#it’s a waste of everyone’s time and I will absolutely bully the school into making it an optional nongraded project just on principle
treesah · 1 year
As much as I don’t want to be, I think I am going to be that absolutely unhinged parent that teachers and administrators hate once my son is old enough to attend real school.
Like, my attitude of, “As long as I, the legal custodial guardian of my son, know where he is and am authorizing him to be there, it’s none of your business where he is, and a courtesy on my part if I decide to tell you” is probably not going to change once he’s out of daycare, and that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
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itsmarsss · 2 months
Maybe. [Miguel Diaz x fem!Reader] (Cobra Kai)
(~from the vault~)
Miguel Diaz is annoying. That you are convinced of. Sure, you've never really talked to him, but still, you live a very happy life that way. But then one day he gets wasted at a party and you end up with the unfortunate job of driving him home. Sounds like just your luck.
Warnings: making out, little jokes about sex, some sexual tension there. enemies to lovers except the enemies part is completely one-sided
Word count: 9,567
Miguel Diaz wasn’t the kind of guy to have a lot of enemies.
He had, in fact, become fairly popular after he started doing karate and won a fight against West Valley’s biggest bully, surpassing the loser label that had immediately been slapped onto him when he’d moved into the neighborhood.
He was the typical nice guy who pretty much everyone seemed to like. Good at school, the type who wouldn’t hesitate to help you with schoolwork if you asked him to. Always nice to everyone, greeting and smiling at random people he’d never talked to before in the hallways as if they were one of his friends.
But, to you, Miguel Diaz was just irritating.
Everything about him somehow made you mad. He was just so apparently perfect and all of a sudden people couldn’t seem to shut up about him and that was sure to make you nothing short of annoyed. Yeah, you supposed he did seem nice, but you were positive it was impossible that all that sudden praising hadn’t gotten to his head.
You were convinced he was a huge asshole deep down, just a loser who got lucky enough. And though you had no real evidence to back that up, yet to see this facade of his that you convinced yourself of, you still couldn’t get yourself to like him.
Whatever. You could survive a life without him in it.
It didn’t help, though, that your best friend was friends with him. Did karate with him, too. Aisha absolutely loved Miguel, and seemed to make sure to mention it to you all the time.
They were genuinely good friends, and so you supposed you did feel a little bad when you dragged her to sit with you and away from her Cobra Kai friends during lunch, but you were positive that if you tried to sit with them you’d end up saying some not very nice things, and you weren’t up for drama at the moment.
But she kept bugging you about it, insistently so, and god, could Aisha be persistent when she wanted to. So one day, to shut her up about it mostly, you agreed to go with her and her friends to a party at the canyon.
You told her you’d try to be nice, but made a promise to yourself to keep distance from a certain someone specifically. Maybe then you’d be able to enjoy the night and- hey- maybe even the others’ company.
[. . .]
“Don’t just stand there!” Aisha laughed.
“Since when are you a party person?”
“Since I realized I could throw them!”
Wait, what? “Wait, this is your party?”
“Well it’s a Cobra Kai party…”
Alright, so you didn’t want to give it to them. Cobra Kai as a whole annoyed you to no end, as it seemed to be a breeding factory for nerds turned into stuck-up assholes, but you couldn’t deny you were grateful for how much it helped Aisha. The Aisha you knew a few months prior would have never had the guts to throw a party, let alone assume people would attend it.
So, fair enough. “Cool!” “Hey Aisha come watch me do a keg stand!” Some guy you’d seen walking around with the Cobra Kai guys before yelled from the other side of the place.
Aisha glanced back at you, seemingly a bit torn about leaving you. “Do you wanna come?”
“No it’s fine. I think I’m gonna grab something to drink. Now go!” You assured her, smiling. You wanted her to enjoy having other friends.
You barely had time to pick yourself up a drink before you weren’t alone anymore.
“Y/N!” A guy wearing a graphic t-shirt that quite literally read ‘📍your mom’ under a flower pattern button-up called your name, walking towards you. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused, as you were completely sure you’d never talked to him before.
You didn’t know how to feel about not being so invisible anymore, all by association with Aisha. It definitely felt a little weird. “Um. Have we- have we met? Sorry.”
“Not really. But Aisha talks about you a lot. I’m Demetri, by the way,” he held out his hand, and you shook it. What teenager shakes hands these days?
“Well, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I know,” he laughed. “So, you want me to show you everyone?”
“Uh. Okay. Sure. Yeah. That'd be cool."
“So, that’s Eli-” He pointed at the guy who sported a blue-dyed mohawk, and was currently rather busy making out with someone you actually knew- Moon. You didn’t exactly like Moon, but you supposed she did seem to be more of an out-of-touch person than a mean one, compared to her friends. “Uh yeah, who’s apparently making out with Moon. Somehow. He likes to be called Hawk now but I think that’s pretty ridiculous.”
“It is.”
“Yeah well he used to uh- some people used to call him Lip. ‘Cause he has a scar.”
“That’s him?” Said boy pulled away from Moon, and you took a good look at him. It was him. You always thought he looked cute, but you had to admit now he looked kind of hot.
You did had to give Cobra Kai some credit in that area too.
“Yeah.” Demetri turned you around. “Those two walking down are Robby and Samantha and-” He seemed to realize something, suddenly looking worried.
“Something wrong?”
“No uh. I don’t really talk to them. That,” he spun you around one last time, “Is Miguel. But you must know him already.”
“Yeah I’ve heard of him.” He was downing a beer bottle at rapid speed. “He’s really getting shitfaced,” you pointed out.
Demetri still looked worried, nervous. “Yeah uh, Sam’s his girlfriend.”
“The one walking down the hill?”
“He thinks she’s cheating on him. With Robby.”
You looked at the two again, laughing, their fingers intertwined. You could be taking it wrong, of course, but it did look like they were together in some way. It wasn’t that far of a stretch to feel a little jealous of a scene like that at least. “Oh that sucks.”
You weren’t heartless, okay? Just because you didn’t like the guy didn’t mean you wanted him to get cheated on. If that’s what was even happening.
“We should go-” Demetri grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you with him on Miguel’s direction.
“What? No-” You weren’t heartless, but you weren’t his friend either. What were you going to do, comfort him? Let him cry on your shoulder? Come on now.
But you didn’t even have the time to protest. You were already there, and it seemed that so were the Samantha girl and the Robby guy , and Miguel didn’t look pleased.
Well, he was laughing, but it was definitely not a good kind of laugh.
“So I don’t have to worry, right? Well that’s funny.”
Miguel was wasted.
He tried to pick up a fight, and ended up hitting his own girlfriend on accident, which had, expectedly, resulted in her breaking up with him on the spot. Now you were sitting beside him, and you didn’t know what to do.
Wouldn’t it be best if you just left? Clearly you shouldn’t be here, his actual friends should be dealing with this. But then again it would be too shitty to leave Aisha on her own. You had agreed to be her designated driver after all.
Everyone was quiet, apparently not knowing what to say. God, someone really should bring the guy home.
Hawk spoke up, finally, voicing those same thoughts. “Um, dude, you should go home.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re really drunk, man, just go home.”
“I walked here.”
“Shit. Right. Do any of you have a car?” Demetri asked no one in particular.
“Oh Aisha does. Well it’s her dad’s,” you pointed out, not really thinking it through.
Aisha’s look shot up. “But-” You could see she was conflicted. You could understand. Finally people wanted her around, and she wanted to stay a little longer for that.
You could not believe you were about to do this.
“I’m such a good friend,” you muttered, standing up, and Aisha looked at you, puzzled. You held your hand out. "Gimme the keys."
"Do it before I change my mind."
She did as you said, placing it on your hand. You took another look at Miguel, then at Hawk. "Can you help him?"
Hawk immediately stood up to do so, and you made your way to Aisha's car, leaving both Aisha and Demetri behind with a promise you'd come back later to drive them all home too.
"Do you know where he lives?"
Hawk was done shoving a now barely conscious Miguel into the passenger's seat, buckling the seatbelt for him, which you took notice of. He seemed to care a lot about Miguel. "Yeah I'll- can you give me your number? I'll forward it."
[. . .]
"Where are we going?" At some point along the way Miguel seemed to have gained a little consciousness back, his eyes widening as he took bearing of his surroundings. You could understand why. He was in a random car going who-knows-where with a kind of random person who hated him. Well he didn’t really know about that last part, but still.
"I'm taking you home."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, my mom can't see me like this."
"I can't go home like this you don't get it-"
"But where-"
"She's been so proud of me lately, I-" Was he… crying? So he was an emotional drunk. Miguel Diaz, a crier. Who would've thought.
"Well where the fuck am I supposed to take you?"
"I- sensei- no he lives next door you can't-"
"Diaz I'm gonna take you home. I don't care."
You actually took a good look at him when you had to stop at a red light. He looked a mess. He was sweating, hair sticking to his forehead, legs shaking in anxiety.
You couldn't be this soft, right?
You sighed in annoyance, but you were doing this to yourself, really. "I'll take you to my place. But you better sober up cause you're gonna have to get in through the window."
He seemed surprised. "You'll do that?"
"Yeah don't get used to it. I'm kicking you out as soon as I wake up."
He stayed silent the whole ride, until you turned the engine off.
"Thanks," he muttered under his breath, before you opened the door to get out. You didn't reply.
You helped him out, holding him by his wrists until he got his balance back, and you both climbed through your bedroom window, which you were now thankful you'd left open.
"G’mme your phone."
“I’m gonna text your mom.” He unlocked it, getting the password wrong a few times before handing it to you. The texts you sent were simple.
hey mom im really tired gonna stay at demetri’s call you in the morning!
You didn’t know if trusting Miguel to be alone with his phone, in that state, especially after what had gone down at the canyon, was the smartest choice, so you took it with you, stuffing it in your back pocket.
“Okay look I still gotta get Aisha and the guys, so I'm trusting you to keep quiet." This was a bad idea. "Can you do that?" This was a terrible idea.
He nodded before plopping down on your bed. This was a horrible idea.
He was asleep in a second, and there was nothing else you could do but hope he'd stay that way as you climbed your way back out.
. . .
"Okay any of you that wanna get home get in the fucking car please," you said, not really up to stay and wait even more for them. After all, every second you were there was one more second in which a completely wasted Miguel Diaz was alone in your room, with your mom right there in hers.
All three got inside pretty quickly, and you dropped them off as fast as you could. Demetri first, then Hawk, Aisha last.
You actually got in through the door this time, so your mom would know you'd gotten home without having to go check your room. You prayed she hadn't done that already.
"Mom? You awake?"
"Yes! The party done?"
"Yeah. Had to drop some friends off, sorry I took too long."
"It's fine. Didn't Aisha pick you up though?"
"Oh yeah she left the car with me, got to be the driver for today. I’ll just pick her up tomorrow.”
"Oh okay honey!”
"Well I'm really tired. Gonna go to sleep.”
"Yeah, me too. Goodnight!"
“‘Night, Love you!”
With that, you quickly took off to your room to check on Miguel, who, surprisingly, was still asleep on your bed.
Your relief quickly washed away when you registered the fact that he was asleep… on your bed. You know, where you were supposed to sleep. Fucking great.
You considered waking him up and making him sleep on the floor. For… reasons that had everything to do with not being an asshole, and nothing to do with anything else at all, you didn’t.
You grabbed some blankets and placed them on the floor beside your bed, snatching one of your pillows from under his head. This was going to absolutely kill your spine.
You took one last look at him, and couldn’t contain a laugh at how ridiculous he looked, draped over the bed, hair disheveled, literally drooling. You’d have to change your pillowcase tomorrow.
‘Good-fucking-night, I guess.'
[. . .]
Your alarm went off at 7, as it always did on school mornings, and you jumped awake when you remembered how gross you probably were after the previous night. Miguel was still in deep sleep when you left to take a shower, but was sitting up on the bed, looking confused, when you came back. He’d apparently already taken the advil you left for him on your nightstand, as it was nowhere to be found.
“Are you- what am I doing here?”
“Drank too much. Cried like a baby when I tried to drive you home,” you shrugged. “Now hurry up, dude, or we’re gonna be late.”
“Look we’ll talk in the car, I can’t be late for chemistry again or Mr. Henderson is gonna be up my ass about it.”
He still looked completely out of the loop, barely awake yet, but nodded, standing up and following you to the car.
“Why’d you bring me here?” He finally spoke up after a couple minutes in silence. It seemed that he was finally becoming fully aware of what was going on.
“I was actually gonna bring you home, but you started crying ‘cause you didn’t want your mom to see you drunk or whatever. So. Next best thing.”
“Thank you.” He paused. “So, uh. you’re friends with Aisha, right? She talks a lot about you-”
You cut him short. “Look, just because I let you stay over and sleep in my bed doesn’t mean we’re friends, alright? You don’t have to be friendly just ‘cause you think you owe me something.”
“Um, I was just trying to be nice-”
“I’m not an asshole, I wasn’t gonna do you like that. I’m very nice, you’re very welcome, whatever.”
“Are you- are you... mad at me?” He looked surprised- no, dumbfounded was a more fitting word to describe it.
You scoffed. In truth, you still had no idea what about him got you so irritated. It’s not like he wasn’t being nice.
Still, you couldn’t help it. “What, can you not believe there’s one person out there who doesn’t worship the ground you walk on?” Okay, so you were exaggerating. So what? Not like it was gonna make much of a difference for him.
“I don’t think anyone worships the ground I walk on.”
"Whatever, Diaz. I’m only doing this ‘cause you’re Aisha’s friend.”
“I’m sorry, by the way.”
“About what?”
“Your girlfriend, or whatever.”
He hesitated. “Yeah, it’s fine. I was an asshole last night. Should’ve expected it. I’ll get over it.”
“Yeah. Oh Hawk’s bringing you a hoodie, by the way. So you don’t smell like alcohol at school.”
“Thank you.”
Nope. “His idea.”
He nodded. “Right.”
It wasn’t long until you pulled up into Aisha’s driveway, making your way out and around the car and opening the passenger's door to find Miguel staring at you, silently asking what you wanted.
"Move. I take shotgun when Aisha drives."
"Does that really-" He didn't bother finishing his sentence, letting out a sigh before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out.
"Thank you," you said, making sure it didn't actually sound like you were thankful at all, before hopping in. Miguel did the same, getting in the backseat.
You quickly separated as soon as you got to school, with Miguel following Hawk to change into the hoodie he brought him, and you and Aisha getting on your way to Chemistry with Mr. Henderson.
Aisha shot you a weird look. "Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?"
"You're being a total bitch to him! What happened to the person that took him home last night? Let him stay over?"
"For your information I do have empathy, you know? He was crying!”
"You still could've just taken him home," she shrugged, a smug look on her face. Jerk.
"Hey this is all on you! He left my bed reeking of beer, you owe me a big one."
"He slept in your bed?"
"And I slept on the floor, dumbass! He was passed out drunk!"
"Yeah sorry I don’t think I remember a lot of it. But you slept on the floor? That must've hurt."
"It did. So he should be very thankful."
"I... think he is. You're just not letting him thank you."
"Hey I let him thank me! But that doesn't mean we have to be friends. I'm doing pretty well without him in my life."
"Just admit he's not as bad as you thought and move on!"
"Oh fuck off. What do you want me to do next, marry him or something?"
"Hey you’re the one who’s bringing it up,” she put her hands up in surrender, as if defending herself.
"Shut up. Pay attention, Ms. Robinson!" You mocked her, turning to the projector in front of you.
[. . .]
"Yeah right like Demetri could win a fight against Hawk."
"I think he could! If he got some training." Aisha protested, laughing.”
"Oh come on have you seen the guy? I don't know what your sensei's been feeding him but he's like jacked now."
"Oh so you've been paying attention?" She raised an eyebrow in an exaggeratedly suggestive manner.
"Like I'd want something to do with a guy from Cobra Kai."
"You're an exception! You are on thin ice though."
"Well I think you should give them a chance."
Of course you could see right through her. "If by them you mean Miguel's included then you can forget it."
"What is it with you and him anyway? What did he ever even do to you?
"Nothing? I don't know, he just makes me mad. You can't be that perfect and not be an asshole."
"Did you just call him perfect?"
"I was being mean about it!"
"You totally d-" She stopped mid-sentence when she noticed you weren't paying attention, your eyes focused on something right behind her. She turned around to face…
Well, speak of the devil.
"What?" You asked him dryly. What could he possibly have to talk to Aisha about right now that required interrupting your lunch?
But he was actually talking to you. "I uh- I think I left my phone at your place? I can't find it anywhere."
You mentally cursed yourself for it, remembering you'd taken it with you the night before. "Shit yeah. I was scared you'd call someone or it would ring and my mom would hear or something. I guess… You can come over to get it after school if you want."
"Yeah. Sure. Thanks." He was about to turn around and walk back to the table he was sitting at with his friends before he stopped. "Do you guys wanna like. Sit with us?"
Aisha looked at you expectantly.
"No, we're good," you replied, and he nodded, making his way back.
"Dude! Let's just go!"
"What I already have to see him after school and now you want me to spend lunch with him? No thank you."
"You're so stupid."
You stuck your middle finger out at her before going back to eating.
[. . .]
You had already told Aisha goodbye, and were about to leave when he came up to you again. “Hey! Y/n! Wait-”
You turned around to face him. He was out of breath, clearly having run all the way up to you. You quirked an eyebrow, demanding him to tell you what he wanted. This was like a 400% increase on your Miguel Diaz interaction scale and you were right about done.
“My phone.”
Oh, right. He was coming over, like, right away. That was great.
“Yeah right. I’m walking home though.”
“Yeah I’ll- I’ll walk with you.”
And what an awkward fucking walk.
“Well here it is,” you handed him the phone, and he took it, stuffing it in his back pocket.
“Alright, thanks.”
“See you at school?”
Hopefully not. “I guess.”
[. . .]
“Oh I’ll- be right back!” You heard Miguel’s voice behind you as you walked through the hallway alone, on your way to bio, and made sure not to look his way, hoping he wouldn’t see you.
You had no luck with that.
You let out a defeated sigh before turning around. He was wearing a deep-red hoodie, which was something you took notice off, for some reason.
“Hey I know you don’t want anything to do with me-” you nodded, agreeing, and he pursed his lips together before continuing. “-but I think uh- I think I left my socks at your place too?”
He had to be kidding, right? “What?”
“My uh- my socks.”
“You think you left your socks in my room. And you wanna go get them.”
“Well yeah.”
“Can you not survive without one pair of socks?”
“You know what, fine. Whatever. I’m leaving a little late today though so you’ll have to stick around.”
“Yeah sure.”
You wordlessly turned around and walked to class. It seemed that interacting with Miguel was now a daily experience. That was just such fun, huh?
. . .
You found him waiting for you by the bike racks, right by the front steps, as you exited the building. You kind of didn’t actually expect him to wait for you. I mean, he could just ask you to look for the stupid socks and bring them to him the next day. That’s certainly what you would do if you were in his shoes, as to avoid the interaction.
You had to remind yourself, though, that the hate you felt for him isn’t mutual, which only angered you further. Couldn’t he just hate you back? Be a little rude? Maybe then you wouldn’t look like a bitch for being like that towards him.
“You didn’t take that long,” he pointed out.
“Yeah. Turns out they wanna move the project up for one more week or something.”
“That’s cool.” He pulled his bike out of the rack, grabbing the handles and starting to walk with it by his side, and you followed along. You were both quiet for a couple minutes before, of course, he couldn’t help himself from talking. Did he think everyone wanted to hear him talk all the time?
A tiny part of you told you he was just trying to be nice. Okay, fine. Maybe you were being too harsh.
“What’s your deal with me?”
Yeah, no, he can perrish actually. “What do you mean?”
“I mean why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“It… definitely looks like it.”
“Well I don’t.” Well...
“Then why do you act like you do?”
“What, are you trying to psychoanalyze me?”
“I just wanna know what I did!”
“You didn’t do anything! You never seem to do anything wrong, do you?”
“What, don’t play dumb. I don’t know what it is, okay? You just annoy me. You’re so nice to everyone and everyone just likes you so much and you don’t even have to do anything!”
“You don’t like me… because I’m nice to people. And so they like me.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“It’s how it sounded.”
“Whatever. We’re here,” you pointed out, and you made your way into your place. Not without taking notice of the sky, which was a dark grey color now, a storm forming. “Come on you can leave the bike here, looks like it’s gonna rain.”
“Yeah, I think…”
[. . .]
… So you were stuck at home with him.
This had to be a nightmare.
The clouds were quick to cover the sky right after you got inside, and you could barely see any hint of sunlight despite it still over four in the afternoon. Rain started pouring heavily quickly after, a storm suddenly forming in no time.
And so there you were. In your kitchen. Alone. Stormed in with Miguel Diaz.
This was just fantastic. Great, amazing, wonderful even!
And your annoyance was apparently visible. “Look if you’re so mad about it I can go-”
You stared at him for a couple seconds, unamused. “You wanna bike? In the middle of the storm?”
He just shrugged.
“I don’t hate you that much, you know? You can stay ‘till it’s over.” God, did you hope it would be over soon.
“See you told me you didn’t hate me at all.”
“Okay yeah you can go.”
He laughed. “Fine. I won’t push. Do you wanna do something?”
“I mean I don’t think there’s a lot to do. I guess we could watch something.”
“Yeah! That’s cool!”
“Well what do you-” you were interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing, and you took it out of your pocket, only to see it was your mom calling. Miguel sat back down by the counter as you picked it up.
“Honey are you okay? Are you home yet?”
“Yeah we got here just in time. Are you alright?”
“Yes, but the rain’s really bad here- wait, we? Is Aisha over?”
You took a glance at Miguel. Now how to explain that?
“Uh, actually it’s another friend.”
“Is it? Who?”
“Um his name’s Miguel? We were gonna do a- a physics project. But he rides a bike, so.”
There was a pause. “Right. Are you two gonna be okay?”
“Yeah don’t worry! We’ll just do what we need to do ‘till he can go.”
“Fine. Call me if you need anything! I’ll head home as soon as the storm clears.”
“Right. Love you!”
[. . .]
“Um does she not mind?” You were both sitting on the couch now, about 20 minutes into Thor: Ragnarok, when he said something.
You looked away from the screen. “What?”
“Y- your mom? That I’m here, I mean.”
“Oh she did sound a little- I dunno. But it’s not like she’s gonna make you go out in this weather.”
“Cool. Oh- we didn’t- I didn’t get my socks.”
You laughed at the thought of him thinking about his stupid socks the entire time you’d been watching the film. “Do those socks really matter that much to you? Oh are they too embarrassing? Do they have like little spongebobs on them or something?”
“No, I just-” he seemed to be fighting it, but was now laughing too. “No they don’t have little spongebobs on them. Just remembered it.”
“We can get it after the movie’s done.”
“Right.” He brought his attention back to the TV, but you decided to grab your phone and text Aisha.
dude youre not gonna fucking believe my luck
She replied almost instantly.
????? what happened
well miguel came over to get his socks or whatever
and???? ;))))))
this isnt a ;) situation!!! were stuck inside!!!
omg are you serious its just rain
yeah but pretty boy here rides a bike
dude you walk
well what are you doing rn?
were watching thor trying not to kill him
oh shut up
he’s annoying!!!
just watch the movie and wait for the rain to stop its not that hard
y/n i've watched this like 7 times already he was just really excited to watch it
awww you're all soft for him
im going over your house to kill you
you cant bc you're stuck with miguel!! WAIT
you're home alone with a cute boy and youre complaining??
hes not a cute boy!!! hes miguel!!!
whos a cute boy
you dont even like guys
im not blind??
shut up
get some!!!!
You put your phone down looking at Miguel once again. He was really concentrated on whatever was going on in the movie, so you decided it was safe to stare for a little bit. He didn’t look as messy like he did that day at the party. He even-
“That hoodie looks good on you.”
Where the fuck did that come from?
You really hadn’t meant to say it out loud. You couldn’t quite figure out his expression. God, he was gonna make fun of you-
“Thanks,” was all he said in return. He was staring at you now, as if trying to figure you out. You supposed you had to give it to him- you were just as shocked at yourself to blurt that out as he seemed to be. The movie seemed to be long forgotten.
You expected some snarky remark, a cocky grin. But nothing. Was that it? He was probably controlling himself as to not laugh at your face about it, you just knew it.
You couldn’t take the embarrassment. Why did you have to make things weird? You suddenly stood up in a quick motion. “I’m gonna find us something to eat.”
Aisha’s texts must have just gotten to your head, because why else would you even say something like that? You didn’t think he looked in that hoodie. Wait, no, that’s not what you said. You said you thought the hoodie looked good on him. Whatever, you had to focus.
And then he did the worst possible thing he could have done, which was offer to go with you.
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off! “Sure.” You tried to act normal. There was nothing normal about the weird tension you’d managed to create between the two of you.
It’s safe to say things were awkward. You occupied yourself with opening and looking through every single cabinet in the kitchen, even the ones where you knew there would be no food, trying desperately to find excuses to delay looking at him.
“Um are you okay?”
“Yes.” You were not. “Why?”
“You’ve been looking for something for a while. I’m not that hungry you know, you don’t have to.”
“Well I am.” You grabbed the first thing you could find, which was a chocolate bar, thankfully. At least one good thing to come out of this never-ending disastrous afternoon. “Found it.” You held it up for him to see, but made sure to avoid eye contact before making your way to the living room.
You both sat down to resume watching the movie, but there was still this weird energy around the room, one which, again, you’d gracefully created on your own, and you felt antsy. “Do you wanna go get your socks?”
“Uh, okay?”
You nodded back, turning around and making your way towards your room, knowing he’d follow you. You quickly sat down on your bed and waited for him to walk through the door.
“Um I didn’t see any socks anywhere so. Feel free to look around.” You finally worked up the guts to look at him for a split second. He nodded.
[. . .]
An hour had gone by since, and the storm didn’t look like it was getting any better. You’d even passed the point of being embarrassed about what you’d said earlier- okay, maybe not completely, but still- and were just staring at the ceiling, laying on your bed, waiting for the time to pass. Miguel was sitting right beside you, and you didn’t remember the last time one of you had said a word until he broke the silence again. God this kid loves to talk doesn’t he?
“You don’t actually hate me, right?”
“Are we still on about that?”
“There’s not really anything to talk about. I don’t know anything about you.”
“My name’s Y/N Y/L/N. I go to West Valley High. I'm stuck inside my house right now."
“Wow now I know everything there is to know, thank you,” he returned with sarcasm.
“What do you wanna know?” It had to be the peak of boredom, engaging in small talk with Miguel Diaz of all people. What was this, 21 questions?
“Well what kind of music do you like?”
“Little bit of everything I guess. Rock, pop, whatever.”
“You like 80’s rock?”
“Cool. My sensei showed it to me and it’s been my favorite.”
You didn’t mean to laugh.
“Just weird. Sensei.”
“Well that’s the word.”
“Yeah I know.”
“Have you ever thought about it?”
“Thought about what?”
“Joining Cobra Kai.”
This time you made sure to laugh loudly. “Yeah. Would be a dream come true.”
“What’s so wrong with Cobra Kai?”
“Don’t get me wrong, Diaz, Cobra Kai has helped Aisha a lot. But honestly it just seems like it recruits nerds and turns them into self-conceited jerks.”
“Um would I be one of those self-conceited jerks?”
“Have I done anything to you? I don’t-”
“You haven’t. But just- everyone keeps praising you for everything. And you didn’t let it get to your head? I don’t buy it.”
“People don’t praise me for everything. I've gotten beaten up a fair amount."
“Well what’s your favorite color?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
“It’s a valid question.”
“What’s yours?”
“That’s lame.”
“What's yours then?”
“That’s lamer.”
“Very funny.” You mocked him, but realized you were actually smiling.
He opened a smile of his own. “See? I’m not that bad.”
“You’re bearable.”
“That’s progress.” There was a pause. “Well you should come to practice some day.”
“Why would I do that?”
“To see that you’re wrong! We’re like family. I’ve never had anything like that before Cobra Kai.”
“Yeah I don’t think that’ll happen. But I’ll keep it in mind.”
[. . .]
“Yes mom I know. Yes he’s still here. Of course I’m not gonna let him go out in this weather. No, are you sure? But where will you- fine. But please talk to me. Right, love you.”
“She's gonna have to stay there until things get better.”
“What? Is it still that bad?”
“Apparently. There were like a bunch of car accidents around the buildings.”
[. . .]
“This is so fucking boring.”
“Do you have any games on your phone or something?”
“You sound like a little kid.”
“Shut up.” He totally did.
“What is it?’
“Stop staring at me.”
“I’m not staring at you.”
“You were! Weirdo.”
There was a pause. “Did you mean it?”
“That you think my hoodie looks good on me.”
“No?" You tried.
“Then why why’d you say it?”
“Can we not talk about that?”
“You know if you actually gave me a chance I think we could be good friends.”
“Yeah in your dreams, Diaz. I’d probably kill you.”
He actually had the nerve to laugh at you. “Yeah I don’t think you could.”
“I think I could!” You tried defending yourself, but you knew it was complete bullshit. I mean, have you seen his arms?
Not that you’d been looking!
Obviously not.
“Did you forget I literally do karate almost every single day?”
You shrugged in fake disdain. “Still think I could take you.”
He let out an incredulous laugh. “Okay.” He stood up, holding his hand out to you. You shot him a confused look. “What, prove it then!”
“No I’m not doing that.”
“So you’re admitting you can’t take me.”
You knew you couldn’t, but you also doubted he’d go too hard on you. Plus this was a matter of pride now, you couldn’t just let him have that. He knew exactly how to push your buttons to get you to do this. You immediately took his hand, standing up as well. “I said I could.”
“Alright. Come on," he challenged you, getting in a fighting stance, and you tried your best to mimic him, holding your hands in fists in front of your body. He laughed at that, reaching to change the position of your hands. “Okay this,” he said as he moved them just a little bit, “could break your thumbs.”
“Fine. That good enough, sensei?” You mocked, and the boy made a funny expression at that, but quickly snapped out of it.
“Okay, so I’m gonna try to sweep your leg, like this,” he pretended to do the motion, “and what you’re gonna do is block my leg with your right arm, like this,” he did the same with the new movement.
“This isn’t a karate lesson, just fight me!”
“Alright, whatever you say. You ready?”
You were not. “Yup.”
Okay, terrible idea.
In no time he’d done as he said, and your back was immediately pressed to the floor, with no time to even process it happening.
Still, you weren’t gonna just not get a little fun out of it. “You got lucky."
He dared to laugh at you again, before sticking out his hand for you to take. You couldn’t contain a grin as you pulled him to the floor beside you, laughing at his surprise when you were successful.
“Oh I see how it is!” He exclaimed, laughing. You were already starting to stand up, but he tackled you to the floor again, hovering over you.
“Jerk!” You punched him on the chest, playfully, but you were both laughing, despite both being extremely out of breath. You tried to catch him by surprise again, and went to flip your positions, but he was quicker, pinning you to the floor by both your wrists. It was no use then, when he was clearly stronger than you.
But then something really, really weird happened. After your laughter calmed down, it was impossible not to take notice of how the two of you looked right now.
It’s like you had to think about it a second time for the situation to actually click: he was on top of you, having you quite literally pinned under him by your wrists, practically straddling you at that point, with his knees on the floor on either side of your hips.
You looked up at him, and he was staring at your face. Intently so.
For some reason you couldn’t get yourself to look away. It lasted a ridiculously long time, the eye contact, or at least that’s what it felt like, and you were still out of breath from the play fighting, your brain trying to catch on to the situation you were in.
You could swear you saw him glance down at your lips, fueling the tension that was already inherently thick in the air between you. You immediately tried to rid yourself of the thought, as it was probably ridiculous- but then he did the last thing you’d expect him to do.
He actually leaned in.
And you did something even weirder than that: you actually let him do it.
In a second his lips were on yours, and he almost lost his balance as you got your wrists free of his grip, instinctively reaching for the back of his head, intertwining your fingers to his hair.
The adrenaline of it all was thrilling, and it was like your brain had stopped stopped working altogether. After all if you had been functioning normally you would not find yourself in this situation.
No matter. At that moment all you were really worried about was kissing him. You kissed him back, and then you did it again, and again, and again, until you had to pull away to breathe, your chest heaving up and down, as did his, and your breaths being the only sound heard around the entire house, much louder than the now muffled sound of the rain and thunder outside.
And then you made eye contact again and it seemed as what just happened downed on you, all at once.
You had just kissed Miguel Diaz.
No, much worse: you had just made out with Miguel Diaz. On your bedroom floor.
Ooooooooh, no.
Your eyes went wide and you were quick to push him away, standing up.
“Are you-”
You cut him off immediately. “I’ll be right back."
“I’ll be right back!” You repeated yourself. “You can go uh- looking for your socks or whatever if you want.”
“Are you serious-” you made your way out of the bedroom, straight into the first room you took sight off- the bathroom. You made sure to lock the door before you sat on the floor, back pressed to the wall.
Okay, so that just happened. You just kissed Miguel Diaz. No, actually, you just kissed Miguel Diaz back. He kissed you. But then again you kissed back. But he kissed you first, which means he was attracted to you? Did that mean you were attracted to him? No, you- okay, maybe.
Shit, shit, shit.
You pulled out your phone, scrambling to find Aisha’s contact. You hesitated before sending anything, knowing she'd tease you about this until the end of time , but Miguel was right outside and you had no idea how to face him after this. Holding your breath, you pressed send.
i did something
She took a minute to reply, and you jumped when you heard the sound of the notification.
okay should i be worried
um depends
okay im definitely worried did you actually kill him
then what did you do did you kick him out?
also no
girl just fucking say it!!!! i dont have time for this
okay but you cant say i told you so
youre definitely worrying me
he migthve kissed me
i,,, might have kissed him back
and we mightve made out like a little bit
why would i joke about that?????????? you think i wanted this to happen???
well clearly you did????
why would you have kissed back then?????
i dont know!!!!!! reflex?????
yeah right
was it reflex to KEEP kissing him back????
im gonna call you
no hes still here!!!!!!
Your phone rang, and you were quick to decline.
hes still here! hes gonna hear us!!!
omfg what are you gonna do
die maybe?
i knew you were into him
i am not!!!! into him!!!!!! HE kissed ME!!!
and you kissed back!!!!
that doesn’t mean anything!!!!
yes it does???????
Fuck. He was right outside the bathroom door.
“Are you alright?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m great Diaz. Go look for your socks.”
“Yeah um- I found them.”
“Hey it’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it, I shouldn’t have-”
“Yeah, you shouldn't have.”
“I mean you… kind of did kiss back.”
Silence. What could you reply to that?
“Can we not? Talk about it.”
“Uh. Fine?"
“Okay. I’m coming out then. And we can finish the movie.”
“Sure. The sky’s clearing up too so.”
You unlocked the door, inhaling deeply before opening it.
[. . .]
“Why did I let you do this? This is weird!” You whispered to Aisha, making sure the others didn't hear you. You'd let her convince you to sit with her friends from Cobra Kai during lunch, claiming it was the best way for you to seem ‘chill’ about what had happened. You were immediately regretting it.
You’d agreed not to talk about what happened at your place the night before, but things were still pretty awkward with Miguel, and it was really, really visible. Hawk had been stealing small glances at you, then immediately averting his eyes to Miguel, and so you were sure Miguel had told him all about it. Sure, you'd told Aisha too, but whatever.
He was probably bragging about it or something, in typical fuckboy fashion. Or something.
“It’s literally fine! You’re seeing things.”
“I’m not seeing things! It’s literally so awkward!”
“You can't avoid him forever!”
“I don't have to sit with him at lunch either!”
[. . .]
You’d almost considered yourself lucky for not having had to see Miguel in any other instance during the rest of the day, even congratulating yourself on managing to avoid him when he, of course, approached you at the exit.
You stopped, sighing in defeat. “Yes?”
“Are we cool?”
“I mean it seems like you’re acting weird, I don't know.”
“Does it really matter to you? We're not friends, so.”
“Okay. But we- was it that bad?”
“That I kissed you, are you that mad about it?”
Your eyes widened and you looked around, trying to see if anyone around you heard him. “I told you I didn’t wanna talk about that!”
“Well let’s just solve it so we don’t have to! I thought you wanted it too. I mean it- it seemed like you did at the moment but now I don’t know and I’m really sorry if-“
“Look I don’t know what happened okay? You don’t have to feel bad about it or anything, you didn’t read it wrong. But it was a one time thing. It I’m trying to be more friendly with you guys because of Aisha, but there’s nothing more to it. It was just a heat of the moment thing.” You turned around, already starting to walk before he had the chance to talk more.
Of course he still yelled after you. “You should go see us today!”
Okay, big change of subject. “What?”
“At the dojo. We have practice at five.”
You were the one to not get the time to say anything back this time, him hopping on his bike and getting on his way.
Well, should you?
[. . .]
“This is stupid.”
“You’re just watching!” Aisha said, trying to cheer you up. “I can’t believe I couldn’t get you to come see me but Miguel could.”
“That’s not what’s going on.”
“It’s not! Did I not sit with your friends at lunch today? I’m making an effort. For you.”
“And only for me.” She didn't sound like she believed it at all.
“Only for you.”
She let out a laugh, and you elbowed her arm. You got to the place, entering the door, which made a bell sound out. You couldn't help but notice the ridiculous amount of snake drawings, which was apparently the dojo’s logo, that were scattered on the walls. Despite that, the place looked decent.
You caught sight of writing on one of the walls.
“That like your mantra?”
Strike first. Strike Hard. No mercy. Very inviting.
“Something like that.”
“Not violent at all,” you pointed out.
“What's the point of karate if it’s not violent?”
“Isn't that LaRusso's whole thing? Non- violent karate?”
“Well he’s stupid, so that fits.”
“Okay, well I’m gonna-”
“QUIET!” A man you hadn’t seen walk in shouted, startling you and all the students.
“Ms. Robinson, who are we missing?”
Aisha looked around. “Hawk and Miguel, sensei.”
“Okay. They have three minutes.” He seemed to finally take notice of you. “New student?”
“Y/N’s my friend, sensei-” did they have to refer to him as sensei in every single sentence?
“Yeah I'm just here to watch-”
“What are you, a pussy?”
“I’m sorry?” You asked, dumbfounded. Okay, what was happening?
“Don’t think you can handle one class?”
“I don’t-”
“If you’re staying in my dojo, you’re participating.”
You looked at Aisha. “I mean it can’t hurt,” was all she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Are you kidding me-” At that very moment you heard the bell again, turning around to see who it was. Of course the timing was immaculate. Hawk and Miguel entered the dojo, taking their shoes off and stepping into the mat. You turned back around to face Aisha. “Do I have to take my shoes off?”
You did it quickly, before getting back to your place. Were you really about to do this? And what for? Because you couldn’t say no to a scary old man?
Because you couldn’t say no to…
“Alright quiet! Fighting positions!”
Everything was happening way too fast, and you tried to keep up, trying to remember the stance Miguel had helped you with the night before. Sensei walked through the rows of kids, all dressed in those weird clothes except for you, which naturally drove his attention to you, to which he laughed. “Yeah do that and you'll leave a fight with two broken thumbs.” Right.
Just to prove your luck, Sensei Lawrence had a fantastic idea. “Diaz, you’re in charge of teaching her the first moves. I’m teaching these nerds here how to headbutt. Again.”
“Yes, sensei!”
You were accepting it, the Universe had to be having the time of its infinite life at your expense. Miguel walked up to you, sporting a smirk. “You came.”
“Because Aisha asked me to.”
“Right. Of course.” You both walked off to the side of the mat, as to not disturb the rest of the class. “Alright, fighting stance.”
You made sure to make a face before you did as he said, remembering to leave your thumbs out of your fists this time. You were not giving him the satisfaction of correcting you about that again.
“Okay, that’s good. But you gotta-” he pushed your feet further behind with his own. “Okay. Now the most simple punches you’re gonna do are the jab and the cross. You’re gonna do the jab like this-” he showed it, punching the air with his left hand, “and the cross is gonna go like this,” he did the same, with his right hand this time. “But you’re gonna punch this,” he motioned to the punching bag in front of you.
“Oh, I kinda hoped I'd get to punch you!”
He smiled. “You’ll have plenty of time for that.” He positioned himself behind the punching bag, holding it in place.
"Do I have to do the weird grunt noises too?" You messed with him.
“Just go.”
You tried you best, not really having any idea what to do.
“Okay stop.”
He came up beside you. “Okay pay attention.” He did the movements, slowly this time. “You’re letting your hand punch down. It’s supposed to stay just in your eyesight.”
“So like this?” You tried it.
“Yeah but don’t bend your elbow. You could sprain it that way.”
“What? I don’t-”
“And you really thought you could take me?”
“Shut up. I could report you to your sensei, you know.”
“I’m the sensei right now.”
“In your dreams.”
“Come on, you can do it.” He took you by surprise as he placed a hand on your waist, pressuring it down so your legs would stay steady, and grabbed your right hand with the other one. You tried not to think too hard about it. It was a little hard focusing on what he wanted to teach you when you knew what it was like to- no. No wandering there.
He curled your fingers into a fist. “Okay so your hand will already be in a fist, right here, and then what you’re gonna do is hold it out in a straight line, you can’t let it fall down-”
[. . .]
“You can admit it, you know?”
“Admit what?”
“You liked it.”
“Karate.” Oh. Right. Karate.
“I would never.”
“You totally did!”
“Okay. Fine. A little. But I think it definitely would have been better if I had a better teacher.”
“A better sensei, you mean,” he pressed you about it, earning an eye-roll from you.
“Are you gonna keep doing it?”
“Are you like enrolling?”
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”
“Why, do you wanna see me that bad?”
He let out a laugh. “Yeah, whatever you say."
[. . .]
A couple weeks had gone by, and you had agreed to go to the movies with Aisha and her friends- well, you guessed now they were your friends too. The two of you were the first to get there, and were standing in line to get popcorn when Hawk and Miguel walked up to you. “I didn’t know you were coming,” Miguel pointed out.
“Do you not have other friends you can talk to?”
“You act like you were forced to be here.”
“I could have been!”
“I don’t think you were.”
You didn’t have a snarky reply to that.
“So sensei was talking to me about putting you in for tomorrow.”
“Yeah cause you missed on tuesday?”
“Oh right! Stupid project.”
“Yeah. Well apparently he has stuff to do so he asked if I could help you out.”
You laughed in an exaggerated manner. “Oh there’s no way.”
“It was sensei’s idea!” Miguel defended himself.
“And it’s a bad one! No way.”
Aisha turned to you, handing you a huge popcorn for you to hold. She then handed Miguel two cups, and all of you went on your way.
“Look the dojo’s empty at three. You should be there then.” He walked past you and sat down next to Hawk.
[. . .]
“You showed up!”
“Yeah whatever.” You put your backpack down on the floor and took your shoes off, walking into the mat.
“You’re not wearing your gi,” he pointed out just to mess with you.
“You’re not wearing yours.”
“But I’m the sensei today.”
“Yeah you don’t look very sensei-like to me.”
“What would look sensei-like to you?” He got himself in fighting position as he talked, and you made sure to do the same.
“I don’t know. A little buffer, less of a pussy,” you teased him.
“Hey watch your words! We’re serious people in this dojo!” He laughed. “Alright left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross and hook, all of them three times. You ready?”
You tried to make sure you remembered the order correctly. “Is the hook before of after the cross?”
“Right, so left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook.”
“Yeah. Now go.” You did it. “Okay good! Is someone… enjoying karate?”
“Shut up.”
He smiled. “Alright I’m gonna block you this time.”
You repeated the sequence. Left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook. Left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook.
Left front kick, right round kick, jab, mat.
“That’s not fair you were just gonna block!” You exclaimed after processing the fact that he’d just tackled you to the floor.
“You forgot to keep your guard up.”
“Whatever.” You began standing up.
“What, can’t take it?”
“Is little Miguel Diaz being mean to someone?”
“I’m just pointing out your weaknesses so you can work on them.”
“Because you’re just perfect, aren't you?”
“Do me then.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I-” he closed his eyes shut and pursed his lips together at the poor choice of words. “Do the same thing to me.”
“I don’t know, I’m starting to think you’re like into pain or something.”
“Yeah whatever you say. Come on.”
He did the sequence this time, and you blocked the movements, waiting for the chance to catch him by surprise. You did it while he was going for it the second time around, grabbing him by the wrist and attempting to pull it down, but he was quicker.
Best fighter in the Valley, after all.
In no time you were on the ground again. Fucker.
“I told you! It’s good practice though.” He was laughing at you, and held out his hand for you to take when he noticed you weren’t standing up.
You grinned. “Do you never learn?” You did the same as you'd done that one day at your house, pulling him to the floor next to you.
“Okay that was rude!”
“You practically asked for it!” You laughed like crazy as you stood up. “I can’t believe you fell for that twice!”
“Okay, fine.” He held his hand up again. “You not gonna help me?”
“Nope. I, for one, am not dumb.”
He got up. “Oh you’re gonna regret that.”
[. . .]
"Hey are you- are you doing something right now?" Miguel questioned you as he finshed turning the lights off.
"Not really. Why?"
"Do you... want to?"
"Like right now?"
"I mean I think we could both use a shower first but- later?"
"I'm just bored. You don't have to."
You pondered it. Aisha did have to bail on you to go to dinner with her dad. "Fine."
"What- okay."
You laughed as he finished locking the door of the dojo. "What?"
"Didn’t think you’d say yes."
"I can still change my mind."
"Yeah right. You like hanging out with me!"
"Hey don’t get too confident, I just don’t have anything else to do."
"And I don't believe you. Golf ‘n’ Stuf. In like an hour?"
"I don’t know. I might not show up," you teased.
"Yeah I'll see you there!" He yelled, content, already ahead of you on his bike.
[. . .]
“I knew it.”
You turned around where you stood, only to see Miguel behind you, a grin on his face. “You’re annoying. I’ve told you that before, right?”
“Yeah. Many times.”
“Just checking.”
“So?” Miguel held up his arm for you to lace your own with. As if. You scoffed, walking past him, leaving him to jog after you into the park.
“Okay what first?”
“Oh you’re letting me pick?” He asked you. Okay, you had to give it to him, he wasn’t as insufferable when he matched your sarcastic attitude a little bit. Or maybe he was more insufferable and you just liked to see him not be as nice.
“Yes I’m very polite.”
“Well then we’re doing mini golf.”
“Are you forty-five?”
“This place literally has golf in the name, what did you expect?” He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you along.
[. . .]
“Okay I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many tickets in my entire life,” Miguel exclaimed, holding up what looked like at least 80 tickets, all bunched up. You studied the excitement on his face. Fine, so maybe you had a little fun. Just a little. And maybe you thought he looked stupidly cute right now.
You walked up to the counter. He looked at your prize options. “So what do you want? We can get like 53 rings or like 72 plastic… babies? Why would anyone want 72 plastic babies?”
You let out a laugh. “I don’t know, I-” you saw it by the corner, almost hidden. It was perfect. “Ohmygod definitely that guy!” You pointed at it, and the woman behind the counter handed it to Miguel.
He held up the plush bumblebee. “He’s cute! What should we name him?”
“Um… Phillip?”
“What no! That’s so not a bee name.”
“What the hell would a bee name be?”
“Okay first off that’s so cliche. Second off, he’s a boy!”
“How would you know that?” You’d been walking for a while, and finally got outside, sitting down on a bench.
“I decided it!”
“Okay. What can we name him then?”
“Oh my God, Lucas!”
“Okay, I think I can accept Lucas.”
“You don’t have a say on my son’s name!”
“Hey he’s our son!”
“I don’t know, we’d have to take a DNA test.”
“Shit have you been cheating on me?”
“Yeah I’m sorry…” you tried to match his playfulness.
There was silence for a moment.
“You know this was actually pretty fun.”
“Yeah I was surprised.” You were teasing, but it wasn’t a lie, either.
“So you liked it? Who knew.”
“Oh shut it. It was okay.”
“You totally did!”
“Okay, whatever. Now we need to discuss Lucas’ custody situation. I’m getting dibs on weekends!” You tried to joke, but Miguel’s mind seemed to be wandering off. “Miguel? Hello?” You waved your hand in front of his face.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. I just- can I tell you something?”
“I have a theory. You can say I’m wrong. But you can’t get mad at me about it.”
“Okay I’m getting worried.”
“Well I’ve thought about it, and I might be being a little hopeful. But I’m pretty sure you might have a crush on me.”
You laughed in disbelief. Did he really just say that to you? “I’m sorry?”
“It’s just a theory! I want you to! I’m- am I wrong?”
You didn’t reply. Because you didn’t know the answer. Did you- wait. “You want me to?”
“I- mean I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, but. It would be nice. And I know you still don’t like to talk about that one time we kissed and all but things have been pretty confusing.”
“Because you have a thing for me.”
“Okay, I get it, it's fine if you don’t-”
Maybe it was not exactly the brightest idea to do something so important so suddenly, without sparing a thought before you did. But, when you knew it, your lips were on his.
It was calmer, softer than the first time you’d done it. Miguel was the one to pull away, smiling into the kiss. He stared at you, and you were nervous. You wanted to tell yourself you didn’t know where that came from, like you’d told yourself had happened that day at your place before attempting to bottle it up. But you knew.
You didn’t realize it, but in those weeks you hung out, you got to actually know him. And at some point you must have started liking him. A few weeks was definitely enough to change your perspective on some things.
You assumed he felt the same, considering the things he said.
… but maybe you read him wrong?
“What?” You asked, insecure, when he didn’t say anything.
He grinned. “You totally have a crush on me!”
You let out a breath in relief.
Okay, yeah, maybe Miguel Diaz wasn’t that bad after all. And maybe you could get yourself used to the thought of going out with him.
[. . .]
A/N: edited the fuck outta this one before posting, my ideas were good but my writing was pretty shit at the time. I think I was like 16/17 when I wrote this one. shits crazy. luv yall
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vqrtualheartss · 10 months
"𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖" — 𝑬42 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
Do not question why the time is going so fast part two
Yes, your friends are low-key bimbos but they book n street smart
Y'all I'm so happy that my page is growing 🥹 I love y'all fr
—Warnings: I have never been outside this country so I am NOT familiar with Brooklyn slang., Use of N word —hence why the title says it's for black readers
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 | Throughout Brooklyn Visions you were known as 'antisocial' —always wearing a mask even after the end of COVID, never at a party or a school function, 'dead socials', and the one that seals the deal: never seen with a boy.— Truth is you weren't even like that, up in that school the way everyone thinks is basically copied and pasted and not in a good way. It wouldn't take much to be viewed differently and not being too interested in interacting with almost anybody, you just kept to yourself. And no, this isn't some typical white highschool movie where you're bullied and apart of some loser, nerd squad, if anything it was far from that. Y'know those pretty, melanin-queen it-girls? Yeah, that's your crew, don't get it twisted though, you weren't some 'accessory friend' used by them —you we're just as pretty if not more— but you've seen how guys treat pretty girls in comparison to those "average" and who would want to be with someone like that? Definitely not you
It was the day before the mid-term break and your friends —Shadae, Nia, Kiara and Lailah— were nowhere to be found. Coming to the conclusion that they were at a party being held for whatever reason an exasperated sigh left your body closing your locker. "So that's really what they doing now? It's their lives soo if they don't care why should I?"
The sun's rays barely illuminated the hallway being hid behind clouds, playing into the gloomy theme. Walking through the large, empty spaces, head held straight going to your third/fifth class, you noticed someone staring at you through your peripheral vision—Miles Morales. A little introduction on him, he was apart of a group basically the male version of yours, minus you. Girls gushed at him, sliding notes into his locker and stuff, typical party animal, you heard through rumours that he hooks up with a new girl every other week. One would think it's false news cause that sounds absolutely atrocious but they came prepared with receipts ―But even those could be made up― and to no surprise, there were girls wanting to be one of his bi-weekly flings. Come to say though, it was a little weird how his gaze situated on you as you walked but you decided to brush it off as nothing. There's no way you could see yourself interacting with him. Ever.
In class
Since it was the last day so far all teachers gave a free period. As usual, you remained silent scrolling through whatever the media had to offer, even though having admitted that it was a boring ritual, you refrained to do otherwise. Time passed and the bell rung with you not wasting a second getting out the door, stuff already packed.
Moving along the steps going down to the next classroom, the deafening screech of the intercom went off as the minority of students covered their ears including yourself waiting for it to end, seeing a person take down their hands, everyone did too before the announcement went off.
"Attention students and staff: In light of the reduced teaching activities and productive learning for the day, we have made the decision to conclude school early. We believe that providing you with this extra time will allow you to enjoy a well-deserved break. Make the most of this unexpected opportunity and enjoy your extended free time!"
The halls erupted with cheers, laughter and talking as people made their way outside the school, although intending to head straight home, a few necessary stops to some stores had to be made before doing so. Heading out, you opened the phone still in your hand to make a list of things that came up to mind
Braiding hair
Gummy Wax
More coconut watrdf
"The fuck?" The words slipped from my mouth under a whisper at the sudden jolt of my body -can't even write a list in this school-, looking back I saw someone holding onto my arm, stopping me from going outside. It was Miles, -what could he ever want from me?- my eyebrow lifted, "hm?" "Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you" he released his hand off my body, leaning on a locker with his bag hanging off his shoulder "Um okay, about what?" I crossed my arms, noticing his eyes widened slightly before returning to their natural, slightly seductive state. "You actually talk?" "Nope" Trying to escape, he caught onto my hand, our eyes piercing into the others before he added "Alright that one was my fault, but I just wanted to ask if you're doing alright"
I glanced over his shoulder, searching for his friends, a camera, or any signs of people giggling, this had to be some sort of prank. Finding nothing, I gave in -one conversation can't hurt right?- "Yea I am, why do you ask?" "I didn't see your friends- wait" he tilted his head towards the door, hinting for us to go outside "You ain't tryna be seen with me or you good right here? " I looked around the room, dragging a hand down my face acknowledging the little clusters of people staring. Facing him again, I nodded and together we made our way out.
"So where we going first? Am I getting punk'd? I saw the lil' list you had" Rubbing his palms together, he anticipated my response as we crossed the road. Using my hand as a sun blocker, I squinted before answering
"You're very nosy and I will be-" "We" I stood taking a good look at the boy, blinking slowly. Realizing that he didn't plan on going anywhere else I caved in, "We will be going to the hair supply store first" he smiled at my renewed sentence.
"His dimples are cute- " "Nah shut the fuck up actually." "But he is though"
Shaking away the thoughts going back and forth with themselves, I focused my attention back to Miles who was already looking at me. To be fair, I was still skeptical of the sudden interactions and wanting to waste no one's time, I went straight toward my point. "What do you want? If you want something with one of my friends I can give it to you y'know" I kid you not when I say that this boy burst out laughing.
He held a hand at his chest before we stopped walking "That's what you think of me f'real?" I shrugged replying "That's what I think of most of them" I made a popping noise with my mouth, his hands digging deeper into the jacket's pockets. A playful smirk dancing on his face as he bit his lip, he was fine and I'm sure he knew it― Girl, no
Still standing, I continued. "Word in the street says that you copping a new chick every two weeks" he narrowed his eyes as I loosened my bag straps. "I be in the streets everyday and I never heard that" crossing his arms, he sent me a jest-filled glare before continuing " and how YOU hearing what's going on in these streets Miss Mysterious?" He pointed at me in the middle of his sentence to which I scratched my neck nervously with my index finger, avoiding any eye contact. Finishing his sentence he urged for my response with a "huh?" before looking down at me with half closed eyes, still chewing on his bottom lip
Counting on my fingers, I started to explain myself "Okay one, I don't gossip but the friends I hang around do and I have working ears, so what? And number two, I have a name sir" "Are you going to tell me it?" "It's (y/n)" "Well, (y/n) to answer your first question. Your crew? Nah, they okay but you though, you caught my eye. And I ain't trying to serve up that 'you're unique' cliché but real shit, that's what got me wanting to talk with you" "Okay I'm sure I'm not that interesting" my hands now rested on the curve of my hips, blankly looking at Miles who couldn't seem to take his eyes off of me. "Let me be the judge of that, tell me more about you"
I shook my head as I went to approach the other side of the pole he was on, worst mistake . He yanked me by my bag, dragging me over to his side as he stared at me with wide eyes "we don't do that shit around here" he extended his hand , pointing to the path infront him.
I looked back at him in disbelief, my eyes and eyebrows being the only features to express my astonishment, looking at my half expression, he laughed. "My bad, just please use your sense next time" "You talk too much, we need to get going" he raised his hands in defense "Alright ma'am" I rubbed my temple smiling underneath my mask, my lips making some type of imprint beneath it
Walking there was pretty interesting, getting bombarded with questions about myself and not about my friends. It was the first time I'd actually had a conversation with someone outside my circle, and you know what? It wasn't half bad. I found myself laughing and smiling at something that wasn't some dumb cat falling and it was quite nice.
Approaching the door and opening it, I joked "Ladies first" "Oh so you got jokes now? Guess I'm rubbing off on you" Rolling my eyes whilst walking inside, he wiped away an imaginary tear entering the store behind me. Taking a quick stroll through the aisles I saw Miles taking up some stuff too —some combs, wax, and a durag—
Shopping didn't go so smooth for me though, being stuck between three colours to choose from —1B, 30 and 350—."What's up?" Standing clueless, Miles came over to my area, positioning himself beside me, waiting for me to say something. Raising my hands with the braiding hair before slapping them on my thighs lightly, I complained "I can't choose" Taking the hair from my hands he started to put each one beside my head before speaking "You'd look like a doll in this one, go for it"
While he returned the hair back to their original positions except the one he picked —which was colour 30— I raised my eyebrows, internally questioning his choice of words before speaking up "you have such a smooth mouth don't you?" Crossing my hands as I gave him a mild, sidelong glance traced with amusement that turned into confusion when he placed his hand atop his head, biting his lip. "I woke up Chris Breezy, oh my God I'm the man" Mouth agape, I dragged a hand over my mask to stifle the laughter "Alright cool cool I get it, you spit lyrics like that. Get up" "shoulda known it's been that way, now let's go. We have more stuff to buy" He took two more packs of hair before we walked over to the cashier — the place where I had to find out how stubborn this boy is—
"Let me pay for it" "No, it's my stuff. I'm more than fine paying"
The cashier cleared her throat, annoyed at our 5-minute long bickering
"Oh sorry, here-" I shuffled inside my bag for my purse, completely oblivious to whatever Miles was doing "Here" "Thank you" I looked up hearing the cashier's words, completely shocked that Miles Morales, a 17 year old just handed the woman a black card. It must be nice.
Bagging the items he turned to face me, "See, I told you I'll pay" "Here, I'll pay you-" "No, think of it as.. a us becoming friends gift, plus we have more things to buy so save up"
Stretching my mouth underneath my nose I teased "Who said we're friends" he deadpanned while handing me my own bag with items "Don't play with me. I know your favourite colours, music, food, and more. I'm real friend material" I laughed at his reaction, not to mention his remix on the "real wifey material" part.
But he was right though, we had more places to be, taking out my phone to check the updated list we comprised together, glancing at the time, I cursed 4:48 PM. "Shit um, I really have to go home. Bye, and thank you" my words dragged themselves louder as I ran down the road waving at him frantically.
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You hurried along your usual route back home, "Why the rush?" Well, the aim was to snag a 5 PM package. It might sound like a flimsy excuse to part ways with Miles knowing that girls would kill you in the armor of envy for him, but the package would be returned to facility if not claimed and who wants to wait months again? He'd understand. After securing the package you went home, fortunately enough it started to rain, the pattering of the droplets masking the sound of your attempts sneaking into your room to avoid any confrontation from your parents.
Usually when it rained you found the atmosphere peaceful— having been in a night gown with your bonnet on— but this time, it felt different. For some unknown reason you couldn't shake Miles off your mind—the sensual energy that radiated from him, his seductive stare he always wore or the husky laughs that echoed between you two— Everything about him was alluring, slowly drawing you in and you did not like it.
Miles, on the other hand didn't suppress his feelings, having to physically wipe the smiles and cut the laughter he created each time he thought about you. Ironic enough, he hadn't a clue what it was about you that had him this way. Shit, he doesn't even know how you look. He was sure of however, what it would take to even have a chance at holding your hand given the rumours that you've heard about him, but he was hell-bent on giving it a try.
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iocity · 1 month
ASL ‘Merica AU where Ace constantly beats himself up about not being able to live with his brothers during the semester. As rough and tough as he would like to appear, he calls them every day, RELIGIOUSLY, and sometimes multiple times a day (Luffy misses him so he doesn’t mind at all, hell sometimes Luffy calls Ace back to back just to yap. Sabo finds it endearing how much Ace cares, but he will NEVER admit it due to their ongoing older brother rivalry and also his pride). He is such a big softie, and everyone who knows him knows all about his brothers (he carries ALL of their school/his fav pics in his wallet or bag. I mean from THE WEEK that they met. His self-introduction isn’t complete without showing at least one pic of him and his brothers). One night he calls them at like 3am, absolutely out his damn mind WASTED (Luffy and Sabo are laughing their asses off, bc Ace is an EMOTIONAL drunk), just to rant about how much he values their presence and feels like he needs to be there for them more. Sabo calls him back FIRST thing in the morning at like 7am (Sabo hopes he wakes Ace up out of his hangover nap just because Sabo wants to be as annoying as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time), and Ace is SO embarrassed. Not even a hi or hello, the first thing Sabo hears on the line is Ace’s groggy ass voice mumbling:
“I will fucking kill you if you utter a single fucking word.”
And what does Sabo say (the little shit)?
“Aww, just wanted to call my big brother on this fine morning and ask him how it felt to be a complete wet rag. I almost gagged this morning; I mean you really laid it on thick. ‘I miss you guys’ and ‘tell Luffy not to get into too much trouble’ or, maybe even my personal favorite, ‘don’t overwork yourself Sabo and make sure to sleep and eat well. If you die I’ll drag you back down and kill you myself’. You’ve gone soft I fear… and the sobbing?? I mean really you’ve outdone yourself.”
Ace would see red if he wasn’t on the verge of vomiting (and if Sabo’s impression of him wasn’t mildly hilarious). All Sabo hears (over his own laughter ofc) is a slew of curses and pained groans accompanied by heavy footfalls before the line cuts with a final venomous, “Fuck you.”
When Luffy bombards the ASL group chat a few hours later with a chipper voice message detailing how he just casually finished running from the cops, Ace is bout ready to book a flight back. The only thing that stops him is Luffy sending a quick:
“Oh! I love you too Ace, I never got to say it back because you kept crying like a little baby!”
Of course, seconded by Sabo with a little heart reaction and a slew of laughing emojis (Sabo may not say it directly often, but Ace thinks the heart reaction is enough). Despite the raging embarrassment (and the mild murderous intent) he felt at that moment, his lips quirked up into a smile as he read it. He may let the bullying slide just this once (he has gone soft, but maybe he doesn’t mind it).
Tags :) : @porschethemermaid
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residentflamingo · 11 months
Only One Call Away
Rosé x gn! reader
Summary ———> Rosie decides to go out to drink with her friends. All is fine until reader gets a call from her two hours later. What happened while she was out?
Requested?: yes 🫶
Warnings: bullying, toxic friends, & cursing
Genre: hurt/comfort & a fluffy ending
A/N: To the person who requested this, thank you so much because this was probably the most challenging and longest thing I've ever written. And I put all my heart and soul into this. I think I made it a lot longer than I was supposed to, but that's okay. I always love a challenge, and a perfect opportunity to hone my writing skills. Anyway, I hope both the person who requested this and everyone else reading, enjoys this imagine. You can also check out my other stuff if you would like, it's very much appreciated ❤️
Word count ———> 5,394
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚
 → 10:00 PM 
“Babe, are you sure about this? Your friends are terrible! They don’t even pay attention to you half of the time when you guys hang out.” 
“Yes, it’ll be fine! Besides, they're not as bad as you say they are. I’ve been friends with them for a long time, they love hanging out with me!”
You were currently standing in front of your girlfriend, about to escort her into the cold winter night, trying to convince her not to go out with her friends. She was wearing a beautiful purple dress, with a cream colored fluffy coat over her shoulders, and a beautiful pair of Saint Laurent heels that made her look powerful with each step.
Her hair was curled, and it effortlessly flowed down her shoulders, making her look like an absolute goddess. You couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. You felt so lucky to have her as your significant other.
The only thing you found truly bad about her, was her friends.
No matter how good she looked, they always found different ways to ridicule and belittle her. Not her four best friends from Blackpink. No, these were her other friends she claimed she met in high school.
She would tell you stories of how they were really close back then, and how she kept in touch with them over the years as she got more famous. You loved hearing her tell stories of the adventures they had, and how she used to sneak out during the night and go on joyrides with them.
You hung out with her and those friends one time, just trying to see what they were like, and you couldn’t stand how rude they were. They constantly threw insults at her, mentioning how her aussie accent makes her sound silly when she talks, saying she needs to get a different hair style, and even making fun of the outfit she was wearing. You were absolutely disgusted at the way they were acting towards her. It was as if they didn’t even treat her like a normal human being.
They would even emotionally manipulate Rosie, making her think they were just joking, so she never noticed their horrible behaviors. When you confronted her about them, she always just insisted to you that that’s how they joke around. So it was hard trying to convince her to not be friends with them anymore. You love your girlfriend very much and you just want the best for her. You would hate for her to keep getting her heart broken over and over by those low-lifes she calls “friends.” But for now, all you could do was wait for Rosie to realize the huge mistake she was making.
You sighed, “Okay, whatever you say. Are you sure you don’t wanna stay home instead? I can order takeout, and we can watch movies.”
“Yes honey, I’m sure. There’s nothing to worry about. My friends will keep an eye on me, and make sure I don’t get too wasted.”
“Alright then. Just remember, I’m only one call away if you need me. I don’t mind picking you up.”
Rosie shook her head, and smiled at how protective you were being. She then stepped up towards you, put both of her hands on each side of your face, and looked you in the eyes and said “Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. I love you darling.” She then gave you a soft kiss on the lips, slowly walked towards the door, and turned around before opening it to look back and make sure you said “I love you” back to her.
“I love you too.” You said softly, as you waved her goodbye and watched her walk through the door and saunter down the long hallway of the apartment complex. Her words from earlier kept replaying in your head, making you wonder if she was ever going to come to a realization of how she needed to get rid of her supposed high school buddies.
After closing the front door, you turned around looking at Hank saying, “I guess it’s just me and you now buddy.” He leaned his head down on the tile floor with a loud sigh looking depressed. Almost as if he perfectly understood what you just said. You let out a loud sigh and plopped down on the couch, deciding to watch some boring Netflix shows that have been recommended to you for sometime.
Man you sure did miss her already, even though she’s only been gone for ten minutes. Before you started watching tv, you picked up your phone and made sure your notification volume was at full blast, so you wouldn’t miss one text or call from Rosie.
→ 11:30 PM
Meanwhile at the bar in downtown Seoul…
“Hey I’m gonna go get a drink from the bar, you guys want anything?”
“No, we're good, you hoe. Besides, you probably wouldn’t even order our drinks right anyways, knowing you and your terrible accent. People can even understand what you’re saying half of the time!”
Rosie’s so-called friends all started laughing at McKenzie’s remark, making Rosie’s lip quiver and her eyes start to water. So far tonight they didn’t hold back on the snide comments, and rude remarks against her. By the end of the night, Rosie had already felt like she was being pushed to her breaking point.
She had no idea how she never realized how mean her friends actually were to her. She hated how she would just ignore the rude remarks half of the time, and never say anything about it. She hated being taken advantage of. She knew deep down that they weren’t her real friends, it was just a matter of realizing it that was important.
Tonight she had a recollection of all the times they asked her for money, begged for free concert tickets, made fun of her outfits, bullied her, and even made her pay for most meals because they were “too expensive”. After tonight, she wanted nothing to do with them. She knew she should’ve listened to you, but she was too scared to let them go. She’s had so many good memories with them, and it was so hard for her to just throw it away.
They used to be such good people. It saddened her how much they changed over the years, and how she couldn’t do anything about it. Tonight was her chance to finally lift that weight off of her shoulders, and move on with the next chapter of life. Preferably without them in it.
“Okayyyy bestie, we’re gonna go to the bathrooom real quick. We’ll be righttt back heheh.” McKenzie slurred. Her and the rest of the people in the group turned around, and walked off into the bathroom, leaving Rosie alone as she went up to go order something at the crowded bar.
About 15 minutes later when Rosie finally got her drink, she walked over to the table everyone was originally sitting at, expecting them to be there waiting on her. Only to find out that none of them were there like they said they would be…
“Hey guys, they finally got done making my drink! Wait where is everyone..?”
→ 12:05 AM
“Aw shit, what the fuck is that?!” You shouted with confusion, as your phone suddenly started going off. You fell off the couch, startled from the loud noise, and then frantically searched for your phone in between the cushions. You realized you had fallen asleep on the couch, and was out for almost 3 hours. God that show must have been really boring then you thought. After finding your phone, your stomach dropped reading the caller id. Rosie. You quickly pressed answer, and whispered “Hey what’s up? Is everything alright?”
There was a couple seconds of silence over the phone, making you really worried, wondering if it was a prank caller or a kidnapper. Panic was about the only thing going through your mind right now, just begging for her to say one word over the phone. Then she finally did. You could hear her sniffling and crying, making your stomach drop.
“N-no. Something happened earlier. We were at this really crowded club and I went up to get a drink real quick, and when I turned around a couple minutes later, they were all gone. l-looked through the whole club asking if anyone knew where t-they went, and all of them said no. So I went outside, thinking I could walk home by myself, but I-I ended up getting lost, and now I have no idea where I am. They left me all alone and n-never texted me asking where I was. I’m so scared, Y/N. Just come and get me please.”
“What the fuck? Are you serious? They just left you all alone in the club? Those fucking bastards. Okay, I need you to stay where you are, and try to send me your location from your phone. Once you do that I’ll be able to track you down, and come pick you up. Can you do that for me?”
“Y-yeah I can do that. I’m so sorry for calling you this late Y/N. I didn’t think something like this would happen.”
“Honey it’s okay, it doesn’t matter anyways. I don’t give a shit about what time it is. If it was 4 AM, I still would’ve come to pick you up. Don’t worry about it at all. Just focus on sending me your location.”
You let out a deep breath that you had been holding in, hoping it would calm you down a little, after thinking about Rosie’s friends leaving her by herself at the bar. They were absolute pieces of shit to her. Completely knowing that she’s an idol, and that she could've gotten kidnapped or stalked, they still did it anyway. I mean what did she ever do to deserve that?
You couldn't even begin to imagine how scared she was right now. All alone in an unknown part of the city, losing her friends in the same night, and knowing she was being used all those years because she was famous? Absolutely terrible.
While waiting for her to respond, you hurried up and got dressed, picked up Hank, grabbed your car keys, and rushed out the door to run to your car.
“O-Okay I sent it to you. You should be getting it in a second.”
“Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes! Don’t move or go anywhere unless someone is following you okay?”
“Okay I will. I love you Y/N. Please hurry…” She said in a quavering voice.
“Okay I will don’t worry, bye!” You quickly hung up the phone, tossed it in the passenger seat, and swallowed a big lump in your throat. Your hands were currently gripped on the steering wheel so tight that your knuckles were turning white, your legs were shaking with anxiety, adrenaline was coursing through your veins, and sweat was running down your spine.
You had never been more panicked in any situation, than at this very moment. The constant reminder that your girlfriend was all by herself walking through the streets, in the midst of the dangerous neighborhoods, had you on edge. In a split second you quickly pulled out of the parking lot, faster than you ever had in your entire life.
You were currently speeding through the streets, going at least twenty miles over the speed limit, with all of your surroundings flashing by so fast that you couldn’t even process where you were. Quite a few citizens and onlookers had given you dirty looks, and shouts of insults along the way.
You obviously knew better than to speed. But with the situation at hand, you didn’t give a fuck if you got a ticket or not. Emotions were running high, and your mind was working faster than your normal decision making usually was.
Funny enough, right before the navigation on your phone signaled you weren’t that far from the destination, “A Thousand Miles” started playing on the radio. “Really? Right now?” you thought. The irony of it was quite hilarious, but that was something you wouldn’t notice until later. You really would walk a thousand miles for your girlfriend if you had too.
After making a sharp turn through the dark alleyway, you drove very slowly down the unfamiliar street, making sure Rosie would spot you in your small vehicle. The alley was filthy, trash layed out everywhere, and street lights were flickering making the area seem even more ominous. You hated going down dark places like these since they always made you so nervous, but that nervousness turned into determination as you were frantically searching for your girlfriend.
While your eyes were scanning the area through your windshield, you were suddenly startled by your girlfriend standing in front of the beaming headlights. You swiftly slammed your foot on the breaks, and made the car come to an abrupt stop. It seemingly scared the both of you, as you put your hand over your heart wondering if you just had a mini heart attack.
Meanwhile, Rosie’s eyes were widened with fear seeing an unknown car drive slowly in the alleyway, thinking she was about to get kidnapped by someone. Fear was running all the way through her body. So much so that her hands were shaking, and chills went down her spine. She slowly backed away from the car, and clutched her purse with both hands just in case she had to make a run for it. You looked at her and tilted your head in confusion, wondering why she wasn’t coming towards the car. Then you realized, “Ohhh. She probably thinks I’m someone else trying to pick her up.”
You then rolled the window down, and stuck your head out the window shouting "Hey, it’s me!” Rosie let out a deep sigh of relief, and thanked the lord for sending you her way to protect her. She felt so reassured to see you, knowing she could finally wrap her arms around you, and let out all of her bottled up emotions from tonight.
She was finally safe.
After a couple seconds of calming her nerves, she snaps out of it, and slowly walks over to the passenger side of the car. Climbing in, and firmly sitting down on the comfort of the smooth leather seats. She sits her purse down near her feet, and leans back in the seat letting out another deep sigh. This time to suppress her emotions down, so she wouldn’t have a full on nervous breakdown. You looked over at her and mumbled “Hi honey,” not wanting to speak too loud, since it was still late at night. But still trying to show excitement in seeing her, since you were so glad you found her.
She looked over at you and tried to speak, but words couldn't come out of her mouth. Her lip was trembling and her breaths became short, as all her emotions were threatening to break free from the invisible bottle she was containing them in. You took notice of this, and reached over to wrap your arms around her chest, enveloping her in a warm hug.
You had never seen her this pent up before, and it absolutely just broke your heart to pieces. You then made sure to speak up and let her know it was okay to let her emotions go, since she was so used to hiding them for the camera and the public eye.“It’s okay love. Let it all out, you can let your guard down around me. I’m here to listen.”
The flood gates had then been opened, and Rosie’s eyes began overflowing with tears as she let out a heartbreaking sob only you had ever heard. Not even her long time friends, or family members had ever heard her cry this hard. She felt completely comfortable around you, and decided to just let all of her emotions go in that moment.
She couldn’t believe how long her friends were using her for, and just the selfish way they had left her behind. On top of all the insults thrown at her. She tried to just ignore them, but she just couldn’t take it anymore. Along with that, she also felt guilty not listening to you whenever you tried to warn her about the toxicity she was constantly putting herself around. “How could I be so dumb, and not think to listen?” she thought.
She suddenly pulled away from your embrace, looked you in the eyes, and said “I’m so sorry for not listening to you, I don’t know what I was thinking. Y-you were only trying to help me, and instead I-”
As Rosie was going on trying to apologize to you, you interrupted her and hugged her again saying, “Hey hey hey, don’t worry about it. That doesn’t matter now. Everyone makes mistakes, and I know it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you’re better off without them now. You got me, Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie to talk too. So trust me, you aren’t losing much.”
“Thank you Y/N. I don’t know how, but you always know the right thing to say. It really amazes me how perfect you are sometimes” Rosie mumbled, leaning her head over your shoulder, and giving you a tight squeeze to your chest.
At home whenever she needed advice, or a little encouragement for the day, you somehow always knew what to say no matter what it was. You’re always the best person she can rely on, the one person she could really be her true self around. As she thought about it a little harder, this was a moment in her life that determined how much she really does appreciate you, and how much she really does want to be with you.
She smiled to herself, thinking of how good of a partner you would be when you guys got married someday. She couldn’t wait for that day to come. Marriage was always something she had dreamed about, and you made it even more possible for her. When she finally snapped back to reality, she took a look over your shoulder and saw a familiar face sitting patiently in the back seat.
It was Hank, her favorite dog in the world! She slowly pulled away from you with one of her eyebrows raised, “Is that Hank there in the back seat?” You turned your head around to look at him too and chuckled saying, “Yeah I brought him, knowing you would be super excited to see him.” Hank looked up at Rosie and started wagging his tail with enthusiasm, sharing the same excitement Rosie had.
She then leaned over and picked up Hank, gently putting him in her lap. “Hiiii buddy! Are you so excited to see mommy? I know you are! Hahaha” You looked over at both of them and smiled, happy to see Rosie so cheerful again. While looking at her, a good idea had suddenly crossed your mind and you thought it was perfect for the situation at hand.
“Hey babe, you wanna go get some ice cream?” you asked.
“Yeah that sounds great!” she said cheerfully.
After checking to see if Rosie had her seat belt on, you put the car in drive, and gently pressed your foot on the gas to make the car accelerate. As you drove around a little bit, you could see people walking home from the bars, and stumbling over their own feet from consuming so much alcohol.
It was pretty much a normal sight, since it was a late friday night. You could tell that the only places that were open were the bars, making you a little bit nervous since you promised Rosie her ice cream. And most fast food restaurants definitely did not stay open until midnight.
But to your luck, as you made a left turn down to main street, you spotted a nice burger place that was still open. With the name “TJ Burger”, flashing on a huge, bright, neon sign. “Perfect” you mumbled under your breath. Hopefully they had ice cream, because this was probably the only fast food restaurant open for miles.
As you pulled up to the drive through looking at the menu, they had almost every kind of American food you could think of. Burgers, onion rings, chicken tenders, whatever it was, they certainly had it. Then when you looked over to the other side of the menu, there it was, twenty different kinds of milkshakes and ice cream flavors.
You smiled and looked over at Rosie, pointing to the menu to prove to her that they indeed did have ice cream. She smiled and mumbled “Yayyy”. While you were looking at the menu, you were suddenly interrupted by a booming voice from the loudspeaker that spooked the both of you a little bit. You shook your head and laughed over how jumpy you were, then you turned to Rosie and asked her,
“What flavor do you want honey?”
“Uhmm, I’ll just get chocolate.” she answered with a whisper.
You turned back around facing the loudspeaker, ordering a small vanilla cone for yourself, along with Rosie’s ice cream, then casually pulled up to the drive-thru window to wait.
The atmosphere in the car was kind of awkward, since you hadn’t really talked about what had previously happened earlier. So while waiting, Rosie wanted to find a way to kill the time. So, she got curious and asked you, “Have you ever been here before?”
You looked over at her and answered, “Nope! But I heard it’s really good. Why do you ask?”
She shook her head and said, “Oh I was just wondering. I figured you knew about this place already.”
“Nope I had never been here until now. I mean, I knew it was-”
Before you could finish your sentence, the fast food worker interrupted you and said, ”Here’s your ice cream.” with a rude tone. He then carefully handed you the cones, and before you could even say thank you he said “You’re welcome have a nice night.” then shut the window with an attitude.
Rosie chuckled saying, “Wow he must be really pissed off since we came in 10 minutes before they closed.” You widened your eyes sarcastically and laughed, “Yeah I think so too. That’s okay though, at least he didn’t notice you. That would’ve been a whole other ordeal. Anyways, here's your ice cream honey.”
Rosie smiled and grabbed the cone saying, “Thank you so much. I really don’t deserve you.” You smiled back at her, got all of your stuff organized, and then put your foot on the gas driving away into the city. She continued to shuffle in the seat trying to get comfortable, and finally took a small taste of her ice cream. Her smile grew even more after tasting the ice cream, and she started to do her little happy dance. You took a quick glance over at her, and laughed at how cute she was being.
On the way over towards the secret destination you were driving to, “Cooler Than Me” by Mike Posner started playing on the radio. It was a song both you and Rosie were very familiar with, since you both grew up in the early 2000s.
She quickly got excited upon hearing it and started singing the lyrics, “ If I could write you a song to make you fall in looove, I would already have you up under my arrm~” You giggling over how silly she was being by swaying her arms and singing with the music. Soon enough, you caught on and started singing along with her too.
By the time you both were done singing to the song, you were driving up a gravel road leading to the top of a hill. Rosie looked around confused, having no idea where she was at. So she turned to you for help.
“Hey, where are we at? I don’t think I’ve ever been here before.”
“Haha, you’ll see…”
You slowly drove the car up onto the top of the hill, and put it in park. There, through the windshield of the car, was a marvelous view that cast upon the whole city of Seoul. It was an absolutely beautiful site that made Rosie’s jaw stay open in shock. She had never seen anything quite like this before.
You could see all of the twinkling lights coming from the towers, all of the ant size cars driving down the highways, and all of the shining stars in the sky that were more visible tonight than they had been any other night. Your father used to take you to this spot during the early years of your childhood. It was a very special place to you, and you had only ever shared it with two people. Your mom, and Rosie.
Rosie couldn’t even believe what she was seeing right now. She had been living in Seoul for almost half of her life, and she still never knew there was even a spot like this. She was absolutely amazed as to how beautiful this sight was. I mean, how could you not be? Rosie wanted to see the view even more, so she placed Hank down in the back seat, slowly opened the door, and stepped out of the car in awe.
You watched her as she walked up even closer to the edge of the hill, and continued to look into the distance with amazement. She then turned around and signaled you to come on, waiting to share this moment with you. You obliged and got out of the car, jogging towards her.
Now standing next to her, you looked out into the distance admiring all of the lights gleaming in the vast city of Seoul. It was still as beautiful as it was during your childhood. But as happy as you were to see it, Rosie looked like something was bothering her still.
“What’s on your mind honey?” you said softly.
As she looked out in the distance, her smile faded a little bit and her expression was replaced with gratitude. “Well, I-I don’t know what to say. This is the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. Even though this night was supposed to be one of the worst ones of my life, you made it the best one. I haven’t had this much fun in, gosh… I don’t even know how long. All I can think of right now is, thank you. Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would ever do without you. And, oh yeah, and I guess this ice cream is kinda good too.”
She started giggling over the little joke she made, and tried to continue eating the ice cream from earlier. At that moment, it almost seemed like she had completely forgotten what had happened a couple hours prior.
All the snide comments, the betrayal, losing her friends, it was all becoming a mild loss for her now. At that moment she had realized how much she really needed someone like you in her life. Rosie continued to laugh so hard that tears were forming in the corners of her eyes.
You smiled back at her and said “You don’t have to thank me Rosie. You are my girlfriend after all. I would do anything for you. Like I said, I’m always one call away if you need me.” Rosie’s laughter slowly settled, and she walked over to you to give you a warm hug. “But I do have to thank you somehow.”
As Rosie pulled away from the hug, and gave you a soft kiss on your lips, you were suddenly lifted up to cloud nine. She had kissed you many times before, but this kiss felt extra special. It was a kiss of gratitude, love, and compassion rolled all into one.
You stood back from her, feeling stunned, and tried to cover the growing smile forming on your lips. Along with your cheeks turning red, like you had just received your first kiss. Rosie giggled even more and took the perfect opportunity to tease you.
“Honey are you really blushing?! I have kissed you so many times, how could you be blushing now?”
You retorted back, “Whaaatt, I can’t help it when the hottest woman in Seoul is practically kissing me. You can’t blame me ya know…”
“Yeah true… Haha! Naur naur, I'm just kidding.”
“Oh shut up! Don’t make me take back what I just said.”
“Oh yeah? You won’t. I dare you!”
As the both of you continued to bicker and giggle like longtime best friends, the night had gone by a little bit faster than the both of you had realized. About an hour later, you both realized you had left Hank in the car after he started barking and whining continuously. He wasn’t in danger or anything, you both knew he was probably getting lonely waiting for the both of you to finish talking to each other.
So as soon as you heard him barking, you stopped laughing and said, “Oh shoot! I better get Hank, I bet the poor guy is getting lonely in there.” You then quickly jogged back over to the car, and picked him up out of the car seat, bringing him to where Rosie was standing.
While the both of you, including Hank, were looking into the incredible night view of Seoul, a little lightbulb popped into your head and you had a great idea to finish off the night. You jumped up onto the hood of your car and leaned your whole body back onto it, trying to make yourself comfortable.
Rosie laughed, “What are you doing?” You looked back at her and said, “I’m looking up at the stars silly. Here you should come try it too. The stars are really nice at this time of night.” You patted the spot next to you, intending for her to lay there. She shrugged her shoulders and mumbled, “I guess it couldn’t hurt to do it once.”
Rosie then placed Hank down next to her spot, and climbed up onto the car to lay back and stargaze with you. Exactly like the reaction from some time ago seeing the lit up city, she looked up at the sky in awe, with her mouth slightly open in amazement.
The sky was aglow with a visible canopy of shimmering stars, and the constellations were perfectly aligned making the sky look even more magical. “Wow..” she mumbled, “You really do have all sorts of tricks up your sleeve huh.” You smiled, loving how she was enjoying the view as much as you were.
“Yeah I guess I do. Wait, look up there, it’s the big dipper!”
“Oh look there’s the little dipper too!” Rosie shouted back, pointing up at the sky.
As the both of you were looking up at the sky, savoring the moment for what it was worth, the moon became very visible as the clouds started to drift away from it. It was a full moon. Rosie thought it was a cute coincidence. The moon was full just like how complete her life felt with you being in it. She looked back over towards you, and said, “I love you y/n.” With the stars reflecting off her eyes, making her look even more ethereal. You smiled and turned your head over towards her, “I love you too Rosie.”
The both of you continued to lay in comfortable silence, as the cool summer breeze drifted through the air, and not a single sound could be heard for miles. Rosie knew that after tonight, her whole perspective of you had changed. Not in a bad way of course, but in an even lovelier way.
You had done everything you could to make her smile again, and she really appreciated it. Not many people would go that distance, but now she definitely knew you would. Even though she had lost some “friends” of hers tonight, she gained something more important. Her unconditional love for you. Thanks to you, this would be one of her favorite memories to be shared for years to come. The love you both have for each other would become even stronger. And when she got back home, she could brag to the girls how cool you were too ;)
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radiantrice7 · 11 months
Goldenpunk/Chaipunk Headcanons
- Hobie cannot handle spice like at all but he is extremely against wasting food so he’ll still eat extremely spicy food if given to him even if it makes his insides melt
- Pav does not have a sweet tooth but put some jangri in front of him and he’d devour them in seconds (his mother made it for him a lot as a kid n it reminds him of her)
- Both H and P are people watchers , Hobie keeps it a bit more internal while Pav creates whole life stories for random people
- Hobie has been trying to get better at drinking less but it’s something that he turns too whenever he messes up or stresses out . He also smokes on the reg but does not do it around Pav bc the smell makes him gag
- Sometimes some of Pav’s belongings will just disappear only for him to find them in Hobie’s place
- Hobie’s a lot better at handling kids than Pav is
- Pavitr is way too nice for his own good n feels peoples emotions for them but it’s bc whenever he moved to his school on the scholarship he got extremely bullied and doesn’t want anyone to go through what he did
- Hobie keeps a picture of him and Captain Anarchy in one of his vest’s pockets
- Pav has always felt inferior to the other spider people but Hobie would be the one to really drill into his head the beauty in difference
- Hobie acedently broke one of Pav’s tea cups so the next day he came back with a whole box of tea cups (they were stolen) to apologize (this was very early on, like when they didn’t know each other that much)
- Hobie has a tea cup for himself in Pav’s house which he’s taken the liberty of painting all over it
- Both are extremely loud people vocally, but Pav’s motions are always quieter than Hobie’s
- Pavitr is very laid back comes to his studies becuase it comes very natural too him but gets mad whenever Hobie tells him to stop doing his homework
- When they get stressed out, both Pavitr and Hobie need space but Hobie will just disappear while Pav will at least let everyone who needs to know know
- Maya Auntie thinks Hobie is a bad influence but doesn’t tell Pavitr to stop hanging out with him becuase he had a hard time making friends and it warms her heart to see her nephew happy
- The last thing Pav needs is caffeine ; he’s naturally hyper yet insists he needs caffeine on the daily
- Pavitr thinks extremely loudly : he announces where he’s going even if it’s just to the bathroom/room to grab something and actively talks to himself
- Hobie isn’t that self conscious of his living situation and if very explicit with the fact that he does live in the homeless shelter but he will never actively invite people over to his dimension
- Hobie and Gayatri are absolute besties: they bonded over both being models and noticing some of the stupid shit Pav does . They have matching anklets
- Hobie makes woven bracelets out of pure boredom when he has the materials and Pav has a lot of them pinned up to the cork board in his room (he doesn’t like the feeling of the multiple bracelets on)
- Hobie does not have any social media, let alone a phone (actually, he has a flip phone but yk what i mean), so majority of the time whenever Pav talks about stuff trending he doesn’t really understand what he’s saying but casually goes with the flow
- Pavitr once crashed in Hobie’s dimension unannounced for a little bit to see what tiktok was like and got bored within minutes
- Hobie’s spider sense is much less sensitive than Pavitr’s
- Pavitr wasn’t really a music listener before he met Hobie, like sure he listened to random music casually but it wasn’t until Hobie introduced him to a couple of his favorite bands where Pavitr actually started forming a live for music, resulting in him putting up a lot of band posters in his room to show his support
- Hobie isn’t too keen on other people defending him in his own fights, but he will never tell someone to stop because he knows it comes from a good place
- Hobie tears up when he gets frustrated but never cries as much as he should
- Pavitr is very competitive, and while Hobie doesn’t reciprocate the same competitiveness, both will be at each others throat in a game of chess
- Pavitr is a little bitch sometimes and Hobie straight out calls him a bitch to his face bc it genuinely pisses him off
- Hobie was piercing Pav’s ears one night and Maya Auntie caught them in the act so they stopped so now Pavitr has just his left ear pierced
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Riz Gukgak Season 1 Playlist Breakdown
Yeah so I really quickly posted my Character playlists to get them out there asap but god I put sooooo much thought into them and I love them so much so I want to talk about each song so you can take a peek into my brain and see what the worms have been cooking. I'll make like a masterlist with links and stuff once I get more out but yeah this one's going first because I decided to go table order right to left.
For all my playlists I choose songs based on a bunch of criteria which is but is not limited to :
whether I think the character would like the song/artist
whether I can picture the song playing in the background
If the lyrics match up to a specific scene or feeling
if, when put together the general character arc can be reflected in the playlist
if the songs cohesively go together (i.e. similar vibes, genres, themes)
For Riz, the playlist consists of a mix of Alt Rock, 80s/90s, Math Rock, and Punk/Grunge. Here's the playlist if you haven't listened to it
Without further ado... Lets get into it
1. Happy to Hide, Pile of Love
Smiling between my teeth Acting up accordingly Why do I waste my time performing? I don't see the comedy you see In all the scenes involving me As if I wasn't dull and boring I'm happy to hide I'm happy to leave with no goodbye Would you believe me if I said I couldn't cry?
I wanted to start with the classic early 2000s "I'm a nerd in high school" movie song. I can picture this at the start of a movie starring Riz, where he gets to school and gives out his business cards, and it's Not Working, and he doesn't understand why. I also love the way that being "happy to hide" works with his rogue class :)
2. We Are Detectives, Thompson Twins
Someone is on our tail We think they're openin' up our mornin' mail (Whoa) And now each time the telephone rings We think of frightening things We are detective We are selective We are detective Come to collect
This song is so fun and so camp, very 80s alt, I think Riz would love it. I also think it kind of shows how while Riz is definitely extremely serious about the Missing Maiden Case, he is also playing out one of his biggest fantasies and is a high schooler snooping around corners.
3. Daysleeper, R.E.M.
I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache gray Don't wake me with so much The ocean machine is set to nine I'll squeeze into heaven and Valentine My bed is pulling me, gravity Daysleeper
We love our insomniac little guy
4. Cops and Robbers, The Hoosiers
Got your revolution, now you're waging war again Marching on the spot when you should have made amends You say you fight for us, cross your heart and hope to die You're a bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry Blame Simon 'cause he said You've got two lives down and one life left Blame Simon 'cause he said You could think better with a hole in your head
Listening to The Hoosiers brings me back to my high school days. This song for me really gets at the change in tone that the "mystery" goes through, specifically with Riz and his relationship with Biz Glitterdew. The way the song kind of starts out as a fun kitchy romp and then devolves into a screeching violent swirl really shows how out of everyone, even though Riz was probably the closest with Biz at the start, he was definitly the one ready and willing to hold him violently accountable for his actions. Riz shows you how to deal with violent incels.
5. Big Sea, Crash Of Rhinos
We'll stand trial, our will won't be broken Your mistake is not that you care, it's that you don't notice Our favorite part is not how this ends It's just how its starts And just that it starts I'll paint you from my memory
I do think that Riz would absolutely love math rock and I do not mind going to jail for that opinion (because every guy that I've met that likes math rock has been proven to be not great - but I'm holding out). Either way, do you guys remember how they literally were in jail for months. Like Riz "son of a cop (at the time)" "The Ball" Gukgak spent several months in jail not being able to do anything but ruminate on the case, what he could have done differently, and what could be happening without them present. Yikes.
6. Black Dragon Fighting Society, My Chemical Romance
Yeah, I drink juice when I'm killing 'cause it's fucking delicious ... Switing out my style bring a friend out with Better grab your soul from the fingers of death I got a medical emergency A medical emergency We got a medical emergency A medical emergency (Mayday, they call the shots, yeah)
This is the type of song that you play during a full throttle drag out feral goblin fight, and its' the song that Riz deserves to end the season with, since he and his mom ate the fucking dragon that killed his dad. Hell yeah.
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yourlocalartsonist · 8 months
ROTTMNT Moths Fly In Packs - Chapter Eight
A/N: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OH MY GOD. I genuinely didn’t expect it to, chapter 8 was supposed to be way shorter but uh yk my brain didn’t like that apparatnly. So now it’s uh 10K words. I think it’s genuinely worth the wait and read tho so hey, alls well that ends well or something. I’m gonna try to be faster with updates now. I’m FAIRLY CERTAIN chapter nine will be much shorter or at least nothing crazy like 8 or 10k. But what I can guarantee is chapters 10-13 will most definitely be short and lead up to the grand arc finale of chapter 14. We’re getting pretty close to it and I’m literally vibrating from excitement but no spoilers. Anyway enjoy the chapter! :D
Credit to: @sweaterrat @sleepdeprivedbagels and @yosajaeofficial for being my beloved beta readers! This story wouldn’t be able to have the quality it does without them so please give them some love and check out their ROTTMNT stories too!
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Chapter One
Disclaimer: Chapter involves depressive thoughts, mentions of bullying, depressed behavior, mentions of Kr*ng, PTSD behavior, violence, very lightly graphic description of injuries, blood, and curse words. If you’re sensitive to that stuff, scroll past and stay safe!
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Outside the window, you can make out a bird’s nest sat in one of the trees. It’s been here for a week now, perfectly timed with when I got back to a consistent school life. But lately, the mother’s been staying at the nest more often. I’m guessing they’ve got babies on the way, she’s probably incubating her eggs right now. I think I’ve gotten attached to them, that small family of robins. The parents are so dedicated, aren’t they? The mother especially, never leaving the nest unless absolutely necessary. 
On the contrary to my peaceful view, the classroom is noisy, hectic, and cluttered. No real science work for today so everyone’s just doing their own thing. Very loudly. Jaiden and Zane are chatting and laughing with each other next to me. I think things are better between us, I still don’t really know where Jaiden and I stand right now but at least Zane seems fine with me. Though I won’t lie, I’ve been feeling more and more like a third wheel around them. 
“Dude! I’m telling you, we have to play this game together! We’d have so much fun!” 
“I already said I would, Jaiden! Man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh like this. Shame you’re letting such a pretty smile go to waste.”
“Yeah? Let’s hang out more often then and maybe I won’t do that.”  
Like right now.
Lowkey, I’ve been feeling invisible around those two. Jaiden barely pays any attention to me, it’s as if Zane was their best friend instead of me! I mean, I know friends can drift apart, I definitely know. But still, I never imagined it would happen to us. I still don’t wanna believe that’s what’s happening. I wanna keep hope.
“And ironically, you’re being pretty quiet today, Salena. Did you two switch personalities or something?” 
“You are weirdly quiet, actually. What’s up?”
Oh lookie, I’ve been acknowledged. “Nah, you guys don’t have to worry about me. Just lower on energy than usual.” 
I went back to my routine of staring out the window like the main character in a music video. In the reflection, Zane was still watching me. With the way his eyes lingered, I had a feeling he’s not falling for my excuse. 
Seems like Jaiden’s not too worried, though. “Oh, Zane! You wanna hear about this new skate park I found?” Just went right back at it with Zane. Who’s weirdly still staring at me.
“…Actually, I’m kinda hungry. Jaiden, you mind getting me a snack from the vending machine?”
“Huh? But I wouldn’t know what to get you. N-not that I don’t pay attention to what you like! But, you know… Salena has better taste in these things! She should go-”
“She always goes.”
“‘Cause she knows what she’s doing.”
“Guys, it’s fine! It’s fine. I’ve got this.” I didn’t want them to fight again so I got up from my seat. “Be back soon.”
Jaiden gave me their most gleeful smile I’ve seen them make in a while. I think seeing them smile makes this gesture worthwhile. Even if it’s just for a little bit.
The walk to the vending machine shouldn’t have been long, it’s not super far away. But my legs dragged on forcing each step to be slower than the last. I feel guilty thinking like this but a part of me wants this dumb walk to go on forever. I can’t stand being near them and I don’t know why! It’s not like we’ve got bad blood, they’ve both been normal towards me since I came back. So why am I acting like this? I’m seriously starting to doubt Splinter’s theory of me not being the problem here…
I approached the machine, stopping as I heard a struggling voice in front of me. 
“Argh! How’d she say these things worked again?” 
His finger pressed against the glass, tracing the code for the snack he wanted. He tapped the buttons on the screen. Nothing happened. Scratching his head, he leaned forward to read the next instructions. Finally, he pulled out a dollar bill.
…Before proceeding to insert it in the wrong way. And taking it out. And inserting it back in. And repeating the process. I can feel my soul exiting my body from second-hand embarrassment. 
I recognized the fluffy black hair. With a crooked smile, I pulled out my own wallet.
“You’re supposed to put it in this way.” I slid my bill into the slot, the granola bar he selected successfully being pushed down soon after. “Good to see you again.”
“Woah, cool!” He stared at the giant food box almost with a childlike wonder, pausing for a few minutes before turning to me. “And hey! Yeah, it’s really nice seeing you again, too.” His eyes remained locked for a while before he scrambled to hand me the bill he had. “Here! Let me pay you back-“
“No, no, no, don’t worry about it! Really! Consider it my apology for, um, last time.” 
“Apology? I mean, you weren’t the one doing anything weird so I don’t think you’ve gotta apologize.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Casey Jones Jr. I was gonna introduce myself the first time we met but, you know.”
“Salena Moni! So, how’s everything holding up? You joined pretty late in the year so if you need any help reviewing stuff I’m more than happy to.”
“Oh, don’t worry! It’s actually going alright. Still technically my first time going to a real school, so it’s a little bit of a challenge but I already knew most of the material anyways. I didn’t have to catch up on much.”  
“Wow, that is… remarkably impressive.” If only I handled transferring as well as this guy. “Wait, hold up, real school? Were you homeschooled?”
“You could… say that. My uncle taught me everything, he was the smartest person I knew! Just turns out it was literally everything.”
“Cool! I guess we can check grades off the box, then! So, is everyone being nice? Made any friends?”
I bit my lip as I received my answer in the form of his face freezing mid-speech. “W-well uh…”
Oh, you poor thing…
I guess he could read my face since he immediately tried reassuring me, as if he wasn’t the victim in this scenario. “I-I mean it’s not awful! A couple people were nice to me, including you! Sure, some are a little… hostile. But it’ll get better eventually.” 
“Y-yeah! It definitely… definitely will.”
And cue the classic awkward silence that stars in any first conversation. A little overdue for this one now that I’m thinking about it. 
I’m so conflicted. I know damn well he’s not gonna have the high school dream he’s probably imagining right now. No one does. I may not have been at this school for long, but I’ve been here long enough to know how the people are. April told me it gets even worse every year as cliques start getting established and people grow past the initial politeness. I’m glad she did, she never kept anything about high school from me no matter how bad it was. Nothing was in my control but at least I knew it was coming.
And here I am playing the exact opposite role for Casey. I hate giving people false hope, I hate it with a passion! But I’m supposed to, I think. In a situation like this I’m supposed to hype him up. Ignorance is bliss! Wouldn’t it just ruin his spirits if I broke the glass? 
“Anyway, it was nice to meet you! I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Y-yep! Hope things get better for you soon!” 
“Me too.”
Ugh, the guilt is eating me up! I’m acting like I’ve never told a lie in my life but it’s not that. It’s his pure mindset that’s completely fucking with my morality! 
I know to keep my mouth shut, I do. I don’t want him to hate me like everyone else does. I haven’t met someone who’s been so nice to me in this stupid ass school before, I don’t want to ruin this chance now that I finally got it. Plus, he might not even believe me…
I watched him turn to walk away. 
Fuck it, social norms are for losers!
“W-wait! Casey?” He turned back around and I nearly shit myself from fear. “So, don’t be mad but I may have um… lied about something?” 
“Uh, sorry?”
I took a deep breath, bracing myself. “Well, here’s the deal. Things aren’t really gonna get better, sorry. Or, actually! I don’t mean that extremely literally, I guess...” 
Focus on your hands, it’ll be okay. “Just… People here are mean. Really, really mean. You’re homeschooled, you’re new, and you’re nice. It’s a recipe for disaster here whether it’s today or even a year after you’ve settled in!”
I can’t even read his expression and get an idea of his reaction. He’s got a scary good poker face, I’m curious which relative taught him that one.
“Casey, please don’t take this the wrong way. I-I’m not saying any of it is your fault! Or that you need to change or do anything. I’m only saying this so you don’t have any… unrealistic expectations so to speak.” 
God, his silence is more terrifying than anticipated.
So much so I couldn’t help letting out a quiet breath of relief when he finally did speak. “You know, you’re the first person here who’s told me that.”
“…Is that bad?”
“Not at all. All my family, they never got the chance to go to school. Hell, I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity. But here I am! First time in a new building with weird people and absolutely no clue what to expect. I’m usually good with surprises but this one is just so… different. Different is scary, you know?” 
I nodded. I most definitely did know.
“Anyway, you’re right that people are just mean here. I don’t even know why, I mean, I’ve met my fair share of dicks before but at least they had good reasons! We were under so much stress… But that’s not what I hate. It’s the fact that any time I tell an adult, they say the same thing over and over again!” 
“Let me guess.” I cleared my throat and enhanced the performance with my intoxicated Mrs. Doubtfire voice. “Just ignore them and give it time and it’ll magically fix itself ‘cause boredom beats bullies or some shit, right?”
“Yeah, exactly!” His laugh is like holding your parent’s hand when you’re getting the flu shot, it’s magical! “They say that to everyone, don’t they? God, what’s up with that? I’m so not used to adults lying to me.”
“Dude, what? You’re kidding, your whole community’s gotta be amazing if you’ve never been lied to by an adult.” 
“Eh, more or less… Anyway, um, thank you. For telling me the truth. And the granola bar. I seriously owe you for this.”
…I take it back, Splinter might’ve actually been onto something.
I mean, he’s a little strange, I won’t lie about that. This is the first time I’ve heard someone actually be grateful for me telling the truth. In the past it either got me isolated or in huge trouble, depending on who I was honest with. Maybe this is why I’m so used to lying. I hate it but I’ve had to do it so much. I’ve never met someone who finally lets me relax about it, not until Casey Jr it seems.
Maybe he deserves me being a little braver for a change. 
“Well, here’s a way you can repay me. By us being friends!”
This was a lot more epic in my head without his speechless pause. Maybe I got the vibe wrong-
“REALLY!? OMIGOSH! That would be so cool! I’ve literally been thinking about asking you the same thing ‘cause I keep wanting to talk to you but never run into you but now we can talk whenever we want, IT’LL BE GREAT!!!” Spoke too soon, he is literally shaking me by the shoulders. It feels unnatural not being on the other side of this scenario. 
“Casey, my stomach doesn’t approve of this-“
“Sorry, sorry!” He finally stopped and allowed me to remember the pleasant feeling of absolute stillness. “I just can’t believe you actually wanna be friends with me!” 
Still, his surprising enthusiasm gave me a good laugh. “Dude, it’s alright! It’s kinda more surprising you wanna be friends with me.”  
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met in my entire life, anyone who’s friends with you is lucky to have you!” 
Lucky to have me?
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, unexpected compliments go burn in a fire but also don’t leave, it actually feels really nice. 
“Salena, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
“N-no, I mean, all I did was buy you a snack and tell you people are jerks. I’m not too sure I should be receiving the title of the ‘kindest person you’ve ever met’ and stuff.”
“O-oh yeah, you have a point.” He got a little flustered at that, despite it really being my fault for not being able to take compliments. “I don’t know, I mean, I still think you’re really cool. I’m just so happy you wanna be friends with me!” 
He looked like a child on Christmas morning as I tippy-tapped my number into his phone. Come to think of it, I know I’ve definitely reacted excitedly towards certain people - or turtles, I should say - but having someone do it to me? Feels kinda nice.
I looked up at the clock. “Shit. We should probably head back to class before we get in trouble.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. But hey,” his eyes closed as the corners delightfully wrinkled “it was great running into you again! Fate really wants us to be friends.”
He has a really nice smile. 
“Funny how life works, ay?”
I skipped my way back to class, mind too deep in thought to realize how fast I went.
This guy, Casey Jones, he’s giving me certain vibes. I don’t mean the creepy, stalkerish, "I need to get the hell outta here” vibes. More like deja-vu. I can’t pin what exactly, but something about him feels so… foreign yet familiar. Homey, if you may. Like a nice, warm fire in mid-winter night. It’s really soothing. 
And immediately I’m thrown into emotional whiplash as I went back inside the annoying ass classroom of teenage chaos. So much for soothing vibes. I plopped back in my desk as Zane slowly scanned me.
“You took a while. Did you get my snack?…”
…Fuck. “Sorry! I completely forgot!”
“How did you forget when it’s the literal reason you even left?” Jaiden doesn’t seem as chipper as before.
“I know, I’m so sorry. I got a bit distracted. Gimmie a sec, I’ll be right back-”
“No, wait! It’s fine, I’m not hungry anymore.”
“Really? Okay, suit yourself.” I shrugged, getting settled in again. He leaned closer to me, both confused and concerned.
“You seem happier right now. Did something good happen?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess! Just ran into a new friend.”
His face scrunched up, going back to chatting with Jaiden. I have no clue why he glared when I said that, I don’t think I said anything wrong or alarming. Honestly, bro has worse mood swings than I do. It's seriously annoying sometimes but whatever, they’ve gone back to their little bubble now so I shall go back to mine.
I pulled out my phone, greeted with Casey’s excited text already.
CJ: Hey! Not really doing anything in class so if you’re free too, text me back :D
Smiling, I let myself get engrossed in my phone, happily typing away. He’s a fun guy to talk to. His enthusiasm and bubbliness is a little surprising considering how borderline timid he seemed at first. Goes to show, never judge a book by its cover! I felt my mood lifting, less gloomier than before.
Until I remembered something he said.
“My uncle taught me everything, he was the smartest person I knew!”
Ah, midnight. A time when the mentally sane and emotionally stable would be sleeping. Turns out I’m neither of those folks, I’ve got better things to do. I have weapons now but I’ve gotta actually practice using them if I don’t wanna render them useless. Besides, in bed or out here, I’m not falling asleep either way. At least this serves as a good distraction! And won’t give me a headache like my phone will.
The blades cut through the air as I twirled them, striking at an imaginary enemy soon after. 
I try not to think about life when I’m training, it distracts me too much. Sometimes I feel like Casey’s the only thing making school bearable anymore. We don’t share any classes so we text more than talk but I don’t have to do any mental gymnastics to figure out how he views me. I’m still confused as hell if Jaiden likes me or hates me and have no damn clue what Zane’s deal is anymore. He keeps staring at me. More than usual. Sure, I could always sit there and ponder for hours on end what the fuck is going on, but I doubt even that’d get any results.
The sickles, however, do show results. They feel lighter, smoother, easier to duel. I’m getting faster with them and my arms don’t feel as broken after training anymore! It’s something I can lose myself in, track the improvement. It’s so much simpler than everything else.
It keeps my mind occupied. If I focus on them, I don’t think about anyone from school or anything bad that’s happening! Or at least, I usually don't. I guess I’m thinking about it now, though…
“Someone’s training hard.”
Immediately I jerked to turn and held up a blade in defense. However, it turned out to be a false alarm as instead of some midnight mugger I expected to see, I’m greeted with a smirking blue idiot standing in front of me.
“Woah, hey! I come in peace!” The stupid bitch held his hands up, mocking me with his fake fear. “Been a while, huh?” 
“Leo? Oh god, you scared me! Where did you even come from?” 
“The better question would be: Where did you disappear to? We haven’t gone out in like a week! You kept leaving me on read when I texted you but seemed fine in the group chat. What gives?” 
“…I forgor?”
“Really?” I could tell he wasn’t satisfied by my answer. “You just forgot to respond to me? Every single time?”
“W-well sorta. I mean, it’s nothing you did so please don’t take it personally! It’s with everyone. I’ve just been a little bad at responding to dms…” My social battery’s been so low lately I question if it’s even charged at all. “That’s entirely on me, though! I’m so sorry.”
He crossed his arms and looked me up and down. He’s doing that nonchalant poker face again, the one he does when he doesn’t wanna be read, otherwise he’s an open book. 
“You know you can tell me if something’s up, right?”
I guess he also does that face when he’s trying to read someone else. “Yeah, I know. I’m alright. It’s just… I dunno, things are a little weird but it’s fine. It’s really nothing to worry about.”
He hummed in response. I don’t really think he bought it but his eyes eventually drifted to my weapons, dropping the topic regardless. He must not wanna push it.
“Sooo, sick weapons! Where’d you get ‘em?”
“Oh, these? Draxum gave them to me!”
He gagged, interrupting me. “You met Draxum? The sheep guy? Oh, poor you! Was he awful to deal with? I bet he was! You know, like always.” 
“Oh come on, he wasn’t that bad! A little grouchy at first but in his defense, I caught him in the middle of his shift, so.”
“Please, sheep bitch doesn’t need a reason to be a jerk! He’s just an old cranky loser who spends his days yelling at kids and smuggling whatever mystic bullshit of the week he found from the Hidden City! It’s giving Oscar the Grouch, just missing the lemon. Oh wait, that’s ‘cause unlike Oscar, he doesn’t even have one single thing that makes him uncharacteristically happy!” 
“Wow, angry aren’t we?” It’s rude to laugh, but I can’t help myself around this dork. He looks like a kid who got denied an Xbox when he crosses his arms like that. “Leo, be real. This is because he threw you off a roof, isn’t it?”
“You know!? I mean-“ He laughed, trying to hide his poorly made lie. “What? Of course not… Maybe just a little but that’s not important.” 
Leo grumbled on with some incoherent noises for a minute, before cooling down and moving on from the “sheep bitch”. 
“Ugh, well anyway, if you got it from that moron, they’re definitely mystic or something, right?”
“Oh, absolutely! They’re actually super cool, I mean-“ For a good five minutes I kept blabbering on and on about the sickles and how they function and all my progress that I didn’t notice Leo - bless his heart - trying and horrifically failing to pay attention. He doesn’t really hide it well when he spaces out.
“And they- Uh, Leo, you good?” 
“…Would you be mad if I said I got like, none of that?” 
I sighed but gave a gentle smile. I knew he had a short attention span so I can’t really act like it’s his fault I forgot about that. 
“Actually, do you want me to just like… act it out instead? I think I’ve gotten pretty good at using these so I don’t mind showing instead of telling!”
He shrugged “Nothin’s stopping you. Go on, impress me!” 
Well, nothing except my nerves. But hey, it’s just Leo. If I mess up, he’ll laugh with me a bit and then I’ll just retry. No real pressure around him. I could use a progress check right now, anyway.
“Aight, so we only know two out of who knows how many powers for these things, they’re the only two I’ve been practicing. First up!”
I spun them around, careful to not mess up my handling. My goal is to form blades strong enough to crack a dent through the concrete edge of this building. So the sickles need to be made out of metal or steel. I usually go with metal but I do actually wanna impress him and steel’s stronger. I aimed at the edge and swung my arm forward, the sickle shot through the air and sliced through the concrete like a knife to a cake.
“I got it!” He teleported to catch the flying solo sickle and came right back within a matter of seconds. Oh, what I’d give to experience never having to walk again. 
“Sorry about that! They’ve never broken the edge like that before!”
“Sorry!? You’re not allowed to be sorry, that was so cool! It went clean through!” I’ve never seen him gush about something this way. I’ve gotta admit, it’s kind of adorable. “Okay, I’m hooked! What’s the other thing it can do?”
“Invisibility! But I can’t do it for long, at least not yet. I made progress, though! Went from only three seconds to five!”
“Wait, actually, back up a bit. I get that Baron Ass told you how the sickles work and blah blah blah, but how’d you learn how to fight with ‘em? Ya know, the non-mystic aspects.” 
“Oh, YouTube tutorials at first. But honestly, sickle fighting is mid so I did a lot of improv, really.”
He chuckled and eventually lost to his giggles as if me saying that wasn’t completely justified. “Did you just call an ancient form of martial arts mid?” 
“Stop judging me, I’m right! Sickles were improvised weapons. They’re good for the last resort, not the first choice!”
“I’m not judging, I’m not judging! Promise! I respect it, even!” He leaned against the roof’s edge, gradually collecting himself. “But if they’re that bad, why didn’t you ask for a different weapon? One that’s cooler and not ‘the last resort’?”
Oh boy, where to begin?
I then explained how I essentially found myself wrapped in some “chosen one” bullshit through the sickles. They still don’t work any time Barry touches them but are perfectly fine in my hands. It’d be pretty dumb to pass up these weapons for a different one, even if sickles aren’t the coolest thing to own. Although, he’s definitely acting like they are judging by how intensely his eyes are staring at them. They’re sparkling brighter than I thought eyes realistically could. 
“Well, now I’m offended! Mystic mystery sickles that do all kinds of glowy stuff for you specifically? How could you not tell me about these sooner!? They’re so amazing!”
“I know, I’m real sorry, Leon.” He’s joking around, his tone’s too light to be mad. But I do still feel bad for accidentally ignoring him like that. “Anything I can do for you as an apology?”
“Well…” His smirk revealed that thing was the main reason he came here in the first place. “We could make up for the lost time and go on a run together tonight. It is a weekend so you’d still have tomorrow and the day after to rest up. But hey, that’s just an idea…”
It's Friday again. Just like the first time we did this.
He held out his hand as an offer and I took it with a grin. “You make a convincing argument.”
And off we went, dashing through the night. It’s a bit humid today so the wind from sprinting so fast is greatly appreciated. Not to mention my speed is so much better than before! 
The daily restrictions of civil life can go suck my dick and feed my liver to their uncles ‘cause oh my god nothing beats this feeling! No one else is here, no one who could stop us! Sure, jumping off roofs isn’t the safest way to have fun, but everything else in my life is already so safe! I’m allowed to have this one thing, this one moment to be free.
I’m so distracted that I didn’t realize I’m actually giving Leo a run for his money this time! Hehe, run. God, I’m so funny.
“Looks like you can actually keep up with me now!”
“I know, right!? It feels fucking amazing!” 
Judging from his mischievous ass face, I probably should’ve kept my mouth shut. “I don’t mean to burst your bubble but…”
 A blue light appeared as a hole ripped in the sky and the lovely piece of shit went right through, appearing again somewhere way ahead of me. “I’m still faster!~”
“Hey! No portals allowed!”
“Uh, last time I checked, portalling is totally allowed.”
“Says who!?”
“Says me and I’m leader! Whatever leader says goes!”
To add insult to injury, he doesn’t just portal himself. As I’m trying to catch up to him mid-jump, the jackass opens a portal right under me, sending me back even further than I already was with no time to recover. 
“Leo, you cheat!”
Bro’s giggling his ass off as he blinked in and out of sight. I’m no different with how sore my face is, so I can’t even pretend to be mad. 
Instead, all I can do is try my best to speed up and catch up, plotting my revenge in the meantime. Easier said than done, that dude’s faster than the Flash right now since he’s, ya know, portalling. Doesn’t help that he keeps appearing right next to me every few minutes just to taunt me and disappear again.
A few minutes into our little cat and mouse game though, I lost track of him and he hadn’t shown up in a while to pester me. So, I started calling out his name, trying to look for him. You’d think it’d be easier to find a 5’5” giant, green turtle man but I guess they wouldn’t be ninjas if that were the case.
“Leo? Leo!? Le- Huh?”
I finally found him. But instead of the shit-eating grin he gave me earlier, he’s silent and still behind the edge of a roof, his back facing me. It’s starting to freak me out a little, he looks like he’s going fucking Blair Witch mode. No words, no witty remarks, nothing. Just ghostly staring at whatever the view is. Only thing I can see from here is a museum. 
“Hey, Leon, you okay?”
With his eyes still fixed up ahead, Leo took my hand and guided me forward. He eventually looked at me and nodded towards the street below us. Gazing in that direction, I saw a large purple truck with the logo of that one weird shoe store I browsed a few years ago. From what I’ve gathered these past few weeks, big trucks mean bad news. 
But maybe that’s not what I should be focused on. Standing near the truck were two people, their skin an unnatural shade of purple. One’s large and brutish, the other tall and slender. They’ve got foot marks on their faces and flames on their bald heads. Exactly how Mikey described…
“The Foot Clan.”
He nodded. “I don’t understand, those guys were all turned into Krang during the invasion.”
Sorry, what? “You’re sure it was those two specifically? I haven’t heard about any cures or vaccines for the Krang victims on the news. It’d make headlines if there were.” I haven’t heard anything about them for a while now that I think about it.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He leaned closer to the edge, as close as he could get without getting caught. “They’re parked a street away from a museum, the hell are they up to now?” 
I mimicked his actions, trying to hear the Foot people better. The slender one’s on the phone, sounding frustrated. He’s doing that whisper-yelling thing people do when they wanna be mad quietly to avoid societal shame. 
“Yeesh, someone’s having a bad day.”
“You can hear them?” Why does he look so confused?
“Yeah, can’t you?”
Leo shook his head. “Whatever, what are they saying?” 
I cocked my head to the side, spying in on their conversation.
His voice is scratchy, a little sore on my ears. “What do you mean you can’t get it off? Just bring the whole thing and hurry! We can’t risk alerting anyone!” Neither of us can tell what he’s referring to, unfortunately. The Foot dude avoids naming it. 
I looked back at Leo scanning around for any clues. He stared at the back of the museum for a minute before his eyes widened. “I know where we are. It’s the Historical Society Museum. Donnie mentioned wanting to come here once.” 
“I think I’ve heard of it. Isn’t there a lot of ancient stuff in there? Like, from centuries back?”
Nodded again. He’s being unnervingly quiet, considering it’s Leo. He stared at the clan, then at the museum, then back at the clan. He looked… scared. Scared in a way I’ve never seen him before. I felt my hand being subconsciously squeezed. I didn’t even notice he hadn’t let go in the first place.
…I have to help him.
I readied myself for whatever his idea was, no matter how outlandish or risky it may seem. “Alrighty, what’s the plan?” 
“Right.” He hesitated, before gripping his katanas and turning back. “…The plan is for me to portal you home, kick some Foot ass, and pick you up so we can continue our run.” 
“What do you mean ‘portal me home!? I’m not leaving!” I was prepared for anything, but this!? “We just stumbled across the Foot Clan who are for some reason not freaky alien zombies and messing with ancient artifacts that do who knows what!”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m sending you home before your adrenaline junkie ass can do something stupid.”
“And what makes you think I’d do that!?”
He held up my scarred left arm and stared at me unimpressed.  
“…Okay, that’s a low blow even for you.” 
Though as much as I hate to admit it, he kind of has a point. I sighed. “Alright, tell me. If I leave, will you at least call your brothers to help you out?���
“Fine, I lied.” The steel fucking balls of- “But still! I’ll be okay! I’ve gone against them plenty of times before.”
“Doesn’t mean you’re invincible!”
Before I could say anything more, I heard the sound of a truck starting up. I looked down and Leo followed my line of sight to see the Foot getting ready to drive. 
Shit, they’re getting away!
“Okay, okay! Listen, I promise, I promise I won’t run off on my own and do something dumb this time. Anything the leader says goes! Just please let me join!” I can’t leave him alone!
I could sense him debating on what to do. His eyes look so conflicted, there’s definitely more than what he’s telling me. Nevertheless, I’m not budging. I don’t wanna sit at home being useless and worry the entire time.
He took a deep breath in, and let out a loud sigh. He looked at me with a defeated smile. “I’m not getting rid of you, am I?”
“Alright, fine, but you’re sticking close.”
Before I could celebrate too much, I felt the ground beneath me disappear into bright blue light. Not anything sudden, more gentle really. Even then, I felt disoriented with my feet going from firmly grounded to touching the air! Not to mention how light my whole body felt. Gravity did a complete 180 and I got flipped around, landing under the truck. 
I nearly lost my grip but a hand on my back kept me in place long enough for me to recollect myself. Leo portalled us here.Well, obviously he did, it just caught me off guard again. It’s not really too bad going through his portals but it sure is a fucking trip when it’s unexpected. Either way, it got the job done. 
They drove for quite a damn while. It wasn’t the most pleasant experience having to cling on to the bottom of a moving truck as the only scents to breathe in were that of oil and gasoline, but we probably looked super cool! My ears disagreed but oh well. They parked in front of a mall this time. Not just any mall, the fucking World Trade Center! We’re literally on the other side of the city, what on Earth could they need here?
I wanted to follow them in but Leo was against it. He said it’d be safer for us to spy from a distance for now so we went to the roof of a neighboring building, looking in at them. The Foot are on one of the higher floors, almost seeming like they’re scavenging for something. 
Leo’s trying to figure out another way in for us. I still don’t understand why we didn’t just follow them. I know Leo’s not a total reckless nutcase or anything, but being this cautious felt a little unlike him. 
“Hey, look, I don’t mean to shoot your own words back at you or anything. But you know you can tell me if something’s up, right?” 
For a split second, he looked different. His eyes were dead, his lips shut and neutral. He stared at me but he looked so… lost. Empty. 
And then his smile returned, face back to normal. Or at least what he convinced me was normal. I’m not so sure anymore. He flicked my forehead again. Even softer than the first time he did it. “Stop worrying so much! You’re gonna give yourself a chasm worse than Raph’s.”
I didn’t know how to take it from there. So I just watched him.
He eventually decided on portalling us into the building’s vent system. It’s a little cramped but was the only place we can eavesdrop without being immediately spotted. Though honestly, I don’t mind this one bit! I’m controlling the impulsive adrenaline ,however, he didn’t say shit about internal adrenaline! I can’t help it if stealth makes me giddy!
“Hehe! It’s like we’re in a movie!”
“Love your enthusiasm as always but remember to not get too caught up in it.”
I momentarily shoved my excitement to the side as we both tried listening in on the Foot Clan. The skinny dude, who I now know to be the Lieutenant, is barking orders at the rest of the soldiers scouting around while talking to the giant Brute. 
“You disabled the cameras, correct? You know we can’t make it any harder for them!”
“Of course I did, it’s a no-brainer! Why’d ya have to ask it like that?” Woah, villain or not, his New Yorker accent is one to admire! “You know, sometimes I feel like you think I’m just stupid and nothin’ more.”
“Oh, don’t start now. Focus on finding good metal. The sooner we finish this the better.”
Hearing his raspy voice makes my own throat itch a little. I lightly clawed at it, trying to not make too much noise as I moved. 
I leaned a little closer to Leo “What do you think they need metal for?” 
“Not sure. Could be to make more soldiers or something? It’d be a cool upgrade from their paper soldiers.”
Leo’s tone seems a little lighter than before, I’m glad to hear him joke around again. “They could make paper soldiers?”
“Yeah! And they’re completely sentient, one of them even became besties with Raph! Anyway,” he pointed down at a handful of soldiers collecting metal artifacts “they’re probably trying to make those origami soldiers again with something stronger.”
“But how would you fold metal?”
“Beats me, Mikey would know more on this. He’s figuring out how to recreate whatever spell they used so we could get some help with patrolling. Word of advice though, salami origami does not work as a substitute.”
“No shit. Who’s bright idea was that?”
“...You don’t know him.” His guilty face says it all.
We were giggling a little too loudly, I suppose. One of the Foot dudes stopped and started listening for our voices again. He shrugged and moved on soon enough. I didn’t realize I was covering my mouth till I let myself breathe again.
“We should probably be a little quieter and take this stealth thing more seriously.”
I nodded in agreement. He’s not upset, honestly he’s struggling just as much as I am to choke down more giggles. It’s like we’re hiding under a blanket during a sleepover pretending we’re not awake in front of the parents and not in a likely life or death situation spying on the black-magic cult. I’m trying my best but it’s already hard enough to keep my adrenaline addiction in check and Leo being here makes it worse in the best ways possible. 
Still, I don’t wanna know what happens if we get cau- What was that creaking sound?
It would seem those were not really sturdy vents. 
You know that moment from the Ice Age sequel when the vultures surround the main cast with hungry, devilish eyes ready to feast on them at any given moment? Yeah, let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if the Foot Clan randomly bursts into song about “glorious food” full on broadway musical style.
“Uh… Hey, fellas! Long time no see, am I right?” Despite his demeanor, I caught the real reason he raised his hands. I reached back for mine as well.
A sheath of metal filled the air as Leo took his katanas out their case, perfectly timed with the Lieutenant’s new orders.
“Run, hide first then get the stolen thingie if you can. I’ll keep ‘em busy!” Leo charged into the fight, holding them off to make sure they couldn’t get to me.
Unfortunately, there’s like a bajillion of them that can easily outnumber us. I’ve learned to be quite a slippery sprinter but even then two already managed to block my path.
Now would be a good time to turn invisible!
“Come on, come on!” I could barely get the sparks to even start spreading. Turns out stress is a huge fucking factor I neglected in my training. 
I wouldn’t have minded if it just took a few seconds to work but the real issue was I couldn’t keep it working. I didn’t even really go invisible, just sorta flashed in and out of transparency for a few seconds! The only reason I haven’t gotten caught yet is ‘cause these two morons are too busy laughing at me.
“Is that really the best you can do!? Whoever you are, little girl, you’ve got your work cut out for you!” 
“Oh no! She’s… she’s… blinking like an old flashlight!! We’re so scared!”
Resorted to traditional methods. I made the sickles the consistency of a metal pot and threw it at one of their heads, knocking them down. The other I kicked straight in the chest while they were distracted by their idiot teammate, also knocking them down. I’d love nothing more than to give some extra special attention to them but this old flashlight’s gotta run for the shadows while they’ve got an open chance. 
A blue portal opened in front of me. “Hey Salena, so this fight’s a little more intense than I expected and I wanted to quickly check if you’re really sure about-”
“Leo, I’m fine! I’m not leaving mid-battle!”
“No, no, that’s fine! That’s great! Just a reminder there’s no shame in calling it- DUCK!”
Without hesitance, I dropped to the ground right as his sword swung above me to block one of the soldier’s attacks. Maybe I should let Leo handle this guy since I can’t really do much while laying on the floor. Then again, doesn't mean I can’t do anything. And also I don’t have good impulse control.
I bit on to his ankle as hard as I desired despite his pleading cries. I didn’t let go until Leo broke out of his shock and finally punched him unconscious. Fighting might actually be a really good way to get out my urges.
“Don’t. If it works, it works.”
I flashed a grin, got back on my feet, and bounced away. I need a better vantage point if I wanna find the stolen item, especially with the chaos over here. I quickly made my way up to the indoor balcony thingie. Terrance? The second floor? Whatever the fuck it is. I’ll have to admit, despite how absolutely pumped I’m feeling right now, it kinda feels nice getting away from the clusterfuck for a bit. I heard Leo still spamming all his dialogue options to keep the main two creeps occupied. Actually, I’m pretty sure I can see them from up here, too. 
“So, you guys are looking great! Never thought I’d say this, but I am loving the old look making a return.” His hands did more tricks than usual, keeping his swords flowing like an intricate dance. There are multiple soldiers practically hounding him yet he’s fending them off almost gracefully.
“Can’t you stupid children stay out of our way for one night! There’s great evil being put on the hold right now for your antics!”
“Hey, speaking of evil, what’s with the normal amount of eyes? Not that I’m missing the other option but- GAH!”
And yet, even with Leo’s skilled moves, he’s struggling to keep up with the two leaders specifically. I deadass would’ve been slaughtered by now if I didn’t listen to him about hiding. 
“We got some outside help. Now, stop askin’ annoying questions and maybe we’ll go easier on ya!” He swung his axe again, thankfully missing Leo.
I gotta wonder, from Mikey’s stories, they’ve fought the Foot Clan with ease several times in the past. Leo was doing fine just now, too. So why does it look like this could be his first time facing off the Lieutenant and Brute? Nobody’s perfect but I don’t think either of us expected him to lose his grace and become borderline clumsy against them.
Wait, no! Distractions! Leo can handle himself, I need to focus on my own task. Stolen thingie! But where the hell is it?
Just as I was about to think they left it in the truck like common sense would dictate, a soft, reflective red glow caught my eye. The moon was on my side tonight.
“There she is!”
Or maybe I was being too optimistic. In fairness, I should’ve known I couldn’t stay here for long.
It would be really fucking nice to turn invisible now. Sickles? No? Oh, okay, fuck me then I guess.
I hopped off the edge before they could reach me and slinked to the other side of the room, following the red gleam. Despite the sickles betraying me with horrific timing twice tonight, I got them to cover me long enough to reach the ruby ring the glow came from. The light bled past the folds of the drape covering their stolen prize. I lifted it to find a… weird mannequin bust? With arms. Decorated with several ornaments and jewelry including the ring. What the fuck are they using this for, a fashion show? 
I flinched to the sound of a loud thud paired with Leo’s groan. Flipping my head behind me, I saw him cornered against a wall, swords shielding him from the Brute’s axes.
“Okay, either you two got a lot stronger or my body isn’t what it used to be.”
I gotta calm myself down, Leo’s a trained ninja and will likely be completely and totally fine! A tiny slip doesn’t mean inevitable doom!
…I hope.
I turned my attention back to the mannequin thing to mentally measure its size. I’m fairly certain it’ll fit inside my backpack, it’s not too big. Just gotta get it in now.
Another sound interrupted me. This time, it was loud metallic clanking off the floor. Leo’s katanas…
“On second thought, maybe it’s both.” His weapons were away from him, too far out of reach. His voice sounded weaker, arms wrapped around his torso.
Oh no.
Neither of them were holding back. As soon as he was down, they were practically hammering at him. His arms were up, defensively blocking his head. I’m supposed to stay away from this. I’m supposed to listen and focus on my task. But I can’t stop my body from turning when I see something like this happening. 
He’s in the air now. I need to move. He’s being swung. I need to be faster. 
“Let this be a lesson, turtle. Our battles have drastically changed.”
The window shattered from the force of his body.
I don’t remember ever sprinting this fast, but I was out the window right after through the very hole he created. The height couldn’t scare me if it tried. My arm outstretched, I caught him with one hand and had my sickle in the other. Careful to not dare mess up my timing, it snatched onto a power line just as my blades turned to rubber, thick enough to not get us shocked from the voltage. 
“N-nice… nice catch.”
“Thanks.” It’s harder to talk when I’m panting like a dog and trying to limit my shaking limbs.
His weight felt like it would rip my arms apart. I didn’t expect a giant muscular turtle to be light but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Still, some-fucking-how, I’m able to keep us both hanging from the wire, comprehending the fact that we’re not dead. Thank fuck for Raph forcing me to work out sessions.
“You, uh, you doing good up there? You’re breathing kinda heavily. Hey, heavily! Didn’t even mean to make that one!”
“Leo I will drop you.”
He convinced me to suffer a little longer and try to swing him, giving enough momentum for him to catch onto the side of the neighboring building. Then, I swung myself, Leo catching me to soften the landing. We scampered up to the roof, coincidentally the same one we were on a while ago. 
“And literally back to square one. Fantastic.” He sighed, clearly annoyed by our failure. His attention quickly shifted once he noticed me rubbing my sore arms. “Hey, you okay? Want me to take a look at you?”
“Me? Take a look at yourself first, idiot!” 
I’m not gonna pretend I’m not in pain, but it’s nothing close to the tragedies on his body currently. His arms are bruised and cut from the fight. One was actively bleeding with bits of glass still stuck in some places. Luckily it was the only fleshy place he took damage on, everything else was protected, albeit a little cracked.
“It’s… It’s fine. My shell took most of the hit, anyway.” This bitch. “Besides, I’ve got bigger things to worry about.”
Despite his condition, he started walking to the edge of the roof, heading back towards the WTC.
“Where the hell are you going?”
“To get my katanas back.”
“Oh, no, no, no, you are not going back in there! Can’t you just make new swords or something?”
“And help the foot by practically gifting them Hamato weapons?”
“You said they’re made from your magic! Shouldn’t that protect them from other people trying to use them?”
“I don’t know, we only learned about this ninpo stuff, like, last year! I don’t know enough to be sure nothing will happen if I leave them with the Foot. I’m not doing that.”
“Well, I can’t let you go back.” I stood in front of him to block his path. “We can figure something else out but you are not going back in there! Look at you, it’d be crazy!”
“I was crazy once-” My hand shut his stupid, smug mouth before he could complete the ritual. 
“Leo, you were thrown out a window! You’re hurt!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay! I’ve been through worse! I’m just gonna get my swords back, that’s all.” He put a hand on my shoulder and threw on a fake smile to comfort me. The blood is literally dripping down his arm as he did, defeating the point. I looked back at his eyes, not bothering to hide how furiously concerned I am. If I’m reading him right, he’s not oblivious to reality. He’s a medic, he knows it better than I do.
He took a shaky breath in. “Fine, you’re right that I’m a little hurt. But we can’t waste time patching me up, I need to get my swords! Rule number one of basic survival is never let the Foot come into possession with highly mystic material ever.”
“Then I’ll go while you take care of yourself.” 
“NO!” His head perked up as his eyes grew wider. He tried saving his initial reaction. “No way, not happening. It’s a safer plan if I go in, I’m more used to them” Safer for us or for just me. 
“And yet, you got beaten to a pulp, isolated from your weapons, thrown out a window, and are now bleeding with shards of glass sticking out your body. Did I miss anything?” He’s neglected himself all night being overly cocky and confident nothing bad would happen to him. That’s what’s led to him turning out like this! “They didn’t exactly go easy on you, Leo-”
“Then imagine what they’d do to you!”
His brows knit together, staring at me, not blinking. I guess my wish was granted since he finally stopped disguising his true fear.
“Salena, please. Stay here, I’m going in.”
I almost let him go. Almost.
Too bad for him, I yanked him by the mask tails and pulled his stunned face back to face me. 
“Hey, wh-”
“Alright, listen. I know whoever these guys are, they’re dangerous as fuck. I know I’m nowhere near as skilled of a fighter as you and I probably never will be. And I know I am way in over my head about this. But none of that matters to me.” 
He kept quiet. So I continued. “What matters is that I’m your friend. Friends don’t let each other jump into losing battles, okay? You’re hurt, Leo. Please, just let me help you.”
I looked up at the sky. The clouds are covering the moon now and should stay that way for a little while. I could take advantage of the newfound darkness. 
I stood on the ledge, mentally preparing myself to reignite the flames. Sure, I talked big about being able to handle myself and whatnot but I’m just trying to fool myself into thinking I’m not scared. If I can keep myself level-headed and use my sickles, I’ll be able to stay invisible for a short bit. If I play my cards right, that should be all I need.
I felt a hand grab my wrist. Turning around, I readied myself to once again reassure Leo I’d be fine but stopped when he put something in my palm. I recognize them, they’re tanto knives.
“Hey.” His smile is forced but not disingenuous. 
“You’ve got this.”
So off I went with the last little push I needed. The cool night air feels fantastically refreshing on my skin. Every leap leaves me more confident I’ll succeed. I have to. He needs someone he knows he can depend on. 
I scouted around and found an open window to sneak back in through. Judging by how crazy strong these guys are, my best bet is the element of surprise and for these oversized lethal boomerangs to actually work in my favor. Which they hadn’t before. But nothing’s ever hopeless. The reflection off the moon was their main source of light, with the clouds hiding it now and my knowledge of the floor’s layout, I think I might have a working plan this time.
I rushed over to the balcony I was at previously, this time being more cautious of any look-outs. There were three of them up here so I’m glad I didn’t choose the reckless route. I took my sickles out my backpack, breathed in, and turned invisible. A little harder to do since my nerves haven’t completely disappeared but it’s going smoother than before. 
I snuck up to the soldier at the back of the trio, covering his mouth and dragging him to the dark, knocking him out shortly after. His two buddies were a piece of cake after that, hit one with a blunt-force sickle and take the other by hand at the same time. No one noticed a thing. 
With the balcony cleared, I reclaimed my little sighting spot and looked over the entire floor, making note of every nook and cranny I could hide in. The clan’s focus changed since last time, they’re trying to get out as fast as possible. Seems like they’re taking Leo’s katanas with them since Lieutenant Itchy McSore-Throat was holding onto them.
“All of you hurry up! We must get out of here!”
I spotted the stolen mannequin in the distance. It’s actually not too far and surprisingly not removed. The two leaders seem distracted by someone. Perfect timing. I crept down and started taking out some more soldiers, listening in to the conversation at the same time. 
“What about getting all the mystic metal we can?” That’s a new voice.
“Forget the metal, we’ve got enough for today. We need to leave or that turtle will bring reinforcements!” 
“Yeah, sure, whatever makes ya happy, boss.” 
“You better not be questioning my authority.”
“Our authority, he means. We’ve had your type before, and they grew to be traitors. I suggest you don’t test the patience of the Foot ‘cause it’s growin’ thin.”
“Nice phrasing! Even if you shouldn’t have interrupted me.” I can’t tell if these two have workplace tension or workplace bromance anymore. “But he’s right. You’d do well to remember your place, rookie.” 
“Hey, I wasn’t tryna question anything guys. Just sayin’ maybe we should’ve planned this better in case we got caught.”
“So you may be right. We’ll keep it in mind but work on your delivery when it comes to criticism. Now quickly, go join the others.”
“Can I at least hold the magic swords?”
She grumbled and left through the door, likely exiting the building. Her attitude was a pleasant surprise. I’ll admit, I kinda assumed all the Foot soldiers had brain-numbing levels of obedience. 
The clouds were clearing up, though. The moonlight brightened the room back up, I can’t use the darkness for cover much longer. Alas, if only I knew how to use my literal invisibility powers for longer than a few seconds but you know what? This is genuinely perfectly okay. I’ve taken out enough of them to only leave a few left standing, not to mention the majority of them are already out the building. I gotta take these freaks head on if I wanna get Leo’s swords. No more hide and seek.
I let the light illuminate me. 
“Hey guys!~” I waved gleefully as the Foot idiots finally noticed my presence. “Remember me? Hope it hasn’t been too long.”
“You!” The Brute turned to me first. “You’re the Hamato ally from earlier!”
“What are you doing here! Why have you returned!”
“You sure have a way of asking questions that makes them feel like statements. Anyway, I’m here to collect something you stole from my friend.”
He gripped the swords as he scowled at me. I held my own sickles tighter.
“You foolish child! You leave us no choice but take you out permanently.”
“Oh, really now? You and what army.”
I scoffed when I caught his expression change. Everyone looked at each other, noting how very few of them are suddenly in the room. So distracted they barely noticed me going for my first blow. 
He quickly got ready to block me with Leo’s weapon, absolutely bewildered when I only zoomed past him and sliced at the leg of another soldier behind him. It wasn’t too deep but poor guy was still rendered useless. I dashed to my left at another soldier, dodging his attack and punching right up his chin. 
“What’s going on!? Those sickles were dull the last time she used ‘em!”
“They must be mystic…” 
“Right you are, Lieutenant! I kept them dull on purpose, my mistake.” 
I threw a tanto at a cultist’s shoulder. 
“You threw Leo out a window. I think you can bear to see some blood.”
One by one, I went around the room, sprinting past anyone chasing after me and immobilizing anyone with their guard down. I got in a groove good enough to keep myself progressing along while getting out my rage. I wasn’t kidding before, I would’ve kept my blades dull again. I’m still careful to not do anything fatal but I’m not gonna be exactly merciful, either. They deserve this.
Fighting felt like dancing, gliding across the room in an energetic fashion. I’m not crazy enough to go for the Lieutenant or Brute which ended up being a plus for me. They was more than ready to protect themselves, but not their team. At last, I got them all exactly where I needed them. 
Alright, stay calm. Turn invisible no matter what.
My sickles shone with a pink glow, allowing me to disappear from their sight. I scampered past them, reaching the bejeweled mannequin behind them. It feels a little different? But there isn’t any concrete proof for this so my brain’s just tricking me. Whatever, no time to lose. I shoved it in my bag, getting myself used to the weight, and aimed a sickle at his arm.
“Where’d she go!?”
“Stay alert! Don’t let her catch you off guard!” 
A bit late for that buddy. 
My blade sliced through, leaving a massive gash on his arm. He screamed and dropped Leo’s sword. I ran through, catching it just as I became visible again. I snatched the other one as quickly as possible and sprinted to create some distance.
I held my arm up to my face, making good use of the wraps’ built-in comms. “Leo! Heads up!”
I threw a katana out the window, smashing the glass as it flew outside. I stopped in my tracks with a smirk. I knew we won.
I dodged the last attacks of the night, accelerating faster than I realized I could go. “Well folks, this was quite a fun match! Hope to never see you again!” Blue light sparked across my body. I leapt in the air, gave a quick peace sign purely to piss ‘em off, and bid my farewell.
Teleportation isn’t actually too bad if you know it’s coming.
The cool night air returned on my skin. I was floating for a few seconds before crashing to the roof on my knees. I didn’t even care about the pain, I was too busy enjoying the hug I received for my success! 
“Celebrations later, escaping now! Come on!” 
Leo dragged me up and pulled us through another portal.
“We are the champions!~
“Gone with the losers ‘cause we are the champions!” 
I handed another slice of pizza to Leo, half the box pepperoni for him and the other half plain cheese for me. We already dropped off the mannequin back to the museum and I gave an anonymous tip to 911 so now we’re simply chilling on the roof singing to celebrate our victorious night. I’m honestly still hyper as hell over it.
“I can’t believe we actually did it! I can’t believe I actually did it! Salena one, Foot Clan NONE BABY, FUCK YEA!”
“Man, I am so happy you came out okay. You have no idea how relieved I was when I saw you again.” He bit into the cheese, the least stressed I’ve seen him all night.
I couldn’t realize it earlier but that hug he gave wasn’t for my success. It’s clear to me now.
“Hm?” He looked towards me as he bit into the cheese.
“Thanks for trusting me.”
He mirrored my smile. “Hey, we’re friends, right? That’s what I’m here for.”
The spring breeze feels so sweet. The view of the city is rewarding as always. A safe city, a safe night. I can see why they’re so into this whole hero gig. Everything about this moment feels absolutely perfect.
Buzz! Buzz!
I swear to god if my fucking phone’s gonna ruin it again. I quickly checked the notif to see if it was anything important. To my surprise, it’s Jaiden.
They sent me a text. The first one in weeks. It’s a dumb meme I saw earlier today.
We used to do this a lot in the past. Whenever we got into a fight, it’d be our way of ending it. We could never stay mad at each other for more than a day. In the past at least.
I guess this means they’re not mad at me anymore.
“Everything okay?” Leo stared at me, probably concerned by my change in demeanor. 
I double tapped to like Jaiden’s meme and put my phone away, going back to normal.
“It’s nothing important. Just, uh, highschool stuff. You wouldn’t get it.”
He laughed “Oh, okay, well. I know I’m too fabulous to be the average, uncool, normal teen guy doing normal teen things like going to highschool that you want right now but…”
“If you ever need someone to lend a shoulder, you know who to call.”
He’s an idiot, but a very sweet one when he wants to be. 
“Thanks, Leo, but I mean it this time. It’s nothing.” I raised up my slice to request a toast of some sorts. “Let’s go back to celebrating, shall we?”
He let out a satisfied chuckle, returning my toast. I didn’t wanna let anything ruin the way I felt tonight, even if their text tainted the vibe a bit. But hey, it’s technically a win, too! I got my confirmation that Jaiden and I are indeed still friends.
Though I gotta admit, I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be.
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Next Chapter
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43 notes · View notes
pandasmagorica · 10 months
Ongoing watch: Be My Favorite Episode 11
I thought the seven years of their relationship montage was absolutely delightful. Too bad the episode 11 curse hit with such a vengeance.
Spoilers follow.
Early in the episode, we get a visit from the Crystal Ball uncle chewing out Kawi for wasting his time travel on get rich quick schemes (the lottery) and informing him that, with his 20,000 baht ($645 US?) lottery win, he's used up all the luck in his life.
We did in fact see earlier in the series where Kawi tried unsuccessfully to find the winning lottery numbers, so the new scene is not totally out of the blue. (Does anyone have a post on how the lottery works in Thailand? In the US, you can bet on whatever numbers you want. You might have to split the prize if other people put in the same number. If that's how it worked in Thailand, you could have it that on that day in that particular timeline, everyone in Thailand bet on the same number and it didn't even pay back the price of the ticket. But apparently, that's not how it works in Thailand, as we saw in the earlier episode where Kawi was trying to find those numbers.)
Okay, that's ambiguous. Any kind of luck? Lottery luck? Because he does land a long term boyfriend, which might be Kawi's work on himself but it's also luck.
But it also might mean that when he gets the flu it progresses to life threatening pneumonia.
To be clear, we know it doesn't look good for him medically, or with regard to rights for Pisaeng (see @bengiyo post on ep. 11) to make any medical decisions for him (have they even talked about what Kawi would want?)
Is it in Kawi's destiny to die at 27? We know he made it to 30 in the original timeline. So probably not his destiny. But people can lose their lives without it being their destiny.
But what if he doesn't die? What if, because there's no official relative to make the decision, he lies there in a coma for years? Even with the doctor relenting and letting Pisaeng, Max, and Pear visit Kawi, there's no way they are going to let Pisaeng make a decision about that.
So, rather than live in this limbo where Pisaeng blames himself for Kawi's state (whether or not he is right), Pisaeng tries the crystal ball music box and finds himself back in the past just before the Bangkok World trip and starting a new timeline.
We know it's a new timeline, because the first time Pisaeng turns the music box (episode 10? I'm not going back to check it now) he gives a hmm look and sets it down. This time though, he gives a panicked look before setting it down. So definitely a new timeline.
And this totally blows my theory that Pisaeng's episode 10 (?) turn resulted in a trip to Pisaeng's 15 year old past. Because if his reaction to his first time travel is panic, then he didn't time travel that first time he turned the globe. All he did was unintentionally set up a hook (in the computer programming sense) for the actual time travel in episode 11 to land.
So, then the question becomes, why didn't he time travel in episode 10 or whichever? He certainly had reason to. Remember, in an earlier episode, he told his mother that she couldn't bully him into the closet at 20 like she could at 15. And we got that coda where he approaches Kawi in high school, so his interest goes back to then.
Was him coming out at 20 enough? Maybe it was. Maybe it was enough that he was with Kawi now and didn't have to try for it to happen in high school. (Although then why did we get the high school scene? Was the line about 15 and 20 to his mom just a throwaway line?) Maybe it was that he was with Kawi now and didn't want to take a chance on messing it up.
But he clearly now believes he put Kawi in this mess. So he has a reason to go back.
A big part of fantasies is figuring out the rules of the fantasy. We (or I) thought it was sufficient to turn the music box to time travel. But maybe you need to turn the music box when you have a reason (good or bad - lottery) to time travel.
As for the theory that Kawi is going to die no matter what (regardless that he didn't die before 30 in earlier timelines), that would give Pisaeng even more reason to keep travelling to the past, so he could have more and more time with Kawi.
One thing we don't know is whether time travel back erases your age or whether it's cumulative, so Kawi isn't really 27 when he gets pneumonia, he's 37? 47? 57? 67? 77? He's done a lot of time travel.
I may have more to say about this after I've read @telomeke's post about how time travel works in Be My Favorite.
Anyway, now I'm going to follow the various links in @twig-tea's Be My Favorite meta post.
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lonely-layla · 5 months
An aggressive confession Pt.1
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Umeji kizuguchi x fem! Black!Chubby! reader
Not proofread fight me bout it
Warning: contains bullying, and fat shaming, swearing (like a lot)
You were always made fun of for being fat but it never reached the point of violence until Highschool. You were always good at defending yourself per usual and didn’t take shit from no one in middle school.
You would fight anyone and everyone who would make fun of you, even if you lost, people still feared you.
But once high school started you layed low from your defensive personality, trying to start new. But just as you promise that, of course Musume and her friends have to come through and fuck your shit up.
You were walking into the school when you get to class 1-2, Hanna daidaiyama holds your hands back so you couldn’t fight back as Musume sent agonaruon blows to your stomach. “Maybe this will flatten it, piggy” you were able to break free and run out the door.
You stop running as you look down as your shoes when you feel someone bump into you. You stumble forward a bit as you look behind you to see how it was. “Watch where you’re going will you?”
*absolutely not! The audacity for him to bump into ME and then blame that shit on me. I am not gon let that slide* you think as you turn around fully, fixing your skirt “your the one that walked into me!” You look at him with a glaring look as you begin to walk away.
The boy glared, and his expression turned I into one of defiance “As if you were doing anything better, fatass.” You stop in your tracks turning around “you wanna say that shit to my face asshole?” You say waking up to him quickly.
He glanced at you, his eyes narrowing as he glared. “You think I'm afraid of you fatass?” His voice was condescending as he spoke. “Now piss off, I don’t get intimidated by weak pigs like you” he insults you and starts to walk away.
*Oh this prick WANTS the smoke?* “Boy keep talking to me like that and you finna be” you shoot back at him. He raised his eyebrows in response, amused at this level of disrespect. In all his life, he has never had anyone talk back to him.
He turned around and took slow steps towards you, his eyes narrowed as he looked at you and smirked confidently. “What's this? A fat girl trying to act all tough? Don’t waste your time, your blood pressure will go higher than your calorie rate”
“You have one more time to disrespect me before I rip those box dye ass blonde strands out your scalp” my fists balling as I wait for him to respond. “Ooo, hit a nerve didn’t I?" He scoffed at your warning, before he smirked and looked straight at you. “I don't care how scary you think you are. You're nothing but a fat girl who can barely carry their own weight” His tone was condescending and mocking you as he spoke.
You take a moment to process the bullshittery he just spat at you right now “aight, it’s like that” I look start tying my fresh locs up (iykyk that shii gon HURT)
The boy raised his eyebrow in surprise, his smug smile fading slightly.. was she really going to fight him?? Umeji smirked. He took a step back, but still keeping his smug look on his face.but you picked up on him creating a distance “Oh now you wanna act scared?? Wasn’t expecting anything more from a blonde bastard like you” you put the last claw clip over your locs and start to close the distance.
Umeji watched you getting closer, his eyes narrowed in anticipation. He pulled his weapon from his bag. But he didn't flinch or move as he continued watching you with his angry and hateful glare. You get close to his face and put your finger on his forehead. You heavily shove his head back watching him almost stumble but catch himself. “you ain’t shit without that weapon you have. My ass ain’t scared of you.”
“Don't push your luck, fatass.” You noticed his tension building in the sentence. You started regretting your decision of confronting him. But you couldn’t back down. Not now. “You’re that shitty with your hands huh? You can’t fight me with your bare hands?” You continue to test your luck.
Umeji's temper rose as your taunts hit him. He hated to be humiliated and to have his pride taken down. He scoffed at your remarks about his fighting abilities. “As if you're any better, fatass. Your hands are too slow to hit me.” He says back scoffing at you.
In that moment, your fist connected on his cheekbone, his breath being driven out of his lungs by the impact. His head jolted to the side from the punch. His eyes widened as he stumbled backwards and fell. He was taken aback by your vicious strike. It wasn't the first time that he was been hit by someone, but for once he was actually hurt instead of unaffected.
“Say some more shit! I dare you!” You say to him. Umeji scowled at you as you walked away. He gripped his fist. He glared at you, his eyes narrowed as he tried to get his emotions under control. “Shit the fuck up! I’m gonna kill you” he yells as he gets up and tries to hit you but you move out of the way just before he could and his hand misses and he stumbles. His face was red in anger.
“Aww it’s some one mad because they got their ass beaten by the fat girl?” You tease him as you laughed and went to class. Umeji's face was twisted by rage as he watched you laugh at him and just walks away. His entire body was trembling from the anger and adrenaline. He couldn't believe he was just humiliated...by a fat girl.
You walked down the hallway at the end of class, making your way over to the vending machine. As you were picking a bag of chips out of the machine, Umeji was walking past you. He didn't say anything as he walked by you, but he shot a glance your way. He had been thinking about what happened earlier, and could not get over the fact that a fat girl had landed a blow on him. His thoughts were filled with anger and indignation.
He sees you sit down and begin to eat your bento alone. He slowly approached you, you could see he was still carrying the same aura of anger that he had earlier, but he didn't seem as hostile nor aggressive. He was definitely filled with annoyance, as well as some resentment, but he seemed more calm and composed this time. He looked at you as you ate your lunch, his eyes lingering on your body.
You look up at him, trying to get the words out. You out YIUR hand on your chin and wait for him to speak. “Can I help you, Umeji?” You lean your head to the side.
Umeji had stopped, his body was still tense and his eyes filled with anger, but it seemed like he was trying to control himself this time. He glared at you for a few seconds, still lingering at your body before responding to your question. “No you cannot, fatass..I just wanted to ask you something..”
You look surprised that he willingly talking to you. “Mhm, go on”. Umeji's tone was sharp and hostile as he spoke again, his gaze still fixed on your body. “Can I ask you why you are so fat? Do you eat a lot of food or something, and you never exercise?”
*And thought that I could go today without being fat shamed by Musume, guess that was kinda right* you were taken aback by his insulting question. You put my chips down and wanted to cave into myself but you stayed strong, “I don’t know, can I ask you why you’re an egotistic blonde? Do you sick a lot of dick or something, or did you never learn how to respect women?” You used his own words against him.
Umeji's eyes widened slightly in surprise when you used his own words against him. He didn't like hearing his insulting words being directed at him, especially by someone who was this… snarky. He clenched his fist and his body tensed up even further as he spoke to you. “Shut your fucking mouth and learn to not to talk shit to a guy like me! I didn't spend time learning how to respect fucking girls who can't take care of their body. You’re a disgusting fucking fatty who I will never respect!”
You were used to these words, Musume and her friends say they to you on a daily basis at this point. Doenst mean his words didn’t hurt you. But showing it would only give him the satisfaction, you’ll cry about it later. For now you smile and look up at him “mhm, did you get it all out?” You tease him slightly.
Umeji seethed with anger when your tone seemed casual and relaxed in contrast to how worked up his was. He glared at you and his expression darkened further as he snarled at you. “Are you mocking me, fatty”
“Aye man, YOU came over here” I shrug. He was stunned by your response, your lack of a reaction after getting insulted and attacked. Was this fatass really indifferent to everything he was saying? He hated that he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted. But he also hated that he would have to give you props for how calm you seemed. “You are such a bitch to still be calm after everything I said to you! You're not getting away with this fatass..” he stomps away.
“Nice talk bro!” I yelled out to him, smiling at him. It was ALMOST kind of cute how he gets all angry at my responses. Lunch ended as I threw my half finished potato chip bag in the trash and walked to class. Umeji was leaning against the wall of the hallway looking around for you. When he spotted you, his eyes narrowed and his expression darkened further. It seemed like he was annoyed by the fact that you could just casually walk by him like nothing happened between you two. He glared at you as you walked past him.
I noticed him as I waved at him “Umeji, hey buddy” I greet him in a sarcastic teasing tone as I walked past him. Umeji couldn't handle the way you were treating this whole situation. It seemed like you were mocking him. His cheeks were also flushed from the way he was feeling too. He couldn't believe how casual you were even though he had insulted you earlier.
He glared at you, his body tense, and his expression scowling. “Shut up fatass. Don't you have anything else to do besides annoying people” you were expecting that reaction. “Don’t you have anything else to do besides staring at me? I know I look good but damn control yourself” you teased him, knowing it would get in his nerves.
“I'm not staring at you because you look good, I'm staring at you because you're such a repulsive fatass, that I don't want to believe that someone like you actually exists.” Umeji was still filled with anger and irritation. However, the more you talk, the more his irritation was starting to turn into something else. He was still glaring at you though, but in the back of his mind, your sarcasm was also making him chuckle to himself a little. He also caught himself looking at you, a different way.
After class you go to throw out trash in the incinerator. You arrive at the incinerator to throw out your trash when you notice Umeji and his gang all hanging around the same area. The gang members were all having a chat while Umeji was leaning against the wall. His gaze wandered around the group until it finally settled on you. It seemed like his eyes glinted as he saw you. His expression darkened instantly as his eyes narrowed.
Umeji's mind was filled with thoughts as he looked at your body, specifically your curves. The way your uniform clung to your body was making the lines of it stand out. There was a sudden spike is his heart as he was overwhelmed with thoughts. His breath was becoming unsteady and his heart began to pulse hard inside his chest. Could he possibly be getting drawn in by a fat girl.
He was still stuck in his thoughts as you walked away from him. His mind was wondering from how you looked, to the way you walked, to the way you threw out your trash. It was as if you were starting to have a hold on him. He let out a heavy breath as he tried to gather back his focus. It seemed like you were getting under his skin. He saw you walk towards the gardening club. He shook his head and then proceeded to walk away towards the gardening club as well.
You went to help your best friend Uekiya with planting flowers in the garden’s perimeter. You go to the locker rooms to change because you had accidentally got dirt on your uniform.
Umeji’s sees you walk towards the locker rooms. He follows you over there. He couldn’t comprehend why he was following you, or why he felt the way he did. He can't keep his mind off of you now, it's like he's been taken by your appearance and attitude.
You walk into the shower room and take a quick shower and change into your pe uniform. You walk out to see umeji standing outside the locker rooms “oh, Hey Umeji” you give him a smile.
He had been thinking about you since earlier, and now he had the chance to say something to you again. He was staring at you as you walked out, and your appearance in the pe uniform made it even more alluring in his eyes. “I just want to remind you how your so fat. No wonder people don’t like you. ?” He asks you, trying to make it an insult but his blush is too red to come off that way.
You smiled at the opportunity to fuck with him more. “Hmm~, seems like you like this fat girl don’t you” you tease him and get the satisfaction of making his face a darker red. “What? No I don't, fucking dumbass” However, his thoughts were filled with other things as you got closer to him. He was staring at your body a little too much.
You got closes to his face until you’re inches away “aww it’s cute really to see how flustered you get when I~ tease your ass!” my tone went from teasing to straight laughing.
Umeji's face was flushed and his expression was darkening with each passing comment you made. He felt the anger and irritation rising within him but he also couldn't deny that he was getting riled up by your teasing and bullying. His body was responding to you in a way he didn't understand himself, as your body was starting to look more tempting to him. He was being drawn in and it was confusing his entire thought process.
As you walked away heading to the school gate, he couldn't help but watch you. The way your body moves, how your body fits in your pe uniform. Everything about you was making him feel hot and confused inside. He was starting to realize that you weren't just some ordinary fat girl. He couldn't tear his eyes away from you and he just stood there watching you walk away.
*fast forward to next day*
You walk into the school. Just as paranoid as yo here everyday. This is normally the time where Musume and her friends are at their peak of bullying you. Umeji was waiting at the entrance of the school. His gaze instantly found you. It was as if he was drawn to you, and all the thoughts he've been having about you began to surge once again.
He kept staring at you up and down, his mind filled with different fantasies of you right now. He looked down at your ass, how your skirt barely covered it, your breasts and how they sit in your uniform so well. It was getting him more excited just thinking of you and the more he thought about you the more his body was responding to it accordingly.
You spot him looking at you as you look over to him “Hey umeji!” You greet him halfheartedly "Hey fatass" was all he was able to get out as he glanced at you. His mind was still flooded with fantasies of you so he was still speechless and all he could do was glare at you and stare.
“I know you think my ass is fat but you don’t have to tell me every time we see each other~” you flirt with him subtlety. He was getting angry by the fact that you didn't seem to be bothered by his insults at all. Your smile and the way you were acting right now just made him angrier, and he glared even harder at your body after your reply.“So your accepting that your ass is actually fat then? Good, you acknowledge how disgustingly huge your ass is”
“Woah woah, keep your perverted thoughts to yourself in public” you tease him even more laughing at yourself. He smirks at your comment, "So the fatty doesn't like the thought of people having perverted thoughts about her fat ass huh?~” Umeji smirked before saying this, his attitude His body was having its own thoughts on the other hand, his body was starting to respond to you in unexpected ways.
Once you hear his words you pause, processing what he just said. Your face gets heated, did he just, say he has perverted thoughts about your ass? you turn around “w-what did you just say?”
Umeji smirked and couldn't help but stare at you with a teasing grin. His eyes were fixated on your face and your blushing cheeks, it was adorable to see. It also made him more worked up too. “I think you heard me just fine fatty, you know exactly what I said. Are you having trouble understanding simple words?” He teased you hard.
You turn and walk away. Stunned from what you just heard. *Could it be that… he actually likes me?? Why else would he have perverted thoughts about me? Am I looking too far into it? Why am blushing right now?* you think walking away.
Umeji stares at you as you walk away, and he is just lost in his own thoughts and fantasies. He has trouble coming to terms with how much he likes you, it's something he never thought would happen. His eyes wander down to your body. You were looking extra fine today. He could also sense the blushing on your cheeks, and this added a whole new level of hot to you for him.
As the bell rings for lunch you walk out to get your usual bag of chips. Suddenly you see Musume and her friends laughing their asses off at me. You just roll my eyes and shove through them to the vending machines when one of them pushes you to the ground. You can fiight one person but a group of them had you outnumbered. “Aha look at the piggy getting something to eat. No wonder you’re always being bullied by that delinquent boy” they yell and laugh at you as you try to comprehend what’s going on. they all begin kicking you as you ball up and feel tears well up in your eyes.
They all walked away as umeji came over to you. You know due to his shoes standing in front of you. This was embarrassing for you, you were supposed to be unbothered and tough as shit.
“You good?” Umeji asked you, now in a softer and more concerned tone. The anger he had before was now replaced with worry and concern. He saw you were still about to shed tears and this worried him quite a bit.
You couldn’t let him see you in this vulnerable state. You use the last hit of energy you have left to fake a facade. “Yep all good!” You try your hardest to pretend like you didn’t just get your ass beat. You stand up dusting yourself off and secretly wiping your tears away.
Umeji wasn't buying it. He tried to conceal his worries and fears, but he was also very empathetic when it came to others' emotions. Your voice sounded strained and you were even trying your best to pretend you were okay. He could tell just from your tone that something was indeed wrong. “Don't bullshit with me. Let's be real, are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m good. Nothing I can’t handle.” You give a fake smile as you quickly make it down the stairs to the first floor. You never thought he would be the type of person to actually care about you. You kept your walls up because you know.. he’s Umeji, the guy who’s been fat shaming you for the last two days.
"So it's nothing? Really? You're not hurt at all from getting pushed to the ground?" He asks you in an unconvinced tone. Following you down the stairs.
“Nope! Nothing gets on my nerves, you’ve seen it yourself” your voice cracking a bit while you book it down the stairs trying to escape the venerability. You couldn’t bare the fact that he could see you like this. You wanted out.
"That is bullshit and you know it." If there was one thing Umeji hated more than .. well everything, l it was when people would pretend they’re fine when they’re not. "You suck at lying. I know your not fine"
You feel tears start to gather up in your eyes again thinking about all of the insults. Like he isn’t part of the reason that your like this right now? It fueled your with rage* “Look , nothing is wrong! It’s not like you care anyway. You’ve been making fun of me since the moment you met me!” You tell as you head out the door towards the statue.
Umeji was a little taken aback by the sudden rage you had. But it was understandable.He was always a bully towards you, but now he was wondering if he went too far by treating you the way he did. “I care, I do. I-I just.. look I'm sorry okay? Just- just please.. don't try to pretend everything is okay when it’s evident it isn't.” He tries to counteract whatever’s going on.
This is when you break. He already saw the vulnerability. It was too late for you to hide whatever was left. You turn around “Oh stop a thing like you care about a disgusting pig like me! I’m only your little punching bag you like to make fun of! You act like you care about how someone else hurts me when you hurt me just as bad. You think I like being called all of those horrible names daily!? I don’t!” You break down and cry your eyes out on the grass.
"I-i" Umeji was at a loss for words as he tried to find the right response. Everything you're saying just makes sense. The more you speak, the stronger your words become. You're right.
“Do you think I like being me? I don’t, it’s hard to be me. It’s hard to like yourself when no one likes you and constantly tells you how much they hate you for something you can’t control- doenst feel good” you sit on a nearby bench that no one ever goes to. “I don’t like myself. And the one person I felt like I actually…loved…doesn’t like me either” you exhaustingly laugh out as you cover your face in embarrassment.
Umeji froze at the word “loved". Did you just say... love?... you loved him?.. the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. He couldn't believe his ears when he first heard it. It made him really excited to think that you actually had love for him but then the regret what he has said and did to you. immediately set in and he frown “Hold on... You.. love me...?”
Your heart dropped when you realized you just gave away your confession. There was no point in hiding it now, everything is already ruined “*sigh* yea- I do” you look over at him in shame, thinking he wasn’t going to like you back. You feel am his hand grab yours.
“And if I say I love you too?.. what than?”
Umeji became stunned when you admitted your confession. It was something he never expected. There was a silence between the two of you and he was just processing everything that just happened. Your revelation sent butterflies in his stomach and he felt a rush of excitement throughout his whole body.
You look up at him, anticipating his confession. “I've always had feelings for you but I… couldn't bring myself to confess. I thought it would ruin our friendship or- something. But now that you've confessed first.. do you wanna try.. you know.. maybe dating?”
You fling into his arms “yes umeji! I love you so much!” You lean in and connect your lips with his.
He was stunned by the kiss but it all felt extremely good. When he opened his eyes again, he was still processing the whole situation. He was also quite impressed with that kiss and he wanted to return it. His hands fell to your curvy waist as it rested on the small of your back. After the kiss breaks, he lifted up one of your hands and brought it close to his mouth. He placed a small kiss on one side of your wrist and pulled you in again for a longer and deeper kiss.
“I love you more than anything. I can’t even press how sorry I am for saying those awful words.” He brings you into a hug as you return it.
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derekhalesbian · 1 year
who should you fight: teen wolf edition
who wins: you, but at what cost?
from a purely physical standpoint, he would skewer your on his claws before you could draw blood. but he also has years of trauma and repressed emotion, and you could probably dig some of that up to get enough good hits in. however, you’ll also have to watch him cry over his dead family and self-hatred. don’t fight derek. he doesn’t deserve it.
who wins: scott
scott would destroy you without thinking. this kid has intense physical advantages and a hair-trigger fist and he will absolutely beat you into a pulp if you try and throw down. that being said, you should still fight him. he probably did something to deserve a good punch and someone needs to take him down a peg.
who wins: lydia
are you kidding?? lydia can kill a man with one look. it might be tempting just to be in her presence, but there’s a good chance she’ll deem you not worth her time and get jackson to beat you up instead. there’s no scenario where you come out with a win. don’t try to fight lydia unless you have a death wish.
who wins: lydia
jackson undoubtedly deserves a good beat down, but lydia saved his life with the power of her love, and if you try to seriously fight him she will probably hunt you down. i know jackson makes it hard to not fight him, but this is just a waste of everyone’s time.
who wins: bro what the fuck
why are you fighting isaac? just why? i get that the kid can be an asshole sometimes but he’s a teenager. he spent half his childhood locked in a freezer by his abusive father, he doesn’t deserve this. don’t fight isaac.
who wins: stiles
if he’s unarmed, you could probably beat stiles’s bony ass. he’s self-identified “147 pounds of fair skin and fragile bone,” so if you were really determined and could ignore him trying to talk circles around you, you could most likely lay him out like a futon. but he won’t leave you alone afterwards. either he’ll decide he’s in love with you and follow you around for the rest of time, attempting to woo you with ridiculous gifts, or he’ll decide you’re enemies and follow you around for the rest of time, causing problems on purpose. either way, you do not come out of this victorious. just let him set you on fire with a moltov cocktail and save yourself the trouble.
who wins: erica
erica wouldn’t even hesitate before eviscerating you. she has years of pent up rage from public school bullies and chronic illness, except now she also has razor sharp claws. she will wear your blood as lipstick. do not fight erica.
who wins: no one
don’t get me wrong, boyd could crush you without trying. he won’t, though. he won’t even fight you. at most, he might let you get a punch to his arm in before he just holds you until you calm down and don’t want to fight him anymore. it’s honestly really sweet. i’ve heard boyd gives great hugs, so maybe you should still fight him for that.
who wins: derek
yes, cora could and would rip your throat out if she needed to. however, derek thought she was dead for a long time, do you think he’ll risk a punk like you giving his last living family member so much as a scratch? the tactics you could’ve used if you just wanted to fight derek won’t work when he’s filled with protective rage, either. to fight cora you have to get through derek first, and you will not get through derek.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Happy birthday!! Hope it's okay!
I've read your article about how school bullying follows up child abuse and how child abuse creates the risk of abuse in the future, and I wanted to ask something. Idk how and why but child abuse and school bullying were two different, separate things for me 🤨 like I felt that my first experience of being bullied was in high school. It wan't the same and 'nothing uncommon'. I felt devastated like it was the first time ever I was treated like that. Maybe child abuse just has made me sensitive to others' judgement and to how people percieve me? Like the only truth about who I actually am, is in how others see me. What do you think?
Yeah, it can definitely make you more sensitive to judgment!
I don't know if I can explain this well, but this is something that can happen when you're abused at home, but usually feel safe in public areas: you develop 2 types of behaviour, almost like two personalities, one for home, and another one for public. It also changes how you feel about yourself at home, and how you feel about yourself in public, surrounded by other people. At home you're constantly aware that you're not valuable, that you're despised, that you can be hurt at any moment, and that you're disposable. But with friends and in public social setting, you can feel welcome, valuable, like you fit in.
Then, you have to base your self worth choosing from these two settings; if you're well received in public and amongst your peers, you can decide that well, parents must have been wrong about you, because all of these other people like you just fine and want your around, so your parents obviously don't know shit about you and can go to hell with their dumb opinions. You embrace your image of yourself of a person beloved by your friends and you hold onto that in order to survive the hateful ordeal you have to endure at home, knowing it is undeserved and that you're not all that awful things your parents say you are.
But, deep inside you're still scared that your parents might be right. Because they knew you first, and they knew you the longest, and they watched you grow, and their words are etched into your brain. So you're always careful and looking for warning signs that other people might develop these negative opinions of you as well, it's never a truly 'safe' situation, as long as there are people like your parents claiming confidently that you're nothing but a burden or a waste of space.
So then, when you're clinging to this hope that people in your peer setting will view you in a more favorable way, and then you end up abused in that setting too - that's when your entire view of yourself can crash. Because you just received a confirmation that even people who are not your parents, see you as nothing but a target, someone who is acceptable to hurt and harass and nobody will find you worth protecting and saving. It's absolutely devastating, and it can make you question yourself very deeply on how are you perceived and what is your true identity, if everyone around you is okay with you being abused? It's extremely painful, and very cruel for an abused kid to be given a little hope of normalcy, and then to have it yanked away like that, by some kids who don't even know what they're doing or who they're hurting, they're just in for lashing out at someone vulnerable and unprotected.
I only realized way later that bullying had this same negative impact on my self-worth, even if I didn't know it at the time, because bullies just weren't as violent as my parents, so I didn't need to take them as seriously. But they did mean that I was seen as nothing but a target both at home and social setting, and it did manage to isolate me even more, and make me even more certain that I am not a part of society, and will only be hurt and rejected if I ever try to belong anywhere. It is a very painful thing to be put thru.
So in conclusion, yes, abuse makes you extremely sensitive to how you're perceived in public, because your self-perception has already been challenged and weakened by the trolls that live in your home so having the outside world affirming their stance is devastating.
In the contrast to this, not being abused at home can make your self-perception positive enough, that when you're bullied at school, you're aware that these bullies are the only source in your life who find you an acceptable target and that you will be seen differently, and accepted in all other areas of your life. It's still a crisis in not managing to belong with your peers and being seen as an acceptable target in a social setting, and sometimes pride or shame can stop a person from even confiding in their parents about it, but it shouldn't completely crash their self-perception, like it would happen for an abused kid. (I am speaking here just hypothetically, I might be wrong about this, I don't actually know for sure how non-abused children deal with bullying other than what I've seen in tv shows)
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albertonykus · 10 months
Doraemon Vol. 12 from The Complete Works of Fujiko F. Fujio
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The stories here were published in 1979–1985. Once again I don't have many general comments to make, so I'll proceed with my selection of iconic stories from this volume (as determined by my personal experience and biases):
"おそるべき正義ロープ" ("The Formidable Justice Rope", 1980): To deal with Nobita's bullies, Doraemon releases the Justice Rope, which automatically wanders around town and punishes wrongdoers by tying them up. However, trouble arises when it turns out that the rope punishes all types of wrongdoing…
"ションボリ、ドラえもん" ("Dejected Doraemon", 1981): Seeing how much Doraemon has been struggling to look after Nobita, Nobita's great-great grandson Sewashi considers sending Dorami to take his place.
"時門で長~~い一日" ("A Looong Day with the Time Gate", 1981): To help Nobita finish his homework and still have enough time to visit Shizuka afterward, Doraemon slows down time with the Time Gate. As usual, Nobita isn't satisfied with just that and borrows the gadget for his own benefit, which causes all kinds of trouble. The most ridiculous of all is that an action TV show that Nobita is watching ends up having to continue airing the plot of subsequent episodes to fill up the extra time, to the point where the lead actor eventually gets hospitalized from overwork, which is absolutely not how a TV series like that would work, but is absolutely hilarious.
"天つき地蔵" ("Sky-tipping Jizō", 1982): To give Nobita a place to hide his failed exam papers, Doraemon brings out a seemingly bottomless waste disposal, but then falls in himself without his pocket. As he tries to find a way back, his exploits parallel the events in a folktale that Nobita happens to be reading.
"ホンワカキャップ" ("Happy Cap", 1983): Nobita envies adults for being able to drink away their sorrows, so Doraemon takes out a bottlecap that can make any beverage intoxicating.
"ジャイアン殺人事件" ("The Gian Murder Case", 1985): To everyone's surprise, the director of a music school seeks out Gian to record his infamously horrendous singing. Suneo suspects that the director intends to use it as an instrument of murder. (It's actually meant to represent the "before" in a "before and after" style commercial for the school.)
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- Ekubo only survives because he met Mob through Reigen (Reigen almost got brainwashed, but he's covered in Mob's and Teruki's aura like supernatural cat hair and Ekubo was too weak to get past that, he followed Reigen to find the source of that power, Reigen let him because Reigen was a fan of Ghostbusters as a kid and thought Ekubo could be a mascot or smth like Slimer) Mob doesn't like that Ekubo follows him at first but it's better than the ghost following Teruki
- When Ritsu gets kidnapped? It goes pretty similar to canon at the beginning, except Mob isn't shy about using his powers At All, he's never been so mad or scared in his entire life, Teruki is helping because he has known Ritsu for 8 years and even if Ritsu's been avoidant of Teruki since The Incident Teruki still does care about him. Mob is barely stopping long enough to be attacked, he grabs the first higher up he sees and just makes the little reverse-barrier smaller and tighter every time they hesitate to answer 'left or right?' through the seemingly endless hallways. At one point he does get caught in the psychic delusion that his brother is dead, but that helps absolutely nothing, that one gets genuinely killed, Mob doesn't even notice. He's brought Ritsu (and the awakening lab but only because Ritsu could grab them quick enough) out of the building before Reigen even arrives. This doesn't help Ritsu's perception of Mob, seeing him tear through seasoned adult espers like wet tissue. Teruki feels nothing but vindication - the people that would attack and try to kidnap a eight year old, the people that took Ritsu, they're gone, they've been dealt with, all because of Mob. Teruki's emotional dependance on Mob grows three sizes that day
- Shou got the Fear Of Mob put into him that day, sadly thst doesn't keep him from poking the bear. Mob does get in on the plan sooner though! Mostly because Mob doesn't have a '???%' to take over when the goings get tough so he was cognizant enough to look for auras with his brother's aura on them after seeing his family burned alive instead of just any esper. Sadly he doesn't see Ritsu before he's already gone through the (solid concrete) building to stand directly on Shou's neck while asking why he did what he did while slowly increasing the gravity around Shou until he can't breath. He didn't die! Just got pretty asphyxiated before Ritsu pulled Mob off him. Ritsu's perspective of Mob doesn't get better At All with this but his perspective of Shou also gets worse
- The thing is Evil Mob isn't even that evil he just feels his emotions and sees his actions as justifiable defence
- Shou's dad fucking dies!!!! He dies alone and nukes half of seasoning!!!!! Shou doesn't know how to feel about his dad because he never fucking apologized!!!!!!!
- Mogami arc. Oh no. OKAY I HAVE FEELINGS ABT MOGAMI ARC SPECIFICALLY WHY DIDN'T MOGAMI USE HIS OWN TRAUMA TO HIS ADVANTAGE - firstly Teruki got Badly injured in the initial attack, but he refuses to go out to an ambulance because Teruki's fucking crazy on his own okay he's got Mob and that's it just Mob and Teru no one else because no one gets it, everyone but Mob is shallow and fake and not to be trusted but if Mob dies then Teruki will be alone so Teruki has to be there when Mob gets back because if Mob doesn't get back then Teruki cannot fathom moving on. Secondly in Mogamiland Ritsu isn't a stranger, he's Mob's brother still, but he's sick. Mob spends the six months being verbally and physically abused by his sick brother who's more angry at his condition than Mob but takes it out on him anyway. Mob spends six months trying to afford care on a student's wage, getting severely bullied at school by Asigiri, ignored by Teruki and then coming home to Ritsu calling everything a waste and then coughing up a lung. The snap is when Asigiri and her group follow him home and start fucking with Ritsu while he's too weak to sit up. Mogami's goal was to get Mob to actively try to kill 'people', and it worked. Ekubo came in a little too late for that, after Mogamiland, Mob doesn't trust himself around anyone but Teruki for a while
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kob131 · 1 year
The Grand List To Prove Jaune Arc is a Self Insert!
AKA 'Watch me humiliate myself.'
1 - Jaune is the first male character of the same age group than our protagonist introduced in the show, giving him instantly a special status. He does so by helping directly said main protagonist, instantly strike a friendship over their social awkwardness and his goofiness.
Notice something...off about this point? How it's centered around when Jaune was introduced to the group, not his first appearence?
Well, that's probably because Jaune's first appearence was as the butt of a joke. The punchline. The place in a joke that usually shows absolute disrespect.
Our self insert, ladies and gentlemen!
2 - The second time he talk, it's literally to create another friendship, this time with the champion archetype of the show. At this point, he cemented is awkward goof personality that would usually go to protagonist type characters in shonen (exemple : Naruto, Natsu)
Yeah, see. The second time he talked was foreshadowing and didn't actually make friends with Pyrrha. He also lacks any kind of serious moments here (unlike Naruto) and isn't an already experienced and competent fighter (Unlike Natsu).
And speaking of Fairy Tail, we actually have an example of a character supposedly getting preferential treatment in the form of Erza, who despite not even being the female protagonist (Lucy) is constantly depicted as the biggest badass of the team who is constantly held up highly and respected, accomplishing seemingly impossible feats through sheer coolness.
AKA Everything someone like Jaune ISN'T.
3 - He is saved by his friendship striked literally minutes before then show a complete lack of basic knowledge of the lore. He become the de-facto ignorant character the basic lore is explained to (and to the public watching the show), a role usually done by Isekai/harem/SI/power fantasy main protagonist. It's even more flagrant because the existence of this role make NO SENSE in RWBY as the lore needed to be explained is way too basic to justify anyone not knowing about it and the show happen in a school setting, literally a setting you can dump your basic lore by making it a class.
Yes, a school setting. A SPECIALIST school setting. Meaning that explaining things like Aura to the class as a whole is pointless and a waste of time. Especially since major fights happen BEFORE the school is in session in the story, meaning you can't use the school setting to explain what is about to happen. Hence the existence of Jaune. This also completely ignores Pyrrha's character, someone who WOULD help out a person in need even after just knowing them.
Now, since you mentioned Isekai protagonists, I guess you should go on about how Jaune instantly becomes an overpowered badass who wins the hearts of everyone around him, right? You know, a stable in Isekai power fantasy so old that the modern predecessor of Isekai, Sword Art Online, had this in spades? So when's that about Jaune?
...Or is it that Jaune is often disrespected and looked down upon by others, including his own friends, something that NEVER happens in these stories?
In fact, let's go back to SAO since THAT'S what everyone thinks of when they think of a self insert/power fantasy/Mary Sue. Kirito is supposedly ostrachized from his fellow players but this is never shown. He is never truly challenged in a fight unless the opponent is cheating. He is regularly regarded with awe and inspiration by those around him. He is almost never vulnerable or weak-
You starting to see a problem here? How Jaune isn't fitting a goddamn thing that comes with what a person actually THINKS OF when they consider a self insert? How the stuff this person is listing is just what happens to ANY character in a story?
It doesn't get better.
5 - His next apparence at all is the beginning of an arc that is entirely centered on him, his role and leadership. And it's a festival between being the one bullied instead of Ruby which make a way better target, being comforted by said main protagonist, revealing he cheated to enter Beacon (an information that never result in anything outside of this arc), having the champion willing to train him and developing a 'special' power temporarily when he decide to stand up to his bully for the sake of his team.
Of course, this completely ignores all the times that the bully Cardin humiliates Jaune, how Jaune is insulted by his teammates, how Jaune's actions directly cause the conflict of the arc and isolate him from Pyrrha, how he is portrayed as in the wrong due to the more innocent Pyrrha freezing him out and how he is only in the right after standing up for Pyrrha and apologizing to her, showing that he was wrong.
All things that NEVER happen with those said Isekai protags. Or at least with the ones that do are regarded as NOT being self inserts.
6 - He is the one in season 2 to stand up for Weiss when Neptune ghost her, a role that would make way more sense to either Yang or Ruby herself. I'll add that being dense as a brick trying to romance the diva/princess archetype while being unaware of another character love for them is 100% certified SI protagonist energy
Why does it make more sense for Ruby to do this, who has nothing to do with this and has her own objectives during this arc? Let alone Yang, who is doing her own thing? And not Jaune, who has shown romantic interest in Weiss?
Also notice how Jaune being the butt of jokes isn't brought up again? Even though this arc has two potshots at him? COntext, what dat?
7 - He is constantly shown to have improved over all the other characters in battle
Another sneaky little trick- they don't bring up HOW Jaune compares to his peers at this point. Because the point here is that these characters get focused on and upstage their peers. While Jaune only ever shows improvement via doing the basics needed.
8 - He is the only one to actually have a romance in the first overreaching arc with, once more, the champion archetype. And end up being the only one to have an emotional reaction to her death and actively grieving for her. Following that, he is the only one to react to Cinder, Pyrrha murderer, emotionally. Not his team, not the one that see her murder, him alone.
It's not like Ruby talked about Pyrrha beforehand with, oh maybe, a farm boy. Or that we had a moment of the whole team mourning Pyrrha in the finale of the last Volume.
No, Jaune's a self insert because he's mourning the character he was closest with. Even though he does fuck all otherwise, the fact he gets ANYTHING. MUST. Be a sign he's a self insert.
Why not just call it 'manpain' and kill your credibility.
9 - Despite his grief, he is the one to give Ruby the emotional comfort in V4 when the situation turn bad. A scene that could easily be interpreted as the beginning of another romance story, this time the main one.
You mean the same scene where Jaune's entire mourning for Pyrrha basically turns into him talking about how great Ruby is. Something that, if there was a narrative about Ruby being a self insert, would have gotten jumped on? Oh how FUCKING wonderful. Not like these two are close friends whose connection will be completely forgotten in a Volume or anything, right?
10 - He develop a new superpower when one of the main team character get (grievously) hurt, a power that have nothing to do with V1 reflecting damage he was doing there and that is as special as it is non-sensical and mary suesque. It isn't just a heal power, which being unique in the group, once more boost his role of Deuteragonist. No, it's does that by boosting the magic system and superpower of his allies, which result in seemingly heal grievous damage on a character that doesn't have access to the magic power to have been able to get hurt in the first place. Complete full Power fantasy BS.
You know, which is why there are all those Isekais about how the super powerful protagonist can only support his allies. Oh wait, even the ones that claim that (like Shield Hero) ditch that shit and Jaune can ONLY ever help others win, never winning himself.
Mary Sue everyone!
11 - Since he is the only one to care that Pyrrha die, he is the only one to meet seemingly her family.
Translation: "Jaune had focus, that makes him a SELF INSERT! Because the show only exists when Jaune's on screen!"
12 - Despite his role as the goof of the group, he is the one MILF are interested in when he join Atlas huntsmen. Not the other Ace Ops, him, the 18 years old goofball.
None of whom were on scene, where Jaune just helped their kids and they offered food like MOST mothers would!
Written by Eddy Rivas by the way. Weird, could have sworn that wasn't how you spelled 'Miles Luna'.
Put simply, by V7, he is the only protagonist to actively have an heroic role in his actions. He doesn't hunt but protect children instead, he doesn't fight but help civilian and his the face of the evacuation. Being the hero of the show, making his story the power fantasy of Miles
He's also regularly treated as a joke for most the show's running time, most of your examples came during the time Miles was at his LEAST active in the show as he was making Red Vs Blue, was treated as pathetic, had his role and relationships diminished as Miles became more involved, didn't even get an opinion on how Ruby (his supposed counterpart) lied unlike LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE-
And oh yeah, is the ONLY RWBY character to be insulted by his voice actor! Yeah, Miles is the ONLY member of the CRWBY to mock Jaune, even saying that voicing him is drawing on his stupid, awkward teenage years. Real great Self Insert there!
Just like Felix! Remember Felix, the character made when Miles had COMPLETE creative control over Red vs. Blue? Don't he and Jaune act just so fucking much alike?
... Oh yeah, Felix acts NOTHING like Jaune. Felix is a selfish, amoral and smug shit of a villain. Which coinsides with Miles saying he likes acting VILLAINS more than heroes.
Face facts- Jaune isn't a self insert. he never was. That was an excuse you used because Miles was the easy target of the CRWBY. Because trying that shit on Kerry or Eddy resulted in them smacking you around. You're just coping at this point.
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emf005 · 2 years
Looks of an Angle Voice of a Goddess
Draco Malfoy x Muggle born!Reader
Part 1 out of 2
Warnings: Mentioning of bullying, probably swearing, let me know if you find anything else
Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the long break. My life has been the definition of chaos at the moment. So, with out further ado, enjoy and let me know what you think!
“Come on, Draco! It’ll be fun! There’s this one-”
“I thought I said no, Blaise. You can all go out and waste your time watching some silly mudbloods and half bloods perform muggle music, but I prefer to actually make good use of my time.” Blaise sighed. 
“You honestly shouldn’t spend all your time here, Draco. And so what if it's muggle music and a few mudbloods? It's good music, and good voices. It could be fun and you might actually like it.”
“I said no.” Draco stood up and left the common room, headed for the library. He had more important things to do than watch a bunch of Mudbloods attempt to sing on stage with muggle songs. 
“I really think Cedric likes you! I mean he comes every week!” 
“Hailey I honestly- Oof!” Draco collided with someone as he rounded the corner. On instinct he grabbed their waist to keep them from falling. 
You swallowed and stared up at the Slytherin prince for a moment, both of you wide eyed. He stared back before sneering and helping you up all the way. He may have hated your kind, but he wasn’t that mean. 
“Watch where you're going, Mudblood,” you stared at him blankly and furrowed your eyebrows. 
“A tad bit hard to look around the corner before actually stepping around it, don't you think, Your Highness?” You and your friend brushed past him. You were completely unfazed by the slur. So unbothered that you actually shot back your own come back without hesitation.
He watched as you and your friend went down the hall and turned to head outside. Where were you headed in such a rush and looking so nice? Makeup, dresses. 
Curiosity got the best of him and he followed you and your friend. He didn’t know either of your names, but he did know your blood status. He didn’t know how he knew, he just did. Somehow he knew everyones. 
You and her went back behind a curtain behind a make-shift stage by the lake. He noticed Blaise and Pansy towards the middle of the crowd and it suddenly dawned on him. You were apart of that stupid musical group or whatever. 
It was a club that started his and your first year at Hogwarts. Muggleborns or half from any house or any year could join and once a week they performed muggle songs down by the lake for fun. He scoffed but inched around the crowd any how to the back. 
He was there, might as well see what all the fuss was about. Nearly the whole school was there. Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindors. The weird thing was that no one was fighting or arguing. He saw a few interactions between Slytherins and Gryffindors that were friendly, Purebloods and Muggleborns in the crowd excitedly bouncing up and down. He lent on the tree next to him. No way this could all be caused by one student run activity. 
“I can’t wait to hear Y/N!” One girl said excitedly from beside him. He looked over to see her talking to Cedric Diggory, who was beaming excitedly. 
“I know! She’s the best! I mean, the girl has it all!”
“She does! Her voice, her looks! Maybe you have a chance with her, Ced.” the girl teased and punched his shoulder. He blushed and looked towards the stage.
“Maybe,” he mumbled. Draco rolled his eyes at Hogwarts’ Golden Boy. 
“Ladies and Gentleman!” He looked back at the stage to see Lee Jordan standing with a mic in his hands and a smile on his face as the crowd cheered. “Welcome to this week's show! As usual I will not be singing because I absolutely can not.” Everyone laughed. “But here’s someone we all know can!” He placed the mic on the stand and ran off the stage as the stage got darker and a spot light appeared in the back. The crowd cheered again with anticipation. Then, all at once, everything got quiet and someone started to play a piano and a bass.
You stepped out of the curtain in a tighter floor length red dress. Your hair was teased in the back and was falling over your shoulders and your make up had obviously been touched up. Even Draco’s jaw dropped when you stepped out from behind the curtain. There was no question of whether you were pretty or not on a regular day, but here you were drop dead gorgeous. 
You walked to the center and wrapped your hands around the microphone with a smile. 
“You have plenty of money 1922,”You sang out slowly. Draco’s mouth dropped even further. “You let all the women make a fool of you. Why don't you do right? Like some other men do.” There were a few cheers, but it all went silent again when you started to sing again. You took the mic off the stand a bit into the song and came to the edge of the stage, playing around with the audience. 
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Well, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing wasn’t making his ears bleed, first off. 
“Why don’t you do right, like some other men do. Get outta here. Get me some money too. I said, get outta here.”You started to back up towards the back of the stage. “And get me some money. Like some other men,” you stopped singing, leaving everyone waiting. “Doooooooooooo” you held it out and it slowly became quieter and you let the curtain envelop you. The crowd started cheering and more people in costumes came on. He was still just staring at the place you had been. Whatever he had been expecting… it wasn’t that. It wasn’t that at all. 
A few more people and groups performed before you came on in a black dress that hit your knees. Your hair was curly bouncy and some would even call it frizzy. A tall hat sat on your head and you had on long black gloves that only went around your thumb. 
“A child believes,” you started to sing slowly into your mic. “The best in you. And that belief always makes the darkest lies seem almost true.”
Your voice was low with the music. It seemed warning and gentle all at the same time and, once more, Draco was captivated by it. 
“A slight of hand. This almost truth can beguile the purest youth… To Wonderland.” 
The music picked up and a dangerous smile reached your face as you took the mic off the stand and pushed it aside. 
“Now every piece is in place And all that's left to erase before I take over all the power is every trace of dear Alice and the queen.” Your voice boomed and made everyone start cheering. Draco just stared at you. He had noticed you in the halls and this person in front of him was not her. The girl he saw was a kind Hufflepuff with a softer voice and sweet intentions towards everyone, even if she were throwing a snarky comment back at someone who deserved it. 
You had just done something not easily done. You had surprised him. 
“She's been a thorn in my side and can run, but can't hide.We're fast approaching the Witching Hour And settling score is my routine.” He continued to stare in shock at you. This was… well he wasn’t quite sure what this was, if he were being honest. “Oh well, all's well, ends well. Farewell Alice. Too late! Checkmate is your fate! It's over! I come alive when you're afraid. I write the ending of your tragic Fairy Tale. I will survive and you will fade. A withered flower, small and frail. While I prevail. This time it's gonna be me. The last thing that you ever see is an amrageded of my devising!” 
The whole song was powerful and nearly knocked him down. He honestly couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. And then, you hit the last part. Oh god. The last part. That last note….
“It's over! You die, I thrive. And so it goes.I am the ending of your tragic Fairy Tale. I will survive, and Heaven knows there is no way that I can fail.” You took a breath, Draco along with everyone else were on their toes waiting. “I will prevail!” 
Everyone burst out with applause and cheering. You took a bow and everyone who had sung came out on stage and bowed together a few times before leaving the stage and going back stage. Everyone began to file out. But Draco stayed where he was, watching the stage with a blank face and his heart beating loudly in his throat. His blood racing from your ending performance. 
What had he just seen? And why had it been so bloody good? 
He watched Cedric stick around and search anxiously for you while he stayed hidden behind the tree. Soon everyone was out from behind the stage, but no you. Odd.
“Who you lookin’ for?” A voice asked from over his shoulder. He jumped, smacking his shoulder off of their jaw. He heard the cringing SNAP of teeth against teeth and turned around quickly to see you trying to recover from his “attack”.
“Bloody hell! Don’t you know not to sneak up on someone like that?” He breathed out, forgetting to add his normal sneer in his voice. You just chuckled and shook your head rubbing your sore jaw from his shoulder's abuse.       
“Man, what do you do, work out your shoulders?” you chuckled. You smiled and leaned into your hip. “So, enjoy the show? Haven’t seen you around these parts.” 
He brushed his hair back and rolled his shoulders. 
“I tend to come down for,” he waved his hand dismissively, “this.”
“Oh? And what did you think?”
“A complete waste of my time.”
“Excuse me?” He asked, offended.  
“You heard me. Liar. You're normally pretty good at it too, but…”
“But what.” He practically growled, making you smirk a bit more. You pushed off the tree and folded your hands behind your back, walking away with a swing in your hips. He wanted to chase after you and demand an answer but Diggory caught him before he was able to get to you. 
“Malfoy! Have you seen Y/N? I was looking for her at the exit and she never came out.” He looked over to see performers coming out of one of the exits on the other side of the stage. He realized that there was no way you would be able to make it past Diggory. He smirked to himself, you were actively avoiding him. That was too funny. 
“I think I just saw her go towards the black lake. Maybe she went for a swim?” He nodded vigorously and dashed down to the black lake making Malfoy grin. This was going to be too fun.   
Later that day he saw Diggory marching back to his dorm drenched from head to toe and looking sour. Draco laughed so hard he nearly fell over at the sight. Everything, even his clothes were drenched. The poor sod must have gotten too excited and either fell in or jumped in after you, who wasn’t even there. 
A few days later Draco watched you come out of your rehearsal with a few other people. He caught your eye, making you smirk. You said goodbye to your friends and slid back into the classroom, but not before throwing him a glance over your shoulder. 
When the hallway was clear he followed you in. You were seated on one of the tables, swinging your legs while looking over some sheet music, humming to yourself. 
“I bumped into Diggory the other day.” He watched your feet freeze, but you didn’t look up at him. 
“Oh,” was all you said. 
“He asked about you.” you swallowed, but kept your eyes trained on your music. 
“Did he? Fascinating,” you tone was pure sarcasm and he could have swore he saw you roll your eyes. “What-what did you say?”
“That you were at the black lake.” Your head shot up and you met his smirking one. “Then our mutual friend went for a little dip.” 
You grinned up at him and leaned back on the desk, letting the music sit on your lap. 
“So, is this all you came to tell me, or did you just want an excuse to see your favorite Puff?” He rolled his eyes and folded his arms. 
“Of course not. I don’t have a favorite anything.”
My oh my, you really do enjoy lying.” He glared at you. 
“Why do you always accuse me of lying?”
“You definitely have your favorites.”
“Like what?”
“Favorite house: SLytherin. Favorite Blood STatus: Pure Blood. Favorite slur: Mudblood. Favorite color: Gray. Favorite drink: Fire whiskey. Favorite-”
“How do you know all this?”
“I’m observant. Like Pansy? Favorite person: you.” he cringed, making you smile. 
“That obvious?”
“Draco’s least favorite person: Pansy, though he’s not too fond of Harry Potter either.” He rolled his eyes, leaning on the table opposite of you. 
“Ok, so you’re observant,” you smirked. “Why’d you do that.”
“Oh nothing. Continue.”
“No no no, why did you do that little smirky thing.” 
“I didn’t do a smirky thing. Please continue.”
“So, you know all the ins and outs of Hogwarts.” You smirked again.
“And that could make you an asset.” You chuckled. 
“Get to the point, Princess.” He sighed. 
“I know a lot but not everything, you-”
“Know everything, all the time, everywhere.” You grinned. “It's a curse, really,” you said sarcastically humble. 
“WHat else do you know?”
“What will you give me?”
“What do you want?”
“Protection? From who?”
“Diggory. He is terribly annoying. I can barely get any of my school work done or practise for my next performance with him breathing down the back of my neck. And I know that you want protection from Parkinson. Her every move, her every thought,” you smirked, “well, maybe not those.” He shuddered at the way you said that. “Do we have a deal?”
“Deal.” You two shook hands, not knowing what you had just gotten yourselves into. 
Stick around for part 2! Coming soon!
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