#is it bad i kind of have a soft spot for don
simswag · 2 years
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Pleasantview - first round
Daniel, Don, Kaylynn, Dina and Amin enjoy a night out playing cards
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riaki · 6 months
santa claus and his treats | satoru gojo x f!reader pt.1 of christmas event! wc: 3.4k oops i went overboard | cw: petnames, literally j pure fluff ur both STUPID in love, he’s the cutest! happy birthday pretty boy 🧸
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"'toru?" you called, voice filling the dimly lit room as you peeked your head in through the door. the curtains were drawn, the iridescent green tinsel dotted with soft yellow lights framing the doorway of your bedroom scratching your neck as you spotted the white-haired boy sitting on your shared bed, picking at something on his lower lip.
you took a moment to drink in the sight— his soft white hair that fell over dazzling sky-blue eyes, the color of the lake dotted with fragile crystalline snowflakes that melted into fresh spring streams that fed nature with new growth and fresh flower buds, a tangible warmth when his gaze fell on you and an easy smile stretched across his pink lips. a little too easy, you think. easy enough for you to miss the way he swipes a coffee brown crumb from his cheek; the smile has too much sugar and cream for you to buy it.
your eyes slowly drift from his charming grin to the rest of the room. there's a forest green tuft of leaves hanging from the ceiling on a thin golden string; you recognize the crimson red berries and waxed leaves with spots of pearl dotting as a bunch of mistletoe, hanging right over the mattress. clearly, he thought ahead.
you snuff the flush from your cheeks as he perks up at the sight of you, straightening his back. "hey, baby! you must be my present from santa this year," he laughs, holding his arms out, an invitation for you to crawl into his arms and curl up on his lap like two warm cats by the fireplace. you almost gave in— until you remembered why you were looking for him.
"you're getting coal this time, satoru." you said, huffing as you walked over to the mattress and put your hands on your hips, attempting to come off as intimidating in front of your boyfriend as you leaned over and stared down at him. he just giggled that sweet, boyish laughter of his, scooting closer and capturing you between two strong arms to tug you onto the bed with him. the sheets were soft, and they smelled like him as he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you like a life-sized plushie, all warmth and soft comfort that he craved so much.
"aww, really? but it's my birthday today," he sighed loudly, shaking his head as he firmly planted his hands on either side of your head to prevent you from worming away and planting a loud smooch on the top of your hair, before laughing as you pulled away from his grasp and gave him a glare. “besides, you’re anything but a bad gift.” he smiles.
“don’t sweet talk me, ‘toru. you’ve been naughty this year.” he wiggles his eyebrows at that, and you shoot him a sharp glare which just earns you a light scoff, but there’s a smile mirrored on both of your lips.
(maybe they’ve met so many times in the past that they know how to copy the other flawlessly.)
"but you're already here, my love. lookin' all pretty like the angel on top of our tree." he hums, crossing his legs and holding his ankles as he rocks back and forth; the teddy bear he won you from the arcade on your first date is face planted into the pillows by his side, donning a festive red santa hat. the white fluffy pom pom looks like satoru's hair, and you stifle a laugh at the thought.
"how kind of you, satoru." and you mean it— he looks like his own christmas angel; snowy hair and pretty blue eyes clad in a loose black tee with cheap printed red and green christmas lights over his chest. he looks unfairly attractive with those gray sweatpants on, too. you wouldn't mind wrapping him up in yellow ribbon and presenting him to your parents this year as your holiday present from santa, and then having your own fun with him later. you suppose you must've been perfectly good to land him; so pretty and fun, bubbling laughter that speaks of his care in volumes. and he’s their soon-to-be son-in-law, after all. and he’s a golden catch.
but it’s time for this white betta to be put in his place; he’s gone snooping where he shouldn’t have— or rather, scavenging would be the more appropriate choice. and he’s about to be skinned for entering the lion(fish)'s den. your matching red-green plaid pajama pants won't save him this time.
"sorry, baby, but you can't talk yourself out of this one." you said firmly, scooting closer to him as you sat back on your knees and gave him a look as pointed and narrow as the icicles melting on the frosted awnings. to anyone else, you might look like a wet, angry cat— but to satoru, it was enough to strike fear straight into the center of his heart. his fight-or-flight response kicked in (it only ever did with you)— and it was as if you could see the change in his demeanor. his eyes voluntarily softened, lids drooping as a lazy smile drifted over his lips like fluffy white clouds over a pale sun on a winter's morning.
"aww, don't be like that. my princess looks so much prettier when she's happy," he coos, all milk and honey as he reaches out and catches your wrist, rubbing his thumb over your pulse beating beneath your soft skin as he brings it to his lips and kisses your knuckles. so he chooses to fight, and you almost fold— almost.
you twist your arm in his grasp, eliciting a whiny yelp of pain; getting him to let go of you as you quickly flick his forehead. even so, he lets you-- he never turns infinity on around you, even at the price of his own sanctity.
you sighed when he gave you a dramatic pout, sticking out his bottom lip as he hung his head low in defeat like a golden retriever being scolded by his owner, soft hair falling over his pretty blues. his hands come up to cradle his head, rubbing the spot where you'd knicked him. "don't play around, satoru. where are the cookies i baked last night?" you asked, reflecting his frown with a pointed glare. if looks could cut, he'd be a red christmas on the cloudlike sheets. you were tired of beating around the bush, especially when satoru had a knack for making it utterly exhausting. nevertheless, it went on.
"maybe santa came early," he quipped, giggling at his own joke. "you never know, huh? he's an unpredictable old geezer. likes his milk and cookies, or so i heard."
"didn't know santa claus had the six eyes." you deadpanned, crossing your arms over your chest and looking him square in the eyes. "and he shaved his beard off, apparently." he feigns hurt, holding a hand over his heart in mock anguish.
"i'm no thief! it hurts me to know you think of me so low, sweetheart." he sighs dramatically, shaking his head. outside, the snowy wind howls in agreement. "besides, it's my birthday. you're suffocating the spirit, honey." he drawls.
you just roll your eyes at that, crossing your arms and shifting to sit closer to him. you will your irritated expression to soften, and it's reflected in the way satoru immediately relaxes, shoulders sagging as the anxious look in his eyes vanishes like the wilting ghost of fall on a christmas eve, leaving behind the scent of bluebells and frost on the wind. he thinks you've forgiven him.
that's just what you need. for him to let his guard down so you can spring the trap on him. santa may be able to get away with his yearly trespassing, but satoru's entered the property of more than your heart this time, and it's time for his holiday retribution.
"give me your hand, satoru." you said softly, voice barely a breath above a whisper. he obliges almost immediately, scooting closer on the bed so that his knees graze against yours, and you hear him suck in a little breath at the contact as your hand finds his.
you take his palm in your own; his hands are considerably bigger than yours, but you still manage to run a thumb over the ridges of his knuckles, gently massaging the soft skin over weary bones. a sweet little noise leaves his breathless lips; it's almost like a purr, and when you glance up at him he's almost as red as the glittering velvet bulbs dangling from the primmed branches of your christmas tree. he looks away, a subtle pout weighing down on his lips as he coughs loudly, as if the amber sap of a pine tree has caught in his throat, scratchy like tree bark.
"what are you doing?" he whispers, voice rough and hoarse, like someone took a fireplace stoker and poked his throat. almost a protest.
but you can feel him melting into you, and soon enough, he’s sandwiched you between his warmth and the fluffy blankets, the scent of apples and cinnamon weaved between the strands of his soft white hair as they tickle your flushed skin. his lips are soft and pliant and warm against your own; he's all over you, hands finding your wrists to trace tender, wobbly circles over your thrumming pulse with his thumb. he's robbing your lungs of air, needy in the way he cages you between his lanky limbs, lock and key with his free hand threading through your hair. he can never get enough of you, and he throws his inhibitions to the frostbitten wind if they mean learning to resist you.
it's spread around you like ripples on the surface of a misty lake, and when he draws away to stare down at you, eyes blown wide with a certain shine in his eye that reminds you of glowing embers, jumping from the lively blossom of fire on the grated dark metal of a hearth, there's a cheeky lopsided grin on his glossy lips. his fingers are slender, pale and callused, a gentle flushed at the tips.
"there was a mistletoe," he says breathlessly, as if that'll excuse him. as if he needs an excuse to kiss you. you just laugh, reaching up to trace his jaw with a finger, and he shudders despite the heater inside your room. the bunch of green leaves and red berries hanging above you sways in agreement.
but you can't focus on the dreamy look on his face; that lazy smile that dances over his lips and illuminates his features like twinkling christmas lights catching on each edge of a carefully cut snowflake, the sky's jewels. every time he looks at you as if you've crafted each intricacy of his world; patched the colors together and taught the light to reflect, you feel as though there are bubbles in your throat, and you have to cough them away when they're accompanied by a familiar rush of heat to your face.
it's all overpowered. strongly, by the rich taste of cinnamon. rich, sweet, distinctly festive, mixed with brown sugar and cookie batter; flour on the matching aprons satoru bought for the two of you, except the 'he' on 'he cooks' has been messily crossed out and replaced with a scribble that says 'she', and vice versa. it's on his tongue, his lips, the little dips on the corner of his mouth that makes him look like a kitten every time he grins. it tastes like wearing matching christmas sweaters, sampling sweet treats fresh out of the oven and laughing cheerily in your little cozy kitchen of warmth when he burns his tongue, a sour look on his face that wrinkles his nosebridge.
but, most importantly, it tastes like condemnation.
you sit up, briefly (and painfully) knocking foreheads with him when he's too slow to mirror your actions, but the complaint that's ready to stain the air like chimney soot dies on his tongue when he sees the look on your face. you look the same as you did the first time you found out he'd forgotten to pick up megumi and tsumiki from school. in other words, pissed.
"hey, pretty girl. you should smile; you look less like an ogre when you do—" he hastily starts, laughing nervously as he runs his hands through his messy hair. you've noticed that whenever you neglect to toy with the silky soft strands when you're tangled with him, whether it be kissing, cuddling, or... something else, he'll do it afterward as if to emulate the feeling of your fingers in his hair, even if it 'screws it up'. apparently, his skyscraper ego is too fragile to ask for headscratches.
"just a minute, satoru." you cut him off through gritted teeth, lips that should be stretched in a wide smile pressed together in frustration. your eyes narrow as you straighten up, sitting back on your ankles. "you ate them, didn't you?" your fingers dig into his skin, pinching his cheek. if his skin wasn't already stained crimson with boyish excitement, it would be an angry red now. you give killer pinches; he knows firsthand.
which is why he should've thought ahead and listened to the angel on his shoulder when you were knocked out earlier, curled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch, snoozing away. what was he to do? the cookies you'd made were calling his name. and it was for his birthday, and they were made for him. so why couldn't he indulge?
this was why.
and you know you've pinned him with your accusation like a throwing dart on a cork board; the way his gaze bounces around the room and his smile turns a hint sheepish and a handful guilty speaks volumes enough before he can even protest. but he can feel your wrath like an entire mine's worth of coal in his stockings, so he quickly throws his hands up, shimmying away from your angry pinch. the sheets bunch beneath him.
"listen, sweets, i just thought that— well, i'm sorry, baby, they just looked so good. and i only ate a few! i swear." satoru says solemnly, getting on his knees and throwing himself before you. he knows you're unamused— sitting there, crosslegged, looking down at him as if he's some chewed up gum you found on the bottom of your shoe. he might as well be. blueberry flavored, maybe? or mint, he's fine with that too—
"so you did." you just sigh, flicking his hunched shoulders, before you go soft again, and he sees pink. you reach forward, fingers creeping beneath his chin to tilt his face up. his skin is soft and warm beneath your skin, thrumming with a life and heat the poor overworked radiator in your room could never measure up to. and when he does look up, his starstruck gaze meets your own; you look ethereal in the warm light, and he wonders why he hasn't put a ring on your finger or started a family with you yet. maybe that can be the last gift to top off the cake of your overflowing knitted stocking, hanging from the kitchen counter; a mahogany box with golden hinges who's shine pales in comparison to the diamond ring in the center of the velvet.
he tucks the idea into his mental notes and grins, a cheeky flash of teeth. "so you forgive me, right?"
wrong. he should know better than to push his luck. especially when it comes to you.
the hand beneath his chin creeps up his face to squeeze his cheeks together, forcing his lips to pucker like a fish out of water as he tries to escape to no avail. you glare down at him, all needles. not at all in the holiday spirit, if you ask him. his face is squishy as a pillow beneath your fingers, and a smile resurfaces on your lips after a long struggle to keep it submerged.
he opens his mouth, no doubt to wail like a newborn, and you quickly withdraw, knowing better than to continue your assault. "geez! okay, fine. sorry. i ate them, you grinch." he grumbles, rubbing his squished cheek as he pouts and looks away, shrinking in on himself. his shirt is bundled beneath his arms, slipping off one of his shoulders to expose a pleasant flush on his neck. "seriously! you're such a killjoy. there's no fun in waiting," he smiles mischievously, wiggling his toes and nudging you with his foot. the fabric of his fuzzy reindeer socks bumps against your thigh, and you make another face at the red pom poms on the crudely-knit rudolph face.
"apologize." you emphasize each syllable, letting them fall off your tongue. they jut into his side like blows to his ribs; he falls back onto the bed for extra dramatics, letting it squeak beneath his weight.
"oh, the horror! to think that i'd be reduced to such a state—"
"—that i, head of the gojo clan, the honored one—”
"satoru gojo."
"should be forced to bow to such pious customs at the foot of scrooge—"
you reach over to threateningly pinch him again, and he rolls away, tossing a fuzzy pillow into the air and kicking it at you like he's playing some cursed form of tennis. you scowl, catching the cushion and tossing it back at him. it lands square on his face, and he whines, crying about how you've ruined his beautiful, youthfully full, gorgeous face; how is he ever going to pretend to be santa and let pretty girls sit on his lap now? —and that one earns him another pinch to his arm.
"okay, okay! i'm sorry, my love. you're not the grinch, or scrooge, and i shouldn'tve eaten the cookies." he sighs, excruciatingly slow as he inches towards you again, wary of but wanting your warmth all the same. it's too cold to be alone this morning, anyway.
"without me." you corrected, unable to wipe the light grin from your face, and you watch as his face lights up, like a kid seeing his dream christmas present in the window display of a bright shop, hidden behind frosted glass and cold air.
he sits up again, scooting close and opening his arms once more. this time, you oblige, throwing yourself onto him and wrapping your arms around his neck. now he’s the one with his back flush against the mattress, soft as a cloud of cotton candy. he laughs, and it rumbles through his chest when his hands find the back of your head and he tucks your head beneath his chin, cradling your neck.
"without—" punctuated with a kiss to the top of your head, "you." satoru finishes, and you can hear the grin in his voice, cheery as a christmas carole. his arms snake around your waist, squeezing lightly as one hand slips beneath the hem of your shirt to gently rub your back. his fingers against your skin feels like the touch of a butterfly, wings like stained glass.
"how about this, pretty? we can make more together." he suggests, resting his chin on top of your head. you're smushed into his chest, the printed material of his christmas light t-shirt scratching your face, and the only thing you can manage to breathe is the cheap cologne you bought him (you don't understand why he uses it when he could afford the best of his own), but suddenly you can't bring yourself to mind. so you nod, and he chuckles.
"d'ya still wanna do cinnamon?" he asks softly, slipping his free hand into your hair to play with the strands, holding you close and cozy in his embrace. the burning heat of friction between your numb hands or a roaring fireplace don't compare to the warmth he brings you, soft and sweet and painfully human. and you can't really make yourself feel upset at the pretty boy with snow-white hair holding you anymore.
"nah. let's do peanut butter chocolate chip." you hum, muffled, and he laughs, hearty and full, the kind that makes his entire body tremble a little. and you can feel it, so you tilt your head up to peer up at him. there's a stray pine needle in his hair; must've been from your hazardously decorated christmas tree. he looks down at you and smiles, brushing your hair from your eyes and leaning in to kiss your forehead. it’s like a crimson wax stamp sealing his love letter to you.
he cuddles you close, tufts of his soft hair tickling your face like a tacky christmas sweater. "sounds unhealthy. but whatever you want, baby. santa's gonna give you all you ask this year." and this time, he doesn't use the mistletoe as an excuse to brush his lips against yours when you move to pick the pine needle from his hair. he smells like vanilla, swirled like espresso with a hint of cinnamon.
he may have enjoyed his cookies and milk without you, but there's nowhere else he’d rather be— no one else he'd rather share the rest of his time with, be it baking, decorating, or lazy naps in each other’s arms. after all, half the jolliness of the holiday season comes from being with you.
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fish analogies went crazy… happy bday gojo !!! my (riaki) stuff. don't repost and/or plagiarize !
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Claimed by your bear mate
General Plot: Your dad is having some money trouble and your best friend is there for you.
Word count: 4K
Bear (Hugo) x female reader
W: angst and drama with a happy ending, nsfw werebear smut, vaginal and oral sex, some violence and attempted kidnapping, soft yandere vibe
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“I’ve told you a million times you need to get this replaced or the roof is going to cave in,” your best friend Hugo grumbled as he smacked the post that held the roof of your back patio up. 
Rotten wood rained down on the two of you and he raised his eyebrows and cocked his head. 
“Well of course it is, if you keep smacking it,” you growled, chasing him away from the post. This was very hard to accomplish as he was an nine foot tall werebear who weighed probably just under a ton.
His pretty russet fur sparkled in the afternoon sunlight and his light brown eyes bore down on you, while his muzzle wrinkled.
“Ugh, you’re so stubborn,” he growled, “you have a hard head, you know that?” 
“Hugo, I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t afford to replace the thing. I’ll just have to leave it as long as it will hold up. So stop banging on it!” you argued back. 
“You’ve never listened to a thing I’ve ever told you!” he snapped. 
You’d known Hugo since you were kids. He’d lived next door to you. He’d been a teenager when you were a little kid. He was the first person other than an adult you’d met when your family moved in and you got attached immediatly.
You’d never seen a werebear before and were convinced at 8 that he was your personal giant teddy bear put on Earth exclusively for you to cuddle. From that summer on you followed him around like a puppy to his annoyance, but he still bought you ice creams and made his friends put out their cigarettes around you. 
“I am listening! I told you I can’t afford it. You aren’t listening to me!” you snarled back. 
There was a whine and a crack and just as he predicted the roof caved in. Hugo had just enough time to grab you and pull you to safety before the whole thing collapsed. 
“See? I told you this would happen,” he said, still holding you against his furry chest, “what if I hadn’t been here?” 
“Hugo,” you scoffed, “you knocked it down with those massive hands of yours!” 
“Of course I did!” he said, “now I can rebuild it.” 
“I keep trying to tell you I can’t afford that right now!” you sighed in exasperation. 
“Then don’t pay me,” he grumbled, “before you start with me there’s no point in arguing, I’m going to come do it anyway and since when do you have money problems?” 
“It’s not really that bad,” you said, “they just reduced my hours at the factory so I don’t have extra for stuff like this.” 
“You should have told me, I could spot you for a while.” 
“Hugo, you’re my friend, I’m not going to ask you for money, that’s ludicrous!” you said. 
“See? Hard headed. Stubborn. You’re like a little ox!” he huffed. 
You suddenly realized he was still holding you and blushed reflexively. He was warm, his fur was soft, and he usually smelled like cedar wood and pine from his work as a carpenter. 
“Come on inside, there’s nothing we can do right now. Let me make you a sandwich,” you grumbled back, pulling away from him. 
He followed you in and a few minutes later you passed him four peanut butter and honey sandwiches cut into triangles. Hugo was a big grump but he loved honey and if you wanted to put him in a good mood it was the best cure. 
Peacefully munching on his sandwiches he explained to you what kind of roof he was going to put on your new patio and you smiled at how much you liked having him around.
“(Y/N)?! You home?!” 
Your dad’s voice echoed through your house and Hugo winced. 
“In the kitchen!” you called and he appeared a moment later, glaring when his eyes focused on Hugo. 
“You’re still hanging around with this animal?” he snarled. 
“Dad,” you groaned, “can we please not do this, this time? Hugo is a person just like you and me, just like all of the other Fairyfolk in the world.” 
“They don’t belong here!” 
“Stop it! Not in my house! Why are you here, dad?” you snapped. 
He schooled his features and you knew the ask was coming. You hardly saw your father unless he needed money. 
“I’m not doing so good sweetie,” he said, “got in a little trouble playing cards.”
You rubbed your eyes. 
“How much do you need this time?” you asked blandly. 
“Not much…just to get me by until this thing I got going pans out…5…6 thousand at most.” 
Your mouth dropped. 
“6 thousand dollars?!” you gasped, “dad, I don’t have money like that!”
“You’ve got good credit, you bought this house. Can’t you take out a personal loan?” 
“Dad, I bought this house with money grandma left me.” 
You were hardly surprised your grandmother didn’t tell him about the inheritance that was skipping a generation and going directly to you. 
“Then you owe me! I can’t believe that old bat gave you this whole house and didn’t leave me a thing! I swear, she always did hate me!” 
Feeling a little guilty that your grandmother had made it no secret what she thought of her drinking, gambling son, you walked across the kitchen to where you kept some cash for emergencies.
You fished the roll of wrinkled twenties you’d saved in a jar until it added up to a small chunk you kept in the house in case the grid went down or something insane like that happened and you had to deal in cash. It was a silly thing to be paranoid about, but you still had it. 
“Look, I can give you 5 or 6 hundred, but that’s all the emergency savings I’ve got.” 
Hugo growled. 
“Put that back,” he ordered, “you’re not giving him a dime.” 
Your mouth dropped open looking at him. Hugo had never liked your parents, but he’d never interjected directly. 
“This is a family matter,” your dad hissed, “get the fuck out.” 
“I’m not in your house,” Hugo said and took another bite of his sandwich, licking honey off of his fingers, “and it’s disgraceful that you’re here begging for money from your daughter for gambling debt! You should be a-fucking-shamed.” 
Deep down your father probably was ashamed, which is why he lashed out. 
“(Y/N) as your father I am telling you to get this animal out of here! He’s nothing but a flea bitten piece of shit no one wants!” 
Hugo stood up and looked down at the human man that barely came up to the top of his chest. 
“You gonna throw me out, human?” he asked, picking him up by the back of his neck and carrying him effortlessly like a naughty puppy out your front door, before locking it and returning. 
You leaned against the wall, pushing out a heavy breath. 
“God, I hate when he does that,” you groaned, “I want to help him, but it never ends!”
Hugo leaned against the same wall and looked down at you. 
“You were going to give him $600? How much money have you already given him?” he demanded. 
You looked to the side a little ashamed, tears pricking your eyes. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you said, trying to minimize it, “just a few hundred dollars here and there.” 
“(Y/N), I’ve known you long enough to know when you are lying, how much?” he asked again. 
You looked up at him and a tear slipped past your cheek. 
“Over the past year? Maybe ten thousand…but not all at once…it just added up,” you muttered. 
Hugo drew in an annoyed hiss. 
“You can’t even keep your house up! You can’t afford to do this…so what? He can just throw it all away while everything you’ve worked for falls apart?” 
Tears tumbled down your cheeks and you hid your face in your hand. 
“I know! I know!” you sniffled, “it’s just he’s my dad…how do I say no when he says he’s going to be out on the street? He has my mom calling me begging, talking about how there’s nothing in the fridge!” 
You let out a loud sob and Hugo felt horrible that he’d gone too far in his lecturing. He never wanted to make you cry. 
“Come here. I can’t stand it when you cry,” he said, pulling you into his big warm arms and holding your head to his chest with his massive hand. 
He just rocked you in his arms for a while, letting you breathe in his woody scent. When your sobs had slowed he wiped your cheeks with the thick pads of his hands. 
“I know you love him honey cake, but you can’t keep doing this,” he said, “people who care about you don’t drain you dry.” 
You nodded conceding his point, though you weren’t sure you could hold yourself to that. Your dad had his ways of bullying you. Usually he’d have your mom call you later and tell you a sob story about how she needed something or another…a car repair or something you couldn’t say no to. 
Hugo scooped you up like nothing and carried you to your living room, laying you down on the couch. 
“You take a nap, I’m going to go over to the lumber yard and pick up some stuff for your patio,” he said. 
You opened your mouth, but he held up his hand. 
“Pointless,” he said, “this is happening. Go to sleep.” 
He brushed the fuzzy knuckles of his clawed hands over your eyes so gently, pushing them shut. You sank back into the couch knowing it would be fruitless to argue. Hugo almost always got his way. 
You woke in the middle of the night. You were only aware it was night because it was dark when your front door was kicked in. 
Startled, you hopped up to see two large dark figures bending down to shove their huge forms through the opening. 
In the dim light spilling in from your kitchen you saw they were orcs! They were a clean looking pair, wearing expensive tactical gear with neat haircuts. 
“Well this is convenient, the scrap is right here,” one of them chuckled, smacking the other in the chest and pointing at you. 
You screamed and hopped over the couch, bolting for the backdoor but when you got there it was stuck. The damn debris from the rotten porch was blocking it. Panicked, you scrambled around your kitchen for a weapon, grabbing a knife. 
“There’s no use fighting, scrap,” one of them called to you as they stomped slowly through the house, not at all in a hurry, “your daddy already made the sale. There’s nowhere to run. You belong to the boss.” 
You couldn’t process his words, trying to figure out if you could fit out of the window over your sink. Your body was hanging halfway out of it when they dragged you back in by the ankles. 
You screamed in pure terror as the orc easily knocked the knife from your hand and wrapped his thick hand around your neck. A moment later there was a rumbling that sounded like a freight train and your entire kitchen wall caved in. Your eyes were like saucers, trying to peer through the dust at the enormous figure panting in the settling debris. 
“Hugo?” you wheezed as the familiar form of the bear slowly materialized. 
He didn’t wait to lose his advantage, though, and with surprising speed attacked the orc holding you. The orcs were big, but he was ferocious and he cared quite a bit more about you than they did. Faced with an almost ton bear bearing his teeth and claws, the orc dropped you immediately to defend himself. The other orc tried to help his friend and they all went down in a pile of green elbows and fur. 
You couldn’t stop screaming, terrified of what would happen if they overpowered Hugo. That didn’t seem to be as concerning as you thought when he grabbed one of them by the ankles and threw him into the other one. You heard bones crack as the two of them flew through the drywall that separated your kitchen from your living room, breaking all the furniture in their way to splinters. 
Feral and bloody, Hugo held out his hand to you. 
“Come with me,” he snapped.
You didn’t hesitate, practically climbing him to get to his shoulders and wrapped your arms around his wide neck. He dashed back out of your house through the hole in the wall, bouncing you in his arms, and jumped in the driver’s side of his truck.You were too panicked to wonder why his truck was oddly parked just out of view of your front window, not in your driveway as it would have been if he were visiting. 
He pulled out onto the street and you panted into his chest, trying to slow your racing heart. 
“Wh-what…what was that? They said something about my dad and a sale, Hugo what did they mean by that? What’s going on? Who were those people?” 
You were panicking, speaking rapidly and hyperventilating. 
“Shhh, shhh,” he said, petting your head with one hand with the other on the wheel, “I have a hunch, but first we need to go to my father and deal with this.” 
You had no idea what he meant by that, but just went limp in his arms, exhausted and running out of adrenaline. He roused you in front of his family’s house. Not the small one he and his parents had lived in next to your childhood home, but the big one his dad bought later that supported the bear pack.
Bears weren’t natively a pack species, but prejudices between humans and fairyfolk drove most were-people into odd miss matched packs for safety and community. Hugo’s dad, Riker, was the alpha and he would take over someday when his dad retired if he passed the largely ceremonial vote. They were far more egalitarian than, for example, a wolf pack, but just as loyal.
He’d always been nice to you when you’d met him, but you didn't see him very often, probably since you were a teenager. He didn’t bother banging on the door when he entered, his father had already heard him coming and was standing in the front room turning on the light when Hugo carried you in. 
“What’s going on, son?” he asked, squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the light. 
He looked just like his son with russet fur, on the more reddish side and light brown eyes, but he had streaks of silver and white running through it. 
“Her father fucking sold her,” he snarled, cradling you to his chest like you were a rescued puppy.  
Riker frowned and blinked at you, trying to remember who you were.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, “goddess, you were just a little thing the last time I saw you. You’ve grown so much. No wonder Hugo is always going on about you…” 
He shook his head and waved you all into the living room. As his dad handed you all small glasses of scotch to calm you down, Hugo explained how he saw the situation. Your dad had come looking for money earlier in the day, saying he had gambling debt. The same night, orcs break into your house implying he sold you. It was all pretty cut and dry when he spelled it out like that. 
“Wait…what were you doing outside my house?” you asked as it suddenly occurred to you that he had appeared just in time. 
“I’m always at you- I- I mean-I was…I-I left a…tool on your porch and I was just coming by to pick it up,” he said quickly. 
There was a long silence as Riker’s eyebrows went up and he took a long sip of his drink. 
“At 3am?” you asked. 
Hugo shrugged. 
“It was expensive, I didn’t want it to get stolen in your neighborhood…the crime has been pretty bad…” he rambled on.
“Okay,” his dad cut in to save his son, “that’s not really important right now. What is important is what we can do to protect (Y/N).” 
“I think the best thing you can do, Hugo, is mate her,” he said, as if that were the obvious answer, “with your bite on her neck it’ll be clear she’s under the pack’s protection and any Fairyfolk won’t want her.” 
“Woah,” you said, holding up your hands and stiffening in Hugo’s lap, “mate me? Bite me? What are you talking about?” 
Riker gave you a sort of sympathetic look and glanced at his son. 
“Bears bite their mates to mark them with a scar,” he said, “to any Fairyfolk it would be impossible to sell you. Any potential buyer would know right away you weren’t a maiden and your entire pack was going to chase them to the ends of this realm and the next to get you back. It’s not at all worth the trouble and a human…well they wouldn’t have any hope of keeping you.”
Riker’s pack had police officers, construction workers, ex-marines, fighting trainers, an entire biker gang…just a completely random selection of bears who all happened to be ten feet tall, doing the sorts of jobs bears did. They were not the sort of bunch you wanted chasing after you for anything if you valued your life. 
“Oh,” you said, “but isn’t that kind of important?” 
You looked at Hugo. 
“I don’t want you to waste your bite on me,” you said. 
He looked at you with the most sincere face he’d ever made. 
“It would not at all be a waste,” he said. 
Your cheeks flooded with color. 
“I’m going to give you two a minute to talk this over,” Riker said, hopping up and making himself scarce. 
You shook your head and your flush away. 
“You’re doing too much for me, Hugo,” you said, trying to hop out of his lap, “I can’t let you ruin your future like this.” 
He wrinkled his nose in pure frustration. 
“You are the most infuriatingly stubborn little ox I have ever known!” he snapped, “will you please just let me protect you without fighting me, once?” 
You crossed your arms.
“What do you mean for once? I listen to you all the time! You are the bossiest, grumpiest bear in the whole world!” you snapped back, “I’m trying to save you from a life of misery with someone you don’t love!” 
“I do love you, you idiot! I’m in love with you!” he snarled, “I’ve loved you since you were a little girl getting ice cream all in my fur! Do you think I would follow your bullheaded, ornery ass around every day trying to keep you out of trouble if I wasn’t head over heels for you?!” 
You drew in an incensed breath and hissed the next words out all in one angry breath. 
“Well, I'm in love with you, too, you surly asshole! I think it's pretty obvious I always have been. So…so…” 
You blinked at him, your mouth falling open, kind of losing where you were going with that as you processed what you'd both admitted.
“What?” you both asked at once. 
You both looked at each other and then years of pent up tension burst like a dam breaking. 
Hugo threw you against the couch and his massive body pinned you to the cushions as his tongue found yours. You clutched his furry cheeks in your hands, pulling him deeper into your mouth. You wanted all however many hundred pounds of him there were all over you. 
His tongue danced with yours, as his claws started stripping clothes off of you in shreds. 
“I’m going to mark you and mate you and make you mine,” he growled into your ear as he nipped at the skin with his sharp teeth. You heard the fabric of your shirt tear as he jerked it with them, leaving your breasts bare in the cool room. Your nipples pebbled and you arched your back into him. 
“Please…I need you,” you gasped, burying your fingers in his fur. You tried to grind your hips into the thick thigh pressed between them. 
“Goddess, I've waited so long to taste you,” he murmured, his tongue making its way in wet laps down your neck and over your stiff nipples. Taking your entire breast in his big mouth he practically drooled on you laving his tongue over one. Your fingertips jerked his fur until it stung, but your tiny hands were hardly even noticeable as he was solely focused on devouring your body. 
He’d waited a lifetime for this and he was laser focused on completing the task. The events of the rest of the night were lost on the two of you as he parted your folds with his fat fingers and started lapping at your pussy. 
“Ahhhh! Yes!” you screamed, tightening your thighs around his head. 
His fur felt so luxurious and soft, rubbing against the tender flesh. You stretched one hand behind your head to give yourself leverage as you ground your cunt into his muzzle.
He hummed and grunted, sounding just like a bear enjoying a comb of honey as he ate you. Pleasure built in your core until it came exploding through your body in a bright wave. If Hugo had been human you would have probably popped the bones in his neck with how hard you squeezed his head between your thighs. 
You tried pushing his head away, but he shoved your legs open, lapping up the juices that flooded your channel with long messy licks. 
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” you cried as his tongue brushed your oversensitive clit every so often until he’d gotten his fill and you’d been thrust into a second lingering orgasm. 
His eyes flicked up to you with nothing but predator in them and he tore open his pants without bothering to think what he was going to wear when he was done with you. The massive cock bobbing in front of him frightened you at first and you tried to scramble back on the couch only to be pinned in place by his big hand. 
“You can take it honey cake,” he cooed, as he eagerly lined it up with your wet channel and inched his massive phallus inside. 
He stretched you slowly, letting you get used to him as he watched your face to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. You were so much smaller, with tiny little hips compared to his large ones. Every so often he glanced down at his cock splitting your little body and groaned with satisfaction.   
“Minnnne,” he growled, unable to stop himself from thrusting it in the rest of the way. 
You gasped so full, your abdomen distended from how big he was inside you. He tried his best to start slowly, pushing himself in and out of you with firm, hard thrusts, but soon his muzzle and fingers were buried in your hair and he was pounding into you, drawing the breath from your lungs. You could only desperately cling to his fur as he took you, listening to him muttering your name and how fucking perfect you were in your ear. 
Eventually his words just devolved into growls and grunts, pushing your eyes back in your head and making your skin tingle. His thick cock stretched you beyond anything you’d felt before and the angle he rammed into you battered your G-spot pushing you relentlessly towards your end. You screamed into his ear without meaning to when you came and he would have been happy if it were the last sound he ever heard. 
As it rang, he stiffened, your pussy clamping down around him, milking his cock. He wished he could hold on longer, he wanted to stay buried inside of you for the rest of his life if possible, but your scent surrounding him, blending with his and your tight channel massaging his cock with your slick passage threw him over the edge. 
He emptied his hot cum into you, sinking his teeth into your neck. The bite hurt, but not like a violent pain. It was more like an intense pressure that pushed you into another, unexpected orgasm, your pussy spasming wildly and your body trembling. You gasped as pleasure and warmth enveloped you and finally went limp. 
You saw your blood staining his large teeth as he pulled away and you stiffened just slightly. 
“It’s okay, honey cake,” he purred, pulling your bruised body into his arms as he eased himself out of you gently. 
“So am I your mate now?” you asked softly, “forever?” 
He nuzzled your nose with his muzzle and hummed at you, licking the wound on your neck.  
You giggled, as it tickled slightly, and brushed his cheek. 
“Okay,” you said. 
“Oh. I thought you were trying to put me off,” a strange deep voice grumbled from the doorway. 
“I told you, she’s mated,” Riker told the orc standing there. He was wearing a designer suit and had long olive hair in a ponytail. 
“Ugh,” he spat, “fucking bears. Well, if she can’t pay the debt, the old man is going to have to do it himself.” 
“Who the fuck are you?” Hugo spat, pulling you to his chest to hide your body behind his huge arms. 
The orc grinned. 
“My name is not important,” he said, “what is important is the debt the little ladies’ father owes me that he now cannot repay.” 
“What are you going to do to him?” you gasped. 
“Don’t worry darling,” he smirked, “I’m not going to kill him if that’s what you think. Though I think you should know your father sold you to avoid a year of working for me to pay off his debt. I was never going to harm him unless he didn’t comply. It wasn't even that much money. You’re worth a lot more than $3,000. He really doesn’t deserve your concern.” 
You drew your brow.
“He told me it was $6,000!” you hissed. 
The disappointed orc just tipped his head at the two of you and made his exit. Riker glanced between the two of you and looked amused. 
“Why don’t you take (Y/N) up to one of the guest rooms and I’ll find you two some clothes in the morning,” he offered and with a huge blush on your cheeks you let Hugo carry you up the stairs. 
“Hugo…I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying, but…you don’t have to tell me the truth. Whatever the real reason was…I’m glad you were at my house tonight,” you whispered into his chest, “I love you.” 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said, smiling wanly to himself as he kissed your head.
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Don Refri
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N has been the police records clerk for a few months. He’s known as Detective Grumpy to everyone in the district, but she’s the only one who calls him Don Refri. Walter gets jealous when there is a new detective around.
A/N: Walter Marshall is probably my favorite Henry Cavill character to read about, I need more content of him. I’ve also been watching a telenovela and the way Alexander has been acting with Lola when they were fighting, I thought “what if Walter was like this?” So here it is. Also, LATIN PRESENTATION FOR HENRY CAVILL!
For all intent and purposes, this one shot is very humorous, sort of like a sitcom, Walter doesn’t follow canon AT ALL, but I did try to “research” what happens in a precinct.
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Y/N was entering the district with a thermos in hand, all bundled up.
“Ay, hace un pinche frío, why the fuck did I move to Minnesota, it’s so cold.” Y/N said as she took off her coat and Matthew started laughing. “Don’t laugh like that, I’m not meant for cold weather.”
“Just start working on something before detective grumpy comes in and starts yelling.” Matthew said, taking Y/N’s coat, folding it.
“I’m not scared of Don Refri, but I will start working because i have to make the case files of whatever criminal is out now so Don Refri and detective Dickerman Can catch them as soon as possible.” Y/N said and she started sipping hot chocolate from her thermos. As she was working, Walter came in. “Good morning, Don Refri.” Walter rolled his eyes at her.
“Morning, Y/N.” Walter mumbled and went to his office. Matthew, Glasgow, and Rachel stared at Y/N. Y/N looked at them.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“You call him Don Refri to his face and he does nothing, but we almost get written up when he overheard us reference him as Detective Grumpy. How is that possible?” Glasgow asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m happy about it, not gonna lie.” Y/N said. She began working on the computer, smiling to herself. No one but her bestie knows about her crush on the grumpy detective.
“I think he has a soft spot for you, what do you think?” Rachel asks.
“Maybe he does.” Y/N replied.
A few moments after creating the case files, Y/N heard Walter yell “Fuck” from his office.
“I wonder what’s got him worked up. Y/N, go check on him.” Matthew said.
“Fine. Now I know how my brother felt when I sent him to ask our mom something.” Y/N said. She got up from her desk and went to Walter’s office, saw that he threw his stuff off his desk and is now running his hand through his hair, exasperated.
“What do you want, Y/N?” Walter asked.
“What’s got you in such a bad mood, Don Refri?” Y/N asked.
“First; you keep calling me that.” Walter started and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I told you, start being open about your feelings and then I’ll stop calling you don refri, Don Refri.” Y/N replied and Walter rolled his eyes. “What’s the other thing that got you in a bad mood?”
“They’re transferring another detective here.” Walter massaged his temples.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Y/N asked.
“Not if the detective is a fucking pain in the ass. He hits on anything with skirt.” Walter commented. “He has a womanizer, player kind of reputation and I don’t want that guy in this district.”
“Why is he getting transferred?” Y/N asked.
“Don’t know. Hopefully I have time before this fucker gets here.” Walter starts picking up the stuff he threw and Y/N helped him until they heard a voice.
“Isn’t anyone going to welcome me?” The man sounded arrogant.
“Too late. Let’s go.” Walter said, after putting everything back on his desk and him and Y/N went to the front of the district, Y/N went back to her desk. “Team, this is…what’s your name again?” Walter asked.
“Ha ha, nice to see you haven’t changed. I’m Detective Tyler Delgado, I just transferred here.” Tyler introduced himself.
“Well this is my team, Matthew and Glasgow are technicians, Rachel is a profiler and psychologist, and Y/N here is our records clerk.” Walter introduced them to Tyler.
“Nice to meet you guys.” Tyler said, “Especially you.” Tyler said, looking at Y/N before winking.
“Well, Let’s get back to work.” Walter said, leaving with Tyler.
The day went on Walter and Y/N were the only ones left in the district, she was finishing up the police logs.
“Ugh, i can’t wait to sleep.” Y/N said.
“What did you think of Delgado?” Walter asked.
“I Don’t have much of an opinion of him, he doesn’t look like a fuckboy though.” Y/N commented.
“I never said he was a fuckboy, I said he had the reputation of one, big difference.” Walter said.
“Yeah, whatever. If you’re worried about Rachel going out with him, I don’t think she would fall for any of his ‘tricks’ because of her psychology background.” Y/N commented as she took a sip of soda.
“It’s not Rachel I’m worried about.” Walter replied, looking at Y/N. Y/N looked at Walter with wide eyes and she put her soda down.
“Me? You’re worried about me? Why are you worried?” Y/N asked, please say it’s because you like me she said in her head.
“I just don’t want you to get taken advantage of.” Walter said.
“Do I look easy to you, Walter? I know I’m a few years younger than you but I’m not naive, I know when someone has other intentions, there’s a reason why I wanted to be an FBI profiler.” Y/N said.
“I’m just saying, I saw you and Delgado flirting when he was giving you some files.” Walter said.
“I was being friendly! Por Dios, uno ya no puede ser amable o que?” Y/N said, crossing her arms.
“What does that mean?” Walter asked.
“It means I can’t be nice to someone without being accused of trying to sleep with them.” Y/N said in a huff, packing her bag.
“When did I accuse you that?” Walter asked while raising his voice.
“It doesn’t matter, don refri, I finished, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N said and she left without kissing Walter on the cheek or hugging him.
The next day, Walter was running late because he was talking to Angie about Faye. When he entered the district, he saw Y/N and Tyler talking, as he got closer, he heard part of their conversation.
“It’s a date, I’ll pick you up tonight at 8.” Tyler said, winking at Y/N and walked away. Y/N smiled slightly until she heard Walter.
“What was that about?” Walter asked behind Y/N, scaring her and she put her hand in her chest.
“No me asustes así!” Y/N exclaimed as she hit his arm. Of course it didn’t hurt since Walter works out a lot, but he still winces because that’s how he is with Y/N.
“You’re going out with Delgado? After telling me I shouldn’t worry about you? Are you kidding me, Y/N?” Walter questioned.
“Sabes algo, Don Refri? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.” Y/N said. Hold up, is he jealous? That HAS to mean he likes me, oh please don’t be such a don refri and tell me you like me, PLEASE! Y/N thought to herself
“I’m looking out for you just like I would look out for Faye and Rachel, I am protective over the women who are close to me, especially with this job. I’ll talk to you later.” Walter said and walked away.
Y/N sat at her desk, very confused over what just happened with the grumpy detective.
A week went by and Walter observed Y/N and Tyler. Whenever they would be together during their lunch break or just together in general, Walter scowled. But one day he was walking by Tyler’s office and he heard something suspicious.
“I’m still at work…yes, I’m going to be late again…I’m sorry, the captain is tougher than at the last precinct…I’ll see you at home, love you, baby.” And Tyler hung up the phone. Walter walked in his office.
“Who were you on the phone with, Delgado?” Walter asked.
“My niece, it’s her birthday today.” Tyler lied, Walter could tell. This wasn’t the first time Walter heard a suspicious phone call like this but it’s the first he confronted Tyler.
“Well then, see you later.” Walter said as he walked out of Tyler’s office. He grabbed his lunch from the fridge, heated it up, and walked back to his office where he would do a background check on Tyler Delgado. “I’m not jealous, Y/N is like a sister to me, I just want to make sure she’s safe.” Walter said to himself as he was checking all the information that he managed to pull up about Tyler.
For what seemed like an eternity to Walter, he found out that Tyler Delgado is married! He took a photo of what he found on the computer, he went into the break room to look for Y/N and he found Tyler leaning in to kiss Y/N so he did what any man would do when they see a married man try to kiss their crush, I mean, their “friend”, and punch them in the face. Walter punched Tyler so hard that Tyler got knocked out and was on the floor, out cold.
Y/N was in shock. “Are you insane?!? Que te pasa?!?” Y/N yelled. “You killed him, you fucking killed him.”
“Oh please, how am i going to kill a man with a single punch, Y/N? Seriously, think.” Walter said.
“Well I don’t know, you work out a lot, you clearly have a lot more muscle than Tyler, you probably killed him.” Y/N said.
“You look at my muscles a lot?” Walter said with a little smirk.
“Don’t change the subject.” Y/N said firmly. Rachel was entering the break room with a box,
“Hey, Matthew brought doughnuts, you guys want some? What the fuck happened here?” Rachel asked when she saw Tyler on the floor and she place the box on the table, closing the break room door.
“Oh well what happened was Don Refri here came in and just punched Tyler for no fucking reason. You’re a psychologist, is this an act of jealousy?” Y/N asked.
“First of all, it wasn’t for no fucking reason, he’s scum, did you know that he’s married?” Walter yelled.
“What?” Both Y/N and Rachel asked,
“Yeah, He’s married, and He’s been married for 4 years.” Walter said
“Ugh, stop lying, Don Refri, and just admit that killed him because you’re jealous and that’s it!” Y/N yelled.
“Jealous? You think I’m jealous, really? Of course I’m not jealous.” Walter said, stepping closer to Y/N, resulting in getting closer to Tyler’s unconscious body.
“Careful, you’re gonna kill him again.” Y/N said.
“How am I gonna kill him again if he’s already dead?” Walter teased Y/N.
“Well, He’s not dead, he’s still breathing.” Rachel said, looking a Tyler, seeing his chest rise and fall.
“Whatever, Rachel, why would you think I’m jealous? Do you really think I’m jealous, Y/N? Please.” Walter asked.
“Mm hmm, sure, and your fits just has a mind of its own? Ah! I cant even speak, I’m so mad, your fist, fist!” Y/N shouted the last part of her sentence.
“I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, speak clearly.” Walter said in a fed up tone.
“I am speaking clearly! Fist, fist, fist! You know what? Say whatever the hell you want, to me, this was a crime of passion, you can’t tell me different.” Y/N said and Rachel just observed their argument while eating a doughnut and drinking her coffee thinking to herself that these two people totally love each other, are at the very least shave feelings for each other.
“Y/N, you can’t possibly be acting this way?” Walter questioned.
“Acting what way, hm?” Y/N asked.
“Like this!” Walter said, gesturing to her with his hands. That’s when Tyler started to come to and he sat up.
“What happened?” Tyler said groggily.
“Shut up!” Walter said, punching him AGAIN. Rachel’s eyes were wide as plates, and so were Y/N’s.
“What’s wrong with you?!?” Both women yelled.
“What? I Don’t like being interrupted while I’m speaking.” Walter stated
“Oh my god, You’re crazy, i need to get out of here.” Y/N said. She left the break room with Walter following her. Walter grabbed her wrist and they walked to an empty interrogation room. “What are you doing, Don Refri?”
“Fuck it.” Walter whispered before kissing Y/N passionately in the interrogation room, only lasting when they were out of breath. Y/N pulled away first.
“What was that, Walter?” Y/N asked. The first time she called him by his first name.
“You wanted me to admit I was jealous, right? Well, here I am admitting that I was jealous of you and Tyler. But i am not lying about him having a wife, I did a background check on him before knocking him out, look.” Walter said, showing Y/N his phone. Y/N grabbed his phone, seeing it was true. “I’ve had feelings for you since you started working here but I am very bad of expressing my feelings, as you point out to me daily.” Walter admitted.
“I have liked you since I started working here too. Does this mean we’re together now?” Y/N asked. Walter chuckled, taking Y/N’s hands in his.
“It means I’m going to take you on a date after our shift is over. Hopefully Tyler doesn’t report me.” Walter said and Y/N laughed.
“You’re probably going to be suspended but you can worry about that later, i have reports to write up.” Y/N said and Walter opened the door for her so they could leave the interrogation room. The first time since becoming a detective, Walter had a smile on his face. It was small, but it was there.
The End
Thank you for reading my very first Walter Marshall fanfic, hope you liked it
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b00ks1ut · 6 months
It’s All About Trust
Joe Liebgott X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, war, fluff (an attempt anyway I think), swearing, Briefly mention of reader being a medic, reader has a shit ton of siblings (relatable), not that many physical descriptions if any, mentions of death, normal Band of Brothers stuff
Sorry if this is bad. I’ve never written any BoB fanfiction and really have like hardly any writing experience at all so hopefully this isn’t horrible. Please give me feed back if you want. Thank you! Also sorry for the ending. It’s kinda abrupt but it’s the best I could get lol
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Bois Jacques is hell. A very very cold hell. Nothing could truly combat the cold that seeps into everyone around me. Not even the plainish slop they feed us in an attempt at food. Or in the current case, cold, hard “pancakes”, or that’s what Domingus says they are.
Don pokes at his and calls after our ever so kind cook, “Joe these smell like my armpit!”
“At least your armpit is warm.” Skip grumbles from Malarkey’s side as he holds his pancake up for emphasis.
“You want syrup with that?” Domingus sasses back to him.
“Joe, be honest, what’s in these things anyway?” Don asks the retreating man.
“Nothing you won’t eat, Malarkey.” He replies.
“I won’t eat Malarkey.” Spina shoots back quickly causing us all grouped up to let out a chorus of laughs.
Julian brings back the topic of Babe and Spina’s run in with a German on their search for 3rd Battalion. “Hey, maybe Hinkle would like your share, huh?”
This happens to hit my funny bone and I let out a snort leading to the rest of the men’s laughter to only further increase until Peacock comes around looking for Dike.
“Try battalion CP, sir.” I tell the man. The rest of us wait for him to walk away on his hunt for the company CO before we break our into giggles again.
“Try Paris.” Skip laughs.
“Try Hinkle.” Malarkey adds, only increasing our laughter and before I know it tears are pricking my eyes.
Spina begins his less than great German impression and I have to leave before I piss myself laughing.
I seem to run into a brick wall in my way back to my foxhole, tears of laughter still stinging my eyes.
“Sorry ‘bout that (y/n/n).” A deep southern voice speaks from above me.
I take a look and send a smile at the blonde who’s got me held by the shoulders.
“You’re all good Bull, no harm done.” I tell him as I step out of his hold. “Sorry about that.”
“No harm done.” He repeats before walking away with a smile sent to me.
I continue to make my way back to my temporary home of a frozen foxhole. I look down to find none other than Joseph Liebgott.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the rageful Jew. I don’t think it’s any specific thing that made me so drawn to him but rather his whole entire being.
On the other hand he’s never shown any direct attraction to me. Sure nearly all the men of Easy have sent me a glance at least once but I don’t blame them, I’m one of the few women they’ve interacted with past a single night in around 2 years. But past a glance none of the boys have soberly tried anything.
Especially Joe. He’s not unfriendly to me but he’s never really gone out of his way to interact with me. Not until now.
He’s sitting alone in my foxhole, hands tucked under his armpits, gun leaning in the dirt next to him, and his eyes intensely trained on the line.
“Joe? Did you get lost?” I ask him with a small laugh.
“Uh?” He looks up at me and gives me a small smile. “Not lost, just looking for someone to talk to.”
“Luz’s hole is like 2 over that way.” I told him pointing in the direction of the jester’s own hiding place.
“Well good thing I wasn’t looking for George then, yeah?” He says with his trademark smirk. “I can leave if you’d like me to, though.”
"You're fine, but can I ask a question?" I asked as I began the short descent into the frozen foxhole.
"Shoot away (y/l/n)." The Californian told me, looking back at the line across the cold, white field.
"Why are you talking to me? I'm don't mean to be rude but you've never put any effort into having any interaction with me." I asked sitting across from him and stuffing my frozen hands into my jacket pockets.
"I'm just trying to be friendly. No time better than the present, right? Do you have a problem with that? I can leave if you need me to." Joe had begun to get a little defensive but that's hardly surprising when he'll jump at a chance to be upset, whether isn’t reasonable or not.
"Why now? There's hardly a point in making friends when fucking Babe and Spina barely just ran from a Kraut fucking foxhole so excuse my confusion at your extremely sudden olive branch when we're all about to be sent home either on a stretcher or in an enveloped as a piece of shitty metal with our names stamped into it!" I grabbed my dog tags and shook them for emphasis. It took all of my self control to not start yelling or crying, but I could feel the sting of unshed tears at my eyes. "We're all going to be blown to kingdom come by all of this damned artillery." I whisperd.
"Hey. That's not true. We've made it this far but look at us. Sitting in this frozen hell hole and you're alive, I'm alive, and so is Bull and George, Don, Babe, Doc, Skip, Penkala, Perco, and Buck and Lip." He began listing some of the guys we had been with for so long. "I know it's scary and there's not a single thing I can promise you to make anything seem ok, because I'm scared and I have no clue what's going to happen even 10 seconds from now but one thing I can tell you that might make you feel slightly better is that you've made it this far. You made it through Sobel's shitty personalty, Normandy, Carentan, and I know that if you have made it this far without a scratch then what can take you down? You’re what, one of nine kids back at home, you managed to talk and work your way into the airborne and then continue to be an absolute badass throughout boot camp and combat!” He took a break to really look at me and I took that as an opportunity to defend myself and my feelings.
“I’m really flattered but don’t you think I’ve been too lucky? I’ve come so far with nothing more than a bruise and I’m sure the next thing you know I’ll be blown to pieces! I don’t know why I thought I could do this, Joe! I’m fucking terrified and there’s no where to go!” I can feel the tears beginning to well in my eyes and in a sorry attempt to stop them I look to the sky. “I don’t know what I’m doing here anymore.”
“Hey, you can’t go thinking like that. You’re going to make it out of here alive. I need you to believe that because trust me when I say that you are the toughest damned woman I’ve ever met in my life.” He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.
The tears couldn’t be held any longer and the dam broke, salty waves rolling down the sides of face into my hair line. A sob escaped my lips before I could muffle it with a fist that had been stuffed between my lips only seconds too late.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry, (y/n), we’re all feeling it, you’re the only one brave enough to let anyone see it.”
I let out a scoff. ‘Brave’ is not the right word to use. “I’m pathetic. I’m sitting here crying, doing nothing to help anyone around me who has it worse. I’m a a medic for fuck’s sake, I shouldn’t be crying when I routinely see how bad I could have it.”
Joe had only pulled me closer and wrapped his other arm around me, essentially cradling my shaking form. “Don’t you see? That’s what makes you so brave, (y/n). You see all these men in so much pain and put yourself in harms way to make sure they get patched up and safe. You are completely allowed to be overwhelmed and scared and cold and any other feeling a person can have. Not one man here would blame you for being upset right now. They know that as long as you are safe so are they, because when shit goes down you’re always there to help us.” He was talking so softly and so gently that I couldn’t help but cry harder.
“Oh fuck.” I muttered , wiping at my eyes. “I’m sorry Joe.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Doll.” He gave me an affectionate pat. “Just know that you are such a light in the dark here, and not one of the men in these woods would judge you right now.”
I gave him a weak smile and sniffed, wiping at my eyes and nose. “Thank you, Joe, really. I’m forever grateful.”
“Oh don’t mention it, just don’t go telling anyone that I give out cuddles, I can’t have my reputation ruined like that.” Joe snickered with his smirk and a pat to my side.
“Your secret is safe with me as long as you don’t go telling people I cry.” I tittered and wrapped my arm around his neck.
“Your secret is safe with me, (y/n).”
“How do I know you’re not lying to me?”
“It’s all about trust. I trust you, you trust me; that’s how this has to work, yeah?” I was nearly bumping noses with him and if I wanted to I could just lean in a little and kiss him. The thought quickly crosses my mind but part of me knows better.
“I trust you, Joseph Liebgott.” I meant it, with more of my heart than I thought was still there.
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valentine-cafe · 1 month
. ˚◞♡ 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒓𝒂 209 — mutant-monster mad scientist◞ ₊˚
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ “ eyes on me, mi cielo. . . those pretty eyes are just for me, huh? all mine. even when you have long since passed, I shall hold your heart within my hands ” ꒱
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. ˚◞꒰verse꒱ 209
. ˚◞꒰face claim refs꒱ ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
. ˚◞꒰species꒱ spider, mantis and moth mutate 
. ˚◞꒰ethnicity꒱ mexican-indian ( awadhi-tamil )
. ˚◞꒰age꒱ 38
. ˚◞꒰gender꒱ typically genderfluid but male-presenting ( sometimes works on the way people perceive him on different days )
. ˚◞꒰mbti꒱ istj
. ˚◞꒰aliases꒱ red widow ( heroes ), the mad scientist ( the resistance ), the lunatic ( the resistance ), the scarlet plague ( mutants/resistance )
. ˚◞꒰appearance꒱
𖹭. maroon eyes, with slitted pupils ( wears contacts to hide his pupils ). typically uses winged eyeliner and sometimes red eyeshadow. he can have multiple pairs of eyes if his mutation is showing; his sclera and pupils might disappear completely in this case
𖹭. mid-length, layered, fluffy and slightly curly very dark brown hair that trickles down his shoulders
𖹭. very androgynous face, with sharp and soft features combined. has a bronze skin tone
𖹭. slender physique, stands at the height of 6’2” ( 187cm ). can appear a bit feminine
𖹭. typically dresses in reds and blacks. ranging from a classy style that can bleed into vintage. very genderfluid in his way of dressing
𖹭. beauty spots: scattered on the right side of his face with one at the left corner of his lips
𖹭. lips usually painted shades of red depending on his mood
𖹭. retractable fangs with venom and claws
𖹭. elongated tongue
𖹭. fingers/hands covered with rings and chains, with long, red painted fingernails
𖹭. ear piercings: a pair of standard lobe and industrial piercings — his right ear dons a transverse lobe, rook, orbital and snug piercing while his left ear holds a daith, stacked helix and forward helix piercing.
𖹭. piercings: venom tongue piercings, septum piercing and nose ring, nipple piercings, navel piercing
𖹭. can extend strong, flexible, scarlet and black tendrils from his back and arms
𖹭. four spider legs that tear out of his back but he can retract
𖹭. overall, if his mutation is having a bad day or he is going feral, he may display spider features such as multiple eyes, pincers, mouth glands that can secrete acid and so on
. ˚◞꒰personality꒱
𖹭. oh so deceptive, in his smile, his voice and overall appearance. charming, sickeningly sweet with a faux amiability
𖹭. even when he is hands-deep into an experiment, he keeps false kindness and friendly façade. gives off an eerie vibe to those with a good intuition
𖹭. morally evil with a chilling lack of ethics. extremely cunning and two-faced
𖹭. silver-tongued and charismatic
𖹭. so effortless on everything that he does, exuding a cool confidence
𖹭. intelligent and quick-witted. loves playing mind games on people and getting into their psyche
𖹭. certain that whatever he is doing is for the betterment of humanity, beyond self-righteous
𖹭. quite stubborn and makes sure to see his projects through, as a result has a tendency of overworking
𖹭. may appear serene but is quite temperamental, displays his anger and bitterness in a scarily calm way with a charming smile and smooth words in spite of his horrific actions
𖹭. yandere esque
. ˚◞꒰with a lover꒱
𖹭. that charming personality does not fade with a lover, rishen is often quite flirty and all sorts of teasing with his beloved.
𖹭. loves flustering you — it is a part of his favorite pass-times. fluster you and then grab you by the waist, only to tease you further.
𖹭. affection is mainly displayed in a physical manner. he will touch anything and everything on you that you allow him to touch and kiss, all so that he can worship you and make you feel good.
𖹭. another form of his affection is through gifts. he adores spoiling you with a wide variety of whatever it is you either need or want.
𖹭. very verbal in his love for you and shameless in every way; his tongue holds no filter.
𖹭. late night dances in his office, bringing you coffees or teas through the day, and finding you in the middle of the day simply to pour his affection out on you.
𖹭. he is a very passionate and dedicated lover — however, there is a darker side to it. rishen grows obsessive and quite possessive, his nature that of a yandere.
𖹭. and yes he takes it to the extremes. . .
𖹭. should someone merely look at you in a way he deems wrong, it is their funeral.
𖹭. do not fight him on this, he’ll lock you away for his eyes only.
. ˚◞꒰strengths꒱
𖹭. intelligence: highly intelligent from a young age, resulting in advanced, prodigal level of skill in science and technological fields.
𖹭. increased bodily function: advanced strength, speed, agility and durability.
𖹭. heightened senses: advanced sight, smell, hearing, taste and awareness of surroundings.
𖹭. healing factor: an average healing factor that heals his injuries far quicker than an average human
𖹭. tendrils: strong, resilient, red and black tendril-like appendages that can be produced from his back and extend from his hands
𖹭. spider legs: large spider legs that tear through his back at times, it is extremely painful for him but are very useful in combat.
𖹭. fangs & claws: retractable fangs that secrete paralyzing venom at will along with retractable claws from the pads of his fingers that can tear through a variety of materials.
. ˚◞꒰weaknesses꒱
𖹭. mutation: his mutation as a whole, while it does grant him a wide variety of abilities is also his greatest weakness.
𖹭. metabolism: has an extremely fast metabolism that requires him eating a lot through the day.
𖹭. abandonment issues: he suffers from horrible abandonment issues, which can cause him to get erratic and panicked whenever someone he loves does leave him on purpose after arguments, tiffs, etc.
𖹭. heart condition: suffers from a heart condition that requires him taking medication in order to make sure his heart stays stable.
𖹭. stabilisers: in order to control his mutation, he is required to inject himself with stabilisers on an alternating daily basis.
. ˚◞꒰relationships꒱
𖹭. jìngyí herrera: husband, best friend, business partner
𖹭. javier herrera: father, deceased
𖹭. rishima singhania: mother, deceased
𖹭. alessio agresta arias: best friend, deceased
𖹭. wèi lìxuě: enemey
𖹭. liú tàishī: enemy
𖹭. zhào haitāo: enemy
𖹭. lorenzo agresta arias: enemy
𖹭. park tae-hyun: enemy
. ˚◞꒰story꒱
after undergoing experimentation, rishen emerges with a spider mutation and a hatred for his fellow enigma. inheriting the mega science company, valence, after his father’s sudden death, he aims to lead the world with knowledge and science. while also working his way to top as a seemingly benevolent businessman and world renowned scientist.
behind the scenes is where the mask falls. rishen has no issue with the mass experimentation on the enigma. being a driving factor of the enigma genocide across his world.
alongside his mad doctor partner in crime and husband, jingyi herrera, the two become an unstoppable and dangerous couple. committing atrocities and puppetting world order behind the scenes. deeming the control of enigma necessary in their self-righteous mission.
. ˚◞꒰extra꒱
𖹭. he is the ceo of valence and practically runs the city of nueva york
𖹭. speaks spanish ( latin american ), speaks mandarin, speaks hindi, speaks tamil.
𖹭. he knows asl.
𖹭. has a cat named beauregard. ( his and his husband’s “son” )
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𖹭. he has four dobbermen: cupcake, cinnamon bun, horchata, strawberry
𖹭. he sometimes smokes
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headkiss · 1 year
Hi I saw you were taking requests for Steve Harrington! I’m chronically ill (I have POTS as well as multiple chronic pain conditions). Could you possibly do Steve x Reader where Steve helps the reader through a very rough day? It’s been an absolute crap day and I could use some comfort Steve.
Thank you so much ❤️ - Anna
hiii tysm for requesting <3 from one anna to another !! | 0.4k (sorry she’s short) of a very soft stevie
It’s been a day. The worst one for you in a while and it isn’t even halfway over yet.
You’d woken up achy, your limbs stiff and your movements slow. It’s not unusual for you, but it sucks all the same. The most you’ve done all day is brush your teeth and move from your bed to the couch in your living room.
The record you put on has been needing to be flipped for what could be hours, the needle scratching the paper in the center.
Steve has a key to your place.
He doesn’t use it often, though he does come around most days. He uses it the most on days like this, when you aren’t picking up the phone, when he can’t help but worry.
He’s a good person, a gentle caretaker, and the best boyfriend you ever could’ve asked for.
He stands outside your door, knocking a couple of times. When you don’t answer the door, he twists his key in the lock and comes in.
He moves the needle away from the record, the static dissipating from the room. Now, it’s quiet besides the hum of your heater.
“Stevie. Hi,” you say from your spot on the couch, curled up.
“Bad day?” He asks, kneeling in front of you and petting your hair off your face gently.
“What kind?”
“Achy. Don’ wanna move.”
“Have you eaten anything?”
His voice is better than any pain medicine sitting behind your bathroom mirror. Soothing and quiet.
“No. M’sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’ll make you something, ‘kay?”
“Not yet,” you tell him when he starts to stand. “Stay with me for a bit, please?”
He nods, “here.” He lifts your head from where it’s resting, sits down and lets you lay back down on his lap. “Good?”
“Yeah. Thank you.”
“‘Course. Sorry you’re hurting, baby.”
“It’s better when you’re here. Helps take my mind off of it.”
He’d spend every minute of every day with you if it meant you were in less pain. Hell, if he could take your place, he would.
“You wanna try and sleep?”
You’d feel bad for how much time he spends taking care of you if he wasn’t so sweet about it. He reassures you constantly that he doesn’t mind, that all he wants to do is help you.
“Don’t know if I can. Read to me?”
He grabs the book you’d left on the coffee table, opening it to the dog-eared page. He starts to read softly, his voice eases you the most it can. Steve’s never read a book for his own enjoyment, but he’s more than happy to do it for you.
With one hand, he holds the book open and flips the pages, with the other, he pushes your hair from your face.
“Thanks for being here,” you murmur, face squished against his thigh.
“Wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else.”
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hyperfixationgirl · 11 months
Request: could i request a soft dom joel fic where it’s just reader being super needy and him indulging her/them?
This was a request i got from a lovely mutual, hope you like it!
Joel miller x fem Reader
700+ words
18+ MDNI!
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected p in v (Don´t do that!), cream pie, bit of size kink, choking, praising, degrading??, daddy kink, pet names, no use of y/n.
It had been five days since Joel touched you, five fucking days!
He had been working nonstop, going to work before you woke up and coming home long after you had fallen asleep.
You decided you were done being so incredibly horny, so you stayed up waiting for him in the living room pretending to read, in only his shirt and no underwear (hopefully that would drive him crazy enough to fuck you stupid).
After what felt like hours you finally heard the front door open and Joel's footsteps coming closer and closer.
”Sweetheart, why are you awake?” Joel said when he saw you. You could see in his eyes he had noticed your outfit with how his pupils dilated, but he didn’t say anything.
”I missed you too much Daddy,” You said with your most innocent voice like you hadn’t planned to seduce him until he couldn’t take anymore.
Something sounding like a growl escaped Joel when he realized what you were actually up to.
”Is my baby needy?” he said with pity in his voice. ”Pretty little thing hasn’t been touched for too long, is that it?” He was standing right in front of the couch looking down at you with a smug face.
”Please…” You had started to form tears in your eyes and didn’t want him to see how desperate you actually were, so you looked away.
”Tell me what you need honey or I can’t help you,” he said while gripping your chin making you look at him again.
”Don´t get shy now, tell me what you want.” He said with a stern voice that you weren't used to, you could sense his patience where running out.
”Just touch me, I can’t take it anymore!” You almost screamed at him, surprising both of you.
He sat down on the couch beside you, grabbed your hips, and made you straddle his thigh.
”I was going to give you what you wanted right away baby, but because you choose to raise your voice at me, you will have to make yourself come.” He flexed his thigh, making you shudder. ”If you behave and make yourself come on my thigh I might give you my cock after.” Hearing him say that made you start to rock yourself back and forth on his thigh, the jeans material against your clit making the feeling in your stomach grow even more.
His hand started to make its way up your chest and stopped at the base of your throat. He looked at your face for any kind of discomfort and when he didn’t see any, so he applied some pressure and that did it for you. You didn’t even have any time to tell Joel before you were squirting all over his lap.
”Good fucking job baby, so fucking hot.” Joel said while lifting you off of him and laying you down on your back on the couch.
In one quick motion he had rid himself of his pants, underwear, shirt and where now on top of you with his cock lined up at your entrance.
”You want daddy’s cock baby?” He asked impatiently, he was clearly holding himself back.
”I need it so bad Daddy, my fingers can’t fill me up like you can!” you whined.
He started to push himself inside of you and you both let out a sigh of relief. ”How is it so fucking tight?” He asked mostly himself while he started to drive his cock in and out of you, touching your g-spot every time.
”Thank you so so so much” you cried out, already feeling a new orgasm building.
”So pretty and perfect for me,” Joel said putting his hand on your lower stomach and pressing down. ”Can you feel me baby? Feel how big I am?”
”I have to come daddy, please come in me!” You begged.
”Fuck sweetheart you can’t say shit like that, you’re going to kill me.”
You felt how Joel's thrust where getting sloppier and how he started to breathe heavier.
”Come on my cock honey, fucking coat me.” He said, and you did, you came with a cry and he filled you up right after, just like you begged him to.
Joel wrapped you in his arms while you both caught your breaths.
”Sorry I’ve been working so much,” Joel said kissing your temple.
” I'm happy you are here now at least” You whispered half asleep.
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gatoru · 2 years
confessions || megumi fushiguro x reader
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a/n: this took me forever, but i really liked how i experienced a new writing style for me with this, i hope you liked it, anon :)
wc: 1200
summary: idiots in love have to travel for a mission, and guess what? there was only one bed. (fluff, humour, reader has a personality, megumi-centric tbh)
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Yuuji burst out laughing before one of you could say anything. 
Of course he’d find it funny – who wouldn’t?
The pink haired boy had an amused look on his face, as well as Nobara – they looked like kids, visiting an amusement park for the first time in their lives. The kind of glow that could blind someone.
Megumi, on the other hand, looked absolutely mortified. 
“There must be a mistake.” Fushiguro insisted, midnight eyes looking at the receptionist, as if waiting for her to tell him that it was all a practical joke. It had been a tough day of chasing curses around, and he really wasn’t in the mood.
“It says so on our records. Your school booked three rooms for the night, but only one double, so…”
She doesn’t need to finish her sentence, and no one seems to have enough guts to complete it. 
Megumi feels like a child, thinking to himself that it’s not fair.
It wasn’t a problem that Nobara and Yuuji had rooms for themselves, no – but it would be quite challenging to share a room with you. Of course, Nobara denied your offer to pair up with her, and so did Yuuji when Megumi offered to pair up with him. 
They wanted to see him struggle so bad. 
It was a known fact that Fushiguro had a soft spot for you – except for the matter in question. The dark haired boy suspected that, at times, you couldn’t really understand your surroundings. All you seemed to have in your brain was sunshine and rainbows. Like you live on an entirely different planet. 
That’s actually what draws him to you: your laughter, your kindness, your charisma–
“Megumi, are you listening?” Your voice snaps him out of thoughts of you. 
“There must be a mistake, ma’am. I’m pretty sure it was a room with two beds.” Yuujii’s voice emphasized the word two, mimicking his friend’s words. The pink haired sorcerer held up two fingers, pushing the joke even further.
Nobara laughed – a genuine, open mouthed laugh. It was about damn time the universe decided it was time for you and Megumi to face your feelings. Itadori had a strong feeling that it wasn’t the universe, no – it was the strongest sorcerer, the honoured one who decided it would be funny to fuck with his students. 
And it was. 
“I’m sorry, you were saying?” A flushed looking Fushiguro asked, with eyes that screamed sincere apologies. 
“I was saying,” You start, motioning towards the almost-empty takeout box. “you can have the last dumpling if you want to.”
Megumi was astonished – his gaze fell on your face, and then on the last dumpling on the box – it almost felt like the food was judging him, giving him a side eye glance. The last thing he cared about was food, but he carried on. 
“Hey, no, no. Absolutely not. Are you kidding me?” He asks, eyebrows knitting together. “Leaving you hungry is the ultimate recipe for disaster.” 
His words earned an honest laugh from you, and you felt your heart growing bigger with warmth. You clicked your chopsticks towards the food, embracing his kind action – masked with a bit of sassiness, otherwise it wouldn’t be Megumi Fushiguro.
He loved when it was just the two of you, when he could allow himself to be his best self. The dark haired boy had a soft spot for you – which was a well known fact at Jujutsu High. Fushiguro grew tired of dodging questions from left to right in order to avoid spilling about his feelings, to which he’s very protective of – Megumi is nothing short of loving. 
“Are you uncomfortable?” You ask, after a brief moment of silence. “To share a bed with me? We can arrange something else, you know?”
The way you so lightly addressed the elephant in the room makes his heart skip a beat, and he silently appreciates it. You were always braver than him. 
“Um, no, no. I don’t think so. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He confesses, a wave of heat blooming on his pale cheeks. You smile at his actions, shortly after taking a sip of soda. Your feet are resting on the coffee table, takeout paper plates long discarded. Everything looks, feels domestic. Megumi feels like he’s about to combust. 
“Megumi,” The way you say his given name makes him crumble inside, face naturally moving closer to yours. “There’s nothing you can do to make me uncomfortable. You know that.” 
Ah, there it is, the thing he fears the most. 
The something he desperately clings to, the one thing he doesn’t want to give away so easily. The main thing you give to him so open-heartedly. You’re so kind, so soft, it leaves him confused. 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course I know.”
You chuckle at his lie. Megumi Fushiguro is a terrible, horrible liar. 
“Sometimes I feel like I make you uncomfortable, you know? It feels like you’re avoiding me, sometimes. Like you’re hiding something. I don’t know” You spill, looking at him – there’s not a single drop of venom in your words, just like he knows there isn’t a bad bone in your body. Maybe there is, but he doesn’t care. You could walk all over Megumi and he’d thank you for it. 
“I– God, no. No, of course not.” His heart is beating terribly fast in it’s cage. How could you think that? How could he make you think that? He’ll never, forgive himself, hell, he’ll never–
“That’s good to know, cause I actually like you a lot.”
Your words freeze in time, get lost in the air. All he can hear is your breathing, the soft humming coming from the cheap fridge in the corner of the motel room. You look angel-like under the soft yellow halo coming from the one lamp in the bedroom, and the feeling inside of him bursts. 
He’s tired – so, so tired of pretending he doesn’t have feelings for you. He wants to hold you in his arms and never let go, Megumi wants to protect you from the outside world. He desperately, selfishly needs to make you his. 
When words lack, actions speak. 
His body moves closer to yours – you feel dangerously calm, like this is one of those moments, the ones you carry inside of your heart for your whole life. Fushiguro slowly – awfully slowly – takes your face in his hands. Your big eyes looking up at him, with warmth and expectation.
Gently, he places a kiss on your lips. It’s so soft you barely feel it. And then another one – this one lasts longer, electrifying your whole body with its meaning. The third time he kiss you is when your teeths clash softly against each other, when he slides his tongue against yours after you give him a silent permission. 
You taste like day-old lipgloss and Cola. Megumi tastes faintly of chocolate and mint. It somehow goes together, like you’ve always belonged like this.
“I like you too, idiot.” He mumbles in between kisses, and you smile against his lips. 
He feels at peace, and so do you.
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
An ex-citing surprise
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc OC (codename: Blue) 💀💙
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WARNINGS: Mention of profanity, self harm scars, scars, fluff, panic attack, anxiety, medical inaccuracies and just getting the POV of our friendly neighbourhood masked menace.
Plot: Doctor Ruhari Hari Kaur (OC is South Asian ☺️) joins the 141 again, but this time as their doctor. After the betrayal of Shepherd and Graves, Task Force 141 begins their hunt on his whereabouts and locating Makarov.
PLEASE reblog and like! Hope folks are enjoying the series, I am building up characters and plots, cos I have a lot ideas and just been enjoying writing :D
Song inspo: Bleed it Out - Linkin Park, Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park
Word count: 4.3k
A/N: Flashbacks are getting messed up when I am indenting them and I am getting lots of errors when publishing the work, please bare with some mistakes and spelling issues.
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline... (Also I'm ignoring the OG Shepherd betrayal and keeping in line the one with the new timeline..)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
spelling and some grammar mistakes as I am bad at times... :/
(FYI: bold sentences... that are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Please do let me know how you all are finding this fanfic! :D
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11 and PART 12
Part 13
The birds had begun chirping, greeting the new day. The sun soon started to it's daily early ascent into glorious England in June.
Pollen is going to be high, hay fever season descends upon us all. You think to yourself, grabbing your phone and adding 'hay fever szn' to your adding list of things to be on the look out for whilst being the 141's doctor... and... team member?
Try not to push it, I gotta earn that spot You scold yourself, hitting your head against the pillow underneath; a soft beating.
You had been laying awake for about 20 minutes. Checking the time on your phone, 4:34am.
Might as well get started on the day
Rolling out of bed you then start with the first task, making the bed. A good soldier keeps things neat and tidy. The next task, shower. A cold shower to awaken your nerves.
Once you had showered, gotten ready, braided your long hair first into two french braids and then tying the two together with an hair band, you then had several swigs from your flask. hydrate hydrate hydrate
It was 5:39am, you leave your room and lock your door. You make your way down the stairs at a quick pace, you were nearly at the bottom, only to see the lieutenant descending down the last few steps.
Ghost turned around has heard the quickening steps approach from behind him. It was you, donning black fatigues, green top and black combat boots.
"Mornin' Doc" He said stepping aside to let you come down the final steps
"Morning Sir" You say "How are you?" He was donning his skull balaclava again today, his eyes covered with black paint.
"Good, slept well" He said, who started to walk out of the corridor of the building.
"The medicine worked, that's nice to hear" You respond "Any drowsiness currently?" You
Ghost looks down at you as you walk beside him. It knocked him out that he felt a little cautious
"Nothin' apart from the metallic taste" He replied
You nod "Squash will help"
Ghost nods back, he holds the door open for you and lets you walk ahead, his eyes linger over your back again, the tattoo of yours catching his eye again.
Get it together he snaps
"Trainin' this mornin', 10 minute sprint, basic strength assessment and maybe a bit of sniper trainin'" He says, hoping that'll perk you up a bit.
A smirk appears on your face. "Where do I sprint?" You ask
"On track, I'll time you" He brings out a stop watch that was wrapped around a small burgundy journal. Both of you head of the track, Ghost counts you down and you set off, Ghost keeps his eye on you, your form then glances to his stop watch. As you approach he watches your stern face focused on what is in front of you.
After ten minutes, he blows a whistle and you stop. He walks over to you and hands you your flask. You take a few sips, slowly catch your breathe.
Walking over to the gym, Ghost runs through the tests he wanted you to complete. The gym was partly empty, there were a few soldiers, mainly marines who were up and training, but most of them were commanders as they nodded and saluted Ghost. Ghost nodded back. You were struck with awe of the respect and reputation he garnered, along with Captain Price too.
First assessment was chin ups, how many can you do? Ghost had said to you.
You're gonna be so weak, taking in a deep inhale, you reach for the bar and using your core and arms you pull up, exhale, you felt your arms wobble. Eyes flickering over to Ghost who just held out his stopwatch and then glared at you hanging, feeling your face going red. You try again, and only managed 3 chin ups in total. Feeling so weak, you continue with the next set of commands given out by Ghost.
Ghost watched you struggle lifting the 5kg plate over your head, your legs shaking, knees locking every now and then and arms shaking.
In his notebook he scribbled lacking core strength amongst his other critiques. A small part of him felt he was being harsh, but he knew he had to treat you fairly, like everyone else. Especially since you were going to be coming along with missions so dangerous, he had to make sure you could handle yourself.
"Alrigh' that'll do" He says and watches you bring the weight plate down gently and placing it back where it came from. He sees you take a long swig of water, some of drips down your chin and splashes on your shirt on near your breast. Ghost scans your physique, you were fit, but clearly lackin' in strength.
His eyes go back to the dark patch made by the water droplet, just above your right breast... His eyes lingered too long, when he noticed your eyes narrowing at him, he flicked his eyes back to his notebook, feeling his cheeks become warm and blood rush to his ears. Focus
Is he actually staring at my boobs You think, glaring at him. But then you notice the wet patch on your shirt. That? Or the boobs?
"You were alrigh'" He said clearing his throat "Need work on strength trainin', what exercised you normally do?"
"Running, swimming and Taekwondo" You say. "But it's been a few months since I've done swimming and Taekwondo"
"Righ'" Ghost says, vaguely remembering you doing some sort of martial arts. His memories of you were so misplaced and broken.
"I'll work out a trainin' schedule for you" He adds "We got some martial arts classes, may want to join? After this mission we'll assess sparring" He continues
"Yes sir" You say taking in his assessment of you. Dammnit, you were weak, but there's always room to improve
"Sniper practise next" Ghost says and he walks in front of your to the practise shooting range. Ghost gets a sniper rifle and ammunition and hands it to you.
You head over to a spot and set yourself up. Out of all the guns you tried and used, sniper rifles were your favourite. After setting up, Ghost presses a remote with buttons on it, targets come up and you shoot them down. When reloading, you kept your eye in the scope as you reloaded your magazine.
Very well remembered Ghost thought
Soap had entered the shooting range, he saw Ghost who turned to look at him and nodded and turned back to someone who was shooting. Soap realised it was you. He walked to Ghost and stood by him as he also watched you.
"She's good" Soap says to Ghost
"Gettin' there" Ghost replies trying not to feed into Soap's eagerness
You've ran out of ammo, the targets were shot down. You get back up taking the sniper rile and empty magazines. Checking your watch, it was nearing 8am and you had to go to the infirmary soon, after another shower and changing. And breakfast of course.
"Morning Doc" Soap says
"Morning Soap" You say "You good?"
"Aye, all dandy here" He says smiling at you giving you that same grin when he caught you staring at his naked torso. You look away
Ghost felt stuck in between you and Soap. Soap was grinning like a fox at you and you were staring wide-eyed at the sniper rifle drumming you fingers against the barrel.
"I'm going to go clean this" You say lifting the rifle briefly and walking away.
Soap chuckles and looks at you as you walk away. Ghost figured out he was still teasing.
"What you doin' here Johnny?" Ghost grumbled
"Came to see how our new team member was doin'" Soap quirked, giving Ghost a grin.
Ghost scoffed at him. He looked over and saw you sat down on the benches, cleaning the rifle, like it was something you did everyday.
Soap came closer to him.
"You tell her yet Lt?" Soap whispered.
Ghost glared back down at Soap. Did Price rope him into this now?
"C'mon Lt, you can't leave it til it's too late" Soap said giving Ghost a pat on the arm.
"It's bit complicated Johnny" Ghost said, lowering his tone
"Maybe she needs some good news after Siberia eh?" Soap whispered quickly to Ghost
Looking at Johnny and taking in what he said, he became slightly agitated.
"Take my advice Lt" Soap said finally and patted him on the shoulder and went to the weapons locker to grab a gun for his own practise shooting.
Ghost walked over to you, focused on cleaning each part of the gun thoroughly, he watched your hands use the tools, cleaning each part of the rifle carefully.
"Good effort today Doc" He said finally, you look up and smile
"Just need to work on getting better sir" You say looking back down at the barrel in your hands, polishing it with your cloth.
"I'll email over a schedule before the mission tomorrow" He said
"Thank you sir" You focus remained on the gun.
Ghost felt his right hand twitch, his arm trying to move up to his head. He fought off the urge to try and reveal himself here...
The sudden click of you sliding the barrel back brought him back to reality. He was drawn to your gaze, you look back down at the reassembled sniper rifle.
"I'll be heading back if that's good sir?" You ask
"'Course Doc" He replied and watched you get back up, sliding the sniper rifle over your shoulder, it was a motion you did so casually, you've done it before. You've been here before.
"Come by between 10-12 for your blood pressure check lieutenant" You said, trying not to sound too commanding.
"Yes Doc" He says, he gets up and looks down at you stepping back as you walk to put the rifle away. He sees Soap grin at you again as you leave.
Ghost looks back down at his notebook in his hand and opens it up scanning the list of things he noticed you lacked and needed improvement on.
Soap comes over to him after shooting a few rounds.
"What's goin' on between those gears Lt?" Soap says sitting on the bench.
Ghost backed up a bit.
"Nothin' Johnny" he grunted to which Soap gave him a look that called his bluff and scoffed.
"Yer right" Soap responded "C'mon Lt, what's the worse that can happen?" he added extending his leg to attempting to tap Ghost, but he moved away and sat on the bench opposite Soap and looked around, no one was within earshot.
Soap watched has Ghost scanned with his painted blue eyes the area around him.
"What if she goes-" He trails off and then looks directly at Soap "-gets angry? he finishes
"I doubt it Lt" Soap begins, leaning closer to him "You have yer reasons Simon, she a nice lass, she'll understand" He added smiling towards him, Soap noticed Ghost narrow his eyes and scoffed slightly.
It was the first time in a long time that someone other than Price said his name. He hung his head down briefly and then looked up.
"One can hope eh Johnny?" Ghost responded "We got stuff to do before we leave tomorrow, need to see Doc about somethin' at 11, let's get movin' then" He added getting up, Soap follows him as they leave.
Mean while in the infirmary
It was 9:30am and you sat at your desk unsure of what next to do. Reports were done so far for the team, it's not like you could have a proper in-depth review with them the day before a crucial mission.
'Hey, mind if I draw some blood to further analyse if you have any health issues which seem super trivial to you?' You mutter to yourself in a high-pitched mocking tone. As you twirl yourself around in the chair.
The was a rapid knock on your door, you stopped the spinning motion with your left food and quickly got up and opened the door.
It was Price
"Mornin' Hari" He said smiling
"Morning Captain" You say, moving away from the doorway and letting him walk in, you close the door
"How was training with lieutenant Ghost?" Price said turning back to you, watching as you take your seat and Price sits on the other side of the desk.
"Good, well- don't think I did well in the fitness assessment bit" You sigh leaning back in your chair, but then straightened up a bit, not sure how casual you could be...
"Always room for improvement" Price said chuckling leaning forward.
You sense that Price had an ulterior motive, Siberia...
"Are you here to ask about Siberia sir?" You ask, getting straight to the point, tilting your head back
"Came to ask how would you feel about going back?" Price said, also cutting to the chase. "Laswell wants us to do a recovery mission" He adds
"Shouldn't we be more concerned with tomorrow's mission Cap?" You retort
Going back huh? You wonder
Price leans back, smiling slightly.
"Of course, but you up for it?" Price asks again
"Once you and lieutenant Ghost are happy with my training, then yes." You say bluntly. You weren't going back unless you were at a competent level of being able to look after yourself in that harsh environment again.
"That's the plan" Price chuffed, his objective completed with ease.
"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" You ask "Or is that classified?" you added smirking slightly
"4am" Price said looking out the window, blue skies over base, the distant fields feeling
"Come by my office this evening at 6, we're havin' a pre-mission gathering, tea and biscuits" Price chuffed looking back at you.
"Of course sir" You nod back at him smiling.
After a brief conversation of mission details and what your job was (standby during end of mission for injuries during when they are RTB) Price left the infirmary leaving you alone again. You checked the reports on your laptop again. You click onto Ghost's report.
Much of his personal information was redacted. But you knew his age was 34, which meant he was born in 1988. You hesitated putting this information into the report. Price had told you that Ghost's identity is a secret for a reason.
You went through the other reports for Gaz, Soap and Price. Adding in your notebook things you needed to do, blood tests was one thing.
Sitting back in your chair again, you spin around, enjoying the motion tilting your head back. You stop and then go back to your laptop, after placing an order through the RAMC pharmacy for more hay fever tablets, you lean back in the chair again.
Siberia. Siberia. Your mind wonders back the frozen place.
"Get the disk and get out Blue" echos in your head again, you shake your head and run your left hand through your hair. It was still braided, bringing your right hand up, unravelling both braids, you comb your hair roughly with your hands.
There was a knock at the door, you couldn't be bothered to get up so you simply shouted 'Come in' to the person on the other side. You looked up and saw Ghost opening the door, his entire stature taking up the doorway.
"Alrigh' Doc?" He lets out, breathing heavily, almost like he ran up here.
"I'm good, you okay?" You ask curiously looking at him as you observe his chest heaving.
"Yeah, just jogged here" He said leaning on the med bed whilst you remained seated.
"You can sit back on the bed if you need a breather sir" You suggest
Ghost looks up you, trying to catch his breathe. He doesn't move, continuing to lean slightly back on the bed behind him. It was the nerves and the damn talking Soap was doing whilst they checked their equipment that got him rattled, and you. He felt his chest get tighter, he breathed in but the air didn't help, he could feel his hands tremble against the cold railing. He turned around facing away from you.
You noticed the change in his body straight away, you got up and moved closer to him.
"Lieutenant what's wrong?" You ask, you grab your stethoscope, as you get closer Ghost moves further away, grabbing the railing of the bed for support, his legs tremble. You watch carefully has be bends over, his right hand moving, clutching his chest.
"Let me just che-" You move to him grabbing his shoulder with your left hand but his right hand quickly grabs it, pulling you away from him, his hold on your arm becomes tight, you feel like he was trying to crush the bones within. You didn't wince at the pain.
"Get away" He rasps head bent down trying to control his breathing, pins and needles running up his legs. He could feel the bone beneath as he gripped your flesh.
You narrow your eyes, you stay in the same place, planting your feet on ground, unsure if he was going to swing at you...
"Do you have pain in your left arm?" You ask, his grip on your arms loosens, you pull it back, the gripping sensation tingling lingers.
"No" Ghost let out. "Jus-t- pani-c att-ack" he stifles, struggling to get the actual words out, bending further over the med bed.
You move behind, a few paces back giving him room to move.
"Get up on the bed sir" You say
"Can't legs froz'n" He spat, just then he grabbed the curtain with his left hand and tried to pull it around him, but it only moved slightly. You wanted to laugh at the attempt, but taking it as a sign that he wanted a bit of privacy, you walk over and close the curtain surrounding the bed, Ghost watches, he tilts his head to the side, there's a small gap left and you turn, your back now facing him again.
"I'm going to walk you through what to do sir" You start, standing behind the curtain.
"Okay" He rasps again watching your back from the corner of his eyes.
"Breathe in through your nose for four and hold for four" You add, loudly breathing in from your own nose, hoping he'll follow.
Ghost yanks up his mask and follows, breathing in steadily through the nose, holding for four, and then back out slowly for four. He listens as you do the same.
"Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out for four" You say calmly, demonstrating by loudly breathing in again.
Ghost closes his eyes, and breathes in for four. He could feel his heart slow down, the pain in his chest subdue. He looks back at you, still there with your back turned, but then you walk away.
No He thought Don't leave me like this
He hears you walk around the infirmary, then the bubbling of the water cooler, and your footsteps approach. He turns, mask half up still, he felt his heart stumble. Through the gap of the curtain comes your arm, your hand holding a cup of water. He felt a warm iciness shred through him.
"Here, take slow sips" You say.
Ghost reaches out and takes the cup, moving closer to the curtain, where you stood on the other side. He takes a small sip from the cup, letting the water pass down him, whilst moving his feet slightly.
You could hear him take small sips, struggling a bit between to take calm breathes. In these situations saying things like don't worry and think happy thoughts felt useless. What personally helped was taking back control of one thing that one thing that makes us
"Need more water?" You ask through the curtain
Through the gap, Ghost's arm appeared, his bare hand holding the empty cup. You take it from him and refilling it and then head back, you put your hand through the gap, this time peaking inside.
You see Ghost standing, leaning back against the med bed. With a quick glance to his face, his fingers were rubbing against bare nose, there was a bit of black paint on his pointed and sharp nose, glancing down at the stubble lining his jaw, you spot the mole on his jugular. His eyes dart to yours and quickly pulls his mask down walking towards your outstretched left arm.
Ghost takes the cup from your grasp with his left hand, with his right he gently takes ahold of your arm. You try to retract your arm, but Ghost lightly grips the same spot, you wince slightly this time.
"I need to check you lieutenant" You slyly say looking at him, he looks back and doesn't respond, just giving you daggers with his blue eyes.
Setting the cup on the empty spot of the tray he lifts the sleeve of your white coat. He sees his red handprint on the top of your forearm, his turns your arm over, on the other side he sees white horizontal scars faintly scattered on your arm, his also sees his fingers marked in red. It'll form into a bruise he thought
Guilt was riling up in him again. He looked up at you, remaining stoic.
"It just needs some ice, not even that" You pulling your hand back to you. Ghost watches as you pull away from him, no anger coming from you, you smile slightly at him.
"You feeling okay?" You ask, face now shifting to concern.
"Alrigh'" He grumbled. He couldn't get the words out to say his was sorry. He couldn't get the words out that said sorry for grabbing you. He was at a loss when he was with you.
You pull back the curtain and you watch as Ghost sits up on the bed, taking his black sweater off, revealing a think black t-shirt. You could see the outline of his shoulder muscles and the name tags underneath the thin black layer.
"Check you blood pressure then if it's okay to check your heart and breathing?" you say motioning with to your stethoscope around your neck.
"Yeah" Ghost says as you bring the blood pressure machine next to him. As you wrap the cuff around this left arm your cold hand brushes against his skin.
Taking the reading again, 132/80.
You frown and look up at him.
"Still high then?" He asks looking at you and then at the flashing numbers
"Given you had a panic attack, there would be a spike in blood pressure" You say "But it's lower than yesterday" You add smiling at him.
Ghost watches as you get up head to your desk, writing in on a post it and then sticking it in your journal.
"I'm sorry doc" Ghost said "Abou' your arm, didn' mean to hurt you" he added looking at you as you look up.
"Don't worry, it's not broken" You say smiling. You look at Ghost and he looks back down, his shoulders hunched over
Perhaps some tea will help? You wonder
"Would you fanc-" You start, Ghost looks up at you as you begin to ask him something, but there was loud knocking on the door both of you look at the door, you roll your eyes and get off the chair.
"Just a minute" You call out looking at the door and then back at Ghost.
"I should get goin'" He said, putting his sweater on and getting up from the med bed. He looks over at you, your mouth open, as if you wanted to say something, but the person behind the door was knocking again.
"Wait one sec" You say then scrunching your face towards the door, you open the door and there stood a tall blonde haired woman wearing the same blue scrubs and white coat. Looking at the face of the woman standing in front of you your jaw dropped.
"Hey girly girl!" The woman said, slight Texan accent, brightly smiling and shaking her blonde hair that reached the edge of her jaw.
Your ex.
"What the fuck" You exclaim loudly
Ghost was surprised by the harshness in which you swore. He took a step forward to see who was at the door. A woman with blonde hair wearing the same clothes as you. His eyes met hers. She looked at him and smiled.
"Sorry, I'll come back later Ru" She said smiling at you and then at Ghost
"Dr Marie, it's Dr Kaur" You snap
"Dr Marie?!" She snorts "Jeez I'm your ex not your oncologist" She laughs
Ghost took in the words your ex...
This is her... He thinks scanning her
"Not now Peyton, I'm working" You snap back shoving her away from the door with your hands. Peyton laughs and walks away as you close the door. You lean back against the door sighing, hitting your head against the door.
"That is.." Ghost starts looking at you, crossing his arms across his chest.
"The succubus that is my ex" You say meeting your eyes with his.
He tried to suppress a snort. But ended doing snort/scoff out of his nose. He walks closer to you.
"Guessin' you didn't know she works here?" He asks only a few steps away from you now
"Knew she worked with RAMC, but didn't know it was this base" You say bitterly scrunching your nose whilst looking at Ghost.
"Hmm" Ghost said, continuing to look down at you.
You move aside and open the door slightly, allowing the lieutenant to leave. But he doesn't move. You close the door again, savouring the moment between the two of you.
"Sure it ain't broken" he says motioning towards your arm. You look back him, bringing your left arm and give him a jazz hand.
"It'll just bruise" You say "Don't worry about it" You add smiling at him.
He looks down cautiously at you. He hurt you and you are trying to be brave about it.
"Ain't lyin' to me doc?" He asks, stepping closer to you, towering over you.
You straighten up, lifting your head up curtly and tilting it to the side.
"No, but you owe me cup of tea" You say smirking testing the ground, trying to be playful with him.
"Owe you a Yorkshire Tea" He says nodding at you, Ghost heads to the door and you open it for him, watching as you smile at him. Leaving the infirmary he watches as you close the door.
Down the corridor he sees the same blonde woman, leaning against the door of your quarters. She looks at him and gets up walking up to him.
"She free now?" She asks him pointing to the door of the infirmary
"Yeah" Ghost grunts, looking down at the woman in front, she had a grin like a cheshire cat on her face.
"Wonderful" She grins, her blue eyes boring into his, he watches as she opens the door and walks in
"Oh piss off-" You moan aloud from the inside and then the door closes, Ghost walks closer to the door trying to listen in. All he could hear was muffled bickering and then some laughing. He sighed and walked away.
He walked down to his room and let himself in. Looking down at his right hand, he gripped it tightly.
How fuckin' stupid was I to grab her he scolded to himself kicking the leg of his desk as he walked to the bathroom.
But what was more interesting was the return of your ex. Ghost takes off his mask and looks at himself in the bathroom mirror, then grabs his bar of soap.
Soap'll be happy to hear about this He thinks to himself as he washes off the black paint off his eyes. Simon then dried his face, and put a bit of moisturiser on and headed to his bed where he laid down.
Looks like I have a bit of competition Simon thought to himself and then sunk his head in the pillow.
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gearsandbranches · 4 months
Why am I here? It´s storytime
Today I want to write about something different. About something personal. About the reason this blog exists and why I´ve created it in the first place. About nature and love and anger and hope.
In 2020, the profile picture of this blog was taken:
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It was taken on a solo hike through Sweden, a hike that didn´t go as planned from the beginning, but couldn´t possibly have been more impactful and fantastic and marvellous than it was.
I wanted to follow the Southern Kungsleden, a hiking path from the southernmost mountain ranges in Sweden northwards. I had planned this meticulously, every single day, every grocery store availiable (there were three spread out over the 18 day hike), every ecological zone I would be in, every possible spot to spend the night. And I got stopped in my tracks on day two, because I landed in the middle of snowmelt and bad weather and it just wasn´t doable, even less so alone. I had to reconsider, get out of there, back to safety, and plan again. And when I set out on the second part of that adventure, after a few chaotic days, my planning consisted only of a biking map in a way too big scale to be of any use, the actual map, diverted into 10 pdf´s on my phone, and a vague scrolling through a few travelling blogs.
The second hike was the Siljansleden, a hiking path around one of the biggest lakes in Sweden (but when they say "around", it means, 30 kilometers away from it and then back in a biiig sweep). It was me, alone, in deep forest, populated by moose, wolves, bears, wolverines, lynxes, and many other things that hikers are afraid of. But you still have to sleep somehow, so you have to find your peace with that. And I did it by seeing myself as just one more creature of that forest going about my business. Trying not to bother anyone. Trying not to get into anyones way. Just one of the many beings roaming the vast forests, not to disturb and not to be disturbed. I slept in a tent in the middle of the forest, and in the depth of night, when nothing was to be heard but the whistle of the wind in the trees, when the bright midsummer night spread a soft, shadowless light around, I felt safe, calm and deeply at peace.
And so I went on, for 2 weeks, alone with the forest except for 2 stops in small towns where I stocked up on food and rest. Just me and the forest and the occasional chat with a friendly stranger. I encountered animals of different kinds (including a lynx, that was magical, but to be alone with a cat whose head is almost as big as yours at 2,5 meters distance in the middle of the night is, let´s say, INTENSE). I had good and bad and fantastic days, and while I wouldn´t necessarily say that hiking alone in the wilderness is an easy life, it is a simple one: stay warm, stay fed, stay hydrated, stay dry, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. During those two weeks, I turned from a stranger and a visitor in the forest to someone who was at home there. Coming back to civilization afterwards was shocking and jarring, as dramatic as that sounds. I had to walk along a road to the campground in the town of my destination, it was 1,5 kilometres and it almost drove me to tears. The asphalt was too hard and too hot, the sun getting reflected off of it weirdly, the road wasn´t even super busy, but the cars where so loud and it was just TOO MUCH! Was that really meant for us humans to live in? Why? It took a long time to get used to it again, and I never did the way I was before. I also never step into a forest in the same way I did before. Even though I don´t think I could immediately sleep as calmy out in the forest as I did then, the feeling of being at home there still echoes. I know it´s possible. I know what it feels like, to just be one more creature of the forest, to be embraced by it. I know if I went back for a few days, I would feel the same simplicity and joy and peace again. Now, imagine what it feels like when that forest is cut down.
There was a strip of forest that was a former nature reservation close to where I live. Ten acres of it got cut down last year to built a bigger road with three roundabouts. I´ve known this patch of forest. I biked on a trail in it back from work. I´ve explored it with skis and by foot and collected mushrooms there. It was beautiful and it was erased for a stupid road project that won´t solve any of the problems it´s being built for, because bigger roads have seldomly led to less traffic, quite the opposite. We protested, we talked with the city government, we screamed and begged, but it still happened. Our local community then met up after the forest was cleared, to celebrate our activism if nothing else, to mourn together and to find comfort in community. I went there and I saw the destruction and I was FURIOUS! I´m normally a positive, peaceful person, but that made me just BURN with anger. I wanted to DO something, SCREAM at someone, throw a molotov cocktail into the office of the municipality and watch it burn, just as they had watched that forest fall without feeling anything. Quite possibly without knowing what they had destroyed, because they had never been in or with the forest in the same way. I was so incredibly angry and I wanted SOMEONE who was responsible for this to hurt as much as I did. And then I started to collect cones. Because more destruction wouldn´t lead anywhere and because I wouldn´t change anything by being sued for vandalism. It wouldn´t make anything better. But I collected cones and dried them and put the seeds in one of the planting pots on my balcony. And now I wait and hope that they´ll grow in the spring and that I will find a safe place for them to grow big. The trees that were growing in that spot are gone, but maybe their offspring will have a chance.
I still struggle with that anger. It makes me hateful and cruel and I think about spitting that hatred into the faces of every person responsible for environmental destruction. But I start to understand that this anger is not leading anywhere good. My mom once told me a proverb that says "holding a grudge is like poisoning yourself and hoping the other person dies". Being angry won´t lead anywhere and throwing that anger at the immovable wall that is world politics is only going to leave me drained and depressed. So I try to put my energy somewhere else. Planting trees. Working together with the local activist group. Finishing my studies and working for a better future. I still get angry. But I will try to channel it in a different way. Like writing a blog post about it and trying to update more often to spread the knowledge I gained at university and elsewhere.
Thank you for reading this far and I hope you have a wonderful day!
(PS: if by any chance (which is close to 0) that story about the hike sounded familiar, I do have a side blog where I wrote about it before, named @theopeneye)
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niennawept · 2 months
Okay - this one is a little wild so forgive me. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it, lest I snap and start writing it. [Not Written Yet Fics]
So this came to me when I was thinking about how Eol is a kinsman of Thingol and how Thingol does seem to have a soft spot for children in need.
I will warn you before going on that this does feature more nuanced headcanons about Eol than are widely popular in the fandom. If you would rather not read that - I don't blame you. My reading is based on the idea that the Silm narrative was written by Pengolodh and he's ... not unbiased given the Fall of Gondolin.
The only abuse here is restricting people's freedom to leave Nan Elmoth. Aredhel and Eol married each other without any form of coercion on his part (but they are in a freaky magic forest that likes to play matchmaker). It was way too hasty - they had a kid to try to save the marriage and we all know that doesn't end well. It was just a bad match. They wanted different things out of life and over time, Eol subtly got worse and worse about his terror of the outside world. His insistence that they do not leave because it is not safe. People are out to get them et cetera.
I feel like that needed saying before I go on - or the rest might not make sense.
So Aredhel and Maeglin go to Doriath because at some point in their marriage Aredhel told Eol enough about Gondolin that he figured out its location.
She worries that if they fled that way, he'd find them and bring them back.
Maeglin is still not fully grown. He doesn't have great fondness for sunlight either.
He's a little scrawny and pale and he's never played with other children - but after a rocky patch, he does find a niche with the rest of the Doriathrim.
He is a bit disappointed that he doesn't get to see the famed city of Gondolin (or at least, as famous as it is in his little mind) and "Uncle" Thingol does not seem as cool as the Uncle Turgon he was promised, but he does dote on the boy.
He still makes friends with the dwarves. His father taught him to respect them and although he doesn't completely understand everything his father did - that doesn't seem like a bad thing
Aredhel has a more difficult adjustment. She's a Noldo and she's on thin ice for her family's role in the kinslaying. It's fair to say she's tolerated rather than embraced.
Kinship rites among the Sindar dictate that she be treated like the King's "niece" - but it's very strained.
Meanwhile in Gondolin, Eol is captured trying to enter the valley and put to stern questioning. When they learn of the way he kept Aredhel from leaving, he's thrown into a prison cell.
(he receives a court order for mandatory counseling, since he doesn't seem to get what he did wrong)
A short while later, Galadriel returns and her presence eases some of that tension. Her close relationship with Melian sheds some light on the whole Nan Elmoth situation.
Aredhel learns of the ancient magic there that draws people together - often in ways that even Melian does not understand.
Maeglin grows up. Aredhel dons hunting leathers for the first time in many years and walks in the forest with Beleg and Mablung and Nellas. For a time, they are all content
Then disaster child Turin turns up and Maeglin feels a strange kind of kinship with the boy. He aids him how he can, even giving him a weapon he forged. (when has that ever gone wrong?)
Maeglin gets a front row seat to a "there but for the grace of the Valar go I" situation when everything with Turin goes south.
We check in on Eol - he's ... better. Taking him out of Nan Elmoth seems to have cleared his mind a bit. He still doesn't like the Noldor, doubly so since they're holding him in Gondolin, but he's earned his way out of prison. (He's still closely watched - out on parole)
Then the -uh-Nauglamír situation happens and Maeglin leaves without fighting anyone - dwarf or elf. That won't right the situation with the Silmaril and it won't bring Thingol back.
Aredhel is loathe to leave the marchwardens to deal with this - but Maeglin is still her kid, so she chooses to go with him - but it's a difficult decision.
That's about as far as I've gotten. I do think there's some kind of reunion (Maeglin and Aredhel with Eol) but I don't see them being a big happy family so much as people who have ties to each other and who are trying to sort through what went wrong years ago.
I think it ends on a hopeful note. Not everything is forgiven. Nothing is forgotten, but maybe they can coexist.
Like I said, it's messy (partially because it's a little autobiographical in places, there's a reason I feel so badly for Maeglin) - but I think about it from time to time.
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writteninthesewalls28 · 4 months
Love forever and always
A/n: This work is published as a part of the "be my valentine challenge" for the day one prompt. It is based on an old story I wrote but never published because it simply wasn´t good enough. now that I rewrote it for this challenge, it turned out pretty good!
Summary: Charlie (Reader) has published a Romance novel and is Niall Horans wife. Charlie wins an award and holds a speech.
Warnings: none
"And the winner of book of the year is…." He wouldn´t say my name anyways. "Charlotte Kings!"
Everyone around me suddenly jumped up. My mom, my dad, my best friend Taylor, her parents, my husband Niall. What was happening?
"Charlie you won!!!" Niall screamed into my ear. The moderator called out my name? I won? No way. I made the most shocked and confused face the world had ever seen. But I just absolutely couldn´t believe it. There was no way I just won this award.
I had been writing this novel for over 10 years now, but not a single publisher would take it. Niall was the only one cheering me on to fulfill my childhood dream and just- well. Publish it myself.
And so I finally did, after another 3 years of waiting for the right moment. First, there had been the wedding. Then Taylor had this massive break up with Joe. It just didn´t felt right.
But this year? This year was my time.
And now, I won book of the year. Wasn´t it crazy how quickly things can change?
"You have to go to the stage!" Taylor shouted and grabbed my arm to push me forward.
I forgot my whole speech.
Don´t panic, Charlie, you were a good improvisor, I told myself, trying to keep my nerves together.
My emerald green dress, fitting to my black hair and dark teint, was a little too long, so I nearly fell on the stairs to the stage.
"Congratulations" the man, who held the award in his hands, said to me and placed the golden award in form of an open book in my hands. "You deserve it."
He walked me to the microphone. Oh no, what should I say?
I had written this long and beautiful speech together with Niall, two days before we arrived here in London. And now, I forgot all of it, what a shame.
I nervously looked around and spotted Niall in the crowd, looking at me with a proud smile in his face, he knew how much this means to me.
What he didn´t knew, was that my favorite character Theodore in my book was actually him. Or, at least what he is like. Funny, soft, caring, kind, loyal, supportive, the best man you could ever imagine.
"Thank you so much for this." I said, pointing at the award in my hands. I heard lots of applause and screaming from the audience. Where that fans of mine, in the back of the room? "The world is so full with crime, murder, and war that I sometimes even wonder how we all can still even exist on this planet. Sometimes it looks like, there are more bad and evil people living than good ones. And then you just feel like dying and leaving this place behind. But poetry, love, romance. That´s what we stay alive for." Why were these stupid tears coming to my eyes right now? "And I am so lucky to have that in my life. My parents give me unconditional love."  I said, looking down at them, seeing that my dad has to hug mom because she is crying so bad. They were so proud of me. "Taylor, my best friend gives me poetry to listen to through her incredible music." I gave her a little smile and she made a heart with her two hands. "And, last but definitely not least, my husband gives me all of this combined, poetry, romance and love. Thank you." I laughed a little and shyly waved at him. He had tears in his eyes, he had actual tears in his eyes. "And thanks to my amazing readers, I got the chance to share my love, poetry and romance through my characters with the world. Thanks to you lot, at the very end of the room, yes, I can see you! I got to write this book and share my story full with love with the world and hopefully make life a little more enjoyable that way." I sniffled, my own tears ran down my cheeks. It was time to get off this stage. "And I really want to thank you for that. You are the best." Were my final words before I walked off the stage, back to my family and friends, who all wrapped me in a big hug together.
"No need to make us cry like that, though." Taylor said, smiling at me.
"Yeah, exactly. I really hate you. The whole world now knows how I look when I cry." Niall added and hugged me again.
Oh, how proud I was to be here and hold this award in my hand.
I really have the best people in my life.
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errantknightess · 2 years
Ship: Noctis/Prompto || Words: 677 || First kiss, mutual pining
Prompt: Wardrobe malfunction
[Read on AO3]
The weather outside is frightful.
Prompto sputters as a sudden gust of wind blows the swirling snowflakes straight into his mouth. It hadn’t been snowing this hard when he left the house, but now as he follows Noct up the stairs out of the subway tunnel, the pesky white immediately finds its way into every nook and cranny that isn’t protected by his hat or scarf.
“Dude, we’re gonna freeze before we get to the arcade!”
“I didn’t expect it to get this bad.” Noct gives him a guilty glance, blinking the icy droplets off his eyelashes. The tiny stars that cling to his wispy bangs make him look even more ethereal than usually. “Sorry for dragging you out here.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” Prompto says quickly. He’s already feeling so much warmer. “You’ve been cooped up way too long with all that princely paperwork. I totally get it, I’d be itching to get out too.”
Noct shakes his head, dislodging some of the snow that has piled up on his beanie. “Yeah, but... Maybe we should have just stayed at my place.”
Prompto thinks about it – imagines the two of them nestled up on the couch, braving the snowstorm with two cups of hot cocoa and a single blanket. Probably watching a movie, accidentally meeting hands in their shared bowl of popcorn. And then falling asleep with Noct slumped against him, soft dark hair tickling Prompto’s cheek as his best friend’s head slips from his shoulder onto his chest.
It’s too risky.
It makes his traitor heart beat too fast and his dumb crush bubble up dangerously close to the surface. Out here, at least his secret is safe. The tell-tale flush in his cheeks can be easily chalked up to the chill, and there are enough thick layers of clothes between them to keep his thoughts sober.
“Don”t worry about it,” Prompto says out loud. “I’ll be fine! Just gotta bundle up a little.”
He tugs at the zipper of his jacket, but instead of pulling it up, his hand meets an unexpected resistance. “Ah, crap.”
“What’s wrong?” Noct asks, and the immediate concern in his voice makes Prompto melt a bit.
“My scarf got caught in my zipper,” Prompto sighs. It’s a nice scarf, too, the fluffiest and warmest one he owns. He’s been so careful to make sure it lasts him a good while. And now both the scarf and the zipper are gonna be ruined. What a waste.
“Let me see.” Noct steps closer and gently bats Prompto’s hands away from the collar. His breath comes out in white puffs that fade on Prompto’s face as he gently starts to pick at the wool strands. Prompto stares at him cross-eyed down his nose, quietly committing to memory every time Noct’s knuckles brush against his jaw.
Noct is always doing this kind of things without thinking. Without even realizing how much it’s killing him.
So much for safe.
“There,” Noctis says, after what feels like an eternity, and far too soon. He pulls at the zipper, which moves freely again – nicking Prompto in the lip before he thinks to lift his head.
“Shit.” Noct lets go of the zipper, his eyes round with alarm. “Sorry! You okay?”
“Yeah,” Prompto whimpers, and carefully tries his lip with the tip of his tongue. The freezing air makes it sting more than it probably would, but he doesn’t taste blood, so it can’t be that bad. Still, he doesn’t protest when Noct presses his thumb to the sore spot, tracing it with a soft, warm touch.
And then, he covers it with his own lips, and it dawns on Prompto that maybe all this time Noct has known exactly what he’s been doing, and what it was doing to him.
“All good?” Noct whispers into the small space when they finally part.
“Best I’ve ever been.” Prompto grins, wide and incredulous. It tugs at the cut and makes it prickle again, but he couldn’t care less now.
He just leans back in to kiss it better.
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
[💜🧡2k3 MikeyDon]
“Sorry I didn’t warn you that I sleepwalk. Didn’t mean to become your sleep paralysis demon.”
| Muse interaction
Mikey? Yeah he was openly physically affectionate in and out of relationships. Especially compared to his brothers physical touch was just how he gave and loved to be given love. Especially when it came to Donnie. He liked when they would gently pat the top of his head, it always gave him the smallest of a rush. Of uhh serotonin? Ha yeah that's it. Seems spending time around Don was a good thing for his brain since he hung on any word that left his brothers beak.
Especially since Don had a bad habit of staying cooped up in his lab all day long if able. Why Mikey savored when Donnie would cave in to the begging and sleep in his bed with him. Was also the only times Mikey made sure his room was clean. He's not sure if there was colleration but he had a hunch that Don more perfered not having crumbs or comic books all over the bed. For someone who sleeps at thier work bench so much seemed a tad picky. But hey Mikey was willing to put up with it.
Anything for Donatello, after all. Besides, if it might getting to have his partner next to him in bed. It was a fair trade-off for a chore here and there. Mikey was slightly thinking this all over to himself as he was in the middle spot if being asleep and awake. Snoozing as his body rested but his brain was still sort of in a thinking mode. The lair seemed quite woth no one up and about. Outside klunk he could kind of tell the cat was roaming around in the room right now. Mikey turned in his sleep expecting his arm to land over Don but only met the soft plush of his mattress. Not waiting to wake up but too disappointed by the lack of Don beside him. Je finally let's skt blue eyes part.
His vision a little blurry at first it didn't take long to adjust to the darkness of his room at least but he still hummed over the fact there wasn't anyone of his left. Beak tugging down into a pout as he rub at his eyes. Helping to clear his vision once he blinked a few times. Finding his theory to be right.
"You whore!" Mikey exclaimed as he slammed his hand to the bed.
Expecting that Don had snuck out of the room to go back to the lab. Mikey rolled out his bed already grumbling over the fact he went to all the effort to make his room suitable for his partner only for Donatello to pull this on him. He looked around for a moment before snagging one of his comics off the floor to roll up. Giving his poor Spider issue 12 a kiss to ask for forgiveness the ink and paper. Before he charged out of his bed room. Oh Raphael might be the walking bad mood but Mikey was ready to show he could be just as upset. Well okay maybe not on Raph's level but he was still pretty damn steamed here. "Oh I swear I'm gonna-ahh!"
Any anger Mikey had harboring in his system at the time was quickly extinguished at the sight of another form just outside his room. He felt his heart racing at the shadowy figure. What was it foot ninja? Maybe another mutant? A fucking demon even! Look they run into a lot of shit nothing turly surpised Mikey anymore but fuck did it fuel his fears. Least he bothered to react as he swung his arm and smacked what or whoever it was with his rolled up comic. The voice that reacted was confused and slightly disoriented but familiar.
Mikey slowly peeked an eye open when he hears the sound. "Don?" Sure enough it seemed to be the very turtle he was looking for. Miking fixed his expression into clear annoyance now still minding to keep his voice low enough as he speaks up suddenly. "What the hell are you doing! Trying to take years of my life! I thought you were a fucking demon!"
“Sorry I didn’t warn you that I sleepwalk. Didn’t mean to become your sleep paralysis demon.”
Mikey was not impressed if that was meant to be funny. He moved to cross his arms over the front of his plastron. Don did look like he had just woken up, though, from how he seemed to be adjusting to the dark. Offering Mikeu the soft smile of his. "Don I swear if I gotta start tying you to the damn bed I will." He threatened slightly there's a faint hint that he isn't kidding here. "I'm missing out on a soil eight hours of Don cuddles here!" Turly a crisis to Mikey, though in his little dramric remark he was voicing a need of his own her towards his brother. Sure sure Mikey knows Don can't control that he sleep walks. "Jeez even in your sleep ya can't rest? Worse when you got me to be cuddly with?" Mikeys disappointment is clear here even if he's being dramtic over the whole ordeal. Reaching over to grab at his brothers hand the other pointing a finger into thier face.
"When I say I don't want you to get what do you say dove?" Mikey waits giving Donatello a chance to answer the question. Mikey simply takes hold of thier chin to move thier lower beak. "Mikey doesn't want me to get up." He tries and mocks thier voice before smiling and moving to gently pat the side of Don's face. "Good boy." He teases a little before tugging Donnie with him and dragging him back to bed.
"Seriously though Don you got me worried." Mikey points out "bad enough you lock up in your lab where I can't give you all my love and affection mind you. Also you go days with out rest and when you do you ditch me! And walk.around the lair!! I wouldn't be surpised if you work on you sleep dude!"
Mikey went on to express his worries towards his brother it really was a worry how poorly Don took care of himself after all. Running as if he were machine himself. Mikey sighs heavily before reaching his bed where he tugs against Don again letting fall back on to his bed. Crawling on next as he moves to rest over them. "I won't tie you tonight but I'm still making you stay put got it your punishment is staying in bed till I decide I'm ready to wake up."
Clearly a very cruel punishment for Donatello. Well, considering they were a workaholic, it hinestly could be. Mikey soon let gravity do its job as he flops on top of his brother. Slightly shift around till he finds himself comfortable. Head resting against Don's plastron and arms snaking to curl around their sides. Smile tugged at the corner of his beak. As he sighs out content once again. "I don't want you to get up." He says waiting for Donnie to answer like he was told before as he. "Good boy now let me sleep. It's not as easy when not with me."
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lavena · 9 months
Guess who unlocked a new trauma during the move in to college ✌ twas me your right. Anyway I figured this out cause I was brainstorming 07 Mikey and Don angst cause I need more of that in my life apparently and after working through it I had a moment of "wait that line I just made him say kind of resembled what I was thinking when x happened" and the the moment of realization... any way I decided why not write the fic.
Here we go, dont mind the trash story line there is a reason I don't write much, I can't get the idea on to paper before I changes in my head again.
A light knock was heard outside the lab,
"Hey Dee, I- I have to leave"
Donatello, fully invested in the toaster Leo had managed to break in the less than 3 months he's been back.
"What do you mean Mikey, your birthday gigs don't start till next week, unless Jessie decides Michael really needs a-"
As he turned around removing his glasses he noticed the duffle slung over his only little brothers shoulder.
"Oh you mean- I though we were done" he says, a sad look ghosting over his features.
"I did too, but-" Michelangelo says, a slight hitch in his throat as he look down to the left, biting his lower lip as his eyes become glassy, fingers clenching against the worn soft strap of the duffle.
"Okay" Donnie takes a breath as the word catches in his throat. He forces a swallow before continuing,
"Okay, how long do you think?"
"Shouldn't be more than an hour, two tops," he says shrugging, shoulders remaining by his ears, " It hasn't left my mind since Thursday, its all planned out"
God, Donnie was gonna bang his big brothers skulls together, but that wouldn't help anything.
Taking a deep breath Don placed a small smile on his face, nowhere near reaching his eyes like when Mikey would come home and sneak him a piece of carrot cake back when Leo and Raph would still get on his shell for messing up his eating habits.
"Okay, I'll pop up in about an hour and join you. I'll bring some Antonio's with me, just for me and you, those bozos can have cold pasta,"
Michael's eyes rose again to meet his, a small smile spreading, "and you'll have Woody make it?"
Rolling his eyes Donnie responds, " yes, yes of course just the way you like it, too much cheese for any sane person and a bad of skittles"
A fond look comes over Mikeys features before fading again as a thought crosses his mind.
" I'll- I'll see you then, I love you Donnie,"
Turning on his heel and speeding away Mikey leaves for either of their big brothers can come and ask where he is going.
" I love you too Mike" Donnie says quietly, concern spreading deep into his bones.
Shaking out his suddenly cold fingers, Don turns to finish fixing the damn toaster, quicker this time, like shell was mike gonna be alone for an hour, give him fourty and he'll be out there with his little brother figuring out where the hell his mind was going.
Donnie Slipped out of the layer forty-five minutes later, not noticing the two shadows following him as he called Antonio's and asked for Woodys, Mikey style pizza, a box of garlic bread sticks, and a whole container fit for a family of 6 worth of cinnamon bites because fuck it if his little wasn't going to have a good rest of his night. Mikey deserved so much more than what he could provide, but Donnie was more than ready to compensate in any way he could.
Reaching the manhole cover, he pushed himself out, taking a deep breath of that sweet sweet New York air, pollution and all. Slipping into an alley and beginning his trek to the warehouse district where he knew his little brother would be. Once more unaware of the shadows following after from the rooftop above.
As he stepped closer and closer to his brothers secret spot he could hear faintly Modern Day Cain playing out, most certainly damaging his little brothers ears given he could hear it from down the alley, a spray can on its last dredges, like spray nothing more than aerosol at this point.
Michelangelo stands stalk still as he presses his finger so hard against nozzle that his arm shakes, staring at the point where the deep green should be coming from, as of willing it to refill and let him continue. The sing switched to Until I end Up Dead and he threw against the wall across from him by the time kick drum was hit a third time, managing to hit off the wall and into a bag strategically placed with the rest of the empty cans.
Reaching down Mikey grabbed the same color from his bag of full cans, spraying the spot he was so focused on before just standing there, staring past the wall 5 inches from the tip of his beak, getting lost in his mind again.
By the time the song ran its course and switch to another, Mikey had dropped the can, taking four paces back and letting his shell thump harshly against the neighboring wall and sliding down, dragging his headphones off and letting the clatter to the ground.
"Hey don" mikey says quietly, leaving his head to hang between where he rested his arms and his knees.
"Hey Mike" Donnie said sliding down next to his brother and bumping shells with him.
"Whats eating at you today bud? I though it was better now that they're back"
Mikey looked up into Donnies eyes, water filling them as he stood up with a hurt laugh.
"They might be back, but they're not here Donnie"
Don looks up at his brother a little confused.
" They're here, but they're not with us Don, they're leaving, pulling away, and I-" his voice finally broke as tears streamed down his cheeks.
"I don't think we are enough to make them stay Don,"
Even quiter this time
"I don't think I'm enough to make you stay" as Michelangelo turned around to look at his newest project.
A mural to Donnie, standing in his lab doors, looking past the viewer, as though longing for something far out of reach.
"Its all I can think about Don, they don't want to be here and neither do you"
"Mikey what, no I-"
"No Donnie, No, you don't, you're not meant to be stuck in that stupid lab with those stupid computers and those stupid phone calls,"
"No, I love the lab, Mikey I could never-"
"You used to love the lab, you loved it before it become a chore, before being in that lab meant you had to try to keep this family from falling apart, before when you could make things and fix things because you had the time, not because it was written into your schedule. Donnie you don't deserve that, you should be taking your classes at NYCU and correcting the teacher when they get details about particle fission wrong and you should be happy, but I'm making you stay cause I can't grow up, cause I can't handle when they yell at eachother, and you get this look in your eye sometimes Don, and I know you just want to be anywhere but here, and I can't-"
"Michael! Stop! Breathe please."
Mikey didn't even realize it but he'd brought his shaking hands to his chest as he sobbed, falling into his brothers embrace, sliding to the hard gravel as his knees have out.
" Donnie I can't do it, I can't be alone, I just can't"
Donnie had came to the back of mikeys shell, grabbing it by lip, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes.
"And you never will, Michael No matter what I will always be here, I am not leaving you ever."
Don hiccuped as tears streamed down his cheeks
"Mikey I could never leave you, never, you are my only little brother otouto, you've been with me since the start of all this stupid shit and never once have I though it would be better to leave you, Mikey I could never"
Anyway I haven't a clue how to end this, and as I said before, I have no clue how to write down whats in my head, so this came out so much different than what originally made me figure out I have another note to add to my eventual therapy list.
Anyway my whole thought process came from me being a Kinship foster kid, meaning I was fostered by a family member, in my case My Great Aunt, I was later adopted by her when I was about 7(I think) so I obviously have some emotional problems regarding family leaving me and I just move into college, my guardian got upset at me and treated to leave even though we had this whole trip planned for her birthday and everything. Anyway this happened 3 time over 2 days and on the third time I begged her to stay, saying I really wanted this trip to go smoothly and for her to enjoy her birthday, or was a whole crying fest for me while her daughter didn't really help the situation by mentioning how she is kind of emotionally abusive. Ended with her leaving for an hour leaving me under the assumption she wasn't coming back, but she did because she forgot her sleeping machine (cpap). In the end while I was thinking out fanfic scenarios in my head I kind of had what the beginning of this story had, up to mikey telling Don that he doesn't think he is enough to make don stay. It kind of hit me I was modeling his feelings after my new found fear that even If I was sobbing and begging her to stay, she wouldnt.
Anywhoodle hope you enjoyed my attempt at a fic
Much love 💘
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