#i am petty
cads-the-cat · 3 days
The only reason I want someone to try and gatekeep me from Sleep Token while I'm out and about wearing their merch is that i can list like 80% of their discography in chronological order and watch their expression of superiority slowly melt of their face
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shiesie · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest, I never used to be much of a Jonsa shipper when I first got into AoIaF, purely because I think that Sansa can do better than any man in the series, but after seeing how nasty certain parts of the fandom and the shipping community can be to Sansa I’ve decided to ship it out of spite and pettiness
Jonsa Rights 🫡🫡🫡
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ghostcrackerrs · 3 months
movie! lloyd is better than me because if i saw MY bully hanging off a bridge?? i’m turning around and pretending i didn’t see SHIT!!!!
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ultimatemissadhd · 5 months
the fact that Kyoko and Makoto in the canon get a happy ending,
after everything they've been through,
after thinking they wouldn't live till their twenties,
after downs and ups of their relationships,
after thinking the other died at some points,
after seeing the most cruel things,
after being put on the pressure of saving the world,
after solving tons of mysteries together,
after losing everything,
they get to live a happy, peaceful life, alive and well,
they get to live until they die of old age peacefully tougher,
they get to think about things like marriage and starting a family, something they didn't think they would live long enough to do,
they get to deal with their traumas in healthy environments, they get to help eachother with their problems,
they get to bring actual hope to students of Hope's Peak Academy and make sure none of them has to go through what they did,
all of this is what makes me extremely happy
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
One thing you should know about me is that I'm an extremely petty person. You go low, and I will go lower than hell, I will send you to fucking Tartarus.
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sircavities · 1 year
as someone in both the good omens and spn fandom, i want to share my ranking of both shows (seeing how there are many parallels etc)
1. good omens book
2. supernatural
3. good omens show
no I will not elaborate
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fruitcakebro · 1 year
Can't post on Reddit right now, bc mod strike solidarity. But this would normally go on R/MaliciousCompliance.
So, my family moved into our current house about four years ago now. When we first saw it, it immediately jumped out at us as perfect. It had a number of bedrooms where nobody would have to share, but not so much space that it would be impossible to clean. Nice view, garden space, seemingly all you could want.
We bought the house, but not a week after we had moved in there started to be some pretty glaring problems.
1: The water heater didn't work, and we had to have it repaired.
2: Water leakage which was damaging the structure of the house, and causing black slime mould in the walls.
3: Some weird shit going on with lights that only sometimes worked (we saw the house in person, but only in full daylight where this would not be obvious).
4: A septic tank they hadn't had serviced in five fucking years.
5(And this was perhaps the most immediately relevant to us at the time): The heat didn't work. And we moved in at the start of winter.
And of course, we had not been informed of any of these things when we bought it. We were told that everything was fine, and they'd literally JUST gotten some things fixed to sell it. Nevermind that those 'repairs' were as slap-dash as they could possibly be done.
Based on this, I expect you get the impression that we absolutely fucking despise the family that lived in our house before us.
And on top of everything, they didn't even fix their mailing address, so we still got their mail. And after calling them about it, and re-directing their mail for an entire bloody year, we were told to 'just stop bothering them about it'.
You want us to stop telling you when we get your mail? Well ok then.
Shortly after we were told that, we received one of their phone bills, and since we were told not to, we politely did not tell them about it.
We're still getting overdue notices on it, and we get to watch in smug, petty, spiteful joy as their credit score is slowly but surely destroyed by a piece of paper they told us not to tell them about.
Fuck you, lying jackasses. Here's the sweet, sweet consequences of your actions.
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vizthedatum · 7 months
I do think forgiveness (self and for others) should be one of the goals in all this.
But I have a right to ride the wave of feeling all my emotions in order to get there.
It’s not just a right… it’s a rite of passage.
In order to truly embody forgiveness, you have to literally practice being embodied.
And codependency, dissociation, and not feeling your feelings… is not embodiment.
Regulate by being the unhinged human you are.
Regulate and fucking feel - don’t just absorb and take other people’s issues just because you can hold it! Of course you can hold it! You’re a fucking empath!
Regulate and feel who you are… and all that’s been done to you, for you, by you.
Feel it… so one day, you can love it.
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antiqua-lugar · 2 years
even if nandermo never becomes romantically canon and instead ends with "nandor learnt that amatonormativity was making him feel lonely despite having guillermo RIGHT THERE" I appreciate the writers' effort this season to establish that Nandor Loves And Fucks Men (Also Everyone Is Queer) because if nothing else I can win fights against people on reddit saying things like "nandor doesn't REALLY like men" and "laszlo isn't bisexual he just fucks everything"
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zooblewopper · 5 months
I had to restart miitopia because someone I made in my party is my sworn enemy now and I can’t let her existence infect my save data
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southdigitalcreation · 10 months
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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A Big FU to them x
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sleeppyh3ad · 1 year
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sebvettelsv5 · 9 months
when a boy said he didnt want to put f1 on his story incase i liked it and now i dont really want to like it anymore bc hes a bit of a dick but im also incredibly petty so now i go out of my way to like them all
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akapandamonium · 11 months
In case y’all wondering
I did pop back on tumblr just to rag on Twitter
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motormusker · 1 year
My favourite thing to do on overwatch is place unavoidable shit on any given point I can, I know that’s literally just the strategy that should always be done but it’s so funny blasting a point with Sojourn’s grenade to make it incredibly dangerous to play the game properly (as if anyone WOULD)
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