#i could design a new suit for rex but why would i when hes already got so many in sixs closet
fisksaturday · 11 months
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episode where theres a big charity gala that holiday and beverly are invited to so providence can show off the World’s First Cured Incurable EVO and rex and six are on bodyguard duty
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IOTA Reviews: Rocketear
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The Rocketeer is a 1991 Disney movie set in 1930's America where a test pilot gets a jetpack and uses it to fight Nazis and— Wait, what? “Rocketear”? Oh, damn it!
Let's get into the eleventh (chronologically the seventeenth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Rocketear.
We start off with Carapace and Cat Noir struggling to hold back some T-Rexes brought back to life by a scientist Jurassic Park style. Seriously, they reference the movie in the same scene.
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Why wasn't this the plot of the episode again?
After managing to tame the dinosaurs with a whistle of all things, Ladybug notices something's wrong with Nino after he gives the Turtle Miraculous back to her. Apparently, he's wondering why Rena Rouge (who he knows is Alya) wasn't recruited with him today. Ladybug tells him that he was the only help she needed today. In reality, it's because Alya has adjusted to her new role of supporting Ladybug behind the scenes in her new form, Rena Furtive.
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And I'm not a fan of the new form. I get the camo, but it doesn't really help her blend in when her suit is bright blue. I think it's based off the arctic fox, but that animal is able to camouflage itself because it's fur matches the snowy environment. I'm sure a bright blue jumpsuit won't stand out when she tries to blend in at all. Also, the fact that Alya can just change her hero form gives even less excuses as to why Ladybug's new form is only when she uses her Lucky Charm.
Alya is struggling to keep this a secret from Nino because they don't have a lot of secrets in their relationship. Marinette says she can kind of get it because she had to keep her identity a secret from her friend and has to keep keeping her identity a secret from everyone else. Basically, she's telling Alya to suck it up because this is what being a superhero is.
So the next time she sees Nino, Alya tells him she's no longer Rena Rouge, but not about Rena Furtive, which troubles her. The very next scene shows Alya showing Marinette pictures she took of her new costume and asking her which version looks better.
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You could always try reviewing Akuma fights. I heard there's one blog that does it when they're not criticizing the famous director Thomas Astruc on social media.
Yeah, in case you can't tell, Alya was only able to rent her brain for a few episodes because she really doesn't seem as understanding about being a superhero as she was in earlier episodes. In episodes like “Optigami” and “Sentibubbler”, we saw Alya use more strategy and show discretion as Rena Rouge, seemingly taking her job more seriously, but then this episode just had to go and piss it all away. I also love how the first time the animators made Alya's skin the same when she's transformed is in a single frame for a joke.
Alya thankfully deletes the picture, but Nino overhears her talking about struggling to find more content for the Ladyblog, and decides to go to the movies with her to help take her mind off things. Nino, in turn, proceeds to give the same reaction to the in-universe Ladybug movie that Astruc gives to the PV.
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Apparently, that movie's already getting a sequel and it has a teaser. So was the sequel animated at the same time as the original like Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III?
Nino gets pissed the next movie in the Ladybug Cinematic Universe will feature Rena Rouge and not Carapace... even though Rena Rouge debuted first. The teaser then shows Rena Rouge falling for Cat Noir (yet another creative liberty taken by the writers or something Astruc's self-insert threw in himself), and takes it like it's the real thing. Dude, the first movie said Ladybug was afraid of cats, and the director yelled at the person it was based on for judging it. He clearly has a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality.
Alya leaves Nino early so she can go on patrol, but Nino sees Cat Noir heading out as well. He then watches a video on the Ladyblog where Alya praises Cat Noir which is totally not Astruc projecting or anything.
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I don't know what your definition of a prince is, Alya, and I honestly don't want to know.
So Nino takes this as evidence that Alya is in love with Cat Noir and decides to tell Adrien, who naturally laughs him off. And just before you think we have an episode where Adrien plays the straight man, Adrien decides to visit Alya because he's afraid he accidentally charmed Alya.
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Yes, because Cat Noir is so charming, girls are just fighting over him, aren't they?
We then cut to a black and white film noir monologue by Nino (dressed like a detective with a fake mustache), who decides to spy on Alya. When Cat Noir asks Alya if she is attracted to him, she naturally laughs him off, though Cat Noir is thankfully a good sport about it, even giving her a hug to apologize. Unfortunately, Nino took this the wrong way.
The next day at school, Nino takes Adrien into his “office” (it's really an excuse to reuse the boiler room setpiece), and shows him the picture of the hug. Adrien says that Alya would never fall for Cat Noir because she's always dedicated to finding out the truth and telling her boyfriend everything. What's Nino's retort?
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Okay, several problems with this bit. First of all, why would Nino even tell Adrien any of this? What would it accomplish? Why not say all this to Alya while confronting her about her alleged unfaithfulness? Second, Ladybug didn't give Nino and Alya their Miraculous at the same time until it was an absolute emergency. She outright said in “Hero's Day” that she didn't have time to recruit Nino and Alya separately.
Ladybug: I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I know I'm revealing your secret identities but I don't have time to find a good excuse to give them to you separately. Rena Rouge and Carapace, I need you both!
Nino and Alya kept their identities secret from each other until then, with Alya even keeping the fact she knew who Carapace was a secret as well. Nino didn't find out because “they don't hide anything from each other” (which I plan to talk about later).
Other than that, I actually liked Adrien in this scene. It was really investing to see him try to justify the whole secret identities rule while Nino blatantly said there was an exception. This is the kind of stuff I wanted to see when it came to Adrien doubting Ladybug, not him destroying things in his anger.
While Nino rants about how Cat Noir “stole” Alya from him, Shadowmoth sends an Akuma his way, turning him into Rocketear.
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And the design he has is just boring. It's just a blue jumpsuit with some black spots that look like teardrops, a teardrop-shaped head and a visor. I think the reason this season's been relying more on past Akumas and using more Sentimonsters is because DQ is terrible at character designs. I mean, compare this suit with Aigraon from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (his Power Rangers counterpart is Wrench from Dino Charge).
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The design does so much more with the teardrop motif, giving him a perpetually miserable face with tear lines going all over his body. Add that to a more diverse color scheme, and you have a much more visually stunning design. And this was created in real life, not rendered on a computer. I'm not sure if this is a budget thing or a laziness thing, but if it's the former, you really need to do better, animators.
The powers are meh, giving Nino the ability to fling explosive tears at enemies. It's a clever idea, and it makes sense he gets a power that parallels Cat Noir's, but I think maybe it would have been more interesting if he couldn't control the tears at all. Like, imagine if he was constantly crying like Blue Diamond, and with every tear he shed, Rocketeer could send it at whoever he felt was causing him misery, mainly Cat Noir, all while serving as a metaphor for people who blame others for their own personal issues. Better yet, make him look like the detective outfit Nino wore for the second act. It would have made him more unpredictable instead of making his tears generic projectile weapons.
Marinette and Alya see the fight and transform into Ladybug and Rena Furtive respectively, the former summoning her Lucky Charm, a projector. Is it just me, or has this been happening with Ladybug a lot recently?
Back to Rocketear, we get a good moment where Cat Noir intentionally lets the Akuma hit him so he can get a chance to resolve things diplomatically. See, this is a moment where Cat Noir's self-sacrificing nature feels heroic and not selfish like when he does it without Ladybug's permission to spite her. Unfortunately, it doesn't really go anywhere as Ladybug shows up and plays the recording Nino took (Alya found his phone earlier), while Rena Furtive uses her Mirage to give the audio to what actually happened that night.
Rena transforms back into Alya and embraces Rocketear, who apologizes to her for his behavior. And then he just... rejects Shadowmoth's power while looking like it wasn't that much effort.
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At least when Chloe and Alya did it, we saw them struggling for a little longer. I guess maybe it's because Nino is motivated by his love for Alya, but I think it should have been fleshed out more. So Ladybug purifies the Akuma, gives Nino a Magical Charm, and Cat Noir is still unsure about his feelings for Ladybug at the moment, though they still pound it.
Back in his room, Adrien ponders why Alya and Nino get to know their identities while he and Ladybug can't, but Plagg points out it's because she's the Guardian. It's brief, but I do like seeing Adrien start to doubt Ladybug's judgment, and it looks like it'll foreshadow future episodes. This is a problem I've had since “Hero's Day”, and I'm glad the writers are finally acknowledging this double standard. I just hope they don't end up blaming Marinette for whatever happens later on.
Marinette, of course, apologizes for what happened between Alya and Nino, and I have to say... yeah, no. It's obviously Nino's fault here.
Nino really pushed personal boundaries in this episode, much like Marinette's friends in “Gang of Secrets”. Yes, honesty is a valuable trait, but sometimes, people have secrets they want to keep to themselves. Nino's idea of “not hiding anything from each other” is somewhat controlling, like he's demanding Alya tell him everything whether she wants to or not. The fact that he immediately assumed Alya was cheating on him without giving her freedom to make her own choices doesn't make him look good. Let's be honest, a more realistic outcome would be Alya choosing to break things off with Nino or at least lecture him about how she can do what she wants and keep the secrets she wants. But instead...
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And that's how the episode ends.
Okay, Marinette just said she trusted Alya to make the right decision, but I highly doubt she meant this. Marinette strictly said Alya had to keep Rena Furtive a secret, and now she's telling Nino this despite the risk? The whole reason Marinette and Luka broke up was because Marinette had to keep her secrets from Luka, but now it's okay for Alya to be completely honest? How is this not a double standard?
This episode was just dull, and there’s not even much I can really say about it.. There were a handful of standout moments, and the stuff with Adrien was somewhat compelling, but Nino's behavior was just insufferable and dragged the episode down. The Akuma fight was weak, only lasting about four minutes at most, and while the Lucky Charm was more creative this time, the plot was just frustrating. It's really one of the weaker episodes this season.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the better Rocketeer.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Hi! Coul you do a Hunter x Jedi FemReader fluff. Myybe They are reunited after a long time and they hang out in secret.
Hey! It took a few days, but here’s where this prompt took me:
Hunter + Jedi F!Reader + Fluff
“Watch the far side - it’s tipping!”
“We need another few troopers over here to help balance it!”
“It’s too heavy!”
“Stop, men,” you ordered, your calm voice cutting through the clamor with ease. “Let me get it.”
Lifting the heavy crate with the Force was simple, one of the first things you had learned to do in the Temple. From there, transporting it to the correct section of the hangar wasn’t any more difficult, and you accomplished the task with ease.
“Still showing off, General?” a rough voice asked from just behind your ear.
You turned around, already smiling at the familiar face. “Sergeant Hunter,” you greeted. “I had no idea you were on-planet.”
He shrugged, the movement flowing with grace that would have made even a Jedi jealous. “We picked up a new member for the Batch. We needed to have him cleared on Coruscant before we could risk taking him into action.”
“And?” you asked, already thinking about how you could help. Force-healing wasn’t your strong suit, but you could pull a few strings to get the right padawan to the GAR headquarters. If Hunter needed something, you would do everything in your power to get it for him. He had saved your life often enough to deserve that dedication from you.
“And he’ll be fine,” Hunter reassured you. Gesturing to the flurry of men working to unload your gunships - each one painted with a flattering caricature of your profile with a lightsaber held out in front of you - he asked, “How did the mission go?”
You shrugged. “It went as well as can be expected, I suppose.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means- Well, it…” you sighed. “This war never seems to have a true victory. There are always losses, and those sacrifices don’t always make sense given what little is accomplished in return.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow. “That’s what we’re made for. Sacrificing.”
You hated hearing that, no matter how often it had been repeated by the Kaminoans, the GAR, and the Jedi Council. These men weren’t a product and their lives weren’t something they should expect to lose simply because they had been created rather than born. They had names and personalities, painted their armor with patterns in your favorite color, and some troopers even asked for permission to use your handprint in their designs. Hunter’s casual defense of what you saw as the fatal flaw of the Jedi Order made your stomach lurch and your spirits drop.
“So they keep telling me,” you agreed, mustering a smile for Hunter. “It was a pleasure seeing you, Sergeant. It has been far too long.”
"Wait," Hunter called and you paused in turning away. "What did I say?"
His earnest question only served to make you feel worse. "Nothing, Hunter. The problem seems to be with me. I just need some time away from the war, the loss."
Hunter's eyes cut a neat contrast against the darkness of his tattoo. "I can't help much, but how about some time spent with an old friend?"
"I have to go make my report to the Council," you hedged.
"After that, then," Hunter suggested. "I'm not gonna twist your arm about it, but you're the one who said it's been too long since we saw each other."
You gave a small smile at that. "That's true. Meet me at Dex's Diner tonight?"
"Comm me when you're leaving the Temple," Hunter instructed, giving a respectful nod as the two of you parted. 
As soon as you had finished with your report and washed the grime of a long mission from your skin, you contacted Hunter and started your journey to Dex’s Diner. The small restaurant had been a Coruscant staple for years, but it had recently seen a huge surge in business. Not only did Dex make fantastic food, but he served meals to anyone who wanted to buy them. The Besalisk had a firm open-door policy, especially where clone troopers were concerned. Off-duty clone troopers were a common sight in the diner, laughing and mingling with Coruscanti civilians.
Hunter was already inside, having secured a booth tucked away in the corner. While clone troopers were far from rare at Dex’s Diner, Jedi were seen less often, especially since the war had begun.
Still, you slid into the booth across from Hunter and gave your usual order to the serving droid. Surreptitiously, you input your credit information as well, paying for the entire meal before it had the chance to deliver a total.
“What is that smile?” Hunter asked, offering one of his own.
“Nothing,” you said, waving off his question. “So, what have you and Clone Force 99 been up to since I saw you last?”
Hunter blew out a breath. “It’s been - what? A year since we saw you?”
“Yes, nearly that,” you agreed, trying to keep the edge of sadness from your voice. Early in the war, you had been on a series of missions with the Bad Batch and had planned to keep working with them, but a member of the Jedi Council had sensed your attachment when you returned planetside. You had been reassigned and ordered to cut ties with the enhanced troopers before the attachment grew stronger.
You had reluctantly done as you were told, but saying goodbye to Clone Force 99 had been difficult. In retrospect, that was likely a good sign that you were indeed getting attached to these troopers. However, that hadn’t stopped you from meeting Hunter today, the first time you had ran into him since following that order. It was with a surge of guilt that you realized you had taken care not to let any other occupants of the Temple see you leave. You hadn’t wanted them to ask where you were going…
“Hey,” Hunter said sharply, drawing your attention back to him. “Where did you go?”
“Nowhere in particular,” you excused yourself. “I’m sorry, I missed what you said.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Hunter told you. “I just sat here and watched you get lost in your own head. Stay out of there. After all, I don’t get to see you every day.”
“Fair enough,” you conceded. “How have things been going for you out there?”
Hunter shrugged. “Pretty well. We haven’t found another Jedi who works with us as well as you did, but the few we’ve been assigned to have been competent.”
From Hunter, that was high praise indeed. “And who have you been assigned to?”
“Well…” he mused, “We did a few missions with General Unduli and you know we usually work with Commander Cody and General Kenobi. We did just finish a mission with General Skywalker, though.”
“And how did that go?” you asked, smiling at the thought of the GAR’s most unorthodox squad working with the Jedi Order’s most unorthodox Knight.
Hunter rolled his eyes dramatically and launched into the story of rescuing one of Skywalker’s troopers who had been captured by the Separatists. It was horrifying to think of one of the Republic’s soldiers in enemy captivity for so long, but Hunter nearly had your sides splitting when he talked about Captain Rex brawling with Crosshair, Tech leaping onto the back of some winged creature, and Wrecker demolishing an entire Separatist fleet.
“I bet Wrecker was thrilled!” you said to the last point, still laughing.
“He was, of course,” Hunter agreed, sending a soft smile your way. “He’ll forever be looking for ways to top that mission, so I guess I have Skywalker to thank for that.”
“Oh, I needed this,” you sighed, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye.
“Want to talk about it?” Hunter asked. “I get the feeling you haven’t been happy about much lately.”
“Oh-” you stammered, his insight stunning you for a moment. “I don’t know if there’s any particular reason…” 
“If you had to think of one, then,” Hunter suggested. 
You blew out a thoughtful breath, trying to gather a year’s worth of abstract thoughts and quickly stifled smiles into a cohesive summary. “It’s… hm. It doesn’t feel… right, to laugh and joke when soldiers like you and your brothers are working so hard and so seriously to win battles. It seems- seems almost like ignoring their sacrifices. People are dying every moment, and being happy feels… frivolous, somehow?”
“You aren’t sacrificing people, if it makes you feel any better,” Hunter told you consolingly. “Just clones.”
You had stood from the table before you knew what had happened. Hunter stared up at you in surprise, a rare expression from a man whose senses allowed him to predict behaviors so well. 
“I don’t think this meeting was a good idea,” you told him bluntly. “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait-” Hunter started, trying to rise from the table, but he was interrupted by the arrival of the serving droid. The droid, oblivious to things such as tense silences, began busily unloading its tray of food onto the table, its position trapping Hunter in his seat.
You watched in silence as the table was set to the precise specifications that the droid had been programmed to deliver. Hunter, avoiding your gaze, fiddled with his silverware, ruining the droid's perfect symmetry with only a touch.
When the droid had finished and rolled away, Hunter looked up at you, confusion and guilt mingling on his face. He gestured to your plate. "Please?"
You eased back into the seat after a moment of thought. Hunter couldn't know why you were upset if you didn't give him the benefit of an explanation.
To give yourself a moment of thought, you unfolded your napkin and spread it across your lap. When you were done, you made direct and unblinking eye contact with Hunter. "It hurts me when you talk about the troopers like their lives have less meaning. Like they deserve nothing more than death to achieve a goal."
"That's what we were told all our lives," Hunter countered carefully. "At least the regs were told they could die in sacrifice for the Republic. We were told that we deserved to die because we were different."
The disgust and self-loathing in Hunter's last word made you reach out and cover his hand with yours. You made no effort to influence him - you respected him far too much for that - but you tried to convey your sympathy with a touch.
"And now you know that isn't true in the slightest," you reminded him. "I can't change a moment of your past, but we can all impact our shared present to create the future we deserve."
Hunter's warm fingers flexed under yours as he flipped his hand over to weave your fingers together. 
"That's why you're the Jedi we keep asking to be assigned to," he said with a fond smile. "You don't see us for what we can do for you, for the Republic. You just see us."
You raised your eyebrows at that, your heart feeling lighter than it had since the early days of the war. "As if the Bad Batch could be tied to a single Jedi…"
"For you?" Hunter pretended to think about it. "I think we could give it a try."
With a shared smile, the two of you turned your attention to the food you had ordered. Neither of you commented on your hands, still intertwined on the table between you.
A/N - I originally had a different ending in mind, but I liked this one too much to change it. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what happens when Hunter realizes that you’ve already paid for your food! 
Thanks for the request, @dreamingofclones! I hope you enjoyed!
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Jumping off from my previous question/suggestion, might I please ask if there are any superheroes you think would make fine Pulp Villains and any Supervillains you think would make convincing Pulp Heroes?
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I'm gonna go ahead and remark that I'd personally suggest to anyone who's trying to create pulp characters inspired by superheroes (which would be probably about 90% of you who may want to do that sort of thing) to flip the script around a little. As in, don't try to create pulp analogues to the Justice League/Avengers upfront, but play around with some of the lesser-known icons and filter those through your idea of what “pulp” means (which is gonna be quite different than my own or anyone else’s). 
I’m not gonna really mention characters I’ve already talked about before like Vandal Savage or Namor, instead I’ll pick new ones and see what can be highlighted about them.
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Regarding “Superheroes who could make fine/convincing Pulp Villains”, even though he’s a character I've read basically nothing on, Martian Manhunter definitely leaped out to me as an obvious option. He’s a Sci-Fi Superman who takes the first half of the name to an extreme that borders on comical, except he’s not a square-jawed white man, he’s a 1.000 year old green alien from Mars with shapeshifting powers who can look as monstrous as the artist desires. He’s the product of an advanced civilization and genetic modification, and on top of the Flying Brick powerset and shapeshifting, he also has incredibly powerful and extensive telepathic abilities, he can become invisible, phaze through matter, use telekinesis and other weird abilities. A lot of pulp stories closer to sci-fi were based around the idea of taking one of these abilities and extrapolating horrific consequences for them, and J’onn has those by the dozens. He also has an extremely mundane weakness that would allow him to be beaten by Macready with a blowtorch if that’s where the story ended.
He was also a law enforcement officer from Mars who became a police detective and it’s even right there in his name, and again, I have never read anything he’s in (I should probably pick the Orlando mini), I know he’s for all intents and purposes a generally nice man who tends to job a lot in crossovers and cartoons, but the idea of taking all those great vast and horrifying alien powers, combining all of them into a single character who also happens to be the last survivor of a doomed planet (and one who actually lived through it’s collapse), and then making that character a former cop trying to resume his work on Earth? 
That is a Pulp Supervillain begging to happen, and a particularly horrifying one at that. And hey, speaking of The Thing-
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Now, Plastic Man’s potential for horror has already been explored quite a bit in some of the darker DC continuities like Injustice and DCeased, and it’s quite funny seeing a lot of these turn Plastic Man into The Thing because there were quite a handful of Wold Newton pages that ran with the idea that Macready from the original story was Doc Savage, and that the secret chemicals that Eel O’Brian was hit by that gave him his powers were actually samples of The Thing contained in one of Savage’s labs. Regardless, the idea of a former street crook suddenly gaining bizarre shapeshifting abilities that allow him to reign terror on his gangster associates could make for a great premise as a pulp crime story that veers into horror as the gangsters gradually figure out what is Eel O’Brian’s deal, and then the story can take a more tragic turn.
The thing about Jack Cole’s Plastic Man that modern takes on the character neglect is that, while Plas was a lively roguish anti-hero (arguably the first of it’s kind in comics), he’s still for intents and purposes “the straight man” (HA, right, Plastic Man being “straight”). He’s the relatively sane hero who plays off Woozy’s wackier misadventures and the imaginative madness that Jack Cole paints his adventures with, and it makes for an interesting contrast considering Plastic Man is already a weird character, having to ramp up the strangeness of the world around him so that he still remains the sane man. There are ways to twist this into something quite horrifying, even tragic for Plastic Man as he either struggles to maintain coherency, or embraces the shifting chaos the world’s spiraling into for better or worse (and definitely for the worse towards those on the receiving end of his vengeance, or even his humor).
Now, onto the flipside, regarding Supervillains that could become Pulp Heroes -
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Normally I’d not mention the Batman villains here, because I already have a lot to talk about in regards to them as is, they comprise some of my favorite comic characters, but I pretty much have to make an exception for Two-Face in this topic, as not only a pretty obvious option but one with even case studies to prove it, as not only do we have The Black Bat, a 1930s costumed pulp hero with an identical origin story and several other conceptual overlaps with Batman, as well as The Whisperer, a young hotshot police commissioner who dresses up as a disfigured vigilante to kill criminals without consequence (and who’s somehow less of a maniacal asshole in his secret identity than in his regular one), but it turns out that there actually was a 1910s pulp hero called The Two-Faced Man:
Crewe was created by “Varick Vanardy,” the pseudonym of Frederic van Rensselaer Dey (Nick Carter, Doctor Quartz), and appeared in three short stories and two novels and short story collections from 1914 to 1919, beginning with “That Man Crew” (The Cavalier, Jan. 24, 1914). 
Crewe is “The Two-Faced Man.” 
He is in his forties and has gray hair and a “sharply cut and handsome profile—until one caught a view of the other side of his face and saw the almost hideous blemish that nearly covered it, and which graduated in corrugated irregularity from a delicate pink to repulsive purple.” 
Crewe is two-faced in another way. Crewe is a saloon owner in below Washington Square. But he has another identity: Birge Moreau, portraitist and socialite hanger-on. Crewe uses both his identities to solve crimes as an amateur detective.
The only person to know about both of Crewe’s identities is a police inspector who is also Crewe’s friend and who Crewe helps in pressing cases - The Encyclopedia of Pulp Heores by Jess Nevins
And speaking of obvious picks for Supervillains turned Pulp Heroes,
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Assuming I even need to make a case for Kraven the Hunter other than just presenting this cropped panel from Squirrel Girl and in particular the art painted on the Kra-Van, or even just telling you to read Squirrel Girl and it’s take on “The Unhuntable Sergei” (I had no idea most of the people saying “Kraven’s arc in Squirrel Girl is as good if not better than Kraven’s Last Hunt” weren’t actually joking in the slightest and I speak as someone who has Kraven among their absolute favorite Marvel characters, it had no right being that good), I’m going to quote the brilliant Rogue’s Review from The Mindless Ones that lays down in painstaking detail why Kraven could make a killer protagonist in that horrifically over-the-top pulp fashion
One thing that strikes me writing this, is how well Kraven could hold his own comic. There’s always room for a book spotlighting a ruthless, hardcore, gentleman bastard, and Kraven’s raison d’etre makes him supremely versatile, so well suited to any genre, any environment. It’s odd that more writers haven’t jumped on the fact that in a universe where off-world travel is possible – indeed, common – a hunter like Kraven would have a field day. 
I can just imagine the opening scene – herds of weird cthuloid bat creatures grazing in the gloomy green nitrogen fields, bathed in lethal, bone splintering fog, when, suddenly, LIGHT! from above and an unholy bellowing: “CTHGRGN fthgrgnARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGN!”
They look up in fear and then they start to run – ploughing into and over each other, tentacles flailing, as from the space-ship’s docking bay Kraven silently plummets, barely dressed for the cold, a glowing knife smothered in elder signs jammed between his teeth. 
You should have seen him one night previous, sipping alien tokay around the Captain’s table with the other guests, discussing the morning’s hunt; and the way he insulted the Skrull dignitary by forgetting himself and accidentally sporting his favourite piece of formal wear: his boiling unstable dinner-jacket of many colours, fashioned from the hide of one of the Ambassador’s super kinsmen.
Midway through Kraven explaining how the best way to irreparably damage a symbiote is to wait until its bonded with you and then seriously maim yourself, the Skrull decided it might be a good idea to simmer down, while his beautiful Inhuman lover hung on every word.
The deeper I get into this the more convinced I am that the MU’s hunter-killer extraordinaire wouldn’t limit himself to bloody planet Earth. And neither would he limit himself to this dimension, or universe or timeline. The guy’d be just as at home leaping, sword raised, onto the back of a T-Rex in the Savage Land, as he would be ploughing through werewolves in the graveyards of Arkham or tracking a howling Demon across Mephistopheles’ realm. 
He’d work perfectly in all these environments because he has a damn good reason to be casting a bloody swathe through them: wherever there’s big game, you’ll find Kraven.
The next choice I guess is an oddball, but not that much of an oddball if you know already what is my main frame of reference towards Marvel
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I don’t think people appreciate enough that the main reason Shuma-Gorath has anything resembling a fanbase has nothing whatsoever to do with the comics he was in, but entirely because, when Capcom designers had a list of Marvel characters to pick from to work on Marvel Super Heroes, they took a look at the diet Cthulhu and went “gimme THAT one”, and then went all-in in giving the alien squid monster a funky personality along with a great stage and music and animations and all that great fighting game character stuff, and now he’s maybe the most popular Dr Strange villain along with Dormammu and Mordo, despite having ZERO film appearences or major showings in comic sagas.
Capcom's designers redefined Shuma-Gorath from a nebulous cosmic evil into a comically smug cartoon bastard who can rant about devouring all dimensions and souls horrifically while also cracking poses and zingers like “How do you expect to win a fight with only two arms?” and having dinners with Dhalsim or hosting Japanese game shows in his endings, and it kills me that none of this ever made it’s way into any depictions of the character outside of MvC. 
So that’s kinda what I’d go with. I’d take Capcom’s Shuma-Gorath, depower him a bit obviously from his canonical power, and run with the premise of his MvC3 ending where he decides that, well, if he's the unlikely savior of this pathetic planet and these wretched human dogs like him so much, and he’s clearly having a much better time here among them than he ever had drifting among the stars cealessly consuming life, then maybe he can take a break from all that eldritch business and keep up hosting the Super Monster Awesome Hour and maybe fight whatever PITIFUL villains think can take HIS planet. I mean, he’ll probably still end up destroying the planet by the end, but why not give this hero business a try?
Just until he gets his full powers back of course. 
I mean you can’t deny he DOES look pretty good in that bowtie, surely The Great Shuma-Gorath wouldn’t be so unmerciful as to deny these vile wastes of flesh something good to look at in their brief and miserable lives.
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
BNHA Ship to Finish the Year
SetsuManga (Setsuna Tokage x Manga Fukidashi)
Oh no, He is back...
The nightmare character...
*Excuse us, we are having technical difficulties. Please stand by*
*Elevator music*
So... Setsuna and Manga.
I like the idea that he gets a crush on her when he first sees her.
Because sometimes, that happens. Sometimes we see someone attractive, and we like that.
I think that he wouldn't do anything until he gets to know her. He starts slow, complimenting her and cheering her.
He then moves on to secret love letters. He writes her poems and leaves them at her desk.
He isn't being secretive about it. But with his face, it's hard to figure out what he is feeling.
But one day, Setsuna leaves one of her eyes to catch who is leaving them. That was a weird sentence to write.
I think that Setsuna would be very confused. Her and Manga are not that close. She doesn't know what to make of it, so she doesn't mention it.
However, she still receives the letters.
Setsuna, who doesn't know how to feel about him, doesn't want to hurt him. She respects him enough to consider his feelings and not lead him on.
She tells him the truth, trying to be as honest and nice as possible. She doesn't want to make things weird between them.
Manga understands, and asks if she liked the poems. She did.
She expects him to stop with the letters, much to her disappointment. But the next day, like usual, there is a letter with a poem in her desk.
At first, she is confused, but then he explains to her why he did it.
"It makes you happier. I know that life has been hard right now, but if this makes you smile for the day, then I think it's worth it,"
Setsuna is touched, and from then on, every time she finishes reading a poem, she tells him how good it was.
I don't think they would get together until they are out of high school. I feel like they would be the forever-friends-but-clearly-flirting type of couple.
It takes them forever to get together.
And when they do, everybody is confused.
"Wait! Weren't you two already dating?"
I don’t know why, but I like the idea that Setsuna detaches her mouth and gives her partner kisses when she feels like it.
Also, telling her to see something, means two eyes and a hand are going to float towards you.
So, Manga has his single dad canvas head bob ross.
He likes Setsuna. She is very energetic, though she did give him one hell of a scare.
He was painting, and suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of him.
I like the idea that he would gift her a painting of her riding a t-rex. She loves it. When they move together, she hangs it over their bed.
Setsuna has an older brother and a pair of parents.
Her parents are famous historians, experts on the pre-quirk years. Tokage and her brother spent a lot of years playing around the museums. That's where her love of dinosaurs come from.
Her brother is a photographer.
I feel like the Setsuna's are a serious family. Her parents are always busy, and whenever they talk, they are a little condescending.
Her parents are not that fond of Manga, they think that he is an example of quirks going out of control.
They don't talk to them anymore after.
Her brother is cool, though. He is the photographer at their wedding.
They have two daughters.
The first one is called Kokuban (Blackboard). Her quirk is blackboard skin, she can write stuff on her skin and then take it out as if it was a sticker. 
I like the idea that she would become an artist. It would be easy with her quirk, and it would let her save all her doodles as stickers.
The other daughter is Gooto (Word+vomit), and her quirk is Word vomit, when she talks, the words come out of her mouths.
She can't turn it off.
She would become a JSL teacher.
I think they would be accustomed to seeing parts of mom floating around. I can imagine that late at night, when one of the girls wakes up crying as a baby, her torso and arms goes to take care of her.
Also, Manga's way of 'making funny faces' is to do emoji's.
AU - Movie Premier AU
So, Manga is a screenplay writer. He wants to do a movie called with dinosaurs, but he needs the help of an expert.
Enter Setsuna, a palaeontologist with a lot of love for the extinct creatures.
He arranges for a meeting, and it goes extremely well. The chemistry is instantaneous, and they arrange for more meetings.
The two start hanging out, all with the excuse that he needs her supervision to make things as accurate possible.
Once they start recording, she supervises the animatronics and stuff. Manga also lets her be an extra, and even makes a scene where she gets eaten by a velociraptor.
Yes, he is making Jurrasic Park. I like the first movie. Sue me!
The day of the Gala, Manga asks her to go with him. They go, they see the new movie, and after, Manga asks her out again.
But as a palaeontologist, Setsuuna travels a lot. She tells this to Manga, telling him that she needs to go to a desert zone, to uncover some bones.
Manga doesn't let this stop him, and the two start a long-distance relationship. 
Manga visits the places she works on when he is working between scripts, and Setsuna stays with him a lot when she is home. 
She comes to his Movies premiers, helps him with writing blocks and listens as he figures out the plot holes on his stories.
Manga makes some extras look like her and hears as she shows him new discoveries she makes.
Fanon Opinion
I have arrive to the conclusion that I hate this character. I hate him.
Not because of his role on the manga. Not because of his personality. Not because he is misused, but because of his design.
I know that Horikoshi is not subtle about his character designs, -I mean Bakugou literally looks like an explosion- but come on man.
This is a horrible character, and I hope he gets a new face.
On the other hand, I don't mind Setsuna.
I think she is neat and that she needs more content.
I find it suspicious that her hero-suit can regenerate, but Hagakure doesn't have one that could turn invisible. I mean seriously, Horikoshi.
However, I like her quirk. I think it's useful and funny.
I don’t know why, but I love that she likes dinosaurs. It’s one of those thing that you don’t usually see as an interest on female characters, so I like the variety of it.
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t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o · 6 years
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Because Shawn killed me at the VMA’s and my heart went soft and mushy.
Please enjoy this little snippet.
~T-Rex 🦖💕
“Go! Go! You’re going to make this harder than it needs to be!” Estelle says laughing as Shawn dances around your hotel room.
“But I wanna watch my girl get all dolled up!” He whines, pouting playfully smiling at you as you sit in the chair. Your hair pinned up in a few places, pink silk robe on.
“You’re gonna see me in a bit honey.” You tell him giggling as he runs over to kiss you again.
“I love you, I’ll see you in a bit. Can’t wait to see you in your pretty dress.” Shawn whispers pressing kisses to your lips before hurrying off.
“Alright baby...lets knock his socks off.” The older woman says before spinning you to face her. Getting to work on your foundation, while Katie brings in your dress and heels.
~2 1/2 hours later~
“Holy fuck me.” Shawn gasps as you step out of your hotel room.
“Watch it Mendes.” Andrew teases laughing as he stands off to the side. Shawn’s eyes wide as he stares at you, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“I am the luckiest guy in the whole fucking planet baby.” He says eyes bugging still as he looks at you.
“What are you wearing?” You ask before giggling as you see the two different colors of his suit.
“Did they just take two suits and sew them together? Tiff why did you let this happen?” You ask laughing still as he steps over to you, admiring the way your hair is curled.
“The designer wanted him, I worked with what I had!” She defends, laughing softly while smiling at you.
“Alright...are we gonna do this now? Or wait for the carpet?” Margaret asks as she looks at you both, holding her phone.
“Boomarang?” You ask your boyfriend, raising an eyebrow.
“Would there be any other way?” Shawn questions smiling at you sweetly. Pulling you closer and kissing your cheek while whispering in your ear. Both Andrew and Margaret filming with your respective phones.
“Alright...you’re sure about this?” Shawn asks looking at you, both of you holding your phones.
“I’m positive. It’s good, I’m sure it won’t be that bad...I just wanna be able to hold your hand in public.”
“Alright baby.” You both hit ‘post’ before locking your phones. You tucking yours away into your clutch, while Shawn tucks his away into his pocket.
~red carpet~
“You really are beautiful sweetheart.” Shawn says quietly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“You look rather dashing.” You tell him, smiling gently as the car pulls up to the event. Cameras, reporters, and fans already waiting for their favorite celebrities.
“Good evening Mr. Mendes, Miss. L/N.” A security member says as he opens your door. Shawn getting out first and adjusting his jacket before reaching in for your hand.
You step out carefully, making sure to kick your dress out. Both of you waving and smiling at the crowds before beginning your walk down the carpet.
‘Kick, walk, kick, walk’ You think to yourself as you keep your eyes up and at the cameras. Letting Shawn help you move into different positions for photos.
“Shawn! Shawn! Over here!” He lets go of your waist as you pose for a few pictures.
“So you and Y/N L/N just announced your relationship a mere 45 minutes ago...was it preplanned or spur of the moment?” The interviewer asks as she holds her microphone to his face.
“We have talked about it a few times, but decided on doing it tonight. Wanted to walk with my girl.” Shawn says smiling at her, a glint in his eyes.
“How long have you two been together?”
“Almost nine months now, just waiting for the right time I suppose. Thank you so much.” He says before moving away, making his way back to your side. Arm curling around your waist while you both smile at cameras.
“I love you.” Shawn whispers once you’ve made it to the entrances.
“I love you too rockstar...now hurry up before Andrew has a fit.” You tease letting him press a kiss to your lips before running off. You walk with Margaret to your seats, smiling as you see the two empty ones for Andrew and Shawn.
“Seems fate was in the cards for us.” You tell your manager, making her nod her head.
“I know, I wasn’t sure if you two were going to be sitting together. But I’m glad we are, how are you feeling?” She asks, looking around for a water boy.
“I’m good, it was a lot of people. But I’m okay.” You respond, taking a deep breath and adjusting your dress. You both get swept into other conversations with different people. Different artists coming to say hello to you, having only been in the business for almost two years.
Not many people knew who you were, you still had no idea how Shawn had found out about you. You supposed it was from Teddy, the girl adored you and your work. Said you were going to be the next Alicia Keys all of the time. Shawn had become a confidant, someone who understood what you were going through.
You could talk to him about anything, because he got it right away. You had skirted around your feelings for him, until one night it had all come out when you were across the world from each other.
Then the rest was history, and here you were now. Announcing you were together, attending your first awards show together, and you were about to watch him perform his baby.
“I’ve heard he’s got a surprise in store for tonight.”
“I was gonna come watch him during rehearsals, but I ended up having that interview with Christina.” You say, sipping at a water Margaret had gotten for you.
“Hello my people.” Andrew says sitting down on your other side a seat away, smiling at you.
“Is he almost ready?” You question, he nods a bit and looks up as the lights dim down.
“Please welcome SHAWN MENDES!” Cardi calls after her speech, the opening music for ‘In My Blood’ beginning.
“Look at him go...he’s doing so good.” You whisper, keeping your tears at bay as you watch your boyfriend jam. A wide smile on his face as he plays his heart out with his most meaningful song.
“Wait for it.” Andrew mumbles, causing your eyebrows to furrow before you gasp. Water dripping down on your boyfriend causing the biggest grin to come on his face.
“Shawn Peter Raul.” You whisper shaking your head while smiling. Shawn looks over and makes eye contact with you, before playing even harder.
“Oh what am I gonna do with you?” You hum to yourself, heart pounding as you almost feel his adrenaline.
“I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me.” Andrew and Margaret both laughing at you, while all three of you wait for said boy to come over.
“Hi, excuse me, hi thank you.” Shawn murmurs as he finally comes to his seat.
“You’ve been 20 for not even two weeks yet...are you trying to kill the entire fandom?” You ask, looking up at him and seeing the flush on his cheeks.
“What are you...oh the water?”
“The water and the tank top...and those pants...how dare you.” You tease, smiling as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
“And what exactly were my pants doing?” He murmurs in your ear, hand curling around yours.
“Why don’t I show you when we get back to the hotel?” You say just as soft, making him smile again. A whole new flush coloring his cheeks and neck, while you both turn your head back to Brendon Urie.
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megamanxfanfics · 5 years
Thank Goodness for Deviant Art
It’s come to my attention that people might not be able to read my chapters after the [Read More] button any more. (At least not on mobile phones, I dunno).  I don’t know why this is the case.  It works fine for me, even when using Tumblr as a guest, but that might be an IP Address thing.  I don’t really know how it works.  Either way, from now on, I’m gonna put a link to my chapters on DA, just in case this is a problem you’re experiencing.
But either way, that’s not what I came here to talk about.  Instead, I’d like to tell you about the unusually long process it took to write 9 & 10 and where I’m currently at with 11 right now!
(If you can’t read below, a link to this journal is available on DA!)
There’s not too much to say here.  Work got the better of me for sure during these sessions for 9 & 10...  Since the Fall of 2018, I fell into a routine pattern where my only window for writing became sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays.  And if I wasn’t beaten down enough from the work week, I’d probably be working on music instead of this.  It took extra ounces of inspiration to get X & Zero through their next steps.  I definitely went through the motions, this go around, admittedly, but it all came together by the end.  And I do like what became of it.
--------------------------------Ep. 9-------------------------------------------------
This one starts with a much anticipated Dynamo fight, against X this time.  I was glad to have Zero stuck in England trying to get home.  It allowed breathing room for X to take however long he wanted, without any interference from Zero, who would’ve absolutely wanted a rematch.
At first, I was very stoked about this chapter, and couldn’t wait to write the next sequence in X’s fight against Dynamo.  There were a few play-through sessions, where I figured out, how X would attack him.  Continuity wise, it was ballsy to have him start this fight with Standard Armor.  I liked making the Falcon Armor more of a reflex maneuver than anything else.  I was also a fan of the Giga Attack being the equalizer here that gets Dynamo to stop.  Showing him sober up from his sociopathic ways, was interesting too.  X can’t help but feel bad for him once that battle is over.
And then I was done, lol.  The rest of this chapter is unfortunately a long transition to get to the next place, which was X’s stage in the jungle and Zero’s stage with Burn Dino-Rex.
This is what took forever...  Going through the World Building and further Seed Planting from there, as we followed up on Gate & Isoc.  I wanted to do this earlier, but it didn’t fit.  I wanted to do it during the news broadcast of the Enigma firing, but that scene was better suited for Dynamo, who was recovering from his wounds at the time.  [It’s fun to put that in perspective.  It feels like that was months ago!!]
The Gate & Isoc scene was fun to write.  I liked showing that Gate’s been busy trying to rebuild his old reploids.  It was more fun to have a follow-up on our villains with a secretive phone call.  But then I needed to focus on what was next, and I fell into sort of a trap.  Getting Zero home...
I can honestly say it took about 3 weeks to come up with/write out the hacking trick to get Zero home quicker.  And even that, I used a writing technique to fast forward that whole process from X’s perspective.  This was a risk.  It would’ve been neat to see Zero go in hyper warp speed, and add some hilarity to the middle of the chapter, before getting home, but it would’ve taken away from the drama of Lifesaver forcing X to go to sleep.  That's where the risk lied in.  What was Lifesaver’s motive?  This got dark, for a minute.  Lifesaver stuck a sedative needle into X’s neck to ensure he’d rest for at least an hour so that he’d be ready for his next mission.  Kind of unethical, but it worked.  So I explored that, with Zero questioning, while X wakes up in a confused state.
I didn’t want to get lost in this, so I had them leave right away.  Then I took a 2nd risk.  X was kind of an asshole to Zero as he was waking up, since he never believed in The Repliforce War to begin with.  I liked this though.  We built up and added towards the already existing animosity between them. They had unresolved business regarding their past actions, that were most likely buried in the past 3 years.
I did my very best to get X & Zero to their designated missions ASAP, but in the end, I think I had like 7 pages to explore their stages before hitting my usual cut-off point.
So I decided, the best road to take was to go down memory lane, on Zero’s part.  Maybe we could explain some of his motives and see where he’s coming from.  And I’m glad I got to do that.  We got to review what Zero remembers of The Repliforce War, and how everything got off track once Dragoon originally investigated Dino-Rex.  As far as Zero’s concerned, he’s just tying up the last loose end, here.  Finishing what Dragoon failed to do in the first place.  But also, he needed that Booster Engine, and one way or another, he was gonna get it.
----------------------------------Ep. 10----------------------------------------------
This takes me back to what I said before.  The writing process of this isn’t worth talking about.  For a good month, I honestly went through the motions every Saturday. Here and there. Bit by bit, just getting X through the next bit of the stage.  Or Zero.  Then X.  Then Zero.
This got way boring.  [This happened during Xtreme 2, too.]
But then I finally caught up to the bosses and it got super exciting again!!  I suppose I could say that Zero’s sequences were way better than X’s due to the nature of the stage and what he’s going through.  I liked showing Zero experience fear and vulnerability a little bit, while Alia proved her worth with her genius tactics. [Hiding in the shadows of the rocks, through the lava waves]
But then, the fights were interesting.  I didn’t wait for Saturdays any more, and definitely finished out Axle the Red’s fight on a weeknight. Sacrificing sleep or together time if need be.  One thing I will say about that fight, I really didn’t expect to name Axle’s twin Spike - the appropriate name for the character.  That was a neat compromise of an Easter egg that I threw in there at the last minute during the fight, but I really enjoyed that.
Zero didn’t exaaaaactly need an assist from X, but he was very worn out from their battle.  And nothing like a good juxtaposition to really show growth, right?  I felt like X swooping in and saving the day really solidified their bond and brought their friendship back right where it needs to be, before the next climactic thing.
And that would be where I am right now.  Episode 11!!  I can’t believe it, but the catch up point to the Battle of Two Fates is finally here. And it was years in the making.  I got my blessing from the lady this past Thursday to work on it while her new shows were on, and my Goodness!  One thing lead to another, and I started to cook something up pretty sweet out of all the canon dialogue.
Now keep in mind, it is technically in game dialogue, but there's still so much unexplained, like what the characters are actually doing while they’re saying this stuff. Or what they’re exactly feeling.  Re-envisioning this makes me see it in a whole new light.  But it’s far from done.  Just.. in a good spot, right now.  That’s all I’ll say.
I can’t wait to work on it more, but this is what I chose to do this Saturday.  So maybe I’ll get some time on it tomorrow or during the week. I don't know.
Season V has been a balancing act of making new interesting things out of a game I can’t stand.  So inevitably there will be some awesome within the mundane. This happened with Season II as well, but that one was surprisingly solid throughout.
If I can make one prediction, it is that Episode 11 will be Ultra Hyped, and then I’ll probably go through the motions during the Eurasia stages once again.  I’m figuring it out though.  We’ll see.  Until then, folks.  I can’t wait to see how Ep. 11 turns out.
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nickyvmlp · 6 years
My Top 10 Characters I Want in Smash Ultimate
I got a couple of requests for this in my last Smash reaction video, and I didn’t want to make it a full video, so it’ll go here, HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  (Also, none of my top 10 need to be echo fighters, but I’ll throw in a few echos near the end.)
10) Alex Roivas from Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
This will not happen, especially with Simon and Richter filling the horror game niche, but I can dream, darnit.  For the unaware, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was a 2002 GameCube exclusive psychological horror game; it’s basically Resident Evil meets Call of Cthulhu, and it’s my favorite horror game of all time. In the game, you play as Alex Roivas, a few of her ancestors, and few other schmucks across history unfortunate enough to stumble across an ancient book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness, which drags them into a conflict that could destroy the world.  Alex ends up using the knowledge she’s learned from the Tome to stop the rise of three ancient deities, each bent on world domination.  So in Smash, she could have the Tome at her disposal and could even carry it into battle like Robin does.  Her standard attacks can involve normal weaponry she uses like guns and knives and stuff, while her special attacks can all involve using the Tome to summon something.  For her Final Smash, she can hit everyone in a set radius around her with a huge sanity effect that adds 100% damage and breaks the shield of anyone caught in it, leaving them wide open for a heavy attack and a KO.  Plus, more strong female Smash characters, never a bad thing.
9) Decidueye from Pokemon
Every Smash game has a new Pokemon rep, and there’s quite for few on the rumor mill.  Gardevoir and Gothitelle get brought up a lot, but they’d draw a lot of comparisons to (and may end up being an EF to) Mewtwo, especially in Gardevoir’s case.  They could also throw in a currently unannounced Pokemon from Gen 8 with that being right around the corner.  But, Decidueye makes the most sense to me.  It’s got a cool design and there aren’t many characters that uses arrows in their arsenal, basically just the Links and Pit.  Plus, his Flying type would give him really strong recovery, most comparable to Charizard’s.  For his Final Smash, give him Zelda’s FS from Brawl, a giant arrow that KO’s everyone in a straight line.
8) The Eeveelutions from Pokemon
If you like Pokemon, odds are good that you like at least one of the Eeveelutions.  Espeon’s my favorite Pokemon ever, and Jolteon, Umbreon, and Sylveon are up there too.  And there’s eight Eeveelutions at the moment (not counting Eevee) and eight alternate costume spots for each character, so here’s what I’m thinking.  You reveal the Eeveelutions in the next Direct, and put up a poll on the Smash website: Who is your favorite Eeveelution?  The winner of the poll is the default character, while everyone else are the alt costumes.  This does mean that the Eeveelutions will have to be virtually identical, but that shouldn’t be too hard, a Flamethrower can look like a Hydro Pump, a Thunderbolt, a Psyshock, etc. with some small cosmetic changes.  And their Final Smash could either be similar to Mega Man’s where everyone joins in for a giant combined attack, or if you wanna get cartoony, have them get into a big dust cloud fight with other Eeveelutions joining in before the victim gets launched offscreen by it.  Plus with Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee coming soon, it’s a great time to give Eevee’s family some love
7) Black Shadow from F-Zero
You know me, I love F-Zero GX more than I love three square meals a day, and at the moment, there’s barely any Smash representation for the GREATEST RACING GAME OF ALL TIME, so let’s change that.  Samurai Goroh is already an Assist Trophy, so how about Falcon’s other main rival, Black Shadow?  Taking a quick look at him, he’s obviously a big, strong character which makes him well-equipped to be in a fighting game.  But taking a second look at him will make you chuckle, because he’s kinda goofy looking.  He’s wearing a full-body black spandex suit, with bull horns, cloven feet, and a cape.  Yea, he’s a sadistic monster in the games and the anime, but still he’s a little hard to take seriously.  And that can work in his advantage.  In Nintendo Directs, they like to use villains that you can kinda take the piss out of in certain places, like Dedede, Wario, and surely in the future, K. Rool.  Black Shadow can exist in a similar role, and maybe the four can form some evil alliance if they decide to make Subspace Emissary 2.  (Please make Subspace Emissary 2.)  His Final Smash can be identical to Falcon’s, hit your opponent with the Black Bull, works just fine.  Plus, maybe a new F-Zero character could build hype for a new game in the series?  Please?
6) Paper Mario
I’m not sure why some people want Paper Mario to be Mario’s EF?  Wasn’t the point of Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam to show how different those two are?  Anyway, Paper Mario has a bevy of ways to attack that would help him stand apart from his 3-dimensional counterpart.  His standard attack can involve his hammer (which Mario doesn’t have), with the directional standards involving various badges like the Hammer Throw and the Ice Smash.  His special attacks can use his various buddies.  Parakarry can be his recovery, Vivian can be a Down-B defense tool, you could even use Thoreau as his throwing mechanic.  And the final Smash could involve one of the realistic items from the new games, like the electric fan blowing all the opponents offscreen.  I don’t know much about the newer games, they didn’t look as good.
5) Shadow the Hedgehog
This is another one that COULD be an Echo Fighter, but Shadow plays pretty differently to Sonic in their games.  He skates instead of runs, he uses weapons whereas Sonic just uses his speed, Shadow has a FUCKING GUN, there’s plenty that you can do with Shadow to separate him from Sonic.  Particularly involving his Final Smash, Chaos Control.  When it’s used, everyone on screen freezes for ten seconds.  In that time, Shadow can use one heavy attack after another after another, and when the time runs out, all the damage and force from those attacks hit at once, and that character will go flying.  It’d be kinda like Link’s Stasis from Breath of the Wild (which should be Link’s FS, but oh well)
4) Spring Man from Arms
So, Arms wasn’t as big of a hit as people were hoping.  That’s a bummer, it looks like a fun game.  How about we give it one last shot in the arm (teehee) to try to boost its exposure?  Put Spring Man in the game, and have him focus on long-range attacks and throws.  His recovery can be a long whip that grabs ledges like Olimar’s.  And for his Final Smash, give him a big winding tornado throw that KOs whoever he grabs and damages anyone who gets hit by the swinging arms in the process.  Show what he can do in Smash, and maybe it’ll entice people to see what he can do in Arms.  I just want that game to be successful.
3) Rayman
I was shocked that Rayman didn’t get into Smash WiiU, since it seems like Nintendo and Ubisoft have been on great terms for a long time, like how Rayman Origins and Legends ended up on Nintendo consoles when it had almost no third-party support.  Rayman even had a trophy in WiiU, so it was really surprising to me that he wasn’t one of the DLC characters.  Let’s fix that.  His unattached limbs would give him some good range, he’d have some magic that he could use at his disposal for special attacks.  And for his Final Smash, how about summoning a swarm of mosquitoes to fly across the screen, doing massive damage with each hit, like a super-powered version of the Beedrills from Smash 64?
2) Geno from Super Mario RPG
I’m not a huge Final Fantasy guy, but I’m so glad Cloud got into Smash WiiU/3DS, because it throws the door wide open for other Square characters.  A lot of people think this will lead to Sora from Kingdom Hearts getting in (doubtful), but I want Geno to finally get in.  He did get an outfit for the Mii Gunner in the last game, but seeing him actually in Smash, not just as a Mii, would be so great.  Mario RPG is criminally underrated, and it laid the groundwork for the Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.  He’d, of course, be a long range fighter, using his finger cannons as his main attacks, and for his Final Smash:  the Geno Flash, which would be like a combination of Pit’s and Jigglypuff’s FS.  You’d go offscreen and aim a point on the map.  From that epicenter, a giant blast grows, trapping and damaging anyone who gets in the blast radius, before launching those victims off the stage.
Honorable Mentions (Echo Fighters)
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat brought Funky Kong back into the fold, and he’s got a very similar body type to Donkey Kong, so that makes perfect sense to me.
Hyrule Warriors could use a representative, and since Midna’s already an Assist Trophy, how about Impa?  She’s got a great look and could borrow Sheik’s moveset quite well.
I never bought Wart as an Echo Fighter, since the characters he was usually attached to (Bowser or Dedede) didn��t feel similar enough.  But K. Rool, on the other hand, fits just right.  K. Rool looks like a caricature of Wart.
People seem to like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so let’s add to the Xenoblade cast in Smash.  I don’t know a lot about Rex, besides his goofy pants, but I’m sure he’d be a great fit.
This might seem odd, but how about Andy from Advance Wars as an Echo to Bowser Jr.?  Andy could ride in a tank and shoot projectiles while using the turret as a short-range melee attack?  Could work.
1) Sans and Papyrus from Undertale
No, but could you imagine?
1) Crash and Coco Bandicoot
This would be the kind of Internet breaking character that you put as the last character added to give one final hype boost to the already unstoppable Smash hype train.  The N. Sane Trilogy is already out on Switch, so the publishers already have their foot in the door, so let’s just go for it.  And as an added bonus, you could announce Coco Bandicoot at the same time (like Simon and Richter) for added excitement.  (I would absolutely main as Coco.)  Their standard attacks could revolve around their spin attacks, while their specials would involve using their various powerups like the fruit bazooka and the belly flop.  And the Final Smash would involve using Aku Aku to turn invincible for a brief time.  Yes, they’re kinda doing away with that kind of FS, maybe they could make a cutscene out of it and cause an instant KO or something.  I don’t know, just gimme Crash in Smash, please. 
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zareleonis · 6 years
What do you think of Kanan’s new look? And just Kanan in general?
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i really like what theyve done with kanan.  his new top has 3 things which i notice are common themes among the other character’s new looks: nice simple vertical lines, removal of extra pieces of armor and an overall simplification of his look.  which, by the way is wicked cool and has a looooot of shit worth overanalyzing
THE BEARD!!!! THANK THE FORCE FOR THE BEARD!! MY ONLY QUESTION IS SINCE IT LOOKS SO GREAT WHY WASNT HE DOING THIS BEFORE!! oh also i wonder why he went for that change. shaving just too much a pain to mess around with right after malachor and then he got used to it haha?
kanan’s mask thing is completely sick. i love the jaig eyes that’s such an awesome touch!! makes you wonder if everyone’s favorite uh jaig eye wearer his buddy rex hooked him up with that :3 or even sabine i guess? it makes me happy to think about kanan’s friends looking after him
good bye arm and shoulder armor?? im kind of sad cos i really do like that on him a ton but like i referenced above, his new design is a lot less busy? more simple, and i think i would miss it if i didnt think he looked just fne without it.
i love the new shirt. i never really liked his old one that much – it looks like that ugly sweater you love because its warm and cozy but doenst actually look good.  this one however is smooth and super fashionable.  i love the simple vertical lines. i swear it almost looks like something out of star trek haha. its much nicer than the other one.
the change of the black triangle on his chest to a yellow one is interesting. maybe meaningless but i love this shared element between the two shirts
he’s actually wearing his lightsaber on his belt in one piece now??? that is super exciting and i wonder what inspired that change in him
for what it’s worth, he’s also swapped out his grey-black gloves for brown ones.
as far as kanan in general goes, i have /some/ thoughts but i kinda wanna watch more and get a better sense of where he’s at before saying much
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hera’s new design has a lot of new elements very similar to the changes of kanan’s, which makes me smile. i think the new look makes her seem very cool and tough (though i already thought that about her haha)
just like kanan has dropped his armored shoulder, hera’s gotten rid of the protective shoulder pads as well. i think it’s really interesting that almost all of the characters have gotten rid of some extra bits of armor. i wonder if it’s a simple design preference or if there’s a functional reason to it?
her’s new undershirt is pretty slick.  the smoother more simple collar with vertical line designs follows a visual theme we see throughout these new outfits. in this same area, the top of the brown part of her flight suit has been lowered, and now has a straight top and thinner shoulder straps.
there are some new embellishments to her outfit - some sort of clip on the shoulder strap of her flight suit, little pouches on her upper arm that could carry stuff, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) a visible button on the right shoulder strap.  this is silly but it kinda drove me crazy cos i couldn’t figure out how she got in or out of this outfit, but now i can actually visualize it
i love that her old uh ear cone covers? earmuffs? have been replaced with a ridiculously cool looking new pair. instead of the simple brown rounded surface, the tops are now flat and grey with gold designs on them and they look AMAZING.
also like kanan, she’s got a minor update to her gloves. they used to have a longer section that covered part of her forearms, but now the gloves just end at the wrist
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zeb’s new look might be the least noticeable, because it has more subtracting than adding, in terms of changes, but its still a nice update
the key point to zeb’s new design is that his shoulder armor is gone, just like kanan and hera.  now his arms are full exposed, shoulder on down, because apparently star wars rebels looks out for its furry fans ;P
the minty green swirly design on his left shoulder is out, replaced with a more subtle blue design on the left breast.  there’s also some blue designs on the right should as well. its very subdued a sort of cutting out extra elements, which as i’ve said, is something we see in other character’s new designs also
there is an added blue and white circle+triangle insignia on zeb’s chest + red stripes on his right shoulder.  i wonder if these designate rank within the rebellion or something like that?
the only other change to his chest piece i noticed is two new small light green sections cutting into the mid dark green portion, and that the line going right down the center of his chest is now thicker, almost has some sort of rope design going on
his belt has been updated, with the center now completely empty, no buttons or lights on the front, and some sort of pouches on either hip, kind of like the pouches added to hera’s shoulders
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it’s almost REQUIRED that sabine mix things up with her look cos that’s just Her Thing, so of course we’ve got some changes here :P they’re not massive changes, but especially when taken into consideration with her s1 look, you can really see how she’s developed
white/purple hair is really nice. overall look is a bit less wild that her past looks, with a smoother transition between the two colors and and a style that is a lot softer, if that makes sense? particularly as compared to s1
notice sabine no longer has her large paint covered gauntlets/gloves that she wore previously. this reveals more of the full black undersuit that she started wearing in s2. its a relatively minor change, but fits with the large theme among the whole cast, of superfluous bits on their outfit getting removed, for a more simple, serious look.
orange is out, purple is in, apparently!!  it’s nice look, a bit less loud than the colors sabine replaced. 
most significant change to the armor is obviously that she’s gotten rid of the anooba on the left shoulder armor, in favor of our little bird friend. i guess sabine must’ve seen the little guy flying around and got inspired? i’m a bit sad though, i liked the anoobas very much.
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ezra’s new look is soooo awesome with how it gives him an outfit that incorporates the same overall visuals of his previous design, but with simple changes that show how much he’s matured.
hair!! i love the adorable floppy puppy dog hair to bits but the new haircut makes him look a lot older. there’s something about a visible forehead that does that!
even though the look *has* changed pretty significantly, elements like the yellow collar and the vest remain in place. i love how that ties the two looks together.
one big difference is that there’s no longer any design on his back. again with cleaning up and simplifying the character’s looks.
the new look follows the theme of the whole cast’s outfit changes though, in that the “vest” is simply a design on his top rather than an extra piece and it forms the same sort of nice smooth vertical lines we see on kanan, hera etc’s updated outfits
new outfit is much more form-fitting! he used to look downright scrawny and the looser outfit served to emphasize that.  you can even see some proper muscles there! :o he’s not exactly the next men’s health cover boy (we’ll leave that to kanan ;P), but physically he’s definitely matured (plus he’s taller). 
a proper pair of pants (not ripped!) and //finally// armor for BOTH legs. it’s no longer something he cobbled together with whatever he could find, and more of a simple, functional outfit that suits a young knight/soldier.
he now carries a blaster. now maybe having a blaster was simply unneeded with his original lightsaber, but the evolution from stunning slingshot > lightsaber > blaster + lightsaber can’t be overlooked
yeah so anyways whole team looks awesome
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Game-changing neutrino experiments 05/24/18 By Ali Sundermier SYMMETRY MAGAZINE FERMILAB This neutrino-watchers season preview will give you the rundown on what to expect to come out of neutrino research in the coming years. There’s a lot to look forward to in the world of neutrinos, tiny particles that are constantly streaming through us unnoticed. According to theorist Alexander Friedland of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, if you looked at the field of neutrino research 20 years ago, you wouldn’t recognize it compared to what it is now. “The developments have been absolutely remarkable,” he says. “It has evolved so much.” Twenty years ago, in 1998, neutrinos exposed a shortcoming of the Standard Model of particle physics, scientists’ best explanation of the fundamental particles and forces that make up everything. According to the Standard Model, neutrinos should have no mass. But according to the observations of the Super-Kamiokande and then the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiments, they did. It was already known that they came in three types, but if they had mass this meant that they also shifted from one type to another as they flew along at nearly the speed of light. Many mysteries remain about these particles with minuscule masses: Do neutrinos actually come in four types, as suggested by some experiments? What are the masses of neutrinos? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? What can neutrinos tell us about the Standard Model, astrophysical phenomena and the formation of the universe? Our current neutrino experiments have all gotten to a sort of midway point, says Lindley Winslow, a physicist at MIT. “We’re refueling and looking at the maps and figuring out our next steps into this really uncharted land,” she says. “It’s a little bit of a time to congratulate ourselves that we got to this point and then make the big push to the unknown.” With Neutrino 2018, the XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, right around the corner, we asked some neutrino experts for their quick takes on the roster of experiments going into this season and their predictions for upcoming victories in the field. Here’s what they had to say. Chasing hidden flavors Neutrinos are known to oscillate between three known types, or flavors, as they move through space: electron, muon and tau. But in 1995, physicists working on the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector, or LSND, at Los Alamos National Laboratory stumbled upon clues that there may be an extra flavor hiding on the sidelines. They called it a “sterile neutrino,” a neutrino flavor that would not interact like the others. “Neutrinos outnumber electrons, protons and neutrons in today’s universe by a factor of 10 billion,” says physicist Joshua Spitz of the University of Michigan. “Given this, it’s easy to see that the existence of a fourth type of neutrino, and corresponding mixing to the other three, would have significantly affected the evolution of the universe. Specifically, large scale structure, galaxy formation, dark matter, cosmic microwave background observables, and the creation and abundance of heavy elements could all be affected by the addition of a new type of neutrino.” In the years since the LSND anomaly, physicists have been designing experiments geared towards chasing down this hidden flavor. In 2002, the MiniBooNE experiment began collecting data related to this at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Results have thus far shown an excess of MiniBooNE events that is consistent with the LSND signal, but it isn’t clear how this fits into a model of sterile neutrinos. The co-spokespeople for MiniBooNE, Richard Van de Water and Rex Tayloe, plan to present updated results at Neutrino 2018 that will add significant new information. “The results will provide new information and insights into the question of the LSND and MiniBooNE excesses, especially the question of the consistency of the two data sets indicating whether new physics such as sterile neutrinos, or other more complicated models, are at play,” Van de Water says. In addition, new, more sensitive experiments are just starting to come online. MiniBooNE’s successor is an experiment called MicroBooNE; it is expected to release its first physics results in the coming year. MicroBooNE will eventually be joined at Fermilab by ICARUS and SBND, forming a suite of three detectors known as the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program. Beyond these accelerator-based experiments—which also include the Japan-based JSNS2—a number of radioactive-source and reactor-based experiments, including PROSPECT, STEREO, DANSS, CHANDLER and SOLID, are also working and hope to catch the theorized sterile neutrino sometime in the near future. Tackling the mass ordering Just as we know there are at least three different flavors of neutrinos, we also know that there are three different neutrino masses. But how these mass states are ordered is still a mystery. There are two possible ways neutrino mass states can be ordered: normal or inverted. Although many signs are pointing towards a normal ordering, the final call is still in review. Knowing whether neutrinos have a normal or inverted mass ordering can help scientists test other models of the universe, such as one in which the four forces of nature unite into one at high energies. In contrast with the short-baseline experiments searching for sterile neutrinos, experiments tackling the question of mass ordering are built to go long. The two major long-baseline experiments in operation are the T2K experiment hosted by KEK accelerator laboratory, which monitors a beam of neutrinos traveling more than 180 miles across Japan, and NOvA hosted by Fermilab, which studies a beam that originates about 500 miles from the detector in the United States. Fermilab just completed an upgrade of its accelerators, and the detector for the T2K experiment will gain sensitivity with an upgrade this summer. Reactor-based experiments, such as the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment in China, are also involved in the investigation. Many of the experts consulted for this article—including André de Gouvêa at Northwestern and Friedland at SLAC—say they are looking forward to a slew of results in the next few years from NOvA and T2K that could bring us closer than ever to figuring out the mass ordering. According to Spitz at Michigan, telescope-based observations of large-scale structure are also quickly gaining sensitivity to measuring the sum of the neutrino masses by looking at its influence on the gravitational clumping of matter in the early universe. Combining this with other results might allow scientists to uncover the neutrino mass ordering. “Seeing agreement between NOvA, T2K and telescopic observations of this property of the neutrinos will be absolutely extraordinary,” he says, “and seeing disagreement might even be more interesting. This will truly be ‘astroparticle physics,’ when we can start relating the properties of the neutrino to the formation of the universe.” Other experiments are working to measure the combined mass of the three types of neutrinos. KATRIN, a neutrino experiment in Germany with a 200-ton spectrometer at its core, has just started taking data. The experiment will measure the energy of the electrons spit out during the decay of the radioactive isotope tritium and look for very slight distortions that will clue researchers in to the neutrino’s absolute mass. “The absolute neutrino mass is one of these things that oscillation experiments can’t see at all,” says Alexander Himmel, a physicist at Fermilab. “We’re seeing the very beginning of data-taking with KATRIN. It’s a very technically challenging experiment and it’s been slow to get up and running, so over the next few years we’re looking forward to getting really beautiful measurements from them, which I think will be very exciting.” Project 8, another experiment going after the absolute mass of the neutrino, will also use tritium, instead measuring the energy of individual electrons by measuring the frequency of their spiraling motion in a magnetic field. Although the goal of Project 8 is to demonstrate the technology, physicists hope to scale up the technique in the future. Blowing the whistle on neutrino fouls Most of the particles in our universe have corresponding antiparticles, which carry equal but opposite charges of their partners. Scientists believe that during the Big Bang, there should have been equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe. But when matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate. This match should have ended in a tie, with matter and antimatter cancelling each other out and leaving behind nothing but energy. And yet somehow, as you can guess from the matter-packed world we live in, matter was victorious. Scientists are still trying to figure out why. This is where charge-parity violations come into play. For a while, physicists believed there had to be some sort of symmetry between the behavior of particles and their antimatter teammates, called CP symmetry. This means that if antineutrinos subbed in for neutrinos, the universe should treat them identically. But if this symmetry is somehow broken, it might explain how matter got the upperhand. Long-baseline experiments such as NOvA and T2K, with assistance from reactor-based experiments such as Daya Bay, have set out to track the oscillations of neutrinos and antineutrinos to determine if they are fundamentally different. That would indicate that CP is broken, offering a possible explanation for why matter took home the win in the creation of the universe. According to Friedland, one of the major neutrino announcements expected soon is the release of antineutrino run data from the NOvA experiment, which, in combination with T2K, will either strengthen existing hints of CP violation or send teams of scientists running off in some new direction. “We are seeing hints that something interesting is happening between neutrinos and antineutrinos,” says Kendall Mahn, a physicist at Michigan State University. “We’re trying to take more data to see if this is going to turn into something really exciting or fizzle out. It just shows us that we’re really on the leading edge of something.” Another possible symmetry-breaking that might have had a hand in sculpting the universe as we know it is called lepton number violation. This would occur if neutrinos were actually their own antiparticles. Scientists are testing this hypothesis by looking for a process in which neutrinos act as their own opposites and cancel one another out: neutrinoless double-beta decay. Experiments such as CUORE, Majorana Demonstrator, GERDA and NEXT are on the offensive, all having recently published new results. Results from KamLAND-Zen 800 are also anticipated by the end of the year. “Just turning the detector on was a feat in itself, says Winslow at MIT, referring to CUORE. “Now we have the hard job of keeping it running for five years and getting the ultimate sensitivity where we actually think we should be able to see something.” The Standard Model fitness test Scientists aren’t just studying neutrinos in neutrino experiments; they’re also creating tests of the Standard Model. Last summer, physicists involved in the COHERENT experiment hosted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory were able to measure for the first time a phenomenon predicted via the Standard Model that had been sought for four decades without detection. The phenomenon, known as coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, also comes into play in the explosions of supernovae. In coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, a neutrino hitting the nucleus of an atom does not just hit one part of it—a proton or a neutron—but rather kicks the entire nucleus as a whole. “It’s like hitting a bowling ball with a ping pong ball,” says Kate Scholberg, a physicist at Duke. “Neutrinos almost never interact, but this cross-section is so large that the probability of a collision is 100 times more than for a regular neutrino interaction. The problem is that when you hit a bowling ball with a ping pong ball, it’s hard to get the bowling ball rolling very fast, there’s a really low-energy recoil [that is difficult to observe].” Taking different approaches is key in propelling neutrino research forward, says Janet Conrad, a physicist at MIT. Another instrument she’s looking forward to using for precision measurements that test the Standard Model is IceCube, the giant South Pole neutrino observatory that consists of a cubic kilometer of Antarctic ice. “IceCube is a unique detector that has produced nice dark matter results and a really interesting sterile neutrino limit,” she says, “but I think what many people don’t realize is what a fantastic beyond-Standard-Model search detector IceCube actually is. And it's just getting better as we understand the detectors more and more. Within the particle physics community, IceCube is the dark horse running up next to us that we haven't yet recognized.” The wild card When a massive star explodes, the first messengers it sends across the galaxy are its speedy, unhindered neutrinos. Because these neutrinos escape from the star’s collapsing core, they contain information about the early stages of supernova events that is not available in any other way. In 1987, Supernova 1987A exploded in a nearby galaxy. Kamiokande-II, the Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven detector and the Baksan Neutrino Observatory each recorded a burst of neutrino events from the explosion. The detections allowed scientists to confirm theoretical models of what goes on in the heart of these violent stellar explosions. Although we’re not sure when the next galactic supernova will go off, the idea that it could happen in the coming decades—during a time where there are a growing number of neutrino experiments in operation—is exciting to many, including Scholberg and Friedland. “The rate of supernova explosions is estimated to be two to three per century in our galaxy,” says Friedland, “which is about the same rate as large earthquakes occurring in the Bay Area. In the case of supernovae, just as in the case of earthquakes, we don’t know if one will go off tomorrow, but it definitely pays to be prepared.” At the moment, Scholberg says, seven large neutrino detectors could observe a galactic supernova, and more will join them in the coming years. Seeing a nearby supernova would allow us to pursue many detailed questions about distant astrophysical phenomena, which will better inform our theories of the universe. Going into overtime Before the end of this decade, additional experiments such as JUNO, an underground observatory in China that will build on the successes of the Daya Bay reactor experiment, will come online. In the next 10 to 15 years, experiments will continue to grow and improve. The Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, DUNE, will send neutrinos racing more than 800 miles across the United States to better understand their oscillations and potentially definitively answer some of our current questions. Each question scientists answer is tied to other questions, and every point scored brings physicists ever closer to triumphs that could revolutionize our picture of the universe, from its tiniest particles to its largest scale astrophysical phenomena. “Every day I come into work and we take a little step forward to some new understanding,” Mahn says. “There’s more stuff out there and we’re getting closer to it.”
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Returning Franchise/Groups Thoughts
Before I start talking potential newcomers (Though I will at least touch on it a little here) it’s time I give my thoughts on what could happen with each of the series that were in Smash 4 and if anything changes in representation. I’ve said before that I don’t expect too many cuts so most of this is mainly that franchises are keeping where they are but I’ll still try to make a special note with each one
I don’t really expect anyone in the Mario series to get cut. They’ve pretty much nailed the representation for the most part with the original characters they’ve gotten. Maybe Dr. Mario has a shot at being demoted to alt, but depending just how much ported over the roster ends up. He might stay anyway.
I also suspect that unless Captain Toad (Or any variation of Toad) is a Newcomer in this Smash. We won’t be getting any more Mario characters. No offense to supporters of Waluigi, Paper Mario, or Daisy. But I don’t think it’s time for them.
Yoshi’s probably going to remain solo. The only candidates that could feasibly be a 2nd Yoshi rep is the Baby Mario Bros. and Kamek. Neither of which I think are that popular really
I also think Wario’s going to remain solo. There’s going to be some hope for Ashley thanks to Warioware Gold. But realistically I think the only chance Wario gets a 2nd rep is if they decide to cheat the system a little and count Waluigi as a Wario rep.
Donkey Kong
Obviously both DK and Diddy will return. And this is also one of the franchises I suspect will just have to get a rep in this game. Whether it be King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, or even both
Retro (That is Mr. Game & Watch, Duck Hunt, and ROB)
I assume all 3 retro characters will return. With a good chance the Ice Climbers take their long awaited return assuming 8 Player Smash doesn’t cause trouble with them. As for any new retros, who knows. They seem to pop up one each new game. So maybe Takamaru will get to join this time around or something. But who knows what Sakurai will have in mind here
Everyone from the previous game should return here. Only questions is if Shiek will return to being a transformation or not. Link is obviously going to be BOTW styled but will that mean any moveset changes? We won’t know until we see actual footage of Link. Zelda will probably also be BOTW styled. Though Ganondorf didn’t have his Gerudo form in BOTW. So either they stay with his Smash 4/Twilight Princess design, make a What If BOTW styled Ganondorf, or even make him in Hyrule Warriors style. As for any new characters, I think by now any chances of a character that isn’t some alternate version of the trio isn’t going to get playable. Those hoping for any of the guardians will probably get the same disappointment that those people hoping for Skill Kid, Midna, or Impa got.
Samus and Zero Suit Samus will obviously return. Though like Shiek the question is if they remain separate characters. But of course what is always going to be a big topic discussion is if anyone’s joining. Obviously Ridley’s going to be debated once again. But I think a dark horse (no pun intended) could be Dark Samus given Metroid Prime 4 is coming. Dark Samus would definitely be much better received then Dark Pit was. Even if Dark Samus turned out to be somewhat cloned from Samus. It’d at least be something. Even if it’s not the big bone that Ridley would be.
Kid Icarus
I don’t think they’ll be adding more. Much like Dr. Mario, maybe Dark Pit gets demoted to Alt. But as much as I’d like that there’s an equal chance they’ll keep him around anyway. I suppose another question would be about Palutena’s Custom Moves. We don’t know if Custom Moves will return. Given the DLC characters were not given any, that may be a sign they’re on their way out. And if Palutena’s stuck with her default Smash 4 moveset? That’ll suck for Palutena players, because some of her actual good moves are hidden in those.
Fire Emblem
Ah yes the franchise almost everybody complains about their representation. I think for the most part everyone in the previous game will return. Yes even Lucina, Roy, and Corrin. If Dr. Mario and Dark Pit get demoted maybe Lucina does too but I just don’t know. Lucia’s actually kinda popular. And they bothered to bring back Roy from Melee so I don’t know why they’d leave him out again. And I feel Corrin’s a bit of an early bird. He/she would of probably been a newcomer for this game, but instead he got into Smash earlier then we thought he/she would. I think that because I suspect everybody comes back, we may get no more additional Fire Emblem characters this time just to give it a break. Maybe the next Fire Emblem’s protagonist gets in through DLC but otherwise I don’t expect any new Fire Emblem characters from the get go.
All Kirby Characters should return being Sakurai’s pride and joy. Don’t know if it’ll get a 4th character or if it’s even necessary to have one, but if they do. It’s probably Bandana Waddle Dee
Little Mac will likely remain solo. Don’t see them suddenly adding another. That is unless… Mike Tyson enters the ring O: (Nah, I’m kidding. Though it would be hilarious)
Star Fox
This one’s going to be a little difficult to figure out. I think both Fox and Falco are safe. But the question is if Wolf will finally make his come back after missing out on Smash 4. Star Fox Zero didn’t do as well as some hoped, so there’s ground for maybe Star Fox remaining where it is. That said maybe they’d save Wolf for DLC to have that hype return like Mewtwo and Lucas was for many. Any other choices likely already missed their chance. Including Krystal.
Pokemon is the franchise that has historically had the most cuts within Smash. So this is incredibly hard to predict. The Pokemon company has been said to be actually a little difficult for Sakurai to deal with. For now I think everyone that was in Smash 4 should return. With the likeliest newcomer being Decidueye to complete the fire-grass-water trio that has left a hole ever since Pokemon Trainer being cut down to just Charizard. Possibly a Gen 8 newcomer for DLC.
Ness and Lucas should be here to stay. Don’t think there need to be any additions from here on out
Captain Falcon without any new games still will remain the only F-Zero character. And that’s just fine.
Animal Crossing
I think Villager stays solo. Though a small chance that maybe Tom Nook, Isabelle, or even Mr. Restti comes into the picture.
If there was any chance Pikmin was going to grow beyond Olimar. It’s too late as Alph is simply an alt. So other then maybe other Pikmin characters also being Alts. Olimar will be solo. Though the real question is how many Pikmin will he have this time. He could have only three at a time in Smash 4. But up to 6 in Brawl
Wii Fit
If there’s any chance at all that for the first time a new series is cut for a reason other then 3rd party issues (Metal Gear) and technical problems (Ice Climbers) then Wii Fit would probably be first on the chopping block. But I doubt they cut her out as much as some will probably be clamoring for it.
I highly expect Shulk to make it back. And a good chance he’s joined in with Rex from Xenoblade 2. Shulk will likely be the Marth of the Xenoblade franchise I feel.
I think they are more likely to return in some way. Though admittedly custom moves at least leaves them a little bit in Limbo. But I just don’t see why they’d cut them. The Miis allowed for those who are young (or young at heart) to include real-life characters, impossible ones, or extremely unlikely ones to at least kinda satisfy them. It’d be kind of disappointed to go to this game without that option to create your fighter. Even if Custom Moves is largely removed, I hope the Mii Fighters still return and maybe they’re the only characters with Custom Moves. Even if that comes into conflict with Palutena.
3rd Parties
Now this is the interesting part. I think Sonic, Megaman, and Bayonetta are absolutely safe. All 3 of them have had significant releases or upcoming releases on the Switch. Plus they’d all risk alienating the fanbase should either of them be dropped because they were all included by fan demand of some sort. I think Pac-Man and Ryu are in the middle in they probably will return. I think even if Namco isn’t helping out as much as they did with the last one Pac-Man may stay anyway and if they get Megaman might as well get Ryu again too but they have some degree of doubt compared to the 3 I already mentioned. Cloud’s probably the most likely 3rd Party to leave only because I heard Square can be stingy (I mean we did only get two songs for Final Fantasy. Which is kinda ridiculous). But given that Square isn’t at odds with Nintendo right now and the Switch is selling well. I don’t see why Square wouldn’t love the free promotion for Cloud whether or not the FF7 Remake comes to the Switch. While the risk is always there, I think we’re slightly more likely to actually keep everyone along only because 3rd Parties have gotten huge. Heck, I wouldn’t even be surprised if by the time development has finished and all the DLC released. We have 10 or more 3rd Party characters playable. As for likely newcomers? I think the most likely BASE GAME 3rd party is probably Rayman. While Crash Bandicoot might be a strong DLC candidate.
And that’s all for now, if there’s something that’s announced that leaves some evaluation I may do another post like this. Probably at least a post based on this when the base game’s roster has been revealed when we know who’s returned for the base game and who didn’t. Coming next I will start covering potential newcomers and/or veterans that weren’t in Smash 4 in posts of their own soon enough.
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How to Draw a Monster - Nose - Easy Things to Draw
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How to Draw a Monster - Nose - Easy Things to Draw
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How to Draw a Monster – Nose – Easy Things to Draw
Video originally posted on my sketch monster channel, I’m merging both channels, so I’m importing this over. This is a video on tips to draw a monster nose. The nose is a relatively easy feature compared to the eye, but it still have challenges.
Also, don’t forget to check another tutorial How to Draw a Monster – Monster Portrait Demo – Easy Things to Draw
  Hi guys, how are you, I’m Enrique and welcome to my channel Easy Things To Draw, this video is one that I had already uploaded in my channel Sketch Monster, but as I said before, I’m in the process of merging my two channels together, Easy Things To Draw and Sketch Monster.
Since the channel Sketch Monster was destined to draw the things that I like the most, but I have noticed that in this channel are also interested in them, that’s why I want to combine them, and also in this way it is easier for me to maintain them.
Today I want to go over some tips about noses, and maybe how to make an efficient one or like a better-looking one. The pencil that I’m using today is a regular graphite pencil, since, in several of my videos I like to show you that you can use any material to draw, but if you really care about what exactly pencil I’m using is a portfolio aqua sketch 6b, but as I said before it’s not really important…
  whatever you decide to use, it will be fine. As I said, today I’m going to talk about some noses tips, the first tip, is about the things that you don’t have to put on a nose, but anyway, I’ll show you what people tend to do…
One way I find that it’s good to talk about noses and also how to draw this kind of science fiction, horror or even animal noses, is to know about what they’re made of, Apart from this I will talk really quickly about human noses.
  We will start with the human nose, and what they are made of, I advise you for this step to search in internet images of skulls or if by chance you have one near you, use it for reference, that way it will be easier for you to understand this step. The skull has this kind of ridge bone just before the nose starts, in the middle of both eyes, and then, and then what goes forward is mostly cartilage, that part of the nose is pretty malleable, well not as much as a mouth or even an eye, but it’s not so hard as a bone and you can notice that.
  Like, for example, when you’re drawing a nose, some people have this kind of hanging downward nose and then you can find some people with a really upturned nose, most of the shape is given by the cartilage and you can also see this in nose operations, because to modify them, they have to operate a part of the cartilage. So, we have the skull by there somewhere, but the end of this can be a lot of things…
  When I was making these nose I was thinking in trolls, these are a fearsome member of a mythical anthropomorphic race of Scandinavian folklore. Their role can change from diabolical giants, similar to the ogres, to devious savages, much like men underground living in hills or mounds. These are prone to theft and the kidnapping of humans. Another name they may have is “hill people” or “mound people.”
Literature, art and Nordic music from the romantic period onwards have adapted trolls in various ways, often in the form of an Aboriginal race, with huge ears and nose, that is why I think of them with this hanging downward nose, but this depends on how humanized you want to make them, and then you can find the fairies, which are a fantastic and subtle creature…
  These are generally described in the form of a beautiful woman with butterfly wings, for that reason, I believe, that it suits them a more upturned nose, although that does not mean anything, I wouldn’t want you to feel insulted, since by the way, my nose is more of the style of a hanging downward one, but these are stylized things that people usually do for certain things.
  For monsters, there are a variety of types of noses. the monsters have a very broad concept linked to mythology and fiction. This term can be applied to any being that presents characteristics, usually negative or unrelated to the regular order of nature. Monsters are described as hybrid beings that can combine human elements, animals, and also have an abnormal size and supernatural faculties. 
This term is reserved for beings who inspire fear and disgust or refer to people whose acts go against their own moral values, so monsters can have this kind of giant hanging nose or even not have it, and I want to talk about that really fast.
When you’re drawing a character with no nose, like for example Red Skull from Marvel, this character only has a huge hole where the nose goes because the cartilage doesn’t continue, It’s just the bone part, you can use this kind of no-nose, for a more mysterious or evil character…
Also, if you look straight ahead to the skull, you can see that in the nasal cavity it only have one bone in the middle, like I said before you can go online and look for skull references with a view to the front, that way you’ll have a clearer view of what I’m talking about. Another thing I’ve seen people do a lot lately is to leave some cartilage in the nasal cavity…
Like the same nose that we did look to the side, now we are going to do it with a view to the front, with the difference that in the middle you have to divide the nostril, like I said I’ve seen this a lot, that they don’t leave any bridge in the nose and is just like an empty cavernous thing.
So that might be a good idea, I’ve seen that style in a lot of creature designs, but another form of no-nose that you could use is two holes in your character, you know, like two small holes instead of a nose, because one of the things you want to make sure, is that your character can breathe, because if he has to run, you know, if you want to create a creature that moves very fast or something like that, he is probably  going to need more air than normal, so is going to need more than just his mouth to get it, so this style might work for you. How to draw step by step. 
In another type of creature, that you would also use this style is in zombies, these are grotesque characters with an insatiable hunger for human flesh, they are dead beings who have risen from their graves and want to destroy humanity. They have a clumsy walking and their body is in a state of decomposition, so their flesh is all mashed together, you can give them the appearance that their nose has fallen off, using two points instead.
Another tip about noses that I want to talk is about animal noses, if you want to incorporate this style in your drawing, I was thinking to give you an example using the skull of a coyote, This I use a lot in my examples, and again, you can look for some references online so you can learn better… 
Now if you look at the part where the snout is, you can tell, that they have the same kind of hole that we do, since they need a lot of oxygen to be able to breathe, but they have on the sides of their head this ridge and that’s another way to pull out like a snout, when you’re creating a character, especially if it’s like a werewolf, which is a hybrid character, because it has characteristics of a man and a wolf, has the body covered with hair, shorter legs, human hands, and a wolf head, or any character with a more stylish side of dogs, wolves, etc. You are going to want to pull that snout out, and yo have to remember, that part is made of bone.
Some dinosaurs don’t have this bone, what they have, is a hole in the sides of their faces, and that’s because, in that part, they have some muscles. An example of this could be the T-Rex, if you take a look at the skull of a T-Rex you’ll find that they have this huge hole, which I think is used for the muscles that they need to be able to eat.
Wolves and animals like those, don’t have these holes. An intermediate of wolves and humans could be a Bobcat, if you look at the skull of these animals you will realize that his ridge is intermediate, what I mean by this is that, it’s not completely similar to a human but is not as long as the snout of a wolf, coyote or parts of a dog, but this skull of Bobcat is kind of like an in between, or in other words, things are starting to almost pull out, but just a little bit…
The point of why I’m telling you all these things is because I think you should have this in your mind, this ridge or this bone in mind because when you want to draw a more animalized monster or things like that, this could serve you… Make cool monster drawings. 
Another thing that I also suggest you keep in mind, is this kind of cartilage bone and also where the bone begins and ends, The same goes for the cartilage, I consider it a good idea, that way you can build and mix your own nose and do it with the elements of animals or humans that you like the most. And that was it, those are my little tips for drawing noses, and remembering a little bit of what I said earlier, it is important to remember that at the end of the bone of our nose we can find the cartilage and this can take many different forms…
since that part is more malleable, so you can play with it as much as you want. What I was interested to teach you today are the things that go through my mind when it comes to drawing, hopefully, it has been helpful for you. Also, if you want to support me, you can always subscribe to my channel Easy Things To Draw, remember as I said at the beginning…
That I’m merging it with my other channel Sketch Monster, so you’re going to see a lot of the videos from that channel here, some of them have some changes, because they are a little bit old and the quality of some things, especially the audio, was not the best, also you can press the little bell button, that way you’ll get notifications every time I upload new content to my channel…
You know that I’m interested in teaching you guys how to draw easy things, like superheroes, monsters, how to draw body anatomy, robot or things related to them, as well as drawings for beginners. So it doesn’t really matter if you don’t have a lot of knowledge on these things, because I like to teach you how to draw step by step and in the best possible way to make it easier for you to learn or to improve.
But if you are someone with more experience, it doesn’t matter, all are welcome to see my tutorials, as I have said several times it is always good to review a little since some things are forgotten with the time. Also, other things that I like to talk about in my videos, apart from monsters and how to draw certain things, are about experiences that have happened to me as an artist, and I try to advise you a little. And that’s all, thank you so much for seeing my tutorial I hope it can help you and I see you in another tutorial where I will teach you easy things to draw, goodbye.
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Also, don’t forget to check another tutorial How to Draw a Monster – Monster Portrait Demo – Easy Things to Draw
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elachuz · 7 years
are you like... ACTUALLY boss baby kin? :/ because ive been meaning to follow you but youre kin with someone from a kids movie? WTF?
Survival of the fittest.It is the law of the jungle.There is always someone trying to take away what is yours.How do I know?I almost passed me.Tim Templeton...Cease from monkeying around.The hot dogs are cooling.Hot dogs?At least I remember.Very good friend is lunchtime.I was seven ...and at that age, one depends on your imagination.Tim!Our heroe!Relax, Mom and Dad.I got this!HOT SAUCESujtense!Sometimes I rescued my parents.Over there!Other times, they me.- I lose control! - Tim, look out!Tree!I can not hear you well!Slow down, Tim!- Gira, Tim! - Turn!- You got hurt? - I'm fine.See those teeth.There were only three.Los Templeton.And three is the perfect number.Interesting fact.The triangle is the strongest shape in nature.It was the luckiest kid in the world.My parents had a great job!Company working for the world's largest pet:PerriCorp.- Yes, Mr. Francis. - PerriCorp you need.It is time to act.Working in an area called Marketing ...in throwing new products.Although my parents worked very hard ...always they reserved enough for me.Three stories, five hugs and my special song, okay?Done deal.Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeOnly expect this moment to take flightHey, Tim, how about having a little brother?No thanks. So I'm fine.Life was good. It was perfect.But go falling asleep ...something my parents said made me think.Where do babies come from?FAMILYFAMILYFAMILYFAMILYMANAGEMEN WELCOME TO MANAGEMEN A HEAD IN DIAPERSThe day he arrived my brother began like any other ...but I did not imagine ...that my life would never be the same.Wake up, shorty! They are 7 amWake up, shorty!Good day, Maguin!What great adventure is waiting for you today?Yes!My parents always said I had a very active imagination.But I remember clearly ...the baby came to us in a taxi.What?Oye!Tim, look who came!Say hello to your new baby.To me what?Little brother.I had a million questions.Who is that guy? What is he doing here?Why the suit?Why are you so fat? Why do I look like?Do you know karate? What's going on?Over there?- Good. - Good.From the beginning, she is yelling at everyone ...He gave them orders.You want this?Something was obvious. He was the boss.Shamelessly he puts his office in the middle of the house.He organized together.- Called? - Want to Mr. Squeaky?Many, many boards.Even in the middle of the night.I woke up, I woke up!- We're coming! - It did not take!If things were not done to your satisfaction ... immediatelyHe had a tantrum.- What about the bottle? - Give him his bottle!Had everyone eating out of his pudgy hands.Everyone except me.- Nappy! - Bottle!- Nappy! - Bottle!Dad, I can not sleep!Already. Me neither.The baby needs a lot of attention now.OK, good bye.- But ... - Quiet.Daddy is here. Daddy is here.What about me?Year: 2057.The alferes T-Rex and I investigated a hostile alien invasion.It's much worse than we thought.Mom, is naked!I'm naked!Say "naked".No!Who is the baby Mommy? You're the baby Mommy?No, it's the burly dad, right?One of us should go to the convention pets.In Las Vegas.- You know what? See you. - No no. See you.You need a break.- I'll take the baby and you ... - Let the baby decide.Who do you want to stay with you? Is Dad or Mom?A papi?He loves his mom.Well, we need to talk!In private.- Clear. - On what, champ?Sobre el B-E-B--S.Without "that", Tim.That came out of nowhere!Do not we know it!We can not trust him.Calma, is just a baby.Really? Am I the only one here who thinks that guy has something weird?- Oh, I got it. - Still serves.Tim?Look at him! Bring a suit!I know, is not a tenderness? It's like a little man.Always carrying a briefcase!Would anyone else you think?I do not know, a little strange?You were wearing a Borreguita everywhere.Borreguita has nothing to do!Every baby is different, Tim.And each one is special.It is is taking over the whole house!You're taking over the house?Of course. Of course.Believe me, one day know better this little ...and then you're going to want with all my heart.Like us.With all my heart?Never.Hello!It's time for my three stories, hugs and five special song!How about a story?Three hugs and my special song?Is it only my special song?Mom?Dad?Hey.Do not they're going to wrap?On Monday I give Mr. Francis!Do not Cry! Do not Cry...Hello?Hello? No, ma'am yet.No, not excuses.Yes ma'am, I know you've been here a long time.Believe me, I feel as if carrying a lifetime.I'm already making progress with parents.The usual procedure: sleep deprivation, hunger strikes.They are very confused.I have them eating out of my hand.They do everything for me.It's hilarious.But I think the boy suspected something.No. I got this.I know how important this mission for the company.Mission?Believe me, lady, I'm the baby for the job.Hands up, evil baby!Gas! Butts! Caca!I deal with the NI-N-O.You can talk!No, really talk. I heard you!All right. I can talk.Let's see if you listen.Get me a double espresso ...and looking for a good sushi place nearby.Would kill for a spicy tuna roll.And buy something for you.Who you are?Let's just say I'm the boss.The boss? You're a baby! Diaper use.You know who else wears a diaper?Astronauts and racing drivers.It is efficient, Templeton.The average child spends about 45 hours a year on the potty.I'm the boss. I do not have much free time.Well, you're not my boss.- Yeah I'm your boss. - Do not.- yes. - Not.- Yes! - Not!- yes. - Not!- yes. - Not!Yes. Yes.Yes. Yes.I arrived first.Wait for Mom and Dad to know.Oh yeah? Do you think you would choose instead of me?With your history?You dont know nothing about me.Yea that you want, right? Let's see.Templeton, Timothy. Second name...I am sorry.Leslie!- mediocre grades. - How you know too much?Can not you ride a bike without training wheels?Even the bears know how to ride a bike without training wheels, Leslie.You have 7 years.Seven and a half.Nap! What were you saying?I have seven and a half years.Exact! You are old.It is time to make way for the next generation.So the world works.you would not ask your parents an old toy.Borreguita?Everyone wants the fashion.Destroys. Destroys.- Borreguita! - I have new batteries.Five!Mom and Dad did not even know you.They worship Me!Oh yeah? You have the account, child.There is a limited amount of love.It's how are you accounts.You used to have all the love of your parents.All your time. All his attention.You were all accounts.But then I came along.Babies require a lot of time.They need much attention. They receive all the love.We could share.Obviously you not studied Economics.Look, Templeton, do not give numbers.There is not enough love for both.Not enough accounts.And suddenly, there is no room for Tim.Tim no longer fits.Oh no! And Tim?So silence. Get out of my way.Or there will be downsizing.They can not fire you from your own family.Or if?Wake up, shorty! They are 7 amAwake, Dwarf ...!For what?Stand up for a nutritious breakfast!They are 7 amWhat happens, Timothy?Does that made you sad little man?I'll throw a curse on him!It wont happen!No case, Maguin.He has deceived mom and dad.If they knew what I know, would not let him stay.Maybe your parents will need to open your eyes.With a great curse!Not pass!Yes. Should I open their eyes ...With proof!That I need evidence!Reveal your dark magic!Testing testing.Testing testing.Maybe they can return it!And their money back.We can buy an inflatable house!Good luck, Tim! They are 8:45 amNinja.Ninja.Ninja.Ninja.Babies everywhere! They spread.Mom! Dad! What's going on?It's an invasion!It's game day!What a good photo.It is a meeting, and you're not going to attend.Come on.We'll see.Thank you for coming on such short notice.Well, before you start ...CHILD IS LISTENING?Yes sir!- Clear! - Affirmative!Jimbo, generates interference.Oye!- Babies are in crisis! - Oh no!- That bad! - What a horror!What's going on?It is easier to demonstrate them. Teddy, please.We will give a show!Here we go!Jimbo, lights.You see, no longer babies receive as much love as before.Why? Do we misbehave?No, Staci.But I tell you who yes.Here is our mortal enemy. The puppies!Do not! That's the problem.The puppies? What is going on with them?Along the history...people have babies loved more than anything in the world.We have always been indispensable ...number one on any wish list.The cubs were pure accessories.But everything changed when the puppies started to leave ...with new design models.Each lovelier than the last.You remember the labradoodle?Does the peekapoo?Does the chiweenie? Try to speak without smiling.Impossible. Do not waste your time.We all laughed shar pei.And now the number one in China.- Oh no! - How terrible!- Horrendous! - Yes.And things get worse.Francis Francis, director of Perricorp, gave this announcement.Teddy, running video.Everything goes in a while ...to present the most adorable puppy ever.Whatever launch at the convention in Las Vegas pet!Attention, Planet!It will sweep away the competition!- How good! - No, Jimbo.Nothing of "how well"! We are the competition!This is war.Puppies are winning, we are losing babies.Thank you, Teddy.And if the new puppy is so cute as we fear ...It could be the end of the baby business.That bad!Bad news!What are we going to do?My job is to figure out what ...to BebCorp can stop it.And you will help me.- Genius! - tops!You're still the best, boss!How good!How good.Well, all parents work in PerriCorp.Have you learned something from them?- Yes sir! - Clear!Great. What, Triplets?- A - B.- C. - D.No, what have you learned about the new puppy?Yes, puppy!No, Jumbo! Puppies are bad.Staci, read the notes.I do not know how to read. What does it say?This is my team?A burly, a lot of activists and doodler?- Exactly! - Affirmative!Well said.- Yes! - Good, BB!I have you!Leave that cookie. They are for those serving missions.- We want another show! - No, Teddy. Do not.- A hug? - No more shows!Boss?- There is enough love. - Go to sleep!Goodnight.- Boss! - Boss!- What? - Parents!It's like they have a small board.- Is not it adorable? - Who wants dessert?Heavens, how humiliating.Heavens, how humiliating.Wait for mom and dad to hear this.Hey, Templeton, what have you got there?Nothing.Give me that tape.Never!Mom! Dad! Here!- Hey, Timmy! - Hello! Anyway...Flower Power!You can not escape the law, bobo.Put the belt. Let's move on!Run Run Run.What? Hears!Run Run Run.Catch, catch, catch.Yes!How good!Let me go, small ...Look! At last the children get along.How good.Sayonara!They want to play?Let's play.No!Rescue the Boss! Rescue the Boss!- Get him! - I am going!- I am going! - I am going!You're fried, Mr. Baby!Upa, upa!Who wants...?Cheese sticks!Mom Dad! I have evidence!Can not you go downstairs?Nothing can stop me!Mom! Dad! Where are they?Hello?Where have all gone?Mom Dad! The baby can talk!Do not tell me.Wait, how ...?Give me that tape. Timmy.O Borreguita get hurt, do you see?No!What do you say, Borreguita? You want a nose ring?Not my style, but who am I to judge?And one eyebrow? I think too, Borreguita.How you will look at a job interview?Basta!The recording, Timmy! Or I will pe-da-zos.Do not! Let her go!- Let her go you! - Let her go you!- Tape! - Give me a Borreguita!Oops! Too far.Templeton! Be reasonable.We can be reasonable, right? What do you do?You'd have you wanted since you arrived!We can drink a little juices and speak!It happened when the little juices.No, Templeton. You would not dare.Adiosito, baby! You are fired!What do you do?Nothing.My evidence!Tim! I want an explanation!Yes, an explanation.I did not go! It's the fault of the baby.Blame the baby?It is true! You can speak.Everyone can speak. They have a meeting.They say something about puppies.It's a conspiracy of babies!Timothy Leslie Templeton!We are very disappointed.- No, we're upset with you! - Yes, annoying.- Annoying? - You need a punishment!- You're punished! - Yes, punished!- Two Three!- Three days? - Weeks!Weeks! Three weeks!Three eternities!Punished?You're staying at home with your little brother ...until they learn to get along.Genial.It was my first time behind bars.Prison.The confinement.Punished for life.The minutes turned into hours, hours into days.Everyone has their breaking point.This was mine.The blackbird sings silent night- Take these broken wings and learn to fly. - Hey, that's my song.All your lifeOnly expect this moment to take flightNot for nothing, dwarf.Maybe I can help.The blackbird singing in the dead of night!Please, you take these broken wings and learn to fly!Fly, you fools!Thank you, Maguin.But it's not the same.If only I could reach my magic knife.We could escape from this prison.Templeton!Templeton, we must speak.Get out of here.Blackbird singing in the dead of nightBasta!It's my song, not yours.My parents wrote just for me.Really? Your parents are Lennon and McCartney?No, Ted and Janice.I do not even know their names!Robrmelos try.You stole everything!You should be in jail!Look, it's time to put aside our differences.Been ...?No!Where it is Human Resources when you need them?Take it.I do not want your filthy money.I told you not to get in my way.I can not! You are in my house.I do not want to be here...Like you do not want to be here.So why do you torture me?The truth is that I am not an ordinary baby.Do not tell me.I have a mission from heaven.Are you the child Jesus?Yes. I am the baby Jesus.No!I'm a middle manager of the company.The company? What company?Look.Take it. This explains everything.What do you want me to do with that?- I want you to suck. - Suck it you!It's not for you.I Do not suck!- Suck it. - I do not know where you've been!The important thing is not where you've been, but where will take.You do not want to know?Where do babies really come from?Hickey. Pacifier. Bibi.Bubu. Bobo. Baba.Chupetn. Sniffer. Muffler.It has many names.But their power will let you know the truth.Faster!Mom!Where we are?Welcome to BebCorp!I can not believe it.- Thank you. - What?Quiet. They can not see us or hear us.- Are we something like virtual? - Yes.- You mean you will not feel? - Do not.- Not this? Nothing.Karate!Do not make a fool of myself, Templeton. I can see you.So here babies come from?What did you think? Tra that the stork.The fairies?No, my parents told me that ...What?No. Yuck.Yeah, I figured it was not.I can not believe my parents did not tell this.If they knew where babies come from, they would not have one.Like the hot dogs, by the way.Upa!And how come I do not remember this place?Yes, you remembered.When normal babies take away the pacifier ...BebCorp forget.And how is it that you're not normal?Some of us, the best ...we selected for ...For the greatest honor.Being senior management.Here, Templeton, all the action.Naptime in Sector G.Does this place is for babies operated?Yes.My dad says: "Those who can, do things"."Those who do not supervise".Your dad is a hippie.What happens when they grow up?We do not grow.We drink a top-secret formula that makes us be babies forever.To work! The hour of the formula is over!We are in crisis!Do not they know that we are in crisis?Who is she?He's my boss. The great Chief Baby.And why is she screaming?You see this graph?It looks like a giant cake.It represents all the love in the world.- I love cake. - Who does not?- Of Apple. - Yes.- No, Cherry! - Perfect!- pumpkin, no. - All right.It is a plant.The point is that slice of the puppies grows more and more.Be're stealing our love!As you stole me.Exactly.And if this continues ...may not leave enough pie for babies.Nothing pie?Nothing cake.So my mission is to find out what is this new puppy.Are you on a spy mission? Great!Yes! Great! And if ... When you succeed ...I will be a legend in BebCorp.As the Super Big Chief Baby, Baby Head Mega ...Huge Head Baby ...and the.That's a very fat baby.No, she's the Big Chief Baby Gorda ...He is the Big Boss Baby Fat Super Colossal.He was the youngest CEO Infante in the history of the company.It was? What happened to him?He retired, years ago.But I still try to do justice to his legend.In each situation, I wonder ..."Q-H-E-G-J-B-G-S-C?""What would the Big Boss Super Colossal Baby Fat?"Is all you get? Your picture on the wall?Come here!Will I get a promotion.The corner office ...with bacinica privada.Genial.So when you finish you coming back here?D -E. I -N -M -E -D -I -A -T -O T - I-M.I'm not a family man. My place is behind a desk.- Amazing! - Is that right?What?I swear I will fasten his diaper on the wall!Do we have news Little Chief Baby?The one who sent the Templeton?- I do not know. - You are fired!Oh no.They are all fired!Pet Convention is in two days.If you do not get answers ...You're fired, retired!- Bye! - the visit is over.Why he shouted the Big Chief Baby Bossy?Demands results.Pet The convention is in two days and I have nothing!It's her! Do not answer!Siesta stress!If I do not find out what it is that new puppy, and soon ...not only I will not get a promotion ...They could fire me!Hey, easy.Surely there are other great baby jobs, right?Meanwhile, two days go so fast.Better start packing.What?You do not understand, Templeton.If I get fired, I will remove the formula.I will become a normal baby ...and I live here with you forever.- Do not! - Yes!And I promise ...every morning when you wake up ...I'll be there.Every night at dinner ...I'll be there.On every birthday party ...I'll be there.Each Christmas!I'll be thereYear after year after year.We grow old together.You and I...we will be brothers.Always.- No. No, this is terrible! - I know.- Can not be. - But if it is!- You can not stay! - Do not!- Do not panic! - It is right!I know, but we need to fix this.We must ensure that you do not get fired.Both?Both.I'll help you...just to get rid of you.Done deal?Done deal.Not to see you again.Ditto.Now to work.Come on, come on, come on.With effect!No no.There is nothing about a new puppy.You are not going to work?I'm very busy delegating.Knock short!When we find the file ...What will we do?To send ninjas baby?Something better.I will write the perfect memo.- Pum! - Pum!Wait. What is a memo?A memo is something you write to inform people.Is that your plan? Is writing a report read?How boring.No, Templeton.What are memos for important things.A memo can bring people.A memo can be a call to arms ...a manifesto, a poem.A memo can change the world.Whoops! When you explain so ...still it sounds boring.You'll learn, kid.You will learn.Just a moment. That's!What? What thing?Watch this. "Day take your child to work".Why?Because it's great!It's disgusting.Do not you see? We can enter PerriCorp!And find out what the new puppy!It's no use.You are punishment.Your parents do not take us anywhere.You're right. They believe that hate us."Hate" is a strong word.Correct, but strong.We must convince them that we are truly brothers.Clear.We ...Detestamos?No.We please!No. Let us ...What what what...What what what...Who, who, who ...No.Forget this. You do not mean ...We want.Vomiting a cut and I drew it.- Here comes the little train! - Do not.Nothing train!Stop the train! Do not! It seems digested food!Who's there? I have a racket!What's going on here?I feed the baby.We observe.Good.Good.There's your train.I have not seen sailor. Not even it's Friday!Come on, you're going to put this thing!Are you going to force? You can not, bratty.- What have you done to me? - Enough!- Come back here! - Do not!Do not even dream about it.You!Tim, what are you doing here?Oh no.What is this scandal?Is not it adorable?Also I have one for you! All aboard!What?What a pity.Cheese!Smile for the camera.You make me feel weak.- You have tickles? - With me it does not work.- Here? - I do not feel anything.Anda everyone has a weakness."I do not think I fit, 'said Gretel."Come, look at this."I could go myself.""And then, Hansel and Gretel ..."They pushed the old baked."And the wicked witch burned to death."Lets see if I understand.It is a story about cannibalism and burn people alive.Yes.No wonder kids are so confused!Get along is exhausting.Same here, Tim.You should see your face in that picture.You were ...No it tickles me.Once a corporate retreat. Strange things happen there.What? Do not you ever had tickled? Not even your parents?I am sorry. I forgot it.You did not have parents, right?Tim, I look like a baby ...but I was born an adult.I can not imagine not being a child.Did you miss all your childhood?Never you had someone who loved you?You can not miss what you never had.Wake up, shorty!Hey, Tim. Wake up, champ.- What? - The sun has risen.Something happens? I am fired?No, you're late to work.What?It is the day to bring children to work. And you're my son.You are officially descastigado.- Seriously? - Seriously.The baby can come too?I dont see why not.Yes! Yes Yes Yes!Yes!I would go so excited.Look, my shovel.How good.All right, gentlemen. Welcome to PerriCorp!Great! It is incredible!Y Tim, mira!There's a pool of dogs!What toilet.Champion, do you want a picture with Pete PerriCorp?No thanks. It might scare the baby.Well thought.Dad and I have to work.Would you like to join us and spend time with us?Let your brother in the PerriZona ...to hang out with you.With me?We know that we could be with you as much as before.So what do you think?No thanks.I prefer to spend some time with the baby.- Cute. - How cute.You clear your goal, Templeton.We discover what the new puppy and go home.Stay in the PerriZona, yes?Yes bye.There must be the record of the new puppy!We not achieve through that door.Through that door, no.The dog door.And how we dodged the guard?No no no. Forget this.No!Sticky gunk pants.What a nice Perri ...!How good!Children.Gatea!On all fours!I never had humiliated me so much!Hear!Catch it!What am I doing?Oh no!Yes!What a good dog.No. Do not bite.Timothy Templeton, ninja de oficina.- Here. - What did you find?You should be here.NO CLOSER NOT ALLOW CHILDRENWe begs her to enter.Go.Yes it is a lot of paperwork.I thought the puppies were shattered everything.This is giving me afraid.I come for your soul.Do not do that!Wait!There is!The file!You see? I told you!No. I've seen this somewhere.We must seek to be replaced.True. Another record.Yes! Weighing the same.So we put in the same position.- That despite the same. - You said it.I know I already said. Hey, you hit me twice!Make it three. Wait!I think I saw one.Manila folder, pressed edges.As 1.5 kilos. No, 1.4.Try this.Wait!It's already perfect.Yes!I think we should run.I know, but it's fascinating.I want to see how it ends.I also.Well, it did not end well.FELL!What?What...?Thanks for dropping here, kids.Francis Francis?I see you've met my older brother, Eugene.A man of few words.No, indeed.Do you wear the mask again, please?What is all this?Surprise!A pacifier BebCorp? Where did you get it?Do not you recognize me?Maybe when I was young.Super Colossal Big Boss Baby?He is he? And it's you?Although older and wrinkled.That is not right.No. You were my hero!How did you end up here?You know what I do to children who ask many questions about me?Eugenio!I read my record!And I baked cookies!Eugenio, my chair.Well, it all started in BebCorp ...a long long time ago.I was a senior executive ...I was going straight to the top.Everybody loved me!They gave me a promotion, luxury office!Even my own ...!Bacinica personal?I had it all.But one day...I discovered something terrible.It was growing.The formula did not work anymore.It turned out to be lactose intolerant.- Do not! - Yes!I had to appear before the board.What is "vindictive" board?Older babies heads in the world.I thought you loved me.But I was replaced with someone new.Someone younger.That's horrible.Suddenly, she had all the love ...all the attention.You know what it feels like, huh, Tim?It hurts, does not it?Yes. Yes it hurts.And then what happened?Well...I got fired!And I took my special formula.Then I was sent here to live with!- Family! - Oh, no, Francis!BebCorp betrayed me!And I can finally take revenge!With the Eternal Puppy!That's it?No no.Imagine a puppy that never grows.A puppy puppy that remains forever.When you launch my Cubs Eternos in every corner of the world ...They are so adorable ...Cute!No one will want a baby ever, ever again.The end of BebCorp!Please.A puppy that never grows? It is impossible!Or not?It was, until you brought me the essential ingredient.My secret formula.It's mine! It's mine!It's all mine.No!They brought me just what I needed to destroy BebCorp!- Do not! - Yes!They fell straight into my trap!- Do not get away with it! - Yes, we're going to ...What? To accuse?Who will tell, Tim? To your parents?And children?They should stay in PerriZona.The two go with me to Las Vegas.So do not meddle.I would not want that removed.They never leave us alone.Really?Wait for the expert know ...PerriCorp in child care.Oh no.- Do not be nervous. - It's just one day.Back very soon.In addition, they will be in good hands.So is!Eugenia is almost perfect in every way.No.Please do not go with him. Francis Francis tries ...Believe me ...Eugenia will not take your eyes off your children.Not for a second.That reassures me.Now they see.And now, no.Adiosito!To the airport!It's over. I'm fried.What do we do, Templeton?What do we do?To go to the airport to arrest Francis Francis!Before the plane takes off!Yes! But how do we avoid the evil nanny?Well, we could do something.Hey, it is not that serious.You're good?What happens?Do not look at me!Oh no!Without the formula, I become a normal baby!You know, Gugu gaga. All the matter!Oh no!Gross!I'm a time bomb baby!I'll become a helpless baby vomits and makes poops!Wait. That gives me an idea.What? What thing?I have had many nannies ...and all are afraid of one thing.Well, the secret to frying butter ...It is a touch of margarita.Hey, Miss Macho!The baby! I think he's sick!You have to do something!How awful!- Templeton! - Delicioso!Gross! WE entered the mouth!Me too!I think I'm going to vomit!Bucitum!An hour Lacks the plane takes off!Use the bike.The bike?I dont know...Let's move on!- Wait! - What?Where are you going? Templeton!Always wear a helmet.Adiosito, head loo!We're not going to achieve!Staci!Staci, responde!Ay, enough!- Are you you, boss? - Code Red!I WILL pursues a murderous nanny! Gather the team!Done, boss.- Hello. - Hello.- Hello! - Code Red!Aware!code red. I repeat ...Code Red!What do you do? Get moving!It's against the law!Take, I pay the fine!Come on!I think we lost!No, we did not lost.Flower Power!Very well done!It broke!Run Run Run.Run Run Run.Tim, faster!I can not!If you can!You can, Templeton. The view to the front.I said eyes front!Turn up the ass! Pedaling raring!If you do not win the day, the day you win you.Good!My wheels! I can not stand without training wheels!What you think you can or you can not, it's true.What are you talking about?The road to success is not a straight line, Templeton ...but a bumpy ride ...like a ship at sea.And you're the captain!Let taming a turbulent sea!I'm the captain who tames the sea!Good!Tree! I'm going to crash!If you aim to fail, always triumph.- What? - Do not point to failure!! I'm getting there! Whatever I'm doing it!When success is a habit ...everything is downhill.Look!They are there! Mom Dad!Train!Detente!What do you do?- We will make it. - I do not have a phrase for this!You did!Do not! We did it.And your wheels coaches.Make way!Baby on Board!Hold your diaper!Get down and cover!Whoa, dude!Depth review in both.They are there! Mom Dad!Not so fast!Oh no.Templeton!- Hears! - Sorry!Where are you?Oh no!No again!Not now!What...?No no no!Quick!I think I ate $ 1.75.Excuse me, with permission. Mom! Dad!Quick! Move!We will lose the plane!- Do not! - I warned!Wait!- Do not! - Do not.Mom! Dad! Stop!No!No no no.They left.I failed.It would have reached my parents if I had not come back for you!What? We had arrived with plenty of time!If thou wilt walk in bike like a normal kid!We can not stop the launch.Does matters? My parents are in danger!I care! BebCorp will go bankrupt!It's the only thing you're talking about!I do not even know what being part of a family!And you do not know what it is to have a job!You do not know anything about hugs, stories, or special songs!Please! Stop acting like a baby.You are a baby!Recant.My life was perfect until you came!Believe me, the feeling is mutual. I wish I'd met you not!Would not you were born!Where are you going?Good!Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeOnly expect this moment to take flightTimothy Templeton, please take the courtesy phone.Timothy Leslie Templeton, please take the courtesy phone.Leslie.Hello?It's me. Do not hang. Tim!Tim, I was born. I was hired.What do you mean?BebCorp is the only home I've ever known.You're right, I do not know what is ...being part of a family.But I do care.Really?Yes.And the only way to save is to stop both Francis Francis.Yes.I can not do it without you, Tim.I need you.- If we make a good team. - Do not.I literally did not reach the knobs.True.Neglected, Tim.Let's save your parents.And your company.But how do we go to Las Vegas?We need a miracle.Follow that Elvis!Why?Where there is Elvis, there Vegas!There's another one!And other!They are everywhere!Tim, there's our flight!And there goes our ticket!Hey! Don't be cruel!I am sorry!- Oh thanks! - Oh, baby!Many thanks.Hi.Hi.Input please.Just a moment.It was stolen!Imitates a un imitator of Elvis?Get him!Alto!The ghost of Elvis!We need seats!Quick, over here!What is this place?This, Templeton, is first class.Why it is empty?No one can afford it.That's why it's so wonderful.Hello! Ross captain speaking.Ladies and gentlemen, and economy class.Fasten seat belts. Let's take off.What's the matter, Templeton?My parents always hold hands when we took off.Actions are a shambles today.Ladies and gentlemen, Captain Ross again.You see, I turned off the seat belt sign.What are you two doing here?We are the children of Captain Ross.He sat us here.So they want to bring them something?Whatever?Whatever.Good. Francis Francis.You'll never kidnap the parents of Tim Turto.Please, I wish it were that easy.What is your plan?You will not write a memo, do you?No.Hey, you say you did not have children, right?And if you try?- No I can not. - It's fun!Takes, you get into character.I dont know. I feel silly!You! Dile algo cruel.Okay, okay.So you study at a community college, right?I dont know.Keep going!And you dare to ask me a bonus now?Ves?You're getting into the role.I can not believe it.Your exit interview is over!That was good.And who was he?- Captain! - What?En garde!Hard!There it goes!Watch your rear!- Taking! - Dodge, blocks and attacks!It sounds like a law firm!Nice try! Attention!You are fired!And here is your final settlement. Ha!Wait! You must not end with "Ha!"No?You must finish with "Argh!"It is understood! Argh!Excellent!Thank you. I just got carried away.Ladies and gentlemen, and tourist class ...to the left of the plane ...you will see that we approach the fabulous Las Vegas.Land in sight!That's right, comrade.Goodbye dad! Thank you!- You're welcome. What? - Let's move on.- Go to Heartbreak Hotel? - I'm going to Heartbreak Hotel.- I also! - I also!I also!We have to get to the convention center!Do we take a taxi?Ray! And I spent all my travel expenses. That's better.Perfect.Excuse me, ladies.Could you take us home?Jimmy is sick and needs an expensive medicine.Where do they live, honey?In the convention center.Bye sweetheart!Have fun at your party!Girls love babies.People do not know Long Island iced tea.How to find my parents here?Tim!Over there.Well, where is PerriCorp?PerriCorp, PerriCorp, PerriCorp...AHA! Here it is. I found it!But how...?Hey, where did you get?Not again!Please! I need you!I came back! I came back!What's going on?So is.Let's launch a new puppy on every continent!In each country!We're going to take over the world one heart at a time!- Tim, are there! - Mom Dad!Imagine a puppy that never grows ...and never gets old.A puppy that is small forever.I present all you are going to love in life:The Eternal Puppy!Mom?No mires, Templeton!Hears! What are you doing here?Mom Dad!What are you doing here?What do Tim and baby here?What do all of us here, really?What's happening here?You got my parents!We are here for them.Go for them!They go their Eternal Puppy!We must go behind the scenes.Over there!Run!Quick, quick, quick!Left Right! Left Right!Yes!Gas. Butts. Caca.Look at all that formula!What a way to launch a product.Oh no!He put them under rocket!Elvis has left the building!Mom Dad!I'm going!Well said! Come on, Tim! Run Run!Launch started.I'll throw my Cubs Eternos and there is nothing they can do!No!BebCorp stole all my love ...and now I'm going to get.You should understand me.You'd replaced, like me!Do not! I'm not like you!Brat!Let go of our parents! Her parents! Parents!Yes!You could have had the love of your parents just for you!But no!You ruined it!Let that baby you give orders.He does not work for me.We are partners!I do not tickle.Hears! And the baby?Everyone is ticklish!My ears!Basta!Brats!Nothing can stop my revenge.Neither you nor anyone!BebCorp over!I won! Ha!You're wrong!You should never end with "Ja"!- True! - What?You should end up with ...Argh!En garde!You are fired!And here's your severance!Take that, you bastard!Argh!One minute and counting.- Help! - Help us!Tim! What are you doing?No!Mom, Dad, I'm coming!It's you?Relax folks, dads! I got this!- You're good? - Is the baby okay?Yes, the baby is fine.Who said that?It was me!The baby is fine.It does not open!What's going on?Just a moment!Oye.I know how to move my parents.- How? - Using the puppies!Upa.Upa need.What if you become a baby again?I'll be fine. Well well.Good!I'll be fine.Hold your diaper!We move!Why do we move?Mom and Dad, Hold on!Thirty seconds.Oh no! Wait!Resist!Quick, Tim! Take your parents ...from here.You need to jump!You can, it's a cinch!Do not! I have no bread! Jump!Do not Cry. I am sorry. Please do not cry!Twenty seconds.Fifteen seconds.Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeOnly expect this moment to take flight- Three ... - I have you!Two one.Takeoff!Yes!Hey, are you still there?Dog!What happened? We won?- We won! - We won?- We won! We won! - We won! Yes!Siesta victory!Whatever ruined everything!It's not fair! It's not fair!That is not right.Now If you are going to pay!Oh yeah? Well Mess with someone your own size!What?Eugenio! Bjame!You heard me? I'm your boss!This time educate well.Sure it will be fine.Tim, what happens?Mom, Dad, wait!Yes!- Tim? - Tim!Tim! You're good?We are ok.Saved us.You are our hero.And a great big brother.We love many both.What the two?With all my heart.Let's go home.How I look?Excellent.Team, good work.Staci, this letter will let you enter the school you choose.- Kinder garden? - So is.And if there's something else ...Increase?Staci, you have no salary.- Many billion! - Eight!- Tricycle! - Roller skates!- Sweet? - Palettes!Done deal.You're the best boss in the world.should not always follow the guidelines of the company, huh?It's okay to think for themselves.- No sir! - Never!Bad idea!That's the attitude!- True! - Certainly, sir!- You are big! - The best!Shot, fortachn.You earned it.You want to hug me, right?I'll miss you too. Yes.- Yeah, yeah. - Everything will be fine, burly.Good...you did.No. We did.By the way, congratulations on your promotion.Luxury office, private potty. All that.Hey, you too.Your parents have to yourself.What will I tell my parents when you leave?Neglected.BebCorp has a protocol for these situations.It will be as if he had not been born.I almost forget it!I can not believe it! Borreguita!- The you fixed it! - Yes.It was like new. It is very strong.Well, we have what we wanted.Everyone wins.I think I ...Yes.Well, keep studying.Actually, I have no choice.Yes it's correct.- Bye, Tim. - Bye.Yeah right.He went as suddenly as it came.Bye.At last, my life was perfect again.Forget the baby.Forget babyUpsi!Sorry, big guy.Surprise!OUR HEROE!Hurray!You've been promoted!Do you want to forget the baby?No thanks. That's OK.Very good.Argh.Baby Dear Boss:I do not usually write a lot ...but now I know that the memos are very important.Although I did not study economics ...I learned to share in kindergarten.And if there is enough love for both ...then I give you all mine.I would like to offer you a job.It is very heavy ...and there will be no salary.But the good thing is that you never get fired.And I promise something.Every morning when you wake up, I'll be there.Every night at dinner, I'll be there.On every birthday, every Christmas ...I'll be there.Year after year after year.We grow together.And you and I will always be ...brothers.Always.FAMILYWake up, dwarf. They are 7 amWhat's the point, Maguin?Because they are 7 amI have one mission and you do the hard stool.Nothing happens, dwarf.Sometimes, I also confused me.Especially during the summer time.Overtaking, delay.There is no calendars in the realm of magicians!There is no spring, there is only darkness and winter!I'm not confused, Maguin.It is strange.Tim, look who came!It's your new ...Little brother!You arrived! Yes you get!Careful, careful.Volviste!Saluda a Theodore Lindsey Templeton.Lindsey?Cosquillitas! Cosquillitas!Take this.So that's my story.Our history.Luckily for me and my brother, I had a happy ending.Is it a true story, Daddy?Well, honey, that's how I remember it.- But you know what I discovered? - What?There is a lot for everyone.Also for me?Especially for you.Ask your Uncle Ted.Hello, I knew that you'll have a little sister.I wanted a horse.Takes, small. Buy a horse.I'm proud of you, Leslie.Ditto, Lindsey.Hello, little sister.Argh!All right, kids.Bedtime.Please, Mom. Just a little more.It's okay.Awaken, dwarves. It's time to go.Go live your life of farmers.Ya vyanse!
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hi guys!
here’s the thing
i was writing a request the other day, that i thought was about the rival superheroes trying to protect the same small city
apparently, it was person A who sits in the back of every staff meeting and makes snarky comments under their breath about everyone the whole time and person B who arrived late and sat next to them and can barely hold in their laughter, and i don’t know how it became the superheroes one.
BUT! thanks to my inattentiveness and general confusion, i finally have some writing to share with you guys hahahaha!
to that anon who sent in the request: i am so sorry that this wasn’t what you asked for. i promise i’m getting it done!
in the meantime, i hope you guys enjoy this one!
- admin may
Silly but cute AU prompts: #1 - rival superheroes who are trying to protect the same small city
“Damn it, you cat!” you screamed from where you were dangling from a streetlight. “I told you, I’ve got this!” You wiggled around, trying to squirm your way out of the fuzzy ties that the stupid Maneki Neko bound you with. You’d already told him when you were racing to the source of the disturbance that you had the situation handled, but noooooo. He apparently had to tie you down just to keep you from beating him to it.
Letting out an irritated grunt, you inched your hands together and managed to press the button that freed the retractable blade in your costume. The ties ripped apart and you swung your arm outward, slicing through the annoying black fur and hemp cords. As you fell, you twisted and managed to land on your feet.
Your face probably looked really scary to any passer-by as you continued running towards the explosion, grumbling about the stupid cat trying to hog all the glory along the way.
When you were finally in interfering distance, close enough to get a good shot at the ugly dude’s head, you stopped, drew a fire arrow from your quiver, pulled it back, and let go. It pierced the monster’s eye deep and the creature howled in pain as the arrow started to burn. That let Maneki Neko deliver the final blow. The creature went out in smoke, and you were fuming as well.
As you rushed towards the site of the wreckage, you, not for the first time, contemplated the merits of shooting an ice arrow into the stupid cat’s head and having superhero jurisdiction over the city by yourself.
“Hey, Sharp Shooter,” said stupid cat hollered as you stomped forward. “Nice shot there. You really live up to your name, don’t you?” He let out a chuckle. Maybe it was the pun, maybe he just loved seeing you rushing towards a battle already lost—or won, on his part.
You rolled your eyes. “Ha ha. We both know you wouldn’t compliment me on that if I were close enough to make a regular shot, Copy Cat.”
“Hey!” he shouted. “Don’t call me that!”
“Why not? That’s what your name is, though!”
“Ugh,” he said, spinning around as if trying to erase your existence. “I can’t believe you. Just because I beat you to the monster this time, too—,”
“You cheated and you know it!” you yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You tied me to a streetlight!”
He raised his latex-clad arms in appeasement. “Hey. I just thought the monster was stronger than your usual gig and that you might get hurt.” He shrugged and shook his head, the look on his face anything but remorseful. “I was only thinking of your well-being, Sharpie.”
If this were a cartoon, a red vein would for sure pop out of your forehead at being nicknamed a waterproof marker brand. “Don’t call me that, please.” You breathed out, trying your best to calm down. “And just so you know, I could have beaten in if you hadn’t cheated and freakin’ tied me to streetlight!”
Maneki Neko sputtered out a laugh. “Yeah, right. We both know you couldn’t take it down by yourself.” He crossed his arms and tilted his chin smugly the sky.
You raised an eyebrow. “Neither could you. It looked like you were having a hard time back there before I swooped in and saved your ass.”
The smug smile was wiped off his face in an instant. Maneki Neko whipped his head towards you, indignant. “You did not! You barely nicked the thing in the face! It would’ve gone berserk and leveled the whole town if I hadn’t finished it off!”
Your face was the epitome of affronted. Scoffing, you answered, “Not true! If I hadn’t made tinder out of its eye, you would’ve been done for, you puny little cat!”
“Excuse me? I am way taller than you, shorty—Actually, you know what? You should have just called yourself ‘Short Shooter’ because you sure as hell already look the part!”
“Oh my god! You have no room to say that, kitty, because you are a friggin’ giant!”
“Well at least I don’t play with sticks like a little kid!”
You let out a theatrical gasp. “Oh, that is low, Neko, I can’t believe you!”
There was a strained silence for a while as you both cooled down from the name-calling. This honestly tired you out more than charging at the monster. But it was probably because you were trying to insult a 6’1” man dressed like a cat, complete with ears and a tail. Not to mention, said man was dressed head-to-toe in a latex body suit. This whole thing was just ridiculous.
There was a sputter, and then full-blown laughter. The next thing you knew, Maneki Neko was on his back and laughing his brains out. At the sight of him curled up on the ground and one of his latex ears falling off the costume, you ended up giggling like a maniac, as well.
When you both finally calmed down, you offered the feline-obsessed man a hand and pulled him up. “What’s the score, again?” he asked as he dusted himself off.
You reached for the little pouch that hung on your belt and withdrew an even smaller notepad. You flipped to the near end, where there was a scoreboard of monster kills and assists.
You smirked, and drew a line on Makeni Neko’s side. “Looks like, I’m still in the lead, Copy Cat. 17-15.”
“WHAT?” he yelled, and swiftly grabbed the pad from your hands before you could even blink.
Neko shook his head—in denial, probably—as he tallied the strokes in his head. “No… No, this can’t be possible; I know I took down more monsters than you—AH! YOU MUST HAVE CHEATED!”
Another affronted look situated itself on your face. “I did not! I’m just better than you at killing monsters!”
A swarm of news reporters and cameramen appeared out of nowhere before he could reply, and you hurriedly made yourself scarce.
And thank god they showed up. You could finally get back home and get ready for your blind date. It had been a while since you’d gone on a date, and you did not want to fuck this one up.
“How many times have we done this, seriously?” T-Rex was standing above you, a hand held out for you to take. You grabbed it and hauled yourself up. Mad props to him for still being willing to help you, even if you were covered in slime (a.k.a. monster spit).
You sighed, doing your best to wipe some gunk off your face and arms. “Thanks, T-Rex.”
“When we got the alert for this monster, I told you I could have handled it, myself,” he said, casually taking pictures with his phone of the monster with a huge tree trunk lodged in its chest. “But you kept insisting that you could do it. And now you’re covered in monster saliva.”
You turned redder with each word that he said, impatient to get the fight over with and keep the city safe. (Also because you had a date and you didn’t want to be late, but that was another story for another time.)
“I mean,” he continued, “I had told you that your fire powers wouldn’t work on this monster, but you still rushed off and just started assaulting it with your pyrokinetics.” A snap from his phone camera. “Amazing.”
You sighed, frustrated. “Yeah, okay, so I was rash. But at least the thing’s dead now,” you said, giving the head of the monster a little kick… And then promptly slipping on the slime surrounding the beast, thereby splashing yourself with its rancid saliva once again.
You were so gonna get this costume deep-cleaned when you were gone.
You heard a snicker in front of you, flushing an even brighter red than your extravagantly designed costume. “Don’t laugh, please,” you said pathetically.
T-Rex extended his hand out to you once again. You took it, and then pulled with all your might so he fell into the smile face-first. You stood quickly, a devious grin on your face as you hopped away a few steps from the fallen hero.
“Let’s see how you like being in the slime now, T-Rex!” you laughed in glee.
Fast as lightning, T-Rex spun around, still in the mud, and captured your leg. He dragged it, so you fell into the icky slime again.
“Payback,” he said simply.
“Oh come on,” you said helplessly, giving up and just letting your head fall into the patch of slime you fell in, essentially letting your hair get covered in the sticky substance. All this gunk was impossible to take out with just one wash, and you feared you might have to reschedule the blind date your friend set up. Damn T-Rex.
“You know if you had just stopped to listen to me earlier, you wouldn’t be covered in slime right now,” he said quietly beside you, still on his stomach and refusing to get any more slime on any other part of his body.
“Give me a break, T-Rex,” you sighed. “You know I had to get rid of this monster fast. Plus, it was mine to kill this time, too.”
“I am well aware of that, but I could have given the next two to you.”
“Supposing you didn’t, though?”
“Yeah, that’s a possibility.”
“See?” you replied, raising your arms for emphasis, but only succeeding in splattering your face with slime. “That’s why I carefully monitor who’s going to save the day whenever a monster pays a visit.” You let the slime drip, knowing that you’d only make it worse if you made to wipe it with your hand or arm.
“Or, you know, you could have listened to me first before charging in. That way we could’ve devised a plan to kill it without you getting so much slime on yourself.”
“God, you’re stubborn about this.”
“Well, you were stubborn about attacking it with fire, too.”
You two laid there in silence for a little while, resigning yourself to the fact that you were going to be late, and your date would think you stood them up. Finally you said, “Have you ever thought of leaving this town, T-Rex?”
“No,” he said plainly. “Have you?”
“Nope,” you answered just as straight. You’ve lived in this town since you were born, and if a monster were to come knocking, you would be the first in line to risk your life in order to protect it.
“Why not, though?” T-Rex asked. “There are plenty of big cities who need more heroes. Why not try one of those?”
“I like it here. I don’t want to leave.”
T-Rex was silent for a minute, probably contemplating the meaning behind your answer before finally saying, “Well, you’re not gonna leave, and I’m not gonna leave, so expect the two of us to keep fighting over fighting villains for the rest of our lives.”
You almost laughed. T-Rex rarely made jokes, so this was nice.
“Looking forward to it, T-Rex.”
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