#i gotta get a consistent tagging system
train-fans-anonymous · 6 months
Im back with answers and more random thoughts, first I'll answer the questions you had from the last ask. Questions will be in blue and answers will be in white/black (depending on your settings)
"Do you think it is because they wouldn’t want to lose their luxuries? are they afraid of living knowing that if they speak up they can be silenced? or do they simply not care about what’s lower than them?"
it's mostly the last reason, it simply doesn't effect them and they don't care all that much unless it effects them in some sort of way. Some do have the other reasons, but it's mostly the last
"Even if they were somehow to find someone willing to undergo a large surgery do you think it’d be safe? would there be people who take advantage of this and charge low with high interest rates to trap someone into servitude?"
It would most likely not be all that safe, with heavy risks of malpractice or outright lying about what they end up doing. I do think it would be safer to go to a Doc who us less well known or has less to gain from lying to them. I actually hadn't thought of that other idea, but now that you mention it I can totally see it happening. I think it would most likely only happen to hyper specific cast mechs, something that is harder to get by normal means.
"Are they shunned by their former friends and followers and do they continue to have the opportunity of luxury AFTER empurata?"
It really depends, it's possible to maintain a mechs status after empurata but it's very hard. If they are well known enough and their appearance is not as important to that they should be OK. (Kind of like how celebrities who do bad things can still remain in good standing)
"Do you think any (probably viewed as insane) noblemechs would display their empurata as like a “message”? or propaganda, trying to express their views."
Yes, if their personality seems to fit and that they hadn't had their personality or anything changed. There is one AU I've seen where they had starscream under go empurata, and he would definitely be the type to show it off as a statement.
"Do you think he experiences phantom pains from his hands like cramping? Or maybe sometimes he’s reach over and knocks something down because he still sometimes “feels” his hand? Is this a point of distress for him?"
Most definitely. I think any mech that gets a replacement connected to their systems or processor they tend to get phantom pains, in the case of Shockwave I think he would just permanently offline the segment of his processor related to the parts of the body he had gotten removed. Along with that I believe Shockwave could manually switch the commands used for his dominate hand to his only remaining hand. It's risky and not anything that a normal mech would consider but Shockwave isn't really a normal mech...
now I have another idea, it's related to the cycle of life for sparks and Somethings related to that.
So, new sparks are more connected to the planet and they lose connection as they grow up. They learn to walk, talk, transform, and the basic things required to live from that early connection, and they can learn and give things they learn to the planet (I think more specifically the well of the all sparks) in their early years. There is exceptions, in partial outliers. They maintain a connection and that is where they get their powers from, most don't know that but its the way they get their powers.
Anyway have fun with that one :]
Sidenote: I have finally found someone who knows what I mean when I say I wanna bite people in a good way
YOOO WERE BACK!!! my favorite time reading time 😎👍 glad to see my biting was well received, be sure to smash that subscribe button and hit the bell if you’d like to see more mutual biting xddd
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Aaa it’s sad to hear Shockwave just cuts off the feedback from his hand :((( and also crazy how he pushes his physical body to the limits “It's risky and not anything that a normal mech would consider but Shockwave isn't really a normal mech...” Also bro????!?!! that end bit. Hang on just the thought that he goes out of his way to do things that nobody else would consider for the cause is [mindblown] he’s literally changing himself physically and mentally for what he thinks is best ahanbsebevsbbnnjjjjj
Interesting to hear that Starscream would show off his empurata… Honestly he is the victim of a lot already but I could see him owning it, because despite his struggles he still pushes forward towards his plans.
In addition to your thoughts of the possibility that mechs could maintain their status as empuratees, do you think they might even gain some followers FROM their empurata? Comparison between celebrities is interesting but makes a lot of sense, despite supporting or doing bad things - you can still keep power through any means necessary.
Your comment about “specific class” mechs intrigues me. Is this for mechs with a specific function or hard to come by software? Do you think there’s be essentially a body/hardware trade (like how Lockdown from Animated collects parts and mods from his bounties) in that you could trade some important part of your body or maybe even your function to regain your life? (Maybe similar to Nautica in IDW trying to sell her emotions in exchange for Skids)
This is the part I’m really excited in because I always love seeing how people write Transformers being created: their connection to the planet reminds me a lot of things like going immersant from IDW2 where bots who feel accomplished in life give their body and mind back to Cybertron. Interesting how they gather data, knowledge, and power from the planet. Do you think if a bot were to be born nearer to like the helex they’d develop differently or have different knowledge than someone from protohex? what about Cybertron’s moons? Do certain areas of Cybertron have a higher yield for outlier sparks?
Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions and to write more, this is really fun to keep up with. And yet again sorry for not receiving the notification 🫡 we stan tumblr mobile web version in this household (lying)
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haechannabelle · 1 year
Y'ALL i have FOUR portraits AND some lockscreens set to post this coming week !!! got them scheduled this morning and i am RELIEVED to be done with that omg
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sasaranurude · 2 months
Okay. I've been playing Tokyo Debunker today, since the release happened to catch me on a day when all I'd planned to do was write fanfiction. I just finished reading the game story prologue (it was longer than expected!), so here's a review type post. If you're reading this post not having seen a single thing about this game: it's a story-based joseimuke gacha mobile game that just released globally today. It's about a girl who suddenly finds herself attending a magic school and mingling with elite, superhuman students known as ghouls. If you look in the tumblr tag for the game you'll see what appears to be a completely different game from 2019 or so: they retooled it completely midway through development, changing just about everything about it due to "escalating competition within the gaming industry."
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I'll talk about how this looks like a blatant twst clone at the end.
Starting with the positive: The story is charming. I enjoyed it thoroughly the entire time and am excited to read more. The mix between visual novel segments and motion comics was really nice--it broke things up and added a lot of oomph to the action or atmospheric scenes that visual novels generally lack. I like the art in the comic parts a lot. the live2d in the visual novel parts is... passable. Tone-wise, I think the story was a little bit all over the place and would like to see more of the horror that it opened on, but I didn't mind the comedic direction it went in either. The translation is completely seamless. The characters so far all have unique voices and are just super fun and cute. Of the ones who've had larger roles in the story so far, there's not a single one I dislike. It's all fully voiced in Japanese and the acting is solid. (I don't recognize any voices, and can't seem to find any seiyuu credits, so it seems they're not big names, but they deliver nonetheless.) Kaito in particular I found I was laughing at his lines a ton, both the voicing and the writing.
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He's looking for a girlfriend btw. Spreading the word.
The problem is like. The gameplay is the worst dark-pattern microtransaction-riddled bullshit I've ever seen. Hundred passive timers going at all times. Fifty different item-currencies. Trying to get you to spend absurd amounts of real world money at every turn. There's like five different indicators that take you to various real-money shop items that I don't know how to dismiss the indicator, I guess you just have to spend money, wtaf. Bajillion different interlocking systems mean you have zero sense of relative value of all the different item-currencies. I did over the course of the day get enough diamonds for one ten-pull, which I haven't used yet. Buying enough diamonds for a ten-pull costs a bit under $60 (presumably USD, but there's a chance the interface is automatically making that CAD for me--not gonna spend the money to check lmfao), with an SSR rate of 1%. BULLSHIIIIIT.
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There's like a goddamn thousand-word essay explaining the dozen different types of character upgrades and equippables and equippables for the equippables!! Bad! Bad game design! That's just overcomplicating bullshit to trick people into thinking they're doing something other than clicking button to make number go up! That is not gameplay!
In terms of the actual gameplay, there is none. The battle system is full auto. There might be teambuilding, but from what I've seen so far, most of that consists of hoping you pull good cards from gacha and then clicking button to make number go up. There's occasional rhythm segments but there's no original music, it's just remixes of public domain classical music lmao. I'd describe the rhythm gameplay as "at least more engaging than twisted wonderland's," which is not a high bar
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At least there's a cat in the rhythm bit.
And like, ok, I gotta remark on how derivative it is. Like I mentioned in my post earlier, this game is unabashedly aping twisted wonderland's setting and aesthetic. (That said, most of the stuff it steals from twst is magic school stuff that twst also basically stole from Harry Potter, so...?) However, it isn't exactly like twst: in this one, the characters say fuck a lot and bleed all over the place and do violence. Basically, the tone is a fair bit more adult than twst's kid-friendly vibe. (Not, like, adult adult, and I probably wouldn't even call it dark--it's still rated Teen lol. Just more adult than twst.)
Rather than just being students at magic school, the ghouls also go out into the mundane world to go on missions where they fight and investigate monsters and cryptids. Honestly, the magic school setting feels pretty tacked-on. The things that are enjoyable about this would've been just as enjoyable in about any other setting--you can tell this whole aspect was a late trend-chasing addition, lmao. So, yeah, it's blatantly copying twst to try to steal some players, but... Eh, I found myself not caring that much. Someone more (or less) into twst than me may find it grating.
Character-wise, eh, sure, yeah, they're a bit derivative in that aspect too, but it's a joseimuke game, the characters are always derivative. Thus far the writing & execution has been solid enough that I didn't care if they were tropey. If I were to compare it to something else, I'd say the relationship between the protagonist and the ghouls feels more like that of the sage and wizards in mahoyaku than anything from twst. There's some mystery in exactly what "ghouls" are and their place in this world that has me intrigued and wanting to know more about this setting and how each of the characters feels about it. I have a bad habit of getting my hopes up for stories that put big ideas on the table and then being disappointed when they don't follow through in a way that lives up to my expectations, though.
So, my final verdict: I kind of just hope someone uploads all the story segments right onto youtube so nobody has to deal with the dogshit predatory game to get the genuinely decent story lol. Give it a play just for the story if you have faith in your ability to resist dark patterns. Avoid at all costs if you know you're vulnerable to gacha, microtransactions, or timesinks.
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katsutora · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; itoshi sae
summary: call routine with them
note: i’ve seen some shit bro. being on this hell-site changes you fr. tag system is an absolute bullshit too. i can’t link jackshit. wow too many “shit” mentioned. shit.
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ㅤㅤcalls you at a sensible hour if you haven’t agreed on a specific time. he knows your schedule by heart so don’t worry because he won’t bother you in the middle of work, etc. if you do have a call schedule, then he’ll make sure to call at exactly that time. can be very punctual about this and will start seeing everyone as bowling pins once he realizes he’s gonna be a minute late. they don’t call him a STRIKEr for nothing. will listen and rant equally! he always has interesting stories; wbk being in a call with isagi is never boring. also expect his teammates popping up in the background because of course they want to bonk him in the head after running them over know the person who can temporarily turn him into chigiri. ah yes, the furious yelling ambient noise, a classic. “isagi yoichi istg—” “get your ass back in here wtf was that about?!” “you have a competition, princess.” “EVERYONE STFU!!!” never fails to make you giggle. bonus: screenshots you laughing because he adores you sm <3
ㅤㅤhe has a routine and you’re in it: three times a day; square meal style. his early calls are short and mostly consist of “good morning”, “have you had breakfast yet”, and “take care”; (borrowing his word) lukewarm shit like that. i love you. even though he usually prefaces his afternoon/evening calls with “i pressed it on accident” (back to back for months straight? yea sure), it’s clearly an excuse because he just wants to hear your voice but his pride isn’t letting him. i love you. it has also recently been brought up to his attention that he can’t seem to sleep peacefully without hearing your voice first. so tell him something, anything, or don’t. he’ll settle with just the comfortable silence after a “hello”. it’s also the only time of the day he’ll say it loud and clear: “i love you”.
ㅤㅤwhat’s a timezone? it can be in the middle of the day after practice or he can randomly hit you up at 2am after losing yet another round of game. acts out of impulse: when he misses you that’s when he calls you. it’s mostly video calls too! props up his phone so you can see choki his beloved but gets so pouty when you open up the conversation with “how’s choki?” before he can even show you the cactus lmao. “y’re supposed to be asking about me ( ´•︵•` )” he loooves long calls too (re: letting you watch him play without him saying a word whatsoever and no he did not lose track of time + the game after dedicating his next win to you?). is absolutely against ending it unless you really need to go. rip your phone battery.
ㅤㅤyou’re like an emergency call button but for whenever there’s something crazy going on. his living diary. a breathing, talking, and confused log entry. that being said, he contacts you at least once a day without a fail. well, that’s actually an understatement because he keeps calling then hanging up after telling you one (1) sentence?? “chigiri just ran me over; ok bye!” “my mom painted something inspired by you; later!” “rin-chan just said we’re all lukewarm, boo— ow, ouch!” gotta rely on his teammates to inform you about his well-being because calling him back is no use. “meguru?” “[unintelligible] [intense fighting ensues]” it’s fine, he makes up for it by showing up at your door later in the day. you think it’ll be funny if you close the door as soon as he finishes a sentence? “hi!!” [door closing] “h-wha- you won’t believe what happened today—” [door closing #2] “?? ok so it wasn’t chigiri who ran me over but isag—” imagine doing this after every sentence to teach him a lesson lmfao.
ㅤㅤhonestly? in the middle of a fucking interview because man is so unhinged i tell you. “so sae, are you ready for the next match?” ugh, this is so boring. “wait let me ask my s/o.” ??? this is broadcasted live, btw. you think just because he has a tight schedule and it’s nearly impossible to have a free time he won’t call you? he’ll find a way, he always does. likes to call you at the end of the day too and will never lose to the “who can stay awake the longest” game. is more of a listener than a talker, so go ahead and talk his ears off. he doesn’t mind if it’s you + he loves being the last one to end the call, making sure you get some rest (ps: he’s counting on you to wake him up the next day). you’ll receive a call from his manager in the morning saying that he won’t answer his phone and that they’re gonna be late for the next event. “goddamnit sae, not again.”
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© 2023 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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marlinspirkhall · 1 year
Agdjsh okay you didn't ask for a primer on England/the UK, but here's one anyway:
So because England is Old™ and we didn't use to educate anyone who wasn't a rich white boy (and it's totally better now, don't even look at Eton, pretend it doesn't exist), the education system here is a fucking mess has several different names, so for various reasons:
College= 16-18 year olds, some colleges teach adults pre-university or high-schools level classes
Sixth Form= same as above, but generally part of a high school
Secondary School= haha I lied to you, we don't call it high school here because we suck.*
*Some secondary schools only teach people aged 11-16, so you have to move school (or go to college) to finish your education [or you can do an apprenticeship, if you can find one [which you won't]].
Public School= Private School**
Private School= you pay money to go here
**Wait, what?!= because England Sucks™, there was a time when A King (idk which one) provided a fund of money for non-rich white boys to go to school (how progressive), so these were called Public Schools because they were open to the public. Over time, these Very Old schools became Very Prestigious, and started asking for money. Hence, "Public School" in England is entirely synonymous with Private School (which gets confusing when talking to Americans because America, being Terrible ™ but also a Baby Country ™ has ironically had less time to be corrupted by capitalism. But it'll come. It'll come.)
State School= This is the free one.***
***Unless, of course, you have a school uniform, which nearly every British school does. 🙃
College is free until the age of 18, so colleges often advertise to adult students to try and get some Sweet Sweet Money. And that, of course, brings us to:
University= "COLLEGE”, but if anyone here calls it that, don't trust them, they're lying to you.
A place where 18+ aged people do courses and stuff, for extortionate rates. British people don't call University "College" (we call it 'Uni' in an offen-nasally voice, it's impossible to say it without the nasally voice, you've just gotta do it); but (some?) Universities do contain "colleges", and some posh ones call their colleges "houses" or "halls".
Bonus facts:
Scottish students can start university aged 17
It used to confuse me when Americans say they're going to "school" and they mean "college", so we're even now.
Preschool is called Nursery here
Kindergarten is also called Nursery here, but also "Playgroup". Idk man. It's fun branding to make it sound fun because we (can) start school AGED THREE.
I have a scar on my face, guess why!
Elementary school is called Primary school (and Elementary Colours are called Primary Colours. This is probably the only thing which remains consistent, so enjoy it)
I hope this was as confusing for you read as it was for me to live through <3
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johnsuhsposts · 2 years
NCT 127 x Songs that suit them cuz why not
some sucky scenarios by me
a/n: hiii<3. this is my first ever tumblr post. i just wanted to write this because i needed some inspiration to write smut for some of the members and i didn't know where to start like at all. anyways... this isn't for the faint of heart. i just needed to get this outta my system. like i have so many ideas for fanfics and this is how i'll get my motivation to actually write something decent. anywho, there will be more to come in the future!! so enjoy this meal.
(tags are at the bottom!)
warnings: explicit shit. that's all. xx
TAEYONG - Over Some Wine - RINI ft. Maeta
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Taeyong would play this song while he goes down on you. I'm sorry but it's true. He would do everything slow just so you could get impatient but the more you whine the slower he'd go. Everything from touching you slowly, to him fucking you slow or playing with his thrusts to the beat. It's just... wowowwww.
JAEHYUN - Touch - Cigarettes After Sex
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This song just SCREAMS Jaehyun. The whole vibe would just be a song that would play in the background as he holds you close to his chest and plays with your hair, and he would sing it a little to you, like ugh. He would teasingly kiss your neck under the dim lights of his room while his record player hums in the background, and you'd feel his cold yet wandering hands on your burning skin.
DOYOUNG - Thinkin about You - Frank Ocean
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All I gotta say is, he would make out with you to this song. Making out would eventually lead to other things but he'd take his time and when you stop kissing to catch your breath, you guys would giggle at each other which is so cute. Though he'd use songs of a different vibe to fuck you, this would be one of the ones you'd hear while you make out with him.
JUNGWOO - Messages From The Stars - RAH Band
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I'm not sure why I chose this as his song, but it fits him for some reason. Jungwoo, as innocent as he looks, is lowkey freaky as hell; say I'm lying. He'd literally have you seeing stars while he's fingering you to this song and laugh when you moan because he knows he's got you wrapped around his finger. Like, this man is a sadistic masochist and doesn't even try to hide his freaky side when he's with you.
HYUCK - Savita (feat. Swae Lee)
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Donghyuck is literally a drama queen. But he's also so hot. Like smokin' hot. He would have this song playing while giving you backshots most def. He groans everytime you clench around him and it just makes him fall in love all over again with you. He would continue to fuck you so good that it'd have your legs shaking. He'd have no shame in breeding you either. Seeing you full of his cum was mind-blowing. It made him so hard to see his cum leaking out of you. He literally loved it.
TAEIL - Call Out My Name - The Weeknd
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Taeil loves having these types of songs playing whenever you come to spend time with him at his house. He loves it when you say his name, letting him know that you're enjoying yourself. You two would make out passionately on his couch while a movie plays in the background on low volume; eventually leading to steamy, hot sex that you'd never forget. After Taeil rocks your shit and nearly breaks the bed from you two's rough sex, you'd most likely be encouraged to visit him more often.
YUTA - Rosemary - Deftones
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Yuta loves the sound of guitars playing in the background mixing in with your heavenly moans. Half of his playlist would consist of rock music while he rearranges your guts and listens to your sweet sounds, spurring him on further. He enjoys just spending time with you period, and he'd do anything to have you go dumb on his cock with his favorite song playing.
MARK - Change Your Life (feat. Jhené Aiko)
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Mark is the type to take everything slow. He loves having Kehlani playing from his phone as he's leaving hickeys all over your body and watching you shudder under his fingertips. He gets so hard everytime you whisper to him to fuck the absolute shit out of you. He just likes spending his time with you and doesn't regret any second of it. He would never get used to this.
JOHNNY - Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood
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Johnny is the whole fucking definition of this song. While fucking the shit out of you with this playing in the background, he'd most definitely become an actual dad- minus the issues. He just loves the way you feel around him, and he'd cum so much just from being inside you, it's just shocking. Johnny would be the best daddy to your babies.
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave a like if you enjoyed. More will be published in the future.
(Original work. Please DO NOT copy.)
(Not my original idea but the scenarios do belong to me.)
(feel free to reblog if you'd like!)
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dq9 · 2 months
Hey I gotta ask.
How do you find all of this yuri on ice art?
You reblog/queue/save so much of it and yet I wonder how you keep finding new stuff. Do you just have a super deep scroll on a tag permanently open? Did you queue it all in one like 48 hour scroll? Some secret third option? I gotta know
a few options, theyre all at least partially true!!
there are a bunch of active yoi blogs!! harocat, jewishvitya, neutronice, cecebeanie, vityascielo, and blended-ice of course all come to mind, but theres plenty more i havent mentioned that i can get all sorts of yoi art from. i have a fairly consistent stream of art to queue/draft/reblog/etc which keeps me queue goin
a lot of (anime) blogs active around the 2016/2017 era of tumblr will have smth yoi related on it. this includes my own old blog for instance, but plenty of ppl have tags taht stretch back years with plenty of new stuff for me to explore. or even just stuff i havent seen in awhile
theres blogs from back in the day, for instance, that got permission to repost art from other sites like pixiv onto tumblr, like story-kat!! story-kat posted fairly consistently up until this past year, and they have SUPER extensive tags with plenty of stuff to look thru
when my drafts were in the 4k range, most of that was done in a few concentrated bursts. id find blogs w yoi tags, like story-kat or neutronice, and look thru people THEY reblogged from, look thru their tags, look thru Their reblogs, so on and so forth. sometimes if someone didnt have tags but they did reblog lots of stuff at that time, id go thru their archive to see if there was anything new or fun or exciting.
yoi was super popular when it came out!!! theres nearly endless art and writings and meta, and lots of it is still being made now!! i follow the tag as well, so i see meta posts from people such as thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai, neutronice regularly gets art commissioned for their fics, blended makes fantastic art with so much heart and love. theres a lot to sift through, and all of it is great
thsi is like a super detailed answer but like tldr: art-cheology at work god bless tumblrs tagging system
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
Music Monday
Tagged by no one.
Tagging: @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @inafieldofdaisies @josephslittledeputy @g0dspeeed @chazz-anova @cassietrn @poisonedtruth @josephseedismyfather @voidika @vampireninjabunnies-blog @detectivelokis @derelictheretic @wrathfulrook @direwombat @snake-in-the-garden and @strangefable + anyone else interested in joining.
Music below for The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters.
Below is a song that fits Charlie Emily's lament for her missing love, Mario Emmett:
Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray
"Think I'll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky Later's better than never Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive (drive), drive
I got that summertime, summertime sadness Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness Got that summertime, summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh
Kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness I just wanted you to know That baby, you the best."
Here's a song to describe Paul Yellowjack's fall and his current mindset below:
Shadow of Myself by JT Music
"I've already been through shit And still haven't seen how bad it gets Crashin' their party, bash in their heads Pick up a weapon and splatter the rest This violence has me laughin', after makin' a massive mess I guess, I'm past the point of saving, I'd rather end up dead! Give in to your temptation, transcend mortality Why let yourself be bound by mortal morality?!
Way past saving, can't be helped Just a shadow of myself Feel your darkness cascade over me (Cast it over me) Make me evil, feed me hell I'm a shadow of myself! Swallow my soul, take control of me (Takin' over me)
Take control of me, evil molded me."
Here's a song that I think fits my original story Wings And Horns rather well. For those who don't know, Wings And Horns is about the conflict between a pair of angels and demons over the validity and reasonableness as well as moral ethics of the "soulmate system", the former pair (Archangel (of Life) Metatron and his 13-year-old rookie Angel of Death companion, Azriel) trying to preserve and fix it, while the latter pair (Xiang and Jezebel Ba'al, a father-daughter duo consisting of a Demon from the Sloth Ring in Hell and the damned soul of a 10-year-old girl) are trying to disassemble and tear it down. Song below:
Do Ya Wanna Taste It by Wig Wam
"Tear your world apart, once the magic starts
Do ya really wanna, do ya really wanna taste it? What's going up must come down Do ya really wanna, do ya really wanna taste it? Baby, I'm losing ground Blind to what you'll soon become The mirror lies, the whole world's wrong but you Dancing with your blinkers on Throw your dog the invisible bone
Say I do (say I will), and put your jet in gear Anything to get you out of here Gotta go hit that ride to the setting sun (Pack it up, get ahead) I gotta leave this mess behind Gotta cruise from the blues, got a life to find What you need, there's to read on the dotted line
Kill your self-control, welcome to the show!"
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ann-decart · 4 months
ok i think i gotta do one or more of 3 things:
a) start tagging transmisogyny related shit that comes across my dash, and start doing so consistently b) set up some kind of filter as a tw for myself so that i don't get bombarded by it against my will all the fucking time and at least get a heads up c) maybe just take a break from tumblr outright for a few days to a week and let my head clear
cause otherwise with all this transmisogyny bullshit going on im gonna go into a continuous neverending series of mental breakdowns and thats absoluely no good, not for me not for anybody that knows me. idk call it self preservation but i dont wanna fucking go off the rocker any more than i already have.
mental health self care etc etc.
this fucking cocktail of anxiety and gender dysphoria won't clean ITSELF from my system.
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tree-nuts-stuff · 10 months
Omg wowwww an intro post I'm wildin today frfr. Anyway so basically this is our intro, it has basic information about our system, the names of our frequent fronters uh here's our system main blog [ @clutteredcollective ], we haven't done like, anything on there because we wanted to make an intro post first but I had to get REALLY bored to do this, and it's hard to give information about other alters when the one co-fronting rn has never fronted before. But yeah anyway here's our intro, we're super cool and interesting. I'm gonna post this exact same post on the system main as well, so tada. Finally connecting my blogs omggg. Gotta be proud of meee. Also, if any others that aren't listed here post on this blog or Anomaly Ridden, then it's up to them if they wanna tag their name, if they don't idk, Idrc it's their comfort. Just don't be surprised if you see some unfamiliar names (mostly Daves /h)
- Jackson ⚰️
(p.s. I linked my Carrd to my name in the intro area I spent days on it, it's so cool <3)
╰► 「 Corpse Cult 」
❝ Say my name and his in the same breath ❞`
꒰୨୧꒱┊B A S E I N F O.
> ⵌ collective age: (?)
> ⵌ body age: 18
> ⵌ collective pronouns: it/he/they
> ⵌ type: adaptive
꒰୨୧꒱┊F R E Q U E N T F R O N T E R S .
> ⵌ Jackon | it/its | ⚰️
> ⵌ Special interests: Death, Dating sims, Marvel, Homestuck
> ⵌ Side blogs: @our-life-postings, @creep-impasta
> ⵌ DNI: Beta/Alpha kid shippers, problematic ships (homestuck specific)
> ⵌ Dirk | he/him | ⚔️
> ⵌ Dave | he/they | 🍎
> ⵌ Special interests: hanahaki disease
> ⵌ TG | he/they | ☕
> ⵌ Special interests: beatboxing
> ⵌ Side blogs: @cool-guy-username
> ⵌ Techno | he/pig/crown | 👑
> ⵌ DS | he/bird/doom | 🪶
> ⵌ Special interests: Death, time travel
꒰୨୧꒱┊B O U N D A R I E S.
> ⵌ PDA: ➵ ask
> ⵌ Touch: ➵ ask
> ⵌ DMs: ➵ yes (only some will respond)
> ⵌ Friend Requests: ➵ yes
> ⵌ Nicknames / Petnames: ➵ depends on fronter
> ⵌ Extra Info: ➵ Some alters speak with a typing quirk, they may or may not translate but usually another alter will translate. We have MANY Striders, please refer to them by their proper names! We split very easily, it's very unfun, but our frequent fronters usually change per month, Jack and Techno are the only consistent ones. ALMOST NO ONE IS THEIR SOURCE !! DO NOT TREAT THEM LIKE THEIR SOURCE !! Some will share details from their source if they are comfortable, do not push! Some alters are in relationships with each other, most of us see each other as family, if you have a problem with either of that, bye.
We have autism, ADHD, chronic pain, and amnesia etc. (Some people have their own health issues they may or may not share that'll impact our life and communication)
We're a system and all of the above affects us greatly.
We prefer tone tags being used, bc we have no idea what y'all are talking about usually.
We get overtly anxious communicating online and it may take us a bit to get comfortable.
Do not bring syscourse to our blog(s), we don't engage in it, you'll be blocked.
Be aware that I am pro non-traumagenic systems, as it's not my business. Don't interact with me if that bothers you.
Basic DNI criteria
Xenophobic, therianphobic
Pro-zoo, MAPS, etc
❝ I dare you to say they taste the same ❞`
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every-eye-evermore · 1 year
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I’m trying to get the lord huron tag system sorted because honestly what the hell were we doing here? NINE? There’s no consistency. There’s a tag for She Lit a Fire. There’s a tag for Vide Noir the album. There’s a tag for Strange Trails the album AND SEVERAL OF THE SONGS WITHIN IT. There is no unified Lord Huronverse tag. We gotta do better, guys.
This is my full dissertation to the support staff :sob:
It’s incredibly difficult to find fics for the Lord Huron fandom because they’re scattered between 9 different fandom labels- each with only a handful of different fics in them.
It’s a band that writes songs from the pov of an invented universe, so every song follows the same “canon”, but they’re still separated into individual song labels rather than just one for the whole canon. Some songs even describe the same event, yet they’d appear as two different fandoms.
It makes a lot of sense for them to be consolidated into the same fandom (as there isn’t a general lord huron-verse category yet)
I would even understand categorizing the songs and the movie based on them as different fandoms, but separating albums and songs- especially for such a small fandom- makes it impossible to navigate. It’s like making a new label for each episode or season of a tv show.
I’d love it if this could get resolved, as I think if the Lord Huron fics were easier to find it could encourage more readers and writers to find us.
The full list of tags I’ve found is
Strange Trails - Lord Huron (Album)
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron (Song)
Vide Noir - Lord Huron (Album)
The Yawning Grave - Lord Huron (Song)
The Night We Met - Lord Huron (Song)
Fool For Love - Lord Huron (Song)
Frozen Pines - Lord Huron (Song)
She Lit a Fire - Lord Huron (Song)
Vide Noir (2022)
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gffa · 2 years
I feel a lot of people hop on here more to ask you questions and/or antagonise your takes, so I just wanted to let you know that the first thing I do when I finish a new book (whether a new release or something like the high republic that I'm just getting caught up now) is searching on your blog for your posts about it!
I just love reading your takes and analysis and wanted you to know that the time you take to do it is very much appreciated even months later 💜
This is so incredibly kind, thank you!! I'm glad that I can provide some conversation for you when you've finished something (god knows I was chewing on the walls waiting for more people to talk to about Padawan XD) and I'm only sorry that I'm not faster on some stuff. To be fair, a lot of the SW books I've read get a, ".....that was not great, it's fine, it's just not great." reaction from me and I've been trying to be less negative about stuff, because I can only handle so much of it until it starts putting me in a bad mental place. MY POINT BEING, I love when people talk about SW stuff, especially if they do book reviews, more people should do that and if I gotta help build that corner of SW fandom, then THAT IS WHAT I AIM TO DO, especially when I have such sweet people who vibe with me so well. (Also arrrghhh okay I will try to start consistently tagging novel blogging with the same system as my comic blogging, where I'll have "reading novels: padawan" for example, since your lovely ask inspired me again.)
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cure-icy-writes · 1 year
Hi I am going around to everyone who reblogged that post with tags: please use this ask as an excuse to ramble about your ocs I want to hear about them
OwO? Well, if you insist~
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Here's my first picrew approximation of Lux! Not a final design, but I wanted to figure out their facial features a bit-- they've got sort of catlike, narrow eyes, messy white hair, long/thin nose, sharp chin, and thin expressive eyebrows.
As for their clothing, their default design changed a bit-- frayed/saggy sweater that used to be recognizable as cable knit, and faded jeans with an inoffensive patch or two and large pockets. Mom jeans, y'know?
Lux's character is based on two things:
Aging is not a curse. Getting older doesn't mean you're missing out; it means you have new perspectives. Lux has the ability to see what the children in the story cannot, and life skills that they're lacking. So what if Lux isn't physically at their prime anymore? They can make phone calls and answer emails and spot scams.
You can still leave a legacy without having biological children. This one's important; Lux is some flavor of neurodivergent, and saw firsthand what happens when someone who never wanted a child is saddled with one.
Lux lost their parents at a young age, too young to really remember them, and for the most part will shrug and tell you that you can't miss what you never had. But they do feel a confused sort of grief and longing for what could have been, and visit their parents' graves once a year.
They ended up being taken in my their only living relative, their aunt. And this woman... she didn't want children, she was unqualified to raise children in a lot of ways, and she didn't do the best job. She wasn't really abusive, but she definitely was emotionally neglectful, and Lux was something of a wild child as a kid, wandering around and getting into fights.
But the adults in the community started to take notice of this, and began to provide for Lux in small ways. It started out with just little check ins, free clothing and food, but eventually Lux was having a home cooked dinner at someone else's house nearly every night. It takes a village to raise a child, and that village had started to step up.
When Lux left home, however, they lost this support system and started to revert back into their old ways, traveling and living on ramen, keeping a frankly abysmal sleep schedule, not even owning a comb.
They were eventually properly socialized, so flash forward to the present day, Lux has no kids, three money, and takes care of the neighbor kids sometimes. Because the other adults in town consist of:
sort of pathetic meowmeow scientist
former unshaven addict who had a daughter due to critical contraceptive failure and realized "oh shit oh fuck i have a child i need to get my life together STAT." he's doing his best to manage his addictions and keep his daughter safe, but there's a lot he falls behind on, and he doesn't feel like he can leave town for fear of relapsing
late bloomer lesbian who only realized she liked women after getting a husband and a son. the divorce didn't go great for her, but she kept custody
So Lux is an adult with back pain and a favorite kitchen appliance (it's the dishwasher. no question) and knows full well that they shouldn't have kids for fear of ending up like their aunt, but they also really enjoy being the cool aunty/uncle figure to the local kids.
They're the sort of genderqueer where they like a healthy balance of gender, don't believe in the pressure to perform androgyny, and use they/them for convenience. they only refer to themself as having a binary gender in a very specific mood, or when it's funny. gender is a performance and you gotta do it For The Bit.
oh also they forcibly adopt an edgy eleven year old who has beef with them as their weird little nephew and it's the funniest fucking thing. child you are not horrible or irredeemably evil, you are eleven. cmon let's go to mcdonalds and then get you some black eyeliner and introduce you to emo bands and sonic OCs, you need an outlet.
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alabasterplaster · 1 year
Header 1 or What Have You
After many decades of self exile I have returned to the promised land. I never actually left but I didn’t like my old blog so I just let it rot for a while. But I made this one brand new so maybe I’ll use it.
I’m Reese, or Ala, and I’m an art blog, for original art digital and otherwise, and writing. I have three original planets, two in my own system and one heavy homebrew D&D planet I’m currently running my first campaign as DM in! I have multitudes of characters and stories that I hope to actually get out into the world in a way I haven’t committed to before.
I do have an Instagram, though I don’t post regularly there because I don’t like the layout and post limitations for the kinda of things I’d post. Especially writing, it sucks on there. But my handle there is ReeseMcArt if you wanna see old and increasingly yuckier looking art, or see a repost in the wild signed as ReeseMcArt. Those are mine, thankies.
This blog is a safe space for queer, POC, neurodivergent, and disabled people. I myself am trans nonbinary, queer, and autistic
This is not a political space. But my values are important in my art. If I hear a peep of bigotry, you’re out
I haven’t lived everyone’s life. As much as I try, I won’t ever be able to tell someone else’s story exactly. I keep away from topics or experiences I don’t believe I can do justice, but if I do accidentally hurt someone or get something wrong, kindly letting me know is always welcome
If anything else comes up, I’ll add to this. But these are the important things to note off the bat.
I’ll be posting fantasy, fantasy-scifi, and I guess, AU earth? on here! Those are mainly what I dabble in. My worlds are all fantasy based but I also have some real world characters that I’d like to make cute comics for in the future.
Potentially also fanart sometimes but I don’t make that regularly so no absolutes there!
I also can’t be sure of a tag system yet considering I..don’t..have any posts. But my text posts will be labeled as #plaster post and my art and writing as #ala art or #ala writing.
And that’s all folks! I have no set schedule and my history with posting consistency is rocky. But I want to see this castle built and I gotta start with laying this first brick. Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy your stay!
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theninaproject · 2 years
just read your tags in that modine and mbb post. gotta say i agree with you about modine. i get weird vibes from him too. i’m probably overthinking but his hands on winona’s shoulders like that in this gif… seems off, idk.
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oh man i havent seen that gif before but yea man that's. questionable to me too?? again idk these ppl so I cant vouch for their personal comfort levels with one another irl... and I am not overly familiar with Modine in general so I'm not gonna assert myself in one position 100% one way or another, but of what I have seen from him.. idk. sometimes he just comes off as immature/weird to me lol? esp in comparison to other cast members, like David harbour has kind of impressed me with the way he talks about interacting with the younger cast. like he maintains a pretty professional demeanor of like 'i do Not wanna get overly involved in their lives! thanks! they're 17!' etcetc which.... in Hollywood at least seems to be somewhat rare LOL. (sad that the bar is so low ikik but..)
like to an extent... i think anyone in Hollywood is bound to be kinda weird whether its malicious or icky or not cuz the kind of person u gotta be to be in the limelight (and not inevitably drop off/lose ur mind)... i cannot even Fathom man. like again even ppl digging up old vids/pics of Finn or MBB I could not imagine just. that being a Thing i'd have to anticipate every day that's beyond my comprehension. like if ppl could quote me age 13 (even as a meme) I think id genuinely lose my mind
i mean full disclosure i lean heavy into the sorta paranoia/conspiracy type shit at times esp with Hollywood so... take what I say w a grain of salt. but I do think it's not a bad thing to question certain behaviors esp with how adults are behaving with younger actors (but like u said even that gif w winona is like.. bizarre), esp whom they work with. (not to mention how there have been occasions where seemingly harmless weird behavior has turned out to be a whole system of abuse) again with Hollywood industry shit, it seems to me like there's consistently power imbalances at work esp with younger stars n it just always makes me inherently nervous. again, I'll admit personal bias since for all my life I've dealt w weird adults with interesting ideas of the kinds of boundaries you should have with younger ppl so I just cant even imagine what that's like in Hollywood.
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fortunately-bi · 8 months
Saw your target tags and yeah I worked in their Starbucks as a seasonal (first job) they were in the process of raising wages to $15.25 for employees and talked about how proud they were that they own their starbucks and aren't affiliated with stand alone stores. Then told me they're paying me $9/hr because that's what starbucks paid (2015). Then scheduled me to be a target cashier the Saturday before Xmas eve with no training on anything other than lattes. While continuing to pay me $9/hr because I was a barista.
I worked at the Starbucks as well at my location and I gotta say, the audacity of that company is astounding. They pride themselves on things like being the LGBT+ friendly store, and treating their employees so well and whatever but when I was there I was treated like garbage. I had a manager who would aggressively misgender me and even use my dead name despite having name tags with my pronouns on them and she only found my dead name through paperwork. We would frequently hear about people going on "extended leave" which became code word for quitting but they're got involved in something they shouldn't but we're trying to keep a lid on it. There was crazy amounts of homophobia and transphobia from management despite frequent outcry about it from employees, usually in my defense. I'm not gonna get into my other experiences because they go into what target would call a "conflict of interest" instead of just downright abuse. I remember one of my last shifts was me crying in the back room all by myself after having to work several days in a row all by myself during holiday season during night shifts and a nice older woman asked if she could have some water and saw me crying. She told me to leave, she told me no job was worth crying that hard over, and that she could see in my eyes that I knew what I needed to do. A few days later I got in a fight with my manager after she cornered me and I had a breakdown and I was fired for saying ✨fuck✨ while I was crying in the back room.
Anyways, Targets are well known for overworking their staff, cross training them so they can throw people around the store to do whatever (usually fulfillment) and never end up being consistent, and honestly just about everything in the book of what a retailer shouldn't do. Fulfillment alone is a position at Target that workers have been demanding better conditions for because the apps allow customers to abuse the system and order a ton of items then send workers on a crazy run with the most minimal time possible to do it. For those who don't know the devices (Zebras) you use to scan items track your progress and let you know when a customer has arrived. Have you ever walked into a Target and wondered why you keep hearing car beeps around the store? That's those things going off telling you that you have an order to fill or that the customer has arrived, now imagine how many times you hear that sound, and notice how few people you see running around with the carts filling orders. Its the position with the highest turnover rate because it's overworked with zero protections from customers, I've even heard of employees getting hit by cars while delivering an order. Target acts like they're the most ethical company to shop at but they're honestly just like the rest of them, only difference is they put a lot of money into making their stores look cleaner then they actually are.
In conclusion
Target needs to fuckin unionize.
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