#l: stuff
maximovapotts · 2 years
Why me
WandaNat x reader
Eventually ^^
She/They reader
🖤I do not give anyone permission to repost my fics on any platform - likes and/or reblogs are okay and are much appreciated. 🖤
(This is mainly a fic on Readers life so I’m going to do a multi chapter multi fic when I get to it.)
Warnings: violence, mentions of blood, death of mother, angst, hammer droids.
If there’s any other warnings that need adding please let me know. (It’s not always going to be angst I promise!)
AoU happened but civil war didn’t so when infinity war comes around…we finna win and nobody dies (well someone does but it’s not Nat and I haven’t figured that out yet) because I can’t handle that.
Up until the age of 14 your dad, Tony stark, loved you to the moon and back. But after your mom died, that all changed.
Your pov:
Flash back
You were at the stark expo in 2010 when everything went to crap. When the hammer drones started attacking everyone, you and your mom got split up by the crowd. You went to go look for her but as soon as you went outside a hammer drone dropped in front of you. You looked up to the sky and you could see your dad fighting the drones, but what you didn’t know is that the drone focused in on your iron man t-shirt (that you put on to annoy your dad) and aimed at you. You heard your mom scream and feel her jump on top of you, the sound of a gun shot ring in your ear and the drone flying away while you’re passed out on the floor.
You come around finding you’re mom laid beside you gasping for breath. “Mom? Mamma? What do I do? Please! Tell me what to do I don’t-“ you cry out terrified of what might happen.
“Shh little bean it’s okay I’m right here” your mom places her hand against your face and you lean into her touch.
“Please don’t leave me I can’t lose you mamma! Please” you turn your mom onto her back and place pressure on her stomach but there’s too much blood for your little hands. You cry out for your papa and keep talking to your mom trying to keep her eyes open “Y/n, Princess it’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay. Look at m- look at me sweetheart…I love you so so much okay? I love you and it’s not your fault okay? No matter what you may think, this is not your fault. You have been the most amazing daughter any mamma could ever ask for and don’t you stop. It’s going to be hard but I’m going to be here with you every step of the way, I love you okay?”
“I love you too mamma all the way to Pluto and back” you sob out while holding her stomach
“I love you most” your mom looks over your shoulder, snaps off her locket and puts it in your hand, the next thing you know your mamma is taking her last breath and you’re getting lifted into the air by your uncle Rhodey and carried away onto a rooftop screaming for your mamma. Your papa hardly spoke to you after that.
He pushed everything into the hands of pepper. The company and you. She looked after you, she cooked breakfast, made sure you got to school on time, helped you with your homework and comforted you when you had nightmares about your mamma. Over time tony got more and more distant, spending all his time in the labs, not even acknowledging you when you’re in the room or coming to special school events, it was all pepper. Over time you got used to it. You got used to the sly comments blaming you for your moms death, you got used to your birthdays being forgotten when pepper was away on business and she couldn’t make it.
After the Malibu house got blown up in 2012 you were 16 and you got kidnapped by hydra and got experimented on.
During your time in hydra you heard things about the avengers and how your dad is one of them. They trained you on each and every one of them. Names, birthdays, skills, location etc. so when you escaped from Hydra you knew exactly where to go… Stark industries, or better known yet… The Avengers tower.
HEY sweetie pies!!! I know this isn’t long at all but this is just a chapter to kind of set things up but if you want me to delve more into anything please let me know!! This is gonna be a bit slow moving while I get things sorted out but I’m probably not gonna post anything else until I have a few chapters written!! Or until I have the outline plan of the story!! I just wanted to see what you all thought and feedback is most welcome! Wether that’s in the ask box or in the comments!!
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theswedishpajas · 1 year
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Just take it from me.
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vinnybox · 3 months
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🟩⬛Mr. L
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stat-16 · 2 months
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*slaps Orion pax*
This bad boy can fit so much popcorn in him
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paponela · 1 year
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how long do you think he took to figure it out
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gracefuldisasters · 3 months
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it feels like its been so long since ive drawn these nerds
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ryllen · 6 months
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[ x . x . x ]
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heartorbit · 16 days
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back to our yuri programming
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clownsuu · 1 year
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I got really bad art block atm again so take some mini doodles I did in my spare time 👍
cw minor implied(?) blood
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I almost forgot about the existence of my Emo howdy w h o o p s KSHHHDJDHD
also sometimes I get reminded that Howdy’s “blood” is blue instead of red and I get surprised every single time
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gh0stbeeee · 18 days
I feel like people don't realize how much of a princess L is lmao
Like sure, Light takes care of himself and can be extremely prissy, but.
L literally hates doing anything "inane." Bro hates walking so much he uses a car to get everywhere, that he doesn't even drive. Ohba literally made one of those joke 4 panels where Watari pushed L around in a baby carriage.
He is so spoiled, so rich, all he does is get sweets catered to him to eat ungodly amounts of sugar while he solves true crime all day while he kicks his feet and giggles
He has the capabilities to do things, but he doesn't want to. And he'll get someone to do it for him. He literally wants to be waited on, and that is something so funny that is extremely underutilized in the fandom. Like, if bro wanted a jar opened, he could do it, sure. But he would 100% just get Light to do it somehow for the convenience.
Also, he needs his super comfy cushioned throne chair to lounge in. He barely sits anywhere else. And all he does half the time is sit, he must hate standing and being on his feet.
Light has probably had to carry him when they were chained. L is lazy and light enough for it.
Bro is a princess fr.
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maximovapotts · 9 months
I just saw your post Why Me and I was reading the warnings and my dumbass thought it said hemorrhoids, I don't know how to read sometimes, and I thought hmm, good to know, hemorrhoids are no joke. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m literally WHEEZING I just woke up 😭 I literally have tears in my eyes. I went back to my post and checked in case I typed hemorrhoids instead of hammer droids 😭
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nerdynuala · 14 days
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Fairly good point, Light-kun
I started shipping them as a joke, just saying
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tingerbun · 22 days
idk how to write the caption so uhh hav some varigo memes ig
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btw here’s the og for the second pic (idk how to use tumblr is this actually work 😭?!)
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ch3rr13zk1n · 26 days
yknow how there's a lot of mannequins in regretevator..
Jimmy, Mannequin Mark, Glevil and etc??
*deviously rubs hands together*
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Like and Reblog or I'll send you to ohio /j
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giogiostart · 2 months
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POV: you enter the girls room while they are fighting
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months
ROXY: i am committed to TWO THINGS
ROXY: 💯🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪💯💯🔥💯💯🔥💯💪💯💯💯💪💪💪💪🔥💪💪💪💯💯💯🔥🔥💯💪💯🔥💪💪💪💯🔥💪💯🔥💪🔥🔥🔥💯💯
TWINKLY HERBERT: 💯 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 💪 💯💯🔥 🔥💯🔥 🔥🔥 💯🔥 💯🔥🔥 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯
ROXY: squintce. hold on
ROXY: !!!!!!??????
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ROXY: twinkly herbrt i love u 😭
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