#i could name the people that inspired me to take another look at my gender - that showed me there was more than a strict binary
byrdblood · 3 days
I actually really like the idea that clothing/physical apperance is actually what fully determines a skeleton's 'biological sex/gender' rather than actual sexual characteriscs, since monster's are implied as not having any (they don't even have internal organs, so why external??)
So, that makes me wonder how this type of society would treat/percieve people who are more gender-nonconfirming externally, or in general people who works outside of this terms. Would prejudice exist??
I think one primal example of a skeleton who works outside of this kind of terms is Ink imo. In story, he actually was probably assigned 'nothing' at birth lol, due to his background of an unfinished sketch and all of that (in pretty sure that he canonically was actually NOT given any actual name too. So he had no identity of his own). In terms of physical apperance, he looks very androgynous imo. He wears a very loose/skirt- type of pants (that are inspired by a japanese clothing called 'hakama'. Which in today's japanese society is seen as a 'unisex' clothing) + tight crop top that is meant to compresses the chest. (this may sound ridiculous but people also often point out how comyet draws his body type, wich is kinda hourglass like? this is montly seen in drawings of his redesign lol). Even for being a 'sans', Ink was actually never really associated with the color blue? neitheir pink. He's mainly associated with the colors brown, yellow and mint green. Brown is actually acknowledged as the most 'unisex' color there is, yellow is too (this color actually has a vast genderqueer history associated), while green is montly seen as feminine (mostly the shade that Ink uses) (even his 'name' is not very telling of his gender since 'ink' is very gender-neutral+ it's actually translated as femeine in many latin-based languages, including french!)
I know that he's like, a canon he/they character so more of a androgynous look is indeed expected but this whole conversation just make me wonder what biological gender and he would have If he worked in normal terms....i see him as intersex, not gonna lie lol
Anon I am platonically and fictionally kissing you on the cheek right now you are fueling my autism so hard and I am so happy about it. I hope you like reading, because if not, I'm so sorry for the monster-gender-vs-sex BIBLE I'm about to throw up on you KHSGLADSHGA
I'm gonna mention some slightly more explicit subjects so just in case I'm gonna put it under another readmore!
About the "no internal organs so why external" thing, I COMPLETELY agree with you. And the thing is, even if most of the fandom wouldn't say it, I think most UT fans also agree with it, because again - I have been in the UT fandom since the beginning, okay, I know how UT fans season their freak sauce. And it seems like the general consensus (or at least the most commonly accepted headcanon) was that any monster could form anything, and also that physical intercourse wasn't actually how monsters reproduce - the soul is.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because i fucking love love love love fictional biology, okay, i LOVE trying to figure out how fantastical subjects would work in a real life setting, and take this with a grain of salt because I'm no biologist, but if reproduction didn't depend on biological sex, then sexual dimorphism wouldn't NEED to evolve because the species would not need to be able to tell the sexes apart at a glance. There wouldn't be any reason to be seen as male or female except for preference, because there would be no consequences for getting it "wrong". And while preference is of course a big deal in a species as social as monsters (or humans!), it's always going to take the wayside to immediate survival - the good old "4 F's" of evolution, you know. And the reason I bring that up is because, if monsters were biologically sexless by default, then when they DID form genitalia - aside from it being primarily for social/bonding reasons instead of reproductive ones, which is also a fascinating avenue - why on earth would they need to be gonochoric? It wouldn't save them any energy! In fact, even if monsters DID reproduce sexually, if you're already expending the energy to form this complex magical construct in the first place then why wouldn't you form both just to make sure you didn't miss your shot? That's evolution, babey!
Basically, what I'm saying is that I think "biologically" intersex should be default for monsters, both in reproduction of the soul and, naturally, also in physical intercourse - with gender being purely social. That's not to say gender wouldn't play any role in society at all, but there would be no real need for it to develop as this Big Important Thing if it had next to no impact on people's lives! I have no idea if prejudice would evolve; monsters are made of love, hope and compassion and I think that acts as a generous buffer to any cruelty that would develop, but we've seen that they're absolutely not incapable of it by a long shot. Honestly though, I'm inclined to believe that most wouldn't care. In Undertale, not only does everyone very naturally avoid gendering Frisk in conversation, they also don't ever ask them to clarify despite them presenting in a GNC way. Maybe that could be because they're a kid (and that could lend weight to the idea of monsters not developing a concrete gender identity until they're older - but that begs the question of when monsters would have puberty because I've heard gender identity develops in humans by ages 5-8 and I'm not slept enough for that right now LMAO), but honestly, to me that just lends credence to the idea that gender doesn't matter to monsters; if you're not presenting a certain way, they just default to neutral no problem. Maybe obvious nonconformity would confuse them because it's clear you're presenting some sort of way, and if they can't tell what, they'd naturally be anxious to get it wrong... but again, at that point, the only consequences for getting it wrong would be low-stakes social ones!
I'm also not saying that any of my Sanses are particularly GNC, to be clear, just that monsters approach gender with fewer shits given than humans do. In fact, of the TAU boys, Dust and Killer are both intersex, Nightmare is agender (canon, but still), and Cross (and Abaddon) are both AFAB (or the equivalent) - Axe is the closest one that could be said to be "cis", but in this group, HE'S the weird one for exclusively presenting with "male" genitalia. To be fair, TAU!Killer is more GNC than average and would respond to any pronoun you called him, but he still fully identifies as male and defaults to masculine. And I also think that a large part of Cross approaching his identity more like a human would (as opposed to Killer or, like, Mettaton, just being like "no I'm just this way and you have to deal with it"), is because he's from such an anomalous universe. X!Gaster created X!Tale and we know he's a total shitlord; it's weird in the first place for monsters to be willing to beat their fucking kids, and yet there he stands like a cheap Hitler costume listed on Wish.com with all his "one perfect world" shit.
(And one more thing - we know in canon that humanity's societies [or at least the ones immediately surrounding "Mt. Ebott", wherever it happens to be in a given world] INFLUENCE MONSTER SOCIETY through the trash that arrives in Waterfall! You show me someone who says that not a single porno mag fell down there and influenced monsterkind's ideas of gender presentation, and I'd show you a liar; monsters were developing alongside humanity the entire time they were in the Underground, we just don't know how/to what extent!)
Anyway IN FUCKING CONCLUSION: I completely agree with you about Ink being intersex AND I also see him as someone very GNC on top of that. Gender identity and biological sex are of course different subjects BUT I could very easily see him being influenced by monster culture when he was forming his identity, and therefore ending up kind of lax on his ideas of gender conformity. (Or conformity at all!) I really like Ink as a character but I also unfortunately understand why so many people have trouble with him; he's extremely unique both physically and morally, and it's difficult to get that nuance right. (I mean that fully as a compliment; his creator did a fantastic job.) Of course, the fact that he's been an outcode basically from day one also has fascinating implications; he's the "monster" equivalent of someone who was raised outside of a culture, I'd think, which could also heavily influence how he approaches the world! Maybe that also contributes to the intense protectiveness he feels for AUs; he could see them as this beautiful thing he was denied, and maybe some part of him feels envious and tries to channel it into "good". I'm not familiar enough with his character to really say, sadly.
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nieloxychen · 23 days
not to have a moment in another posts tags so im venting in my own tags <3
#still on the “first human to know Tal” point like??#even when ive outed myself to others there were never questions like that#affirming questions would be a good term maybe?#but it was silence and maybe a clarifiying question#all i remember is silence from others and unease from me#at least in person#online is a different best because that mostly concerns things youre already volunteering#and like the obvious bad memory bias that brains have doesnt make it easier#i could name the people that inspired me to take another look at my gender - that showed me there was more than a strict binary#but i wish i had someone like that? a first human to know Lo#i mean i definetly do in the general sense#because every name is said a first and last time by someone#but it was almost certainly someone who never thought twice about it#who might not have even wondered#im not sure why it makes such a difference if the first person i told my name to knew thati had a different name before then#or if it matters if the person i first introduced myself to by my chosen name knows that my name is important to me#but i definetly remember the people who asked about where my name comes from#and i feel better about those conversations than i do with people who never had any reaction at all#maybe its that i want to be recognised in full? and a big part of who i am is informed by me being trans#and it feels like an important part of what made me who i am today is being ignored?#idk...#but if anyone has read this far id love to hear someone elses input on this? like is this something you understand or even recognise?
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quoththemaiden · 3 months
@mrghostrat This is now the third time since December that I'm writing about your middle-aged men and their middle-aged-man problems (1, 2). Please come collect them, because they're causing a disturbance.
Or, if you aren't able to wrangle them, then please enjoy this scene inspired by Chapter 10 of Big Name Feelings.
For everyone who hasn't already seen the top portion of this on Discord, know that this is set sometime after the con but before the big bang.
"I think your hair might be getting long enough to braid now."
Crowley's eyes snapped over to him. "Braid?"
Aziraphale blinked at the sharp question. "I didn't mean anything by it." He'd still never figured out quite where Crowley's gender identity lay, or if it changed day-by-day. He suspected Crowley's public presentation of his gender was either "whatever's simplest for everyone involved" (around people he didn't know but generally liked, like at the con) or "whatever causes the most problems for everyone involved" (like with a particularly annoying security guard that had left Aziraphale remembering that being middle-aged, white, and extremely stuffy in appearance was its own form of armor). Aziraphale's own perception of Crowley's gender was just "Crowley." What Crowley felt about it was something Aziraphale had never quite managed to parse out. "You can do whatever you like—"
"Do you know how?"
"To braid hair." Crowley's tone was oddly urgent. "Like for your nieces or cousins or—"
"—for crafting, yes. Tassels for bookmarks and such. You want me to—" Crowley practically flinging himself down onto the sofa next to him was answer enough. "Oh."
Crowley's hair really was barely long enough to braid, Aziraphale decided as he gently freed it from its elastic band. He ran his fingers through it slowly and carefully, easing out the light tangles from a day's confinement. Crowley slumped forward in boneless contentment, and Aziraphale had to switch to prickling the top of his scalp with his fingernails to get him to sit up straight enough for Aziraphale to work.
Aziraphale determined his gameplan, then, and gently eased up a few locks of hair at the crown of Crowley's head, smoothing down the top with the flat of his palm. He started working the strands into a French braid, taking it tiny piece by tiny piece to ensure every section was balanced in size. If Crowley were doing it himself, he suspected he'd get it done in just five messy joins, but every strand he brought in gave Aziraphale another excuse to run his fingertips along Crowley's scalp and he luxuriated in each opportunity. "Has anyone ever told you your hair is unreasonably thick?" he murmured, his voice huskier with fond affection than he'd intended. Crowley spared him from a tease by being too utterly sedated to manage more than a vague hum in response. Aziraphale smiled at that and kept his progress blissfully slow and methodical until he had no choice but to tie the braid off at the nape of Crowley's neck — half a French braid, half a ponytail made bushy from having had waves worked into it. He placed a soft kiss to the back of Crowley's head, padded by the thickest part of Crowley's braid and somehow all the more intimate for it. "All done, love."
Crowley leaned back against Aziraphale's chest, tilting back his head to look up at him with eyes made impossibly soft with contentment. "I'm never putting my own hair up again. Just hope you know that."
Aziraphale chuckled softly, just as fond. "I'll manage somehow, I suppose."
Crowley's boneless appreciation of the hair braiding had turned into boneless napping, and while Aziraphale enjoyed having Crowley fall asleep against him at certain times of day, he had never been one for naps himself and there was a limit to how long he could stay motionless sans entertainment before even he got antsy. He eased his way out from under Crowley, grateful the other man was a heavy sleeper even during the day, and was left deciding what quiet amusement he could pursue until whenever Crowley woke up and started making noises about dinner. He could always read some fanfics, of course, but his eyes couldn't help but be drawn towards his favorite muse.
His muse who had, he recalled, tempted him into joining a rigged bang and had talked him into getting a digital tablet. Aziraphale still planned to do his official art for it traditionally, because he was sure Crowley's writing would deserve no less... and, if he was allowed to be vain in the privacy of his own mind, because he still remembered the feeling he'd had when Crowley responded to his scans with barely coherent keysmashing. He wasn't in deferential awe of Crowley anymore, although he still loved his writing just as much, but part of him still hoped that Crowley might respond with just as much enthusiasm at getting to see the finished piece in person, textured paper and unprocessed colors and all. Well, assuming he could be gutsy enough to actually give it to him in person instead of just leaving it on the drafting table for him to find, which was really the more statistically likely result. But anyway.
But anyway.
His muse was sleeping in front of him, and a stylus on an iPad would make hardly any noise at all. And if he got good enough at using it, maybe he could draw some extra digital art to celebrate the fic as well.
In any case, sketching Crowley while he slept was one of life's little joys. He didn't think Crowley knew how often he did it, and that was probably for the best. If he did it all in his notebook, it would have been too easy for Crowley to flip through and find the sketches (and removing sheets would have felt damnably like a guilty conscience). With his iPad, however, he was safe to sketch as much as he liked and there was no real way for Crowley to stumble across it. Aziraphale willfully shoved aside the thought that that didn't really sound any less guilty and started setting stylus to screen. It wasn't long until he'd settled into a comfortable rhythm, his eyes flicking back and forth between the screen and where Crowley was lying face-down on the sofa, his new braid highlighted in a beam of afternoon sunlight.
Something Aziraphale did appreciate about digital art was that white could be layered on top of other colors and be shockingly vibrant, which wasn't an effect he could get easily with his beloved watercolors. Something else watercolors didn't give him was the ability to pick out very fine details, and as his sketch started coming together, he found that was exactly what he wanted to do now. While Crowley's hair was a vibrant red in his selfies or on stage, when he'd had the opportunity to run his fingers through every strand, he'd found that Crowley's hair was showing his age just as much as his own was.
The first day Aziraphale had found a grey hair had come as a shock. He'd naively assumed that with his hair being as pale as it was, even if it started greying, he might well never know. Instead, he found that the grey hairs' texture was frustratingly different from the strands that were still blond, and until they reached a critical mass fifteen long years later, they had an unfortunate tendency to stick out unattractively if his cut was anything less than perfect. He had become quite a regular at his barber's.
With Crowley's hair being as long as it was, his grey hairs had worked smoothly into his braid. From even the small distance from couch to armchair, they melded into the red strands perfectly... but Aziraphale had just spent long minutes twining them into neat twists and didn't need to see them now to know they were there. Aziraphale zoomed in close (another marked benefit of the digital display) and set his pen to a thin, sharp line, layering sleek silver strands into the red braid he'd drawn. Following the way they weaved around each other and dipped in and out of view felt delightfully meditative.
Eventually, Crowley made a soft snuffling snort-groan as he roused from his nap, slowly turning to unbury his face from the pillows. "Wha' time'zit?" he mumbled, patting around blindly for his cellphone.
"Coming up on 5:30 now," Aziraphale replied softly, trying not to startle him into full wakefulness too quickly. He rose and fetched Crowley's phone, placing it gently into his fumbling hand. "There you go."
"Mmrrr. Don't need it now." Crowley tucked the phone under his side in what Aziraphale would have guessed would be a very uncomfortable fashion but which Crowley did without even thinking. At least it wouldn't be going anywhere from there, Aziraphale supposed. "What're you doin'?" Crowley made grabby hands at the iPad Aziraphale had brought over with him.
Aziraphale handed over the iPad without even one thought, much less a second. "Oh, I was just waiting for you to wake up, really."
"...Angel." Crowley had zoomed out on the picture (with a completely unsurprising lack of propriety) and was now staring, frozen and much more awake, at the drawing of himself. "You aren't going to post this on Tumblr, are you?"
Aziraphale laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of that, despite the ripple of shock Crowley's tense tone had caused him. "Come, now. When have I ever posted a drawing of you, my dear?"
"When have you ever made a drawing of me?" Crowley retorted. He waved vaguely at the screen, accidentally sparing Aziraphale from having to answer. "I don't mind being old, but I don't want the world knowing my boyfriend thinks I'm old." His frazzled waving turned a little more flaily.
"Crowley..." Aziraphale gently took the tablet back from him and set it down on the floor so he could take Crowley's hand in both of his. "I assure you, I'm not the kind of artist who spends my time drawing things I don't think are beautiful. And that includes every detail I put in."
Aziraphale would have hoped that was obvious, really. The strands of hair he had drawn weren't brittle grey; they were molten silver. They caught the light like a precious metal woven like a ribbon into cinnabar-red hair. Crowley could have been a queen, fallen asleep after a long day in her finery. He could have been a fae whose very essence was beauty, sleeping with no fear that it would be stolen away because it couldn't.
He could have been an ordinary man, who was so deeply, truly loved that even his grey hairs seemed to shine like the soft gleam of a newly-forged star when they caught the last strong beams of afternoon sunlight shining in through the windows.
Aziraphale hoped Crowley could see it, too.
Crowley made a grumpy noise. "I still don't want it on Tumblr. — Not that I can tell you what to do with your art, but—"
Aziraphale interrupted him with a warm smile. "I don't want it on Tumblr, either. I drew this just for me."
"...really? Even though...?"
"Just for me," Aziraphale whispered in confirmation, his eyes seeking out Crowley's and saving him from having to finish that sentence. "I've only ever drawn you for me." I love you to the point of creation, his heart sang. It wasn't quite how that quote went, he knew. It was the only way it had ever gone, for him.
"Hn..." Crowley shifted to look at the iPad where it lay down on the floor. "I suppose... Well. Despite the subject matter, you drew it well, at least."
"Well, thank you for that," Aziraphale jibed back lightly, completely devoid of malice.
"Ngh, you can't blame me for feeling self-conscious about my greys when you haven't got any."
Aziraphale let out a huff of a laugh. "Oh, Crowley."
"What?" Crowley looked defensive, then abruptly switched to looking shrewd. "Wait. Do you dye them??" He leaned forward eagerly, like this was taboo knowledge.
"Oh, where was that compliment two decades ago? No, not at all. Do you know how long I spent getting over feeling self-conscious about them, and now for you to not even realize I have them?"
"No way. You've been holding out on me!" Crowley's eyes had a light in them that Aziraphale had seen sometimes — the look of someone who has been wanting something very much and thinks he's just figured out how to get it. Aziraphale drew back instinctively in trepidation. He had no idea what Crowley could possibly be wanting, though a fluttering feeling in his chest suggested that it was, in some way, him.
Ridiculous. As if they hadn't had sex already.
"I'm going to go get dinner started."
Crowley let out a whine that cut off abruptly enough that Aziraphale suspected he actually hadn't intended to make it.
Aziraphale paused. "What?"
"Ehhh... just envious, s'all."
Aziraphale took a moment to muse about whether Crowley knew the difference between "envious" and "jealous" and decided, firmly, that he had faith that he did. "Of what?" he asked with an incredulous laugh, since he still had no idea what "envious" could possibly apply to here.
"Negghhh, you've gotten to play with my hair enough to know I have greys, and I haven't gotten to touch yours once."
Aziraphale blushed darkly at that, remembering some choice occasions in which Crowley had gripped his hair tightly enough to hurt. He cleared his throat and opted not to mention them. "That feels much more like your fault than mine."
"Just... tryin'a respect your boundaries, angel."
"Why would that be a boundary?" Aziraphale asked, baffled.
"I asked for it and you haven't."
Aziraphale didn't quite remember it that way, but it was a fair enough interpretation from Crowley's point of view, he supposed. "Well, no. It sounds perfectly nice, but I'd hate to bore you with it. I know you're much more fidgety than I am."
"Not bored," Crowley insisted, his eyes urgent. "Never bored when it's you, angel. Siddown."
Aziraphale laughed breathily. "Too late. I'm already up to cook dinner."
"You'll just have to wait," Aziraphale teased in a singsong lilt, casting a smile back at Crowley over his shoulder.
Crowley flung himself back on the couch with an impatient whine, leaving Aziraphale feeling very smug about his attempt at whatever the romantic equivalent of foreplay was. Crowley sounded very much like he was being left with blue balls. "Bastard."
"Only as much as you deserve, my dear," Aziraphale sang back as he went into the kitchen, acutely aware of Crowley's eyes following every step.
It wasn't really in question, at all, that Aziraphale would end the evening snuggled on the couch with Crowley's hands in his hair. There was also no question that he'd enjoy it thoroughly, and he also knew it wasn't the kind of thing that was likely to lead to anything more. So, instead, he just relaxed into it and let his thoughts drift.
"...do you really think I'd mind if my red fox turned into a silver fox?" he mused. The thought was languid, easy, relaxed. Crowley spluttered in incoherent surprise anyway, and Aziraphale laughed softly. "Yes, I know. There's a reason I'm not the writer of the pair."
"Y'are, though. Don't think I've forgotten that you are."
Aziraphale blushed a little at that. "Oh."
Crowley's hands resumed their meditative motion through Aziraphale's hair. "But... yeah. I'd rock it, wouldn't I?"
"You would," Aziraphale murmured with a smile. "And I'm quite looking forward to seeing it someday, my dear."
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neomujinjja · 7 months
Lifetime of Moments
Tumblr media
Pairing: Non-idol!Anton x reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Warning: not edited, very long, children*, major character death
Synopsis: Anton retells the story of him and his life partner through the important moments of their time together
Note: this is heavily inspired by the movie 'A man named Otto'. * I don't mention pregnancy or bringing children back from the hospital to ensure gender neutrality and be inclusive. I also use the abbreviation P/T to stand for Parental Term. But I wanted to give a warning either way for people.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"I'm sorry!" a voice rushed out, the owner not sparing a look back towards Anton. They seemed to be in a rush, a book falling out of their arms.
"Oh! You dropped your book." Anton called out but it seemed as the person couldn't hear him. The boy picked up the book and ran after its reader. Luckily, Anton hadn't lost them in the small crowd of people. He reached out to tap their shoulder as they stopped at a cross walk. "Hey, you dropped this back in the cafe." he explained as he handing the item over. The two's figures brushing over one another's.
"Thank you!~ I'm halfway through and I would hate not knowing how it ends," They smiled at Anton, looking into his eyes. And he swears that they were the prettiest person that he's ever seen. "You're my hero! Is there a chance that I could get your name?" they inquired, beginning to rock back and forth on their heels. "Mine's Y/N".
"I'm Anton. Lee Anton." He replied, returning a shy smile of his own.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Anton. Maybe we'll see each other again one day" Y/N said. Anton was enamored with the way his name came out of their mouth. They gave him a thumbs up before crossing to the other side of the street, weaving their way through the mass of people.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Anton began hanging around the cafe more often after his encounter with Y/N. It wasn't just because he wanted to see them again, it was convenient cause the cafe was close to Anton's college and gym. The perfect spot to wait for classes and get something before practice. If Anton happened to bump into you there then that was a bonus.
He was waiting in line when he received a tap on his shoulder. "I thought that was you, Anton." Y/N said giving the male in front of them a big grin.
"Hi, Y/N" he greeted breathily, Y/N looked breath-taking despite wearing a hoodie and sweats. Anton admittedly was surprised that they had remembered him and his name.
"I'm sorry for rushing off without properly thanking you last time. Let me make it up to you," Y/N told him. Anton began shaking his head in protest. It wasn't a big deal to him and he was happy just knowing that they remembered him. "Nonsense, let me take you to dinner. It's the least I could do for my hero" They cut off any of Anton's protest as they pulled out a notebook. He watched them write a series of numbers before then ripping the page. "That's my number, we can discuss where and when later."
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Anton paid his fair before quickly leaving the cab. He was running behind but he hopefully hadn't kept them waiting long. Anton had texted you but he hadn't checked his phone for a response. A breathe of relief left him at the sight of Y/N waiting outside the agreed upon restaurant. "I'm glad you're still here!"
"I told you, I was taking you out. If anything I should've been worried that you were gonna bail." They responded opening the door for the male. The place seemed relatively fancy but not so that eating would break the bank. "I hope you're into Italian food, Mr. Anton cause this is the fanciest I can afford" Y/N joked as the pair walked into the restaurant. Anton felt so comfortable in Y/N's presence, he was able to joke and laugh freely with them. It was as if he could talk with them for hours.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Anton felt like he was on cloud 9 and was buzzing from the energy in the crowd. The male had broken a personal record at the swim meet just minutes before. He and Y/N walked hand-in-hand out of the stadium. "Anton," Y/N pulled him to the side, away from the crowd. They took both of his hands in theirs and swung them between the pair. "Will you marry me?" They asked the man in front of them. "We've been together for 4 years, and I know I love you and want to be together with you for the rest of my life." Y/N continued, rubbing circles on the back of Anton's hands.
Anton pulled them into a hug, bringing their heads together. "Of course, I want to marry you" he responded.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"This is the last one" Y/N said as they set the last box down.
"And now it's officially our place" Anton said back as he wrapped his arms around them. Y/N hummed in agreement and leaned back onto their husband. "Imagine what it'll be like once we're all settled in." The pair swayed as they took a break before they'd begin unpacking.
"Where should we start first? The Kitchen...The Living Room?" Y/N asks turning to face the male. "The bedroom?" They continued as they jokingly wiggled their eyebrows at Anton. He laughs and plants a kiss onto their forehead.
"Let's start in the bedroom and then work towards the kitchen and living room" The male proposes. The duo separate and begin unpacking the boxes.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Ushering in, the pair quietly and tiredly walked through the door. Y/N makes their way towards the couch and sets the baby carrier down. They take out their son and place him in the bouncer. Anton joins after putting their bags into the couple's laundry room. "He's so small and precious" Y/N whispers as they looked over their child.
"He's all ours to love" Anton responds bringing his partner closer to his side. Sniffling was heard making the male turn. "Why are you crying?" Anton asked as he wiped their tears away. "Are you okay?" He continued with worry in his voice.
"I'm okay" They nodded, sniffling some more. "We have a baby. We're parents." Y/N says taking Anton's hands in theirs.
The male laughed "Yeah, we sure are". He pulled his partner into a hug.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"How was the zoo, you guys?" Y/N asked as Anton and the boys walked in. They got an arm full of Teo, their oldest son, once he was fully inside.
"P/T we saw so many animals. And there was even an animal that was like Kori. It stayed on its parent's back" He tells you excitedly about the animals the three saw at the zoo.
"A Koala" Anton informed the young boy as he took his second son out of their sling. "Did you tell P/T about your favorite exhibition yet?" He asks the toddler as he lets the baby onto the play mat. Anton walks over to his partner, giving them a peck on the lips despite Teo's protest.
"Appa! You can't give P/T a kiss before I give them one!" the young boy says pushing his dad away. Teo wrapped his tiny arms around his other parent and begins placing kisses on their face. Laughter came out from the adult couple at the toddler's actions.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Anton turns and reaches out to his partner's side. He opens his eyes when he doesn't feel anything. The male gets up out of the bed, puts his house shoes on and begins looking around their home. Anton checks on the boys' room after looking in the bathroom and the kitchen-living room combo with no avail. Teo and Kori are both deep asleep with tiny snores coming out of their mouth. He closes the door softly then proceeds to the nursery. There he finds Y/N in the rocking chair with their youngest June. Anton lets out a sigh of relief upon the sight. He walks towards his partner and their child. "Y/N, come back to bed. Let's put Junie back in her crib" The male whispers rubbing their back.
"Did I fall asleep?" Y/N asks groggily with a confused look on their face. Anton nods as he helps them get up from the rocking chair. The duo quietly set June back in her crib, double checking the monitor before heading out of the room. He rubs Y/N's back as the couple walk back to their room. They get into the bed and Anton cuddles into his partner. Now he can fall back asleep knowing that all of his family is safe.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Y/N and Anton sit outside, enjoying the fresh evening air. "It's quiet, isn't it?" Y/N says after a moment. "With all of the kids officially out, it's quiet" They continued as they sipped their tea.
"It's odd, right? We haven't had a quiet moment to yourselves since we brought Teo home" Anton says with a laugh. He grabs his partner's hand, over the years they've both gained wrinkles.
"Should we call them?" Y/N jokes and the duo laugh. With a sigh, Y/N continues "I understand how our parents felt when we moved out".
Anton hums before shaking his head. "No, we can bother them some other time. Let's just enjoy the silence for now."
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Anton held his partner's hand as they laid in the bed. The low hum of the machines in the background. "Anton..." Y/N spoke lowly, their voice sounded parched and croaky.
"Yes, Y/N?" He responded with his full attention. Anton gripped tighter at his spouse's hand with love in his eyes.
"I don't want to leave you and the kids. We were supposed to be together for the rest of our lives." Y/N said looking into Anton's eyes. He tries to interrupt but they stop him from speaking. "I'm sorry Anton. I'm gonna have to leave first" they continued before turning to their children. "Take care of your Appa for me. I love you, my babies and I'm so proud to have raised the three of you. You've all done such great things with your life, and I know you'll continue to do so." Y/N tells them before a coughing fit starts.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"Y/N was the love of my life. There was no one else like them. I pretty much fell in love with them as soon as I first met them." Anton pauses with a sigh and chuckle.
"Mr. Lee, that sweet. Did you think you'd end up dating and marrying them too?" the home nurse asked the elderly man.
"No," He shook his head "I didn't. I always thought of myself as a lucky man to be with them. I was just happy that Y/N wanted to be around me." Anton says with a smile on his face. The home nurse also smiled at the man's statement.
"I wish that I can have a love like yours one day, Mr. Lee" She tells him. She's had been helping take care of the elderly man for a few years now. She had seen the pictures and heard a few stories but today she asked about Mr. Lee's love life with his spouse. The home nurse listened and watched as the man eyes and voice were full of love as he spoke about his life partner. Anton laughs and smiles as he wishes the home nurse luck. "Do you miss them, Mr. Lee?" she asks with curiosity.
Anton hums and nods before answering "Everyday".
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Weeping Siren
Inspired by this post, but not the same thing.
Had this amazing idea I couldn't let go.
So basically, Danny's home world was destroyed, and none of his friends or family are alive or even dead with him. I'm not sure what caused thus but probably some sort of dumb GIW plot. This act also damages, but not destroy, the ghost zone/infinite realms.
Danny becomes the ghost king, sure he might have a bit of paper work, but in this story the main job of the ghost king is to keep the ghost zone working/safe, and even protect it should he have to. Because the ghost zone is damaged, he spends most of his time feelings himself through the ghost zone and fixing areas, maybe this is why the Lazarus pits exist?
Anyways, since Danny's always stressed and is grieving/will always grief his home, the ghosts always feel the sorrow of their great king, whom they all grow protective of, and who they greatly love and appreciate.
Danny takes to singing to relieve stress, help him pass the time, and even let him grief in a safe way. Despite this and the love of his people, being in the ghost zone and effectively working even when he can sleep, it all starts getting to him. So he starts performing his songs to the ghosts, telling his stories, his wishes, his love and grief, what he wishes could've happened, and what he hope WILL happen, all through his songs.
Yet he is still in the ghost zone, and so the ghost suggests he performs to the many dimensions and universes that the ghost zone is connected to, it is infinite after all.
And so he does.
From here the ghost king gains a reputation for being a great, yet sad king. A being that could destroy dimensions without trying being in perpetual grief. His stage name becomes the Weeping Siren.
It continues like this.
My idea come from a story where the JL see Constantine being excited/ecstatic for once. They ask what's up and John says the Weeping Siren is going to perform in their universe soon, and he's excited to attend.
One thing leads to another and John or Zatanna convince the other members to join, or the other way around, the JL convinces the two to take them. Either way they tell the JL time and space and everything stops for those who attend, so there are no consequences, and everyone can have a chance to join. And they want the JL beings from different dimensions and universe will most likely be attending as well.
If you want to go even crazier you can add different versions of the Justice league or those they know, like many different versions of Jason Todd attend and things like that.
I imagine it like a bar/dinner kinda vibe, with a stage that Danny steps on to. He's obviously going to be dressed androgynously, and it's hard to say if he seems more ghost or human, as his forms have long since practically merged with eachother. Sure he could shift more to one of his sides, but he accepts hes both, so he becomes both.
Danny sings songs, even the happier songs have a wisp of sorrow or longing in them.
A song I'd add is Nobody by Mitski. Idk why, but it resonates with me, and I think It'd resonate with this Danny.
This danny totally wears dresses, and i imagine he wears darker colors, more blacks with chains, as well as have glasses that look perscripting perched on his head like you would sunglasses. With a certain flower in his hair. Nods to Tucker and Sam. Yes he wears pants and combat boots popular my many world's men. He'd wear biker gloves and all in all he'd change up his outfits, wearing a multitude of different things popular of both genders. Yet the flower, the dark colors, those glasses, they always stay consistent.
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batsvnte · 1 year
𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 • 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Pairing(s): Wally Darling
Sypnosis: a brief outing with friends ends with you finding an lost puppet from an unknown show
Warning(s): reader casually vibrating violently out of fear, mentions of cults and murder, cursing, not proofread
Word Count: 2K
Oc’s involved: Malorie, Eira, and Hwan (mine)
Notes: black gender neutral!reader (they/them pronouns) suddenly got an fixation on Sk8 the Infinity so that’s what inspired me to write something like this. this is probably gonna be a long one so bare with me- reblog and share this with credits to me, Welcome Home belong to @/partycoffin
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A group of friends chat amongst each other within a restaurant that was very familiar to them. Eating their own choices of food while joking around with one another, but also sharing some advice once the subject takes a change for something else. Nonetheless, everything was going alright for the little group.
“My little brother hates dolls,” across from where (Name) was sitting, they draw their attention to one of their friends Malorie. “He ran out the room one time when he saw those little puppet things.”
“Muppets? Does he know that they’re just controlled by people.” Sitting directly next to them was Eira, one of the few who were always leading the conversation to keep the energy alive.
Malorie shrugs with a mixture of rolling her eyes. “Yeah but he thinks it’s extra creepy. He doesn’t like that for some reason.”
“Poor little guy. I feel bad for him.” (Name) chimes in quietly after finishing their portion of food, knowing Malorie’s family pretty well.
“I don’t,” Malorie scoffs as she takes a sip out of her drink. “It’s funny seeing him run to dad.”
“Mal be nice!” Eira exclaims as she gives Malorie a look as she raises her hands in defense.
As the two continue their conversation, (Name) directs their attention over to another friend, Hwan, sitting with them. Quietly texting to what they could assume would be a group chat that is somewhat unfamiliar to them since they had saw few profile pictures and names being sent all at once. (Name) wouldn’t really call themselves someone who would be nosy, but something caught their attention.
“What the hell is that?”
Hwan perks his head up to (Name). It nearly took him a minute to realize what they were looking at. Hwan turns his head back to his phone, finding the picture that (Name) had spotted previously. Pulling up the photo, he shows them the picture in proper and full light.
“I don’t really know what it is. One of my friends was explaining something called Welcome Home.” Hwan explains as (Name) takes in the details of the photo.
From what they could decipher, they see a portrait of four puppets in the center. Vibrant colors for each one of the four puppets in the portrait consisting of pink, blue, green and orange. It reminded them of the three fairies from a movie they saw when they were younger. Their eyes were mostly fixated on the one in the middle of the four, looking way more cheerful than the orange one. Pink puppet with blonde hair tied up into a high, long ponytail. The design for them were cute.
“Welcome home? Is that a show?” Malorie questions as both her and Eira’s attention is focused on Hwan.
Hwan nods as he moves his phone over to them for a better look at the portrait. “It is. It’s an American puppet show from 60s.”
Malorie’s face scrunched up in confusion as she looks away from the photo. “They had puppet shows in the 1900s? I thought it was all black and white till like.. the 70s.”
“Color in television was in the 40s.” (Name) says as they earn another look from Malorie. “Just saying.”
Malorie didn’t make any mocking remark towards (Name). Seeing how her attention was directed to the photo, possibly taking in the details of what it could be.
Hwan chimes in once both Eira and Malorie had their fair share of looks. “It was taken off randomly at some point. Everything about the show just disappeared.”
“How did your friend find this?” (Name) looks back over to Hwan with questions filling their mind.
“There’s an account on Instagram that is dedicated to reviving old stuff from the 1900s.”
This gained a lot of questioning looks to what Hwan was talking about. (Name) remains silent as Eira and Malorie ask their own questions about the show and the account. All the ones that (Name) was thinking was already said. Giving that the two were the most curious out of the four.
Malorie’s curious it was always tied to her mischievous ideas and persona, finding ways to tease the others about minor stuff that means no harm while Eira was genuine things that she wants to remember. The little details always mattered to her.
“Do you think something controversial went on with the show to get it cancelled? Like someone got murdered or there was a secret cult.”
(Name) became tense at the mention of ‘murder’ and ‘cult’. They weren’t to fearful of those things but the thought of them made them a little concerned. They looks between the three friends that sat near them as they finally finish their plate of food.
“Why do you always assume something dark happens when an show gets cancelled. It was probably the budget they have.” Eira counters Malorie’s questioning and statement, using a more logical approach to this topic.
Judging from the picture they all saw, it was most likely more to the show than the four puppets on the poster. (Name) quietly sides with Eira on the matter, knowing how budget can really affect the way the show runs and how it is viewed from people outside of the work.
“It’s the 1960s,” Malorie says whilst placing her plate in the middle of the table, being done with her food a while ago. “Something bad happens during that time period. It’s not always uncovered until decades later.”
“There can be good things.” Hwan mumbles out with only being heard by (Name).
(Name) sighs under their breath as they listen to the conversation on whether or not the show was cancelled because of some dark unruly secret. They did think that the show looked cute, but it was strange at the same time. They couldn’t really make a judgement call from one photo they all collectively saw.
“Besides even if it was something else why would someone try to uncover why it got cancelled? That poster looked like shit before they recovered back to its former glory.” Malorie leans in slightly with a slightly hushed tone so that only the four of them can hear. “Maybe someone’s soul was inhabited in the puppets. Possibly the pink one in the middle of them.”
“This is connected to that cult thing you said, Mal.” (Name) suddenly exclaims without thought to their words. “That wouldn’t be true, even if it was maybe there’s other characters in the show than the ones we saw.”
Malorie turns her attention over to (Name). Taking an closer look to their posture and listening to the tone to their voice, her shoulders fall slightly. “Sounds like you’re scared.”
(Name) leans away involuntarily, trying to brush off their sudden outburst. “As if. Why would I be scared of some kid puppet show that was made decades ago.”
(Name) couldn’t feel it, but it was clear to the others that they were somewhat scared. Eira leans away to give them room but with a look of concern as they were obviously shaking due to fear. Hwan reaches towards (Name), putting a hand on their shoulder to give them reassurance.
Malorie didn’t really buy it though. “Sure you aren’t.. anyways, is there anything else on the account?”
Hwan shakes his head as a no. “That’s all there is.”
After (Name) had calmed down, they all paid once they were done eating and head out of the restaurant. Bringing along their own skateboards since it would quicker to get back home than walking down the streets. Malorie gets a head start with (Name), Eira and Hwan following behind. Mindlessly following the familiar path back to their homes.
Soon they reached a mild uphill. They all kicked up the skateboards, holding them as they walked uphill. Small talk among them to distract them from complaining about the hill. Though at the back of (Name)’s mind they kept thinking about that puppet show. It was a strange thing for them, and it made them more curious about whatever it could be.
“What was that?”
(Name) snaps themselves out of their thoughts. They haven’t realized that they were slightly ahead of the others, turning back around to see Malorie’s head turned to another direction. In fact all three of their attention were on something that they missed. (Name) takes a few steps towards them to see what they were looking at.
“The box fell over.” Hwan states as his eyes were locked onto a small box that was knocked over. Either from an stray animal or excess weight in the box.
(Name) nearly freezes once they take a full look at the box. Something about the box was strange despite it being normal. Eira must’ve thought the same thing seeing how she was clinging onto Hwan. (Name) was curious about it at the same time, but their conscious out-ruled their curiosity.
“We should get going.” (Name) was about to turn away before witnessing Malorie step towards the box. “Mal what are you doing.”
“I just wanna see what’s in here.” Malorie claims as she nudges the box with her foot, trying to figure if it was taped down or not.
Nobody says anything as Malorie kneels down whilst putting her skateboard face down so it wouldn’t roll away from her. Finding one of the lids to be separated she turned the box over properly. Surprisingly (Name) found themselves to be standing somewhat near Malorie. They lean forward to see the contents of the box. Malorie brushes away some packaging before drawing her hands away from what was in it.
“The fuck..” (Name) muttering under their breath as they lean away once they see the contents as well.
“What? What’s in it?” Eira was still next to Hwan with both keeping a distance from the two and the box.
Malorie lifts up what could be a doll? maybe a puppet of some sorts. He, what they would assume, had blue hair that was styled into a pompadour. Malorie brings it up so that they could get a better look at it. The puppet wore a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, along with a red ribbon tied around his neck. Along with rainbow pants that would be vibrant and lively if they were in better lighting.
“It’s a doll.” Malorie sounded disappointed and concern at the same time. “That’s all that was in the box.”
Malorie stands up with the doll in hand, scooping up her skateboard in the other hand. She goes over to Eira and Hwan so that they can get a better look at it. (Name) stays their distance from Malorie and the doll, not wanting to really get near it. They didn’t know how to explain it but something about that doll was weird. Coming out of a knocked over box with no address signed to it or no name to it. At least that’s what they saw from where they were standing.
“What are you gonna do with it?” Hwan questions as he looks between the doll and Malorie.
“I don’t know but I’m not keeping it,” Malorie quickly says, almost accidentally cutting off her friend. “My brother is gonna flip out and somehow get rid of it.”
“I’m not keeping it either. I don’t have enough room for it.” Eira gives her reasoning.
Which only leaves Hwan and (Name) without any reason or answer to why they can’t keep it.
“I guess I’ll keep it.” (Name)’s answer made them all turn heads to them.
Malorie steps towards (Name) with the doll in hand, having a look of uncertainty. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, (Name).”
“It’s fine,” (Name) takes the doll out of Malorie’s hands. They were surprised to see how light he was. “Besides it’ll probably keep my sibling from running around the place.”
With a hum of agreement, all of them continued uphill. They manage to get back on their skateboards once the road was more smoother and clear, a comfortable silence among them all. (Name) fell behind the others since they had to adjust how they were going to hold the doll. Figuring that it would be more easier to carry it with one arm due to how light it was, they caught up with the others within a few seconds.
Nearing one of the neighborhoods, all four bid their goodbyes. Hwan and Eira separating to opposite roads while (Name) and Malorie continued down one. Both being close neighbors made it easier to get through skating in the neighborhood. (Name) occasionally cruises past Malorie, more or less eager to get back home. Malorie didn’t really mind since she would be home within a few minutes.
Though, it was unfortunate that she missed the occasional stares directed towards both her and (Name).
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‘this action will have consequence’ type shi-
More parts to this little series will be coming soon. I don’t know where I was going with this one but there will be more Wally in the next one I promise-
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jeonstellate · 7 months
timestamp: inverse
it’s 6:36 am when you let wonwoo go.
๑彡 jeon wonwoo x gender neutral!reader
๑彡 royal!au, greek mythology-inspired!au — depictions of physical violence — angst
๑彡 paragraph format — 0.8K words
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑彡 whenever my muse shifts to darker angst, i usually avoid writing anything for idols. (opting to write for superheroes instead.) but, uh . . . i haven't posted for kpop for like 3 months, so . . .
๑彡 i'm not entirely satisfied with this, but i hope you guys still find it satisfying enough anw :]
In another life, you and Wonwoo would be a successful case of the enemies-to-lovers trope. The one where ‘leave me alone’ eventually turned into ‘never leave me.’ The one where ‘you against me’ eventually turned into ‘you and I against the world.’
In another life, you and Wonwoo would be your own Hades and Persephone. A child of the dark and of the light. A child of the moon and the sun. Complete opposites, but in love nevertheless.
In another life, you and Wonwoo would be cuddling as you read your respective books. Unbothered by the world that existed outside your shared home. Satisfied that your love was strong enough to triumph over the eons long divide between your people.
In another life, you and Wonwoo would be living without fear of being forced apart.
But, alas, not in this life.
In this life, you and Wonwoo were still a case of the enemies-to-lovers trope. The one where ‘I can’t stand you’s eventually turned into ‘I love you’s. The one where ‘my immortal enemy’ eventually turned into ‘my eternal companion.’
In this life, you and Wonwoo were still your own Hades and Persephone. A child of the underworld and of the sky. A child of hell and of heaven. Complete opposites, but in love just the same.
In this life, you and Wonwoo weren’t enough to overcome the eons long divide between your people.
In this life, you and Wonwoo were left with no choice but to hide in a remote corner of his people’s realm. Just to have a chance to love each other in peace.
In this life, you and Wonwoo lived with fear of being forced apart.
And then you were.
"Wonwoo!" You screamed his name when men of your realm drove a punch right onto his gut, making him double over in pain. You stepped toward him, but was immediately caged by two others. "Unhand me! Now!"
"Your Highness," one of the men that trapped you with his arm addressed you. Try as you might, no amount of trashing around shook your guards away, "we were ordered to take you back by any means necessary — including hurting you."
Neither of you knew how they found your hideaway, as you had been thorough with your undercover, but they did. And they decided to storm inside without any warning.
Neither of you knew what their game plan was, but it was easy to guess how they plotted their so-called rescue mission. They wanted to restrain each of you and keep you separated until they could drag you away.
"Don’t hurt them," Wonwoo pleaded as blood dripped from his mouth. "I swear to Thanatos, if you hurt [First name]—"
Another punch landed on him, effectively cutting the rest of his sentence. "You aren’t worthy to have their name grace your filthy mouth, Prince."
"Stop!" Your voice held a strong authority in it, yet also desperate. "Leave him alone!"
You looked at Wonwoo. You took in his bloodied appearance: his busted lip, the black eye threatening to form, the cut on his cheek.
He looked nothing like the boy that constantly got under your skin. Nor the man you love with your whole heart.
All because you didn’t love him enough to let him go.
Wonwoo’s expression changed the same time yours did. As if he could read what your mind just decided on. "No. [First name]. Don’t—"
You looked away from him. As you wouldn’t be able to build your resolve strong enough otherwise. "Release him and—"
"Look at me, [First name]." Wonwoo demanded, his voice pleading. He knew you were avoiding his gaze for a reason. "Look at me!"
"—and I’ll come back with you," you finished. Your voice broke by the end, which you thought lessened your credibility. Thus, to make up for it, you repeated your demand with more conviction. "Let him live and I’ll return with you. I swear on the River Styx."
No one expected you to make an unbreakable oath. Not the deities curious enough to watch everything unfold. Not the men your father sent to retrieve you. And certainly not Wonwoo.
Thunder rumbled outside, notifying you and everyone else that your oath had been sealed.
In another life, you would swear the opposite. You would swear to never leave; to never be apart from Wonwoo.
In another life, you would tie your lifeline with his. So neither of you would need to live without the other.
In another life, you wouldn’t need to concern yourself with looking at the man you love one last time. Because there would never be such.
It was only then did you look back at Wonwoo. No one was holding him anymore, but he stayed kneeled on the ground, as if he couldn’t command his legs move. His eyes were wide, disbelieved.
What did you do?
In this life, you swore to leave Wonwoo. You swore off your own happiness. You swore off your own freedom — your own life. All because you thought that was the least you could do, after you selfishly returned his affections and ruined his life.
In this life, you swore to let him go, in exchange for Wonwoo’s second chance at life. A life without you in it.
I’m sorry. I love you.
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the-cannibal · 2 years
Poly! Lost boys x animal lover Gn Reader
Hello everyone! So on my last post about slashers with a s/o who loves animals quite a few of you said Marko would be the type of guy to sneak animals into the cave and would drive the others insane about it, so I decided to make it into a oneshot! Thank you for the inspiration and I hope you don’t mind me using this idea! You guys are so creative!
Summary: Y/n and Marko sneak a bunch of animals into the cave, the other boys are not amused (well except Paul, kinda)
*Gender neutral terms are used however nicknames babe and baby are used*
*This could be considered more Marko focused*
It was a warm night in Santa Carla. People were enjoying the boardwalk, families were walking on the beach, and you were enjoying the warm summer evening with one of your boyfriends.
You and Marko had decided to have a little date, just the two of you. It’s not that you don’t like going on a date with four smoking hot dudes at once! It’s just that sometimes going on a one on one date was nice. It was more… relaxing. Less chaotic. But you didn’t mind chaos, after all that is what made you so interested in the boys in the first place.
So here you and Marko were, walking underneath the boardwalk, hand in hand, making some small talk, when all of a sudden you two hear a tiny little squeak!
It was so small that you almost didn’t hear it, but your vampire boyfriend did.
Marko bent down with a smile and held his hand out.
“Babe, look!” Marko cooed as he stood back up. You looked down in his hands to see a little mouse, barely the size of a crumpled up tissue, sitting in the palm of his hand, brushing its little hands over its face.
“Awwwww! Well hi there cutie! What’s your name?”
You and Marko squealed in delight at its response. “We gotta take it back to the cave!” You said. Marko nodded along.
“Here,” Marko lightly tugged on the pocket of your jacket and held his hand up to it, allowing the mouse to snuggle up inside near your chest. “My jacket doesn’t have any pockets, so take good care of them!” Marko said like a strict mother.
“Sir, yes sir!” You said and gave him a salute. Marko chuckled and lightly flicked your forehead. Usually when you would do something goofy like what you just did he would give you a little nudge, but he didn’t want to risk hurting the little creature that was cozying up in your pocket.
“Let’s get back home before the guys do, give us some time to set up a spot hidden away for our new baby.” Marko said as he took your hand once again.
As you guys carefully climbed out from underneath the boardwalk and onto the sand your old conversation changed from talking about the new Bon Jovi album to what you should call your new ‘baby’ as Marko called it.
“What about Axl?” Marko suggested.
“As in Rose?”
He grinned at you. “You know it, baby!”
You laughed, making the mouse poke it’s head out of your pocket to see what was happening. “I love it, Axl it is!” You said and gave Axl’s little head a tiny rub with your pinky finger.
As you two climbed the rocky stairs up to the cave you ended up finding another baby! Actually two babies!
You both stopped in your tracks as a raccoon and a possum walked out from out of the bushes in front of you. The raccoon chirped at you and walked up to your feet. Meanwhile the possum froze in its spot before falling over and playing dead.
The raccoon gripped your pant leg and began climbing up you.
“Oh! Well hello to you too?” You smile as it curled up on your shoulders. “I’m gonna call you, Jimmy.” You declared.
Meanwhile Marko was wrestling the possum in his arms, who very clearly did not want to be picked up and zipped into Marko’s jacket. But you had to admit, it did look quite funny with its little head sticking out as it thrashed around.
“Shhhh shhhh, it’s okay Jennifer.” Marko cooed. “You and your two brothers are gonna love the cave!” He said, the both of you giggling like children as you went into the back of the cave where your ‘nest’ was. Aka an old king size bed with a million pillows and blankets.
You placed Jimmy onto your bed, who was happy to curl up on your pillow and take a nap. Meanwhile Jennifer had finally given up on squirming around, and instead settled on giving a nice little ‘hisssss!’ Every few seconds. “She’s just going through her teenage angst.” Marko said as he patted Jennifer’s head, making her hiss more.
“Well would our daughter prefer she has her own room then?” You asked as you flipped over a laundry basket, dumping the dirty clothes onto the floor.
“Hmmmm,” Marko hummed as he watched you place a bath towel down in it for cushion. “I think she would!” He then unzipped the possum from his jacket and placed her in her new room. Jennifer instantly began playing dead again. “She’s sleepy, like her brother.” You said.
“Y/n what are we gonna do about Axl?” Marko asked.
“What do you mean?” You said with a tilt of you head.
“Well… I love Jenny and all,” He said as he looked down at Jennifer. Still playing dead. “But I think she would eat him…”
You gasped and covered Axl’s little ears. “Do possums eat mice?”
Marko opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it when the cave was filled with hoots and howls.
“Shit, they’re back early!” Marko hissed.
Your eyes widened. “What do we do?!”
“Hide Jenny!” Marko picked up the laundry basket and gave it to you. “Heyyy Jim Jam, I’m gonna tuck you in with this blanket.” Marko said and then drew the curtain on your bed. Meanwhile you were sliding the basket under your desk. You didn’t have time to put anything in front of the desks before David, Dwayne, and Paul walked in, so you just had to stand there and act natural.
“Hey loves! How was the hunt?” You asked.
“It was good, how about you twos date?” Dwayne asked.
“It was nice! Took a nice walk around town, grabbed some snacks-”
“Hey!” Paul suddenly interrupted. Uh oh. He knows…
“Where’s our kiss?” He asked with a pout.
Oh. Phew!
You smiled innocently at the blond. “Why don’t you come here a get it, pretty boy.” You cooed at him. Paul instantly peeled up and was ready to walk up to you like an obedient puppy. But David held him back, making him whine.
“How come you don’t wanna come up to us?” David asked.
You shrugged. “Just wanted to switch it up a bit.”
“Uh huh. So why are you standing in front of that desk?”
“Uhhh am I not allow to stand where I want to, David?” You asked with a roll of your eyes.
David crossed his arms and looked over at Marko. “Move the curtain.” He demanded.
Marko gasped. “David! That’s Y/n’s nest! They have private stuff in there!”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Uhhhh… like… like Their… sex… toys…” Marko said, mentally face palming himself.
“Ooh! Did you get something new for us!” Paul said as he ripped away from David and threw open the curtain.
Jimmy was rolled up in the blanket like a burrito, rocking back and fourth.
David looked over at you and crossed his arms. “Your turn.” He said sternly.
You sighed and moved out of the way with your hands raised in defeat. Jennifer then knocked over the laundry hamper and ran out of the cave. “Our daughter is sneaking out already!” Marko sniffled and wiped away a fake tear. “I’m so proud of her.”
David sighed and looked between the two of you. “If there is any more I’d suggested showing them now, or else.”
Dwayne had unwrapped Jimmy and taken him outside. You and Marko looked between each other, mentally debating if you give up your first child. But Axl had already decided for you as he poked his little head out of your pocket again. “Shit! Shhh Axl go back to sleep!” You tried to get him to go back in your pocket, but he would much rather sit on your shoulder and look at the big scary platinum blond in front of him.
David walked up to you and silently held out his hand. You sighed and gave over Axl.
“You two need to stop doing this shit!” David yelled as he walked out of the cave.
“Hmph! Well you guys aren’t getting any cuddles from me for a week! You children stealers!”
“Awww what?! What about me!” Paul pouted. You smiled at him.
“Not you, pretty. Come here.” You patted your bed for both your blonds to snuggle into you.
“Wanna bring back a sea turtle next time?” Marko whispered.
You grinned at him. “Oh definitely!”
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 8 months
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This is a NSFW parksborn puppy play doodle dump, ft. both concepts for gear and also just plain old horny drawings.
I wrote that puppy play fic and now I am ill, I think—with puppy peter fever,
(there's a separate post for the safe-for-work drawings on that second page of doodles: link)
This is all slapped together so some closeups after the readmore, focusing on the less-than-safe-for-work images:
I'll start off with some of the sillier drawings:
this ⬇️ is a little doodle-comic of what probably happened immediately after they finished their little uh, play session in the fic.
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not really a puppy related drawing other than addressing the fact that Peter "Daddy Dom" Parker is extremely embarrassed by what he just did... I will be honest, I kind of approach all instances of Peter subbing as involving inevitable sub drop. He just doesn't deal well with submission, after-the-fact, even when it's cathartic for him.
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Goofy x Horny double combo—
also more sub drop. i was just having fun with little doodles. if i actually write anything about Peter's aftercare needs in this context it will be, like in other contexts I have written it, much less silly.
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hi 🥴
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and some uh. dog bone gags 😳 don't judge me.
one, an actual gag made for humans, and the other, me looking at a chew toy and thinking to myself, they could probably fit that in Peter's big mouth. for when he won't shut the fuck up.
all you need is a spring lock and suddenly it's adjustable, amiright?
he's still topping here btw. not that i drew the rest of what's happening. but. probably topping. or getting a bj idk.
Harness and collar concepts ahoy:
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Peter's day collar. It's heavily based off of this collar (sfw link btw it's just petco LOL) by Le Dog Company, but I wanted to make it more padded under the buckle. I do like that the strap just says "Le dog" though like. Yeah. And you can see his little name tags and stuff.
probably the inside is like a nice caramel color, rather than black or anything, but i didn't color that part.
and I decided that they'll never go beyond "training" or other non-ownership collars. i don't think he'd be okay with extending even pretend ownership outside of actively having sex tbh. they're extremely not following "old guard traditions" here. peter owns himself and all of his gear, no exceptions
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concept for harness to match, courtesy of Felicia, and just. photos of one of the leashes. i didn't feel like drawing it. not pictured: 9 footer (another petco link lol) — I think I like the way the 4 foot leash looks better, esp since it matches the collar better imo, but I figured. maybe sometimes they would want a 9 foot leash. I mean. Is Harry taking Peter on walks, No, but, you know, could be useful.
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Harness is the same color as the collar, I just made it lighter in this pic so you can see the actual details. It's loosely based on some leather harness I saw but slightly different.
I also wanted to add some bonus sets which are probably gifts from Felicia, though I'm sure Harry could afford more, but *waves my hand* Felicia likes to tease Peter—
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*loudly clears my throat* It's uhh, you know, I just like pink. yeah. I mean normally I put Flash in pink for gender-y reasons I think most people are aware of at this point, but I just. Happened to see a picture of a cute pink mesh dog harness while looking for inspiration, and, well, it got away from me a little bit,
not for gender reasons, particularly, mostly just for horny reasons 😂
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this one is obviously stealing I mean taking heavy inspo from the irl dog harness but also from some other stuff, like safety vests and what have you. And I decided I wanted it to have nylon straps with a cinch instead of a normal buckle because............ conceptually, I find that sexy, for some reason LOL idk it's the physicality or something. the combo of industrial hardware with girly aesthetics. just really strapping him into this thing.
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also yeah i designed this one to not be easily removed (or put on) by the wearer themself, also for horny reasons. requires a helper to put on and take off, though Peter is probably flexible enough he could take it off by himself if he needed to get out in a pinch.
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........does this qualify as sissification? probably. who can say,
anyway the collar is based on those thousand different kinds of customizable rhinestone collars where you can get your pet's name, or "cum slut" or whatever, spelled out in bejeweled charms. but made with like, slightly higher quality materials. like suede, heavy duty hardware, cubic zirconia or something, etc... I came VERY close to putting something vulgar but settled on just Peter's name and the hearts instead.
In my head, Felicia thinks she's very, very funny for giving this pink set to Peter.
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don't be such a wet blanket Peter.
no, i do have a scenario in my notes involving him trying this on and enjoying it a little bit more than he intended to... not because of him having a secretly girlish nature so much as uh the opposite, so. you know, like i said, it might qualify as sissification/force femme, but idk. i just like it...
harry would also be cute in this... also flash... really any of the gang. full CBG matching bubblegum pink kink wear, now there's a thought 😂 mj would probably get a kick out of that
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swarovski crystal... i wanted a D-ring on both the front and the back (for versatility) and it happened to also be a useful place to hang a cute little charm.
And now for something on the complete opposite end of the aesthetic spectrum, and probably more Felicia's style than anything else in this post.
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Anyway, the other bonus from Fel (or possibly just Peter and Harry buying it). Sometimes Peter is naughty... or, you know, combining his top and dom instincts with submission and bdsm—a bad dog who bites. muzzle optional. tbh idk how hardcore Harry is but Peter likes this stuff (in my mind) so I figure it would make sense. More BDSM looking than doggy at this point but, you know, the spiked collar and a very short (like a foot or two at most) chain leash. plus muzzles.
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went for two different muzzles—the medical padded style that is on its own pretty intense, with a little snap so it can attach to the O-ring on the front of the collar instead of having its own attached collar (see, O-ring not just aesthetic lol) and the other one is a more dog-like muzzle, with the metal basket. Both would probably be custom, esp if they're from Felicia, though i guess with the right needle and stuff Peter could probably modify a stock padded muzzle on his own... so maybe only the metal one is custom. who knows.
Obv the leather padded one is way more of a muzzle that makes it so you can't speak easily, or bite or eat or anything else, plus it has its own D-ring for extra bondage lol— vs the basket muzzle which is mostly aesthetic and to prevent biting. lol.
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there are 500 harnesses that look almost exactly like this on etsy. can't beat the classics i guess. didn't bother drawing seams but this is definitely reinforced, though none of it's padded except where it needs to be for durability.
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butt. all of the harnesses like this i saw also have that kind of rubber handle on the back. it's not like Harry can really tug Peter around that much even if Peter didn't have super strength, but, i have to include nice handles on all of these for the aesthetic/sex appeal. it's about the implication.
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my real motivation for making this one unpadded (aside from, I guess, being less gentle) was cause I wanted all the spike rivets and other hardware to be skin-contact. aka: put the collar in the fridge for some temperature play LOL 🥶❄️ obv it would warm up fast but, appealing mental image,
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i also thought it would be fun if it had some warning patches they could put on it, so I sketched a couple of those. I think Peter could make or modify something like this very easily lol. these could probably be put on the other harnesses too. or like on the shoulder straps. full kit w/ muzzle + spiked collar + harness + chain leash + caution patches is definitely... a thought...
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nintendoni-art · 1 year
Oh yeah, there's an OC tournament, isn't there?
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So This is Zori, and I'm gonna do my best to answer some questions about them! Shout out to @bunnymajo who alerted me to this OC questionnaire and @bunniibones who I commissioned a while back for this character that I've colored in!! ✨How did you come up with the OC’s name? 
Got stuck and wrote a bunch of "Z" names, and picked out the one that spoke to me the most. Then double checked to make sure it didn't mean anything terrible in other languages and found out that "Zori"/ "Zouri" was a type of Sandal. Decided to roll with it.
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range) One Hundred and Eleven years old. [Around 14-16, age range]
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Depends on the continuity I use them in, but in the project they originated from, they do have a small crush on someone. S'just they aren't sure if they're even real...
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
Smoked/Preserved Fish, but they can be bribed rather easily with baked goods as long as they aren't too sweet.
💼  - What do they do for a living? Chao Guardian and General World Protective Services.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies? They adore learning about new things to the point where they'll "borrow" objects. They also like people watching while doing scouting work, and pranking said people with their powers/skillset.
🎯  -What do they do best? Surprisingly, Electromagnetic Flight. Due to clarification on their species being unavailable during their creation, since nailed down Zeti lore is nigh impossible to find their fine attunement on electromagnetic fields found in nature, they can just straight up fly. It's like how spiders do it. Side note, now you know that spiders can fly. You're welcome.
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? When it comes to things they love, If they aren't taking a lazy flight during dusk/dawn, they'll actively go out and see if anyone they know needs assistance with anything, and if not, put themselves through self-imposed challenges in order for something to do. When it comes to things they hate, it's being forced into fights. It's not that they hate fighting, that can be part of one of those challenges they give themselves. It's being forced into a fight where they know the thing they're fighting could be weaker than them, because it's not a fair fight. They also aren't huge fans of being forced into hopeless fights, but that doesn't mean they'll back down from said fight.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Another one of those answers that depends on continuity. But generally said memory would be about helping a friend with an important task if it means they follow their dreams. Or hell, making new friends, to begin with.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Goodness, quite a number of continuity based questions this thing has... But lets see....I suppose in a general sense, it would be ones where despite all their strength or abilities, they're in a situation where they're utterly helpless to do anything.
🧊  - Is their current design the first one? Nope! Original design was far more lanky with more feminine attributes, looked a bit more like Zeena, really.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC? Several Months of Studying both the Chao systems from SA1/SA2, as well as the A-Life System from NiGHTS. I also needed an antagonist in a thing I was writing. It was literally by sheer chance they turned out to be a Zeti, since when brainstorming, a copy of Lost World was being played nearby.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in? ...Dungeon Crawling Roguelike with Pet Sim Elements? Nah, but for real, they'd do well in either Action or Slice of Life stuff.
💚  - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? Non-Binary Panromantic
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
Biological? None. Adoptive? ....One. Depending, once more, on continuity used.
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They don't really remember their biological parents, but they do have a good relationship with the gang of violent criminals that have adopted them. It's ok though, they're chao, so they're super adorable violent criminals.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC? I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that they tap into a part of my psyche that still believes in the inherent goodness found in mankind, maybe it's cause they're really fun to write/draw about, it is a mystery...
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Too Much/Not Enough.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? ...
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Don't worry about it.
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?  They aren't really scared of a lot of things, but being enclosed/trapped does stress them out a little.
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Zori's worst enemy is their own sense of loyalty and inability to stay down when it's obvious that they're outmatched in a fight.
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
Oof, I think they're around 5-6 years old... ----
I think that's all I got for right now, but I do suggest ya check them out over at the tourney that @sonic-oc-showdown is holding out rn, and vote for them if ya like!
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leviathism · 2 years
Howdy do! How would Lucifer from Obey Me react to his s/o surprising him by singing a love song they wrote for him on his birthday?
lucifer x gender neutral reader
You were running out of time.
You had a week until Lucifer’s birthday and you were broke. You only had a few Grimm to your name right now and your heart could not bear to buy Lucifer some cheap trinket in a random rundown Five Grimm and Below Store.
It had to be meaningful, as his gift was to you for your last birthday. You nodded to yourself and thought of anyone who could help you.
In desperate and lonely times, humans usually flocked towards people like them. Similar in any shape or form. So…
Solomon welcomed you with some pasta. You warily took it and stepped inside. Simeon mimicked a dead face, eyes rolling up with his tongue sticking out as he pointed at his own bowl. A clear warning.
“So what do you need help with?” As Solomon lead you to the kitchen, you quickly dumped out half the pasta in the trash. He sat down at the table and you sat down next to him. “Oh, I see you’re hungry! Would you like seconds when you’re done?”
“No thanks.” You smiled at him gratefully, a shiver racking down your spine. “Um, I need help for a present. Is there any impressive magic that could help for a gift?”
“For who? Lucifer?” Simeon asked, swiping your bowl when Solomon glanced at his phone for the date. “His birthday is coming up, right?”
“Well, I have a few ideas,” Solomon started, looking down the hallway, probably towards his room where he kept his spellbooks. “There’s a confetti spell, a spell that makes everything cake flavored, and then an infinite wine spell. He likes wine, doesn’t he?”
“Um…” You frowned. “Can I have all the spells?”
“My prodigy!” Solomon laughed, patting you on the back. “I love to see it. I’ll go get the spells’ instructions.”
He left and came back with three rolled up papers in his arms. He laid them on the table and you took and read over each one.
“…I’ll never learn this in a week!” You groaned and buried your face into your hands. A hand rubbed your back consolingly. You peeked over your shoulder.
“Lucifer still has his love for records, right?” Simeon asked, thoughtfully bringing a hand up to his chin. He must’ve picked that up from Solomon. “He loved music in the Celestial Realm. Maybe you can make a song for him. Or even sing it, I’m sure he’ll love it.”
“You think I can do that in a week?” You asked hopefully.
Simeon’s smile faltered. “Probably not. But I’ll help you with the lyrics. I’m sure some demon around here knows how to play a simple ukelele or guitar. It won’t be a world wide hit type of song, but Lucifer will love it if it came from you.”
You smiled at him. Simeon sure knew how to inspire and reassure someone.
So, the two of you found some demon who could play the guitar. You borrowed Mammon’s guitar for a hefty fee of 1K Grimm, effectively draining you of any money you had left. You practiced every day after school and after you ate dinner, you were always at Purgatory Hall, brainstorming with Simeon to write your song.
You finished the lyrics and perfected your guitar song the day before his birthday. Sure, your guitar sounded a little off and your lyrics were no match to Taylor Swift, but Lucifer would love it.
Lucifer was going to hate it.
You stood outside his door, shaking and trembling in your spot. It had been an eventful day for Lucifer’s birthday and it was just before dinner now. Everyone had given their gifts but you, and yet you couldn’t even lift your arm to knock. You squeezed your eyes shut, taking a deep breath.
“…Are you alright?” Lucifer asked and you jumped. He must’ve opened the door when you had been steadying your breathing.
“Um… No. Yes.” You took another deep breath. “I have a birthday present for you.”
Lucifer’s face broke out into a smile. You couldn’t help but smile back. He stepped back and you took the cue to go into his room. You ushered him to sit on his bed as you messed with your guitar.
You stood in front of him, staring at him.
“Um…” He nodded in encouragement. You had this. “Here it goes.”
You ended up singing Happy Birthday to him. Not at all what you had planned. And of course, since you didn’t plan to sing that, you didn’t know Happy Birthday on the guitar.
You had utterly and entirely made a fool of yourself.
But Lucifer had loved it. Or at least he made it look like he did. He stood up and tugged you closer to kiss your forehead, ignoring the awkward press of the guitar between the two of you.
“Thank you.” He smiled sweetly at you. “I see you’re learning the guitar.”
You nodded, dazed and embarrassed.
“Why don’t we go get something to eat?” He led you out by your arm but at the end of the hallway you broke out of his hold.
“I… have to go return the guitar.” You turned and scurried off, leaving Lucifer alone at the end of the hallway.
You escaped into your room, closing the door firmly behind you. You placed the guitar on your table and dove for your bed.
You sighed into your pillow, depressed. How could you ever recover from this? You turned to face your ceiling, wondering if you could sleep your sadness away.
In the middle of your sleep, your door creaked open. Your eyebrows furrowed but you decided to ignore it in favor of more sleep. But a hand settling on your forehead made your eyes flutter open.
“Are you sick?” Lucifer asked you. His hand slid down to cup your cheek. Your lip almost wobbled. Almost.
“How come your didn’t eat dinner with us?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, sitting on the edge of your bed. You grabbed his arm, clutching at it desperately.
“I wasn’t hungry.”
He seemed unsatisfied with that and sighed. “Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?” You shrugged un helpfully.
“It’s your birthday.” Your voice cracked. His eyebrows furrowed.
He stood up and went to the dresser to change. You turned away to face the wall as he changed, trying to fall asleep again so you didn’t have to talk anymore.
You heard his footsteps come back and you faked being asleep.
He called your name. You buried your face into the pillow. He called it again. You gave in and turned around to see him holding a crumpled piece of paper.
“Is this what you meant to sing to me?” Lucifer asked, reading over the lyrics slowly. You felt your body grow hot with embarrassment. This had to be the most embarrassing time of your life, forget middle school.
“…Yeah, but I chickened out.”
Lucifer smirked lightly at your phrasing but it softened as he continued to read. “You need not to be embarrassed in front of me.”
You shrugged, unable to explain it. He met your eyes over the paper steadily.
“Would it help if I sang it with you?”
You froze. Lucifer singing? In your dreams. “Are you being serious?”
“Of course I am.” He placed the paper on the side table and got into bed with you. He pulled you into his chest, comfortingly rubbing a hand down your back. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t mind. Just no videos.”
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skyeeeesworld · 2 years
Calmness of the rain
Pairing : Scaramouche x reader
Gender of reader : ambiguous, not mentioned
Genre : Fluff, (another) Modern AU, Established relationship
CW : None, just the use of Scaramouche's real name! So spoilers for that!
Word count : 978
Not proofread! Apologies for any mistakes! I will edit when I feel bothered!
A/N : Just procrastinating from writing Xiao Can't Communicate hehe... Listen to rain sounds while reading this, it'll set the scene~ or don't ^u^ this also took 2 hours to write... A tiktok with rain in it inspired me
You let out a quiet huff as you looked up at the cloudy dark night sky, rain pouring heavily down on your clear umbrella and the now soaking pavement beneath you. The streets of Inazuma city were void of people, street lights were on and no cars roaring to life as they were still silently sitting on the side of the road. You adjusted the plastic white bag full of snacks and drinks in your left hand while you held your umbrella loosely with the other. The rain was unexpected, though not unwelcome as the calming downpour seemed to relax you after a stressful day. 
If it were every other day, or night, you’d be rushing home to your apartment to turn on the kettle for your ramen in a cup with a glass of your favourite beverage. But tonight, you felt like you could take it easy on the way back home. It wasn’t that cold tonight, only being mid spring and eight o’clock in the evening, but cold enough to wear a loose jacket. 
You mosey on down the street with the amber street lamps illuminating your path, there was a slight bounce in your step as you thought of many ways to describe the rain with a content sigh. Gentle, pattering, soothing, excessive, pelting... Soaking... 
A soaking Kunikuzushi was what you spotted from under the shelter of a closed shop while muttering profanities under his breath as he tried to wring out the rain water from oversize black shirt that had some band logo on. His matching colour loose calf length shorts were equally wet which was sticking to his legs. Were those sandals?  
To be fair, it was hot and sunny in the morning so you couldn’t blame him for his outfit choice. 
“Well look at you.” You snickered, catching the angry man off guard. His indigo blue eyes widening and snapped onto your completely dry form. Something that he wished was right now instead of being caught in the rain after work. “You’re wet through.” You state the obvious. 
Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes and scoffed, “No actually, I’m completely dry, thank you very much.” He flicked some of his dripping wet hair from his eyes while huffing out a string of unpleasant words about how he was soaked to the bone.  
You gave him a nudge to get his attention back on yourself and earning a half-hearted glare. “Come to my place and we can dry you off.” And just as he was about to protest about not needing help, you reminded him, “Do you want to freeze? You’re shaking.” 
Your boyfriend huffed once again and complied, muttering a small ‘fine’. 
And with that, the both of you continued the journey down the street your apartment block with Kuni under the umbrella with you. The relaxing rain wasn’t completely ruined when Kunikuzushi around, only him mumbling more profanities and complaining about the rain. You wished to shut him up, but you’d only get more complaints. 
Once entering through your apartment door, you slid your shoes off and told Kunikuzushi to wait while you get a towel to dry him off. When you returned, you began drying his hair gently; making sure to not let it drop any more water. You then began rubbing his arms and neck dry as well as briefly dabbing his face with the towel. 
“You know I can do this myself, right?” Kuni reminded you softly with a small pout, feeling a little bit happier now that he was inside a warm home. His face began heating up as you made sure he wouldn’t trail water in your home. If you looked at him, he would avoid eye contact and act like he wasn’t bothered. 
You gave him a shrug, giving him a loving smile. Yes, he was a pain in the ass, but that didn’t stop you from taking care of him and making sure he wouldn’t get sick. (That wasn’t partly because of the promise you made to his mother, but because you genuinely love this moody, stone in the shoe human). “Yeah, but I want to do it. Is that not okay? I can stop.” You teased playfully, pulling on the softness of his rosy cheeks – which got you a whine and a protest. 
“That’s not what I said.” Kuni pouted, taking a hold of your wrist gently that was pinching his face and instead let you cup his face carefully. Albeit being damp and still a bit cold, Kunikuzushi enjoyed soft moment like these where he doesn’t have to worry about work or stress or anything. Instead, he could just focus on you. Just you and your comforting hugs. Your light kisses. Your annoying teases. Your warmth. Your so, totally, very (not) annoying voice which he claims to find irksome. Don’t tell him otherwise. He’ll deny the fact that he could listen to your voice for hours on end.  
And don’t tell him about that blush on his cheeks and his lovey-dovey eyes he always gives you, while watching you finish drying him up. He’ll call you delusional and that you’re seeing things. 
Though, he wouldn’t deny when you call him out when you always hear him say ‘I love you’ every night over the phone or sharing a bed when he thinks you’re asleep. Because why lie when he truly does love you? He doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t care and leave you all by yourself like his mother did when he was small (he understands that she was depressed because she lost her sister – his aunt – but it still hurt). 
“Let’s run you a bath. Then we can have ramen. Sound good?” You gave him a peck on the forehead before dropping your hands back down to your side; not missing the way Kuni pouted at the lost of contact. 
Kunikuzushi nodded, “Yeah. Let’s do that.” 
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bluedalahorse · 11 months
I'm curious about your take on Vincent from Young Royals
Okay! I didn’t think I had thoughts but then I did.
First impression: “Hmm, that kid’s haircut looks like he’d be in an early 00s boy band. But specifically a C-tier boy band. He’d be the guy who shares a first name with one of the much more popular members and therefore always gets referred to as Firstname Lastname to distinguish himself from the more popular one.” That thought, but in fewer words.
Impression now: Vincent does a lot of work as a foil to other characters and I appreciate the way he creates contrast. He’s horrible and gross in a teenage boy way, but there’s almost a familiarity in his particular brand of grossness. Like you have August being unpleasant and complicated and that can be a lot to take in emotionally, so sometimes it’s a relief when the scene cuts over to Vincent being unpleasant in a far less complicated way. Now that I’ve said that Lisa’s going to probably hit me over the head with surprise Vincent character development in season 3. I AM TEMPTING FATE I KNOW.
Favorite moment: I don’t know if this is a specific moment so much as me building on the point I said above, but I find it humorous how Vincent takes his season 2 leadership roles way too seriously. Like calm down, Vincent. (He reminds me a bit of this kid Jeff who used to bully me in gym classes, who used to get mad at me for not being athletic enough and messing up whatever game we were playing. Somehow we were always on the same team. I think one day I just yelled at him “I’m better at math than you, Jeff! PE isn’t everything!” before throwing a wiffle ball at him half-heartedly and walking away.)
Idea for a story: I would like to see someone do a series of vignettes (like a five things style, maybe?) starting in Vincent, August, and Nils’s first year when they’re all sharing a triple room together and think they’re all gonna be best friends who rule the school one day. And then over the course of all the vignettes they realize that due to the emotional repression that’s been socialized into them as upper class men, they’ve never had a real conversation and they don’t really know one another at all. I feel like that’s the kind of depressing gender-influenced character study I’d find pretty interesting.
Unpopular opinion: Are there popular opinions about Vincent I could disagree with? I realize this is a gap in my fandom knowledge.
Favorite relationship: I admit I find it kind of amusing that Vincent just straight up hates Walter for no reason.
Favorite headcanon: Okay this is my one singular softer Vincent headcanon, inspired by the fact that my friend @whambamglambam once asked “why does Vincent have a necklace that looks like a kindergartener made it?” So my thought was, Vincent was initially the youngest of three siblings, enough that he was probably an accident, and his two older siblings are already out of university and such when Vincent started Hillerska. But then Vincent’s parents got divorced and his dad married a much younger woman (like a stereotypical rich guy on his second marriage situation, it was a whole awkward family drama) and now Vincent has a stepsister who’s four or five and she made him the necklace. Vincent is capable of being a jerk to pretty much anyone and everyone except his small adorable stepsister and basically he would fucking murder someone to protect her. I just thought you all should know that.
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archivalofsins · 2 months
Was tagged by @qrevo on my main blog and I think I answered on their but I don't really remember. Either way thought it would be nice to do it over and put it up here too.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my first name is after my aunt. My mom planned on naming me lee if I was born a boy but I wasn't so she had to find some way to fit that into a girls name. Regardless of gender my mom's planned to take inspiration from my aunts name when naming me. My middle name is my grandmother on my dad's side first name. Plus my last name is just my father's families name for generations so technically every name in my name is due to someone.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably last week. It's been a rough year.
3. Do you have kids?
Do ocs counts- I'm kidding. They do and I have many. Still kidding no I don't have kids I do want to have them in the future or adopt.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet as a really young kid according to my mom. However, since I had really bad asthma during most of my childhood I wasn't really permitted to do a lot of sports. I did do swim classes in high school but not competitively or anything. I tend to like walking and I'd like biking again once I get another bike.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Often. Very often. I think it's good at expressing certain feelings or just keep the mood light. Though I tend to be straight forward in serious conversation.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
What they're doing. After that usually their face and build.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies because I've watched them since I was pretty young. My dad is into horror stuff such as books and when I was a kid a lot of the books he read were being made into or had movies of them.
9. Any talents?
I guess writing. Though not really since everyone in my family does that. I'm mostly told by family that I give good advice and should go back to school for psychology. So, probably that.
10. Where were you born?
The midwest of the United States. Where I grew up and have been most of my life.
11. Hobbies?
I'm getting into writing again. My hobbies since elementary school have consistently been writing all forms of it with a focus on media analysis and creative writing, music listening to it and analyzing it, and video games. Some nights I sit on my apartment balcony and listen to music. I also enjoy being near plants but I'm not that good at taking care of them and I am allergic to a lot of them.
12. Any pets?
Two cats Angel (going on 14) and Luco (going on 2 this month).
13. Height?
Around five feet and four inches.
14. Favorite school subject?
Science focus on biology. I really enjoyed that and history in college. During one of my college classes we got to dissect a pigs head and looking at stuff under a microscope was rather enjoyable.
15. Dream job?
This is why I remembered answering this before because I'm pretty sure I said writer but now that occupations could be better described as influencer and I'd rather not be that available to the public. Though admittedly when I was younger i wanted to be a school psychologist and write on the side. Right now my dream job has simply become whatever helps people think of things in a way different from how they usually would and make the world a more empathetic place. Which is why I discuss Milgram as much as I do. Though a part of me is also like whatever would actually bring some money ya know but this is good too.
I don't know if this reply is really late or I accidentally replied to it twice but thanks for tagging me! I hope you're having a sweet day!
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 10 months
this is me officially asking you to infodump/ramble/anything about quinn :)
so so so Quinn is the main character of the third (?) graphic novel in a series I plan to create that takes place in my hometown. Each story has a supernatural twist to it, but with Quinn's story in particular, the twist isn't revealed until Act 7 out of 8 (I could hypothetically make it a more typical three-act story, but the acts would have wildly different lengths if I did.) Feel free to guess what the twist might be having read this whole description!
It's worth noting that I originally conceived this story as a film. It's entirely written as a script; all I have to do is actually draw the panels for the graphic novel. Anyway, if I had decided to make it a film, it would be about an hour and a half long, approximately.
Enough about the actual story. What about Quinn?
So Quinn [Last Name Confidential] is a junior at [High School Name Confidential], and boy, does he have a reputation! Quinn has very apparent undiagnosed ADHD and behavioral problems. I wrote the biggest chunk of the story right after I received my own ADHD diagnosis and I wanted to write a protagonist who thought like me. He's also partially inspired by Holden Caufield from Catcher in the Rye, since I had just read that book when I started writing— and personally, I adored it. One of my favorite classics. I do know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and if you walked away from CITR resenting Holden, a) did we read the same book? and b) Quinn also probably won't be your cup of tea. He's aggressive, he's directionless, and he feels like no one in the world understands him— least of all his family.
His parents are upper-middle class folks with good upbringings (and family histories on both sides of people mysteriously going missing?). His siblings are both on scholarships going to prestigious colleges— his brother has a scholarship for football and his sister has an academic full ride. If it weren't for Quinn, the family would be perfect.
But Quinn! Like I said, major behavioral issues. The inciting incident of the story is Quinn throwing a terracotta pot at another student's head (he does miss, though, because he has terrible aim). He has a criminal record because of his tendency to shoplift candy bars from convenience stores. He only has one friend— and that single friend is his complete opposite. But all this isn't to say that Quinn isn't smart or talented. He's extremely smart and talented, actually, but has a hard time committing to tasks. Like, y'know, me, he has a really hard time doing laundry because he feels the need to check every single tag before he sorts his clothes. He does enjoy repetitive, simple tasks, though, like pulling weeds or other garden chores.
Some other fun facts about him:
He has a GIANT sweet tooth and loves sweets and milk and cream
He has a hard time making choices when given open-ended questions
He thrives in nature
He has very little sense of time
He has a bit of an obsession with counting things
He's left-handed!
On the side of his left hand, there's a white birthmark stretching from his wrist to the knuckle of his pinkie
He's pansexual and doesn't have a super strong relationship with his gender
He is also extremely oblivious and can't tell when people are hitting on him
At the beginning of the story, he looks kind of ugly— not because he is, but because he wears his bangs in front of his eyes so, like, half his face is covered and because he only wears black or other muted, desaturated colors.
His eyes are BRIGHT green
He is a white American, but about 75% of his ancestors were Irish.
He's got black hair and pale, clear skin.
He really looks good in jewel tones (vivid, bright colors) but almost never wears them.
He gets jealous easily
Remember that best friend I mentioned earlier? Quinn is a little in love.
If you're curious, please send more questions about him, his story, or any of my other stories to either this account or my art account, @zodapopz!!
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thursdaydaughter · 2 years
Met him last night
pairing: yeonjun x reader (no gender specific)
genre: reader is kinda lonely, demon!yj, suggestive, inspired by met him last night by Demi Lovato
warnings: alcohol (wine), choking, reader is kinda in trance (?)
word count: 700+
a/n: english is not my first language
reblog if you like <3
The bar was covered in red lights and the music was so loud that you thought that your head was going to explode.
To be honest, the bartender started to feel pity for you. It was the tenth time in the month that you were there and didn’t get anyone to talk to or to leave home with.
“The usual?” He asked with a little bit of sadness.
“The usual, huh? Yeah sure.” You sighed and gave him a weak smile. “You never stay so late, why would you this time?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I don’t know.” He smiled. “I don’t get why you only come to order wine, I mean this is a bar, you could have any other drink you want but you only ask for wine”
While you were thinking how to answer that question, the place started to feel extremely cold forcing you to hug yourself.
“It's cold.” You said.
“Cold? I think it’s pretty hot.” He laughed showing you his dimples. “I’m going for another bottle, okay?”
You smiled in response and when he left, you let your head drop on the table bar. You knew it was embarrassing and kinda stupid keep going to that place and not being successful in your mission.
What will that boy think of you? Certainly, he felt sorry for you; seeing you with the hope of someone approaching you and starting a conversation, getting some drinks and then deciding to spend the night together.
“You look sad, want some company?”
“Company? I mean, aren’t you supposed to be working?” You asked while regaining your composure.
You looked at the boy standing in front of you: he was tall, had dark brown eyes, beautiful plumpy lips, white shirt, dark hair as his suit.
In other words, he was handsome as hell.
“A-a-are you talking to me?” You asked nervously.
“I don’t see anyone else here.” He joked. “Red or white?”
“Red… but how?”
He turned around to get behind the table bar and just like magic, he pulled a bottle of wine and served it in two glasses.
“You work here?” You asked while drinking a little bit of it.
“Do I look like I work here?” You laughed and shaked your head. “There’s your answer.”
He was staring at you deeply as he drank from his glass and for a moment you felt like he was hypnotizing you with his dark eyes.
“Why is someone as attractive as you so lonely on a night like this?” He touched your face with his fingers and you could feel the cold of his silver rings on your skin.
You didn’t answer but you started to feel so strange, so nervous, so impatient… you wanted to leave this place with him and get him in your bed, it felt like you were starving.
You didn’t even realize that he was pouring more wine in your glass.
“It’s fine. I don’t have the intention of getting you drunk or something.”
Even if that was his intention, you didn’t care at all. As long as he stayed by your side, you were fine with everything he said or did.
“What’s your name?” Suddenly you asked as he sat by your side.
“You can call me Yeonjun.” He put his hand on your thigh.
“Don’t you wanna know mine?” He gently squeezed your thigh, sending shivers down your spine.
“I don’t find that necessary, or do you?” He put his hand away and took a sip of his drink.
“Not at all.” You said. “I’m waiting for the bartender, he is taking too long.”
“I’m going to the bathroom, okay?” He asked without taking his sight off you.
You quickly nodded and watched him walk through the people on his way to the bathroom. When he got to the big black door, he turned around and with his finger called you.
His right hand choked your neck roughly, but not enough to hurt you, while his left hand pulled your hair softly.
His lips were devouring you, it seemed like he was looking something from you, you felt like he was trying to get your soul through a kiss.
“You are mine. Only mine.” You heard his voice in your head. “Understand?”
You moaned a little “yes” against his mouth making him choke you a little bit stronger and pulling your hair roughly.
“Yes what?” He asked walking away from you.
“I’m only yours.” You answered, staring at his fully dark eyes.
“That’s what I like.” He smirked. “Let’s go home, angel”
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