#i've been thinking about these two new oc's (well technically three) that are kind of the reason for this post
cardsofthemoon · 7 months
Demons and Religion
I haven't logged into this blog for two years and idk if I'm fully back but I've been undergoing some major DL brainrot over the past month, specifically about the lore and such.
We all know that the Church plays a role in the story, and while it might not be a major role as it should be, the Church is the main reason as to why Yui is even in this predicament in the first place. But I want to talk about religion as a whole, and the relationship between demons and religion, or more so, how religion could benefit demons in the long run.
While it’s no secret that demons aren’t the biggest fans of God and religion, I feel like there’s another aspect to religion that is often overlooked and can serve a greater aspect to the story, than simply just “demons hate god! Religion bad!”
In fact, I honestly think that demons and supernatural beings can more often than not benefit from religion or more specifically, benefit from how religious humans are. Throughout history, humans have undoubtedly done some horrendous and horrific shit in the name of religion (the Salem Witch Trials, the Medieval Inquisition, the Mass Genocide of Natives, etc.) It’s a pretty well known fact that human beings will do the cruelest things under the guise of religion, so wouldn’t it make sense for demons to use this die hearted belief humans had about religion and God, and use it to their advantage?
Sadistic tendencies aside, what exactly separates a demon from a God? If a human being encountered a demon, who has shown to have eternal youth, can use magic, has inhumane strength and speed, and is wise beyond their years, their first thought isn’t going to be a wicked demon, but instead a reincarnation of God. They could have used this naivety to their advantage, building a following of devoted followers, who sincerely believed that they are God, and therefore would do whatever they ask for them- including sacrificing their body and blood for the greater good of society.
In fact in most cults, followers would happily volunteer themselves as a “sacrificial bride” if they were devoted enough to the cause. And yes I say, cults because that’s exactly what this is, I honestly feel like demons would thrive a lot more in society if they had a cult following because that eliminates the need of hunting and suspicion, since no one in a cult ever questions the cult leader.
Of course in modern times, with the rise of vampire hunters and whatnot, that’s no longer possible, because now a demon would be targeted if they show even the slightest bit of supernatural ability, but I’m not talking about the modern times. I’m more talking about before, when the church and religion had such a large grasp and pull on the masses, before the invention of church and state, when the church was the government.
I know when we talk about the church, it’s often assumed to be the Roman Catholic Church, but it doesn’t have to be! Like there are so many religions out there, it would be ridiculous for Karlheinz to put all of his eggs in one basket and only have sacrificial brides come from one church. And if we really get into it, demons will have a much better time thriving under a Polytheism religion rather than a Monotheism one, because in a Polytheism religion there’s more than one God. Which allows more wiggle room and more leeway for several demons to take up the identity as "God", therefore having an easier access to prey, and therefore successfully infiltrating religion as a whole.
It’s kind of a bitter irony, humans who put so much faith in these “Gods” to protect them from evil, who shower them with praise and adoration, are unknowingly praying to the same people that they wished to be protected from.
We don’t know what age the diaboys are (but there are theories that the boys were children in the 17th century so I’m going to go base on that), and we don’t know when exactly they decide to come to the human world, but had they infiltrated religion earlier, a lot of things could have been so different. One of the reasons as to why the separation of church and state happened is because during the Enlightenment era, people were starting to believe in rationale, logic, and skepticism, religion was falling out of favor from the people, and was branded as superstitions, childish beliefs that have no substance. However if you have actual evidence that these deities and gods are real, then who’s to say if the separation of church and state would even happen?
In fact wouldn’t this phenomenon only strengthen the church more? And we know that Karlheinz made a deal with the church to send the boys sacrificial brides, so could you imagine the greater influence and power demons have over the church, now that church and religion as a whole is fueled by demons? And what would become of vampire hunters? Would the hunter organization still exist since demons are the reason as to why the state of their society is the way it is (for better and for worse), or would they still be anti-demons because of their inhumane treatment and sacrificial rituals of young girls, in exchange for helping the human society?
In the end, no matter what happens, whether it be sacrificial brides or willing cult participants, the only people that would truly suffer in the end are teenage girls.
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fortunesfavours · 3 months
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time travel in ten - sequential narrative collage piece done for my class, Artifact.
ramblings below the cut for those interested in the process/life update for friends who have noticed i've been gone
right lmao. i had two weeks to do this project and had a completely different idea that i just could not get myself to be excited about. emailed my prof in desperation, but it being like 10 pm meant that she was not about to respond. within 30 minutes, as it goes, i got struck with divine inspiration by whatever force of nature governs procrastination-induced genius, and i promptly spent the next 12 waking hours non-stop working on this.
my class, artifact, is a requirement for the foundation year at the college i attend. it centers around time-based media, ranging from the sequential illustration here to video later in the semester, and a bunch of other projects designed to get us thinking in 4d. artifact is the theme of the class - my peers are doing the same projects under a variety of different themes (tragically, haunting filled up too quickly and i missed out on enrollment in that one).
our first project was designing an artifact and doing a write-up of the story behind it. the girl to my left made beaded spiders members of a fictional cult carried. the guy across from me made an amulet of a long-dead god. you get the vibes. mine, which I still need to take professional photos of, is a pocketwatch that lets you time travel. cause, yknow. i'm me. it was gonna be about time travel.
i had originally intended to do a bunch of drawings of the watch's owner, building out her backstory and the world she lives in, and explaining why the watch exists,,,, then i couldn't bring myself to pick up the stylus. I just can't seem to find the energy for my usual digital art (sorry friends i miss yall i'm still here i swear).
here's the bit about my life so feel free to stop reading if you just care about the art 👍
I haven't drawn fanart or my ocs in months now, since last semester, and I miss it a whole bunch but right now that creative energy just. is not happening. i don't plan on abandoning it forever by any means, but p much everything i have is going towards school right now. sad as that is, i'm having so much fun, and i'm so proud of the technical improvements i've made. I've got so many things i want to create, mostly for my ocs. i still love crit role, but i've fallen of campaign three. i don't have the time, and the story hasn't been engaging me for a bit.
i've been really into dr who lately, and am eagerly waiting for the spare time to sit and watch all of candela obscura. i'm in a new dnd game. i've got friends! real life friends! irl friends who called me the wizard friend within a few hours of knowing me before i even opened my mouth about dnd lmao. i've discovered a new love of collage, and i've just declared my major in something unique to my school, a program called Studio for Interrelated Media. i'll be learning about illustration still through the extra electives i'll have room for, but i also get to explore printmaking in more depth, as well as event planning, installation, curation, and theatre work as well.
i miss being on here a whole bunch and want to be more active when i get more time. don't plan on abandoning this blog by any means. boston has been kind to me, and though i have had some Real Low Points, i've also been living the life i've hoped for since i was a kid. i'm good, really really good.
to my friends, ily, i miss you, and i hope you're well. can't wait to catch up on all yalls art and fic. sending all my love. <3
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resowrites · 2 years
That Which Remains - Chapter Six
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Summary: Lt. Ne-Lahn has joined the Enterprise as an OR, an Officer capable of working in multiple sections of the ship. However Ne-Lahn is from the planet Valaar, a mysterious world whose position near Klingon space means the Federation are eager to establish diplomatic relations. Captain Pike has been tasked with gathering information on Ne-Lahn and Valaar, but what will he and the Enterprise discover upon being drawn further into the mystery?
Characters: Captain Christopher Pike, Strange New Worlds crew, OC!Ne-Lahn
Warnings: (for the chapter not the sneak peek) Occasional adult/dark themes, occasional threat of violence/danger, technical/space jargon, angsty, eventual LGBTQ+ themes including homophobia, sparse on fluff, lightly beta’d.
WC: 2402
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! No copyright infringement intended, gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Chapter Six:
Captain's log: Stardate 1510.2, we have completed repairs at Starbase Twelve and are finally making our way towards the Beta Quadrant. Our next task is to collect Special Ambassador Robert Fox, an experienced diplomat and Starfleet negotiator, who will be assisting us on our mission to Valaar. Once aboard, I can begin briefing him and the rest of the team on our next course of action. All being well, we'll arrive at the Beta Quadrant on time and ready for action.
Captain Pike looked up as an alarm whistled out of the communication section. "Captain, the Constellation is hailing us…" Cadet Uhura readied her console for the Captain's inevitable command.
"On screen Cadet…" The main viewing screen hummed and shifted until an image of Captain Matt Decker came into view. Both Captain's acknowledged each other for a moment and smiled.
"Matt… well this is a pleasant surprise, there's me thinking you'd be too busy to check in on little old Enterprise…" Captain Pike and Captain Decker knew each other from way back when and always shared an easy rapport.
"Well someone should be keeping an eye on you… no, I hope you don't mind the intrusion, Commodore Locke told me you were visiting Starbase Twelve, I'm sorry I couldn't have stuck around…" Captain Decker shrugged but his manner remained urgent.
"No worries Matt, how are things on the Constellation? That's a mighty fine ship…" Captain Decker softened for a moment as he looked fondly around his own Bridge.
"That she is Chris, but look I didn't just want to shoot the breeze. We've just passed through the Beta Quadrant as we were tasked with finding a missing supply ship - I believe Commodore Locke told you?" Captain pike nodded though he developed a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Yeah, well… it's been destroyed. Our long range sensors picked up debris and radiation before we even stepped foot in the sector. I've sent the data onto headquarters but it'll take time to reach them." A thought then occurred to Captain Pike.
"What about a recorder marker? They might have jettisoned information about what hit them?" Captain Decker nodded in agreement.
"We managed to pull in a recording device of some kind but it's heavily damaged. My Chief Engineer is taking a look at it as we speak but they're not hopeful." Now came the question Captain Pike dreaded asking.
"Any guesses at what might have happened? How's the Quadrant looking generally?" Captain Decker raised his open palms in defeat.
"That's just it Chris, the Quadrant's as quiet as a grave." Captain Pike didn't appreciate such a description. "As you know, only two of the five planets in the system are inhabited, with Valaar having the only spacefaring civilisation. We tried hailing them, three times in fact, but they ignored us." The same as usual then, Captain Pike thought wearily.
"However, one thing we didn't expect was the force of their planetary defences… their shields snapped on almost immediately and messed with our comms something terrible. I don't know Chris, something's up though it's hard to imagine what. But if that's the kind of shields they have, I'd hate to fathom their other defences…" Captain Pike furrowed his brow.
"Are you saying you suspect it was Valaar who blew up the ship?" It was a hell of an accusation, and though Captain Decker was at times a fanciful man, he was serious when it came to his duties.
"Well, they're the only planet around with such capabilities - I doubt the Klingons would have ventured out this far when their sensors would have given them the information needed for their patrols. The same goes for the Romulans. And now that the Valaarians are refusing all contact, it makes sense that their aggressiveness could extend to attacking any unwelcome vessels." Captain Pike shook his head, it was still a big assumption considering the lack of evidence.
"Well did you pick up anything else, any strange energy signatures or warp trails?" Captain Decker raised his hand to halt the direction of the conversation.
"Before Valaar's shields snapped on, we read a higher energy output from the planet, we tried to sample the interplanetary communications network but we weren't fast enough." Dammit, thought Captain Pike, if they'd got that information, Enterprise's mission would have been made a lot easier.
"Captain, Outpost 5 is hailing us…" Cadet Uhura piped up quietly from her station, loathe to disrupt the two Captains from their conversation.
"Alright Matt, we've gotta run. Safe travels, and if you can message me whatever you find out from the recorder marker, it would sure make our own investigations a lot easier." Captain Decker nodded and smiled.
"Will do Chris, and best of luck - something tells me you're going to need it." Captain Decker signed off before Captain Pike could respond. Instead, a voice could now be heard over the PA.
"Captain Pike I presume? This is Special Ambassador Fox, requesting permission to board at your earliest convenience." The man's voice was hard and already putting Captain Pike on edge.
"Transporter Room, one to beam up on the following coordinates." The Captain signalled for Cadet Uhura to relay the numbers to Lt. Kyle.
"Lt. Kyle here sir, Special Ambassador Fox is aboard." Even the Transporter Chief's voice was uneasy.
"Good. Tell him to wait there, I'm on my way. Ortega's you have the con, Spock you're with me." The tall Vulcan swept after the Captain and into the turbo lift.
Briefing Room two:
"Look Lieutenant, I know this isn't easy, but it's important we get this right. This information isn't just for my benefit but for the Ambassador as well. Our briefing's in two hours… if we get this wrong he'll have the Captain's head." Lt. Kirk sighed as he picked up his data slate and pen. He'd spent the last half an hour with Lt. Ne-Lahn trying to better understand Valaarian customs in the event they'd grant an audience with Captain Pike.
"Lieutenant, as I've already explained, Valaar will not even acknowledge Enterprise's entry into the system. No meeting with the Captain and crew will take place, I assure you." Lt. Ne-Lahn crossed her arms, this being the second time she had to explain herself.
"Whether they do or don't is immaterial at this point, if I don't have this information for the Captain's disposal anyway, then we won't be prepared for all eventualities. Surely you can see the logic in that?" Lt. Kirk smiled as she sighed, he found the key to dealing with Valaarians was much the same as how he dealt with Lt. Spock.
"Fine… upon meeting Valaarians for the first time, one must make direct eye contact and keep hands behind backs…" Lt. Kirk looked up from his note taking and wondered if the Lieutenant was pulling his leg.
"What? Secondly, one doesn't speak unless spoken to. Valaarians usually begin by saying: 'Denemaht - that means stranger - you are here, how do you respond?' One answers by saying: 'We respond by extending our greetings to you and request a conference.'" Lt. Kirk hurriedly wrote down the Lieutenant's recommendations though he wondered at how formal Captain Pike would manage to remain.
"Thirdly, only address the Valaarian speaking to you, and if you have a question for anyone else, it must be requested from the rest of the group. Do not turn your back on a Valaarian at any point, nor offer handshakes, humour, or colloquial speech. We also confer standing and don't appreciate anyone shuffling on their feet." Lt. Kirk smiled at that last point.
"No one acting as though they've ants in their pants… got it." The Lieutenant looked at him confused but decided not to question him, humans and their turns of speech only bewildered her, especially when explained further.
"Another thing Lieutenant… it would be better you assign a female to head any landing party or act as speaker for the group. Females are the main authority figures on my planet and they may not respond well to the Captain… despite his overall geniality." Lt. Kirk shook his head and laughed.
"You want me to recommend that the Captain hang back? I'm not sure he'll take to that Lieutenant… he is the Captain after all. Besides who exactly would you recommend to take his place?" Lt. Kirk gave her a knowing smile, knowing all too well her burgeoning friendship with Una.
"Number One is first officer and also a woman. Therefore she would be the logical choice." Lt. Ne-Lahn sniffed as she straightened her tunic. Her friendship with Una notwithstanding, she was the most obvious choice to lead any delegation.
"Well, I'll be sure to make a note of it… but where will that leave the Ambassador, he won't appreciate being told to keep his mouth shut for the duration of any negotiations…" Lt. Kirk had a point but if they wanted the mission to work, it had to be on the Valaarian's terms and no one else's.
"Nonetheless Lieutenant, that is what must happen and why I intend to recommend another course of action to the captain…" Lt. Kirk considered her for a few moments. She certainly was beautiful, even if she was a little forthright in her manner.
"What do you mean? Starfleet has made it clear we establish diplomatic relations… how else do we achieve that other than by making direct contact?" Lt. Ne-Lahn noticed him staring at her closely and brushed it off as nothing more than professional engrossment in their task.
"Good afternoon folks, sorry to just barge in, but the Special Ambassador has come aboard and is eager to get started…" Captain Pike swept into the room with a harried look and a bemused looking Lt. Spock and Cadet Uhura trailing after him. Lt. Ne-Lahn's face fell as it appeared Una wouldn't be joining them but sure enough, she sauntered into the room, already engrossed in a data slate. The women's eyes met and they smiled softly at each other. Something which didn't go unnoticed by Lt. Kirk. "Now I know you won't have finished your reports… nonetheless, let's see what we're working with and begin formulating a plan, we intend to make contact with Valaar at the beginning of next week."
The Captain took a seat at the head of the table, with both Lt. Spock and Number One flanking his sides. He waited for everyone to get settled before requesting the group sound off their names and introduce themselves. Special Ambassador Fox looked disinterested until his eyes alighted on Lt. Ne-Lahn. Clearly, this was the first time he'd ever met a Valaarian.
"Ok folks, now that's out of the way I'm going to start by outlining our mission. Nothing too heavy, I'll save that pleasure for Lt. Kirk, our leading Xenoanthropologist…" Laughter coursed around the table, excluding Lt. Spock and Lt. Ne-Lahn, who didn't know what was so funny. "Our mission is, in essence, a simple one. For years now Starfleet has been determined to initiate diplomatic relations with the fourth planet in the Betazine System; a class M planetoid named Valaar. Little is known about the planet beyond what our own readings can tell us. However, it is vital we extend our greetings and offer an invitation to join the federation. I make no bones about this offer also being political in nature. With the Klingon Empire expanding and Valaar owing allegiance to no one, they would make a valuable ally. Any questions so far?" Everyone around the table shook their heads. "Alright, Lt. Kirk, I'll hand over to you." The Lieutenant cleared his throat and smiled, public speaking clearly not his favourite pastime.
"Ok well, thanks to my conversations with Lt. Ne-Lahn, who will be giving her own report shortly, I can disclose that Valaar is mainly a matriarchal, caste based society of humanoid species, with advanced spacefaring and warp capabilities. They value home world over off world advancement however and place a particularly high value on the scientific study of the natural world. Although vast regions remain unpopulated due to dense forestation, most of the northern equator is inhabited by large, self-sufficient conurbations. This northern region is still believed to be dominated by a two party political system that is apparently heavily divided on the future of their civilsation. One side, the Vrenekars, favour overall advancement in all aspects of Valaarian life. The Domushin, who are also currently in power, favour upholding and reaffirming more traditional values. There is a third movement, the Fontark, who propose total recreation of Valaarian society from the ground up. They're made up of mostly lower caste and disenfranchised groups."
Of course, it wasn't clear whether either power was still in charge, this was simply the last information Lt. Ne-Lahn had upon leaving the planet for Starfleet. Without access to new data, this was the best Enterprise could do to prepare themselves for such a venture. Though Lt. Ne-Lahn suspected it wouldn't be enough. At that moment the comm panel whistled with an incoming message.
"Cadet Turnbull sir, we're getting readings of an ion storm approaching dead ahead. Are we to maintain course?" It was the last news the Captain needed to hear. Ion storms were immensely dangerous for both ship and crew, and are normally given a wide berth if at all possible. Captain Pike thumbed the table console in response.
"Negative Cadet, change course to heading 111-mark-017. On the double." Special Ambassador Fox looked up in alarm.
"Forgive me Captain, but we're on an exceptionally tight schedule. Do you intend to delay us by averting the storm?" The Captain sighed, his warnings about Special Ambassador Fox being a difficult man at times, appearing to prove correct.
"I'm sorry Ambassador, but we hardly have a choice. If we're to begin the mission in one piece, it's better that we skirt around the storm altogether. It should take no more than an additional 72 hours to reach the Betazine system." The Ambassador's face became a picture of rage. He reached over and pressed a button on the comms console.
"Belay that order Helm, we are to continue on course." Helm gave no reply as if awaiting further communication from Captain Pike. This however would take a moment as both he, and indeed the rest of the crew in the briefing room, stared at the Ambassador in shock.
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A/N: Hi guys, as a huge Star Trek fan and a lover of the new Strange New World series, it’s my pleasure to present this new ten part story. Any feedback is appreciated and Chapter 4 will be out next Monday at 6pm EST - so I hope you’ll continue to stick around and enjoy more to come!
To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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#and idk what happened exactly but i think the gabriel of the group was like and then when we ate it he was like
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
idk if there's even a remote point of talking to u about my ocs babe, all you do is listen to me talking about my ocs.
Anyway let's talk about Caspian. I know u wanna know about Caspian.
Caspian is a support character to the protagonist of Oak, Ash and Thorn.
He was under Fairweather's care for a while, making him another Siren who is also a pirate (at least part time), as he travelled with her for many, many years.
He is technically a merman, half human and half siren, and has lived peacefully among both humans and Sirens in his 330-year-life span.
Like Fair, he wears a mask to conceal his scales when amongst humans. He has the power of compulsion and weather manipulation, as well as a power completely unique to him - the ability to raise the dead that had drowned at sea. This was a gift to him from the forest after he took over his place as a cardinal sin.
*giggles* I Do wanna know about Caspian!! :D
He sounds absolutely fabulous and intriguing (and I don't know if you ever confirmed my theory, but 👀👀👀)
Also the ability to raise the dead, holy fuck, please say more :0
0 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 25. Oktober 2022
Happy Blorbo Blursday!
For a character of your choice: are there any extremely formative experiences that happened before the book and/or aren't mentioned in the book? If so, what is it, and what effect did it have on them?
Y'know, it took me a while of thinking, bc I'm not currently writing anything, but I am a DM, and as such I always have a story to tell
So! I will go ahead and say if you're part of the Froysil campaign, maybe don't read the next part XD
But there is a character that I'm very excited about introducing! It's name is Moirah and when it was very young it was "sacrificed" to keep an ancient being from wreaking havoc on the world. In reality it made a deal with the being, so they now share one body (the being grants Moirah powers and in turn they get to see the world through its eyes)
0 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 29. Juli 2022
Oh yeah!! I write sometimes and I’ve picked up doodling again too! I really enjoy crafts and photography too but am sadly terrible at both :P
Well then I'll happily invite you to join Three Too Many Fics, originally only a writing server we now welcome all art forms!! We're always happy to have someone new join, and our mods work hard to put out fun prompts regularly :D
0 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. Juli 2022
hi!! Do you have any discord servers you would recommend? I’m new to social media as a whole (I’ve lurked on tumblr for ages though) and I’ve been meaning to get more active socially… You seem to be very kind and welcoming so I thought maybe you’d have recommendations? Ty in advance
Hi :0
Honestly I'm not in a lot myself, mostly just friend servers, but if you're interested in writing or art (or crafts, photography, music, cosplay etc) I got a server or two that you might be interested in :0
3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. Juli 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
You now require being surrounded by plants to live. What plants do you choose?
Jokes on you, I already require that XD
Uhm, succulents for sure, I've got a bunch of babies that I'm trying to rise, then my beloved Diva and, hmmmmm,,, oh yeah, my rubber tree, of course! Maybe some edible ones for cooking?
Oh and definitely chamomile, yarrow, lavender, plantain, ground ivy and chickweed!! Oh and blueweed(/chicory), of course!!
And then a fruit tree or two to round it out, and a field of pumpkins :D
(This is of course assuming I have a proper garden too)
Edit: I forgot about dandelions and daisies and violets and lesser celandine and I'm sure many many more, they just bring me a lot of joy XD
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. April 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
If you don't mind answering, what sort of unwritten fic (or several) is stuck inside your brain rn and refuses to write itself?
Currently, it's two! (or, well, technically three). First off is Until Dawn Shall Break + its potential sequel, which relies entirely on Silksong and is fueled fully by my desire to see Hollow shredding their way through Pharloom to get to their sister. I'm very close to finishing Until Dawn, but I haven't had the chance to write and am very mentally burned out from school, so additions have been slow. The desire to write for it is nagging incessantly at me though, so I'm constantly rotating it in the back of my mind attempting to make sure that I've got all my plot points tied down and that the way to the end is clear and satisfying
Second is an Elden Ring fic featuring Morgott and an oc I made specifically to pair with him and force him to live into a new era separate from the Golden Order. I usually hate creating and writing ocs, but Leysha has been occupying my thoughts pretty heavily. I've kind of been poking at a rough fic for them, but it's only at 3k rn and is written pretty casually. I've been thinking about posting it, but at the same time I'm not sure if I'll ever finish it, and I don't want my readers to think that I'm shirking Until Dawn. I just don't have enough emotional attachment to my own ocs to really be able to gauge my ability to finish a fic where one is the secondary main character, so for now I'm just writing it to relax
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macgyvermedical · 4 years
Hi! I'm sure you have many prompts already, but on the slight chance you don't, I've been wanting to read a fic from Matty's perspective of a couple of times Mac has been in danger and how much it affected her emotionally. I feel like she is a very soft person inside and would have mini panic attacks when Mac takes too long to answer comms or when she is told he is injured but has no idea how bad. ^_^
So technically this was prompt number 6, but as soon as I read it I knew it was the one. I love long-distance worry. The scene from Casino Royale where M is alerted that Bond’s been poisoned? The very archetype of my jam. I can’t honestly believe that I never thought about writing something similar for Matty. So thanks for that.
This is try #3 of a missing scene from “CD + Hoagie Foil”
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Close Call + Background Noise
“Uuuh, Matty, we’ve got a problem.” Jack’s voice burst back through the comms. Matty had been waiting uneasily, knowing any radio-mediated communication could potentially tip off Chandra’s goons that something was afoot. She nearly jumped when she finally heard his voice after the nearly half hour of silence.
“Do you have the gas?” She asked immediately, urgently. Already she was thinking about routes between the water treatment plant and Grand Central, where she could cut off Chandra’s route to inciting a mass casualty incident. She motioned for Jill to look up the emergency number for the NYC transit authority.
“Not exactly according to plan, but yeah, the gas has been neutralized.” Matty let out a barely audible sigh of relief.
“So what’s the issue, Jack?”
“Chandra’s plan changed. Instead of Grand Central, she decided to dump both canisters into the NYC water supply.” Jack said. Matty picked up a little effort in his voice that put her on edge. If the situation was truly over, he should be as relieved as she was. Something wasn’t right. “Mac had to improvise. He managed to stop that from happening, and the NYC SWAT team is securing the area and taking all of Chandra’s people into custody as we speak.”
“Okay… and?”
“And in the process… Matty, Mac’s been exposed.”
“How bad?” She asked immediately. There was still a level of relief, that the lives of potentially thousands of New Yorkers would be spared, but the dread in Jack’s voice told her she should very much still be worried.
“There was a lot of it, Matty, it filled up the room he was in.” Matty policed her face, motioning Jill over.
“How fast can we get an ambulance to them?” She asked Jill in a whisper.
“I’ll find out.” Jill’s fingers wizzed across her tablet screen and she tapped her headset.  
“How’s Mac doing?” Matty asked. It had been a while since she’d had to use any information on nerve agents besides ‘they’re deadly’ but they were always something she kept a foundational knowledge of in the back of her mind. They scared her more than just about any other substance her agents could come into contact with. Even before Jack could answer, she could hear someone coughing forcefully in the background.
“Mac, how you doing, buddy?” She heard Jack ask. There was a pause, more coughing, turning to a kind of pained croaking. “Mac!” The sound of gravel being pushed out of the way and someone falling against Jack. A pained intake of breath. “Matty, he’s breathing real bad.”
“Jill! Do you have that ambulance yet?” Matty asked urgently.
“There was supposed to be one there, but a SWAT officer was badly wounded in the firefight before they knew about Mac. Another ambulance is en-route but they’re pretty remote- its going to be 20 minutes before they’re on scene.”
“Make it half that. Mac’s not going to last that long.” Matty said.
“The hell you mean Mac’s not going to last that long?” Jack asked over the comms. “He said he had 18 hours!”
Matty looked quizzically at Jill, trying to contain her hope that she was wrong. “Does he have that long?”
“VX? Dermal exposure only, maybe he’d have that long.” Jill explained quickly. “But aerosolized in a confined space? If he breathed it in, he could suffocate in 10 minutes.”
“Shit, Mac.” Matty heard Jack say. “Okay, okay…What do we do? How do we save him?” Matty took a breath. “There’s gotta be something we can do, Mats, c’mon.” She could only imagine the panicked look on Mac’s face, and that was if he was still conscious. Really, the only thing going through her head was get the ambulance there faster. But no matter how much pressure she put on Jill she knew she couldn’t change the laws of physics. She looked at Riley.
“I’m trying to line up the traffic signals, but I don’t know how much time that’s actually going to buy us.” Riley chimed in.
“Do you still have the kit I put in Sam’s car?” Jill asked.
“No” Sam responded; her voice worried. “When I was captured earlier we lost the car.”
“What about Jack- do you still have your tac vest?”
“Yeah, why?” Jack asked hopefully.
“There’s a pouch on the front lower right panel. Is it still there?” Matty listened to the crunch of Velcro.
“Open it. There should be three auto-injectors inside.”
“Jill I could kiss you.”
“Please don’t.”
“Hello? Someone want to fill me in?” Matty asked urgently.
“When I found out this mission was going to involve VX I had oc health put together some antidote kits. We should have done a training on them before they left, but there wasn’t a lot of time.” A wave of relief washed over Matty. There was a chance. There was hope.
“Jack, were you ever trained on DuoDote?” Jill asked.
“A long time ago.”  
“Okay, they’re easy, just take the auto-injector out of the tube, take the safety plug off and slam the green end into Mac’s thigh. Count to 5, then remove it.” In the background, there was the sound of someone fiddling with plastic. The sound of gravel moving under a knee pad. A click.
“One, two, three, four, five…” The silence was palpable. “Now what?” Jack’s voice asked.
“Is he breathing?” Matty asked.
“Barely, Matty, I don’t think it worked.” Jack was keeping his voice together but Matty could tell he was panicking. She let out her own slow breath.
“Give it a minute or so. The atropine needs to open his airway and that’s not always immediate. If it doesn’t happen in 5 minutes, give him a second dose.”
“Can he go that long without air?”
“I know what you’re thinking, Jack, but don’t give him rescue breaths unless you have a barrier.” Matty looked at Jill incredulously.
“We only have the 3 doses.” Jill explained. “If Jack gives Mac rescue breaths, that could expose him, and we don’t have enough antidote for both of them.”
“You know I don’t care about that.” Jack said.
“…Besides, Jack, until the atropine works, Mac’s airway is too narrow for the breaths to do much good.” Matty looked wary at this advice, but said nothing else about it.
“Trust me, Jack.” There was a disappointed grunt on the end of the line, followed by long minutes of tense silence.
“I think it’s working.” Sam was the first to report. Matty let out a breath. In the background, the familiar but much more reassuring sound of coughing and choking filled the background noise. It was a lovely sound. “I’m putting him in recovery position, yeah?”
“Do that. EMS should be there in about 5 minutes. They have the hospital alerted and they’ll be able to provide decontamination when he arrives.” Jill reported.
“Jack and Sam, were either of you exposed? Did you touch Mac with bare skin or come into contact with the nerve agent in any way?” Matty asked.
“Yes.” Sam said hesitantly. “Both of us, when we helped him out of the building.” Matty went back on alert.
“Are either of you showing any symptoms? Nausea, blurred vision, eye pain, sweating, coughing, runny nose, anything like that?” There was a pause.
“Nope, neither of us.” Jack reported.
“Okay, I’m going to have the two of you go to the hospital with Mac. They’ll decon you there and you’ll stay for however long they want to watch you for, understood?”
“C’mon, Matty.”  
“You heard me, Jack. I can’t have all three of you out of work. Keep me updated on any developments.”
She let the line go dead as the sound of sirens filled the background noise. It wasn’t always her fault, but it was never easy to make calls like that from a distance. She would have put her head down for a moment to try and clear it, but Riley and Jill were still in the room working, and it would look weird to kick them out now, before the situation was well and truly resolved. Instead, she allowed herself a long breath and a sip of coffee that had long since gone cold.
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
god im sorry if im flooding your inbox with questions but uh got anything about ur ocs theos and richard? (sorry if i've spammed you with questions i can't tell if i've actually hit the ask button or not sometimes oof)
uhm, how about your OCs richard and theos(?)
Not the same anon but could you describe theos
I’m finally getting to these, wooo!
I’m going to mostly focus on Theos here, but if you really are curious about Richard, let me know! I just. I felt bad cause I was drawing a reference of Theos but it took a while and I couldn’t really get to Richard, sorry;;
Okay, so a little bit of history for this;
These characters are two parts of a trio that I made with @celestriakle waaaay back when we were both in the NiGHTS fandom. These characters were based off of Wizeman the Wicked, the big bad final boss of “NiGHTS into Dreams” and “NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.” If you want to watch a let’s play of the latter (as it actually has story/a narrative to it where as the first game has only game play. Older games had their stories mostly written in the little booklets that came with the games) you can watch this here. NiGHTS is like, the OG purple gremlin child and they are such a mischievous delight. The game sadly hasn’t aged well and wasn’t like, the best of games, but I still hold it fondly to my heart and I’d say it’s got some great concepts.
Anyway! If you want just a very rough summary and not watch 5 hours of a game; Wizeman the Wicked is the self-proclaimed god of Nightmare, which resides in the Dark Ocean underneath the Dream Gate. The Dream Gate allows dreamers (called “visitors” in the game) to enter their dream worlds of paradise (or, more accurately, worlds created by the reflections of their hearts) called “Nightopia.” However, Wizeman is constantly sending his creations, “Nightmarens,” to steal fragments from the hearts of visitors (these fragments being called “Ideya,” and are Courage (Red), Purity (White), Blue (Intelligence), Growth (Green), and finally, Hope (Yellow). The Ideya of Courage allows visitors to unlock their first Nightopia, and if they can gather the remaining Ideya, they can unlock new dream worlds. In these dream worlds are little creatures called “Nightopians,” which are like… fairies, I guess, to simplify things. There’s also an owl creature that doesn’t have a clear origin, and his name is…. Owl. Real creative, I know.
Another thing–SPOILERS, IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE SPOILED FOR THE NIGHTS GAME, STOP READING AND WATCH THE VIDEO AND COME BACK TO THIS–that is important to note here is the Nightmaren. There are three levels of “nightmaren”; Third levels - the weakest enemies, the ones you find wandering Nightopia that get in the way/stage enemies; Second levels, which are “boss marens” and are the Nightmarens who have taken the ideya from the protagonist visitors and are keeping it hidden in their lairs, and finally, First level Nightmaren; to which there are only two. A pair of “twins,” if you want to call them that. Reala is the first of the two; he is very loyal to his “master”, Wizeman, and is considered the general of the nightmaren army. He’s portrayed as cruel and even sadistic in a way. The second first level Nightmaren? NiGHTS themselves.
NiGHTS is a renegade Nightmaren that has rebelled against Wizeman for an obscure reason. Fans love to speculate on it, but there is no real “canon” reason, only hints that NiGHTS might be more ashamed of where they come from than they’d like to let on.
Why is this important? Because it ties in to Theos, and consequently, Richard and Cyrus–Celest’s character, though I won’t talk much about him here since that’s her muse/character so go ask her about him if you’re really that curious. Either way, I’ll note here that Theos, Richard, and Cyrus are all “parts” of Wizeman. Think of Steven Universe and “fusions”, except this was created long before Steven Universe was airing. So Wizeman is a “Fusion” of these three characters--though the three “humans” that make up Wizeman are called “The Fragments.”
Anyway! Moving on.
The initial translation of the “NiGHTS into Dreams” biography for Wizeman was mistranslated, I do believe, but it suggests that Wizeman is a “Visitor with no Ideya” and among the first intelligent life form to exist in the world of dreams. Long before I even met Celest, me and an ex friend/boyfriend (don’t ask) of mine laughed at the idea, but them we started pondering the logistics of that information, and created Theos. He worked on the original story for Theos (which I can’t remember for the life of me, it’s all been scrapped though) and I made up a design.
So for reference, here is what Wizeman the Wicked looks like.
Here is what Theos used to look like. Be warned, it’s old as shit art! Wow, this art is almost ten years old, holy shit–
And this is what Theos’ current design is, plus a very sinister looking goop monster.
The first design you see on the most modern design (the more obviously human looking form) is Theos when he was alive. His eyes are actually a dark, dark brown, but they are hazed over. I forget the technical term for it, but anyway, it left him blind. This was kind of a problem, a huge problem, for Theos--because he was born during the age of Sparta.
For those of you who don’t know, Spartans were very vicious awful, and if an infant was born with a clear deformity or disability, they were doomed to be abandoned in the wilderness and left to die. Theos was born blind, and very visibly so. However, his mother had died during child birth, and her last request was that her baby live a happy life. To honor that request, Theos’ father convinced everyone that his child was a prophet of the gods, and that his blindness was due to an ability to predict the future via his dreams. He warned that the gods would strike Sparta down with vicious rage if they killed the baby boy, and that when Theos does pass on from the realm of the humans, he will report his life back to the gods. He managed to convince them that Theos was, indeed, a prophet, and he was an exception to the rule for about eight years.
However, his father had grown resentful and hateful of his son for “killing” his wife, and making his life a living hell, so he decided that he was tired of it all and threw Theos into a river, where he drowned.
Before Theos had died, he discovered the dream gate, and discovered that he was a lucid dreamer. He created a creature he named “Owl” (yes, this gives Owl an origin story) and had all five of his Ideya before he died, thus had access to all of his Nightopias.
However, when he died, he hit his head on a rock and fell unconscious just before he drowned, and a remarkable series of events occurred.
First, his mind and soul went to the world of Dreams.
Second, his lucidity started to violently lash out, as he himself was panicking and in a lot of pain, and started to change his “body.”
Third, all of his Ideya started shattering.
With the unique circumstances of his death, Theos’ soul transfered from the waking world to the dream world just before he died, sacrificing his Ideya to stabilize his form as a “creature of dreams” instead of as “a visitor.” 
From there, after the horrid traumatic experience, Theos tried to seek comfort in his nightopias--nightopias that no longer had Ideya to support them, and thus were destroyed. Devastated by the fact that the world of dreams basically rejected his being, Theos threw himself into the Dark Ocean--the Sea of Nightmare--and was engulfed in the madness below.
This is where the fourth and crucial yet remarkable event occurred. You see, the goop monster depicted in the drawing I did is called “Dream Force.” The state of it in that picture, is when it takes on the negative thoughts and feelings of visitors, thus turning it into sludge and into “nightmare” force. This is a personal creation and headcanon of mine, but I imagine that the Dark Ocean is basically made up of “negative” Dream Force--or, Nightmare Force.
Now normally, when visitors die in a similar manner like Theos, they don’t last long in the dream world. Their souls eventually lose power and fade as they finally pass on to the next life. However, Theos was the first visitor to have “tamed” the Nightmare Force through his own lucid powers, and using the Nightmare Force as energy, he was able to survive for centuries--but at a cost. Being surrounded by nightmares, horrible, violent thoughts and feelings, and all that good stuff, only fueled the hatred and despair he felt. So, Theos grows more and more angry, hateful and resentful of the human race, wanting to be rid of it. 
That’s basically his story, tbh! I don’t really know what to do with him, though me and Celest are planning a rp-to-fic thing of the Fragments, so he might just star as a NiGHTS oc. 
Sorry this took so long to get to :’D I hope that satisfies you curiosity about Theos at least. I might do Richard another time.
Anyway! Thanks for asking~
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Complete Masterlist
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This is EVERYTHING I’ve posted my people. Description just under the links. Everything is x reader unless specifically said otherwise. Stars mean my personal favorites. :) Please enjoy and tell me you enjoy it! Comment, like, REBLOG!
Steve Rogers x Reader;
Queen Masterlist (Twenty-Four Parts) Steve Rogers x OC
“Your skill set is equal to the best that we have. You would be an invaluable part of the team." Fury explains, but he knows that isn't what I mean. We stare at each other for a moment before he sighs again. "Your history only makes you more of an impressive subject." He continues and I groan. "The point is that you would help put an end to what happened to you, on a global scale." He says. "Think about it, Shifter." Nick drops a folder on the concrete and starts to walk back to the exit of the roof.
I flip through the folder lazily, barely skimming the papers, but I know all of the names already. Once I've gone through most of it I stop and toss it in the dust behind me. Reading it was useless. I wasn't made to be any sort of hero.
Failed Movie Night (Oneshot)
You fall asleep on the couch after a full day with Steve Rogers. He helps you out and carries you to bed when you tell him it’s too cold to get out from under the blankets on the couch.
Good Old Days (Fluff) Oneshot
Steve has never been a fan of parties, so you come up with a little surprise for him. Turns out, he surprises you too.
Loki x Reader;
Blue Satin Masterlist (Seven Parts) 
     You've been assigned as Loki's handler and things have been going very well. Almost too well, actually...you find out that Loki has fallen for you and you have no clue how to respond. If those above you were to think anything romantic was going on, you both would be separated from one another forever. Plus, a jealous ex causes trouble whenever he can. Could you ever forget the rules and follow your heart? Or will you let your head lead and lose the chance of a lifetime?
The Poisonous Cure Masterlist (Seven Parts) Loki and Daughter
Loki runs into a young girl on his morning walk and is shocked to learn she’s more than just a minor selling herself on the streets. Her web is more tangled than perhaps even his, and she certainly holds as many secrets. He swears to find more about her, but does he really want to?
Not Your Anything Masterlist (Seven Parts) 
You and Loki have been arguing since first meeting one another, but despite seeming to hate each other, there’s an awful lot of sexual tension between you two. He never seems to leave you alone and despite your saying so, you’d never wish him away. Will you two ever work things out?
**It’s a Dull World Without Green (Angst) Oneshot**
Loki’s dead and his loss is wrecking your life. You go out on a reckless rampage only stopped by your best friend Bucky, who keeps an annoyingly close eye on you. You’re not sure how to be without Loki, but soon you know you have to face it. But is he really gone after all?
Mint (Smut) Oneshot
You’ve been ignoring Loki’s advances for a while now, but he’s getting harder and harder to resist. One day, after a little persuasion, you give in. And boy are you glad you did.
Nurses and Wounds (Oneshot)
You get injured after going on a secret mission with Thor. When Loki finds out he is, of course, dramatically furious. But, afterwards, he turns quite sweet as he becomes your own personal nurse.
Promises (Fluff) Oneshot
You and Loki have been banished to a secret cabin of Tony’s so the American people don’t storm the facility to murder Loki. Turns out, it’s fantastic. Loki and you have been in a relationship for a while now and it’s kind of like a little vacation. But something is about to change.
Bucky x Reader;
The Soldier and the Assistant Masterlist (Eight Parts) 
You run into a mysterious stranger on the street while running late for work and spill coffee all over yourself in the process. Later, you find out the man was none other than James Buchanan Barnes and your company is about to write a story about him. The thing is, he’ll only talk to you. As you get to know one another, you both start realizing this relationship is a little more than work. Will both of you let the romance bloom? Or kill it before it starts?
I’m in Charge (Oneshot)
You and Bucky are fooling around outside when things get a little, *coughs* heated.
That Damn Promotion (Smut) 
That Damn Promotion Part Two (Smut)
Bucky and y/n return from a mission, arguing like usual. They’ve been stuck with one another since training when y/n beat him to a promotion. There’s been sexual tension ever since and that turns into a hate fuck.
Date’s a Dud (Smut) Oneshot
You get home early from a crap date and find Bucky waiting for you like always. It’s a pity you got all dressed up for nothing, or did you…?
Timeless Things (Fluff) Oneshot
You are woken up by Bucky when he gets up obscenely early in the morning. You follow him and find out he has a secret talent that melts your heart.
Dominate Me (Smut) Oneshot
I love making Bucky angry, then making up. It is the absolute best. If you want to be tagged in my stuff just ask, dears. Read, blush, and enjoy my lovelies.
Sleeping Arrangements (Fluff) Oneshot
Bucky and y/n have been dating for a while, but have been trying to do it quietly because of Fury’s rules. Bucky insists on sleeping in seperate rooms when not on missions, but you both can’t sleep without the other.
Amnesia (Fluffy Angst) Oneshot
You and Bucky parted ways a little while ago, you thought mutually, but Bucky actually has no clue why you left. Turning hard and numb to protect himself from the pain, he’s acting more and more like the winter soldier every day. Steve calls you up to see if you can help. But will Bucky even allow you to?
Close the Window (Fluff) Oneshot
Apparently, someone doesn’t like to close the fucking window even when it’s freezing and the person he loves is still in bed. Still…Bucky Barnes isn’t the worst thing to wake up to on a beautiful Fall morning.
Crave Masterlist
You and Bucky have a...complicated history. So, when Natasha calls you in on a mission with the team, some emotions pop up again just to complicate things all over again. Especially since you never said why you left him in the first place.
Tony Stark;
Gold with a Red Jewel (Smut) Oneshot
You and Tony have been in a relationship for a while now and he’s really opened your mind to a lot of things, but one thing you have yet to try with him is anal. You decide tonight is the night, but you’re going to tease the hell out of him first. Or is it going to be the other way around?
Charity (Fluff) Oneshot
You work for Tony Stark and to be quite honest, you love it. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s a funny pain in the ass and makes it fun to come to work every day. He’s been doing his best to get you to go out with him, but all attempts have failed. Until now…
High School (Fluff) Oneshot
You are a teacher at Peter Parker’s school and Tony sees how well you work with Peter. He starts crushing on you and does his best to win your heart, even though parents and teachers shouldn’t date. While Tony points out he isn’t technically Peter’s parent, you’re still on the fence about the handsome man.
**Three Dates Masterlist (Three Parts)**
You’re working as an escort at a fancy ball, but your date just happens to be the fucking douchebag of all douchebags. Luckily enough, you eventually find relief in the company of the surprising Tony Stark. You spend an evening together and realize neither of you want it to end, so what are you going to do about it?
Baking Lesson (Fluff) Oneshot
What better way is there to usher in the new season than with a batch of pies? Unfortunately, Tony is feeling playful and wants to learn a couple things. Hopefully, the kitchen doesn’t catch on fire…
Natasha x Reader;
**Care to Prove Me Wrong? Masterlist (Four Parts)**
Bucky doesn’t believe that you could’ve been a stripper before joining the team and Tony and Steve agree. He dares you to prove him wrong and you aren’t one to shirk from a challenge. One by one you take each man aside and prove your skills.
Fall at the Beach (Fluff) Oneshot
You and Natasha have been keeping things quiet between the two of you if only to prevent shitty jokes from the rest of the team. There’s a beach house the two of you escape to every once and a while, but this time it seems there’s a surprise on the way.
Sam Wilson;
Leaf Piles (Fluff) Oneshot
The Avengers have been sent on a Fall retreat and while everyone splits up to do their own thing, you run into Sam doing something…interesting. Despite weak objections, you get roped into messing with Sam’s favorite bestie, Bucky Barnes.
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galaxy-mermaid-musi · 6 years
WIP and Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @givethispromptatry And my other blog so let's do this!
1. Is there any scene from any piece you’ve written that actually scared you? If so, describe the scene.
Okay, so there a piece I have published on another site that is an almost exact replica of a horror nightmare that I had the night before. All of it scared me, but there's three bits that hit me the most... Gore mention warning:
1. The bit about "Sophia" running into the bathroom because her new friend screamed only to find said friend's boyfriend hanging by his feet with blood still dripping off of him in a bathroom that not only was bloodsplatered but also looked like it had been abandoned for years.
2. The chill "Sophia" felt when the murder made himself known and immediately singled her out to be next to die.
3. The feelings when she escaped. A feeling of sorrow realizing she had abandoned some of her family to die, a feeling of hopelessness when she thought that the cops were in on it, a feeling of dread at the thought that the killer wouldn't stop hunting her knowing her as the only witness as well as knowing her face and voice.
So yeah, I'd say it stuck with me.
2. What genre do you feel most awkward writing?
Action. Ironic since that's the main genre of most of my works.
3. How many different types of writing do you write? Types of writing include novels, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, etc.
A couple. While I haven't dabbled in poetry much lately I still find it fun and have written it before. Short stories are my main deal, and I do okay on song parodies but not original songs.
4. How old were you when you first started writing?
Fun fact, I used to have proof that I was at east attempting to be a writer even before the fourth grade. I had a short "picture book" about a queen who had been turned into a duck by the fairy servant of a neighboring evil king. To be fair, it has some lingering potential, but it needs a total makeover before I'd be comfortable releasing it.
5. How confident are you in your writing?
Confident enough to post it on here knowing that very few people will actually tell me what they think.
6. Have you ever written and posted anything that was very personal to you?
The nightmare story mentioned in the first question was very personal to me. I didn't post it here but I did post it.
7. What inspired you to start writing?
I honestly don't remember.
8. Which of your OCs do you relate to the most?
I'd say Sara, but I've retconned most of her past existence. I don't know, come back to me when I'm in a state of distress.
9. Have you ever written self-insert fanfiction?
Sort of? There's an old piece that I abandoned years ago that technically had a self insert character.
Oh wait, there's another one also from way back then that has a directly self insert character.
Only one of those two was romance. The other was some silly little CLEAN "Truth or Dare" fic
10. What is your favorite piece you’ve ever written about?
It's silly but my favorite piece was a Doctor Who one shot where the Doctor regenerated as a redhead and said "I'm as sexy as you now!" to the TARDIS.
11. How frequently do you actually sit down and write?
Honestly rarely. Probably twice a month if I get the chance
12. How many hours at a time do you do research on your writing?
None if I can help it, and up to five if I have to
13. Do you like to branch out in your writing or do you tend to stick to what you know?
A bit of both. I like working on my older ideas right now, but since I haven't written most of them down they're coming out a lot different than the original concepts.
14. What would your antagonist of your current WIP say to you if they saw you in person?
They wouldn't 'say' anything. One would try to possess me and the other would sing something to try to convince me to make the healer kid join her cult.
15. Do you consider yourself your OCs’ god or just kind of a guiding hand (or other? If other, please list)?
I feel like a time travelling historian. Like I can be there to see what's happening and write it down, but the characters themselves mold the story.
16. What do you think you’d be doing with your time if you’d never gotten into writing?
Drawing more, or singing, or maybe acting.
17. Have you ever written a smut piece?
No. The closest I've gotten was a role play where I wasn't given the option to avoid it and as such felt extremely uncomfortable around the other person who pressed me to do that. It also caused me to write any versions of my character after that to be asexual.
18. What was the first thing you ever wrote about?
If you mean actually wrote, then "counting from 1 to 10 in English and Spanish" if you mean first story then that duck queen one, and if you mean first published piece then there's a poem that I wrote for a contest which I won. It exists in a book somewhere with the other winners
19. What is the most creative creature you’ve ever created for world-building?
The Ekatorie (a word which I am surprised that my phone knows)
I won't go into too much detail since I may use them later, but they have long sharp nails that hold a black venom and they're faster in the dark.
20. Tell me one random fact about your WIP that you have yet to tell your followers.
I don't talk about my WIP to my followers often.... So, here's a little thing. Only a couple of the main cast are actually straight or white. The main character is white, but that's by design, and she's bi.
I’m going to tag: @sempaipeasentklaus @lapis-lazuli-mana @ravenwolfie97 @midnite-highway @here-there-be-nerds
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