#he's not sex repulsed but he's sex neutral. when he has it he doesn't really feel arousal
treatsf · 2 months
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buckys-metal-arm · 2 months
Thinkin about Nonsexual bondage with Bucky and needed to share
((18+ only below the cut please and thank you!))
Warnings: Subby!Bucky but like not in a sex way?, Nonsexual bondage, Nonsexual submission, fluff, Author has never actually done bondage of any kind and is trying their best, gender neutral reader (only pronoun used is "you")
So like I said I don't think of it as a sex thing ((because I'm sex repulsed ace)), its more of a trust thing
It had taken him a long time to become comfortable with surrendering control to somebody, even you
He knows you would never hurt or judge him, but so many others carved a road map of abuse along his body for so long, and it's hard to trust anyone in a vulnerable position, even you
But it was also something he wanted so badly
You two talked about it extensively before doing it the first time
But after that initial time he slowly starts to learn he can be vulnerable in that way with you
Now you can tell when he needs it
Bucky wants to be tied when he's struggling. When missions aren't going well, when his nightmares are back with a vengeance, when it feels like nothing is going his way and he doesn't feel like he's in control
He just wants to be taken care of, and you're more than happy to help him
You always put a pillow down for him
He kneels on it for you, and you help him out of his shirt, showering him with affection the entire time
"That's it, Baby, what a Good Boy."
Once he gives you permission you make the first knot, binding his hands
The ropes you bought are the absolute softest you can find
He could easily break free of them if he really wanted to
But obviously he doesn't
You ask permission before tying every knot, and pepper his back and chest with little kisses as you go, paying extra attention to his scars
Bucky is so self conscious about his body, so you do whatever you can to remind him that you love him just the way he is, and that he's beautiful
Once he's tied you'll sit on the couch and guide his head to lay down in your lap, and you'll comb your fingers through his hair or rub his back, leaning down to kiss his temple every so often, and showering him in praise
"You're doing so good Bucky. You always do so good for me, Sweetheart. You're such a a Good Boy."
Bucky made it VERY clear that he doesn't ever want to be gagged, but occasionally he'll ask for the blindfold to help him block out the world for a bit and only focus on the now
He's here, he's safe, the ropes are applying comforting pressure to his chest and back, and your hand is dragging along his back or massaging his scalp or stroking his stubble
Sometimes he'll want to talk, but usually he just stays quiet and placid against your leg
A lot of the times you hand feed him or get him to drink from a water bottle while he's down there
You know Bucky doesn't eat or drink nearly as much as he should, so when he's surrendered control to you like this you like to use it to care for him.
Usually you're the one to end it
Bucky would stay kneeling for you like this forever if you asked him to
But you can see he's getting sleepy and you don't want him falling asleep tied up
Once he's out of the ropes you always massage his wrists for a bit, even the metal one
You know that one can't get rope burn, but you also know how important physical affection is for him after a seesion
Sometimes you'll do some other form of care with him after a session, like a bath or a massage, but most times he's too tired for that
No matter what you two always end up curled up in bed, usually naked or close to it so it's all skin-on-skin contact, Bucky's head on on your chest, napping peacefully while you play with his hair.
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aurorangen · 3 months
In Detail: Vincent Kingsley
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TYSM for tagging me @gamyrmaiden and @matchalovertrait 😊 I loved learning more about Ben and Noemí! Now I will do this for Vincent, it's perfect to hint at some of his backstory 👀 Also you can check out the one I did last time for Bryce here!
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly? (he has congenital heart disease and has had treatments - surgery/medication. he has regular check-ups with the doctors and mostly leads a normal life) / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified (law degree) / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no (*important* but he's a victim of a crime. also he withheld some info from detectives during his Dad's disappearance case and has a reason behind it) / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling (YET! obviously his Dad led a double life and he's only known Isaac for a few months) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
Traits and Tendencies
extroverted / introverted /in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
loyal / disloyal / unknown
faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Aliens: yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care (fun fact: Charlie told him about mermaids when he was a kid 😉 he was a massive geek when he was a child/teen being into superheroes, sci-fi and all that cool stuff! now he doesn't really care ahaha)
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality and Romantic Inclination
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: never / quit / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely (idk if it's just dramas but y'know lawyers exposing the truth/obtaining info by whatever means necessary) / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
I will tag: @grimm-haven @stefsimz @raiiny-bay @illuminated-foxx @rebelangelsims but feel free to ignore 😊
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nicosraf · 6 months
If it's true about what happens in ABM 2 between Rosier and Asmodeus being together but Asmodeus now respecting Rosier's desire NOT to have sex then I am sooooo grateful.
Every time an asexual (or in this case, ace coded) character has an allo partner, it's always the ace character that has to make sacrifices in the relationship to please their spouse and never the other way around. If I'm misunderstanding and it's not the case let me know.
Hello! It's mostly the case!
One thing is that Rosier isn't sex repulsed or sex negative; he's pretty neutral on it (MOST of the time; i think he has moments where he is 1000% percent sex repulsed). (Relatedly, he has no sexual attraction at all.) So he doesn't hate sex, and (at least during A&M) he's still exploring what he likes and doesn't like. (As the author, who knows more than him at the present, I can say that he likes the intimacy of sex but dislikes a lot of everything else about it). Rosier's not great at being communicative though
Asmodeus does respect all this. They only do anything on Rosier's terms and when Rosier wants to — which is not often and which is a bigger deal in sex-obsessed demon society (who arent exactly good about consent either). Demon society being sex obsessed (and very... doomer) is important here because this puts a lot of pressure on Rosier to have sex and enjoy it, and this hangs over a lot of his messy feelings toward it too. Asmodeus is actually pretty frightened regarding sex with Rosier because he's afraid Rosier is only doing it to please him (or to please demon society). And Rosier.... is not communicating about it.
Asmodeus and Rosier aren't a perfect couple in A&M, not even a little. They have some major issues, especially regarding sex (and drugs and codepedency) and especially in the initial centuries after the fall.... but this is the 2nd book (and EVERYTHING is miserable in this book; this includes for Rosier and Asmodeus) and they're still figuring out what love is. I hope that in the third book, they've learned to communicate more about it and maybe for Rosier to have properly put his feelings to words. I think it's important here that Asmodeus is the one "making a sacrifice" regarding sex though. (Even if the sacrifice is more complicated than just "never have sex ever") (I also really dislike ace characters being made to sacrifice their comfort for allos in stories; its fucked up!!! it's evil and perpetuates asexuality as itself some kind of character flaw that the allo has to Put up with)
Asmodeus wouldn't see any of it as a sacrifice, really. Yeah he's sex-obsessed and the literal demon of lust, but being with Rosier makes him happier than sex does for sure. And if he loves Rosier then he knows he has to love every part of him. Rosier's asexuality isn't a flaw, then, it's just a part of him.
Also, I do have an ace angel character who is actually sex repulsed in A&M; his name is Armoni, and I think he's neat. For full disclosure, I'm on the spectrum of asexuality and am pretty aware of how much narrative weight the series places on sex, but I'm trying to make sure there's room for an understanding of love that isn't attached to sex, or "good sex" for that matter.
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thearoaceshark · 4 months
but I would also like to propose:
Gen as aroallo
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Gen as aroallo sounds SO CANON
But before I start talking I want to say that I am not up to date with Dr Stone, I heard the manga ended but I have no idea what the ending was like. I saw the anime two or three years ago and I loved it, and I watched the second season but by that time my hyperfixation had passed and I didn't pay much attention. And I didn't read the manga for almost the same reason, I have a hard time paying attention when I read manga (I'm working on changing that because I like reading) and it was quite long so I haven't read it.
Everything I know is from the first season of the anime and a little from the second. If you have data that is not in these or is from the 2nd season that I probably no longer remember, please mention it.
Now, AROACE SENKU, thanks for offering to speak.
He's so aroace, and I mentioned that I think he's sex/romance-neutral, because well, he's indifferent to both things and having relationships, BUT, he's also disgusted by the idea (watch when he meets Kohaku). So I think he is neutral but a little repulsed, you know what I mean? Like he might get into a relationship for his own benefit, and he has done that, but not because of feelings or attraction. So my conclusion is that he is mostly romance-repulsed and sex-neutral, what do you think?
The truth is that I was very surprised when I tried to enter the Dr Stone fandom and what I found was that Senku was shipped with almost all the characters, I think that was one of the reasons why my hyperfixation on Dr Stone lasted so little. I mean, I wasn't against ships but it felt a little strange to ship the character who doesn't give a shit about romance with half the world. Above all, the ship that I liked the least (and I still don't like it) was Senku and Kohaku, because I am a big defender of man-woman friendships, and they radiated bestie energy for me. At that time I was already tired of seeing romance everywhere and I only wanted to see a platonic relationship, AND THEY WERE THAT, AND I FELT VERY IDENTIFIED WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY BOTH SHOWED REPULSION EVERY TIME THE OTHERS INSUINATED THAT THEY WERE A COUPLE, AND THAT'S EXACTLY HOW I FELT (for Hestia, looking back I wonder why it took me so long to realize/accept that I'm Aroace).
Now I can see Senku and Kohaku having a queerplatonic relationship for the convenience of both, but like they don't really have a romance they just have great affection for each other (Kohaku could be aroace too or be on the spectrum)
Those are my thoughts so far, do you have anything to add or anything else you want to share? (you can tell me about Gen aroallo if you want, I LOVE that hc I can't believe I haven't thought of it before)
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starrclownshazbinblog · 5 months
Mimzy facts or hcs pls 👀
(Okay so there will be less facts but that's because these facts are longer and have a lot more lore.)
(Triggerwarning for Eating disorders, fatphobia, sexual assult, and other disgusting topics. Please be warned. Mimzy's story is fucked up.)
Mimzy is someone who is always sick. Mimzy hates her body. Growing up in the 1900's and being a young woman in 1915-1920, being fat was not acceptable. She was constantly made fun of publicly and privately. (Incase you were wondering, the ideal body type for woman in the 20's was very skinny and very straight. Flappers would actually bind their chests to make their boobs smaller.) Mimzy, being a fat short woman, has alot of curves and bigger chest. This made being a flapper alot harder. This mockery and resentment made Mimzy want to be "beautiful". She is constantly on diets, she works out all the time, she's barely eats anything. If she happens to eat a healthy meal then 30 minutes later Mimzy is over the toilet making herself puke. Mimzy hates her body and wants to change it. Because she's so sick, she's also really tired all the time.
Mimzy is not a pleasant person when you first met her. She is crabby and snappy. If you stick around you'll see how sweet and caring she actually is.
Mimzy is a amazing singer and piano player. (That's why she's a siren. Also she robs bad men.)
Mimzy was murdered by her manager. When Mimzy began to take off, her manager began to get harsher and meaner. More practice, more drinking, more diets. Her manager then tried to make Mimzy sleep with him. Mimzy is a sex repulsed asexual. She refused. It didn't end well. He was never prosecuted.
Mimzy doesn't trust alot of men, with good reason. The only men she really trusts is Angel, Alastor, and Husk. She hates Valentino. Absolutely despises him. She neutral on Vox.
Mimzy is unaware of Alastor's crush on her. She doesn't believe that anyone could love someone like her. Oh wrong she is.
Alastor actually made Mimzy's costume she wears now. The costume she feel in hell in was super reveling (her manager made her wear it), tore up, and Mimzy never liked it. When she met Alastor, one of the first people she met, he made a outfit SHE liked. She's worn it ever since.
Mimzy really likes flowers. Roses are her favorite. You can tell by her costume.
Mimzy is a big girls girl. She's a feminist that has fought for woman's rights for YEARS, in her human life and demon life.
Mimzy has a less dramatic view like Alastor on Charlie's Hotel. She doesn't believe that Charlie can get them to heaven, but she's willing to try.
Mimzy really likes Valerie. She she's alot of herself in Valerie and knows what it's like to be abused by men.
Mimzy takes Valerie out to do fun things sometimes. Shopping, cafes, parks. Whatever Valerie wants to do.
Mimzy is a social butterfly. She'll talk to anyone she trusts for hours.
Mimzy has sung on Alastor's radio broadcasts. When she first opened her Jazz Club she didn't know how to advertise her jazz club. Alastor suggested that she sing on his broadcast so people would know how beautiful of a singer she is. People showed up slowly to the jazz club after that broadcast. (Alastor threatened some of them.)
Mimzy is a particular smoker. She hates alcohol, absolutely despises it.
Sorry that there isn't alot of facts like the others. Hope the information makes up for it.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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silicon-tmblr · 10 months
What are some Sexuality headcanons you have for danganronpa
Ohhhh I have so much to say you have no idea
I'll go with my DRV3 post-game headcanons because that's generally what I think about!
Shuichi: Disaster bi. I recently had the thought that he'd actually be awesome as nonbinary, but I feel like he's the type to realize that in his mid 30s or something
Kaito: Bigger disaster bi than Shuichi somehow. I like to think that, while he's iffy/confused about gay people, he accepts trans people without a thought (he's just like "oh you're actually a guy/girl! okay") and just demands that they "act like their gender" bahaha
Ryoma: I know this is a controversial thing to say but. Straight. cis/het. But he's like the biggest and nicest ally ever because well his entire friend group is very queer
Rantaro: I don't see this enough!!!! Aro/ace Rantaro!!! His love hotel is literally him being a tutor with no romantic or sexual undertones!!!! His character concept is probably "playboy with no interest in romance"!! But yeah aro/ace, romance and sex-repulsed
Gonta: Probably pan, but fairly heteronormative. I feel like he gets married in middle age because he's really not searching for a relationship for most of his life and more busy enjoying his hobbies!
Kokichi: Obviously very gay! I generally have him as a trans guy who, due to some shenanigans that happened in his childhood, thought he was a cis guy (until puberty hit and he had to figure out why he was freaking bleeding). Ironically, I like to call him "the cissest of cis guys" haha
Korekiyo: Ace! Not looking for a romantic relationship but I like to think he has a strong platonic partnership with Tenko
Keebo: Aro/ace, romance-positive and sex-neutral. He doesn't experience romantic or sexual attraction but is totally open to a romantic relationship. Intersex and he/him nonbinary, but he generally keeps it to himself and only tells people he trusts
Kirumi: Gay gay lesbian gay. She loves GL (Girl's love genre) but keeps it a secret
Himiko: Aromantic and bisexual! She tends more towards girls than guys
Maki: PSA Maki is gay and was straightwashed when they put her in Danganronpa 53. I mean, Tsumugi really said "I made you fall in love with a guy for plot!" I like to think Maki gets out of DRV3 and her first thought is "why was I straight" (for legal reasons this is a joke and bi Maki believers are based but. gay maki)
Tenko: Bi Tenko bi Tenko I KNOW people insist she's a lesbian (and you people are based) buuut I think even in Danganronpa Tenko is bi. People don't choose who they're attracted to, so her being raised to hate men doesn't mean she can't be attracted to them! Okay that's my ted talk about bi tenko
Tsumugi: Her orientation is none of your business (is what she will say, but I will expose her as the bisexual she is)
Angie: Pan! Kinda heteronormative but she learns not to be
Miu: Pan. I think she would meet someone on the internet that she clicks super well with and then they fly out to meet each other and get married
Kaede: Lesbian! So lesbian. I will insist forever that she isn't actually interested in Shuichi and is just super awkward around him because she doesn't want to lead him on when she's gay
That's it for V3! I don't have as many for the other games, mostly since I'm not as interested in or familiar with them (I like to joke that V3 has the gayest cast and everyone in DR2 is straight (obviously untrue, the irrefutable evidence: Nagito)), but here's a few I like:
Chiaki: Trans girl! She's also straight bahaha
Hiyoko: I used to think she'd be the type to act homophobic "as a joke" but then I realized she's super gay. She'd probably still act homophobic though
Nagito: Bi, for the sole reason of: I think he should date Chiaki
Akane: Seems ace!
Mahiru: I think she's straight, but she's a total lesbian magnet
Hajime: Bi (duh). Cursed to be maidenless
Chihiro: Nonbinary, he/they in conversation but always they/them in writing
Junko: This lady is very heterosexual and cisgender
Mukuro: Bi
Makoto: Bi
I also like to joke that all the girls in DR1 are straight and all the boys in DR1 are gay because everyone is in love with Makoto (obviously false because there are some very gay girls and not so gay dudes)
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scrollll · 5 months
Hi there :) I'm sorry to bother you but this is very important because you are now the chosen Ace who can give me their perspective on Zouey. I have adamantly argued that Zouey can be read as being on the ace spectrum but some of my friends say that's not realistic. My arguments: - He gets aroused by things that are removed from reality (hentai) and in moments where there is no risk of actually having to be sexual with the person (Teena as a model) but he struggles to enjoy the "real" thing -> sounds very aegosexual to me. - He says sex is for everybody but him. Later he changes that to "sex might be for him if it's combined with love" -> that could either hint at him being demi or it could mean that he is willing to have sex out of love for his significant other (as many aces do). - He can give pleasure and touch others but doesn't like to be touched -> this feels ace to me but I can't really explain why - Even when he touches Teena, he often struggles with things that are "more" sexual (like touching genitals) -> could be that he feels strong sensual attraction towards Teena. He also seems to distance himself from the reality of the situation by escaping into the fantasy of hentai, another thing many aces do because the reality of sex actually turns them off. - He thinks he wants to have penetrative sex with Teena but then doesn't enjoy it
Their strongest counter argument is that Zouey gave Teena a bj in episode 1. Now, I see their point. And I don't think Zouey being acespec is the only valid interpretation of his character. I like some of the other interpretations just as much. BUT I hate when people tell me that he can't possibly be on the ace spec. We have so little representation as it is and telling us that a character who speaks to us actually can't be like us feels shitty. I'm ace myself but my experience with sex is quite different from his. From your post it seems that you can relate to Zouey a lot. So if you feel comfortable sharing your perspective, I'm sure that would be valuable not only for me but for other aces as well. Thanks for making that post! (Also that Chinese definition of asexuality is so badass xD)
For starters, my sweet love anon, thank you so much for this ask and a big warm hug through the internet for you if you feel comfortable with it :D
And it's no bother, I like talking and writing XD
And regarding Zouey... welp, you asked, so I will deliver but be prepared for a longer essay XD
Let's start with the basics for those who are not quite familiar with asexuality: asexuality is a broad spectrum with many different nuances, gray areas and so on.
In the asexual community (as well as in some others), a distinction is made between romantic and sexual orientation. It is therefore possible to love a person romantically and still have no or only very limited sexual desires.
So: Asexual people fall in love with others, they want romantic or platonic relationships, but mostly without feeling sexual attraction for them.
Asexuality doesn't always mean that a person doesn't have sex. Yep, it may sound strange at first, but it's true. Many asexual people satisfy themselves or have sex, e.g. because they want to have a child, but nothing more. Some asexuals who are sex-positive or sex-neutral, i.e. who are not repulsed by the idea of sexual activity or are simply indifferent to it, have had sex or participate in sexual acts.
So an asexual who has sex will not suddenly become homosexual or straight, they can still feel like they belong to the ace spectrum. There are a variety of labels that break it all down and all fall under the ace umbrella, like placiosexual, lithosexual, cupiosexual, but to make a long story short, for many of us it's just too complicated :) So many just prefer "Ace-spec" or Ace-spectrum, but that's a personal preference of myself and a few ace friends of mine. It's nice to know the labels, but usually just too complicated for everyday use XD
And I also rank Zouey's blowjob from EP.1 on the ace spectrum. You very aptly mentioned the point that Zouey gets aroused by things that aren't part of reality. I think in EP 1 the blowjob went in exactly that direction.
For Zouey, as we also find out later, Teena is first of all a beautiful work of art himself. In his imagination, he sees him more as a statue that he can touch than as a person. Only when he runs into the bathroom does this bubble burst for the moment.
Zouey seems very overwhelmed to me, which I can understand, because he normally only experiences sexual stimulation from two-dimensional figures. Teena, however, crosses the line. For Zouey, he is at first only a two-dimensional figure on his easel, but at the same time he exists in real life. Zouey, who only knows sexual attraction based on hentai or pictures, is now confused as to whether this means that he finds Teena or only Teena's picture (similar to Jump's) attractive.
At this moment, however, I don't think he really got anything like sexual arousal or desire from Teena himself. It was, as I said, initially only Teena's picture that aroused him, the confusion comes because Teena runs after him and Zouey is undecided whether he should treat him like an aesthetic art object or like a human being and whether he would still find him attractive as a human being at all.
Zouey decides in favor of safety. He wants to return to the art room, back in front of his canvas and the distance he knows and feels comfortable with.
The blowjob is initiated by Teena putting Zouey's hand on his crotch, making it clear that he is not just interested in a conversation and certainly doesn't want to go back to painting.
And Zouey knows that.
In a household like that with Captain and Porsche, it's pretty much impossible to avoid the topic of sex permanently. As an ace, we may not be interested in sex, but especially if you have friends who are very sexually active, you get a lot of information.
And you can't tell me that the baddie bunch hasn't talked about blowjob tactics and the like at least thirty times. Especially because really none of them can shut up and Captain and Porsche are very keen to get Zouey deflowered soon.
So Zouey presumably knows the stories from his friends and knows on a logical level what it means when someone practically hands you their dick on a silver platter. And he has the theoretical knowledge, so why not try it out, especially with an aesthetically pleasing man like Teena, who is a painting come to life for him from an artistic perspective?
What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was a real sexual attraction at that moment, but rather an action-reaction. Of course, attraction can also play a role, but as I said, it doesn't have to be sexual, it can have an aesthetic origin, especially with Zouey's artistic mind.
Sex-indifferent aces are not repulsed by all sexual acts, so if our partner desires certain types of satisfaction and we feel like doing it, why not?
As the episode progresses, Zouey gives Teena another blowjob, but still dear people, Bj does not equal sex. Zouey still clearly shows his rejection of penetrative sex, or sexual acts that involve him. And that's pretty typical of us aces, or at least the ones I've met on the spectrum so far.
It feels okay to read about or watch sexual acts (mostly for aesthetic reasons rather than masturbation, but I don't want to generalize) because in 3rd perspective you are detached from the action and can look at it objectively.
You're not involved and that's nice.
By satisfying Teena, Zouey can still keep himself uninvolved. A nice term under the Ace umbrella for this is: Placiosexual (meaning a person that is okay and comfortable with performing sexual actions onto others but is uncomfortable having sexual acts performed onto them) This can still have limits and gradations, such as no penetrative sex in general or sexual acts under certain conditions.
As I said, also with the further development in the series and the way he deals with Teena and sexual innuendos, Zouey just feels very ace-coded to me. He moves on the spectrum, again, labels are nothing solid, but the vibes and the whole thing… Yeah, he is a fellow oft he ace for me XD
I wouldn't be surprised if he turns into Demi or Gray-ace, but his general view of sex and the way he's starting to expand his comfort zone bit by bit is very familiar to me from myself and my adventures on the asexual spectrum XD
However you interpret Zouey, for me he's chilling on the ace-spec XD It's my personal interpretation of him and I'll stick with that for now. I don't want to badmouth anyone's idea of Zouey, in the end he's a fictional character that we can interpret differently :)
But it feels very nice to have someone who thinks similarly :D
So, before this gets way too long, I'll make a cut here, but feel free to write me or send an ask if I should clarify anything :)
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blues-play · 9 months
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Tagged by @eljeebee thank you for the tag!!💙✨💙
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
You guys really seemed to like The Alpha so it's only right that I try this out with him.
The Alpha: ULYSSES
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (they um... went... missing?👀)
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased (☠️ them all, in his words "prevention is better than a cure...") ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent (sadly...) / not applicable 
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between (only when he wants something, and he ALWAYS gets what he wants) ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between (depends on how he feels) ♦ calm / anxious / in between (only if he gets his way) ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between (also depends on how he feels) ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between (reserved with any other being but outspoken for his Luna) ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between (depends on his feelings) ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured (always keeps up with the latest trends but doesn't enforce it if it doesn't relate to him or too complicated) / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal (just because...werewolf thing I guess) / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful (tries not to be but the Wolf refuses to follow) / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic (idk about this one, I guess he would fit here because the Goddess took away his Luna and cursed him with immortality so he just deleted her from his existence) ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes (dreams of it but knows he knows it’s one of the few things he will never get, no matter how many times he tries) / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes (same as before) / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable (sadly not currently; the Wolf won’t allow it) / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable (only for his Luna) / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female (tried them all tho, before his Luna, but they bored him) / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent (surpisingly) / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (can't get drunk but still drinks it) / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently (same as before) / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (with his enemies' lives)
I'm not sure on who to tag in this but any of my mutuals who's interested can do it! It really helped to figure out a backstory for him (made him with no plan it mind). I look forward to seeing it! No pressure tho😁.
*** Bonus of him finding his Luna after so many years and working on a plan to get her back... NO MATTER WHAT😈
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justanotherhh · 3 months
aspec headcanons for some hazbin hotel characters (minus alastor, cos that's canon babey)
charlie: allo-ace and bi, potentially leaning on demi-ace in her sex neutrality, but overall really not that interested in sex, beyond how it functions as a partner bonding activity. hasn't actually had sex before vaggie, not because she hasn't had offers -- this is hell after all, sex negativity isn't necessarily the problem -- but because she hasn't been in a relationship she deeply cared about and felt that safe in
vaggie: romance favourable aroallo lesbian, however has to unlearn internal sex negativity after previous bad relationships + some of heaven's more hypocritical ideas about what sex constitutes, and so being with charlie is a good way to slowly explore her attraction. more kinky than she would admit to... yet....
on the whole both of them fit into gaps around each other, and their relationship simply works because they believe in one another -- vaggie becomes attached first, when charlie patches her up, and then charlie, especially when vaggie becomes the biggest fighter for the hotel. that's the structure of their relationship, and the rest can be talked about. vaggie knows how important romance is to charlie and doesn't mind that being a part of their dynamic in the same way she'll join in on the hotel bonding exercises even though they're not really "her thing," and the two of them have sex as a way of being close (and at some point maybe they'll open up their minds to the fact that there's no bond as strong as that forged in bondage...)
niffty: aroallo het. also very kinky, very much the domme in any situation. this wasn't necessarily true while she was alive in practice, but it was in her heart. unfortunately hasn't had much opportunity to put it into practice in hell either, yet, due to being, well, on the far end of the terrifying scale. one of the reasons she and alastor get on so well is that they understand that their ways of relating to people are so different to the norm that they end up somewhere next to each other, even though he's repulsed and she very much isn't. still, they're in hell, someone should get that girl sub, stat! (some kinda big, scary-lookin guy for her to punish ideally)
sir pentious: token allo straight ally ✌ reads all of the literature once he discovers it's a thing. knows more about this than any of the others, even though it doesn't apply to him
cherri bomb: aroallo bi, likes sex, and also likes being swept off her feet, it's just she's too used by now to nobody making a damn effort. she's not romance repulsed, but she's not about to embark on a monogamous romantic relationship with anyone. she likes that someone would be into her romantically, as long as they don't get weird about it. the rituals of romance are fun, someone taking her out for dinner, treating her like she's someone special, not just like a one-night stand, but she's not giving up the one-night stands either. or the orgies! still, nice to have a familiar couple of dicks to return to
husk: i believe the word of god says pan, so let's run with that. on the aspec front my guy has loooooooow sex drive on the whole, and sexual isn't the kind of attraction that he understands in general, but secretly longs for a deeply romantic relationship of some kind, something out of an austen book or a knight in shining armor type myth. you know the kind: he takes the hand of his suitor and almost kisses it, but not quite, wining and dining, perchance even... cuddles..... (if sex is involved he might get with the programme, but it's not something he needs or initiates. this has made it difficult for him to get into relationships in the past)
angel dust: gay and on a spectrum of aspec that is trauma-informed, but also complicated by being naturally hypersexual. doesn't connect sex to attraction, and doesn't feel sexual attraction, so much as sex is a means to an end (scratching an itch, entertainment, power, work, intimacy although it's been awhile since that's been put into practise, etc). not sexually monogamous, and has no idea if he'd be into monogamy romantically either. in fact, is not sure if he is alloromantic, because there's no precedence that isn't related to power and control. may need a whole new kind of language for whatever relationships he'd form (not just with husk, but generally with the hotel gang) that lie outside of the structures he knows
that being said, all he wants is someone treating him gently, whatever kind of relationship that relates to
valentino: aroallo pan, but youknow. evil about it. could just be fucking left right and centre without making it such a big hassle for everyone else, but noooooo he has to go and own their souls too and make things difficult for them, and it's not just because owning souls is good business, he likes the ownership itself. that's part of the kink. does have favourite types of dynamics, in particular likes weird powerplays, whether or not he's topping or bottoming in them
vox: allo grey-ace bi. but evil about it. falls desperately in love and then becomes obsessive and possessive forever over that person, whether or not it turns to hate along the way. val had better watch out he never gets on vox' bad side... angel is already on thin ice simply for being one of val's favourites (RIP). that being said vox isn't really in it for the sex. he's in it for the power. and then every once in awhile he's in it for the sex (but only if it's got power involved). gets deeply weird about it all in a way that signals to everyone that it's a "once in a blue moon vox really wants to fuck val" time, so they can get out of the building sharpish in case it involves disemboweling an employee as foreplay
all of this is why voxval aren't a couple, aren't friends, but a secret, third thing (evil about it)
velvette: aroace, and not evil about it. she's just evil in other ways. honestly think she and alastor could get on in a different afterlife. she's not repulsed, she's simply strongly disinterested and somewhat annoyed with how much space all of this seems to take in everyone's heads to one extent or another. sort of a classic aroace in the way people in the past might have said "she was simply too busy for Romance," and yeah, she is busy, but if she wasn't she'd do literally anything else than get involved with any of *waves hands* that whole thing, just because it does seem to remove everyone's braincells -- she does write most of the voxval smut though. sometimes watches back videos of them going at it. just those two though, that asexual study-like-a-bug fascination. does she get off to it? that's her secret. okay so maybe a little evil about it
carmilla: aroallo (i wanna say bi, considering her and vaggie's tension), but not practising RIP. zestial would in a heartbeat, but she is unfortunately too busy, and not in the "aroace" coding kind of way, she just is. she's got two kids and an arms-business and millions of souls and potential heavenly invasion to think about! but yeah, she might feel more relaxed if she were to read his signs...
lucifer: alloace (bi?), but like. in a "i fucked your ex-wives" bragging rights kind of way. like yeah, he did that, but that's because he'll simp for a beautiful woman, not because he's particularly looking for sex. he'd be happy doing literally anything for a hot woman. big sub praise kink energy. (and this is why lucifer and adam could never have sex without a third-party dom/me involved -- what're two subs gonna do RIP?)
adam: lol, ok idk what would be funnier. alloace? aroallo? aroace? grey? demi? whatever says "talks a big game, but actually wouldn't know what to do with the whole thing if he had the chance, and hasn't had sex since eve left him, and that was kind of a lot of pressure being the only two humans and all, and like, was god watching all that, anyway, yeah ive had sex ive had all the sex (with one woman, missionary style because god might have been watching), did i do a good job, was that okay, of course it was, im not self-conscious about that, i fuckn love vaginas, yeah i can spell that word, can you spell uh, deeznuts, because that's what humanity came from babey, and now i never have to do it again, wait i didn't mean that last bit, anyway... where was i? do you think lucifer was better at sex than me?" -- whatever that is
lute: aroallo lesbian (and evil about it, but she's been indoctrinated, maybe she can chill out one day, we'll see). no, whatever she and vaggie had going on, i feel like it was incredibly toxic, did they have sex? didn't they have sex? did they have whatever a homoerotic subtextual sexual scene would look like? like when you watch those macho soldier movies and one of them is bullying the other into submission and there's a veneer of sweat and shame over the whole thing and close-ups of writhing muscles, but they never appear to have actual sex onscreen... that but with lesbian angels. lute is not over vaggie not submitting to her/her choosing to be in a (spits) "romantic" relationship (with a demon)
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
Yo yo yo I have a mega request!!! Could I get some headcannons about Ekko with an ace spectrum reader (not sex repulsed but not willing to go further than undergarments) like some heqdcannons on what ekko would like and how he would react?
Thank you so so so much!!!!!!
More Than Enough
Intimacy is hard to come by in the rough streets of the Undercity. But with Ekko beside you, you find your way into each other's arms in all the ways you want.
Ekko x Reader
Fandom: Arcane
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Not very sexual, but a lot of mention of sexual intimacy.
Gender-Neutral Reader
I have a lot of thoughts about intimacy and romantic/sexual relationships that deviate from expectations. However, I am not personally asexual (I think? It's complicated) so take my writing with a grain of salt. -Finn
The undercity isn't exactly rife with the time and space for intimacy. Sex is for brothels and back alleys, Ekko tries to avoid both when he can.
So there's a solid chance that it would take a long time for any sexual situation to even come up. With how busy he is with the Firelights, much of your relationship is quick stolen kisses and falling asleep in each other's arms after long days.
The first time anything starts going further would be after a successful raid, with Ekko still riding the adrenaline high and finally having a moment to breathe. He kisses you like you're all the reward he could ask for after all his tireless work.
He's too careful with you for anything to get too far before you tell him what you are and aren't okay with. And he takes in the information like it's vital. It is, to him. You are, to him.
He's someone that wants to know all of the specifics of your boundaries before he tries anything again. It's so deeply important to him that you enjoy the way he interacts with you and touches you.
Big fan of having his hands on your sides under your shirt, just holding you. He likes the skin to skin contact.
He's very tactile in general with you when he has the chance. It's rare outside of the privacy of his room, but he loves just being able to touch you. It doesn't have to be sexual, he just wants you close.
That being said, whatever level of sexual interaction you want, he'll be very willing to indulge, given the proper time.
Ekko prefers the focus to be on you rather than him. He wants to make you feel good.
He checks in with you often, especially if you are trying something new. And he is willing to stop on a dime, no matter how riled up you get him.
Absolutely loves having your hands on his skin. If you give him a massage, not only will you realize how ridiculously stiff all of his muscles are from the consistent stress, but he will also melt under your hands.
He really enjoys just having you close to him and being able to kiss you, long and slow. If that's all it is, that's more than enough. He wouldn't trade it for the world.
Please make him nap with you. He needs it.
Ekko adores you to the moon and back. So long as he gets to make you happy, the details don't have to matter.
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sobeksewerrat · 2 months
Okay so- if you saw my aroace chr headcannon list, you probably saw Adam from Hazbin Hotel on there! It's been a while since I have written an essay, but honestly I really wanted to expand on my asexual Adam thought and @kiichu asked me to so here we go ;)
[ Just. Don't expect any actual thoughtful analysis. I am mostly just grasping at straws and projecting because I kin the dude ]
[ Oh yeah and I will reference the Trans Genesis AU a lot. Nope, Stanley and I did not abandon it. Sorry not sorry ]
First things first, let's look at his first appearance in episode 1.
Needless to say, he was a bit of an asshole. But something really stuck out to me.
In one of the scenes, he was recounting a date/one-night-stand he had to Charlie (because of course he was).
He clearly seemed to be describing the dinner date itself in detail, but he literally just caps it off with "and then we fucked, and it was awesome".
This line can be read in a few different ways, depending on your view.
1. They didn't actually fuck, the woman ditched him or didn't exist to begin with and he's lying to seem cooler.
2. It wasn't awesome (*at least for him, but yk could go both ways) and he wasn't about to go into detail about his less-than-stellar sexual encounter (I feel. Really uncomfortable writing this, I am too ace for this shit).
3. The logical explanation of the writers not wanting to include it for rating reasons and because of the episode's already short run time and also because we as the audience don't really need to know that. Though I think that if that were just that, a better alternative would've been that Adam either continues describing the date or starts describing the sex and either Lute or Charlie (or both) stop him.
For my interpretation of the ace Adam, we'll go with the second interpretation.
Allos love pointing out how "asexuals can still date/have sex" but they always neglect one thing: that's not exactly how sex-favourable and sex-neutral aces work.
I can't speak for everybody on the spectrum (especially since I am mostly repulsed), but wanting to have sex doesn't mean you feel sexual attraction.
So yeah this doesn't disprove him being asexual, though I am aiming for a very different interpretation.
Sex-repulsed Adam.
Ace men rarely get any representation, and a lot of men (especially cis men, but trans men too) don't realize they're ace or are actively in denial about it because of this thing called ✨toxic masculinity✨
I don't think it's too much of a hot take to say that Adam clearly falls into a lot of toxic masculinity stuff.
Being literally the first man, the original dick (or the original pussy if we're talking about the tgau), he is probably expected to uphold these harmful beliefs of masculinity or at least thinks he has to to be taken seriously (or be percieved as cis at least-).
Therefore, he's probably is in deep, deep denial of his asexuality and tries to cover it up by, well, sleeping around I guess (*hopefully not with human souls because i don't need any of the implications that come with that).
But that doesn't necessarily mean he enjoyed it, you know.
Now I don't wanna go too deep into this honestly quite depressing line of thought, so to keep it brief that's probably why he wouldn't go into detail about that one night stand- even though he totally seems like the type of guy who would talk about this stuff in excessive and unnecessary detail (can you tell I love torturing this guy. I mean if yk the TGAU you probably already know but shush).
That or because a lot of aces literally cannot talk about sex seriously. It has to be a joke or about an ao3 smut fic.
*ahem* Moving on-
The infamous "Now, I'm going to FUCK you" scene that every Adamsapple shippers love (no hate to Adamsapple shippers btw, except @roryheart fuck you Rory /lh silly (I love you buddy don't take this seriously)).
Just. Just look at his face when Lucifer says it.
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It could just be pure confusion, which is quite understandable tbh.
Or we could go with the funny interpretation of Adam being so autistic and ace, he thought for a second that Lucifer was actually hitting on him this whole time and he just didn't notice. Purely because this has actually happened to me before and I wanna project-
Moreover, he looks lowkey disgusted by it and just attacks Lucifer immediately.
Whatever, now we get to the ✨angst potential✨ of ace Adam.
Elaborating on the bit of toxic masculinity from earlier, maybe he thinks that his aversion to stuff like is why both Lilith (and presumably Eve) cheated on him with Lucifer, because he wasn't a real man.
And if we wanna get really depressing, all we have to do is just remember that his only purpose was to have as many children with Eve (and previously Lilith) as possible to populate the Earth.
Yeah, sounds like a total nightmare scenario.
I have a few other ideas, but they're really half baked and not really well put together and stuff- idk I just think ace Adam is a cool idea.
Sorry if this wasn't exactly the essay any of you were looking for but I genuinely just think it'd be fun and kinda interesting to explore really.
Btw gonna make "sobek rants" exclusively for angry rants and gonna repurpose "brainingsewer" for essays and analysis and stuff. Not that anybody really cares about my tagging system.
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van-yangyin · 9 months
BOLD the Facts
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I've been tagged by @stargazer-sims 💗💗 Thank you so much for your tag this is a really fun game 💗
This time I'm going to do it with "Ryuuya Kitta/吉田竜矢".
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(This time I made a quick drawing of him instead of using a SS of his sim because my tendonitis is almost gone, it doesn't hurt as before and the medication is over, and I wanted to try to draw a little bit and see how it goes. I also had a lot of fun drawing him. But I've noticed that my hand is still not very good, that's why the drawing is a bit odd. Seriously what has happened to his glasses and eyes? x_x)
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate/ sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet (it's not really a crime but when he finds coins on street and keeps for him, he thinks are petty crimes because doesn't tell authorities he found it, so as he thinks are crimes I put this option) / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken (when he does meet the person) / reserved (when he doesn't meet the person) / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between (when he understands something can be a good leader when he doesn't, as is the fashion, he's a follower and leaves elections to Marena) ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual (he's still not very clear about it, so he's self-discovering himself because thinks that if Icaro were a girl, gender non-conforming, non-binary or anyone within non-binary umbrella, etc..., he would've fallen in love with him because of the way Icaro is) ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless (Mostly because at this moment his main interest isn't physical but spiritual side.)♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced (he hasn't yet felt the need to explore it) / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none (is still uncharted territory although he wouldn't mind trying it with Icaro) / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all (he's still not very clear about it, so he's self-discovering himself because thinks that if Icaro were a girl, gender non-conforming, non-binary or anyone within non-binary umbrella, etc..., he would've fallen in love with him because of the way Icaro is)
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
This time I would like to tag @lea-heartscxiv, @yuracrazy, @saruin, @crazy-lazy-elder-sims, @bnt0, @merofthefae, @cassymblr, @1-800-cuupid, @raccoonium, @honeybeenrw, @stargazer-sims, @rentbunny, @dizzyrobinsims, @simandy, @the-daydream-archives, @pralinesims, @kanonbreakerz and anyone who wants to do it, this is your perfect excuse to consider yourself tagged by me, some of you again. For those who haven't done it yet, start with OC you're most eager to do. For those of you who have already done it and it's not your first time, continue with the next OC you're most eager to do, I'm happy to meet more about all of them. However, if you don't feel like doing it, you can feel free not to do it.
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Mercer Frey NSFW headcanons. Long post below, 18+ only. Reader is gender neutral and no actual genital descriptions are used, just vague things.
Trigger warnings for: Vague mentions of trauma, sex things, kinky stuff, knives, singular mention of watersports
Mirrored on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45678733
-If you've managed to get Mercer Frey to bed you, you're doing something right. Don't worry, he's not going to kill you- he has many more methods that aren't as... vulnerable.
-Most of the time, Mercer repulsed by sex and affection. Something about it doesn't sit right with him. On his good days, be plain in asking if he wants to have sex. He hates beating around the bush, and it's the easiest way to get consent. As your relationship develops, he'll be a bit more, ah, kind about his rejections. They'll turn into "not right now" instead of snapping about how he doesn't "have time for these shenanigans!"
-His experiences are limited. Most of the action Mercer has gotten has been from sex workers, but it's few and far between. Not quite his taste, he does just fine with his hand. However, he's a quick learner. Be straightforward in what feels good, what you like, what you don't like, and so on. He hates guessing games.
-Presuming it’s early in your relationship, please be gentle. Nothing hardcore- for now. Don’t be surprised if he needs to take a minute every once in a while to take a few deep breaths. Sex, and furthermore, a relationship, is new for him, and can easily be overwhelming. Don’t pressure him into doing something, don’t take his “no”s personal, and be patient.
-Now, to the juicy bits! Mercer may be an ‘old man’, but he’s still got it in him. He’s strong, and has no problem pinning you to something or tossing you onto a bed. He has impeccable self-control, and can last for quite a while. Mercer’s refractory period is a bit longer due to age, but if you need more, teach him how to get more use out of his fingers and tongue. Lock picking and fancy words aren’t the only things this thief is capable of.
-His penis is nicely sized, good to fill you up but nothing over-the-top. His girth only makes a little trouble, but lubricating oils will make the process easier.
-At first, he’s awful at aftercare. He’s not an asshole about it, it’s just that he doesn’t know what to do. Help him by guiding him on what you need, and suggest to get some advice from Brynjolf. You’ll always remember the face he pulled when you said that…
-After building up trust, he’ll slowly ease into harder, kinkier things. He’ll start simple- a hand around your throat, slapping your ass, biting. Then he gets to explore more of his kinks with you. What fun! He’s a dominant type who prefers to top. He doesn’t want to be penetrated, but that’s not the only fun there’s to be had!
-Here’s some ideas of what he’s into: marking/claiming, impact, knife play (refer to point 1), oil play, light BDSM, pet play, power exchange, dacryphilia, praise, degredation, edging, overstimulation, slight humiliation, begging. 
-As is his lifestyle, he’s rough. He can’t really help it- his life has been shitty and he’s not used to softness. However, despite what he says, he’ll do what makes you happy. If he’s got you over his lap and your ass is quite raw, and you whimper about it hurting, he’ll snap “It’s supposed to hurt!” but ease his slaps into gentle caresses. If you complain about his thrusts being too rough, he’ll growl out “too damn bad” but slow down. This is the only time where Mercer will not say what he means- hypocrite. But don’t say anything about it!
-Eventually, he can learn to be soft. Early in the relationship, he was still quite rough, even if it wasn’t anything hardcore. He’ll murmur praise into your ear, only you can hear it. You’re so good for him, so sweet, so nice to let him do these things to you and still have the guts to ask for more.
-Yes, he likes seeing you flustered from his praise, but he needs it, too. Tell him how big he is, how his cock fills you up just right, like he was made to fuck you. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love it when he manhandles you. When you’re in the relationship for a decent while, moan out how much you love him and he’ll do whatever you want. Mercer is starved for words of affirmation.
-Mercer will definitely be interested in BDSM protocols. Nothing major, you’re both busy people, but little things. Kneel for him when he gets home, offer to cockwarm him when he brings home paperwork, things like that. 
-Building on that, he’s into petplay. In Riftweald Manor (not the guild, for fuck’s sake!), be good puppy and lay at his feet while he works on paperwork. Let him clip on a leash and walk you to the kitchen where he’ll have you sit at his side and beg for your food. He’ll feed you bits of his meal from his hands, until you’re full. Then he’ll walk you back upstairs and give you a good fuck for being his good puppy. His praise kink is definitely shown here, he’ll almost constantly be calling you his good puppy and his good boy/girl (depending on your preference).
-The Guildmaster, despite slinging insults like rocks, isn’t too much into degradation. It’s more like mean praise. “My slut” and “good whore” is more his speed.
-However, Mercer very much enjoys humiliation. He’ll mock your whines when he edges you, he talks about fucking you in front of the Guild (just dirty talk, he’s a private man), he’ll laugh if you struggle to get out of any bonds he puts you in. If you’re into any sort of watersports, that’s the prime time to get him to humiliate you.
-Mercer greatly enjoys seeing tears run down your face. Whether from fucking your throat or giving you so many orgasms you can’t stand it, he’ll gently wipe them from your eyes and tell you to get over it. He may be mean, but he’ll never be so mean that you cry… unless the overstimulation makes him mean to you.
-Mercer will make you beg for what you want and then not give it to you… not at first, at least. He loves hearing how much you need him and responding with “But I’m right here, love.” as he expertly avoids sticking his cock in your needy hole. Going back to the praise kink, he wants to feel wanted. Talk about how you need his big cock and him to hold you down and he’ll be more accepting of your requests.
-With marking you up, he’s an expert. He loves seeing the results of a play session on you afterwards, especially if it’s on you for a week or so. Not to dip into any angst in a smut post, but he needs that reassurance that something is *his*, just as equally as he is yours.
-Knife play doesn’t get too rough. He likes you shuddering as he runs it over your skin, or when you gasp as he cuts clothing off of you. He’s more hesitant with marking you, but enough talking about it can get him to warm up to it. Any marks will be light, only on you for a few days. Mercer always has healing supplies at the ready.
-After a play session, once he’s taken care of you, he likes it when you rub his back and shoulders. His posture is horrible from his brooding and any massaging you do helps ease the pain. Grab some massage oil if you want another round.
-Once he’s had a nice ‘what is aftercare’ chat with Brynjolf, Mercer is a master of cleaning up the mess he’s made you into. Healing potions, water tankards, and snacks are prepared beforehand. Everything in his house is expensive so you don’t have to worry about the quality of his furs when you get cold. He’ll run a bath for you if that’s what you need. Don’t worry, this guy takes care of you.
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nikatyler · 3 months
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Ross in Detail
That brain o' mine do be rottin for him (this physically made me cringe but fuck it it's part of the Ross experience)
I was tagged by @nitrozem and @introvertedfox to do this, thank you! I'll post one more later.
Financial: wealthy / moderate/ poor / in poverty
where's that tweet that's like if you're a vampire and poor why don't you just step into the sun 💀
Medical: fit/ moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper/ middle / working / unsure / other
I think upper would be applicable but he doesn't meddle with the human affairs in a way that the class would matter too much at this point. And when it comes to like vampire classes, I don't think he's particularly up there in the hierarchy, sorry Ross 💀
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet/ yes, but charges were dismissed
Not really unless you wanna say drinking blood is wrong under any circumstances, even when the human consents 🤷‍♀️
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Sunset my beloved ;-;
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings/ sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted/ disowned/ raised by birth parent/ not applicable
extroverted / introverted /in between
disorganized / organized/ in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
Neither? He has zero chill for sure, this guy has not been calm once in his life but I wouldn't call him anxious...well most of the time at least.
disagreeable / agreeable/ in between
cautious/ reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken/ reserved / in between
leader / follower /in between
He was a literal actual political leader. Canonically. Mr fucking President. So. Yeah. 💀
empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working/ lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
loyal / disloyal / unknown
faithful / unfaithful / unknown
BOTH. But he's faithful nowadays and wouldn't have it any other way.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist/ agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no/ don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Aliens: yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
He was a ghost, he saw the afterlife (hated it, went back to his husband), his husband was literally impregnated by aliens twice. nuff said
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male /female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender/ other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes/ frequently / alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: never / quit / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
Well. I think he may have tried it? I can see him trying it. But it hasn't become like a thing he does, not even special occasions.
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions/ sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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peonyblossom · 7 months
Ace Awareness Week Questionnaire - Isaak Vance
How/when did your character discover/realize they are ace? Isaak discovered he was ace in, like, eighth grade when he saw people talking about asexuality online. He only knew subconsciously though because he was in denial until about senior year of high school ("what if i really am just a late bloomer???" spoiler alert: he was not).
Does your character use any aspec microlabels? No, he just identifies as aroace.
Has your character come out as ace? If so, how/when? Yes, he's pretty out now. Unfortunately, he did not get to come out to his parents before they passed, but he came out to his brother after the events of ILB. He also came out to the friends he made that summer before he went back to school.
What is your character’s favorite thing about being ace? Isaak's favorite thing about being asexual is the fact that he doesn't have to worry about any of the negatives of having sex (i.e., STDs, unplanned pregnancy, etc.). He's had some friends who had some problems like that and is super happy he doesn't have to worry about it.
What is your character’s least favorite thing about being ace? Ace erasure. In media, in real life. Some people just don't believe him when he explains it, some people think something's wrong with him. It all sucks.
Is your character in a relationship (i.e., romantic, qpr, platonic, etc.)? Not currently.
How does your character feel about sex (i.e., sex-postive, sex-repulsed, etc.)? Generally sex-neutral, sometimes slightly sex-repulsed. He generally just doesn't think about sex, but he doesn't like when other people talk about it with him.
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