#kitty kitty buu
calochortus · 8 months
Peace! by Trillian Via Flickr: Dress made using a scrap of batik left-over from binding a quilt. It didn't turn out too badly! -.-.- TrillianAndCompany on Etsy
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isr-500 · 10 months
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to some estimates, killed in excess of 200,000 people – without even counting those suffering from radiation poisoning-related sickness and death in the years to come.
The fire-bombings in March 1945 of Tokyo which killed around 100,000 civilians and left over one million homeless, and the devastation of Dresden which killed around 25,000, had already shown the world that the Allies were willing and capable of using weapons of mass destruction. Nonetheless, the atomic bomb was a game-changer.
The firestorm that engulfed Dresden took a concentrated effort from 772 RAF heavy bombers making four raids over three days (13-15 February 1945). It took one plane and one bomb apiece to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not only that, the cruelty of the new super-weapon and the sickness caused by radioactive fallout would create a new type of horror in the human imagination.
The creation of the atomic bomb would go on to become one of the most significant events in human history, driving and defining the Cold War and creating a threat that still hangs over us all today. The hydrogen bomb, which began its development in New Mexico under America’s then chief atomic scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, while the atomic device was being built and tested – would be 1000 times more powerful. A new terrifying epoch had arrived.
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds
Christopher Nolan’s biopic is a huge achievement. At the heart of this achievement is Nolan and his star Cillian Murphy’s portrayal of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
It is perhaps one of the greatest characters in modern drama. A character as ambitious as Macbeth and as conflicted as Hamlet; a man whose decisions have consequences that dwarf the petty concerns of princes and would-be kings. With the destruction of the world a possibility and the gruesome agonising death of thousands a certainty, it is impossible to imagine how the stakes could be any higher.
Oppenheimer is a remarkable film about a remarkable man. And like Oppenheimer himself, it is also complicated, contradictory, and flawed. At its best, the film allows us inside the mind of a man, who though incredibly driven, arrogant, and often selfish, also had severe doubts about the project which he led to make atomic weapons a reality.
When asked if he had any qualms about the number killed and maimed in the bombing of Hiroshima he replied, ‘terrible ones’. He was also obviously a quite brilliant scientist and administrator and very charming when it suited him to be so. Cillian Murphy takes this role, undeniably already packed with dramatic potential, and elevates it to remarkable heights. Murphy must surely take home a best-actor Oscar for his performance and a host of other awards besides. They will all be well deserved.
The film is also, as we’ve come to expect from Nolan, a stunning visual spectacle. Relentless, nerve-shredding, and sublime. Sonically, Nolan applies his usual sledgehammer approach, and while there are some transcendent moments of stillness (no spoilers here), the persistent score has a tendency to flatten narrative shape and blurs distinctions between perspective and timelines. The sound and score certainly deliver on intensity and excellent execution even if (as ever in Nolan’s work) they never quite let you breathe. However, that very breathlessness offers us another way into the fizzing anxiety and churning mind of Oppenheimer himself.
First-person perspective
It is interesting to note that the screenplay was written in the first person. This is highly unusual (if not unheard of), and rather than ‘Oppenheimer crosses the room’ – the script states, ‘I crossed the room’. This will have driven every creative decision in the making of the film and it will certainly have provided the platform for Murphy to build his incredible performance.
It does, however, also create a host of other problems in terms of the characterisation of the supporting cast – none of whom are particularly well-rounded or as fully formed as they could be. While the supporting cast is excellent – and it seems from interviews with them, (Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, and others), that ‘supporting’ was absolutely the duty they were expected to perform – the audience is rarely given insight into what motivates and drives these secondary but nonetheless significant players in Oppenheimer’s life.
As a result, his relationships with wife Kitty (Blunt), lover Jean Tatlock (Florence Pugh), and brother Frank Oppenheimer (Dylan Arnold), are frequently unsatisfying and you are left admiring the presence and grace of these performers – as opposed to really investing in their stories or believing they’re real people. If this is an attempt to evoke Oppenheimer’s narcissistic personality, it doesn’t quite work; audiences don’t need to be alienated from these people even if the man himself was.
While Oppenheimer himself was (as he is referred to in the film) a ‘womaniser’ and lived in a very male-dominated world, it is also undeniably problematic to have one of the scarce female speaking-parts in the film, within a few seconds of their few lines – cut to a nude, sex scene. Putting us in the shoes of the protagonist is one thing, but modern audiences deserve better. While the carnality and intensity of the relationship between Tatlock and Oppenheimer was obviously one of its defining factors, Nolan has made a tone-deaf misstep here. The scene is saved though, by the implication that Oppenheimer, while clearly conflicted about the bomb, was also aroused by the power it gave him. It is here he quotes ‘the destroyer of worlds’ line to his lover. It’s another contradictory moment in a contradictory film.
This hyper-identification with the experience of Oppenheimer creates more problems still. After the success of the ‘Trinity’ test in the New Mexico desert, the score seems to join in with the jubilation of scientists at their great success. Can this note of triumphalism be explained away by the insistence of Nolan to tell us this story from Oppenheimer’s perspective?
Later of course Oppenheimer’s personal doubts set in, but it’s a moment of ambiguity that speaks of the film’s ambiguity on the need for the bomb, rather than our protagonist’s own story arc.
The problem of politics
Some commentators have condemned the film for its omissions. The test sites in New Mexico where the ‘Trinity’ detonation took place, and years of subsequent atomic weapons research and testing, has had a huge impact on native American people in the area.
In a recent article in Time Magazine, Buu V. Nygren, the President of the Navajo Nation, stated, ‘cancers, miscarriages, and mysterious illnesses [are] a direct consequence of America’s race for nuclear hegemony. It’s an accomplishment built on top of the bodies of Navajo men, women, and children—the lived experience of nuclear weapons development in the United States. But, as usual, Hollywood chose to gloss over them.’
It is also arguably a cop-out not to show the images of the Hiroshima blast victims – while Cillian Murphy’s horrified reactions are shown (and beautifully handled) – it is important when dealing with a story like this to honour the victims through complete candour about the savagery of the bomb. After all, if ever there was a plot device that isn’t simply a MacGuffin, it’s the real atomic bomb.
As the film passes into its final chapter, which focuses on the political machinations that led to Oppenheimer’s fall from grace, one can’t also help wondering if we’re being asked to empathise with the wrong man. The dead Japanese become statistics – our ‘hero’ has to face his worst crisis yet and the dogmatic subjectivity of the film once more shows its limits.
Oppenheimer was also a ‘fellow traveller’ and at times more or less sympathetic to the cause of socialism and communism. A fair amount of screen time is given to this aspect of his early life, and while it’s one of the most open and critical portrayals of McCarthyism and the persecution of ‘reds’ in America, there still remains the whiff of naivety and foolhardy romanticism around the most politically active characters in the film. Nonetheless, the American State doesn’t come out well, and Nolan at least seems piqued by its heavy-handed and undemocratic persecution of those who want a better world.
This film raises a great deal of important questions, some of which are easier to answer than others. Was it right to develop a bomb in the context of World War Two while the Nazi regime was busy developing its own? Once Germany had surrendered, was it right to hasten the end of the war with Japan by dropping the bomb? While it’s clear now that the answer to the latter question can only have been no, it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the first question. Also, were Oppenheimer’s ‘terrible’ qualms about the work he carried out enough to clear him of responsibility for the unnecessary murder of Japanese civilians and the poisoning of Navajo land? Where does the final responsibility lie? Can scientists – as so many of the New Mexico cohort, including Oppenheimer, attempted to do – really set themselves apart from the politicians and military that dropped the bomb?
Can Nolan be excused for lionising a man with so much blood on his hands? For even though the film recognises the man’s flaws– it undeniably does nothing to mitigate the mythic ‘father of the bomb’ status and allure that surrounded the real Oppenheimer – has Nolan minimised the suffering of the distant (non-white) victims of the bomb? Could or should he have done anything differently?
All of these are good questions, and many of them are unanswerable.
What this film has done, however, is to have reminded us of the fraught history of the creation of atomic weapons and shown us – however indirectly – that they are truly awesome and truly terrible. While the film may not go far enough in condemning the use of nuclear weapons, it is by no means a pro-nuclear weapons film. Everyone who leaves the cinema will (rightly) question the still extant threat of nuclear holocaust and challenge politicians who still cling onto nuclear arms. As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, this threat is more real than it has been since the 1980s. It’s a threat which we cannot take lightly.
Last of all, despite all these moral and political questions, and all the questions about the creative decisions Nolan and his team have made, there is something truly transcendent about this film. All its contradictions are at least appropriate to the overwhelming complexity and scale of the subject matter.
In summary, Cillian Murphy’s performance is unmissable and so is this complicated and incredible film.'
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g-xix · 8 months
Dating + Cat Dad HC's  | King Kenny
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Getting the first pet -He lives with his friend and you semi-permanently live there (you have your own flat) -You and his friend agreed to surprise him with a little kitty for his birthday -Vlogged getting the cat that morning -Got so many little treats and climbing frames and stuff for little guy -Came home when Kenny was groggily waking up -Snuck the cat into friend's room and watched as the cat began gently pawing at mattress + smacking the duvet corner around -Waited for rest of Kenny's friends to arrive at flat (birthday lunch was happening at his flat) -At the end of lunch you and friend got the cat out. -AJ, Chunkz and Sharky were surprised but laughed and smiled as they saw Kenny react -Kenny had his hands over his mouth and was "Oh!"-ing in surprise -Heart absolutely melted at the sight of the little guy -As soon as you handed Kenny the pet he was so soft with him -Gently stroked cat's head like he was fragile china -Baby talking to the cat and acting like nobody else was there -Niko loves and always wanted a cat as well and was a mixture of sad, surprised and happy for Kenny as it reminded him of litte Reng -Kenny said he'll call it Samurai -Everyone laughed at the name bc the cat looked anything BUT aggressive -Over the next few days Kenny ignores EVERYONE but Samurai -Litr comes home from training and finds Samurai before greeting you or anyone else -Samurai prefers your company because he's used to you working from home and seeing your more -Samurai literally follows + walks after people -You want privacy from Samurai when you're using the bathroom or whatevs but feel bad closing the door on his little face -Whatever Kenny does he tries to have Samurai near him though -When sat watching a film, he's got your legs across his lap and Samurai resting on your shins so he can stroke him -While sat editing with you in his lap on the gaming chair, Samurai is besides the keyboard smacking a mouse across the desk -Kenny realised early on that Samurai loved sitting at his desk and hitting the mouse -So Kenny bought Samurai his own cheap mouse to play with -We all know Kenny has a rly loud explosive sort of laugh -Like, he laughs like he's been holding it in since 17461BC -Every time he lets out one of those laughs, Samurai does a little jump and rapidly spins around to see Kenny whilst he laughs -Every time Samurai reacts Kenny just laughs more -Kenny would be SUCH a proud cat dad asw -Takes mountains of photos & videos of Samurai just doing little things or sitting somewhere unconventional -Always shows his cat pictures to his friends excitedly saying "Look at what my cat did!" -Kenny spoils that mf with toys as well -Goes to pet shop every so often just to see if they have something new that Samurai might like -At one point was even considering adopting another cat so Samurai would have a friend -You stopped him because you knew that you'd be the one feeding, cleaning and caring for that cat whilst Kenny was working -Big Gibber and JJ also have cats though, and one night just before bed, Kenny let it slip that they'd all sorta been talking about their cats together... -Kenny had said they could both come 'round tomorrow so all their cats could "meet". -Next morning at the ass-crack of dawn, JJ was knocking at your door, and you could hear his bald ass cat meowing from outside too.   -Let him in (and Gib an hour later) and you have breakfast + pet Samurai whilst Kenny and JJ avidly talk about their cats and all their little quirks. -Whilst you're petting Samurai, you have Buu trying to climb up the island stool next to you -Wallace (Gib's cat) is a bit older and just finds purchase on the sofa and goes to sleep/smacks the other cats when they get too close -Kenny's proper happy to see all the cats together though -Every single cat jumps whenever Kenny laughs. Also whenever JJ laughs they all jump before meowing frustratedly at the sheer MAGNITUDE of their laughs -For some reason Niko also came at one point despite not having a cat. -Niko just wanted to play and watch all the cats tbh, he doesn't really care if he doesn't have a cat to bring to the meetup -That night once Buu and Wallace were gone, Kenny couldn't get a smile off of his face bc he feels like a proud dad having introduced his cat to the "community" -Cute HC but Kenny's so protective over everyone he cares about -Like, when he called you once and heard you with a stuffy voice and sneezing, he Uber-ed his way to your house with noodle and a much of medicine -Told you to lie your ass down and rest whilst he did all your house-jobs -It was just a three-day cold or whatever, but Kenny still didn't want you overworking yourself when you were sick -Same vibe- when Samurai first got ill, Kenny dropped EEEEVERYTHING to look after his guy. -Literally got Samurai a whole new blanket just to swaddle him up so Samurai didn't get any colder -Kenny's a constant mix of dying-from-cuteness and concerned for Samurai whenever he hears him sneeze -Carries Samurai around with him everywhere when he's sick- swaddles him up like a baby and j carries him wherever Kenny goes -In the lead up to a fight, Samurai got ill and you were on work abroad, so Kenny took Samurai to camp -Put Samurai in the cup-holder, outer section of the backpack (iykyk) -Sent you a video of all the tough muscly guys at camp passing Samurai around, cooing and stroking his head when he first showed Samurai -Kenny puts his backpack + Samurai on the bench and tells whoever's resting there to make sure Samurai is all good -Whenever Kenny gets rest break, he goes and sips water to the side with Samurai on his lap, just talking nonsense to himself and the cat whilst he's recovering -Coming home and seeing Kenny tryna bathe/wash Samurai would be so funny asw -Samurai HATES baths with like, a BURNING passion, and Kenny hates getting splashed by the water -Kenny's shirtless and complaining at the cat to just " 'low it and let me scrub you!" whilst Samurai is meowing unhappily and dodging his hands in the tub -You're laughing and filming clips from the doorway before eventually giving a helping hand -Kenny's mood brightens again at the end though as he takes pictures of his cat, now skinny as all his fur sticks to his body post-bath -I reckon Kenny uses proper cute little names for Samurai other than his acc name as well though -Namely either calls his cat "big guy" or "little guy" -Samurai's very small but for some reason there's some irony in Kenny saying "Oi big guy come here", before bicep-curling Samurai -Yeah, also uses Samurai like a dumbell sometimes? -Samurai seems to enjoy it so you have no problem, but it is j kinda funny seeing Kenny curling Samurai sometimes -Also Kenny does air-jail with Samurai -If Samurai's too hyper or starts trying to bat the mouse from the computer when Kenny's using it, Kenny will put Samurai up in air-jail and type one-handed instead. -Therefore in conclusion:
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cat-brrr · 1 year
Quick tell us everything you love about altugger!
I like alonzo
I like tugger
They are rlly good looking together
Alonzo yearning for tuggie, because this bish be like 😡😤😠🙄 when tuggie getting everyones attention, but if he getting even a bit closer, lonzy being a sneaky simp
Annoyed lonzy by sily flirty tuggies stuff
They're such a soft silly kitties
Like their colors, warm fluff and cold noodle
They're so different, but at the same time having something in common
Lonzy being serious ass like he's not as the same goofy like tuggie
in my au tuggy is very secretive and it is difficult for him to trust someone, I like to think that with lonnie he can be open and feel comfortable
A bit over-protective tuggie
Supportive lonzy
Switchie switch tuggie
Unsure lonzy & resolute tugger
And they're just so good????
Like 1010100101010/10
Best bois ever
Because I say so 😤😤😤
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linkman447 · 1 year
So I’ve been trying to make a dbz overlay with rwby characters so here we go
In order of appearance
Goku: I would have to put jaune only because it fits weakest huntsman weakest Saiyan that’s how they both began plus both of their goofy natures and kind hearts. Many would argue sun but in my opinion that’s a bet on the noses
Bulma: now this one was a little tricky and many will disagree with my choice but penny. This will be explained later and will make since then but with  Pietro being a brilliant inventor it works again when I get to Gero it will makes since
Roshi: port need I say more
Oolong: not changing him
Yamcha: Neptune ya pretty obvious really
Chi Chi: now this one gave me a bit of trouble, on one hand Blake it fits her with her dad being a big sting guy mixing well with the ox king it works. On the other hand Pyrrha for 2 reasons. My bad reason is arkos forever, my better reason the marital arts background of chi chi is similar to goku both being trained by Roshi if indirectly like chi chi, this pairs well with jaune and Pyrrha having a similar fighting style thanks to her training him. But ultimately I’m going to have to go knightshade on this
Ox king: Ghira belladonna read previous character
Pilaf gang: team crdl just add a guy right 😂
Krillin: Oscar the friendship between him and jaune pairs well with goku and krillin plus he is the shortest
dr briefs: Pietro as mentioned in my Bulma reason his kind yet odd attitude fits dr. Briefs really well
Korin: Oobleck I needed to be a teacher
Baba: Maria
tien and chiaotzu: Yang and ruby their sister relationship fits with Tien’s and chiaotzu’s quite well with Yang and tien both being over protective the their respective partners
Piccolo: Ren I’ve seen others use him and I believe it fits quite well
Kami: goodwitch I have my reasons (I want king Kia to be ozpin
Gohan: gohan no change except kitty ears and a monkey tail a Faunus and a Saiyan it won’t turn out like in remnant
Raditz: Mercury given his behavior ya
King kia: ozpin normally a disembodied voice nowadays it fits with how goku and king Kia talk
Napa: emerald you can see where I’m going with this
Vageta: cinder and now you know who freiza is going to be
Dende: Nora wanted her and Ren to have some sort of closeness
Ginyu: Tyrian both have a fanatical devotion to their leaders
(I’m leaving most of these unchanged due to lack of people I can use for later dbz characters)
Freiza: Salem both big bads
Trunks: this on is difficult but I’d like to make it unchanged save for paternity (maybe a test tube baby with penny and cinder maybe jaune donated)
Dr. Gero: Jacques ya
Android 19: hazel
Android 18 17 16 : wiess, Whitley, winter in that order
Cell: I’d put Pyrrha if going with perfect cell or watts leaning more towards watts
Buu: tia xaio-long
supreme kia: ironwood
Kabito: Cordovin
Old Kia: freya
Berus: sun
Whis: definitely Pyrrha untouchable queen fits with whis’s untra instinct
This is my thoughts so far I can probably fit others like pre-dbz characters but not right now
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warriorcrown · 4 years
doing a quick speed re-read of dbz to fill in the gaps in my memory and i just fuckin love b.ulma’s parents kr.illin: where are your parents, b.ulma? b.ulma: they didn’t want to leave the pets. they told me to just bring them back to life later if anything happens.
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pnchan · 4 years
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我阿妹嘅傑作,笑死😂😂 #snap #hk #hkig #hongkong #actionfigures #shfiguarts #dragonball #buu #pet #cat #kitty #funny #cute #petphotography #toy #toyblog #toyblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JoRT-BE09/?igshid=17cw75yy2erfr
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bd-wireroses · 2 years
Question: What would an ACTUALLY evil Fimi be like? Would she be like her evil kitty self or would she be just a bunny Kid Buu that can talk?
(Thing is...I cannot imagine a Fimi that is ACTUALLY evil. She can be chaotic neutral at "worst". My brain cannot conceive a world where my little girl wants others to suffer. She is simply a cinnamon roll kid who wants to be loved and to make others happy - what any toy wants.)
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nopuedesercierto · 5 years
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#buu #kitty https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7Ng6RB66c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7w81x25bott4
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 4 years
The New Super Ridonculous Race
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36IzNNU
by Thenewsubwayguy
After quite a few successful seasons behind him, Don was prepared to host the biggest reality show ever. 128 duos going around the world in 44 legs with a chance to earn 2 million dollars would already be crazy. But with zombie killers, superheroes, super villains, sarcastic duos, angry critics and many more wacky teams dealing with the former cadets, ice dancers, ordinary stepbrothers, determined stepbrothers and other such teams...travelling from country to country, continent to continent is about to get insane! With many personalities, all of the drama that you can get, surprising interactions and unique challenges from these many countries on TV, this race is looking super ridonculous.
Words: 36429, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Family Guy (Cartoon), American Dad!, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Dragon Ball, Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, Total Drama (Cartoon), Sonic Boom (Cartoon), Ryuuko no Ken | Art of Fighting (Video Games), Azumanga Daioh, King of Fighters, Drake & Josh, iCarly, Victorious (TV), King of the Hill, Pinocchio (1940), Peter Pan (1953), Rick and Morty, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Final Fight (Video Game), Fillmore!, F-Zero (Video Games), Metroid Series, Street Fighter, Rocko's Modern Life, Savage Reign (Video Game), Buriki One (Video Game), Mickey Mouse and Friends (Cartoon), Futurama, Persona 4, Sam & Cat (TV), The Loud House (Cartoon), Tekken (Video Games), Phineas and Ferb, Austin & Ally, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Kirby (Video Games), Good Luck Charlie, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), Dead Rising, Darkstalkers (Video Games), 私立ジャスティス学園 LEGION OF HEROES | Rival Schools: United By Fate, Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, Miraculous Ladybug, Viewtiful Joe (Video Game), Devil May Cry, Regular Show, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Initial D, Kim Possible (Cartoon), Gintama, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Puyo Puyo (Video Games), Advance Wars, ARMS (Video Game), Zootopia (2016), We Bare Bears (TV), The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Star Fox Series, Undertale (Video Game), Ed Edd n Eddy, The Nutshack (Cartoon), Sly Cooper (Video Games), 光神話 | Kid Icarus (Video Games), Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, Dexter's Laboratory, The Nut Job (2014), Bunk'd, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Skullgirls (Video Game), Mumintroll | Moomins Series - Tove Jansson, Banjo-Kazooie Series, Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), 6teen (Cartoon), X-Men Evolution, Grand Theft Auto V, Persona 5, RWBY, Metal Gear, City Hunter (TV), Gravity Falls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Corpse Party (Video Game), Streets of Rage (Video Games), Beavis and Butt-head, Soul Calibur, Hellbenders (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Drake Parker (Drake & Josh), Josh Nichols, Takino Tomo, Kagura (Azumanga Daioh), Sakazaki Ryou, Sakazaki Yuri, Hugo Andre, Poison (Street Fighter), Chet (Total Drama), Lorenzo (Total Drama), MacArthur (Total Drama), Sanders (Total Drama), Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Samus Aran, Captain Falcon, Wario (Nintendo), Waluigi (Super Mario), Heather (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Zooey (Sonic Boom), Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life), Filburt Shellbach, Cornelius Fillmore, Karim Fillmore, Yabuki Shingo, Nikaidou Benimaru, Sho Hayate, Gai Tendo, Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Satonaka Chie, Tatsumi Kanji, Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty), Morty Smith, Hank Hill, Bobby Hill, Hayley Smith, Jeff Fischer, Philip J. Fry, Bender Rodriguez, Spencer Shay, Carly Shay, Tori Vega, Jade West, Sam Puckett, Cat Valentine, Stromboli (Pinocchio), Il Conduttore del Carro | The Coachman (Pinocchio), Mortimer Mouse, Terry Bogard, Duck King, Julia Chang (Tekken), Bob Richards, Jasmine (Total Drama), Shawn (Total Drama), Mario (Nintendo), Luigi (Nintendo), Candace Flynn, Stacy Hirano, Leni Loud, Lori Loud, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Majin Buu, Hercule Satan, Austin Moon, Ally Dawson, PJ Duncan, Gabe Duncan, Tom (Total Drama), Jennifer "Jen" (Total Drama), Ryu (Street Fighter), Ken Masters, Jacques (Total Drama), Josee (Total Drama), Radicles (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Hinata Wakaba, Batsu Ichimonji, Frank West, Chuck Greene, Morrigan Aensland, Felicia (Darkstalkers), Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Dante (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Joe | Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe), Silvia | Sexy Silvia (Viewtiful Joe), Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Rigby (Regular Show), Mordecai (Regular Show), Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D), Takeuchi Itsuki, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Karamatsu, Lord Boxman (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Toudou Kasumi, Shijou Hinako, Shiranui Mai, King (King of Fighters), K' | K Prime, Maxima (King of Fighters), Ash Crimson, Shen Woo, Beth (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Nostalgia Critic, Angry Video Game Nerd, Kim Kaphwan, Jhun Hoon, Amitie (Puyo Puyo), Maguro Sasaki, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi, Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Sami (Advance Wars), Max (Advance Wars), Spring Man (ARMS), Ribbon Girl (ARMS), Dexter (Dexter's Lab), Dee Dee (Dexter's Lab), Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Jody Summer, Dr. Robert Stewart, Peacock (Skullgirls), Big Band (Skullgirls), Emma Ross, Pit (Kid Icarus), Dark Pit (Kid Icarus), Beat (Jet Set Radio Future), Rhyth (Jet Set Radio), Eddy (Ed Edd n Eddy), Edd "Double D", Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Panda (We Bare Bears), Grizz (We Bare Bears), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Sly Cooper, Carmelita Fox, Surly (The Nut Job), Andie (The Nut Job), Jimmy Neutron, Cindy Vortex, Ramon (King of Fighters), Tizoc | Griffon Mask, K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Dendy (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Kirby (Kirby), Bandana Waddle Dee, Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie Series), Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie Series), Snusmumriken | Snufkin, Lilla My | Little My, Meg Griffin, Chris Griffin (Family Guy), Vega | Balrog, Balrog | M. Bison, Kitty Pryde, Kurt Wagner, Casey Jones (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Minnie Mouse, Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot), Coco Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Hunter (Spyro), Duke Weaselton (Zootopia), Mochida Satoshi, Mochida Yuka, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Jonesy Garcia, Jude Lizowski, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kitagawa Yusuke, Cammy White, Juni (Street Fighter), Beavis, Butt-head, Saeba Ryo, Makimura Kaori, Trevor Philips, Michael De Santa, Solid Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, Geo Dampierre
Additional Tags: Crossover, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Team Dynamics
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36IzNNU
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dolkus · 6 years
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Look at this cute doll she is Kitty BeBe Buu a pretty and cute doll from GLIB. Her blue eyes are so catchy and her hair is so beautiful. Overall, a beautiful doll. Height: 19cm / 17cm Head: 13cm (About 4-5inch) Neck: 3.5cm Eye: 10mm Cart: http://dolkus.com/detail.php?id=39295#h_cart #bjd #balljointeddoll #doll #dolk #dolkus #dolkstation #bjdsale #bjdstagram #bjdphoto #bjdphotography #bebe #buu
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At the Last Minute With Starbucks Toonami Summary! Playdate! Forza! Rent-a-date!
Dragonball Super continues with Zamasu being annoying but this time in the sky, and Goku using his Zeno playdate button to save the world. Trunks goes to the good timeline.
Dragonball Z kai focuses on Bulma's age and the Martial tournament, which baby Pan will be participating in. The lads, including Buu, are psyched.
Boku no Hero Academia moves the class along with new challenges, this time with less threat of expulsion. Our hero sweats straight through his suit in anticipation. 
FLCL Progressive: Hidomi explodes. Then wakes up. Today's beach adventure is brought to the gang by discount Erio Touwa and her plant, which did nothing wrong.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is now a bizarre vidya race which Kakyoin must win to avoid being put in an ugly doll. Joseph keeps shouting advice like he knows shit.
Hunter x Hunter continues with Gon fighting an owl and a bat. He uses screech, which is super effective! Also the kitty ant is plotting murder. But when are they not. 
Black Clover continues with Fuegoleon still lying there and the Silvas being dicks about it, even thought they "helped" or whatever. The wizard king does a thing.
Shiqefoiqhr was about the importance of effectively lying to Naruto. Sakura can't. 
Space Dandy is a dandy dating episode, where Scarlet gets followed around by Dandy while he tries to bag her date. Her and Meow drink about some things. 
Cowboy Bebop continues with Jet visiting his ex wife at her bar. Turns out her boyfriend's worth money. Awkward. Cue musical wonder and chase scene.
Lupin the Third; The Clone Wars continues to be in reruns so people went to bed. Jigen has been captured and is being tortured, but Lupin comes to get him, tricking Nyx in the process.
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Some nights are just like that.
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I gave up 3D dating for a 2D waifu, so don't talk to me about lonliness *hic*
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g-xix · 9 months
hey love could u maybe write headcannons for callux
Dating Callux Headcannons
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Dedicated to the lovely @lia-wrld who i'm glad agrees there needs to be more Callux content on this site. I mean, look at that picture, he's too cute not to write for. That being said, here's some dating headcannons:
-Night owl and early bird duo. Whenever he goes to bed late, you go to bed early and whenever you wake up late, he's up early. - You two NEVER feel sleepy enough to go to bed or wake up at the same time... -That means that whilst you're in bed, eye mask on and eyes shut and ready to sleep- he's sat up in bed next to you, laptop keys clicking every so often whilst he does some latenight work. -You never really mind it though, as whenever he begins tapping the keys he mumbles a little sorry, and tries to keep one hand on your head- fingers threaded through your hair and gently stroking and massaging your scalp. -Plus he always sits with one leg splayed out so that you can wrap your arms around it and cuddle that instead. 
-He generally has to wake up earlier because he has early meetings with his team about his shoe company and other hustles- but he always makes you breakfast when he wakes up before you. -Whatever he has- he makes two of, and leaves it on the kitchen island with a paper towel over it, so that you can eat whatever it is whenever you get up. -Generally he makes a cream cheese bagel with cress for himself, but always leaves the cress out for you- knowing how much you hate those leaves.
-I feel like the two of you would adopt a cat together. -After the first two or three years, he would have enough experiences to be able to deduce that you LOVED cats. -Like, whenever he went 'round to JJ's to watch the football, you'd always drive Cal over so that you could have an opportunity to say hi to JJ's cat Buu, and you'd even started feeding the neighbours cat, whenever he climbed over the balcony and sat on your windowsill.  -Cal adopts a little ginger persian kitty and surprises you with it on your birthday. -You literally shed a tear when the little thing is handed to you- the way he's so small he fits in your two hands, and rolls his fluffy little body over to paw at your fingers. -Cal's videoing the whole time and lets out soft chuckles from behind the camera, his own heart melting at the sight of his gorgeous girlfriend petting the tiny boy
-Asks you to model his NoTwoWays shoes CONSTANTLY. -Once he's finished a new design and his team says "The next step is to take the promotional pics", he's already typing a text telling you you're needed tomorrow to model the new pair.
-You teach him the piano. -When you saw the old piano in the corner of his flat- perfectly in tune despite collecting dust across the keys, you felt the need to play a familiar tune. -Out of practice, you hit a few wrong keys, but the overall sound was still recognisably a very well renditioned copy of an old John Legend song. -At dinner that night he'd quietly ask whether you could teach him how to play the piano, having heard your playing whilst he was sat working in the office. -Of course you said yes -Once a week you'd sit with him on the stool and give him guidance in playing the piano. 
-He'd be so massive on praise. -Like, not even as a kink- just generally, he'd just celebrate the little things with you- get a cake or something when you've got a raise at work and just want to tell you how proud he is of you, and how special you are <3 -He would also be big on praise in a kinky way tho. -Can imagine him giving it rough, but his favourite way is just doing it lovingly- going at a slow pace, kissing all the way through -Would mumble praise like "you're so gorgeous" and "you're doing such a good job" -This man n soft sex >>>>
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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redscullyrevival · 6 years
I could pick Charlie’s clothes out for him everyday and he’d wear literally whatever. Clothing is stuff that hangs on him which society insists he wears. Fine. He’ll do it, but Charlie’s engagement with shopping, picking out clothes, and getting dressed is at the absolute bare minimum. 
Buster, however, is full force in charge of what Buster wears. In fact the only thing keeping me on top of doing the laundry is that if I run out of Buster’s preferred and favorite clothing then Buu won’t be getting dressed. This child will not leave the house if they’re not attired to their own specifications (some days are more specific than others but overall that’s a true statement). 
Buster loves pink and teal and My Little Pony and Hello Kitty and rainbows and bunny motifs and metallic shimmer. Buster crafts outfits for the day’s events and locations. Buster is fucking on point in a way I have never been about possibly anything in my entire life. 
Buster refers to themselves as ‘he’ majority of the time but every so often ‘she’ and neither choice ever seems to correlate to how Buster decided to dress for the day. But, most of the time most everyone assumes Buster is a girl when we are out and about and I let my kid take the lead on facing other’s assumptions; sometimes Buster corrects them and other times doesn’t -  Charlie, Lee, and I simply follow suit. This isn’t hard. This is a very easy thing we do.
When met with straight on questioning of their gender Buster delights in being cryptic and difficult. Which, I should clarify, means Buster is enjoying the interaction. And that’s just who Buster is as a person. This kid loooooooooves getting people’s goats and being smarmy. LOVES IT. If Buster corrects someone outright or doesn’t entice them into a game of patience then chances are that Buster really, really dislikes them and is answering their question so they’ll go the hell away. Which is rare. 
Yesterday such an event took place and all this lead up has been so that you may enjoy to the most possible extent the following interaction wherein my three year old rips a grown man to fuckin’ shreds:  
Charlie, Buster, and I were out and about doing some holiday craft shopping when a man about my age who looked like a cartoon lumberjack approached us.
Now this happens from time to time if you have children (and especially if those children are assumed to be little girls), people feel comfortable coming up and talking to you as a group. Which is okay. Sometimes folks choosing to insert themselves into our bubble is ill timed and weird but on the whole such interactions roll off like water on a duck, it’s just whatever. It’s fine. It’s nothing.
Mr. Lumberjack started out the same, asking my kids what they wanted Santa to bring them for Christmas. Talking about toys is always a hot topic so they babbled on for a bit then the burly man declared that such sweet girls would get whatever they wanted - Charlie corrected him and said he was a boy.
“OH! Well, no one would know with that long hair your mommy has on you.”
At this point my eyes glassed over as I rapid fire debated with myself every possible answer and outcome on how to approach masculine passive aggressive bullshit and while I hesitated Buster venomously spat out that he was a boy too. Kid wanted this guy gonzo. 
“You’ll grow out of that phase, soon you’ll wanna look like me!” And then he gave a confident grin and a playful flex.
Buster dramatically looked this stranger up and down, scanning over his stained boots, dark blue jeans, yellow flannel and prideful scrappy veneer. My beautiful baby curled his lips into a sneer and said “Probably no.”
The woman a little down the isle snorted, confirming my suspicion she had been hanging around eavesdropping and not debating glitter, and our visitor’s face fell. Buster then dismissed him by theatrically turning his face up and to the side with a loud ‘herumf’ (which is a move adopted from the 3rd favorite pony, Rarity).  
This is my new favorite story. I want to print out flyers. I want a TV deal. I want a Sunday section. 
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lafa142002 · 7 years
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Buu gatokemon! Timoncin #timontime #ilovetimon #cathalloween #cats #instagood #kitten #kitty #gato #animal #catsofinstagram #ilovemycat #catoftheday #lovecats #furry #lovekittens #gato 😍😍😍😻😻😻
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