#livable planet
povertyeradicationday · 7 months
What part are you playing towards the mission "End Poverty on a livable planet."?
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Whether you support climate action, gender equality, health or education for all...we all have a role to play.
Mission: End Poverty on a livable planet.
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venterry · 4 months
on a related note, just how common is life beyond earth in this universe to be so mundane? how familiar are people with vesta in particular and why is it so compatible with human life?
is it just that common a pattern or does the fault lie in early spacefaring, spawned by human neglect and some odd germs or mold festering in the corner of a cargo hold
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lost-technology · 4 months
Fic idea in my brain - possibly for a one-shot, because, no, fic-idea! I already have a WIP! Although this was inspired by some stuff I put into a chapter of my WIP to fill out some character-building. Canon-divergent AU where Vash and Nai do not discover Tesla (yet) and the rest of the crew wakes up for their shift. Despite Rem's careful guidance and subterfuge, the crew figures out that Vash and Nai are Independent Plants. Rem's negotiations to let her raise them as people fail, the crew, indeed, wishes to continue physical experiments with fresh specimens and Rem gets them to an escape-shuttle that she had prepared (the very same one used in-canon). It is not just some random escape-shuttle. Rem planned for this potential eventuality and packed extra survival supplies. Maybe there's some kind of mini-Plant in there that she's got programmed on a prolonged survival setting. Maybe she even has written or on-ship computer instructions for the boys to make it for the Fifth Moon on their scanners or Plant Ship 1 or some odd area where they can hide safely. She would have come with them if the last they had seen of her was NOT her getting tasered and restrained by the rest of the crew as the doors sealed. The Big Fall does not happen. Nai never gained access to the fleet-computers via Rem's codes. That's not to say that he doesn't want to crash all the human ships after what happened (and especially after they do find computer records and/or the Plants share Tesla's story with them and they learn exactly what Rem was protecting them from). The boys manage to live on a Plant-relay ship until SEEDS makes a chosen planet-landing on some planet that's better suited to life than No Man's Land - perhaps they wind up on the Fifth Moon for extra flavor - a moon that is better suited for Earth life than a planet. They end up on on this planet, too and eventually find out the whereabouts of Rem. She's not dead, although that might be a temporary condition. She's in a hastily-built SEEDS supermax awaiting trial and potential execution regarding "jeopardising the SEEDS mission by hiding the presence of alien life forms with potentially catastrophic capabilities." They break her out. The little family lives on the run, together. And so, there are three outlaws running around Fifth Moon.
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Top 5 planets!!!
😍 Thanks for the fun ask, aquaticpal! I'm going to modify this slightly because I already put Earth as my favorite celestial body of all in my previous post about that. I'll do my top 5 planets excluding Earth so I don't repeat myself.
Counting down!
5. Pluto
If you've been paying attention to some astronomy in the last decade or two, you probably know Pluto isn't being called a "Planet" officially anymore.
...I don't care.
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The image above shows Pluto (lower right) and its large moon Charon (upper left) as imaged by the New Horizons probe. The frozen heart-shaped feature on Pluto's icy surface melted my own heart (and I wasn't alone).
The whole hullabaloo about Pluto not being a planet is just semantics. It's a celestial body with enough gravity to be round, and it orbits the Sun. I'll count it.
So, why does it make it to my favorites list?
Pluto is geologically active (like Earth - it has its own geology happening on its surface, like volcanoes, tectonics, and erosion), a reality many did not expect until the New Horizons spacecraft started returning close-up pictures of this distant world. The smoothness of Pluto's signature heart-shaped feature (particularly the left side) is a dead giveaway that geological activity is happening on its surface. Worlds where there's no active geology are covered in craters everywhere, not just in some places, and the more recently it's been active the fewer craters there are per area. So.... Pluto is a 'living world' with enough energy inside it to make its insides move.
It might be the close orbit of its moon Charon causing it - the shifting gravity stirring up Pluto's innards (and Charon's!), causing friction, and thus heat.
Either way, there's enough geological activity on Pluto to create these gorgeous mountains:
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It has seasons during which the frozen nitrogen at its surface becomes warm enough to create mists - nitrogen fog. Imagine if Earth were cold enough that our very air would turn into blocks of ice that create white vapor - kind of like dry ice does.
Pluto is fascinating: a world that defied our expectations. I love it.
4. Trappist-1f
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This artist's rendition shows what exoplanet Trappist-1f might look like if it has liquid surface water. It's too small and too far away to get an actual picture, but the evidence shows this planet exists in the habitable zone of its star.
The Trappist-1 star system lies about 40 light-years from Earth (very nearby in the grand scheme of things). Within it, seven planets orbit a small, cool red dwarf star (that's Trappist-1). The planets don't have 'given' names like Pluto or Earth. They're assigned letters b-h, with b the closest and h the furthest from the star. Planets e, f, and g are all in the star's habitable zone, which means they could have liquid water on their surfaces.
So, why did I specifically pick Trappist-1f? It's the planet most perfectly centered in the habitable zone, and its properties are all quite similar to Earth's: it's radius, mass, density, and surface gravity. In order to be hospitable to life as we know it, it's important for a planet to be able to keep itself warm (not just from the light from its Sun - it needs its own, internal heat source, too, to stay geologically active and produce a protective magnetic field - this keeps the atmosphere stable rather than letting its sun's radiative wind blow lots of it away, and also protects life on its surface from that same radiation that would split our complex organic components apart).
Trappist-1f is extremely close to its star, but the star is very cool, so it's unlikely to be very hot. It only takes the planet 9.2 days to orbit the star once. (Yes, you read that right - Trappist-1f's year is only 9.2 Earth days long! If you lived there, I bet you'd find some other way to celebrate birthdays. You'd be having a party just about every week).
I'm all for finding planets that might have water, and therefore might have life... or might be good for us to live on, some day.
The other cool thing about its place is ALL the planets are quite close to the star, so they'd appear huge in the sky regardless of which of the other planets you were standing on. This is a cool, artistic interpretation of that:
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3. Proxima Centauri b
Speaking of places where we might be able to live...
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...welcome to Proxima Centauri b - the nearest exoplanet to Earth... and also in its star's habitable zone.
Proxima Centauri b is a small, cool, red dwarf star part of the Alpha Centauri system, a triple-star system consisting of two brighter stars (Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, both similar to the Sun) which are close to each other, and the cool red dwarf Proxima Centauri b, still orbiting the others but much farther away.
And around that small cool dwarf star is a planet not too different from Earth.
I can't stress enough how incredible that is.
This is the very nearest star system to our own, only four light-years from here.
And in it, there is already a possible stepping stone for us to move outward into the Cosmos. And not just a stepping stone, but possibly somewhere habitable.
We need to learn more about this planet. It may or may not be hospitable. It may or may not have an atmosphere. We just don't know yet. But it's hope. It's one of many signs that the galaxy is absolutely littered with planets, and there may be many worlds like ours.
2. Jupiter
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This image taken by the Juno Probe shows a lot of what makes Jupiter awe-inspiring: roiling masses of hydrogen and helium gas with traces of methane, ammonia, silica, and sulfur creating myriad colors in its clouds, storms which could swallow several Earths whole, and of course its huge mass which make it a gravitational well, holding on to a minimum of 80 moons. The huge shadow of its moon Ganymede is visible on the left-hand side in the picture.
First of all, Jupiter is, quite simply, beautiful. Just look at it.
All those colors, the swirls, its absurdly fast rotation (a 10-hour period!) pulling its clouds out into these thin bands. It's so striking. Add to that the shadows of its many moons crossing its surface, and you have a recipe for endless visual fascination.
But that alone isn't enough to make it one of my favorites.
I love Jupiter because it protects us.
Jupiter's gravity is so strong it tends to divert and even capture many objects which hurtle inward toward the Earth and the other inner planets, meaning fewer things actually hit the Earth than they otherwise would. Jupiter is the batter at plate, and we're the catcher. We really don't want any of those strikes thrown to cross the plate.
Thank-you, Jupiter.
I also love Jupiter because it provides a home for other worlds - the moons Europa and Ganymede in particular - which might be places to find life. Europa's the far more likely of the two, but I won't belabor that point. Suffice to say, Jupiter's gravity provides the energy that keeps Europa active, with an underground ocean, potentially a safe haven for organic life. I hope to live long enough to find out.
My pattern by this point is probably clear. I'm rooting for life and for places we could move to one day. The absolute tippy-top of that list is Mars.
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This image shows many features of Mars which show past geological activity and the outline of what once was the shore of a truly vast ocean.
The more missions we send to Mars, the more likely we realize it is that Mars could once have had life on its surface, and could even harbor it right now below ground.
You can see the outlines of several ancient volcanoes in the left-hand side of this picture, and a truly massive TEAR in the planet's surface front-and-center. That thing is as long as the entire continent of North America. There are plenty of craters, which means it hasn't been geologically active ( at least not much) in a long time, but the signs of past activity on its surface are clear. It has dry riverbeds. Dry ocean beds. Dry lake beds. Dry glacial footprints. Ancient volcanoes. The robots we've landed to explore the surface have found clear, smoking-gun type evidence of past running water in these places (clay is a big one, and there's hematite, too), and the basic components for life are there. The one thing we haven't found yet is life itself.
We now understand Mars lost its once-watery exterior thanks to it being too small. Its interior cooled off, slowing and nearly stopping geological activity entirely, and stopping Mars' rotation from creating a magnetic dynamo like Earth has - so Mars lost its protective magnetic bubble stopping the Sun's radiation from striking its atmosphere and surface. The Sun basically blew Mars' air away into space, and irradiated its top soil. So.. the top two inches of the soil are entirely barren.
But RIGHT below that.... we have found water ice. And below that... there are underground rivers. Sinkholes and orbital measurements of density have shown that.
We might be able to send people there and have them survive underground. We'd need some way to deal with Mars' lost protective bubble at some point if we wanted to make the surface habitable. Dome cities might be okay, though those always creep me out. I just picture something puncturing it and causing problems. But.... it's so close. And it might have life, or once had it.
I have so much to say about all these places, but if I keep going this will just become interminable. So... I'll stop. Here's my list. I hope you enjoy!
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agnesandhilda · 1 year
smth interesting abt trigun is how SO many of the villains' motivations (at least initially) are money/scarcity-based. which makes sense since the protagonist is being hunted for a bounty but to me it sends this message that all this conflict is ultimately preventable. if people weren't desperate and violence weren't profitable none of this would be happening
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mooncustafer · 1 year
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lenreli · 2 years
Hardcore Labor fans: I have faith that Labor will take climate change seriously. Greens should listen to everything Labor says and be a mindless Labor drone - don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!
Labor party: [will introduce new fossil fuel projects, climate bill doesn’t meet science and will let the world become uninhabitable]
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somerandomdudelmao · 14 days
Holly is from Teegarden; a place where either all of his species can shapeshift or he himself is some kind of priest of whatever god they worship that has given him the ability to shapeshift. If ALL of the Teegardenians have innate shapeshifting, this makes the bird hunting Inherently More Sinister, but it makes far more sense to me for Holly to be special, because he says he's from a temple and attributes his shapeshifting to god. It also makes sense for Holly to be special amongst his species because Sculptor asked Oscar and Ward 'Which of you is smarter?'
They're keeping higher quality/more unique specimens in The Vault and maintaining them for some reason.
When Ward is still Very Much Ravaged by whatever the fuck the Science Scrapers were doing, we see probably-Sculptor saying they should put him specifically with 'someone peaceful'. We don't know why they have taken this consideration beyond determining he's not going to be a danger to a more peaceful inmate, but we do know Holly is also missing an eye, which means that must be part of the 'forcibly extracting information from a creature's body and brain' process. Ward was not doing any talking, they got the information about Oscar's laptop via stealing it out of his brain. Sculptor was not separating the dangerous smart one from the harmless stupid one. The Echolocators (this will be my shorthand for the rest of the Q) fully believe themselves to be above both these weird little dudes, but they know from experience they can get more, better information about humans out of the smarter of the two.
Holly sighs sadly and says 'they've found another civilization to destroy', and he's been kept alive alone in the vault for an indefinite period of time while the general ecosystem of his planet appears to be intact enough for regular hunting excursions. Either the Echolocators circle around regularly between planets they've previously colonized to keep the base resources on each planet fresh, or they are in the middle of ravaging specifically Teegarden beyond livability, and will move on to Earth next now that they've conveniently found some fun new pets. I believe the use of 'civilization' is significant enough to suggest it's the former, which is Way Scarier because they've also noted humans are edible and taste good.
A species of colonizer aliens being set up in an ant-like colony is delightful by the way. Also I saw someone in the notes saying 'oh no she doesn't know about The Incident' over Ecliptica being like 'I didn't really check on Ward, science is boring to me' and would just like to say No. Ecliptica absolutely knows about the unethical Whatever That Was and The Vault. She just doesn't know if Ward survived or is any semblance of okay. Because Oscar is a cute fun novelty and Ward is some guy she does not particularly care about.
Oh, my God, I want to express my thoughts on your hypotheses so bADLY. But that would be the wrong way to present information that should be shown in a story. But I still want everyone to see it, because carefully analyzing a story is one of the greatest forms of art that amazes me every time🧡
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Bruce’s kids detest Valentine’s day because no matter where they are he finds a way to get them their valentines gift (usually new weapons or a better suit because he’s emotionally constipated)
As for Bruce he’s too busy scheming to wonder why all his old flames, current flames, and best friends are fighting. (They want to be his Valentine)
What Bruce gets for Valentine’s Day:
Dick: Promises not to prank him for a full week and/or reignes from the police force
Jason: A formal handshake followed by a moderate cuddling session, except it lasts way longer, because Jason falls asleep. Sleep has been damn near extinct without Bruce holding him, so, no one’s in any hurry to wake him.
Tim: Hacks LexCorp’s finance department. Surprise surprise, the owner of a mega conglomerate doesn’t pay his employees properly.
It’s just bad enough that Lex can be threatened. Bruce gets half of Lex’s workers livable wages and healthcare.
Stephawnie: A comically tiny collection of batarangs
Alfred: A week long supply of Sufganiyot; Martha’s recipe.
Damian: He and Talia handcraft Bruce a list of his enemies and tell him to take his pick! Bruce just nods and frames it somewhere. (He does pick Ra’s)
In addition to that, Talia buys his favorite perfume and hypothetically wears it over lingerie, but shhh—
Clark: Learns Bruce’s favorite planet/galaxial body and makes jewelry out of it. Law physics mean nothing to romance, and to a country boy in love.
Harvey: Very classic? Big ass bouquet of flowers. Like, Bruce disappears behind it, kind. More chocolate than he could eat. Also, lots of martial arts equipment.
Plus some nerdy Gray Ghost merchandise that, “I love you like a sin, but I will kill you if you wear this outside.”
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carlosbaldellou · 10 months
The kind and the furious
When humanity was welcomen in the stars, nobody knew what to expect of these deathworlders. Their world looked stunning. Full of life. Well, mostly. They had serene places, fruit trees neatly arranged. Sure, the tectonic activity was on the high end of the spectrum, but perfectly livable. But then, you noticed the animals. The arms race of evolution. Predators that evolved to avoid other predators. Hervibores with toxines so potent as to wipe out the largest predator animal in the galaxy. Predators that somehow evolved to resist those toxins and other ludicrous natural defenses. It was... madness, to most of the galaxy.
Humanity spread far and wide. They had looked into the dark abyss of space for a long time, and now that they could roam trough it, they went everywhere. Small human settlements started to pop up everywhere. The races were cautious, but this new species seemed like a good neighbour. So they welcomed them, still unsure as to how to clasify them.
Untill a disaster happened. A huge chain explosion in a residential area. Buildings collapsed and fire roared. The emergency response teams were overwhelmed. But they, with time, managed to quench the fire and control the situation.
And then, the humans came. With their personal vehicles. From neighbouring cities. From far away cities. They started to clean the rubble, even if it was not their duty. They helped the victims. Looked for survivors. Cared for them. Healed them. Sure, kindness and help from your own species was expected to a degree, but from another species? It was unheard of. You cared for your own. But humans were different. They were kind to everyone. They helped as they could. Preparing meals. Setting up tents. Moving rubble... And every time a survivor was found, they cheered with enthusiasm.
The galaxy at large looked at them. And humanity was labeled as the kindest species in the falactic collective.
That is, until it was found what had happened. While moving rubble, some metallic carcass was found. One that was traced to an explosive from a species outside the galactic empire. Tensions rose. War broke out a couple years ago.
Humans joined the war. Everyone thought they were kind. Everyone tought they would provide support.
Everyone was wrong.
When humans started fighting, they showed why they were the dominant species of their world. Sure, they did not have vicious claws. Sure, they did not have venoms. Sure, they were not armoured. But they were smart. They were cunning. They had planned for stellar warfare before we found them. They already had devised strategies. Simple, brutal strategies.
Humanity grabbed the biggest asteroid they could find, strapped some rockets to it and launched it straight to the enemy positions. Their fleet, guarding behind it. Using it as cover. When tvey were found out, they jumped to defend that asteroid. They were a small group agains an entire planet. Nobody tought the humans could win.
Everyone was wrong.
Humans fought with all their cunning and might. They fought with ferocity and ruthlessness. Disabling thrusters and energy systems first. Then leaving the poor enemy ships to die. They were no longer a threat. The asteroid advanced and got into descent orbit. Impact was inevitable. And the humans left. They had done their job. A quarter of the world was wiped from the initial blast. The rest of the planet was uninhabitable, and would be for a long time.
Humans fought. Their strategies evolving. Changing to counter their enemies as they started to be prepared. Always a step beyond. Always with a new warfare solution. Orbital bombardment with titanium rods, cloaking technogy never seen before, new ship designs seemingly every day.
Humans fought. Captive humans found ways to escape prison and sabotage the enemy from within. Wounded humans went to fight again while still recovering. Their savagery in limit situations scared allies and enemies alike.
The war ended with the enemy surrendering completely. Mostly thanks to the humans. Peace was signed. And then, the humans sent aid to the defeated enemy. Cargo ships full of medicine and food started arriving. Human troopers helping with the reconstruction efforts.
Humans, like their homeworld, were a race of extremes. Capable of the biggest acts of kindness the galaxy had ever seen, but also the most furious and savage acts when it was necessary.
Hope you all like it. It's my first story of this kind
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povertyeradicationday · 7 months
End Poverty on a livable planet.
In an era of intertwined global challenges, we are all part of the solution. Add your photo & and create a customized card to show your support for issues like climate action, education, health & food security.
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @tinypaint
My name is Michelle Fus. I’m a Jewish, non-binary artist. I graduated from the School of Visual Arts for Computer Art and Animation in 2011. I’ve interned at Pixar and worked for a few years at Dreamworks Animation. Over the past ten years, I’ve self-published two books and have run three successful Kickstarters. I now work with Skybound (The Walking Dead, Invincible) in developing my webcomic, Ava’s Demon, as a physical book series for stores. I like hiking, cultivating plants, caring for my cats, and hanging out with my beautiful husband. You can read my webcomic at avasdemon.com.
Check out our interview with Michelle below!
How did you get your start in art, and more specifically, with Ava's Demon?
I’ve always been into art since I was very young. I started to gravitate towards it in first grade, where we were required to keep a daily journal. I found myself drawing in it more than actually keeping entries. From there, I got more and more interested in honing my skills as an artist. I started making my own comics for fun. I signed up for classes outside of school and put together a portfolio for the School of Visual Arts, where I majored in Computer Art and Animation. After getting my first job in the field, I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. After working my day job, I would come home and work towards building a career in comics for myself by creating and uploading my webcomic, Ava’s Demon.
What is one habit you find yourself doing a lot as an artist?
Looking things up to learn more before I make art or write. For instance, how many livable planets are in a Galaxy? What does a black hole actually look like, and can it give off light? How long would it actually take to travel through space if you had the fastest ship possible? I look up all of these things and then ignore most of them for the sake of writing a fun story and making fun art.
From idea to final piece, how long does it take for you to create something?
It depends on the feeling I want to convey. Sometimes I’ll work for a whole week on a drawing and then delete it because I just don’t feel good about it. Other times I’ll make something in a day that I absolutely love from beginning to end. Some drawings I never delete nor finish, and instead, the files just kind of sit in a folder. The time it takes varies a lot.
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
I really love good stories. So movies and books with captivating stories usually motivate and inspire me; stories that stay with you permanently, with twists and turns that you can’t stop thinking about. I also love finding characters whose struggles I can deeply relate to. I try to hold onto those feelings and emulate them through my art.
What is the hardest part of your process?
Actually finishing a drawing. The anxiety of it piles on me sometimes. I’ll work for a while on a drawing and constantly ask myself, “Is this drawing really finished? What terrible things about it am I not seeing?”. My desire to avoid making something terrible can sometimes put me in a mental prison where I keep chipping away at a drawing until I no longer know what I am looking at.
What is one interaction you had from a fan of yours that has stuck with you over the years?
In general, I like letting young artists in middle school, and high school know that I wasn’t very good at art at their age (I really wasn’t, I didn’t have the same resources they have now, and I didn’t have any perspective on what it takes to have a career in art, it’s a different world). Kids have come to me at conventions with their work for critique and advice, and I have to tell them that they’re already miles ahead of what I could make at their age. I have to tell them that it’s okay if they can’t make what all the professionals make online, to know that they have SO much time ahead of them to work at what they love. If you love making art, do it often, study art throughout history, and over time you’ll be able to create everything your heart desires.
What is something other people find hard to draw that you find enjoyable?
I have no idea. Sometimes it feels like drawing anything is suffering, even if you like what you’re making.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@loish has been consistently inspiring me since my days in high school. Every new painting has so much grace and power and is so excellent to look at. Her skill in shape and form seems limitless, and I hope to someday achieve even a small fraction of her understanding of art. Seeing her new work on my timeline also makes my dopamine spike, so I’m always looking forward to updates from her.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, Michelle! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @tinypaint and follow their webcomic, Ava’s Demon, over at avasdemon.com.
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morallyinept · 1 month
Reverence - A Ezra x Limb Prosthesis F!Reader One Shot
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Written as part of my B O D I E S Series 🤎
Summary: A mysterious, vagabond man comes to your aid, and in return you show him some kindness. And over the course of a stormy night, you discover you both have more in common than just outward appearances.
Pairing: Ezra x Limb Prosthesis F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader in terms of ethnicity, Reader does have hair, however. Reader has a prosthetic limb. She was born with an underdeveloped limb below the left knee. Reader's age is not mentioned, so you can determine/imagine it's you, if you'd like to, bub. Ezra is in his early-to-mid 40's.)
Word Count: 12.1k - because Ezra won't shut up. 🙃
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Triggers & warnings: Mentions and descriptions of limb loss/use of a prosthetic limb/Ezra is missing his arm/Reader is missing her leg below the knee/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!) fingering/oral M & F receiving/there is no fetishising of limb loss here, it's real love/sex with very real bodies/an imagined world created within the Prospect universe/Ezra comes with a thesaurus
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: It's important to me that all types of readers are represented in my work, therefore this collection of stories is written for readers with REAL bodies. However, anyone can enjoy them. Whilst this story may not specifically represent your own personal journey, it is my hope that it resonates and offers comfort and enjoyment. The condition/disability mentioned in this story is not 'one size fits all' - everyone's journey is personal and unique, and I have undertaken as much research as I can to write accurately and respectfully. 🤎
Enjoy! 🖤
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The Pug is a skiv of a planet that seems to have been forgotten by time itself.
Its once-gleaming skyscrapers now stand as towering monuments to a bygone era; their facades stained with the grime of countless rotations. The feculent streets below are a tangled web of concrete and steel, where the lurid neon glow of Vayok advertising signs cast flickering shadows on the faces of the downtrodden masses.
The air of Puggert Bench is thick with the acrid stench of industry, a noxious cocktail of pollutants and toxic fumes that hang heavy over Noki District like a thick shroud.
The sound of machinery echoes through the streets, a constant reminder of the ceaseless churn of production that drives the small planet's rototiller economy, despite being nothing more than a mechanical layover for most passing through on freighters. 
Despite the harshness of its environment, Puggert Bench is a livable place of vibrant contrasts. Here, lander pods zip past rusting hulks of abandoned ship corpses, their sleek orbs cutting through the smog with effortless grace.
The cloud stream, blocking out the sun in a haze of burnt umber that chokes you when it sticks to the back of your throat, carries on the breeze through the air into your nasal cavity as you breathe in. When you blow your nose later, black shit will present itself to you in your tissue, unless you wrap up with a mask or scarf whilst outside.
For every gleaming skyscraper and bustling marketplace, there are a dozen dark alleys and forgotten corners where the lawless thrive. In the shadows of the city's turgid underbelly, criminal syndicates and black-market traders ply their illicit loot prospected from alien moons; their activities hidden from the prying eyes of the less-than-honourable authorities.
Everyone is fair game in this place.
A place, where walking by yourself late at night probably isn’t a wise idea, but when left with little choice as your shift runs over - again - you brave it head on, picking up your often wonky steps with a hurried pace.
You’ve walked this grimy thoroughfare countless times, memorising the way with muscle memory. You wrap your fraying scarf round your face, cutting out the tar that burns on your tongue.
A slight drag on your gait, an itch surfaces where the buckles rub at your skin around your left knee joint. You stop, pinching and digging your fingers in over your pants to tug out the relief from the burn of the itch.
With each step, you’re reminded of the weight that bears down upon you - the prosthetic limb pressing back against your prickly marred skin with a relentless intensity. The artificial joint, no matter how seamlessly it's been integrated with your body, still causes a continual dull ache that reverberates through your bones with every movement.
You can switch it off sometimes, but the hard pavement beneath you seems to magnify every twinge of discomfort, every jolt that sends shockwaves of thudding pain coursing through your remaining upper limb with every step you take.
You’re still toying with the idea of trading it in for a bionic model, but the foreboding cost and invasive surgeries to wire it into your nerves - that come with their own horrific testimonials of those who’ve had it done, and done badly - far outweighs any desired practicality. Instead you navigate life with the callouses and blisters, used to them being part of your daily routine.  
Slipping your fingers between the buckles offers minimal, sweet respite for a few blissful moments as you scratch, when suddenly, a hand shoots out from the darkness, grabbing you roughly by the arm and yanking you into a secluded alcove; the brick walls slick with the sweat of the city.
Before you can react, a gruff voice growls in your ear, sending a chill down your spine.
"Your credits. Now!" The assailant demands, his putrid breath hot against your neck as he presses a sharp object against your side.
Panic surges through your veins as you fumble for your wallet, your hands trembling with fear as you forget momentarily which pocket it’s in.
He shoves his hand in the pocket closest to him, rooting around in there uncouthly as you protest and struggle.
You’re both disturbed when a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, with a quiet determination.
The newcomer is a man of imposing stature, his features obscured by the billowy hood of his tattered coat, and a facial scarf of his own that covers his nose down to his chin.
But what catches your attention most is the sight of his empty right sleeve, the fabric of his coat pinned haphazardly against his shoulder where his arm should be. 
“I’d rethink that course of action, unless violence with a matched counterpart is what you're getting at.” The man warns in a steady, yet rich Southern drawl. 
Your mugger mouths some regurgitated insult in Vayok. You don‘t fully speak it, but you know enough to know he’s mocking the obvious disability of the man, who simply chortles in response to a jibe he’s probably heard before.
But you're left wondering in bewilderment at how your apparent saviour will pull this off. 
“You assume this handicap is to my detriment? Are you sure you wish to find out how inaccurate that misinformed assumption is?”
Undeterred by his physical limitation, the man squares his shoulders, his gaze locks on the attacker with unwavering resolve; a pair of dark eyes shining defiantly in the dim light of the alley.
In a matter of moments, fisticuffs ensue. It happens so fast, you're unsure who threw the first hook. Seizing the opportunity, you break free from the thief's grasp and stumble away; your heart pounding in your chest as you watch the scene unfold before you. 
You watch helplessly as the man’s coat is torn where it’s previously pinned as they kerfuffle and tussle - the tear in the dirty fabric is deep. The one-armed man subdues your attacker, his movements fluid and precise despite his apparent infirmity.
But a surprise blow to the sternum knocks him down with a winded oof. 
The bolt pistol is revealed; gleaming chromatic and pearly in the night air as it falls from the coat pocket of the man and skitters towards your feet. 
A single squeeze on the trigger renders your attacker incapacitated, growling as he clutches his shoulder and stares up at you taking careful aim again. 
The thief stumbles backward, his grip loosening on the man completely as he struggles to regain his balance. He’s all teeth and spittle as you watch the one-armed man take his hand - that’s still holding onto your wallet - and bends it back at a sickening angle.
The assailant yelps with the slow, deliberate cracking. 
“Drop it, or I can assure you I’ll make it a more painful process than necessary.” The man warns.
The wallet clatters to the ground.
“Excellent. I suggest you hasten with speed to get your wound tended to, lest I change my mind about absolving myself from further violence.”
As the thief slinks away into the darkness, nursing his wounds and cursing under his breath, you turn to your saviour, your eyes wide with gratitude and dumbfounded admiration.
But he slumps down the wall clutching under his ribs, chest heaving. 
“In Kevva’s name, woman!” He snarls when he sees you still taking aim.
Taking little risk, you keep a grip of the pistol, primed and ready.
“Yes,” he nods, breathing in raggedly. “Best to keep your wits about you, Birdie. There are all manner of beasties out here who would relish a chance to get you.” He sniffs deeply. “But tell me, do you treat all your saviours with the same warm welcome or am I the exception?”
“Can never be too certain.” You remark with a shaky hand. "It's like you say, all manner of beasties."
He looks at you like a dog sniffing out the other; sniffing out whether you’re a threat to him or not. Dark eyes preened on you and unrelenting.
“Keep it steady, pet.” He motions to the blaster with a subtle nod. “A weak grip makes an opportunity easy to exploit.” 
You look at him suspiciously, two dark tar eyes regarding you back as he pulls down his scarf to breathe, and to show you his face for reassurance you assume, although the swampy air makes him cough and hack.
“Just some friendly advice.” He explains with a dull shrug. He sucks in air with a deep snort and spits out a globule of phlegm on the pavement. 
“The mistake you make is assuming we’re friends.” You confirm confidently, although there's a tremor to your tone. Your body feels like jelly as you try to steady yourself. 
“An underestimation I won’t make again, duly noted.” The man confirms as he struggles to stand upright himself. 
“Do you need a hand?” You put to him as he struggles with balance. 
He glares up at you with a rather repugnant look through cinched in brows. The two deep pits of his nostrils flare at you like black holes opening across the vacant universe that’ll swallow you whole.
“Sorry. Poor choice of words.” You quip, as you step towards his sneer. You remain steadfast with the bolt pistol, holding out your other hand. 
He mutters fast under his breath, growling, and you don't catch it.
"What was that?" You query, suspiciously, arming the pistol again.
“Timid threats from a quashed maverick. I’m no harm to you, pet.” He holds his only palm out to you.
You take it and pull him upright to his feet. He passes your wallet to you with thick, grubby fingers and you surrender his bolt pistol in return, albeit reluctantly.
You shudder and gasp out, feeling the unrelenting burn around your prosthetic make itself known again; the adrenaline subsiding in your body.
“Quell your snivels. You remain unsullied. I'd garner that a win.” He says simply, noting your watery eyes. “He was nothing but a hungry brute.”
“Quite the hero, aren't you?” You remark with a scoff at his barbarous contempt towards you.
“Don’t mistake me for a gallant knight, I’m far from that. More of a superfluous hooligan, but I’m still a man with a mere iota of sympathy and respect for the superior species when they find themselves in trouble.” He eyes you carefully as you wibble about on your feet. “You're just a slip of a thing, why are you out so late wandering? Are you lost, little bird?”
“No. My shift… it ran over. This is my usual route home when there's no shuttle.”
“Do you often find yourself in trouble’s embrace?”
”Won’t be the first time, I'm sure.” You mutter. 
“Unfortunate. I hear a surge-five is well on the way. Best be homeward.” He remarks with a click of his lips as he looks up at the glowering sky. The heavy swell of a incoming storm predicted is approaching in from the horizon in a cluster of almost onyx clouds.
His scowl softens as he looks back at you still trying to process the whole incident and remaining a little unsteady on your legs. 
“I expect you to denounce the offer, but walking you back to your quarters would seem prudent, given the errant situation. I know I appear as a stranger to you, so I’ll respect your wishes if you decline.”
You don’t hear his words as you focus on remaining upright, trying to process the events. 
“Oi. Woman. What say you?” He questions again, bringing you back to him.
“I can mend your coat.” You offer, fuzzing back in and your eyes fall on the large gaping flap on his right shoulder. 
He looks down at the sleeve you nod to and a growl erupts from his lips at the tear. “That will be unnecessary.”
“Do you have another coat?”
“No.” He gruffs. 
“Then it’s necessary.” You assert. “The surge-five is predicted to be harsh.”
He simply nods and drops his hood, shaking his head fully out from under it. An aquiline nose cuts a sharp line across his face, accentuating the aura of strength and intensity that surrounds him. But oddly, a small, messy blonde coiffure sticks out against his hairline, stark amongst a sea of dark oil-slicked tufts.
“I'm not holding out much optimism at your skill. The hole is quite impossible to simply mend.” He observes. 
“You let me worry about my skill. I accept your offer of chivalry. It’s kind of you, thank you.” You say, with a pertinent nod. 
“I’m not kind, pet, but the assumption is appreciated nonetheless.”
“Kind enough to walk me home and save me from losing my wage.” You tuck your wallet back into your jacket. 
“I have enough on my conscience to reconcile with, let alone the thought of a woman of your calibre making it home in one piece.” He tucks the bolt pistol away inside his coat. 
“My calibre?” You baulk.
“I meant it as a compliment, of course. Pretty thing like you out here is bound to attract some attention.” He says, eyeing your stance.
"Why are you out here anyway?"
“Minding my own. What’s your name, friend?”
You tell him and he nods. “Ezra.” He introduces. “I’m perplexed by your intentions.” Ezra replies flatly. 
“All I offer is some tea and some respite from the incoming storm.” You say. 
“Do you open your home to every vagabond you meet?”
“Only the charming ones.” You remark with a snort. 
You’re convinced you see a grin turn up his lips. “No quid pro quo? Nothing is free, Birdie. Smart women like you, you know this.”
“I am smart. I offer you some food and drink and to patch up your coat, that’s all. I know very well you’re a stranger and could harbour ill intent despite this heroic facade you've presented.”  
“It’s no facade.” He says with a frown. 
“Good, because I have no qualms in putting a bolt in you should you try to turn on me, we clear?” You warn with a satisfied smirk. 
"Been there, done that." Ezra eyes his stump with a wry grin before he rolls his eyes dramatically at your stern look. "Clear."
“I have my own bolt pistol back at home.” You warn.
“Oh, I’ve no doubt. The fire in your belly serves warning well enough, Birdie. I wouldn’t dream of any chicanery.” 
“Then follow me, Ezra.” You say, with a brewing smile.
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Your tiny, poorly provisioned apartment is nestled in a nondescript building on the outskirts of the city.
A walk there that has you both absorbed in a mutual silence that offers a strange comfort, akin to the satisfaction of picking at a scab. Ezra mostly keeps his hand in his pocket and side glances you occasionally with parted lips as though he’ll say something, but doesn’t. 
“Let me get you something for that.” You offer, as you note his knuckles when he takes them out of his pocket and pushes the rusted gate open for you.
“It’ll dry over soon enough.” He says, looking down at his bruised and bloodied fist.
“It’s cold and the winds are picking up.” You say, noting the ferocious sky churning overhead. “I’ll get the tea brewing. Come on up.”
“You’re not as frail as I first assumed. I must stop doing that.” Ezra mumbles as he looks you over.
“He took me by surprise. Had I been prepared, I might have thrown a hook or two.” You shrug. You note he hesitates behind you. 
“Pertaining to the circumstances of our meeting, perhaps you might want to be alone?” You can sense the trepidation hanging around him; he’s wary of you and it pulls at something inside your chest.
“Come up, Ezra.” You repeat, ignoring him. 
He lets go of the creaky gate behind him. “Far be it from me to deny a lady. Even if her taste is somewhat marred in misjudgement.”
“Something tells me I can trust you.”
“That would be your first mistake.” He assures. 
“Well, this evening might surprise us both.” You say, as he follows up the steps behind you.
You take your time, hand sliding up the railing as he walks beside you. With each step, you focus intently on the movements of your prosthetic limb, adjusting your gait to compensate for its artificial nature.
You weight bear on your right side, loading your foot and keep your momentum forward up the stairs. You wince as you feel it rub uncomfortably again. 
“Are you hurt?” Ezra asks as he examines your unhurried pace. 
“No.” You shake your head with a rueful smile as you carry on. 
The stairs, with their unforgiving surfaces and steep incline, pose a formidable obstacle, testing your resolve with each upward stride. The prosthetic, while marvellously engineered, lacks the finesse and flexibility of a natural limb, making each step a delicate balancing act between stability and control. The last thing you want to do is slip in front of him.
After you reach the eighth floor, slightly panting, he follows you round to the faded door of your apartment. 
“Cosy,” Ezra retorts as he's introduced to your small, cramped world. “It's not often I’m rendered without speech.” Stacks of clutter balance precariously in columns on every available surface.
“I like to collect things.” You say nonchalantly.
“I can see that.” He counters, blinking as he steps through cautiously. 
You hold your hand out expectantly for his coat and he hesitates. 
“I can’t patch it if you’re wearing it.” You sway.
He slips it off his shoulders and you try not to look at the long sleeve that flaps without a hand at the bottom of it on his right side. His sweatshirt is terribly frayed and holey, and his pants seem loose and ill-fitting.
Boots that are at least a size too big for him clomp around his feet. His appearance, although broad and foreboding, also hints at the gaunt and destitute. There’s a peculiar smell emanating from him now he’s taken off his coat. Something sweetly rotten. 
You beckon him through, tossing his heavy coat over your arm, and he follows you through to the living quarters; a stalwart room that overlooks the grimy city.
The air is thick with the scent of stale coffee and lingering incense spices, mingling with the faint hum of electronic devices scattered throughout the cluttered space. 
You switch on an air purifier and remove your scarf revealing your face to him fully as you instruct him to make himself comfortable in the ragged recliner.
You busy yourself in the small kitchenette, chinking cups and getting out a tin of med supplies for his hand. You throw a couple of packets of freeze dry in the warmer and set a timer. 
On the splintered coffee table in the centre of the room, stacks of dog-eared books and half-empty mugs vie for space with an assortment of trinkets and knick-knacks thrown clumsily over it.
He leaves through the pages of a hefty book on mining. “Light reading material?” Ezra queries as he tosses the book down. 
“Call it a tempered curiosity.” You say, coming through with the cups and the tin shoved under your arm. 
“Curiosity killed the feline.”
“Yeah, but it has nine lives.” You state boldly to him and he smirks. 
“I could tell you all you need to know. Was my profession, a man’s work.” Ezra explains as he takes the mug from you. The heat immediately absorbs into his fingers. 
“You're a Prospector?” You ask, with raised eyebrows. 
“I was. Not much of anything now.” His lips downturn into the rim of the mug.
“Where are you from, Earth? You look the type.” You ask him, settling slowly and rigidly into a rickety chair opposite a sewing machine in the corner.
You lay out his coat on your lap and reach for a pin cushion. It smells musty and wild, like the outdoors. 
“From that suppurate shit-hole? No. Sorry to disappoint.” He smirks.
“Where then? Lau? Your accent hints at relations from a primitive Earth.” You probe.
“You seem well acquainted with it.” He says, reaching for the med tin and flipping it open. He tears at the packet of an antiseptic pad with his teeth, spitting the paper out that sticks to his lip. 
“I read.” You smile as you regard him.
A rugged moustache adorns his upper lip, its edges slightly frayed, combined with a shadow of facial hair, adding to an air of menace that might initially catch one's attention. His presence in the small, dimly lit room feels both enigmatic and imposing.
If you had to guess, you propose him to be within his early fortieth, to forty-third rotation, or thereabouts. His skin carries a layer of grime, a testament to the rigours of his endeavours. 
“The memory of my origin is hazy at best.” Ezra shrugs, as he presses his knuckles against the moist swab he lays out on the coffee table. He hisses with the sting. “Home hasn't been a concept that I’m all too familiar with. Although I’m informed it was blue like Earth was before it was ravaged. It's been a long time since I was stationed in permanence. My bones have always been restless.” He leans back in the recliner and sips at the fragrant tea. “This tea… it harbours memories.”
“Regale me.” You entice, as you thread the bobbin on your machine. 
He licks round his lips savouring the citrus taste. “Have you ever ventured to Kerulon?”
“No.” You shake your head.
“A pisser of a planet, why would you? I got waylaid there once, on my fuknugt ship. Stranded for a time, which seems to be the continual narrative for my story, but I digress. It’s a planet on the edge of The Fringe, known for its vast expanses of sand and scorching twin suns that never set. Not much there at all except for a slow, agonising death. But as luck would have it, amidst the dunes that stretched endlessly towards the horizon, I sought refuge in a humble desert oasis. A rare oasis of life amidst the harsh landscape, it was tended to by a group of nomadic travellers known as the Sand Dwellers. They offered me a generous cup of their signature orange tea - a brew infused with spices native to Kerulon's desert flora, I’ve come to suspect. Your tea reminds me of that cup of salvation.”
Ezra sips another mouthful loudly and hums with his eyes closed.
“I got it from the marketplace.” You chirp. 
“Really? How uncanny… And where exactly did you procure that?” His pointer finger, stubby and long points to the glassy jewel on your shelf by the grimy window. 
“I found it.” You shrug.
He scoffs as he approaches and reaches for it as though drawn under a spell. “Birdie, do you know what this is?”
“A pretty rock.” You say with a lazy mirth.
He stands and fondles the faceted cabochon inside his big palm, eyeing the blood amber middle. “Aurelac. You’re sitting on an abundance of riches.”
“I’m well aware of Aurelac and it’s worth on the black market.” You press on the pedal under the table, and the coat slides through your machine fluidly. 
Ezra blinks, bewildered. “You know it’s worth, and yet you’ve abdicated it as a paperweight?"
"Such a curious creature, unable to be bribed by gems in abundance. You must be the only one not to be swayed by the allure. And that’s a rarity.”
“I don’t need riches. If it matters so much to you, you take it.” You simply say with earnest eyes. 
Ezra baulks and struggles to form words.
“You Prospectors are all the same. Vultures just picking at the sinew on the bone. I’ve yet to meet a Prospector who didn’t live up to the reputation of harbouring an unsatisfied greed. You’ve killed for that.” You look at the gem wrapped inside his whopping palm with disdain.
“I have, and indulged in deeds far worse.” Ezra nods with a sigh through his enrapturing verbosity. But also a drained voice that indicates he’s just plain sick of this shit now, sick of it all.
Ezra smirks, bearing teeth and a corrupt murmur slips out. “Your assumption is emphatically sound, little bird. It's like a disease, the siren song of Aurelac knows no bound or reason. A sane man would always be swayed to harvest and reap. I couldn't count on all of our combined digits the number of times I’ve made lewd choices in spite of my perseverance to merely covet the riches that the Kevva forsaken moon bequeaths under her ample bosom. I've spent a long time there suckling at the teat. It only pains me now to ponder my very justifications for it to begin with, purging the bowels of that fecund wood…” He trails off grinding his teeth and sighing as he examines the unspoiled gem shining in his hand. 
As you work, Ezra's voice pierces the silence once more, each syllable laden with a poignant blend of resignation and acceptance. 
“There was a time when spitting off the edge of the world was an arrogant riot; to pillage and plunder with luck and careless abandon, but now with spirited discourse, I’ve settled into a freefall back into the harsh shunt of The Fringe. Some of us have the proclivity for greatness, while most do not. I fear I’ve become the latter.”
You look up at him and his face bears the worn lines and creases of hard experience, etched deep by the sun and wind, giving him a weathered and world-weary appearance.
His prominent nose adds to the pastiche of mystery and arcane belligerence that hovers about his person. A scruffy beard adorns his jawline, adding to his rugged and no-nonsense demeanour.
Oily hair streaked with grey at the temples, falls in disarray around his forehead, but what catches the eye most is the striking patch of blonde amidst the darker strands at the roots.
It seems like the evidence of a possible birthmark born in the hair line, or could just be a fashion choice exalted in bad taste. You make a mental note to ask him later. But it adds a unique touch to his plotline in a twist of his devious character as you ponder him and his story.
“Such a beauty,” Ezra remarks, observing you as he twists the jewel around his thick, calloused fingers. “It’ll fetch you a good sum.” He simply returns the gem to the shelf, his eyes lingering on it long after it leaves his grip. 
Your eyes graze down to the missing appendage, trying to fill in the gaps on his pages, as you place pins in your teeth. 
“Ah.” He notices your lingering gaze. “Go on, ask away.” Articulating around his Southern inflection with deep flutters of his tongue, it scatters out of it like jagged diamonds from the mines of Ajaxia.
You smile. “Nothing to ask.”
“I’m not foul to you like this?” You sense that he loathes it. Wired bitter with the loss. 
Despite the initial challenges and the occasional stares from strangers when your limp overtakes you when your prosthetic becomes unbearable to bear full weight on, you refuse to be confined by societal expectations or limitations.
You throw yourself into mundane life with unparalleled gusto, pursuing your work with a fervour that could inspire those around you if they weren’t so ignorant and assuming. A trait that might only embolden Ezra too, the more time he spends with you, if he cares to.
The thought of revealing your commonality with him rests idle on your tongue however. 
Yet, beneath your fearless exterior, you can harbour moments of doubt and insecurity. There are days when the weight of your prosthetic feels heavier than usual, and the whispers of self-doubt threaten to overshadow your resolve. You recognise it too, in his dark eyes right now, fierce, but also harbouring that self-loathing and defeated eroding.
It’s different for you, you don’t miss what you’ve never had, you only know a life like this, but for him? To have had it and then lost it, you can feel the decayed emotion that it evokes pouring from him, even if he never says the words out loud.  
You stand, approaching him with his coat patched and he raises his eyebrows. “Far from it. We might have a common depth.” You mutter. 
“I fail to see anything we share in common. However, you have magic in you, no doubt.” He says, as he admires his mended coat. “Witchcraft.” He smirks, running his fingers over the neat stitches.
“You have a way with words.” You smile, reaching for your cup.  
“A flair, so I’m told. Thank you.” He says earnestly to you, eyes big and round. 
“I work in the textile factory, my job.” You explain as you disappear into the kitchen when the beeper from the warmer goes off. 
“I was good with both my hands too, once,” he surmises bleakly. “What meat is this?” Ezra enquires, chewing slowly to savour the peculiar tang from the heated freeze dry meal that you’ve thrust at him with a spoon.
“Trog. At least that's what I tell myself. Makes it go down easier.” You remark.
“Never look a gift trog in the mouth, I suppose that’s good counsel.” Ezra shrugs and shovels in more, steadying the packet in his crotch for support; the warmth of it seeping into his thigh muscles and warming him pleasantly. 
“I’ve some Bitz Bars if you'd prefer?” 
He shakes his head. “If I never see a Bitz Bar again it’ll be too soon.”
The brief silence between you is disturbed only by the battering swell outside that has increased in its voracity in the last hour, and the soft chews and gulps as you both devour your meal in ensconced silence. 
It’s a harmonious, off-key beat that serves as the background chime to your dining encounter. Discreet in your mutual voyeurism as you eat and steal curious, yet wary glances at one another. 
You’re sitting at the small table with your sewing machine, whilst Ezra masticates on the recliner, albeit much slower, and negotiates a spoon in a hand that’s not ambidextrous in the slightest. 
“Tell me where you learned your skill.” Ezra prompts around a spin cycle of meat. 
“I have many. You’ll need to be particular.” You finger a newly discovered hole on your kneecap idly and frown at it. You can see a peep of leather from the buckle tarnished underneath.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that, pet.” Ezra smirks, as he chews through his mouthful and runs his tongue around his teeth dislodging pieces of meat; his dark eyes flashing to you briefly. “Specifically your skills with a needle,” he waggles his stump at you and his sleeve flaps about and knocks his pouch over. “Fucking tarnation!” He mutters, pissed. 
You get up pliantly to assist him as he gathers the packet with quick snaps of his fingers. He spoon-scoops the contents off of his thigh, plopping the mounded heaps back into it, feeling the juice and gravy soak into his pants in a small, irritating patch.
“My grandmother taught me.” You say, dabbing at his thigh with a cloth.
He nods at you whilst continuing to alternate between cleaning himself of the spilled grains and meat, and eating it with good measure.
“Commit to a deal with me.” Ezra prompts after he swallows down the gristle.
“What kind of a deal?” You question, narrowly.
“I’ll tell you my story in its entirety and you regale me with yours in equal measure. Omit no detail too small.” Ezra declares.
“There’s really not much to tell. My life has not been spent roaming the Interplanetary digging up sparkly gems.” You remark. 
“You sound bitter.”
“My hindrances keep me here.” You sigh. 
“What hindrances?” He cocks his head at you. 
“Tell me your story, Ezra.” You deflect as you settle back in the chair to eat. 
Ezra smiles exaltedly. He relaxes back into the recliner after discarding the packet, whilst you listen keenly as he recounts how he came to be on the wretched moon with a group of like-minded individuals - rapscallions, as he refers to them - who were an entourage of the roguish sort.
Ragtag acquaintances he’d collected during his time prospecting many planets and satellites across the Interplanetary, but seemingly coming up short until The Green was set in his sights during the heights of the Aurelac rush. 
Of course, man’s greed always complicates even the basics of well interpreted relations, and soon he found himself without his ship or his crew; most of them deciding to pick one another off over petty quarrels, whilst the successful of the rogues took to leaving the moon. And Ezra was stranded with nothing but a serious, yet mysterious being known only as Number Two, who filled the role of henchman to Ezra’s own smart, callous wit at genial leadership. 
He reiterates to you, several times, that Number Two was not much of a conversationalist, much to his imminent dismay, so when he happened upon Damon, he informs you of the relief he felt to copulate wildly in words exchanged with a stranger, even if they weren't pleasantries.
It’s apparent to you, before he’s started to share his whimsical story, that Ezra has a rapt knack in kinking the tendrils of censorious intelligence and a dry sagacity that often blurs the lines of sarcasm and menace. Flowery, Southern treble clefs dance off of his tongue in a verbal, bewitching thrall, playing their music around your head in kaleidoscopic wonder. 
The things he'd done, the things Ezra he'd lost, are all painted from his cracked lips for you to see and experience, unscathed in the most exquisite details and colour. Feeling as though you’re there with him by his side and witnessing the altered course into complete annihilation. He was sure he’d be abandoned by Cee in a warped juxtaposition that, even his attempts at atoning for his previous sins couldn’t seem to cleanse him of. He iterates wistfully that he should've seen it coming. 
Ezra finalises the story with her gallant return and bringing him home rather than being left there to perish.
He’s notably candid when he speaks of his love for women - plural. He shares vulgar trysts about his many lovers on Luxillion, mostly whores whom he paid good credits for before he settled off on his wanderings, but who won't even entertain him now that he;s no longer whole. He mentions he occasionally dabbled freely in the delights of flesh with a fellow Y chromosome too; a flouted omission that makes your pores saturate at the outlandish, yet scandalous thought of it. His laying partners are of no prejudice. 
Ezra is regimented in never speaking of an unrequited love nor a love that holds permanence inside of his beating organ of clogged ventricles. The closest Ezra has come to feeling an emotion akin to the desire to protect another is with the bolshie whippersnapper named Cee, who had saved him from his fate on The Green.
And then you, this very evening. 
“What happened to her?” You enquire. 
“Your guess is as good as mine. I woke up in a med bay and haven’t heard a whisper since. Skipped out with a sack full of gems. Good for her.” He remarks. 
You watch as he winces and scowls down at his stump.
“Are you alright?” You query.
“Just an irritation" You watch as his lips curl back over his teeth. "Sometimes it… it feels as if it’s still there. Sears. Feels like I can still wiggle my fingers, the most peculiar thing.”
Nursing the aggravation is made small, as Ezra stares out at the window with a watery look making his scleras shine and the cords in his neck tense. Trying to push it to the back of his mind to be recycled into some distorted relief.
“That’s quite the story you shared.” You say. 
“It’s but mine to keep. And now yours too, I guess.” Ezra sighs and winces again. “Do you happen to have anything for the burn?” He asks, feeling the pain grow and mutate from his wrangled nerves into his veins.
“I might have a tranq.”
“Bliss.” He says as you get up. He notices you take a moment to regain your balance, a slight limp to your gait as you make your way forward. 
A large explosion-like sound is heard outside and you turn towards the window as the lights go out in your dingy apartment.
“Kevva’s wrath!” You gasp, a silhouette lit up by the purple lightning that rips terribly across the sky.
“Did something calamitous occur?” Ezra asks, standing too.
Aggressive thunder is heard rolling in once more as the rain pelts harder until it’s a tiresome skirmish battering the panes.
“Looks like a strike hit the fuse box. Whole District is out.” You say, hovering by the window.
“Perhaps it was a good call, your invitation.” Ezra says, a small smile unfolding on his lips. 
“Mm. The rain is often acidic.” You retreat to the kitchen and find some medicine and some candles. Lighting a couple on the coffee table, you take a hold of Ezra’s sleeve after passing him the pill. 
“Not a tranq unfortunately, but it might take the edge off.” You begin to roll his sleeve upwards. 
“What are you doing?” He queries.
“Making it easier.” You say, softly. You pin it in place, and then fetch a spool and needle from your sewing table. 
He watches, eyelashes fanned across his cheekbones as he stares down at your fingers working around the new hem of his sleeve you've created.
“I think I’ve seen you before... Around the District, down by the river.” You begin, carefully as you start to sew the sleeve in place. "You live there, don't you?"
He immediately bristles. “I don’t require charity. I’ll take my leave.”
“Ezra. You have nowhere to go. We both know that. It’s a dangerous night with the surge-five. Drink your xanadu tea and stay. You can take my bed.”
He sighs as his eyes shy away. “My predicament since my return from the Green has rendered me… unlucky, it’s true. There isn’t a place or a sympathetic ear here for people like me, and so my place is with shelter under the bridge. But I won’t spoil your evening with my dreary plight.”
“We can share in the dreariness.” You smirk, looking around at the dim confines of your apartment gloaming with waxy candlelight. 
He sighs again as he watches you thread neat stitches to keep the sleeve in place. 
“I can’t force you to stay. But I’ll sleep better knowing you’re safe rather than outside in that. I’ll make do on the recliner. I insist.” You say as you glance at the lightning streaking across the sky.
“Kindness offered to a scoundrel. You are something, Birdie.” 
“It’s only gratitude for what you did in the alley. We’re even.” 
"If I were to take you up on your offer, I will sleep here. You won't be denied your bed."
"There's no argument, Ezra. You'll take the bed and we'll say no more about it." You confirm.
“You trust me fictitiously.” 
“No, I trust you.” You correct him. 
“You know nothing of me. I could take your treasure and run whilst you sleep.”
“So do it. I already told you I care not for it.” You say, as you thread the stitches carefully. 
“Why don't you cash it in? You could improve your living quarters.” He suggests. 
“My living quarters are fine as they are.” You reply with a frown. 
He looks at you curiously, deep eyes burning into you as you find them with your own. 
“I don’t care about the material things.” 
“Pet, your dwelling is stacked with material things.” He grins. “Look at all this treasured garbage.”
“It’s gotten a bit out of hand admittedly. But it's mostly worthless.” 
“What is worth it's weight to you?” He enquires, boldly. 
“Life. Connection…" You catch his eyes. "Love.”
He scoffs as he brings his cup back to his lips and swallows the pill. 
“Immaterial things.” You say, as you notice his gaze heading towards the Aurelac gem again. 
“Before I left for the Green, the only material possession I owned was my ship. A Testing Screamer.”
“Fancy.” You remark, unimpressed. 
“No, she was a patched up shit bucket of rust, with a channel rat infestation, but I worked her hard. She got the job done. As I recounted, words and metal flew amongst my crew and they left me there to seek my death without her. I came back with far less.” He says, glancing down at his missing arm. “So, I relish the importance of the immaterial, even if you assume otherwise of me.”
“I assume nothing, Ezra.” You confirm. “There. You’re all patched up. You’re free to go into the wily night if you're so adamant.” You wince at the chafing burn around your knee joint.
You’re keen to rid yourself of the prosthetic, but hesitate whilst he’s here. You don’t mean to be prickly, but it’s a burn that’s starting to irritate.
“I’ve offended you.”
“No.” You shake your head with a faint smile offered. “I’ve been really grateful for your company, actually. It's been nice to converse with someone.”
“Do you feel lonely, pet?” Ezra questions out of the blue. 
You turn to face him, your knee knocking against his and you wince. “All the time.” You answer honestly.
“I find it hard to accept that you cloister yourself here alone each cycle.” 
“Because you're indeed bewitching.”
His hand is felt on your waist, gently squeezing, and you stop him as he reaches your thigh. 
“Too fast?” Ezra queries, reading your eyes carefully. 
“No.” You smile. “But…” You sigh with a steady gulp and then take his hand, hesitating before you place it on your artificial calf just past your knee. 
He immediately raises his eyebrows with a crooked smirk as he feels not soft flesh under your pants when he squeezes, but a hard shell. He knocks against it, bewildered. 
“You come with secrets,” he hisses jovially. 
“Missing pieces.” You correct. 
“As do I.” He says as your eyes fall to his stump barely poking out of the rolled up sleeve now. “Tell me your story,” he murmurs hauntingly.
He begins inking soft kisses into your collarbone and you don’t stop his forwardness. Instead you close your eyes and relish the feel of the warm, tender contact offered.
“No story. I was simply born this way.” You sigh, feeling his lips burn on your skin. Your fingers run themselves through his oily nape and scritch into his scalp. 
“Then there’s no less of you to love, pet.” Ezra groans, looking up at you. “A simple man would be worthy of your affections, even if just for a night?” 
“Perhaps.” You smirk.
“Perhaps? Here you sit like Kevva pushed you out her womb for me, perfectly moulded from clay, and you say perhaps?” 
You simply smirk as he looks at you, trying to figure you out. 
“I’m not perfect.” You say, your eyes averting away. 
“I’ll be the judge of that. I’d like to see you bare.” He says, and you know immediately what he means. 
You sigh out deeply and nod. “You too.”
“You. Too.” You sway. “Let me see you, Ezra.”
He watches as you stand and unzip your pants. You notice his eyes lingering on your centre for a moment, hidden beneath your bland underwear, but then his eyes trail down your left thigh to your knee where the buckles meet your skin.
You unbuckle your prosthetic without any meekness at all, leaning on his shoulder for support as he wraps his only arm around you, offering balance.
“I've got you, pet.”
You let it clatter to the floor and sit down in his lap, straddling him as his fingers tentatively brush over your revealed skin.
He, however, gulps as his fingers linger on the hem of his sweatshirt.
“Can I help you?” You ask him, and he shakes his head, pulling the offending item off clumsily and revealing his stump to you as his sweatshirt plops beside him.  
“Beautiful,” he says, observing the smooth skin of your ungrown limb. You shudder as his fingers sweep delicately around and across it.  
“Likewise,” you say, stroking down his arm to where it stops into a knot of twisty scars.
“Two peas in a dreary pod,” Ezra says, hooked nose brushing over yours. 
“I don’t like peas.” You chuckle. 
“Another commonality,” he smirks.
He watches as you reach forward behind him and take a small jar from the shelf. You push it into his hand as you open the lid and begin to scoop out some of the waxy salve inside. 
The balm, infused with cooling agents and healing properties, provides instant relief to your inflamed skin with a comforting warmth; soothing the rawness that bears the brunt of the day's chafing from your prosthetic.
He inhales the scent, lifting the jar to his nose and hums at the fresh, earthy aroma. 
“Homemade.” You clarify. 
“More potions from my talented sorceress.” Ezra smirks. “May I?”
You nod, holding the jar for him as he scoops out a small dollop, and rubs it between his thick fingers until the consistency turns thin.
“Tingly,” he says in wonder.
He runs it gently around your skin, rounding the circumference and across the calloused welts and blisters, soothing and massaging gently. 
“That feel good?” He queries with a bewitching smile all of his own.
"So good, Ezra." You nod with a breathy hum and he watches as you lean forward and kiss his stump gently, mouthing over the fibrous knots and welts. 
“Your mouth is Kevva sent,” he groans as he watches you.
You run your tongue over it, kissing up his shoulder and tasting the salt of his neck. Tasting him there as he fondles and rubs your knee gently, fingers slick with the balm. 
“Your ministrations, although kind, are wasted.” He gasps. “I’m not a man that can be tamed. I fear it's been too long that I won’t be gentle.” Ezra warns. 
“Neither will I.” You growl as you pull him to you, teeth tugging on his lips.
He engulfs you wholly; his hand swamping your back for support as you crush him towards you. His tongue slithers into your mouth and you suck on it, gasping as you feel his blunt nails rake up your back over your shirt. 
“Here?” He pants around your succulent mouth. “Or the comfort of your chambers?”
“Here. There. I don’t care. I just want you, Ezra.” You groan, your body tingling and sweating.
You squeal in delight as he stands with you abruptly, his sole arm keeping you wound tight around his body as he steps into your bedroom.
“I may only have one arm, but you're safe in it.” He reassures you by gripping you tight. 
“Never doubted it.” You say, nuzzling into the salted musk of his neck as you cling on around it.
He twinkles as he smirks at you; those dark eyes regarding you with a controlled enthral, left to marinate spicily in your thoughts and on the fine hairs of your arms. 
Outside, the sky growls, bearing its teeth as Ezra lays you on the bed. He watches you unbutton your shirt and pull off your panties, revealing yourself fully bare in all your flesh and graces to him.  
His eyes roam over the contours of your body, taking in the shape of your tummy, your hips, the swell of your breasts. The way your right leg curls up and the way your left, stopping at the knee, moves with a seductive fluidness to it just like the other.
Your entire body is his to freely claim, to roam unbidden. Slick pussy to drown in, to worship at the altar.
He's never been a good man, undeserving of the fruit you bear freely to him now as he licks his salivating lips. But you make him feel good; a small, insidious voice convincing him he’s unworthy is quashed inside his mind, silenced blissfully as you beckon him forward and allow him to touch, to explore.
He’s marvelled by his own restraint, wanting nothing more than to tear into you - pull you apart and put you back together again. Yet he’s rendered docile, eager to draw long, haunting moans out of you as he tastes and feels each of them, taking his sweet, glorious time instead.
“You’re so…” He fails to find the right word in his mental thesaurus to do it justice. "I want nothing more than to whelve myself inside of your tight, hot cunt right now." Ezra sighs, staring at your slick centre, an obvious tent growing in his pants. “But first, we must discuss logistics."
You giggle looking up at him. “Fuck logistics, just get over here and fuck me.”
He shakes his head in disbelief at you, spread out before him and he swears he’s never seen anything more beautiful. 
“Can you ride me?” He kneels on the bed, pink lacing his cheeks. “It’s easier if you can, my balance is often maligned. A chin to the nose might be an unpleasant douse to the fire.” 
“I can. I might need you to support me if we go hard.” You nod. 
“I can do whatever you need.” Ezra smirks crookedly. "Slow, fast... hard."
“What do you need?” You ask him, reaching for his face and planting kisses over it.
He smells wildly acrid, a build up of sweat and grime from the city has sunk into his flesh, but you’re undeterred as your mouth runs over his skin. Your cunt is so fucking wet just inhaling the stagnant, earthy hidrosis of him; beads of your slick running out of you in a delectable tickle.
“I need you to sit on my face, pet.” Ezra instructs you through a strained grunt, his lips curling up over his teeth as he helps position you above him. 
You lower yourself down onto his waiting tongue, holding onto the bed railings. His arm is firmly around you, as assured. 
He licks burning acid on your pussy, dissolving you down to the chalk of your bones as he tastes you; groaning into your folds hungrily. You grind on his mouth, chasing that blooming high that tingles and leaves you clawing in his hair desperately as he tongue fucks you gloriously.
You're basking in the pure pleasure of his mouth and tongue lapping at your pussy, all consuming and euphoric. Losing yourself to that dreamy build up of tension that arches your back and curls your toes.
And just when you think you can't take it anymore, suddenly all that tension is released and pulses throughout your body. You fall into a zen state of absolutely nothing - just white, hot pleasure coursing through your body.
You forget everything. Your name. The aches from your prosthetic. You even forget to breathe. He’s taken your body and mind to this exquisite place simply with his mouth and lets you fly and float around up in there until you come down, and then he’ll build you up again and again.
“I could lick you for turns, pet.” He snuffles through a satiated smile.
It makes you melt into him, crumpled like paper. Burnt up and falling ashy onto his skin. His stump rests against your thigh, prodding gently against it as his hand sweeps down your back and grips onto your ass, pushing your cunt further onto his mouth.
You move your hips, writhing against his tongue as he licks up onto your clit and you cry out in relief at how good it feels. 
“You taste divine,” he muffles around your sticky lips. 
He pushes his head up, lips squelching around to get right in as your thighs ripple and shake as he brings you to the edge once more. You're standing on the precipice of the universe and looking down into it's swamping, glittery depth.
You rest back on your hands, your fingers squeezing around the meat of his thighs as his one hand blazes a journey over your belly and towards your breasts where he squeezes and massages the left in his grip. His eyes stare up at you and you stare down, lips parting as your moans increase. 
His tongue is precisely erratic, licking, sucking and flicking in all the places he can get to to draw your orgasm out and make it last. A kaleidoscope of colours stream in the room, their waltz blinding you as they swirl and merge. You can feel it all over your body, the heat, the burning as you tense and coil. 
When you come again, it feels like you're floating once more; your body slack and wibbly as you gush into his waiting mouth. And as much as you could let him do this, for indeed many a turn, you want him in your mouth too.  
You move with ease, comfortable to slide across the sheets gracefully and with speed that makes him grin. Pulling his pants down, you see him in all of his thick, weeping glory. 
"Fuck, Ezra..." You murmur at the sight of him.
“This is how you make me feel.” Ezra pants as you stare at the hard swell of him almost lunging out his groin at you.
His cock feels imposing; heavy and smooth. A flushed pink head swollen and leaking profusely. You feel how hard he is, how he’s acutely dripping for you; strings of pre-cum coming away in your palm as he brings it up to his mouth and licks it away whilst eyeing you.
And you can’t explain what it does to your body, let alone your brain, at how wet he is for you. And hard, so fucking hard that it bulges angrily; a taut, thick vein popping off on the side.
“Take me to paradise, Birdie.” Ezra hums, as he watches you slither between his legs and take him in your mouth. 
Ezra's eyes roll into the back of his head and he bites his lip until it bleeds copper rust on his tongue. He makes some intangible sound as he looks down at his fat cock sucked slowly and deeply into your mouth.
He brushes your hair away with shaky fingers, unsure and unfamiliar with such a gentle movement that he orchestrates, thumb stroking over your cheek.
“You can take it deeper than that. I know you can. Let me slide all the way down in there. Feel me in your belly.” Ezra grunts. 
He bucks his hips as you swallow, your fingers scratching into the soft, wiry hairs in his groin and over his belly. He fills your throat and you feel him twitch when you suck harder. 
He pulls your head back and tells you to spit on it. Smirking, you do as he instructs, and he watches as the globule decorates him in crystal strings.
“More,” Ezra keens, as you spit and drool over his cock further.
You’re panting for it; desperate to have him inside of your mouth again as he keeps it close enough, but just out of reach from your lips - teasing with that crooked grin lacing down at you.
But then, he finally lets you have it again, and is enthralled as you take him in greedily like you’ve been starved.
Humming in satisfaction, you suck him down and swallow deep, feeling him prod at the back of your throat as he guides and controls you with his hand knotted in your hair.
His grunts are felt on the end of your clit, his satisfaction tingling all through your body and you get off on getting him off; grinding your hips against the comforter on the bed as you suck, chasing your own release. Groaning out around his cock when the sheet catches your clit deliciously.
You pull him out of your mouth in a wet slurp and begin kissing around his groin; each little kiss peppering him and absorbing into his skin, leaving further fiery brands as you go.
You haven’t lost interest in his dick, still grasping him in your hand and running it over him, but you’re interested in all of him now, want all of him.
He’s drawn into your eyes as they look up at him, as you work your way across his abdomen and leave his hand to weaken inside of your scalp. It drops to your jaw as he helps you slither up his body and kisses you.
He’s surprisingly gentle, explorative and leaves no part of you untouched by his lips as he’s only too willing to return the favour. He lays back, his body weakening as you sit on his cock; your hands running through his hair, massaging his scalp as his head lolls back and he loses himself to the feel of your nails scratching through it.
You’re squirming and pushing yourself down on his length.
“Oh, you want it all, huh? Take it. Fuck my cock, pet. It’s yours.” He husks.
“You feel so good.” You whine, pulling on his hips as you work. 
“I'm going to make a mess of you when I come.” He grunts.  
“I want you to fill me up, Ezra.”
“Flood you,” he groans. “Fuck, I want to ruin you, but I want you like this too. It’s confounding.” He pants.
"Plenty of time to ruin me," you groan.
The infinite kaleidoscope only intensifies, becoming more vivid. Bursts of colour explode from behind your eyelids and are felt warming you all over as his cock nudges against the deepest part inside of you. 
You feel his mouth roaming your chest. Sucking your nipples between his teeth as he alternates, pulling on them, teasing them hard; the tiny spots around your areolas standing and tightening too. Little pleasurable bumps that each have their own nerve centre that make your pussy twinge and drip like a leaky faucet over his cock as you ride.
Soon you flop forward onto him, your breasts hitting the hardness of his chest. That delicious pull deep inside your belly makes itself known. That tight, knotting before you’ll snap back and release.
His pants increase and those growls start to haunt. He’s close. It’s in the way he grabs and paws at you more sloppy now, like he can barely hold on anymore.
All it takes is an enticing whisper from you, telling him to come, to let go, to fill you up, and his teeth sink into your shoulder.
He groans and grunts deeply, hips stuttering and candid whimpers leaving his breath. All the atoms of his being spilling into you, thick and warm as he drips out of your cunt over his thighs.
And Ezra doesn’t let you go. He keeps you there, kissing you, glued to his chest, fitted around him like a perfect puzzle piece. 
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The surge-five still roars outside, but seemingly less consequential. 
The acidic rains have moved on and the window of the bedroom is speckled with only a few streaks of wayward drops that the wind blows in squiggly lines around it; the tail ends of shooting stars before they die out completely. 
A little snuffle beside your ear focuses your attention on Ezra, still asleep beside you in the middle of the night; his stumped arm poking out of the bobbled blanket, and his other still curled under your back and ending around your waist.
His fingers twitch occasionally, as he jostles and flinches in his sleep, still branding on the skin on your navel. You wonder what he dreams about to make him shudder so.
Your head tilts to examine his face in the darkness. The slow roaming from the blonde tuft so stark in his chocolate hairline, to the way in which his eyelids flutter restlessly as his eyeballs move under them as though something is alive. 
He pelts your face with light breaths that are warm and hardened, and yet it’s a scent that doesn’t putrefy as you allow yourself to be bathed in the warmth of them.
You refute anything that’ll disturb your peace right now, such as the dull urge to urinate, instead cocooning yourself further into this moment right here in Ezra’s sleep laden grip.
He’s unlike any other man you’ve ever met and it leaves you breathless as you examine his face whilst he sleeps beside you.
Thick eyelashes adorn his swollen, sealed lids and a wiry scar is a slapdash carving below his left eye socket, leaving your imagination to ponder how he obtained it.
A thick velvet slug, matted with sweat and the residue of your slick, clings to his top lip, whilst the rest of his chin and neck is garnished with unruly stubble that's in the throes of growing in length and sparsity in hodgepodge greying patches. 
His lips, pale pink and fuller on the bottom set, are chapped and sore, much like your own as you continue to gnaw on them whilst you mull the events over of how this enigma came to be in your sheets this night.
“See something you like, Birdie?” Those lips move with a small gruff tone.
“Merely spectating.” You reply back, softly. 
“Spectating? I think the term is voyeurism.” Ezra smiles with his eyes still closed, and the creases around them grow in number and folds. 
You smile and Ezra can hear the moisture in your mouth click around your teeth at such a close proximity.
“Your lament protests about sleeping on the recliner were just a bunch of who shot John, weren't they?” He croons into the skin of your neck, dipping his head as he stretches. You feel him inhale deeply against your skin.  
Ezra wonders briefly if he’s suffered another loss, for his left arm is numb with the weight of you resting on it. He wiggles his fingers bringing them back to life and feels your skin warm against it under the blanket.
“Your practicality has been lampshaded,” he whispers. “Tell me, did you plot this tryst into fruition?” He chuckles. 
“One would think this situation is amusing to you,” you say.
“It’s ah… something.” That brazen itch turns from ghastly mania into a settling excitement, an accepted wave of rapture that shakes his bones at your warmth and proximity; the blood in his body rushing towards the end of his cock at breakneck speeds.
“I fear I won’t be able to resist sordid temptation much longer.” Ezra repeats, a dirty grunt escaping through his strained voice.
“Then don’t. Defile me at your whim.”
The sound of his haughty chuckle is both harmonious and husky at the same time as it reverberates from somewhere deep in his chest cavity. Ezra is most attractive when he smiles and laughs, you think. It completely changes his stern, scowled face.
Perfect, puffy lips crooking up into his cheeks revealing a dimple that draws the eye in; a smile that could convince the sun into imploding. But his smile has dissipated and those dark eyes are prying into places they ought not to pry again.
"I'm going to annihilate you, pet." He whispers, grazing his lips against your own. "You think you can take it?"
You know you’re stupid to think you can do this; nudge him to the precipice and encourage as he jumps off it willingly. Coax him to show you the most depraved, abominable parts of himself and not have some repercussions come and bite you on the ass for it.
See him unleashed fully; the worlds across the Interplanetary cracking open and their suns splitting into two as he savages and ravages.
But you want him despite all the swill and misfortune; you want him to make you fall apart - to totally obliterate you. Use you as mere clay for his own twisted satisfactions as he leaves imprints and eternal marks on you that’ll blister and bleed.
The way he touches you, the way he doesn't shy away from your body leaves you wanting for the affection he drowns you in. He’s your missing piece making you whole. He dilutes your pain with his own making it bearable. 
You shudder at the feel of his fingers softly stroking over your half leg; a ghostly touch that you acutely zone into. His eyes are still brooding into yours. 
"Break me." You urge.
“I can smell your sweet stink all over me." Ezra grunts as his fingers slip down the between your ass cheeks, leaving a devastation of goose pimples in their wake.
You rest your clipped knee onto his hip, opening you up for him. You bite your lip, gnawing frantically on the bottom as the path takes a delectable turn towards your cunt. 
Your head swims; the hairs on your body and nipples coming alive. Feeling high and giddy, balanced on that precarious cusp of passing out, but not quite managing to do so.
You breathe out slowly as his fingers pause; the burn of them felt deep inside your core already as you clench around nothing, and the throb of your clit aches and prickles with a pang of eager want. 
Ezra’s gaging; reading your reactions and fine tuning into that solid will that you’ve been dismantling slowly over the course of the last turn spent with him.
He knows, for it’s ambushed his own impenetrable walls too. 
He feels your hand clamp around his cock as the tension in your body pulverises at any remaining restraint you have. He strokes over your mound towards your clit, and as soon as he touches it - that hard, pulsing nub - you both groan out in unison. His fingers push into your pussy, slow and thick as you gasp.
Your other hand fists inside his hair as your face draws nearer to his own, your eyes zoning in on his lips that are wet as he licks them.
“I will destroy you.” Ezra breathes, admitting defeat. “I have nothing to give you, pet.”
“I don’t want what credits can buy from you.” You moan as his fingers swipe over your clit. “You see me.” 
“I do. I see all of you. I like what I see.” He tongues at the skin at your neck. “You see me, too.”
“It’s kinda hard not to, you’re like a neutron star.” You smile. 
“You trying to woo me, pet?” He smirks, as he slides down your body, kissing over it as he goes, elbow pressed into the mattress for support. 
“Is it working?” You gasp as he abruptly buries his head between your centre, and lets his tongue go to work. 
Your head is thrown back in the pillows, your eyes greeted with that dark void of space; the stars turning in their spirals as time slows down and he pulls you out from the inside.
Marvelling at the true alchemy of his tongue as it laps at your wet folds and he slurps you up like water, dehydrated like he once was on Kerulon. Transcending above the highest point in infinity and still climbing as your eyes roll into the back of your skull. 
Your hand fists through his hair, drawing him closer; his nose dusting your clit as his tongue fucks deep and swallows all the sweet honey you have to give him.
“All I can do is take you to the stars.” He grunts. “Is that enough for you?”
“More than enough.” You whine as you come around his lips. 
Ezra then spends the rest of the night breaking you apart, piece by piece, and putting you back together again, just as he said he would.
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His voice wakes you, but not from beside you where you expect him to be. 
“Consarn it, you fumbling bawheid!”
You quickly reach for a tattered robe and grab at your crutches, wooden and rickety beside the bed, and follow the infernal muttering to the kitchen where he’s standing around broken cups on the floor.  
Ezra glances up at you with razor wire for lips pressed into a thin line. 
“Were you making tea?” You enquire through heavy lids, and he turns bashfully from you, the broadest back presented and littered with constellations of freckles and moles. 
“Yes trying, but my cumber-world impairment-” he grits his teeth “-makes me sloppy. Fuck.” 
Your gaze lingers curiously over him, determining him not to be an apparition but real; half expecting him to have fled already. You glance behind you and the Aurelac gem is still there on the shelf by the window as he left it.
“I can make the tea.” You smile softly, a hand reaching out to touch the expanse of his back, and his hackles immediately soften. 
He steps to you, his singular hand finding the familiar shape of your waist as he pulls you close. 
You take in the detailing on his worn face again. The way the pores on the smooth bump of his nose are marred with oil, the thickness of his brow; the entice of his full bottom lip. 
Ezra wanders freely over your features too, from the shine in your eyes to the feel of your hair soft in his hand as he brushes his fingers through it like a comb.
He scratches up to your scalp massaging your skull as he steps closer into your personal space and your eyes close at the sensation of it, birthing millions of prickles across your skin; your nipples standing tall and hard beneath the slip of the gown you’d thrown on, like diamonds cutting through the thin fabric. 
“How good does that feel?” His breath is drenched in a stale warmth on your face and you breathe the notes in deep.
"Really good." You breathe, nuzzling into his ministrations.
"Is your body defeated, pet, or can you take more?" He whispers into your crown.
You smirk. "More."
"Greedy." He snickers. "You'd make a fine Prospector."
Something’s hanging around in the air between you; something that’s unspoken. You’ve noticed it growing between you as the eventful turn has worn on into the night and seeks the new light of the dawn glowering through the smog. 
It’s inside the delirious crookshank smile on his lips as he reveals it to you in between the comfortable silences when you talk. In his swampy brown eyes that take you in and feel as though he’s pulling you apart with them to see what’s really going on inside of your fibres and nerves. 
And it's here again now as you linger, watching Ezra watching you, sensing that when the time comes to part from the questionable consternation of his company, it'll leave ruptures somewhere inside of you.
The black lacquer thoughts slither up from your spine and germinate insipid sparks into your core; a groundless lust that dizzies you from the smooth tickle of his fingers brushing down your hip and across your thigh.
You gasp as his fingers stray too close to your swollen centre, still drenched warm with his copious spend and aching from the stretch of him. 
You’re weak for him; weak for those skilled fingers on his singular hand to be crawling inside of you and fucking you up, quite literally, as he weaves them in and out of your soaked pussy, curling them and wrapping you around them further.
“Ezra,” you gasp as he pumps them in and out, your balance swaying. 
“Hold onto me,” he says, as you rest your crutches against the counter and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He pulls your only leg around his waist once more, hard cock bobbing at your perineum, lifting you with ease; his only hand resting on your ass, and carries you back to bed. 
Ezra has you all over again, devouring, leaving his marks on your body. Revelling in the melodies of your panting chants of his name as he fucks deep and hard.
His lips part slowly as do yours, reacting to him. Drawn to him, drawn into him completely and controlled somehow like a puppet and he’s playing with your strings; plucking slowly and gently at you and you’ve no idea how.
No idea how you've gotten so willingly naked in front of a stranger, despite his strange appeal, and are allowing him to guide you like this. Thighs splayed open before him and showing him your most intimate self.
It doesn’t matter how, for it’s pure fucking bliss. 
You slide down on his cock and ride him slowly, gently as his arm wraps you up and holds you close to him, almost crushing the life out of you as both you exertions wane.
You gasp out, letting his lips go as he fills you up again, makes you detach and lose yourself in this moment inside of his arms - inside of him.
And that’s the crux of it, you want to give him this, make him see that he’s worthy of love and affection and tenderness. You know what it’s like not to have that.
Ezra smiles faintly at you, giving into the feel of you lavishing your love on him.
He reaches down to grope your knee gently, and you shudder at the feel of his fingers brushing against it. You run your hand equally down his stump, and you watch as his eyes glisten before he scrunches them shut and crushes you against his chest as he spills inside you once more. 
“The storm has quelled. I should take my leave.” He says distantly after, stroking over your smooth nub as it rests languidly across his torso. His gentle touch soothes better than the balm. 
“You should stay.” You murmur, hoping he hasn't heard the longing in it. But of course, the plucky sleeveen has. 
“We find ourselves in a quandary.” Ezra retorts as he draws circles over your skin with his fingers. 
“Dare I ask what stories these tell?” You put to him as your fingers trace the marred lines over his sternum. 
“Probably wise if you remain in the dark, Birdie. I was not a gentle man once upon a time.” His warning is stark, but his eyes are soft and velvety as you look at them.
“You know how to be gentle.” You sway. 
He nods. “To those who I feel so inclined.” He nudges his nose against yours.
The skin of your knee is so soft despite the roughness of the chafe. It’s a sensation that imbues you with warmth rather than discomfort; his thick fingers caressing gently, exchanging heat between your skin.
You’ve never let anyone feel it before, but he doesn't shy away. Neither do you as you kiss and flick your tongue tenderly over the stump of his arm. You let your tongue dip into the jagged welts and fleshy riverbeds of his scars.
He hums out with his eyes closed as you explore languidly and find your way eventually back to his bruised lips.
He makes you feel seen, he makes you feel whole for the first time. And it’s a feeling you don’t want to let willingly extinguish. You kiss him deeply, fearing it might be the last time. 
“Your hospitality has been most charitable, pet. The swell has dissipated satisfactorily.”
You sigh out. “This whole idea was just idiotic from the get go.” You’re already mourning the loss of him, another part failing to grow on your body, but he doesn’t move. 
“Something I specialise in.” Ezra muses. But his smirk downturns when he sees your face. “Is that sincere affection you possibly harbour?”
“You think this whole time I spent with you was a ruse?” You frown.
He shakes his head. “I hope not. Did I fall victim to a spell?”
“I want you to stay, Ezra.” You say, reaching for his hand. “But only if you want to. There’s a place for you here, with me, if you want it.”
He closes his eyes, your knuckles resting on his lips, his thumb stroking over the hilt.
“You definitely have me under a spell. There’s no other possible explanation.” He hums as his eyes find yours staring back, unwavering. “You and your magic tea.”
“No magic. Maybe you just want to stay with me.” You smile, knowingly. 
“Perhaps some things can’t be explained by the universe after all.” 
“Perhaps it’s the Aurelac.” You snort. “That Siren song you Prospectors can't resist.”
Ezra shakes his head vehemently. “Maybe it’s just you, Birdie.” He smiles as he leans in to kiss you. “Maybe I finally found my missing piece.”
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this story with Ezra, and welcome your comments/thoughts. I'd appreciate a re-blog if you liked it so others can find it on their dash to read and enjoy too - thank you very much! 🖤
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l1tw1ck · 4 months
So, to set the scene we're deep in space, and our pretty boy has crash landed on an uncharted planet but luckily for him it's livable. Unluckily for him something has been watching from the edges of the crash site as he sets up shelter, destroying his distress beacon every night. Soon enough the pretty boy can't help it, he's so upset about the constant destruction of his things that he ventures out into the woods around the crash site to attempt to hunt us down. Unluckily for him he enters our den on his search and his confidence quickly becomes void as he sees us, a hulking grey mass of muscle and teeth, two strong arms on either side of our torso and two thick, squirming cocks that peek out from a slit between our thighs. He tries to run of course, but the pretty little thing is picked up around his waist like a little doll and brought face to face with us, a possessive growl coming from our throat. He whimpers when a claw is lightly pressed between his thighs, squirming in an attempt to get away before he shrieks at the feeling of cold air hitting his pussy. He tries hitting our hand and screaming as we bring him closer to our face, aiming hicks that don't seem to do any damage before our thick tongue penetrates him, causing thick tears to fall from his eyes and wet his thick lashes, making him even prettier somehow. After several minutes of exploring his hole with our tongue we pull him off, making him think we're done before we hold him just below our cocks, the twitching organs reaching well past his belly button. He starts to cry about how it won't fit, how we're going to break him, and starts trying to get away again. But that doesn't work very well, seeing as how he's speared down on the smaller of the two cocks quite quickly. He lets out a scream at that, body twitching as he cums while full of squirming cock. He whimpers as he feels the other prod at the same hole, whining that he's already too full. But it slips in anyway, his golden brown eyes squeezing shut as he feels himself stretching for the double accommodation. His moans fill the cave as we start moving, each thrust hitting different places inside of him as our cocks explore his wet passage, his mind quickly slipping from how good he feels.
A few weeks later, another ship safely lands on the planet, attracted by the splotchy distress call. Too bad he's not there to greet them anymore, busy being bred by monster cock. But who knows, there's a few people on board who might make some lovely friends ;)
Sorry this took me so long, I forgot to write it down
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👌🏾✨ i'm foaming at the mouth
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ok I know fluff all about economics but. we really need to move away from shareholders and stocks
look at Lego. It’s privately owned, all the stock is in family/company hands, no shareholders. The bricks are made just as well, they’ve kept up good business, they’re doing great. No degrading quality or crappy tricks to increase profits, a set from the 90s will work just as well as a brand new one. Only real difference is more complex pieces (I did their monthly builds before they ended it a few years back, you can see the improvements over the years.)
now look at apple. Apple went public, they’ve got plenty of shareholders. Apple changed their charger ports to a proprietary version. Apple got rid of headphone jacks on their phones. Apple forces you to get a new phone by making apps only use newer software versions that old phones can’t get. Or just killing their battery.
yeah, these are two specific and very different companies, but the point is that businesses that answer to shareholders have to convince them to keep those shares. they want a return on their investment- line go up, more more more, bigger and better. Private companies like Lego don’t - they can keep doing the same thing forever, as long as it still works, and make small improvements along the way. You go public, you chain yourself to the infinite growth cult. And at a certain point, you’ve hit the max. There’s only so many people who need so many things. There’s only so much material to make or run things. You physically can’t keep growing forever.
now this bit is my personal opinion, but shareholders. don’t actually do anything useful. it feels like if I gave you $20 one time and then expect you to give me 0.5% of your paycheck every week after that. I didn’t do anything to help you get that money, but I gave you that $20, so I deserve it. actually, I deserve more. you need to work harder so I can get more money from you. otherwise I’ll take that $20 back, plus interest. you don’t want that, do you? no. so go do some 14-hour shifts and ignore your friends so I can get more money out of you.
you get what I mean? it’s dumb. it sounds really, really dumb.
do not explain the stock market to me I know how it works it’s still stupid
if we want to still have a livable planet and make real progress towards… anything actually beneficial to the general population and not ten guys with more money than god, we need to step away from shareholder control of businesses. it helps no one, it causes so many problems, it’s not good. deincentivize eternal growth and expansion, center people over profit. use over profit. longevity over profit. etc.
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carionto · 7 months
Aliens are floored by tardigrades
Life is pretty resilient. It has to be, especially if the rest of the Galaxy thinks we're from a Deathworld. In comparison then, if their planets are not as demanding, would life there ever be under enough pressure to survive to go to the extreme lengths that some Earth creatures do? I think one of the most profound things aliens might learn from Earth and Humanity is just how powerful life itself can be.
That itself could shake their understanding of themselves - a billion year old civilization could never even conceive of a thing we accept as simple fact, ushering a revolution in thinking not seen in eons.
The Galactic Coalition scientists are busying themselves with obtaining, analyzing, categorizing, and integrating the libraries of information Humanity has brought with them as they incorporate into the greater space faring matrix of civilizations.
A good grasp of Physics, though lacking in certain fields for now; unmatched Engineering doctrines, they really do think of everything, although, perhaps, better to say - they really do attempt everything, then take notes and improve for the next attempt.
Chemistry is another fine addition to the collective knowledge base, a disproportionate part of the catalogue is comprised entirely of explosive reagents and combinations - always good to know more about what NOT to do.
And Biology. Oh boy. What a chaotic but beautiful but also disturbing mess. Life on most planets has a long period of just chugging along, surviving as best it can, until eventually something has the bright idea to evolve the ability to have bright ideas. Then in almost no time at all (on a cosmic scale) a dominant intelligence emerges and civilization alongside it, and in the blink of an eye it finds itself exploring the stars.
A similar pattern happened on Earth, but interrupted alarmingly often by utter catastrophes. Humans call them Mass Extinctions. It is exceedingly rare to find life that can talk about its own extinction events. Kind of deflates the term a bit. Life on planets as inhospitable (by Galactic norms) as Earth tends to be found only as fossils, and almost always on the microscopic level - very rarely do they get the chance to form more complex and advanced lifeforms before the planet with its harsh conditions and scarce resources kills it just as randomly as it spawned it.
We were incredibly saddened to learn from the Humans that the biodiversity of Earth had dwindled by roughly 85% since they accidentally created that giant hole on their planet, and that it had already been on a steady decline before then. Even so, when they revealed there were still 2.4 million species alive on Earth was a shockingly high number. Most are on the brink of extinction, yes, but the fact remains that Earth is easily one of the most biodiverse planets in the Galaxy.
Then we started looking at each individual species and learned about the Tardigrade.
It is literally the toughest creature ever discovered, and it's not even close. At least, so far, we haven't looked at absolutely everything Earth has or had yet.
It can just... basically turn itself off and then back on again when the outside becomes livable again - Cryptobiosis, or suspending their metabolism, something we considered only possible through artificial means. And the levels of various extreme they can endure and still be alive would just be utterly ridiculous if they didn't give us samples to confirm for ourselves.
Then we came across the term Extremophile and just decided to take a day off.
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