#i get so dramatic when im in pain LMAO
cosmicfoole · 1 month
literally so me core rn, for day 3 of this stupid af cold:
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crabs-nonsense · 1 year
Holy shit! I just realized the reason I couldn't fucking see darker art on my phone screen is because I forgot I turned the brightness way down last night and never fixed it. I feel so stupid.
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#usually i like to think i am extremely well adjusted to what my health entails. usually lmao.#but specifically cancer sometimes feels like a goddamn anchor lmao.#stomach cancers are not even close to the only ones that could potentially go on for a lifetime w treatment#depending on situation. like this is a far more normal situation than ppl really realize i think.#i hadnt realized it before i was adjusting goal posts from 'cured' to '5yr mark' at least lol.#this is not bad. this could be signficiantly worse. this is not a bad situation all things considered.#but like sometimes i wonder what its like to be like. healthy lmao.#&when things dip its like. if this is a perma-up trajectory as far as difficulty goes it feels kind of. unfair that mine started#where it did&its just like. never gonna plateau lmao.#i question my fortitude sometimes. idk its been a long day&i havent burned thru the Bad mania yet lmao.#ill get high&itll be easier to see that w/o the pain lmao.#med change ups are never fun this one just happened at an unfortunate time in general probably.#i miss my dog. i miss all my dogs. i would have lost my mind w/o roxy lmao.#at least this time i can give him proper rites; i couldnt for yoshi or johnny. so ive been doing a full mourning period.#it hasn't put me in like. the most optimistic light as of late lol.#its weird. im being such a fucking baby about all of this lmao.#but like i also wasnt expecting unconditional love to be almost exclusive to my dogs#or for the ups&downs to still be so dramatic after all these years of figuring out treatments lmao.
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Hotch is so god damn in love with Hayley and I don't know how she feels otherwise I just don't get it, how does she just up and leave with their son? I'm confused. i know that it's probably just me and I know it shouldn't hurt me as much as it does, but the whole thing feels icky all over again and now I'm sad
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chlorinecake · 1 month
heyyy, could I ask for a soft fic like jay your fiancé wakes up to you squirming so much and whimpering cause of DAMN CRAMPSS na the doesn't know about your period till it leaks on your guys's bedd. then he tries to take care of it when you're asleep and when you wake up you get all embarrassed (lmao that's how I feel) but he insists on helping you and thought out the day he learns that you his fiancé has bad cramps, lower back pain, nausea, gets cold, often hot flashes and gets dizzy a lot basically bed ridden, can I be
🪻anon thanksskskksks
✿ — let me take care of you | p.js
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pairing. 𓏌 fiancé jay x fem. reader 𓏌 contains. just jay being a super affectionate and caring fiancé, mentions of blood, some cuddling, kisses, pure fluff 𓏌 word count. 0.7k 🖱 ⑅ path to the bookshelf ◍
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"mmm," you whined in your sleep, tossing and turning to the point that you woke up your fiancé who was sleeping next to you.
he cradled you from behind, hands covering your stomach as your hands squeezed over his.
"what's wrong baby," he pouted, warm face nuzzling in the crook of your shoulder as he soothed you.
still stuck in your slumber, all you did was whine in response, curling over his hands as the pain in your abdomen increase with a sharpness.
"____?" he whispered groggily, worried that you might be having a nightmare.
the softness of his voice somehow reeled you from your sleep, your eyes creaking open like an old door.
"can you just hold me like this for a little longer... please?"
"of course, baby, im right here..." he smiled, kissing your sweaty temple while his soothing hand caressed your figure.
jay couldn't shake how troubled you seemed in this moment, so he tried his best to stay still until you fell back to sleep instead of questioning what was really going on with you.
letting a few drowsy moments pass, he finally heard the sound of your purr-like breaths against the pillow, your body falling fast to sleep as your body grew warmer.
"ohh, you're burning up,” jay exclaimed, not sure if you could hear him as he said, “let me get you a cold towel."
he shimmied from behind you, pulling the covers back so the cool air from the ceiling fan could hit you.
that's when he saw a splotchy patch of scarlet-red blood right beneath where your hips were resting in the mattress, a bit of it having smeared from the sheets onto your legs.
with this, jay immediately knew what the source of your restless pain was now.
he sighed in relief, thankful that it had nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with your body naturally functioning, just as it should.
as your fiancé, jay understood that it was his duty to help you when he could, and the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and have to deal with this mess yourself.
he went to the bathroom to warm up a towel with soapy water, wiping at the blood on your legs.
suddenly, your skin sprouted with goosebumps.
"poor baby... now you're cold, too?”
tossing the blood-stained towel which was meant to land at the edge of your shared bed, it accidentally collided with a bottle of soap in the dresser, the heavy container falling to the ground with a loud thud.
the sound was loud enough to wake you back up again.
“j-jay, what’re you doing,” you asked with weak eyes, feeling his large hand smooth out the bumps on your cold skin.
“you got your period last night, ____,” he said with a smile, but you only groaned at his words, turning to see the blood only to crumble inside, "easy now, baby."
"no jay, get away from me, I don't wanna get you dirty," you protested, turning over to move his hands just to end up feeling dizzy.
and nauseous.
"sweetheart, there's nothing dirty about this, i'm here to help you," he replied, your flushed face making his heart swell.
"but I need to clean this up myself- OH gosh, there's even more blood over here," you whined dramatically, groaning out loud before burying your face in your hands.
"don't worry about it, love. you can stay here while I run you a bath, okay?" jay offered kindly, not been able to hold back the chuckle in his throat thanks to your exaggerated reaction right now.
"no, no, I got it-"
"____, it'll give me time to get the sheets washed while you soak in the tub," he interrupted your rambling softly before kissing you. "I'll be back with your clothes and a towel once you get out..."
you let out a submissive sigh, not being able to fight against him anymore after he just kissed you...
besides, he really was only trying to help you, despite how embarrassed it made you feel.
"okay then," you nodded, crawling out of the bed with his hand in yours, both your engagement bands sliding over each other. "oh, and jay...?"
"can you bring me a pad, please?... one of the bigger ones from the shelf downstairs."
he smiled at how cute you were in this moment, already feeling more comfortable with him being involved in this candid part of your life.
"gotchya, princess," he said with a smirk, taking the sheets and pillowcases off of the bed before going you in the restroom where he would soon run your warm and bubbly soak.
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𓏌 Thank you all so much for reading this fic, and apologies to the original anon for me taking so long to get to this ;-;
𓏌 — tags: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @bachuya
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cyxnidx · 8 months
Hello! How are you doing? :-) I saw your recent post and it was really good! good job btw I really liked it a lot ^_^ anyways, I wanted to request something since I saw that their open, so これを始めましょう!
Can I request Stolas, Angel Dust and Alastor with a Male! Human! S/O that looks very feminine (facial wise) and gets mistaken for a girl :,) (that’s the pain I go through 😔) and they always have to correct people and eventually get sick of it? How would they react?
Thank you! Have a good day :)
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heyy! im pretty good for the moment, thanks for asking :) 始めよう!sorry if its short :,)
warnings: ftm!reader, them being dramatic
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the first time the instance occurred out in public, it definitely sent him off balance a bit.
it would go something like this:
"nice girl, stolas!" a stranger called off, their friends whistling while they walk away. you watch stolas look around, confused. "girl..?" his eyes reach yours, who seems to be embarrassed and a bit ticked off. "did they just call you a girl?" he asks, almost secretively. you nod reluctantly.
it takes him a while to understand why they were talking to you - he felt it was obvious you were a boy.
you'd have to explain to him your feminine features and how they're commonly found in women.
after that though, he'd understand.
make an effort to inform everyone, whether or not they knew, that you're a boy and going by whatever your pronouns are.
definitely gets a bit irritated when somebody he made sure to inform still doesn't get it right.
will literally burn down a house because of it. (and has.)
Angel Dust
the day somebody called you a girl was the same day that person coincidentally went missing.
has brought up possibly getting you a shirt that says "i'm a guy" on it.
is literally the biggest ally. supports you in everything (from ur transition, to your presentation.)
anybody who complained could go and die on a field of landmines for all he cared
i feel typically angel isnt very emotional, but about this?? he'll take everything personal
literally almost started a war over somebody mistaking you for a girl???
he's stabbed random ass people because after you corrected them, they didn't listen.
"i'm actually a guy," you'd say softly after your at-work friend called you 'pretty'. it was still a compliment, but you were hoping for a more masculine compliment. seeing angel in your peripheral vision watching carefully, you watch the person shrug. "i just called you pretty?" "yes but i'd prefer more masculine compliments.." "just accept it."
yeahh ur work friend will no longer be attending their job.
at first, i feel that he humored it for a bit.
however, the more it happened? it somewhat irked him.
it probably irked him more than you?? somehow.
you might not notice it but he makes him so mad lmao
"is something the matter?" you'd ask, almost disregarding how someone just mis gendered you. "peachy." he'd respond, though, his eyes low and intimidating for anyone who'd look at him.
definitely rants - to anybody that'll listen.
constantly feels the need to apologize on society's behalf whenever someone decides to be outwardly dumb in his opinion
"i'm sorry." he'd tell you, eyes filled with fire and war - almost murderous. "these imbeciles can't help but make it obvious they're operating on half a brain cell."
alastor is mostly passive-aggressive with others and your gender
he almost feels guilty for teasing you about your features before when he sees you getting a bit timid or defensive about the whole thing.
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bonefall · 6 months
mmm would it be possible for Mistystar and Leopardstar to fight/met during the BOTTE? or was Leopard already fed up with Tigerstar, his batshit insane plans and her status reduced to 'Tiger's another lackey' (like Darkstripe and many others) to really care about revenge? if she ever thought about it, that is.. im assuming she would be pretty pissed about being killed (there was a post about Mistyfoot first trying to poison her and Leopard realized it and instead decided to take her on a solo patrol to.. deal with a rogue i think? and then Misty gave her a rock appointment) and might had thought about making Mistystar pay, but it's been soooo long before BOTTE that she might had.. moved on? or just decided she had better things to do, not sure.
I have a BIG rule for the BOTTE, an unmoveable object, which I will abide by like a solemn vow;
NO spirit will be killed by the same cat twice.
I already changed it so Yellowfang doesn't get Brokenstar (he's not even present) and Brambleclaw doesn't get Hawkfrost, so I certainly wouldn't have Mistystar do it to Leopardstar!
I have some ideas but first; context.
The Killing of Leopardstar
Mistyfoot was sloppy.
Leopardstar recognized the way that Mistyfoot had poisoned her food, because she'd done the same thing to Crookedstar before her. Not enough to make it quick, just enough to weaken.
The emotion that licks at her is frustration.
Is this what her life has come to? Dramatic irony? Is this some kind of cosmic joke? To die just like her predecessor, wasting away for a few seasons in the darkness of this musty den, before solemn mourning and empty platitudes from her underhanded murderer.
What should she even do about this? Reveal Mistyfoot in front of everyone, exile her, she plots against her from the safety of another Clan, some kind of rebellion, rah rah rah we just dealt with this.
It's boring. It's so boring it's offensive. This will be the state of RiverClan forever, deputies poisoning leaders and taking power quietly until the end of days. No honor, no nobility, just treachery until the sky dries up and its rich blue becomes a crackled pale-brown.
If she is to die, she will not go out in the slow and painful way she killed crookedstar without a fight.
So she smacks the limp fish aside and brushes past Mistyfoot with a snarl, not even caring enough to drink in the way her traitorous deputy's ears flushed pale, knowing she'd been caught.
Leopardstar calls for a rushed meeting, telling them all that there's actually 40 - 50 feral rogues on the border right now and she saw them all last night or something, so she's taking Mistyfoot to go confront them right now. Don't follow us.
(Something that the more astute members of the Clan immediately recognize as Leopardstar setting up cover for a death match, including Misty's brother Swansong. She snaps at him when he runs to stop her, Don't Follow.)
Once they're a fair distance away, at the southern delta that divides WindClan and RiverClan, where the cliffs will hide them and the wet stones will not catch the scent (and where Reedwhisker will die, someday), Leopardstar lays it out.
No more tricks. No more schemes. If one of them is to die, it will be with honor.
"You want my lives?"
(Boss music fades in. Misty sees the health bar appear lmao)
"Come and take them."
After she came and took them
Leopardstar is kind of obsessed with the final battle of her life. That fight was everything she hoped for, except that she didn't win.
She wants it again, and she will triumph this time.
Hawkfrost is easily able to twist it into, "You lost only because StarClan shone upon her with that stone. It wasn't real skill. Join our cause and we can get you that rematch, we will defeat Mistystar, win back RiverClan, and dethrone the Stars!" But at the end of the day, it's an excuse.
Same sort of excuse Leopardstar came up with when she believed she wanted an honorable battle, rejecting the guilt and fear that clawed at her to think about dying the way Crookedstar did.
She does this a lot. Dodging feelings of remorse or regret by substituting power fantasies, avoiding any hard lessons. She says she wants revenge, but what she's actually doing is avoiding taking an L. Shame is a vagrant in Leopardstar's heart; she will never let it stay for long.
That's really hard to do when Tigerstar is actively using her and speaking over her in every interaction. Being here, in the Dark Forest, taking the SAME advice she once groomed into Hawkfrost to only look at the positives of Tigerstar's legacy and ignore atrocities, is embarassing.
She had her starshine BASHED out of her with a rock and went to the hell she'd been downplaying since she "regrettably" tore down the Bonehill. Being Tigerstar's stooge. Reducing the proud, ferocious leader of RiverClan into a goon.
Towards the end, she will have a scene with Hawkfrost, proud warriors that they are as mentor and apprentice, and vaguely address this. As far as Leopardstar's ego will allow, of course... the shame of it.
It's an important moment, because it's as much about Leopardstar and Hawkfrost as it is about Hawkfrost and Ivypool.
Leopard is too set in her ways to change, even if she is capable of brief glimpses of self-reflection, of which this is one. Hawkfrost, however, is seeing his mentor and himself in a different light. How she'll let herself be humiliated over and over as long as she can cling to her ego... and how by doing Tigerstar's diplomacy work, Hawkfrost is doing the same.
And he's dragged his OWN apprentice into it, too. She accidentally double-killed her friend, Antpelt, but he killed him more by bringing all of these trainees here to begin with. How Ivypool gets pitted against Tigerheart because TigerSTAR is playing mind games, how it's destroying her bond with her sister, how much fun and joy in the Dark Forest he's missing out on by not giving the afterLIFE a chance...
How much he's thrown away for this, before and after his death.
I'm not sure yet if it's the LAST stop before the BOTTE, but it's close to the end of Hawkfrost's redemption arc. Recognition of self through the other. He is part of a cycle he has a choice to break.
But anyway... back to Leopardstar.
She wants to fight Mistystar, but I don't think I'll let her have that satisfaction. She has already gotten nearly everything she ever asked for and can't even acknowledge that she did.
I think it's most fitting for SWANSONG to finally get what he craves; a chance to take a burden off his sister.
Leopardstar allowed TigerClan to STRIP his brotherhood from her because they don't share blood. Forced him to pretend like Rippleclaw meant anything to him, as if Oakheart hadn't been his proud baba as long as he could remember. Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Swansong are the kits of Graypool; and he's not gonna let this golden FART ignore that ever again.
So my idea is that when Leopardstar meets Mistyfoot in the Second Wave of the BOTTE, she pounces onto her for her rematch, but Swansong BURSTS out of the crowd in response and rips her off, allowing Mistystar to go back to defending their Clanmates
"I don't want YOU," Leopardstar spits, "My battle is with Mistystar!"
"Tough titfeathers! It's MY turn to get a hit in for Stonefur!" He bristles with equal parts fury and excitement, lunging towards a fight he's dreamed of for years.
Still subject to change, though! And I'm not sure if Swansong dies here, or in the 3rd Wave, or if maybe he succumbs to injuries after the BOTTE is over.
It would also be fitting if he got a whack on Mapleshade though... since Maple doesn't even consider him Applekin and won't curse him. It would be neat for him to get angry about that lmao. "What do you MEAN my siblings are haunted by a demon? But NOT ME?? What ELSE am I getting left out of???"
EDIT: I'm currently planning to kill him in the 2nd Wave
#better bones au#BOTTE#BB!Leopardstar#BB!Mistystar#BB!Swansong#BB!Hawkfrost#BB!OOTS#I say this about a lot of BB characters (because I love this project) but man I really like Swansong#Context btw because he hasn't come up in a while: Swan is the adopted brother of Stone and Misty. His biosibs were faders.#Beloved golden retriever coming up for his fake ear medicine to suffer as Part Of The Family#Oak was only going to ask Gray to suckle Misty and Stone for him but then they were like#''Hey wait. Ripple was only an honor sire anyway. This is super convenient wanna parent together?''#And BB!Oak is such a DUDE he was like ''Yooooo ABSOLUTELY I'd LOVE another baby with a friend!!''#Oak cannot walk 5 foxlengths without making a friend. He's just like that.#Sqweezy type grindset#They never really told the kits about Ripple because he wasn't relevant + Queen’s Rights anyway#But everyone else knew Ripple was Swan's biodad because he's the river's reflection of him. and the other two are literally blue.#The three of them were the last to know.#But Swansong is great because he's such a happy kind of angry when it comes to defending his family#He's like ''We have to hide a body? Girlie SAY NO MORE I have already compiled a list of top 10 places they'll never look''#''No we dont need to hide the body..'' ''Ah. Well. Ok that's fine too. Anyway. What is our cover story let's get the details straight''#She couldn't make him deputy because he's too aggressive and supportive lmao#He's actually a lot like a meaner and smarter Oak. He was super close to their dad.#Also he's the mate of Moss instead of Frog because I put it to a vote and we collectively said so#Fixing a minor inconsistency where Moss has more kits after Frog is supposed to be dead#Also Frog was a sleaze where Swankit from the Missing Kits was a blank slate.#Slaps the roof of the RiverClan this bad boy can fit so many blorbos in it#Between Hawk and Leopard and the entire Applekin family I really adore it
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yunalinwrites · 4 months
kids on christmas eve | gojo satoru x reader
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available on wattpad
cover by me
summary: you learn about what happened with geto suguru and make him talk to you about it
about reader: gender neutral, relationship to gojo is unclear but they're close, on a first name basis + implied to be romantic
warnings: sad (if i did my job right), mild cursing, spoilers for jjk 0 + gojo's past/hidden inventory/star plasma vessel arc
notes: i know this is really out of season bc christmas has long passed but its for the plot lol as u prob know dec 24th is an important date
anyways i prob could've edited more but tbh i just wanted to post it already lmao hope its not cringe cuz i didn't shower to finish it (avg jjk degenerate) also im angry this was correctly formatted in google docs but tumblr ruined it and i cant b bothered to reread it under the new formatting so srry if theres smth wrong
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"Gojo-sensei, that's not fair!"
Itadori had his bottom lip stuck out, his arms crossed tightly and his feet stomping against the snow.
"Yeah, come on!" Kugisaki agreed, mitten-clad hands full of the cold ammunition. "Turn it off, will you?"
You looked over to where Satoru stood. The snowballs that floated around him made it a little hard to see, but you could still tell his face was like it always was: smiling, the only deviation from its usual state being the pink on his pale nose. The rosy shade was just like his tongue when he stuck it out. 
"Come and make me," he taunted.
"Why, you little..." Kugisaki grumbled. "Okay, Itadori, Formation B!"
"Roger!" Itadori yelled back.
The pair performed a number of flashy poses--as if they were trying to imitate something they'd seen in a cartoon--and before you knew it, they were charging at Satoru from two sides, arms fully loaded and wound back with mounds of snow. But it seemed Satoru knew it before you, because he just tsked--didn't even bother catching the snowballs, just let them fall apart against his forcefield.
"Gojo-sensei!" the two groaned in unison.
"You're no fun!" Itadori complained.
"It's not supposed to be fun," Satoru countered with a playful shrug. "Just because it's a snow day doesn't mean you can stop training."
"But... but... But what about...!" Kugisaki sputtered, a vein popping out of her forehead as she struggled to come up with an argument. You could almost see the lightbulb pop up above her head as she pounded her fist in her palm. "But what about global warming?"
"Yeah!" Itadori followed, not thinking. "What about--Wait, what?" Scratching his head, he tilted his head at Kugisaki.
"It could totally be the last day it ever snows, you know," she claimed matter-of-factly, her hands on her hips. "And I would so hate you forever."
Itadori's mouth formed a silent "Oh!" as Kugisaki elaborated. Nodding his head in accord, he added on: "Yeah, Gojo-sensei. I don't think I could respect you after that."
Satoru put on a dramatic pout at that last sentence, but he soon returned to a smile and gave in with a sigh. "Alright, just this once."
You could see the two students loudly jumping for joy from behind him as he made his way towards where you were sitting. You smiled warmly at the sight.
"They really are something," you commented.
"Tell me about it," Fushiguro grumbled, leaning boredly against the wooden armrest of the park bench. He observed quietly as his friends built a snowman in the distance until Satoru's towering shadow prompted him to look up.
"Megumi!" Satoru called, his voice high-pitched and sing-song. "Go play with the others."
The boy scowled in response. "I'm too old for that stuff."
"You think you're old?" Satoru challenged. He pointed at his hair, at the white color it's always been. "What does that make me?" He hunched over and put his hand on his lower spine, feigning back pain. "C'mon, listen to your teacher. Let me sit next to Y/N."
Fushiguro squinted at him for a moment before finally getting up."Gross."
You chuckled, watching the boy begrudgingly drag his feet through the snow towards his classmates, but your laughter hitched as you felt something push against you. Turning to your right, you saw his lanky teacher. At first the sensation didn’t make sense, considering that there was a considerable amount of distance between the two of you, but you soon recalled his defense measures and the complaints they had garnered. 
Not noticing your discomfort, he stared up at the cloudy sky for a moment before turning to you. 
"Are you cold?" he asked.
You shook your head. "I should be asking you," you replied, referencing his lack of winter wear. "Why didn't you wear a coat?"
"Well, it would ruin my outfit, of course," he stated perkily. He wore a confident smirk on his face, but looking closer you could tell he was shivering beneath the thin fabric of his uniform.
Taking a deep breath in disapproval, you reached for your scarf. "Here," you offered, unraveling the knot you’d made earlier. But when you reached to wrap it around his neck, you felt the resistance of his invisible force.
His smile eased. "It's okay," he obliged, sniffling. "Thank you, though."
You hesitated before tying your scarf back around yourself, the garment's chunky knit giving it enough volume to nearly cover your mouth and even your ears, but you could still hear his teeth chatter. You searched your surroundings, looking past the dead snow-adorned trees and following the wet pavement until you spotted something in the distance: a cafe, just down the street from where you were.
"I'll get you some hot chocolate," you decided, standing up and brushing the snowflakes off your coat.
"You don't--"
"Shh!" You pointed your finger threateningly at him before turning around to begin your walk. "Somehow you've bent logic so far that you'll end up sick if you don't drink it. So just take this as an excuse to have more sweets, alright?"
You were just about to make your first step away from the bench, but then you felt a firm grip wrap around your arm. "Wait, Y/N--"
Before he could finish his protest, he was cut off by a particularly firmly packed snowball striking him right in the middle of his face, highlighting his nose with the sparkling white powder and dislodging his blindfold. With his cerulean eyes now exposed, he turned his head and saw the three of them: Itadori pointing and cackling on the left, Kugisaki doing the same keeled over in the middle, and even Fushiguro, on the right, had the ends of his mouth perked up as he shook his head hopelessly.
You saw Satoru grin at the picture, but it was contradictory to what you were feeling. He had let go of your arm, but not by relaxing his hand--you felt him, as if brick by brick, build that invisible wall right back up between you, seemingly stronger than ever. You could still feel it, even as he walked away towards the trio, tying his blindfold back on. Sighing, you sat back down and watched him make snow angels with the others, his head blending right in with the scene as he drowned himself in the blinding whiteness. With his blindfold now fully on, you could only imagine what it was like when he smiled with his eyes.
"I can't feel my toes."
Twirling her brown hair between her fingers, Shoko spun around in her chair to face the doorway.
She darted her eyes between you and Satoru for a second before a calm, amused expression painted her face. Despite knowing it was his voice she heard--though it was more nasal than usual--she directed her question at you: "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I told him to wear thicker socks!" you exclaimed, your arms crossed in frustration. "But look! Show her."
Rolling his eyes behind his blindfold, Satoru pulled the fabric on his thighs, lifting the hems of his pants so that they revealed his ankles. They were barely covered by the cheap red and green striped polyester; it was the kind of thing you'd spot on sale in packs at the checkouts during Christmas season.
“So I forgot… Big deal!”
“I could fill a library with all the things you forgot,’” you complained. “I mean, what are you, a fish?”
Unfazed, Shoko chuckled. "You're telling me the strongest--the one powerful enough to rival the King of Curses--was defeated by a case of frostbite?"
The both of you responded simultaneously: "Exactly." "No!"
"I was not defeated," he insisted, earning a glare from you. "Barely a scratch. She's just being dramatic."
"I am not--"
"Is there a reason you can't heal yourself?" Shoko interrupted, now turned to Satoru.
He pointed his thumb in your direction accusingly. "She wanted to come here, not me."
"Wait," you interjected. "You can heal yourself?”
“Of course, duh.”
“Since when?"
"High school," he answered dismissively, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "See, look!"
He pointed down to his shoes--through the leather of his dress boots, you could see the movement of his wriggling toes. 
You held your hands up to hide his feet from your sight. “Ew, stop that--" you grimaced. "Why didn't you tell me?"
He shrugged, smirking smugly. "My talent should go without saying."
You sighed. “Your talent to bewilder me?”
"You know it,” he asserted proudly. "But anyways–Can I go now?"
Before you could even answer, you could sense him already moving in your peripheral vision.
"Satoru, wait--"
"If you don't believe I'm fine, I'll show you my toes," he threatened, halfway out the door.
"Go on, catch me if you can!"
You listened, trying to grab onto him but, once again, his Infinity blocked you, making you stumble into Shoko's arms as it pushed you backwards. By the time you regained your balance and rushed into the hallway, his long strides and newly healed feet had already carried him beyond your sight.
You sighed and re-entered the room, brushing yourself off. "Do you have anything for a cold?" you asked.
"I should," Shoko replied, opening up one of her medicine cabinets. "Why, are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, no, it's for him," you explained. "He's had a runny nose all week. I told him not to go out in the snow with the kids, but... You know how he is."
She hummed in acknowledgement with an understated smile, picking out a bottle of Acetaminophen capsules. Making her way over to you, she held up the container.
"I have these," she told you, but she didn't hand them to you; she just kept holding it up as she continued, "but, in my professional opinion, I don't think he has a cold."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your brow raised.
"Y/N, do you know what tomorrow is?"
"It's... the 24th."
"So... Christmas Eve?"
She looked down at the floor, placing the bottle on a nearby counter and leaning back against it, getting comfortable. She stayed quiet for a moment, biting her lip in deep thought as she continued to stare at the floor with her arms crossed. But then, finally, she sighed, and reached into her coat pocket for a cigarette.
"Would you like one?" she offered, flicking the lighter at the end of the stick
"Um... No thank you..."
"Have a seat." She gestured to the metal seat against the wall.
Still thoroughly confused, you did as you were told. You felt as if your parents were about to have a stern "talk" with you--as if you had broken a vase or--arguably worse--it was time for you to understand the birds and the bees. That thought, along with the cold steel beneath you, sent chills up your body.
In an attempt to quell your anxiety, you beat her to the punch and spoke up: "You went to high school together, didn't you?"
She blew out a lengthy tangle of smoke strings. "That's right," she answered.
You shifted in your seat. "Has he always been... like this?"
"No,” she chuckled, bringing the cigarette back to her lips. "He used to wear glasses."
Your eyebrows shot up as you leaned forward in shock. "Seriously?"
She reached into her coat pocket again, this time producing a small print of a photo. 
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You took the glossy sheet from her hands and studied it, your mouth agape. Sure enough, there he was, on Shoko's right, smiling widely with his hair down and a pair of round sunglasses, both of them holding up peace signs. But, while Shoko's arm was clearly holding up the camera for the selfie, one of Satoru’s arms appeared to be wrapped around the shoulders of a black-haired man you didn't recognize.
Your brows furrowed at the sight. "Who's the one on the left?"
The scent of the nicotine got stronger as she took her time to ponder her answer, staring blankly into the back of the photo beneath your thumbs.
"That's Geto Suguru,” she finally told you.
You scanned his portrait meticulously. The man wore a grumpy expression with dark bags under his eyes and, contrary to the cheerful pose of the other two, he was flipping off the camera.
“Was he an upperclassman?” you asked.
She shook her head. “He was our classmate.” She gestured towards the photo with her cigarette. “We were all second-years there.”
“No way…” Holding the photo closer, you could have sworn you saw the outline of ear gauges behind Shoko’s head. “He looks so much older.”
You returned the photo to her and she slipped it back in her pocket, not taking even a glance at it as she did. She just spoke plainly: “He’s Satoru’s best friend.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Really? I wonder why I haven’t heard of him, then."
She took another puff, turning her face away from you as she let it out. “Tomorrow is his death anniversary.”
Your eyes widened before falling to the floor. “Oh… I see…”
You fell into a solemn trance, not knowing what you should or shouldn’t say and, consequently, opting to stay quiet out of respect. But, suddenly, you were interrupted by the sound of light laughter. 
“Even if he were still with us, I doubt you would’ve been able to tell. They bickered so much you’d think they hated each other.”
She walked around to the other side of the counter, leaning forward on it as she rested her hand on her palm.
“Who could get to class faster… Who could shoot more hoops in a minute… Who could make a bigger crater in the courtyard…”
You tried to imagine the pair wreaking havoc on an older version of the Jujutsu Tech Campus, but while it was easy to fit Satoru’s cheeky grin into all of these scenarios, it was hard to see such a mature-looking person as Geto doing these childish things.
“Ah, but you know, Y/N,” she started, looking up at you with a smile. “I think you would have been able to tell that Suguru was actually younger.”
“What?” you gasped, surprised at both the fact that he was younger and that Shoko thought that would be clear to you. “There’s no way…”
“Well, for starters, Suguru is shorter, if you put them side-by-side,” she argued. “And… Hm…”
She stopped to contemplate how to put together her next sentence–or if she should even do so at all. But in the end, she brought her cigarette back to her lips and exhaled: “I think you would have agreed with me that he’s the more immature one.”
Your brows furrowed as you scoffed in disbelief. “That's impossible… Satoru could be ten-feet tall and not a single thing on this planet could make him seem more mature than another person.”
She chuckled, though you could sense a sadness behind the sound, and you realized that your comment might’ve come off as insensitive. Clearing your throat, awkwardly, you granted her the floor: “What makes you say that?”
She took another inhale and sighed out a long cloud. Looking out the window of her office, she saw the faint glow of the multicolored lights that decorated it on the outside. She took in the sight for a quiet moment before sinking into her swivel chair, puffing once more.
“I still don’t know much about his childhood,” she began. “I never asked, and I never got to meet his parents. But I can tell you for certain that Suguru was the sort of kid who threw a tantrum when he didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas.
“I’m sure he had wishlists a mile long, but he wouldn’t be the kind to write even a single letter about it to Santa. Of course, that’d make it difficult for his family, and maybe they could've tried harder to figure it out–but he just wouldn't understand why what he wanted wasn't obvious to everyone.
“I can imagine one day someone told him the truth about Santa, and he was probably absolutely devastated. But, to him, it wouldn't be about the presents. It would be about the people around him: his mom, his dad, his teachers, his neighbors, everyone–the people who had been deceiving him his whole life.
“I don't think he ever forgave anyone for that, all the way up until he found himself as a seventeen-year-old at Jujutsu High.”
The air became thick–suffocatingly so–and your spine no longer fit right against the back of the bench.
“What exactly… did he do?” 
She rolled her chair towards her desk and put out her cigarette, pushing and twisting it into the ashtray by her desk calendar.
“In a single night, he killed one hundred and twelve civilians–non-sorcerers–including his parents. He wanted to create a world where only sorcerers exist.”
“O-oh my God…” Your hand rose up to cover your gaping mouth. “Wh.. Why?!”
“By killing non-sorcerers, you stop curses from the source.”
“But you can't just–” You cut yourself off, thousands of words rushing and racing to your mouth. “Didn't anyone try to stop him?”
“Maybe Satoru could've. If Suguru decided to tell him, that is.”
Your face was wound up in concern. “That's horrible…”
“I know, right?” she casually agreed.  “To want to be understood, but never willing to understand… Isn't it childish?” She even laughed. “Though, I suppose he was just a kid.”
“Just a kid?!” You stuck your head out in disbelief. “No, no… Satoru is childish. But that–that’s… inhumane!
You pointed to the door. “Satoru was a kid.”
You pointed to her. “You were a kid.”
Lowering your hand, you scrunched the hem of your shirt. “I might not have known you then, but I know you never would have done that.”
“To be fair, I'm not the strongest,” she defended plainly. “I'm just a doctor.”
The crease between your eyebrows deepened as you threw your arms up. “Okay–then Satoru! Satoru would never do something like that! And he… he's still a kid!”
“Satoru killed his best friend–his one and only.” She clasped her hands together on her desk. “A kid wouldn't do that, would they?”
You froze at the edge of your seat, blinking rapidly as you pieced together the puzzle.
“He… killed…?” you trailed off.
Shoko stared grimly at her hands as she tightened her grip on herself. “A kid wouldn’t have understood.”
You bore your eyes into her, waiting, begging for her to continue, to elaborate, to make it make sense, but she just stayed quiet, kept to herself.
You directed your eyes to the freshly polished floor tiles. As you stared into the blurry reflection of yourself, you tried imagining it again: Satoru, tall and white haired, and this kid grumpy little kid he called Suguru, wreaking havoc on the old campus of Jujutsu High: walking to class together, dribbling a basketball between each other, meeting up in the courtyard with one another.
 “That…” you began hesitantly. “That still doesn't excuse what happened.”
Shoko looked up at you, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, and though she wasn’t as contented as she had been before your conversation, her expression was no longer grave; she seemed satisfied. Slowly, she put her palms on her desk and pushed herself up from her seat.
“To answer your question from earlier–properly,” she started, making her way over to you. “I think that Satoru has always been that way–the way Gojo Satoru has to be.”
“But if there were ever a time that he weren’t,” she interjected, sliding her hand into her coat pocket.
“It would have been thanks to him.”
Your footsteps echoed down the empty hallway, stopping every once in a while to slide open one of the stiff doors only to struggle to shut it a moment later. You increased the reach of your steps, and the thump of your shoes against the wood planks competed with the hooting owl perched on the snow covered roof.
Suddenly, you heard a new noise: a honking, like that of a goose, coming from the end of the hall and slightly to the left. Now picking up to a jog, you made a beeline for the door and jerked it open.
“Well, if it isn’t my long-awaited Christmas present!” he exclaimed. “Looks like Santa’s early this year.”
He rested against the corner of one of the student’s desks, already facing you with his hands in his pocket. From behind him, you could just barely see the white crumpled-up balls of tissue that scattered the surface.
“I guess some people do gifts on Christmas Eve though, right?” he considered, putting a finger to his chin. “But, ah… choosing gifts is so hard. I need all the time I can get.”
He didn’t acknowledge your entrance at all; his Six Eyes had seen it coming miles away, allowing him enough time to get into position to pick up wherever you’d last left off. You didn’t acknowledge him either, keeping a stone face as you stepped into the room.
“What’s with the face, hm? Did you not like your presents?”
“Satoru,” you said sternly.
“Did you ask Santa for anything this year?” he went on, continuing to pay you no mind.
You sighed. You couldn’t help but let the ends of your lips pick up, but you kept your eyes down at the dirtied pattern of the floor.
“I don’t celebrate Christmas,” you admit.
“What? Why not?” he questioned astonishedly, forming a pout. “Does that mean you didn’t get me a present?”
You shook your head lightly, making your way over to him. “I’ve always thought it was sort of weird. To celebrate the birth of a martyr.”
“Hm,” he sounded. “Well that’s no fun.”
Planting his hands on the surface, he hoisted himself up onto his desk. “Santa probably wouldn’t give anything other than coal to a non-believer,” he noted. “But since I’m so nice, I’ll get you something. Just tell me–what is it that you want for Christmas?”
His smile stayed in place as you darted your pupils around his visage, your own face beginning to fall. You took slow steps towards the desk next to him, getting as close as you could before you felt his Infinity push back
“Satoru, can you do me a favor?” you requested gently.
“Depends on what the favor is,” he chirped back.
Reaching your hand out, you traced your forefinger on the edge of the invisible barrier before applying pressure into it, testing the shield’s strength. You pushed with all your might, but all it did was whiten your finger tip and make your knuckles concave.
You retracted, looking back into his eyes. “Can you take it down?”
You could see the movement of his eyebrows raising beneath his blindfold. “You tryna kill me?”
Again, you shook your head, still solemn. 
He crossed his arms and squinted at you, biting his cheek. Leaning back, he put his weight onto his hands behind him, loosely grabbing the edge of his desk, his expression becoming relaxed. “Alright. Here you go.”
You took another small step into the newfound space until you were only inches apart. Slowly, you extended both your hands towards his face, but then suddenly reeled them back into a hesitant fist in disbelief, the lack of resistance uncomfortably foreign.
You inhaled deeply through your nose and exhaled the air shakily through your mouth, trying hard to slow the rapid beating in your chest. Ignoring the smirk on his face, you tried to reach out to him, one final time.
Letting your arms wrap around his head, your hands searched his silky hair for the knot that held up his eye covering. When you finally felt the bump, you took your time digging your nails into where the fabric held onto itself, carefully pulling apart its loops.
As the blindfold fell to his neckline, his signature grin stayed plastered on his face, but just about every other feature of his seemed to change completely when the white wisps came down to frame them. His azure eyes, for example, glimmered under the faint moonlight coming through the window, but not in the way that they usually did. They were shining like lacquer, but it was as if, from underneath that, their batteries had been taken out. In their dullness, you could see the reflection of the long white lashes resting on the eyelids above, forming sharp, unnatural shapes as they clumped together unevenly. Pink waterlines painted the bottom of his irises, and a faint red was seemingly airbrushed around the surrounding puffy skin.
You trailed your hands down the back of his head until they cupped his jawline, holding his face as you explored its entirety. Moving from his eyes to his flushed, leaking nose, his smirk grew when your gaze landed on his lips.
“Are you sure you want to use your gift on this?” he teased. “Kind of a waste, in my opinion–you could’ve just found a mistletoe.”
“I want you to stop smiling.”
For a moment, he listened to you: his mouth fell open, but then it fell back into its previous position as he flashed his teeth at you. “My bad. I didn’t mean to blind you.”
He kept still while your thumb gently stroked his powder-smooth cheek. He jolted slightly as his lungs forced out a nervous chuckle, but he trailed off as your touch continued on him. Realizing your relentlessness, he sucked in his lips and clamped them together with his teeth as if he was trying to stop any further laughter.
He stayed like this for a moment, waiting for you to let go, but your tender movements showed no signs of stopping–you only slowed down when your eyes flitted up to meet his. He tried his best to return your stare, but eventually, he accepted defeat in the contest. And so, little by little, he let his lips roll out and the muscles to dispose into a resting state.
His voice became low, a near whisper. “Is… everything okay?”
Finally removing your hands from him, you nodded. Returning them to yourself, you glided one into the back pocket of your pants.
Taking a step back, you held up the sheet of glossy photo paper side-by-side with his face. You could name a number of differences: the neckline of the teacher’s uniform was looser and higher, his bangs now were longer and a bit thicker, and, of course, he wasn’t wearing glasses, and he wasn’t smiling. But, somehow, now more than ever, you could see the resemblance.
“What have you got there?”
Moving towards him again, you handed him the photo. It felt strange, witnessing the rare sight of his pupils’ every rapid move. And in addition to that, ever so slightly, you could see his swollen under eyes rise as the softest of smiles pushed up his cheeks. It was nothing like the sickeningly-sweet beamings you were used to seeing from him, though; it was subdued, raw like the cacao in dark chocolate, undiluted by sugar or milk.
“Where did you get this?” he asked, incredulous.
“Like you said, Santa came early,” you joked mildly.
“No, really,” he persisted, his tone reaching a bass you’d never heard from him before. “Where did you get this?”
You sat yourself on the desk next to him. “Shoko,” you admitted.
“What did she tell you?”
Your shrug was subtle.  “As much as she could.”
He continued to scrutinize the photo in his hands, his brows drawing together.
“Satoru,” you proceeded, hushed. “If it’s okay… I’d like it if you told me about it.”
He lowered the photo so that it no longer obstructed his view of you, but he didn’t take advantage of the space he gave himself; he kept staring at the photo as he spoke: “There’s not much to tell about. I was the strongest then and I’m the strongest now.”
You rested your hands on your lap and exhaled deeply. “That’s not what I mean,” you contested. 
It was as if he couldn’t hear you, continuing to stare vapidly into the photo as if somehow your sentence didn’t make it to his ears. But that was impossible; you’d said what you said, and the room was dead silent.
“I… I want you to tell me about him,” you clarified.
He shifted in his seat, finally looking away from the photo and up at you. “You mean… Geto Suguru?” he asked, as if there were any other ‘him’ in that photo. 
“Well… he’s the worst of all curse users,” he offered. He then shoved the photo back in your direction, a sudden grin straining itself on his face. “But it’s okay. He’s gone now.”
Ignoring his move, you asked, “Is it really okay?”
“I made sure of it,” he affirmed, impatiently nudging the paper at you.
He resumed his usual playful lilt. “Are you doubting me?” he tested.
“I don’t doubt you for a second–not in that sense. You’ve always been strong,” you reassured him. “But that’s exactly why I doubt you know how to be weak.”
He scoffed. “You think Gojo Satoru would know how to be weak?”
“No, I don’t. That’s my whole point,” you upheld firmly.
He folded his arms across his chest, his mocking tone sharpening: “Why would anyone want to know how to be weak?”
“Because even Gojo Satoru needs to realize he can’t just smile and laugh all the time,” you challenged, feeling heat rise up your neck.
His eyes darkened, seemingly into a navy blue, and his inflection further condescended: “There are a lot of things you don’t understand.”
“Satoru, how on earth am I supposed to understand?!” 
As your tone cut through, just as abruptly you pushed the desk behind you and dropped heavily to your feet.
“You’re right, I don't understand you,” you confessed frustratedly, pointing to yourself. “I don’t understand you at all. Because how could I possibly understand you? I can’t see your eyes, I can’t even get near you, and I’ve never seen you not smile.”
Your voice made gaps as your vocal cords threatened sobs. “And sure, I call you by your first name, and I laugh and I smile at all your dumb jokes and… and the idiotic games you play…
“But it’s–it’s… scary, Satoru. Creepy, even. How you know just about everything there is to know about me and yet… It's like I don’t even know who you are. You’re just a toy in the corner, watching everyone come in and out of the room, but I can never make you say or be or feel anything.”
“Feelings are what made him into who he was,” he stated coldly, his eyes fixed on the grimy floor. “It’s important for sorcerers to have a hold on their emotions.”
“So you know what happens, then,” you argued firmly, your shoes coming into his view as you stepped closer. “You know what it’s like to be shut out from them.”
You pushed his chin up, forcing him to witness the way you were holding on desperately to the tears that bordered your lower waterline.
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Do you always get Sprite?” he’d asked, looking down as his friend retrieved his drink from the bottom of the machine.
“I mean… yeah, I guess,” Suguru replied plainly. “Why?”
A pit formed in his stomach as he heard the crack of the can opening.
“Shit. I’ve been getting you Coke this whole time,” he’d mumbled. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Suguru shrugged, beginning to head in the direction of the classroom. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Dude, are you good?”
Suguru jolted awake, sitting up from the plush back of the couch and nearly spilling the bowl of popcorn in his lap.
“Do you wanna watch something else?” he’d suggested, but Suguru just shook his head.
“I thought you liked Digimon,” Suguru objected.
“Well yeah, but…”
The only lighting came from the flashing screen, but it was enough for him to see his friend yawn, making his eyes water, dark bags underneath them.
“You can turn it up if you want,” was all Suguru had to say, but even after doing what Suguru said, he couldn’t focus on his favorite TV show.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything,” he started, reaching into his bag. “But here.”
“What’s this?” Suguru questioned.
“Your Christmas present, duh.”
“But it’s Christmas Eve,” Suguru pointed out. “And I told you–”
“I know! But just open it.”
He watched as Suguru lifted the lid of the small gray box, revealing a small pair of white gauges.
“I didn’t really know what size to get… But I think they’d look cool on you.”
“Thanks, Satoru.”
He lit up, thinking that he’d finally done something right by his friend, but the way that Suguru looked up at him, the way Suguru smiled insincerely, told him he should’ve waited for Christmas Day.
The tears were warm as they rolled down his face, past his trembling lip and blooming into the blindfold that rested loosely around his neck.
“I just don't understand why he didn’t talk to me.”
You pulled him into a hug, carding your fingers in his hair as you rested his head on your shoulder.
“He thought I hated him,” he told you shakily, finding himself clutching onto your shirt. “I didn’t see him for ten years and… and that whole time he thought I hated him.”
He inhaled a sharp sniffle. “I… I don’t hate him,” he whimpered, his pitch jumping and his body beginning to tremble. “I don’t hate him, Y/N, I don’t, I don’t, I never, ever did.”
“I know,” you whispered, stroking his hair, holding him tighter as he jerked with sobs.
He placed his head on your shoulder, staring at the blindfold that had unraveled itself and fallen between you. “I hate myself.”
You pulled back, cupping his jawline and holding it in front of you.
“Don’t say that…”
“But he was my best friend, Y/N,” he insisted, gripping desperately onto your shoulders. “I saw him every single day… every single day, all of that was running through his head and I… I didn’t even know… I just watched and… and I made him think I hated him. I was supposed to be his best friend.”
“You did everything you could, Satoru.”
“It was all my fault.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then why did it happen?” he whined. “It had to have been for a reason–It can't just hurt and be for no reason. That wouldn’t be fair.”
“It’s not,” you told him, shaking your head gently and looking deeply into his eyes. “It’s not fair at all.”
Indicating the breaking of a dam, a deafening, siren-like wail pierced the air. His face was red and scrunched up, his nose was dripping with snot, and his hands were coming up to swipe desperately at the tears on his cheeks.
You pulled him close to you again as he kept hiccuping and sniffling into the crook of your neck. His loud weeping wet your shirt with both the fluids from his eyes and nose, but you didn’t care; you just rubbed his back, caressing him tenderly.
His voice was suddenly clearer as he took deep breaths to try and recuperate himself: “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“Why are you sorry?” you asked, stiffening your hold on him.
“I just… I don’t know. I hate crying. I’m not a kid anymore, you know?” he tried laughing.
“Satoru,” you whispered delicately, turning your head so your words rested right by his ear. “You were never a kid.”
Gently, you pressed his head into you, stopping him from moving his lips in any way. “I want you to be one right now.”
You let him stay in your arms for a while until his tears subsided and his breathing steadied. You had moved to the floor at some point, allowing him to comfortably lean on you as you embraced him, his previous quivering replaced now by the calm rhythm of his rising and falling figure.
He hadn’t talked in a while, so you assumed he’d fallen asleep, but then, among his mellow breathing, a mumble came up right by your ear:
“Thank you,” he’d said.
Hugging him tighter, you patted him on the back softly. “Of course.”
As one hand traveled to intertwine its fingers in his hair, you reached for your phone with your other one.
You pressed the power button on its side, and flinched backward, squinting at the brightness your phone screen emitted. Despite your sudden movement, Satoru didn’t show any sort of reaction; he’d fallen asleep, for sure now.
You continued to comb through his white locks, a little more consciously now, as you made note of the time and date your phone’s clock displayed, changing right before your eyes:
December 25th, 00:00
You smiled, dragging your coat up to cover the both of you as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, Satoru.”
might do a toji x megumi's teacher reader if u wanna follow
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crazylittlejester · 27 days
anyways funny headcanon time (I've made it tradition to just send in headcanons after school lmao, IM SO DESPERATE TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THEM GRR)
also this may be projection because I personally do this but.. warriors is very short. shorter then most men. therefore, he secretly wears multiple soles in his boots to make himself appear taller then he actually is. it works of course, and it scares him to take off his boots because he fears the reactions that will arise if the chain actually finds out his height....
(I say this because I am unfortunately a very short person ((4'9)) and I have snuck an extra sole into my shoes because I'm tired of being so short and having people comment on it 😭 it works somehow???)
I get so excited when I see ur headcanons dw dw, i love hearing em! send as many as you want whenever you want dude
No Link is tall and I will stand by this till the day I die. None of these guys are anywhere NEAR 6’0, i refuse to believe it lmao. The tallest is Time and he is 5’9 to me on a Good Day
Warriors is 5’6 to me, he’s shorter than Twilight but Twilight is never gonna figure that out because, you are right, he totally has thick soles in his boots that boost him up an inch or two (also look me in the eyes and tell me that Warriors wouldn’t just full on wear platforms to some fancy event because he’s dramatic like that and he’d eat in heels). He’s aware he’s short but he’s gonna fight it if he can, and if he cant he’s gonna make sure at least Twilight never knows hes taller than Wars because the teasing would be relentless
(i understand ur pain i too have snuck extra soles in my shoes in high school because there is nothing worse than being a short king in an american high school, people are cruel 😔)
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ackermanbitch · 2 years
david shaw x sick!angel blurb
i woke up horribly sick yesterday and i did not even know abt the video until halfway thru this LMAO also this is like pretty far into their relationship, hence davey not being a jerk
warnings: sickness, fluff, like one innuendo cus its angel guys, also angel likes chai because i dont believe theres anyone who doesnt like chai so im sorry if u dont like chai and cant relate hjbasvgbx
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Angel was awoken by their own pounding headache, keeping their eyes closed as they blindly reached out for the duvet to pull it over their head with a groan. They so badly wanted to get up and pull the curtains closed, rather than rely on the blanket to shut out the light that was only worsening their quickly growing headache, but alas, their sore muscles screamed in protest when they tried to sit up, ultimately failing and falling back onto the excessive amount of pillows with a soft thump.
They reached for David but he was too far on the other side of the bed, as they usually ended up after a night of cuddling, when the warmth became uncomfortable. Now all they really needed was warmth, sudden chills breaking out across their body.
"Davey.." They called out, the hoarseness of their own voice startling them.
He wasn't exactly a heavy sleeper, grumbling in response.
"Can you please close the curtains?" They groaned, shifting closer to him.
He hummed, taking a second or two before finally climbing out of bed and strolling to the window, pulling the curtains closed the rest of the way.
"Migraine?" He questioned softly, not bothering to pull the blanket from over their head as he sat back down, knowing the general drill for this sort of thing.
"So much worse." Angel rasped a bit dramatically, following it up with a drawn out whimper. David sighed, bringing a hand to rest on what he assumed was their head hidden under the duvet, "Isn't the flu going around your office right now? I told you to be careful."
Angel gasped, slowly pulling the blanket down. "How dare you chastise me when I'm so vulnerable." They accused, the creases between their brows deepening.
David chuckled, "I'm just saying, I warned you. Every time you get sick, it hits you like a train." He teased, moving his hand to their a face, his thumb pressing gently against the space between their brow.
"Thank god it's the weekend." They whispered, closing their sore eyes, David humming in reply.
"And if it wasn't, I wouldn't let you go to work like this, even if it meant chaining you to this bed."
"You know, I'd probably be-"
"-into that, yeah I know you would, you perv." He laughed, pulling the blanket back up over their head before standing from the bed with a yawn. "I'll get you some tea."
"Chai, please." They requested almost inaudibly but David didn't need to hear them to know exactly what they wanted, headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on.
Angel rolled over, bringing their hands up to cover their eyes as if they weren't already under a blanket. They'd curl into a ball if their back wasn't too sore to do so, every little movement triggering a flare of pain up and down their back. Since when did the flu become so brutal?
"David! Please bring tylenol too!" Angel shouted, momentarily peeking out from under the blanket and immediately regretting the volume they used as it made them painfully aware of how sore their throat really was. They groaned for the umpteenth time that morning, opting for pulling a pillow over their head instead of a blanket.
David came back a few minutes later, a steaming mug of tea in one hand and two pills in the other. "We're out of tylenol but I brought ibuprofen." He explained quietly, setting the cup and meds on the table. All he got in return were soft snores, a small smile breaking across his face as he lifted the pillow.
"Angel," He whispered, "C'mon, you gotta drink something."
They awoke with yet another groan, slowly sitting up. They winced as they leaned against the headboard, holding out both hands. "Feels like someone took to my back with a hammer."
"Well leaning over a laptop all night isn't gonna help with the muscle aches." David lightly scolded, handing them the mug and the two pills.
After downing the ibuprofen and some gulps of what they thought was the best cup of tea they ever had, they moved to lay back down.
David sighed, placing the tea onto the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed, bringing a hand to Angel's arm. "I could draw you a bath," He suggested, "Would really help with the aches."
Angel huffed, "Only if it feels like I'm bathing in lava."
He let out a genuine laugh, standing to make his way to the master bathroom.
"And if you carry me!"
"You are so dramatic."
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elena-reina · 2 years
I Don’t Need You - Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw Reader
Request: Can i please get an angsty dracoxravenclaw reader fic in which there’s a misunderstanding and the reader is about to get sent to azkaban for using an unforgivable curse to protect draco idk how it might go but i believe in u just add a bunch of angst 😭😭😭 (they’re not in a relationship but they’re both denying their feelings tho) - Anon
Warnings: angsty bby
A/N: I know this took me a while, but can't rush perfection lmao... im kidding. I hope you like it.
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“Don’t you take one more step closer towards Draco,” you spat, holding your wand out in front of you.
Bellatrix let out a loud cackle and dramatically looked around. “And I suppose I’m supposed to be scared of someone like you?”
Draco and Bellatrix had gotten into a nasty fight that left her looking for him to bring him over to the Dark Lord. You didn’t know what exactly she was going to tell him or what he was going to do, but it wasn’t going to be anything good.
You didn’t care that his parents were involved with Voldemort, you had no faith whatsoever that they were going to be there for Draco because they haven’t before, what makes now any different?
“Really now, Draco. You’re going to have your little girlfriend fight your battles now?” she cackled, “You’re becoming more and more like those mudblood’s at your school.”
“He’s not my boyfriend-”
“-She’s not my girlfriend.”
“I don’t care! Draco, get over here now so you may face the the Dark Lord this instant!”
Draco’s eyes darted between you and Bellatrix. Walking backwards, you kept your eyes glued to hers as you slowly crept your way closer and closer to Draco. The three of you were in at the Atrium, alone. 
“Listen, little girl, I don’t have time for this. Go on and move out of my way before I move you myself!” she shouted erratically. 
“Y/N, go. I can handle myself,” Draco said to you.
“Over my dead body,” you gritted.
“Y/N..,” he muttered lowly, frozen where he was. He didn’t want to make any sudden movements for the fear of not only him getting hurt, but also you. Everyone knew how unpredictable Bellatrix was, but this didn’t stop you.
“Alright, if you say so.” 
Waving her arms over her head, Bellatrix pointed her wand at you. “Avada Ked-”
“NO!” Draco shouted, running and crashing into the side of you, pushing you out the way. He just nearly dodged the curse. You felt the hardness of the floor slam into the back of your skull on impact, making you groan out in pain. 
Draco was on top of you, his face just centimeters from yours. He held himself up on the palm of his hands, so he didn’t crush you completely. His face was frantic with worry. He caressed your cheek, moving the hair out of your face with one arm.
“You.. You’re okay,” he whispered, his eyes darting back and forth between yours, “You need to get out of here, I-”
Bellatrix cackled, clapping her hands together, making you turn your attention away from Draco and onto her instead. A lock of Draco’s hair was lightly feathering across your face as he turned to look as well.
“Well isn’t this cute, but I’m afraid I’ve run out of patience now.”
She began stomping up, raising her wand. Within the matter of seconds, your eyes widened, and you quickly wrapped one arm around Draco’s neck and pressed him tight against your body, having him collapse onto you. Sitting up as best as you could, you raised your other arm that held your wand tightly, and screamed at the top of your lungs.
Your voice echoed amongst the walls, as a bright red light shot out the tip of your wand. Hitting Bellatrix right in the middle of her chest, she flew backwards writhing in pain.
Panting, you slowly lowered your wand and rested your hand against Draco’s back. He pulled away from you and examined your face. You smiled a bit as he whipped his head around, watching Bellatrix cry out.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” he breathed looking back at you, “We need to get out of here.” 
You shrugged, opening your mouth to speak, when a man’s voice spoke for you.
“Y/N Y/LN.”
You both turned your heads around. Your eyes landed on leather boots. Slowly trailing up the man’s pants suit you came face to face with Cornelius Fudge and others standing behind him. The Ministry of Magic.
“S-Sir,” you stuttered as Draco moved off of you.
“You’ve just used an unforgivable curse,” he spat astonished, “This is grounds for immediate life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison.”
You quickly rose to your feet. “What!? No, you don’t understand, I was defending Draco.”
“It’s true,” Draco defended beside you, glaring at the man.
“And from who exactly?” Cornelius scoffed, opening his arms, and looking around, before back at you and raising his eyebrow. “I would’ve thought Hogwarts taught you better, especially for a Ravenclaw.”
“From Bellatrix Lestrange! She was trying to harm Draco and bring him to Voldemort,” you retorted.
“Nonsense!” he dismissed, looking back at the men behind him, and motioned them to step in.
“I swear, she’s just right over here!” you trailed towards across the room, looking for her, but she was no where in sight. 
Your mouth remained gaped, turning in a circle, examining the entire Atrium. She had to have escaped, because there’s no way she would’ve just vanished into thin air from the cruciatus curse. 
“Sir, you’ve got to believe me, I was protecting Draco,” you pleaded, before one of the men behind him stepped forward and roughly gripped your arm.
“Send her off to Azkaban,” Fudge dismissed and began to walk away.
“No!” you shouted as the man aggressively began dragging you away with him. You screamed while trying to stand up as he was pulling you too fast.
You flail your body around, trying to use your feet to push away from his hand, making him almost stop dragging you.
“Stop resisting!” the man shouted in a deep angered voice.
“Let me go! I didn’t do anything wrong!” you shouted right back at him.
The man roughly threw you over his shoulder, carrying you. You pounded your fists against his back as hard as you could, kicking your legs around. However, he had a firm grip around your thighs, keeping you in place, as he was walking towards one of the fireplaces.
Upon quick reflexes, Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at the man who held onto you and spoke.
The man knocked backwards with you flying with him. Your back crashed against a corner, making you cry out, however there wasn’t enough time to waste. Draco grabbed onto your arm and pulled you away to the other side of Floo Networks before the man could’ve gotten up. 
The two of you ran as fast as you could and jumped into an empty fireplace as Draco screamed a destination, transporting the two of you away.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!”
You snatched the poster off of the wall, running your eyes up and down the paper. Written in bold black words were: 
"Y/N,” Draco mumbled under his breath, taking the paper from your hands. He ripped it up and crinkled it, throwing it away in the nearest bin.
“I’m a fugitive now,” you groaned, running a hand through your hair.
The two of you walked secretly through Hogsmeade on a snowy day. You had hoods concealing your faces as you’ve been keeping a low profile for a while due to obvious reasons. When Draco transported the two of you out of the Atrium, you landed headfirst right outside of Hogwarts. At first, you spent most of the time hiding inside the castle just waiting for when things would’ve calmed down by now.
Clearly, they haven't due to your face on posters everywhere. 
You and Draco never really talked about that night and if anything, avoided it. You were already tense as is. You were a straight-A Ravenclaw student who never got into any trouble. Not even with your parents. And now you’re in trouble with the entire Ministry of Magic from a complete misunderstanding. 
Draco, on the other hand, consistently had some sort of attitude with you. You never understood it, and he never bothered to explain himself, let alone talk about it. You tried your best to ignore his attitude, but you were over it.
“You’re not a fugitive,” he said, eyeing around, and pulled you down an empty alley and behind an abandoned building. Walking inside, you lowered your hood, brushing the snow off of your shoulders.
“We can’t hide forever,” you spoke, frustrated.
You’ve been hiding for a couple weeks now, going back and forth between this abandoned building and Hogwarts. Only to get the necessities like food or clothing. Luckily, Draco has been sticking right by you and you haven’t ran into Bellatrix or anyone else among his family. 
“I don’t see a better option here, Y/N. One wrong move and you’re going straight to Azkaban,” he snapped, folding his arms over his chest. 
“Why’re you acting like that,” you glared, giving him back the same energy he’s giving you.
“Like what?” he muttered, walking past you to add logs to the fireplace in the corner of the room. He lifted his wand and shot out a spark of fire, lighting up the wood and producing a warmth that will soon fill the room. He knelt down, staring into the fire.
“Like that!” you stomped, to stand beside him, “Why’re you treating me like I'm the bad guy here.”
“I’ve said no such thing,” he shrugged nonchalantly, not giving into what you want. 
“You don’t need to say it Draco, I can feel it. I know this is about that night, are you mad that I defended you? Is that what this is about?”
He stayed silent, his gaze remaining on the fireplace. The flames produced a sun-kissed glow on his face, radiating warmth that filled the stilling silence.
“Are you upset that I didn’t want you to go to that monster!?”
“Enough, Y/N,” he growled.
“No! Why are you treating me like I did something wrong!? You should be thanking me!” you shouted at him, roughly pushing his shoulder, causing him to almost lose his balance. 
“I don’t feel like discussing this right now, Y/N. Drop it,” he hissed, tossing a piece of rock from the floor into the fire.
You huffed, throwing your hands up in the air, pacing from one end of the room, to the other. Walking back near him, you stood, tapping your foot and crossing your arm.
“You know what, Draco. You’re unbelievable, I can’t believe that I literally almost got myself thrown in jail for you, almost got tortured for you, almost got killed for you!”
His breathing was becoming heavier as each second passed. You were getting on his nerves, and you knew this, however some kind of answer was better than no answer.
His eyes felt like daggers staring into yours when he looked at you.
“You should have just let me handle it myself,” he spat, “We wouldn’t be in this mess and hiding if you would have just listened to me.”
You scoffed, raising your eyebrow. “You would’ve just gone with Bellatrix and gotten yourself killed.”
“I would’ve been fine and you wouldn’t have a bounty on your head,” he snapped immediately, standing up and roughly poking your head back with his finger, as he muttered ‘on your head.’  
Inhaling sharply, your lips twitched with anger. You were trying your best to remain calm, however your plan to evoke some kind of reaction out of him was backfiring and instead angering you. 
“All this time!” you screamed into his face, “I’ve always looked out for you and you have been nothing but greedy and selfish about it! Everything I do has been for you!”
He turned away, but you reacted fast and grabbed onto his arm. He snapped immediately, and snatched his arm out of your grip, taking you by surprise. 
“I’m not done talking to you-”
“-I am.”
You reached out to grab him once more but he grabbed onto your shirt and cornered you against the wall. His face was just inches from yours. His once bright silver eyes, were now a stormy shade of grey. His jaw was locked as he was fuming with anger while he towered over you. 
You’ve never seen him this angry with you.
“I said I’m done with his conversation,” he gritted through his teeth, before roughly letting go of your shirt.
You scoffed, smirking and looking to the side. “Yeah, sure. Go ahead and push me away like you have with everyone else in your life.”
You pushed off of the wall, away from him, and headed for the door. That must've been the last straw because Draco then whipped out his wand, but you were quicker than him and pulled yours out too.
“Stupefy!” He shouted, angrily.
Gasping you, just barely shielded yourself yelling, “Protego!”
Silence filled the room. You couldn’t believe he just did that. Was he really trying to hurt you right now. 
Your best friend.
Your. Best. Friend.
“How... DARE YOU!” you shouted, flicking countless spells in his direction that he deflected each one away. You don’t even know which ones you were yelling, you were just so mad that he tried to hurt you.
“I CAN HANDLE MYSELF! I DON’T NEED YOU!” he screamed, staring at you with what you assumed was pure hatred. 
“THEN I’LL GO!” you yelled, tears brimming in your eyes, finally lowering your wand. “Azkaban seems a whole lot better than being in the same room as you!”
Pushing your wand up your sleeve, you turned away and finally headed towards the door. Not bothering to grab your hood, you opened the door and slammed it shut as hard as you could.
The snow crunched under your feet throughout the freezing night. You clutched your arm close to yourself, trying to preserve any sort of warmth you could. You were mentally cursing your stubbornness knowing that you should’ve grabbed your hood, not only for secrecy but also for warmth. 
But you would rather freeze here than stay under the same roof as Draco.
You’ve been wandering around for at least a day if not more and didn’t know where you were going. There weren’t any clear walkways due to the blizzard ripping throughout the night. Since leaving Draco, you had gone through a forest and eventually wandered into a small town. The only light illuminating the roads were scarce street lights and the glow from the moon and stars. It almost seemed like an abandoned village, but it was also the middle of the night so you didn’t expect anyone to be out. 
With all of the snow blazing, you needed to find somewhere and fast before you got frostbite. As the storm continued at its pace, you saw a cabin up ahead and closed your eyes briefly in bliss.
Thank Merlin.
Finally reaching the cabin, you held out your wand towards the handle.
“Alohomora,” you whispered. The door clicked and unlocked. Placing your icy hand on the metal handle, you twisted it open and stepped inside before closing it softly behind yourself.
Looking around, there wasn’t any presence of life besides yourself. It was pitch black, without a single light in sight. You let out a breath of relief and walked straight to the kitchen on the other side of the room. It was a really small space, but you didn’t mind as it was only you here after all. 
It was a single story that had a few hallways. One of them leading to some sort of bedroom you assumed and a bathroom. The living room was across the way, almost connected to the kitchen. Turning on the water, you held your hands under the stream. 
It didn’t take long for the water to turn warm, providing immediately ease to the cold. You hummed in contentment, before turning it off and running your warm hands down your face. 
Exiting the kitchen, you looked at the mess rattling around the floor. Papers, books, and some broken furniture was everywhere slovenly. It seems like this place was robbed or destroyed of some sort. Only further adding to your theory that this place was empty.
Walking to the living room, you sat down on the small couch and rested your head on the arm rest. 
Could you have gone to the bedroom? Sure. But you didn’t plan to stay for that long anyways and being near the door was your best option of escaping at any given point.
Luckily there was a quilt on the couch that you pulled closer and over your body. Tucking your knees into your chest, you let out a sigh sitting in the stilling silence, except for the howling blizzard outside. You were exhausted not just physically but mentally and emotionally.
You couldn’t find it in your brain to figure out what you did wrong. Sure, you used an unforgivable curse, but it was out of self-defense.
Not that he even deserved it anyways.
You closed your eyes and left them that way. You were dozing off and allowed yourself to finally be consumed by sleep.
“She’s gotta be in there!”
“Would you be quiet!”
Your eyes shot open, and you grabbed your wand that was underneath you. Slowly moving the blanket off of you, you crawled down onto the floor on all fours. Light illuminated through the window that was just behind the couch. You quickly ducked, feeling your heart pump against your chest, so violently that you could feel your pulse throbbing in your throat.
Whoever it was has to be with the Ministry of Magic. How did they even find you.
“Do you see anything?”
“Shut up!”
“Shit..” you muttered under your breath. You had to move quickly and now. Crawling, you went across the room and into the kitchen to hide behind the counter tops. Pressing your back against the cabinet near the floor, you held your breath.
The door clicked, indicating someone was coming in. You mentally cursed yourself as you held your wand close to your body. There was only one way in and out, and unless you wanted to jump through a window, there was no other way to leave. You were going to have to face them one way or another.
Footsteps thumped against the hardwood floor, steadily. You could tell they were trying their best to stay quiet because it would become dead silent for moments, and the footsteps would continue every so often. 
Soon enough, you heard them going down one of the hallways and into the bedroom. This is going to be your only chance to escape. 
Briskly getting onto your feet, you sped across the room and to the front door. Throwing it open, the blizzard was still blazing as hard as ever. The harsh winds caused the door to loudly slam against the wall, giving away any sense of secrecy. Mentally cursing yourself, you ran a hand down your face to wake yourself up. You were still hazy from being woken up just moments ago.
The men began running away from the bedroom and instead closer to you.
Without turning around, you sprinted. 
You ran as fast as you could while also shielding your face from the pestering snow, it almost becoming painful. You pushed every muscle to the max, widening your strides. 
You ran through the dimly lit streets, throwing whatever spells you could behind you to buy you more time. You kept turning around different corners in an attempt to lose the men who were chasing you, however this almost made you lose your footing due to the ice coating the floor.
You eventually ran all the way to the forest you met just a day or so prior. Just enough light from the moon allowed you to see well enough to avoid running into a tree. However, some branches that were hidden in the shadows cut you as the forest seemed to get darker with every step you took. 
You never slowed down, tripping over the occasional trunks that stuck out of the once-mushy woodland ground that was now beginning to ice over. Suddenly, you dropped onto the cold earth under you as a result of your foot becoming trapped in a hole on the ground that was deeper than it had appeared to be in the gentle moonlight above. You let out a silent cry in pain as you crawled forward, dragging your foot out of the pit. You limped, with no time to waste.
Eventually, your sides started to cramp, and breathing became difficult. You stopped moving and crouched down behind a tall tree trunk, bracing yourself against your knees, ignoring the pain coursing through your ankle. 
In an effort to conceal your presence, you tried to suppress your panting. You examined what little of the forest you could see as you peeked around the tree. There was no sign of the men who had been pursuing you. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, you turned back around, leaning against the tree your chest rising and falling rapidly.
Just as you were about to wipe the dirt off of your face, a hand clamped down over your mouth. You were about to scream when you heard-
“Y/N, it’s alright. It’s me.”
Turning your head, you locked eyes with Draco. There he stood, right next to you. He let his hand fall from your face as you examined him up and down. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking behind you and back at him. 
“H-How did you-” you stopped to cough, your voice hoarse from all the running, “How did you find me.” 
He softly held your face in hands, turning you slightly as he inspected your face. Fresh cuts and dirt from the branches littered your face and body. You pushed his hands away from you and looked to the side, his hands lowering.
“I shortly followed you after you stormed out the other day but I lost you,” he began.
Your face contorted into confusion, before you rolled your eyes and glared at him.
“That doesn’t explain how you found me, but it doesn’t even matter,” you mumbled stubbornly, “I don’t want to talk to you, I thought I made that perfectly clear.”
Putting your hands on the floor, you attempted to stand up. He held out his hand, but you ignored it and used the tree for support instead. Leaning on your one good foot, you crossed your arms over your chest. He stood in front of you.
Draco shook his head. “Y/N-”
“No," you snapped, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you made it quite clear that you don’t need me.”
“I didn’t mean-”
“And you know what! You have some nerve coming all the way out here when it was you who said you could handle yourself. So why do you bother looking for me to begin with.”
“If you would just let me-”
“Like, c’mon Draco! What can I possible be to you when you’ve been nothing but unsupportive when I almost gave my life to save you!”
“Not to mention, that you literally tried harming me with-”
You gasped, turning around and instinctively flew into Draco’s arms when two men emerged from behind you, the floor crunching underneath them. Draco held onto you protectively when the men came closer breathing rather heavily. 
One of them collapsed onto the floor on their hands and knees heaving, while the other leaned against the tree directly across from you two, holding himself up with his arm and the other on his hip.
“M-Malfoy, I’m sorry bu-but,” the man against the tree wheezed, out of breath, “She’s re-really fast.”
“I’m gonna hurl,” the one on the floor grumbled, still trying to catch their breath.
You felt Draco’s chest rumble against your back as he chuckled. It was still dark, so it was hard to make out their faces. Confused, you looked up at Draco and back at the men.
“What’s going on,” you asked.
“If you would have let me speak, you would’ve known that I sent Crabbe and Goyle to look for you,” Draco answered.
You shook your head in disbelief. “Goyle..?”
“Yes,” Goyle panted against the tree trunk.
“Mhm.” Crabbe said not looking up from the floor and instead motioning a thumbs up, still on the verge of vomiting.
Sudden realization hit you that you were still in Draco’s arms. You cleared your throat and took a step away from him, having his arms fall to his side. Standing on your good leg, you kept a little distance between the two of you. Your face was hot with embarrassment.
“When I couldn’t find you, I needed help, so I called them. We sought out in different directions, assuming you couldn’t have gotten that far. Eventually we met up in that town just down there, and split up to look for you. When I left one house, I saw you running down the street and I followed you from a distance because I wasn’t trying to startle you,” Draco confessed.
“I nearly lost my hand running after you because of the spells you were throwing at us,” Goyle said.
“And my dinner,” Crabbe mumbled, still nauseous. 
Guilt coated your chest. “I’m sorry,” you apologized, your voice considerably more quiet than it had been seconds ago. 
Draco cleared his throat gaining the attention of Crabbe and Goyle. 
“Do you mind giving us a little privacy,” he said. 
They nodded as Goyle helped Crabbe to his feet. They began to walk to some other part of the forest, their heavy breathing drifted the further they walked. Soon it was you and Draco alone once again.
You huffed through your nose and shifted your weight. A sharp pain shot up your leg, reminding you about your swollen ankle, having you silently cry out in pain. Almost losing your footing, Draco immediately noticed and held onto your arms steadying you.
“You’re hurt,” he frowned, feeling guilty this time.
Avoiding eye contact, you tried balancing on your own and away from his touch. “I’m fine.”
Draco closed the distance between the two of you, and firmly held onto you. He shook his head. 
"Y/N, stop it. You're hurt, here." He grabs the shirt he was wearing and rips off a thick piece of cloth from it. Draco bends down, the top of his head now becoming your line of vision, and he lightly grabs onto your calf, raising it. You didn’t fight him off this time. 
He looks up at you, concern lacing his eyes.
“Where does it hurt?”
You hesitate before answering but give in.
“My ankle,” you whisper. He looks back down and took off your shoe. He began binding it with tightly, having you wince and eyes water. You sniffled, barely realizing your eyes were watery, wiping your nose on the back of your hand.
Was it because of the pain or Draco.
Maybe a little bit of both.
“M’sorry, it needs to be tight until I can take you to better care,” he apologized. 
After he finished, he slipped your shoe back on and stood up. You nodded, holding your arms close to yourself and looking to the side, a few tears lightly trailing down the side of your face.
Why do you feel so shy around him suddenly.
Draco’s face now just centimeters from you, lightly grabs your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. You can feel his breath fanning over your face. You don’t pull away from him this time. He then cups your cheeks with his hands.
“Y/N,” he whispered softly. You blinked up at him with blurred vision. He wiped away your tears with his thumbs and frowns. You held onto his arm.
“What you did,” you began, “What you said. It really stung deep, Draco.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to harm you. I was just so angry at you for putting yourself in harms way, but more so mad at myself for allowing you to be in that position to begin with. I don’t know what I would’ve done with myself if you had actually gotten hurt or worse, killed. All because of me. You didn’t deserve any of it.”
You wanted to look down, however he kept a firm, but soft, grip on your face keeping eye contact.
“You can’t stand here and tell me you wouldn’t do the same if I were in your shoes,” you frowned. His lips fell into a straight line and he grimly nodded.
“I most likely would have,” he admitted.
The wind howled, swaying the trees. The cold, chilling air once again took its place surrounding you, filling in moments of silence. Swallowing, you took a shaky breath.
“Draco, I'd never let anything happen to you,” your voice wavered. 
“As I wouldn’t either. I’m deeply, truly, sorry about almost hitting you with stupefy. I don’t have any excuse other than I was so blinded with rage, I let my emotions get the best of me. Y/N, forget everything I said, because I didn’t mean any of it. When you left, I felt immediate regret and couldn’t bare that you were out there all on your own,” he says without hesitation.
He holds eye contact with you, waiting for you to say something. You bit the inside of your cheek, not knowing exactly what to say in the moment. Of course what happened was not okay, but you could see and feel the guilt emitting off of him.
“Y/N, I am so ashamed of how I acted towards you. You are my best friend and I am truly the worst one there ever is to exist in the history of best friends,” he frowned.
You blink, a small smile forming on your lips.
“So, I guess you need me after all then,” you whispered.
Tears began slowly collecting in Draco’s eyes. He dropped his hands to your waist, as yours wrapped around his neck, pulling you in close for an embrace.“I need you, Merlin, I need you so damn much, words cannot express.”
The two of you stayed in each others arms, lightly swaying from side to side for a moment before pulling away. Looking at you with loving eyes, Draco spoke once more.
“Forgive me?”
“Of course, Draco. I could never stay mad at you-”
“OH MY MERLIN, CRABBE’S PASSED OUT AFTER THROWING UP!” Goyle yelled somewhere in the distance from wherever he was.
You and Draco held your breath for a moment, before you snorted and he let out a small chuckle, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Maybe next time you try hunting me down with Crabbe and Goyle, make them announce themselves, so I can avoid making them chase after me,” you joked.
“I should’ve known,” he laughed, “There won’t be a next time. Now c’mon, lets get you out of here.”
He bent down to pick you up with one arm under your knees and the other on your back since you were unable to walk. Holding you bridal style, he held you close to his chest, not letting you go and off to find Goyle and a passed out Crabbe.
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jrueships · 11 months
taking lil notes on the sauce getting a tat stream.... will be reblogging with more bcs this video is fucking long as shit plus with me always pausing to write whatever nonsense i find funny? yea, idk if ill be able to get thru this all lmao 😭 but yea this will just be lil blurbs rewritten n commented on as i watch on one device and take notes on another like a lil movie major or smthin LMAO. To shorten typing time, Sauce will be SG and tat man will just be K as his real name is Kyle. ok? ok
SG, impatient & cocky, trying to show out 4 the stream like a little loser: ay cmon bruh im ready 😤!!🤘🏿 *goes to lay down on the jets styled?? tatting bed??? idk what that is i don't get tats.. i just know they probably fucked on it cus sauce winced when he had to sit down LMAO. went from ay bruh im ready to EUAGH 😫!! Eh 😣😖!! in a millisecond LMFAO*
K: *checks himself out on camera for a split second*
K: *very polite to the stream's viewing. Apparently has never streamed or got an audience up close n personal during his tat sessions. Only shows the before and after photos so this is a new but very fun experience for him. aww, so cute <3 sauce getting him to try new things!!!! He's nervous about getting the best angles for us and he's always trying his best to please!! ( he's so service top it's Mad. it's MADDENIN!!! ) Sauce dramatic diva demanding hot n s*x fierce reporter mean fake bitch and his quiet polite and personable yet professionally firm, keeping sauce in line when he needs to fulltime cameraman part time bodyguard when the situation gets unexpectedly (or expectedly. Not everyone has Tat man's insanely loyal patience with sauce...) hostile WHEN??? Slowburn We're just workers/he's just my minion to ........... don't ask why we came out of the same bathroom at the same time STFU ?? HELLO??? TAT MAN!!!*
Chat: cook up kyle
1:05 (around there idk none of these time stamps will be any accurate bcs i pause late after realizing smthin was funny then guestimate where it started so sorry :( ): sauce walking his big b00bies up in our face jumpscare :/ . To help Kyle zoom the camera per his chats demands. He lowkey high key very anxious and micromanaging abt kyle using his camera equipment lol. He just loves telling people what to do but also that shit is probably very expensive. But cmon sauce. Kyle the cameraman's got it!!! HE EVEN HAS THE PERFECT CAMERAMAN NAME LIKE?? Let him take care of you bbygirl ..😼
Sauce once again (a bit more gingerly this time) sits himself on his jets style seat thing and let's out a little cry of pain when his ass hits it??? sauce these bttm allegations are BEATING ur ASS lmao????
Kyle does what sauce was about to do for him and sauce kinda :/// >:( 😰😰😠. Sauce try to go five seconds without micromanaging challenge impossible. Complains about chat being able to see his facial expressions being too close up now and how he won't be able to fuck with Kyle no more cus of it cus they'll make shit is weird. Kyle simply responds ' That's love 🙂. '
Sauce goads the chat asking if he should end stream. Kyle at first thinks maybe he isn't cameramanning right and gets a little nervous/sad at disappointing sauce but quickly catches onto the strategy and joins in on the bait. The chat take it with a chorus of Nos. Girlboss sauce malewife Tat man media powercouple ftw?
2:58, K: wait turn ur head a lil bit? *Sauce looks at him* no, other way *sauce looks away, exposing neck to him and pre-ink*
K admires his work. Shows it off to the chat, tells them he's getting them right. Zooms in on sauce's neck
SOMEBODY SAID 'L NIPPLE' IN THE CHAT WHAT???? Chat language is so.... beautiful 😭
'Stop being a lil girl take the pain like a man'????? Yall sure this is twitch and not p*rnhub ??? tf?
Kyle zooms in. Chat: "glad to get the nipple off the page" HELP. my thoughts exactly
Kyle tries hiding sauces face with his zooms bcs he knows sauce was self conscious about his expressions lmao. Chat, instantly, and these are different people too. Everyone is a sadist here apparently. My kinda people 😼: 'WE NEED TO SEE HIS FACE FR' 'HIS FACE BRO WE NEED TO SEE HIS FACE' 'WE NEED TO SEE HIS FACE IF HE CRIES'
3:38 Sauce, reading the chat bcs if he doesn't have attention that he can feel for five seconds he explodes and dies: is my face in there ? <- literally just whined about not wanting his face seen bcs he'd get weird comments and ruin his very heterosexual very platonic relationship with tat man. But is now turning his whole tune around for some shred of people pleasing attention omg 🙄 poo fimbly 😑
K: nah they be clownin 😿.. *just wants to protect him*
Sauce agrees a bit then quickly changes subject to compliment himself.
Sauce notices camera needs shifting so he tries but Kyle's on it before he can. Sauce keeps trying anyways until eventually the needles settle him slougish
5:10 chat tells them to zoom out but sauce defends his cameraman: AINT NO ZOOM OUT 😾😾!! HE TRYNA GIVE YOU THE UPCLOSE LOOKS !!
Kyle zooms out anyways
Sauce whines about his nipple lol
Sg: yall weird af 😑 Yall tryna see my nipple or smthin 🤨? *incredulous look to camera*
K: FREE THE NIP!!!!! <- reading off chat, sadly
THE CHAT BULLIED HIM INTO HIDING HIS BOOBS LMAO. He got a blanket 😭 so now he's gonna be with another man... while under a blanket ? um. sauce I think this is pretty lose lose if u ask me .
Kyle wearing those black tattoo gloves gently touching sauces neck.... soft dom and not even trying to hide it 🤨?
Chat: stop moaning 😐
Sauce: my bad bruh 😔
Someone: get the tissues ready (????)
Sg: in da trenches 😼. in da trenches 😼
Someone in chat: sauce do u like when men fuck u? ( 🤔.. it's a fair ask 😳.)
Chat: the right side of my neck hurted the most (average sauce fan iq, im afraid )
( now im just finding funny chat stuff cus all sauce doing rn is trying to not cry by randomly singing along to the music and kyle is working)
Chat trying to plot lies on kyle by spamming kyle messed up smthin so sauce can get worried lmao
9:40: around there, maybe a bit later, sauce starts groaning and cursing more
Chat: Sauce is it hard
Sauce asks how many people watching bcs u know he looooves an audience. Kyle doesn't know how to check so he has to stop and ask the chat
Kyle: Seven- ..... 776? 800? a thousand? man idk :(. yall play too much >:( yall play too damn much 🙄! ... i fuck with yall tho >:)
Chat trying to gaslight sauce into thinking Kyle's actually tatting a dick on his neck
I've been skipping or doing other stuff during some of the tatting. Sauce got up to try and figure out some twitch function? Mic suppression? idk. He lowkey stalling lol.
Kyle starts asking what the chat been saying around 31:40, curious.
Sauce and Kyle mumble to songs internmentedly lol
33:25 around there kyle raps to a song he rlly likes. Sauce adlibs it's cute
PAUSING THIS AT 35:10. We basically got an hour left in this jawn. YALL WE WATCHED ALOT IM PROUD!!!! OK im leaving this here for now, reblogging l a ter maybe even finishing it idk? I just need this shit sent cus im a lil nervous if it'll even load... this was a lotta work 😭 all for tatman and sauce interactions damn... ion even know this man's last name .. i need to go do strong people things now BYE see yall soon hopefully
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rubiter20 · 9 months
fav tmnt iteration?
warning this got long
OH YOU SEE THATS SO HARD. I love all of them for different reasons!!! I have the same reaction when people ask my favorite star trek series. The ones i'm most familiar with are 2012 and rottmnt, i'm also very slowly watching 2003 and reading the IDW comics right now but I haven't had time to track back and properly read anything before issue #140 or so...
I love how fun and fast paced rise is, and rise leo reallly intrigues me leo is my special little guy in any iteration but the changes they made to him in rise was real interesting and fun to watch. I also really love that they're different species of turtles its a very nice spin rather than just being a vague "turtle",, I also really fucking love baron draxum like adsfhgjklaiefjs he's so deliciously dramatic. I love the part in season two where he's trying to save some human and he's like "HUMANS YOU WILL COME WITH ME" or something i am LITERALLY cackling thinking about it. I also love mikey in this series, it's a little painful how 2012 kept giving out plots that seemed to beating his siblings over the head with the point that they should take him seriously and then they just.... continue to not... (sidebar but Mikey is so silly in 2012 I love him so much its worth it despite the lack of respect he gets) They are all so caring for each other and the episode where mikey goes out by himself to get the lou jitsu video game is probably my favorite episode of the whole series.
But I love the dramatics of 2012, and I find the shredder Very Hilarious (imagine having beef with four 15 year olds) and also a very engaging villain just like draxum is. Like i was for real scared of him watching some scenes especially when leo got his ass whooped by him. I also love leo in this one (once again he's my special little guy across all iterations) I love how he's a star trek nerd (well.. "space heroes" but cmon.. it was star trek and as a trekkie i appreciate it so hard. I know in my heart leo would convince donnie to dress up as spock with him as kirk). But 2012 also has its fair share of silly times and fun episodes and good action I think its a really nice balance. The writing gets more flimsy later on in seasons... 3+ i think i'd say? (don't get me started on leo's injury after the krang invasion I was so disappointment on how it was handled it could have been SO GOOD and it WASN'T.) (also don't get me started on Karai they built up this interesting character and then all but dropped her off any of the plotline...) But they're still enjoyable and I love the characters and their interactions.. 2012 Donnie is special to me he's such a sarcastic ass (said affectionately). I have seen mixed feelings on the Splinter from this one and honestly I find him hilarious at times in a very very specific way that I can't describe right now. I think its clear how he cares for them despite the fact that he's harsher or stricter at times than rise splinter. I love all the brothers personalities I feel like they are very well established and it works very well they're SUCH a joy to watch. I also like that they leaned more heavily into the sci-fi elements tmnt goes into sometimes, personally.
I've also seen people say they act more like teenagers in rise and I personally don't get that, every tmnt thing I've watched so far they act so teenager-y it hurts. Cue 2012 Splinter grounding them and them all immediately sneaking out.
If I had to pick one, I think despite my gripes with some of their choices I had the most fun with 2012.
I have so so much more I could say and i don't think I mentioned April once im so sorry April but this is long as fuck LMAO
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hi! This is an impossible question (i love these questions). Because I fall in love with characters so easily 😅 and I hyperfixate HARD. lol, so if you asked this 6 months ago, or ask again in another 6 months or with slightly different parameters, you'd likely get a totally different list from me. 😂 but I'll give you some of my most current top 10 character loves. And before ANYONE JUDGES ME, I'm well aware these characters being my favorites heavily implies I need therapy... I already know! Also, I'm still fairly new to anime. There is still ALOT I haven't seen. SO in no particular order, some of my top 10 favorites (and yes, I'll probably cheat and name more than 10 if i have multiple favs from one series, im not sorry):
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Kaladin Stormblessed/Jasnah Kholin - From Stormlight Archive (Book)
I relate to Kaladins struggle with depression alot, not only that, but his strength and courage and the way he is always ready to step up to help and protect others. Jasnah is a queen, she is such a strong woman and a role model of a character and so wise. And a total and complete badass. Smarter than everyone in the room? Yes. Blow up a man who attempts to mug her? Also yes. 😍
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Zuko - From ATLA (TV Show)
The ultimate redemption arc and childhood crush character! A badass, a sweetheart, an asshole but with a caring heart and that endearingly awkward struggle of him trying to make friends. He is just so cool
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Itachi Uchiha/Kakashi Hatake - From Naruto (Anime)
I can't pick between them and you can't make me! They are both so OP, so cool, so badass, so dramatic and have the best fight scenes and the ability to make me emotional as fuck
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Olivier Armstrong/Roy Mustang - From Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Anime)
Roy's revenge arc 😳😍 lol plus we love a badass man who loves the people around him and also doesn't mind knowing when he needs to let the others around him step up! General Armstrong, man idk if I wanted to be her when I grow up or be WITH her. Probably both. She is the KING. She is the toughest in the room. She takes no bullshit. I'm obsessed with her. When her and teacher were working together for a bit? I was in love. Lol
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Hua Cheng- From TGCF (Donghua)
Obsessive, protective, will do anything for his love, will be his most devoted worshiper? Takes no shit? Is the strongest MF out there? Soft for the love of his life only? Is it lowkey a little toxic when I put it this way? A little. Lmfao am I in love with it anyway? Yes. He is like the definition of scary dog privilege lmao
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Kaz Brekker - From Six of Crows (Book)
He IS the smartest person around and he will let you know about it. And he will pull off the impossible with no one knowing how he did it. He has got plans upon plans. And not only that, but he uses a cane, has a disability, has chronic pain, has the most intense ptsd. And it's written SO WELL and it's SO RELATABLE (the chronic pain part, not the rest of his tragic as fuck backstory) and he is the most insane badass.
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Inosuke/Akaza - From Demon Slayer (Anime)
Inosuke is just fucking insane and I love that so much. Lmfao literally child raised by wolves, is a loveable beast type character. 😂 I just want his happiness. And I love that he is an absolute weirdo and also a badass. Akaza is just.... such a good character so far! Lol and don't think that just because he is my favorite, I'm not rooting for the demon slayers to get their revenge! I am! I just also love him and I love how he is also insane, loves being powerful and I just know his backstory is probably going to make me cry. The way this show makes me SOB all the time!
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Vin/Kelsier - From Mistborn (Book)
Listen, does Vin suffer as a character from "not like all the other girls" syndrome, yes. Do I LOVE everything about her and how stupidly strong and badass she is anyway? Yes. I also love that the book has HER saving the male love interest and being the white knight too instead of the other way around as per usual. Kelsier is a genius and a madman and a crazy murderer.... and I love him so much. The man has ZERO CHILL AND IS DRAMATIC TO THE CORE. I love everything about that honestly.
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Nico Di Angelo/Percy Jackson - From PJO series (Book)
I'm having a hard time explaining myself for all of these and not just repeating "i just love them okay?!" Lol Look, Percy is THAT guy. He is the hero. He is the perfect boyfriend. He is the ultimate crush for everyone in the series. Lol he is loyal to a literal fault. He has the darkness and rage inside him that he keeps leashed and let's out whenever he needs to. Nico is RIGHT UP THERE TOO. The powerhouses these 2 are! Nico is scary and grumpy and adorable and just needs to be loved and they've been through so much and I just need them to have the happiest of endings. Nico deserves the world. He is also scary dog privilege too. He is perfection and speaks deeply to my emo kid heart.
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Octavia Blake - From the 100 (TV Show)
I'm forever and Octavia sympathizer. She DID THE BEST SHE COULD WITH WHAT SHE HAD AND SHE SAVED EVERYONE SO MANY TIMES. She was the most badass. The underdog story and the most tragic ending to her romance and even when she lowkey went off the deepend, it was understandable. Lol that's my bitch, and I'm sticking with her!
So yeah, they all lowkey are lovable assholes here honestly. No one worry about me please, I'm fine Maybe i just like mean bitches who are hidden softies full of love super deep down 😅😏 Honestly, my husband is the worldest sweetest man ever. I promise my real life taste is not so filled with red flags like 85% of this list is. 🤣🤣 I fully know how this list could look lol
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quietbluejay · 23 days
Bluejay Reads Warhammer Samples 1
Because I need something to do to take a break from packing. So I'm going to put my sample impressions of books I haven't read (yet) here.
First up, Ashes of Prospero, The Solar War, The Lost and the Damned, Slaves to Darkness
description of daemon magnus is. something.
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he's blue badabee badaba
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but is he on the boulevard of broken dreams his wings are "ornamental and dramatic" well the imperium does one (1) thing right they use metric
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Our hero squelches his way along
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he's got a pet raven and he named it nightwing that's so cute wait your door handles have the ouroborous on them? that's kind of….thousand sons of you
you know what, good on the space wolves for having a nicely decorated space
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must be a huge pain to keep clean though
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honestly this is a pretty sweet setup
khayon 🤝 njal have a fun animal familiar and not sleeping due to nightmares caused by the space wolves/thousand sons invading their planet okay done the sample sadly the wacky body sharing antics did not begin definitely getting the vibe that this guy is more of a fantasy writer
New sample time back over to horus era oh it's emperor shenanigans again
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so, i heard some concerning stuff about French's writing for the Horus Heresy but this seems good
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yeah yeah the corpse on the throne foreshadowing, we've all seen it
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amazing you just summed up the over-theme
oh hi Mersadie, been a while Mersadie is now imprisoned
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she seems um. surprisingly mentally well for someone who has been in solitary confinement for seven years oh, nvm, she's having hallucinations
man poor Mersadie, gets solitary confinement for the crime of…being one of the only two surviving remembrancers for the Sons of Horus okay so you know how i said sometimes you can hear what the author was listening to as they wrote? im breathing in the chemicals well, it's Sound of Silence here owo jaghatai is here ew malcador is here
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sexy lamp horus strikes again also, as always, French is great at mood-setting
i don't think this is necessarily bad writing, but tbh as always i am deeply uninterested in space battle play by plays so i am leaning against adding this book to the to-read pile OH NO NOT AGAIN THE HUMAN TALLOW CANDLES STRUCK WHEN I LEAST EXPECTED THEM as if summoned by the human tallow candles, blorbo shows up ahriman!!
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i did not expect abaddon to quote poetry anyways yeah i don't think this is necessarily a bad book, but it doesn't seem like one I'm interested in
another sample oh hey it's Guy Haley! oh this is the one where abaddon mutes angron on zoom and it starts the day before valentines day. lol
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if i had a nickel for every primarch described as "uncompromising and severe" i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it makes me disinclined to like dorn
sanguinius i guess gets left as the dumb blond where the other two get characterization notes yeah. haley definitely improved by the time he got to writing plague wars this is better written than Valedor but not as good as Dark Imperium
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im ngl he feels more norse than the space wolves lmao huh you know i feel like this is one of the least-horny descriptions of a woman stripping i've run across so glad it's not McNeill writing this
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dorn: yeah uh, actually, i kind of really need to know this stuff since i'm the general in charge of fighting against it
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looks at current situation looks at malcador yeahhhhh im gonna have to side with dorn on this one
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man kinda wish horus' attempt to assassinate malcador had worked also jaghatai continues to be best boi jaghatai: he should have trusted us more malcador: look what happened with the bit he did trust you with im rolling my eyes so hard
dorn: okay but like HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT DAEMONS HUH malcador: don't worry about it, i got it yeah uh this explains so much also dorn isn't making too bad an impression on me
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you know, i feel like there should have been some more reflection from lion
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in his book, i mean hm okay, i might actually read this one at some point also, Vulkan's been alive for months and malcador is only telling them now behold! the man largely responsible for turning the imperium into what it was
still feeling like crap time for ANOTHER sample this is not grabbing me oh it's Malcador AGAIN oh it's flashback with pre-sexy lamp horus
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This is supposed to be the Horus Heresy so why is he just a sexy evil lamp in most of them
aaaargh! human fat candle again! checks writer name JOHN FRENCH MUST BE STOPPED HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS okay our chaos priest word bearer dude wanders around naked
blorbo spotted!
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i think it would have been extremely funny if the mournival had weekend-at-bernies'd wounded horus i'd read that or better yet if russ had actually managed to kill him and they used his dead body
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just-rogi · 1 year
I’m and adult and generally desensitized to the things my students say to me (because I’m good at my job) and sure my kids have said hurtful things but I can let them go, but god there are parts of this job that are just.. I don’t know? Uniquely painful and tragic?
I’m usually pretty unperturbed by homophobia because I’m a big girl, grew up in a small town, and grew a thick skin. You can’t really do nonprofit work without hearing some insane shit from people who want you dead- and I’ve been hearing it since I started volunteering at age 17. All this is to say that I’m really unphased by general homophobia.
Im not exactly waving around rainbow flags in the classroom but if the kids ask about my life I don’t lie about it and have been casually out and an ally for the queer students who just want a teacher to talk to when they feel so isolated, just to exist as a happy queer adult living my life can be a radical act for these kids who may not be able to picture a future where they can just exist as themselves. God this post is way longer than I intended,
But this is all to say that generally shit doesn’t get to me especially at my job, but I had a little boy today who ADORED me. Like this boy followed me around like a puppy and loved to show me his drawings and his homework and would literally cheer out loud whenever he found out that I was covering his class. The kids generally like me because I’m one of the young teachers and I’m not actively trying to make them miserable (low bar I know) but I’ve got a few for who I’m a definite clear favorite and this kid was one of them. Well some of my girls were asking if I had a crush on [other young male teacher] I laughed it off and said no and another student said she heard a rumor I liked girls instead and I said that’s true ((they then proceeded to ask if I have a crush on any female techers, so o appreciate the unending dedication of 13 year old girls to setting up their adult teachers lmao))
But this one male student who’s listening to all this looks horrified, like genuinely deeply personally hurt, and gets upset saying “NO! You can’t be ! why does this happen to me I really liked you” and “I thought you were a normal teacher” and I laughed it off at first thinking he was just having a dramatic moment but he kept going, repeating that he has to tell his parents now and that he’s Christian, and I very gently told him that I’m the same teacher he’s had all year and has loved- I haven’t changed because he knows something new about me, and this boy says “yeah but now I feel different about you I see you different “ repeating that his parents are Christian’s , and it is killing me- not because I’m particularly hurt by the opinion of a middle school boy, but because someone taught my sweet kind student to hate. Someone took this boy and taught him something that, in an instant, makes him no longer like his favorite teacher.
He was clearly working through something because later in class one of the kids was listening to music on YouTube (THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ON YOUTUBE BTW THAT WAS NIT THE ASSIGNMENT) and this kid points at another students computer and shouts across the classroom “SHUT THAT OFF THATS SIMMER MUSIC- IT WAS MADE BY A GAY PERSON AND IM CHRISTIAN” now he’s never done anything like that, even his classmates were shocked. I don’t know if he was trying to process his feelings or if he just wanted to try hurt me or what, but it was so out of character. Just generally I’ve been trying to understand my own feelings about this situation because I still love my students and will continue to be patient with them and give them a place to grow while I’m just existing as someone comfortable in my own skin, but it still left me with a strange feeling. There are people teaching their children to hate and I can only do so much to shape a generation of kind, empathetic, good people entering the world feeling safe and loved. I love my job but sometimes it does hurt knowing how good I am at my job it will never be enough
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