more interested in botany and floriculture. It was due to her that you and Aemond were linked as playmates back then, because he was worried that somebody would harm his sister because of her unique interests and cryptic wording.
Helaena threw her arms around you and burst into sobs and giggles, "Thank the sevens, I have missed you so much, my dear friend!" You returned the embrace.
"I have missed you so much (Y/N), I was so alone, no one ever dared to talk to me normally."
"So am I, my lady."
She brought you to the tea table while beaming. The plump girl offered you some of her remaining dried apple pieces and poured you a cup of nettle tea.
You couldn't help but laugh as she clasped her hands together and said, "There are so many things I wish to tell you!" as you sipped the pleasant beverage.
"And what is it, my lady, you wish to say so eagerly?" you questioned.
She murmured softly as you cocked your head, "Blood would be on your lips, and you'd come in the light of a brute." You've been hearing that message since you were a youngling. You didn't comment because you knew Heleana's communication style was extremely peculiar.
"Oh, that is indeed great, my princess," you said rather nonchalantly, stirring the tea and adding additional sugar to it, not wanting to hurt the poor girl's heart if you told her to stop repeating the same words all over again.
"Don’t mention it," she smiled solemnly, before both of you continued your talk.
After quite some time, you two began to leave the nest at the library and continued to go towards the training grounds, where you knew the two Targaryen princes would be. Heleana wanted to meet them once again and learn more about the relationship between both of you and your betrothed, so you agreed gingerly.
You were unaware that the other prince was present alongside them too.
You smiled at your fiancé and enthusiastically called out, "Jace!" You and Helaena were linking arms, laughing girlishly as you both peered at the confused brown-haired man in the middle of the crowd. 
"My dear wife!" Jacaerys unintentionally made a quip and Lucerys playfully hit his sibling for the unexpected nickname. Jacaerys smiled princely as he acknowledged Helaena's presence, "My princess."
"You flatter me with your words, my Lord," you replied with a knowing grin as both of you halted your steps in front of the two princes.
"My beautiful, dear sister and niece." An all-too familiar voice boomed.
Your breath hitched before you sharply inhaled and slowly gazed at where the voice came from. The figure from your dreams, Aemond fucking Targaryen, was standing there. The searing gaze he had centered on you made you tremble, but you swiftly collected yourself. With a slight mouth twitch, he made a note of it.
"It's been so long, my prince," you bowed, taking your gaze away from the person you were speaking to.
He left Ser Criston Cole's side and strutted in your direction while throwing the blade to the dirt, "Ah yes, you have grown wonderfully, my lady."
Jacaerys left his position next to his younger sibling and moved to your side, weaving his hands through yours before the man could even get close to you. The Targaryen prince gazed at the conjoined hand with his one remaining good eye before sneering.
Jacaerys responded to Aemond's comment instead with a mocking smile, "I thank the Gods for delivering her to me. Certainly, my beloved wife has grown up to be a stunning beauty."
"And so I have heard that beauties are easily swayed too," Rather than considering the strong brown-haired male existence, Aemond returned his gaze to you, hinting at your actions with a smirk, "I would take note of that if I were you, nephew."
When Jacaerys started to march forward, you restrained him by seizing his outstretched hand. When you did so, the male's stare softened toward you, and he steadied himself before asking, more like demanding in his case, "And what does that mean?"
Jacaerys was the target of Aemond's mocking gaze, which then turned back to the clasped hands between you two. There was a pregnant pause. The white-haired man appeared to be gathering his thoughts before speaking. After a brief pause, he jeered, "It's merely a fable, my beloved nephew."
"Don't take it as truth," he emphasized, "but rather as a counsel from your dear uncle."
You didn't see Aemond prior to the disturbance, save from the feast and what occurred to your great-uncle Vaemond. You were shocked by what transpired. Although you never developed a tight relationship with the man, he was generally polite and friendly to you when you visited Driftmark. Yes, you were worried about the Driftmark succession because it would damage your husband's and his family's reputation, but you were also aware that someone was keeping an eye on your every thought and move while the succession happened. Aemond's mere stare disturbs your brain from focusing on what is happening.
The tall man only responded with an amused raised eyebrow when he recognized that you were monitoring eyes placed on him. The corners of his lips began to rise.
You did not miss Aemond's smirk when the infamous bastard remark was made, which was spoken by your uncle Vaemond. Not only did Aemond disrespect your future spouse, but he also knew you were a bastard, which did not leave you with a positive impression.
Soon after your grandfather's passing at the hands of your father, the succession was reconfirmed, and soon after that, a feast was held. Olea, your handmaiden, led you to the dressing table in your chamber. She starts to polish up your makeup and style your hair until you are content.
"I can't help but notice, my lady, if you wish me to say it," Olea started, while you were calmly entertained by how her fingers moved so delicately and beautifully.
"Go on."
"Is the man who has been stalking you for a while, my lady, the one with the one missing eye?"
You would have immediately spit out the tea if you were drinking tea right now, but you choked on your own spit instead. Barely looking back, you scowled at your handmaiden, who gave you a guilty look, "He would chop off your tongue if he heard you say that, Olea." 
She gasped, terrified at the idea, "Oh, I'm, I'm deeply sorry, my lady!"
"Do not worry," you said, gathering yourself so your maid could continue braiding your hair. There was an expectant delay before you finally murmured, "But yeah, that is him," with your eyes closed.
She suddenly returned to her bouncy self, who knew no bounds, commenting, "Now that I get to see him clearly, he is very attractive, isn't he?"
You chuckled and complimented her confidence, stressing, "You joke too much. You'd be grateful for how much I let you off the hook rather than torture you for your babbly mouth."
"But I'm not, my lady," she chuckled as she pinned your hair and then threaded it with a ribbon. She continued to babble in her fantasies, "I do admit, if I were in your position and Prince Jacaerys hadn't first shown me favor, I probably would have been persuaded by Prince Aemond, with his angular features and great stature."
You gave her arm a lighthearted slap, surprised by her candor, "Olea!"
"Was I wrong, my lady?" She inquired as she steadied your shoulders and drew close to you while you peered at one another in the mirror. "Prince Jacaerys is definitely quite masculine, but you can't pretend that Prince Aemond isn't as well."
"I would have you exiled if I were a different lady," you sighed and looked back at what had unfolded before. Jacaerys and Aegon, who used to tower above the once-young prince, are now shorter than him. You noted that his neck had acquired veins as he aged and that his calves were protruding depending on what he was wearing for the day. As soon as you imagined his attractive form beneath the bulky clothing he was wearing, you nearly smacked yourself for having such naughty ideas.
"But..." you waited before answering. "Yes, he grew up to be quite charming if it weren't for his personality."
When Olea flung open the door, Aemond appeared in front of you as if he waited for you for so long.
He said, rolling his tongue, "I must say, I am rather charmed to see you, my dearest (Y/N)." You silently berated yourself for sharing your private thoughts in the enemy's territory, but you straightened yourself and did not fall for his transparent claim of 'I have eavesdropped'.
You muttered honestly, your eyes honeyed, feigning innocence, "Aemond, I do not recall you supposedly helping me for the remainder of the day," then added something he'd be annoyed to hear. "Where is my husband?"
"Fiance," he corrected too quickly, thus it was succesful. "You are too eager, my dear. Let time pass naturally."
"And what is the difference? Referring to the title, a little early wouldn't conflict with anything," you hurriedly spoke, almost passing him when he took a step back and created some distance between you two. Before leaning in on you, he glanced across at your maid as Olea hurried off and whispered an apology.
With a deep voice that was distinct from before, he cooed, "If you want something to last, then don't go too fast. Some advice I received from my maester."
You cocked a brow at him, holding your pose, your head high, "Lovely, it seems you are quite fond of your maester's counsels, but that doesn't answer my question," you made a point of saying. How could he insult your marriage and its strength? You gave out a 'tsk' before you asked, "Why are you here?"
His face perked at your question. "I am here to assist you to dinner."
"That is what my husband is supposed to be doing. Until then, I'll wait here."
"My father, King Viserys, desired it," he concluded, his voice heavy and set to foot, the final response you could get from him. "It's in the goal of re-igniting friendship," he said, with a blank expression on his face.
You almost laughed at his face, "ah yes, how it reignited indeed."
"Do not be concerned, my dear niece," he said again in a suggestive tone, but this time his eyes were in a different expression. It almost seems as if you were both looking at the same person when you were younger and there wasn't any prejudice towards either side. "I'll treat you well," he said, holding out his arm.
After giving him a long, curious look, you reluctantly held his arm in yours as you two continued.
"Prince Aemond Targaryen, second son of King Viserys and Lady (Y/N) of House Velaryon." The knight announced it, as the door opened to the feast.
You would flee right now if you could, but as soon as you notice the joy in King Viserys' eyes, your brain immediately switches off. As your family and other members of the private audience watched you and Aemond arrive together, you could feel the uneasiness. How risqué this would have been in public.
Though you were concerned about how Jacaerys would react, you cast your gaze over him. You anticipated him being livid at your appearance with the enemy. You didn't anticipate that he would give you a sorrowful, knowing look.
If it weren't for Aemond's mother, Queen Alicent, gesturing you towards the seat next to Jacaerys, Aemond would have almost led you towards an empty seat next to him. Once seated, you whispered to your fiancé, "I am sorry."
He stroked your hand and held it while saying, "No need to, my lady," gazing lovingly into your eyes and concluded, "I trust you."
You continued, worried, "He told me the King asked it."
He smiled, and you could feel the love you carried for this guy anew, your eyes affectionately staring at him as you returned the smile. "He wasn't lying at least, though I made sure that he wouldn't touch you anywhere when his grace ordered it."
You could hear a tongue click at the other end of the table.
Even though there were a few side comments here and there, the dinner went nearly as smoothly and was actually enjoyable. After Helaena spoke about her relationship with her husband-brother, your bethroted, Jacaerys, requested your permission to dance with her. You enthusiastically agreed at his sweet idea, watching both of them dance cutely with one another. After a few minutes, King Viserys begged to be put to bed after experiencing excruciating agony, which caused you to get a little concerned. The roasted pig was shortly set on the table. You did not give it any thought until you heard your cousin Lucerys snort. He covered his mouth as he briefly giggled when you slapped his thigh in an effort to stop him.
A loud and unmistakable bang at the table halted every action that each member were performing. Aemond stood there, his gaze divided between the two brown-haired princes. "Final tribute, to the bethrotal of my two favorite nephew and niece. Both of them loving to one another; even when we were kids, they were kind to each other. "
He remarked, "They make a wonderful couple knowing they came from the same roots." However, since you knew what he was aiming at, the subtle jab didn't escape your notice. In fact, you were sober enough to see the true implications of what he was saying. Your hand held your glass of wine rather tightly.
"I'd also like to make a toast to the health of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey." You gripped the hand of Lucerys in an effort to calm him down without reverting your eyes away from the eye contact you and Aemond had.
"Each of them handsome, wise, strong."
"Aemond," Alicent made an effort to stop her son, but it was already too late.
He carried on instead of heeding his mother's advice, raising his cup even higher. "Come, let us drain our cups of these three strong boys."
Jacaerys gritted his teeth, "I dare you say that again!" and flounced over to the man. You called to him, "Jace!" but to no avail.
Aemond grinned and said, "Why, it was just a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?" When the man realized that something had been stirred up inside of Jacaerys, he loved the way the strong man looked. Though it did not last when he felt a force land on his face, he couldn't even utter another word before it happened. With a horrible snarl on his ordinarily serene face, Jacaerys struck Aemond violently. "I know what you are doing! You can call me whatever you may, but you may not call my wife a--"
"Jace no!" You cried out, running towards his side.
He towered over the younger man, one dagger-eyed stare locked on him, hissing, "Be careful with your words, my strong prince. You might say something you'll regret." Before Jacaerys could even punch him again, Aemond shoved him with a snicker, and his mother chastised him firmly and quietly in his ear. With concern written over your face, you hurried to assist your fiancé while he was on the ground. You repeatedly questioned him about whether he had been wounded, but he would not respond because he was too embarrassed to look at you. As you stormed at Aemond, you gazed at him with pure fury displayed on your face.
"Here comes the dear bride." He jested once he saw you coming, his body welcoming you before you slapped him very hard.
Your face was crimson, visibly shaken as you sneered at the prince, "You disgrace me."
You're positive his expression softened when you spoke.
Before the conflict intensified into a far bloodier clash, Daemon put an end to it. Your father brought himself in front of you as Aemond assessed him before conceding defeat and withdrawing. When your uncle left the room, you were still fuming with rage as the Daemon only giggled before being silenced by Rhaenyra with a scowl.
Because of your uncle Vaemond's death and the recent ruckus, your family has had enough and has requested a week's leave to recoup before proceeding with your and Jacaerys' wedding at Kingslanding. Despite the impediment, Princess Helaena asked you to tutor her after learning about your tutoring sessions with her nephew and niece from Aemond. You were puzzled on how she was aware of it given how covert it was, but it was soon mellowed into small irritation to learn the full truth that Aemond was responsible for the additional knowledge. Since it appeared like both families were hostile towards one another, Rhaenyra believed it was a wonderful idea, so you stayed, believing that it would soon end as you were to only stat for a week.
The following day, as you were speaking with Helaena in her chambers, Queen Alicent unexpectedly walked in. She was about to presume something, but she paused herself when she discovered you standing next to her daughter. Though the Queen thanked the Gods when Aemond entered, both of them shared a knowing look as the Queen proceeded towards you, "My love, I need to discuss something with Helaena. Aemond will assist you to your quarters if it's perfectly fine."
You almost scoffed, but decided against it and nodded defeatedly before saying farewell to your companion and walking along the back of your former friend toward your room.
"Are you fairing well, m'lady?" He started a conversation out of nowhere, which drew you back.
"My prince, I am fairing better than your other eye, if you ask me," you barked back.
"Do not test my waters today, (Y/N)."
"You inquired, and as a loyal friend, I responded."
You felt your back land hard and before you knew what was going to happen next, you gasped for air as the anguish overwhelmed you. You suddenly realized that Aemond had forced you up against the ice-cold wall, encasing you and leaving you with no choice but to look at his cunning grin. He turned his head innocently and remarked, "You could have said you hated me yesterday at the dinner, my lady, but you didn't."
"Did you know how happy I felt when, instead of being hateful towards me, you stated embarass? I was beyond happy, even ecstatic," the man continued before he trailed his eyes from your eyes to your parted lips.
"I'd rather you be ashamed of me than despise me." He hushed quietly before giving you a surprising, delicate kiss. His face was gentle as he pressed his lips to yours. His lower half grinded against yours eagerly while his other hand traced your back slowly.
Though the harmony was short-lived as you bit his lips harshly, causing him to grumble and leave the tenderness of your lips with blood trailing down his lips, "His Grace would not permit such deeds! Even though you are one of his children, he does not condone mistreatment of women!"
You believed you had made your point, but the man slowly emerged into fits of laughter as he threw his head back. His voice was charming if it weren't for the given circumstances.
"You're such a fucking idiot," he sniggered, his good eye piercing yours as you fixed your gaze on him; he displayed lust while you displayed hatred. He shook his head before nearing your ear to the point you could feel his hot breath, whispering, "The King's dead."
Your entire face became white with only a slight confirmation. The person who had kept the family together had passed away. "T-That's not possible."
He groaned as you attempted to wriggle free of his grip and confessed, "It's damn well possible, my love. Just as much as the potential that you're finally mine to claim." He half-laughed before kissing you more passionately and aggressively than before.
"I am bethroted!" You screamed and tried to make your voice as loud as you could, hoping someone would walk through the halls and help you.
He replied by clutching your neck so firmly that you gasped for air in your throat, "My patience is wearing thin," his annoyance grew. "I held myself for so long and I forbid you to be his as you have forbid yourself to be mine so many times."
He let go of your neck and you spat in his face, "My family will hear about this! Father will have your head severed, as he did with Vaemond, and Jacaerys will have your other eye amputated so you can glimpse our future, which is already nonexistent."
He held your chin in place with his fingers as he gazed at your eyes with a stone-like intensity.
"I'll let in you in a secret of mine, mother will set my buffoon of a brother on top of that iron throne and during his reign I will kill him and set Helaena faraway with her children," your eyes widened like saucers at the thought of the innocent princess being killed, Aemond loved the fear in your eyes before he let on the truth, "Of course I wouldn't kill her, I am not that evil. I love her as much as you do for her."
He grabbed your hand harshly and drew you towards him as he hurried across the corridor with keen resolve. "Until then, rumors would spread of their murder, and I would not allow myself be hidden if they intent to call me. I will name you queen, for a king's will would never be disregarded. Then, as we had promised when we were young, we would live happily, have a lots of babes, and have a good life."
As you realized how near you actually were to the boudoir, he dragged you a few more times before pushing you to the ground, crashing hard. He continued, "'Till then, you will do as I wish, so sit lovely as you were and do not tell anybody if you wish your Prince Jacaerys to become Vhagar's dinner."
There he left you wailing on the floor of your quarters, trembling from the adrenaline as your eyes and nose inflamed from sobbing. As they prepared to usurp the throne, you heard him close the door, the same door you keep banging hoping that help would reach soon.
Wellp, I thought my draft said 2k turns out I need new glasses as this is 5 fuckin k. Though Im thankful of the amount of people who liked the first part. This was supposed to be a one shot turned into two shots but I noticed how long it gets. I wouldve splitted this part into two but idk where to end so yeah have this. Next part would be the final one, i hope y'all psychopaths enjoyed this story.
Tags: @crazylokonugget ; @discowizard88 ; @sheetalkalkhandey ; @dangerousbluebirdpoetry ; @mysingularitybts ; @regulusblackismycomfortcharacter ; @felfei
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
anastasia au with anya ghost and dimitri soap, with the same reboot canon age difference with older ghost/younger soap, and soap being the kid with a hopeless puppy dog crush on ghost like an awkward middle schooler crushing on the high school varsity captain while ghost is only vaguely aware that soap exists, only for amnesiac ghost to bump into soap years later, who’s this tall eerily familiar muscle-bound guy with a cocky smirk and sharp intelligent eyes, and ghost’s just like AWOOGA
i mean. to be fair to soap there isn’t much a scrappy little servant boy can do to earn the affections of Royalty
(also sorry this is several days late!! my brain decided to Not Cooperate while trying to write this even though it's short)
If Johnny is only more inclined to keep this stranger around for the con for his uncanny resemblance to the lost tsarevich, then so be it. And so be it, if it’s not just because Johnny thinks he has the best chance of success at getting them (Johnny) the reward money.
And so be it, if the deep, pooling browns of his irises and the soft straw blond of his closely-cropped hair reminds Johnny of the boy he’d be enamoured with from a distance what feels like ages ago. Before everyone lost everything; when times were so much simpler; when he was nothing more than a boy with a puppy crush.
And so be it, if he decides to keep that torturous reminder around as a way of Johnny to prove to himself he’s gotten over and moved well beyond it, and onto much better things. It’s what he tells himself, at least, as he propositions the stranger and all his height and broadness and rough baritone.
It's what he tells himself as he promises this is for the stranger's family, his identity, his home and life, and not just some ploy to make Johnny rich beyond all belief.
Johnny swears it's only a coincidence when the man claims his name is also Simon, just like the lost prince. Just like the young boy left behind in time in decrepit portraits and fading memories.
Distantly, somewhere in the back of his mind, Simon knows he shouldn’t trust this supposedly perfect stranger.
He shouldn’t trust too-good-to-be-true offers and guarantees, shouldn’t shake hands without knowing where they’ve been—but the curl of the man’s accent around his clever words, and his bright grin and too-sharp eyes intrigue Simon. They lure him in with promises of knowledge of everything he yearns to know, to remember that has since been lost to him.
So Simon can’t help but agree to the plan he’s presented with in the hopes that he may actually become someone again, no longer destined to remain a man with no proper memory of his past or who he is. Because really, what other options does he have?
What does he have left to lose?
If he feels a vague sense of familiarity in the expression that flashes against the man's—Johnny's—face when Simon properly introduces himself, then he'll only chalk it up to his mind working in anticipation of what's to come.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Lovesquare Variations that matter
So I was just thinking about this, and while there are lots of different outfits and monikers that our heroes go through, there are only a few that actually change how they interact with each other. I’m not counting joke identities like Marino the clumsy waiter or Comrade Mayo here.
Adrien Identities: Adrien Agreste, Chat Noir, Aspik, Cat Walker
Marinette Identities: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Ladybug, Multimouse
I’m gonna skip past the main Lovesquare of Adrienette, Ladrien, Marichat, and Ladynoir because anyone with any familiarity with the show already knows those, and skip to the more interesting side ones, some of which have never gotten a chance to actually happen, but would theoretically have interesting and unique interactions. I’m leaving out ones that are basically the same interactions with different names, like how Multichat is Marichat, and Aspbug is Ladrien.
That leaves us with:
Snekmouse: This one has an actual ship name, along with fanfics and fanart, ever since we first found out that Adrien was getting the Snake and Marinette was getting the Mouse. Both of them know each other’s identities, but don’t KNOW that the other person knows, which leads to the two of them getting to be more bold with each other underneath the veil of their perceived anonymity. Could be especially useful for resolving misunderstandings.
Aspik/Marinette: Haven’t actually seen this one show up except once, I think, in a compilation, weirdly enough, but they WOULD have a unique interaction. Aspik doesn’t know that Marinette knows he’s Adrien, after all. I figure this interaction would mostly be like Adrienette, but with Adrien attempting to be a little more suave, and Marinette maybe being able to talk to him a little better... maybe.
Cat Walker/Marinette: All of the Cat Walker interactions are unique, since Adrien not only has an identity here that Marinette doesn’t know of in any of her forms, but a different personality as well. It’d be interesting to see him attempt to be the perfect prince with her. I wonder whether she’d see through him and realize he wasn’t comfortable acting that way if she spent more time with him? I could see him opening up to her about his reasons for putting up this facade, maybe even admitting to being Chat Noir, and honestly telling her how he’d been thinking and feeling the past few weeks, that he didn’t think Ladybug liked or valued him at all, and he wanted to assume a form where he’d matter again, because if she didn’t need or want him... well, there was a reason he’d had no energy the past week or so.
Cat Walker/Multimouse: I think Multimouse might mention how she had to give up her Miraculous before because Chat Noir found out who she was, possibly leading to Cat Walker badmouthing Chat Noir as being untrustworthy, and Multimouse explaining that wasn’t true, leading to Cat Walker going over all the ways that Ladybug didn’t trust Chat Noir (according to what Plagg told him supposedly) and Multimouse refuting him. Or trying to, since she couldn’t say she was Ladybug. 
Ladywalker: Now this one, we actually saw. Very suave, very gentlemanly interaction on Cat Walker’s part, leaving Ladybug a blushy mess. Turns out, she has a really hard time concentrating when head-over-heels for someone. They did work well together, but ultimately, she missed her usual kitty.
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On ADWD, we find out during Tyrion’s pov chapters that the long dead prince Aegon Targaryen (son of Rhaegar) has supposedly survived the sack of Kings Landing - which caused his mother and sister’s lives- and is secretly living in Essos all these years. It could make an interesting Anastasia-vibes story if Aegon was who he says he was, however introduced so late in the story, the boy is probably a fraud - even if he has no clue about it. This meta is treating the theory of Aegon not being the actual child of Rhaegar and Elia as canon and similarly considers Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna’s actual secret child.
So we have one prince who isn’t who he claims and believes to be and another one who doesn’t even know he’s a Targaryen. It’s quite the symmetry with both boys around the same age ignoring the truth so far.
Let’s start comparing them from their appearance. I find it ironic - and also fitting- that Martin made the “fake” Targaryen having the family’s traditional looks with silver hair and purple eyes. Meanwhile, the boy who is actually a Targaryen is favoring his mother’s Stark look:
"Your father's lands are beautiful," he said. His silvery hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were a deep purple, darker than this boy's.  
The boy absorbed that all in silence. He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away.  
Aegon has lived a sheltered life with the adults surrounding him, pampering him. That has lead him to remain immature as a teenage boy (which isn't a bad thing itself, just doesn't make him the ideal leader)
"There is a gift for the boy in one of the chests. Some candled ginger. He was always fond of it"
The lad did not seemed pleased. The perfect prince but still half a boy for all that, with little and less experience of the world and all its woes.
Meanwhile, Jon grew up aware of his bastard status. Compared to his siblings, he was less privileged and less pampered. All the experiences of his life, both as a neglected kid and as a teen black brother  made him observant of others and also mature for his age:
"I will turn fifteen on my next name day, and Maester Luwin says that bastards grow up faster than other children".
They know nothing, Ygritte. And worse, they will not learn.
Aegon grew up thinking that he was the rightful heir of the Seven Kingdom. Naturally, this has led him to feel entitled of things he hasn’t earned himself. For example; he believes that his aunt, Daenerys, will be willing to marry him and offer him her large army only because he’s her nephew:
It does make for a splendid story, and the singers will make much of your escape once you take the Iron Throne … assuming that our fair Daenerys takes you for her consort.“
"She will. She must.”
“Must?” Tyrion made a tsking sound. “That is not a word queens like to hear. You are her perfect prince, agreed, bright and bold and comely as any maid could wish. Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. She may not prove as willing as you wish.”
“She’ll be willing.” Prince Aegon sounded shocked. It was plain that he had never before considered the possibility that his bride-to-be might refuse him. “You don’t know her.”
On the above passage, Aegon was so certain that Daenerys would be willing to become his bride that even the possibility of her refusing him shocked him.
Compare that to Jon, who his whole life was entitled to nothing. He was aware that unlike his siblings he wouldn’t be handled things because of the family name - something he didn’t have- and that instead he would have to work his way to earn his place in the world:
“I want to serve in the Night's Watch, Uncle."
He had thought on it long and hard, lying abed at night while his brothers slept around him. Robb would someday inherit Winterfell, would command great armies as the Warden of the North. Bran and Rickon would be Robb's bannermen and rule holdfasts in his name. His sisters Arya and Sansa would marry the heirs of other great houses and go south as mistress of castles of their own. But what place could a bastard hope to earn?  
When Jon went to the Wall, nothing was handled freely to him. Jeor Mormont only paid attention to him after he became the unofficial swords teacher for his fellow new recruits and after he persuaded Maester Aemon to include Sam among those who would be promoted to Black Brothers. It was his own skills and accomplishments that made him Commander’s steward and it was his brave fight against the wight that earned him Mormont’s sword.
He doesn’t expect people to freely give him things, he understands that every gift comes with a price. Just like when Stannis told him that he would make him Lord of Winterfell, but only if he converted to the Red God.
On ADWD, Varys gives a speech  on why Aegon is the ideal leader:
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
This impressive list of traits that Aegon has aquired in order to rule one day, is missing the most important one: actual personal experience. Aegon might have been working and interacting with the common folk but he was always sheltered and was surrounded by adults loyal to him and his case. It’s not the same to do some kind of work because you want to learn the experience with doing something for living. He doesn’t really know what is like to be hungry- even if Varys tells us otherwise- because his caretakers would never let him actually be starving. When Aegon was afraid, he was always surrounded by people loyal to him  who could offer  him reassurance or simply their sympathy.  Finally, he doesn’t have any experience in ruling. Many people speculate that Varys and Illyrio are shaping him to become their puppet king but even if that isn’t the case fact remains that Aegon never ruled anywhere.
Unlike him, his supposed half brother had a little guidance when he became Lord Commander.  Maester Aemon, his best advisor, left the Wall not long after Jon was elected as the new Lord Commander. Jon had to navigate ruleship on his own without the help of a wiser adult. Unlike Aegon, Jon had the experience of truly serving before he was in a position of power - as he was a steward and later on he lived among free folk. He was also experienced in being truly afraid and terrified even when people who can comfort you are miles away and you are all alone.
We don’t know whether Aegon will put his people first because he has yet to rule. But we do know that Jon constantly prioritizes humanity’s well being. That’s why he made dealing with the Others his number one priority and that’s also the reason why he let the free folk on the south side of the Wall.
While Aegon is another candidate fighting for the Iron Throne because he feels entitled to it, Jon is fighting against the Others to save humanity.  
Bonus! their views on women.
"That's so," the boy said, "and who is there left in Westeros to oppose us? A woman."  
The women are the strong ones.
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echosoftheflower · 28 days
The Line Between Dreams and Reality
Isaac didn't sleep often, with his insomnia it was a given, but when he did his dreams were a bit…odd.
Ever since he could remember, he had these recurring dreams, and while they never really went exactly the same way they always followed the same setting. A medieval fantasy world in a castle. He was a prince, his dad the king, and his mom the queen. Outside not far from the castle was a village, the capital of the kingdom that they ruled over. His bedroom window had a perfect view of the town square where he would often sit on the window seat and watch the people go about their daily lives. As he grew up he would have lessons on politics, how to rule, and the kingdom's history, shockingly boring for a place of imagination.
The part that always stuck out to him as odd was the fact that it was all so consistent. No history was ever lost or twisted, whatever he did last night followed him to tonight, and the people he spoke to all remembered past conversations. But the strangest part was how in control he was, he was able to acknowledge the real world and had free will over himself but no control over the world around him like he would if he were a lucid dreamer. He could daydream in lessons, bruise from falling out of a tree or even draw and paint. The whole world just felt so real. So much so that when he was very young he couldn't even tell which was real and which was fake (even nowadays sometimes he is unsure).
By the time he reached middle school, he concluded that the fantasy world was fake, all in his head. Whenever he was shaken awake in the real world he supposedly would pass out in the other one but in the dream world, he slept like the dead. Isaac soon decided to start exploring this weird world in his mind. He started sneaking away from the castle, adventuring out into the forest. It was there that he met a very familiar boy, he had dark skin and curly dark brown hair. He was dressed like how Isaac would imagine a fairy would with vines wrapped around his arms and legs, branches like antlers springing from his head, and leaves in his hair. The boy was fascinated with Isaac circling and poking him, asking questions with stars in his eyes as if he had never met another human before in his life. And as it turned out, he hadn't; he wasn't even human, introducing himself as a forest nymph. He was strangely fascinated with humans, investigating and treasuring everything Isaac brought with him even if it was just a pen or bracelet.
Soon Isaac realized where he recognized the boy from, a quiet kid in his class named Edward Quinton. He wore big red glasses that had nearly made him choke when he caught a glimpse of him in the lunchroom. The forest nymph was overjoyed when Isaac gave him a "human's name" he kept asking where he got it and telling him how he will treasure it always. Isaac was confused but happy for his friend.
The idea of someone from reality that he didn't know being in his dream seemed odd. But Isaac reasoned he had probably just seen him before and just inserted him in as a base, after all, they don't even act all that similar.
Soon his light-hearted adventures had come to an end. At the age of 11, he was "awoken" in the early morning to yelling, guards and servants were running down the hall. Everyone was too panicked to notice him following them to his parents' room. His mother, the Queen, was assassinated. There was more shouting. His father was crying, and Isaac found that no matter how much he told himself it was just a dream, that he would wake up in the morning and it would all be OK, he just couldn't wake up.
He must have passed out, as when he woke to the real world it was 1 am, not even that late, he found his mother awake on the couch holding a cup of tea in shaking hands. She told him that she was alright and simply had a bad dream. When he asked her about it, she told him that she could hardly even remember it anyway. Isaac got himself a cup of tea and sat beside his mom till morning.
After the death of the queen the kingdom went to war, he was no longer allowed outside the castle walls or to even walk around the castle without a guard nearby. But as the war waged on they couldn't afford to keep possible soldiers on the job. Not to mention Isaac was starting to find more ways to sneak out. So they hired Jesse, a young knight in training too young to be on the front lines and too strong to keep on the sidelines. They were about Isaac’s age and the idea was that he would be more willing to listen to a friend than an adult. And so Jesse was assigned his job, to be Isaac's guard and friend. With the new development of constant supervision, Isaac was once again allowed outside.
In the years following, there would be many kidnapping and assassination attempts. But there were also games and laughter that came with having a friend his own age and, as far as Isaac has looked, this one isn't based on a kid in his school.
He realized a lot of people he has grown to love in the dream world he has never known in reality. This revelation came alongside the realization that grief in the Dreamscape doesn't just stay there. More and more people he had known all his life in the Dreamscape, were dying in battle. The guard that used to stand by the gate and scold him for coming home after dark, the kind baker that gave him freshly baked muffins that always said 'With how late his Highness wakes up, you might as well have breakfast now', the old man who used to make all his favorite jewelry and was getting ready to pass on his craft to his young apprentice. All of them had left to fight, outraged at the death of their queen. None of them ever came back.
The deaths were tearing Isaac apart, unlike his mother's where in the morning he could go and give her a hug, as far as Isaac is aware these people were well and truly gone.
Finally, in the summer of his sophomore year of high school, the war was finally over. They had won and acquired more money and land than their kingdom had ever seen. People celebrated, throwing festivals and parties so often that it became a near tradition to hold at least one celebration a month. Everything was finally looking up and with the threat now gone Jesse was changed from a full-time guard to both a guard and assistant. With this change, Isaac was able to convince them that he was able to order them to stay in one place without him.
With this, he was able to go off and see Error again. At this point in the real world Error was dubbed the "King of the School" and his minions kept pushing Isaac around so to see him get excited about something as simple as the fountain pen Isaac brought him was a nice change.
He was happy with his two lives. Reality went from being a place where he was trying to make it through school without being bothered by the popular kids to investigating the supernatural with the biggest asshole in the school. And the Dreamscape was his place of respite, where he could sneak away from guards, play flute in town, and dance at festivals. Everything was going great, he didn't worry about what was real and not anymore, after all, what did it even matter?
That was until he was at a basketball game against some rich private school. Isaac was just waiting for Error so they could go investigate something or another when he made eye contact with them. They looked a bit different, hair slightly shorter and wearing a soft green sweater rather than the armor Isaac had known them for, but Isaac recognized them.
That was his guard, his imaginary dream-world friend: Jesse.
And he knew from that look in their eyes that they recognized him too. It was the same look they gave him whenever they found him somewhere he wasn't meant to be when they had been so sure he had no way out.
Isaac tried to escape the gym, not wanting to deal with whatever supernatural bullshitery this was, but Jesse quickly caught up to him and pulled him behind the bleachers. No words were exchanged between them, they just stared at each other in bewilderment until finally, Jesse straightened up, and slowly bowed, still with that confused, unsure look on their face.
He had to call off that day's investigation with Error.
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sweetmuffynsblog · 2 years
This is the EPILOGUE part! To be honest, i don't want to write thd EPILOGUE but then i decided that you deserve it! So enjoy!
You accompanied your father to attend his duty as The King. Now that he grows old and exposed to the infection caused by the Swords on the Iron Throne which makes him cannot walk properly, you are the real power behind the King.
Being the Heir, you ensure your people's life comes first than anything else, you give them proper jobs, give them home, criminal rates in the King's Landing and all of the Westeros are so low, you give the men the lands to plant the seeds for agriculture and always ensured that the payement for them are not conveted by their superior, you got that help from Ser Harwin Strong, the commander of the City Watch himself always making sure that the common folks get the pays as what they deserved. Common folks adore you, you are the constant name in their lips everytime they pray to their Gods. Much more than your father nor your great-grandfather's.
Your father passed away peacefully, in his bedside, he was accompanied by both of his eldest grandsons, your sons, Aemon and Baelon, both named after two of the supposedly Kings, your sons grow up to be the most unalike yet so alike children ever, Aemon, the firstborn is a cunning and politically ambitious but so kind, he is very fit to be a ruler just like you, meanwhile, Baelon is very much like his namesake, brave, and hot tempered like his father, but exceptionally kind. Since your labor that traumatized your husband, he vows to never let you fall pregnant again, yet, Alyssa and Visenya Targaryen were born three and five years into your marriage, much to your pleasure and Daemon's freaking out.
You are crowned in fourth day of the fourth moon in 129 AC, a day and a month after the late King passed, the members of the councils want you to be crowned as soon as possible but you tell them to wait, because grieving is more important, you and your sister were already went passed this when your mother had died but they never give you a time to properly grieving her, resulting a very bad choices in both of your sides.
You are also very thankful that Aegon doesn't turn out horrible like what you saw in the fire, and your sister Rhaenyra is very sweet, a mother to three beautiful children with white hair and purple eyes, perfect combination of Velaryon and Targaryen, you somehow find it hilarious that Laenor and Rhaenyra are be able to manage for having three children together despite their same likeness towards 'Dicks'. But you are happy nonethless.
Alicent is distressed, you can see by one look in her face, you face her with a questioning look, "what's bothering you, Dowager Queen?"
"it's Aegon, Your Grace," she says, you look at her,
"what happened to him?"
"i want him to marry! Preferably to Helaena but he doesn't seem to keen to the idea?"
"Aegon is a Prince, he can do whatever he wants." you say, shrugging your shoulder, while sitting and pour a wine for her, "and for Helaena, Aemon and Daeron, are same. Especially Helaena, you should ask her opinion first before make her marrying Aegon. It is great if they love each other but what if not? They are siblings, and it will not good if they resent each other while in marriage."
Alicent looks at you with a wide eyes, "but, isn't it women's duty to marry whoever their parents want them to marry?" Alicent asks make you let out a chuckle, she sits infront of yoy and you look at the younger woman, yes, she's younger than you by a few years but still your stepmother,
"you, me and Rhaenyra were the example for a forcing marriage by our parents, and you know how it ended. Sometimes the marriage is bearable and we can find a love in it but many times it ended horrible. Especially for us, women. I guess you can understand right? I don't want any other Targaryen Women facing the same thing as us did, and one day i can chance that women can choice anyone they want. And Helaena will be the first. She is a good girl and will be a good wife and mother one day, ask her, if she has eye for anyone, and if she doesn't, then we wait couple more years, it's not like we will get poor just because we keep our daughters. And she is the daughter of the King and the Sister of the Queen, i don't think those sheeps paraded themselves as noble lords can tamed the Dragon in her." you grinned, while Alicent lets out a defeated sigh, she knows very well that your reasoning is very logical,
"well, Helaena's maid told me that she and Rhaenyra's boy are close."
"Nyra's? Which one? Jace or Luce?"
"The second." and you let out a good laugh,
"you and Rhaenyra will be In Laws..." you tease her while she lets out a huff, makes you laugh harder, "well, i know that both of you have a slightly problem at each other, but honestly, you should call it truce because maybe both your children will end up together." you bring the cup towards you and play with it, "besides, first love never die, yes?"
Alicent gives you unbelief look, while you sip your wine and enjoying her reactions,
"i know a lot of things, i just happen to not show it." you smirk at her, she huffs again and massage her temple,
"damn you."
"i am always damn great, thank you so much."
Daemon finds you in a small council meetings, he is a Master of Law, while Corlys as Master of Ship, Lyonel Strong still a Hand, and his son, Larys is a Master of Whispers, and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen is the Mistress of Coins, you chance Grand Maester Mellos's position and give it fo Grand Maester Gerald and you don't want to chance your Queensguard and insisted that Ser Harrold Westerling becomes your commander, many has adviced you to chance it to Ser Criston Cole but you still hold a grudge against him when he killed your bestfriend, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth. He smiles and giving you a kiss in your temple, while Corlys and others snickered. He knows everyone already used to both of you doing display of affection,
"let's begin this meeting, shall we?"
"I'm hungry." you tell Daemon as soon as both of you step outside of the council meeting, he smiles at you and kiss your nose, both of you walk hand in hand to the King's solar or in this case, Queen's solar. Daemon open the door and both of you are smiling when you are attacked by hugs and kisses,
"muña! Kepa!" mother. Father. You welcome the hugs and kisses then laugh filled the air, "how is the meeting?" you look at the little girl who ask, barely a ten years old but really love the knowledge.
"the meeting went smooth, thankfully, that's why we can come here and eat with you." you tell her, Alyssa, your first daughter let out a snort which make you laugh harder, while Visenya, your youngest daughter places herself in her father's lap, your older sons sit in their chair but not before giving you both big kiss on the cheek. You and Daemon always making sure to show affections and making all of them feel loved without leaving the other. That's why your children are very adored by common folks because they are not cold like others.
"is Ser Criston whines again?" Visenya asks make you laugh, Aemon shoot his sister looks but he couldn't hide the amuse smile in his lips,
"when is he never whine?" Daemon retord and everyone laugh, it's always like this, while everyone jokes around and talking shit about Lords and Ladies of The Court that the children find annoying, it happens to Ser Cole's time.
Tok tok...
"enter." your maid, Alina or now Lady Alina or Melissandre enters, "what happened, Ali?"
"a letter from Harrenhall, Your Graces." she gives you a letter with Strong insignia, then bows to you, you open the letter and instantly your mood chances, you swallowed the lump in your throat and pass the letter to your husband, after he reads it, you look at each other and let out a sigh.
"are Lord and Lady Velaryon aware of this?" you ask her, Alina nods,
"yes." you sigh again and wipe your tears,
"what happened?" Baelon asks, you give him a forced smile,
"your aunt, Laena was passed away due to the childbirth."
Laena was married to Harwin Strong and both were lived in Harrenhall, she already gave birth to a twin girls before, Baela and Rhaena, and was pregnant again despite Maester's warning, you thought she was going to be ok since you always make sure to send the best ingredients to make a tonics for her. You look at your children,
"i am going to accompany the guards to bring Laena's body back." you tell them, Daemon nods, you look at Alina and she goes to your chamber and prepares your riding dress, the Targaryen colours. After you changed, you hug your children and kisses their forehead before plant a kiss to your husband's lips, "see you, my loves."
You and your family walk out from the chamber, to find the Velaryons already awaited for you. There's unshed tears in their eyes and Rhaenys immediately engulfs you into hug, you hug her back,
"we will bring her body back, and her children into Red Keep. Here, she will have a funeral procession fits of a Princess." you tell everyone, "she is a blood of the Dragons."
You mount your dragon, Vanarr, while Rhaenys mounts her Meleys, Laenor mounts his Seasmoke and Rhaenyra her Syrax. While the Royal Guards stand outside and begins their ride to Harrenhall, with horses, the ride will be long, up to weeks, but with Dragons, you arrived just exact three hours later. The courtyard filled with a Lords and Ladies in Riverlands, everyone gives you bows and curtsy when you get off your dragon and let him fly. Everyone parted for the Royal Family that come to bring their member back, that's what happened to Princess Daella Targaryen when she passed away after given birth to your mother, her nephews, nieces and brothers came and fetch her body and bring along her child. You see Harwin Strong stands with his daughters, arms in both their shoulders, he gives you bows while the girls attempted to curtsy,
"no. Don't, my sweetlings." Your heart break at their sight and bring them to hug, Baela hugs you with both of her hands but refused to crying, while her younger twin clutches her dragon egg tightly and crying in your arms, "it's ok. Yeah? We will go to King's Landing, sure?"
You let go of the girls, as they embrace their grandmother, you walk to Ser Harwin, "my deepest condolences, Ser." you say while he only nods, "i will take Laena's body with me to King's Landing. And she will have the funeral procession of the Old Valyria."
"but, Your Grace-" you know he wants his Lady wife to has a funeral in the way Faith of the Seven has but you can't let it happen, no matter what, Laena was a blood of old Valyria, a Dragon's daughter, she deserved the Valyrian procession.
"she was a daughter of the Targaryen Princess. She was a blood of the Dragon, it's her rights."
A funeral of Laena going smoothly, you command your dragon and she light a fire to hers and her son's body. The two girls are still grieving, You have to step in and give them love they deserve. They look up on you in everything and Alyssa and Visenya treated them like their sisters.
Your children grow up well, now it's the time for them to choose a marriage partner, Your first born son wished to marry Daenaera Velaryon, despite you really wished him to considered either Baela or Rhaena but he told you that he loves both of them as he loves Alyssa and Visenya. Thus, you and your husband agreed that he will marry Daenaera, the proposal comes from Dorne, they want a peace alliagance, they proposed to marry their Princess to your second born son, Baelon and one of your daughter to them, which you agreed after considered your children's opinion, Dorne then bend the kness to you. Alyssa is the one who marry into house Nymeros Martell of Dorne, While your brother Aegon takes a Lady of the House Celtigar, an old Targaryen Loyalist of Old Blood Valyria, you allow him, it's not everyday your brother really wants something, your other brother, Aemond asks your permission to marry Visenya which you grant him because you see Visenya also smitten with her uncle, while your youngest brother Daeron opted to become a Maester in Oldtown, you want to refused but he insisted, that's why you grant him. Baela was supposed to wed Jacaerys Velaryon but she refused and wed her other cousin, Alyn Velaryon instead, while your nephew takes a Tyrell girl to be his wife, Lucerys wed Helaena as they both wished while Joffrey opted the Knight time and you offered him a position in the Queensguard, which he happily agreed. Rhaena married Ser Corwyn Cobray of the Vale, they both love each other so you let him.
Your reign is very peaceful, people call you "The God's Gift", "The Realm's Pleasure" and the "Blessed Queen". From your reign, the law changes, every firstborn child no matter wether it's male or female, he or she will inherited the Throne and no one will challenge them as long as they are not Maegor the Cruel reborn. You stop the long decades war of the Faith, and bring Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms, there's a lot of Dragons that hatches, the House Targaryen is powerful than ever. The common folks's life are better than ever, King's Landing get rid of it foul smell, criminal rate is low.
You decided to abdicate in the favor of your son and heir after he's in age, then you and your husband mount your dragons then begin your travelling, both of you release the Queen and her consort's attribute in you and become a normal Dragon Rider, you go to Pentos, and to Yi Ti, Qarth even Old Valyria, you travel as far as to the Lands of the Always Winter, becomes the second Targaryen Queen after Alyssane Targaryen to do so, you go to Essos, to the Free Cities and even Dothraki's region, the Great Grass Sea, and even to the Ulthos and Mussovy, before both of you decided to stay in Pentos and guard them against the Triarchy.
You and Daemon enjoying your stay, you miss your children, sometimes Visenya will fly to you with her dragon, but you know they will manage it. Then the legend about the two of you begins, The Sell Sword and his Lady wife who ride two magnificent Dragons, they don't know if you are noble or just a Valyrian Bastards, they only know Daemon and Y/N Of Pentos, the Dragon Riders.
End! Aaaa screaming😭❤ thank you! Btw my boy Laenor here is a Bi and his sons are true born sons, ok!
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hey. dont cry. dissection of the passerine animatic + the accompanying character study ok? ok.
tldr: my son chun tao she is so fucking ill
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Honestly Passerine is THE Chun Tao song. To me. bc it fits really well with his religious guilt, but i also like to recontextualize the chorus to instead be him talking about eri. they were the one really pulling the weight during the early days of their friendship, and chun tao feels a lot of guilt for that
but first! the animatic! it centers around chun tao's guilt for eri being so sweet to him despite him being a stoic ass cold bitch. i actually color-picked the palette from the album cover of eurus (that passerine is from) and slapped on a noise filter to achieve that same grainy effect. it looks nice 2 me.
eri is represented in a distinguishing yellow, someone bright and unique to chun tao, while he himself is colored in the same white as all the other details in the background. While making him the same color as the lyrics helped establish they were His thoughts, him blending in w everything else while eri has their own unique color is his way of putting eri on a pedestal, viewing them as more important than he'll ever be. they're the monarch and he's just their prince consort. that's how he always thought of it.
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i dont have much to say about these frames in particular but here are their corresponding parts in the study! theyre just meant to establish their relationship w one another before leading up to the next part, where he sees eri as this blinding light, but just cant let go of that one sign of weakness they had shown him during their wedding. a small glimpse of a them he didnt quite understand yet, and never made the effort to.
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at some point, chun tao Snaps and berates eri for trying to get so close to him. at first i wasnt sure if his mindset made.. sense? but connecting the dots from earlier, it DOES make sense if you see it through the point of view that he sees eri as someone above him. chun tao isnt someone who deals with people and he's used to impersonal business relationships and he thought this would be another one of those which is why he's so shocked, caught off-guard, even offended at eri threatening his status quo. brother hates vulnerability, and it terrified him that someone was trying to get through his walls, so all he could do was lash out.
im not absolving eri of blame either though.. i think they still had some wrong in not immediately recognizing chun tao's boundaries. they were so eager to be her friend, they dont realize they might come across as overbearing. and they were, in a sense, but chun tao does also realize its unfair to them to take their innocent gestures of friendliness with so much malice. they just have conflicting ideas on the world, and it clashed, and no one's totally wrong but no one's totally right, they were just coming from their own places.
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In here chun tao watches as eri reels back and apologizes for all the things she had shouted at them at. but it's also the same moment chun tao realizes that she does Not know much of anything about eri at all. it's very faint, but there's the outline of a sobbing younger eri staring straight at the screen, supposedly at chun tao, like a reminder of the eri she never got to meet herself. one that was hurting just like her. and that younger eri still resides in the one standing before her crying too, she just never got to see that side to them because she never bothered to figure that side to them out. (AND the "your" is intentionally written twice, like its referring to both eri in the present and eri in the past. by failing to understand them, chun tao feels like he's failing both eris.)
as mentioned earlier, chun tao gets mad at eri for having a "perfect life" and thinks theyd never understand her. but. the thing is. chun tao isnt LETTING them understand her. she keeps pushing them away. and she realizes it was presumptuous to assume they would understand her, because well. she.. doesnt even know what eri's Been through atp. she just assumed eri's life's been perfect because theyre so composed and chipper, but she didnt know who they were a couple years ago at all. she thinks that bc eri's secret relationship is lovey-dovey that their love is perfect, but chun tao didn't see their toxic yuri of a start and that they face a lot of problems as a couple too. chun tao thinks that bc eri is so well-loved by the public that thats that, but she remembers that people gossiped AND gossip hard about them bc of their status as a non-sorcerer. they were dehumanized and alienated by the public too, just like her. and this realization hits her HARD.
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he then tries to make an effort to be more involved in eri's life after this point, reconciling with them and becoming their best friend. okay tbh the scene described in the character study is NOT the same as the one pictured in the animatic but i HAD to get a hug in there somewhere.
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the last two scenes are a BIG flashforward to ursa's creation, where chun tao is panicking hard about eri literally dying to create their homunculus baby. also ursa is drawn in white but has eri's yellow present too, showing how he's a combination of them, their little kid :D
the whole lyric bit of "but i cant shake this feeling that i was only pushing the spear into your side, again and again and again" is supposed to represent chun tao feeling like a thorn on eri's side causing them pain. he scolded them for being nice to him, and they went on to sacrifice their life in a dangerous ritual to create their son and uphold tradition, but he just feels so so guilty for all of that. he cant shake the feeling that he's a source of their pain and suffering, and it eats him up alive.
ok ANYWAY moving on to the CHARACTER STUDY NOW!!!!!!!!!! just parallels and stuff w the writing
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guys im a fucking feature writer of course im going to start and end with the same phrase ("chun tao is not a people peson, and his family knows this very well"). chun tao refers to two different families in the opening and closing segments: in the first he refers to his biological family, and in the second its about the family he found and made in quiro. both his families knows he struggles with social interactions, and his bio family (his cousins) make fun of him for it, so he goes on to detail how he views social interactions as a system, a formula he understands. his family in quiro instead tries to HELP him get better at it, and he instead recognizes that social interactions are something personal that require heart and genuine investment (shown in how he notes that ursa cares about him deeply), even moving past his frozen style of speech with the mention of jokes. tldr he's fucking cringefail at socializing and his bio family called him cringe but his chosen family said he's cringe but free. what
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Perfect life/love/reputation. At first he hates eri for having these "perfect" things and thinks theyre sooo happy because of it, but later on realizes that their life isnt perfect and neither is his, but he finds joy in what he has anyway :)
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the repeated mention of chun tao saying he'd never fall in love with eri bc he's so stuck in his rigid view of romance, but later comes to love eri as his best friend AND love his found family too :'3
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chun tao wondering earlier if she should try to emulate eri's pleasantries, and ends up doing so later down the line! both lines have the same structure with the "quick greeting + smile despite being tired"
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"Ahia" is Chinese for the eldest brother and it's also used to refer to children to know their birth order. Chun Tao calling Ursa this is an acknowledgement of him going to be a big brother soon! tbh in my head thats what the meeting eri called for is about but its just my headcanon (<== SAID THE ONE WRITING THE STORY)
ALSO i dont have screenshots to show but eri is only intentionally mentioned by name in the flashforward, to show how back then chun tao only saw them as THE princess/monarch but eventually comes to recognize them as eri, his bestie :3
oh my god i. think thats it? good god. might add onto this if i remember more but. thank you for entertaining my insanity why is this 1400+ words I NEED TO EAT BRUNCH
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN: BoXiao and Bamboo 🎋
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Another symbol that is tied to our boys but more so with Xiao Zhan. We have a couple of these things that we associate with them and this is an effort to try and make a post for each one. from stars, little prince, spongebob, moon, spiderman and now this.
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In traditional Chinese culture, bamboo (竹 zhú), along with plum blossoms (梅 méi), orchids (兰 lán), and chrysanthemums (菊 jú) collectively form a group called the Four Gentlemen. Each member of the group was used to symbolize some aspect of the character of an ideal person in traditional Chinese culture.
Certain behaviors and character traits are traditionally associated with each of these plants. In the case of the bamboo, its strength lies in its grace — it is tranquil, flexible, humble and simplistic, and an emblem of modesty and mental strength. Its deep roots denote steadiness. ( source )
Well that description sounds a lot like WYB or XZ if I ever did read one. It is a perfect way to explain to someone what these two are like as people and why they work so well together. Let’s start with the sweetest connection we have with it. In one of the BTS released, XZ was seen describing WYB as a Bamboo:
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We know XZ likes to tease WYB about his face being so small and the fact that he ( XZ ) cannot compare to that. They are just so comfortable around each other and why is XZ observing him so much that he is able to make that kind of comparison? I also find that when XZ does this, he describes WYB as someone who is almost unreal. XZ speaks about him like he is a friend/fan and really says the truth whether WYB takes that as him just teasing him or not. At that time, they called it rainbow farting but when it comes to them, it’s not exaggerated. It’s the truth.
• In this other BTS, XZ calls his hairstyle as a wealthy bamboo. Then here, you can see him pole dancing lol and trying to catch Web’s attention.
• XZ once posted a meme of a bamboo rat and he went on hot search because of it. He mentioned that he liked it because it looks helpless and needed to be held. Months before that, WYB held a bamboo rat for TTXS. What a coincidence. Another one is them having the same bamboo background on their photos released on the same day. WYB’s is an Ad tho.
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• I like this one, photo of a scenery with bamboos in it. I wish WYB would also share his photos 🙃
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• and well this ever popular piece of fandom candy, XZ’s post below with a bamboo emoji in it. @twolonesomestars explains the meaning of it over here ( go to the post-japan trip section ) . Also the song he is supposedly referencing, summer’s wind has been analyzed by @jcisthebestfightme here. 🤍 If you’ve seen those photos of them on the rooftop and with the bamboo in view, this emoji use makes more sense too. I feel like they both have good memories of that night and everything about it.
+ Web playing with the Bamboo toy ( in TTXS ) that looked like what A’yuan was playing with in The Untamed 🥲
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As individuals, well, WYB loves to watch a channel dedicated to watching pandas and one of their activity is ofc eating bamboo. Also this photoshoot for his Bio-e fanmeet. Yes, the same event where he said that the older a man gets, the more handsome they are. 😏 and that event was close to XZ’s birthday - 9/30/2020. Finally, this photoshoot video from YBO that featured him amongst bamboos.
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Now for XZ, he loves to pose with it too and the most notable one is his 29th birthday photoshoot 😎 as well as his most recent one. He also made an artwork that incorporated bamboo shoots in it.
We can’t forget WWX’s bamboo flute that XZ practiced irl and his most recent advertisements incorporating Bamboos. 🎋
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However the most important connection for XZ would have to be the song Bamboo in the Rock! 🎶
"Bamboo and Rock" is a seven- character quatrain created by Zheng Xie , a calligrapher and painter in the Qing Dynasty . This is an inscribed poem . The first two sentences praise the inner spirit of Jinzhu, which is rooted in the broken rock, fully expressing the tenacious vitality and fortitude of Jinzhu. The last two sentences further describe the harsh objective environment for the tempering and testing of the bamboo. No matter the wind and rain, despite the frost, the cold, the snow, the green bamboo still stands proudly.
parts of the actual song that I like and think relates to XZ are :
The thousands of hardship only bring about greater fortitude
Never relenting to winds from any direction
Never questioning its path
Irregardless of the sweet or the bitter
The reason why XZ sings this so well is probably because he understand the meaning of the song and the importance of having this particular characteristic of a Bamboo. He was performing this before all the 2020 disaster but he had a couple of experiences even before that were he’d gone through hardships and he remained firm. Even in his interviews, he makes it clear that he is someone who is not afraid of hardships because he knows it’s necessary. What is important to him is that he learns from it and that he continues on to reach his goals. 🤍
- END. Have a good weekend everyone! 🥰
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musclesandhammering · 2 years
“Witches” in the MCU + Loki’s Witchy-ness
So, I’ve had a very detailed interpretation of this topic for quite awhile and I’ve been waiting for the chance to meta about it. I’ve seen a few arguments in the fandom about what classifies as a Witch vs a Sorcerer vs a Mage in the mcu, and where Loki falls in that classification.
My basic headcanon is that- while “sorcerer” and “mage” and “magician” and “siedrmaster” etc are all individual categories with distinct definitions- the term “witch” is more of a slang politicised word for certain magic users. To put it simply, calling someone a witch is supposed to be an insult.
Witchery and the Demonisation of Outcasts
Part of the reason I sort of formed this idea is that real-world witchcraft in Salem and other places historically was a ruse to implicate women and some other people in fictitious crimes simply because they were defiant or progressive or separated in some way from the mainstream of society. I think it’s sort of the same thing in mcu-terms. (I haven’t decided if all magic users in the mcu see this topic the same way or if it’s just Asgardians, but nonetheless.)
I think in general a “witch” is a magic user who doesn’t have allegiance to a reputable organisation.
This is a little more complex because people (aesir in specific) tend to see independent practitioners as being untrustworthy and sort of rogue, whereas if they’re working for any entity thought to be associated with a noble cause, then that’s viewed as okay. (Examples being: Odin is a magic user, but he’s associated with government of Asgard so he’s good. The healers are magic users but they’re associated with the government so they’re good. Doctor Strange is associated with the sanctums so he’s okay. Etc etc)
MCU Witch Classifications
A perfect example of someone who’d definitely be considered a witch is Wanda. Maybe for a brief period in between AoU and CACW when she was at the compound, she could’ve been seen as just a magic user, but all through AoU and Civil War and everything post-CW she was a very rogue figure. She mostly flew solo didn’t really have ties with any specific organisation. The fact that she ended up a villain probably didn’t help the image of “witches” in universe either, but ya know.
Another example would be Amora from the tie-in book “Where Mischief Lies”. She was a student of sorcery on Asgard, but she didn’t work for the crown in any capacity, she was very underhanded, and she ultimately rebelled and got cast out. All throughout the book she’s referred to as a witch.
Mordo would definitely be considered one after he went off on his own. The idea of him once being a good guy working for the sanctums and then turning his back on it is a perfect illustration of how anti-witch people in-universe probably imagine witches.
Frigga is a little trickier. All throughout the movies she was never a witch because she obviously was loyal to the asgardian crown and used her magic to better Asgard, but Malekith called her one in TDW. This could imply that pre-movies before she married Odin she used to be independent practicing, or (and I think this is more accurate) Malekith was just using a common insult flung at mages.
Now, Loki. So, post-Thor 1, Loki’s definitely a witch. Like full stop. He fits right into the archetype. However, during the first movie it’s a little more tricky to say. He was a prince, so he definitely had allegiance to a noble organisation, and yet his brother and friends still referred to him as a witch (not sure if this is canon or fanon but I choose to believe it happened). I’m pretty sure this was more of a jab at him than an actual categorisation. As in, they were implying that- even though he was supposedly loyal to the crown- he was still underhanded and devious and not to be trusted. They weren’t insulting his use of magic, they were insulting him as a person. Whether or not he was actually disloyal rebel up to that point, is up to interpretation, but I would argue that yes he was. A little bit. In “Where Mischief Lies” (which is supposed to be canon), his struggle between trying to please his family and just going off the deep end and “being a full fledged witch” (actual paraphrasing of the book) is like the main storyline.
So anyway. That’s my rambling for today. What do you guys think? Disagree? Agree? Think I’m overthinking this way too much? I welcome feedback lol.
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Prince of the Sea
Day 8 for @promptsforyourwhumpfic Two Weeks of Whump
This is part of a larger thing I am working on. I started at the beginning, and haven't shared anything yet, but today's prompt felt perfect for this.
Note: the term 'boy/boys' is used rather liberally, but everyone is an adult. Elliot and Aidan are just younger than the other people.
CW: multiple whumpees, held hostage, restraints (rope), creepy whumper, multiple whumpers, manhandling, drowning, mer whump (sort of). Feels like there should be more, but I can't think of them. Please let me know if I missed anything.
“One of you is a royal worth a lot of money.  The other is a magical fish.”  Marin rolled her eyes.  “Only one of you is important to me, but Captain says we need you both, so you’re safe for now.”
One of you is royal … they didn’t know, then.  Elliot glanced at Aidan.  He had forgotten the other boy was still wearing Elliot’s clothes.  But … a magical fish?
Aidan followed Marin’s movements, eyes wide.
A magical fish.  A Magical Fish.  What did she mean by that?
“I have better things to do than determine which of you is supposedly a mythical creature,” Marin said, interrupting Elliot’s thoughts.  “You will answer to Berkley now.  I’ll return later for a report.”
She left, leaving the boys with her right hand.  While Marin was intimidating, Berkley was terrifying.  He didn’t say much, but he circled Elliot and Aidan with dark curiosity behind his eyes.
Berkley clapped once, startling the boys.  “Let’s get started.  Marin expects results.”
He hauled them up by the back of their shirts and sent them stumbling up the stairs to the main deck.  Berkley’s loyal men cheered upon their arrival.  They separated Elliot from Aidan and passed the boys between each other like some ball sport.
“Enough,” Berkley bellowed.  Everyone turned to him.  “Captain wants to find a mer.”
There were a few derisive chuckles.  They cut off at a sharp look from Berkley.
“He wants a mer,” he continued, “we’ll give him one.  You know what to do.  Go!”
Elliot was pulled into motion again.  Two crew members wrestled him to the ground.  He thrashed but could do little against them with his arms tied behind him.  Another crew member arrived with two lengths of rope that they secured tightly around Elliot’s knees and ankles.
Elliot fought uselessly under their hands.
A few feet over, Aidan struggled under the same treatment.
When they were both bound, the boys were dragged over to the railing, and Elliot caught onto Berkley’s plan.
“Who’s first,” Berkley jeered.
Elliot was not above begging, but his pleas were lost in his throat.
“No takers?  Let’s start with freckles then.”  Berkley snapped in Aidan’s direction, and the crew started lifting him up.
Aidan looked at Elliot in silent panic.
“No,” Elliot croaked.  Then louder, “No, don’t!”
Berkley grinned.  “Hold, boys.  We have a volunteer.”
The men dropped Aidan back on the deck.  He shook his head at Elliot.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Elliot chanted to Aidan and to himself.
Berkley grabbed his arm and laughed.  “Swim little fishy, swim.”
Elliot’s breath came in short bursts as he was hurled over the railing, and he almost forgot to breathe deep before hitting the water.
He is twelve again, stormy waves crashing over his head.  He tumbles, and the surface is lost to him.  Icy water fills his lungs.  The ship burns like a star a million miles away. 
He sinks, and he mourns.  For himself.  For Penny.  For Aidan …
Aidan …
Elliot was awake, pushing desperately for the surface.  He resisted the urge to scream away precious air as the knotted rope thickened and tightened around his limbs.  He needed to get back to the ship.
The water pressed down on him, and he gave in, screaming himself into darkness.
“ – the hell is going on here!”
Elliot came to as he coughed up sea water.  His legs were mercifully free, though his arms were still bound behind him.  He spotted Aidan kneeling nearby, legs also free from rope.  Elliot sagged in relief.
Marin paced the deck, glaring daggers at each of Berkley’s men.
“What if that one is the prince,” she said, quiet words filled with menace.  “Are you eager to start a war with the largest country this side of the world?”
“We’re sorry, ma’am,” Berkley said, not sounding sorry at all.
“You’re sorry?”  Marin advanced.
Berkley stepped back until he hit the rail.
Marin poked his chest.  “I should throw you over.  If this boy ends up in the sick room, or, heaven forbid, if he dies, you will be the first one I offer over to the king.”
Berkley had the sense to look cowed.  He nodded.
Marin backed away.  “That goes for all of you,” she said, sweeping the crowd.  “Now, get out of my sight.”
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 2 years
I kinda sorta vaguely and distantly remembered Penelope giving off rather different vibes in different flashbacks, I don't know what the perspective/vantage difference the two vibes had: the vicious prideful villainess wearing harsh colours and very bold designs, while some panels saw her as more... gentler. Wearing softer colours and more modest clothes (iirc). I wonder which of the two was her true self, or if either of those was her true self at all. Was it Claude projecting on her after the betrayal, was it a straight up personality change, was it the shedding of a mask, or maybe she held both sides within herself— people are complex after all so why can't she?
Vague feelings and thoughts swirling in my head, I wanna explore her in parallel/contrast with Dikita in A Perfect Summer Storm, the role they played in their daughters' origins, the way they haunt. The way they were human.
It could be a mix of everything you named. She wore softer tones and more modest clothes before, but when Anastacius started courting her and possibly sending her extravagant dresses and jewelry as gifts, she really went all out and dressed up to impress him. Her family could have supported her and bought her more expensive clothes than usual, because they expected to gain something from the budding affair with Anastacius. In addition, Penelope was closer to Claude's age. Maybe she deliberately dressed more daringly so that Anastacius would even see her as a potential partner? Couldn't it be that neither the angelic Penelope in Claude's memories nor the femme fatale in Anastacius' were the real Penelope but that the Penelope in the memories of both Obelia brothers were rather a projection of the desires of the men around her? Claude wanted a good girl so she became that, Anastacius wanted the exact opposite so she obeyed his wishes and adapted her behavior as well as her appearance to his suit his taste.
Or maybe she had always been a bit greedy and Anastacius had awakened this hidden side inside her when he gave her a taste of power and prestige through him? She might have felt constricted and bored by Claude, since he was always sitting behind his books and studying, but Anastacius (supposedly) lived a dissolute life and had a lot of fun. At Claude's side, she would always have to worry about any attacks from the aristocracy/Empress' faction and couldn't afford to make mistakes, as they would have a great impact on Claude, and as the daughter of a Count, she didn't really have much power at the Imperial Court. But under the protection of the Crown Prince, she was allowed a lot more. She had more freedom to develop her personality/explore her sexuality, but at the same time there was no one who dared to reprimand her for her behavior and set her limits.
At times I thought it might've been possible that Aeternitas' black magic had an effect on her personality. I guess the theory that Ana/Aeternitas had brainwashed her can be discarded by now, since this would make Anastacius someone irredeemable, as it would mean that Penelope could not give her full consent to have sex with him. But maybe the pregnancy with Jennette and the experiments that she was subjected to had influenced her personality somehow.
Lastly, I must say that Claude very likely suffers from a Madonna/Whore complex. To Claude it might seem like Penelope's mask fell off revealing her true ugly self underneath after she broke his heart, when in reality he was the one who lost his rose-tinted glasses and stopped being willfully blind to Penelope's bad traits. He just went from one extreme to another. Extreme idealization to extreme devaluation. Penelope couldn't have been the embodiement of all evil just like Diana couldn't have been the embodiement of all things that were good. They are humans. Even if Claude saw her as a perfect human being it's impossible that Diana was without any blemish or flaw. There must have been something good in Penelope that made him fall for her that Claude just isn't willing to admit.
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creatrackers · 1 year
Milly Of The Sea prologue
I would love any feedback! This is the first draft and will go through a lot of editing, so any critiques would be appreciated <3
   Among the rubble and overgrown weeds of the crumbling palace, I found a dragon. It has been abandoned for almost a decade now, after the Dunbar family scandal. Most royal families have one every few generations, and when they do, the same thing happens: they up and leave their castle and the village it looks over, overnight. Though, the Dunbars were especially mysterious. I’ve heard a hundred different versions of why they disappeared.
  The basis of the story is that Melody Dunbar, the Dunbar’s only daughter, was killed by her brother. Melody was the youngest child. She had three older brothers: Malcolm, Edgar, and Atys.   Atys was the next in line to rule over our village. Earlbraun was old fashioned and still had the royal’s eldest son take over when his father retires from being the ruler. Most villages in our country threw out those sexist and unfair laws as the Rulers advised us to do moons ago. But there are almost three hundred villages in the land so they can’t really force the Dunbar’s to do anything; they have bigger issues than outdated rules. Atys was thankful for that though, as he was not the favourite child and otherwise would not have been next in line.   Edgar was the second oldest child. He was his parents’ favourite, as well as the village’s. He was deemed the ‘dream boy’ out of the bunch, the unanimous favourite of the village folk. He seemed too good to be true. And was too good to be true, I suppose. Edgar murdered Melody, if you believe the gossip. Soon before her disappearance, for whichever reason you want to believe, it was announced she was to be marrying a prince from a different village. Many say Edgar was so raged that two of his siblings, two who were not good enough to rule, were being given better titles. He was always jealous of his older brother. Burdened by the knowledge that no matter how perfect he was, he would still never be given the throne. Now his younger sister, one who barely even saw the people, was being sent off to rule elsewhere. And so, as the most popular version goes, Edgar pushed Melody out of the tallest tower where her sleeping quarters were in the midst of a fight. She died upon impact.   Malcolm was the youngest son. He was shy and kept to himself, living in the shadows of his brothers. Not that he minded. He rarely came to visit the village, only doing so to visit bookstores or when dragged to Earlbraun by Melody. Everyone knew how close they were, how he was affected the most by Melody's absence. Some say he ended his own life after she died, wishing to meet her in heaven. He always wished he wasn’t royal, as did Melody, but they survived their days in the palace and at royal events by having each other. So when he no longer had that, he went mad.   The only thing Malcolm enjoyed about being royal was his pet dragon. Only royals, filthy rich common families, as well as breeders were allowed mystical pets. Wild beasts with such powers were too uncontrollable for people without the space, resources, or knowledge of these creatures. The dragon was one of the only things the younger Dunbars had that the rest of the family didn’t. Malcolm and Melody shared a knucker named Delta. She was young, they got her as an egg when Malcolm was eighteen and Melody was fourteen; two years before the incident. After they were both supposedly gone the dragon was set into Vern; the feared forest south of Earlbraun that’s home to strictly mystical creatures who survive off of each other. It was the only logical place for the dragon to go once both of her owners were gone. But Vern is horrifying… A dragon who had been cradled since birth would have no chance of surviving there. So that day when I found her while exploring the old palace, I wasn’t shocked. I was in awe, of course. It was the first time I had ever seen a dragon up close. But once I realised it was a young knucker who was as red as burning flames, I knew it was Delta who had gone back to her kingdom. She would’ve found it abandoned but had no place to go, so she stayed. Knuckers feasted off of small animals; rabbits, mice, fish, birds, and those sorts. They are aquatic dragons and sleep in cool water so their bodies don’t dry out. The palace was demolished; infested with animals and had a stream running into the now flooded gardens. Perfect for Delta.  
  Since the Dunbars fled, our country’s Rulers have sent down a new pair of royals to look over us. The pair are a young couple, newly wed, and have broken a lot of boundaries for out-of-date Earlbraun since their arrival nearly a decade ago. For one, we have female leaders. The two women got married just five months before taking over. Princess Lee and Princess Ailsa. Both from royal families in Vardint’s capital. They’ve been training to rule since they were mere toddlers, and were nowhere near surprised by the request for their leadership. They’ve had young and fresh ideas; a lot revolving around the expansion of Earlbraun.   So one Autumn afternoon I packed up my things. My belongings fit into one large hiking backpack. Saying goodbye to my parents was surprisingly difficult, especially as they were concerned about where I would be and if I had enough money. I told them I did, from the years at Bahamut Books and all the lessons in archery I’ve taught, and that I would write to them as often as I could. I left out the dragon part, and how I had no idea where I was going. And yet, as I trekked to the Dunbar palace with my backpack, tool belt and pouches, quiver, and the biggest canteen I could buy… I never felt more on track.
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 31
Wolf’s Rain - Cheza turns out to have this Jigglypuff power where she puts people to sleep with a song. Also, we met an old woman know as a Hanabito who’s of the same species as Cheza and warns her against following the wolves to Paradise, and then she dies while declining to have Cheza try to heal her, which was kind of a downer. As the episode ends, Quent and Blue have arrived at the aerial city.
Hunter x Hunter - Gon and Killua found themselves in the Spiders nest where they’re questioned about “the chain user”, who they now realize is Kurapika, but managed to get themselves out all while elsewhere in the city the mob is planning their next counter moves. 
Fruits Basket - With only one anime adaptation to watch now, I got started on Season 2. Its first episode was very heavily Yuki-centric and while it was very good, and the portrayal of Motoko and what she was going through was stronger than in the first anime, I think opening the episode, and thus the whole season, with a scene about her was a mistake. Should’ve led with Tohru’s first season recap.
Rozen Maiden - Started Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen, the later anime that supposedly follows the manga closer. And episode 1....oh God, what. in fucking blazes. was THAT? That was horrible. This just straight up ignored storytelling 101 on every basic level and just sped through different plot beats, character intros, and action scenes that did not allow anything to sit and made what you’re watching totally incomprehensible. I don’t know how it was in the manga but I want to believe that these were all different chapters that they crammed into this one premiere episode out of some impatience to get to the split timeline Adult Jun stuff, because if it was always this sloppy? I’d have a whole new appreciation for the first anime for foregoing that shit!
Also, the dub is by Sentai Filmworks and has different VAs for the characters, often for the worse. Kara Greenberg as Souseiseki did nothing for me. I usually love Brittany Karbowski, but her Suiseiseki did not work compared to Rebecca Forstadt. Luci Christian could’ve been a great Shinku but is terribly misdirected here, making her too emotive and snotty. And why oh why did they go with Shannon Emerick as Jun? Mona Marshall’s voice acting was key to making this character work for me, so hearing that whiny voice instead?
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The only three really solid casting choices were Jessica Calvello as Suigintou, Hilary Haag as Hinaichigo, and David Wald as Laplace’s Demon. They sounded perfect and really deserved better material.
Fate Zero - Really got to know Kayneth’s wife Sophia better in this one, and she’s pretty creepy but also sentimental and caring for her husband, and she’s voiced by Karen Strassman (She and Doug Erholtz are still saddled together, huh?). Also got to see Rider making himself at home with Waver’s family before taking his master with him to investigate where Caster might’ve creeped off to, with them finding the corpses of children he’s killed and also finding that the Assassin servant class is far from dead. Others in the war like Kiritsugu, Tokiomi, and Kirei continue to make their own plans too...
Revolutionary Girl Utena - The Shadow Play Girls finally turned up in the classroom and got Utena, along with Anthy and Akio, to attend one of their plays, which turned out to be very specific in how it told the legend of the Rose Prince, brother of the Rose Bride who is also said to be an evil and possessive witch who stole the Prince away from all the girls of the world he’d served and protected. This triggers a flashback to Utena’s meeting with her prince, who sure enough IS the Rose Prince, Prince Dios himself...only he’s a spirit in limbo now, dettached from his physical self, who grew up to be Akio Ohtori, aka End Of The World. Anthy’s original spirit is also kept captive and in perpetual torture, and we see what really went down when she took her brother and was accused of being a “witch.” Set her free, Utena!
Senki Zesshou Symphogear - Seeing Tsubasa in traction (but thankfully still alive) and realizing that she can’t ever replace Kanade and is nowhere close to strong enough to fill in for her, Hibiki steps up to the plate and is undergoing more intense training. This does, however, make things weird in her normal life and raises concern from her girlfriend Miku. Also got our first glimpse at the Big Bad, who likes to longue around nude, tortures Chris in kinky ways, and is totally the same person as Dr. Sakurai, isn’t she? Hibiki ended up with Sakurai on a mission to secure Durandal, ambused by Chris and a group of Noise. And I thought Hibiki went feral before, but when she touches Durandal and gains its power, she turns into a fucking BEAST! This should be good for our side...why doesn’t it seem so?
AMC: Gintama - Probably the weakest episode of this show I’ve watched so far, with only three things standing out and elevating the viewing experience for me - the joke with “Dr. Gregory Home”, the twist that Otose was the kind waitress that the dying old pervert was yearning to see again, and the coining of “Strawberry Milkers.” 
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tc-doherty · 2 years
Actually that ask from @westywrites did make me want to go digging so here's a comparison from 2007 versus something I wrote earlier this year.
I do have older writing than this somewhere, but I thought this was funny because it's the same universe/characters just 15 years apart.
“You must be Dante.” A young woman with old eyes smiled at Dante from across the room. Her clothes, which were of the latest fashion, accentuated her angular body and the way she stood with confidence made it clear that she knew this fact. “I’m here to give you a gift on your special day.”
Dante paused. And then continued backing up. “That’s nice, but who are you?” The woman did not seem amused.
The woman fluffed her short, black hair and grinned at Dante, “I am the one who has been given the great honor of endowing you with a gift for succeeding as the guard of this tower. My name is Minera. I’m not surprised that you don’t know of me, but soon I will be famous across the lands for my skill and my gift to you will be my first step toward that fame.”
Noticing his retreat, Minera glared at the boy and said, “Where do you think you’re going? A person is about to give you a precious gift and you dare to behave so ungraciously?”
“Not that I don’t like gifts, everyone does, but I prefer not to get them from strange women who illegally broke into my house.”  Dante tried to edge behind his two tigers, they were supposedly there to protect him, after all.
Minera noticed the tigers and grinned, “Oh! They’re so cute. These splendid creatures are more than deserving to be included in my gift. In fact, they have inspired me. This, little Guardian, will be a perfect gift for you.”
There were a lot of things that were surprising about seeing Dante like this. Although that was partially due to Nyari’s missing memories, he wasn’t entirely at fault, he knew that. Just as he knew that out of all his prior acquaintances, Dante would certainly not hold his lapses in knowledge against him. He had been there, after all. But there were a lot of changes between the Dante standing in front of him and the one who existed in his hazy memories of the past
Like the fact that Dante had grown his hair out, Nyari would never have been able to predict that. Like the fact that Dante’s eyes had healed enough that he no longer had to wear a blindfold all the time. Nyari wouldn’t have predicted that, because he hadn’t remembered that Dante had problems with his eyes to begin with. Of course he knew now, being able to meet Dante’s eyes, that he had never before seen them. It was a shame, because he had very pretty eyes, even if they were decidedly inhuman looking. Like seeing him like this - richly dressed, decked out like a spoiled prince, with earrings and necklaces and rings and - most surprisingly - thick silver cuffs around each wrist.
That was unusual because…
That was unusual because…
“I’m surprised you’d wear jewelry like that,” Nyari said, “after being shackled for as long as you were.” He did remember that, those heavy gold shackles, intricately carved and chained to…chained to something. What was it exactly that Dante had been bound to?
Dante gave him a very mild smile – that was different too, Nyari remembered him being very excitable. “You know as well as anyone that all curses leaves scars. My family doesn’t like seeing them so I do my best to cover them up on days when I have to go down to the main palace. Or on days when I have company.”
When Dante had said that Nyari raised his hand to his throat, unthinking. He couldn’t say anything, he also chose to cover up the scars magic had left behind. But that seemed in character for him, it didn’t seem so for Dante.
“You don’t have to hide anything from me,” Nyari said. “You never did before.” At least, he thought that had been the case. It seemed to be the case, given the way Dante was looking at him now. Nyari wished, not for the first time, that he had not lost so many memories from back then. That he could remember what had occurred between him and the other members on that ill-fated journey, including Dante. Especially Dante.
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