#keith richards x reader
“Let’s Spend The Night Together”
Keith Richards x Reader
I snuck out of my parents to go see him again. He felt like the only one who was helping me out of this god awful situation. We were both in our 20s but my parents trapped me in their house practically. Always shaming me when I was going to leave. I knew where his house was and dashed there. It was raining hard outside so I got soaked. I knocked on his doors house only for him to swing it open and give me a big hug. I hugged back, crying a little. Keith wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up before carrying me off to his room. He set me down on his bed before he noticed tears falling. “Are you ok darling?” He asks. I push my glasses up before crying harder. He understood. No one else got how I just wanted to be held. I didn’t want to feel anything anymore. I just wanted skin on skin. Keith wrapped his limbs around me before grabbing a blanket and cocooning me and him in it. “I was going to guess you were sad from them so I made your favorite.” My eyes brightened at his words. “Hot chocolate!” I smiled before trying to whip my tears away. He grabbed a tissue and helped me with my messy makeup. He gave the hot chocolate to my shaking hand and held me close. He knew just how I liked it. I smile before laying my head onto his shoulder. “Thank you, Mr. Richards sir” I say giggling. “That made me sound 100 there.” He said tickling my sides and setting my hot chocolate aside. I giggle from his fingers attacking my sides. “Tickle attack!” He says before tickling me all over and making me squeal and squirm. I tried to tickle him but to no avail. I loved him. 
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iheartjohnlennon · 7 months
hii, can you write Mick Jagger x famous fashion designer!female reader in which he irritates and begs her to design and sew Bianca's wedding dress until she accepts but then they often have sex and make out during "creative discussions" and when the dress is finally ready they kind of end up getting married instead? with THE dress.
Is it considered steal the groom if the groom himself takes the initiative to exchange the bride? lol this is kind of fucked up and I'm going to feel bad for Bianca but I think it's something Mick would definitely have the nerve to do. I honestly think it would be one of Rock's most tragicomic and iconic stories if it had happened.
I hope you see the appeal as I did, but feel free to ignore it if that's not your cup of tea. LOVE <3
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'Luna, amore e no'
London, early '71
Tags: Infidelity, Smut, Orgasm, Emotional Conflict, Resolved Sexual Tension
A Saturday night in Chelsea
The boutique was adorned with fabrics that were shades and tones of purple, pink and white. Delicate mannequins were draped in her coquettish designs, and a scent of perfume filled the space.
It was a haven she had beautifully thought up for herself, and the thought had managed to garner her acclaimed and revered attention.
This shop in Chelsea was particularly popular, but now there was a quiet stillness of the Saturday evening, and it was a welcome change from the bustle of London during the daytime.
The clock struck 9 PM when Y/N entered the boutique, her sketchbook clutched in hand.
Her footsteps echoed through the front room and into the retail area before she entered her beloved office.
She shed her coat and placed her sketchbook down. She was about to settle into her desk chair with a few of her textiles in hand when she heard it ring.
 "Oh, Christ."
She threw down her silks and needles onto the nearby couch. The telephone had begun ringing, and she knew it was going to continue incessantly. She also knew it was going to do her head in.
She toyed with the idea of ignoring it, or perhaps letting it ring a little longer. Maybe he'd give up. But it persisted, each chime a reminder of his stupid determination. The reason why she lingered to pick up, was because she knew exactly who was calling, and why he was calling.
Although his want was clear the first time they very briefly spoke on the phone, he wanted more than that, and that loosely intrigued her.
Mick had strategically been ringing every Saturday when he could. It was a way to let her know he wasn't going to let her get away easily, not without having some part of her. She sighed into her seat and focused on her book, flicking through concepts and sketches.
"Fucking hell, it's like clockwork for him."
Her patience had quickly worn thin and she leaned forward, her fingers navigated the rotary dial. The ringing had finally ceased, replaced by a muffled dialogue.
The phone's receiver, cool against her palm, spoke to her. 
"Evening darling."
"Ah, Y/N, always a pleasure to hear your voice."
She was taken aback, yet swiftly regained her composure and brushed off his subtle flirt.
"What is it that you want, Mr Jagger?"
Mick's voice was ribbon and it flowed into one ear and right out of the other.
"Well, I was hoping for a chat with the most sought-after woman in London."
She couldn't suppress a scoff. 
"Yes, yes, yes, of course, but what is it that you want?" She pressed dismissively.
"I want the pleasure of your company."
Y/N's brow quirked, feeling an incredulity.
"Company? Mr Jagger, we haven't even agreed to a meeting."
Mick was unfazed and pushed on.
"Well, Bianca adores your work, you know. She'd be over the moon to have you design for her."
She tutted, "Oh, how touching. I'm sure she would."
"You really should give her the wedding dress she deserves, Y/N. I promise you won't regret it."
Y/N's breath hitched, caught off guard by the sweet audacity of his words. He was, after all, soon to be wedded.
"I'm sure Bianca would be thrilled to hear you're so invested in her gown."
Mick chuckled.
"Well, she deserves nothing but the best, and you, you are the best."
"Do you have a penchant for dresses, Mick?" She teased.
His response was swift and sincere.
"I have a penchant for the woman making the dresses."
She giggled, unable to stifle the sound. His persistence was both exasperating and endearing.
Mick was still adamant.
"You're the perfect designer for this, Y/N. Please, just give me- us a chance."
Mick had to find more fuel, any excuse or plea to see her. 
"She's genuinely taken with your talent, Y/N. You're the only one she trusts for this."
Her resolve wavered, swayed by his flattery. With a soft sigh, she relented.
"Fine, fine. We'll meet."
He wasted no time in setting a date. "Yes, next Friday evening, preferably when we have the place to ourselves?"
"Ooh, just us, then?" She teased.
"I'd like that." He answered without hesitation.
She raised an eyebrow.
Mick's confidence remained unshaken.
"Regardless, love, I'll be waiting eagerly for our meeting, next Friday.
"Fine, next Friday it is."
She scrawled the date on a notepad, it was a flimsy agreement.
"I can't wait to see you, Y/N."
See he said. Why not meet? This was only business after all. 
"Likewise, Mick, likewise."
"Y/N, you're a gem, you know that?"
"Oh, don't let this get to your head, Jagger. It's just a design."
"Just a design? This is Bianca's dream we're talking about!"
"Well, I wouldn't ever dream of standing in the way of your wedding would I?"
"And I wouldn't dream of keeping you waiting."
He had said that suggestively, although she didn't want to see it that way.
"Good. I have a reputation to uphold, after all, you know."
"And what a reputation it is."
She smiled and decided to cut his unwavering flattery short, "Goodbye, Mick."
"Goodbye, Y/N."
When Mick heard the click of the phone, it was a call back to reality, and that reality was enticing.
The Friday
The door chimed and Y/N was standing poised near the entrance for him. Mick wasn't alone. He had brought a photographer with him by the looks of it, and he seemed eager to capture every moment of this collaboration.
There was an attraction between them as they stood close.
He immediately extended his hand, the gesture was as smooth and as handsome as the man himself.
Mick's eyes traced the contours of her form. He wasn't one for simple impressions and wanted her to know he was intrigued.
"Mick." She greeted simply. 
"Y/N, it's a pleasure."
He pulled her hand to his lips, pressing a delicate kiss to her knuckles.
She cleared her throat, regaining her composure.
"Likewise. How have you been?"
"Nervous, very nervous, but I have faith in your talents, love."
"As you should." She said snarkily.
"You look even better in person, if that's possible."
"Oh. Thank you."
The unexpected compliment hung in the air, and a charged pause settled between them.
Her eyes flitted to her watch, cautious of time, even though they had lots of it.
"Well, Mick, you know it's bad luck for the groom to get too close to the dress before the wedding. You might have to stay away from me." She joked. 
He smiled, and with that, Y/N turned, beckoning him to follow her to an office.
She couldn't shake the feeling of Mick's eyes being all over her.
When the door closed, the air seemed to shift. They were in a smaller more intimate space.
Mick settled into a plush chair, and his thoughts were consumed by the captivating designer who had finally walked into his life. She'd been in many other lives, whether through a purchase or a fling, but he was glad it was his turn now.
She cast a glance back at him as she ruffled through, "Make yourself comfortable, Mick."
Y/N bent over her desk as she rifled through the drawers. Mick watched her with an almost fascination. To him, she was a marvel, an artist in her element. Each motion seemed to carry a kind of ethereal grace that held him in attention.
With everything she needed gathered in her arms, she approached him and sat on the arm of the chair.
Y/N reached for a glass of wine, preparing for the storm that was going to be this wedding.
"So, what's on your mind, then?" She asked casually, taking a slow sip.
His eyes wandered over the sketches but he didn't seem to be all that interested, he seemed bored.
"This silhouette here." He pointed to a sketch of something puffy, and she thought that it didn't suit Bianca's figure. She also thought it seemed inappropriate to be chatting about the bride's dress with the groom, but whatever. 
"How about this one, here instead?" Y/N flicked to a page of things more form-fitting and flat.
Mick's eyes looked to a particular design on the page, another choice that seemed miles away from Bianca's taste. "This one," he mused, his finger tapping the paper. "It's got a flair, a vibrancy. What do you think?"
She sighed and looked down at him, he had a stupid smile on his face, he'd had it since he had walked in.
"I think you're very distracted, Mick."
He let out a hearty laugh and swiftly took her cup of wine.
"What do you mean, darling?" he quipped, trying to sound innocent, though the cheekiness in his tone betrayed him.
With a sigh, Y/N stood up and carefully arranged everything on her rug.
She slipped off her shoes to get comfortable on the floor and undid the top button of her blouse. 
"Come here, Mick." She gestured for Mick to join her, her voice was warm and inviting to him.
She looked sultry sitting on her rug, and he wondered if she was making an innuendo for them to shag on the floor or something.
Everything was spread out before them. Y/N's patience wore thin and she implored for the final time, "Are you going to be serious this time?"
"Hm..." He said childishly. 
 "No, Mick," she insisted, her voice firm. "Answer the question. Are you going to be serious this time?"
He relented, only because he liked her demand.
"Alright, I'll be serious," he declared, his arm moving to encircle her waist.
She removed his arm and shifted, settling on her knees. 
Mick shifted his position to mirror hers. He sat on his knees, somewhat determined to focus. 
"Thank you, Mick. Now, a pattern, any pattern you can think of." 
"Something floral, understated but not dull, you know?"
She nodded resolutely and wrote notes whilst drawing little concepts beside them. Mick was watching in awe, she couldn't place why, this was the most boring part of it.
"I haven't stopped thinking about you since I got engaged. I'm enamoured with your work, you know." He confessed. 
Why did he have to say since he got engaged, it sounded like he was expressing his love for her over Bianca, and she dreaded that thought. 
"What do you mean?" She asked, timid. 
"You're my favourite designer, Y/N. There's no one better."
She tutted and shook her head, "Oh, come now. I'm sure there are better." 
"Nah, I'm convinced you're a creative genius." Mick giggled. 
"And I'm convinced you have a way with words." She deadpanned. 
"Trust me, Y/N. You're my favourite."  
"Right. Well, let's discuss the dress. What colour are you envisioning?" 
She changed the subject, fearing that what she thought Mick was thinking would materialise. 
"How about orange?" 
"Yeah, why not?" He said sarcastically. 
"Stop it now." 
"Alright, alright, obviously white."
"Obviously, but what shade of white?"
"Dunno, suppose you'll have to surprise her." 
"Okay." She groaned and rightfully decided she wasn't going to ask Mick for anything, ever. 
She leaned over him to grab something, and his arm once again found its way around her waist, an intimate hold, like he was trying to show affection. It was a move that was becoming all too familiar, and she didn't like that. 
"Come on, Mick," Y/N sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "What are you doing?"
Mick didn't want to beat around the bush, not with her.
"This is getting a bit dull, don't you think, love?" he suggested.
Y/N's brow furrowed in disbelief, struggling to keep up with the sudden turn of events. "What's gotten into you?"
"You haven't caught on yet?" he teased.
She mustered a shaky breath, "I did, but I was hoping you'd spare us both the bloody trouble."
"I haven't even scratched the surface, love."
His arm was still around her waist, so he pulled her closer until they were nose-to-nose. 
He closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a hard kiss.
Y/N moved back abruptly, her disgust palpable. "You've lost your mind, Mick. You're engaged, and I'm designing her dress. This is sick- you are sick."
He shrugged.
"Well, she's not the one, love. Not by a long shot."
"Then who is?" 
Before she could process the weight of her own question, Mick kissed her. He started it soft. There was a gentle brush of lips, a mingling of breath. His arms circled her waist and as the kiss deepened, so did the intensity. Their tongues swirled together, tasting the wine they shared. The world outside seemed to blur, leaving only the spontaneous connection between them.
Y/N's hand remained on Mick's chest, her fingers curling against the fabric, her voice barely above a mumble as she uttered his name. Still, he didn't stop. Instead, he kissed her deeper, his hand moving to grab her bottom.
They both pulled away at the same time, their breaths mingling in the charged air. Mick's eyes held a mixture of desire and uncertainty as he looked at her. 
He cleared his throat, "Should we stay here on the floor, or find a more comfortable spot?" 
Mick was very confident, so confident he didn't bother to use perception, though he didn't need to in this circumstance. 
"A couch sounds nice," she replied, mischief in her eyes. 
They untangled themselves, their movements carried a sensuous grace. Making their way to the nearby couch on the other side of the room, the atmosphere seemed to thicken, the unspoken promise of what awaited them palpable in the air.
He took her by surprise, his hands pushed her forwards over the arm of the couch so she could be bent over for him. 
Mick pulled her closer, his hands moving down her body as he unzipped the back of her skirt and eased it off her hips. He sighed with as the fabric rustled around her ankles. He tugged on the waistband of her tights and dragged them to the floor.
"Do you feel me, hm?"
He pressed himself into her and it was teasing both of them.
She looked back at him, "I feel you.."
The sound of leather on metal clinked in her ears as he pulled the belt from its loops. His trousers were made into a pile around his ankles, leaving him with his boxers.
Mick held her hips and pressed himself against her, she could feel the warmth of his cock through the thin fabric of his underwear.
His hands found her panties, he pulled them to one side and he thrust harder, pushing his erection against her bare cunt.
"Mm, Mick."
He thrust two fingers into her eagerly, enjoying the sensation of her cunt clenching around them. She giggled at the sudden intrusion, and he pushed his fingers in and out of her faster, eager for more. He moved his fingers more vigorously as she became wetter.
He removed his fingers, and pulled off his boxers. His cock bounced free; he couldn't wait any longer to be inside of her. He stroked himself twice, savoring the feeling. The head of his hardness was tapped against her entrance, then slid inside of her, inch by inch. He lightly stretched her open, allowing himself to fully enter. He groaned when he filled her up completely, and only slowly moved in and out. 
He went from the tip of cock to the middle of his cock. She was so wet for him. He went balls deep a few times, light taps filled the room with each time he did so.
Her back arched as his dick slid in and out of her, the fuck was swift.
He drove into her with an intense passion. She looked back at him with wide eyes, a mix of pleasure and desperation.
Mick's thrusts were deep and unyielding, directly hitting her g-spot with every movement. Her walls clenched involuntarily as the sensation grew, seeming to never end.
Mick was getting close so he fucked into her harder. Her body slid back and forth beneath him, her stomach moving against the arm. She moved her hips back, urging him on.
"Fuck." He groaned.
He was getting close so he fucked into her harder. Her body slid back and forth beneath him, her stomach moving before the arm. The sensation of her warm skin made him shudder.
He pulled out just in time, his penis coated in sticky white fluid. She got up promptly to kiss him, excited.
Her lips clasped against his and for a moment it was as if no time had passed between them, but then she broke the seal of her mouth and trailed kisses down his chin and neck to his shoulder blade
They were giddy from their illicit activity, like teenagers sneaking away to do each other right under their parents' noses.
Well, it was under someone's nose.
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mysticmunson · 1 year
turn on that red light: eddie x reader x steve
gigolo!steddie x bestfriend!reader
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summary: the indianapolis nightlife has become steve and eddie's career, but they didn't expect you to walk through the bar.
warnings: no minors! smut, brief mention of kidnapping, first time
author's note: hi! it's been awhile since i've been able to post and hopefully i'll have some more time to in the coming weeks :) thank u to @lilacletter and @andvys for being amazing and i love u! i hope you all enjoy :) xx elora. (didn't proof read)
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It started off as a simple favor. 
Eddie was paranoid about reaching another birthday as a virgin, so Steve became his wingman, heading to the bar with him. The pretty brunette caught his eye, elbowing his friend who sprung into action, both going up to her with charisma and a few shots of whiskey down their throats.
She had been around Hawkins before, coming to the buzzing parties for drinks and a quick romp. Steve recognized her from some parties and she was always friendly, usually switching between conversations and dancing.
Earning her attention, Eddie fumbled some words, but was able to charm her. The issue arose when she grabbed both of their hands, pulling them to a darker corner to kiss Eddie. As Steve went to slip away, she turned to meet his lips, still grabbing onto his friend.
They stumbled into an uninhabited bedroom, covered in a peculiar shade of green that raised their brows. It wasn’t a typical first time by any means, but when the girl left, an idea sprouted.
“Shit, I’d pay for a fuck like that.”
Two days later while Eddie browsed the aisles of Family Video, their cumulative thoughts reached a tipping point when they saw a copy of American Gigolo, a movie neither of them had seen personally, but knew the plot and how scandalous it was considered. 
The erotic cover felt strange in the sea of movies beside it in much more pleasant art, but he still found himself looking at the plastic sleeve, reading the back intently.
Steve continued to check in movies, but kept his eye on Eddie, somehow picking up on what his friend must have been thinking. He just wouldn’t be the one to initiate it, abiding by his task at hand before Keith came in for the night shift.
“You think people do shit like this here?” Eddie wondered out loud, not averting his gaze, his friend was the only one in the building. 
Although he knew what his friend was referencing, he played clueless, sending a hum as a response. The tape was thrown in front of him onto the counter, Richard Gere standing in the shadows of blinds in a suit. 
With the curiosity harvesting, they went out later and later on weekends. After the friends' weekly movie nights, they’d meet up when everyone else retreated, walking around until they found something that piqued their interest.
Illuminated by the neon lights above their heads, they watched the only strip club in Hawkins go from a ghost town to welcoming people from the upper class to the lower class.
Yet, they knew they needed to head back to Indianapolis to dig a little deeper. Not only for more information, but to sustain their anonymity. Living their whole lives in a small town meant they had to be careful and in a big city, they faded into the background.
A few months later, they spent multiple nights a week in the big city, now one of the most sought talents in the clubs. Wandering from club to club, they received a call from the manager of the club, stating someone needed to see them. Sometimes, they were granted a brief description, but others remained a mystery until the door was locked.
The rooms began as motels, working for a hundred or two, but as they became more notorious, the luxury crept up. Large penthouse suites with skyline views, expensive wine that Steve had only had with his parents, and significantly higher pay.
None of their friends had discovered their little secret, keeping the extra cash saved with Eddie putting some towards bills behind Wayne’s back to avoid confrontation. It was only when Robin got a little too nosey in Steve’s room when he went to the bathroom, finding one of the envelopes with the outline of his appointment that night.
Despite using the alias’ in front of customers, it had Steve and Eddie’s names beside their fake ones, Titan and Sneak. Steve thought he would throw up when he walked in on his best friend holding the paper in her hands. 
“Robin! What the hell-” 
“Steve, what is this, are you and Eddie-”
Steve hushed her quickly, not even saying it out loud when home alone, paranoid of lingering ears. She looked at him with wide eyes, clearly taken aback, not just by the letter, but by Steve’s anxious demeanor. 
“Rob, you can’t tell anyone, please.” He huffed, sitting in front of her on the ground as she sat against his bed. She almost laughed at how juvenile he seemed, pouting with worry.
“I won’t, I swear,” She rushed, patting his shoulder awkwardly. With his heart trying to get back to its standard beat, Steve grabbed the paper back, crumpling it in his hands. 
That night at Steve’s house, Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle, Robin, and you came over to watch a movie. Things went as normal, popcorn and candy with more joking than movie watching. 
But the lingering fear you would discover the truth remained. You had grown up in Hawkins and became friends with Eddie in junior high, meeting Steve at summer camp when you were 14. The two boys becoming friends after high school made your small trio form, practically attached at the hip.
There was a mutual protectiveness over you that the boys shared, knowing you were sensitive and had no ill will to anyone. While you weren’t naive, you were fairly innocent and hadn’t experienced as many things as they had.
Watching you walk into the door, smiling and giving both boys a tight hug, the strain in their chest resonated quickly. The warmth of your smile made them melt as you remained in their soft spot, joining the rest of their friends on the couch.
As the credits rolled, everyone, but Eddie and Robin left. She could tell Eddie was antsy, likely hoping she would leave so they could take the hour-long drive. While she knew she wouldn’t tell anyone, that didn’t mean she wasn’t nosey.
“So, how weird are these chicks that pay for sex? Or guys, obviously I don’t judge.” Robin blurted, Eddie choking on his beer with wide eyes while Steve threw his hands up in disbelief. 
“Rob!” Steve hissed, running his hands through his hair, cringing at the bluntness that they weren’t used to with that topic. 
“Why the fuck did you tell her?” Eddie practically yelled, beginning to pace around the living room anxiously.
After relaying the story, Eddie calmed slightly, knowing it was a pure accident and Robin would likely keep the secret as her closest friend is a central one involved. Her inquiries spewed as soon as both boys relaxed, getting ready for their night out.
Suddenly, Robin went from completely oblivious to their confidant, their ramblings increasing in detail as it went further. An encounter she couldn’t help, but laugh at was an older rich woman who asked them to dress like sailors and dance for her before sex.
“She paid a lot, so I don’t give a shit.” Eddie shrugged, spraying a bit more cologne and tying back his hair, “We’ll fill you more in later, we got to roll.”
You and Robin had been sitting in Starcourt after she secured free ice cream from an old manager from Scoops Ahoy who couldn’t care less about their job. With a scoop of Oreo in your cup and cookie dough in hers, you sat down in a quieter corner of the bustling food court.
“I went to rent a copy of Dirty Dancing and Steve wasn’t working,” You sighed with furrowed brows, “He hasn’t been there the last few times I’ve been and Eddie hasn’t been at the mechanic’s shop either because I had to bring in my mom’s car and they said he’s only working one day a week, but they seemingly have more money than ever!”
The nervous glance she gave you was brief, but seen, making your suspicions rise. 
“What do you know?” You glare though not very menacingly, Robin was tempted to crack under pressure, you two had known each other for a few years now. You had never given her a reason not to trust you.
“They got second jobs.” Robin quipped, shoving her mouth with the treat that was melting into soup. 
“Oh, really? Where?” You pondered, accepting this, slightly wounded that they didn’t tell you. 
The crimson coating Robin’s freckled face puzzled you, her mouth opening to tell a lie, but as you looked into her eyes without an ounce of insincerity, it became more difficult. 
To say Robin made waves would be an understatement, she released a whole tsunami. Each new tidbit of information surprised you, that your two closest friends were sex workers. When the conversation ran dry, you went your separate ways and you went straight to your bedroom.
The borderless confines of your mind ran with the thoughts of your friends, thoughts you had kept at bay for years in fear of ruining your dynamic, constantly in a limbo of liking one or the other. 
The insecurity of your sexuality had been potent as years went on, feeling yourself missing opportunities you didn’t realize were there. It seemed like some cruel joke that not only were your friends having sex, but they were getting paid to do it.
As you got ready for bed, your inquisitiveness crept upon you as you undressed, running your hands over your bare chest, pretending they were a set of hands that had yet to linger there. The mere thought of them seeing you in that light made you aroused, imagining how they’d be territorial, not wanting anyone else to see your gentle skin.
The adrenaline of lust drove you to your family's copy of the Yellow Pages, looking under Indianapolis and reaching the Adult section meant for clubs. Spotting one of the ones Robin mentioned, Dazzler, you clicked the loud buttons on your phone and held it close to your ear.
A man with a husky voice answered, seemingly not accustomed to calls this late, but you swallowed your pride. 
“Do Titan and Sneak work next weekend?”
The past few days had flown by for Steve and Eddie, beginning their search for an apartment closer to the city and seeing their friends. However, you hadn’t been as present, noting school or work was absorbing most of your time. 
As a busy woman, you didn’t always have time during the week, but when Friday rolled around and you were nowhere to be seen, they felt uneasy. You always requested off Friday nights, claiming it was your favorite night of the week and the movie night felt peculiar without you there. 
Like clockwork, as Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, and Argyle headed out, the two of them got ready for their shift. With only one ‘appointment’ tonight, they were hoping it was someone older with low stamina, getting them in and out of there before sunrise. 
Meanwhile, you paced around the lavish hotel room brought with your ‘package deal’ for the night. Taking a generous sip of the vodka from the alcohol cart, you winced as it stung down your throat, but the warmth coated your skin.
The dress you wore showed more skin than normal, accentuating your collarbones and neck as it scooped downward. The black dress flowed below your bust, accentuating your chest and legs as it stopped towards your upper thigh. 
Your instructions were to go to the bar downstairs and meet with them, saying you were Jane Doe, a standard anonymous title until you reached the bedroom. After that, it was up to the customer to continue with or alter the name, you hadn’t thought that far. 
The top level of the hotel had beige walls with intricate linework, likely wallpaper, but it looked far more elegant than anywhere you had stayed. The premium package was draining your bank account, but you didn’t want them to have to meet you at a motel, hoping this would prove you were being serious.
Pressing the square elevator button, the silver box slid up quietly, startling you when it opened. Thankfully no one was in there, giving you the time for a silent pep talk, even if there was no ridding of the butterflies swarming within.
Walking into the dimly lit room, your heels clinking against the polished floors were no match for the jazz music playing. The reality of your choice confronted you as you spotted curly hair beside fluffy, the two conversing with the bartender and enjoying a drink.
Part of you considered running away, taking the financial and esteem loss with stride, but your feet listened to the liquid courage cascading in your veins. Sitting on the barstool to their left, leaving one in between, it was now or never.
“I’ll have a martini, please.” You spoke after the bartender introduced herself, nodding as she began your drink. 
Their brisk movement was almost audible, heads snapping to you as you looked forward, accepting the glass gratefully and complimenting her quick assembling. Steve said your name, worry and confusion mixed into one as you looked over as if you hadn’t seen them, swallowing harshly.
“Oh hi,” You smiled, bashfulness taking over, wondering how the hell you were going to pull this off, “What are you guys doing here?”
Dumbfounded, the two struggled to vocalize their coverup until Eddie interjected, “Meeting a friend, why are you here?” The other brunette agreed, shaking his head far too enthusiastically.
They couldn’t believe you were here, not just in the context of their work, but caught off guard by you alone. Dressed well and paired with a nice shade of lipstick, they soon had mental backup if their client was bleak. 
They felt they could never admit they found you so sexy, feeling too perverted. But here you were sipping a martini with hooded eyes when you rarely drink in the first place.
Ignoring their inquiry, you saw your leeway, “Oh, who?”
Taking another sip of your colorful drink, you observed the way they squirmed, knowing you were likely the first person they knew to see them ‘in the act’. Steve’s eyes were scanning the rest of the bar, likely making sure your presence didn’t detour their client. 
“Jane,” Eddie began, “Why are you here? It’s late, you shouldn’t be driving this far with your mom's car.”
He was correct, your mom's car was in Eddie’s shop so much, it should have a membership card. Their concern made you warm, toying with the jewelry hanging from your neck. 
“I-” Your breath hitched, taking a deep breath, “I-I’m Jane.”
The surrounding noise went mute within your world, taking a large gulp to finish off the drink. A crinkled $20 bill from Eddie’s pocket hit the counter as he grabbed your arm, leading you towards the elevator.
“What’s the room number?” Steve spoke in a hushed tone, a sense of hostility completely obscure to you.
“628, but-” Remarking with the card in your hands, he grabbed it and hushed you, Eddie not moving his tight hold. 
The ride was dangerously silent, the doors opening on the final floor as you went to the large suite. You felt more akin to a young girl in trouble, not a mysterious sexy woman. 
With a click, the room unlocked as they flicked on the lights, the tight fingers on your arm releasing as you went in, sitting on the couch with your arms wrapped around yourself.
“What the fuck are you doing? Is this a joke? How did you find out- Was it Robin? I swear-” Eddie began to verbose, pacing back and forth as you shifted on the floral linen cushions.
The stress on Steve’s face showed as he scanned the room, the initial shock subsiding as he took in the indulgent scenery. This was an extravagant hotel, one they had only been to a few times, typically going to 3 or 4 stars. 
“How much did you spend on this?” Steve adjourned with crossed arms, the question causing the other man to stop as well, looking at you with hands on his hips. 
Even if you were going to tell them, you couldn’t due to the croak threatening to spill instead. Their stern glares made your skin turn to flames, the air becoming harder to push through your lungs.
“It doesn’t matter, this was so fucking stupid, you guys can just go.” You admitted, the tears spilling before you could halt them. Covering your face in your hands, your own cheeks exudes warmth to your palms, the wetness mixing in.
At first glance, they thought you were doing this as some weird joke or humiliation tactic. While extremely out of character, they only thought the worst when it came to people discovering their job.
There had never been a reason for them not to trust you, to worry you would judge them for their choices, but still, their guard was up. However, watching you crumble in front of them made them realize it was genuine, which was a whole other level of emotions.
Rushing to your sides, you tried to elbow them away, clearly humiliated by their responses. They stayed, Eddie’s arm slinking behind you while Steve’s hand rubbed your upper back.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t need to do this.” Eddie assured, but his words felt judgemental, making your body shake with anxieties and cries. Abruptly standing, you stepped forward a few feet, moving your hands to behind your neck.
“It’s humiliating!” You ranted, their faces in slight shock at your bluntness, despite knowing the information, “Please stop trying to spare my feelings and just go, I already paid so it’s fine!”
“Hey!” Steve interjected, moving to walk in front of you with Eddie facing toward your back, “Spare your feelings? We just want you to know you didn’t have to pay for us! Why did you?”
Though his words were direct, he sweetly swiped his thumb beneath your eyes. Finally looking up, you noticed his look was genuine, turning to see Eddie’s was as well. But the panic wasn’t gone, still feeling like this is some cruel joke that they’ll laugh at once you’re gone.
Looking down at the rug beneath your feet that cost more than your tuition, you felt your heart in every limb as you stood stagnant. The door felt too tempting, attempting to bolt to the gold handle that barely reached your fingertips until two tattooed arms wrapped around your waist.
Your feet were now a few inches off the ground, kicking them as you wiggled to no avail, forgetting how strong Eddie could be when he wanted to. 
“Please just let me leave with some dignity.” You whined, trying to wedge your fingers between his arm and your own skin. 
“You’re not going until we talk.” Eddie stubbornly stated, his hold not faltering as he walked backward, putting more distance between you and the escape route. Steve walked in front of you, feeling slightly trapped by their sturdy bodies.
Steve’s eyes remained on your face, trying to figure out any information, but was left at a loss. He could pick up clues for what the action meant, showing up anonymously, but he couldn’t figure out why you seemed so upset.
When you stopped struggling in his arms, Eddie released you back to the ground. You walked towards the bed, climbing towards the center and sitting with criss crossed legs. With your head in your hands, you felt the bed dip twice in front of you, situating on the corner.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered, “I thought we told each other everything and I’ve known you guys for so long, Robin found out before me!” The hurt was scattered on your face, wiping beneath your nose with the back of your wrist. 
The boy's shoulders drooped, shifting to sit fully on the bed, waiting for you to look up. After a few beats, you did with slightly red eyes, the skin inside your cheek slotted between your teeth.
“We didn’t tell anybody,” Steve cautiously stated, “Robin found out by accident because she’s a snoop. We’ve only been doing this for a few months. We trust you so much, doll, but we didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
The pet name was comforting, one that had stuck for the past few years after Steve planned out your outfit for a date, claiming it made him feel like he was dressing a doll. His doll.
“It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, I support you guys through everything.” You mumbled, running the pads of your fingers over your fresh manicure, freshly painted a dark blue similar to a night sky.
“We know, it was just so new for us,” Eddie affirmed, “And you’re so sweet. We look out for you more than everybody else.”
The gentle assurance made you smile, loving the dynamic you had built, but then he continued his thought. “But, uh, not to be frank, what was the point in calling us? Spending all this money just to see us and let us know that you know?”
The question was genuine, but it shrunk you to the size of an ant, hoping they would have understood the subtext initially and could drop this. The salty expression swam over your vision, threatening to overflow as their eyes zeroed in, a hitch in Eddie’s throat making you whimper.
“Please,” Eddie pleaded, “Please don’t tell me you did this to lose your virginity.”
Silence had never felt so heavy as you bent forward on the mattress, hoping the plush cloth would absorb you whole. 
“Oh, doll, no.” Steve sighed, hearing his hand brush against his stubble, rubbing his jaw. 
Letting your body take control, you sprang up, startling yourself and the boys. The attempt was futile as you didn’t even get two feet away from the bed before Eddie pulled you back. But a surge of anger jolted you back.
“You guys don’t get it!” You exclaimed, “I’m a virgin in my twenties and it’s embarrassing! I mean, fuck, I even tried paying for it and it still won’t work! I just want it to be over with.”
The bluntness of your words still startled them as you had certainly overheard the boys discuss vulgar things, you rarely verbally engaged. 
As your rant proceeded, they gave each other a look, knowing their thought process was likely similar. Steve went to speak, but you didn’t cease, with Eddie trying the same to the same response. 
With a booming voice, the longer-haired boy shouted your name, just low enough to not alert the neighbors. Stopping your frantic movement, you heard the squeaks of shoes until they stood before you. 
“You know how this started?” Eddie proposed, “It was all cause Steve wanted to be a wingman for me so I would lose my virginity, but the girl wanted us both and made a comment that she would pay for a fuck like that.” The admission made his skin warm, feeling so distant from that boy at the bar to now, but still so familiar.
The information widened your eyes, unknowingly making them shine under the illuminant lights. Each boy gave a smile of reassurance, taking an inch forward that it was practically unnoticeable.
“We don’t want you to feel embarrassed, we’re just confused,” Steve emphasized, taking hold of your hand and rubbing your knuckles, “We don’t want you to think you have to pay us to see us.” 
“Why didn’t you just ask?” Eddie pondered, “Is it only because it’s a job for us now?”
The head shake was immediate, soothing the man’s nerves as he worried their best friend saw them as mere sex objects. 
“No!” You interjected, using your spare hand to grab Eddie’s, “I thought about this before all this-“
The awkwardness was one-sided when you realized what you were saying, the boys raising their brows before smirking, feeling you release their hands as yours began to clam up. 
“Oh, so you have the hots for us?” Eddie teased, poking your side that he knew was ticklish, watching as you squirmed in chagrin. His goal was met when you laughed, covering half your face with a palm. 
Steve sat on the edge of the bed, patting his thighs before opening his arms. Tentatively, you approached him, holding his shoulders as you straddled his lap. 
A hand went to your lower back to keep you steady, another one following suit when Eddie sat beside him. The brown streaks in their eyes were distinct under the harsh lights, looking in wonder at the faint freckles you only saw when they were asleep.
Wordlessly, Steve leaned in, dragging his nose against yours as if he were an animal greeting its mate. There was something so primal about the communication of bodies, universally conceptualized, yet so misconstrued.
Eventually, your lips skimmed against one another, but they didn’t pucker, cheek drifting to press against yours to nuzzle. Inhaling your perfume, he tucked the hair on the opposing side of your face behind your ear before hastily kissing you, catching you slightly off guard. 
A different set of lips was soon pressed to yours, not leaving your spot as hands roamed against your anxious frame. It felt simultaneously natural and foreign to engage in this behavior with them, so new, but so instinctive. 
“This okay?” Eddie breathed out, pulling away from you and looking into your eyes. Nodding your head with dilated pupils, Steve patted your thigh as a sign to stand, following after you.
Maneuvering behind you, Steve grabbed the zipper perched on your back, glancing at Eddie who remained seated on the cloud-like bed. Your sharp intake of breath was in sync with the zipper becoming undone, standing between the man’s legs.
The black dress revealed your dainty set, a lace pink bra with a lace thong to match. Not too extravagant, but something you had stowed away for two years now, encouragement to get out there. The realization of the state of undress you were in made chills run down your spine, multiplying as both sets of brown eyes danced over them.
The man behind you pressed himself to your rear, hands trailing up and down your waist. The texture difference of the detailed material to your smooth skin was enough to make him hard, grunting as your shoulders relaxed. Eddie’s thumb brushed to the dainty flower at the center of your waistband, his other hand grabbing the plush of your thigh.
“I have a question.” You stated, releasing far more breathless than intended, but their brows raised in curiosity, “I’d like to know how to give a blowjob.”
Your eyes wouldn’t meet theirs, but they met each other, smirking in cheekiness. With your sights on the floor, you saw Eddie’s legs become unbent and soon two pairs of pants were on the ground with coordinating belts. Shirts were disposed of soon after, the other man disappearing from your sight as the bed creaked. 
Steve walked you closer to the bed as you kneeled, going to crawl to the center as he gave your bottom two pats of encouragement, causing a whimper. 
“Oh, we’re saving that for later.” Steve joked, sitting beside Eddie, who lay against the giant pillows, only he sat upwards.
Covering your face with your hands, stifling the quaint giggle at the absurdity of the scenario until they grabbed your wrists, waiting for you to look upwards. 
“Our shy girl,” Eddie teased, “Can’t be all that shy if you’re asking to suck our cocks. Just do what feels right, pretty girl.”
The vulgarity made your mouth hang open, shutting it to smile, shrugging with a nod. Adjusting to lay on your stomach, you propped upon his thigh, breasts smooshed against the tattoo that resided there. His grey boxers were skin-tight, not leaving much to the imagination as he began to chub.
Leaning forward, your nose breezed through the tuft of hair on his lower abdomen, a gentle kiss placed on his upper navel. A series of pecks were set on his waist, cheek occasionally bumping into his manhood, resulting in a pleasurable hiss.
Truthfully, most of Eddie’s sex experience was now work-related, only hooking up with a few girls for free who didn’t dote on him in this way. Not that it was expected, he just didn’t realize he’d like it this much.
The thick band was pushed downward until his hardness sprang free, blushing red as the cool air hit it. Looking at it for a moment, you pressed similar pecks on his length, gradually opening your mouth more to add spit and your tongue.
Sitting back, you fully removed his underwear before resuming position, kissing it a few more times. The boys watched as you pulled away and looked at him, the gears turning on what to do next. 
“Take him in your hand,” Steve coaxed, snapping you from the trance, “put some spit on ‘im too, it’ll make it slide easier.”
Pooling some saliva, you released some into your palm and held his warm cock, stroking up and down. He grunted, throwing his head back as you enclosed your mouth around his tip. The smooth skin touched your tongue, tracing over the slit and circling it.
As your mouth and hand found a steady motion, he relaxed in your hold while Steve mumbled the occasional words of encouragement, fixated on the way you handled his friend. He looked at his friend's blissed-out face as his eyes fluttered open, widening for emphasis on your skill.
“Oh, fuck me!” Eddie blurted, startling the man beside him, looking down to see you were still stroking him, yet your mouth had moved down to his balls. They couldn’t fit in completely, but they weighed heavy on your tongue, taking one at a time as slobber went against them.
“Okay, okay,” Eddie panted, tapping your cheek with one finger for you to halt, “Give Steve a shot.”
As great as he was feeling, he knew he was on the road of no return and was determined to last much longer than a three-minute blowjob. He had never come so quick in his life and he didn’t plan to start now.
Eddie sat up as Steve slunk down, removing his own dark green briefs and tossing them to the pile. Your mouth salivated for him, kissing up and down his twitching erection, tongue gliding against his sensitive tip.
“What was that, doll?” Steve asked, feeling your lips mumble against his hardness as you explored it, unaware it even slipped out.
“Oh, you both have pretty cocks.” You whispered, hearing their subtle gasps at your bluntness, but humming in approval. Spitting as politely as you could, you let it dribble to your palm, stroking him as your lips enclosed at the top.
“Thank you,” Eddie smirked, “Try twisting your wrist a bit- Ah, there you go, good girl.”
The wanton cry at his endearment made his mouth open, a grin peeking at the corners of his mouth, while Steve shuddered at the added vibrations. 
Noticing your embarrassment, they chose to keep that for later, seeing the glimpse at all of the fun they would have in store. Even without the few tips, they felt this was one of their top blowjobs ever.
“C’mere, doll,” Steve suggested, sitting up as you followed, “get comfortable.”
The three of you switched spots as you sat against the pillows, the boys on their haunches on each side of you. Their eyes ignited your skin, seeing an unfamiliar look in their eyes that you attributed to lust.
“Can we take this off?” Eddie pondered, looking at the lace detailing on the cups covering your breasts. Arching your back, you snuck your hand behind to undo the clasp, but was swiftly swatted away by his hand. He undid it much faster than you had anticipated, bringing it off your arms to join the pile. 
The cool air made your nipples begin to firm, coincided with the gentle touch administered by the men with Steve grasping them in his palms. You relaxed further into the pillows, head going back as you bit your lip, but he kissed you soon after.
It meant to not hold back, to not bite your lip, or repress your emotions. It was likely subconscious, knowing he just wanted to hear you and kiss you at that moment.
Eddie’s rings grasped at your hips, pulling the thin cotton down, stifling a chuckle. Steve looked at his friend who showed the wetness pooling in your panties and glistening on your cunt. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie trailed off, smiling with adoration at how demure you seemed, lowering himself between your legs, “gonna taste your pussy, is that okay?”
Your brief look of conflict made them nervous, Steve leaning beside you, pushing away the hairs near your face. 
“You don’t have to, Eddie.” You confessed, picking at your nail that flaked off a thin layer at the tip. 
“I would like to, but we want you comfortable.” Eddie explained, sitting up, not an ounce of judgment eminent on his features. 
Glancing over at Steve, you saw the same genuine look, one that almost made you clench your thighs.
“How about we try something else and if you decide you’d like to try it, we can do it?” Steve offered, rubbing your hair as you nodded.
The thought of their faces between your legs was enticing, something you had selfishly dreamed about, but now that the situation presented itself, you felt a little too vulnerable. It was something you wanted eventually, but not tonight.
“Can we put our fingers down here?” Eddie mused, leaning on his elbow on your right, parallel to Steve. 
After your confirmation, you felt a gentle pressure on your bundle of nerves, legs widening. Eddie smiled against your ear, nibbling against your cartilage that made you whimper.
Steve shuffled lower, mouth latching onto your nipple, hand going towards your dripping hole. A finger prodded, long enough to find the spongy area swiftly, your back arching sharply as you moaned.
“Easy, tiger,” Steve smiled, lifting his head to its original propped station, and pushing your hip back onto the mattress. Eddie’s fingers filled you soon after, his lips meeting yours, entering your mouth smoothly.
The sound of rattling, pulled you two apart, seeing Steve grab his bag that was on the bedside table. Yanking out a line of gold-foiled condoms, he ripped off two, handing one to his friend. He grabbed a bottle of lube, placed it on the counter, and dropped the bag to the floor.
You watched attentively as they rolled the plastic on, a minuscule part of you wishing they’d come inside of you. The lingering thought that this was work crept in, but you pushed it away, too aroused to contemplate.
Eddie hovered over top of you, noses squishing as your lips engulfed one another’s, moving to kiss your cheek and jawline. 
“Tell us if it gets to be too much, doll.” Steve instructed, watching as Eddie lined himself up at your entrance. 
His tip entered you covered in your own slick, gasping at how he stretched you. He got on his knees, lifting your hips from the bed as he began to descend you onto his cock.
Your choked cry was suppressed until he reached halfway, Steve immediately coming to your side. His hand grasped your chest, distracting you from the ache in your core.
“You’re doing so good, doll,” He praised, kissing your temple, “It’s going to feel so good soon, I promise.”
It seemed foolish, but you would’ve believed anything either one of them would say to you. Having them inside you made your brain grow fuzzy, trusting them as your mind floated off and your body sacrificed control.
Steve’s spare hand cupped your cheek as Eddie’s grabbed your hips, rocking his hips back and forth rhythmically. 
“There we go,” Eddie praised, smiling down at you as his thumb met your clit as he was fully inside of you. 
The tempo increased as your body relinquished its stiffness, forehead pressed to Steve’s with your eyes closed, while he fixated on your sweet face contorted with pleasure and pain. Your mouth hung open in silence until a tearless wail came through, hips flinching in the ring-adorned man’s firm hold.
“Almost all the way down, baby.” Eddie announced, watching as your essence covered almost his entire member, his affectionate name making you throb and his smirk.
Throwing your head back on the pillow, you whimpered at the acceleration in his movements, moving to rest on your elbows to look at the two of them. It was the first time they noticed the genuine lust in your eyes, making Steve harder and Eddie sharply thrust. 
A groan exuded from the depths of your chest as Eddie’s cock fit snugly inside you, balls pressing to the curve of your ass. The sounds of pleasure you released were music to their ears, Steve playing with your breasts and occasionally kissing them or your neck. Letting out a breathy moan mixed giggle, they couldn’t stop their own smiles from appearing. 
“What’s so funny, pretty girl?” Steve grinned with creased eyes, reaching the dimples on his dewy face. 
“Feels so good. Didn’t know it would feel this good.” You sigh in awe of your bodies, how such pleasure existed within yourself at the simplest touch.
Eddie watches your hazy features contort as your back hits the mattress, a warmth that only came when you touched yourself hit your body, only this was far more intense. He lowered himself to be right above you, Steve’s nose pressed against your cheek as his hands continued to assist. 
“Open your eyes.” Eddie cooed, noticing how swiftly you obeyed his command, knees pressing against the sides of your thighs.
Before you could prepare, your orgasm blindsided you, grabbing onto Eddie’s shoulders as you writhed. He felt his own finish approaching, stuttering his hips with a gravelly moan that seeped through your incoherent haze. 
Steve could barely contain himself when Eddie rolled off of you, pulling away his condom and tossing it in the black with gold detailing trash can nearby. 
“Good job, sweetheart,” Eddie heaved, regaining his composure beside you, eyeing his friend who he knew was losing his composure, “You ready for Steve?”
Nodding, you barely looked at the boy before his lips were on yours, cupping your jaw in his palm that traveled to your hip. He pulled away with puffy lips, blown pupils, and messy brown locks.
“Do you want to try a different position, babe?” He mentioned, tucking hair behind your ear as you thought it over. 
“We can try on my tummy.” You proposed, already rolling over with Eddie at your other side, kissing the top of your head. Unknowingly, this was one of Steve’s favorites, though he enjoyed classic missionary, and Eddie smirked at his friend’s stunned face. 
Manhandling came naturally as he adjusted your hips, bringing them up so you rested on your knees, spreading out for him. Your previous orgasm was beginning to pool toward your center, watching as you clenched briefly, inadvertently pushing more out after. 
Groaning, he grabbed your ass cheeks and pulled this apart slightly, wishing he could lick a stripe up your cunt. He heard your bashful whimper, making Eddie chuckle, cupping your jaw, and kissing you. 
Steve got on his knees, giving himself a few tugs before sliding the tip between your glistening folds. He slid in much easier than Eddie given the extra lubrication, but the stretch was still foreign to you as he thrusted.
The pleasure arrived quickly, the softer part inside of you being hit just right as Eddie sucked the sweet spot on your neck. Steve grabbed the flush of your bottom, quickly letting go.
“Can I smack your ass?” Steve questioned, feeling slightly silly as most in this position expected a few taps, but knowing your inexperience, he didn’t want to startle you. A quick nod put his mind at ease, his firm hand sounding off your delicate skin with a pathetic cry.
“Oh, that is just too sweet.” Eddie cooed against your ear, snickering as you whimpered, head smushing into the pillows. His hand went down to the throbbing bundle of nerves between your legs, activating another whole level of stimulation as Steve showed you the new position.
With closed eyes, your prominent sense was touch as your body was explored. Ranging from delicate to rough, your mind wandered into the opening abyss, unable to conceptualize what would happen after this. 
Currently, your two best friends were splitting you open, tasting and touching you in a way no one ever had. They seemed intrigued, but was this because it was your first time or even because you paid? When the sun began to crawl up north, would they lay at your side or rarely speak to you again?
Typically emotionally sound, the thought of losing either of them overwhelmed you, along with the vulnerability you were placed in. You hadn’t realized your slight wheeze in your moans until Eddie pulled you up by the hair, a concerned look in his shimmering eyes.
What you hadn’t heard were their gentle calls for you, asking if it felt good or if something needed to change. When you barely moved, they felt sick, hoping there was no pain brewing.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked, seeing your lip pout with a tremble, Steve resting halfway inside of you. 
Gulping, you felt 5 inches tall, two sets of eyes on you examining your every breath. You pushed your hips back, only to be stopped by Steve’s grip, giving you a warning look to the back of your head.
“Nothing.” You stuttered, making Eddie scoff and roll his eyes, Steve adding a small pinch on the meat of your hip.
“Somethings wrong, know you too well to play this game,” Steve quipped, “We’re not starting again until you say what’s bothering you. Are you comfortable? Do you want to move positions?”
Like a petulant youth, you grumbled, furrowing your brows. The mix of insecurity, sexual frustration, and the reminiscing euphoria from your climax blended into a troublesome combination.
“Stop, I’m fine!” You sassed, looking down at the creasing sheet, “Just fuck me like you do all your customers and continue on with our nights!”
Not looking up, you didn’t see both of their eyes enlargen, mouths falling open slightly. Thankfully, Steve pieced some things together and knew stopping wouldn’t help this scenario. He figured they could try something else, mouthing for Eddie to follow his lead.
Suddenly you were facing the ceiling with a gasp, Steve’s hand around your neck as he pushed you against his chest, looking up at him through your eyelashes. The light made him look angelic, cheeks flushed red with a golden glow from the chandelier above their heads.
His hips snapped forward as Eddie pressed his chest to your front, a hand finding your nipple and the other to your clit. It seemed vengeful, the way they began to fuck you as if you were a measly plaything. 
“This what you want, hm?” Steve gritted, trying his best to ignore your clenching, “Want us to stop really caring about you? Just focus on getting you off and out of the door?”
His palm met your ass again as you cried, the one at your neck moving to sprawl across your chest, keeping you in place. Eddie trapped your cheeks in one of his hands, adding to the riveting lack of control you were experiencing. 
“Eds, Stevie.” You gasped quietly, trembling at the enthusiastic pace and intensity of the scenario. The following orgasm was coming closer than intended, hoping you’d prolong it farther to ensure more time between their heated skin.
Eddie patted your cheek warningly, “Nu-uh, our clients don’t call us that.”
Your whine made them satisfied, knowing your wall was tumbling down as you shook your head. 
“Don’t want to just be your client.” You murmured, looking at Eddie’s eyes that softened, his hand cupping your cheek before kissing you.
“Yeah,” He smiled, pulling away and wiping the dangling spit, “You’re our girl, right?”
“Yes!” You yelped, their joint attempt to help you finish succeeding as you shook, Steve’s hand moving away from your collarbone and to your other hip. 
Eddie catches your convulsing body, mewling into his glistening skin, as Steve groans into your shoulder and fills his condom. Slipping out of you, he fell back onto the bed, chest rising quickly as his eyes shut briefly.
His protection was soon discarded, watching as you lay with resting eyes in between them. The white noise that surrounded you was beginning to diminish, the sounds of their breathing coming to you.
Before your eyes were fully open, you were scooting off the bed, grabbing your clothes from the ground without looking behind you. 
“What’re you doing?” Eddie asked, seeing you fumble with the back clasp of your bra, hands still shaking from your orgasm.
Rubbing your thighs, trying to steady yourself before standing, “Don’t they usually leave after?”
Their silence taunted you, biting your lip until a hand reached each of your biceps, pulling you back to the pillows with a shriek. As if it were magic, Steve undid your bra with one hand as Eddie yanked it off. 
Soon you were sandwiched in their bodies, adjusting to find comfort in your frame, sighing contently like small kittens once they did. The insecurity fell into the mattress and seeped to the floor, smiling at their affections.
“Psst,” Eddie hushed, poking your side, “Psssttttt!”
Squinting your eyes, you looked at his joyful expression that was soon pressed against your cheek, nose jutting to your temple.
“Yes?” You replied, feeling Steve mimic the position on your left cheek.
“You’re still our best friend.” Eddie whispered, startled by his blatant sincerity until he blew a raspberry on your face. 
Squeaking, you flinched away, into Steve’s arms who encapsulated you in a warm hold. Yet, he betrayed you by blowing one on your neck, laughing boisterously as you squirmed. 
The ice was broken as you all relaxed, shrugging the blankets up to your chest as the air conditioning tickled your skin. Steve propped up on an elbow while Eddie remained pressed against you on his side, your head below his chin while laying on your back.
“Talk to us next time,” Steve began, hand petting your hair as you looked up at him sheepishly, “You’re getting your money back anyways.”
Before you could argue that you did make them drive all the way here, Eddie butted in, “Yeah, buy us breakfast in the morning and gas- Did you really drive your piece of shit car up here, oh my God.” His teasing transcended into legitimate worry, already envisioning the black smoke coming from the hood.
“I took a taxi.” You shrugged, feeling the end seem on the sheet, seeing Steve’s body tense in your peripherals. 
“You what!” He barked, making you hold back a laugh, “You took a taxi all the way- What if you got kidnapped! You’re very kidnappable!”
Scoffing, you looked up at him before back at your hands, pouting.
“I am not! I’m in my bad girl phase anyways.” You jested, making Eddie snort while Steve repeated your scoff. The impending playful tiff between you three was beginning, making you slink under the sheets.
“Hey! No, no.” Steve gaped, going to his back and going under as well with Eddie quickly following. 
You all laughed and playfully pushed at each other until Eddie halted, bringing your frame with him. Steve huffed, laying against your tummy, nosing at the small hairs below your belly button. 
“You know,” Eddie thought, “We should make a fort out of these sheets.”
“I’m down.”
“He’s my ride so I fuckin’ guess, but I want my boxers on. So should Eddie, but you should definitely leave yours off.”
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tagging some mutuals! @lilacletter @munsonology @andvys @queenimmadolla @oneforthemunny @indouloureux @bimbobaggins69 @dearest-readers @corrodedcorpses @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint
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samiwife · 10 months
Lipstick Stains ੈ✩‧₊˚ (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
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A/N: Hey! Hope everyone is doing okay! This is a fluff oneshot of Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe! He's such a cutie. Hope you guys enjoy it! <3
𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
You have always worn makeup. You felt more confident with it. You would always go to the makeup store with Nikki. Nikki would try his best not to complain. You loved it when Nikki was slightly embarrassed when he went into overly girly stores with you. He would blush uncontrollably and try to look away at things like lingerie and lipsticks. One day, one of your favorite makeup lines released a new lipstick color and you wanted to get it. But, you didn't want to go alone. So you asked your boyfriend Nikki. You walked into the office where he was working on his bass guitar. He was sitting on his sofa. You walked in and sat in his lap.
"Nikki, can you do me a favor?" You sweetly asked so he could say yes. Nikki is always a sucker for you being all flirty and cute. It was his weakness. "What is it, babe?" Nikki asked back while kissing your neck. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "There's a new release for my favorite lipstick brand, I was wondering if you want to come with me to pick it up." You asked with your arms wrapped around his neck. Nikki rolled his eyes jokingly and sighed. "Baby, you know I get all embarrassed when you drag me along to every girly store you go to," Nikki said with a pout. You frowned and looked down. Nikki sighed. "Okay fine, I'll go with you but we have to get food at the mall because I'm hungry," Nikki said while standing up wrapping his arms around your waist, and hugging you. You cheer in happiness because you loved it when you took Nikki out anywhere. You two got ready and drove to the mall. While in the car, you two listened to Keith Richards and Black Sabbath.
"So what color are you going to get anyway?" Nikki asked you while still keeping his eyes on the road. "I was thinking of just looking like I always do. Maybe I'll test some colors too," you answered. Nikki rolled his eyes jokingly because he knew you would spend hours in makeup stores trying to find the right color that you might buy. "C'mon don't be like that, I'll pay for lunch," you said to Nikki. He smiled. "You better," Nikki said while parking while parking the car. You laughed and the two of you walked into the mall.
After a few minutes of walking, You finally found the makeup store you were looking for. You walked in with Nikki. The greeter stared at the both of you. Nikki looked a little intimidating. He had black messy hair and wore lots of leather. So people often stare at the two of you. You quickly walked to the lipstick section where the different colors were displayed, You tried on the first color you saw which was a pinkish purple color. Nikki was just standing there minding his own business in his own thoughts. "Hey Nikki, how does this look?" you asked while turning to him. He looks over.
"Baby, you look good in any color," Nikki said while smiling. You frowned at his answer, you wanted a realistic answer. Then an idea popped into your head. You leaned over to Nikki's face and kissed his cheek. You pulled away and saw a big pinkish-purple kiss stain. You laughed at the color and the fact it's going to stain. Nikki looked at it in the mirror. He blushed and smiled. "I love this color, it looks great on me!" Nikki said. You used one of the makeup wipes on the counter and moved on to the next color. This time the color was a reddish pink. It was a completely different color from the previous color you tried on. You tried it on and kissed Nikki on his other cheek.
Again, it left a stain. You saw Nikki was enjoying this. He was being kissed by his girlfriend and getting lunch afterward. It was his lucky day. This would happen a few more times. It was just you wiping off the color of the previous lipstick, trying on a new one, and then kissing Nikki's face to test it out a different. You did it multiple times and now Nikki's face was covered in kiss marks from you. You laughed at the end product. Nikki never took any makeup wipes to clean it. In fact, he liked the fact that he had a bunch of kisses on his face. "Do you want a makeup wipe to clean it?" you asked while handing him a makeup wipe. Nikki laughed and shook his head. "No, I love this new look. Makes people know I'm yours." Nikki said while smiling and holding your hand. You blushed and wiped the remaining lipstick off your lips.
"Okay, I finally made my decision on what color I'm going to get." You said while holding a stick of glittery pink lipstick. Nikki looked at it and smiled. "That's a pretty color on you, but to be fair every color looks great on you," Nikki said while the two of you walked to the front of the makeup store. At the front of the store, the lady rings you up. The lady looks up and chuckles at the sight of Nikki's face. Nikki still had all the lipstick stains on his face. "Find everything okay?" the lady asks while trying to hold in her laughter. "Yeah everything was just fine," You said. Then you pulled out your purse and were about to pay for the lipstick when you felt a hand grab yours. It was Nikki. "No baby, I'll pay this time," he said while holding up his wallet. You roll your eyes and put down your purse. "No Nikki, you paid last time. I should really pay this time too." You said trying not to make a scene. "C'mon baby, please you're paying for lunch so it seems fair," Nikki said still holding up his wallet.
"Ugh fine, you can pay this once," you said while zipping up your purse. Nikki pays and the lady hands Nikki the lipstick. Nikki then hands the lipstick to you. You two walked out of the store and walked down to the food court where the two of you had lunch. This time you paid for lunch. At lunch, you ate a small bowl of pasta and Nikki had a burger and fries. During lunch, lots of people stared at you. Maybe it was because of the way Nikki dressed or the fact that he had a bunch of lipstick stains. Nevertheless, it was a good lunch. After lunch, you and Nikki walked to the car. While in the car, you tried out the new lipstick you bought. You looked at yourself in the car mirror. Before Nikki drove the car, you leaned over to him and kissed him one last time on his cheek. A pink glittery kiss mark remained. You smiled and looked at Nikki. Nikki smiled and kissed you on the lips.
"Okay, let's go home. I'm kinda getting tired," you said while looking at Nikki. Nikki smiled and turned the keys in the ignition. "Alright, then we can go home baby," Nikki said as he held out his hand for you to hold. You grabbed his hand and for the rest of the ride home, you two listened to your favorite songs.
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gnrswife · 6 months
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Izzy stradlin X fem!reader
warnings: smut,cheating
Your best friend was passed out right next to you, drunk off too many glasses. She had always been a heavy sleeper and it had annoyed you how hard she was to wake up. That was before you had her boyfriend’s huge dick inside you. It almost hurt how big he was, stretching your cunt out as his massive hands guided your hips up and down.
“That’s a good little slut. How does that big dick feel?” izzy's voice low as he looked at you with hazel eyes that were completely darkened. You knew this was wrong, you were being a terrible terrible friend. This man though had a chokehold on you though.
“So-.. so big.” You whimpered, your pussy soaking his cock.
Chucking darkly, he slid his hands down to your bare ass. “I’m about to show you how big your best friend’s boyfriend’s dick is.” He whispered, holding you tightly as he started to thrust up into you. You wanted to scream, his massive length hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. You bit your lower lip, tucking your head into his neck as he leaned in towards your ear. “Fucking you raw right next to your best friend. Hmm.. she doesn’t even get that.”
His words were dirty. Wrong as you should feel, all you could think about was how you were about to cum all over his dick. If your best friend didn’t hear the sounds of skin slapping and heavy breathing, she was sure to hear the sounds of your wet cunt.
“I’m a-about.. to cum.” You moan into his neck with a whine to your voice as this man had no signs of slowing down. His pants in your ear, low growls had you clenching down onto his cock.
"You might have to tell your best friend that you are knocked up with my baby.” izzy's voice still in your ear as you felt his cum shoot inside you.
The may I can only write when im bored and its mosly smut😭 but i have keith richards smut in my notes should i post it?
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2braincellslz · 1 year
request for billy x (trans?)male reader do whatever you want with it >:3
Tell Me, Sweetheart.
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Gif by avenging-fandoms
Desc: you, your friend, and Billy hang out for the day after ditching school. After a bit, Billy gets you alone he tells you how he really feels in a unnaturally soft moment.
Ship: Billy Hargrove x Male Reader fluff
Warnings: a very small reference to looking feminine, gets kinda steamy at the end, not reviewed, tread lightly bc I cant remember everything.
Notes: V exited for this. I'm also quiet proud. I might write a second part later if yall want. Probably one of my longest fics. Also, I tried to make it fit in to both Trans readers and Cis so-
Y/n tapped his pencil against the desk. If he had to listen to one more person drone on about their 'historical hero', he was going to lose his mind.
He glanced around the class and noticed that a few faces were missing. Richard who he knew was sick. Linsey who had 'gone to the bathroom' with her boyfriend, Mitch. Keith who was most likely skipping and stoned. And ofcourse, Billy.
Y/n was sure Billy only showed up once maybe twice to class.
Y/N knew Billy. Well, 'knew' wasnt the correct world. He had spoken to Billy maybe once or twice. He complimented Y/ns car once. Y/n had made a joke to his basketball friends and Billy laughed, patting Y/N on the shoulder. Y/N was very proud of that. He would never admit. Hell, if he did admit it, who knew what would happen. Probably, the worst possible outcome. So, the only option was to be his friend. But you couldn't right now while you were listening to fucking Timmy Little rant about Alexander Hamilton.
"Can I use the bathroom, Ms?" Y/n asked, standing up.
"Raise you hand, Mr. L/n. But yes. Make it quick." She waved you off.
You nodded, glancing to your friend with a smile. He smiled back with a wink.
Once out of that classroom, you huffed, crossing your arms. You paced a little bit, glancing around a bit to make sure there was no teachers walking by.
"Hey, man." You friend shut the door behind him.
"Hey, dork. Wanna hit up the mall or a convent store?" Y/n asked, walking with your head down as he pulled out a pack of new cigs.
"Mall. Definitely the mall." You handed your friend a cig before pulling out your own.
"Mall it I- oof" y/n had walked in to something. Something? No, someone.
He quickly backed up, looking up. "Eh, sorry uh..." it was Billy. Why did it have to be Billy?
"Sorry Billy." Y/n said, staring at him.
"Hey, dont worry about it." He smiled, taking one of your cigarettes. "Light?"
"Oh yeah." Y/n pulled out his lighter, holding it up for Billy.
"Thanks." And then he left.
Y/ns friend watched as Billy walked away and then glanced over at you.
"Really? Billy?" Y/ns friend (who's name was Justin) knew about your interests. Knew you were fruity.
"Shut up!" Y/n laughed, shoving Justin away. "What's wrong with Billy?"
"What's wrong with Billy? What isnt? You have no chance and even if you did shoot your shot, he would... well."
"Yeah, But hes pretty." You smiled and you both burst out laughing.
Justin and Y/n sat in YNs car. Y/n groaned as he tired the key again only to be met with the sound of the car struggling to start.
Y/n shiged, sitting back in his chair. "Great. My car is dead."
"We could walk?" Justin suggested, also sitting back.
"We would have to walk all the way back here and we would still have a dead car."
"So we are shit out of luck?"
Y/n let his head fall back with a loud shigh. Might aswell just go back in and stay in class.
Suddenly, there was a tap on YNs side of the car, causing him to sit up, startled.
Yn looked over, expecting a very angry teacher, but it was only Billy. Yn let out a long shigh and fell back in yn his seat.
Billy let out a chuckle. "You need help?" He smiled.
"Yes. God, yes. Thank you."
He steped back and YN steped out. Yn glanced over at Justin. He raised his eye brows and smiled, giggling.
You rolled your eyes and closed the door.
"Sorry. I didnt know the batter was so low. I let a friend borrow it the other day and... well now it's dead... "
"Dont worry about it, sweetheart."
Yn nodded. Then pause. Sweetheart? What was that about? Did he mean it? Was it a joke? Was he waiting for a reaction? Did he think Yn was... no. Definitely not. YN looked back over at Justin who just shrugged. Guess he didnt hear.
YN looked back back over at Billy, setting up the jumper cables. Jesus, who knew such a simple task could look so... Hot.
Billy steped back from the cars and then go in to his own. He started up the car and then your cat was shocked to life.
Billy got out of his car. "There you go, babe. Where are you heading."
Yn watched as Billy lick the back of his teeth. He had such strong eye contact, it was making YN nervous.
"Oh um, we are going to the mall. Probably going to buy something nice or whatever."
"The mall, huh? Mind if I tag along." Billy shut the door and walked around to your car, resting his arms on top of the car.
"Um. Yeah, definitely!" Yn smiled. Yn could felt Justin's eyes boring in to his head but Justin can trip on a knife.
Billy climbed in to the back seat and you got back in to the drivers. You rushed out of the school parking lot, desperately praying to whatever god there was that no teachers saw.
"Mind if I play something?" Billy asked, leaning over the center console to pull out the tape yn had in and push in his own. Rock filled the car. Justin was quick to sing along followed by Billy and YN.
After a quick drive to the mall, the three of them got out and started toward the mall. YN walked between the two, joking with Justin as Billy took out a cigarette. Before he knew it, Billy's arm was being wrapped around YN's shoulder. Yn didnt say anything, though he felt like he was going to faint, but he did silently tell Justin to 'Fuck off!' When he started giving YN the 'ooooo' eyes.
Billy walked around the mall etheir touching YN, holding YNs arm to show YN something, with his arm wrapped around YNs shoulder, or very close to YN. Maybe he left YNs side once or twice but it was very rare.
YN was dying little by little. A guy the YN had a crush on for some time was finally showing him affection. It didn't help that Justin had taken it apon himself to make it worse for his so called 'best friend'.
The group found themselves in the food court eating the food the Billy payed for. Billy was right next to YN, their shoulders were practically touching. YN payed no mind as he tried to finish his burger.
Billy had finished a bit ago, not getting much else other then a thing of fries. YN watched as Billy glanced around the food court, winking at a group of girls that were also most definitely skipping. YN went back to his food, completely focused of the damn good burger he was practically making out with. That was until he felt a pressure on his thigh. He looked down to see Billy's strong hand resting there, gently rubbing his thumb across YNs jeans.
YNs face was definitely tomato red. He glanced over from Billy to Justin. Justin gave a knowing smiled before going back to his nuggets.
Billy wasnt even looking at YN . He was talking to a blond at the next table over. He gave YNs thigh a quick squeeze, almost telling him the Billy really was here just for YN.
Yn swallowed hard and went back to his burger.
School had ended by the time you droped Justin off at home. Lucky bastard lived with his girlfriend so he didnt have to worry about nagging parents like you.
Billy had switched seats for the ride home. Arguing that because he would be switching to the front when Justin left, it only made sense that he would take the front. He also called shot gun.
So there YN was, driving back to the school to drop Billy off at his car.
"Hey sweetheart." Billy piped up, turning down the music. "Turn here."
Yn slowed, eyeing where he wanted you to turn. It was a dirt path that led down to the creak. YN and Justin would go there sometimes to get high and skip stones and bitch about life.
Yn shrugged and pulled in to the drit road, driving down a bit till he couldn't drive anymore, being stoped by the trees.
YN stopped the car, Billy was already gone, walking down the path to the creek.
Yn got out of the car, catching up to Billy. They walked in silence down to the creek. Yn occasionally glanced over at Billy who was stone faced, staring forward.
Today was a fever dream. Billy has never talked to YN before today and yet Billy was treating him like his best friend. More then his bestfriend.
The walk to the water wasn't long. Soon, they were sitting by the creek. Occasionally someone would throw a rock in to the water.
"Billy... um, why have you been so... uh..." YN swallowed. He could feel Billy's eyes staring. Yn tried to force the words out of his mouth but the right words weren't there.
"So?" Yn looked over at Billy who wore a soft smile.
"Sweet on you?" Yn felt Billy's hand on hid back.
"Why am I sweet on anyone?"
"You know I'm a guy, right?"
Yn stared long in to Billy's eyes, waiting for someone to just out from the woods with a camera.
"I did know you swang that way." Yn chuckled, glancing over at the woods. Waiting.
But nothing happened. Yn's smiled fell, his lips parted slightly.
Billy took YNs chin in his pointer and thumb, guiding YN to look at him. "This isn't a joke, L/n"
"Not a joke?" Billy pulled YN closer, their noses just a inch apart. YNs face was burning red. So was Billy's.
"I see how to stare. You arnt suttle."
"You saw?" Your blush darkened.
"Every time you stared at my arms as I leaned over a girls desk. Every time you started at my lips when I smiled. The way you blushed as I laughed at your joke."
"Billy..." Yn mumbled, his voice dropping just below a whisper.
"Tell me. Tell me how much you want me. Tell me how much you need me." His voice was rough, sending shivers up YNs spine.
"I need you. You are so handsome and so perfect. I cant stop staring..." YN mumbled, glancing away from his eyes to his lips. He pulled YN closer, pressing his lips to YN's and a soft and tender kiss.
On of Billy's hands snake around the back of YNs neck, pulling him closer. The hand on his chin left and moved to YNs waist.
YNs arms moved to Billy's shoulders, resting loosely around neck.
Justin is going to lose his mind when he hears about this.
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reapers-lover · 1 year
Keith Richards x Fem!reader
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The last bell for the school day rang and you quickly grabbed your bag and walked home. It had been a very long and stressful week so you were excited that it was the weekend and you could finally relax.
When you got home you walked into your kitchen to find your parents sitting and talking.
"Look dear, her grades are decreasing. I bet it's that boy she keeps hanging around." Your father said.
"I know darling but what are we supposed to sa-
Before she could finish you cut her off saying "hi mom hi dad I'm home."
"Oh darling great please come sit down we need to talk." Your father said as he pulled out a chair for you. You quickly sat down and looked at your parents.
"Y/n, we don't want you spending time with Keith anymore." Your father said sternly.
Your heart sunk. Keith was your best friend. He was the only person who truly understood you, you couldn't just let him go.
Your father continued, "your grades are dropping from A's to B's, and we think that Keith is why you aren't doing well in school. So we decided that it's best you lose connections with him."
It felt as though the world had stopped. All you could hear was your heart beating too loudly in your chest. Like a ticking time bomb just counting down the beats before you explode.
"Ok.." you mumbled quietly. You didn't want to say much more because you knew that your voice would crack and you would start to cry. So you quietly got up from your seat and left to go to your room.
You didn't want to think or feel anything. You just needed to see Keith. You needed to be hugged and held and told everything was going to be ok. So you packed a small bag with enough clothes and essentials for the weekend and walked back down into the main room where your parents were seated.
"Cassi invited me to stay at her house for the weekend. May I please go?" You asked politely.
"Yes dear have fun and stay safe." Your mom said not even looking up from the book she was reading.
You thanked her then quickly walked out of the door and headed to Keith's house. You finally got to the door of his house and knocked. When it open Keith was there with a bright smile thst dropped once he realized something wasn't right.
"Y/n, are you ok?" He asked you. You were able to hold it together the whole walk to his house but just hearing his voice made you crack and you quickly started crying.
"Oh Y/n come here" He said holding his arms open for a hug. You accepted it and buried your face into his chest. His hug was warm and tight which made you cry even harder.
He pulled away slightly and looked at you. "Let's get out of the doorway and go to my room, ok?" He asked you sweetly.You nodded and followed him inside.
"Keith! Who was at the door?" Doris, Keith's mom called out.
"Y/n! We are going to go to my room she needs someone to talk to!" He shouted back.
"Ok dear, I'll let you both know when dinners ready!" She shouted once more before going back to whatever she was doing.
You finally got to Keith's room and he quickly closed the door then turned back around to face you.
"Come here." He said once more pulling you into a hug. And you broke down in his arms completely. You stayed like that for a while. You cried into his chest while he whispered sweet words into your ears. Once you calmed down a bit he led you over to his bed where you both sat down.
"Whats bothering you, Y/n?" He asked while taking your hands in his.
"It's just been a really long week and when I finally got home ready to just relax my dad said he didn't like how my grades dropped. He blamed it on you and said I wasn't allowed to see you anymore. So I lied and said I was staying the weekend somewhere else." You cried out leaning forwards to cry onto Keith.
He embraced you and started rocking you side to side. "Shhh, it's ok love. I promise we will figure this out." He whispered into you ear.
He bent down and kissed you lightly on the forehead. This was new, he had never gotten that affectionate with you. It made you feel butterflies. You've liked Keith for awhile now but you mostly just ignored it. But you couldn't stop your face from turning a bright shade of red.
"Looky here, someone's blushing" He teased making you sit back up and laugh. You wiped you eyes drying them off then opened them to see keith was red too.
"Says you!" You teased back, "you look like a tomato by how red you are!"
"Oh you're gonna get it" He challenged playfully. Before you could even realize what was going on He had gotten on top of you and was tickling you. You tried to push him off but you couldn't stop laughing long enough to muster up the strength.
After a minute or so he stopped and dropped beside you. Both of you were still laughing like maniacs. However you laughing fit was cut short by Keith's mom calling you both for dinner.
You and his family ate and made polite conversation throughout the meal. And afterwords you all said goodnight and went your own ways.
Soon enough you back on Keith's bed talking with him about whatever came to mind. After awhile you quickly got into the topic of music and you watched him talk on and on about it. He was so passionate about it and you loved watching his eyes light up every time he got to talk about it.
You made a quick decision and grabbed his chin and turned his face to yours. Then you leaned in and kissed him. He stayed frozen for a second, clearly not expecting it but then came back to his senses and started kiss you back.
You both pulled apart and looked at each other. "Keith, I really like you." You admitted. You looked down, not being able to hold eye contact. He placed his hand under your chin and made you look back into his eyes.
"Well that's good because I really like you too." He whispered before leaning in and kissing you once more. You smiled and accepted the kiss. Haply to know he felt the same way.
And that night against your parents wishes you fell asleep in the arms of the man you loved.
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cqterpillar · 3 years
Hiii i hope you're doing great! May i request something fluffy with Keith Richards? (Fem reader please)
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femreader x keith richards
genre(s) ꩜ fluff
warning(s) ꩜ none
summary ꩜ y/n l/n agrees to fake date keith richards, only for the ordeal to go stereotypically wrong.
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you and keith were an intriguing pair when the press “discovered” that both of you were a couple. both of you led rock and roll lifestyles, which of course meant being chased by rowdy girls and boys in part.
if only you two were actually dating.
you remember the way he had asked you remarkably well. after all, how could you forget? the memory was practically etched into your brain.
you were in a recording studio putting the finishing details on a couple tracks when keith of all people entered through the door.
“richards? what are you doing here? i’m in the middle of something-” before you could finish, keith interrupted.
“i know, i know, but i need your help!”
you laughed, “you always need my help!”
“well, this time i really need it, yeah?” keith returned that bright smile of yours, which undoubtedly made you grin.
“fine, fine,” you rolled your eyes playfully, “what do you need?”
“would you please be my girlfriend?”
your heart actually skipped a beat for a moment before you heard him continue, “please just pretend to. these girls, t-they’re practically chasing me!”
you didn’t want to pretend to be with him. you really him wanted to love you. you stayed silent a bit, frowning as you looked away for a bit. you couldn’t make eye contact with him at a point like this.
“i know you’re chased around by people too, y’know.” keith reasoned, “if we’re together, people will get the message and sod off.”
and you ultimately agreed.
and so here you were, watching keith and the rest of his band being interviewed. it was crazy how so many people believed you two were together: even the interviewer thought so. at the mention of your name, you perked up and turned up the volume on your television set a bit higher than before.
“it’s wonderful how you and y/n l/n are a couple. everyone wants to know how you two met each other. would you please shed light on that?”
“oh, y/n? yeah, she’s a doll. we met in, um, london. she was seeing the sights and whatnot and i knew i had to see her again.” keith told them.
there was a bittersweet sensation to his words. maybe he wanted to actually be with you. or maybe he was just that clueless to your feelings, explaining your broken smile.
later on, you found him at your doorstep. keith always liked to go into your home and rummage through your food and chat with you. after all, he let you do the same. you have the key to his house.
“why are you here? shouldn’t you be preparing for a tour or whatever rock ‘n’ roll stars do?” you raised a brow.
“oh, c’mon! love, let me in!” keith smiled until you blocked the doorway. he looked at you quizzically. “what’s the matter?”
“i-i can’t let you in.”
“sure you can. you just move your legs and-”
“i don’t want to pretend to date you anymore.”
keith backed up from the doorway to look at you. the way you looked at keith made him nervous. when he took another step back, you rolled your eyes and pursed your lips. “why so dramatic?”
“i-i need to be with you.” he responded.
“no, you need to be with a girl you’re actually in love with. and i want to be with someone who… who loves me back.” you muttered, beginning to close the door.
keith propped up his shoe near the doorway to keep you from closing it. as you opened the door to snap at him, you couldn’t help but fall for a him just a bit more when you saw his expression.
“so, you don’t think i love you?” he remarked.
“i thought i was being quite obvious.” keith scratched the back of his neck, “um, i really do want you to be my girl.”
“are you serious right now?” you giggled and playfully swatted him on the shoulder, earning yourself a silly ‘ow’. “so you really do think i’m a doll?”
keith’s eyes widened before he nodded, “i didn’t think you would catch me on the tele, and i didn’t want to fall for you. i didn’t think you would be interested in an idiot like me, but i guess this means that you really want to be my girl, huh?”
“i guess i will.” you grinned.
when he moved closer to you, it was just like in the movies. his lips pecked yours. it was the perfect feeling to make you wish for a longer kiss. keith laughed softly before leaning over to kiss you once more.
“ ‘fell for me?’ ”
“look, you’re very charming, okay?”
“you’re telling me like i don’t already know.”
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thelastdj · 3 years
On Tumblr:
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty-
I Guess I’ll Stick Around
Wake Up Time 
One, two, three, four (Mike x Tom)
California Dreamin’ 
Mike Campbell-
One, two, three, four (Mike x Tom)
The Beatles 
Paul McCartney-
In My Life
George Harrison-
Brian May-
Dinner With The Parents
One Day I’ll Go Back
On Wattpad:
Brian May - (1), (2)
Kurt Cobain - (1)
The Rolling Stones
Keith Richards - (1)
The Who
Pete Townshend- (1)
Deep Purple
Ian Gillan - (1)
The Scorpions
Matthias Jabs - (1)
Wattpad Book: Classic Rock Imagines
AO3 Book: Classic Rock Imagines
Updated: 11/08/22 
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thepinkwriterr · 5 years
Under My Thumb // Keith Richards
America, 1965
"Just come sit next to Keith and me." Mick stated, patting the small space next to him. "Fine." I groaned. I sat uncomfortably, glaring at Mick. Keith was also giving me a horrible look. "Keith, leave Y/n alone." Mick grunted. Keith rolled his eyes looked out the window, refusing to even look at me. 
He was so cute, and a great guitar player. I just wish he would acknowledge me without insulting me. He was always so cold and angry. I eventually drifted off to sleep. Before I completely fell asleep I heard Keith whisper-yell to Mick and Charlie,"What the fuck do I do?" 
When I awoke, I was laying in Keith's lap. I shot up when I realized it, and looked at him, embarrassed. He got up and angrily walked to the other side of the bus, with Brian. I rested my chin on my fist and stared at the ground until we arrived at the hotel. I liked Keith so much, and he hates me. I rested against the bus and smoked a cigarette, frustrated with Keith's actions. 
"You like him, don't you?" Mick spoke, startling me. "No." I answered back defensively. "Don't get snippy with me just because you love Keith." I rolled my eyes and stamped my cigarette with my foot. Mick and I started our walk to the hotel. "Don't lie, you like him." He spoke up again. "Maybe a little." "Good, because you're sharing rooms." "What!" "Sorry, I got Charlie, Bill is with our manager, and Brian is by himself again." "What the hell." I huffed. 
Charlie handed me a key to my room and trailed to it, dreading every step. I opened the door and walked in. "You?" Keith asked, pure disgust in his voice. I lowered my head and wheeled my suitcase next to my bed. 
"Y/N..." Keith spoke up. "Yeah?" I asked, slowly lifting my head up. "Do you-do you think I hate you?" "I know you do." "Well-I don't. At all. In fact, I think you're lovely." "You-you do?" I hope he isn't playing with me, because I hate being played, and lied to. "I do. I'm always rude to you,because, I always think you don't like me." "Keith, no. I like you, a lot." He smiled at me, then Mick interrupted us. "We've gotta show!" He yelled, pulling Keith. 
While they played, I sat side stage and watch Keith play. He was such a good player, I admired him so. Halfway through the set, I went back to the hotel. I didn't want to see him walk away with some groupie. When I got back I went to bed, tired and upset. I heard the door open, and Keith step in. He walked over to his bed and fell into it. A few minutes later, I drifted back to sleep. 
Only a few minutes later, I woke myself up from a bad dream. I quietly stood up and walked over to his bed. I crawled in next to him, cuddling up next to him. He stretched his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in closer. As I went back to sleep, feeling safe and happy in his arms, he kissed the of my head. I woke up to Keith groaning and stretching. "Morning Y/N" He smiled. "Morning Keef." I grinned back. We packed our things up and headed out of the door. 
We walked to the bus, my fingers laced in his. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked. "Hey, look at Keith and Y/N, not fucking with each other!" Charlie exclaimed and pointed. "Oh believe me, they're still fucking with each other, just in a different way." Mick winked. I rolled my eyes and we got onto the bus. Keith rested his head in my lap as he fell back asleep. I liked being with him.
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silkysonic · 5 years
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Paul during the recording of Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
2000 Man (A beatle!reader story) - Part 5: Fore!
A quick one, inspired by this picture. Beautiful.
As always, credit to @casafrass for inventing the concept of Beatle!reader, that mf idea that sister snatched my heart. 
Description: It’s the year 2000, and y/n, the fifth member of the Beatles, is advertising her new book, Madam Beatle, in her first interview of the year. We see snapshots of her life, from when she joined the band, to the trials and tribulations, to the death of the band, and everything in between. Loosely inspired by Slumdog Millionaire. 
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Head canons: None, I think, besides the general concept, this is just me spitballing. 
Words: 1465
Pairings: None? I mean, it’s the same as always, depending on how you view it, it can either be a pairing or a friendship.
Warnings: Alcohol, smoking, golf
“There is this recurring, oh, let’s call it a motif, in the book, of the Rolling Stones.” 
“Yeah, this is one of the few cases in which popular opinion was actually correct. We really did see the Stones a lot.”
“Now, you were friends?”
“I’d say so, yes. Initially, we had something of a rivalry, I guess you’d call it, but even in those days, we still had a very deep reverence for each other. And, then, at one point, our managers decided that we should meet.”
“An interesting decision, yes?” 
“Well, you see, in our industry, competition isn’t unusual, but having enemies really can’t be an option. I think they wanted to actually have us meet face to face so our competitive energy couldn’t turn into blind hatred. Because that only leads to worse things.” 
“Hasn’t competition produced some great records?” 
“Yes, but it’s not really a prerequisite. All due respect, I really am against the idea that you need some sort of negative presence to properly be a musician, or make beautiful things. People just like focusing on that because it’s interesting, but really, as much songs have been motivated by joy as they have grief. I wish more people, especially aspiring artists, knew that.” 
“They’re late.” Brian checked his watch impatiently. 
“What’d you expect?” John was lighting his cigarette.
“Their public personas are one thing, but there’s no need to be rude in private.” Brian huffed.
“Maybe, and this is crazy, but hear me out, their on-stage personas evolved from their own personalities.” You retorted as John courteously lit your own cigarette for you. 
“(Y/n), I’m really not in the mood for any of your back-talk. If you could kindly keep the sass to yourself, I think it would benefit all of us.” Brian retorted and John snickered. 
“You got in trouble.” 
“Shut up, John, I’m gonna go check out the bar.” You shifted your eyes up to Brian, expecting some sort of reprimand, though he just looked at you tiredly.
“Just don’t get drunk.” And with that, he paid you no more mind. It’s not nearly as fun when he doesn’t get offended, you thought. 
You turned on your heel and wandered off in the opposite direction, leaving John to flit over to Paul, George, and Ringo, who were pretending to know how to swing a club. You laughed to yourself. The benefit of being the only girl in the group is that when they did dumb guy business meeting things, you were not expected to participate. Another day of your life where you would not have to play golf. Thank god. 
You swung open the door to the bar and the air conditioner hit you in the face. The bar had an old-timey feel, all the way down to the bar tender cleaning a glass at the counter and a few mysterious strangers lined up on the stools. Might as well join ‘em. 
You plopped yourself on the stool the closest to the door and called the bartender over. 
“What can I do ya for, sweetheart?” 
“Vodka sour.” He nodded and whisked off behind the counter to fetch your order. You took a drag of your cigarette.
“Vodka sour?” A thick British accent floated from one of the stools. You spun around your seat, face to face with none other than Keith Richards, the guitarist for the Rolling Stones, and also one of the people that you were waiting on. 
“It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.” You shrugged. If he wanted to play it coy, and act like you two don’t know each other, then he’s on.
He slid out of his seat and moved to the one directly next to you. The both of you were smoking and sizing each other up. Of course, if you wanted to ruin the fun, you could’ve asked why he was late. But you didn’t. 
“Vodka sour, Miss.” The bartender dropped your drink on the counter. You briefly turned back to him.
“Thanks, what do I owe you?” As you struggled to pull out your wallet, Keith took some money from the front pocket of his shirt and handed it to the bartender. He returned your startled look with a charming smile. 
“On me.” 
“Well now, I must be something special if I’m getting you to buy drinks for me.” You doused your cigarette in the ashtray and took a long sip.
“Nah, it’s just, I feel like I know you from somewhere.” He grinned.
“Feeling’s mutual. Perhaps I can buy the next one?”
“Oi, Keith, stop flirtin’ we got some bugs ta’ meet!” Another British accent, though this one a lot more harsh, cut through the room. 
Coming in from the alternate entrance was none other than the flamboyant, the one and only, the Romeon to your Juliet, Mick Jagger. Trailing behind him like ducklings was the Stones’ manager, Andrew Loog-Oldham, the bassist, Bill Wyman, the other guitarist, Brian Jones, and the dummer, Charlie Watts. 
“While you were sittin’ on your ass, Mick, I already got started!” He leaned back in his seat, revealing you sitting next to him. You flashed your million dollar smiled at the confused crowd. 
“It’s a pleasure.” You toasted to them across the room with your vodka sour, before finishing the drink off and leaving it on the counter.
Mick’s eyes slanted at you, and you could’ve sworn that you heard him purr. 
“A pleasure indeed.” He stalked across the room towards you, before gently taking your hand in his own and kissing your knuckles. You turned to Keith from the side. 
“See? He knows how to greet a lady.” Keith chuckled at your joke. 
“I apologize if our Keith has been forward at all, he can’t handle himself around birds, ‘specially those he fancies.” From what you already knew about Mick, you would never really know whether or not he was actually interested in you because he flirted with anything that moved. 
“The picture of a gentleman.” You smiled wryly. 
“Damnit, Keith. That’s against our image.” Brian teased, his blonde locks bouncing as his head moved. You giggled. 
“Well, I suppose we shouldn’t keep the others waiting? They’re out there pretending they know how to play golf.” The crowd laughed, yet again. You were on a roll. You got up from your stool, getting your footing on the floor, not forgetting to leave a tip in the jar, as you exited the building flanked by your biggest pop competitor. 
The image of their (y/n) coming up the hill with a group of men known for being disrespectful towards everything did set the lads on edge a bit. John was almost angry, Paul was concerned, George was curious, and Ringo was still focusing on his swing. Brian was just glad that these people had showed up on time. 
As the manager’s greeting each other with aggressive levels of formality, the group took to intermingling. 
“Not gonna lie, I thought you had just found some fans (y/n).” Paul started.
“You’d be correct. We are fans.” Mick put an arm around your shoulder. 
“Speak for yourself. I thought you were kidnapped.” John did that thing where he would say a joke, but you knew that there was real anger underneath. You silently prayed that John wouldn’t mess this up. 
“Oh, please. If anything I kidnapped them.” You psshed. 
“Does anyone actually know why we’re here?” Brian interluded, somewhat impatient with the formalities of the managers. 
“I think the football mums over there wanted us to play golf together? Because that’s what business people do?” John shrugged sarcastically, and the group chuckled. 
“Is now a bad time to tell them that I don’t think any of us know how to play?” George quipped quietly, though making sure that he was still included in the conversation.
“Speak for yourself, I think my swings improved.” Ringo demonstrated, narrowly missing the back of Brian’s head, though thankfully, Brian didn’t actually notice. 
“Yeah, if you’re tryna take someone out.” You smiled at Ringo, knowing full well that someone would die of a golf mishap before the day was over. 
“Speakin’ of takin’ out...” Mick looked back down at you flirtatiously. John had finally boiled over.
“Absolutely not. No.” He pulled you over to their side. Everyone giggled like a bunch of pre-teen boys, except for John, surprisingly.
“As a rule, (y/n) is off limits. Just business, lads.” He placed you behind him and Paul like a wall. 
“Imma big girl, Johnny. Just like you.” Talk shit, get roasted John. Though everyone was laughing, with several oohs interspersed between them, you could swear that Paul laughed unusually hard. 
“Alright you ten,” Brian returned to the group, “shall we get started?” 
“I just have one question, Brian,” Paul turned to face him, “how do you play golf?”
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geminisecrets · 2 years
How I'm Imagining You
Pairing: Sam x female!reader
Warnings:  18+ ONLY! Marijuana mention, alcohol consumption, explicit sexual content
Word Count: 3200
Summary: “So, are you still interested in showering? Or is something else on your mind?” I ask. He gives me a playful grin right before closing the gap between us in two quick strides."
What's worse? Losing your roommate on such a short notice? Or finding a new one within 48 hours that you know almost nothing about?
Authors Note: Requests are open :) <3
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“Like that?” He asked from behind me, his lips at my ear as he jut his hips forward over and over, still a little sloppy from the 3…5…8? shots of whiskey we’d ingested earlier. The 2…3…4? rips off the communal bong probably didn’t help either.
“Yeah. Right there. God, don’t stop” I breathed, barely above a whisper hand gripping the headboard, nail beds turning white. The bass from the music downstairs at the party reverberating through every cell in my body.
I’d love to tell you that ‘I don't usually do this’ and to be fair that would have been true of me a few months ago. The whole post break up bender is really not my style but if sex drugs and rock n’ roll chase the pain away then call me Keith Richards.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” I could feel his breath on my neck, his long hair mingling with the strands of mine. The second I arched my back, giving him access to go deeper, we both gasped.
“I-I’m gonna come.” I moaned. I don’t remember much about how we got into this bed together but what I can recall is a lot of clumsy foreplay, a verbal and enthusiastic ‘yes’ from both parties, and one more shot of whisky each from his flask, I’m not positive that we even exchanged names. At least I don’t remember his. I’m sure it’d been minutes since we’d stumbled up the stairs but it felt like much longer.
I could feel the muscles of his abdomen harden against my back and his legs go stiff. I knew he was close and before I could say anything, he was doubled over me, panting and moaning; coming into the condom.
“Nooo, no no no wait, come onnnn, I was almost there” I dropped my forehead on top of my hand where it was gripping the headboard. I rolled my eyes and sloughed him off of me. “You selfish little shit” I mumbled, getting up to stumble around naked, looking for my jeans.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, you felt so good, Specks.” He slurred. I cringe at the stupid nickname he’d given me from earlier that night. Very original. I pushed my glasses up my nose and turned around to throw a pillow at him. “Hey wait, come back, I want you to finish, come on,” He crawls to my side of the bed and reaches out to grab my hips.
“Pleaseeeee” I huff out a laugh, prying his hands off me. “I’m good. My shower head at home will get the job done just fine. You had your chance.”
“Ouch” He groans, falling back onto the bed, stabbing an invisible knife into his chest. I let my eyes linger there for a moment. Admiring the rise and fall of his chest. The way the soft, warm light from the salt lamp on the bedside table made his sun kissed skin glow the most mesmerizing shade of bronze. A brown quartz pendant rested between his collar bones. And then a loud burp from said chest snapped me back into reality. I looked around the bedroom for the rest of my things, stepping over abandoned beer bottles and discarded sweatshirts.
“Where the fuck is my shirt?” I grumble, tossing his pants out of my way as I stumble around the dark room. Getting cross faded always sounds like a good idea until you have to focus on literally anything. Giving up, I grab the first shirt I can find in the disaster that is this bedroom floor. ‘I went to Las Vegas and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.’ Perfect.
“Goodnight-” I begin, but stop short as I look back one more time to see him already half asleep.
_______one month later________
“No, fuck YOU” I yell as the large wooden door to my apartment slams shut. The picture hanging to the right of the door shook against the wall. I flip my middle finger at the photo and pull it from the nail, tossing the photo of me and my ex-roommate into the garbage, frame and all.
I’ll spare you the details of the absolute nightmare that was Kirsten. Living with her was fun until it wasn't. Kirsten was the worst brand of ostentatious. The kind of girl you’re excited to hang out with until she opens her mouth about how she shared a drink with Hozier (during her study abroad trip, because of course she studied abroad) while he was still just playing in tiny pubs in Ireland.
The hunt was on, yet again and I was starting to think I was cursed. Like I was the ‘Good Luck Chuck’ of roommates. First Tom transfers to a school out of state, then Amanda moves in with her boyfriend and finally things with Kirsten come to a fiery, combusting end after months of increasing, palpable tension. And not the sexy kind.
The next morning I posted an ad looking for a new roommate. With Kirsten’s on-brand, ergo incredibly inconsiderate surprise departure, I was desperate for someone to help split the cost of rent. I had four days until the start of a new month. Four days to find a roommate. Fortunately, I wasn't new to this game. I was, however, dreading the process of wading through dozens of applicants, exhausting myself with the chore of borderline stalking these individuals on every platform imaginable. So, naturally I was shocked when I checked my inbox that evening to only 2 new applicants. The first was Abby Williams. She looked nice enough but upon further investigation planned on ‘figuring out a job situation in a few weeks’. Lets just say I needed a tad more reliability when it came to things like, I don't know, paying the bills.
The only other applicant that had come in was a guy named Sam. No last name. No photo. No way to find him on social media. Really nothing to go off of other than the short blurb he’d added to his email:
“Looking for a place close to the train. Full time job. I pay rent on time and I’m pretty clean. Benefits of choosing me: access to a substantial vinyl collection from someone with top tier music taste and maker of the best goddamn margarita you'll ever drink *confirmed.”
I woke up the next morning to a whopping 0 new applications. Therefore, without giving it too much more thought, I texted the number in Sam’s email.
________two days later _________
It’s move-in day. Sam texted and said he was on his way, so here I am, anxiously awaiting his arrival. He seemed as normal as anyone can be over text and I was praying for the best. The questions were starting to flood my mind. What does he look like? What if we hate each other? I know I’m desperate but is this really the right way to go about finding a new roommate? I was starting to feel a pit in my stomach that maybe this was a mistake. I couldn’t stop pacing the kitchen, constantly fiddling with the dish towel hanging on the oven door and rearranging the stack of coupons that came in the mail that I keep meaning to recycle.
I hear a faint tap on the door and my heart drops. Why am I nervous? I can hear Sam’s feet shuffling around just beyond the door. Maybe he’s just as nervous as I am. “Please don’t ‘Ted Bundy’ me.” I whisper to myself as I open the door with a smile on my face, begging myself internally for it to come off as sincere. The second we lock eyes, I get the strangest feeling of deja vu I’ve ever experienced. He seems to sense something too, because everything he was holding in his arms quickly scatters across the entryway.
“Shit” He mutters, instantly dropping to his knees to gather the items into the large cardboard box he’d been balancing in one arm. “Sorry about that.” he chuckles.
“No sweat” You kneel, picking up a salt lamp you’re shocked didn’t chip the hardwood. “Welcome home, I guess” you smile again. He stares back, taking just a single beat before smiling and responding.
“Yeah, thanks.” He raises his hand like he’s reaching to shake yours but pulls back as if he’s second guessing his gesture, sliding it into his pocket instead. “Uh, thanks for agreeing to let me move in with such short notice.”
“Oh no, really, like I said, it's you who's doing me the favor here. I was about to be completely fucked for rent if you hadn’t come along.”
“Win, win then” he offers, smiling again.
Moving Sam in went incredibly smoothly. Once I showed him where his room and our shared bathroom were, I followed him downstairs to help him unload.
“Hey! There she is!” I heard the voice before I saw who it was coming from. Well, I saw the back end of him first. The body attached to said voice came shimmying out, ass first, of the trunk of a white Jeep truck; microwave in his arms. “I’m Josh. Sam’s brother.” he beamed.
“Nice to meet you” I couldn’t help but return a wide, authentic smile. The man gave off the energy of sunshine personified. The three of us made a few trips up and down the elevator, both of them laughing at my genuine shock at how few items Sam really owned.
“I guess I’m one of those modern minimalists” he smirked, wagging his eyebrows at me, clearly waiting for me to praise him for this fact.
“Hmm.” I breathe. “Could never be me” Josh’s cackle echoes in the small elevator, his head tossing back, curls shaking wildly. Sam sends a playful punch to his brother's arm.
“Hey, I’m counting on you to humble his pretentious ass like that again as much as possible” Josh hugs you both before heading out and then it’s just you and Sam again.
“How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” Sam asks “I feel like pizza is some sort of unspoken requirement on moving days”. He dials the phone for the nearest pizza place and we both agree we hadn’t realized how hungry we were until it was time to order. Over dinner we got to know each other a bit more, I learned that Sam was in a band, hence his love of music. He had recently broken things off with a long term girlfriend a few months ago and had two other siblings besides Josh. The more we talked, stuffing our faces, the more I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something so familiar about him.
After our greasy dinner, Sam fell into a well deserved food coma. I quietly cleaned up the living room a bit and I headed to the shower to wash away the sweat of the day and the pizza grease from my hands.
I turn the shower on and let it warm up a bit before stepping in. Trying my best to be courteous and not wake Sam, I practically tiptoe around the apartment. My efforts may have been for not, however, because he’s half on the couch, half on the floor, snoring with a plate of pizza still in his hand. Am I worrying about grease stains on the rug? Yes. Is the sight of him in this state breathtakingly charming? Also, yes.
While the shower is warming, I step into my room to grab a change of clothes to take into the bathroom with me. I grab my favorite sweatpants, this corny Las Vegas t-shirt, and a change of panties.
I finished up my shower and stepped out, drying off my body. Before I could even blink twice—Sam was standing in the doorway, naked.
“Oh fuck! I am so sorry, I had no idea you were even here still”, he says, clenching his eyes closed. He’s cupping his junk in one hand and covering his eyes with the other, holding back a laugh.
I spin back to face the shower, cheeks turning bright red as I clutch the towel closer to my still dripping body. “It was bound to happen at some point, don’t worry yourself too much”
Although he wasn’t looking at me, I did catch a close glimpse of him before turning away. That deja vu feeling hit me like a ton of bricks again. Is it just me that has this feeling? Does he notice it too?
The room fills with a strange, yet somehow comfortable silence. Neither of us have moved. We both just stand there, feet apart from each other, my back to him- his eyes closed—or so I thought.
I chance a look over my shoulder to assess the situation and to my surprise he’s staring back at me. That’s when I notice it–his pendant. It was the same brown quartz pendant from a few weeks ago at that frat party. Should I say something? Does he even remember me? Or will he think I’m crazy for remembering him for such a small detail? I decide to see how far I can take this curiosity.
“So, are you still interested in showering? Or is something else on your mind?” I ask. He gives me a playful grin right before closing the gap between us in two quick strides.  I gasp as he grabs me. One hand on my hip, guiding me, the other around my throat, pinning me to the bathroom wall. This is a very different version of him than I experienced the first time, but I’m going to let this play out.
I watch his eyes flicker down to my lips a few times, both of our mouths open, breath mingling in the inch of space between us. Surprising me again, Sam picks me up, arms hooked under my knees, and forcefully sits me on the bathroom counter. He’s panting now as his fingers slowly trace down, closer to my core. All the while, not once breaking eye contact. He raises one eyebrow, simultaneously darting his tongue out to wet his lips, silently asking for permission to continue the work his fingers have started. I nod once, eagerly giving in. His cheek is pressed to mine then, fingers finally reaching their destination. As soon as he feels me, he’s moaning in my ear, “fuck you’re so wet already, what’s got you in such a good mood?” That does it for me and I reach between us, quickly grabbing his dick and start stroking it, up and down, as I watch him start to unravel before me. I slow my motions, careful to not let him get there yet. I learned my lesson the first time. But has he?
He starts kissing my neck, then, biting playfully every so often, followed by a light press against my throat with his thumb. With each move he makes, I can feel myself growing thirstier and thirstier for him. His hand moves its way down my body, grabbing my breasts by the handful and flicking his tongue against the hardened buds of my nipples. I let out a strangled moan and his eyes find mine again “Yeah? I know you like that.” he teases.
My head tips back as he drops to his knees in front of me, grabbing my hips. The veins on the tops of his hands protruding in the most obscene way. Pulling my center against his face almost sends me into orbit. I can feel his every breath against me, and damn was he good at this. While tracing a figure eight with his tongue through my folds, he starts pumping two fingers in and out of me, grabbing and pulling my hips closer to himself with his free hand. “Feels so good, Sam. Just a little longer” I breathe. He stops to take a breath and kisses his way back up my torso, reaching my lips again. As the kiss deepens, I tug on his bottom lip with my teeth, causing him to huff out a breath directly into my mouth.
“Fuck it” he smiles and lifts me up again. I squeal as he brings us both (shockingly gracefully) down to the floor. My back immediately arches off the tile and I inhale a sharp breath.
“Cold!” I whimper “cold, cold cold cold cold!”
“Shit, sorry” he laughs and pulls my discarded towel to lay under my back. Now normally, I’d prefer the bed. But fuck, something about him is so intoxicating that I cant bring myself to care. “Do you, uhh?” He looks around the room.
“Oh shit, yeah- under the sink.” He opens the cupboard door and roots around until he finds the box of condoms. Ripping one open with his teeth, he slips it on and I watch as he slowly rolls it on. I know he knows I’m staring because he really seems to be making a show of it. He starts kissing me again and I can feel myself getting more and more restless.
“Please, Sam just fuck me.” I practically beg. He sucks hard on my neck once more before lining himself up with me and starts pumping in and out at a perfect pace.
“Fuck you feel so good, I fit perfectly” He groans, his lips brushing my ear.
“Oh my god” I whine. My back starts arching, legs start shaking, and before I know it, I blurt out “I’m gonna come Sam, just a little more”, I reach a hand down between us to rub fast, small circles over my clit. His hand knocks mine out of the way and he replaces it with his own.
“No, no” he smirks at me. “I’m finishing right this time.” And there it is. The confirmation of questions left unasked. He does recognize me. I start to laugh in knowing response, but it’s cut short and replaced by a borderline pornographic moan as he lifts my leg up around his hip, causing him to go even deeper, hitting that spot inside me at the most perfect angle. “Come on. Let go, baby” He encourages me as his pace picks up a bit. I start seeing stars, letting my release wash over me. I feel that tingling warmth start like a fire in my belly and spread over my entire body. Before I know it, he’s doubled over me again, coming into the condom. We lay there for a moment, catching our breath as he strokes my hair.
He gently slips out of me and I hiss at the feeling of loss. He stands up and reaches his hand down to help me up. On his face is the most irritatingly sexy, shit-eating grin. He reaches around me to turn the shower back on. “Now, was that better than your showerhead?”
Part 2 is out now, you can read it here!
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
Could I get a Keith Richards smut?
Hand kink and daddy kink please😫😫😫
I Still Hate You
Pairing: Keith Richards x fem! Reader
Warnings: fingering, slight breath play and degradation, daddy kink, unprotected sex, oral sex (m receiving), language, mild bondage
Summary: What will happen when you’re locked in a room with your worst enemy for the night? Will you rip each other to shreds? Or fuck?
Word Count: 4.8k
Request?: Yes!
I found this gif from @calico-skiess tumblr page :)
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The Rolling Stones are the world's greatest band. They completely dominated the music industry and took the world by storm. If I had to choose between The Rolling Stones and The Beatles, I'd go with The Rolling Stones every time. Their music swept me off my feet, with every element blending so seamlessly that you'd think the gods wrote it. The guitar, in particular. It was unique, simple yet complex, and flawless. But I'd never admit how much I admired them, because I fucking hated their guitarist.
I recall being in my senior year of high school, dreading college and wishing to be more than a housewife. Classes were tedious, and life in general was uninteresting. In that same year, the Rolling Stones released their debut album. They weren't much at first, just a wanna be British rock band with no idea where their career was going to take them, but I was hooked from the first note. I knew as soon as I heard the opening track. This band was going to be my ticket out of the boring life I had imagined for myself.
I really enjoyed stage management. Something about being behind the scenes piqued my interest. Observing what was going on in front of you and knowing that it looked fantastic because of your efforts. In my mind, a lightbulb went off. I could try to get a job as the stage manager for this upcoming rock band.
I knew it would be difficult, and there was no guarantee of success, but I had to give it my best shot. I couldn't live the rest of my life wondering if I could have been more. As a result, I dropped out of school and began a new chapter in my life. I found out where The Rolling Stones were going to perform next and drove all night to get there. It was mostly small, local establishments.
I inquired if they needed a stage manager. It was difficult to persuade them at first because they did not believe they required assistance. I persisted, offering to do extra work for them in exchange for whatever they were willing to pay me. I knew money was probably their primary concern, but it wasn't mine. I didn't mind sleeping on the side of the road every night as long as I wasn't limited to the socially acceptable idea of normalcy.
They became like family to me. I did whatever jobs they needed done and was paid as much as they could offer. I shouldn't have enjoyed it. The long hours, the lack of a true home, but I love it all. It felt freeing to float from place to place, doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
The boys looked after me as if I were their little sister. Obviously, I enjoyed some members more than others, but that was to be expected. The one person I detested, more than anyone in the world, was Keith Richards . He managed to get on every single nerve in my body. He was the most arrogant son of a bitch I'd ever met, with the worst temper.He never yelled at any of the other roadies or members of the band, only at me. To be honest, I don't think he ever had a problem with how I did things; he was just looking for ways to screw me over. He was looking for reasons to mock me and scream in my face. Fortunately, the rest of the band was usually there to defend me. He presented the press with a completely different side of himself. Watching him on television and knowing that his entire public persona was a sham was enough to grind my gears.
I remained with The Rolling Stones as their stage manager. My pay increased as their fame grew. I was now a stage manager who also served as a personal assistant on occasion. Life was good, I was getting paid more than I could spend, and I knew this was where I was destined to be.
The best part about it all? I didn't have to be concerned about being noticed. I could go wherever I wanted without being bothered by cameras or thousands of people clamoring for my autograph. Every time someone mentioned how good The Rolling Stones' concerts were, I felt a surge of pride. It was fantastic.
He's back, stomping his boots on the ground and screaming bloody murder. I rolled my eyes and shifted my body to face him.
“What?! What did I do wrong this time?!”
I maintained my confident stance by crossing my arms over my chest. Keith stomped until he was about half a foot away from me, staring at me with hatred in his eyes.
“I don’t know what you did but the audio was all fucked up on the last song! It sounded like shit!”
I clenched my jaw. Mick placed a hand on Keith’s shoulder, tearing his gaze away from me to face him.
“Hey man. How about you chill out, alright? She didn’t do anything wrong.”
Keith's eyes darted from me to Mick, then back to me, then back to Mick.
“Come on Mick! It sounded like shit and you know it! Don’t even try to advocate for her!”
He extended his hand to me. I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. He was fuming, directing all of his rage at Mick. Mick opened his mouth to respond to Keith's insults, but I cut him off before he could finish.
“You know maybe the audio would sound better if you knew how to play your fucking instrument, Richards.”
Keith jerked his eyes away from Mick, slipping free of his grip and approaching me. I'd struck a nerve. He walked right into me, forcing me to take a step back. I could smell sweat and leather from him as he was so close. His breath brushed up against my cheek. I didn't flinch in the face of his piercing stare. I kept my cool.
“You got a lot of fucking nerve talking to me like that Missy. Someone oughta put you in your place.”
Mick grabbed Keith's shoulders and yanked him away from me. Once he was a few feet away, I finally allowed myself to breathe.
“Cut it out Keith. Show’s over. There’s no reason to fight. We can all go home after this and cool off for a few days.”
Keith's gaze lingered on me for a few moments before he twisted his head to glare at Mick.
“Fine. But I’m not driving home with her. She’s made me too angry already.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. I didn’t wanna drive home with you either.”
This was the last show of the tour, thankfully. I needed time away to collect myself. There were three cars at the location to divide amongst us.
“Y/N. You can drive with me.”
Mick offered, I nodded, happy to be away from Keith.
“The rest of you clowns-”
He pointed to all of his bandmates.
“Figure it out. I’ll see you guys later.”
We all bid our goodbyes before we began walking towards our cars. I plopped down in Mick’s front seat, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“I can’t handle him, Mick.”
Mick shut the door, twisting the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life, gently shaking the car.
“Keith is a confusing guy Y/N. I wish I could tell you what’s going on in his head.”
I turned on the radio, flipping through the channels.
“I have no idea what on earth his problem is. Why does he hate me so much?”
Mick drove out of the parking lot and toward my house, his headlights cutting through the darkness. He shrugged casually.
“I wish I could tell you. Personally, I think you two just need to let out all your anger. Get into a heated screaming match or something and let it all out so we don’t have to hear your goddamn bickering anymore.”
I found a good station, turned up the volume, and leaned back in my chair, placing my fist under my x him.
“Hey don’t blame me. He’s always the one who starts it.”
I glanced over at Mick, his eyes remained glued to the road.
“Yeah but you feed his fire. All the insults and backtalk. You’re giving him reasons to hate you. Just ignore him Y/N. He’ll leave you alone.”
I rolled my eyes, scoffing.
“I’m just standing up for myself! Do you suggest I do nothing instead?”
Mick turned his head towards me and nodded.
“I do.��
He turned back towards the road in front of him.
“Ignore him Y/N. He’ll leave you alone if you act like you don’t care.”
I crossed my arms over my chest, sighing. There was a moment of silence, the only sounds being the radio and Mick’s tires rolling over the uneven terrain.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you guys liked to fight with each other. You’re probably fucking behind our backs and just trying to throw us off your scent.”
My jaw dropped. I stared at Mick, open mouthed and dumbfounded.
“Mick, only you would think something like that. You’ve had more sex than every human on this earth combined.”
Mick took his hands off the wheel for a split second before slapping them back down onto the leather.
“The rest of the band agrees with me.”
I furrowed my brow in amazement, my mouth dropping open wider.
“What?! You’re not serious, are you?”
Mick chuckled.
“I’m dead serious, Y/N. We’ve made up all kinds of hypotheticals. Like, if we locked you both in a room together, what would happen first? Would you rip each other to shreds? Or would you both fuck?”
I scoffed loudly, rolling my eyes and focusing my gaze out the window at the horizon.
“You guys are gross.”
Now they’ve planted a thought in my head that occupied my mind the entire drive home. What would it be like to fuck Keith? He was very attractive, and had the best hands I’d ever seen in my entire life. Long, slender, and very talented.
I wonder what would happen if I kissed him the next time I saw him. No warning, just pressed my lips to his.
“Hey. We’re here.”
I snapped out of my daze and looked up towards… Mick’s house?
“Mick, I thought we were going to my house?”
Mick nodded, throwing open the car door.
“I got something to show you that I think you’re really gonna like.”
I rolled my eyes, longing to be in my bed.
The cool air blowing into the car chilled me to the bone as I pushed the door open.
“But let’s make it fast.”
Mick led me to the front of his house. He turned the knob and opened the door for me, motioning with his hand for me to enter. I entered Mick's living room and...
Hold up, why was Keith here?
“Keith what the fuck are you doing here?”
Keith's eyes met mine, his face as perplexed as mine. My heart skipped a beat as the door slammed shut behind me. I turned around as quickly as I could after hearing the sound of a lock being clicked into place.
Oh my god. They had actually locked us in a room together.
I dashed up to the door and slammed my fists into the hardwood, a stinging sensation running up and down my arms with each blow.
Mick's low laugh could be heard from the other side of the wood. As he walked back to his car, his footsteps began to fade. With a groan, I collapsed onto the ground, pressing my back against the door.
I murmured, holding my head in my hands.
“I guess we’re stuck together.”
Keith was sitting on Mick's couch, I raised my head. The entire house was dark, but the soft hue of the moon streaming in through the windows allowed me to make out his features.
“This is not how I wanted to spend my Friday night.”
I groaned, throwing my head back until it slammed against the door with a loud thud. I kicked my shoes to the side, sitting cross legged on the ground.
A click rang out across the silent room. Keith lit a cigarette, brought it to his lips, and exhaled puffs of smoke. The smoke dispersed throughout the room before evaporating. He sat on the couch, smugly staring off into space.
“I consider this a blessing.”
I rolled my eyes as I stretched my legs in front of me and crossed my arms over my chest.
“How so? It surely doesn’t seem that way to me.”
Keith stood up and took one last drag from his cigarette before crushing it under his boot. He twisted his foot a few times to ensure it was completely extinguished.
He started slowly walking towards me, his boots reverberating on the wood floor. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I couldn't move, I couldn't budge.
Keith moved in closer to me. I could now feel his shoes vibrating through the floor. He stood to the side of me, his hands on his hips, staring down.
I looked up through my lashes at him, his jaw clenched and his eyes piercing into my skull.
“You didn’t answer my question, Richards.”
Keith sank to the ground, his leather pants creaking slightly. He was now at eye level with me, his head slightly cocked down so he could stare menacingly through his brows.
“Because you weren’t being very nice today.”
I almost burst out laughing. I wasn't the nice one, was I? Please, give me a break. I cocked my brow.
“I wasn’t being nice?!”
I pointed to myself.
“You were screaming at me-”
Keith extended his hand, wrapping it around my neck and squeezing, preventing me from speaking. My heart began to beat out of my chest.
“Shut the fuck up.”
He spoke sternly through his teeth. I shuddered, opening my mouth to speak, but no words came out.
“Stand up.”
I couldn't move my legs, my mind was blank. Keith rolled his eyes in frustration as he aggressively grabbed my sleeves and drew me to a stance. He shoved me up against the wall, knocking the air out of my lungs.
“You got a big mouth for such a little girl.”
I inhaled deeply, attempting to catch my breath. I was trembling like a leaf. Keith gave a smirk.
He leaned into my ear and whispered sexily.
“Want me to fuck you silly, honey? I think you need it. Someone’s gotta discipline you.”
Butterflies were fluttering around my insides, tickling my lower abdomen.
Keith gripped my neck with his large hands, temporarily constricting my airflow before loosening. I gasped. He leaned back, his piercing gaze bore into my eyes.
“That’s not my name tonight sweetheart.”
Fuck. I knew what he wanted.
I said, seeking his approval. He smirked and hummed in delight.
“That’s better. Let’s go to the bedroom, shall we? Think Mick would like it if we fucked in his bed?”
Mick had most likely bet on it, so I nodded. Keith knelt down, grabbed me by the waist, and slung me over his shoulder.
I gasped as my hips dug into his shoulder. He carried me up the spiral staircase. I dangled like a rag doll, trying my best to take deep breaths. Keith placed his hands under my knees to prevent me from collapsing face first into the floor.
The trip up the stairs was painfully slow. Keith enjoyed my annoyed hums as he took his sweet time carrying me to the bedroom.
When I heard him kick open the bedroom door, my head shot up. He placed me on my feet with surprising care.
Keith didn’t waste any time. He gripped the front of my shirt, pulling it apart, buttons bouncing all around the room. My eyes widened with shock as he exposed my bra in under a second. I shimmied out of the shirt, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, aggressively pushing me backwards. My back collided with the soft mattress, the springs creaking slightly as the bed adjusted to my body weight. Keith pointed to the bed frame.
“Make yourself comfortable. You’re gonna wanna be nice and comfy when daddy fucks your brains out later.”
I nodded slightly, repositioning myself so I was on my back, my head resting on the pillows. Keith unlaced his boots and kicked his shoes to the side before he straddled my hips, the springs creaking even louder now that he was on top.
He placed a finger under the knot in his tie, loosening and removing it from around his neck. Keith grabbed my wrists, tying them around the headboard over my head. I cooperated, not wanting to stop him.
I stared intently at him as he was deep in focus tying a tight knot. When he was finished, I gave the tie a quick tug, testing the strength of the fabric. He tied it extremely tight, my hands didn’t even budge.
Keith dropped his head to stare down at me. He gripped my jaw, tracing my lower lip with his calloused thumb.
“What should daddy do to you first pretty girl?”
He placed his free hand next to my waist, reaching his head down until it was inches from my face. I could smell the sweat and leather on him, only now, it was in a much more intense situation. I couldn’t speak. My throat was glued shut.
I tore my eyes away from his intense stare, looking down at his fingers that were now tracing over my cheekbone.
“You want daddy’s hands all over your body, pretty girl? Is that what you want?”
I swallowed thickly, a lump forming in my throat. I clenched my jaw and nodded slightly, my eyes still focused on his long fingers.
He suddenly wrapped his hand around my throat, stopping my air for a brief moment. I dropped my jaw in shock, gasping.
“You gotta use your words pretty girl. Daddy’s gonna ask you again, and this time, you better fucking answer.”
His hips were pressed into mine, pushing my body into the mattress so I was unable to move. I could feel his painfully hard cock through his pants, pushing into my lower stomach.
“Do you want daddy’s hands? Want daddy to touch you?”
I took a deep breath, steadying my racing heart.
“Yes please daddy.”
Keith nodded, moving his hands down to cup my breasts over my bra. I exhaled loudly as he kneaded them in his large hands. He tore the straps of my bra in half, a loud snap echoing through the silent room.
He moved his hand behind me, I arched my back to give him better access as he unclasped my bra, throwing it to the side. I’m thankful I wore one of my cheaper bras tonight, I wouldn’t care if I had to throw it away.
Keith grabbed my naked breasts, pinching my nipples and rolling them in between his lanky fingers. I threw my head back as he attached his lips to my collarbone, placing dark hickeys on my skin. He bit and sucked on my sensitive skin as he continued to grip my breasts in his hands.
My breath was ragged. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I didn’t want him to stop.
He moved his mouth down to the valley of my breasts, down my stomach, and eventually to the waistband of my jeans. Keith readjusted himself in between my legs, undoing my fly as slowly as possible.
I pulled on the restraints in impatience as he took his time removing my jeans. He brought them down my legs, bunching them up and throwing them to the side.
Keith placed his hands on my knees, separating my legs as far as possible. He brought his fingertips to my clothed clit, rubbing small, slow, circles.
“Daddy, please. I need your fingers inside of me.”
“Don’t be fucking impatient. You’ll get whatever daddy gives you”
His stern tone was an indicator for me to shut my mouth. He continued his torture, transitioning from figure eights to circles. The more he touched me through my underwear, the more impatient I became.
I groaned in frustration, bucking my hips into his touch. Keith retracted his hand, crawling up to my face and smacking me in the cheek.
“You pull anything like that again, and daddy isn’t gonna let you cum tonight.”
I gritted my teeth, a shudder running down my spine.
“Ok daddy. I promise I won’t do it again.”
Keith tilted his head down, pressing a kiss to my neck.
“Good girl.”
He murmured against my skin, his voice raspy and thick with lust. My stomach fluttered at the pet name.
Keith returned back to his previous position. This time, moving my panties to the side and rubbing circles into my bare clit. I moaned involuntarily at the sudden pleasurable sensation. He was faster with his movements now. He dipped a finger into me, thrusting into my walls.
“You’re so fucking wet baby.”
He added a second finger, pumping them even faster. I instinctively pulled on the tie, wanting to touch him, but the restraints didn’t budge.
I whimpered at the pleasurable stretch when he added a third finger. The wet sound of his expert fingers pumping in my pussy was reverberating off the walls in the quiet bedroom.
No one had ever made me this close to cumming after just a few seconds of fingering, but Keith was able to bring me to the brink of an orgasm in less than a minute. I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing unevenly.
“Daddy I’m gonna-”
Keith retracted his fingers. I whimpered at the sudden loss of contact. He climbed back over me, pushing his fingers in between my lips. I tasted myself on my tongue as I almost gagged due to Keith’s long fingers.
“I wouldn’t be disciplining you if I just let you cum whenever you wanted pretty girl.”
He removed his fingers from my mouth before he began removing his clothes. He stood to the side, slowly pushing the buttons through the holes. He exposed his chest first, throwing his shirt to the side, before moving to his pants.
He pushed his jeans down his legs, kicking them to the side. He stood in front of me in just his boxers, the tent in his pants painfully obvious.
“Do you want to suck me off, pretty girl? Want daddy’s cock in your mouth?”
I nodded my head vigorously, wanting to please him. Keith undid the knot, freeing my hands. I stood in front of him, waiting for his next command.
He placed a hand on my shoulder, pushing me down until I was on my knees in front of him. I hooked a finger into his boxers, pulling them down his legs until his cock sprung free from its confines.
“I’m gonna fuck your pretty little face with my cock.”
He threaded his fingers through my hair, sternly pulling my head back until I was staring up at him.
“I bet you look a lot prettier with a mouthful of cock.”
I reached my hand forward, pumping him a few times while maintaining eye contact. Keith threw his head back, groaning as I moved my hand up and down his shaft faster.
He pulled me forward, towards his cock. I took the tip in my mouth, applying suction. Keith began pushing on my head. I let my jaw go slack, knowing what he wanted.He began assertively bucking his hips into my mouth as his cock hit the back of my throat. Tears began welling up in my eyes as I watched Keith clench his jaw in pleasure.
“Your mouth feels so good pretty girl.”
I felt his cock twitch in my mouth. I knew he was reaching his high. He moved my head along his shaft a few more times before he came into my mouth. I felt his hot load release into the back of my throat while some of it began to trickle down my chin.
Keith leaned down, wiping his thumb across my chin, collecting his cum before pushing his thumb into my mouth. I sucked harshly, removing every last little bit of cum from his thumb.
The ache in between my legs was almost painful. I wanted his cock in me.
“Daddy… will you please let me cum now?”
Keith wrapped his hand around my throat, squeezing it, causing a gasp to slip past my plush lips. His eyes were filled with both anger and desire.
“You really wanna cum that badly?”
Keith’s voice was filled with aggression. He brought me to my feet before he firmly pushed me onto the bed, this time more intense than the first. He climbed on top of me, tearing my panties off my body and slipping his cock effortlessly into my soaking wet pussy.
I threw my head back at the sudden yet pleasurable stretch his cock provided. He began thrusting into me at a fast pace, the tip of his dick grazing over my g spot.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him farther into me. His thick cock hit a new spot inside of me that caused a sensation I had never felt before.
The bed was rattling under us. I was afraid it would collapse spontaneously. The sound of skin slapping against skin and the essence of sex filled the dark room.
I raked my fingernails down Keith’s back, eliciting a deep moan to come from the back of his throat. I felt my orgasm approaching.
I arched my back as I came with a loud moan, my walls constructing around Keith’s cock. He continued to thrust into my overstimulated walls.
I pleaded before he interrupted me.
“Shut the fuck up. If you wanna act like a desperate little slut then that’s exactly what I’m gonna treat you like.”
I already felt my second orgasm approaching like a freight train. Keith buried his face in the crook of my neck, breathing heavily into my ear.
I came again, and again, and again. I eventually lost track of the amount of times I had orgasmed. Keith continued his relentless pounding, always bringing me to another orgasm.I was a moaning mess due to his harsh treatment.
I felt his thrust become sloppier, before they finally came to halt. He came inside of me, his hot load filling me to the brim.
I was fucked out. I stared blankly at the ceiling as Keith climbed off of me and began to redress, a trail of his sticky cum clinging to my thighs.
“Don’t you ever fucking insult me again. Otherwise next time I won’t be so nice.”
Next time.
I snapped out of my daze, bringing my head up to take in the sight of him zipping his jeans up.
“Where are you going?”
I asked.
“I’m getting out of here. There’s a back door in Mick’s basement that’s always unlocked.”
I almost laughed. He could’ve left at any time, but he chose to stay here and fuck my brains out.
I stood for a second before falling forward due to my incredibly shaky legs. Keith caught me, helping me regain my balance.
“I’ll call us a cab.”
Keith made his way downstairs to call us a ride. I stood in a pile of clothes, pondering what had just happened.
Holy shit. I just fucked Keith Richards in Mick Jaggers bed.
I laughed in the empty room before I began redressing. Then I realized I barely had any salvageable clothes left to wear. I put on my jeans without panties and held the two pieces of my broken shirt together.
I made my way down to the first floor with my broken panties and bra in hand.
Keith laughed softly when he saw me looking discombobulated. My hair was a mess, my makeup was smeared all over my face, and I was desperately clinging onto my broken clothes for dear life.
“Here. Take this.”
Keith removed his blazer, placing it gently onto my shoulders.
“Just so you know, I still fucking hate you Richards. We hate fucked.”
Keith smirked.
“More like I fucked you.”
He placed a hand on my shoulder.
“And don’t worry, I still fucking hate you too. I’m just not angry with you anymore.”
I smiled, leaning in to whisper in his ear.
“Then you’ll just have to fuck me harder next time your angry at me.”
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inklore · 3 years
— 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ⋆ ˚。
this blog is strictly multifandom, but that does not mean that i don’t play favorites for certain fandoms/characters. so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
requests: are closed, but thots are always welcome!
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in no way shape or form should minors be interacting with anything on or posted to this blog. this is an 18+ space. anon hate and celebrity discourse also has no place here, so please respect that. if you are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic, judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading, can’t depict fiction from real life, you will be blocked.
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𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
rpf, necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, daddy/little play, age play, spitting, kitten, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, alpha/omega, domestic violence, kid fics, male!character x male!oc, i hate the word ‘doll’ as a pet name so i avoid it like the plague.
𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
smut (refer to the above list when it comes to this), fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to a certain degree), blood play, knife play, some bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, capture x captive, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, step siblings, supernatural, villainary, choking, mommy/daddy kink (to an extent).
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marvel ↷
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, marc spector, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, peter parker (all variants), yelena belova, joaquin torres, doctor strange, wade wilson, carol danvers, eddie brock, scott lang, hope van dyne, kate bishop, hela, pietro maximoff, logan howlett, wanda maximoff, steve rogers, kraven, cable, druig, makkari, thena, blade
dc universe ↷
dinah lance/black canary, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, harley quinn, adrian chase, pattinson!bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler
top gun: maverick ↷
jake 'hangman' seresin, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace, beau 'cyclone' simpson, reuben 'payback' fitch
star wars ↷
poe dameron, finn, kylo ren/ben solo, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, young!han solo
scream ↷
ethan landry, stu macher, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, amber freeman, tara carpenter
bridgerton ↷
anthony bridgerton, colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, kate sharma, simon basset, phillip crane
house of the dragon ↷
ser harwin strong, daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen
american horror story ↷
cordelia goode, tristan duffy, michael langdon, harry gardner, madison montgomery, kit walker, xavier plympton, ally mayfair-richards
etc shows ↷
villanelle, lip gallagher, tommy miller, carmy berzatto, luca (the bear), kate parks, daisy jones, billy dunne, warren rhodes, geralt of rivia, love quinn, max wolfe, olivia benson, roman godfrey, dream the endless, lucifer (sandman), jonathan pine, mira phillips, the salesman (squid game), hwang jun ho (squid game), kim geon-woo (bloodhounds)
movies ↷
john wick, finnick odair, peeta mellark, johanna mason, han lue, cipher, walter de ville, tangerine, dave lizewski, thomas sharpe, james conrad, neil (tenet), edward cullen, millie / molotovgirl, dante reyes, thrandull, steve kemp, charlie swan, marquis vincent de gramont, keys (free guy), akira (john wick), beverly marsh (it two), ben hanscom (it two), keith (barbarian), frank (don't worry darling)
adam driver ↷
kylo ren/ben solo, adam sackler, flip zimmerman, phillip altman, charlie barber, henry mchenry, commander mills, rick smolan, officer ronnie peterson, matt the radar technician, clyde logan, paterson, jude
oscar isaac ↷
santiago garcia, poe dameron, nathan bateman, jonathan levy, william tell, blue jones, rydel keener
pedro pascal ↷
din djarin, javier peña, frankie morales, javi gutierrez, joel miller, dieter bravo
chris evans ↷
ransom drysdale, lloyd hansen, andy barber, ari levinson, frank adler, steve rogers, jake wyler
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gnrswife · 6 months
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keith richards x younger! fem reader
He’s not controlling at all! He trusts you, he just doesn’t trust anyone else. Especially your annoying and bitchy friend who makes comments about how you’re “too young to be locked down.” It made his teeth grind, she made his teeth grind. He didn’t trust her, and he didn’t want her to corrupt your perfect mind.
After attempting to convince you for an hour to not go, trying things like asking you nicely to full blown on his knees begging, he decided to take a different approach
He had you pressed against the door, basically sitting against his face and his arms are wrapped under your thighs to limit your movement. You try to push him away, letting out choked gasps as he just pulled you closer. His strong grip left you defenseless, gripping onto his hair and the wall as his nose brushed against your clit and tongue pushed into your weeping hole.
He’s messy, face soaked from tears and your juices, big eyes staring up at you, so puffy and wet. His little hiccups as he sucks on your clit make you pout, “ke-keith, breathe baby—“ he cuts you off with a hum as he shakes his head ‘no’, more tears gathering in his eyes. Do you not want him? Is that why you’re so eager to leave?
He has no choice but to eat you out until you’re slumped over, babbling incoherent words as he draws another orgasm out of you. It’s now you who’s crying, your body feeling so weak and your ears constantly ringing. keith weakly licked at your sore pussy, making you twitch with every drag of his tongue.
He pulls away, tears dried against his face and the sadness replaced with cocky smirk as he allows you to lean on him for support. “Still feel like going out babe?”
I write alot of smut so i think im js gonna write that
and first keith one-shot how is it?
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