#it breaks my heart to think about your amazing fanfiction deleted
mewdeathcakes · 6 months
some ppl think about the Roman Empire, I think about deleted fanfiction
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nodirectionhome-ao3 · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @jfleamont!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HP!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Kindly Stopped for Me – Multi-chapter: Lily lives AU, in progress. 2. This Mad, Mad Love – One-shot: Fluffy Jily love confession. 2,185 words. 3. The Joker and The Queen – Multi-chapter: Jily fake dating, in progress. 4. A Rollercoaster Kind of Rush – One-shot: 6th year Lily realizing her feelings for James. 4,124 words. 5. The Brightest Star in the Sky – One-shot: Post-war Hinny stargazing. 2,293 words.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!!! I love comments so much. They give me the encouragement I need to keep writing even when I'm feeling self-doubt or writer's block.❤️
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
As of right now, none of my completed fics have unhappy endings! I guess the closest is The Brightest Star in the Sky because it's post-war so grief is an essential part of the fic. But the story is about Harry and Ginny finding a moment of comfort in the midst of their pain. So...does that count?
My Jily one-shots were written so that I could give myself a break from the heartache of James being dead in Kindly Stopped for Me so they are all mostly happy😅 (although there is some angst in Mosaic Broken Hearts).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably. This Mad, Mad Love. Although I'm just now realizing that several of my one-shots end with love confessions lol. I guess that's something I really wanted to write this year😅
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally on Kindly Stopped for Me. It hasn't been that bad, compared to what I know other authors have had to deal with, but yeah. I've gotten pretty liberal with the delete button recently, which has been good for my peace of mind, and I might turn off guest comments if this negative trend continues in the future (though I don't want to do that if I don't have to because not all guest comments are negative!)
I write for fun, as a hobby, so I have no time for people who think it's appropriate to leave unsolicited criticism or snarky comments on my work. Writing is an emotionally vulnerable thing to do, sharing writing publicly even more so, and I won't engage with people who don't respect that.
That said, I've been very fortunate in that the vast majority of comments I receive are lovely and encouraging. The Jily community in particular is a wonderful place full of people who have been so nice to me, and I'm constantly amazed by all the people (from the Jily community and beyond) who take the time out of their day to share kindness about my stories!!! Even a simple comment really really means a lot!
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
I haven't yet. But I might in the future. Who knows!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. That's just not my thing!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I hope not!!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Does the Jilytober Jilyexpress count? Because if so, yes. If not, then no. (but I'm open to it!) 😅
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'd definitely say Jily. It's the ship that got me into fanfiction (the first fic I ever read was TLAT!) and it's still my favorite. But Hinny is a very very close second! I love those two ships with my whole heart.
Outside of HP, I'd have to go with Percabeth. I've never read any fanfics (maybe I will someday), but the Percy Jackson books were a huge part of my childhood!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have one!! I know for a fact that I will finish Kindly Stopped for Me because I have the whole story plotted out and it takes up SO much of my thoughts at all times lol. My (possibly ambitious) goal is to finish it by February 6, 2024 because I posted the first chapter on February 6, 2023😅 But if I'm really productive I could potentially finish it by the end of 2023. We'll see! But it will for sure be finished either way.
As for The Joker and The Queen, I don't have the full plot outlined yet so I don't have a schedule in my mind of when it will be done. But I don't have any doubts that I'll finish it!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue. That's something that comes naturally to me, maybe in part because I have a lot of theatre experience and have read MANY plays in my life. So dialogue is definitely the most essential part of that!
I also think I'm good at writing angst. It seems to come more naturally than fluff, even though I'm generally happy these days.😂
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Brevity. I know it's the soul of wit, but it is not one of my strengths!!
I wish I could be paid by the word like Charles Dickens. I'd probably be thriving financially if that was my life😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean...I took French for 7 years in school and then attended university in a bilingual English/French city. So...theoretically I could write some dialogue in French. Maybe? I can read it pretty well, even though I'm still not confident with speaking it. But I'm kind of rusty on it and I don't think I have the confidence to attempt to write creatively in French unless I have a beta reader who is more fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I've only ever written for HP.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It has to be Kindly Stopped for Me. I'm really enjoying writing it and there are certain chapters that I am VERY excited to share with you all!
Tagging: @joyseuphoria, @suzyq31, @abihastastybeans, and @bronzeagepizzeria!! (I'm not sure who all has been tagged yet, so no pressure whatsoever if you've already been tagged or don't feel like doing this!)
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alwaysupatnight · 2 years
Fanfiction would you rather?
I was tagged by @astarkey and @lilmissuncreative! 🥰
Friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? Friends to lovers for me!
Be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fic? I guess the amazing adaptation of least favorite fic. I wouldn’t want to see my fave get ruined.
Read fanfic chapters backwards, last to first, or read them as parsed from google translate? Parsed I guess?
Consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator, or have to read every fanfic on a tiny printed piece of paper written in yellow highlighter? I would just give up reading altogether at this point if these were my only options. My vision isn’t what it used to be, and I get so little out of audiobooks. I have to listen to them at 2x the normal speed and it’s still impossible for me to pay attention for very long.
Get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read, or never read fanfic again? I hate this. Probably the tattoo
Vampire Au or Werewolf Au? Think I will always prefer vampire over werewolves ngl
Get sold to a boy band, or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? time loop has me sold!
Kill your favorite character, or marry your least favorite character? ehhh... well maybe if i marry my least favorite character i could still have a happily ever after? THIS MENTIONS NOTHING ABOUT THE MARRIAGE LASTING LOL
Meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU? Definitely prefer coffee shop aus to college aus
Have your fic history leaked, or never read another fanfic again? Leaked where? It probably wouldn’t bother me to have my history leaked. I regularly delete stuff I don’t want to see on there that I’ve opened out of curiosity or by mistake lol
Be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist, or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? If the fic was truly amazing I could overlook just about anything and just skip over the stuff I don’t like
Gay ships or straight ships? I don’t have any lgbtq+ ships at the moment so straight.
Ship a rarepair with almost no content, or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? yikes. rarepair I guess. I’ve been there before.
See your OTP shatter years after their happily ever after, or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? wtf. the second option. at least that’s familiar lmfao I would hate that other option
Read a poorly written but complete fanfic, or a literary masterpiece last updated June 2013? as much as it would break my heart, I would pick the masterpiece. And cause like sometimes it’s better when things don’t ever end? There’s so many fics I never finished reading even though they’ve been completed for years lol If I never finish them it’s never over 🤣
Read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words, or 70k words worth of fluff? I’ll take the fluff. I get desensitized to the smut after so long
Read only alternate universe fanfics, or only canon fanfics? GIVE ME ALL THE AUs
Introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing, or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? I would need to have normie friends first
Read your NOTP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization, or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? Well the 2nd one isn’t anything I’m not already used to. :/ I will never touch any of my NOTPs for any reason kthxbye
Read a fic with an interesting concept but very poor writing, or read a fic with an uninteresting concept with really good writing? I can’t handle poor writing. It’ll have to be the boring concept then
Have a major character death, or have a bed sharing scene but it's a ship you hate? If it’s fanfic, I’ll take the major character death. I can just open up another fic afterwards where they’re still alive lmfao YOU CAN’T MAKE ME READ MY NOTPS WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH THIS
Read a fanfic that has consistent grammar and spelling mistakes, or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? I guess the 2nd because like we all give a little bit of ourselves when writing the characters anyway so they’re bound to be different. and like I’ve found that I can learn from bad fanfic and at least I can figure out how NOT to write them in my own fics. I’m okay with it if it’s clear the author at least made an attempt to keep them in character and like I can forgive that. But spelling and grammar mistakes I CANNOT. THERE IS LITERALLY SOFTWARE THAT WILL FIX THE MISTAKES FOR YOU OR HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT NEEDS FIXING. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.
Every fanfic includes Jackson Wang, or every fanfic includes at least one NSFW moment? who tf is jackson wang. I will take all the NSFW moments thanks. I’M NOT A CHILD.
Read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome otp, or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your NOTP all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? GIVE ME THE DEAD DOVE. THIS IS THRICE NOW WITH THE NOTPS.
Have the power to read every fanfic in existence, or have the power to make any ship canon? sometimes when you get what you want in canon... it’s worse. I’ll take the first option.
Have your OTP get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way, or all members of your OTP survive but get together with other people? I mean I’ve basically experienced both of these. It’s bad no matter what you choose. At this point I just quit the canon and live in fandom land.
Read a cringy 70 chapter Harry Styles mafia AU, or a highschool Kpop AU y/n fic horrible grammar? I don’t touch harry styles for any reason whatsoever. neither
Accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic, or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? Well my dad is technically my boss so NEITHER.
Read smut fanfic aloud to your parents, or submit fanfic to the employer of your dream job? I don’t want my parents ever seeing the crap I’ve written. It’ll have to be the 2nd. My dream job is to work for myself so it works out. lmfao
Pine after an oblivious love interest, or be the oblivious love interest being pined after? I haven’t crushed on anyone irl in over a decade. But I spent my whole childhood and teen years pining after someone. Maybe it’d be nice to be the one pined after for a change.
Hanahaki disease, or your soulmates first words to you tattooed on your body (and they're really stupid)? lmfao the tattoo I guess
Be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega in omegaverse? I personally would not want to be involved in any of this lol
Read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries, or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? LMFAO I’ll take the furries I guess? as long as there’s no daddy kink
Be able to resurrect dead fics, or have the power to create of plethora of new fics effortlessly? I’m still bitter about the fics that got deleted before I could save a copy for my personal library. But I think I’d rather have option 2. I already have so many fics to write, and IT HAS NEVER BEEN EFFORTLESS.
Tagging: @yossariandawn, @imaginedfables, @tiesthatbind1899, @emilykinncy, @worthallyourgalleons, @sandalaris, @thespianreveur, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
hey! i recently just saw your james norrington work on fanfiction.net, and i am absolutely at loss for words at how brilliant everything is about it. the original character was so realistic from her thoughts, to the way she makes her decisions. the plot and the way it progressed was so immaculate and smooth that it also leaves the readers to wonder what’s next with genuine curiosity. the way james was characterised ACCURATELY according to how he was portrayed and presented was just absolute chef’s kiss. i love the work, and i have never seen such that’s been so well thought out, given a time to, and dedicated to.
they can say anything what they want about fanfictions, but the writers of the genre just bring out the same hard work of the craft that they put into original ones, and you have proven that more than any other fanfiction writer i have ever seen did.
sorry for some grammatical mistakes. english isn’t my first language. i just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for making my week exceptionally well for writing such an amazing masterpiece.
i will be waiting for the next chapters patiently as you deserve the break you can get. your life updates i adored so much as it made you realer and genuine towards your bonds with your readers. i admire you for it.
that’s all. i think i went a little overboard, but i can’t help but pour my heart and soul to you and the book.
thank you for tolerating my outburst of thrill and excitement. have a nice day! 💗
"Thank you for tolerating my outburst" asdjakfh my friend when I read this earlier on today, I had to stop what I was doing and take a moment so I didn't burst into tears, and then I spent a lot of the rest of the day thinking how to even begin responding to such unreal kindness, so there's no "tolerating" involved, I can promise you!
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Seriously, thank you so so so much for this! Catch the Wind has definitely been a labour of love, and the most difficult undertaking as far as my writing goes second only to my original novel, so reading something like this lets me know that it's all been massively worth trying to take on the source material and do it justice! There were so many time in the early chapters where I was like "how on earth did I think I could pull this off" so it's amazing to know the perseverence paid off!
I know exactly what you mean, too, about people looking down their noses at fanfic (especially stuff with OCs), I have sooo many people in my life who think I shouldn't write it at all and time spent working on it is wasted and takes away time from original works, but I enjoy it far too much to not write it and the fact that others seem to get just as much enjoyment from reading my stories as I get from writing them makes me so, so happy.
Also re: the life updates, I'm glad they didn't take away from the work -- I did worry that I was unloading on people who were just there to read the story and unwind, but this story in particular was such a source of comfort to me when I was going through it, and the kindness I got in response only amplified that tenfold, because I never could've imagine such a response. I've considered going back and deleting them now, but I don't think I will now that I know they don't detract from the story. Overall, CTW has majorly been a highlight for me in my writing journey, and reading this was really the cherry on top of it all. Thank you so much, again! I'm off to sob into a cup of tea while I try to recover from this B)
(There, now we both had an outburst, it's all good!)
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CFWC Writer of the Month Lovealexhunt (and more!)
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Each month CFWC highlights one of the many talented fanfic writers in our community. The writer will be selected randomly based on the criteria listed in our FAQs.
This month, we randomly selected a winner from the writers who submitted a fic for the CFWC Blind Date/Valentine's Day event, and I'm very happy to announce the lucky winner, someone who does so much for this fandom! Everyone, please give it up for @lovealexhunt / @storyofmychoices / @theartoflovingthomashunt !!! Please enjoy getting to know more about her and her amazing works!
Blogs: @lovealexhunt, @theartoflovingthomashunt and@storyofmychoices Masterlist
More below break...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played?
It honestly feels like forever ago now… around early 2018. I’m pretty sure the first book I played was Rules of Engagement. I still love that book and think it is entirely underrated. Loved the sibling storyline and all three LIs were wonderful, though I love my bartender most of all (sorry Leo!!!) but the first book I fell in love with was Red Carpet Diaries (for reasons named Thomas Hunt 🙈😍).
2- When, and why, did you join Choices fandom?.
I was a lurker in the fandom for a while before officially joining in 2019. Prior to that, I had reblogged the occasional post here and there on my personal blog. It wasn’t until I wrote a couple of Thomas Hunt fics for myself that I joined and created my Thomas Hunt blog because I wanted to share them but was too self-conscious to post them on my personal blog.
3- How did you pick your url name?
TheartoflovingThomasHunt: because as my blog says “loving Thomas Hunt is an art form” lol (that idea popped in my head and I stuck with it).
LoveAlexHunt: When I created my Thomas blog I didn’t expect anyone to actually read my work or interact with me so it was attached to my personal main which meant I couldn’t reply to people without using my personal main, so I made this main and transferred the Thomas Blog to it. I didn’t know what to call it and I hate picking names. Since I was only writing for Thomas at the time and Alex is my LI for him, it seemed fitting for my main to reflect her. AlexHunt was taken so I decided on Love, Alex Hunt
StoryofmyChoices: I started this blog because I was afraid of getting hate (see q4) but the name came from the idea that the blog would be a more general Choices blog and be the Story of the Choices I made in the game and in the fandom.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog.
theartofLovingThomasHunt: It was just an icon of Thomas that I made with the blog name
StoryofmyChoices: an “unpopular opinion” post admitting to actually liking Justin Mercado (Save the Date) and how I was so afraid of getting hate that I started a new blog. I figured if it got really bad, I could easily delete the blog and still have my Hunt ones. (I did get hate for several months but never actually left)
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I wrote fanfiction as a child and through middle school when I was discouraged from writing it and was told by many people in my life how childish and ridiculous it is to write fan fiction, that I was too intelligent to waste my time on something like fan fiction, and basically just told to stop. So if you count Mary-Kate and Ashley detective fan fiction, then since I was 7 (I won’t tell you how long ago that was … but a good long while 🙈).
I gave writing fan fiction up for years, I only picked it back up because of Thomas Hunt. He inspired me to forget what anyone else had to say, to forget the opinions of others who may disagree with my choices, and just to create what I want and what I believe. So all of that to say 3 years give or take a decade (or two).
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Red Carpet Diaries! I think I’ve written like 200 stories for Thomas and Alex!
(But, I also really love writing Open Heart especially for Bryce and Olivia too)
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Coffee Date:
I still really like it and I wouldn’t change a thing. If it weren’t for that fic, I’m not sure any of the others I’ve written in the past few years would have ever happened. It is the story that made me fall further in love with Thomas and Alex, but most importantly it’s the one that reminded me how much I loved writing and that I shouldn’t be ashamed to write about things I love no matter what other people think about them.
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
That’s so hard! I have so many that I really love and have a special place in my heart! Part of me wants to say Mal’s orphanage series because I genuinely would love to run an orphanage and care for children in need.
Ahhh the pressure!!! Can I skip this one?! Okay, fine, I’m going to pick randomly, but not?!
An Unexpected Misadventure:
Synopsis: The twins bring an unexpected guest home to meet their mom and things take a turn when their new friend slips from their grasp.
It’s pure chaos, and I love it! It is 100% what would happen if someone brought me a frog. #irrationalfear 🙈
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was?
I had always been an Ethan stan, and I loved writing Ethan, but when the pandemic started I needed a comfort character, one that was openly available—no slow-burn necessary—one who was affectionate and just genuinely a ray of sunshine, so I decided to write Bryce as a creative exercise. I never expected to fall so much more in love with Bryce through writing him and having people read and enjoy my Bryce. I was surprised my first fic Stay did so well
10 - What about one you expected to be, but it could use a little more love?
Seeing as I missed the height of Thomas Hunt’s popularity and only started writing him when his favor was dying out, pretty much any of my Thomas Hunt fics could use more love. I also feel like I write for characters that are less popular in general like Justin Mercado (sorry, not sorry), Levi Schuler, Mal Volari, etc. It just means they don’t get as much love, but that’s okay. I am genuinely so grateful for those that do love them and support my efforts to keep them alive.
10- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
Fluff, fluff, and fluff! All the fluffy goodness. Life has enough pain and angst already, I can’t handle writing it too. I guess I also specialize in small moment stories. I like taking everyday moments that could go overlooked and turning them into something special because all of those small moments strung along are really what love is.
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Let me think about this 🤔🤔🤔… it’s a close one, but I guess fluff? JK, fluff all day, every day!
12- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MC’s or in your writing?
Definitely, there is a piece of myself in each of my MCs and OCs. Alex Spencer/Hunt is probably the one I most identify with. I see my kindness, love of coffee, dislike for mornings, and appreciation for simple things in her. We also share physical characteristics. She is everything I wish I was and aspire to be.
Olivia Hadley/Lahela would be a close runner-up. She is nurturing, empathetic, and supportive. She works hard and can sometimes give too much of herself to the kids she works with which leaves her drained. I feel like I put a lot of who I am and how I feel into her.
13- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
The part where words are actually required to get the idea from my head to a finished post. Words are hard! lol
14- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
My WIP list is really embarrassingly long. I have so much I want to finish. The most popular thing on that list though would probably be my Love and Scotch series which is a Hollywood U/Open Heart crossover.
15- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
No, and no! I’ve had a few people ask what I write but I usually just answer with “words” and leave it at that. I would never let anyone I personally know read my fanfiction. 🙈
16- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
There are so many amazing fan fic writers that I love and have inspired me but I’m only going to pick the top 3 that come to mind because I don’t want to make a list and leave anyone out!
The-devil-writes-drabbles: I know they deactivated a while ago, but their creativity and ability to tell a story in so few words has always inspired me to try the same.
@lilyoffandoms They always tell stories that are fun and sometimes unexpected. They build worlds around their characters that pull you in and make them feel real to you.
@The-Soot-Sprite/@zaffrenotes: I love their use of social media edits to tell stories and the puns! Gotta love the puns! I don’t do many social media edits but when I do, I always think of their series, Cordonians Undercover!
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
My Red Carpet Diaries universe. I just love Thomas and Alex so much. I’d love to see them come to life with their beautiful twins and most importantly Bogart, I love that dog way too much!
18- Do you write original stories?
I do! I have a finished novel manuscript that I’d love to see published, but so far no luck. One day I’ll look into self-publishing, maybe? I also have 2 unfinished manuscripts that I’d love to finish, and 1 drafted outline for a novella.
19 - What other hobbies do you have?
Outside of work, I don’t have much time for hobbies, and writing and daydreaming about writing definitely take most of my time. Other than that, I have a lot of animals and hanging with them, my horses, in particular, are enjoyable.
20 - What’s your favorite emoji?
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I am truly blessed to be a part of this fandom. I can not express the gratitude I have for all the support and love I’ve received in my time here. The past few years haven’t been easy for any of us, but being part of this fandom, being able to share stories that mean something to me, has been what has helped me through. I’m not sure I would be here still without this fandom. Writing Thomas Hunt saved me when I was in a very dark place and Bryce Lahela got me through the pandemic (which will be ending any day now, right?!).
I don’t know what the future holds, but I will forever treasure the memories I’ve made in this fandom and be grateful for the experiences I’ve had (both the good and the bad).
Thank you for the support and for believing in me.
And thank you to CFWC for helping keep the fandom alive and doing such a wonderful job encouraging and promoting writers. 💖💖💖
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foreverindreamlandd · 3 years
Bucky wanted to read her fanfictions and she always declined. So he begged and begged and begged... until she finally gives up and let him read one. 'Cause who could really say no to Bucky making puppy eyes?!
Let me know what you think about it
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
WC: 1.5k (I am apparently incapable of writing a drabble)
A/N: Thank you again for another awesome request! I was basically cackling the whole time I wrote it. Want to read about how Bucky and this reader got together? Check out their origin story in my To Be Wanted series! Only warning in this one is the usual swearin’ like a sailor.
“See, this is why I always order Thai food. I can never do it justice.” You frown over your wok, mixing the noodles around with a wooden spoon hoping it will somehow make your creation taste better.
“I’m sure it tastes great, doll.” Bucky walks up next to you and grabs a noodle, tilting his head back as he drops it into his mouth.
His eye twitches almost imperceptibly and you groan.
“It’s good,” he coughs out, trying with all of his strength to regain his composure. “I think you just went a little too hard on the chili paste. I can feel my sinuses clearing up though, which is good, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Can you check the recipe on Pinterest again? I swear I put in the right amount.”
Bucky walks over and picks up your iPad. Right as he’s scrolling to find out if you should have used 2 tablespoons or 2 teaspoons of chili paste, a notification banner pops up and he accidently taps it, opening up your Tumblr app.
Omg! This fic is amazing! The way Bucky is there to support the reader. My heart completely melted! Your Bucky stories are amazing, Y/n! <3
Above the comment is a photo of him. It’s a shot from the news where he’s helping a civilian stand up after one of the attacks made by The Red Hand.
“Uh….love? What’s this?” He holds the iPad up to you and you shift your gaze over to him.
You drop the wooden spoon into the wok as all of the blood drains from your face. You’re frozen in place for a millisecond before you pounce on Bucky to grab the device from him. He’s never seen you move so quickly and it catches him off guard.
“Bucky give me the iPad right now,” you fling your arms toward it and he pulls it away, both amused and a bit concerned by your reaction.
“Wait, what is this? Is it something I should be worried about?”
You see a flicker of panic flash in his eyes and you stop flailing. You close your eyes and let out a deep sigh.
“No, I mean, I should be concerned because if you read that I’m probably going to combust and you’re going to dump me and run for the hills.” He furrows his brows in confusion and you slowly lift up your hand. “Can I please have that back before I have a mild panic attack?”
He stares at you, trying to gauge your emotions. All he can see is panic and sadness and it breaks his heart so he instantly gives in and hands you the iPad.
“Don’t worry about it, love. I trust you.” He leans forward to give you a chaste kiss.
You let out a pained groan against his lips and Bucky is once again confused.
“Ughhhh I hate hiding things from you.” You lock your iPad so the screen goes dark. “Okay, fine, I guess this conversation is happening. Remember when we first started dating and I, uh, mentioned I used to read and write stories about….us being a couple?”
Bucky nods, trying not to reveal any emotion to you that might make you spiral into a panic, and you continue.
“Well, that was one of those stories I wrote. I stopped looking on Tumblr basically as soon as I met you because it got all weird and meta and I got super uncomfy by the idea of reading fanfics - that’s what they’re called - about my new friend/now boyfriend Bucky Barnes. And then we started dating and I was all happy and shit and I totally forgot that those fics were still out there. Obviously I haven’t written any since then because that would be weird for...many, many reasons. Someone must have found an old one and commented on it. I’ll delete it. I’ll delete all of them. I swear. I’m so sorry, Bucky. I should have been more on top of this.”
Bucky stares at you, lips pursed and you grimace, afraid of the next words that are about to come out of his mouth.
This is so weird, Y/n. How could you do this?
No wonder you didn’t date anyone before me.
Obsessed much? (Okay, he probably wouldn’t say it like that but STILL).
No, what Bucky said next was much, much worse than what you could have imagined.
“Can I read one?”
Your mouth drops. Closes. Drops again. You blink rapidly.
“I’m sorry, I just hallucinated. What?”
Bucky points to your iPad, a sly grin forming on his face. “I want to read one of your stories.”
You take a step back from him, horror stricken as you pull the iPad closer to you as if you were protecting your collector’s edition of ‘Throne of Glass.’
“Absolutely not.”
Bucky steps forward and you step back. He chuckles. “Come onnn, doll. I want to know what your fantasies were about me before we got together.” He laughs harder as the look of horror on your face grows more manic.
“Bucky, I know you’re a super soldier and could probably punch me into the sun with your metal arm, but I promise I will fight to the death before I let you read one of these fics.”
You and Bucky continue this dance of him stepping forward and you stepping back until you feel your legs make contact with your couch and you fall back into a sitting position on its arm. Bucky uses this opportunity to tower over you, his arms resting on the couch so that you’re pinned between them.
Then, he pulls out the big guns.
His gaze softens, blue eyes shining into yours. His bottom lip puffs out and he gives you the most adorable, sexiest pout you’ve seen in your whole life.
“Please, love?” He says it with a slightly higher pitch, almost like a whine and it still sounds like honey to your ears. He even nudges your nose with his like a freaking sociopath.
You close your eyes, let out a breath, then open them back up to him. “I hate you.”
His pout turns into a boyish grin and he gives you a quick kiss. “You love me.”
You groan. “Hopefully you still love me after this, Buck. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You stand and open up your iPad, scrolling through your masterlist and finding what used to be one of your favorite fluff pieces. You begrudgingly hand it to Bucky and he sits on the couch.
Unable to sit still during this agonizing experience, you proceed to pace around your apartment like a crazy person and resort to cleaning the inside of your microwave which you haven’t done in a few months so it’s a good thing that Bucky is reading your fic so that you could get that out of the way. You probably won’t have a boyfriend in a few minutes but at least your microwave will be spotless.
You only steal a few glances at Bucky as he reads, mortified each time as you see his eyebrows move in every possible direction. Up, down, knit together, were they criss-crossed at one point?
Finally, after what feels like the longest ten minutes of your life, Bucky lets out a soft grunt, placing the iPad down on his lap. He looks up to you and you give him a weak smile.
“Alright, let me have it, Buck. Give me your worst. Be honest. Also, I love you.”
Bucky glances down at the iPad and then back at you.
“Well, I have a few questions.”
Your right eye twitches. “Hm?”
“Now that you’ve met me, do you still think my eyes are an all-consuming storm of blue?” You groan. He grins. “Or do you think my jawline was cut from marble created by the gods?”
This time, you breathe out a laugh and you walk over to sit on his lap. You take hold of his chin.
“Bucky, I don’t think I could ever come up with the right words to describe you. The real thing is quite literally a million times better than anything I’ve ever written.”
His eyebrows raise. “That is...probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten in my whole damn life.” He leans forward and kisses you, and you sigh into the feeling of his mouth on yours, relief flooding through you.
You pull away, eyes skeptical. “So, you’re not thinking about how you can escape and never see my crazy ass again?”
“On the contrary, love, I’m thinking about how I can convince you to buy this gorgeous green dress you apparently wore as my wedding date. The one that showed off your cleavage in a way that made Bucky’s brain melt.”
The two of you burst out laughing and you lightly shove his chest. “Sure thing, Bucko. How about I work on the dress situation and you work on ordering us Thai food so that we don’t lose our taste buds from whatever the hell I just made.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to check out my other stuff here. :)
Taglist: @ceo-of-daichi @biiskuitx @forgetthisbull @eclipses-and-moondust @abcdefxkyou @jackiehollanderr @billionsofbeans @abitgryffindorky @lovelylostminds @mija-just-breathe @semlohkratz @bratty-longbottom-replies @carrotfantasimp @cremedelabrulee @ant1r3al1ty @th-e-mg@laura-moehrchen @emma-the-duck17 @sunnyjane4 @rosaline-black @parodsal000 @vicmc624 @abrunettefangirlnerd @officiallykuute @edityourwishingwell @mymindslabyrinth
***This was the original tag list for the To Be Wanted series. If you would like to be removed from the taglist for any other stories related to this series, feel free to DM me! And let me know if you would like to be *added* to the taglist for any other future stories featuring these two knuckleheads. :)
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notnctu · 3 years
nctblr ff survey results
hello nctblr writing community! i made a short form to assess reader preferences! originally, it was for me to optimize my own writing and to satisfy my own curiosity about what my readers enjoy to read. but i thought, why limit it to my own audience? I hope, readers and writers alike, can find these results helpful to your own works!
I had 162 responses and so, i want to thank everyone who took the time to take this survey and for the many writers who reblogged it! the audience is reflective of those who it reached in the nctblr community from reblogs and predominantly my own audience. with that being said, i am a blog that writes for both SFW and SMUT content. regardless, i hope you can find these intriguing and rather helpful!
please do not repost these results, but reblog/like/share it to your hearts content! these results are from JAN 2021.
i would like to preface to everyone to respect the opinions of the results and not to cause any discrepancy when viewing. if so, i will delete your comments. this is a safe place and i will not tolerate any slander regarding how the results played out. okie thank you!! you may view everything under the cut and again, lots of love and thank you to everyone!
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general info questions:
1. are you a minor or 18+?
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18+: 133/162 (82.1%)  minor: 29/162 (17.9%)
2. who is/are your nct biases?
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*i want to note that many people selected multiple members for this question and aren’t reflective of who they read for. you will see later in the post that who people read for have different results. 
3. what timezone are you in?
- EST (32)
- GMT (17)
- PST, Pacific (18)**
- PST, Philippine Standard Time (3)** 
- GMT +8 (14)
- CST (13)
- IST (7)
- GMT +7 (6)
- CET (6)
- AEST (5)
for the sake of keeping this post not excessively long, these are the top 10 timezones that had the most responses. there are also people who didn’t know their timezones.  ** a lot of people didn’t specify between Philippine or pacific, and the 3 under Philippine standard times were the only ones that did. 
4. what days do you prefer to read?
1. doesn’t matter (149)
2. saturday (12)
3. sunday (9)
4. friday (7)
5. tuesday (3)
6. wednesday (2)
7. monday (1) & thursday (1)
5. what times do you prefer to read?
1. 12 AM - 3 AM (44)
2. 3 AM - 6 AM (10)
3. 6 AM - 9 AM (6)
4. 9 AM - 12 PM (6)
5. 12 PM - 3 PM (11)
6. 3PM - 6PM (24)
7. 9PM - 12 AM (50)
8. doesn’t matter (97)
the bold ones are the times with the significant amount of higher votes.
fanfiction questions
6. what genres do you read/prefer the most?
1. fluff (121) 2. angst (101) 3. smut (96) 
here are some that others included under the other option:
angst with happy ending (5) a mix of all three (3)  slowburn (2) crack/humor (2)
7. what are your FAVORITE tropes/aus? 
1. college au (112) 2. enemies to lovers (108) 3. best friends to lovers (91) 4. bad boy au (70) 5. childhood best friends to lovers (69) 6. fwb au (65)  7. friends to lovers (64) 8. soulmates au (62) 9. established relationship (59) 10. hogwarts au (55) 11. fantasy/supernatural (48) 12. strangers to lovers (45) / high school au (45)
some that others included under the other option:
idol au (3), coffee, mafia (8), fake dating (3), racing (2), reverse tropes, royalty (2), crush, mutual pining, mythology (2), ceo, idiots to lovers, based on tv shows/books/movies, dystopia, roommates (2), pwp, medical, rich kid/private school, historical, arranged marriage
8. what are your LEAST favorite tropes/aus?
1. fantasy/supernatural (50) 2. hogwarts au (40) 3. established relationship (29) 4. high school au (27)  5. bad boy (25) 6. soulmate (21) 7. none (18) 8. fwb au (13) 9. childhood best friends (12) 10. enemies to lovers (11) 11. strangers to lovers (7) 12. best friends to lovers (6) 13. college au (4) 14. friends to lovers (3)
some that others included under the other option:
sports au, royal (2), mafia (2), exes to lovers, stalker, yandere (2), hybrid, idol
9. story length preference?
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15+k words and 4k-6k words tied for most at 33 votes (20.4%), while less than 1k words got the least at 2 votes (1.2%). 13k - 15k words had the second fewest at 8 votes (4.9%).
10. who do you read for the MOST?
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top 5 members who are read for the MOST: 
1. Haechan (90) 2. Jaemin (79) 3. Jeno (76) 4. Mark (70) 5. Jaehyun (66)
please note that this should not discourage you from writing for other members! 
11. who do you WANT to see more fics written for?
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top members who people want to see more fics for:
1. Doyoung (50) 2. Xiaojun (45) / Yangyang (45)  3. Renjun (43) / Kun (43)  4. Taeil (35)  5. Sungchan (31)
a biased a/n: i say this alot on my blog... but my mans dy’s tags are so dry and its obvious others know this too... so i hope this gives you more insight about who to write for!
12. Open Response Addition Feedback
- ALL OF YALLS WRITERS ARE AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for supplying us nctzens with A+++ quality fics to fill our days. Often times I seriously am at awe with how amazing all of you write and I’d think to myself, “damn.. i’m really getting all of this for free.” SO THANK YOU, YOU BEAUTIFUL AND MAGNIFICENT BEINGS. We all love and appreciate you guys so damn much ♥️
- thank you so much for taking time to write ♥️ i really wish i had time to write an ask/message to every writer who’s works i have read cause it helps me get through the day, especially when im on my study break 🥺♥️
- I appreciate you for even caring about our preferences :D writers don’t get enough credit and I wish yall know how valued you are in this community <3 take care and stay safe
- smut shouldn't be in high school AU's :// and people should stop using images from when members were underage in their smut headers :///// also, thank you for doing this!!!
- whatever you write is amazing and your opinion of your work should come before the readers. remember that you’re writing for yourself before you write for readers <3
- to all writers, i love u and ur art! keep the magic happening <3
- There's too little of doyoung smut collection
and to everyone who left me personal messages, thank you!! you’re all so sweet and im glad to be able to do this for everyone :) 
thank you for making it this far and hopefully, this helps you in your own writing endeavors! i know this definitely helped me in many ways with my own and im more than grateful for everyone who participated (reblogging my survey, taking it, leaving open feedback). let me know if you have any questions :) 
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nyxyxx · 2 years
Hi Nyx, hope you're having a nice Christmas. I was actually going crazy because I couldn't find Despair in my reblogs recently and I thought you had deleted it, it's been like 3 days scrolling through my page to find you, but I finally did it, and then I realized that I could show you some of the love that I have for your work. The way you did it it's just so perfect, it's my favorite from all the au fanfictions and I can't stop thinking about it, I'm having so many emotions while reading this again I just-aaaaaaaaa
Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I really really really really love your work and i'm so happy that I get to read something so good and I love you so much for that✌️😔✨❤️ please keep being such an amazing person and take care of your health, drink water and have a proper meal.
Love u, and sorry for the bad english it's not my native language.
Have a great day✨😚💋✨
Okok I know I've been inactive for so long but this just warmed my heart omg,,,
And thank you so much ♥️ The holidays could have been going a bit better then they are (I deserve that much 😒) but overall its been a nice holiday season and I'm so glad to recieve such a nice message from you! :>
I hope that you and everyone else has a wonderful winter holiday break and I hope that everyone stays safe but also hopefully getting to see some family :)
Anyways I'm so glad you enjoy my writing. I always have mixed feelings about the way that I write and getting feedback always makes me more confident. <3
Have a happy holidays and thank you! ♥️
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yume-fanfare · 3 years
hi i am that anon from like 29th Dec (last dang year) who said i read ur tsuki no hime and loved it and that u understand Aizou. i have read more of ur stuff since then and now i NEED to ask you for writing advice, on both characterization and general writing tips since I didnt mention it before. Sorry about that! i just forgot i sent an ask and i do not get notifs at all (or does anon asks not get notifs?) Also, ART STUDENT! That's why the nice art and art leaning!! I feel smart for sensing it
oh yup, tumblr doesn't send notifs for anon asks! but i'm glad you did see the answer anyway
this post is hideously long, so answer under the cut!
so, on characterization: it is mostly a matter of what would they say, rather than what you want them to say. the joke about "the characters do what they want to" instead of what the writer wants is pretty much true if you want them to be in character lol (that's why sometimes a little bit of OoC isn't too bad)
checking the source material is the most important thing: look at prior similar interactions the characters have had and how they reacted
this is kind of hard with LIPxLIP, as there aren't that many translated texts about them but with honeyworks the most canon and reliable thing to use as reference are the mvs. the mvs are drawn in a way that can pretty much be understood even if you don't have the lyrics, and sometimes it's even better if you can't read them, to properly focus on the images better
look at their expressions closely: while aizou is always explosive in his anger, yuujirou often has a more indifferent expression. so, when they fight, aizou is probably the one to blow up first while yuujirou maintains his composure better. it's kind of the classic "this was only a brief passing panel but i am going to expand on it" www
but the thing about fanfiction is that it's always a bit of a character analysis in itself. you don't start writing having already a color-coded folder of possible situations and reactions a character would have for each setting. you just throw the characters in a scenario and then think from there onwards, and eventually you'll be able to have the folder of situations and what you think their reactions would be like. (though, this links back to the prior point, if the characters have gone through a similar situation in canon, use that as guide! plus, finding little references to canon when reading is always fun)
for general writing, i'm going to mostly talk about my own experiences and process! i'm in no way a professional though
the basic is reading a lot. not just books but also fanfic. in fact, since you're writing fanfic, i Encourage you to read fanfic. even if your story ends up novel length, the way of treating the story is different from that of an actual novel. for example, because you're working under the premise that everyone knows the characters already. the general style of fics is different as well.
in fact, the style is the main reason i'm saying this slfkslfkslkf
read a lot of stuff and find a style you like. think of it as sewing together pieces from here and there to make a frankenstein amalgamation: this person's metaphors, the comparisons from here, the descriptions from there
personally, i adore the "long one-shot with a long title formatted (like this)" fics that are mostly feelings and descriptions and as little dialogue as possible, and some that occasionally play with the "show don't tell" rule, and some months ago i read a book whose descriptions amazed me because you could feel what the character was focusing on the most, rather than being general descriptions of the situation (i actually have a lot of thoughts about descriptions but that's a post for another day). but also i really like dialogue and plot-driven stories, descriptions can get boring and before trying to break rules, you have to be really good at following them
but, let's go step by step: developing an idea
for this i'm going to mostly reference the multichap i finished a while ago as an example
i started with just a few vague concepts in mind: non-idol au with aizou who does some sport and likes music but is insecure about his singing and yuujirou who does some music related thing and encourages him to sing in a way that's somehow related to the hozier song to noisemaking (sing), because it's what inspired me to write in the first place
then, from then onwards i wrote down what would happen in the first chapter of the story bullet-point-list-style, including things like the roommates part or the clubs the boys were in (at first yuujirou was in the choir club lol the change was a last second decision that idk why i took) and then bits of dialogue here and there that would be The Turning Points. those first dialogues were for the fight at the end of ch 1, the apology-date in ch 3 and then some vaguely unused ones for the "yuujirou encourages aizou" part, as those were the first key moments i thought of
because, since it's enemies to friends to lovers, an important aspect was character development
not all fics have character development bc not all of them are long enough (if you're aiming for short and sweet then there's no need). but if they do, i recommend you write down how the character was at the beginning of the story and then how they were at the end and then fill in the middle later, think of what those key turning points that made the character change were (the more little things you add, the more gradual it'll be)
samishigariya illustrates this very nicely: the song starts and finishes with the same lines, but the ending ones feel more light-hearted. the beginning has pre-arisa ken and pre-getting-along-with-yuujirou aizou, when they were the lonely people the title mentioned, and the ending, when they're not lonely anymore. the in between can be seen in depth during the other songs: ken before arisa was a playboy who didn't take love seriously, but after meeting her he realized that games were not all there was to love; and aizou used to be quite cranky and high-key a loner, but then he "meets precious things and knows of love". i will not elaborate on that because this isn't an aiyuu post but Oh You Know
for the fic, aizou would go through that same process, more or less: someone who doesn't really form meaningful connections with people but who, in the end, would end up having quite a bunch of people who care about him as his relationship with yuujirou advances too
since the relationship was the main focus, i wrote a very simple outline for how it would develop throughout 5 hypothetical chapters that was just: 1. civil w each other but mostly bad > 2. bad > 3. half friends > 4. pining > 5. date
and then with that in mind and the bullet point list, the final basic outline ended up like this:
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there were scraped ideas and ideas that made it in later, but i believe having a simple outline, a bare skeleton to add things to, is important. stories need continuity, development requires a prior buildup
it's especially important in multichapter fics where you post as you write, you need to have a more or less clear idea of what's going to happen because you can't ignore scenes you've already posted
shorter stories don't need it as much, you can think as you go, but it's still helpful to know where you're going with things to avoid getting stuck
and, on getting stuck: don't be afraid of deleting things. if you can't figure out how to continue things, then delete the situation and start again. it might feel like you'd be wasting time but in the end, it is so much better than being stuck on the same scene for weeks
in fact, you don't have to write in order. jump to the next scene and you'll figure it out later. you Can write the scene you want to write and then build everything else around it
it's normal to write a scene and then realize it would make more sense later in the story, or that it would be better if you added another scene earlier, or sometimes you just find it easier to jump from one part of the story to another. rely on your outline to keep track of what you've written, what you have left to write and what's the best way to arrange your story. make your story understandable
which bring us to editing
there's a lot of much better posts on editing stories, but yeah ctrl+f is your best friend: don't repeat yourself too much. and be sure to vary sentence and paragraph length, as well as sentence structure, to give dynamism to the writing
now, i've mentioned before the show, don't tell rule, but i'm going to talk a bit more about it because it's quite important
once again there's a lot of posts that explain more in depth what it is, so i'm not going to expand too much on that, but, very basically, try to avoid things like "then some time passed and they became friends". explain it: what happened exactly? how did they become friends? if it's important, show it to us, instead of summarizing
since things like these make the story longer, it also gives room for more development and proper explanation for things that happen
for example, the fic was originally going to start with them already in the room, and the whole situation would have been explained in a single paragraph somewhere, but by actually adding the scene where they first arrive to the dorms and argue with the lady at the main desk, the story flows better and it let me actually describe their first meeting
and uuuhhh i think that's all? this took super long to write i hope i didn't forget any super basic stuff lol
i want to add that for enemies to lovers i greatly recommend this post bc it's super good but yeah i think that's basically it, if you have any more specific questions just shoot me an ask
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Leo
Writing Blog URL(s): @hereisleo
What fandom(s) do you write for?: I write for ATEEZ, VICTON and ONEUS.
Age: ‘99 liner
Nationality: Indonesian 
Languages: Indonesian, English, Japanese and a sprinkle of Korean.
Star Sign: Leo
Favorite color: Neutral but mostly black! (Other than neutral colours, I’m partial to blue, dark green and red).
Favorite food: Indonesian and Japanese cuisine! The taste of home!
Favorite movie: Resident Evil franchise.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla.
Favorite animal: Owl ever since I was a small child.
Go-to karaoke song: None. I don’t enjoy karaoke.
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? 
Both! Recently, I’ve been ordering black coffee again whenever I stop by a cafe.
Dream job (whether you have a job or not) 
I’m interested in a lot of fields of work, it used to be Red Cross worker, paramedic and flight attendant. Now it’s barista-bartender. It’ll likely change in the future too.
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? 
Teleportation, let’s travel the world!
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? 
The Golden Age of Piracy! I want to sail! And such freedom to spite against governmental standards.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 
Without a doubt, yes. I’m always down for changes and new adventures.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? 
Holy moly… 100 chicken-sized horses...
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? 
The quiet smarty one at the back of the class. Common? Yes. But it’s true.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? 
This universe is too big to be only occupied by humans.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? 
Badminton is my favourite sport!
When did you post your first piece? 
June 2019!
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? 
I always love writing so I wanted to share my creations and see how they fare in the world instead of keeping them for myself.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? 
I mostly write platonic relationships, fluff, slice of life, romance, comfort and a lot of AUs. It’s what I’m comfortable with and thrive in best! I do enjoy writing mystery, crime/murder and angst once in a while. Gotta let the dark side out too.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? 
Usually, it’s either member centric and or ‘X reader/ + Reader’, it’s not always romance when reader insert is involved :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? 
Definitely friendship and slice of life! AU wise, I’m a sucker for the supernatural side: demons, angels, mythical creatures and mythology, they are all right up my alley. I also enjoyed writing crime AU and anything dark, nothing like unleashing the inner criminal legally through words… and occasionally being questioned, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? 
Tropes I love, I’m a sucker for friendship/platonic, slow-burn enemies to lovers, the cafe/bar occupation, single parent, the demon is suddenly your guardian angel, the breakup and the crime syndicate dynamics. Tropes I can’t stand on the other hand aren’t much, I don't actively read a/b/o dynamics, Hogwarts, hybrids and werewolf/vampire. It’s mostly AUs now that I listed them.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? 
Oh this is tough. I think it would have to be ATEEZ: ‘Supernatural Activities’ series. I’m proud of how ‘Dante’s Inferno’ & ‘Angels in the Streets’ turned out and they are well received too.
Who is your favorite person to write about? 
Song Mingi of ATEEZ. Somehow writing about him always seems personal. Maybe it’s the similarities we carry. It seems like a lot of the time, the bias is the one who is most similar to us.
What inspires you to write? 
Simply the need to escape reality and it’s an outlet to expel excess emotions I carry sometimes. All is well in the mind after I write and sleep.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? 
I hope it provides you an escape for a brief moment, I hope it makes you happy. I hope you could enjoy the world with a touch more romanticism, we are all a part of the aesthetic we see in the media and more. Sure it’s a tough world but there are good in it too.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 
I take a break. It’s no use for me to push on when I hit a rough patch. I’ll read and do everything else except writing. It rarely happens as I’m constantly full of ideas, it’s the lack of motivation that keeps me from creating.
What do you think makes a good story? 
To be honest, if I enjoyed it, it’s good. I’m a simple person with simple pleasures.
What is your writing process like? 
Messy 😂 There’s no getting around it. I would rewrite a paragraph three times if I don’t like it, delete a thousand words, scrap a different story to incorporate it into another. I don’t always start from the beginning either. A writing piece could take anywhere within several minutes, a few hours to days, weeks and months. It all depends on my motivation and how busy work is keeping me from writing. (Psst, it’s mostly the former).
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
Yes. Writing in the fanfiction world, more often than not, we are already given much of the relationship dynamics and setting. (Unless it’s AU then that's a whole different animal, it might as well be an original prose). In original prose, we have to weave most, if not all, of the world and characters building… I hope I understood the question right...
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? 
Maybe. It’s usually the other way around. I have thoughts to repurpose an abandoned original story for a fic series. Highly unlikely that I’ll actually do it.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? 
A lot! Please! It’s the biggest motivation for us content creators to keep creating! You have no idea how fast my hand reaches for my phone every time tumblr notifications pop up, hoping for a reblog and comments in the tags.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? 
My mutuals reblogging my works. They’re exposed to new eyes and the readers, on the other hand, find a new blog.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? 
Yes. Fanfic writers are as important to the fandom community as the rest of the content creators are. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? 
Absolutely. Art is a fantastic gateway to many things. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? 
Only when I decided to take requests which happens like once a year and maybe even less.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? 
No, I don’t think so. No one has asked me to clarify any of my writings. One anon used to send me asks about world expansion and said anon turned into a dear friend. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? 
NOPE. DON'T LET THEM KNOW. I WON’T LET THEM KNOW. NEVER. Leave my virtual writing world be. *puts ‘do not cross’ yellow tape all over*
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? 
Please leave me some feedback, even keyboard smashes are fine, I can translate those. Don’t be shy to leave me asks if you want to chat, ramble, or get something off your chest. This is a safe place for you, an escape from reality.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? 
Don’t be afraid. As hellish this platform is, it'll help you grow in the writing department. I know this is not the best advice but you have to try to see the result. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? 
I don’t think so. There were moments of “Why do I even bother?” but it happens and will happen again in the future but no regrets. 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? 
I do! Most of the ones who were there from the beginning aren’t there anymore but it’s alright. Their lives outside of Tumblr are always more important than anything else. I don’t have to heart to unfollow their pages. My current handful of mutuals are an amazing bunch too! The sheer talent and creativity they possessed are out of this world. I love seeing their posts outside of the writing world, their personalities shine through and my heart feels fuzzy whenever I see it. Though I don’t interact often with most of them, I adore them all and consider them good friends. 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
Since we, writers, create in order to find escape and or brush up our skills or simply for the sake of creating. As we broaden our skill sets, “Necessity is the mother of invention. Failure is the mother of success.” Common, I know, but it’s comforting to know that failure can be a motivation to do better. Don’t stay down, always rise again.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Okay, I just wanted to ask you something personal. I use to be a writer too, I write lots of things. Some of them was fan fictions and some of them was regular fictions created by me. There was lots of people supporting me but I made a mistake. I delete all my works... Now, I want to start again. But I'm scared because of lots of reasons. Any advices?
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So, I actually took a break from writing my requests to answer this because I think it’s important for writers to support other writers, whether they are thinking about starting, already did start, have been on and off, or have been writing for years. 
Trust me when I say, despite role playing for 13 years and just recently getting into fanfiction writing. I still get scared when I publish some of my work, I always think, “Will they like this?” “Is this too dark?” “Will they get offended?” “Will I lose followers over this?” The fear is very much real my friend and that’s also coming from someone who suffers from anxiety. 
But you know what helps me? I just look at my fanfiction pieces and say, “Well I wrote this, I put effort into this and I’m proud of that.” it’s my personal belief that even if you wrote the most horrifying, bloody, murderous fic ...someone out there will like it. Someone out there will relate to the character, their struggles. You will leave an impression on someone, regardless if you were afraid to publish it or not. Every word you’ve written has never gone to waste, you just have to believe in yourself. Plus Ultra!
If you’re too afraid to publicly publish your works, you could start off how I did. I was a little shy about my work so I shared it with some of my smaller Discord groups and that gave me a little confidence boost. After all, us writers have to stick together.
I guess in the end, being a writer is more about being proud of your own accomplishments. While support from our followers or friends makes it better, it at times doesn’t always help when you’re a little anxious thinking your piece isn’t good enough or your writing isn’t as amazing as other writer’s. But everyone starts somewhere and given the requests you’ve sent me, I believe you’re very creative and if anything even if you’re afraid, I think you’ll be very successful. 
Sorry if this isn’t exactly helpful, I’m not the best at giving advice. But I’m as honest as they come and I think starting off small is the best option if you’re ready to dip back into the world of fanfiction. Don’t let fear prevent you from doing something you love or you’ll regret it. 
A personal story I can tell you is this, I had actually stopped role playing and writing because my ex-boyfriend had a problem with it. I gave up doing something I loved for the sake of someone else, which wasn’t fair to me. So I pushed aside my fear of what would happen to my relationship if I resumed writing, which I did. He didn’t like it, but my love for writing conquered over my fear in the end. 
Just remember, a lot of people believe in you and your writing. Fanfiction isn’t just a hobby, for some people it’s making their day and for others it’s bringing their ideas to life which means a lot to them. I think us writers provide a sort of service that touches the hearts of others and that’s nothing to be afraid of. That being said, I would really love to see the pieces you come up with.  
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letarasstuff · 5 years
What makes you beautiful
Author’s note: So yeah, this is my first fanfiction here on tumblr. I hope you enjoy it :)
Summary: Lea is an intern at the Jeffersonian. She meets Finn Abernathy and makes friends with him really fast. But what happens, when she realizes, how wrong she is treated by her boyfriend?
Warnings: Abusive boyfriend, so don’t read it, when you are sensitive to this subject. Language, i think? And bad grammar, English isn’t my first language, so please tell me any errors in it!
3211 words, I am sorry
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As a kid, whose parents often fought before they got a divorce, you learn to be scared of seeing other people argue or having an argument yourself.
Now I am a teenager working as an intern, or squintern as Booth likes to call us, at the Jeffersonian. I visit my mother every two weeks for a weekend in Maryland.
So being someone, who despises fighting, your worst ‘enemy’ are relationships. Like, when your partner does things, leaving their socks and underwear all over the house for example, you tell them to stop that in a gentle way to avoid any confrontation.
Maybe you are lucky and your significant other stops leaving their crap everywhere. I wasn't that lucky. My boyfriend screamed at me, saying I only want to change him and that I was invading his private space. From now on every time I ask him to do something nicely, he lashes out on my.
Sometimes, when he is angry or pissed already, Leo slaps or kicks me. I know, it sounds stupid to not break up with him, but I love him and he loves me. We are a good team. I do the chores as soon I get home from school or the Jeffersonian and he teaches me to be the best version of myself.
After a rather exhausting day at school, I am called by Dr Brennan to assist her on a case. It’s an investigation from the FBI. The victim was found in a burnt down warehouse. Now they need us to confirm or to deny, if it is a murder or not in order to do further searches.
After sliding my badge down the security check I go on the platform. I’m greeted by Angela immediately. “Hey Sweetie. Nice to see you. I hope you are still in school”, says she and gives me a hug. Laughing I respond: “No, I didn’t drop out since the last time we saw each other, that was like three days ago?”
Then I put on some latex gloves and bid a “Hello Dr Brennan” to my mentor.
But there is also someone I don’t know yet. “Hello Miss Smith. I’m glad you could make it. This is Mr Finn Abernathy, another intern. I need both of your opinions on this case. The corpse is burnt down to the bone and any evidence is most certainly destroyed. I am not sure if we can find anything at all.”
Then Dr B turns to the guy with the baseball cap, which has the Jeffersonian logo on it, and introduces me: “This is Lea Smith. Although she is still in school and only 17 years old, she has a magnificent knowledge on anthropology.” With a kind smile Finn sticks his hand out for me and speaks: “Good day, Miss Smith. It’s really a pleasure to meet you.”
Well the boy got quite a nice accent. “Why thank you. I really look forward to work with you, Mr Abernathy. Also please call me Lea. I’m barely 17 years old and it's making me feel like I'm at least 30.” Before he has the chance to answer our mentor interferes. After all we got a case to solve!
After many hours of running tests and examining bones, Dr Brennan sent me home. Thankful I say goodbye to everyone just wanting to get finally home.
“How do you get home?” asks Finn concerned. “I take the next bus. We are in Washington DC. Here comes the bus to my neighborhood every 20 minutes in the night”, I answer. Shaking his head he begins to peel himself out of the blue jacket. “There is no way I let you go all by yourself. We are in Washington DC. A young good looking lady like you are as safe as my money in 2009. I drive you home.”
After a while sitting in uncomfortable silence Finn speaks up: “So you are still going to school? Isn’t it a bit too stressful? I mean, Dr B has some tough standards. But at the same time your grates aren’t allowed to drop, are they?”
Looking down to my fidgeting fingers in my lap I answer: “Well a part-time job as a waitress would be much easier. But I need a place, where I have to use my knowledge and mind. It’s like a big puzzle you have to solve. Everywhere are pieces, you just have to find them. Also school is quite easy for me. My biggest problem actually is time. Now it’s 2 a.m. and I have to finish an essay for English in seven hours. So sleep is a sweet thing I have to treasure like a pirate a golden coin, Mr Abernathy.” “That was well said”, he smiles, ”And please call me Finn. It feels off for me to be called Mr by someone, who just told me to stop calling them Miss.”
Now, that the ice is broken, we talk about everything and nothing actually. 20 minutes later we are at my apartment complex. While getting my seat belt off, I turn to my new coworker: “Well thank you for driving me out here. You really didn’t have to do this.” He just waves it off: “I insist. It was really a pleasure talking to you. So go and finish that essay. It’s going to be as amazing as you. And please go to bed as soon as possible. We all need a good
sleep, even you. Sleep tight!” After an awkward hug like thing I step out of the car and open the door to go to my apartment. Before I close the door I wave Finn goodbye.
With a huge smile plastered on my face I open the door to my sweet home. It’s a cozy little apartment I share with my boyfriend. After my parent’s divorce I moved in here with my dad, while my mom went to her new girlfriend in Maryland. When I was 16 my dad wanted us to move back to Germany. He and mom originally are from there. But I wasn’t too pleased with his decision. I had a job as an intern for THE Dr Brennan, a nice school, a few friends and my boyfriend here in the US. In the end he moved out and my boyfriend in. So I kinda life on my own, the big dream of every teenage girl.
Trying to avoid any loud noises I tiptoe in the kitchen. After closing the door silently, I turn on the light. Then I see Leo, my beloved boyfriend, sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. He looks beyond pissed.
“Where were you for fucks sake?!” he asks. Every syllable is pure anger and hatred. That will not end good for me.
“i-i-i was at the lab. Th-they n-needed me for a c-case.” My whole body is shaking in fear. While getting up Leo nearly screams: “And what were you thinking, when you didn’t say something about that to me? I was worried sick!”
Suddenly he pushes me. I fall on the floor, my head banging against the table leg. Leo grabs my hair, throwing my head up violently. I try not to cry.
“I-I am s-sor-sorry”, I sob. But the man just snorts: “I don’t believe that. You know, I don’t want to punish you. But if you wanna be the best version of yourself you have to learn from your mistakes.” With that he slaps my the face and let go of my hair. Forcefully I meet the cold white tiles of the kitchen floor. Then my boyfriend goes away. I hear his footsteps in the hallway and a door opening and closing. He is in the bedroom now.
A tear slips from my eyes finding its way my cheek down. My head is pounding. A few minutes later I get up carefully. Everything spins for a few seconds, but I regain my composure and get my backpack from the hallway. With a massive headache and a hurting heart I finish this essay.
It’s needless to say, that I didn’t get much sleep last night. When my homework was finally done, I had to think about the things I did wrong. Leo’s punishment has to be a lesson for me, therefore I have to analyze my behavior and do it better next time.
While sitting alone in the cafeteria during lunchtime eating an apple, my phone rings: “Smith” “Hello Miss Smith. It’s Dr Brennan. We have a new lead on the victim’s identity. Please come to the Jeffersonian as soon as possible.” Oh well, seems like my next free afternoon isn’t going to be today.
After the conversation with my kind of boss ended, I call Leo. “Hey Sweetheart”, he greets me.
I love this boy so much. “Hey Baby”, I answer breathlessly, “I just wanted to let you know, that I have to go to work right after school again today.” Anxiously I wait for his opinion. “Okay, Sweetheart. But make sure you are home by 10.” Happily I thank him.
A few awfully long periods later I finally am able to leave the hell called school. Not much later I arrive at the Jeffersonian.
“There you are”, Dr Brennan says when I get on the platform. “I’m sorry, but I had a quiz in sixth period.” Then we continue our destiny.
Yes, working with dead bodies is a destiny in my opinion. You have to be born to be able to do this. You must be prepared for anything mentally.
“Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. My granny needed help with her computer, stating she deleted the internet. It’s a lot more difficult to calm down an 80 year old woman than a bag full of puppies”, explains Finn himself.
Dr B nods: “It’s okay, Mr Abernathy. Family is more important than anything else. Please watch it that this doesn’t get to be a routine. You aren’t getting paid for nothing.” Finn takes this advice with gratitude.
“Hey Lea. How went the essay?” he asks me while putting latex gloves on. With a genuine smile I answer: “Thank you for asking. My teacher was very pleased with the presentation of the main problems from George Orwell’s 1984.” My coworker responds with a: “I’m happy to hear that.”
Suddenly I feel like I’ve been struck with a lighting. “I have an idea!” And then I’m on my way off of the platform to Hodgins’ lab.
“Hey Little One! Long time no see, he?” he greets me. I say: “Hello Bug Man! Can you do me a favor?”
Half an hour later Brennan and Booth are out to get the suspect. While waiting for news I sit in the lounge doing my homework. You gotta take every chance you get to do them.
“Oh, what’s that?” Startled by a voice I turn around. “Oh, it’s just you, Finn. Sorry, I’m a very jumpy person”, I explain myself after being reassured, that this voice is from someone, who isn’t going to hurt me. Then I look at what I wrote.
“Oh, that’s just for biology. It’s not that difficult, just something with osmosis and so.” “That’s not what I meant. It makes no sense to me. It isn’t English, is it?” he asks interested.
Then I know Finn is talking about: “Ah, it’s some good old German. I was born in Boston though. My parents moved to the US like 25 years ago. So I still learned their mother tongue. It’s quite important to them that I don’t forget their origin. And now I’m writing this paper in German at first for my mother. Her vocabulary isn’t good enough in specific areas, her knowledge on the other hand is very impressive. So I let her read it and then translate the whole thing in English, her notes indeed.”
The young man has a look of astonishment on his face. “Wow. That’s so cool. Maybe you can teach me some German and something about the culture over there. I can pay you back in showing how to speak with the coolest southern accent the world has ever witnessed!” “Well, hack my legs off and call my shorty. We have a deal!”
Weeks go by and Finn and I become great friends. We tell each other almost everything. He even visits me in school or waits for me so we can do something afterwards. Leo never does something like this with me.
We know each other like the back of our hands. There is one thing I don’t tell Finn though: What happens in my apartment.
Slowly but surely I realize that everything, that is going on in there, is wrong. When my now best friend told me about his past, especially his stepfather, I began to think.
Finn shows me on so many ways, that imperfection is that, what makes you beautiful. He makes me believe I’m already enough. And when I make a mistake, it’s fine. That’s what makes all of us human.
When I finally conclude this construct of beauty, I lay awake next to Leo. I already feel the bruises forming on my body. In this night I don’t get a wink of sleep.
Now that I know the “truth”, I am embarrassed. How dumb am I? Thinking that this guy loves me and keeps hurting me to make me perfect is nuts. It is paradox.
But am I too deep in this mess to get out? Isn’t it too late now? Is this how I am going to live until I am gray and old? Do I want that?
The next few days I distance myself from everyone. I try to spend as little time as possible at the Jeffersonian by saying that I have too much school work or I am sick. Right now I am too ashamed to look anybody in the eyes there. I’m considered as a genius, but I am too stupid to figure out something so simple sooner?
It’s like the third week in a row, that I bailed out on Dr Brennan with the excuse, that I’m sick. This time it isn’t even a lie. My dear boyfriend thought I don’t give him enough attention. So he locked me out on the balcony in the middle of winter. Now I have a fever of like 39° C (102,2° F for you Americans), a massive headache and the worst cold I ever experienced in my short life in general.
Now the 20 years old man is at work, where he has to watch over the same machines on a monitor. So it’s nothing exhausting he is doing for a living. That is why I’m confused when the doorbell rings. I abandon my project for history and open the door. Before I get the chance to register who it is, I have to sneeze. “Oh well, that is a nice greeting. God shall bless you and your poor soul”, says Finn with a look of pity on his face.
“Haha, thank you, Dork. Come in or else I freeze my guts off out here.” I lead him into my apartment. Then I realize something. “May you excuse me, now the nice warmth is gone and I need a hoodie. This way goes to the kitchen. Make yourself comfortable.” And then I bolt for the bedroom.
Now see, I didn’t expect any visits from anyone. So I can go around my habitat without worrying about my bruises. When I’m out I make sure to cover them somehow.
Dressed in a Jeffersonian sweatshirt I go back into the kitchen. When my coworker sees me, he smiles: “Oh there you are. Hold on, is that mine?” With a blush on my face I scratch my neck and respond: “Maybe? I can’t help it, but it’s really comfy.” I finish with a shrug.
Laughing Finn assures me, that I am allowed to keep it. He wanted to ask Cam for a new one anyway. “But my visit actually has another reason than just checking up on you”, the young man tells me while I prepare a cup of tea for the both of us. “And the real reason may be what?” I want to know curiously. Sighing Finn explains: “You distant yourself from us. I thought it was only me, who had this feeling. But yesterday I talked about it with the whole team. Booth misses the ‘only other normal person in the lab’. Cam and Hodgins think, that something bad happened and are so close to emerge into that door to get you out of an emergency. Sweets tells us all the time, that you shut yourself out and that this means nothing good. Angela is ready to kick someone’s ass, if they hurt you. Even Dr B is in need of your comments and ideas while working. We all are worried about you. Please let us finally know what the hell is happening. Why aren’t you answering any of our phone calls? Why aren’t you showing up at the Jeffersonian? You are needed there. Without your person the whole lab is kind of unbalanced like a drunk man on his way home from a pub.” His eyes looks pleadingly into mine.
I couldn’t answer any calls, because Leo has my phone. In his pure rage of not getting enough attention, he took my phone and isn’t willing to give it back to me any time soon.
And that is when realization hits me completely.
Leo doesn’t just hurt me, he controls me. Every move I make I'm watched by him. It’s like living with a personal Big Brother.
I don’t wanna be controlled anymore. I’m sick of not being able to do what I want. I want to be in charge of myself again.
Finally I do the right thing.
I lock eyes with Finn. Without saying anything I roll up the arms of the hoodie, revealing a spectrum of colors.
While waiting for his reaction, tears start to form in my eyes and stream down my cheeks.
Gasping he looks at my injuries. From the dark bruises to the fresh wounds and the healed scars. Lightly he traces along them with his fingers, trying to not hurt me any more. I don’t move. I just show him my greatest act of trust. I trust him with my darkest secret.
Now Finn is crying too. Between sobs he hugs me and whispers into my ear: “I’m so so so sorry, Lea. I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that crazy shit immediately. Nobody deserves to be treated like this, especially you. I promise.”
And he keeps it. After this Finn takes me to the Jeffersonian, where I get an all check up. With the evidence, that is collected, Caroline builds a case against Leo.
It doesn’t matter what’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter how long Leo goes to jail, if he goes there at all. The only important thing to me now is the support I get from my colleagues – my family – who help me every step I take.
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Ooohhhh!!!! 5, 12, and 28 for the fanfic writers asks!
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
I feel like my forever answer to this question is Pirate’s Heart because let’s face it, that fic is amazing. It was my first fic to break 100k words and my first and only to break 200k and when I say I spent hours researching it, I mean I spent HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS learning bull shit things like the length of frigates vs. the bigger ships and how they dyed cloth to make clothes so I knew which colors the pirates would realistically be wearing and which language the freed persons would most likely understand so I could add it in, and the history of different ports along the East Coast and their dimensions so I knew if it were possible for a ship the size of the Nomad to dock in the harbor or if it would have to be anchored further out... it was definitely a labor of love and I think that shows through in every single word. 
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
I wish I would have understood the dynamics of the fandom more. 
I didn’t even know what fan fiction was up until a few years ago and I assumed I could just throw a few characters in a story and post it without really worrying too much about staying true to the specific MCU version of the characters and boy howdy did I get crucified for it. There’s entire stories I deleted because the comments were so terrible and I didn’t know WHY until I’d spent most of a year on Tumblr and realized exactly how much CACW split everyone. 
I hadn’t even seen CACW when I discovered tumblr, I didn’t know what Stucky or Stony was, or that the fandom had split so aggressively between pro/anti? So my first fic IronHawk... it didn’t paint Tony in a bad light? But I wrote him flawed just like I did Clint and WOW did people hate me for it. I had no idea most of the fandom was in a “tony can do no wrong/fuck clint he’s an asshole” sort of place and I think if I’d known that ahead of time, it would have affected my writing more. 
Even though realistically, if I would have known how toxic the post CACW fandom was, I probably would have kept in my Johnlock space and not ventured into Marvel at all. 
Now that I’ve been around Tumblr a while and I can see sort of the time frame of when I joined and know how to properly navigate the more tense parts of the MCU fandom, I know how to put warnings at the top of my fics, how to tell if negative comments are coming from some psycho anti, and how to handle certain themes in my fics to avoid setting people off. 
Granted, post EG we all just want our faves to be happy and alot of that has died down? But looking back? Yeah, I wish I would have known what was going on in the fandom/Tumblr before just diving in. 
Live and learn though! 
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Here are a few writers who are active in the fanfiction Community. So if you want to talk with them, or read their stories, or become friends with them… go ahead! Let’s make a stronger network!
The Admins
This blog was created by two crazy writers! Here we are… 
Carole aka @padfootagain (little bio written by Jenna) :
Carole is your go-to person when you need someone to talk about your ideas to. There’s no other person who gets so excited about them and makes you excited as well. Being very sweet and silly and lovely, it’s easy to befriend with her. Her title Queen of Fluff is not a lie; she’s a genius when it comes to writing fluff! It’s her main genre but she writes about other topics as well. Her fandoms go to the ends of the galaxy and back, from Star Wars and MCU to Potter and Ben Barnes’ characters. She is full of love and supporting everyone as the lovely person she is.
Jenna aka @madamrogers ( @madamrogersstorytelling for her fics) (little bio written by Carole) : 
Besides being the loveliest human being around here, Jenna is immensely talented. She can write basically anything, from some fluffy fanfiction to a dark themed piece, or even some beautiful poetry. From the MCU to Ben Barnes’s characters and a few actors, she can write for a lot of fandoms. And did I mention that she is the sweetest girl? Cause she is.
Tons Of Amazing Writers
Beth aka @marvelcapsicle​:
Beth is an absolute sweetheart and is immensely talented! She is going to tear your hurt apart with angst and then put it back together and you’re going to love every second of it. She has written a lot for the Marauders, but is now more focusing on the MCU, and in particular for Steve Rogers.
Filia aka @fortisfiliae:
Filia is very kind and has a way to touch your heart with her stories! She writes some of the best pieces for the Marauders. She is active for the HP fandom.
Bandit aka @banditthewriter:
Bandit is a sweetheart, and such an amazing writer! She is the specialist for Billy Russo. She also writes for several other Ben Barnes’ characters like Caspian and Logan, along with the MCU, GoT, Lucifer and the Marvel series.
Masterlist I et II
Rachael aka @something-tofightfor
Rachael is the one of the nicest people around this site and her series for Billy is very intriguing. She writes for most of Ben’s character, Ben as himself and Frank Castle.
Mila aka @carol-damn-vers
Mila is an absolutely sweetheart and the most supportive there is. She just recently came back and deserves all the love she can get, her stories are incredible! She writes for MCU and HP as well as some MCU actors.
Erin aka @whostheblondegirl (@whostheblondegirlwriting for her fics)
Erin is very wonderful and inspiring person who writes a lot. Her main fandom is MCU but she writes for MCU actors as well. You can find OCs as well as reader inserts from her fics that are often very long and full of details.
Cait aka @siriusblackfoot
Cait is extremely talented and very kind. She’ll give you tons of feels (and occasionally some smut…). She writes amongts the best fics for Sirius and the Marauders.
Sofia aka @wizardwritings
How many nights have I spent reading her Sirius fics? I have lost count. She will keep you up all night with her brilliant fics. She writes for various characters of the HP fandom.
Lex aka @delos-mio
She’s going to turn your heart into pieces with all these angst and feelings, and turn you into a sinner with her smut. But she writes so well and is a sweetheart, so you will find out that it’s worth it. She writes a lot for Logan and Thor, but also for other Marvel characters and Ben Barnes’ characters.
Scarlett aka @snarledblack
Lette is an amazing person and is extremely talented! She writes wonderful pieces for the Marauders, and especially Sirius, and also for various HP characters. She also wrote an amazing fic for Caspian that I recommend to all romantics!
Laura aka @blacklilyqueen
Laura writes so much angst, she will make you curl up in a ball and cry like a baby and you will love it! She writes for the HP fandom, and a lot for the blackinnon ship.
Nanda aka @brien-odylan & @blackinnon-paradise
Nanda is another master of angst, and a master of plot-twists! She will make you go ‘WHAT?!’ and get you overexcited. As a bonus, she’s an absolute cutie. She writes for Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Posey on her main blog @brien-odylan and for the blackinnon ship on @blackinnon-paradise.
Masterlist for actors and for blackinnon
So many fics to drown into! She has several blogs for her different fandoms and characters, but I’ll give you a link for her collected masterlist. You’ll find tons of things for the Marauders and Ben Barnes’ characters.
Kira aka @that-bwitch
Kira is very talented and a sweetheart! She writes for several HP characters, a few Ben Barnes’ characters and Poe Dameron.
Kami aka @kboogie09
Kami is very kind and funny and she is amazingly talented! She has a way with words that make all the feelings go right to your heart. She has written some of the best Poe Dameron fanfics out here, and she writes for several characters in the SW and MCU fandoms as well.
Melissa aka @i-said-goddameron
Oh dear… Melissa is an absolute cinnamon roll but also a first class sinner. If you want some Poe Dameron smut, she should be your go-to writer. But don't think that it’s all about smut with her! She also writes the most heartbreaking angst there is. As I said, she writes for the SW fandom.
Such an amazing being and writer! So many touching stories, and she has a way with words that will touch your very soul. She is active in the SW, the Magnificent Seven and MCU fandom.
Masterlist and the one for her drabbles
Rose aka @spectre-leader
You might have known her as @cobalt-one and I am still so pissed at tumblr for making her vanish for a few weeks by deleting her blog for some reason. Anyways, besides being an absolute cutipie, she is extremely talented and writes so beautifully! She will give you tons of feels and you’ll love it, so treat yourself! She writes for the SW fandom, and in particular for Poe Dameron.
Allie aka @yourhufflepufftrash
Allie is an absolute sweetheart and writes adorable and wonderful fics for several characters of the HP fandom. You should give it a read!
Laura aka @thevalesofanduin
Laura is super sweet and writes absolutely beautifully. Her style is amazing! She writes mainly for Star Trek and SW.
Lani aka @propertyofpoeandbucky
This girl is so cute and funny! Also, expect a lot of fics!! She writes the most sinful smut as well and some amazing stories. She writes for a lot of fandoms, I will let you get through her masterlist for the details, but she writes mainly for SW and the MCU.
Dani aka @illshowyourhurricanes
She is one of the sweetest people around here and her writing is just as sweet and cute. She mainly writes for Ben Barnes’ characters.
Lori aka @loriwrites
This woman is an absolute sweetheart. Even though her blog is closed for business, her masterlist is still full of Sebastian Stan and some others who she blesses us with.
Maya aka @prettyyoungtragedy - proposed by @pitubea1910
@pitubea1910 : Her writings and stories are my favourite in this whole site, I swear! She's the queen of the angst and cliffhangers! She specially writes for Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers and I'm a sucker for her stories. Plus, she's the loveliest girl ever!
Iz aka @meetyourmouths - proposed by @pitubea1910
@pitubea1910 : Her writings are about Harry Styles and, for me, her way of describing Harry and just writing him is so so accurate. I honestly recommend her blog if you're looking for any Harry styles story, you'll be more than amazed
@inkinflux - proposed by an anon
anon: She has many (and by many, I mean MANY) fics that you’d read again and again for the feels. She mainly writes for SW, HP, and other miscellaneous fandoms. Please check her out (I promise you won’t regret) 
Megan aka @goodomensblog
Amazing, amazing writing style that will either break your heart or make it melt. Fantastic descriptions too that really get you into the story. The blog is for Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens).
Darcy aka @forineffablereasons
Wonderful writer, her fics will make your melt. She’s also very nice as a person, so it’s always nice to see her posts. This blog is for Good Omens.
Kara aka @hellotherekenobi​ (main blog: @karasong​)
Kara writes amazing fanfics for Star Wars, with a very poetic style! She writes some of the best Obi-Wan fics on this website!
@just-the-hiddles​ - proposed by @redfoxwritesstuff​
@redfoxwritesstuff​ : @just-the-hiddles​ does awesome writing for Loki in the MCU and RPF for Tom Hiddleston.
@hopelessromanticspoonie - proposed by @redfoxwritesstuff​
@redfoxwritesstuff​ : @hopelessromanticspoonie writes disabled reader inserts for Loki and Tom hiddleston. 
@nonsensicalobsessions - proposed by @redfoxwritesstuff​
@redfoxwritesstuff​ : @nonsensicalobsessions​ writes Tom hiddleston rpf that can be rather heartbreaking at times. Everyone needs some heartbreak lol
@coyotesongwriting​ - proposed by @redfoxwritesstuff​
@coyotesongwriting​ also writes within the mcu and tends to be on the angsty side
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hardstone98 · 5 years
[This is for samettikettu if she follows you please send her this message] Hi you may know me I'm just a fan but I just wanted to say thank you for writing all the stories l love even if their no longer there to read I can still read a few of your works one piece being my favorite all your works I've searched and found your ao3 account but I know you have a few missing the Gang Wars story being an example I won't say no more on that topic only this if you delete all your stories at least put all the stories on your ao3 account dont take that the wrong way please anyway it's been an honor reading and following your works I may not know the reason why you did it but you must have one I hope some day in time I will find new works or even a few of your old works or new updates on current work on your ao3 like Detective Loomes and the Phantom Thief being my favorite currently my heart breaks at most of your awesomeness lost forever but if a few of your works still exists thirteen In total on ao3 I can some what be at peace. I just had to get this off my chest I don't even know if you'll even get or read this must sound pathetic to you as read this please don't get mad you don't even have to answer if you don't that will be it you'll never hear from me ever again unless it's questions or my answer if you seek it I am hardstone55 on the fanfiction net site if you pm me or ask on tumbler but I don't have a ao3 account (man I typed a lot sorry also I said about the same thing to echaryn if you find Somthing similar to this they are but your both are awesome I had to put a lot of thought into this to I may sound selfish even I said the same thing you and echaryn because I don't know what else to say because you both are amazing that goes to any authors thinking of deleting thier stoires even forever unfinished ones are worth it can inspire others I say this from my heart I'm sorry if this offends you for me being selfish please don't get mad or worse delete the rest of ao3 stories because of me I would hate myself for that reason forever taking others chances to read them still dont know how to send an Ask well bye for now or ever ) ~like I always say Well until now may your writing spirt inspire others~
[Thank you to who ever sends it to samettikettu]
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Blind Hope Chapter 1
Title: Blind Hope Author: Rosie Dayze Word Count: 2299 Pairing: Nick Jakoby x Reader Rating: PG-13 Themes: Angst, Plot, affectionate frustration Disclaimer: I do not own Nick Jakoby, he is the intellectual property of Netflix Originals. I make no money from this fanfiction.
Authors Note: This was supposed to be like...five hundred words. I don’t know what happened, but here you go. I put in a break so that this didn’t take up anyones feed too much. Also, sorry I got so moody with this. It had a bad anxiety day.
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You are engrossed in work when you hear someone call your name. By the sound of it, it isn't the first time they've tried getting your attention. You look up from your desk and see a courier in a red and blue uniform holding up a bouquet that can only be described as extravagant. Roses of every available color mingle with babies breath and other, smaller flowers that you don't know the names of.
“If you could...just sign here?” The courier is doing their best to sound professional, but you get the feeling that the flowers are heavy and there are other delivers to make. Stunned, you sign for the flowers. Relieved, the courier puts them on your desk and absconds.
Transfixed, you run your finger across one of a petal so dark blue it's nearly purple. It's like dewy satin beneath your touch. The bloom opens and a soft floral scent fills the room. It brings with it a gentle, silvery chime. These aren't just flowers, you realize, they are elven roses. They'll continue to bloom for a whole year, maybe longer with a bit of care, and they carry song as well as scent.
They are also, ridiculously expensive.
“What...on earth?” June's voice cuts through your reverie. Bashfully you whirl around, hoping against hope that you can block out the sight of your unexpected gift. “I...uhm...” But June's already there, manicured fingers on her lemon yellow hips. You decided long ago that June was pretty much the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth. An amalgam of American genetics mingled with a dash of magic gave her rich brown skin and hazel eyes and hair so dark and curly that the sun could get lost in it. Her eyes narrow and then go wide “Are those what I think they are?” she asks in a voice made for radio. “Maybe?” She rolls her eyes and skims past you. Gentle as can be she bends to a blossom that matches her outfit and takes a deep whiff. Her lips, glossy and bright, curl into a cat like smile. “Entarnian,” she says in perfect elfish. The tiniest points in her ears, nearly invisible beneath the wealth of her hair, belie a distant heritage. “Oh, sweetie, these are incredible.” You assumed as much, but getting June's stamp of approval means that these flowers are pretty much exactly as expensive as you thought they were. “I was afraid of that.” June blinks. “Afraid? Why?” She pulls away from the arrangement. “Who are they from?” You bite your lip. Honestly, you aren't sure. You've been on a lot of dates in the past few months, and only one of them went well. No, you admit, it was perfect. Sure, it was just dinner, and a walk, but you'd really felt something. You thought he had too, but then he didn't call. He didn't text. It's been nine days since you heard anything from Nick Jaokby and you are pretty sure you aren't going to hear from him ever again. At first you were angry about it. Now you're just confused. “I don't know. I went on a date with that banker last night.” June's nose wrinkled. “The thrice-divorced? Oh...sweetie.” You shrug. You hadn't really wanted to go on the date either, but you had hoped that dinner and a show would pull you out of this five day funk you've been feeling. It hadn't. Mr. Peter Prescott was pretty much everything you dislike in a potential partner. It wasn't his looks, those were plastic perfect, it was everything else about him. He'd spent the first ten minutes of your date demanding to know if you'd even slept with an elf and it had pretty much gone downhill from there. You desperately hope that the flowers aren't from him, but they seem like exactly the kind of thing he might send in the hopes of guilting you into a second date. The very thought of it makes your stomach turn sour. “I don't know,” you repeat. “Well, only one way to find out.” Quick as a lash June's hand dives into the greenery. The roses chime merrily, creating a delicate music. Moments later her hand reappears, clutching a tiny, pink card between her fingers. “There we are.” You see your name written in hurried script. It's not the fine, practiced hand of a florist, but there is something charming about it all the same. June passes it to you. “Open it.” You raise your brow. “You aren't the boss of me.” It's not true, and you both know it. June, who is your best friend, is also your direct superior. She just crosses her arms and gives you a long, deadpan look. “Alright, alright.” You tug at the envelope flap and a little card spills out. It's not particularly large, but you think it's bigger than the average floral notecard. You hesitate to open it. Right now the note, and the flowers, could be from anyone. Right now they are Schrodinger's flowers, and you kind of like them that way. Perhaps someone from your family is celebrating, and everyone you are related to got a bunch of overpriced, musical flowers. Maybe they are from a secret admirer who is practically perfect in every way. Maybe...just maybe they are from who you'd really like them to be from. You don't even realize you are holding your breath when you open the card. I wanted to say I'm sorry The note begins. Your heart gives a hopeful leap. Ward told me that I wasn't supposed to call for three days or I'd look stupid. I looked stupid anyway because I broke my phone when putting my warbag into my locker. I didn't know how to say I'm sorry. Ward said to send flowers. I didn't know what kind. I hope these are okay. At the very bottom of the card, hastily scrawled in what little space was left, is a phone number. “Well now. That explains it.” You bite your lip. You want to believe it. You really do but there is that tiny, ugly voice in the back of your head screaming at the top of its anxiety crafted lungs that breaking a phone doesn't delete all the information. He could have found another way to get your number. Right? And yet, maybe he couldn't. Or maybe he was nervous. Or maybe... “Stop it,” June says. You look up from the card. “Stop what?” “Stop thinking whatever you are thinking that's putting that look in your eyes.” You close the card. “What look?” “The one that says you are going to overthink whatever that card says until you make yourself sick.” Gingerly she plucks the card from your grasp. You let her take it. As she reads it her lips curve. Her eyes go bright. “Awww!” You roll your eyes; part amused, part annoyed. You wish that you had the same reaction. You wish the only thing you felt was the sweet joy that is practically beaming out of June's demielf eyes. “He could have called you, could have gotten my number all over again like he did before.” June's smile wilts. “Don't do this.” She sighs and deposits the note on your desk. “I am begging you not to do this.” “Do what?” You cross your arms. The turmoil of emotions that's been stirring in you for nine days bubbles up inside your chest. “Not take what some guy I went on one date with says happened?” “Nick isn't just 'some guy' and you know it.” “I had a four hour conversation with him.” You aren't sure if you are telling her or yourself. “I was a nice conversation, but that's all it was.” She narrows her eyes at you. June, despite being no more than two months older than you, has this amazing mom expression. Its that particular mix of I-care-about-you and you're-being-dumb that only the most nurturing of people can master without even trying. She crosses on Jimmy Choo clad foot over the other and takes in a slow breath. “Call him.” “What?” “I know you are already talking yourself out of it. You are already coming up with seven different excuses of why it can wait until later.” “I'm working.” You point at your desk. “No you aren't. You are officially on break.” “I already-” “I swear to god if you don't call him I will fire you.” You return her direct look with one of your own. “No you wont.” She sighs. Her shoulders drop an inch or so. She reaches behind her and picks up the card. “You're right. Bluff called. But darling, I love you nearly as much as I love my wife and I am telling you that by second guessing and overthinking you are going to do nothing but hurt yourself.” She presses the card to your hands. “You don't have to call him right now. Take what time you think you need but please, I'm begging you.” She touches a single finger to your forehead. “Stop thinking the worst of people.” She squeezes your shoulder, and walks away to leave you with your own thoughts. You don't think the worst of people, honestly. You just know that sometimes people are the absolute worst. Some more than others. It's printed clearly on the front page of newspapers, emblazoned across social media. It's all there, plain as day. You aren't Nick, you aren't sure that everyone is just trying their best. Your thoughts come to a crash behind your eyes. Nick. The memory of him saying those words with the fervent tone of a true believer rolls through you. He said it so honestly, with such genuine hope that you found yourself looking at the world a little differently. You started to notice things, nice things. At least for the first few days. Then he hadn't called and you'd stopped looking. You sigh to yourself. So what. So he didn't call. It was only nine days, not the totality of your existence. Nine days was nothing. Even so, that ugly voice wont shut up. You spend the rest of the day at your desk. At five o'clock you gather up your things, including the flowers and take the trolly home. You stop at your favorite deli and pick up a sandwich for dinner. You give half of it to the little old lady who lives in the apartment next to you. She comments on your flowers, asks about who sent them. You give a vague “oh, no one” answer before retreating to the sanctuary of your apartment. You read and reread the note a thousand times. You come up with worst case scenarios and fairy tale solutions. You binge watch a television show and think about adopting a pet. You eat your sandwich. You smell the roses. “Damnit,” you mutter as you pick up your phone. You dial the first four numbers and then erase them. You dial the first five and erase those two. You toss your phone down and pull your laptop into your lap so you can look at pet adoption sites and social media pages. The sandiwch in your belly starts to feel like lead. If it had been someone else you might have been amused, maybe flattered, But this wasn't someone else. This was Nick Jakoby. You spent four hours in his company and started to see the whole world differently. You saw more kindness and hope than you ever expected to. You saw a glimpse of what it might have been like to see things the way you think he does. And then he didn't call. Oh, you'd think about calling him. You'd even picked up the phone. He'd said that he'd get in touch with you and you had believed him. After all the liars and the idiots and the buffoons and thrice divorced bankers you had wholehartedly believed him. You had believed he'd want to see you. That you would wake up and there would be text asking you for coffee, or something later asking if you wanted to go for another walk. But nothing had happened. One day turned into two, and two had turned into nine and by the end of it all you hated him for not keeping his promise. But more than that you'd hated yourself for not sucking down your own anxiety and reaching out to him first. “Damnit,” you snarl and pick up the phone. Before you can stop yourself you are jabbing his number into your phone hard enough to make the screen rainbow. Ring This is dumb, you tell yourself. You are in a bad mood. You should not call him right now. You should hang up. Wait for your mood to settle. June is right. You overthink things. You drag yourself down. You let your hope for the best get drowned out by your expectancy of the worst. Ring What are you even going to say if he picks up? That you've missed him? It'd be the truth. You have missed him. But that's not the point. Maybe you should tell him you are angry that you haven't heard from him. You've been worried. That would be true too. But is it the whole truth? Nothing but? Ring The call connects with a brief click and smoke sound. The first thing you hear is his breath, a sharp intake of air that sounds hopeful. He says your name like a prayer. You sag against your couch, pull a pillow into your lap and push your phone harder against your ear like that can somehow bring him closer. “Nick?” you ask. “I am so glad you called.” He says it the way he says everything. Like he means it. “I am too.”  
Chapter 2 Found Here
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