#i need mORE
darlingpeasant · 1 day
As soon as a period drama guy’s hair starts to fall out of its perfect form into ruffled, messy curls, it’s all fucking over for me
I’m talking about you, Colin Bridgerton, specifically, I wanna see more messy hair from you pls and thank you
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notfocks · 1 year
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I think if i put into words how happy this type of image makes me I would get diagnosed with something
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
If Walker Scobell can manifest his way into the role of Percy Jackson by carrying around a picture of a Poseidon statue, I can surely manifest my way into 4 more seasons by posting on my silly little website
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shardkn1ght · 6 months
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Let’s start the trend again…..
I’m begging you all
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galaxylover06 · 4 months
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Putting Shadow in Mao Maos outfit to heal my soul
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actual-changeling · 7 months
yes i am obsessed with touch-starved crowley and aziraphale being touchy and needy and clinging to each other.
yes i am ALSO obsessed with post-divorce era hate sex with as little touching as possible because they have capital I Issues TM and are suffering because they're still touch-starved.
we exist
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yumethefrostypanda · 11 months
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The slightest bend of his arm straightens the folds of his shirt to reveal his bicep :3 Eh-hem, also, there are no/barely any folds on the shoulders and chest aka tiight, js.
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queewp · 1 year
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vixfern · 5 months
God can we PLEASE get more fluffy Superbat fics that involve the rest of the league finding out and just being so funny and silly?!?! They give me life and I can’t write ALL of them
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l0caltiredgirl · 7 months
josh hutcherson in his dilf era is something i didn’t know i needed until now
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They all look so damn good in those uniforms
Bertholdt with a mullet???
Marco and his iconic M hair!!!
Ymir with an undercut and everything I love her!!!
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aveloka-draws · 9 days
I was weak and i read the first bit of the comic it looks so good hhhhhhhghhhhgg
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oakbuggy · 8 months
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I come back from my break with fanart of @theblueflower05's fic they wrote for this crack ship 😭😭
NSFW on the AO3 as always!
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mikedfaist · 3 days
can you do mike w their baby? pleeeeaase😕💘
He is considerably reluctant to hold her for the first time. Petrified, actually. He lets her grip his finger from the safety of her mother’s chest. Before, she was protected by you, nestled inside where all he could feel were her stubborn kicks during her sleepless nights. The same nights he’d stay up with you because he couldn’t fathom resting while you were kept awake. He watches her grimace as a cold burst of air hits her exposed shoulders, and how you instinctively soosh her, kissing her gently on her covered head. It came naturally to you, and he dreaded the thought he wouldn’t be good enough for her.
When he does hold her for that first time, which came quickly after you became noticeably flustered that her father found excuse after excuse to not hold his child, the tears were quick to follow. She was tiny, and incredibly so. 6 pounds 3 ounces feels light as a feather when you can rest it comfortably in one arm. He was mesmerized by her eyelashes, and her fingernails, and how much she looked like her mommy. You were insistent she had his eyes, but he thought she had your everything else.
Dressing her for the first time was a painstaking task. You would have thought your child was made of glass. It took Mike nearly 45 minutes to decide on an outfit for her to go home in because, “Gotta make a good first impression for Austin.”
He drives 10 under the speed limit the entire drive home, and every little bump and pothole has him wincing. “She still asleep, baby?”
When they get home, he demands you go upstairs and rest. (Of course, you weren’t going to argue). He holds his baby girl, snuggled in a blanket his own mother gave her, and gives her a tour around the house.
“This is the kitchen…we make food in here. You won’t have human food for a while—I don’t mean you aren’t human. I know you’re human. I mean big people food—adults. You can’t have adult food for a while—I mean you can have it before you’re an adult—”
“This is the living room…this is where your mom cries when she watches This Is Us. We have strict crockpot rules because of that show.”
“This is our bedroom…this is where you were made.” Mike received a very disheartening scowl. “With so much love.”
“And this is your room…I hope you like it. It took your mom and I weeks to decide on a color. I made you your crib, too. I’m sure it won’t fall apar. I put Austin there and it seemed okay.”
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carionto · 5 months
Just. One. More. Episode.
Alien: Hmm, I haven't seen Human in a while.
Alien 2: That is worrying, you know to never leave your Human out of sight for too long. That's how you get the Ant World they tried to hide.
A: Hmm, but it's also not a good idea to pry into their privacy too much.
A2: True. What were they last doing?
A: Carrying several boxes of flavored nutrient packs into their apartment.
A2: Did they mention anything about a specific subject that had not come up much at all before?
A: Hmm, they did recommend I check out a documentary series about true crime. I did, but couldn't finish. It went into disturbing details.
A2: Oh no. Now, this is important - did they say the word marathon before you last saw them?
A: Hmm, I think so, yes.
A2: How many boxes? And how long ago since they brought them in?
A: Hmm, eight and three days ago.
A2: Your Human will appear in about thirteen days.
A: Ah, I think I understand now, but they're alone, shouldn't a standard nutrient box last about 5 days per Human?
A2: When on a regular schedule, yes, roughly. Your Human is intently watching countless hours of these documentaries and are likely unaware of their rate of consumption due to being emotionally engaged with the subject matter.
A: That is... disturbing. Should we intervene?
A2: No, it's a phase. If we take them away from their current subject of passion, it will become more entrenched, potentially. Best to let them run out of nutrients and force themselves to leave that environment. Then we can persuade them to return to normalcy, given they will be more accepting of the idea due to leaving that situation of their own will.
A: And if they are not persuadable?
A2: Then we get another Human to metaphorically "bonk" them back to their senses. Although on some Humans a literal bonking works too. It's very circumstantial.
A: Hmm...
A2: Although there is also the risk of the other Human becoming convinced to join them instead on further diving into the subject matter. There does appear to be an endless supply of these true crime shows on the Human extranet.
A: That is... not reassuring in any way.
A2: Well, that's Humans for you.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Bloopers, a fucking list of favourite moments because I'm going insane
I'm going fucking insane over the bloopers, I have been playing it on repeat for the last hour, but I also really need to sleep or else I'm dead in class tomorrow morning so here's a list of my favourite bits of the bloopers:
Fucking eine kleine nachtmusik remix as background music
Nick feeding Taylor cake
Taylor kicking Nick's ass and Nick shoving him
Nick's soft "Don't Start" when Taylor fucks up the line
Taylor biting his own finger while repeating "climate conference"
Then Taylor turning around and going back to annoyed Alex in a split second
"So, seriously, what other famous boys have you had sex with?"
Nick's adorable expression to Taylor then looking like a baby deer in headlights (no wonder one of his nicknames is Bambi) when he realizes he's in frame
(but in detail) Nick's face immediately scrunching up adorably the second Taylor starts blowing raspberries
Taylor shaking and burying his head into Nick's neck like a freaking puppy
Nick hitting him and cute little "Go back to America" BABYGIRL
The panic in both of their eyes when they realize they're falling over the couch
Then immediately laughing so loud and brightly
Nick pulling Taylor up from the couch
"get in bitches we're going shopping!" *distant WOOOOO
Taylor: "Squirrel!!!" Rachel: "????"
"Remember that time we found wild...marijuana growing" Nick losing it and Taylor staying in character and going "yes. YES!" (I'm guessing the entire conversation on the car was improvised)
Nick singing the fucking "You're insecure" meme
Nick's cute tongue thing after they called cut after "I'm definitely not doing karaoke"
The flashes of everyone's derpy faces
how the fuck did Taylor rip his sleeve
everyone else continuing the scene but Nick and Taylor going "NOOOOOOO"
Also honestly a couple of these moments wouldn't be out of character for Henry and Alex and that's how you know the casting is fucking perfect
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