#kim bobby imagine
mrsandypants · 2 years
Jay and Bobby feeding the fancam at the same time is always a lot for me to handle.
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Extra: Bobby being BEYOND precious with an iKONIC.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He cared about you a lot, and so Jiwon wasn’t afraid to admit that when you were around, he’d try his best to pay attention to you, listen to what you were saying and pick up on anything that didn’t seem right.
You were definitely the one out of the two of you that tried to bicker more, Jiwon would try and ignore you and not give you what you wanted, but usually you’d end up getting to Jiwon so much that he’d end up being left with no choice but to bicker back across to you in the hope that it would shut you up.
He was always there for you, no matter how worried Jiwon became whenever he could tell that you were upset. There would be a moment of panic in him when he could tell that something had got to you, however once he was composed, he’d remind himself that you needed him more than he needed to fret.
Neither of you disagreed much, you tended to agree on most things. The majority of your arguments though came from you both wanting to please the other person and do what they wanted to do. You often wanted to do what Jiwon wanted to do, but he also wanted to do what you wanted to do as well, and so you’d find yourselves arguing with each other to try and make the other person happier than you were.
You were a little apprehensive around Jiwon when you first met, however when you saw him around other people and how bright he was, you knew that he was going to be someone that you’d get along with. It took a bit of time for the two of you to talk without having those awkward moments in between topics of conversation, but once you figured it all out, you soon found yourselves chatting endlessly.
Jiwon’s family took great care of you, even when Jiwon wasn’t around, they liked to be there for you. When Jiwon was on the road, they’d often invite you round for dinner or something so that they could see you and how you were as Jiwon wasn’t around to do so. They did it mostly because Jiwon told them too, always making his family promise to look after you whenever he wasn’t able to do so.
You both were very cautious whenever you went out, most of the time you ended up deciding to stay in where you had some privacy. Jiwon didn’t mind going out if you wanted to, but he’d always offer to drive you both there or map out the route that was the quietest to make sure that you didn’t run into any trouble.
The two of you had a habit of knowing exactly what the other person was going to say. You liked to think that you knew Jiwon like the back of your hand, and he liked to think the same about you too and so you always tried to guess what was going to be said, and usually you ended up getting it right too.
Both of you were relaxed the most with each other, and so you were the person for the other who they had the most inside jokes with too. You weren’t quite sure how many you ended up with over the years, but usually if you remembered an inside joke, it would be one that you shared with Jiwon more than anyone else.
Although he tended to control the mood at the best of times, Jiwon would often get just a little bit louder whenever he was feeling jealous. His voice would get a little noisier in the hope that it would hold your attention a little more and equally silence the others who were around you too. He’d stubbornly deny doing it once the two of you were alone, but you always knew exactly what Jiwon was like.
Jiwon got a kick out of winding you up, he loved teasing you and snapping at you until you bit back. You did the exact same with him too, messing around and pushing each other until you got what you wanted was something that happened between the two of you just about every time that you hung out together.
He loved how you were always there for him; nothing was ever too much trouble. If it was the middle of the night, Jiwon could call and know that you would answer, or if he was on the other side of the city, Jiwon knew that you would find a way to get to him. Having you there was a huge relief for Jiwon more than anything else because he knew that even if you weren’t right by his side, he was never actually alone.
The two of you first met just before Jiwon debuted when you were working as a member of staff at the company. It was more of an accidental meeting than anything else when Jiwon knocked you as he walked past you, only to find out the next day that you were going to be working with him for a little while.
His guard comes down around you all the time, you never get much of the serious side of Jiwon. Instead, you get the fun side, the side that doesn’t care about a thing in the world and does whatever he wants to do.
Jiwon was obsessed with your character, you ticked so many of the boxes that he always wanted to be filled in a best friend, more than he ever thought someone in his life would ever actually be able to.
He loved seeing you with his family, how well you got along with them was something that meant a great deal to Jiwon. There was very little that he enjoyed more than just being able to sit back and watch you interact with his family, with Jiwon’s eyes especially drawn to the smiles that were on everyone’s faces.
Confiding in you is something that Jiwon does a lot, although he smiles around others, he’ll come to you for advice and ask you if you can help him out whenever he’s not quite sure what he wants to do.
Stored on his memory drive where no one else could find them, Jiwon had several drafts of raps saved that he had written about you. They were personal to him and shared things that he didn’t quite feel prepared to share with other people yet, especially as he liked to keep your friendship as something private.
Although he didn’t always express himself as he wanted, your support meant a lot to Jiwon. Above all else he loved that you always knew the right thing to say to get him motivated and feeling himself before he went on stage or cheer him up when he came off stage feeling as though he could’ve done a little better.
If he knew that you had some free time when he was on the road, Jiwon would find a way to bring you along with him so that he could take you to some new places and also get to explore around with you.
More than anything else Jiwon was appreciative of you and the many years that he’d had with you as his best friend by his side.
If he was around and nearby to your place, Jiwon would always stop by. If you weren’t in when he expected you to be, he’d be ringing you straight away and seeing where you were to make sure that you were alright.
He was good with words and so Jiwon was also pretty good at giving you advice and putting things simply, but effectively, for you.
Both of you weren’t exactly big on affection, the most that you’d usually do was poke each other to get their attention or maybe grab the other if they needed to be moved out of the way for some reason.
You were his inspiration, Jiwon wished that he could be more like you.
Both of you enjoy the comfort of home and so after your days together you’ll both head back to your own places, with Jiwon making sure that you know to text him that you’re home as soon as you walk through the door.
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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harry potter headcannons
s.o sends an inappropriate photo
you’ve changed
i missed you too
bf! b.i
why did you leave so soon?
and you are?
coffee shop confession
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animeniacss · 1 day
I just read your imagine about Wonwoo and became an emotional wreck 😭
Could you please write something angsty about Mingyu? Like maybe a failed arranged marriage...
Would love it if you could cook something up with the suggestion.
Thank you 💜
OMG so sorry it took so long! I hope you like what I have! It was fun to write! <3
Mingyu x Reader - Down the Aisle
“What do you think our wedding will be like, Mingyu?”
“Hm….something extravagant…something beautiful. Just like you.” 
“You look so beautiful.” The female voice behind you made you open your eyes, staring into the lush vanity before you—the plush of the robe you had on pressed against your body, tickling your skin. In your hair, a brush offers a similar sensation through your scalp.
“Thanks, Jihyo,” you said softly. A moment of silence before you said. “I cannot believe that today’s the day….” your voice was soft.
“I know! It feels like yesterday you were going to meet him for dinner and now you’re getting married!” Jihyo’s grin made your heart thump in your chest. 
“I know.” You watched Jihyo tug your hair into a tight updo, grabbing bobby pins to keep the hair in place. You licked your lips, watching as some strands of hair fell from your face. A quick brush of your fingers and the hair was tucked behind your ear. 
“You have a hair falling from your ponytail. May I?” You watched with shaky eyes as a large hand reached across the table, tucking your hair behind your ear. You looked up at a humored lopsided grin, and a hand ran through his hair as he leaned back in his chair. “There. Perfect.” 
You watched Jihyo take the piece of hair and tangle it into your updo, a bobby pin added to keep it in place. When she smiled you realized then your expression had been pretty neutral. Your lips quirked up in a smile.
“No,” you said, almost too quickly. Jihyo’s hands stopped in your hair. “...No.” 
“Good, don’t be! What’s he gonna do, get cold feet? Arranged marriage or not he’s totally in love with you.” That comment made the smile on your lips soften just a bit, and you watched Jihyo head over to the side of the vanity, pulling out makeup. You turned in your chair, a fond smile on your face. Jihyo was giddy about this morning’s festivities. Being a part of something so wonderful, so memorable. It made any worries you did have quell. 
Two hours left until you walked down the aisle. 
“This is Kim Mingyu. His father owns L&S Entertainment in Seoul! We’ve been talking for a few months and we were hoping the two of you hit it off today!” 
You thought your mother was crazy at the time, staring across the table at the broad-shouldered man in the navy blue suit with slicked-back hair. Apart from polite greetings, you’d yet to say two words to the man across the table - Kim Mingyu, you made a note to remember that - yet your parents were talking as if the wedding were mere days away. It was sudden, but not surprising. You were 17 then, and you knew this was coming almost as soon as the end of your academic career was. Your hands kept themselves busy by pushing food around your plate with a fork. 
As you put a forkful to your lips, Mingyu leaned over in his chair, catching your attention with a hum and a quick call of your name. When you looked over, he smiled grinning, lopsided and nervous. 
“I didn’t know about this until this morning,” he admitted. You blinked a few times, swallowing your bite before breaking into an amused grin.
“I didn’t know until my mother opened her mouth.” And Mingyu threw his head back to laugh, loud but warm in the way it hit your ears. He chuckled, sticking his hand out. 
“This might not be so bad.” he stuck his hand out. “Let’s make the best of it for now, yeah?” You nodded, sticking your hand out as the both of you shook on it. 
For now. Those two words never felt like they meant so little. 
You felt your thoughts slip through your body as Jihyo tugged the corset of the back of your dress, gasping as you pressed your hands against the side of the bed. “Ah, Jesus.” you groaned. “I hate this. Why did I pick this dress?!”
“Because you look beautiful!” She laughed. “Besides, I’m almost done!” A few more tugs, a few more grunts, and Jihyo let out a hum of approval. “Nice job if I do say so myself. You look stunning.” 
Turning your gaze to the full-length mirror on the side of the bed, you looked yourself over. Your dress was stunning, your breath would be taken from you if the corset was not already at work squishing your insides. Hands pressed against the corsetted bodice, running them along your sides as if to convince yourself that what you were seeing right now was real. It was happening. 
“Your parents are already suggesting wedding dresses?” Mingyu’s eyes widened as he looked up from his textbook. You sighed, flipping lazily through your own, exhaustion on your features. 
“They’re very excited.” You smiled.
“Are you not?” Mingyu pouted, and you covered your mouth to laugh.
“We’ve known about this for what? A month.”
“A month and three days,” Mingyu added, and you snorted. Mingyu giggled in amusement. “But no, that’s crazy. Is there anything I can do to make it a bit easier?” You shook your head. 
“Nah. It’s bound to arrive sooner or later.” You lifted your pencil from the table one more time, eyes flicking down to look at your assignment once again. Mingyu seemed to stare at you from across the table, and you brought your eyes to his gaze one more time. “You okay?”
“Sorry,” he said. 
Confusion came in the form of a furrowed brow and a tilt of your head. “Sorry? Sorry for what?”
“I’m sure this isn’t what you imagine when you think of your wedding and dress shopping and planning.”
“No, but I knew it would be something similar.” you smiled. “Besides, at least I’m marrying someone nice, like you.” Mingyu smiled, cheeks tinting pink. “Someone I tolerate, y’know?”
“Oh, thanks.” He snorted, covering his mouth with his hands. 
Your name was called to the door, seeing it open and your mother stepped in. Within seconds she was tearing up. “Oh my God, you look beautiful. Just as I knew you would!” You smiled, watching as your mother pulled you into a gentle hug, careful not to wrinkle your dress or mess up your hair. She pulled away, scanning your silhouette as she wiped her eyes. 
“Mom, please don’t cry,” you begged behind a small chuckle, fondness thumping in your chest. 
“I know.” she sniffled. “I just…after everything we’ve gone through to get to this day it’s amazing it’s finally here. I’m just so happy for you.”
Another small chuckle, fondness morphing into something much harder to read. A small smile played on your lips as you held your mother's hands. She immediately pulled them up and kissed them. You turned to yourself in the mirror again, your mother slipping behind you. You felt your fingers curl into the fabric of your dress as hard as you could without ripping the expensive material. Your mother looked you over through the mirror as well, her own hands coming up to brush some stray hairs off your face and make sure nothing was lingering on your dress from its packaging. “I’m so proud of you, honey….” 
“I didn’t do anything,” you whispered.
“You did enough. You’ve done a lot for this family, you’ve been a trooper….” You inhaled a shaky breath, offering a small smile as your mother ran a hand along your arms. “The guests are starting to arrive. I’ll go see if the photographer is ready.” With a gentle kiss on your cheek, your mother waved off Jihyo before exiting the room and closing the door behind her. You heard Jihyo messing around with some of the cleanup in the room, leaving you to your thoughts for a few minutes as you stared at yourself. Hair up, dress corseted, make-up done. Something sparkled, and when you looked down, you admired the rock sitting prettily on your ring finger. The wedding band encircling the actual ring sparkled almost as bright as the main diamond, decorated with beautiful stones and silver plating. It was a dream to have a ring like that sitting on your finger. A small smile formed on your lips. 
“I wasn’t sure what kind of ring you’d like,” Mingyu said, turning his attention to you on the couch. You glance up at him, chopsticks stopping in midair with noodles hanging from them, dangling over your take-out box. The sight made Mingyu snort. “My father told me I could use an old family ring but I thought that was cheesy.”
Quickly, you slurped up your noodles and set the chopsticks down, turning your attention to him fully. “I think that’s kind of romantic, actually…” 
“You do?” His eyes went wide. “Shit, I need to call my dad.” You watched,  humor in your eyes as Mingyu scrambled for his phone. 
“Mingyu,” you said. When he turned his head, you lifted your hand, wiggling your fingers in his direction. “You get me whatever you think will look best. I have to wear it forever, after all.” Mingyu took your hand, pulling it closer to place a gentle kiss on the knuckles. Fondness filled your eyes as Mingyu set your hand back down, rubbing his thumb over the temporarily empty ring finger. 
“Then I’ll make sure it’s perfect for you and only you. Promise.” 
“You ready?” Jihyo asked, pulling your attention back to your friend. She was fixing her earrings in the mirror, hair blown out and settling nicely around her shoulders. She looked beautiful, smiling in excitement for the event waiting just downstairs. 
You felt your lips tug into a smile; what felt like two pins pressing into your cheeks to attempt to keep it there for the evening. “Yes,” you said. “I’m ready.” 
“Mingyu, how do I look?” you asked, turning to him. Mingyu peeked up from his phone, smiling as he saw you walk over to the ornate, plush couch sitting in the middle of the large room. A photographer was standing across the room, setting up his camera. The taller male smiled warmly as you took your seat beside him, draping his arm over your shoulder. 
“Beautiful.” He said. “Do you have lots of make-up on?” When he saw you nod, he nodded, offering you a kiss through the air to not smear it. You covered your mouth to hide your laugh.
“Oh God, you’re such a dork!” you said, slapping his knee. The sound of your mother stepping into view beside the cameraman made you both look up. 
“Ready? We need to have these wedding invitations ready by the end of the week to send out.” she smiled, but you saw her eyes dart over her shoulder when Mingyu’s parents approached, pulling her attention. The photographer set himself up with his camera. With a nod of confirmation from both of you, he immediately got to work.
“Scoot together.” *Click* “Mingyu, sit up straighter.” *Click click*. “Stand up behind her with your hand on her shoulder.” *Click*
For thirty minutes you and Mingyu moved around the chair and its surrounding area like dolls, giggling and laughing as the photographer put you both in various poses. 
“This is a bit ridiculous,” you said. “All this for one photo?”
“It’s kind of fun,” Mingyu responded. “I feel like a celebrity.”
“You’re the son of an entertainment company owner. You already are a celebrity.” Mingyu laughed a bit, leaning back in the chair and draping his arm over the back of it. You scooted closer, resting back as well and taking a deep breath. “I can’t believe it’s happening in less than four months.”
“I know,” he said. “It’s going to be amazing.”
“You think so?” You glanced up at him. Mingyu nodded. As the two of you took some time to relax while the photographer prepared the next round of photos, your eyes looked up in the direction of your parents. Your mother's back was to you, but it didn’t take a genius to notice she was tense. Something was on her mind as she spoke to Mingyu’s parents, her arms darting every which way as she continued to speak. 
You just barely registered her piercing glance back to the scene before the photographer snapped another picture.
The photographer was already snapping pictures as you headed down the steps from your room. Your family was already at the bottom, watching with tears in their eyes. You gripped your bouquet in your hands, each step a bit more hesitant than the last as you got closer to the bottom. Your eyes immediately fell to the closed double doors on your left when you had a second. The chatter of guests muffled the door making them sound more like buzzing bees than party guests. 
“Alright, everything is ready.” your mother grinned. “Are you excited? Oh, I’m gonna cry…” she wiped her eyes with a napkin she pulled perfectly out of her sleeve. “We’ll see you in there, alright?” You nodded, waving your mother and Jihyo off as they went into the room with the photographer. You inhaled, feeling your father come to your side and offer his arm. As you stared ahead at the door, you saw a black suit being fixed, a hand running through black hair, and a familiar smile. You inhaled deeply. 
“Everything is ready,” you said. The sound of music was heard through the doors, and they opened once again, allowing you and your father to head down the aisle. Immediately, the guests turned towards you, smiling at the beautiful bride as she floated down the aisle. Your eyes darted through the friends and family, smiling warmly and nodding your head as they gasped and waved you off. When you turned your head, you saw him, smiling his familiar lopsided grin in your direction.
“I’m so lucky I get to be the person marrying you. I never thought an arranged marriage would work out for me this way.”
“I love you so much!” 
Kim Mingyu.
Standing at the end of the farthest pew in the building. 
“Your engagement to Kim Mingyu is off!”
When the both of you locked eyes, even for a brief second, you saw his breath hitch, his eyes taking in your entire form. Time felt like it stopped in that moment, the both of you locked in on one another. 
“He and his entire family are nothing more than backstabbing narcissists!  I was wrong about them the entire time. I should have known entertainment moguls would try to pull a fast one on us!”
“Mom, you’re not making any sense.”
“I already told them. The engagement’s off..”
“It’s in three months!” 
“I don’t care!” She said. “No child of mine will be married to a son who will grow up to be exactly like their selfish parents!” 
When your father tugged at your arm gently, you turned your head back to him. You could see the gentle, almost sympathetic look in his eyes. He leaned to the side, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead in hopes of easing your mind. 
You had tried desperately to change your mother's mind at first. Then, you tried to see Mingyu despite your mother’s refusal. Despite his parent's attempts to keep the two of you apart. The two of them said it was over between you. 
You were halfway down the aisle when you finally allowed yourself to look forward. A sharp sting was felt behind your eyes, but you managed to blink it away because you heard the photographer snapping pictures and you knew damn well you’d never allow him to catch you with runny mascara. With one deep breath, you gripped your bouquet and finally took a good look at the groom waiting for you at the end of the aisle. 
“Honey, I’d like you to meet Lee Jihoon.” Your mother said over a similar dining table, motioning to the well-dressed and handsome male across from you. He ran a hand through his hair, offering you a polite smile. You could see the nerves in his eyes. 
You were 21 now. Halfway through college, preparing to work for your mother, and still with no husband. Until now. 
“His father runs the Lee Tech Company. We’ve been in contact for a few months and we’re hoping the two of you hit it off.”
You offered Jihoon a smile, eyes flicking down to your plate as you moved the food around with your fork. Your mother talked family with the Lee family, and you felt a disgustingly intense sense of deja vu. Especially when Jihoon leaned over and smiled, a gentleness in his eyes that worked to ease your nerves.
“I heard about what happened…” he said softly. “I’m sorry. My parents told me I had to at least come and meet you.” You offered a polite chuckle. “If you’re uncomfortable I can tell them-.”
“No.” You said softly. “No, it’s okay,” you said softly. “It’s…it is what it is.” Jihoon frowned a bit as he watched you take a forkful of food into your lips. You looked at him. “Even if I wanted to try and get back with him….He’s been put in another marriage….I think of an actress from his father’s company.” 
Jihoon hissed, which made you cover your mouth to laugh. “Ah, I’m sorry!”
“No. It’s okay…” you said again. As your parents directed your attention back to them, you offered one more look at Jihoon before wondering if this one would end similarly to Mingyu’s. Loved and lost in six months. 
That didn’t happen, and you found yourself standing in front of Jihoon, who fixed his suit and offered you a kind smile. When you looked at the man to your right, he offered you a smile, squeezing your hand in reassurance. It worked for a few seconds before the priest started talking and you zoned out the entire wedding. 
The party was just as lavish as the wedding, in the same building, decorated to the nines. You and Jihoon were put in the center, at a long table overlooking the dance floor and the guests surrounding you. Your eyes must have been darting left and right because Jihoon gently put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Looking for someone?” he asked, a small smile on his face. You looked over at him, not needing to respond for him to know the answer. “I saw him go outside after we left the other room.” 
“I see,” you said. Your eyes fluttered back to the tables where guests were mingling and drinking, happy in the union they got to witness. Jihoon leaned back in his chair. 
“Don’t,” you said, finally offering a gentle smile. “It’s okay. You know that.” Jihoon’s eyes flickered in uncertainty, but you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “We should be celebrating. Let me get some fresh air, then let’s dance or something.”
Jihoon laughed a bit, sipping his drink and nodding. “I’ll be looking forward to watching you make a complete fool of yourself.” he teased. You scoffed, standing up and smoothing out your dress. 
“I’ll have you know I bought my dress specifically to dance in,” you said. Jihoon laughed. 
“Aren’t you corseted?” he asked, an eyebrow raised as he scanned your dress. You waved him off as you headed out the back doors, towards the balcony. 
You rested against the balcony of the back patio, staring up at the sky. You could hear the muffled party through the glass doors, and you sighed, resting your chin in your hand. It wasn’t supposed to be this way….it just wasn’t. 
It took a few seconds of being lost in thought for you to hear your name being called, and when you turned, you saw Mingyu resting against the door, even glowing in the moonlight. He smiled sweetly. “You look really beautiful.”
“Thank you…” you said softly. You watched him approach you, hands in your pockets. He stopped just beside one of the patio tables, keeping a comfortable distance between you. “I can’t stay too long but…I wanted to make sure I saw you.” 
You looked up at the other and felt a genuine smile form on your lips. “Thank you. I’m glad you came. I didn’t think you would.”
“Jihoon-hyung told me I should,” he said. “At first I thought he was trying to rub it in my face but he doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. I think he knew it’d mean a lot to you.”
“It does.” You said gently. A moment of silence fell between you and you shifted in your spot, rubbing your hands together. Mingyu put his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet. 
“I’m sorry,” you said softly. Mingyu looked at you, smiling a bit. “I’m sorry for my mother and…everything that happened….I could have done more.”
“I could have too,” he said gently. “But we were young…we were only 18..” 
“I know,” you said softly. “And Jihoon is great but….you should be there with me.” Mingyu smiled a hint of sadness in the way his lips turned up. 
“Don’t say that,” he whispered. 
“It’s true.” You said quickly. Mingyu sighed, running a hand through his hair. The silence returned, thicker this time. “I’m sorry…” you said again. Mingyu only nodded this time. “I hope…that down the line…we can work together without any arguments. Whatever happened to our parents has nothing to do with us.” 
“I agree,” he assured. “I look forward to working with you.” he stuck his hand out. You hesitated, but took his hand and shook it. Mingyu hesitated, lifting your hand and placing a gentle kiss on the knuckles. You saw his eyes flash towards the ring on your finger and smiled. “That’s beautiful. Jihoon-hyung did a great job picking it out.”
You nodded, your hand dropping from his hold though the touch still lingered. “Thank you.” You said softly. “...I love you.” You said. “I always will. And I wish things could be different.” 
“...I love you too,” he assured. Mingyu smiled, waving you off before heading off the patio, down the steps, and seemingly out to the front of the venue. You watched him for a few seconds, craning your neck to see if you could see him again. 
The door to the party flung open, and your mother smiled in your direction. “Come on honey! You can’t miss your wedding! We’re about to do the cake!” A pause and her smile dropped a bit. “Are you okay?”
You hesitated. “Yeah Mom, I’m coming,” you said, before following her inside and closing the door. As you were led to the cake, you saw Jihoon fixing his tie while he waited. He smiled as you came to his side, offering you the cutting knife. As the party turned their attention to the both of you, you looked back out towards the balcony, now empty. You gripped the cutting knife, the knuckles Mingyu kissed turning white. 
“What kind of wedding do you think we’ll have, Mingyu?” 
“Did you see him?” Jihoon asked, making you look over. He glanced in your direction as you nodded.
“I did,” you said gently. 
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911bts · 1 year
6x11 "In Another Life" Synopsis
As Buck's life hangs in the balance, he dreams of a world where he never became a firefighter, for better and worse, in the all-new "In Another Life" episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, March 13 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-611) (TV-14 L, V)
Cast: Angela Bassett as Athena Grant; Peter Krause as Bobby Nash; Jennifer Love Hewitt as Maddie Buckley; Oliver Stark as Evan "Buck" Buckley; Kenneth Choi as Howie "Chimney" Han; Aisha Hinds as Henrietta "Hen" Wilson; Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz; Corinne Massiah as May Grant; Gavin McHugh as Christopher Diaz
Guest cast: John Harlan Kim as Albert; Gregory Harrison as Phillip Buckley; Dee Wallace as Margaret Buckley; David Young Lee as Sang; Jennie Baek as Myung;
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catmomjudy · 7 days
Cold (Warm?) Open
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So, it looks like this might be the opening scene (the date Buck was going to after work—and after stopping at Eddie’s). Those are Buck’s hospital clothes (see below), so I imagine this will be another Datus Interruptus when the phone rings.
p.s. (edit) I haven’t rewatched 7x09 yet, and I’m sitting here feeling a little “off” about my memory of the timeline at the end of the ep. Still, these are a date at night, and they are HAPPY. If this was after Eddie/Chris or after the hospital, they just wouldn’t be. I’m assuming they get a late-night call to go to the hospital; they are there all night waiting (and it’s morning in the scene with the Chief); Buck and Eddie go to Eddie’s for whatever reason (to talk?) and the Diazes show up (remember: they have to get there from TX); and then whatever happens the rest of the ep is in new clothes, so a different time/day. Because of TX, the Diaz house scene has to be the next day (after the date) because they need time to get there. I’m assuming the Kim thing and the Mara thing and the Bobby/fire thing were all happening the same evening.
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P.p.s. I also posted some additional thoughts on this elsewhere.
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we all saw that, right? everything in that episode actually happened? i didn’t just imagine that shit?
bobby retired? mara got swiped by social services?? chris caught eddie with kim??? grant-nash house got arson’d???? bobby collapsed?????
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awkwardcoffeebean · 18 days
First Chimney got his car stolen and then Bobby got his car stolen. Who is next this season? Buck and his Jeep? Is Marisol going to go ‘Before he cheats’ on Eddie’s car when she comes to know about Kim? I don’t even know what car Hen drives but I refuse to even imagine anything happening to it.
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captain-hen · 1 day
the weirdest part of getting the characters to a certain place is that ... tim basically already had a pretty blank slate to work with after the mess of s6 finale. only big plot points he was really working with were madney wedding and henren adoption. but buck and eddie were in basically nothing relationships, and athena and bobby were happy to have some time off. and even 7x01/the cruise arc was probably enough to set up what they wanted to do with bobby and eddie this season without the introduction of amir and kim. like have amir be a one episode arc where we get the burn victim stuff and the AA meeting and then just let bobby have a mental health scare instead of all the cartel stuff?? instead of eddie admiting to "shannon"hes upset he never got a goodbye from her, just have chris and eddie reflect on their relationship with her and let eddie have the emotional moment with chris instead (hopefully we will still get this next season but could have been done without all That in the finale). and in making the eddie and bobby stories a bit smaller you probably leave more room to explore bucktommy and get mara back with henren this season (imagine a finale with the 118 uniting to get mara back to henren!!) idk just odd choices all around this season
^^^ exactly, all of this! it's like they've gone out of their way to make things particularly nightmarish and horrible, and it's so bizarre
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pirate-hunter · 25 days
I don’t usually share episode / plot thoughts cause I always feel like everything I write sounds so stupid immediately after I post it, BUT-
I very genuinely hope all of this mess with Eddie explodes horribly. Twice now, he’s faced a big turning point within himself after a big downward spiral, and I think this is gonna be the third time.
I want him to be the one to break things off with Kim and sorta close the chapter on his Shannon trauma. But I want Marisol pissed, furious. I think she needs to really lay into him about this, say something really nasty. Eddie, I love you, but you kinda deserve to feel like shit too after pulling this.
Imagine at the end, everyone’s feeling hurt, including himself, maybe Buck’s also a little mad about it all. Because he couldn’t reason with Eddie at first or he’s mad about being dragged into a lie and being complicit with it.
Big injury or really close call for Eddie on the job 👀 and we pull in the catholic guilt again as a closer on this storyline. Because he’s questioning who he is at his core, and he feels like a bad person and maybe he deserves to be hurt physically in exchange for hurting everyone emotionally? Gods retribution for his sins?? Real bottom of his spiral kind of stuff.
Anyway, he makes it out of course, but confides in Bobby after that he feels like he doesn’t deserve to be fine after all that.
And then BAM- another Eddie Bobby parallel, and Bobby gets to basically talk Eddie through a situation that emotionally parallels his own recent problems, thus also reaffirming it for himself too.
And we get a conversation about how our mistakes don’t determine our worth and we get the chance to learn from them, grow, and be better. We get to try and make amends (👀) but it might not always work out, but it doesn’t mean we give up on ourselves. Bobby’s view on God is definitely so different from Eddie. I feel like Eddie probably views him as a god with a flaming sword, where Bobby have gotten to a point where he can focus on God’s love and forgiveness. And I think affirming that to Eddie (even though he’s more lapsed than anything) would help him start looking at his religious past in a different light.
This is long, don’t know where I’m going with this anymore, goodniiiiight
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rdng1230 · 11 days
911 spoilers
god where do I even begin???
First of all, I was ready to flip a fucking table when Gerard said that to Tommy. I really love the detail of Chim standing up to him though, I think it’s nice that 911 continually reminds us that Tommy isn’t just buck’s boyfriend, he also has his own history with the 118 gang. I could see how tense Tommy was and my heart broke for him. I also love Buck getting in Gerard’s face a little as he walked away. We Stan a protective boyfriend.
I was never a foster kid but because of custody fights I know EXACTLY how it feels to be ripped away from the family you love because of what a judge says. My heart breaks for Mara and for Henren, when Denny got in the middle my heart tore even more. That councilwoman genuinely is evil. She has no idea how long lasting and deep those wounds are for a kid.
the last supper montage/scene with Bobby hurt my feelings, but I loved the voiced acknowledgement of bucks growth. I think Buck still has lingering self doubts, and Bobby coming out and saying “you’re not that guy anymore” I think will help Buck let more of those doubts go.
the scene with Buck discovering Kim played out pretty much exactly as it had in my head. I don’t know why I just had the feeling Buck was going to encounter her first before shit hit the fan. I loved his concern for Eddie *and* for Kim. “Does this poor woman know she’s a carbon copy of your late wife?” I think he’s really good at saying things that genuinely reach Eddie. Buck knows that Eddie doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and so he uses that to wedge the door open. Listen, I’m not opposed to buddie happening one day (although I really don’t want a Bucktommy breakup) but whatever happens, them being friends who can be honest with each other is so important. They’re great partners for each other in really every sense of the word.
I can see Athena’s desperation but I also think her completely disregarding Amir’s boundaries and needs is a fucking dick move. Bobby needs a therapist, and probably some in patient mental health treatment too. Amir should be left in peace.
I knew the Kim thing had been too easy and as soon as that door opened and I saw her hair, I fucking knew Chris was going to see. But god Ryan did SO WELL with that scene. He genuinely had me choked up. He Shoulders so much loneliness and anger and hurt and he never really unloads it. I really can’t imagine the grief he feels even if I don’t always buy that he was *in* love with Shannon. I think she was very special to him, but I don’t think she was the love of his life. I still can’t decide what I feel about Kim for that. Truly, on the one hand girl WHAT THE FUCK and on the other, yeah maybe that was the only way Eddie was ever gonna say all that shit out loud. Her motives are as yet a total mystery to me.
Chris gets his own bullet point. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I really can’t imagine the hurricane of emotions he must have felt and will feel. I truly do not know how his relationship with Eddie will ever recover, and it would not shock me in the least if chris went and stayed with Buck for a while. I get what Ryan means when he says Eddie’s gonna end the season really isolated.
Im gonna miss that house, it really was gorgeous.
I love a good fretting over someone in the hospital scene and this cast in particular does so well with them. Looking forward to next week and also fucking terrified at the emotional fallout of everything particularly for Chris, Mara, and Denny.
boy “punched in the gut repeatedly” really was accurate huh?
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lemotmo · 25 days
Let's watch 911 7x07
All right guys, let’s do this. I’m finally able to sit down and watch episode 7x07. I'll type out my thoughts and feelings as I'm watching.
Disclaimer: This is a fictional show with fictional characters. These characters go through some of the wildest things. This time we have a cheating storyline for Eddie and while, in real life, it would be a big no no, on a TV show like this it’s a narrative I can get behind. These people need to go through dramas to come out on the other side as reborn. It’s what TV is for, an escape from reality. None of it is real. So yeah, while Eddie cheats on Marisol, I will still watch this show and I’ll still be intrigued what this means for him and his narrative. Ultimately this part of his story will serve a purpose and I’m here for that.
So, let’s go!
That first call going to Maddie. She is so damn good at her job.
Oh no, they crashed!
2. No no no, Chimney! An explosion! Stay away Eddie! Oh no, she’s burned badly, isn’t she? Inhalation burns.
Where is the baby?
Why is Athena the only police officer working these cases? There is never another police officer on call.
Where is the baby? Please don’t hurt the baby!
That poor lady.
Where is the damn baby?
3. That’s right, no screens during dinner. I have the same rule at home. My son is used to it by now.
Mara! Denny knows about her baby brother, Tyson. Oh that poor sweet girl.
4. Oh, the ice cream Marisol scene. I’m afraid now! Christopher really seems to like her. That poor kid is going to go through it, isn’t he. Another woman who will eventually leave him, for good reason I know, but still…
Ooooh, fake Shannon! Cue Eddie having a flashback of Shannon. Man, grief can be so hard sometimes. The moment you think you’re doing better, something happens to throw you back in the middle of it. Imagine seeing a döppelganger of your deceased wife. That has to be hard on anyone.
5. Hen is such a great mother. I love how she talks to Mara and really understands what is going on with her.
That’s right baby! Denny is nice. Of course you miss him.
Has he been taken by the foster system?
6. What do you mean her husband is in Alaska? Who is that guy? And where is the baby???
Oh Maddie, this has to be hard for her. All of those memories. That’s right Josh, talk some sense into her.
7. Foster families are important, but it sucks how siblings are separated.
Oh… Mara’s mother had an affair. Man, there is a theme running through this episode.
I don’t think the system can do a lot in cases like this Hen. Sometimes hands are tied.
8. The burn unit. Oh, that is Amir huh? 'The only one responsible is the driver, the rest of us are left to clean up the mess.' Auwch! This is the guy who is going to go after Bobby, isn’t he?
Side note: Theo Huxtable was my favourite on ‘The Cosby Show’. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to watch it anymore and shit, but I grew up with that show, so yeah.
He seems like a nice guy. Are we sure he’s going after Bobby?
Maddie, you’re a nurse… mask up when you visit a burn victim!
9. No no no, I don’t want to see this scene! No Eddie, don’t do it!!!
Of course fake Shannon would walk out to talk to him. I would! I mean, the guy looks gorgeous.
A candle? Instant stimulation. Noooooooo, don’t do it babe! On the beach with Shannon.
Ryan, the actor that you are. Your eyes speak to me!
Nooooo, you aren’t single babe!!!! Have you forgotten about Marisol without a last name? She was right there in the beginning of the episode, eating ice cream with you.
Edmundo… really? This harkens back to Ana times.
Fake Shannon is called Kim.
But really, Kim is the spitting image of Shannon. How can he resist this? All he’s ever wanted was to be enough for Shannon and now he has another chance. Of course he’ll take it. The loveable idiot!
The S keychain… I mean, Eddie babe, she isn’t Shannon. She’s another person. You can’t just replace your deceased wife with a new copy. It doesn’t work that way. She looks like her, but she’s a completely different woman.
10. Mommy and me classes. Hen and Karen stalking yet again another parent of one of their foster children. Well, not the real parent, but you know what I mean. They’ve done this before. This isn’t healthy ladies. I understand your motivation, but it just isn’t healthy. You’ll end up being kicked out of the system if you continue like this.
11. Maddie, stop obsessing babe. It isn’t healthy. Where is Chimney?
Aaaah, that’s right! He’s her husband now!!!! YAY!
Oh, Chimney, you are the best husband. You get it. You understand her so well.
This scene is gold! GOLD!
Oh, this guy isn’t connected to the lady at all, is she?
12. OMG! He’s the neighbour! He has to be.
That poor mother.
13. Wait… is that Shannon or Kim in bed with Eddie? Please let it be Shannon! I’m not ready for a full-blown sexual affair.
Side note: it is so weird that the women on 911 always have their bras on when they have sex. Meanwhile the TV-shows that get made in my country have full-blown nudity and very explicit unapologetic sex scenes, and no one bats an eye over it.
What is going on? Is it Kim? It can’t be!
Whose room is that? That isn’t Eddie’s bed, is it?
Oh, it’s a memory… or is it? I don’t think he slept with Shannon before she saw him at Christmas, did he? I remember that scene where they had sex upside down on the bed and then she quickly had to leave because Chris came home. This is so different.
O_o Dude! No! Marisol is right there. I have no love for this women, since I hardly know her, but this is a big no no! Not in front of her salad.
14. Oh, he was a handyman. A real stalker.
Maddie is calling the sister? Isn’t that against protocol? This show just throws every single rule into the bin.
Kyle had to make a fresh start from what? Oh no, his wife left with the baby. This guy is full on psychotic, isn’t he? He’s living in a delusion where the victim and her baby are his own wife and child.
What is he feeding that baby?
Oh no, this guy is crazy! A new mommy?
Maddie, you genius you!!! I love you! You understand creepy guys like no other.
Someone save that baby!!!!!! Nooo!
Chimney knows!
Oh Buck tackled that guy! His back has to be broken! That dude is massive!
The woman is safe!
15. Oh no, Amir’s eyes! He knows Bobby. Such a great actor.
Bobby is in trouble.
16. Tyson, yes. So happy that Mara gets to see her brother again.
Of course he remembers here. Kids always do.
17. Buck is cooking. I don’t want to watch the next scene, because I know what is coming. But okay.
This is so homey and cosy. The three of them together.
Smoke though? Foreshadowing?
Good cologne? We won’t wait up for you? Oh Buck… if you only knew what your best friend was up to. You could have stopped him to talk some sense into him.
This scene though. They’re a unit, the three of them. One day…
But first Eddie needs to deal with some of his demons. Let’s go.
18. Thank God, some Madney first. I need a little break before disaster strikes. Jee is sooo cute.
No more bad dreams tonight? Yeah, maybe not for Jee. I’m about to have a full blown nightmare in 3... 2... 1... and there it is...
19. Pffff, Eddie Eddie Eddie. I’m so disappointed in you right now. Don’t get me wrong, I still love you to bits and you’re still my fav on 911, but what are you doing? Not only to yourself, but to Marisol, Kim and Chris?
If you wanted to date this woman so badly, why didn’t you break up with Marisol first? It would have been the most decent thing to do for everyone involved.
Do you think this will bring Shannon back? It won’t you know. Kim is a different woman. Next to that, you are idealising your marriage to Shannon. It’s blinding you and stopping you from moving forward in life.
You need to let go of Shannon. Lay her to rest.
But I can see that you aren’t planning for that.
This is all going to come to a very messy ending and you’ll be left in the dust my friend. I just hope Chris doesn’t get pulled into this. I don’t ever want him to know.
Wait until Buck finds out. Not looking forward to that scene. It’ll be hard to watch.
I wonder if they are going to make this in a full-blown sexual affair, or an emotional cheating affair. And how long will it last? One episode? Two? What will make him see that what he’s doing is self-destructing? I’m convinced that this man is hurting deeply and he just wants to feel happy again, no matter the cost. He has this illusion that everything was perfect with Shannon, but it wasn’t. All of this will come crashing down and he’ll be left in the dust, alone.
If we have to believe Ryan’s interview, he’ll eventually crawl out of the pit of despair as a new man. Which is a good thing. But he’s going to go through it first and I’m here for it. I'll gobble up every single scene and the gut-wrenching heartbreak Eddie will go through the moment he will realise that he has f*cked up so badly.
Side note: We have now seen three people of the 118 cheat, in different ways, on their partners by now. I wonder if there’s something in the water?
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chevelleneech · 7 days
Buddie/BT finale partial timeline
I think Eddie’s parents show up due to Chris calling and telling them Shannon is alive, but Eddie is lying to him about it and won’t let him see her. So they fly up and confront him, so he has to prove Kim isn’t Shannon despite her photos being exact matches, so he calls brown shirt!Buck to back him up. The Buddie conversation in the living room is either after Eddie’s parents leave or while they’re in the other room with Chris.
Blue shirt!Buck, when Buck has his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, is when Chris leaves I think. Possibly the end of the episode, before whatever the cliffhanger is.
Buck and Tommy’s date will be at the top of the episode almost certainly, because they’d need to start with something gentler that leads into all the emotional chaos. Especially since Buck, Eddie, and Tommy are in the same clothes as the morning date and Eddie’s parents showing up, as they are in the hospital stills.
As such, I’m also assuming Buck and Eddie get the call about Bobby and Athena while at Eddie’s house, and rush directly to the hospital. Tommy either shows up after to talking to Buck, or he is the one who gives them a ride. It’s possible he gives Buck a ride to Eddie’s house as well.
Story building wise, that makes the most sense to me, since it also give enough space to develop BT in the midst of all the chaos. Not with scenes dedicated 100% to them, but enough for them to have short conversations. Tommy can question why Buck is so quick to cancel on him for Eddie, or he can oversee something between Buck and Eddie and ask him something in a joking way or in a serious way if Buck realizes how much he prioritizes Eddie.
They may not have any conversation about it though, which would suck, but I feel like if things go the way I imagine they will, this episode would be a good time for them to finally talk about where they are with each other and how they want to proceed.
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ranbling · 7 days
I tried to figure out a timeline for the stills, but I just can't
My best shot is right now: Bucktommy date ->Eddie's->Hospital->Eddie's-->Hospital again
Buck wears the same shirt to the date that he does in the hospital and at Eddie's and I just can't imagine him going on a date while Bobby is in critical condition. Then Eddie's parents show up and Buck and Eddie go to deal with that, but during it something happens to Bobby and they have to go back to the hospital
Bucktommy date might be happening before the fire, at the same time as the Kim fiasco. Buck goes over, spends the night and that's why he's in the same t-shirt in the during the day stills.
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some-little-infamy · 9 days
Missing Signs
(Read on AO3) “I'm worried about you.” It takes every ounce of willpower Buck has to say the words. He knows that Eddie's been better lately, since his last bout of panic attacks - he's been more open, more honest about admitting when things were weighing on his mind. At least, Buck thought he was.
Maybe Eddie truly didn't see it as a problem. He came to Buck with his Marisol concerns about the whole nun thing, after all. It isn't like Eddie’s shutting him out entirely. It's just this one thing… this one really big thing.
Maybe Buck's getting ahead of himself. Maybe Eddie told Bobby, or Frank, or Hen… anyone else at all about this whole Kim thing. He knows that should be reassuring, but considering it only manages to make Buck feel worse somehow. He's supposed to be the one Eddie goes to for things like this.
“Yeah, I'm worried about me, too,” Eddie admits, so quietly Buck almost thinks he imagined it.
That’s when it hits him - Eddie does know how bad this is. He knows how deep he’s in under his head, and not only has he acknowledged it, he’s thought about it enough to be worried about it.
And Buck missed it.
How many signs were there? Has Eddie been quieter than usual around the firehouse, or during their chatter over the comms to and from jobs? What about outside of work… God, Buck can’t remember the last time he and Eddie spent time outside of work besides the bachelor party. They used to get together multiple times a week, and now…
…now Buck spends all of his free time with Tommy. It’s where he was headed before he intercepted the brownies from Kim. It’s where he was the night before, and the one before that. Hell, he would’ve spent more time with Tommy than Eddie at the Bachelor party if Tommy didn’t have to leave.
Buck’s been so wrapped up in the changes of his own life, too distracted by chasing his own happiness, that he absolutely failed to see the spiral Eddie must’ve been in since he first met Kim. There’s no way this hasn’t been on Eddie’s mind, eating away at him. There’s no way he hasn’t questioned every single second he’s kept this from Christopher, or even Marisol.
And Buck wasn’t there for him.
If Buck only paid a little more attention, or been around more often, maybe he would’ve noticed sooner. Almost immediately Buck feels like he’s living through Maddie’s secret all over again - missing all the signs because he was too busy doing things for himself, too busy being so goddamn happy that he wasn’t around to see the obvious signs. The revelation hits him hard, his breath catching in his throat, every muscle in his body tensing instinctively.
Eddie didn’t want to ruin Buck’s happiness by unloading his own issues. Buck gets that… but If he’d known, maybe he could’ve helped, or at least talked this through before Eddie took things too far.
Maybe there’s still time for that. Eddie and Kim haven’t done anything besides go out a few times, if Eddie’s telling Buck the truth.
“Do you want to talk about-”
“No,” Eddie cuts off Buck’s offer before he can get the offer out. “No. It’s fine. Thanks for, uh… for this. And not saying anything to her.”
It’s obvious that Eddie wants to shut any talk of this down, but Buck isn’t so easily deterred. Buck wants to make up for not being here for Eddie sooner. He wants to know that Eddie still trusts him. Buck needs to know that he hasn’t managed to accidentally edge out the person in his life who knows him best, and who he thought he knew best in return.
“Eddie-” Buck begins. “I’m fine,” Eddie says, more forcefully this time. “I know I have some stuff to work out, I just… need time. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Buck says, trying his best not to sound hurt. “Yeah. It’s… I’ll just…” Buck flounders, unsure of what he should say when it’s obvious Eddie doesn’t want him to say or do anything. It all feels too little, too late now. “Enjoy the brownies.” Buck doesn’t look behind him as he leaves, not sure what would hurt more - to see pain in Eddie’s expression as he goes, or to see nothing at all.
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little-big-fan · 1 year
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Masterlist organizada do imagine mais antigo para o mais novo ✨ Aqueles marcados com ** são imagines hot!
Parte 1 e Parte 2 da masterlist
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Harry Styles (Aquele em que eles tem um bebê em segredo) Parte 1. Parte 2. Parte 3.
Harry Styles (Aquele em que sempre foram apaixonados) Parte 1. Parte 2. **
Sam Winchester (Aquele em que ela é filha do Bobby)
Zayn Malik (Aquele em que ele está anestesiado)
Dean Winchester (Aquele em que só tem uma cama) **
Niall Horan (Aquele em que tudo se acerta) **
Harry Styles (Aquele em que ele volta para casa) **
Timotheé Chalamet (Aquele em que ele tem nojo dela)
Zayn Malik (Aquele em que ela tem ciúmes)** - Especial de aniversário -
Charles Leclerc (Aquele em que acontece um mal entendido) - Especial de aniversário -
Henry Cavill (Aquele em que ele faz besteira) - Especial de aniversário -
Louis Tomlinson (Aquele em que eles se odeiam) - Especial de aniversário -
Harry Styles (Aquele em que ele é um príncipe) - Especial de aniversário -
Liam Payne (Aquele em que a mentira vira verdade) - Especial de aniversário -
Louis Tomlinson (Aquele em que o contrato não vale mais)
Harry Styles (Aquele em que ela vai de surpresa em um show)
Louis Tomlinson (Aquele em que eles têm uma rapidinha no banheiro) **
Lee Felix SKZ (Aquele em que ela não aguenta mais esconder)
Louis Tomlinson (Aquele em que ele precisa desestressar antes da premiere)
Niall Horan (Aquele em que ele finalmente assume o namoro)
Jeon Jungkook BTS (Aquele em que ele se arrepende)
Harry Styles (Aquele em que eles casam em Vegas)
Kim Taehyung BTS (Aquele em que eles são melhores amigos, mas se gostam)
Jeon Jungkook BTS (Aquele em ele descobre que tem uma filha) Parte 1. Parte 2. Parte 3. Parte 4. Parte 5. (EM ANDAMENTO)
Louis Tomlinson (Aquele em que eles se apaixonam no natal) - Especial fim de ano 2023 -
Park Jimin BTS (Aquele em que ele faz uma surpresa) - Especial fim de ano 2023 -
Min Yoongi BTS (Aquele em que ele tem o primeiro natal) - Especial fim de ano 2023 -
Niall Horan (Aquele em que eles tem um natal especial.) - Especial fim de ano 2023 -
*Atualizado dia 25/01/2024*
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