#hui angst
lilrowantree · 5 months
what if i wrote fabian angst….
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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smalliishbeanss · 2 years
Xanthus pops up behind Joel.
Things aren’t looking too well, eh?
[Joel jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of Xanthus.]
No-- They... They really aren't.
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duhnova · 1 year
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fallingsun · 1 year
new back from the brink/hu xin fic from me in 20ish minutes....the brainrot has truly dug in deep but stay tuned y’all
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nostalgic-bee · 2 years
Okay so
HHA and HOA cross over where one of the sibunas end up in the other universe
(Ex: HHA Fabian wakes up in the HOA universe while HOA Fabian ends up in the HHA universe-)
But like specifically after the two kinda stray from the same plot line (I think it’s like season two for both right?)
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mistofstars · 2 years
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: Tatort, Tatort Saarbrücken - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leo Hölzer/Adam Schürk Characters: Leo Hölzer, Adam Schürk, Heide Schürk, Roland Schürk, Pia Heinrich, Esther Baumann Additional Tags: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, lots of comfort, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Family Issues, Fixing things, Healing from trauma, Friendship, Friendship/Love, supportive team, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, doing nice things for each other, two idiots in love, they're very soft for each other your honor, terrible attempts of humor, First Kiss, Getting Together, Mild Smut, Panic Attacks, Sleeping in one bed, return of the frigging Baumhaus, POV Adam Schürk, the two Finsterbubis got to me again, brainrot for my two gay sad cops who I will write a happy ending for, post dhds, Post Das Herz der Schlange, Fix-It, Roland Schürk mentioned as a side note, Pia Heinrich und Esther Baumann appearing as a side note Summary:
Nach dem Tod seines Vaters zieht Adam auf Bitten seiner Mutter wieder im Bunker ein. Zum ersten Mal hat er die Chance, aus dem Haus das Zuhause zu machen, welches es nie gewesen ist. Mit der Unterstützung von Leos unverwüstlicher Freundschaft traut er sich fast alles zu – auch, sich seinen eigenen Dämonen und Gefühlen für Leo endlich zu stellen. Vielleicht können sie tatsächlich zusammen glücklich werden.
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twafordizzy · 5 months
Eén woord is het verschil: verkocht
bron beeld: theguardian.com Ik pak de draad weer op in Het zoutpad van het echtpaar Raynor Winn en haar man Moth. De weerslag van een veldtocht waarin armoede en ziekte moet worden overwonnen in het beschaafde Groot-Britannië van deze eeuw, door een echtpaar dat alles voor elkaar had, totdat… Het is een inkijk in een samenleving waarin op– en neergang in elkaars verlengde liggen, waarin een…
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Ik snap het dus echt niet meer. Waar is mijn slachtofferhulp. Mishandeld, aangerand, gestalkt en dan moet ik meer dan drie jaar zeuren om therapie, zeuren is het omdat ik anders niks geen hulp krijg.
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lindsey-laufeyson · 7 months
Saying Goodbye
Tom Hiddleston x wife!reader oneshot
Your husband just finished filming season 2 of Loki, thus concluding his long journey as the God of Mischief, but as a stunt double for The Marvels, you’re stuck doing a reshoot on the night of the wrap party when all you want to do is be there for him.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/N: After watching the Loki finale, as well as Tom’s interview on Jimmy Fallon, I guess I wrote this to process my own grief (and be a little self indulgent)…
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When you walked into the wrap party, you spotted your husband immediately, talking to Ke Huy Quan across the room by the bar. Tom’s dyed black curls were slightly disheveled and he was gesturing wildly with his hands, clearly very passionate about whatever the topic of conversation was. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you watched him, until you were pulled from your thoughts by a familiar voice.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Owen Wilson greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Glad you could make it!”
“And just in time, evidently,” you added as you pulled out of the hug. “Is he doing any better?”
Owen shook his head and sighed. “He’s not doing any worse, I can say that much.”
The two of you walked over to Tom and Ke, and you slid your arm around Tom’s slender waist. “Sorry to interrupt,” you told them both.
Tom’s eyes lit up when he saw you. “Darling! You made it!” he said excitedly, standing up from his seat at the bar and quickly giving you a hug and kiss before addressing the entire room. “Y/n Hiddleston, everybody!” he shouted, pointing at you as if you were the big surprise guest for the night. Everyone played along and cheered while you waved bashfully at them all before turning back to Tom.
“How are you doing, my love?” you asked him, concerned, as you cupped his face in your hand.
“I’m wonderful,” he assured you. “Why?”
You glanced at Owen apprehensively. “Owen said you were sort of… spiraling.”
“What?” Tom looked at Owen confused. “You said I was spiraling?”
“You’ve been spiraling a little,” Owen said quietly from behind you. You and Ke proceeded to watch the two men bicker back and forth.
“I think I’d know if I was spiraling.”
“I mean, it’s a subtle spiral, but a spiral all the same.”
“Is there even such a thing as a subtle spiral?
“So you’re admitting that it’s not subtle. Good!”
“No, I’m saying there was no spiral to begin with.”
“Oh my god! If either of you say the word spiral one more time, I’m going to start spiraling,” you shouted abruptly.
“I promise you, darling, I’m fine. Really.” Tom attempted to reassure you as he pulled you close to him. You looked over your shoulder at Owen briefly who held up his hands in defeat.
“Alright,” you conceded, before turning to Ke. “I’m so sorry, Ke! I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”
“It’s okay,” Ke said cheerfully. “Tom was just telling me about how I shouldn’t get too attached to anything because everything ends eventually.” You and Owen both gave Tom a look.
Tom chuckled nervously and then clapped his hands together. “Shots anyone?” he asked, as he turned to the bartender. “Another round of Loki shots, please! And add one more for my beautiful wife!”
“No need,” Owen called after the bartender. “She can just have mine!”
“Oh no, I’m good. I’m driving,” you chimed in, shooting a glare at Owen.
“That’s fine. I’ll just have both of theirs,” Tom said nonchalantly.
You quickly stepped between Tom and the bar. “Hey, maybe we should forget the shots and have a little fun of our own at home.” You gave him a playful wink, hoping to distract him.
“But you just got here,” he protested. “Please, let’s stay for a while and celebrate the end!”
The way he said ‘celebrate the end’ sounded excited and happy, but you could tell it was forced. Still, it was his night tonight (though he would never accept it if you told him that), and you didn’t want to be the one to spoil it, so you obliged.
You, Tom, Owen, and the rest of the ‘Loki’ cast and crew spent the next couple of hours laughing, dancing, and sharing stories (most of which ended up being about Tom), and it seemed like maybe Tom was handling things better than you had originally thought. There was a moment when he reprised his rendition of ‘Very Full’ from the first season of the show, and you thought for a moment, during the slower part of the song, that he was finally letting his feelings to the surface, but as the song picked up again, so did his demeanor. It wasn’t until people started to say their goodbyes for the night, that you really began to see his happy exterior fade.
“I think it’s time to call it, boss,” Owen said to Tom as the last few cast members departed, leaving only the three of you along with a couple of closing staff in the venue rented out for the night’s festivities.
“I suppose so,” Tom agreed with a sad smile.
“We’re still on for lunch before your flight leaves tomorrow, right?” you asked Owen as he hugged you and Tom goodbye.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied. And with that he left.
You then turned to your husband and held out your hand. “Come on, love. Let’s get you home.”
The two of you spent the car ride reliving the fun of the party, and were laughing as you walked in the front door of the house. As you set your purse down on the buffet in the foyer, Tom wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzled into your neck.
“Thank you for coming,” he said softly.
You placed your hands over his and swayed back and forth. “Of course, baby. But I want to ask you one more time…” You turned around to face him, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other gently cupped his face. “Are you alright? Because it’s perfectly okay to not be okay right now. You just closed a huge chapter of your life and no one expects you to just take it on the chin.”
As you said this, Tom’s eyes slowly welled up with tears as he finally let go of the mask he’d so tirelessly upheld all night. “I’ve said goodbye to Loki before, and I thought I could do it again” he began, his voice cracking slightly. “But it’s only that much harder now. He changed my life. He’s become such a deeply rooted part of me over the last 13 years. How am I expected to just move on from that?”
A tear fell down his cheek and you brushed it away with your thumb. “No one expects you to, sweetheart,” you replied in a soft, comforting tone. “You’re allowed to grieve.”
Tom squeezed his eyes shut, causing more tears to fall as he hugged you tight, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You held him there for a moment, stroking his hair while he quietly cried.
“But, Tom,” you continued, taking his face in both hands, lifting his head, and looking deep in his eyes. “Even if Loki’s on-screen journey is over, it doesn’t mean he’s gone. You said it yourself that he’s a part of you. Even if Kevin Feige never calls you up again— which, let’s be honest, is never out of the question at this point—” He let out a small chuckle. “As long as you’re around, so is he, and that’s because you put your heart and soul into that character, much like everything else that you do. It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you.”
Tom smiled at you through his tears before leaning down to kiss you tenderly. When your lips finally parted he leaned his forehead against yours and sighed. “Thank you, love,” he whispered.
“No, thank you Tom,” you replied, tears forming in your own eyes now. “Thank you for giving us Loki.”
One year later:
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semisolidmind · 1 year
What if after Peaches has her 8 kids she gets killed by the celestial realm or something, and there's nothing the Sun family can do but wait for their mother/wife to be reincarnated, which leads to the whole 'Monkey King meeting his Peaches again after hundreds of years due to MK' situation? How would that situation change with the babies being around, desperate to see their mama?
Sorry for the multiple asks! Feel free to ignore them if it's too much or uninteresting.
oh man. that'd be an awkward family reunion, considering she won't remember any of them.
also the destruction wukong would cause to the celestial realm after they murk his wife? astronomical. and his first three kids are old enough by then to join in, and they do so eagerly.
so to start, the sun kids are all basically grown by the time wukong finds mk, with seventh and eighth being around ten years old in demon age. the siblings more or less welcome the new addition with open arms, though some more than others.
mk grows up surrounded by siblings, and oddly enough, is better adjusted socially because of it? while the influence of some of them may be questionable (cough second third fifth cough), for the most part his family is his safe place. he'd probably be a smidgen less dependent on his friends because of it. he's also less defensive and scared than the version of him without siblings.
however, the subject of their mama is one that mk is woefully left out of. he never got to meet the original reader, and his siblings (except hua and chāo, who were a bit too small to remember her clearly) don't talk about her much. mk has gotten jūn and zíhào to talk about her a little bit, but da xia just gets defensive and refuses to entertain the subject. xīnyi also deflects whenever reader comes up. the only ones willing to give mk any sort of backstory are jiāo hui and xuě fēng. those two, along with hua and chāo, are his closest friends.
in the case of mk going to the human world, i imagine wukong being slightly less reluctant to let mk go, if only because he knows that jūn, jiao hui, and xuě fēng hang around the city as well, so mk would have support. wukong would still make mandatory home visits though, since he knows his kids might not be telling him the whole truth when they report on their baby brother.
as for the event of meeting reader; wukong almost cries, seeing her again. his first interaction with her new incarnation is...softer, more subdued. reader feels a little bad for him. he seems so withdrawn, he must miss his son. she's less suspicious of him because of his attitude.
wukong doesn't know what to tell his children. their mother is reborn, but she isn't their mother anymore. she won't know any of them. he doesn't want to put them through the pain of seeing her if she can't greet each of them knowing who they are.
there might be a way to reawaken his wife and mother of his children. she still exists in the soul inhabiting this new body, he just needs to bring her back to the forefront of their consciousness. he'll tear apart heaven and earth looking for a way.
cue angst and fear, and a fun time for mk trying to keep reader a secret from his more volatile siblings. zíhào, da xia, and xīnyi would likely just kidnap reader for their father if they knew, thinking, similarly to him, that they can bring back the spirit of their mother.
also, macaque has been freed by now (it may or may not have been jūn and xuě fēng who removed the seal on his mountain), and is close friends with reader. in this case, jūn warns macaque of his father's plan to try and bring back the previous reader, so he has more time to plan on how he's gonna save her.
macaque has missed the smile on reader's face, her jokes, her sass...she's much like she was when they were on the journey together. he doesn't want her new, free incarnation to have to live as a prisoner to the monkey king's sick idea of love.
he failed her all those centuries ago. he won't fail her again.
(also, the reason none of the other kids can weild a magic staff, but mk can; half humanity. at least that's what wukong figures it is. his kids are all almost as strong as him, so that can't be why they can't lift it. must be magical bullshit, he thinks.)
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bts-0t-7 · 6 months
So What? | MYG | Chapter 3
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Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader 
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 1.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
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Your jaw dropped. Hybrid? It can’t be… Right?
“When hybrids stay in their animal counterpart’s form for too long, their body would start to fight and that’s when they would experience what your ‘cat’ is currently experiencing. It is called, hybrid withdrawal symptoms.” 
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“I have called for emergency transportation to a hybrid hospital called, JM Hybrid Hospital. I’ve referred you to one of the doctors over there and I promise that he will be in good hands.”
Numbly, you nodded to what she said until, “Wait, what? I’m not going with him?”
Dr Park looked up from your kitty, “Would you like to go with him?”
You nodded vigorously. “Please, if I am allowed. Please.”
“It is most definitely allowed, Ms L/N. But forgive my concern, there have not been many owners whose pets were hybrid and when they found out, they wanted nothing to do with them.” 
“No, no. I would never! Hybrid or pet, they’re still beings.”
She nodded. Paramedics barged into the room and took your kitty into their arms, bringing him away from you. 
“Wait.” One of the paramedics stopped. “She’ll go with you. I’ll send Dr. Park the stats in a while.”
He nodded. “Come on, let’s go.”
You followed them down to the ER section and into an ambulance. 
The whole ride there was sated in awkward silence, the paramedics doing their best to keep your kitty stable and conscious while you just sat there, staring at his limp body. You felt so useless and so, so bad.
If only I found it earlier. If only…
“He will be fine, the hospital is only about ten minutes away from here. He’s symptoms are not that bad yet, he should be treatable.” 
All you could do then was nod. 
When you finally pulled up to the ER of JM Hybrid Hospital, it felt like an hour’s drive. The paramedics quickly rushed out and you followed closely, nurses navigating them to empty rooms. 
“How serious is it?” One nurse asked, checking your kitty’s blood pressure and body temperature. 
A doctor came out, tag reading - 
“Please, I didn’t know. Can he be cured? Can you do something?” You latched on to his coat. 
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “Of course.” He nodded. “From the notes that the clinic has sent me, he is not yet in an extremely critical condition. Curable, but it will be a tough road.” 
The doctors scanned you from head to toe. “I take it you are his owner?” You numbly nodded, wanting the question to stop and the treatments to start. 
“Right, I will need you to help me fill in these forms.” He handed you a whole set of documents and a pen while simultaneously pushing you out of the room. 
“Wait -”
“You can’t be in there when the doctors are doing their work, Ma’am.” A nurse held you back. “Dr. Park needs these documents in. Could you finish and pass them over?”
You looked at the nurse and then back a set of work in your arms. You found an empty seat and sat down, starting to complete the information inside. You never really knew his real name so you put ‘Kitty’ in the box. You never knew paperwork was suddenly so hard to complete.
“Erm,” You called out to the receptionist. “I don’t really know anything so most of it is empty.” You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed. 
The reception lady - Nurse Ling Hui, it read - nodded her head. “All’s good. Though I have some information for you. From the blood test that went through over at the previous clinic, your hybrid is a black-market registered hybrid. He is one of the hybrids that came up on the recent news.”
“What do you mean?”
Ling Hui slowed down, “It means that he will be under the close watch of police officers to ensure his safety as he is a wanted hybrid in the black market and it is not a good thing. People selling hybrids there are known to be ruthless in what they do.”
You slumped down. Ling Hui walked around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder. “By the way, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He is a 29-year-old hybrid, mixed breed.” She held out a folder. “Here are some reports in the system that we can collate. Would you like to take a look?” 
Just as you were about to take it from her hands, your head whipped at the heart-wrenching scream that came from your kitty - Yoongi’s - room. You made a move to run over when Ling Hui held you back, shaking her head. “Let the doctors do what they need to. With you in there will only make things more difficult.”
You took a deep breath and took the folder from her hands, sitting on a chair that faces the room. The screams went on for a minute or two and then stopped, a minute or two and stopped. Just when it hit the 15-minute mark, you couldn’t take it anymore and dashed right in. 
A guard held you back as you fought to be let through. Yoongi’s screams hit every one of your bones as you fought harder and harder. “Let me through! Please!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “Stop, stop. Don’t hurt him!”
The doctors came out, seeing your distressed state saying, “Let her in, we’re taking a break for now anyways. Continue going and he might actually pass out for real.”
The guards let go of you and you immediately rushed into a sight you never want to see again. 
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Yoongi was exhausted - so, so exhausted. He didn’t want to shift. If he shifted, he would definitely be sold off again. Subconsciously, he could feel the spasming of his muscles and shift of bones, fighting against the doses that the doctors had induced him with.
God, he was so tired. 
He closed his eyes, hoping for the pain to subside when he felt the gentlest kisses between his ears. He knew exactly who those kisses belonged to and he let out a pained meow - from the pain but also because he felt his fur getting wet. 
Why were you crying?
It hurts his heart more than holding back shifts to know that you were crying. Yoongi lifted his head as much as he could, being strapped to the table. 
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled, head in between his ears and tears flowing down his fur, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
Why were you sorry?
Yoongi tilted his head up, licking off the tears that were cascading down your cheeks, hoping that the action would bring a smile to your face like it did the first time he did so. And he was right. But it was not the bright eyes and teasing smile. This time, it was pained. You moved away from him as his tongue chased your cheeks, still trying to wipe off the tears. 
Where were you going? Hey, please come back… Please - Oh - 
You had unbuckled the straps that had confined him onto the table and his limbs twitched slightly, hissing at the pain they gave him. You had made your way back to where his head lay, stroking his matted fur with gentle hands. If you keep going, he was really going to fall asleep. He was already this close- this close - to purring. 
“Come on, kitty.” He was sure you already knew his name though - “Come on. I know you don’t want to shift but please? I don't know why and I don't ever want to understand why because that is your experience. I could never phantom even 30% of it. But you’re getting really, really sick and,” You sobbed. “And I still need you. How am I going to go home to an empty house now?”
Yoongi was really sleepy and really tempted but - 
“Please, please, please. Kitty - Yoongi - please?”
Hearing his name on your lips, god he had wished for this day but not in this way - 
Oh, perhaps he could make an exception.
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onlyhuis · 2 months
junhui masterlist.
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☆ please read my guidelines before making a request! ☆ genre key: [🤍] = requested; [🐈] = requested for 1k event; [💒] = posted on @junkissed; [ M ] = smut; [ F ] = fluff; [ H ] = humor; [ A ] = angst
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[📮] — jun hard thots tag
• bf!jun headcanons 💒🤍 [ F ] 0.35k words - est. relationship
• vampire!jun headcanons 💒🤍 [ F, H ] 0.95k words - shy reader, est. relationship
• showering with jun NSFW headcanons [ M ] 0.5k words - soft dom!jun, est. relationship
• showering with jun SFW headcanons 💒 [ F ] 0.5k words - est. relationship
• bedtime kisses 💒[ F ] 0.65k words - est. relationship
• 19:06pm 💒 [ F ] 0.3k words - est. relationship
• tummy veins [ M, F ] 0.8k words - domestic, gn reader
• balloons & handmade cards 💒 [ F ] 0.7k words - est. relationship, dad!jun x mom!reader, mother's day
• bf!jun x short reader 💒 [ F, H ] 0.5k words - headcanons
• jun waiting for round 2 🤍 [ M ] 0.55k words - dom!jun
• gentle [ F ] 0.9k words - domestic, est. relationship, suggestive
• moments with jun 🤍 [ F ] 1.9k words - headcanons, est. relationship
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• toasted pumpkin seeds 💒 [ F ] 1k words - halloween, est. relationship
• hui's moving castle 💒 [ F, H ] 1.1k words - halloween, est. relationship
• coffee shop confessions 💒🤍 [ F ] 1.3k words - best friend!jun, f2l, idiots to lovers
• search for clues [ M, H ] 1.7k words - halloween, shaggy!jun x velma!reader, high sex, marijuana consumption, soft dom!jun
• bite me [ M ] 1.5k words - roleplay, vampire!jun x vampire hunter!reader, switch!jun
• sounds of the season (carat radio series #1) 💒 [ F ] 1.7k words - winter, radio host!jun, college au, s2l, blind date
• match of the season (carat radio series #2) [ M, F, H ] 7.3k words - winter, virgin!jun
• sweet treat [ M, F ] 1.9k words - valentine's day, food play, est. relationship
• goodnight moon 💒🤍 [ F ] 1.1k words - est. relationship
• jun + reader wearing a skirt 🤍 [ M ] 0.8k words - est. relationship
• jun wearing makeup 🤍 [ M, F ] 2.5k words - est. relationship, dom!jun
• sunkissed 💒 [ F ] 2.8k words - est. relationship, husband!jun
• after dark 🤍 [ M ] 2k words - est. relationship, somnophilia
• something spicy, something sweet 🤍 [ M, F ] 2.1k words - comfort, est. relationship
• jun + biting his pecs 🤍 [ M ] 0.85k words - idol!au, est. relationship
• show me what you do 🐈 [ M ] 1.2k words - sadist!jun, mean dom!jun
• happy ending 💒 [ A, F ] 6.6k words - planned pregnancy, hurt/comfort, est. relationship
• bedroom exclusive 🤍 [ M, F ] 3.9k words - actor!jun, est. relationship
• better than breakfast 🤍 [ M , F ] 1.1k words - soft dom!jun
• amateur hour [ M , F ] 8.6k words - camboy!jun, f2l, idiots to lovers, fluffy ending
• healing hands 🤍 [ M , F ] 2.3k words - soft dom!jun, f2l, breastplay
• study buddies 🤍 [ M ] 1.6k words - college au, slightly sub!jun, choking/marking
• drenched 🐈 [ M ] 2.4k words - est. relationship, squirting
• do not disturb 🤍 [ M, H ] 2.6k words - college au, dom!jun, semi-public sex (in the library)
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© onlyhuis. last updated 13 may 2024.
all rights reserved. written works are protected under copyright law. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost my works.
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svt-sunnie · 2 months
8:41 PM | SUNNIE
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taglist !! @seolboba @allthings-fandoms
date : march 7, 2024
a/n : yujun going through it… sorry I disappeared for so long 🤕 (also kinda short chapter but 🤷)
pairing : jun x sunnie (mentioned hao)
warnings : angst, they both cry, dating rumors
summary - the aftermath of this article
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To say that Yuming was unaffected by the backlash she gets would be a lie. She honestly couldn't even count the number of times she used to cry to one of her members after another interviewer was being disrespectful or after reading a hateful comment. Over the years, she felt like she grew more confident in herself and within SEVENTEEN, especially with releasing her solo music, doing acting roles, and even just actively talking more during group schedules.
Now Yuming’s wondering if good things really don’t last forever as she scrolls through the array of articles and comments calling for her removal from the group.
“This can’t be serious..” She mutters, shaking her head. She knows it's unhealthy to consume this much negativity about herself, but usually Junhui or Minghao are there to talk her out of looking at hate about herself. Now looking around the empty dorm, she wishes either of the two could be there.
As much as Yuming and Junhui don't try to hide their relationship from fans, they both know how awful a dating rumor could be for both of their careers. Yuming sighs as she opens her text messages full of worried texts from the members. She feels terrible that she's been ignoring them all but can't find it in herself to respond to them.
Just as Yuming was about to turn her phone off and try to pretend nothing was happening, her messaging app buzzed with a new text.
New Text From: junnie 💕
can we talk?
To say Yuming was nervous would be the understatement of the year — she was completely terrified to answer Junhui. Her boyfriend was nowhere to be found the entire 13 hours of one of the worst dating rumors they’d been in. She even asked Minghao who was in China with Junhui, and he had no clue where Jun was.
Before she got the chance to even think about responding, her phone rang with an incoming call from Junhui. She lets it ring a few times before she decides to accept the call and puts it on speaker.
“Junhui I’m—”
“Did you see the articles? Are you okay?” Junhui interrupted.
“Hui, what do we do?” Yuming whispered, tearing up.
She absolutely hated crying, but she couldn't help the tears running down her face, “I ruined everything, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
“Baobei are you crying? Ming you didn't ruin anything. It's okay, please don't cry.” He quickly consoled.
“We have to tell everyone, don't we?” She said, trembling. “It's become too big to ignore now, hasn't it? Pledis even told me we have to deal with it one way or another..”
Junhui went silent for so long that Yuming almost thought he hung up.
“Hui, revealing our relationship could genuinely destroy our careers. It's not like we ever tried to hide it fully, but fans' theories don't even come close to an actual confirmation.” She sniffled.
“You know I'll always be by your side, right, Sun?” He said, and Yuming could swear she heard his voice shaking. “No matter what happens, we’ll get through this together, I promise.”
And Yuming can’t help but find herself believing him. No matter what happens, everything was going to be okay, right?
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huipinkhair · 1 year
Introverts - Zhang Hao x Reader
Zhang Hao x gn!reader
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Synopsis - Zhang Hao was made the student council vice president against his will, when all he wanted was to get through high school quietly. He found himself drawn to the shy member of a student-made band, and has been crushing on them for months. He knows he needs to get his shit together before they graduate and go their separate ways, but doesn’t know if he can break out of his shell in time, or even bother at all.
Featuring - some zerobaseone members, some boys planet trainees, Choi Yujin of Kep1er, Hui of Pentagon
Genre - high school au, smau, two introverts who don’t know how to handle feelings, fluff, bit of angst? maybe
Warnings - cursing, jokes around death/crimes Kms/kys, my stupid humour idk - more added if needed
Profiles - Y/N's Support Group | Student Council & Co.
Tag list - @hwangsm1le @zerobaseonefics @mins-fins @kpoprhia @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @seungminiesgf @cherriegyu
Teaser 1 - Twitter Timeline | Teaser 2 - in the GC’s
Chapters -
1 - Image of a jackass
2 - What the fuck do I do
3 - Hao did it go?
4 - Party Time People (Not confident on this one pls be nice)
4.5 - The Monday After
5 - Stressing and Sweating
6 - What’re you so smiley about?
7 - That’s what prom dates do, right?
Final - Look at me, Y/N~
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back2bluesidex · 10 months
Cruel summer for jimin 😭
Cruel Summer - PJM
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Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Theme: Little angst, Fluff, Drunk confessions, F2L au
Song: Cruel Summer
Word count: 1082
Warnings: mention of drinking, mutual pining, drunk confession, reader is so in love.
A/N: This song is literally one of my favorites! And Jimin is the most suitable member to portray. Thanks for the request anon! Hope you like it. This is not proofread so forgive any mistakes.
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Everything is too much for Jimin right now. Especially because it's 4 am in the morning, he hasn't slept all night (he only came back 2 hours ago), and now somebody is being way too aggressive with his doorbell.
He somehow opens his eyes and grips his phone to make sense of the time. He was right, it's eight past 4 in the morning. There's no way he would have a visitor during this hour. But it could be a neighborhood emergency? Maybe a fire broke out? Or a robber entered the apartment complex? Either way it's better to open the damn door. So, he gets up.
His heart does a flip as he spots that similar white dress from the party through his peep hole. But then his mind goes numb. What the fuck are you doing here? At 4 am? Is this even you or is he daydreaming about you yet again?
He finally opens the door after a moment of brooding to himself, and you almost fall on his body.
"Jimin" you smile, words slurred.
He holds you tightly in his arms, somewhat steadies you and then opens his own mouth, "Y/N? What are you doing here? At this hour?"
"I- I had to see you, Jimin." You reply, your breath stinks of alcohol but that doesn't bother him a bit.
"How did you enter the complex? The security is tight here?" He questions.
"I snuck through the garden door, baby." You reply as if that's no big deal.
The nickname brings a flush of red on Jimin's cheeks. But he's fast to push his racing heart down, his concern should be the reason you're here at the dead of the night.
He pulls your body towards the living room and settles you down on the couch.
"Sit here. Let me bring you some water." You nod at his words innocently, which makes him chuckle at your cuteness.
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"So tell me what brings you here, Y/N?" Jimin questions you, tugging some loose strands of your hair behind your ears.
You complete chugging down the water and then speak up, "What's going on between you and Soo-hui, if that's her name, that blonde?"
"What? Excuse me?" Jimin visibly tenses.
"You were busy taking care of her the entire night. You didn't even look at me. That h-hurt." Your eyes glisten.
Jimin's heart starts racing again, is it what he thinks it is?
"She's my cousin Y/N and she's a lightweight, so I had to take care of her." Jimin reasons softly.
"What- she's your cousin? Are you tell-telling me the truth?" You're giving him one of those puppy eyes and he can't resist those.
"Why would I lie to you? Hmm? But tell me why did it hurt you? Seeing me with her?" Jimin scoots closer to your body, so much so that he feels warmth radiating from you.
"As if you don't know? As-as if you don't understand that I-" you pause, your body tenses.
"That you?" Jimin presses.
"I love you, Park Jimin! I fucking love you!!" You scream at his face.
Jimin's face takes up a devilish grin, as he tries to tease you more, "Oh you do? Are you sure it's not the alcohol?"
"Alcohol? It's fucking Alcohol? Yes! I kept on drinking, and didn't wanna come back home from the bar. Jungkook and Sol-bin had to peel me off from the bar stool to get me in the car because you, you didn't pay me attention during the entire night!! And you say it's Alcohol? I cried like a baby sitting at the back of the car, Jimin!" A lone tear rolls down your cheek.
Jimin quickly wipes that with his thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't know."
"Why didn't you know, Jimin?" You sniff. "You are a bad boy and I know I have to pay the price but… but… why don't you understand I'm always waiting for your texts, I'm always looking forward to seeing you waiting below my apartment to pick me up for a random long drive. Why can't you see the way I admire you even when the vending machine lights illuminate your beautiful face? How much obvious do I have to be for you to understand that I'm in love with you?"
Jimin is awestruck. He knew you liked him but he was just testing your limits since you're one of the most stubborn persons he has ever encountered. He wanted to see if he was another of your shiny toys or you actually felt something for him. Taking care of Soo-hui and paying you no attention was one of his plans but he didn't expect you to break down like this. He didn't expect you to confess that you fell for him.
"Y/N, I-" he tries to say something but nothing comes out.
"I know the reputation I have doesn't suggest that I can be in love with someone so pathetically. But Jimin, it's new. The feeling that I have got, it's new. I can't quite explain… you, you are different from others. You.. you… I don't fucking know!" You growl.
Jimin understands your frustration. Not being able to put your feelings into words is frustrating indeed.
"All I know it's that I'm ready to try. I'm ready to dive into the unknown with you. If it's a breakable heaven, then let's make no rules. Let's just go with the flow. I- I probably don't make any sense right now. But it's been a cruel summer with you. Cruel enough for me to want you to know what I feel for you, how much I feel for you, wondering if you feel the same or not. I just- I can't take it anymore."
Jimin holds both of your hands on his. He brings those to his lips and kisses both of the back of your hands, "I never imagined for it all to happen like this but I am happy. I waited for you to finally come out of your shell and tell me what you feel, Y/N, because I feel just the same if not more. I love you too. I always have. And it's been a cruel summer for me too. Now let's make it better together, okay?"
You smile through tears, leaning down to reach Jimin's chest. He holds you close making up for all the times he made you pine after him when he clearly loved you back just as much.
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