#i love red in general it’s my personal favorite hair color but lately it’s just been fading pink and then blonde which is boring
atlasiiae · 6 months
bleached n dyed my hair again bc i got tired of seeing my roots growing out and i only got dye in my eyeball thrice .
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sanderchu · 2 years
could i get some soft dating hcs for sapnap bc i feel like he’d be the sweetest bf -🪴
Soft Sapnap hcs 
Note: he would be the sweetest bf istg- i actually do have hcs of him already made so i put them here there from my old acc
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Always preparing things for your arrival when you come home 
Brings bag filled with things for you (brush, pads, sunglasses, etc etc) 
Loves taking pictures of you and has a whole album just of you 
Calls you 24/7 if your apart 
Dream llikes to tease him to see him get all red 
You show up in the banter podcast more often 
Darling, babe, honey, nicknames like that
Matching outfits 
Makes a piece of merch based on you and him 
Movie night for sure 
Imagine running in the rain with him 
Loves to hold your face in his hands 
he’s a simp and he knows it but he can care less 
He wants you to know that he loves you even more than love if possible 
Matching hoodies 
If you skateboard you and him have matching stickers or matching boards 
One of the biggest supporters you can have in your life 
Tell him about your passions and ideas, he listens to everything and always remembers it to check up on it and your progress 
He would buy you guys promise rings 
Because of that he calls you his wife/husband 
Loves when guys have the same color clothes. Like he can have a white top then you have one 
He doesn’t care if your matching exact mainly the color pallets matter to him 
Will paint your nails any time any color any where you want he doesn’t care 
Drops everything for you. Whenever you need him he’s there 
Late night drives to diner 
Always paying for stuff for you and if you don’t accept it he pays it secretly 
If long hair: he loves to do styles on your hair to help you get ready for the day or just in general 
If short hair: enjoys putting pins in your hair to get it out of your face and in return you do the same 
Loves when you steal his hat and put it on 
He made a playlist for you both and you sing the songs on it together 
Post pictures of you guys on your dates or just post you in general to brag about how amazing you are
Always bragging about you to his friends 
Have insecurities? Well he loves them. You got acne? He doesn’t care. Freckles? Finds them the most perfect things on earth. Chubby thighs? Doesn’t matter your his pillow now. The list goes on and on he loves everything about you 
Puts his hand on your waist in public and tugs or your shirt a bit or makes little shapes on your waist 
Loves to do your makeup or face care for you 
If you do daily face care he suddenly does too he wants to enjoy that time with you 
He’s your pillow and your his pillow 
Bad day? Text him and when you get home a whole bed and meal is prepared for you with your favorite show or movie 
Dates are mainly gaming ones of shopping around 
Sitting on the roof and just have late talks is a thing with you 2 
Can’t leave him without a kiss if not your stuck with him for the day 
For the first date he gave you your favorite flowers in your favorite color 
If your watching a show you can rant to him about it about who you hate who you like in the show and he would consider watching it with you to prevent you from explaining it so much and to see your type of likes and dislikes and to also understand the show more 
You both have matching wallpapers of the opposite person doing one side of a heart 
Cooking together is fun. He would sit you on the counter and ask you to do simple little task as he takes care of the big things and when you ask why he just say “because a beautiful/handsome person like you doesn’t deserve to do all this hard work so allow me” 
You both flirt with each other in a dumb way to make the other laugh 
His way to say good morning is by dragging you to the bathroom with him to start your day by brushing your teeth 
Other days when he wants to sleep in he will grip you when you try to leave his side that you have no choice but to stay
A true gentleman when meeting your friends or family he always believes in first impression is the best impression 
Likes to throw you over his shoulder a bunch or do bridal style 
His favorite cuddling position with you is the pretzel
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postalollie · 1 year
What are ur favorite things about pdude :) any of them and what do think dating one would be like 😳
In general I love the fact hes a morally grey character that in general doesnt seems to care for what other think of him! (except if hes wearing a gimp suit obviously lol) and his smugness as well, for postal 2 dude I love his colors! theyre more dull which for me fits his character really well and I try to do that in my art of him as well (though Ive been slacking more on that aspect lol) his design in general is just so nice to look and memorable too, its simple but effective, peak character design right there and I dont even mean it as a joke I genuinely think his design is super good, and most importantly THE GLASSES!! I like drawing him with his eyes showing but when he has the sunglasses is where the fun is at, because it kinda brings a surprise factor to him, his colors are more died down but then you see his eyes and BAM!! green! of course theyre not too bright as to match with his other colors but still bright enough for him to have some contrast and bring some surprise to the player!
Now for p1 dude, I once again love his color scheme, I love red so its fun to look at him, even with just his limited model on the original postal you can see a lot of stuff in his design which is very impressive! I love his fingerless gloves and his sweater vest as well/shirt he wears on the gone postal cover, also...long hair...pretty.. ALSO his design with the red coat and green vest! I dont usually see it being drawn (I personally do prefer to draw the red and black version because I prefer that color scheme but the other is still quite good and I wanna draw it someday!) idk his design is just once again very cool to me
NOW FOR THE DATING PART OwO (sorry if these are hard to understand im very bad with writing and most of my fantasies rarely follow a story or a very strict personality to them lol)
for p2 I imagine it would be more difficult for him to "open up" I guess, he would start pretty closed off like he is in the game, even when hes interested in you hes still kinda closed off, with stuff like flirty interactions the thing he can do best because hes more in control, show that man some genuine affection and he wouldnt know how to take it (show that man love no one in paradise apreciates him >:( ) he would probably blue screen a bit from affection, however slowly he would start getting used it and start showing a bit more as well, you would just need to be a bit patient with him, he would however still care for you and be a bit possesive, not in the unhealthy way I mean would get jealous about you and if anyone tried to do anything he would kick their ass, in general his love language is a mix of physical contact and acts of service, he also calls you darling and dearie :)
NOW FOR P1 oh p1
tbh I think he would a bit more possesive compared to p2 by a bit, finding a not sick person would be a miracle to him, he would be a bit more emotional as well, confiding in you and being the only one he would trust, to me he would profess his love to you in a way more I guess poetic way?? idk how to call it but yeah! man is down bad for you essentialy, dont get me wrong though hes still postal dude of course, just ya know with more problems
now for the massacre part.. I feel it COULD be possible to be able to stop him from doing everything like people generally write p1 x reader fics but honestly to me, idk I feel like no matter what something would make him snap, the thing is would you join him or not... my self insert does but really I think that changes from person from person, I imagine that during the very small breaks from the killing he would be all over you, you're the thing that calms him down, also if he went to the asylum he would be saved by you, together till the end no matter what
AGAIN I know the whole joining in with him might seem bad! its just that for me its not any postal dude, especially postal 1 dude wihout some violence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
ALSO i headcanon all the dudes with the exception of corkscrew for obvious reason that theyre all part brazilian and portuguese is their first language! (self projection wee hoo) so they would call you pet names or say how much they love in the language! I feel they would say amor a lot and the variations of it (amorzinho, meu amor, mo, also that basically means my love in different ways in english) p3 would say xuxu or xuxuzin for sure though (idk how to translate this but like, imagine it as like saying doll or darling but in a more joking manner)
In any way, all of them would be protective of you, wouldnt want to hurt you no matter what and if anyone tried they're dead
(also bonus p3, he would be the most smug out of all of them, he KNOWS you love him and he loves you too and oh boy is he gonna have fun with it, also both him and p2 would probably fight for you a bit in paradise lost lol)
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
Hiiiii!!!! I saw you were doing Bg3 Pairings and if you’re able I’d be interested in submitting mine. I’ve only don’t this like one other time but I think these a fun so far :))
Age: 19
She/ Her Cis
Myers Briggs: INTP
Likes: Cats (especially mine), Animals in general, classical art, most kinds of music (especially rock and alternative), horror movies, gothic literature, being outside
Dislikes: Cat and Animals Haters, loud noises, people who are very angry all the time, modern pop, Wasps, people who don’t appreciate art and artists, Peas, Lima Beans :(
Favorite Feature: My eyes, most people say I have pretty eyes so I guess thats my most outstanding feature
Favorite Food: Steak and Lobster (also cookies, god I love cookies)
Song that would describe me: Squaring Up by Sir Chloe
Interests: Art, Writing, Going outdoors especially in the rural countryside or in the woods, cats
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Swimming, Weightlifting, dancing, spending time with my cats, listening to music
Mini Description: I’m 5’6, 175 lbs, muscular build, I have shoulder length black dyed hair with purple roots and blunt bangs. I’m goth so I dress in all black like all the time, sometimes I add in some darker colors. Im kind of a quite person until you start talking to me and then I can’t stop yapping about one of my hobbies or interest or some niche topic I really like. It’s funny though because some people are scared to talk to me when they first meet me, and trust me im literally just a goofball who is obsessed with art and cats. When im not studying for my classes im usually working on my comic book that I want to publish and/or working on animation because I want to be an animator and make a show out of my comic book. I like to keep busy, I don’t like to stay still lol
Anyways have a good day/night! Thank you for your time! :D
(i am staring at you with jealousy and disrespect, also you have good taste in music.)
this was a bit more difficult, but ultimately made my decision because sir chloe is very karlach coded, and so is disliking lima beans.
i get that in people are afraid to talk to you, i've heard in some alt subcultures that's the general vibe! i find that those who may be the scariest are the sweetest at heart.
i feel like both of you have an orange cat energy about you, if that makes sense. im feelin, red velvet cupcakes, and those chocolate covered cherries people buy from the dollar store during Christmas time. no clue why anyone would like them, but they're sold nonetheless.
(dunno if that's the most American thing i've said, will someone let me know if it is.)
a couple of odd balls if you catch my drift.
also, you can steal her clothes, though in a modern sense karlach would probably just be in baggy tees and sweats. always the best outfit to have in ones wardrobe.
one thing of her affection would be insisting for you to do her eyeliner, special bonding time, per se.
it reminds me of that image of the two girls doing each-others makeup. :'D
i think because you both have scary dog energy she probably will need to offset it by being bright and bubbly.
a date seems like snuggles when you cant sleep late at night, so you give into the insomnia and watch video essays together, with cups of tea of course. perhaps building a pillow fort!
im sure she would love cats, a little guy in her house!!! a creature just chilling there!!! wow!!!!!
scents would be, rain on concrete, and water left in a water-bottle for too long. both positive things i suppose.
hope you enjoyyyed
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
Get to know more, Danise's.
Spend some of your free your time by reading the details & facts about me!
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꒰ about me.
Danise. 9teen. asian baby. pronouns are she/they. life path number is 8. literal lovebot. tarot enthusiast. mbti personality is infj - a.
My name is Danise a mixed name from my given name "Danielle Serene". Yeah, that's my biological name, i just felt that's a very ugly name, it's very odd from other people or girls that is around my age. I mean who would like to name your child like this? Unless you were my Mom. It seems like it came from a book character lol.
Has a habit of rbf that's why people first impression and perceive me someone who is cold, snobbish, cruel, mean and quiet. but the quiet one is the only legit, lmao. However, if you will really get to know me more and we've become more close. I am someone who is funny and likes to joke around, this part that only introverted people knows and can relate about what i am writing here.
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꒰ byi
I don't frequently post anymore since i am that person who have a very busy lifestyle now not unlike before. However, i'm glad you've found my account. You have free access 24/7 in my account, so you can read them silently without even interacting to me.
꒰ dni
If you are someone who likes to spread hate and negativity on other people please kindly don't interact with me. It's not only affecting me but the people who truly love my works as well my mutual bf's. I believe, we all have different views and perspectives, hate me as long as you want. Who am i to dictate your feelings and tl stop hating me right? It's your feelings feel free to feel what you wanted to feel about me. But if you hate or dislike me just kindly don't engage with me anymore so you won't see my posts, that's just very simple to do right? We experiencing lots of pains so please be kind with your words when it comes to others, we are fragile humans. Call me oa or whatever but one hurtful word has a strong effect into someone else daily life, believe me.
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꒰ likes to do.
Reading Books - Watching Yt ASMR videos / Kpop Related Shorts - Painting - Watching Animes - Eating - Calligraphy Lettering - Journaling - Listening To Songs And Podcasts - Reading Tarot And Oracle - Studying something - and My new like to do is reading article news.(idk, maybe adulthood things.)
꒰ dislikes.
Fake people ( duh! i really hate the idea of the being plastic and bad to others.) Being rude to other person without any valid reasons. Spreading negativity that can affect others or harm others in general. Ruining someone reputation because of jealousy.
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꒰ favorites
Colors : green, brown, neutral and pastels ones. More into green.
Anything sweet. I am a sweet tooth person. I don't like spicy foods either.
Drinks : coffee & water.
Singers/ musician / artist : anything about kpop, jpop, taylor swift, lana del rey, melanie martinez and little mix. 🫶
◠⋆i. kpop groups i stan
%!old and new : twice, bts, red velvet, mamamoo, blackpink, txt, stray kids, seventeen, itzy, enhyphen, le sserafim, nmixx, aespa, stayc, g-idle.
◠⋆ii. my favorite era of little mix vs favorite album.
%! this is hard but, my favorite era was power era and so the best album belongs to LM5. I love all of their album btw.
[ 5. ] In love the ideas of greek mythology, moon, stars, night, darkness, rain, medical, god, angels, clouds, heaven, worshipping, being kind to others, writing, intuitive, tarot, cooking, baking, astrology, playing guitar, going to church, playing chess, surfboarding, taking swimming lessons, skating, driving late night, counting how many hours will i going to sleep before going to sleep, riding a horse, helping others, future, praying before going to sleep and after waking up, being in love but don't want to be in a relationship, singing, psychology, being alone, dyeing hair, big shirts,success, staying late at night, ballet dancer, learning basketball, playing golf and bowling, maturing, growing up, peaceful & quite places.
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꒰ hidden talents.
my hidden talents should be kept hidden.
꒰ skin care routine
new skin cares unlocked version.
peace of mind - 8 hours of sleep - washing your face ; morning and night - using the ordinary glycolic acid 4x a week.
꒰ others.
danise's current motto
"sometimes our great efforts will bring us more rewards."
꒰ best song motivation for me.
looking for you by kirk franklin.
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꒰ do you experiences something bad about your mental health?
I don't intend to harm or hurt your feelings with any of my pac works. Perhaps, I understand that not everyone experiencing the same warning signs of depression and other mental health related. If you think you have one i suggest you to rely on a mental health professional — so assess your own risk. You may view the findahelpline.com website for suicide prevention and crisis support helpline, It's free and available worldwide! If you are shy, my ask box or dm is open. I'm not really good about uplifting someone else mood but I'll try my best to understand your situation so please don't be afraid to talk about your problems, I'm all ears for you if no else did.
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— 🦢 ꒰ danise update's [ 03/20/2023. ]
ʚ oopsie you already reached the end. ɞ
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druidberries · 1 year
sims get to know me tag !!
thank you sm @duusheen for tagging me 🥹💛
1. What’s your favourite sims death? cowplant lmao
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I like maxis mix!
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? no
4. Do you use move objects? I can't build without it 😅
5. Favorite mod? this is super tough but I couldn't play without mccc and ui cheats!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? outdoor retreat!
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I feel like it's changed so many times throughout the years but lately it's been exclusively LIVing
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? a sim called Nex that I've never shared and Elowen! ofc lucine and flourish too but they're dnd characters before they are sims 😅
9. Have you made a simself? I did yearsss ago but she looks absolutely nothing like me lmao. I do kinda wanna try again tho?
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? I'm picking 5 bc that's how it should be in sims 4 *cough cough* family oriented, hopeless romantic, animal lover, geek, and socially awkward! I know some of those are sims 3 traits but its ok 😭
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? red and green! I have to resist the urge to give all my sims bright red hair 🫶 I love super dark black hair but it's such a hit or miss whether the swatch is gonna be gray, blue, or pitch black
12. Favorite EA hair? off the top of my head, I love the one we got with that sdx drop with the ombre roots and like 3 different high school years ones lol
13. Favorite life stage? I love infants bc 🥹🥹 but also teens and YA! even tho teens and young adults are pretty much the same 😐 it's one of the best parts of legacies when a child ages up into a teen!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? gameplay and cas! I'm not great at building and only do it when I need to but creating characters and playing with families are my fav <3
15. Are you a CC creator? no lmao. I would like to make some more recolors but I only ever make them for personal use! maybe one day I'll release some 🤔
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I've met some really good people on here that I just adore talking to <33 and I always think of my mutuals as my lil sims buddies 🥺
17. What’s your favorite game? 2 and 4! sims 3 is so good but 2 has my heart.
18. Do you have any sims merch? I used to have those headphones with the plumbobs that changed based on your sims emotions and they were so nice but they broke yearssss ago :( other than that no unless we're counting the freezer bunny I'm crocheting lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? no :(( I've wanted to start a youtube channel since I was just lil child but I'm so scared 🙃
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I honestly don't think I have a sim style? but I do think I've gotten better at making sims in general? I'm much better at using different faces and making sims look different now!
21. What’s your Origin ID? druidberries but i don't upload anything to the gallery
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? trillyke, simstrouble, ah00b, ratboy, simandy, squea, ladymoriel, praline and literally so many more I could go on forever
23. How long have you had a simblr? I've had tumblr for ages like lurking but I think I started my first simblr around 2016-2017? I used that one on and off for so long and I always lost motivation but finally what like 2 months? ago I made this one and got a nice clean fresh start 😌
24. How do you edit your pictures? I use photoshop and I pretty much always do topaz, noise, and sharpen, and then from there I decide if I wanna do some brightening or whatever. I do use actions sometimes too! I really have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to editing 😭
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? all of the occult packs ofc + growing together and cottage living <33 I also really love nifty knitting bc most of my sims knit lmao
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I really want them to make a fairies pack 🧚‍♀️🫶
feel free to ignore this but I'm tagging: @buttertrait. @potionio, @aurorangen, @estah, @sinfulwunders, @salemssimblr, @duskiivy and @simlishpiadina
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mistydeyes · 11 months
Hi, I hope you're having a good day! 🥰
I'd like to ask for a cod pairing pls ✨️
(I hope this ends up being coherent because I did just get back from spending several hours in the blazing sun lol)
as for appearance: I'm 5"4', have wavy brown hair that goes just past my shoulders, green eyes and I'm pretty pale with some freckles. as for body type I guess I'm more on the skinny side but I do have some curves and have been building some muscle lately.
personality-wise, I'm a fellow infp 👋🏻 I tend to be shy around people I don't know yet but once I get to know someone enough to be comfortable I get very talkative and make (sometimes really bad) jokes. my sense of humour bounces from silly to pretty dry or even sarcastic/cynical sometimes. I try to be kind to everyone unless they give me a reason not to, and I very rarely get angry or loud. I also try to always give my friends a sense of reassurance that I sometimes wish someone would give me. I do struggle with generalized anxiety disorder but I've been working on it, trying to live with it and move out of my comfort zone one step at a time.
in terms of interests/hobbies, I love playing video games, especially story-driven or open world adventure/fantasy games, as well as reading and writing, and going for hikes in the woods (I also do a bunch of nature photography). I work out twice a week and am pushing to get to a third time. this is definitely something I need since I work in office administration and sit a lot haha. but I do also like getting physically stronger, it helps my confidence quite a bit.
okay this is starting to get long so I'll cut it off here lol
thank you!💖
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
How you met: Civilian Hikes in autumn were some of your favorites. You loved the crisp, cool weather and always had your camera on you to capture the changing of the seasons. You zipped up your fleece jacket as the soft breeze flowed gently through the trees. Your camera roll was filled with pictures of the wildlife making preparations for the winter and the silhouette of birds against the colorful leaves. The ground crunched under your step as you walked the nature trail. Eventually, you came across a man who was enjoying the beauty of the forest. He wore a warm flannel jacket and his bright smile was picturesque. You shamelessly snapped a picture of him as he was perfectly contrasted against a collection of yellow, red, and orange foliage. You weren't going to say anything until he approached you with a friendly wave. "Was it a good picture?" he asked and you blushed in embarrassment. You looked at your camera and it was, his smile perfectly capturing the enjoyment of fall and the leaves descending elegantly behind him. You sheepishly showed him it and he awed in response. "You have to send me a copy!" he exclaimed and quickly handed his phone over to you to exchange numbers. "I'm Kyle, by the way," he said as you sent yourself a text, "being a model is just a hobby of mine." You both laughed at his comment and said your goodbyes as you continued in opposite directions. You wouldn't find out until months later but he saved your contact as "the pretty photographer."
A peek into your relationship: "My turn!" you exclaimed as Kyle finished playing through another character's unfortunate demise in What Remains of Edith Finch. You had a tradition when he was on leave to play a game you each picked and trade off controlling the main character. It had taken you months to get through the Borderlands series as your boyfriend was terrible at making quick decisions and completing dialogue branches. He pushed the keyboard and mouse to your direction as you continued to direct Edith through the sprawling maze of a house. You had started the game this morning and after many breaks (Kyle was so upset after certain character deaths) you were finally approaching the ending. You had just played through Lewis' story and both were heartbroken at his fate. "This game is so twisted," Kyle said as you finally navigated to Edith's great grandmother's room. "I know but the art and the story is just so good," you said as you sat back and watched another tragic cutscene playthrough. "You are something else," he joked as he gently held your hand to pull the mouse away. By now, it was only Edith left and the plot twist left you both yelling and screaming at your pc. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WAS PREGNANT?" Kyle yelled as tears pricked your eyes. "Why did she have to die in childbirth?" you sobbed and shut your computer off as the cut scenes rolled. Kyle picked you up and placed you in his lap to comfort you. "Next time I pick the game," he joked and you could even see he was getting a little glossy in the eyes. "Deal" you said as you wiped at your cheeks. "Can we watch something silly like FNAG reaction montages or something?" you asked and he nodded as he carried you off to your living room for some much needed laughs.
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maddipoof · 1 year
living in the past, it's a new generation - tell me as much as you want to about yourself and I'll make a mood board of what i imagine your past life would be (i'm obsessed with historical fashion, let me indulge myself)
this is so creative oh my goodness how do you come up with these??? also i went a little overboard while talking about myself i hope thats ok<3
i'm an isfj, and i'm fairly shy. i have anxiety, and i get really quiet in social settings- i have 3 close friends who mean the world to me, and i'm part of a really small friend group but i value individual friendships much more because of how intimate they are. i listen to music quite often, read too much (i get caught up in books really easily), listen to a lot of music - taylor swift wrote mirrorball for me - and i'm an academic validation girlie. my aesthetic is somewhere in between coastal granddaughter and coquette- i kind of dress like rory gilmore, i wear flared jeans a lot and floral or lacy tops. 
i use she/her pronouns, and i'm straight but mayyybe bi?? i like to think i'm feminine- i love perfume and lavender and candles and claw clips and locket jewelry. i'm 5'2, petite, and i have medium-length hair that's light brown in the winter and strawberry blonde in the summer (idk but something about the sun changes its color, i don't know how). i'm really fair skinned, blush easily, and i have a few freckles- i get sunburned really easily so i try to take really good care of my skin. my teeth aren't very straight but i like to think it's a cute little character flaw haha.
i'm a ballet dancer but i also ice skate for fun, and i play touch football in the spring. i'm also obsessed with pearls. i write a lot as well- mostly poetry, but i don't post it on here lol. i adore pretty trinkets and dresses, iced matchas from starbucks, gracie abrams, romcoms, and pale pink converse. my favorite show is gilmore girls & anne with an e, and my favorite movies are little women (2019) and dead poets society. thank you<33
babe, why do we have the same hair except mine is only red because it's so stained
And also, don't apologize for talking about yourself. This is science, I need DATA!!!! It's also an excuse for me to know you better<3 (this is also gonna be lowkey fantasized because old times be rough and I'm not gonna put your past self through that) We are here for lighthearted gaiety!!!! Nothing more, nothing less!
Anyway, I got carried away and made a pinterest board rather than a mood board, sorry, but anyway, absolutely 100% certainly late victorian ballerina
I kinda feel like its low hanging fruit cus like, you said you love ballet but honestly I was thinking it the whole time, I just got lucky when you confirmed it el oh el
I think you wouldn't be nobility exactly, but like gilded age and whatever, you'd have money so you get a fancy education and excel in all your courses but then you start ballet and you're definitely better than everyone there too. So you eventually become on of the most famous ballerinas and duh everybody wants to be you or be with you but you're like naaahhhh I have enough friends, thank you though. BUT THeN! One day, at some dinner party your obscenely wealthy grandma is having in your honor at her beach mansion house (because you're the bestest ballerina of them all) you meet gaspspps A Devilishly dashing (person of whatever gender you're feelin, I won't tell you what to do) and it's a relentless back and forth of will-they-wont-they and your friends all say yes but you say no because "they're probably just like everyone else, they don't want me for me, they want me for what I do, what I could offer them"
BUT THEN! dun dun dun,,,a totally random accident that happens out of nowhere and is completely unrelated to dance (i'm hella superstitious and if you think i'm putting that out there? Haha no way), leads you to an early retirement because you still love to dance but the fame isn't all you bargained for, so you move to the seaside and DUN DUN DUN! Who comes to visit??? Your beloved suitor!! and then you have a beautiful life filled with perfume bottles, lockets, lavender sprigs, and beach picnics <3
ummmm I got very carried away but i hope you liked it <3
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dragonsaph · 1 year
Jatta Dralee (OC)
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Introduction of Character
Name: Jatta Dralee Age: 13 Gender: female Nickname(s): / Alias(es): / Era: Clone Wars Birth Date: NA Status: Alive (Clone Wars) Species: Rodian Blood Type: AB Affiliations/Organizations: Jedi Order Occupation: Jedi
The Character’s Appearance
General Appearance: A green skinned Rodian with short, red-brown hair. She wears beads as the padawan braid. She wears a classic Jedi robe over a dark bodysuit. The hands are protected by fingerless gloves. She also wears light grey boots.
Handedness: Right
About the character
Personality: - Insecure at first, after her former master, Pong Krell, abandoned her - more confident after getting a new master - loyal to the Jedi - cares about the clones
Favorites: - the night view of Coruscant
Least Favorites: - Droidekas
Hobbies/Interests: - studying maps
Phobias/Fears: - not being good enough - making a decision that endangers a mission
Habits: - starts to count if nervous
Mannerisms: - very loyal and respectful to the Jedi and Clones - following orders instead of making own decisions
Skills/Talents: - Can easily remember large numbers after hearing them only once
Best Qualities: - always has some good strategy ideas.
Worst Qualities: - trying to avoid making important decisions.
Goals/Motivations/Dreams: - Wants to become a Jedi Knight (maybe even a master) - ending the war
The Character’s Relationship With Others
Reputation: Many Jedi and Clones (especially the 501st) are sceptical about Jatta after Krell's betrayal on Umbra. She is aware of this and want's to show that they are wrong. There are also people like Kit Fisto, who wants to give her a chance to prove herself.
Love Interest(s): None
Friend(s): - Ahsoka Tano - CC-1227 "Jemsen"
Enemy(ies): - The Seperatists/ Confederacy of Independent Systems
Relationship(s): - Kit Fisto: Jatta's new master. They get along very well. He was chosen since the Jedi Council wanted a council member to have an eye on her after her former master betrayed the Republic. Jatta is very grateful to be treated by him just like a normal padawan.
- CC-1227 "Jemsen": He is commanding the 180th Legion, which was formerly under Krell's control. Jemsen and Jatta got along quite good.
The Character’s Abilities
Jedi Rank: Padawan Master(s): - Pong Krell (former) - Kit Fisto (current)
Color of Lightsaber: Green
Powers/Abilities: - The Force - detecting vibrations with her antennas - seeing infrared
Strengths: - very agile
Weaknesses: - Sensory Overload If earthquakes or heavy turbulence, because her antennas will detect too many vibrations at once
Fighting Style: - Mainly Form III
Preferred Weapon(s): - Lightsaber
Knowledge: 7/10 Motivation: 8/10 Will to Act: 7/10 Agility: 9/10 Force Control: 7/10 Swordsmanship: 7 /10 Hand-to-Hand Combat: 6 /10 Long Range Accuracy: 5 /10 Piloting Skills: 7 /10 Offense: 7 /10 Defense: 8 /10 Social Skills: 8 /10
The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information
Birthplace: Rodia Homeworld: Rodia Family: unnamed parents (alive)
Familial Background: - simple citizens on Rodia
Character Background:
She was the Padawan of the Jedi Pong Krell. But shortly before the events on Umbra, Krell abandoned her because he saw her as weak and useless. The next weeks Jatta was assigned to help out at the Jedi Archive. A bit later, Jatta was assigned to be Master Kit Fisto new Padawan. He is not only teaching her, but also has the order to keep an eye on her, in case she should be following her late master's path. Jatta also reunited with Jemsen, since Fisto also now takes control over the 180th legion.
Yay~~~ Finally finished my Clone Wars OC. I used a template made by VisionaryDame on deviantart.
Feel free to leave any kind of feedback. Please do NOT use this OC WITHOUT permission!!!!
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Hello, it's your local DE fan! I'm sorry to hear that you'll be busy, don't stress yourself too much.
I was wondering if I could get a Disco Elysium match up, please (and thank you). I go by Charlie and I'm genderfluid, I guess I'm fem presenting. Other names I've gone by are Al Doe, Zim, and Allie. I'm 5"1 and a half and have really long hair. Sometimes it gives me gender dysphoria but I keep it for when I'm feeling more fem, for braiding and for headbanging. I'm currently dark dirty blonde but I'm going to dye it red (more natural I think) soon. I'm also a Taurus sun sign but I also believe astrology is way more than just your sun sign. I'm a bit witchy and like to go on pendulum walks and do tarot readings. I want to get more into wicca but I have lots other things to handle before that.
I listened to a lot of indie rock music but I love music in general. Destroy Boys, Nickelback, The Crane Wives, Mother mother, NSP, Jack Stauber, Lemon Demon, Teddy Hyde, and Will wood are some of the bands I'm currently listening to. I'm also a big fan of Musicals with one of my favorites being Heathers and Be More Chill.
I love four wheeling, baking, reading, singing, and gaming. I specifically like rpg games, my favorite right now is obviously Disco Elysium. I also like playing Pokemon, Yokai watch, RDR2, Stardew valley, the "of lothing series" and, "cook, serve, delicious" no matter how angry it gets me. I'm a stoner and I would like my partner to be okay with smoking with me, not everytime. But smokey cuddle time with some music on (calmer music) sounds amazing. ( I mean so do smokey kisses.) I don't do anything harder but I do drink occasionally and smoke nic socially. I like almost all kinds of humor if done properly. I often flirt with my friends and say a lot of dirty or odd jokes. I've definitely made a few bewildered eyes look our way. I love being supportive so if you do something then you will know because I will tell you and literally go soccer mom on your ass.
I'm bisexual but I have an easier time getting with men (love men with a feminine touch just *chefs kiss) Women make me a lot more nervous when it comes to romance and even more so sexually. I'm going to college for culinary and business school but I'm doing the normal classes first. Sometimes I have a hard time going to school but lately I've been getting better. I'm incredibly smart and test well and remember stuff, but I fall asleep in class even when I get sleep at home.
I like people who are older than me or at least a bit more mature. Basically fatherless behavior but what you gonna do when old men hit a spot in you. I'm incredibly affectionate and love cuddles but sometimes just being around someone while reading or doing your own thing feels nice. I'm polyamourus and my dream relationship is with two 2 partners with an occasional third because of my social battery. My preference for men tends to be of the chubbier side but in all honesty I can make anything work if the personality is good. I love women in general, just so pretty.
The fastest way to get to my heart is to make me laugh and feed me good food. I also want someone who I can go on ADHD tangents with. I would say I'm pretty artistic as well, some of my favorite topics are hidden meaning, femininity, clowns, creatures, fae, uncanny valley, apocalyptic and nature.
If you need anymore you know who I am so feel free to ask. I could write so much about myself rn. Why can't I get this way with a resume?
Hi anon! I recognize you :) I made this one special for you mi amigues. 
== Disco Elysium ==>
I match you up with…
I firmly believe that the two of you are prefect for one anther. Both sorta punk-y, and women lovers. But you also share some of the same struggles, and that’s important in a partner. 
First of all, the two of you would absolutely dye your hair together. She’s been through a plethora of colors, and so I imagine you’d help her pick out something that fits her, and she’d help you dye yours. You make little date nights out of it. 
She’s also keen on helping you with dysphoria when you have it. I headcanon Ruby as trans, and so I think the two of you may share similar experiences. She knows best how to help when you’re feeling out of it, and is a very sympathetic shoulder to lean on. 
Ruby would be interested in your belief in witchy things and astrology. She’s much more of a practical person, so those kinds of things normally don’t interest her, but I imagine coming from you she’d find them pretty intriguing. 
She’d also love to go on pendulum walks with you. 
Ruby is definitely into punk rock and the more indie music scene, so I can imagine the two of you rocking out together and listening to music while simply enjoying one another’s presence. Maybe you go to concerts together and have the time of your lives, or maybe you stay home and sing along in your own private concert.
I don’t imagine she’d be super keen on musical theater, but she’d find your enthusiasm for it endearing enough. Maybe she’d find some of the black comedies entertaining. 
Ruby hasn’t played many games in her time, but I think she’d adore horror games and anything that she can play with you. 
She’d absolutely be down for some RPG Maker horror games, and I imagine that’s an area where the two of you would have a lot of common ground. 
But also, imagine a stardew valley date night with the two of you playing and you teaching her the ropes. She’d spend a lot of her time in the mines getting you diamonds and all sorts of goodies. 
Ruby absolutely smokes, so the two of you could totally have high cuddles. Maybe watch some ghibli movies and talk about whatever comes to mind while perfectly stoned. 
Ruby is absolutely flustered by you if you go soccer mom on her. She’s not used to receiving a lot of praise or loyalty, so you cheering her on and being in her corner is insanely precious to her. 
Given her trust issues, I think she’d have a hard time coming around to believing that you’re being genuine, but when she got there, she’d already be so deeply in love with you. 
Ruby gets being nervous around pretty women. I imagine she’d get extremely nervous around you at first, being very secretive and not talking much. But I think the two of you would start a beautiful friendship that would grow into an equally beautiful relationship. 
Ruby admires your intelligence quite a lot. She needs someone who can keep up with her rants on the pale and technology, and she’s glad that she’s found that someone in you. 
Also, culinary school? She’s secretly delighted when you cook something amazing for her. She’s used to eating shitty microwave foods, so a fresh meal from someone she loves would be an absolute delight. 
Ruby is not the most affectionate person, being very awkward when confronted with affection in the first place, mostly because she’s been used in the past. But when you cuddle her she can feel herself decompress like a deflating balloon. You bring her a sense of peace that she has not known since she was a young girl playing pinball. 
Ruby has dirty sense of humor too, so the two of you are always cracking jokes and remarks to each other and breaking out into laughter. Ruby doesn’t try to draw attention to herself, but she can’t help how hard she laughs around you. 
Overall, I think the two of you are a match made in Elysium. You’ve got her back, she has yours, and she’s infinitely thankful to have you in her life ♥️
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.34--Episodes 4-5
I have watched through S4E5; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—How can anybody keep a straight face about that funky lil hat? If Rumple ever actually wears it I will no longer be able to take him seriously.
—The Sorcerer’s Apprentice got turned into a mouse I CANT EVEN
—Are we never actually going to see the Sorcerer? If he could create a hat this powerful, he must be something else.
—I love that Rumple enchanted a broom to do the thing! Sorcerer’s Apprentice is hands-down one of my favorite Disney cartoons, so any reference to its iconic bits delight me.
—How can nobody see the Snow Queen’s castle? It’s an ice palace! IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST! And a thing like that has got to generate some kind of supercool temperatures around it, so it should be pretty obvious when anybody gets close to it.
—The Snow Queen’s weird obsession with mirrors is an interesting nod back to the original Snow Queen story. Which, in itself, has some pretty solid themes.
—That backstory stuff with Emma and her buddy Lilith is fruity as heck.
—So the Snow Queen was Emma’s foster mom? Oh, the intrigue! The question still remains: did she know who Emma was at the time? It seems almost impossible for it to be that big of a coincidence.
—I enjoy a bit of leg as much as the next person, but Elsa needs some new clothes. Her dress simply isn’t practical in Storybrooke. But she could keep the sparkly purple cape, I wouldn’t mind.
—On the other hand, it kinda makes me sad that Hook is out of his pirate clothes. Those are mostly practical, and they’re quite dashing.
—I can’t believe Will Scarlett is actually of some narrative significance. I’ve watched the Disney Robin Hood where they’re all animals, and I’m not sure he was even in that one; I’ve also watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, in which he happens to be one of the main draws for me. His part in the story seems to be largely variable. The Wonderland stuff has some potential; the drawing he tore out of the book was, I think, of the Red Queen? Which might have cool implications if he’s actually from Wonderland, given his last name.
—If Hook ever risks his relationship with Emma to take Rumple down, I’m gonna mad. Mostly because I am now ride-or-die for CaptainSwan, but also because if Rumple’s marriage falls apart I will cry.
—Emma’s date-night dress was gorgeous. I love Elsa being confused about how little of it there was, compared to Arendellian fashion—but then again, has she looked in a mirror lately?
—Snow and Charming mother-henning about Emma’s date with Hook was adorable. I love when the Charmings get to have normal domestic moments like that.
—We’ve seen how much Hook cares for Emma—he traded the Jolly Roger to help her, for Pete’s sake! (Which is peak romance if you happen to be dating a pirate captain.) Having Emma show him some of her childhood keepsakes was a good way to balance out their relationship and show that she trusts him and cares for him too.
—It’s not such a big deal that Will escaped and got pardoned, considering he was in jail for a pretty minor offense and was apparently being kept there for longer than he should have been.
—I kinda wish the other Snow Queen had a hair color other than blonde. It’s a classic, but it might’ve been more interesting to give her dark or ginger hair. Heck, maybe even just straight white would’ve been cool. Or pale blue. Or light purple. Her dress is pretty, though.
—Regina and Emma being grudging frenemies is amusing. I love how salty they are around each other.
—I’m not sure how I feel about the turn Henry’s taken. Snooping around Rumple’s store is one thing; using the ‘connection to Baelfire’ card to manipulate his way into a job there is another. He’s definitely Regina’s kid.
—Elsa’s story kills me, especially in Frozen 2 (I cry at Show Yourself every frickin time) but this version hits a bit harder. Her parents actively searched for something to change her so she would be “normal.” It’s kinda the next logical step for them, seeing as they were pretty crappy parents in Frozen to begin with, but it’s so much worse. Good golly.
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hi emmy!! ♡ I hope you're doing well !! I wanted to ask for a ship, preferably for the Pacific :) um so here's some information on me!
Brief description of my looks; Curly hair that's brown with highlights of blonde and red. It's like a mixture of my parents hair colours. I am tall, 175cm. Fashion wise; Starting to get into more of some sort of punk fashion. I like fashion in general but punk fashion has been especially cool as of late, imo. Band tees!! I wait for the day a pretentious man asks me for songs by the hand; I'll list a whole album to spite the man. My friend calls me her scary dog privilege !! The same friend (I love her sm) labeled my eyes sea glass. My facial expressions are either sorrowful or a bit stand-offish. No in-between.
Personality; As you can tell I can be talkative but in that same sense, I am very quiet. I enjoy observing rather than speaking. I am a bit shy and tend to blush rather easily. Oftentimes, people find me to be therapeutic which has its ups and downs. I have the tendency to act like a leader, it just comes naturally? Especially if there are people much younger than me in a group setting. I love making jokes. I love seeing people smile and enjoy the moment, that's the most beautiful sight. I have photoshopped cowboy hats onto pictures of my friends & set those photos as their contact pictures. I don't think this is a personality trait but I'll say it; I am Jewish. Oh! So important thing to me; Music!! I listen to music all the time. Some bands I enjoy include; the pogues, the clash, second thoughts, the ramones, joy division, stone roses. The list goes on, actually here's a band name that'll make you laugh; "The nipples erectors" um, don't ask me lmao. Anyway!! I'm an equestrian, english discipline. Oh, I love geography!! I'm trying to memorize the world map. I write. Like a lot. I'm passionate about a lot... oh yeah, I suppose I need to mention I struggle with depression & have a baggage that I'd rather not say out loud... but it exists and greatly distorts how I view my body. also if this helps; I'm an infp and type 3 enneagram.
Anyway, thanks!! Mwah!!
Hi babe!! honestly i feel like you and i would be fashion twins irl!! your style sounds so cool ngl <3
I ship you with:
Bob Leckie from The Pacific!
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ship theme song: She's My Religion by Pale Waves
okay Leckie lowkey needs and craves a punk bitch gf!!
the man tries so hard to be an edgelord stg
he needs a punk queen in his life!!!
i feel like he would just see you walking down the street one day
and he's just like
"god damn... this girl is my QUEEN"
is it your sea glass-colored eyes that captivated him first?
or your ripped fishnets and doc martens??
who can say???
dude probably writes romantic emo poetry about you at 2am in his bedroom
literally pining after you and he works up the nerve to finally ask you out
like Leckie, you're either very quiet or a chatterbox
no in between
he appreciates your quietness and conversation equally
Leckie thinks its so dang cute when you blush
so he tries to make you blush often
over the most stupid stuff, too!
he loves going on double dates with you and Runner and his gf
or Chuckler and his gf
and your natural leadership tendencies take over
he'll just smile at you stupidly
but inside he's just like
"oh yeah... that's my dang gf >:)"
he's so intrigued by your Jewish heritage
he loves going to Passover at your family's place each year
your parents are totally smitten with him
but his most favorite thing to do with you is to go to the record store on Saturdays
he'll let you pick out as many records as you want
and will gladly buy them for you
depend on Leckie to fuel your music addiction >:)
he loves how passionate you are about everything you do
he considers himself really lucky to know a girl like you <3
also, Leckie is deals with his own certain type of baggage
so he's no stranger to anxiety and depression
he hopes that you'll share your worries and doubts with him
and he'll be open and truthful with you as well :)
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bilbao-song · 1 year
Saw your post on favorite Jeffrey eras and first: wholly agree with your tags-- the man simply existing is my fave! But... if I *had* to break it down:
1. The period where this New World Rising performance was shot. His hair is like, the perfect amount of soft floof, neatly sculptured beard, and just... that blue satin suit? Chefs kiss! That color is AMAZING on him. He just looks very nice here.
2. The ever elusive Time Tour period. The short hair, the sleeveless shirts, the goatee. A big departure from his earlier looks, but honestly? It was very on brand with where the 80s went with looks. I like to think that, like the album, that was very progressive and ahead of its time, Jeff was reinventing himself into something fresh for a new decade.
3. The late 80s/early 90s Wilbury/Armchair Theatre Era. Soft, dapper with his long sleeve shirts and vests (a look I rocked in middle school because vests were the thing back then!): the man looked like a guitar playing dad. Plus, we got the added bonus of him working with his heroes, which I swear made him more smiley than usual.
4. I think maybe 71? Very late Move but not sure if ELO yet. (Although the look carried over into that Set of Six video on YouTube where he has the little flower painted on his cheek and he's wearing that long red coat). He looks rather adorable here, before he went the way of the tin foil hat and red feathery boa. Just Jeff being Jeff and I love it!
Legit, I could go on, but I'm sure you get it. Any Jeff is great Jeff.
WELL i will have to respond to each of these individually because it’s clearly just necessary:
yesSsSsSsSs that first one you linked is a favorite of mine as well :^) i’m a fan of the outfit, and i love the way his hair looked in that era. it was longer than usual but sooo fluffy and nice, and i also really like the times when he had that little v-shaped part going on — i feel like he was possibly doing that when it was too long in the front or something (mood bc i did that as a child with bangs lmao) but it looked so cute (extremely necessary photographic evidence included below):
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anyway! YES i have Thoughts about his look in the time era as well. very different but i can certainly appreciate it. there’s another ask specifically about this waiting in my inbox so i’ll save my elaborate comments for that one asdljldlsk
late 80s/early 90s jeffrey is a favorite of mine as well :) his hair looked so wonderfully soft and fluffy in that era and i’m definitely a fan of the clothes! that shirt he had with the playing card symbols(??? i feel like there’s another term for that but whatever) was really interesting in particular. and yessss, like you mentioned, i looooove how in many of the photos from that era he just looked so happy :’) really warms the soul 💕 cheerful jeffrey is my favorite
and lastly YES i love the flower facepaint thing. i would have paid $20000000000 to be the person responsible for putting that on him. yet another cute era in general (shocking, i know)
anyway i know this all just me agreeing with everything you said but really at any given moment i basically always think he is adorable 🥺 and by all means, do feel free to go on lmao
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risingsh0t · 2 years
🌸🌹🌷🌼🌻🌺💐☘️☀️🌈 ☁️ + miss nicole 💕
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color? Her favorite color goes back and forth between yellow and red! She doesn’t actively dislike any colors, but she gravitates toward pink the least.
🌹- What’s this oc’s biggest fear Losing someone she loves (oops it’s happened 3 times). But it's definitely still her biggest fear as demonstrated by her hesitation to start anything “official” with Steve because she truly thinks that might make a difference. Also demonstrated by her choice to stay in Hawkins past graduation so she doesn't have to leave her stepdad and half-sister.
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee? She actually doesn’t like coffee very much. Her drink of choice is either a coke, cherry slushy, or an orange julius (before the mall was destroyed). If she’s desperately tired in the morning she’ll add (probably too much) creamer and sugar to make it somewhat tolerable.
🌻- What’s this oc’s mental health state? After Nicole’s mom’s death at the hands of the mind flayer she ends up with ptsd mostly in the form of nightmares. At the urging of her stepdad she speaks to a counselor, but it only does so much. Her support system is really what keeps her steady and pushes her to keep working on it! Despite what she’s been through she’s motivated to cope with it as best she can... that isn’t to say she doesn’t have god awful days too though. However…since Eddie was her best friend, the ptsd, with the addition of survivor’s guilt, is going to be in full swing for a while.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc? My favorite thing about Nicole is that she’s a fierce friend when she considers you one. She’s hesitant to fully open her heart and grow that attached, but once she loves someone - that’s her priority. Also her ability to genuinely cope with this much. I didn’t mean to but I’ve saddled her with a lot of traumatic events… 🤡
🌺- Which family member(if any) is this oc closest to? Nicole had absolutely always been closest with her mom. Despite any disagreements they had, the respect was always there… Nicole was, and still is, always striving to be the kind, helpful, honest woman her mom was. She was very close with her dad when he was alive, as he was her inspiration to get into filmmaking, but it wasn’t the same kind of bond.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax? Nicole’s favorite place to relax is either her room or her roof (there’s a way to get up there from her window). She’s cultivated her room into her ultimate place of relaxation and comfort…posters of the movies she likes, her filmmaking equipment, her music, home videos she watches often, and other sentimental things. When she relaxes on her roof it’s usually nighttime and it’s with a friend!
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning? Post graduation Nicole gets up at varying times. Usually it’ll be between 10am and 12pm depending on when she went to bed / when her shift at The Hawk starts, although she often works in the late afternoon or evening. If she has an idea for a film that requires daylight, or just needs inspiration, she might wake up earlier to bike around.
☀️- Does this oc make good or bad first impressions? Kind of a mixed bag! It depends on who she's talking to. Generally, she makes good impressions because she is genuinely friendly and caring. She'll make a neutral impression if she has no interest in speaking to that person or is having a bad day at work, as she might come across as aloof.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves? She likes her eye for detail, her hair, piercings, style, and her ridiculous knowledge of horror films. She dislikes that she gets nightmares, that she has to be the one to lean on her friends and family instead of the other way around. Sometimes she dislikes that she cares too much, as that’s part of why her biggest fear is what it is.
☁️- What is this oc’s clothing style like? Casual and comfortable. Nicole wears whatever she’s feeling that day and doesn’t really have one specific style. Though generally, it consists of: converse, jeans (sometimes ripped with fishnets), and a cropped t-shirt that either has a graphic on it or is striped.
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cryptiles · 2 years
Hello!! Can I request a matchup for Obey me?
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Female!
You can call me Ai! I may seem really reserved at first but truth be told, I am goofy and a people's person. My Friends describe me as the 'mom' friend. I am also very lethargic and tend to  procrastinate. I am optimistic and I really like that about myself :D  I am a person of simple pleasure, so that makes me easy to please. Oh and I am a dog person!
I love spicy food and my day doesn't start without a cup of coffee. I like listening to music and do my work.
I don't like to hurry or any last-minute plans, I like to do things at my own pace. I am not very organized but I always plan beforehand. The one thing I dont want in a partner is short temper,
I am very emotional and it gets to me. My hobbies are Baking, Cooking, and singing. My favorite color is yellow!
Physical appearrance: skin tone is warm beige, i'm 5'5 with long black hair till my waist and chocolate brown eyes. I also wear glasses I lean towards chubby side!
What i look in a person: I talk a lot, and always get shut for doing so, someone who could hear me out would be great! Also i am a good listener, so its not just one way.
Ideal date : A classic cafè date, Amusement parks or just sitting at home I'm up for anything!
My MBTI is ESFJ, if that helps aswell!
Thank you! and hope you have an amazing day!
— details ; obey me x female! reader ; match-up based ; obey me m.list ; she/her
— requests are open as of 27/8 —> 13 match-ups left + 1 head-cannon
— a/n : you’re literally one part of me with that organisation thing and amusement parks i wanna go back to one so bad 😕 anywayss hope you enjoy 😼 sorry requests are slow as of late , i’m losing motivation.
bibbidi-bobbidi-boo i match you with … diavolo !!
• this man needs constant watching over , he’s really just an overgrown man child.
• i feel like he has that natural aura that at first glance intimidates people because he’s the demon prince and all , but he’ll immediately switch up and into his nice outgoing personality.
• both of you will have conversations that last for hours and this man is loud asf too.
• if y’all are together to do work , he will stop everything and enjoy your company , both of you end up procrastinating and doing absolutely nothing resulting in barbatos and lucifer having to set a rule that only after you both finish your assignments then you both can meet up.
• he’s an animal person in general and i mean he’s the prince ! he’ll definitely get you a dog if you want one , all the dogs in fact.
• he’ll tend to all your needs no matter how big or small.
• i feel like he would go all out in the beginning but once you explain you’re someone who just enjoys simple things he’ll tone it down. [ unless you don’t mind the extravagant things he does ]
• due to him being the prince and all he can’t go out with you to have coffee dates without media attention , so instead he learns how to make your favourite coffee so you both can enjoy it in the comfort of the castle.
• this man has all the patience in the world.
• he’ll sit there and listen to all your ramblings and then pamper you afterwards.
• he’ll literally without any hesitation bow down for you.
• if you wear yellow clothing he’ll fit in some yellow to his usual red colour palette , and , he really likes matching stuff so expect matching clothing , accessories , keychains and more.
• his favourite activity with you is baking , although i don’t think he’s very good at it. [ this is why barbatos doesn’t allow him in the castle’s kitchen ]
• let’s say you guys went to the house of lamentation to bake.
• most of the time he’ll be staring at you and doing stupid stuff to distract you from the main task , sometimes even throwing some flour at you for fun. [ it results in a whole mess with flour and stuff everywhere , lucifer sighs and just asks you guys to please clean it up. ]
• both you and diavolo are every adventurous so really he’ll take you where ever you want to go.
• amusement parks would be so fun with him.
• he’s those cliché types that would spend money at a carnival game to win an overpriced teddy bear just to see you smile.
• when you both enter he’ll immediately hold your hand and keep a close eye on you he doesn’t want to lose you in the big crowd of demons.
• he’s definitely a thrill seeker kinda guy , so roller coasters baby.
• he’s the prince both of you get immediate front lines to every ride , it’s a breeze getting through the big park.
[ i don’t know anything about baking so this is probably inaccurate information lmaoo. ]
“ just stir the batter to a thick ish mixture. “
you instructed , holding your ddd with the demon equivalent to google , reading off the instructions on how to make a red velvet cake.
diavolo nodded.
you decided to leave him to do that while you worked on the icing. not without occasionally glancing over to see if he over mixed it or broke the spoon like last time.
both of you then started discussing about different things like “ how would our cafe look like if we opened one ? “ or “ favourite dog breed and why ? “ while some soft background music played through the vinyl.
“ is this alright ? “ he asked , tilting the bowl towards your direction.
you nodded , “ yeah looks good ! uhh you can place it in the cake pan and bake it at 325 degrees. i already pre-heated it. “
diavolo followed your instructions while humming to the lyrics of the song , it was his favourite.
a few minutes passed with diavolo just hugging you from behind as you tried to finish up the icing , both of you occasionally sharing shy giggles and soft kisses.
“ just to confirm you set the oven at 325 degrees right ? “
“ 325 .. ? i heard 825. “
“ … i beg your pardon ? “
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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vansmissingcheek · 4 hours
Girlfriend Taissa Headcannons
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warnings: cursing, light angst, light smut, general fluff, and Taissa being a goober 🤍
- Taissa loves flustering people. Feeling one step ahead of everyone else. Scoring effortlessly and doing it flawlessly. That’s what people learn to love or hate about her.
- My god did you love it.
- When you met Taissa Turner you were both newly 18. Having recently graduated highschool and enrolled at Columbia, you shared your common major of Pre-Law, and shadowed the same professor.
- Professor Johnson was not what either of you were expecting. This man had a PhD and yet he could barely keep himself together. He was intelligent, no doubt about that, but he was older and significantly erratic. His classes were disorderly and difficult to mesh into if you were not well acquainted with his philosophys.
- Constantly preferring to wear funky patterns and quaff his grey hair over the balding patch at the top of his head. His beard was medium length and he tended to collect small oddities that littered his desk.
- When you ran into one another on the way to his room you’d originally thought she was kind of a bitch. She didn’t say she was sorry, she just ran. Imagine your surprise when you walked into the lecture hall and found her waiting expectantly.
“Hey,” You nodded your chin up at her as you made your way down to his desk. He had been running late, and as you grew to know him- this would be expected.
“Hey,” This girl looked at you with wide brown eyes and it became pretty obvious that they could be easy to fall into if you weren’t careful. “I’m Tai.” She held out a strong right hand and you shook it. She was somewhat cold, the dreary day adding moisture to her skin. Little did you know Taissa was actually just sweaty.
-When she’d run into you she just cursed and trotted away. You’d looked over at her quick figure as it tore down the hallway. After a moment you gathered your things and collected your bearings. I mean who does that. You’d still be angry if you hadn’t found yourself twenty minutes into a conversation with the girl responsible.
-She was crazy smart, I mean there’s an expectation for a Brown scholar to be above average but damn. She was well equipped to discuss truly anything, and you couldn’t help but find yourself wanting to know her. Really know her.
-From then on you both grabbed coffee together on Wednesdays. You knew she drank a lot more than someone probably should but you didn’t question it.
- Here’s the thing- Taissa wasn’t, in any way shape or form, an open book. You had to really pry some things out of her. Ordinary things about herself nonetheless. I mean family stuff sure but the stupid shit, really? You spent three days trying to get her to tell you her favorite color.
- The months dragged on and Taissa grew more and more open. Questions were answered like where she grew up, and the fact she played soccer. Although, she wouldn’t really talk much about the team. Instead she would want to talk about you. She’d even take you to places she’d heard of with good food. Food that you’d said you liked maybe once.
-Taissa is a very caring person, but she’s also such an asshole. You were hanging out at a bar on a Saturday night and it had been months since you met. She was looking at you like she was sizing you up. It was sending a chill down your spine every time she let out a breathy laugh. Even occasionally grinning at you while you shifted under her gaze. You talked, well rambled, about anything you could think of. The color of the bar stools, the music playing, the color of Taissa’s eyes. The red brown brick color shining back at you as you spoke. That stupid smile on her face that drove you insane. When you had finally stopped talking she downed the rest of her rum and coke and turned to you, motioning her head towards the door once and extending her hand. You looked at her for a second and then grabbed hold of her outstretched palm.
-When Taissa finally made a move on you there was so many feelings. You were both scared to mess this up but the semester was ending and the future was coming. So she kissed you in her car on a Tuesday afternoon. Not because she was running out of time, but because she was actually losing her mind. The weeks had amalgamated into one jumbled mess in her head. She could hardly focus in class. She could hardly wait till Wednesday morning. She was so gone for you and she hated feeling so powerless. So she took it back.
- The kiss was hard and purposeful. She pressed her lips firmly to yours in one of the parking lots of the university. She gripped onto your jaw for dear life while your own hands found her shoulders. The moment the kiss broke you were pulling her over into the passenger seat. Her knees falling to the sides of your own. Short huffs of laughter escaping as she kissed you more eagerly now, gripping at the hair at the nape of your neck.
-After that Taissa really was a dick. For a little while she didn’t call or text. She missed coffee that Wednesday too. It took you showing up on her door step to ask her if she was done being a little bitch, for her to come back to you.
-She’s such a fucking goober though. She knows everything about you and uses that knowledge to spoil you any chance she gets. She loves feeling like she’s doing something right, it’s not that she asks for assurance it’s that you provide it until it’s expected.
-So when the semester ends you find yourself moving back with Taissa to New Jersey. You find yourself kissing her in your shitty car at 8pm. All after getting groceries and living your younger lives together. Although it’s great, Taissa has never been one to calm down.
-Even as she clings to the hinges of stability, she wants excitement. She strays from monotonous routines and instead finds new ways to branch out.
- Tai like to go out a lot. It’s her time to let loose and drink shitty beer. Even as you both reenter the college scene, Taissa wants to experience life. That doesn’t mean she’s looking at anyone else though, she wants you right there with her. Even if you’re just a rock she can circle back to once she’s hit her limit. Drinking and dancing and dragging you out with her onto the floor. My god her eyes are hard to tear yourself away from in moments like these. Even as it nears 1 o’clock and you know she has an 8 am tomorrow.
-She loves sharing clothes. Finding it so endearing to see you wearing one of her crewnecks as you walk through the apartment. Her hands finding your hips and her lips your neck while you cook breakfast. She starts swaying with you while you stir the pancake batter. Humming softly into the crook of your neck. This is nice. This is safe.
- As Taissa gets older the time spent outside of your shared home grows thinner and thinner. She enjoys these quiet moments a whole lot more than the scene she used to drag you out to. She is so full of love. Taissa wants to be with the one person who understands her or at the very least always tries to. Plus, if she wants to take politics seriously she has to buckle down.
- My god does she look good in a suit. The constant sneaking off while you’re at conferences together is questionable for sure. Who can blame you when she looks like THAT??
- She knows it too, she’s so fucking proud. Smirking down at you every time she catches your eye. This woman is tall, and strong, and smart. You’re doomed.
- Hushed breaths are crammed into her shoulder. Her blazer is torn off and strewn across the counter. The silky button up that hid underneath stifles all of the sounds she wishes she could hear. You both know it’s too risky for that though.
- Taissa’s fingers are moving quickly and your eyes are struggling to stay open. She’s whispering things about how pathetic it is that you couldn’t wait till you got home, her voice thick with lust. Your form is sat on the counter of this too-nice-restroom and the door is bolted.
- This becomes pretty standard practice at these events. Always allowing Taissa to blow off some frustration and allowing you to ogle your girlfriend in a less bothered way. She is obviously still going to tease you about it every time though.
- In your average day to day experience, Taissa is very caring. Always learning new things to impress you grow her knowledge of the world around her. Fun facts that she learns are always shared over huffs of laughter at the dining table.
- I think Tai generally finds things like puzzles, board games, and Quality Time pretty important. However, i’d say that her love language lies closer to Acts of Service. She wants someone reliable and ready for a challenge in the same way that she is.
- Always doing things without having to be asked, and providing the base from which she can always come down to. She couldn’t be with a carbon copy of herself though. She wants to win at everything, and no one beats Taissa Turner, not even herself.
- Her competitiveness can become a lot for anyone though. She’s sometimes so blinded by her own pride that it can be hard for her to assess a situation in its entirety. You have to work through that often and peel back the layers as she tends to guard herself often.
- The holidays are the best. Staying in with her is like winning the fucking lottery. I know she’s into all that wife level stuff. Bringing you breakfast in bed. Offering to draw you a bath, at the low price of an extra body, and sitting in one another’s company while watching films.
- Domesticity is so natural now. Growing into the love you found in the hallways of a college. It’s a story you both never forget to tell at parties, and when you graduated Brown, the both of you ditched the after parties to drink on the river together. Planning the life before you.
- Now it’s sitting in your lap, on your sofa, as Taissa brushes soft nails over the skin of your back slowly pulling you into a deep sleep.
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More Taissa content is sure to be headed your way soon. I hope you enjoyed and take a look at my Taissa Masterlist for more! 🤍
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