#itโ€™s so bad I donโ€™t even want to look ๐Ÿ˜ญ
svuguru ยท 2 hours
sugar daddy Toji (Iโ€™m delusional ik he broke asf๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ) who gives you the money from his jobs based on how good you fuck him
Every day, itโ€™s โ€œcan I borrow some money?โ€ Or โ€œI need a pedicure!โ€ And every time, youโ€™re answered with a โ€œthink you can spread your legs for me?โ€ And every time, it ends with Toji laying back comfortably on his bed, arms behind his head as he looks up at you riding him, tits jiggling with every pull of your hips.
Looking down, Toji can see where you and him connect and he swears he can just bust from the sight of it. You throw your head back, panting and whining about how tired your poor legs are.
โ€œTojiiiiiโ€ฆ! Please, canโ€™t take it anymore!โ€ You cry; but your hips donโ€™t stop, bouncing up and down on him as fast as you can go but they do slowly get lazier.
โ€œI know, sweetheart, just a bit longer,โ€ Toji grins smugly, moving an arm so he can playfully smack your ass. Your hips twitch and you lean over a bit lazily, moving your hips up and down and you pay attention to the way his cock slides in and out of you, your juices dripping down his length.
โ€œAh โ€” Tojiii, canโ€™t..!โ€ You huff, leaning back straight again to regain yourself, your hair a mess and your face sweaty and flushed.
โ€œLook at you, baby, so brave,โ€ Toji says almost smugly, his hands moving to grab your hips and help you balance yourself without warning, digging his fingers into your flesh to help you move.
โ€œS-so deepโ€ฆโ€ a whimper falls from your lips as Toji moves your hips for you up and down on his dick, looking at the way his sheer girth fills up your poor cunt.
โ€œYeah? Feel me in you, princess?โ€ A smug smile graces his lips as he looks up at you, his eyebrows knitted together and a sweat bead dripping down the crease of them. Toji thrusts his hips upwards, hitting that gummy spot in you and your walls clench around him.
โ€œAh, please โ€”!โ€ You sink your teeth into your lower lip, your head thrown back and you squeeze your eyes shut. The room is humid and it reeks of sex, you can hear the wet skin to skin contact echo throughout it as Toji thrusts up into you, and you completely forgot that you wanted to go on a whole shopping spree today.
โ€œGonna cum, baby?โ€ Toji asks when he feels your warm walls clench around his thick cock, your hips twitching and your breath hitching and uneven. You whimper and nod in response. โ€œAww, I know, just a few more seconds.โ€ He groans, โ€œwant you to cum all over my dick, sweetheart.โ€ The way he speaks is so dirty and filthy, his voice low and gravelly.
โ€œT-Toji, gonna cumโ€ฆ!โ€ You pant and open your eyes, looking down at Toji with pleading ones.
โ€œYeah? Cum all over me, princess, go ahead, you can do it, there we goโ€ฆโ€ he whispers, and in a few moments, youโ€™re gushing all over him, seeing stars wherever your eyes dart and the moment almost feels intimate, even if heโ€™s a man you get money from. โ€œMy sweet girl needed release so bad, huh? Poor girl.โ€ Toji laughs but itโ€™s affectionate, one hand sliding up your hip and your sides, lovingly caressing your exhausted body. โ€œCome on, still wanna go to that mall, yeah? Canโ€™t just leave me hanging then.โ€
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6esiree ยท 2 hours
Gen Z Things With The Hazbin Men
Some funny shit I saw on Instagram. Iโ€™ll do one with the women too, LOL. Also, writing for Zestial is so hardโ€ฆlike, why does he speak like that??? ๐Ÿ˜ญ
The Dill-Doe Shirt
โ€œLook at what my darling bought me!โ€ Alastor announces excitedly, stretching his shirt so everybody could see, the word โ€˜Dill-Doeโ€™ on it. โ€œHa! Isnโ€™t it hilarious? Itโ€™s a doe wearing a dill pickle as a costume!โ€
โ€œAl, that says Dill-Doe,โ€ Angel says, trying not to laugh. โ€œDo ya know what that is?โ€
โ€œA what now?โ€ Alastor asks innocently.
โ€œShut up, Angel!โ€
The J in June
โ€œLuci, do you know what the J in June stands for?โ€ You ask Lucifer.
โ€œOh, I didnโ€™t even know it stood for anything,โ€ Lucifer says. โ€œWell, what is it, hon?โ€
โ€œThe J in June is for the Jiggle in my ass when I walk,โ€ You say, looking over your shoulder as you strut down the hallway.
โ€œI believe you,โ€ Lucifer says, fanning his face as he watches your ass do just that.
โ€œOh my God, I was just joking!โ€
Spell RUN
โ€œHusk, touch your toes,โ€ You tell Husk, trying to keep a straight face as you discreetly record him.
โ€œFine, but it better not be somethinโ€™ stupid,โ€ Husk says, bending over and touching his toes.
โ€œOkay, now spell โ€˜Runโ€™ three times.โ€
โ€œR-U-N, R-U-N, R-Uโ€”โ€œ Husk realizes, his eyes widening as you start laughing while you hold up your phone. โ€œNow, wait a fuckinโ€™ minute.โ€
โ€œHA! Youโ€™re asking ifโ€”โ€œ You start, but then he tackles you to the ground.
Can I Hold It While You Pee?
โ€œIโ€™m going to the restroom,โ€ Vox announces as he stands up from the couch.
โ€œWait, let me come with you!โ€ You say, following behind him.
โ€œWhat, why would you want to do that?โ€ Vox stutters, a horrified look on his face.
โ€œCan I hold it while you pee?โ€ You ask, but he shakes his head as he backs up from you. โ€œAt least let me tie a bow on it!โ€
*Vox teleports out of the room.*
Throw Cheeks, Bbg
โ€œThrow cheeks, babygirl,โ€ You tell Adam as you walk into the room.
Adam instantly turns his backside away from you, covering his ass with his hands.
โ€œNO! Iโ€™M NOT THROWING CHEEKS,โ€ Adam yells, shaking his head. โ€œI DONโ€™T WANNA!โ€
Angel Dust:
Impregnating A Man
โ€œYa evaโ€™ love ya man so much ya just wish ya were seahorses?โ€ Angel sighs as he looks at you, but youโ€™re too busy scrolling on your phone to notice. โ€œTa get him pregnant, I mean.โ€
โ€œJust because heโ€™s a man doesnโ€™t mean you shouldnโ€™t try,โ€ You tell him.
โ€œHuh, yeah, ya right!โ€ Angel says, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. โ€œWanna try, sweetcheeks?โ€
โ€œOh no, I forgot that was me.โ€
Sir Pentious:
โ€œHey, Pentious!โ€ You greet the serpent, an innocent smile on your face. โ€œCan I give you a BBL?โ€
โ€œA BBL? What isss that?โ€ Sir Pentious asks you, confused. โ€œIf itโ€™s nothing bad, perhaps I couldโ€”โ€œ
โ€œDONโ€™T SAY YES, THEY BOTCHED MINE!โ€ Angel screeches, barging into the room, two small pillows falling from his skirt.
โ€œITโ€™S JUST A JOKE!โ€
I Donโ€™t Take In Strays
โ€œWhatโ€™s your address?โ€ Valentino texts you. You only gave him your number so he could leave you alone. โ€œIโ€™m spending the night.โ€
โ€œ4351 Pasadena Ave,โ€ You text back.
โ€œThatโ€™s the animal shelter?โ€
โ€œYeah, they take in strays. Not me, goodnight.โ€
Saint Peter:
When Did I Ask?
โ€œSo, uh, Emily was telling me about this new restaurant that opened up,โ€ Saint Peter starts, nervously wringing his hands together. โ€œAnd I was wondering if you wanted to go?โ€
โ€œWhen?โ€ You asked, trying not to laugh.
โ€œOh, wellโ€”โ€œ
โ€œDid I ask?โ€
Saint Peterโ€™s face drops, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment, losing whatever self-confidence he previously built up to ask you out.
โ€œOh my God, you poor baby! Iโ€™m so, so sorry, I have no self control,โ€ You said, rushing to him and holding his face in your hands, littering him with kisses. โ€œYes! Iโ€™ll go out with you, a million times yes!โ€
Mike Who Cheese Hairy
โ€œGood morning, sweetness,โ€ Zestial says, leaning down to look at your shirt when you approach him. โ€œOh? What art thee wearing today?โ€œ
He squints as you stretch your shirt, four words written on it: Mike, Who, Cheese, and Hairy. Carmillaโ€™s daughters are staring at you in shock.
โ€œRepeat it and youโ€™ll find out,โ€ You say, a wicked smile on your face.
โ€œMikeโ€ฆWhoโ€ฆCheeseโ€ฆHairy,โ€ Zestial recites out loud, still confused. โ€œI donโ€™t understand?โ€
โ€œWho said โ€˜My coochie is hairy?โ€™โ€ Carmilla asks as she walks into the room.
โ€œZestial!โ€ You burst out laughing, but then she throttles you.
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hanafubukki ยท 18 hours
It's true making a scene is a kid's way to gain attention. When I was a child I used to cry a lot and be loud everytime I fell, even if it didn't hurt. I stopped when I understood that I didn't actually cry because it hurt. From what I could observe growing up, it's actually a young child normal way of acting. They would cry, you would go check on them, they would calm down and then going back to run everywhere a few minutes later like they never fell in the first place. I suppose it's some way to feel secure...? Like "Yeah. People are here and will come if something goes wrong, I can continue to enjoy and play carefree" So for Malleus who was basically Rapunzel in his own castle, you bet he would throw tantrum anytime he was even a little upset so the people who cares for him/have time for him would come. Poor boy is lonely since birth. If thowing a tantrum is the price for having someone by your side, everyone would throw them ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Summary: Everything is the Senate fault.
- ๐Ÿฆ‹ Anon, who is adding more asks for you to hoard
[referencing this post]
Hello ๐Ÿฆ‹Anonie,
The action of crying is used in many ways for children. Itโ€™s mainly used as a way to let themselves be known and get attention. Whether it is because they are in pain, surprised, happy, etc.
To them, itโ€™s a safety net as well. They look to their adult figures to get a reference of reaction since they donโ€™t know how to react.
A common occurrence Iโ€™ve seen is when a kid falls down and looks at others to see their reaction. If you are shocked or show concern, most of the time, they will cry because they realize maybe something bad happened. If you just brush it off lightly and smile at them, they will go about their day and not cry. (Unless you know, they really are hurt.)
So, I can see Malleus do the same. Heโ€™s young and heโ€™s probably confused too. Why canโ€™t Lilia stay? Why canโ€™t his grandmother spend more time with him? Why does Lilia live somewhere else not at the castle?
What can he do?? To get their attention? And it seems that throwing tantrums is the only way to get them to give him attention and affection.
I mean look at Malleus. Something as simple as a head pat makes him so happy. Look at his grin in the groovy. Heโ€™s literally so happy about this simple gesture.
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It shows not only how touchstarved he might be but also how just simple affections mean so much to him. I can see Malleus throwing tantrums just so he can have them with him. He might get a scolding, but at least they are here with him. At least heโ€™s not alone. And what kid wouldnโ€™t do that?? When familial affection is something we all want and inherently are born with?
I donโ€™t care what the senate excuses are in the future. I donโ€™t care if thereโ€™s a โ€œvalidโ€ excuse for them to have done such a thing. I understand, to a degree, why what happened had to have happened. But thereโ€™s always other methods and other choices. Malleus didnโ€™t need to be alone. They didnโ€™t need to lie about his birth. Lilia didnโ€™t need to be treated such a way. Lilia could have stayed with him. Thereโ€™s always other routes. Letting pride and views destroy a family? What jackals.
One of the reasons I think that Lilia searched so hard for Levan is because he knew Malleus was lonely, and if he couldnโ€™t be with him like he promised when he hatched him, then at least Levan could and Malleus would have a parent with him.
The need for me to destroy the senate freaking increases rahhhhhh ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
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ilwonuu ยท 8 hours
Please make a part 2 of jeonghan fic "go away" I want revenge so bad ๐Ÿ˜ญ
u ask and u shall receive hehehe!!! iโ€™m so happy i got so much love on the first part! i hope u enjoy ml<3
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seungcheolโ€™s lips tasted so good against yours. but the wonderful taste of revenge was better. jeonghan has begged you to come to this party with him just for him to ditch you. you still had fun somewhat if you ignored your best friend. he was happy without your company or so you thought. he was watching you on one of his best friends lap.
cheolโ€™s hands were roaming your body in a way that made jeonghanโ€™s blood boil. he sat across the room with a drink in hand. his grip on the cup tightened when he saw cheol pull away to whisper something to you. it made you laugh. that made him even more mad than his touching against you. cheol knows of your plan to make him jealous. he wasnโ€™t stupid but he didnโ€™t mind it.
cheol was the only one paying attention to you this whole night. when cheol gets up to lead you to dance with him. jeonghan canโ€™t help but watch your every move. the girl that was kissing against his neck was lost completely. getting fed up with jeonghanโ€™s lack of attention.
โ€œget off me.โ€ he slightly pushes the girl away not enough to hurt her but enough to be a fucking asshole about it. she scoffs in disbelief as she looked to where jeonghan was so focused on. rolling her eyes again as she walked away. you were now grinding against cheol with a big smile. cheol canโ€™t help but to call you out on your behavior.
โ€œthis is about jeonghan isnโ€™t it?โ€ he whispers into your ear as he keeps dancing with you.
โ€œw-what?โ€ you were shocked by his sudden question.
โ€œ i can see him death glaring me. itโ€™s okay y/n.โ€ he holds your waist tighter as he kisses your cheek.
โ€œare you okay?โ€ he ask as he gets in front of you. cutting off jeonghanโ€™s view of what the two of your were doing.
โ€œyea- he brought me here then ditched me. then heโ€™s gonna get upset that iโ€™m having fun? heโ€™s unbelievable.โ€ you honestly donโ€™t understand why you arenโ€™t madly in love with seungcheol instead. he was a good guy. jeonghan was too i guess but his behavior is really making you hate him. but clearly that was a lie. all you wanted is to have jeonghan hold your hand and take you cute dates. the bastard canโ€™t even give you the time of the day. you didnโ€™t realize you were tearing up until cheol said another thing to you.
โ€œy/n? donโ€™t cry iโ€™m here. i can take you home okay? just say the word. โ€ he pulls you into a hug with a sigh.
โ€œiโ€™m s-sorry- this is so pathetic i canโ€™t even do revenge right.โ€ cheol sighs shaking your head.
โ€œiโ€™m sure you made him very mad.โ€ he leads you off the dance floor back to where you were seated. you look over to where jeonghan was but he was nowhere to be found. you sigh as you lay your head as cheolโ€™s chest.
โ€œiโ€™m sorry cheol- iโ€™m not trying to drag you into this.โ€ he shakes his head.
โ€œiโ€™m already involved. both of you are my close friends. donโ€™t apologize.โ€he wipes the tears from your eyes with a smile.
โ€œyou still look beautiful even after crying.โ€ he teases with a smirk before heโ€™s interrupted by jeonghanโ€™s voice.
โ€œyou ready? iโ€™m leaving.โ€ jeonghan doesnโ€™t even acknowledge cheol. cheol doesnโ€™t take it to heart though he just laughs in disbelief.
โ€œhello to you too.โ€ cheol says under his breath.
โ€œletโ€™s go.โ€ jeonghan puts his hand out for you to grab and you do. a little too quick. you give cheol as soft smile as he waves you bye. you know he will text you to check on you later.
โ€œjeonghan why are you practically dragging me? you didnโ€™t want to be around me but now you do?โ€ he scoffs at your words.
โ€œthatโ€™s before you were throwing yourself all over him.โ€ you guys finally get to the car as you guys get in you get help but to see the dark look in jeonghanโ€™s eyes.
โ€œwhat did you expect me to do hangout by myself? you just left me.โ€ he looks at you but you canโ€™t tell what heโ€™s feeling.
โ€œare you serious? youโ€™re still on about that? i told you how i felt and what i wanted.โ€ you canโ€™t believe your best friends words.
โ€œi seriously hate you sometimes jeonghan. youโ€™re such a dick! you know what iโ€™ll walk home-โ€œ he grabs your arm as you try to get out of the car.
โ€œyou donโ€™t mean that. and are you crazy? you are not walking anywhere this late just stop it.โ€ he looks at you for a moment and you honestly donโ€™t know why but you just want him to kiss you.
โ€œi hate you jeonghan.โ€ he holds your hand softly as he shakes his head.
โ€œno you donโ€™t.โ€ his voice is now quieter as he looks at you.
โ€œi really do.โ€ you canโ€™t help to feel nervous at him inching closer.
โ€œprove it then.โ€ he pulls you closer to kiss him. you kiss back without hesitation. he smirks into the kiss as it gets rougher quickly.
โ€œi hate you.โ€ you murmur in between kisses as he pats his lap.
โ€œjeonghan the window-โ€œ he shakes his head.
โ€œits tinted. we can get in the back?โ€ you like that idea a little more. you mentally curse at yourself for being so giddy to touch him. the two of you crawl to the back.
โ€œyou really wanted to make me mad huh? well you succeeded. iโ€™m fucking mad and i donโ€™t want you to touch anyone else.โ€ you roll your eyes at you as he pulls you to straddle his lap.
โ€œoh but you can kiss as many people as you want?โ€ you are ready to go back inside to hangout with cheol again. but honestly you donโ€™t want to leave jeonghanโ€™s side.
โ€œi wonโ€™t do it. i want to kiss you.โ€ you canโ€™t believe his words so you donโ€™t. right now they sound very promising but you know jeonghan. he kisses you roughly as he helps you grind down against him.
you canโ€™t count how many times this has occurred but you donโ€™t care anymore. you just want him bad as ever. jeonghan bunches your skirt up against your stomach.
โ€œcan i?โ€ he asks already know the answer as you shamelessly nod.
โ€œplease.โ€ you feel his fingers on the top of your clothed cunt. you are already wet and you know it. jeonghan has a effect on you and he knows it. he pulls your ruined panties to the side as he holds eye contact with you.
โ€œyou really hate me huh?โ€ he teases with a evil smirk as one of fingers slowly push into you.
โ€œyouโ€™re dripping angel.โ€ you look away from him in embarrassment.
โ€œs-shut up.โ€ he smiles at you as he grabs your face with his other hand.
โ€œdonโ€™t look away from me k? tell me how it feels.โ€ he adds another finger inside you as your mouth falls open.
โ€œw-wait jeonghan- can i touch you?โ€ you push his fingers out of you as you climb off his lap.
โ€œanything you want angel.โ€ you watch him as he licks his fingers clean. he smirks at you after. you unbutton his pants as you pull out his dick out of his boxers. giving it a couple strokes as you watch him shudder.
โ€œd-donโ€™t tease i swear- s-shit.โ€ you cut off his words giving the head a couple licks.
โ€œdonโ€™t tell me what to do okay? just enjoy hannie.โ€ you wanted to give him back his teasing. you know he was needy but you just wanted to drag it on more. you took him into your mouth as you roughly started to bob your head up and down.
โ€œfuck angel- if you keep going at that pace iโ€™m gonna- ahh- iโ€™m gonna cum.โ€ he rubs your hair back as he throws his head back in pleasure.
โ€œfeels s-so good angel.โ€ you keep that exact pace until youโ€™re tearing up from how far he is in your throat. you feel him twitch a little in your mouth before your pull off of him.
โ€œfuck- whyโ€™d you stop?โ€ he looks at you with a confused face.
โ€œyou can finish by yourself right? i think iโ€™m gonna take cheolโ€™s offer for taking me home. iโ€™m tired. bye hannie!โ€ you kiss his cheek as heโ€™s left in shock and a hard on as he watches you make your way back into the house to find cheol. you just smirk at yourself for teasing him. you know heโ€™s really mad now. but thatโ€™s what heโ€™s deserves for ditching you. you still hate yoon jeonghan.
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starkura ยท 23 hours
oh my good looking boy. | obanai iguro
note: if thereโ€™s anything that doesnt make sense its bc i didnt proofread, sorry in advance ๐Ÿ˜ญ
wordcount: 732
Obanai was a strict and unforgiving person. It was hard to build relationships with him due to his high standards. However, there was something about you that made him forget about his rude behavior. Youโ€™re cheerful and patient nature made him less fearful of you. There wasnโ€™t anything for him to be afraid of. You slowly gained his trust day by day, and soon, you two were inseparable. When youโ€™re both separated, you both write letters to one another. No matter how separated you two are, you guys always keep in touch.
You always figured that Obanai and you were very close. He talked and behaved comfortably around you, it was different compared to how he conversed with others. Obanai trusted you with his life. But, you didnโ€™t exactly know everything about him. Obanai never mentioned anything about the bandages that covered his mouth. You were always curious about it, but he seemed avoidant and vague the first time you asked about it. So, you didnโ€™t ask about it after the first time.
In truth, Obanai had reasons as to why he didnโ€™t want to tell you. For one, he didnโ€™t want to retell his traumatic past to you. He rather not have you know that side of him. And two, him imagining the number of reactions you could have to the scars underneath his face terrified him. Would you be disgusted by him? Would you be horrified by his scars? He didnโ€™t want to lose you, one of the only people in his life that could make him feel at ease.
It wasnโ€™t until one early morning when his bandages unraveled off his face. He woke up in the morning from a bad nightmare that included you and him. Obanai was gasping for air, his bandages were blocking his airflow. He didnโ€™t realize it, but he pulled them down to breathe properly. He slowed down his breathing in an attempt to calm himself down. Obanai quickly started to panic again when you open the door to his room. He didnโ€™t know what to do, he was usually swift with his movements. But, in this moment, his brain just froze. When the door is fully open, you see the sight of Obanaiโ€™s scars that follow his mouth. You were shock to see the scars that were imbedded into his face. Instead of being disgusted or horrified, you were absolutely worried. You had a tray of food prepared for him, however you dropped the tray and rushed to his side. โ€œObanai?โ€ You say in a worried tone. His face was in your hands, and all Obanai Iguro could do was cry. โ€œI'm sorry you had to see this. I know, I look horrifying.โ€ He said softly. You wipe the tears off his face. You look at him with a sorrowful look. โ€œObanai, you donโ€™t look horrifying.โ€ You said reassuringly. He shook his head as a response. โ€œYou can tell me how it is, you donโ€™t have to sugarcoat it.โ€ He said. You move Obanaiโ€™s hair so his face has your focus.
Your fingers brush over his scars, feeling the roughness of it. His face is still as beautiful as ever, even if he thinks his scars make him hideous. Your mind started to wander, how did this happen to him? You give Obanai a small smile, tears slowly start to form from your eyes. You bring Obanai closer and wrap your arms around him. โ€œIโ€™m so sorry, whatever you went through, Iโ€™m so sorry that you had to go through that.โ€ Obanaiโ€™s eyes widen and wraps his arms around you. You look back at him while still having your arms around him. You look right into his turquoise and yellow eyes. โ€œI hope you know that your scars don't make you any less beautiful.โ€ You look at him with a heartbroken look. โ€œI didnโ€™t show you my scars because I was scared that youโ€™d be disgusted by them.โ€ He admits. โ€œI could never be disgusted by you Obanai.โ€ You could tell that Obanai still had some worry and doubt, you wanted to reassure him that you didnโ€™t think any less of him. Your hands moved to his face once again and you leaned in closer to him. You kiss his scars and then his lips. Obanai just sinked into you. You could sense that he was returning back to his calm and collective self again.
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uni-vee ยท 1 year
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CN adding suits to the shop at a steady pace was shocking until I realized that this should be the standard
However they have plenty of free suits but no widely liked recharges running; according to a Reddit post they are missing 65 recharge suits and 11 diamond events.
Global is missing 70 free welfares and 13 diamond events.
There is a spread sheet made by the user u/Own_Definition_5010 on the LN subreddit!
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fahbev ยท 2 months
hey @sillysealll!! Im the anon who sent you this ask. I did in fact end up doing it.
So hereโ€™s myโ€ฆ I donโ€™t even know what to call it? Itโ€™s not a redraw because I definitely traced it, but itโ€™s also more than just a coloring job. I guess I can call it an edit?
Hereโ€™s my edit of the first page of sillysealllโ€™s amazing kid gang au!
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and down here is the original โฌ‡๏ธ
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sooooโ€ฆ you may have noticed that I changed Jasonโ€™s outfit. That was by accident ๐Ÿ˜”. I misunderstood his clothes and by the time I realized, I was already committed. So then I thoughtโ€ฆ what if heโ€™s just borrowing Dickโ€™s hoodie? So I colored it red and here he is. Wearing Dicks hoodie.
also, I tried to keep with the original style, but by the time I got to inking that was kind of out the window bc I got super pen-happy.
Oh, also also! Nobody asked but this was my Batmobile ref (I flipped it)
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I gotta find a faster way of coloringโ€” I literally traced your art and it still took me 11 hours
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pixlokita ยท 9 months
Fic: -and the literal dead character who canโ€™t even eat or sleep or feel anything and is in eternal agony knew his friend had it worse than them, sure the friend was alive and depressed but being dead meant they werenโ€™t suffering like their alive friend was who btw was also the reason they died slowly and painfully in the first place -
Dead character: -also feels guilty for blaming their friend for literally killing them even though they legit DIED because of them-
Me: no Iโ€™m sure the dead character has it worse.
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werebutch ยท 11 days
My mom getting a new place is kinda making me anxious I think she thinks Iโ€™m gonna move in w her instead of my dad ๐Ÿ˜ญ and Iโ€™m not sure why I donโ€™t want to. Cuz sheโ€™s way better. But I donโ€™t. And I feel responsible I think and plus my sisters will never favor my mom over my dadโ€ฆ so weโ€™d live apart. but Iโ€™m 20 years old I can live whatever I want. But. But but but
#idk I really like our house too. itโ€™s great. itโ€™s exactly my style. I would miss it LMAO#but again my mom is just.. sheโ€™s so much more organized and she and my stepdad actually get stuff done#and take care of themselves. living w her would be more like weโ€™re roommates and not how it is w my dad#who needs to be taken care of and doted on like a child. my sisters too but I donโ€™t think theyโ€™d survive living without me at my dads ๐Ÿ’€#or theyโ€™d be really pissed at me. at the least#my dads house is constantly horrible so messy so so so bad no free counterspace anywhere can barely walk thru the house and cat vomit#everywhere. unless I take care of all of it. I canโ€™t have company over unless I know a week in advance so I can make it look like a normal#house. and at my moms itโ€™s never like that. itโ€™s messier than average sure but itโ€™s never disgusting like that#people are always telling me not to do anything and let my family learn to clean up after themselves but if I donโ€™t it will just get worse#and worse. theyโ€™ll wait weeks before doing anything. itโ€™s embarrassing. and depressing. if I let it go long enough I am miserable every day#after being homeless or on the verge of homelessness for 10 years my dad canโ€™t even appreciate the fantastic house we have ๐Ÿ˜ญ#he has to fuck it all up. itโ€™s not 100% his fault bc my sisters do fuck all but he DID teach them to be this way. the only reason I do#anything is because I snapped out of planning to kill myself and realized that I needed to be there for my sisters. so I started being like#their parent more and more. but they still never learned to unload the dishwasher or take out the trash without screaming about it.#Iโ€™m just very overwhelmed and nervous about this move. I also feel horrible as if Iโ€™m disappointing my mom if I donโ€™t move in. I donโ€™t want#to disappoint her any more than I already have..#she is soooo excited about giving me a room the basement so I can have my bunnies there..
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autistic-katara ยท 3 months
there r fics that make u insane (so amazingly good itโ€™s removed ur sanity) and then thereโ€™s fics that make u insane (you need to fistfight the author for how they did a specific thing that caused u to rant for hours)
#i know i just posted that other thing but ffs that is NOT how u handle someone in that situation everyone involved made everything 10x worse#yet itโ€™s being treated like the right thing to do (which again ofc theyโ€™re cops they donโ€™t understand harm reduction but still) like#seriously everythingโ€™s so forceful like u seriously think forcing ur friend to talk to u or forcing a patient to talk to a therapist under#the threat of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital is gonna make her feel comfortable talking to u? or anyone? sheโ€™s just gonna trust u#less and get better at hiding it and speaking of which the taking away all sharp objects thing makes sense in theory but like think abt it#for a minute she confirmed she isnโ€™t suicidal and this is her only way of coping so do not just forcibly take away all her coping mechanism#like yes she is hurting herself but itโ€™s a COPING MECHANISM. sheโ€™s coping with something. help her with that donโ€™t just take away her penci#sharpers or whatever (which btw since sheโ€™s an adult she could easily buy more stuff and yk learn to hide it better) which again has to be#voluntary it isnโ€™t gonna work if u force someone to do smthn they donโ€™t want to like as ur friend u couldโ€™ve made it clear u care abt her#and wouldnโ€™t judge her for anything and r here if she wants to talk donโ€™t just say โ€œyou have to talk to meโ€ and casually threaten#hospitalisation when she isnโ€™t ready in the moment like seriously if this wasnโ€™t a badly written fanfic she would completely stop trusting#bcz given that this wasnโ€™t even done out of panic i would like ffs u are NOT doing any of this right#oops sorry ranted abt the bad fic in my tags-#itโ€™s not where the authorโ€™ll see it and know itโ€™s about them i donโ€™t feel bad abt it#this was my first time even looking at stuff for this fandom so#cw self harm in tags#idk if i need to tag anything else for that ๐Ÿ˜ญ#fanfic#ao3#ryan shut the fuck up
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korixae ยท 7 months
nonononononono bcs that was SO GOOD like sooooo good bro you donโ€™t understand i adore 14. i adoreeee him like i literally like him more than 10. heโ€™s like if 10 wasnโ€™t so sad and depressed yk?? like he said donnaโ€™s his best friend in the whole wide universe and her loves her (and even he acknowledges this is new for him to be saying) and he says he loves wilf and heโ€™s so- heโ€™s so sillyyy like yes 10 was silly but 14 is like if 10 was allowed to be happy. at the end when he runs around his new tardis (which i love sooosososo much btw like iโ€™m obsessed with it iโ€™m so glad itโ€™s staying around for ncutiโ€™s era iโ€™m already dreading seeing it leave again) and him and donna do that cute little scream together like those stereotype teenage girls ๐Ÿฅน oh i loved it i loved it i loved it AND! thatโ€™s not even talking about how โ€œwokeโ€ (ugh hate that word) it was!! like itโ€™s gonna piss sooo many people off omg i love it. him asking the meepโ€™s pronouns? the whole binary-nonbinary-binary? the you wouldnโ€™t understand bcs youโ€™re a male-presenting we can just.. let it go? LOVE the representation had me frothing at the mouth i adoreeee. rtd <3 thank you <3 it was perfect <3 couldnโ€™t have asked for more <3
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dreamerlynx ยท 9 months
#sigh. puts up the barricades please I do not want to see d.nf on my dash#and again I do have it super filtered#Iโ€™m just soooo tired every little thing being HARD LAUNCH HARD LAUNCH until the next thing bc of course that didnโ€™t happen#and life went on as usual#look I get it Iโ€™m the minority Iโ€™m aroace and easily exhausted by shipping esp real ppl shipping#but itโ€™s times like this I miss the lore fandom bc man the complete focus on platonic dynamics and relationships was so nice#look if they ever actually say theyโ€™re dating I guess Iโ€™ll eat my words but so far I am not getting the sense that that will ever happen#and so it is extremely annoying to want to follow drm fans and get 90% of One Single Ship#and no sap except as third wheel for said ship#sorry Iโ€™m the only one who seems to not care abt George ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ not in a bad way just. heโ€™s fine and funny sometimes I guess but#I Just Donโ€™t Care. and also another thing I need to get off my chest#why do ppl act like George is really shady and passive aggressive and โ€˜oh he should interact w X person who wronged drm heโ€™d ROAST THEM!โ€™#like huh#George is one of the most Donโ€™t talk about anything be vague be private ppl ever#Iโ€™m not saying he hasnโ€™t had his moments of public support for drm but I just donโ€™t get it#(itโ€™s probably because heโ€™s so vague and noncommittal that fans can just project their own feelings onto him)#sigh anyway Iโ€™m done that makes me feel better a bit#no tags just venting#<- itโ€™s funny that became my venting tag now that I only vent in tags#bc some things such as this I am afraid to even put under read more lol
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bitterpngs ยท 3 months
i am notttt strong enough for all of this today
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lastnightonthecyclone ยท 3 months
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Another fucking wip on fnaf because inconsistency is my skill
#In my au the crying child kind of accidentally helped kill Charlie lol. He pushed her outside and locked her in the rain. Tee hee#And THEN. He went to go check on her because he felt a little bad since Sammy was going ballistic#and accidentally witnessed the last bits of his dad murdering Charlie. He then hides and was going to wait for his dad to leave but#Since OBVIOUSLY will needs to dispose of evidence he was going to stay there. So he kind of. Went over to his dad and they had a mutual agr#Will in return started treating him โ€œbetterโ€ and also stopped using him for experiments (as much) and instead tried doing remanent stuff#And then Mike and Elizabeth got kind of envious (this was also their father subconsciously pitting all three against eachother )#so then they started to bully cc#Sammy comes into play because he also kind of helped cc push Charlie outside because Charlie was deemed โ€œthe favoriteโ€ and Henry truly#Never bothered to try and care for Sammy. This is not saying he treated Charlie good either#but. He treated her VISIBLY better than Sammy#and Sammy looked up to William (this is actually kind of relevant and is the reason why security breach and help wanted exist becauseโ€ฆ#Sammy saw William and his work as amazing and even when he figured out he used actual children for his stuff he continued it needlessly.#He usually spent more time in the Afton household than his own which is. Quite sad. William actually thought of him as the perfect nephew/#Apprentice and taught him in his ways. Heโ€™s as old as Micheal#and also the Freddy bully. (Iโ€™m figuring out how to not make him white#Oh. Right#also cc was friends with sam#(the one u shouldnโ€™t have killed) and she has two siblings#Why is this relevant. WELL. BUDDY. So the Bonnie bully is in fact Jeremy.F#he has an older sister named Ximena. She worked at Fredbearโ€™s diner and then circus babyโ€™s pizza world#and Jeremy was friends with Micheal AND SAMMY. eventually after Will murdered the og kids#Jeremy was tasked with distracting Mike.#Their younger half sibling is Sammy. Jeremy is also later tasked by William to distract Micheal in any means possible from what Will is doi#Ximenaโ€™s life was essentially theatened and in order for will to ensure the animatronics donโ€™t target her Jeremy was forced to distract mik#Even though he was still grieving for his sister and grappling guilt over cc. Mike also was somewhat mean to him sometimes and Jeremy a#Babysat Elizabeth sometimes. By distraction William never clarified so Jeremy kind of went for a romantic ish approach. Heโ€™d constantly tak#Thereโ€™s more but I donโ€™t want to explain ๐Ÿ˜ญ#Mike out from his house
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tariah23 ยท 6 months
I know that you talk about antiblackness amongst Asians, but can we step back for a moment and talk about antiblackness amongst Latinos because holy shit
I know that thereโ€™s Afrolatinos, but people act like their existence disproves antiblackness amongst Latinos.
A couple of weeks ago a Mexican classmate dropped the n-word and justified using it because he was Mexican. I hate it here so much.
Theyโ€™re holding hands and running through a field of colorful flowers when it comes to their levels of antiblackness and itโ€™s not even funny. Sm of them love saying nigga and then when confronted about why they chose to use the word, all that they say is that โ€œtheyโ€™re Mexican,โ€ or whatever, just like you said, and would be dead serious. Almost smugly. As if being a poc absolves them somehow and itโ€™s just very sad.
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housewifebuck ยท 11 months
gassing myself up so fucking hard over this gif set and then going to do something else for an hour and coming back and looking at it and absolutely hating it with every fiber of my being
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