#i hope to one day use different angles in my art :) i think its a good storytelling device i would love to think like a cinematographer
crest-of-gautier · 7 months
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assortment of screenshots from the zelda splatfest back in may! marie truck exploit i miss you every day...
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sky-kiss · 8 months
Okay hear me out. This isn't exactly a request unless...👀
But the Raphael x Tav dynamic where he is the only one who can poke fun or give them a hard time is eating my brain.
Like "I can call them a vapid little fool, but if anyone else does the exact same thing it's hellfire and brimstone for them. For a hundred years."
He'd call it affection if it was in his vocabulary.
A/n: This is short, but I’ve been doing a lot of Carrot!Raph and not a lot of Stick!Raph. Some gore and torture ahead. XD Also I don't think this is what you wanted RIP.
“All this caterwauling! You should really feel blessed, little lamb! I rarely sully my hands these days.” Raphael folded his hands at the small of his back. Isolated from the scene around him, the devil would have appeared perfectly genteel: his doublet remained pressed, hair immaculate. Only the eyes were different, violently bright in the prison’s omnipresent gloom. 
Souls and prisoners howled around them, some in agony, some in a desperate attempt to catch the Master’s attention. He didn’t hear; only his guest mattered. 
The cambion stopped, lingering just outside their field of vision. They’d finally stopped screaming, lapsing into hiccuping sobs, slumped in on themselves. Not his finest work, he’d be the first to admit, but the rage had come upon him too abruptly for a more cerebral punishment. He reached out, fisting his hand in the sweaty mass of their hair, and tugged their head back. Terror flooded their eyes; their mouth tried to curl back in horror but failed to manage it. His claws left the cheek a ruin of tissue. He tapped a nail against the wound. They knew better than to twitch away. 
“Remind me why I’m entertaining you, little one.” 
It took three attempts before they could finally choke the word out: “Duchess.” 
“Ah, yes. How forgetful! You will have to forgive the indiscretion.” Raphael stepped closer. He’d made quite a mess, honestly. Bones jutted from strange, haphazard angles; he’d removed a few in a fit of pique. He didn’t believe they were essential, but it was always so difficult to tell with mortals. He yanked, and the little thing screamed their anguish. “And what was it you said? Be specific; your life depends on it.” 
“W…whore. Whore queen. Raph…” they winced. The mouth couldn't form the words, an ever-increasing disconnect between the body and brain as blood loss took its toll. “Your cunt.” 
“An inelegant summation.” He wiped his hand on the thing’s shoulders, glancing across the chamber. “Care to vouch for them, duchess?” 
His pet chuckled. What a sight! His finest treasure, her gown set with gems, gold chains hanging about her horns. He had created art with her. “It is they say, my duke.” 
“And that bodes well for you, little one.” Raphael knelt beside them, stroking hair back from their face. They turned their face into the motion, an awful pantomime of intimacy. “Though…perhaps not as well as you might have hoped. I guard my treasures so zealously, and she is first among them. You understand, don’t you?” 
They nodded, miserable. 
“But I am not without mercy. Should you apologize to her…we could start fresh. Would you like that, little one?” He pitched his voice lower, speaking as if in conspiracy. Two friends, ready to make peace. They released a shuddering breath and nodded. Raphael held out his arm to his duchess. She came to him with vibrant eyes and a smile, a pretty reflection of all he’d accomplished. His conquest, his might, his pretty love. “Begin, wretch.” 
“Beg…beg forgiveness, dutchess. Please…gods, please, forgive us…” 
His duchess hummed. “You are forgiven, wretch.” And to Raphael, “My love, must you play with your food? Are you nearly finished?” 
“Very nearly, little mouse. First,” he withdrew a vial from his doublet, a draught of restorative waters. He held it to his guest's lips. Like magic, flesh mended itself! Wounds shrunk and disappeared! In a matter of moments, they were whole once more.
“Merciful King, kind lord,” they sobbed, crawling towards him. The wretch painted the toe of his boot with kisses. “Never again. Not a word against you or the lady will pass my lips.” 
“No. I imagine not.” He nudged their ribs with his boots. “Alas, our fresh start will have to wait. My duchess requires me.” The imps crawled forward, hungry and eager. “I leave you in my staff’s ever-capable hands.” 
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scarasun · 1 year
O-Oh my... 😳 May I request head canons of Arlecchino and Scaramouche/Wanderer (separate) being soft with their S/O? 👀🤭
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my hubris ;;
pairing : arlecchino, scaramouche x gn!reader
cw : 3.3 archon quest spoilers if you squint a little (scaramouche's part)
a/n : thank you for sending in your requests yall 😭 when i saw them i knew i had to get started right away (i hope you don't mind that i sort of roped in two requests at a time...). anyways, i had so many ideas for this, but this is what i eventually settled on! let me know if you enjoyed it!
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- Arlecchino is very familiar with the art of donning different masks to adapt to certain situations. Sometimes she’s a graceful gentlelady, the perfect picture of poise; other times, she’s an enemy’s worst nightmare. With you, however, she’s learnt to strip away all that makes her a formidable Fatui Harbinger.
- Before she had met you, she had only known to speak coarse words that cut her tongue, sharp and biting like salt on a wound. But in your presence, those words simply dissolve. She wants nothing more in the world than to let you know how much she finds you endearing – simply put, she’s a master at the use of pet names.
- “Dearest, can you come here for a minute?” “It’s good to see you again, my love.” “You look amazing, darling.” – The both of you have been together for a long time, and yet her terms of endearment never fail to make you feel like you’re falling in love for the first time once again.
- Arlecchino doesn’t consider herself to be a lazy person, but you come before all, including her work. Canceled missions become more frequent – she just can’t seem to get enough of your company. Conversely, when she’s at work, the only thing at the back of her mind is getting home at the end of the day to see your smile again.
It’s the end of a brutally long day, and the sky is painted in the scenic reds and oranges of the sunset. The sky looks beautiful, Arlecchino thinks to herself, but it’s nothing compared to you. She blushes at the cheesy thought, and she feels like she could almost hear your bouts of laughter if she were to accidentally speak the sentiment out loud. 
Arlecchino opens the front door to your shared home and puts her shoes to the side, surveying the house. She spies your figure sitting on the couch in the middle of the living room, and her pace picks up slightly, a small smile growing on her face. Your focus is angled downwards, and she could see a book resting in your lap.
Wordlessly, she climbs into the couch beside you, wrapping her arms around your waist tightly and burying her face into your neck. 
“Good afternoon, Arle,” you say, reaching up to tangle your fingers in her snow-white hair. The only acknowledgement you receive for your greeting was her arms tightening around you.
It felt good to be home.
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- After his fall from the ranks of the Fatui, the puppet who now calls himself a Wanderer has nothing much to do except…wander. And that’s exactly what he does – except when you’re always at the back of his mind, he finds himself partaking in some strange behaviors.
- You’re his rose-colored lens; he sees the world in relation to you. Anything he sees during his travels that remotely reminds him of you is coming back to your shared home with him. Most times, when you come back home from work, he’ll wordlessly hand you his trinket for the day and then scurry away – but not too fast to the point where you miss the blush rising on his cheeks.
Today he hands you a flower. It dangles between his fingers, its purple petals illuminated by the yellow light of the lamp. Just like every day before this one, he’s found something to give to you. 
Unlike every day before this one, he meets your eyes, and speaks. 
“Well? Are you going to take it or not?” The former Fatui Harbinger’s words don’t come out nearly as brazen as he would have liked, but you’ve come to realize that his usually harsh tone has mellowed out over the past few months. Must be Nahida’s doing.
You take the rose from his hands and smile gently at him, your heart warming at the cute gesture. “It’s very beautiful, thank you.”
He grunts in response, but his facial expression softens in the lamp light, and you know he’s glad to see you accept his gift.
- He isn’t very good with words, and although he tries to be, it just never works in his favor. His main way of showing affection is physical touch, which comes easier to him than terms of endearment. Something in particular that you both seem to enjoy (especially him) is when he carries you in his arms bridal style.
- If he could carry you in his arms forever, he would. If it’s raining and the path that you both are walking along is filled with puddles, expect him to carry you above it. Similarly, he might scold you for falling asleep on the couch, but he secretly enjoys picking you up and carrying you over to your bed.
- However, if you ask him about his affinity for holding you, he’ll simply ignore your questions.
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
Hiii, I've got an ask for you 🫣
What is the most interesting end for Mizu in your opinion and if you could guess, what do you think the writers will do?
1. Doomed by the narrative all the way (her story starts sad and ends in a even bigger inevitable tragedy)
2.She gets what she wants but will never find true happiness (maybe lose someone she loves in the way)
3.Gets what she wants and finds contentment and even happiness.
Secret fourth opition?
Hope you are well😁
Hiiiii <3 <3
OOOH this is an interesting one, and right out the gate I would 100% immediately choose Option 3 here, which is that Mizu gets what she wants and finds happiness and contentment.
Now I am a SUCKER for tragedy and bittersweet endings, they are soooo juicy like don't get me wrong (the novel manuscript I'm working on is literally a doomed-by-the-narrative type story!) but in my opinion, though all stories can be tragedies, not all stories necessarily should be.
This is because a story's ending, and what makes an ending satisfactory, is heavily reliant on the promise that it sets at the very beginning.
A narrative promise is essentially what the story is telling us to expect when we start the first episode or read the first chapter or click the start button on a game. As such, the promise is usually given to us in two primary ways.
First is the story's tone. What sort of language does it use? What sort of art direction does it employ? Its music, its camera angles?
In BES, the story starts off with some dynamic long shots of Mizu walking with her back turned to the camera through the snow, the wind whooshing and dramatic music in the background, while words fade in and out on the screen:
In 1633, Japan closed its borders to the outside world. Citizens would never see a white face, nor any face that was not Japanese. A child born mixed race would be considered less than human. Pitiable. Monstrous. From these times rose a legend. Of a swordsman. Of a sword. Of revenge.
The music ends in an epic crescendo. Cue title screen.
From the above line, we can already see that the tone is that of a dramatic, epic, action-filled story about revenge. From that first scene, we see Mizu's confrontation with Hachi, and from this we already see the promise that this is a heavily-stylised action martial arts series that will be violent and gritty.
On that note, its fight sequences also follow video game logic a lot of times, and overallm a lot of things are not very realistic or necessarily 100% historically-accurate. This, together with a lot of casual dialogue and humour littered throughout, makes it a story that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's rather blockbuster-ish in that sense, and while very well written and rife with beautiful imagery, symbolism, and nuanced characters and themes, it is not intended to be high literary work by any means.
And while Mizu's backstory is indeed very tragic, the story we see in the present is very tonally different, chock-full of one liners and silly lines (thank you, Ringo and Taigen, my silly boys, for that) as well as flashy action scenes and montages set to rock music. The tonal shift between the past and present stories is also in part what makes The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride stand out so prominently among the 8 episodes.
Besides the tone, a story also delivers its the promise through its character arc, which is presented to the audience by showing us a variety of things related to the protagonist, such as:
what the character is missing in their life: for Mizu, it is love and acceptance;
their desires: revenge, because as we see from her backstory, she has been unable to obtain love/acceptance;
what's preventing them from achieving it: Mizu adamantly believes that she is a monster who is not capable of loving or being loved, and this is why she pushes Ringo and Taigen away in present day;
and their flaws: Mizu is stubborn, narrow-minded, and is driven purely by hate and anger. Taigen tells the viewers this very clearly in Ep7 when he says she's killing Fowler "Not for honour. For hate." And also in Ep8 when he says to Ringo, "Mizu doesn't care about anyone but himself and his revenge." Mizu's "ember" is her anger and desire for vengeance.
Thus, from all this, we can come to a conclusion that the show's promise is something along the lines of
Mizu gets her revenge +
Mizu unlearns her self-hatred and stops letting her anger be the only thing guiding her +
Mizu stops running from people who care about her so she can finally get the love and acceptance she's always craved.
IMO, only by fulfilling all three of these promises would the story have a satisfying payoff.
Whether the revenge will be directed to the white men, though, is up for debate, as there are a lot of theories going around that maybe the white men aren't as evil as she thought and none of them are even her fathers, that Mizu's true enemy is Lady Itoh and the shogunate, etc. The third point, regarding love and acceptance, is also a point of discourse, because we don't know who she'll end up with, or if she'll end up with anyone romantically at all, whereby the story opts to make it an open ending focusing on platonic/found-family bonds rather than any romantic one.
Whatever the case, it doesn't necessarily matter, and I'm open to pretty much all directions the writers may take us as long as SOME revenge is achieved, blood is spilled, colonisers get their dues, AND Mizu gets to be loved and happy.
BUT if you ask me for my ideal version of that payoff... I think it's no surprise to anyone when I say I want Mizu to live a nice peaceful and secluded life, in which all her past adventures fade into myth and legend (as implied in the opening text).
Because while I'm almost certain Mizu is related to some royal or important bloodline, I don't think Mizu would find happiness in a life in the palace. She has never wanted greatness, has never even hinted at wanting power or anything like it. She craves belonging and the freedom to be herself, and to be loved for all her flaws and dualities. These are things she needs to grow and be a better person as well. A life of politics and intrigue inherent in being a royal heir, or in being a samurai loyal to the shogunate (even if it is under Akemi's future administration) would offer no such freedom or sense of peace for Mizu.
So yeah! Peace and quiet and happiness, maybe living on a farm like she did with Mikio. But of course that life wouldn't mean anything if she were to live it alone, because remember she wants and needs love and belonging. As such, I think the one most suited to give her that would be Taigen (for a variety of reasons).
This life could be with or without their bestie Ringo, depending on if Ringo decides to travel and find his own greatness, and it is implied that Ringo does leave Mizu's side to go on his own adventures, as hinted by the creators wanting a spin-off centered around him.
And also Mizu and Taigen go to visit their mutual ex-girlfriend Akemi sometimes for like special occasions or something.
I hope that answered your question, and thank you so much for the ask!! <3 <3 And on that note, my inbox is open for more if anyone else would like to pick my brain about this show, or anything else for that matter really. I may take a while to answer them considering how in-depth I like to go on these, but I love getting any and all these asks regardless :)
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shunshunrika · 11 months
Hi, for your recent event, I hope you can consider this request! 💖
FLUFF 7 + SMUT 27 + Gojo Satoru + (no kink specified: up to author!)
warnings - SMUT, afab! reader, mirror sex, dacryphilia, humiliation, overstimulation, recording, oral (m! and f! receiving), facial, dirty talk, squirting, pet-names, not proofread.
MDNI, 18+ only!!!!
a/n: Satoruuu, why are you THAT hot? also, can't believe this is my first toru smut? I'm a toru account..what??
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Gojo Satoru, your very own boyfriend, usually known as the man who knows everything, doesn't know about your obsession with him.
Yeah, you have been dating him for a bit over 6 months now and yet, you keep forgetting that you are. You are still in your 'crush' headspace after all this time. Probably because Gojo Satoru is internet famous and a lot of people, like you, are in love with him. It totally gives you an existential crisis sometimes - that you are not one of those fangirls, but his actual girlfriend. That doesn't soothe your tendencies though.
You still steal glances at him and find your cheeks turning red-hot, you find ways to sneak a peek at his naked, steamy form when he's done showering, hell you will even read fanfiction about him and save particularly juicy fanart if you come across it. Recently, you had come across certain pictures of his, drawn by a very talented artist - (bless, you even tipped her anonymously)
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Ever since then, it has been the photo that adorns your phone screen. Obviously, you had a different lock screen since you didn't want Satoru to know but you could ogle at this art of Satoru all you wanted in secrecy. Satoru never knew you had this side to you. He always felt you were the more independent one emotionally and he was clingy. Little did he know though. It felt indecent, childish but you loved your little secret all the more.
You had gone a few weeks without Satoru ever noticing until one day, in the middle of the supermarket, Satoru needed your phone to look at the grocery list.
"I put down ice-cream in there, baby. Did you remove it again?" Satoru whined rather loudly. A few women passing by chuckled at the two of you, bantering in the aisle.
"Satoru. We don't need ice-cream every week, okay? Do you love your dentist more than me?" is your rebuttal.
"She's prettier..." Satoru hums to himself, earning a slap on his back from you, making him chuckle.
"Well if not ice-cream, what's left..." Satoru started scrolling through the list until he seemed to have found something.
"Oh, what's this?" he asked, rhetorically. "Wow."
For a second, you feel an ominous air. You stop dead in your tracks and feel the urge to look at what Satoru is looking at. Sure enough, his blue eyes reflect the half-naked art of his own silhouette, vibrant in all its glory right on your home-screen. You almost forget how to breathe when you snatch the phone out of his hands aggressively.
"S-Satoru, I-"
"Y/N, seriously?" he asked, amused.
“Am I your wallpaper?”
“You weren’t supposed to see that!” you exclaim, a bit too loud for a public place. You calm yourself down and clear your throat before continuing. "u-uh. I thought it looked, uh, good...so"
"Y/N!" his face cringed up. "Oh my lord, you love me that much. And here I used to think you found another man because you keep ignoring me!" Satoru pouted quietly, still eyeing your phone. You could sense the onlookers' eyes bore a hole through your back so at this point, you just grabbed Satoru and made a run for the billing line. After you were in your car, you finally breathed a sigh of relief. Satoru still wouldn't shut up about the picture on the ride home as you drove. He had convinced you to hand him your phone so he could look at the picture better from all angles. What he was looking at, only he knew.
You were so happy he hadn't figured out that there were more.
Another bout of unease. You perhaps spoke too soon.
"THERE'S MORE?" he exclaimed so loud while swiping left and right, you almost slammed your breaks.
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"Satoru! Stop that!" you screamed. "Give me back my phone!" you lurched at him trying to get your device filled with his lewd pictures back.
"Y/N, are you really that horny for me?" He asked genuinely.
"You should've told me 4 times a week was still insufficient for you."
"Satoru, please." at this point you were so embarrassed, your eyes were tearing up. You didn't wait for his response, parked and ran straight into your house, kicking off your shoes. He could keep the phone, do whatever. He could think you are a freak, or obsessed, or gross or whatever! You sniffed as you climbed into your king-sized bed and hugged yourself. This was so humiliating!
"Y/N? You cryin'?" Satoru was right on your heels without you realizing. He climbed into the bed with you, dropping your phone on the side table.
"Are you embarrassed about it?" he asked, scooting to be beside you, his arm on your wait and his lips on your ear. "You embarrassed that your dirty little secret is out now?" He said, sliding two fingers up your shorts and rubbing your little nub through your panties. You bit your lip, pressing your thighs together and trapping his wrist there. When he realized that he was trapped, he proceeded to pinch your nub lightly making you yelp.
"Stop teasing me!" you whimpered, your voice breaking halfway through and your vision blurry with tears.
"Nope. I want you to cry more than that, but let's do this a bit differently." he said, getting up and picking you up along with him, bridal style. He was so strong it was practically effortless for him to carry you like you were a doll. He carried you away from the bed and you wondered where he was taking you.
"Let's switch the environment a bit, shall we?" he said, laying you down on the carpet in front of a full-size mirror that lay in the corner of his room. The mirror was large enough to show you and him. You thought he was too tall for it.
"You won't need these." Satoru said, pulling at your clothes. "Off with them." he commanded, stripping himself of his shirt while facing the mirror. You could see the intricate pattern of every solid muscle on his torso and abdomen as he got rid of his clothing and you did too. You noticed how pretty your body looked and how prettier it looked bare, sitting right below Satoru's own bare body. His length hung right over your head, semi-hard already.
"How should we do this?" he put a finger to his chin, pondering.
"W-what are we doing?" you asked frantically, unsure of what was about to unfold other than the two of you having s*x in front of the mirror.
"I'm thinking." Satoru got down on his back and pointed at his face. "Sit on me and face the mirror."
You gulped when you thought of how that would look in the mirror. Your legs spread out atop Satoru's gorgeous face and you having access to his abs and his hard-on.
You quickly followed what he told you and sank onto his waiting mouth, moaning out load when you felt his tongue beginning to explore your insides. Satoru grabbed your asscheeks and lifted you up ever so slightly so you could see in the mirror, how his tongue entered in and out, at a steady pace, before setting you back down onto him. Gosh, that looked so lewd...
"What should I do?" you asked, more to yourself than to Satoru. You started out with tracing his taut abs and you saw in the mirror how your fingers filled in the ridges and crannies. Your hands finally snaked their way to his towering dick. You bent yourself forward in order to reach his dick with your mouth as his torso was too long and it ended up making you lift your ass off Satoru's face. He growled and pressed on your hips to make you sit back onto his face. You struggled to stretch out this was for a few seconds until you found a comfortable angle.
You made eye-contact with your reflection as you licked the tip of Satoru's length softly. His head looked so raw and pink, it was cute. you smiled at it before placing a kiss on it. This made Satoru groan into your hole and made you sigh too.
"Pretty 'toru cock." you commented, taking it in your mouth little by little. You were surprised how large it looked, sheathed in your mouth. It created a bulge on your left cheek as you looked at your lewd, horny self in the mirror - eyes half lidded, saliva escaping from your packed mouth, hair astray. Satoru never let his rhythm falter, as he chugged his tongue deep into your crevices, lapping up every ounce of your juice as soon as your walls were coated with a fresh layer.
His fingers were probably leaving marks on your ass now, but you loved it when they did that. Your plump ass marked with Satoru's fingers. You hollowed your cheeks out, taking in more and more till your nose connected with his pelvic bone. The tufts of fine hair on his crotch tickled your nose as you stayed there, feeling his shaft sit comfortably in your throat, like it was a glove meant just for Satoru. Meanwhile, you swirled your tongue all around his length, paying attention to each vein and the underside of the dick. You brought your hands up to his sack to toy with it - gently rubbing at the twin balls and resisting the urge to squeeze them. He noticed what you were doing and brought his own hand to your nub, rubbing at it fervently.
"Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me." he purred and you moaned right into his dick, quivering as Satoru made you lose your sanity. This was a competition now, who would cum first. You were desperate to win after how humiliated you felt. You increased your pace with your mouth around his shaft and start pumping the bottom to add to his pleasure.
"Nghh." he groaned out under you, losing focus.
"That's it Satoru." you mumbled with a mouth full of cock, feeling him come closer to his peak. "Put it all on my face, please."
"I want to drink all of it."
That was enough to send Satoru over the edge and you removed your mouth just in time for him to paint your face white. You were so f*cked out yourself that you let his thick jizz go wherever it wanted to, inside your nostrils, back in your mouth, on your eyelids. Some even fell on his hairy crotch which you kitten-licked at diligently.
"Get all of it, don't leave a single drop behind." Satoru told you as he continued his assault on your womanhood from the behind. You looked at yourself in the mirror, deranged looking - face covered in ropes of his cum and your tongue picking up the leftovers from his pubes. What a mess. Beautiful.
"Say cheese, Y/n." you suddenly heard Satoru say as he started humming into your hole. The vibrations and his tongue were enough to push you over and cum monstrously onto his mouth so much so that you didn't notice what he was doing. You cum painted face was contorting in pleasure and you wondered what sort of expression you were making. You heard the sound of a camera flash but couldn't care less, you enjoyed your bliss for a few more seconds with tears rolling down your cheeks, mixing with Satoru's cum, until you finally looked back to see what Satoru was up to.
"Wow. what a masterpiece." he said, showing you the picture, he just captured on his phone. It looked like art. Your face, the scene, the mirror, everything in it.
"I'm going to use this as my wallpaper now." Satoru said mischievously, earning a grimace from you.
"Satoru- you-" you began saying with a sigh, trying to get off of him but Satoru won't let go. He made you sit back down on him and grabbed at your breasts blindly.
"Where are you going, I'm not done with your pretty hole yet." he said, plunging his tongue yet again into your insides, making you screech.
"O-ow. Wait." you hissed, tearing up. "I'm still sensitive."
"Cry it out. You look so pretty like that." he said, pinching and pulling at the erect nipples on your breasts making you hum in pleasure and pain.
"Oh my goodness." You exclaimed and kept exclaiming until once more, Satoru's chin was drenched in your juices.
"Okay, stop now." you said.
"No, princess." he said devilishly. "Not yet."
You were now seriously questioning whether you would lose your sanity. This time, your walls were even dry and yet you felt something bubble up in your abdomen while Satoru's mouth sucked your nether lips dry.
"Oh, oh!" was the only thing you were able to say as you saw yourself in the mirror and a second later, liquid sprayed out of you and straight onto the mirror. You kept spraying the mirror in bursts, with your head thrown back until you were so weak, you fell forward, your face next to Satoru's limp c*ck.
Satoru finally let go of your ass and gently pushed you off of him, inspecting your face.
"Well." he said, getting closer to the mirror and licking some of the liquid off of it.
"If you need a picture of me as your wallpaper, I'll send you nudes baby." he pulled your cheek as you smiled, watching him set off for the bathroom, humming a tune only he knew, as you let yourself drift into dreamland full of naked Satorus.
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shrubsparrow · 2 months
Hey! I saw your tutorial on birds and first off I wanna say... love it! Very useful
Second, I wanted to ask about bird legs because I have no clue what to search up....
For this, I'm talking more about the big birds with the bigger legs, like... secretary birds, cranes, herons...
I struggle with one main aspect with drawing the bird legs
And its the texture of the legs. I don't know what its called, or what to look up to figure it out on my own... is it like, scutes? Is that what birds have? Or is it scales? Any tips on how to interpret the pattern of the scales/scutes to depict them into art? Any tips on how the scale/scute covered flesh wrinkles and folds on itself?
You don't have to answer any of these but it would be really really appreciated... I struggle SO much with this 🥲
Even a point in the right direction on what to look up would be really useful... thank you, and i hope you have a nice day!
Hi! Sorry, I think I missed this question earlier, I only now saw it in my inbox. I'm glad you liked the tutorial! I honestly hadn't looked too deeply into the small details in bird feet before, so I'm not an expert, but I did some digging just now and maybe it will help you in the right direction.
It seems that scute is the correct term to use for the "scales" in bird feet (English isn't my first language so I didn't know about it either). The function very similarly to scales!
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It seems like generally, bird feet have a row of large scutes on top of each toe. From below, the toes have these soft "foot pads" instead. In those areas, the skin may form tiny scutes, but those are usually hard to see so I wouldn't necessarily draw them in detail.
I also found this video which, starting from around 15 minute mark, goes over a lot of fine detail about bird feet from different angles, with some info about the scutes as well. Most of it definitely wasn't covered in my tutorial, so I recommend checking it out!
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clambuoyance · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for all the notification spamming, I just really really adore your art & the way you draw characters. It's so cool how recognizable all the characters you draw are, like their features/proportions/style idk its amazing. Do you have any tips for how to make a character consistently recognizable in drawings? Also, methinks Tim as Stray would be so much fun in a TimKon relationship, would you maybe pretty please consider doodling a bit of what you think that would look like?
Your brain is galaxy sized, your art is fantastic, and I hope you have a wonderful day<3
Ty! I’m just going to answer your first question, even though you asked forever ago 😭 I’ve drawn stray Tim before but we’ll see if I’m up for drawing it again
Anyways, as for making characters consistently recognizable, I think it helps to make character sheets.
Using my ocs for example, when I redesigned Rolin in my new style, I knew I wanted to have a very Shapey look, so I’d write notes on things such as: how the cheek should curve, what the nose shape is like or how many Fronds in his hair he should have lol
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As you can see, I even have arrows indicating the motion of the lines. If you’ve seen some of my posts of my redesigns for the dc characters, sometimes you can see notes in them too. Sometimes I write them, and sometimes I just catalogue the set of “rules” I create for a character in my head.
So yeah, for further example, I knew keiko had to have softer shapes to contrast her with rolin’s personality. I can’t find it, but I have a page in my sketchbook just working out the shape of her hair, which was initially supposed to resemble a butterfly 🦋 but then I made it have boxy angles. Whenever I draw them, I guess I go through their Individual checklists in my head.
Like for rolin:
-more sharp eyes, in an almond like shape. Check
-cheek is curved but “steeper” and leads to a somewhat sharper chin. check
- I usually have to redo the nose a lot but once it’s in the right spot for me I check that off ig
Or for keiko:
- rounder, bigger, more oval like eyes. Check
- hair bangs should start a little to the left of the middle of her forehead line, then to the edge of her ear. Check
- her cheeks should be squishy and round, and she should have a smaller face with her features more closer together. Check
And so on and so on, and the character sheets help because then you get into the practice of doing those same lines over and over, and at different angles or expressions. So even though I want to stretch their face as they contort their facial expressions, I still follow the same structure and adjust accordingly to keep their form, if that makes sense, I’m not perfect at it but I like to think my designs are at least distinct from one another and consistently recognizable
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And this is a recent example, which I haven’t posted on tumblr yet bc I have yet to color it, but this is me trying to explore barts design and making sure I could still make it look On Model despite the different facial expressions.
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So in summary my strategy would be to
1. Sketch and explore the character design, write notes and study what lines or elements work or don’t work
2. Create a list or repository of the essential elements or a set of steps to recreate the same design
3. Practice and make a sheet where all you do is actually recreate that design over and over again, until your hand can just do it without your brain having to recall the steps one by one , if that makes sense
Of course, I like to redesign all the time as well but I try to at least capture the character’s essence 😗
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spadesncrows · 2 months
Hey ! I have a little question : how do we start drawing ? And, if we need tuto, what tuto do you recommend ?
Have a good day !
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Lord almighty, I hope ur ready for the rant of ur life. Buckle up buster bc we are diving headfirst /hj
Ok so first things first, there’s really only one way to start drawing: grab a pencil, get some paper, and just go. Ik, it’s very anticlimactic, but the only way to really get started with it is to just start. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, it doesn’t have to be some big illustration, just start somewhere. You don’t need expensive or fancy supplies, just a pencil and paper are great (or even just ur finger and ur phone if u wanna do digital!!)
Just remember: everyone starts somewhere!! Don’t beat urself up if it doesn’t look how you want it to the first go around. Art is just like any other hobby: you get better the more you practice, the more you get into the groove of it and the more you learn the fundamentals and building blocks of it. You don’t have to draw everyday, but drawing consistently does help.
Now let’s say u got ur paper & pencil, but nothing comes to mind. Here’s a few simple exercises that I personally enjoy as warmups and simple doodles to fill my sketchbooks:
𒊹︎ Shapes !!
- This is one of my favorite warmups bc of how simple it is. Draw spheres, cones, cubes, etc!! (Bonus points if you add a light source and do some shading as well <3)
- this can be rlly good for studying perspective using very simple objects and adding a light source can make it feel a bit more fleshed out. Plus, it’s always good to study how light affects 3d objects so it can be applied to full illustrations and the like later down the line !!
- to add onto that, learning how to draw basic 3d shapes can be very beneficial when moving onto more complex designs and figures, as it can make the area/object appear less flat and more fleshed out if that makes sense !!
Examples :
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𒊹︎ Look at the world around you !!
- find different objects, buildings, etc, and take a picture of them.
- next, using that photo as a reference, try breaking it down into simpler 3d shapes
- Think of these shapes as the building blocks of the figure. They create a general silhouette and portrays the figure in its most simple form. Being able to break down complicated visuals into simpler shapes will make it easier to draw them from scratch !!
Examples :
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𒊹︎ Find reference photos online !!
- Personally, I like sites like Pinterest or Instagram for this, but pls note that these aren’t ur only options !!
- some other sites include: Line of action and QuickPoses !!
- reference photos can be very good for studies, but you don’t rlly learn much if ur just copying off of it. While there isn’t anything wrong with that, I suggest trying to break it down. Try to understand the form in a 3d space. Like I said before, doing that will make it easier to draw from scratch and may even help when trying to draw it from a different angle
- reference photos can also be a very good way to get inspiration!! Whether it be for just one drawing, for a storyline, or for a whole production, if ur stuck on a scene it wouldn’t hurt to look at few refs to get a feel for what ur looking for.
If there’s one thing to remember, just know that you don’t need to follow any tutorials to make art. Hell, u don’t even have to listen to my advice abt art either. There are no rules to art, so take everything I say as suggestion rather than gospel !!
That being said, tutorials are mainly there to help you improve by teaching you various fundamentals and techniques. In other words, to help you make your art look a bit more visually appealing or look like a specific style. There’s not exactly one set list of tutorials that every artist needs to follow, so you kinda just pick and choose depending on what you want to focus on!!
Here’s some tutorials I’ve seen and/or used before :D
𒊹︎ GOOD vs BAD Character Design: Tips & Tricks!
- a classic 🫶🫶, goes over various subjects such as color and shape theory in order to make characters and scenes more memorable. This can be especially useful if u intend to make characters & scenes for animation, but it works for other mediums as well!!
𒊹︎ Basic Color Theory
- pretty self explanatory!! Goes over the basic fundamentals of color theory and how this artist likes to apply it themselves. Color theory can be good to use to ur advantage as it can be used to set the tone of ur art, to show the general time of day, to draw ur attention to specific areas, etc!!
𒊹︎ Anatomy Quick Tips
- this is actually a playlist instead of just one video ^^ each vid is dedicated to different parts of the human body and tips for drawing them!! There are 15 vids total as of today going over stuff like hair, eyes, hands, backs, hips, etc.
If there’s anything I missed or anything anyone would like to add on, feel free to do so !!
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tibbycaps · 6 months
🎨 for the ask game? hope you have a nice day!
🎨 favourite piece of fanart? link it!
oh gosh it's so hard to choose just one. (you too btw :'D) went thru my rbs and here's a few bangers:
technically an animation and not fan art but this animatic by volcanocraft is my favorite life mcyt animation of all time. the style is just to die for, the song choice is perfect, and while lots of traffic fan art and animations tend to be very dramatic and theatrical (which is totally fine, it rules) this is sort of a rare case where the artist manages to perfectly encapsulate the inherent silliness and comedic effect of using minecraft to tell your story. the goofiness of the little minecraft characters running and jumping around like bugs is perfectly captured which i feel like is a hard vibe to get in art sometimes
fan art that resembles renaissance paintings and even takes inspiration from said paintings is so beloved to me (i minored in art history so its very dear to me). specifically sillyfairygarden and floweroflaurelin come to mind! (thello's life series designs are also very dear to me, as the costumes they design remind me a lot of shakespearian plays, and make me imagine the life series as a shakespearian tragedy being told on a stage. as someone whos url is a shakespeare reference this also scratches a very specific niche in my brain. their bigb design is especially gorgeous and reminds me of 1996 mercutio)
cherri's life series as an rpg series is a banger, it really makes you yearn for the game to be real, it's also nostalgic of a lot of old rpgmaker games i used to play as a kid which is probably why i'm so drawn to it
i LOVE this secret life scar by felix convexsolos because i think the scene of scar standing in the wheat field is one of the unintentionally coolest most cinematic scenes from the life series, the off-putting angle and his stone-cold expression captures his silent rage, unhinged and unpredictable energy in that series so well this double life fan art by ghost3a i'm absolutely obsessed with the colors and expressions, each pairing has different colors and the color choices for each pairing is so telling and the way each piece kind of fades into the next by having a hint of color at the bottom is awesome. i'm a sucker when it comes to bright contrasting colors used to convey emotions/feelings.
this last life mumbo by stackofeggs has always stuck with me because i feel like it captures red life mumbo really well; he's terrifying and dangerous with his end crystals but it also still kind of retains that wet cat energy mumbo always has. he's scary and unstable and fragile just like the end crystals
this bdubs by imflyingfish is SO COOL AND CUTE, the style is so unique and captivating and i love the choice to draw bdubs' building the earth arc as it's honestly the only fan art i think i've seen of that specific secret life moment
i'll end off by mentioning the Common Applestruda W, where i honestly can't even link a specific piece or i'd be here all day. but her color work and compositions are wonderful
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
please please please i hope no one does this yet-
can i req oolong tea with milk art, in a pink tea cup (lipstick marks? sorry i dont remember-) with marshmallows? thank youu!
there’s only one way to find out. right?
summary: tonight was one of the few nights both you and your friend zhongli would be free, and already he was running a little late. when you come to his room, asking for permission to enter beforehand, your patience has already ran short. until, you notice something... unusal, for zhongli at least, on his face.
masterlist | event
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customer’s order: an oolong tea (zhongli) with milk art (one shot) in a pink tea cup (lipstick marks) and some marshmallows (friends to lovers) on the side.
pairing: zhongli x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (you/your), reader is friends with zhongli, and reader is not the traveler
word count: 1,027 words (5 min~)
genre: romance, friends to lovers, slightly suggestive
format: one shot
warnings: suggestive tones (if you look for them) and things escalting very quickly
a/n: i know this is a little out there, but i saw this AMAZING fanart while brainstorming and felt like i just had to write about it!! hope everyone is having a good day 💖  
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You stood before Zhongli’s front door, shifting its key in your hands anxiously. Instead of standing there for another moment, your impatience got the better of you. 
You sheathed the key into the door’s hole and gently twisted it until you heard the subtle click from the door. You then pushed the door open and stepped inside. 
As your body adjusted to the warmth of the home, you waited for the sounds of Zhongli coming to greet you. But you heard nothing of the sort. Curious, you crept up Zhongli’s stairs and followed the way to his bedroom. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind that you still wore your shoes inside, their loud thudding against his floorboards echoing throughout the house.
You reach the door to his room. You leaned against the door frame nonchalantly and then gently rapped your knuckles against the wood.
“Zhongli,” you called. “Can I come in?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
You shook your head as you muttered a quiet “finally” under your breath. You reached for the door knob and grasped it tightly to the left. Once the door was ajar, you looked up from the doorknob and into your friend’s room.
But instead of glancing around the familiar space, your eyes locked onto Zhongli.
He sat down in front of his desk, with a lovely mirror positioned in front of him. That’s new, you think as you glance at the unusual makeup containers that now littered his desk space. With one hand, he tilted the mirror so your face could join his in the mirror.
Thanks to the new angle, you could now see all of Zhongli’s face. A gentle rouge had been rubbed into his fair skin, reminding you of the pretty women around Liyue. He had styled his eyeliner differently as well. Instead of just a simple line to accentuate his beautiful amber brown eyes, it flicked upwards at the very end. And when you glanced down to his lips, you were surprised to see them without any color.
When you shifted your gave to your reflection, you realized your jaw had dropped significantly. You closed your mouth as embarrassment enveloped you. Was it… was it normal to feel so infatuated when your friend looked like this? You asked yourself.
“Hello,” he said with a smirk.
“Hello,” you parroted.
Zhongli turned his head to look back at you, an effortlessly beautiful smile on his face. “What do you think of this look?”
“You look very pretty, Zhongli,” you praise. “Is that what you were going for?”
He chuckled. “Yes, Hu Tao lent me some of her old makeup for our evening out,” he turned back in his seat. “I was thinking of styling my hair differently tonight. What do you think?”
Your eyes traced the outline of Zhongli’s back, only now noticing the fur shrug draped over his shoulders. It was dark black, mixed with hints of navy and yellow. Beneath the shrug he wore a sleeveless brown tunic in a popular Liyuen style. It was a simple tunic, but complimented his nice fur accessory well enough.
You startled when he called out your name. You almost didn’t recognize it as he spoke so gently, with a hint of concern beneath each syllable of your name. 
“Hm?” you dumbly hum.
“I asked you if I should style my hair. And then you didn’t respond for a moment,” he glanced at your reflection with great concern. “Is everything alright, my dear friend?”
“I-I’m alright, Zhongli. No need to fret about me,” you assured him. “Your hair looks wonderful just the way it is. There’s no need to style it, if that is your concern.”
He gently hums in agreement before casting his eyes downwards. You follow his gaze and see a nice, small jar in one of his hands. Once he had lifted the jar’s lid off, you saw inside of the jar was a thick red paste. Zhongli dipped his index finger in it, and ruined the paste’s smooth surface he dragged his finger along. Then he brought it up to his lips and applied the paste.
“Is there a particular reason you’re staring at me like that?” Zhongli murmured, catching your obvious stare in the mirror’s reflection.
You blink slowly before you manage to reply.
“It’s the lipstick,” you lied quickly. “Red’s a good color on you.”
Zhongli paused for a moment, as if he was letting your words sink deeply into his skin and nestle into his heart. Then he smiled genuinely and widely at you, the tips of his abnormally sharper canines poking out. Cute, you observed quietly.
“The vendor said the same thing,” Zhongli chuckled. “Although, he also said it was… ‘smear’ proof, but that has yet to be proven.”
“Do you want me to help test it out?” you blurt out.
You and Zhongli both freeze. Embarrassment tries to swallow your entire being with the help of its distant cousin: regret. 
It was as though you watched your years of friendship, years of history, fall right apart in front of you. Your heart almost split in two when you saw his eyes widen significantly. 
Slowly his eyes meet yours in the mirror’s reflection, and all he does is dumbly nod.
And then suddenly, you’re leaning over him as you crash your lips into his. A weak whimper is trapped in his throat as you bring your hand to caress his cheek. Your thumb gently rubbed circles into his jawline as you tilted your head further to the right; greedy for more. And when Zhongli presses a hand against your chest, only to stabilize himself as you two eventually break apart.
“Looks like that merchant was wrong,” you chuckle as you look into the mirror. Matching red smears were left around both your and Zhongli’s mouths.  “So much for that, huh?”
Zhongli pulls you back to him, desire— no, greed shining in his eyes. “Oh, we are far from over, my dear. I hope you realized that before you spoke so boldly,” he chuckles, inches away from your lips. “Or perhaps you’re just more bark than bite, hm?”
You smirked. “Only one way to find out, right Zhongli?”
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖 
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trashworldblog · 1 year
HEY YOU! YEAH, YOU! do you have something to talk about that youre super excited for? NOWS YOUR CHANCE!!
aka i want to listen to something and youtube isnt giving me any video essays so i would like to hear about friendsdays :D
ur free to save this ask for another day OR answer it with whatevers on your mind! :D
hellll yeahhhh
i love talking about the thoughts bumpin around my noggin
i just had my first week of classes so im mostly thinkin of those and the 2 im excited about are my rethinking meuseums class and a film class on chinese culture and history.
so i took this museum class cus 1) i had to fulfill credits, and 2) i LOVE meuseums. ive traveled a lot, and ive visited a ton of meusums, from the acropolis meuseum in athens, greece, to the jolly green giant museum next to the jolly green giant statue in minnesota. i love reading little plauqes and learning about stuff, especially if its hands on or art.
but this class is super cool because 1) we get field trips!!! i thought my field trip days were over, but now i get to go to museums for free durring class!! 2) we get to talk about colonialism and how that influences how our museums currently operate. from their layout, lighting, showcases, accessibility, intractivity, and other ways the art, artififacts, knowledge, and creators are presented (or not presented).
ive always been intrested in history and shown how events have caused domino effects and colonialism has a huge effect on the world we live in, and meuseums is a specific instance of that that ive been exposed to, and i really want to learn how to unlearn the ideas that has imposed on me, and show me the choices they are making that influence my opinions without me even knowing. (for example my home art meuseum, the art institute, has all the european classic art and modern art on the top floor, while the asian, african, and photography (which has a large collection showcasing black, queer, and womans issues) are on the first floor and basement. and how the work on the top floor is very well light, while the other floors have dimmer lighting.) didn't even think about that, and I've been in the art institute over half a dozen times the past 2 years!
also a ton of other people in my class are also passionate about this stuff so its nice to know im not gonna be the only one who cares about this class :D
also!!! ive met someone who likes the ghoul boys! i was reading my unsolved book during break and they struck up a conversation about them with me! so thats super fun :)
my exploring chinese culture via film class is gonna be amazing too becuase i know thats a huge blindspot i have in knowing about the world and i really want to change that. so i get to explore and learn about that while also watching films. im hoping this class isnt too hard work wise (watching documentaries takes up alot of time i dont exactly have) but the professor seems to be understanding that we have our major classes to worry about. (also! she gave us snacks for chinese new year :D)
the class is discussion based (the class time, luckily i dont really have to do discussions online). and the people in my class have really good thoughts and ideas! we have some film majors so they give insight on how some stuff is shot, and some literature majors are really good at unpacking what was said and have a ton of interesting angles about the inner complexities between the family in the documentary.
i honestly was nervous i was gonna dominate the conversation becuase i had alot of ideas and thoughts to share, but a ton of other people spoke up so it was nice to have all of us sharing opinions and takeaways.
so that was my two classes im taking for my liberal arts education. they arent for my major or minor but i appreciate them so much becuase i love learning about a ton of different topics, and i probably wont be able to be in an environment like this again so im making the most of it!! im hoping to get into learning about queer history soon, but because this is an arts school, that class fills up super quickly. picking my history class after that is gonna be stressful because theres so many good options 😰 womans history? the development of cities?? us history?? if i didn't have my ux minor, id think about minoring in history. There's so much to learn, lmao
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antirepurp · 2 years
Do you have tips on coloring? Your art is beautiful!
everyone always mentions basic color theory and i will too because it's the foundation for most things, like understanding complementary colors and values and how colors interact with each other. googling "color theory" gives you like a million of those wheels and although adobe is a piece of crap they do have this online color wheel tool that lets you fuck around with palettes. screenshot those bitches when you find cool ones to play with
besides that i tend to shift the colors i use towards warmer shades as a general rule solely because i like warm colors. also, often times the color you PERCEIVE in an image is not what the color actually is, but rather the other colors around it make you think it's a different shade. like the green moss in this pic, for example. it's not actually green at all!
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another thing i do somewhat frequently is coloring the lineart some other shade than black. black definitely has its purpose and can be an aesthetically important in some styles, but colored lineart tends to help me approach the coloring process from a different angle. speaking of, i rarely use pure black or pure white in my art these days. again, they have their purposes but i save them for occasions where i want to emphasize a particular detail or draw attention to the other colors in the image
in a similar vein filling your background layer with a color that isn't white can also help you in the coloring phase, both because lighter colors will be easier to see on it but also for me it makes me try and tint the colors to something that fits in better with my chosen shade
there's also the shortcut of using multiply-overlay-screen layers on top of the flat colors to adjust them further and bring them together more. i don't do that terribly often these days but it helped me a lot in the past, like here:
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with multiply-overlay-screen
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without them
it's not the a perfect method but can help you towards the right direction
and don't be afraid of saturation, especially with skintones! im sure there are ways of coloring that omit a lot of saturation, but for my purposes i crank it up whenever i can to add more life to what im working with and make things pop out more. i do steer clear from straight up neon stuff generally though and tend to use those more as highlights if anything
that, and eyeball colors from reference images! whether those are colors other people have used in their art or stuff from photos, try to recreate them yourself and see what makes them work the way they do. and add things to them when you see fit! or remove colors from your art and try to work with as few as you can! that's how i ended up with the colors i use most often in my art these days, actually, i studied some night in the woods art and screenshots for a piece i did about a year ago and wound up with this selection:
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it doesn't cover everything and i do frequently add things to this when the cause needs it, but it's versatile enough for a lot of occasions and provides a base for me to work off of. and none of them were eyedropped!
also mandatory mention that coloring techniques used for traditional art are different from those in digital art. colors on a screen don't work the same way as paint does, hence why smudging together some primary colors gives you results like this
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but with the right layer effects you can get colors to behave more like this
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idk if this was helpful but i hope you got something out of it! ":D
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klutzyroses · 1 year
I hope so much not to bother but I am really curious to know How did you learnt to draw ? Plusdo you have any adviceto newbies ? Thank you Have a wonderful day 🤗☺
Not at all! Let's see now...
I started drawing back in 2020 as a hobby to pick up. I started by using traditional media(pencil and paper) while following references I would find online. I generally didn't do too bad but not too great either because I aimed too high too quickly and made many mistakes and got frustrated alot because the results weren't what I wanted.���
Then in 2021-2022, I picked up on using bases to try and get the general shape and appearance of person and customize them to my liking. From there, I transitioned to drawing on a PC to make digital art. Soon, I started to use actual tutorials to actually teach me how to draw a full person from scratch using lines and circles. I still used references of anime to learn how to position eyes and head angles, as well as learning how to draw more organic poses and body types. Now, I have a tablet and I do all my art from scratch using that and usually with one or two references nearby to help guide me.
Now, as to the advice I'd give to newbies...
1. Start figuring out your style.
You don't have to have a concrete idea right away, but whether you wish to draw in a realistic style, anime style, abstract, cartoon style or otherwise, you should have an idea of what direction you want to take with that. You can possibly mix it up as your style develops and you get braver but start with what feels most comfortable to you.
2. Use references.
Look at pictures of subjects you want to draw. Drawing from memory is fine, but pictures can help you with perfecting certain shapes and poses. This is particularly useful for facial angles and complicated posing.
3. Be patient with yourself!
You might not get the exact result you were hoping for right away, but don't get down on yourself. The fact you did it at all means you have learnt something and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself for it if you aren't progressing as quickly as you'd like. Its meant to be a pleasant process for you and if you put too much pressure on yourself to create masterpieces right away, you are just going to hate drawing.
4. Don't compare yourself to other artists!
It's fine if you want to look at other's art as a motivator or setting a goal you may want to reach but don't compare your art to others, especially if you're starting out. You're going to make yourself miserable and you won't be motivated to improve yourself. You will improve at your own pace if you give yourself the time.
5. Don't draw too big.
If you're starting out, it probably isn't the best idea to start with large drawings of people in full landscapes. Better start small, maybe by drawing a head with a face, then practice with hair. Or maybe practice drawing hands(they are probably the hardest part to draw for me).
6. Enjoy learning .
Drawing is meant to be fun and you are always learning something new to expand your skills. Welcome that rather than shun it, you may learn someway to improve in a way you didn't think you could. You are meant to be having fun.
7. Track your progress.
It's incredibly rewarding to see how far you have come as an artist, so keep your old drawings and note the difference between your first drawing and the 10th for example. It will help motivate you to get even better and keep going.
I hope that helps!
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kurjakani · 2 years
do you have any art tips? your art really inspires me, and I was just wondering if you could share your secret /lhj
I think a lot of my work comes from being inspired by OTHERS and OTHER THINGS so, ur on the right track!!!!! A big part of the art process for me is STUDYING literally everything, it's what I enjoy the most.... just looking at light and shadows irl, looking at how clothes fold, and managing to fall in love w it all :') if u have smth u love, take some time off just to stare at it and try to figure out what makes it so special!!!! I was very frusturated w my own art (well i still tend to be but) bcs it looked even more stiff, and the lines were not... working for me
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Its fine linework...... does its work.... iys cute!!!! Id also likw to try more detailed thin lines one day again! But it didnt work bcs my understanding of weight was still very weak.
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Here is some work by CLAIRE WENDLING. I.mean loOOOK AT THAT LINEWORK. JESUS. also their anatomyis SO GOOD. All of the odd awkward angles, makes everything feel not... natural but naturalistic, raw and good. Theres angles and a weird rythm of un-detailed spots vs very detailed spots. After a g e s of working on loosening up my arm and loosening up anatomy and trying 2 think of weight while drawing, Ive gotten here.
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I still have stiffness in my work, but.... yk. Its a little better. I play w hands more, play w flat areas, w more jiggly lines... u.dont often see my lines on their own but i also use softer, more textured brushes that are a bit more similiar to pencil strokes.
Idk ig my advice is jusy stare at things and try.to figure out what makes tjem so great. Also recognize that art takes SO MUCH TIME. Compared to how small my development is, the first image & the latter images r years apart, and the difference in the subjects brought up here is SO.MINIMAL.
Ig more.than anything just...... find what makes.art enjoyable for u also???? Ik my method.might not make some happy.... for someone maybe drawing the same quitar makes them happy endlessly.....!!!!! And thats what they should do!!!!!! God i lov art i hope u do too....
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asherashedwings · 2 months
Can I ask how you draw anatomy? I always struggle with it and I'm super curious how you manage to do it for such differing body types and characters. Thank you!
Okay, so just like when I went over hands, I had a hard time compiling this because it’s so hard to put it into WORDS. But I tried my best!
Keep in mind that I have hardly ever studied anatomy. A lot of what I know is just through observation and tons of practice. That and my style is far from realism, and contains a lot of exaggeration and cartoonyness. So this probably won’t be a one stop shop of information, and I implore you to also explore other sources of information as well if you haven’t already.
For starters: How I sketch a basic body
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Probably the easiest part of how I draw bodies is the torso. It’s usually only made up of 2 shapes. The chest shape usually stays the the most consistent throughout body types. The abdomen is the main changing factor
Now, I usually just bullshit arms and legs these days, but here’s the breakdown to the best of my ability
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When it comes to differing body types, I usually use these as a basis and then add onto or take away from them according to what I’m looking for.
When it comes to different builds, I make use of different shapes to convey different vibes. Like, for more muscular builds I use more angles, and for heavier builds I make use of more rounded shapes.
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Not to say you can’t use round shapes for muscle and angular shapes for fat, you can! At the end of the day, it can come down to the character and shape language, these are just what I tend to lean towards
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When it comes to fat, don’t be afraid to experiment with where it sits on the body! Fat distribution can be different for everyone, and there’s a variety of ways to draw it
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And also take into account gravity! Gravity also affects how fat sits on the body and is super important when trying to draw fat folds.
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As for muscles..
Idk man, I literally stole how I draw muscles from RotTMNT. Which I think is a great reference for cartoony but still realistic anatomy! If you haven’t yet, I suggest you check that out if you’re still struggling, I learned so much from that show and its art style.
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Hope this helps! If you still have questions, let me know!
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floppyhatwitch · 5 months
This is Part 2 of my 2023 new year's resolution recap. If you want to see part 1, click here.
And we're back! If you've read the first part, you're all caught up with the gist of everything, so I'll spare the extensive intro.
Long post coming up again, art under the cut :)
This is one of my favourites
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I saw some tips on how to make a sketchbook more fun that included working with the fact the drawings are within a book and so I decided to make a portal between two characters.
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How whimsical!
I reused the cutout bits to decorate the glossy front cover of the sketchbook too, which resulted in me having to glue it back on more times than I'd like to admit.
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The return of my son <3
I think the key features to really nail down when drawing bonnie are the upper jaw and the eye socket. Obviously not the be all and end all, but they really add to his signature style. I mention this only because my bootleg bonnie plush is widely different for both those features, which I find funnier than it has any right to be.
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This one was a joke about drink driving and getting pulled over, but it was probably the best anatomy lesson I had all year. I somehow managed to portray the likeness of my friend half decently while working with dramatic lighting. I mean, it's no like, groundbreaking work or anything, but it's one that I take great pride in.
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If I could do this one again (which I inevitably will because look at them) I would definitely make Jerma more like the creature he is and exaggerate his distinct features a little more.
Anyway the reason I put this up is because I accidentally titled it "Jerma and Hatsune Mike" because of autocorrect, which led to the creation of
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Miku's older and less famous sister. Although from what I've been told, her slices are the best in Queens, hands down.
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Quick Australian politics tangent. We recently had a referendum that proposed adding an advisory group for First Nations peoples into the constitution. It was like the tiniest step forward towards actually repairing the generational trauma and long-term effects of colonialist genocide by simply asking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people how they could be best assisted.
Despite being one of the easiest choices I've ever seen in my life, the referendum DIDN'T PASS. I was genuinely pissed when I found out so I tore up the bullshit misinformation flyers handed out by the opposition volunteers and made it into this. It's probably the most "teenager with too much angst and no actual action" thing ever, but it was how I felt at the time.
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After that whole debacle I went through a phase where I used a lot of imagery of revolutions to try and process the feelings I was experiencing on the matter.
I thought the foreshortening and perspective on this one kinda popped off. The decision to place the viewer at the level of the executed was intentional. It's one of the only angles anyone would have seen a guillotine this close up in practice.
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On Day 300 I saw the FNAF movie and wow was it different than what I expected. I drew my son looking on in horror as his character was assassinated in front of his eyes. Looking back, it might have been a little dramatic, but I'm just like that at the end of the day.
BONUS: If you wanna see my full review of the FNAF movie, you can read it here
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I really wanted to get some expressive posing and particle effects going so I took inspiration from that "THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS" meme and tried to imagine what it would look like if it was an overedited comic strip.
I lobe scou tf2 :))))
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This was the day before my Media exam and holy hell was I nervous. If I'm remembering correctly, I was actually so anxiety-ridden that I was nauseous, which doesn't happen often. I channeled my borderline religious regard of the exams power into creating a monument to its supreme importance. That's me praying underneath it.
As you can tell, I was hoping so hard that I would do well on it, which makes the next one just even more satisfying.
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I legitimately felt like omni man afterwards, so I did a study of that scene where he crushes red rush's head. It's a bit rough around the edges but that final panel still gets me. I should watch the new season.
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Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen
I'll know I'm a good artist the day that I make a couple pages as good as Miles does in atsv. Like that dude is talented as hell WHY CAN'T I DO THAT.
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Speaking of the dude. Spider-Man, Spider-Man and his pal Spider-Man. Technically spectacular spider-man, but I kinda messed up the head shape a bit so it's not as obvious. Whoopsieeeee
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I will always consider myself superior to fish because if I saw a mysterious hook in my environment I would simply disregard it. I will however, walk blindly into a situation that will inevitably lead to my downfall under the pretense that it will be beneficial for my future. No I don't see the irony in that, it's different I swear.
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FUN ANGEL FACT! While it is technically correct to refer to these as "biblically accurate angels", they aren't the only forms of them. These are specifically referred to as Ophanim, and they're like wheels? I don't know, my knowledge kind of falls off after that point, the way they're described reminds me of those eldritch horrors that make people insane from their incomprehensibility.
Anyway I adore theological imagery but steer far away from the actual implications of any of it. To quote one of my favourite tumblr posts of all time, "narratively christianity is pretty cool i think it should have been a jrpg instead of a religion though" - Roisheep
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This one came straight out of the brain tubes after I accidentally created an endless loop in my twine project and I got scared shitless that it was gonna brick my computer or something. In reality, it was the equivalent damage of refreshing a page a whole bunch of times, but I'm always jumpy when it comes to techy stuff.
One little detail I really like about this one is that the green light from the screen is actually reflected on the face and eyeballs! How fun!
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This is how I'm gonna die, if it has to happen. To dissipate into a swarm of butterflies and have your cloak float down to the ground is to have lived a fulfilling life. They gotta have some pink ones though, I like those ones.
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I saw a tiktokker who shades with a whole bunch of dots like some crazy kind of pointillism (if you know who I'm talking about PLEASE tell me, I can't find them) so I wanted to give it a crack.
It's nowhere near the same thing that they do, but I think it really sells the macabre and grotty nature of the cow skull and doesn't look half bad in the process. One day I'll do the cool stuff though.
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Still gotta learn how to render cloth folds.
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This was me dramatically kicking the door down when I realised I had a new idea for a video game to make. This is definitely a more accurate depiction of how inspiration feels for me than anything else.
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I knew from the moment I started studying metallic objects under light that I had to take a crack at the illest villain. Even just from recreating the album cover, I feel so much more knowledgeable in shading metal. You gotta get those hard transitions between highlights and shadows to sell the shine.
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Almost there! This was a tribute to all the PHENOMENAL art I find on here. Like HOLY HELL everybody is so talented. Sometimes it can be demotivating, but then I remember that I could be phenomenal if I keep up with the practice. And that is the BEST feeling.
Seriously though, if you're an artist on tumblr and you're reading this, without exception you are unbelievably amazing at what you do. I haven't seen a single piece that didn't absolutely rock.
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And that brings us to the last one!
I did a little caricature of all the different forms of art and expression I did throughout the year.
Clockwise from the green we have witch, punk, cyber, trans, goth, everyday, Rodney (character in my short film) and media versions of who I am. Isn't that cute?
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Decided to go back and do a rundown of all my pieces and make a little recap within a recap.
But that's the lot! 2023 was a super fun year and I attribute a majority of that to this project. If you're reading this and you have something you want to do, this is your sign to just do it! Forget about new years resolutions, start today. Right now. Doesn't matter what it is, if you start now and do it every day, you'll get it done. 5 minutes, an hour, 30 seconds, whatever. This is the best choice I've ever made and that's why I'm doing it again!
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A lot of the stuff I make is private or classified, but I'm gonna post all the publicly presentable stuff here, cause why not!
Anyway, that's all. Take care, stay hydrated, eat your greens, love you xx
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