#but i definetly remember the people who asked about where my name comes from
nieloxychen · 23 days
not to have a moment in another posts tags so im venting in my own tags <3
#still on the “first human to know Tal” point like??#even when ive outed myself to others there were never questions like that#affirming questions would be a good term maybe?#but it was silence and maybe a clarifiying question#all i remember is silence from others and unease from me#at least in person#online is a different best because that mostly concerns things youre already volunteering#and like the obvious bad memory bias that brains have doesnt make it easier#i could name the people that inspired me to take another look at my gender - that showed me there was more than a strict binary#but i wish i had someone like that? a first human to know Lo#i mean i definetly do in the general sense#because every name is said a first and last time by someone#but it was almost certainly someone who never thought twice about it#who might not have even wondered#im not sure why it makes such a difference if the first person i told my name to knew thati had a different name before then#or if it matters if the person i first introduced myself to by my chosen name knows that my name is important to me#but i definetly remember the people who asked about where my name comes from#and i feel better about those conversations than i do with people who never had any reaction at all#maybe its that i want to be recognised in full? and a big part of who i am is informed by me being trans#and it feels like an important part of what made me who i am today is being ignored?#idk...#but if anyone has read this far id love to hear someone elses input on this? like is this something you understand or even recognise?
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aeferkssr · 1 year
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SYP. four out of seven regions visited, and many move adventures to be had! good luck travelers! may the gods show mercy upon your wandering soul
CHARA. aether
WARNINGS. paimon neglection :( /j rap god paimon is it obvious that i can’t think of any?
COMMENTS. now if I said how long this have been in my drafts you would laugh at me. but alas, better late than never! woo chapter 4 (well i guess its chapter 3 since mondstadt was the prolonge) of funky little self insert voicelines yay. also heads up that the text in bold is the actual voice line!!!
mond. liyue. inazuma. masterlist.
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of course with a new region calls for a wider range of enemies to go against, but the eremites seemed to stick out to you the most. you have fought other humans before such as the treasure hoarders and the inazuman kainagi, but the different classes of eremites that were constantly on all of your backs seemed fresh.
After raiding another eremite camp, paimon comes out of her pocket dimension as you and aether look to see what was in the chest they were guarding:
" the eremites are a real motley crew..." Paimon says as she looks around the camp with her hands on her hips. The camp was littered with discarded weapons, red pieces of fabric varying in qualify, and the occasional artefact.
aether shifts back his attention from the lot in the chest to paimon, "there’s certainly a diverse range of characters” he comments.
“i guess they are…” you say, while thinking about the many ranks of eremites you three have come across, your thoughts slightly wavering when you remember the eremite galehunter to which you quickly distract yourself by looking back to the contents of the chest
paimon hums as she comments “hmmm... yeah, that could explain it! paimon can play lots of different characters too.”
you and aether giving the pixie a strange look that screams “????” as she continues:
“judgy paimon, knowledgeable paimon, helpful paimon…” she says as she lists off some of her characteristics
aether mumbles under hsi breath while going back to sorting out what was in the chest, “…and of course the classic, completely-misses-the-point paimon”
as paimon continues to list off her best characteristics, you and aether silently slip away after collecting all of the chest’s loot. paimon turns around to ask what you guys think her best attributes are just to see you two not siting at the chest
“wh- where did they go?” paimon looks around for the pair of travelers just to see them a few feet away from her, walking away to find more chests.
“waah, don’t leave paimon!”
sumeru is definetly your favourite place to explore right now! the air is so fresh, there are a wide range of both flora and fauna and even those ziplines were a ball of fun. but your favourite had to be the tons of wild animals in the jungle. of course they were dangerous, but they were unique to the sumerian jungle and were quite entertaining to watch.
paimon seemed to enjoy the sumpter beasts in particular:
“sumpter beasts are adorable! paimon likes how the people who keep them give them each a special name based on their most distinctive traits!” paimon says after just meeting a sumpter beast named after his big feet.
“hey Paimon! If you were a sumpter beast, what would your name be? "you asked palmon who hummed before she answered:
"Well.. paimon thinks they would call her compass. Cause she's the best travel guide in teyvat!" you chuckle before ruffling her hair.
“for all we know, the sumpter beasts might be giving us a name in return. maybe thats how they respond when we call their name”
Your eyebrows knitted at the thought of their name choices. Most likely they would talk like kichiboushi back in inazuma, or their dialect were far moreadvanced than ours which would explain why we can't understand them
"really? so what kind of name do you think they'd give us?"
the traveler then makes some deep gurgling sounds, which result in paimon being annoyed and you being thoroughly amused.
"How is anyone supposed to understand that!?" the pixie shouts. aether clears his throat before answering:
“Vociferous Pestiferous Melliculus Niveous Micro-Bipedal”
aether continues "that's the scientific name, of course"
"oh? what would the common name be then?'
aether smirks as he replies “noisy two-legged critter”
now paimon's fuming, "hey! why keep only the negative traits?”
"As the mighty travelers and their flying friend, the illustrious palmon, win yet another battle they retreat back to their base. For another adventure they shall seek out another day."
you tell your story like a bard entertaining drunk ears. The walk back to Madame Ping's table was less tiring thanks to your dramatic reenactment of your most recent adventure.
"The aranara were a lovely crew, the travelers’ hearts filled with joy after time at festival utsava. The music, food, and general atmosphere were essential to keep their spirits healthy and their hearts pure.”
"Amarama, arana, araja, even aramuhukunda will be remembered in their adventure throughout vanarara- vara- ra- va- hmm…” you stutter at the end of the sentence. aether, who was listening to your musing encouraged you to continue despite the hiccup.
" the aranara born from ararakara- arana- no…” you continue, a little slower this time “born from ararakalari… you know what? nevermind, story times over.” the other traveler laughs at your evident struggle as he tries to show off, pulling out a slip of paper from his pocket and tried his very est to read it without tripping up, but does as well as you did earlier.
paimon comes back into your teapot’s common area with all the food that her tiny hands could carry, which was apparently almost everything in the fridge.
“Paimon, do you ever find that the word "Aranara" trips you up?” aether asks as he tries to ignore paimon basically raiding his fridge.
paimon answers after swallowing the food that she basically shovelled into her mouth “hmm. why, does it trip you up? maybe that’s because you don’t really say anything most of the time.”
“Hey! I speak when I have to " he rebuts as you agree with palmon. She really does do most of the talking for your little group. Palmon giggles before continuing;
“unlike paimon! paimon has to talk all the time, so she never gets stuck on words.”
"Okay... " aether starts while handing over the slip of beige paper to the bragging pixie, who had gust finished her evening ‘snack’ “try reading this then." paimon takes the sheet and starts reading with knitted brows:
“arana the aranara exercises ararakalari in the nearby area. Narana the Nara picks Padisarahs in a parallel area futher a feild. narana the padisarah-picking nara had arranged to invite Arana the Aranara to the bar to befrend Lambad. but alas, Arana the Ararakalarí- exercising Aranara professed a preference to Padisarah - picking Nara, Narana for venturing to Vanarana to view the panorama. On account of Arana the Aranara's antipathy to bar drama, Narana the Nara relented and upon accompanying the latter on a Vanarana-panorama adventure encountered another Aranara, named Arama."
what the...?
both you and aether looked each other with your mouths wide open. she didn’t even stutter in her words, and even said the terrifying tongue twister with full fluency.
“how…” you started, not quite sure how to piece together the right words to say, “how did you do that?”
“like paimon said, if you would talk more you’d be able to read… whatever this is… with as much fluency and elegance as paimon!” paimon says as she lightly places her small fingertips on her chest, mimicking a look of superiority. this look soon faded when she stared to question what exactly she just read a few moments ago
“this must be one of those really weird dreams, right...” paimon says before raising her hand to her forehead, slightly rubbing it to soothe her pounding head “ugh, but this headache feels pretty real...”
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© eenie-teenieweenie.
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omegafan101 · 2 years
Okay I need to give some thoughts on Sonic IDW 50 cause I was finally able to read it so MAJOR spoilers below.
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I feel like the best way for me to talk about this would be in sections so--
I love Belle, definetly one of my favorite new inclusions from the comics (which honestly isn’t saying too much because I love ALL of the new inclusions so let’s put her in top 5).
In all honesty I was a little dissapointed with her finally confronting Eggman. It wasn’t bad by any means just not as much as I wanted. But I do like how, without outright saying he remembers her, the writing makes it clear he remembers creating her but that he still isn’t Mr. Tinker. Doesn’t treat her with any fondness but knows her name. I do love that he asked her to join him after seeing how useful she was, and when she refused, he actually let her go just fine. Could’ve had Metal destroy her then and there but he’s perfectly fine letting her walk away. Good little moment there.
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Also, Badnik siblings fans finally got their interaction and I am very happy for them. Now when does she meet Omega and/or Gemerl???
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Tails vs Kit
I don’t know what I was expecting from this fight but I LOVED it. Tails is a fighter, obviously, but he’s never been nearly as actiony as Sonic, so it was great to see him mostly just dodge and try to talk Kit down.
Kit’s reliance on Surge’s needs have finally kicked Starline in the ass because without her around he just doesn’t know what to do aside from keeping Tails away from helping Sonic or stopping Surge. The way he was genuinly taken aback by Tails’ kindness towards him was kinda fucking heartbreaking, this poor little guy deserves the world. The fact that Tails can calm him down by simply complimenting his tech and relating to him on being different is so nice and a very good moment for Tails and of course he beats him by outsmarting him, Finally Tails has good moments again!
Also just constantly in love with any panel. that gives Kit the evil anime eyes I love this guy’s design it’s so good.
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Sonic vs Surge
This is the big one. Most of the issue is dedicated to it after all, and rightfully so. I get where people are coming from when they think Sonic wasn’t written well but, guys, come on, he doesn’t know who the fuck Surge is. She showed up, threw him against a wall, and started going on about how much she hated him, a typical Tuesday for Sonic. He started to catch on that Surge has gone through a LOT more than he knows but didn’t get a chance to truly sympathize with her before the fight ended.
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I think the problem here, and this is a good problem for writing, is that Sonic is treating Surge like he treats all his enemies. He’s cocky, he’s quippy, he’s forgiving and tries to give them a second chance. He’s like that with everyone.
The issue is Surge HATES that. She was designed to hate and destroy him and he doesn’t share nearly the same animosity towards her and, in her eyes, doesn’t even treat her like a real threat. It’s a pretty good clashing of characters.
And as for the actual fight my word it was amazing. Felt like something ripped straight out of Dragon Ball, fitting with how many parallels Surge and Kit have to Androids 17 and 18, even if it was apparently unintentional. I gotta say I’m a sucker for villains refusing help from heroes even if it costs them their life and Surge doing this while also getting the satisfaction of “getting the last hit” was superb. Can’t wait to see more of her in the future cause you’d be a fool to think she’s actually dead.
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Eggman vs Starline
For a comic about Sonic the Hedgehog coming off of a mini series about Surge and Kit, this fight, by all accounts, should NOT be the highlight of the comic but holy fuck it IS.
This was amazing start to finish. Sonic Heroes is what got me into Sonic in the first place so I am HERE for the Egg Emperor being pulled out! It’s honestly just such a cool design for an Eggman robot, and of course Starline pulls out the Death Egg Robot because that things becoming as necessary to Sonic as Green Hill and Chemical Plant (I still love it though good robot design). An Eggman mech battle was NOT on my bingo card.
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Egg Emperor was made even better with Starline pulling out the team blast (on his own) and I love how Eggman used that AGAINST him! After such a blunder with having no backup plan for the Metal Virus, the way he absolutely demolishes Starline and uses his own ego, fanboy nature, and tech against him is fucking amazing. New triple power glove? Used the Egg Emperor to bait him to use all its power. Hypnotizing glove? He told him about that, he remembered, and planned for it. Barbed ankle? YA YA YEET!!!
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This issue finally made Eggman scary again. Yeah he’s a goofy, egg shaped scientist but what sets him apart from someone like Bowser is that he is CAPABLE and when he’s at his absolute A-game he is fucking powerful and terrifying.
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As for Starline. MAN what a send off for the character. He’s easily had some of the strongest presence out of any of the new characters and I’m glad we’re finally done with him. I loved him but I was kinda worried he would escape, be upset his plan failed again, and try something else. But no! He fails and is just fucking TORN by the fact that no matter how much he plans, he can’t beat Sonic, and he CERTAINLY isn’t better than Dr. Eggman.
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I can’t find the source for this but I read that Ian Flynn confirmed that he dies here so I suppose this really is a send off for this wonderful homage to Dr. Finitevus. It was great while it lasted but hopefully this means Eggman and more new or old villains get chances to shine. Plus, supposedly Ian also said that if demand is high enough he could feesibly be brought back in the far future, which is standard comics affair, so I suppose it’s not goodbye, just, until next time you rat bastard.
It’s no Metal Virus arc but man I’ve loved Imposter Syndrome so far. It’s not quite over yet but issue 50 was a very neat wrap up of several plot threads and it was just such a good time.
Can’t wait to see Adrenaline Dubs do it, even if they are way way behind lmao
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teeto-peteto · 9 months
My friend, I would love to read you Ramble about Soul fighter Pyke and Gwen.
NO 👹 DONT DO THAT YOU WILL OPEN THE PANDORA BOX Im weak for them, and since Soul Fighter is an universe based on the present, it made my mind run free.
For starters, its stated that Pyke did die in this universe too, and that Gwen 'helped him come back from the spirit realm'. Nice, but what if Gwen 'had to sew him back'? I headcanon Pyke with the scars going all the way around, instead of the flashy ray shape they have on the skin. Imagine that Pyke actually died on a very gruesome way, and was dismembered? And Gwen somewhat found him and sew him back with her threads and power. That way you have the cute and wholesome storyline of the canon on wich Gwen helps Pyke and he bows to himself to protect and make her proud of him, but also a gruesome, horrid background on wich technically, Gwen had to find a dismembered body somewhere by accident and decided to sew it back. Maybe she was just feeling like doing a puzzle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Its something very Frankstein, and i dont think Pyke remembers who killed him, but still affects him to this day.
They are bestfriends, and they live together. I think thats pretty obvious in the canon given the splashart of LOR where Pyke is holding the shopping bag, it shows that they most probably share residence. Pyke clearly is the one that carries the heavy bags from the supermarket saying 'Im fine' while his arms are in pain, and Gwen carries the paper towels happily, its not like she cant carry the heavy bags but that Pyke is both not trying to bother her but also very prideful.
'My parents didnt want me' 'Omg same!!' kind of traumadumping. I dont care that much about Viego to see the voicelines of his skin but Isolde is clearly siding with him i guess? So i guess Gwen is a random child running around with her little friend.
Since its based on present day im betting all my horses that Gwen is very active on social media. I headcanon Gwen being one of those tiktokers that do makeup, but not the cute/impressive ones but the creepy and hilarious ones that try to resemble a cartoon character with face paint and ducktape... and while shes filming Pyke is sometimes passing through the hallway and then stands by Gwen's room door watching her doing her tiktoks with a very confused face and hes appearing on the background of the video like 🧍 but she can also do impressive makeups, also shes a great dancer she just loves to be weird and hilarious. Pyke does have social media but its undercover, he doesnt use his name and its under an alias because he doesnt like the attention, but likes and shares all of Gwen's makeups and videos. Doesnt publish but spends his spare time watching reels or tiktoks with sea creatures and sharks with goofy sounds or those ones with the little star/swirl thing on the midddle with a lot of sea animals footage. He's pretty much clueless, often goes to Gwen and asks 'Why is people making edits of me with Mary on a cross?' for example. Doesnt interact but probably Gwen would record an embarrassing storytime and he would comment 'It didnt happen that way.'
Gwen films him when hes not looking, she loves that, or takes funny pics of him when he's distracted, eating or asleep. She will definetly pull up an embarrasing pic and post it.
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im unaware if this is true, it was the first thing that came on google but imagine Gwen posting a pic of Pyke sleeping on an akward position and he screams 'GWYNETH-' from another room in embarrasment. She also post cute pics of him, and pics together, they have a bunch of polaroids on their rooms doing silly stuffs or just being cute <3
They like baking together... cant explain but its just so real... and they are so good on it... and they decorate it together... when they are done with soul tournament they are going to open a bakery.
On skin design i really like both of them BUT i would love to see more of them being on the same team aside from the colours... like Pyke could have a little kitty bag on his belt or a charm resembling Gwen's cat hat... I recently drew Gwen with a little Pyke plushie attached to her i think it would be cute if she made matching plushies so they can keep each other... wholesome...
Pyke's thing about being designed around belts and zippers... its just funny to imagine him on his room super distressed on the verge of tears and Gwen goes 'Whats wrong?' 'I cant pull my back zipper up'.
Gwen designed his outfit, and the prestige one. Imagine her very concentrated with her pins taking measurements on him and she says 'stay still! you are moving!' 'sorry m'am...' He wears his outfits proudly, and constantly bombards anyone who approaches saying 'My best friend designed and made it! Shes an angel' and shows everyone her socials...
i love them, and i imagine them with a lot of struggles, and a lot of self doubts. In the end Pyke has to learn that he doesnt have to preassure himself to the edge to make someone proud of him, and Gwen has to learn that not everyone will return her kindness back, but she still has to keep going. They have each other and they support each other, and i love them very much.
long post im going to self strangle and nobody is going to sew me back
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sxfik · 3 years
let's talk about episode 16 and why it confirms solhwi endgame
back to masterlist
a/n: as always, this is just my opinion and what i interpreted from episode 16! some of this might be a stretch (or wishful thinking lol) but ya know, feel free to start discussions etc.
just through my time scrolling here on tumblr and on twitter, i've seen many viewers be disappointed with the last episode and it's lack of confirmation for solhwi (and also like understandably so, we'd all love to see a more "firm" confirmation). but i genuinely think that this whole episode was a confirmation of their feelings for each other, that there was something there.
the most important thing to remember about this show is that it is not a romance. the main plot is centered around the mystery but also these students learning how to navigate the law and trying to show the different sides of the law (ways the law can be used to help vs. ways the law can be used to harm). we, of course, also get to explore the relationships of the group with their family, their professors and with each other. so overall, i think we can all agree that we weren't going to get an "explicit" confirmation of their feelings for each other.
i think one of the things law school does really well as a show is that it doesn't give a "perfect" ending to every story. for example, in many shows, we see every plot line resolve in the show with no open endings and in general, it ends up all resolving with in the span of two episodes. but with episode 16, especially the ending scenes, we see that not everything is resolved. we don't get an answer for every single mystery, such as seung-jae's story line or the full extent of professor seo and assemblyman koi's relationship. what we do get instead is a "set-up" to show or hint at how the relationship might develop in the future. this also applies to the relationships within the story: for example, we don't really get a full ending for kang sol B's issues with her family. rather, we see that they are going to therapy and working it out together. we don't get a true ending to the court case with ji ho's dad. even with kang dan and her story, we don't get to see a "full" resolution to it, but we do get a hint/a sense that everything is on track to be resolved. many people might argue that this is a sign of bad writing but i disagree. i believe that this is realistic writing, because the issues that are faced by the students in the show is not resolvable in one year and neither are their relationships.
with that in mind, i would apply the same logic to solhwi. like i said, i didn't think we'd get a kiss scene or anything similar to that in their 1L year. through this season, we are tracking joon hwi and sol A's relationship as it grows from classmates to acquaintances to friends to in like to in love (especially for han joon hwi). if you go through and rewatch the show, you can see that as the episodes go on, we see han joon hwi and sol's relationship develop into something that is based on trust, care, appreciation and communication.
i've seen many people say that we've over hyped their relationship in the last couple episodes but i don't believe that's true. i believe that the show is trying to display that both of them are falling for each other, they're both seeing each other in a "new light." for joon hwi, that moment came much quicker; like i said in this post, joon hwi is realizing the extent of his feelings towards her when he says that he owes her. and this last episode proves it! this whole episode we see the camera focus on han joon hwi's reactions and his love for sol, except he's actually aware of himself. earlier, the reactions came out without him realizing or being aware that he's in love with her. but this episode? he is aware of his feelings for her. throughout this episode we watch as his admiration for her grows louder and louder, from smirks and soft smiles at her to appreciation for her knowledge and talents. we see the hint of defensiveness cross his face when ji ho insults kang sol (which by the way definetly felt more like ji ho was taunting joon hwi that he was actually insulting kang sol). even sol B knows when she asks to start but he makes her wait for sol A.
and in the end, we see that sol is realizing her feelings too. i believe for her, the change came through ye-seul's trial. some part of her always loved his company and his friendship but after the trial, and their friends teasing their jealousy, i think sol definitely took more note of joon hwi. i think it's evident in their 1L year in this episode, the looks of appreciation she gives him, the way her eyes seem to always land on him in the end. and ESPECIALLY the courtroom scene where sol and joon hwi were practicing her argument, we can see her feel the tension and his presence as he grows closer to her, we can see her getting flustered and nervous around him in a the way you would with someone who's position is your life is graduating from friends to a crush. the beginnings of this episode definitely show that solhwi is starting to full on fall for each other.
THEN during their 3L year, we can see how they're full blown gone for each other. i genuinely think that at this point, they are in a relationship with each other and here is why.
one: the moment sol sees joon hwi walk by, she calls out his name asking him what he's up to. then when he responds "i want to wind down" she follows him. when they get out of the elevator, she says "you said you wanted to wind down?" and he lets out a teasing laugh at that. i definetly think that she was talking about/expecting something completely different when he said he wanted to wind down, because as he explains that he wants to wind down by "watching the trial," you can watch the gears turning in her head before answering "right, i should wind down too" in an embarrassed way, with joon hwi teasingly smiling at her (obviously he knows where her mind went to). and then after stretching, sol makes her classic "you're so annoying/you're so frustrating" face at him.
two: as kang sol and joon hwi provides counsel to the old man, we see joon hwi once again watch kang sol but the expression on his face this time, is a lot different to the expressions that we've had previously. before, the reactions and expressions were more distant, more "in admiration" and in amazement (about her and his feelings for her). but in his reactions this time around, we see it's more firm, it's more confident. it's a completely different expression of love than what we've seen before. it's a lot more similar to one that a boyfriend or a husband gives their significant other than the expression a boy gives to his crush. it's a lot less amazement and enamorment and more content, proud expression.
(honestly it's kinda hard to describe how different the expressions are in words, but if you watch the moment around 1:00:00, you'll see what i mean)
here's the thing: the concepts and issues that law school is showing us are not resolvable issues in one year, and they are not "easily" resolvable issues either. that is what this show has been trying to show us: that the law is complex and it's application in the real world is even more complicated. so it would not make sense for this show to wrap everything up in a neat bow and present it to us in the final episode. moreover, solhwi has forged a friendship through the pressures of law school as well as the overarching mystery and plot of the show. this season was centered around watching them develop a relationship together and this show hints and shows that solhwi are soulmates, their relationship will not be an epic love story where there are grand gestures or confessions of love. it is a gradual change from friend to lovers, while having independent development and maintaining their own goals in life. the very ending, we see them reach their goals as lawyer and prosecutor but they still come together. if they were to have a confession scene in the very end of the show i believe that it would have been too rushed without enough development on both sides. i think that law school ended in the best way for both characters without reversing or skipping their development while leaving room and hinting at the possibilities for the future.
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algumaideia · 2 years
Rereading the deal and R/hys abuse.
Since chapter 54 is completely tied to what R/hys did to F/eyre UTM I decided to reread it. The highlights:
“What would Tamlin say,” he murmured, “if he knew his beloved was rotting away down here, burning up with fever? Not that he can even come here, not when his every move is watched.”
What an interisting thing R/hys said.
“So, it’s really a question of how much you’re willing to trust Lucien—and how much you’re willing to risk for it"
I really dislike this because it makes it seems like it is Lucien fault that he cannot heal F/eyre whenever she got hurt and not that he is being tortured...
"Swift as lightning, he lashed out, grabbing the shard of bone in my arm and twisting. A scream shattered out of me, ravaging my aching throat. The world flashed black and white and red. I thrashed and writhed, but he kept his grip, twisting the bone a final time before releasing my arm"
What a better way to help someone that is with broken arms than to twist this person arms?? Helping certainly was R/hys final goal.
"Just two weeks,” he purred, and knelt before me. “Two teensy, tiny weeks with me every month is all I ask.”
Cof cof gaslighting cof cof. It is not like a month has four weeks, therefore two weeks is half a month...
"How am I to blame?” He walked to the door but lingered, even as pure night wafted off his shoulders. “Unless this lack of gratitude and appreciation is because you fear a certain High Lord’s reaction.” Tamlin. I could already see his face going pale, his lips becoming thin as the claws came out. I could almost hear the growl he’d emit when he asked me what I had been thinking.
Pff it is not like she just said she would be the slave of a High Lord known for being cruel and torturing people for fun that just twisted her broken arm. Yeah, it is definetly Tamlin's jealousy that F/eyre is worrying right now...
and their shadowy grips were firm when I wriggled. Things only worsened when they painted more intimate parts of me... The two High Fae ignored my demands to be clothed in something else, their impossibly shadowed faces veiled from me, but held my arms firm when I tried to rip the shift off.
This is F/eyre talking about those two shadow girls. I am just putting it here because then F/eyre feels guilty for not knowing their names. This was really weird, because F/eyre acted like you know they were someone that helped her UTM (cof cof Lucien's mom cof cof) and not people who bathed, painted and dressed her up against her will.
I should have known it was his doing, should have known from the matching designs all over my body. “Our bargain hasn’t started yet,”
Humm interisting.
“Of course,” he said coolly. “How else would I know if anyone touches you?” He approached, and I braced myself as he ran a finger along my shoulder, smearing the paint. As soon as his finger left my skin, the paint fixed itself, returning the design to its original form. “The dress itself won’t mar it, and neither will your movements,” he said, his face close to mine. His teeth were far too near to my throat. “And I’ll remember precisely where my hands have been. But if anyone else touches you—let’s say a certain High Lord who enjoys springtime—I’ll know.” He flicked my nose. “And, Feyre,” he added, his voice a caressing murmur, “I don’t like my belongings tampered with.”
Now I can see how this helped her UTM.
“Wine?” he said, offering me a goblet. Alis’s first rule. I shook my head. He smiled, and extended the goblet again. “Drink. You’ll need it.” Drink, my mind echoed, and my fingers stirred, moving toward the goblet. No. No, Alis said not to drink the wine here—wine that was different from that joyous, freeing solstice wine. “No,” I said, and some faeries who were watching us from a safe distance chuckled. “Drink,” he said, and my traitorous fingers latched onto the goblet.
Yep, this is definetely going to help her.
I awoke in my cell, still clad in that handkerchief he called a dress. Everything was spinning so badly that I barely made it to the corner before I vomited. Again. And again. When I’d emptied my stomach, I crawled to the opposite corner of the cell and collapsed. Sleep came fitfully as the world continued to twirl violently around me. I was tied to a spinning wheel, going around and around and around— Needless to say, I was sick a fair amount that day. I’d just finished picking at the hot dinner that had appeared moments before when the door creaked and a golden fox-face appeared—along with a narrowed metal eye. “Shit,” said Lucien. “It’s freezing in here.” It was, but I was too nauseated to notice. Keeping my head up was an effort, let alone keeping the food down...
This is the proof R/hys helped her UTM.
Night after night, I was dressed in the same way and made to accompany Rhysand to the throne room. Thus I became Rhysand’s plaything, the harlot of Amarantha’s whore. I woke with vague shards of memories—of dancing between Rhysand’s legs as he sat in a chair and laughed; of his hands, stained blue from the places they touched on my waist, my arms, but somehow, never more than that. He had me dance until I was sick, and once I was done retching, told me to begin dancing again. I awoke ill and exhausted each morning, and though Rhysand’s order to the guards had indeed held, the nightly activities left me thoroughly drained. I spent my days sleeping off the faerie wine, dozing to escape the humiliation I endured. When I could, I contemplated Amarantha’s riddle, turning over every word—to no avail.
So helpful.
I got tired of reading it, so the last quote is where I stopped. Maybe I'm gonna do a part 2 and maybe I'm also gonna comment on thsi quotes but they basically just confirm everything I and other antis already said??? So, it just feels reduntant.
Best regards,
Ps. I really don't get how any of what R/hys did reagarding the parties helped F/eyre in the slightest
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matryosika · 3 years
shoot me, chapter II
pairing — changbin x reader
rating — 18+
genre of the overall series — smut, angst, fluff if you squint
prologue chapter I chapter II
word count for this chapter — 5.5 k
warnings — softdom!changbin, kind of bratty reader, mild exhibition (something happens at a dressing room but it's not too much), dry humping - lap riding?, oral (m), praise kink, use of petnames, slight edging, masturbation and cum eating
note — i wrote this today because maybe this week i'll be busy with college and i was feeling a bit inspired. i'm so happy with the messages i recieved and, if you like my work, i highly encourage you to send an ask or a message! thank you so much for reading me and i hope you enjoy this chapter. it's a litte bit more smut and angsty tension than actual plot, but i was feeling this today. also, i didn't plan on having a taglist but i guess i'll do! if you are interested in me adding you, please let me know! <3
tag list — @cozyblues @ahgasearmyfan
the awkward small meeting soon became lunch. arthur convinced you and changbin to join them at a very nice restaurant that was located a few blocks away from the company and, although you refused for the sake of comfort, your father didn't accepted a "no" for an answer.
"he is like a step-son to me" arthur said, looking at changbin as if he had some sort of admiration towards him. "i've seen him become the man he is now and i'm sure no one can run the company like him"
both haeun and jang-yeop seemed flattered, but changbin didn't even smile at the compliment arthur just said. by the lack of response, his mother rushed to say something in order to move on to other topic. it was pretty obvious that changbin was acting kind of rude towards everyone today, but you guessed he was just feeling uncomfortable because of what happened yesterday.
"so, y/n" haeun interrupted "your father had planned a dinner for you yesterday but it seemed like he had to canceled it because you had plans… how was your first day back in korea?"
"oh" you muttered, trying to chew the food that was still in your mouth so you could answer her question "it was… definetly something"
as soon as you answered her question, changbin gave you a side look from his place at the dinner table. "i went out with an old friend from middle school to itaewon"
"itaewon.." jang-yeop added "there are some dangerous places there, y/n. you should be more careful going out at night, korea might be a safe place but you can find anything out there".
"yeah i-" and for a moment, a perversed idea striked your head "i actually had a very unpleaseant situation yesterday at the bar i attended to"
immediatly after you finished your sentence, changbin glanced right at you.
"what happened?" jang-yeop questioned filled with concern.
"there were some awfully rude people there" you replied, limitating the answer. you wanted changbin to have an uncomfortable time there just because he crushed your pride the night before "i'll just leave it at that"
"changbin" her mother intervened "weren't you at itaewon yesterday too?"
the poor man almost choked on his food, coughing softly to avoid attracting any attention or being too loud "i was"
this was the first time you heard his voice that day and you would be absolutely lying if you said it didn't make you feel something. the memories of him praising you last night while he was eating you out just flooded your mind, making you stare directly at him for a really long time.
he was looking at you too, but his gaze transmitted something completely different than lust or desire. he was angry, maybe at himself or at you for teasing him in front of his parents, but he looked scared too, uncomfortable.
"see, this is exactly why i planned that dinner yesterday" arthur stated "i wanted to introduce changbin to y/n so he could guard her during her stay in korea. you know jang-yeop, how men are behaving nowadays…"
"tell me about it, arthur" the old man replied.
"i trust changbin as if he is my own blood" your father continued "if i asked him to take care of my youngest daughter y/n, i'm sure he would"
"maybe he can give her a tour around the principal streets of seoul" his mother suggested with the biggest smile.
"i'd love to" you were quick to say, earning a death-stare from the man in question. "i wanted to go to this mall i saw on my way from the airport but hyejin was in a rush and we couldn't stop by"
with a satisfied look, jang-yeop laid his body down on the chair he was sitting and sighed. "well, changbin, seems like you have plans for today"
"i'm not a taxi-driver" he spitted, earning a despicable look from both of his parents.
"no, changbin" arthur was rushed to intervene "i would really appreciate if you took care of her whenever she goes out alone. you know how men are, just think of her as a younger sister"
for a moment you felt the need to throw up at his fake words, but you were enjoying the scene.
a younger sister, that's funny.
"where's that store again?" changbin asked annoyed.
this can go really good or really bad for you, changbin. it's up to you.
"so you are not going to even apologize?" you asked in the middle of the uncomfortable silence that was now filling changbin's sports car.
"for what, giving you the best orgasm of your life?" he mumbled with a cold tone in his voice. you could see he wasn't really in the mood for talking, but you at least expected an apology for humiliating you yesterday.
"funny how you thought of me as a gold digger when my father is practically your boss and you do exactly as he says" you chuckled.
now let's clarify something. you never really felt proud of being arthur's daughter because he wasn't even a father to you. yes, you shared his blood and last name but at the end of the day that didn't meant anything for you. nevertheless, changbin didn't knew this so you could play that "ceo's bratty daughter" card everytime you wanted, even if that obligated you to actually act like you and arthur held a loving fraternal relationship.
"if i knew you were his daughter, none of that would've happened" he replied without parting his eyes from the street, again, with the coldest voice you had ever hear in your life.
"what part, the humiliation or the orgasm?"
he gave you a threatening look and proceeded to keep is eyes on the road. you were quite unsure how to lead this situation since everything happened really fast: your arrival to korea, your first encounter with ryujin after a long time, the itaewon night and the bar incident... changbin was still a mere stranger but you had quite a feeling that this wasn't going to be the first time you spended time with him since your father made it clear: changbin was like family to him.
shit, i am his real family and never even bothered to reach out for me when i was in japan. he probably only did it this time because of ara.
"is this is?" changbin asked as he parked.
"yeah" you replied, looking at the tall building that was in front of you.
"i'll wait for you here, don't delay, i don't have your time" he snarled without removing his seatbealt.
"you are not coming?"
you had one idea in mind to fuck up his head even more, but it was only going to work if changbin accompanied you to the store.
"and what exactly am i going to do there? rate the stupid clothes you try on?" he scoffed, checking his cellphone without even looking at you.
"do whatever you want" you told him, closing the door with a loud noise and bending over the opened window of the car "but i don't think arthur would be happy about your hostility towards me"
a smile appeared on your face as you walked away, hearing another loud noise indicating that one of the car doors just closed again. good.
"are you done?" changbin asked irritated as he walked besides you on your tour of the mall.
"yeah i just" your attention was caught by a black short dress that was on display at the front of a store that looked -expensive-. you had some of your own money from the previous night because, thanks to ryujin's master plan, you didn't actually had to spend any... but it was probably not going to be enough.
and just when you were about to tell changbin that you were ready to go, you remembered it: hyejin lended you one of her credit cards yesterday to buy yourself a "top-of-the-class present" because she was quite unsure of your likes and dislikes.
"i'll just go to that store and i'm done"
changbin rolled his eyes and followed you through the crowd of people that were in the mall at the moment. the store was crowded with people too, mostly women and their husbands or boyfriends who were waiting for them at the couches provided.
as you entered, you were quick to approach the pile of black dresses that caught your attention in order to try one on. the price, as expected, was elevated for you but it was probably nothing for hyejin. i'll buy this, i'm sorry sis.
it was a simple, skinny black dress with the whole back exposed. you figured out that it would be nice to wear it on a bar night or something and, since you didn't have that many clothes for those kind of situations, it would be good to get yourself some.
"so" you said, walking out of the dressing room and immediatly catching the attention of changbin who was right outside of it, sitting while talking on the phone with someone.
"i'll call you back" he mumbles, turning his cellphone off.
"how do you like it?"
"does it matter?"
"it's too expensive and i won't buy it if i don't look good in it" you laughed ironically.
"i don't think arthur would be happy with you walking around seoul wearing just that" he scoffed, implying that the dress was too sluty.
"i wasn't asking for arthur's opinion" you spitted "i was asking for yours"
he shrugged his shoulders without even giving a proper answer, returning to the only activity he had been doing since the two of you arrived to the mall: using his cellphone.
"i actually need your help to get this off" you mentioned
he swallowed nervously without even looking at you, licking his lips "ask for help to the ladies that work here"
"they are busy"
you had no idea what they were doing but you needed to get changbin into the dressing room with you. he already feels guilty and i don't have anything to lose, it's not going to harm us if we add more stuff to the the record.
"just help me so we can get this over with and leave" you snarled, waiting for him to get up of the couch and walk with you to the dressing room.
the store was full of people minding their own business and, contrary to popular belief, they sold clothes both for women and men. the dressing rooms were pretty much mixed so it was not going to look weird if they saw changbin entering to one of them. besides, they had long curtains that fell right into the floor, it was impossible to look who was inside of them.
without saying a word, changbin was ready to untie the straps of the dress while looking directly at you through the mirror.
"now this brings back some memories" you said, chuckling.
changbin strucked you down with his gaze and approached the curtains with a swift movement, trying to get out of the small space the dressing room was without even helping you to get out of the dress first.
"look at me and tell me you don't find me attractive" you commanded, looking at his reflection in the mirror before he could even get himself out of there. changbin looked at you, letting out a sigh as he bit his lower lip in frustration.
"i'm sorry for what i said yesterday" he whispered angry, almost in resignation. "if that's what you want to hear so you can drop this fucking bratty attitude then i'm fucking sorry"
to be fair, that was actually what you wanted to hear since you encountered him that morning. but now that you had him there, the urge of wanting to make him feel even more guilty and ashamed just took complete power over you.
you couldn't really explained why you wanted to do all kinds of things to make him feel bad. it was probably your hatred for men, the fraternal relationship he had with your father or the fact that you found him extremely attractive, but you wanted to make him feel miserable.
"so, do you?" you inquired, stepping closer and pushing him away from the curtains.
"stop playing" he insisted, his gaze changing drastically from one moment to another. what looked like anger three seconds ago was now transformed into desire.
"it's okay" you cooed, resting your hands on both sides of his face, tilting yours to the side as your eyes fixed on his lips. "no one will find out about this, if that's what you are worried about"
he parted his lips as his tongue danced inside his mouth, grimacing in frustration "you mean about what happened" changbin dictated.
"about what happened?" you muttered, letting out a small whimper as his bulge grew against your thighs. "or about what will continue on happening?"
one of his hands approached the back of your head, gripping your hair harshly while lifting your face. "you know your father would fucking kill me if he finds out"
a victorious smile appeared on your lips. he just gave in.
"isn't that more fun?"
before you could finish the sentence, changbin's lips attacked yours. the kiss was sloppy and needy, as if he had been wanting to do this exact thing all the evening. his hands traveled to your lower back as he pressed you against him even harder.
his sweet taste and the friction between his bulge and your thigh almost made you give in as well, but you couldn't.
you had to prove yourself that you were still in control of the situation.
just a bit more.
his lips left your mouth to pepper kisses all over your jawline and neck. the way his breathing sounded was heavenly, making you start to feel the heat forming at your core. he looked at your face every now and then, as if he enjoyed the gestures you made by trying to hold back your moans.
okay, that's enough.
"a public restroom and now a dressing room" you shighed, as your hands pushed him away of you "i knew you were desperate but i didn't know how much"
his face contorted in anger, clenching his jaw as he saw you picking up your clothes from the floor.
"don't think too highly of yourself, changbin" you mumbled, looking at him before opening the curtain "you are a man, and men are just so easy"
you walked through the whole store with the dress on and your regular clothes under your arm.
"my boyfriend is paying for this, he is right behind me." and with that being said, you left the store.
as you were hiding yourself in the public bathrooms of the mall, you called ryujin.
"i'm at the coex" you said "can you please pick me up, i kind of need to talk with you"
"you want to grab some a snack?" she asked, and you could almost listen how she immediatly got up from her bed to get dressed.
"yeah, but not here" you replied. before hangin up, ryujin gave you a "gotcha" and you continued on changing you back to your previous clothes. you had no bag to carry the dress, so you exited the mall grabbing it like you just stole it.
you patiently waited for ryujin to pick you up, and it was actually earlier than you anticipated.
"there's a lovely coffee shop a few blocks from here"
"and that's pretty much what happened" you concluded, just as you finished telling ryujin the whole bar incident and the dressing-room idea you had that evening. she looked at you surprised, as if she just had witnessed a crime.
"so you had your first orgasm ever with a stranger on a public restroom?" she asked, almost on the brink of laughing hysterically.
"i just told you that i engaged in sexual activities with the most despicable men on earth who happens to be my father's right hand and that's everything you could pick up?" you replied, sipping from your iced coffee.
"pretty much, yeah" she joked "i don't remember him"
"yeah, why would you?" you teased her "you were pratically flirting with every man on the table and almost eating the soul out of one of them"
"chan" ryujin said softly.
"oh, so you got his name?"
"not only his name but his number" she mumbled as she held her cellphone almost in a victorious manner.
"so you have been talking to him?"
"kind of" the blonde-haired replied "apparently they are going to have a gathering at his house and he invited me" she then made a long pause "wait, you should come!"
changbin was definitely going to be there. another interaction you could decline but still chose not to.
"yeah i should come"
as soon as you got home, you fell completely asleep. it was only 6:00 p.m., but last night you barely had a good night of sleep because ryujin kept moving around and the thought of what happened in the bar wouldn't leave you alone.
as you woke up from your nap, your phone had a couple of unread messages from both hyejin and arthur.
[6:13 p.m., hyejin]
i'm going to grab something to eat with hyuna. arthur said he was probably going to go out to eat with ara and her family so if you want to have dinner just order something with my credit card.
[7:21 p.m., arthur]
i'm going to have dinner at ara's tonight.
with her family.
changbin said he had a great time with you today and since you were going to be at home, he insisted to make you company at dinner time.
i'm glad you two are getting alone
either he was completely stupid or he definetly trusted changbin with his life because no man would ever let her daughter spend time alone with a man.
but that was not even the worse part: you knew where this whole thing was going to.
a great time? you made him pay 620,000 korean wons and humiliated him on a public dressing room. i mean, you did have a great time but you weren't quite sure he did.
before you could start overthinking the whole situation, you heard how the doorbell went off. fuck, well, if i don't open the door he won't be able to come in.
the doorbell went off again, and you just chose to ignore it.
[9:33 p.m. unknown number]
i know you are there
your father told me you were going to be at home
[9:35 p.m. unknown number]
you do know that i have the keys of the house since i spend a lot of time here working with your father here, right?
now you were starting to feel nervous. not only because you were, obviously, going to have to pay for the dress you practically stole, but because you were quite unsure if you could still have the self-control you had earlier today in case he approached you in that way.
but he probably hated you now just as much as you did.
maybe he just wants his money back.
while you were threading your thoughts, you heard how the front door of the house opened. quickly you got out of bed and ran downstairs with hyejin's card on your hand to encounter him before he could even get further into the house.
"just take the 600,000 wons" you said, extending your arm to lend him the credit card number and code.
he scoffed at you, ignoring it.
"i don't give a fuck about the money" he mumbled, approaching you as your back slammed against a cold wall.
oh, just casual rich behavior.
"now i'm the one who wants an apology for the show you did at coex" now this was what you were fearing. his lips dangerously close to you, his scent mixed with mint and cigarettes flooding all your senses.
changbin was fine. his body, even though you hadn't seen it in all his glory, was extremely well built and he knew it; the clothes he wore only accentuating more his manly figure... and here comes the part of the self-control.
"you said my father was going to kill you" you stuttered, trying to look away from his face that was merely centimeters away from yours.
"and isn't that more fun, princess?" princess, that fucking petname again. changbin was using the exact same words that left your mouth hours ago to tease you. "if you don't want this, then tell me. but do it now, because if we move forward i don't think i'll be able to stop"
you swallowed thickly. you knew exactly what he was talking about and the proposal he was making, but wasn't that a bit too rushed? besides, the hatred you felt towards him grew bigger by the minute. wasn't that a bad idea?
but then again, wasn't it a very good idea? you could prove changbin that you didn't thought too highly of yourself for nothing and you would be able to mess with your father's pride... it was just a very good offer you couldn't decline.
"i don't have all night, y/n" he grunted, still looking at you with starving eyes.
"it's you who has to think this through" you whispered, trying to keep the eye-contact with him. "i don't have anything to lose, but you on the other hand..."
"if this is done right, no one will lose anything" changbin replied, brushing his lips softly against your chin "and in exchange, i'll have you begging for me the rest of the days you spend here in korea"
that single statement made you blush, but you wouldn't let changbin acknowledge the power he held over you.
"i don't beg"
changbin gripped your hair and pushed your body down, making you fall into your knees.
"use your words, princess" he said while maintaining eye contact with you "for the last time, tell me that you truly want this and then we can move on to something more interesting"
you were unable to hold your tongue from licking your lips at the sight of his bulge. "i do" you said softly, almost inaudible, but it was good enough for changbin to take you.
his grip on your hair stopped and you were able to stand up, following him into the living room of arthur's house as he rested his whole weight in one of the couches. "come here" he ordered.
he sat down while spreading his legs and it was only then that you noticed how cozy his lap looked. unsure of what to do next, you climbed on top of him, your barely-clothed core making contact with his cock under his pants; just that fraction of contact was all it took to get a whiny moan out of you.
"what exactly where you trying to achieve at the dressing room anyways?" he inquired with a mocking tone.
"i just wanted to get back at you" you admitted, trying so hard to ignore the pressure between your thighs.
"and did you enjoyed it?"
"i did"
changbin licked his lips as he let out a soft laugh, trying to find a decent reasoning behind your behavior.
"well i'm glad you enjoyed it because it didn't work at all" he stated. "no matter how hard you tried to control yourself earlier today, you still ended up craving my touch"
his hands toured your naked thighs and stopped at the elastic of your pijama shorts.
"it doesn't matter" you hissed with strangled breath as his fingers dance around your shorts and skin "i still got what i wanted"
"and what was that?" his hands were now at your hips, holding you so thightly that could anticipate a few bruises there.
"to see you drowning in embarrassement" you admit, looking directly into him. "it was a pretty fun sight"
"i bet" he grunted, lifting ever so slightly his hips and making the pressure between your thighs increase immediatly.
a sudden moan escaped your lips, provoking changbin to smile. "do you want to count again?" he teased, talking about the bar incident.
your hands grabbed his shoulders for support as his hands started guiding your hips over his lap.
unlike you, changbin was all dressed up in his black pants and white shirt he had on earlier today. as soon as you arrived home you changed into more comfortable clothes, your pink pijamas whose fabric was extremely thin, and just now you started to regret your decision of not putting more clothes on before having this encounter with him.
"i need you to touch me" you admit after a few painfully seconds grinding against his bulge. it felt good, but you knew that it would feel even better if he decided to actually participate in your orgasm. besides, the scene of you pathetically grind against him in an attempt to chase your high was degrading.
he was right, both outcomes were pathetic. as you pondered, your head fell upwards and your core started to painfully clenched around thin air.
"then beg" he smiles, his hands still resting on the sides of your body. this bitch. "you don't want to because you are too proud, but how exactly are you going to feel after coming undone only by grinding on my lap without my help?"
"if that's what you want" he grunted at the absence of pleads, lifting his hips again "this is the only way you get to cum tonight"
your hips rushed the movements as you felt your pussy getting hotter, your juices making a mess on changbin's pants.
"who finds who attractive, hm?" he asked as the sight of your dripping core. "it's taking all of my self-control to not fuck you right here, right now"
"why don't you do it?" you ask in between broken moans, your hips moving at a steady pace.
"because you don't deserve it"
changbin was fucking you up and he was doing it just right. every word that came out of his mouth only made you angrier and wetter, drilling a hole on your mind by even considering beg for his touch.
"you don't deserve to fuck me either" you sighed, trying to hold back all the loud moans that wanted to escape your mouth as your clit repeatedly stroke against him.
"i don't?" he asked, mocking pain "are you sure, princess?"
the frustration of not being able to reach your high was starting to make you feel pathetic because all you wanted was to experience the exact same feeling you got at the bar.
"changbin" you whined, grabbing yourself onto his white shirt. "if you aren't going to touch me then please just do something else"
his hands moved all the way to the straps of your pijamas and he gently pushed your top down, exposing your bare breasts.
"do you never wear underwear, princess?" he growled, attaching his lips at the skin that was faintly bruised because of last night.
"fuck, changbin" you moaned, the friction between your bodies increasing as he was closer to you.
"i know you can do it without my help princess" he said, grabbing one of your hardened buds in between his lips.
the knot was starting to form on your lower abdomen at a much slower pace than before, making you let out desperate whines. "look at how messy you are being"
his mouth licked one of your nipples as his fingers played with the other, wanting to edge you until you had no choice but to beg for his touch. "fuck, changbin. i'm close"
as soon as you told him this, you felt how his body reincorporated into his seat, making the contact between your core and his lap almost inexistent. "i changed my mind, i don't want you to cum like this"
with teary eyes you looked at him. was he really going to edge you this bad? was it because you didn't beg? fuck, all you wanted was to cum and he wouldn't even let you do that peacefully.
"don't you think it's my turn?" he smirked while unbottoning his pants. oh, right, his turn.
you clearly had not much experience in that department but you wouldn't let him find that out. back in japan you were not really an enthusiast of oral sex, but you would often hear stories from your classmates talking about experiences and tips.
before you could keep recalling all the stories you heard, changbin's hands stroke your hair making you look directly at him.
he was... making you quite confused about whether if you were going to be able to take it or not. "come on princess" he encouraged as the tip of his cocked brushed your lips slightly.
getting rid of any hesitation you were quick to drag your tongue all over his lenght, earning a sigh out of him. you would be lying if you said that it didn't turned you on, because it did (more than you ever wanted to admit). slowly, he pushed his cock into your mouth making you gag over it. "good fucking girl" he whispered as he starred into your teary eyes.
changbin had one arm over his head while the other guided you to take his cock. his eyes never left yours, only ocasionally as his head fell upwards when the pleasure was too overwhelming for him. his chest was moving everytime at a faster pace, and the sounds that left his mouth were getting more frecuent. "fuck, y/n"
you were learning how to take him inside your mouth to the point that it felt too good having him there. "y/n"
"mhm?" you mumbled around his cock, making waves of pleasure travel all over changbin's body.
"touch yourself for me as you take my cock" he ordered.
you had tried several times to reach your orgasm just by masturbating and it did felt good, but for the longest time you thought that if that was what an orgasm was supposed to feel like, it wasn't so much of a big deal. that was until yesterday, when you truly felt a real one. but you assumed that by the previous stimulation, it was going to be way easier to come undone this time, even if it wasn't as powerful as the one changbin made you feel.
you started to rub your clit in circles as changbin fucked your mouth slowly without parting your gaze from his eyes. his eyes that intimidated the shit out of you and that were the main reason of why you wanted to submit immediatly for him.
"that's my good girl" changbin's grip on your hair was getting tighter and his breathing was getting heavier than before. "does it feel good baby?" he asked, watching how your eyes slightly rolled to the back of your head by the pleasure provided by your own touch and his cock inside your mouth.
"fuck" he cursed under his breath "i'm close"
with eager eyes you started to take him in even more, determined to making him finish just as you chased your own high. your fingers moved around your clit at a soft but hard pace, making that now familiar knot appear at your abdomen. "y/n"
you knew you were a couple of seconds away from your own high as changbin's hands pushed your head all the way over his cock, releasing himself into your mouth. "good fucking girl" he praised with raspy voice and quick breath.
and with the feeling of his hot cum down your throat and your drool all over him, your juices dripped onto your fingers. moaning against his cock, changbin's body trembled at the overstimulation and he quickly pulled himself out of you.
"open your mouth" he ordered while you were still coming down from your high. you did as he commanded, with the remains of his release still in your tongue. "swallow"
and so you did, tasting him.
"my pretty doll" he grunted "did you make yourself cum while your mouth was taking my cock?"
you nodded with tears streaming down your cheeks, messy hair , drool dripping onto your bare chest and your pijama shorts soaked in your own juices. that sight alone was everything for him, increasing his desires of completely ruin you in his bed... or yours... or any place.
a smirk appeared on his face as he pulled you in for a kiss, tasting himself on you.
"i fucking hate you" you whined against him, feeling how your nipples grazed with his chest. "god i fucking hate you"
and even though you did, you knew that this was only getting started both of you.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
I saw your HCs for Crosshair after a messege from Anon, i loved it. I believe that Cross is a sneaky romantic who does not always show it outright. I am sure he would lay down beside you when you have a nightmare and hold you all the way through it. He would have special nicknames for you that only mean something between the two of you and he would remember everything you like from certain places and get you a keepsake from there, just because he loves how happy it makes you. He is jealous aswel
you really asked for this super long answer to all of your hc and I rEGRET NOTHING.
okay okay so, first of all yES HE'S A SNEAKY ROMANTIC, I strongly believe that everything he does is just, very like. Secretive. I totally see him like, if you're alone in the cockpit the second tech leaves you to go to sleep or whatever crosshair'd be wALKING IN AND SITTING BESIDE YOU, probably will make you sit in his lap and you'd tEASE HIM SO MUCH like "did you miss me so much?" even if he saw you 0.05 seconds ago but all his brothers where there so oF COURSE HE MISSED YOU SJDKAJ. you'd also say something like "you just can't be away from me now can you?" and he'd just kiss you silly to shut you up.
he'd also do a lot of things but, without you knowing. you ran out of sweets? that's cool, he has a stack hidden away from wrecker and just fills the little jar you keep in your drawer. he probably folds your clothes when you get lazy enough and just leaves them in the chair by your desk. he'd MOST DEFINETLY leave the little souvenir he got from you from his last mission in that spot in your room where you keep them all, and he wouldn't say anything about it until you found out that beautiful blue stone wasn't there before and "crosshair, did you get me this?" and he'd shrug like it's not big deal but his eyes are shining with anticipation and uncertainty bc maybe you don't like it but oh you're kissing him while murmuring a soft "thank you baby, I love it," on his lips and he feels on cloud number 9 bc there's nothing he loves more than making you happy. mark my words.
ALSO HIM HOLDING YOU AFTER A NIGHTMARE DUDE !!!!!! YES HE WOULD !!! like I just, I can clearly see you waking up from this awful nightmare and he has this really light sleep right, so he wakes up too and he's like, silent, looking at you and you want to cry because he almost never gets to sleep and you just woke him up, but he's so soft, so gentle about it, and without saying anything he just grabs you and settles you on his chest and holds you so close, and his fingers draw patterns on your back and if you want to talk about it he'll listen and if you don't he'll whisper a little "you're safe." and squeeze you closer and kisses your head once (1) unless you're crying then he'll hold you in his lap and instead of reassuring you with things like you ok and stuff, he'll tell you about this one time wrecker did whatever and tech laughed sO HARD he was redder than his uniform or wHATEVER MY BABY CROSS IS SO BAD AT CONFRONTING HE'LL JUST HUG YOU TILL YOU FEEL BETTER PLEASE SOMEBODY KISS HIM FOR ME.
also the nickname thing???? I AGREE 100% WITH YOU. I JUST- listen. i don't like clones giving pet names in mando'a, and is alright if you do. but like. I have my own hc of clones calling you sweet names and cROSSHAIR CALLING YOU INSIDE JOKES YOU AND HIM HAVE !!!! THIS IS THE SUPERIOR HC I WILL NOT TAKE ANYTHING MORE THAN THIS AND THIS ALONE !!!
like, he'd call you things like, bANTHS (short for: bantha) because you once told him banthas are your fave animal and he teased you sO HARD ABOUT IT. or calls you kenobi when you're being Ridiculous™ bc you were once complaining about obi wan and you did this embarrassing imitation of the general and he NEVER lets you forget about that. he calls you tatooine when you're looking Hot™ bc he's THAT silly.
but he calls you cute things too, like flower or whatever.
now listen. crosshair wouldn't consider himself Jealous, like, EVER. but he's very insecure sometimes because he knows you can do better (got news for you cross. WE CANT). But still, like everything that comes with him. He's very quiet about it. he's the kind of people that gets jealous and suffers in silence. he will never tell you much less when you're enjoying so much. and listen. he's usually very confident around his brothers, bc out of the batch you choose him and he's alright with that.
but you've been laughing with tech for 20 minutes now and he knows his brother isn't THAT funny, and wait. are you brushing hunter's hair??? aND WHY ARE YOU READING TO WRECKER ????????????
my mans is possessive, and the things you do with him he likes to be just for him and him alone. not that he'd ever say that to you. but it makes him feel special and very very loved. so it kinds of upset him if you say you went to train with hunter, or if you tell him that you went to the market with someone that isn't him because that's YOUR THING.
he doesn't stop you, though, nor tells you to don't interact with his bros anymore bc he loves you for who you are and he would never keep you from doing things, much less if those are things you like doing and he knows you love his brothers so much and he trusts them and he trusts you too. but still, you have to make him know you love him and your time with him is your favorite.
bUT WITH REGS????? OHOHOH. LIKE. he'd get into a fight with whomever if he's given the chance. if he sees a reg (unless it's cody but cody would NEVER make a move on you and your flirtatious days with him ended the day you started showing feelings towards the sniper but tHATS ANOTJER STORY FOR ANOTHER DAY) SO ANYWAYS, if he sees a reg making eyes at you there's three scenarios.
1. he'd kiss you right then and there and he gives zero (0) shits. like listen. crosshair HATES pda but he hates the regs more so that's his excuse. but this isn't very likely.
2. he'd be very petty about it. like. he's far and he sees you laughing with a reg??? well get ready bc once you're with crosshair he'll be all "you don't want to spend more time with that reg?" or "you seemed to be having a good time with that reg" or "why don't you go with your reg and kiss him instead hmmmmmmmm???" it's ridiculous and it's ugly. and tbh he should know better. but there's no fight about it. cause like, you know where is all coming from, and you just roll your eyes and go like, "don't be ridiculous, I have you." and kiss HIM silly.
3. his brothers see him upset and try to reassure him and he probably calms down. but once you're alone you ask him what's wrong and he looks Very Sad and very vulnerable and asks something like "why are you with me?" and such.
also, it's awfully lovely hearing from you guys!
thank you for this aMAZING ASK!!!
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Danganronpa V3 Pregame Headcanons
hey Y’all! I have an imagines post on the way, but in the mean time have some of my V3 headcanons
TW/CW: Almost All Pregame V3 Characters (Excluding Kaito, Shuichi, K1-B0, Tsumugi And Kaede), Mentions Of Abuse And Self-Esteem Issues, Mention Of Violence
Maki Harukawa Maki was always all for mindless violence, and what better place to be violent than a killing game. There were no other motivations behind her audition and she told the team just as much. She was thrilled when they told her that she would be the strongest character, unparalleled by even the martial arts masters of the previous seasons. However she was never told that they would be changing her motivations, making her broken and unwilling to kill. She went into the killing game hoping to come out on a mountain of corpses, to be feared by everyone in the outside world. She got her wish, just not in the way that she wanted.
Kokichi Oma Kokichi was a nervous boy, despite what he may tell you. He was constantly terrified of everything around him, but lied his way through life to convince everyone he was okay. He wasn’t sure why he auditioned for Danganronpa, maybe he wanted a place where his constant fear would be justified, maybe he wanted a new world to recreate himself in, maybe he just wanted an excuse to let it all out and break down. His one request of the team was to “make me more like myself but... better.” They listened to his request, making him more confident and snarky, but his constant lying had become such an extreme part of who he was, that the team kept it. After all, he asked to be himself.
Miu Iruma Miu was hopeless at romance. Well, not like she wanted actual romance anyway. All she wanted was for everyone to swoon at her presence and kiss the ground she walked on. She wanted to be a gorgeous celebrity, known and admired all over the world. The kind of celebrity that you would hardcore crush on for years. What better way to do that then to audition for the worlds most popular TV show. She wanted to be the fanservice character and asked the team as much. They complied with her request, but decided to take it a more comedic route, using all of the worst troupes and making her little more then a desperate mockery. She was the fanservice alright, but she will never be as widely loved.
Ryoma Hoshi Ryoma had been watching the show for as long as he can remember. He had always looked up to the strong-willed and awe-inspiring protagonists. He didn’t really have anyone else in his life to look up to, so he clung to these characters like glue, using them almost as a guide on how to live. “What would Makoto do here? How would Hajime handle this?” When he heard that there were auditions for the new season, he did everything he could to get an audition. When the team asked him about what kind of character he wanted to be, he just repeated over and over about how he wanted to be the protagonist. He wanted to be an inspiration to people. He asked this of them so much that they casted him as a weak-willed character with nothing to live for. They had already chosen their protagonist and his constant inquiries had made them grow petty against him.
Rantaro Amami Rantaro had never had a good relationship with his family. His parents gave him a boat to live on when he was old enough and them seized all contact. He had sisters, in fact he was the only son, but all of his sisters had moved across the world for college and none of them really left on a good note with him. His only chance at a new life, and therefore a new family, was auditioning for Danganronpa, The only request he made was that he be an only child and an orphan. This was an odd request so the team pried for more information, and his story gave them a very interesting idea.
Korekiyo Shinguji Kiyo hated humanity. he hated it to the point of it being an intense obsession. To him, it was full of heartless people who would do nothing but take advantage of him, while everyone else just stood by and refused to believe him. people would get close enough to him for him to consider them family, only for them to shatter his trust and leave him broken. he wanted an escape from it all, and he wanted the recognition that would get people to believe him. he thought auditioning for the show would get enough attention that he could finally share his story, he was desperate to join and he made the team aware of it. He didnt want to be loved or hated, he just wanted to be memorable, and the team happily complied.
Kirumi Tojo Kirumi felt useless. For her entire life she had been told to “get out the way” or “just let me do it, you’re messing it up.” She felt like every time she tried to help, she just ended up making the situation worse. It did severe damage to her self esteem and she ended up not even being able to do things for herself, becoming extremely dependant of those around her. She had heard of Danganronpa, everyone had, but she never thought she would be much good in a killing game. She had no intention of auditioning until she heard that they would be completely changing your personality and give you your own ultimate talent. She went to the audition room and asked to be cast as the ultimate maid. “I just want to be helpful. I want everyone to be able to rely on me for once.”
Angie Yonaga Angie was the type to idolise those with power, and she wanted nothing more than to have that same level of power for herself. She fawned over the antagonists from previous seasons, holding them on a pedestal. She had always been adamant that she would be one day get into a season of Danganronpa and become the most powerful antagonist yet. She wanted to manipulate and twist the other participants to her will, and walk out of the killing game without having raised a finger. She wanted to put herself on the highest pedestal of all, towering above those that she idolised for so long. When auditioning, she tried her hardest to prove how good of an antagonist she would be. All of her talk of manipulation and basically wanting to be a god gave the team a great idea. 
Gonta Gokuhara Gonta was a fearless man, which fit his intimidating build. He wasn’t scared of heights, or the dark, or ghosts. He wasn’t even afraid of death, making him a great candidate for a killing game. He had been introduced to Danganronpa when some friends of his wanted to see just how far his lack of fear went. He had been watching the show ever since, always commenting about how they shouldn’t have hesitated and “I would be so much better at this than those wimps.” Upon hearing that auditions were being held for the next season, Gonta’s friend’s held him to that statement and pushed him to audition. The team were impressed with his courage, but were persistently prying for any kind of phobia they could get out of him. They eventually got one. Bugs. They knew exactly what to do with this information.
Himiko Yumeno Himiko loved attention. All she ever wanted was to be the centre of the world and have everyone know her name. She spent her life wishing she had the talent of an ultimate so she could use it to become famous all over the globe. She spent years trying to decide what talent she could have that would give her the best chance of drawing a crowd. She eventually decided on magic, seeing how magicians could awe people of any age. She waited for years to find the opportunity to audition, and when it finally came she took it quickly. She was adamant that she wanted to be the best magician, and she wanted everyone to know it. The team saw the opportunity and made her so good at magic, that not even she believed they were tricks anymore.  
Tenko Chabashira Tenko was weak. That was a fact that she couldn’t deny. She could never quite get the hang of fighting and never had any way to defend herself. This led her to surrender easily when threatened, even pushing other people under the bus just so she could escape unharmed. She had always envied that characters in her favourite show, how they were all so much stronger than her both physically and mentally. She swore that if she ever got the opportunity to be in a killing game, she would be stronger. She didnt care how hard she had to fake it, she would definetly convince her classmates that she was not someone to be messed with. She was nervous when she heard about the auditions, but decided to give it a go. She told the team about how all she ever wanted was to be strong and they complied, taking full advantage of the fact that she had no other requests.
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not-all-dead · 3 years
"It’s not a surprise when the Chief of Police comes out. There have been betting pools for years, and the announcement is met with mostly indifference. What is a surprise, however, is the interview that comes out alongside the announcement. The interview that is complete with a photoshoot of Lin Beifong in civilian clothes, talking about the challenges of her position. No one can remember the last time the Chief has given an interview, and the photo becomes the talk of the town."
How do you think the interview goes? What would Lin say?
link to (what i believe was) the original post of this! with some amazing art that VERY much helped me write this :DD (by @mgthejerkbender)
i was originally just gonna write a dialogue or notes for this but uh- i got a little carried away so here’s a 3687 word fic of the interview oops
CW: implications of past trauma (mentions of r@pe/s*xual assa*lt, public humiliation, not graphic at all), homophobia, sexism
fic under the cut :)
Lin walked into the room in a soft green turtleneck and dark brown pants that almost looked black without the light. There was sound equipment set up all over the place, with two armchairs in the middle of it all. A desk sat over to the side, a typewriter and paper sitting atop it. Quite a few people were rushing around, making sure that everything was in place for the broadcast. She watched a young woman sit at the desk, prepping the typewriter to transcribe the entire thing.
“Oh good, you’re here,” Lin turned to see a man in his early forties standing with a small journal behind her.
He wore a plain suit with a pale orange tie, his greying hair slicked back neatly. His eyes flitted around the room, checking things briefly for himself before focusing on Lin. He opened the notebook to a page about a quarter of the way through and smiled at Lin, nodding at the chairs behind her.
“Care to sit?” he asked, moving toward the chairs.
She took the seat farthest from where they’d just been standing, shifting to get comfortable while she waited for him to sit and get things rolling. She didn’t want to admit it, but her heart was racing. She hadn’t done anything like this is ages, especially not so casually. The topic of discussion also made her nervous, both because her job was something she rarely spoke of with anyone outside a professional context, and because of the announcement that would come with the interview. She’d encountered plenty of bigoted people in the past, and had no doubt that her officially coming out would only press them to question her position more than usual.
She picked idly at the fuzzballs on her turtleneck until the man sitting beside her cleared his throat. Her head snapped up to look at him, her body tensing briefly before seeing that he was testing the microphones. She sighed and relaxed slightly, speaking into the microphone placed before her when the sound technician prompted her to do so. Once everything seemed to be in place and ready to go, the broadcast started.
“Welcome, listeners, to tonight’s special program. I’m your host, Kaja Posicopolis, here with our esteemed Chief of Police, Lin Beifong. So, Chief, how are you on this fine night?” he started, putting on his radio voice.
“Good, I’m good,” Lin responded, leaning slightly forwards in her seat.
“That’s good to hear. I think I’ll launch right into our questions if you don’t mind, we’ve got a lot to get through tonight,” Lin nodded when he looked over to her, giving him the go ahead.
“Why don’t we start with something positive. What’s your favourite thing about your position as Chief? What about the job brings you the most joy?” he turned to watch her while waiting for her answer.
She looked at the floor for a moment, thinking before speaking.
“I think I’d have to say getting to help people. Ever since I was young I’ve wanted to protect others as much as possible, and being Chief makes that a lot easier and a lot more… legal,” he joined her when she chuckled lightly, but her smile only lasted a moment.
“Of course, I’m not perfect, and there are always times when things go wrong. I can’t say that those times don’t affect me, but I try to think of the people we as a force have helped over the years and that keeps me going,” she took a deep breath and looked to Kaja as he glanced at his notepad.
“That leads right into my next question; how do you do it? Not even your infamous mother was Chief for as long as you’ve been, and her time was already impressive. You’ve given so much to Republic City already, why, and how, do you keep giving?” there was a look of wonder and admiration on his face when he finished the question.
“I grew up in Republic City. It always has been, and will be, my home. And who doesn’t want to protect their home? I think that as long as I live here, I’ll be working to do anything in my power to help the city. I hate watching neighborhoods suffer… actually, I’m working on a plan with President Moon at the moment with the hopes of helping out the poorer parts of the city, providing homes for the homeless, all that good stuff. I just want to see Republic City thriving, and I want to help it get to that point. As I said before, it’s my home; everyone here is part of a community, a family, if you will, and that means everything to me,” Lin leaned back, resting against the cushion behind her, setting her right foot on her left knee.
“That’s a beautiful sentiment, thank you. I love the idea of the city being one big family, and that project sounds like it’ll be very good for the future of Republic City,” Kaja turned his gaze back to his notes, stopping the conversation briefly.
“The next question I have here is less uppity; what has your biggest struggle been with regards to your job?”
“That’s a hard one,” she paused. “I’ve had many struggles with work over my years as Chief, but I think of everything that’s happened… being a woman, and a queer one at that, has definetly taken it’s toll. Other things have been more directly challenging, but that’s been present since day one.”
“Would you care to elaborate on that?” he prompted leaning slightly towards her.
She inhaled and held her breath for a split second before sighing lightly.
“Sure, why not,” she gave a small smile to Kaja before starting.
“When I was much younger, just starting out in the force, I could already see the inherent bias against women that so many male officers held. My mother wasn’t immune to their verbal attacks, though she would give them a good… sparring match, lets say, if they ever so much as laid a finger on her. After a few times, that generally stopped happening, but people would still talk. The number of disgusting, awful things I heard coming from some of those men…” she huffed and shifted in her seat, putting one elbow on her armrest and resting her head on her hand.
“Anyway, I started to pay attention to every little thing. I noticed how many male politicians talked down to my mother, and not because of her blindness. Even a few of the men on our own council at the time would treat her as less-than for no apparent reason.
“I saw it happening in my own life and career, too. How my male counterparts got the promotion before I was even considered, despite performing just as well as them, if not better. How I was never asked for input on supposedly collective decisions or plans, and if I was or tried to interject, I was almost always dismissed. It seemed like any man of higher or equal rank to me thought I was some… assistant to bring him coffee and reports and not do any actual work.
“Seeing that attitude so often pissed me off. I made it my mission to prove myself beyond what was necessary. I wanted to show them that I could do anything they could just as well, sometimes even better. My work paid off eventually and I began to climb the ranks, not letting myself rest for a second. And I wanted to help people as well, of course, but it started out more as wanting to teach those bastards a lesson,” she moved again, uncrossing her legs and leaning forward on her elbows.
“Once I became Chief, a lot of people seemed determined to put me down. Practically every man, be he politician or merchant on the street, told me something insinuating that I was handed the position just because my mother was Chief before me. Every time I wanted to yell at them, to show them records of how hard I’d worked to get there, how much harder I’d had to work than most of my colleagues. With the politicians and other major figureheads, how much harder I’d had to work than they probably had.
“It was frustrating, but I got used to it. It was a constant that came with working a so-called, and I’m not making this up, it’s been said directly to my face before, ‘Man’s job’,” she stopped for a moment and looked over at Kaja, who was staring at her in disbelief.
She couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at his expression before looking back down and continuing.
“There was also the issue of my queerness,” she shook her head and took a deep breath, sitting back as she continued.
“I started working as a proper officer when I was about eighteen. Within my first year working, I was-,” she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth for a second.
“I had an encounter with a man, an older officer who was overseeing the training group I was a part of. He tried to initiate certain… activities with me, none of which I wanted to partake in. I did manage to get rid of him and filed a report against him, but it wasn’t the last time it happened.
“I was a pretty regular customer at a few of the underground bars for people like me at the time. I did my best to hide my face when I left, but there were always times I was careless, or somebody saw me in the seconds I let my guard down. Usually it was no big deal, but occasionally it was someone from work. Once, it was that man.
“He found me at work the next day and asked me about it. Yelled at me, really. He tried to make it seem like that’s why I’d denied him, and the names he called me weren’t pretty to say the least. He started to physically attack me, throwing punch after punch and not giving me the slightest chance to fight back.
“After that day, I stopped going to those bars altogether. The first time I went back to one was actually just a few years ago. I started dating Tenzin a few years later, and though people weren’t so outwardly expressive of their opinions on my relationships, the disapproval was still present.
“By the time Tenzin and I split up, I think some people still suspected my queerness, but it wasn’t a widely adopted theory. I had my fair share of men approach me, some with better intentions than others, and turned down most of them. Some of them didn’t react all that well, and I ended up filing several more reports. I don’t think any of them actually got charged, though.
“I entertained short romances with some men, some women too. Nothing stuck, not really anyway. I kept every relationship very quiet, including those with men, just for the sake of privacy. When I was with women, it was also to avoid getting hate-crimed, but I really did prefer to keep at least some things private.
“In the context of work, there were also challenges. That first superior to try getting at me like that must’ve talked, telling anyone who would listen about my excursions to the underground bars. People looked at me oddly in just about any shared workspace there was, though a few times I made friends because of it. Those were always good times, even if few and far between.
“Some people just gave a judgemental stare or vaguely rude comment every so often, but a few others took it further. Much further,” she looked up to the ceiling as she recalled another story.
“I had a supervisor when I was probably about, oh, twenty seven or so. He was a few ranks below my mother, and I one below him. He decided that one day it would be absolutely hysterical to cover my desk in obscene printed images of women I didn’t recognize, along with toys of a certain nature. I was mortified when I came in and saw the spectacle. The worst part was that almost everyone working in that part of the building at the time laughed with him, and those who didn’t weren’t exactly helpful.
“I didn’t come back to work for a week after that. It was awful, his stupid prank making me so shamed of who I was, who I loved. I know now that my loving both women and men isn’t a bad thing, and is simply part of me. It was harder to accept that, to accept myself, when I saw people like him in positions of power over me.
“I kept working though, and there was never an incident quite like that one again. A few others were more directly hateful than most, but it was easier to deal with. As with people treating me as less because of my gender, I got used to it,” she turned to Kaja, a hint of guilt on her face after talking for so long.
He shook his head, disbelief still spread across his face. His eyes flitted back and forth between floor tiles as he searched for the right words to respond.
“That sounds awful. I’m so sorry you had to deal with people like that,” he looked back up at Lin.
“So am I,” she scoffed, her fingers picking at her turtleneck again.
There was a small silence before Kaja looked back down at his notepad and then at the clock on the wall.
“We’ve got enough time for one last question, so is there anything you’d like to tell young women and queer people living in the city?” His expression was almost hopeful now, desperate to end off on a lighter note.
Lin smiled in amusement at him before looking down at her hands, fiddling her thumbs in her lap. After a moment, she looked back up at him and started speaking again.
“Absolutely,” she began, her gaze drifting around the room and landing on each individual at least once.
“To all the women working your asses off in the workforce: stand up for yourself. Don’t let any man devalue you because of your gender. Be the best you can be and wipe the smiles clean off their faces as you do it. Start your own businesses, get that promotion, set goals for yourself and fly past them. You can do just about anything you put your mind to, despite what many men might say,” her voice was strong, almost commanding as she began her final statement.
“And to all the young queer people out there; you are so, so strong. Keep loving each other, keep being yourselves. I know how awful people can be, but their opinions do not define you. You are perfect exactly as you are, and nothing can change that. It might seem like it’ll never be true, but I believe we will live in a time when acceptance is the norm. I believe that that time, with hard work and patience with those who need teaching, will be here soon.”
“Perfect. Thank you so much for your time, Chief,” Kaja said, looking at the clock again.
“Thank you for having me,” Lin replied, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
“And with that, folks, we wrap up today’s special broadcast. I’ll be back in the studio tomorrow resuming our usual radio program. Until then, I’m Kaja Posicopolis, and this is eighty six point four, your favourite music station,” Kaja finished, staying silent for a few seconds until a man from across the room nodded at him.
He rolled his head around and got up from his chair, setting his notepad down behind him.
“How are you now?” he asked Lin as he stretched his arms out and cracked his back.
Lin scoffed and stood, going through a couple of her own stretches. She straightened her shirt and tucked a few stray hairs back before responding.
“I feel like I just stood naked in front of the entire city,” she said, unable to hold back a small smile when Kaja laughed.
“Well, we’re about to expose you even more. You ready for the photo shoot?” he grabbed his notebook and pen and closed them, watching Lin for an answer.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Lin sighed before following him out of the room.
They walked down several long hallways, eventually coming to a large open room. The walls and floor were a pale grey cement, and there were expensive looking lights set up all over the place. A dark green upholstered bench sat to one side of the room, a tall light shining down on it. A few people saw them coming in and rushed around, turning off almost every other light. One of them knocked on a door that was on the other end of the room, calling for someone inside.
“This seems a bit excessive,” Lin muttered, her eyes wandering the room.
“Only the best for you, Chief,” a man said from somewhere in the shadows.
Lin glanced behind her only to see Kaja talking to someone near the door. When she turned back to where the voice had come from, she had to bite back a laugh. She tried not to, but couldn’t help smiling at the absolute glow that radiated from the man in front of her.
“You like my outfit?” he asked with a grin, twirling around for her.
He had on bright red fit-and-flare pants with a stripe of gold sequins down their side; a matching red low-cut tank top; a purple feather-covered knee-length jacket; gold sparkly platform shoes that made him tower over Lin more than he already would have; and a top hat that belonged with a businessman’s black tie attire.
“It’s incredible,” Lin chuckled, crossing her arms casually over her chest.
“You look sharp yourself today, Chief,” he said with a grin, taking a few steps towards her.
Before she could object, he pulled her into a tight hug. His arms squashed her face against his lower chest, making Lin painfully aware of the extent of their height difference. She laughed and patted his arm, thankfully getting him to release her.
“I’m assuming you’re the photographer, then?” she asked, grinning up at him.
He nodded enthusiastically and spun on his heel, walking back into the darkness. She heard a couple of small crashes and a string of profanities before he came back, a large camera and it’s stand filling his arms.
“Uh- where am I going?” he asked Lin, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.
She let out a small laugh and stepped towards him, placing her hand on his arm. She guided him towards the bench setup, stopping them near where the light stood.
“Thank you, thank you!” he exclaimed, setting down the camera’s stand first and then fastening the camera to it.
“Of course,” Lin breathed, suddenly nervous to have her photo taken.
The photographer immediately noticed her mood change and put his hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you look,” he closed his eyes and blew a chef's kiss to the side.
Lin nodded and took a deep breath, filling her lungs as much as she could before letting it all out. The photographer made a few adjustments to the camera stand, making sure it would stay while he got her in position, and then led her to the bench. He sat her down in the middle of it and walked back to his camera, dragging the stand loudly over so he was more to her right.
“Don’t be so stiff,” he called, looking at her through the viewfinder and flapping his hand in the air.
“Just- pretend I’m not here, you’re just sitting at home listening to the radio.”
He stepped back from the camera and watched Lin as she settled her head on her left fist with her right elbow on her knee. The photographer gave her a big thumbs up, calling “Much better!” and going back to looking through his camera.
He shifted it a few times before taking any photos, wanting to get it right in as few shots as possible considering the price and rarity of film in stores. Lin looked at the camera for the first few, looking away because of her boredom growing steadily. When he seemed satisfied with the shots, he took the camera off the stand and walked over to the bench.
“Room for another?” he asked, not letting Lin answer before settling himself beside her.
The images printed slowly, one at a time. After each was out, he placed them in the shadow under the bench to protect them from overexposure. Once the last one printed, he reached down and grabbed the first. It had settled well, the colours coming out nice and bright.
“It’s perfect,” Lin gasped, staring in wonder at the photo that managed to make her alright with how she looked out-of-uniform.
The photographer grinned at her, holding the photo up.
“I agree,” he said proudly, forgetting his other photos and standing.
Lin watched as he brought the photo to Kaja, engaging the shorter man in a quick and lively discussion before handing off the photo and walking back. He grinned ear to ear at her, and she sighed before relenting and giving a small smile back.
“Nervous, Chief?” he asked, standing before her with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket.
Lin chuckled and shook her head.
“I just haven’t done something like this in ages… or ever, really,” she said, her hands moving to grip the edge of the bench.
“Hey,” the photographer moved to place a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look up at him.
“You’re doing great, Chief, trust me,” Lin let out a breath and really smiled at him this time.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, meaning it with every ounce of her being.
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namiikawaii · 3 years
Luffy x Nami: A thread Part 1
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Disclaimer: This is very long so be prepared to take some time & also if you haven't watched/read One Piece at all then don't read this if you don't want to read spoilers. Firstly I'd like to adress all the people who dont believe in a love romance in One Piece aswell as those who are against this ship or do ship Luffy and Nami with different characters: Please read the thread thoughoutly and don't jump to conclusions before you read everything. I will try to mention all of the issues that are underlying in regards to general things like love romance in One Piece and I want to consider counter arguments and create hypotheses in sight of other pairings like Luffy x Boa and Sanji x Nami (which I think are the other main ships when it comes to Luffy and Nami).   So it is important to be a little patient through all of this thread.
Let's start off with the question about love romance in One Piece... ''D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering. -From Naoko- O: But they do... They're all in love...WITH ADVENTURE. (← good one)'' This is exactly the part of the SBS where Oda answered the question about romantic love in the Strawhat Crew. Firstly, this is obviously meant as a silly statement. It is definetly no confirmation but to see this as a serious statement is overexagerrating. Secondly, Oda wanted to answer this question by dodging it without nullifying it. What does that mean? He could have just simply said, there is no romance in One Piece and there never will be (this wouldn't be the first time that he would have answered a question in a direct and serious way). But no, he wanted to make sure that the audience understands that there is a difference between romantic love and romance (in an adventure) and that the Strawhats are on a journey of a romantic adventure which has nothing to do with loving each other in a romantic way. There are two reasons for that: -One Piece is a pure shonen/action Manga and it's target audience are teenage boys (at least this was the case when he made that statement, i don't know how that might have changed by now maybe) -For the other reason just imagine One Piece if there was active love romance going on...we wouldn't be near the story that we are now. Let's just say it would add so much more complications, to put it very simple (I don't want to go into that deep now). But now here comes the clue: All of this doesn't mean that Oda completely lefts love romance out. Because despite of all the points that I just mentioned there are pairings and there is also subtle (no explicite) love romance. Lets just look at the pairings, these are all pairings that I think the majorty of people wouldn't question: -Kaya and Usopp -Sabo and Koala -Shanks and Makino -Shakky and Rayleigh -Roger and Rouge -Oden and Toki
And yes none of these cases showed the love story between those people (maybe Kaya and Usopp if you really want) but THAT IS THE POINT! Only because Oda doesn't let the characters speak out ''i love you'' or makes them kiss all of the time doesn't mean there isn't any kind of romantic love connection between characters in One Piece (the kiss on WCI was an exeption though). This also doesn't mean that there is no possibilty of romance between the Strawhats. I get it that people see them as a familiy, and they truly are one. If there was romance between two of them during the story of One Piece the dynamic wouldn't be the same anymore, especially if there was a canon relationship between Luffy as the captain/ main protagonist and another crewmember. I mean we don't want to see Luffy prefering one nakama over the other. If he calls for his friends, he calls for everyone and not firstly for the person he's in love with. They are all equally as important as the others. But you have to remeber that they aren't blood-related and it wouldn't be weird at all if some of them are ending up together after the adventure of the One Piece. That's the reason why the hints that are given by Oda are really hints, not just merely coincidence.
And i wouldn't be here if Oda didn't hint Luffy and Nami in the past and he will hint them in the future or even more. Let's beginn chronologically with the bond-forming between Luffy and Nami and why their relationship is special EAST BLUE SAGA -Nami was intended as a crew-member from the very beginning, even before One Piece was existing. That's the reason why Luffy and Nami saw each other in the first episode of One Piece. It was to pay hommage to Silk/Ann the heroines of the Romance Dawn Manga. (Just read into it if you want to know more) But what's important is that they were the inspiration for Nami as a character/ as the heroine.
-Orange Town: Luffy and Nami meet for the first time in the Manga Nami reveals her goal to Luffy - which is ''to buy a certain village'' (keep this in mind) Luffy tells Nami why the strawhat is so dear to him - he won't be telling anyone afterwards these details again -Nami tricks Luffy. Buggy captures him but when Nami is forced to fire a canon ball at Luffy she refuses, starts a fight against all the Buggy-Pirates and finally at the risk of her own life she burns her hands facing the pirates with her back in order to prevent the canonball to blow up Luffy (she does quite much for this pirate guy she just met) - you see that at this point Luffy did touch something in Nami's heart because when they have to escape she literally instantly fires the canonball at Buggy without hesitation. -Nami sewing Luffy's damaged hat. Since then it's always her who takes care of it if it takes any damage/ if there is something to sew in it like Ace's Vivre Card. Now I want to put in here my first hypothetical compairison for the LuBoa and SaNa shippers. Just imaging now this same situation happening between Luffy and Boa. Luffys hat is ripped apart - maybe she knows that Luffys hat is his treasure maybe not but lets imagine she does know. She will of course sew it, would probably blush and say something romantic about her doing this for him. And as a shipper this would be the most romantic thing for you wouldn't it? In reality it is Nami who precisely watches Luffy and understands the importance of his hat to him, she goes up to him and fixes his strawhat, with the only difference that it is just more natural and less lovey-dovey from Nami's part (because of course she would never act like that if she was in love with someone). I am already asking you now, which lovestory sounds more believable? -Syrupp Village: There are a few cute moments (Nami catches Luffy and cheers on him and so on...) but i wanted to especially point out that these two are are sitting/lying on the ground after the fight and Nami playes with the Strawhat, Luffy is of course unbothered. But this already shows how comfortable these two are at this point, they know each other only for a few days now. And also this image of them two talking and sitting together is a theme that continues throughout One Piece. -Namis leaves with the Going Merry, looking devestated that she has to leave ''Luffy and the others'', and Luffys reaction after Zoro says to just leave her: ''I want her to by our navigator no matter what'' (These words are enough, no comment needed and also look at Zoro's face as Luffy is stating these words) -Kokoyashi Village: Luffy already trusts and knows Nami so well that he is enraged to hear that she allegedly killed Usopp - the others are sure that she did it but Luffy insists, and even when Nami confirmes to him that she indeed sent Usopp to the ocean's ground Luffy refuses to accept it and immediatly goes to sleep. (I'm sure it's because he knew that something was wrong but he knew he had to wait for Nami to come up to him)
-The famous moment hits different (for shippers and non-shippers): Luffy giving Nami his precious strawhat! He wants to show her how much she is dear to him, his gives her his treasure because now she's his treasure too (and you can see this in a romantic way or in a platonic way but just remember that Luffy never did this ever to anybody in the past or in the future) Now i want to mention something that i said earlier: people often say that Luffy didn't care about Namis story but let me tell you something different. Luffy already knew what Nami's obejectif was (to buy a certain village) now Luffy also knows that there is a pirate called Arlong and when Nami is stabbing herself she shouts his name in devastion. Luffy is not dumb, he understood already some parts of Nami's history - later when he is in Nami's room he understands the impact even more. It is so far from truth that Luffy doesn't know Namis story, he may not know some details, but he could conntect enough points to understand Nami's pain. And my personal theory is that he didn't wanted to hear Nojikto telling Nami's story because maybe Nami wouldn't have wanted him to hear it and it could certainly be that he knew that maybe he couldn't hold himself back and intervene before Nami asked him to do so and finally rely on him! -Genzo and Luffy's conversation: just read/watch it - it is a father to boyfriend conversation (i thought so even before i shipped LuNa) So far these are the most important moments for the East Blue Saga, and of course there are other things you could mention but i just wanted to point out the key moments that really built their relationship and created the whole fundament. Since I don't know when I can continue writing on this, I am just going to show some colourspreads which contain hints in my opinion. (Like Nami being represented as a queen, or Nami holding and wearing Luffy’s hat)
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cowboymantis · 3 years
Let's talk about Kazuto Arase
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Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami , Yakuza 3 side content spoilers. Later on Yakuza LaD too, but I'll give a warning before that especially since a lot of people haven't played that yet.
So I have a lot of thoughts about Yakuza on my mind and just want to scream into the void about it somewhere to write 'em all down somewhere! I'm starting with... Arase.
Yeah, I know, a mostly very hated character (personality and battle-wise) that has so little screen time on top of it all too, is the first thing I'll be talking about.
Hear me out, I actually really love this character and only really started to appreciate him after I went for the Yakuza 3 platinum trophy... I've replayed this game so many times, I didn't mind it when I played through it first but seeing all the hate it has gotten, I went to replay it just in case and with that replayed it again and again because I just somehow loved it so much-
And you know, one part of Yakuza 3, also completion related so there was no way I could've missed it, were the Hitman missions. In general, after playing through all the main games I started to come back to a lot of characters I didn't like or minded the first time playing that are now some of my favourites (other examples are Tamashiro or Lau Ka Long, hell even Katsuragi)!
To come back to Arase, let's start with, well, the start: Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami.
Introduced already in the very first Yakuza game, Arase is just there for a brief moment in the game, yet has a heavy impact on the game's story and Kiryu. It starts with Arase's oath brother Shinji being shot by Arases subordinate, Mochizuki, at least it looks like it. Shinji came here to rescue Reina, whose corpse then gets dragged on the roof of the Dragon Palace by Arase, Sergeant of the Nishikiyama Family. Now that's a pretty... heavy and sadistic first image for a character introduction, and honestly, his strong personality like that seemed also to be the reason he wasn't exactly loved by other members of the Family.
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His battle theme in the first Yakuza game is called "Turning Point" which also puts more emphasis on how important this scene is, Kiryu breaking down, his scream when he sees Reina's body... It's really a turning point in the story.
In Kiwami, his new theme "Virtical Point" is also used as the intro song (or at least, the intro song "Vertical Point" is similar and shortened). Which also once again shows the importance of this piece.
Of course, he's not the most important character in the story, but it's still interesting to see how much there is around him other than his rather short appearance.
Then, his fighting style. Yeah, most hate this too and also the fact that starting from there, other bosses also sometimes use his moveset or a similar one. Like, take Jiro or Jo Amon or Andre Richardson... Basically just the usual dual wielding guns while being an athlete on crack - layout. It is actually not that bad, it's even less bad when you've got the right equipment but I have to admit I didn't really have that much good equipment when I first played all the games and basically just rushed through them because I just couldn't stop!
Arase's goal here of course was also to beat Kiryu but well, just like every other character ever, he couldn't do it and got beat instead.
And that's the end of that... The end of his part in the story and also the end of his part in the Nishikiyama Family, because he got disowned right after his failure.
Which is so... hmm... It makes me think. Many others have tried to take Kiryu down, too. And I mean, Arase was normally a very successful assassin, right? Yet this one failed attempt, at which everyone else too failed, got him disowned? Seems to me like they didn't like him and gave him an impossible task to have a reason to throw him out, huh?
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And with that wonderful transition, let's get into his appearance in Yakuza 3.
You get introduced to the concept of the Honest Living Association, in short the HLA pretty much after Kashiwagis death. An association, founded by Kashiwagi to help Yakuza / former Yakuza who weren't meant for this life or just wanted out but just couldn't do in it on their own. For some, all they knew was the criminal life, so having a thing like this is especially helpful. Although, I'm kinda sad this was never a thing anymore after Yakuza 3. The whole concept of it was very cool.
Kiryu gets asked by Ibuki to help the HLA because there is an organisation of hitmen, also known as The Reapers (or The Avengers on PS3) whose goal was a different one than the HLA's, it was to kill Yakuza. The Reapers consisted of former criminals, mainly Yakuza, who were wronged by their superiours and expelled, disowned, you name it. Basically what happened to Arase.
Apprehending those hitmen is a totally optional part of the game and I have to admit, I didn't finish it my first time playing. Which is such a shame because it goes by so fast too when you play it after finishing the game! And the individual stories are all so interesting too, I've really enjoyed this side content and also replayed those missions already. You don't really expect someone like Arase to be behind all of it when it turns out to be him who is the founder and the leader of it all. I was already taken aback by Shinzaki being the lieutenant, or part of it at all. I often stopped by to listen to his guitar playing and talked to him, often asking myself is there's anything else up with him.
And once this one hitman contract came in and guitar playing was mentioned, I was just thinking "It can't be him...?", god, this whole side storyline just was so good. And here people come and say Yakuza 3 was a bad game.
The whole build-up to then reveal Arase was just so cool, honestly. It made me start to look more into his character after this confrontation. The fight was really cool too, just having to fight Shinzaki so many times wasn't really necessary, but Arase seems to like to fight alongside others, so fair enough.
And his theme "End Point" is also just so good. It's more similar to Turning Point than Virtical Point was. The name is also again fitting, since this is the end for The Reapers and Arases power.
It is made clear here that Arase has a strong hatred against the Yakuza and especially holds a strong grudge against Kiryu. He sees Kiryu as the reason he got wronged and had to leave the Yakuza behind, while also seeming to be very aware of the fact that the others there probably didn't like him at all.
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He's so angry at him, he holds this whole speech and talks about revenge while Kiryu tries to talk some sense into him, eventually Ibuki also joins and tries to reason with Arase too. Telling him how that's what Kashiwagi wanted, even for Arase to find a new, honest life.
Arase is too strongly lead on by his grudges, so even though it seems like he might be thinking about turning his life around, he decided to not let them help him. Then he goes on about how he will definetly return to take revenge on Kiryu... Well. That's the end of that.
It becomes clear that Arases stubborn way of thinking is kind of childish. Not taking responsibility for any of his actions, thinking that his vile personality and actions are in fact the reason he got disowned. Failing to beat Kiryu was just the final puzzle piece to have a solid reason to throw him out. He's clearly unstable, doesn't think twice before shooting someone, he could turn on anyone and wouldn't be sorry for it. Just, he doesn't seem to really think about what he does.
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I guess he probably thinks he's strong enough, he doesn't need to be careful. Also fitting for that is his fighting style in Dead Souls, how when he gets low on HP, he pretty much fends for himself, disregarding orders and just charging head first with full strength.
His Dead Souls appearance is also interesting. Okay, we all know, this game isn't canon, it's a spin-off and just doesn't fit in to the story. But it is interesting how he teams up with Kiryu for a bit and then leaves again. The game itself takes place after the events of Yakuza 4, meaning at this point RGG did remember that hey, they have a rival that swore to beat Kiryu one day. But after that... radio silence.
Really, this is such a shame. Just alone from his short appearances I can talk so much about Arase because he really is an interesting character with so much more potential! The only thing that's good about it is that he didn't die, making him technically one of the longest surviving characters in Yakuza which really is a great achievement.
Okay, we don't exactly know that he's still alive, but assuming due to there not being a mention of him being dead, he's probably alive. He might be, might not. Schrödinger's Arase.
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One other thing I thought about is Jo Amon. I mean, his outfit and fight style is also similar to Arase, but that's not what I'm mainly thinking about. So the name Amon is for the greatest assassins, right? And they have a strong hatred against Kiryu at the beginning too.
So, putting those things together, Arase being a former assassin in the Nishikiyama Family, then the leader of a dangerous hitman organisation... Then, to fight Jo Amon in Yakuza 3 you also need to do all the hitman missions other than the substories and the IF7 fights. And to start the search for Amon, you also need to go to Ibuki again, where you got all the other hitman missions.
Yeah, it's a bit far fetched, but ... not too far fetched to think that maybe Arase and at least Jo Amon could know each other. I'd say, they could team up in a future game but. Well... Yeah.
Now some more things I thought about, I'll put a warning here though.
Yakuza LaD spoilers ahead!
Soooo, in this game we've gotten a couple of characters "back" ... Some more real than others... Thinking about Joon Gi's body double.
But one character that survived is Kashiwagi! Now the bartender of a bar named Survive. What a fitting name. After surviving such a heavy attack and believed dead by, well, everyone, it was the best approach to keep a low profile, start a new life. Also, he doesn't seem to be fit for any fighting after the incident.
So Kashiwagi is still there. And, now I just thought about, what if there was a possible redemption arc for Arase? Kiryu is believed dead now too, alone the fact that it seems that Kiryu never met Kashiwagi while being in the same area is kinda sad. I like to imagine they met each other...
I think it could go either way, Arase somehow got information on Kiryu being in Ijincho. He is a professional after all. Plus, by now Kiryu is also, well, not really working with... but. You know, not fighting with the Amon Clan anymore, even having Shin Amon to help determine Ichibans strength with the (True) Final Millennium Tower.
And, now, maybe there can be some other comnecting inside the Amon Clan and some info got out to Arase, ah, hell, I don't know, it's all so far fetched but I just like to have those possible headcanons of Arase somehow coming back!
Another possibility could also be Arase thinking Kiryu has died, just per chance being in the area and just going to the Survive bar? He'd probably be way more open about the thought of redemption and with Kashiwagi probably being pretty good at talking former Yakuza into that, given how the whole HLA was his doing.
Just... Thinking about possible things.
Yakuza LaD spoilers end here!
Well. That's that.
At the end of the day, the chances of Arase returning are pretty much 0, other characters you never thought of reappearing sometimes appear in one way or another, so it can be possible, but probably won't.
But one thing is clear, looking more into this character made me really appreciate him more. I guess that's the fact with a lot of characters, not just in Yakuza, but in general.
The characters in Yakuza are just so well written and even though it has some very weird and silly plot points and plot twists, I just love this game so much and looking more into it and replaying it is just so much fun.
I even started to like the minigames in Yakuza 3, even though I got very hopeless at the last pool opponent and the goddamn Mahjong completion, ugh. But at the end of the day it's all just really fun once you get the hang of it. It hasn't aged too well when you play it after the other Yakuza games, but replaying it on all the difficulties and then casually, then trying to beat it as fast as I can just made me love the game more and more every time.
So, uh... I don't know if it's a blessing or curse for me to often really like the characters that either everyone hates or have almost to screen time. Because well... there's such a lack of content and appreciation but hey that's what I'm writing this for!
I hope maybe someone starts to appreciate Arase more after this - if anyone even reads further after learning that I love this character. :D' I swear I tried to write it with as little bias as possible. I do know he's a morally very very grey character but after all, it's a video game character. (...There's no way I'll ever like characters like Yoneda...Ogita...Or Kume though... ugh)
Well anyway, with that, I go!
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
The New Apprentice Part 10
Maul x Sith Reader 
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Word Count: 2.6k
WARNINGS: Pining, death canon and non-canon, blood
       Maul had given into your desires as he stayed behind on Zanbar while you boarded one of the Death Watch ships with Savage and Vizsla. You scoffed at the loosely hanging Pyke robes attempting to pin them back so the extra fabric wouldn't get in your way. Savage was muttering specifics with Bo closer the rear of the ship while Vizsla eyed you.
"Allow me." He sauntered over to you and expertly gathered some of the fabric behind your back, fastening it with a safety pin.
"A warrior, leader and seamster I presume." Slightly annoyed how your flesh reacted to touch. Only your master had touched you outside of combat for the first time in years. You weren't attracted to this human. Your body simply reacted because of biology, or something, you reasoned.
"I'm sure you'll come to find I'm a man of many talents." He hummed with a smirk on his face.
    He dug the mask out of your pack and held it in his hands, looking deeply into the eye holes with a stoic look on his face.
"I need to ask a favor of you." His tone was firm but some kind of anxiety lay behind it. You narrowed your eyes at him expecting bile to spring from his lips.
"I know you are powerful, a gifted fighter and I'm assuming strong with the ways of the Sith." You had no clue where he was going with this so when he paused you waited, searching his eyes for something his words didn't tell you.
"What I don't know is what stake you have in this... conflict."
"What is the favor you're dodging around Mandalorian?"
"These aren't your people. This isn't your planet. Although your current role in this siege is to make a fuss for us to stop, I ask that the chaos you spur on sticks to the script. These are my people; this is my home. I know civilians will die and I know buildings will burn but please... please don't destroy everything. I may not be a force user but I can sense that, you could."
    You sighed. Why does he have to care? In a way he reminded you of the Nightbrother you loved. Commanding, fierce, taking what he wants. But encased with a hard exterior that cracked, leaking a gentle and soft core. You shook your head. Why must men be these complicated yet predictable creatures. You'd much rather go back to viewing everyone in the same light as the slaver except for Savage and Maul. It was so much easier that way, but you couldn't.
"I assure you. No one who doesn't need to die to get the point across will fall by my blades."
    He actually looked relieved. Much too trusting this bald and scarred man was. You weren't lying but how could he tell?
"Thank you."
    He handed you the mask, just hardly brushing his fingers against yours. Your skin still tingled when he pulled away and walked to the cockpit. You were thanking the stars that your Master had stayed on Zanbar. Simply biology. You continued to sooth yourself. Maul may not have sensed it but Savage not far from you definetly did.
    He would never say anything about it however. He understood the wanting of the heart and the body often intertwined but were also separate. He held no romantic love for you but sometimes when you sparred something would stir in his belly that had nothing to do with his heat cycle. It's probably a touch starvation symptom. He knew this but also knew that Maul wouldn't be so understanding if he ever found out so he wouldn't say a word.
       You had stowed away with a few Pykes in a cargo container currently being lowered onto the shipping docks. The four of you smiled and chuckled with an excited anticipation. You had given your sabers to Savage remembering the discussion that took place in the makeshift strategy tent on the moon once everyone had left but the three of you.
"We need Vizsla to be the face of our rule so the Jedi are none the wiser until I'm ready for them to come." Maul seethed in that velvety growl that never failed to make you tremble.
"One Sith causing trouble, especially if he leaves no survivors won't give us away but two or three? They'd come in full force and we aren't ready for that just yet."
The grip on your newly acquired viroblades tightened. Of course, he was right. Your master was always right. A slight wave of guilt for doubting his reasoning in the first place tugged at your heart.
    You had almost lost yourself in your thoughts when the cargo entrance opened, revealing several Mandalorian guards. Every cargo container down the line burst open with Pykes pouring out, pointing blasters at the shocked men in uniform. You slashed open the throat of the one nearest you, blood spurting from his neck and spraying your loth wolf mask.
"Surrender, these docks are now under the control of the Pyke syndicate," the leader of this faction spoke smoothly.
    The remaining guards nodded furiously with their arms in the air, glancing down at their slowly dying brother as he writhed, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. You threw your knife and stuck it square between his eyes just to quiet his chocked groans.
    Within a matter of hours many 'hot spots' were taken under various syndicate control. The Pykes had taken the docks. The Black Suns had control of a number of public meeting grounds, leaving the city center for Death Watch to make an appearance. Savage was currently overtaking the banks with members of the Hutt Clan's minions. All was going according to your master's plan.
    The following day you had hidden away your costume and disappeared into the crowd of citizens as the Duchess made her address to the people. Of course, she tried to calm them, ordering they wait this out, refusing to retaliate. You rolled your eyes so hard they could've fallen out of your head. She's making this so fucking easy.
    But when Vizsla broke the skyline, hovering in front of her with his guard your stomach turned at the sight. She couldn't have been quicker to accuse him of these attacks which if course he denied. He turned to speak to his people, giving a proper introduction and spoke with authority. He kept his speech short and strong. Promising to save the planet that the Duchess had so easily and eagerly weakened. You could sense the relief and admiration from the thousands gathered in the city center through the force just before cries of joy echoed throughout. It made your heart flutter. Surely you were just picking up on the peoples' emotions you reasoned.
    Slowly but surely across the city members of Death Watch were rescuing the guards and citizens from their false imprisonment. Effectively dropping Pre Vizsla's name once the scripted gangsters were in custody.
    You tore away from the main vault just before Savage activated the detonator. "Keep up you weaklings!" He called to the Pykes as the two of you led the retreat eliciting a feral giggle from you. The both of you were throwing bystanders over the rail as you ran. Only one out of five actually fell to their death before they could be saved by the surviving guard.
You're supposed to rid the galaxy of fear not ignite it!
    The voice boomed in your mind causing you to halt just around the corner, shaking your head furiously, confused. Death Watch was waiting for you as planned. It was Vizsla himself who fought Savage with the dark saber. Coming out of your confused stupor only sent you reeling into a new one at the sight. It was choreographed for sure but still, you did love a man who could wield a weapon of the sort. He submit Savage and turned his attention to you with a smirk on his face. Thanking the gods that the mask hid your blush as a binding cable shot out of his gauntlet, tethering around you. You fell to your knees and although that was the plan, your emotions had clouded you and it was not necessarily a false win on his part.
    At this point of the plan Maul wanted you to keep a close eye on the Death Watch leader. Vizsla had his own reasons for wanting you by his side so it took little convincing for him to lend you some spare armor and a helmet as he stormed the palace with you and his team. As predicted, Satine didn't struggle and he shot you a victorious glance nudging his elbow into you. You couldn't stop the bubble of excitement as it manifested itself in a stifled giggle.
    That night you stood by his side on the tallest terrace while Savage, the leaders of the Pykes and the Black Suns knelt in binders below. The crowd of Mandalorians chanted Vizsla's name as Bo Kataan addressed them, announcing that Vizsla would lead them forward if the people would accept him which they whole heartedly did.
"Its gone even better than I could've hoped."
    You turned your helmeted head to face him. The voice you heard just before your capture never stopped echoing in your mind. You knew this was wrong. Your role in it anyway. You shoved your subconscious down deeply inside yourself as you responded to him.
"The people love you. They think you saved them."
"I wouldn't be where I am without you."
"Or without the Pykes, without the Hutts or the Black Suns. Truly at its root you wouldn't be here without my Master. I fear you forget, he orchestrated all of this. You'd still be on that moon grasping at straws without him." You straightened your back and looked back towards the crowd calming the storm that raged within you. Sensing his twinge of displeasure through the force as your loyalty was solidified before him.
      In the throne room Maul finally joined your band of criminals. You quickly returned to his side earning an approving glance from him. Vizsla's eyes narrowed finally understanding exactly how far your loyalty lay with your master.
"Good of you to join us Lord Maul." His annoyance was adamant and you felt something uneasy stir in you. Maul seemed to sense it as well as Vizsla's guards slowly formed a half circle behind you.
"The transition of power will be seamless; we now have the support of the people and Satine to bait Kenobi." Vizsla continued, confident as ever. "With his demise our deal will be complete."
Maul crossed his arms over his chest inadvertently flexing his biceps and his chest as he rumbled.
"Your oversight requires correction... we now have a base, an army and the means to expand into other neutral systems."
Vizsla scoffed. "It wasn't an oversight. It was intentional. I don't have an interest in another systems. Your vision no longer matters."
With blasters pointed at your heads you and your master growled as the members of Death Watch placed you in binders while Vizsla took the throne.
"Oh don't fret, I'll still honor our deal. Kenobi will be dealt with but now you'll do as I say." You snarled at his words. You fucking hated the way your arms were trapped behind you. Baring your teeth, you shot daggers into him as he turned his attention to you, an almost pained look in his eyes.
"You however darling I will give one and only one chance to rid yourself of this angry brute." He loosely waved his hand in Maul’s direction. Your Master's pupils dilated and his chest vibrated in fury.
"Join me. Rule by my side and I will give you everything you could ever want." He extended his hand out to you as Bo Kataan reluctantly guided you to him.
    Maul roared with a bestial, primal rage filled roar that shook the windows while his guard pressed the blaster harder into the back of his head. You smirked and leaned forward so your face was inches apart from the false king and you hummed seductively.
"You sweet, foolish human man. You have nothing I could ever want. You will never have anything I could ever want." You straightened and cleared your throat, spitting in his face.
    He angrily wiped the spit off of his cheek as Bo fired her blaster that had been set to stun, dropping you to the floor at his feet.
"It’s a shame really." Vizsla grieved. "Such a waste of someone so beautiful and powerful." He kicked you down the stairs that led to the throne.
"Take them away!"
  "We still have time to put in place a ruler that will bend to our will. By putting us in prison he has only placed us within reach of viable candidates." You stirred at your Master's whispers.
"Then we shall find one!" Patience gone from Savage's tone, you opened your eyes and took in your surroundings. A thick glass door, starkly bright white walls of the small cell the three of you were crammed into. You sat up on the cold bench you had been resting on. Rubbing your temple as Maul sat beside you wrapping one arm around your waist.
"Your loyalty to me is astounding and appreciated my young apprentice. You will be rewarded in due time." He traced your jawline with a finger while he turned his attention back to Savage.
"Calm yourself brother we will find one. Vizsla has imprisoned the Duchess here and various other political figures who will serve our purposes well."
"Hey! Quiet you monsters." A guard called out to the three of you.
"Savage, I wish a tour of this facility."
    Maul helped you to your feet and Savage smirked, using the force to shatter the glass subsequently launching the mouthy guard over the rail and far down below. Without your sabers you reached your hand out to one more guard as he gripped at his throat. Your teeth bared you clenched your fist pulling a delicious crunching sound from his now limp body, tossing it aside.
    Once you found the Duchess it didn't take long for her to point you directly to the kind of man you sought. She had thought she was being clever, sassy and insulting but like all other areas in her life; she failed.
"Thanks blondie." You taunted as the three of you made your way to the next cell. The former Prime Minister called Almec was confused that Maul was interested in him and the cause of his imprisonment. Once he explained that he was here on charges of corruption for dealing in the black market his suspicion that you were in league with Vizsla was satiated at the death of a third guard. Killed by Savage for firing a stray blast in their direction.
"I can see you are powerful but how would you overthrow Vizsla? Just the three of you?"
"He is a solider therefor bound by honor. I will challenge him to single combat and once I defeat him, take possession of the Dark Saber, the Death Watch will follow my rule. You will then act as my puppet, ruling falsely in my stead while I take control in the shadows."
"Yes. Yes that will work. According to the ancient laws of Mandalore his men will be bound to follow you."
    The four of you smiled with determination as you led Almec from his cell, killing the few and far between guards that stood in your way of the throne room.
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Can you write something in which the RFA learns about Jumin's mother, it just irks me that they don't realize the damage they unintentionally perpetuated with the way they treat him. Specially Zen, I'm sure they'll be baffled if they just knew...
YES this one is amazing actually, I'd love for them to understand him better bc they do treat my man poorly :'(
RFA finding out about Jumin's mother (mentions of emotional abuse)
After a year of being together, you and Jumin decided to move out of the penthouse and go and live at his old childhood home. You were a bit nervous about the whole change, but Jumin assured you that it was all going to be alright.
You fell in love with the house as soon as you saw it, and that night as you laid in your bedroom with Jumin, you talked about the place, and about your future.
"This is the place I'd want to raise our children." He murmured against your skin that night, and you smiled as you imagined the happy future that would await the two of you.
A few weeks later, after the two of you had gotten everything ready, you decided to do a housewarming party, and so, you invited the whole RFA.
You handed out appetisers with Jaehee by your side, as Jumin and V chatted, probably catching up after a while of not seeing each other. Yoosung was talking with Saeran, while Zen was dramatically moaning in the corner as Saeyoung played with Elly and tried to get her as close as Zen as possible.
After you were done eating, Yoosung stood up from the sofa. "Oh! Hey guys, you haven't even done a house tour yet, that's the most important thing!"
Jumin looked at Yoosung. "Hmm... a house tour? I don't see why not. Are you alright with it love?" He asked you and you nodded, standing up from your spot and grabbing Jaehee's hand.
"I'm actually pretty excited to show you all around! C'mon!" You said as you led everyone out of the living room and showed them around the rooms.
Everytime you showed the group a new room, Yoosung would let out a gasp and moan about how lucky the two of you were to have such a giant house, while Zen would scoff and say, "why do you even have these many rooms? I bet you don't even use them all."
Eventually you all made it up to the third floor, where you showed them your room and the guest rooms. As you explained to Jaehee and V what you wanted to do with one of the rooms (you wanted to build your own office and were asking for their input on the decorations) Yoosung found a room at the top of some small stairs and slowly opened it.
"Woah what's this!?" He asked as he went inside, with Zen following behind him.
"Oi, trust fund kid, why is there a room full of creepy toys?" Zen said, and then Saeyoung whistled as he looked around.
"You know this looks as if it was from those creepy horror movies where the kid dies in here or something and becomes a ghost to haunt everyone! Saeran look at these toys!"
The younger twin only rolled his eyes but did agree that it was a pretty creepy place.
You had never really seen the room before, so you were really confused too. You looked at Jumin and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Jumin, did you know this was here?" You asked, and he nodded.
You exchanged a look with V, since it was pretty clear Jumin was feeling a bit uncomfortable. You cleared your throat trying to get the other guy's attention.
"Hey everyone, why don't we go downstairs now? I think lunch is ready."
Yoosung popped his head out from the room, an elephant plush on his hand. "Awww but I was actually having fun! Besides, Jumin hasn't even explained why you have this place.... wait." He looked you up and down and let out a small scream. "MC DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE PREGNANT!? SINCE WHEN, AND SO EARLY!? YOU TWO AREN'T EVEN MARRIED, I MEAN CONGRATS BU-"
Zen immediately walked out of the room and gaped at you, then he glared at Jumin.
"OH MY GOD CAN I NAME THE BABY?!" Saeyoung screamed from behind and you sighed. Jaehee, thankfully cleared her throat and quieted the guys down.
"Why don't we listen to what MC wants to say instead of coming up with random conclusions? And Saeyoung, stop touching the toys, please we don't know if they hold a special meaning to Jumin."
You gave her a grateful smile and then looked at Jumin. "Well, I don't exactly know what this place is, but I am definetly not pregnant! We aren't ready for that yet haha. Anyways, maybe Jumin doesn't really want to talk about this place, so why don't we go back down?"
The boys let out a disappointed sigh but started leaving the room in a single line, and you were about to nag them when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Jumin, who was giving you a small smile.
"It's alright love, thank you. I think I can tell them...after all they're my friends and I trust them."
Saeyoung let out a whoop and held a small duck finger puppet he had found inside.
"Yes! I can't wait to listen to what crazy things Jumin used to do as a child, I mean, this used to be your play room right?? What I don't get though is why it's in an actual basement, and the reason it feels so gloomy...you didn't murder someone in here did you!?"
"Saeyoung please." V spoke up from behind him and looked towards Jumin's direction, a worried expression on his face. "Jumin, you don't have to tell them, why don't we go and eat?"
Jumin shook his head and smiled at his friend. "It's fine. Like I said before, the RFA is a group I whole heatedly trust, and I'm alright with telling them. They did ask after all."
"What's the big deal?" Zen grunted. "This was probably just a room where he would play. That's all. Although I have to admit I'm surprised you even have a whole toy room for yourself. I didn't think you were one to play with toys."
Jumin smiled, although you could see that it was a sort of sad, forced sort of smile.
"You're correct, I wasn't the sort of kid that used to play with toys. Instead, I loved to read and investigate about things that intrigued me. I also enjoyed studying."
Zen scoffed. "Of course, so you had a whole room full of toys that you never used. Seriously, do you rich people care that little about everyone else? There must've been plenty of kids without any toys at home that would've killed for a room like this."
"Zen." You glared at him and he stopped, a guilty look appearing briefly on his face.
"I'm just saying..."
"Love, it's fine. He's right in a way." Jumin said. "These toys were a sort of...present from my mother. She didn't like that I wasn't like other kids, that I didn't really play with toys. So she decided to buy a bunch of them and give them to me, to see if I would finally play with them. I didn't really find them interesting though, so that only made her more exasperated in a way. To this day I don't really understand what would make her so angry but it did. She ended up filling the basement with toys and then she would lock me up in here for hours to try and get me to play with them."
You felt your eyes widen, and everyone in the RFA stood in silence as they listened to Jumin who was saying all of this in a really nonchalant way.
"Jumin...I didn't know. For how long would she lock you up?" You asked, and Jumin shrugged.
"Sometimes it'd be between four hours, if not more. One time she locked me for 15 hours straight."
"That's horrible!" You gasped. And Jumin caressed your cheek. "Jumin I'm, I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have...I'm sorry." You buried your face in his chest and hugged him tight.
"It's alright love, it's all in the past now. And I don't mind sharing it with the RFA. They're my friends and it's fine if they know. Now, why don't we go and eat? I'm sure you're all starving."
The whole group was suddenly startled by Jumin's sudden mood change but they nodded, unable to really say anything. You decided to leave downstairs first with V.
Yoosung quickly put the toy back in the room and shyly glanced up at Jumin, a guilty look on his face. "I'm...I'm sorry Jumin. We really shouldn't have been so nosy."
"Yeah... Yoosung's right." Saeyoung said from beside him, his tone serious. Jumin noticed that Saeyoung had a dark expression on his face, just like Saeran, as if they were suddenly remembering something. Saeyoung looked at Jumin and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for joking about it. I'm sure it was hard...especially to tell us. Sorry for making you remember that...that horrible thing your mother used to do...no one should ever go through that."
Jumin smiled at his friend. "Like I said, it's alright. You all didn't know, and I trust you enough to tell you. I don't mind that you asked at all."
Yoosung and Saeyoung nodded, and gave Jumin encouraging smiles before following you downstairs. As Jaehee passed by she nodded at Jumin and looked as if she wanted to say something, but instead, she reluctantly grabbed his hand and squeezed.
Jumin felt himself taken aback for a bit, after all Jaehee had never really touched him like that before, and the only times she did, it was because they were shaking hands as boss and employee.
But this time, it was different. Jaehee was now touching him as a friend. Jumin felt his heart warm, happy at the thought of Jaehee seeing him as a friend and treating him as one.
She quickly let go and walked downstairs followed by Saeran who gave Jumin a nod.
Jumin looked back at the room and was about to close the door, when he noticed Zen standing stiffly behind him.
"Zen?" He asked, and the young actor only huffed, his face suddenly becoming red.
"Uhm. I...listen. This is the only time I'm saying this, and I'm not going to repeat myself alright? So pay attention. I'm...I'm sorry about the whole basement thing. Uhm, like Seven said, we shouldn't have tried to pry into your business like that."
Jumin felt the corners of his mouth twitch, but he tried his best to keep a serious expression. "Thank you Zen. To be frank, I'm surprised that you're actually apologizing for this, it wasn't really your fault."
Zen huffed. "Idiot, I'm apologizing because I made fun of the situation without knowing anything about it. And...I mean...I am also apologizing because I might've been too harsh in you all this time. Don't get me wrong, I still think you're a brat that has always had a silver spoon on his mouth, but I guess I never thought you might've dealt with some... pretty heavy stuff too." He blushed and tried to look anywhere that wasn't Jumin, who didn't know if he should laugh or just look at Zen in surprise.
"...I probably shouldn't be saying this but, I'm glad you told us. At least now I know that you're human like the rest of us and not a robot." Zen tried to joke, and Jumin smiled.
"I certainly am not, but I'm glad that your opinion towards me has changed. I still find it strange though that you would think I'm a robot, after all, currently it isn't possible to actually make a full functioning machine that behaves like a human. Actually if there was one then I'd like to know, maybe having a robot working on C&R would help us raise stocks even more than usual, I have to ask assistant Kang to-"
"Alright shut up, I get it, I get it. Anyway we should go downstairs, the rest are probably waiting for us to start lunch."
Zen quickly walked down but before he could completely leave Jumin grabbed his arm, making Zen freeze and glare at him.
"What?" He said.
Jumin chuckled. "Nothing. I'm just glad we got to understand each other better today."
Zen scoffed. "I...yeah whatever. And I mean...like I said I'm glad you told me. I know what it's like to...to have a parent force their ideas on you. I just want you to know that I understand. I-I mean, I still despise you but...listen next time just tell us something like that, don't keep it inside. You're...you're our friend after all and we do worry."
Jumin couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face, and Zen coverrd his mouth with the back of his hand. "Yeah, yeah laugh all you want. Just don't tell anyone else that I told you this or I swear I'll never speak to you again."
Jumin chuckled. "Alright I won't."
"Good." Zen started going down the stairs.
"Hey Zen." Jumin said, making Zen sigh and look back at him with an eyebrow raised.
"You're a good friend. Thank you."
Zen felt himself blush once again and he quickly mumbled a 'you're welcome', then he quickly went downstairs.
Jumin locked the basement doors and went to the living room, where the RFA was talking. He smiled as he saw his group of friends joking around and teasing each other.
Thankfully the mood became lighter during lunch, and Jumin enjoyed talking with his friends. He was happy to be in a room full of people that he cared about deeply, and he felt even happier when you reached for his hand under the table and gave him a big smile.
The RFA behaved differently towards Jimin from that day on. It wasn't a bad different, but instead they started treating him like an actual person, that could have feelings and could joke around. From that day on Zen, Jumin and the twins definetly became closer, and even if Zen didn't want to admit it, he had really become fond of Jumin.
Eventually, you wanted to know what to do with the room, and Jumin decided to turn it into a nursery for your future kids.
"Jumin I...are you sure?" You asked him, and he nodded.
"I don't want to pass by that place and only remember the bad things. This time I want to make good memories in there, with you, and with our future family. I promise that I will try my best for all of you."
You smiled and kissed his nose. "Thank you Jumin. I'm sure that you'll be a great father, and I can't wait to start that new phase with you. Of course we have to get married first."
He chuckled and nuzzled your nose. "Yes, and I can't wait for the day where I get to call you my wife. I love you MC."
"I love you too Jumin."
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partnersatfazbear · 3 years
Fazbear Frights: What We Found Analysis
Here’s my analysis for What We Found, the third story in Gumdrop Angel. I wrote this as I read so it may be a little different than my previous analysis where I read the story first and went back.
If you’re a Michael Afton fan I highly recommend this. Also, there’s possibly some insight into William Afton, Mrs. Afton, and Henry too, so it’s worth a skim.
Pg 144 '...a place thirty-some years forgotten' Just reconfirming FNAF 3 is 30 years past *one* of the FNAF closings, presumably FNAF 2 location.
Pg 145 "The whole building was giving him [Hudson] a headache." FIX THE VENTILATION BRUH
Pg 148 '...they were able to use salvaged derelict equiptment original to the old pizzerias.' Another confirmation of something we heard from Phone Guy.
Pg 147 "How old are you?" "Twenty-three, same as you." I think this gives us Michael's age during FNAF 3.
EDIT: This kept me awake last night. Obviously this is impossible because he has to be alive for at least 10 years before 1983, BUT maybe its just reconfirming FNAF 3′s year? 2023?
Pg 149 "Hudsan's dad died and his mom married Lewis, a ridiculous balding man who wore plaid vests and smoked a pipe" Did... Did this book just seriously imply Mrs. Afton left William for Henry? Really? (Yes, there's differences; the husband is dead and the man wears plaid 'vests' but it seems very odd to include that detail. This could just have been the writer's own imagination, though.) I have seen this as a fan theory and 100% explains the jealousy aspect of William, but I can't help but kinda hate it. I think this is very important, though, and probably Scott's intention. "This horrible little man [Lewis]... would make Hudson's next ten years a living Hell" This REALLY intrigues me given the context I just went over. The text implies Lewis was fairly neglectful to our main character / Michael stand-in Hudson. Maybe I'm wrong and for some reason Mrs. Emily left and went to William? XD Haha, I'm reading too much into this page. Maybe I'll come back to this later. I figure it's more of Scott possibly including double-details (contradicting stuff with the same character that really applies to two, which has been something I heavily pointed out in previous anaylsis on this blog) Having said that, I'm going w/the former because I can't imagine Henry being abusive (neglectful yes, abusive no) and he's never been portrayed that way in official works like William has in the novels.
Pg 150 "Hudson began to screw up in class...a product of spending the night in fear that his stepfather [Lewis]... [would] beat him just for the fun of it." Ooof. Big confirm on William actually being abusive. Unless we stick with the Henry theory for Lewis (combined with Midnight Motorist Henry theory / alcoholic). "...near-daily beatings..." "his mom started taking pills to get through the day..." So, whoever Mrs. Afton is, she was definetly not paying attention. But then, most people married to serial killers either don't notice because of denial (like this) or because the killer is so manipulative / careful they can't notice.
"Barry, who had red hair and freckles..." Yo?! Is that a description of Fritz?! These friends in the story could be the other kids Michael knew's stand-in's, aka the two gravestones with names he used (Fritz and Jeremy), as shown in the checks for the games and FNAF 6. I've long figured Michael was probably friends with the victims--it makes them easier, although riskier, targets [for William]. The two friends are male, too, like Fritz and Jeremy. If you're curious about Duane's description (our stand in for Jeremy), it's "tight black shirt... muscles... black hair long enough for a glossy ponytail..." I'm not sure if this matches anything found in the novels or contradicts them, though. (The novels = TSE trilogy)
"And so it went... until the night of the fire." For context, this is before FF burns down. We're learning of Hudson's life from his close friends in childhood, his father's death, his mother remarrying, to his abusive stepfather, to his grades slipping to this line. This would be a new fire not seen/mentioned in the games...
Pg 151 "...go to Charlie's for a sundae..." Really. Really Scott. Just gonna use this name again. OK. I'm not even gonna discuss this because it's probably irrelevant. *This is confirmed on pg 158 to be an ice cream shop. No lore relevance aside the annoying name coincidences Scott loves to troll with.
"This is not... an advance into enemy territory, a fight with demons, or a descent into Hell..." Uh, what? What is Hudson talking about? XD I'm only noting it because it seems so out of place. He's probably talking about video games or something.
Another note, although I don't have a specific reference since it is mentioned off-hand many times, is that Hudson keeps referring to his "history" which is implied to have kept him from getting a well-paying job and a girl he's crushing on doesn't know this "history" which is good for him. Seems good old "Michael Stand-In" has done some jail time or something. Edit: On pg 154/155 the girl asks Hudson, "Did you do it?" Seems he may have killed his stepfather or been involved with something else just as bad. Edit 2: No, I was thinking too deep into it. This probably refers to Evan's death at Fredbear's. DUH.
Pg 156 describes an actual "prize corner" in FF! What am I even reading? IIRC this is in FNAF 3, too. So they just hand out these scary gift boxes to people that complete the attraction? (Hudson says he *would* have fun handing out the scary toys to kids when this location opens--kind of a bully thing to do, eh?)
"[Hudson] avoid[ed] glancing in any of the mirrors..." I'm only pointing this out because it could be reference to one of two things. 1) We know because of one of UCN's music tracks, William has a fear of his reflection. Michael probably shares this trait, especially since 2) after Ennard and all... and later on pg 157 it also says, "he never wanted to face: himself" Sounds like guilt, my guy.
Pg 157 "blonde hair... blue eyes..." Hudson shares an eye color with Michael. It's possible Michael had blonde hair as a child and it changed to brown (it's common, something I personally went through being technically blonde/ blue eyed myself)
"He [Hudson] knew from personal experience that toys could turn from fun...to torture ina heart-beat" Fairly self explanatory. Either Hudson's worked at a creepy location before or he doesn't like remembering Fredbear's.
*checks how much is left.* There's still 35 pages (not counting back/front) left of this... This is gonna be a lot of notes.
Pg 158 Hudson doesn't have a car. Poor Mike, probably having to walk everywhere. Especially as a corpse.
Pg 160 This page describes many physical issues Hudson has that prevents him from entering the Navy, all from the abuse of Lewis. Obvious paralell to Michael becoming an undead [because his father sent him to CBPR indirectly causing his condition]
Pg 161 "How's your granny, Hud?... ...Is she still alive?" "I don't think she can die." Does anyone in the Afton family really 'die'? XD
Pg 162 These few pages discuss Hudson's grandmother. She's described as "a seer who claimed to know the future... ...wore big men's plaid flannel shirts with baggy jeans" Um, more plaid / flannel? AGH. STAHP. Lowkey, I would totally headcanon my Aunt Jen like this, though.
Pg 163 "Hudson's mom... the way she was before Hudson's dad had died... never... particularly warm and fuzzy... but... effiencient and responsible..." More about Mrs. Afton, so that's kinda neat.
"Hudson's dad was fun and attentive." There's a good Dad in this series?
"Unfortunetly, he also struggled with mental illness." "invisible low points" (Pg 164) Kinda reminds me of how Henry is described after Charlotte's death in the books.
Pg 164 "When Steven got himself into a bad deal that cost him his small business... he'd taken his life." Oh, it is Henry! SMH. Way to use confusing paralells. So, from our understanding thus far, Hudson's real father, Steven, is our Henry stand-in. His step-father despite being described similar to Henry, is actually our William stand-in. Fair game, Scott.
Pg 164 "...he [Hudson] was locked into a supply closet..." Oh shit, you guys. So, let me go on a tangent here, because this IS important! I just watched a retrospective on Sister Location and FNAF 6 earlier and one theory for Midnight Motorist was the person in the chair was the mother and the kid was Michael. I think this little line may confirm that. In fact, the story may be the key to figuring things out. Obviously, the line is a paralell to FNAF 4's scene in which Crying Child was locked in the supply closet of Fredbear's. I know some people, including Matpat, believe[d] CC was Michael, and in this book's context, it sort of works. This does contradict Step Closer and 1000 other things that make Michael the older brother, but maybe it's hinting at MM? Abusive stepdad (possibly Henry... maybe William is gone at this point), checked out Mom (hey, grey couch lady with Foxybro's font). IDK, but its definetly something to think about.
Pg 165 Lewis is mentioned as calling Hudson "nothing" and saying "you're nothing" on several occasions on this page. Just more abuse, for those accurate fanfic writers like me. Also I kinda wanna watch Morel Orel again. Yall know my fav character is Clay. Yall know.
"You're smoke." <-- Lewis / The text later reads, "...there was some irony, given what eventually happened." BRUH. Why did your stepdad die in a fire? :V TELL ME.
"When his family's house burned down at the end of his senior year..." Huh. Is there a fire we don't know about in the game-verse? Could this explain what happened to the FNAF 4 house before MM house?!
"...it purged Hudson of Lewis and his mother." MRS. AFTON BURNED ALIVE, TOO? Bruh. I can't with this story.
The text later describes the fire is concluded to be man-made and Hudson was blamed for it. Can't say if this ties to Michael, but it IS interesting... TBF, there is a small paralell to draw between Henry in FNAF 6 and his history of suicide in the books, too.
Pg 166 "...this place's [FF] busted thermostat.." I just find this line funny.
Pg 167 "...after three weeks of keeping an eye on the place" Some more timeline context for FNAF 3. We know that Michael worked there a little while before we start playing the game thanks to one of the phone calls, IIRC, so this makes sense. If Michael was accused of [something] and also wanting to hunt down his father, then it makes perfect sense why he's working a dead end job at Freddy's over and over and over. Fun fun fun.
Pg 169 "He hated to think about a functional character [Foxy]" This line is in regards to Hudson not liking the set up of Pirate's Cove and Foxy's hook to scare people. Sounds familiar, don't it? (For Michael anyway.)
Pg 173 "Some big find is arriving tomorrow." SPRINGY BOI! COME ON BOOK, get on with the show?
Pg 176 "Granny was wearing a red-and-green plaid shirt and her baggy jeans." Nothing special, but it was specifically brought up twice. I'm kind of racking my brain trying to understand what the point of this character is outside of "woooo everything is haunted don't you know that" kind of character.
Pg 180 "...dropped the crate on the linoleum with a resounding thud." HEY. Poor Springtrap, just gettin' tossed around like the trash he is.
Pg 186 "If you weren't so stupid, I'd tell you more about it." Springtrap bringing the burn. =:)
"A voice with a burr-like rasp...hint of a Southern accent" I'm going to assume this is because it's Lewis probably in the suit in this story and not our old British lad.
"It's was Mr. Atkin's voice." THE MATH TEACHER? *goes back to check* 'The algebra teacher'. Okay...
Pg 190 Okay, so Hudson hear's Lewis' voice this time. Okay, I get it now. Springtrap in this kind of imbodies all of Hudson's old bullies, including the teacher. He also has PTSD, just FYI. IDK if anyone finds that important, but it's fairly obvious by the line "He wasn't in his bedroom. Lewis didn't just slam his head into a desk; his head had been slammed into the [arcade] game."
"Why did he hallucinate a scene from his childhood?" Oh, it's not PTSD, then. It's just the VENTILATION ERROR. lol Okay.
Just a note, as I'm reading through the more action-based stuff, I kind of feel bad for Michael if he had flashbacks like this guy. They're intense.
So, Lewis' voice finally comes out of Springtrap on Pg 213. There's that.
Pg 220 "You can just stay there [in his room]" Kind of a paralell to Midnight Motorist. Lewis is saying it to Hudson. I really feel like the kid in the MM game is Michael because of this story...
Pg 223 "Heat purges. Fire heals." I'm sure that's Henry's life motto.
The ending was stupid, but most in these stories are. Hudson is hallucinating and is implied to have burned himself alive in FF's oven. Meh? The first half of this one is A TRIP and a little insight into what I 100% believe is Michael's childhood. I think the saddest part of it all is that we never got Springtrap speaking to Michael in FNAF 3--and if it's ever remade I hope we get more of them interacting.
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shiningmystic · 3 years
Pick-a-card General Tarot Reading- What do you need to know? 🧐☀️❤️
~ By ShiningMysticTarot 🌞
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Hello lovely spirits! My name is Elpitha and I will be giving you general information on what you need to know right now! Know that whenever you see this, it will apply to you. If not now then later 😉 This is a message from your spirit guides, angels and your galactic family! Mother Earth popped in as well to give you some guidance! Hope your days have been full of happiness!
Now for the cards:
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Pick a card
Pile 1: Fluorite
Pile 2: Red Jasper
Pile 3: Tigers eye
You can pick more than one if more are calling to you! There is definetly a mix of energies so possibly pick another one of the other doesn’t apply! Don’t be afraid to pick another pile if more than one calling to you! When I pick a pile; I close my eyes and use my third eye visualizing the cards and seeing if a pile is “heavy” with energy like if it’s dark and heavier compared to the others or one that’s springing up with energy and “floating” compared to the others. From there I usually see one of the other or both if I need extra guidance. I’m sorry if you can’t use visualization as a key component in sensing out piles but that’s just a way for others who do visualize. If any of you non visualization people want to let me know what you do, I would love to listen and learn!
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Pile 1:
Your Numbers: 5, 55, 2, 11, 3
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There is a need to balance your masculine and feminine energy (yin and yang). You have been way to focused on “the doing” then anything else meaning you are rushing ahead and not listening to your inner self that might be trying to tell you something. There is some avoidant energy like you are so busy that the negativity can’t affect you but your missing the call to stand still and listen to your heart and soul. Make sure to take a second to stand still and let your mind quiet so you can understand why your emotions are out of wack or just not coming to you clearly. I can see you are not feeling to good and you don’t know why even though you are taking your responsibilities seriously and taking the steps you think will lead you to the right place or just need to be done. You are not recognizing the amazing things you have accomplished and how much work you have put into whatever you are doing. This rushing energy makes you miss the wonderful things that are happening infront of you. Don’t just let your mind take control. Your mind shouldn’t be the one in control aka being the pilot of your life. Allow your intuition to lead you. Your mind dismisses your accomplishments and tells you you can do better and try harder when you need to nurture and know you have accomplished a lot; slow down!! There are some answers you are seeking and the only way to acquire them is to listen to your inner self and your spirit guides who want you to hear them! Your answers are within not outside of yourself. You have all the time in the world even though this plane of existentce is measured by time, know that any age you are, you have enough time to do what you want and accomplish anything you desire. Using your mind as much as you do hurts your creative spirit and you are losing track of your truest self which is a creative infinite being! Ground yourself and always remind your brain that you do have enough time. Any age you can start over and any time you can redo your projects and get to your goals! Start something new that you have always wanted to try especially if it comes from the heart! Feed your yin energy! Things that are not meant for you will fail/fall away so don’t force it. Just know that when something falls away, that leaves room for something even BETTER to come into your life which could be anything from an idea, situation or person. Your past failures and experiences are not going to repeat if you have learned from them and know to not be afraid of them anymore. Your inner strength is massive and you are such a strong person for doing what you think is right; but now is the time to seek the answers within. Other opportunities will present themselves to you if you take a moment to listen. Watch for the synchronicities and know you already are the answer ❤️ beautiful human!
Pile 2:
Your Numbers: 8, 88, 5, 9
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First off, you are doing amazing!! But there is guidance here to not take your work to seriously! It is dragging you down; possibly add some spice to your life with a creative project but don’t forget about your goals that you have been working on. There is a sense of growth and learning some type of lesson recently. That’s awesome!! Some of you have already taken the time to relax and and recuperate and I’m glad you recognize this as something important. This is a call to others to take a step back and relax! Simplicity is key to happiness! The time is now to have some fun! Let your inner child come out because they have some wisdom to share! You have everything you need to start over and do what your creative spark has been telling you. Some of you have been to scared to put your creative ideas out there and make them a reality like being called to create a Etsy shop for your art or something you’ve wanted to post or create into something more than what it is. You have all been growing at a steady rate from your inner guidance and now is time to take the next step into fully becoming your true self. There is a need to let go and be vulnerable which might make you scared. That’s ok! We are human and our egos only want to protect our delicate hearts. But is it really living if we aren’t even fully our true selves! If you don’t know who that is make sure you listen to your soul and inner child; they definetly know! Your are such a creative and beautiful soul never forget! There is a need to break from the conditioning of the world around you and open yourself up to the possibilities that only a child could imagine. Everything is possible never forget. Ground the best ideas you have and begin the process of creation. Remember to do things from the heart and keep your values/integrity in tacked when you become wrapped up in everything; your true self knows you will do your best work that way. Keep doing things for the right reasons especially if there is passion behind; it will be key to your success. For some of you, you are definetly in a place where you are feeling suppressed; like a person or situation. Know that there will be something coming your way that may change that situation and that believeing and trusting that the good is only around the corner will help ease the stress. Trusting in yourself and your guides will help whatever you are manifesting into fruition. Be aware of the possibilities, and know that you are an infinite person that does not need to stay the same everyday. With an unlimited soul we have the ability to change from day to day. Maybe today I want to where pink then the next I go all black! It doesn’t matter what others perceive you to be like how it doesn’t matter what the world thinks you should be. What matters is what you think of yourself, and from what I see you are such a gentle sensitive creative spontaneous fun loving energy! Let the flow encompass you and let the love of your loved ones, spirit family and yourself fill you with power! Gorgeous soul!☀️
Pile 3:
Your Numbers: 0, 1, 11, 4, 3
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I can sense your in a uneasey energy! This is a time to let go of the past and past regrets! Don’t let it be the thing that holds you back! Those situations will not repeat again! This is a time to trust yourself and or teach yourself to trust so that your spirit family can bring opportunities to you. Take that leap that you are afraid of but want to do so badly! There is a need to change your perception of those past events. Possibly some healing work for some of you. They happened so that you can learn something; maybe to not do it that way again or even that it wasn’t something right for you. Things fall apart so better things can come in. Keep a positive attitude and know a positive shift is occurring! Believe! I’m getting an energy of you feeling alone and that isn’t true! Your friends, guides and loved ones from the other side are always beside you. Passed loved ones you have lost on earth are next to you sending there love and support ❤️ you are afraid to take the next step; know that is ok! Just know that path is right for you, sometimes the path we are afraid of is the right one. Dont give up and work towards your dreams. Know that if you take that first step and work towards it, you will succeed! Your happiness and freedom is worth fighting for even if your fighting yourself for this oppurtunity! Sometimes we are our biggest bullies and obstacles. Know that you are WORTHY of all the good things coming to you! Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a person on the physical plane as well; like a mentor a friend and I’m also getting coworker? I think that’s specific to someone out there. Possibly someone you have started working with. But anyways, I can say with full confidence many signs, synchronicities, gifts, money, and love are on there way right now in the most unexpected places! Your manifestations are coming to fruition, don’t let that fear be what stops them dead in there tracks! Even when there is a set back, that is just another stepping stone to success! Life is not a straight line but one that shifts constantly like water spilled on concrete. Your spirit team is always there to support you even in the hardest moments. Stay strong and know you got the chops to conquer that fear! Your powerful just remember that!
Alrighty! Thank you for your time and energy my glowing spirits! I hope this helped you one way or another and I highly recommend you go take a walk to shed some of this heavy energy you guys have! Take a breather! Anyways I love you all, stay warm and keep being beautiful 🥰
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