#i know this is so ooc he would never be this fruity
green-crocs12 · 4 months
i love it when he does that gay ass pose with his hand on his hip
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bugs1nmybrain · 7 months
Fruity Drinks: L x Reader - Drunk Sex (Minors Don't Interact)
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Writer's Notes: Can you tell that I'm running out of ideas? First Shigaraki's stoned smut and now L's drunk smut. I don't encourage substance use!! It's just funny to write about with my favorite characters.
Warnings: VERY ooc L, silly L, fem reader, alcohol use, drunk sex (L and reader are both drunk), the reader is described as a young adult, oral sex (m and f receiving), 69, no penetrative sex, comedy smut sorta, lame and cheesy but kind of fluff ending
How L ended up agreeing to this little arrangement was beyond him. It wasn't that he had never consumed alcohol before. There were a few times when he'd buy a sweet drink from a nice restaurant when he went out. Drinking enough to get drunk, though? L couldn't recall ever doing that. He hated the idea of his judgement and self-control being impaired.
However, he had recently solved a very internationally significant case. You insisted that he and you should celebrate. L didn't really understand the point, he solved cases left and right all the time. He had so many under his belt that it didn't necessarily add to his notoriety anymore. In actuality, though, you simply wanted a night where you and L felt like two typical young adults, wanting to have some fun and loosen up. His solving his latest case was merely an excuse, a poor one in L's opinion.
So you and him sat in one of his more cozy rooms at his house. The room was big and decorated nicely. You questioned if L had chosen the interior design or if it was how the room was before he purchased the house. Or maybe a product of Watari's doing? Themes of white and gold rained prominent throughout the room, which added to the novelty. In front of you and L were many drinks, accompanied by juices and soda that you thought would make the drinks more tolerable. L expressed to you that he could hardly bear the taste of alcohol, so you made sure to accommodate him with some easier options.
"So, it must feel nice to have gotten that case out of the way," you comment.
A part of L was agitated by that question, perceiving it as petty small talk. "Yes, it is. Admittedly, every time I solve a case, I feel disappointed knowing there's no more to uncover from said case; that the war has been won. The satisfaction from my victory is more to compensate for it, though. I'll just have to go searching for another, now."
"Mhm. Did you have any ideas on what drinks you were interested in?" you asked.
"Hard to say. Something sweet, for sure."
"No need to over-explain yourself. I'm sure it'll be perfectly fine."
You chuckle at his very obvious statement, "I could've guessed that. I heard that vodka cranberries were sweet, so I chose stuff for that, if it's alright. I will warn you that I am not someone who mixes drinks often. I kind of don't even know what I am doing, but I tried coming prepared."
So you continued to pour L a drink, mixing vodka and cranberry juice like an amateur bartender. You also made yourself one, hoping that the matching drinks would provide some nice bonding between the two of you. When you were done, you handed your lover his drink and he held the glass with his pointer and thumb, eyeballing it for a moment.
"This would have been nice with some cherries," he comments.
"I'll remember that for next time," you chuckle, taking a sip from your drink.
L began drinking his beverage as well, furrowing his brows at the sting of the alcohol in his throat. You eyeball him, finding his face of discomfort adorable.
"Are you alright?" you ask.
"Yes, love. It's not as bad as I thought. I think the cranberry juice dilutes the taste of the alcohol, but there's still a burning sensation."
"Makes sense."
"Why exactly are we doing this again?"
"To have fun. Loosen up a little."
"Ah, I see. You know that I'm not one to do this sort of thing. Especially not anything that would impair my reasoning abilities."
"I know. Is it okay? We can stop if you'd like."
"I didn't mean that, exactly. Honestly, I'm a little curious to what you are like while intoxicated. Is that strange of me to say?" he questions, giving you an engaged expression.
"That's true, though. Perhaps I should indulge your curiosity. You deserve the privilege for being such an outstanding girlfriend, " he eyes you with a neutral expression.
You blush and laugh a bit, "No. I don't mind that."
Honestly, L being nosy was something that was a surprising turn on often.
"I actually wanted to see how you'd be, honestly. I've never seen you drunk or high or anything like that and I was curious on how your behavior would shift."
"You're the perfect psychologist."
You chuckle abruptly in response.
You laugh at his compliments, feeling a sense of comfort in knowing his admiration for you. L continues to drink his vodka cran, watching you as you drink yours as well.
About an hour rolls by and you and L are absolutely hammered. This was a surprise for sure. L had never submitted to this kind of lack of cognitive control, and you had surely never seen this side of him.
The two of you hadn't simply sat there and drank. You had turned on some crime documentary and sat side by side, with your form leaning onto his shoulder. L seemed to really be enjoying his drinks, as he downed one after the other. It was actually very concerning. In truth, he just really liked the taste of them and you two hadn't gotten snacks.
It seemed that L could hold his liquor quite well, and he did when he was simply watching TV. Until now. You sat as the documentary began to give the viewers options as to who they thought the suspect was in the series of murders. L went from dead quiet to deeply and prominently vocal, so much so that it startled you.
"It's him. How..? A seven year old could guess who the murderer is...that one-uh-guy."
Your eyes shot wide open and you tried your hardest to hold in a laugh.
"I'm shutting this off," L announces, clumsily reaching for the remote. He grips it sluggishly and flicks the tv off, slouching back onto the couch. He still sat in his typical position but with his head titled to the side, looking as though he was about to fall over.
You hadn't exactly processed your own intoxication up to this point. It was terribly difficult not to hold back your laughter, and ultimately, you failed. You let out the most uncensored laugh, and L shot his face your way with his finger pressed to his lip.
"What's funny?"
"You. You're cute."
"Oooooh. Yes, you tell me that very often."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh no need..my love. You're, quite "cute" yourself. Did you know that?"
Your flustered face beams a glow, both from the alcohol and your embarrassment. You continue to chuckle for way too many seconds. You sat rigidly in response, thighs pressed together and hands on top of them.
"You..."L begins. You could tell that him never being drunk before contributed to his very apparent intoxication.
"You're so pretty. Your hair,,, and your eyes...you're..how did I manage to end up with such a beautiful lady?? You're so gorgeous, Y/N."
He was plastered. This was hilarious. You thought he was lying but when you looked at him and saw his cheeks flushed and eyes heavy, along with his finger teasing his lips, you could tell he was genuine. He was cute, so much so that you couldn't control more flustered laughter escaping your lips.
"Am I funny?" L asked. You couldn't tell if he was insulted or not. You hoped that it wasn't the case, as your laughter was far from out of a malicious nature.
"Yeah. I think you're the funniest person I know. You make me laugh without even meaning to, like all the time."
"Hmm...you like me that much? Do I have really have that affect on you?"
Even though you were very drunk, you could hear the tone of his voice become rather flirtatious, though uncoordinated.
"I've noticed, Y/N. You're rather addicted to my attention. And when you look at me, your face lights up. Your body tenses. Your speech becomes stammered. I'm not referring to the alcohol, nuh uh. You love me."
"Yes, of course, I love you. Why wouldn't I?"
You felt hurt a little, so you held your head down. It made you upset, because yes, he was a rather sneaky and occasionally manipulative partner. He wasn't harsh or anything, or trying to corrupt you, at least you thought. But he would try and pry out information and reactions from you, and get you to say things that would help him understand your tricks and own manipulation tactics.
"Because I am a treacherous, inhumane liar. Who's to say..I'm not lying right now? About how pretty you are, hm?"
L is always a thousand steps ahead of you, easily picking up on your suspicions of the genuineness in his compliments.
"Lovee...don't frown. I didn't meaan that. I actually, have proof. That you're pretty."
"Yes. Do you want to see the evidence?????"
The drunkenness of yourself and his slurred speech confused you and so you cocked an eyebrow and let out another, "Huh?"
"Come here..Sit right here, next to me."
So you complied. You scooched directly next to L. He reaches to cup your shoulder and presses you close to him. He takes your hand carefully and sets it down over his crotch. Your heart jumps at the touch of his stabbing bulge, straining against his jeans.
"You see, do you see my point?"
You could feel his point, for sure. An unexpected moan escapes your lips, and you can feel yourself become wet instantly from the knowledge of his attraction to you. It didn't help that you loved his cock, either. You feel incredibly embarrassed at the noise you made uncontrollably, and bury your face into your hands.
"No, don't do that, my love." He takes your hand and sets it on his bulge again. "I want you. Would you be willing to indulge me? In your beauty?"
"Mmmmm...yea. Yea, I'd..like that a lot," Your verbal communication has gone out the window and you are unable to manage your composure at all. "Y-yes..yes please..."
"You're so cute," without much warning, L crawls on top of you, fumbling as he does so. He hovers over you and looks you in the eyes for a moment as his hair falls downward. With lustful, lidded eyes he makes his way to kiss the nape of your neck. Even intoxicated, he manages to maintain his romantic and calculated movements, even if they are a little sloppy.
"That's it..."
L's desperate need for stimulation encourages him to grind his clothed cock on your thigh for relief. He groans as he kisses your neck, lightly nipping at it. Your gasps cause him to twitch in his pants and he yearns out in painful arousal.
"Mmm, you're soooo pretty. Can I see your breasts? They're so nice. I want to see them."
It was a little humorous when L would talk about your body. He hardly used slang terms, such as tits. His use of clinical language was cute, though awkward. You nod with an eager, "mhm."
It took him a bit to remove your shirt and unhook your bra. Surprising for him, L is usually so good at coordinated actions. Once you were exposed for him, he merely stared at you for many seconds, cock pulsing at the sight of you.
"Oh my goodness," he comments, making you embarrassed.
You can feel your face flush and grow hotter and hotter, as well as your cunt. You couldn't help it when you began squirming your thighs together in arousal, and L let out a sigh at the impact of your movements against his erection. His penis was painfully sensitive, perhaps caused by blood flow from the alcohol.
You gripped his pants, pulling the hem to release his member so you could touch him. You tuck your hand under his waistband and wrap your fingers gently around him. He sighed heavily as you stroked him clumsily. His hips rocked himself into your hand, basking in how good it felt.
"Are you,, do you feel good?" you ask with a slurred tone.
"You have no idea."
He continues nipping at your neck. His hands were relentless, searching for any part of your body to squish or tease.
"Are you turned on?" L asks with a tone of voice that makes him almost sound guilty. He knew full well he was losing control of his gravitation toward you and perhaps wasn't being the most romantic or courteous.
"How about you look for evidence?"
L did just that, hand slipped into your pants to feel your pussy. When he discovered you had a hot, wet secretion that drenched you, he slowly plunged two fingers inside out you. You whimper in tension, but once he began rubbing your special spot, your body relaxed to his touch.
His fingers pulled out, making sure to rub your clitoris a bit. The lubricant from your pussy made his motions much more fluid. Fuck, even while he was hammered he was so precise. Sloppier than usual, but still knew exactly what they were doing.
"I...i want to taste you so badly right now," he yearns as he stops fingering you. He begins moving his way down to your crotch but you grip his hair before he can make it.
"I want to..to make you feel good, too. Let me do it to you."
"What? No. I want to bury my face in you, like right now. I don't have time for your mouth."
"I think people do like, 69? Right?"
"I'm not extremely educated in that department. But...that could be nice.."
You and L exchange a few more lusty kisses until he pushes you to lie on top of him. "You should turn the other way, right?"
Without a response you turned your body so that your ass was facing him. Your cunt hovered above him, to which he glanced at for a few moments. He cupped his hands around your ass and pulled you down so that your heat was pressed against his mouth.
You yelp quietly at the contact. You hadn't ever tried 69 and the position was rather vulnerable. However, the way L was devouring your cunt made it clear he wasn't bothered in the slightest.
He lied down with his legs crunched so that his knees were bent. You took his cock in your hand, giving it a few tender strokes and finally stuffing it in your mouth. L moaned against your pussy, enhancing the stimulation. He sucked on your clit vigorously while holding you in place.
L was interesting in that he adored eating you out. You felt bad as if you were a burden for wanting that kind of pleasure. He never objected, though. He had a pretty significant oral fixation, and running his tongue along your cunt was strangely soothing. Plus, the added bonus of the pride he felt when he made you cum was incredibly rewarding.
Blowing him was kind of difficult right now. Your mouth had a hard time coordinating, but you managed to bob your head along him. He must've been enjoying it by the muffles he made against your cunt. L's cock was a bit long, which made taking his whole length tricky. His hips jolted forward on impulse, gagging you a little.
"Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"It's..okay," you said in between kisses along his cock. L wanted to chuckle at how you were treating his length, but he was far too concentrated on making you cum. You were taking a little longer than usual, but it was alright. L simply thrust his fingers inside of you for a bit and rubbed your G-spot.
He could feel himself building slowly, and he wondered if he could make the two of you orgasm at the same time.
"Mmfm...you taste incredible," he comments. "You're so pretty down here, too."
L's praise always made your heart jolt a little. Sometimes you questioned his sincerity, but he seemed to want you to feel good about yourself for whatever reason. It still made you feel validated nonetheless.
You hummed on his dick in a pleasant response. L kept running his tongue along your clit in consistent motions, and you can start feeling your cunt quiver. L knows, recognizing the way your pussy twitched in his mouth. A smirk grazes his face as your cunt spasms in convulsions and you have to pop your head up for air as you mewl uncontrollably. L allows himself to let go as well as his cum spurts out onto your face while you gave him a mess as well.
You and L both were panting, absolutely overwhelmed by your sensations. An instant exhaustion washed over and you collapsed on top of him.
"Come here," L requests. You pull yourself to face him and L kisses you deeply, not caring about the swapping of genital fluids. "Tonight has been very pleasant, wouldn't you agree?"
"Hehe...I suppose. That felt very, very good."
"I thought so, perhaps we should do that more often."
"What about the drinking, should we do that more often?
"Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan. I feel very out of control of my inhibitions," he admits. Tonight was surely fun, though.
"That makes sense."
"I liked tonight though. And I'm happy I got to spend time with you."
"Me too," you fall on L's chest, and if he wasn't so drunk, he'd probably leave once you fell asleep. But he let himself drift along with you this time, enjoying your warmth. You were already sleeping, but he planted a kiss on your temple and allowed himself comfort in your love for him.
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selfishdoll · 8 months
Hi!! Can I request a NSFW alphabet for Kashimo?? Thanks❤️ take care of yourself ❤️❤️
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Uh, and you touch yourself after hours
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cw: mature & suggestive themes, ooc kashimo (ofc), improper use of cursed technique, mdni, etc.
the way i was so excited for this 🤭🤭 like lowkey this is my first request. ty very much & i hope you enjoy it! <33
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to put it bluntly, kashimo was not good at aftercare— at first. once you two were done he was jumping out of bed (or leaving you against some random surface he had pinned you against), leaving to go back to what he was doing previously. when you finally opened your mouth and explained you needed aftercare (especially given how rough he was), kashimo obliged, albeit begrudgingly. the next few times however, he’s come to enjoy it as much as you do; feeling light at the way you would smile each time he gently massaged you or picked you up. just seeing you content and safe with him soothed him.
kashimo hajime takes pride in his physique, and he should; given he’s spent many years honing his skills and body to become a great sorcerer. but to pick a favorite, it would have to be his arms. they’re reliable, strong enough to take down cursed spirits without as much as a sweat, and strong enough to lift and move you around how he pleases. even if you are a bigger girl, he doesn’t care— even gets a little offended if you think he’s gonna drop you. he’s always proved you wrong.
this one is easy. kashimo is definitely an ass man. i’m sorry, he is. the man claims he always walks behind you for safety but most of the time his eyes are trained on your ass. loves the way it feels his hands when he grabs it, or how you whine when he spanks you; he can’t get enough of it. and when he’s taking you from behind his eyes are trained on that exact spot, watching the way your cheeks shake with each thrust into you. it’s so erotic to him.
C ╲ CUM.
i like to think kashimo eats well given his form and stamina, so his cum wouldn’t taste bad at all. it’s not fruity or magical, or anything; but it isn’t something you don’t mind swallowing. it’s thick and a pearly white.
i’m sorry, i couldn’t go into detail because talking about this made me laugh.
now, the first time you ever asked kashimo to lightly electrocute you, he mocked you. lowkey called you a pervert and teased you heavily for it— but you ended up getting your wish. just a gentle shock every now and then to send you over the edge, watching your face change to the prettiest expression ever.
so, one day, the idea pops into his head. he could electrocute himself just to see what the fuss was about. it took a minute for kashimo to actually do it after the idea plagued his mind, given he found it a little embarrassing and weird.
but when he’s seated on your shared bed, legs open while fisting his cock with one hand— close to releasing, he does it. focusing on his sensitive tip and pushing himself over the edge. the sound that released from him was downright pornographic, tremors running through his body as he slowly recovered.
he’s only done that once. and no, he would never tell you about it.
plenty experienced. he hasn’t had boat loads of sex with other people, but enough so he knows what he’s doing.
anything that shows off his strength & allows him to see your face clearly. so definitely a mating press. he hates the way you cover your face from him, so this a sure fire way to make sure he sees everything.
full nelson is also a second favorite, with cowgirl being the third. of course, even if you’re on top he has all the control.
is not overly serious during sex. he’s not cracking jokes or anything, but he will smile at you — albeit mischievously — and chuckle if you say something he finds funny.
first & foremost, the carpet matches the drapes. we were all wondering & i’m here to confirm it.
kashimo keeps himself tidied, not a lot of hair there for his own preference. his happy trail isn’t thick either, a soft tuft of cyan running down under his navel.
kashimo can be sweet when he wants to be, when he thinks you deserve it. if you’ve been good he’s for calling you sweetheart or pretty girl, complimenting the way you look under him. lips never detaching himself from your own. if he knows you’re having a bad day, he will worship your body, taking care of you numerous times before he even pushes into you. ignores your pleads for his cock, declaring he needs to explore every inch of you and remind you how beautiful you are.
when you aren’t being good, well.. the sweetness is paired with degradation that would make any other girl cry.
hajime doesn’t jack off a lot as he much rather get pleasure from you. the few times he does are when he’s away from you, yet his mind is still completely swarmed with you. your body, your voice, that one time you bent over infront of him in shorts. he gets frustrated though during it, annoyed he’s using his hand instead of your pretty mouth or pussy.
i like to think he has quite a few such as: breeding, dumbification, spanking, choking, & breath play. & no i will not be elaborating :)
kashimo is not picky about location. doesn’t care where you are, doesn’t care whose around— if he’s aroused, he’s pulling you to the nearest private spot and going to town. it’s exactly why you’re so careful when the two of you are in public, assuring you aren’t switching infront of him or leaning down near him.
but of course, all that carefulness doesn’t work.
simply you turn him on. you in a dress, you naked, you in pants, you cooking, you, you, you. the first thoughts he has are innocent enough until they delve deeper, relishing in the fact you are his and only his. that’s enough to turn him on, amazed at how lucky he got to get you.
but in special situations, you wearing anything that hugs your body. so he sees every curve, roll, everything.
N ╲ NO.
no sharing you. will never share you. it’s a hard no.
before i even started writing for this man i labeled him as a munch, i mean— look at him?? will eat the pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if he could.
that’s not to say he doesn’t like you going down on him, kashimo loves it nearly as much as he loves eating you out. loves watching the way you choke on him, pretty lips wrapped around his cock while your tear filled eyes stare up at him. you looked so pretty to him, and he’ll tell you so— all while shoving himself deeper inside; tip hitting your poor throat.
most times kashimo fucks you fast and deeply, making you come within a manner of minutes. he’s in no rush, he just enjoys watching you come undone so easily from him.
when he’s being gentle and slow, it doesn’t last long given how needy you can be. something he loves but loves more to mock you on.
doesn’t mind them, but prefers to take his time with you or rather make you orgasm at least more than once. but, if he can get one in, he will.
depends on the risk. if it’s something that can hurt you badly, it’s a no. using his cursed technique is the only exception really. sure, you’re cute when crying but he would hate to hurt you badly.
now risk when it comes to public sex is something he doesn’t mind. mostly because, anyone that questions you or him better be able to beat him in a fight.
he’s a trained martial artist and an excellent jujutsu sorcerer— he could go on for hours if you left him.
kashimo doesn’t own toys himself, you and his hand is enough for him. however, he doesn’t care if you use toys on yourself. not an insecure man, knows you’ll come crawling once the intimate objects are not enough.
the first time he catches you using a toy (it was a dildo), he plays up the jealous/annoyed lover act (you seeing through it instantly), ordering you to continue infront of him. all the while he softly teased and mocks you, asking if it was enough for you, did it fill you like he did? and when you finally come from it, you turn to him thinking he would touch you.
to your disappointment, kashimo left you there, a mess.
a relentless teaser. all for denying you release or making you beg for it. loves watching you struggle to form words whether from how embarrassed you are or from how dumb he’s fucking you.
is not a loud man. when the two of you first got to together it was almost like fucking a serial killer. he wasn’t completely quite but grunts and moans were definitely kept to a minimum.
this changed however, when you informed him you liked to hear him. now he will stuff his face into your neck when he’s close, groaning right there against your ear.
doubt there’s anything wilder then electrocuting himself.
X ╲ X-RAY.
typical martial artist physique; built and lanky with strong, large arms. muscular thighs with a (surprisingly) small waist.
moving on, the man is hung. a good 5-6 inches with a swollen tip and a thick base. loves to wear sweatpants around you because you are not good at hiding your glances to his crotch.
his sex drive matches yours. if you want to fuck like bunnies, he’ll match that. if you want to fuck every other week, that’s fine too. he didn’t seek out a relationship with you only for sex and besides, kashimo has other things to do.
rarely does he go to sleep straight after sex. most of the time he’s not tired and will just sit there with you until you fall asleep. only then will he get up to do something whether to train or make you something to eat for when you wake up.
he never leaves for a mission while you’re asleep. much rather wait for you to wake up or wake you up himself.
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mycenalucentipes · 3 months
Rekindle My Flames || Diluc x gn!reader
HI SO I also write Genshin :'D, figured I might post it here too. This is crossposted from ao3. Except thered, I'm for some reason mycenaLucentipes. So I'll probably change my name here to reflect that beceauseee mushrooms, anywayS =============================================
Summary: You’re depressed, but up until this one night, you had been amazing at masking and hiding it away. Diluc stumbles in on your dying flame and wants to help relight it.
All the passion for life is gone, minus your love for Diluc? The depression just…its a cloud of sadness that’s hard to escape
Just a short venting one-shot :’)
TW: Angst, depression, low will to live / implied suicidal thoughts, crying, cursing, generally sad depressing theme, but there is comfort ending : )
Word count: 1,966
a/n: I think I made it entirely gn this time. I hope so. I'm sorry if I messed up somewhere or if Diluc is ooc. But i feel like if he really loved someone romantically, I think he would be sweet and bashful and caring towards them.
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Diluc was mad. 
Diluc was mad at himself.
How had he not noticed earlier? He could he not notice the love of his life suffering silently with so much pain?
His love shouldn’t need to bear that much pain in their heart. They didn’t deserve that, no. 
They deserved the shining stars, the flowing rivers, the ripest of all fruits, the whole universe. They deserved it all.
You were his star that guided him through the lonely world he created for himself. You were his everything. He swore his love for yet set his flames to blaze even brighter and more powerful than before. 
You are his everything. 
So how could he not notice?
Just a couple days ago, you casually strolled in Angel’s Share at 20:00 with the traveler and Paimon, humming your favorite song. No more than 15 minutes later came Kaeya and Venti stumbling towards the bar where you and travel sat. The atmosphere was a lively one that night. 
Upon your arrival, Diluc’s gaze followed you with gentle, tender eyes for his love. He began mixing your favorite drink before you even had to open your mouth. Once he finished yours and carefully slid it in front of you, he began mixing a cocktail up for the traveler. Although a bit wary of serving them alcohol, you assured him more than a dozen times that they were well over the age to start drinking. 
Your eyes lit up as you felt the cool drink glide down your throat. “Diluc, sweetflower! This is amazing! Whatever you’ve mixed into here, is really hitting the spot,” you cheered, holding your glass up with a large grin adorning your face. It was fruity, with a hint of mint among the blend. Diluc knew just how you liked it. He offered a soft small back as he tried not to blush at the compliment and the nickname. Oftentimes, you would give him random, sweet nicknames. 
As the night went on, he carefully observed you, happily singing and cheering along to whatever the drunken bard was playing. You, Kaeya, and Traveler had wrapped an arm around each other, swaying back and forth with a drink in hand. 
Looks can be deceiving. Didn’t anyone ever tell him that?
Every once in a while, he noticed your features go blank. Void of all emotion. Stuck in between a drunk Kaeya and tipsy traveler, your movements were lifeless, but your body still swayed with the other companions’ arms wrapped around your shoulders, and yours on theirs. 
“Dearest, are you alright? You look like a puppet hanging from our arms,” Kaeya would slur out when he noticed the weight on his shoulder increase. You would always snap back into reality with a smile and nod your head. It was enough to fool him. Surely if he wasn’t drunk, he might have noticed how your smile never met your eyes. 
Every once in a while, he noticed your entire demeanor go quiet. Spaced out and dissociated from reality. He wondered if you were okay, but didn’t know how to ask or he would be swept away by another customer.
From other previous times, he would notice a far off look in your features, empty eyes void of life. You always brushed it off as just being “tired”. He didn’t want to pry. 
Diluc was always a stoic man and didn’t appreciate others prying into his mind, so he was hesitant to prod you for more.  He was still learning to accept the help and comfort you so warmingly gave. For not being a pyro wielder, he swore that your soul was warmer than his would ever be. 
Until that one night. That one night where he found you. He’s thankful it wasn’t life threatening. But archons, his mind raced with all of the worst scenarios that could come. 
Diluc stirred in his sleep, wearily reaching out for your warmth that was no longer beside him. It was about 3 in the morning by now. Not finding you next him, Diluc was more alert now. He quickly sat up, breathing turning short as he frantically looked around the bedroom. There was no trace of you.
It was 00:00 when Diluc finally came to bed. Then it was 01:00 when you carefully slipped out from his embrace and softly headed for the door, heading for the city. 
Where had you gone? Diluc was sure that you were in bed when he climbed in next to you, pulling your body close to his. He remembered as he mumbled weary apologies and sweet nothings as he drifted off to sleep, feeling safe with you by his side. 
Diluc quickly changed out of his sleepwear and rushed out the door and down the stairs of the mansion. He called your name out, worry laced into his voice. When you were nowhere to be found within the confines of the mansion, Diluc grabbed his coat, deciding to head into the walls of Mondstadt. He knew you had an art studio there with a small shop on the main level. 
As he neared your shop, he could see a faint light flickering from the second floor. There you were. Why were you here at this hour? Diluc timidly wrapped his fingers around the door knob, testing if it would turn. Finding it to be unlocked, he gently opened the door and stepped in. Once he closed the door, he froze.
It was eerily quiet.
He could only hear the blood rushing through his ears and his heart pounding erratically in his chest. Not wasting another second, Diluc ran up the stairs, skipping one in a panic to reach you. As he neared your studio door, he froze once again in hesitation to open the door. What would he find on the other side? Why did he hesitate to open the door? 
In his moment of hesitancy, he heard small whimpers and light sniffles. He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. You were still alive. Diluc swung the door open, gaze darting directly to you. 
His heart shattered when his eyes landed on you. You looked so small and broken, huddled into yourself, tears streaming down your face. Diluc slowly made his way over to you, nearly tripping over debris. Wait, debris? 
He carefully scanned over the room as he continued his walk towards you. Those few steps it took to get to you felt like he was in a nightmare and couldn’t reach what he was looking for in time. He felt as if he was trudging through slimes. 
Paint cans were discarded around the floor with color pooling out from them, vibrant hues of paint coated the floor, shards of canvas framing were split and splintered into piles. Some of your unfinished works were cruelly sliced through the center while others were haphazardly slashed. 
Once he finally made it over to you, Diluc sank down to the floor beside you, enveloping you into his strong arms. In his embrace, it felt as though the fiery essence of his pyro vision wrapped you in a cocoon of warmth and protection. 
“My love,” Diluc’s deep voice pierced the heavy silence, a gentle murmur barely above a whisper, “if you would like, you are free to share your troubles with me, I’m here for you.” His tender words only seemed to unravel you further. You choked back a sob, trying to form words. It’s been a long time since you’ve been met with such sincerity and caring from someone. Asyou struggled, Diluc soothingly rubbed circles into your back. 
“You don’t have to tell me right away, love, I’m not going anywhere,” He whispered sweetly with his low voice. This only made you cry harder, except there were no more tears, just broken sobs and heaving breaths. Diluc’s other hand gently moved to gently stroke the back of your head, gently urging it closer into his chest. 
“D-Diluc,” your voice was soft, yet rough from the hours of screams and sobs, “c-can we just go…go h-home?” Your words were whispered in a plea, exhaustion prominent in your gaze as you looked in Diluc’s crystal, red eyes. 
His heart ached as he met your gaze. He noticed how tired, red, and glassy your eyes looked. 
Really, how could he not notice how tired your eyes were? 
“Of course, my love,” he murmured softly, brushing a gentle kiss against your forehead before gently helping you to your feet. “Are you alright to walk? Or…,” Diluc’s cheeks reddened with bashfulness as he tried to voice the option of carrying you. Of course, if you needed, he would have you off your feet in a heartbeat. As you pondered an answer, he shrugged his coat off, tenderly draping it around your shoulders. 
“I-I’m alright to walk,” you stuttered out. Despite this, you clung to his side as he guided you out into the cool air of the night with care. The whole walk home, he held you close with an arm tightly wrapped around your shoulders. 
As you reached the familiar sight of the Dawn Winery, you felt a small spark of endearment within your broken soul. Diluc led you into your shared bedroom, helping you remove his coat and draping it over the chair. He then picked you up, gently setting you on the bed, pulling the covers over you. You tugged the covers closer to your chest as your gaze followed his form, changing into his sleepwear and finally crawling in bed next to you. 
He shuffled closer to you, pulling you into his embrace once again with one hand stroking the back of your head. 
“Diluc?” You softly whispered, head still buried in his chest.
“Mm?” He tiredly hummed out.
“C-can I– Can we talk…uhm, I-I want to–,” you fumbled for words, not knowing how to articulate your thoughts into actual words.
“Of course, love, of course we can,” Diluc gave a small nod as he replied, squeezing you in reassurance. You loved how well he understood you, even when you were at a loss for words. A few stray tears slipped out with a couple of sniffles to follow. He only tightened his embrace again, still soothingly stroking the back of your head. 
“For now, let’s try to get some sleep. You must be exhausted,” Diluc suggested gently, voice tender with care. He felt you snuggle closer into his warm embrace. He hoped this could ease the pains of your inner storm, if only slightly. 
Nodding in agreement, you allowed yourself to surrender to the embrace of sleep. You listened to his steady heartbeat, a rhythmic lullaby, that slowly lulled you into a deep slumber. 
Once Diluc heard you slowed but steady breathing, he felt his whole body relax. He could feel his throat tighten as his own tears threatened to escape from the corners of his eyes. Oh how he wanted to take away all of your pain so you wouldn’t have to suffer any longer. He knew you would most likely struggle to accept any help or comfort on your own. But he wanted more than anything to reassure you over and over that you could come to him any time. You were his top priority and he would never let you forget that.
He was determined to learn to read you better as well as help you feel confident in confiding in him. Working on feelings and emotions with someone else was foreign land to him as well, but if it was for you, he would go to the moon and back in his efforts to help you.
Diluc was so head over heels for you. You were the brightest star in his galaxy and the kindest, fiercest flame that he had ever encountered. 
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rainee-da · 11 days
I'm not sure if you do these types of requests but if it's okay could I please ask for Carpaccio with Kianna komori
Like in this scenario he at school and ends up catching feelings for her but she constantly avoids him because she doesn't know what he wants from her
*side note she has feelings for him but she pushes them down*
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By the way you can find her info on my page here on Tumblr
🍀 Love Observation
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CHARACTER ❥ Carpaccio Luo Yang 🍥 X Kianna Komori (OC)
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R13 w/ tw for stalking / she/her pronouns / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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It has been 1 month and 13 days of me observing her.
Yes, Carpaccio counted it all.
His eyes squinted, observing each movement made by the girl that is currently sitting at the front of the class. His notebook, currently lying on his desk, is filled with numerous notes dedicated to her, capturing every detail and observation he made about her. Her biodata, her schedule, the list of her friends and enemies, her common ticks, everything.
Unbeknownst that he was already in his last entry, due to how incessantly he was observing and documenting her every move.
He sighed, throwing his pen to the side and crossing his arms as he leaned back on his desk. His expression is pinched, annoyance and confusion are imminent on his face. His analysis made him sure he could read the girl's feelings just through her facial expressions, or so he believed.
However, there was one question he couldn't grasp from her actions. He had observed that when conversing with people she liked, her eyes would widen and her brow would raise, while when conversing with those she disliked, her brow would furrow and her eyes would slant.
And for some reason, her brow always furrows whenever his and her eyes are met.
Like right now.
Though Carpaccio considers this to be ample time to view her face better. After all, she always turned away her eyes and fled whenever these opportunities arose. The only instances he could find such a chance is only when the sky are as dark as an ink, up at the trees with subtle light magic in his wand casting the only brightness in the night, silently watching her slumbering form.
To him, she was a true work of art. He often pondered in his daydreams whether she got that from her dad or mom. Her eyes, yellow as an amber, never ceased to ensnare him, making him feel as if he were a bug caught in a spider’s web. The soft brown roots of her hair blending into red ombre at the ends created such a divine contrast that was simply otherworldly, in his opinion. Even the frown on her face tugged his heart in such a way that left him addicted for more.
For reasons and methods that were yet known to him, she crept into his heart and made herself his addiction. It's a cruel and fascinating experience for him. He wants to know how this girl managed to do that to him. Is this the doing of her personal magic? or he was simply entranced by her beauty, like the other common peers of his age? Or is it something else from you that rigged him into such a fool?
Anyhow, you're fascinating to him, and he wants to learn more about this girl, at all costs. Pondering such a thing has become his guilty pleasure, distracting him in such a way to the point where he failed to realize that you had marched to his desk.
"What do you want from me, exactly?"
Although the fruitiness of your voice is laced with such a brood that hints heavily at your annoyance, it's still music to his ear.
"Why are you asking?" he replied calmly, hands moving towards his chest to soothe the rumble in his heart.
"Isn't that normal for people to ask that kind of thing, especially to someone who had been tailing me for weeks?"
Well, she's not exactly wrong on that.
Leaning against his desk, he took a closer look at her face. The smirk on his face grew as he noticed a scowl she reserved for him. He admired every expression on her face, be it good or bad. All of them are fascinating and hold a special place in his heart. Yet, any gesture of attention from her is what he longs for, and he feels a surge of triumph at his success in securing her focus.
He composed his best retort to that statement, and replied calmly, "Well, you're the one who kept running away"
"You didn't answer my question!"
"Then how else am I supposed to get to know you, Kianna?"
Oh? Now that reaction is unusual. One he had never seen before.
Carpaccio’s reply, for some reason, elicited a shocked expression from her. She let out a quiet gasp, eyes flitting around in a weak attempt to evade his gaze. Yet what truly fascinated him was the rare pinkish tint that gradually colored her cheeks and connected to her nose.
'Can I make her do that again?' is what crosses his mind.
"You… want to get to know me?" Oh, that slight waver in her tone is so endearing to him.
"I thought it was obvious?"
"No, it's not. I thought you were gonna make me your next test subject!"
Again, she's not exactly wrong on that.
Carpaccio Luo-Yang, the stellar rookie of Easton Magic Academy, has earned his notoriety due to the number of students he crippled and hospitalized for his 'experiments'. And in some ways, In some ways, Kianna isn't exactly wrong either. He is indeed observing her like a test subject, even as they are speaking.
How could he not? After all, she is just that addicting. And he needs to know why.
"I just want to learn more about you, is all."
"And that's why you've been glaring at me the entire period?" is that how she sees him? glaring?
"… I didn't mean to glare."
"And that's also why you've been stalking me around the school grounds?"
"And watching me when I sleep?" so she did find that one out. Is that why she stopped facing the window when she slept?
"Yes, I'm interested in you after all."
Carpaccio observes as the girl in front of her exhales harshly and hangs her head low, thinking to himself. Carpaccio took this opportunity to glance at the class he's in right now. All the students had moved for the next period and he and Kianna were the only ones left in the room.
This intimacy… he quite likes it.
However, the silence that surrounds the both of them is starting to make him uncomfortable. It was made worse by Kianna's gaze being fixed on the floor, making it hard for him to read her emotions. He wasn't sure why, but his mind started to flood with thoughts of potential bad scenarios. It was overwhelming to him, creating a suffocating tightness in his chest.
He wondered if this was what people often referred to as 'anxiety'?
"Next time…"
That hanging phrase snapped him out of his trance, and now his gaze is fixated on her with anticipation churning his stomach.
"… Just approached me like normal, uh, person. Okay? No need to do all… that,"
The look she gave him after raising her head rendered him speechless. Her face, previously tinged with soft pink, had turned scarlet red which emphasized the amber of her eyes, causing them to glimmer beautifully in the sunlight beaming from the window.
Those shyness... suits her so much, it was simply breathtaking.
" -Did you hear me? Hello?"
The sound of her finger snapping in her face shatters him out of his mind.
"Sorry, what were you saying again?"
"Hahh… really," the way she mumbles under her breath is adorable, "What I'm saying is… you didn't need to stalk me just to get to know me. It was creepy, you know.."
Something instantly clicked in his mind as she said that. Is that why she always seems to dislike him? She finds him to be creepy?
That has to change, for sure.
"… I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry," he answered honestly, the sincerity was transparent in his tone, "It's just that… I never had an interest in people before. I didn't know what to do with this.. feelings, so I just did what I thought would satisfy my... itch," with that, he could only hope that it would be enough for Kianna to understand him, to forgive him.
But then, she gave him something he truly didn't expect.
She laughed.
Her laugh was simply dazzling.
He found himself unable to look away, adoration overflowing his senses as he stared at her joyous face. Her eyes crinkled in delight with radiant smile that brought glows to her face. Her hair bounced with every laugh and the red ombre hues shimmering in the sunlight. The sight was enchanting, and his heart was brimming with comfortable warmth that soothed his insecurity away.
He can't help but stare in adoration as her eyes crinkled, her mouth curled upwards and beaming with radiance. Her hair bounces as her whole body shakes in her laugh, making the red hues of her ombres glint under the sunshine.
Her laughter, melodious as a song, filled his ears as he glanced at the forgotten book on the desk. With only enough space left for a sentence or two, he realized he'd soon need a new one. But the thoughts in his mind brought a smile to his face, for he knew precisely what he would write to fill the remaining space.
I managed to talk to Kianna today, and now I know that I'm in love.
After this, he might not need another book after all.
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Hello! I didn't really know how to go with this request so I decided to challenge myself and made a fanfiction from it. I tried to make the OC reference quite minor so hopefully, other people can enjoy it too.
I'm sorry if this isn't what you meant (//sobs)
I had so much fun writing this since this made me learn more about English phrases/vocabulary, but I didn't realize I ended up writing this one for almost an entire day lol. My brain really goes whoooosh when I'm hyperfixated lol
Anyhow, I hope everyone will enjoy this one too! 🍀 thank you for reading!
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an-aroaces-harem · 7 months
A quiet happiness
Pairing: Ellis x OC
Warnings: just simple love-making, nothing extreme; cunnilingus; Ellis has slight dom undertones; purposely triggered autistic meltdown; modern!au
Author's note: I'm sorry if Ellis seems ooc in any way; I originally wrote this thing with another person in mind but would never post it in that form, but I like it too much to let it collect dust so yeah, I tried my best to incorporate Ellis. Also, I don't want to hear any complains about my OC not being a real autist or anything; first of all, autism is a spectrum, second of all, I'm autistic myself.
But as long as it makes her happy, he will do anything to chase her happiness.
»Hey, Rose.«
Said girl looks up, questioning, and faces Chelsea, an annoying and bitchy girl from her math class. She’s grinning, tracing her manicured fingernails along Rose’s notes, jumbling them all over her desk. Gasping, Rose tries to rearrange them with shaking fingers.
»Your notes are always so neat, aren’t they? I’m sure they explain math better than this old hag,« Chelsea says, arching one eyebrow, a thick, dark line above her eye, in question while batting her clumped eyelashes innocently. »How about you lend them to me? I mean, that’s what friends are for, right?«
»We aren’t friends—and please stop that.« Frantically, Rose tries to bring everything back in order but snarling Chelseaʼs having none of it.
»What’s the problem? Ah, right, you’re such a neat-freak.« With a sinister smile, Chelsea grips her notes, holding them high above Rose’s head who’s reaching out to them but to no avail. There’s no one left in the classroom and Rose’s legs refuse to stand up as her mind completely blanks out, only full of the desire to get rid of the disarray of her things.
Horrified, she watches as Chelsea tears out the first page and then the next and the next and the sound of ripping paper echoes in her ears. Rose can’t stand it—she needs her perfect order and so she covers her ears, sobbing and mumbling »please stop« over and over again. And yet, her eyes are locked onto the action in front of her, playing the scene again and again, not realizing Chelsea suddenly stops.
The smell of leather and a hint of fruity cologne reaches her nostrils and then a hand lays itself on Chelsea’s shoulder, she lets out a hurt sound as her shoulder’s nearly crushed. Rose glances to the side, ears still covered but she’s already relaxing.
»Hey, what are you—fuck, stop it, you’re seriously breaking my shoulder here,« Chelsea whines but her eyes are glued to the handsome male next to her, his lips drawn in a small smile, emitting a dangerous and eerie aura. The destroyed notes fall out of her hands as she tries to peel off his hand.
Rose keeps her eyes on him, not wanting to look at the chaos.
»Say you’re sorry and then leave her alone,« his voice is such a low growl that Rose actually can’t hear him but knows anyway what he’s saying. »Come on, what are you waiting for?«
»How do you know—Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry, okay? Now, let go of me.« Massaging her shoulder Chelsea dashes out of the room the moment she’s free.
The male crouches to her eye level, warm, big hands carefully removing her own from her ears. His expression changing into a soft, worried one. »You didn’t come and you didn’t text me, so I came looking for you. Can you stand?«
»My notes,« Rose says instead.
Patting her head, he hushes her. »It’s okay, I’ll help you making new ones later but first you have to stand up.« Rose nods, still a bit panicked, but she isn’t alone anymore, she can do it while he packs her things behind her back.
With the chaos gone, her panic subsides completely. She snuggles herself into his side as he drapes his arm around her waist, pressing her closer to him.
»Thank you, Ellis,« Rose whispers as they make their way out of school, ignoring the few people still left gawking at him. They don’t need to know who the mysterious, good-looking man on Rose’s side is. They should be able to tell, anyway.
»No need to, that’s what boyfriends are for. And I knew something wasn’t right when you didn’t come,« Ellis replies, holding open the door of the main entrance for her, »because you would be the last person to be late on purpose.«
Ellis’ motor bike waits for them in the parking lot, black and sleek and dangerous. He hands Rose his jacket—she drowns in his smell—and then her backpack which she slides on both shoulders. At first she worries that it would be too cold for him but Ellis’s like a walking heating system and he won’t die from it, he ensures.
He puts her helmet on first, then his and she slings her arms around his torso as if her life depends on it. Actually, it does. Not even ten minutes later he drives into an underground garage of a fancy and big apartment complex. Neither his bike nor himself fit here and whenever they meet other residents in the elevator, they frown. At least, he always brings the same girl home with him.
The moment they’re in his apartment, her spine hits against the door and his lips are on hers, kissing her with fervor as his fingers slide beneath her sweater, leaving burning trails on her waist and stomach.
»I missed you, baby,« he breaths between two kisses and dips lower to her neck. A stomach growls and then another. Chuckling, Ellis lets go of her. »Sometimes I believe you’re always hungry.«
»Your stomach growled first, Ellis,« Rose retorts giggling and adjusts her sweater.
»Pretty sure it was yours.« Laughing, he proceeds to the kitchen while she puts his discarded boots in place, placing hers right beside them and hangs his jacket on his coat rack.
On socked feet she follows him. »What are we having for dinner?«
»Whatever makes you happy.« He opens his refrigerator, checking it for the ingredients and gives her a thumbs up. »Does your favorite comfort food sound good?«
She nods, smiling, and so they settle for it. Comfort food definitely sounds like the best call.
»How about we continue where we stopped?«
They just finished doing the dishes and Ellis stands behind her, his arms wide open. Rose accepts the invitation, jumping right into his arms and hooks her legs around his waist. His hands hold her up with ease, sliding from her thighs to her butt. Before dating Ellis, she has never been fond of the idea of butt grabbing but his hands are just a perfect fit, kneading the flesh just the right way.
With a pant, she snuggles her face into the crook of his neck and her lips brush over the sensitive skin, her warm huffs of breath leaving goosebumps there. His body slightly vibrates as he chuckles. »Someone missed me too, hm?« Rose nods, though it’s more of a rub of her forehead against his neck and hands clenching into his hoodie.
He starts walking to the bedroom while he presses his lips on every accessible place on her and just mere seconds later Rose lands upon the soft mattress. Ellis follows suit and kisses her breathless the moment he’s close enough, prying off her sweater again. It lands somewhere on the ground, getting company from Ellis’ hoodie soon after.
No matter how often she has already seen him shirtless, she’s still in awe. His skin tone pale—like he bathed in pure moonlight—and a fit yet not too muscular torso. Too many muscles would just scare her away but he’s perfect. Her fingers brush over the supple and soft skin, exploring every mole and mark as if it’s the first time she sees him like that.
Then her hand hovers over his belt and Ellis looks at her with lidded eyes, telling her wordlessly to open it because his tight jeans gets more uncomfortable with every passing second. After a very long minute—in his opinion at least—she shows mercy and unbuckles his belt before popping open the button and pulling down the zipper.
»Little tease,« Ellis groans but he likes it anyway. Normally, Rose isn’t that straightforward so he appreciates this rare forwardness at every chance. Most of the time he just needs his mouth in the right places and Rose’s mind stops working as she completely melts under him. She’s too far gone then to be anything than passive but responding.
But as long as it makes her happy, he will do anything to chase her happiness.
He finally gets rid of his jeans and also Rose’s socks but makes no move to open her pants as well. Maybe they won’t be straining her like his did but he knows she hates the feeling of soaked panties and so he pins her into the mattress, holding up her hands as she tries to open her jeans herself. »No, no, that won’t do, baby girl,« he smirks.
Her eyes are big, waiting and Ellis complies. He trails open-mouthed kisses along her jaw and down her throat which causes Rose to whimper. She arches her upper body and his eyes land on her breasts. They’re small, soft yet firm and covered by a lacy bralette without padding. Lowering his lips, he smiles at her and starts sucking at one of her nipples through the fabric. The friction makes her whimper again.
»What do you say, baby girl?« Ellis asks while his free hand fondles her other breast. Rose just shakes her head, lips tightly pressed against each other. Instead she lifts her leg and her knee brushes against his growing bulge. His breath hitches. Today, she’s really feisty—or her meltdown just rattled her up.
His hand leaves her breast, wandering south until it kneads the thigh of her lifted leg. Her body starts squirming underneath him and she presses her legs together, her feet scraping along the bed sheets. That makes him wanting to tease her more, sliding his hand between her legs and they fall apart in an instant.
He wins. »I’m listening, baby girl.« Still nothing—except for her whines and tiny moans. »You just have to say ›please‹ and I’ll do anything you want.«
»No,« she answers weakly, »I don’t have to say it.«
»Baby girl.«
»Baby girl.« He nibbles along her ear.
Rose turns her head to the side, her warm breath fanning over his lips. »Ellis.«
Any other time he wouldn’t give in but he missed her when he was away for the last three days and calling him by his name is basically her saying ›please‹ anyway. He literally rips off her jeans and their remaining clothes, not wasting any more time. Letting go off her hands, he settles himself comfortably between her legs.
»I missed you, baby,« he repeats his words from earlier, »and I believe I forgot how you taste like. Would it make you happy if I refreshed my memories?«
»Please,« she mewls and the moment his tongue starts lapping up her juices, she leaves behind a whining, trembling and moaning mess. His mouth can really do wonders and no one appreciates it like Rose does as her body responds so well. Legs shaking, calves pressing into his sides and her moans get louder and louder, his name slurred and with a precise lick against her most sensitive spot, she’s gone.
She lies there with her head rolled to the side, completely spent, her chest heaves as she comes down from her high—utterly beautiful. Her hands find his shoulders and beckons him to come up.
And he’s just as beautiful. Lips and chin glistening with her juices, eyes dark and hazy, his bangs damp and sticking to his forehead. His face may scream ›lust‹ like this but he also views her with adoration.
»You okay, baby?« he asks softly and low, caressing her cheek with his knuckles.
»More than okay,« she answers breathlessly and pulls him even closer, pressing their mouths together in another kiss. Ellis tastes now like a mixture of himself and her, absolutely intriguing. There’s a string of saliva as they break away for oxygen. »We can go on, you won’t overstimulate me anymore.«
Shortly after, Rose’s fingers curl tightly into his hair as he’s filling and stretching her. Since he was her first, she has no comparison but—yet again—Ellis just seems like the right fit for her body. Not that she’s interested in finding out otherwise. When she adjusts to his size, her tight grip lessens and he knows he can move.
As their hips move in unison, Ellis whispers into her ear, »Admittedly, I’d be interested in it. Pleasuring you over and over until you’re in pure bliss and I’m the only thing left in your mind.«
She gasps and imagines it but there’s something else. »Don’t,« is her simple answer and she hides her face in the crook of his neck, »I don’t deserve that. You—«
»Stop that, baby girl.« Ellis’ movements still and he forces her gently with his hand under her chin to look at him. »You’re my everything. If you asked, I would kiss the ground you walked over. It would be a lie if I said I don’t mind at all that you don’t go down on me too but we tried it several times and you simply can’t. Every time you ended up choking, gagging and tears streamed down your face. I don’t want to see you like this ever again.«
»I’m sorry.«
»Don’t be, it’s not your fault,« he assures her as his hips begin to thrust in a slow manner again, »relationships are built on compromises and that’s one of them. But now—relax, baby girl.«
Ellis kisses her. Slow, languid, deep and assuring her that everything’s okay. Her mind calms down, she falls into the same pace as him as they gradually become faster again. She wants to lose herself in the feeling and Ellis is eager to comply, further helping as his hand slips between their bodies to touch her.
»Come for me, baby,« he murmurs in a husky, low voice, »I want you to feel it while I’m still inside you.« As if he pushes a button—though he basically does—and she falls, crashing into heaven and back, her body going limp. Ellis doesn’t stop touching her until it’s too much for Rose and shoves away his hand.
Engulfed in her contracting heat, he follows suit and rolls to the side before he collapses on her small frame. As Ellis lies on his back, breathing hard, Rose crawls onto him, bedding her head on his chest. She listens to his pounding heart coming down, it soothes her.
»Three days were three days too many,« Ellis says after a few quiet minutes, chest vibrating as he talks. »And when you go to college we’ll have even less time.« She can hear the small pout.
»You donʼt have to worry,« she reassures him, »my career plans involve you anyway. You are my very important muse, remember?«
He hums. »I suppose that’s true.« His draws little nothings on her back. »So how about another round, hm?«
»First, I need to go to the toilet.« With that, she staggers out of bed, legs a bit unsteady, heading for the bathroom en suite. »It’s sticky.«
»Hey!« he shouts indignantly but still smiling, »What do you mean, ›sticky‹? It’s my very own seed full of love for you.«
She stops in her tracks and looks back, giggling. »Idiot.«
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keroanya · 2 years
tokyo rev boys and funky little shirts i feel like they would wear <3
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feeling a little giddy <33 my first post
includes - mikey (bonten), draken, sanzu, mitsuya, ran, hakkai
warnings - slight mention of sex as a joke, mention of drugs (none being used), lactose intolerant ran, just slightly ooc characters^^, implied relationships (explicitly stated with sanzu)
have a good day^^
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mikey (bonten)
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got it for the cute little dogs
got it because it says death is certain
wears it around the house, refuses to go outside with it on
no one needs to know about his love for dogs
manjirou “the death is certain dog shirt stays on during sex” sano
if you convinced him (or should i say begged him) to wear the shirt with you he would
“y/n i swear i’ll wear it if you shut up already.”
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you got him it after toman was disbanded
when you showed him it he just sighed
deep down really found it funny
probably showed it to inui
definitely showed it to inui
would never wear it to work because he wouldnt want to get grease on the shirt <3
would only wear something you got him to work if it was designed to be worked in. he would never forgive himself if he ruined something you got him (we love him, absolute sweetheart)
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ran got it for him, he was having issues with figuring out which design to get so you stepped in (what a good partner you are, getting a shirt to make fun of your boyfriend)
took him a second to get the joke
it wasnt a second it took him 6 days to realize
lots of playful insults thrown at you afterwards
dont worry you threw some insults as well <3
was mostly angry at ran and forgave you after you brought him cheesecake
would never give ran the satisfaction of wearing it
but does in fact wear it around you because you helped pick it out (another problematic sweetheart <3)
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i feel like he would grow mushrooms or have a lot of mushroom inspired trinkets (not the magic ones, just the cute little fairy ones <3, you sickos.)
he IS a fun guy, the shirts just letting the world know
will wear it out, no doubt about it.
“my partner got it for me, i dont really know where they got it, i’d tell you if i knew”
asks you where you got the shirt after
he wants other fun guys to show how much of a fun guy they are <3
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ran lactose intolerant era (me too)
sanzu got him it in retaliation
you force him to wear it whenever you two go on an ice cream date
“y/n im not wearing that stupid lactose shirt for the 15th time.”
he wore the shirt. dont worry!
got weird looks from the staff
“this is why i dont wear the shirt.”
dont worry he gets the lactose free ice cream options <33 no sick ran for the day
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truly is aging like fine wine
yuzuha got it for him
didnt know what fruity meant until you told him
“oh come on”
its okay, we all agree mitsuya’s attractive
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i will definitely be doing a part two if this gains some attention, im very tired at the moment and would want to get *something* posted^^
all likes and reposts are appreciated greatly <3
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orionicchaos · 2 years
crying my eyes out over the lgbt protector childe fic . is there any way you could do kazuha and a nonbinary reader? no pressure of course!! thank you for writing things like that its so nice to see
Champs de Lys Jaunes | nb!reader x kaedehara kazuha
× non-binary reader, they/them pronouns used (you are referred as "you" most of the time tho)
× headcanons (coming out, gender dysphoria, when someone is being enbyphobic, with your family, random)
× character : kaedehara kazuha
× this is part of the "LGBTQ+ PROTECTORS" series.
TW : enbyphoby, gender dysphoria (not specific), the agab (assigned gender at birth) is not mentioned, kazuha may be a little ooc but he would just do anything for you tbh, no proofread
other warnings : modern!au, fluff, hurt/comfort, pre-established relationship (he is you bf), kazuha best boy
| resume : bunch of hc about kazuha being the supportive, loving and caring bf for his sweet partner aka you |
a.n. : heyy! Sorry for the late answer, i didn't know how to ask you the questions i wanted to ask about how you wanted me to write this (the same as ajax but nb, something different..) so i was nervous about it but i figured things out... i hope i didn't mess up bc i would never forgive myself haha </3, no bc im nb too but on the masc spectrum so it's easier to refer me as a man and my experience is not the same as every nb person and yeah. Btw that lot more short than ajax's one bc i didn't wanted to go into details fearing i could make mistakes I hope you'll enjoy it!
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Coming out
-you two were already dating when you came out
-first things first, kazuha knows everything. and when i say everything, i mean everything, like he has a sixth sense about anything
-he feels it when you want to ask him on a date, when you try to surprise him with hand-made cookies, hand-made scarves or anything you bought at the store as a gift for him
-it's almost like he can read your mind, but the truth is that he can catch the smallest details, those you don't even notice, then he thinks about it for hours and come to a conclusion
-if he's known you long enough, he may have known before you
-but he won't talk to you about it, and wait until you realize it, and until you come out to him
-to be honest, he's quite nervous about it and hopes he won't mess up, even if he's used to coming out since he has fruity friends (i may or may not be thinking about trans man heizou and bi disaster venti hmm)
-the day you come out to him, he is already prepared for it, internally he's freaking out but he manages to keep his composure and stay calm to not scare you
-as you tell him everything about how you feel, he's rubbing his tumb on the back of you hand to reassure you
-when you're finished, he pulls you into a big hug, wispering sweet and reassuring things in your ear, from "alright baby, hm, i'm so glad you could tell about this", "you'll always be my sweet darling that i love more than anyone" and everything oeoggoa
-he prepared a whole speech, what he would say, what he wouldn't say, but shaky little words of praise are the only thing coming out of his mouth, and he hates himself for it, but forgive him, no matter how much he waited for this moment, he's struggling with emotion lol
-he just wants to be the best for you
-he's just so so sweet, you knew you could trust him and you came out without worrying too much (you were still super nervous)
-but he's better than everything you expected
-if you have preferred pronouns, he will obviously use them and make sure everyone you're out to use them too because you deserve basic respect
-if you change your name he'll quickly get used to it, and just like for your pronouns, he'll make sure no one ever dare to use your deadname, i'll talk about it in another part
-you both spend the day of your co wrapped in you sheets, cuddling, with him stroking your cheeks and you the back of his ears
-the week after your co, all you can hear from him is "i love you" "you're amazing" "my dear sweetheart" something "my lovely darling" that, and little chuckles when you seem about to collapse because of how sweet he is
-your heart beat so fast that weak
-you both are so madly in love
Gender dysphoria
-that part will be random and not specific lol
-when you have gender dysphoria, he quite panicks tbh (internally)
-he did some researches about it, and since he has some trans friends he should know how to deal with it, right?
-the truth is, no, he doesn't know how to deal with your gender dysphoria
-he feels like he can't breath and start panicking when you can't stop feeling bad about yourself, about how you should be more androgynous, masculine feminine, or that something is wrong about your face, your hair...
-he usually start with "you don't owe androgyneity/masculinity/feminity to anybody" and continues with praises and words of love, trying to make you forget about it
-just so you know, you have the entire access to his wardrobe
-but if you need new clothes, his wallet is (not) ready and he's about to go on shopping date with you to the mall
-like i said, he did researches about how to deal with your dysphoria, he watched a lot of videos, read tons of blogs, literraly searched through the whole internet, and came to the conclusion that cuddle sessions are the best thing in the world
-so when you tell him you feel bad, or when he feels like you do, he takes less than ten minutes to prepare the most comfy bed, with a lot a pillows and blanckets, and a hot chocolate or your favourite drink is waiting for you
-when it's somebody who made you feel dysphoric, ah, that person isn't ready
-because at some point, he made a whole ass power point to educate people... but i'll come to that point later
-his love language literally is words of affirmation and physical touch (especially cuddles or wrapping his arms around you)
-sometime he will try to communicate about this and ask you how to make you feel better
-but i feel like he doesn't know how to act when you feel dysphoric, and he'll just try to shower you with love and praise (which can work tbh)
When someone is being enbyphobic/misgender you/etc
-you know, kazuha is calm, polite, but i think he sometimes loses this calm..
-im pretty sure he's 50% of the time about to throw hands™
-at first, he will try to educate the person about the non-binary spectrum, he tells them to use your correct pronouns, and to say sorry
-if the person corrects themselves and says sorry then it'll all good, if you're okay with it he's okay too
-but when that's not the case...
-oh baby, people are not ready to face him when he's angry
-there's two outcomes possible
-first outcome, he gives his biggest "duh you're so stupid omg" look to the person, takes your hand and walks away, when he does NOT have time for people and their bullshits
-second outcomes is no great news o the person
-he'll give them the biggest lecture of their life, sometimes using his power point he saved on his phone....
-when they don't wanna listen he'll start "insulting" them.. yeah, using words they are most likely to not understand, using sarcasm and innuendoes, being passive-aggressive...
-and baby that's not the worst
-like i said, people don't want to face an angry kazuha... mainly because you don't know when he'll lose his temper
-there are a few times when he had to become violent to make them shut the hell up (he physically needed it or otherwize he would have become crazy)
-that happened about three times when he threw a punch or two, because you started crying, it was late and the person started to become violent themselves
-you were shocked, you weren't expecting kazuha to actually punch someone
-the people he punched never bothered you again
-he akways makes sure you're alright after an argument with a stranger/relatives, and also apologizes for losing his temper
-he usually takes your hand in his and rubs you palm softly
(tbh im soft for this man, so glad i get him after losing my fifty fifty)
-yeah so basically, he's calm but don't run on his nerve
-he does anything for you
With your family
-if they are accepting and using your correct pronouns and name, then everything will be fine
-kazuha is like one of the best son-in-laws in the world, 10/10
-good with gids and elders
-even the dogs love him!
-but if your family doesn't accept you..
-he can and will shit talk about them, especially your dumb ass uncle treating you like shit
-your parents hate him and he hates them too, he doesn't give a crap anymore about doing good impression
-whenever you have to go see your family, he goes with you as an emotional support even tho it means he would have to stay at least a bit calm to not give them a lecture every two minutes
-if you still live in the house he'll come as many times he can
-he says he's so close to lose his temper with them but actually he's quite good at acting like nothing happens and just being passive-aggressive (to not stress you out)
-will never ask you to cut ties with them but would be relieved if you do
-he's always here if you want to vent about what your mom or dad said to you again
-will comfort you anytime you feel bad because of them
-a bit savage but he's more calm than most i'd say
-type to do matching outfit with you, with like "they're my partner" on his shirt and "he's my bf" on yours
-yeah very into that
-writes poems about you
-goes to pride with you, and always make sure you stay hydrate and wear sunscreen
-he buys you random items with the non-binary flag on it, like mugs, socks..
-he finds it fun
-before you did your co, he questioned himself too, for three whole weeks (because "a little introspection can't be bad") and tried he/they, turns out he is very much a man and very much prefers he/him
-overall wholesome boyfriend 10/10 i recommend
credit : @orionicchaos
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sugxrslushy · 2 years
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🌊 a/n: here's my side of a trade for the lovely server I'm part of!! I got @ztarvokwrites for my draw and decided to give writing Galdino a try :) once again writing for ocs when I can't ask questions is hard so I hope it's not too ooc ;0; I hope you like this dear <3
🌊 details: SFW//Galdino x OC//w.c: 1k
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The waves were calm, crashing softly onto the pale sandy beach and leaving seafoam in its wake. The birds cawed above, their voices swept up in the gentle breeze that ruffled Roseanne’s hair, the brown strands tickling her face. She pushes it away from her eyes, hand moving to shade her eyes from the bright sun above that lights up the baby blue sea.
The summer island was quiet, the loudest noise seemed to solely be the sound of the shaking leaves when the breeze snaked through them. For such a beautiful day, the beach was empty which left plenty of room for the couple to sit and enjoy the lovely day. Roseanne’s hand took Gladino’s, squeezing lightly and fixing the umbrella tucked under her arm.
Galdino’s feet dragged lightly on the sandy walkway down to the shore, his last interest on the sea in front of him. Like cats and dogs, devil fruit users and the sea were sworn enemies. Despite his pirate lifestyle, he’d never seemed to grow any sort of fondness towards the sea. Not to the waves, to the seashells or the sand.
Well, with the memories of a former boss, Rose couldn’t blame him for his distaste towards sand.
“It’s so beautiful outside, isn’t it?” She holds lightly onto the brim of her hat as another breeze ruffles her hair, facing Gladino beside her. Her sun kissed skin glows under the light, red eyes glimmering like rubies and he can feel his heart skip a beat.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
“It is,” he hums as sand is swept up and brushes against his skin in the breeze. “But I would personally say you are much more beautiful.” A knowing smile paints his face even when Roseanne’s hand shoots her face to cover up the dark blush creeping across her face. Not even the sun beaming down on the couple could compare to how hot her face seemed.
The blue waves looked much nicer, a possible way to wash the red hot blush from her cheeks but Galdino holds her hand in his was  a gentle grip, continuing their stroll down the walkway towards the shore. It was a date and a date is well spent enjoying your time. So they take their time, sharing sweet words almost swept away in the breeze and plenty of kisses till the sand crumbles below their feet.
“We don’t need to be close to the water to enjoy our time, there’s plenty of things to do on the beach!” Roseanne smiles widely as Galdino and sets down a blanket, tossing her shoes off to the side and patting the spot next to her. He grimaces at the sea water drawing close to their spot but finds his spot next to Roseanne.
She flops down on the blanket, already warming under the sun and pulls Galdino down by his Hawaiian shirt she’d gifted him. She could barely hide her excitement at seeing him in it for the first time, it fit him perfectly by hugging his body close and making him seem all much brighter with the birds and flowers printed on the fabric.
Falling down against the blanket with her, his hand seeks out Roseanne’s once again. As warm as the sand below them, he threads his fingers through hers. Taking in his surroundings with a deep breath, he breathes out. “It’s really… nice here.”
“It’s nice to be on a beach without being worried about being hunted down.” She giggles and buries her feet in the sand, happy to just soak up the sunny atmosphere.
“Oh don’t remind me.” Galdino rolls his eyes, not too fond of entertaining ideas of marines at the moment. “Isn’t this a vacation in which we should be having fun?”
She laughs again, voice sweet and airy. Sweeter than the coconuts hanging on trees above his head or the little fruity cocktails you’d drink on beaches like this. “Well we need to make it fun, don’t we?” Although a day of rest was appealing, the excitement of a day off sent energy flowing through her veins.
In the bag she had left Galdino to carry, she digs deep below layers of towels and hats to fish out a plastic bucket shaped like a castle. Marianne had left in the bottom of the bag long ago, her little paintings and drawings decorating the bright red bucket and leaving Roseanne without the heart to remove it from the bag. It was a cherished trinket and piqued Galdino’s attention at the familiar doodles.
“Have you ever made a sandcastle?” A simple question that she doubted her would say yes to. He raises an eyebrow, an answer in itself but he lays a hand flat. White candle wax drips from the open palm, swirling around and slowly building up a castle in his hand. It was barely bigger than his hand but had the tiniest details etched into the white surface. Roseanne couldn’t help it but gasp in amazement.
“Not quite a sandcastle but a castle.” He smiles proudly at his little creation, taking her hand in his and placing the little castle gently in her hand. The surface is already cool, the wax hardened and set in place. “But if you wish to make a sand castle I would be willing to try.”
Setting it off to the side, she shoots him a smile and motions him to the edge of the blanket. “It’s best to use wet sand, just digging down we can find some. It’ll make a solid base for us to use.” She gives her instructions, digging her hands into the hot sand and digging down. It feels like teaching Marianne all over again, a sing-song voice falling from her tongue while excitedly demonstrating.
Gladino finds a spot behind her, his chest pushed against her back, the Hawaiin shirt slightly parted and skin warm against hers. His hands cup over hers, digging into the sand with her and humming softly as they scooped the sand into the bucket. It fills up slowly, being topped off with a final scoop then patted down. 
“You have some sand on your face.” She giggles.
“There’s sand on your face.” A much more sandy finger pokes at his cheek and his eyes go wide. She laughs again at the blot of sand left behind, his face turning red and making it all the more noticeable. She squats by him and takes the edge of her dress in her hand, wiping away at the little specks of sand.
“Your dress-” He breathes out, slightly panicked at possibly ruining her sundress.
“We’re on a beach, it would have happened no matter what I did!”
He holds the fabric in his hands, wiping away all of the specks of sand to clean up her dress. He was never one to like pretty things getting dirty, especially his beloved. “It's too pretty for me to just let you dirty it like that. We’ll clean it up later sweetheart.”
Rose stutters over her words, patting down her dress and fighting her rising blush. “We should finish up the castle!” She blurts out and picks up the bucket of sand. Galdino scurries back over and holds the bottom, fingers grazing against hers and help her flip it over. It hits the sandy ground with a whump and both thrumming with excitement, they shimmy the top off.
No cracks are left in the sandy walls of the castle, not a single blemish or missing piece of the castle. A beautiful structure created gently with love. Roseanne beams at the sight of the castle and Galdino mirrors her proud facade. It was perfect, more perfect than anything they’d ever made (and possibly greater than any sand castle Crocodile could possibly make).
But then Galdino’s face drops, a thought crossing the man’s mind. 
Shuffling forward, he holds his hand above the castle and the white wax drips down onto one of the balconies made from sand. As slow as the dripping wax, two little figures begin to build up with the tiniest details sketched into them. Her breath catches in her throat when she recognizes the actual figures.
Two little figures of them stand happily atop their castle, little hearts stemming off of them. 
“There, finished.” He grins contently and presses a kiss to Roseanne’s face. “Thank you for showing me something so fun.”
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
prompt: diluc would rather kiss you in private than spend a second longer at this party (otherwise known as your whiny lover essentially begging you to leave the party then corralling you in a private alcove to make out)
pairing: diluc x gn!reader
warnings: potentially ooc diluc? he’s rather playful in this but i wanted to explore him reverting to his old personality w/ his s/o !!! alternatively: diluc after 2 drops of alcohol. lightly suggestive content. jealousy (but not the unhealthy type).
part of my 6.5k follower event!
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the gaze of the ragnvindr heir has replaced its usual warmth with a searing heat. within his rubied eyes rests a fiery inferno. the sight is unusual, yet it is not unwelcome. nonetheless, you turn away, pushing the thoughts of your lover out of your mind. for a man raised on the virtues of nobility and refinement, diluc has never been able to keep his composure when it comes to you.
fortunately, for his sake, you are the only one who can tell that he is cracking apart. unfortunately for him, you find utter delight in the situation. a fruity, non-alcoholic cocktail rests in your hand as you animatedly move the other, telling a story to your newest conversational partner of the night. the man before you is far too interested in your mundane storytelling. you've never been the most observant, yet you're sure that even the most foolish of mondstadtians could notice the way this almost-stranger stares at you.
a particular red-haired man already has.
diluc fumbles in his conversation with potential business clients before him, faking a sudden cough before excusing himself and not-so-subtly making his way over to you.
"darling, i'd hate to interrupt, but...," diluc begins, butting into your conversation with the infatuated man beside you. you've never heard a worse lie fall from diluc's lips. you blink at him, eyes narrowing slightly.
"yes, dear?" you ask, wondering just what excuse diluc will use to wrangle you away from the prying eyes of others.
"i fear that i may have fallen ill," diluc says solemnly, paying no mind to anyone else that might be overhearing your conversation. "would you do me the honor of accompanying me back to our residence? i really do hate to cut the evening short, especially when you have such... enthusiastic... guests at your side, but alas..."
you hold back your laughter. diluc's eyes plead for you to go along with his blatant lie. you let out a soft huff of air before your expression morphs into one of faux concern.
"i suppose some rest would do you some good," you muse before nodding. "very well. shall we depart?"
diluc's gloved hand immediately wraps around your own as you apologetically say hurried goodbyes to those whom you encountered at the party. your former conversational partner looks awfully dejected as diluc whisks you away, yet you pay him no mind. after all, you've gotten what you've wanted, haven't you?
the moment you and diluc are outside of the ballroom's vicinity, diluc presses you into the nearest marble alcove in the hallway. it secludes you from onlookers, allowing diluc to focus solely on you. your lover stands close to you, hand trailing down to your hip and gaze never quite leaving your lips.
"you look ravishing tonight," diluc murmurs and, even in the dim light, you can see his cheeks flush slightly as you burst out into giggles.
"'ravishing'? interesting word choice... is that why you can't keep your hands off me?" you say teasingly, yet diluc only straightens his posture slightly at your words.
"darling, celestia themselves could never stop me from holding you close, let alone whatever antiquated words i choose to use for the night," diluc scoffs lightheartedly. you roll your eyes slightly at his bold words. you know them to be true, yet you never fail to find amusement in diluc's secret streak of hopeless romanticism, revealed only to you and you alone.
“you’re a sap.” your chiding of his playful antics doesn’t seem to deter him. the diluc you know now is a far cry from the one you first met, but you’re fairly sure he’s changed around you and you alone. it had taken ages to break down his closely guarded walls, but as diluc holds you so tenderly, so lovingly, now, you can’t help but to think about how it’s all been worth it.
“yet you kiss me anyways,” diluc laughs. you raise your eyebrows.
“is that what you want me to do?” you look at him knowingly and diluc nods assuredly.
“i cannot think of anything more wonderful, my lo-“ diluc begins to launch into another tirade of affections, but you cut him off by taking charge and throwing your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. diluc stiffens under your touch. he quickly gets the hang of it, wrapping his arms more tightly around your waist as his clumsy lips become more reassured. he's utterly gentlemanly in his touch, never letting his hands wander, and you wonder just what it would take to truly get diluc ragnvindr to break in public.
but, at this type of event, you can't afford to figure that out, so the two of you break apart and catch your breath after the intimacy of kissing. you giggle once more, still keeping your arms looped around his shoulders and lean in close to him. diluc's hands stabilize you, still resting on your hips. even in the dim light, you can see the way his carmine irises shine with pure adoration for you.
"you get jealous easy, huh?" you tease, watching as diluc's cheeks darken a bit in their ruddy hue.
"i was not... jealous. jealous would imply that i fear him taking you away from me," diluc says.
"confident, aren't you?" you say, tilting your head slightly and looking at him with a challenge in your eyes. "then why'd you fake being sick?"
"i could not stand watching another man talk to you with such infatuation in his eyes. i was stuck talking to boring clients. i realized i could've been that man instead, so i asked to leave with you," diluc says matter-of-factly. his expression turns confused as you laugh gently.
"lulu," you say, voice full of fond affection. "that is jealousy."
"oh," diluc says, lips forming into a round o-shape. much to your surprise, rather than ducking his head away in embarrassment, a small smile spreads across diluc's face and a light chuckle escapes his lips.
"i suppose i am jealous then," diluc concedes. "but only for you."
"as it should be," you giggle, but before diluc can tease you for your arrogance, you silence him with a chaste peck to his lips before pulling away from him and grabbing one of his hands with your own.
"c'mon, loverboy," you beckon. "let's go home."
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Scream for Me
Kaminari Denki
word count : 5.7k
[ ✘ (nsfw 18+) ]  
themes : villain!denki, yandere!denki, implied stalking/obsession, DUBCON, coercion, quirk use… denki has a tongue piercing
bio : It’s been two years since your hero best friend fell off the face of the earth, and since then, he’s resurfaced as a prominent villain. You don’t want anything to do with him. So naturally, he comes to you.  
author’s note : this is for bnha bookclub’s bingo event, for which i can now cross off the “hero turned villain” slot ;) once again this fic contains DUBCON so please beware before you continue… also so sorry if denks is OOC in this— i am aware that in canon he does not have a mean bone in his body 
side note: this fic is dedicated to @fanfic-me-up​ , the beautiful bday queen! she deserves the best, so please wish her a happy birthday! also, a great big thanks to @hawks-senseis​ and @boom-bakugou​ for beta’ing <3
also available on AO3 here
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🄳eep bass rattles your bones as you step around the glowing dance floor, drunken bodies bumping into your sides carelessly. It’s some electronic song pumping through the speakers and causing your ears to buzz, your tongue sliding over your lip as you make your way back to your tabe. The group you’re with barely even notices your return, your adventure proving victorious as you harbor a sweating glass in each hand. The fruity concoction initially tastes sweet on your tongue, the burn of the alcohol bleeding in afterwards and making your face twist in a bitter scowl. So much for the bartender’s lame attempt at flirting— his promise of “you won’t be able to taste the vodka at all!” falling flat.
Your flavor of the night throws back a shot from the table, the sticky glass clinking loudly as he slams it down. He’s cute enough— your classic type: tall and slender, a sleeve decorating his tan arm with swirls of ink, dark hair hanging over his bright eyes, and pink lip adorned with a silver ring. In your opinion, he’s the hottest of his group, which had joined your pack of girls nearly as soon as you’d entered the threshold.
Yet for some reason, you find yourself restless as he grinds against you, his hands firm atop your hips. Maybe he isn’t as hot as you think… or maybe you’re not trying to score tonight. Ha, as if that could ever be the case. Maybe you’re not drunk enough, or maybe you need to top off with something better than alcohol. Rolling your neck, you place your head on his shoulder, his hands immediately gliding up your torso to pull you closer against him. You can feel his semi through his jeans, and the recognition of it makes you smirk, closing your mascara-framed eyes and allowing him to sway you to the beat.
And you try to enjoy it— you really do.
But still, there’s something off.
There’s this itchy feeling of dread crawling across your skin, spreading over your body and seizing your heart with an icy fist. The poor muscle starts to beat furiously against its sudden confines, your eyes opening and moving to survey your surroundings— feeling like prey about to meet its certain fate.
That’s when you see him.
He’s right by the exit of the club, illuminated by the harsh fluorescent glow of the neon signs on the wall. Physically speaking, you can’t see much of him— he’s all the way across the room in a crowded, dinghy club— barely enough light for you to see his face. And yet, those haunting, golden eyes pierce straight into you. You freeze, bottom lip allowing gravity to take it prisoner, your breath caught midway in your shriveling lungs. The guy you’re dancing with doesn’t seem to notice, only pressing his hips harder into your ass.
It feels like you’re ripping roots from the earth as your feet move on their own accord, first one trembling step— then two. Now that you’re level with him on the main dance floor, he’s swallowed up into the tangling sea of shadowy limbs. You try to push your way over to the exit, but by the time you stumble out of the crowd, he’s nowhere to be found.
Whatever kind of buzz you had previously felt is instantly cut short. Trepidation oozes into your veins, chilling your bones and sending shivers all the way to your toes. On one hand, you want to believe in yourself— you’re sure that you’d seen him— but on the other hand, dismissing the sighting of the man would be much easier to do. And you hadn’t seen him in front of you in two years… the thought makes your chest feel tight, torn and bleeding with discomfort.
You miss him so much.
But even if you could see him again, he’s not the same boy you adored anymore… no, that would be impossible. And he could never be here, in this club, either. It might not be the best part of town, but it’s still a bustling spot in the city night life. There’s no way someone with his level of fame could just show up to a popular club like this on a Friday night, undetected.
So you write it off— take the easy way out. You’re drunk, there’s a lot of people here, and you were probably just looking for a reason to get off that guy at the table. That’s all it can be; your mind playing tricks on you. Of course, you hadn’t seen him.
That would be ridiculous.
It’s no surprise you feel sick to your stomach at the very idea of seeing him. Whether it’s because your stomach is filled to the brim with butterflies, or because your body feels shocked— as if his electricity crawls across your skin and makes your hairs stand on end— you’re not sure. Making your way to the back of the club, you somehow find the hallway void of a bathroom line. Never had you been graced with such a blessing, and you quickly make your way toward the door, giddy to be able to have a moment to yourself.
Once you’re inside the room, you take a moment to examine yourself in the mirror. Your hands planted on the countertop, you lean in close, eyes searching your reflection for anything that could be off. You still just don’t feel right, and you’re not sure why. The walls are colored in a dark turquoise hue, the black marble counter opaque and matching the dark stalls behind you. Fingers fidgeting for something to do, you pluck the lipstick out of your comically small purse, lining your lips before blotting the color with a paper towel.
A low wolf whistle splices the still air of the lavatory, echoing lowly on the tiled walls.
Every cell in your body is frozen, your gaze trained on a pair of yellow, slitted eyes over your shoulder. He’s slipping out of one of the stalls, taking his time as he crosses the room only to turn the lock on the door. Your heart starts to beat again at the realization that he’s really here, and that he’s just sealed the two of you in together.
Escape is the only thing on your mind right now, your eyes darting between the door, the vents on the ceiling, and the window that looks just a bit too small for you to wiggle through. Fear begins to bubble into your bloodstream, burning you with its sheer cold, like dry ice on naked skin.
“Cat got your tongue?”
His voice is just like it was before he disappeared, but all signs of his playful, positive attitude are absent. Instead, he sounds almost bored… and there’s this tone to his inflection that feels like cough syrup— thick and sticky, leaving a rancid taste at the back of your tongue.
He keeps his distance from you, content to just watch your gaze in the reflection before you. You can’t help but look at him; too terrified that if you look away, he’ll be gone and then there’s no denying you’re crazy. You’ll have to get checked into an asylum or something, because you’re certified insane— nevermind if you’re imagining him— you can’t help but think he looks good. Really good.
Dressed in black from head to toe, he looks like he’s one with the shadows of the night. Even his hair is black now, raven strands perfectly framing his handsome face. The yellow streak in his hair is in the shape of a lightning bolt, colors inverse of what they used to be, when he was a peppy blonde. But those days are long over now, and the snakebite piercings adorning his full lower lip draw you in, much to your dismay. He looks damn good in his distressed jeans, the leather jacket sitting just right on his shoulders. And just like the last time you’d seen him, a tight, black choker sits perfectly on his throat.
“What, hmm? Nothin’ to say, sunshine?” Oh, that name. The term he had so affectionately coined you when you were still just classmates. When you were his best friend.
It takes a moment for you to think, and another for you to actually force the words out of your mouth. “What are you doing here, Denki?” You sound totally breathless, and it’s partly because you are— you’re completely shocked that he’s here, with you, in some nightclub bathroom. The balls he has to be out in public right now…
“And I thought you’d be happy to see me,” he says, lips curled into a displeased frown, and those big, golden eyes trailing up and down your body, assessing you in the same manner you had him. But he doesn’t stare; he’s already looked at you for plenty long. He’s over just simply looking at you. “It’s so good to hear your voice, Y/N.”
You don’t know what to say to him. After two years of Kaminari Denki dropping off the face of the earth, and more recently appearing on Japan’s ‘Most Wanted’ list instead, he’s come to you out of the blue. How did he know where to find you tonight? Does he have someone watching you? Is he… Does he still have those feelings that he used to pretend didn’t exist?
“Why are you here?” You try again, whispering, like anyone will be able to hear you over the thumping bass outside. But Denki hears you, leisurely stalking over to you.
Whipping around, your trembling fingers grab onto the edge of the countertop. You’ve read the articles, heard the news. You know the things he’s done. The terrible, unspeakable things.
Denki stops a step away from you, tongue glazing over his lip as his eyes rake over your front. A flash of metal between his lips catches your eye, glimmering in the harsh overhead lights before it’s gone.
“To see you, of course.”
He’s close now, and you can see that he’s taller, broader— more muscular than before, even underneath his jacket. His physique distracts you from his words for a moment, softening the devastating blow of fear. Your widening eyes jump up to lock with his, his gaze casting a sinister gleam over your rapidly-heating cheeks.
Denki closes the distance between you, gripping onto the side of the counter and leaning down to hang his face in front of yours. He smells slightly like smoke, stale cologne wafting onto you as his hips gently meet yours, trapping you against the sink behind you. His belt buckle presses onto your stomach, digging into you as he takes a deep breath beside your neck. You’re paralyzed beneath him, sucking in a small gasp as his fingers trace over the bottom of your spine, tingles shooting through you.
“Did you miss me? Because I missed you,” he murmurs against your throat, the cool gold of his earring dragging on your jaw. “So fucking much.”
His fingers trail to the back of your hips, palms landing on your dress as he squeezes your waist and pulls you closer to him. Your chests bump together, your cleavage pressing onto his front. Your hands fly up to push his shoulders, hating how your feelings clash against each other, turmoil brewing in your stomach. “Let me go,” you plead, spine stiffening as his fingers knead at you.
Denki chuckles, nipping at your skin and trailing the tip of his tongue along the column on your throat. “That’s not how this works, sunshine.” He pulls back to drop his gaze to your lips before his honeyed eyes swallow yours again. Wicked intent swirls in those caramel irises, tendrils of terror snagging tight around your throat. And yet, some small, sick part of you feels safe, feels comfortable in front of him— as if he’s the same guy who would stay up all night long with you just to play the latest video game, or do something crazy like make cupcakes or drive to the beach at four in the morning. As if you don’t know what he’s done since the last time you’ve seen him.
At the recollection of those unspeakable deeds, you whimper, heavy tears pooling along your lower lashes. “I’ll scream,” you threaten, though it doesn’t come out sounding like much of a threat.
A wide smirk curls the corners of his lips, that tongue jewelry making another brief appearance as he opens his mouth and leans into you. “You think anyone’s gonna hear us?” A dark brow rises on his forehead, amusement washed over his sharp features. “You’ll scream when I tell you to.”
Heat surges through your stomach at his crude suggestion, your body betraying you as his hands slide underneath your dress, his bare palms cupping your ass and distributing a confident squeeze. His fingers inch in between your legs, reaching out to ghost over your pussy through your thin, sheer thong.
The tough girl act proving fruitless, you decide to switch tactics. “Please, Denki, I don’t want to—”
“Why are you so fuckin’ wet, then?” He growls, fingertips pressing against your slit harder. He brings one hand before you, forcing you to look at the strands of slick that stretch between his fingers. Your face heats up, cheeks aflame with embarrassment. How could your body be so turned on right now, and your feelings so conflicted? The tension inside of you only worsens when he dips the fingers into his mouth, making a show of his pierced tongue stroking against them.
Finally his lips crash against yours, desire bursting inside of you and leaking into every corner of your body. You can’t move, can’t think, with his lips on you, moulding and pushing onto yours like waves in the restless sea. There’s passion behind his caress, a motive squandered and swept underneath the rug for far too long. He’s wanted you since high school, and now, he can finally have you.
“Please,” you beg quietly as you pull away, digits curling into the collar of his jacket, your lip trembling and a tear shooting down your face, “Denki, you’re scaring me.”
“Aw, cutie— no need to be scared,” Denki replies, rubbing the soaked front of your underwear as he smothers your neck with the gentlest kisses. “I’m the same old, lovable goof as before. Your Denki, your sparky. Well, one thing has changed… I waited for so long trying to think of something, anything that could make you realize how good I would treat you. I wasted so much time just playing my part as your best friend, a shoulder for you to cry on while your worthless boyfriends would betray you. It took me a while before I figured it out though—” he pauses for dramatic effect, leaning in so your lips brush “—that you love being treated bad.”
You’re speechless as his mouth conquers yours again, his tongue surprisingly sweet as it slides into your mouth with practiced ease. Your body is frozen solid for one whole second before your dignity withers and dies right before your very eyes, your thighs clenching together on either side of his intruding hand. His lips pull into a smirk, rough hands gathering the backs of your thighs before he sets your ass on the edge of the counter. It should be embarrassing how easily he peels your legs apart to stand between them, the heat leaking from his hard, jean-clad cock onto the inside of your thigh.
Noticing your stubborn hesitance, he sighs lowly as he takes his lips from yours, issuing a shockingly pleasant kiss to your cheek. “Don’t worry, sunshine,” he says, hand landing on your jaw to steer your gaze directly into his. For the first time tonight, you feel like you see the faintest glimpse of him. The real him, the one you loved and laughed and cried with. He’s sincere. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise. Unless… you’re into that?”
Your hand sails through the air automatically, an ingrained, pre-programmed response to his naughty suggestion. Only it doesn’t quite reach its target, for Denki’s strong grip keeps your wrist from moving any further. With a click of the tongue and a curt, unamused glance, he shoves your wrist back, pinning it against the cold mirror behind you. His other arm wraps tight around your waist, your bodies flush against each other.
“Bad girl. You gonna make me hold you down the whole time? That’s no fun,” he admonishes in your ear, hand scooping your ass through your dress and pressing you up against him. His erection digs into your thigh, hot and hard against your shivering skin, even through his jeans. “C’mon baby, m’gonna make you feel so good.”
You had sobered up at the sight of him, but now a new kind of intoxication sweeps through you, knocking you off your metaphorical feet and throwing you into the deep end of a sticky, ambrosial pool of desire. There’s no way you can say that you’d never thought of Denki ravaging you— you’d thought plenty about it, actually— but you’d never pictured it going quite like this. Even so, you can’t deny that his new look looks especially good in him, and as he’d previously pointed out, your body was more than happy to entertain him.
So you give in.
You only tilt your head back the slightest bit, and Denki’s already descending down onto you, starving tongue greedily slithering down your front. A hand tugs down the front of your dress, his lips wandering over the tops of your tits in your bra. Teeth dragging the silky material down, he groans as your bare chest is exposed, nuzzling a cheek against you as he begins to suck and nip at your flesh. The cool metal of his piercing beside the wet heat of his tongue washing over your nipples makes you moan, your free hand slapping over your mouth in mortification. But Denki only moans back, the lustful noise making your cunt twitch, longing for his attention.
Eager to please, he lets go of your wrist, maneuvering you in his hands so he can easily slide your thong to the side. His thumb dips into your entrance, gathering your abundant slick before it floats north, circling your pulsing clit. He swears against your tits, tongue still tracing your areola diligently as a fingertip begins to prod at your drooling hole. You can’t help but whine aloud, your head knocking back and your spine bending to press yourself into his caress. It’s wrong to be into this, you know this, and yet his tongue, his touch, his kiss— it overpowers all logic, your brain turning a blind eye as your body eats up every ounce of attention he offers.
You’re rewarded for your behavior when a slender finger slides into you, then another. The two digits begin to pump into you, curling as they disappear into your pussy, brushing deep inside of you. Denki trails his mouth back to yours, tongues tangling in a furious mess. Your fingers card through his inky locks, nails scraping his scalp as you grapple onto him. Your legs fold around his waist, hips rolling as he fucks his fingers into you tirelessly.
“Fuck, you’re so hot like this,” he groans, marigold eyes fixed on his digits slipping in and out of your dripping cunt. He sucks in a quick breath when your fingers find his belt, unfastening it and ripping down his fly. “Impatient?” he teases as you undo his pants, the dark denim falling along with his boxers.
Your mouth waters at the sight of his cock, standing tall and proud as it pops out of its confines. There’s a thatch of blonde hair at the base of him, the very tip glistening with a swollen bead of pre. Hesitation long gone, you bring a hand to your mouth, allowing the thick saliva from the back of your throat to pool in your palm before you guide it back to him. Denki moans as your wet hand wraps around his throbbing length, squeezing just tight enough to feel how hard he really is. Slowly, you jerk him off, both your mouths parted as you pant, eyes boring into each other. His fingers thrust in turn with your fist, the squelching sound bouncing off the tiled walls.
It feels like your body is on fire, every movement of his hand stoking the flames, and you can only watch, helpless, as the inferno grows larger and livelier. There’s a small pressure forming in your stomach, your slick pouring out around him. You can’t contain your moans any longer, your arm curling around his neck to draw him close before your teeth take the skin of his neck hostage. Your noises of pleasure are hushed as they fall onto his throat, your lipstick smearing on the pale expanse of it.
Denki’s hips begin to move in accord with your hand, movements free and effortless as they greet your slippery fist. His cock is hot and swollen on your palm, veins bulging and rubbing against you. It’s only a matter of time before he’s had enough teasing, taking his fingers from you and swatting away your hand. He pants as he lines up the head of his cock with your glistening cunt, breath uneven. And then he’s pushing into you, stretching your silky walls wonderfully, burying himself inside you to the hilt.
You cry out when his hips bump yours, struggling to keep your half-lidded eyes open. Cheeks feeling hotter than ever, you wrap your other arm around his neck, pussy fluttering around his big cock as you adjust to his size. Surprisingly, Denki starts off slow, gently rocking his hips into yours. He sighs as his lips find yours again, the cold jewelry from his piercings foreign but welcome against your heated skin. He distracts you with his tongue as it slides between your lips, reaching out to greet yours. His fingers knead at your tits, your nipple trapped between his thumb and forefinger. The tingling sensations fluster you as his thrusts start to become deeper, harder— each one gracing your sensitive walls with a rub of his thick veins. His tempo begins to hasten, cock pushing into your scorching, dripping heat just as quick as it retreats. The pair of you are moaning, gasping for breath, too lost in each others’ bodies to bother with worrying about being caught.
“Does that feel good? You like it when I stuff you with my cock, sunshine?” Denki purrs, tugging at your nipple between his fingers. His teeth ghost over your bottom lip, hips slapping loudly against yours as he continues his attack on your cunt. He groans loudly when your walls tremble around him, clenching down as he finds a new angle that allows him better access to your most intimate spots. “Fuck, your pussy fits me so perfectly, so wet and tight… Made just for me.”
Even though his sentiment should be concerning, you find yourself more turned on than ever, your submission leaking out and mixing with the lust surging through your body to create a cocktail of desire stronger than anything you’ve ever felt. Unadulterated moans float out of your parted lips, raw pleasure shooting into you as the head of his cock pounds into your g-spot. Your shaking legs spread on their own volition, welcoming him inside as deep as possible. Gasping his name, your hands slip underneath the hem of his shirt, exploring his warm skin and the taut muscles hidden below. “D-Denki! Oh, fuck!”
Denki growls beside your ear, the sound primal and heated. His pace continues, relentless, as he lets his hands fall from your tits, opting to clutch onto a thigh and hold you open for him instead. “You dunno how long— oh, fuck yes— nngh, you dunno how long I’ve been dreaming about this, Y/N. Y-You, moaning my name like the filthy little slut you are. My slut, my girl… My sunshine— shit!”
You whimper as he pulls out of you abruptly, his fingertips digging into the flesh of your thigh. His wet cock jerks against your pussy, which twitches in response, as if calling out for him and begging for his return. You pull at his hips, desperate for him to be inside of you again, wanting— no, needing for him to stretch you full.
He catches his breath pretty quick, letting out a low chuckle at your impatience. “Got a little too close there… this pussy is even better than I thought it’d be,” he explains, gathering you in his arms and placing you on your feet. He turns you around, pushing your back so you lay nearly flat, bent over the counter. Cock gliding against your slick folds, he evens his breathing as his thumbs pull your cunt apart, golden eyes settling on your twitching hole. Playful as always, he rubs the tip of his length over your entrance, not quite pushing hard enough to actually penetrate you. You watch him in the mirror before you, seemingly entranced in his own show.
“D-Denki,” you swallow your pride, restless to be stimulated again. At the sound of his name leaving your wanton lips, his eyes flicker up to meet yours in the reflection, filled with curiosity and mischief. “Please, put it back in… I… I need you, Denki.” You whisper the words, and it’s honestly a miracle that he hears your plea, for the club music still pounds through the thin door. The embarrassment is overwhelming, forcing you to close your eyes. You can’t bear to meet his gaze, shame coursing through you. Here you are, being ravaged by your ex-best friend, now turned villain, in a nightclub bathroom… begging for his cock, like a whore.
The feeling of his length pressing into your dripping heat shakes you from your shameful thoughts, eyes flying open to meet his caramel gaze again. “Don’t worry, sunshine,” Denki coos, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek, “I need you, too.”
You can’t fathom any response, his thick length filling you to the brim as his hips jostle yours, completely inside. The stretch is superb with this new angle, the veins on his cock so deliciously stimulating your snug, velvet walls. He draws back, only to snap forward quickly, your legs quivering at the bliss that emanates from the wonderful stretch he provides. His words have a sinfully pleasurable effect on you, a shiver spreading over your form, and your spine bending, ass pressing into him even more.
Denki hums as he begins to hasten the tempo, soft smacks filling the stuffy air inside the room. His cock glides into you easily, lubricated by your copious arousal as you pulse around him. Your ass jiggles as he begins to swing his hips harder, drilling into your slobbering cunt with renewed passion. Rough hands clutch onto either of your arms, holding his own arms straight as he uses the new grip on you to further his momentum.
Stars dance before your eyes, his cock hammering into your most sensitive area. The position he has you in provides just the right angle for him to assault your g-spot, your jaw unhinging as a string of high-pitched moans tumbles from your throat. Tears gather at the corners of your eyes, rolling down your face and spattering against the dirty mirror as he continues to pound into you mercilessly. You try to form the words to warn him you’re about to cum, but you can’t think, let alone speak.
But it seems he doesn’t need your warning, for Denki analyzes your lewd expression in the reflection, a smirk pulling at his lips. “Go on, do it. C’mon sunshine, you can do it. Cum for me, fuck, cum with my cock stretching out your sloppy little hole,” he orders, still slamming into you ruthlessly. “I wanna hear you when you cum, lemme hear that pretty voice of yours— scream for me.”
You hate that his filthy words have such power, but that doesn’t deter your cunt from wringing snug around him, the coil in your stomach compressing tighter and tighter until your vision turns white and your body goes rigid. Waves of euphoria crash over you, sucking you into the sea of pleasure. Your lungs burn as you scream out, pure ecstasy zipping through your every limb. Denki has to stop thrusting, his grip digging into your skin as he struggles to keep his own orgasm at bay. Your pussy constricting around him has him losing his breath, teeth descending onto his bottom lip as he tries not to cum.
Finally your cunt stops seizing, your body relaxing onto the countertop. Your mind is totally hazed, filled with an electrifying fog of post-orgasm bliss. But Denki’s quick to snap you out of it, picking up right where he left off and sending his cock surging into your tender heat. Once again you’re thrown into the vicious throes of pleasure, his cock the only thing you’re able to focus on as it drives into your slippery, gummy walls with ease.
His hands flying to latch onto your waist, he holds onto you tightly as his eyes find yours in the mirror, his orbs meeting your barely-open ones. That same spring is gaining pressure in his own stomach, the moans slipping out of him as good an indicator as any that he’s getting close. Fisting your hair, he pulls you upright, his slender fingers slipping from your tresses to lace around your throat. “Mmmm, m’close baby,” he pants, his hot breath fanning against your ear.
He begins to kiss at your jaw, littering it in affectionate nips and licks. Moving one of your legs so your knee rests on the counter, he pistons into you, hand wandering down to press against your stomach, the tips of his fingers just reaching your clit. Your body stiffens at the sudden stimulation, the bundle of nerves having been forgotten since his cock speared into you. Yet he rubs at it attentively now, fingers dipping down to where his cock draws in and out of you to gather excess slick before he continues.
“Ohhhh, fuck,” Denki grunts, his fingers tightening slightly around your neck. You can still breathe, but the feeling of his hand flush against your throat sends heat to your core, your pussy clutching onto his cock in desperation. “Gonna paint the inside of this sweet little cunt white… fill you up with my cum, nice and full.”
Icy fear trickles into your veins at the premise of him unloading into you, nothing to stop his seed from fertilizing you. “N-Not inside, Denki,” you beg hoarsely, your voice meek and mild, still recovering from your screams. But he doesn’t seem to hear you, or at least, he doesn’t acknowledge you— only continuing his ministrations on your clit and the vicious onslaught of his cock sheathing inside of you. “Please,” you whimper, your arms reaching behind your head to touch him, one hand landing in his silky hair and the other on his shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s right. Beg for my cum… Mmm, love it when you say my name like that, sunshine,” he moans, too wrapped up in his own pleasure to heed your words. Or perhaps he chooses to ignore them, his pace morphing into ragged, unmeasured thrusts, and his hips jerking as he loses himself in your tight, wet heat. “Take it, Y/N— every last fucking drop’s for you,” he whispers in your ear, eyes closed and lashes fluttering on your jaw. He groans as his orgasm tears into him, electricity from his quirk bursting through his body. The energy flows into you, shockwaves seizing over your body as the lightning rolls off of him. Somehow, even though he’s howling out in his own ecstasy, he manages to direct the electric current to the fingers that toy with your clit, sending another orgasm hurtling toward you like a bus with no brakes on the freeway. The static zips through you, quivering your bones and making your body melt like ice cream on a hot summer day. Your cunt milks his cock well, your climax making your walls contract and clamp around him. Searing ropes of his sticky seed land deep inside of you, his cock gushing and emptying his load into your tender heat.
Once the overwhelming pleasure has subsided, your body falls slack in his arms, slightly twitching in recoil from the surge of electricity. Denki coos at you as he catches his own breath, nuzzling into your neck and littering your skin with kisses. He whispers sweet nothings to you as you come back to reality, still subdued from the all-consuming ecstasy that had taken hold of you entirely just moments ago. Slowly he slips out of you, careful to slide your panties back in place to catch his load as it starts to leak out of your aching hole. Moving your leg off the countertop, he turns you around, smiling happily as he fixes your smudged makeup and frazzled hair. Your body is too weak to try to fight him, so you let him hold you against his lithe form as he fixes your dress, covering your ravaged body as best as he can. He takes a moment to rub off the lipstick stains from his skin, buckling his belt before those marigold eyes find yours once again.
“Finally, you’re mine,” he muses, yellow eyes glinting at you under the harsh, fluorescent lighting of the dirty bathroom. He tilts his head as he cups your chin, angling you to look into his intoxicating gaze. “Oh sunshine… what fun we’ll have together.”
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
yayyy my first denki fic :D also my first time writing villain/yandere stuff too... so please be sure to lemme know if you enjoyed!
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selfishdoll · 7 months
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FOUND OUT FT. VAMP! ARMIN ୨୧ 。 ⟡ ⋆ ࣪. ໒
armin arlert, your good friend of two years and hard crush of one. you decided to become his roommate just three months ago and all has been well. except for the fact, a ludicrous idea has entered your mind. one so silly, you didn’t even want to believe it. what was it exactly? well.. that armin, was a vampire. this wasn’t some fantasy or fairy tale.. you weren’t bella and he wasn’t edward. there was no way, no way in hell armin was a vampire.. right?
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❛content warning(s)...❜ ━━ period sex. i repeat, PERIOD SEX. if you don’t like that, leave! | oral sex (f. receiving) | soft & service top! armin | he’s a little condescending, however | pet names (sweetheart, pretty, princess, etc) | praise | blood (ofc) | biting & marking | armin talks reader through it | multiple orgasms | armin loves eye contact | ooc armin | inspired by true blood (also mentioned in the fic) | lowkey gaslighting (maybe? he’s not doing it to harm, he’s just tryna keep his identity hidden) | a bit of manhandling | reader wears pads & has really bad cramps. again if that’s an issue for you, don’t read it. | etc. if i forgot something please let me know.
❛author’s note...❜ ━━ please bare in mind i haven’t touched aot for a long time & only posting this fic for my reawakened obsession with the anime & manga. that said, if you think armin is ooc, i’m sorry— but again, i warned you (plus i’m not the creator). if you enjoy this, please give me more characters to make vamp versions of. of jjk or aot. and as always, please excuse any grammar mistakes or typos <3 (4680 WORDS)
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It was common to question reality. To ponder about situations that were outside the norm. What if a zombie apocalypse happened? What if aliens were real? And finally, what if your good friend— turned roommate, was a vampire?
You felt silly as the thought, the pondering consumed you within the first week of living together. You really had no reason to believe Armin Arlert; a sweet young man with a heart of gold was some bloodsucking beast. Or rather, you didn’t want to believe it. Such information would drastically change the trajectory of the relationship you had with him.
The pipeline from friends — secret one sided pining — to prey wasn’t one you wished to follow.
Yet, all signs pointed to the answer; all signs pointed to Armin being a vampire.
For one, you’ve never seen him eat. Ever. Each time you offered some of your food, Armin would give you a gentle smile— while refusing. I already ate. Was the signature line he delivered, no matter the time of day. But, that wasn’t too concrete; he worked at home and you worked in a clinic— there was a possibility he was telling the truth.
The second piece of evidence may have been the key. The man would stock up his side of the fridge with this.. juice. Red liquid within clear bottles, the print labeled in a language you couldn’t understand. No matter how much you searched online, you simply couldn’t find it. So, you did the unthinkable.
You popped open a bottle, taking a swig. You expected a disturbing metallic taste; one that would cause you to spill the contents of your stomach. Instead a sweet fruity flavor tickled your tastebuds, causing your eyes to widen and quickly pull back from the bottle.
In time to see Armin entering the kitchen, flashing you a smile.
“I was wondering when you’d try them. I bought so many.” He spoke sweetly, informing you it was some random juice he bought whilst on a business trip.
With both his words and the concrete evidence, you believed him.
But there were so, so many more instances where you wondering if you were grasping at straws. His refusal to enter a home without access? Well, Armin was always polite. The way he avoided you whenever you got hurt? He did inform you blood makes him queasy. Or how each time you got your period the man just suddenly had a business trip? Armin did state his work schedule was weird.
It frustrated you to no end. You hated yourself for developing the thought in the first place. You already fucked falling for him a year ago, and now you just had to come up with the most ludicrous idea.
Armin Arlert, a vampire? Please..
The breath that escaped you was ragged, eyes pinched close and leaning your head against the steering wheel. The way a cramp could ruin your mood in a matter of seconds was beyond you. Truly, it was.
You were glued to your seat unable to move due to the pain within your stomach. Which could only be described as millions of knives being rammed directly into your uterus. A dramatic metaphor, but a fitting one.
A groan escaped you as you lifted from your curled position, the back of your head pressed against the seat. The pills you consumed just ten minutes ago had obviously not taken effect yet, leaving you unable to fight against the pain. You tried, you really did try to make it to work despite the aches— but you couldn’t. You pulled over into the nearest store parking lot just to make a quick call to your supervisor.
Thankfully, she was very understanding; even gently scolding you for attempting to work in the first place. The interaction caused you to smile, thanking her profusely and promising to make up the hours.
Now, all you had to do was get home. Though, as your eyes opened from its previous pained scrunch, you focused on the store in-front of you. A soft hum escaped you as turned the engine of your car off. A quick run to get some much deserved snacks was fine, right?
You opened the car door and exited, locking it behind you with a hand pressed against your stomach. It was comical attempting to massage the cramps, but the warmth of your hand was elevating the pain— slightly. Not much.
You approached the store doors and entered, flashing a smile to a worker that greeted you. You turned down an aisle whilst looking over the selection of snacks, kneeling to take in the rest of the shelf. While thinking over what you wanted, an idea popped into your mind.
Armin was always so doting and sweet whenever he went out to the store; always asking if you needed something. You wanted to do the same.
So without a second thought you grabbed your phone from your purse, clicking his contact and placing the receiver to your ear. The ringer went off two times before the man picked up, his usual tone entering your ears;
“Hey (Y/N)— are you okay? You don’t usually call me during work.”
You smiled, standing from your kneeled position. “I’m okay!.. well, not really. Cramps are kicking my ass right now,” You hummed, walking down the end of the shelf.
A silence entered the call for a moment before Armin spoke again. “You mean.. menstrual cramps?”
“Yeah!— sorry if that was too much to share.. Anyway, I’m at the store right now do you need anything?”
Armin cleared his throat a bit, the faint sound of something entering the call— but leaving quickly. “N—no. No, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, (Y/N).”
With chaste goodbyes you ended the call, placing your phone back into your purse. You finally decided on some gummies and chocolate, heading over to the register with a little pep in your step.
Pigging out on the couch seemed like the perfect day.
You left the store quickly after paying, entering your car even quicker and reaching your shared home in record time. Opening the door, you sighed as you placed your keys onto a table nearby; purse following. You walked towards the back of the house, glancing over at Armin’s closed bedroom door. With a small smile you walked up, pressing your knuckles against the maroon colored wood.
A minute passed before the door was opened, revealing his form. His eyes bored into your own, flashing the same gentle smile he always did. “(Y/N).. you should be resting.”
You smiled back at him, “Just wanted to check on you before I lay on the couch for the rest of the day.”
The man blinked as your words set in, watching you turn to enter your bedroom. Hesitantly, he followed, standing in the doorway. “On the couch?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry I’ll have a towel under me.”
“I wasn’t worried about that..” Was the faint mumble that escaped the blonde, words you didn’t hear. A soft sigh escaped him, however, blinking to glance at you. “Hope you feel better.” Armin said more clearly, turning to walk into his room after you gave soft gratitude.
You grabbed some pink bebe shorts and a random black tshirt, walking over to the bathroom with a pad in tow. After doing your business and changing, you entered your bedroom again to place your work clothes away— grabbing a clean towel shortly after.
You exited to enter the living room, smiling at the couch waiting for you. Walking over, you stretched the towel out along the cushions, pulling the coffee table closer for convenience. After grabbing your snacks and a water bottle, a stiff sigh escaped you as you laid across the couch. The towel was a bit uncomfortable if you moved, but you rather that then possibly leaking through the pad you wore.
Your hand reached for the remote beside you, turning the channel to a tv show you’ve currently been obsessed with; True Blood. A small chuckle escaped you as your cheek sunk into the pillow under you, placing the remote down. Maybe you were watching it too much, maybe that’s why you thought Armin was some blood sucking beast.
But, there was no way. You were literally on your period and he was.. well— normal. As normal as Armin Arlert was anyway.
You turned to open the pack of gummies, taking a bit in your hand before sinking back into the cushions. Your eyes remained glued to the screen as you popped one into your mouth, oblivious to the hard stare you were receiving.
An hour and a half passed with your continued watching, getting up in between to use the restroom. Your snacks were long gone, water bottle empty, and pill; worn off. You had zero energy to get up and grab some more, especially since you just found the perfect spot to help your cramps.
You hissed softly, moving to press your face deeper into the cushion. You’ve had a period for twenty-two years now, yet it always felt as if you were experiencing it for the first time. It was annoying, truly annoying. With a subtle groan your eyes blinked open, racking your mind for a moment before an idea peaked within you.
“Armin!” You called out from the living room while turning to lay on your back, hand strewn across your lower stomach. Moments passed before his bedroom door opened, footsteps entering the living room and revealing your roommate. Who looked a little tired. Strange, you’ve never seen him in such a way.
But, instead of inquiring you gave a little smile; “Could you grab my pills from my bedroom, and a water bottle?”
Armin’s eyes carried down your form for a moment, mouth opening before closing. Instead, he simply nodded; turning to head to your bedroom.
Maybe periods really did make him uncomfortable. You’ve never seen Armin so fidgety and nervous, as if scared to speak. It would concern you more if another cramp didn’t pierce you, causing a soft groan to slip past your lips. You heard Armin move from your bedroom to the kitchen, opening the fridge and closing it after.
You looked up at the man, watching him stand a few feet away; placing the items you requested down on the table. You sat up with a sweet smile, swinging your legs over the couch. “Thanks Min.” You spoke, watching him nod and turn to walk away. Instead of leaving him be, you spoke up again;
“You wanna watch something together? I’m sure being cooped up in your room is boring..” You don’t know why the suggestion escaped you, feeling embarrassment the moment you noticed Armin’s form stiffen. Your eyes turned to the pill bottle, twisting the cap slow. “It’s uh.. cool if you don’t want t—“
“Is this another test, (Y/N)?”
You blinked slowly as his words permeated the atmosphere, entering your mind and settling there for a split second. You thought over the sentence, tongue nervously swiping across your bottom lip the moment you realized his tone. It’s usual softness was gone, replaced with something you couldn’t pinpoint.
You tried to play off your silence, a soft— forced chuckle escaping you. “Test? What test, Armin?”
You watched as the man’s shoulders lowered, body turning to face you. Your teeth was caught on your bottom lip, feeling tension enter the air.
Armin looked at you, or rather observed you for a silent moment. You didn’t know what to do, trapped under the gaze; unable to look away. Your fingers gripped the towel underneath you, debating whether to apologize or demand to know what was suddenly wrong.
Finally, after what seemed like hours but was truly five minutes; Armin spoke.
“First, you take a bottle of mine and drink it without permission.” His words were slow, as if listing off the directions of a cookbook. What’s more, Armin moved towards you, your chest bumping with each step he took. “Next, you accidentally, cut yourself whenever I’m in the kitchen.” He was close now, standing beside the table.
You sunk into the cushion behind you, gasping the moment he closed the space; hands pressed against the furniture— trapping you. “And lastly, you invite me to sit with you in such an innocent manner.. I don’t know whether to call you a genius or just plain naive, (Y/N).”
“Armin..” You breathed softly, feeling your mouth go dry. His eyes flicked between your body and lips, clearly struggling to focus on a single thing. “Armin, I—.. I’m confused, what are you talking about?”
Finally it seemed he had made a choice, gaze focusing onto your own. Silently, the man smiled, a forced one— a toothy one. Your eyes widened, breath hitching the moment you spotted the fangs placed perfectly in his mouth. A shudder went down your spine, gripping the towel even harsher.
“Oh wow..” Armin spoke lowly, stealing your attention from his canines. “I reveal something.. so, so troubling and yet— you’re excited. More then excited actually.. ecstatic, maybe?” The man pondered, coming even closer to you.
Your hands rose to grip his arms, gasping the moment you felt his face lower to your neck. As his teeth ghosted your neck, you felt your heart threatening to escape your chest. You pinched your eyes closed, twitched, even turned your head to the side.
And yet, Armin did nothing. He simply.. hovered there.
A frustration you didn’t wish to acknowledge build within you, manicured fingers digging into his cool, skin. “Armin..”
“What is it, (Y/N)? You want me to bite you, don’t you?” The words escaped him the moment you uttered his name, a hand lifting from the cushion whilst he pulled back from your neck. Now face to face, his fingers collected your chin to assure you didn’t glance away. “I thought at first you were concerned for your safety, maybe even scared. But no..” His lips quirked, thumb rising to smooth across your wet bottom lip. “You’re clearly far from scared.”
“Armin.. please just—“
“I will. I promise.” He interjected, releasing your face. Your eyes widened the moment he pushed your shoulder, laying you down on the couch. The cushion in-front of you sunk in as he sat down, hands dragging to your waist covered in shorts. “But first.. I think I’ll get my fill another way.”
Your eyes widened at his words, feeling his fingers hook under the thin pink fabric of your bottoms and panties, peeling them from your body in one swift motion. Embarrassment flooded through your body, instinctively closing your thighs.
Armin’s eyes switched from your legs over to your face, head tilting as he took in your nervous expression. To your surprise, a gentle smile stretched across his face, one that you’ve gotten used to, one that caused you to melt easily.
Noticing this, it didn’t take much to gently push your legs apart, featuring your cunt to him. “That’s a good girl..” Armin spoke softly, hand slipping under your shirt, spreading across your stomach. The man lowered until he was face to face with your slit, unfazed by the blood upon it.
You whimpered the moment his thick tongue glided up— hole to clit, hands reaching down to rest upon his hair. A soft groan escaped the man, rising up whilst licking his lips clean of your mess. It was clear all restraints were gone now, the wild look in his eyes causing your stomach to stir.
“Do you know how long I waited for this?” The man questioned you, resting on one hand; the other’s fingers gently gliding up and down cunt, collecting your mixed essence and blood. “You were gonna drive me crazy one day; parading in such small shorts, showcasing your skin to me.” His words escaped him shamelessly, fingers pushing past your folds to gently brush your clit, moving away before you could even moan.
“You wanted this from the beginning.. didn’t you?” Armin suddenly spoke, escaping the trance to look at your face. He watched as you shook your head far too quickly, a small no even escaping you. That alone caused his reddened lips to curl into a smile, “You should leave the lying to me, sweetheart.”
You gasped the moment he dove back down, lips pressed against your wet slit. The man wasted no time in allow his tongue to glide across your slit, pushing to licking at your clit. Your taste, your smell— it was enough to have him groan right into your pussy, drinking every crimson droplet that escaped you.
You thought you would feel uncomfortable, maybe even a little gross; getting ate out in such a state. But those thoughts melted the minute his lips wrapped around your swelling bud, teasing you gently with the points of his fangs. Your back was rising from the cushion now, squirming upon the towel underneath you.
Your hands lowered to his hair, fingers curling in the blonde tresses for a tight hold. With the way his tongue was moving against you, you needed leverage; you needed an anchor. You felt far too pliable, melting into the feeling as wanton moans escaped your slick lips.
Gasps of his name, sweet whispers of how good it felt. Your arousal mixed with blood was trickling freely from your entrance, making such a mess; one that Armin lapped up far too eagerly.
And the moment you felt his thick tongue curl inside your awaiting hole, oh— you were finished.
“Hah.. Fuck, Armin—!” You hissed softly, feeling the wet muscle twist and turn inside you, brushing against your gummy walls and delving on you like a meal.
Which, to Armin, you were.
The man groaned into you in response, hands moving to your thighs and gripping; halting your moving. You were forced to lay there as he ate you, a band forming within your stomach; long replacing the agonizing cramps.
Your moans bounced off the living room walls, face turning into the cushions as hot pants escaped you. Your toes were curling, a sweat presenting itself upon your forehead as the pleasure consumed you full; flooding his mouth with more crimson arousal.
Armin drunk you up eagerly, fingers digging into your skin to keep to right there. He licked you clean, leaving no spot untouched; savoring his plate. After moments of this pleasure it melted into overstimulated torture, hands falling and pushing against his head.
“A—armin.. fuck, I can’t—“ Your eyebrows were pushing close, rising to sit up; gasping the moment he tugged, forcing you to fall back on the cushions. His face was flush against your messy cunt, drinking you up completely. Little tears formed in your eyes, legs moving as your stomach clenched and clenched.
Your worried words fell on deaf ears, literally. With how much your warm thighs were wrapping around his head, he could barely hear a damn thing. Even so, Armin refused to leave— not until you came on his tongue again.
With more fearsome licks and sucks, hands massaging your skin as if coaxing you— Armin felt his dick jump the moment you cried out for him, coming all over his tongue again.
“Taste.. so good, so fucking good princess…” He drawled right into your center, the vibrations of his voice causing you to keen. Unlike before, he let up from licking you dry, raising from between your legs— a complete mess.
You watched as Armin’s tongue licked the rest of your taste off his lips, his eyes closed; relishing it.
His hands slowly dropped your body to the cushion, hand curling under his shirt and pulling it off his body. Once off, the man used it to wipe his face— tossing it to the ground shortly after.
He’d wash it later.
Armin moved to hover above you, hand falling to your chin and turning to looking at your eyes. The man smiled the moment your hand wrapped around his wrist, leaning down and pressing a wet kiss to your cheek. “Your cramps gone?” He asked in a soft, coy tone. The small huff you released caused the man to chuckle, moving to plant his lips on your own.
You moaned as his tongue intruded your mouth, ignoring the foreign taste of yourself on your tongue. Instead, you focused on him sucking your own wet muscle whilst his hand lowered to your covered chest, a thumb brushing over your hardening nipple. Your soft pants entered his mouth, hips rising against him; caring less if you soiled his pants.
And it seemed he didn’t either, hand gripping your hip and grinding back against you. Your hands traveled up his back, a hiss escaping him from how your short nails dragged across his cool, uncovered skin.
Pulling back, Armin stared down at you, taking in your bruised lips and the clear want swimming within your dark eyes. To add to the pretty picture was your bonnet slipping off your head, exposing the perfect boho braids you’ve recently got; edges sweated off.
“Such a mess.” The man murmured softly, hand rising and treading from your neck to your cheek; cupping it to allow his thumb to drag under your eye. “My pretty mess..” Armin dragged, leaning closer as his hand released your face, falling to his hips to tug down his sweats and boxers.
Your noses brushed together, your soft breaths fanning against his face. “Yours..” You murmured back, staring into his eyes. Such words brought a smile to his face, stealing your lips in another kiss while his tip brushed against your soaked slit.
Pushing you wider, Armin angled to slowly push inside, gripping your thigh the moment you tensed up. He pulled back from the kiss, forehead rested against your own. “Mm, don’t tense up; relax for me.. Just, relax.” He cooed softly, thumb tracing the stretch marks that littered your hips. With less effort he pushed all the way inside, praising you softly;
“Taking me so well, pretty.. such a good girl.” Armin spoke, chuckling at the small whine that escaped you. Pressing a gentle kiss to the space between your eyes, the vampire rose to rest on his hunches. He observed you closely, searching for any sign of restraint or discomfort. The moment he discovered neither, he was pulling his hips back until only the tip was inside.
Armin then plunged his hips forward, the wet sound echoing in the room; followed by your soft moan. His hands moved to your hips, starting a languid pace. Despite how good you felt around his throbbing length, you didn’t want to hurt him. Despite how sweet your moans were, he controlled himself in fear of harming you.
But, you were far from compliant with the current pace.
Your hips rose to meet a thrust, the action alone causing a moan to escape the both of you.
“N—need more, Min.. please.” Was the soft beg that escaped your slick lips, rocking your hips; watching the way his eyebrows creased and lip was caught under his fangs.
His restraint was dwindling with each roll of your hips, each sickeningly sweet plead that escaped your throat. Finally Armin’s inhibitions melted away, the slow; carful moans switching into fast snaps of his hips.
Your head landed against the plush cushions, crying out as your legs wrapped around his waist. He was drilling you into the mattress at this point, a harsh grip to keep you in place as he fucked you. A string of curses escaped you, gripping the towel underneath you as your feet bounced with each thrust.
Armin lowered, the new angle causing your swollen bud to brush against his pelvic area; the new sensation completely turning your brain into mush. The man enjoyed it all, glancing down at you in complete awe. You looked far too beautiful like this, far too—
“Perfect.. so fucking perfect— fu..fuck—“ The man hissed, pressing an arm above your head whilst the other grabbed your cheeks. “Look at me, princess.. that’s it, keep your eyes on me. Watch how well you take me.” His words were driving you deeper and deeper, your walls clenching as jumbled cries of his name escaped you.
His eyes were rolling back at the call of his name, drilling into you as he leaned down to your neck. Between the harsh bouncing of your body his fangs sunk right through your skin, gripping you even closer the moment a shriek escaped you.
A guttural groan escaped Armin as he delved on your blood, hissing the moment you creamed all over his cock. Yet, his hips never stopped; continuing to ruin you, using his form to keep you laid out and open on the couch.
Your eyes were meeting your skull, lips parted as shameless noises leaped from your raw throat. Soon he let up, licking the wound from his fangs and moving to be face to face with you again.
“Taking me so good, princess— like your.. fu—fucking made for me, shit—“ Armin closed his eyes tight, feeling his orgasm build. Your velvety walls were clenching him so nicely, pulsing around his heavy length with each drag of his hips. His balls were slapping against your center, the wet strikes entering the room of sex and combined moans.
Tears trailed from your eyes, staining your brown, chubby cheeks as your hand carried to his hip. Despite the pleasure, the pain of another orgasm was approaching; your body writhing as you furiously shook your head. “Fuck, I— fuck, I can’t Min!” You whined out, breath bitching as a feverish kiss was placed to your forehead.
His face was close now, nose brushing your own as his lips ghosted your own. “You’ve been so good so far, don’t stop now sweet girl.” Armin hissed between clenched teeth, a hand falling from your hip between your conjoined bodies. The moment his fingers rubbed against your little bud you were arching, the vampire easily chasing your body to continue the harsh circles.
“Fuck, fuck! Armin—!”
“That’s it, baby.. let it out, don’t hold it.” The man coaxed softly, eyebrows creasing as he felt his own orgasm arriving. Armin watched intently as your stiffened, a drawn out cry of his name escaping you while making a complete mess of his lower half. “That’s my girl.. my good fucking girl.” He leaned to plant another kiss to your lips all while his hips never stopped their pace.
Soon enough, a harsh groan entered your mouth as he flooded you with his come; some spilling out from inside.
You pulled back from his lips for air, clinging to him with your eyes pinched closed. Your body was aching, you felt sweaty, and frankly gross— but you didn’t care. Not one bit.
A subtle whine escaped you the moment Armin pulled out from you, his gaze settled on his come escaping you. With a slow rub of his thumb against your skin, the man leaned to stamp a kiss right above your heart. “I’ll start the shower up.”
You watched as he stepped off the couch, moving to walk over to the bathroom— only for your voice to stop him.
“Armin.. those bottles in the fridge, they weren’t blood right?”
He looked at you for a long moment before a little grin pulled his features. “No. Just the ones in back. I knew you would pick from the front.”
With that Armin resumed his walk to the bathroom, leaving you there; feeling just a little stupid.
Well, at least you were right. Your good friend of two years turned roommate turned something more— was definitely a vampire.
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chaotically-cas · 3 years
Me talking about the tv show because I just finished my rewatch & I’m absolutely obsessed yet again
Aka a viewing guide
Spoiler warning
Sorry this is so long omg- I probably forgot so much too
Honestly the only true plot that interested me was Tim Shepard & Tim Shepard only. Steve’s care was pretty cool. Some dope Stevepop moments. Nice tarry content. Just nice Darry content over all. Dallas’s scene in the beginning keeps sending me thoughjskakfk
Ep 1:
Honestly I hate hate hate what they did to Sodapop’s character I absolutely hate it. They did him so freaking dirty. But we love pro choice Steve & Two Bit was also pretty scrumptious in this episode as well. I dislike this episode. It’s a no for me.
Ep 2:
This one is smack full of delicious tarry content for everyone to gobble on. Darry is absolutely scrumptious and I love the whole dynamic between him and Tim. I, again, hate soda in this episode. I hate him so much it’s unreal. Why is he like that. But I do love the way they did Buck so oh well. Kinda sad about the lack of Stevie.
Ep 3:
Definitely my favorite episode because iykyk. Steve is just absolutely scrumptious omg they really did a musical episode huh. And that song was really a banger huh. And he really had to look that good? Also Two but was absolutely scrumptious. The whole greaser band was a damn treat I wish we got more off. I will not be addressing the Ponyboy situation because no. Disgusting. Absolutely vile & perverted. No thank you & never again. But omg I cannot describe to you how amazing the band is guys ugh I cannot I cannot they are so cute & I want more content pronto. Also the bonding between Darry & Buck was kinda cute too. Like dar has a bit of a father figure again, it’s sweet.
Ep 4:
Pony is a damn flipping idiot. Wtf is he thinking. Like. Why. Why would he ever do that in a million years. Steve though, was looking fine again. And rip Soda even though he doesn’t die. I think Pony & Soda both nearly dying in this episode is so funny. Also kinda ooc of Darry? Like? Hospital bills are a deal ton and he is just gonna roll it off? Steve was more like Darry than Darry. Probably cause his boyfriends was dyi-
Ep 5:
We will not be addressing Tim & Cherry. Never. But omg. The tarry again guys the tarry omg I died. They’re so domestic & for what?? Also why is Pony such a moody little crap. I hate him in this because he cannot make up his little hormonal mind for a second. Also why can’t they put pants on? The lack of Two & Steve was very sad but ig the tarry vibes can make up for it. Idk what the brothers were on though agreeing to all that-
Ep 6:
A very close second favorite omg. I love the exploration of both Two and Pony’s friendship & the friendship between Steve and Darry. The scene was short but I really loved the dialogue between Steve & Darry. I think this was the one episode they tried (poorly) to give Steve the spot light & ehh. I love him & I loved hearing more about his dad & his relationship with his dad but there should’ve been more idc. I think the whole fact they all idolize old dead white men is a tad weird. But two’s speech on Elvis was the highlight of the episode by far omg. I just think Steve & Darry were idiots for continuing to work but it produced good content ig. Poor Darry though rip almost lol. I loved the Steve plot line of it all even if it was smaller than hoped for.
Ep 7:
Forking hate this episode. It adds absolutely nothing to the plot besides defiling Soda’s character even further. I think it was a poor poor attempted at ‘omg let’s all get along lol’ but came off incredibly racist & umm. It was an uncomfortable watch that is for sure. Honestly I plan on skipping this episode on my next rewatch it really isn’t worth the time imo. It’s just. Weird. 
Ep 8:
Every time I think about this episode I think it could be my favorite hdjskkd but idk. I absolutely freaking adorable the tarry & how they both protect each other. Please they are literally on a date. Soda is an absolute idiot but we know that. Steve was by far superior in this episode & he was a fine specimen too omg they Hawaiian shirt did wonders. Also Stevebit??? Omg please the way they blatantly flirted was so freaking fruity. Darry being a hero & saying the day in an epic way because again, Soda is a complete moron. Idk. Jewel was kinda vibey but Pony was good as well in this episode. Omg this is long but Tim & his parole officer sent me to the moon omg I see why Darry was crushing so hard.
Ep 9:
Ahhhh the two bit centric episode we all needed! I liked seeing how the stayed pretty close & true to his character, besides the drinking. It was fun & nice to learn more about him & his family aside from him just being a wise crack & I think both Pony & Steve saw that. That’s why they both helped him out. & I especially love the way the whole gang stood up for him in the end omg Tim Shepard was scrumptious but isn’t he always. I just love seeing more of two bit & his life & friendships outside the gang. However the scene with Sodapop was absolutely hilarious in an odd way- weirdo boyfriends. Also. Tim borrowing Darry’s suit is by far so tarry & I love them. Tim’s character exploration was also scrumptious in this episode.
Ep 10:
OK BUT- ok but this one also might be my favorite JSKSKKS I’m just gonna keep saying it. Two & Steve are absolutely complete asshole boyfriends. Especially Steve. The energy between two & Steve & soda is absolutely off the charts. Sodapop definitely lost his mind a little bit & I still don’t understand how Buck rationalized his decisions. Pony was just having the time of his life it was so funny. I feel bad for Darry omg it was his birthday & he was stuck being the responsible adult for a loaf of dumb ass kids. But honestly. Soda. You idiot. I know I should feel bad for you. But that sucked. How could you believe that. Buck too. Steve & Two are such fruity cuties though riding around, pranking, smooching, scheming together. Also, steve can draw & is musical? Ok king am I you or are you more attractive that I thought awooga woo 
Ep 11:
Haven’t rewatched it yet, will update with I do. Kinda homophobic that it’s missing the first part.
Ep 12:
Also will update when I rewatch
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tinyanimelover · 4 years
This one wasn’t requested, I just wanted to write this as a birthday present for myself ^.^ and I’m a sucker for Grimmjow so I had to do this lol sorry if he's ooc!
[Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Female Reader]
It was encounter. One damn encounter and days of mulling over that encounter that lead to Grimmjow realizing that he was infatuated. With who? Who had caught the hot-headed arrancar's attention? Surprisingly enough, a damn human. After being injured severely by Ichigo. Grimmjow ran into a human, who -despite his rude insults about her being a weakling and a human- still helped him against her better judgment. He spent a few hours at her place, insulting her taste in colors, taste in fabrics, her being a human, the way she wrapped his wounds up, her shyness and just about anything he could think of. He just about said anything and everything but thank you, but for some reason she didn't mind. She kept tending to his wounds, even when he would flinch and curse her out with his vulgar vocabulary, she would just smile and continue on. How odd. He thought it was odd, even after he returned to Hueco Mundo. Why did she help him and why did she put up with his temper? And for fucks sake, why couldn't he get that out of his mind? He walked through the dimly lit hallway of his quarters, hands in his pockets. He just couldn't stop thinking about that, that one moment he shared with her. But why the hell was he so hung on it?! It riled him up as he thought back on it but he couldn't stop!
"Fucking fuck!" Grimmiow yelled as the girl flinched slightly "Don't press so hard on it dammit!". "S-sorry!" She stammered out as she went back to cleaning his wounds "But please stay still, if you keep moving around, it'll hurt more" . "Just hurry it up woman!" He snapped, glaring at the her, but she didn't see this, too busy with what she was doing. Why did she help him? Why was he even letting a human help him? "Why did you sav--" he was cut off when she pressed into the wound, his eyes widened and he grabbed her hand "Dammit woman! You're doing this on purpose now aren't ya?!". His eyes widened even more when her hand found it's way to his face, pushing him away and down "Stay still I said! I'm almost done!". He panicked, he wasn't sure if it was because a human was touching him or the fact that her hand was so small compared to his own as well as his face, he just panicked. He used his other hand to try and push her away but she was just as persistent, climbing on top of him to get a better grip on him. "O-oi!" He let out but it was muffled, eyes glued to the way her legs were on either side of him, one hand still pressed against his lips while the other finished wrapping the wounds. She was gentle despite having her hand against his lips, he could smell the faint scent of her perfume, it smelled sweet and lightly fruity. It wasn't overwhelming but still intoxicating nonetheless. She was gentle and quiet but he could tell she had a fierce side. He watched silently as she finished, letting out a soft sigh as a smile graced her lips. She lifted her eyes to look at him, noticing his eyes were wide and full of surprise. She closed her own and smiled, bowing her head "S-sorry for using force, I just wanted to make sure your wounds were properly cleaned and bandaged...". She called that force? He was an Arrancar for fucks sake, he lived for violence! Her idea of force was nothing compared to his. But..why couldn't he say anything? Nothing came to mind. He was confused and couldn't focus on anything but that fact that the two were in such a position and her dam perfume. Dammit! What the hell was he even doing?!
He wasn't sure what it was, or why he was drawn to her but he was sick and tired of being consumed of that moment and her. So he really wasn't surprised that his feet took him right back to her place, his knuckles banged against the door. That was how you knocked right? He heard a familiar voice, prompting him to turn his head and immediately he spotted the girl with another man. His eyes widened, the way she smiled and looked at the man, was way different than the way she smiled at him that day. What was this feeling? He had an urge to rip the male apart, but it simmered down once the male bowed and entered the apartment they had stopped in front of. Whatever rage that was leftover completely was wiped away once she noticed him standing in front of her door, a smile graced her lips. He had half a mind turn around and run off, what the hell was he doing here again? But the moment she spoke, he felt his stomach begin to feel weird. "It's you!" She let out, titling her head "What're you doing here?". Her gleeful expression quickly changed into concern as she looked him over "Are you injured again?". "I'm fine" he spoke up after pulling himself together "Who the fuck was that?". "Hm? Hashi-kun?" She let out with tinged cheeks as she opened the door and stepped inside her home, allowing Grimmjow to follow her inside "H-he's my neighbor..". "What's with that red face?" He asked, a bit aggressive "Ya like him or something?". Her eyes widened as she spun around "H-huh? No way! He's a good friend and my neighbor..a-and he's really nice to me...". He noticed the smile she had while thinking of him, bitterness sinking in as he shifted from one foot to the other "Your fave says it all, idiot". She shook her head, "It doesn't matter if I do or not..Hashi-kun has a girlfriend...even if he didn't, he'd never see me that way..". Grimmjow almost felt the need to wrap his arms around her, but he kept his cool. Or so he thought. "It's not fair" he accidentally let out. His eyes widened as she looked up at him, her head tilted "What isn't fair?". Fuck it. He was here for a reason and he'd be damned if he let another man occupy her heart and not even feel the same about her. He approached her slowly, she didn't move for some reason and he was glad. He was even more glad once he saw her face growing redder as he lowered his face down to hers, eyes locking with each other. "The fact that you looked at that fucker with those kinds of eyes...why do you lool at me with different eyes? I want you to look at me with the look you gave that fucker..." He explained. "...what..are you talking about?" She managed to get out "I barely even know you. I don't even know your name..". "So why did you save me then?" He asked. "Because I didn't want to see you die" she revealed "I don't want to see anyone die in front of me ever again..". He realized what she meant, he wondered how many she'd seen die for her to try so hard to save a stranger. What had she gone through? How was she still so nice and gentle? "Grimmjow" he let out "My name's Grimmjow". "Grimmjow.." She repeated, his heart lurched forward "My name's Y/n". Like honey. Her voice was so smooth, her name was heaven like while he replayed it in his mind, everything about her just kept reeling him in. He pulled away with a smirk "Good. Now that we know each other's names, I'm gonna show you just how much of a better man I am than that fucker. I’m sure you’ll love the ways I can show you my gratitude for saving me without even saying the words directly". Her confusion rose, "What?".
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Princess Gets A Shot -21
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary:  Diego requests backup and then it turns out that backup really was needed. 
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
Gun violence, Soft Murder Panther, the L word, come eating, pussy eating, ass eating, look, everything gets eaten here, Diego being Diego, plus size woman+fit man, actual anal, feeeeeeeels
A/N:  Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​​​ ​ @symbiont13​​​ ​ @nicke0115​​​ ​​ @bunnykjm​​​ ​ @rosee-sensuelle​​​ ​ @girlpornparadise​​​ ​ @mandoplease​​​ ​ @heresathreebee​​​ ​ @xxsteph-enrixx​​​ ​ @jetiikad​​​ ​ @joalsglasses​​​ ​ @mutantcookiesecrets​​​ ​ @demoncatstone​​​ ​ @squidlywiddly87​​​ ​ @lockedoutofmyotherblog​​​ ​ @poeedamerons​​​ ​ @xxidontwikeitxx​​  @kid-from-new-zealand​​ @fleurfatale89​​ @allalngthewtchtower​​
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Its 11:52am when you start shutting down your computer this Friday. Coworkers start chuckling and you roll your eyes, you know what's coming next. Tremaine pops around the shared wall of your cubicles to grin manically.
"You have the longest dick appointments ever." She waggles both eyebrows excessively and you laugh.
"Its not a dick appointment. I got a ring, bitch." You flap your left hand around in retort and she giggles madly. Your cell chirps and she makes a stern face.
"You better not be late. I bet he'll withhold punishment!" She cackles and disappears behind the felted wall to your snorts. 
You grab your stuff and pull the phone out of your purse to check the text.
Take your fiancé to work day?
Increasingly, Diego has been giving you more and more access to the business. He uses literal names and real dollar amounts in conversation, its actually a little fascinating how well he manages an outfit so vast. You ask questions and sometimes help him with spreadsheets or schedules. Its all very professional and you love the contrast of how he runs the business versus his reputation. 
Whatever meeting he has tonight must be more social than business if he feels comfortable enough to take you along. You trust Diego and his men to keep you safe.
What's the dress code?
You have an extensive wardrobe now, so some guidance might be helpful.
Typical club
Attached is a picture of a dark, deep, forest green suit.
Your stomach drops and your blood pressure rises. He's gonna look so fucking good.
Uhhhh. Just fucking tell me what you want me to wear
Melted my brain you ridiculous man
Sure, it feeds his ego, but its the truth. He's so hot that sometimes you don't know what to do with yourself.
The gray dress. Black shoes. Got jewelry here for you
…..no panties😛🐈
Aww yiss, you laugh to yourself. 
New bling AND head?????? Goddamn bby
Don't worry, you'll earn it
You don't know if you should be amused or worried. Guess I'll find out.
The new jewelry is a pair of very long sapphire chandelier earrings and a matching anklet. The bright blue sparkles like fire against your fair skin and makes your eyes pop. You've never known another man with such style sense. 
You're standing in front of his dresser mirror admiring the earrings as they brush the top of your cleavage when Diego calls you.
"Come here, Princess. I'll give you a hand." His raspy voice never fails to give you goosebumps. When you turn around Diego is kneeling on the rug holding the anklet. Its not the first time he has helped you dress, but something about it is vaguely suspicious. Those chocolate eyes are too smirky.
You step forward and offer your right foot. While Diego fastens the band of blue stones you stroke over some newly emerging silver at his temples with a fingertip. You're so enamored with the distinguished look that it startles you when his fingers brush your inner thighs. In less than a moment Diego has his hand buried in your crotch, fingers finding your folds, and then the middle sinks into you to the knuckle. 
"Aiiieee!" You yelp, completely unprepared for this development but not exactly surprised. That single finger is hot and thick, he manages to circle your cervix fleetingly. 
"Good girl." Diego purrs.
You involuntarily clench tight even as you glare down at him. 
"The fuck. You couldn't warn me first?" Your snarl is undermined by breathlessness as your hips roll for more. Its infuriating and amazing how quickly this man can wreck you.
"Princess." He chides quietly, "I had to check that you followed my orders like an obedient little girl." He smiles widely, clearly pleased with the both of you. Your heart trips and you curl fingers over his shoulder for balance as the heel of his palm grinds your clit. He goes on tauntingly, "Don't show this pretty pussy to anyone else tonight and you'll get a very big reward."
"Asshole. Fuck you." You moan. The dual stimulation is winding you up quickly. You gasp with disappointment when Diego pulls his hand away but it turns into a whine as you watch him suck your flavor off of his own digit. 
He pulls the middle finger out of his mouth with a pop. "You will."
The club is packed but some lackey already has a VIP booth ready for Mr. Jimenez. A huge hand lands on your lower back to usher you along, its a very couple-y move. When you sink into the plush seating Diego sits practically on top of you and wraps an arm around your shoulders. Something is definitely up here.
"So, you wanna tell me what's going on tonight?" You whisper, face buried in his neck to ensure you can be heard over the music. 
Diego orders drinks, you're sure its something nasty for him and fruity for you, before turning your way. The hand on your shoulder is petting you.
"I have a new distributor as part of the side deal terms. I cannot shoot her without ruining the deal and we need this deal. But she doesn't take no for an answer. And while I respect her ambition, it is becoming… problematic." Diego scans the club as he speaks, decidedly not looking at you. 
Oh really?
"Diego Jimenez. Are you uncomfortable with a woman hitting on you??" You ask incredulously. You're trying not to laugh because he clearly is. 
Diego turns to glare down at you and if you were anyone else it would have the intended effect. You just smile beautifically. 
"I gave you my word, did I not?" Diego huffs dramatically and glances down at your ring. Oh, baby. "And I don't like her." He shudders.
"I trust you, Diego. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't." You intone gently. Whatever your man needs, you'll do your best to give it to him. 
"Good. Now be possessive. She seems to respect women more than men. And I am not bringing my sister into this, it is ours." Diego mutters as he spots a small group of women coming in from the back. Ours? Without Alicia?? That really means behind her back. Diego, what are you doing?
You lean back casually and cross your legs. If Diego wants a calmly confident woman to belong to, then that is what he'll get.
Julio lets the tall, muscular woman in front lead the group into the booth where they sit across from you. She looks Diego up and down boldly, then licks her lips. You laugh outright and it draws her attention. 
"I'm Liz. And you are…?" She leans forward to assess you. Its supposed to be intimidating but you're unconcerned. Her brown eyes are sharp, they alight on your ring as you sip your drink lazily.
"Princess." You smile without it meeting your eyes, its the icy one you reserve for frenemies and men you would enjoy hurting. Liz cocks her head and blinks, you've managed to surprise her.
"So the rumors are true. Didn't peg you as the type to settle down." You can feel Diego stiffen next to you with her reply as she turns back to him. You want to hate her, you really do, but that was a good one. That feeling remedies itself with her next words, "Although. That is more, a lot more, than I would have expected." She gauges your body and sniffs in disapproval. 
The jab at your size isn't new. Or particularly innovative either. While you're certainly not amused, Diego, on the other hand, has become deathly still. You transfer the drink to your right hand and slide the left over his thigh so your fingertips slip between his legs. He is like a statue under you, so incredibly tense. 
"Nothing he can't handle." You sleaze, arching a brow at her flat chest. Gradually, Diego eases while Liz snorts and rolls her eyes.
"How did you do?" Diego drawls, leaning forward to rest elbows on his knees without displacing your grip. Its a casual display of his comfort with you touching him. 
"Its all spoken for. I need another load plus thirty percent. Baltimore is hungry." Liz decides to ignore you entirely. Victory. 
"I'll give you twenty-five, you'll give me ten percent more of the profit." Diego continues without her agreement, "You're ambitious, but don't bite off more than you can chew." He dismisses Liz with a wave and you can tell that irritates her. 
"Oh, don't worry, I don't bite the pretty ones." She is smarmy and leering. She doesn't even have any style.
"How boring." You purse your lips and look unimpressed. 
"Sí. Truly." Diego huffs as he adjusts his jacket to settle back into the cushions, and further into your side. He crosses an ankle over his knee and smiles into your hair. You maintain eye contact with a silently seething Liz as she rises to leave with her girls. 
Licking your lips, you slide your hand higher until you're cupping Diego through his pants and squeeze gently. Her eyes widen, then narrow with his relaxing posture as Diego melts into your public groping. She stomps off and the girls follow, one looking over her shoulder to watch you two hungrily. Something about the girl looks familiar but you can't place it.
You wait until they fade into the crowd, then turn to Diego….
Who is slouching blissfully with your dick massage. The sight makes you laugh, its adorable in a kinky way. He smiles slowly, obviously pleased with your performance. 
"Perfect little Princess. You are a very good Bad Girl." Diego praises you with a low rumble. He really does look so good in this new suit. His gray shirt matches your dress, he picked it specifically to look like a matched set. A subtle sign of your status together. You're leaning in for a kiss when you hear a muffled popping sound.
Diego lurches forward to crush you to his chest and you can feel Julio at your back suddenly.
Its gunfire.
Julio picks you up around the waist and hauls you over Diego’s head and the back of the sofa to go over the railing and into Bastian's waiting hands. Diego pushes your weight up with him, then dives over, too. Bastian is dragging you toward a hallway by the time you register the location change. Your head whips around to locate Diego, left hand reaching out for him. Diego takes two huge strides to press up against you, Julio is on his back. 
Another round of shots echoes in the club as people scream and panic. Its chaos, you can't tell where the bullets are coming from in your adrenaline rush and the enclosed space.
"Go, go now!" The gravelly command lengthens Bastian's strides until you pop out a side door into an alley. Manuela is outside, waving you to the Escalade. Bastian releases you to go around to the driver's side and Diego pushes you forward. You get the back door open just in time for Diego to shove you again so you land on the floor. Curling up, you give them room to climb in, too. Diego slides into the seat above you and covers you with his body, Julio layers on top of your fiancé and slams the door. Gunfire pops off outside in the alley, far too close for comfort. Manuela is still getting in the front when Bastian tears off.
"What the fuck!" You yelp angrily. As the SUV turns out of the alley, Diego tucks your head down further and Manuela returns fire. More shots plunk into the bulletproof body of the Escalade above your head and the window on the other side shatters to rain glass down over Julio. Diego growls ferociously and you reach back to grab his collar while hissing, "Stay down!"
You're not losing him. You refuse. 
"Everyone's behind us, full coverage! Two more blocks and we're out, boss!" Bastian hollers as he weaves through traffic. 
You keep your grip on Diego. Nothing happens for another few minutes, then Bastian whips around a corner and into the underground garage. You recognize it from the road noise and so does Diego, he sags onto you. The car screeches to a halt and everyone starts pouring out. Julio slides out the passenger side behind you and Diego crawls over you to open the door above your head and tumble out.
You lay there for a minute, shaking. Looking up reveals his men receiving orders and Manuela reloading. A large number of cartel members are guarding the closed garage door and more are headed upstairs to sweep the penthouse. 
Slowly, you climb out, unnoticed in the commotion. You take stock of the damage, dozens of holes and indentations mar the black bodywork. Some are right where your head was. Too close.
It enrages you.
"AhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" You scream at maximum volume and kick the door shut with enough force to rock the heavy vehicle. The heel of your shoe snaps off to remain embedded in the metal. The garage echoes your fury and nothing else as it fades to silence.
You whip around to face Diego and his men. Everyone is frozen in place, not a single muscle tics. Your fiancé is staring at you with huge eyes.
"Kill. Her." You growl. Your shoes get ripped off and flung away with extreme force. Your voice is wrecked from the berserker scream, you sound demonic as you stalk up to him and grab his shirt. "Kill. Her!" You repeat at a higher volume. Diego squints down at you in obvious concern.
"Do you think the shooting started right after she left BY ACCIDENT?!?" You are heedless of your audience, caring only for Diego's attention. Big hands come up to your forearms, trying to calm you against your will. He watches you closely as you pant, you know your face is red because you can hear your own pulse. You go to break away and his grip turns to steel. Diego slams you back against the door you kicked closed and pins you to the ruined metal by your wrists and hips.
Your anger morphs into fear which then fades into arousal as you feel the raw power of his body, Diego is holding your wrists so tightly it hurts. Quaking, you slowly look up to meet his eyes. The bearded jaw is tense, a muscle in his cheek jumps, and his eyes are burning. But it isn't rage you see in that smolder.
"Leave us. Now!" Diego barks ferociously. Underlings scatter but your attention is captured by the powerful man you agreed to marry. He leans in close, stealing your breath, to whisper, "If I bring her to you, will you do it?"
Will you? Would you really kill somebody?
They tried to kill me.
"Yes, baby." Your voice is low but even. Your nerves may be shattered but your resolve is solid.
Diego moans roughly, his face screwed up in a flood of emotions, then dives down to take your mouth. You open wide but can do nothing else. Body limp in his hold, you don't even want to do anything. His tongue slides on yours and he tastes like dark liquor and desperation. The beard rubs your sensitive skin raw as your mouth is seized, it ignites a fire so hot that you rub your thighs together pathetically. Diego is the only person to whom you have ever wanted to just submit. 
The level of trust you place in this man is monumental.
He releases your hands and steps back decisively. The sudden lack of support makes you stumble before catching yourself with a hold in his shirt. You blink dazedly, "Wha??"
Diego grips the back of your neck and steers you to the elevator. The doors open and Julio steps out with an appraising look.
"All clear. Bastian stayed upstairs, I'll take over down here. Gordita." He nods to you affectionately.
"Thank you." Your gratitude is deep and Julio smiles softly. Diego pulls you into the elevator and jabs the door close button. When you turn around to look at him you can see his big body shaking faintly.
"Baby." You breathe and reach for him. Diego allows you to fold him down into your embrace and winds those long arms around you. Its not often that Diego requires reassurance or displays contrition.
"This is my fault, Princess. And I will fix it." The dark voice in your ear is dripping with danger. Your stroke over his hair while he nuzzles into your neck, those huge hands tight on your waist.
"You didn't know. I think I was the target the whole time, despite being virtually unknown. And I agreed to come, if I had declined you wouldn't have pushed me." You squeeze his broad shoulders and kiss his jaw. 
"You could have died." He whispers softly. There is real fear in his voice, his defeated posture. It breaks your heart when he croaks, "I cannot lose you."
"But I didn't. You protected me, like I trust you to do. And I could die at any time. Car crashes, freak accidents, medical emergencies, anything could happen." You reason logically. Its probably not helpful in this moment, but its just how you are.
"Fine. Fair. Now stop." Diego mutters, not pleased with your sensibility. "I misjudged. It won't happen again."
You bury your nose in his shirt to inhale, his scent calms your nerves. "I broke a shoe. It probably will happen again."
Diego absolutely loses it and collapses onto you. His rasping howls of laughter are endearing and you giggle with him. His weight makes you hunch over a bit and your cleavage jiggles with his convulsions. Diego buries his face in your ample bust and continues laughing madly. 
When the elevator opens to Bastian's anxious face he just shakes his head at how weird you two are. 
Your laughter dissolves into tears the instant you cross the threshold to the bedroom. The adrenaline is bleeding away and you feel numb. Your hands shake so badly that you can't get undressed. Stumbling into the bathroom, you stand in the middle of the room crying against your will while Diego starts the shower. He pops out from behind the clear divider wall and strides right up to you, dripping wet and uncaring. 
"Princess." He sighs deeply and strips the dress up over your head, dropping it to the floor. Your hands stroke over his gleaming chest, reminding yourself that he's okay, Diego is whole and unharmed. You lean your forehead on his chest and sigh as he unhooks your bra, it drops to the floor at your feet and Diego goes to kick it away… only for the strap to get caught on his toes, forcing him to flick his foot in ever more violent movements until the offending garment is flung off through the doorway and into the bedroom.
"Fucking bras." He mutters angrily. 
Your peals of laughter echo in the tiled room. 
"Remember what I said about the adrenaline mix being different when we used the handcuffs?" Your speech pattern is stilted from your jaw shaking violently. Diego's big hands come up to cup your breasts, thumbs rubbing back and forth over your nipples hypnotically. Gradually, slowly, your body melts into him, his bigger frame taking your weight with ease. Your voice is even choppier this time, "I'll adj-j-just."
"I know you will, Princess." Diego murmurs into your hair. Nipples now pebbled from the gentle torture, he moves on to new territory, specifically your ass. Diego grips huge handfuls of squishy flesh and kneads, lifting you to your toes. You moan into his chest, rubbing your skin on his. Backing up, he pulls you along with him, "Here, come."
Bracing your hands on those magnificent biceps, you let your fiancé manhandle you (mostly) softly. Diego backs into the shower and you're swept along with him. His hands glide higher, over your waist to settle around your upper abdomen just under your chest, and then he lifts. 
"Eep!" Your tiny squawk is met with a husky chuckle as Diego perches you on the seat in the back of the shower. The tile isn't slippery with condensation yet and you're still too short to hit the high ceiling, so you can stand easily. Conveniently, Diego's face is just above your crotch. 
"Turn around." He rumbles. The dark eyes looking up at you are black with hunger. Diego licks his lips obscenely and you whine with want. You have no idea what he's going to do and you want it desperately. The tile is cold on your nipples and you shiver violently. "Now be a good girl and show Diego that pussy."
Its been well over a year, mutual confessions of love, international travel, an engagement ring, and he can still flame your face and melt you with mere words. Your feet spread automatically and you sink your back to poke your ass out. Heat washes over your core and you realize that Diego is inhaling your scent. His groan of pleasure makes you drip. Huge hands climb your inner thighs to pull your pussy wide open to his inspection. 
Its both humiliating and excruciatingly exciting to be in this position, precarious enough that you're cautious about moving, completely exposed, all you can really do is take whatever he gives you. One large finger bumps your clit minutely and you squeak, then he uses two fingers placed on either side to retract your hood. The direct pressure of tiny circles on your clit is electrifying, but the addition of a hot tongue leisurely lapping over your entrance liquefies your knees. You're so wet that its audible over the sound of the shower.
"Baby…" You sound like a phone sex operator and it bolsters your courage a tiny bit. "Fuck, I love your tongue."
"Mmmm." Diego's growl is almost sensory overload. He licks every inch he can reach while never faltering on your clit. You can feel his nose sliding between your cheeks and it is enticing. You must have quivered if his next words are any indication, "I'll take this fat ass, too, little girl."
And he does. His right hand spreads you wide and he licks up over your asshole, the beard scrapes your pussy deliciously raw as you keen wordlessly. Diego dives back down to spread your slick higher with each lap. The textural contrasts are driving you insane. That sinful tongue presses into you with each pass, deeper and deeper until the tip dips inside. 
Everything fades away for a moment and the only thing you know is Diego between your legs. He moans and presses further, it feels indescribable. You’ve tried anal before with fingers, it was uncomfortable and did nothing for your orgasm. This feels completely different. Your hands flail, then the left reaches behind you to thread fingers into his hair. The engagement ring catches and pulls a little, making Diego jerk and sigh. Fucker has a commitment kink, the thought makes you choke.
The growl from behind you rolls up your spine and directly into your brain. Diego changes tactics to reach around your front and rub your clit the same way you do, but never stops fucking your ass with his tongue.
"I want," you whine into the wall, hips jerking. Diego rubs the goatee harder. You suck in a shuddering breath, "Wanna come. With some part of, of you. Fuck! Inside me. In-inside. Please." Your plea is met with an appreciative rumble that makes your eyes roll back. Your begging continues, "Anything, fuck, baby, please. Please please."
Diego pulls back to sink teeth into the left globe of your ass. Your yelp is muffled, but still ridiculously high pitched. He pets over your posterior, then you feel slippery fingers where the tongue was only moments ago. 
"That can be arranged, Princess. Anything...huh? What about anywhere?" His breathless taunt gives you pause. One well lubed finger presses against your rear and you truly do want it. You already feel loose and pliant, buzzing with endorphins. Swallowing hard, you nod tightly.
"Yeah." The tiny squeak of submission makes your predator practically vibrate. Diego pushes gently, you can feel the slick of lubricant, both natural and artificial, everywhere. The pressure pulses gently, each push just a tiny bit more intrusive, until the tip of his finger is inside your ass. 
"Fuck, bonita. Such a good little Princess." The rough praise only loosens you further, but you squirm with the new and odd sensations. "So tight," he continues with a groan, "You let Diego fuck this fat ass? Huh? Take it like a good girl?"
"Yeah, yeah. Oh my god, fuck." At this point you might agree to anything as long as he makes you come. Your back sags further and you gasp as his thick finger sinks in to the knuckle. Its a lot and you freeze for a moment. Diego holds steady, letting you breathe and assess. When no protest occurs to you, he resumes rubbing your clit and Oh holy fuckin' shit.
You know its only one finger, but he feels huge to your inexperienced body. Full and stretched, not in pain, necessarily, but you can't say its comfortable, precisely. What you can say is that it drives you wild to be pinned to the wall and pleasured almost forcefully. Your entire pelvis is trembling tautly, you can feel the orgasm welling up, building ever higher. Tears escape and your mouth goes without your consent. "Please, oh fuck. Pleasepleaseplease, yeah baby. Yeah. I want it. I want." 
"Pretty Princess. Go on. Come for Diego while he fucks both your holes." The finger in your ass rotates as he repositions his hand, there's a brush of contact to your folds, and then, Fuuuuuck, then two fingers slide home in your pussy.
Your entire consciousness collapses down to your core and then snaps. Waves of contractions so strong that they make your abdomen spasm wash over you. You clamp down on every part of him that's inside you and wail. The ecstasy is only compounded by your every sense being overfilled with Diego.
"Yes, mi amor. Come for me. Come all over your Diego." The possessive tone is gratifying as Diego rides you out. Your legs shake, then buckle, your upper ass lands on his broad shoulder and Diego is quick to extract his right hand. The feeling of his finger withdrawing rapidly is intensely weird. The left hand abandons your clit to catch you in the chest, allowing your limp form to slide down his front. His hard cock leaves a sticky trail up your asscrack before it comes to rest poking into your lower back. Your legs are still wobbly and you hang onto his thick forearm for balance.
"Oh god. What the fuck. What. The. Fuck." You ramble. Did I really just come with his finger up my ass??
"Bend over." The strained rumble comes as Diego is lowering your hands to the bench, folding you in half. You teeter briefly, but manage to keep your balance. Diego grips your hips sternly and thrusts his dick between your cheeks.
"Uhh, what. You're not gonna, I don't think I can take-" 
"Relax." Diego chuckles, but it is definitely strained. Those big hands squeeze meaningfully when you lean away tensely. Diego continues thrusting in long, lazy strokes as he growls, "Come on your back. Wanna see this pretty ass covered in my come."
Oh. Okay then. Your brain is too scrambled to be concerned. It only takes a dozen or so strokes before Diego is snarling and snapping behind you, painting your butt and back white. 
"Ahhh, yesss. My good girl. Perfect little Princess." He slaps your ass to produce a jiggle and you crash forward into the wall. Diego flops onto the bench beside you and pulls your cooked spaghetti form into his lap. His come smears between your back and his front, Eww.
You start giggling again. 
"Now what?" Diego asks wryly. He's limp beneath you, that big body twitching periodically. You take in his huge feet below your dangling ones, his long legs melted under your weight. The broad chest rises and falls rapidly, it jostles you gently, he's still recovering. His scratchy chin lands on your right shoulder and Diego lolls his face into your hair. Your fingers lace with his and rest on your rounded belly.
"You're so nasty." You chortle. "I fuckin' love it."
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itsdirk · 5 years
"Yep, it's heatin' season. I doubt Karkat would have time to come for our throats, though- it's time for him to come off his suppressants, and he and Dave always sync up when they stop taking them. If we're lucky, his heat will take the edge off of his anger, and all we'll get is a solid earful about the magics of 'keeping ourselves fucking clean, you disgraceful shitstains for human beings, this is the reason why you got my mate and your dumb ass sick.'"
It is heating season huh? They always sync up? This isn’t how wolves work, going in heat is only a thing for females. The sexual cycle is just a period of healthy ovulation for female animals, basically saying when their ovaries are ready. It doesn’t apply to male wolves, that isn’t how they do it. I’m not an animal expert but I’m pretty sure the males are ready all year round. Also cycles don’t “sync up”. This isn’t like menstruation, it’s all the same for animals (dependent on species but yeah). I don’t even like how I know this, I just know this. There’s a lot of heat wave pulsing and Dirk feeling the need to mark Jake by nuzzling him, and I am in fear for my safety and my thought process. Like I’m forgetting that these characters are the same ones I read about in a webcomic that I fell in love with, they aren’t even OOC this is just so very surreal.
"What the fuck," you whisper, clutching at your chest. The anxiety is back again, sharp and painful- your meds only took the edge off of them, and even then, not by much. Your scent has risen, too, enough for you to smell it under the fruity chemical mask of your shampoo, and it's different, sweet and heavy with territorial pheromones. You feel Jake stiffen against you, hear a growl rising in his chest, and this too terrifies you- you've never heard Jake growl, not in anything that wasn't play.
"Your scent is different than usual- it's muskier," Jake murmurs, and the sound of his voice- deepened by the growl that ripped through it- makes you shiver for an entirely different reason. He doesn't move, doesn't try to pull away; you should probably shove him off, you should probably shoo him to work, you should probably finish eating and withdraw, this is something that only mates do, not friends, not roommates-
I know everyone’s like “Dirk is a sub/bottom” and I don’t care because I don’t really draw or create any kind of nsfw content so it doesn’t matter to me, but he is so submissive in this fic to the point of it being weird to accept that this is still Dirk Strider. Dirk never really had a super submissive personality, he was always stubborn and slightly argumentative at times, I wouldn’t call Dirk an ultimate alpha male or the most dominant guy in the world but he was never like this. It’s just their headcanons and their AU but it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe that’s because I just really like Dirk and I don’t like him being portrayed in this way, then I remember that I’m ranting about a wolf heat fic at almost 9 am while everyone’s asleep.
You certainly remember thinking you were luckier than Dave, whose first heat had announced itself very painfully during a shopping trip at Walmart. A young omega trying to crawl under a shelf while keening in pain and fear, reeking of fear pheromones and making every alpha in the vicinity go batshit with worry certainly wasn't the strangest thing to happen in Walmart, but it was also certainly not a thing that was very common.
Wait. Walmart? I’m so confused now, I thought this was something else, are they like furries or hairy humans or what? I’m so lost. I’m kinda skimming it because it’s so long and I just want to get to the weirder shit.
Also I almost posted this on @notdirk. God that would’ve been a huge mistake.
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