#just have bad social skills and be kind of rude and a wet
stardustdiiving · 20 days
every so often when u are a fan of something with a super large and popular fandom reputation you will run into this specific category of person who is rlly irritated by constantly seeing this media due to its popularity, which is understandable up until they feel openly resentful of ppl just being excited about This Popular Thing Everyone Keeps Talking About That They Don’t Think Is Worth The Hype and deem it as an acceptable excuse to just start picking on people for liking something
Just past a certain point I think people are just kind of being jerks to The Specific Person They Are Talking To and that is not synonymous with your Right To Dislike Something. Its sort of like, I don’t care how much the fans annoy you on Twitter or something if you are having a direct conversation with someone and they mention liking something you are just very much kind of an asshole if you feel the need to take jabs at it whenever you can, and it’s not someone being “uncritical of their flawed interest” or “not letting you dislike something” if they tell you to knock it off omg. That’s just them telling you to stop doing something that makes their interactions with you feel like an unpleasant tarpit
I’ve had this happen a handful of times since I keep stumbling into media w kinda infamous fandom reputations and it kills me everytime because I really am not going to be self deprecating about liking something that’s kind of cringe just so you can feel kind of vindicated you got back at the annoying mass of fans you don’t like on social media. Like an individual person is a person before they’re just. A fan of something omg
I think sometimes ppl also project the idea ppl are pushing the thing on them and I think in a lot of cases u need to communicate that and tell ppl to back off. Bc anecdotally from my own experiences and what I see it’s not anyone trying to push their interest on someone who’s not interested…they’re just excited and talking about it. Man
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
In My Dreams (Will You Remember Me?)
Flower Husbands Fic - Chapter Eight - Stay a While, Stay a While
Ao3 in the comments
“Aeor give me guidance.” Scott prays, kneeling in the back parlor. “Because if you give me strength, Rivendell will lose her allies to my hand.”
Scott leans back on his heels, fighting not to push his head into his hands. “I know you chose me, as your champion and the king of Rivendell, but we have been allied with idiots.” Scott grumbles. “And they want to attack Jimmy for being your champion, so I’m pleading with you for guidance.”
Scott sits in silence as dawn breaks over the mountains, listening to the serenity that the break of dawn brings.
Or what is supposed to be the serenity of the break of dawn, because one of his guards is fighting with someone. Not a physical fight, from the sounds of it, but a verbal one. Scott stands from his position on the floor, leaving an apple under the golden deer that he parents claimed represented Aoer as an offering. Scott adjusts his cape, putting his crown on his head, ready to aid his guards in getting rid of whatever disgruntled merchant decided to go straight to his house instead of his council to air their grievances. 
“You cannot demand council with our ruler, even Rivendell’s closest allies cannot do that.” She snaps, and Scott shivers. Eloise is always harsh, preferring to terrify potential threats away than calm them. Though, its not often that she has to bring up their allies to send merchants down the hill, towards town.
Scott opens the door, ready to call Eloise off, when he sees him.
Jimmy stands in the doorway, nervously holding his hands in the air. He wears the stupid codfather head, but he also glows in the light of the early morning golden hour. The snow glitters around, and the fish hybrid shivers in the wind, but Scott can’t help but to blink. It’s too early to form thoughts about this.
Aoer he’s got it bad for this man.
“Stand down, Eloise.” Scott says, finally find his voice, though its stuck in his throat and he’s not going to be able to speak to Jimmy in private if he’s asked to. “He’s a guest here.”
“Of course, your highness.” Eloise says, lifting her hand from her sword. “Shall I escort him to your office?”
“There’s no need, we’ll be in the front parlor.” Scott smiles, and Eloise glares at him for a split second before she steps aside.
“Enter, Codfather.” She says, her voice saccharine. 
“Uh, thank you?” Jimmy says, walking into Scott’s home. Eloise rolls her eyes, shutting the doors behind him.
“I’m sorry about her.” Scott says. “She’s at the end of her shift. I assume your night guards are like her?”
“Um, sure.” Jimmy says. “They’re certainly something.”
“If they’re rude to you, you ought to fire them.” Scott says, but Jimmy doesn’t seem to be listening to him.
“It’s beautiful in here.” Jimmy’s voice is barely audible, a breath on the wind, but Scott’s filled with pride anyway.
Jimmy looks over the intricate carvings on the archways, the gilded railings that lead to the higher levels. The codfather runs his hands reverently over the embroidered tablecloths, as though nothing in his home is worth even the silver stitchwork. It fills Scott with a subtle pride, though his house doesn’t look lived in - what with the maids and cleaners ensuring that nothing is ever out of place, that dust never settles on the rafters, let alone the tables - Jimmy now knows that Scott could afford to take care of him, to give him a life that's more than comfortable.
“What’s this?” Jimmy asks, and Scott walks towards his potential partner. “It’s beautiful.”
The golden statue of Aeor rests on the mantle, glittering in the light. Jimmy holds onto his clothes, as though he doesn’t want to touch it. Scott fights back a soft smile at the gesture, its kind of the man to do, even if unnecessary. Aoer would not care if one of his statues was touched, even if it were touched by someone who knows not of the god.
“It’s a statue my parents gave me” Scott says. “It’s supposed to keep me and my loved ones safe while I’m at home.”
“This is your house?” Jimmy gawks. “These two rooms are as large as my entire house.”
Scott winces, turning to avoid offending Jimmy. Why would the founder of an empire live in a hut? Sausage and Fwip built their castles outside of the town that they were given to rule over, why didn’t Jimmy build himself a castle, something fit for someone his stature.
Jimmy deserves better.
“It is my house.” Scott admits. “I built it myself, when my parents told me that I was their heir.”
“Did they?” Jimmy asks, something sad infecting his tone. “That must be nice, your design skills are impeccable.”
Scott flushes a deep crimson, blinking a few times as Jimmy giggles. That damned giggle, that mad Scott stumble over his feet as they danced during the ball, the one that makes the words solidify in his throat, that he can’t get a single syllable out. He can’t even think, just focusing on that giggle.
“Do people not compliment your builds often?” Jimmy asks, cocking his head to the side, and Scott catches a glimpse of Jimmy’s eyes.
Ocean blue, and full of mischief.
“Not to my face.” Scott lies, not wanting to vocalise the words that fight to escape his throat. “Can I ask why you’ve come over? I’m fine with this being a social visit, of course, but we’ve never exactly had those.”
“I wanted to apologise for the ball.” Jimmy says, so quietly that Scott’s heart shatters.
“You have nothing to apologise for.” Scott says, softly, ever so softly. He needs to reassure Jimmy. No one should sound that upset with themselves over a party that they didn’t even ruin. “You made my night, it was nice to dance with you.”
“I promise that I would see you soon, after that dance.” Jimmy says. “And I didn’t. I’m sorry, King of Rivendell, please accept this gift as an apology, even if you do not accept the apology.”
And Jimmy offers him a flowering blue orchid, growing in a small, hand painted pot. It’s a strong plant, the soil is wet and the flowers bright. The pot has green paint around the borders, and a silver ribbon is wrapped around the pot, tied in a neat bow.
“It’s beautiful.” Scott says, carefully taking it from Jimmy. “How do I care for it?”
“Strong light, high humidity, periods of dry soil altered with periods of heavy watering and airflow around the roots.” Jimmy says, and Scott can hear the smile in his voice. “I’m sure you’ll be able to care for it well.”
“What if I kill it?”
“Then I’ll bring you a new one.” Jimmy offers, watching as Scott carefully puts it on one of his tables. Scott watches the cod hybrid rub his arms, as though he was cold, but its rather warm in Scott’s home - kept a perfect temperature for everyone, so why would Jimmy be cold?
“You alright?” Scott asks, looking at Jimmy. “You’re rubbing your arms.”
“It’s a bit cold in here.” Jimmy sounds embarrassed, and Scott watches as he nervously shifts his balance. “It’s alright though, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re from the swamp.” Scott realises aloud. “Take my cloak, as recognition of my forgiveness.”
Scott takes his cloak off, handing it to Jimmy. Jimmy holds it as though its made of the most precious material, running his fingers over the stitching in a way that screams reverence. As though this cloak means something else, something more to Jimmy. 
Scott didn’t just intrude on some Cod Empire custom, did he?
“I can’t accept this.” Jimmy says, pushing the cloak back into Scott’s hands. “It’s too good for you to hand away. I’ll be alright, keep your cloak.”
Scott frowns for a moment, the cloak in his hands. Jimmy is a guest, not even an elf who could adapt to the cold quickly, and he’s a cod hybrid. He needs the warmth, he’ll get sick rather quickly if he doesn’t accept the cloak. Then Lizzie would kill Scott, and take back her blessing. Not only that, but it could take months for Jimmy to heal. So Scott needs to improvise.
Without thinking, Scott wraps his cloak around Jimmy’s shoulders, pulling the other man close to him as he does the top button up, taking care to ensure that he doesn’t damage the silk thread that keeps the button on. He can hear Jimmy’s breathing hitch as he does, and Scott looks down into the man's eyes, watching as something unreadable passes through them.
“Now you’ll remain warm.” Scott says, slightly breathless as he steps back.
 Jimmy looks up at Scott, and pulls the cloak closer around his shoulders. The cod hybrid steals Scott’s breath away, even though Scott can’t see his face. The cloak pools at the floor around Jimmy’s feet, the arm holes slightly too low to be practical, but he looks stunning anyways.
“Could I offer you tea, or breakfast?” Scott asks, standing in front of a plush armchair. It’s his favourite chair, though due to the fact that it’s situated in the front parlor he doesn’t use it often.
“I had breakfast before I came, but tea would be nice.” Jimmy says. 
“I’ll have that arranged, if you want to take a seat?” Scott says, smiling. He waits for a moment, as Jimmy chooses a seat, before he walks into the back parlor.
Scott quickly crosses into the kitchen, watching as one of the chefs jump in surprise. He’s already had breakfast, and it’s far earlier than he would normally arrive for a snack or a break from meetings with stuffy officials. Scott offers them an apologetic smile, and they roll their eyes, smiling at him.
“How can I help you, your highness?” They ask, turning away from kneading the bread.
“Could I bother you for some tea?”
“Meeting’s going that poorly?” They ask, washing their hands in the sink as they turn on the redstone kettle.
“I have a guest over, and he asked for some?” Jimmy deserves nice tea, and Scott hopes he’ll like it.
“The codfather’s over for a social visit?” They ask, incredulous. “You never have social visits, let alone with one of our allies' enemies.”
“He’s nice.” Scott says, watching as they pour the tea into two tea cups. “I’d like him as an ally.”
“Considering how Arel saw you put your cloak on him, I think you’d like him as more than just an ally, your highness.” They smirk, putting four biscuits on a tray. “Are you able to carry this out yourself or do you need someone to supervise the pair of you?”
“You aren’t my father, Cyran, nor my mother.” Scott says. “I can carry this, and we don’t need a supervisor.”
“Don’t make a mess of the front parlor, my lord.” They tease, passing Scott the tray. “I may not be your parents, may Aeor guide them, but I am your eldest member of staff. You were so young when I was bought onto the staff, you’re still the boy who hide behind my skirt from your tutors.”
“Please stop telling people about that.” Scott mumbles, embarrassed.
“Stop leaving your guest unattended. It’s rude.” They say, ushering Scott to the door. “I don’t want you back here until your guest has left, Scott.”
And they shut the door on Scott, making him laugh silently. Of course they kick him out to attend to the guests, they’re so stubborn. He should give them a raise.
Scott carefully carries the tray of drinks and biscuits through the back parlor, silently opening the door to navigate to where Jimmy sits. Jimmy’s looking out of the front window, watching as Rivendell bustles about as families take their children to school and adults attend to their jobs. The sun beams down, reflecting off of the snow and casting a glow into the front parlor, just as Scott intended when he designed the build. Scott places the tray down, startling Jimmy.
“Thank you.” Jimmy says, as Scott passes him a cup. “I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”
“Not at all.” Scott lies through his teeth. His guards will inform the advisors that he’s busy, after all. Potential allies are more important than sitting through another meeting that leads to nowhere. “Am I keeping you from anything?”
“Nothing that I can’t get done later.” Jimmy takes a sip of his tea. “This is amazing.”
“Thank you.” Scott smiles. “Are you doing anything important tomorrow? I have a meeting after lunch that I must attend, but I would love to give you a tour of Rivendell.”
“I have a meeting with Fwip tomorrow.” Jimmy says, and Scott’s heart stops. “I’m going to his base to arrange a trade agreement, but maybe next Wednesday?”
“Did Fwip arrange the meeting?”
“He did.” Jimmy nods. “I don’t want to spark a war between us by entering the Grimlands uninvited.”
“Do you know what you’re going to ask him for?” Scott says, ignoring the pit beginning to form in his stomach. Fwip is something, an enemy of the Cod Empire and someone who believes that Jimmy is Aeor’s champion, which means he could harm Jimmy.
But it’s just a trade meeting, and Fwip has honour. He wouldn’t harm Jimmy during a peaceful meeting.
“Probably some gunpowder.” Jimmy shrugs, before a ring sounds from his pocket. “Oh, I’m sorry!” Jimmy pulls out his communicator, looking at the caller id before wincing.
“Something the matter?”
“I was supposed to meet with Joel now.” Jimmy winces. “I should go.”
Jimmy moves to take the cloak off, but Scott stops him, gently moving the other rulers hands from the button. Jimmy looks up at Scott, and though Scott can’t see Jimmy’s face, he can tell the codfather’s surprised.
“Keep it.” Scott murmurs. “You can return it when you come back for the tour.”
“Thank you.” Jimmy says, taking his hands from Scott’s. “I’ll see you next week.”
“I’ll see you then.” Scott smiles, walking Jimmy to the door. “Fly safely.”
“I will.” Jimmy says, walking away from Scott’s home.
Scott shuts the door, leaning on it with a sigh. Something isn’t right about this, something is so intrinsically wrong with Fwip inviting Jimmy to his empire for a meeting that Scott’s stomach turns with fear for the other man. Jimmy’s naive, the ruler of the youngest empire in this world. Even Shubble’s empire is older - just from a different dimension. Scott needs to ask Aeor to protect Jimmy. Surely they will.
Scott wonders if Jimmy liked the bouquet of roses that he left for him.
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anubislover · 3 years
A Tea Party for Baby 5
(Gift fic for @velvety-love for the OP Secret Santa 2020! I really hope you like the fic - it was a ton of fun to write!)
It was quite the sight, the infamous Donquixote Doflamingo sitting at a small table in a child-sized chair, his knees practically pressed into his chest, but he would maintain that for a man of his status, any seat was a throne. Before him was a decadent assortment of pastries, chocolate-covered fruit, finger sandwiches, and quiches. Baby 5 had recently begun training to be the family’s maid, and this tea party would be a useful way to hone her serving skills. Since the eight year old girl was still too short to reach the dinner table, this was a perfectly reasonable alternative.
And yes, the dolls and stuffed animals sat up in their own chairs with cups and saucers was also absolutely necessary. She needed to learn to serve multiple people, after all.
“More tea, Young Master?” Baby 5 asked, hefting up the large china teapot, a hopeful smile on her face. There was a bit of tension around her mouth, though; visible strain from the weight of the pot that she desperately sought to hide for fear of disappointing him.
Doflamingo grinned, holding out his pink floral-patterned cup. “Yes, please.” The child had insisted on being useful to him, and while his main interest was in the deadly Devil Fruit powers she possessed, it was nice having some proper servants around.
However, her little arms trembled, the pot far too heavy for her, resulting in her inadvertently missing the cup and instead spilling hot tea onto his hand.
“Oh no! Young Master, I’m so sorry! Let me get you a towel, or some ice!” she cried, nearly dropping the teapot in her panic. Luckily, Doflamingo was able to grab it before it could fall and set it on the table, preventing tea from splattering everywhere and staining his suit pants.
For a moment, his hand clenched and he glared down at her through the lenses of his fierce red sunglasses. The former Celestial Dragon wanted to be upset. She’d burned him! How dare she—
But then he looked at her distraught little face, eyes already wet with tears, and he was suddenly reminded of his precious little brother when they were children and how hard he’d tried to please him…
Picking up a napkin, Doflamingo wiped his hand clean of the tea. Honestly, it hadn’t hurt. Barely anything to someone like him. And she was trying. Really, it was impressive she could even lift the pot, considering it was nearly as big as she was and how thin her arms were. They really needed to get some meat on her bones—she wasn’t the half-starved waif who’d come to him in desperation anymore. She was part of his family. It was his job to take care of her.
Coming to a decision, Doflamingo removed a stuffed dog from the chair at his right and patted the seat. “No worries, Baby 5. Come here and I’ll pour the tea.”
“Ah! But Young Master, I—”
He gave her a reassuring smile, one as gentle as he could manage. “It’s fine, Baby 5; proper tea party etiquette says that the host should serve.”
“But then, you don’t need me,” she said sadly, small body slumping miserably.
Inwardly he grimaced. The last thing he wanted was for her to cry. So, he grinned more widely and picked her up by the back of the dress, plopping her down into the chair. “Sure I do! I need you to be a good guest! I can’t work on my hosting skills if I don’t have guests. These guys,” he said, indicating the dolls and toys, “are terrible conversationalists.”
Baby 5 visibly perked up, thrilled at still being needed in some capacity. “Oh! That’s true. Then I’ll be the perfect guest for you! I’ll be anything you need, Young Master.”
A small sigh of relief escaped his chest. Crisis averted. She was happy, and while serving himself was not ideal in most circumstances, the child could learn by example and he wouldn’t have to worry about his suit.
Getting an idea, he attached his strings to one of the dolls sat around the table, making it lift the teacup so he could pour. “Watch carefully; it’s important to hold the pot from both the handle and the spout to avoid spilling. We don’t want even a drop on the nice white tablecloth, do we?”
“No, we don’t,” she agreed, studying his technique carefully. Her dark eyes took in his every movement with near-reverence, her own little hands even miming him to ensure she would get it right later.
Satisfied, he filled Baby 5’s cup and offered her a blueberry scone. “Here, eat up—you’re a growing girl, and someone who works as hard as you deserves a treat.”
“Really?” she asked, even though she was already practically drooling as the smell of the pastries she’d baked that morning wafted up her nose.
“Really. Now have a scone, then some sandwiches, and then you can help yourself to the tarts and cupcakes.”
Practically glowing with happiness, she snatched one off the plate, but froze before she could shove it into her mouth. “Oh. Sorry,” she said, setting it on her plate and picking up her knife and fork.
Doflamingo shook his head. “Nah, you were right the first time. Eat the scone with your hands. Save the fork for the quiche.”
Thrilled that she was getting to sit at the Young Master’s side and enjoy the goodies she’d baked and laid out to his specifications, she tucked in, smile so wide her cheeks ached.
It was…kind of cute, seeing her so happy. Just a child eager to belong. Sure, she would make a fantastic assassin, but there was no reason not to let her have little moments like this, right? The chance to just be a kid and have fun? His father’s foolishness had denied him that joy after they’d left Mariejois, but he was far better than Homing.
He was the patriarch of the Doflamingo Family; it was his job to keep everybody happy. To give them all they could ever ask for so that they would do the same for him.
Looking her over, he wondered what else he could do. Her bow and dress were looking a little worn. He’d order replacements. Simple ones for everyday wear, but he was sure he could get her something cute and fancy as a reward the next time she got back from a mission. Dress her up like a doll and show her off. New shoes would be a must, too – he and his brother had constantly been outgrowing theirs, and while he doubted she’d every reach his exalted stature, she certainly would grow up to be a lovely young woman.
And lovely young women attract boys, he thought, scowling for a moment behind his teacup. Gonna have to watch her like a hawk once that happens. Can’t have anyone thinking they’re good enough for Baby 5 and trying to steal her away. I’ll make sure she’s got no reason to leave the Family. Who could provide for her like me, anyway?
On a whim, he got another idea – something that would surely amuse and delight her. Holding out his hands, he attached his strings to a pair of dolls. Like a puppet master with a pair of marionettes, he made them waltz around the table, chuckling while Baby 5 applauded and laughed with joy.
“Figured the least they could do was put on a show for us as thanks for our hospitality,” he explained, making a few more join in so it almost resembled a ball. “Too bad we can’t bring the toys to life—then they could dance without the strings.”
“Maybe there’s a Devil Fruit out there that can do that,” Baby 5 said excitedly, eager to help in any way she could.
“Hmmm, maybe there is. I’ll have to look into it,” Doflamingo agreed, rubbing his chin. The hand fell to pat her on the head. “What a clever girl you are.”
As she beamed up at him, there was a knock at the door, and without delay Corazon strolled in carrying Buffalo and Law by the back of their shirts like a pair of squirming kittens. Law even seemed to growl at his manhandling. Clearly, they’d been caught by his right-hand man doing something they shouldn’t, at least if the way he ground the cigarette between his teeth was anything to go by. However, all three of them froze at the sight of their leader serving tea to his maid-in-training surrounded by a bunch of dancing stuffed animals.
“What the he—” Law started, staring in utter bafflement.
“Ah, just in time! Baby 5 and I were having a tea party! Sit down and join us!” Doflamingo exclaimed cheerfully, indicating the newly-empty seats.
“Yes! Please, join us!” she chimed in eagerly. Even though they could be rude and mean, she considered the two boys her closest friends, so of course she wanted to have them involved. Corazon, too, even though he was grouchy and clumsy and might make the tablecloth catch fire.
Corazon looked between the tiny chairs and the uncomfortable-looking way his brother was sitting, then raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“Oh, come on, little brother! It’s perfectly comfortable,” he said, even though he could already feel his legs cramping up. Ah well. At least he wouldn’t suffer alone, and Baby 5 could have some time enjoying herself with friends. She needed more socialization. Maybe he should call up Vinsmoke Judge – he had a daughter about her age, didn’t he? Maybe they could set up a play date.
“I’m not taking part in some stupid tea party,” Law groused, glaring at the utter ridiculousness around him.
“Kid, you can either sit down under your own power or I can tie you to the seat,” Doflamingo warned with smile. He turned to the child beside him. “But thank you for providing Baby 5 with another valuable lesson – boys are obnoxiously stubborn.”
“Law, c’mon, let’s play along-dasuyan,” Buffalo not-so-quietly whispered, eyeing the tray of cupcakes.
“Fuffuffuffuffu! But they’re easily bribed with food,” he added, smirking when she giggled. Pleased with himself, Doflamingo gave the three new guests a terrifying smile. “Now, you gonna join us like proper gentlemen, or am I going to have to show you to your seats?” he asked, raising his hand meaningfully.
A shiver ran down their backs and neither Law nor Buffalo argued as Corazon plopped them both in a chair before gingerly taking the spot opposite his brother, grimacing at how sore his legs and back would be after this.
Pleased that her friends were in fact joining the party, Baby 5 instinctively rose to her feet to serve them. A large hand on her shoulder stopped her, though, causing her to look up at Doflamingo inquisitively.
The patriarch smiled down at her, sincerity in his tone. “Now now, I told you the host should serve. The hostess who made all the preparations needs to take a load off and enjoy herself. Let us take care of you for once,” he said, pinching her cheek.
Yes, he’d take care of her, she’d take care of them, and they’d all live together as a big, happy family. What more could anyone want?
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Pretty Girl ]
  ↳ Run Away era
       ↳ Kiryoung goes rock climbing... for some reason. She meets a new face. They get lunch.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Kiryoung has no idea what she’s doing here. That’s not entirely true, though. It started with Yeonjun teasing her, as per usual. This time, it was about her height (a rather unoriginal and overused topic of teasing amongst her members). More specifically, he was teasing her about how her height correlated with her strength and how she was “super weak and wimpy” compared to him and the other members.
She, of course, defended herself by saying there’s no feasible way she wouldn’t be the weakest member as all of the boys have at least eight inches on her. Her mistake came when she tried to claim she was fairly strong for her size. For context: she is not fairly strong for her size. She’s actually probably fairly weak for her size seeing as all her workouts consist of cardio and weight loss and not muscle gain. So unless you’re talking about heart health, Kiryoung is rather unfortunately weak.
This all leads her to where she is now, sitting on a bench after signing in for a session at a rock climbing gym. The connection between Yeonjun’s teasing, her attempt to defend herself, and sitting in a rock climbing gym? Yeonjun bet her that she couldn’t rock climb because she’s too weak (which she is) and she agreed to go rock climbing to prove him wrong (which she won’t be able to).
Basically, Kiryoung is definitely stressing out while sitting on this bench, not sure at all where she’s even supposed to start. She doubts she’ll even be able to do any of the courses or routes or whatever they’re called.
Someone sits down beside her as she’s worrying in her head, “This might be weird, but you look extremely familiar.”
Kiryoung looks to her left and sees a very pretty girl looking at her intently as if trying to piece together who she is. Kiryoung goes a little red in the face and shies away from the girl.
“You must have me mistaken for someone else,” Kiryoung says.
“No, I swear I’ve seen you before.”
The pretty girl doesn’t stop looking at her, beautiful round eyes continuing to search Kiryoung’s face even as she shrinks away from her. The girl gasps as realization crosses her features.
“Oh my god!” she exclaims. “You’re Kiryoung! From Tomorrow By Together! Oh my god, I loved your guys’ comeback.”
So that’s why this girl recognized Kiryoung.
“Thank you,” Kiryoung says, trying to make herself sound more confident as she seems to be interacting with a fan.
“Oh, I should introduce myself,” the girls says, “I’m Jeon Somi.”
Confidence levels are dropping dangerously low. This is not her fan, this is the nation’s girl group’s center, the first place winner of the first Produce series. How is she supposed to maintain any amount of confidence in her presence? Kiryoung really has no idea how she didn’t recognize the Jeon Somi but figures it must have something to do with being flustered by her sudden appearance and intense staring.
“Y-You’re Somi?”
“Mhm,” Somi hums her affirmation. “And you are Kiryoung, right? I just want to make sure...”
“Okay, good. Imagine if you weren’t and I just accused some random person of being in an idol group. That would have been embarrassing.”
Somi has avoided her embarrassment, but Kiryoung can tell that hers has just started. She’s finding it extremely difficult to speak to the other girl, let alone look her in the eye. Curse you, social anxiety.
“Do you like rock climbing, too?” Somi asks.
“I-I mean I’ve never done it before. This is my first time.”
“Oh!” Somi looks much more pleased with that answer. “Do you want to do it with me? I can show you the ropes.”
Kiryoung looks around, confused, “What ropes? Do they have rope courses here, too?”
Somi bursts into laughter, “Oh my god, you’re hilarious.”
Kiryoung laughs with her nervously, realizing her mistake of taking an idiom too literally and hoping to play it off. Somi doesn’t seem to notice that she was being serious. If she does, she chooses not to say anything.
“Okay, okay,” Somi says, calming herself down. “Do you want me to show you how the gym works? I’ve been coming her for a while.”
Kiryoung weighs her options. On one hand, if she says no, she might come off as mean or rude and give a bad first impression to her senior artist. On the other hand, if she says yes, she’ll have to live through many more embarrassing and awkward moments and learn that she really isn’t physically cut out for rock climbing with an audience. Neither are very good options.
“Sure,” Kiryoung answers quietly, too scared to be rude right now in order to avoid embarrassment in the near future.
The very near future because, with Somi’s instruction, Kiryoung makes it about four handholds before she falls off the wall and lands flat on her back, unable to catch or right herself.
Somi jumps off the wall after her, “Woah, are you okay?”
Kiryoung sits up, “I don’t think I’m cut out for rock climbing.”
“You only just started,” Somi laughs. “Come on.”
Somi extends her hands to Kiryoung, offering her help to get up. Kiryoung hesitates for a second before accepting it, letting the taller girl pull her to her feet.
“Let’s try the easiest course,” Somi says, “I probably should have asked you what your skill level is before we started.”
Kiryoung switches her hand and footholds a few more times than during her first attempt before the shaking in her arms becomes too much and she has to let go. She’s higher up that she realized, landing on her feet but falling back onto her butt. She looks down and sighs.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Somi asks.
Kiryoung looks up and finds Somi crouching down beside her. She looks away shyly.
“I’m not very good at this,” Kiryoung says.
“Well, no one really is their first time unless they’re already muscly and stuff.”
Kiryoung sighs, “I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I only came because I’m trying to prove to my members that I’m not weak. Even though I am. I’ve got noodle arms.”
Kiryoung wiggles her arms out in front of her to prove her point. Somi laughs and this time, Kiryoung can laugh easily with her. Somi falls back onto her bottom, sitting beside Kiryoung.
“So you’re trying to prove to your members that you’re not weak but none of them are even here to see if you succeed or fail?” Somi asks.
Kiryoung is silent for a long moment, the sounds of the gym filling the brief pause in the two girls’ conversation.
Kiryoung groans, “I’m so gullible.”
Somi bursts out into laughter again, falling to her side.
“Oh my god, I’m so stupid!” Kiryoung says. “I could have gone to a park and caught frogs instead of wasting my time with rock climbing!”
Somi just laughs harder. Kiryoung’s irritation at herself fades and she ends up laughing with Somi. Finally, it seems Kiryoung isn’t so nervous around the younger girl. Eventually, they collect themselves and stand.
“Well, we can keep trying if you really want to but my session time runs out in ten minutes anyway,” Somi says after checking the time, “So do you want to get lunch together?”
“Lunch? Together?”
“Yeah. We could talk more and get to know each other.”
“Um, yeah, okay. Let’s do that.”
After trading out her climbing shoes for her normal ones, Kiryoung waits for Somi at the front of the gym. It’s started raining harder since they started climbing but Kiryoung brought an umbrella, knowing the forecast for the day. She pulls her phone out and starts searching up nearby restaurants, not wanting to walk too far in the rain. Somi, back from the bathroom, stops beside Kiryoung.
“I’m kind of in the mood for ramen; are there any places nearby?” Somi asks.
“Uh, let me see... Yes. There’s a ramen place about three blocks that way.”
Kiryoung quickly memorizes the directions to the restaurant and tucks her phone away. They walk out of the gym and stand under the overhang. Kiryoung notices Somi isn’t carrying an umbrella or a rain jacket.
“Do you not have an umbrella?” Kiryoung asks.
“No, my dad dropped me off and I ran inside,” Somi explains. “I figured I could just dash from awning to awning.”
“We can just share mine,” Kiryoung says, opening her kiwi-patterned umbrella.
“You don’t mind sharing?” Somi asks.
Kiryoung shakes her head with a smile, “Not at all.”
Kiryoung holds her umbrella up a bit more so the taller girl can fit under it. Kiryoung feels her face grow warm with how close she is to Somi. They start walking, bumping into one another as they try to walk under the same umbrella.
“Here, let me just...”
Somi takes the umbrella from Kiryoung and pulls Kiryoung’s hand to loop through her arm. Kiryoung’s face gets hotter.
“Better?” Somi asks.
Kiryoung just nods.
They start off again, able to walk much more comfortably side by side now. Kiryoung tugs on Somi’s arm when they’re supposed to turn, leading the two of them silently. They eventually make it to the shelter of the ramen restaurant. Somi motions for Kiryoung to enter first, no overhang or awning making the transition inside without getting wet a little difficult. Somi stands halfway inside the restaurant as she closes Kiryoung’s umbrella, shaking it out before stepping inside fully.
“At least one of us was prepared,” Somi says, handing Kiryoung her umbrella back.
“You can go sit down; I’ll grab the ingredients from the bar,” Kiryoung tells her.
“Can I trust you not to poison me?” Somi asks.
“W-Why would I poison you?” Kiryoung stutters.
Somi smiles at her, “I’m teasing.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.”
“You really are gullible,” Somi quips.
The taller girl walks off to find a table and Kiryoung goes to the bar where she picks out a two person serving of ramen, some onions and scallions and green onions, a bit of soy sauce, and four pot stickers. She pays and is given a pot of water, finding Somi and placing it all down.
“This looks fancy,” Somi says, “I usually just get the ready-made seasonings.”
“It’s a lot better if you season it yourself,” Kiryoung tells her, setting the pot of water on the table’s stove.
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Once the water has started to heat up, Kiryoung starts to add her seasonings to make the broth. She glances at Somi at one point, noticing how the younger girl is watching what she’s doing intently. She looks back at what she’s doing, making sure not to mess anything up. When the broth is boiling, she adds the noodles and not too long after, the pot stickers. Kiryoung turns the heat off once it’s finished and moves the pot off the stove onto a hot pad.
“Alright,” she says. “You try it first.”
Somi breaks her chopsticks apart and picks up a few noodles. She transfers them onto her spoon with a bit of broth and blows on it. She looks at Kiryoung.
“Here’s to no poison,” she jokes.
Kiryoung giggles.
Somi eats the noddles and broth, face lighting up as she tastes it. Kiryoung feels her heart swell a bit as Somi looks pleased with her ramen. Somi swallows her first bite.
“I think I just fell in love with you,” she says.
Kiryoung giggles shyly again and waves her off, “It’s not a big deal.”
“No, it’s seriously so good,” Somi says, already getting another bite of noodles ready, “And food is the quickest way to my heart.”
Kiryoung smiles happily at her pot of ramen, breaking apart her own chopsticks to begin eating as well. They talk casually with one another, eating and learning about one another. Every so often, Kiryoung watches Somi’s face as she eats, always equally delighted to see Somi so pleased with her cooking.
“Yeah, all my members bully me,” Kiryoung says as she concludes her explanation of her relationship with her members.
“That’s so mean,” Somi says, “You’re like the sweetest person ever.”
“You just met me today.”
“My statement still stands; I am a wonderful judge of character.”
“And my character is sweet?”
“And gullible, a great cook, blunt, a little socially awkward.”
“But you’re also caring and inquisitive. You’re curious about the world.”
Kiryoung smiles a little at Somi’s observations.
“You’re also super cute.”
Kiryoung blinks at Somi. Somi looks back at her.
Kiryoung shoves some noodles into her mouth to avoid any further awkward eye contact.
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Survey #462
i am way too tired to mentally flip through lyrics to put here, rip
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) I have zero idea. When did you last travel alone? Where were you going? The last time I visited Sara in Illinois. Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? Yes. What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? I think I got purple highlights? What was the first social media site you ever used? MySpace. Do you have any exes you really regret dating? One. Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home? Sara's house is lovely. Have you ever been catcalled? No. Are you allergic to any dogs? I might be. Have you ever touched a plant and had hives shoot up your arm? No. Do you think dragonflies are cool? Absolutely! What’s your favorite thing to draw? Meerkats!! Did you toss your hat in the air at graduation? Not high. I wanted to keep it. Do you like fudge? I CAN FUCKING DESTROY SOME FUDGE. Are you an affectionate person? Very. Name something you have to do today: Girt and I are hangin', making fun of bad Netflix anime and going to Buffalo Wild Wings. :^) Would you ever write to a death row inmate? No. People don't get on death row for no reason. I ain't got shit to say to them. Do you reckon online friendships are real? No fucking shit. Most of my most genuine friendships began online. Do you like Slipknot? Yep. Can we talk about how fuckin BADASS Corey's new mask is btw?????????? What do you think of Gorillaz? I like "Feel Good Inc." and one other song I can't remember the name of. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? BOTH!!!!! :') What is the cutest Halloween costume for a baby to wear? GUYS I recently saw a picture of a little baby dressed up as a Little Oogie Boogie and it made my ovaries cry. Which of your friends is the tallest? Which of them is the shortest? Jesus, Girt is a giant. I don't know about my shortest... If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you choose? Pastel pink. :') What has been the best night of your life so far? Why? Probably something sexual so let's keep it on the down low lmfaooo Would you ever even think about taking part in a wet t-shirt contest? Uh, no. Even if I WAS confident in my body. Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby? No. It was dirty blonde. Have you ever been in trouble for being too loud? Ha, yeah, at school with friends. Not big trouble or anything, we were just hushed. Did you ever attend a wedding that was a complete disaster? No. What is something that you were surprised you were able to do? Hm. What is the most bullshit-sounding true fact that you know? Male cats have spiked penises lkasdjfal;kje;kjwr it's something to do with preventing other tomcats from mating with her. What Oreo flavor is your favorite? Gimme that Double Stuffed, friend. Sour gummy worms or plain gummy worms? SOUR. Ever been in a talent show? How many times? What did you do? Nope. Ever try out for the talent show and not make it? Did you cry? Nope. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? Y'all when I was a very little kid, during my older sister's b-day party, I sobbed because I couldn't pin the tail properly on the donkey lmaoooo How do you feel about the use of nuclear weapons? Absolutely fucking barbaric. What song has the most meaning to you? "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne. What is your favourite dinosaur? Spinosaurus!!!! :') Have you ever made bread? No. Has anything ever fallen asleep on you? Pets, a baby I was watching after, and Jason. Ever been dominated in a game you were/are really good at? yep alskdjfla;jwej Have you ever decided to set fire to something out of anger? No. Would you rather be a house pet or a wild animal? Wild animal, I guess? Have you ever listened to a group of chanting monks? I haven't. If you had to get a portrait tattoo, who would it be of? Probably of Teddy. I've still yet to decide on the total design of his tribute tat I'm getting. Do you like the smell of men’s colognes better than woman’s perfumes? I think so, yeah. How mad would you be if someone copied your original work (story, poem)? I'd be pretty fuckin pissed. Have you ever blown something up in science class? Ha, no. Have you ever gotten a serious wound from shaving? Not serious, no. Have you invented anything, only to find out it actually exists? I feel like I have? Ever realize you never truly LOVED your first love? Absolutely not. I loved him. Would you want a Bachelor/Bachelorette party before you get married? Sure, sounds fun. Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else? As of very recently, I returned to using pads. I used tampons for most of my maturity, but I got annoyed with them for TMI reasons and resorted back to pads, even though I don't like them either. Have you ever dated a model? No. What is your ultimate goal in life? To die happy with my life and what I (hopefully) accomplished. What colour are the socks you’re wearing today? I’m not wearing any. Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? Girt. It was something regarding how I once considered doing the suicide mission at BWW where you eat a select number of their hottest wings, but I didn't wanna die via chicken. :^) Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? I'm average in height. I wouldn't change it, nah. Especially now that Girt and I are together the ridiculous height difference is hilarious but also cute lmao. Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? Like, while I was there? No. Have you ever had casual sex? Nahhhh. What’s your favourite flavour of frosting? Chocolate. @_@ When you think of your childhood, are the memories mostly happy or sad? Mostly happy, I guess. What is it like being you? Is it enjoyable? It's very boring with few sources of joy. What are your thoughts on the cause of homosexuality? I would *assume* it's a genetic mutation. Reason being, having a romantic partnership without the ability to reproduce defies the motives of science. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, wrong with said (and hypothetical) genetic mutation, though. Mutations are just another part of science. They occur naturally. What subjects did you find most interesting in school? Least? Most interesting: literature/English (especially reading like, old mythology and epics and stuff like that), LOTS of branches of science (but primarily genetics), art, and I looooved my four semesters of German. Least: ANY and ALL math, history, economics, social studies... that kind of stuff. Which do you enjoy more–hot or cold beverages? Cold, for sure. What were some of your favorite bands from childhood? Green Day was one. Would you be more afraid of drowning or being buried alive? Buried alive, for sure. It would be much, much slower. Should you really be doing something more productive right now? Well, I SHOULD be sleeping. Today's going to be a long day, because when Girt comes over, he has a tendency to not leave until like fuckin midnight or later alksdjfl;waje Have you ever lived out of your car? No. Does your family own more than two houses? HUNNY we r poor. A relative just committed a very serious crime, do you turn them in? It depends on the exact crime, but odds are, yes. If you're endangering others, byyyyeeee. You’re in the woods, alone, at night…are you honestly not afraid? Bitch I'm terrified. I have zero survival skills. You are on life support, what would you want a loved one to do about it? For the love of god, please kill me. Your child has only a while to live, do you still enroll them in school? That would be up to them. Also, define "a while." How would you feel if you met your idol and they ended up being rude? WELP I have a tattoo in his honor so that would suck ass lmao According to the tale, was Eve wrong for eating and sharing the apple? "God was wrong for even setting up an apple tree and making up rules in the first place." <<<< There ya go. And the punishment was fucking ludicrously extreme. Are you working on any goals? Yes. I'm currently going to the gym regularly to try and better my physical health and then find a job. I know that being connected sounds odd, but trust me: I can barely carry out very simple tasks just because I have absolutely ZERO stamina to do almost anything. I need energy and endurance. I'm also working towards developing some self-love. Which parent named you? I wanna say my mom. Are you currently frustrated with someone? I mean, myself. Aforementioned self-love is hard. I'm just annoyed my head is so reluctant to accept that I'm not a piece of shit for a million reasons. Why have most of your past relationships ended? They all ended for different reasons, really. Are you having any online conversations, currently? I'm not. What’s on your mind? I'm just tired and going back to bed real soon. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? No.
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deathduty · 3 years
Fae Just Wanna Have Fun || Deirdre & Solomon
TIMING: “current” LOCATION: The Outskirts PARTIES: @shroomsbysolomon & @deathduty SUMMARY: Deirdre and Solomon meet. Sundew is horny.
The fae community of White Crest was interesting. Deirdre was familiar with the antics of the insular fae of Ireland, but Ireland did not have banshees that thought they were human, or fae raised to kill other fae, or whatever Sundew the pixie was. “Sundew,” she sighed, “please stop that, you’re going to run into something.” But Sundew, filled with seemingly limitless energy, would not listen. She fluttered around with envious speed, squealing in delight as she zipped around the forest. She darted around trees, leaving Deirdre where she sat for stretches of time before she could come howling back and then out again. “Don’t you want to do something fun?” She implored the pixie, “go to a party? I hear there’s several.” Sundew zipped back only to shake her head and return to her flying. “You’re going to hit something.” And hit something she did. Or rather, someone. For a moment, panic fluttered in Deirdre’s body, no normal human ever came to these parts. But just as quickly as she panicked, a chill shot down her spine and she was soothed by its familiarity. This person was fae, and she had nothing to fear. And, perhaps, some more fun to be had than watching Sundew. “Hello there,” she drawled, dipping into the riches of her Irish accent, “what’s a fae like you doing out here?” If there was a tree near her to lean on, she just might’ve. 
Whatever time was not spent at the garden working or napping on a bed of moss was spent walking, always walking, with no real destination. Solomon was fond of his forest, which was to say that he’d found it suitable enough to settle in some five hundred years ago, though he’d only come down from the mountains recently. So this area, this town and all its oddities, were quite new to him. He would never be bored of exploring, and sometimes his patience would pay off with an interesting encounter. Hearing voices in the distance, the Leshy hid his true appearance before approaching, uncertain what might lay ahead. Listening curiously, he heard something about parties, and a word of warning—and then something terribly small was colliding with him, causing him to falter in his forward march and look down, brows raised. His dark gaze flitted from the little pixie to the one who was speaking, a look of mild shock crossing his features before mellowing back out into his typical calm. “Oh… nothing, really,” he said truthfully, glancing upward to the treetops. “Yourself?” His attention slipped back over to the pixie, watching her dart in and out of the underbrush with a soft, amused smile. 
Most fae, when met with a new friend of their own kind, had more to say than three measly words. Deirdre thought it was curious, and then rude, and then boring. She cocked her head to the side and eyes the man, waiting for him to say more. A hello maybe. A so happy to meet another fae, how are you hopefully. She got neither. But Deirdre, ever charming, would not be deterred. Sundew was poor company, and she wanted better. “I’m Deirdre!” She offered, hand thrust between them. “Banshee. That’s Sundew; pixie. She’s not on mushrooms or anything, she’s just like that, actually.” As if to prove her point, Sundew zipped over head. Then paused, and zipped right back up to the new stranger. 
“Oh, you’re cute,” Sundew whistled, “how’s about you and I have a little fun?” She winked, which was always a terrible sight on a pixie. Deirdre swatted her away. 
“Ignore her,” she hissed, “you and I can have some fun instead.” Deirdre paused, “no, not like that. I mean regular fun.” 
No one ever said Solomon was particularly interesting. Being alive for so long, there wasn’t much that surprised him at this point, and so his reactions to things had become increasingly subdued over the decades. And frankly, his social skills were extremely lacking in the first place, so it never occurred to him that he might come across as aloof, or disinterested. He was interested. Lifting a brow, Solomon glanced down to the hand that’d been offered, taking it slowly and giving it a firm shake, like he’d seen others do. “Solomon,” he copied her introductory format, his gaze flitting from Deirdre to Sundew. “I’m… uh. Well, me.” He didn’t rightly know what he was, only what he’d been compelled to do ever since he was old enough to think for himself. Giving Deirdre an apologetic shrug, his attention shifted back to Sundew, and a smirk graced his features. He didn’t have time to respond to the remark before the banshee was shooing the pixie away, his head cocked slightly to the side in confusion. That expression only settled further on his face when Deirdre piped up, then corrected herself. “Not like what?” he asked, entirely clueless. “I like fun.”
Why was it that getting to know certain fae around here was like pulling teeth? Deirdre kept her smile, thin and polite, but her mind screamed. Of course he was him, what kind of answer was that? She said she was a banshee, now it was his turn to confess. But, composed and cordial, she spoke as though she wasn’t talking to wet cardboard. “Okay, but what kind of fae are you? Spriggan? Nix? Don’t tell me you don’t know. I can’t deal with another one of those.” One Regan was more than enough. “Not like---” She swallowed. Do not yell at the new friend, do not yell at the new--- “Like sex,” she tried not to look too annoyance at his confusion. “Like hanky-panky. What do you want me to call it? I’m trying to tell you that I don’t want to fuck you.” Deirdre paused. “Not that--Not in an insulting way. You’re very attracti--I mean, it’s just. I’m just trying to--I have a girlfriend, I’m not interested in other--” The banshee reddened. “Look, I mean like a party or something. Good fun! Real fun!” Sundew groaned, trying to right herself. Deirdre swatted her again before she could speak. “You like fun; I like fun! We have so much in common.” Making friends was easier in Ireland.
The names she listed off were unfamiliar to Solomon—wait, no, he’d heard Spriggan before. He’d met a few of those, about fifty years ago, farther south. But they were different to him, so he was pretty sure that wasn’t it. No clue what a nix was, though. “Sorry to say, but I don’t know. Don’t have a name for it, anyway. Never met another one.” Watching the way her features stiffened and her jaw tightened, Solomon could tell she was irritated with him. Of course this is how it usually went, with the exception of a few people. No one seemed to want him around, which he felt was pretty justifiable. He didn’t quite grasp what made most of the folks he encountered tick, nor could he really be bothered to put forth the effort to learn. Raising a brow as she went on, Solomon was surprised to see her getting worked up like she was, and some small part of him found it rather amusing. “I see,” he said slowly, intrigued by how this conversation was unfolding, “It’s just as well, because I don’t want you to fuck me, either.” A small smirk tugged at his lips despite his discomfort surrounding the subject, which came mostly from a lack of understanding. He still wasn’t really sure what fucking was, exactly, but the way people talked about it, it sounded like something he’d be just fine never experiencing. “A party? Never been to a party. What’s that like? Do you know where they have them?” Clearly, the whole socializing scene was painfully alien to him, but his curiosity seemed to have been piqued.
Deirdre’s eye twitched. A scream raged silently in her head. She curled her hand into a fist and smiled a little wider, a little tighter. “You…” she breathed, “...don’t know?” The twitch transferred from her eye to the corner of her mouth. “There’s a name for it. There’s always a name for it.” And she’d just about had it with the fae in this town. How did he not know? How could he not know? 
“Yeah the name for it is sexy,” Sundew purred. Deirdre reached out and snatched the pixie out of the air, tight in her grip. 
“This is a pixie.” She waved her around, “I’m a banshee. There’s always a name for it! There’s hundreds of types of fae! How have you not met another one like you? How—“ She took a big breath in and tried to calm herself. Do not yell at the new friend. Do not yell at the new friend. “W-what do you mean you’ve never been to a party?” She blinked. “How old are you? How have you never been to a party?” He didn’t know what he was, he hadn’t partied before...it was like Deirdre’s luck was cursed. Of all the fae to run into here, it was the horny pixie and the robotic...whatever he was. “They have parties all over. The fae, like us, almost always have them in the forests. Can’t miss them.” Like at all. Even the most clueless fae eventually stumbled into a fairy ring and danced at some point. “I guess I’m taking you to a party then, any objections?”
Solomon’s eyes narrowed at his new acquaintance the longer she went on, eyes fixing on the pixie as she was gripped tightly in Dierdre’s fist and shaken about. “I’ve spent all my life alone, up in the mountains,” Solomon explained, reaching out to remove Sundew from the banshee’s grip. “You should be kinder to her,” he muttered gently, keeping his own palm open and flat for her to perch on, if she liked. “Old,” was all he responded with in regards to her second question, and addressing the third, Solomon lifted a brow at her. “Fairy rings? Oh, sure, I’ve seen those. Mostly tried to keep my distance, except one time… went bad. Killed a lot of humans. Try to just avoid them, these days.” At her announcement that she’d be taking him to a party, he seemed to brighten. “None from me!” Truth be told, he had felt disconnected from the rest of the fae community, no matter where he traveled… it was mostly because of his own solitary nature, and he’d never been particularly bothered by it, but the idea of meeting a bunch of them all at once had his thirst for adventure sparking to life.
“Oh, she’s fine. I’ve seen her fly right into trees before.” Deirdre waved Solomon’s concerns about the pixie aside. “I mean she’s—“ Deirdre paused, absorbing his words. All his life. On the mountains. “Oh,” she blinked, “you’re one of those fae.” The reclusive kind, always more common than they thought. Fae should have the freedom to live anyway they pleased, but she didn’t understand it much. She thought she might just go insane without another fae nearby, another person like her. The humans could be so droll. “Most fae would call killing a lot of humans a successful day at the fairy ring,” she laughed and waved her hand in the air again, “it’s fine. Who hasn’t gotten high and went on a murder spree? I have. Sundew has. It’s like a rite of passage in itself.” The pixie, though disoriented, nodded. What Deirdre hadn’t been expecting, though she adored the surprise, was Solomon’s enthusiasm at the prospect of a party. She grinned and circled around him, clasping her hand on his back and urging him forward. “Perfect!” She beamed. “A party it is! You and I, Solomon, we’re going to be good friends. I can feel it.” 
“What do you mean, one of those fae?” Solomon repeated her words, looking puzzled. Was there something wrong with him? He’d be the last one to know, surely, if the rest of his life was anything to go by. And just like that, one little spot of self doubt was spreading into a broader stain, one that made him wonder if he’d had it wrong all this time. Deirdre’s confidence was throwing him, and he was inclined to believe everything she said. Naïveté was at the root of it all, and having such limited exposure to people who didn’t treat him like something to be feared. “It is? I never felt great about it… never felt great about a lot of the people I killed, but… they had it coming, I suppose.” He hadn’t done so in a while, now—ten years, give or take. It had been a peaceful little second of his lifespan, and he was hoping that it might continue, but that was looking more and more dodgy by the day. Particularly if he kept company such as this… but his conscience was quiet and his delight in getting along with someone effortlessly won out. A grin spread over his features, gaze darting to follow Deirdre as she moved until she was out of sight. He was easily moved by her hand, stepping along with a newfound sense of purpose. Friends! He didn’t have many of those—maybe only one, if he really got down to thinking about it. Another friend would be great! And a fae friend, at that! “How do we find one…?” He was full of questions, but there never seemed to be a hint of hesitation in his tone, to his credit.
“There are some fae that live like the ancient ones; secluded, reclusive, happy on their own.” Deirdre shrugged. The more she thought about living on her own like that, the more appealing it came to be. Yes, she didn’t understand it and yes she thought she might go insane—but that was the part of her that thought duty and mischief were paramount. The pieces of her that wanted an idyllic life, somewhere gentle with the woman she loved, thought it wouldn’t be so bad to leave the world behind. “Humans always have it coming; it’s in their nature. They take what isn’t theirs, claim land they don’t belong in, think they matter to this world more than any rabbit or bird.” She shrugged again, “what’s a little murder, anyway?” She gestured for Solomon to follow her as she started walking. “Sundew knows—pixies always know where parties are.” Sundew, upon hearing her name, aping to life and whistled past them, carving a path for them to follow. “Why’d you come down from the mountains?” She asked him suddenly. “It seems like it’d be nice there...all alone, without a soul to bother you….or did you get lonely?” 
“Oh.” That sounded an awful lot like him. “What… what do you consider ancient? I was alone and happier for it for the better part of a thousand years,” Solomon shrugged, drawing up an eyebrow at her. The longer she spoke, the more he found that he agreed with her, and that little nugget of distaste and distrust of the humans was growing a size larger. “They are a bit like a plague…” he sighed, mostly to himself. Watching curiously as Sundew took off, the leshy could only grin and shake his head. “Hm?” he muttered, falling back to the present at Deirdre’s question. “Oh, it was nice,” he said with a nod, a wistful look coming over him. “Lonely…?” He’d never thought about that, he supposed. The forest never felt lonely when it was so full of wildlife. “I’m not… sure. Perhaps. It had been several hundred years since I last tried to…” His voice trailed, words faltering. What was he doing, after all? What was the point of him trying to understand humans better? “Suppose I might have gotten a bit bored, is all.” It was the best explanation he could come up with without getting into things he didn’t wish to discuss. “What about you? Why do you… stay?”
Deirdre nodded solemnly. There were only a few fae that lived that long, and Deirdre knew what they were called. Solomon, for a reason that was becoming increasingly clear, did not. She wondered if she ought to tell him, or if one revelation at a time was enough. She decided on sparing him. Another time. “Yeah, I’d say a thousand years is pretty ancient. I’ll live for five hundred—more, Fates willing—but I’m only in my thirties now, I can’t fathom a time that long just yet.” A fact that filled her mouth with a bitter taste, but Solomon had something of a calming nature. And with it, she trusted him. Oddly, perhaps foolishly, she trusted him. She nodded as he continued, picturing him up on the mountains, making his slow descent after years of watching in stillness. Must have been nice, to be so detached from the world. “Bored?” As she questioned him, they rounded a tree, coming face to face with a vibrant party of fae of all sizes. Music magically swelled as they stepped into the clearing, greeting pixies, leprechauns, gnomes and nymphs. The fae looked to them with bright smiles, loud hellos, even louder decrees to come join in their dancing. “Well,” Deirdre turned to Solomon, “you won’t be bored anymore, I can almost promise it.” And as for why she stayed, her smile grew fond, sentimental. “I stay for this.” 
The fae reached for Solomon, eager to know him. He was fae, and he would be loved.
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simscognito · 4 years
As I am getting famous for these, I would like them all (the get to know my character asks) for Henry, please and thank you :)
@izayoichan thank you so much for the ask. I have put the answers under the cut. 
01.  What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
In all honesty, I named Henry after Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey. It’s my favourite Jane Austen novel. 💖
02.  What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
Well, I asked Henry and he responded with “life.”
Henry was diagnosed with autism in his early 20s which means that he’s had to work through a lot of old feelings of not being brave enough or “normal”.
Basically his biggest insecurity is not living up to others expectations.
03.  What would be their favourite physical trait about themselves?
Henry knows he has pretty eyes. 👀
04.  What are their favourite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
Everything! He loves Alex’s charisma, wit, intelligence, arrogance, cockiness, insecurities, bravery – he loves the whole package!
As for physical, again, everything! He loves his large thin mouth, smirk, menacing eyes, his dangly frame, small bottom – warts, all, everything!
05.  Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?
He’s only been sexual with Alex and with him… well, they both boost the other’s confidence.
06.  Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
1.     Henry and his companionship with his dog, Whisper. Alex can’t stand the smelly creature. Why can’t dogs be more like cats?
2.     Henry’s singing! Alex says he’s “tone deaf” and he’s not as partial to Disney songs on repeat.
Also Alex isn’t quite as passionate about Harry Potter as Henry is so after the fourth hour of Henry’s monologue about mandrakes and their use in medicine, he’s ready to stick his own head in mandrake pot.
07.  Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
Uhm - there was even a shirt sold in support of Henry and his favourite word.
08.  What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?
His awkwardness in interactions and he doesn’t always pick up on inferences so he can miss what people are trying to tell him unless they tell him directly. Although he is aware that he has problems in these areas, he is unaware of how or when he’s missing the social cues.
09.  Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?
Henry loves autumn. His favourite holiday is Christmas because of presents and chocolate.
10.  Is your character more feminine or masculine?
11.  What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Lying. Henry hates it when people lie.
12.  Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?
Henry keeps a journal of poems he writes and he only shares them with Alex who thinks the poems are beautiful and that Henry’s very talented.
13.  What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
Henry’s a light sleeper. He’s also a blanket stealer and likes to wrap himself up like a raccoon. He also wriggles, but so does Alex.
14.  Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
Henry lives with his husband and three daughters, Gema, Marie and Genevieve. He’s very happy.
15.  Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
The Grim Reaper. The very mention makes him shudder.
16.  Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
If it were up to Henry, he would definitely be a couch potato, but Alex keeps him going to the gym. In high school Henry was a member of the basketball team and he still practices shots in the palace indoor court.
17.  Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?
Oh he dreamt alright. He had a teenage fantasy of marrying Alex and having his children (biologically). The funny thing is, it happened.
18.  What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
They have their dream Lakehouse thanks to @forgotten-pixels. <3 It’s situated in Brindleton Bay.
19.  Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?
Although Henry is a good street fighter, he hates getting into fights.
20.  Does your character like animals? What are some of their favourite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Henry loves animals, particularly dogs. Mythical creatures? Unicorns. In fact in Henry’s head there’s no such thing as myth because everything magical is real. Ask his mum who’s a Disney character!
21.  What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
Henry’s very afraid of being responsible for the future. He struggles with unhelpful thoughts that involve various predictions that he fears might come true if he thinks about them too much. Thankfully he’s getting therapy for his OCD.
22.  What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
Henry sometimes wears gold earrings, but his most noticeable feature are his big beautiful eyes that are a staple in his family.
23.  What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved?
His favourite subjects are biology and Japanese.
Maths, he has a love-hate relationship with. He was crap at the subject in school, but came into his own at university.
Drama would be his least favourite for he has stage fright and selective mutism.
24.  In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
“He makes me feel normal.”
25.  Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day?
Do you want a list?
26.  What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?
Henry: Really good.
Henry: Yeah.
27.  If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
He accidently comes face-to-face with a cop and… well that’s it really.
28.  If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
Being the Duke of Windenburg
29.  What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one?
Married him.
30.  When it comes to the arts (music, film, theatre, etc), what does your character like?
Nothing. In fact Henry’s response is “help!”
31.  Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?
He’s capable of letting Alex do the killing.
32.  If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?
Go to Disneyland!
33.  If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
His bedroom or if it were school, the library.
34.  Does your character have favourite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
Chicken burger!
35.  Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
Yes. Very afraid of Death. Doesn’t like him.
If he could choose, he would like to die peacefully in his sleep next to Alex.
36.  Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
Henry has autism, OCD, Social Anxiety and GAD. His anxiety disorders are pretty severe but he’s managing them.
His conditions affect every aspect of his life, but he has learnt to cope and is able to live a reasonably happy life with his husband. Alex has been a massive help in building Henry’s confidence and showing him that there are people who appreciate and understand him.
37.  What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them?
Henry really doesn’t like “weird” food. Basically anything that looks too healthy or gourmet. In other words, Alex can’t get too adventurous with him.
38.  What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc?
Henry likes days that are slightly overcast. Means he can wear his hoodie comfortably, but doesn’t want to deal with the rain.
39.  When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?
When people first meet Henry, they tend to make the following assumptions:
Henry is slow
This is because he doesn’t react as fast as the majority. He isn’t slow, however. He’s likely processing or struggling to speak because of his selective mutism or social anxiety.
Henry is rude
This might be because Henry doesn’t always respond when someone greets him. This can be because he hasn’t heard them or is still processing the greeting.
Henry is pathetic
Henry’s resting face looks like a “wet weekend” which can make him look pathetic and miserable. However Alex thinks he’s perfect and that’s all that matters to Henry.
Henry is a wimp
Henry struggles with sensory processing which means that certain textures and sounds triggers meltdowns and shutdowns. To an average stranger or acquaintance, this might appear like Henry’s being “precious” and “cowardly” when in fact he’s in a lot of pain.
Henry is selfish
When a stranger sparks up a conversation with Henry, he may not respond and if he does he will likely reply with “yeah” “no” or “uhm”.
This may create the assumption that he doesn’t care that the other is making an effort in the conversation while he isn’t.
In reality, he’s actually uncomfortable because the person is new and he can’t think of what to say.
Also sometimes Henry is more comfortable listening than talking and it may take a while for someone to get used to that when they’re expecting a “give” and “take” conversation.
Alex on the other hand loves talking so he doesn’t mind.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Henry keeps a journal that he doesn’t want anyone to know about.
40.  Does your character’s family affect your character in any way?
Oh yes. Henry was born into a family of assassins. In many ways, his decision to marry the king of Simsland was his escape from that life.
41.  Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
Henry has many regrets, but his biggest regret is dropping his Pooh Bear teddy in the river when he was three.
42.  Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
When around people he doesn’t know very well, Henry can appear shy and unresponsive. He can appear the same way if there are more than five people in the room. However, around his closest friends and family, Henry can be very animated especially if allowed to discuss his favourite topics.
43.  Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
Alex dying. That would be Henry’s worst nightmare. That and waking up to discover he’s lactose intolerant.
44.  Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?
Henry finds it difficult to express and understand his emotions.
45.  What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
Henry loves to give Alex the Hug of Death which means he holds Alex as close and as tightly as he can. It’s all or nothing with Henry. XD
46.  Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?
He’s the quiet one that gets dragged along. But he’s stubborn. Very stubborn. If Henry really doesn’t want to do something, he won’t do it.
47.  Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
The only time he’s ever really been jealous was when Alex was dating Rashida.
48.  What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
There is one recurring nightmare that Henry has of finding himself on the school stage about to deliver a monologue he hasn’t prepared. He wakes up in hot sweats.
49.  If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
“Uhm, This is my favourite edition of Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. It’s yours now.”
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witharsenicsauce · 4 years
(XCOM) Chosen Stories From the War #2: We’re Not Using the “Zed” Word
For a month, Kon-Mai stayed secluded in the XCOM medical bay, spending most of that month sleeping, in deep meditation, or staring at the ceiling while her thoughts tangled in her mind. Her wounds, despite Malinalli’s assurances, were deep and painful, and often seemed just on the cusp of infection. Her IV contained one dose of antibiotics after another and, when the pain got too bad, the occasional shot of morphine so she could relax enough to sleep.
Seclusion leads to depression. Kon-Mai had never been very social with her brothers before, but being surrounded by the unfamiliar faces of people who kept you at arm's length, it was beginning to wear on her. Tygan was one of the only people who didn’t seem to fear her, but his social skills were lacking to say the least, and thus she didn’t trouble him for conversation.
Her only respite was Malinalli. While often swamped with tending to other injured soldiers, when her nurse could get a moment she would come change her bandages or refill the IV, and then take a bit of extra time away just to talk. She was much more talkative than Kon-Mai would ever be, but even listening to the human girl ramble was a nice reprieve from the solitude.
“I think you need a break.” The girl said to her one morning while changing Kon-Mai’s bandages.
“I have been resting diligently for weeks on end.” Kon-Mai replied. “I am already in the middle of ‘a break’ as you say.”
“I think you need a break from resting.” Malinalli pouted. “You don’t talk to anyone besides me.”
“They do not wish for my companionship.” Kon-Mai tried to sound dismissive. “I am used to being solitary.”
“Is that why you look so sad all the time?”
“I do not look sad, this is just the structure of my face.” Her borther had often commented on her “resting bitch face” and while she hated when he did...she ad to agree. She was no pretty sight.
“Mhm.” Malinalli pulled the new bandages tight and tucked them in. “You’ve gotten most of your strength back, haven't you? If nothing else, your wound looks much better. I don’t even think there’s a risk of dehiscence anymore.”
Kon-Mai was silent. While she’d been out of bed occasionally since the last time, it was only with help from Malinalli and while leaning heavily on a walker, and that was only because her medic insisted that she use her muscles so they didn’t atrophy. There was no other reason: she had no need for food of any kind and, thus, no need for the restroom facilities the other soldiers used. She also had not showered or bathed herself since she arrived, but that was less due to her own genetics and more out of...apathy.
“A bunch of my colleagues usually like to meet in the bar to hang out.” Malinalli kept talking. “I want you to come.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to decline.”
“I told them you were coming though.”
“What?” Kon-Mai bared her sharp teeth and growled. Malinalli flinched, but only for a split second. She stood her ground firmly.
“I can’t pick you up and force you to go.” She said, “I mean literally. You’re a lot heavier than me. But, I want you to.”
“I can assure you, your colleagues DO NOT want me to join them.”
“I think you’d be shocked.” Malinalli said. “They’re really excited to put a face to the name. Everyone’s been talking about you.”
“They fear me.”
“Yeah but…” Malinalli shifted on her feet. “How do I put this...you have a bit of a growing...fan club.”
Kon-Mai growled. “Wonderful. As if the pathetic civilian stalkers were not enough, the very enemy wishes for my attention. Would they like me to autograph their plastic swords?” She said in a high, mocking tone.
“They admire you.” Malinalli insisted. “Facing you in battle made a lot of us realize we’re woefully unprepared in melee combat. Goldilocks has been trying to make a training regimen based on your work but without you it’s all guesswork, and I know she’d love to learn from the best-”
“Cease!” Kon-Mai held up her hand. “You prattle like a Sectoid! Who is this ‘Goldilocks’?”
Malinalli seemed to smile knowingly. “I could tell you, but it would be much easier to just...show you.”
Kon-Mai bared her teeth, but it was half-hearted. “...I will need garments.”
“You can borrow mine…wait…”
Kon-Mai raised a brow.
“I guess you can’t. Um...gimme one second!”
Kon-Mai stared at herself in the mirror of the tiny bathroom. She towered over the sink and had to look down in order to see her reflection, but even at that angle she noticed how ragged she looked. The battle had taken more from her than she’d thought it had. Aside from her main, self-inflicted injury, she was dotted with tiny bullet wounds that had bruised as they healed, leaving her peppered with indigo dots.
She reached up behind her head and ran her hand through her...her hair. Her long, white hair. She had not worn it down since...she couldn’t remember when. She remembered being issued her clasps, the tubs with which her hair had hidden behind. She remembered the circlet fitting around her skull, the priests clasping it in place and then drilling-
She ran her fingers along the slight scars along the sides and top of her head: they looked uneven. She supposed the doctors must have removed her circlet? If they’d removed her chip, they must have had to. Now, her white hair breathed again: her eldest brother’s hair was soft and radiant, almost glowing. Hers, in perfect contrast, was knotted, kinky and so very oily from years being neglected, only taken from the tube every few months to be cut down and scrubbed raw. She shook her head, the while curls bouncing around her shoulders, and ran her fingers through it. It only grew from the back of her head and down her neckline to the nape. There already wasn’t much of it, and the way it stuck together made her look as bald as The Hunter. No wonder he wore a hood, it was not a good look on either of them.
Following her scarred hairline, she reached back and felt along the thick scar where her chip used to be. She no longer heard the Elders’ voices, and they could not read her thoughts. To them, she must have been presumed dead. She had expected the emptiness in her mind to be stifling, but for perhaps the first time in her life, she had been sleeping peacefully at night.
Kon-Mai reached into the shower and turned it on. She was the Assassin, and if she was going to present herself to the enemy, it was on her to make sure she looked presentable.
She pulled off her gown and stared at herself, at her scar, running jagged along her belly. Her dagger had cut so deep; so many torn muscles and arteries, so many split tendons, she had nearly felt her soul leave her body when she drove the blade into her ribs. The fact that the Commander not only saved her life, had brought her back to near perfect health…
She was supposed to die there.
That woman was hiding something.
Kon-Mai stepped under the hot water, shivering at the sensation. She didn’t remember this kind of warmth. Her baths had always been cold, and she herself was always...cold.
She hugged herself and just stood there for a moment, feeling the water run over her body.
Then she reached for the shampoo. If she went to all this trouble to take her hair down, she might as well wash it.
She put her hair into a single braid when she stepped out, not wanting to encase it while it was wet. With that, Kon-Mai dried herself off and reached for the clothes Malinalli had brought her.
They were small, of course. That was to be expected, no one here was even close to her size. The pants she was given were more like shorts, stopping just below her knees and hugging her body where Kon-Mai was pretty sure they were supposed to hang loose. The shirt was a flowy dress that on a human would come down to the knees. On her, it almost reached her waist and hugged her lady-lumps a bit more than she would have preferred. It had no sleeves, leaving her arms exposed. She looked over the glowing veins and…
Shook her head.
There were no shoes that fit her, of course, so she walked barefoot into the infirmary, the cold metal floor biting the soles of her feet. Malinalli was waiting for her, and beamed when she saw her. “You look so pretty! And your hair! I didn’t realize you…” She trailed off.
“I do indeed have hair.” The Assassin glowered. “I simply can’t leave it flying like my brother can.”
“No, no, I totally get it.” Despite her dark complexion, Kon-Mai could see Malinalli blushing. “I have to keep my hair back during work so I understand….”
Kon-Mai said nothing, barely meeting her gaze. “Let us get on with it then.”
“Yeah.” Malinalli held out her hand but Kon-Mai shook her head.
“I can walk perfectly fine, if you lead the way.”
“Okay...the canteen is this way.” She opened the door and held it. “After you.”
Kon-Mai had to duck slightly under the doorframe. Perhaps it was a good thing she was barefoot, she could only imagine the trouble she’d have wearing something akin to heels.
Despite the insistence on her independence, every step Kon-Mai took sent a shot of pain up her legs and into her chest. She clenched her fists, biting her lip and willing herself to keep a steady pace with the small human woman. Thank goodness she was walking slowly.
The canteen was, thankfully, close by. They rounded a corner and the metal shifted to dark, polished wood. The bar was much darker, lit with mood lighting and candles, and Kon-Mai could feel her muscles relaxing in the calm environment.
Until she heard the yelling.
“I TOLD YOU!” A distinctly British voice cried. “WE ARE NOT USING THE ZED WORD!”
“Why not?” Resounded another woman’s voice, without the noticeable accent. If Kon-Mai had to guess, she’d say this one was American.
“Because it’s RUDE!”
“Rude to who, the zombies? They don’t fucking care!”
Kon-Mai heard Malinalli sigh audibly, and she looked over to the source of the nose, where two human women sat at a booth.
“It’s the principle of the matter!” The British one said.
“There is no ‘principle’ to this matter.” The other one began counting on her fingers. “They walk like zombies, they’re half-rotten, they eat brains, they talk in weird growls, they are zombies, so I will call them zombies!”
“They still have human rights!”
“NO THEY DON’T! And neither do we, Princess! Have you forgotten the world ended?!”
Kon-Mai approached the table, and the shadow she cast over it made the two women stop and look up at her.
“Guys!” Malinalli called. “Meet Kon-Mai!”
“Oh!” The British woman, a girl in her youth with short purple hair, perked up. “Oh yes! We’ve been absolutely dying to meet you!” She jumped up, and Kon-Mai noticed that clasped in her hair was a little tiara. “Lady Demetria Min of the British Isles!”
“Don’t believe anything she says.” The other woman piped up. “You’re not an actual Lady, Princess.”
“Shut up.” Princess snapped.
The other woman looked significantly older, with wrinkles and scars carved in her dark ebony skin, but the bright red hair she sported gave her a youthful demeanor.
“Kon-Mai, this is Zuri Temitope.” Malinalli gestured to the woman.
“I prefer Tisiphone.” The woman smiled, looking the Chosen up and down. “I don’t know what I was expecting, but you...certainly live up to the hype.”
Kon-Mai nodded in thanks, but remained silent.
Tisiphone turned to Malinalli. “Hm. She’s quiet. I like her already.”
Princess pouted. “Well, come on! Sit with us, don’t just stand there!” Kon-Mai yelped as Princess pulled her into the seat beside her. 
“Maybe she can finish this debate for us.” Tisiphone said as she sat back down. “So. I say that the Lost should just be called ‘zombies’.”
“And I say that it’s rude to call them the zed word, and ‘The Lost’ is more politically correct!” Princess countered, her tone rising.
“I’m not fucking worried about hurting the zombies feelings, Princess.”
“It’s not about feelings, it’s about what’s right!”
“What do you mean what’s right? Our job is to mow them down like grass!” Tisiphone turned to Kon-Mai. “But what do you think? Your perspective is probably a lot different.”
“Yes. Tell her I’m right.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth, Princess.”
Kon-Mai blinked as the two women finally fell silent, staring at her expectantly.
“I believe it was one of your kind that said, ‘a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.’” Kon-Mai said slowly. “What you call them does not matter, or change what they are. As long as you can do what must be done and eliminate them.”
“Oh fuck off.” Tisiphone said. “That’s a non-answer. You gotta pick a side.”
“Guys, come on, she said her piece.” Malinalli cut in. “Don’t badger her.”
“Why do you object to their current title?” Kon-Mai asked Tisiphone.
“It sounds like some sci-fi fantasy bullshit. Zombies have been part of human mythologies for centuries and everyone knows the term. Calling them ‘The Lost’ is just needlessly complicated.”
“Of course it is!” Princess cut in. “Everything is complicated right now, Tisiphone! But we have it so much easier compared to them, the way they’re suffering. Even if I gotta put them down, I don’t wanna forget that they are human, just like us.”
There was a brief silence, in which Kon-Mai’s eyes drifted to the hallway and she, unfortunately, locked eyes with a familiar Skirmisher woman.
“Betos.” She hissed, and hid her face with her hand, but it was too late. The conversation died at the sound of combat boots clomping their way towards the group.
“The Commander instructed me to fetch you.” Betos’ gravelly voice sounded too close for her comfort.
Kon-Mai looked up briefly, again catching Betos’ narrowed, yellow eyes. 
“I did not expect to see you here.” she said as she stood, Princess helping her to her feet.
“My soldiers are here, and thus so am I.” Betos turned to Malinalli. “You are dismissed.”
Malinalli stammered. “I need to return the patient to-”
“When the Commander is done, she will page you.” Betos said firmly. “You are dismissed. Go back to your post.”
Malinalli looked warily to Kon-Mai, who gave her a nod.
“...Understood.” Malinalli mumbled as she left.
“It was nice meeting you!” Princess called after Kon-Mai. “Come back sometime, alright?!”
Kon-Mai did not answer her.
Betos’ pace was much faster than her human nurse’s, and despite her best efforts, Kon-Mai found herself falling behind. She dared not call out, but she saw Betos getting farther and farther away and knew if she didn’t, she’d get left behind on this damned ship.
Luckily for her, Betos stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face her, her yellow eyes glowing in the low light.
Kon-Mai bared her teeth. “This was your plan, then? Lead me away, so I would be helpless, and then strike me down?” She nodded. “A devious trick, but it has worked. If you wish to kill me, now is your time.”
“Believe me, if I wanted to, you would already be dead by now. Dead and rotting in your stronghold, where your poor brothers would find the broken body of their little sister, and they would know that your life was taken by your own hands...” Betos shook her head. “But no. No, it’s not enough. Killing you, it wouldn’t be enough.”
Kon-Mai’s goading smile fell, and she felt a chill run up her spine. “What?”
“If you died, that would be it. You might feel a moment of pain and in the end, you might even beg for repentance. But…” She smiled. “No. I began this journey not so different from you. Mox has killed more than you, lest we forget.” ”Do not remind me of that.” ”I will. You are not the monster you want yourself to be. And I want you to look upon that truth, and swallow it like medicine. I want you to renounce your precious Elders and become exactly what you swore to destroy, to live like us, to truly feel.”
“I did feel, once. You saw it yourself, Betos. And yet you did not seem to care so much then.” Kon-Mai blinked violently, hot tears in her eyes. “...Do not be so sure that anything will happen.”
“We’ll see.” Betos turned her back to her. “It’s why the Commander wants to meet with you.” She continued her pace, and Kon-Mai limped along, trying to catch up.
Thankfully, it was only a few more feet down the hallway that they stopped at a single metal door, upon which Betos knocked. “Commander, I have her.”
The door opened, and Kon-Mai froze.
The woman stood up, her long white hair flowing like it had its own wind current around it. She walked slowly around to the front of her desk and locked eyes with the Assassin, those green eyes glowing with warmth and light and calm. She radiated with ethereal beauty.
“Welcome, Kon-Mai Mordenna.” The woman said. “I am Commander Senuna of XCOM. I’ve been so looking forward to our meeting.”
(God I’ve been looking forward to this. I’ve decided I’m going to post a new chapter once a week on Saturdays, but I already have five or so written so waiting to post this has been torture.
Now that it’s out, I hope you all enjoy!
Also extra credit to the people who catch the “Shawn of the Dead” reference.)
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arc852 · 5 years
Unexpected Help
Summary: “Is that a...human?”
 Oh. Oh no.
Or, a giant finds a human injured near the giant side of town and takes him back to his own home to patch him up.
Warnings: fear, panic, injuries, blood, kind of kidnapping and ignoring someone.
 Roman knew it had been a bad idea to come to the giant side of town. Despite the opportunity the audition had presented, he half wishes he had never gone. Then he wouldn’t have found himself in this mess.
 Not only had he missed the last bus of the night and had no choice but to walk home but a couple of giants that hadn’t been paying attention had hit him. Causing bruising and a wound he had just recently gotten to open up again and start bleeding out.
 So here he was, walking in the dead of night in the giant town, bleeding and bruised.
 He was so close though. He didn’t have much farther to go until he reached the human side of town and then he could get home and patch himself up. Everything would be-
 “Is that a...human?” A sudden booming voice spoke, causing Roman to falter in his walk. He was tense as he knew the voice could only belong to a giant. Not that Roman had anything against giants, not really. But...they were big and pretty terrifying in a lot of human’s opinions. Besides, a lot of giants didn’t care much for humans either, which didn’t help any.
 “Excuse me?” This time Roman stopped, knowing the giant was trying to get his attention. Not wanting to appear rude (and anger the giant), Roman took a deep breath and turned to face the giant with a smile.
 “Yes? How can I help you?” Roman asked. He had to strain his neck to look up at the giant’s face, which appeared to have glasses placed upon it. The giant seemed to be looking at him with both concern and disbelief.
 “Are you...alright?” The giant asked and Roman looked down at himself subconsciously. He put on a smile.
 “Oh of course! Perfectly fine! I just came from an audition and haven’t had the time to clean myself up yet. But thank you for your concern.” He was thankful he was such a good actor or he surely would have given himself away by now. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be getting home to do just that!” Roman turned back around and started walking away once again.
 He had thought he had managed to fool the giant before something large crashed down in front of him. With a yelp, Roman stopped and fell back on his butt. He groaned in pain as the fall hurt his previous injuries. Looking back up, he realized there was now a giant hand in front of him. He shuddered.
 “I apologize but you are clearly lying. Your wounds seem severe and you look to be losing quite a bit of blood.” Roman looked down at his open wound, seeing the ever-flowing stream of blood pouring out on to his hand and the pavement.
 “I, uh…” Roman wasn’t sure what to say at this point. The giant hummed.
 “You need immediate medical attention...I am sorry about this in advanced.” Before Roman could process what the giant was saying, the hand in front of him moved towards him. Roman yelped and tried to stand to run but it was no use. All too quickly Roman found himself scooped up into the giant’s palm. He shook as he was brought in front of the giant’s face.
 “P-Please put me down, I do not need help.” Roman tried but the giant shook his head.
 “I’m sorry but I can’t just let you leave with a clear conscious. Do not worry though, I only wish to help not harm you further.” The giant spoke before starting on his path home. Roman groaned, what had he gotten himself into.
 “Here we are.” The giant said as he opened the door to his home. Roman looked around cautiously, the normal looking house looking strange at such a big scale. The giant set Roman down on the kitchen table before heading off into a different room without another word. Roman walked over to the edge but there was no way he was getting down, he was trapped up there.
 Roman backed away from the edge just as the giant returned with a first aid kit in hand. The giant took a seat at the table, placing the first aid kit on top and rummaging through it. “Alright, if you could come over here we can start patching you up.” The giant said, briefly looking at him. Roman didn’t move.
 The giant looked up again after a few moments. “You know I cannot help you if you don’t come over here.” The giant reiterated. Roman glared at him.
 “You’ve practically kidnapped me! Why should I do anything you say!” Roman huffed and crossed his arms, yelping in pain as he forgot about the wound on his arm. The giant sighed.
 “That is why you should listen to me.” The giant shook his head and reached a hand over towards Roman. Roman tried to back away but he was easily scooped up once again and quickly put down in front of Logan. “There, now please stay still.”
 Roman glared at the giant but what else could he do? He was helpless against him after all. He sighed. “At the very least, may I have your name?” The giant paused for a moment, blinking down at Roman.
 “Oh...yes, of course. My name is Logan.” Logan said and Roman nodded.
 “Roman.” Logan nodded before turning back to the kit. After a bit more rummaging he came up with some rubbing alcohol and a rag.
 “Alright, this might sting a little,” Logan said. Roman grit his teeth and turned his head as Logan’s hand came closer and the alcohol covered rag touched his would, he winced and just barely held back a yelp of pain. Slowly though, the pain did die down and the rag was soon taken away. Roman sighed in relief.
 “Now to wrap it up.” Roman watched as Logan snipped off some gauze that would actually fit him before moving back towards him. Roman took a step back but had no choice but to hold his ground as Logan gently took his arm and started to wrap it up.
 “...Why are you helping me?” Roman couldn’t help but ask. He watched as the fingers paused for a moment before continuing.
 “You needed help and I am not one to just leave someone. Especially someone in your state.” Logan finished tying the knot, taking his hands away. “There. That should do for now but I suggest going to the hospital soon to get it stitched up.” Roman looked from his new bandage to up at Logan.
 “Thanks...I mean, I could have done without the whole kidnapping thing but I guess you aren’t too bad.” Logan suddenly looked sheepish.
 “Yes, well...to be fair I probably could have handled that a bit better. But I am glad I could help.” Logan gave Roman a small hesitant smile and Roman returned it. “Erm...would you like me to help you to the human side of town?” Logan offered. Roman thought for a moment before nodding.
 “That would be great, thanks.” Logan nodded and reached out his hand. At Roman’s flinch, however, he bit his lip and changed tactics, holding his hand palm up in front of the human. Roman blinked at the hand before sending another smile up at Logan and getting onto the hand without too much hesitation.
 Logan headed towards the door and opened it before pausing. It was now pouring outside and both giant and human flinched at the sudden sound of thunder. Not a second later the dark sky lit up with a bolt of lightning. Logan hummed. “Well...that is not ideal.” He looked down at Roman. “I can still take you home but the journey may be...wet.”
 Roman looked from Logan to the outside weather before sighing. “I don’t really want to make you walk in that…” Roman admitted. Logan had been nice enough to patch him up (he was just going to ignore the kidnapping thing for now) and he didn’t feel like Logan deserved that.
 “I am more than happy to let you stay the night?” Logan offered and Roman blinked.
 “Really? I mean, I don’t want to intrude or anything.” Logan shook his head.
 “It’s not a problem at all, in fact, I insist. And then I can take you home first thing in the morning.” Roman thought for a minute. Honestly, it seemed like this was all happening so fast. But he had to admit, Logan seemed like a pretty decent guy. He was lacking in some social skills for sure but that just made him more...endearing.
 “Alright,” Roman said, never having thought he would ever agree to stay with a giant. But here he was. Logan smiled and closed the door.
 “Excellent.” Logan head back into the kitchen setting Roman down on the table once again. He looked around. “How do you feel about some dinner?” Roman grinned.
 “Only if we can watch a Disney movie while we eat,” Roman said. Logan raised an eyebrow but an amused smile was on his face.
 “I think I can agree to that.”
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monster-alien-chode · 6 years
“You know it’s Wednesday right?”
Pairing: Fem!Reader X Peter Parker and Daughter!Reader X Tony Stark
Summery:  When the reader is in a lot of bad relationships it takes Peter Parker catching her half naked in her room to realise why she would subject herself to these bad guys. Also day of the week underwear...
Warnings: A few curse words...also I misspelled underwear multiple times sooooo thats a thing... also it might suck but Oof who cares?
Being Tony Stark’s daughter made you genetically entitled to certain aspects of your personality, like your extreme intelligents along with your wits. You’re filled to the brim with comebacks and sarcastic remarks just as a birthright. But even with all the riches and fame that came with your name you still managed to be incredibly kind and humble. But somehow you had the absolute worst taste in boys (yes boys because they were certainly not men). Somewhere deep in your messed up brain you had convinced yourself that you didn’t deserve nice guys, but even deeper in your brain you knew that it was a way for your dad to notice you more. Yes of course he was proud of you and loved you like no other but he was a busy man, and of course you understood;I mean saving the planet on multiple occasions was time consuming. But, he would always be to deep in his work to take time for you, he missed a lot of special occasions in your life. Like your first day at midtown (he didn’t even say goodbye before you left or wish you good luck). You had always been homeschooled because Tony wanted to ensure you got the best possible education, but he knew you needed to be properly socialized and have friends that were your age and not super soldiers. He would make up for it with expensive gifts, but nothing beat spending time with the old man.
You had been going to midtown for at least a year now and you were part way through your sophmore year. You fit in very well with the other students, you easily fell in with the popular crowd with your charisma and beauty, and thankfully not for your last name you enrolled under a completely different last name, people just thought it was a coincidence that you looked like the famous (y/n) Stark. But even with rolling with the cool kids you were never rude like some of them were to other students. Like how Flash was rude to Peter Parker, you always stood up for Peter through Flash’s torments. You and Peter we’re good friends, you of course had figured out his secret identity from your father, but before that you were good friends from Academic Decathlon and you were really good study buddies. You weren't the type to be ashamed of friendships so you made it appoint to express your friendship with your particular crowd so they know not to pick on him when you’re around. With riding with the popular crowd, and having a bad taste in boys, you had a bountiful amount of boys to choose from.
Since arriving at midtown you’ve dated five guys,including your current boyfriend. First way, Brett the bad boy, he had a motorcycle that your father hated but he never expressed concern because he thought you were happy. Also, Chad the fuck boy who only cared about trying to sleep with you, you being the strong powerful woman you are ended that relationship quickly. Next was Charlie the heartbreaker, sure he seemed nice enough and you really liked him, you even both said you loved each other, but he cheated on you with multiple girls and left you heartbroken, he was the longest relationship you ever had. Peter being the sweetest guy ever came by and was your shoulder to cry on, which was the first time you had ever cried in front of someone ever. After Charlie you didn’t date for awhile at least until halfway through the summer before sophomore year. That’s when you met Ethan the extortionist, he seemed so sweet, but then again they all do, he only wanted to date you because you were a stark and knew the avengers. Now you were a very smart girl but as some might say you were quite stupid with love so you didn’t notice the blatentness of him trying to obtain what you had, but once you finally did you were quick to dump him. Rightnow you were dating Harry, he was extremely attractive but also very possessive and insecure, he did not like the fact that you had any guy friends at all but that never stopped you from continuing to talk to Peter.
Little did you know that Peter had a massive sized crush on you. He loved the way you talked about anything and everything, especially the things you were passionate about. He loved when you snorted a little when you laughed to hard, or how you were popular but never were ashamed of your friendship with him. Peter also loved when you guys were studying and you would get so frustrated with sitting for so long and force him to have a dance party with you. He loved how happy you’d get when you would ace a test or win a round in Academic Decathlon. Or the way your (y/e/c) eyes would shine with glee all the time. Peter loved everything about you, well except for one thing, your boyfriends. Peter hated them, they were all total douchebags and either only liked you for your money, that is if they knew you were a stark, or they only thought you were some pretty face that they thought they could sleep with or manipulate. But you were so much more than that because yes, you were pretty but you were so smart and funny too and a big geek. He was there during every start and end of the relationships, you cried on his very shoulder after you found out Charlie cheated on you. But Harry was one of the worst boyfriends ever, he was violent and possessive and very much didn’t like Peter. But he was glad that you never backed down to Harry and continued to be his friend.
At this point you and Harry had been dating for one month so nothing to serious has happened yet except kissing but that seemed like preschool stuff to you at this point. Harry and you were hanging in your room at the tower watching Parks and Rec one of your favorite shows, Harry didn't really get the jokes but you didn't care. You had invited peter over to study later but after you assumed Harry would be gone. Peter would be arriving in the next thirty minutes or so you turned to Harry.
“Hey…so I have a family thing in about thirty minutes so you might need to get going in a bit.” you said giving his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah sure babe, i’ll get going here in a second, i just need to go to the bathroom real quick.” Harry said kissing your cheek.
When Harry had to go to the bathroom ‘real quick’ it differently did not mean ‘real quick’ it would definitely take a while. So you took this opportunity to change into more comfortable clothes comparatively to your school clothes. You knew it wouldn't look like you had a family thing but Harry wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, so you didn’t really care. You began stripping from your clothes before you went to find your clothes to change into. You looked down to see that you were wearing mismatched underwear, not that you necessarily tried to match, it just these exact pairs were quite strange. First a bra from a long time ago, still cute thought, and secondly, days of the week lacy underwear that was for monday, which was definitely not the day today. You laughed at the haphazard dressing skills you had especially when it was around laundry day. You were fishing around for clothes when a knock came at the door.
“Who is it?” You asked absent minded.
“Peter!” Peter yelled back from the other side of the door.
“Come in!” You said without another thought, of your current state of nakedness.
“Sorry i’m early bu-AH!” Peter said coming in when he noticed you half naked in your room, he quickly cover his eyes and turned around being the gentleman he was but not before looking at your figure, he couldn’t help how his hormones took control. He took notice of how your underwear read “monday” when it was in fact a Wednesday.
“What is it Pete?” You said worried at his scream, before realizing that you were just standing around half naked.
Peter was still turned around and you walked up to him, still naked and started apologizing.
“Oh Peter i’m so sorry i totally forgot i was in the middle of changing and i just heard your name so i just let you in without even thinking, oh i’m just so sorry!” You said touching his shoulder.
“What is going on! What is that dip whad doing here babe! Also why the fuck are you half naked!” Harry started yelling
You turned to him and began explaining what was happening so fast, but about three seconds into your explanations he totally decked peter with a punch, and continued to punch him. You were utterly shocked by his actions, you quickly came to your senses and tried to get him off Peter, yelling at him to stop.
“Harry! Get off him!!” You screamed in desperation.
Harry finally stops and gets up from the ground.
“ (Y/N) I told you to stop hanging out with this, this nerd! I can’t believe you let him see you like that, your mine and no one else’s so you better stop seeing him if you want to be with me!” Harry yelled at you.
“I’m not your property Harry! You don’t get to dictate my life and tell me who i can and can’t be friend with Harry! Oh incase you haven’t noticed i’m a nerd too! I would never change myself, my interests, or my friends for anyone! So if you can’t except that then we’re over!” You yelled right back with even more fury than him.
“Actually,” you started again, “I think you and your toxic masculinity, insecurities, and possessiveness and leave my life! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” You yelled
Harry left out a huff and left the room and stormed out of the tour.
“Are you alright Peter, i’m so sorry, I’ll clean you up i’m so, so, so, so sorry!” You say as you move to get a first aid kit.
You began addressing his wounds and cleaning his face with a wet towel and alcohol, putting your dads favorite hello kitty band-aids on the cut on his cheek. Peter didn’t look at you while you did this, it wasn’t required of him to do this it was just odd behavior for him. Another piece of odd behavior was how he didn’t fight back, he was 100% stronger than Brett being spider-man and all, so he could have easily win the fight.
“Riddle me this Spider-man, you are incredible strong, i mean you stopped a bus with your bare hands, well i guess gloved in that instance, and yet you didn’t even try to hit Harry back? Why is that? Also why aren’t you looking at me?” You questioned Peter while you placed another band-aid on his face.
Peter blushed slightly at the mention of his alter ego, along with the fact that you just called him strong, “Well i’m not looking at you because you are still half naked (y/n),” you giggled at the first half of his response and quickly apologized before putting on a crewneck and shorts to later study in. “and I didn't want to throw a punch because I didn’t want you to think of me like the violent type.” Peter said now looking at you dressed.
“I’m sorry Harry was such a jerk, i should have realized sooner and broken up with him, he didn’t like Parks and Rec so that should have been my first sign.” You said laughing a little at your last comment
“How does he not like that show it's the bomb!” Peter said with a smile.
“I know right!” You smile back basking in the happy moment and laughs that filled the air.
“But why do you date these jerks anyway? You’re so smart and funny and amazing and beautiful you deserve someone way better then them.” Peter said
You smiled at the praise he offered you, “You really think i’m all of those things Peter,” he nodded intensely sitting up to sit beside you on the ground, “Well i don't know why i date them, but yeah i guess they have all been jerks, i guess being the daughter of Tony Stark really puts a target on my back for being used, i don’t really know Peter I don’t think nice guys like me” You say sighing. All your reasonings weren’t that valid but you didn’t want to tell Peter the real reason.
Peter tried to fight his brain into not admitting his feeling for you right in that moment because of how bad the timing was with you just breaking up with Harry, but Peter lost that battle and blurted out, “I like you! And i’m pretty nice… i think. And not just like you like a friend but, like you like you, god how many times have i said like.” Peter awkwardly stuttered out in the cutest way.
“And I know it’s bad timing in all to tell you that (y/n), and it's totally ok if you don't feel the same, oh go i hope i didn’t mess up our friendship...i probably did, oh god (y/n) just forget i said anything. But you’re still amazing and deserve the best.” Peter rambled as you watched him with admiration as he told you how he felt.
He continued to ramble before you try to interrupt.
“Peter…”You said, he continued, “PETER!” you said louder grabbing his attention.
“If you could stop rambling for a second, despite how adorable it is, i would be able to tell you that i like you too.” You said with a smile.
Peter looked wide eyed and stared at you with heart eyes. Then you leaned in a kissed him softly on the lips, he was shocked at first but quickly leaned into it and moved his lips along with yours. It lasted like this for awhile before you both had to pull away to take breath. You both looked into each others eyes lovingly.
“The real reason why i date bad guys is to get my Dad’s attention.” You said quickly
Peter looked at you before speaking, “Maybe you should talk to him about that,” He said and you nodded, “Plus the sooner you get back the sooner we can study, and makeout...but mainly makeout.” Peter said with a sudden burst of confidence. You laughed at his cockyness and threw a pillow at him.
“Ok i’m going to talk to to my dad, but i will be back” You say with wink over your shoulder.
“Hey (Y/N)?” Peter asks
“Yeah?” You saying turning around in the door frame in the doorframe.
“You know it’s Wednesday right?” Peter asks with a slight smirk.
“Uh, yeah why do you think i don’t…” You pause remembering your underwear.
You run up and hit him in the shoulder hard. He winces in pain.
“Owww! I can’t help it your butt was screaming at be that it was monday! I couldn’t not take a peek!i’m sorry!” Peter says laughing, you’re laughing too as you begin walking away towards the door again. You look over your shoulder catching Peter checking you out, he quickly becomes flustered and turns away from your gaze.
“I’ll be back soon cutie!” You call as you exit your room.
You walk around the tower heading toward your dad’s lab were you knew you could find him, working on another extension of the iron man suit or a new upgrade. You finally arrived at the doorway to the lab, you suck in a deep breath and sigh then continue to type in your specific lab code that granted you access. Of course you had your own code because you loved working on new tech in there all the time, or assisting Dr. Banner. The lab door unlocked, you pushed it open trying to quietly sneak into not scare your dad. But the loud rock music was blaring so remaining quite was unnecessary. You walked up to your dad’s work space, he noticed your movement and turned down the music.
“What’s up sugar plum? Jarvis told me that Harold walked out in quite the fit of rage” Tony said bringing back your old childhood nickname. As he looked in your eyes he could see that you were upset about something.
“His name is Harry, but that doesn’t even matter anymore because we broke up.” You said.
“Well good, i didn’t like that guy anyway, total douche.” Tony said with a smile, trying to make you feel better.
“Then why didn’t you say anything Dad!” You said getting more upset.
Tony is taken off guard by your sudden outburst toward him, “Well i thought you we’re happy with him and i wouldn’t want to impose on that for you sweetie.”
“No dad! I only date these jerks because i want your attention! I know that’s not a good reason, i just want you to take interest in my life! I know you’re busy saving the world and it seems selfish to ask but it would be nice to spend a little time with you!” You said with slight tears brimming in your eyes.
Tony pulled you into a big hug after you said this, you quickly relaxed into his hold of you.
“Of course i want to spend time with you (Y/N) i love you so much! And i will admit i get a little carried away my work.”Tony said with a smile
“A little?” You questioned with a laugh.
Tony laughed before he spoke, “How about every night we both agree to have a family dinner, and you can spend more time with me in the lab, i mean you’re smarter than me so i need all the help i can get in here!”
You smiled at his compliments of you before leaning out of the hug to look him in the eye to respond, “I would love that dad!”
You both hug again before you turn back out and say, “Oh i have to go I left Peter by himself in my room, and we need to study for our chem rest next thursday.”
“Oh! Speaking of the Spiderling i have a question for you.” Tony says with a smirk on his face.
“Yeah what is it?” You ask feigning innocence
“Why was he in your room while you were half naked?” Tony said chuckling but with a seriousness in his eyes.
“Uhhhhh... long story, but a total accident! I gotta go!!” You said running out of there as fast as possible.
“We’re not done with this conversation young lady!” Tony yells back at you as you run away.
You smile as you run knowing this would be a new begining with both Peter and your dad. You walked back into your room and planted a kiss on Peter’s lips, ready to jump into happily ever after. Now you will have dated six people in your life but needless to say that Peter was the last one you ever needed to date.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where did you get what you wore to bed last night? I decided to stay over at Gabie’s place at the last minute and didn’t bring a change of clothes, so she lent me one of her duster dresses. Do your parents smoke? Nope. Do you know anyone who has a ton of real fur clothes? As far as I know I don’t, and I hope there really is no one. If Britney Spears came to your town, would you go see her concert? It’s a cool prospect, but I wouldn’t go. What about Hedley? See I don’t even have the slightest clue who they/that are/is.
When you're cranky, do you take it out on others? Yep. Have you ever worn a pair of leather (fake or real) pants? No. I’d die from how hot it would be. Are you older then sixteen? Yes. If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? I always talk about how excited I am to get married, but if she asked me at this moment I’d find it freaky and say that it’s too early to do such a thing. What color pen did you last use? Black. Do you know who Craig Owens is? I don’t think so. What was the last message you received about? I was just talking to Gabie about her dad and asking her for reassurance that he likes and approves of me. He’s really nice, but he’s intensely quiet, and as a mass communication major who’s used to being surrounded by talkative people and filling the silence with noise, his quietness unnerved me quite a bit. Side story: The three of us had dinner last night and even though I begged her not to, Gabie went to the washroom, leaving me with her dad for several minutes. Filipino parents would normally break the ice and ask questions, but he immediately went on his phone and DID. NOT. TALK. TO ME. As if I wasn’t there. It wasn’t necessarily rude, it’s just the way he is according to Gab. It was straight out of a movie, I was so uncomfortable–even mortified to an extent–and looked around at other tables for a bit and wondered if we were gonna stay like that for eternity. I put my masscom skills to the table and came up with a topic, which thankfully lasted until he came back. Do you ever suddenly jolt awake when you're almost asleep? It happens sometimes. What shoes do you wear to work out in? I don’t work out. Has a bookshelf or desk, etc, of yours ever randomly collapse? I don’t remember that ever happening. What's the longest you ever stayed at someone else's house? Idk, I never really overstay. The longest has probably been at Angela’s - I’d sometimes stay close to a full 24 hours there. What is your favorite aunt's middle name? I think it’s Josette. What was the subject of the last science fair project you did? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA can we forget fucking investigative projects please omg those made my high school life HELL Do you think making a guy/girl jealous is a good way to get together? It’s certainly petty. I like petty. Is your math teacher married? I haven’t taken a math class since freshman year; but no, I don’t think that prof is married. Name something you used to wear that you thought you looked SO good in, but now when you see it is actually hideous? It’s not hideous, but I had a stiletto phase when I was 13 and would wear 6-inch heels to the fucking mall. It’s so embarrassing to look back on, especially when I realize now that people weren’t staring at me because they were impressed with my heels, they were staring because I looked fucking dumb. Do you miss your last ex? I missed her too much I got back together with her. When you believe in the Easter Bunny, what did you think it looked like? Chandler Bing from that one Halloween episode. What about the tooth fairy? I didn’t really have an image in mind, I just wanted her to give me money. Do you/did you have a religion class in school? I went to a Catholic school, so yes. But the school I go to now prohibits any kind of religious promotion. There are religious orgs and people of any and every religion are allowed to step into the university, but coaxing people to prayer or something of that manner isn’t allowed. Has your best friend ever ditched you for a guy/girl? Never. Do you ever get jealous of your friends? Sometimes, but they’re my friends so it passes. Do you think it's stupid when people online out over little spelling errors? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Is there someone who calls or texts you every night to say goodnight? Gabie. If your best friend got cancer, would you shave your head with them? I would probably do it for Gabie or Anj. Did you kiss anyone on New Year's this year? No, my girlfriend and I always spend the holidays with our families. Name someone you know who is Buddhist. I’ve heard one of my classmates from high school is a Buddhist, but I never got that confirmed cos I never really cared for her. Has anyone ever purposely made a food of you? What does this even mean? Like a cupcake with my face on it? No. Would you rather work at a fast food restaurant or be a garbage man? Fast food but I’d rather stay inside the kitchen or have a role that won’t require me to be social. I wouldn’t want to deal with pissy old people. What was the subject of the last essay you wrote? Chinese-Filipino relations in the Philippines from the 1970s to the present. Does your mom wear makeup? Yes. Do you kiss your boyfriends/girlfriends in front of your parents? I held Gabie’s hand while we were with her dad last night, but no I don’t kiss her. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? I’m always with my family, but I do feel mentally alone. Have you ever spent your birthday alone? Yes. Do you say attractive, hot, or sexy or something else about guys/girls? Um I mean I say ‘pretty’ a lot. Is there a member of the opposite sex you'd do ANYTHING for? Gabie’s dad tbh. Does your favorite uncle have any children? No. Has anyone ever kissed you when you were so not expecting it? I’m sure it’s happened before. Was it a good surprise kiss? Or bad? Good, cos all my kisses always come from my girlfriend haha. Do you know which has more alcohol: beer or vodka? It’s gotta be vodka, right? Name a Nintendo 64 game. Mario Kart 64. Hahaha, easy way out. Do you use gift bags or wrapping paper? Gift bags, because I’m absolutely hopeless with gift-wrapping. Do you ever day dream about the person you like? She comes up from time to time, yes. Have you ever sat in front of a kicking and crying child on a plane? No thank godddddd. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Hayley Nichole Williams, Zachary Wayne Farro, Taylor Benjamin York. Do you still have any Pokemon cards? Nah, those disappeared like a decade ago. How many cards are in your wallet? I’ve never really gotten to counting them. YouTube, Facebook or Bzoink? I mean I use them all for different reasons. I’d go to YouTube for videos, Facebook for work, and Bzoink to find surveys. Have you ever tried to make something right but it just messed it up more? Do you mean all the time? Has someone ever approached you and offered you drugs? Never. I’d be so shocked and probably get an anxiety attack haha. ^ What did you do? Do you like the picture on your ID? NO. It had been drizzling and I had no umbrella + I was late for Math class ON MY FIRST DAY AS A COLLEGE FRESHMAN so I was so hassled. You can make out my wet hair a bit in the photo. What would you do if your favorite artist came to town but your parents wouldn't let you go? Find a way. Do you type really or rly? Both. I’d type rly if I was lazy, talking to a friend, or if I’m lazy and talking to a friend. Do you say everything in inititals because saying the full thing is too much work? Only with close friends. Have you ever found someone on the Sims to be attractive? No??? What was your first kiss like? Clueless and lots of fumbling around from me. Gab kissed me as though she’s done it a thousand times though. Is there someone you pretend to like but they really piss you off? I remember so many people. What does AP stand for? As a journalism student I understood that as Associated Press. What's something you wish was different? The country I live in. Do you ever say 'I'm rotted?’ Never said that in my life. What's the last color of jeans you saw? I saw? Light blue. Do you know anyone who refuses to swear? Yeah there were a couple of goody two shoes in high school who would absolutely refuse to. Who knows, college might have changed them. Have you ever heard a young child swear? No. Have you ever heard your grandparents swear? My maternal grandfather did, but I’ve never heard the other three do so. Have you heard all your friends swear? DUH hahaha.
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hadeheria · 6 years
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coltrane james
aka the ‘sexy grandpa’
please bear with how much i’ve written. want ad here. buffythevampireplaya#3832 for plotting <3
nobody is entirely sure how coltrane grew up so fast- like way too fast. many, including his own parents, believe that he literally came out of the womb as an old man, which is probably true even if not scientifically proven.
his parents named him after the jazz musician, whose music had been playing on their first date and whose song, ‘my one and only love’ had been their first dance. he was the oldest of 3, and his younger siblings had been named in a similar manner as miles and ella. he’d always felt they’d got off easy- why’d he not just been called john? it was somewhat of a mystery to him, and probably only made him seem more ridiculous than his personality alone did- maybe it was a premonition, given how normal his siblings were.
colt was the kind of kid you heard before you saw. not that his appearance wasn’t striking- covered in mud a lot, hair sticking on end and a judging look that was way beyond his years. but he had the kind of voice that boomed through the masses, cut through the babble of the rest of children whenever he expressed his thoughts or opinions. he was extremely capable of speaking his mind, particularly in situations where it could be interpreted as bad behaviour. primary situations where this took place were in the classroom, particularly when talking back to a teacher, or when his parents said something that he thought sounded fishy.
he was sceptical and critical from a young age; he stopped believing in santa before he’d stopped wetting the bed. some teachers took this as a sign of a sharp mind, some untapped genius that would one day rear its head. but whether it was due to laziness, pure disinterest or genuine lack of intelligence, his academics never took off.
coltrane scraped by enough that he got into college in maine- a quaint, tedious place him that was full of people he revelled in making snarky comments at. it was while attending college that he began going to parties- drinking became a huge part of his life, and he suddenly found a distinct appreciation for alcohol and its many forms that he’d never anticipated having. he also acquired quite a few chef-y skills, which meant that he made deli sandwiches and pasta better than half the people he knew. he worked at a bar throughout a majority of his college career, drinking with patrons and generally being his own brand of rude to most punters who had to come to love his brutish ‘charm’ in some way- being heckled was part of the experience regulars came to enjoy during his tenure there.
it was at the bar that he met nina- a history student who for all intents and purposes was complete sweetness and light versus his dark cloud of a personality. his immediate reaction to her appearance in his workplace was to cower away, being extra rude to combat the bright, toothy but entirely beautiful look she brought with her. as a bartender with a startling lack of people skills, it was his instinctual reaction to be rude to her, dropping her drinks sloppily on the counter without so much as looking in her eye, returning tips and outright ignoring her sometimes. for some unbeknownst reason, his confused tactics worked and she asked him on a date.
the moved in together after they graduated; neither sure what they wanted to do, but with enough money saved up but they could probably just about survive. coltrane found some success doing stand up comedy; his brand of offbeat misery seeming to blend perfectly with what was missing in the comedy scene. in his spare time, he drove taxis- anything to make the money churn. it wasn’t much money but they could get by and seemed relatively happy.
they’d been together for around 5 years when coltrane mustered the courage to propose. it had never been on the cards before- he didn’t entirely believe in the sanctity of marriage as a jaded college kid, and as someone with very little money he’d never found the belief that he had a lot to offer. but he took nina to a fancy restaurant he could just about afford having saved for a little while, with a little box in his pocket. he knelt on one knee, held back his grimace at the gasps of people who had nothing better to do than getting involved in their private moment, and thrust the box, lid open, in nina’s face.
he thought that he’d done the right thing when he eyes suddenly flooded with tears. but it took a moment for his smile to falter; a moment longer for her to reveal that she’d got a job as a curator in texas, that she’d been waiting to tell him that she wasn’t sure she was in love with him anymore. it broke him, and for a brief moment, he stepped into a black hole even bigger than himself. within a week she was packed up and moving on, and he was preparing to cohabit with a bunch of people he’d come to call his best friends.
it wasn’t long after this that he discovered podcasts, and someone encouraged him to give it a shot. his particular style of comedy, ranting and moaning, would work well in the format, he was told. he bought a cheap mic off amazon and hooked it up to his laptop and some free software- barely edited the clips, didn’t even touch the balancing. to begin with it was just for his own benefit, a way to release his pent-up anger over being heartbroken and having to completely move his life to somewhere else. but after a few episodes it started to pick up steam, and he suddenly found himself in talks for a contract and acquiring sponsors.
within a year he found he had enough money to give up the driving, and it wasn’t long after that that he found he actually had an audience at his stand ups. nowadays he’s relatively successful; holding himself back because he doesn’t want to actually move across the country to make things easier, and unwilling to let the series become something polished, but definitely a step up from hunching over a $20 mic in his bedroom.
basically, coltrane is just the grumpiest guy you’ve ever met. he’s pretty socially awkward (god knows how he gets laid), but has his own brand of humour which usually means he gets by. this humour consists of basically complaining about anything and everything; he has an uncanny knack for literally being able to pick out the flaws in anything he sees, and talking about it quite openly so it’s impossible to skirt around his opinions.
nonetheless, he’s genuinely caring and is fiercely loyal to his friends. colt is an absolute sweetheart who’d go to the ends of the earth for the people he loves even if they wouldn’t do the same for him (or he thinks it might be clinically insane/illegal). driving halfway across the country for the ‘best burritos in the us’? if you ask. breaking into someone’s house because they stole your favourite water bottle? hell yes if it’s your favourite! watching you have sex to critique your technique? ehhhhh .. no homo.
colt is forever hungry, and drinks more than an average human should be able to. he could be smart but who knows? he’s never put the effort in to find out. he’s a professional sleeper and has no understanding of how people can actually work out, and somehow has an innate sense of responsibility which means he works insanely well under pressure and is somehow completely on top of taxes, even if his insane mutterings would suggest otherwise. he talks to himself a lot, and has no idea who the ‘kardashians’ are (honestly, he could’ve been living in the bunker for the last 25 years). he pretends he’s got real ego and lbr when you’re as loud as colt you gotta have some ego, he rebutts everything by just accepting insults and rolling with them and if he could liken himself to any fictional character it’d be charlie kelly.
colt is a bit of a technophobe, wishes he could make moonshine and dreams of one day owning a brewery. he hoards vintage action figures and has more money than he knows what to do with (he could literally live on a mattress).
if there’s anything he truly fears, it’s having his heart broken again. he can deal with being alone- though he’s never alone because he lives with friends. he can deal with failure, having never had a real ‘successful career’ in his life (and actually has some real savings now). spiders and snakes are whatever. but having his heart broken in the way his ex girlfriend broke it would probably just kill him, and it’s a risk he is terrified of taking. he spends most of his time running away from women in case they turn out to be just like her, and while he’s almost completely healed he isn’t sure he could just fall back in love as easily as he did last time.
he’s somewhat insane- but love him goddamnit.
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journal-of-a-gamer · 7 years
Who I Am
Chapter 2 : Singing to the Moon
Once aboard the cruiser, I found it to be dubbed the WSC Alexia. A third-class Helios cruiser under the Wei Conglomerate; it was spacious and a sanitary grey. However, the first thing I really noticed was the fragrant aroma of curry gently assailing my nostrils. My stomach grumbled, it had been months since I had enjoyed real food and not some processed meal bar that had all the nutrients that a person needed to stay strong and healthy; but the bars tasted like shit, they looked it too. The captain, Hayden Dogma, gave out a laugh that wasn't quite loud enough to cover up for her growling stomach, looked at me and sighed “Ewan can wait before he gets you initiated and rolled into work…let’s have dinner.” Never before have I beamed as hard at someone ever before than when I heard her say the D word. It probably didn't mean much to her but working for a company that spent all of its money on ships and gear but not on food really wears down on you like a steel razor shaving a stone obelisk for ten years straight, without a change of pace in this case in food I would've killed for anything that wasn't a shitty meal bar.
Hayden grasped my hand and led me down the corridor and down a set of steel grated stairs right into the mess hall. It wasn't grey like what I’d seen so far more of a copper orange seemed to be the colour of choice in here. There was a large standard looking table with stools all around it in the centre of the room, this was flanked to the right by what appeared to be a hot drinks machine and a small fridge. behind the table was a cooking unit, it had a stove, an oven, a pressure cooker, some sort of pasta machine, various herbs and a section of cupboards up and down the unit; some see through and others, well not so much.
“Hi, captain, what’ve you dragged in this time? Another kid with no talents to put on the pay role, then train them to do something kinda useful and feed them?” grumbled an older man hunched over and methodically stirring a large pot with his back to us. “That’s rude of you, you old fart, last I checked you were one of the people with no skills that I took on board, seems hypocritical of you to complain now,” Hayden retorted opening her arms to shrug and smirking at the man as he slowly turned around and straightened his back out to finally face us, “plus the kid's not useless, probably better than you, in fact,” Hayden chuckled before saying, “this kid is your new partner, be nice Ewan.” Now facing us and straightening up, I could see that he wasn't old at all, well older than me, but that wasn't a hard task, but his skin was a glossy dark brown. His eyes were a soft emerald colour, he didn't really have hair to speak of as it seemed to be all just shaved down to a good buzz cut, it was a common enough hair cut really thinking about it, it was easier to maintain than a full head of hair as you just didn't have hair to be fair. He scanned me with those green eyes of his from tip to toe before opening his mouth again, “yea sure, you look like you’ve been with those science nuts back on titan, maybe I’ll be able to find some stuff for you to do; and maybe I’ll finally be able to get some sleep when we’re traveling.” “That’s the dream isn't it,” Hayden groaned back in his direction, “well Ewan lets have some of that world class curry of yours then.” “People would die back home for a bowl of my world class curry for your information captain,” he grumbled before pouring two bowls of fragrant curry stew.
This was my first time meeting Ewan the ‘head’ engineer onboard the Alexia and I had to see him every day and as he grew on he with his grumpy persona I could see why everyone on the ship called him old man as he acted as though he was double his actual age. Since I ended up doing most of the physical repair and maintenance jobs on the ship and simply just reported to him for my next task, it gave him more free time on the ship such as flirt with Jenny the gun hand or to sit in the social area and plan out breakfast, lunch and dinner and then cook all of them. He was sweet, in a get off my lawn or I’ll cook you some bacon and eggs kind of way.
Jenny was from Earth, she grew up there around the ruins of Detroit. She learned the hard way how to look after herself and to not trust people, she conducted several raids and gun fights with rival territories and with refugee camps. It got so bad to the point that the Wei Conglomerate was forced to put boots on the ground to snuff out this street warfare. It was a bloodbath for anyone caught in the sights of the Wei gun hounds that had been set upon the ruined city; refugees and gangs alike disappeared overnight in bloody firefights through the city. Jenny got lucky, she was only a teenager when she stumbled into the captain as she gunned down the gang camp which Jenny had been returning to. Hayden didn't like killing people who didn't try to shoot at her first; Jenny was unarmed so she made her an offer. If she’d work under Hayden as a hired gun then she’d get her away from Earth. Since then I heard that she had performed amicably and was worth every grain of salt that she might throw at her team during her free time.
Around the end of my first month onboard was when I had the pleasure of really meeting Jenny for the first time. I had just finished sorting the pressure distributer for the crew shower unit as it had been too high and was causing some displeasure. To actually be honest about it I had played a prank on Ewan buy waiting for him to go for a shower and then blasting him by putting the pressure all the way up. He was so furious that he ran across the ship stark naked to punch me in the back. I tuned the pressure back down but obviously not low enough for some people’s tastes, I had fixed pretty much everything on the Alexia that I had been tasked to at this point and was bored but fulfilled. So, when I tuned it back to the original setting that people were used to I went into the shower area to check that everything was working, not wanting to have made a mistake after pulling a prank.
That’s when I heard her. It’s not uncommon to hear singing from the shower area, but I had never heard Jenny talk let alone sing. It was mesmerising, she could captivate a whole asteroid dome worth of gig goers looking to see the main act and not caring about the support acts but her voice would captivate even them. I rushed over unable to control myself and yanked the curtain to the stall where the sound was coming from. Of course, she screamed and decked me instantly, I blacked out before I even hit the floor. When I woke up I found myself in her cabin, her face was scarlet and she was staring me down with a how dare you kind of look and began to slowly walk towards me. “Jenny? You can sing? That was amazing, I didn't know you could talk let alone sing.” She stopped in her tracks, “I’m sorry I knocked you out cold kid, I thought you were maybe Jerome trying to sneak a peek at the goods again.” She paused for some time and we just stared at each other for a while, until I realised that she was barely wearing anything, and what she was wearing was soaked through, then I found a corner of the room to divert my stare into. Which I soon found to be the corner of the room that she was using to dry her underwear. Flustered and blushing I flicked my head around the room till I decided the only thing to do was to either die or to close my eyes; spoiler I closed my eyes. I didn’t open them again till I felt a pair of slightly wet but tender hands caress my cheeks. “Looks like you found me out kid, I can sing, now don't go telling anyone about this.” “Hmm, yea sure, whatever you’d like Jenny.” “Good, now go, I think Ewan buzzed you five minutes ago and my only audience is the moon raggedly floating above Earth.” With that I scampered out of the room with a dazed but blinding urgency.
“Where in sweet hell have you been hiding kiddo?” “Ah sorry, I sneaked into a concert for astral bodies only.” “Sure, sure, now here’s that list of repairs I told you I had been working on, you should start with the climate control in the training deck, Jerome set it too low and now the setting is stuck and Jenny keeps refusing to train with the rest of the gun hands.” I took the list and smiled knowing exactly why she wouldn't go into a freezing room with Jerome. “what’re you grinning for, beat it, I’ve got a mean pot of chilli to start making for dinner tonight.”
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leviiism-blog · 7 years
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full name: levi atticus henley pronunciation: lee-vye at-i-cuss meaning: “joined, attached”  /  “from attica”
reason for name: his parents were trying to avoid the “celebrity baby name” trope and just went for something normal sounding that they liked. nickname(s): lee, leevy, atty preferred name(s): levi, most nicknames are ok date of birth: 21 june, 1998 place of birth: los angeles, california age: 19 zodiac sign: gemini gender: cis male preferred pronouns: he/him romantic orientation: bisromantic sexual orientation: bisexual nationality: american ethnicity: white
hometown: los angeles, california places lived: la, a few other places for short periods of time social class: upper class education level: high school, currently taking collage classes father: river henley (deceased) mother: alicia henley (deceased) sibling(s): tba, tba, hannah, & daxton birth order: middle child children: none pet(s): none previous relationships: had an on again/off again girlfriend when he was sixteen, had a friends with benefits relationship with the guy playing collins while he was playing rodger in rent in the months leading up to the accident ever been arrested?: no
primary source of income:  acting jobs secondary source of income: parent’s income describe their workspace: hectic — especially close to opening night — but still somewhat structured happy with their job (or lack of)?: very past job(s): small tv jobs, a range of roles in plays and musicals in la and a few short runs in new york dream job(s): leading role on broadway spender or saver? why?: saver, money got kind of boring the older he’s gotten most valued possession: a stuffed dog that he can’t sleep without (and nobody but his family knows about)
teamwork: works well in a group, but best if he’s in a leadership position talents: acting, singing shortcomings: terrible dancer languages spoken: english can they drive?: yes change a flat tire?: no ride a bike?: yes swim?: yes play any instruments?: piano sing?: yes tie a tie?: yes
face claim: tarjei sandvik moe eye color: green hair color: blonde hair type: loose curls glasses/contacts?: neither dominant hand?: left height: 5′9″ complexion (freckles, scars, skin tone, acne, birth marks): a scar above his left eye from the accident, but he usually keeps it covered with his hair tattoos: none piercings: none allergies: dust and cats health: generally good, he rarely gets sick but when he does he turns into a huge baby best quality: he could charm the pants off just about anyone biggest flaw: sometimes the things he says to charm people come back to bite him in the ass
introvert/extrovert: somewhere in the middle, leaning more towards extrovert temperament: choleric mbti: esfj mental conditions/disorders: ptsd (but he denies it up and down) emotional stability: outwardly stoic, inwardly a complete mess fears: being alone addictions: none drug use: occasionally smokes weed alcohol use: none how do they deal with anger?: internalizing it (unless someone’s been picking on his siblings) loss?: pretends nothing happened and he’s Fine sadness?: internalizing it/pretends he’s fine change?: lashing out
quirks: bites his nails when he’s anxious hobbies: video games (he’s really good at hearthstone) habits: waking up at the crack of dawn, every single day positive traits: independent, genuine, protective negative traits: impulsive, finicky, restless sense of humor: dry, self-deprecating, sometimes a little dark curse often?: yes
animal: dogs celebrity: lin-manuel miranda color: blue-grey food: pasta holiday: halloween movie: oliver and company musical artist: modern baseball tv show: adventure time weather: rain
most at ease when: at home in his room, or on stage least at ease when: away from things that are familiar for too long worst possible thing that could happen: being totally and completely on his own biggest achievement: winning an ovation award (it’s a SoCal theatre thing) biggest regret: not being more affectionate with his parents most embarrassing moment: wetting the bed at a friend’s house when he was 12 short term goals: getting back some semblance of normal and taking over as the “man” of the family long term goals: one word: broadway how do they see themselves?: never quite good enough how do they believe others see them?: level headed and confident susceptible to peer pressure?: no
most sensitive about/vulnerable to: his family happiest memory: watching his mom’s face during his first stage performance and seeing how proud of him she was religious stance:  loosely christian political stance: far left pet peeves: people not being able to take a hint, bad leadership bad habits: losing his temper over stupid things as a result of internalizing all his negative emotions superstitious: yes how do they react to frustrations?: usually throwing something or storming out and slamming a door how do they accept failure?: he doesn’t level of comfort with technology: not the worlds greatest, but give him 5 minutes to play with something and he’ll have it figured out believe in the supernatural: to an extent believe in an afterlife: he hopes there is, but he doesn’t have a definite yes/no belief believe in happy endings: only in stories how do they want to be remembered?: as long as he’s made some kind of mark in the theatre world, he’s happy
how do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?: kept at a certain distance, until they can gain his trust do they trust people easily or tend to be wary?: wary how often do they see friends and family?: almost every day person most dependent on: himself most important person in their life?: his siblings argue or avoid conflict?: argue thoughts on large groups of people?: loves crowds, thrives on the energy of others main quality they look for in people: his same general interests how do they show affection?: there’s a sort of intangible shift in his attitude. like a different vibe he gives off. he’s not big on direct affection most of the time would they ever consider adopting a child?: he’d be open to it
optimist or pessimist: pessimist leader or follower: leader makes decisions based on emotions or on logic: a combination of both, tries more for logic cautious or daring: daring spontaneous or planner: spontaneous thinker or doer: doer organized or messy: messy worrier or carefree: worrier early bird or night owl: early bird hugs or kisses: depends on the situation/person rural or urban: urban pc or mac: doesn’t care silver or gold: gold dress up or dress down: dress down money or fame: fame doing dishes or doing laundry: laundry sunrise or sunset: sunrise hiking or camping: camping personal chef or personal trainer: chef
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zootopiagush · 7 years
Bogo and Clawhauser are such a great contrasting pair.  Based on the 32 traits, here are the things that they have in common (in order from most to least important): 1. Honest: Both characters are honest to a fault.  Bogo is blunt and a bad liar, and Clawhauser goes above and beyond to guarantee accuracy of his statements. 2. Awkward: Both characters lack social skills.  Bogo is stiff, uncomfortable, and tactless, while Clawhauser is an obsessive motor-mouth and mildly annoying. 3. Selfless: Both characters are motivated more by helping others than by their own needs.  Bogo prioritizes protecting the city and his subordinates, while Clawhauser always takes time to help those in need. 4. Noble: Both characters firmly believe in the rules.  Bogo makes and enforces them and applies them to himself consistently, while Clawhauser is upset at even the possibility of breaking one. 5. Good: Both characters are good-aligned.  Bogo’s fierceness is always justified in context, and Clawhauser would never hurt anyone period. 6. Complacent: Both characters would prefer to roll with the world rather than actively change it.  Bogo knows the world is broken but attempts to fix it from within, while Clawhauser just wants to do what’s best for everyone in charge. 7. Internal: Both characters are more motivated by their own opinions than the opinions of others.  Bogo has somewhat unpopular opinions and isn’t shy about voicing them, while Clawhauser doesn’t have any shame about sharing his esoteric (and easily targeted) interests and personality. 8. Bureaucrat: Both characters work within a system rather than creating one.  Bogo is the Chief of Police (essentially the head honcho of the police of all the precincts but still answers to a higher up), while Clawhauser does administrative work for the ZPD. 9. Incorruptible: Both characters have consistent moral standards that are unlikely to change in the face of adversity.  Bogo speaks the truth regardless of whether it hurts and Clawhauser never holds any grudges. 10. Male: Both characters are male.  Self-explanatory. 11. Lucky: Both characters have a life of consistent fortune, as far as we can tell from the movie. 12. Large: Both characters are above 5 feet in height. 13. Supporting: Both characters boost up the story which is actually about Hopps and Wilde. 14. Major: Both characters have a lot of screentime. 15. Local: Both characters have lived in Zootopia for the entirety of the film. 16. ZC: Both are characters in Zootopia.
Then, there are the things they don’t have in common in order from most to least distinct: 1. Cynic/Idealist: Bogo is bitter, disillusioned, skeptical, and pessimistic.  Clawhauser is a contagious ray of sunshine. 2. Masculine/Feminine: Bogo is one of the manliest characters in the entire movie, even with his obscure feminine interest.  Clawhauser is girlier than any of the female characters except for Fru Fru and (maybe) Gazelle. 3. Serious/Silly: Bogo is a huge wet blanket and it’s surprising to see him having fun.  Clawhauser is the most prominent comic relief and it’s surprising to see him in subdued sadness. 4. Introverted/Extraverted: Bogo hates small talk and will go off on his own for downtime.  Clawhauser will strike up a conversation with an arrested criminal if that’s who’s in front of him. 5. Leader/Follower: Bogo would like to be in charge of everything going his way and detests higher ups making bad decisions.  Clawhauser happily defers to almost everyone else. 6. Assertive/Meek: Bogo will fight you if you cross him without a doubt, while Clawhauser will go out of his way not to blame people for unfairly hurting him. 7. Rude/Polite: Bogo does not care if he hurts someone’s feelings when telling the truth, but Clawhauser will take great pains to avoid offending others. 8. Logical/Emotional: Bogo thinks practically and pragmatically about most problems and remains stoic for most of the movie, while Clawhauser is the kind who will grin, giggle, squeal, gush, swoon, overdramatize, jump back, pout, or weep about almost everything. 9. Unbreakable/Breakable: Bogo is so stubborn that he would go to great pains to keep a rule-breaker off the force (while still technically working within the rules) regardless of any good that may have come of it.  Clawhauser is so not stubborn that he immediately apologizes to anyone who MIGHT object to what he did or said regardless of whether it was in any way his fault. 10. Mean/Nice: Bogo isn’t a bad, dishonest, or selfish guy, but he is rude, stubborn, irritable, and somewhat opaque about his motives.  Clawhauser is a living saint in both ethics and manner. 11. Wary/Accepting: Bogo is openly prejudiced against foxes in the beginning of the film, and, at the very least, is not terribly impressed with Judy being the first bunny (whether he’s actively malicious about it or not).  Meanwhile, Clawhauser never shows any prejudice to anyone (the ‘cute’ comment doesn’t count as he was unaware of its baggage and apologized immediately once he learns of it). 12. Authoritative/Powerless: Bogo is in charge of the precinct, while Clawhauser, like most others, is an employee who can be transferred at-will. 13. Frontline/Support: Bogo, while mostly in charge of supervision and delegation, will occasionally lead his men into the field in major circumstances.  Clawhauser works behind the scenes exclusively to help cases run smoothly. 14. Imposing/Fragile: While Bogo is a huge, muscular cape buffalo (a species which is a force to be reckoned with in the wild) and Clawhauser is merely a chubby cheetah (a species which is a fragile speedster in the wild, speed mitigated slightly by the extra pounds and the fact that his world is full of inclines), this isn’t really focused on.  But maybe it will be in a sequel (that would be awesome). 15. Lean/Fat: In this case, Clawhauser’s state of being fat is somewhat important (as he likes to eat, and his weight is something he’s been stereotyped for in the past) but Bogo’s state of being lean is not. 16. Prey/Predator: And of course, Bogo is prey while Clawhauser is a predator, while almost this entire list of contrasting traits subverts stereotypical expectations of prey and predator personality.
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