#i think he realized who i was and was being petty to me on purpose
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devildom-moss · 6 months
Could you write poly dialuci asking a gn mc out? Maybe how each of them realizes the crush they have on mc and how they’d like to ask mc to join their relationships? I’m fine with just hcs or a full piece, whatever works best for you :>
I wrote you some headcanons, anon. Hopefully they are to your liking. They're a pretty common ship, but I think this is my first time writing anything for them. (Am I going to need a ship and threesome section in my masterlist soon?)
Poly!DiaLuci want MC to join them
(Lucifer x Diavolo x gn!MC)
(Slightly suggestive)
Word Count: +700
Diavolo, as the prince, is more guarded and inaccessible than Lucifer, so it takes him longer to be completely smitten. This works out better because Lucifer would be more prone to jealousy than Diavolo – or, at least, Lucifer's jealousy is more petty and bitter than Diavolo’s.
Lucifer develops feelings through a series of kind acts. Seeing MC take care of his brothers is the first step; someone who treats his brothers well is a prerequisite. As much as he likes to act all tough, and despite how he scolds them for spoiling his brothers and encouraging their poor behavior, he’s actually endeared by it. When they extend that kindness to him afterwards, his heart begins to melt.
Lucifer falls first, but he doesn’t act on it in earnest. (He might flirt and tease a little bit, but he doesn’t truly make an attempt to seduce them.) Diavolo notices, but instead of being jealous, he’s just intrigued. He wants to get to know MC more. Anyone who can capture Lucifer’s attention has Diavolo’s interest.
Lucifer tries to play the long game with Diavolo, believing that it’s only a matter of time before his partner sees MC’s charm as well.
It doesn’t take long for MC to get to Diavolo once he becomes more receptive. Whenever they do something thoughtful, Diavolo melts instantly. It would be something simple, like bringing a limited-edition flavor pudding to Diavolo while he’s working. As chance would have it, there was only one left. Diavolo would offer a bite to MC, and despite Lucifer being in the same room, he would insist on feeding them.
MC’s smile was so sweet that Diavolo would offer another bite, but MC would refuse because they got it for Diavolo. He should eat the rest. With that, MC would be on their way, leaving Diavolo to his pudding and work.
Lucifer saw the way Diavolo looked at MC and decides to confront him. Lucifer already understands how he feels about MC. Now is his chance to bring Diavolo onto his playing field. There was a quiet understanding that they were both crushing based on how they spoke about and looked at MC recently; Lucifer was just waiting for more tangible proof to bring up the topic. (And honestly, I think Diavolo would already be aware of Lucifer’s plan, so he chose to feed MC in front of Lucifer on purpose. He also just wanted to feed them, though.)
“You’re quite fond of them, aren’t you?” “I suppose I am. You can’t blame me, though, can you, Lucifer?” “We’re of the same mind. What should we do about this?”
They would hatch a plan to get MC alone and try to seduce them together. I imagine Lucifer would suggest that they invite them to tea or for a glass of Demonus – ideally at the castle for the sake of privacy. Lucifer just wants somewhere intimate where they could confess. (And let’s face it he’s horny on main. He wants to confess somewhere where they won’t be interrupted after the confession, either.)
Diavolo, on the other hand, would want to show off a bit more – take MC out and spoil them; he wants to prove that it’s a date before they can even confess. He’d want to take them somewhere fancy or beautiful: renting out an entire restaurant, paying for a private room at a club (which honestly gives me so many smut thoughts sorry), or even bringing them on a day trip if he can get the time.
They’re pretty upfront about it and quickly ask about MC’s feelings. “MC, we’ve brought you here today to discuss something in particular.” “How do you feel about us?”
Once they confirm MC’s feelings, they’ll confess properly. (Although, I don’t think they would invite MC on a date if they weren’t certain that MC would return their feelings beforehand.) “I see. Have you entertained any particularly naughty thoughts about us that you’d like to share, MC?” “Lucifer! Don’t tease them so soon. We should at least be honest first. MC, you’ve caught our attention. Neither of us is opposed to sharing if it means getting closer to you.” “Which is to say, if you’re interested, Diavolo and I are not so exclusive that you couldn’t join us: romantically. . . or sexually, if you’re inclined.”
Honestly, I think Diavolo would immediately put the moves on MC, asking them to come over and sit on his lap while they “get to know each other better.” Lucifer will pretend to be more composed, but he’s no better; he’s eager to get his hands on MC too.
A/N: There's only one more day left in to answer the December post poll. I also posted details about what I'll be doing for the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Check that out if you haven't already.
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plutonianeris · 4 months
𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖆 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖏𝖚𝖈𝖙 𝖆𝖘𝖈
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This is how medusa conjuct ascendant has manifested for me. I am not a professional astrologer, just sharing my personal experiences I believe correlate with this placement.
🐍 In regards to appearances, I have always had very long, dark wavy hair. Growing up, a lot of times my hair was touched without my consent and I remember distinctly someone pulling my hair hard as fuck in school and it was a group of girls (didnt know which one it was). I also remember boys trying to “flirt” with me by tugging my hair.
🐍As I got older and started taking care of my hair even more, that is one the first things I always get compliments on by strangers, acquaintances or coworkers.
🐍In some other posts I see people mention a “piercing gaze.” As a kid, when I was angry I use to look at people like I wanted to shoot lasers out of my eyes. My mother would hate when I would look at her like that, she told me I looked like a monster when I gave her the death stare during arguments.
🐍On the flip side of that however, I do also get compliments on my eyes. My eyes are big and very dark as well just like my hair. One time in high school, one of my teachers told me I had “bedroom eyes” in front of the whole class. I realized it was kinda inappropriate when I googled what that was after. One of my friends said I have “siren eyes.”
🐍I have never felt fully comfortable around the opposite sex. I was always very very wary of men. In high school was when it was at its peak. The guys were pretty gross. One time a guy in my grade (who I barely knew) pulled me into a hug and literally bit my fucking shoulder. I had shoved him away and looked towards my teacher but he didnt do anything, just looked away.
🐍I can definitely see men in my life or in my surroundings who were not being inappropriate to me being indifferent to watching bad/ uncomfortable things happen to me. Either they didn’t care or didn’t find me someone worthy as defending or both.
🐍When I did defend myself I was villanized quickly over it. In high school, a guy behind me slapped my butt and when I turned around and slapped him in the face I got in trouble/ detention for it.
🐍I was often talked about in a very sexual manner (despite never dating or being “promiscuous” for a lack of better word). Comments were made about my body and sexuality.
🐍Then when I went to college I felt like I putting myself out there more but realized I wasn’t fully being vulnerable. I liked to flirt with guys but I wanted them to have to practically BEG for my attention. And then when they gave it to me I would shut them down. I use to do that a lot. One time a guy was so angry at me he called me a snake. I’m an adult now, and have grown and don’t do any kind of thing like that anymore. But at the time, I believe I was seeking a kind of power/control over other people because I personally felt powerless or unworthy.
🐍I am also not personally fond of snakes as pets or wanting to hold them. But I use to always want a medusa tattoo in college and had a bracelet with Medusa and another with Artemis on it that I wore everyday (and it was all before I even knew about astrology or the fact that I have this placement).
🐍I have generally had good relationships with women. But I do think for sure growing up I tried to make the women around me (whether family, teachers or friends) like me as much as possible. It felt devastating being rejected by them.
🐍When the women in my life would hurt me, whether by accident or on purpose I would make excuses for them until it would blow up in my face. (It reminds me of how Medusa use to worship Athena and was shocked and destroyed at the betrayal).
🐍There have been times where other women would look at me as if I was in competition with them (when in reality I didn’t give a fuck). But they would make petty comparisons. One time I had a “friend” who asked in front of a group of guys, “who is prettier? me or her?”
🐍I use to HATE when people stared at me, mostly when it was men. I would look back at people and be like what the fuck are you looking at? or say something along those lines. It made me so furious when men would catcall me too or eye me up and down.
🐍I would definitely say that growing up I had a bad temper. I was very resentful and impulsive and I was angry with the things that had happened to me and my body. Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. I was not easily given the benefit of the doubt. I was quick to get blamed. Not easily listened to.
🐍Overall, I can see having this placement as being very heavy as kid or a teen. I was so young and I was just worried about being a kid and getting to know myself but I got sexualized so much. I think I did grow up too fast in certain aspects. I do not miss my childhood nor do I remember it with nostalgia.
🐍I love being an adult. I love making my own choices. I love not having to ask for permission. I love feeling confident in my femininity(I feel like this year is when I just started to fully explore it out of love). It was a painful journey but more often than not I feel brave, and safe and comfortable in my body now more than ever. I don’t self sabotage anymore or go out of my way to shut people out. But it took a very long time.
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brain-rot-central · 4 months
ok so has anyone made a list of things that Astarion said that had a different meaning than first thought?
For example, if you tell Astarion when you first meet that you’re Baldurian as well, he says they must not be in the same social circle. With the way he talks and dresses it seems like he’s implying you’re lower class, but later it becomes clear you’re not those petty criminals or brothel goers that he targets. (And there’s the separate “of course it’ll turn me into a monster” line that becomes obvious later.)
He reveals he fears breaking his nail to the dryad, and it seems shallow but we learn he’s traumatized by digging himself out of his coffin, and the year he endured being trapped inside a coffin and desperately scratching and breaking his nails off as punishment, which is also why he refuses to dig anyone out like Nere.
Also, he mentioned he targeted brothel visitors, and at first it sounds like he just waited outside those establishments for victims, but then if you visit the drow twins he mentions he never thought he’d be on the paying end, plus if you choose one of the twins then Astarion says you have a type for elven prostitutes. And if you really think about it, considering how Petras’ lines are similar to Astarion’s, it wouldn’t be weird to imagine Cazador forcing them to work at a brothel for a few years as training…
Some of Astarion’s lines have a lot to unpack
Many things Astarion says are doublespeak. It's a common coping mechanism used by trauma survivors to "make peace," in a way with what they went through. It's not until you've played through his whole story that you understand that, and honestly it breaks my heart. He has a lot of self-depreciating language. Little quips here and there where you realize he's not only commenting on the current situation but himself, as well.
The monster line in the beginning gets me the most, because he follows it up with, "What did I expect?" For the first time in 200 years, he's able to stand in the sun without burning. He's grappling with that entire realization while also readjusting to there being light and color in the world, and probably was looking at the whole Nautiloid experience as something slightly positive... only to learn that no, this is not something positive. In fact, it's horrendous, because if it's not rectified, he'll become a grotesque monster, worse than he already is. And idk, that guts me. He has this small glimmer of hope for the first time in two centuries, all to realize that it's a giant farce.
But, Astarion is also stubborn, so he holds onto this small glimmer of hope to see if there's a way he can work the tadpole to his advantage. So that he can continue to walk in the sun. Once he realizes that Cazador's compulsion has been interrupted due to the tadpole, he doubles down on wanting to keep the tadpole and control it.
Astarion's story is such a beautiful portrayal of what being in survival mode feels and is like. You're so entirely desperate to make it out of your current situation that you would quite literally give anything and everything to obtain it, even if it means burning the entire world down around you.
The elven prostitute line made me laugh when I first heard it; I knew he was referring to himself and trying to make some light humor about his past, but it's also heartbreaking to realize he sees himself as one. He hasn't yet taken the grace with himself to distinguish between being forced into that line of work vs who he actually is. The lines are still blurred.
I can't think about the intricacies of his background/personality too long, because it all feels way too familiar to me. To know even a smidge of the despair he probably felt for years and the constant mental and physical struggle he endured (there's even disordered eating/food insecurity in his back story too and no one really talks much about it; Cazador purposely kept all the spawn near-starving as a form of control).
Our boy was severely abused and neglected and I really just want to give him a fucking hug.
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dotster001 · 23 days
I love the idea that Sirena doesn’t really like any of her kids, she wanted a perfect doll vs a child. Reminds me of Riddle’s mom. After each kid started to show their true personality vs a babbling baby, she would start talking about another baby, not cause she wanted another but because this last one was « defective » I bet Floyd has huge screaming matches with her over if they should punish the kids for a bad grade, or « looking bad » in public.
Picture Sirena learning about poor reader, and now you have a beautiful woman holding a knife to your neck while Floyd barters for your life! Maybe to mess with Floyd she hires you as a gardener! They’re being super toxic towards eachother while trying to get you to fall for the other! Kids need a mother/father figure in their lives after all! If something were to happen they hope you would be willing to step up!
Warning: toxic Sirena, also this turned into a ramble,
Yeah. She and Floyd hate each other, but if she wants to ever be head of the Leech family, (after Papa Leech dies, and after she finishes her plan to kill Floyd) she needs an heir. Otherwise the position will go to Jade. As it is, she is very nervous that Papa Leech is leaning towards co ownership between the twins, and she can't have that.
Unfortunately, thanks to Floyd's influence, these kids all have a stupid flaw, free will. It's ridiculous really. Don't they know their whole purpose is to be her pawn?
She knows the Leech family reputation, and while Floyd has yet to go to the lengths she has to get rid of her, she knows there's a possibility that one day he'll finally snap and take her down. In fact she's a little surprised it has taken this long, considering the way she's seen Jade and Azul seriously quietly talking to Floyd, and throwing glances her way from time to time. Every time they have those "chats" Floyd always just sighs and rolls his eyes. It tells her all she needs to know. She's safe right now. Though she had, in her youth, hoped to be engaged to Jade, she knows now that she's lucky, and begrudgingly owes Floyd one, because Jade would have killed her by now if it wasn't for Floyd's protection.
And she knows where that protection comes from. Her family has it's own connections, so she learned, just as the twins did, how to play people like a chessboard. Floyd is lonely. Floyd hopes that one day, no matter how much they hate each other, they will one day fall in love and be a normal family. Also, Floyd spent his whole life dreaming of a big family. And she needs lots of children so that she doesn't lose her position to Jade when the time comes. So, she doesn't mind letting him have his big family, hell, it may be the reason she is still breathing. Until she realizes how strong Leech genetics are. None of these kids are worthy. None are good enough. And Floyd doesn't help by refusing to betrothe them to people who are worthy. (These are the largest screaming battles. Floyd refuses to let his children be miserable like he is)
It's after the birth of the youngest that she starts to formulate an idea of how to get rid of him, then send the brats to a school where manners and decorum will be pounded into them.
As to beautiful woman holding a knife to my throat, ehehehehehhe that's definitely a thought. When I was making her picrew, I had an "Oh no, she's hot" moment, so tbh, if she held a knife to my throat I would be so distracted 😂 like, TWO pretty people are putting attention on me? Wowie wow wow!
She's so petty, she totally would hire you to work in her house, and not tell Floyd. Then she'd sit smugly as he freaks out when he finds you cleaning a toilet or something. I have ideas in place for you looking for a new job because "the economy", and you don't tell Floyd you're quitting, cause why would you, he's just a customer. Then he gets furious, because this must mean you hate him, how dare you, yadda yadda
But what if, when you are starting to think about quitting, this gorgeous woman comes in and just happens to be looking for a new housekeeper. You don't tell Floyd, cause why would you he's just a customer etc etc, he still gets crazy angry (as do the kids).
Sirena may be a terrible person, and someone who shouldn't be a mother, but she is an excellent lady of the house. She knows everyone's day to day schedule so that she can successfully keep you away from literally anyone but her until the absolutely perfect moment. You could be working in that house for months before you ever see a soul besides her.
She's a horrible person, and yells at you all the time for literally no reason, but the pay is ridiculously good, so leaving doesn't feel like an option. Besides, she says this is only her winter and spring home, and that they are a family of mers, and would totally be willing to take you with them when they return to their ocean home for summer and fall. And you've always wanted to visit the ocean, but never had the funds yourself, so you really can't pass up the opportunity. You can deal with some emotional distress for the opportunity of a lifetime.
It's probably Jade (Jr.) that finds you first. He's the youngest, and therefore hardest to predict, so it's hard for Sirena to keep him in check. But because he's the youngest, no one believes him when he says that he saw mom/dad cleaning his room. Pearl sees you next when she's ditching a social function, and from there the whole house knows.
Except papa.
Papa is still trying to track you down like a blood hound. He doesn't realize you are literally living in his home... because he himself is rarely home.
But the showdown is coming.
And you, who still is blissfully unaware of the trap you are in, are not ready for what's coming.
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atsoomi · 10 months
Assigning some of my favorite haikyuu boys fanfiction tropes >
☆ Atsumu - idiots to lovers
Look me in the eye and tell me atsumu wouldn't be the kind of guy to not understand why he feels a certain way towards you, you can't! His whole life he's had medicore social skills, and I hc that he's never really dated anyone before, so romantic relationships are an untouched territory to him. It's gonna take him a few reality checks from osamu to realize he likes anyone, even better if the person he likes is just as clueless.
☆ Osamu - mentor who's too attractive for his own good
Not in a professional setting. More in a "my friend said you could help me learn this recipe, can you pleaseee teach me" way. And he reluctantly agrees and he looks fine as hell cooking that you're barely learning how to make the actual meal. Better yet? "I don't know how to do this" "oh let me help you" And then he comes up behind you to guide you better.. chest against your back and everything (you're not learning anything)
☆ Kōshi - childhood friends to lovers
Everyone knows you're childhood friends and everyone knows there must be something between you. But neither of you act on it until one day you're asked out by someone and sugawara finally realizes "if I don't act quickly I will lose them" so he shows up to your house dramatic as hell in the rain and kisses you until you stop considering any other guy at all
☆ Tooru - rivals/enemies to lovers
You can't look at a guy who's this competitive, cocky, and petty, and not think he'd make a perfect rival love interest. Not only would he drive his opponent to do better and discover crazy things themselves (make them have a very dramatic realization moment), but the tension after either of them win is insane. He's like "I'll get you next time, be ready." And they're like "yeah sure pretty boy" and people have to stop and stare. The sexual tension is crazy
☆ Kiyoomi - reluctant friends to lovers
He doesn't want anything to do with them. At least for the first few times they meet. They follow him around like a lost puppy, looking for something or asking for instructions. And he's very cold to them on purpose, hoping they'd just leave him alone once he answers their questions. But then they start waving at him when they're standing with their friends, bringing him snacks he didn't ask for, speedwalking to catch up with him before he leaves, and he seriously has to reconsider why someone he saw as a pest is slowly growing to become a source of great comfort to him.
☆ Issei - best friends to lovers
It's essential to imagine being close friends with all of seijoh 4 and being especially close with issei to fully enjoy this. Since you're used to oikawa flirting with you here and there, and makki + issei himself always teasing you, it's not easy to tell when exactly his flirtations cross the line between platonic and romantic. No one is surprised when you start dating, actually they probably had a bet going on about it, and not much changes in your dynamic other than the fact that you and mattsun now kiss instead of joking about it.
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traffic-light-eyes · 10 months
Ninja as influencers
My previous post got me thinking, and now I have to write this down.
He for sure has Twitter/Chirp and uses it regularly. Very popular. He also has the ninjago equivalent to Instagram and is also very popular there, too. I could imagine him having a yt channel and doing silly vlogs and the occasional game, but that's about it. The other ninja were a bit weirded out by the vlogs at first because they didn't really want to feed into the whole idolizing the ninja thing, but realized that they could show the world that they're just. People. Normal people who save the world sometimes but are normally just passed out on the couch. They all love being in his vlogs now. When he records something embarrassing, he makes absolutely certain that the person it's of is okay with it being posted. Like, he gives them weeks to think about it. He has a video of Zane singing let it go (due to Jay's programming skills), and he was ecstatic to be able to post it. He's also a tiktok star. He does the silly dances and lip-syncing.
She has Chirp but doesn't use it for social media purposes? If that makes sense. Like, she mainly only scrolls through her friends' chirps and responds to those. She gets into the groove and made a really sweet and chill community once the people that were only there for the "inside scoop" of the water ninja's life left. Now there's just her friends and a bunch of nice people. She comments on and rechirps? a lot of fanart, though. She has an Instagram but only to comment on Kai's posts with a thumbs down. She has a tiktok. It's secret. She posts little edits about her artwork or mechanics. It's fairly popular. She sometimes uses the filters and makes videos using them but never posts them.
Similar to Nya, he has a Chirp account but doesn't really use it much. He'll respond to fanart and fans, but he only really posts occasionally. His posts normally consist of song recommendations or riffs of his friends. He threads callouts when he feels especially petty. It's pretty chill. He probably has a secret second account for art. He doesn't want people to like his art just because he's the earth ninja, so he made a second account. He has a tumblr too. I don't make the rules. He tries to stay in the loop with everyone's thoughts and shuts down the gross people. He's pretty well-known on the site. He likes reblogging the ship content and misdirecting people because it's funny. Pixal found him drawing techno and he scrambled for an excuse but she silently put a finger to her lip, winked, and left. He was very confused. She was absolutely dying on the inside from laughter because she knew of his account but wanted to freak him out. He couldn't look her in the eye for a week because he thought she thought he shipped them or something. She purposefully spoke to him often. He kept trying to explain, but Pixal always had an excuse to leave or change the subject before he could say it.
He has Chirp. He has tumblr. He has ao3. He's not allowed on Instagram. He has a yt channel where he exclusively talks about comics and games. On his Chirp, he is completely unhinged some times, and other times, he posts cute animals he finds on missions or on patrol. He found a stray cat once and named her mittens because a follower commented it. He has #mittensmonday, where he posts a picture of her. It's always trending on Monday. His tumblr is once again about games and stuff, but he has a semi-secret side blog for Ninja Shenanigans where it's theorized that it's him, but no one has proof and he doesnt give a direct answer. He has unknowingly reblogged and messaged Cole on multiple occasions because he doesn't know about the Secret account. Cole doesn't know what to do. His ao3 account is mostly to check up on what people are thinking. If he sees something unsavory, he immediately logs off because that's him. Avid tiktok enjoyer. He could make a video of just him staring at the screen, and it would go viral. He finds it hilarious. It's his goal to find the most obscure thing to post and for it to finally not get viral.
He has Chirp, but he hasn't used it. Either that or he uses it so terribly incorrectly. I could be convinced that he has a cooking yt channel. He'd call it something nerdy or informational, but people kept chirping about it calling him cookingmama, and he doesn't get it? But due to Jay's persistence, he changed his @ to cookingmama.
He has Chirp. He uses it to keep up with the world + just talk to fans. He has a gaming channel and a Twitch account. He streams at least once a week. He loves it! He has a pretty chill community, and he often asks his friends to play with him. He makes sure that the games he play with them are suited to them first. He doesn't ask. He just knows. He picks action-based games for Kai - maybe LoL or, like, Left 4 dead. He plays silly smart games with Nya, like Portal or Keep talking and nobody explodes (they are ridiculously good at this). He and Cole would play scary games. They exclusively play them at night; phasmaphobia has caused many of the ninja to awaken to a shriek. Comfy and typically non-violent games are his and Lloyd's go-to. They'll play Minecraft or stardew for HOURS before they realize the sun is coming up. He and Zane play semi-stressful cooking games, or Zane is just there for commentating. They'll be seen playing overcooked or cooking simulator (they always play that one with a challenge somehow). He makes silly follower goals, and he has unfortunately had to do many, many things because his followers keep rising.
Honorary Ninja, Pixal:
She has an account for every platform that the ninja have just to crowd control + to support them in their comments. She rarely, if ever, posts anything aside from commenting on her friends' posts. Hc that Borg owns every platform, so she uses that to weed out the weirdos by asking him to make the platform very buggy on their device specifically. It's only a matter of time before they delete the app, and she loves watching the downfall via their posts and complaints about the website. She knows of everyone's account, even the Secret ones. She never lets them know that she knows of them, even if they do something strange because of it (check Cole's). She loves messing with them. If someone posts something recently, she conveniently talks about it the same day and gives them whiplash because what are the chances that she said that today. She's the go-to gal if there are any tech issues on stream or during editing.
Here ya go! Hope you enjoy my brainrot <3
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dejwrld · 10 months
talk about our future, like we had a clue. never planned that one day i'd be losing you.
tybw spoilers, angst, sadness, pls i'm sorry you guys this is just something short that popped up in my mind, let me know if you guys kinda want something else with this ship on like how they met or whatever, after reading this go listen to build a home by the cinematic orchestra ft patrick watson & the one that got away by katy petty, other creations | jūshirō ukitake
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You didn't enjoy how Shunsui Kyōraku was looking at you. His eyes reeked with sadness and sorrow while you lean forward to pour the steaming tea into his cup. You purposely chose lavender tea because it helped with stress—he was the newest commander of all the divisions after all. You can only imagine how stressful that new role was pushed upon him so suddenly amid a war. The silence between you two made you nervous, but you had a feeling that your husband's best friend was here across the Chabudai like old times for a reason.
A reason that you didn't want to accept just yet.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Shunsui breaks the avoidable sound of nothingness. A void that you didn't want to break because you knew why he was apologizing.
He places the folded white captain coat you've seen your husband wiggle his frame in before the sun has risen many times on the Chabudai and slides it closer to you.
Your chest tighten so harshly that it felt like you couldn't breathe. It felt like a tight chain was wrapped around your chest and limbs and only growing tighter with each passing second of your own silence. Your shoulders lowered and your body couldn't help but slouch at his words. You blink a couple times thinking that maybe this was a nightmare. That if you blinked just five more times, you'll wake up and he'll be right next to sleeping peacefully. But your fifth time blinking, Shunsui still was there.
Your hands shook as you pick up your own cup to sip the warm liquid before speaking, "For what Shunsui? Say it. What exactly are you apologizing for?"
You thought that maybe Shunsui ripping the bandaid off fully would be better. That you can surpass the emotions that were currently attempting to break through this strong barrier you've built up since being married to him. A barrier that you had to build since you knew something like this could happen.
Shunsui's perfectly sculpted jaw clenches, but not in frustration. He didn't want to admit this to you because he still couldn't believe it. He knew this would break you.
"He's gone, Y/N. Jūshirō is gone."
Your eyes graze downward at the white fabric in front of you and finally, the tears you were holding back finally came tumbling down your heated cheeks. A shaky sigh passed by your lips as you were trying your hardest to process this. Your thoughts were swirling around your mind so loudly and quickly that you wanted to turn your brain off. You wanted to climb back into bed and weep until you ran out of tears. But you couldn't.
He wouldn't want that. But gosh, this hurts. It felt like you just received a knife to the heart. Because that's what was taken from you. Your heart. Your moon. Your soulmate.
You went to ask how did it happen. You deserved to know but weren't quite sure if you could handle the truth of that. Your lips went dry parts to speak, but the door of the area you and Shunsui were in was slid open and your head turns to see who was coming in. Your heart cracks in your chest seeing your little baby crawl into the room followed by one of your friends whose been hear with your since Jushiro hasn't been home. He hated when you were home alone.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Haru is such a busybody." Your friend jokes but her lips form a straight line when she realizes the tension in the room.
"It's okay, he can stay. But do you think you can pack some things for me? I think I'm going to be staying at my family's estate for a couple of days." Your arms open up so little Haru could climb into your lap.
Your friend didn't question why the suddenness of you needing to go be with your family, but she only nods before excusing herself to do what you asked.
Your head rests on top of Haru's head briefly. His white locks of hair that were beginning to grow faster than you expected tickled your chin. Your eyes met with Shunsui's and the look in them grew darker. Haru's curious hands reach forward to attempt to grab at his father's captain coat which still was like a haunted artifact that you didn't want to touch in the middle of the table.
"Did he die in battle? Fighting?" You asked.
"Sacrificed." Shunsui's answer was short and brief. He sips from his cup despite the fact that the warm liquid didn't calm his nerves at all.
A sad chuckle erupts from you and you give Shunsui a sad lopsided grin, "Of course he did."
Silence overcame you and Shunsui again. You couldn't quite understand how silence couldn't be heard. But it could be considered the loudest sound a person can hear. A deafening void that left a nasty pit in your stomach that was tied into the nastiest knots at the moment.
"Are you going to be okay?" Shunsui leans forwards closer and his large frame leans against the wooden table.
"No, but we'll get through it." Your fingers run through Haru's hair to push some of it out his face.
Shunsui's eyes looked at the infant in your lap and now his stomach was the one churning into abhorrent knots. He was staring at a reflection of Jushiro in the baby. From the curious doe eyes, the crystal white hair, and even down to the way his face scrunched up in frustration due to him not being able to reach Jūshirō's captain coat. His best friend made the same exact face when he was frustrated.
"Will you though? You lost your husband, Y/N. It's okay to break down."
"And you lost your best friend Shunsui, but you must stay strong too because you have commanding captain duties to do, right? The war isn't over yet." You hugged Haru closer because it felt like alongside the memories you shared with Jūshirō that Haru was the last thing of him left.
"Haru and I will be okay because Jūshirō's best friend will not leave me alone until he ensures that I am. Plus, I'm positive that's something he told you to do before he made his decision. Am I correct?"
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gothic-thoughts · 10 months
(I do not like this man 🙄🙄 but here)
Ryomen Sukuna x Black Fem Reader Angst
CW: Kidnapping, love-bombing, choking, threats, nun too wild but y'know, Sukuna stuff
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Hearing the door creak open, you pick your head up from your knees and watch in disdain as your captor steps into the room, shirtless as usual. You glare at him to mask your fear as you anxiously await his words. His piercing red eyes wander from you to the deformed creature standing silently across the room.
He had only blinked, sending the curse scampering out of the room and leaving the heavy door to slam shut behind it. You raise an eyebrow at the gesture since he had never been in your room alone. He continued to stare at you wordlessly, emotionless stare building tension in the room.
"I think...I've begun to love you."
Your heart sank to your stomach, but remembering who he was you scoffed. Sukuna had been nothing but abrasive, controlling, and demeaning since he had pulled you into his domain. At first, you being taken was supposed to be a way to mess with Itadori for annoying him but he didn't kill you, claiming for weeks that it was a waste of time. Although, if he was being serious, confessing this means he would hold you there for even longer regardless of Itadori's actions.
"What?" You snap.
"You heard me."
"Do you even know what love is? Because this...isn't it."
"What, your room? Do you not want it?"
"I'm only shoved in here with a threat after I say something you don't like."
"I put you in this room when your pathetic escape attempts become a distraction. Not like you could anyway, but they are irritating nonetheless."
"And you think that's love?!"
"I admit, I was unsure of this until I recognized my ulterior purpose for making sure you don't leave."
"Do tell. I'm dying to hear this."
He chuckles at your sarcasm, knowing that you wanted to annoy him.
"I realize my reluctance to let you leave truly arose from the idea of someone else being around you in any way. The brat, Fushiguro, that bastard, Gojo; anyone else. In here, I know where you are and your condition. It's difficult to do so when you're out of my reach. These actions of mine seem to stem from a more....positive form of passion."
"Well guess what? I don't want your quote-unquote, 'love'."
You blink and he was in front of you, leaned over and cupping your chin to make you look up at him. He starts to squeeze—a reminder that only take half a gram of force to shatter it while his claw-like nails prod into your cheek. Your eyes shut, forcing tears to involuntarily slip free all while he scoffs in disbelief.
"Are you....denying me?" He snarled, "Because it was not a proposal."
"You don't love me."
"And who are you to say how I do and do not feel?"
"I'm an 'insignificant human with petty feelings' while you're a monster who's incapable of feeling anything for anyone but himself. You remember that, Curse King?"
He uses your face to pull you off the chair to stand before him, irritated glare aimed into your soul. You stare back with dried tears on your cheeks, awaiting your death.
"Do not make me hurt you."
"You. Can't. Love."
He smirks, "I'm insulted that you thought that would work on me."
Sukuna's hand slides to your mouth, covering it and your nose to smother you while you try to push away. He grabs your other shoulder and holds you still while the punches and slaps to his face grew as weak as your knees. He watches in amusement as you panic without a plan, enough air or energy to fight back before your eyes flutter shut, head dropping backward.
He holds his hands in place for a couple seconds longer, making sure you were completely out before pulling you to his chest with a chuckle. He sighs in bliss and slowly lowers you to the cold floor by your wrist.
After a groggy whine, I watch the beautiful outline of my lover's body slowly sit up after about 3 hours. I watch as she fixes her hair before frantically tapping all over her body, panting for any signs that I've hurt her when she notices me. She stares with horror and backs herself against the headboard.
I uncross my legs and stand, eyes never leave hers as I step closer to the bed to watch her intensely. She remained silent, looking down at the red silk that covered the bed as if bowing for forgiveness, body quivering with fear while the moonlight illuminates the small amounts of sweat pricking her neck.
"I don't hurt the things I care about." I say smirking when she flinches at my voice, "You're fine."
“Why was doing it necessary?” She mumbles.
"Your stubbornness was becoming a nuisance."
“Just...leave me alone. Please.”
“I just said that no harm has come to you since you've fallen unconscious."
Chuckling, I step around the corner of the bed to sit next to her when she scrambles off the opposite side. I step around the bed to follow but as I reach her she flinches away violently, defending her face with her arms. I close the gap between us, marveling at every inch of pretty brown skin glowing with the fiery aura of candlelight. So...so intoxicating.
I move her arms from her face to see her face glow just as beautifully as the rest of her form while she continues sniffling pathetically. Poor thing is terrified. I shush her whimpers and grab her chin, forcing her dark eyes to lock with my red ones.
“That’s enough, pet. No more anguish." I caress her cheek with my thumb, "Since we've met you’ve had nothing but tears in your eyes.”
“You’re a nightmare.” She snarled, eyes flickering to my bare chest.
“Look at me when you speak.” I softly shake her head to force her eyes back to mine, “Now, tell me something, and be sincere."
"I hate you."
"No, not that. In the amount of time between abducting you and this very moment, how many times have I brought harm to you?"
"You suffocated me."
"And did that hurt? No, you were just afraid."
"You could if you wanted to. And it wouldn't even matter or wear you out."
"You're right to be terrified, but have my efforts to charm you demonstrated nothing but care?"
"You killed millions of people and children."
I roll my eyes, "I was referring to my actions towards you, pet."
"Who cares?! I'm just your leverage."
"You are not a threat to me, therefore I am not one to you. My minions have been heavily warned about touching you."
"Your minions..."
"They will only do so when necessary, such as if you escape as you've seen multiple times now."
I firmly take her hand and sigh with bliss, caressing away a streak of moisture on her other cheek with my thumb.
"I've kept you here for weeks, have I failed to treat you well?"
She furrows her eyebrows, "Again, you knocked me out."
"Have you not been eating? Have you not been accompanied for your safety? Must I hold you close to me while moving from room to room like some sort of lap dog?"
"If that's what I have to do to keep you here, I have no problem catering to that."
"I never said that, and what makes you think I wanna be around you any more than I already am?!"
"Nonsense." I wrap my arm around her waist and hold her warm body close, holding eye contact with her, "Don't worry, pet, in time, you'll learn to love me. Until then, you'll stay here protected from everything."
"Everything except you."
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a-aexotic · 1 year
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half & half. part 004. previous
warnings: unedited LOL, getting drugged (not reader), alcohol, fighting (when is there not), party things, rafe being out of character, lmk if i missed anything
main masterlist. obx masterlist.
After you and JJ’s fight, you both ignored each other’s existence. The last time you guys had gotten into a fight this bad was right after you moved to Figure 8. The only person who was there to witness it was John B, so he had some experience it.
The only advice he told them was to never get involved. And what did they do? The exact opposite.
Kie drove her and Pope over to your house and decided the best way to get the Pogues back together was to talk to the most reasonable of the pair; you.
Kie parked her car and her and Pope got out of the house. Pope gaped at the big house, his mouth open. "I never realized how rich Y/N was."
"The L/N's are like the second richest family because of her dad's business. They might be equally as rich as the Cameron's and that's saying a lot." Kie explained as they walked to your door. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.
Y/N's mom opened the door, a surprised look on her face quickly morphing into a delighted one once she realized it was Kie. "Good afternoon, Kiara. Wonderful to see you." She turned to Pope. "And you, too."
They both smiled. "Good to see you too, Mrs. L/N. Um, we were wondering where Y/N was?"
"She's in the back with Sarah." Your mom grinned, opening the door. Kie almost rolled her eyes but Pope made sure to give her a warning look. Kie almost just walked out right then and there but she remembered what was on the line here.
She loved Y/N and JJ and she knew that she'd have to choose if they didn't make up - they were both extremely stubborn (not to mention petty) so they would make the Pogues choose. Kie took a deep breathe, getting herself ready to see her ex-best friend.
Pope and Kie walked into the backyard, hearing laughter before turning to see the pair. Kie resisted an eye roll. You turned to them and grinned before getting up. Sarah's smile faded, opting to stare out to the pool instead of them.
"Kie! Pope!" You went up to them, giving them each a huge.
Kie smiled, "Hey Y/N! Um, how have you been?"
"Great, you?"
"We've been, um. Pretty good." Pope answered before getting a subtle nudge from Kie. "Uh! Actually, we've been sad. Cus of you and JJ."
You looked really confused before Kie decided to take over.
"What Pope means is," she gave him a glare. "Is that it hasn't been the same without you. More quiet, you know?"
"Uh, yeah. I understand." You said, nodding. Sarah was suddenly interested. You had never mentioned a fight with JJ, or a big one for that matter. And she was your best friend, how could she not tell you?
Kie smiled, giving you an awkward pat. "Have you talked to JJ?"
"No." You shook your head.
"Maybe you should apologize?" Pope finally spoke, making you furrow your brows. Kie glared at him for what seems like the millionth time that day.
"Me? Why should I apologize, I didn't even do anything wrong."
Sarah got up and stood next to Y/N, making Kie roll her eyes. "What happened?"
"Nothing that has anything do with you," Kie quickly responded, earning a bitter frown from you.
"Kie, don't talk to her like that, okay? Not in front of me." You spoke as Kie let out a scoff.
Pope quickly grabbed Kie, making her stay quiet before she said anything she regretted. "Maybe we should come back. Y/N, think about what we said, okay?"
You took a deep breathe, relaxing a bit and nodding. "Yeah, we'll talk later."
They walked away and you heard Kie mumble something under her breathe. You gave Sarah a reassuring smile as you guys sat down. She slowly returned it, sighing.
"Did you get into a fight with JJ and not tell me?"
You instantly tensed back up again. You didn't purposely not tell Sarah, it just hadn't come up. Well, it sort of was intentional. You knew that Rafe and Sarah had a rocky relationship and you didn't want to be in the middle of it.
You also didn't tell her about the night you helped him and honestly, you didn't want to explain everything right now. It was hard enough for you to understand, imagine how Sarah would react.
"Yeah, but I..." You paused. "I just don't want to talk about it, I haven't even processed it myself."
Sarah nodded. She was obviously curious and she wanted to know how bad it was. The last bad fight you'd gotten in with JJ, you went to her house crying. She has an idea on how to help you but she will wait til you asked.
She took your hand and smiled, squeezing it. "Whenever you're ready, Y/N/N."
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The music could be heard from a block away as Y/N drove towards it. Sarah's friend had invited you two to her big birthday party and since you hadn't had a drink since the summer had begun, you decided this was the best time to get sloppy drunk because you don't have work for the next two days.
You both walked in the party, Drake booming from the speakers. You led Sarah hand-in-hand to the drink's table. "What do you want drink?"
You looked at Sarah, eyebrows furrowed. "What?"
"What do you want to drink?!" She screamed and you finally nodded in understanding. You then walked so that you were right to next her.
"I don't care as long as I get blackout drunk." You stated, earning a laugh and nod from Sarah. She then handed you a mystery drink and you immediately took a taste. You scrunched your nose and shook your head in disgust at the bitter taste. "Put some more punch."
After you guys got your drinks, you went into the backyard because the house was humid and warm from the amount of people in the house.
As you went outside, you saw the group of boys you had seen at the club. Kelce, Topper and Rafe. You hadn't seen him since the fight before and you were anxious to see him again. Your heart started to beat faster and Sarah noticed.
"You okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah, uh the alcohol is starting to work." You laughed nervously. She nodded, unconvinced. But she wasn't really focused on you right now, she added this to things to tomorrow morning's debrief.
She noticed Topper and she rolled her eyes. "Guess what I found out."
You guys started walking towards the pool chairs, sitting. "What?"
"Topper took another girl on a date a few days ago." Sarah next to you.
You gasped and shook your head, taking a drink. "What a bitch! Who?"
"Maya Cafincy or something weird like that." Sarah rolled her eyes as you nodded.
"Oh yeah, her. She was in my AP Stats class, she was smart."
Sarah glared at you.
"Not as smart as you, though." You added. "I don't why Topper would do that."
"Yeah, me neither." Sarah frowned.
"You know what you should do?"
"Find a really cute boy," you put your hands on hers, "and make him jealous."
Sarah looked shocked but then she started to nod, getting up. "Yeah, you're right! If he can go flirt with other girls after our date then I can too!"
You nodded, "Yes! Good idea, Sarah." You got up, clasping your hand in hers. "Let's go find you a loyal man!"
After a few glances at the boys, she find a cute boy. You recognized him and realized he was a really smart sophomore boy from last year who was in your chemistry class. You immediately approved because you remember he was a nice boy.
He and Sarah hit it off quickly, they sat at a table and started talking, making you third wheel. You decided to give them some alone time and started to get some drinks.
You walked to the drink table to refill your cup. You felt someone tap on your shoulder and you turned to see Rafe. Your eyes winded before you swallowed.
He smiled, "Hey, uh. Haven't seen you in a while!"
He looked a little too optimistic, you guessed it was just the alcohol. "Hey, yeah."
He pulled you in by the arm, closer. "I wanted to thank you for the other night." Your heart sped up at the proximity. You felt your cheeks at the warmth.
You shook your head, "no need to thank me."
"No, no. I do, not everyone would've done what you did especially for me."
You scoffed, "Of course everyone has a little human decency. And you aren't that bad, Rafe. Promise."
He was looking so deeply in your eyes, you swore that you were going to pass out. Then you heard some whooping behind you and you both turned around, seeing Rafe's friends laughing at him.
He rolled his eyes in annoyance, before sighing and grabbing your hand. "Let's go somewhere else, okay?"
You nodded, butterflies erupting in your stomach in nervousness. You hadn't felt this nervous since opening your acceptance letter. He walked you both out to the pool.
He took a seat in the pool chairs and you sat in front of him. There weren't a lot of people outside, opting to be inside where the drinks are.
You both sat in silence before he spoke again, looking away from you and at the pool. "I'm sorry if I caused anything with you and JJ."
You shook your head, "it's fine. He gets sensitive when it comes to the Kooks, he thinks that I chose you over him."
Rafe nodded, "Yeah. I don't why he hates us."
You almost laughed at his comment, knowing that the Kooks (and Rafe, at times) treat the Pogues like shit. "I mean, you guys tend to be... you know, asshole-ish."
He turned back to you, his lips tightened in annoyance. "Well-"
"You guys are assholes to Pogues, I've seen it, Rafe."
He sighed and shrugged, "I guess."
You laughed, "Guess?"
He turned back, "Fine, we can be assholes sometimes."
You laughed at his words and Rafe felt his heart jump at the sound. The more he listened, the more his lips quirked up. He looked at down at his lap, trying to avoid your gaze.
You turned your gaze back to Rafe, suddenly feeling a ounce of dread. You felt like you were betraying Sarah by just being there, not to mention JJ.
"I really didn't mean to like, cause anything-"
"Rafe, you didn't. You just helped me and that was a kind thing to do, not everyone would've done that. Don't apologize, okay?" You said rapidly, making him look up to you.
"Kind? You think I'm kind?"
Your face felt warm and suddenly you were stuttering trying to say something, looking away from his piercing gaze. You exhaled before continuing, "Yeah, Rafe. I mean, it was brave what you did. I know everyone thinks that you're some big old scary guy but I know you have a kind heart. I mean the way you treat Wheezie, or even Sarah sometimes, proves it. And especially what you did for me."
Rafe smiled and he didn't even know he was doing it. His heart felt warm at the way you described him. It sure as hell wasn't like the way anyone else has ever done before.
The silence made you anxious but as soon as you saw that big smile, you felt your heart do a little cartwheel at the sight. You made Rafe smile, now that's definitely a skill.
"Thank you, Y/N. I mean it, I would've died-"
He was instantly cut off the sound of glass breaking, making you guys both jump. You had a really bad feeling and you hastily got up and ran into the house, Rafe following you.
Your heart dropped once you realized it was where you left Sarah and that boy alone.
"I saw you put something in her drink!" A girl shouted and you quickly walked over, seeing some glass broken on the ground and Sarah laying down on the couch, seemingly unconscious. Your head starting racing as you saw her and you pushed people to get to her spot.
"What the fuck happened?" You heard Rafe yell but you were only focused on Sarah. She looked conscious but she wasn't responding to anything you were saying.
"Hey!" You got up from your seat and found the guy you were with. "What the fuck did you do?"
"Nothing?" You screamed, grabbing his shirt and then pushing him backwards into the chairs. "Then why is she unconscious on the fucking couch? What did you put in her drink?"
"I'm going to call the police..." The girl who was with them previously said, grabbing her phone, causing the boy to jump and grab it out of her hand.
"No one is calling anyone-"
"Hey, didn't I ask you a fucking question?"
He slammed the phone into the ground before grabbing your arm, twisting it as you yelped in pain. "Why are you acting like such a fucking bitch? My god, it's like you people haven't seen a roofie before!"
Before you can get out of his grasp you heard someone come up behind you, "Don't touch her, you fucking asshole."
Rafe grabbed your arm out of his grasp, making you back up into the crowd before Rafe goes for a loud punch. The guy went flying back into the chairs, causing them to fall down with him in them. "You roofie my fucking sister and you have the nerve to fucking defend yourself?"
Rafe went over to the boy and took his collar into his hands, giving him another strong punch after another. You almost wanted to stop him until you saw Sarah again on the couch. You can't believe you left her all alone and she got roofied. You can't help but feel responsible.
You heard some shouting and you looked up to see Topper and Kelce trying to break up Rafe from the boy. You went over to Sarah as you saw some people leaving and you realized that someone had called the cops.
You grabbed Sarah and tried to get her up on her feet.
"Lay off, Topper!" You heard Rafe shout and you looked back to see him approaching you and Sarah. Without saying a word, he took Sarah from you and carried her in his arms. You noticed his bloody knuckles but chose to say nothing. You wanted to smile at such a warm gesture from Rafe but you didn't think that would be the best idea under the circumstances.
"Let's get her home."
Even though it wasn't the best idea, you decided to drive home. Out of all you three, you were conscious and not completely drunk.
As you arrived at the Cameron's, you got out of the car to help them into the house but it seemed like Rafe had it handled. You walked into the quiet house and realized Ward and Rose were asleep. You were grateful that you didn't have to explain this sticky situation to them.
Rafe went up the stairs as quietly as he could and you were close behind. You opened the door and you both walked in and he slowly dropped her on the bed. You knelt down and took off her shoes and socks and then you went up.
Rafe was about to walk out before you whispered, "Wait."
He instantly turned back, his heart racing as he looked at you.
"Let me help you... um, with your knuckles. Just wait here with Sarah."
He nodded as you got up and walked out into the big house, trying to find the bandage kit. You found it in the bathroom and you went back into Sarah's room, seeing that Rafe had tucked in Sarah. You smiled at the sight. He looked back to see you and you turned away awkwardly, clearing your throat before walking in.
You sat at the edge of bed next to Rafe. You both stared at each other before he slowly gave you his hand. You absentmindedly caressed it before getting some alcohol on a cotton round and rubbing it on the wound.
Rafe slightly winced at the pain, "Sorry."
He shook his head, "All good." He watched you focus on cleaning the wound and he felt his cheeks turn red at proximity. He saw your a piece of your hair fall and he took his other hand, brushing it out of your face. You looked up, seeing Rafe's lips move into a smile.
You smiled back before turning your gaze back to his hand, finally putting his bandage back on.
Then you felt Sarah move and let out a small whimper, causing you both to whip your heads towards her. You went over to Sarah, "Hey, you feeling alright?"
"What happened?" Her voice was gruff and raspy and you felt your heart break. She doesn't even remember it. The guilt of not being with her to protect her came back and you sat down on the bed next to her, taking her hand.
"Uh, that guy. Do you remember him putting anything in your drink?"
She shook her head, instantly sitting up in alarm. "No... Did he put anything in my drink?"
"Yes, and I'm so sorry for not being there. I should've been there-"
"Y/N," Rafe said, making Sarah look back at him in confusion. "It wasn't your fault."
You wanted to cry right there. "Sarah, I-"
"I love you, Y/N." Sarah managed to choke out. She was the verge of tears too. "Did he do anything or..."
"No, no. We got there before he did anything. Me and Rafe got you home safe, alright?"
She smiled at that. You could sense her restless and you got up, "Go to bed, Sarah, okay? We'll talk about this tomorrow."
"Wait, can you..." She paused. "Can you stay in here?"
You looked over at Rafe and he nodded. You sat back down, taking your shoes off. "Yeah, of course."
She scooched over and you opened the sheets and went in, laying down next to her.
"I love you, too, Sarah. I will never let anything like that ever happen again." You whispered and she grabbed your hand and held it.
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bonefall · 8 months
Honestly? I was a certified Nightheart hater but you've made me come around: apart from the usual Misogyny in Warriors, I think if it wasn't for that and if the Erins realized he's driving his clanmates away I would actually like him. If him joining ShadowClan and proclaiming he was Sunbeam's mate behind her back was actually treated as a flaw and their relationship imploded, it could've been really interesting! Kinda makes me wonder how Dovewing would react to him, because I can see her being understanding until he critfails their conversation by going 'I don't think ANYONE suffered as badly as I DID in ThunderClan. >:(' <3 No king, DON'T make Dovewing revoke her speaking to her priveledges from her- king why, you forced her paws! She's walking away!!!
It's COMPELLING!! They could have done something BANGER here! This drama is juicier than his silly little rotisserie chicken and if you can just wade through the Certified WC Misogyny(tm) then there could be a really fun character there!
Like, imagine a story where all this was on purpose;
Nightheart ruins all his own relationships, can't take responsibility for himself
Bramblestar, guy who ALSO does this, becomes his best friend... and uses him, too.
The only person he could bond with was the person who was a liar. The person who never told him no.
Connect to the part earlier where Nightheart lamented how his dead father would have understood then... he only likes the people who aren't really there for him.
How Nightheart defies orders, puts himself in danger, freaks his family out, and then he treats their concern and exasperation like hatred
And goes to ShadowClan and thinks all his problems will be fixed
Forces himself into Sunbeam's life, in the MIDDLE OF A WAVE OF POLITICAL TENSION...
Sunbeam, petty queen, who can never say no ever, letting situations spiral out of control constantly to disastrous effects: "ummm"
Berryheart: "What is this?"
Nightheart: "HER BOYFRIEND!"
Berryheart: "What... that's-"
But then this EXPLODING because he's looking for something to fix him, and she can't. No one can. HE'S THE PROBLEM
But that doesn't mean he deserves the TREATMENT that Berryheart gives him
And it all ends up coming to a head, with Tawnypelt sick of him, Dovewing laying it out that he's a tar pit, and Berryheart moving on him...
LIKE... He's REALLY GOOD as a kid who needs to learn to confront himself. He's fun as someone who makes things worse and has the absolute worst timing ever. The DRAMA... it drives me.
Isn't that what WC really is, at its best? A cat soap opera toeing the edge of being a political drama? You HAVE to have your messy, unpredictable little brats. That's the BEST
I'm gonna have a BLAST when I get around to him, man. I've got so many succulent little berries to work with here;
Dovewing revoking his privileges. Most damning thing in the entire universe is when she just gets up and walks away from you.
Having Nightheart have to examine that he's the problem in his own life.
And yet, he's in active danger, since Antfur is going to be dying in ASC instead of TBC, as a result of Berryheart's violent group.
Berryheart, in general. I've got ideas, man. I love the evil educator idea, I hope that Fringewhisker stays in ShadowClan so I can go with that idea of Heartstar spitefully making her the next educator.
Berryheart's got Don't Hug Me I'm Scared vibes, lmao. "Now let's all agree to never be creative again!"
And on that note... she survived the Kin, that day, because her executioner intentionally let her go. Looked over their shoulder, saw Berryheart swimming away, and said nothing.
The idea that Berry tells a story for sympathy about escaping, and uses it to justify her xenophobia, when it was a Kin cat who SAVED her life but she leaves that detail out... effervescent.
And that's not even getting into anything I could do with StarClan, with the last arc in BB ending in the end of Skystar, a shattered purgatory, and the quiet revelation that Ashfur had accomplices.
It's gonna be fun!
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softlyapocalytpic · 11 months
I feel like I remember a post going around a while ago about the inherent tragedy of Fallout 4 and the anti-climax that is Finding Shaun and- I just can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t.
(Going under a cut because this post got away from me LMAO)
It’s a tragedy. Your son is a cold horrific monster of a man who looks at people as experiments over being people. He’s egotistical to the point of thinking of himself as somehow larger than life- not quite godly, but something more adjacent to that- because of his control over life. *Because of how they groomed him to be. He was never allowed to be a “normal” kid. The Shaun we meet is doomed, hopeless, and it’s… heartbreaking. That’s your son and.
And he’s dead. He dies no matter what faction you choose. There’s no chance for true reconciliation.
(*There’s something to say about the parallels between Shaun and Maxson as characters that I’ve talked about to others in the past but still sticks with me. Not the post for it necessarily, but I wanted to mention it.)
For me personally, the ending of Fallout 4 wasn’t victorious, it was hollow. Now, part of that is definitely influenced by what I was going through at the time, but it has stuck with me how the only lights of hope I felt were… well it was Deacon. He made it less empty. Made it feel like it meant something good.
I didn’t like pushing the button though. I thought about all the shit that could’ve taken from Institute and used for the wasteland for something good. Thought about Shaun. Thought about how I couldn’t truly say goodbye to him. Felt like I was playing out the motions, and that fucking slideshow did nothing to help the hollowness.
It’s not victorious. But then we keep going anyway. There is still work to be done. And there’s companions to keep you company, to make the world a little brighter.
And Jesus Christ I love that fucking game. I love the sandbox and I love the way that when it hits? It fucking hits.
And guess what! Fallout 3? Fallout 76? Also fucking tragedies.
Sure, Broken Steel brings the LW back from the dead, but Lone died even if Lone isn’t “dead”. The slideshow still plays. You wake up and suddenly aren’t dead, but you should be. You should be. You, a nineteen year old kid were tasked with being a martyr. Sarah is pissed off when you ask her to do it. It should be you in the eyes of the narrative. You should be the one bearing the weight of martyrdom. Follow in your Father’s footsteps.
Fallout 76? I… your nuking the Appalachia repeatedly. Everything is gone by 2277. The bright future meant to rejuvenate the Wasteland ends up destroying it. Idfk what else there is to say on that front.
And these are just… the main Bethesda titles. 1, 2, and NV are arguably in the same boat but there’s a bit more in the sense that… well for those ones it’s much more about the “you’ve won, but at what cost?”. In the original Fallout, and let’s say you take the (I think more popular route) of talking to the Master rather than fighting him: you watch someone realize the weight of the atrocities they’ve committed, realize they had no purpose, and then kill himself and everyone there after you personally have gone through actually psychic hell to approach him. Then, you get kicked out of your only home you’ve ever known!
Fallout 2? You home is decimated, your people traumatized, and you must rebuild it from the ground up. You defeated the Enclave, but they took something from you that can’t be replaced or forgotten.
New Vegas… god there’s so much there and there’s another point I want to make to this post- make I can make it feed into this but- the Mojave gets ravaged by war. No matter who wins, atrocities will continue to have been done and to be committed. There’s deadly forces on the horizon who don’t give a SHIT about this petty war and the fucking dumb politics of these major powers. It will hit any faction hard and unmercifully. And there was still a war that consumed an entire land. So companion has a truly “happy” end. They’re all scarred and broken and have to make peace with the path they’ve chosen. People win, but they don’t win, y’know?
And I wish- as much as I love these tragedies- I wish there was more… hope. I wish that the world of Fallout allowed the brightness to shine through a little brighter. To allow the people who try to rebuild into something new to be more successful, to be allowed to take the narrative into their hands, bECAUSE HOLY FUCK DOES THIS DARK ASS WORLD HAVE SO MUCH MORE HOPE THEN ITS EVER GIVEN CREDIT FOR.
Begin Again is a rallying cry for me. The end of Lonesome Road, if you spare Ulysses, is a rebellion against the fucking cycle of violence and hatred. You want to BUILD something. Create rather than just regurgitate the old world into something more twisted than it’s corpse.
Surviving the purifier? Rebelling against the notion that you must die, that you must be a martyr, taking your life into your own hands? Watching a source of clean water be handed out for free and spread across the Wastes? Fucking! Breathing new life into Harold and so he breathes new life into the Earth?
Living even though you’ve lost all your family? Getting a new one in the people who follow you? Helping people rebuild the Commonwealth after it’s been terrorized and destroyed? Leaving this world stronger and safer then when you came into it?
Honestly- this post got away from me. @persephotea got me in my Fallout 4 thoughts (of which I have so many and they’re always trying to burst out of me) and I got to thinking about what I try to write about in my fics. Hope. Hope, hope, hope.
I choose a kinder Fallout world not because I’m trying to soften the edges, but because I want to believe that humanity has such an ability to be kind if it chooses to. That a world ravaged by destruction would CHOOSE kindness and growth. That despite all the darkness and selfishness, people would choose to Begin Again.
It’s all a fucking tragedy, but that’s only if the cycle continues. We can change it. We can end it. Just gotta choose to do it.
If you got this far, thank you for reading my tired thoughts and please please please share yours. I want to hear your thoughts so bad. Okay okay, I’ll post now.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
So the thing about the Slaughterhouse 9 is that that they’re kinda boring on purpose. The whole team is an exploration of the outcome of appending “fuck-you-take-me-seriously” levels of power to fundamentally middling personalities. Jack is most aggressively painted this way by the text, to the point of it being his trigger event, his power, and how he’s introduced in the story, being put on the back-foot in his very first on-screen conversation because he’s having it with someone immune to his gamebreaker power.  
But this dangerous-not-deep thing is present in almost all the nine to some degree. Crawler has no motivation beyond strength for the sake of strength. Mannequin was brainfucked into devoting his incredible genius and single-minded focus to something idiotically petty. Shatterbird plays at being cultured but she’s been on the run since she was fourteen and is working basically with whatever faintly interesting bits of culture and literature she’s been able to pick up in between killing sprees; and Jack, who she’s infatuated with, calls her out as basically doing the same trick with the glassplosion again and again. Burnscar is pathetic and spineless, Siberian is.... Siberian, Hatchet Face exists solely to depower capes and kill them with an axe because a cape injured him once. Cherish was just smart enough to realize staying with her father was a losing game and then insinuated herself into the one organization on the planet more systemically stacked with losers than the one lead by her father.
 It is not a coincidence that out of all the people the Nine approached for recruitment, the one who ended up taking them up on it was the brutal idiot who window-shopped for an ideology until he found one that aligned with how much he already enjoyed hurting people. The Nine aren’t that deep. Particularly not the ones who think they’re that deep. But they are too dangerous to ignore.
Bonesaw is the only one of the group who I don’t think of in these terms, because she’s a very clear-cut example of “if only she chose to use her powers for good” and she’s the only clear cut example of this on the team. (Mannequin’s devolvement being Simurgh-driven.) It’s genuinely very tragic that Bonesaw was created by the Nine and then monopolized by the Nine because she’s genuinely much better than them! She’s much more talented, much more versatile, fundamentally much bigger than Jack. She’s out from under his thumb for like six months and she’s helped pioneer human resurrection! The Nine Sucking outside the immediate scope of their literal power is deeply conducive to Bonesaw’s arc.
Now, the downside to this, the big downside, is that when you set out to write a bunch of people as uninteresting on purpose you run the risk of succeeding. I’ve known several people who’ve lost the plot during the s9 arc because they just found the band of faux-nihilistic murderhobos to be such an overused cliche that they lost interest. (A few who similarly lost the plot with Leviathan the Big Doomsday Kaiju.) And, you know, it’s a situation where I kind of have to just grit my teeth and dig my nails into my palms and roll with the “criticism” because, on an object level, it’s not wrong! They are cliches! The whole book is about digging up and tinkering with cliches! Which makes Worm kind of bad for people who are sick of those cliches regardless of how well they’re executed or what point they’re being used to make. If Jack is grating on a person in arc 14 what am I gonna do? Tell them to read three more War and Peaces to get to the genuinely subversive take on The Joker that recontextualizes all of Jack’s previous appearances? I could do that, but I wouldn’t see Heaven.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
Hello! I have a dilemma! We have a relatively new client at work who always spells my name wrong despite the fact that it is in my email signature in every single email I send them (I send them a lot of emails). How do I go about telling them it’s wrong? I realize this isn’t a huge deal and realistically I could suck it up and just ignore them spelling my name wrong but it irks me and I do not like it lol
Piggy aka Jess here. Don't do what I did when someone kept addressing me as Jenn and Joyce in emails: I purposely spelled his name wrong until he started addressing me by the right name. It was petty and unprofessional and it didn't make me feel better.
I think simple and direct is probably best in this case. The next time they spell your name wrong, the first sentence of your response should be "Actually, my name is spelled Anon, not Anyn. :)" They'll get the message to be more careful and respectful, and if it persists after that you'll know that they're just an asshole and there's no saving them.
Season 3, Episode 12: "I’m Done With Evil Bosses and Toxic Workplaces. Can I Stand Up Without Being Hammered Down?"
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thelazybard · 2 years
Instead I Pour the Milk [Alejandro Vargas x fem!Reader] Chapter 8: Finally (18+ towards end)
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ao3 saw it first at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42983298/chapters/108594747
"Silver moon's sparklin'... so kiss me."
-Kiss Me, Sixpence None The Richer
Alejandro made it to your store just before you closed. He entered the store and watched as you swept the floor, back facing him and humming a tune. He couldn't help but admire you in your candid state, taking care of the café you've worked so hard to maintain. Even after everything, you were still enthusiastic as ever to keep it in impeccable shape. How you managed it alone, he didn't know. You were much, much stronger than you let on.
You spoke when you felt another person's presence in the store. "Sorry, we're closed. Come back tomorrow morning and I'll–" You almost jumped at the sight of him when you finally turned around. "Alé!"
When you set your broom up against wall and walked within Alejandro's reach, immediately did his hands find you. Your cheek had since stopped burning by the time he arrived, but that didn't stop him from grabbing your face gently to get a closer look at you. His hands were calloused, but well manicured. Just because his job required him to get his hands dirty didn't mean he'd let them remain unkempt. His brown eyes grew steely as he looked over the soft skin of your face for any abrasions. Upon realizing you were uninjured, his thumbs ran across your cheekbones and his gaze finally returned to yours.
"I'm fine Alé, really." You tried to reassure him, the drama being long over and essentially out-of-mind to you at this point.
He shook his head. "Still. She had no right to put her hands on you."
"Well, I did sort of drive the reaction out of her on purpose."
He narrowed his eyes inquisitively. "What did you do?"
You chewed your lip, reluctant to show such a sincere and kind man your more petty side. "I told her to leave or I'd have you make her leave. I said it because... I knew it'd make her mad."
He sighed. "Well, I would have. I just– wish I'd been here when it happened."
"It was handled as best as it could, I think. David and Paola escorted her out. Who told you, anyway?"
"People around town." He answered.
You nodded, a faint amused expression on your face. "Naturally."
"I'm sorry, Scout."
You shook your head. "For what?"
"This happened because of me."
You almost wanted to laugh. "You can't help that you're desirable." You teased.
His mouth curled into a mischievous smirk. "Oh, so you think I'm desirable?"
"I-I... uh–"
He laughed and quickly leaned down. You thought he was going to kiss you so you hitched your breath, but he ended up resting his forehead on yours.
"You're cute when you stammer, mi corazón." He confessed.
Your throat dried and you felt your heartbeat in your ears. He just called you both "cute" and "mi corazón" in the same breath, how were you supposed to remain cool?
You scoffed. "I do not–"
"Can I kiss you?" He blurted.
"What? Oh, I mean yes." You said.
He laughed again, almost victoriously, and crashed his lips into yours. Finally. No David in sight to ruin this now. Your eyes fluttered closed and your shoulders lost tension.
Despite it being your first kiss together, it was short-lived. He pulled away to smile widely at you before kissing you deeper. Almost like he had to make sure this was really happening and reconfirm with himself by taking a look at you. His right hand went from cupping your face to holding the back of your neck tenderly. When Alejandro held you, he held you like you were a delicate flower. Like you'd wither away if he so much as breathed on you wrong. At first you took offense to this. You wouldn't consider yourself delicate, but rather had the capacity to be delicate. Then eventually, it dawned on you that a man in his particular line of work is probably not used to being able to be this way, especially towards another human being. He wasn't being just delicate with you, but with himself too. You gave him back that privilege. That right.
You were surrounded by only him. His scent, his embrace, the tickle of his stubble on your chin. His lips were surprisingly soft, and not domineering like some men in your past. He let himself be known without it being suffocating. You brought yourself in to be closer to him. Chest to chest, hoping he couldn't feel your heart pounding against your ribcage. Spoiler: he did.
The two of you eventually pulled away, for good this time, and you chewed on your swollen bottom lip. You turned to look at the clock that read 6:12, then at Alejandro. That's when you realized your hands had been resting on his chiseled abs, and suddenly your palms and fingertips felt like they were electric.
You sighed. "I should really close up. Did you... want to maybe join David and I upstairs for dinner?" You offered.
Alejandro hesitated, mind still foggy yet acutely hyperfocused on everything you. Your twinkling eyes, your hair tousled from a day of work, your impossibly intoxicating lips. He'd spent too many years waiting to kiss you and he finally has. Whether it be fate, fortune or the very will of the Gods, he thanked whatever higher calling or being responsible for the reunion that lead to this very moment. Your paths were meant to cross again for a reason, and the vivid euphoria he felt in this moment was proof.
Alejandro would never let you leave from his life again.
Finally, words found him again. "I don't want to impose–"
Shaking your head, you reassured him. "You're not, I promise. It's entirely up to you, but I do have to close the store."
"Then, I would be honored." He nodded.
David answered the door to your flat in his apron and oven mitts. "Oh! Hey Al, I... didn't know you'd be coming." He said, clearly embarassed because his personal apron had Hatsune Miku on it.
"He's joining us for dinner." You said matter of factly, then pointed at his apron. "Oh, I see you borrowed my apron." You lied.
Realization eventually flashed over his eyes. "Oh! Yeah, mine is in the wash. Got too much barbecue sauce and... pig's blood on it." David explained as he turned around and walked to the kitchen.
Alejandro nodded slowly. "Of course..." He said before looking at you with a cocked head. You shrugged and lead him inside.
David sat you two down at the dining table and served you. It was pasta, fresh out of the oven. Dinner wasn't awkward in the slightest with your unexpected guest. If anything, David wished he had a nice wine to pair with his dish to be a really good host.
"Scout told you what happened earlier?" David asked.
Al shook his head. "No, I found out around town."
"Ah. What is your, uh... relationship with that Roberta anyway?"
Al sighed. "We went to school together. I always knew she had some semblance of a crush on me, but I never thought it'd drive her to something like that."
"Well, you can only know the person people are willing to show you. Sometimes their true self slips through the cracks, but that's only if you're lucky." David said sagely.
After dinner, Alejandro offered David to help with the dishes while you took your after-work shower. David was washing and Alejandro rinsed and dried. They did so in silence for about five minutes before David finally spoke.
"So..." He started.
"So..." Alejandro echoed, nervously.
"You and Scout, eh?"
Alejandro's mind flashed back to the kiss, and his palms began to perspire. "Yes I... I really like her." He replied.
"Good." David said simply.
David's lack of commentary was making Alejandro more nervous than he already was. "Look, if there's anything I can do–"
You cousin stopped him. "Look man, don't sweat it. You seem like a great guy, and Scout likes you. You're not gonna receive that overprotective, aggressive male relative shtick from me. Her brother and dad maybe, but you'll cross that bridge when you get there. Just... Y'know, treat her right? But I don't think I have to tell you that."
"You have my word, David. I'll be great to her. Truthfully."
"Glad to hear it."
They ceased talk about you when they heard the shower turn off. Minutes later, you dashed from the bathroom to your bedroom in your bathrobe. The two got a laugh out of that, and waited until you emerged from your room clothed in pajamas to say something about it.
"Why'd you run?" David chuckled.
"Because I wasn't decent... Shut up." You then turned to Alejandro with a sweeter expression. "Alé, did you want to stay and watch a movie with us?"
"I should really report back to base, but I'll come by in the morning."
"Promise?" You asked.
He smiled. "Promise. Thank you both for hosting me."
"Let me walk you out."
After Alejandro said goodbye to the cats and shook David's hand, he followed you downstairs to the store exit.
You gripped the hem of your pajama shirt anxiously now that it was just the too of you again. "So uh... Goodnight."
Alejandro caressed your cheek and placed a tender kiss to your forehead. "Goodnight, mi corazon."
He left and you locked the door then smiled dorkily as you swayed back to your apartment.
"Thanks for taking the fall for my Miku apron." David said when you returned.
"Don't mention it." You said, snickering.
Your phone rang on the coffee table, and when you read the caller ID you smiled and answered. "Hey, mom."
"Hi honey. Just calling to catch up. How have things been so far?"
"Things are great! Business has been picking up and-"
"HI AUNTY!" David shouted.
"Tell David I said hi." Your mother said calmly, though she was audibly amused.
"She said your parents found you as a baby in Neanderthal permafrost and thawed you out with a hotel blow dryer."
David snorted and went into his room while you went to yours.
"Any exciting developments?" Your mother asked.
You weren't going to tell her about your altercation, that would just make her worry over nothing. Instead, you kicked your feet comically as you laid in bed on your stomach. "Well, there's this guy..."
"Thank God."
Your smile dropped. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It means my daughter won't be a crazy cat lady. Honestly, I expected you to have like, five cats by now."
You peered into your closet of five cats and laughed nervously. "Por que no los dos?"
"Wait, really?"
"Did I forget to tell you? Turns out that cat wasn't fat, but pregnant."
"Good grief. But yes, tell me about this guy." Your mother said.
"So his name is Alejandro, he's a Sargent in the Special Forces–"
"Yes, ugh. It's best to away from military men."
You blinked. "... You literally married and had children with a military ma–"
"That's different. We were in the same unit so I was able to keep an eye on him."
"Are you saying they're unfaithful? Why am I just now learning about this?"
"Because you've never been interested in a military guy before, so I never felt the need to rag on them to you."
"Well now you tell me. I really like him, mom. He's kind to me, and the reason my business is doing so well now."
"Really really. He put in a good word about me around town. He's like, a pillar of the community so that did wonders."
She sounded... almost impressed. "Huh. Sounds like your father and I need to meet him."
Your parents are ex-military. They met, fell in love, and got married pretty early on in their careers, then had you and your brother not long after. Their occupations meant moving a lot, sometimes to entirely different countries than the one of your birth. You didn't mind as much as your brother did, he hated the constant change in scenery and blamed that on his inability to maintain bonds with people. You however, didn't mind as much. If anything, you were excited to move to another place and meet different people. This was one of the many ways you and your brother differed. He moved to Colorado after college and hasn't moved since, committed to finally staying put somewhere. But you knew he deserved that much and understood his decision.
"How is dad, anyway?" You asked.
"Same as usual. He just got a new grill, so it's been barbecue for the past week. I think I'm going to switch it up and make my soup tomorrow. It's getting colder now, you know."
Mom's soup. Both your mouth watered and heart ached at the notion. Your mother's soup was one of the best dishes in the world, you thought. She learned it from her grandmother, and eventually she taught you but you were never able to get it to be just like hers.
You swallowed to soothe your burning throat. "I wish you could send me some." You said.
"So have you and Alejandro screwed yet?" Your mom asked out of the blue.
"Mooom!" You whined.
"Just asking!"
Your mother was the calmer, more collected parent out of the two, but sometimes she'd let her intrusive thoughts win and say the most outlandish things.
"No, in fact we had our first kiss like... two hours ago."
"Ohh, so this is new new."
"Seems like it's been forev- Wait! Him and I actually met during our first time here!"
She gasped in disbelief. "Shut. Up. When you were seven?"
"Yeah, I played soccer with him and his brother and sister at that park."
"Wow, it really is a small world. And he remembers you?"
"He does."
"Is that Scout?" You heard your dad in the background. Moments later, he was speaking into the phone. "Hey, kiddo. I miss you. I shipped a care package for you today of stuff I know you like, lemme know when you get it." He said. He seemed almost... down? But he couldn't be sad, dad never gets sad... right?
Your voice nearly cracked. "I will, daddy. Thank you."
Your parents had to go, but they made sure to tell you they loved you and blow kisses through the phone. You managed to keep yourself together just long enough until they hung up. Then, the tears began to flow. They weren't necessarily sad tears. Bittersweet if anything. It was nice to hear from them, but with every phonecall you missed them more and more. Despite being in Las Almas for barely three months, you already wanted to plan a visit back home.
When your crying fit was over, you wiped your face and crawled under your blankets to drift off to sleep. Guillermo and the kittens were sleeping as well, surprisingly. Usually, they're all over the place in the night fighting and climbing various objects around your room. Suppose it was a long day for everyone.
Your dreams had glimpses of Alejandro again, only this time they were... less than chaste. It wasn't one of your more linear dreams that have a story with a beginning, middle, and end either. In your dream Alejandro was bare and towering over you. His touch was so lucid that you were sure it was real. His ebony locks that were once slicked back were disheveled and brushing against your cheek as he said your name like a desperate prayer into your ear and rutted himself into you feverishly. Then all of a sudden he was holding you in his arms, close to his chest, and you could swear you actually felt his heartbeat against your cheek. He kissed you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he rubbed your back glistening with sweat.
The kisses that you shared earlier and the new nickname "mi corazón" ignited a fire in you that you had yet to acknowledge. Now it was roaring and refused to be ignored.
You woke up the next day with a wetness between your thighs and that unmistakable internal sensation below your belly button. Something told you to reach over and check your phone.
Alejandro V: Good morning, mi corazón! I hope you have a great day today, I'll swing around later. ;)
You buried your face into your pillow bashfully, as if he knew what just transpired within yourself. After the embarrassment wore off, you swung your legs over the side of your bed and got started on your day, eager to see Alejandro again.
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swifty-fox · 6 days
Find the Word Tag Game
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
Thank you for the tag @nicijones this is a cool prompt!!
My Words: hug, lie, swear, war Your Words: twist, swipe, relish, flicker
Kingdom for a Kiss Snippets cause i don't think any of these words appear on Little Beast P3
Marge greets him at the train station with a kiss and a lingering hug that has him burying his face in the perfumed divot between neck and shoulder with all the neediness of a child. It is, for all intents and purposes, the perfect reunion between two lovers. And though it was love that had her smoothing a hand across his back and pressing her lips to his temple, it is not of the volition they’re asking the world to believe.
“I’ve realized something.” 
“Bucky.” Gale repeats, taking a step out into the rain. It’s not cold like he expects it to be. Bathwater warm, turning his denim shirt dark immediately.
“I realize I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore.” 
Gale wants to yell at him to leave, kick him off his property like a stray dog. Get out of here, get goin’. I was just starting to learn how to be happy.
Lie. Lie. Lie.
He snatches the flask, if only to silence the rattling but once in hand Gale finds himself twisting the cap off. John looks over for the first time, opens his mouth as if to say something.
“Don’t speak to me John. Don’t you say a word or I’ll walk back to Wyoming from here I swear to god.”  Gale says roughly
He tilts the flask into his mouth, the whiskey stinging against his split lip. He swallows a painful mouthful and flings the flask out the window, Four Roses spraying the side of the car.
Did you ever see a dead body? Did you ever kill someone? Did you lose a lot of buddies? 
When the inquiries become too much he steers them back towards lessons and although there’s some grumbling it’s really no different than commanding his men. And, truthfully, he enjoys teaching. Likes the challenge of their questions, likes the gregariousness of their personalities. They are untouched by war, these young men and women, and they are bold and brash in a way Gale remembers once being. Sometimes it angers him, or perhaps makes him jealous is a more apt description, for how care-free they are. But that’s why he went in the first place, to do good and to make sure this rambunctious lot who would not have been more than ten when he first stepped into a B-17 could look at the world with excited eyes. 
Still, it doesn’t quite quell the bitter swirl in his stomach when he hears some of their petty conflicts and woes. His face never betrays him and he most certainly never lets the angry words past his lips but sometimes he wants to grab them and shake them a bit, shouting.
What does matter what your poor mother packed for lunch? What does it matter you got mud on your favorite dress or your friend flirted with your fella? Do you know? Don’t you even know how simple it all is?
tagging @antiquitea @sig-nifier @soliloquy-dawn @hogans-heroes
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