duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Your last Jinn fic made me think of Qui-Gon appearing regularly to his namesake as a force ghost, partially to keep her company while her father is away and her mom is busy, and partially because they both share a similar eye roll view of Obitine 😂
So if you ever need a prompt 👀👀👀
A/n: definitely skipped ahead of the long line of prompts to answer this one buuuuuut I almost immediately had a story in mind when I saw this. I hope it works for you, I tried to make it as plausible as possible while sticking to the prompt.
- Connections -
Breathe in, breathe out. 
If she were being honest, meditation was not something Jinn Kenobi-Kryze found particularly enjoyable. For as long as she could remember her father had done his due diligence in teaching her the importance of doing so. How meditation forged a deeper connection with the force.
She's never had any real inclination to follow the same path of her father. The Jedi Order was something she held deep respect for - she loved many people who were part of it - but she knew it was not the place for her. She was much more suited for politics than combat. The people of Mandalore was where her heart resided. 
But despite all of her desires, she was still connected to the force, and thus had a duty to that as well. She could not turn her back on one anymore than she could the other.
There was a spot she preferred over any other for meditation; one her mother would certainly scold her for should she find out. A small alcove located on top of one of the buildings peaks. It gave her a birds eye view of the gardens, which also happened to be her favorite part of Sundari Palace. It was inaccessible unless one was willing to scale the side of the building, an action she had no qualms about doing. 
The air is thick with the scent of blooming lilies; a cool breeze brushing over her exposed skin. In the distance the evening sun had started its descent towards the horizon. 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
The world begins to fade around her; the sounds of Sundari dimming with every passing second. She can feel herself slipping deeper within the force, when suddenly the familiar prickling of a force signature invades her sense. 
Jinn opens her eyes and directs her gaze to the ground below, only to find both of her parents - hand in hand - strolling through the gardens. 
“Oh kriff.”
There really was no escaping them, was there? 
“Cursing is not very becoming of a lady, so I’ve been told.” 
Qui-Gon Jinn was a face that she shouldn’t be accustomed too, yet she had been privy to apparitions of him for as long as she could remember. 
“It’s not, but I tend to indulge in less than proper language when I am alone.” She pauses, “Or think I’m alone, that is.” 
The evening light filtered through his translucent form and she wonders, for a moment, what the former Jedi Master had looked like without the ever present blue tint or ethereal glow.
“You forget, you’re never truly alone. Not when you’re connected to the force.” 
“Alone as I can be, then.” She retorts. 
“You’ve let yourself become distracted,” He tells her, “There’s a discipline to meditation. Going forth without focus will lead you astray."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
“I was doing fine until they appeared,” Jinn says, “I hadn’t even known they were back on Mandalore. Last I heard Mother was on Naboo with Senator Amidala, and father elsewhere.” 
“It seems they have both only just arrived.” Qui-Gon informs her. 
It crosses her mind - as it always does when he appears - if she should tell her father that she and her namesake have been connected for so long, but decides better of it. This was a secret for her alone. 
“They’re insufferable,” She huffs, “Acting so callow when it comes to outward affections."
Qui-Gon laughs and she feels it reverberate in the force around them and a sensation of peace she has yet to find anywhere else accompanies it. Had she been born sooner or he died later she suspects they would bonded just as he did with her father. 
“Sometimes the incredulous nature of first love doesn’t fade.” 
“Surely they’ve only gotten worse with age,” Jinn prods, “They couldn’t have always been so blasé with their...attachment to one another.” 
Her word choice is not an accident. The old code of the Jedi Order was something she learned about quite in depth. She was, after all, a byproduct if its upheaval.  
Below them she catches sight of her parents standing in front of a large patch of freshly sprouted Damsel Flowers, foreheads pressed together as if in prayer. 
“I don’t particularly know if they recognized their amorousness for one another at the time.” Qui-Gon tells her gently, “They bickered more often than not.” 
Jinn snorts, “Some things never change, then.” 
Though she was too far away to eavesdrop on her parents conversation she has a feeling she already knows what’s being said. It was often the same each time they reunited. Her father whispering a array of loving words to her mother, who more often than not would respond in kind. 
It was a pattern often repeated after their prolonged separations. Her father never failed to remind her mother of his adorations. 
He did the same for Jinn, too. 
“You have only seen them as they are now,” Qui-Gon tells her, “Both holding a freedom they once thought would never be obtainable.” 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
Below them, her mother throws her head back in laughter at her fathers words. 
“It could have been.” She counters, “Had they made different choices.” 
“They made the choices that were best for them.” He tells her, “Just as you will make the choice best for you when the time comes.”
“The force will guide my way.” She finds herself saying, feeling every bit like her father when she does.
“As it did theirs.” 
“Why do you visit me, Master Qui-Gon?” She asks, finally looking away from her parents and to the long dead man at her side. 
“To guide you.” He answers simply. 
Jinn looks back towards her parents, “And him? He needs your guidance more than I.” 
Qui-Gon smiles warmly, his long hair swaying in the breeze she knows he cannot feel. There was still much that she - and she suspects her father - does not understand about the force. 
“Perhaps, but he is not ready yet to see.” An amused grin creeps across his features, “He’s much too preoccupied with staring at your mother.” 
Jinn snorts, “Nauseating, isn’t it?” 
He chuckles, “You are strong with the force, Jinn. Stronger than perhaps you know. I watch your father as I do you. You, however, have been always been ready to see me.” 
"I think the both of them could use your guidance." Jinn says, "I think they forget sometimes that they don’t have to sneak around like two kids hiding their bond from the world. Things have changed."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
"They're both remarkable individuals who bore a remarkable daughter," His tone is abruptly serious, though quickly fades back into something akin to entertained, "But you certainly are in less disarray than either of them were at your age."
Jinn laughs. She knows well enough that at her current age her mother was fleeing Mandalore with Qui-Gon and her father for her protectors. By this time they would have been on the run for almost half a year; long enough to become entangled with one another in every way they shouldn’t have.
Jinn gazes back out to the gardens, just in time to see her father pull her mother into a kiss. 
"Reach out through the force," He instructs suddenly, something he often does when he appears, "To them. What do you feel?"
With a huff she allows her eyes to flutter closed, hands resting in the center of her lap. 
It takes her a moment to hone in on them, but the presence of her fathers signature begins to form something tangible; bits of familiarity threading themselves within the force that pulsates around her. It guides her to them, a waypoint otherwise unseen.
"Light." Jinn whispers, eyes still closed.
"What else?" His voice sounds father away now, like an echo traveling through time itself. 
A warmth envelopes everything around her; something so strong and secure that for a moment she doesn't know what to make of a sensation so potent. But then she remembers that there is only one thing between her parents that could ever exist with such intensity through both the force and the physical world.
"Love." She settles on. 
"Perhaps one of the strongest aspects of the force that even the best of the Jedi do not understand." Qui-Gon says, voice closer once again, "There’s a reason you’ve always been so in tune with the connections of others. A rare skill known as force empathy. Uncommon yet strong in those who possess it.”
There's a pang of sadness suddenly between the two of them, so abrupt that she tears away from the pair and back to into herself. 
When she opens her eyes she sees that the world below her is burning orange in the glow of the remaining daylight, and for a fleeting moment she feels something tug at her heart when she realizes they are not wandering the gardens as a joyous hello, but for another goodbye.
So she grants them their moment of peace and watches as they disappear under the silver foliage of the Galek Trees, hand in hand, until they’re out of view entirely. 
"The time to focus is now, Jinn." He instructs, "Hone in on all that surrounds us. Remember, I am one with the force, the force is one with me."
She closes her eyes and allows the force to flow through both her mind and body. She can feel it everywhere, warm and sturdy an so wholly within her. 
When she opens her eyes, Qui-Gon has vanished, and she feels her fathers force signature retreating farther and farther in the distance.
Breathe in, breathe out. 
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Disaster Lineage vs. Their Padawans in the matter of being insulted
Anakin: Ahsoka, pay no attention to them. The worst you can do to them is act like they don't exist.
Ahsoka, disappointed that she can't bite them: Yes, master.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, think. This isn't how Jedi behave.
Anakin, reluctantly relinquishing his grasp on his opponent's jugular: Yes, master.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Excuse me- do you think you can say that to MY PADAWAN?
Obi-Wan: Master, no.
Dooku, handing Qui a knife: Defend your honour.
Qui-Gon, shaking: I don't think this is how Jedi-
Dooku: I want no excuses.
Master Yoda, steadily pushing Dooku forward like he has wheels: MAKE HIM BLEED, YOU WLL
Sifo-Dyas, scrambling forwards: NO!!
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Dooku: I would like to once more, ask to babysit the feral one this weekend.
Qui-Gon: I already gave you Xanatos to keep him from biting the new baby, idk what you want.
Dooku: See. When I asked. For the feral one. I meant the new baby. Xanatos is to big for lap cuddles and doesn’t let me tuck him in at night. No fun.
Qui-Gon: …are you implying that Obi-Wan, my sweet baby boy Obi-Wan, who likes soft forehead kisses and still sleeps on his tummy with his bottom up, is, the feral one???
Dooku: *who has seen the child seize and start talking about wars past, who saw him bite Xanatos almost taking a chunk out of his arm last year, who has found the little one hiding under a caff table and growling while trying to hunt people that pass by, whose become fluent in Grunt because Obi-Wan needs to growl sometimes* …yeah he’s a lil bit feral, you know.
Qui-Gon: *whose babiest of baby’s can do no harm* …hmm… yeah I guess I can see it. You want Grandmaster time this weekend? What for?
Dooku: *it’s for the exorcism probably but he’s not telling Qui that* I wanna take him to the park.
Qui-Gon: Oh that sounds lovely, have fun!
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Jedi culture is so fascinating... I'd love a post-war everything is okay AU where we get a taste of Jedi culture. Not the clone wars-era jedi culture that we know of...but actual jedi culture. Like the one obi-wan grew up with, something ahsoka and even anakin never got to experience because of the war. Like the ones we see in the books about obi-wans padawan years, of course, combining canon and legends in a way that makes sense- maybe we can have the younger ones of the disaster lineage learn a bit about Tahl, more Tahl is always a good idea. Maybe we can delve into Mace and Qui-gon's years of padawanship and being initiates- or maybe even old jedi culture, the one Yoda is familiar with.
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vulpixisananimal · 6 days
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(There was something satisfying about the feeling of your boots hitting soft earth. Maybe it was the crunch of dry leaves and twigs. Maybe it was the occasional stone you'd kick down the road. Or maybe it was simply the satisfaction the family who walked behind you wouldn't be tripping over a particularly unsafe branch.)
(You were all on the road again.)
(It was a couple days since you all left Jouvente, things had moved fast once you recovered. Isabeau was getting sick of the place, and Mirabelle was itching to go on another adventure.)
("But where do we go next?" "How do we get there?" "What about Siffrins health?" "What ABOUT my health?" And these were just the questions asked out loud. Is Siffrin really ok? Are his headmates ok? Who caused this whole mess with mind craft? Can we trust Ramos?)
(Ramos. . .)
(The day before you all left Ramos accepted your offer to join. Said that they're going to pause the Defender training and go home. Since you all were headed there, Ramos was joining you. You still didn't know how to feel about that. Your family's opinion was split too.)
(Mirabelle was sceptical, but wanted to give them a chance. Isabeau insisted they're a good person. Odile was as wary as you were, and Nille thought they were alright. Bonnie said they were a "crabbing idiot" and left it at that. That made you smile.)
(So, that's where you were now. Leading the pack just like before. You, Mira, Isa, Ramos, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille in that order. Your group was getting sizable.)
"What do you think, Sif?" (You hear Mira call from behind.)
"Huh?" (You turn.) "Sorry, was zoning out."
"That's ok!" (she smiles.) "I was just asking if here's a good place to stop!"
(You shrug.) "I can go a few minutes more."
"Can you?" (She asked suspiciously.)
"I can! Look! I'm still fine from-" (You turned back to the road ahead and stopped. Holding up an arm.)
(There was a figure in the middle of the road, on the ground.)
(Mirabelle stopped, having long ago learned when you spotted something dangerous or peculiar. Isabeau on the other hand was as oblivious as ever and was walking right past you. You grab his arm.)
"Whuh-? What's-"
"You really suck at follow the leader." (you say, sticking your tongue out.)
"What is it, Sif?" (Mira asks, now looking ahead.) "Is that. . ."
"I'll check. All sneaky like, just in case~" (You start creeping towards the figure, careful and quietly, the loud clump clump of your boots before becoming nothing but a faded dream. You were good at this.)
(Step, step, step. . . It got clearer what the figure was as you got closer, lump of clothes? Someone in a lump of clothes, someone passed out! Oh! When you get to its side, you wave your family over. No danger.)
(Mira was there first and knelt down besides the stranger.) "O-oh! Oh no is, is it alright?"
(Next was Isa, going to check for a pulse and breathing.) "Well it's not dead? Just passed out."
"Does it not have a pack? Perhaps it was robbed." (Odile comments.) "After all, it's a long walk from the next rest."
(You shook your head.) "I didn't see one."
"No wounds or anything either." (Isa tapped his chin.)
"Maybe it. . . Didn't have one?" (Ramos comments from the sidelines.)
"Who'd be traveling without food and water?" (Nille kneels down, taking off her pack.) "Here, I'll give it some of mine."
"So kind Petronille." (Mira smiled.) "I'll try waking it up first."
(Mirabelle put a hand to the strangers heart, then up to its forhead. After a moment, the strangers yawned, eyes still closed, and smiled.)
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"Good morning!!" (It says.)
"O-oh!" (Mira said surprised.) "U-uh, Good morning? Really it's good evening now, b-but!!"
"Are you alive?" (Bonnie asked, bluntly.)
(The stranger sat up.) "Oh! Yes! Yes I'm alive! Haha, I was just taking a nap! I think."
"You think?" (Said Odile, suspicious.)
"Yep!" (The stranger rubbed its head.) "Oh, oooooh stars what was I doing agaaaaain."
(Your ears perk up, stars? Ramos glanced over at you, and then asked.) "Are you, from that Island?"
"Huh?" (It looks up.) "Am I. . Oh! Oh! Oh that Island! I dunno, maybe." (It shrugs, and smiles.)
"Here, drink water." (Nille passes her water to it, it chugs it down.) "Try not to choke on it."
(The stranger coughes, and giggles.) "T-thank you! Haha! Oh right! I'm Jinn! (it/its)!"
(You all introduce yourselves. Huh, how'd we know it's pronouns already?)
(Don't question it.)
"I guess now is a good time to set up camp then!" (Mira says.) "T-that is if you're ok with it Jinn!"
"Oh! Oh no that'd be great!!" (It smiled. Did it ever open its eyes?) "I love meeting new people!! And I'm in no hurry!!"
"It's ready!!!"
(Bonnie yelled from the makeshift fire pit you helped prepare. Bonbon, Nille, and that stranger Jinn were all making a tasty dish while the rest of you were setting up. Everyone had a tent except you. You liked sleeping under the stars. Jinn was the same way, aparently.)
(You were very hungry.)
(Aaaaaaand who's fault was that~)
(You roll your eye. How could you forget, your favorite annoying star had shown up while making Isas tent. Listen, you THOUGHT you were fine.)
(You can think a lot of things Stardust~)
(You shake your head as you stepped over to the fire- WAIT-)
(Bonnie held up a plate to you triumphantly.) "MALANGA!!! FRITTERS!!!"
(You take the plate from Bonnie and ruffle their hair.) "Thank you SO MUCH!!"
"Hehe!" (They were smiling so big and wide.)
(Stardust if you don't start eating RIGHT NOW-)
(Oh you didn't even wait a SECOND. You were scarfing down your food so fast. Yummy!!! Oh so so SO SO GOOD!!!)
"S-slow down Sif!" (Isa says, worried.) "I don't want you to choke!!"
"No I wanna see how far they'll go." (Nille counters.)
(You take bite after bite, finishing your food waaaay before anyone else. You put down your plate.)
". . . You 'aight, Siffy?" (Nille asks.)
(You burp.)
"Manners, Siffrin!"
(You smile, and sink down in your cloak a little.) "S-sorry, it was really really good."
"Really? I couldn't tell." (Odile says sarcasticly. You all have a laugh at that.)
(Conversation ensues, mostly around Jinn. Who it was, where it was going, why it was passed out. The answer for all of them was the same:)
"I dunno." (It shrugged.) "I'm just going, forgot where I came from, forgot where I'm going."
"Doesn't that, worry you?" (Asks Ramos.)
"Haha, nope!" (It smiles.) "I end up where I end up, The Universe guides."
"And all we can do is follow." (You mumble, stupid Universe.) "So you remember that, at least."
"Of course!" (It tilts its head.) "I don't think I could ever forget that!"
(You shook your head.) "Well the Universe owes me after everything it put me through."
(You glance at Jinn, it looks, sad. It speaks up.) "W-well, you never really know what, what's going on with The Universe, right?"
"So?" (You question.)
"T-there, could have been some reason, o-or. . ." (It trails off and looks back down at its food. Looking at your friends, the awkwardness had spread. They knew what you had been through, and that The Universe was connected to it.)
(Stardust please, we nearly ended the world~)
(You sigh.) "It's fine. Done now, isn't it?"
"G-guess so. . ."
(. . . There's a long, uncomfortable pause before Mirabelle finds a way to break it.) "O-oh! Uh, I wanted to ask about The Universe, actually."
(Jinn perks up, looking happy as can be again.) "Oh!! What is it??"
(Mira rubs her hands together, nervous.) "W-well, I know it hurts to talk about, litteraly, but what does that phrase mean?"
"The Universe Guides? We Follow?" (Jinn replies.) "Just as it sounds! Everything happens for a reason! We learn to live with any hand we're dealt, adapt to difficulties, to rules or, or. . ."
"Or memories forgotten." (You say. Jinn nods.)
(. . . Why were your thoughts coming so easily when it came to home?)
"O-oh. . ." (Mira ponders for a second.) "It, sounds like a very strict God, if you can only follow what it guides."
"Yes and no?" (Jinn thinks for a moment.) "The Universe guides, yes, but how you take the path is up to you! To get from here to the ocean, you could follow the road, or go through the woods, or fly above them! It's about adaption! I guess it is more rigid than Change, though."
"O-oh r-right!" (Mirabelle nods excitedly.) "And!! Change tells us to seek change in ourselves, but lets us find our own way!! B-but also Change is. . W-well. ."
"A lazy God?" (Jinn giggles.) "That's ok! Change is nice!"
(You don't say? You note the earrings, one wish, one change.)
(What a strange person.)
(You wake up.)
(Why were you awake? Why were you around? It was midnight. No, probably far past midnight.)
(You can hear music.)
(You sit up. You were in your sleeping bag. That's right, you all were traveling again. It was a miracle you didn't need to front while you were on the road, you hated it. The sun. The dirt. The noises. The Heat. Ugh.)
(You look around. Everyone else's tents were set up. You could hear snores from some of them. There was another sleeping bag layed out nearby. It was empty. Who's was that again?)
(That was the stranger.)
(Ah. The stranger. It was less a memory of what happened, more just the knowledge that it did, in fact, happen. Jinn. Stranger. Islander. Where did it go? Wander off?)
(No, no you could see it. It was lying in the middle of the road. You got up, and walked over. The music got louder.)
(It didn't acknowledge your presence. It was staring up at the sky. You raise a hand-)
Nice night, isn't it?
(Your hand freezes. It spoke to you. You open your mouth, you ask how it did that.)
Lie down with me, it's a nice night.
(You hesitate, considering the now much more intimidating stranger. You decide to join it.)
(You ask-)
Relax. We have all night.
(You hush up, annoyed, and stare up at the skies. The night sky.)
(The Stars where alive, tonight. Alive and beating like hearts. You want to hold them. Grip them until they-)
That's not very nice.
(You wince. Do you mind?)
Sorry, but it's hard not to overhear your conversation.
(. . .)
Come now, there's two of you, aren't there?
(There is. You were in denial still, weren't you. That would mean you're not in control. . .)
(We're actors. Aren't we?)
(You huff. To you, maybe.)
What's your names?
(You wince again. Not used to it. Your name is Mal Du Pays.)
Vaugardian dialect meaning "Homesickness." Well not exactly Vaugardian but we don't have time explain all that. What a tragic name, do you like it?
(. . .)
. . . What about your friend?
Yes! You must have a name, right?
(. . . I don't really have one. Not yet, at least.)
(You need a name. Choose one.)
Now now Mal, give them some time. A names a big thing!
(I, don't know. I didn't think-)
(You look to your side. The stranger was holding something in it's hand. You take it, it was. . . A small stone? The stranger had one, and put it in it's ear.)
Go on, like I do.
(. . . You put the stone into your ear.)
(You hear music.)
Nice, isn't it?
(It was nice, the music sounded familiar, but you couldn't place it. You breathe in. . . And out. . .)
(. . . Lost one was what you called yourself, if you needed to acknowledge a self.)
Lost one?
(You don't want that name. . . . You'll go with Null.)
(A nothing.)
But you're not nothing! You're speaking to me now, aren't you?
(Perhaps. . . But you want that name. There's a phantom memory, of a play, one of the characters was called that, Null, a nothing.)
I know that play! Well, not exactly a play, but it's still a story! Swordsman with the gift of clairvoyance looking for a past he doesn't remember. Like you!
(You nod, it sounded familiar, it was familiar.)
I just hope your story ends better than his.
(You turn back to the stranger, it's smiling at you. There's stars in it's eyes.)
. . . Do you like the music?
(Yes. Yes you do. You both do. You look back to the sky. It helped you focus. Find yourself. You could count the stars, you could even remember the constellations.)
(You weren't being bothered by the hard ground beneath you.)
(You finally felt like the play had stopped for intermission.)
(You feel. . . Content.)
Do you want a pair?
(You do, you really do.)
Then you know what to do.
(. . . You did.)
(You look to the night, and wait. It might have been minutes, hours. You watched, until you saw a small streak of light slice the sky in two. You close your eyes.)
(Music to help you focus. Music to help you focus. Music to help you focus. . .)
(. . .)
(You open your eyes. Why did we do that? Why did we do that?)
(Why did you lie down next to a stranger, you didn't Even know who it was! You sit up. This wasn't right, there was something wrong. You turn to the stranger. You open your mouth.)
(Who. Are. You?)
Oh! Sorry, I should have introduced myself! I'm-
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(You. You stare at the stranger. You knew that word. Your. Your hand is shaking. Your breath, quickening. You, you.)
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You should go to sleep.
(You are being shaken awake.) "Mmmmrrrmmg five minuuuuutes...."
(Whoever's shaking you stops for a moment. Then you feel a very small body jump on you.)
(You clear the sleep from your eyes. Bonbon was waking you up. You were sleeping in the middle of the road, your sleeping bag was nowhere near you.)
"Uh, hhhheyy."
"Sleepwalking?" (They ask smugly.) "Ground taste good or something?"
"Haha! No I, I dunno actually!"
(You get up and dust yourself off. What WERE you doing last night? You don't remember. Maybe someone else does. Bonnie goes back to camp, your family is packing up.)
(. . . Jinn is nowhere to be seen. It must have left early in the morning.)
(You feel something in your hand. You open it.)
(A pair of small stones, there's the engraving of a crescent moon on them.)
(. . . Weird.)
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
I think something to bear in mind about Tales of the Jedi episodes "Justice", "Choices" and "The Sith Lord" is that they're seen through Dooku's point-of-view.
And Dooku is an unreliable narrator. He *embellishes* events to fit his own rationalization.
In The Clone Wars Season 6, when talking about Sifo-Dyas, who witnesses confirmed Dooku killed/had assassinated, Dooku says "Sifo-Dyas understood, that is why he helped me!"
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No, Dooku. He didn't. You murdered him, then stole his credentials.
And most of Dooku: Jedi Lost is basically Asajj making up her own mind of him based on Dooku's *likely altered* recounting of the facts... and these three short stories are pretty much the same thing.
Dooku is essentially bullshitting himself.
"I think the audience needs to understand that [Dooku] was a Jedi and a good person and he starts out trying to do the right thing. And often when we’re trying to do the right thing and we take it to extremes, we don’t realize it. Suddenly you’re on the wrong side of things, and then it gets harder and harder. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny" is as simple as saying when you lie, it gets harder to tell the truth. You tell one lie, another lie, another lie…" - Dave Filoni, Nerdist, 2022
My headcanon is that these episodes are the "tale" Dooku told himself to rationalize his dark deeds. They're the lie he repeated, over and over, until he finally believed it.
It's why a complex character like Mace Windu is portrayed as a one-dimensional "teacher's pet/stickler for the rules". That's how Dooku sees him: a drone who parrots the Councils every word.
Conversely, when Dooku says "I've been warning them about the incoming Darkness"...
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... dude, you're an accomplice of the incoming Darkness! You were working with the incoming Darkness for years before your old Padawan became a victim of it and you're still helping it now!
Like, I gotta question whether Yaddle even said "you were right" or if that's Dooku's warped perspective acting up.
At some point, he'll stop lying to himself and just unabashedly accept he's a monster... but, clearly, not at this stage in his life, beside the occasional moment of clarity, as seen in "The Sith Lord".
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notes-from-sarah · 8 months
Read This, Not That - Star Wars Edition
There's so many Star Wars books it can be hard to know where to start. Of course, you can just read everything if you want, but if you have limited time and can't decide between two similar titles here's my list of which ones are worthy of your time (and sometimes braincells). I make no distinction between Legends EU and New EU in this list because none of this stuff is one coherent continuity anyway (no matter what they tell you). Instead, I'm focusing on the characters and how good the stories are for that character. List is roughly in timeline order and divided by similar books about the same character.
Obi-Wan as a Padawan
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Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray > Padawan by Kiersten White
Anakin and Obi-Wan
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The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster > Brotherhood by Mike Chen
Obi-Wan on Tatooine
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Kenobi by John Jackson Miller > Obi-Wan: A Jedi's Purpose by Christopher Cantwell (comic)
Kanan Jarrus
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A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller > Kanan Omnibus by Greg Weisman (comic)
Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn > Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
Han Solo
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Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn > Honor Among Thieves by James S. A. Corey
Boba Fett
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Blood Ties, vol 1-2 by Tom Taylor (comic) > The Mandalorian Armor by K. W. Jeter
Princess Leia
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Tatooine Ghost by Troy Denning > Razor's Edge by Martha Wells
Luke Skywalker
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Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne > Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster
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Introducing the OC
First off, this is not the OC that I had originally planned for my Star Wars Prequel AU. Well, to be more precise, she branched off from her due to some changes I was making.
Without further ado, let me introduce you to Kalara.
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Kalara was born on Dathomir in 40 BBY to Varya, a member of the Singing Mountain Clan. Her story starts about midway through Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Her mother was killed in battle by a Nightsister. Varya's dying act was to Force push her daughter onto a ship departing the planet. The ship lands on Tatooine. Kalara will meet Qui-Gon and Anakin as they leave Mos Espa.
I was inspired to create a Star Wars OC because I'm so intrigued by the amazing OCs of @shrinkthisviolet @thechaoticfanartist @avatarskywalker78 and @arrthurpendragon.
Also tagging @themaradwrites @curiousdamage
Whenever I have more to post about Kalara, please let me know if you want me to tag you.
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Obi-Wan, dramatically yelling on top of the highground: Anakin! You are supposed to be the chosen one!
Force ghost Qui-Gon watching from afar: Shit, I forgot to tell them when I said “he’s the chosen one” I only meant “he’s chosen by me, personally”.
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batcavescolony · 2 months
S2 E20 Supernatural
Watch supernatural you said, it's great you said. You know what screw you all! Dean getting caught by the Jinn and his wish is his Mom never dying? Their is so much good, he had a girlfriend, a house, Jess was still alive. But it came with consequences, Dean and Sam don't have a relationship cus they have nothing in common, John is still dead, and all the people they saved are dead. The way Dean sucked at mowing the lawn cus he never had a lawn before, how he looked at all the pictures of graduations, them at home and his dad playing baseball? How he looked at Mary? How he went to John's grave and asked 'why them' why can't they have peace. And then he gave it all up cus he knew it wasn't real. This one hurt.
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fandom-friday · 2 months
It Happened Quiet by @/mercurydancer here on tumblr AKA HopelesslyLost on Ao3. It's on Tumblr as well, just go to their blog!
It is SO GOOD!! If you like Darth Maul, if you like fix-it fics, if you like theorizing about the Force and how it works, if you like speculative biology for zabraks and other SW races--BY GOD, READ IT!
It can get heavy and pretty violent, so check the tags, but MAN OH MAN i love this fic!! I love this world!! The OCs are just wonderful additions to the story, and the characters we already know get such love and care. TODDLER AHSOKA IS SO CUTE 😭
OOOOH this seems OUTSTANDING. I mean, I'm sold at toddler Ahsoka, but some of the tags have me outright cackling:
#can you really call yourself a 'Master' if you can't explain it to a nine year old? #good fucking luck Sheev you dumb bitch
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
I love your little universe with Jinn !! Could you mayhaps do a fic with Obitine interacting with an older version of their daughter? Pls and Thanks
- Genetics Pt.2 -
Satine knew as well as Obi-Wan did that there were always going to be prolonged periods of absence on his part. 
After the birth of Jinn Obi-Wan had spent as much time as he could on Mandalore, committed to being as present in his daughters life as possible while simultaneously serving in the Order. He was as dedicated to one as the other, a devotion that he was lucky enough Satine understood. After all, she was as much a mother as she was a ruler. 
Whispers of a civil war among the varying clans of Pzob had resulted in him and Ahsoka being sent to ascertain if any of the claims were true. The planet had a long and tumultuous history of tension between the varying clans, often resulting in a bloody dispute. 
But they rarely took well to outsiders interfering, and so the two of them ended up residing on the planet longer than they initially intended. To Obi-Wan, the days that he was unable to contact Satine and let her know of his well-being felt like an eternity. He didn't like going too long without updating her, and hated not knowing how she and his daughter were doing even more.
Landing on Mandalore prior to returning to the temple took little to no convincing on his part; Ahsoka was more than happy to indulge him and his desire to see his family, and her longstanding friendship with Korkie Kryze certainly didn't hurt. 
He hadn't alerted Satine he was on the way; he liked to surprise her when he could. No longer carrying out their affair in secret meant that there was a transparency that hadn't existed before. He preferred it this way, but there were still times he indulged in his ability to stupefy her a bit even after all this time. 
He finds her sauntering through the palace gardens, obviously deep in thought that she hadn't even noticed him approaching. She wore an expression he knew very well; it always appeared when she was doubting her own capabilities as ruler. 
"You should listen to me when I tell you things, you know." He says as he gets closer, "Overthinking is not very becoming of you."
Its clear she's startled by his sudden appearance - after all, she likely hadn't been expected anyone to interrupt her, much less him - but its only mere seconds before shes closing the distance between them and throwing her arms around his shoulders. 
He hugs her back with just as much fervor, "Hello my dear."
Satine borrows herself in the crook of his neck and he can feel her smile against him, "I hadn't expected you."
He drops his own head against hers, thankful that she was free of her normal headdresses, and inhales deeply. Any amount of time away from her felt like too long and he likes to commit these moments to memory. 
"I thought it best to see you while still on the outer rim," He says, running his hands up and down the length of her back, "We're not to report back until late tomorrow."
Satine retracts from him just enough that they can properly look at one another, "So I have the pleasure of your company for an entire day, do I?"
He grins, "I would say its me who has pleasure of your company, though there is someone else I would like to see, should her grace be kind enough to let me out of her sight."
She smiles widely, "I suppose I'll allow it. I'm surprised she hasn't already sensed your presence."
It wasn't a surprise to either of them when Jinn started exhibiting force sensitive tendencies. They would have been surprised had she not, but it was an unspoken agreement that she would not be taken to the temple. Satine would never allow it, and he would never try to persuade her otherwise. That said, Obi-Wan was steadfast in his commitment to teaching her about the force and how to control it. She may never go on to become a Jedi, but Obi-Wan knew she would be formidable whether a warrior or leader. 
"I'm sure she'll find her way to me soon enough."
It's been entirely too long since the last time he's been able to kiss her, and so he cups her face in his hands before she has a chance to respond and presses his lips to her. 
She smiles once more against him and he allows himself to relish in the shared joy that always comes when they reunite. Briefly he wonders if there would ever be a time when coming home to her didn't light up his day like it has always done so after they're apart. He hopes the feeling never fades. 
"I've missed you," Satine confesses, resting her forehead against his, "Terribly so this time."
"All you have to do is say the word, Satine." He reminds gently. 
She narrows her eyes at him, "No."
It was a definitive answer, but Obi-Wan likes to remind her he would walk away from it all for the two of them should she ask. But she never will, and he would never push her to do so.
"Of course not." He relents before kissing her one more time, "Whatever you want."
There's a tinge of mischief in her eyes suddenly, and he knows by the way she's biting down on her bottom lip her thoughts have shifted into something less innocent than his own. 
She takes one of his hands in her own, "Well Master Kenobi, when you say that-"
His daughter had always had a talent for walking in at just the right moment. 
When he looks over, he finds her staring at the pair of them, hands clasped together patiently while she observes them. 
Jinn was all her mother, from her clear eyes and delicate features. If it weren't for the auburn of her hair she could easily pass for a young Satine. 
"Hello there, darling girl."
Satine squeezes his fingers gently before letting go, a clear indication to go to his daughter. 
But Jinn reaches his before he has a chance to move, throwing her arms around his torso and hugging herself to him. 
He thinks about growing up in the order, how there had been a time he hadn't know that love could run so deep. And then Satine had came along, thrust haphazardly into his life with the orders that he protect the young duchess, and he found a feeling he hadn't known existed blossom deep within him. He had thought then that surely, there was no way he could love another with the same intensity. 
But the moment he laid eye on his daughter he was proven wrong once again. Jinn had unlocked an entirely different kind of love and perhaps the only thing to ever rival the depth of love he felt for Satine. 
"I had wondered when you would make your way out here." He says, returning her hug. 
"I hadn't expected to see you." She says in lieu of a proper greeting.
The order was different now. After the fall of Palpatine and how close Anakin had been to falling to the dark side, changes had run rampant. Some things were the same as they ever were; the Jedi were still defenders of peace with a duty they were expected to uphold, but no longer ones that rejected the notion of love.
There was a time where he thought loving Satine and loving the Jedi could not exist within the same universe despite one being as true as the other. 
But there he stood, gazing at the daughter he never fathomed he would have. 
"I thought I would surprise you," He pauses before adding, "And your mother."
Out of the corner of his eye he can see Satine beaming at them. 
"I heard you were on Pzob," Jinn inquires, "I expect a detailed retelling of what it was like."
At the mere age of 15 Jinn possessed a wisdom beyond her years, one that reminds him all too much of her namesake. From the moment she could speak she prattled on with endless questions about the galaxy and Obi-Wan was all to happy too oblige.
"I would provide nothing less." He assures.
"Jinn, darling," Satine says gently, "How about you go get ready for dinner, and I promise during so you can have interrogate your father on all you want to know."
She glances to her mother, the slightest of pouts making its way across her features before she ultimately nods. Still, she looks to her father expectantly despite Satine's words.
"Better heed your mothers word. Don't worry dear, I'll tell you everything you want to know." He promises. 
He watches as she heads inside, transfixed on just how much she's matured in the short time since he last saw her. If the intricate braid her hair was woven into or the flowing gown she adorned were any indication, she was becoming more and more like her mother with each passing day. 
Satine slips her hand into his again just as Jinn moves out of view. 
"We certainly have raised a beautiful girl," He says, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, "She seems to have taken after her mother."
There's the hint of a blush tinging her cheeks and Obi-Wan hopes that he will always have the opportunity to remind her just how much adoration he holds for her. 
"Every bit of her personality is you though," Satine remarks, "Stubborn, sarcastic, can practically talk her way out of anything."
He lets go of her hand in favor of resting his own on her waist, squeezing her hip bones affectionately.
"I think you may be describing yourself, my dear." He leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to the underside of her jaw,  "The only thing that could rival your sarcasm is your stubbornness." 
Satine shoots him a glare, but knows her well enough to see she's more amused by his words than anything. 
"You think you're funny, do you?"
He snorts, "At times."
"Another one of your charming qualities."
He pecks her lips with his own once more before speaking. 
"I hope she's like you," He says gently, "Remarkably intelligent, steadfast in what she believes in, braver than she probably knows."
Satine stares at him, blue eyes suddenly glassy with a rush of emotion and the longer he stares into them the more he swears he could find the answers to everything he's ever needed within her. 
"Perhaps she was given the best parts of both of us." Satine says, smiling at him. 
His gaze wanders towards the palace, where he knows inside his daughter awaits. His fierce, strong willed daughter. 
"Best not keep her waiting," He says, nodding towards the palace, "I fear she's inherited your temper."
The glare returns full throttle and it takes a considerable amount of effort for him not to laugh. 
"You are lucky I love you, Obi-Wan Kenobi."  She huffs. 
Obi-Wan grins and leads her by the hand towards the castle. 
"I am lucky indeed." 
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raineydaywrites · 1 month
force-given prophecies in star wars are so funny because they always come true. and they’re always pretty much exactly as bad as you expect too. like you think with a prophecy it’s a warning that you can stop but with the force it’s always just like
random jedi: the force has given me warning of a terrible future! I must act quickly to avert it!
the force: no im not warning you we’re just talking right now. just being buds. what. what’re you doing?
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auditect · 2 months
Ever wanted to see a Wookiee Jedi in action?
Check out the second exiting part of The Stark Hyperspace War, and watch as the mighty Tyvokka leads the charge against the greatest collective of pirates and mercenaries ever formed!
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bluevelvt · 9 months
when people think anakin wouldnt have turned to the dark side if qui-gon trained him im just ?????
i mean qui-gon took anakin to be trained cause he thinks anakin is the chosen one or this is at least a major reason why and like??? PALPATINE WOULD HAVE JUST PIVOTED LIKE
"it's such a shame my boy that the council and even your master only see you as the chosen one and not your own person"
"i hope that they trust you as a jedi and not just part of a prophecy"
"i fear that qui gon only wants you as the chosen one and if you weren't, you would never have left tatooine"
idk just gets on my nerves and feels like a slight against obi-wan who yeah wasn't perfect and the circumstances for becoming anakin's master weren't ideal but i think he was a great master and this idea also makes palpatine seem far less manipulative, cunning, and evil
the man once said he would gladly make vader again given the chance, even knowing how it would eventually end, so he's not stopping just because anakin has a different master
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vulpixisananimal · 6 days
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