#kitchen witchery blog
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theblackdahliaemporium · 11 months
Plant Correspondences:
This is going to be a long post! This is in no way, a complete list. This is Simply some Popular ones! If you have any other plants, herbs, or flowers you’re curious about, List them in the comments below!
Edit to add: Huckleberry! HUCKLEBERRY (Leaves): Good Fortune, Luck, Dream Work
TREES: • ACACIA ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Visions, Wealth, Protection, Blessings • ALDER ~ Banishing, Transformation, Truth, Power of Water, Intuition • APPLE ~ Dream Work, Enchantment, Fertility, Love, Luck, Harmony • BIRCH ~ Reduces anxiety, Defensive Magick, Increases concentration, Creativity • CEDAR ~ Afterlife, Clairvoyance, Breaks Hexes, Psychic Ability • CYPRESS ~ Binding, Defensive Magick, Comfort, Mental Power, Wisdom • ELDER~ Grounding, Healing, Love, Magickal Power, Success • ELM ~ Intuition, Love, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Stability • JUNIPER ~ Fertility, Happiness, Protection, Optimism, Spirits, Strength • OAK ~ Confidence, Justice, Luck, Money, Success, Independence, Wealth • PINE ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Hope, Prosperity, Self-Work, Releasing • ROWAN ~ Astral Realm, Devotion, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Visions, Spirits • WILLOW ~ Moon Magick, Moon Power, Protection, Knowledge, Fertility • WITCH HAZEL ~ Healing, Inspiration, Willpower, Fidelity, Wisdom
HERBS & FLOWERS: • AGRIMONY ~ Harmony, Healing, Breaking Hexes, Dream Work, Protection • ALLSPICE~ Business, Luck, Success, Kindness, Money • ANGELICA ~ Repels Negativity, Divination, Purification, Success, • ANISE ~ Balance, Energy, Harmony, Purification, Well-Being • BASIL ~ Psychic Ability, Love (Reconciliation), Money, Messages/Omens • BELLADONNA ~ Imagination, Night Magick, Visions, Astral Realm • BETONY ~ Solving Problems, Security, Decreases Anxiety, Protection • BORAGE ~ Beginnings, Business success, Skills, Courage, Awareness • BLUEBELL ~ Kindness, Luck, Love, Manifestation, Overcoming Obstacles • CARNATION ~ Deep Love, Beauty, Communication, Fertility, Harmony, Emotions • CATNIP ~ Love, Luck, Psychic Ability, Spirits, Prevents Nightmares • CHAMOMILE ~ Blessings, Calming, Reduces Anger & Anxiety, Money, Luck • CINNAMON ~ Wealth, Money, Security, Luck, Desire, Attraction, Peace • CLOVE ~ Divination, Prosperity, Psychic Ability, Success, Truth, Visions • CLOVER ~ Grounding, Luck, Marriage, Prosperity, Success, Spiritual Balance • CUMIN ~ Fidelity, Harmony, The Home, Longevity, Love, Repels Negativity • DAFFODIL ~ Afterlife, Fairies, Love (Unrequited), Security, Spirits, Calming • DANDELION ~ Clairvoyance, Clarity, Divination, Communication, Spirits • DILL ~ Defensive Magick, Breaking Hexes, Love, Lust, Sex Magick, Money • FENNEL ~ Blessings, Repels Evil & Negative Energy (from entering the home) • FEVERFEW ~ Healing, Heartbreak, Love, Protection, Strength, Purification • GARLIC ~Banishing, Justice, Protection, Breaking Hexes, Release, Security • GINGER ~ Money, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Moon Magick, Unity, Success • HENBANE (highly poisonous) ~ Astral Realm, Divination, Love (Attract) • HONEYSUCKLE ~ Affection, Destiny, Happiness, Love, Peace, Well-Being • IVY ~ Attraction, Marriage, Love, Stability, Transformation, Fidelity, Omens • LAVENDER ~ Reduces Anger and Anxiety, Love, Manifestation, Luck, Rebirth • LEMON BALM ~ Business Success, Calming, Clarity, Fertility, Relationships • MANDRAKE (Poisonous) ~ Desire, Courage, spirits, Wealth, Omens, Bind • MISTLETOE (Poisonous) ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Business, Luck • MOONWORT ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Moon Magick, Money • MUGWORT ~ Spirits, Psychic Ability, Astral Realm, Awareness, Psychic Energy • NETTLE ~ Healing, Justice, Luck, Protection, Courage, Confidence • NUTMEG ~ Life, Luck, Love, Money, Power, Attract, Psychic Ability, Divination • ORRIS ROOT~ Astral, Protection, Relationships, Love, Sexual Attraction • PATCHOULI ~ Manifestation, Peace, Luck, Love (Attract), Money, Business • PEPPER ~ Motivation, Lust, Justice, Bind, Security, Strength • PEPPERMINT ~ Dream Work, Divination, Luck, Money, Visions, Healing • ROSE ~ Fertility, Family, Blessings, Love, Luck, Happiness, Beginnings • ROSEMARY ~ Psychic Ability, Psychic Protection, Inner Power, Luck, Afterlife • SAGE ~ Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Visions, Clears Negativity, Business • SANDALWOOD ~ Focus, Concentration, Success, Luck, Moon Magick, Blessings • ST. JOHN'S WORT ~ Strength, Power, Money, Consecrate/Bless, Prosperity • SNAPDRAGON ~ Clairaudience, Emotions, Money, Protection, Assertiveness • STAR ANISE ~ Divination, Psychic Ability, Purification, Consecrate/ Bless • STRAWBERRY ~ Beauty, Desire, Luck, Love, Relationships, Divination • SUNFLOWER ~ Clarity, Dream Work, Solar Energy, Light, Peace, Money, Luck • THYME ~ Healing, Happiness, Increasing, Rebirth, Protection, Calming • WORMWOOD ~ Clairvoyance, Dream Work, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Spirits • YARROW ~ Defense, Banishing, Heartbreak, Marriage, Healing, Release, Strength
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attichaos · 1 year
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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thebutterflymage · 8 months
Here is my grandma's Shchi, a Russian cabbage soup also popular in Ukraine and most of Eastern European countries. The ingredients are incredibly healing, and you can add intention into any cooking you do . She always made this when we got sick, so I personally associate this soup with healing and comfort. Feel free to add any meat or potatoes to make it more filling. It goes great with toast as well. Perfect for the cold weather coming up, and I hope you enjoy this as much as my family has :)
Broth or vegetable stock
Half cabbage
Half bell pepper
Tomato paste (two heaping spoonfuls)
Carrots (about three carrots chopped)
Celery (two stalks per pot)
Salt and pepper
Bullion cubes or powder
Butter (about a 4th of a stick), or oil
Chop and add ingredients to a pot of boiling stock. (Measurements vary as we've never really measured in our house)
Bring to a boil, cover, and let simmer till vegetables are soft about 30 minutes to an hour. Season to taste and enjoy!
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darkforesttarot · 7 months
Another message from the Ether, my Critters:
I know that things are changing. I know that time can seem to move to fast, but that does not last forever. Your anxiety is sometimes the only true problem you have, and sometimes a change can be a final one in a long journey to something greater.
Sleep well my critters. Maybe get out Grandma's old quilt for some comfort. She did make it with your dreams in mind....
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thealchemickalwitch · 2 years
🫖 Tea for Creativity ✨️
- 1 earl grey tea bag ☕️
- 2 tsp Cloves smashed in mortar pestle🌰
- 1/4 a cinnamon stick smashed in a mortar pestle 🪵
- 1/4 cup rose petals/buds 🥀
- 2 tsp mullein 🌾
- 1 tsp mugwort 🌙
Finish off with sugar and/or honey🍯
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moonnghost · 2 years
Moving Forward Biscuits
Dear Moon
Back to basics. Black tea with extra milk and three tablespoons of sugar. Mom's chicken nuggets.
Both happy and sad to be back in the attic. It's good to be home. Good to wake up in a bed that feels like my own. I feel like I can finally breathe again for the first time in months.
These are my Moving Forward Biscuits. Kitchen witchery is almost entirely foreign to me so all I really did was set an intention over the dough but I think it worked just fine. Serve with honey, butter, strawberry rhubarb jam, and left over chicken nuggets. For maximum power, enjoy with your mom and the first season of Scrubs.
Preheat your oven to 425°. In a pretty, ceramic bowl combine:
- 3 cups unbleached flower
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1 tablespoon sugar
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Into your dry mixture, use fingers to incorporate 6 tablespoons room temperature butter. You're looking for the consistency of fine breadcrumbs. Once the butter is fully incorporated, drizzle up to 1 and 1/8th cup of cold whole milk until your mixture comes together in a cohesive dough. On a well-flowered surface, form dough into a rough rectangle and roll out to 3/4 of an inch. Fold in half and again roll out to 3/4 of an inch. Cut into triangles, lay out on baking sheet and lightly brush with whole milk. Bake for fifteen minutes or until lightly brown.
Serve fresh out of the oven and eat until stuffed. And Blessed Be.
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tgtbtueso · 10 months
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
How to identify: Dandelions are very common in North America from my experience and I imagine they’re common in the rest of the world too, how you can identify them is by their name! Dan (teeth) de (of) lion (lion), their name originates in French in these series of words, so you’ll recognize their leaves have pointed edges to them like a saw but no thorns or spines in any way, you’ll notice pink ish purple ish coloration in the stems or base of their leaves and you’ll notice they grow in a basal rosette structure. (For those of you who maybe don’t know some of the weird terms we use for plants, basal rosette means it grows directly from the ground with a spiral of leaves, some succulents, cabbages and mullein are all common plants that also grow in this way, so try to imagine them as a reference for what that means). It has fluffy petaled yellow flowers with purple to green, hollow stems that turn into small tufts of feathery, flying seeds after pollination.
Precautions: This herb can effect your urinary tract, while it’s widely considered safe for most people if that’s been a long time problem for you, consult your doctor before eating this herb if you can. From what I’ve seen, nobody has died from eating this plant or been hospitalized for that matter but The Herbal medic by Coffman or even simple resources like WebMD might give you an idea if this herb is going to effect you in an unfortunate way.
Medicinal properties: Dandelion is a mild diuretic and can be used as a bitter. This means that when you taste the bitter flavor of its leaves or roots, your body has the reaction to expedite your digestive and urinary systems. Some have used it for “detox” treatments, personally I don’t feel those are the most accurate or informative descriptions of this herb, if you had swallowed a significant amount of an intense poison, the help dandelions could do is pretty minimal. But it works great if you need caffeine taken out of your system, if you need a digestive for the end of a large meal or perhaps if you’ve been struggling with some short term blockage.
Culinary uses: The leaves can be prepared like collard greens or arugula but go heavier on sweet and sour flavors when working with this vegetable, it is quite bitter. Its flowers can be batter fried or I’ve also heard of recipes of them brewed into wine (kids look away). It’s roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute, personally I spent a decent amount of time in the winter one year drinking “hot coco” made of roasted dandelion, fennel seed, clove and cinnamon (I have an unusual palate, I am at peace with that).
Magickal uses (Which are all the way down here so you understand everything above before you use this plant!): This plant grows in sunny areas and has bright yellow flowers and medicinally has the effect of clearing things from one’s body, making it a definite herb for The Sun and for purification. They proliferate very heavily as well in the area they live, tying strongly into the aspects of the sun that lie into fertility and prosperity. I remember as a child hearing about a correlation between dandelion and faeries, but never perhaps getting the exact answer as to what their connection is. Now, I feel as though the two are combined in the sense that in our industrialized world dandelions are the most readily available wild plant that sparks our interest and understanding, so perhaps if one works with the faerie folk in an urban environment this is the herb for them. I’ve heard from a couple sources on the web of Theseus eating dandelions to gain strength during his battle with the Minotaur, being given them by Hekate, however I’m disappointed to say I haven’t found any particular sources that substantiate this claim that reference anything beyond rumor (still, rumor is a powerful thing even if that’s all we’ve got, you’d be surprised what goes by word of mouth).
Planet: (Sun) Gods and Spirits: (Apollo, Baldur, Brigid, Brownies, Cernunnos, Hekate, Helios, Horned God (Wiccan), St Joseph), Uses in witchcraft: (Health, strength, protection, courage, prosperity, purification, home, kitchen and parental craft)
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h0neyfull · 10 months
Does anyone have any recipes they wouldn't mind sharing? It can be for anything, I just wanna learn some new things!
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emelieerdbeer · 1 year
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I created two protection talismans for my partner and I.
I don’t create to many spell jars, but when I do I like to put those little hooks on them so I can either carry them around as a necklace or in any other place I’d like. This practice works the best for me simply because it always reminds me of the intentions I set with them and to always keep those present in my mind.
And I also think they look very cute.
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theblackdahliaemporium · 10 months
Dealing In Death: A Quick Guide To Death Magick
On the surface that might sound kind of scary, even downright evil, but I assure you it’s the farthest thing from. In this blog I will attempt to give you an in-site into the basics of death work. Please know that every witch does things their own unique way, so for the purposes of this work I will be trying to explain things in as unified a fashion as I can. This is intended to essentially be a starting point to bounce off of.
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• Death Energy •
Death energy, simply put is energy called from death and death symbols. It’s about stillness, endings, and the deconstructing and reconstructing processes. It’s about using what’s in the past to fertilize what’s new and grow something that has purpose in the next step of your life. It’s about the acceptance of inevitability and what we can’t change to bring about what we can. Many practitioners call on death energy in everyday spell work the same way you would any other energy. In that sense it’s not to different from life energy.
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• Cemetery Work •
For a lot of death witches, doing work in a cemetery or graveyard is a must, although there are those that don’t, a great deal more either do or will do when they get the chance. Lots goes into this type of work though and a thorough study on the subject should be done before pursuing this type of magick. However, some key points to remember are to always be respectful, obey the laws and rules of your land regarding the resting places, and listen to what the dead tell you.
It’s very important to recognize that there are always going to be practitioners that have their own unique rules on this subject, but the best way to know if the dead favor something or not is to ask them. What rules you inevitably believe should revolve around what the dead are comfortable with. That said, some of these rules are shared amongst practitioners. I have compiled a list below with some of them. Remember, this is very basic and what a practitioner adds or changes is up to them.
Typically these are the oldest spirits in the cemetery and are in charge of maintaining order. Most offerings include things like coins, drink, bread, or apples.
It’s important to let the spirits know what your intentions are. Will you be doing magick at the crossroads, magick at a grave, or foraging? The gatekeeper should let you know through energy what is acceptable. Remember each Cemetery is different and has different rules over all.
Gifts on a grave belong to the spirit dwelling there. It’s okay to pick up things like trash, or moldy flowers in still water but, rocks, dried or fresh flowers, feathers, etc should be left alone.
Try not to walk near the headstone of a grave (you’re walking on their body. Try to stay near the feet and always say excuse me politely if you have to step on it), always ask for a spirits help never demand it, and always bring them an offering as a thank you.
If you’re gathering dirt, sticks, or plants from a cemetery, even if it’s not on a grave, and you get a feeling like you shouldn’t touch it, then don’t. Spirits will always let you know what they want to keep. Obey that or it’s theft.
Being polite and thanking your hosts is always a must in general and can bring good energies between you and the dead. Especially if you intend on going back to work at that Cemetery.
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• Necromancy •
Another common staple amongst death workers and arguably one of the most misunderstood practices. Simply put, this practice is divination with the dead. It’s all about connecting to and asking the dead for answers from the beyond. Lots of that used to be done in the cemetery and as a result many wild and fantastic rumors about zombie creation were formed, but that’s far from the truth. There were indeed many radical understandings within the practices history however but as science matured so did the knowledge on what this practice actually was.
While necromancy is still done in cemeteries even today, it’s not a must. Calling fourth a spirit can be done a number of ways and will definitely alter and change based on the witch. Some working maybe more cultural than others, and some may be more complex. The uniqueness of these practices can number well into the double digits and is always interesting to learn. Some of the most common spirit summoning techniques (aside from going directly to someone’s grave) are the spirit board, a mirror, and the pendulum. As for how these spirits are called, that too can differ from witch to witch. Most often though, it can involve candles or crystals as an energy source, a personal item or favored item like food, and/or the spirits name. It can be as simple as physically calling out to the abyss, beckoning the spirit forward or as elaborate a ritual as calling in the four directional guardians or a guide to lead them to you.
Regardless of how it’s done, it’s always a good rule of thumb to be respectful to them. Don’t demand from them, ask instead, and offer gratitude and an offering when you end the session.
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• Deity and Spirit Guides •
Lots of death workers may worship deity just like any other practitioner. However the deity they are generally more drawn to are often either associated with the underworld or a psychopomp, like Osiris, Hades, Anubis, or Hecate. However they may also be a deity tide in some way to the personification of death, much like Thanatos.
Even if the witch chooses not to utilize deity they can still conjure up spiritual guides of some sort. These guides can be something as common as ancestral spirits or even animal spirits. Most common animal guides often have some death association and symbolism to them. So animals like Black cats, bats, vultures, owls, crows and ravens are quite popular.
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• Bones & Body Parts •
Its not uncommon to see bones on the altars of death witches. Many beliefs around these tools and what they represent circulate within the community. For some specific animal bones it’s believed you can use that animal spirit and energy. Other beliefs revolve not around the animal itself but rather the type of bone, as each one has its own unique symbolism attached to it. The possibilities are near limitless and for most death practitioners they are a very necessary tool within the craft. Some practitioners even collect additional things like insect exoskeletons, animal skins, and preserved body parts like a rabbits foot.
DISCLAIMER! People should be made aware that it’s always encouraged for all materials to be ethnically sourced. Any form of unlawful collection or cruelty is frowned upon and not condoned within the community.
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• Conclusion •
As started above, these are just some of the basics of death work within the pagan community and serves as a starting point to bounce off of. It’s very important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions regarding this craft and always remember to obey your local laws. Death work can be very fulfilling but not when it’s done under illegal circumstances.
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attichaos · 2 years
Closet Witch Tip No.1
Oracle Cards
I highly recommend the game cards Dixit
- comes in so many “expansion packs” with different themes, the idea of the original game is all about intuition which means cards are ideal for readings
- for the closet witches who can’t openly buy labelled Oracle Cards
- similar size to tarot cards
- gives ability to find different meanings
Dixit cards hold intuitive meanings and are amazing for story building readings! I use the Journey pack as someone who isn’t a closet witch for some oracle readings and it’s absolutely amazing for those who wish to improve their intuition!
- good game for non witches as well :)
A link to the pack I use
Let me know if this is helpful and I’ll make Closet Witch/Beginner Witch Tip series
As always merry meet,
Atti <3
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thebutterflymage · 7 months
☆Easy Witchcraft Hack ☆
You can use drinks from grocery stores as mini spells such as this one, which has...
Black Tea:
Magical Properties: Strength, courage, wealth, banishment, willpower, energy, stability, death, and alertness.
Green Tea:
Magical Properties: Healing, love, sexual health, energy, longevity, immortality and cleansing.
Kiwi fruit: fertility and protection
Strawberry fruit: purity, passion and healing
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darkforesttarot · 2 years
The Trio Play Tarot Deck by Matt Green — Kickstarter
Please back this project. I've backed this creator before and the decks are very nice. They make great practice decks as well, especially when learning to read a regular playing card deck. It's doing good with 19 days to go, but I'd love to see those numbers get a boost. Couldn't think of a better community to share with than the witchblr community.
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dancingwithfoxes · 5 months
10 little subtle ways and things you could be doing that are witchy!
(esp if you're still in the broom closet) ❤️🦊
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1. virtual and online altars
pinterest boards dedicated to your gods/goddesses; quotes and aesthetics.
tumblr dedication blogs.
social media page with your witchy alias.
discord server, a private place to organise channels and create categories for what you want, i.e., spellwork, candle magick, crystal associations, etc.
music playlists, for both manifesting and connecting with your deities, they love coming through music.
2. journal/book altars
similar to the idea of a book of shadows, this will be personal writings and thoughts for specific deities.
you can customise it and decorate it much like a physical altar! i.e., stickers, washi tapes, markers, sparkles.
custom spreads for whomever you work with, you can put prayers you've written for them, words you want to convey, and express.
3. the wooden box altar, also known as a travelling altar
a place to put all your trinkets and necessities.
if you're unable to have a physical space, having one that's portable will help you take your altar wherever you go.
you can carve/paint the box to be more personal for you, or to be ultra discreet about it you can just customise the inner part so it doesn't stick out to people you don't want knowing yet.
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4. origami shapes
for manifesting, write out what you would like and fold it into a star to carry out the manifestation.
use the idea of symbolism to embed your intentions, for luck, a four leaf clover. for allowing new opportunities to find you and let go, a butterfly, to succeed in something you could make a bird; "soaring to new heights."
you could also use this time to connect with your deities, just being with them in the moment.
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5. financial abundance
if you can't blow cinnamon on the first day of the new month, put a dash of it in your morning coffee or tea first thing.
use of coins in the soil of your plants welcomes in prosperity.
likewise with coins, frogs are symbolic of wealth.
a bay leaf where you keep your wallet/purse, the exchange of the money you give out you will receive back with a little extra.
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6. kitchen magick/green witchery
add spices/herbs to help achieve something you want i.e.,
pancakes with vanilla and honey to bring in loving and warm energy.
adding pepper/salt/basil/rosemary to encourage protection.
for clarity and insight, chamomile tea.
to have peaceful and calm resolve, lemonade with fresh mint leaves.
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7. clothing and jewellery
wearing items of clothing or jewellery in honour of your deities, i.e.
rings, bracelets, and necklaces that symbolise something of them for you.
shirts with quotes you feel resemble them; colour associations work plenty.
if you crochet or make your own items of clothing, knot magick or sewing in a symbol that means something for you can help you feel confident when wearing it.
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8. self-care can be devotional
doing things that make you happy whilst doing it in honour of your deities allows them to be present in your simple joys.
writing, poetry, reading; feeling called to read something because it holds a message for you.
indulging a show or something you watched in your childhood years, deities take pleasure in watching something that means alot to you and will be grateful to share that moment.
treats and specific cravings, i.e., little upg, but loki loves sweet pastries.
taking a walk about in nature gives your deities more room to show you the beauty of the world. take them to your favourite bench, to your favourite coffee shop.
knot magick, if you crochet, make something in honour of your gods/goddesses. they will ensure it brings you comfort when you hold it.
painting your nails, you can charge your nail polish beneath the moon or mix in a little moon water to be energised and intuitively connected.
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9. cleansing and clearing of old energy
will help the bad flow out and let the good flow in.
showers/baths are good for self-cleansing.
holding a glass of water before drinking it and wish your intentions.
crying, allowing yourself to feel what it is you're trying to process in order for it to be released. can't release something you haven't finished going through yet.
moon water, I recommend this during a new moon as that's more symbolic to starting anew, planting seeds and encouragement toward growth.
sun water, can help with energising you and bringing in positive energy, also a confidence boost.
holding onto a crystal for a few moments, just breathing in and out.
crystals can be used for cleansing, smoky quartz, clear quartz. there is a crystal for all your needs.
plants! plants are great for protection and for taking in bad energy. they will listen to what you have to say, and will love you as much as you love them.
food, especially grown from the earth can help you feel refreshed and buzzing with energy.
burning, writing out your hardships, struggles, anger and burning them (safely please).
lighting a candle while you work on something, very therapeutic, and you can visualise the bad energy being burnt out and released.
incense, the smoke is a natural cleanser and will do wonders. you aren't restricted to using sage to cleanse; others you could use are myrrh, sandalwood, lavender, or cedar. it's completely up to what your preferences are.
breathing in and out during meditation, as you take in some air and release it, upon release visualise what you're letting go of.
bells, the frequency of dinging bells helps to disperse bad energy.
sound cleansing through soft music, and intentional frequencies. you'll find alot of these up on youtube.
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10. divination methods (aside from tarot/pendulums that i know of)
clouds, observing what you see and the shapes you recognise, what you need to know will be reflected in nature.
ceromancy, candle wax, burning a candle after asking for some clarity or an answer and having the wax form a shape for you to interpret.
numerology, angel numbers, and the significance of the numbers.
automatic writing, done in your personal journal, it's unconscious writing that can help channel messages you may need.
bibliomancy, randomly selecting a passage or words from a book.
capnomancy, the use of smoke from candles or incense, and reading the shapes and forms casted by the smoke
conchomancy, divination through seashells, shapes, and the type of shell.
casting a set of charms on a cloth and divinating the meaning of where they landed.
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