#i like both btw bravo everyone
clevercorvidae · 2 years
im sensing a major divide in how people viewed the "thank you for trusting me youre free" scene based on the art ive seen for it
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
Everyone is demanding a season 3 of newsreader but have we considered what fucked up state Dale would be in after a timeskip? Do you think as his career becomes the only thing real to Dale he would seek out another relationship with a woman(maybe she’s aware), not out of desire like Helen, but to premeditatedly cover himself because he knows there are rumours out there? Seeing hate about Dale breaks my heart because all the alienation between him and those he cares about isn’t just caused by him but the pressure of the bigoted society of the time.
Actually, I would think his deal at the end of the season already hints at that, yes.
I mean, what other... "events" and details she could write about would he be able to provide? In the Sun's gossip section? So yes, I expect a (trophy) wife and maybe kids even. At least... for a while. And, of course, the career.
And I don't get hate on him, tbh (and not just because I like Sam btw). I also haven't seen much of it, but then I didn't go and look because... yeah. I expected it, tbh.
Dale is... almost too naïve, too head-driven. The traumatic experience with his school friend has driven all other motivations out of him, what's left is his feelings and needs (which he cannot fully suppress, obviously) and the ambition. He loves Helen, and he wants to keep her safe at any cost - ill-advised actions included.
And I must say that it hurt terribly to see them break apart then, Anna said in the podcast that the infidelity (the kiss) from s1 still influenced Helen, and... that's so terrible in a way, that she is still so insecure about it all at that point (and we already see hints of that in the hotel room) - but also that it whiplashes right back, because ill-advised proposal(s) or not... he meant it?! Twice.
And only then do they both do something stupid?!
He gets drunk and (abandoned by both Gerry and Tim?! The fuck? You don't do that guys.) and blackouts with someone, and she... goes to "the real man". Ouch.
(And I love and hate that scene in the hallway, where you can see how hurt he actually is, and how much she is reeling. Bravo to the acting but dammit.)
Dale then... loses some of his innocence, after. He has to, he has to own up in a way, or lose it all. It's why he rejects her (also absolutely) ill-advised proposal, after. He knows they're past that. He knows he is.
And so he does what Gerry did.
Pain, pain and more pain.
But hate?
No. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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echowithpain · 5 days
Alright since my power went out and I missed the rest of the episode, I finally watched it on Hulu. I didn't blog my reactions because 1, it wasn't live anymore so it wouldn't be "live blogging" and 2, my Hulu account doesn't give commercials so I was always immediately thrown into the next scene with no time to process what I was seeing. So I'm going straight into my "Echo's Essays".
That being said, holy fuck this episode was a rollercoaster. Uhh... 6.5/10. I'm going off of what's fresh in my mind so these might be in reverse order.
Buckle up, this is another long one.
Starting off, the fire in Bobby and Athena's place. Once again, I need to say to everyone that if they made it so Amir started the fire, we are going to have a problem and I'm tanking the last episodes rating from a 10 to a 2, and this episode from a 6.5 to a 4. No if's and's or but's about it.
I'm so glad Athena's okay, but fuck, Bobby's in the hospital. I've also chosen to ignore the promos because with how it looked, it makes it seem like he's on a breathing tube and his heart stops when for all we know, his heart could've stopped when he got there and he's fine for the rest of the episode, just resting.
Holy fuck, Bobby's dad tho? The way he was in Bobby's dream making them both drinks (so glad they didn't make Bobby relapse) and the way he brought out the gift Bobby made him as a kid but the twisted way he said "It's a book of all the people you've failed to save!" and how he was the first one? DUDE!!!! 😭 That was so messed up! I love the storytelling but it was still messed up 😭😭😭 But also amazing?? The thing that symbolized life and heroism being the thing that killed his father (also the alcohol), but the twisted version that symbolized death and failure (plus his dad) being the thing that saved Bobby (and Athena's) life.
Bravo 👏👏👏
Next we have Kim dressing up as Shannon and having the talk with Eddie. That was... Something. When she first showed up, I thought Eddie was dreaming. I mean, he was sleeping on the couch (not saying anything about that), and "woke up" to her knocking on the door. Plus her looking like Shannon, I thought, "Oh, this is a dream." AND THEN IT WASNT???
While I appreciate the fact that Eddie had the opportunity to "say what he wanted to say" to "Shannon", I was also uncomfortable? Eddie's known Kim for how long?? And she finally finds out she looks and sounds like Eddie's dead wife, (btw, I'm glad they didn't drag that plot point on for too long. Buck had a talk with Eddie about it and next scene we get with him he's showing Kim pics of Shannon. I was pleasantly surprised) and that that's why they're seeing each other, and she decides to dress up like Shannon, EVEN GOT A DIFFERENT HAIR STYLE, and talk to him???????
You're seeing this man who seems interested in you, you aren't officially boy/girlfriends but you're going on dates and spending time together, you then find out the whole reason he was interested in you is because you look like his dead wife who he has unresolved issues with and he's clearly not okay about it, and you decide to change your hair so it looks like hers, wear clothes AND JEWELRY that looks similar to hers, and then talk to him pretending to be his dead wife and gaslighting him when he tells you to stop????
What the actual fuck????
Like, I guess I get it? You want to give him the closure he never got with Shannon, but that's not up to you??? That's between him and his therapist!
That whole thing would've been better if it really was just a dream. Literally keep the scene exactly the same, you can even have "Shannon" saying the exact same things, maybe add a couple sentences here or there to prove it's really Shannon, but it's a dream that Eddie's having while he's sleeping.
Ryan Guzman's acting was incredible in this scene, but it was unfortunately undercut by the undefined amount of ICK that washed over me when I realized he wasn't dreaming and Kim was doing dead wife cosplay. The ick isn't even justified! I would've still felt icky if that's what the show did to get rid of Marisol (get fucked) but at least something else good would've come of it. INSTEAD!!! They decided to make the ick even more prominent by having Christopher there too!
The only way they could've salvaged that was either make the conversation a dream, or have Marisol walk in alone, that way the good would've outweighed the bad. But what they did was have the worse thing happen in both scenarios!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU BRING CHRISTOPHER INTO THAT??? And before you say "Oh Marisol didn't know that was happening when she was bringing him home"- Shut the fuck up, I'm talking to the writers.
After going through losing his mom, surviving a freaking tsunami, all the therapy he went through, being mad at his mom for leaving, and finding comfort in the letter she left him, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM???
I started off feeling uncomfortable but now I'm pissed off.
What do you expect is going to happen next? Eddie tries to explain to his son why he was in their house holding onto a woman who looks and sounds exactly like his dead mother??? How can you explain that???? He's a kid! Yeah he's gotten older and is more mature BUT HE'S STILL A KID!!! NO KID SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT!!! FUCK, NO ONE, REGARDLESS OF AGE, SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT!!!!
That was... Horrible? Disgusting? Unnecessary? Yes to all, and I'm moving on before this part gets any longer.
Speaking of kids, fuck that councilwoman for interfering with Mara getting officially adopted! Yeah, your son died because Hen didn't treat him, but say it with me everyone:
You can be mad at Hen all you want for being active captain when that happened, but destroy her work life not her personal life! Mara is a troubled child who needs a home and the woman saw how happy she was with Hen, Karen, and Denny. If you wanna be pissed at Hen, BE PISSED AT HEN!!! Don't bring children into it!
And don't say "the guy who died was her child". The guy who died was a grown ass man, I'm talking about literal children. No matter how much he acted like a child, he was still a grown adult capable of drinking and driving. How do you logic that you're gonna hurt a woman you hold in mind responsible for the death of your grown ass son, and look at a little girl who's got nothing to do with anything except being excited about being adopted and think "I'm gonna rob this small child of a loving home and family and ruin her life! That'll show that woman that I really mean business!"
Anyway, moving on.
Um... I appreciate Athena reaching out to someone to help Bobby, but I don't think that should've been Amir. Athena saying Bobby's on a tightrope and falling in one direction because of Amir, shouldn't you have gotten someone to tip him in the other direction? The person who caused him to tip in the first place whether intentionally or not shouldn't have been anywhere near him. The episode even accents this by having Amir go to their house, see all of their happy pictures (which was hard to watch by the way), and say he has to leave. Since he's now said to both Bobby and Athena to stay away from him/out of his life, if the writers try to make them go after him again to apologize, don't. Just send him a letter with the word "Sorry." written on it. Leave that man alone please.
...Do I have anything else to say? I think that just about covers everything important, at least that I can think of off the top of my head. Strong mixed emotions with this one guys... I'm worried about the next episode.
See you next week ✌️
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munmunx5 · 3 years
Thoughts on Sex Ed S3
It’s been over a week since Season 3 of Sex Education and here are some of my thoughts since it’s not considered as “spoilery” now.
I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I did on the show than when I was watching Episode 3x08. They hit the feels in all the right directions. I am not the biggest fan of Adam but bravo on the writers for making him so vulnerable this season that I couldn’t help but emphasize with him.
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I’m all for seeing the Adam/Rahim dynamic developing more next season. Adam’s surprising Rahim time and time again this season, proving him wrong in his preconceived prejudices towards him. So much potential there. I also knew Adam/Eric weren’t going to work (sorry!). They were/are on different wavelengths. Let’s not forget that Adam bullied Eric for years... it’s just not a healthy set-up for a end-game relationship. I’ll talk more about that later.
The theme of this season? ACCEPTANCE.
- Hope’s lack of acceptance into her situation and narrow-mindedness worldview made her into an unhappy and ruthless Headmaster
- Moordale Secondary finally embracing and accepting their sexuality
- Eric finally completely accepting who he is and what he wants.
- Maureen and Aimee accepting that it is okay to be alone and that is what they need right now.
S3 was also about seeing these teenagers grow up and learn to accept the harsh realities of life.
I think people forget that these characters are only 17 years old (Maeve literally said it multiple times this season, the writers’ reminder to the viewers perhaps?!). I get so peeved when I see people saying anti-Otis, anti-Maeve sentiments. Teenagers make mistakes, they do stupid things, they regret doing these said stupid things, they break up with each other, they mend, and they fall IN LOVE (constantly). If you’ve been a teenager, you know... the angst is real. What makes this show so fun to watch is that we get to follow the lives of very flawed teenagers portrayed in a realistic and emotional way, without being overtly bashing, stereotypical or corny (like most teen dramas).
A big majority of the fandom are talking about Ruby/Otis being so amazing and end-game. That’s bullocks. It was clearly set up to be a one-time thing. It was a growing up moment for the both of them. Otis is finally embracing his own sexuality. Ruby is now finally learning how to love someone else besides her parents and herself. She was a complete arsehole and bully to everyone in Season 1 (even to her own friends). You can’t give her a free pass for all her misgivings just because she looks good with Otis or because she takes care of her sick father (btw, wouldn’t we all?). She was ashamed of her home life. She was ashamed of Otis. She was trying to control everything about Otis when they were together, to the point where he couldn’t chew his food in front of her. TOXIC relationship at it’s best. It’s real sad to me that people are obsessed with them. It just doesn’t make sense. Also, I didn’t see the chemistry. It was just teenage lust, and that was how Asa played it. There was no love on Otis’ part. Why ship a one-sided relationship?
Now, on to the foundation of the show: Otis and Maeve.
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Everything falls back on them. Two words. SEX CLINIC.
They are the main reason Moordale turned into the “sex school” and the basis of the show (Eric clearly acknowledged this.) They have literally brought out the best in each other. Meave made Otis realize that he has a knack for talking to people and helping them (btw, his scene with Hope was beautiful, and I cried when I saw Jean listening on). Maeve brought him out of his shy “wallflower” bubble and into a person that people are drawn towards for advice. (Otis and Maeve both speaking up to everyone during the new SRE lectures and respectively getting kicked out was brilliant to see). Otis constantly encouraged Maeve to be the best that she could be academically and helped her to acknowledge her own brilliance (trophy from S1, anyone?). Yes, they have been selfish and have let jealously get the best of them (house party speech in S2, Maeve telling Ola that Otis is a virgin in S1...) . But that’s only human, isn’t it? Also, like most things in real life, they experienced a-many missed opportunities and bad timing with each other.
And their last scene with each other (fitting that it’s the final scene of S3):
“We have to see where we’re at when I get back.”
“So this is goodbye?”
“No, no... it’s see you soon.”
It’s left open-ended and there is no finality for the viewers. But we all know that they are meant to be. It is not yet the right timing yet for them to be together, but Maeve is emotionally strong enough to accept that, and now so is Otis.
Nothing screams endgame on the show than Otis and Maeve. The show revolves around them. I would’ve liked to see more scenes between Asa and Emma together because they have incredible chemistry but I think the writers wanted to focus on their other relationships more (and also a lot more time were spent with side characters this season). The writers also never forgot about them. We always saw the longing glances, the almost text messages/phone calls, and the conversations they have with other people about each other. Their romantic scenes were thoughtfully crafted. They made Eric (his speechlessness when Otis told him they kissed was PRICELESS) and Aimee their biggest shippers ever, which makes complete sense since they are the two people that know Otis and Maeve the best. 
Judging by Emma’s latest interview about wanting to have a scene with Gillian next season (if it happens), we know there’s a chance she’s coming back on for Season 4.
One final comment, I absolutely LOVE Miss Sands. 
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
A surprising number of people seemed to like what I had to say about Separate Tides, so let's do it again with Escaping Expulsion! Again, no profound insights or deep analysis here, just some of my thoughts.
Wow, Odalia, it only took you two minutes to make me hate your guts, bravo!
Incidentally, after hearing Odalia call Amity "Mittens," that nickname is officially ruined for me.
The fact Amity keeps the Grom photo on her at all times ❤
Luz giving me flashbacks to the Avatar intro
Of course Lilith is a teacher's pet. And of course it's adorable.
I didn't know "tool" as an insult was allowed on kids' shows, but then again Gravity Falls did get away with "McSuckit," so...
My boy Gus is becoming a man! Love that for him!
As disturbing as that fairy pie is (can't wait to see what @dtdynasty does with that, btw), it's a very sweet gesture, especially if Amity made it herself.
The fact Odalia had Amity come along just to witness the expulsion 🤬
Ah, Alador, you're almost endearing enough to make me forget you're a terrible father.
I know it's mostly played for laughs, but Bump does seem genuinely heartbroken about having to expel Luz, Willow, and Gus.
Willow watering the tree with her tears 💔
I can empathize with Amity in this situation. Gathering up the courage to stand up to a domineering parental figure is hard.
The animators knew exactly what they were doing putting Luz in that pose. Prove me wrong.
More Lulu and Hootcifer! Fuck yeah.
I do appreciate that Luz encounters the abomination butler and almost immediately gives it a cat face. By extension, I also appreciate that Amity sees the cat face and immediately knows who stopped by.
I had heard the comparisons made between the Blights and Tony Stark, and considering their main business I can see it.
Considering how much Odalia is enjoying tormenting poor Luz, I think the show really wants me to hate her. To which I shall oblige.
I never knew or even thought about what the Hexside uniform looked like without the cowl until this episode.
Happy to see Willow's dads have more screen time. Maybe more than a few seconds in future episodes?
At least we know that Glasses Dad is the Cool Dad.
"Luz is in trouble!" "Again!"
The way they argue about how to break into the building is a nice moment. Ironically, the way they bicker actually makes me believe their friendship.
Ed and Em coming in with the assist (and "Hex me" signs) is likewise a good sibling/family moment.
The whole "Stay away from my Luz!" moment...I have further words, but I'll need another post (and some screencaps) for that.
Also, Amity, goddamn-ity! Be the badass you were destined to be!
Overall great Lumity content in this one.
I saw a few rumblings about Luz not being the one to figure out the whole combining glyphs thing, but I'm honestly okay with it. As smart and clever as Luz is, it's important to remember that Eda and Lilith still have 40+ years of experience using magic, and they were both shown to be strong academically, so it makes sense for them to make such discoveries.
As weird as it sounds, seeing Odalia and Alador talk post-demo, I think they actually genuinely love each other. It would be more endearing if they weren't such shitty parents.
While I wasn't charmed by the Golden Guard in the last episode like everyone else seemed to be, I actually liked his presence here. The veiled threat wrapped inside the gift of financial support was rather brilliant. It somehow hadn't occurred to me that what Blight Industries was doing was tantamount to building a private army, but in hindsight that's actually quite obvious.
One last thing: I find it interesting that Blight Industries, as successful and lucrative as it is, is, in fact, a subsidiary of the Abomination Coven. I wonder how that'll come into play later...
Okay, that's it for now. I think later I'll talk about Amity's dramatic entrance and why that was the perfect moment for Luz to realize her crush on Amity.
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the-queen-of-ships · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Whitney’s Curse
The title is self-explanatory, but basically this is just an excuse for me to talk about Whitney under the pretense of a very deep theory because not enough attention is placed on Best Tiger. So enjoy my incoherent rambling that I tried to section and edit to coherent enough rambling so other people can understand me. And I think I did a pretty good job. This is a long one so I decided to add a keep reading for those scrolling.
Also I suggest reading today’s new chapter; Ep. 121 The Gala Begins. Because I’ll be mentioning a few things from that chapter.
We all know why we clicked read more. It’s for our darling tiger boi; Whitney and because of this;
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So, to hit things off my theory is that Whitney’s curse is acting up because of the negative emotions he feels about his past; more specifically his past with Calpernia. No, I don’t think it’s because of jealousy towards Asa or having uncertain feelings for Prez, as much as I want that to be true even I believed that when I haven’t thought things through. No, I don’t think Whitney is just having seasonal allergies or a weird allergic reaction to something, as funny as that may be.
Before getting into it, let’s start by agreeing that this all started on "Ep. 105 Portraits (Part 2)" when Curtis confronted Whitney about why he was still with the club, warning him if he had any ulterior motives that he will basically at best; kick him out and at worse; kill him. "(S3) Bonus Short 3" it is shown that Whitney was actually and surprisingly visible shaken and terrified by Curtis threat.
This causes him to be shaken by Prez’s presence, note "Ep. 106 Jamie’s Art Show".  “Right, Whitney? No hard feelings between us?” “Right, no hard feelings” Those two sentences make up a whole new can of worms but this is about Whitney’s curse so nope.
These bouts of pain happened three times. The first one is on; "Ep. 111 Curses and Cures". Where Whitney expressed that he thinking of leaving and Prez reassured Whitney that she fully forgives him, stating that both have change and she welcomes him to the club. After that Whitney is surprised before grabbing his nose and saying “ow”. Second is “Ep. 112 Taking Whitney Out (Part 1)” where Whitney witnesses Prez beating up fighting a guy who’s whole aesthetic is Johnny Bravo but more douchier reminding him that Prez is no longer the same quiet and obedient girl he knew before and afterwards wincing again; “what’s this aching pain that keeps happening?!:” Proving that this pain is new thing that has never happened to him before in the last few years he’s had his curse. And finally, “Ep. 113 Taking Whitney Out (Part 2)”, where after overhearing a girl gushing about Prez reuniting with her true love; Asa. This causes him the worse pain yet out of three, causing his face to go red and his eyes bloodshot and it remaining that way for an entire week causing him to not leave his room. (Which btw freaking called it) (More on this later)
So these pains all have one thing in common, they only happen when he is reminded of his past with Calpernia, and although I love the idea that Whitney is having a hard time coming to terms with his feelings for Prez and envies Asa, I personally believe Whitney is guilty and insecure about his position in Prez’s life and being treated so well.
After the talk with Curtis, Whitney becomes more... “doubtful” about his change. Cause before this Whitney was more self-assured about his change, he isn’t boastful about it but he has broken the bridge of his past self from his present self. Ie. referring to his past self with “I was” instead of “I am”. “Ep. 111 Curses and Cures”, he says he deserves to be locked up in prison in the Polygon Kingdom and “Ep. 112 Taking Whitney Out (Part 1)” is when we’re shown Whitney’s point of view and he wonders if he and Prez really had changed.
Whitney is like this because he’s starting to believe he doesn’t deserve all this positivity he’s getting from everyone because of all the terrible things he has done. During his short monologue at the end of “Ep. 113 Taking Whitney Out (Part 2)”, I was terrified because of the last statement. It is shown that Whitney comes to the conclusion that these positive things or really basic human necessities like a cozy bedroom, partaking in drinks, getting close to other members in the club, just living like any other human, being could make a beast. Because I personally believe, he has long associated his previously lavish and royal life with his old self.
He isn’t jealous that Asa and Calpernia will end up together, he’s guilty because he practically ripped Prez away from that life, a life where she could’ve been happy with a man she loved with her family who loved her. He having no idea what she went through before meeting him. 
I believe that this would lead him the same path as Gwen in the season premiere of season 3 in pain and alone but I’m happy because on “Ep. 119 Piano Face Off (Part 2)” Whitney told Prez about what’s going on with him after an entire week of hiding.
Which I am very much glad about, because I’m certain if he goes to the path of avoidance this could only mean his condition will worsen and to be honest, I only have one outcome in mind.
Let me explain how his curse situation is working. I think his curse is kind of progressing like Gwen’s shattered reflection where it starts off small but will worsen over time depending on how she continues to perceive herself. Those small pains were just the beginning but the progress accelerated, because of....
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I call to the stand.... Blue Dress Princess!
Her curse is she will cause men to feel anguish with her words and she was the one outside Whitney’s room that night and her words were the last thing he heard before he stumbled into the bathroom. I’m not sure what stage is Whitney on since he seems physically fine and not at all in pain but this could cause him to turn into a tiger or cause him death if he experiences more guilt.
Anyway I don’t have proof on that last one, it’s merely speculation on my part but that’s how I think it’s going to go down in the gala especially considering Whitney’s brother; Greyden is there and who knows how Whitney will react after seeing his brother again. I’d like to think he’s completely put it past them but I kind of want to see Whitney mad and showing emotions for once. Cause for someone who’s so calm and seems like he’s got everything under control out of this colorful cast of characters, he’s really going through a lot.
Anyway knowing the information about the blue dress princess, it actually makes Whitney’s situation more heart breaking. Because right now he’s under the impression that these good things that’s happening to him now is what’s causing him to fully turn, the love and affection from other members he wants to have but he can’t accept because he could become a danger to them. In the short time we’ve known Whitney, we’ve gotten attached and want him to be happy just like everyone else and just prior to this, he was really, truly happy when the CPC gave him his decorated bedroom wanting him to join the club, wanting him to stay with them, because they appreciate him, that was the very first time he smiled since his first appearance, a true genuine smile. And just when he was coming to terms that he deserves this, he sees his reflection. Black strips red, like they were freshly open wounds; bleeding, eyes bloodshot. At that moment, to him, he really looked like a monster.
Also for some reason I have a nonexistent memory of Prez calling Whitney a monster in the past, idk it fits. Seems painful, sounds like good angst to me.
Any how I’d like to hear some thoughts and add-ons to my ramblings. Also I'll be posting a bunch about this new chapter, I'll keep it all on read more until next week's new chapter releases.
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seoafin · 3 years
the funny thing about the fake marriage thing is that between all our friends they would never even actually think we’re together bc we’re both just too gay LMAO also yes... i’m rlly glad this is a safe space and that many can relate <3 i wish all closeted gays a good evening and i hope that they know that they are always loved and accepted even if it seems like they’re not.
i saw the eye theory being mentioned here too and i’m like 👀.... i personally like the idea but also yeah would he still have his eyes if he lost both his eyes??? how many eyes would he have left i’m crying. also about the nanami thing and gege only liking him.... i’m not sure if i would even like trust their words at this rate considering what happens in the shibuya incident BDKDBDKD my prediction for the ending would be only megumi living through all of it (which would REALLY suck). in all honesty, i’m just hoping it doesn’t end up like other manga where it ends up getting rushed and the ending will feel poopy (like kny...)
i’m glad someone likes the idea of the role reversal btw <3 i personally loved satosugu’s whole thing in the manga and it made me pass out when gojo literally went “my soul rejects you” like okay we get it.. their dynamic is just so good and i want to go on a whole rant about how much i love them and how geto was truly the only one that could call him out and be considered his ‘equal’... also that part where geto goes “at least curse at me a little at the very end” while smiling hahaha. they’re in love your honor.
BUT AAAAAA. imagine if gojo had to kill rip!mc himself in this role reversal and like... i just imagine he had a very sad conversation with shoko asking her to basically not get rid of the body (like he did with geto). i feel like he’d blame himself and think that he actually cursed her? getwo did say he was only considerate in the most awkward moments so 😌.. I’M SORRY FOR THE ANGST BUT ITS SOOOOOOO <3 the prison realm gets activated and all gojo can think about is how he failed rip!mc and i imagine for the brief moment the body’s personality switches back rip!mc tears up bc gojo says “i’m sorry” and she knows he’s too proud to say that. hehe - 💫 anon
that last ask i sent was rlly long so i hope u enjoyed the angst i sent :) (it lowkey hurt me too ngl) anyways i hope u have been doing well 🥰 - 💫 anon
oohhhhhhhh my goddddddkdndddddd
GOJO BEING CONSIDERATE TO GETO BY NOT LETTING SHOKO GET RID OF THE BODY IS JUST HGNREGJ I HATE THINKING ABOUT IT SO MUCH. that quote was literally the only thing that stuck out to me the entire chapter. gojo’s act of kindness only came after geto was dead because he’s just. so awkward!!
yeah kny’s ending was rushed (i kinda lost interest but ik people weren’t happy haha)
also if megumi rlly is the only survivor. i will. just. pass away. he doesn’t deserve that
ok maybe I will elaborate on the angst bc im a sucker for self-loathing gojo (spoilers for shibuya arc just in case)
the part abt rip!mc regaining control of her body only for gojo to tell her im sorry....goodbye that actually hurts :D sdfjdsfnjhg OUCH
you know what’s even sadder??? rip!mc not being killed by gojo. she quits being a jujutsu sorcerer after riko’s death. gojo and geto and shoko keep their distance after she quits, especially gojo (otherwise he’d be showing up at her place every other day tbh), because they think she just needs time. like i’ve said before, after the amanai incident everyone just pretended rip!mc was okay when she really wasn’t okay. but she was insistent that they leave her alone, so they left it. mental health care in japan, especially back then??? horrible. so obviously none of them had the proper resources to fully acknowledge their trauma (and that’s on the adults!!!)
and then she dies. off screen. no fanfare or bravo just like nanami
soon yaga is telling them, fingers squeezing his temple, voice trembling that you’re dead. silence ensues afterwards as they try to digest the information. the cigarette falls out of shoko’s mouth. geto’s eyes are wide. gojo’s shock turns into fury within seconds, and not even geto knows if he’s mad at you, himself, or the world.
the first thing impulsive teenager gojo wants to do is see your body. confirm it with his six eyes that you’re dead. you don’t have family either. what’s going to happen to your body?? the day before your funeral shoko spends the night in the morgue with your body. geto goes to your apartment. gojo is gone and only comes back in time for the funeral. the three of them spend the entire day at your grave.
gojo blaming himself for not being there??? for leaving you alone???
he will forever be haunted by the thought of you dying alone.
or alternatively:
geto defects and then you finally quit. you still die. geto finds out and goes to your grave every year. five years after you’ve passed away, he’s about to leave when he finds gojo standing a couple feet away.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Druck is objectively better than all remakes at making a pointed effort to do better with their pic reps. They actually take in the feedback of their audience and try to execute a better product. There are problems with druck and 80% of it is the fandom. Ofc all remakes have issues tho, so ppl should chill. Druck fans unapologetically shit on other remakes while, wtfock fans and skam fr fans have the courtesy of slyly getting their digs in there. It's quite amusing to watch from the sidelines
this is super long but for you anon.
So I think we need to look at these three remakes as what I call the og period and the original period because they do change alot once they get more freedom some for the absolute worse. Ok so lets talk first about the OG periods. To be perfectly honest s1 in all these remakes are just ok. Jana & Jens are a bit unbearable but Jana as a whole is fine and am happy she doesnt end up with Jens. Same with Hanna and Jonas they aren’t unbearable per-say but I am also not gushing over them but I do like Jonas being a heart throb music man sometimes but once again they dont burn into my core but am happy they reunite. Love Emma and love Yann just not together its that simple. S2 is where we really start to see the difference. Charles is the devil so I hate skamfr s2 and like really Manon stays with him??? ughh why?? Daphne is right at almost bursting into laughter when he talks about doing philanthropy. Ok bruh....sure. Winterberg is fine I dont hate them and I dont love them they are just okay to me. S2 happens to be wtfock best season so its kinda hard to stack them up because this is the best they ever looked. All of the s3 for all these remakes are good. To say they aren’t would just be nonsense some are better then others but all are above average. Now S4....... well well well. What can we say the elusive goldstar Sana season is yet to be made (I will say the script for Italia s4 is fantastic, THE SCRIPT).
Skamfr s4 was a mess and ridiculous and Druck’s s4 was lazy and harbored accents of prejudice all over it.Both seasons undercut their woc and both miss the opportunity to write deep meaningful stories that explored the societal struggles of muslim women. Skamfr s4 just happened to really just shows us their colors but honestly am not shocked this is skam the micro racist decisions are all over the verse. TBD on yasmina season.
 NOW......this all changes when we talk about the original seasons because this is when we see the shows on their own and also we get to see if they have been listening and absorbing the fan commentary or not. So let’s get the obvious out of the way wtFOCK was an absolute mess and maybe the worse season ever created in the skamverse the only thing that made that season even slightly bearable was the Moyo arc which I hear it actually continues in s5 so in a weird way s4 is actually about Moyo since his story continues but we already know thats only because if the fans saw Kato on the screen for a matters of seconds the volcano of hate would explode. I despise how Noa has become the pseudo main of s4 but didnt get the credit. It kills me they did this to him. Maining Romi is the worse mistake ever made by any remake and thats just fact. Now do I want to see a newgen out of wtfock? hmmmm ask me after s5 but am leaning towards probably not but am on the fence. Now skamfr .....let me say this one thing skam fr is nothing without their cast. Talk about fucking talent. Those kids can act their ass off but their writing is atrocious. s5 could have been good they had all the ingredients but the writers bomb it. S6 once again flavie amazing the writing a shit show. S7 lucie was amazing the writing was better but still needs work I think it pretty obvious skam fr is going to step into the thunderdome and finally do what no skam has done before and main bilal but should I really applaud it taking 8 seasons and 35 plus skamverse seasons to get here??? Probably not, but since no one else is gonna pull the trigger I wish them well and at least skamfr listen and lamifex is super rich in diversity and they are honestly a fabulous newgen. They are such a ridiculous squad but god I love them and Jo is an angel. Please please skamfr please write a good story for a brown boy I beg of you!!! Now druck s5 all I can say is Bravo!! If skamfr is their cast then Druck is their writers. That s5 season is a fucking beast. Thats how you write an original skam season. They also listen the cast is super diverse. The girl squad feels natural and their age I actually like that the insta squad are problematic as fuck and happen to be queer. Like just cause your a gay baby doesnt mean you arent an ass. s6 for me personally was ok maybe its unfair of me but I expect amazing writing out of druck and s6 to me was not their best. It could have been amazing they touched so many topics but never deeply explored them and I wanted more for fatou. Also def got the vibes at the end they were panicking on who to main next season so everyone got a little plot thread but that also distracted me from fatou but I love the Mailin plot it was really smart and done well. I didnt hate her but boy did she bug the shit out me.That how you write modern day racism and white privilege. I just wish Ava’s plot was spread more onto fatou they were moments but i wanted more. So I guess I do think out of the original seasons druck s5 is the best. Nora being white didnt matter because she was written well but i do think Tiff being the main out of skamfr wasnt the best choice but then seeing Lucie act am like ok i get it but honestly I expect that from that cast they can all kill it so why not let someone else be the main and not tiff. BTW druck’s cast is good too I just dont think they are as good as the skamfr cast on the acting front but they are some members that are very very good. Like you said because Druck does listen I hope they listen to the honest criticism of s6. I know some people are like its the best ever but like its not....am sorry s5 was way better then s6 and that makes me sad because i want my black girl magic.... I do expect s7 to be good because when the writers for druck have the room to take their time they always kill it but I also feel like they are about to pull a Tiff on us and main Ismail(plus constantine as the side plot) but if I trust anyone with not fucking it up its them. Concerning the fandoms I live off tag and I do that for a reason. The fandom tags are alot but the druck one is almost hostile and honestly you would love the show more if you didnt interact with it. The skamfr tag is hilarious because they are no anti’s its just a bunch of arm chair critics making memes at how ridiculous the frenchies are but in away it makes the remake super fun because no one cares anymore. The wtfock tag has really high highs and really insane lows. When its low its really low so I have decided to live off tag. For those who haven’t..... god speed. Your brave souls!!
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"tell me how you actually feel for once" for starker. Love your writing btw
What You Want
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Mature (M)  Notes: Thanks a ton, nonnie! I appreciate the compliment. This was a fun one - I hope you enjoy it!  Word Count: ~3.5k Summary: 
Peter’s a little tired of the back and forth with Tony, so he takes their ‘relationship’ into his own hands.
His weird tango with Tony started right after graduation.
It took a few months post-Thanos for everyone to get their shit back together, Peter included. He ran off with Ned and MJ to Europe, only to be duped by someone hell bent on taking Tony Stark and the company his family built down to the ground. Mysterio fucked him up and it took a while to find a way to figure out what was real and what wasn’t. While he did, he stepped away from the Avenger’s completely, ducked his head, and finished out the year to the best of his ability.
Walking into the gym in his cap and gown, Peter was genuinely surprised to see the entire crew sitting in the row next to May. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Thor – even Nat and Bruce were tucked into the small chairs mandated for friends and family. His face broke into a wide grin – it’d been a while since he saw anyone and, in that instant, he knew that his decision to go back to the Avenger’s was the right one.
The row where they were all standing broke into the loudest applause of the day when Peter walked across the stage. Thor, in his ornamental garb stood up and yelled – “Bravo, Master Peter!” It echoed around the gym and caused the rest of the people to clap even louder. Red-faced, he grabbed his diploma from some lady he’d never seen before and finished the walk. Right before he stepped off the stage, he lifted the folder in his hands and let out a whoop.
His eyes caught Tony on the walk back to his seat – his whiskey colored eyes bore into him, a soft smile playing on the older man’s lips. In the few months since their final interaction with Thanos, Tony was the only person he tried to keep in contact with. The ruse of being one of Tony’s interns was going to be a great cover for why he was always with Tony and around the other Avenger’s on a pretty constant basis.
No one knew about his secret identity – and he planned to keep it that way.
Peter took the smile on Tony’s face with him all the way back to his seat – the image of it burnt into his brain. They’d been talking on the phone and over text messages since his final brief with Tony and Happy after the Europe fiasco – it sent a bunch of weird feelings flowing through him, seeing the look on Tony’s face in person. The crush he’d been trying so hard to get rid of was still there, then.
Between the look on Tony’s face and MJ’s parting words, Peter was plenty occupied for the rest of the ceremony. It wasn’t until Michael Parker, his line buddy since elementary school, bumped him in the side that he got to his feet and stood with the rest of his class. Back in the moment, Peter found himself grinning with his full face – he was finally done and able to find himself on a different playing field with the people around him. Peter Parker wasn’t a kid any longer.
After giving MJ and Ned a quick hug, Peter rushed to find May and the rest of the rag tag group of people that were there for him. It wasn’t hard to follow the loud noise of everyone trying to talk at once down the hall and right into the swell of his favorite people. The group hug that followed made his heart burst, a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks. Peter didn’t really know much about family – but these people around him felt more like home than anything else on the planet.
Peter got an individual hug from everyone in the group – his face literally on fire by the time he got to Tony; he’d been unable to pull the beaming smile from his cheeks for the past ten minutes. Tony standing in front of him didn’t help, either.
In the few months since their last encounter, Tony let his hair grow out a little, the man not bothering with the dye in it, either. The usually dark locks were streaked through with gray – the salt and pepper look doing too many things for Peter to handle in that moment. He traded the goatee in for a full faced beard that was finely manicured. The wrinkle of his cheek from the beaming smile slipping across his face made Peter’s heart stutter.
Tony looked amazing – better than he remembered.  
There was a brief moment of hesitation when Tony let Peter look his fill. Tony’s wide smile got a little bigger when they finally shared a glance – strong arms were around Peter’s shoulder before he could even think to fill the space between them himself. A soft sigh left Peter’s lips, the solid press of Tony against him the best thing he’d experienced all night. “Hey Tony,” Peter mumbled, his head tucking into Tony’s neck without much thought.
It took them a few extra seconds to pull away – both of them obviously reluctant. Peter smiled when Tony made a bit of distance between them, but kept a hand on his hip, too. The normally colored shades were replaced with clear lens, the brightness of Tony’s eyes shining through them. “Congrats, kid – glad you’re finally done with all this,” Tony said in way of reply to Peter’s greeting. His hand squeezed Peter’s hip while he spoke, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Same – and now that I’m done, you can stop calling me kid. Pete will do.” Peter matched Tony’s grin, a soft chuckle falling from his lips as he did. “Thanks, though – I know all of you guys being here was your thing. It was a great surprise.” He looked over Tony’s shoulder to the group chatting idly with each other. “I definitely get the coolest family award.”
Tony’s hand moved from his hip, the arm slinging over his shoulder instead. Peter gasped at the warmth against his side, being so close to Tony something that still made his head swim. Tony was a little less restrained than usual and Peter was more than willing to soak it the fuck up.
“Sure thing, Pete. Everyone wanted to see you – I think it’s finally sinking in, you coming to officially join the team. I figured celebrating your first step into adulthood was a good way to get everyone together before shit gets real again.” Tony cupped his shoulder tenderly, pulling him closer. “And I missed you. I mean – I couldn’t miss this.”
Whatever Peter planned on saying was interrupted by May pulling both him and Tony into a hug. Ever since finding out that he was Spider-Man and the way Tony fit into all of that, May treated Tony like one of her own whenever she saw him. If anything could make Peter like Tony more, it was that – May’s approval of the good person Tony actually was.
With a final squeeze, Tony pulled away, stepping back into the swell of people around them with a raised eyebrow and a wink. Peter watched him turn and engage Bruce in a conversation, the charmer in him fitting naturally into whatever he and Nat were talking about. Shaking his head, Peter moved his attention back to May, a knowing smile on her face.
“It’s not nearly as weird now that you’re not in school. I can’t tell you why – but, I am less opposed. Just make sure he treats you well.” She looked at him, then turned her head to look over at Tony, who, despite trying not to, was also looking over in their direction. He nodded and tried to smile casually – his jerky transition back into conversation with Bruce probably only noticeable to Peter.
Kissing her on the cheek, Peter turned May towards Thor – her eyes lighting up when the blonde god turned and immediately engaged with her. He could always rely on the churlish brute to charm the pants off anyone sent his way.
Peter found Tony by himself a few hours later. They were in the newly refurbished Stark Tower – Tony needed to have a sanctuary in the city and missed the old building – he wrote to Peter about it when Happy enlisted him to move some of the things around the penthouse. Tony was leaning against the railing on the balcony that overlooked the city, an untouched whiskey in his hands. “Mr. Graduate – enjoying your party?” Tony asked, his head turning to meet Peter’s eyes.
He stood close enough to Tony for their shoulders to brush, Peter stopping his hands from roaming by lacing his fingers together in front of him. “It’s the best party I’ve been to, for sure. Thor, Bucky, and Steve chugging beer is something I’ll never forget.” Peter felt Tony’s shoulders shake, the laughing pulling one from his own chest. “It’s nice out here, though – it was getting a little stuffy inside.”
“Glad to hear it, Pete. It feels good to christen the place with something like this. I missed this view more than I care to admit,” Tony replied, the hand with the whiskey in it gesturing towards the city in front of them. “I meant it earlier – when I said I’ve missed you. I tried to play it off, but we both know how well that went.” Tony tossed back the alcohol in his glass, the play of his throat distracting enough to miss the man turning towards him.
Mimicking his posture, Peter turned until he was toe to toe with Tony, his hand grabbing the older man’s arm. “I know. I missed you, too. The space everyone gave me was exactly what I needed. My head is clear for the first time in a while.” He gripped Tony’s elbow and pulled until the older man’s arms were around his shoulders, the hand with the empty glass hanging carelessly. “What does it mean, though? Us missing each other?”
Tony didn’t answer verbally, he simply leaned in and pressed his lips to Peter’s. His lips tasted like the old whiskey in Tony’s glass, smooth and warm. Peter didn’t hesitate to open his mouth to Tony’s curious tongue. In his exploration, Peter gave as good as he got, their tongues tangled and fought playfully for dominance. It didn’t really answer anything, but who was he to complain? Pulling away, Peter let his chest heave before attempting to press back in for more.
“Hey, wait,” Tony murmured, his free hand moving to cup Peter’s cheek. There was an odd look in his eyes, then they were trailing over his shoulder to the open glass that separated them from the rest of the people gathered in the penthouse – there to celebrate him. “We should probably head back inside – do this when there isn’t an audience.” There was a second of hesitation, then he leaned in and gave Peter another chaste kiss.
“I think we try and figure out what it means together, Pete.” Tony finally answered Peter’s question, as if the kiss wasn’t enough. And the words were just as frustrating as the man pulling away from him. There wasn’t anything holding them back – Peter didn’t quite understand the hesitation.
The door to the balcony ended up opening a few moments later, Tony raising his brow at him – the subtle ‘I told you so’ not nearly as stealth as he was aiming for it to be. They broke away from each other enough for Steve to fit in the space between them, his arms wrapping around their shoulders and pulling them close. “Feels good for the team to finally be complete,” Steve said, his words a little slurred together from the massive quantity of alcohol he’d consumed.
It took a few minutes for Peter to extract himself from Cap’s tight grip and make a quick exit back into the house, his head swimming with tons of emotions he couldn’t quite process. On top of finally marking off something that changed his status within society, Peter was getting his all access pass to the Avengers – and from the looks of it, a nice look at what being with Tony Stark might be like.
For the first time since Tony pulled his lips away and did the responsible thing, Peter felt grateful. He needed to take a little while to put things in order – starting with his very drunk aunt. Peter helped her to the spare room Tony showed them earlier, her small body following his lead willingly. She gave him a tight hug and collapsed into instantaneous sleep when her body hit the mattress.
He decided he wanted to change out of the stuffy clothes he’d been in all day and made a brief pit-stop in the room he’d be staying in for “as long as he wanted”. Tony looked at him a second longer than necessary when he said that. Peter let himself pull some of the stuff in his bag he put together earlier that day out and into the drawers, the idea of getting to be there for as long as he wanted too good to be true.
In a pair of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt, Peter wandered back into the common room where most of the group was still gathered around. All lot of them were drunk, or quickly on their way to being so, but Peter didn’t mind – he always enjoyed watching people making a fool out of themselves when at parties before. Stretching out on one of the empty couches, Peter relaxed and let the sound of his chosen family lull him to sleep.
The sensation of being picked up pulled him out of the delightful dream he’d been having. He tried to keep his eyes closed and fall back into it, but his body wasn’t having it. Blinking his eyes open, he felt himself smile when he saw Tony cradling him to his chest, Peter’s head on his shoulder. Though Peter was much stronger, Tony carried him like he weighed nothing, the ease in which he handled him making his heart race.
Peter clung to his strong shoulders until Tony was kneeling on his bed and depositing him onto the mattress. The arms around him squeezed briefly, then pulled away – the ghost of Tony’s aftershave sitting in Peter’s nose, intoxicating him with every pull of air into his lungs. “You can stay if you want,” Peter babbled sleepily, his eyes already closing as he snuggled into the covers Tony pulled back for him.
Soft lips on his forehead made him smile, the huff of Tony’s breath against his skin spreading all over him like wildfire. He leaned into the touch, his lazy hands trying without much success to pull Tony towards him and keep him there. “I don’t mind.”
Tony pressed another kiss to his cheek, then pulled completely away, his voice sounding very distant the next time Peter heard it. “I’ll take you up on that some other time. You should get some rest.” He let out a barely audible sigh. Peter felt a hand on his ankle through the blanket, then another soft breath. “See you tomorrow, Pete.”
Unable to cling to wakefulness any longer, Peter let the swell of sleep take him under, the smell of vanilla and bourbon fueling his dreams for the rest of the night.
They danced around each other for the next few weeks. Peter stayed with Tony until he decided he wanted to make the official move to the Avenger’s compound. It was time to get into some semblance of a normal routine. 
Steve and Nat put together a training protocol and a schedule for patrols and surveillance. Since a lot of his skills were better capitalized in the labs, Tony claimed his talents and spent time showing him the ropes of his and Bruce’s labs and all of the things they were trying to accomplish within them.
On patrols, they were separated into trios, Peter lucky enough to have two people who were just as excited to work with him as he was with them – he usually went out with Tony and Bruce to try out some of the new adjustments or pieces of tech they were fiddling with in the lab. 
There weren’t any major threats knocking on their door, so they took the time to work with everyone and customize an optimal arsenal of tech and weapons to maximize skill turnover. The new sling-ring they made for Stephen when he joined them at the compound was one of his favorite pieces of work to date.
In a lot of ways, Peter was settling in nicely. There wasn’t a single person that doubted his skill, which was a nice turn of events after being Underoos – at least they recognized his contribution to the team. Everyone was accommodating and went out of their way to show Peter the ropes, offer up suggestions, and stand in as combat partners during training. The sense of family only grew the more time he spent with everyone.
Tony Stark posed a different issue, however. They were constantly working with each other, which brought them even closer than ever. Peter understood the way Tony’s brain worked and could hand him tools before he asked for them – it became a sort of game the longer they spent in the lab together. Peter couldn’t pinpoint what was happening, but his chest got a little tighter with want and need every single day.
He wanted to pull Tony aside and ask him why they didn’t capitalize on the fact that their rooms were right next to each other. A part of him felt so impatient to have work roughened hands on him, pulling his clothes off, touching his hidden depths – it took everything in him to keep control over the emotions that were very quickly bubbling over. The rational side of him knew that Tony was giving him time and space to grow and fit within the group in his own way. He could tell that it was important for Peter to have his own place not just in the team, but in the adult world, too.
Peter wasn’t patient enough to see it all play out, in the end. After a particularly close call during their latest patrol, Peter pulled Tony into his room when they finally found themselves back in their quarters. His hands were rough on Tony’s upper arms, the grip probably going to leave bruises by the end of whatever this ended up being. Pressing Tony up against the door, Peter leaned his head against the older man’s chest – a harsh breath leaving his lungs.
“Tell me how you actually feel for once.” Peter demanded, his head lifting to catch Tony’s eyes. “The idea of not getting to you fast enough earlier made me want to throw things – I couldn’t imagine losing you, not after all this.” His hands moved from Tony’s arms to his hips, his fingers digging in enough to pull them flush against each other. “If I’m reading this wrong, tell me – but I can’t stand this little bit of distance you’ve put between us. You’re killing me, Tones.”
Arms wrapping around his shoulders, much like the first time, was Tony’s first response, the cut on his cheek crinkling as a soft smile slid across his face. “Peter – I’ve been letting you get your feet under you. I didn’t want to swoop in and tell you how much I love you before you found a place that was your own. This team is counting on me and you,” Tony remarked, one of his hands pressing into Peter’s chest. “You feeling comfortable is the most important thing.”
Shaking his head, Peter closed the gap and kissed Tony’s lips. The soft gasp he couldn’t hold back gave Tony the perfect opportunity to press his tongue against the seam of Peter’s open lips – he wasn’t shy about pressing forward and deepening the kiss. Peter flattened his hands, his arms wrapping around Tony’s hips until his palms rested over the pertness of Tony’s ass cheeks. Using his grip, he pulled until they were even closer together.
Peter broke away and caught Tony’s eye, mischief obvious in the honey-hazel of it. “I’m comfortable. Will you fuck me now? Or do I need to spell it out for you?” Peter threw Tony a wink and stepped back, his hands moving to pull his shirt over his head and remove the sweatpants from his hips.
Tony’s tongue slipped out to coat his lips, a wicked grin on his face. “I read you loud and clear, Pete,” he whispered, his hands tugging off his own t-shirt. “You should get on the bed so we can make up for all that lost time.”
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
day 11 & 12
With Festa in full swing last week, I feel like I didn’t have a chance to breathe let alone sit down long enough to articulate a review worthy of Day 11. I shall endeavor to do my very best to make up for that here. And, upon reading the start of Day 12, I am actually kinda glad I waited because I think that it gave me time to put both chapters into perspective. 
Day 11 was a very emotional one for Jungkook and I feel like we got to see those emotions coming to a head in this chapter. On the whole, Day 11 was such a fun, lowkey entry that I wasn’t really sure if I would have anything coherent to offer beyond high pitched squealing accompanied by the occasional swoon and cooing. But after seeing the tension and subsequent squabble that transpired at the breakfast table on Day 12, I see that perhaps there was more to ruminate concerning the feelings that Jungkook had experienced in the confessional booth. It’s so interesting from a writers perspective that you chose Jungkook to be the one to reiterate the whole point of the show; he’s younger, thus perhaps conventionally he’s a bit more emotionally immature than the rest of the guys. And yet, from the beginning, none of these guys have ever been portrayed as stereotypical or conventional; you have always expertly reminded the audience that each of the contestants (including our lady!) is more much complex than what meets the eye. It’s one of the things that I love so much about this series; none of the characters are ever “too perfect” and it’s those candid moments of vulnerability or weakness that truly makes this story stand out from a lot of other stories that I read. So to choose Jungkook as the person to make those “bold” comments and to have Namjoon be the one to call him out for being insensitive makes me feel like Jungkook’s response was much more complex than what it seems at glance. Like, it’s pretty obvious that Jungkook likes and respects our lady and perhaps he realized his indiscretion just a little to late but now he’s put on the spot, he’s been called out in front of everyone, and beyond the fact that he probably feels like shit for saying what he said and inadvertently hurting our lady in the process. He’s probably also hella embarrassed. I wonder too if maybe Jungkook is also ashamed that the person who called him out was Namjoon, someone who I want to believe, he respects and perhaps maybe admires a little. And despite the fact that I chuckled a little bit when our lady noticed that Jungkook was “staring at his pancakes like he’s trying to make them burst into flames”, I realized that he might also be both angry and disappointed in himself for his behavior. *sigh* Boy, you were so right all those weeks ago when you said “emotions are messy”. Anyway, that’s my roundabout way of saying, I liked the breakfast scene. Haha! Drama is inevitable; I love that you don’t shy away from presenting conflict for them to overcome. It offers opportunities for character growth and character exploration and I really appreciate that! 
Speaking of character growth, Namjoon got a chance to really flex those skills he acquired from “Hoseok’s School of Sexual Prowess”. That scene left me melting! Melting, I say! I’m not sure if you noticed but I make it a point to not reveal who my actual bias is in these reviews because I feel like I want to give all of the guys a chance to win me over for fan favorite. What I will say though is that you kind of hit on a lot of my personal preferences with Namjoon’s scene. Beyond the fact that the scene was really, really hawt, it fulfilled me on an emotionally intimate level, so it made the scene extra special. Bravo! 
And I suppose Jimin also deserves a standing ovation for that amazing show he put on. Holy smokes that was so hot. From the light banter and quips at the beginning of that scene to Jimin actually owning that entire lounge! And as amazing as the show (plus subsequent private scene with our lady afterwards) was, my favorite bit might be the exchange between Jimin and Hoseok, another scene that filled with tension and new revelations! It might actually be the most fascinating scene because it gave a glimpse at something rather unexpected; something has transpired between Hoseok and Jimin. I might be reading too much into the exchange but it feels as though something has happened away from the cameras between them. Because it feels like there has been a shift from blatant hostility between these two to something more akin to a genuine understanding that this is now a battle for power and control. I could be reaching but I feel like, at the very least, there have been words exchanged between them! It made the scene all the more intriguing! I loved every moment of it. Oh! Speaking of which, what is up with Jin?! When Yoongi asked Jin to speak to Kookie about what had happened that morning, it seemed he was a bit apprehensive to take up the task. I know that there might not be anything more there than just the fact that Jin might not want to be the one to have to broach the subject with Kookie but I feel like there’s more there than what meets the eye as well… my theory is in it’s fetus stage though, so I feel like I’ll hold back on my thoughts concerning Jin for now. And Yoongi, for that matter! I feel like there is something more there as well. AH! Too many theories to juggle! I will let you know what my thoughts are about it once I have gathered more adequate information. 
I still feel guilty for not being able to give you a full length review of Day 11. It really was such a great, light day. Jungkook’s scene left me all hot and bothered to the point where I spent the entirety of the week, searching up Jungkook smut fics to fulfill my Jungkook fix that that chapter evoked in me! Not to mention that the boys getting up to antics for a whiteboard that in the end they didn’t really need just made me all the more baffled by their behavior. It was fun, hilarious and just what I would expect from the guys.
To make up for not having anything for last week, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you about me loving this amazing story so much I nearly force-fed my best friend to read it with me so that I would have someone to fangirl with. Let me tell you a little bit about her. See, she doesn’t consume fanfics with as much verocity as I do. She is a very casual fanfic reader and if she does (which is rare in it of itself) she only ever reads MxM. Period. So when I told her the premises of “The Gentlemen” she was curious enough to read the contestant profiles. But I must say, from Day 1, you had her HOOKED! She would text me screenshots and emoji filled fangirlings in the wee hours of the morning (the only time she had to read at all) every single thing she loved about each chapter and it brings me so much joy that she was really dissecting and appreciating all the little things that I too loved about your story! We would have long, deep discussions about her prompt theories, her favorite members, tiny details that you’ve so expertly woven into the story (like Jimin’s tattoo for example, which is something she is obsessed with, btw) all of her favorite traits that our lady of the house has. It’s been so blissfully fun having this to share with her especially since I have her to thank for getting me into BTS in the first place. So, please know that you have a secret fan of “The Gentlemen” who would like you to know that she has been enjoying herself thoroughly and that she looks forward to your updates just as much as I do now! 
Anyhoo, I think I’ve prattled on long enough. Thank you so much for your continued hard work and dedication to this series! This was such an amazing chapter I cannot wait to see how everything unfolds; it feel as though these last 2 chapters have planted some major seeds (no pun intended!!); I look forward to see what it sows in the coming days. 💜 Jan
Oh my gosh! In all of my ramblings, I forgot to say "shout out to Lady Mango! You go get that stake, girly!" Also, YAY Grandma Park!! Heck, that entire exchange in the bathtub made me uwu so hard my heart is just a pile of mush rn! Also, also!! Jin x Tae is lowkey underrated, so thank you for that! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ I lub u so much!! kthnxbye
i’m not ashamed (okay, maybe a little) to admit that i kinda teared up and did a happy lil dance when i saw the email that you’d sent in a submission fksdjfkds i figured you’d probably been busy with life or with the mountainloads of content bighit is giving us these days so i was content to wait patiently, and it just made it that much more exciting when i saw this come in !
thank you, as always, for being so sweet and articulate and thoughtful in your reviews of the chapters. often you point out things that make so much sense that perhaps i hadn’t even noticed when writing. other times you hit an idea that i’d slipped in right on the nose. 
jungkook definitely is having a pretty tumultuous time on the show. for him, i imagine he feels like he’s the only one having a difficult time ironing out his feelings, or that if anyone else is struggling too, that they’re acting like nothing’s up. i also feel like jungkook’s competitive streak comes through in unexpected ways. of course he feels proud of his sexual prowess and kinda wants to showboat a little bit, but i think there’s an aspect too where he needs to be the one that’s always bolder than the others to assert his position. writing the namkook scene i kind of drew on that feeling where you’re fighting with someone you care about or think highly of, and even as you realise you’re wrong, you don’t want them to think badly of you and so you desperately scramble for a way to come out on top or prove you’re in the right. there’s also def a degree of him trying to convince himself the show is just about sex and that the rest doesn’t matter. he certainly doesn’t feel that way inside, but we see him vouching from that position so fiercely in d12. 
i’m glad you liked the namjoon scene !! one day i’ll figure out your bias fkdsjfksdjk you do such a good job at analysing and discussing everyone equally that it’s difficult >.<
it’s so fascinating to hear your jihope theory that they’ve spoken before. i must keep my silence on the details BUT there will be a very important scene between them coming up in the next few days of the show that i think will really change things between them and also how the readers see them. i’m super excited to write it ! 
beyond that, i’m happy you noticed something about jin in this chapter.... yn and jin still haven’t resolved their issues yet, plus here we are having jin not respond that well to being asked to counsel one of the members, something he always stated he was happy to do,,,,, hmmmm 0.0
i love hearing your theories so much !!! i eagerly await getting new content out so i can see how they shift and change from release to release
and also you really don’t need to feel bad ! there’s never any obligation to write out a long review for every chapter, but you do so anyway and that means a lot to me xx if you’re busy one week you don’t have to force yourself to make time for it. we have over 50 chapters, so we’re in for the long haul ! there’s really no rush
ahhhh that’s so cool to hear about your friend! it always warms my heart hearing stories of people that got their friends to begin reading and stuff, honestly even the thought that people think about tgm outside of reading it blows me away, it feels so special that it’s something y’all wanna share and discuss w your loved ones xx 
YES LADY MANGOOO i love adding little slips of her in the chapters, i know she doesn’t factor into the main story that much but everyone can rest assured that all of the members of the house (okay, and probably our three on-site producers too) spend a lot of time with her, walking her and cuddling her and playing with her. tae is probably currently trying to teach her some commands, but of course the only one she’s got the hang of is lie down jskfjsd
(finally YES taejin is such an underrated duo i love them)
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etherealellaelf · 4 years
Disney Remakes: they’re not all bad.
I submit that some of the disney live action remakes are, regrettably, a bit off. But not all of them. A lot of them are really good. Here’s why.
-Lion King did really put me off with the lack of expressions. I’m not sure if I have much to say about it, lol I’ll have to see it and let you know. Honestly though I don’t think I can because I love the original Lion King so flipping much, it’s a masterful movie and part of its mastery is the beautiful hand drawn animation and its expressive characters. I can’t think I can watch a bunch of real lions just talking. Who knows? I’ll keep you posted.
-Alice in Wonderland, one of the first of them, had some really good feminist moments. I love the Hatter and Alice’s love for each other, I guess he’s like the only human in Wonderland so it makes sense. But I get some weird ideas because the denizens of Wonderland are supposed to mirror the characters in Alice’s real life, and since the only redhead in Alice’s life is Hamish, that weirdo who asks her to marry him and he’s a total jerk.... and the Hatter is a redhead too.... idk it’s weird. Also it’s weird if he represents her dad because number one he’s dead and number two it’s incest, but the Hatter does say a few things that her dad said at the beginning....hmmm... fishy. However I feel like I can rest assured because this might just be the case of “Johnny Depp came to shoot today in a homemade cosplay and nobody can stop him because he’s just a mad genius”, in which case why do they keep letting him do that??? I don’t mind the hatter’s design, but can you imagine Just Plain Old Johnny Depp In All His Sexy Glory as a mad hatter? It would have been fine. They had to give him a gap between his teeth, CGI enlarged eyes, crazy red hair, white and pink makeup... oh well, whatever, it’s fine. I like how Underland looks a bit more like Narnia than like a Tim Burton land; I honestly don’t know if they gave him complete creative control when it came to the CGI set design. It might’ve been cool to see that.
-Cinderella was wonderful, I thought. I really love how Cinderella and the Prince interacted a lot more, falling in love over a long period of time. In fact, I feel like it was a spiritual remake of Ella Enchanted(which, in my opinion, Disney really botched up because the book was just so amazing), so they did really good in my book. My brother, however, hates that at the end she just twirls in her tower and doesn’t do anything to save herself, when in the original she tried to escape. He thinks it’s really unfeminist and he doesn’t want his daughter to act like that. I agree on that mark, but I’ll let everyone watch it. Also they threw a little bit of the Beauty and the Beast original fairy tale in there when her dad, a merchant, asks what she wants and Cinderella asks for the branch that brushes his arm or whatever; similar to a single rose, when her sisters ask for riches. I also liked the handling of Lady Tremaine; it really humanized her and I felt for her. The stepsisters were silly as per the usual. The King went from a bumbling psychopath(the cartoon) to a very melancholy, concerned father, and I cried at his death scene. Bravo, Kenneth Branagh, bravo.
-I really like all of Beauty and the Beast, although I do think that they made Lumiere & friends a little bit too important in this movie. I needed more moments between Belle and the Beast that were in the animation! Evermore was breathtaking though, let’s be honest. Although let’s be honest, I REALLY REALLY wanted to see a shirtless Dan Stevens emerge from a wall of rose petals because that sounds absolutely magical and super HOT. I’m so mad they had to redo it. Also I like the subtle crush Lefou has on Gaston; I’ve always wondered if he liked him. I do wish that Josh Gad had toned it down with his fabulousness though, because although I love fabulousness I wonder if it was slightly offensive. I really liked Gaston, and I feel like he could have gone a little bigger and with more bravado, could have been from slightly comedic to VERY comedic, but I think that’s alright. He did a great job. And as for everyone complaining about the villagers being really nasty and openly evil towards Belle, I actually liked it. It’s clear in the cartoon that the villagers whisper behind Belle’s back, but I feel like she just has a small smidgeon of an idea that they think she’s weird. In this, they freaking ATTACK her. They’re like ‘We can’t have smart bicc’s in our town! Get out me town!” It is a bit on the nose sometimes but I think it works because it helps Beast and her relate to feeling like outsiders. I do think the Beast knowing how to read kind of gave them something in common as well, but I disliked how he scoffed at her favorite book, Romeo and Juliet. I wish he had been more understanding like, “There’s this poor girl whose library is like, seven books, and amongst those seven books, one of which is probably the freaking bible because they belong to a pastor, her favorite is basically a romance. She’s not well read; I’m going to show her the classics.” Which back then was probably, like, idk, Voltaire? Too soon? Eh I’m not sure when it takes place. I do wish he’d gifted the library to her though, that was a nice gift for her in the previous movie. (Here’s the thing; the Beauty and the Beast cartoon is basically a perfect movie and I don’t think anything can live up to it, but this one was good too. It wasn’t better, but nothing can be better than that movie. Except maybe the Princess Bride or the first Pirates of the Caribbean or the stage production of Phantom of the Opera. No, not even then.)
-Dumbo? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll have to and update this.
-Okay so Aladdin is really good. I entered the film with the meme cringe in my mind, totally expecting it to look weird and bad, but honestly Will Smith was such a great actor! And I actually freaking cried so many times because number one: the genie was aladdin’s father figure that he never had! He taught him how to date! Number two: the genie got his true love as well, and you see her and their kids at the beginning of the movie! SPOILERS btw. Sorry. Also Number three: they picked Will Smith to play the genie because he’s HITCH of course! The matchmaker extraordinaire! (I just love Will Smith. I wish he would run for president; it wouldn’t be the first time we had an actor in the white house. Just kidding, I don’t want to burden him that way, and there are really smart candidates this year to choose from. I just am urging everyone to go vote, and no more harambe crap!!!!) Also Jasmine had a nice new empowering role in this movie. I just sort of wish Jafar had been more menacing and villainous. But his actor was fine, just a bit soft-spoken.
-Lady and the Tramp- I started it on Disney+, I need to finish it. I’m halfway there. 
-Christopher Robin is a gift; it’s both simple and complex. It has a lot of nice metaphors and I could feel my heart hurting for much of the film. Seriously good aesthetics as well, Director of Photography!!! 
-The Jungle Book is a really good remake! So much excitement, and I could totally see Bill Murray in Baloo. (I think it’s equal in terms of story to the movie Mowgli, although Mowgli had that nasty little surprise at the end, I’m still hurt about it.)(also in comparing, the CGI is similarly good, but Mowgli wanted to do a really ambitious face capture thingy and I’m not sure if it worked,(uncanny) but it was interesting! It was also a lot darker. I think they’re both good.) Ben Kingsley was superb, of course, as Bagheera, as always, and he has a really fatherly voice(I thought Christian Bale did well as Bagheera as well, but he was more of an action figure in that movie, less of a father/teacher figure). And John Favreau, as always, went the extra mile to bring the action, the writing, and the moral through, and made it super good for children at the same time!(the same cannot be said about Mowgli, as there were some violence/action things that go beyond ‘peril’, hence it’s PG-13 rating) My one discrepancy was the voice of Kaa. Scarlet did fine, but I always thought of Kaa as a boy. I think they could have found a slithery voice actor for Kaa. Benedict Cumberbatch did really well as Smaug, hissing and growling, and he could have done well. I also think that Tom Hiddleston could have done a great job; he has a really gentle and pliant voice that can turn menacing in the matter of seconds, and if it’s about the snake being sexy as Scarlet Johanssen(haha what??), I think that Hiddles can bring it.(I’m not quite sure what I’m talking about at this point so I’ll shut up now.) I do feel like Mowgli started shooting way before The Jungle Book was even a glimmer in John Favreau’s eye, and that kind of makes me want to root for Mowgli because I’m sure that different movie houses have people working in both, probably swapping stories with their friends, and I’m sure it wasn’t an exact copy, but I can totally see Bill Murray in Baloo’s face and that can’t be by accident. Just saying. Not calling Disney out or anything, but I’m sure they can take it, they have like a trillion dollars. Anyway. Still a good one.
-Haven’t seen Pete’s Dragon.
-101 Dalmations, I know this shouldn’t count but it just does. I loved watching this as a child. I’m so happy they didn’t make the dogs talk? Haha it usually works when they do, but it gave a lot of room for Doctor House and Mister Weasley to interact. Also Glenn Close is great. I think this movie’s a good example of a career woman who decides to get domesticated and her sista is like, “Girl, you can’t do this! We have to be strong women! You have to come back to work!” But Anita is all, “Girl, respect my decisions! Feminism isn’t forcing your girl to be exactly like you, it’s giving me the respect to make my own decisions. If I want to have a baby with my husband, that’s fine. I want to be a mom!” I feel like the “new” 101 dalmatians remake they’re gonna make, will have a different opinion. Similar to wicked and maleficent, it’s going to humanize Cruella, but I just hope that they’re nice to Anita. She’s such a smol soft bird and if she wants 2 billion dogs and one baby, that’s fine... ugh, that’s gotta be like so much dog poop in her house... anita what are you doing...
-Maleficent. Obviously I love it. I love how those arguing fairies are super incompetent at raising Aurora because they’re too busy fighting, so Maleficent has to swoop in and rescue the princess. I like how Maleficent is a fae and it’s so sad how there’s like this rape metaphor when Stefan cuts off her wings, and that would be reason to curse his baby, especially because they were in love and he betrayed her! Stole her wings! Married someone else! T^T Maleficent, you poor misunderstood fairy! I love her motherly relationship with Aurora. I love that she’s the one who kisses her forehead to wake her up because Philip met her just that day. However, I don’t like how they just shove Philip out of the way, because Sleeping Beauty is honestly so romantic, and I love how they dance together and everything. I also like the raven boi. I ship him and Maleficent so hard and I hope he doesn’t die in the sequel, I haven’t seen it yet.
-So technically the Parent Trap is a remake. It’s awesome. It gave my childhood so much romance and prank ideas. It’s much better than its predecessor, especially because the mom in the old one is, like, urged to look prettier by her butler(wtf?!?! YOu’re FIrEd?!?). I’m so glad we’ve come so far.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Are the remakes better? In some cases they are. I think Cinderella is better than its predecessor. I think the original Alice is very good, as a nonsense movie, and I feel like the remake is equally good, but they’re different movies with different motives and plots. The original Beauty and the Beast is my favorite and it’s perfect, so the new one isn’t better, but it is really great and I love it, too. Anyway, that’s all.
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mwahahahahahahaa · 5 years
Les Mis 10th July 2019!!!
So good! Fantine's voice was amazing (so was everyone else’s, but I just loved Carley Stenson’s voice?)
Things I noticed :
When Valjean sang 'Cosette will have a father now', he paused before saying 'father' and booped her on the nose
He did this again in his death scene, the bopping, can't remember exactly when but it was really sweet. I think it was 'Yes Cosette, forbid me now to die! I'll obey' and then he booped her nose as he sang 'I will try'
When Fantine was being arrested and singing to Valjean about being sent away, she was clutching his shirt and shaking him in anger. I think she spat in his face at one point?
One of the women was reading over Fantine's shoulder before the woman came to steal it
Thernadier in master of the house kept smacking women on the bum and then pointing at someone else, as if I needed more reasons to hate him.
Similarly, Madame Thernadier kept trying to hit Cosette :(
When Red and Black happened, I think Prouvaire had a notebook in front of him on the table? I liked that.
I wasn't great at being able to tell which Amis was which-without specific lines mentioning them it's hard-but at one point a woman came on and was spun around by one of them, so I've decided that was Musichetta (though it could probably also be Bahorel's laughing mistress) (or just a random student but I like connecting it to book characters)
Grantaire was to the side a lot with a bottle, as expected.
When they sang 'don't let the wine go to your brains!' he raised his arms as if to say 'who, me?' and someone else stole his bottle. The minute Enjolras looked away he took another one out from under the table
When Eponine went to get Marius and take him to Cosette, she went to Grantaire first and spoke to him and he called for Marius.
In her death scene, everyone continued as if nothing was happening (apart from Marius ofc) until Grantaire came on, he took some wine from the table and was walking across the stage when he saw them. For a moment he stared before hurrying to get other people to go and try to help, he looked really upset by it. It seemed to again hint that they were friends (which I know isn’t book canon, but a lot of the fandom like the idea including me)
After Eponine died, Gavroche went over and lent his arm and head against the wall with his back to the audience and didn't look up for a while, reacting to his sister’s death.
After Gavroche revealed who Javert was, Grantaire picked him up and carried him round in piggy back. It was really cute. He did this as he sang ‘Bravo, little Gavroche you’re the top of the class!
After Attack on Rue Plumet, when Eponine and Cosette are briefly introduced, they just kept staring at each other through the gate as if they both recognised the other, not just Eponine.
When Valjean was letting Javert go and Javert refused to believe it, Valjean ended up pushing him back against the wall to try and get him to go.
When Eponine delivered the letter, she snuck through the gates when she couldn't see anyone, only for Valjean to come up behind her and grab her thinking, presumably, that she was there for nefarious reasons.
After she gave him the letter and she was turning to go, he grabbed her hat off her head (revealing her long hair) before telling her to be safe.
During Drink with me, Enjolras was at the top of the barricade but was watching Grantaire. When Grantaire was singing and it became clear how upset he was, Enjolras rushed down the barricade and stopped the other student from arguing with Grantaire, and they stood facing each other with the last two lined of the verse directed at Enjolras, before they grasped each other and hugged tightly. They took a while to pull away and it was really lovely
Enjolras was played by Joe Vetch in this performance BTW, he usually plays Feuilly I believe? I'm not sure who played Feuilly instead.
In Master of the House, when Thernadier was singing at the side at one point he refilled a bottle to resell by peeing into it. He then gave it to a drunk guy who didn't seem to notice - but then when they were all toasting at the end, Madame Thernadier switched the drinks so Thernadier ended up with the urine bottle, which he drank from and then threw up. Just what he deserves, really!
In the scene where Marius and Cosette first meet and the Thernadier's recognise Valjean, whilst Thernadier and the others were fighting with Valjean, Montparnasse grabbed Cosette and tried to drag her away (presumably kidnapping her?) but Marius stopped him and punched him in the face.
When Fantine was singing 'Come to me' she left the bed and crawled towards where she thought Cosette was and it was heartbreaking
When Fantine was in the factory and Valjean was trying to leave, she went up to him and kept trying to show him the letter, pleading with him
Also when Fantine tried to get the letter back from the woman who took it, the woman pushed her away and shouted 'Get away from you, you slut!'
During Fantine's arrest, the other prostitutes were gathering around her and trying to check if she was alright and protect her
For Javert's suicide - it really built up to it. He was quite composed and stern for most of the show but after the barricade, you saw him walking around it and seeing all the carnage, before looking for Valjean and trying to get in the sewer. He couldn't lift the grate, but you could see that his uniform was rumpled and undone, and it seemed even more undone as it went on. When he and Valjean were facing each other and Valjean was asking to take Marius to safety, Javert was falling apart, shouting lines. 'the man of mercy comes again and talks of justice' was bitter and mocking, thrown at Valjean like a weapon. Javert wasn't even standing up straight, it was as if he was physically fighting with himself and he could no longer pretend to be the stern upright figure he had been because he had no idea how to deal with Valjean being good. It was really emotional and made his emotional turmoil so clear and heartbreaking, especially as it led into Javert's soliloquy. Whilst the way they show his death might not be the most effective - lights to make it seem like water on the stage, he falls to his knees while reaching up and then collapses on the ground and rolls off stage slowly as it revolves and the lights are whirling round - his acting was amazing.
When Eponine had taken Marius to see Cosette, he spun Eponine round in the air and it was really sweet. 
 I know it happens every production, but the Enjolras death is just. so. impressive. The way they just dangle so still and it’s just??? It must be really difficult and take a lot of skill and every single Enjolras does it???? (I wanna try and do it) Anyway it looks amazing
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a dozen things I wanted to say about how great it was but if I remember anything more I’ll add it. Posting this on the 13th July, which unfortunately is the last day the original production will be shown. The show was amazing and I loved it so much. I wish they weren’t changing it, because honestly it is perfect as it is. 
The cast were also so sweet - I met some of them at the Stage Door (not everyone because obvs some just want to go home). I’d never gone to a stage door before so it was a really exciting experience. They signed my programme which is so amazing! 
Charlotte Kennedy was really sweet in particular, she was leaving and I didn’t want to bother her because it looked like she just wanted to go, but she saw me looking at her and holding my programme and came over and offered to sign it, she was lovely. Joe Vetch was really nice, and pronounced all the names perfectly! Raymond Walsh was also really nice. Dean Chisnall was very friendly and talking to everyone, and Elena Skye was great as well, and Ben Tyler was really nice! Everyone was really nice and lovely and it was amazing to meet them. 
Anyway Les Mis is awesome and the current cast are amazing - I loved them all. I gave them a standing ovation the moment the applause started at the end (usually I’m too anxious and wait until more people are doing it). I hope they have enjoyed their run in Les Mis and that the next iteration is just as wonderful. 
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facialgirl2017-blog · 6 years
Kala and Wolfgang: Why they were supposed to be “Ride or Die” (and why Love Did NOT Conquer All)
I know there is war right now among the fandom: those who loved every bit of the finale, and those of us who are bitter, angry, and feel betrayed over what happened with 1 of the 2 left unresolved story arcs going into the finale.
As we all know, the two major story arcs going into the finale that still needed to be finalized were: The takedown of BPO/Freeing Wolfgang/Revenge on Lila and Whispers. You could possibly break these into 3 sep arcs but I consider them to be 1 since Wolfgang was being held hostage and tortured by BPO and Lila and Whispers although working for their own self interests, were also working for BPO.
Overall, I think the resolution of this was good, I give it a rating of 7/10. There were a few things I was not crazy about: First, who was the chairman? When his face was revealed, he was no one we had ever seen, so why the big reveal? Second, before we could possibly find out who exactly he was and what his true motivations were, his brains were blown out. Really, we couldnt have gotten some info there, first? Also, I felt the killing of Lila and Whispers was somewhat anti-climatic. Though I love that Will/Wolfgang ended them together and I love the reappearance of Wolfgang’s rocket launcher, I was expecting or would have preferred some dramatic words exchanged first between them, some words of goodbye before killing them. Or even better, for Kala/Wolfgang to have killed Lila together. That would have been poetic. And 3rd, I felt the reason given behind Whispers zombie project, his motivations was weak and didnt make sense to me, JMHO. Though IMO what did happen wasnt the best, it was still decent.
Anyway, moving on, the other story arc going into the finale: Wolfgang and Kala finally truly being together at last and Rajan discovering the truth! Being that I am a GIANT Kalagang fan (literally my favorite tv couple of ALL TIME), I must say that I do love EVERY couple in Sense8, but Kalagang reigns supreme. And from everything I have seen on social media, they seemed to be THE MOST POPULAR COUPLE ON SENSE8. Surely Lana had known this, even though she doesnt do social media. They were also the only couple (except for Sun and Mun) that were not a solid couple still yet going into the finale. We had no worries of all the solid couples breaking up. Which in a way, is refreshing for a tv show cause so often couples are constantly torn apart and if you are lucky, put back together or always in angst. It was great that Nomi/Neets, Hernando/Lito, Will/Riley, etc never were in jeopardy. So I, like myself, expected a HUGE payoff for Kala and Wolfgang in the finale. They were the only couple that were in constant angst throughout all of season 1 and 2. And bravo to Max and Tina, for being able to keep that explosive chemistry alive throughout all 2 seasons.
Why should there have been a huge payoff for this couple you might ask me? Well, because of their character dev throughout both seasons. From the moment they saw each other for the first time, just like Will and Riley, they were in love (that is because in sensate world, some cluster mates are predestined to be together, I think so anyway) BOTH of these couples were predestined to be together in this cluster. Why was it so much more difficult for Kala and Wolfgang to be together than it was for Will and Riley? Because Kala was already about to be married to someone else, and Wolfgang was entrapped in a life of mob danger and a life of being treated like garbage by his crap abusive and violent family. Like he said in the finale, he always thought he was not worth it. Which is the main reason why he never loved a woman before, until Kala.
Kala was a woman who was afraid of herself, afraid of all the facets of herself and what and who she wanted in life. she was a people pleaser, and a very moral person (nothing wrong with that!). A person of faith (I really liked btw that at least one of the sensies was religious, though in reality more than 1 of them should be. And I am by no means a religious person, but that would have been more realistic since 95% of the worlds population is, but I digress).
These two characters could not be more opposite, but yet were perfect compliments of each other. From the very beginning, they were constantly drawn to each other while (in season 1 esp) having not much sensate connection with the others in their cluster. They each gave the other what they were lacking. And through this growing love and attraction to each other, Wolfgang was opening up to being more of the good person he truly was inside while Kala was growing more into being the brave, firey woman she truly was inside.
The only logical and expected conclusion to what was going to happen in the finale was that they would save Wolfgang. Kala and Wolfgang would finally meet in person, they would finally consumate their love in person, and after Rajan found out everything that was going on, Kala would nicely break up with Rajan, ending their marriage but probably remaining friends. But nope, that is not what we got.
At the end of ep 2x11, we had Kala finally CHOOSE WOLFGANG CHOOSE THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. She was brave, and she was totally going to tell Rajan except that Rajan didnt give her a chance to say anything and shipped her off. Never once during any episode did Kala ever tell Rajan that she loved him. It was obvious she cared for him, but we were never led to believe she was also in love with him as well as Wolfgang. Everytime she was conflicted with her choice, what she was always saying about this conflict was: choosing between her love for Wolfgang, or choosing the life and obligation she had with Rajan. Also that she doesnt like to hurt people and felt bad about hurting Rajan because he was a good man. Never once did Kala EVER say she was in love with both and that was her dilemma. Had that been the case, then I could totally understand her in the finale, choosing both. But that was not the case.
In the finale, Rajan was such an after thought to her that in the first couple of weeks they were in Paris trying to rescue Wolfgang, she NEVER CONTACTED RAJAN IN ANY WAY. It apparently didnt even occur to her, nor did she care enough to do so. Rajan had to contact her, and when he did, she panicked. He shows up, and is very understanding of the whole sensorium reveal, but now suddenly Kala does not have the courage to tell him about her love for Wolfgang? When she was going to tell him before she left for europe?
When Rajan arrived and Kala talked to him, we are left with the impression that she left out that her and Wolfgang were in love with each other. Then later as we see, Rajan seems to know what is going on, though we dont know how. Did she tell him but that part got cut from the ep. or did he figure it out on his own by watching everything that was playing out? Or did Will or Riley or someone else tell him? We dont know, but I assume he either figured it out on his own or Will or someone spilled the beans, cause in that moment of opportunity, Kala choked. This was the start of Kala inexplicibly reverting back to her season 1 self.
Rajan decides to stay and help (or more like tag along) with the cluster to help them on their mission. During this time, are we supposed to believe that Kala has somehow quickly fallen in love with Raj as well? She still never tells him that she loves him, and he has done nothing extraordinary for her to do so. The only thing I see is Kala developing more appreciation and admiration for him for being so understanding, supportive, and taking everything in stride. And Raj should be commended for that. but that is not true love. Sorry but it is not.
Kala again has the opportunity to really tell or show Raj her true heart for Wolfgang, to truly reveal her truth and herself to him. When she arrives at the chateau to greet both him and wolfgang. She could have and should have redeemed herself here, and give Wolfgang the greeting he truly deserved. But nope, cowardice completely consumes her again. But I have to ask: WHY? There is no reason for this cowardice. Rajan already knows (somehow) at this point about Wolfgang. It was nice that she hugged and kissed Raj, but then she gives Wolfgang the kiss she wants to give him via visiting instead of in person. This made me so angry I wanted to throw a shoe at the tv! (I almost did!) yes she did give Wolf a really great hug in front of Raj, but she should have kissed him as well (and maybe at this time also tell Raj adios? In a nice way, of course). But she didnt. Second opportunity gone.
After that we get no real life physical love-in between Kalagang until Kala is shot and almost dies. Finally she and Wolf kiss in real life. But Raj is there (seriously?) and she has to make him feel good and important. To me that ruined the entire intimate moment of love between Kalagang. (another imaginary shoe thrown at the tv)
Last real opportunity for Kala to find her courage was at the wedding. I really expected it to happen here. I expected there to be a romantic scene between Kalagang, a grand gesture of love for everyone to see. Nope, didnt get that. All we got was them dancing together in the distance, Kala holding hands with Raj during the ceremony, Will asking Kala what is her choice and Kala shrugging her shoulders as if this is just a silly little choice (A CHOICE SHE ALREADY MADE BEFORE LEAVING FOR PARIS) and then one of the other clustermates ( I forget who) asking Wolfgang about it and him shrugging his shoulders as if it is no big deal to him who or when Kala finally chooses! WHAT??? This makes ZERO sense! This honestly ruined the whole wedding for me. It really did which also makes me mad!
This is long so I will briefly touch on why Raj and Wolf were also out of character for this whole thing. Wolfgang throughout the season is a Ride or Die kind of a guy. Extremely loyal and will do anything for the people who truly loves. he shows this over and over. He is like that with Felix, with his mother(in the flashback)  with all of the cluster, and with Kala. He is so ride and die that he has killed several of his close relatives for justice. He pressured Kala into choosing at the end of season 2. He basically said to her “stop playing games, now or never” (not a quote from him, just the feeling behind what he actually said) and he even told Kala “pretending isnt a life” this man has NEVER pretended who he was EVER in his life. But now he is going along with this pretend threeesome? Umm no that makes ZERO sense. The love between him and Kala was so deep, they were both willing to Romeo/ Juliet duo suicide for each other, but suddenly “meh, she can stay married to Raj and I will share her on the weekends”? No, I dont think so, that completely goes against everything Wolfgang is and always has been.
And I also dont believe Raj would go along with this. Yes he has always loved Kala even though he has always known that she did not reciprocate the same intensity of feelings for him and he just went along with it anyways. But we must remember, he did try to give her an out a couple of times in season 1 and also during their honeymoon. he also even said in 2x11 that he fully understands the future of their marriage is uncertain and he is fine with that. Also, I am pretty sure that indian men are not accustomed to sharing their wives with other men. Not to mention, I think Raj has enough self esteem to want a better and more complete love from a woman for himself. And being he loves Kala so much, he should love her enough to want her to go with her true love. I honestly think he would want that. Raj would not settle for this limbo, either. He could not be happy in the short or long term, taking turns with Wolfgang for Kala’s affection and attention.
So this shotty conclusion is just so wrong in so many ways and goes against all 3 characters and their entire story arc. Lana throws all of that away that she did with these characters previously, just so she can shatter societal norms by saying “why should a woman have to choose?” If that was your true intentions all along, Lana (which is obvious it was not) then you would have written their story development A LOT differently throughout the two seasons. Kala left immediately to go rescue Wolfgang, she cared less about her husband until he showed up. She broke through blockers and sedatives to connect with Wolf, she was willing to kill herself for him, Wolfgang felt he was not worth it and Kala assured him that he was, but yet despite all of that she cant find the courage to tell Rajan I want a divorce, I need to be with the man that I love? You titled the episode “Love Conquers All” yet you contradict yourself in the finale with this story, but showing that love does not conquer all. It was not even able to conquer a silly fear of speaking the truth and letting another person down. In the end you did a great disservice to all 3 characters, but Kala in particular. You who say are a champion for strong women, made her weak, cowardice, and selfish in the end. You had her basically show Wolfgang through her actions (or lack of actions) that he actually was not worth it. Shame on you, Lana. And that is why we kalagang fans are really let down by the finale.
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januarystarstorm · 2 years
I’ll type this part in caps so maybe you’ll actually read it: IF YOU ARE NOT BLACK, STAY OUT OF BLACK PEOPLES BUSINESS. WE DO NOT NA VIGATE THE WORLD THE SAME WAY, AND YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE BLACK. MY IDENTITY IS NOT YOUR PLAYGROUND FOR MORALITY ARGUMENTS OR YOUR SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. THIS IS TRUE FOR ALL MARGINALIZED PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE CONSIDERING ACROSS ALL CULTURES DUE TO THE PREVALENCE OF WHITE SUPREMACY, BLACK PEOPLE ARE STRIPPED OF THEIR HUMANITY. // Is this what we're doing here now? Full on shouting??? January, you're supporting these kind of posts too? WOW. Just wow. Angry anon, if you wanted to show us how much you support Will Smith, you just succeeded by mirroring his angry outburst in your own behavior right now. Bravo. I'm not the first anon that this post was directed to, but quite frankly, still I'm not going to bother to read this fully because I come here to read about Pedro gossip like usual, not about Will Smith and his troubles. Good on you if you're interested in all of this and the heavy talk on social issues, but I like coming here to kick back about Pedro most of all. And I thought that's what this blog's focus is supposed to be about. Btw for those who are all hot and bothered about Pedro's likes on the Will Smith issue and how he handles his take on other social subjects, why the hell are you following him so closely and focusing hard on what he does so much? In the first place, if all that little shit on social media that he does pisses some of you off so much, then IGNORE HIM and UNFOLLOW HIM so you don't have to notice it. He's just one damn actor. Fun guy for me to watch as a whole, but I'm not gonna get my panties in a twist over every little thing he does or doesn't do. Goddamn.
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Anon to anon.
I also want to point out that the love I sent out was addressed to everyone that needs it. That includes both sides of the argument. This topic has caused a lot of upset with a lot of people. I find it odd that y’all are getting upset with me because of what? Showing compassion?
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justanotherkpopblog · 6 years
Ok lil shits listen here
Today I saw a post on fb where someone brought up last year's incident between ARMY and EXO-L at MAMA 2017. The post had a video where it showed how some EXO-Ls reacted when BTS won the Artist Of The Year Daesang and under it it said some stuff like "Don't feel bad for EXO-L" "They didn't deserve it anyway" "BTS are way better" And blah blah blah. Now for obvious reasons I can't link the post because then the person who wrote it is going to get hate and I don't want that, so you can direct any hate about this towards me if you feel the need to okay? Now back to the topic.
For those who don't remember/know what happened ladt year here's what went down.
*clears throat*
Every year during award season the kpop fanwars begin. It's really not a big deal. Fanwars have been going on for years now. But 2017 was HELL.
It all started when some clever EXO-Ls started a challenge on Twitter called “F*ck You MAMA” because they felt that EXO was not fairly treated. People from the EXO fandom posted photos of them pointing their middle fingers with the hashtag #마마_뻐큐_챌린지 on Twitter. (I don't remember what the hashtag means and I'm too bored to look it up now lol)
So because most fandoms ,if not all, felt the same about dear MAMA (🐍) no-one paid too much attention to it and some people from other fandom joined as well. However when EXO-L started posting photos that had other groups in like BTS and TWICE, you can guess that the fans were not happy.
After this, many fandoms used the hashtag #엑소엘_사과해 (EXO-L, please apologize) which by then was trending on Twitter, to ask for an apology from EXO-L which had no effect.
It could stop there but nooooo. Then we had MMA 2017 where the fighting became even worse and Wanna One was included where they basically got accused for "stealing EXO's seats" (really? What are we? 5?)
After that, the hashtag #엑소엘한테_사과해 was still trending this time to get an apology for Wannable but🤷‍♀️
Of course EXO-L didn't stop there. After being upset that EXO did not receive more awards despite the fact that fans had voted them to #1 in online polls(even though EXO were awarded for 'Best Album of the Year Award' for 'The War') and the fact that Wanna One performed after EXO (which they found disrespectful) they also started a government petition to stop Mnet's 'MAMA' because they are unfair when it comes to votes and judging. ('Artist of the Year Award' and 'Best Male Group' award were taken by BTS and Wanna One, respectively which only fuelled things up)
That's more or less the important stuff that happened. Now this is not a hate post towards EXO-L (remember I am an EXO-L myself) and I'm not saying that ARMYs are saints BUT it is a post to show just how toxic a fandom can become. I was an EXO-L before I became an ARMY and I LOVED the fandom. Everything was so quiet and everyone was loving towards each other until BTS's first big win which according to EXO-L "Was a charity"
For the old fans here in both fandoms you may remember the old times when ARMY and EXO-L were still small fandoms that followed VIPs footsteps (VIPs are BigBang's fans. Yes I am a VIP as well lol) because BigBang was getting the awards and we were so happy if we got a small win and we hyped each other up and everyone was so happy. Yeah I miss those days too.
(If you are a new ARMY meaning after Billboard pls don't take part in this because let's face it If it weren't for Billboard you would have never listened to BTS. This is between old fans and we don't need extreme biased people here. Thanks.)
As I said before this is not a post to bring EXO-L down (who are now btw considered one of the most toxic famdoms in the kpop world tsk tsk tsk bravo EXO-L) or to hype up ARMY but things had to be said and I said them. You can hate me as much as you want but if you still think that ARMY and EXO-L deserve the treatment they receive from each other (and the other famdoms) and that this makes "your group" better and makes them happy then you can unfollow me right now and BLOCK ME because I don't want toxic fans on my blog.
Instead of hating other groups spend your precioud time supporting your own. I've been a kpop fan for 5 years now and I've never and I mean NEVER taken part in fanwars even if my favourite groups are getting called names. Don't fall on the level of toxic "fans". Be better and make your favourite idols feel loved by supporting them. Make them feel proud of their fandom not ashamed.
That's all I had to say. Feel free to add more if you want or argue with me. Have a great day guys I love you 💜
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milleemo · 6 years
I wanna talk about Poldark!!!
Especially 4x01!! I noticed all these little details and I wanna talk about them!!
- Demelza and Ross's little looks and they're being so attentive and gentle but cautious with each other and it feels SO REAL.
- Dwight constantly holding and petting Horace. Idk if the writers meant for this, but my headcannon is that Horace now sort of serves as a comfort animal for Dwight's PTSD and Caroline encourages him to snuggle Horace as much as possible ❤
-Demelza is wearing more fichus I guess since they can afford them now and her new night gown is pretty. Homegirl's looking good this season.
-Hugh being a douche, saying "oh I've gotten everything I've been wanting" or some shit while looking meaningfully at Demelza IN FRONT OF EVERYONE like BRO WTF you ass. "If I can't love you again it'll be the death of me" then perish you melodramatic little bitch.
-Sam is looking fine af lately btw
-i've seen people complaining that Zacky Martin bringing up the loss of Julia to Ross at his son's wake was making it "all about Ross" and I disagree. To me it was more like a grieving father turning to someone who knows what it's like to lose a child. They didn't drag out Ross's pain or anything, it's just one more situation that's leading Ross to understand that he needs to get political to bring change.
-I do wonder why Elizabeth gave her "medicinal" drink to George. And he sees her spike it and just like takes it when she hands it to him?? What's happening here with these two?
-THAT LAST SCENE THO. Demelza's face when Ross says "you're the better part of me" HER FACE JUST LIGHTS UP. She looks almost just like she did in s1 when he told her he loved her for the first time!!! Idk how Eleanor did it, but she managed to make herself suddenly look like years younger and it was BEAUTIFUL. And Ross!!! Ross actually speaking his FEELINGS and looking at his wife with so much love and affection and I just melted. Bravo, Aidan and Eleanor, you beautiful noble land-merpeople. You're both too good for this world.
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